
Blaqlightanyone | krazy-h_00:00
Leohaha. seems to be easy. Maybe Im subestimating my skill00:00
Blaqlight!anyone | krazy-h_00:00
ubottukrazy-h_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:00
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serkan`cLeo: what was your problem?00:01
Blaqlightkindofabuzz: linux doesn't interpret spaces the same way windows does... so no prolly not, but if you want to use \ before the space00:02
Blaqlightkindofabuzz: that should work.00:02
Blaqlight!pm > krazy-h_00:03
ubottukrazy-h_, please see my private message00:03
Blaqlightkindofabuzz: so then it would be e.g. Linux\ Manual for spaces.00:04
mfabianohello... i'm trying to install geforce fx 5200 in ubuntu 8.04, but anything work. i've already try to install with envyng the last driver and the 96.xxx series. What i must do to make this thing work?00:04
serkan`cmfabiano: you installed it and what?00:05
Leoalguien en castellano?00:06
a_hamHi all... I just built a new site on a debian server - and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to beta test it for me? It's designed to be a "better" porn site that's free, with no ads, and no deceptive links: http://topfuck.in/activate/00:06
JusticeZeroHi; i'm trying to fine-tune the network on my laptop and desktop so I can 1: be able to lan game the two together at home (on an unsecured network) and 2: have the laptop not cause me headaches when trying to LAN game on my brothers' secure wireless/wired network. Ubuntu 8.04 on both. Desktop is wired.00:06
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!00:06
mfabianoserkan`c, with the newer driver of envyng i got a black screen and my monitor light blinking. with the driver 96.xxxx my screen just freeze.00:06
mfabianoserkan`c, some ideia?00:06
D3RGPS31Anyone wanna send me a copy of their /boot/ directory (if they use GRUB, and they've updated to the latest kernel)?00:07
Leoalguno hablando cristiano?00:07
serkan`ccan you see an error output when you start X manuallay mfabiano ?00:07
a_hamkindofabuzz: no it's not spam... i'm a real person and just trying to tell you about the site00:07
krazy-h_You know i'm new in IRc that's why i do these errors, but maybe one day all will be alright :D00:07
krazy-h_But Does anybody who can help me ?00:07
mfabianoserkan`c, well i didn't try to start it manually. how do i do that?00:07
kindofabuzza_ham: this is a family channel, don't advertise porn sites00:07
icogensI've found an interesting bug involving pulse-audio and pidgin, but I'm not sure how to report it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?00:08
serkan`cmfabiano: maybe stopping gdm and give the startx command00:08
bastid_raZor!bug > icogens00:08
ubottuicogens, please see my private message00:08
FlannelBlaqlight: Yes?00:08
mfabianoserkan`c, just a second... i'll try it00:09
Blaqlightspamming a pron site.00:09
D3RGPS31Anyone wanna send me a copy of their /boot/ directory (if they use GRUB, and they've updated to the latest kernel)? =/00:09
Blaqlightsorry I hit enter before the rest of the cammand.00:09
icogensbastid_razor: Thanks00:09
FlannelBlaqlight: Thanks00:09
D3RGPS31Leo: talking to me?00:09
Leojust the menu.lst?00:10
D3RGPS31Leo: menu.lst, stage1, stage2, and afew other tings... everything =/00:10
bastid_raZoricogens; have fun bug posting :)00:10
D3RGPS31Leo: i deleted everything from /boot/00:10
Leogimmefew seconds00:10
D3RGPS31Leo: thanks00:10
bastid_raZor!grub > D3RGPS31 this may help too00:11
ubottuD3RGPS31, please see my private message00:11
D3RGPS31it can't help00:11
QianI'm having a problem with my wireless card connecting to a WEP-protected network.  If I disable WEP I can connect just fine, but if WEP is enabled it won't let me connect...00:11
BlaqlightQian: you have to use the WEP key to connect. not your passphrase... I believe00:12
Leo2I close the window...00:12
Leo2by e mail?00:12
D3RGPS31ftp or share site00:12
DIFH-icerootQian: first, dont use WEP!! using WEP or no description is near the same00:13
BlaqlightDIFH-iceroot: sometimes a little encrytion is better than none.00:13
QianBlaqlight:if I type my key in (hex) it just prompts me for it again after a minute or so00:13
bastid_raZorQian; you could look in to using MAC address filtering.. i use it with no security.. then again where i live not much worry of leechers00:13
erossi'm trying different desktops, window maker is neat, are there any other light-weight window managers that are cool too?00:13
kindofabuzzi never have got WEP to work in ubuntu.  i just mac filter00:13
BlaqlightQian: its case sensitive. make sure your typing it right00:14
Qianbastid_raZor:hmmm, that's a good idea00:14
LeoI dont use any ftp00:14
Blaqlighteross: flux/open/black-box00:14
DIFH-icerootBlaqlight: in germany you will have big problems if someone is uusing your wep-wlan00:14
QianBlaqlight:hex is case sensitive?00:14
Leoor share00:14
abbotcan someone help me real quick?  i'm trying to burn with K3B and i sometimes get an error half way through that says "CDRecord has no permission to open device".  i'm burning from an external drive.  it works fine other times though.  seems random.00:15
Leois just 78kb00:15
Sylphidkindofabuzz, mac filtering is really unsecure00:15
BlaqlightQian: I had to type it exactly as it was generated for it too work.00:15
erossthanks Blaqlight00:15
D3RGPS31i forgot about DCC xD00:15
Sylphidkindofabuzz, its crackable in 30 seconds00:15
kindofabuzzSylphid: yes i know, but i can't get any security to work in ubuntu00:15
koopsis there any soft to make a gnome theme out of my current gnome theme?00:15
D3RGPS31thanks, now i can see linux again =D00:15
Sylphidkindofabuzz, what wireless driver?00:16
DIFH-icerootkindofabuzz: you have to use wpa-suplicant (or something like that) sorry dont know the correct name00:16
kindofabuzzSylphid: ndiswrapper00:16
Blaqlighteross: if you want a lightweight desktop environment instead of just a WM you should check out XFCE00:16
Kevin`my resolution in ubuntu is limited to 1280x1024, what can I do to increase this (nvidia with unfree drivers)00:16
JusticeZeroHey, i've got a laptop on wireless and a desktop plugged in to the router on an unsecured network in the house. What do I do to be able to run a lan game between the two?00:16
DIFH-icerootLeo: thx00:16
kindofabuzzDIFH-iceroot: i've tried that i think, i put the passphrase in and everything, it just never connects00:16
Leois it right?00:16
Leocheck it00:16
Sylphidkindofabuzz, yes you will need wpa-supplicant00:16
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StargazerOther than VirtualBox-OSE what can i use for Virtual Machine ?00:17
kindofabuzzSylphid: that a package, i think it's installed00:17
DIFH-icerootStargazer: vmware, qemu00:17
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Sylphidkindofabuzz, yes it is00:17
Kevin`Stargazer: kvm, qemu, vmware, xen, and a few others00:17
Sylphidkindofabuzz, a package that is00:17
DIFH-icerootStargazer: xen, virtuozo00:17
DIFH-icerootbut i think virtual box is one of the best00:18
StargazerOk, i have VMware but idk the command and i can't find it in the Menus, any ideas ?00:18
Kevin`Stargazer: "vmware" for workstation00:18
BlaqlightStargazer: locate vmware00:18
usr13I have an Nvidia MX 440.  What driver should I use?00:18
kindofabuzzSylphid: yeah already installed00:18
usr13apt-get install _________?00:18
Kevin`anyone? screen resolution?00:18
BlaqlightStargazer: also sudo updatedb if you havent already00:18
usr13Gfource4 MX400 video00:19
zombieballkevin: I just came in, what is resolution problem you having?  I recently ran into this00:19
bastid_raZorusr13; probably nvidia-glx-legacy .. search on packages.ubuntu.com for the actual name00:19
DIFH-icerootusr13: the nvidia legacy driver00:19
Blaqlightusr13: 'sudo apt-get install packagename'00:19
DIFH-icerootusr13: apt-cache search nvidia legacy00:19
Kevin`zombieball: it's at 1280x1024. i want it higher. don't see an option that's higher in preferences-resolution00:19
inspyreDIFH-iceroot: you have vbox with the latest kernel?00:20
DIFH-icerootinspyre: yes00:20
DIFH-icerootinspyre: 2.6.24-19 imo00:20
inspyreamd64 i mean00:20
DIFH-icerootinspyre: intel00:20
inspyreyou didnt get -20?00:20
Leodid you update the linux-ose-module..... ?00:21
zombieballKevin:  have you tried   sudo gnome-control-center00:21
zombieballmay be able to change the option in there00:21
serkan`cKevin`: if you installed your graphic card's drivers and still cant get the higher resolution, you can add the desired resolution into xorg.conf imho00:21
DIFH-icerootinspyre: dont know the kernel version at work00:21
serkan`cmaybe works00:21
alraunekevin:sudo apt-get install gksudo displayconfig-gtk00:21
BlaqlightDIFH-iceroot: uname -r00:21
Blaqlighterr uname -a00:21
inspyreLeo: oh theres a seperate package?00:21
DIFH-icerootBlaqlight: the pc is at work!!!00:21
zombieballkevin: or edit xorg.conf as serkcan mentioned00:21
Leosometimes you have to do it manually00:21
alraunekevin : got it ?00:21
DIFH-icerootBlaqlight: i know uname -r but cant access the pc right now00:21
BlaqlightDIFH-iceroot: don't yell at me please :(00:22
inspyreLeo: i dont see that00:22
Leodo an uname -r to check the version00:22
Sylphidkindofabuzz, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20283400:22
HappyHaterKevin`, run gksudo displayconfig-gtk and setup your monitor00:22
kindofabuzzSylphid: thanks buddie00:22
DIFH-icerootBlaqlight: then why you tell me "uname -r"?00:22
serkan`cok one nasty question here, where hardy heron reads graphical infos? since xorg.conf is so empty :D00:22
Leothen from synaptic check the available linux-ose-modules00:22
Leomust be the same as your kernel00:22
zombieballserkan: empty?  that is strange, my /etc/X11/xorg.conf was populated00:23
alraune serkan`c:empty ?00:23
usr13I see: nvidia-legacy-kernel-source & nvidia-glx-legacy00:23
zhuwlhello all00:23
Blaqlightuname a is the correct command sorry.00:23
usr13Should I install both?00:23
Leoprobably you have to restart00:23
Kevin`HappyHater: alraune zombieball those config gui's only list max 1280x102400:23
Blaqlightsecond I didn't know you didn't have physical access to the machine in question.00:23
serkan`cof course it is not fully empty, but you know there is not any resolution info at first?00:23
alraunekevin:sudo apt-get install gksudo displayconfig-gtk00:23
bastid_raZorusr13;  more than likely it'll install the first too.. install nvidia-glx-legacy00:23
alraunekevin : got it ?00:23
inspyreLeo: you have amd64?00:23
J-_"uname -a"00:23
inspyreLeo: its not there00:24
Leono generic00:24
HappyHaterKevin`, in the displayconfig-gtk change the 'configured monitor' to your actual monitor00:24
Johnnyflash 10 is messing up for me, it looks all splotchy and has a bunch of white dots everywhere00:24
zombieballKevin: you may have to edit your xorg.conf manually, try what alraune says first though!00:24
BlaqlightIve really gotta stop misstyping my comments...00:24
LeoI ve got problems with virtualbox after last kernel update00:24
Leoto 1900:24
alraunekevin : got it ?00:25
zombieballParallels + ubuntu HH don't like to play well sometimes either :P00:25
Leofrom 2.6.24-18 to 1900:25
inspyreLeo: yes the kernel is -20 and vbox is -19 for me00:25
Kevin`alraune: testing00:25
serkan`cso you guys, do you have resolution values in xorg.conf?00:25
mikolsonhas anyone know what i need to set as system architecture for apt-build for core 2 duo00:25
DIFH-icerootserkan`c: yes00:25
Leothe module ...19 appeared few days later00:25
alraune serkan`c:yup00:25
serkan`cDIFH-iceroot: from a fresh install?00:25
zombieballserkcan: yes I did too00:26
DIFH-icerootserkan`c: yes, of course00:26
Leojust wait or try with VMware. people say its better00:26
serkan`cweird, we dont have here :D00:26
serkan`cand lots of people on our forums, too00:26
zombieballserkan: does the file exist?00:26
mikolsonHas anyone use APT-BUILD>00:26
Blaqlightserkan`c: my xorg.conf refers to another file elsewhere with a cryptic "Preconfigured Video Config"00:26
serkan`czombieball: yes00:26
Kevin`HappyHater: alraune worked00:26
serkan`cBlaqlight: i am talking about that00:26
alraunekevin: configured monitor, changed resolution ?00:27
Blaqlightserkan`c: I don't know, Ive looked and have yet to find it but all is good and working so Ive stopped looking :D00:27
zombieballKevin: great00:27
Kevin`yeah, the sync ranges autodetected were wrong. selected a similar monitor from the list and it's better00:27
BalianXDMCP is not active help00:27
alraunekevin: nice00:28
bastid_raZorKevin`; google your monitor and get the specs from that. i've done the same00:28
hubuntua quick one: the system monitor for the command line?00:28
Kevin`bastid_raZor: I found them in the OSD somewhere and wrote them on the top of the monitor a while back :)00:28
Blaqlighthubuntu: htop/top/others..00:28
refraxwhat's up all00:28
bastid_raZorKevin`; nice.. that works00:28
refraxnew ubuntu user here. Just installed two days ago. LEft windows for good I think00:29
zombieballKevin: nice!!  i had tons of problems with syncs myself00:29
hubuntuthx Blaqlight recommend htop?00:29
serkan`crefrax: congra!00:29
zombieballrefrax:  nice! welcome :p00:29
Blaqlighthtop is nice.. its a preconfigured top00:29
serkan`ci recommend htop, too00:29
serkan`cand aliased top to htop, hehe00:29
refraxSO I might be depending on you guys quite a bit in the next couple of weeks :)00:29
BlaqlightI have htop running in a terminal on my desktop :D00:30
serkan`csay that and gone :D00:30
serkan`coh came back :D00:30
Kevin`oops. what was my quit message00:30
refraxstill getting used to xchat :)00:30
Kevin`somehow crashed the client00:30
serkan`c* Kevin` has quit (Remote closed the connection)00:30
Kevin`gonna have to remember like 50 channels to rejoin now over the next few days00:30
grkbloodhey, my iwlist displays my signal strength as 100% and iwconfig displays it as 0% which is causing me some trouble. any tips on how to fix this00:31
serkan`cKevin`: make an autojoin list :D00:31
bastid_raZorKevin`; xchat can auto connect when it starts00:31
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hubuntuhey, htop is nice :)00:31
serkan`cnot nice, very nice :D00:31
alraunekevin: pidgin, too00:31
Blaqlightahh the beauty of irssi.00:31
Kevin`serkan`c: someday.00:31
Kevin`I don't restart my client enough for it to be worth the time to figure out how to do it00:31
alraunekevin: which client do u use ?00:32
Blaqlighthubuntu: is that what you wanted?00:32
lebutcherpcconnot watch youtube videos on firefox00:32
Kevin`alraune: irssi00:32
SyderoHas anyone successfully installed SELinux onto Ubuntu 8.04?00:32
lebutcherpccan anybody help00:32
grkbloodmy iwlist displays my signal strength as 100% and iwconfig displays it as 0% which is causing me some trouble. any tips on how to fix this00:32
Kevin`doesn't 8.04 come with selinux?00:32
BalianXDMCP don't work help00:32
cornel1Howdy... got a Canon camcorder that takes a 1394 cable to connect to a PC.  I've a company laptop, Win XP with 4 pin 1394, one workstation with 6 pin running Ubuntu, and a Dell d600 dual boot ubuntu and XP for which I could get a pcmcia card for 6 pin firewire.  I' trying to figure out if I should buy a 6 pin or 4 pin.  Or is there such a thing as a 4 pin 1394/USB I could use with a Mini DV camcorder.   I know this is bit camcordish, 00:33
Blaqlight!repeat | grkblood00:33
ubottugrkblood: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:33
Syderowell selinux is in the repo00:33
Leodid someone use gcolor2?00:33
hubuntuBlaqlight, yes... just what I wanted00:33
serkan`clebutcherpc: install flushplugin00:33
lebutcherpci did last time00:33
lebutcherpcit froze my computer00:34
Leohaha flash00:34
Blaqlighthubuntu: using Tilda you can pin it too the desktop so that its always running :D00:34
serkan`clebutcherpc: try installing libflashsupport00:34
Leo\nick Leo_AR00:34
lebutcherpcok thanks00:35
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lebutcherpcgonna try it00:35
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serkan`cjust a guess lebutcherpc00:35
hubuntuBlaqlight, it's a server. No desktop00:35
Blaqlight!info libflashsupport00:35
ubottulibflashsupport (source: libflashsupport): Support library for sound output of Flash 9 with pulseaudio. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB00:35
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Blaqlighthubuntu: oh ok :D00:36
phantomcircuitIm trying to get wireless working (Intel 4965G) the driver is installed and iwconfig shows the interface (aswell as ifconfig) but the network manager doesnt show any networks00:36
phantomcircuitwhat gives?00:36
Kevin`phantomcircuit: dmesg have anything interesting about it?00:36
Blaqlightphantomcircuit: are you running in Roaming Mode?00:37
LibertyShadowphantomcircuit, what about "iwlist scan"00:37
industri4lB0yhello, my problem is that  i have installed preload in xubuntu 8.04 hardy, it was suppoused to load in the startup scripts, but even at typing the command /etc/init.d/preload start it shows me a message that says the following: "Starting preload: preload.". however, when i see the executing process list, preload doesn't shows up. could somebody please help me?. Please, i accept private msg too.00:37
serkan`cwhat does it say: iwlist scan eth1 phantomcircuit ?00:37
alraunephantomcircuit: ifup eth0 ?00:37
iGamaphantomcircuit, did you try to configure the wireless manually in System - Preferences - Network ?00:37
Dominik_lo all, I am trying to get a game called Gothic running under Wine, (AppDB says it has a Gold status) but I can't get it running right, I've got it so far that I got ingame, but no menu or anything is displayed and no textures what so ever... everything is white without any textures... and no Dialouge is shwon nothing, any ideas?00:37
iGamayou must have your wireless in Roaming Mode00:37
bastid_raZorDominik_; #winehq is best suited for wine fun00:38
alrauneiGama: ??00:38
fossuserDomink, I had trouble with Wine similar to what you're describing00:38
BlaqlightRoaming Mode == Wireless Scanning Mode.00:38
fossuserI realized it was my graphics card that was not completely supported00:38
phantomcircuit$ iwlist wlan0 scan00:38
phantomcircuitwlan0     No scan results00:38
LibertyShadowphantomcircuit, run it as root00:38
Kevin`phantomcircuit: ifconfig wlan0 up, then scan?00:39
Dominik_bastid_raZor: yeah I have been there quite a bit in the last 2 days, its just not as active as here, noone answers to my questions there... actually noone writes three at all00:39
Dominik_fossuser: any solution ? Or did you give up wine ?00:39
iGamagood night all00:39
phantomcircuitbig list of networks00:39
fossuserI'm having difficulty starting desktop effects, I continue to get the desktop effects could not be enabled message.  I have an Intel integrated x3100 graphics, and already did sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl00:39
bastid_raZorDominik_; heh, yeah i know what you mean.  good luck getting help here :)00:39
phantomcircuitone of which is infact the one i want00:39
gpmhi, when i try to play sounds, even just aplay somefile.wav, i get "wait source ready timeout <some hex code>" errors, is this a known issue? anything i can do?00:39
fossuserDominik, I couldn't get it to work00:39
Dominik_bastid_raZor: thx :)00:39
fossuserthe wine channel is probably woth trying though00:39
Blaqlight!compiz-fusion | fossuser00:39
ubottufossuser: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion00:39
lebutcherpcsorry for the off topic00:40
lebutcherpcbut my libflashsupport did not work00:40
LosGenersAnyone know where there is a channel for OpenOffice?00:40
fossuserthanks ubottu00:40
lebutcherpcstill cannot watch the videos00:40
Blaqlightlebutcherpc: type about:plugins into the address bar of firefox00:40
serkan`cit just freezes lebutcherpc ?00:40
Dominik_LosGeners: #OpenOffice.org00:40
Dominik_here in the freenode server00:41
LibertyShadowphantomcircuit, $ sudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManager restart00:41
Blaqlightlebutcherpc: see if your flash plugin is listed there, if not restart firefox00:41
LosGenersThanks Dominik_00:41
lebutcherpc yes it just freezes00:41
arthur__reinstall flash?00:41
lebutcherpci'll try it00:41
Dominik_there are soooo many people here, there must be a wine wizz amongst you :)00:41
alraunegpm: output from : modprobe -l | grep snd | grep pci00:42
arthur__what flash player are you using?00:42
phantomcircuitLibertyShadow, command not found00:42
BlaqlightDominik_: not all of the experts are always online, patience is the only way you'll get your question answered00:42
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qmemohi all, how do the system manges localization & internationalization00:42
serkan`csudo /etc/init.d/networking restart00:42
alraunefossuser: ubotttu is a bot00:43
phantomcircuitserkan`c, i just did that00:43
LibertyShadowphantomcircuit, my bad, use serkan`c 's thing00:43
gpmalraune: (a bunch of modules, shall i paste them to a paster?)00:43
qmemomeaning, how do File Mangers read for example arabic file names00:43
phantomcircuitnetwork manager still doesn't list any networks00:43
alraunegpm: jup00:43
phantomcircuitqmemo, UNICODE00:43
qmemoso is for editing/reading UTF-8 ?00:43
Dominik_Blaqlight: yeah I know, but I was here yesterday afternoon, yesterday evening this afternoon and now this evening... two people tried to help, but not successfully... i am trying to be patient :D00:43
serkan`cphantomcircuit: first you must connect to the wireless00:43
lebutcherpci have shockwave installed00:43
alraunegpm: sound worked before ?00:43
serkan`ccen you see your connection in the iwlist scan?00:43
BHSPitLappyQuestion:  I'm helping a friend who's just installed using Wubi, and it doesn't look like it's mounted the NTFS partition anywhere... The Wubi FAQ says that it should have.  Anyone know why this may be?00:43
qmemook, if I want to enable localization to a system what should I look for or where should I be looking at00:44
phantomcircuityes i can00:44
lebutcherpcdon't know what to do00:44
serkan`cok is it pass protected? phantomcircuit00:44
phantomcircuityes it is00:44
Dominik_maybe it would be easiest to post to a forum somewhere, but somehow it usually is more effective to get "live" help00:44
cygokuTrue I will do that.00:44
cygokuBlaqlight : I know how to go to the preferencies of the Column's List, but I want is to ADD MORE options to the available list.00:44
serkan`cwep or wpa phantomcircuit ?00:44
kokkoflash isn't working for me00:45
phantomcircuitthat's from the scan00:45
serkan`chm, wpa is abit hard via terminal so let's try nm-applet wat00:45
Blaqlightcygoku: huh?00:45
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lebutcherpckokko: whats ur problem00:45
serkan`con the right corner of the panel, can you see netork-manager? phantomcircuit00:45
cygokuSorry, wrong UP+ENTER :P00:45
qmemophantomcircuit, ?00:45
phantomcircuityeah i can see it00:45
Blaqlightserkan`c: look for nmapplet00:46
SlimGI have a big file that was produced using "cat archive.part*.rar > bigfile", how do I split this bigfile back into the initial small files?00:46
kokkolebutcherpc I cannot watch youtube and videos from facebook00:46
Blaqlighterr nm-applet00:46
serkan`cok open it and in the preferences activate "roaming mode" phantomcircuit00:46
phantomcircuitqmemo, its under the system menu somewhere00:46
gpm_alraune: http://paste.lisp.org/display/6450800:46
alraunegpm: sound worked before ?00:46
serkan`cthanks Blaqlight  :)00:46
lebutcherpci have the exact same problem00:46
lebutcherpci unistalled once before00:46
phantomcircuitserkan`c, how do i open it?00:46
qmemophantomcircuit, can I pm for a min?00:46
serkan`cphantomcircuit: just click imho :D00:47
lebutcherpcinstalled it again00:47
gpm_alraune: well i am new to this release, but it has in the past00:47
lebutcherpcthis time with a different version00:47
kokkoohhh. anyone doesn't know the solution for our problem it seems00:47
lebutcherpcit doesn00:47
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alraunegpm: so it doesnt work since a fresh install ?00:47
Blaqlightphantomcircuit: click it it should show your available wireless networks00:47
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gpmalraune: it's spotty, sometimes it works.00:48
lebutcherpci really don't know00:48
serkan`cBlaqlight: if it is not in roaming mode, then it wont00:48
gpmalraune: also when it doesn't my system becomes very sluggish00:48
lebutcherpcbut we have to be patient00:48
phantomcircuitserkan`c, jeez i click it and it gives me a list of them00:48
phantomcircuitbut if i right click and do the wireless preferences it doesn't00:48
phantomcircuit"Edit Wireless Networks" isn't what i wanted i guess00:48
FloodBot1phantomcircuit: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:48
Blaqlightserkan`c: I know00:48
Kevin`phantomcircuit: click it in the list00:48
serkan`cphantomcircuit: so you can see wireless list there?00:49
lebutcherpcat least its not freezing and slowing down my pc anymore00:49
alraunegpm:sudo apt-get install linux-ubuntu-modules-$(uname -r)00:49
Blaqlightphantomcircuit: single left click then manual configuration00:49
serkan`cjust clicking is not working phantomcircuit ? did i miss the question?00:49
phantomcircuitno it got confused00:50
gpmalraune: already installed....they're in the default installation iirc00:50
serkan`cphantomcircuit: is your connection in the list?00:50
alraunegpm:did you uncomment the sources.list, did an udate&upgrade ?00:50
phantomcircuitserkan`c, yeah i got it from here00:50
Blaqlightphantomcircuit: single left click then manaul configuration then "unlock' then bullet next to raoming mode.00:50
phantomcircuitit's just that figuring out where the list is is none obvious00:51
gpmalraune: i've done a dist-upgrade, but with the default sources.list00:51
serkan`cwait, what is the problem then phantomcircuit :D00:51
gpmalraune: which i think includes main...00:51
serkan`cjust clicking on your connection name not working?00:51
phantomcircuiti couldnt find the damn list in the first place!00:51
serkan`cand you found now?00:51
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phantomcircuiti mis understood the purpose of "Edit Wireless Networks"00:51
alraunegpm:paste your /etc/apt/sources.list00:51
Blaqlightgpm don't forget to use pastebin.ubuntu.com00:52
alrauneBlaqlight: lol00:53
phantomcircuit_now im on wireless00:53
phantomcircuit_is there some way to be connected through both wired and wireless at the same time?00:53
Blaqlightphantomcircuit: type /msg nickserv ghost phantomcircuit password00:53
amrikHi, how do I get pidgin to display timestamps in 24 hour format?00:53
gpmalraune: http://paste.lisp.org/display/6450900:53
Blaqlightalraune: just making sure :P00:54
plouffeI lose all sound on my laptop when I close the lid (suspend state) and log back in after. Any ideas how to fix that?00:54
phantomcircuit_a new problem has appeared00:54
phantomcircuit_im getting scaled drawing00:54
alraunegpm: looks good,   sudo apt-get update  && sudo apt-get upgrade00:55
gpmalraune: already done00:55
Blaqlightphantomcircuit_: is there a window nearby?00:55
amrikNevermind I got it, use the message timestamp format plugin00:55
zombieballplouffe: i get that in windows sometimes too! haha00:55
phantomcircuit_im getting it in xchat firefox and evolution00:55
plouffezombieball: never had that in windows00:55
Blaqlightphantomcircuit_: you can use your orginal username now thats why you ghosted it :P00:56
phantomcircuit_Blaqlight, meh00:56
=== phantomcircuit_ is now known as phantomcircuit
sistoplouffe, it might be a problem with pulseaudio00:56
alraunegpm: sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-firmware-loaders alsa-oss alsa-source alsa-toolsalsa-tools-guialsa-utils alsamixergui00:56
zappitelli16Hey can someone help me? I've been having trouble trying to install my printer. I'm running gutsy and my printer is a HP Deskjet 5440.00:57
phantomcircuitim getting weird stuff when i scroll quickly00:57
plouffesisto: I've tried killing and restarting pulseaudio, but it doesn't change anything00:57
phantomcircuitit seems like it's arbitrary i cannot reproduce it00:57
sistoplouffe did u try this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957800:57
jeremeanyone with debuild experience have a moment to point me in the right direction in regards to the "rules" file?00:57
maeva 00:58
plouffesisto: will have a look00:58
gpmalraune: one sec00:58
phantomcircuitsee the last line?00:58
phantomcircuitwtf is going on there?00:58
sistoplouffe, try that and if it doesn't fix the problem, the thread opener might help00:58
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Johnnyto  you're tamborine in time00:59
GrahamCan anyone help me install sound card drivers on ubuntu>00:59
rburnesOn Ubuntu gutsy - I just got a 24 inch widescreen lcd capable of 1920x1200 - everything works perfectly using NV driver, but not nvidia (just installed latest legacy driver) at 1920x1200 - nvidia driver works fine at 1600x1200 (when starting up) but when I start nvidia in 16x12 I can switch to 1920x1200 without issues - any ideas?00:59
zappitelli16Hello, can someone help me? I've been having trouble trying to install my printer. I'm running gutsy and my printer is a HP Deskjet 5440.01:00
alrauneGraham: sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-firmware-loaders alsa-oss alsa-source alsa-toolsalsa-tools-guialsa-utils alsamixergui01:00
Grahamtype all that into terminal?01:00
serkan`cphantomcircuit: it is like a graphical card driver problem01:00
rburnesso it starts gdm / x fine at 1600x1200, and I can switch from there to 1920x1200 fine, but starting at 1920x1200 doesn't work01:01
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phantomcircuitserkan`c, im using the nVidia restricted driver :|01:01
Radnomdoes anyone know how to get real player working?01:01
phantomcircuitit worked fine on this laptop under freebsd01:01
alrauneGraham: (NICK!)  yes01:01
serkan`cphantomcircuit: i am not sure, then01:02
alrauneGraham: write the nick to answer, otherwise your message is going under01:02
rburnesis there any way I can change the resolution from command line on a per session basis? like the gnome screen resolution system?01:02
alraunegpm: ?01:03
Blaqlightphantomcircuit: you can't compare the two os's01:03
sistograham cracker01:03
sistoi love em01:03
jeremedebuild enables you to compile into a deb package01:03
Grahamplain or cinnomen?01:04
sistowith marshmellow and hershey01:04
jeremeso rather than run make install, delete the source and never have a way to cleanup, you make a deb of it01:04
zombieballrburnes: custom xorg.conf ?01:04
Grahami love the cinnamon ones01:04
Blaqlight!offtopic | sisto Graham01:04
ubottusisto Graham: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:04
gaintsurahey all... I can't seem to add any workspaces... can anyone help me out?01:05
Blaqlightgaintsura: right click inside the pager01:05
fossusercompiz fusion channel?01:05
crdlbfossuser: #compiz-fusion01:05
gaintsuraBlaqlight: I did, but there was no workspace number setting01:05
gaintsuraDialog Workspaces: Columns (2) Rows(1) (OK) (Cancel)01:06
gaintsurathats all there is01:06
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Blaqlightgaintsura: lemme start a gnomesession one second.01:06
Blaqlightgaintsura: up the number of columns01:07
gpmalraune: now when i try to play sounds it just sits there01:07
gaintsuraBlaqlight: did that, but I still cant switch to the other workspaces01:07
alraunegpm: we are on the way..  did the long apt-command ?01:08
Radnomdoes anyone know how to get real player working?01:08
gpmalraune: nevermind, it still gives the errors in VC, just not in the X-terminal-emulator01:08
Syderotry ctrl+fx01:08
gpmalraune: yes. thanks, but i've lost interest.01:08
Syderowith x being a number01:08
Blaqlightgaintsura: did it actually add the workspace to the pager?01:08
gpmalraune: i'll try again later01:08
gpmi don't think you're on to anything, no offense01:08
gaintsuraBlaqlight: there are three boxes there now, but the other2 are grayed out01:09
Blaqlightgaintsura: easiest way is to CTRL ALT BKSP to restart x server01:09
gaintsuraBlaqlight: it still doesnt show up, tried that01:10
Blaqlightok then logout and then back in gaintsura01:10
gaintsuraBlaqlight: ok, brb01:11
AljosHaHello folks, can i host more name servers at 1 mashine?i mean ns1.blabla.com ns2, and ns1.beeee.com, ns2.beee.com also, so i mean to share bind on 2 name servers, cos of some domains allready configured on that ns'es?01:13
Blaqlight!hi | epirai01:13
ubottuepirai: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:13
gaintsuraBlaqlight: no go01:14
epiraimy internet is working very slow, it seems that is related with the DNS01:14
gaintsuraeven in compiz I can't change the number of workspaces01:14
epiraibecuase firefox tell me that is resolving, and wget too01:14
Blaqlightgaintsura: ok then remove the pager from the panel then readd it01:14
epiraiand if i do a ping01:14
gaintsuraBlaqlight:  did that before, still didn't change anything01:14
ymantonany shell script people around? i want to replace in a text file a specifc line whose number i know01:15
Blaqlightgaintsura: only other idea I have left is add like 4 or 5 workspaces and see if it affects anything.01:15
lebutcherpcim gonna ask again sorry for this stupid question01:15
high-frequm anyone familiar with blackberry and tethering in ubuntu?01:15
gaintsuraBlaqlight: it didnt =\01:15
lebutcherpccant get my flash  to work01:15
Blaqlightgaintsura: also are you using hardy and gnome-panel works fine normally?... any updates to gnome-panel pending?01:16
ozzloyhttp://pastebin.com/d5e330808 can i get some help with this?01:16
shane_hi, im having problems changing my resolution lower im using nvidia x server settings i have 2 displays i want to reduce my main one01:16
gaintsuraBlaqlight: using hardy, gnome-panel works fine as is, just did an update about 2 hours ago01:17
Blaqlightgaintsura: specfically to gnome-panel?01:18
gaintsuraBlaqlight: that I don't know01:18
Blaqlightgaintsura: one last thing, open a terminal and type killall gnome-panel01:19
piko_watermy ubuntu sound stop working i dont know why01:19
piko_wateri cannot listen anything01:19
Blaqlightpiko_water: whats your native language?01:20
FishsceneHello everyone. I have a problem mounting a drive as "exec" Details here: http://pastebin.com/m1e8715c601:20
zzwhenever I sudo anything it says it cannot resolve tigger(which is the name of computer)01:20
piko_waterBlaqlight, english01:20
zzbut it executes the command just find01:20
SyderoDo you have a root account zz?01:20
Blaqlightnice helpdesk is here, I can go home now :D01:20
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zzSydero: what do you mean?01:21
piko_waterBlaqlight, well i didnt meant that01:21
techsupporthow to change the password in terminal ?01:21
shane_anyone know why my resolution settings dont hold after x restart01:21
BHSPitLappyQuestion:  I'm helping a friend who's just installed using Wubi, and it doesn't look like it's mounted the NTFS partition anywhere... The Wubi FAQ says that it should have.  Anyone know why this may be?01:21
BHSPitLappyThe host is Vista, by the way.01:21
Kromixguys I'm trying to fix my brothers PC, its recently formatted and only 1 week of shit being installed, sadly I haven't converted him to UBUNTU yet and it looks like im having networking issues, you guys are the smartest ppl I know, would any1 mind looking at a windows screenshot of netstat and tell me wtf is that? :P lol01:21
zombieballzz what happens if you type hostname01:21
zzshows tigger01:22
zzlike it should01:22
piko_waterBlaqlight, do you have any idea how to restart the sound thign01:22
BHSPitLappyKromix, ##windows01:22
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Blaqlightpiko_water: no sorry01:22
KromixBHSpitLappy , didnt think one existed im used to being on here lol01:22
zombieballtechsupport:   passwd username01:22
zzzombieball: it says "sudo: unable to resolve host tigger" then it asks me for my password01:23
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:24
FishsceneI have a problem mounting a drive with the "exec" option. Details here: http://pastebin.com/m1e8715c6 Does anyone know why it mounts differently than I specified?01:24
legend2440!hostname | zz01:25
ubottuzz: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab01:25
Syderozz edit /etc/hosts01:26
zombieballzz:  check this out https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/19530801:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 195308 in linux-meta "unable to resolve host (dup-of: 32906)" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 32906 in sudo "sudo fails if it cannot resolve the local hostname and no MTA is installed" [High,Fix released]01:26
zombieballzz: as sydero said, have to edit hosts file01:26
Yonderinghello.. having trouble with an hp laserjet 1020, using xubuntu 8.04, 64-bit.. tail -f /var/log/messages gives http://paste.ubuntu.com/32792/ when the usb cable is disconnected and replaced.. any ideas?01:26
DaveG|hey, i'm using padsp with teamspeak and i use a usb headset.. the sound comes through the headset but sound isn't picked up by the mic on the headset. anyone know how to solve it?01:26
techsupporthow can i copy directories between two different linux machines in terminal ?01:27
phantomcircuitim trying to get my bluetooth mouse to work but im getting an error01:28
Syderomount the other linux machine :P01:28
Blaqlighttechsupport: cp01:28
ftehwany idea why gnome terminal screws up collors over screen+ssh?01:28
zzzombieball: should be tigger right? (my hostname)01:28
zzit is set to tigger.tigger atm01:28
techsupportBlaqlight, details please ?01:28
zz127.0.0.1 is localhost01:28
zzSydero: is localhost01:28
Blaqlighttechsupport: cp is copy01:29
phantomcircuitnvm it works01:29
phantomcircuityet another instance of the UI not being clear01:29
Syderosorry you're right01:29
zombieballtechsupport:  sftp would work01:29
Blaqlighttechsupport: man cp for more01:29
zombieballblaqlight:  i think he meant between 2 networked machines01:29
techsupportzombieball, i'm connected to sftp to 2 different machines, need to copy directory from one to another01:30
Blaqlightzombieball: because thats still how I copy stuff on my home network01:30
RoAkSoAxhey guys has anyone of you set up an active/passive config using heartbeat in HH ?01:30
legend2440zz: /etc/hosts   should say
legend2440127.0.1.1<same as it says in /etc/hostname>01:30
zzty legend244001:30
zombieballtech support:   if you sftp from machine 1 to machine 2,  you can copy a file from 1 to 2  using  "put fileName"01:30
zombieballyou can't do a folder though, would have to tar it first01:31
zzty zombieball legend2440 Sydero01:32
* L linux QQ ?linux PP? Xchat 01:32
zombieballzz; np01:32
* L linux QQ ?linux PP? Xchat 01:32
grkbloodwhy wont cd /usr/lib/xscreensaver && ./flurry -root run as my background?01:33
* L linux QQ ?linux PP? Xchat 01:33
grkbloodim on a ps3 btw01:33
* L linux QQ ?linux PP? Xchat 01:33
serkan`csftp, why dont you try ssh?01:33
zombieballBlaqlight: you can cp from one machine to the other?   didn't know you can do this01:33
grkblooduse scp01:33
kitcheL can you stop that01:33
Blaqlightzombieball: I sure can01:33
Blaqlightzombieball: mount the filesystem.01:34
zombieballhow is this done?  example?   I often move files between OS X  & ubuntu on a parallels machine01:34
grkblooddo a man scp01:34
zombieballBlaqlight: oh!  lol01:34
Blaqlightzombieball: :D01:34
zombieballgrkblood: ah thx01:34
grkbloodits basically scp target destination01:34
Fidel_is multiverse repository on ubuntu server 8.04 by default?01:34
grkbloodif u have troulbe lemme know01:35
Syderonot by default01:35
Syderounder software sources enable01:36
Syderothe options01:36
xenuserver irc.oftc.net01:36
Fidel_what is the comand to install it01:36
Pituzofihey gente01:36
Pituzofi i need help01:36
Pituzofiwho says me01:37
KelenPituzofi: ?01:37
Pituzofii just installed ubuntu01:37
zombieballPituzofi: problem?01:37
rblstFidel_: edit /etc/apt/sources.list01:37
Syderono need to edit sources.list unless you're using the console only01:37
KelenPituzofi: So?01:37
Pituzofiim new in this01:37
techsupporthow can i copy directories between two different linux machines in terminal ?01:37
eitreachthere's something completely wrong with Nautilus. I caught it using 1gb of ram. Is this a bug?01:37
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grkbloodu got it zombie?01:37
Syderoemail it to yourself :P01:38
zombieballtechsupport: read above01:38
zombieballgrkblood: yah! lol01:38
grkblooduse -r01:38
grkbloodtechsupport: use -r01:38
grkbloodwill some1 please help me now01:38
Pituzofiwell how do i make ubunto appear in the boot menu so i can select btween windows or ubuntu01:38
techsupportgrkblood, cp -r ?01:38
prowerHello :> Does anyone else experience a crash in Hardy with f-spot when trying to exit? I have to "force quit" every time I close the application01:38
Blaqlighteitreach: using search function or just sitting there?01:38
Pituzofiplease dont laugh, im new at this01:39
rblstFidel_ was asking for a command01:39
PeloI need someone who dualboots windows from a seperate hdd to show me their /boot/grub/menu.lst file , please01:39
eitreachBlaqlight: just sitting there doing nothing. I had a wm-window open, but that's it.01:39
DaveG|hey, i'm using padsp with teamspeak and i use a usb headset.. the sound comes through the headset but sound isn't picked up by the mic on the headset. anyone know how to solve it?01:39
alraunepelo: what your prob ?01:39
Syderojust change the /dev/sdax01:39
alraunePelo: what's  your prob ?01:40
Fidel_I just install server 8...and I need to install mysql query browser but is not on the list01:40
Peloalraune, I just can'T boot windows from grub,  I need to do some editing of the command sequence, I just don't remember the exact syntax01:40
zombieballgrkblood: what was your problem btw?01:40
Blaqlighteitreach: did you check ps ax for other things that may be running?01:40
eitreachBlaqlight: I've caught it hanging several times today too, for no apparent reason.01:40
Yonderinganybody familiar with using a usb laser printer from 8.04?01:40
eitreachBlaqlight: ps ax?01:40
Pituzofii have windows and ubuntu in same hd diferent  partitions  how do i insert ubuntu inthe boot.ini01:40
grkbloodwhy wont cd /usr/lib/xscreensaver && ./flurry -root run as my background?01:40
Peloalraune, I'm usualy the guy who helps with this problem  , I just lost my old menu.lst file , so I'm a bit lost01:40
Blaqlighttype 'ps ax' in a termianl01:40
Syderojust use grub Pituzofi01:41
Pituzofiwhere do i get it from?01:41
RequinB4!wubi | Pituzofi01:41
ubottuPituzofi: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.01:41
BlaqlightPituzofi: use grub versus windows bootloader01:41
Pelogrkblood, not sure gnome supports animateb background01:41
Syderoor lilo01:41
Blaqlight!grub | Pituzofi01:41
ubottuPituzofi: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:41
alraunePelo: c, reinstall grub ...01:41
grkbloodi think nautilus is on01:41
grkbloodhow do i turn that off01:41
kitchePituzofi: bit advance so be careful http://bkpavan.wordpress.com/2008/04/02/how-to-boot-linux-using-windows-bootloader-xp/01:41
grkbloodi only know about scripting, thats why i ask a stupid question prolly01:42
shane_grkblood: killall nautilus01:42
Peloalraune, I do not want to reinstall grub ,I just have one line to edit , I just need to figure out what the mistake is,  I need someone's menu.lst file to compare,  my grub is heavily customised01:42
grkbloodnot pkill?01:42
rblstFidel_: you can enable the multiverse repo in System->Administration->Software sources, or by manually adding an appropriate lines sources.list01:42
Pituzofi thanks for the links ill check them out01:42
zombieballPituzofi: ubuntu should've installed grub for you?01:42
pist0l-fishhi there, I wanted to use apt-get to get the .deb package manager. I couldn't quite find it. Does anyone know if it is in the default ubuntu 8.04 repository list? if so, what package name would I search for/install?01:42
arcticpenguinhow can i control my computers fan speeds?01:42
eitreachBlaqlight: what should I look for? I had to restart nautilus before, because it made my system practically stand still.01:42
Pituzofibut all it sayd was reboot computer i clicked yes01:42
Fidel_but this is a comand line server01:42
Syderojust use synatic instead pist0l-fish01:42
RequinB4!package gdebi01:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about package gdebi01:42
Pituzofiand after that it loaded windows01:43
alraunePelo: on this machine I have no dualboot, but can paste my menu.lst01:43
zombieballarcticpenguin: can do this from your bios sometimes01:43
legend2440pist0l-fish: open   system>admin>synaptic01:43
alraunePelo: want it ?01:43
Peloarcticpenguin, install lm-sensors,   run the sensors-detect command,  then pwm command and put fancontrol in yoru /etc/rc.local file01:43
pist0l-fishwill do, thanks01:43
Peloalraune, I need a menu.lst for a dual boot machine01:43
grkbloodit comes right back on01:43
rblstFidel_: then edit sources.list01:43
BlaqlightIm sorry eitreach use 'top' instead01:43
alraunePelo: you can figure out HD's with fdisk -l  ...01:44
legend2440pist0l-fish: see if gdebi and gdebi-core are installed01:44
Peloalraune, that's not the issue,01:44
Codemasterokay, so... I have Dovecot installed on Hardy and I check it's version - it says it is 1.0.3, but i check the website and supposedly for hardy, dovecot is supposed to be 1.0.10 - what's up with that?01:44
Codemasteri have done aptitude update/upgrade/dist-upgrade01:44
techsupporthow can i copy directories between two different linux machines in terminal ?01:44
alraunePelo: you didn't crash any mbr ? what is your problem then ?01:45
