
* Tm_T hugs Myrtti 00:03
FlannelMyrtti: your ambivalence astounds me00:19
MyrttiFlannel: oh00:20
Myrttielaborate, I'm running a bit slow right now00:20
elky_workok, who has a link to the pastebin of the ultabreaksit code?00:22
FlannelMyrtti: You're just constantly luke warm00:22
Flannelelky_work: The ones posted last night?  They weren't full code, but I can scroll up00:22
Myrttiisn't lukewarm good?00:23
Flannelmaybe I should've said tepid00:23
MyrttiI bet there's plenty of people who would disagree with that00:24
MyrttiI'm just having weird day00:24
Myrttithe Jackass apologized his behaviour today, almost out of the blue00:25
elky_workFlannel: it was a few days ago now00:25
FlannelMyrtti: who would that be?00:25
Myrttithe Jackass of Nerdom and Relationships00:26
Flannelelky_work: I'm updating my copy, hold on00:26
Myrttianyway - tis too late to be awake00:28
Flannelelky_work: http://pastebin.com/f100c650200:29
Flannelelky_work: then the other was http://pastebin.com/d373a6d8200:30
Flannelbut that doens't seem to work anymore00:30
Flannelsomeone will have to brave downloading the deb and unpacking it00:31
elky_workyeah, i dont have time for that right now00:35
elky_workkevinO: you are in the ops channel. is there anything relevent we can help you with?00:42
Flannelelky_work: Anything in particular you're looking for?  (just downloading dpkg -x the deb and you get the source)00:42
kevinOmmm, waiting for a couple ops to decide my fate00:43
elky_workFlannel: the dangerous crap such as '--force-yes'00:43
kevinOi guess i can come baqck later00:43
Flannelelky_work: heh.  this hurts.00:45
elky_workFlannel: i know00:45
Flannelelky_work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32383/ is all of them00:46
Flanneldid you want that file with almost all of them in it?00:47
elky_work193 in a signle file? EWW00:48
Flannelelky_work: here's that file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32384/00:50
elky_workhmm... can grep output linenumbers? (iirc yes)00:51
Flannelyeah.  Heh, here's a gem: sudo chmod +x legends_linux-
elky_workplease repeat your first pastebin with linenumbers, and grep out that chmod with linenumber please :)00:52
Flannelelky_work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32386/00:53
stdinwho want's to kill \3TATUK ?00:55
Flannelthe chmod line number ... oh, lots.00:55
Flannelthanks stdin00:55
stdinI have a highlight on that command ;)00:55
elky_workFlannel: find a deb with the dodgiest looking repo, and the corresponding chmod00:58
Flannelelky_work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32395/01:00
Flannelthose all all the debs he chmod+xes (some of the other chmods are runs, andshs and stuff)01:00
elky_worki have no idea what the legends_linux thing is, where does it get downloaded from?01:01
* Flannel mutters about elky_work being a taskmaster01:01
Flannelhmm, -B isn't working01:03
Flannelah, there we go.01:03
Flannelelky_work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32398/01:04
FlannelHows that?01:04
Flannelthe if before the else is... a trial dpkg -i01:06
Flanneldpkg -i filename.deb, if it fails, grab it, chmod it, then try again01:06
Flannelwhat a lovely.... method.01:06
Flannelsince checking if a file exists is so hard01:07
Flannel(that's what he does with the .run files and .shs too, checks if they exist, tries to run them, if it fails, grabs the software, +x, runs it again01:08
Flannelhe does check if it exists first (even on debs) so my last comment wasn't entirely meritful01:09
Flannelthat is, the previous one01:09
Flannelhere's another little gem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32401/01:11
Flannel(and that code is mirrored in all the removes that aren't through package management it seems)01:12
* Flannel loves the irony of "swift*" where * is the debianized versions.01:13
Flannelelky_work: There may be some issue with nautilus script collisions too (although I'm not familiar enough to say), likes 723-74401:17
Flannelelky_work: and dvd shrink is installed via alien from an rpm01:18
Flannelelky_work: and then... the compiz git stuf... makes baby penguins cry.  Especially the removal.  that is ripe for issues.01:22
Flannelalright. I need a shower or something.01:23
wgrantI like how he uses --assume-yes and --force-yes in the same command.01:54
wgrantAnd in other places -y and --force-yes.01:54
elky_workcopypasted from two diff places01:55
PiciHow many of those things are present in the original automatix code though?01:55
FlannelPici: Does it matter?01:56
PiciFlannel: Not really01:56
elky_workooh, show me the compiz git russian roulette01:58
FlannelPici: make the bad woman stop.  I dun wanna look at the code anymore.01:59
wgrantIt's interesting that it's just 'Ultimate Edition' and not 'Ubuntu Ultimate Edition'. It is the ULTIMATE EDITION OF EVERYTHING!01:59
elky_workthe last one, i promise02:00
Flannelelky_work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32409/02:00
Flannelwgrant: That's because it works on debian (untested), kubuntu (untested, xubuntu (untested), and edubuntu (untested)!02:01
