
Verterokhi poolie00:02
* AfC waves to Verterok00:06
Verterokhi AfC :)00:11
lifelessjelmer: ping00:36
jelmerlifeless: pong00:36
lifelessjelmer: re your virtual files things00:37
lifelessjelmer: I'm guessing you want to avoid code dup between bzr-git and bzr-svn ?00:37
lifelessjelmer: if so, perhaps a good staging place would be bzr-foreignformatsupport or something ?00:37
jelmerlifeless: as in a separate plugin you mean?00:38
lifelessI'm not against the things you are producing coming into the core bzr, but perhaps for other core devs the overall shape of what you are producing is not visible yet00:38
lifelessyes, as in bzr.plugins.foreignformatsupport00:38
jelmerah, in a plugin but shipped with core?00:38
lifelessI was actually meaning 'keep it completely separate until its more clear'00:40
jelmerI'd rather not require a separate plugin to be installed for bzr-svn and bzr-git to work00:40
lifelesswe have the open bug about shipping > bzr's tree on make dist00:40
lifelesshmm, perhaps thats what I should do today00:40
jelmerthat means an extra plugin to package and it means requiring users to install yet another plugin for either to work00:40
lifelessyou've got a month till 1.7 anyway00:41
lifelessso packaging would be premature right now; and I will have a poke at a dist-many thing today00:41
lifelessevolution is *still* importing :(00:41
lifelessJc2k: how long did the full evo import take initially ?00:42
awilkinsjelmer: Has bzr-svn -.4 moved much in the last week ?00:42
lifelesspoolie: bug 252428 as requested00:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 252428 in bzr "stacking must always grab full inventories" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25242800:42
jelmerlifeless: well, even though something may be planned to land rsn it may take far more than that so I'd rather not rely on anything until it's actually there00:43
lifelessjelmer: fair enough00:43
jelmerlifeless: alternatively, do you think it's a sane goal to allow repositories to not provide the inventories and revisions versionedfiles?00:47
jelmerinstead allowing functions that provide the unmarshalled objects to be returned00:48
lifelesswe don't generally want to go up to objects at all00:48
lifelesse.g. diff shouldn't need a full Inventory; that doesn't scale00:48
lifeless(for inventories I mean) for revisions we have object methods already00:48
jelmersorry, I should've phrased that differently00:49
lifelessThe stated goal of the versionedfiles attributes is that other objects that *understand* a particular serializer can use them to do direct access00:49
lifelesse.g. stacking00:49
jelmerI don't mean Inventory objects just python objections in general, e.g. inventory deltas as well00:49
lifelessso, I think its completely fine to have None for those attributes as long as you have a unique serializer, and your code knows how to do all the operations that in the generic Repository are implemented in terms of those attributes00:50
jelmerat the moment, that would horribly break stacking though00:51
lifelessI don't think its desirable, but I will agree that having unoverridablecode require them is a bug00:51
jelmerthat's why I've got them implemented at the moment00:51
lifelessjelmer: stacking will always depend on them00:51
lifelessjelmer: at least for the foreseeable future00:51
lifeless(the 1.6 format stacking logic depends on the same /representation/ to apply deltas across repositories)00:52
lifelessand these attributes are about providing access to representation00:52
jelmerthat's what my question was though00:53
lifelessif/when we get a stacking facility that does not depend on representation (which group-compress is shaping up into fwiw) then we can do the (non-trivial) work to make every single method stacking aware00:53
jelmerdo you think it's a sane goal to work on allowing stacking on repositories that don't have the same representation?00:54
jelmerok, that's what I was hoping to hear :-)00:55
jelmerI may look into that depending on how hard it is, but I probably won't have enough time00:55
lifelessI suspect its non trivial00:55
jelmerfor now I'll just keep copies of my VirtualVersionedFiles classes in both bzr-git and bzr-svn00:56
lifeless*every* method that accesses the storage attributes today will need to be taught to stack, and every data-access method needs to fail in such a way that lookups can then be made to the different source00:56
