
tanathsay i want to become a good open source developer. what would be the best way to get started?00:05
RAOFtanath: Find an itch, scratch it.00:14
tanathRAOF: well, that addresses motive, but beyond that...00:14
tanathRAOF: and i did say _good_ developer... ;)00:15
RAOFSo, if the itch is "this program doesn't quite do what I want", the scratch would be writing a patch that conforms to the style and other guidelines of the existing code, and submitting it either to the mailinglist or bug tracker or both.00:15
tanathRAOF: what about learning good style, and common OS practices, etc...00:15
tanathwhere do you find guidelines, etc.?00:16
RAOFWell, style varies from project to project.00:16
tanathok, but there ought to be suggested standards somewhere, whether they're generally followed or not...00:16
RAOFRead a bit of the project's code, check out the website, check out the HACKING/HACKERS file if they have one.00:16
tanathand if you're looking to start your own?00:17
RAOFtanath: GNU have suggested coding standards; but the most important standard is 'looks like the rest of the code' :)00:17
tanaththat would seem to be common sense... :P00:17
tanatha matter of maintainability00:18
RAOFSo, writing your own thing has 3 big things: some form of public version contol, a mailing list, and BIG SHINY LICENSE HEADERS ON ALL FILES.00:18
RAOFThe last one there is mainly to make it not eye-gougeingly painful for distributions to package your code.00:19
Volkodavwhen I start compix it kicks in but errors Checking for Xgl: not present.00:19
RAOFVolkodav: Not an error.00:19
Volkodav/usr/bin/compiz.real (ezoom) - Error: InitObject failed00:19
Volkodav/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Couldn't activate plugin 'ezoom'00:19
tanaththere are public services for some things...00:19
RAOFIf you were using ATI it would also say "Checking for nvidia: not present"00:20
Volkodavwell I have no cube or wobbly windows though00:20
VolkodavI am on nvidia00:20
tanathRAOF: i understand launchpad enables users to have their own repos, for instance. there's also sourceforge..00:20
RAOFtanath: Yes.  I'd suggest launchpad, which gives you bzr hosting, a bugtracker, mailinglists, translation services.00:20
tanathRAOF: dunno about mailing lists though00:20
tanathRAOF: ah00:20
RAOFLaunchpad really is pretty cool; better than any of the other hosting sites I've seen.00:21
tanathRAOF: i like what i see so far00:21
tanathi did some googling and didn't find any good places to start for someone with this question00:22
RAOFThe GNU project might have guidelines.00:22
RAOFAnd it's often good to use the same style as the major library you're using.00:23
RAOFSo mono code would use the Mono project guidelines, a GTK+ app written in C would use the GTK style guidelines, etc.00:23
tanathwhat if i'd rather support a given standard and conform to that?00:24
RAOFThat's also fine.00:24
tanathare you familiar with anything other than GNU recommendations?00:24
RAOFConsistant across your codebase is what you're after, but your codebase is your own :)00:24
RAOFBut really, the most important things are: public version control, some easy way of contacting you/the project, and clear licensing.00:25
tanathso what are some good starting points for learning about public version control, developing deb packages, etc.?00:26
RAOFYou probably don't need to worry about packaging; most projects don't.00:26
RAOFThat's what we're for :)00:26
tanathbut if you want to get into maintaining your own packages?00:27
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports00:27
tanathyou part of MOTU?00:29
RAOFAs for version control, I'd use bzr: http://bazaar-vcs.org00:29
tanathlove the name :P00:29
tanathwby bzr?00:29
RAOF(1) It's a distributed VCS, and that's really useful.00:30
RAOF(2) It's really, really easy to use.00:30
RAOF(3) Launchpad has excellent bzr hosting00:30
RAOF(4) A couple of my friends work on it :)00:30
tanathhow does a distributed VCS work?00:31
RAOFThe basic difference between a centralised and distributed VCS is that in the distributed VCS there isn't a technologically-mandated 'trunk'.00:33
RAOFProjects still have a 'trunk', but it's there by community consent, basically.00:33
tanathwhat about learning about various environmental aspects of linux development? like there's various things like dbus...00:34
RAOFThe bazaar-vcs page can probably explain this better.00:34
tanathwill look into it00:35
RAOFtanath: There's not really a unified "go-to" page for that;  The gnome developer library might be good, and I think KDE has a similar thing.00:35
tanathwhat about mentoring. it's talked about on launchpad. how does that work?00:36
tanathis there a system of some sort? or is it just basically getting someone to help you along?00:36
RAOFLaunchpad has a button that a developer can press to say that they're available to help someone on a particular thing.00:37
RAOFMostly bugs.  It's ad-hoc; there's no system there.00:37