Flannelelky_work: and once again, full source of that godawful file is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32384/02:01
* elky_work hugs Flannel02:02
PiciNU=$(cat /etc/passwd | grep 1000 | cut -d: -f1)  and then build stuff in /home/$NU/compiz-scripts/02:03
wgrantFlannel: True.02:03
PiciWhat is with this constant ITEMS=something else stuff?02:04
FlannelPici: not only that, but that code will only do it on the first user's home.  What if the second user does it?02:05
PiciFlannel: Exactly.02:05
wgrantFlannel: What, you mean Linux supports multiple users? Lies.02:05
* Flannel looked at that earlier, didn't make that connection though.02:05
Flannelwgrant: How else would you allow malicious people to log in?  through your user?02:05
wgrantAnd what the feck.02:05
wgrantia64 is not x86_64, fool.02:06
* Pici dies @ fusionremove02:06
FlannelPici: yeah... Thats what got me.02:06
Flannelthe build stuff... probably was good (didn't really look)02:06
wgrantThe identical apt-get commandlines except for the envvar are also nice.02:06
wgrantReally follows DRY.02:06
Flannelwgrant: well, its future proofing!  What happens if someone wants to make it so that something different happens on a particular package?02:07
nickrudI assume you'll file bug reports. A perfect storm :)02:09
PiciIf this whole script is running with sudo, why does it need sudo in front of all the commands?02:09
FlannelPici: super sudo!02:09
wgrantPici: I was wondering that myself.02:09
wgrantAnd if it's not running with sudo, why isn't it?02:09
FlannelIt is.02:10
PiciAnd these sudo echo "some desktop item stuff" >>  /usr/something/file.desktop   will not work unless you run the script as sudo.02:10
wgrantPici: True, true.02:10
Flannelthe launcher makes sure you're sudoed02:10
wgrantI like the function at 242 on http://paste.ubuntu.com/32384/.02:10
* Flannel can paste that too02:10
wgrantWe create a directory, cd to its parent, and then remove it.02:10
Piciwgrant: I dont understand that either.02:11
FlannelI know *why* he des it02:11
FlannelLet me find the code02:11
Flannelalright, line 157. make /usr/local/games/armyops, then cd to games then delete... oh02:12
Flannelearlier I had it worked out so you make the armyops, cd to armyops, then rm the current dir02:12
wgrantsudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.bak02:12
wgrantsudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list02:12
Flannelso, if the cd failed, you'd still be... somewhere else.02:12
wgrantOh yes, that backup is so useful.02:12
FlannelI didn't even catch that.02:13
wgrantIt's such a copy and paste job.02:13
wgrantecho "Restoring sources list"02:13
wgrantsudo cp /etc/apt/sources.bak /etc/apt/sources.list02:13
wgrantSo useful.02:13
Flannelnickrud: heh.  [project barely uses LP], [project recieves about 40 bug reports that ammount to "rewrite your whole thing"], [project goes away]?02:13
* Flannel makes that comment go back in time three minutes, to have it make sense.02:14
nickrudFlannel either that, or he learns some nicer coding techniques due to your due diligence in correcting his errors ;)02:14
Flannelnickrud: I was reading his forum yesterday.  He goes on and on about how arnieboy was a crappy coder, and how he's learned all about the debian package format.  Interesting read, to say the least.02:15
wgrantFlannel: I didn't see that, but I saw a lot of other crap in the forum...02:15
* nickrud wonders how this critique could be published in a way that isn't totally crushingly embarrassing02:15
Flannelnickrud: lots of [explitive deleted]s02:16
PiciWhats the point of 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=kde sudo apt-get' and 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=gnome sudo apt-get'?02:16
wgrantnickrud: Why shouldn't it be crushingly embarrassing?02:16
nickrudwgrant I'm a softy, that's all.02:16
wgrantPici: To introduce subtle bugs that appear in different DEs, as well as making nice debconf prompts appear.02:16
nickrudwgrant and I don't see any way it wouldn't be02:16
PiciBut its object oriented! theres functions for every application you'd ever want to install!02:17
wgrantPici: Of course you should forget the fact that he could just run "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=<whatever>" at the top and cut the code by hundreds of lines...02:18
Piciwgrant: I think he misunderstood DRY as 'do repeat yourself'02:18
wgrantPici: Looks like it.02:19
wgrantWhat's with the function at line 1311?02:19
wgrantIt removes things, really removes them, and then reinstalls them.02:19
Flannelwgrant: Are you using the same line numbers as the rest of us?02:19
wgrantLooking at http://paste.ubuntu.com/32384/02:19
Flannel1311 is "dpkg check" right?02:20
FlannelOh, and... just ignore the fact that the kubutu/ubuntu/xubuntu/edubuntu removing won't work elky_work. (he just removes the metapackages)02:20
wgrantfunction flashinstall {02:20
Flannelwgrant: The rm's are because he doesn't understand what -purge means02:22
Flanneleither that, or its to remove them in case you installed them with this before.02:22
