
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
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digistyl3hi, is anyone concerned about those fake bot accounts on launchpad?03:02
ScottKIt's not on my list of Launchpad security issues I worry about.03:09
digistyl3ScottK: any plans of adding something like captcha?03:12
ScottKdigistyl3: I wouldn't know.  That's up to Launchpad's developers.03:13
digistyl3sorry, i thought you were a dev, since you mentioned "your" list of LP security issues ;)03:15
ScottKI'm a user, but there are aspects of the design I think are problematic from a security perpsective.03:16
=== jaypipes_mysql is now known as jaypipes
lifelessis there a bug open about malones titles being improvable for history navigation? specifically bug listings saying 'bugs in XXX' is not enough  detail04:47
kiko-afktitles for bugs or for search pages?04:48
kiko-afkah search results04:48
kiko-afkso what would be better and doable?04:48
kiko-afkOpen bugs in XXX?04:48
kiko-afkOpen bugs tagged foo in XXX?04:48
lifelessthat sort of thing04:51
lifelessI had several refined searches in firefoxes history04:51
lifelessand I had to click back one at a time to find the one I wanted; this is excruciatingly slow :(04:52
lifelessI don't *think* there is a bug open on this, but I could be wrong04:52
kiko-afkit's pretty hard to get right04:55
lifelesskiko-afk: for sure04:57
lifelessthats why I said improvable rather than broken :>04:57
=== _Paracha is now known as Paracha
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
mptGooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!08:00
kiko-afkoy it's late08:01
wgrantEvening mpt, kiko-afk.08:03
kiko-afkevening william08:03
kiko-afkgreat to hear from you, will see you in a few hours when I fall out of bed onto my keyboard08:03
=== kiko-afk is now known as kiko-zzz
kiko-zzzgod damned branch that won't pass08:04
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
thekornhi, first of all, the new http://bazaar.launchpad.net is looking really good, good work!08:08
thekornbut is this search field suppose to work?08:08
thekornand what kind of data is included into this search?08:08
spivthekorn: hmm, you just missed mwhudson, who would be the person to ask08:33
spivthekorn: I'm not sure that it is functioning yet, but when it does I think it'll do the same sort of searches as the bzr-search plugin, which searches commit messages and files.08:34
thekornspiv, ok thanks, I this this is not working yet, I always returns with "No result"08:35
spivYeah, that's my guess too.  I'll file a bug; if it's not functional yet then the search box shouldn't be there.08:36
spivI've seen demos of that search box on servers where the bzr-search plugin is configured and it's quite sexy, so hopefully that will happen soon :)08:36
thekornok thanks, can you give me the bug number so I can see the progress08:38
spivthekorn: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/25388308:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253883 in launchpad-bazaar "Search box on bazaar.launchpad.net pages always returns no results" [Undecided,New]08:40
spivthekorn: thanks for the report08:41
thekornspiv, thank you for fileing this bug!08:41
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intellectronicamtaylor: ping09:19
mtaylorintellectronica: pong09:19
intellectronicamtaylor: hi, i wanted to run a quick LP usage survey by you09:20
intellectronicamtaylor: are you guys making use of the +roadmap page?09:20
mtaylorintellectronica: /me has more than one group... which is "we"09:21
intellectronicamtaylor: well, any of the groups you're part of, then :)09:21
mtaylorintellectronica: then yes and no09:21
intellectronicamtaylor: the reason i'm asking is because it's getting quite hard to support it, and we're considering retiring it for now, and rebuilding it later. but only if (like we suspect) it's not being used much09:21
mtaylorI use it in one project because the link is there ...09:22
mtaylorwouldn't be sad if it went away09:23
=== sabdf1 is now known as sabdfl
