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thunderstruckwhere is the link to change title in a bug report? I dohnt see a link for it.04:55
Hobbseeit's called edit description04:56
Hobbseeuse the page search04:56
ScottKAnother victory for the new U/I.04:56
Hobbseepage search is *very* useful for launchpad, now.04:56
thunderstruckwhat is the correct name for launchpad ?05:31
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gnomefreakok thats what i did but i shouldnt be able to change status and such but i can05:32
gnomefreakbug 25213705:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 252137 in firefox-3.0 "Syriac RTL" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25213705:32
RAOFJust to check: I can only get the signed changes file out of my PPA because I've uploaded that package, and am logged in as myself, right?05:32
ScottKRAOF: Link me and let's see if I can get it.05:33
RAOFI'd _hate_ for someone to upload any of those packages to Ubuntu!05:34
jameshRAOF: I don't see the "(changesfile)" links on your PPA, but I see them on mine.05:35
RAOFGood.  I just got a bit surprised when I checked one of those links and found it was still signed.05:36
ScottKSame here.05:37
jameshit isn't totally secure though05:37
jameshthe real solution is to not accept the same signed changes file twice05:37
ScottKExcept Ubuntu hasn't accepted those changes files.05:38
jameshScottK: Launchpad has.05:38
jameshit is the same build system05:39
RAOFCan't LP just strip the signature from the changes file?05:39
ScottKIt'd be nice though if the librarian was going to serve up signed .changes files, it'd at least use https.05:39
RAOFjamesh: Sorry, you mean that someone browsing librarian could grab the signed changes file?05:40
jameshRAOF: if they can guess the URL, yes.05:40
RAOFAnd by browsing, I mean 'guess the right url'05:40
ScottKjamesh: True, but I think any linkage between PPA and the official build system is not likely to have a happy ending.05:40
ScottKRAOF: Happy bug filing.05:40
jameshbugs have already been filed.05:40
jameshScottK: there are plans to introduce a more secure upload mechanism05:41
ScottKRIght.  First release, then go get a design.05:42
jameshwe can do so much better than anonymous FTP05:42
HobbseeRAOF: that bug was filed ages ago.05:44
HobbseeRAOF: this is the fixed version.05:44
Hobbseethe hchanges file used to be blatantly obvious05:44
ScottKHobbsee: I'm sure they have 'Top Men' working on it.05:44
Hobbseeand the LP url is easily guessable.05:44
HobbseeScottK: i'm not.05:44
ScottKHobbsee: Did you see the first Indiana Jones movie, "Raiders of the Lost Ark"?05:45
ScottKAh.  You ought to.05:46
RAOFjamesh: Are you sure there are bugs filed?  There doesn't seem to be anything with the ppa tag against soyez.  That'd be the right target, yes?05:46
ScottKI guess I'm showing my age, but at one point pretty much everyone would have known that I was saying I doubted much was happening.05:47
jameshRAOF: yes05:47
ScottKOn that note, I'm off to bed.05:47
RAOFScottK: _I've_ seen Raiders of the Lost Ark, and I did'nt get that :)05:47
ScottKRAOF: Remember the scene at the end of the movie ...05:48
RAOFWhich one?05:48
RAOFThe answer may well be "no" :)05:48
RAOFjamesh: Is this filed as a security bug, which is why I can't seem to find it?05:49
RAOFI'll stop looking, then.05:50
jameshbug 15930405:50
ubottujamesh: Bug 159304 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/159304 is private05:50
RAOFSo, in short, the only thing preventing someone from taking a package from my PPA and making it look like I uploaded that to Ubuntu is that they'd need to first guess a URL?05:55
ScottKOK.  Two new launchpad bugs filed.  I've done my duty and I'm really going to bed.05:57
RAOFScottK: 'night.05:58
HobbseeRAOF: they've already been filed.  and closed.05:59
HobbseeRAOF: this is why you should be careful what you upload to a ppa.05:59
* Hobbsee has no idea why they can't strip the sigs, either.05:59
RAOFWhy does launchpad even _serve_ the changes files?06:00
Hobbseebecause they're useful, in seeing the changes?06:01
RAOFBut it's the parsed changes file that gets displayed.06:02
Hobbseeistr that there was information on it not duplicated in the UI06:03
