
ForzaPalermowhat is the default meta key?00:17
DragnslcrI believe it's 'alt'00:18
ForzaPalermodoesnt seem to work :(00:20
dwidmannmeta is probably the one with the logo or such on ti00:22
crimsunthat's super.00:22
ForzaPalermocant get it to work with either00:22
dwidmannForzaPalermo: try both alts, both controls, maybe?00:23
ForzaPalermona :(00:23
dnialShould I be able to run kubuntu livecd with 128 meg ram?00:25
dwidmanncrimsun: but it is sometimes still referred to as meta ... ie: pull up a kde4 apps shortcut conf window and it will call that meta00:26
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crimsunthey're both metas.  the distinction is newish.00:26
ForzaPalermowhere is hte kde4 apps shortcut conf window00:27
dwidmannForzaPalermo: most kde4 apps have a settings -> configure shortcuts (same goes for kde3, but they'll call the "logo key" "win", at least for me.00:28
ForzaPalermodwidmann, ok found it, but it just says meta00:29
ForzaPalermonot what key it is00:29
dwidmannif you want to have something to play with to find your one true meta key, fire up a konsole, and run "xev" and start pushing buttons00:30
WalzmynIs there a way to make the task bar ignore a particular program?00:34
ForzaPalermotried them all00:34
ForzaPalermono meta00:34
byteme_hi all01:12
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byteme_I'm trying to install 8.04 on an HP pre'SORRY'o and I get a kernel panic io aspi timer error01:13
byteme_can I get around that?01:13
woddf2KDE 4.1 crashes after login!01:15
Adunhow to get my cool ubuntu ultimate edition loading bar or my ubuntu loading bar back after I install kde?01:16
Adunits a kidnapping of my loading bar kde did01:16
woddf2Oh wait...01:16
Adunit replaced them with kubuntu bars01:16
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byteme_I'm trying to install 8.04 on an HP pre'SORRY'o and I get a kernel panic io aspi timer error01:19
byteme_can I get around that?01:19
Adunask #ubuntu01:21
Adunmore people there01:21
byteme_thanks I think everyones asleep here01:22
firecrotchDoes anyone know how I can change the Kubuntu desktop background image from the command line?01:30
PhilRodno, but wait a minute and I'll find out01:31
PhilRodin fact, wait two minutes, and I'll teach *you* how to find out01:31
PhilRodfirecrotch: oh wait, kde 3?01:31
firecrotchyes, kde301:31
firecrotchI looked on google, couldnt make sense of anything... been a while since I've touched linux in general01:32
PhilRodright, then let's begin01:32
firecrotchAlright :)01:33
byteme_I'm trying to install 8.04 on an HP pre'SORRY'o and I get a kernel panic io aspi timer error01:33
byteme_can I get around that?01:35
PhilRodfirecrotch: help:/khelpcenter/userguide/scripting-the-desktop.html - put that in konqueror01:35
PhilRodthat's a general guide01:36
firecrotchPhilRod: Is there an online copy of that anywhere? Not on the linux machine right now01:36
PhilRodfirecrotch: yup: http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdebase-runtime/userguide/scripting-the-desktop.html01:37
PhilRod(would've linked to it first, but my wifi is having issues)01:37
firecrotchThank you very much01:37
miraclemaximthat was a great lesson you gave!01:37
Adunhow do you change the kubuntu loading bar?01:38
Adunfor another?01:38
Adunthe one it erased by installing kde01:38
PhilRodmiraclemaxim: well, I kinda did give the lesson, since I wrote that documentation :-)01:39
PhilRodAdun: you mean the one shown on system startup?01:39
PhilRodor on logging in?01:39
miraclemaximbyteme, you may have a foxconn mobo that could be part of the problem01:40
byteme_bummer... not compatible?01:41
miraclemaximi don't know if hp's use foxconn boards01:42
byteme_rc410-m  I'm checking on it now01:43
PhilRodAdun: anyway, if you mean the one shown on system startup, google for "usplash"01:46
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork01:46
* PhilRod considers hacking that to get custom artwork01:49
PhilRodalthough my artistic skills are sufficiently lacking that I'd just end up with something horrific01:49
PhilRodhehe, the win95 boot screen01:50
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leba__Why the Kubuntu installation doesn't read my disk partitions ?01:58
leba__Do I have to have the disk partitions in linux format in order to the kubuntu installer identify it ?02:02
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chrisinajar_in kde4, how do i change my mouse sensitivity?02:08
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InnopeorHow i can install kde 4.1 in gutsy?02:31
chrisinajar_Innopeor: from source :-P02:31
chrisinajar_in kde4, how do i change my mouse sensitivity?02:32
flaccid_chrisinajar_: wrong channel, see topic02:32
Innopeorchrisinajar, deb packages alternatives? :-)02:33
chrisinajar_bah, that gets me every time02:35
chrisinajar_thanks flaccid_02:35
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nuxilkubuntu should be kubuntu-kde3 and kubuntu-kde4 to kubuntu :P si much kde4 question in here :p02:36
flaccidit'll change when intrepid is out02:36
bdizzlehey, how do I install a .bin file?02:36
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flaccidbdizzle: goto console and do sh /path/to/file.bin02:37
flaccidyou may need sudo if you are installing something02:37
nuxilmight need to chmod +x first02:37
kr00lI need to know what i should go with, kubuntu or ubuntu02:37
flaccidwon't need to if run under sh iirc02:37
bdizzleis there quick way to have it make an uninstall just in case?02:37
flaccidkr00l: kubuntu02:37
flaccidbdizzle: depends on what you are installing. it should say in its documentation02:38
bdizzleGoogle Earth02:38
bdizzleit just gave me the .bin file02:38
flaccid!googleearth | bdizzle02:38
ubottubdizzle: Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository02:38
bdizzleah, I didn't know it was in the medibuntu02:38
flaccidyeah it may not be the full recent version but. check..02:39
nuxilflaccid, that doesnt change the fact that if the file have a -x it cant be executed. not even with sh ,, if im correct.. thats the way it works for ./file aswell02:39
bdizzlegotcha, found it in Adept02:40
flaccidnuxil: if i create file that is just -rw-r--r-- it will execute under sh althought not set, give it a try02:42
* nuxil wounders whats the point in +x then02:43
nuxilflaccid, that can be exploited :\02:43
flaccidso you can ./test.sh instead of running it under a shell like sh ./test.sh02:43
flaccidexploited, how?02:43
nuxilyou can execute a file which is not suppose to be executed02:44
flaccidnuxil: thats because sh does it. i don't see the exploit/problem02:44
nuxili do02:45
flaccidthis is scripts, not compiled binaries thus why its run under sh02:45
flaccidwell it hasn't been a problem and unix is pretty old now02:45
nuxilflaccid, i have a lot to say about that.. but its a bit offtopic02:47
nuxilwe could arguee for houers :p02:47
flaccidfari enough02:47
pexihi, I have installed kubuntu (kde4.1) in a macbook (intel graphic) but, I can't find the suspend and hibernate buton, how can I make these buttons visibles?02:53
flaccidpexi: wrong channel, see topic02:54
pexiok, thanks02:55
bradfordwhat's going on in here?02:57
kbti dont now this program. This is a chat02:58
kbtgood bye03:00
dwidmannkbt: irc = internet relay chat ... konversation is a client for it03:00
bradfordthere is not a lot going on in here...03:03
bradfordis anyone logged in?03:04
dwidmannConsiderably fewer than usual by the looks of it, only about 268 people in here right now, most of them idle03:04
bradfordthis is just my first foray into IRC03:05
bradfordI found out about this channel from the ubuntu forums03:05
bradfordso i thought i'd try it out03:05
dwidmannIt's a nice place. Plenty of knowledgable people around if you pop in at the right time, which varies a bit. It tends to be much less busy around this time, this far away from release.03:06
bradfordwill KDE 4.1 install on Gutsy?03:07
dwidmannUmmm, I've no idea if it has been packaged for gutsy or not, one sec while I check03:08
dwidmannI'm thinking no.03:10
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bradfordwell that's ok03:10
bradfordI just heard about the release and was wondering if I could install it03:11
bradfordthanks for checking03:11
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jimmy51_homei've just got a creative zen v plus and it's working great with amarok + mtp (gnomad2)03:43
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jimmy51_homei'm going to migrate my mp3 collection to amarok's library (sqllite or whatever)03:43
bdizzleheh, its not that har03:44
bdizzlejust link it to the folder you have your music in03:44
jimmy51_homedoes amarok build and play well enough on windows so i could sync between my work machine (xp pro) and home machine (kubuntu) ?03:44
bdizzleheck, I'm dual booting and I just have it linked to the My Music folder03:44
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jimmy51_homei'd do that... if it were the same machine03:44
jimmy51_homei'd like to keep the music collection synced between xp at work and kubuntu at home, using the zen v plus03:45
jimmy51_homeis that feasible?03:45
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bdizzlewhy does using "scp" clog up so much bandwidth?03:45
nuxilbecause you have not set a limit03:46
jimmy51_homeor is there another cross platform media player that will keep a library (id3 tags, album art, etc)03:47
jimmy51_homewhat do you guys think?03:48
nuxilwinamp :p03:49
geniinuxil: I'm tempted to smack you ;)03:50
bdizzlegah, Google Earth completely froze up my computer03:51
nuxili deserve it :p03:51
bdizzleI feared a BSOD03:51
geniiBSOD = Windows talk!03:51
cadoojimmy51_home: even if amarok was working fully on windows that wouldn't mean it would sync all that info03:51
bdizzleyes, but same effect of cycles being wasted03:51
jimmy51_homecadoo: if it were syncing the info with the player via MTP, wouldn't it sync playlists, id3 info, album art, etc?03:52
bdizzlewait, amarok for windows exists? does it work?03:52
nuxilbdizzle, i about to tell you to check out the -l option with scp.03:53
cadooyou have to compile it yourself03:53
jimmy51_homei heard a rumor a while back... haven't tried building it myself though03:53
nuxilbdizzle> why does using "scp" clog up so much bandwidth?03:53
nuxilbut you left03:53
cadoojimmy51_home: I'd ask in #amarok03:53
jimmy51_homehehe, ok03:54
dave14325kubuntu won't let me into the administrator mode??03:55
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)03:55
bdizzleok, so google earth has crashed twice. I'm uninstalling it03:56
bdizzleanyway, sorry about that03:56
bdizzleabout the scp -l feature03:56
fiendskull9I've been using KDE4 for day to day use, and i want to switch back to kde3 now, what is the best and easiest way to install KDE3, and not have the crappy "Random App (KDE3) and Random App (KDE4)" Stuff, but still have KDE4 and KDE3 installed together?03:56
dave14325in the network settings window03:56
nuxilbdizzle, look in man scp03:57
nuxilits all explained there03:57
bdizzleah .. interesting03:58
bdizzleperfect for when I'm at home trying to upload stuff03:58
nuxil!man | bdizzle03:59
ubottubdizzle: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or type man:/ in Konqueror's location bar. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:59
bdizzleyeah, I read the man page03:59
dave14325i press the administrator button and it cycles t ot he same screen03:59
dave14325*to the04:00
fiendskull9How can I install the KDE3 suite next to KDE4?04:00
nuxildave14325, you want to log in as root ?04:00
nuxildave14325, dont do that,, use sudo command.. dave14325 if you want to log in as root, you have to make root a password04:01
dave14325nuxil: no just trying to login to the network administrator window, I click on the administrator button on the bottom and it doesnt ask me for my password???04:02
nuxiltry press ALT F2 and type: kdesu knetworkmanager04:03
dave14325nuxil: i think it crashed... nothing happens04:04
nuxilok try it in console and look at the errors.. but use sudo instead of kdesu04:05
dave14325nuxil: unable to resolve host04:06
geniiIf you've already used sudo a reset of permissions will have to be done before it runs properly again for the regular user04:07
dave14325nuxil: how do i do that/04:07
nuxilwait 15 min :p04:08
dave14325nuxil: 15 min ??????04:09
wishieis there any fix for kaffeine not playing ogg/vorbis audio streams in .mkv videos ? its really frustrating.04:10
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fiendskull9I've just installed kubuntu-desktop, and would like to know how to remove all packages associated with kubuntu-kde4-desktop.04:13
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dave14325nuxil: are you serious?04:16
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions04:18
wishiefiendskull9: as for every package, im not too sure.. if you pull out the kdelibs and kdebase for kde4 though, most of the rest will get removed too04:20
geniidave14325: What is the name of the user which is normally logged in and then I will give you the command for resetting the config files to them.04:21
dave14325genii: david04:21
geniidave14325: So in Konsole:   sudo chown -R david:david /home/david/.kde04:22
dave14325genii: thanks04:22
geniidave14325: You'r welcome. But remember here in, use kdesu for kde apps to run them for temporary admin. Only use sudo for apps which use just the command line04:23
nuxilgenii, can use sudo on gui apps for debug.04:24
* nuxil had to take a crap04:24
geniinuxil: Problem is it doesn't know about reverting permissions of config files, rc files and so on back to the user which called sudo when it exits. Whereas kdesu does04:25
dave14325keeps telling me unknown -R optiion04:29
genii-R means recursive04:29
geniidave14325: copy and paste from here to Konsole:          sudo chown -R david:david /home/david/.kde04:30
geniiThe username has a lowercase d as in david and not an upperc ase04:31
dave14325im on windows and cant even acess the web on the linux system typing it out04:31
dave14325genii: i see that04:32
geniidave14325: make sure like this then:  sudo<SPACE>chown<SPACE>-R<SPACE>david:david<SPACE>/home/david/.kde        <-- note the the period before kde04:33
dave14325genii: ok04:34
ramonany girl?04:35
geniiramon: This is not the channel for trying to find dates04:35
dave14325genii: "unable to resolve host" again04:36
geniidave14325: But now knetworkmanager should be able to at least run normally. Does it?04:37
geniidave14325: Once that happens then we can decide what the core issue might be, like DNS or such04:39
dave14325genii: it starts, i click on administrator mode, asks me for my password, then cycles back to the same screen04:39
geniiThats fine04:40
dave14325genii: ok04:40
geniidave14325: This is wired or wireless connection?04:40
dave14325genii: wired04:40
geniidave14325: OK. You see the knetworkmanager icon as a grey plug thing or as a square icon with small red X in it right now?04:41
geniiramon: I do not give assistance in private message only in public channel. This is my policy04:43
dave14325genii: i looking at the network manager window04:43
geniidave14325: Close the window please and then tell me if in bottom right corner near clock you see either one of the two icons I described.04:44
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ramonok sorry...04:44
dave14325genii: ok a grey plug thing04:44
geniidave14325: OK. This means it is a configured connection. Is it supposed to get an IP automatically from a router or so, or did you manually configure it?04:45
dave14325genii: i think its dhcp'd04:46
geniidave14325: Do you know of pastebin service to post text so we can see it on a website?04:47
dave14325genii: yes04:47
geniidave14325: To see the contents of your file /etc/network/interfaces is what we need04:47
dave14325ok, just a sec04:47
geniiramon: Your web browser cannot use port 80 or so?04:47
ramoni think yes...why??04:48
geniiramon: You had asked me some question about ports04:49
ramonyes...i was asking about some other irc clients04:49
geniiramon: The standard irc port is 6667    here they prefer 800104:50
ramonahh ok.04:50
ramonyes i tried to other server that port..but i had problems w/ my nickname...i have to change...but i cant04:50
geniiramon: Usually the command is like:    /nick newname04:51
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about paastebin04:51
geniiramon: If someone already has a password which belongs to the name it will not let you have the name also04:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about past04:51
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:51
rgarciaso i cannot use that nickname?04:52
geniirgarcia: Not if someone alse has already made a password for it by registering04:52
dave14325genii: i cant copy it to pastebin because offline but i can type it in04:53
rgarciaa guy told me that i must have the same nickname as mine at ther server04:53
geniidave14325: Basically if there is any entries other than one for the interface called  lo           remove them04:55
[GuS]hi guys... i am trying to compile Qt4.4 with phonon support (susing qt4.4 repository source) and i have this after make dpkg-buildpackage: /bin/sh: -phonon: not found04:55
