
JontheEchidnaHmm, I think kubuntu-default-settings is still using hardy cdbs00:06
JontheEchidnaoh, it doesnt' use cdbs00:07
JontheEchidnano matter00:07
JontheEchidnaoh, debian/rules says it does...00:07
JontheEchidnabut I don't see a cdbs folder in debain???00:08
* JontheEchidna is pushing his kubuntu-default-settings changes if anybody is interested00:20
* JontheEchidna thinks uploading will take a while since he moved around megabytes worth of files00:24
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: the background looks a bit washed out00:31
JontheEchidnaotherwise it looks smashing00:33
JontheEchidnamaybe I just need to get used to it like you said :P00:34
JontheEchidnaapparently I did the stuff in my bashrc wrong00:38
emunkkiwhich bg?00:39
JontheEchidnaemunkki: http://apachelog.blogspot.com/2008/07/breath-of-fresh-air-for-konsole.html00:40
JontheEchidnayay, that's better00:42
ScottKI think at some point we should declare 4.1 for Hardy done and move if from the PPA to hardy-backports.  How close are we to that?01:08
JontheEchidnawe should probably get translations working before that01:09
ScottKI think that got solved in Intrepid today.01:09
ScottKWhat else is needing done?01:09
vorianI thinks it's done01:12
* vorian checks01:12
NightroseScottK: apps don't quit properly01:12
Nightrosethat should be fixed before01:12
Nightrosekonqueror, kate, kopete at least01:12
Nightroseothers probably as well01:12
ScottKIs that a QT issue?01:13
Nightroseno idea01:13
Nightroseworked in RC 101:13
ScottKIf it's a kdelibs problem, updating a single package once we have a solution is not an issue.01:14
Nightrosebut right now i have to kill kate every time i closed it and want to open a new one01:14
Nightrosethat is a PITA :(01:14
ScottKI can imagine.01:14
Nightrosethere is a bug report on launchpad about it01:15
Nightrosemaybe there is more info there01:15
ScottKSame thing in Debian, BTW (time is -0400): [07:59] <wdgt> hey, seems like there's a serious issue in 4.1 : when closing apps, their process continue to run. I just tested it with kopete and kate. Anyone already noticed it ?01:15
Nightrosethat is it01:16
Nightrosetell him konqueror as well ;-)01:16
ScottKThat was about 12 hours ago, so I doubt he's still around.01:16
ScottKActually he is.01:16
NightroseScottK: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/25365901:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253659 in kdebase-workspace "Kate hangs when I close it" [Medium,Confirmed]01:17
* ScottK looks.01:17
NightroseScottK: see apachelogger's comment on http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=167522 for a list of affected apps01:17
ubottuKDE bug 167522 in general "Konqueror process doesn't stop after close (keeps running iddle)" [Normal,Reopened]01:17
NightroseI am tired01:19
Nightrosegood night :)01:19
* seele waves01:19
Jucatonini Nightrose01:19
ScottKGood night.01:20
vorianJontheEchidna: are you using your flicker plasmoid right now?03:07
JontheEchidnanot at the mometn03:08
vorianI hope the current photo is not default03:08
JontheEchidnait randomly selects photos marked as "interesting" off of flickr03:08
JontheEchidnare-updates every two minutes03:08
voriana headless dude03:09
vorianthis is one weird thing you packaged03:09
JontheEchidnanightrose made me :P03:09
* JontheEchidna is joking03:09
vorianonly one snag, line 4 in your copyright03:09
* JontheEchidna checks03:10
JontheEchidnaoh, right03:10
vorianother than that, looks perfect03:11
vorianright-o, good work !03:12
* JontheEchidna reupps to revu03:14
JontheEchidnaand good night03:14
Jucatono folder view on the desktop/dashboard by default in intrepid, bug or by design ?03:14
Jucatonight night JontheEchidna03:15
* Jucato thinks of BreezytheBadger now :)03:15
JontheEchidnaJucato: bug03:15
JontheEchidnait worked with stock alpha 3 though03:15
* JontheEchidna is away for reals now03:15
Jucatoheh ok. I kept on deleting ~/.kde just to make sure03:15
Jucatowow I'm impressed... suspend and hibernate work on Intrepid :)03:32
jdongJucato: lol I've had suspend and hibernate surprise me enough recently that I'm no longer surprised03:39
jdonghardy, out of the box, Via AMD64 box with nvidia card, compiz running03:39
Jucatohahah touché03:39
techno_freakhi, python-kde4 package conflicts with python-kde4-devel (in kubuntu-members-kde4 PPA) when trying to overwrite /usr/bin/pykdepuic406:18
techno_freakbug #25385806:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253858 in python-kde4 "python-kde4 conflicts with python-kde4-dev while dealing with pykdeuic4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25385806:19
jussi01apachelogger: the red is a bit too red...09:25
=== rraphink is now known as raphink
hungerAny idea why signing mail with gpg fails with kmail in intrepid? Is that due to the gpg update we had recently?10:11
Jucatohunger: upstream problem afaik10:12
Jucatohunger: hold on, someone blogged about it in planetkde10:12
Jucatohunger: http://randomguy3.wordpress.com/2008/07/24/kmail-trunk-signing/10:13
Riddellapachelogger: how do I load a colour scheme in konsole?11:39
RiddellAppearance tab only has New.. and Edit..11:40
Riddellhmm, looks faded11:41
* Riddell had to start a new Konsole11:41
mornfallHm, no alpha5 packages? :( It could seriously use some testing...11:58
flaccidis there a www team?12:03
mornfallRiddell: Could you please request that apt-xapian-index sync? I'll bite the bullet and upload to PPA.12:05
mornfallThe rest, that is.12:05
DRebellionvorian, how's monkeystudio looking?12:06
Nightroseflaccid: what do you need?12:10