wgrantFlannel: But why does it need to be removed and reinstalled just to do what Flash on amd64 does already?02:22
Flannelsince, you know, when we add bugs, we just add more bugs to cover them up02:22
nickrudAH! I KNEW IT!!!02:23
Flannelwgrant: I love the autoremove line in there.  Also known as "If you have any metapackages removed, we'll try and take out a number of unrelated packages to flash"02:23
Flanneler, I could've made that line half the length and still made sense.02:23
Flannel"this is where we try and remove non related packages without you knowing"02:24
wgrantAnd he seems to have failed to notice the existence of $SUDO_USER.02:24
Flannelelky_work: So, now that we've been at this for two hours, what are you writing? and to whom?02:24
wgrantOh, I just now noticed fusionremove. That is a beauty.02:25
wgrant... the theme package is more than 100MB. Impressive.02:26
Flannelwgrant: but its superawesomecool!02:28
Piciits probably chrome, like the website.02:28
wgrantI thought I'd see how superawesomecool his packaging was, but it's huge.02:28
FlannelPici: which website?  have you seen the ultimate editon one?  Its the epitome of usable color schemes.02:29
elky_workFlannel: blog. from work. between phonecalls.02:29
wgrantFlannel: But it's shiny!02:30
PiciFlannel: Yeah, chrome!02:30
Flannelwgrant: It looks like its from Dali02:30
PiciI cant even read the text when the sidebar rollovers are active02:30
FlannelPici: but its rad!02:31
PiciAnd all the header items (except ubuntu xmas) bring up 404s02:31
Flannelthey all do for me.02:32
FlannelBut, that makes sense.  no one has questions about ultimate edition, since its so awesome.  So how can there be any questions asked frequently?02:32
PiciNice, an installer with music (albeit commented out now): #mixer.music.load('/usr/share/ultamatix/conf/discipline.mp3')02:36
FlannelPici: yeah.02:36
FlannelOh, hey... I wonder if that music is still in the deb02:37
FlannelMmm, no, it's not.  But there is saw.wav... so, I guess when I run ultamatix, at some point I have sound effects!02:38
wgrantYou also have 15006 files of theme.02:38
PiciOW. My ears02:38
nickrudmaybe that sound is saved for when your system appears in the movie02:39
wgrantI think he build the themes package manually... as in, ared it manually and everything.02:40
wgrantAs it's so broken that nothing could have built it.02:40
Flannelthe ultamatix repo is listed twice in his sources.list, once as "official ubuntu repositories" and the oter as "ultmatix repositories"02:40
FlannelOh... and is root nautilus window uses sudo instead of gksu.02:40
wgrantIs that in the codebase as well? I saw it a couple of times on the forum.02:41
PiciFlannel: And some of the hardy repositories  are spelt harty in the sources.list too02:41
FlannelPici: No, that's his repo.02:41
Flannelhis version is "harty"02:41
nickrudoh my g.02:42
Flannelwgrant: yeah, part ofthe nautilus scripts.  in /usr/share/ultamatix/conf/*02:42
FlannelAnd, his method of sudoing stuff is "gksu a dummy command" and then the next line "sudo the real command'02:42
Flannelso, if someone has password caching turned off, it won't work.02:42
wgrantNow this is interesting.02:43
wgrantThe package was mostly manually built, but has some stuff in there that indicates it was partly created with dh_make.02:43
Flannelalright.  time to eat dinner.  I take my leave from this insanity.  I'll leave wgrant in my stead.02:46
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:53
elky_workyou know, "[2008-07-31 12:13:15] *** ChanServ gives mneptok the permission to talk." gives me a chill every time :P03:53
elky_workFlannel: http://www.geekosophical.net/?p=18604:12
wgrantelky_work: So we're being proactive rather than reactive now?04:18
wgrantelky_work: And where did all the double dashes go?04:19
wgrantBut they are some nice snippets of code.04:19
Flannelwgrant: they got absorbed into ndashes, it looks like04:25
FlannelOh.  hmm, or just regular dashes.04:25
elky_workwgrant: wordpress happened04:44
elky_worki'll change em into code blocks... the wp kitchen sink doesnt have the code button anymore :-/04:44
elky_workooh, milestone: "Akismet has protected your site from 251,759 spam comments already"04:45
elky_workwgrant: and yes, proactive until we need to be reactive ;)04:48
wgrantelky_work: I thought it might have been a good idea to try to ignore it and hope nobody noticed.04:49
elky_workwgrant: because that works so well04:51
Flannelwgrant: Automatix died, and it wasn't really needed anymore anyway.  Hopefully we can nip this in the bud before it gets too big.04:51
Flannelwgrant: Or at least, keep it from expanding04:51
* ajmitch goes to download & blindly run it04:52
elky_workfrom now on, these sorts of crack are to be referred to as GoAXs, because they make you want to Go AX(e) the author04:52
* wgrant stabs ajmitch with --force-yes for good measure.04:55
wgrantelky_work: Hah.04:55
Hobbseeelky_work: LOL!04:56
Flannelelky_work: And that's pronounced "goax" like "goat"?04:57
elky_workFlannel: why not04:57
elky_worksince pronunciation is critical over irc, and all04:57
