
thorwilkwwii: have nice holidays!11:40
kwwiithorwil: thanks, I'll try12:08
kwwiibtw, they mentioned to me that living in london is a pretty big issue for that job12:08
thorwilhm, ok12:23
nandthorwil: hey! planning to work for canonical? :)14:04
darkmatterwork for Apple! at least it has a design direction! *hides*14:11
* nand smiles14:12
thorwilnand: well, yes14:39
nandeh, that's cool!14:39
* thorwil -> bicycle14:39
* nand is confident thorwil will be able to do great stuff for Ubuntu artwork14:40
=== kwwii is now known as kwwii_holiday
DanaGvwhoa, the thing about Origami:23:50
pwnguinim glad someone found it23:57
pwnguinDanaG: theres another talk and a ibix23:58

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