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bdmurray20 more bugs w/o a package need some loving to get below 300005:43
greg-gooo ooooo!05:43
* greg-g gets on it05:44
bdmurrayokay let's do it05:44
greg-gheh, fine, beat me to my first one ;)05:46
bdmurrayI'm well prepared ;)05:46
bdmurrayI've been working on it for quite a while now05:46
greg-git is a good pet project05:47
* RAOF skeptates05:55
RAOFHobbsee: If you wanted to make my life a lot better, you could make emacs-snapshot-gtk respect gnome's font hinting settings.  Then I'd believe your -250 count!05:56
RAOFI presume it uses fontconfig, or whatever the non-GNOME voodoo is.  I could always just work out how to futz with that.05:56
greg-ghalf way there06:02
bdmurraygah, new ones must be coming in quickly06:09
Hobbseeoh, was i supposed to stop filing them?  whoops.06:10
bdmurrayI'm fairly certain you can find the right package no?06:10
RAOFHobbsee: Once you're bored filing bugs against Ubuntu, I've got some Google libs you could package for me :)06:11
HobbseeRAOF: i'm sure i'm not that bored :P06:11
RAOFNow it's my turn to Awww.06:12
bdmurraybig 21668806:14
bdmurraybug 21668806:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 216688 in ubuntu "During install of U8.04BetaLive, partitioner tells me to use a 1.5TB /usr partition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21668806:14
* Hobbsee blinks06:15
bdmurrayscreenshot included fwiw06:15
RAOFThat sounds like a very sensible recommendation :)06:15
Hobbseestrange :)06:15
RAOFActually, he's out by a couple of orders of magnitude.06:16
RAOFThat's a 1.5GiB partition it's asking for.06:16
bdmurrayI thought the math was a bit off but wasn't positive06:16
RAOFSo the actual bug there is that it's reporting in bytes, rather than something sensible like 1.5GiB?06:17
pwnguindont start that again06:17
RAOFpwnguin: 1.5GB would also be acceptable, I suppose.06:18
RAOFpwnguin: Package the Google .NET libs for me!06:18
RAOFYou heard!  Go!06:18
pwnguinhow did i earn that punishment?06:18
Hobbseeyou spoke.06:18
RAOFBy speaking in #ubuntu-bugs ;)06:18
RAOFHobbsee has already declined the honour.06:18
HobbseeRAOF: i'll have the honour of hitting it with the REJECT stick instead, if you like?  :)06:19
pwnguinwhy .Net?06:19
pwnguini mean, i know a few guys who work with mono in town06:20
RAOFBecause there's no way that gnome-do-plugins, as it's currently shipped upstream, will enter the archives.06:20
pwnguini should at least write down their complaints06:20
RAOFOf course, this would be easier if Google shipped a _build system_ with their source.06:20
bdmurraydown to 300806:21
pwnguini recall something about monodevelop being out of date, or something06:21
pwnguinis LP broke?06:21
RAOFpwnguin: Nope, not here.06:21
pwnguini keep gettign timeout error06:22
lifelessRAOF: but google are god06:22
lifelessRAOF: also, wow tomorrow ?06:22
RAOFlifeless: Urh, probably not.06:23
RAOFStuff to do, and that'd require me to install a 3d-capable video driver.06:23
pwnguinso how many bugs are filed against yelp?06:23
RAOFOr, I suppose, see how incomplete nouveau's 3d is again.  It's been a while since I threw WoW at it.06:23
pwnguini think i have a dns or routing problem06:24
techno_freakurgh, python-kde4 in the PPA is broken, now i can't install kde4 desktop :(06:26
RAOFIt's saving you from yourself :)06:26
bdmurray4 more06:28
pwnguinanyone know the rate of bugs being assigned to no package?06:28
bdmurray~50 per day06:28
pwnguinso you'd need 10 people doing 5 a day on that alone to keep pace06:29
bdmurrayor better education of reporters06:30
pwnguinnot something i'd pin my hopes on06:30
RAOFI don't suppose anyone would care at all that kwin's desktop-effects don't work under GNOME.06:34
bdmurraygreg-g: sweet!06:34
* greg-g high-fives bdmurray 06:34
bdmurraythere I updated the graph manually06:35
bdmurraygreat! I can sleep tonight ;-)06:37
* bdmurray heads off06:37
HobbseeRAOF: yeah, probably not06:42
RAOFHobbsee: It should work, though.  It works in kde...06:43
RAOFAnd I do so like the shiny.06:43
pwnguini dont quite understand how kde not working in gnome is a bug06:44
RAOFkwin is just a window manager.  Metacity works in KDE.06:45
RAOFThe difference being that kwin implements useful shiny with XRender, so nouveau runs it nicely...06:45
pwnguinbut compiz is too muhc06:46
pwnguini thought xrender was ancient history, like damage06:46
RAOFNo.  XRender is what EXA accelerates.  Also, Damage isn't history, either; it's fairly new.06:47
RAOFYou might be thinking XAA.06:47
pwnguinwell, maybe from x's perspective06:47
pwnguini recall damage and render being part of like the first xorg or earlier06:47
