
steven_yep i'm here00:02
steven_i followed00:02
steven_i am in a library00:02
steven_and just booted their terminals into a xubuntu 8 session!00:02
steven_changed some stuff00:02
steven_and it saved it00:02
steven_so yeah it works00:02
steven_akaaka: everything going okay?00:06
PsynoKhi0trpf: do you have any burnable CD handy?00:07
trpfno, but I rather not get into partitioning anything atm .. I just removed that grub addition, going to see if that caused the fs error00:08
steven_it worked?00:16
steven_cool man have fun00:16
tanner_Hey need some help I screwed up (newb)01:27
tanner_I wanted to switch from another distro to Xubuntu since a friend has it and its nice and I was an idiot and deleted my current Linux partitions, now I'm locked out of my laptop01:28
tanner_Thanks to Grub, if I install Xubuntu via LiveCD will it install Grub and fix that for me?01:28
wolsyes it will01:31
tanner_Alright thanks you are my hero lol01:33
=== SuperM is now known as Name141
Name141Does Xubuntu also have "wubi" ?03:14
zoredacheName141: sure03:22
Name141So you can install with windows also ?03:25
ffoegboydoes anyone know gimp will run under xfce?03:33
crimsunsure it will03:35
ffoegboycrimsun, thanks,im new to linux and am just about to try to install xbuntu on my HP 213303:36
DaveKongIf I have a 64 bit processor should I be running 64-bit ubuntu(all the time)? If not, can have both versions in my GRUB?04:01
DaveKongwhat is up kb9tua?04:01
cody-somervilleDaveKong, I'd run 32bit personally04:02
cody-somervilleFlash doesn't work for example on 64bit04:02
kb9tuarunning xubuntu 7.10 almost always running high cpu usage. 2gb ram, 2.66GHz celeron. Why?04:03
DaveKongcody-somerville can I have both kernels in my grub and choose 64 for when I want to do some 64-bit gaming?04:03
kb9tuaand a lot of processes that I don't know what they are for04:03
cody-somervilleDaveKong, You'd have to install Xubuntu twice04:03
cody-somervillekb9tua, output ps ux | cat04:04
cody-somervilleto pastebin, please04:04
DaveKongkb9tua you could probably run ubuntu fine on that system and it might make life easier for you... if you want to after you can install xubuntu over ubuntu or fluxbox for more performance04:04
DaveKongcody-somerville that works for me04:05
DaveKongcody-somerville just put in an Xubuntu liveCD and boot and I can do it like that?04:06
kb9tuaI have the output. how do i put it in the pastebin. (I'm new to irc04:06
cody-somervilleDaveKong, yes but leave room for creating a second separate partition for your second install04:07
ecai used services and accidentally stopped xdm, i rebooted in safe mode and started /etc/init.d/xdm and it worked- but when i rebooted again it just shows a black screen04:07
DaveKongcody-somerville ok thanks a lot04:07
ecai dont have sysv-rc-conf installed and internet isnt working on that comp04:08
ecawhat file does services write to?04:09
kb9tuaI'm new to irc. How do I put something in the pastebin?04:13
[zEr0-x]enter to pastebin.ca, paste what you want to show, public, and then paste in here the link they give you. Did you get it?04:14
j1mckb9tua: go to http://www.pastebin.ca, paste it in, and submit it.  it will give you a link04:14
j1mcyou can paste the link in IRC, and people can view your pastebin04:14
kb9tuaok. doing that now.04:14
kb9tuaHere is the link. http://www.pastebin.ca/108798204:17
kb9tuaAny ideas, yet?04:27
ecaanybody know what file services-admin program writes to, a rc file i suppose?04:32
kb9tuaBTW, I use four swap partitions totalling 1.32 GB w/0 B usage. I've read that using multiple swap partitions are better than 1 big one.04:32
kb9tuaWell, I've to to go to bed. If you have any ideas, e-mail them to me at "thebobshow01 at yahoo.com"04:40
ecacopied S99xdm from rc3.d to rc2.d folder bcs i noticed it was missing, and it solved my problem05:22