Hobbseebut maybe that's their solution, and to eventually nuke the changes file.  i'm not sure06:03
mwhudsonhm, i've just been logged out of launchpad06:38
Hobbseemwhudson: sacrifice another goat.06:39
Hobbseeyou are behind in your sacrifices, and must rectify this.06:40
stubThat was me sorry. It was either log people out or schedule downtime. Annoying you is more fun, so I chose that option.07:00
mwhudsonstub: hooray07:02
BowasiluThere aren't dumb questions, right? ;) I registered a project but how can I initially commit my files? The help site seems to jump over this step.08:04
spivBowasilu: have you seen http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/mini-tutorial/index.html ?08:08
Bowasiluspiv: Yes. I tried "bzr push bzr+ssh://john.doe@bazaar.launchpad.net/~john.doe/+junk/myproject". But the files were not yet transferred.08:10
spivBowasilu: What output did "bzr push" give you?08:11
spivBowasilu: if this is a new project and new branch, then the process is generally "bzr init; bzr add; bzr commit; bzr push SOME-URL".08:12
Bowasiluspiv: I will start over, I must have made an error somewhere... I'll report back if I succeed. Thanks for the moment.08:13
spivIf you e.g. forgot to do "bzr add", then bzr commit will fail because there will be no changes.  If you forget to commit, then bzr push will tell you that there are no revisions to push.  So the messages from bzr should help diagnose what's gone wrong.08:14
Bowasiluspiv: Great! I think I did not commit. Thanks a lot.08:16
Bowasiluspiv: Hm. "Pushed up to revision 1.". Shouldn't I see the files online now?08:17
spivBowasilu: yes, you should.  (It can take a minute or maybe two, but it shouldn't take more than that)08:22
spivWhich branch?08:22
Bowasiluspiv: You mean the web address of the branch?08:24
BowasiluI get "No new revisions to push.".08:25
Bowasiluspiv: So it should be there, right?08:26
spivBowasilu: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Emarkus-weimar/otrdecoderx/trunk/files shows the files08:26
spivcode.launchpad.net just hasn't caught up yet, which seems unusually slow.08:27
spivAlso, it confusingly doesn't give a link to the source code browser even though it should know that source has been uploaded.08:27
* spiv files a bug08:27
Bowasiluspiv: I see. Then I just wait some time.08:27
BowasiluThat takes a while... :)08:38
spivBowasilu: I'm guessing that something is broken, but the relevant people have all just finished for the day I think.08:39
Bowasiluspiv: The code has arrived!08:54
BowasiluThanks for saving me an hour to figure out why it does not arrive. :)08:55
spivBowasilu: You're welcome :)08:58
coolbhavihow to add gpg keys in new launchpad09:56
ToyKeepercoolbhavi: From your profile, click "change details" then "GPG keys"09:59
ToyKeeperIt used to be a direct link, but now it requires two clicks.  :(09:59
mptGooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!11:00
zyx386anyone from translate team?11:22
jmunrois there a way i can make launchpad rebuild a package in my ppa?11:39
jmunroi tried just updating the changlog and dputting in the hope that it would rebuild new binaries, however it didnt seem to produce any debs11:40
wgrantjmunro: That's the right way to do it11:44
wgrantWhat gives you the idea that it didn't produce any binaries?11:45
jmunrooh they just appeared, 25 minutes after the build11:46
jmunroit said it was fully published etc11:46
jmunroso i thought there had been a problem11:46
wgrantThat refers to the sources.11:47
wgrantThey will appear within 20 minutes of the build completing.11:47
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smarterIs there a way to get a "private" PPA for a team yet?12:29
cprovsmarter: Yes. Please, file a question on soyuz mentioning the reason and the team name and we will arrange it for you.12:32
smartercprov: thanks, we'll do that12:32
lagahow is it "private"? is it protected by a password?12:33
* Adri2000 re-asks his question that got no answer during the week-end:12:35
Adri2000is it a known bug that an upload to hardy-backports with LP: #nnnnnn closes the hardy "nominate for release" task?12:36
