
charliegahello, I am trying to figure out how to get online with a sprint card.  Am I in the right place for such a conversation?04:45
mirakdoes the iphone have enough hardware to make run this one day ?17:50
maverick2khi, I'm wondering what the best way is to strapdown or build up an image ubuntu-mobile, I want to make my own minimal image19:00
maverick2kdoes any one has a suggestion 19:01
ian_brasilmaverick2k: you could use the image creator19:13
maverick2kian_brasil: but does the image creator can strap in detail, the only things I found where a couple of option under "Add Functional Sets", or is there another way 19:16
ian_brasili am not sure i understand what you mean 'can strap in detail'19:21
ian_brasilyou could just create a chroot and apt-get ubuntu-mobile in it i believe19:23
maverick2koh than I can uninstall stuff19:25
maverick2kand install19:25
maverick2kI was wondering because I don't need notepad and calculator for my desired application19:26
maverick2kthnx Ian19:26
tonyespy_smagoun: any update on java?20:37
maverick2kwhich kernel sources can I download for ubuntu mobile20:48
miraksozq this work on a standart pc ?21:58
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maverick2kDoes somebody knows any thing about a segmentation fault when using git 23:01
maverick2kgit clone rsync://moblin.org/repos/projects/kernel-mid-2.6.24.git \23:01
maverick2k  kernel-mid23:01
maverick2kthe error:23:01
maverick2kWaiting for http://moblin.org/repos/projects/kernel-mid-2.6.24.git/objects/1d/e155e2dc3664c0a3932b4b2ba880224a0e247823:01
maverick2kSegmentation fault23:01

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