Codemastertechsupport: scp01:45
pist0l-fishdoes anyone know what the package would be called in synaptic?01:45
Peloalraune, meet me in #grub01:45
grkbloodi already answered u01:45
zombieballlol, I am sure this has been posted before, but here it goes again:   biggest bug in ubuntu https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/5612501:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 56125 in apt "apt-get moo doesnt look like a cow" [Wishlist,Confirmed]01:45
Syderoperform a search pist0l-fish01:45
legend2440pist0l-fish: see if gdebi and gdebi-core are installed01:45
eitreachBlaqlight: I don't know what to look for.01:46
thinhhow can i fix windows border for firefox?01:46
grkbloodso why does nautilus turn right back on after its killed01:46
Blaqlightpist0l-fish: apt-cache search gdebi01:46
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samurroudBoa Noite01:47
pist0l-fishhaha i guess gdebi is installed- I never tried it through gnome. I was just trying to deb install <blah>01:47
Blaqlighteitreach: in a terminal type 'top' and check the top of the list.01:47
OzFalconNeed help. This is the second webcam I have purchased that DOES NOT work in ubuntu.01:47
RandomUserJust a quick bit of info for the room01:47
SkinnYPupAnyone know of a font editor/creator for ubuntu that will edit .ttf fonts ?01:48
eitreachBlaqlight:   357 eitreach  20   0 50496  33m  13m R   42  1.1 186:49.69 python01:48
fistandandelusi dont know if this is the right place for this, but can anyone help with wine?01:48
OzFalconAnyone know how to get Z-Star Microelectronics Corp. ZC0301 WebCam working????????????????????????01:48
samurroudAlguem ke fale portuguess?01:48
LaserLineI'm trying to get my new scanner to work under ubuntu... it's a Plustek WorldCard scanner and by typing lsusb in the terminal I see Plustek, Inc. listed, but xsane does not detect the scanner... anyone have any ideas?01:48
tlovehello, I need dire help with wine + ventrilo, if anyone can please help me out with it send me a message kindly.01:48
legend2440pist0l-fish: to install packages from terminal its      sudo apt-get install <packagename>01:48
RandomUserI was trying to get real player to work inside my VirtualBOX on ubuntu and it wouldn't work at all, until I disabled the Vista Firewall01:48
Blaqlighteitreach: right now python is using the most CPU and memory01:49
OzFalcontlove. find the wine irc. You will get much better help there.01:49
RandomUserYes it's a Vista host01:49
tloveoh lawl01:49
eitreachBlaqlight: yes.. I was just wondering if there was a known problem with Nautilus, seeing it used so much ram.01:49
OzFalconWhy is Linux so USELESS with webcams?01:49
arcticpenguinPelo: how can i see my fans RPM?01:49
pist0l-fishlegend2440: i know, but i have .deb package a friend gave me and I don't normally use deb so I was trying to sudo apt-get install something to handle debs but i couldn't find it. It's okay, it's all good now01:49
Blaqlighteitreach: not sure, are all of you gnome updates installed?01:50
Peloarcticpenguin,  in the terminal type sensors ,  you can also install xsensors01:50
OzFalconI have two webcams. They just pug in to windows and god damn work. Ubuntu just doesn't work.01:50
eitreachBlaqlight: yes.01:50
Blaqlightare you using the 'proposed' branch of the repos?01:50
kingjereLaserLine: what is the ID number assosiated with it when you do lsusb01:50
Syderopist0l-fish: use dpkg -i01:50
pist0l-fishanyways, i'm out- thanks. Next time I'll double-click in gnome before I assume I don't have something01:50
Syderonot apt-get01:50
pist0l-fishSydero: I understand. I thought dpkg was named deb for some reason01:50
OzFalconWindows doesn't even need drivers. They just work. But linux - Hours of rooting round and still can't get them to work.01:50
Peloarcticpenguin, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty  check out this link under fancontrol , but get back to me before you do the fancontrol setup stuff, it's gotten much easier01:50
RandomUserOxFalcon, perhaps you want to pay someone to make your webcams work?01:50
pist0l-fishhaha I know apt-get != dpkg01:50
eitreachBlaqlight: yes.01:50
thinhwhat the command to fix the windows border for firefox anyone?01:51
grkbloodso noone knows how to kill nautilus and keep it killed?01:51
Syderodpkg -i is used to install .deb01:51
pist0l-fishSydero: I understand :'( >_<01:51
RandomUserOzFalcon, perhaps you want to pay someone to make your webcams work?01:51
LaserLinekingjere: Bus 001 Device 005: ID 07b3:045d Plustek, Inc. (that's all it says)01:51
eitreachgrkblood: head into your session-options. Toggle the Restart off.01:51
Blaqlighteitreach: you have the 'proposed' branch enabled?01:51
Drk_GuyI'm smelling something REAL fishy here01:51
eitreachBlaqlight: yes..01:51
Drk_GuyI think it has sth to do with the TCP/IP stack of the kernel01:51
OzFalconRandomUser, No thanks. Im competent enough with linux. But webcams are very poorly supported.01:52
Drk_GuyI've opened the aMule's port, but the port-test says it's open, but nothing is listening on it01:52
Blaqlighteitreach: just a friendly suggestion, disable that, its can't ever be a good thing unless your actually debugging those programs.01:52
Drk_GuyThough i have aMule open01:52
rblstOzFalcon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam  and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams is useful too _before_ you buy a webcam01:52
eitreachOzFalcon: then why are you ranting on a support channel, if you're so competent?01:52
eitreachBlaqlight: alright.01:52
RandomUserOzFalcon, maybe there's a project out there to that can assist you?01:52
Drk_GuyReally weird01:52
Blaqlighteitreach: you probably installed a proposed update that isn't fully implemented yet.01:53
OzFalconrblst, yeah. looked at both those.01:53
Yonderingnobody familiar with usb printers here? :)01:53
kingjereLaserLine: Do sudo scanimage -L01:53
techsupportCodemaster, can i pm you ?01:53
Codemasteri haev a lot of problems i am trying to fix myself01:54
LaserLinekingjere:  I tried that and it says No scanners were identified.01:54
Drk_GuyIsn't anybody willing to help me out troubleshoot this fishy situation?01:54
StorrgieCan anyone suggest a solid motherboard for me to buy, I currently run ubuntu on my IP35-pro board... but i want to set up a server01:54
Syderoa situation involving fish eh01:54
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: if I can't smell it, its no that bad...01:55
RandomUserStorrgie, who's the manufacturer of your board?01:55
techsupportCodemaster, using scp as you said, this is the command scp -r sektor@www.selsovet.com:home/sektor/q2server . after asking password for user sektor, returns no such file or directory after01:55
legend2440OzFalcon: does   lsusb   show the webcam as plugged in?01:55
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, There's something weird happening with the TCP stack01:55
StorrgieRandomUser: Abit ip35-pro... great board... but i dunno if i want to spend another 160$ on one01:55
Codemastertechsupport: add a / in front of home/sektor/...01:55
tlove_hey the people in the wine irc are like not even on. If anyone has successfully got Ventrilo working with wine could you please help me out? I cannot seem to find/install the correct codecs or something. please help.01:55
StorrgieRandomUser: I bought a E7200 to go with this01:55
techsupportCodemaster, tried that same thing01:55
RandomUserStorrgie, that01:55
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, i have open ports, but nothing is listening on them, no matter if open the programs or not01:55
RandomUserStorrgie, that's a great board, why switch?01:56
Codemastertechsupport: you have to put a file before, as well01:56
Storrgiei want to build another board01:56
Storrgieanother machine01:56
Codemastertechsupport: ie - scp -r ./ sektor@www.selsovet.com:/home/sektor/q2server01:56
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: is there a firewall (firestarter) or router in between you an the internet?01:56
Drk_Guytlove_, http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=216901:56
Storrgiesee this machine has 6 drives in it, i would like to house my media array in another machine01:56
RequinB4tlove_: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=216901:56
RequinB4Drk_Guy got there first01:57
RandomUserStorrgie, your best bet is the DG33TL from intel, Awesome board, and very stable01:57
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, i have a dlink router, Firewall turned off, only IpTables+Firestarter on01:57
Crshmanif i have multiple interfaces on my ubuntu box how do i tell it which interface to use for the default route?01:57
tlove_Drk_Guy: I've done all of that, and it hasn't solved anything that i haven't already done.01:57
BlaqlightFirestarter is indeed running?01:57
StorrgieRandomUser: not enough sata ports, I need a minimum of 6 but would like 801:57
Drk_Guytlove_, Weird01:57
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, yup, and i'm being portscanned01:58
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, lol, it's freenode's portscanner01:58
Grahamanybody know how to get sound working?01:58
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: in the gui for firestarter, is the process for your program showing?01:58
Drk_Guy!sound | graham01:58
ubottugraham: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:58
RandomUserStorrgie, get larger drives, and use a network attached storage device, or the Included E-Sata port01:58
tlove_Drk_guy: well it says im missing the 6.10 codec. It wont even work.01:58
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, Yup01:58
Drk_Guytlove_, Weird01:58
StorrgieRandomUser: i have 5x500 drives right now, i dont really wanna start building another array01:59
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tlove_drk_guy, i cant hear anyone or use my ptt button.01:59
Drk_Guytlove_, try #winehq_social01:59
tlove_drk_guy alright01:59
RandomUserStorrgie, then what's the issue?01:59
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: so its going out according to iptables, start with your router01:59
kingjereLaserLine: your scanner doesn't appear to be officially supported by sane.01:59
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, huh?01:59
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: explicitly allow the program01:59
kingjereLaserLine: per their website02:00
tlove_Drk_guy, there is nobody in social. lol02:00
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, Ummm... dlink's firewall is turned off dude02:00
lebutcherpcconnot watch youtube videos on firefox02:00
lebutcherpccan anybody help02:00
kingjereIn fact the product ID isn't listed.02:00
Phandid you installed Flash ?02:00
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: mine on my router is too, it still stopped things from going out02:00
techsupportCodemaster, this worked better, but didnt copy contents of the directory of /home/sektor/02:01
PhanIs flash in other website display properly ?02:01
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, so, should i activate DMZ?02:01
Codemastertechsupport: might be scp -R, then; take a look at the man pages02:01
lebutcherpcbut its installed02:01
StorrgieRandomUser: i dont want to install the OS on the array02:01
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: I still had to explicitly allow the program02:01
RandomUserCrldb, is it possible to run desktop effects in Ubuntu as a guest os in Virtual BOX?02:01
Codemasteranyone good with dovecot/LDAP in here?02:01
Storrgiethe array will be OS independant02:01
Phantype about:plugins and see if flash is installed there02:01
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, Umm, that's like port-forwarding02:02
RandomUserStorrgie, is the OS on your current array?02:02
serkan`ci think -R doesnt work for scp, use -r02:02
lebutcherpcalready did it is02:02
StorrgieRandomUser: nope, on a raptor drive02:02
lebutcherpcits shockwave02:02
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: yeah02:02
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: forward the ports02:02
PhanShockwave Flash or Shockwave only ?02:02
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, i'm going to enable DMZ02:03
OzFalconlegend2440, Yes. I have even got /dev/video0 but when I try and use it. Nothing is detected.02:03
RandomUserStorrgie, Don't know what to tell you, because that board would handle what you want, and so would plenty of other.02:03
jameslrhello all02:03
Phancurrently shockwave only availabe for Windows02:03
techsupportCodemaster, looking at man scp     -r      Recursively copy entire directories.02:03
Codemasteranyone good with dovecot/LDAP in here?02:03
serkan`c<serkan`c> i think -R doesnt work for scp, use -r techsupport :D02:03
lebutcherpcshockwave flash02:04
jameslryou can use rsync with ssh02:04
techsupportserkan`c, using that, not copying the contents of directory02:04
Codemasteranyone good with dovecot/LDAP in here?02:04
serkan`cit must be02:04
lebutcherpcshould i try something else02:04
legend2440OzFalcon: have you tried the package called    cheese   its in synaptic...  some have said that kind of kick started their webcams to start working for some reason02:04
Phandid you try opera ?02:04
serkan`cscp -r the_dir user@ip:/target_dir02:05
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, Can't find DMZ option02:05
OzFalconlegend2440, tried cheese, camorama, mplayer, skype. Nothing works02:05
techsupportserkan`c, scp -r ./ sektor@www.selsovet.com:/home/sektor/q2server/02:05
Blaqlightugh @ d-link routers.02:05
lebutcherpchow do i getit02:05
Codemasteranyone good with dovecot/LDAP in here?02:05
techsupportserkan`c, my syntax02:05
serkan`cwhat is ./ ?02:06
techsupportSergeant_Pony, . means here02:06
Codemasteranyone good with dovecot/LDAP in here?02:06
alrauneebutcherpc:sudo apt-get install opera02:06
jameslrCodemaster: have you tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DovecotLDAP02:06
serkan`ci know . shows the current dir techsupport :D02:06
Codemasterjameslr: yes02:06
glitsj16hi all02:07
serkan`cwhy dont you use exact path name techsupport ?02:07
lollydayshelp! I can't get my sound to work. alsamixer sliders are up, tried alsa in sound prefs, can't get anything02:07
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: most people I know with d-link routers usually throw them away in favor of the windows firewall... its a sign of just how bad they really are.02:07
porterIs there a net install disc avaliable for hardy?02:07
jameslrCodemaster: what are you needing help with exactly?02:07
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, Umm, they use µclinux, right?02:07
lebutcherpcdo i uninstall the shockwave first02:07
alrauneporter: yup02:07
crimsunlollydays: please run the alsa-info.sh script and tell me the url.02:07
techsupportserkan`c, you wanna connect to my screen ?02:07
Codemasterjameslr: I'm having an issue with it where it tosses an error code 32 ("no such object") when dovecot queries ldap when the object most definitely exists (looking at it right now and it even responded properly to manual queries)02:08
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, BRB02:08
s33nagainI finally got 8.04 working... That took all day!02:08
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: Ill brb in 5 minutes sorry.02:08
serkan`ctechsupport: could be02:08
serkan`cbefore going to sleep :)02:08
lollydayscrimsun, will do02:08
jameslrCodemaster: where does it error? What are you doing when it errors?02:08
alraunes33nagain: congratiolations.. we're all little weird02:09
Codemasterjameslr: simply trying to log into my dovecot imap server from thunderbird... i am viewing syslog on my mail box and ldap box02:09
Yonderingapparently 8.04 still has the foo2zjs bug..02:09
techsupportserkan`c, http://pastebin.com/m246f0ed602:09
FLUbuntuJust out of curiosity, how does one disable the <user> entered the room, <user> left the room prompts?02:09
techsupportserkan`c, as you can see it only copied hidden files, but not contents such as other directories02:10
serkan`ctechsupport: try like that02:10
serkan`cscp -r /home/orudie/* sektor@www.selsovet.com:/home/sektor/q2server/02:10
lollydayscrimsun, http://pastebin.ca/108912602:10
hhp2kHey everyone.  I had recently turned on the option to group similar windows in the window selector bar "always" - now I can't remember how to turn it off.  Does anyone know where this setting is? Thanks.02:10
techsupportserkan`c, /home/orudie/*: No such file or directory02:11
serkan`chow techsupport ?02:11
legend2440FLUbuntu: which irc  client    xchat?02:11
techsupportserkan`c, dont know, thats what i'm getting02:11
s33nagainalraune: First I had 7.10, I tried to upgrade, but it got stuck... so then it rebooted itself, and It wouldn't let me log in... So at the time I had a 6.06 disc and a 7.04 disc. My options were get 7.04, upgrade to 7.10, then 8.04, or get 6.06 and upgrade to 8.04. SO I did number 2. But then It said it had an error getting the packages, so I had to download the alternative disc, and upgrade... whew!02:12
serkan`cso weirdbro techsupport02:12
serkan`cops :D02:12
techsupportserkan`c, can I do this with FTP ?02:12
Codemasterjameslr: i have a highly detailed LDAP log if you'd like to take a look02:12
serkan`ctechsupport: dou you have GUI?02:12
crimsunlollydays: you need a newer version of ALSA than what's distributed with linux-backports-modules-$(uname -r)02:12
serkan`ci meant is it server?02:12
serkan`cor dou have installed nautilus?02:13
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, Ok, enabled router's firewall and port-forwarded02:13
alraunes33nagain: this way, verybody gets an expert, lol02:13
Yonderingyay, fixed my printer..  now, if only I could remember wth I wanted to print in the first place..02:13
lollydayscrimsun, ok, so how does one obtain the newer version?02:13
techsupportserkan`c, the machine i'm on now has gui, the 2 machines that i'm trying to copy files between are servers02:13
s33nagainalraune: lol... yay!02:13
lollydayscrimsun, i have 2.6.22-15-generic02:13
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: is it working ?02:13
Codemasterjameslr: http://www.pastebin.ca/108912902:14
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, gonna check02:14
crimsunlollydays: you need to download and compile alsa-driver-1.0.17 from upstream's web site.02:14
serkan`ctechsupport: ok then use natilus02:14
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, Still, low-id02:14
Blaqlightlollydays: your using an old version of the kernel.02:14
glitsj16FLUbuntu: there's a pidgin plugin you can activate, called join/part hiding02:14
lollydaysBlaqlight, I'm still running gutsy because hardy has suspend problems with my laptop02:14
Blaqlightlollydays: oh I C02:15
mr_dallasis there any ubuntu equivalent to http://packages.debian.org?02:15
adam7mr_dallas: packages.ubuntu.com02:15
s33nagainDoes anyone know the apt-get package for LAMP? I need to install it!02:15
lollydayscrimsun, uptream's site?02:15
mr_dallasadam7: thankyou!02:15
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: hmm this is quite perplexing.02:15
crimsunlollydays: www.alsa-project.org02:15
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, now connections are timed-out02:16
adam7s33nagain: if you have synaptic you can use Edit -> Mark Packages by Task02:16
serkan`ctechsupport: ?02:16
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, not refused, but timed out02:16
techsupportserkan`c, i dont have it, i'm on windows connecting through putty02:16
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: the request is going out but something isn't letting em back in02:16
s33nagainYea but I don't know what the package's name is.02:16
lollydayscrimsun, thanks02:16
hhp2kHey everyone.  I had recently turned on the option to group similar windows in the window selector bar "always" - now I can't remember how to turn it off.  Does anyone know where this setting is? Thanks.02:16
Blaqlightwhich could be firestarter now,02:16
Grahamany help installing a printer?02:16
serkan`ctechsupport: scp -r trick must work imho02:17
s33nagainadam7: Yea but I don't know what the package's name is.02:17
serkan`ci dont know where is the problem02:17
crimsunlollydays: if you need assistance, ping me in #ubuntu-audio-help02:17
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, NAT is on, w/o it i can't browse internet02:17
adam7s33nagain: do that, and I think it'll be obvious02:17
KenBW22Graham: whats the problem02:17
lollydayscrimsun, sure, thanks02:17
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: are the ports listed in policy in firestarter?02:17
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, Yup02:17
adam7s33nagain: if you go to edit -> mark packages by task, you'll see a thing that says LAMP server02:18
Rauzythnick ko_ko02:18
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Drk_GuyBlaqlight, Firestarter blacklisted amule.org02:18
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: and your sure they are the right port/port ranges?02:18
kindofabuzzwhy does my /etc/network/interfaces get erased when i switch wireless to roaming mode?02:18
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, I'm getting alerts of traffic coming from it02:18
s33nagainadam7: :-D did not see that!02:18
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: thats never good.02:18
crimsunkindofabuzz: because, by default, network-manager takes over interfaces(5)02:18
s33nagainadam7: THANKS!02:19
crimsunkindofabuzz: to prevent that, you'd need to explicitly add interfaces /without/ "auto iface .."02:19
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: for purposes of this, disable firestarter02:19
adam7s33nagain: but for future reference, I think the package names are apache2, mysql-server, php502:19
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, It works fine02:19
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, if i disable FS, it works just fine02:19
kindofabuzzcrimsun: well i'm trying to set a static ip and some wpa2 sttings, but once i get them set, wireless isn't even an option, so i have to put back onto roaming, then wireless works but without my settings02:19
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: ok so firestarter is your problem02:20
kindofabuzzcrimsun: i was following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202834 for WPA202:20
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, Reconfiguring it...02:20
xynthpopAnyone know the best way to retrieve a lost password and login on hardy after it's installed?02:20
s33nagainadam7: ? I just want to install them at the same time,,, much easier!02:20
amenadoxynthpop-> use the liveCD to set a new password02:20
xynthpopso reinstall basically amenado?02:21
adam7s33nagain: yeah -- sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 -- But I think the mark packages by task thing did it for you so you're all set :D02:21
legend2440!lamp | s33nagain02:21
ubottus33nagain: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:21
adam7xynthpop: boot into recovery mode from GRUB and run passwd USER from that prompt02:21
amenadoxynthpop-> nope, you mount the /  within the liveCD02:21
xynthpopthanks adam, thanks amenado02:22
s33nagainadam7: Thanks, I'll remember that!02:23
s33nagainlegend2440: Thanks!02:23
serkan`ctechsupport: i tried again in here, it is working02:23
xynthpopadam7: Just to be sure i've got it right, i type: >passwd USER and then i'll be able to change it?02:24
adam7xynthpop: yep. then type reboot to reboot02:24
xynthpopthanks again02:25
adam7no problem02:25
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: any luck?02:25
s33nagainxynthpop: That's how I did it before we had X (or at least it was purposeful... 1999...)02:25
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, Had to fix a script because my system is in spanish ;)02:25
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: nice02:25
Crshmananyone know how to change the default routes interface02:26
xynthpopi'd give it a try but i'm not too good at mounting things, lol02:26
adam7Crshman: like sudo route add default gw some_ip_here?02:26
roccityhi guys02:26
xynthpopthanks you guys02:26
Crshmanadam7, i tried that but it still uses the old interface02:26
roccityanyone have any luck with phillips gogear02:26
roccityand amarok sync02:26
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, Now firestarter is working fine02:26
hhp2kHey everyone.. is there any way to increase the DPI in Ubuntu?  This issue has actually been one of the primary issues that I've strayed away from Ubuntu.. the screen resolution is set to 1280 x 1024, but it feels like 1024x768 because the fonts are so large, and there seems to be less screen space.  In comparison to my windows box, Icon fonts are much smaller, and there seems to be more screen real estate.  So again, 02:26
adam7Crshman: I take it you have 2 interfaces up?02:27
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: is the other program the same?02:27
Crshmanadam7, correct02:27
Syderoyes hhp2k02:27
kingjeredoes anyone have a cups printer shared over the internet and if so would you be willing to let me see your cupsd.conf?02:27
Syderoit should be in your system settings02:27
kingjereredacted of course ;)02:27
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, Now i have high id :D02:27
Drk_GuyThanks Blaqlight02:27
BlaqlightDrk_Guy: alright so your all good.02:28
Drk_GuyBlaqlight, :D02:28
hhp2kSydero: System > Preferences > Screen Resolution doesn't have an option for DPI.  Let me keep looking.02:28
Syderoit would be under something like fonts02:28
hhp2kSydero: Okay. Thanks.02:28
lampliterI need to copy many hundreds of megabytes of files from an external drive to DVDs.  The file should be stored in a file system on the DVD and not in some binary format.  Any ideas on what tools I could use to do this?02:28
s33nagainSydero: Appearance?02:29
serkan`cexactly in there02:29
hhp2kSydero: The DPI setting is in Appearance > Fonts > Details02:29
s33nagainSydero: In the fonts thing you could just lower the PT.02:29
hhp2kSydero: But it's set to 96 DPI, the same setting as windows.02:29
s33nagainSydero: hhp2k beat me to it!02:30
Syderothen just decrease the font sizes02:30
techsupportserkan`c, you there still ?02:30
LanceMartinhhp2k -- I just spent half a day playing with resolution settings using System - Preferences - Screen Resolution ...02:30
serkan`ctechsupport: yeah02:30
CostaRicanQuakerI thought i had installed ubuntu-studio with synaptic, but i just restarted the computer and it wasn't listed in hte session type?what do i have to do?02:30
techsupportserkan`c, can i pm you ?02:30
serkan`csure techsupport02:30
hhp2kLanceMartin: What was your goal? Anything?02:30
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: Ubuntu also uses GNOME... so it would be there. It should just install the theme and the Apps...02:31
Blaqlight!info k9copy02:31
ubottuk9copy (source: k9copy): DVD backup tool for KDE. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2.3-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1517 kB, installed size 3056 kB02:31
LanceMartinI had the problem of linux not recognizing my screen -- so I changed monitors, seems to be working better but I am not sure if it is perfect.02:32
hhp2kSydero: Decreasing the font sizes gives me the needed look and feel, but the actual screen size still feels too small. :\02:32
cythrawllwhere the heck is the package for php5-mbstring?02:32
hhp2kcythrawll: lol, I read "mbstring" and thought of another word :P02:32
roadfishI used unetbootin to make a USB boot disk from the 8.04 ISO. But when I reboot, I get 'Could not find kernel image: /ubnkern' ... any idea what's going wrong?02:32
alrauneLanceMartin:you couldn't find your exact model in the list ?02:33
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: U there?02:33
CostaRicanQuakers33nagain: so if i logged on gnome ubuntu studio would showup?02:33
lampliterBlaqlight: I assume the DVD backup tool was pointed at me?02:33
porterI have the amd64 alternate installation iso downloading, If i install the 64bit veresion will I not be able to run 32bi fals and most imporantly codeweavers cros over office in order to run microsoft os Students and Teacher Addition 2003?02:33
s33nagainIt should... If it doesn't look like it it is because the Studio theme isn't active...02:33
KOSKERSI want to join in the ubuntu-cn02:33
Blaqlightlampliter: Im not sure if it would help but yeah possibly.02:33
ChrisDavazI made a change to /etc/hosts but now it seems that change is gone. Why is /etc/hosts getting overwritten and how do I prevent that?02:33
amenadoroadfish-> can you mount your usb drive and look to see if it is there in the /boot/ ?02:33
LanceMartinNo -- odd too it was a Compaq pretty common brand.02:34
alrauneporter: 32 runs in6402:34
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
CostaRicanQuakers33nagain: ok i will brb, im gonna check it out02:34
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: Ill wait... ;-)02:34
lampliterBlaqlight: thanks.  I'm just trying to move files off of a portable drive onto a centos server that doesn't seem to have a working USB port.  I could have my laptop sit there for days as it copies but, I really want my own machine back02:35
roadfishamenado: yes, I have /ubnkern02:35
CrazyTBhuh, is there any problem in installing CPAN modules without using apt-get?02:35
alrauneLanceMartin:wrtie nick when answering | you know the specs of the screen ?02:35
fiberhello, i have a quick question (i've searched google and the man pages but this is proving to be unnecessarily painful)... basically, i have vlc outputing images from my webcam, but, how would i make it save these images as png's and NOT open the vlc gui?02:35
Blaqlightlampliter: ohh. I see02:35
amenadoroadfish-> do you also have the device.map? go see where it is pointing at02:35
glitsj16cythrawll: libapache2-mod-php5, php5-cgi and php5-cli all have the mbstring extension built in02:36
Blaqlightlampliter: you could setup some sort of sftp server on the other machine and do the transfers from anywhere.02:36
roadfishamenado: I don't have device.map02:37
esacdoes anybody know how i could profile/time suspend and resume so i can see what is taking time?02:37
LanceMartinalraune Thank you for the tip ... it has been too long since I participated in a real IRC forum :)02:37
CostaRicanQuakers33nagain: it looks likeplain old gnome to me02:37
porterI have the amd64 alternate installation iso downloading, If i install the 64bit veresion will I not be able to run 32bi fals and most imporantly codeweavers cros over office in order to run microsoft os Students and Teacher Addition 2003?02:37
CostaRicanQuakerjust a few new progs02:37
amenadoroadfish-> then redo your grub install in the usb drive so you'd get that device.map02:37
alrauneLanceMartin: you know the specs of the screen ?02:37
Blaqlightlampliter: Im probably way off... just trying to think of a solution that would work.02:37
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: The new look is not used... Goto System>Prefs>Appearance and see if there is a new theme... That is it.02:38
hhp2kHey guys, who is having this wsearch.net problem in Firefox??02:38
=== djhash_ is now known as djhash
lampliterBlaqlight: I am picking up the pieces from some people that didn't think the problem through.  if they had just started copying the files from one Colo facility to another, they would have the files copied by now.  But no, they put them onto a USB drive and shipped it overnight to the other facility where I was supposed to pull them off of the USB drive onto the  destination server02:39
LanceMartinAlraune I supposed I could have looked up the specs but I was having other problems too ... I might have been able to get the drivers, but in the end I just opted for the easy fix.02:39
Bogus8why is it that what I fit on a 441gig raid 5 partition (ext3 on debian etchy) won't fit on my new ubuntu system with a 463g raid 5 partition (ext3)?02:39
lampliterBlaqlight: unfortunately, you can pull data off of this USB drive at a blistering rate of one to 1 1/2 megabytes per second.02:39
Bogus8and I had 4% free on the old (441gig) drive02:39
Blaqlightlampliter: lol figures doesn't it?02:39
Bogus8only 400gigs used02:40
Bogus8but it's taking up 439gigs when I rsync it over to the new system02:40
geniiBogus8: Because more than 4% is reserved on the filesystem for superuser02:40
Bogus8genii: ok, but why would it fit on one system and not another?02:40
lampliterBlaqlight: it sure does.  And that portable drive is almost full.  So I thought, why not copy the data to DVDs and transfer them that way.  Obvious that, that's not going to be an easy solution either.02:40
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: any luck?02:40
Bogus8being that the older system is smaller02:40
roadfishamenado: ok, thanks. so I guess unetbootin doesn't automatically make a device.map file.02:41
geniiBogus8: See my previous answer02:41
Bogus8genii: so ubuntu is different in that case?02:41
lampliterBlaqlight: I think the right solution is go to bed, get to the cola facility before 7 a.m., shut down the machine that having problems and see if there's something wrong in the BIOS.  I think this is one of those moments when the phrase "bloody hell" is totally appropriate02:41
alrauneLanceMartin: no drivers, but your xorg.conf..  pastebin your /var/log/log/Xorg.0.log02:41
Bogus8genii: 400gigs of data is now taking up 439 gigs when I rsyned it over to ubuntu02:41
Blaqlightlampliter: yeah sounds about right.02:41
alraune!paste >LanceMartin02:41
ubottuLanceMartin, please see my private message02:42
Bogus8genii: measuring all this apples to apples (df -h to df -h)02:42
Blaqlightlampliter: you'd be better off troubleshooting the hardware problem.02:42
CostaRicanQuakers33nagain: yes....hmmm, i don't know, i don't ever use gnome...i have kde and xfce installed which i usually log on to, i have only 248 mb memory...and it looks like gnome is set to beryl or compiz fusion..02:42
=== foka_ is now known as foka
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: But isn't there a new theme in System > Prefs > Appearance?02:43
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i takeout the effex without it taking away the minimize, maximize, close, buttons and making everything completely unmanageable?02:43
Bogus8I'm also talking about ACTUAL used space... not "size" as I get that I could have a 463g partition be full at 439g... but I don't see how 400gigs on one system has now become 439gigs02:44
CostaRicanQuakeryes there's a new theme i'm on it already, i mgiht actualyl start using gnome, however how do i take the effects02:44
AndrewGearhartGood evening folks. I'm looking for a mechanism to be able to do keyboard macros (example, press a keyboard combination and have the system paste a prescribed block of text). Anybody know of somewhere to start? My searches on Google (after a few days) have led to some solutions on knoppix... but nothing in ubuntu (with gnome).02:44
FungusmanHey guys, I was wondering how do I change the icon for a Launcher I created ?02:44
FungusmanI have a lot of SPRING BOARDS lol02:44
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i take out hte beryl or compiz or whatever without it messingup my system02:44
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: Goto the Visual Effects tab in Appearance in select "None".02:44
BlaqlightFungusman: right click on the icon, select properties02:45
hhp2kHey guys, how do I close the buddy window in Ubuntu without exiting the program? (#pidgin isn't responding.)02:45
BlaqlightFungusman: then the box the with current icon in it, click it02:45
CostaRicanQuakers33nagain: i've done that but hwat it causes is for gnome to not work, take away the title bars at the top of windows02:45
pi-mesonIs there a tool under ubuntu to monitor the threads of a process?02:45
hhp2kHey guys, how do I close the buddy window in Pidgin without exiting the program?02:45
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: Wait one moment...02:46
Blaqlightpi-meson: something like htop?02:46
roadfishamenado: ok, I see what I did wrong ... during unetbootin, I didn't fill in the distro field.02:46
legend2440Fungusman: can't change it after its created  but as your creating new launcher click in the spring and choose one02:46
pi-mesonBlaqlight: oh, htop will monitor threads? ok, i'll see if i can find the relevant setting. thanks!02:46
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: Do you have the option of "Custom"?02:46
Blaqlightpi-meson: I don't know if thats it, it might though02:47
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: In the Visual Effects Tab of Appearance...02:47
CostaRicanQuakeroh ok lemme check02:47
CostaRicanQuakers33nagain: none, normal, extra,02:48
FungusmanOh man do I ever feel stupid, thanks guys !02:48
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CostaRicanQuakercurrently in normal02:48
=== Charazard is now known as Yugi
CostaRicanQuakeri know that if i set it on none, it willtake away the top of windows and make everything unmanageable02:49
legend2440Fungusman: my bad. you can change it after its created.  right click launcher choose properties and click on the spring02:49
serkan`cgn folks02:49
Blaqlightlegend2440: just as I said from the beginning :P02:49
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=== Ditto is now known as Raichu
legend2440Blaqlight: sorry missed your post02:49
MrNazif i want to change a machine's hostname and domain, do i only have to change it in /etc/hosts or are there other places i need t ochange it as well ?02:50
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: I'm not sure... That actually happend to me once in Fedora... I upgraded with the effects on, and that happend. I suggest finding out what package Compiz is and uninstalling it... Unfortunately I don't know what that is...02:50
spydez_If I upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04, will it rediscover hardware, overwrite xorg.conf, etc?02:50
=== Raichu is now known as Ash-Ketchum
Blaqlightlegend2440: its all good :P02:50
CostaRicanQuakers33nagain: i think it's necessary to reset the kwin or something like that there was some command i had been given once02:50
Pici!nickspam > Ash-Ketchum02:51
ubottuAsh-Ketchum, please see my private message02:51
Ash-Ketchumoh sorry02:51
glitsj16MrNaz: and /etc/hostname as well02:51
CostaRicanQuakerbut this came with hardy's default config02:51
MrNazglitsj16 thanks02:51
legend2440!cookie | Blaqlight02:51
ubottuBlaqlight: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!02:51
* Blaqlight eats the cookie!02:51
ubottuBeer is always appreciated.02:52
kindofabuzzanyone got some time to help me set a static ip?  whenever i set it in interfaces along wiht other wpa2 settings i don't even get an option for wireless in NM, i have to set to roaming mode which in turn deletes the settings i just set in interfaces! help! =)02:52
NeedsomehelpCould someone explain to me how I don't need to set the backlight every time i start my laptop?02:52
dglknI've got some problems with slow file transfers with BOTH nfs and samba02:52
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: I don't know, I hate to say... sorry! Tyr someone else here, or try the forums... Somebody must have the solution.02:52
ubottuBeer is always appreciated.02:53
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!02:53
guestadmin_Wondering if anyone could help with a Feisty>Gutsy upgrade, after clicking the upgrade received failed to fetch archive.canonical.....package.gz something like that.02:53
s33nagain!cookie eat02:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cookie eat02:53
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:53
ubottuUbuntu has awesome release codenames. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames for more02:53
newbe1hell all02:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about quit02:54
newbe1hello all02:54
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.02:54
almshello -- i am just setting up my file-server -- hoping to install ubuntu server on a 1gb flash card -- possible?02:54
dglkndoes anyone know how I can diagnose slow nfs shares?02:54
almsor do i need to use something like freenas02:54
=== chuck_ is now known as TheChuckster
NeedsomehelpAlright, how about this one, I need to replug my sound system everytime i restart my laptop because it use the default inbuilt one unless i replug02:55
RequinB4 alms - all I can say is that 1gb is too small for ubuntu as default02:55
TheChucksterhey im a veteran linux user (Gentoo) but im new to Ubuntu02:55
TheChucksterwhich nvidia drivers do I need to install?02:55
TheChucksteri don't know whether i want the "new" drivers or the regular drivers?02:55
NeedsomehelpGuess its only one?02:56
almswell -- i just want samba, basic kernel, and probably a virtual host02:56
TheChucksteralso, why isn't the kernel compiled for low latency preemption by default?02:56
NeedsomehelpI think you can download it from Nvidia's homepage, it contains support for almost every card02:56
LanceMartinWhile I am here is there a program that allows me to simply dial a telephone number through the modem ... for use with a database program ...?02:56
almsi want to do software raid 1 and would like my filesystem to be encrypted?02:56
TheChucksteri'd rather use synaptic Needsomehelp02:56
guestadmin_some suggestions on the boards to people with similar problems mentioned sources list? (I am not advanced user), so i'm not sure why packages file cant be fetched02:57
FungusmanHow do I make an icon for ubtunu02:57
TheChucksteri just need to know the difference between the "new" drivers and the regular drivers02:57
FungusmanIt's not ICO it is SGI02:57
Fungusmangimp doesnt seem to support it02:57
BlaqlightFungusman: using Gimp02:57
NeedsomehelpI'm quite new to Linux02:57
FungusmanIT doesnt save to .gi02:57
kindofabuzzanyone got some time to help me set a static ip?  whenever i set it in interfaces along wiht other wpa2 settings i don't even get an option for wireless in NM, i have to set to roaming mode which in turn deletes the settings i just set in interfaces! help! =)02:57
Fungusmansorry, .sgi02:57
nickolaus_I'm trying to wipe a hard drive. So I wanted a format to make 10+ sweeps of the drive to make sure the data was destroyed what program do I use?02:57
adam7TheChuckster: I don't know for sure, but I'd guess the new drivers are later releases than the regular drivers02:57
TheChucksterNeedsomehelp, oh okay... i've used Gentoo, Mandrake, and Fedora for a while02:57
NeedsomehelpI do02:57
TheChucksterso I'm pretty experienced with Linux... just not Ubuntu02:58
mondayrocksyay ibex.02:58
dglknhow do i know if my wireless card is running in full-duplex?02:58
kindofabuzzNeedsomehelp: ?02:58
NeedsomehelpClick on the "two-screen" in top nav, and unlock, choose Static and enter details02:58
NeedsomehelpNetwork tab/icon02:59
saritordoes anyone by chance know the escape character you use to make an ANSI character in python?02:59
NeedsomehelpIf you got an router, this could take some more time depending on how you have prepared it02:59
AndrewGearhartanybody know how to paste a block of pre-typed text from a keyboard shortcut (for example, for email... I have a couple of different signatures that I use in different contexts... work, independent contracting, home, friends, family) and I'd like them to be available (like I have on my windows box) from a few keypresses (my keyboard shortcuts are alt+`, alt+1, alt+2, alt+3 ... etc) I've figured out that if I'm not running K02:59
kindofabuzzNeedsomehelp: when i do that i don't even have wireless anymore, i need to set in /etc/network/interfaces02:59
PiciAndrewGearhart: glipper might be able to do that, or kipper for KDE.02:59
FungusmanGimp does not save to SVG ... how would I make an icon?02:59
nickrudFungusman inkscape03:00
AndrewGearhartPici: a glimmer of hope! /me googles glipper as I'm running gnome03:00
NeedsomehelpHmm I'm sure I bypassed it on Google, apart from that I can't really help you any further, I'm quite new to LInux03:00
guestadmin_My error: if anyone knows what this means:  Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/partner/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)03:00
kindofabuzzNeedsomehelp: but when i set in that file, i have no wireless option in NM, so i have to set to raom just to get wireless again, which in turn deletes the settings i just set in that file03:00
PiciAndrewGearhart: Its in the repositories  if you want to install it,03:00
kindofabuzzNM is so screwry, i hope it's better in Intrepid03:01
nickrudguestadmin_ sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* , and try again03:01
nimoOk, trying to grow my ubuntu legs... how would one mount an image created by clonecd? (ccd/cue/img/sub) Ive tried 'sudo mount -t iso9660 ...' but it says wrong file system. Im sure there is a trick, but it eludes me03:01
Needsomehelpkindofabuzz: I'm sorry I don't really know any more, I used the GUI with some basic inputs today, that's it, but  I am very new to Linux/bash/command lines things03:02
legend2440Needsomehelp: sorry i  don't understand your sound question.  are you trying to change the default soundcard?03:02
guestadmin_nickrud ok, sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*   ... I'll try, Im guessing that removes all my lists?03:02
NeedsomehelpLegend2440,  Nono, let me explain further03:02
nickrudguestadmin_ yes. I've had that before, and removing those worked03:02
nickrudguestadmin_ ahem:  Works for Me™03:02
Blaqlightnimo: a ccd/cue/img/sub is a image file, not a cd filesystem. thats why its failing.03:02