flaccidis there a web team or something. the documentation link doesn't work on wiki12:13
=== mcas_away is now known as mcs
=== mcs is now known as mcas
mornfallLet's see if they build without change.12:16
Riddellhmm, apt-xapian-index isn't in sync12:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: get yourself a bitter display :P12:19
Riddell"add package description summary" doesn't sound too important12:19
apacheloggerjussi01: that is the get-used-to-it I was writing about ;-)12:19
apacheloggergood morning to everyone else12:20
mornfallRiddell: Hmm?12:20
Riddellmornfall: apt-xapian-index synced12:20
mornfallRiddell: Thanks.12:20
jussi01apachelogger: hrm, its still too red... all the othe colors are slightly pastelized, but the red... and dont I get a good morning? :/12:21
apacheloggerjussi01: good afternoon :P12:21
mornfallOh. I consistently mis-spell intrepid. Bwah. : - )12:22
jussi01apachelogger: :D12:22
apacheloggerjussi01: http://files.ruphy.org/oxy-konsole1.png12:22
Nightroseflaccid: it is a wiki - you should be able to change it12:22
RiddellNightrose: it's the headers12:23
apacheloggerjussi01: if the red does look too strong in context ýou should check your display12:23
jussi01apachelogger: http://imagebin.ca/view/HELgo7N.html12:27
jussi01just a touch softer IMHO12:28
apacheloggerfor cmake it appears so strong because the font is bold :P12:31
mornfallRiddell: About that planet subscription... Should I poke clee instead?12:40
mornfallRiddell: [http://web.mornfall.net/planet/kde.rss]12:40
mornfallRiddell: name = Petr Rockai12:40
mornfallOr make that name = Petr Rockai (mornfall)12:40
Riddellmornfall: pushed, should appear in half an hour or so12:46
mornfallRiddell: Danke schön.12:47
mcasapachelogger: ping12:48
apacheloggermcas: pong12:48
mcasi have a bug at launchpad that could be related to the kate "close with X" problem12:49
mcaslp 25391312:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253913 in kdesdk "kate starts only in terminal." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25391312:49
mcassorry lp 25391212:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253912 in kdesdk "When kde starts many instance of kate run." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25391212:49
apacheloggerit is12:50
apacheloggerwe use --use to reuse existing Kate session12:50
apacheloggernow there is an existing session - it is just technically quit ;-)12:50
mcasok can i mark it as duplicate?12:50
apacheloggermcas: please also add a comment to the other bug12:50
mcasshould i subscribe you at this bug12:51
apacheloggermcas: I am most likely already ;-)12:52
techno_freakjust to let you guys know if you missed my last message - bug #25385812:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253858 in python-kde4 "python-kde4 conflicts with python-kde4-dev while dealing with pykdeuic4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25385812:52
mcasok ;-)12:52
apacheloggersomething is wrong here12:55
mornfallHm, PPAs are unusually quick these days.12:56
apacheloggertechno_freak: unlikely issue12:57
techno_freakapachelogger, will check it once again now :)12:58
Xand3rhey ho!12:59
mcasapachelogger: i add a comment and hope it is correct ;-)12:59
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 251053 is fixed isn't it?13:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251053 in kdesdk "[upgrade error] missing replaces of kdesk-scripts on kdelibs4-dev" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25105313:00
Xand3rapachelogger: rubberband: why i have to add a install file? i have the install commands in the rules13:00
apacheloggerXand3r: man dh_install13:01
vorianor kdeedu ...13:01
apacheloggerhow is make install gonna know which file belongs to which package?13:01
apacheloggeror maybe you should define that? :P13:01
vorianyes, magic13:01
Riddellapachelogger: should be yes13:01
Xand3rapachelogger: have you watched my rule file?13:01
apacheloggerXand3r: no13:01
apacheloggerthing is13:02
Xand3rapachelogger: lol13:02
apacheloggerthe debs are empty13:02
Xand3rnot for me13:02
apacheloggeryou want proof13:02
apacheloggerno problem13:02
apacheloggerXand3r: http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/13:03
Xand3r-rwxr-xr-x root/root    167072 2008-07-31 21:38 ./usr/bin/rubberband13:03
apacheloggera klingon warship would fit in these packages, so empty are they :P13:03
Xand3rthere is the bin13:04
apacheloggerone bin13:04
apacheloggerthat can't be good :P13:04
Xand3rapachelogger: you know the others are libs13:04
Xand3rgnnaaa why is your lib empty13:05
apacheloggerso they are supposed to be empty because they are libs? Oo13:05
smarterhowdy ho13:05
Xand3rapachelogger: no13:05
emunkkiapachelogger, if he doesn't have any books?13:05
apacheloggerahoy smarter13:05
RiddellXand3r: "$(CURDIR)/debian/librubberband0/usr/lib/ladspa/ladspa-rubberband.so"  0 should be 213:06
smarterafternoon apachelogger13:06
RiddellXand3r: but doesn't it have a normal  "make install" target you can use?13:06
Xand3rapachelogger: why the lib* package is empty hell13:06
Xand3rRiddell: no13:06
apacheloggeremunkki: good point13:06
Xand3rits realy strange that source13:06
* apachelogger can't aggree on that13:07
Xand3rback at work13:07
apacheloggerbut I also didn't look into the source now :P13:07
Xand3rapachelogger: thanks for review13:07
RiddellXand3r: running debuild I get files in debian/tmp/13:07
Xand3rand thanks to the guy wich uploaded digikam13:07
* Tm_T hugs emunkki13:07
RiddellXand3r: so just add <pacakgename>.install files which list which files you want13:07
* emunkki hugs Tm_T 13:08
Xand3rRiddell: i did that thousend times before13:08