wgrantThis guy knows Debian policy well: http://pastebin.com/f603673f204:58
ajmitchis there a problem there?04:59
elky_workajmitch: who names their child 'themahn2003'?04:59
elky_workaside from talulah's parents05:00
Flannelwgrant: He did speak volumes about how he's been reading up about debian policy (since I believe that was a core complaint of mjg)05:00
wgrantFlannel: So I saw.05:00
wgrantThe themes package proved that.05:00
elky_workhmm "[*] 99% support for 64 bit O/S's"... i wonder if this means 'everything downloads and installs, but it still randomly wipes everything on harddrive, no idea why'05:01
Flannelelky_work: 64bit is supported (untested)05:01
wgrantLike Debian.05:01
elky_workFlannel: like everything else05:01
elky_workat least he packaged it (symbolically) aptly "ultamatix (1.8.0-2) unstable;"05:03
* Flannel just made that up, because its likely.05:03
wgrantYou mean "64bit is supported (untested)" (untested)?05:04
Flannelwgrant: exactly05:05
elky_workoh freaking hell05:14
* elky_work points to jdub's blog on planet :-/05:14
Flannelthe stupid twitter one?05:16
Flannelelky_work: just don't read both of his posts at the same sitting05:17
* Flannel mutters about a total waste of planet space.05:18
elky_workFlannel: the yass one is less rude, but one that is famous in the part of the country i come from05:18
Flannelelky_work: not rude, just... stupid.  If I wanted to see something like this, I'd ... browse youtube or something.05:19
* Flannel considers asking Fuxxor to change his nick.05:19
elky_workFlannel: yes, do05:19
Flannelelky_work: What do you think, in channel, or in query?05:20
Flanneleh, moot point.05:21
Hobbseeelky_work: the lack of wiping of the hard drive is the 1%, which is currently still unsupported.06:00
Hobbseeti does everything else.06:00
* Hobbsee eyes planet.06:01
tonyyarussowhat now?06:02
Hobbseewell, it's certainly a good way of alerting people to the irc council.06:02
Hobbseeand might get people who normally wouldn't think of nominating, to do so06:03
tonyyarussoEyeing as in "maybe I should post", not eyeing as in "they said what now?"06:03
Hobbseeyou've not seen cody's post?06:04
tonyyarussoNot yet06:04
* tonyyarusso goes to read06:04
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Okay, I have now.06:07
tonyyarussoNot bad choices, actually.06:07
Hobbseetonyyarusso: indeed.06:07
Hobbseealthough i've not seen much from boredandblogging06:07
* Hobbsee pokes mneptok with a stick06:07
tonyyarussoNot that I've seen either in a moderation / dispute resolution capacity, but hey.06:07
tonyyarussoHobbsee: boredandblogging basically WAS the UWN around the time I stopped having time to contribute to it.06:08
Flannel /me +1s boredandblogging06:08
tonyyarussoVarious other things too, but that's where I know him most from.06:08
Flannelfor nomination.  maybe I'm jumping the gun.06:08
Hobbseei'd like to see mneptok and such on there.06:08
tonyyarussohehe, it's a new game!  Called "hilight anyone you think should submit a self-nomination"!06:10
* Hobbsee wonders how many of the nominations will actually make it to people to be voted on / selected from06:19
naliothtime will tell06:24
Tm_Tmmmmm, what nomination are we talking now?06:25
naliothTm_T: for IRC council06:26
Tm_TI hope noone nominates me06:26
naliothnominations are self-induced06:27
Hobbseei wonder if we'll get a full list, of who nominated at all?06:27
tonyyarussoif someone can make me two clones so I'd have time for such things, I'd consider it, but......no.06:32
* tonyyarusso goes to bed - gotta be at work at 8AM tomorrow :(06:32
elky_workyou need to have logical time to do these things? someone should have let me in on that....06:33
* Flannel bonks elky_work for having a stupid spam prevention.07:21
elky_workFlannel: hehe07:22
* elky_work checks the comment queue07:22
Flannelelky_work: It asks in text, and then expects the answer in a number!07:22
elky_workwhere is this mythical comment?07:25
Flannelno idea?  your web server gobbled it up07:26
elky_workthe blog is on my dreamhost account, so quite possible07:30
Flannelnom nom nom07:30
Madpilotspeaking of computers doing the "nom nom nom" thing, great blogpost by Hobbsee on "Ultramoronix" or whatever the latest script-of-doom is called...07:32
HobbseeMadpilot: that was elky_work.07:32
FlannelMadpilot: you mean elky_work07:32
HobbseeMadpilot: have you confused us already?07:32
Hobbseei know we're both women, but you should really be able to tell us apart....07:33
FlannelMadpilot: its easy... Hobbsee has a "Hobbs" in her name.07:33
Madpilotpardon me. I'm confusing the ladies of ubuntu-irc!07:33
* Madpilot shall now grovel07:33
FlannelMadpilot: If there were *three* of them, you might be able to get away with confusing them though.07:33
* Flannel waits for Myrtti to chime in.07:33
MadpilotIn my defence, it's late, and there's an empty pint glass beside this keyboard :)07:33
elky_workFlannel: were you signing as 'puppies'?07:34
* Hobbsee pokes the puppies with Myrtti's Fluffy Pink Pen Of Poking (tm)07:34
Flannelelky_work: no, that's certainly not me.  nope.07:35