guestadmin_nickrud ok, well here goes03:02
Amerikanermy system just randomly went to the cmd prompt, how do i get back to the GUI?03:03
nickrudAmerikaner if you hit clt-alt-function key, clt-alt-f7 will get you back03:04
BlaqlightAmerikaner: CTRL ALT F703:04
NeedsomehelpLegend2440, everytime I restart my laptop, it uses the default speaker in my laptop instead of the extrenal onces, In order for them to work I replug them in the sound input everytime, isn't there a way to set the external speakers to deafult so I don't have to replug everytime?03:04
legend2440nickolaus there is a package in synaptic named    wipe03:04
AndrewGearhartPici: can you tell me what the difference is between the System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager and Applications>Add/Remove Programs ?03:04
nimoBlaqlight, Im not sure I really understand the difference. It is a binary dump of what is on the disk. The main image is the .img file, which even windows can mount like an ISO (even if it isnt actually). What is my solution? I could probably convert it to a .iso, but I was hoping to keep the subdata intact03:05
PiciAndrewGearhart: Add/remove does not have all packages. There are few/no command line applications and no libraries, things that arent executable.03:05
Amerikanerhmmm the song i had playing came back but now theres a long list of networkmanager crap and no gui03:05
guestadmin_nickrud, tried what you said, and this is the error i get: rm: cannot remove `/var/lib/apt/lists/partial': Is a directory03:05
PiciAndrewGearhart: But everything installs from the same source, the ubuntu repositories using apt-get03:05
nickrudguestadmin_ ls /var/lib/apt/lists/partial, it should be empty. Thats all good if so03:05
dglknok, my wireless network seems to be running at only 1Mb. How do I change that to 54Mb?03:05
adam7dglkn: get closer to the router?03:05
dglkntried that already03:06
dglkni have the settings on the router set to 54Mb as well03:06
Blaqlightnimo: one second Im looking03:06
adam7dglkn: sudo iwconfig INTERFACE_NAME rate 54M where INTERFACE_NAME is the name of your interface03:06
bepwhen i try to connect to an open network, the netmanager applet icon in the task bar shows one green dot then fails to connect. is there a way to ifnd out why its not connecting?03:06
Bogus8Why is it that what took up 400gigs on my ext3 raid 5 on etchy is not trying to take up 439gigs on my ext3 raid 5 on hardy?03:07
CostaRicanQuakerwhere's the system monitor?03:07
dglknk i'll try that03:07
nimoBlaqlight, I appreciate it03:07
legend2440Needsomehelp: oh ok i see.  sorry i am not familiar with sound issues for laptops03:07
guestadmin_nickrud, after typing ls /var/lib/apt/lists/partial  I received this: archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_gutsy_partner_binary-i386_Packages03:07
NeedsomehelpAlright, no problem Legend2440 thanks for your time though03:07
Blaqlightnimo: whats the exact command your issuing?03:07
mondayrocksthe noob command.03:08
nickrudguestadmin_ yep, remove that one as well (I'd forgotten about the partial directory, must have used rm -r * when I did the fix)03:08
dglknok, now is there a daemon that needs restarted?03:09
adam7dglkn: shouldn't bee03:09
almsi finally have all my pieces for my file server and am ready to boot up -- i have a one gig flash card on an ide adapter -- two sata drives -- want to run a file server + ssh + virtual login + encrypted file system -- should i use ubuntu or freenas or openfiler or freebsd?03:09
Kohlrakdoes anyone here use mhWaveEdit? It says it supports all files, but i can't play any files back without it saying that the sound format isn't supported.03:09
Blaqlightmondayrocks: if thats towards me, it was uncalled for, and completely unnessesary.03:09
guestadmin_nickrud, so i now type sudo rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/*    ?Like that?03:09
mondayrocksoh no. I just thought it was a silly response.03:09
Pelowhat's the command to output your video cards possible resoluton so you can add it to the grub with  vga=###  ?03:10
nickrudguestadmin_ yes, or sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/* will work03:10
nimoBlaqlight, 'sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /home/nimo/disk_images/rct/rct.img /mnt/vcdrom0'03:10
nickrudPelo xrandr ?03:10
mondayrocksunless you are a noob, Blaqlight... You're not a noob are you?03:10
nimoI created /mnt/vcdrom0 via 'sudo mkdir /mnt/vcdrom0'03:10
adam7alms: I don't know what "virtual login" is, but ubuntu can do all the other stuff there03:10
adam7xynthpop: yep03:11
xynthpopyou're not gonna believe this03:11
Pelonickrud, almost ,  gives out a list of res with  the appropritate  3 digit code ,  so you can change the res of the consol03:11
xynthpopi forgot the command you just told me03:11
almsadam7, whab about on a 1GB flash drive03:11
Blaqlightmondayrocks: refer to my comment above.03:11
adam7xynthpop: haha, you got a pencil? :P cat /etc/passwd | less03:11
Amerikaneri get this: NetworkManager: <info> DHCP daemon state is now 3 (renew) for interface eth1, and then i cant get back to the GUI, any ideas?03:11
Picimondayrocks: Please keep comments like that to yourself.03:11
Kohlrakxynthpop, if you used it once, just press up a few times =p03:11
adam7alms: shouldnt' be a problem, I don't think. I don't know what the minimum install size for ubuntu-server is03:11
mondayrocksthe ubuntu people are uppity.03:11
CostaRicanQuakerwhen i try to open a file on xine it won't play, as in it plays but there's no sound03:12
Blaqlightnimo: that looks right.03:12
Pelonickrud, might have to do with framebuffers03:12
KohlrakCostaRicanQuaker, did you make sure the volume is up? Are you using OSS?03:12
xynthpopthanks Kohlrak, i hadn't used it yet03:12
nickrudPelo never ran across that one, I've always used http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Framebuffer-HOWTO-5.html03:12
xynthpopjust forgot to write it down03:13
guestadmin_nickrud, now how do i upgrade to gutsy? my orange star in the upper right corner disappeared03:13
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i get rid of the screen that shows the waves of sound03:13
CostaRicanQuakerit's playing now03:13
Kohlrakwhat waves of sound?03:13
nickrudguestadmin_ sudo apt-get upgrade will repopulate that dir03:13
Blaqlightnimo: my thought is that mount doesn't like to mount .img files for some reason. Im still looking for a solution03:13
CostaRicanQuakerthere's another window other than the player03:13
nickrudPelo or some page with the same chart anyway03:13
almsadam, what about the encrypted file system -- can that work with raid 1 (software raid)03:13
CostaRicanQuakerthat has these colourful soundwaves that move03:13
CostaRicanQuakerwith the sound03:14
CostaRicanQuakeri want ot get rid of that03:14
Amerikanerhow is ubuntu w/ overclocking?03:14
ThanatosI have a windows smb share that gnome hardy won't access. My other computers/ps3 can. Any suggestions?03:14
Kohlrakwell, ther's alt f4... CostaRicanQUaker03:14
w00tzdoes anyone know how to enable (if possible) the firefox crash reporter for the version of firefox 3 that gets shipped with 8.04 ?03:14
ubottuThat's what she said!03:14
Pelonickrud, getting close03:14
Blaqlightnimo: you can try to mount without the -t option and let it try to guess the filetype...03:14
ubottujdong: You're going to hell.03:15
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.03:15
s33nagainOk that's enough...03:15
AndrewGearhartPici: well... glipper is close... I'm trying to avoid using the mouse... keeping closer to the keyboard... with snippets in glipper... I could select the block of text ... but I want to stick to the keyboard as much as possible (trying to regress away from the windows "grab the mouse" mentality)03:15
nickruds33nagain you took the words out of my mouth ;)03:15
Blaqlightwhats this world coming to when even the bot curses.03:15
s33nagainsorry... :'(03:15
CostaRicanQuakeris there a way to get gnome to open things with a single click?03:15
guestadmin_nickrud, ok, did sudo apt-get upgrade, message was basically: Reading package lists...Done Building dependency tree  Reading state information...Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded03:16
KohlrakBlaqlight, what's a curse and what not is purely speculation. Some languages don't have curse words.03:16
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: Yes, one sec03:16
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
liuzhoupingWhat do you do ?03:17
ThanatosI have a windows smb share that gnome hardy won't access. My other computers/ps3 can. Any suggestions?03:17
nickrudguestadmin_ dohy, I should have said sudo apt-get update , sorry03:17
BlaqlightKohlrak: sure but if my 5 year old learned a new word on here by reading it on screen Id be quite mad, especially if I thought this channel was supposed to be family friendly.03:17
nickrudguestadmin_ working on something else at the same time, and not giving you enough attention. Sorry again03:17
l3dwhat does this mean.....Debian users may use the power of apt-get to apt-get install ayttm; you just need to have the unstable tree configured in your sources.list03:17
liuzhoupinghello nickrud03:17
KohlrakBlaqlight, i'm sure he'll learn a few words words than the name of a place if he hangs around here too long. Lots of words can fly.03:18
guestadmin_nickrud, no prob ;)03:18
liuzhoupinghello guestadmin03:18
KohlrakmhWaveEdit complains about sound format incompatability with playing wave files. Anyone know why? i tried to google the problem but no results.03:18
nickrudl3d it means you have a debian source in your sources.list, which is not compatible with ubuntu. However, that package is in the ubuntu repos, so continue on :)03:18
nickrudhelllo liuzhouping03:19
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: Goto an open file browser, got Edit > Prefs. Then Goto the behaviour tab.03:19
l3dright but the yahoo protocal is out of date and wont work03:19
CostaRicanQuakeropen file browser?03:19
CostaRicanQuakerlike gnome's dolphin?03:19
s33nagainLike browse a folder, open a folder.03:20
liuzhoupingI don't know what you said?03:20
nickrudl3d bummer. Do not use the debian repo. Ubuntu takes a snapshot for of unstable and builds on it for each release, but they fundamentally are not compatible03:20
s33nagaine.g. Places > Documents... THen hit edit > Prefs > Behavour03:20
liuzhoupingl3d bummer. Do not use the debian repo. Ubuntu takes a snapshot for of unstable and builds on it for each release, but they fundamentally are not compatible03:20
nickrud!prevu | l3d you may be able to use this03:20
ubottul3d you may be able to use this: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details03:20
CostaRicanQuakers33nagain: thankyou03:21
guestadmin_nickrud, or anyone out there, wow got some errors, dont want to paste them here, too long, what to do03:21
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: did it work?03:21
adam7!pasetbin | guestadmin_03:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pasetbin03:21
Pelonickrud, thanks,  I looked around some more ,  and decided to get the value from the site you gave me , but I know there was a command to outpout what is available on your card , I'll find it again someday , thanks03:21
nickrudguestadmin_ put the output on paste.ubuntu.com03:21
adam7!pastebin | guestadmin_03:21
ubottuguestadmin_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:21
CostaRicanQuakers33nagain: yep, how come swiftweasel is faster than both opera and firefox? i would imagine opera to be faster...i am even considering getting rid of opera as it takes a lot of memory for the most03:22
nickrudliuzhouping hm, why did you repeat my line?03:22
KohlrakCostaRicanQuaker, it's probably because it's firefox only optimized.03:22
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: Never heard of SwiftWeasel...03:22
liuzhoupingsorry ,03:22
nickrudliuzhouping this is a help channel for ubuntu. If you are interested in chatting, #ubuntu-offtopic is our chat channel03:23
Evolution2um i was wondering how to put nautilus on AWN...because its useful. thanks03:23
SuttinHey guys. I just installed 8.04, got my video card drivers set up and installed wine. If I try and install any .exe, my video scrambles and its imposible to see anything. Does anyone know whats going on?03:23
CostaRicanQuakers33nagain: should i get rid of opera and firefox? i'm getting computer stuckage from opera...evenon xfce03:23
newbe1any bicycle riders in here03:24
SebNaitsabesSuttin:  try #winehq03:24
KohlrakSutten, it's probably the video preferances03:24
Suttinok, thanks Seb03:24
newbe1any bicycle riders in here  private message me03:24
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: I personally Think Opera isn't that good, the only upside to it (for me) is the Bittorrent support built in... I would.03:24
nickrudnewbe1 I know some cyclists hang out in #ubuntu-offtopic03:24
ubottuHvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!03:24
Kohlrakand no, don't bother with winehq, i've had trouble with people being total rear ends in there03:24
nibsa1242bCostaRicanQuaker: because swiftweasel is compiled for highest speed, firefox is compiled for smallest binary size & SW is highly processor optimized03:24
s33nagainoh sorry meant to do something else about offtopic...03:25
CostaRicanQuakerok, how do i get rid of opera?03:25
Riyonukis ubuntu still doing the free shipping of cd's?03:25
CostaRicanQuakersudo aptitude remove opera?03:25
SebNaitsabessudo apt-get purge opera03:25
s33nagainSynaptic of Add/remove Programs.03:25
CostaRicanQuakerwhat's the difference between purge and remove?03:25
KohlrakRiyonuk: AFAIK03:25
adam7sudo apt-get remove --purge opera, isn't it?03:25
SebNaitsabespurge should get rid of some config files to03:25
SebNaitsabesno  this works03:25
SebNaitsabessudo apt-get purge opera03:26
guestadmin_ok I pasted my output from sudo apt-get update here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32832/ although just out of the clear blue, the orange update star returned, when update manager opened, message: Not all updates can be installed, run partial upgrade to install as many updates as possible03:26
KohlrakCostaRicanQuaker: Purge removes the caches. When you uninstall a program, the files you downloaded to install it remain in case you want to re-install it03:26
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i double check that everythign has been imported from opera to swiftweasel?03:26
s33nagainWhat do think is better? GNOME Office, KOffice, or OpenOffice?03:26
KohlrakCostaRicanQuaker: either check the plugins menu (whever that is) or try out the plugins by visiting pages where they would be goodly tested03:27
nickrudguestadmin_ ok, now put /etc/apt/sources.list on the pastebin. We'll fix those to clear the errors from the update03:27
Sorcererbobs33nagain: open office03:27
SebNaitsabes!s33nagain  > offtopic03:27
ubottuofftopic, please see my private message03:27
s33nagainCostaRicanQuaker: You could just goto Apps > Add/remove and then uncheck Opera...03:27
=== PV1 is now known as PrivateVoid
legend2440w00tz: Type about:crashes into Firefox's address bar, and you can see a list of your browser crashes, when they happened, and click on them to get details of what happened.03:27
* CostaRicanQuaker loves swiftweasel03:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about purge03:28
adam7purge removes all the configs as well as the program03:28
* Kohlrak wants to know why mhWaveEditor won't play wave files.03:28
s33nagainHow do u do that thing where it is "***USERNAME [action]"?03:29
Kohlraks33nagain /me . Also, try looking up irc commands on google, but don't test them here.03:29
s33nagainAfter you type s33nagain /me, do you type the [action]?03:30
adam7s33nagain: just type /me action03:30
Kohlraks33nagain, yes.......................03:30
nickrud /me kicks s33nagain ;)03:30
phirestalkerI am using ubuntu 8.04 and need to know where the REAL xorg log file is when it goes into "failsafe" mode03:31
s33nagainWhy didn't it work or Nickrud?03:31
nickruds33nagain because the   /   wasn't in the very first column of my line03:31
adam7s33nagain: he put a space in front of /me -- this might be better in #offtopic :)03:31
chillanyone have experience with "cpufreq-selector" and boottime script?03:31
Kohlraks33nagain, the / has to be first for all irc commands. a space can set it off.03:31
s33nagainsorry again03:31
guestadmin_nickrud, ok after typing cd /etc/apt and then gedit sources.list, i copied and pasted here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32837/03:31
* s33nagain will start being more on topic03:32
nickrudguestadmin_ excellent way to do it, by not using gksu gedit you got it read only03:32
pixelsit works03:32
refraxhello folks03:33
nickrudguestadmin_ are you trying to upgrade to gutsy or hardy?03:33
KohlrakmhWaveEditor, anyone use it? Can anyone suggest a wave editor that works?03:33
refraxhad a quick question the internets cannot answer03:33
Bogus8Why is it that what took up 400gigs on my ext3 raid 5 on etchy is not trying to take up 439gigs on my ext3 raid 5 on hardy?03:33
beprefrax the internets can answer anything03:33
refraxI have an external hdd, and I share a folder on there, however, whenever I reboot the system, it comes unshared. what gives?03:33
refraxHArdy HEron btw03:34
nickrudguestadmin_ ?03:34
KohlrakBogus8, it helsp if we knew more about the file =p03:34
vald0rHey question guys, do anyone know of a way to have a smb share mount on boot without the need of manually entering a password and using smbmount03:34
guestadmin_nickrud, to gutsy first then maybe hardy in a few months03:34
nickrudguestadmin_ ok.03:34
Bogus8Kohlrak: it's a pile of files... I'm rsyncing them from one box to another03:34
KohlrakBogus8, could have something to do with how etchy handles the files. Or maybe ubuntu is better at aligning the files. It could also be from the fact that ext3 is a journalizing system so to prevent the need of defragment, files can take up large empty spaces03:36
pixelsnewbie here on a fresh install... how do i know if everything is running optimally? for example, scrolling is a tad sluggish... how2 video driver (or is that not the issue)03:36
Bogus8Kohlrak: the ubuntu box is the one that is taking up more space03:36
Bogus8Kohlrak: what I have is etchy with a 441g raid 5 using "96%" at 400g03:37
KohlrakBogus8, could be the other way around. It could also be a temp transfr thing too.03:37
Bogus8Kohlrak: I'm putting all these files on a raid 5 array of 463g and it's filling up and maxing out at 439g with only the exact same files03:37
Loganhoupexcuse me, but would anyone happen to have any info on connecting a  sansa fuze in MTP mode (connecting it like a sansa view won't work)03:37
Loganhoupoh stupid me, I went to the wrong room03:38
KohlrakBogus8, maybe etchy had something ubuntu doesn't.03:38
Bogus8Kohlrak: how do you mean?03:38
Loganhoupshould be in #amarok03:38
KohlrakBogus8: with open source operating systems, nothing should surprise you. Sometimes nifty and cool features are added without anyone really taking notice. Maybe it was a compressable feature that got turned on.03:39
Bogus8Kohlrak: hmmm, that wouldn't make sense... it's straight ext3 ... I would have had to turned on compression which I am MOST postitive I never did03:40
KohlrakBogus8: another thing it could be is the file transfer program you're using.03:40
nickrudguestadmin_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/32841/  <-- these are clean, and readable ;)03:40
Bogus8Kohlrak: rsync03:41
refraxanyone have any ideas why a shared folder on a USB harddrive comes unshared on reboot?03:41
esacdoes anybody know how i could profile/time suspend and resume so i can see what is taking time?03:41
Bogus8Kohlrak: to be more exact rsync through ssh03:41
nickrudguestadmin_ if this is going to be used for a feisty to gutsy upgrade, I suggest commenting out the backports and partner during the dist-upgrade03:41
KohlrakBogus8: who knows? I know one thing, i program with assembly and i've learned not to be surprised. Maybe ubuntu has a backend that forces some kind of alignment.03:41
Bogus8Kohlrak: that's cool... I appreciate you trying to help me figure this out.  I'll probably ask again a little later to see if someone might know exactly what is going on... hope you don't take offense to that03:43
KohlrakBogus8: believe me. some things that aren't turned on by hardware even though they're supported are often supported. To make up for this, the OS (for whatever reason, maybe to help make another feature) will emulate something in the hardware. Rather bloated, but i've seen it alot. *ESPECIALLY* in windows.03:44
guestadmin_nickrud, so i will have to do: cd /etc/apt then sudo gedit sources.list, then replace what I have with what you pasted on paste.ubuntu.com/32841, then save? Also how do i uncomment the backports and partner, (And whats the backport and partner?) Yes I know, somewhat beginner ;)03:45
Bogus8Kohlrak: yeah, but linux especially debian isn't about implementing things like compression on hard drives by default... that would be a huge performance issue that debian wouldn't put in place by default03:45
bruenigguestadmin_: to uncomment, you remove the # from the front of the line03:45
fiberhello, i'm trying to get multiple webcams to work on a computer through a usb hub but if i start viewing one camera i can't see the other (i think it's because the hub makes it so both webcams are operating on the same usb bus)... i was wondering if there were any workarounds or potentially another kind of hardware usb hub (maybe a usb switch?) to make this work03:45
nickolausI have a kodak micro SD card and I can't seem to edit the card in any way.03:45
guestadmin_nickrud, thanks, will do, oh and i found backports and partner, wow i feel stupid, ..or just really really tired03:46
nickrudguestadmin_ a few things, most important first: always use gksu with gedit, or any other gui gnome app. Second, yes, just replace yours with mine. And third, putting a # at the beginning of a line comments it out (see the cdrom line for an example_03:46
KohlrakBogus8: not to mention, ubuntu is clearly a very bloated version of linux, not as bloated as windows, but still bloated. A few cheap fixes could have been made while people forgot to go back and fix them. I heard the standard linux kernel is full of that.03:46
Bogus8Kohlrak: I'm running server and I have VERY miniumum installed... that's how I start almost all my linux installs03:47
kindofabuzzanyone got a fix for network manager not auto connectiong with security on?  i actaull have to choose Connect to other wireless and go from there.03:47
nickolausI have a kodak micro SD card and I can't seem to edit the card in any way.  PS It's a fat16 format03:47
Bogus8Kohlrak: this is a headless system, no X11 nothing like that to get bloated03:47
xynthpopadam7, are you around?03:48
guestadmin_nickrud, ok, will replace sudo with gksu when using gedit03:48
nickrud!gksu > guestadmin_ (this is why, couldn't remember the trigger right off)03:48
Kohlrakbogus8: just because x is gone, it doesn't mean it's not bloated. Bloat doesn't just mean fancy bells and whistles. Bloat means code that isn't the best in the world.03:49
ubottunickrud: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) (0)03:49
nickrud!gksu > guestadmin_03:49
ubottuguestadmin_, please see my private message03:49
Bogus8Kohlrak: understood03:50
ozzyhey how do I install .su files03:50
MrNazwhen i switch to using the binary nvidia driver, it messes up the display of all my screen fonts... is anyone familiar with this and know how to stop it from happening?03:51
timboyI just upgraded my hard drive and I can't resize my partition with my livecd... I can resize my swap just fine but can't do anything with my / partition. can someone give me a hand?03:51
daf_Can someone help me debug why I can't seem to get Audio Input from my mic? I am able to hear things fine but I don't know how to set up my microphone. I have been using audacity to test.03:51
daf_But I am not sure what to put as my input device.03:51
kindofabuzzanyone got a fix for network manager not auto connectiong with security on?  i actaull have to choose Connect to other wireless and go from there.03:51
=== zonum_ is now known as zonum
KohlrakBogus8: i'll see you later. the people on right now can't help with my problems, so i'm gonna go watch tv. try not to worry about the space gain too much if you have the extra space. Stuff like this happens.03:51
ozzyhey how do you install .su files???03:52
guestadmin_ubotto, thx03:52
ozzysays theres no command associated with it03:53
kindofabuzzozzy: what's an .su file?03:53
kindofabuzzwhere did you get it?03:53
nickolausI have a kodak micro SD card and I can't seem to edit the card in any way.  PS It's a fat16 format03:53
ozzyits a type of install file for linux03:53
kindofabuzzozzy: no, otherwise you could install it03:53
Starnestommyozzy: linux typically does not use .su03:53
ozzyis there a converter for it?03:53
kindofabuzzozzy: where did it come from?03:54
guestadmin_ok nickrud, new sources.list file is now in place03:54
ozzyits from the vendetta web site03:54
ozzyfor a game03:54
nickrudguestadmin_ ok, sudo apt-get update03:54
Adondaihow can I set dolphin as file manager default instead of the normal ubuntu one?03:55
kindofabuzzozzy: i just google .su, nothing, i don't think it's a valid extension03:55
nickrudozzy could you give us the exact link, so we can see what you're talking about03:55
timboyI just upgraded my hard drive and I can't resize my partition with my livecd... I can resize my swap just fine but can't do anything with my / partition. can someone give me a hand?03:55
riegersniso file type is no longer listed in Brasero.. any ideas? I'm trying to create an iso from a disk, I've done this before but out of no where the option to write to iso is gone03:56
ozzyhttp://www.vendetta-online.com/x/download is where it came from03:56
Bogus8by default will rsync -a follow symlinks?03:56
kindofabuzzozzy: that's an .sh03:56
Piciozzy: Are you sure its not file.sh and not su?03:57
guestadmin_nickrud, ok, all seemed fine as far as i can tell, to be sure, here was the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32844/03:57
nickrudozzloy you mean .sh ;)03:57
ozzyyeah woops lol03:57
kindofabuzzsh lahksdf.sh03:57
kindofabuzzsh file.sh03:57
nickrudguestadmin_ that's right, you're good to g03:57
nickrudozzy the page has instructions at the bottom03:57
ozzyyeah so how do i get it to work?03:57
kindofabuzzanyone got a fix for network manager not auto connectiong with security on?  i actaull have to choose Connect to other wireless and go from there.03:57
kindofabuzzozzy: read03:57
kindofabuzzTo install Vendetta, type sh ./vendetta-linux-x-installer.sh. You do not need to be root; install it under your usual account.03:58
guestadmin_nickrud, ok, ill try again to upgrade, fingers crossed, bit scared, well here goes ;)03:58
kindofabuzzif you would've read the page03:58
nickolausI have a kodak micro SD card and I can't seem to edit the card in any way.  PS It's a fat16 format03:58
gb__gm all03:58
gb__is there anyone who is running a postgres server here?03:59
bderrlygb__, possibly03:59
unikonanyone know how to fix a dpkg error?03:59
gb__hi bderrly03:59
Blaqlightwhats with the unaffiliated hostmasks?03:59
nickrudunikon many of them, not all03:59
gb__bderrly:  sir i'm using pgadmin to conect to my postgres server and i'm not able to correct04:00
nickrudunikon put the output of  dpkg --configure -a   on paste.ubuntu.com04:00
gb__keep messing with login error04:00
gb__what is the default password for it?04:00
bderrlygb__, i'll bet you need to edit your /etc/postgres/pg_hba.conf file04:00
gb__i tried postgres which i ound using google, but that did not work04:00
bderrlygb__, there is no default password04:00
gb__i did edit the pg_ident_conf04:01
mrpocketshow hard is it to reach my shared folder on my win2k3 Domain controller?04:01
gb__ok will try the other04:01
unikonnickrud i got this  when i was trying to update04:01
unikonE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.04:01
unikonE: _cache->open() failed, please report.04:01
nickrudunikon run   sudo dpkg --configure -a , and if it fails, put the output on paste.ubuntu.com04:01
kindofabuzzwell did you run dpkg --configure -a?04:01
gb__unikon:  hi04:01
zeeeehi, i have ubuntu 8.04 amd64; is there a debian package or apt repository for skype 2 amd64 that i can install?04:01
unikon dang i forgot aboit pastebin04:01
ozzyGOT IT guys thanks for the helps04:01
timboyI just upgraded my hard drive and I can't resize my partition with my livecd... I can resize my swap just fine but can't do anything with my / partition. can someone give me a hand?04:01
zeeeein the worst case i suppose i can just use the static build, but i'd rather have packages for easier and more consistent management04:02
unikonhey gb_04:02
mrpocketstimboy, try using gParted04:02
mrpocketsa live CD04:02
gb__Tim are ya using cfdisk?04:02
timboymrpockets, same issue04:02
newlnxHi Guys , I need some info?04:02
kindofabuzzunikon: sounds like you have synaptic open while trying to do a dpkg -i04:02
guestadmin_nickrud, geez am i back so soon, sigh, hopefully this is minor, says: Not all updates can be installed. Run a partial upgrade , to install as many updates as possible, This can be caused by: A previous upgrade which didnt complete, Unoficcial packages not providd by ubuntu, Normal changes of a pre-release version of Ubuntu.... So I click "Partial upgrade"? (Hopefully almost final question :)04:02
bderrlytimboy, is the drive you're trying to resize currently mounted? if so that will not work04:02
nickrudzeeee medibuntu.org has it04:02
timboygb__, no04:02
timboybderrly, no it's not using live cd04:02
gb__tin gparted has a live cd on download.com04:02
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i get rid of fusion without it messing up my system? without it taking away  the title bars on windos and the close minimize buttons as it would happen like before when checked none onthe effects dialogue04:02
bderrlydoesn't mean the disk isn't mounted04:02
gb__ya can use that04:02
timboygb__, tried that as well same issue04:03
timboybderrly, what do I do to find out?04:03
kindofabuzzanyone got a fix for network manager not auto connectiong with security on?  i actually have to choose Connect to other wireless and go from there.04:03
bderrlytimboy, run `mount`04:03
newlnxI installed Ubuntu 8.04 and I want to connect 10 users to the internet but I can't afford to buy a firewall hardware04:03
BlaqlightCostaRicanQuaker: make sure you set another Window Manager BEFORE you remove it.04:03
nickrudguestadmin_  try running sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-standard ubuntu-minimal   first.04:03
CostaRicanQuakerhoe do you mean?04:03
CostaRicanQuakeri didnt install compiz or beryl or fusion04:03
newlnxcan I use ubuntu as a firewall and configure it to put some block on certain sites04:03
daf_Can anyone help me setup my microphone please?04:04
Flannelnewlnx: You can.04:04
CostaRicanQuakeri upgraded to hardy adn it seems to come with one of them04:04
CostaRicanQuakerwith weird effects that i dont want04:04
Blaqlightset metacity as the window manager within compiz-fusion then remove it.04:04
unikon  its gonna be a big pastebin04:04
CostaRicanQuakeri'm on 248mb memory04:04
Flannel!ics | newlnx04:04
ubottunewlnx: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php04:04
CostaRicanQuakerBlacqlight: how do i do that? konsole?04:04
Bogus8by default will rsync -a follow symlinks?04:04
newlnxFlannel is there any howto or what would you suggest to do04:04
BlaqlightCostaRicanQuaker: are you in KDE or gnome?04:04
gb__bderrly:  should i paste that pg_dba.conf file on pastebin?04:04
Bogus8will rsync -a move the same files that du -hs finds?04:05
guestadmin_nickrud, ok, ill close update manager then back to terminal, and type sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-standard ubuntu-minimal04:05
CostaRicanQuakerBlacqlight: gnome04:05
bderrlygb__, uhh, i wouldn't04:05
Bogus8because it's not... it keeps going WAY over and I can't figure out where the space is going04:05
gb__bderrly:  ok it says local is enabled04:05
bderrlygb__, are you trying to get local logins to work or web or across the network?04:05
Blaqlightok is compiz-fusion installed?04:05
Vampswhat is the command to uninstall04:06
BlaqlightVamps: sudo aptget remove packagename04:06
newlnxThabks ubottu04:06
newlnxthanks that is04:06
timboybderrly, turns out that my main partition is an extended partition does that matter? It just won't extend nothing is mounted04:06
Vampssudo is what i'm tryin to remove and reinstall i get a auth failure every time04:06
BlaqlightVamps: correction apt-get remove04:06
CostaRicanQuakerBlacqlight: how do i check if it is? i know it looks like it's using some eyecandy suite04:06
CostaRicanQuakerbut where do i go? system monitor?04:07
Vampsapt-get remove package?04:07
unikonok heres the issue im having http://pastebin.com/f5e33520a04:07
nickrudVamps what are  you trying to fix by reinstalling sudo04:07
Vampsfailed authenication04:07
BlaqlightCostaRicanQuaker: check your system tray, there should be a blue looking box type thing.04:07
guestadmin_nickrud, so far so good, I just typed Y to confirm using additional required space or whatever, still working away..04:07
Vampsseem si'm unable to su to root04:07
td1232CostaRicanQuaker: system->preferences->appearence->last tab and see if you have (none) selected04:07
CostaRicanQuakertd1232: last tab says windows04:08
avzanyone one have an easy way to setup two different screen resolutions.  I have a lcd monitor and a lcd tv that i would like to play movies on04:08
bderrlytimboy, being extended partition shouldn't matter04:08
bderrlywhat are you using to resize? gparted?04:09
zeeeei'm a bit confused about medibuntu - why does its set of packages overlap with the set provided by the main official repositories? e.g., i already see w64codecs, k3b, and a bunch more.04:09
unikonnickrud,kindofabuzz,gb__  here  http://pastebin.com/f5e33520a04:09
nickrudunikon ooook. That one is over my head I think.04:09
gb__bderrly:  so i should use local login names?04:09
timboybderrly, yes gparted04:09
Vampsnickrud would i be better of to maybe try and repair sudo?04:09
timboynm i'll just format and start over04:09
newlnxbut I don't have ubuntu server I have Ubuntu 8.04 hardy04:10
newlnxor is it the same04:10
nickrudzeeee w64codecs are not in ubuntu, and k3b has some functionality in medibuntu version that isn't in ubuntu. Same with ffmpeg and some others04:10
CostaRicanQuakerBlaqlight: what do i do now? i went ot system preferences and the last tab says windows04:10
avzanyone have an easy way to setup two different screen resolutions.  I have a lcd monitor and a lcd tv that i would like to play movies on04:10
bderrlygb__, local   all         postgres                          ident sameuser  <-- something like that?04:10
nickrudVamps sorry, I missed your statement of the problem.04:10
gb__bderrly:  yup sir04:10
zeeeenickrud, but i do see w64codecs when i do an aptitude search04:10
Vampsi'm not able to su to root. yields authentication failed04:11
zeeeenickrud, that raises a good side question - how do i determine which of my sources this search result is available in?04:11
Vampsi was gonna remove and install sudo agian.. but if there's a better way.. i'm all ears04:11
s0n1cm0nk3yquick question, do you guys have a site to look up what packages are in your distro like gentoo-portage?04:11
gb__Vamps:  did you setup root password first?04:11
bderrlygb__, are you trying to connect to the postgres database or some other? because that only allows access to the system db named 'postgres'04:11
nickrudzeeee run apt-cache policy w64codecs , that will tell you where it comes from04:11
nickrud!rootsudo | Vamps04:11
ubottuVamps: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)04:11
zeeeenickrud, oh, it does come from medibuntu. weird. "Installed: 20061203-0medibuntu2"04:12
nickrudVamps by default there is no usable root password, therefore su fails04:12
zeeeenickrud, i see now that i had medibuntu and disabled it04:12
Vampszee : so the accoutn created has semi-root privelages04:12
Flannelnewlnx: ubottu gave you a link, and another page to read for general knowledge04:12
Flannel!ics | newlnx04:12
ubottunewlnx: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php04:12
zeeeenickrud, i seem to recall now that this was per recommendation of someone from ubuntuforums, in response to another problem i was experiencing04:12
nickrudVamps complete root access.   sudo -i  is the equivalent of su -04:12
zeeeehas having medibuntu ever caused any problems for you?04:12
guestadmin_nickrud, turned blue/graphical, presented with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/32848/, I suppose i leave as as and click ok04:13
Flannelnewlnx: the help.ubuntu.com should get you all up and running04:13
nickrudzeeee disabling a 3d party repo? often a good idea04:13
Bogus8will rsync -a move the same files that du -hs finds?04:13
gb__bderrly: i'm trying to connect all the databases on the postgres server on my local system, mostly use mysql, was chking out postgres for first time04:13
Bogus8because it's not... it keeps going WAY over and I can't figure out where the space is going04:13
nickrudguestadmin_ yes04:13
BlaqlightCostaRicanQuaker: best way is ps ax | grep compiz-fusion04:13
zeeeenickrud, ah, ok - so a common usage pattern is to enable a 3rd party repo, install what you want, then disable it, yes?04:13
newlnxok Great04:14
bderrlygb__, you'll need to edit the file to allow explicit access to another db then04:14
nickrudzeeee I cherry pick a couple medibuntu packages by getting them directly from the pool, and don't use apt to install.04:14
CostaRicanQuakerBlaqlight: letme open the terminal and i'll do that04:14
CostaRicanQuakerand tell you what happens04:14
nickrudzeeee yes! Oh, yes!04:14
Vampsso would i need to su apt-get installl, or would i need root to install04:14
BlaqlightCostaRicanQuaker: if its not running it will return nothing, if it is, it will show which process it is04:14
nickrudVamps   sudo apt-get install , use user password04:14
gb__bderrly:  ok thanks will check that out, thanks again mate04:14
Vampseven when it asks for password04:15
bderrlygb__, do you have a line that has 'all' for the databases with 'ident sameuser' for the auth scheme?04:15
Vampsoh sorry04:15
nickrudVamps only the first user (created during install) has sudo privs, to give them to another user,    sudo adduser <user> admin04:15
FallGuyhow can i view the grub.conf and fstab,make.conf files in ubuntu04:15
BlaqlightVamps: don't use su, use sudo or gksu depending on command line or graphical respectivly.04:15
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nickrud!root | Vamps read the link, it explains much04:15
ubottuVamps read the link, it explains much: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:15
zeeeenickrud, i just enabled medibuntu again, then ran aptitude update, but aptitude install skype doesn't upgrade skype. i currently have a versionless debian package installed (it came from the official skype website and actually installed the latest should be 2.0.7204:16
nickrudzeeee apt-cache policy skype tells you the preferred repo/version04:16
CostaRicanQuakerBlaqlight:  7649 pts/0    D+     0:00 grep compiz-fusion04:17
zeeeenickrud, hmm, that shows me "(none)" for both "Installed: " and "Candidate: "04:17
unikonkindofabuzz you check out that  pastebin04:18
zeeee"Version table: " is empty04:18
BlaqlightCostaRicanQuaker: ok its running. in that same terminal type compiz-fusion-icon04:18
guestadmin_nickud, ok, it finished04:18
kindofabuzzunikon: no i missed it04:18
nickrudzeeee hm. Very strange. try apt-cache policy ffmpeg , does it show a medibuntu version available?04:18
nickrudguestadmin_ now try the update-manager again04:18
BlaqlightCostaRicanQuaker: wait a minute no its not04:18
gb__bderrly:  sir i did that , i also changed one more option on it04:18
FallGuyhow can i view the grub.conf and fstab,make.conf files in ubuntu04:18
CostaRicanQuakerBlaqlight: command not found04:18
guestadmin_nickrud, ok, will do04:18
gb__bderrly:  changed the ident same user to trust ?04:18
gb__should that help for method04:18
nickrudguestadmin_ run it with    update-manager -c04:19
BlaqlightCostaRicanQuaker: ok System > Preferences > Appearence04:19
gb__FallGuy:  nano /etc/fstab04:19
gigatwoI tried to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 via the update manager, but was forced to restart halfway through, so I have to run ubuntu in low graphics mode and nothing loads after I log in. I'm thinking about doing a clean install. Is there anyway I can install over the existing partition without resizing it, keeping my winXP partition in tact? Anyone willing to give a walkthrough or point me to a helpful link?04:19
kindofabuzzunikon: i don't know what to tell you04:19
CostaRicanQuakerBlaqlight: yes04:19
=== corq is now known as uncorq
guestadmin_nickrud, update-manager -c       In the terminal?04:19
unikoni think ill be better off reinstalling04:19
BlaqlightCostaRicanQuaker: goto the last tab on the main window (Visual Effects)04:19
BlaqlightCostaRicanQuaker: what does it say04:20
gb__bderrly:  i got in thanks man, ya rock :)04:20
VampsUniKon : try a repair rescue instead of a fresh install04:20
nickrudunikon the problem is the update-desktop-database app, it's what's failing and causing dpkg t fail. Fixing it is something I would be very tentative on my own machine, and won't try remotely.04:20
nickrudguestadmin_ yes. See if it works better04:20
zeeeenickrud, yeah, that shows me http://rafb.net/p/uIa5l162.html04:21
bird603568DCC SEND "STARTKEYLOGGER" 0 0 004:21
CostaRicanQuakerBlaqlight: it says normal04:21
CostaRicanQuakerif i click on none i know what's going to do, it's going to make everything unoperable by taking away the top bar of windows04:22
BlaqlightCostaRicanQuaker: hit the top one (None)04:22
BlaqlightCostaRicanQuaker: it will turn all effects off04:22
CostaRicanQuakeryes it will also take away the minimize buttons and close buttons and top of windos04:22
nickrudzeeee strange that. I see http://rafb.net/p/Ldkqpr42.html04:22
bderrlygb__, nice :)04:22
CostaRicanQuakerit has happened before04:22
guestadmin_nickrud, ok, I still get that same message about not all can be installed, I have the option to close or click "Partial Upgrade" I do notice however that it now says also "You can install 1100 updates" thats much more then the 800 or so i previously had04:22
nickrudzeeee (I lied, I have medibuntu enabled for ffmpeg ;)04:22
BlaqlightCostaRicanQuaker: then you need to restart your session04:22
CostaRicanQuakerthere was some command i had to paste later...something like kwin or something like that04:22
CostaRicanQuakernone and then log out?04:23
neoaddictfor an unknown reason, my mouse is acting funny - for example, once i click on a menu in GNOME and i release the button, it vanishes and if i click one of my panel quick launchers, nothing happens.  any ideas?04:23
Blaqlightlog out and back in, they will come back04:23
Elijahis there anyway i can format a partition like mac that isn't case sensitive for ubuntu?04:23
BlaqlightCostaRicanQuaker: without the effects04:23
nickrudguestadmin_ ok, close it, and try running   sudo-apt-get --dry-run dist-upgrade . This will pretend to do an upgrade. It'll be a lot of text, so if you get confused pastebin it04:23
nickolausI just installed xp on my laptop (dual boot xp/ubuntu) I am trying to access a computer on my network (Yahweh) and for some reason I am unable to find Yahweh on my network. It worked before with the previous windows install. Not sure why. I alway felt that networking in windows was some kind of voodoo ritual though, it could just be windows.04:23
CostaRicanQuakerby restart sesion you mean log out and in again or restart?04:24
Blaqlightneoaddict: cahnge the batteries?04:24
guestadmin_nickrud, ok, will do...    clode, then sudo-apt-get --dry-run dist-upgrade04:24
neoaddictBlaqlight: there are no batteries; if you're referring to the mouse, it's a non-wireless mouse, so no batteries for it04:24
CostaRicanQuakerBlaqlight: by restart sesion you mean log out and in again or restart?04:25
Elijahwhat is best file system to use for ubuntu? ext3?04:25
BlaqlightCostaRicanQuaker: yes.04:25
BlaqlightCostaRicanQuaker: sorry log out04:26
imaginatorneoaddict: it sounds like it might be a GNOME bug with grab usage.  Is the mouse behaving strangely with any other applications?04:26
zeeeenickrud, hmm, i'm a bit confused - do you know what's going on? do you know how i can upgrade skype?04:27
* nickrud thought mice had evolved past tails04:27
guestadmin_hmm, received bash: sudo-apt-get: command not found   I'm guessing sudo apt-get --dry-run dist-upgrade  ?04:27
neoaddictimaginator: all applications, even KDE ones04:27
* Blaqlight did too04:27
nickrudguestadmin_ yep, a typo on my part04:27
zeeeeoh wait, i don't even have skype installed - dpkg -l skype lists it with "un"04:27
zeeeeargh, wtf04:27
guestadmin_nickrud ;) aight will try04:27
Blaqlightbluetooth mice FTW04:27
Elijahwhat does ftw mean?04:28
cdm10for the win04:28
Blaqlightftw = for the win04:28
chillif i have a command that requires sudo to run, is there something i need to do to a boot script to make it work without sudo or password promt?04:28
nickrudzeeee it's possible it's not in the repo right now, you can check at packages.medibuntu.com/pool04:28
imaginatorneoaddict: most likely what has happened is some program you're using is misusing an X.org grab then.  Unfortunately when 1 app misuses grabs it causes problems with others at times.04:28