lifelessit was hard enough doing it on just the 8 or so methods of VersionedFiles00:57
jelmerlifeless: this would only be for revisions and inventories though00:57
jelmerlifeless: "bzr branch" works in bzr-git now (again?) btw01:02
jelmerI haven't been able to figure out why though01:02
jelmerit seems just implementing get_revision(), revision_tree() and get_ancestry() on Repository was sufficient01:03
jelmerwhich is quite scary, really01:03
poolielifeless: would it also work to require the first commit of an inventory in the new repository to require a full text?01:03
pooliei mean store a full text01:03
lifelesspoolie: pull(other repo) can introduce deltas01:05
lifelesspoolie: so I don't think its sufficient, or necessary01:05
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poolielifeless: it seems like we need to check the models are compatible every time we add_fallback_repo, do you remember if we do01:22
lifelesspoolie: yes, we do01:25
lifeless        if not self._add_fallback_repository_check(repository):01:26
lifeless            raise errors.IncompatibleRepositories(self, repository)01:26
lifelesswhich is01:26
lifeless        return InterRepository._same_model(self, repository)01:26
lifelessjelmer: I'd really suggest a plugin for the common code rather than having duplication; one extra branch command for early adopters really shouldn't be a show stopper IMNSHO01:29
lifelessjelmer: but up to you01:30
jelmerlifeless: I'm getting enough bug reports from people not using the right combination of (bzr, bzr-svn, svn) as it is, would rather not make that a 4-tuple01:30
jelmerlifeless: also, not looking forward to finding a sponsor for yet another debian package01:31
lifelessjelmer: well, you could always roll the code into either bzr or each plugin at release time; but like I say, its your call01:32
jelmerlifeless: sounds like more overhead for myself than copying two files over each time I change them01:33
jelmerof course, I could always make bzr-git depend on bzr-svn.... :-P01:33
jelmerlifeless: any reason why having two copies is a particularly bad idea, other than the fact that code duplication in general is bad?01:34
lifelessjelmer: because it makes testing the impact of a change harder for you01:36
jelmerpoolie: did you see bug 251871?01:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251871 in bzr "assumes source_branch format is the same as result branch format" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25187101:38
lifelessbye bye firefox, OOM killed01:43
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Odd_BlokebOOM headshot.01:53
lifelessOdd_Bloke: :)02:07
lifelessjelmer: can you make 'bzr branch lp:bzr-svn' DTRT - that is download the current development bzr-svn suitable for use with bzr.dev ?02:11
jelmerlifeless: that should already be the case02:14
lifelessjelmer: cool02:14
pooliejelmer: not yet, looking02:18
jelmerlifeless, did you intend to close the bzr-svn task of bug 252259 as invalid as well?02:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 252259 in bzr-svn "SystemError: Parent module 'bzrlib.plugins.search' not loaded" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25225902:22
lifelessjelmer: no, that was my comment 'lets see if launchpad knows what I mean' :)02:23
lifelessjelmer: what did my email do to the bug precisely?02:26
jelmerlifeless: it marked the bzr-search task as invalid and opened a task for bzr-svn02:27
jelmerthen the next email seemed to mark the bzr-search task as invalid again02:27
lifelessdid it mark the bzr-svn task as invalid too ?02:27
lifeless(the next mail ? )02:27
jelmerno, that's New atm02:27
jelmerno, that just marked the bzr-search task as invalid *again*02:27
lifelessso I sent one email; and  I wanted it to make the bzr-svn bug invalid and the bzr-svn one new02:28
lifelessI sent two emails02:28
jelmerlifeless: You may want to rephrase that :-)02:28
jelmermarking the bzr-svn bit as both invalid and new doesn't make sense02:29
lifelessrighto, I think its probably some nasty import error somewhere02:29
lifelessthe SystemError smells of svn bindings or something to me02:29
lifelessbut yeah, I would have like to close the bzr svn bit too02:29
lifelessdone by hand02:29