Xand3rdh_install could not find the files13:08
Tm_Temunkki: haven't seen you for awhile13:08
emunkkiTm_T, sure, haven't been hanging around #amarok lately13:09
emunkkiTm_T, been busy with commercial clients13:09
Tm_Temunkki: understandable13:09
Riddellcat debian/rubberband.install13:10
RiddellXand3r: works for me13:10
Xand3rRiddell: that i have tested and it didnt work13:10
Xand3ri will test it again, thx13:10
Xand3rrealy strange the world13:10
emunkkiTm_T, you might've seen the mockup i did for kubuntu-web?13:10
Tm_Temunkki: not yet, where's that?13:11
voriankdegraphics is broken13:12
emunkkiTm_T, http://emonk.fi/work/kubuntu/ there's a few actually13:12
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato
apacheloggerRiddell: if we want a good amarok 2 (not taking into account whether thi is stabel before intrepid ;-) we should get libmtp 0.3.0 from debian13:25
Rioting_pacifisti want to recompile my clock applet with a patch, where do i find the sources in the repos? kdebase-dev is all i can see13:26
JontheEchidnakdebase-workspace has plasma stuff13:27
Rioting_pacifistim still on kde313:28
JontheEchidnaso do you need the plasma headers?13:28
JontheEchidnaor are you trying to get the source code of the plasmoids?13:28
Riddellapachelogger: hmm, that needs a small bit of merging as I remember13:30
DRebellionAny MOTUs here that could take a look at monkeystudio? It is a Qt IDE: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=monkeystudio13:30
* apachelogger shudders13:30
* apachelogger queries vorian about status information of is monkeystudio review13:31
Rioting_pacifisterm i dont know much about kde but im looking to patch "kicker/applets/clock" in kdebase-3.5.*13:31
apacheloggerRioting_pacifist: apt-get source kdebase13:31
DRebellionapachelogger, what timezone is vorian in?13:31
Riddellsomething US13:32
apacheloggerwe should all try to live according to UTC :P13:33
vorianDRebellion: Eastern US13:33
DRebellionvorian, hey :D13:33
vorianhello :)13:33
emunkkiapachelogger, wonderful idea13:33
Xand3ri want to die, why now it works? i feel like e realy noob13:33
apacheloggerthat would be a kickass quassel feature - detecting the timezone based on the times a nick is active :D13:33
jpdsapachelogger: /ctcp <nick> time.13:34
jpdsI don't recommend actually doing that tho..13:34
apacheloggerit may burn13:34
apacheloggerburn baby burn13:34
DRebellionthat failed13:34
apacheloggerXand3r: we all know that feeling, I guess ... well, except for Riddell, his creator did a pretty good job to begin with ;-)13:35
DRebellionvorian, so, how's monkeystudio?13:35
voriangood good13:35
voriani'm just doing another once over13:36
DRebellionfinally some good news13:36
* apachelogger notes that he hopes to finish catching up with his mails today13:36
apacheloggerthen he can look at monekystudio again13:36
apacheloggeror I in that case13:36
emunkkiapachelogger, want a few more?13:36
apacheloggeremunkki: no13:36
* apachelogger has to read strange bug report mails13:37
apacheloggerkmail should drop out bugs which are closed13:37
Rioting_pacifistthx does apt-get source kdebase get it with all the ubuntu patches13:37
DRebellion=( kubuntu-kde4-desktop made all my qt based apps look rubbish in gnome13:37
DRebellioneven after removal13:38
DRebellionRioting_pacifist, yes13:38
apacheloggerDRebellion: well, it made it look gtk :P13:38
* DRebellion spent the whole morning going through the kubuntu-kde4-desktop dependencies one by one and purging the hell out of them13:39
* smarter guess gtk-qt-engine-kde413:39
apacheloggersudo apt-get remove kubuntu-kde4-desktop && sudo apt-get --purge autoremove13:39
Xand3rldconfig-symlink-missing-for-shlib usr/lib/librubberband.so.2 usr/lib/librubberband.so.2.0.0 librubberband.so.2 ; that means i have to install a smylink from usr/lib/librubberband.so.2.0.0 to librubberband.so.2 ; apachelogger is that right?13:40
DRebellionapachelogger, that was an epic fail, remember?13:40
apacheloggersmarter: that doesn't effect Qt based apps13:40
apacheloggerDRebellion: no13:40
DRebellionsmarter, i will take a look13:40
apacheloggerXand3r: pretty much13:40
apacheloggerXand3r: although actually make install should do that13:40
smarterDRebellion: try changing the theme with qtconfig-qt4 (apt-get install qt4-qtconfig)13:40
apacheloggerplease check whether you not just missed to install the file before you start creating symlinks yourself13:40
DRebellionsmarter, which way round? 0o13:41
smarterDRebellion: qt4-qtconfig = package, qtconfig-qt4 = command to type13:41
smarter(thanks to the Debian packagers for that :P)13:41
DRebellionoh dear13:41
DRebellionsmarter, it's fixed!13:43
DRebellionthanks :D13:43
Xand3rapachelogger:  thats the make install http://paste.ubuntu.com/32968/ am i to blind to see it?13:43
apacheloggertest -n ".2.0.0" && ln -s librubberband.so.2.0.0 /tmp/buildd/rubberband-1.2/debian/tmp//usr/lib/librubberband.so13:44
* apachelogger finds that quite strange13:44
* apachelogger needs a coffee before thinking about shared libs13:45
Xand3rapachelogger: i have no clue what it does, never saw the test command before, you are the master, how else could know it?13:46
apacheloggerls debian/tmp/usr/lib13:46
Xand3rapachelogger: i am using pbuilder sorry13:49
apacheloggerRiddell: please comment on bug 20334913:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 203349 in language-pack-kde-sv "Broken plural forms in KDE" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20334913:49
* apachelogger is getting annoying13:50
apacheloggerXand3r: use a hooker13:50
apacheloggeror manual build in pbuilder13:50