elky_workHobbsee: forgive my friend, he's Canadian. ;)07:35
* elky_work ducks the flying glass07:35
* Flannel doesn't choose random nouns as "names" in blog responses. nope. not him.07:36
elky_workput the better worded of the two through07:37
Flannelsecond time around almost always comes out better.07:37
Madpilotpeople still use Lynx for actual, live websurfing? Wow.07:38
Tm_TMadpilot: why not?07:38
MadpilotThe 1980s called, they'd like their browser back sometime :)07:38
FlannelMadpilot: Not only that, but take a look at the version on said lynx07:39
elky_workMadpilot: text-based stuff is good for readability on tiny screens07:39
elky_workif all you want is the words, it's great07:39
* Flannel notices that lynx has changed a whole .1 from dapper to hardy.07:40
Flannelsort of makes my version comment more silly.07:40
* elky_work wonders what the changelog for lynx says the .1 is07:41
Flannelelky_work: Actually, dapper to feisty went from 2.8.5-1 to -207:42
elky_workwth did they change though?07:42
FlannelSome security things... and... some bugs...07:43
FlannelThere's the history of it 2.8.5-1 is the starting dapper version07:43
elky_work"  * Fixed missing icon in KDE menu (LP: #159580)"07:45
elky_workthat was the latest update for ubuntu.07:45
elky_worka text-only browser, and they were irked about it's freaking icon07:45
Flannelelky_work: and the one before that was homepage, maintainer, standards version.07:46
elky_worki did notice07:46
elky_work1 -> 2 was worth it though07:46
Flannelelky_work: you approved both of them, it looks like07:51
elky_workonly long enough to get them out of the spam queue07:54
elkeeeFlannel, still around?08:38
Myrttithou hast called my name in vain08:38
* Myrtti larts08:38
Hobbseenow, how can i /cycle and pick the data center i end up in?08:39
Hobbseesorry, the server that i end up using?08:39
elkeeedid you reply to the idiot again, because the new wp-admin panel makes it really easy to accidentally brush a delete button... i just deleted a comment :-/08:39
elkeeespecify them in your server list for the network08:40
* elkeee huggles Myrtti08:41
Tm_Tme too :(08:41
* elkeee huggles Tm_T too08:43
Tm_Telkeee: ooooh, huggles <308:53
wgrantWhat is this new Eeee PC?08:55
Tm_Telkeee: multiplying?08:55
elkeeeewgrant, stupid sydney tunnels08:56
wgrantelkeeee: Ah.08:56
Flannelelky: what;s up?09:43
Flannelelky: oh, no, I didn't.09:43
Flannelyou deleted a real person's comment.09:44
elkyFlannel, crap09:52
elkyhmm... according to the database, i was hallucinating. i think noscript still being enabled on my blog domain saved me10:03
Myrttithis is so unfair10:22
MyrttiI'm working on my only vacation week10:22
Seeker`Myrtti: :(10:28
Seeker`Myrtti: why?10:28
Myrttiapparently because I'm too nice10:30
jussi01Have I said I love kde4 yet?11:18
Myrttihave I said I love gwibber, yet?11:18
Myrttiand a couple of other things too11:19
jussi01but I still want a jaiku plasmoid :(11:19
jussi01elky: nice blog post11:20
elkyjussi01, :)11:21
PiciWhats a gwibber?12:23
Myrttifeels weird not using the damned USB wifi thing12:28
* jussi01 wonders if theres a kwibber...12:59
Myrttijussi01: make a blueprint or something of it in launchpad12:59
Myrttijussi01: the project is in so early stages that someone could quite easily pick it up12:59
* jussi01 goes to continue packing...13:00
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore13:13
* Myrtti pokes jussi01 in the ribs13:20
* Myrtti grunts and sods off13:47
ubottugordonjcp called the ops in #ubuntu (mandork_x spamming)13:50
Hobbseesigh, people16:03
PiciIbex is so buggy, you people should be ashamed.16:03
Hobbseehe's booted with the splash screen, i'll bet.16:03
Hobbseebooting without it seems to work fine16:03
Tm_TPici: yes, I'm ashamed that it works16:04
Tm_Tit shouldn't!16:04
Hobbseeoh, his bug is even worse...16:04
Hobbseei wish we could force clueless people not to use intrepid.16:05
poningruPici, yarr16:06
Piciso... repeat that again about the channel16:06
poningruoh right16:06
poningruI was wondering if I can create a #ubuntu-netbook channel16:06
Hobbseewow, there's a nick i haven't seen in a while16:07
Tm_THobbsee: where?16:07
Tm_Toh, I see16:07
Hobbseeor are you meaning the clueless guy?16:07
Tm_Tno, the nick you haven't seen16:08
* Tm_T see way too many nicks16:08
* poningru hugs Hobbsee 16:10
poningruI have been around16:10
poningrustarted a biking project16:10
Piciponingru: So, whats Ubuntu-netbook?16:10
HobbseePici: ....16:10
poningruso the netbook market is exploding right now16:10
HobbseePici: how long have you been hiding under a rock for?16:10
poningrunetbook is essentially a tiny cheap linux notebook16:10
PiciIs it different from #ubuntu-mobile?16:10
HobbseePici: yes16:10
HobbseePici: they're smaller16:10
ikoniatalking say the eepc - that sort of thing ?16:11
poningrucanonical is currently producing a particular OS for the netbook market16:11
poningruikonia, right16:11
Hobbseeikonia: that's the one16:11
PiciI thought we had a channel like that...16:11
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines16:11