Adri2000bug #248081 is an example12:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248081 in filezilla "Please update filezilla to" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24808112:36
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wgrantAdri2000: That's more a bug in Ubuntu workflows than Soyuz.12:36
wgrantBut Soyuz should perhaps adapt to our brokenness.12:36
Adri2000wgrant: why is it a bug in our workflows?12:37
wgrantBecause one shouldn't be using a strange external project to manage backport requests...12:37
wgrantIn my ideal world, each distroseries task would have a pocket assigned, so we could do away with <distroseries>-backports projects.12:39
wgrantAnd I could request a security fix in -updates, -security and -backports.12:39
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smartercprov: if you have some time: [14:48:09] <apachelogger> Riddell: https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/4048913:51
wgrantHuh. So much for open source.13:52
wgrantImproving collaboration by hiding things.13:53
cprovsmarter: okay, thanks. I will organise it later today.13:53
wgrantapachelogger: No, it's seriously ridiculous...13:53
apacheloggerwgrant: why?13:54
wgrantWhy are pre-releases to be kept secret? That seems against the spirit of open source and testing!13:54
apacheloggerwgrant: because there might be problems in the initial tarballs13:55
wgrantSo we should keep Intrepid under lock and key?13:55
apacheloggernow if we would publish these initial tarballs right away KDE would have to roll .1 instead of just exchanging the tarballs13:55
wgrantSo they reuse version strings!?13:56
apacheloggerthey pimp their tarballs13:56
wgrantAre they trying to confuse people to death or something?13:56
apacheloggerthat is why the tarballs are secret :P13:56
Hobbseewgrant: also, it takes a shedload of time to actually build all of it.13:57
Hobbseewgrant: and a lot of people whine because their favorite metapackage isn't updated and such13:57
wgrantHobbsee: How's this relevant?13:57
apacheloggerwgrant: because they might have to remove kdepim if it is not yet built against a new kdelibs13:58
Hobbseewgrant: just saying the reasons they do it.13:58
Hobbseealso, i'm not sure how much it's tested to be integrated together, before the release.13:58
wgrantapachelogger: Package managers aren't normally that silly.13:58
Hobbseeie, it's libs and everything else 'released' to ktown at the same time13:58
apacheloggerthe problem is really that KDE is source distributor13:59
apacheloggereverything has to work on hundreds of distros13:59
wgrantSame with every other upstream.13:59
apacheloggerand most minor quirks get squashed by packagers within that 1 week binary preparation time13:59
apacheloggerwgrant: no other upstream releases ~80 source distributions at the same time14:00
wgrantIsn't that what RCs are for?14:00
apacheloggerwgrant: so rcs can be broken?14:00
apacheloggerI guess that would make testers quite pissed14:00
wgrantapachelogger: What?14:00
apacheloggerquite off-topic here14:01
Hobbseewgrant: most other upstreams don't take so long to build together.14:01
wgrantRCs are there to find bugs in before the release.14:01
Hobbseewgrant: actually upgrading kde takes...a good few days.14:01
wgrantRather than releasing a tarball that isn't what it is.14:01
Hobbseeadd extra for buildd handholding.14:01
Hobbseeand they want it released at the same time.14:01
wgrantHobbsee: I don't see why that means it should be hidden, nor how that improves collaboration.14:01
apacheloggerwgrant: #kde-devel14:02
Hobbseewgrant: that would be to stop the users being silly, and pulling partial updates.14:02
apacheloggerask for someone from the release working group14:02
wgrantHobbsee: So it's a PPA owner's fault if they upload something to their PPA and some user is crazy enough to dist-upgrade with it?14:02
Hobbseewgrant: it's probably synonymous with how launchpad rolls out - all at once.14:02
Hobbseeand while it should all work together, some bits may not, and it may not have been found on edge/staging.14:03
wgrantHobbsee: One can copy fine from a non-private PPA, AFAIK.14:03
apacheloggerwgrant: there are users which suggest other users to use that ppa14:03
apacheloggerthese other users don't really know what they are doing and trusting that other user14:03