apacheloggeror don't use pbuilder for .installs13:50
apacheloggervorian: not that kind of hooker :P13:50
Xand3rapachelogger: i use a hook13:50
emunkki"this is a family channel"13:50
RiddellDRebellion: monkeystudio works for me, advocated13:52
vorianDRebellion: likewise, uploading :)13:53
apacheloggerNightrose: when is froscon?13:59
Nightroseapachelogger: 23/2414:00
* apachelogger should probably get a flight ;-)14:00
emunkkiapachelogger, you can walk14:00
apacheloggerthen I will have to start tomorrow14:00
emunkkisounds good14:00
mornfallPretty please, can someone test that adept from:14:06
mornfalldeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mornfall/ubuntu intrepid main14:06
mornfallinstalls and runs?14:06
voriansure :)14:06
JontheEchidnaThe stuff in the accessibility folder of kubuntu-default-settings isn't very up-to-date, is it?14:07
* JontheEchidna doesn't even know if it's being used14:08
RiddellJontheEchidna: no, keep the files there but don't install them for now, it needs re-done for KDE 414:08
Riddellit was used in KDE 3, you could boot up into various profiles14:08
JontheEchidnaWell if you'd like to see my work so far, I pushed 2 commits worth14:09
mornfallvorian: Please also read the text at https://launchpad.net/~mornfall/+archive -- it might help you testing ; - )14:10
vorianta :)14:10
Riddellmornfall: sweet, works14:15
Riddellinstaller window seems to be larger than my screen14:15
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what is the preferred bug for th systray painting issue?14:16
Riddellmornfall: crash on close http://paste.ubuntu.com/32974/14:17
davmor2Riddell: ping14:17
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: in LP?14:17
Riddellhi davmor214:17
davmor2Riddell: I'm doing a bunch of smoke tests https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/DailySmoke  todays Kubuntu live cd is missing the desktop widget so to start the install you need to go through dolphin, into desktop, then start.14:19
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I'm thinking 24739314:19
JontheEchidnabug 24739314:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247393 in kdebase-workspace "[Intrepid KDE4] regression -- systray is incorrectly painted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24739314:19
Riddelldavmor2: I believe the package just needs a rebuild, which I'll do shortly, so that should fix itself by tomorrow14:20
jussi01JontheEchidna: I have an idea for you - wrt plasmoids - if it hasnt been come up with yet - want to hear?14:21
davmor2cool I thought it might be something like that just checking that you knew.  So when I test on monday it should be fixed right?14:21
Riddelldavmor2: yes should be14:21
Xand3rapachelogger: now rubberband is fine i think maybe you could review it again14:21
JontheEchidnajussi01: sure14:21
apacheloggerXand3r: doing bug triage right now14:22
Xand3rapachelogger: ok14:22
jussi01JontheEchidna: Id love to see a konsole plasmoid - an actual embedded konsole, not just a launcher14:22
JontheEchidnago apachelogger14:22
JontheEchidnajussi01: that would be cool14:22
apachelogger211 reports more :S14:22
jussi01JontheEchidna: oh, and if someone wants to adapt the twitter plasmoid to take jaiku, that would be wonderful14:23
JontheEchidnaHeh, you ever seen those long guides for setting your terminal as the background in Gnome?14:24
JontheEchidnayou like, have to install obscure software14:24
JontheEchidnaand modify half of a config file to do it14:24
JontheEchidnaa konsole plasmoid would make it tons easier to do14:24
JontheEchidnaif a konsole plasmoid were to magically fall out of the sky right now all you would have to do would be:14:25
JontheEchidna-install the plasmoid14:25
JontheEchidna-Change a single line of plasma-appletsrc14:25
JontheEchidnathat shows the power of Plasma14:26
JontheEchidnawell the plasmoid would have to have support for being a containment14:27
JontheEchidnabug that's only 3 or 4 more lines of code in the actual plasmoid14:27
JontheEchidnaif only there were (working) python bindings for plasma :(14:27
JontheEchidnabtw, if we make our own plasmoids in the future, I'd discourage C++ where possible14:28
jussi01hrm, is there a rss plasmoid yet?14:28
JontheEchidnajussi01: there's one in playground that works well14:28
JontheEchidnaand ironically14:28
JontheEchidnaone in kdenetwork that looks like crap14:28
jussi01ok, Im off to get my wife - back later.14:29
mornfallRiddell: Indeed, I have that crash on TODO -- I discovered it only somewhere around where I have tagged the alpha.14:34
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 175904 - there is no 4.1 for gutsy!14:35
DRebellionRiddell, vorian, apachelogger, yay :D14:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 175904 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox-3.0 window moves to current workspace" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17590414:35
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/175904/comments/4814:35
DRebellionapachelogger, this is even bigger than posterazor!14:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 175904 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox-3.0 window moves to current workspace" [Medium,Confirmed]14:35
mornfall(The Xapian rebuild is teh slow. Hmh.)14:37
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: d'oh14:37
JontheEchidnaI guess I'll reclose that then14:38
JontheEchidnafor kwin14:38
mornfallRiddell: As for the installer window, it fits into a quadrant (1/4th) of my 1024x768 laptop screen? Not very well, but on 800x600 it should work fine? I'd hope...14:39