poningruand aspire one, msi wind, etc.16:11
poningruwe do?16:11
* Pici looks16:11
Piciponingru: I could be wrong16:11
ikoniaponingru: yes, I've been working with the MSI one for a month or so now and an early prototype a few months earlier16:11
poningruikonia, !!!16:12
poningruI am currently working on the aspire one16:12
poningruas in just independently16:12
Piciponingru: nah, I think I'm imagining it16:12
poningrudidnt get a prototype or anything16:12
* Hobbsee eyes that bug16:12
poningruPici, oh :(16:12
ikoniaone of the labs I was in got an MSI prototype a few  months back16:12
* Tm_T hugs Hobbsee 16:12
* Hobbsee holds up a sign: "you need to be this intelligent to run intrepid"16:12
* Myrtti wants a pink MSI wind16:14
ikoniaMyrtti: do they do them in colours now ?16:15
naliothponingru: can we help you?16:16
ikoniaoh cool, they have changed the shell casing also16:16
Picinalioth: he wants to know about setting up #ubuntu-netbook16:16
poningrusorry at work16:17
Myrttiikonia: that's 420€ here16:17
* Hobbsee stabs, and waves the sign around more16:17
Hobbseewhoever mentions the phrase "graphical bash"....16:17
poningruyeah aspire one is about 379USD here16:19
poningruso yeah can we make that channel?16:19
Myrttiwhat about #ubuntu-mobile ?16:19
poningruI will be in it 24/7 in two days16:20
Myrttioh, but that was the different project16:20
poningruMyrtti, I think thats a different ...16:20
bazhangthat's for touchscreens16:20
Tm_Tponingru: only if Myrtti has her pink MSI wind16:20
poningrubazhang, well netbooks can have a touchscreens as well16:20
Hobbseeikonia: i'm hoping if that guy gets ignored, he'll go away.16:21
Pici8.10 beta 3?!16:21
ikoniaHobbsee: understood16:21
Hobbseeikonia: but i might not get my wish :P16:22
Myrtticlamav live doesn't recognize the keyboard16:27
poningruso about that channel...16:37
naliothponingru: are you not talking to nickserv?  ( please identify )16:38
mneptok"that channel?"16:40
poningrunalioth, done16:42
poningrumneptok, #ubuntu-netbook16:42
mneptokach so.16:43
mneptoki've heard of these netbooks. the kids seem to think they're "groovy."16:43
Myrttimneptok: be sure you don't end up within hug proximity of me16:44
* mneptok 's locked in a morbid orbit16:45
poningrubrb lunch16:46
naliothwe _do_ have trolls that go around using other peoples nicks, so identifying with nickserv is important16:53
MyrttiI just love how anal the ops of IRCnet's !assembly are during the party17:03
Myrtti19:01 @,- Shancial is now known as ShancialAway17:03
Myrtti19:01 @,- ShancialAway was kicked from !assembly by rutkutin [Banned: No away-nicks!]17:03
* Tm_T hugs mneptok 17:07
poningrunalioth, oh true17:13
ikoniajpds: when did he sneak in ?18:08
jpdsikonia: Who?18:08
ikoniaisn't that the guy from earlier with the "surveys"18:08
ikoniaooh you removed him18:09
ikoniaas in the ban18:09
jpdsHe came in about 10 minutes ago, it was a timed mute ban.18:09
jpdsHe must of left on his own accord, I only /at'ed him.18:09
ikoniathought it was the guy from earlier coming back18:09
Picihrm, him again?18:24
ikoniahe didn't hang around18:30
Picihe was in a few times yesterday18:30
ikoniado you think it's worth removing the ban, as it looks like he's checking if it's still in place18:32
ikoniaTm_T was under the impression he was "sorry" yesterday18:32
PiciIf you feel that way, sure.18:32
ikoniahe's on line, I'll drop him a quick pm18:34
Tm_Tikonia: msg him and talk about .... ah, you're at it already18:34
ikoniaahh hello kevinO18:37
ikoniathanks for joining18:37
ikoniait's only a quick one to see if you understand why you where removed from #ubuntu yesterday and make sure your ok with ensuring that it doesn't happen again18:37
ikoniado you understand why you where removed and banned from the channel ?18:38
kevinOyeah, i should have just let it go, but i didnt. I apologize18:38
ikoniathats great, no problem18:38
ikoniagive it a few minutes and I'll have the ban cleared18:38
kevinOok thanks18:38
ikoniaTm_T: looks like you where spot on18:41
Tm_Thrrr, something fishy is going on in Finland: http://www.assemblytv.net/2008/broadcast.php.fi?br=204818:57
Tm_Tbah, aren't showing anything from the event atm19:01
MyrttiTm_T: pöks19:19
MyrttiTm_T: you remember what options grub needs to be given to get finnish keyboard layout?19:20
ikoniaubotu just joined #ubuntu19:21
ikoniaidentified as seveas19:22
PiciI'm asking seveas about it19:22
MyrttiI feel really bad19:22
ikoniait doesn't appear active19:22
Myrttinot good19:22
ikoniatested it and it didn't respond19:22
Piciikonia: because its running irssi, not supybot.19:26
ikoniano biggy19:26
ikoniafunny watching ubotu give out interactive advice19:30
Myrttiwhy is he using ubotu nick?19:30
PiciHe said emma was using it.19:30
PiciAnd he didnt want that.19:31
ikoniaif he's got proof of that, it seems like she should just be removed as her intention is clearly to cause trouble/issues for ubuntu using ubotu19:32
ikoniathats not in line with the "behaviour" bond she agreed to19:32
PiciIf it was just in her channels, I dont think its that malicious.19:33