zeeeenickrud, ok, i'll do that. thanks.04:28
neoaddictimaginator: any ideas on how to track that program down?04:28
deejaypipI went to the website with alternative programs, but I couldn't find this... is there an alternative to DVDShrink?04:29
gb__bderrly:  :)04:29
nickrudchill no, if you're running it during the boot process it runs with root privs then04:29
Felonyor whatever its called04:29
zeeeenickrud, hmm, it' sthere04:29
deejaypipthanks felony i'm gonna search for it now04:29
gb__dvdshrink for linux too :)04:29
AtomicSunseti cant get my USB hd mounted...04:29
AtomicSunset sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1/media/Media -o force04:30
AtomicSunsetisnt responding04:30
nickrudzeeee and sudo apt-get updgrade && sudo apt-cache policy skype  doesn't show it as available?04:30
unikondeejaypip ive got dvdshrink installed on gutsy04:30
zeeeenickrud, right.04:30
zeeeenickrud, (i assume you meant aptitude update for the first command)04:30
* nickrud scratches head04:30
FallGuyhow do i view the partitions in ubuntu04:30
nickrudzeeee either04:30
imaginatorneoaddict: I don't know if X.org exposes that in a utility.  I know that there is a key sequence you can enable in your xorg.conf that allows you to disable the active grab though.04:30
jikutyi've installed ubuntu 8.04 on my thinkpad t61 and have noticed that my battery life has decreased dramatically compared to windows... is there an easy way to improve battery life? i'd like something like a visual power manager or something04:31
nickrudzeeee I don't mention aptitude (my personal tool of choice) because the uber-geeks in charge strongly recommend apt-get04:31
neoaddictimaginator: ok, thanks.  i'm gonna give it a shot on google; if i fail miserably at that, i shall come back here XD04:31
Blaqlightnickrud: any reason?04:32
imaginatorneoaddict: good luck.04:32
AtomicSunsethow do i mount a ntfs hd?04:32
guestadmin_nickrud, ok seems fine I suppose, here is output just in case: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32857/04:32
gb__AtomicSunset:  there is 1 mistake with the command u posted04:32
AtomicSunsetwhats that?04:32
nickrudBlaqlight the details I don't know. I'm told that apt-get is getting much more love than aptitude right now04:32
AtomicSunsetthank you for responding04:32
gb__Atomic no space, in source and destination04:32
=== root is now known as Guest22377
AtomicSunset sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1/media/Media -o force04:32
Blaqlightnickrud: Ive always used aptitude so I don't want to be doing something Im not supposed to if its frowned upon for a good reason...04:33
nickrudGuest22377 looks ok, run that command without the --dry-run04:33
FlannelBlaqlight: It has to do with the fact that the benefits of using aptitude only happen when you use aptitude for everything.  apt-get doesn't have said requirements for full functionalities.04:33
gb__sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1         /media/Media -o force04:33
gb__or try to create a new mount point04:33
AtomicSunsetbah thank you so much!04:33
BlaqlightFlannel: ahh I see.04:34
nickrudBlaqlight and apt-get is approaching aptitude's advantages quickly.04:34
td123jikuty: http://www.j2fi.net/2007/12/08/getting-the-most-out-of-your-battery-in-ubuntu/04:34
gb__ok guys take care and thank you all04:34
AtomicSunsetgb__ it says it fails to mount no such file or directory04:34
FlannelBlaqlight: with the introduction of autoremove (in ... edgy? feisty?) aptitude's "remove all the unused dependencies" were into mainline apt-get (instead of using deborphan)04:34
gb__Atomic create a mount point first04:34
nickrudFlannel that only handles libs right now?04:34
AtomicSunsetbut thats the command ubuntu is telling me to use04:34
gb__like mkdir /media/usb04:35
gb__sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1/media/usb  -o force04:35
gb__make sure sudo is used in both commands04:35
Flannelnickrud: I'm still on dapper, I've never actually used autoremove.  But I believe it works for everything.04:35
Grahamneed help with wine-doors - xfire wont display any characters in chat?04:35
* nickrud looks at flannel, and thinks his clothes, while still neat, could use an upgrade04:35
gb__Atomic also make sure partition numbers are correct04:36
Johnnyhow do i set the icons for the entire system not just my user04:36
guestadmin_nickrud, was that advice for me? same command without dry run:  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:36
nickrudguestadmin_ yes04:36
Johnnyim in awesome using nautilus --no-desktop and i want to have my icons instead of standard ones04:36
guestadmin_nickrud, ok, will do04:36
AtomicSunsetgb you are the man!04:36
jikutytd123: i'll give that a try... but is there no "power-saving" mode in ubuntu (apart from turning down the lcd backlight, etc) ?04:36
AtomicSunsetthank you so much04:36
Blaqlightwhat is awesome?04:37
AtomicSunsetthat was my last lil hump to get over04:37
Anon0764Can anyone tell me how to remove the instruction text at the bottom of the grub bootloader, that is found outside the kernal box.04:37
SirBob1701is there a repo where i can get libpq 8.1 or newer?  libpg5 appears to be the newest in the hardy repo04:37
Blaqlight!info awesome04:37
ubottuawesome (source: awesome): dynamic and tiling window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.final-1 (hardy), package size 42 kB, installed size 200 kB04:37
l3dis there a way to get rpm to install with a pkg manager easy like04:38
Blaqlightah ha!04:38
gb__take care guys04:38
SirBob1701l3d: have you looked at alien?04:38
gb__and thank you bderrly once again :)04:38
cvd-prWhy the update manager shows sun-java-6-bin, jre, plugin if i already have the open ones?04:39
darkcrabwhen I search google from firefox google start page, it goes to google UK04:39
darkcrabbut I am in the US04:39
cvd-prits the away to stop showing them in the update manageR?04:39
metalpresdoes ubuntu have hardware accelerated video playback available?  im using an nvidia 8600gts04:40
metalpresthe opengl module for vlc doesnt seem to work04:40
zeeeenickrud, http://rafb.net/p/Fl0ZQi12.html04:40
=== michael_ is now known as mjb2287
cygokuWhats the sudo command line to permanently remove file from /root/.local/share/Trash/files ??04:41
zeeeenickrud, with one more install attempt at the bottom: http://rafb.net/p/OIfzoJ84.html04:41
Balianhello people! whay wen i instal ubuntu 7.10 liveCD i have 15% - cheking file system and don't mowe04:41
etherealityat http://feeds.feedburner.com/ShakeDown, which URL is actually the "New Podcast Feed" URL that I enter into Rhythmbox? how do you tell what the podcast feed URL looks like? will it always end in .xml ?04:42
cdm10cygoku: sudo rm -r /root/.local/share/Trash/04:42
cdm10ethereality: that URL should be the one04:42
etherealitycdm10, the URL of the webpage is the podcast "feed"?04:42
cvd-prits the away to stop showing them in the update manageR?04:42
mjb2287what is the best way to network my ubuntu desktop with my windows XP laptop?04:42
cvd-prWhy the update manager shows sun-java-6-bin, jre, plugin if i already have the open ones?04:42
cdm10ethereality: yep, try it04:42
imaginatormetalpres: For what it's worth, I usually find that the extensions like XShm or Xv work better than OpenGL for video players.04:42
etherealitycdm10, cool, thanks.04:42
cygokuI have more than 300 000 files in /root/.local/share/Trash/files04:43
thompaIs there a problem with firefox or something, I cant view you tube just white space04:43
cdm10cygoku: and you want to empty the trash? Just use the command I told you.04:43
Reformer81I'm looking for instructions on how to use ffmpeg to convert videos to DVD format (specifically .FLV -> DVD).  I had found these instructions before, but Google seems to have misplaced them :)04:43
chase_Is there a way that you can make a folder that all users can use?04:43
etherealityi think it works, as far as rhythmbox is concerned, but the podcast download goes from "Waiting" to "Failed". why is it doing that? is it a problem with that webpage?04:43
Reformer81chase_: Just make the folder and change the permissions of that folder to include others.04:43
nickrudzeeee you have gutsy medibuntu repos04:43
xynthpopanyone got an idea for retrieving login and password from ubuntu studios 8.04?04:43
pixelsvald0r: still kind of laggy in parts... hm04:43
cdm10ethereality: it could be the server actually hosting the audio files04:44
metalpresplaying any video 720p or higher will completely max out my cpu and still play choppy, i just want a way to offload some of the work onto the gpu if possible04:44
mjb2287can i do it with a crossover cable or do i need to go through my router04:44
cdm10xynthpop: you can't retrieve a password, but you can change it to something else04:44
darkcrabdoes anyone know why my firefox google search goes to the UK?04:44
thompaso does you tube work on ubuntu?04:44
xynthpopalso i can't figure out what my login is either04:44
cdm10thompa: it does04:44
Reformer81thompa: Flawlessly, yes.04:44
Reformer81Well, maybe not flawlessly because it's all flash, but close.04:44
Reformer81xynthpop: Then you're screwed.  You need to know your username in order to change the password.04:45
thompaReformer81: nothing here on 6404:45
cdm10xynthpop: reboot the system in Recovery Mode (when the system starts booting, hit escape to get into the grub menu, and choose recovery mode)04:45
darkcrabdoes start.ubuntu.com/8.04 take anyone else to the uk google site?04:45
Reformer81xynthpop: How on earth did you forget your username?  Or are  you attempting to hack? lol04:45
Guest22377hi i have ubuntu studio and when i installed it, it doesnt have the default network icon in the top right. so my question is how do i get that back so i can connect to a wireless network again for internet.04:45
xynthpopkrab: are you proxyied?04:45
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DavidCanariasCan anyone help with a problem I am having with Java Applet. When I enter a web site I am told Applet not initialized so cant enter?04:45
nickrudxynthpop https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword04:45
Blaqlightxynthpop: the initial user set-up at install is the one you need.04:45
chase_Is there a way that i can make a folder above my user in the filesystem?04:45
xynthpopReformer, i tried everyting04:46
De[X]tonehello, all...04:46
thompaReformer81: i think it was working before04:46
xynthpopnot smart enuff to hack04:46
cdm10xynthpop: then run "less /etc/passwd" to read the passwd file, which lists users. Find the user you want to change the password of, and run the command "passwd username" (but use the username you found), and enter the new password.04:46
unikondarkcrab you get that message04:46
xynthpopok i'll try that04:46
Reformer81cdm10: Sort of dangerous to give out that information to someone that "forgot" their own username, don't you think?04:47
xynthpopBlaqlight, so i should reinstall?04:47
glitsj16Guest22377: try right-clicking the panel and adding the system notification area04:47
xynthpopi didn't forget it04:47
Reformer81Eh well... no computer is even half-way secure when physical access is compromised :)04:47
xynthpopat least04:47
xynthpopi thought i knew what it was04:47
chase_Is there a way that i can make a folder above my user in the filesystem?04:47
xynthpopthis is weird04:47
cdm10Reformer81: It's publicly available...I'm not going to keep it to myself. Physical access, and all that.04:47
cvd-prWhy ubuntu have already installed the open java?04:47
xynthpopi tried everything i could have used and they all show up as not a user04:47
Blaqlightxynthpop: follow nickrud's post04:47
Reformer81chase_: You need to create the folder with root permissions.04:47
mjb2287better things to do i guess04:48
Reformer81chase_: sudo mkdir /BlahBlahBlah/04:48
chase_how do I do that exactly? first day coming from windows04:48
Baliani need some help... wen i install ubuntu 7.10 LveCD on the end i have instal system 15% -cheking files system  and this STOP mouse don't mowe wath is this. Please Help.04:48
cdm10Balian: how much RAM do you have on the system?04:48
BSG75how can I install kde4.1 under ubuntu please?04:49
Reformer81chase_: Since it is your first day, may I ask why you are trying to create a folder outside of your home folder?  What is it for?04:49
BlaqlightBSG75: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop04:49
chase_how do I speak directly to you?04:49
Baliancdm10 250 RAM04:49
cdm10Balian: i've successfully installed on systems with that much, but it is below the minimum requirements... you might want to try the Alternate CD.04:49
cdm10!alternate | Balian04:49
ubottuBalian: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent04:49
BSG75Blaqlight: do I need to change anything in the sources.list?04:49
BlaqlightBalian: you mean 256MB?04:49
Reformer81Blaqlight: That will install KDE 4.0.... there's a separate repo for 4.104:50
wolsBlaqlight: 256MB minus some for the onboard graphics04:50
chase_Reformer81: how do i speak directly to you?04:50
wnstnchase_: what IRC program are you using?04:50
Blaqlight6MB for the onboard video.. gee I hope he's not installing a GUI,04:50
Reformer81BSG75: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.104:51
wnstnu should b able just click his name04:51
BSG75Reformer81: thanks :)04:51
Reformer81Oh crap... that's right he probably can't message me until he registers lol04:51
Balianyeah 256... I have this LiveCD and liveCD with 6.12.04:51
cdm10!register | chase_04:51
cdm10...ubotu? UBOTU?04:51
chase_!register | chase04:51
Reformer81!query | chase_04:51
chase_!register | chase_04:51
Reformer81Did ubotu commit suicide again?04:51
chase_!query | chase_04:52
mistergibsonis there a command that identifies the package a file belongs to?04:52
ubottuchase_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.04:52
ubottuchase: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.04:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about query04:52
wnstncdm10: I <3 uboto04:52
Guest22377can someone help me?04:52
ubottuchase_, please see my private message04:52
cdm10oh, here it comes04:52
Balianbut this stel dont' move !!!04:52
Reformer81!ask Guest2237704:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask guest2237704:52
Reformer81!ask | Guest2237704:52
ubottuGuest22377: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:52
hotmonkeyluvin general, is ATI or nVidia a better choice for a linux system, in regards to drivers and support?04:52
Guest22377ok i just installed ubuntu studio and the network icon isnt present in the top right corner04:53
cdm10hotmonkeyluv: right now, nVidia, but that may change due to ATI's release of specs. However, right now, nVidia still has better drivers.04:53
hotmonkeyluvcdm10:  thanks!04:53
cdm10Guest22377: hit alt-f2, type "nm-applet", hit enter... see if that fixes it.04:53
Blaqlighthotmonkeyluv: ATI drivers have been nothing but trouble from what Ive seen in here.04:53
Guest22377ok thanks04:53
DavidCanariasProblems with Java applet. Anyone ideas why it tells me applet not initialized04:53
adam7my ATI drivers work fine04:53
glitsj16mistergibson: installing the apt-file package will give you that functionality04:53
mistergibsonglitsj16: thanks :)04:54
hotmonkeyluvBlaqlight:  well, the only card i've used is a defective card, so it didn't matter what I did, it wouldn't work right. silly me.04:54
hotmonkeyluvBlaqlight:  thanks for the tip04:54
BlaqlightIm using Intel drivers...04:54
syndr0can anyone help me get my sony eyetoy to work as a webcam04:54
optikalmousesyndr0: Google it.04:55
syndr0i followed these instructions and downloaded some drivers, but i still cant seem to get it to work04:55
optikalmousesyndr0: there's a list of webcams supported by Linux somewhere04:55
syndr0i know04:55
Blaqlightmine really never worked at all without hours of work and ripping all of my hair out, until 8.0404:55
syndr0i have it bookmarked04:55
Atomhunterwill the newest ubuntu install on an emac?04:55
Balianwath i can do with this instaler?04:55
optikalmousesyndr0: oh, awesome04:55
cdm10Atomhunter: I believe Ubuntu stopped making official PPC versions a few releases ago04:55
syndr0anyone willing to help me, BESIDES optikalmouse04:56
hotmonkeyluvBlaqlight:  yeah, I just kinda gave up on it04:56
SeveredCrossI want to say 6.10 was the last PPC.04:56
AtomhunterAny idea of a distro that will install on a emac then? I have a friend who bought one for 70 bucks and is looking to put something useful on it04:56
cdm1070 bucks? That's a little steep :)04:56
FlannelAtomhunter: There's an unofficial PPC build (put together by the PPC team)04:56
BlaqlightSeveredCross: that sounds about right.04:56
SeveredCrossYikes, 70 bucks for an eMac? Ripoff.04:57
FlannelAtomhunter: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/8.04.1/release/04:57
Atomhuntercdm10: the highschool library ripped him off04:57
Balianhow i can open this txt instal?? Help04:57
cdm10Balian: what do you mean by txt install? Are you trying to use the Alternate CD?04:57
imaginatorsyndr0: when you plug in the camera does a driver try to attach to your eyetoy?  (Note: try dmesg in a terminal before and after)04:57
BalianI dont haw it04:58
mistergibsonI must say, I like ubuntu much more than gentoo04:58
=== CoolFox is now known as CallOfTheDogcow
a-stray-catanyone feel like helping me getting sound to work with flash in firefox on an amd64? :o04:58
td123a-stray-cat: no04:59
td123a-stray-cat: but google will :P04:59
a-stray-cative tried google :< i ended up installing swiftweasel 3204:59
a-stray-catand it works04:59
a-stray-catbut i'd rather just use the 64-bit firefox04:59
syndr0imaginator, nothing happened when i plugged it in04:59
generalsnusjoin #ldap04:59
syndr0i think ima follow some directions with older drivers05:00
imaginatorsyndr0: http://eocp.sourceforge.net/  I'm not sure how good those drivers are though.05:01
Blaqlightsyndr0: sometimes older drivers can be dangerous, especially ones that can't see over the steering wheel..05:01
iamdaveI tried to configurer xorg.conf to squeeze some extra resolutions out of my laptop, and all of a sudden compiz isn't workring05:01
iamdave"cannot enable desktop effects" any ideas there?05:01
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ManualOverDozer8where are module alias loaded in Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy ?05:01
syndr0ty blaqlight05:02
syndr0ty imaginator05:02
ManualOverDozer8modprobe.conf ?05:02
td123a-stray-cat: http://www.derekhildreth.com/blog/how-to-fix-the-no-sound-issue-in-firefox-flash/05:02
Blaqlightiamdave: how much video RAM / system RAM do you have?05:02
iamdavevideo: 256 system: 51205:02
xynthpoplost password girl here05:02
roothey ok i tried doing the nm-applet but it says it wasnt found05:02
iamdaveer no05:02
iamdavesystem 2gb05:02
=== root is now known as Guest15056
xynthpopi tried the less /etc/passwd thing05:03
Blaqlightdrivers are current and the correct ones for your card?05:03
xynthpopit just gave my a bunch of flie names05:03
xynthpopand colons and x's05:03
Blaqlightxynthpop: it works for me.05:03
xynthpopno usernames05:03
xynthpopi'm using Ubuntu studios hardy05:03
xynthpopany diff with that?05:03
Guest15056ok so whats the deal? how come my network icon is gone in the system tray?05:03
syndr0imaginator, they dont have anydriver for linux yet ;o05:04
iamdaveyou should be able to just add it back guest05:04
iamdaveright click the panel, add to panel05:04
Blaqlightxynthpop: no idea, never used it. shouldn't be any difference though..05:04
xynthpopBlaqlight what kind of info do you see when you less etc/passwd?05:04
xynthpopyeah this is weird05:04
Guest15056i hit alt+f2 and typed nm-applet and it said it wasnt found05:04
xynthpopcuz i swear i know what i put05:04
xynthpopbut it doesn't work05:04
DavidCanariasCan anyone help with a problem Java applet plese?05:04
xynthpopand i tried all the variations i might use05:04
Blaqlightxynthpop: john:x:1000:1000:john,,,:/home/john:/bin/bash05:04
xynthpopyeah i was getting that05:05
a-stray-catblah, td123 leave?05:05
xynthpopbut with like daemon:x:something05:05
Blaqlightthats what my user thingy looks like using it.05:05
Guest15056iamdave:is there another way to get wireless back besides alt+f2 then typing nm-applet?05:05
iamdavewhat I just told you to do?05:05
iamdaveright click the panel and click add to panel.05:05
xynthpopone said nobody:x:nonexistent or something05:05
xynthpopcould that be it?05:05
iamdavescroll down to network monitor05:05
Blaqlightxynthpop: look for an entry that looks exactly like that <insert username> at the beginning of the line05:06
=== CallOfTheDogcow is now known as CoolFox
Guest15056network monitor isnt the same thing. it doesnt give a drop down list of the possible networks to connect to.05:06
xynthpopyeah i scanned the whole thing05:06
xynthpopno username that i ever set is on there05:06
Reformer81I'm looking for instructions on how to use ffmpeg to convert videos to DVD format (specifically .FLV -> DVD).  I had found these instructions before, but Google seems to have misplaced them :)05:06
Blaqlightxynthpop: your user has to have a UID in the case above 100005:06
xynthpopi wonder if i got turned into nobody with a password of nonexistent05:07
imaginatorsyndr0: ah, ok.  Do you happen to know what the usb id is of the eyetoy?  (you can find it with lsusb)05:07
SixStringerxynthpop - do you have a root password?05:07
generalsnusThe past week i have tried to come up with a solution for authenticating linux clients to W2k3 AD, and also mount the users /home folders when they login, with no extra authentication. seems that the mounting of /home..is the biggest problem here. so if this aint possible. is there a "easy" howto..to do the same thing with a openLDAP server as authentication?05:07
Bogus8I'm confused here.. I'm running rsync -anI on a dir is a 441g partition mounted using 400g of space (4% free)... the results of that rsync says "total size is 527805686600"  wtf? :/05:07
xynthpopi use it to get into the root shell thing05:07
syndr0imaginator mind if we go private?05:07
imaginatorthat's fine05:07
xynthpopi also managed to reset my Unix password05:07
xynthpopnot sure what that is05:07
SixStringerthen you can probably sudo passwd <user> <password>05:08
xynthpopi don't have a username05:08
xynthpopi set it and now it doesn't recognize it05:09
Blaqlightxynthpop: here do this which shell do you use?05:09
xynthpopso i was looking for a way to see a list of usernames05:09
OzFalconAnyone know how to get camorama plugins?05:09
xynthpopit's the one on system recovery from grub05:09
Blaqlightbash yes?05:09
ManualOverDozer8module alias's stored where on Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy ? /etc/modprobe.conf ?05:09
xynthpopthe boot shell option05:09
SixStringercat /etc/passwd the first column is all of the users.05:10
=== Starnestommy is now known as lstarnes
xynthpopit looks like files and stuff for me05:10
Blaqlightxynthpop: if so do this 'less /etc/passwd | grep /bin/bash05:10
xynthpopthere's one that's proxy05:10
xynthpopone is daemon05:10
Blaqlightit will show all the users in there that have a login shell05:10
xynthpopit looks like file info not usernames05:10
SixStringeryou'll see syslog klog uucp.05:10
xynthpopi saw that05:10
=== selocol_ is now known as selocol
=== sememmon_ is now known as Sememmon
SixStringerso if you're looking for a username look near the bottom of the file.05:11
xynthpopthere was one that said "nobody"05:11
Blaqlightxynthpop: so who has a login shell?05:11
SixStringeryes...I think nobody is in all /etc/passwd file in ubuntu.05:12
generalsnusThe past week i have tried to come up with a solution for authenticating linux clients to W2k3 AD, and also mount the users /home folders when they login, with no extra authentication. seems that the mounting of /home..is the biggest problem here. so if this aint possible. is there a "easy" howto..to do the same thing with a openLDAP server as authentication?05:12
xynthpopok so that's not me05:12
xynthpopwhat if there's no username in there?05:12
eaglejazzanybody have a favorite rss reader in ubuntu they can reccomend?05:12
SixStringergeneralsnus...check out likewise05:12
Johnnyhow can i load icons for nautilus --no-desktop if im not running gnome05:12
=== Ph33r is now known as DysfunXionaL
Blaqlightxynthpop: do 'less /etc/passwd | grep /bin/bash' to see who has a login shell05:12
SixStringeryou can create a user by typing adduser at the prompt05:12
xynthpopat the root shell promt from recovery mode?05:13
generalsnusSixStringer: likewise dosent help me with the mounting of /home folders05:13
Blaqlightxynthpop: thats fine.05:13
SixStringeroh no...you're looking for a bit more than authentication and authorization, I take it..05:14
Blaqlightxynthpop: should list Root and a user05:14
Elijahhow do i extract a gz file in terminal05:14
xynthpopi think so05:14
Elijahwell actually how do i extract a tar.gz05:14
xynthpopi just installed it05:14
xynthpophaven't even started it up yet05:14
Blaqlightxynthpop: if only root then there are no users who can login... meaning you must create one.05:14
happihippoElijah:  I think you can use tar05:14
SixStringerwhere are you trying to mount that /home directory?05:14
xynthpopso adduser USER password?05:15
Blaqlightxynthpop: might want to man adduser first :P05:15
Johnnyhow can i load icons for nautilus --no-desktop if im not running gnome05:15
Blaqlightxynthpop: in case you want some other options set..05:15
xynthpopi saw that too05:15
SixStringeryou can type adduser username <enter> and follow the rest.05:15
eaglejazz:( rss reader anyone?05:15
xynthpopin that etc/passwd thing05:15
SixStringersudo adduser <username>05:16
happihippoeaglejazz:  opera?05:16
Blaqlightman is its own user :P05:16
daemon3Is there a good application for creating a stereo pair?  I have the two images, I just need to put them side by side in one image.  I could do it with the gimp, but that would take too long.05:16
xynthpopw/o the <> i would imagine?05:16
happihippodaemon3:  I know of some in windoze05:17
BlaqlightJohnny: type gnome-session into a terminal05:17
Johnnyim not in gnome05:17
SixStringeryes that's right.05:17
BlaqlightJohnny: its not available or you want to run gnome without actually running gnome or what?05:17
daemon3happihippo: Any for Linux yet?05:18
xynthpopbrb, hopefully this works05:18
happihippodaemon3: you can try plascolin05:18
Elijahhappihippo, i can't use tar it says,05:18
Johnnyyea that just completely fucked up my wm05:19
Elijahhow do i extract a tar.gx in cli05:19
nickrudJohnny nautilus is what displays the icons; when you run with --no-desktop there will be no icons05:19
happihippoElijah:  are you using the right options?05:19
BlaqlightJohnny: instead of panicking just close the terminal :P05:19
Johnnyicons in nautilus Nick_05:19
Elijahi used tar -xf filename.tar.gz05:19
Johnnyi couldnt Blaqlight05:19
Johnnyit took over my wm05:20
SixStringertar -zxvf whatever.tar.gz05:20
nickrudJohnny precisely. If you run nautilus  without --no-desktop, you get icons.05:20
Johnnyand no all my settings are screwed up05:20
Elijahit says "thiis does not look like a tar archive"05:20
SixStringeryou can try to gunzip the file file first, then do a tar -xvf05:20
DysfunXionaLWhat would be the best way to transfer files from my girl's computer in another town to mine??05:20
daemon3Well, the good thing about open source is that if it doesn't exist, you can make it. :)05:20
nickrudDysfunXionaL ssh05:21
BlaqlightJohnny: running gnome-session from a terminal just runs that, if you close the termianl it goes back to what wm it was before.. I do it all the time in fluxbox.05:21
Johnnynickrud, i had it set to use oxygen icons and now i dont know how05:21
happihippoI use:  tar xvpfj filename.tar.gz -C [destination]05:21
ElijahSixStringer, and there it goes! thanks05:21
SixStringerno prob..05:21
Johnnyit went on top of awesome Blaqlight05:21
Johnnyi couldnt get to the terminal05:21
Johnnyand i couldnt open anything05:22
nickrudJohnny I repeat: when nautilus draws the desktop, you get icons. Now, if you use some other desktop manager, that may be setting your icons05:22
nickrudyeah, gnome-session starts a window manager and all05:22
BlaqlightI must have completely misunderstood what you wanted then :(05:22
notsonerdysunnyis there a equivalent of /etc/inittab in ubuntu?05:23
nickrudnotsonerdysunny /etc/event.d05:23
Johnnyi just want to replace the folder icons in nautilus --no-desktop from the standard ones to the ones i had it set for05:23
Johnnyi had it just a second ago05:23
notsonerdysunnythanks nickrud05:23
nickrudJohnny oh, the icons <inside> of nautilus, not on the desktop05:23
nickrudJohnny iirc, you can start gnome-settings-daemon but I'm not sure05:24
notsonerdysunnyHow would set up a ubuntu box to not start x?05:24
BlaqlightIm so confused now..05:24
neoaddictfor an unknown reason, my mouse is acting funny - for example, once i click on a menu in GNOME and i release the button, it vanishes and if i click one of my panel quick launchers, nothing happens.  any ideas?05:24
nickrudnotsonerdysunny sudo mv /etc/rc2.d/S30gdm /etc/rc2.d/K30gdm05:24
happihipponotsonerdysunny:  runlevel 305:25
SixStringerneo - easiest thing is to try a new mouse...05:25
notsonerdysunnyhappihippo: yea I know i have to run it to runlevel 3 .. but where do i set it .. I would set it in the /etc/inittab file in a fedora/redhat distro..05:26
happihippoI always set it on boot in grub05:26
Johnnyis there an app to change the icons in my gtk icons in a light window manger05:26
neoaddictSixStringer: same prob with diff mouse05:26
nickrudJohnny you can set an icon theme with gconf-editor /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme .05:27
Blaqlightthats funny, I try to run gnome-settings-daemon and I get a funny error : ** (gnome-settings-daemon:7450): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to session bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-erSgv2IljU: Connection refused05:27
Johnnyits already set to the theme i want Nick_05:28
notsonerdysunnyhappihippo: would I just add runlevel=3 to the boot command on boot?05:28
SixStringerneo - when was the last time you booted that box?05:28
=== sisto is now known as UnderpantGnome2
Johnnynickrud, *05:28
Johnnyim in awesome not gnome05:28
neoaddictSixStringer: a few hours ago05:28
SixStringerhas it been doing that since you bootd?05:28
happihipponotsonerdysunny:  that's what I do.05:28
neoaddictSixStringer: even before05:28
notsonerdysunnythanks happihippo05:28
nickrudJohnny gconfd is where nautilus reads settings from. I do believe you need to have that running for nautilus to use anything but defaults05:29
notsonerdysunnythanks nickrud05:29
nickrudnotsonerdysunny run level 3 is the same as run level 2 in ubuntu (as far as graphical/console goes)05:29
Johnnyhow do i run it nickrud05:29
SixStringerThat's strange...um...  Do you have the ubuntu install cd?  I would try booting from that and seeing if the live cd give you the same result.05:29
nickrudJohnny try   gconfd &  in a terminal05:30
xynthpoppassword girl again05:30
happihipponotsonerdysunny:  you can also try editing /etc/inittab05:30
Johnnynot there05:30
neoaddict SixStringer: mkay05:30
xynthpopit worked!05:30
guestadmin_nickrud, one more question, sorry, what is this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/32864/05:30
SixStringerxynth...what happened?05:30
xynthpopi added myself05:30
SixStringeroh good..05:30
nickrudJohnny but it's been quite a while since I've tried running just parts of gnome, not the full environment05:30
xynthpopand i logged in successfully05:30
SixStringernow you're a real person :)05:30
xynthpopjust wondering05:30
notsonerdysunnyhappihippo: i don't find a inittab in the ubuntu distro05:30
xynthpopAT LAST05:30
Johnnycan i edit the icons in nautilus somehow?05:30
xynthpopnow i just need to know the magic words to type to get into gui land05:30
SixStringeryour machine boots to a login prompt?05:31
xynthpopcommand line05:31
nickrudguestadmin_ say Yes, and for any others like that you see. That is there so that if you have manually edited any of the system config files you can keep your personalization. Unless you know you edited anything in /etc , just say yes05:31
xynthpopnot gui input05:31
=== UnderpantGnome2 is now known as sisto
happihipponotsonerdysunny:  try "telinit 3"05:31
ManualOverDozer8there is a way to star x from there05:31
murlidharxynthpop: try startx05:32
guestadmin_nickrud, ok will do, thx05:32
Yonderingxynthpop, startx should work, after you log in.05:32
SixStringeryou might have to sudo startx05:32
happihippoto start x type "startx"05:32
xynthpopany way i can set this to go to desktop automatically?05:32
nickrudohhh, don't run X from recovery console unless you know exactly what you are doing05:32
nickrudxynthpop yes, type exit05:32
ManualOverDozer8options session05:32
xynthpopno i mean like05:32
xynthpopto actually start up05:33
tytaphello,  i received an offer from a friend which is he selling it new.  can anybody le me know if Ubuntu can be installed right away - Sony VAIO VGN-NR385E/W Notebook laptop .05:33
xynthpoplike when i run the kernel it goes to the login thingee05:33
nickrudxynthpop it should start automatically when you boot up normally. It's not doing that?05:33
happihippofrom runlevel 3 you can use startx to get to gnome just fine05:33
xynthpopnot a gui login05:33
SixStringerfirst see if x comes up...05:33
xynthpopit goes into this text login prompt05:33
nickrudhappihippo try this:   ls /etc/rc3.d/S30gdm05:33
xynthpopand when i log in it gives me a command line05:33
SixStringerwhat do you get when you type startx?05:34
xynthpopmyname@system~ or something05:34
ManualOverDozer8xynthpop : System/Administration/Login Screen05:34
ManualOverDozer8xynthpop : System/Administration/Login Screen : choose session05:34
nickrudxynthpop type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start05:34
xynthpophaven't tried that yet05:34
ManualOverDozer8yes, nickrud has it05:34
xynthpopgnome desktop manager?05:34
nickrudxynthpop a good choice ;)05:34
xynthpopso i should do that?05:35
xynthpopor startx?05:35
SixStringerrun nickrud's command xynth..05:35
ManualOverDozer8nickrud : may i ask you a question concerning aliases, reguarding modprobe ? is it a compatability issue, to have to make aliases for modules ?05:35
xynthpopthx everyone05:36
SixStringerdid it come up?05:36
SixStringerx...that is.05:36
tytaphelp please... i received an offer from a friend which is he selling it a new sony vaio lapto. Is Ubuntu compatible with new computers?05:37
nickrudManualOverDozer8 you looking at aliases in that dir?05:37
happihippotytap:  I would think so05:37
xynthpopi have to reboot05:37
* nickrud puts off answering, hoping the truth comes back to mind05:37
xynthpopi'm in vista *uck*05:37
Blaqlighttytap: how 'new' is new?05:37
ManualOverDozer8nickrud : in the aliases file yes, i checked it out, i needed to know, cause a friend may need to insert and alias05:37
SixStringerubuntu should run nice on that Sony.  Try google for a hardware compatibility list for Ubuntu and see what pops up.05:37
* De[X]tone be back latter, restarting - try to load synaptics05:37
happihippotytap:  you can always try ubuntu live CD05:37
Blaqlightxynthpop: strike one for you :P05:38
happihippoHey, I run Vista too (on some of my boxes), it's not all that bad05:38
tytapthe computer is brand new...Sony VAIO VGN-NR385E.  opened, but barely used.05:38
nickrudManualOverDozer8 it's been a few years since I did anything really kernel related. I vaguely remember why they use aliases, but not well enough t comment. (in other words, I don't know ;)05:38
ManualOverDozer8nickrud : ok, thank you05:39
BlaqlightSixStringer: it all depends on how new the hardware is... if its bleeding edge new its prolly not going to run perfectly.05:39
=== VulpineWill is now known as CoolFox
xynthpopi do audio stuff so all the "industry standard" stuff requires a win or mac os05:39
ldiainany programmers on, I need to know what resource file to edit to set the environment correctly so that I dont have to push any -l or -L arguments for standard libs and includes05:39
SixStringervista is such a piece of garbage.  XP finally grew up and became somewhat stable and then they put out that piece of garbage.05:39
ManualOverDozer8mac is very common in the media industry05:39
SixStringeryou're prob right blaq..05:39
moreauphantom: tell it to force connect to a network05:40
xynthpopprotools still runs better on it05:40
neoaddictfor an unknown reason, my mouse is acting funny - for example, once i click on a menu in GNOME and i release the button, it vanishes and if i click one of my panel quick launchers, nothing happens.  any ideas?  ok on ubuntu live cd, but not on system05:40
ManualOverDozer8look at all the governments that use linux servers05:40
SixStringerI'd love to get my hands on a copy of protools...05:40
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Blaqlightsony laptops tend to bleeding edge new... but if its new in the box but a year old its going to run better.05:40
happihippotytap:  http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/05:40
happihippoVista is stable for me, then again I run about 15 os'05:41
nickrudBlaqlight I'm perty sure it's documented in the kernel docs05:41
Blaqlightnickrud: I know, just saying don't be shocked is all :D05:42
tytapthanks for all you help:)05:42
imaginatorneoaddict: I see you're still struggling with that mouse issue.  It sounds like it might be something else other than the mouse in this case, considering it works with a live cd.05:43
imaginatorneoaddict: does it behave that way with all mouse buttons?  What happens when you try to right-click the desktop for instance?05:43
ManualOverDozer8speaking of mouse issues ... my scroll wheel goes way too fast, is there any way i can slow it down ? it is way to jumpy05:44
neoaddictfor an unknown reason, my mouse is acting funny - for example, once i click on a menu in GNOME and i release the button, it vanishes and if i click one of my panel quick launchers, nothing happens.  any ideas?  ok on ubuntu live cd, but not on system05:44
ManualOverDozer8neaddict L just going from what i see, there is options to be able to control things like mouse-over, hold-time, single-click-delays , double-click-thresholds, etc05:45
SixStringerneo...can you check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and search for mouse?05:45
ManualOverDozer8i just cant happen to find the one for the wheel05:45
ManualOverDozer8neoaddict let me see if i can find that section again, maybe it will help05:45
neoaddictManualOverDozer8: ok05:46
neoaddictSixStringer: it is there05:46
Baliani instali ubuntu 6.12 and i need hawe Boot disc on flopy disc how do this pleas Help i konow google but i can't fund this05:46
neoaddictManualOverDozer8: the mouse config for GNOME?05:46
FlannelBalian: There is no Ubuntu 6.12.  Which version are you trying to install, and why do you need a floppy boot disk?05:47
xynthpopoh god05:48
xynthpopi'm not in the superdoers file05:48
J-_It appears that ccsm isn't in my menu even after refrshing gnome-panel. Any suggestions?05:48
Flannelxynthpop: you wouldn't be.05:48
xynthpopThis incident will be reported05:48
xynthpopi'm just not super enough05:48
Flannelxynthpop: type 'groups', are you in admin?05:49
xynthpopso my computer thinks i'm trying to hack it05:49
ManualOverDozer8neaaddict : found it > gconf-editor    you may need to install it from SPM there  is all types of options there. the ones for the mouse-click stuff is in there too05:49
xynthpopmaybe the adduser command doesn't create admins?05:49
J-_Going to restart X, see if that does it05:49
Flannelxynthpop: What groups are you in? (whats the output of 'groups')05:49
ManualOverDozer8neoaddict: i think i checked the mouse options, but i will check again. i dont think i seen a wheel control05:49
xynthpopi'll have to restart and enter it05:50
SixStringeri guess xynthpop is dual-bootin'05:51
ManualOverDozer8neoaddict: no option for wheel control in Sys/Pref/Mouse  maybe i can find a linux driver for the mouse that jas it. it must be the generic mouse driver support that is installed. works but wheel too fast. maybe have to deal with it05:51
neoaddictManualOverDozer8: doesn't seem to be a wheel problem; seems that the buttons are messed up05:52
Rat409ManualOverDozer8: try gsynaptics?05:52
Balianbicouse i don't want have boot on hdd05:52
neoaddictManualOverDozer8: b/c for example in the mouse config, when i click on the lightbulb, it starts off as bright, then goes dimmer o_O05:52
Balianflannel bicouse i don't want have boot on hdd05:52
danfuhryehh, anyone know what the situation is with the broken yelp in the main repo?05:53
happihippoManualOverDozer8:  have you tried looking at xorg.conf?05:53
ManualOverDozer8neoaddict : i see. yes, sometimes i see it happen with mine, but very rare. i dont know what does it, but it happens so little i dont think anything of it05:53
Flannel!grub | Balian05:53
ubottuBalian: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:53
FlannelBalian: second link will get you all set up05:53
neoaddictManualOverDozer8: yeah, and single-clicks became double-clicks in nautilus all of a sudden o_O05:54
ManualOverDozer8happihippo : yes it says : Identifier"Configured Mouse05:54
ManualOverDozer8only basic mouse driver i would suppose05:54
Vampsis there more then one boodloader liek grub for ubuntu or linux  in general05:54
Flannel!lilo | Vamps05:54
ManualOverDozer8neoaddict by chance is accessability enabled ?05:54
ubottuVamps: lilo is an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.05:54
danfuhryVamps: grub is grub, it's pretty much the same on all distros.05:54
neoaddictManualOverDozer8: no05:54
ManualOverDozer8happihippo : there is only 3 lines including  : Option"CorePointer"05:55
Vampsthere are alternatives but grub would be the best05:55
selocoli cant view big5 stuff in a telnet session. how do i add support for this locale?05:55
ManualOverDozer8happihippo : nothing really there, but you gave me an idea. maybe there is an "Option" i can isnter that will fix the issue. thanks05:55
happihippoI think it's Option ZAxisMapping, but I'm not sure05:56
xynthpopok as far as the groups command it showed me as the only group when i logged in, and when i useed the root in recovery mmode it showed only root05:56
Baliani know wath is grub but i want do boot (grub) on floppy disc and i do boot CD05:56
ManualOverDozer8happihippo : by the way, its a MS-Comfort3000 Optical . maybe linux is looking at it as a rouge device ;)05:56
SixStringerok xynthpop...you need to open the /etc/group file.05:56
BalianFlannel i know wath is grub but i want do boot (grub) on floppy disc and i do boot CD05:57
Flannelxynthpop: What did you do recently with groups?  tried to add yourself to another group with like usermod?05:57
FlannelSixStringer: no, he doesn't.05:57
xynthpopjust typed groups05:57
xynthpopshe lol05:57
ManualOverDozer8happihippo : wonderfull idea, i will get right to it05:57
Flannelxynthpop: Before that.  Before it broke.05:57
xynthpopoh this is an install05:57
xynthpopit hasn't worked yet05:57
SixStringeryou should see a line in that file admin:x:115 or something like that..05:58
Flannelxynthpop: Er... What?05:58
SixStringeryou running a live cd?05:58
xynthpopsomehow i instlalled without a admin account05:58
vinodhow to install kmess-1.5.1.x86.package05:58
Flannelxynthpop: Whats your username? oem?05:58
xynthpopi installed from the Ubuntu Studios 8.04 live05:58
ManualOverDozer8happihippo : found this first hit on Google > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto05:58
neoaddictwell this is sad - autoscroll doesn't even work anymore o_O05:59
Flannelxynthpop: what group are you in?  (whats your username?)05:59
SixStringerxynthpop - are you trying to dual-boot?05:59
vinodi don't know05:59
xynthpopoh um it only shows one group when i type groups05:59
xynthpopand it's whatever i'm logged in as05:59
Flannelxynthpop: and that group is?05:59
bangers_I have the 2 cron jobs, can someone pelase confirm they'll run correctly at 3am every monday, and for the second one, every hour on the hour?05:59
bangers_0 3 * * 1 /usr/bin/foobar05:59
bangers_0 * * * * /usr/bin/foobar05:59
xynthpoproot or my name05:59
Flannelxynthpop: and that username is?05:59
ManualOverDozer8thing is, i have a button on the side i like to double up as middle-click, this would be great if i can get it working like that05:59
happihippowell there you go!05:59
Flannelxynthpop: batteryp?05:59
Flannelxynthpop: Alright, well,  users and groups are set up last, so it might be that your install didn't finish properly.06:00
xynthpopwhere are you getting this?06:00
xynthpopthat realname thing?06:00
xynthpopi'm logged into windows atm06:00
xynthpopi'm trying to get my hardy to function for the first time06:00
Flannelxynthpop: You should ask in #ubuntustudio, they might know more.  Or try installing with an original Ubuntu, and then cnverting to ubuntu studio06:00
happihippobangers_:  lemme check06:01
xynthpopi've got a copy of the gutsy version06:01
xynthpopshould i try that?06:01
Flannelbangers_: yes.06:01
SixStringerI had ubuntu studio at one point too.06:02
xynthpopdoes it suck ass?06:02
meoblast001i have a question..... i have a friend who wants ubuntu but doesnt want to make a launchpad account.... if i sent it to his address with my account, would it send him my password by any chance? im paranoid about my password06:02
xynthpopi mean06:02
bangers_Thanks !!06:02
SixStringerYou're better off going with the regular install and then adding the studio stuff on afterward.06:02
xynthpopis it worth adding?06:02
SixStringerIt's just a different theme with a bunch of media packages that get installed..06:02