wgrantapachelogger: Then those users need to be told to stop it.14:03
apacheloggerwhich might make them end up with a broken system and them switching back to windows14:04
wgrantThere are many more dangerous PPAs around.14:04
Hobbseethis entire argument is effectively the same as the one regarding firefox.14:04
Hobbseeif upstreams are requesting specific, reasonable things - like everything to release at the same time - it's reasonable to do that.14:04
wgrantapachelogger: Do we make Intrepid private because somebody could break their systems with it? No; we just put up warnings.14:05
Hobbseewgrant: i don't think it's a question of fault - more ensuring a good user experience.14:05
Hobbseewgrant: people don't read warnings.14:05
wgrantHobbsee: Then we need to chmod lots of files on a.u.c very quickly.14:05
Hobbseewgrant: why do you think anyone recommending rm -rf / in any of our support channels gets a boot?14:05
wgrantHobbsee: What warnings?14:06
Hobbseeany warnings.14:06
wgrantThose who advise others to rm -rf / do not put a warning immediately beforehand saying 'Do not do this'14:06
Hobbseesome do.14:07
apacheloggerwgrant: do you think users who suggest using that pre-release ppa add a warning?14:07
wgrantapachelogger: If they have a conscience they probably should.14:07
Hobbseeand there are more dangerous ppas around, yes - however, they don't get thrown around whenever anyone hears about a new release coming around.14:07
Hobbseewgrant: if the prospective developers can't follow warnings on launchpad, why would you expect users to?14:08
wgrantHobbsee: Hm?14:08
apacheloggerwgrant: everyone should use FLOSS as well14:08
Hobbseewgrant: i assume you know just how many people applied to join ubuntu-universe-sponsors, without being MOTUs?14:08
wgrantHobbsee: Right. They're not prospective developers.14:09
Hobbseewhat are they, then?14:09
wgrantPeople collecting badges, I suspect.14:09
wgrantapachelogger: Where did I contradict that?14:09
Hobbseesure, but some of them actually have patches to put forward and such.14:09
Hobbseeand that u-u-s queue looks evil.14:10
wgrantThere are much more dangerous things around than a KDE4 prerelease PPA.14:10
apachelogger[15:07:49] <Hobbsee> and there are more dangerous ppas around, yes - however, they don't get thrown around whenever anyone hears about a new release coming around.14:11
wgrantEmbargoing security updates is sometimes necessary, but embargoing new upstream versions is more than slightly strange.14:11
* wgrant -> bed.14:13
wgrantAnyway, although I of course have no standing in the situation, I14:13
wgrant* I must strongly object, and feel it is against any normal Free Software principles.14:13
apacheloggerthe source is free14:14
apacheloggernone stops anyone from fetching the tagged sources14:14
wgrantNo, it's not.14:14
wgrantSo they're secret except not?14:14
apacheloggerthe tarballs are secret14:15
apacheloggerfor above started reasons14:15
wgrantThe above stated reasons are completely invalid if the tag is public.14:15
apacheloggerbut if someone insists on getting the source before it got a fair amount of testing they might as well do it14:15
wgrantHow does it get a fair amount of testing if it is embargoed?14:15
apacheloggerwgrant: this is not about the code14:16
apacheloggerthis is about the buildsystem14:16
apacheloggerand documentation14:16
apacheloggerthat all entities work and stuff14:16
cprovwgrant, apachelogger: Sorry, I'm not paying much attention right now (busy with other things), but AFAICS, the privacy requirement comes from KDE community, a P3A would be just propagating (coping with) it, if we want to argue about making early releases public we should make it at KDE workflow level. Do you both agree ?14:21
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wgrantcprov: Right.14:21
apacheloggercprov: exactly :)14:24
Adri2000cprov: should I file the issue I mentioned earlier as a soyuz bug?14:32
TuniX12hello is there any bazaar channel ?14:33
HobbseeTuniX12: #bzr ?14:33
cprovAdri2000: well, the upload fixed the bugtask target to the filezilla, not the one targeted to hardy-backports. Is that correct or am I mistaken ?14:41
ScottK(LP: #NNNNNN) has never worked for backports uploads.  Dunno if that's a feature or a bug.14:48