geniidave14325: When the network manager sees something in there for an interface, it thinks they are manually configured and does nothing with them.04:56
[GuS]and i think there is a problem with the debian files since if i do make, it start to build04:56
[GuS]debian rules* i mean04:57
geniidave14325: In your case remove the last 2 lines regarding address and netmask04:57
dave14325genii: ok04:57
geniidave14325: To edit the file from kde, use:   alt-f2      kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces04:57
dave14325genii: typed that in and nothing happened05:00
geniidave14325: Have patience please.05:01
dave14325ok ill try again05:01
dave14325im calm05:01
geniiDid you click on the "Run" button after that?05:01
dave14325just a sec05:01
geniispace between kate and /etc/network/interfaces  also :)05:02
dave14325genii: typed it in three times clicked run and nothing happened05:04
genii[GuS]: It's not really an issue which qualifies for support since it's not an application which comes bundled with Kubuntu. But regarding makefiles or debian-ifying things they might know in #kubuntu-devel channel05:05
[GuS]genii: right, thanks05:05
[GuS]and yes... is related to that...05:05
geniidave14325: Ok. So then open Konsole and do instead:   sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces         and make the change of removing bottom two lines. Then ctrl-x to exit. Choose Y when asked to save. Hit Enter when asked for filename.05:06
fiendskull9I just rebooted my Kubuntu box, and it is suddenly freezing at "Configuring network interfaces". And upon rebooting into recovery mode it freezes on "Setting up console font and keymap". Could somebody please help me with a solution (Im booted into a LiveCD right now)05:07
dave14325o ill try that05:07
geniidave14325: Just remember the mouse does not work in there, just keyboard :)05:07
geniifiendskull9: Did it have an unexpected shutoff or quit during an upgrade?05:08
fiendskull9genii: Nope, just a voluntary reboot.05:08
dave14325genii: ive dragged and dropped commands in there though if that counts..lol05:08
geniidave14325: the nano program does not normally know about the mouse however05:09
dave14325genii: ok05:09
dave14325wearing out my source button on my monitor..lol05:10
geniidave14325: Were you successful yet in applying the changes to the file?05:11
dave14325genii: still getting unable to resolve host05:11
geniidave14325: Patience :)05:11
dave14325genii: o im in!!! how do i save the changes?05:13
geniidave14325: In nano?05:13
dave14325genii: yes05:14
geniidave14325: ctrl-x     then Y when asked to save file. Then Enter to choose same file name05:14
dave14325genii: seemed to work05:15
vipercan anybody help a newbie out?05:15
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:15
geniidave14325: Good. Now right-click on network icon. Choose Manual Configuration. Enter usual password. What interfaces it sees there? Hopefully eth005:16
viperHi I have installed ubuntu on 2 machines. my wife and mine ver 8.04 wife is loving it but she wants to access my printer that is on my machine. how do I network the 2 boxes to share the printer (and files)? i am familiar with windows networking but not ubuntu.05:17
dave14325genii: nothing happens afterI click on manual installation05:18
dave14325genii: more patience?05:19
geniidave14325: Reboot the box05:19
dave14325genii: ok05:19
geniiNicely :)05:19
dave14325genii: lol05:22
dave14325rebooted with no network icon down by clock05:23
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Guest64031Can i get help installing the new KDE 4.1?05:24
geniiviper: System Settings...Sharing...File Sharing... Administrator Mode...Enable Simple Sharing                    This for files. The printer might be found by her box if you just try to install it05:24
geniiGuest64031: In #kubuntu-kde405:24
geniidave14325: Thats OK, we can manually start it05:25
vipersorry i forgot to mention i am usuing gnome05:25
geniiviper: #ubuntu then please05:25
dave14325genii: ok05:25
corigoAny opinions: inetd or xinetd?05:27
geniicorigo: inetd is no more anyhow. So xinetd05:27
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aib_what's the fastest way nowadays to get a smörgåsbord of plugins installed for firefox?05:31
geniiThe same as the old days05:32
aib_one by one?05:32
[GuS]anyway... no answer on kubuntu-devel.. but i've fixed05:32
[GuS]is the symlink of sh to dash the problem..05:32
geniiaib_: Sad but true05:33
dr_Willisaib_,  i seem to recall some extension archiver extension... :)05:33
genii[GuS]: Yes that often is an issue for some reason05:33
aib_dr_Willis, i mean plugins (flash, java etc...) and not extensions05:34
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dr_Willisaib_,  I just write my own little script that installs the various bits i want for a new ubuntu install.05:34
[GuS]genii: yep.. i saw it many times... but weird, the package source has a patch for that inside the debian rules genii05:35
dr_Williskubuntu-restricted-extras grabs a lot of them05:35
[GuS]but seems is not being applied05:35
aib_dr_Willis, i've just installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and it doesn't add any entries to about:plugins in firefox05:36
aib_maybe someone maintains a handy dandy package selection file for this?05:36
dr_Willisaib_,  there ubuntu-restricted extras and kubuntu-restricted extras also.05:36
dr_WillisI dont even rember what all they install.  I was thinking java, flash, and some codecs05:37
aib_ahh.. the kubuntu guy also has libk3b2-extracodecs libtunepimp5-mp3 libxine1-ffmpeg05:37
geniiaib_: Some of those are in medibuntu05:38
tobehey guys having xorg.conf questions when you are ready05:39
dave14325genii: sory hit the power button by accident..xo05:40
tobeafter installing 8.04.1 my xorg.conf file looks very generic, there are no modules listed and it doesnt look anything like my gutsy xorg.conf05:40
geniidave14325: Ah. I thought I had stressed "nicely" .... ;)05:41
geniitobe: Normal05:41
tobei am running an older satellite toshiba with ati radeon mobility 700005:41
tobei understand genii but is there any info i can go read on right now05:42
geniidave14325: Did it boot all right ?05:42
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org05:42
dave14325genii: yea but with no icon05:42
corigoIntalling perl?05:42
corigo(how to)05:43
geniitobe: PErhaps find your model in the list there for known issues05:43
tobethank you i will check that05:43
tobeis it ok if i stay logged in while searching that area05:43
tobein this irc05:43
geniitobe: Only offensive types get booted from here usually :)05:44
tobeok thats good to know,05:44
geniicorigo: add/remove    then look for package called  perl   and install it05:44
tobeim not scared of cli and i have manners05:44
geniidave14325: Ok. So to try running it by: alt-2      then:    knetworkmanager05:45
dave14325genii: k05:45
geniidave14325: Note there is NOT a kdesu there05:45
aib_medibuntu provided me the acroread firefox plugin05:46
aib_that was a fair amount of work for a single plugin :( :( :( :(05:46
dave14325genii: ok got the icon back05:46
tobegenii this list looks very up to date on the laptop models05:47
corigoDon't see a perl package05:47
geniicorigo: Then in Konsole:   sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install perl05:48
tobewould an old working xorg.conf from gutsy work for accerelation for compiz and such05:48
dave14325genii: went to manual configuration, entered password.................nothing :-(05:48
geniicorigo: Close the graphical package manager first05:48
tobesorry take care of dave first05:48
geniidave14325: Something seems messed with it.05:48
tobemine is purely cosmetic05:48
dave14325tobe: thanks05:49
corigosome files failed to download 0 updated, 0 installed. etc.05:49
dave14325genii: reinstall?05:49
kr00lSo i'm not sure if I installed KDE 4.1 or not05:49
dave14325feels hacked05:49
kr00lhow can i tell if 4.1 is in or not?05:50
geniidave14325: In Konsole can you do: ping google.com               let it run a few lines if it is successful, then hit ctrl-c to stop it. If it doesn't start pinging google in maybe 30-40 seconds use ctrl-c to halt it also. In either case let me know what it says05:50
dave14325genii: ok thanks05:50
=== dmstumpf is now known as azl
geniitobe: Conceivably the old xorg.conf will work. But back up the original in case.05:51
azlhello... Is there a protocol for asking questions in here?05:52
tobeinconceivably i did wipe and clean first cuz there was a windows partition05:52
genii!ask | azl05:52
ubottuazl: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:52
geniikr00l: Perhaps ask in #kubuntu-kde405:52
tobebut i have tried to run aticonfigure --initial and it says not installed05:53
toberun dpkg blah . blah and no luck again05:53
dave14325genii: ping www.google.com...unknown host www.google.com05:53
geniidave14325: OK05:53
azlgreat. Long time Windows user. I have a NVidia 8800GT with a 6200 alongside. I tried to config the drivers to enable a dual-display. Now I'm in a strict 800x600 environment and can't get out of it. Suggestions?05:53
tobemight you know of a an area where i can find an xorg.conf that i could piggy back some from05:54
geniitobe: Not offhand :(05:54
tobethats ok05:54
tobedo you think if i reinstall gutsy and save the xorg.conf and then install hardy and slap in the old xorg. it might work05:55
geniitobe: Yes. But convoluted05:56
tobetotally off topic but the neighbors have a Great Pyrenees Dog and hes taller than chewbacca and looking in my window05:56
=== ubuntu__ is now known as ForgeAus
geniidave14325: Bumped power plug again?05:56
ForgeAusI need a little assistance with the installer05:57
tobeby convoluted you mean that xorg has jumped passed some of these issues my old lappy loves05:57
dave14325genii: no sorry for thw spam05:57
ForgeAushow do I know which hard drive (hd0) is?05:57
azlOK... fixed the resolution issue. Is there any way to restart the display server without killing X (and all running applications)?05:57
geniiForgeAus: for bios and grub (hd0) is first hard drive it finds in the order of looking: ide0master ide0slave ide1master ide1slave           sometimes before ide it is the sata bus but same idea05:58
ForgeAusI want grub on the boot sector of my SATA drive but theres also an IDE drive there...05:58
geniiForgeAus: Depends then on if your bios scans sata or ide first05:59
ForgeAusgenii that doesn't help I have both 1 IDE master + 1 SATA drive (and the SATA is the one I want the boot partition on)05:59
ForgeAusgenii: how do I determine that?05:59
geniiForgeAus: When both exist sata bus is *usually* scanned first05:59
tobegenii you must get tired after a good session in here :)05:59
geniitobe: Yes06:00
ForgeAusok so SATA will be hd0??? (its set to boot off that drive)06:00
geniiForgeAus: If it's the boot drive then yup it's definitely it06:00
tobegenii but very satisfying when you fix a botched install >>>>>>:)06:00
ForgeAusok what happens if its not? how do I restore the boot sector of my other drive?06:01
ForgeAus(I don't want it touched if possible)06:01
geniiazl: alt-f2 kwin --replace06:01
tobeazl gailed06:01
geniiazl: This is if you are not running compiz06:01
tobesorry bailed06:01
geniitobe: He returned06:01
tobeand the arkansan can see again lol06:02
azlthank you genii!06:02
geniiForgeAus: You installed grub to the drive which is not the one set to boot from?06:02
geniiazl: You're welcome06:02
ForgeAus(I realize better to not touch it in the first place of course, but  I'm not leaving our estimate of hd0 to chance, this is not my PC and I want it to function as it did before my Kubuntu install later)06:02
ForgeAus(although I might add a kubuntu option to ntldr if possible)06:02
ForgeAusgenii I havn't installed at all yet06:03
geniiForgeAus: Then you should not need to do anything to the boot sector of any drive but the one which is hd006:03
ForgeAusI'm in the process of doing so, in the ready to install (this is feisty btw - will upgrade it soon) after repartitioning, I clicked advanced and grub says (hd0) is where its going06:03
ForgeAusgenii I agree, but is there something I can do before-hand to make a backup of hd0's boot sector to restore easily if something goes wrong there?06:04
geniiForgeAus: There IS some dd command which will yank out the MBR and put it to a file. But as to exact command I do not know. It might be found by google06:05
ForgeAus(note I am booting from the live CD)06:05
ForgeAusyeah I think its dd06:05
ForgeAusbut I'm not sure how to use it either06:05
ForgeAusbrb, checking #Linux someone there might know06:06
ForgeAusI think I might, just to be safe put BOTH drives MBR's into a file06:06
geniidave14325: OK so ping by name does not work. try:    ping
geniidave14325: This is google.com IP06:06
tobei know that the new kubuntu 8.04 will slightly mess up your xorg.conf but i want my old stuff back06:07
geniitobe: They are using now some new system where the X settings are preset somewhere earlier. The details I do not know however06:08
dave14325genii: operation not permitted over and over again06:08
geniidave14325: Hmm06:08
geniidave14325: Something is horribly wrong with your box.06:08
dave14325thats what i thought..:-/06:09
tobehey genii if you know a user with my "" presets "" lol let me know06:09
geniidave14325: Wait. Is this the first username that was made on the computer, or a username which was made afterwards?06:09
corigoHow can I update to KDE 4.1?06:09
dave14325genii: the only one ive made.. the original06:10
tobecorigo dont do it yet06:10
geniitobe: All xorg.conf files are identical now in the way of "Configured Video Device" etc etc06:10
geniidave14325: OK. Users made afterwards have to be added into certain groups to allow them to do things...is why I asked06:10
tobeyes your user groups are very important06:11
dave14325genii:  i see06:11
tobeonce more off topic06:11
tobenancy grace was born of the devil06:12
geniidave14325: Since this seems to be some deeper issue than just involving knetworkmanager or your network setup, I would recommend a reinstall (if you can stand it)06:12
dave14325genii: ok thats what i thought, thanks for the extended help06:13
tobeactually she is the first born of some evil anime demon that destroys the human moral06:13
tobeyou are welcome :)06:13
geniidave14325: Doing forensics to find exact cause could consume us for more time than just a reinstall. I normally don;t recommend this but in your case, to make an exception.06:13
tobesorry all love should go to genii06:13
genii!helpersnack | genii06:14
tobeagain that giant dog is in my window06:14
dave14325genii: ok thamks again :-)06:14
geniidave14325: You're welcome. Sorry not to be of more assistance06:14
tobei swear to the norwegian gods its a GIANT DOG 225 lbs06:14
geniiWeird, the bot seems to be offline06:14
tobehey genii06:15
geniitobe: Yes?06:15
tobeseriously should i regress to gutsy06:15
geniitobe: No, Hardy is much better. However certain specific issues like tweaking video are still (as they have always been) problemmatic06:15
tobethis is an old laptop toshiba satellite S106206:15
geniitobe: If it has more than 256 ram Hardy is still a better option if possible06:16
tobei upped it to 512 WHOOOO HOO06:16
tobebut it has the guts to do what i need06:16
tobewardrive anyon06:17
geniiHmm bot is here but seems not responding06:17
stdingenii: give it a while to sync06:17
tobeits sad but i drilled a giant pigtail into my psp and i get like half mile connection lol06:17
geniistdin: Ah, thanks06:17
tobeand genii06:18
tobefor your help tonight which is alot more than most any user gives06:18
tobeplease im me so i may speak to you06:18
geniiI like to help06:18
ForgeAuscan a liveCD mount NTFS?06:19
geniiForgeAus: Usually, yes06:19
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore06:19
* genii hugs ubottu for dear life!06:19
tobeanyone know how to make a Mac read ReiserFS06:20
ForgeAusubotu rox!06:20
tobei love UBOTU06:20
tobebest community ever06:21
administrator_me too06:21
tobei just finished a 16 hour shift06:21
ForgeAusahh that worked06:22
tobei was trying to be civil but i feel stupid now lol, you guys have a good night, but seriously if you figure how to give me my old video06:22
ForgeAusgot sdb1 (NTFS XP partition mounted)06:22
tobestuffs hit me up06:22
ForgeAusargh its read only!06:23
ForgeAusum I need to unmount it and fusemount?06:23
administrator_where are you from/06:23
geniiForgeAus: I think it might just need correct mount options. But my ntfs-mounting-fu currently eludes me. stdin may know06:24
ForgeAusI've done all this (well ntfs mounting anyway) before once I just don't remember how06:25
stdinForgeAus: there is limited write support in the ntfs driver, but fuse would be better. use the -t ntfs-3g option06:25
dave14325can i format the disk from the prompt?06:26
ForgeAusunknown filesystem type  '06:26
geniidave14325: From livecd prompt?06:26
ForgeAusits from a feisty liveCD I guess it doesn't have FUSE installed? or ntfs-3g maybe06:27
stdinForgeAus: does /sbin/mount.ntfs-3g exist?06:27
geniiForgeAus: You can sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g06:27
dave14325genii: from inside kubuntu install or should  use ubcd?06:27