tanathwell, then i imagine the developer might have something specific in mind, whereas the person looking for a mentor may have something else in mind...00:38
tanathperhaps there ought to be a bit of a system00:38
RAOFPerhaps, but I'm not sure how that would work.00:40
RAOFAnyway, I'm off.  Good luck!00:40
Volkodavwhen I turn compiz off I loose borders on all windows in xfce01:01
Volkodavwhat's the fix?01:01
DanaGyay, kernel panic!01:10
DanaGThanks, bluez!01:10
tanathVolkodav: you need to rerun your window manager01:12
DanaG2... and again.01:12
DanaG2.... and a third time... but this time, I did it at console.01:12
DanaG2The only really important thing I can read (everything else is off the top, and not scrollback'able):01:13
DanaG2EIP: [<f8b52df1>] hci_usb_tx_process+0x211/0x3a0 [hci_usb] SS:ESP 0068:f1337cd401:14
DanaG2Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt01:14
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
ptn107anyone else have a problem with Remote Desktop Viewer (vinagre) just closing the second it opens?01:27
ptn107no bugs are reported for it, it could be just my machine01:27
Belboz99ptn107: I'll check just as soon as I finish installing Alpha 301:28
Belboz99I ran out of disk space on my VM :-P01:29
ptn107i got it running on my spare laptop, i must say ive had no other problems with it01:29
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots01:29
Belboz99I've got almost 2TB on my home LAN, and it's all 95% full :(01:29
* DanaG wishes backuppc worked better.01:32
DanaGI'm not sure what's bottlenecking it... but it's not even getting 10 megabits throughput on the network.01:32
DanaGGranted, it is writing to a USB 2.0 hard drive, so there's some CPU usage involved....01:32
DanaGbut I'd expect at least, oh, 5 megabits throughput; isn't that reasonable?01:32
DanaGdamn bluez.01:45
DanaGBLuetooth audio does not work for me.01:45
DanaGyay, hci-usb kernel panics.l01:49
DanaGAah... it only panic if connected to a USB 2.0 port.01:56
=== marko-_- is now known as Ubuntu
=== Ubuntu is now known as marko-_-
* DanaG goes around grumbling.02:04
Belboz99Hey all, I have one question, will there ever be an alternative for the now-defunct dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to configure graphics options through the CLI?02:30
=== nickrud_ is now known as nickrud
sarah_bearhey guys, how is intrepid ibex?02:31
Belboz99because I've wasted way too much damn time trying to alter xorg.conf files manually02:31
RAOFBelboz99: I don't think that there's any such tool planned.02:31
RAOFWhat options do you need to tweak?02:31
Belboz99I just need to set resolution02:31
Belboz99the display detection doesn't work most of the time through the GUI02:31
RAOFThen, unless you've got a crazy xorg.conf, you don't need to edit it.02:32
Belboz99so, it ends up giving 2 options, 640x480 and 800x60002:32
RAOFWhich means your driver is failing, yes.02:32
sarah_bearwhere can i download intrepid ibex?02:32
RAOFCare to post xorg.conf & Xorg.0.log?02:32
Belboz99RAOF: I'm using VBox02:32
RAOFBelboz99: Isn't there a vbox X driver available?02:33
Belboz99but also, I've had problems before with other machines on 8.04, especially the big LCD TV02:33
Belboz99right, there is02:33
RAOFAnd this driver isn't working?02:33
Belboz99I believe that's what it uses, but every time I change the xorg file it won't restart the GUI, and then when I restart the VM it complains that the Xorg file is broken02:33
DanaGOh yeah, here's one piece of advice: disable bulletproof-X; it causes more pain than it's worth, in my experience.02:34
RAOFWell, that suggests that your xorg.conf is broken.  Why don't you delete it?02:34
Belboz99RAOF: right, that driver is not working ATM02:34
scyrma.. how's the weather in intrepid this morning?02:34
DanaGOh yeah, here's one lovely thing to deal with: broken EDID.02:34
RAOFDanaG: I don't think Bulletproof X is enabled at the moment; I haven't hit it recently.02:34
DanaGToshiba has that, and it even affects Windows.02:35
Belboz99I'm in bulletproof-X, and it tells me configuration test failed, Screen was left at default, and Graphics card was set to VBox02:35
DanaGAt least, some of their older laptops have that issue.02:35
DanaGThey identify 1024x768 as 976x768.02:35
DanaGOr some stupid thing like that.02:35
RAOFBelboz99: xorg.conf & Xorg.0.log are what I need to be able to give you sensible advice.02:35
Belboz99okay, give me a moment02:36
DanaGMMm.... and the newer versions of the bluetooth utilities have an entirely NONFUNCTIONING audio service.02:39
DanaGIt doesn't even let you try to START the audio service.02:39
DanaGodd... for once, it worked....02:39
DanaGdespite the lack of audio service.02:39
Belboz99RAOF: that's with a few modifications, I couldn't change the resolution, even straight Out-of-the-box02:40
RAOFBelboz99: And your Xorg.0.log?02:40
RAOFThat's where the real meat will be.02:40
DanaGMmmm, okay...02:41
DanaGthen it gave an oops...02:41
DanaGand made PulseAudio and aplay devour a total of 100% of BOTH cpu cores.02:41