xynthpopor is there something that's better for audio?06:02
xynthpopand a silly desktop theme :P06:03
danfuhrymeoblast001: aside from the six to ten weeks and the whole deal with a strange internationally shipped package arriving, you'll be save sending it to him by mail06:03
SixStringerWell, are you more interested in ubuntu or is the media stuff what you're trying to get at?06:03
Flannelxynthpop: Everything in ubuntu studio is available in the regular repositories.06:03
Flannelxynthpop: So if you want just something specific, you can always just add that particular program06:03
joseHello can someone help me out with installing the new nvidia drivers please?06:03
xynthpopit's just packaged that way right?06:04
greg_can anyone suggest a DVD encoder for making DVD from .avi, .mpeg, .mpg etc?Thanks06:04
happihippobangers_: looks good to me06:04
xynthpopyeah actually i had to drop all the media stuff to get it to install06:04
xynthpopit freaked out on me a few times06:04
xynthpopi think it really hates my laptop :P06:04
SixStringertry the regular ubuntu install first, then you can add the studio stuff afterwards...It's much easier.06:04
joseHello can someone help me out with installing the new nvidia drivers please?06:04
danfuhryjose: have you tried using restricted drivers manager?06:04
josebut I need the latest ones from nvidia06:04
happihippojose:  which nvidia card?06:05
jose8800 GTS06:05
joseI have the drives on the desktop06:05
fooolnew to linux - Is it possible to set just the folders with a file permission recursivly to 755 and files only to 644, without having to do each one at a time?06:05
maxhrkhi all06:05
xynthpopso how do i repair the damage done and just get back to 2 the two main partitions instead of writing to other parts of the disc?06:06
SixStringerchmod 755 folder/ --recursive06:06
maxhrkanyone know there a fire plugin for compiz? Like when i close or open the app/window, the fire effect occurs.06:06
danfuhryfoool: i believe you can use a capital X instead of lowercase to only set it on folders and leave it off on files06:06
HorizonXPhey, Transmission seems to be just closing on its own when i keep torrents open. I'm losing a lot of my download progress, and it's taking longer than necessary because of the crashes. Any ideas on how to fix this?06:06
happihippojose: did you try running it?06:06
josehow can I run it06:06
joselawl >.<06:06
danfuhryjose: open a terminal, type cd ~/Desktop06:06
SixStringeryou want to re-install ubuntu on the same partition where you have it installed now.06:06
danfuhrythen type:06:06
vontuxhi, it is safte to resize a windows xp partition from gparted on live cd of ubuntu 8.04 correct?06:06
joseready opened06:06
joseim ready there06:07
danfuhrysudo sh ./NVIDIA-......-pkg1.run06:07
xynthpopdo i have to re gpart it?06:07
neoaddictso, no more ideas on my mouse dilemma? :-/06:07
Vampsswap mouse reboot lol06:07
SixStringerno you don't have to re-create the partition...It's probably already ext3.06:07
happihippowhat dilemma is that neoaddict?06:07
happihippoI'd do the same as Vamps.  If you have a USB mouse, try using a ps2 mouse06:08
Suspect|LappyHey guys.. I was wondering if anyone could help me get Ubuntu to play nicer with my laptop's video card. I've gone from Ubuntu, to Debian Testing, and back to Ubuntu on my laptop and video used to work better, but now it seems to be really choppy and I can't seem to fix it. I have a Trident Cyberblade Ai1 or something like that... Google hasn't helped much :?06:08
jose '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log'06:08
neoaddictfor an unknown reason, my mouse is acting funny - for example, once i click on a menu in GNOME and i release the button, it vanishes and if i click one of my panel quick launchers, nothing happens.  any ideas?06:08
danfuhryfoool: i've also used a more complex bash operation to do that: chmod -R 755 . && find . -type f | xargs chmod 64406:08
neoaddicthappihippo: above message06:08
joselook what it says    -  >     ERROR: Installation has failed.  Please see the file06:08
jose         '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log' for details.  You may find06:08
jose         suggestions on fixing installation problems in the README available06:08
jose         on the Linux driver download page at www.nvidia.com.06:08
FloodBot2jose: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:08
Vampshave you tried the mouse on anothe rpc neo?06:08
meoblast001are there any differences between 64 and 32 bit ubuntu other than the ram limits?06:09
fooolthanks guys06:09
meoblast001or is there any limitations that a normal user wouldnt like06:09
danfuhrymeoblast001: forget running flash ;-)06:09
guestadmin_nickrud, not sure what this error is, everything just stopped after this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32881/  (I have the regular $ prompt at the bottom) , Not sure if its relevant, but firefox closed on its own, and my cursor is now black instead of white, with a timer thing like the old macs when its busy instead of the pretty firefox like dotten circle going round and round, cursor is also different when hihlighting text06:09
happihippodid you try a different mouse?06:09
neoaddictVamps: well, i tried another mouse from another computer on this one, same problem; appears to be software problem?06:09
meoblast001danfuhry: should i recommend him 32 then?06:09
happihippoprolly xorg06:09
vontuxhi, it is safte to resize a windows xp partition from gparted on live cd of ubuntu 8.04 correct?06:10
SixStringervontux: I've done it safely once or twice...06:10
happihippovontux, I haven't had any problems doing that, but you should back up first06:10
danfuhrymeoblast001: probably good to recommend 32-bit unless he wants to squeeze out every last bit of performance06:10
* danfuhry wonders if gparted uses ntfsresize as a backend06:11
xynthpopvontux, it's a little scary06:11
glitsj16neoaddict: have you checked your /var/log/Xorg.0.log yet for relevant warnings (WW) or errors (EE) ?06:11
Vampsneo : i from time to time do get the same problem.. not all the time mind you but once in a while.06:11
neoaddicthappihippo: http://pastebin.com/m56ce516a06:11
xynthpopthe dell support guy yelled at me for not using the windows one06:11
SixStringereh...who needs windows anyway?06:11
joseI need help installing my Video card please06:11
joseIm getting an error06:11
vontuxhappihippo , SixStringer: how risky is it?06:11
danfuhryjose: paste the error in http://rafb.net/paste/06:11
Suspect|LappySixStringer, at least Windows has proper drivers for things Lol06:11
SixStringerwell...it's better than it used to be.06:12
DysfunXionaLBack with some SSH probs lol06:12
neoaddictglitsj16: (EE) Error compiling keymap (server-0) | (EE) XKB: Couldn't compile keymap06:12
happihippoI'm not sure how risky it is.  Like I said, I've done it, but if your data is important, it would be prudent to backup first.06:12
Suspect|LappyI would love to get it so navigating web pages on my laptop wasn't so painful06:12
xynthpopSixStringereh...who needs windows anyway?---->me, as long as my linux won't werk06:12
Suspect|LappyStupid Trident videocard, lol06:12
SixStringeryeah well MS worked with a lot of hw vendors on that stuff.  If they didn't windows drivers would be crap too.06:12
Suspect|LappyI understand that06:12
SixStringeryou don't need windows...get a mac...especially for the media stuff.06:13
DysfunXionaLI'm on xUbuntu, she's on Ubuntu, both Hardy. She's server, both read "Howto SSH Gnome"06:13
glitsj16neoaddict: can't tell straight off if that's related, but error is error so somethings up with your xorg.conf hmm06:13
Suspect|LappyI can't seem to find any help for getting my trident videocard to owrk nicer06:13
Suspect|LappySeems to be that no one cares about it06:13
josedanfuhry http://rafb.net/p/PBUX7V41.html06:13
bcroubcosehey guys can any one tell me wht this is all about "There is not enough room on the disk to save /tmp/blYMbVib.deb.part.06:13
bcroubcoseRemove unnecessary files from the disk and try again, or try saving in a different location"06:13
neoaddictglitsj16: xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/m56ce516a06:13
supratimhi all! can you guys tell me how to backup installed softwares so that when I reformat i don't have to download them from the web?06:13
=== belenda1 is now known as belendax
glitsj16neoaddict: thx, checking06:13
xynthpopGET A MAC06:13
xynthpopPAY WITH SNAKES06:13
BenHi, all06:14
Blaqlightxynthpop: Ill pass.06:14
Blaqlightpoor snakes.06:14
Blaqlight!hi | Ben06:14
ubottuBen: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:14
SixStringermac's aren't cheap, but at least for media folks, it's a great environment to work in.06:14
DysfunXionaLTried logging in thru terminal, doesn't ask for pass or do anything, also tried 'sftp user@box' no luck06:14
happihipponeoaddict:  you can try this link06:14
guestadmin_Or, anyone else out there, I'm not sure what this error is, (Just did "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to Gutsy) everything just stopped after this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32881/  (I have the regular $ prompt at the bottom) , Not sure if its relevant, but firefox closed on its own, and my cursor is now black instead of white, with a timer thing like the old macs when its busy instead of the pretty firefox like dotten circle going round06:15
guestadmin_and round, cursor is also different when highlighting text. Is Gutsy fully installed?06:15
xynthpopyeah if you're going to build a big DAW06:15
rebel_kidodd, stupid question... im very new to programming, i know javascript fairly well but im looking to learn basic computer programming, what is the simplest language i can start off with, i need it to do basic computations and basic user graphical interface, with the ability to be compiled into a linux or windows program06:15
MiescoHow do I install a source but make it a deb package first06:15
Flannelrebel_kid: Check out python.  diveintopython.org and theres a tutorial on python.org too06:15
SixStringerare you going to re-install on your machine xynth?06:15
glitsj16neoaddict: what does that "compose:menu" option in your Generic Keyboard section do exactly ? do you know ?06:15
BenThank you, I have bought a new computer and i install fedora8 in it.06:16
xynthpopi guess06:16
rebel_kidFlannel: i thought python was a web based language06:16
glitsj16neoaddict: line 23 that is06:16
neoaddictglitsj16: third-level chooser for accented characters, eg é06:16
Flannelrebel_kid: Nope06:16
SixStringerit's the best way to go.06:16
xynthpopis there a more idiot--proof version?06:16
danfuhryrebel_kid: only if you work for google ;-)06:16
neoaddictglitsj16: however, i have a regular 2 button + middle button mouse :-/06:16
Flannelrebel_kid: about a third of the stuff in Ubuntu is held together with python06:16
glitsj16neoaddict: okay thx06:16
rebel_kidFlannel: awesome, ill take a look and see if it will work06:16
Blaqlightpython is a high-lvl programming language. php is for the web :P06:16
SixStringerThe install isn't that bad.  You just need to pay a little bit of attention to the screens.06:16
xynthpoplike cuz i so do not understand what's going on in those partitioning guides06:17
Suspect|LappyHeh... so I guess no one knows how to get Ubuntu to work better on a trident video card?06:17
SixStringeryou have an NTFS partition?06:17
rebel_kidmy main concern is how simple is it, i just learned javascript, need to take baby steps :)06:17
SixStringerJust leave that one alone and you should be OK.06:17
xynthpopit's what i'm on atm06:17
Flannelrebel_kid: Lets move this conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic06:17
Johnnyhow do you list just dirctories06:18
SixStringertypically for a quick ubuntu install, you create a partition and a swap area.06:18
supratimis it possible to backup installed softwares?06:18
nickrudguestadmin_ run sudo dpkg --configure -a , and put the output on paste.ubuntu.vcom06:18
SixStringeryou can basically just let the installer do all the work.06:18
glitsj16neoaddict: going to add something to that paste you can try (if you haven't already) .. back with the URL in a minute06:18
neoaddictglitsj16: ok06:18
SixStringerThe second time through it will be a little less scary too.06:18
xynthpopi tried06:19
xynthpopnow i've got like 6 partitions06:19
xynthpopfrom all the reinstalls06:19
SixStringeroh no...06:19
arecibook so06:19
xynthpopi mean06:19
xynthpopi could try the manual thing06:20
SixStringeryeah you're creating new partitions...You can wipe them out and start again.06:20
xynthpopbut the guide is confusing enough06:20
arecibohow do i reset my root password?06:20
xynthpophow do i tell it to do that?06:20
Flannelarecibo: You don't want to.06:20
Blaqlightxynthpop: lol 6 is ok still, one for /var one for /tmp one for /home one for swap...06:20
SixStringerare you still in the partitioning tool?06:20
areciboyeah i do, i locked myself out of my server06:20
arecibowell, another user changed the root password06:20
bullgard412 sticky notes have vanished. I can see only one, which I have created later. What file could store yet the sticky notes which are no longer displayed on my screen?06:20
xynthpopno, i'm in vista06:20
Flannelxynthpop: You just need two, one for / and one for swap.  Many times its better to have a separate (third) for /home.  You dfinately don't need six.06:20
Flannelarecibo: Lock the root account, and reset your user password, both through the recovery console.06:21
xynthpopyeah that's what it created at first06:21
xynthpopbut it left parts of the older partitions06:21
arecibodo i just passwd from recovery?06:21
Flannelarecibo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword06:21
josedanfuhry http://rafb.net/p/Hs7HH386.html06:21
xynthpopwhen i reinstalled06:21
josethats the rror06:21
Flannelarecibo: and be sure to lock the root account too.  (passwd -l root)06:21
SixStringeroh ok...When you boot up and get to the partition area.  All of the partitions you created that are either ext3 or swap you can delete.  Then just let the installer use up the available space on the drive.06:21
vontux8.04 can resize ntfs partitions safely correct?06:22
danfuhryjose: get another computer and log into IRC from there if possible06:22
areciboyou guys are more help than the slicehost support teamn06:22
neoaddictglitsj16: will be back06:22
glitsj16neoaddict: http://pastebin.com/m4b254b2706:22
SixStringerjust leave the NTFS partition alone...06:22
xynthpopwait so i can delete the extra partions in grub?06:22
glitsj16neoaddict: ok no rush06:22
Blaqlight... Im so used to the old freebsd recomendations...06:22
bsusahello all06:22
SixStringeryou want to delete the partitions on the install.06:22
guestadmin_nickrud, ok, its still processing, will post output as soon as it stops06:23
bsusai was just wondering does anyone have any experience in installing Ubuntu on PSP?06:23
SixStringerthat's kind of way before the grub bootloader is installed.06:23
vontuxSixStringer: nah, backing up a windows partition but I need to resize it so it will fit on a slightly smaller drive06:23
xynthpopi cant figure out how to tell it to do that06:23
nickrudguestadmin_ ok, I'll be in earshot for a while yet06:23
xynthpopwhen i go through the install process06:23
vontuxI guess I'm asking, ubuntu 8.04 can interact with ntfs safely from the live-cd?06:23
xynthpoplike i can't use the whole drive, ya dig, cuz it's got this partition on the other side06:23
vontuxor at all I mean06:23
Bogus8I'm confused here.. I'm running rsync -anI on a dir is a 441g partition mounted using 400g of space (4% free)... the results of that rsync says "total size is 527805686600"  wtf? :/06:23
xynthpopbut if i do "free space" it ends up leaving these tiny partitions06:24
SixStringerIt will tell you.  You should see an option to use existing space on the drive after you have deleted the other partitions.06:24
xynthpopand each time i reinstall the partition number is higher06:24
SixStringerThat's because you're not deleting the old partitions.06:24
xynthpopwouldn't it also delete my windows partition though?06:24
xynthpopin b4 don't need windows06:25
jmk2how do i add a user to multiple groups?06:25
SixStringerno it won't.  Just click on the partition you want to delete and click...that's it.06:25
xynthpopyou can't click in the install06:25
neoaddictglitsj16: genius!06:25
xynthpopno mouse06:25
glitsj16neoaddict: better now ?06:25
BenHello, who knows emesene which is a msn client?06:26
SixStringerThe cd you have is a live cd for ubuntu?06:26
neoaddictglitsj16: MUCH better06:26
Blaqlightxynthpop: make sure you want to get rid of them though.06:26
neoaddictBen: what do you mean?06:26
xynthpopi didn't get an option to delete06:26
jmk2or via command-line?06:26
BenI have installed the eMeSeNe.06:26
neoaddictglitsj16: so yeah, thanks XD06:26
neoaddictBen: yeah, it's pretty awesome06:26
rubanjHello all I am faced with a problem when trying to uninstall ubuntu on my wifes PC06:27
jmk2usermod group1 group2 username ?06:27
BenBut there are no friends in the list.06:27
glitsj16neoaddict: nice, the error from the keymap thing still there ? no problem, glad it's fixed06:27
SixStringerok xynth..Do you know if the cd you have is a live cd or just an install disc?06:27
neoaddictBen: did you login with your usual MSN account?06:27
Blaqlightrubanj: its easy, delete the partitions.06:27
xynthpoplive i think06:27
BenYes, I can login in Amsn.06:27
Flanneljmk2: no.  usermod -G group1,group2,group3 -a username06:27
rubanjfrom where can I delete the partitions ?06:27
xynthpopbut i never saw an option to boot from disc06:27
josedanfuhry can you tell me what to do so I can write it down please?06:27
neoaddictglitsj16: yeah, but it's ok06:27
Blaqlightrubanj: make sure you set windows to boot or you'll have an unbootable system.06:27
danfuhryjose: press control-alt-f106:28
neoaddictBen: no, have you tried logging in with your regular MSN on account on emesene?06:28
rubanjits at the moment single boot only with linux06:28
SixStringerok...when you boot up your computer do you need to hit F12 for the boot menu to choose the CD or DVD drive?06:28
glitsj16neoaddict: avoid the funny letters heh06:28
danfuhryjose: log in with your normal username and password06:28
fooolhi again re permissions - I am in dir /shop/ I want to change all dirs under - is this okay or? -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;06:28
rubanji want to clean install windows06:28
Flannelrubanj: just install windows like normal06:28
danfuhryjose: cd ~/Desktop06:28
Benwhen I login emesene,I can't find my name and no friends in it.06:28
danfuhryjose: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:28
xynthpopthat takes me in to the install06:28
Benit's blank!06:28
neoaddictglitsj16: i was trying out KDE today, so i'll shove the blame to those evil KDE people XD06:28
Blaqlightrubanj: just install the new os over the top of it, no problem06:28
xynthpopit will install from disc it just won't boot from disc06:28
Flannelrubanj: "removing" OSes is simply overwriting them.  There's no real removal steps required.06:28
SixStringerright...There's an icon on the desktop for the install to run.06:28
danfuhryjose: sudo sh ./NVIDIA-<version>.run06:28
neoaddictBen: any errors on login?06:29
neoaddictBen: wait06:29
danfuhryjose: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start06:29
SixStringeryou probably have a problem with that cd..06:29
neoaddictBen: i see.06:29
neoaddictBen: most of the people on my list are offline too o_O06:29
timothywcrane" using mpegtolls- Can't find ppmtoy4m, please install it or check -M parameter" I cannot find ppmtoy4m anywhere, in any repository. Plz help06:29
powertool08danfuhry: you can also do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart06:29
BenNo, I can login in it, but nothing when I enter.06:29
rubanjI would have thought so .... but when I try to install windows from the CD windows installation tells me that there is no HDD present06:29
glitsj16neoaddict: heh, a lot of people trying out the new KDE 4.1 indeed ;)06:29
SixStringeryou will probably need to burn another disc and make sure that it's a bootable image.06:29
neoaddictBen: MSN outage, possibly?06:29
neoaddictBen: nvm XD06:29
jmk2Flannel: thx06:29
danfuhrypowertool08: not if nvidia requires that X server be stopped while driver is installing ;-)06:29
SixStringeryou might have burned it just as a data disc.06:30
Blaqlight.. unless its windows which perfers to overwrite the entire drive with 1's and 0's *yawn*06:30
nickrud!find ppmtoy4m06:30
ubottuFile ppmtoy4m found in mjpegtools06:30
neoaddictBen: how long have you logged in and not seen anybody on your buddy list?06:30
BenOK, I'll try again this evening.06:30
neoaddictBen: does it work with the Windows Live client?06:30
Flannelrubanj: You've probably got a SATA harddrive.  Windows XP doesn't know how to deal with SATAs (because its so old), you'll need to get a driver floppy and insert it when it asks you to during the boot.06:30
xynthpopwhen i checked the disc integrity it was ok06:30
powertool08danfuhry: ah, I didn't see why it was being stopped06:30
xynthpopi checked it06:30
BenThank you, Neoaddict.06:30
SixStringerintegrity doesn't mean it's a boot disc though.06:30
xynthpopthe disc had folders and such06:30
BenI'm from China. Where are you from?06:30
nickrudtimothywcrane it's in mjpegtools, try   which ppmtoy4m06:30
xynthpopnot just an iso06:30
neoaddictBen: Canada?06:31
rubanjoh ok06:31
SixStringerright..I understand..It still might not be a boot disc..06:31
rubanjthanks guys06:31
Kahn|WrkHi all06:31
xynthpopthat would suck06:31
xynthpopthe one i burned before was corrupt06:31
timothywcranebeen there done that. I have mjpegtools installed, verified, apt update- upgrade- reinstall still not found in locate or in usr/bin where it should be06:31
BenI'm Chinese.06:31
SixStringerwhat program do you use to create CD's?06:31
xynthpopInfraRecorder for win06:31
SixStringerI've never tried that one..06:32
timothywcranekdeden is supposed to be good06:32
neoaddictBen: ok06:32
timothywcranekdedenlive sorry06:32
nickrudtimothywcrane it's on my machine.   sudo apt-get install --reinstall mjpegtools would definitely reinstall the file in /usr/bin06:32
neoaddictBen: enjoy your afternoon, but unfortunately, it's getting late here XD06:33
nickrudSixStringer ifrarecorder, imgburn in windows, gnomebaker and k3b for ubuntu are my usual tools06:34
SixStringerIf you right-click on the iso file, does it give you an option to open it in a cd burning program?06:34
timothywcranedoing it now. Did it in synaptic earlier, but CLI is usually better06:34
nickrudSixStringer you can directly burn it from the right click menu in gnome (ubuntu)06:34
BenCanada? it must be 18:00 there?06:34
SixStringeryeah..this is vista though for xynth..06:34
nickrudSixStringer imgburn06:35
SixStringershe's probably burnt a cd that's not bootable.06:35
cisco80211anyone else having midnight ISP failures?06:35
nickrudimgburn has never failed me burning an iso. And it verifies ;)06:35
xynthpopit doesn't give me the option to burn06:35
xynthpopbut it does give me open with InfraRecorder06:36
bsusai was just wondering does anyone have any experience in installing Ubuntu on PSP?06:36
SixStringerok...nickrud put it out there...imgburn06:36
nickrudguestadmin_ still working?06:36
guestadmin_nickrud, yep06:36
Blaqlightimgburn hmmm I wish I would have known that before I spent all that money on nero... for burning iso's06:36
BenHow can I have a private conversation here? what is the order?06:36
nickrudBen   /msg <nick>06:37
SixStringernickrud..is that something you run in dos or is it an executable with an install?06:37
timothywcranenickrud - did as you sid, still not located06:37
timothywcranedriving me nuts06:37
timothywcraneI am on heron if it matters06:37
nickrudSixStringer Don't remember exactly, and it's on my work machine, not here.06:37
Ben<nickrud> No such nick/channel06:37
SixStringerhang on xynth..06:38
guestadmin_nickrud, I also noticed that my cursor is back to normal in everything  except its still weird in Firefox so far, wireless Internet disconnected for a split second and reconnected itself06:38
nickrudtimothywcrane that is very odd. Try purging it, deleting it from the cache, and then reinstalling06:38
BlaqlightBen: its a good idea to ask first before /msg ing people :D06:38
joseit gave me another error06:38
nickrudBlaqlight ben was smart, pm'd the guy that told him how to ;)06:38
Blaqlightlol nice.06:39
nickrudguestadmin_ when you're upgrading from one release to another, you'll probably have strangeness until the install is complete and you've rebooted into the new kernel06:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about menu06:39
joseit says that I need the libc06:40
Blaqlightsorry Ben I miss whats going on in here,06:40
joseto compile the kernel something like that06:40
joseand it gave me the same error06:40
chipbuddyso you know those three menus that are (by default) at the upper left corner of the screen. Applications, Places and System. Is there anyway i can rename those menus, and give them different icons? or am i stuck with those names?06:40
danfuhryjose: you probably need kernel development files06:40
nickrudchipbuddy stuck with those names06:41
josehow can I get those?06:41
danfuhryapt-get install build-essential linux-headers06:41
BlaqlightBen: my comment above was a hint to ask first :P06:41
danfuhryjose: actually, the proper way to do it would be linux-headers-$(uname -r)06:41
nandoHello yawl.. one think you can help me get my CD drives to mount?06:42
BenThank you. I'll read some guide for IRC.06:42
joseE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)06:43
joseE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?06:43
BlaqlightI have a question about fluxbox actually. I want to change my cursor, it gives me an option to set it but I don't know how to use all of the cursors of a given theme (it only gives me the option to use a group versus 1)06:43
Blaqlightjose: close all other package managers e.g. synaptic ...06:43
danfuhryjose: you forgot the "sudo" part >_>06:44
guestadmin_nickrud, ok, it stopped, here's the paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32892/06:44
joseE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)06:44
joseE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?06:44
timothywcranewell purged mjpegtools, lost kmediafactory in the process, and all libraries assoc. hope I don't wind up in dependency hell for this....lol06:44
revilodrawwhen i press the power button i am presented with the options 'shutdown' 'restart' 'hibernate' etc. how do i make it so that when i click on 'hibernate' it runs 'sudo hibernate-ram'??06:45
joseit says now06:45
joseYou should explicitly select one to install.06:45
joseE: Package linux-headers has no installation candidate06:45
josemy bad i forgot again the -$(uname -r)06:46
nickrudguestadmin_ run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade again, and post the errors from that. They should be short enough that I can see all of them :)06:46
Blaqlightjose: type 'sudo  apt-get install build-essential linux-headers06:46
josethey are installed06:46
nickrudsudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)06:46
Blaqlightgeez, middle button paste causes an 'enter' after the paste so its never complete.06:46
josebrb let me go check if I can install the drivers now :)06:46
guestadmin_nickrud, ok, will do, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:47
timothywcraneCan't find ppmtoy4m, please install it or check -M parameter - still - just want to string some jpegs into a vid.06:47
revilodrawnot sure if im still here?06:48
timothywcraneyou still are06:48
revilodrawlol thanks06:48
nickrudtimothywcrane you're supposed to say, "no, you left"06:48
timothywcranehey nick, coulc you tell me the repository you used for mjpegtools06:49
timothywcranenothing I do helps06:49
nickrudtimothywcrane my apt-cache policy mjegtools says  hardy/multiverse06:49
guestadmin_nickrud, here is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32894/06:49
timothywcranethanks standard - same as mine. what gives.06:50
nickrudguestadmin_ now try   sudo apt-get -f install06:50
guestadmin_nickrud, ok will do, sudo apt-get -f install06:51
sn9now, sudo apt-get moo06:51
nickrudsn9 that hoary old joke?06:52
sn9why not?06:52
revilodrawwhen i press the power button i am presented with the options 'shutdown' 'restart' 'hibernate' etc. how do i make it so that when i click on 'hibernate' it runs 'sudo hibernate-ram'??06:53
jose__installation was completed but I have a problem now06:53
jose__I restarted and it showed me low resolution and the card was not being detected06:54
sn9revilodraw: you want "suspend" not "hibernate"06:54
nickrudsn9 aptitude moo && aptitude moo -v && aptitude moo -vv && aptitude moo -vvv && aptitude moo -vvvv && aptitude moo -vvvvv && aptitude moo -vvvvvv06:54
sn9nickrud: i prefer apt-get, thank you very much06:54
revilodrawsn9 - hmm i dont really mind, i just want one of those buttons to run the program 'sudo hibernate-ram'06:55
sn9is that a script you wrote yourself?06:55
nickrudsn9 some day I'll be a vegetarian, and apt-get moo is the first bit of beef I'm giving up06:55
godmode117hi, i need help, when i go to share a file it gives me an error06:55
jose__danfuhry =/06:55
jose__im on 800x600 T_T06:56
* Blaqlight quickly types all of that in... uhm is that a joke?06:56
revilodrawsn9- no i got it from the repositories, and it works beautifully06:56
jshriverwhy is vi broke in Ubuntu? when I'm in insert mode it doesnt let me use arrow keys06:56
Flanneljshriver: install "vim"06:56
nickrudguestadmin_ is it downloading gnunet and openoffice stuff?06:56
sn9jshriver: sudo apt-get vim-gnome06:56
BlaqlightI can't get vim to work past the introduction screen.06:57
sn9jshriver: sudo apt-get install vim-gnome06:57
FlannelBlaqlight: do you have the full version?06:57
nickrudBlaqlight use vimtutor to get started06:57
BlaqlightFlannel: probably not, how do I tell?06:57
godmode117does anyone have any advice for me?06:57
jshrivera gui version?06:57
jshriverlooking for plain CLI as most of my servers are headless and no X06:57
Flanneljshriver: vim-tiny (which isn't very vim-like) is installed by default, you'll need to install "vim" to get the full package (not vim-full, that installs full vim, plus gnome)06:57
nickrudgodmode117 someday I'll learn to share files too ;)06:57
jshriverthanks checking06:58
FlannelBlaqlight: You'll need to install "vim" if you haven't.  The default version is fairly... useless for most people.06:58
danfuhryjose__: i gotta hit the sack. just try making sure your kernel headers are installed, then stop gdm and open that nvidia file with sh like i said before. sorry to leave ya hanging, but it's like 2AM here.06:58
guestadmin_nickrud, yep, just stopped right now, heres the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32895/ Also noticed darker background, and the top right corner has the restart required message and also a light bulb for information about updates?.?.?.06:58
chalcedonyjshriver: visit #vim06:58
* De[X]tone back06:58
Blaqlighthmm prolly not considering its saying that vim-runtime is missing06:58
jshriverthat was it :) thanks, didnt realise there was different versions of vim lol06:58
* chalcedony smiles06:58
jose__its ok06:58
jose__thanks for the help06:58
nickrudguestadmin_ all good. run the dist-upgrade one more time for luck, and reboot.06:58
guestadmin_nickrud, ok here goes, fingers crossed, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:00
godmode117im not having a big problem i just need to know how to "sudo sharefile filename" or something like that07:00
BlaqlightFlannel: I have, it runs, but it is uhm.. quite useless. to me, Id love to use it because it comes highly recommended.07:00
sn9godmode117: sharing with windows?07:00
FlannelBlaqlight: ah, you don't know how to use vim? alright, run "vimtutor" and it'll get you up to speed.07:00
timothywcranethere isnt even a mention of ppmtoy4m in synaptic search on Hardy. This is nuts.07:00
Blaqlightgotta wait for an hour... 56k connection :(07:01
revilodrawdoes anyone know how to change the commands of the 'hibernate' button?07:01
nickrudtimothywcrane I think synaptic only searches package titles by default, you have to tell it to search descriptions07:01
Flanneltimothywcrane: its in the package "mjpegtools"07:01
Flanneltimothywcrane: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=ppmtoy4m&mode=exactfilename&suite=hardy&arch=any07:01
timothywcranei have added a few friends repos and did another upgrade, byt mgpegtools was not in the list.07:01
=== [ID]-7986 is now known as GeorgeZL
itai-michaelsongodmode117, you mean the media center?07:01
timothywcranejust a mispelling on the chat sorry07:01
Flanneltimothywcrane: mjpegtools is in hardy, un multiverse.07:01
sn9revilodraw: i believe it's part of the hal-info pkg07:02
Flanneltimothywcrane: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/mjpegtools07:02
timothywcraneI have it installed07:02
nickrudFlannel you should check your scrollback, timothywcrane has a seemingly weird situation with that executable07:02
timothywcranebut I still get the error to install ppmtoy4m07:02
Flanneltimothywcrane: sudo apt-get remove --purge mjpegtools07:03
moreausorry if this is the wrong channel, but all the smart people are here..  Q: what are the meanings of 'private' and 'public' ports, when forwarding ports in my router07:03
=== _Paracha is now known as Paracha
Flanneltimothywcrane: oh, you've been here already.07:03
godmode117yes ,<itai-michaelson>07:03
revilodrawsn9; is that a file i can edit?07:03
timothywcranehey at least my friends repos are giving me some Alien Arena mods I didn't have. lol07:03
Flanneltimothywcrane: Well, it's definately in there.  Are you sure you purged it?07:04
sn9moreau: private == local, public == remote07:04
itai-michaelsongodmode117, are you following this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=458675 ?07:04
svhhow do i get alien on a shell07:04
Flanneltimothywcrane: Try purging, then cleaning your cache (sudo apt-get clean) then reinstall (to force the download again)07:04
timothywcraneyou can get it, but not play it.07:04
hexpuemi have a laptop with a broadcom wireless nic built in. the problem is the nic boots in an "off" state and i need to manually turn it on and redo the iwconfig. for some reason it used to boot in "ON" mode. any ideas?07:04
godmode117no, i have xbmc installed on my xbox07:04
sn9revilodraw: you can list the files in a pkg with dpkg -L pkgname07:04
ranjeetafacing problem in the following rewrite rule, RewriteRule ^/example.php?msg=(.*)&number=(.*)&key=(.*)$07:04
godmode117and im trying to share files with that07:05
timothywcraneI did07:05
ManualOverDozer8hexpuem you do ifup and ifdown to no avail ?07:05
sn9hexpuem: some laptops have an "rfkill" switch managed through acpi07:05
moreauso settin the priv port as '5002' and the public as '845' means they can only connect to me if their outoing signal comes from port 845 and lands at my 5002 port?07:05
godmode117but when i go to "properties>share>share this folder" i get an error07:05
hexpuemod: the interface is up even though its off for whatever reason07:06
godmode117it says i dont have permission07:06
itai-michaelsonyou want to share files between xbox and ubuntu?07:06
timothywcraneI will remove clean update upgrade install then check again. Current upgrade willtake a minute, thanks for the convo07:06
godmode117yes, ive done it before on windoze07:06
ranjeetafacing problem in the following rewrite rule, RewriteRule ^/example.php?msg=(.*)&number=(.*)&key=(.*)$   /index.php?module=photos&action=$1&id=$2&do=$3 [L,NC]07:06
ranjeetait works but as soon it gets question mark it breaks.07:06
ranjeetacan anyone tell me wats wrong in this rule07:06
ManualOverDozer8hexpuem  rf is the radio on/off07:06
sn9moreau: they connect to what they think is your port 845, but is really 500207:06
ManualOverDozer8hexpuem  o ppwersaving feature on laptops shuts it off07:06
Flannelranjeeta: try #apache07:06
svhhow do i get alien on a shell so i can convert rpm into deb files07:07
itai-michaelsonwhich folder you want to share? is it in your home directory?07:07
hexpuemactually i think the problem started when i disabled the power saving stuff for my video card07:07
godmode117no its on another hardrive07:07
glitsj16ranjeeta: have you tried quoting the question mark ? like \?07:07
sn9svh: alien is usually trouble; avoid it if possible07:07
hexpuemfglrx would lock up in logout because of its power saving daemon07:07
hexpuemso i killed it07:07
moreauah, the public #is just a mask that displays the port as 845, but is really 500207:07
revilodrawsn9; i think i have found the file. /usr/lib/hal/scripts/hal-system-power-hibernate07:08
sn9revilodraw: ok07:08
itai-michaelsongodmode117, right click on it and look under properties>permisions07:08
godmode117owner: root07:08
timothywcraneI am so sorry, I stated about the game, and you the repackaging tool. I agree, stay away, you WILL have more problems with RPM to deb conversion than it is worth, compile instead07:09
ManualOverDozer8hexpuem  try this in root terminal > iwconfig txpower on07:09
revilodrawsn9: well i dont know how much you know on the subject, but can i simply change the content of that file to 'sudo hibernate-ram'??07:09
itai-michaelsongodmode117, on which partition is this file?07:09
godmode117an ntfs harddrive07:09
hexpuemod: the nic is on now (after pushing the physical button that turns it on) the problem is it boots in an off state and the auto network config fails07:09
sn9revilodraw: read the file, and you will see what you can change07:09
hexpuemwould adding the iwconfig txpower on to a pre-up script fix it?07:10
ManualOverDozer8hexpuem  you can configure it to be on07:10
hexpuemok thanks07:10
ManualOverDozer8hexpuem  but you still may have issues is acpi is still trying to control it07:11
itai-michaelsongodmode117, you need to set the permission for that drive again, maybe they are set to read-only or something , you need to have them mounted as belonging to your user07:11
godmode117thanks for the info07:12
godmode117do i need to unmount it then mount again?07:12
revilodrawsn9; here goes :-$07:12
itai-michaelsongodmode117, i cant remeber how to do that now cause i never worked with NTFS but i bet you can google some guide or ask here07:12
moreauIf i was to install ubuntu on a 10gb partition, what file system(s) can i format the rest of the space to, so that I can put large programs/games,music,and movies onto it, and run them thru ubuntu07:12
revilodrawsn9; we are linux gods07:12
sn9moreau: up to you07:13
itai-michaelsonmoreau, yes07:13
ManualOverDozer8hexpuem iwconfig INTERFACE txpower on  substitue INTERFACE with yours (eth0,wlan0,ath0)07:13
moreaui can just just bout any filessystem>07:13
Bogus8I'm confused here.. I'm running rsync -anI on a dir that is a 441g partition mounted using 400g of space (4% free)... the results of that rsync says "total size is 527805686600"  wtf? :/07:13
sn9moreau: well, you probably won't want fat3207:13
moreauhaha, never07:13
moreauas thinking ntfs07:13
sn9you could07:13
itai-michaelsonmoreau, why not ext3?07:14
hexpuemod: which script do i put it in to run before the network config at boot?07:14
untraceablei found wat i need on a site but i cant understand it can anyone help07:14
itai-michaelsonuntraceable, maybe, what do u need to do?07:15
itai-michaelsonwhats the link?07:15
sn9untraceable: what language is it in? computerese?07:15
moreauwell i want the large partition for holding mostofmy content/downloads, and have 2 operating systems (XP and ubuntu, on seperate patitions) to be able to access everything on the large 'movies/games/music' parition07:15
ManualOverDozer8hexuem i believe you can in /etc/network/interfaces07:15
untraceablewell im trying to get my sprint broadband to work in ubuntu and i found an instruction article on it but i cant understand wat i need to do07:15
hexpuemok cool07:16
ManualOverDozer8hexpuem > sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces07:16
sn9moreau: there is a windows driver for ext2/3, so use ext307:16
timothywcraneitai funny you mentioned language. Your avatar itai mean pain or hurt in japanese07:16
moreauahh nice, ok i will try that07:16
ManualOverDozer8hexpuem let me check if there is alternative07:16
WIGGMPkI have a few problems and am in need of help. I am running Hardy Heron Server amd64 and have a VIA PCI Sata Controller Card installed in the machine.. The primary device on the sata controller is a 500GB HD (used to be an external HD but i ripped the shell off). The second device on the stat controller is a Samsung DVD Drive.. (aka Kreon Drive). The HD Drive is readable/writable and works fine. The DVD Drive does not seem to b07:16
moreauanyone know a program similar to Nlite for window,but for linux07:16
sn9untraceable: you mean the wimax-like thing?07:16
itai-michaelsontimothywcrane, you refering to me?07:17
sn9moreau: on linux, nlite is superfluous07:17
untraceableits a usb broadband modem but i cant understand wat the instructions are on the site to do it07:17
Ithilinhey could someone help me with xfce? I want to change xfrun4 (Alt + F2 ) to gmrun (Alt + F2) which is faster in my opinion07:17
itai-michaelsonuntraceable, whats the link?07:17
sn9untraceable: oh, a cellular modem?07:17
itai-michaelsonthe link to the site07:18
moreauoo thansk sn907:18
moreauand for your help earlier07:18
timothywcraneyes refering to you07:18
itai-michaelsontimothywcrane, my wife is japanese!07:18
itai-michaelsonbut its a from the bible(the name)07:19
sn9untraceable: unfortunately, there is no easy way to do that, atm07:19
timothywcranei-ta-ee ask her about it.07:20
itai-michaelsontimothywcrane, i know....07:20
acrouseyHi all!  I am planning on turning an old computer (Compaq Presario 2157SR, was running windowsME) into a server using Ubuntu server. However, I found out that larger HDD's may not work as internal hard drives. How well would an external hard drive work with the "server"?07:20
revilodrawwhen my laptop wakes up from hibernate, my wireless connection is lost until i go into 'network' and click on wireless, then click on it again, sort of 'touching' the wlan0 interface, is there anyway to make my hibernate wake-up script 'touch' the wlan0 interface automatically??07:20
itai-michaelsontimothywcrane, i use a different intonation so its okay....07:20
untraceablei just need some one to kinda translate into lamens terms for me07:20
sn9untraceable: you can pretend it's dial-up, and use #777 as the number to dial07:21
pist0l-fishhi all. I just installed ubuntu on a toshiba laptop and am now trying to install proprietary drivers for my ATI Radeon 9000 graphics card. I get the error: "X Server: unable to connect"07:21
pist0l-fishhas anyone encountered this?07:21
untraceablewhich modem will i use for that from the ubuntu list07:21
sn9acrousey: larger hard disks are only a problem under windows; linux will see the whole thing anyway07:21
discombobulatedhey guy, i accidnetally a whole pc, is this bad?07:22
glitsj16Ithilin: open Xfce settings manager > Keyboard > shortcuts and change the command for Alt+F2 there07:22
timothywcranehave to go compiling needs the cpus07:22
acrouseysn9: really? I heard that it may not function because it may not be compatible with the motherboard07:22
discombobulatedanyone can help?07:22
LSD|Ninjaacrousey: Linux can bypass the BIOS and get around that07:22
Flanneldiscombobulated: You accidentally what?07:23
sn9pist0l-fish: 9000 does not need the proprietary drivers07:23
pist0l-fishsn9: what should I do?07:23
discombobulatedyes, was camming and accidentally a whooole pc. is fix?07:23
sn9pist0l-fish: and "cannot connect" is because you used "su" or "sudo -i"07:23
IthilinI kind of figured it out on my own, without doing that lol. :P As soon as I joined someone said "link" so I was like wow I can just create a sym link.07:23
xavieranIs there any way to change the default action for inserting a dvd...I remember in 7.10 and 1.04 you could go to removable drives and media and there was an option for cd's and dvds but it seems to have been removed for hardy...07:23
IthilinSo It works perfect now07:23
acrouseysn9, LSDninja: besides the HDD is SATA and the connector is IDE07:24
pist0l-fishsn9: i tried sudo without -i07:24
sn9pist0l-fish: it should "just work" out-of-the-box07:24
ManualOverDozer8discombobulated native language ?07:24
itai-michaelsonxavieran, hello07:24
pist0l-fishsn9: I'm going to try and run glxgears. Will it not start if I have no proper graphics card configuration?07:24
xavieranIs there any way to change the default action for inserting a dvd...I remember in 7.10 and 1.04 you could go to removable drives and media and there was an option for cd's and dvds but it seems to have been removed for hardy...07:24
IthilinThanks anyways by the way07:24
sn9xavieran: preferences in nautilus07:24
kushalsejwalHello Everyone :), a very n00b queastion> I have a file named "xyz abc.png" now how to wirte it in terminal as there is a space between the file name??07:24
glitsj16Ithilin: no problem :)07:24
untraceablesn9: do you know how to set up the dial up and modem preferences for that07:25
Flannelkushalsejwal: either put it in quotes, or escape the space with \ (tab complete will do it for you)07:25
discombobulatedsorry, lost connection07:25
ManualOverDozer8discombobulated native language ?07:25
xavieran I'll try that...thanks...though I wonder why they'd remove it from the removable drives and media app?07:25
debCarlosHow can i find who was nicknamed superfirelord42 two weeks ago?07:25
sn9acrousey: they still make some ide disks07:25