geniidave14325: If from kubuntu installcdrom then go for it06:28
dave14325genii: ill use gparted06:28
ForgeAusno theres mount.ntfs-fuse and mount.fuse06:28
ForgeAusbut mount.ntfs-3g06:28
ForgeAusgrr but NO mount.ntfs-3g06:29
stdinwhat liveCD is it?06:29
geniiForgeAus: To reiterate: You can sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g            even if on livecd06:29
ForgeAuslike I said its feisty06:29
ForgeAusyeah genii I think I just needed to apt-get update first06:30
ForgeAuswasn't finding ntfs-3g package hehe06:30
ForgeAusstill not I guess I need to enable repositories :(06:30
ForgeAusI hate how this makes the simple things so difficult!06:30
genii!info ntfs-3g feisty06:31
ubottuntfs-3g (source: ntfs-3g): read-write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.328-1 (feisty), package size 25 kB, installed size 88 kB06:31
geniiForgeAus: Needs universe enabled, looks like06:31
ForgeAusI know how to enable universe06:32
ForgeAusjust trying to do so06:32
ForgeAusthen again maybe not? whats going on06:33
ForgeAuswhen I use manage repositories it doesn't work, instead updates the package list and dumps me back06:33
ForgeAusthats weird06:33
geniiForgeAus: echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty universe" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list            then try install it again (ntfs-3g) after update06:35
ForgeAusuh wait, before I do that I'm having troubles using the xserver as root06:36
ForgeAusapt-get install ntfs-3g06:37
ForgeAusReading package lists... Done06:37
ForgeAusBuilding dependency tree06:37
ForgeAusReading state information... Done06:37
ForgeAusE: Couldn't find package ntfs-3g06:37
ForgeAusoops sorry wrong paste06:37
flaccid!pastebin | ForgeAus06:37
ubottuForgeAus: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:37
ForgeAusXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server06:37
ForgeAusXlib: No protocol specified06:37
flaccidprobably because you are not logged in as root. and you do not use root X anyway06:37
ForgeAusflaccid I'm using a liveCD... however that is organized...06:38
flaccidsame thing06:38
ForgeAusits not about ME logging in as root or using a rootX its about how the liveCD is set up... hehe06:38
flaccidno its not.06:38
ForgeAusso how do I tell it to use the xserver that is up and running?06:38
ForgeAusI can sudo to root easily enough06:39
flaccidwhat are you trying to do?06:39
ForgeAuswell it'd proably be easier if I could have Adept work06:39
ForgeAusI managed to run itt, but it wasn't working because of errors from Xserver...06:39
ForgeAusI guess if I don't fix that kate is going to be just as difficult06:39
flaccidhow did you run it?06:39
ForgeAusI just used sudo adept_manager06:39
flaccidthats the incorrect way. use kdesudo adept_manager06:40
Jucatosudo --> kdesu or kdesudo06:40
ForgeAusahh IC thanx06:40
ForgeAusI shold have known better06:40
ForgeAusjust not thinking about those extra bits right now... I think06:40
ForgeAusand its making things difficult.. lol06:41
ForgeAusmuch better!06:41
flaccid!enter | ForgeAus06:42
ubottuForgeAus: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:42
ForgeAuslol, ok06:42
ForgeAusahh ok, just waiting for that to intsall , shouldn't take long, then I can try mounting again :)06:43
ForgeAusok mounted :)06:45
ForgeAusnow all I need is the command to backup the bootsectors...06:47
geniiForgeAus: I'll google for it as well06:49
geniiForgeAus: http://www.brunolinux.com/01-First_Things_To_Know/Backing_Up_the_MBR.html06:51
ForgeAushehe interesting, same page I was just getting to from a search "backing up MBR's" :)06:51
geniiI used:        dd "MBR"        ... first one06:52
ForgeAusdoes it matter if the disk is mounted or not?06:53
geniibetter for dd not to be06:53
ForgeAusdoh i just noticed something, I thought the old drive was IDE but its sata too06:55
ForgeAussda and sdb06:55
ForgeAusanyway now they're backed up its no trouble06:57
ForgeAusall I need to do is try and install :) if it all goes wrong I just need to restore the MBR I copied :)06:57
ForgeAusit might help after to have also a copy of grub's MBR so I can be tricky and chainboot that in ntldr so that I can hide it in the boot.ini to boot Linux transparently when I want to06:59
ForgeAus(I'm putting Linux on my dad's computer for him, he's just worried about it interferring with XP or messing with the boot process adding menu's etc to have additional steps beforehe gets to XP so I'm just making it transparent for him, so at first he won't even know its there :) hehe)07:00
ForgeAusso if I do an MBR of grub and add it to the boot.ini, have that not show by default (you can use f5 or F8 to go there if you want to) ... that way he can have a transparent way into linux07:01
ForgeAusand mum can use the computer as normal without even knowing Linux is there!07:01
flaccidForgeAus: can you consider 1 line responses?07:02
ForgeAusI was just explaining what I was trying to do07:03
flaccidForgeAus: there can only be 1 mbr used in this case on boot. windows or grub for example07:03
flaccidForgeAus: try to do it on one line07:03
ForgeAusflaccid yes, but if I create a file that is a copy of GRUB's mbr, I can chainboot from ntldr to it07:03
flaccidyes but that doesn't achieve what you want to do..07:04
ForgeAusdoesn't it?07:04
geniiForgeAus: Actually I did something tricky like this previously07:04
flaccidactually it probably does (mostly), but we support grub here. goto ##windows for support on windows mbr/boot07:05
ForgeAusflaccid I don't need help with the ntldr stuff I Don't think and I wouldn't ask here for it anyway07:05
geniiForgeAus: In that case we had systems normally booting to win98. When floppy booted, went to hd install of Debian and ran a dd of a file.img backup of clean win98 install back.07:05
ForgeAusgenii, essentially yes same concept, just different OS's and boot loaders...07:06
geniiForgeAus: Anyhow, it's sound and can be done if wanted.07:07
flaccidit hurts to read it07:07
geniiflaccid: Hehehe07:07
ForgeAusflaccid? sorry I didn't intend to cause you pain...07:07
geniiflaccid: They weren't quite ready there for linux, unfortunately....07:07
ForgeAusI'm just trying to fulfill everyones requirements...07:07
flaccidif you need help ask, otherwise take it to ot :)07:07
ForgeAuswell I'm not sure if I do or don't right now, just finishing the install process for Kubuntu, I just want to get it right now so I don't mess things up for later, you know?07:08
ForgeAusafter this next question for him is what does he like better, linux or OSX .. hopefully he chooses linux, lots less work that way :)07:11
=== EatThisAndLive is now known as EatThisAndDie
flaccid!ot | ForgeAus07:16
ubottuForgeAus: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!07:16
psycholicdo i need to add my user to a group to be able to read/write to my hpmedia vault?07:21
psycholicdo i need to add my user to a group to be able to read/write to my hpmedia vault?07:22
flaccidpsycholic: no need to repeat07:22
flaccidpsycholic: is this a mounted drive?07:23
psycholici think i can mount it07:23
psycholici can ping it ok07:23
psycholicand i have a link to it "remote share"07:23
flaccidwell i don't know what a hpmedia vault is or how its connected, so i can't answer07:23
psycholicits a nas07:24
flaccidconsult your manual07:24
flaccidi still don't know which protocol etc.07:24
geniiflaccid: It's like one of those WD MyBook things07:24
geniiSMB and CIFS07:25
psycholici put a line in my fstab07:25
psycholiclet me check it so you can see it07:25
flaccidhooray some details :)07:25
flaccid!mount | psycholic07:25
ubottupsycholic: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter07:25
flaccid!samba | psycholic first link07:26
ubottupsycholic first link: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.07:26
flaccidi mount like this in fstab for my nas: //nas/PUBLIC\040DISK\0401       /media/nas-1            cifs    users,credentials=/home/flaccid/.smbcredentials,noauto,exec,rw,uid=1000,gid=1000        0       007:26
psycholic/HPMediaVault14/Documents/ /mnt/Vault cifs username=<tkienzle>,password=<******>,uid=<timmy>,rw,umask=00  0   007:27
flaccidpsycholic: and what is the output of ls -ld /mnt/Vault; mount | grep Vault07:28
flaccidumask=00 doesn't look right07:28
psycholicits there is07:29
psycholicdrwxrwxrwx 2 root root 0 2008-07-20 04:26 /mnt/Vault07:29
psycholic//HPMediaVault14/Documents on /mnt/Vault type cifs (rw,mand)07:29
flaccidpsycholic: what happens when you try to write?07:29
stdinuid should be an ID not a user-name07:29
psycholicit says permission denided07:29
flaccidi assumed <timmy> was replaced with a uid07:30
flaccidpsycholic: in which directory are you trying to write to?07:30
psycholicwhats a uid?07:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uid07:30
stdinflaccid: it uses IDs because the device with /etc/passwd on it may not be mounted07:31
flaccidls -l on that dir to see. check the perms07:31
flaccidstdin: i dont need to know that...07:31
stdinwell, you do now anyway07:31
flaccidwhy? i already did..07:31
flaccidoh ok07:31
flaccidim off07:32
psycholici'm not sure but i think the user i created on the nas dod not take07:37
=== mcas_away is now known as mcas
ForgeAusyup I knew I had reason to worry... guess what? wrong disk07:39
ForgeAuswhen I reset it sailed nicely into XP with no grub, no Linux, no Kubuntu, but its installed, just on wrong MBR07:40
ForgeAusI take it I need to reinstall using (hd1) instead?07:40
ForgeAusthen restore the backup of the MBR?07:41
=== v6lur_ is now known as v6lur
OutoLumoForgeAus, install what?07:46
OutoLumoForgeAus, it seems like you only need to re-install grub on the primary disk - or change the booting disk from the BIOS settings...07:47
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:47
ForgeAusso I use that to do that? I still need to restore the other drives MBR, because right now its got grub on it right?07:48
ForgeAus(Kubuntu has a habit of getting the wrong HDD on me... lol I'm just glad I took the precaution of backing up the MBR first!)07:48
OutoLumoForgeAus, That's a good idea since you don't  need it. On the other hand, you could just configure the grub on that disk to do nothing...07:49
ForgeAusI think I'll just do a full reinstall, that way I will have 2 grubs, but at least I won't need to discern alternate confusing stuff like hd0 and hd1 from sda and sdb07:50
OutoLumoForgeAus, how about the BIOS trick?07:50
ForgeAusI kinda want to tuck grub as far away as possible... mostly..07:50
OutoLumouse lilo?-)07:51
ForgeAusI could just switch drivesin the bios that would load grub, right, I know, but I don't want that... in fact I want to (later) chainload grub from ntldr07:51
ForgeAus(Ideally having ntldr as both drives primary boot manger like it was would suit, that way I maintain transparency of XP, that way myself and dad can use the F key to go into the menu to chainboot to grub to run linux, and the rest of the PC remains unaffected...)07:52
ForgeAusso right now i got 1 ntldr and 1 grub (but the wrong ones, I gotta switch that backwards)07:53
=== mcas is now known as mcas_away
OutoLumoOk... well that's another issue...07:57
OutoLumoSorry, can't help you there :-/07:57
ForgeAuswell first step I think should be getting grub on the right disk07:58
ForgeAusthen I swap the drives over in the bios and fixmbr with windows (thats non-linux stuff of course)... hopefully that fixes that...07:58
ForgeAusafter that dd a bootsect.grb file from in linux, and add a reference to that as an entry in ntldr's boot.ini07:59
ForgeAusthat way both drives retain their ntldr's as default boot manager, and the right one will chainload grub... right???07:59
ForgeAusbefore I do any of that better restart into liveCD, can't do much from in XP about all of that :)08:00
OutoLumoI cannot tell - I don't know ntldr :-/08:08
ForgeAusI'm not expecting you to...resetting... just still trying to get my head around this :) I think I'm getting it.. slowly08:09
OutoLumoThat's the way to become an expert =)08:12
=== ron is now known as Grleaf
Grleafany software out there to use like yahoo messenger for ubuntu?08:18
OutoLumoGreyhound, gaim, kopete08:20
geniigaim now is pidgin08:23
geniiForgeAus: How goes the MBR thing?08:24
spireanyone awake08:34
pagspire, just ask – it's more likely that someone will aswer to a support question than to generic "anyone here" ;)08:34
spirejust ask what... ? im only tryin to chat08:35
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!08:35
spiregee sorry08:35
spirewhere can i get a list of efnet servers?08:36
spireim using konversation08:36
spirei cant find them08:36
flaccidspire: not the place to ask08:36
flaccidgoogle is a good bet08:36
flaccidspire: http://www.efnet.org/?module=servers thats how easy it is with google :)08:37
tacomanhas anyone heard any issues with ubiquity freezing the system during install?  I checked quite a few bugs that turned up in google but none seemed to cover my issue08:37
spirewell fuck ill leave then... i cant seem to say the right thing08:37
=== favfro is now known as favro
pagtacoman, you have enough ram?08:37
tacomanpag:  4GB08:37
tacomanit freezes at different points08:37
flaccidspire: sorry mate. its kubuntu support in this channel08:38
tacomansometimes it doesn't fire, sometimes it will go to 33%, once it went to 50%08:38
tacomanthis is before any options are presented, during its initial load08:38
tacomanit happens with both the standard kubuntu disc and the kde4 disc08:38
tacomanI was trying to do this through wubi if that helps08:39
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greeklegendok, kde4 packages from ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4 are broken?08:52
greeklegendi can't install kwin-kde408:52
greeklegendbecause it depends on libkdecorations408:52
paggreeklegend, #kubuntu-kde4 probably knows better ;)08:52
greeklegend:P righto thanks08:53
Jevsanthanks <pag>, I had the same problem08:57
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:57
geniihi pag08:58
patrick02y a t'il des français?08:58
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ForgeAus
ForgeAushehe back08:58
ForgeAusok now grub doesn't recognise the kubuntu partition08:58
geniiForgeAus: Got the MBR thing figured out finally?08:58
flaccidspecify error ForgeAus08:58
ForgeAushehe genii getting there08:59
genii!ask | chairman08:59
ubottuchairman: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:59
ForgeAusflaccid I might not need help yet, I'm goina check it out first... brb..08:59
chairmani need to conffiggure my kmail08:59
flaccidchairman: and what is the specific problem?09:00
spike_well got Kubuntu booting without the livecd :)09:08
=== spike_ is now known as ForgeAus
ForgeAushehe :)09:08
ForgeAusok Kubuntu works, now gotta make another copy for bootsect.grb09:08
ForgeAusfor some reason when I was installing it had to be hd1, but in grubs menu.lst had to be hd0 ...09:08
AQ_LIVEanyone here who's sing skype with kubuntu?u09:10
AQ_LIVEwhich installer pack did you get?09:11
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org09:11
jussi01from that repo09:11
AQ_LIVEI can't seem to get it installed with the ubuntu pack09:11
jussi01AQ_LIVE: try installing from the medibuntu repo09:12
AQ_LIVEwow I thinks I'll need some helåp with that09:12
jussi01AQ_LIVE: there is a tutorial on the site09:12
AQ_LIVEdo you know a guide somewhere09:12
jussi01under repositiry how to09:12
AQ_LIVEmedibuntu.com ??09:12
jussi01no, medibuntu.org....09:13
AQ_LIVEgreat thanks a lot take care09:13
JevsanAQ_LIVE i had that problem, for me the problem was that i had the package in a folder with a not english name, after i moved to my home it installed without problem09:13
usamahashimitoday i installed kde-4.1, when i go to system setting > login manager, it does not allow me to change?09:13
jussi01usamahashimi: please use #kubuntu-kde4 for kde4 support :)09:13
ForgeAushmmm I can't seem to mount /dev/sdb1 :(09:18
ForgeAusok umounting it seemed to work09:22
Milesguise i just installed on a laptop, the livecd worked fine. but x doesn't work09:23
Milesi think the resolution/regresh is too high, but i don't know what modeline to use09:24
Milesit's not my computer >.>09:24
Aranelis anyone here having problems with kwin compositing after package update?09:24
ForgeAusok now I need to know how to restore the backup MBR images09:24
flaccid!help | chairman09:27
ubottuchairman: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:27
* flaccid hands chairman a lifesaver09:27
chairmani need help w my kmail09:28
ForgeAusheheh crossing fingers :)... this should work! ... I should boot up into XP smoothly... (but have the option to go to boot menu and select kubuntu)09:28
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=== Tester is now known as Heller
flaccidchairman: what in particular?09:28
* Heller tests09:28
chairmanconffiguring my gmail account w/Kmail09:29
flaccidchairman: google returns lots of results09:30
chairmani don't copy09:31
flaccidchairman: search google: kmail gmail09:32
Jevsanchairman this is for gmail IMAP https://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=78799&topic=1292009:34
Jevsanand this for POP https://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=13287&topic=1291709:34