Belboz99sorry for the delay RAOF, I'm working between a really small VM window and a standard Ubuntu installation, with no paste between them for some reason02:42
RAOFBelboz99: got internet?  apt-get install pastebinit02:43
IdleOneBelboz99, using virtualbox?02:43
DanaGMmm, and now PulseAudio segfaulted.02:44
IdleOneright ctrl+f  for full screen and right ctrl+l to minimize02:44
DanaGDon't you just love the state of Bluetooth audio in Linux?02:44
DanaGBrokenness all around, no matter how you slice it and dice it.02:44
Belboz99okay, pastebinit is installed02:44
Belboz99IdleOne: ctrl+f does make it go full screen, but the OS still only uses 1/4 the area of my display02:45
RAOFBelboz99: Now, pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:45
IdleOnewell you got pastebinit now so should be easier for you02:46
DanaGArgh, it also irritates me that I can't 'killall -9 quodlibet'02:46
G_009DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Mountpoint Already registered02:47
Belboz99oops, typo02:47
RAOFHeh.  Empty pastebin!02:47
Belboz99there ya be ;)02:48
RAOFRight; so, it's not using the VBox driver.02:49
Belboz99right, it's using vesa02:50
RAOFSo, what happens if you move the xorg.conf out of the way?02:51
DanaGMmmm: underrun!!! (at least 74873.454 ms long)02:51
RAOF'sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/xorg.conf.backup', or something.02:51
Belboz99RAOF: do you happen to know the exact name of the vbox driver?02:51
Belboz99I was thinking of specifying that in xorg.conf02:51
DanaGI: sink-input.c: Created input [number that keeps counting up as sound skips repeatedly] on alsa_output.bluetooth with sample spec s16le 2ch 44100Hz and channel map front-left, front-right02:52
DanaGIt went all the way from somewhere around 20 or 50 all the way up to 231... and then stopped.02:53
DanaGAnd hung with silence.02:53
DanaGAnd when I move the stream to a different sink... pulseaudio segfaults.02:53
Belboz99RAOF: moving it out of the way just does the same as first boot, 800x600 :(02:56
Belboz99no vbox driver either I don't think02:56
DanaGhow the fack are you supposed to move a stream when it keeps popping up and going away repeatedly?03:01
DanaGIt's like whack-a-mole with 1/4 second timing.03:02
RAOFBelboz99: Oh, that's going to be one problem; there _isn't_ a a vbox X driver, just a vmware one.03:02
RAOFSo, the problem is that vesa doesn't like what VBox is saying.03:04
Belboz99ah, IC03:04
DanaGMMmm, and PulseAudio just segfaulted again.03:05
DanaGWhy is it not bringing up apport?03:05
RAOFYou could _possibly_ fix this by adding a 'Virtual 1024 768' line to your Screen section.03:05
DanaGHow DO you killall by name some thing that doesn't name itself?03:05
DanaGquodlibet runs as "python" -- so it's dangerous to just killall that.03:06
RAOFDanaG: By pid, of course.03:06
DanaGThat's a pain.03:06
DanaGIs there at least a one-liner that'll automatically get the pid?03:06
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:06
RAOFYou could probably file a bug; quodlibet shouldn't be using /usr/bin/env python03:06
DanaG"pain" is not bad.03:06
RAOFBelboz99: Your problem seems to be that VESA doesn't like the monitor that VBox is pretending to be; it tries a less-strict mode, but before it does that it sets the virtual size to 800 60003:07
DanaGI left off "in the...".03:07
RAOFBelboz99: Incidentally... file a bug :)03:07
DanaGoh, I see, it was the 'f'.03:07
DanaGA bit late on that one.  =þ03:07
RAOFBelboz99: Since the total resolution of all attached displays can't exceed the virtual size, you lose the 1024x768 mode.03:08
DanaGgrrargh, bluetooth.03:50
scyrmahmm... latest firefox package segfaults on http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=102042 ... don't know if anonymous access is possible, you might need a (free) account to see it. Tried to start firefox with -safe-mode, did the same thing04:30
scyrmathough thunderbird works well today, so I'm happy :)04:31
burneranyone know how to change the audio output for flash?  it's coming out of my internal speaker all of a sudden04:50
crimsunburner: use pavucontrol04:57
crimsunand yes, the pc speaker issue is known and being addressed.04:57
DanaGIdeally, it'd only be used if nothing else exists.04:58
DanaGI actually can see some use cases for that -- it'd let servers make warning sounds, and such.04:58
DanaGWithout having to deal with real sound cards, that is.04:59
crimsunexcept there's no sane initial (default) volume control or level.05:00
crimsunthat makes the pc speaker all but useluss05:00
DanaGAah.  Well, a sane default volume would be minimum -- and then let people increase it if they want to use it.05:02
DanaGYou'd want to disable the module by default, anyway... but don't not-compile it, because some people might want to explicitly enable it.05:02
crimsun"minimum"?  what is that?05:04
crimsunand luke is not disabling or blacklisting the kernel driver.  Instead, he'll ignore it in PulseAudio's hal parsing.05:05