apacheloggerXand3r: why did you unassign from kdpkg?14:41
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: would say so14:41
Xand3rapachelogger: hmm, i was angry about it14:41
Xand3ri sign it again^^14:41
apacheloggerdon't unassign from packages randomly14:41
apacheloggerthat is confusing14:41
apacheloggerand it floods peoples inbox14:41
Xand3rapachelogger: kk14:42
mornfallI'm off to train. See you in the evening, hopefully.14:43
Riddellmornfall: tried installer again and didn't have any sizing issues14:50
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: what do you think about bug 245557?15:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 245557 in kdebase-kde4 "Icon size has no effect in preview mode, depends entirely on preview size instead" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24555715:00
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: won't fix I think15:02
JontheEchidnaupstream said as much15:02
apacheloggerthat would be quite some difference in behavior for kubuntu so we are definitely not going to fix it15:02
apacheloggerwhich leaves it up to upstream to address that wish15:02
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: want to try fixing bug 253878 ?15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253878 in kdebase-workspace "/var/log/kdm.log not being rotated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25387815:06
apacheloggerprobably some issue in the init file15:06
apacheloggerhaving the wrong log file configured or something15:06
JontheEchidnaI could at least take a look15:06
JontheEchidnaand try15:06
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: also bug 24889115:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248891 in kdebase-workspace "broken init script" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24889115:06
Riddellmornfall: search doesn't seem to work in installer and the entries don't seem to be sorted alphabetically, makes it hard to find stuff :)15:07
apacheloggerI think the paths changed15:07
* JontheEchidna puts on "to look at" list15:07
* apachelogger goes showering because it is so hot15:07
* JontheEchidna goes off to exercise the dog15:08
vorianXand3r: there is a new upstream for digikam15:10
Xand3rhead meet desk15:12
jpdsapachelogger: Showers don't help against the heat :(15:12
RiddellXand3r: packaging can be like painting the Forth bridge :)15:17
Xand3rif i am at the end i can start again15:20
vorianXand3r: use uupdate15:20
Xand3rvorian: no watchfile left^^15:20
vorianyou can still do that with the source package15:20
vorianmake a file called digikam15:21
voriancd digikam15:21
Xand3rvorian: i will do it like i do^^ but thx15:21
vorianalrighty, what ever floats yer boat :)15:21
apacheloggerjpds: cold showers cool down the blood stream causing short-term improvement, warm showers open pores (including sweat pores) and therefore support the built-in cooling system ;-)15:30
apacheloggerin addition to that you aren't sweaty after a shower :P15:30
Xand3rnow testbuilding digikam-kde4 beta215:32
jpdsapachelogger: This place is just too hot then.15:33
Xand3rbefor an 23minutes long update before15:33
apacheloggerjpds: probably :)15:33
Xand3routdor temp maybe 20-25°C in my room 30°C, cause is my pc15:34
JontheEchidnamy room is about at room temperature15:35
* JontheEchidna is celcius noob15:36
* GreySim always uses Google for that. "75F in C" and whatnot.15:37
JontheEchidnathis room is 22.22222222222 degrees C15:38
Xand3rwe have to ad a UTC timezone for the clovk apllet15:42
\shXand3r: which clock applet?15:43
JontheEchidnathe clock applet's timezone feature sucks15:43
JontheEchidnait's a list of like a hundered cities15:43
JontheEchidnaso you have to find a city in teh timezone you want15:44
Xand3rand not the time zone^^15:44
Xand3rso were  does the list comes from and how to change it15:45
GreySimI don't know if this is helpful at all, but GNOME's clock applet as of at least 2.22 had a really good selection mechanism. I was able to just type "Ellensburg" (a very small college town in eastern Washington) and it was in there.15:45
GreySimMaybe they have a good list.15:45
\shwell, the clock applet just works the same as my nokia clock applet ,-)15:45
JontheEchidnaGreySim: the thing is, you can't type15:45
\shthere is no timezone in general, but the country or at least one or two cities of one country15:46
JontheEchidnayou have a monolithic, non-sortable list15:46
GreySimJontheEchidna: Right, but it was in the list. Unless it was fetching results online.15:46
Xand3rGreySim: but if you know the time zone you are in, why shuld you dont select irt directly?15:46
JontheEchidnaXand3r: it comes from the date and times section is systemsettings15:46
JontheEchidnawell at least it's using the same widget15:47
GreySimXand3r: Good point. I guess that would be a good default, with an option to search by city or something, but not as the default list...15:47
\shXand3r: the fun part is, that you can add more then one applet and eventually you want to have the time of london  or south africa15:47
\shXand3r: additionally to your local timezone (which is the default)15:47
\shand my timezone is always UTC ,->15:48
Xand3r\sh: and? i mean the list is stupid only list cities, there should be a option to choos the time zone directly15:49
Xand3rand in the applet the name is UTC+2 or so15:49
\shXand3r: what is the timezone of auckland, nz? without looking?15:50
\shXand3r: the only case we have to change is the list widget, to just be searchable.15:50