Jevsanthats all09:34
flaccidthis as well: http://blog.linuxoss.com/2007/11/howto-configuring-kmail-with-gmail-imap-and-disconnected-imap/09:35
AranelHow can I start an application in other language ? for example In Turkish KDE I want to start system settings app in English ?09:38
PhilRodAranel: KDE_LANG=en systemsettings09:41
AranelPhilRod: thanks :)09:42
AranelPhilRod: but still starting in Turkish.09:42
PhilRodtry just LANG instead of KDE_LANG09:43
AranelPhilRod: tried it too09:43
PhilRodAranel: oh wait, in the help menu there's a "switch application language" option09:44
AranelPhilRod: help menu?09:44
AranelPhilRod: (i'm using kde4 system settings)09:45
PhilRodnot sure about that then09:47
PhilRodoh, did you try LANG=C ?09:47
AranelPhilRod: tried now, and doesnt working.09:48
AranelPhilRod: are you using KDE4 ?09:48
PhilRodnot right now, although I have subversion trunk installed09:48
AranelPhilRod: but you can open system settings app now?09:48
PhilRodyeah, just a sec09:49
PhilRodah, there is no menu09:49
chairmanhow do i import my emails to kmail form my gmails09:49
PhilRodchairman: you can access your gmail account from kmail using imap09:50
PhilRodor if you really want to import your mail, use whatever export feature gmail has, and just export to a format that kmail supports (mbox, maildir)09:51
PhilRodthen file->import messages in kmail09:51
chairmanok i'll try tht09:51
AranelPhilRod: can you look at this image (http://imaj.at/45702-46cc) and tell me the english string of "Doğrudan Hazırlama"09:52
ForgeAuslooks like the problem is nobody knows enough about ntldr to fix/use it effectively09:57
ForgeAusI got the linux stuff sorted out already09:57
ForgeAusI just have an error saying that it can't find hal.dll which I don't want it to load anyway! ...09:57
ForgeAusbut thats nothing you guys can help with, just keeping you updated lol :)09:58
=== sidney is now known as dizney
chairmanwhat host do i put?10:03
chairmancaan someone automatically do this for me10:04
PhilRodAranel: "direct rendering"10:04
rasmusi need help uninstalling parts of the "KDE 4 network module"10:04
chairmanflaccid what host do i use10:05
AranelPhilRod: thank you , its really important for me :)10:05
flaccidchairman: for what?10:05
flaccidchairman: do yourself a favour and read the links we post you.10:05
chairmanso i can import my emails to Kmail to configgure with it10:05
flaccidchairman ^^10:06
chairmani did tht .nothing happened10:06
rasmusI upgraded to feisty fawn yesterday and unforunatley i got some programes i dont want automaticly installed. Those are for example Kppp, Krdc.10:06
rasmusIf i look for them with adept they are not checked, but they appear in my programes-menu10:07
flaccidchairman: sounds like you have a user problem10:07
chairmanwrong username?10:09
flaccidchairman: no, you.10:09
rasmusis there somebody hwo can help me?10:10
chairmanor can i use the username on my emaail address10:10
PhilRodchairman: google for "gmail imap" and you'll almost certainly find something relevant10:10
flaccidchairman: follow this [18:35] <flaccid> this as well: http://blog.linuxoss.com/2007/11/howto-configuring-kmail-with-gmail-imap-and-disconnected-imap/10:10
flaccidPhilRod: we have provided enough links. i think the user has an intellectual limitation10:11
PhilRodflaccid: ah, ok - I was late to the party10:11
rasmusSome body got some time left?10:12
chairmanthks flaccid10:12
chairmanappreciate tht10:12
flaccidits a good idea to read/listen here :)10:13
chairmani'm new to the linux world but i love the stability10:13
PhilRodrasmus: sounds like you have the kdenetwork package installed, which will include all those apps you mentioned10:15
PhilRodit sounds like what you want is to remove the kdenetwork package and install the apps individually. That only works if individual packages are available though. Not sure if that's the case10:16
=== mcas_away is now known as mcas
stavenHow to save a view in konqueror?10:24
rasmusPhilRod: i won't loose my internetconnection if i do so?10:25
=== staven is now known as stoven
chairmanthks gguys10:35
leba__why kubuntu installer doesn't recognize my disk partitios ?10:40
SchijnnI'm trying to install a theme from SVN, and it keeps saying I don't have CMake installed, but I do.10:50
ForgeAuswhats error 22 for grub?10:57
=== guest is now known as Guest48790
leba__why kubuntu installer doesn't recognize my disk partitios ?11:03
ForgeAusuh leba what type are they?11:03
leba__ForgeAus, all made by windows11:05
ForgeAuswell then kubuntu shouldn't have any trouble11:06
ForgeAusit should recognise any NTFS or FAT partitions windows makes11:06
ForgeAus(not sure about Vista tho)11:06
ForgeAushey flaccid :) wb11:07
leba__the file manager and partition tools can recognize it but installer doesn't.11:07
leba__hey flaccid !11:07
ForgeAusflaccid you wouldn't happen to know what grub error 22 is?11:08
leba__I got a problem here with kubuntu installer recognizing my disk partitions.11:08
flaccidForgeAus: not from memory. bug google will11:08
TimoXLeba_, Vista uses NTFS as default, it should recognize. you did remember to check Manual config, and not let Kubuntu install use the entire disk? -asking from hard earnt experience.. =P11:08
ForgeAusleba, I don't know how to help you I can only suggest you get another copy of the installer and try that?...11:08
flaccidits possible the partition type is not normal11:09
leba__flaccid, do you mean the mbr table ?11:09
flaccidleba__: no the partition type of the partition in question. what does it show as in the installer?11:10
leba__if my hdd is set to legacy insted of enhances or vice versa coud be it ?11:10
flaccidi don't know what they are11:10
leba__flaccid, it shows, manually, just the option to set the hole hdd for linux, ignoring the partitions already made, doesn't even identify it.11:11
leba__TimoX, ok dude, I won't forget it, ;)11:11
flaccidleba__: that doesn't make sense. but yeah you can either submit a bug for it or try the alternate cd to see if the installer there can do it (which is probably not likely)11:13
TimoXhow did you change the partition size?11:13
leba__TimoX, I partionated and formated using windows installer.11:14
DrPlaceboquick question if i may... when i select the 64 bit version of kubuntu for download, i get a file called AMD64... Im on intel, is that all okay?11:16
DrPlacebothank you :)11:17
PolitikerALTAMD was the first one to have 64bits on desktop, so the architecture is called after amd (IMHO)11:17
PolitikerALTI mean: AFIK11:17
DrPlacebookay, thanks PolitikerALT, the selection does say "Intel OR AMD 64 Bit system"... just wasnt sure because of the file name11:19
phil_I have installed a package called "adobe flash installer" do I need to do something now to activate it?11:19
TimoXLeba_, strange, I did it the same way on my previous install, Kubuntu found the partitions without problems. I had to choose Manual partitioning, not Guided or "standard" set up. (ate my Vista partitions with "standard" setup on current install) I did log into Vista before rebooting to install Kubuntu, but that shouldnt matter.11:22
TimoXphil_, if it installed correctly, it should be activated.11:26
=== dwidmann_ is now known as dwidmann
leba__TimoX, maybe I will try to install kubuntu from inside Vista.11:30
DrPlaceboif i install kubuntu, how will i get drivers for all my gear? :|11:32
flaccidDrPlacebo: it will be done automatically for your devices unless they are not supported11:33
DrPlaceboflaccid, and if they are not? :| then it simply doesnt work?11:35
flaccidDrPlacebo: yes unless you find 3rd party support11:35
flaccid!hcl | DrPlacebo11:35
ubottuDrPlacebo: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection11:35
DrPlacebothank you :)11:35
flaccida test of the livecd should be good enough11:35
DrPlaceboi think i will be dual booting anyways, need to keep XP for certain things...11:36
DrPlacebolive CD, of course! :)11:36
sajuukhey guys, memory stick wont work in KDE but will work in GNOME, i insert it and nothing happens11:37
SchijnnI've been trying to install themes from KDE-Look, but I haven't had any success11:37
sajuukbtw Hardy install11:38
TimoXHow do I see hardware thats proven Not to work with Kubuntu/Linux?11:38
flaccidTimoX: google might help but other than that i know of no resource11:39
JucatoSchijnn: what exactly are you trying to install? could you give a link?11:39
TimoXflaccid, thanks11:39
Dillizarwhere can i find MORE info on the mid ubuntu for mobiles ?11:41
SchijnnThis is what I'm trying to install:  http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Bespin?content=6392811:41
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:41
Dillizarmariof that was for me11:42
mariofsorry error11:43
mariofthe first use for program.....11:43
=== Ekushey_ is now known as Ekushey
=== max is now known as Guest29129
Guest29129how would i enable other apps besides kde only in add and remove12:04
=== Guest29129 is now known as l3d2
JucatoGuest29129: there's a drop down list menu at the top letting you choose KDE only, Gnome only, or All, I think12:06
l3d2yes i see that and all is selected12:06
l3d2 but all other apps are blacked out12:06
MrKennieanyone using fail2ban?12:11
MrKennieseems it only starts after re/installing it12:11
=== root is now known as Guest86070
ActionParsnipholla y'all12:28
=== thefish_ is now known as thefish
mlLKis kde for whatever reason somewhat more robust than gnome in handling massive file transfers?12:40
ActionParsnipmlLK: messages in what way12:43
thefishmlLK: i very much doubt it - i don think there will be a difference because of the desktop12:43
ActionParsnipmlLK: annoying nick btw12:43
mlLKActionParsnip: lol ty12:43
david_hi sorry to bother you all, but is the 'remix' version of 8.04 the kde4.0 version?12:43
thefishActionParsnip: hehe totally, i had to use the mouse :O12:43
david_or is remix meaning something else?12:43
mlLKActionParsnip: but ya, gnome kept freezing up and doing random if nots etc12:43
mlLKnow, w/ kde it's flawless12:44
richarddavid_: the remix is the kde4.0 version12:44
ActionParsnipdavid_: pretty muh afaik, kde4 is ok but some apps still use kde312:44
thefishmlLK: what kind of transfers? windows? ftp?12:44
mlLKliterally 10x faster12:44
ActionParsnipmlLK: if kde works for you, use it12:44
mlLKcross hd transfers12:44
mlLKlike taking something from one fs moving it to another fs12:44
richarddavid_: afaik = 'as far as i know'12:45
david_oh sorry my bad12:45
thefishmlLK: wierd, not experienced that - must be something with dolphin/konq vs nautilus12:45
mlLKthefish: just local stuff mostly12:45
richardno problem12:45
mlLKthefish: gnome would hang on one file for awhile12:45
thefishcould be a nautilus bug12:46
thefishand ye, your nick is impossible to autocomplete!12:46
thefishwhats the 2nd char?12:46
mlLKl = I12:46
mlLKi = L12:46
mlLKL lowercase12:46
ActionParsnipmlLK: ahh12:47
ActionParsnipmlLK: so its MLL12:47
thefishi was trying pipes12:47
mlLKi know12:47
mlLKi guess it'd depend on your character set12:47
mlLKbut this file-transfer ordeal presents a good reason to try kde over gnome12:48
mlLKis kde easier to develop into?12:48
ActionParsnipmlLK: so transfer between ntfs-3g and ext3 is slow in gnome?12:49
mlLKya i've noticed w/ vbox12:49
david_does kde 4 run slower on machines than 3.5?12:49
thefishmlLK: one way around that would be fuse12:49
ActionParsnipdavid_: 4 is supposed to be lighter in ram12:49
mlLKi tried fuse12:49
thefishdavid_: im running kde 4.1 here, and its nice and snappy12:50
mlLKi don't know if i configured it correctly tho12:50
* ActionParsnip runs fluxbox12:50
thefishdavid_: no difference i can notice in speed from gnome or kde 3.5x (havent used kde for ages though)12:50
david_thefish: thats really amazing, since it looks so much better12:50
mlLKit showed up in df12:50
mlLKso i guess it was mounted12:50
ActionParsnipdavid_: if you dont like it you can always install kde3.512:50
thefishdavid_: totally, really impressive eh - ive been on gnome/ubuntu for ages, but swapped over to kubuntu this morning12:51
ActionParsnipdavid_: if it doesnt do what you want, some apps dont fully use kde4 so you may ave kde3.5 installed alongside12:51
thefishstill some annoying things, but in general i really like it12:51
mlLKstill tho, the mouse+keyboard interface wasn't very transperant w/ applications12:51
david_ActionParsnip: how does that work, do you need to log in/out for them the work?12:52
thefishdavid_: it wil just use the libs for what it wants, no need to log off/on afaik12:52
mlLKwould it make sense to run linux server from a laptop if i had a domain hosted elswhere?12:52
ActionParsnipdavid_: if you want to switch, yes12:53
thefishmlLK: as a test server, yes12:53
mlLKlike how many gigs?12:53
david_thefish: just to use kde 3.5 aps12:53
thefishmlLK: check out jeos for an amazing server distro12:53
david_thefish: so i just install kde3.5 alongside 4.112:53
mlLKhow big is it?12:53
thefishmlLK: small12:53
david_thefish: how will it know what window manager to log into when kubuntu boots up12:54
thefishdavid_: you should be able to choose what "session" you want12:54
david_thefish: ahh i see12:55
thefishdavid_: just choose KDE :) - if you have swapped from gnome/ubuntu, you may want to run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm" and choose kdm12:55
david_thefish: thanks12:55
thefishanyone here running kubu 8.10? Im having some crashes i want to compare :)12:55
david_im still on feisty fawn12:55
thefishdavid_: do you have a separate /home partition?12:56
david_i dont want to upgrate until rt61 drivers actually work12:56
ActionParsnipdavid_: id do a clean install and restre yur data from backup12:56
david_im going to install it on vmware12:56
thefishrt61 wireless?12:56
mlLKthefish: wow 100M12:56
thefishmlLK: told you so ;)12:56
mlLKthefish: as an iso12:56
david_thefish: my home partition is on the same as everything else12:56
thefishmlLK: specifically built for virtualising12:56
mlLKthefish: i'm all about it.12:57
thefishdavid_: next time you do an install, check out having a separate /home - then you can just reinstall the OS, but keep all your settings and data12:57
david_thefish: i shouldnt really care about rt61 now as i put my server on the lan12:57
ActionParsnipor have a backup12:57
thefishmlLK: its very minimal, i love it12:57
ActionParsnipmuch easier12:58
david_thefish: yes that to- i should have thought more about my partitions12:58
mlLKanyone else hear of this Singularity OS ms is coming out w/.12:58
ActionParsnipmlLK: got a link?12:58
david_ActionParsnip: i havent really found a great linux backup system12:58
thefishdavid_: ive used an rt driver here for kismet and it worked fine, that was on 8.0412:58
ActionParsnipdavid_: just cron a cp job to run at 5am12:58
mlLKycombinator.com search 'microsoft'12:58
mlLKlol sry so lazy12:58
ActionParsnipdavid_: you dont "need" software12:59
thefishdavid_: or even better, read up about rsync and hard links12:59
david_ActionParsnip: haha good call12:59
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!13:00
mlLKya ya ActionParsnip asked.13:00
ActionParsnipmlLK: doesnt sound new, i dont get it13:01
mlLKi dunno either; i lost interest like half-way thru13:01
ActionParsnipmlLK: accessing distributed apps as well as local apps, isnt that citrix?13:01
mlLKActionParsnip: package-management13:02
ActionParsnipmlLK: sounds like a lot of hot air to me13:02
david_thefish: does fakeraid work on most onboard raid devices?13:02
mlLKwindows will never play well w/ system clouds13:02
flaccidtake this convo to the ot chan please i don't wanna hear it13:02
mlLKas soon as vm's really pickup windows will be pointless13:03
ActionParsnipflaccid: cool man, np13:03
flaccidmlLK: stop.13:03
thefishdavid_: no idea mate, i wouldnt bother with those crappy onboard ones though, the built in linux md stuff is *much* better13:03
mlLKflaccid: go.13:03
richarddoes anyone here know anything about kopete's translator plug in?13:03
ActionParsniprichard: i dont use kopete sorry13:04
david_thefish: linux 'md' ?13:05
thefishdavid_: i guess you will want to set up a mirror - with a lot of those onboard ones, if there is a fail, you must shut down, replace, rebuild, and then only power up again. With mdadm, you can do it all while working, and even have fancy stuff like hot spares etc13:05
richardActionParsnip: thanks anyway13:05
Barbadillohi all13:05
Barbadilloafter a version upgrade my fonts are disapeeared13:06
david_thefish: im going to set up an ldap/sama server and its the domain controller, but i want to backup the users data nightly. they will be winxp boxes13:06
david_thefish: i was thinking a raid 5 might be OK as its redundant13:06
Barbadillohow to reinstall the previously existent fonts?13:07
david_but maybe something different might be a better idea13:07
thefishdavid_: ok, i would not compromise on this, use a good adaptec controller13:07
david_thefish: yes, i was thinking perhaps that. i dont think i would need rsync in this case as the raid 5 is itself a backup system13:07
david_thefish: well kindof in that its redundant13:08
thefishdavid_: the user data to back up is *from* the xp boxen, or from homes on the samba box?13:08
david_thefish: you know what i mean13:08