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:25
kushalsejwalFlannel, thanks mate ;)07:25
Bogus8I'm confused here.. I'm running rsync -anI on a dir that is a 441g partition mounted using 400g of space (4% free)... the results of that rsync says "total size is 527805686600"  wtf? :/  Bueller?07:26
ManualOverDozer8!it > discombobulated07:26
ubottudiscombobulated, please see my private message07:26
acrouseyi already ordered the hard drive though... could i just get an adapter?07:26
xavierandebCarlos: Check the logs from 2 weeks ago?07:26
debCarlosxavieran: Where?07:27
xavieranWait a sec...07:27
kushalsejwalFlannel, its working :)07:27
Bogus8acrousey: you will need a PCI type of card to connect that HD07:27
azhar27Hi I need help with the repositories07:27
acrouseyPCI type of card?07:27
itai-michaelsonazhar27, what do you need?07:28
xavierandebCarlos: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/07:28
azhar27I accidently deleted them07:28
azhar27i mean removed them07:28
azhar27now apt-get install does not work07:28
Flannelazhar27: Go to Software Sources, and you can regenerate them07:28
itai-michaelsonyou run hardy?07:28
azhar27yup 8.0407:28
azhar27I tried that too07:28
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debCarlosxavieran: thanks, i'll check07:29
Bogus8acrousey: an addon card... pci pci-x07:29
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:29
azhar27third party sources are blank07:29
Bogus8acrousey: there isn't just some "gender changer" to put on the end of the cable07:29
Flannelazhar27: Right.  If you had any, you'll have to re-add them07:29
Blaqlightif I got an answer to my question about x and xcursor I didn't get it.07:29
sn9Bogus8: yes there is; it's $3007:29
acrouseybogus8: actually, i think i saw a "gender adapter"07:30
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acrouseywould that work?07:30
azhar27Flannel : Sorry, i don't get it07:30
Bogus8sn9: and you are better off with an addon card for the same price ;)07:30
itai-michaelsonazhar27, i think this is the default lits: http://de.pastebin.ca/86827207:30
sn9Bogus8: add-on cards cost $1007:30
oudidiouSalut à tous !07:30
Bogus8sn9: it's not as simple as a "regular" gender changer07:30
azhar27Itai : do u want me to add it as a repository07:30
acrouseyso, an add on card would actually be cheaper?07:30
Flannelazhar27: third party software is where you add stuff, nothing is there by default.  If you've deleted third party software stuff, you'll have to remember what you add, and readd them.07:30
Bogus8sn9: where are you buying your gear at?07:31
dglknI'm having some issues with slow file transfers with NFS and Samba on a wireless LAN07:31
debCarlosxavieran: ok, i checked it, but, how can i find superfirelord42 now?07:31
acrouseybogus8: you can find it at newegg07:31
itai-michaelsonazhar27, you put that list in /etc/apt/sources.list07:31
sn9Bogus8: anywhere -- check google product search07:31
kindofabuzzthis has got to be something simple.  installed wicd, can connect to wireless, cannot surf or ping anything on LAN, destination unreachable07:31
FuriousGeorgehey all07:31
Bogus8acrousey: that's where I shop07:31
Bogus8sn9: I guess you meant before shipping07:31
azhar27@flannel : sorry for being noob, how do i re add them by cd rom or adding it from a mirror07:31
sn9Bogus8: newegg shipping is $$07:32
Flannelazhar27: What are you trying to add? (it depends on what you're adding)07:32
kindofabuzzazhar27, sudo apt-cdrom add07:32
Bogus8sn9: it cost something.. usually 5-6 bucks for cheap items07:32
sn9otherwise, fry's or such07:32
FuriousGeorgei have 4 identical computers that need to be set up almost identically except for hostname, etc.  i was thinking of using dd, but wont that hose udev rules, like the ones that associate my eth0 with my nic's mac?07:32
xavieranRolls 2 6-sided dice: 1 607:32
linxUz3rthis is bad07:32
FuriousGeorgemy goal is to ghost it07:32
Flannelxavieran: Please take that elsewhere.07:32
Blaqlightdoes anyone know what controls cursors in x ... is it xcursor.. and if so, how do I change it/them07:32
mark__hello, can anyone help me07:33
kindofabuzzi can connect to wireless essid, cannot surf or ping, help?07:33
sn9FuriousGeorge: rsync07:33
Bogus8sn9: dont' get me wrong I see them for about 16-20... just not 1007:33
Flannel!anyone | mark__07:33
ubottumark__: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:33
Bogus8So I'm confused here.. I'm running rsync -anI on a dir that is a 441g partition mounted using 400g of space (4% free)... the results of that rsync says "total size is 527805686600"07:33
svhhow  do i get alien on to the command line after getting su mode07:33
dglknok, all of my wireless devices are at 36Mb with a strong signal (80%). Both NFS and Samba transfer files at about 7Mb07:33
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acrouseybogus8, sn9: what would be better in my situation, an add-on card or  an adapter?07:34
mark__i cant access my cdrom drive07:34
mark__i am very new to ubuntu07:34
sn9acrousey: card07:34
Bogus8acrousey: that's already been answered07:34
kindofabuzzi can connect to wireless essid, cannot surf or ping, help?07:34
Flannelsvh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RPM/AlienHowto07:34
acrouseyi got kind of lost07:34
WIGGMPkI have a few problems and am in need of help. I am running Hardy Heron Server amd64 and have a VIA PCI Sata Controller Card installed in the machine.. The primary device on the sata controller is a 500GB HD (used to be an external HD but i ripped the shell off). The second device on the stat controller is a Samsung DVD Drive.. (aka Kreon Drive). The HD Drive is readable/writable and works fine. The DVD Drive does not seem to b07:34
sn9kindofabuzz: what kind of card?07:34
kindofabuzzsn9, broadcom, everything was fine until i installed wicd and tried to use wpa07:35
mark__ok, i`ll try that link flannel...07:35
voxWIGGMPk: your question was cut off. what did you say after "the DVD drive does not seem to..."07:35
Flannelmark__: That link wasn't for you.07:35
debCarlosHow can i find some nick in all the server?07:35
sn9kindofabuzz: wicd is to be avoided except for acx cards07:35
dglknkindofabuzz: have you tried pinging your wireless access point?07:35
ManualOverDozer8kindofabuzz isnt BCMxx in the blcaklist ?Broadcom chipset07:35
oudidiouHi there !07:35
WIGGMPkvox: the dvd drive does not seem to be available to the system07:35
kindofabuzzdglkn, yeah, no go, but i'm connected to it and have an ip07:36
voxWIGGMPk: how does it not appear to be available?07:36
debCarlosI mean, is there a command to search in the server for a nick?07:36
oudidiouI've got a error when I try to launch pythons programs : http://pastebin.com/m517b227307:36
WIGGMPkvox: i cant think of the command off the top of my head but.. it lists like every device.. and its not listed07:36
FuriousGeorgesn9: rsync will also duplicate udev rules that could break networking, among other things i may have not considered yet07:36
lstarnesdebCarlos: /who *nick*07:36
azhar27Flannel : when i try to add this -deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy universe07:36
kindofabuzzhow can i just reinstall NM with no internet?  i tried adding the cdrom07:36
debCarloslstarnes: ok07:37
sn9FuriousGeorge: just try it first07:37
voxWIGGMPk: cd/dvd-roms will only show up when there's something in them. put a dvd movie in, and then type "mount" and you'll see it07:37
ManualOverDozer8kindofabuzz in SPM Network-Manager, but i believe you may have to remove Wicd first07:37
Flannelazhar27: to third party?07:37
glitsj16Blaqlight: installing a cursor theme ? i personally never mess with xcursor, drop the new theme /usr/share/icons and to get X11 support, i change /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme to point to the new theme (Inherits=<theme dir name>)07:37
gb__i'm back :)07:37
Flannelazhar27: that's not a third party repo, you can add that by checking the checkboxes07:37
kindofabuzzManualOverDozer8, yeah i know to remove it, what are you talking about SPM NM?07:38
azhar27Flannel : there are no checkboxes, i accidently removed the,.07:38
Flannelmark__: Is your CD drive internal? was it connected hen you installed?07:38
gb__hey Flannel07:38
gb__hey bderrly07:38
mark__the dvd drive works for dvds, but i have 8gb of data i want to access, word files etc, that works on my XP laptop but not in ubuntu.07:38
Flannelazhar27: On the first tab, there's the official software.07:38
sn9kindofabuzz: if you uninstalled it, sudo apt-get --install-recommends install ubuntu-desktop07:38
debCarlosOk, i didn't find the nickname, anyone here used that nickname?07:38
FuriousGeorgesn9: i have and thats been a problem, which makes me wonder what else is a problem, which makes me wonder if i should do it in a production enviornment07:38
Flannelmark__: so, the dual layer doesn't seem to work?07:38
WIGGMPkvox: how would it show up?07:38
ManualOverDozer8kindofabuzz Synaptic Package Manager has Newtwrok-Manager in it07:38
kindofabuzzsn9, huh? that will install NM without internet?07:38
hexpuemlooks like "iwconfig wlan0 txpower on" doesnt work for my NIC07:39
voxWIGGMPk: something like "/dev/sdc0 /media/somethingsomething"07:39
mark__dont think so as disney cars works07:39
sn9kindofabuzz: no, with07:39
hexpuemi tried setting it to auto and fixed etc07:39
kindofabuzzno internet for the 3rd time =)07:39
ManualOverDozer8oh yes07:39
azhar27Flannel : i have checked all the checkboxes on the first tab07:39
WIGGMPkvox: not there07:39
ManualOverDozer8kinfofbuzz if you didnt remove the packages complete, then they should be still there07:39
sn9kindofabuzz: use wired ethernet until wifi works again07:39
azhar27restriced, multiverse , main and universe07:39
Flannelazhar27: then you have deb-src for universe, or should.07:39
hexpuemdmesg -> The hardware RF-kill button still turns the radio physically off. Press the button to turn it on.07:39
kindofabuzzsn9, not an option07:39
azhar27Flannlel I think i have it07:40
kindofabuzzManualOverDozer8, hmm when i apt-get i just get the errors from not finding the repos07:40
voxWIGGMPk: hmm07:40
azhar27But sudo apt-get install amarok does not work07:40
azhar27i just tried this07:40
kindofabuzzthere's got to be some way to just say hey, pull of the cd07:40
ManualOverDozer8kindofbuzz then you may have to hool it up LAN like sn9 suggested07:40
azhar27it says package amarok has no installation candicate07:40
kindofabuzzso no option to just apt-get off the cd?07:41
debCarlosI need to find who's now superfirelord42... anyone here knows how to do it?07:41
ManualOverDozer8modprobe ath_pci rfkill=0 ???07:41
sn9kindofabuzz: for the alternate cd, yes; for the desktop cd, not really07:41
Flannelazhar27: That wouldn't be source debs, that'd be binaries.  Alright, close out of that menu, and pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list07:41
esaci am using OOO and while editing a document, it is randomly hanging for a second or 2. anybody seen this and know how to fix it ?07:41
kindofabuzzsn9, ok i have an alternate, apt-cdrom add the alternate?07:41
ManualOverDozer8sn9 : i am not sure how that works, i have LiveCD and it has it on that , so i cant really say for his issue07:41
sn9kindofabuzz: that would work, yes07:41
WIGGMPkvox: i really need that DVD drive to work.. lol07:41
kindofabuzzok lemme go try all that07:41
Blaqlightglitsj16: omg Im sorry I wasn't around thanks to highlight I got your messege :D07:41
WIGGMPkvox: the problem with my situation is that i dont have the alternative to use onboard sata.... =(07:42
kindofabuzzbut really, why is wicd causing me to connect but can't ping or surf? gotta be something simple07:42
ManualOverDozer8sn9 : is that the checkbox in choosing repositories, where you can select CD-ROM ?07:42
glitsj16Blaqlight: very handy indeed, i forgot to add .. and restart X after doing all that .. but i guess you figured that out by yourself :p07:42
sn9ManualOverDozer8: just put it in07:42
azhar27Flannel : I don't get it07:43
FlanneldebCarlos: please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic07:43
Blaqlightglitsj16: uh yeah I got that :P07:43
Flannelazhar27: What don't you get?07:43
ManualOverDozer8sn8 : ok, just curious, thank you07:43
azhar27where should i paste /etc/apt/sources07:43
sn9WIGGMPk: what chipset?07:43
Flannel!paste | azhar2707:43
ubottuazhar27: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:43
dglknI'm getting really slow network file transfers with my wireless LAN. Distance from the router is not the problem. I've got my devices set to 36Mb/sec, and the transfers are only about 7Mb/sec07:43
ManualOverDozer8kindofabuzz you have IP ??? hmm07:43
WIGGMPksn9: what chipset is the SATA PCI Card?07:43
debCarlosFlannel: Ok07:43
sn9WIGGMPk: you said motherboard sata07:43
sn9dglkn: which wifi is it?07:44
azhar27Flannel : Ok07:44
WIGGMPksn9: i said i dont have the alternative of using onboard sata.. because i dont have any07:44
sn9dglkn: not the router, the wifi adapter in your computer07:44
sn9WIGGMPk: oh, never mind07:45
azhar27Flannel : http://paste.ubuntu.com/32905/07:45
dglknsn9: ok, the one in my laptop is bcm43xx, and the one in my desktop is rt61pci07:45
Flannelazhar27: no, no.  Pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list07:45
azhar27Flannel : ok07:46
sn9dglkn: and which one is slow?07:46
sn9!hi | linxUz3r07:46
ubottulinxUz3r: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:46
dglknsn9: i'm not sure07:46
FlannellinxUz3r: this is not a social channel, if you're looking to chat, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.07:46
sn9dglkn: first of all, for rt61pci, you have to do "sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M" to get full speed07:47
dglknsn9: that actually made it slower07:47
dglknsn9: for some reason, 36M seems to be optimal07:47
sn9dglkn: for the broadcom, you have to upgrade to the "b43" driver instead of "bcm43xx"07:47
azhar27Flannel : http://paste.ubuntu.com/32907/07:48
Blaqlightglitsj16: is it easier just to put the cursors where the old link points too (/etc/alternatives/x-cursor-theme) or leave the cursors where they are /usr/share/icons and put a link to that theme where the lnk currently exists...07:48
dglknsn9: i just used the restricted drivers for the bcm4307:48
Flannelazhar27: You pasted the contents of the directory /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ I need the contents of the file /etc/apt/sources.list.  Type this: nano /etc/apt/sources.list07:48
ManualOverDozer8dglkn : maybe this page can help a little > http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/bcm43xx-fwcutter07:48
sn9dglkn: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/b43-fwcutter07:49
glitsj16Blaclight: i never touch anything besides changing that index.theme file to point to the new cursor theme under /usr/share/icons .. can' t tell sorry07:49
dglknsn9: i already have that installed07:49
azhar27@flannel : I did07:49
sn9dglkn: which? bcm, or b43?07:50
Flannelazhar27: So, lines 7 and 8 of what you posted are the entirety of the file /etc/apt/sources.list?07:50
Flannelazhar27: what's in the two files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ then?07:50
azhar27deb http://ftp.iitm.ac.in/ubuntu/ hardy universe07:50
dglknsn9: when i look at the connection information, the driver says b4307:51
sn9dglkn: ok, good07:51
Flannelazhar27: ok.  Lets do this.  `sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* && sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list` then in that nano editor, paste this:07:51
sn9dglkn: it's probably a limitation of your specific revision of the wrt54gs, then07:52
azhar27Flannel : ok07:52
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sn9dglkn: wikipedia has a nice reference on them07:52
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ManualOverDozer8dglkn : sudo lspci        then     sudo lshw -C network    then      modinfo ?YOURMODULE?07:53
hse-hoenshow do i check if there's a specific version of a package available?07:53
dglknsn9: well, what's odd is that it will transfer files at about 7Mb, and I can still download files from the internet at 6Mb(which is my connection maximum)07:53
dglknwhich adds up to about 13Mb07:53
sn9hse-hoens: apt-cache policy pkgname07:53
Flannelazhar27: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32909/07:53
hse-hoenswhat's policy sn9?07:53
sn9hse-hoens: the answer to your question07:54
ManualOverDozer8kindofabuzz got back to connected-state with NM07:54
hse-hoensi see07:54
hse-hoensapparently the intrepid release has the package i need, but the hardy release doesn't. can i d/l the intrepid package somehow?07:54
Bogus8acrousey: google sata cards07:54
sn9hse-hoens: you could request a backport07:55
Flannel!prevu | hse-hoens07:55
ubottuhse-hoens: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details07:55
acrouseybogus8: ok07:55
hse-hoensintrepid isn't stable yet right?07:55
Flannelhse-hoens: If its a core-ish package, prevu won't turn out too well.07:55
Flannelhse-hoens: No, its alpha.07:55
Kahn|Wrkright hse-hoens07:55
Shish_hey, my audio doesnt work when i play any youtube video07:55
Shish_every other audio works07:55
sn9hse-hoens: right now, the intrepid kernel doesn't even compile07:55
Shish_any ideas?07:55
sn9Shish_: remove the libflashsupport pkg07:56
Shish_sn9: ummm... how?07:56
azhar27Flannel : i did07:57
azhar27still nothing07:57
sn9Shish_: System->Admin->Synaptic Pkg Mgr07:57
Flannelazhar27: after you're done, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-ge install amarok07:57
Shish_ahh ok07:57
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Scorp__hey, how do i setup my USB audio system on a laptop ?? I;ve connected it and its being detected as USB Audio, but not really working. What could be the reason ???07:58
azhar27Flannel : it is updating07:58
ManualOverDozer8sn9: just removing that lib fixes it ? > ref libflashsupport pkg07:58
azhar27but i am getting lot of hits and igns07:58
Shish_sn9: its not installed07:58
Flannelazhar27: If you've got questions, pastebin the output07:59
azhar27Flannel : After it updates, i will pastebin the output07:59
sn9Shish_: hmm...07:59
ManualOverDozer8i dont know how i got over the flash issue to be honest, but most all streams are working. i think something to do wtih mediubuntu, but not sure07:59
acrouseybogus8: what would sata II cards be?07:59
c0_co0lllLLLhelp me 4 use ubuntu08:00
Shish_sn9: this just happened.. like earlier today everything was fine08:00
sn9acrousey: more expensive08:00
Scorp__hey, how do i setup my USB audio system on a laptop ?? I;ve connected it and its being detected as USB Audio, but not really working. What could be the reason ???08:00
sn9Scorp__: programs generally use only one sound output device at a time08:01
ManualOverDozer8sn8l maybe you could answer this: if a module is black-listed, but still installed, being black-listed just prevents it from loading at boot ? even if the files and configs are still there08:02
sn9ManualOverDozer8: blacklisting makes modprobe ignore it when told to look at the blacklist, such as by udev08:03
vnrvjiet_can anyone tell me why linux kernal is designed on c?08:04
ManualOverDozer8sn9: thank you08:04
Flannelvnrvjiet_: Ask in #ubuntu-offtopic08:04
HappyHaterdumb question08:05
napsyI think linus even tried c++ for kernel design08:05
glitsj16c0_co0lllLLL: hi, what is your question ?08:05
sn9!id | c0_co0lllLLL08:06
ubottuc0_co0lllLLL: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia08:06
maxhrki like compiz's burn and beam effect. mhmm08:06
ManualOverDozer8maxhrkL my low-end machine has issues with running eyecandy, i am currently running GnomeOpenBox which really works nice for me.08:07
random_lifeany way to check if localhost is blocked08:07
ManualOverDozer8ping localhost08:07
random_lifeI tried ssh -D 4324 me@my.host and tried to ssh tunnel through it with firefox, but, it refuses the connection08:08
ManualOverDozer8random_life in Network Tools there is tools that may assist you in determining that08:08
sn9random_life: do you have openssh-server installed?08:08
random_lifesn9: I've done it previously08:09
random_lifeand I have that package, yes08:09
kindofabuzzok back on my 'random_life, can you even ping the host you want?08:10
kindofabuzzwhat da hell?08:10
sn9random_life: sudo invoke-rc.d ssh restart08:10
ManualOverDozer8sn9: have you heard of ipv6 causing issues in network on ubuntu ? i dont seem to have that issue, or it hasnt shown its ugly face. should i be concerned ? and/or remove it ?08:11
Blaqlightman gotta love tilda, I can run irssi and htop on my desktop without any of the bars and or titlebars and stuff.08:11
sn9ManualOverDozer8: i know of slowness caused by that08:11
sn9Blaqlight: too bad it's broken in hardy08:12
ManualOverDozer8sn9 : is that more in response than actual throughput ?08:12
sn9ManualOverDozer8: right08:12
ManualOverDozer8sn9: ok that helps. thank you08:12
BlaqlightI see that :(08:13
Blaqlightit still kinda works though08:13
random_lifesn9: hmm, that didnt seem to fix it :(08:13
sn9Blaqlight: i use it08:13
Blaqlightsn9 I like it because you can hide titlebars, and hide it from the taskbar, and keep it like pinned to the desktop.08:13
eclectro/msg ubottu etiquette08:14
ManualOverDozer8linux TCP proto have any extra layers compared to MS's use of TCP proto ?08:14
Blaqlightsn9: Ive prolly got the busiest desktop in this room now though lol08:14
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eclectrohow do I remove the "restricted driver" icon from the notification area? And why is it not easy to do this?08:15
Circus-KillerManualOverDozer8, afaik, tcp will always have the same number of layers08:15
FinnishIs there a virtualbox-ose-modules-generic-package for my kernel, it ends .20? I can't find one08:16
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ManualOverDozer8thats what i figured i dont see why it would be, but then i wasnt sure08:16
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ManualOverDozer8going to #networking maybe get a few tippers on Ubuntu08:16
Blaqlightsn9: aside from CTRL ALT 1 to get to the status screen instead of ALT 1 its the same as gnome terminal.08:17
sn9Finnish: give it a day or two08:18
Blaqlightsn9: this is irssi. btw :D08:18
Finnishsn9: Ok08:18
sn9...and, we're in august!08:19
DexTerDDIThey guys a have a question ,  i install ubuntu server (8.04) and the network don`t work , any ideeas ?08:19
sn9DexTerDDIT: ethernet, or wifi?08:19
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sn9DexTerDDIT: what kind of board?08:22
DexTerDDITsn9 it`s a HP vectra box08:23
iustinusCan someone help me; I switched monitors on my system and now I can't get proper screen resolutions.08:24
iustinusThe monitor is capable of 1600x1400 res, but Ubuntu is only allowing options of 64008:25
debCarlosiustinus: Try editing your xorg.conf file08:25
iustinusdebCarlos: I don't know which line(s) to edit.08:26
sn9DexTerDDIT: did it use to work?08:28
br00k5best mp3 player available =?08:28
rick_Hi, I'm having trouble installing an ati radeon 9250, If I put it in the PCI slot and boot Ubuntu 7.10 the splash screen freezes, Can anyone please let me know a few things I might try? I'm new to Ubuntu so please keep that in mind. Thanks in advance.08:28
sn9br00k5: whatever you like most08:29
sn9rick_: pci? so, this is a second video card?08:29
rick_yes i have an integrated intel as well08:29
* ^hellfire^ zapraszam do wspolnego pingowania :] pisac w konsoli ping
* eclectro thinks the restricted driver applet is the gheyest thing outside a microsoft eula. And the color brown08:30
sn9!cz | ^hellfire^08:30
ubottu^hellfire^: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.08:30
sn9!pl | ^hellfire^08:31
ubottu^hellfire^: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl08:31
azhar27Flannel : My sources.list file, please check if this is ok. http://paste.ubuntu.com/32916/08:32
Flannelazhar27: You said it was empty?08:32
azhar27it was not empty08:32
Flannelazhar27: Then what did you pastebin when I asked you to pastebin your sources.list?08:33
azhar27i manually went to that sources folder08:33
azhar27and pasted the names of the 2 files. :(08:33
azhar27Flannel : the sources.list is fine right08:34
maxhrki like compiz+emerald. mhmm nice thing.08:34
rick_Is there any way of choosing / setting up a graphics diplay driver before boot in ubuntu 7.10?08:34
Flannelazhar27: yeah.  In the future please try and pay closer attention.  After you had done that, I asked you to confirm that that's what was in your sources.list, and you did.  miscommunications like these can ruin a system08:34
azhar27yup sorry, i didn't even know how to open the sources.list file08:35
sn9rick_: yes, but having two different kinds makes it more complicated. does even one of them work when they are both in?08:35
azhar27Flannel : but still i can't install amarok08:35
azhar27Flannel : what do u think is the problem08:36
itai-michaelsonazhar27, what happens when you try to install it?08:36
rick_the ati card works up untill the splash screen, the intel doesnt at all, so i guess the answer would be no.08:36
Flannelazhar27: alright, pastebin the output of this: sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy amarok08:36
ckebaboanyone knows how can use backspace key in xubuntu Terminal with screen?08:37
azhar27Flannel : I am getting lot of 404 errors while installing, it says some files were not downloaded08:37
sn9rick_: you may need to tweak a couple of bios settings08:37
rick_with the ati card in right?08:37
sn9azhar27: what version of ubuntu?08:37
sn9rick_: yes08:38
Begasushello, I just installed ubuntu on a pc but can't seem to get the resolution to go higher then 800x600 - nvidia restricted driver enabled)08:38
rick_thanks for your help sn908:38
Flannelazhar27: pastebin the output08:38
my_hazwhat does the "t" in drwx-wx-wt mean?08:38
azhar27Flannel : Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 amd6408:38
BalianFlannel i have teak iso with flopy disc. Wath i need to burn this iso to CD?08:38
Flannelmy_haz: sticky08:38
kaushalhow can i uninstall apache and its dependency08:38
kaushalin ubuntu08:38
sn9Begasus: you may need to use nvidia-settings to change the video timings08:38
kaushalI did apt-get remove apache208:39
Begasusis there any howto sn9 ?08:39
my_hazFlannel: what does that do?08:39
kaushalbut still I have apache2-mpm-worker,apache2-utils and apache2.2-common08:39
Begasusinstalling nvidia-settings atm through apt-get08:40
azhar27Flannel : Do you think i am getting 404 errors because of my internet connection.08:40
Flannelazhar27: I think you should pastebin the output, and we'll take a look.08:40
Flannelmy_haz: man chmod explains it better than I can.08:40
azhar27Flannel : ok sure.08:40
my_hazFlannel: ahh yes i see it here in the man page08:40
Begasushmm .. nvidia-setttings tells me I'm not using the nvidia X driver??08:41
kaushalFlannel, hi08:41
sn9Begasus: that would explain it08:41
FlannelHowdy kaushal08:41
Balianpeople ! wath i need to burn iso on CD witch iso from flopy disc??08:41
DexTerDDITsry sn9 it work fine with debian08:42
FlannelBalian: You want to burn a CD with the contents of a floppy?08:42
azhar27Flannel : http://paste.ubuntu.com/32905/  ...this is the o/p i am getting08:42
DexTerDDITbut with ubuntu it`s dead i think08:42
itai-michaelsonkaushal, did you try apt-get remove --purge apache2?08:42
kaushalHow can i uninstall apache2 and all its associated packages in Ubuntu Server08:42
Flannelkaushal: which version of Ubuntu?08:42
sn9DexTerDDIT: i don't know; i've never seen intel ethernet fail to work in ubuntu08:42
CorpseFeederis there any way to get a SD memory card in a laptop to work when it does not work "out of the box"?08:42
Flannelazhar27: output of sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy amarok08:42
sn9CorpseFeeder: yes08:43
Baliani teak grub iso from flopy disc and i wanth burn iso no CD08:43
DexTerDDITsn9 what should i try ?08:43
BalianFlannel i teak grub iso from flopy disc and i wanth burn iso no CD08:43
sn9DexTerDDIT: debian again?08:43
Flannelkaushal: remove apache2, apache2.2-common apache2.2-mpm-worker apache2-utils and maybe libapr1 and libaprutil108:44
CorpseFeedersn9, ok.. how would I go about making that happen?08:44
DexTerDDITsn9 10x08:44
Flannelkaushal: the last two are dependant of whether you have something else that uses apr (which, you'll see when it says "are you sure you want to remove this? it'll also remove [useful programs]"08:44
kaushalso i have to specify each and every package08:44
Flannelkaushal: "each and every" consists of four or so.  There are automated ways08:45
azhar27Flannel : http://paste.ubuntu.com/32919/08:45
Flannelazhar27: looks like your problem is that mirror (http://ftp.iitm.ac.in) isn't up08:46
Flannelazhar27: change mirrors, and you should be fine.08:46
MenZa /w 2008:46
azhar27Flannel : Thanks. I will do it now.08:46
wersi'm booting ubuntu hardy on a usb drive on an eee pc 701. I just see the command line showing SQUASHFS errors. It's been like this for more than 5mins. Will this ever boot?08:46
itai-michaelsonwers, probably not08:47
sn9CorpseFeeder: do you know which driver is being used for it?08:47
sn9wers: no08:47
CorpseFeedersn9, no08:47
werssn9, what could be wrong?08:48
wersusb stick isnt working?08:48
sn9wers: corrupt image08:48
werswow. my usb is really hot08:48
wersturned the eee off. imma try to reformat the usb stick08:48
sn9CorpseFeeder: what model laptop?08:50
maxhrkquestion, how do you add the font to ubuntu's font directory.. if any?08:50
CorpseFeedersn9, Toshiba Tecra S1,  FLASH memory: ENE Technology Inc CB710 Memory Card Reader Controller08:51
Begasusstill no luck :/08:52
Flannel!font | maxhrk08:52
ubottumaxhrk: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer08:52
wershow do i reformat a usb drive?08:52
BalianFlannel i teak grub iso from flopy disc and i wanth burn iso no CD08:52
FlannelBalian: You can't burn a CD ISO to a floppy08:53
itai-michaelsonBalian if you have the iso on your desktop you can just right-click on it and choose "burn to cd"08:54
X3Morning all08:55
Begasusk .. instead of 800 x I have now 640 x :S08:55
X3it seems that the nic on this machine is mot tatally recognised by UBUNTU hardy 8.408:55
X3yet it connects08:55
sn9X3: if it works, it works08:56
X3Im not able to get a sliunk speed or access other networked devices via smb08:56
guestadminCan anyone help me, PHew, sweating from panic mode after a LONG feisty to Gutsy upgrade, after the final reboot, i couldn't connect to wireless internet, i restored my backups from /etc acpi-support login.defs and kismet.conf, now i am back online, only boots in the 2.6.20-16 kernel08:57
BalianFlannel No  i have grub on floppy disc and i do iso with commend dd. Now i hawe iso floppy disc on desktop and wanth burn tich iso no CD How08:57
X3is ther a waty to get the drivers being used and replace them by more appropriate ones08:57
X3I need to have this machinbe see the smb ntwork which all others do except this one08:57
sn9guestadmin: what kind of wifi is in your computer?08:58
X3sn9 it works yes but badly08:58
guestadminsn9 not exactly sure, i remember something about ipw3450? something, it is the System76 Gazelle08:59
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BalianFlannel No  i have grub on floppy disc and i do iso with commend dd. Now i hawe iso floppy disc on desktop and wanth burn tich iso no CD How. Btw. comment  sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst it not open edit menu.lst Help09:00
sn9Balian: man genisoimage09:00
guestadminsn9 i am worried though that my upgrade still had errors, and i forgot how to boot to a CD, so yes, was definitely in panick ;)09:00
sn9guestadmin: that will work again after you upgrade, again, to Hardy09:01
max____is there anyway to get apt-get to give me info about a package?09:01
rick_sn9 are you still around?09:01
sn9max____: apt-cache show nameofpkg09:01
max____sn9: doesn't work09:02
X3anyone know any tricks for me to get better drivers for my card or commands ton input on console to troubleshoot th reason why its not aceswsing othersmb devices09:02
max____oh apt-cache09:02
guestadminsn9 still not sure why i cant boot up normally into kernel 2.6.22, Now when I boot I must hit escape and then choose 2.6.20-16 or -1509:03
Dark_Shadowi tried to start ettercap09:03
Dark_Shadowbut it says09:03
Dark_ShadowGTK support not compiled in ettercap09:03
Dark_Shadowhow to ddo?09:03
X3guestadmin you have  a amd platform?09:04
guestadminno, intel celeron09:04
Begasusf*ck .. seems that the legacy driver isn't working for nvidia :/09:04
cWe_sMa_baegoblog you09:04
Dark_Shadowhelp me please09:05
blankthemuffinIs there a way to access the alternate installer from the normal install disk, I presumed the problems with the GeForce 6800 would be fixed by now but not to be.09:06
Uplinkwhats the command to copy and paste a dir?09:06
ramontayaghi everyone. i followed these instructions (http://railshacks.blogspot.com/2008/08/installing-latest-gvim-and-vim-in.html) to install the latest version of gvim.. and now i have 2 packages  (vim-gnome and vim-tiny) that are broken. how do i ignore them?09:07
milindacp -r <SRC> <DEST>09:07
blankthemuffincp is copy. in the terminal.09:07
sn9!bug #31440 | CorpseFeeder09:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 31440 in linux "sdhci module and ENE CB-710 PCMCIA card reader" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3144009:07
barduckHello, can anyone please recommened a cheap 3D graphics card that will work well with Ubuntu and has good driver support? Something to run simple/old 3D games with reasonable framerates ?09:07
milindayou have to use -r to copy direcotries09:07
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ManualOverDozer8blankthemuffin i believe there may be, i used something called EdgyNG to install my nvidia driver09:08
ManualOverDozer8blankthemuffin let me get likc for u09:08
milindahi barduck NVIDIA Geforce FX 5200 will be a better card for your requirements09:08
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ramontayagbarduck, geforce mx 440 ran okay with ubuntu09:08
ramontayagthat's even better09:09
milindahmm mx 440 is cheaper than fx 520009:09
milindabut fx 5200 has more features09:09
Uplinkcp and thats it?09:09
barduckmilinda: and something mroe recenet? I'd say up to $60...I am not sure I can find the older ones in the stores here09:09
blankthemuffinYou guys are suggesting cards which will probably be worth a bundle more since they are antiques. I'd be putting forward the option of a GeForce 6600 but it really depends where you're sourcing it from I suppose.09:09
ManualOverDozer8blankthemuffin      www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html09:09
sn9barduck: 6200?09:10
adamw9678Hay. dose any1 know how to get the touch screen working on a Fujitus siemens B-2131? I am using xubuntu but I'm not get a responce from them and it can't be much diffrent to ubuntu to set up can it?09:10
ManualOverDozer8blankthemuffin i also have a pastebin09:10
Baliani need help with maskarada09:10
guestadminIf anyone knows how to fix a feisty > gutsy upgrade, I can't boot into the normal 2.6.22 kernel, I must hit escape at grub and then choose 2.6.2009:10
sn9adamw9678: is that a Stylistic model?09:10
CorpseFeedersn9, does that link mean there is no fix for this?09:10
ramontayagi recently got the 8600gt and it works great, but i had to install the driver from nvidia.09:10
sn9CorpseFeeder: pretty much09:10
ManualOverDozer8blankthemuffin  http://paste.ubuntu.com/32429/09:11
barduckIs there anywhere a lsit of recommneded graphics for ubuntu ?09:11
adamw9678Its a B series lifebook09:11
ramontayagbarduck yes i believe there's a list of hardware that has been tested with ubuntu09:11
barduckSomeone suggested the nVidia 8400GS, its cheap but I dont know how well it works.09:11
blankthemuffinYeah it's not that I can't install the drivers, I install the binary drivers from nvidia manually. But the problem is the live CD crashes due to trying to load the nv driver.09:11
MenZaFairly decent card, barduck09:11
ramontayagbarduck: i doubt that the new cards will be listed there though.09:11
sn9adamw9678: i will check. i know the Stylistic models use the "fpit" driver09:11
adamw9678Thank mate09:12
blankthemuffinI suppose I'll just download the alternate cd.09:12
sn9blankthemuffin: safe graphics mode09:12
Dark_Shadowi tried to start ettercap09:12
Dark_Shadowbut it says  GTK support not compiled in ettercap09:12
blankthemuffinsn9, fails.09:12
Dark_Shadowwhat to do brothers09:13
blankthemuffinI need to manually set the driver to vesa or it crashes.09:13
Lvl21nerdis there a safe and easy way to make a partition new partition separate from the ubuntu install??09:13
barduckis this the list to look at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsNvidia ?09:13
X3can any one here give me a hand troubleshooting this nic card?09:13
CorpseFeedersn9, that link appears to be for a PCMCIA card reader - isn't that different to an SD card reader?09:13
blankthemuffinbarduck, pretty much every graphics card will work fine with ubuntu.09:14
sn9Lvl21nerd: if it's on the same disk, you need to boot from something else09:14
drugowhy network menager asks to authenticate with the wi-fi pass everytime i start up ?is there a way to avoid this?09:14
blankthemuffinbarduck, every nvidia one anyway, just don't get a GeForce 6800, they are a pain in the ass.09:14
ManualOverDozer8drugo: yes09:14
sn9CorpseFeeder: not necessarily09:15
barduckblankthemuffin: yaeh well, I have a SiS onboard one here and it doesn't do 3D on Ubuntu although it does on windows09:15
barduckthis is why I want to check to make sure09:15
sn9barduck: which SiS?09:15
iustinusblankthemuffin: I have a GeForce 6800, and it was working fine until I switched monitors, because the new Xorg release doesn't allow video questions on dpkg-reconfigure.09:15
ManualOverDozer8iwconfig wlan0 key "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"09:15
barduckSis 661fx09:15
drugoManualOverDozer8 hello, how?09:15
blankthemuffiniustinus, it's probably related to the GS version only then, which have you got?09:15
sn9barduck: yes, 661 has no 3d driver in linux (yet)09:15
Lvl21nerdsn9: ok i have ubuntu on a 160gb drive single partition....i have heard that i can make a partition on it (want to use this partition as a test partition for other distros)09:15
iustinusblankthemuffin: GX09:15
drugois this permanent?09:15
ManualOverDozer8drugo let me get the permanent fix for you09:16
sn9Lvl21nerd: boot from the livecd09:16
barduckok, so the 8400GS is reasonably prices and seems to be supported. I will check that one out09:16
blankthemuffiniustinus, the nv driver causes crashes on mine, so I need to use vesa until I can install the real binary drivers.09:16
Lvl21nerdsn9: then what?....09:16
iustinusblankthemuffin: I can't get any good resolutions on this monitor09:16
sn9Lvl21nerd: GParted Partition Editor09:16
drugok i will try09:17
iustinusAnd xserver-xorg is being stupid. I've no idea how to manually configure xorg.conf, and I can't dpkg-reconfigure it.09:17
ManualOverDozer8drugo : is it WEP or WPA ?09:17
iustinusDoes anyone know a solution to this problem?09:17
vidohi all09:17
X3drugo is there a checkbox that you can see that say autoconnect or auto accept09:17
blankthemuffiniustinus, there is a nvidia application which does it automagically.09:17
Lvl21nerdsn9: using GParted wont damage info or data contained on the rest of the drive?09:17
blankthemuffiniustinus, nvidia-xconfig09:17
iustinusblankthemuffin: I can't get it to work. Which drive should be installed? Restricted hardware.09:17
sn9Lvl21nerd: unless you lose power09:17
iustinusdrive = driver.09:17
X3Lv1 Gparted is nasty09:18
Baliani need help with maskarada HELP09:18
ManualOverDozer8drugo : in your interfaces file you can add this > wireless-essid wlan009:18
ManualOverDozer8wireless-key XXXXXX09:18
sn9drugo: which wifi driver?09:18
ManualOverDozer8oops two lines it should be one09:18
X3it will kill otherd data09:18
blankthemuffiniustinus, oh ok, I'm not sure with that, I personally use the binary drivers straight from the nvidia website, but EnvyNG is probably your best bet.09:18
=== zap is now known as zapzap
ManualOverDozer8wlan0 can be ath0 is you run atheros chipset09:18
blankthemuffiniustinus, http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html09:19
iustinusblankthemuffin: ah, should I just DL the binary drivers from NVIDIA then?09:19
mark_can anyone help. my two sata dvdrw drives wont MOUNT any media, other than prerecorded films. i need to be able to load 8gb of my old files.09:19
sn9drugo: in 8.04, b43 replaces bcm43xx, and WPA should work09:19
drugoyes it works but nm-applet asks to authenticate at every start up09:20
whoppixhey people! I'm trying to restore a damaged ubuntu dapper (6.06 LTS server) system from a livecd, and im trying to (re)-install libc6 (which, apparently was uninstalled). I cannot chroot into the system, so i thought i could use dpkg with the --root or --instdir option, to install something in the mounted system. Would that work, and correctly update the systems packet database?09:20
blankthemuffiniustinus, I do, but generally its not recommended because you have to know your way around a command line pretty well, EnvyNG is probably a much better option.09:20
ManualOverDozer8drugo : in root > gedit /etc/network/interfaces   then add > wireless-key XXXXXX09:20
mark_can anyone help. my two sata dvdrw drives wont MOUNT any media, other than prerecorded films. i need to be able to load 8gb of my old files.09:20
ramontayagi followed these instructions (http://railshacks.blogspot.com/2008/08/installing-latest-gvim-and-vim-in.html) to install the latest version of gvim.. and now i have 2 packages  (vim-gnome and vim-tiny) that are broken because they aren't the packages available in ubuntu's repos. how do i ignore them?09:21
whoppixi suppose i would need to specify --admindir as well?09:21
ManualOverDozer8drugo : NM should do it as well , if it doesnt you can edit the interfaces file09:21
blankthemuffinX3, what, GParted is one of the best partitioning applications around. You only loose files if you wipe your partitions, which any partitioner will do.09:21
drugono essid, only the key?09:21
ldhi, how can I manage the services from the command line?09:22
X3ok then09:22
ManualOverDozer8drugo : its optional but only if you never change the SSID09:22
qmemoHi all, on the download server I have two options of ISO's (ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso & ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso)09:22
ld(like I can do with "services-admin")09:22
qmemowhich one should I get?!09:22
drugoi have only these two lines in the file at the moment : auto lo09:22
drugoiface lo inet loopback09:22
blankthemuffinqmemo, Unless you want to install via a text interface, get the desktop version. The alternate is text only.09:22
drugoto i have to specify the interface?09:22
X3blanklmuffin if you say so the theres no nedd for me later saying I told you so09:23
guestadminMy problem: After upgrade from feisty to Gutsy, system wont boot to the normal 2.6.22, must manually select 2.6.2009:23
ManualOverDozer8drugo : > ifconfig -a09:23
max____is there anyway to download from terminal directly to the directoy i'm currently in09:23
max____http download?09:23
qmemocan I add anthoer wm while I am using the text installer?09:23
drugowireless is wlan'09:23
mark_any takers on my "two optical drives not mounting self-burned media" problem?09:23
drugowireless is wlan009:23
barduckohhh shoot....the 8400gs is only PCIe and I need AGP, back to the drawing board....09:23
ManualOverDozer8drugo : look to see whether its wlan0 or ath0 or even something else. eth0 is usually LAN09:23
blankthemuffinanother wm qmemo ???09:23
blankthemuffinbarduck, GeForce 660009:24
drugowireless is wlan009:24
ManualOverDozer8ifconfig - a   should show you09:24
qmemois Gnome the default WM of Ubuntu09:24
ManualOverDozer8then that is what you use09:24
iustinusqmemo: It's the default Desktop Environment09:24
barduckblankthemuffin: I will check if I can find one here, I guess it will be pretty rare by now09:24
drugoso what is the code for the essid?09:24
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blankthemuffinYeah probably barduck, but they were the "sweet spot" for mid-range cards for a long while so there should be a few around.09:25
wershow do I reformat a thumb drive?09:25
qmemoGnome is the default I know, I just thought to ask if I can install FluxBox while installing from the text version cd09:25
blankthemuffinX3, I regularly use GParted to partition my many drives on many systems, unless you totally wipe a partition with data on it you're not going to loose any data. And it warns you before you do anything remotly dangerous. In any case data loss is the fault of the user not the program09:25
barduckthanks !09:25
iustinusqmemo: No, Ubuntu doesn't have custom installation options09:25
ManualOverDozer8hold on i have to stop this dumb vlc laggin the heck out of me09:25
AyabaraI'm removing kde from my system, and I get this error: dpkg-divert: error checking `/usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/media_safelyremove.desktop': No such file or directory09:25
iustinusIf you want a custom install best to use the server installation and then install other apps.09:25
sn9adamw9678: still there?09:26
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Ayabarawhen trying to remove kio-umountwrapper09:26
ubottufluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/09:26
qmemoo.k. thx guys09:26
iustinusAnd there's fluxbuntu.09:26
drugok i am trying09:26
qmemoHappyHater, check the bugs page09:26
adamw9678yep still here09:26
