
baalihey can we get customized ubuntu distro???13:10
baaliwith only packages which we want and they are auto installable....13:10
jussi01baali: this isnt a support channel13:14
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:14
jussi01baali: for further questions please go t #ubuntu13:14
baaliok thanx13:15
baalisorry for bothering13:15
jpdsDaviey: Can you please tell me what you think of -uk guy?15:22
jpdsNever mind.15:26
Davieyjpds: which one? :)16:17
Davieylooks vocal..16:18
jpdsI did !ohmy > on him.16:19
DavieyWas he the chap raving about Vista the other week?16:19
Davieyreading scrollback.. looks like it16:21
DavieyVista prints (and shares) fine.. ubuntu + CUPS + samba = fail is the summary16:21
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
cypherdelicI got a question: Am I right, that i can take any Distrigution of GNU/Linux, modify it, give it my own name and spread it and the source, even if i just adjust themeset??18:14
naliothcypherdelic: go for it18:14
cypherdelicwhat if the user install it, and its just ubuntu in real, what about trademarks?18:15
cypherdelicI tried http://usasearch.gov/search?v%3Aproject=firstgov&v%3Aframe=form&frontpage=1&emptyquery=1&affiliate=uspto.gov18:16
cypherdelicto find out if the name i would like is free18:16
cypherdelicso, just go for it?18:17
Picicypherdelic: http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy18:17
cypherdelicgo is a huge thing, you know18:17
cypherdelicwebsites and so on18:18
cypherdelicPici: thanks18:18
cypherdelicPici: I dont know if i got that right on that page. does the name has to iclude -buntu?18:20
cypherdelicor can i name it to xyz and when user sees ubuntu next step, it's clear18:21
jpdscypherdelic: You may wish to visit: #ubuntu-derivative18:21
cypherdelicis that wrong or right.18:21
cypherdelicjpds: thanks18:22
naliothcypherdelic: part of what you'd do is find-and-replace all trademarked names18:22
cypherdelicso i have to remove ubuntu??? now im totally confused :)18:23
cypherdelicPici and all: Im sorry guys I-RTFM on that side, got it.18:28
cypherdelicso what i wanna do does require a remove of the ubuntu trademark18:31
cypherdelici assume that is a very large thing18:34
cypherdeliclol Can you please offer a script that removes all trademarks from the ubuntu source? lol18:34
Picicypherdelic: #ubuntu-derivative might be able to help you18:36
cypherdelicthat channel in in deep sleep :D18:36
cypherdelicok im off here18:36
jpdsWelcome to Idle Relay Chat.18:37
cypherdelicthanks and good bye18:37
cypherdelici dont think there exist something like a trademark remove from source script for ubuntu. this is the sense of the trademark police, not to make ubuntu-community-effort to be undetected by the user, and otherways any deep chang or third party requires to fit trademark policy18:40
cypherdelicso no way to make a state of the art OS that asks users at installation for java,flash,divx, etc.18:41
jpdsNo, those things are 1) Non-free 2) Have licenses with do not allow redistrubition.18:42
cypherdelicFor a windows-switching-user, the hardest thing today is to get familiar with package/installation in gnu/linux18:42
cypherdelicpart on the other hand it's the most annoying thing to have those basics not installed18:43
jpds!info ubuntu-restricted-extras18:44
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 15.2 (hardy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB18:44
jpdsIt's as easy as installing that package.18:44
cypherdelicjpds: 1 thats it 2) i know, but anyways why dont ask the USER at installation if he wants or not, so make it a CAN-BE fully OS???18:44
cypherdelicCAN-BE-FULLY-FREE i mean18:45
cypherdelicor make a new installation step18:45
cypherdelicin which the user can can install common basic third party?18:46
cypherdelici have seen many guys using linux for some days or if it comes up some weeks and than giving up, because there brain is not ready to install those things. i showed them synaptic18:47
jpdsI think the Ubuntu team would prefer to promote Free and Open source software.18:48
jpdsIf not, we have utilities like Jockey and the restricted-extras18:48
cypherdelicyes you know me know18:49
cypherdelicno matter for whom i install18:49
cypherdelici ask them, and then i always search synaptic for extras, restricted, ugly, bad and unfree18:49
cypherdelicthen i say: look the installation is running, sit down and agree licence agreements18:50
cypherdelicthey say: oh yes, java, of course, flash of course, etc18:51
cypherdelici just want to say, that i personally think, this is the most annoying thing to grow the community18:52
cypherdelici.e i will install ubuntu the next weeks for my dad18:54
cypherdelici know at this point, that if i not explain him at least 30minutes how toinstall stuff he wants to have18:55
cypherdelici start with, you just have to know what you want to do, that you have to translate it into english and search for it in synaptic18:56
jpdsOpen Synaptic, enable the extras repostiories, install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?18:56
cypherdelicwhen he hears english his brain shuts off18:56
cypherdelicis not just about extras18:56
cypherdelicyou have to imagine: he is new to linux18:57
cypherdeliche does not know the term "open office" he does not know the term "synaptic" he does not know any english word at all18:57
cypherdelicso in general i told him18:58
cypherdelicyou need the english term of what you want to to, translate it to english and search synaptic package name and describtion18:59
cypherdelici know, that this guy, my old man, in fact is to stupid for it, but he and 90% of the world computerusers can work with windows19:00
Picicypherdelic: Perhaps brainstorm.ubuntu.com would be a good place to vent all of this?19:00
cypherdeliche can even install it and install all what he needs without fckn calling me :D19:01
cypherdelici have not really a conclusion how to fix this bug :D19:02
jpdscypherdelic: Simply put, it's the bug we'll never fix: The User.19:02
cypherdelicHey, i think about another thing: When an IT-stupid old man can use linux, and tell this his collegues and friends19:26
cypherdelicthey think: why am i still with windows if he can do well, lets try this ubuntu .... ;)19:26
MyrttiHEADS UP19:51
Myrtti21:50 < {Firemaker}> http://tinyurl.com/jordanlulz19:51
Myrtti21:50 @,- {Firemaker} [n=Firemake@] has left #ubuntu-se ["[[lOl pArTeD -  cHaNnElS pArTeD: 810 ]]"]19:51
jpdsHe's gone.19:52
PiciHrm. I'm glad I used w3m for that site.19:52
Myrttijpds: k-train?19:52
jpdsMyrtti: whowas.19:52
MyrttiI'm still putting him on ban for a while19:52
NafalloI fired of a mail to his ISP's abuse department.19:55
MyrttiNafallo: is he a regular "visitor"?20:00
Nafallonever seen him before :-)20:01
* Myrtti rubs her eyes, sees the difference between letter f and t20:02
Nafallomight as well enjoy the abuse department a bit though :-P20:02
Nafalloalso, cHaNnElS pArTeD: 810...20:02
Nafalloanyway. I should probably call EOD and get home :-)20:03
Myrttigood idea20:03

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