thefishdavid_: noooooo13:08
thefishdavid_: you *NEED* a separate backup13:08
david_thefish: if something fails i can just replace a drive though surely13:08
david_thefish: unless i delete something by accident i guess13:09
thefishdavid_: consider: user A makes a doc called important.doc13:09
Barbadillonow i have a Xgl process that didn't run within the previous version13:09
thefishdavid_: user B then opens this, and replaces all text with "Sod you lot, I quit", then saves it13:09
david_thefish: yes. thats a valid point13:09
thefishdavid_: you now have that on all your disks, there is no escape13:09
david_thefish: what would you suggest?13:09
thefishdavid_: another one... a single file becomes corrupted because a user is working on it and the app crashes13:10
david_thefish: i was considerring having each users mydocuments on the server13:10
thefishdavid_: separate storage13:10
thefishdavid_: thats a cool plan, remember you can "veto" files on samba as well, ie prevent the buggers saving their entire mp3 collection to your server ;)13:11
david_it would be great if there was some kind of subversionish solution13:11
ActionParsnipthefish: or have space quotas13:11
david_they save it and it makes a new version13:11
david_not sure if thats possible though13:11
david_oracle application server maybe13:11
thefishdavid_: as for backups, I would invest in some more disks, maybe build another storage server, and then investigate rsync and hard links, this way you can have historical backups with little waste of space13:11
Barbadilloanyone can help me about reinstalling fonts?13:12
david_thefish: any easy to understand articles you have read?13:12
mlLKhow does windows server store users?13:12
ActionParsnip!fonts | Barbadillo13:12
ActionParsnipmlLK: in the SAM13:12
ubottuBarbadillo: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer13:12
david_thefish: rsnapshot maybe...13:13
mlLKthat's not Documents\ and\ Settings, is it?13:13
thefishdavid_: i should make one, i have just implemented a nice solution at a small architect shop. They have the spare-box backup, with read only shares for 1,2,3,4,5 etc (each day of month), so they can recover files without calling me. Then there are tapes that go offsite in case of EPIC FAIL13:13
ActionParsnipmlLK: no thats the user profile13:14
david_thefish: thefish... love to read it... =]13:14
ActionParsnipmlLK: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/windows2000serv/reskit/distrib/dsbg_dat_udnu.mspx?mfr=true13:14
ActionParsnipbut this is offtopic13:14
thefishdavid_: ive not heard of rsnapshot, there are so many really good solutions about..13:15
thefishi get a crash whenever i try to add a widget to the desktop in kubu 8.10, anyone having the same?13:17
ActionParsnipthefish: sorry i use fluxbox13:17
thefishno worries :)13:17
thefishActionParsnip: you had a play with kde 4.1 yet?13:17
mlLKlol that reads way to complicated13:18
mlLKespecially for what it is; users w/ permissions13:18
ActionParsnipthefish: yeah, looked too busy. i like minimalist13:18
ActionParsnipthefish: i have kde apps, but my gui is fluxbox13:18
ActionParsnipbest of both worlds13:19
thefishmight try that13:19
thefishi like the kde way of doing things though13:19
ActionParsnipthefish: sudo apt-get install fluxbox13:19
ActionParsnipthen log off, log onto fluxbox session13:20
ActionParsniptakes seconds13:20
ActionParsnipyou can always sudo apt-get --purge remove fluxbox if you dont like it13:20
ocshi.  I had to replace an nvidia video card with a newer one, since the old one is broken. Kubuntu is already installed (I didn't make a backup or reinstalled the operating system), i only changed the video card. Now kde doesn't start, i can access the system only by console. If i execute startx I obtain an error. what should i do in order to make the operating system update to the new card ?13:21
=== Nookie^ is now known as Noq
richardocs - when you boot, can you choose to boot the recovery version of kubuntu?13:21
thefishActionParsnip: i run it on a server or two that gui-users need, i like the eye candy for my laptop :)13:21
=== Noq is now known as Noq^
mlLKthefish: whats the smallest gui13:21
ocsrichard: let me check13:21
thefishmlLK: flux is pretty small mate13:22
ActionParsnipocs: go into xorg.conf and change the driver to vesa13:22
richardocs: its on the grub menu just below the normal one usually i think13:22
ActionParsnipthefish: eyecandy gets in the way, i dont even have wallpaper13:22
thefishcool, each to their own13:22
ActionParsnipthefish: indeed13:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about flux13:22
thefishi like impressing windows fanboys with it :)13:22
thefishmlLK: fluxbox13:22
mlLK!tell ubottu rawr13:22
ubottumlLK: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) (1)13:22
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox13:23
ActionParsnipthefish: then get compiz and put the vista skin on your windows13:23
mlLKcompiz is crazy13:23
richardi cant get compiz to work :(13:24
mlLKon gnome or kde?13:24
ActionParsnipmlLK: compiz is a waste of time13:24
richardi think the fact that the PC was free has something to do with it :P13:25
thefishActionParsnip: but i dont want to copy windows, i want something better :)13:25
mlLKActionParsnip: it is, but it's fun for photoshopers13:25
mlLKi mean c'mon your desktop can be a cube13:25
mlLKand you can rotate it13:25
richardalthough it does now have a 1.2gh athlon, 768mb ram and a 32mb graphics card13:25
ocsrichard: great.13:25
ActionParsnipit causes all sorts of issues with outputs to screen too13:25
richardocs - is it there?13:25
ocsrichard: but in this way, i'm not using the nvidia driver, right ?13:25
richardwhen it boots im not sure what youre using13:26
richardit just loads into a terminally type thing13:26
richardbut it has an option to fix the x server13:26
richardthat worked for me everytime i switched my two nvidia cards over13:26
ActionParsnipocs: personally id change your xorg.conf to use vesa which will make your system boot with nvidia goodness, then work from there13:27
cidcoAnyone have a guess on when new version of alsa would be released for kubuntu?  I have this bug https://bugtrack.alsa-project.org/alsa-bug/view.php?id=3837 and it only affect 1.0.16 which seems to be somewhat old.13:27
ActionParsnipcidco: we might not have accouts13:28
mlLKActionParsnip: can you even imagine how code behind compiz tho; all that math and x, y, z axis13:28
ActionParsnipcan you pastebin the detail13:28
ActionParsnipmlLK: its opengl so its not too complex but yeah i can imagine its tuff13:28
ForgeAusuh what should b the default lines for kernel and initrd for kubuntu feisty ?13:28
cidcoActionParsnip: you can hit viewonly Guestlogin link at the bottom13:28
mlLKActionParsnip: given all it can do13:28
ActionParsnipmlLK: each app gets mapped to a graphical space13:29
ActionParsnipmlLK: i just dont rate prettys, i click something and i want it to happen, not wait while some effect happens13:29
cidcoThe bug has to do with no sound on my lenovo x300 with intel-hd audio13:29
ocsthnks all13:30
mlLKActionParsnip: i think an emacs+compiz project would be cool13:31
mlLKActionParsnip: like as an ide13:31
Assurbanipalhi everyone!13:31
mlLKAssurbanipal: oye!13:31
ActionParsnipcidco: http://koo.fi/tech/2008/06/05/lenovo-thinkpad-x300-ubuntu-804-installation-notes/13:31
Assurbanipalanybody upgraded to kde 4.1 in kubuntu?13:31
ForgeAusargh I'm in XP I need to find out what lines to put in grub4dos to boot my Kubuntu! but I don't know what goes in kernel and initrd lines13:31
thefishAssurbanipal: im using it now, but in 8.1013:32
ForgeAusassurban I am intending to soon13:32
timmytronwicd or network-manager?13:32
Assurbanipalthefish, how is it?13:32
mlLKActionParsnip: emacs is like the yang to compiz13:32
ActionParsnipmlLK: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emacs not the text editor?13:33
mlLKya the text editor13:33
ActionParsnipmlLK: i prefer nano13:34
mlLKit can be used for so many different things tho13:34
ActionParsnipmlLK: or good ol kate13:34
thefishvi vi vi13:34
mlLKActionParsnip: you should give emacs a trial13:34
ForgeAusits not like I can copy/paste ext filenames from in XP lol13:34
ForgeAus(unless I install ext2fs driver or that other one) and reset, etc..)13:34
ActionParsnipmlLK: nano is very intuitive and comes with a standard install13:35
ActionParsnipmlLK: i find vi to be weird but elitists will swear by it13:36
mlLKActionParsnip: i love nano too, but you can literally turn emacs into a powerful tool when you setup to what you do13:36
ActionParsnipmlLK: edit text files is all id use it for13:37
ActionParsnipmlLK: i pretty much chat and browse on my system13:37
ActionParsnipwith a bit of frets of fire / urban terror thrown in13:37
=== Nookie^ is now known as Noq^
mlLKActionParsnip: emacs is borderline terminal: http://souptonuts.sourceforge.net/chirico/emacs_ref.html13:41
mlLKActionParsnip: all you need to know is it's vocabulary13:41
thefishusing emacs may cause your genitalia to explode13:41
mlLKthefish: mine grew 8ft!13:41
thefishreal men use vim (TM)13:41
thefishor vi13:41
mlLKomg here we go13:42
ActionParsnipreal men use cat with pipes13:42
david_vi is vim now13:42
david_copy con13:42
ActionParsnipand redirection13:42
david_man i remember making bat files with copy con13:42
david_how crap13:42
ActionParsnipcopy con?13:43
david_i wonder if you can still use copy con13:43
david_its a dos thing13:43
ActionParsnipwell yeah ive used dos lots13:43
ActionParsnipnot seen copy con13:43
david_man youve missed out13:43
ActionParsnipis it worse than edlin?13:43
ForgeAusis this right? kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash ???13:43
david_holy crap balls!13:43
mlLKi'm just sayiing emacs is more than editor since it's straight lisp13:44
ActionParsnipdavid_: the pain...hey copy con looks ok13:44
mlLKit can do anything you want it as a long as its a function13:44
mlLKfunction being your keystroke13:45
david_copy con helloworld.txt13:45
david_hello world13:45
david_control z13:45
ActionParsnipmlLK: i launch firefox3 and pidgin and im away13:45
mlLKActionParsnip: rawr!13:45
ActionParsnipmlLK: i dont need it :D13:45
thefishdavid_: ECHO hello world no?13:45
mlLKActionParsnip: i know, and i don't know why i'm attempting to make a case for you to..13:45
* ActionParsnip thinks thefish is being pedantic13:45
kaminixAnyone know how to use imagemagick to scale an image to 35% of it's original size?13:46
mlLKActionParsnip: stopping13:46
ActionParsnipmlLK: i can see your passion dude, must be awesome if it fits your needs13:46
david_type helloworld.txt13:46
david_hello world13:46
david_helloworld.bat though13:46
david_or maybe13:46
ubottudavid_: (echo <text>) -- Returns the arguments given it. Uses our standard substitute on the string(s) given to it; $nick (or $who), $randomNick, $randomInt, $botnick, $channel, $user, $host, $today, $now, and $randomDate are all handled appropriately.13:46
ActionParsnipanyone compiled kreigger yet?13:46
ActionParsnipthats fun13:46
david_dont want that crazy command echo to show up13:47
thefishActionParsnip: wassat?13:47
ActionParsnipthefish: in windows its a full opengl shooter taking up 8kb13:47
david_i thought i was in edit heaven after using vi from edlin13:47
ActionParsnipall textures are mathematically generated13:47
ActionParsnipits not much of a game but it does what it says on the tin13:48
bertociao a tutti13:48
ActionParsnipweapons, monsters, walls, doors13:48
cidcoActionParsnip: Thanks alot sound is now working!13:50
ActionParsnipcidco: google is your friend13:50
ActionParsnipcidco: please try to use it13:50
ActionParsnipcidco: glad its working now13:50
ActionParsnipdoes anyone play frets on fire?13:51
cidcosorry i was using cuil13:51
ActionParsnipcidco: any good?13:51
cidcoobviously not couldnt find that :)13:51
ActionParsnipcidco: i tried to get no yesterday, theres some google bods on the team13:52
sea_Where's firefox's temp folder?13:52
david_ActionParsnip: isnt cuil.com the gnu google?13:53
ActionParsnipsea_: ~/.mozilla/firefox/"something".default/Cache13:53
ActionParsnipdavid_: no idea, its god awful, i just looked at it13:53
cidcoI think cuil is trying to hard to seperate themselvs from google they need to just copy them. that would be good enough13:54
david_ActionParsnip: but it indexes more than google- its on their site so it must be tru!13:54
cidcothe images arent realy necesary.13:54
ActionParsnipsea_: try about :cache in the addy bar13:54
bertocome si fa per entrare  nei canali?13:54
ActionParsnip!it | berto13:54
ubottuberto: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:54
=== ram_ is now known as rami
ramihello all. could someone help me with XChat that comes with latest Ubuntu?14:03
Assurbanipalhey guys14:03
Assurbanipali just installed kde 4.1!14:04
Assurbanipalthe desktop itself looks beautiful, but the programs' interface is ugly14:04
Assurbanipalwhy is that?14:04
thefishAssurbanipal: what program?14:04
thefishAssurbanipal: you are probably running a gtk app14:05
ActionParsnipAssurbanipal: not all apps are kde4 savvy yet14:05
Assurbanipalmozilla for example14:05
thefishAssurbanipal: there is an extension to fix that, lemme find it for you...14:06
thefishAssurbanipal: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/757414:06
thefishinstall that ;)14:07
thefishyou need to log in cos is beta still - if you like it, please leave a comment and rate it14:07
ramiseems I should look help for my XChat problem elsewhere. any suggestions?14:07
ActionParsniprami: whats your issue?14:08
Assurbanipalthefish, and what about the rest programs that look ugly? like xchat ?14:08
ramiActionParsnip: I would need two different idents. Konversation can do this, xchat propably not14:08
ActionParsnipwhy do you need 2 idents? if konversation does what you need, i'd use it14:09
ramii have one psybnc account that requires different ident that im using normally14:10
ActionParsniprami: i use pidgin to centralise all chatting to 1 app14:10
thefishAssurbanipal: try konversation, its very similar14:10
ramikonversation is bit slow and pidgin is bit large. I was wondering is there anyway to have multiple idents under one account14:11
ActionParsniprami: not sure sorry man, do you not use any other PM accounts?14:11
ActionParsnip!info pidgin14:12
ubottupidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.4.1-1ubuntu2.1 (hardy), package size 505 kB, installed size 1856 kB14:12
jussi01#kubuntu-kde4 for kde4 support, thanks :)14:12
ActionParsnip1.8mb is ok14:12
ActionParsnipjussi01: will that room eventually die?14:12
jussi01ActionParsnip: that doesnt include libpurple etc14:12
ActionParsnipjussi01: when kde4 is the norm14:12
jussi01ActionParsnip: yes - next release14:12
ActionParsnip!info libpurple14:13
ubottuPackage libpurple does not exist in hardy14:13
jussi01!find purple14:13
ubottuFound: libpurple-bin, libpurple-dev, libpurple014:13
ramithx all, i mean that pidgin and such are universal IM apps, not IRC clients. How about oidentd?14:13
jussi01!info libpurple014:13
ubottulibpurple0 (source: pidgin): multi-protocol instant messaging library. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.4.1-1ubuntu2.1 (hardy), package size 1332 kB, installed size 4280 kB14:13
ActionParsnipso all in all its about 2.4mb14:13
jussi01rami: try quassel14:13
jussi01rami: #quassel and quassel-irc.org14:14
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines14:14
ramithanks jussi and ubottu14:14
ActionParsnipi love people talking to ubottu14:15
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:15
ramilol. irssi would do the job just fine14:15
ramioh a bot :P didnt notice14:15
* rami is ashamed14:15
ActionParsniprami: indeed14:16
ubottucoffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java14:16
rami!google irssi14:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about google irssi14:16
jussi01rami: nope, no google plugin, sorry14:17
ubottuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help.14:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oident14:17
ubottuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.14:17
ActionParsnipwow, that was unexpected14:17
ramihttp://freshmeat.net/projects/oidentd/ looks suitable too, but never installed or used it14:18
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.14:18
ActionParsnipwas expecting that, however14:19
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bertocome si fa ad andare kubuntu.it14:22
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:22
ActionParsnipdoes anyone play frets on fire?14:25
strog_how can u find out the version of your kubuntu?14:28
strog_and the graphics card driver14:28
kozzstrog_: I would use "lsb_release -a" to detect the version of (k)ubuntu14:29
leba__What am I supposed to do when kubuntu doesn't recognize my disk partitions ?14:31
strog_and the installed graphics driver?\14:33
strog_kozz: how can i find out what driver for the graphics are installed?14:35
kozzstrog_: yeah, I wonder what the easiest way to find that is, one option is to look in the X.org logfile (/var/log/Xorg.0.log)14:37
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kozznot sure if there is any better alternative14:38
