
ExilantHi, am I supposed to/allowed to file bugs against the version of kde 4.1 in the launchpad repositories, or not?01:39
yuriyExilant: yes, please. preferably about the ones in Intrepid, but the hardy packages should be similar enough01:53
Exilantok, will do, thank you01:53
yuriyExilant: if hardy, do it against the -kde4 package (but it will likely need to be switched to the regular package if confirmed in intrepid)01:53
yuriyExilant: i mean, the package ending in -kde401:53
Exilantok, will do01:55
yuriyExilant: also please file at bugs.kde.org instead unless (or in addition) unless you think it's likely a bug introduced by kubuntu01:57
persiayuriy: Should KDE bugs really be filed in KDE *instead* rather than *also*?  I'd think that the bug link would be useful information, and having it already present in LP would reduce the effort of future triagers to track down the relevant upstream bug (plus it shows up in the list of duplicate candidates)02:07
yuriypersia: right, also with proper linkage is better02:11
yuriyand Exilant ^02:11
Exilant"kscreensaver-xsavers-extra-kde4" does not exist in Ubuntu. Please choose a different package. If you're unsure, please select "I don't know"02:11
Exilanti don't know, is that supposed to happen?02:12
Exilantmaybe i'll leave out the kde402:13
Exilantthanks for the help, and thanks for all that work in hunting and fixing bugs, have a good night02:21
yuriydamn, he left02:34
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mrooneywhat is the proper way to handle a request for a backport?04:06
mrooneyis there a guide for that?04:06
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging04:08
mrooneypersia: thanks :) I made it to that page before but for a different purpose and never noticed that section05:10
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mcas_awaygood morning07:39
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mcasi need help with bug 25327907:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253279 in kdebase-kde4 "kwin (KDE4) consumes 99% of CPU" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25327907:39
mcasit is an upstream problem and it is known there but must be fixed by nvidia07:40
mcascan someone tell me how to proceed?07:40
RAOFmcas: Is it an upstream _bug_?  If so, link to the upstream bug.07:49
mcasRAOF: i have to change the package to, because the nvidia driver are the probelm07:51
RAOFmcas: If it's an nvidia bug, you can either mark it as Invalid, or if there's a really obvious bug (ie: not something like 'nvidia performs badly here', but doing x,y,z causes a catastrophy) then you want to move it to the nvidia source package.07:51
RAOFThat's changed recently, I'm not sure what it is now.07:51
mcasRAOF: it's "only" about bad performance07:52
RAOFThen that's probably just invalid.07:52
mcasok thank you07:53
RAOFAlthough 99% CPU utilisation is pretty bad :)07:53
RAOFIt might be worth punting to the nvidia package, but it's likely to just sit there annoying people :(07:53
mcasyes but the hints from kde techbase did it for him07:53
mcasthis problem is mentioned by the kde 4.1 release notes as known problem07:54
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* e-jat down down down 09:08
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james_wmrooney: hi, http://people.ubuntu.com/~jamesw/mrooney.py10:49
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mrooneyjames_w: thanks, I'll check it out!13:23
james_wmrooney: give us a shout if it doesn't work :-)13:24
james_wI didn't test it, but it's based on code I use13:24
mouzIn bug 248788 the reporter has attached .crash files directly. He did so, because apport-gtk had crashed too. Apart from the fact the wrong files were attached: is a crash file in itself usable for triaging?14:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248788 in gnome-system-monitor "gnome-system-monitor crashes at startup" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24878814:34
pedro_mouz: if apport-gtk crashed you can tell the reporter to use apport-cli instead, attaching .crash files to the reports is a bad idea... apport should handle those14:46
james_whey mouz14:47
james_whey pedro_14:47
pedro_hey james_w14:47
james_wmouz: apport-cli -c /var/crash/whatever will submit an apport bug report correctly14:47
james_wyou can get the stuff out of .crash files if they are attached, but it's more trouble than it's worth really14:48
james_wmouz: and you can close that bug, as the apport-cli thing will open a new one14:48
mouzok thanks both14:50
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mcasi need help with bug 23617315:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236173 in ubuntu "[Needs Packaging] kwin-style-crystal-kde4" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23617315:36
mcasthe package is now in the intrepid repos15:36
mcascan i change the status now to "Fixed released"?15:37
yuriymcas: yes15:37
mcasthank you yuriy15:37
yuriyer sorry was thinking of something else. hope not to step on people's toes, but that should be right15:38
yuriyping xand3r in #kubuntu-devel if you want to make sure he's done with it15:39
mcasyuriy: he gave me the information ;-)15:39