naliothemma was sitting on it ( unidentified )19:33
ikoniaoh come on19:33
ikoniathis is a joke19:33
ikoniashe  knows what that nick is19:33
naliothy'all put down your tomahawks.  nothing has happened with the 'ubotu' nick.19:34
ikoniathats not the point19:34
PiciI know. I'm just saying that she wasn't in our channels, so its not that big of a deal.19:34
mneptokbut it is.19:34
ikoniaPici: it is in my view as it gives the impression ubotu is active in #club-ubuntu19:34
ikoniathere is no reason for her to sit on that nick19:34
ikoniaother than to cause issue19:34
mneptokthat nick is owned by someone else. the person that owns it has been in conflict with emma.19:34
ubotuubotu can't join -offtopic? :)19:35
naliothikonia: ubotu was not in ##club-ubuntu19:35
mneptokemma has NO good reason to be using that nick. in fact, she has every reason to avoid it.19:35
ikonianalioth: sorry, that was in response to Pici's suggestion19:35
ikoniamneptok: exactly, and the "good behaviour" bond she agreed to - not exactly the spirit19:35
naliothnobody but folks who /whois'd ubotu knew about it, anyway19:35
ikonianalioth: thats even more the point19:35
nalioththe nick wasn't out parading around19:35
ikonianalioth: giving the impression that ubotu is online/available19:35
mneptoknalioth: so "if you don't get caught, it's OK" is in keeping with the spirit of the CoC?19:36
naliothikonia: rigggghhhhtt.  instead of being in dozens of channels, it was in none . . .19:36
ubotuah well, had to drop in here anyway19:36
ikonianalioth: no, I take that point, I really do, but its the intent19:36
naliothhi seveas19:36
ikonianalioth: can you supply one valid reason for emma to be sitting on that nick19:37
ubotutheres's a new version of chanserv.py for people who want it, fixing a bug. It will no longer break when trying to forward mibbit people19:37
ikoniaubotu: I wouldn't mind trying it as I'm currently using irssi and would appriciate other options19:37
naliothikonia: the folks in #auto_bleh haven't incorporated the chanserv.py features, yet?19:38
PiciThe ban is gone from -offtopic, I dont remember why it was tehre.19:38
ubotuand don't worry, emma can no longer sit on ubuntu, I've poked at nickserv to protect it19:38
ikonianalioth: some of them yes, but when I'm at home I'd like to have the option of playing with xchat a little more19:38
ikoniaubotu: I'm more worried about the intent rather than what happened19:38
ubotuhave fun with your mess, /me out19:38
Picicya seveas19:38
naliothikonia: _nothing_ happened with ubotu/emma19:38
naliothit wasn't in any channels19:39
ikonianalioth: she logged in as it - as I said, the intent not the actions19:39
naliothshe did _not_ log in as ubotu19:39
naliothseveas was just here logged in as ubotu19:39
ikonianalioth: ok, could you define "sitting on the nick" so I'm clear19:39
mneptoknalioth: it's nick-squatting, plain and simple. she knows the nick is registered, registered to someone with whom she has had conflict, and she's playing games.19:40
naliothikonia: when you are not here, _anyone_ can assume your nick ( but not identify to it )19:40
ikonianalioth: I appricate that, I can imagine people using it by mistake, but in this situation could you suggest one valid reason for emma to assume the nick ubotu19:40
naliothmneptok: that may be so, but she didn't show it off anywhere19:40
mneptoknalioth: so "if you don't get caught, it's OK" is in keeping with the spirit of the CoC? (x2)19:41
ikonianalioth: put that in context with her "no trouble" coc bond19:41
naliothdon't go into the "intent" thing.  you have not idea what she was wont to do with it.19:41
ikonianalioth: ok so what would a valid reason for her to assume that identity be19:42
nalioththe fact that she kept it in no channel ( so nobody would see it or tab-complete it ) tells us something19:42
ikonianalioth: what does it tell us, as I'm missing that19:42
naliothshe didn't do anything with it19:42
ikoniaso ?19:42
naliothit's the same as some guy dressing up in his wifes clothes while she's out shopping.  when she returns from shopping, her clothes are back in the closet19:43
Picithats a great analogy.19:43
ikoniawhat about if that guy was on a final warning from divorce if he had one more row with his wife19:43
naliothwhat difference does it make whether the nick is unused or sitting off in no channels ?19:43
ikonianalioth: provide one valid reason why should would be on a known nick to ubuntu19:44
ikonianalioth: if there is a valid reason I'm missing I'll forget it and move along19:44
naliothikonia: i don't have to provide a valid reason.  she didn't do ANYthing with it19:44
mneptoknalioth: other than use it19:44
naliothmneptok: WHERE did she use it?19:44
Piciikonia: What reason would people have to contact ubotu when it hasnt been in #ubuntu* channels for months?19:44
mneptoknalioth: which, to my mind, violates the spirit of the CoC and her agreement to abide by it.19:44
naliothdid she go into #ubuntu and fool people into /msg'g here?19:44
ikonianalioth: apologies, I was asking in your experience would there/could there be a valid reason I'm missing19:45