awmcclainSorry for the off-topic question, but which channel would I go to with PPA problems? ubuntu-motu?02:49
jelmerlaunchpad I think02:51
lifeless#launchpad for PPA specific issues (timeouts, crashes in the facility etc)02:54
lifeless#ubuntu-motu if you just want a hand driving PPA's as they have most of the mentors etc02:55
alecwhWhere can I read about sending bzr patches over email?04:21
RAOFbzr help send?04:22
RAOFToo slow, apparently.04:22
mlhyeah, lift your game :-)04:23
alecwhWhere can I read about sending bzr patches over email?04:23
mlhooh here he is again :-)04:23
mlhbzr help send04:23
alecwhsorry, I accidentally quit. =\04:24
mlhhappens to the best of us old chap04:24
spivalecwh: also, http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-guide/index.html#sending-changes04:24
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* mwhudson pushes the new loggerhead theme to trunk!!!06:27
lifelessmwhudson: congrats06:29
lifelessbeuno: you too06:29
pooliewell done06:40
Peng_Yay. :)07:00
spivhttp://www.toolness.com/wp/?p=71 is interesting.  I guess these people would really like bzr's checkout workflow?07:15
mwhudsonspiv: i wondered whether that was 'ooh, don't really like hg' or 'oooh, don't really get dvcs'07:21
mwhudson(sprinting so didn't really have enough spare brain cells to actually read the blog post properly)07:22
spivmwhudson: it's hard to tell from this distance, really.  Especially if the only dvcs they've used is hg...07:29
pooliespiv/lifeless: i want to give better messages when repositories are not compatible07:57
pooliefor stacking or other reasons07:57
poolieat the moment you just get told they're not and that's it, so not much help to a user07:57
pooliei'm planning to add an alternative api to InterRepository.is_compatible which raises an exception (rather than returning False) if they're not07:57
poolieso we get to keep that information07:57
poolieany comments?07:57
* bob2 gives polite 'yay'07:58
spivpoolie: I like the sound of that.08:00
poolieeg https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/20625808:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 206258 in bzr "incompatible repository error messages are unhelpful" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:03
lifelesspoolie: is_compatible is used for selecting an optimiser08:04
lifelesspoolie: so having one that raises an exception doesn't feel right to me, I can just see use spewing out 10 different incompatibilities08:05
poolieif you're searching for one where it passes you would not print them08:06
poolieand we can keep a method that just says 'did it pass'08:06
lifelessI'm talking the failure mode08:06
poolieessentially we have at the moment08:06
poolieif not foo(): raise Exception(generic)08:06
poolieand i want to invert that08:07
pooliehm unless there is one method for matching and another for checking?08:07
lifelessthere are N optimisers08:07
lifelesswhen none match that will give you N exceptions08:07
lifelesswhich one will you show?08:07
lifelessI think what you want to achieve is good; I'm all in favour of clearer error messages08:08
lifelessJelmer has a patch that improves the KnitRepository __str__ to make the rich-roots->plain case more understandable08:08
poolieat the moment i actually want to change _same_model, which while it lives in InterRepository is apparently not multiply-dispatched08:09
pooliebeing a static method on the base class08:09
lifelessbut a different model doesn't imply an error message08:09
lifelessits a very specific combination of models that generates an error08:09
spivDo we need "incompatible_model"?08:09
lifeless*everything* is compatible except for "rich-root or subtrees to plain"08:10
pooliei don't think that's actually true08:11
pooliethere are more implementations of it that check requirements with weaves and knits08:11
poolieto answer your earlier question if we are searching for a match and none of them matches08:12
poolieno, i don't think it would be useful by default to tell the user of every possible thing we tried and why it failed08:12
pooliebut i can believe having that information available for debugging might be useful08:12
poolieinto the log or something08:12
lifelessvia a -D flag perhaps08:12
lifelessquite seriously though, I don't believe there are any other cases where is_compatible falls all the way back to the default implementation08:13