* eca pats himself on his back05:23
godlygeekis there an xfce- or xubuntu-specific way to disable the system bell?07:31
godlygeekonce upon a time i remember jumping through hoops trying to globally disable it, but now i can't seem to find a way to turn it back on, heh...07:32
TheSheeptry using xset -b07:33
TheSheepxset b07:33
ffoegboyHow would I add the xforcevesa kernel parameter to install xbuntu onto a HP mini 2133 ?notebook07:34
TheSheep!boot | ffoegboy07:34
ubottuffoegboy: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:34
TheSheepffoegboy: see the first link07:34
ffoegboythanks guys07:35
TheSheepgodlygeek: for example, I use: xset b 80 1200 507:35
TheSheepgodlygeek: makes the sound much more bearable07:36
godlygeekTheSheep: no, that seems to be good...07:36
godlygeekxset q shows "bell percent:  50    bell pitch:  400    bell duration:  100"07:36
TheSheepgodlygeek: you need 3 numbers after it, set duration to 0 to disable it07:36
godlygeeksure, and querying the current value shows that it isn't disabled.07:37
godlygeekalso double-checked that the pcspkr module is loaded with lsmod...07:37
ffoegboyTheSheep, So just to clarify, I would simply put  xforcevesa at the end of the boot line followed by |?07:38
TheSheepffoegboy: yes, if that really is a kernel parameter, but I'm not sure it is, I've never seen it07:38
TheSheepwhy followed by | ?07:39
TheSheepjust put it alone, without any |, separated with spaces07:39
ffoegboyTheSheep, Its on this page near the bottom - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74969307:39
generalsnusis there a gui tool, that allows me to set up authentication to a ldap server?07:39
=== favfro is now known as favro
adamw9678is any1 out there using fluxbox?09:35
favroadamw9678: I use it :)10:04
adamw9678Favro: I have just install it but don't really know my way around it yet10:06
favroadamw9678: there are text files in your home folder in the hidden dir .fluxbox - lots of help for config on the net - I recommend installing menus10:09
favroadamw9678: and you right click the desktop for a menu10:09
adamw9678I'v been try to put icon onto the desktop but can't seem to do it. and I can't find the home folder :(10:14
favroadamw9678: for the icons - http://fluxbox-wiki.org/index.php/Idesk10:16
adamw9678I install idesk but don't know what do now10:16
favroadamw9678: you might need to ask in #fluxbox10:17
adamw9678sorry but Im a newish linux user10:17
adamw9678I try there but they just took the piss10:18
favroadamw9678: that's ok - type /j #fluxbox in your chat10:18
favrothey think you should read the wiki?10:18
favroadamw9678: ^10:18
adamw9678I'll have a look. Thanks10:19
favroadamw9678: http://fluxbox-wiki.org/index.php/Idesk10:27
compubombhow do you up the font size in xubuntu ?10:55
compubombanyone ?10:56
compubombi'm running xubuntu on a 1920x1080 so i can play some videos, but the fonts are microscopic.10:57
th0rcompubomb, are you talking about the fonts inside the videos?10:58
compubombi'm talking about the menus10:58
compubombtheir fonts are extremely small.10:58
th0rcompubomb, Settings - Settings manager - User Interface10:58
compubombth0r: you hit the sugar spot :p11:01
th0rcompubomb, np11:01
compubombth0r: when you run xubuntu on an old 1100mhz on a 48" sharp lcd tv, microscopic fonts can make it a bit hard to read :p11:10
compubombanyways, they are fixed now.11:10
compubombubuntu was really slow and unstable so..11:10
compubombi can't use it.11:10
th0rcompubomb, if that's a request for hints on improving stability and performance you will have to reword it11:11
compubombth0r: how do i increase the font size in the login manager ?11:11
compubombth0r: ubuntu is unstable on this system because this system is unstable :p11:11