intellectronicamtaylor: cool. i think we are going to take it down for now (since for the most interesting projects it often times out anyway) and try to design something more useful for implementation later on.09:25
wgrantDon't you have logs to check for that?09:25
intellectronicawgrant: we do, and the logs suggest that it's barely being used, but there is /some/ usage, and i'd like to get opinions on this09:26
mtaylorintellectronica: works for me09:26
intellectronicawgrant: not only to know whether it's safe to remove, but also because sooner or later we'd like to do something better on that front09:26
intellectronicamtaylor: cool, thanks09:26
mtaylorintellectronica: it is certainly not an actually part of normal workflow09:27
=== rraphink is now known as raphink
MvGHi! I guess this has been proposed before, but are there any plans to aquire the domain lp.net for launchpad? I'm mainly thinking of java package names and maven group ids. Both of these go by reversed domain names, and net.lp.project would be so much shorter than net.launchpad.project, plus it would more likely avoid confusion with any packages related to the workings of launchpad itself, if there are any such.10:04
persiaMvG: Isn't that namespace supposed to be based on the information provider, rather than the hosting group?  Is there a lot of net.sourceforge.* stuff out there?10:06
MvGpersia: No, they all use net.sf.* :-)10:07
persiaMvG: Ah.  Well then, that would be "yes" to the question I intended to ask :)10:07
MvGpersia: For community projects the main project home page is usually a good thing to bas ethe package name upon. And if you should choose lp, then using that would imo make sense. Developer domain names for individuals might be much longer, and carry less useful information.10:09
=== RainCT is now known as RainCT_
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
reechHello. I have a launchpad account, but have changed my email. How do I edit my profile?12:16
wgrantreech: https://launchpad.net/~wgrant/+editemails12:16
wgrantSorry, https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editemails12:16
reecherm thanks. seemed to work, but following the "confirm" link in the email received, then pressing the "confirm" button gives "Application error. Unauthenticated user POSTing to a page that requires authentication"12:20
wgrantreech: That would be a Launchpad bug. Let's see if it has been filed...12:21
wgrantreech: Are you still logged in? Everybody was logged out recently.12:22
reechoh, ok, the email didn't say to log in first. (I received the email on a different computer, so wasn't logged in). Thank you for your help.12:24
reechPS. I came here from the "help improve launchpad" link. Can I sugges that it might be an idea to make the profile page somewhere that is not entirely hidden?! Normally clicking on my username (top right) would take me to a profile page, but it didn't, it took me to a bug search. perhaps that's a bug? (It now does take me to my profile page). Anyway, I mean this comment constructively. hth. rich12:26
Ursinhareech, if you're in launchpad bugs and click on your username, you're taken to the bugs related to you12:36
Ursinhareech, but i agree with you, i think it should take you to your profile12:37
Ursinhareech, i think i'll figure out soon why it behaves like that :)12:37
reechok, thanks for taking comments on board. Over & out.12:39
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
ephracishi, I just recently decided to move my project from sourceforge to launchpad (thanks to the great update). so I created the project and did a svn import. now the import is awaiting review and I was just wondering what is the expected/normal/average time it takes? thanks!13:33
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spivephracis: mwhudson is the guy to ask.  Probably unlikely to happen over the weekend, but probably not long after that is my guess.14:22
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ephracisspiv: oh, great.. launchpad seems great! I just want to get the code over there and start fiffling.. :)14:40
ephracisand, I wanna learn bazaar, too.14:41
lifelessephracis: 'great update' ?14:43
lifelessephracis: do you mean lp 2.0?or id  sf do something...14:43