lifelessthere are various InterFORMAT ones08:14
lifelessthere is InterSameData08:14
lifelessand InterModel1and208:14
pooliei'm going to poke at it a bit more08:14
lifelessso the only case I know of is Model2and1 that will fail08:14
lifeless*other* fetch failures can occur08:15
lifelessbut they occur once a selection has been made08:15
philnjelmer: ping09:21
Jc2klifeless: sorry i have no idea10:06
Jc2kthe initial import of all of GNOME ran over a few days, with me stopping and starting as i hit bzr-svn leaks10:06
Jc2kand the initial import of SVN was only of trunk, i then used svn-import to "top up" and pull the 2000 branches over10:06
james_wI'm not posting that as "Bazaar is better than Mercurial", it's s/Mercurial/Bazaar/ as you read and get an idea of how some people dislike DVCS.11:42
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spivjames_w: yeah, I saw that12:02
spivjames_w: although I think bzr's checkout workflow would answer a bunch of the concerns tehre12:02
james_wit's odd that he seems to consider a clean merge more dangerous than a clean update12:03
spivjames_w: there's room for argument, but it's certainly possible to read the core problem as "I don't want the overhead of tracking/merging lots of branches, but the tool doesn't give me any options other than to make branches"12:03
james_wthat's true12:04
luksI think it's more about that svn allows you to do 'implicit' update12:14
luksthat is, you can commit even if your tree is out of date12:14
keithyhow do I tell bzr that the current versions I have are the latest, it seems to think that there are conflicts.14:13
james_whi keithy14:15
james_wI'm not sure what you mean, could you expand on your question please?14:16
keithyI found it bzr resolve --all14:19
TuniX12when making a change in a file got by bzr how to upload only that change?14:36
james_whi TuniX1214:36
james_wwhat do you mean by upload?14:36
TuniX12upload that change to bzr branch14:37
james_w"bzr push" to an existing branch will push only the difference between that branch and yours, if that's what you mean.14:37
TuniX12ah thank i thought it push all files14:37
james_wno, it won't, but it will push a bit more than just the diff to the changed file, as it will have to push the revision information as well.14:38
TuniX12and sorry for my bad english :p14:38
james_wno problem :-)14:38
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davi_hi, I'm testing 1.6beta3 and I get a error when trying to create a new copy of a branch. The error is AttributeError: 'property' object has no attribute 'initialize' in bzrdir.py, line 1384. Has anyone seen this? is there a fix?14:41
TuniX12i get this error bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir14:42
TuniX12Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()14:42
TuniX12any solution?14:42
davi_ah, found bug report.14:44
davi_would be nice to have a beta414:44
luksthese people don't have any patience nowodays...14:53
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beunoyay!  new theme landed!16:11
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strk[24601] 2008-07-28 17:56:28.680 INFO: Committing to: sftp:/.....17:15
strkMon Jul 28 18:14:50 CEST 200817:15
strk[==========================================================================================                      ] Uploading data to master branch - Stage 4/617:15
strk18 minutes and counting, for a few lines of commit17:15
strkBazaar (bzr) 1.517:15
beunostrk, can you take a look in ~/.bzr.log ?17:16
strklow bandwidth, all used -- still, is a developer really supposed to suffer this much ? or is it a bad bug ?17:16
beunothere should be something in it17:16
strklots of 601.406  SFTP.readv() 13 offsets => 1 coalesced => 1 requests17:16
strk497.074  Auto-packing repository <bzrlib.repofmt.pack_repo.RepositoryPackCollection object at 0x87a8c6c>, which has 17 pack files, containing 10300 revisions into 4 packs.17:17
strk^^ you're interested in this one most likely17:17
strkor :17:17
strk128.259  Using fetch logic to copy between KnitPackRepository('file:///home/strk/src/gnash/bzr-local-repository/.bzr/repository/')(<RepositoryFormatKnitPack1>) and KnitPackRepository('sftp://strk@bzr.savannah.gnu.org/srv/bzr/gnash/.bzr/repository/')(<RepositoryFormatKnitPack1>)17:17
beunostrk, right, it's autopacking17:17
beunoit happens every now and then to make things faster17:17
