
pwnguinis there some secret to finding the bylaws of The xorg foundation?07:41
pwnguinim trying to figure out whether that pledge drive for nouveau could have been handled by xorg foundation, but the lack of meeting minutes and bylaws is already suggesting "no"07:42
pwnguinoop, found em07:42
crevettehello there09:43
crevetteis this normal I can running compiz under intel graphic X3100 ?09:51
crevette"I can't" sorry09:51
tjaaltonon intrepid? yes, currently09:55
tjaaltonthere is a patch for it, but the performance is pretty bad09:55
crevettethat's fine09:56
crevettethere are a lot of changes on the intel graphics side in intrepid (sorry I don't follow closely developement)09:56
tjaaltonalways :)09:57
tjaaltonmesa 7.1 should have a bunch of changes for the DRI driver, and there's -intel 2.4.0 although it's not yet in intrepid09:59
mvomeh, I had hoped that the new mesa would have fixed the compiz issues10:00
tjaaltonwhat issues?10:00
crevettethe performance on intel are really poor, resizing a gtk windows lags a lot for me10:01
crevettethis is really choppy10:01
mvodidn't you said earlier that you can not run it at all? 10:01
mvotjaalton: the fact that it would not run at all :)10:01
crevettemvo, just with metacity10:02
tjaaltonmvo: it's fixed upstream, but the performance is not that good :)10:02
crevetteperhaps I need to blame metacity10:02
mvotjaalton: aha10:03
tjaaltonsince the "force greedy exa" patches haven't been forward ported10:03
mvocrevette: I'm still confused. so compiz does *not* run, but metacity does but that (== metacity) is slow? 10:03
* mvo nods10:03
tjaaltonbut seems like the driver only has 12MB of pixmap memory in its disposal, so that could be the reason10:04
tjaaltonso it's trashing a lot10:04
crevettemvo, with metacity moving a windows is smooth, but resizing it is painfull slow10:06
superm1tjaalton, how come all of these bugs from releases earlier to intrepid are being assigned to fglrx-installer?  fglrx-installer is intrepid only13:20
tjaaltonsuperm1: because they aren't going to be fixed on lrm13:29
superm1tjaalton,  a lot of what i'm seeing though doesn't even have logs and they are from much earlier releases13:30
superm1tjaalton, just mark them invalid, they're not going to be triaged if they're that old13:30
tjaaltonsuperm1: feel free to close them :)13:30
tjaaltonok, will do in the future13:31
superm1so just skip the step of reassigning packages in those cases13:31
superm1i'd like to be able to track bugs that are fixable by packaging (there are a few here and there)13:31
superm1so extra bug mail at this stage doesn't help :)13:31
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=== mvo____ is now known as mvo
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=== mvo____________ is now known as mvo__
=== mvo__ is now known as mvo
tjaaltonbryce: librecord probably will be enabled on debian too, now that there's actually a package that needs it21:04
brycetjaalton: ah ok21:06
brycetjaalton: btw I have a first cut for the console2fdi.sh script.  dunno if it's correct, but nothing fancy21:08
bryceuntested (obviously... already spotted a syntax error)21:08
tjaaltonbryce: nice! btw, model should always be evdev, and it's already defined in 10-keymap.fdi21:12
bryceI think I'll start an input hotplug page in the X wiki for keepign notes21:18
tjaaltonXKBRULES is not defined in console-setup. base is set on 10-keymap.fdi, so that can be dropped as well21:18
bryceso we should only list it if it's set to something other than base?21:21
bryceor is it just always base?21:21
tjaaltonalways base21:21
bryceah, so $XKBMODEL and $XKBRULES are always to be ignored?  we only care about $XKBLAYOUT then?21:22
tjaaltonand variant, options :)21:22
brycewhy is rules always base?21:23
tjaaltonthe default layout is also defined on 10-keymap.fdi21:23
tjaaltonXkbRules is set in xorg.conf, but not sourced from /e/d/console-setup21:25
tjaaltonand it's 'xorg' by default21:25
brycehmm, sounds inconsistent21:25
bryceis that a bug or by design?21:26
tjaaltonnow if I only know the difference between those two21:26
tjaaltonbeats me21:26
brycedoes it change the fact that we should ignore it here?21:26
tjaaltonnot unless we change 10-keymap.fdi. so better just set it as 'xorg'21:27
brycesample output:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/32722/21:32
tjaaltonheh, looks simple21:32
tjaaltontypo in capabilities :)21:33
brycegood catch21:33
brycebtw, do you have a non-us keyboard setup you could run this script on to doublecheck its output?21:37
tjaaltonsure, a sec21:41
tjaaltonyep, looks good21:42
tjaaltonwhat about adding a notice that says "don't edit this file, edit /e/d/c-s instead and run .."21:44
bryceecho '<!-- This file is automatically generated, so do not edit it. '21:48
bryceecho '     Edit /etc/default/console-setup instead, and then run '21:48
bryceecho '     dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server  -->'21:48
tjaaltonsounds good21:52

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