mark_I am having trouble getting my two internal dvdrw drives to work in ubuntu. I am totally new to ubuntu. can anyone help.09:26
hyprvi require help with my partitioning and managing two hard disks. i don't know if my current setup is even using my second hdd. i would like linux to use the two hdds as one, or show both of them in my file browser.09:26
HappyHaterwhy & what for?09:26
qmemoits buggy09:27
manfishhi there09:27
qmemoI even submetted a bug there09:27
io_hi everybody09:27
qmemowait I 'll get you a link09:27
adamw9678sn9: have you found somthing?09:27
HappyHaterhaven't tried it personally, just know it uses fluxbox09:27
sn9adamw9678: evtouch, not fpit, for you. sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-evtouch09:27
cih997hi, im looking for IM which can import Gadu-Gadu history from original IM?09:28
sn9adamw9678: you will need some manual configuration09:28
salutishi everybody. I have question - it's possible perform installation of package with apt-get or aptitude _without_ starting of service? for example - install 'ssh' package, but _only_ install, no start daemon09:28
whoppixok, to put it another way.. why does "chroot chroot/" to chroot into the mounted system not work? It says that it can't find /bin/bash - but its definitely there. I also tried chroot chroot/ /bin/sh, which is definitely there too - still no success.09:28
adamw9678Thanks I'll give that a go09:28
sn9salutis: not easily09:29
mark_I am having trouble getting my two internal dvdrw drives to work in ubuntu. I am totally new to ubuntu. can anyone help.09:29
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sn9whoppix: permissions!09:29
salutissn9: not easily? it means not possible?09:29
iustinusblankthemuffin: After installing the envyng driver and running nvidia-xconfig, I still have shite screen resolutions. =/09:30
whoppixsn9, needs to be executable? let me check.09:30
SkinnYPupwhat is the rmdir switch to remove regardless if directory is empty ?09:30
HappyHateriustinus, run gksudo displayconfig-gtk and setup your monitor09:30
whoppixsn9, i can simply write: /mnt/chroot/bin/bash - and i will get a new bash09:30
whoppixso it should be executable & readable09:30
QuentusrexI'm trying to rip a dvd with mythbuntu. But MythDVD and libdvdcss 1.2.9 are failing. Is there any hope?09:30
sn9SkinnYPup: there is none, but you can rm -r09:31
ManualOverDozer8why are FireFox and VLC such memory hogs ?09:31
SkinnYPuprm OH thanks !09:31
iustinusHappyHater: My monitor isn't listed.09:32
sn9Quentusrex: there was a libdvdcss2 bug that got fixed. search the forums for it09:32
ManualOverDozer8FireFox comsumes 10 times more memory than IE in MS. is there a reason for this ?09:32
HappyHaterpick something similar then09:32
Photosynthesischsh -s zsh09:32
sn9whoppix: 777?09:33
hyprvi require help with my partitioning and managing two hard disks. i don't know if my current setup is even using my second hdd. i would like linux to use the two hdds as one, or show both of them in my file browser.09:33
qmemoHappyHater, https://bugs.launchpad.net/fluxbuntu-project/+bug/25346609:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253466 in fluxbuntu-project "Installation Failed Due to missing file!" [Undecided,New]09:33
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whoppixsn9, i copied the bash binary to bash2, put chmod 777 on it, and tried to run "chroot chroot/ /bin/bash2" - still says "file not found"09:33
Photosynthesishyprv: use LVM09:33
ManualOverDozer8hyprv you can use Partition Editor for that09:33
sn9whoppix: try sash09:34
hyprvis it fairly straight forward?09:34
PhotosynthesisLVM is not trival and good chance of blowing up your data, fore  warning, BACKUP09:34
ManualOverDozer8hyprv System/Administration/Partion Editor  oh yes09:34
whoppixsn9, sash? whats that? i don't habe a program named like that.09:34
X3I need help troubleshootin my nic card PLAESE09:34
ManualOverDozer8prethyprv relatively easy to run09:34
Flannelhyprv: setting up with LVM is fairly easy, yes.09:34
sn9whoppix: stand-alone shell. install it09:34
hyprvi do not have partition editor under that menu09:35
whoppixsn9, ah, ok. Thats, ill try that.09:35
Photosynthesismaybe there is a nice GUI for LVM now.... like mentioned by our fellowmen09:35
hyprvdo i need to install it through aptitude?09:35
adamw9678sn9: ok that worked now how do I configuer it please mate?09:35
whoppixsn9, however - when i can't use /bin/bash and /bin/sh anyway, i will propably not be able to use dpkg and such either, so there would be no point in chrooting09:35
sn9adamw9678: you will need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:36
qmemoHappyHater, did you read it?09:36
sn9whoppix: oh, right...09:36
ManualOverDozer8drugo: did you get that worked out ?09:36
drugono it didn't09:36
hyprvi'm pretty new to linux.. what does one DO here, besites figure out how every detail works?09:36
sn9whoppix: however, you could install it into the outside system09:36
HappyHaternuh uh, doing other tings atm09:36
adamw9678sn9: All in the terminal? sorry I'v only just started using the terminal09:36
ManualOverDozer8drugoL is it that it doesnt keep the settings rather than not working at all ?09:37
drugoi get the same error like "application nm-applet (/usr/bin/nm-applet) wants to enter the defauld keyring but this is blocked '09:37
debCarlosHey, in theory, if i make a ram partition from hal91 (Floppy dist) , copy all filesystem to it and chroot it. I'll be able to remove the Floppy and continue using hal91?09:37
whoppixsn9, and, apparently the dpkg on the rescue system (debian) is dysfunctional, it barfs about not finding subprocesses (post-removal scripts, etc) - so i can't install anything into the system using the rescue-systems dpkg either09:37
sn9adamw9678: it will actually be easier in the Terminal, yes09:37
ManualOverDozer8drugo : interfaces entry > wireless-essid "YOURSSID"09:37
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sn9adamw9678: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:38
ManualOverDozer8drugo: let me check the leases file for info regaurding last lease09:38
whoppixsn9, i will try to install the package by hand, putting the files in the appropriate directories myself, or so.09:38
ManualOverDozer8drugo: nope, only ip type info09:38
adamw9678sn9: ok im in there09:38
Photosynthesisdrugo: reboot, at grub menu select kernel and hit 'e' then add  init=/bin/bash   and you will boot in as root no password and you can then edit some files to gain control again, which files they are yo u will have yo yahooooo or goooogle09:39
sn9whoppix: i think chroot isn't working because the rescue system is hosed09:39
hyprvManualOverDozer8:  what is the name of that partition tool? lvm appears to be only command line09:39
sn9hyprv: gparted09:39
whoppixsn9, hm, how to unpack .debs again? something with mkio?09:39
Flanneldrugo: Choose the recovery console, you don't need to edit anything.09:39
ManualOverDozer8hyprv Partiton Editor or you can use gpart09:39
sn9whoppix: dpkg -x, i thing09:39
whoppixsn9, thanks a bunch.09:40
Flanneldrugo: But, you don't need to do that, because you don't have a problem that reuires that.09:40
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whoppixsn9, i extracted the libc into the target ubuntu system, now ill try to reboot it - fingers crossed. I guess if that doesn't work, i need to re-install.09:41
hyprvthx for help09:42
frankgerror using cpan on ubuntu-804 -- help --> http://pastebin.com/m5ca6377509:42
adamw9678sn9: What do I do now? sorry to be a pain09:42
* frankg is hungry :(09:43
sn9adamw9678: details at http://www.akos.uklinux.net/biblo-linux/09:43
LycusJust wanted to thank blankthemuffin & HappyHater for helping me (iustinus), finally got the computer's resolution working as it should.09:44
* salutis waiting for answer :(09:44
Lycussalutis: What was your Q?09:44
salutisLycus: if it's possible perform installation of package with apt-get or aptitude _without_ starting of service. for example - install 'ssh' package, but _only_ install, not start daemon. how to do this?09:44
debCarlosAnyone here was nicknamed superfirelord42 two weeks ago?09:46
Lycussalutis: Not that I know of09:47
max____is there anyway to get ps to show me how much ram each process is using?09:48
Begasussn9, http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Ubuntu/2008-06/msg03035.html this helped me out09:48
Lycussalutis: You can just do && /etc/init.d/blah stop with the install09:48
whoppixmax____, because of linux' concept of "shared libraries" it is not possible to determine the exact memory usage of a process.09:50
max____what about top?09:50
salutisLycus: yes, I know. problem is that list of packages is generated. second thing is that I don't want to start services. it's for script which do modifications of live-usb system09:50
whoppixmax____, the values top shows are, as far as i know, only roundabout values, that include the shared libraries. So if you would count together all the values top tells you, you would get more MB that you actually have09:51
sn9adamw9678: you may also need to add "evdev" to /etc/modules09:51
adamw9678What do I do after I typed the details into nano? do I just close it?09:51
sn9adamw9678: ctrl-X09:51
adamw9678Then anser yes and then I can close09:52
sn9adamw9678: you can close when you see the $ prompt again09:52
chuxxsssHi all09:52
whoppixmax____, here: http://virtualthreads.blogspot.com/2006/02/understanding-memory-usage-on-linux.html09:53
drugono way , nm-applet always asks to authenticate at the start-up09:53
sn9!hi | chuxxsss09:53
ubottuchuxxsss: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:53
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drugoi have to put my root password and not the wireless key09:54
chuxxsssdoes anyone no how to set access to the network tool as I have lost access to it now, but had it before09:54
ManualOverDozer8drugo : by "ask for authenticate" do you mean to get into the settings ? and not that the connection is void ?09:54
adamw9678I said yes and it says  file Name to Write: /etc/x11/xorg.conf  what do I do?09:54
sn9adamw9678: enter09:54
ManualOverDozer8drugo : you will find youself being asked for root pass quite often on system settings09:55
drugono , once i put my login pass the connections starts and everithing is fine09:55
ManualOverDozer8drugo : should work if you edited your interfaces file correctly but then there is always that "glitch" on some systems09:55
MenZawe'r/w 2009:55
inflexHow can I stop Ubuntu/Gnome/WM from capturing F10 as the file-menu select?09:55
adamw9678Then it says  [  Error writing /etc/x11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory ]  ???09:56
chuxxsssyes the settings09:56
ManualOverDozer8drugo : things like that only cause more problems if you mess with them too much , if not cut funtionality complete09:56
sn9adamw9678: maybe you originally typed x11 instead of X1109:56
ManualOverDozer8drugo : if it only takes a few clicks to connect, i would be satisfied with that09:56
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adamw9678I think I did :(09:57
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sn9adamw9678: close and start again09:57
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adamw9678sn9: from the instal?l09:58
sn9adamw9678: i thought you already had the system installed09:58
sn9adamw9678: i mean "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" again09:58
adamw9678Ok sorry09:59
max______does anyone here use vim+latex09:59
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sn9!hi | thefish10:01
ubottuthefish: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:01
thefishanyone here using something free as in beer to update a lot of ubuntu machines?10:01
X3if I go to system >control center>Network tools and highlight my nic card I get this message your interface (my nic card) does not exist check that it is connected (yes it is im using it now) and that it is suppoted by your OS10:01
Flannel!anyone | max______10:01
ubottumax______: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:01
thefishhi sn9 :)10:01
cpodo, sono sempre istanza dal portatile.... collegato con cavo tutto ok, queste ultime righe di messages:10:02
cpAug  1 10:55:23 asus kernel: [  134.810939] eth0: link on 100 Mbps Full Duplex mode.10:02
cpAug  1 10:55:23 asus dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.reason10:02
cpAug  1 10:55:23 asus kernel: [  134.931893] eth0: mii ext = 0000.10:02
cpAug  1 10:55:23 asus kernel: [  134.947866] eth0: mii lpa = 45e1 adv = 01e1.10:02
cpAug  1 10:55:23 asus kernel: [  134.947871] eth0: link on 100 Mbps Full Duplex mode.10:02
cpAug  1 10:55:25 asus kernel: [  137.141950] NET: Registered protocol family 1710:02
cpAug  1 10:55:29 asus dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.host_name10:02
cpAug  1 10:55:29 asus dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.domain_name10:02
thefishanyone care to suggest an alternative wording to my previous question?10:02
cpAug  1 10:55:29 asus dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.nis_domain10:02
sn9!it | cp10:02
ubottucp: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:02
cpAug  1 10:55:29 asus dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.nis_servers10:02
cpAug  1 10:55:29 asus dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.interface_mtu10:02
cpAug  1 10:55:30 asus kernel: [  141.669843] NET: Registered protocol family 1010:02
FloodBot2cp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:02
cpAug  1 10:55:30 asus kernel: [  141.670165] lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions10:02
X3if I go to system >control center>Network tools and highlight my nic card I get this message your interface (my nic card) does not exist check that it is connected (yes it is im using it now) and that it is suppoted by your OS10:03
enzoi'd like to compile something with phpize, but it's not on my ubuntu, which package should i install for that ?10:03
Odocp, move to ubuntu-it please and don't paste here use !paste10:03
X3if I go to system >control center>Network tools and highlight my nic card I get this message your interface (my nic card) does not exist check that it is connected (yes it is im using it now) and that it is suppoted by your OS10:04
Flannel!repeat | X310:04
X3can anyone help please10:04
ManualOverDozer8X3 : state your issue, and if someone can, they will10:04
X3I repeat bacuse no one listens or cares10:04
ManualOverDozer8yes they see you10:04
ubottuX3: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:05
X3I stated my issue no one seems intersted10:05
QuentusrexI'm trying to use MythDVD with Mythbuntu to copy a movie(movies: "War" and "Minority Report") VLC and Xine can play the movies fine. Mplayer and mtd(Myth transcode deamon) both crash. Any ideas?10:05
ManualOverDozer8X3 have you installed your drivers ?10:05
X3I have done all banal and trivial things I only come in chat rooms when its last reort10:05
PucKidhi everyone, i would like to ask someone, how can i change my mac address ?10:06
ManualOverDozer8X3 what shows up in Network Tools ? does it even show "Loopback" ?10:06
cjkhi, i would like to create my own apt repository but i would like to keep some packages in sync with the official apt repositories? is there any solution to this?10:06
X3drivers where intalled by system I would like to kow if there is a way to get better divers10:06
ManualOverDozer8X3 does loopback show up ?10:06
X3yes shows loopback10:06
Flannelcjk: check out apt-proxy10:06
X3can I send u dcc10:07
Allooshhi, I have 8.4 installed and working great, for the sake of knowledge I would like to try fedora, is there a way to have both of them installed?10:07
blankthemuffinX3, Look up google for linux drivers for your network card.10:07
ManualOverDozer8x3 ok, do you know what kind of network card you have ?10:07
X3not on linux it wont tell me what card I have10:07
djtamsei wonder if some one could help me with logitech g1510:07
babohow do i generate a timestamp again ?10:07
sn9Quentusrex: libdvdcss2 bug; search the forums for the answer10:07
ManualOverDozer8X3 L what does this show > sudo lshw -C network10:07
silv3r_m00nhello room10:07
ManualOverDozer8X3 : do that in terminal10:07
sn9djtamse: is that a camera?10:08
silv3r_m00nhows everybody10:08
djtamsesn9 no it is a keyboard :)10:08
djtamsegameing keyboard10:08
babohow do i generate a timestamp from the command line anyone ?10:08
sn9babo: date +%c10:08
ozkelligirlhi everyone10:08
sn9!hi | ozkelligirl10:09
ubottuozkelligirl: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:09
dasuUgh, why does irssi have to be so complex. :(10:09
legend2440djtamse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LogitechG1510:09
Quentusrexsn9, I searched the forums. I can't find the mention of it.10:10
ozkelligirlhi ubottu10:10
silv3r_m00nfriends i need a theme that can make gnome look clean and professional10:10
godmode117i need help10:10
enterneoI have mounted the hfs+ storage partition for read-only access, however there is a permission issue, i do not wish to access the partition everytime with the root priveledge, how can I make ubuntu not respect OSX permission sets?10:10
ozkelligirlhi sn910:10
=== kaid_ is now known as beaver__
djtamselegend2440 thank you i will give it a try :)10:10
sn9Quentusrex: there are mentions of specific movie discs10:10
babosn9: thanks10:10
godmode117when i start utorrent all the ports stuff works great then it stop working so good (like the ports arent forwarded anymore)10:10
babosn9: that doesn't generate a timestamp10:11
djtamselegend2440 ive got the clock worked on my display on the g15 keyboar10:11
sn9enterneo: i don't think there is a way10:11
ManualOverDozer8godmode117 it could be there isnt enough seeders, it may not be your connection or ports10:11
Quentusrexsn9, do you know of a link?10:11
X3manualoverdoze8: http://pastebin.ca/108949210:11
QuentusrexI can't find it with google or the search...10:11
Quentusrexsorry if it's obvious10:11
gladidegIs there a working SFV-CRC check/verifier for proFTPD, that works with ubuntu?10:11
sn9godmode117: turn on UPnP10:11
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godmode117ok ill try it and report back10:12
De[X]toneguys, its time to say goodbye10:12
ManualOverDozer8X3 : ok you have nVidia MCP73 Ethernet10:12
sn9De[X]tone: goodbye10:12
X3so can I get better drivers for that or no?10:12
X3 and if so where10:12
* De[X]tone 's 0ff1c3 h0urs its over... :P10:12
ManualOverDozer8X3 : i can see what i can do and check for you, give me a min or two10:13
De[X]tonethx to u all10:13
X3plase thx10:13
ManualOverDozer8X3L Hardy  ?10:13
=== De[X]tone is now known as dextone
godmode117sn9: that didnt work10:13
ManualOverDozer8X3 what Distro of linux ?10:13
X3ubuntu hardy 8.04.110:14
Quentusrexsn9, what's the link? I can't find it... :(10:14
sn9godmode117: on in both utorrent and the router10:14
X3kernel 2.26.24-2010:14
X3kernel 2.6.24-2010:14
supert0neshas anyone here installed the compiz tile plugin?10:14
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cjkFlannel, thanks10:14
godmode117sn9: yes10:15
ManualOverDozer8X# ok, may take me a bit, please be patient10:15
KINGwhen i play dvds it looks chopy10:15
X3k thx10:15
godmode117its definatly not a port forwarding screw up10:15
cjkother question, how is the priority defined. what happens if i define more sources and the package exists in many of them. which is taken first?10:15
Flannelcjk: Highest version number, unless you've set up preferences10:16
Flannelcjk: by default (and without doing anything else), it'll always take highest version number10:16
KINGwho is the person to ask about dvd playback10:16
godmode117this program must be messing with me...10:16
godmode1175 minutes ago the connection was green and speeds were great10:17
QuentusrexI'm asking about DVD playback10:17
cjkFlannel, thanks. everything covered10:17
godmode117now the icon is green but shit speeds10:17
godmode117and now its yellow10:17
boris_should i change my xfs fstab from realtime to noatime,nodiratime ?10:17
godmode117soon to be red...10:17
c03anyone installed maple?10:18
DiViN3Anyone Here knows how to proxify bots hostname when using homeserver using Tor+Privoxy+Vidalia10:19
ManualOverDozer8X3 that happens to appear to be an onboard ethernet.10:19
X3yes it is10:20
ManualOverDozer8X3 ok , you may just be able to get an update for your board and it will do that too, but, let me look some more10:20
moreauhow do I find someones real IP if theyre on a proxy10:20
X3its a packard bell imax341410:21
sn9moreau: ask them :)10:21
moreauhe wont tell me sn910:21
rmorganhi all10:21
DiViN3Anyone Here knows how to proxify bots hostname when using homeserver using Tor+Privoxy+Vidalia10:22
ManualOverDozer8X3 did you say the ehternet was functional ?10:22
X3it is working but certain features dont10:22
moreausn9 is there anyother way10:22
X3like for instance Im connected to here now via that nic10:23
ManualOverDozer8X3 what feature dont appear to be working ?10:23
X3I cant cinfigure the card10:23
ManualOverDozer8X3 in what way are you tryign to configure the card ?10:23
ActionParsnipwerd up y'alls10:24
rmorgancan anyone help me, in work we have a server which was running cent os with a static ip however using ubuntu i cannot get it to aquire an ip or use a static one and have connectivity10:24
rmorgani am 100% certain that the ip netmask gateway and broadcast are all right10:24
rmorgandns is set10:24
ActionParsniprmorgan: what happens if you use static?10:24
ManualOverDozer8X3 google is giving me way too many irrelavent hits to my liking, afterall they do great video business and most of them are that10:25
rmorganit sets everything when checked in ifconfig but no connectivity10:25
pobbelG'day all10:25
X3to make it accept other commands like wol and give out linkspeed at what it is connected at10:25
ActionParsniprmorgan: can you ping or tracert any IPs / WWW10:25
rmorgannot even the gateway10:25
salutisrmorgan: and do you have default route set? for eth0 you can try 'sudo route add default eth0'10:25
ManualOverDozer8X3 it should auto detect link speed10:25
ActionParsniprmorgan: do you have lights flashing?10:25
X3it doesnts10:26
* mandork_y www.sciencenode.com --- freenode's science forum10:26
DiViN3rmorgan : have You Try To DMZ your router n restart both ur router n unix box10:26
ActionParsniprmorgan: what do you get if you use dhcp?10:26
ManualOverDozer8X3 just a little tip, i dont think there is any desktop computer that can handle the max throughput of any netcard.10:26
X3Link speed (not available)10:26
rmorgani havent tried the route setting give me 2 secs while i venture into the server room10:26
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs10:26
ManualOverDozer8X3 10mbit is huge, nevermind 100mbit10:26
rmorgandhcp comes back with 169.****10:26
ActionParsniprmorgan: use sshd bro, you have a network...use it10:27
pobbelI am looking for a mini pci wifi card, what chipsets have less issues with ubuntu?10:27
X3thats is not what im tryimg tpo acieve10:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rhythmbox-dev10:27
X3Link speed (not available)10:27
ManualOverDozer8X3 ok, elaborate please10:27
rmorganaction did you forget what my prob is?10:27
rmorganno network connectivity10:27
sn9pobbel: depends on what you want to use it for10:27
ActionParsniprmorgan: try a different cable or port on the interconnectivity device and restart both10:27
ManualOverDozer8X3 do you see that the internet is slow or lagging ?10:27
DiViN3pobbel : Try Using Intel based wireless card 99.8% No Problem10:27
X3a litte10:28
pobbelsn9: just home wifi10:28
sn9DiViN3: intel wireless == no AP mode10:28
ManualOverDozer8X3 as far as driver support that is a hardware issue, and configuration is not a Ubuntu issue.10:28
X3network is on iddle for most of it and there are no viruses or whatever before you ask10:28
pobbelDiVin3: thanks will keep that in mind when looking10:28
R1cocheti just recently downloaded ubuntu live cd and am having problems connecting to internet10:29
R1cochetcan the live cd connect to internet?10:29
ActionParsnipR1cochet: ok do you see your device from ifconfig10:29
ActionParsnipR1cochet: absolutely10:29
R1cochetok cool10:29
blankthemuffinX3, you're going to have to go find drivers for your motherboard.10:29
R1cochetwell im actually back in windows atm10:29
pobbelDiViN3: so long as it doesn't fall in the 0.2%10:29
ActionParsnipR1cochet: live is as good as installed, just that changes arent permanent10:29
ManualOverDozer8X3 the driver for that network card is probbably packed with the motherboard stuff, but that is not an Ubuntu issue..10:29
R1cochettrying to make the switch10:29
sn9Quentusrex: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-652528.html10:29
ActionParsnipR1cochet: bring up a terminal and type ifconfig, do you see eth0 or wlan0 or anything like that?10:30
aestrivexi am having issues getting gothic 2 to run in wine; the error code the terminal produces is wine: Unhandled page fault on execute access to 0x0162fd78 at address 0x162fd78 (thread 0009), starting debugger...Unhandled exception: page fault on execute access to 0x0162fd78 in 32-bit code (0x0162fd78).10:30
Quentusrexthanks sn910:30
R1cochetive seen etho10:30
aestrivexi have tried a variety of configuration options10:31
X3I see that ubuntu is not ready for many machines cause it is failing to read the card10:31
R1cochetive seen eth010:31
ActionParsnipok so whats the output of ifconfig eth010:31
X3noit hardware issue here10:31
ActionParsnip!paste | R1cochet10:31
ubottuR1cochet: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:31
aestrivexcan anyone tell me if the error message is related to 64-bit architecture compatibility problems?10:31
X3works fine in windows10:31
ActionParsnipR1cochet: put the output in there10:31
aestrivexwine: Unhandled page fault on execute access to 0x0162fd78 at address 0x162fd78 (thread 0009), starting debugger...Unhandled exception: page fault on execute access to 0x0162fd78 in 32-bit code (0x0162fd78).10:31
ActionParsnipaestrivex: tried winehq?10:31
aestrivexthe 32-bit code reference scares me a bit10:31
R1cochetim using windows atm10:31
R1cochetok will do10:32
ActionParsnipaestrivex: www.winehq.com10:32
blankthemuffinYou're pulling a big troll by the looks X3, but in case you're not. It's not Ubuntu, it's you not having drivers for your card, it's the same as in windows, you need drivers before it will work.10:32
aestrivexyes, ive looked at the appDB10:32
aestrivexi cant find any reason that it doesnt work10:32
ActionParsnipaestrivex: whats the score10:32
X3but you said that its not ubuntu issue10:32
ManualOverDozer8i will hold further comments on that X3 , its not rude, but not the subject of this channel10:32
aestrivex@ActionParsnip: it varies from gold to silver to platinum10:32
X3in windows it worrks fine10:32
ActionParsnipaestrivex: ok cool10:33
HappyHatereverybody makes their drivers for windows, get the *nix driver and install it10:33
ActionParsnipaestrivex: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45267310:33
sn9X3: blame nvidia for their open hostility to the community10:33
ActionParsnipsn9: nvidia love the open community, ati are horrible10:33
aestrivexActionParsnip: i've tried everything in that thread10:34
ActionParsnipaestrivex: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5479259#post547925910:34
X3well its not easy whn I ask for help here and I nearly have to do a riot to get noticed10:34
sn9ActionParsnip: i suppose you can get X3's ethernet to work? my ati ethernet works perfectly10:34
aestrivexActionParsnip: thats my thread lol10:34
ActionParsnipaestrivex: have you got a successful install10:34
ActionParsnipsn9: try ndiswrapper ;)10:34
sn9X3: good idea -- try ndiswrapper10:35
ManualOverDozer8good suggestion10:35
* ActionParsnip bows10:35
aestrivexActionParsnip: i think so; my install was a little bit odd because it didnt let me open the CD drive, but i copied the CDs to disk and the install appeared to work fine10:35
ActionParsnipaestrivex: ok cool10:35
ManualOverDozer8afterall that is the same driver as the "working good in windows" one10:35
ActionParsnipaestrivex: did you get te native dlls10:36
ActionParsnipaestrivex: apparently winehq says it needs some windows files10:36
aestrivexActionParsnip: yes, i tried that. i'm not sure i did that completely correctly, but even with sound disabled it doesnt work10:37
=== boris_ is now known as boris-
pobbelDiViN3: Do the intel based wifi chipsets still usually require ndiswrapper or is ubuntu able to support them as is i.e. linux drivers?10:37
aestrivexActionParsnip: those DLLs are only for getting the sound working10:37
sn9DiViN3: no, very few chipsets need ndiswrapper anymore10:37
sn9pobbel: no, very few chipsets need ndiswrapper anymore10:37
sn9pobbel: are you wanting to replace an existing MiniPCI?10:38
ActionParsnipaestrivex: oic, ok10:38
DiViN3sn9 : intel based chipset dsnt need any source for drivers or anything10:38
ActionParsnipaestrivex: theres no loki installer either :(10:39
pobbelsn9: thats good, I am still having issues with my current linksys based card, it is easier to get another card given tha amount of time I have tried sorting it out.10:39
DiViN3u can simply get connected  even when u tap wireless connection10:39
sn9pobbel: LNE100TX?10:39
ActionParsnippobbel: what do you get from lspci regarding the card10:39
X3sn9 ndiswrapper?10:40
ActionParsnipaestrivex: then all i'll be doing is websearching as you do man, sorry10:40
sn9X3: it's usually for wifi, but supports ethernet, too10:40
X3is that available on synaptic?10:40
pobbelsn9: neti2220 /  inprocomm   ipn222010:41
sn9X3: yes10:41
sn9pobbel: yecchh10:41
aestrivexActionParsnip: i run x86_64; what i'm sort of concerned about is whether or not this error code suggests an architecture compatibility problem10:41
aestrivexwine: Unhandled page fault on execute access to 0x0162fd78 at address 0x162fd78 (thread 0009), starting debugger...Unhandled exception: page fault on execute access to 0x0162fd78 in 32-bit code (0x0162fd78).10:41
ActionParsnipX3: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper10:41
ActionParsnipX3: dont bother with synaptic, its slow10:41
pobbelActionParsnip:  Ethernet controller: Linksys, A Division of Cisco Systems [AirConn] INPROCOMM IPN 2220 Wireless LAN Adapter (rev 01)10:41
DiViN3anyone here wanna trade shells10:42
ActionParsnippobbel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13349210:42
sn9pobbel: inprocomm driver situation is *blows raspberry*10:42
X3actionparsnip how do I accesss that too; when installed10:42
ActionParsnipX3: read the post10:42
pobbelActionParsnip: I have tried two different drivers, one from the manufacturer, and one listed on ndiswrapper, they both work but both have the same annoying problem.10:42
ManualOverDozer8RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI   works right after install no intervention needed10:42
X3k thx10:43
sn9pobbel: you got the worst possible card in the world for linux10:43
* eclectro how do I remove the "restricted driver" icon in gnome??10:43
ActionParsnipi use a netgear 311GT PCI works out of the box10:43
KINGi had to do a reinstall of ubuntu and python is not on the konsole any more10:43
ActionParsnipsn9: could be a broadcom in an acer laptop10:43
sn9pobbel: as long as you replace it with *anything* else, you're good to go. even broadcom, ActionParsnip10:44
ActionParsnipKING: sudo apt-get install python10:44
ActionParsnipsn9: i hate broadcom lots10:44
pobbelsn9: gee thanks, I don't feel so bad now.  I thought I was stuffing something up, but its just the card10:44
DiViN3sn9 : Acer r mainly using broadcom10:44
aestrivexoddly though, somebody wrote a platinum review for the game with debian unstable x86_6410:44
* mandork_y AHaHaHaHaHa LOOOL watch this xD http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/iclk?sa=l&ai=BZbR3_dqSSObSB4rG0gbc5OnnDOLGrA6K0aawAcCNtwGAlyIQBBgEIO32rhEoBDgAUM-nkaUEYO383YWsG6AB3JON_wOyARN3d3cuc2NpZW5jZW5vZGUuY29tugEJNzI4eDkwX2FzyAEB2gEqaHR0cDovL3d3dy5zY2llbmNlbm9kZS5jb20vZm9ydW0vaW5kZXgucGhwqAMByAMH6AO_AegDvAPoA7QD9QMAAwAAiAQBkAQBmAQA&num=4&adurl=http://www.cctv.net/category_s/24.htm&client=ca-pub-9539072959402171&nm=410:45
ActionParsnipaestrivex: then read it and see what they did, if it doesnt say. email to ask him/her10:45
KINGwell i have python but there is no tab for it there10:45
sn9ActionParsnip: nobody really likes broadcom, but i'd still prefer them (or anyone) over inprocomm any day10:45
ActionParsnipsn9: id try get something that worked personally10:45
DiViN3well broadcom can be easily configure to be used for any linux distro10:45
aestrivexActionParsnip: all right, i'll try that. thanks10:46
sn9ActionParsnip: actually, most broadcom chips do work reasonably now10:46
ActionParsnipsn9: oh i agree, id rather make an intelligent purchase to knock some effort off my installations10:47
pobbelActionParsnip: I think I had read that post some time in the blurry past, in the fog of despair10:48
sn9ActionParsnip: intelligent? maybe a chipmaker that cooperates with the community, then?10:48
=== \\dan\\_ is now known as \\dan\\
ActionParsnipsn9: basically yeah, linksys are usually good but i always check makes and models for my country to make sure they use a friendly chip10:49
ActionParsnipthat will ljust work10:49
sn9ActionParsnip: all the wifi chipmakers are hostile in their own ways10:50
sn9ActionParsnip: you just gotta weigh the evils10:50
ActionParsnipsn9: my netgear works a treat10:50
sn9ActionParsnip: what chip is it?10:50
ActionParsnipsn9: let me putty and i'll get you the lspci10:51
xnvRampou: Salutations10:51
AKISHAi have problem with lsmod: http://pastebin.com/m284ea3bb , what should i do ?10:51
Rampoui would wish to know if someone get sources.list for ahrdy heron 8.04 beacuse i have made naughty stuff with it..10:51
Rampouxnv, salutations aussi !10:51
ActionParsnipsn9:  01:09.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5212/AR5213 Multiprotocol MAC/baseband processor (rev 01)10:51
xnvRampou: Aussi?10:52
Rampouxnv, salutations me too10:52
sn9ActionParsnip: i have one of those, but from d-link10:52
ActionParsnipsn9: works on a fresh install of gutsy, no problems whatsoever10:52
sn9ActionParsnip: except that it taints the kernel10:52
ActionParsnipsn9: huh?10:53
xnvAKISHA: Have you been compiling the kernel yourself?10:53
Rampouxnv, i've believied you said it in french but i've just realize taht salutations is in both language10:53
sn9ActionParsnip: binary-only modules with no source code10:53
ActionParsnipsn9: i dont mind that, it works10:53
sn9ActionParsnip: oh, right, you actually defended nvidia...10:53
ActionParsnipsn9: im not a developer so i dont need source code10:53
=== andi_ is now known as adac
ActionParsnipsn9: i just want my system to work10:54
Rampounobody gets a cool new sources.list files fr me please?10:54
AKISHAxnv i got kernel from this isp where this is located10:54
Rampouhardy heron 8.0410:54
ramontayagi followed these instructions (http://railshacks.blogspot.com/2008/08/installing-latest-gvim-and-vim-in.html) to install the latest version of gvim.. and now i have 2 packages  (vim-gnome and vim-tiny) that are broken because they aren't the packages available in ubuntu's repos. how do i ignore them?10:54
moreauhow do i set opera as my default browser10:54
xnvAKISHA: Well, is there any reason you can't follow the instructions given via Google?10:55
sn9ActionParsnip: i don't mind extra setup if it means using a more sustainable code ecosystem :)10:55
ActionParsnipsn9: fair play. I just want it to work. hence nvidia, nice n easy10:55
KINGhow do i completly remove a program and the files10:57
sotheHello, i'm a total noob on linux but i find it entertaining to try new stuff. But I have a problem,    I can't find the trash-can. anyone who knows where it is?10:57
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash10:58
ActionParsniphaha awesome, whata gues10:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about junque10:58
sotheoh, thanx !10:58
Photosynthesiswhy move trash10:58
legend2440moreau: Go to System -> Preferences -> Preferred Applications    choose opera10:58
sothenothing to do?10:58
ActionParsnipPhotosynthesis: god only knows10:58
hybridi have a little problem with GRUB it wont find all my operative systems because one is on a raided disk10:59
ActionParsnipPhotosynthesis: you could symlink it10:59
ramontayaghow do i ignore "broken" packages?10:59
=== guido is now known as Guest31902
sn9ramontayag: remove them11:00
ActionParsnipramontayag: id run sudo apt-get -f install11:00
ramontayagif i want to keep them?11:00
xnvhybrid: Consider asking in #grub. Probably more knowledgeable about grub-specific issues11:00
hybridoki thx11:00
sn9ramontayag: sudo apt-get --reinstall install vim-gnome11:00
ul-hey all11:00
=== guido is now known as Guest32784
sotheOk, another thing about the trash...   how do i empty it?11:01
Photosynthesisright click trash can applet11:01
ramontayagsn9: sn9 - will that reinstall vim-gnome from the ubuntu repo?11:01
sn9ramontayag: or wherever11:01
clustyi am having some problems with setting the dns server for my router box. can anyone point me in the right direction?11:02
Photosynthesisusing bind?11:02
sn9clusty: http://clusty.com :)11:02
ul-i have installed ubuntu, as dual boot with windows, however when i restart my machine there is no boot loader to choose which os, it simply loads windows xp...any ideas?11:02
clustysn9, funny man :D11:02
ramontayagsn9: the thing is, it seems i can only install the latest version of vim-gnome (yes, that's actually what i wanted to install) if i do it manually, NOT thru the ubuntu repo.  but when i do it manually, the broken packages thing appears.11:02
clustybeen googleing my eyes out11:02
ActionParsnip!grub | ul-11:02
ubottuul-: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:02
Photosynthesisu must have installed ubuntu THAN xp... bad... XP first then install ubuntu11:03
ul-thanks :D11:03
ul-i have xp installed already11:03
sn9ramontayag: sudo apt-get update11:03
ActionParsnipPhotosynthesis: id just install Xbuntu and stop there ;)11:03
ul-i installed ubuntu afterwards11:03
ramontayagsn9, it's still not the latest.11:03
sotheHow to empty the trash-can?11:03
ul-i recall the order of operation so i was confuzzled :\11:03
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
ActionParsnipsothe: jump into the trash folder11:04
ActionParsnipsothe: if you are SURE you want it gone11:04
sn9ul-: are they on separate drives?11:04
ActionParsnipsothe: rm -rf ./*11:04
sn9ul-: bios, then11:04
ul-yeah, you're right :\11:04
ramontayagsn9, to get the latest i have to do this: http://railshacks.blogspot.com/2008/08/installing-latest-gvim-and-vim-in.html11:04
ActionParsnipsothe: make absolutely sure you are in the trash folder11:04
sotheoh, i have to do it that way... ok11:04
redrebelis there a way to optimize firefox such that has a lower memory footprint?11:04
ActionParsnipuse pwd11:04
ramontayagbut that's not my problem.. i want to ignore broken packages. how do i do that? i want to keep those packages installed though.11:05
ActionParsnipsothe: rm -rf is a VERY agressive remove so use it wisely11:05
FlannelActionParsnip: better would just be /home/user/.local/share/Trash/*11:05
sotheyeah, i'll do.   or i'll try ^^11:05
Photosynthesisul: ya then you installed the GRUB boot loader on the second disk .. so reboot and set your BIOS to boot second disk11:05
sn9ramontayag: don't use broken packages11:05
ul-this all makes sense :)11:05
ActionParsnipsothe: -r == recursive, f == force11:05
ActionParsnipFlannel: you can replace /home/user with ~/11:06
ul-however can i install grub on first disk and point it at ubuntu on my second disk?11:06
sotheok, thanx for the help. it worked :D11:06
ul-on the*11:06
FlannelActionParsnip: not necessarily.  which is why its better to be explicit.11:06
Rampousee you11:06
ramontayagokay.. i'll be in a bit of a rut then. the version of gvim that i need is later than what is available in ubuntu repositories. how do i install the latest gvim and not have broken packages? is it possible?11:06
ActionParsnipsothe: dont go using that command too much you may delete something you need11:06
Photosynthesisya u have to look at one up.... reinstall grub ( google it )11:06
ActionParsnipsothe: its like deltree in windows11:07
sn9!prevu | ramontayag11:07
ul-will try it11:07
FlannelActionParsnip: when dealing with recursive and force, better to type a little more than have it backfire11:07
ActionParsnipFlannel: i always cd to the directory rather than typing paths, then use pwd to check11:07
Photosynthesisul: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html11:07
Photosynthesisis a start11:07
ubotturamontayag: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details11:07
ul-Photosynthesis: i found this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows11:08
massmcanyone here been able to run dreamweaver under wine?11:08
ul-it explains how to get grub going11:08
Photosynthesisul: there u go :)11:08
moreauthanks legend11:09
Photosynthesismassmc: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?versionId=105411:09
rmorganaction: im still having no luck with connectivity have rebooted switch firewall and unix box and dns server11:09
sn9rmorgan: what's the symptom?11:10
ActionParsniprmorgan: does the cable work with a known good system11:10
rmorganyes just tried that11:10
ActionParsnipsn9: no dhcp and no lan connectivity11:10
ActionParsniprmorgan: got a spare NIC?11:10
rmorganthere are 4 in the server11:10
ActionParsnipdoes it work on any?11:11
KINGsudo pppoeconf11:11
moreauanyone know a way i can find an IP adress of someone hidden behing a proxy?11:11
sn9ActionParsnip: maybe rmorgan has the same issue as X311:11
massmcPhotosynthesis, just what I was after, thank you11:11
ActionParsnipsn9: he can set ip addresses and stuff but gets no connectivity11:12
ActionParsniprmorgan: do all 4 NICs show up in lspci?11:12
ramontayagsn9, thanks, i'll check that out. i'll learn what backporting is about :)11:12
sn9ActionParsnip: what chipset does he have?11:12
pobbelActionParsnip: intel PRO 2200 the sort of thing you were talking about?11:12
sn9pobbel: that works11:12
ActionParsnippobbel: not sure. was a while back11:13
sn9pobbel: i would recommend a ralink RT2800 in the long term, but that won't work out-of-the-box yet11:13
pobbelsn9: they seem fairly common, is WAP the norm or still better to stick with WEP for now, I have read there were issues with WAP but not sure what the progress is11:14
ActionParsniprmorgan: if all 4 are installed ok then the only common thing we havent changed over is the router (?)11:14
rmorganaction yes to lspci11:14
jurisI use server edition+xubuntu-esktop. when I try to log in I have this session error: ux server already running xfce session unable to access file /home/juris/ICEauthority read only filesystem. I think it's because I chmoded juris folder 755 from root account. How to fix this? thanks for answers! :)11:14
sn9pobbel: WPA generally works in 8.04 for most drivers. biggest notable exception is Texas Instruments11:14
ActionParsnipjuris: man chmod11:14
treyI installed the Xfce desktop manager in Ubuntu and IDK how to switch from gnome to it.11:14
ActionParsnipjuris: or even better, man chown11:15
ActionParsniptrey: log off, select new environment, log in11:15
rmorganaction this system was running literally an hour ago on cent os until someone decided they wanted a reinstall but didnt back up11:15
sn9juris: your filesystem is corrupted, and your hard disk could be close to dead11:15
pobbelsn9: my current card does not support it but my router does so I have not really played with it11:15
rmorganso i know the connectivity infrastructure works11:15
treyhow do I select the new environment though?11:15
ActionParsniptrey: look round the screen for things to click, you'll see it11:15
jurischown juris /home/juris?11:16
treyok ill try11:16
ActionParsniptrey: something like session name11:16
ActionParsnipor type11:16
treyill come back and tell u what I get.11:16
treyok, is it gonna be at the login screen?11:16
ManualOverDozer8despite much tinkering with xorg.conf i cant seem to find out how to map my thumb button on my mouse to a function such as middle-click , any suggestions or links ?11:16
rmorganyes trey select sessions bottom left at login11:16
jurissn9: yes, I have erros while booting... And it is new disk... :(11:17
hybridhas anyone tried the latest soundblaster drivers_11:17
sn9juris: if it's that new, maybe reinstall?11:17
soundrayHi, is there a way to simulate console keypresses while you're logged in remotely? I'm ssh'ing into a machine and I don't want it to appear idle.11:17
jurisBut I have errors: bad blocks or smthing while booting...11:17
ActionParsnipManualOverDozer8: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=318622 might help11:17
sn9!vinagre | soundray11:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vinagre11:18
sn9!vino | soundray11:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vino11:18
sn9!vnc | soundray11:18
ubottusoundray: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX11:18
soundraysn9: can't run a VNC server on it11:18
sn9!freenx | soundray11:18
ubottusoundray: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX11:18
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
jurishow can I check disk for errors? I am using Xubuntu-desktop.11:19
Vasilyhi, I just got about 50 updates (most are base gnome and kde packages) - any news on that?11:20
ActionParsnip!fschk | juris11:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fschk11:20
VasilyI'm on ubuntu 8.04 (hardy)11:20
soundraysn9: it's a headless machine, don't want to install any software on it.11:20
treyOkay, im in Xfce11:20
ActionParsnip!fsck | juris11:20