cprovScottK: hard to say, the code only closes sourcepackage tasks (ignoring PPA and -proposed uploads). It doesn't touch distroseries tasks.14:52
ScottKIt seems to me that Soyuz has enough information to know what to close.14:54
cprovScottK: quite possible, then it looks like a missing feature. File a bug, I'd say14:57
Adri2000cprov: the upload was targeted to hardy-backports, so it should close the hardy-backports task and not touch the hardy "nominate for release task" as it did in this case14:59
Adri2000only -security and -updates uploads should close a "nominate for release" task I think14:59
cprovAdri2000: as I said, the upload didn't close the distroseries task, Martin did. Do you confirm it ?15:02
Adri2000I closed the hardy (nominate for release) task as invalid15:04
Adri2000Martin closed the hardy-backports task as fix released15:04
Adri2000the upload (launchpad janitor) closed the hardy task as fix released15:04
RainCTLaunchpad (Edge) already asked me twice to log in today.. Is there something wrong?15:06
HobbseeRainCT: yeah, they've been messing iwth it.15:06
HobbseeRainCT: and, of course, the dual login, if you start with production, is normal.15:06
RainCTok, thx15:08
affluxIs it possible to rename a project to avoid a name conflict? I registered pyotr a while ago and noticed that there seems to be a sourceforge project called pyotr (though it does not seem too popular, as was unable to find it using google).15:10
ScottKcprov: Bug 25258315:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 252583 in launchpad "Support (LP: #NNNNNN) for backports bugs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25258315:19
kikoScottK, heh, that's such a funny bug, we explicitly were asked to not make LP: work for backports because it used to :)15:19
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ScottKkiko: IIRC it closed mainline Ubuntu tasks when uploads to backports were made.  I agree that's wrong.15:22
mthaddonafflux, just create a question here - https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion stating what you want it changed from and to15:22
kikoScottK, yeah15:23
affluxmthaddon: ah okay, thank you15:23
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dmishdHello all.  Wanted to check on the process for getting a new upstream version of mypasswordsafe uploaded for intrepid.  I've packaged it in my ppa, registered it as a bug in launchpad, nominated it for release and subscribed the ubuntu-universe-sponsors.  Did that a few weeks ago and have heard nothing since.  Is that usual or is there something else I should do?15:54
dmishdThe bug url is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mypasswordsafe/+bug/22189315:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221893 in mypasswordsafe "MyPasswordSafe package needs updating" [Undecided,In progress]15:54
andrea-bsdmishd: you should ask on #ubuntu-devel for this kind of questions ;-)15:55
dmishdah ok, thank you :)15:55
SURFgijsanybody knows where I can find the code of conduct?16:09
SURFgijsI think the directions are invalidg16:09
kikoSURFgijs, on launchpad itself, launchpad.net/codeofconduct/16:12
apacheloggercprov: about the private ppa question - will we be able to copy the packages to a normal ppa? +is there a method for us to "sort the special access"?16:19
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cprovapachelogger: no, copies via the UI will not work either.16:20
apacheloggercprov: I guess we will have to wait then, this is one of the most important advantages when it comes to actually publishing it ... i.e. not having to rebuild it :)16:22
cprovapachelogger: right, let the question opened for now, i will build a list of the missing features for you and other interested teams16:23
apacheloggercprov: ok, thank you16:23
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zyx386jtv, hi17:58
jtvzyx386: hi17:58
erdalronahihi jtv17:59
jtverdalronahi: hi17:59
zyx386we wont some change in our launchpad team?17:59
erdalronahiHave a look at https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/+groups/wordpress-translators17:59
erdalronahithere are two Kurdish teams, but only one link18:00