strkit's always autopacking17:17
strkis there a way to make it happen NEVER ?17:17
beunostrk, no, it should only happen once every N commits17:17
james_wnot currently.17:17
Peng_That would be bad for performance.17:18
beunothere is a bug open so that bzr will tell you that it's doing that17:18
strkwell, until I'm back on a good connection and ready to wait x*10 minutes17:18
strkperformance of what ?17:18
strkit's 24 minutes I'm starving on a commit !!17:18
james_whopefully we'll have server-side packing soon, which should be much much quicker.17:18
Peng_james_w: That won't help sftp.17:18
beunojames_w, although server-side packing probably won't work with sftp17:18
strkwhat happens if I comment out the line where N commits is checked ?17:19
strkI mean, what happens if autopack is NOT done ? where's the performance hit going to be noticed ?17:19
strkor, when17:19
james_wstrk: without packing performance will degrade over time.17:19
strkby performance you mean time a commit takes to complete ?17:20
Peng_Performance in general.17:20
Peng_That would include committing.17:20
james_wsome things will scale with the number of packs, without packing this is the same as scaling with the number of commits, with packing it scales log(number of commits)17:20
strkcan it be worst than it is now ? 30 25 minutes ?17:20
strkI'm used to a *few* seconds for similar commits with CVS17:21
james_wyeah, it would include committing. Basically anything that needs to access information in the repository.17:21
strkit's a very small patch17:21
strkand I can thinkg of a few lines of log17:21
strkwhat else am I missing that needs to generate so much traffic ?17:21
james_wit is packing locally, which means that it is pulling down all of the repository data and pushing it back up organised slightly differently I believe.17:22
beunostrk, yes, it is. It will be fixed17:23
strkwould a lightweight checkout avoid all of this ?17:23
james_wno, I don't think so.17:23
strkdamnit, it's depressing17:23
strkmaybe we should setup a cvs commit-hook doing the bzr commit remotely17:24
beunojames_w, I think he should be able to run a cron that packs?17:24
beunothat may mitigate it a little bit17:24
strk30 minutes17:25
strkI'm on low bandwidth17:25
james_wyeah, that should help. I assume that the autopack logic looks at the number of packs as well as the number of commits.17:25
strkcan't do "offline-commit" forever17:25
strkhard to collaburate with others if I keep all the commits locally17:25
strkwas used to do very frequent small commits17:25
beunostrk, you could run a cron to execute "bzr pack" on the branches every... week?17:25
strkbeuno: would it need bandwidth ?17:25
beunothat will probably avoid hitting autopacking remotely most of the time17:26
beunostrk, not of the cron runs on the server, no17:26
strkthat'd be savannah17:26
strkwell, I've been online way too much now. lifeless: I hope you can take care of this with savannah hackers.17:27
strkthanks for your patience17:27
jamas an aside, if you ^C during the autopack, the commit still was pushed18:30
jamso it still counts as valid18:31
jamthough it isn't something I would generally recommend.18:31
james_wI've got a test problem where calling branch.bzrdir.open_workingtree() seems to either give a different tree to the one that I expect, or doesn't have the changes that were made in the test code.19:02
james_wI think it is the latter, as the path in the repr is correct.19:02
james_wso I create a tree, make a couple of commits, and then make a call that eventually ends up the code I am testing. That code receives a branch, and I need a wt, so I try and open it, and the tree I am given has no revision history.19:03
james_wdoes this indicate a problem, and that I need to modify the code to provide a working tree directly, as I can never be sure that re-opening the working tree will do the right thing?19:04
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jamjames_w: well, re-opening the WT should give the right answer, unless you are using a MemoryTree19:31
jamalso, are you sure you are changing the right paths?19:31
jamOften, you might have created the branch/tree in a subdir19:31
jambut then possibly modified the files in the current dir19:31
Roumanosif it some is available, i have a question :20:07