DanaGAah.  That makes sense -- then if people want it, they can explicitly load it.05:05
burneraww yeah!  pavucontrol is sweet.  I knew it was a known issue about the internal speaker, thanks for the workaround crimsun05:26
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
DanaG(EE) SAVAGE(0): DRI isn't enabled06:06
DanaG(WW) SAVAGE(0): Direct rendering disabled06:06
DanaGHow do I enable DRI?06:06
RAOFOn savage?06:09
RAOFThat's a blast from the past.06:09
DanaGIt's an old Athlon XP laptop.06:13
DanaGChip is "TwisterK"06:13
DanaGI don't expect 3D... but even 2D things like Firefox scrolling are being slow.06:13
DanaGEven without compositing in Metacity.06:13
RAOFWell, that's not DRI06:13
RAOFDRI is _exactly_ 3D.06:13
RAOFAs for 2D being slow... seems like it sucks to have a savage card.06:14
DanaGHmm, well, I wonder what I can even do with Savage in 3D.06:15
RAOFPerhaps you could play with the XAA acceleration options; I doubt it's using EXA.06:15
DanaGEXA just makes the screen become garbage.06:15
DanaGI've tried several times over the past year or so (same laptop).06:16
RAOFI'm surprised X even starts when you try.06:16
RAOFI wouldn't have thought that there'd've been any EXA hookup in that driver.06:16
DanaGman savage.06:19
DanaGIt does offer EXA.06:19
RAOFI stand corrected.06:20
DanaGOh yeah, does VIA Rhine ethernet just suck?  I'm using backuppc on that laptop (Athlon XP 1.2GHz, with 768 megs of RAM, though 32 go to the video chip).06:20
DanaGI'm getting pathetic throughput on it, for some reason.06:21
LSD|NinjaEverything VIA has a nasty tendency to suck06:21
DanaGI am using a USB hard drive, true enough...06:21
DanaGbut I'd expect to get at least 5 megabits, not just 200 kilobits or so.06:21
DanaGHow can I benchmark the NIC?06:21
DanaGOh yeah, is there a way to make HAL mount USB hard drives even before I log in?06:44
DanaGWoah, I fixed DRI.06:47
DanaGHaving nvidia installed on a non-nvidia-containing system == bad.06:47
DanaGBummer... no NPOT support.06:49
DanaGWoah, aiglx works with it.06:52
DanaGI can run the flux screensaver from it (ssh client is nvidia).06:52
DanaGI'm getting 2 megabytes per second received by the nvidia box.06:52
LSD|NinjaI wish NetworkManager had an option to start interfaces at boot. It's a pain to have to be logged in in order to get connectivity >_<06:53
DanaGNote to self......06:53
DanaGdon't run compiz over ssh.06:54
DanaGIt kills the local box.06:54
DanaGkills the local X.06:54
* DanaG is laughing at himself.06:54
RAOFLSD|Ninja: That's been slated for 0.7 for a while; I dunno if it's in yet.06:55
RAOFDanaG: Yeah, nvidia-glx breaks *.  I believe fglrx does the same.06:55
DanaGOh, hmm.06:55
DanaGI'm ssh'd from the savage box into the nvidia box now.06:56
DanaGI can run metacity over ssh, and it works.06:56
DanaGAnd has compositing, too.06:56
RAOFYou _may_ be able to run compiz.  nVidia's GL stack should allow it.06:56
DanaGI tried ssh from savage->nvidia box.06:56
DanaGRunning compiz spits out the NPOT issue.06:56
RAOFOh, right.06:57
DanaGRunning nvidia->savage kills X on the nvidia box.06:57
DanaGI mean, running compiz that way does.06:58
DanaGBut some other OpenGL stuff works.06:58
DanaGLike rss-glx "flux" screensaver.06:58
RAOFCompiz is pretty good at exercising corner cases.06:59
* DanaG is trying tremulous under savage->nv07:00
DanaGWorks slowly, crappily.07:00
DanaGAnd it outputs audio on the nvidia box.07:00
DanaGinteresting... glxheads over ssh runs on the box I'm ssh'd into, not on the local.07:02
DanaGHow do you make "savage" stretch the LCD image?07:13
DanaG!find asm/io.h07:25
ubottuPackage/file asm/io.h does not exist in intrepid07:25
DanaGfind io.h07:25
DanaG!find io.h07:25
ubottuFile io.h found in abs-guide, abuse-frabs, anarchism, apache2-doc, aplus-fsf-doc (and 394 others)07:25
FinnishWhere do I find new themes for Ibex?07:31
LSD|NinjaSame place you would anything else, it's just GNOME07:31
DanaGArgh... I had to manually find the right path in /usr/src/linux-headers.....07:32
LSD|NinjaI simply used the Nodoka packages I alien'd from the Fedora RPMs I was using on Hardy. Seem to work just fine.07:32
DanaGI'm using the "nanolx" theme repo.07:32
FinnishSo I need to define a repo for a theme?07:34
RAOFLSD|Ninja: You're aware that nodoka is in Intrepid, right?07:35
LSD|NinjaRAOF: It is? o_O07:36
* RAOF liked the theme, so it is. It's in Lenny, too.07:36
RAOFIt really isn't much effort to maintain a gtk-engine or two :)07:37
LSD|NinjaI'll keep that in mind when I get around to reinstalling Intrepid07:37
DanaGMy theme:07:37
LSD|Ninjaheh, I installed Nodoka to get away from the crappy orange :P07:38
DanaGI got away from the crappy orange to a nice orange.07:39
DanaGMy screen is too dim to use anything darker.07:39
DanaGs/to/for me to/07:40
DanaGDo an image search for 'nodoka' and you'll find who the name reminds me of.07:41
DanaGI wonder which would be better for backuppc:08:03
DanaGA.  Athlon XP 1.2GHz, 768 (minus 32) MB RAM, via-rhine ethernet08:04
DanaGoh, and SDRAM, at that.08:04