erdalronahithe second team is for another variant of Kurdish and should link to another team18:00
jtvOh, I remember that18:01
erdalronahiI am just struggling with the new interface to set it up18:01
zyx386erdalronahi, you must create the kurmanji team first, then nickolay or jtv can switch it :)18:01
jtvzyx386: actually, it would be bad manners for me to do it, since Nikolay manages it.  :-)18:01
jtverdalronahi: zyx386 is right: assuming there is no confusion such as 2 WordPress translation team for the _same_ version of Kurdish, first set up a team to manage the translation, then present it to Nikolay so he can add it.18:02
ApOgEE-hi all... i'm creating a team on launchpad and request for a mailing list. i just got a reply which says it is declined and I should contact launchpad admin18:03
erdalronahiok, just created https://edge.launchpad.net/~wp-ku18:03
jtvApOgEE-: let me see if I can find someone who knows about mailing lists.18:03
zyx386erdalronahi, perfect and send nickolay in wp-polyglots18:04
ApOgEE-jtv, i got decline reply from Jorge O. Castro says The right place to ask for an Ubuntu mailing list is rt@ubuntu.com. How was that?18:06
ApOgEE-previously, I clicked on the request mailing-list button18:07
jtvApOgEE-: I don't know about Ubuntu, but that sounds like a request tracker.18:07
leonardrApOgEE: rt@ubuntu.com is the ticket tracker18:07
erdalronahizyx386, I mailed him18:08
ApOgEE-leonardr, I do it on launchpad18:08
erdalronahibut not on that list.18:08
jtverdalronahi: personal mail should work as well.18:08
jtverdalronahi: (unless there is an established process within the WordPress community that I don't know, which is also possible)18:09
ApOgEE-i did it from here https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-my-webteam/+mailinglist18:09
jtvApOgEE-: maybe the problem has something to do with what the list is for.18:09
erdalronahijtv, no there isn't, but I started translating in Launchpad18:10
ApOgEE-jtv, the page stated The application for this team's mailing list has been declined. Please contact a Launchpad administrator for further assistance.18:11
ApOgEE-any problems?18:12
jtvApOgEE-: I see, this is a LoCo team.  I don't know how Ubuntu mailing lists are set up, but it sounds like there's a special arrangement for setting those up.  You can always try emailing that address.18:12
leonardrApOgEE: i think this is the issue: because your project is part of ubuntu, you should talk to the ubuntu maintainers to get a list set up18:12
leonardrthat is, send a request to rt@ubuntu.com to get a task ticket18:12
ApOgEE-i see...18:14
kikoleonardr, ApOgEE-: well, hang on a second.18:17
kikoleonardr, ApOgEE-: would a launchpad mailing list not serve what ApOgEE- is looking for?18:17
kikowe're happy to host ubuntu mailing lists -- they don't show up under lists.ubuntu.com, but instead are LP mailing lists18:17
leonardrkiko: i don't see why it wouldn't, but his request was rejected18:18
kikobut that's usually fine18:18
leonardrpossibly because it wouldn't show up under lists.ubuntu.com18:18
kikoApOgEE-, leonardr: the right person to talk to is jcastro18:18
kikojcastro, ping?18:18
cody-somervilleThe CC said that the community shouldn't use the launchpad mailing lists yet18:18
jcastrokiko: pong18:18
ApOgEE-jcastro, told me to ask rt@ubuntu.com instead18:19
kikocody-somerville, jcastro: why not?18:19
jcastrokiko: the CC decided to use lists.ubuntu.com18:19
jcastronamespace issues or something I guess.18:19
kikoit's much harder to manage those lists18:19
kikoI think the CC should really reconsider that suggestion18:19
kikoand we can fix whatever issues people are having as long as they don't decide to not use the lists themselves :)18:20
jcastrokiko: I just decline on LP and approve in RT, I neither made the decision or had anything to do with it. (ie. Don't shoot the messenger!)18:20
cody-somervillekiko: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda/talk18:20
kikojcastro, I'm not shooting you, but I think it's kinda crazy to create more work for IS after having mailing lists actually reimplemented in launchpad to avoid this18:20
kikothanks cody-somerville18:20
jcastrokiko: I agree18:21
jcastrothanks for that cody-somerville18:21