Assurbanipalthefish: ok, i am through konversation now and not xchat14:39
Assurbanipalthefish: do i have to replace all my progs now in kde 4.1?14:39
leba__Do I need to pre instantiate the linux partition in order to install it ?14:39
thefishAssurbanipal: no14:39
thefishAssurbanipal: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk-qt-engine-kde4/+bug/19353814:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 193538 in gtk-qt-engine-kde4 "[wish] provide a qt backend for firefox in kubuntu" [Undecided,Invalid]14:40
thefishAssurbanipal: read that for some ideas :)14:40
leba__Why the installer doesn't read windows partitions ?14:40
leba__!partition | leba__14:40
ubottuleba__, please see my private message14:40
mike3Hey guys, what's the difference between kubuntu and kubuntu remix?14:42
kalorinremix is kde414:43
kalorinnormal is using kde314:43
kalorinremix seems to have most of the kde3 software installed and some stuff that has kde4 versions, you'll have a 4 verison installed as well14:43
kalorinlike kopete and konsole14:43
kalorinseveral others14:43
kalorinkde4 btw rocks uR socks14:44
kalorinthat said14:44
kalorinif you're not really versed with kubuntu/linux I wouldn't install remix yet14:45
mike3so kde 4 is installed but along with kde 3 applications14:45
kalorinit's solid but not quite ready for casual users I think14:45
kalorinif there's a 4 app, it'll be installed but also they'll install the 3 apps14:45
kalorinyou can use either of course14:45
kalorinI like it pretty well but it's on my laptop14:46
kalorinthe new kicker replacement is kind of buggy14:46
kalorinyou can't put it on the side of the screen without the things in it losing all sorts of perspective14:46
kalorinwhich sucks because you'd think verticle on the side of the screen would be the most popular way to do things with all the 16:9 screens around that already don't have enough verticle resolution14:47
david_bi folks14:55
arturo-xineramahi everyone. I'm reading cool things about the FolderView plasmoid, but I can't find it anywhere on my system14:55
Assurbanipalthefish: should i uninstall kde 3.5.9? would that be wize?14:55
arturo-xineramaI even installed the extragear-plasma package but still cn't find it14:55
thefishAssurbanipal: no need14:56
thefishAssurbanipal: and some kde apps still need it14:56
Assurbanipalthefish: i would save some disk space though...14:56
kalorinis there a kde4.1 remix out yet?14:56
Jucatoarturo-xinerama: #kubuntu-kde4 please14:57
arturo-xineramaThanks, my bad14:57
Jucatokalorin: if you mean a CD, no I don't think so (don't know if we'll even have a cd now)14:57
Jucatono worries14:57
kalorinno cd?14:58
kalorinI've considered doing the "upgrade" to apt-updater14:58
kalorinbut I'm afraid14:58
thefishAssurbanipal: i would not recommend it, but hey give it a shot - i think you will break things thoug :)14:59
engineeranyone here keen on sed15:00
=== monkey_ is now known as Guest78993
kalorinKDE 4.1 Released15:02
kalorinSubmitted on Tue, 2008-07-2915:02
kalorinKDE 4.1 has been released and packages are available for Kubuntu 8.04, the Hardy Heron. These packages install to /usr/lib/kde4 and can be installed along side your existing KDE 3 installation.15:02
yousefhow come u can't just overwrite kde315:04
kalorinjucato, you think the kde4 stuff is ready enough to use on a daily basis as your main workstation?15:05
Jucatokalorin: for *me* it has been since april :)15:05
JucatoYMMV of course15:05
Jucatokalorin: and #kubuntu-kde4 for KDE 4 help and discussion :)15:05
kalorinI was using it 2 months ago on my laptop but found it frustrating at times15:06
kalorinie. take the start menu and try to put it on the left side of the screen and watch it become unusable15:06
kalorinI'll update the laptop tonight and re-eval15:06
=== cupu is now known as unixx
Jucatowell I almost never use the k menu :)15:07
kalorini was hoping to have it on a right click mouse context type menu15:08
kalorinI LOVE some of the desktop shortcuts that it has15:08
kalorinsimply amazing15:08
=== ubuntu_ is now known as HaXeri
Jckli am tring to install synce-trayicon and getting an error when i type make.15:18
Jcklmake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.15:18
leba__Is there a way to install kubuntu in a given partition or it has to be intalled into primary partition ?15:19
yousefya it lets you choose the partition15:19
leba__yousef, do I have to have the partition I intend to install into it already formated or something ?15:20
yousefyeah, use gparted partition editor livecd15:21
yousefmake 2 partitions one in ext-3 for kubuntu15:21
yousefand a small swapfile15:21
youseffind gparted and burn to cd15:22
yousefthen boot with it15:22
leba__yousef, swap has to be whicj size more or less ? and which format ext-3 also ?15:23
yousefno it will say swapfile has its own format15:23
yousefthe swapfile is usually around a gig in size15:23
leba__yousef, and how about the windows partitions ?15:23
yousefyou keep them15:24
leba__yousef, ok, let me try it. Thank you by now ;)15:24
ubottu1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.15:24
yousefwhen u use gparted it will let you covert some of the empty windows partition into ext-3 or wtv u want15:24
trappist<3 ubottu15:28
spud_ok big problem...  i just deleted my desktop15:29
spud_on accident of course15:29
yousefubluntu <\\\\\\\>15:29
trappistspud_: ouch, thank goodness for backups, right?15:30
spud_umm... sure whatever15:30
spud_what's the command to open trash15:30
spud_im hoping if i can just click some magic undo button and ya15:31
spud_presto change-o15:31
yousefwere u serious15:32
yousefhow do u delete ur desktop?15:32
spud_there were two icons in my little desktop box thing and i just dragged over em15:33
spud_pressed delete and said ok15:33
spud_i guess i dragged two far15:33
* spud_ facepalms15:33
yousefi dont know why it would even let u do that15:34
trappistyousef: language please15:34
spud_although that is a serious bug15:34
trappistlinux isn't real big on protecting you from yourself.  it's more of a design philosophy than a bug.15:35
spud_ok,  so i found trash but theres just the two files and no "restore files" button15:36
spud_gnome has it...15:36
yousefyou're in the trash15:37
spud_im looking at it in dolphin15:37
yousefu can't just right click>restore?15:38
spud_there were only two files in there15:38
spud_i just restored them15:38
yousefok so, problem solved?15:38
spud_they are gone but my desktop is still gon15:38
youseflol exactly what do u see on ur screen15:39
spud_blackness, chatzilla dolphin and kopete15:39
yousefdid u try rebooting15:40
spud_no, i'm scared15:40
yousefkubuntu right15:40
spud_restarting x doesn't save anything about the session right.  i think that might be my best option15:41
yousefin command15:41
spud_i don't have that installed15:42
spud_i just created a user and installed kde 4 for this user cuz i'm curious15:42
yousefyou sure its not installed?15:42
yousefit is by default15:43
jussi01spud_: #kubuntu-kde4 for kde4 support :)15:43
=== Nookie^ is now known as Noq^
Barbadillohelp! my dist-upgrade hangs at15:46
BarbadilloGenerating locales...15:46
Barbadillo  en_AU.UTF-8...15:46
=== macic__ is now known as macic
Barbadilloi don't even want the australian locale15:47
Barbadillo91.8  3.5  35:51.15 localedef15:47
Barbadillo90% cpu???15:48
Barbadillohelp me please15:51
Barbadillohow can i get rid of generating locales?15:51
trappistBarbadillo: sudo apt-get install localepurge15:53
trappistactually I don't think that'll prevent it15:54
PiciBarbadillo: take a look at bug 24934015:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249340 in langpack-locales "Gutsy->Hardy upgrade hangs in localedef" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24934015:56
Barbadillook thank you all, it's going on16:03
maevahow can I minimize programs to my taskbar in KDE 4.1 ?16:09
Lupus-SLEHey, i have a bit of an odd/easy question maybe... how do I type 'e' with an accept16:16
abhishekLupus-SLE: u mean accents as in french language?16:16
abhishekLupus-SLE: accents,graves,cedillas etc?16:17
Lupus-SLESort of...16:17
Lupus-SLEWell yes they're the same16:17
Lupus-SLEI'll go find one to paste here16:17
Lupus-SLELike Café16:18
putinhow do i save my current session?16:18
abhishekLupus-SLE: i get it16:18
putini need to reboot to add ram16:18
putinand i don't want to have to fiddle with all my widgets etc again16:18
Lupus-SLEputin: Hibernate I think does that for you.16:18
abhishekLupus-SLE: what is your keyboard setup? which country is it set to?16:19
Lupus-SLEabhishek: UK-GB16:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate16:19
ubottuTo make programs start up automatically when you log into your KDE session, run all programs that you want to be started and close all other programs, then select 'Save Session' in the K menu. Alternatively, create a !symlink to the wanted program in ~/.kde/Autostart - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot16:19
Lupus-SLEHave fun putin16:19
putini don't see a "save session"16:20
putinis this a kde4 problem?16:20
Lupus-SLEputin: It's likely16:20
Lupus-SLEputin: Are you on kde 4.1 ?16:20
putini believe so16:20
abhishekLupus-SLE: have you tried changing it to international ?16:21
Lupus-SLEWhy would I want to do that?16:21
abhishekLupus-SLE: i know in international there is ashortcut for graves and accents ...i don't remember the shortcut ..i guess its ctrl + e16:21
Lupus-SLEThen I wouldn't have the keys in the right place.16:21
Lupus-SLEI can use alt-gr for things like € (4) and ` (|) ¹²³€½¾{16:22
Lupus-SLEDoesn't work for 'e'16:22
abhishekLupus-SLE: changing ur keyboard setup to international will not affect the location of ur keys16:23
Lupus-SLEHow won't it?16:23
abhishekputin: saving current session can be done in system settings >advanced >sessions manager >restore manually saved sessions whenever u wanna save d session and clicking apply will save at that point16:24
Lupus-SLEWhat is the 'international' key setup called?16:24
abhishekLupus-SLE: its just international ...i guess it mebbe US-international16:25
Lupus-SLEabhishek: But that's the US keyboard layout16:26
abhishekLupus-SLE: kindly check this out http://www.starr.net/is/type/kbh.html16:26
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ForgeAus
Lupus-SLEabhishek: It's not the right one16:27
Lupus-SLEthere's nothing wrong with my keyboard setup16:27
Lupus-SLEIt's a UK keyboard with a UK keymap16:28
Lupus-SLENevermind I'll ask someone else.16:28
Lupus-SLEThanks anyway16:28
maevahow can I minimize programs to my taskbar in KDE 4.1 ? (like gnome)16:31
ForgeAushmm just curious grub error 17 doy ou need to fix the grub boot record for that or can it be fixed with a menu.lst edit alone?16:32
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Nyadhi. I am using 64bit kubuntu, how do I compile for a 32bit cpu with gcc?16:36
sigmawhat font is used in the kubuntu logo?16:41
sigmacan i download it anywhere? preferably in a deb file?16:41
=== Githzer3 is now known as Githzerai
reya276how can I install the flash plug in for Konqueror16:52
reya276also when I visit www.yaoo.com all the images don't show16:53
bogdani don't see the videos on youtube:|16:53
w8tahif i install libqt4-dev and the associated packages -- will my qt3 programs still work right - - im on hardy and fluxbox16:54
=== jabba is now known as putin
=== putin is now known as jabba_
=== root is now known as Guest77383
pteague_workhow do i get konqueror to open things like pdfs in a new window with the relevant viewer rather than inside konqueror?17:03
ubuntu__i just want to install kubuntu17:04
ubuntu__i made a little 10GB partition to save important data there17:05
maevayou can use firefox 3.017:05
ubuntu__what is the mount point of that partition?17:05
maevatype pdf in synaptic17:05
maevathere are programs to open pdf files17:05
ubuntu__where should i mount that partition to easily copy data to this partition?17:05
maevai think home is for your own data17:05
maevathen you got swap17:06
ubuntu__maeva: i know that :)17:06
ubuntu__maeva: my home is 130GB17:06
maevado you use kde ?17:06
ubuntu__maeva: i just need another partition to save data17:06
=== jabba_ is now known as putin-
maevai want to know how you are able to minimize programs so that they don't dissapear but that the windows come in your taskbar17:06
maevai'm in kde 4.1 to try17:07
maevai believe in ubuntu like Mandela quoted it :)17:07
ubuntu__some weeks ago i installed kubuntu (/, swap and /home AND the 10GB partition)17:07
maevabut no one seems around to help us :)17:07
ubuntu__but i didn't wrote any mount point for that partition17:07
ubuntu__so i couldn't move data to that partition17:08
maevadid you tru the forum17:08
maevaor type your problem in google17:08
maevaoften you find other people with same prob or question17:08
Mr_Sonomathe show desktop button on my KDE desktop after having installed the GNOME desktop... suggestions on where to look?17:11
maevaTo add the show desktop button to the KDE toolbar, you have to right click on the toolbar. If you dig a bit you'll see an "Add special button" menu item. Go in there, and there's a lot of special buttons that you can add. One of them is the show desktop button17:13
maevain kde 3.5 i have it left down rechts to the K button and system button17:13
maevaRight-click the Panel; Click on "Add" then "Special Buttons" and Choose "Desktop Access".17:14
maevaAfter this you can drag it anywhere you want by right-clicking it and choosing "Move Desktop Access Button". I like mine beside the menu launcher. By the way CTRL-ALT-D does the same thing.17:14
maevaoops sorry :)17:14
maevai did tab because i thought it would show the whole nickname17:15
reya276so no flash plugin for konqueror17:16
reya276not even after installing Kubuntu Restricted17:17
maevaadobe flash player17:17
maevareya: install flashplugin-nonfree with synaptic17:19
reya276oops it says17:19
reya276flashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.17:19
maevasudo apt-get install konqueror-nsplugins17:19
maevasudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree17:19
yao_ziyuani wonder,17:19
maevaSettings->Configure Conqueror..... Plugins..... Scan for new plugins17:19
yao_ziyuanwhat does the 'ubuntu' portion mean in a package's version number17:19
reya276yes did that too17:19
maevajust type your question in google, you find answers, i'm a noob too lol17:19
Mr_Sonomamaeva, the problem isn't that its not there, but that it no longer works...but maybe i should try removing it then putting it back and see if that helps.17:20
engineerfirefox ftw17:20
yao_ziyuane.g. i'm upgrading from dolphin 0.9.2-ubuntu6 to 0.9.2-ubuntu6.117:20
hellcattravhow can I get kde4?17:20
engineer!hi | hellcattrav17:20
ubottuhellcattrav: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:20
maevayao i think the most recent programs like 8.10 is coming out it will have more or other programs with it and newer kernel17:20
hellcattravI just installed form teh 8.04 live cd?17:20
=== jawee is now known as fooey
reya276with synaptic, I though KDE did not use Synaptic17:20
maevakde 4.1 is just released17:20
engineerhellcattrav you're asking us if you installed using the live cd17:20
hellcattravsorry, no I have installed from live cd, and have the defualt gnome setup but want kde4.x17:21
=== fooey is now known as jawee
engineerhellcattrav http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.117:21
maevago to a console17:21
maevasudo apt-get install kde4-core17:21
maevathere you go, thanks to google17:22
hellcattravOh thanks17:22
maevamaybe true a gui can also be possible like synaptic17:22
maevasudo apt-get install kde417:22
hellcattravyer I looked at synaptic and saw the kde desktop enviroment catigory but was confused17:23
maevai have both17:23
TheGentlemanin kubuntu which is the REAL difference between "opening a new session" and "stopping a session and openening a new one" ?17:23
maevabut i can't minimize windows in my kde 4.1 taskbar17:23
maevathey dissapear :s17:23
bbeckDoes anyone know the path to the Qt libraries for Kubuntu, or how I would find them?17:24
maevai have my in other language thegentleman17:24
yao_ziyuanwhat difference does it make to upgrade from dolphin 0.9.2-ubuntu6 to 0.9.2-ubuntu6.1?17:24
reya276oh I take that back flash does not work on Yahoo's website but it works everywhere else, very weird17:24
yao_ziyuani mean, a "ubuntu" minor version upgrade17:24
TheGentlemanmine too maeva... mine is a hytopesys for a translation how it should be the text in english17:25
maevais it this bbeack http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-324853.html17:25
maevao configure the Qt library for your machine type, run the17:26
maeva./configure script in the package directory.17:26
maevaBy default, Qt is configured for installation in the17:26
maeva/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.2.2 directory, but this can be17:26
maevachanged by using the -prefix option. Alternatively, the17:26
maeva-prefix-install option can be used to specify a "local"17:26
maevainstallation within the source directory.17:26
maevacd /tmp/qt-x11-opensource-src-4.2.217:26
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:26
=== Administrator_ is now known as madagascar