DanaGB. Celeron 1.5GHz, 256MB DDR RAM, Intel e100 ethernet.08:04
DanaGBOth would need a cardbus ethernet card.08:05
LSD|NinjaDanaG: why would the Intel one need an ethernet card, onboard dead?08:07
DanaGsilly me08:18
DanaGs/ethernet/USB 2.0/08:19
chowmeinedwhy is intrepid so slow compared to hardy?08:46
hyperairdoes anybody know when nvidia-glx-96 is going to work again?09:40
LSD|Ninjahyperair: maybe when Ubuntu get around to updating it to .07, maybe not09:40
LSD|Ninjahyperair: Depends whether nVidia fixed it for the latest round of xorg breakage or not09:40
RAOFNouveau's grown some XVMC acceleration... :)09:41
RAOFBut not if you need nvidia-glx-96, I think.09:41
hyperairwait.. there's a .07?09:42
LSD|NinjaAll I want is to get compiz running, will nouveau do that?09:42
LSD|Ninjahyperair: for a while now, Ubuntu haven't updated to it yet09:42
hyperairnope it won't09:42
hyperairLSD|Ninja: does .07 work for the latest round of xorg breakage?09:42
LSD|Ninjahyperair: I don't know, I've been waiting for it to hit the repos so I don't break stuff later09:43
hyperairi see.09:44
hyperairwell i stupidly upgraded my hardy to intrepid and now i am compizless in ubuntu09:44
hyperairso i'm sticking with my archlinux until intrepid gets compiz back working for me....09:44
hyperairi lose my patience with archlinux entirely09:45
hyperairthen i'll just install hardy again09:45
RAOFLSD|Ninja: No, nouveau aint gonna give you compiz.  Not for a while.09:46
LSD|NinjaThat's what I thought ;)09:46
* hyperair wonders whether ati cards are safe to use yet09:46
LSD|Ninjar300 wasn't too bad last I checked and is in Intrepid afaik, not sure about the newer ones though09:47
RAOFfglrx is getting much better.09:47
RAOFBut, as always, don't grab the newest cards :)09:48
hyperairi see09:48
hyperairi'll grab an nvidia imo09:48
hyperairor intel09:48
DanaGMy next laptop will likely have an HD3600-series.09:48
LSD|NinjaRAOF: or the oldest either in this case :P09:48
hyperairare there any intels that don't work with compiz?09:48
RAOFhyperair: None that you can buy now.09:49
LSD|Ninjahyperair: My GMA950 did, I expecte X3100 should by now, the new one will probably have teething trouble but that'll work out eventually09:49
RAOFLSD|Ninja: You need to go _old_ before you hit an ati card that won't do compiz now.09:49
LSD|NinjaRAOF: I was being general, the older nVidia's need older drivers which is the problem here :P09:50
RAOFAt least when ATI drops support for a card there's a pretty much fully-featured open-source driver to catch you.09:50
RAOFWe need to keep 4 frikkin nvidia drivers in the archives.09:51
telexiconRAOF, like mine09:52
telexiconexcept the open source driver has a lot of problems with this card09:52
LSD|NinjaRAOF: The only reason for that was the last card series ATi dropped support for predated them closing their drivers09:53
DanaGWhat's a good filesystem for storing backups of multiple computers?09:53
RAOFDanaG: EXT3?09:53
DanaGNeeds to be relatively fast, and not run out of inodes.09:54
* RAOF still thinks EXT3 is likely to be the winner09:54
DanaGWhat of XFS or JFS or reiser?09:55
RAOFXFS isn't exactly the first filesystem I think of when I hear "backup".09:55
DanaGCan't say I know anything about it, anyway.09:56
LSD|Ninjaall variants of reiser are pretty much dead (no pun intended, honest) now, JFS I don't know anything about it and XFS probably isn't what you want on a backup drive. ext3 is well proven and reliable so you're probably best to stick with that09:56
telexiconive never had troubles with xfs09:56
telexiconbut the code complexity is troublesome09:56
LSD|NinjaNeither have I but I still wouldn't recommend it where integrity is of the utmost importance09:57
telexiconi wish they'd hurry up with btrfs v_v09:57
LSD|NinjaIf you don't treat xfs with respect, you will lose stuff. It's just how it works.09:57
DanaGHmm, so how do I ensure that I'll have enough inodes on ext3?09:57
RAOFBy taking the default setup, I believe.09:58
DanaGThere'll be one XP MCE (really essentially pro) machine, one XP Home, one Vista Ultimate / Ubuntu combo.09:59
RAOFI'm not aware of inode exhaustion being a serious problem with ext3; what's going to be special with your setup that you'd be hitting an inode limit?09:59
DanaGSo it'll need lots of inodes.09:59
DanaGAnd the partition is currently... oh...09:59
DanaGhmm... checking size.09:59
LSD|NinjaDanaG: If it's mostly Windows machines then consider one of those Windows Home Server boxes, backing up Windows boxes is opne of the functions of the software09:59
DanaGPartition is currently ~350 gigs; drive is a 700 (real) gig drive.10:00
RAOFDanaG: And it'll have a lot of inodes; I think the only way you'll run out of inodes is if you want to create billions of zero-byte files.10:00
DanaGI can just do "system state" backups on each box locally, and then do file backups of user profiles.10:00
DanaGhmm, still can't decide what FS to use.10:04
RAOFext3.  It's not default for nothing :)10:05