kikoit has to do with the lists appearing under lists.ubuntu.com18:22
kikoI wonder if that's really such a big deal, or if them being linked from lists.ubuntu.com would be good enough18:22
jcastrokiko: having to manage RT and stuff now, I would say, the sooner someone were to fix the stuff mentioned on that wiki page so I can just approve via launchpad, the better. :)18:23
kikojcastro, we need to figure out why lists.ubuntu.com is important. is it just the directory? or something else?18:24
jcastrokiko: I am not sure, Jono was the poc for all this but he's on holiday18:24
kikojcastro, you can fit right in :)18:25
ApOgEE-jcastro, is that means I can't create mailing lists for my team then?18:25
jcastrofor a LoCo?18:25
jcastrono, those go under lists.ubuntu.com18:26
ApOgEE-jcastro, actually we have loCo mailing list but we would like to separate the list just for the web team18:27
ApOgEE-so it won't mixed up with LoCo mailing lists. can I do that?18:28
jcastroApOgEE-: policy right now is only one mailing list per LoCo.18:30
ApOgEE-jcastro, I see... even on launchpad mailing lists?18:32
jcastronot really, but they don't want ubuntu mailing lists on launchpad to begin with18:32
jcastroat this point I think discussing this with the CC at the next meeting would probably help iron all this out18:33
ApOgEE-If that so, I'll just use groups.google.com then18:35
jcastroApOgEE-: kiko: I'll attend the CC meeting on the 5th and see if we can't get some clarification on this18:42
jcastrobecause the current situation is just as bad if people end up going to freelists/google groups, etc.18:42
RichWIve uploaded my package to the PPA, when will it appear? - Heres my results: https://launchpad.net/~richies/+archive18:44
RichWMy username is richies18:44
kiko(unless you forgot to GPG-sign it)18:45
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-dinner
RichWNever mind i have results in email18:46
cprovRichW: good.18:47
ApOgEE-thanks jcastro , kiko18:49
RichWIt rejected it and now ive made some changes to my files, dput says its "Already uploaded to ppa.launchpad.net" and wont let me upload it again.18:54
RichWHmm maybe i have to rebuild it.18:55
affluxRichW: dput -f will do the trick18:56
RichWthanks afflux, that helped.18:58
RichWMy ppa package is building on intrepid when it is uploaded, how do i make it build on hardy?19:48
beunoRichW, you have to re-upload and target hardy instead19:49
beunothere is a copy package feature, but it has never worked properly for me  (I'm probably using ir wrong somehow)19:50
kikobeuno, can't he copy the package?19:50
kikobeuno, it should work, and cprov can definitely explain if it doesn't19:50
kikohe's been doing lots of work on that19:50
beunokiko, the 3 times I've done it, none of the copied packaged worked (mostly when I did bzr uploads and some bzr plugins)19:51
beunohad to re-upload all of em19:51
beunobut of course, I may of done something wrong  :)19:51
RichWim trying copy19:51
beunoRichW, I *think* they have to have the same dependencies (and versions) to be able to copy them. kiko is that correct?19:52
kikobeuno, i.e. they copied across but were uninstallable?19:52
beunokiko, yeap. Due to dependency issues19:52
beunoit asked for versions of packages that weren't in that release19:53
RichWmy package didnt build on intrepid due to dependency issues so im copying it to hardy19:53
beunowhich makes sense if you think about it, although I'm sure you guys are smarter than that19:53
kikobeuno, so you depended on specific versions?19:54
beunokiko, nope, just seems it gets built that way19:55
beunobuild-depends?  maybe it's something with the bzr packaging19:55
beunoor, again, me doing it wrong19:56
geserbeuno: it's not a good idea to copy packages "downwards" (from intrepid to hardy) as the package will still have the dependencies from the intrepid build19:57
beunogeser, ah!  now *that* makes sense19:58
beunoit's exactly what I did19:58
geserbeuno: when you copy package they won't get rebuild19:58
kikogeser, well, you can copy source only19:59
kikoI personally think that copying binaries across in PPAs is kinda crazy19:59
kikoit only really makes sense when copying between pockets19:59
