
brycetjaalton: is the fix for fdo 14441 in intrepid?  Can we finally close out that intel/compiz problem?00:38
brycetjaalton: I see upstream is up to 0.11.8 for pixman, but we're at 0.10.0-2 in ubuntu.  Debian has 0.11.8-1 in experimental.  Is there an issue with going to the newer version, or should we think about syncing to experimental for that?03:21
bryceBtw, I've updated the comments/todo's at http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Xorg/versions_current.html03:53
tjaaltonbryce: it's not yet in, but I can upload it06:41
tjaaltonbryce: pixman had some leaks, but maybe the latest version fixed those06:44
tjaaltonjcristau should know what the issues were06:50
tjaaltonI wonder what the policy is regarding HAL fdi-files.. should packages install them in /usr/share/hal and not /etc/hal?06:54
bryceprobably not under /usr/share06:59
tjaaltonactually , it seems that /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty/ is the correct place07:00
tjaaltonother packages put stuff there07:00
tjaaltondon't know if the keymap fdi-file should be put in /etc/hal though07:01
pwnguinive been looking at hal a bit for tabletPC stuff07:01
tjaaltonhmm but we don't want people to modify it, so07:01
tjaaltonjust hide it in the same place :)07:02
pwnguinwell, i believe the concept is you do07:02
tjaaltondo what?07:02
pwnguinwant people to modify it07:02
tjaaltonnope :)07:02
pwnguinthey modify, test and upload patches ;)07:02
tjaalton/e/d/console-setup instead07:02
pwnguinat least for hal-info07:03
tjaaltonthat's autogenerated07:03
tjaaltonbryce: so, wacom and synaptics should be easy to make use input-hotplug. we can upload the kbd/mouse stuff after some testing, early next week?07:07
pwnguinright now, i have only ssh07:07
pwnguinits crazy07:07
pwnguini guess my question is, why are we asking me a question?07:08
pwnguin(the stupid internet should be resolved by tomorrow or ive got bigger problems than wacom)07:09
pwnguini can get nowhere via http07:10
pwnguinssh works fine07:10
pwnguinhttps doesnt07:10
tjaaltonplayed with iptables recently?-)07:10
pwnguinhow big is tracert?07:11
pwnguinSize: 4884607:11
brycetjaalton: ok cool.  what needs testing with kbd/mouse?07:11
brycetjaalton: I'd be ok uploading now fwiw07:12
pwnguintjaalton: oh, sorry. i forgot i had wacom on highlight07:12
pwnguinirssi needs a secondary hilight color =/07:12
tjaaltonbryce: well, go ahead then :) I was just wondering if we wanted feedback from debian07:13
tjaaltonalthough I guess we can shuffle things a bit without too much trouble07:13
tjaaltonif need be07:13
tjaaltonbryce: please push the changes to xorg-server to git.d.o (0u4 & 0u5)07:32
tjaaltonsynaptics uploaded, wacom to follow08:10
tjaaltonmesa with intel fix uploaded14:22
tjaaltonit's interesting how I get different figures for the x-team package bugs on two different machines14:27
tjaaltonthe other has total of 1817 and the other 1852 bugs14:27
tjaaltonanyway, time to start the last weekend of my vacation :/14:28
tjaaltonboozing time ->14:28
jcristautjaalton: it seems there were some xorg-server uploads with no git update, so i updated the ubuntu branch, it should be in sync now i think15:16
brycejcristau: thanks18:21
pwnguinanyone know if the live CD will trigger input hotplug for usb wacom?23:04
pwnguina user is reporting a bug against gutsy, and im thinking of recommmending a live cd to test with23:04

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