Xand3r\sh: and add fields with the timezone named so ucould choos it dircetly if you know it, cause not every city is in the list15:52
Xand3ror make it possible to add fields15:53
\shXand3r: imho all city names are also in /usr/share/zoneinfo/ ...so that's sensible...but yes, it needs to be searchable15:53
\shyes..all the info in the listbox is matchable to /usr/share/zoneinfo/*15:54
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 183289 if you are really bored15:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 183289 in kdebindings-kde4 "Superkaramba-kde4 is not able to run some themes" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18328915:54
\shXand3r: and when I switch to Europe/Berlin timezone, the applet just tells me, I'm belonging to berlin15:55
\shso the applet list just needs some UI critics of seele and after that some love of a dev :)15:57
Xand3rthat would be good15:59
\shXand3r: you could do it...to make the list sortable and searchable is quite easy imho..sortable is just a method call away...and searchable, well, catching the keyevents and display somewhere an editline16:00
Xand3r\sh: i ?16:00
Xand3r\sh: how much time have you?16:01
Xand3ri am not a programmer16:01
Xand3ri never done something like this16:01
Xand3ri dont know where i could do this16:01
Xand3r\sh: take my hand and show me the magick16:01
Xand3ri always for got to be polite sorry16:02
\shXand3r: use the source, luke ;) catch the source of the applet (whatever package that is, or check svn)16:03
\shXand3r: check how the applet does the UI (via designer files, or inside the code...check for QTreeListWidget or whatever they use..)16:04
\shXand3r: most probaly they subsclassed the widget so check there..or they subclassed the widget list item ...depends...16:05
\shXand3r: check the qt docs on doc.trolltech.com and find the "isSortable(bool ...)" method for the tree widget and enable that..(or enable it in the designer if they are using ui files)16:06
\shXand3r: finally try and error :) learn :)16:06
davmor2Riddell: amarok-kde4 doesn't like 64 bit :)16:06
Riddelldavmor2: oh?16:06
\shdavmor2: what? impossible16:06
* \sh is switching to rhythmbox then ,-)16:07
JontheEchidnahmm, that thunderbird import to kmail went rather smoothly16:08
davmor2Errors were encountered while processing:16:09
davmor2E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)16:09
davmor2Riddell: ^16:09
davmor2\sh: are you sure you wouldn't prefer banshee :P16:10
Riddelldavmor2: what were the errors?16:10
apachelogger\sh: banshee > rhythmbox16:13
* apachelogger dist-upgrades the laptop16:13
davmor2Riddell: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/amarok.png', which is also in package amarok-common16:13
JontheEchidnaCurrenly you have to copy ~/.kde4 to ~/.kde if you dist-upgrade, correct?16:16
RiddellJontheEchidna: if you want to keep the settings from ~/.kde4 you do16:20
JontheEchidnaI think I'll manually copy over what I want to keep16:21
JontheEchidnawhat's the command again?16:21
apacheloggerRiddell: my apt-cache only has python-kde4-dev 4.0.98 ... but https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/i386/python-kde4-dev/4:4.1.0-0ubuntu1 :S16:21
JontheEchidnasudo apt-get dist-upgrade -d?16:21
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: update-manager -d or something16:22
JontheEchidnaI got the -d right16:22
Xand3r\sh: thx16:22
\shapachelogger: banshee != default == rhythmbox .. but I know you'll fix amarok-kde4 to run on x86_64 :)16:23
apachelogger\sh: you are underestimating me16:23
\shJontheEchidna: no problems? I jsut tried to clean my trash with >80k mails . and kmail-kde4 always crashed :)16:23
apacheloggereven though davmor2 didn't talk to me even though I made the package :P .... I actually already pushed the fix16:24
apacheloggerRiddell just needs to upload the new amarok-kde416:24
vorianhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/33016/ silly blueteeth16:24
JontheEchidnadamn, that's a lot16:24
JontheEchidnajonathan@jonathan-desktop:~/Documents/sauce/plasmoid-flickr$ update-manager -d16:24
JontheEchidnaCannot mix incompatible Qt libraries16:24
davmor2apachelogger: :P back with bells on.  I always pick on Riddell and let him sort it from there :)16:24
apacheloggerdavmor2: that is a pretty bad idea16:25
davmor2apachelogger: Thanks though :)  I'm only trying to make things better :)16:25
apacheloggerdavmor2: Riddell is always busy16:25
Riddellapachelogger: I do?  where's the new amarok-kde4?16:25
apacheloggerRiddell: bzr16:25
JontheEchidnaI guess I'll have to do it the old fashioned way16:26
apacheloggerRiddell: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/amarok/ubuntu-kde416:26
JontheEchidnaIt seems update manager doesn't like Qt 4.4.016:26
RiddellJontheEchidna: probably gtk-qt-engine bits16:26
JontheEchidnaI'll just change hardy to intrepid in etc/sources.list16:27
JontheEchidnaand hope everything goes smoothly16:27
RiddellJontheEchidna: we do have adept for kubuntu users16:27
Riddelladept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel16:28
smarterJontheEchidna: if everything fails, try do-release-upgrade -d --mode=desktop16:28
JontheEchidnaadept does dist-upgrades?16:29
Xand3r\sh: i think i have found the source :D16:35
JontheEchidnaone gig worth of updates16:36
JontheEchidnaprobably will take 3 hours16:37
Xand3rno ui files16:37
JontheEchidnaeh, 2 hours16:38
JontheEchidnaI won't be packaging that one I don't thin16:40
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: why?16:40
JontheEchidnaI have a secret vendetta against Polish bookstores16:41
vorianmesa fix is on the way!16:42
* vorian dances16:42