RAOFWell, the first Xorg is hardly ancient, either. :)06:48
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu
greg-g2985, btw :)06:53
pwnguinyou'lll get to repeat it tomorrow!06:54
greg-gyeah yeah06:54
greg-gbut hey, at least it is something, right?06:54
pwnguinits training data for an awesome algorithm someone needs to write06:54
greg-gmany of the ones I have been doing I have moved them along the triaging process, it isn't all just "they mention f-spot, so assign to f-spot" ;)06:55
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RAOFbddebian: Aww.  You scared Hobbsee away!13:51
mcascan someone please look at bug 25393214:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253932 in kdeadmin "KDE3 systemsettings crashes when quickly clicking on two items after another " [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25393214:14
mcasthere is a patch attached to the bug report14:14
mcashow should this be handled?14:14
nhandlerHow long does it normally take for a message to appear in the bugcontrol mailing list if sent by a non-member?14:16
james_whey nhandler14:17
nhandlerHi james_w14:17
james_wI'm not sure, I don't think it's ever happened before :-)14:17
james_wI assume bdmurray has the power14:18
nhandlerYeah, chances are the message has to be approved by a team admin14:18
nhandlerAnd congrats on applying to be a UCD james_w14:18
james_wbdmurray: do you moderate the ubuntu-bugcontrol list? If so can you let nhandler's message through please?14:18
james_wnhandler: thanks14:18
james_wdid you see that I announced your session today?14:19
nhandlerYes I did. Thank you.14:19
chrisccoulsonhi, what do we do about bugs reported against a package in a PPA?14:31
chrisccoulsondo we just close it?14:31
chrisccoulsoni'm looking specifically at: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/25394814:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253948 in network-manager "[ppa] nm-applet will not start" [Undecided,New]14:31
Hobbseechrisccoulson: close it.  for that one, pass it to asac.14:32
Hobbseechrisccoulson: yeah, leave that one.  the NM ppa is a special case.14:33
mcasif a program segfaults.. should i ask for a strace?14:33
Hobbseechrisccoulson: for almost all other ppas that i can think of, close it - it's not an ubuntu bug.14:33
chrisccoulsonok, no problem!14:34
Hobbsee(asac will see that anyway)14:34
persiaEven in the special cases, PPA bugs probably don't belong against Ubuntu though.  Do PPAs have products?14:34
Hobbseethere's no way to file bugs against people.14:35
james_wwe need launchpad to support version tracking14:35
HewHey guys, I installed kubuntu-desktop the other day and now I've got all sorts of funky issues with my gnome interface (I reported bug 253676 but there are others). Is the clash between gnome and KDE a known issue, or should I go and report all these interface problems? What package/s would they be filed under? I can't seem to find any existing reports.14:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253676 in ubuntu "KDE window decoration applied in gnome" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25367614:38
persiajames_w: That's tricky.  I'd settle for just being able to file bugs against people and teams.14:38
persiaHew: You may want to file them as bugs: most of the time a given application should work fine in the laternate environment (although there are exceptions).  If you do this, be prepared to have the bugs be ignored or marked won't fix as most of them will likely be very low priority for developers.14:39
chrisccoulsonHew - Have you tried removing compiz-kde? That will remove the kde window decorator, but would probably mean you end up with the gtk window decorator in kde14:40
chrisccoulsoni suppose it could be a compiz bug14:40
chrisccoulsoni don't know how compiz chooses a window decorator14:40
Hewchriscoulson: compiz-kde is not installed, and I'm not using compiz in either environment14:41
chrisccoulsonah, ok14:41
chrisccoulsonare you using kdm or gdm?14:41
HewI have issues such as the one I reported where gnome has the KDE decoration all the time, as well as these panel icons flashing orange all the time for no reason..14:41
Hewchrisccoulson: both. gdm right now14:42
chrisccoulsoni might have a go at this in a virtual machine later and see what the results are like14:42
HewI'm on intrepid and figured I'd do some testing with KDE since I've never used it before14:42
Hewchrisccoulson: yea, I expect it would be reproducible on other systems. That would be great :-)14:42