Roumanosit's possible to push on a server my modified file ( not the revision file .bzr )20:08
RoumanosThe commande bzr export work but only on local ( sftp not work with export ...)20:08
beunoRoumanos, you mean the files, but not the revision data?   You can use bzr-upload, which will just upload the working tree20:08
beunoRoumanos, https://launchpad.net/bzr-upload20:10
RoumanosPerfect !20:10
Roumanosvery thx !!!!20:10
Roumanosexactly what i research !20:11
beunoRoumanos, your welcome20:11
Roumanosthe download page is empty, not yet available ?20:22
Roumanosneed to get this by bzr ? :P20:22
beunoRoumanos, not as a release. Are you on Ubuntu?20:22
beunoyes, you get this through bzr  :)20:22
beunomkdir ~/.bazaar/plugins && bzr co lp:bzr-upload ~/.bazaar/plugins/upload20:23
beunoand you're set20:23
Roumanosno sorry, gentoo ....20:23
beunothat should work on Gentoo just as well20:24
Roumanosyes, just need to dl this plugin ....20:24
beunoRoumanos, the command above will work in Gentoo20:25
RoumanosYes, it's working great !20:26
Roumanosbig thanks for this very quick reponse !20:26
beunoRoumanos, it's what we do (tm)20:26
beunofeel free to file bugs if you need any additional features20:27
Roumanosok, i will look on this plug-in and make a summary later !20:27
aquariusI'm sure this gets asked a lot (so do please point me at URLs), but what would be the benefits of using bzr rather than svn for keeping my home folder in a VCS? One .bzr folder (rather than one per folder) is good; are there other benefits I don't know about?20:33
lukskeeping your home folder in a VCS is a bad idea, no matter what VCS you use20:35
aquariusluks: really? I'm forever losing things, and having numerous different machines and having to repeat the same configuration changes and installations on all of them is jolly awkward.20:36
lukswhat kind of things are you losing?20:37
luksversioning config files is fine, versioning your whole ~ is not (IMO)20:37
aquariusrandom files that I accidentally delete, or that I create on one machine and then don't have on others.20:39
aquariusI'm not going to drop my music collection into svn :)20:39
luksif you can accidentally delete a file, I don't think you will always add and commit those random files to a VCS20:41
aquariusno, I agree. I'll still miss some. Not all, though.20:41
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luksI don't know, I really don't like this "versioned file system" idea20:42
luksor, maybe I'd like it, but not in a VCS intended for source code20:43
luksbut if you decide to go this way, I don't think you would enjoy using bzr for this (too slow for that kind of working tree)20:44
* luks waits for people to disagree20:44
* aquarius nods. That's useful advice, and thanks.20:45
* Jc2k would disagree20:47
Jc2kwe are thinking of using bzr instead of git for our versioned file system20:47
Jc2kthough, to be fair, rewriting the bits of bzr we need in c20:47
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luksI wonder why people in #svn so often mention a non-existing command 'bzr unversion'20:57
fullermdThey're just being subversive.20:57
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aquariusIf I've got a bzr copy of a project in Launchpad, and I want to publish the changes I've made so the project team can look at those changes, am I supposed to publish them to my +junk folder on LP or to the project itself in a branch named by me? Bit confused...21:15
james_wOdd_Bloke: congratulations. Isn't that your first package in Debian?21:16
LarstiQaquarius: ~aquarius/project/branch-name21:16
james_whey LarstiQ21:16
LarstiQhey james21:16
aquariusLarstiQ: ah, excellent.21:16
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aquariushrm. Confused, again. I bzr pushed to launchpad (thanks, LarstiQ) and it's created that branch, but it's not clear to me that there's actually code there for people to look at. https://code.launchpad.net/~sil-launchpad/gwibber/system-buttons21:26
beunoaquarius, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sil-launchpad/gwibber/system-buttons/changes21:27
beunoLaunchpad takes a while to scan the commit messages21:27
beunobut your branch is there21:28
aquariuswow! did I miss a link to that page or is it just not there yet?21:28
beunoaquarius, it's not there yet, I cheated. It should be on there soon-ish, and there is a bug open to show that link right away21:29