mneptoknalioth: she used it connected to the ircd.19:45
ikoniaPici: I concur with that,19:45
* nalioth gives up. You guys need to put the pitchforks down and put out the torches.19:45
PiciI agree its not good, but its not terrible.19:45
ikoniaPici: agreed19:45
PiciMore in the annoying category actually.19:46
PiciBut meh.19:46
nalioth_if_ she'd taken the nick for a spin into #ubuntu* channels, i'd be just as mad as you ( but she didn't )19:46
ikonianalioth: pitch forks are not out - but do you not find it odd that a user that has had such a troubled past, and history, and how basiclly signed a bond of behaviour would assume a known nick and just sit on it ?19:46
ikonianalioth: I agree with that19:46
MyrttiI'm more worried with ANYONE using that nick19:46
Myrttiit shouldn't be in use. at all.19:46
naliothand so it won't be, now.19:46
Piciseveas should set the enforce thing on for that account19:46
ikoniaPici: which I believe he just has19:47
ubottuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu (Izbranniy MicroBot)19:48
Myrttiwoooooo http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/2720570152/19:55
Piciwoo (I guess)19:57
MyrttiI bought a cd-rw and dvd-rw for nothing19:58
Myrttibut I guess they might come handy later19:58
PiciIt never hurts to have spare hardware... except when you have a whole room full of it.19:58
Myrttinot hardware19:59
PiciYeah, those are good too19:59
Myrttitwo days of struggle19:59
Nafallodiscs are not hardware? :-)19:59
PiciI'd concider them media.19:59
Myrttiand now I'm finally scanning my sisters w2k machine throughout20:00
PiciFind anything yet?20:00
Myrttibut that's live clamav cd20:01
Myrttiit has ntfs-3g... had to boot with irqpoll to get the keyboard to work20:01
Myrttithere's been some trojans on the computer and my ex broke out his deal with my sister and did crappy job so now I'm doing what he didn't20:02
mneptoklove you better?20:02
Myrttifix the damn computer20:03
Picioh, thats boring.20:03
MyrttiHeh. I gave my laptop to the 12yo for him to play Runescape with while I scan the viruses20:20
MyrttiBtw the kid might be on telly sports news at 11, jussi0120:28
Myrttiyeah he was at 9 news20:29
MyrttiAt the Haka - cork game20:30
MyrttiWas walking in with Haka players20:30
MyrttiAnd Haka won, whee20:30
ubottusoundray called the ops in #ubuntu (andare continuously swearing)20:52
ompaulit is gone away20:53
ompaulwow I made a new one20:53
MyrttiMoment of truth21:57
MyrttiDoes it21:57
jussi01good luck21:58
MyrttiSo far so good21:58
MyrttiIt works.22:24
MyrttiHeck. BBC World22:26
ikoniayour watching bbc world ?22:27
mneptokBare Bowling Championship?22:28
ikoniaBroad Back Cannoing22:29
mneptokBig Bad Clams22:30
* mneptok is not afraid of the Big Bad Clams22:30
ompaulmneptok, I seen a 6 footer22:30
mneptokunless they are wearing a full-head latex Hobbsee mask22:30
ompaulin real life22:30
mneptokompaul: i'll bet your wife would say "psssh ... more like 2 feet."22:31
MyrttiWell the 12yo is still playing Runescape on my laptop22:31
ompaulmneptok, no22:31
mneptok(male/female length judgment is like that)22:31
MyrttiIve got nothing better to do22:31
MyrttiIm happy though that I asked kapsi to open ports to my irssi proxy22:33
MyrttiIrc with mobile phone is so much easier with mirggi22:33
Dave2damn you for being able to IRC from mobile!22:46
jussi01Dave2: what kind of mobile you have?22:51
* mneptok got rid of his cell phone22:51
mneptokblame Canada.22:52
Dave2jussi01, one that's capable of running IRC and SSH clients, but my network won't let 'em do anything useful22:53
jussi01Dave2: shucks!22:54
* jussi01 has n95, with putty and mriggi22:54
jussi01but I hate the keyboard - it sucks22:54
* Dave2 has a 62322:55
* jussi01 is earning guitar and his fingeers hurt :/23:07
jussi01learning even23:07
ikonia jussi01 lighter guage strings while your learning23:08
jussi01ikonia: yeah - got them ;)23:08
jussi01still getting the calouses though23:08
jussi01trying to learn to finger pick atm23:08
jussi01house of the rising sun etc23:09
ikoniamy fingers are dead23:09
ikoniain terms of skin23:09
jussi01dunno if Im doing it right, but meh...23:09
ikoniaif it hurts, it's right23:10
jussi01ikonia: no, the plucking stuff...23:10
jussi01im following some random guide on the net23:10
ikoniaha ha23:11
ikoniarandom guide23:11
jussi01google ftw23:12
jussi01getting confused sometimes though...23:13
* Myrtti yawns23:16
jussi01ok, bed time ide expect...23:17
Myrttiyeah, it would be smart23:18
ubottuCShadowRun called the ops in #ubuntu-uk ()23:45
Myrttimy eyes burn. now the 12yo is googling about lacoste shoes.23:46
Seeker`Myrtti: ?23:48
Myrttiwell... he played runescape on my laptop for three hours23:56
Myrttiand after he was interrupted, he moved to shopping shoes.23:56
Myrtti2008-08-01 01:57:1223:57
Seeker`why is a 12yo on your laptop?23:58
Myrttibecause I took over the desktop computer to scan it for viruses with live clamav cd on command prompt23:58
Myrttiand he couldn't play Runescape with it for the duration of the scans23:59

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