chrisccoulsonthats strange. the loading of the window manager has changed in the new gnome-session in intrepid, and this is causing problems for people using compiz, where they have to enable compiz on every new session: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/25360614:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253606 in gnome-control-center "Compiz has to be started manually on each new session" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:44
chrisccoulsonHew: could you have a look at the two gconf keys listed in that bug report and see if any of them are set to kwin?14:44
Hewwindowmanager = metacity, default-session = [gnome-settings-daemon,metacity,gnome-panel,nautilus]14:47
chrisccoulsonvery strnage14:47
chrisccoulsonstrange even14:47
chrisccoulsoni'll set kubuntu-desktop to install in my virtual environment now and leave it installing whilst i go out this afternoon. I'll try it out later and see if i get the same strange-ness as you14:49
Hewchrisccoulson: sounds like a plan :-). Let me know how you get on (if I'm still around)14:53
thekornsudo apt-get install python-simplejson16:20
bdmurraythekorn: did you look at the bughelper branch?16:21
thekornbdmurray, yes, it's looking good16:24
thekornand working as far as I can tell16:25
thekornso +1 for the merge :)16:25
bdmurraythekorn: cool16:26
bdmurraythekorn: by the way I ran across hug day tools again and was pondering rolling it into ubuntu-qa-tools16:26
thekornbdmurray, sounds like a good plan,16:27
thekornI did not work on it recently, but I think it is working16:28
thekornso I'm fine with having it under the hat of u-qa-tools16:28
bdmurrayogasawara: I'm stuck with bug 25256016:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 252560 in linux "BCM4401 Ethernet card stopped working in Gutsy" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25256016:36
bdmurraydmesg shows symbol disagreement for b44 but the module matches the kernel16:37
seisencan somebody mark this as wishlist: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/25385516:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253855 in ubuntu "please sync samba4 from debian experimental" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:46
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seisencan some mark these bugs as wishlist: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/253924 and https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/25400617:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253924 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] TreeMaker" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:10
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ogasawarabdmurray: will take a look at that bug in a sec - there's 2 more in the queue I've gotta look at17:18
bdmurrayogasawara: you have a queue?17:19
ogasawarabdmurray: I do today17:19
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LimCoreUbuntu do not have libfltk2-dev, I think it should.  I can easly build fltk2 from source, how to make nice .deb and how to get it into ubuntu's repo17:29
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports17:30
ogasawarabdmurray: looking at bug 252560 the initial thing that strikes me as odd is they're running 7.10 but using a hardy 2.6.24 kernel.  need to dig into their logs more.17:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 252560 in linux "BCM4401 Ethernet card stopped working" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25256017:55
greg-gtoday looks like evince/poppler day for pedro_ and seb18:03
greg-gor at least, that is what my bugmail says18:03
jibelhi, bug 67141 affects grep but, if this is a bug, it is rather a policy bug. What would you do with this one ?18:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 67141 in grep "GREP_OPTION can break system scripts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6714118:29
greg-gwoah, 2973 new/nopackage bugs. nice.18:34
ogasawarabdmurray: found another report with the same issue loading b44 - have pinged the kernel guys18:40
bdmurrayogasawara: cool, I would have just expected them to be using the wrong driver but I guess not18:40
ogasawarabdmurray:  yah seems odd.  fyi the other bug is 251538.  I'll mark one a dup of the other.18:43
bdmurrayjames_w: ping19:23
james_whey bdmurray19:24
bdmurrayI was looking for some bzr magic but think I found it19:26
james_wyou want the "bzr magic" command probably19:26
bdmurrayI wonder how I could have done it without using the web codebrowse though19:30
askandWhat keeps ubuntu from using the same fix as Suse and Debian to fix the Critical Bug 5969520:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 59695 in dell "High frequency of load/unload cycles on some hard disks may shorten lifetime" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5969520:20