generalsnusOK,i am in a desperate need of setting up a LDAP/file server for the following purpose: authentication and central storage of users /home folders. I have tried a lot of tutorials..but i havent had any success yet. ive tried https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmbLdapInstaller aswell. In my dream scenario, i would want to use MS AD for auth and sharing of /home folders11:32
generalsnusFFS, is there a good howto for: using AD authenticating AND have users /home mounted from a server?? i really need this up and running ASAP :/11:51
cody-somervillegeneralsnus, I think you're looking for likewise11:54
generalsnuswell, how do i mount /homes with likewise?11:55
cody-somervilleI imagine you could modify the login script to do it11:58
generalsnusand how?12:00
cody-somervillegeneralsnus, it sounds like you should be speaking with your local IT department.12:02
compubombi have a question, how do i make my pointer larger ?12:42
compubombin ubuntu, it's pretty easy, you just goto the gtk theme manager and it will let you change your pointer.12:42
compubombbut in xubuntu, i can't figure it out.12:42
compubombanyone ?12:49
ablomencompubomb, settings-manager -> mouse -> Cursor tab -> Cursor size13:14
Chaser_ALT F8 minimize current window13:17
=== whaletales is now known as aptanet
generalsnusdoes anyone use windows services for unix here? i was gonna try to make a nfs export.. but im unsure how i should authenticate to windows.. should i use Likewise-open?13:53
shadebugnot sure if anybody's about but I'm attempting to get a speedtouch 121g usb dongle working on a new xubuntu installation. I have ndiswrapper 1.52 installed and ndiswrapper -l says that the dongle is present and it seems to match up with what I see in lsusb and /etc/ndiswrapper looks like it has the requisite drivers14:35
shadebugany ideas?14:35
shadebugunfortunately, the light does not turn on and network configuration, let alone ifconfig and iwconfig are having no luck finding it14:35
jb_in_nychi gang14:54
jb_in_nycI'd like to install Xubuntu on an old PowerPC (mac) laptop14:54
jb_in_nyci made a boot CD but haven't installed Xubuntu yet, I'm still running in live mode14:55
jb_in_nycthe Wifi isn't working and I'm scared to move over until I know how to get it to work14:55
jb_in_nycany ideas?14:55
jb_in_nycanybody here?15:07
bassboiwhat sort of wireless you have15:11
jb_in_nycits the apple wifi card that goes in a pismo15:11
jb_in_nycpretty standard15:11
jb_in_nycbut I don't know how to tell linux to look for it15:12
bassboibassboi@Mercury:~$ lspci15:12
bassboilike that15:12
jb_in_nyck, lemme try15:13
bassboishould tell you a bunch of hw15:13
shadebugsomebody in #ndiswrapper asked me to pastebin my logs for my ndiswrapper problems so I thought somebody here might know what they're looking for too http://rafb.net/p/2IuvXa11.html15:18
jb_in_nycmachine is hanging15:19
jb_in_nycis there a force-restart? ctl-alt-del or something?15:19
shadebugctrl alt f2 will take you to a terminal, ctrl alt f7 brings you back to the gui15:20
shadebugfrom the terminal you can type sudo halt15:20
shadebugor sudo reboot15:20
TheSheepor press alt+ctrl+del while in terminal15:20
th0rjb_in_nyc, if you can get to the cli with Alt-F2 you are better off killing the hung process15:21
jb_in_nycI had to just power down15:21
jb_in_nycit wasn't responding to anythnig15:22
jb_in_nycmmmkay; I ran lspci15:33
jb_in_nycits got a bunch of stuff, but no wifi15:34
jb_in_nycthere's an Ethernet controler, but i think that's teh wired one15:34
bassboihey why do i get kde updates when i uninstalled the kde desktop :|15:41
th0rbassboi, you probably still have some kde remnants in the system15:44
bassboi:| how can i remove that crap15:44
th0rbassboi, careful, they jumped all over me the other day for using that word <smile>. If you know what got updated you can uninstall those pieces one at a time15:46
bassboiah ok15:47