RAOFAlthough it really doesn't matter very much.  The filesystem is unlikely to be your bottleneck.10:05
DanaGCan you change the number of inodes after the fact>10:07
RAOFI don't think so.10:07
RAOFBut, again, I don't think inode exhaustion is a problem you'll actually _hit_.10:07
DanaGI noticed high iowait times when using the backup thingy, but I wasn't getting even close to the USB 2.0 theoretical bandwidth (or even to the 20 megabytes per second I'd usually see).10:08
DanaGI was seeing more like 5 megabytes per second, tops.10:08
RAOFYou're backing up to an external USB drive?10:08
DanaGFor now, yes.10:09
DanaGI may get an eSATA card, though.10:09
DanaGIt'll likely still be that Athlon XP laptop, though.10:09
RAOFBasically, the impression I've got from the benchmarks I've seen is that ext is not really significantly slower than the other options under reasonable use.10:10
LSD|Ninjait used to be10:10
LSD|NinjaThey implemented some speedups a while back that improved it a lot10:11
RAOFThere are specific things that other filesystems do better at, but I don't remember any that you'd be likely to hit.10:11
RAOFext also has the advantage of being reasonably CPU cheap.10:11
RAOFBah.  How are you supposed to properly unittest C# code when all the implementation is private!10:12
DanaGNote that it'll also have a helluvalot of hard links.10:12
RAOFMany of which will be linked to files of reasonable size.10:13
DanaGSo should I just go with the default  "bytes-per-inode" setting?10:14
RAOFThat would be my guess.10:16
DanaG           dir_index    :   Use  hashed  b-trees  to  speed  up lookups in large directories.10:17
DanaGhmm, should I set that?10:17
RAOFIt's not enabled by default?10:17
DanaGBeats me.10:18
DanaGthat's all man mkfs.ext3 gives for description right there.10:18
RAOFI'm pretty sure it's default.  It won't hurt to specify it as well, though.10:18
RAOFThat feature is a fairly serious performance win on listing directories.10:19
DanaGmke2fs.conf:   [defaults]base_features = sparse_super,filetype,resize_inode,dir_index,ext_attr      blocksize = 4096         inode_size = 256      inode_ratio = 1638410:19
DanaGthat's with linebreaks removed, to avoid pastespam.10:19
RAOFThar you go.10:20
DanaGBlock size=4096 (log=2)        Fragment size=4096 (log=2)        22814720 inodes, 91247191 blocks        4562359 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user        First data block=0        Maximum filesystem blocks=0        2785 block groups        32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group        8192 inodes per group        Superblock backups stored on blocks:         32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 160510:21
DanaGagain replaced line breaks with 8 spaces.10:22
DanaG22 million inodes... will likely be enough, I'd say.10:22
DanaGIf not, I can just remake the filesystem, as long as the systems are in good condition at the time.10:22
DanaGWhile doing that, I'm getting roughly 40 megabytes per second (over firewire, at the moment).10:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iscsi11:47
DanaGhmm, I see open-iscsi and iscsitarget...11:48
DanaGis the former only an initiator?11:48
DanaGyay, iscsi > vboxsf12:20
DanaGbecause the latter can't give bare access to things like hardlinks.12:20
DanaG(I'm working around the via-rhine suckiness by running the backup server in a VM at the moment, just for the first few backups.12:21
hyperairhow dyou do something like that?13:31
cwilluwhat's intrepid looking like these days?14:06
gnomefreakcwillu: broken for most14:12
cwillu(I'd expect nothing less)14:13
cwilluanything shiny though?14:13
gnomefreakcwillu: no you wont see those changes for a long while, shiy is last to be added14:14
PiciI have shiny errors.14:14
gnomefreakthemes, pics, artwork is all added last14:14
cwillugnomefreak, I considered gvfs to be shiney14:15
gnomefreakand since most of the first month was updating Hardy we got startted a bit late14:15
gnomefreakgvfs is ok last i heard. but not sure atm14:15
gnomefreaki rebuilt it looking for a problem but it wasnt in gvfs14:16
gnomefreakoh wait no it has bugs listed on it.14:16
gnomefreaki ran througha  few of them the past few weeks14:16
gnomefreakhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.searchtext=gvfs&search=Search+Bug+Reports&field.scope=all&field.scope.target=   have fun finding what ones are still there14:18
gnomefreakthats ~26114:18
gnomefreakmost are crashes14:18
gnomefreakthat i see14:18
gnomefreaktake edge out of the link14:18
gnomefreakif your not running it14:18
gnomefreakhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.searchtext=gvfs&search=Search+Bug+Reports&field.scope=all&field.scope.target=   have fun finding what ones are still there14:19
cwillugnomefreak, it isn't possible to get a 'date reported' showing under the bug search is it?14:36
gnomefreakcwillu: each bug has a date but to search by date no14:36
cwillujust want to sort the search results by date :/14:37