ephracislifeless: yeah, the new update.. I read it on a blog and took the "tour" on launchpad and I just wanted to try it..14:43
ephracislifeless: but sf is so slow, I was hoping that lp would speed things up a bit.. plus I really like the website, and the ppa idea.14:44
ephracisyeah.. so now all I want is for that svn import to get reviewed.14:45
=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT
ignasI am trying to use ppa package copying feature16:15
ignas(actually used it in 2008-05-12)16:16
ignasand today have noticed that source package available on hardy16:16
ignaswas properly copied from gutsy16:16
ignasbut the binary is still not available16:16
ignasi have tried copying the package from gutsy to hardy again16:16
ignasand got: "The following source cannot be copied: python-schooltool.buildconfig 0.2.6-1 in gutsy (same version has unpublished binaries in the destination archive for Hardy, please wait for them to be published before copying)"16:17
ignasis there a way to prod it to publish the binary16:17
ignasbecause it seems that waiting is not very effective16:17
Hobbseewhich ppa?16:17
Hobbseeignas: are you sure you're looking at the right thing?  LP is showing that as published.16:19
ignaslook in here16:20
ignasor try copying schooltool.buildconfig from gutsy to hardy again, or try installing it16:20
Hobbseeignas: you'll need to wait for cprov, i'm afraid.16:21
Hobbseethe source is certainly showing up correctly, and the debs are on LP16:22
* Hobbsee assumes a launchpad bug, or something.16:22
ignasyay, lucky me16:22
Hobbseegood luck!16:22
* ignas should get a bug shaped rubber stamp16:23
Hobbseewith lots of ink?16:25
=== salgado is now known as salgado-brb
jjessequick question:  what version of bzr do i need for dealing w/ launchpad branches?  that is will i have problems w/ my branches that are hosted by lp if bzr is older16:27
ignasHobbsee: well, this week I had encounters with bugs in launchpad, zope3, python2.4 and bzr ;) so yes, lots of ink ;)16:29
\shkiko: moins :)16:34
emgentmoin moin16:34
kiko\sh, how are you doing? have been wanting to chat with you for the past week!16:35
andrea-bshey kiko: jak-o can't upload his GPG because of bug 251869, can you help him, please?16:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251869 in launchpad ""not allowed here" while merging to accounts" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25186916:35
\shkiko: well, I'm always on (well not always :)) did you receive my query ? :)16:36
\shkiko: but in general, I'm doing fine...and reading  some interesting API docs...and I'm ready to branch ,-) when it's pushed to LP :)16:38
kiko\sh, andrea-bs: yeah, I can sort it out.16:41
bdmurraylaunchpad is still having issues watching upstream openoffice.org bugs16:42
bdmurrayI thought gmb and I talked about it a while ago16:42
kikobdmurray, ah, I didn' t know that. what's up?16:43
gmbbdmurray: We did.16:43
bdmurrayIts saying it can't connect16:43
bdmurraySo status and importance are unknown16:43
gmbTurns out that Oo.org have disabled their XML export functionality16:43
gmbSo we can't grab statuses from upstream16:43
gmb(Well, IIRC that's the problem; I haven't looked just now. Hang on...)16:44
kikogmb, did they not just upgrade?16:45
gmbkiko: from qa.openoffice.org/xml.cgi: "16:45
gmb# If you were attempting to use the 'Format as XML' function or access xml.cgi, this functionality has been temporarily disabled."16:45
gmb(Just looked now)16:45
* \sh needs to rush home now ... but will be back in around 1 1/2 hours...kiko talk to you then :)16:45
gmbThis was something I meant to deal with before 2.0 got released, but it kind of got swept to one side by 2.0 goals.16:46
gmbkiko: I'm not sure there's much that we can do about this besides talk to the oo.org Bugzilla maintainers16:46
kiko\sh, ah, cool16:46
seb128is OOPS-944EB89 an known issue?16:46
kikogmb, are you sure they did not just upgrade?16:46
seb128launchpad is apparently not able to reply to the query I need to triage the desktop bugs ;-)16:47
gmbkiko: I'm sure that I'm seeing that message in my browser window now. What do you mean by "just upgrade"? Do you mean "didn't they upgrade recently?"?16:47