* aquarius grins21:29
aquariusso I was right to be confused :) Your bug: good work there :)21:29
beunoaquarius, :)21:29
abentleylifeless: ping22:22
jamaquarius: at the bottom of https://code.launchpad.net/~sil-launchpad/gwibber/system-buttons22:34
jamit does say "This branch has not been scanned yet"22:34
jamthough I won't say it is very obvious22:34
thumperaquarius: there is a LP rollout shortly that should fix the scanner problem22:40
aquariusjam, thumper: yeah. I didn't know what "scanned" meant -- it seems to mean "no-one can get at this branch yet", which I don't mind, but having a thing which says "this can take a few hours" might not hurt. (Or, just fix the problem by making scanning happen straight away, if that's possible.)22:41
jamwell, it is supposed to only take 5 min or so22:42
jamI don't know what the hold up is22:42
thumperjam: the hold up is a bug which causes a mysql branch to fail after 12 minutes22:42
thumperjam: which it tries every time22:42
jamthumper: so it is a 12-min timeout, then it gets another branch scanned, repeat ?22:44
thumperjam: so it gets everything to scan (which may include multiple mysql branches), then does them one after the other22:45
thumperjam: any that fail, get tried the next time around (1m cron)22:45
thumperaquarius: scanning takes bzr metadata and stores it in a database22:46
thumperaquarius: until the branch is scanned we don't show stuff as we don't know what to show22:46
aquariusaha, got it. So the branch might be private in some way or something, so the public can't pull from it until scanning has happened?22:47
thumperaquarius: it is pullable / branchable, but the webapp doesn't know that22:52
aquariusoh, cool. So people who already know their way around LP will be able to get it, at least?22:53
thumperaquarius: yes22:55
ryanakcaCould someone help me figure out why I can't bzr init? http://paste.ubuntu.com/31484/plain/23:06
dvheumenCan anyone tell me how to convert an existing "shared repository with trees" into a "shared repository"?23:06
jelmerryanakca: bug in bzr-svn, which has been fixed in newer versions of bzr-svn23:07
jelmerryanakca: as a workaround, try "bzr --no-plugins init"23:07
jelmerdvheumen: You mean into a shared repository without trees?23:07
dvheumenjelmer: yes that what I mean... I tried out 'bzr reconfigure' but I don't know how to change it to treeless23:08
ryanakcajelmer: splendid, thanks :)23:08
james_wdvheumen: would you file a bug about that, I think it should know23:11
dvheumenjames_w: do you mean as a feature request?23:11
james_wyes please23:12
dvheumenk, I'll do that, tnx23:12
james_wdvheumen: and to do it now you can use "touch .bzr/repository/no-working-trees"23:12
james_w"bzr remove-tree" will remove any existing working trees that you don't want.23:12
dvheumenjames_w: I already found out about that command, that wasn't the problem... it's just that new branches would still have trees23:13
dvheumenjames_w: should I report the bug as a missing feature for 'bzr reconfigure'?23:14
dvheumenor should I just say 'Can't convert repository to treeless repository' (in a few more words)23:15
james_wyes please, I've been looking for somewhere to put that function and reconfigure seems like the best place23:15
james_wwell, if you just report the latter I'll follow up and recommend the former.23:15
ryanakcajelmer: untill I get to upgrade, any other workarounds? "bzr --no-plugins init" gives ``bzr: ERROR: No repository present: "file:///home/ryan/work/kubuntu-startpage-mockup/"''23:17
jelmerryanakca: Is there perhaps a .bzr directory in that location already?23:18
dvheumenjames_w: Isn't this bug report about the same issue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/14503323:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 145033 in bzr "need a command to switch a repository between trees and no-trees" [Medium,Triaged]23:18
ryanakcajelmer: oops, thanks23:18
dvheumenokay, so on second thought I won't report :P23:19
dvheumenbtw, could you explain what 'triaged' means exactly? ('cause I've only got a faint clue at the moment)23:19
james_wdvheumen: hey, yes it is, thanks.23:21
james_wtriaged is supposed to mean "enough information that a developer can start work on it"23:22
dvheumenah right, okay, tnx guys :D23:24

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