vorianJontheEchidna: you could recode that to amazon or some such discount site :)16:43
vorianthat would be fun16:43
apacheloggerXand3r: *poke*16:44
Xand3rapachelogger: yea?16:44
apacheloggerXand3r: what is all that commented stuff in debian/rules?16:45
apacheloggerand that ls debian/tmp16:45
apacheloggerDescription: shared library for rubberband16:45
apachelogger This is the shared library for Rubber Band.16:45
Xand3rapachelogger: i dont removed it, dont know if i need it somehow somewhere sometime16:45
apacheloggerthat first sentence in the long description is repeating the synopsis, which is quite bad practise16:46
apacheloggerXand3r: then you just readd it I'd say :P16:46
apacheloggerplus it is all replaced by the .installs anyway16:46
Riddellapachelogger: new libmtp and amarok uploaded16:47
Riddellqt 4.4.1 too16:47
Xand3ri hatedescriptions16:47
* apachelogger hugs Riddell16:47
vorianRiddell: have you had a chance to look at bug 243301?16:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243301 in libnet-dns-perl "MIR for libnet-dns-perl" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24330116:48
vorianbug 25330116:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253301 in kdeedu "kdeedu 4.1.0 is ftbfs" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25330116:48
apacheloggerXand3r: W: Building this package modifies or generates files not in debian/.16:50
apachelogger--- rubberband-1.2.orig/config.log16:50
apachelogger--- rubberband-1.2.orig/Makefile16:50
apachelogger--- rubberband-1.2.orig/config.status16:50
apacheloggerXand3r: from the manpage:  You can listen to some examples, or read more about the rationale for and advantages of Rubber Band.16:52
apacheloggerwhere? Oo16:52
Xand3rapachelogger: ?16:53
apacheloggerXand3r: ?16:53
apacheloggerXand3r: in debian/copright please move the "On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License" right underneath the GPL statement16:55
apacheloggerXand3r: the .so files should go into -dev16:57
apacheloggeronly the .so.x and .so.x.x should be in the lib package16:57
Xand3raah i thought about it, but i didnt done it16:57
Riddellvorian: kalzium loses all its plugins?16:59
vorianthey don't exist, I checked the Debian version to be sure16:59
yuriyapachelogger: ugh, this looks awful with irssi!, sorry17:00
Riddellvorian: ok, I'll upload when I do my mass conversion to kde4.mk in a bit17:00
vorianRiddell: thanks17:01
apacheloggeryuriy: Nightrose claimed it looks good :P17:01
Nightroseyuriy: it is perfect here - maybe depends on the theme you use17:02
Nightrosei use industrial here17:02
* JontheEchidna darkened up the background color17:02
vorianapachelogger: it's nice for the shell, not for my irssi (secret theme)17:02
yuriyNightrose: I use the default one17:04
jpdsyuriy: You want an irssi theme?17:04
yuriyjpds: wouldn't hurt to try, though I think the default one is just fine17:05
Nightroseyuriy: try industrial17:05
jpdsAh, /me just walked in.17:05
jpdsvorian: Oh, come on, blue isn't that secret.17:05
Xand3r\sh: there is no ui file and i have no clue about cpp and qt syntax17:05
vorianjpds: now you have blown my cover, /me dies17:06
jpdsThat was easy.17:06
txwikingerIs kflash still used in intrepid ?17:07
jpdsyuriy: I personally use blue.theme: http://ks33313.kimsufi.com/~jpds/configs/irssi/blue.theme17:07
txwikingersorry, I mean Ksplash17:07
yuriyNightrose: eek.17:07
Riddelltxwikinger: ksplashx now17:08
txwikingerRiddell.. is that already available?17:08
Nightroseyuriy: *lol*17:09
Nightrosethat bad?17:09
Riddelltxwikinger: yes17:10
Riddelltxwikinger: in kdebase-workspace-bin (kdebase-workspace source)17:10
txwikingerwell.. I think then the dependency of ksplash-engine-moodin might be wrong17:12
yuriyI think I'll just stick with defacto, small improvement over the default, and still very readable.  all the other ones just make things less readable (even the one called "more_readable"!)17:12
Riddelltxwikinger: what dependency?17:14
Riddellksplash-engine-moodin should be removed17:14
txwikingerThe one to ksplash17:14
Riddelltxwikinger: file a bug for removal and subscribe ubuntu-archive17:14
txwikingerok.. I will do that17:14
Riddellthanks txwikinger17:14
txwikingerand I will think what else I need for ichthux then :D17:14
apacheloggeryuriy: what needs to be changed?17:15
yuriyapachelogger: the main thing that bothers me is the gray background. I think console background should always be black so every color has contrast. but I think that theme is just not for me17:16
apacheloggeryuriy: ic17:22
jpdsyuriy: Can you not change it so the nicks all have different colours?17:25
jpdsie: http://ks33313.kimsufi.com/~jpds/tmp/2008-08-01-172608_1280x1024_scrot.png17:28
vorianjpds: nice layout :)17:30
yuriyjpds: what does that have to do with anything? (though I do kind of miss that from konversation, but I've gotten used to actually reading instead of relying on the colors which tended to be decieving sometimes)17:32
jpdsyuriy: I think I misread: "every color has contrast".17:32
Xand3rapachelogger: please look querry17:34
Xand3rapachelogger: -->17:42
vorianyay for compositing!17:43
vorianwelcome back17:43
* JontheEchidna wonder if compositing with nvidia works17:44
vorianor depends :)17:45
vorianon my desktop it does gf860017:45
nixternalwell, I decided against the iPhone and went with the Blueberry17:45
vorianblueberry's are nice17:46
nixternalya, gotta figure out my ssh issue and not having support for some type of terminal...need to find it and install the support17:46
voriannixternal: they just pushed thru a mesa fix so composite works again with intel17:47