gmbkiko: Though there's a message on the page about downtime tomorrow morning.16:48
kikooh, sorry16:48
gmbmaybe that is going to be the upgrade16:48
kikoI missed that message you sent :)16:48
kikoyes, we should contact the OOO bugzilla maintainers then16:48
kikohmmm wonder why it's been disabled16:48
gmbOkay. I'll send them an email today.16:48
seb128kiko: hey ;-)16:50
kikoseb128, yes, known. shouldn't happen too often, though -- about 2 a day for the whole site is what reports said yesterday16:51
seb128kiko: well, everytime on this query16:51
* seb128 tries again16:51
seb128I just want to list desktop-bugs which have not been sent upstream yet16:52
kikoseb128, ah! is this a specific query?16:52
seb128https://edge.launchpad.net/~desktop-bugs/+bugs?advanced=1, select new, confirmed, triaged, need to be forwarded upstream and not known to affect upstream and search16:53
kikojak-o, ping16:53
kikoseb128, okay, can you file a bug? I'll get it fixed16:53
seb128kiko: ok, just an oops reference en the steps?16:53
jak-okiko: pong16:53
kikoseb128, exactly. thanks very much!16:54
kikojak-o, you have 3 accounts that need merging then?16:54
kikooh, sorry.16:54
kikojak-o, I thought you were the person reporting that bug!16:54
kikojak-o, which accounts would you like merged?16:54
jak-okiko: no :)16:54
andrea-bskiko: sorry, I gave you the wrong report: bug #25140016:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251400 in launchpad ""Not allowed here" when confirming pgp key" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25140016:55
kikostarts making sense now16:56
andrea-bssorry, I've copied the wrong number for the IRC log16:56
kikojak-o, do you have two accounts that need merging?16:56
seb128kiko: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/25400516:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254005 in malone "launchpad oops when trying to list bugs that should be sent upstream" [Undecided,New]16:57
kikothanks seb12816:57
jak-okiko: no16:57
seb128kiko: thank *you* for looking at the issue ;-)16:57
kikojak-o, then that can't be the same bug16:58
kikojak-o, ah, I think it is the same bug, and I think you do have two accounts, just that you haven't found them :)16:58
kikojak-o, can you search in /people/ for the email addresses present in your gpg key?16:58
kikojak-o, you should be able to find one or more accounts16:59
kikojak-o, then ask me to merge them16:59
kikojak-o, you'll then be able to confirm16:59
jak-okiko: yes, I found https://launchpad.net/~morettojac and https://launchpad.net/~jak-o17:00
kikojak-o, ah, cool. let me merge them.17:01
jak-ocan you merge morettojac in jak-o ?17:01
kikojak-o, done17:02
jak-okiko: thanks!17:02
jak-okiko: the key was successfully validated.17:03
bdmurraythat little logo in a firefox tab is called a favicon right?17:04
jak-obdmurray: yes, it is17:04
bdmurrayOkay, then the favicon is different for the html interface compared to the txt interface for a bug report17:04
kikojak-o, rock on17:06
kikobdmurray, the txt interface can't have a favicon. :)17:06
bdmurraywell whatever it is the logo looks different17:07
andrea-bsbdmurray: I've already filed a bug for this17:07
andrea-bsbdmurray: the problem is that launchpad.net/favicon.ico is different by the favicon specified in the html page17:07
bdmurrayandrea-bs: okay, thanks17:08
kikoandrea-bs, what's the bug number? that's pretty interesting17:10
andrea-bskiko: let me find it17:11
andrea-bskiko: mh... I can't find it17:14
andrea-bskiko: but I was sure to have reported it :|17:14
=== salgado-brb is now known as salgado
ignasHobbsee: where should I report this problem on launchpad? answers? bugs? I'd like it solved sooner rather than later... and i am not sure i will be here when cprov will appear ...17:17
kikoignas, what's the problem?17:17
ignasin schooltool ppa package python-schooltool.buildconfig was copied from gutsy to hardy17:18
ignasit is marked as published in the UI17:18
ignasbut i can't see it in: http://ppa.launchpad.net/schooltool-owners/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages17:18