mcashe told me to close the bug15:40
mcasand i wasn't sure about the new status15:40
mcassorry but its me again15:46
mcasbug 25361715:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253617 in apport "Apport should attach details of installed plugins to Firefox bug reports" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25361715:46
mcasi would change the status to confirmed because this would be a great feature15:47
mcascan someone please change the importance to Wishlist?15:47
james_wmcas: I'm on it, I think it's actually wishlist for firefox, packages can install apport hooks15:51
mcasok do you change everything or should i?15:52
mcasi didn't know that applications can do that15:53
james_wI've done it I think15:53
mcasok thanks15:53
nhandlerIf a person reports a bug on Launchpad, and then determines that it is not really a bug, but something they did wrong, what should the status be set to? Invalid?16:53
bdmurraynhandler: yes, that is correct16:53
bdmurrayas we didn't make a change to some software to fix it16:54
nhandlerOk, that is what I thought. I just wanted to make sure. Thanks bdmurray16:54
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mrooneywould anyone mind confirming bug 253400?22:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253400 in firefox-3.0 "Can't navigate Back after navigating to Home" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25340022:07
bdmurraymrooney: confirmed22:08
chrisccoulsonthis is only with the original home page is it? i can't confirm it with a custom home page22:09
mrooneychrisccoulson: oh right, it would only be with a chrome: or another page which redirects22:10
mrooneygenerically it is just a bug that you can't easily go back after visiting a page which redirects22:12
bdmurrayI'd never thought of fixing it, just always worked around it22:13
mrooneybdmurray: do you think it is worthy of fixing?22:14
bdmurraymrooney: that's up to upstream but it sure would be neat as it it'd save 2 clicks22:14
mrooneybdmurray: shall I attempt to forward it? and any ideas on importance in Ubuntu?22:15
bdmurraymrooney: low I'd say22:16
chrisccoulsoni can confirm it as well actualy. just tried it with a fresh user22:16
mrooneychrisccoulson: thanks!22:18
mrooneynow can I just do also affects /firefox (Mozilla Firefox) and that handles the upstream logic for me?22:19
bdmurraymrooney: you'd need to manually report it in the upstream bug tracking system22:20
mrooneybdmurray: oh, what happens if I say it also affects project firefox?22:21
bdmurraymrooney: not much without an upstream bug to link to, it just indicates that it needs forwarding22:22
mrooneybdmurray: oh okay, I wouldn't have been surprised if Launchpad forwarded it for me22:23
mrooneylately it has been getting more and more automagical22:23
affluxmrooney: while this could be helpful sometimes, it would probably lead to some duplicate bugs at the upstream bug tracker, because when forwarding manually, you usually check whether the bug already is known22:25
mcascan i ask a question to a hugday bug?22:27
mcasbug 16080922:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 160809 in ubiquity "whenever i try to install ubuntu, it crashes." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16080922:27
james_whey mcas, sure22:27
mcasi ask for more information should i mark it on the hugday wiki page?22:28
mrooneyafflux: I guess I assumed whoever did it would have already checked that, now they just don't have to file it22:28
mrooneybdmurray: now, should I make the upstream bug about going back after redirects in general?22:28
mrooneyI obviously can't make it about ubufox22:28
affluxah right, that makes sense22:28
bdmurraymrooney: yes, that sounds ideal to me22:29
mrooneybdmurray: also sounds like it won't get fixed any time soon that way :)22:29
mrooneyI think all browsers every have this issue22:30
mrooneythough I could be wrong22:30
james_wmcas: yeah, if you've asked for more information and set it to incomplete, then put your name next to it on the wiki22:31
mcasok this is my first hugday bug :-)22:31
* james_w hugs mcas 22:31
james_wnice work! :-)22:31
mcasshould i change to lightgreen?22:32
mcasthanks for your help james_w22:39
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greg-gsorry, can't particpate today, but uh, should the topic be changed?22:44
greg-gbdmurray: ^22:44
bdmurraygreg-g: oops, thanks!22:46
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Hug Day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080731 | Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu
mrooneyspeaking of firefox, I guess bug 253641 needs to go upstream?22:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253641 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox crashes on XSL Transform" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25364122:55
mrooneyman that was fun making the XML actually link to the XSL from launchpadlibrarian so you could just click it22:58
affluxnote to myself: don't click on links in bugreports without reading what they are ("this link causes firefox to segfault *click*")23:06
bdmurraySo you can confirm it then? ;)23:07
affluxyup :)23:07

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