th0rbassboi, I ran into that same problem with my last install of ubuntu, so this time I went with xubuntu and have avoided the temptation to install either gnome or kde15:48
bassboii see i see15:48
bassboii thought gnome was a part of xubuntu15:50
bassboior am i confused15:50
bassboixfce is independent of gnome..15:50
bassboii don't know :(15:50
gaurdroGDM is installed by default but nothing else is from gnome.15:51
bassboii see i see ty15:51
gaurdroGDM is installed because Xfce doesn't have it's own desktop manager.  you can switch it to use kdm or xdm if you really want to though15:51
bassboialright alright15:52
bassboii'd take a change of removing kde stuff15:53
bassboichance, even... but i don't know if anything depends on it15:54
bassboior if it'll screw something up15:54
th0rwdm is a better choice if you want to go to a lightweight login manager15:54
th0rbassboi, if you have removed all the kde apps the libs won't hurt anything...they will just take up disk space. but if you are trying to use kde apps each time you call one it will load a ton of libs into memory15:55
th0rbassboi, and I believe you can clean up all the unneeded libs with 'sudo apt-get autoremove'15:56
bassboity for the info15:56
bassboii've tried that..15:56
bassboisudo apt-get autoremove... and sudo apt-get autoremove kde15:56
gaurdrobassboi, just LOOK at what it's removing,  i mean uninstalling apt is possible and no fun.15:56
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
jb_in_nychi gang18:20
jb_in_nycI'm back18:20
jb_in_nycI have a xubuntu live CD running on a Pismo Mac laptop.  wireless doesn't see to be working and I'm not sure where to start18:21
jb_in_nyci tried lspci and got a list of hardware; the Airport card wasn't on it18:21
jb_in_nycthe Network Admin panel only shows the (wired) Ethernet and the modem18:23
jb_in_nycis there an "add hardware" somewhere?18:23
zoredachenot really, no18:23
jb_in_nycso how does one tell the OS that there's new hardware18:24
jb_in_nyc(not that its new...)18:24
jb_in_nycdo I need to install a driver?18:24
zoredachein the linux world installing a driver frequently means compiling or patching the kernel...18:25
zoredacheif your hardware isn't supported already that could mean that a driver doesn't exist for your hardware18:25
zoredacheis the wireless adapter built in?18:26
jb_in_nycreallly?  phooey! I've seen a bunch of mentions of Xubuntu on a Pismo18:26
jb_in_nycand no mentions of this problem18:26
jb_in_nycyeah, the card is built-in18:26
zoredachehrm... that is kinda odd.  The page I found on google seemed to indicate that a stock pismo didn't come with wireless18:29
jb_in_nycI might've had to add the card18:29
jb_in_nycbut it was a pretty common config18:29
jb_in_nycIIRC, it was advertised as "Airport-ready"18:29
zoredachewas the wireless adapter working in osx?18:30
zoredachejb_in_nyc: you might look here... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ18:34
zoredachethere is a section on wireless that might apply18:34
jb_in_nycthanks zoredache!18:34
jb_in_nycwhat version of *untu is 6?  Feisty?18:35
jb_in_nycif it says something like this:18:35
jb_in_nycIn Feisty the Airport Extreme support is built in, but you must fetch the firmware. Simply open a terminal and type:18:35
jb_in_nycsudo aptitude install bcm43xx-fwcutter18:35
jb_in_nycand reboot. Your Airport Extreme will now work.18:35
jb_in_nycwill that apply to a live CD?18:35
gaurdroit will, but you'll have to do it everytime you load that liveCD18:36
jb_in_nycbut it says "reboot"18:36
zoredacheit may work without rebooting, but it might require manually restarting something...  (i dunno what)18:36
gaurdroin my experience the liveCD doesn't need to be rebooted for most things like that.18:37
jb_in_nycI'd want to be plugged into Ethernet when I try that, right?18:39