maevayao try out17:26
maevalook on website of product n newest release notes yao17:26
maevait stays 2.6 so isn't major update i think17:26
bbeckmaeva: thanks.17:26
madagascarhow do i check which version of KDE i am using in kubuntu17:26
yao_ziyuanmaeva: ok17:26
maevawidgets and plasma is kde4 otherwise 3.517:27
TheGentlemanmaeva, in other words, when you swithch from a user's session to another user's session. you can do it in two ways17:28
TheGentlemangosh, i'm the king of typos today17:28
maevagood question madagascar17:28
maevahow can we know which version of kde we use17:28
maevahold on gonna check17:28
maevai clicked 'about kde'17:29
maevasystem monitor :d !17:29
maevaVersion 4.1.00 (KDE 4.1.0)17:29
maevaallright i'm using the latest new one KDE 4.117:30
madagascarwhat do i check17:30
maevasystem monitor17:30
maevain system menu17:30
maevayeam im from belgium so i need to translate in english :)17:30
maevasystem - system monitor17:30
maevawindows is to expensive and full of viruses and require money for yearly anti virus upgrades so linux is good alternaztive. oppen office recognises .doc format like office17:31
maevathegentleman: ok17:32
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:38
=== administrator_ is now known as tsuna27
selenahi )17:40
tsuna27how do i get flash17:40
tsuna27plugin 4 fireofx17:40
tsuna27im mew17:41
tsuna27what should i do17:41
selenakeep your mind17:42
DarkhoundHello, i have ubuntu on my laptop i have a few questions17:42
Darkhound1. how do i import PST fies into Evolution17:42
selenaokay lets see it17:42
selenait at all?17:43
tsuna27when I install stuff from the adept installer where so they go17:46
maybeway36tsuna27: lots of places, usually somewhee in /usr17:48
maybeway36actual progams in /usr/bin17:48
Bman87hi, I have a problem where I will be typing in a document and the keyboard cursor changes to a different line randomly. I am not touching the mouse, and this also happens in other programs, just trying to search on google then the cursor dissapears like it was clicked outside of the box17:50
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tsuna27now that i downloaded KDE 4.1 whats new17:51
selena2Bman are u typing on the notebook?17:52
ubottugoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux17:52
Bman87selena: yes17:52
tsuna27how do i use KDE PIM is back17:52
tsuna27i mean KDE PIM17:52
=== benoit-kde4 is now known as smux
selena2Bman i know the reason - or have big hands or big touchpad =)17:54
Bman87selena: I know i am not touching the touchpad. I already thought thats why it was doing it17:54
tsuna27how do i use KWIN17:57
leba__!kwin | tsuna2717:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kwin17:57
leba__!partition | leba__17:57
ubottuleba__, please see my private message17:57
tsuna27whats !kwin17:57
leba__tsuna27, it's the way you use the channel bot.17:58
selenawhere is another mean - any program write in /dev/mice =) , or deck have a preassure on touchpad17:58
tsuna27how do i configure Kwin17:59
Bman87selena: I dont understand. sorry18:00
tsuna27"The Coverswitcher makes switching applications with Alt+Tab a real eye-catcher. You can choose it in KWin's desktop effects settings."\18:00
tsuna27thats from the KDE website18:00
tsuna27i was wondering how do i get into the Kwins desktop effect settings18:01
Bman87hi, I have a problem where I will be typing in a document and the keyboard cursor changes to a different line randomly. I am not touching the mouse, and this also happens in other programs, just trying to search on google then the cursor dissapears like it was clicked outside of the box. This is on a Dell Vostro laptop. I am not touching the touchpad at all.18:04
lee__has anyone got dialup-admin to work properly18:05
lee__on Ubuntu desktop18:05
lee__hello tsuna2718:05
lee__you new?18:06
lee__me too18:06
lee__you know anything about free radius18:06
tsuna27do u know how to use Step18:06
lee__whats step18:06
tsuna27its 4 physics18:07
tsuna27how about Kwin18:07
lee__nope sorry dude18:07
lee__not that either18:07
tsuna27so whats new in KDE 4.118:07
lee__what you need that for18:07
lee__nothing much18:07
tsuna27in Kwin when u press Alt+Tab it looks nicer18:08
lee__sweet, will have to remember that18:08
lee__is ther anyone on here that can help me with freeradius and dialup-admin18:09
tsuna27im trying 2 delete a game I downloaded18:10
tsuna27but its not letting me18:10
=== erwin_ is now known as vaiursch
mattelacchiatoi've wrote my own udev-rule to run automatically a script. this script should mount the device. but it doesn't work18:13
mattelacchiatothe command "mount /media/Backup" works, if i execute it by hand18:14
mattelacchiatobut not insede the bash-script18:14
yakuzianyone has expierience with newest ati driver (catalyst download 8.7) and flightgear? because if i try to play, my pc freezes at "initializing subsystems" just before i can start flying and i have 3d acceleration because i can play Nexuiz without problems18:14
leba__how do I check my partition table using linux ?18:15
mattelacchiatoi've also put an echo-command in the script to see, if the script was run18:15
mattelacchiatoleba__: what do you mean?18:16
leba__mattelacchiato, I want to verify the hdd mbr file, I guess...18:16
trappistleba__: sudo parted check <device>18:16
trappistleba__: the mbr isn't the same as the partition table18:17
mattelacchiatosudo fdisk /dev/<discname> and then "v" is also possible18:18
leba__trappist, kubuntu installer aren't able to recognize the hdd partitions.18:18
tsuna27hello how do i use Kwin18:18
tsuna27how do i get into the program18:18
mattelacchiatokwin is the window-manager18:18
tsuna27where do i find that18:18
mattelacchiatoyou are using it, when kde is running18:18
tsuna27so its on18:19
mattelacchiatoi guess...18:19
tsuna27k then how do i edit the prefrences18:19
mattelacchiatops aux | grep kwin18:19
tsuna27just type that in terminal18:19
mattelacchiatocontrol center -> appereance18:20
tsuna27do you know how to use the The Coverswitcher18:22
tsuna27it says you can choose it in Kwin's desktop effect settings18:23
mattelacchiatono, never heard about coverswitcher, tsuna2718:23
=== fabiano is now known as RAUCHEN13
w8tahhi folks -- i installed libqt4-dev and its deps on my hardy laptop to compile and run kvirc 4 -- all works great except that i have no sound support -- any suggestions what i need to install?18:30
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=== ubuntu_ is now known as evangelions
evangelionshow i can repair my grub18:45
=== don is now known as Guest54096
Guest54096how can i install cmake 2.6.0 to finnish installing kde-4?18:50
blue__evangelions: you could try an request a reinstall, back up your bootlist first though18:51
Guest54096i AM ADDING kde 4 TO kDE 318:51
Guest54096ALL DONE BUT SAYS NEED 2.6.018:52
evangelionsim  try with sgd18:52
jparishyHm, I reinstalled Kubuntu yesterday and got kde4.1 going and it's working great. except that it doesn't seem to recognize my cd's18:53
jparishyI put in a Music CD and it isn't coming up, is there some package I need to install to get it to do so?18:54
yousefkde4.1 is not a good idea right now18:55
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:55
jillHi everyone, during boot after choosing os (auto) BlackSOD with white rectangle red lettering "Input not Supported"18:56
Guest54096i AM NOT SHOUT18:56
jillThen starts normally18:56
Guest54096just typing18:56
jussi01Guest54096: please use normal case then18:56
Guest54096well i build just to build18:56
jussi01Guest54096: Are you looking for kde 4 support ?18:57
Guest54096not the end of world if fail18:57
Guest54096but somebody has to try this crazy stuff18:57
jussi01Guest54096: if so, please try #kubuntu-kde418:57
Guest54096the support said to install cmake 2.6.018:58
Guest54096i have it andf am try to install it18:58
Guest54096it does not understand18:58
jussi01Guest54096: the #kubuntu-kde4 please :)18:58
Guest54096ok thanks bye18:58
jillHi everyone, during boot after choosing os (auto) BlackSOD with white rectangle red lettering "Input not Supported".  Then starts normally. Note I do not see a vid driver in hardware.19:03
blue__jill: so whast the problem?19:04
Picijill: Thats your monitor complaining that the resolution or refresh rate being sent to it is unsupported.19:04
ubuntu__Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.19:04
ubuntu__               First       Last19:04
ubuntu__ # Type       Sector      Sector   Offset    Length   Filesystem Type (ID) Flag19:04
ubuntu__-- ------- ----------- ----------- ------ ----------- -------------------- ----19:04
ubuntu__ 1 Primary           0   209712509     63   209712510 HPFS/NTFS (07)       Boot19:04
ubuntu__ 2 Primary   209712510   976751999      0   767039490 W95 Ext'd (LBA) (0F) None19:04
ubuntu__ 5 Logical   209712510   419425019     63   209712510 HPFS/NTFS (07)       None19:04
ubuntu__ 6 Logical   419425020   629137529     63   209712510 HPFS/NTFS (07)       None19:04
ubuntu__ 7 Logical   629137530   976751999     63   347614470 HPFS/NTFS (07)       None19:04
ubuntu__   Pri/Log   976752000   976768064      0       16065 Free Space           None19:04
jillDuring boot screen goes black I think there is a video driver missing but have not been able to locate one19:05
ubuntu__this is the partition table19:05
Piciubuntu__: Please dont do that.19:05
Pici!paste | ubuntu__19:05
ubottuubuntu__: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:05
jillPici, hello again, will check resolution but I have an ati vid card no driver.19:05
ubuntu__Pici, can you help me please ?19:06
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Piciubuntu__: What are you doing that is giving you that error?19:07
ubuntu__Pici: sudo cfdisk -Ps /dev/sda19:08
Piciubuntu__: Is there a reason you are using cfdisk over qtparted/gparted?19:09
ubuntu__Pici: the problem is very much like this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/parted/+bug/10379419:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 103794 in parted "Cannot have overlapping partitions" [Undecided,New]19:09
ubuntu__Pici: I am using a kununtu desktop cd and I am trying to install it but the installer doesn recognize my hdd partitions.19:10
Piciubuntu__: There should be a graphical parition editor on the the liveCD.  I personally don't use KDE so I'm not sure where it puts it.19:11
gnummyes, there is a grafical partition editor on the kbuntu livecd19:12
gnummi guess it's qtparted19:12
ubuntu__Pici: I couldn find any disk partition tool on this live cd. Just a app called Disk & Filesystems - System Settings, where I am not sure if it just checks the dis or edit it.19:17
ubuntu__gnumm: do you know where is it locatewd please?19:18
gnummon the live cd?19:19
gnummstartthe installation19:19
ubuntu__the installatio doesnt recognize my hdd partitios19:20
blue___ubuntu__: you could try puppy linux live CD it has loads of tools for partitioning19:20
ubuntu__blue___: yes? where from ?19:21
blue___ubuntu__: google it19:22
benbreadWhoa - What's with the Crazy/Awesome way linux shows the file structure of Audio CDs?19:29
ubuntu__is there someone here which knows about command like tools to help me please?19:37
sbucatubuntu__: ?19:37
ubuntu__sbucat: I need to check my hdd partition to see if itś fine...19:38
sbucatubuntu__: i think fdisk but i am not pretty sure19:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fidisk19:39
Sevenhillubuntu : do you mean something like scandisk ?19:40
ubuntu__I get this error : Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.19:40
Sevenhillubuntu__:  do you mean something like scandisk ?19:40
ubuntu__after using : Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.19:41
ubuntu__sudo parted /dev/sda5 check19:41
ubuntu__Sevenhill: what ?19:42
jparishyAlright, this is kind of annoying. I opened konqueror and pointed it at audiocd:/, but there is nothing in any of the folders accept Full CD but I don't want the entire CD in one file :|19:43
giuliaspeak italian19:44
PhilRodjparishy: that is odd. Do you have libvorbis installed?19:44
PhilRod!it | giulia19:44
ubottugiulia: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!19:44
ubuntu__can I donwload and use a partioning tool when I am running a live cd  ??19:45
PhilRodjparishy: oh wait, kde 3 or  4?19:45
ubuntu__Where is the helpers on this channel today ?19:50
ubuntu__Holyday ?19:50
Pici#ubuntu is active if you need help thats not necessarly KDE specific.19:51
Lynoureubuntu__: helpers are volunteers, so might be actually so.19:52
StucKmanhi all. I'm tring to fix this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/45427, modifying the patch I mention here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/45427/comments/719:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 45427 in kdebase "quitting kdm session on xdmcp terminal(ltsp) causes usplash to appear on server session" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:52
StucKmanany way to contact developers so we can figure this out once for all?19:52
ubuntu__I want to install kubuntu, could somone help m pelase ?19:53
jparishyStucKman: #kde-devel maybe?19:53
geniiubuntu__: Are you on ubuntu already?19:53
StucKmanjparishy: no, the patch is kubuntu only19:53
ubuntu__genii: I am on Kubuntu19:53
StucKmanubuntu__: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop19:53
StucKmanubuntu__: ah, then click on the "install" icon in the desktop19:54
ubuntu__StucKman: it happens the installer doesn recognize my hard drive partitions!!!19:54
StucKmanubuntu__: tell us about your machine19:55
ubuntu__StucKman: I used to have xp on primary partition. then I erase it and installed Kubuntu. Then I erased it and when I was booting from Ubuntu I tryed to give my partition sda1 a label where label in bsd is a new partition, but incredible it didn erase my windows partition, but when I am inside linux all I see from partition tools is a full empty table.19:58
StucKmanubuntu__: do you reagard the info in your computer as important? because if not, just erase it all and start over19:59
ubuntu__StucKman: now I try to reinstall kubuntu and the installer doesn recognize I have any partition on mu hdd.19:59
ubuntu__StucKman: I was trying to avoid it just now.19:59
StucKmanubuntu__: "a label where labal in bsd is a new partition" <-- I don't understand that20:00
ubuntu__StucKman: I don care to loose it, but if I start from the point 0 again it gonna take me a day, where if I fix it it can take 10 minutes or so and lots of fun..20:01
lonrani have download new plasmoids in kde 4.1 using the "install new widgets" tab but now they dont appear, where can i find them? where are they installed?20:01
StucKmanlonran: see topic20:01
ubuntu__StucKman: I though label was a volume label, where label is a partition table in linux, no ?20:02
StucKmanubuntu__: no20:02
lonranthnks StucKman, and sorry20:02
StucKmanlabel is file system label, but it actually depends on the tool you were using20:02
StucKmanlonran: np20:02
ubuntu__StucKman: well itś not just label, but it works like I sayed.20:02
ubuntu__StucKman: ok, never mind about it. What do you think I could do from Linux inside point to try fixing or rebuilding this label/partitioning table (better avoiding trash my windows ones)20:04
StucKmanubuntu__: open a terminal, run "sudo fdisk -l /dev/<your hard disk>" and paste the output in some pastebin20:04
ubuntu__StucKman: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/f4c64978d20:06
ubuntu__StucKman: I did run : sudo cfdisk -Ps /dev/sda if you don mind.20:07
ubuntu__StucKman: I still can run the command youe told me...20:07
tsuna27I was wondering how I could edit what apps start at startup20:08
StucKmanubuntu__: ok, lemme see20:09
StucKmanubuntu__: tell me what's wrong on that output, as I don't know what it should show20:10
StucKmanI mean, I see 4 ntfs partitions that eat up almost all the disk20:10
tsuna27can someone help me?20:11
StucKmantsuna27: kubuntu, right? kde?20:12
StucKmanubuntu__: are you sure it's the right disk?20:12
ubuntu__StucKman: you can check the screenshot here : http://imagebin.ca/view/MHI2mH.html20:12
ubuntu__StucKman: well, it is the hdd, but itś very unorganized right now.20:13
Lynouretsuna27: tried using ~/.kde/Autostart yet?20:13
tsuna27i will now20:13
StucKmanubuntu__: coming20:13
ubuntu__StucKman: I can explaine what each partition means if you want..20:14
tsuna27whats ~ again20:14
ubuntu__StucKman: ok20:15
Lynouretsuna27: ~ is just shorthand for your home directory. But this might be a bit tough, then. You can put scripts in that directory, and they'll get run at kde start...20:15
StucKmanubuntu__: I can't reach the sshot20:15
ubuntu__StucKman: no, why not?20:16
StucKmanubuntu__: I got the link, it's just not working from here20:16
StucKmandunno, either the image provider did something or my ISP borked its dns again20:16
Lynouretsuna27: anyway, http://languor.us/kde-autostart-programs-upon-login has two different ways to go about it20:16
StucKmanubuntu__: tell me about the partitions20:17
tsuna27and how do i make it that my widgets dont move every time i turn on my computer20:17
ubuntu__StucKman: sorry, ok.20:17
ubuntu__In the partition #1 I got XP20:18