ignasif i am trying to copy python-schooltool.buildconfig 0.2.6 from gutsy to hardy once more, i am getting an error that is saying that the binary is already on hardy, but was not published yet, and that I should wait ...17:20
bdmurraykiko: why are 959 projects related to me?17:20
ignaskiko: so i need someone to prod that package on hardy to make it "publish" itself completely, because at the moment it's halfway there for like 3 months17:25
kikobdmurray, very famous :-)17:26
kikosiretart, ping?17:26
bdmurraykiko: it just seems like an awful lot compared to other17:34
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=== fta_ is now known as fta
korpiosI noticed that the Launchpad vcs-import for jQuery seems to be failing; is there anything I can do to report/fix/etc?18:11
bdmurrayIs there something wrong with launchpad list moderation?  I've approved a couple of messages that haven't gone through.18:21
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
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=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
kikokorpios, can you check the failure log and see why it's failing?19:24
korpiospysvn._pysvn_2_4.ClientError: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/trunk/plugins/ext/docs/output'19:25
korpiosPROPFIND of '/svn/trunk/plugins/ext/docs/output': 502 Bad Gateway (http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com)19:25
kikokorpios, I think it's a timeout -- do we not timeout right before that?19:26
korpioskiko: I see a ton of warnings, but nothing about a timeout19:26
kiko\sh, so, how's life on leonov?19:27
kikokorpios, I think 502 means that apache timed out when serving a request.19:27
kikokorpios, which is unfortunate and means we're blocked on a change in the design of our SVN importer to cope with this19:27
korpioshmm, is this possibly specific to this project, or to google code hosted subversion repos in general?19:28
kikogoogle code in general has a tendency to drop connections, but this project is particularly complicated because it has a very long history of large revisions19:29
korpiosmmm, ah well.19:31
kikokorpios, you can set up a one-time import easily, though19:33
kikokorpios, do you run jquery yourself?19:33
korpiosas in use it, yeah, both for personal and work projects ... it's just *so* much saner using bzr to try out stuff and still track upstream (been doing that with django with excellent results)19:35
kikokorpios, I need to get somebody who's interested in svnlib and python to do some contracting on cscvs I think19:35
kikothe bugs are reported and the code is out there, but it's hard to find people interested in helping out19:36
korpiosI'm certainly willing to help *test* ^_^  I'm still too new to the bzr codebase to do much else yet19:36
kikoyeah, it's hard to find someone with the right skills :)19:37
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
kikobeuno, ping?19:55
beunokiko, pong19:56
kikobeuno, can I entice you to change the font on help.launchpad.net? :)19:56
kikoit's way too small and it's also serif19:56
beunokiko, yeap, sure.  I'm finishing off so Loggerhead changes, and I'll change and push.  Then you'll have to bribe an admin to sync19:58
kikobeuno, thanks -- if you can demo it to me beforehand you get bonus points :)19:58
* beuno checks his current score20:00
beunokiko, alright, I'll attach a screenshot, if you open a bug for it   :)20:00
beunooh no, capslock20:02
kikomy favorite mode20:03
kikobeuno, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-documentation/+bug/254047 and https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-documentation/+bug/253274 for bonus points :)20:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254047 in launchpad-documentation "Font on help.launchpad.net is small and serif" [Undecided,New]20:05
beunokiko, what timezone are you in now?20:06
kikoUTC-4 next week20:06
kikoand UTC-3 the week after!20:07
beunook, progressive timezone changes are better20:08
beunoI'll get to that bug "today" then20:08
beunojust need for zpt templates to start doing what *I* want20:08