AlmightyCthulhutime to go update me a bug :P Whoooo doggie, I smells me some fried chicken, boy!20:30
Fallenoui like your nickname =)20:33
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nhandlerHi qense21:10
qensenhandler: you are new in bugcontrol?21:10
nhandlerqense: I have applied, I am still not a member21:10
qenseI think I saw your application21:11
qensewell, at least welcome in the bugsquad. :)21:11
nhandlerThank you qense. I've been in bugsquad for a while. I just finally got around to applying for bugcontrol21:11
qenseDid you find it easy to find your way around in the bug triaging teams?21:12
nhandlerI sort of picked up bug triaging when I was learning about patching bugs. Other bug triagers (in this channel and elsewhere) were also very helpful with answering any questions I might have had about specific bugs21:13
qenseIt's nice to hear that.21:15
AlmightyCthulhuMe to Carl Brunning at Foxconn: "21:33
AlmightyCthulhuTesting you say? Well if you have any jobs open in support, I can count to 21 without being arrested for indecent exposure, tell the difference between an OS error and a bad memory stick beep, and not utter the word "Microsoft" any more than I have to."21:33
chrisccoulsonany evolution experts in here?22:24
greg-gI took a couple classes on the topic in undergrad22:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244631 in evolution "too many open files" [Undecided,Incomplete]22:26
chrisccoulsonthat bug has been on my list of things to look at for a while, only i'm at a sticking point22:26
chrisccoulsonnot really sure what extra information to ask for22:26
chrisccoulsonthe two people in that bug report have 2 different issues i think22:26
bdmurrayhggdh knows evolution really well I think22:26
chrisccoulsonthanks, i might subscribe him to the report22:27
greg-gchrisccoulson: yeah, those sound like two separate issues, I would have the second person open a separate report to keep things clear.  Messy bug reports are harder to deal with.22:31
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'll do that i think. i've subscribed hggdh too in case he has something to add22:33
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pwnguinanyone know if the live CD will trigger input hotplug for usb wacom?23:02
pwnguina user is reporting a bug against gutsy, and im thinking of recommmending a live cd to test with23:03
bdmurraypwnguin: they should know in #ubuntu-x for sure23:04
pwnguinwell yea =/23:04
pwnguinplus, i think someone went on vacation23:08
bdmurrayhmm? bryce got back this week23:09
pwnguinwell, iwouldnt call the confreences a vacation23:09
pwnguinbut timo?23:09
bdmurrayI think I recall seeing an e-mail that the is gone23:09
askandCan someone please mark bug 186921 as invalid since it is a dublicate23:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 186921 in file-roller "Asking for password with missing archive volume (dup-of: 61185)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18692123:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 61185 in file-roller "please detect corrupt archives (rar format)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6118523:14
bdmurrayaskand: that'll just generate unnecessary bug mail23:14
bdmurrayas every subscriber of bug 61185 will get e-mail saying that 186921 was marked invalid23:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 61185 in file-roller "please detect corrupt archives (rar format)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6118523:15
askandbdmurray: aha I see23:16
bdmurraySetting a bug that is a duplicate to Invalid before marking it as a duplicate is fine but afterwards it is unnecessary23:17
AlmightyCthulhuevolution: OMG, the thing ticked me off before Intrepid broke it23:18
chrisccoulsonthis bug was related to a syntax error in an init script. it was marked as fix released a little while ago (and i can confirm the original issue is fixed), but the upgrade to the fixed package fails due to the original error in the old init script. the status has since been changed to Incomplete by someone.23:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253910 in samba "package winbind 2:3.2.0-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [High,Incomplete]23:28
chrisccoulsonshould it go back to fix released for the original issue, or should i confirm the new upgrade failure?23:28
bdmurrayI'd confirm it but I'm not sure how it'd be fixed23:32
chrisccoulsoni don't think it can be fixed tbh, which is why i thought about setting it back to fix released23:33

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