ubuntu__the #2 is something I could eliminate if possible, not sure whay itś there...20:19
ubuntu__#3 is the pertition I intend to install Linux20:19
ubuntu__I mean #5 not 3.. sorry20:19
ubuntu__#6 I have vista20:19
StucKmanubuntu__: you have to change the partition type to 83 (linux)20:20
ubuntu__#7 I have some crap20:20
StucKmanand you'll need another partition for swap20:20
aib_how do i get rid of the desktop pager in KDE 3? the context menu has nothing like a delete item!20:20
ubuntu__StucKman: yes, I tryed to format it but wasn sucessful20:20
Lynoure(seems my accidental joining here was not totally useless :) )20:21
ubuntu__StucKman: and the partition Pri/Log text is the problem Ithink20:21
StucKmanso either you changer the partition type, not the label, or you never had kubuntu installed, wich is not consistent with what you said first (or what I understood you said L)20:21
* nikosk is wondering what ppl try 2 do20:21
StucKmanubuntu__: no, not only format, but change partition type20:22
tsuna27Kate keeps on coming when I log in and i cant stop it20:22
ubuntu__StucKman: ok how do I format it ?20:22
StucKmanubuntu__: again, change partition type first20:23
ubuntu__ubuntu, ok, how do I do that ?20:23
StucKmanuse any *fdisk you wish20:23
ubuntu__StucKman: can it be a command line ?20:23
nikoskubuntu: in which system are you now windows ?20:24
StucKmanubuntu__: yes20:24
StucKmanwell, there must be some gui app, but I don't use them,20:24
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StucKmanubuntu__: hmm,m did you change the "kabel" from any of your windows'?20:25
ubuntu__StucKman: yes20:25
ubuntu__StucKman: thats what I was talking abouit20:26
StucKmanyou just did a mistake trusting microsoft :-P20:26
ubuntu__StucKman: what do you mean ?20:26
StucKmanjoke apart, it must have changed the ppartition to ntfs20:26
StucKmanand most probably it also formatted it20:26
StucKmanso I'm mostly confident you just lost your kubuntu instalation20:27
nikosk_oops this happened to me 2 many times when first starting with linux20:27
StucKmanms tools are not the best ones to manage partitions20:28
ubuntu__StucKman: when I did that I had the GParted software showing all my partitions all right, after that I thought I had lost everything because the pasrtition bar became just one big grey bar, but I don know how and fortunatlyt I could kept booting from windwos without loose of data, but always I boot from linux it identify as no partition. weird20:28
nikosk_StuckMan: partion magis is pretty good20:28
StucKmanI remember MS' fdisk not only touches the partition table, it also overwrites random sector within parittions20:28
nikosk_partion magic I mean20:29
StucKmannikosk_: yeap, that one has helped me lots of times20:29
StucKmani was refering to MS tools, not windows tools :)20:29
ubuntu__nikosk_: can I download and use from inside a live cd ?20:29
nikosk_I c20:29
StucKmanubuntu__: you say that you fiddled with the partitions with gparted, and at some point it showed all the disk as a grey bar?20:30
nikosk_I think that you can create a rescue disk and boot from that. have never tried it though20:30
StucKmanubuntu__: there used to be a couple of diskette images...20:30
ubuntu__StucKman: I am in teminal prompt now. What is the command I should be using to set the format of /dev/sda5 partitoin to ext3 ?20:30
StucKmanubuntu__: use any of the *fdisk tools you like20:31
* nikosk_ was always wondering what the diffrerence between ext2 and ext3 is (I am sure this is a lame question)20:31
ubuntu__nikosk_: I think ex3 is journaled20:32
StucKmannikosk_: basicaly, journal support20:32
nikosk_aah, ok thanx20:33
ubuntu__StucKman: fdisk /dev/sda5 or is ther any interesting options ?20:33
StucKmanubuntu__: sudo fdisk /dev/sda20:33
ubuntu__StucKman: but this way I will be loosing ll my curently partition table, no ?20:34
ubuntu__StucKman: and besides what would it be the standart partiton format ?20:34
StucKmanubuntu__: no, you'll be editing it20:36
StucKmanubuntu__: it's not format, it's type20:36
ubuntu__StucKman: ok, so I did that..20:37
StucKmanthe "format" (in windows terms) in linux has to do with the filesystem you put into the partition, not the partition type20:37
ubuntu__StucKman: and what would the format of a ext3 filesystem for example ? in windows terms ?20:38
ubuntu__StucKman: do you think the partition #2 is beeing used somehow ?20:39
nikosk_Is the Beryl the 3D desktop ?20:39
joe_i have a problem whith K9Copy and i am hopeing that someone can help me out?20:40
StucKmanubuntu__: how may I know? it's your diks....20:41
joe_everytime i put in a dvd and start up K9Copy it allway's freez's up on me and I can never get K9Copy to run, can anyone help me out???20:41
StucKmannikosk_: beryl, now compiz fussion, it's the window manager/composer that shows the desktop in a 3D cube, yes20:42
ubuntu__StucKman: do you think windwos xp/vista uses W95 Ext'd (LBA) anyhow ?20:43
joe_Is someone gonna help me out or what???20:43
StucKmanubuntu__: that's a primary partition that has all the logincal inside20:44
joe_fine if u wanna be dick's to someone that does ask for help & noth'n else then i guess i can be a dick to, fuck u ppl & hope u fuck'n die for not help'n ppl in need of help!!!20:45
StucKmanubuntu__: paste the output of "dmesg | grep sda¦ please...20:45
Daisuke_Laptophe does this about every day20:45
StucKmanDaisuke_Laptop: nevermind him20:46
Daisuke_LaptopStucKman: i find it an amusing study in childlike behaviour :)20:46
StucKmanDaisuke_Laptop: indeed20:46
nikosk_me needs some help in installing beryl in KUBUNTU20:47
ubuntu__StucKman: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/f13e2257a20:48
Daisuke_Laptopnikosk_: personally, i wouldn't bother, beryl is a dead project - compiz-fusion is probably what you're looking for20:49
Daisuke_Laptop!compiz | nikosk_20:49
ubottunikosk_: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion20:49
StucKmanubuntu__: where did sda4 go?20:51
ubuntu__StucKman: don know, I think it never exixted before ..20:52
StucKmanubuntu__: it should, as sda5 comes after it20:53
Daisuke_LaptopStucKman: i think 5 is where logical partitions start20:53
Daisuke_Laptopi've seen several examples where theres 1-3, then 520:54
Daisuke_Laptopnothing serious20:54
ubuntu__StucKman: all right ?20:55
StucKmanDaisuke_Laptop: oh, yes20:56
StucKmano\ *slap*20:56
StucKmanubuntu__: it's ok, as Daisuke_Laptop says20:56
Daisuke_Laptophehe, no worries, i have moments like that all the time20:56
ubuntu__StucKman: ok, what I do now then ?20:56
StucKmanubuntu__: are you still in fdisk? paste me the output of the "p" command20:58
ubuntu__StucKman: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/dec1613d20:59
ubuntu__StucKman: if I try "v" it shows me :21:01
ubuntu__Logical partition 7 not entirely in partition 221:01
ubuntu__21416 unallocated sectors21:01
ubuntu__maybe thatś a bit problem, no ?21:01
ubuntu__StucKman: are you there ?21:08
ubuntu__I think I have a partition #7 which is bigger than what the logic partition #2 describes.21:10
ubuntu__How can I fix it ?21:10
StucKmanubuntu__: sorry, I'm back21:11
ubuntu__StucKman: uhh, ok.. ;)21:12
ubuntu__StucKman: do you see what I wrote ?21:12
StucKmanubuntu__: two things: a) you haven't set a linux partition yet! b) yes, partition 2 shoukld contain parts 5, 6 and 7, but only contains the first two21:13
ubuntu__StucKman: I think my logic partition #2 is with problems. Because my last partition #7 should have 8Gbs and it have hundred and something... bigger than my hdd supports..21:13
StucKmanubuntu__: lemme see21:14
StucKmanubuntu__: according to dmesg, your hd has 976773168 sectors of 512 bytes each21:15
StucKmanwhich makes 500108 MB21:15
ubuntu__StucKman: ok, than thats all right21:16
StucKman(duh, fdisk reports almost the same)21:16
ubuntu__I jusat cant compreend why it says partition 7 not entirely in partition 221:16
StucKmanso you have 3 parts 100GB each (1, 5 and 6) and one of ~170GB (7), right?21:17
StucKmanubuntu__: check the start and end culinders from p output21:17
StucKmanpart 2 should contain parts 5,6 and 7, but only goes up to the end of part 621:18
sourcemakerare there SAP specialists (SAP GUI for Java)?21:20
ubuntu__StucKman: yes, part 7 comes after the end of 221:22
ubuntu__StucKman: and goes further...21:22
StucKmanubuntu__: you gotta fix that21:28
StucKmanubuntu__: listen: if you edit anything in fdisk, it won't apply until you save it, so you can play with it. and you will :)21:29
StucKmanubuntu__: delete partition 2 and recreate it to the sezi it should21:29
ubuntu__StucKman: but will I be able to change it after all ?21:31
ubuntu__StucKman: I mean without loosing my actual partitions ?21:31
StucKmanubuntu__: yes, if you just put the right values21:32
StucKmanthe end cylinder for sda2 chould be at least 6080021:32
StucKmanif parts 5, 6 and 7 get deleted, don't panic, just recreate them with the same values21:34
ubuntu__StucKman: ok21:35
StucKmanand if you have a pendrive, I suggest you to make a backup of your MBR before saving the new partition table21:35
StucKmans/pendrive/usb stick/21:35
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ubuntu__StucKman: how do I backup it ?21:36
ubuntu__I have a pen drive..21:36
StucKmanubuntu__: on another terminal, dd bs=512 count=1 < /dev/sda > /pendrive/mount/point/sda.mbr21:37
StucKman(mount the pendrive first)21:37
ubuntu__StucKman: hey, it says /dev/sda: Permission denied21:40
ubuntu__I tryed with sudo already21:40
StucKmanubuntu__: ah, sully me. "sudo dd bs=512 count=1 if=/dev/sda of=/pendrive/mount/point/sda.mbr"21:42
ubuntu__from inside /dev/ is I try to type sda bash shows sda: command not found even though sda is present on this folder..21:42
StucKmanubuntu__: of course, "sda" is not a command21:43
StucKmanis a "file" that represents your whole disk21:43
ubuntu__sda is actually a copy or my machine mbr ?21:43
StucKman(is not actually a file, but for practical uses it behaves like one)21:43
ubuntu__Mmm, ok21:43
reidarwhy wont Beryl install? i use  sudo apt-get install beryl emerald-themes21:43
StucKmanunix: everython is a file :)21:44
ubuntu__Itś a kind of map.. ?21:44
reidarbut get the packages could not be found21:44
StucKmanubuntu__: it's called a "device". if you open it, you'll be seeing the actual contents of the disk21:44
StucKmanincluding all the structures in it needed to "build" partitions and filesystems21:45
StucKmanyou better don't mess with it much :)21:45
StucKmanso, we're just copying 1 block of 512 bytes starting from the beginning of sda, wich is the place of the mbr21:46
StucKmanreidar: beryl is de[precated, look for compiz-fusion21:46
reidarthank you21:47
ubuntu__StucKman: which is the count 1 part of it .. :P21:47
reidarand whats the install for that+21:47
ubuntu__StucKman: do I need to make a dir /mount/point in pendrive firsthand ?21:47
StucKmanreidar: compiz-fusion21:47
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StucKmanubuntu__: no, just put the real mount point21:48
StucKman(of your already mounted pendrive)21:48
ubuntu__StucKman: ok21:48
reidari write sudo apt-get compiz-fusion?21:48
StucKmanreidar: yes you can21:48
reidarthank you21:48
reidarnew to Linux so learning as i go hehe21:48
StucKman"yes you can" <-- my english is faling apart21:49
mefisto__reidar: sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion    don't forget the "install"21:49
reidarbut stil i get on my norwegian kbuntu that it cant find the packages21:50
mefisto__reidar: try compiz-kde instead21:51
ubuntu__StucKman: if = from of = to ?21:51
Daisuke_Laptop!compiz | reidar21:51
ubottureidar: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion21:51
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reidarthank you21:52
StucKmanubuntu__: yes, input file and output file21:52
StucKman(man dd)21:52
ubuntu__StucKman: because it says : dd: opening PD/mount/point/sda.mbr' : No such file or directory21:52
reidarcompiz-kde worked21:53
StucKmanubuntu__: of course, I told you to use your real mount point21:53
StucKmanI guess I just assumed you understood that21:53
ubuntu__StucKman: /PD/ is my mount point21:54
StucKmanthen just /PD/sda.mbr21:55
ubuntu__StucKman: I forget to add the dir /media/PD...21:56
ubuntu__StucKman: ok, I have the backup now.21:57
StucKmanok, then do the modifications we talked about earlier21:57
ubuntu__StucKman: so this sda is a copy of my mbr ?21:57
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StucKmanyes, now sda.mbr is a copy of you mbr21:58
ubuntu__StucKman: which filesystem I will use for partition #2 ? Used to be W95 Ext'd (LBA)22:01
StucKmanubuntu__: teh same22:05
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ubuntu__StucKman: are you there, wanna have a look ?22:12
ubuntu__StucKman: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d74dd560022:13
ubuntu__StucKman: Itś missing the swap partition though22:14
StucKmanubuntu__: yes22:14
StucKmanubuntu__: perfect!22:14
ubuntu__StucKman: and I advanced the part 7 to 60801, is it a problem ?22:15
StucKmannow, will you use a swap partition?22:15
benceno no22:15
bencean you?22:15
StucKmanubuntu__: yes, it is22:15
benceand you?22:15
ubuntu__StucKman: so I should come back to 60800 then ?22:15
bencei go sleep22:16
StucKmanubuntu__: bah, I'm not sure, as that one's a NTFS. dunno if windows will complain or not22:16
StucKmanand again: will you need a swap partition?22:17
ubuntu__StucKman: yeah, better don't play with microsoft, those guys are dangerous by themselfes...22:17
ubuntu__StucKman: I don't know if I need a swap partitin, someone told me linux just works with one, no ?22:18
squid0how do I add a keyboard shortcut to lock the screen? it's not an option under keyboard shortcuts in systemsettings22:19
StucKmanubuntu__: how much ram d'you have?22:19
ubuntu__StucKman: 2gb22:19
squid0oops, wrong channel\22:20
StucKmanubuntu__: hmm, you might not need one, but it depends on load22:20
ubuntu__StucKman: can I save the fdisk command ?22:20
StucKmanubuntu__: yes, corssing fingers22:21
Kasleiv'e got a problem. I bought a TerraTec Sound card, but i have no idea how to install it in KDE 4. Can anyone help me please? :)22:27
StucKmanubuntu__: gotta go. good luck with that22:29
ubuntu__StucKman: ok, man, thank you very much !22:29
ubuntu__StucKman: thank you !!!22:30
StucKmanubuntu__: np22:33
bertoper andare a ubuntu .it come si fa?22:34
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!22:34
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* genii sips22:48
richard_anybody know about the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg command?22:50
spike_why doesn't sudo apt-get dist-upgrade work?22:52
spike_trying something else22:54
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genii!es | The_zodiac22:55
ubottuThe_zodiac: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:55
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=== tsunami is now known as blackbox
steveireHi. Anyone have kde4 installed?23:21
steveireIf you have kubuntu kde4 packages, could you tell me if you have a directory ~/.kde4?23:22
harpreetanyone help me with installing my internal modem on toshiba satellite?23:27
=== chris_m is now known as fifthelephant
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)23:32
harpreetanyone help me with installing my internal modem on toshiba satellite?23:42
phil_i was wondering what other good audio players are out there for kubuntu23:44
fifthelephant@phil, by other you mean not amarok?23:46
phil_yes, sorry.  forgot about that part23:46
phil_so far i really like amarok, but i figured i would venture out and see what else was available23:47
jcsanyone know how to get the ar5007eg working with madwifi?23:47
fifthelephantwell your free to use any linux media player, doesnt have to be one designed for kde23:48
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=== Sevenhill is now known as Seven_ZZzz
phil_ok, any that you like personally?23:49
fifthelephant@phil, yeah, amarok;) but have you tried kaffeine?23:51
fifthelephant@phil, http://www.raiden.net/?cat=2&aid=334 altho its about a year out of date23:51
phil_fifthelephant, yeah i tried that briefly.  it's pretty basic, especially compared to amarok23:52
phil_fifthelephan, also, i've been trying to add wma playability.  i downloaded the codec, but what do i do with them after that, do you know?23:53
fifthelephantthere is a gnome equivalent of amarok, just cant remember the name right now23:53
phil_fifthelephant, thanks for the link.  looks like it will be helpful, but i've got to go.  thanks again23:55
fifthelephantfor codecs i use the medibuntu repo's altho not 100% sure about wma,dont have any files here to check23:55
fifthelephantnp,cya phil23:55
gabenchola alguien q hable en español23:56
jazumaruque honda ?! gabenc23:56
gabenchola jazumaru23:56
gabencde q se puede conversar aqui??23:57
jazumarueres usuario experimentado en esto de linux???23:57
gabencno recien empiezo23:57
jazumaruyo tambien23:57
jazumaruno sabes donde puedo consegir controladores23:58
jazumarupara una tarjeta grafica23:58
gabencdejame buscar23:58
jazumarucon chips nvidia23:58
gabencque modelo23:58
gabencya te ayudo23:58
jazumaru7200 gs23:58

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