kikobeuno, is the loggerhead stuff for today? only reason I wanna update the help wiki is that I still have the attention of the LOSAs right now20:10
kikoand we're mailing out API announcements shortly..20:10
beunokiko, nobody will be upset if it isn't finished today, no.  I'll move on to help.lp.net then20:10
kikobeuno, thanks. owe you two now!20:11
beunokiko, :)20:12
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
beunokiko, check out the attachment on bug #25404720:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254047 in launchpad-documentation "Font on help.launchpad.net is small and serif" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25404720:32
beunoI chose HTML instead of a screenshot because I suspect you don't have 'Verdana' installed, which *is* serif and is what's default now. I just added a backup sans-serif20:35
kikoI have Bitstream foo though20:37
beunodoes it look OK now?20:37
kikobeuno, I wonder if the font could be one point larger. what do you think?20:37
kikoit looks MUCH better20:37
kikobut the font looks small20:38
kikoa bit small I mean20:38
beunokiko, can I get a screenshot of what you're seeing?20:38
beunoI'm not sure I'd say that it's still "a bit small"20:39
kikoyeah, the font is smaller than launchpad's bug comment font20:39
beunooh no, not at all20:39
kikobeuno, okay, will produce screenshots.20:40
beunokiko, I will too20:40
kikobeuno, async.com.br/~kiko/Screenshot-1.png20:42
kikobeuno, async.com.br/~kiko/Screenshot-2.png20:42
beunokiko, http://beuno.com.ar/random/Screenshot-1.png20:42
kikobeuno, significantly smaller for the font I'm getting20:42
beunokiko, hrm, yeah, quite smaller20:43
beunothe font I'm getting is probably bigger then you're looking for then20:43
kikobeuno, it actually looks perfect on your screenshot :-/20:44
gordhello, i seem to have broken launchpad when trying to mirror an svn branch - not quite sure what to do about it https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gordallott/+junk/pitivi-svn20:44
kikothat's exactly the size I want!20:44
beunohm, odd, we're both on FF3 in hardy20:45
kikogord, well, the push failed.. oddly20:45
gordi bzr branch'ed that svn branch (with bzr-svn) and then pushed that to launchpad a few days ago with no problems, just trying to get a nicer setup (a mirror and my own branch off that)20:46
beunokiko, I expect you already did control + f5 to reload the old CSS file?20:47
beunoI just tried it on FF2, FF3 and Safari con ubuntu/mac/win20:47
kikobeuno, uhh, I don't have an old CSS file. :)20:48
jelmergord, launchpad doesn't run bzr-svn20:48
beunoand I can't get it to look like you see it20:48
kikobeuno, it's a font issue, not a browser issue20:48
kikobeuno, the font you're using probably renders larger, naturally20:48
jelmergord, you have to tell it to do an import via another ui20:48
jelmergord, but you probably want to use the mirror on http://bzr-playground.gnome.org/pitivi/trunk/20:48
beunokiko, I'm using default, and I triple-checked on 1 freshly installed Ubuntu.  Anyway, I'll dig deeper into this20:49
beunoif you see LP fine, we should be able to get the same thing on help.lp20:49
kikoyeah, I do see LP fine20:49
gordyeah that'll help jelmer, thank you :)20:49
kikosiretart, ping?20:51
kirklandhello, i have a couple of questions about vcsimports20:56
kirklandi have a project that I want to permanently move from SF to Launchpad20:57
kirklandactually, strike the SF part....20:57
kirklandI have a tarball of a CVSROOT that I want to import into Launchpad and use bzr permanently20:57
beunokiko, http://beuno.com.ar/random/lphelp/21:02
kikokirkland, can you check out answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+faqs21:11
kikokirkland, there's a FAQ there to handle your question I believe21:11
kirklandkiko: cool, will do... right now, I'm playing with cvsps-import21:11
kikobeuno, much better!21:11
kirklandkiko: i've got it to run to completion21:11
kikokirkland, no small feat :)21:11
beunokiko, but still a bit small?21:11
kirklandkiko: but i'm trying to figure out now, 'what's next'21:12
kirklandkiko: i have a bzr and a staging dir21:12
kikobeuno, nope! it's all good.21:12
kikobeuno, in fact it looks fantastic21:13