beunomaybe the help should be expanded a bit: https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart#Copying%20packages20:00
beunoit didn't make sense to me either, but poolie told me he had done it before succesfuly, so I blindly went on with it20:00
geserkiko: how should that work (copy just source) as the build debs will have the same file names as the ones from the other distribution?20:01
beunoRichW, with the information above, I'd say you just re-upload to Hardy instead  :)20:02
geserand a different revision than the upload to intrepid20:03
RichWbeuno: I looked at the build farm, its compiling :D20:03
cprovthen if it works (builds) you can safely copy source & binary "upwards" (to intrepid)20:04
RichWLaunchpad is amazing, must be thousands of lines of code and alot of hard word in it.20:04
RichWVery clever scripting.20:04
kikoRichW, thanks! it's indeed many KLOC, and these engineers keep adding on more!20:08
kikomtaylor, ping?20:09
radixIs there a bzr plugin for associating a branch with a ticket? Or some other automated way to register a branch with a ticket?20:10
kikoradix, do you mean a bug? bzr --fixes20:10
radixyes, bug, thanks20:11
radixkiko: oh cool, so if you commit a change with a --fixes and push it to LP it'll automatically be linked?20:11
kikoradix, I /think/ so. abentley knows more than me though :)20:12
* beuno thinks "not yet"20:12
* beuno searches for the bug20:12
beunoseems you can!    https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/246166/comments/120:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246166 in launchpad-bazaar "Link bug to revision" [Medium,Triaged]20:14
beunoyou guys just don't keep still, do you...20:14
beunoI can't keep up!20:14
kikowe try hard to make it hard!20:15
RichWwow dell has a ppa?!?!20:16
kikowarren, ping?20:28
jordican I get a real unidiff from here?20:48
jordior a quick command line that would extract it?20:48
beunojordi, apart from the "unified diff" option on top?20:49
jordibeuno: try it20:50
jordiI want something I can feed to patch20:51
beunojordi, bzr diff http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mailman-coders/mailman/2.1 -r 1120..112120:51
beunothat would be better for a patch then20:51
jordibeuno: fantastic20:54
beunojordi, welcome'20:55
mtaylorkiko: pong21:08
kikomtaylor, hey there. there is indeed an issue with mailing lists, which francis has a fix for and which should be deployed in the next hours21:08
mtaylorkiko: awesome!21:09
kikomtaylor, thanks for pointing this out, it was hard to notice21:09
mtaylorkiko: well, lucky for us, we have vocal devs :)21:09
radixbeuno: oh, thanks for the pointer (sorry, got distracted)21:13
=== kiko is now known as kiko-fud
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mtaylorkiko-fud: fwiw... now a person who _was_ getting list emails is no longer getting list emails...23:06
kiko-fudmtaylor, yeah, known problem but the fix is bring processed as we speak!23:07
mtaylorjust double checking :)23:08
kiko-fudmtaylor, pity we didn't manage to say hi to each other, but I enjoyed your panel on organic software last friday23:08
mtaylorkiko-fud: wasn't me... but thanks!23:08
mtaylorkiko-fud: I, funny enough, as in Brazil :)23:08
kiko-fudmtaylor, really? I could have sworn..23:09
kiko-fudmtaylor, we're near misses then. when do you come back?23:09
mtaylorkiko-fud: not sure... possibly october23:09
kiko-fudmtaylor, gar, indeed, it was brian aker who presented. heh23:10
mtaylorwell... there are worse people to confuse me with :)23:10
kiko-fudmtaylor, do you spend the weekends there when you go?23:11
kiko-fudmtaylor, I was confused because he mentioned launchpad and I said hmmm23:11
mtaylorwe've got him hooked on the kool-aid23:11
mtaylorkiko-fud: I spend the weekends sometimes... normally I come down for 2 weeks at a time and do the inside weekend23:12
mtaylorbut this last time I was just in rio for 4 days23:12
kiko-fudmtaylor, well, when you do come and have a weekend let me know and you can come visit23:12
mtaylorkiko-fud: I will!23:13
kiko-fudmtaylor, I live about 3h out of são paulo but the bus ride is easy and it's fun up here -- and quieter23:14
mtaylorkiko-fud: what? quieter than São paulo? never!23:14

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