cwilluwould it be considered rude to wget all 259 results to do it locally? :p14:37
cwillugnomefreak, ^^^  (sorry to bug you in two channels :p)14:37
=== catweazle_ is now known as catweazle
gnomefreaklol you might beable to use what used to be called bughelper14:38
gnomefreakcwillu: its ok while im here14:38
Finnish_I'm watching myspace-pages, and mozilla suddenly quits. What's this?14:46
gnomefreakFinnish_: in hardy?14:47
gnomefreakFinnish_: than you should know better :( remove libflashsupport set PA to default and have fun. Finnish_ smarter thing is to file a bug after you try that14:48
gnomefreakif you see something broke file a bug if you cant figure it out yourself this is the fastest way to get it fixed if you can fix it14:49
gnomefreakthis way i can fix your problem with firefox14:49
Finnish_Ok, I'll try, but first some caffee14:50
* gnomefreak missing a few devs due to mozilla summit so i cant fix all bugs this week14:50
Finnish_BTW, what is PA14:51
cwillu(known troubles with pulseaudio + flash + libflashsupport)14:51
gnomefreakcwillu: PA fixes the issue with flash 10 perfectly and since he asked in her ei have to assume hes using flash 1014:54
gnomefreaklibflashsupport is the #1 cause of crash with flash14:54
cwillulibflashsupport still has the same problem though eh?  just isn't needed at all anymore with 10?14:54
gnomefreakflash is #3 cause of ff3 crashes14:55
gnomefreakcwillu: some? it is a problem we are looking at getting it removed from all versions of Ubuntu14:55
gnomefreakwe are also gonna wait for flash10 final before trying that backport again14:56
gnomefreakoh you said same14:56
cwilluhad me all confused there14:56
gnomefreaknot needed with 9 either14:56
cwilluwithout grabbing the device from pa?14:57
gnomefreaknspluginwrapper may need it that i dont remember but it will be fixed as well so it isnt used in Ubuntu. just alot of hoops to jump through to get it removed from stable releases14:57
gnomefreakWicks: strickly a sound bug with pa vs. libflash14:57
cwilluno, I'm using nspluginwrapper without libflashsupport14:57
cwilluworks fine14:58
gnomefreakcwillu: good than no stopping us atm but we will see14:58
cwilluwhat!? you don't want to aggressively push patches into 8.04 without adequate testing?  what's wrong with you!?14:58
gnomefreakwhen people get back from summit and i get caught up with them we will work on it some more14:59
gnomefreakcwillu: it was backported and i teested it as required14:59
gnomefreaki cant test 64 mac ect...14:59
gnomefreakcwillu: i have to go and get some work done14:59
cwilluya, sorry for bugging you14:59
gnomefreakcw no bother i had time ot waste while getting info i needed to continue15:06
Hobbseehmmm.  i wonder how i got libflashsupport installed again.15:07
Hobbseei purge it, firefox dosn't crash.  woot!15:08
* Hobbsee was getting really bored with it crashing every few pages.15:09
gnomefreakcwillu: i added it to our agenda for sunday meeting so i cant forget15:09
=== Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
ZdraHi, is there plans to install canberra by default in ibex?15:33
Zdraalong with fd.o sound theme15:34
bazhang!info canberra15:35
ubottuPackage canberra does not exist in intrepid15:35
gnomefreakZdra: canberra is not a package and as for fd.o not likely since there hasnt been any talk about it15:35
Zdragnomefreak: too bad :(15:35
gnomefreakbazhang: it has never been packaged under that name15:35
askand1Does anyone know the reason they have changed place on administrationmenu and settingsmenu in Intrepid?15:35
bazhanggnomefreak, just trying to be helpful ; my mistake15:36
gnomefreakaskand1: gnome did that afaik15:36
gnomefreakbazhang: its ok you can have it15:36
gnomefreakbazhang: i just didnt want you looking too hard for it15:36
bazhanggnomefreak, thanks15:36
Zdragnomefreak: is there packages somewhere for hardy I could install?15:36
gnomefreakZdra: not on intrepid15:36
* Zdra searches for a ppa but I can't find one with libcanberra-gtk15:36
gnomefreakZdra: that would be extreamly unsmart15:37
gnomefreakZdra: good luck but it wont be a PPA and im about 90% sure on that15:37
askand1gnomefreak: I see15:38
Zdragnomefreak: ok :(15:38
ZdraI'll have to compile it myself :(15:38
gnomefreakZdra: either way that is well past support so you might be better off in #ubuntu-offtopic15:38
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Finnish_I'm trying to launch remote desktop viewer, it shuts down before it starts16:17
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G_009DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Mountpoint Already registered  -  devices and/or folders (even network folders via samba) mount with this error.17:11
aguitelhow make numlock on in startup ?17:56
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parachutepopi have my collection of artwork18:29
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Dedianyone knows a fix for firefox + flash popping up alot of empty windows? ;)18:37
crimsunon what arch, amd64?18:39