vorianin intrepid17:47
* JontheEchidna has GeForce 4 MX 44017:48
Xand3rapachelogger: please look in the querry again.18:01
apacheloggerXand3r: query, not querry18:02
apacheloggerRiddell: do you archive admins actually have a script to spot binary files?18:03
nixternalvorian: you have a blueberry?18:07
Xand3rapachelogger: schau doch nochmal im query18:10
apacheloggerXand3r: warum queriest du überhaupt wegen dem µll?18:10
Xand3rweils mir soo peinlich ist18:10
Xand3rapachelogger: the question is, would it do the job?18:11
JontheEchidna:( 32 kB/s18:14
jpdsapachelogger: man suspicious-source18:15
apacheloggerXand3r: the answer is find out18:15
apacheloggerthat differs from app to app18:15
Xand3rapachelogger: hmm thats mean from the upstream18:16
apacheloggerjpds: I have no idea what you are talking about :P18:16
apacheloggerXand3r: welcome to autohell18:16
jpdsapachelogger: It's a script to look for files which shouldn't usually be in source tarballs.18:17
jpdsapachelogger: 'tis in ubuntu-dev-tools.18:17
JontheEchidnaoh crap18:18
JontheEchidnajonathan@jonathan-desktop:/tmp$ firefox18:18
JontheEchidnaCannot mix incompatible Qt libraries18:18
* JontheEchidna disables gtk-qt-engine18:19
apacheloggerjpds: cool18:21
apacheloggerthe one I just created is much better :P18:21
apacheloggerexcept for the shorter whitelist18:21
apacheloggermine runs file on the file if the file doesn't match the whitelisted suffixes18:22
apacheloggerthen sorts out everything at is ASCII or shell scripts18:22
Riddellapachelogger: how do you mean spot binary files?18:23
apacheloggerRiddell: well, exactly what suspicious-source does basically18:24
apacheloggerexaclty + basically is rather strange though18:24
Riddelldon't know what suspicious-source is18:25
jpds"apachelogger: man suspicious-source" :)18:26
jpdsapachelogger: Adding file support would be cool tho.18:26
RiddellNo manual entry for suspicious-source18:26
jpdsRiddell: install ubuntu-dev-tools18:27
* apachelogger didn't had ubuntu-dev-tools installed either :P18:27
Xand3rapachelogger: where did you get the information from, if the files are removed or not? lintian dont gifs me that information18:27
jpdsapachelogger: Don't you use "requestsync" and co?18:27
Riddellah, yes, we have those18:28
apacheloggerXand3r: you know, I got scritps for every thing :P18:28
apacheloggernow even for finding pdfs without source18:28
apacheloggerjpds: I use queryarchiveadmin :P18:29
Xand3r? a script?18:29
jpdsapachelogger: Ah.18:29
apacheloggerRiddell: published somewhere?18:30
Xand3rapachelogger: i have a script for such a thing, nerver heard about it18:31
Riddellapachelogger: it's just an older version of suspicious-source18:31
apacheloggerI see18:31
apacheloggerXand3r: pardon?18:32
apacheloggerXand3r: sometimes you sound like the insanity bot :P18:32
Xand3rapachelogger: maybe i am the bot but, dont tell anyone about it18:33
* apachelogger diggs that secret in knotes18:34
apacheloggerthat doesn't make any sense either18:34
apacheloggerit's too hot18:34
Xand3rapachelogger: but tellme how i can check if the files are removed or not18:34
nixternalhaha, nice18:36
jpdsnixternal: fail. and http://paste.ubuntu.com/33049/18:37
apacheloggerXand3r: debuild  it18:38
apacheloggerextract the orig tarball to foobar.orig18:38
apacheloggerdiff the orig source with the one after debuild18:38
apacheloggerif it contains only files in /debian/ then everything works fine18:39
nixternaldon't throw me any pastebins18:40
nixternaljpds: ya, I have had that forever, but I am so used to doing /win tab 2018:41
jpdsnixternal: I find typing two integers easier :)18:41
mornfallRiddell: Ah, hm, search does work, but it does exact substring matches only. I'll have to fix that...18:50
Xand3rsorry apachelogger now is party time, i will go now, i wish you and every one else a realy nice friday and sleep well, c ya18:50
mornfallRiddell: Case-sensitive, even.18:50
Riddellsigh, I uploaded the world and it all broke20:19
smarterRiddell: what broke?20:20
Riddellsmbclient for one http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16483125/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-amd64.kdebase-runtime_4%3A4.1.0-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz20:23
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
SolarWarhey folks, I'm looking for someone to advocate or comment my super awesome package of Qlix- a program that allows users to easily transfer music to MTP devices (like the zune) http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=qlix22:47
=== mcas is now known as mcas_away
DaskreechSolarWar: What does it use?23:20
SolarWarDaskreech, it uses QT 4.3, taglib and libmtp23:29
JontheEchidnaduring the middle of the upgrade Konqueror said that http was an unknown protocol23:33
JontheEchidnaand shortly after it crashed23:33
JontheEchidnaprobably because of the path chagne23:35
JontheEchidnathe icon changed for the device notifier23:36
JontheEchidnaand the icon for kmenu disappeared23:36
JontheEchidnathings are getting strange...23:36
JontheEchidnahopefully konsole doesn't bork23:37
* JontheEchidna hopes people won't have this sort of problem soft-upgrading to intrepid23:38
JontheEchidnalol, device notifier icon totally gone23:45
DaskreechJontheEchidna: Did the same for me :)23:48
JontheEchidnamaybe we could write a custom update tool that steals the screen so that people don't crap up their systems while upgrading?23:48
DaskreechJontheEchidna: Except it also told me that It couldn't see any website because the plugin for Google was now invalid23:48

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