kikothe text of the "launchpadhelp" header is a tad big in fact21:14
beunokiko, yeah, the proportions are wrong now in some places, I'll fix that, commit, push, and go for the extra points21:15
kikobeuno, you rock! what was the issue?21:15
beunokiko, em's not scaling as I'd expected. pt's are the next best thing.21:16
kirklandkiko: can I get a pointer on what to *do* with the output directory of cvsps-import ?21:16
kikokirkland, I think the output is a bzr branch, isn't it?21:16
kikoif so, you can just push it to launchpad, and also branch off of it locally21:16
kirklandkiko: well, it looks like everything is locked up in meta data21:17
kirklandkiko: ie, i don't see the files/dirs of the source of the project itself21:17
kikokirkland, sure, but you can check that branch out and get a working tree (I think at least)21:17
kikokirkland, if you push up to launchpad (i.e. bzr push lp:~kirkland/+junk/import-test)21:17
kikoyou'll be able to browse it through the web and branch it21:18
kirklandkiko: lemme try that21:18
kirklandkiko: this is what the output dir looks like: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/33104/21:20
jamkirkland: bzr/branches/HEAD is a Bazaar "Branch" of your converted project21:20
jamyou can do21:20
jambzr checkout --lightweight bzr/branches/HEAD21:20
jamif you like21:20
jamI would suggest familiarizing yourself with Bazaar terminology21:21
jamto understand how you can have a branch without a working tree21:21
jamperhaps the Tutorial?21:21
kirklandjam: i'm okay with a fair amount of bzr21:21
jamThe user guide is good, but may be a bit more involved: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/index.html21:21
kirklandjam: once stuff is in bzr :-)21:22
jamkirkland: your projects history has been converted21:22
kirklandjam: i'm trying to get it to a point where I recognize it :-)21:22
kirklandjam: good, that was my intent!21:22
jamjust into a repository and a group of branches (though in your case you only seem to have HEAD)21:22
kirklandjam: and now, I want to move it from my volatile laptop to the iron mountain that is launchpad21:22
jamkirkland: cd bzr/branches/HEAD21:23
jambzr push lp:~kirkland/+junk/project21:23
jam(unless you have somewhere better)21:23
kirklandjam: cool, thanks21:23
kirklandkiko: you too... thanks.21:23
kikono worries!21:23
kirklandjam: that little gem "cd bzr/branches/HEAD; bzr push lp:"  might do well in cvsps_import/README.rst21:24
kirklandjam: as that's what I was following21:25
kikojam, and also explain the bzr co tip :)21:25
kirklandjam, kiko: yeah, that was good to verify my work21:25
jamkiko, kirkland: You guys actually want me to work on CVS right now? meh... :)21:26
kikojam, actually no!21:26
kirklandkiko, jam: i'll hack it and send a branch your way :-)21:26
jamkirkland: sounds good21:27
jamI'm happy to merge it21:27
kirklandjam: gimme a few minutes21:27
beunokiko, pushed fixes for bugs #253274 and #25404721:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253274 in launchpad-documentation "h3 on help and h4 on news are underlined" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25327421:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254047 in launchpad-documentation "Font on help.launchpad.net is small and serif" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25404721:31
kirklandkiko: https://code.launchpad.net/~kirkland/bzr-cvsps-import/documentation21:39
kikokirkland, good job!21:40
kikobeuno, woo, you rock.21:40
kirklandkiko: no prob, thanks for the help21:40
beunokiko, :)21:42
* beuno goes back to loggerhead21:42
hagnaany plans to support git?21:45
kikohagna, plans, yes21:46
hagnakiko: ETAs?21:46
Peng_There are plans to support alternate VCSes? How serious are they? Just "that'd be nice to have someday..."?21:57
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kikohagna, well, I'll know more at the end of august22:14
hagnakiko: ok cool22:15
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
siretartkiko: pong?22:49
kikosiretart, have some time to go over some other lists? :)23:26
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado

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