zoredacheapt-get probably wouldn't be able to get the files if you didn't have internet access18:40
zoredacheare you planning on eventually installing to the hard drive?18:40
jb_in_nycthe whole point is to test on the live CD18:41
jb_in_nycso I can make a deciscion18:41
stevenwhey quick help needed. i lost the net manager icon on my panel.19:03
stevenwalways quick with the help19:04
stevenwthat's why he's in charge19:05
stevenwwhat's the dif between xub 8.04 and 8.04.1?19:05
stevenwanything major?19:06
cody-somervillestevenw, It has just a reroll19:06
cody-somervilleie. you won't have to download a ton of updates post-install19:06
cody-somerville(or not as many <g>)19:06
stevenwso just some added updates19:06
stevenwnothing major?19:06
stevenwi heard a rumor that suspend and hibernate are a big thing they're working on for ub 8.1019:07
zoredachesome of the updates are pretty important.  but you should already have them19:07
stevenwoh i have the updates19:07
stevenwanyone else having probs updating today? i can't get a lot of em and i says they're unverified or something19:07
cody-somervilleI'm good19:10
stevenwhmm maybe it's my connection19:10
stevenwlemme check19:11
stevenw"Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead."19:11
stevenwi got a lot of failed to fetch19:11
stevenwconnect 101 network is unreachable?19:12
stevenwi'm on a public wifi maybe it cuts out?19:12
zoredacheperhaps... there could also some be some kind of web filtering... firewall or something else19:13
zoredacheeven though almost everything is gpg signed, I still don't think I would trust applying updates downloaded on public wifi19:14
stevenwno? why not?19:14
stevenwthere's a heavy firewall it's a public library19:14
zoredachewhy?  because I think maybe at some point in time an evil person might be able to inject badness into an update...  It should not be possible, but I am really paranoid19:15
stevenwyeah i understand19:15
stevenwsneaking in malicious packets in gcalctools19:15
stevenwthey'll never know!19:16
stevenwhide em in some out of the way update19:16
stevenwgaurdo thanks for the help mounting the .iso yesterday19:16
stevenwit worked perfectly19:16
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
khajexif i got a xubuntu desktop installatin, can i convert it after install to server edition?21:40
khajexif i got a xubuntu desktop installatin, can i convert it after install to server edition?21:41
TheSheepjust remove xubuntu-desktop packages and then run auto-remove to remove all its dependencies21:42
TheSheepand please don't repeat yourself that often21:42
TheSheepmake sure you use apt-get or synpatic for that, and not aptitude21:43
tanner_How do I remove Xubuntu and Grub so that Windows can boot normally?22:26
tanner_Seriously need help22:33
ffoegboyhas anyone installed xbuntu on a HP 2133 mini laptop?22:37
bassboiffoegboy: seems some of them already have linux as the OS22:47
ffoegboybassboi, Yea, suse, but im trying to install xbuntu and am having trouble, but i just realised i am using the alternate iso, i am now downloading the normal i386 iso and will try that22:48
bassboiffoegboy, afaik, either CD should work22:49
bassboialternate install is text based22:49
ffoegboybassboi, It gives the error sayingf cant find a kernel to suit]22:49
bassboii see22:51
bassboii guess give the other one a try. i know i had issues trying to boot 8.04 xubuntu on this one PC i built... but 7.10 boots fine22:52
bassboiany advice on building a cantenna22:52
ffoegboybassboi, if this dosnt work i will try 7.10, thanks22:57
ffoegboybassboi, I just lookied on the xbuntu site, they only have version 8 or 6?22:59
bassboii'm sorry23:13
bassboiit was mythbuntu 7.1023:13
ffoegboybassboi, cool, i will try version 6 if this dosnt woth this time :-)23:36

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