Dedicrimsun: yep, is it something common?18:39
crimsunappears to be.18:39
crimsunno known workaround aside from using swfdec instead.18:40
Dedianyone found a quick fix?18:40
crimsunwhich means yes, you need to purge flashplugin-nonfree18:40
Dedino problem :) try that thanks18:41
crimsunand of course, you lose the ability to use flash on some sites, because swfdec does not implement everything flash does18:41
Dediwas a try woth, but seems too much dont work with swfdec18:49
Dedidamn nonfree stuff :>18:49
crimsunperhaps the situation will change after Flash 10 becomes final.18:52
crimsun(not the non-Free bit but the stability bit)18:53
Dedihopefully also the performance :)18:55
Finnish_Any idea? I'm trying to launch remote desktop viewer, it shuts down before it starts18:58
PiciRun it from a terminal and see if it reports any errors18:59
Finnish_Autoselected keyboard map en-us19:00
Finnish_ERROR: recv: Connection reset by peer?19:00
Finnish_rdesktop 112.149.171.***:****19:01
Finnish_That's the command I tried19:01
aguitelwhy aptitude is  command not found20:23
Unksiaguitel: its not installed?20:36
aguitelUnksi, yes20:37
Unksiyes, as in, not installed, or yes as in, it is installed? :D20:37
aguitelUnksi, need to install20:38
aguitelUnksi, you are working with intrepid?20:38
Unksiso thats the solution then^20:39
Unksii am testing it atm, not more than that20:39
aguitelwhat is atm ?20:39
Unksion full use on my (yea, should not) production machine so should get a nice picture20:40
Unksiat the moment20:40
Unksii can install hardy back for temporary solution in state of emergency and have a full working system in about 30 minutes though, so its not that bad if it breaks when i really need to do something20:41
aguitelUnksi, for me is fine right now20:41
Unksiyea works well here as well20:42
Unksionly some kernel panics at boot sometimes, but thats not that bad as it has boot at 2nd try so far20:43
aguitelUnksi, detect wich device produce panic and use another driver for it20:44
Unksihmm ok20:44
aguitelUnksi, maybe wifi card20:45
Unksimay be, intel wlan just got working at alpha 320:46
Unksi2 days before the release it was still totally broken20:46
aguitelUnksi, could use ndiswrapper for this card?20:47
* Unksi grabs his shotgun for when the satan appears20:47
Unksino way im gonna try that again, still have traumas from the last time ;)20:48
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
neggeis there any way to use another driver than vesa with my radeon 9550 card?21:51
neggeI tried installing the fglrx package but that totally didn't work and neither "ati" or the "radeon" driver seems to work21:51
neggenow I'm stuck with 1280x1024 res21:51
crdlbwhich isn't your monitor's native resolution?21:52
crdlbwhen you say "didn't work", what does that mean?21:53
crdlbthat X failed to start, or that they didn't provide your desired resolution?21:54
neggecrdlb: I have a CRT so there is no native resolution, but I prefer 1600x120021:54
neggeafter installing the xorg-driver-fglrx package (or whatever it's called) I rebooted, nothing happened so I went to Hardware Drivers and now the driver was listed there (it wasn't before). After enabling it and rebooting Ubuntu warned me that it's running in low-graphics mode21:55
neggeI tried to configure it but no matter which driver I chose it failed when I hit the Test button21:56
neggeany ideas?21:56
crdlbuninstall xorg-driver-fglrx, and put Driver "ati" in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:56
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neggeI tried that, it started in low-graphics mode again21:57
crdlbis xserver-xorg-video-ati installed?21:57
neggeyes it is21:57
crdlbthen we need to see what the error is21:57
crdlbif nothing else works, you can stop gdm and use startx manually21:59
crdlbbut hopefully you should be able to get the log from /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old21:59
crdlbimmediately after trying it21:59
neggecrdlb: I'll try it22:00
neggeI don't know crdlb but somehow it just worked now:D22:02
neggeI must have remembered wrong when I said I'd tried it, I know I tried using the radeon driver and atleast that didn't work22:02
Volkodavcan I mount Apple's HFS+ whatever it's called?23:04
Volkodavfedora mounts it automatically23:04
Volkodavit shows as unknown in fdisk23:04
Jordan_UAny idea when restricted modules will be working?23:08
RAOFVolkodav: Yes, should work automatically.23:14
RAOFJordan_U: Works now, doesn't it?23:14
VolkodavHad to mount it manually for some reason23:14
Jordan_URAOF: Didn't last time I tried, I'll try again23:15
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
Cecili can only get 2 work spaces when running nvidia 173, i'd like to have 4 for the qube effect23:30
Cecil(cube) dummy !23:30
DediCecil: dont think thats a nvidia problem. you checked system settings -> desktop?23:34
Cecilim not sure i have, i'll give it a try, Thanks23:35

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