ubottujuris: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot11:20
treyworking on customizing it11:21
ActionParsniptrey: wtg111:21
soundrayI tried 'echo test | sudo tee /dev/tty0', but that doesn't get it out of idle state11:21
sn9soundray: if it's headless, what do you care what its screen looks like?11:21
juristhanks :)11:21
soundraysn9: I don't11:21
treythanks for the help!11:21
soundraysn9: when it appears idle, it will accept cluster jobs from a cycle-stealing framework, which slows down interactive performance11:21
juriswow, I have many errors :(11:22
ActionParsniptrey: help where you can11:22
sn9soundray: oh. you want to renice things, then11:22
=== Wild_Rover is now known as Wild_Rover|away
ManualOverDozer8ActionParsnip : lots to look at there, thanks11:23
soundraysn9: no, I want it to appear in use (which it actually is). Renice won't help, because those pesky cluster jobs have a massive memory footprint and make the machine swap11:23
ActionParsnipManualOverDozer8: np bro11:23
sn9soundray: what a masochistic machine...11:24
ActionParsnipsoundray: try swiftfox11:24
jurisjuris@server1:~$ fsck /home11:24
jurisfsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)11:24
soundrayActionParsnip: I'm not trying to browse the web...11:24
jurisfsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=72d095a1-8dee-40f1-ae9b-d277dafb9f65'11:24
sn9juris: you should never fsck something while it's mounted11:25
ActionParsnipsn9: i dont believe you actually can11:25
ActionParsnipsn9: can you?11:25
sn9ActionParsnip: i have11:25
soundraysn9: the whole network is setup like that. It's fine for desktops -- they unload their cluster jobs as soon as someone moves the mouse or hits a key.11:25
rageYou can fsck while readonly11:25
ActionParsnipoh, then i have learned today11:25
Photosynthesisuu may have bad blocks on your disk... try smart-tools11:25
Photosynthesisyou can run drive diagnostics11:25
sn9rage: yes, as long as you stay read-only, and don't try to reread11:26
KrnlKlinkhey there...trying to boot xen kernel...but boot process hangs with a black screen...regular kernel boots fine...this is an x86_64 box running 8.04.1...anyone know how to get around this?11:26
=== shevek is now known as Guest97532
soundrayPhotosynthesis: you mean smartmontools?11:26
PhotosynthesisKrnlK: check /var/log/kern,log syslog messages11:27
Photosynthesissound: ya thats it11:27
=== Wild_Rover|away is now known as Wild_Rover
sn9plop? that's a new greeting to me...11:27
jurishow to check what hard disk is broken? I have IDE disk / and SATA disk /home I can not even open add/remove apps11:28
sn9juris: wherever your root is11:28
ActionParsnipjuris: boot to livecd to ceck it is one answer11:28
Photosynthesisif the disk is in that state its trash11:28
* ActionParsnip agrees with Photosynthesis.11:29
Photosynthesisyes there is always live boot11:29
Photosynthesiscd live11:29
ActionParsnipjuris: if its that trashed, buy a new drive and restore data from backup11:29
jurisno backups, I have new system, already Virtualmin installed... :(11:29
jurisroot@server1:/home/juris# apt-get install smartmontools11:29
jurisW: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock11:29
jurisE: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/11:29
jurisE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.11:29
FloodBot2juris: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:29
Photosynthesisu have another process using dpkg like add/remove or synaptic11:30
=== Tizz is now known as Tizz`[Au_taff]
jurisI can not close add/remove. its frozen :P11:30
Photosynthesisu have to command line and kill -9 it11:31
soundrayjuris: reboot and fix this from a live CD11:31
DistroJockeyjuris, first I would shutdown and re-seat all cables going to your hard drives. Then go from there11:31
jurisOK. bye.11:31
magnetronjuris, add/remove applications is just not "any app"11:31
Photosynthesisya get out and use the cd11:31
jurisOK. thanks for answers. bye.11:31
Blaqlightjuris: use patebin/ubuntu.com11:31
Blaqlighterr pastebin.ubuntu.com11:31
Photosynthesisfloodbot notified him already11:32
Blaqlightlol Photosynthesis no good luck is needed only a wing and a prayer as they say LP11:32
Photosynthesiswell they didnt have LIVE CD's back in the day so he is totally spoiled11:33
BlaqlightPhotosynthesis: Im a bit inebriated, and so my answers are a bit slower than the bot's11:33
magnetronPhotosynthesis, lol "back in the day". would love your presence in #ubuntu-offtopic11:34
Blaqlightinebriated == beer11:34
orgthingyThe panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet". << ah!!11:34
orgthingywhat im supposed to do now :S ?11:34
KrnlKlinkPhoto: I see "kernel BUG at include2/asm/mach-xen/asm/maddr_64.h:28!11:34
Blaqlightmagnetron: something like that.11:34
sn9Blaqlight: it's ok, the bot's drunk, too11:34
soundrayBlaqlight: if you can spell inebriated, then you're not ;)11:35
=== jonty is now known as JontyO
JontyOIve got a problem11:35
JontyOcompizconfig-backend-gconf: Conflicts: libcompizconfig-backend-gconf but 0.6.0~git20071003+3v1ubuntu0 is to be installed11:35
JontyOE: Broken packages11:35
JontyOwhen i try to install compiz11:35
eitch0000hi, has anyone ever tried to use the huawei e172 usb modem?11:35
Blaqlightsoundray: I leaned how to spell inebriated alot drunker than I am now :P11:35
Photosynthesisjonty: sudo apt-get -f install11:35
JontyOsoundray: I got it working! Use wubi to install11:35
sn9eitch0000: is that gsm, or cdma?11:35
soundrayJontyO: at least you've moved ahead from 12 hours ago11:36
soundrayJontyO: ah11:36
JontyOok photo11:36
eitch0000sn9: that's gsm11:36
Blaqlight!pastebin | JontyO11:36
ubottuJontyO: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:36
sn9eitch0000: google for "gprsec ubuntu"11:36
eitch0000ok, thanks11:36
JontyOPhotosynthesis, still same11:37
JontyOcompizconfig-backend-gconf: Conflicts: libcompizconfig-backend-gconf but 0.6.0~git20071003+3v1ubuntu0 is to be installed11:37
Photosynthesisusing hardy?11:37
acemowhen increasing the block size of a filesystem will it make the files appear to be bigger? like when having 200 files of 2kb each and putting them in a fs with 4kb blocks or putting them in a fs with 8kb blocks, could it be that the files appear to be bigger on the 8kb blocks fs?11:37
soundrayJontyO: is your package list up to date? 'sudo apt-get update'11:38
JontyOone moment11:38
wolsacemo: the files aren't bigger11:38
cypherdelicCan somebody reach my VNC cypherdelic.kicks-ass.org? does it prompt for password??11:38
Blaqlightsn9: the bot is always drunk, problem is alcohol doesn't affect many lines of code like it does many cells....11:38
Photosynthesiswell isnt compiz installed default in hardy?11:38
Blaqlightwow my typing has actually improved.. a bit.11:38
JontyOYes soundray it is11:38
wolsbut on average a file then wastes 4kB while with 4kB blocks it wastes ~2kB pre file11:38
JontyOit maybe because i tried a software update to new kernel but i cant install it cause it cant backup /boot something cause im on Fat32 :(11:39
acemowols: thanks then this copying from one disk to a raid setup can't be because of diffrent block sizes :)11:39
wolsJontyO: make a tar and copy away the tar11:39
JontyOhuh ?11:39
JontyOconfused :S11:39
JontyOSorry im a noob11:39
Blaqlightacemo: the file itself doesn't take up any more space, its just how the filesystem interprets the space available for a certian block of code/text/ whatever.11:39
wolsI can tell, no need to say it11:39
JontyOPhotosynthesis, I want compiz fusion11:40
JontyOits been removed anyway ;)11:40
soundrayJontyO: I don't think wols actually meant you11:40
Photosynthesisjonty: no ... unfortuently apt-get (package system) is very delicate... and so unless you know some tricks, you can break things... but dont give up... learn about how to trouble shoot apt and dpkg from google is my best advise11:40
Blaqlight!compiz-fusion | JontyO11:40
JontyOi removed it as the guide said11:40
ubottuJontyO: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion11:40
acemoBlaqlight: so it could be that the files appear to be bigger while there not?11:40
omega7i have problem with my microphone11:40
cypherdelicCan somebody reach my VNC cypherdelic.kicks-ass.org? does it prompt for password??11:40
omega7can someone please help me to resolve this issue ?11:40
Blaqlightacemo: yes exactly11:41
acemoBlaqlight: great, thanks!11:41
soundrayJontyO: does 'sudo apt-get -f install' produce any error messages?11:41
Blaqlightthe lower the block size the less per bock the filesystem reads the block as full.11:41
wolsacemo: on a 8k block device space is allocated in 8k increments11:41
wolsso even a file of 1 byte needs 8k11:41
PhotosynthesisI wonder, does canonical pay someone to be in this channel as extra support? :)11:41
JontyOsoundray: No11:41
JontyOjust says no packages updated11:41
JontyO1 packages not updated*11:41
wolsa 8192 bytes file needs 8k on disk too. if it has 8193 bytes it needs another 8k chunk and so on11:42
wolsJontyO: paste the FULL output of apt-get11:42
wolspastebin it11:42
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:42
acemowols: i understand that it uses the full block, but was wondering if a filesystem would say its the full block size or that it shows the actual file size =)11:42
omega7anyone can help me, i have problem with my microphone11:42
Blaqlightacemo: the filesystem always reads a block as full if something occupies it, whether or not its acually "full"11:42
omega7it doesnt work11:42
wolsacemo: actual fielsize most times.depends on the tool reorting11:42
soundray!hi | jp11:42
ubottujp: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:42
jpil y a kelkun11:43
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wols!fr| jp11:43
ubottujp: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr11:43
Blaqlighthence the disparity between 256MB of ram and the usual available ~250MB or so...11:43
wolsBlaqlight: are you talking about filesystems with that ram analogy?11:44
theclawI encrypted my windows system partition with truecrypt, it works fine so far, now I want to mount it in linux; this doesn't work, it always says "incorrect password or no truecrypt partition" - what to do?11:44
Photosynthesisomega: you may have a bad driver or none at all that supports your mic... make sure you right click the VOLUME icon and that the mic volume is not muted or turned off11:44
acemowols: alright, ill get this guy to find out what his block size on both disks are n hope thats why before copying his files are 574MB and after copying are 842MB11:44
Blaqlightacemo: if its 4kb blocks then well... you do the math.. it adds up.11:44
JontyObrb someone in compiz-fusion helping11:44
Blaqlightwols its the same pricinple.11:44
wolsBlaqlight: bullshit11:45
Photosynthesiswhy mess with the file systems block size?11:45
omega7hi, i have problem with my microphone,11:45
Blaqlightyou look at your 160GB HDD and it usually reports 145GB or so available space...11:45
omega7can someone please help me to resolve this issue ?11:46
wolsmkfs does it automaticaly. it's a usable space vs. speed thing11:46
wolsblocksizes increase access speed11:46
Photosynthesisomega: you may have a bad driver or none at all that supports your mic... make sure you right click the VOLUME icon and that the mic volume is not muted or turned off11:46
Blaqlightbecause at 8kb block sizes it adds up fast to what the disparity between actual and available is.11:46
Photosynthesismore space please :)11:46
omega7<Photosynthesis>: i did, and it is not muted, how can i find out that i am using correct driver or not ?11:47
wolsBlaqlight: more bullshit. my hdd is not RAM. and hdds have a 1024 != 1000 problem and a 5% reserved for root "problem" on ext2. nothing to do with blocksizes either11:47
wolsPhotosynthesis: man mkfs-ext3. you can tweak to11:47
Photosynthesisomega... research google by supplying your computer model and ubuntu and sound11:47
omega7ok, i am checking now11:48
Photosynthesisu have to know your hardware before u can begin11:48
soundray!u | Photosynthesis11:48
ubottuPhotosynthesis: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..11:48
Photosynthesiswols: ya thats kool... but unnessasary... yet still fun to play with, the defaults are usualy optimal11:49
BlaqlightPhotosynthesis: you have the space but if you get down to it, it is what it is.11:49
Blaqlightit sucks that you lose so much space to that little filesystem anomaly but its designed that way for a readon, cause less problems system/filesystem wide.11:49
Penolis it many Acer Aspire One users here?11:49
Blaqlightalso sometimes bytes are lost to other things besides the actual file data...11:49
wolsPhotosynthesis: no. you have to know your filesystem usage to do that11:50
Blaqlightwols: fine believe whatever you want. its been this way for years.11:50
wolshardware is at least for that, irrelevant11:50
Photosynthesiscough... well I use reiserFS11:50
wolse.g are you storing ISOs or maildir mails? how fast is the acess you want, etc11:51
max____can someone tell me why despite giving permission for all users to run a script i get permission denied unless i use sudo?11:51
JontyOGuys im gettng this error when i do sudo apt-get upgrade11:51
JontyO /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic_2.6.24-19.36_i386.deb11:51
JontyOE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)11:51
Photosynthesiswols: perfect example... i  stand corrected11:51
wolsomega7: lspci -n output11:51
anirudh0max____: script accesses protected regions?11:52
wolsJontyO: there is more to it. FULL output. and NOT in channel11:52
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:52
max____anirudh0: hmm11:52
Grey_LokiHi. I'm having some difficulty in understanding my wireless problem. At the moment, I can connect to my router and use the internet using kernel version 2.6.20-16-generic, but when I switch (via GRUB) to using 2.6.24-19-generic, though I can connect to the network, I cannot get any internet access - does anyone have any ideas why?11:52
omega7wols: do u want the whole output ?11:52
Grey_LokiI'm using a fully-updated system, both wlassistant and wicd wireless managers, and an Asus WL-167G USB adapter, which seems to use the rt2500 chipset driver.11:52
max____anirudh0: here's the script11:52
Blaqlightwols: one question, explain this: if you write 5KB to a block in a filesystem (any filesystem) does it report to be full, 5KB full or empty?11:52
max____anirudh0: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32950/11:52
kane77what would you recommend virtualbox or vmware? (I want to try intrepid alpha + some other things)11:52
max____anirudh0: it doesn't look like it to me11:53
Blaqlightwols: assuming its 8kb blocks11:53
anirudh0just make an alias :P11:53
JontyOthats my whole error11:53
max____anirudh0: how11:53
wolsBlaqlight: report with what system call?11:53
omega7wols: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32954/11:53
anirudh0alias mupadflatex='<stuff>'...add to .bashrc11:53
Photosynthesisgrey: reboot your router and make sure you set up correctly.. maybe at first try NO encryption and no pass... later if get it working secure it with a wpa211:54
wolsJontyO: read line 1411:54
max____anirudh0: where in bashrc11:54
anirudh0btw whats the ouput of ls -l <script>11:54
anirudh0end of it11:54
JontyOwols: what shall I do with it?11:54
Blaqlightwols the system call is irrelevant in general it reports this info to the OS as full, 5kb full, or empty?11:54
max____anirudh0: xs across the board11:54
max____anirudh0: edit ~/.bashrc?11:55
max____or /etc/bash.bashrc11:55
wolsomega7: chances are 95% snd-hda-intel but: use lspci -n11:55
anirudh0max____: yeah..you have write prerms in the directory you ran it in>11:55
wolsomega7: dunno which one of them is the soundcard exactly11:55
anirudh0max____: ~/.bashrc11:55
wersi cant make a bootable usb with ubuntu hardy. i can't make a good image11:55
anirudh0max____: only edit ~/.bashrc if you have many users11:55
Blaqlightwols: in truth it reports this particular block as "Full" which means you lose 3kb of space.. now multiply this over millions of times and you have... a huge loss of space.11:55
max____anirudh0: i don't under the 3rd to last statement about the directory perms11:56
wolsBlaqlight: it's not. let's use stat then. it reports 5k and no more. as you can see for yourself by the glorious command called "ls"11:56
JontyOcan someone help me with unable to make backup link of `./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic' before installing new version: Operation not permitted please11:56
anirudh0max____: the script takes an input and gives an output..unless you have write access..the output cant be written11:56
wolsBlaqlight: I put you on my ignore list. people who don't know the differnce of RAM and hdd are simply a waste of time. goodbye11:56
Grey_LokiPhotosynthesis, i've tried the router reboots and no encryption/passphrase - i'm sure it's set up correctly though, because it works fine using the older kernel.11:57
omega7wols: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32955/11:57
anirudh0wols: dude...why do you get so angry?11:57
omega7wols: i have added some new information11:57
max____anirudh0: i don't see why i wouldn't have write acess11:57
max____in my own directory11:57
wolsomega7: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)11:58
wolswhich uses snd-hda-intel11:58
anirudh0max____: hmm..make the alias then..and see if it works..btw remove the 1 and 2..just use it as a shell command11:58
JontyOCan someone help me with11:58
JontyOunable to make backup link of `./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic' before installing new version: Operation not permitted11:58
wolsanirudh0: people who tell me what I told someone else long ago (in the same discussion) are a waste of time11:58
omega7wols: ok,11:58
Photosynthesisomega: pulseaudio has known issues.. try switching to alsa11:58
omega7wols: what do i need to do now ? as my Sound works perfectly but the microphone doesnt :(11:58
max____so if i want to not have to file pdflatex -flag file.file, i alias pdflatex -flag11:59
Blaqlightwols: fine thats what your seeing for argument sake, but still if taken as a whole the drive is still missing the usual ammount of space, due to the idea laid out above... my 160GB drive does not say that if its completely empty that it had 160GB available, only 145GB.11:59
JontyOwols: What can i do aboit that error11:59
wolsomega7: if your ubuntu ones don't work, try a newer alsa. that particular drives is in heavy development for a few years now11:59
anirudh0Blaqlight: 160 GB is a marketing gimmick11:59
wolsJontyO: check why it happens11:59
max____anirudh0: am i right?11:59
anirudh0Blaqlight: no drives ever have the full capacity..always in powers of 211:59
JontyOwols: I have no idea11:59
JontyOthats why im asking :/11:59
Blaqlightlol whatever.11:59
anirudh0max____: yes12:00
Grey_LokiBlaqlight, HDD manufacturers class a gigabyte as 1,000 megabytes, not 1,02412:00
Photosynthesissame with RAM12:00
wolsJontyO: since I don't see your system, it's permissions etc, how could I?12:00
anirudh0Blaqlight: conveniently taking 1000 instead of the real binary closest value, that is 102412:00
wolsPhotosynthesis: but the reasons are totally different12:00
Photosynthesisyou actually get more than what they market :) 102412:00
JontyOwols: Shall i edit permissions?12:01
omega7AlsaMixer v1.0.1512:01
Grey_LokiPhotosynthesis, no, you get less - they're telling you you're getting say 160x1,000, rather than 160x1,02412:01
wolsJontyO: no you should look WHY it can't be overwritten first12:01
anirudh0you get more..see cat /proc/meminfo12:01
omega7alsactl version 1.0.1512:01
PhotosynthesisGrey: which translates to MORE RAM that what is advertised12:02
omega7do i need to upgrade it ?12:02
max____anirudh0: how do i "source" the bashrc12:02
anirudh0max____: source ~/.bashrc ;)12:02
max____yea that doesn't work12:02
anirudh0thats a command12:02
anirudh0max____: open a new terminal then12:03
Photosynthesissource is used INSIDE another bash script to call a bash script12:03
Grey_LokiPhotosynthesis, apologies - I thought we were still talking about HDD space, rather than RAM O_o12:03
anirudh0can also be used from term12:03
JontyOwols,  I made permissions 777 but it still wont work12:03
anirudh0just asks bash to "execute" contents of whatever is in the sourced-file..kind of like #include12:03
wolsof course. blindly going into actiona makes it WORSE12:03
wolsif I were you I'd revert that "fix"12:04
JontyOwols, was that aimed at me?12:04
JontyOk what can i do then12:04
JontyOsorry im a noob when it comes to these things12:04
wolsI just told you: revert what you did12:05
JontyOits reverted itself12:05
Blaqlightok so there is no overhead in filesystems, and that what you know is the entire capacity of the drive and what the OS reports is all in my head.12:06
JontyOwols: What shall i do now12:06
JontyOdoes it matter i installed from wubi?12:06
wolscheck why you can't change perms as root12:06
wolsthat's suspicious12:06
max____whats this mean12:06
max____if [ "$TERM" != "dumb" ];12:06
wolsprobably it does12:06
JontyOit didnt say any errors12:06
JontyOjust seemed to go bac12:06
wolsmax____: if you don#t have a dumb terminal12:06
anirudh0max____: checks value of environment variable TERM12:06
anirudh0emacs shell is dumb..xterm is not..so emacs shell exports TERM=dumb, xterm does TERM=xterm12:07
Blaqlightfrankly wols is just mean anyway so it doesn't really bother me that he put me on ignore.12:07
max____the thing is12:07
JontyOwols, does it matter i used wubi to install it?12:07
max____in some some dirs i get colors and some i don't12:07
max____that if statement is on top of the colors aliases12:07
linxUz3rwhats new with ubuntu and compiz?12:08
linxUz3ror compiz fusion12:08
linxUz3r!compiz | linxUz3r12:08
ubottulinxUz3r, please see my private message12:08
anirudh0max____: look through the logic in the bashrc..it should be understandable :)12:08
max____anirudh0: that's what im doing12:08
sCOTTohey guys what are the best programs in linux beside gimp for graphics - to rival windows and mac :) ?12:08
max____anirudh0: i don't understand why one dir would make the terminal "dumb" and another not12:09
anirudh0max____: this does not relate to aliases in any way12:09
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag12:09
BlaqlightsCOTTo: inkscape and others.12:09
max____anirudh0: if [ "$TERM" != "dumb" ]; then eval "`dircolors -b`" alias ls='ls --color=auto' #alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical' #alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'12:09
max____anirudh0: in some dirs i get color12:09
max____anirudh0: in some i don't12:10
anirudh0max____: does'nt make sense...dunno why that could happen12:10
RaverWildhello people. new to linux. have ubuntu with gnome. want to try xfce. is it safe to install xfce? what would happen to my programs already installed for gnome? could i be able to still run them same way as gnome could run kde apps? noone replies in xubuntu channel :(12:10
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag12:10
BlaqlightRaverWild: nothing.12:10
max____anirudh0: yup even if i put the flag on ls by hand, ls --color=auto12:10
max____hmm actually nm i'm dumb12:11
lstarnesRaverWild: it should be safe to install12:11
max____none of this stuff should have color12:11
JontyOwols: what can I do12:11
JontyOits 38 1888 -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 1920472 2008-06-18 18:11 vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic as permissions12:11
BlaqlightRaverWild: go for it, however with all those extra programs installed you might have a bit of a mess for a system, consider just xubuntu12:11
anirudh0max____: you are dumb..or terminal is dumb?12:11
max____i am12:11
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag12:12
RaverWildBlaqlight, i see. what about the fact that gnome could run kde apps? does xfce could run gnome/kde too?12:12
anirudh0max____: well..the first step of fixing something is realizing that it needs to be fixed ;)12:12
anirudh0RaverWild: yes12:12
anirudh0RaverWild: unless otherwise mentioned..everything runs everything12:12
BlaqlightRaverWild: yes they are included in the menus if thats what your asking, and yes they run the same way.. with some dependencies.12:12
max____omg i've been up for so long12:13
RaverWildanirudh0, thanks man. does thid applies to other desktop environments such as rox, xfast?12:13
anirudh0RaverWild: desktop environment are mostly for eye candy..apps need libraries..which are povided by the system..hence everything run everywhere12:14
anirudh0RaverWild: but they might not look the same12:14
RaverWildanirudh0, i see. thanks man.12:14
=== DistroJockey_ is now known as DistroJockey
wctaiwanum, I installed ubuntu according to the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook on a first gen macbook... I did not install rEFIt or follow this step: "On the last screen, click on the "Advanced" button and select instead /dev/sda in the drop-down list for installing GRUB" (because i thought it was only applicable for using ubuntu's bootloader)12:17
wctaiwannow when I boot up and hold down option, boot camp only sees Macintosh HD12:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eclipse12:19
Balian_i have 156 update files but i can't download  bicuse ubuntu 6.12 don't have suport...12:19
azhar27!amarok | azhar2712:19
ubottuazhar27, please see my private message12:19
anirudh0what is 6.12?12:19
* Blaqlight chops up the towel into a thousand little pieces and throws it into the middle of #ubuntu.12:19
japhethhi there, can someone tell me please, how can I tell from the command line after doing a sudo apt-get update, whether or not a sudo apt-get upgrade is necessary?12:20
anirudh0japheth: you cant12:21
anirudh0japheth: but you can type apt-get upgrade..and then cancel12:21
japhethreally?  but you can check whether or not a restart is required after a sudo apt-get upgrade...12:21
Balian_anirudh0 6.12 <----  DISTRIBUTION i need repo12:22
sCOTTohey can someone tell me a good place to download fonts + also a good fonts manager ?12:22
trigpinhi , i want to play burnt dvds on a dvd player which does not play divx , is it possible , what programs i need ?12:23
DistroJockeyjapheth, not sure you can tell from command line if a reboot is needed, but you don't need to reboot until you are ready12:24
anirudh0reboots upgrade default kernel12:24
japhethDistroJockey: you can definitely tell if a reboot is needed from command line, which is why it surprises me that you can't tell if an upgrade is required.12:24
anirudh0japheth: how do you tell?12:25
lappy198Are there any alternatives to F-spot? I looked up googles Picasa, but since it just uses Wine Libs it feels like a bad choise..12:25
DistroJockeyjapheth, sudo apt-get upgrade   tells you if you need to upgrade12:25
lappy198anirudh0> Was that pointed at me?12:26
trigpinhi , i want to play burnt dvds on a dvd player which does not play divx , is it possible , what programs i need ? (sorry to repost)12:26
japhethanirudh0: a file is created at /var/run/reboot-required12:26
japhethDistroJockey: true, I guess I could just run apt-get upgrade -y and then it'll upgrade if necessary, and just do nothing if not...12:27
lappy198trigpin> Are you burning an .avi file to a cd or a .iso or .imb?12:27
trigpinlappy198,  im burning an avi12:27
lappy198anirudh0> Gwenview is for KDE apparently..12:27
DistroJockeyjapheth, well, depends on your situation I guess12:28
legend2440trigpin: devede     in synaptic is good12:28
japhethDistroJockey: my purpose is basically to write a small Python script to run at 3am everyday on a server, and install any updates and reboot if necessary.12:28
anirudh0lappy198: then look at gqview12:28
ArthurArchni1I installed Kubuntu 8.04 on my girlfriends laptop, but there a few things that don't work good. I know how to fix them on gnome, but I'm not sure how to fix them on KDE. I've used the ppa repo to upgrade to kde 4.112:29
DistroJockeyjapheth, if it's a critical server, I'd do it manually (but maybe less often)12:29
ArthurArchni1The first is, everytime I log in, I need to enter the key for the kde wallet so that the wireless can connect.12:29
trigpinlegend2440, when i use devede it rurns the .avi able to play on anything ?12:30
lappy198trigpin> Well.. Then you will have to convert it to a DVD.12:30
ArthurArchni1On gnome you install libpam-gnome-keyring or some such and that fixes it. How do I fix this on KDE?12:30
lappy198TrevorP1> And I'm not 100% sure on how to do it.. Do some googling on it.12:30
legend2440trigpin: http://www.rastersoft.com/programas/devede.html12:31
anirudh0ArthurArchni1: #kubuntu-kde4, or#kde, might be more useful12:31
japhethDistroJockey: It's not a critical server in this case.  It hosts code, and has incremental backups every 30mins during the day, but needs minimum maintenance.12:31
trigpinthanxs, lappy198 ,legend2440, will try devede12:32
ArthurArchni1anirudh0: I think that was uninstalled automatically since it conflicts with kde 4.1 from the ppa archives12:33
DistroJockeyjapheth, It may suit your situation but I don't always like applying all updates (especially quickly after release) without some reviewing12:33
japhethDistroJockey: that's a fair point, and normally I would agree.  in this case though, I am leaving a business and I set their server up.  noone else knows how to maintain it at this point, and keeping it up to date is fairly important...12:34
xorandCan anyone help me with installing iReport 3.0.0 on Ubuntu 8?  The installer doesn't seem to work and there doesn't seem to be iReport in Ubuntu's repo12:35
DistroJockeyjapheth, ahh, fair enough12:35
japhethDistroJockey: thanks for your assistance too, I think that's sorted me out  :)12:36
ArthurArchni1Hmm...  I've created a new wallet and asked it not to prompt me for passwords. We'll see if that works.12:36
DistroJockeyjapheth, no problem. All the best :)12:36
Zen_hi every body12:37
anirudh0DistroJockey: well..updates do get reviewed...thats how they get there..in part12:37
DistroJockeyanirudh0, yes, depending on your repo sources ofcourse12:37
eshatHi all, is there a way, that a file cannot be opened twice ? We are a root group and I want to prevend 2 persons editing the same config, because one will lose his changes if the other overwrites the file ?12:38
anirudh0eshat: put it under svn :P12:39
=== Mike_ is now known as Guest36080
tom4everhi , i want to add ram to my desktop does linux accept all ram or can it not be compatible ?12:41
anirudh0it accepts12:41
eshatanirudh0: I am talking about server configs, etc. So the file has to be on that server and not in a svn directory12:41
eshator at least be uploaded after it is comitted12:42
DistroJockeytom4ever, if you BIOS sees it, all is good :)12:42
trym_workwhen you "connect to a server" using ssh - you obviously have the same permissions as the user you are connecting as. Is there a way to sudo on the remote side, so that you have full access to the remote filesystem?12:42
DistroJockeytom4ever, unless you are going over 3GB of RAM that is :)12:43
tom4everDistroJockey, alright not bought the ram yet , hope the bios sees it12:43
Picitom4ever: See ##hardware for figuring out what types of ram that your computer can accept.12:43
DistroJockeytom4ever, yeah, good idea to check what you MB/system can support first12:43
tom4everDistroJockey,  was goint to add 4  gb ram =()12:43
umangme_eshat: Can't you make each user do a chown (self) and then a change permitions so that others can't change the file.12:44
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto12:44
tom4everPici,  ok will have a look in #hardware12:44
DistroJockeytom4ever, to see the full 4GB you will need a 64bit OS or run a 32bit OS with PAE support (latter is slower)12:44
HappyHaterDistroJockey, what about the bigmem kernels? isn't that what their for?12:45
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DistroJockeyHappyHater, yep, that would be PAE12:45
tom4everDistroJockey,  i have 32 bit systel i guess its imposible to upgrade ?12:46
DistroJockeytom4ever, how much RAM do you have now? How many RAM slots?12:46
PiciAhem, ##hardware ;)12:47
DistroJockeyPici, sorry12:47
ActionParsnipwerd up y'alls12:47
tom4everDistroJockey,  no idea havn't opened to see , but i have 1 gb at the moment12:48
DjViperActionParsnip: pardon? :P12:48
tom4everDistroJockey,  is there a way to check how many slots i have ?12:49
moreauanyone know what setting an IRC chat as 'persistent' does.  in Pidgin, with the chat rooms i have added to the ud list12:49
ArthurArchni1hi.. ok that didn't work. Network manager keeps telling me that knetworkmanager needs kwallet to open... but in kwallet I only have one wallet that is set not to ask for passwords.12:49
=== rufi is now known as R4
ArthurArchni1So there must be some old wallet or setting in there from before my upgrade that is confusing it12:50
DistroJockeytom4ever, may aswell get what the board supports (if you can afford it)12:50
=== R4 is now known as R42
moreaur4 stop, ppl will bitch at you for spammin channel with /nick <nick> commands12:50
moreauand, hello :)12:50
R42i installed ubuntu today and have some problems ._.12:51
R42nicks were registered ,\12:51
DistroJockeytom4ever, google your MB/System name or BIOS codes for specifications12:51
moreauR3 > R4 IMO12:51
tom4everDistroJockey,  ok thanxs will do , thanxs fo your help =)12:51
DistroJockeytom4ever, you're welcome12:52
moreauwhats your prob with ubuntu R4212:52
sergevnhosting platform with virtual sites, each documentroot dir has it's own non-existing owner/group id12:52
tom4everPici,  thanxs for you help too12:52
R42apt-get and symantic isn't working, i get rufi@ubuntu-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install konsole12:52
R42[sudo] password for rufi:12:52
R42E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.12:52
^hellfire^spadam do jutra12:52
sergevnis it possible to run cronjobs as the non-existing user12:52
PiciR42: run sudo dpkg --configure -a12:52
ActionParsnipR42: then run that12:53
R42i did it of course12:53
ActionParsnipR42: and what did yuo get?12:53
R42but no result12:53
ActionParsnipR42: why do you want konsole when you have terminal?12:53
R42i can paste, but i have russian locale12:53
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:54
R42it's not a question of konsole or terminal12:54
R42apps don'g install or uninstall12:54
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:54
moreauffs shut up he can speak english12:54
ActionParsnipR42: try sudo apt-get -f install12:54
R42ubottu: k', thx12:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about k', thx12:54
moreauhes a bot12:55
ActionParsniphe saves finers in here12:55
R42i see12:55
moreauyou can type stuff like !xorg  !wubi, etc12:55
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!12:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about yourmom12:55
[gquit]bombadilevery time i watch a youtube video firefox crashes12:55
unopsergevn, you could run a cronjob as the user "noboby"12:55
moreaubombdil how did you install the flash thingy12:56
moreauflash....driver...whatever its called12:56
ActionParsnip[gquit]bombadil: firefox3-64bit with flash per chance?12:56
[gquit]bombadilActionParsnip: nope12:56
ActionParsnip[gquit]bombadil: 32bit? 64 bit? What version of firefox12:56
sluimershello? I've got a slowness problem, ubuntu is slowing my computer down to ultra slow now12:57
[gquit]bombadilmoreau: i followed the fixing pulse audio webpage from the ubuntu forums12:57
sluimerseverything is moving slow12:57
tom4ever[gquit]bombadil,  i had same problem i up upgraded firefox and installed adobe flash12:57
sluimersexcept for my mouse pointer12:57
iopkI have a simple textfile that is OK on one machine, but contains "strange" characters on another machine. It's copied from the first to the second by first gzipping, scp'ing and unzipping it. file --mime <<filenam>> says "text/x-c; charset=us-ascii" on both machines. how can I make sure it looks OK on the 2nd machine too?12:57
[gquit]bombadilActionParsnip: 32bit, FF3, i'll need to start FF again to get the exact version12:57
moreaui dont think you guys should even be running FF312:57
tom4ever[gquit]bombadil,  and it worked12:57
ActionParsnipsluimers: so apps take a while to load, login is slow12:57
ActionParsnip[gquit]bombadil: id uninstall then reinstall the flash plugin12:58
umangmesluimers: Have you installed anything lately?12:58
Piciiopk: md5sum both of the files and compare the resulting hashes12:58
moreauFF3 to web browers is like Vista to OS's12:58
sluimersActionParsnip, it's beyond normal, even typing here on xchat lags12:58
ActionParsnip[gquit]bombadil: uninstall it then go to a flash site like www.rathergood.com it will be offered to you12:58
sluimersumangme, java12:58
ActionParsnipsluimers: what spec pc do you have?12:58
[gquit]bombadilActionParsnip: okay i'll try that12:58
anirudh0iopk: run a diff12:58
unopiopk, are all the contents of the file strange characters or just a few?12:59
sluimersit's a 1.5 Ghz centrino laptop12:59
ActionParsnipsluimers: ram?12:59
anirudh0iopk: see unop12:59
sluimerswith 4 Gb of RAM12:59
anirudh0iopk: might be a locale issue too12:59
ActionParsnipsluimers: wow nice, graphics?12:59
ActionParsnipsluimers: do you have any compiz rubbish running?12:59
sluimersgraphics? I don't know, just a regular one13:00
sluimersintel one13:00
ActionParsnipsluimers: have you installed the graphics driver?13:00
sluimersyes, I can't get rid of the compiz thing13:00
anirudh0sluimers: run "top" from term...see whats eating your cpu13:00
ActionParsnipsluimers: have you ran sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade13:00
umangmesluimers: Are you sure your swap is swapedon? type free in terminal and see what it says with swap13:00
DistroJockeysluimers, first thing I would try is disabling (setting to None) the Visual Effects in  System - Preferences - Appearance13:00
sluimersXorg is13:00
ActionParsnipi bet its compiz being fantastic as usual13:01
anirudh0sluimers: sudo killall compiz13:01
=== Exteris^ is now known as Exteris
sluimersdistroJockey, it is already and yet compiz is running13:01
unopanirudh0, sudo ?13:01
crdlbanirudh0: using sudo make no sense13:01
anirudh0unop: yes13:01
unopanirudh0, that's a silly use of sudo13:02
sluimersanirudh0, no use it's still slow13:02
anirudh0i'm not sure compiz is a user process13:02
tmapjhey could anyone help me, my system tray is missing13:02
umangmesluimers: Is you swap activated?13:02
crdlbanirudh0: it's a window manager ...13:02
anirudh0crdlb: yes13:02
unopanirudh0, and window managers are invoked by the user not root13:03
crdlbwindow managers are just clients of the X server, so they run as user13:03
sluimersumangme, ah errr.... maybe not, I never really understood swap13:03
tmapjhey could anyone help me, my system tray is missing13:03
=== Skyrail is now known as Sky|Food
sluimersMem:       2066520    1425220     641300          0      63624     83269213:03
umangmesluimers: type in free in the terminal13:03
ActionParsniptmapj: right click the taskbar -> add item (?)13:03
umangmeAnd post the line that says swap13:03
sluimers-/+ buffers/cache:     528904    153761613:03
anirudh0sluimers: if swap is on..it will show in df -h ouput13:03
Picitmapj: on the bottom?13:04
anhdhhow can i make the 3d desktop into the circle by compiz???13:04
sluimersSwap:      1646620          0    164662013:04
tmapjno pici on the top right corner13:04
anirudh0sluimers: did you run top..see if compiz is really the culprit13:04
umangmesluimers: How much RAM do you have?13:05
Picitmapj: Right click on the panel. go to add to panel and the applet you need to add is titled Notification bar, I think, or something similar.13:05
HappyHateranhdh, upgrade to version 0.7.6 of compiz-fusion13:05
* ActionParsnip bets its compiz13:05
tom4everanhdh,  do you mean into a cube or like a round ball ?13:05
anhdhHappyHater,  yes13:05
sluimersumangme, 4 Gb13:05
anhdhHappyHater,  round13:05
tmapjthanks pici13:05
Picitmapj: surely13:06
umangmeOh ok that's why you've got your swap fully free. Then swap can't be the issue13:06
sluimersumangme, my last laptop had too little so I got as much as possible when I bought it13:06
anhdhHappyHater,  cube is easy but i can't make it round ball13:06
tom4everanhdh , didn't know it could do that thanxs13:06
anirudh0sluimers: you have a 64 bit system>13:06
HappyHateranhdh, , like I said, upgrade your version13:06
anhdhHappyHater,  ok13:06
ActionParsnipsluimers: does it happen if you reduce ram?13:07
Picianhdh: Thats not offered in the version of Compiz in Hardy, join #compiz-fusion for help installing a new version.13:07
iopkunop: just a few characters - the famous ones are strange13:07
sluimersI see in top: Xorg, opera and compiz.real as my CPU eaters, with Xorg being the main culprit13:07
sluimersanirudh0, no13:07
unopiopk, what are the "famous ones" ?13:07
iopkunop: é and è etc are wrong13:08
sluimersActionParsnip: How do I do that? I doubt it, I have been running Ubuntu just fine for over a year13:08
iopkunop: you know - the non-english chars (french)13:08
ActionParsnipsluimers: its a physical removal of the ram13:08
unopiopk, so you are writing in french ?13:08
ActionParsnipsluimers: maybe your system needs tweaking as it has 4gb ram13:08
anirudh0iopk: wrong locale on one machine>13:09
sluimersActionParsnip: It ran feisty and gusty just fine.13:09
Craskellhey guys, im havin a problem with my wlan router, speed just like 1 kb/s,  but 1 MB/s would be more like possible13:09
iopknah - it's a postgres dump file. I know those can give problems, but what surprises me is that a file (a simple file) that looks OK one one machine contains invalid chars on another one. It's as if the second one does not know what fileformat the file is in13:09
fatalushello how can i install grub from live cd ?? while the installation i got an error like grub-install(hd0) cant executed..what should i do ??13:09
unopiopk, try saving the file in unicode encoding rather than us-ascii13:10
DistroJockeysluimers, does  killall compiz.real   work? Or maybe a   metacity --replace13:10
anirudh0fatalus: google for "recover grub live cd ubuntu"..open first link13:10
kushal_12_27_200Hello, I would like to use GNU/Linux live cd to perform a virus/malware scan on a desktop that my friend has. Is it possible to scan for viruses using a live CD without installing anything on the computer? It is an old Pentium III but it boots Ubuntu 8.04.1 live CD fine and its ethernet card also works under Ubuntu (which is amazing). so my question is, if I want to do virus, spyware and malware scan on the hard disk (which13:10
kushal_12_27_200has Win XP installed) which linux distro supports it out of the box? thanks.13:10
ActionParsnipsluimers: hmmm, not sure then13:10
anirudh0kushal_12_27_200: no13:11
kushal_12_27_200on, and I would also like to heal/remove the infection13:11
moreau[gquit]bombadil: make sure there are files in /home/zoreau/.mozilla/plugins.  there should be at least one 'libflashplayer.so'  then go to /home/zoreau/.mozilla/firefox/clevzode.default/  open the file 'pluginreg.dat' and make sure there is a line saying "/home/zoreau/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so"in other words, "pluginreg.dat" in folder /home/<user>/.mozilla/firefox/clevzode.default should have a line which simply points at the 13:11
kushal_12_27_200anirudh0, I don't understand13:11
anirudh0kushal_12_27_200: the live cd cant scan for windows viruses13:11
Craskellis someone maybe able to help me?13:11
=== aoupi1 is now known as aoupi
kushal_12_27_200Is there another distro that does the task that you are aware of?13:12
iopkanirudh0: where can I see the locales on the machines?13:12
dns53are there any network file systems that i can mount while in the alternate install cd?13:12
HappyHaterCraskell, not until you ask13:12
truthtruthhello sinners13:12
Craskellwell im havin a problem with my wlan, the speed is like 1 kb/s13:12
unopiopk, use  locale  at a terminal13:12
kushal_12_27_200is this channel logged somewhere?13:12
Craskelleven lower13:12
anirudh0iopk:  locale13:12
trym_workwhen you "connect to a server" using ssh - you obviously have the same permissions as the user you are connecting as. Is there a way to sudo on the remote side, so that you have full access to the remote filesystem?13:12
truthtruthCraskell: thats actually rather fast13:12
anirudh0iopk: or you mean files?13:12
sluimersDistroJockey: nope, so far the only thing that has worked is turn the laptop on and off, but it gets slow after a while again13:13
fatalusplease somebody help me i tried lots of things but i cant still..im going out of my mind :S13:13
anirudh0kushal_12_27_200: irclogs.ubuntu.com13:13
truthtruthfatalus: beg some more and I may help you ;)13:13
Craskellfast? sorry im german^^ its not really fast13:13
unoptrym_work, log in as the normal user then use sudo to escalate privileges13:13
truthtruthfatalus: whats the prob?13:13
DistroJockeysluimers, well, compiz.real = compiz still running13:13
kioskCWEK_cutetz & gokil13:13
anirudh0Craskell: type iwconfig13:14
trym_workunop: how will that help?13:14
anirudh0Craskell: see link quality13:14
Craskellyeah i did, the quality is good13:14
trym_workunop: i want full access to the filesystem through "sshfs"13:14
sluimersDistroJockey: it's turned off now, but it's still really slow13:14
anhdhwhen i try to use "sudo apt-get update" i get this E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)13:15
anhdhE: Unable to lock the list directory13:15
Craskellwait a sec13:15
truthtruthsluimers: define slow13:15
DistroJockeysluimers, ahh, k13:15
titanix88'sudo' says timstamp is too far in the future...what should i do?13:15
Craskelllook here13:15
sluimerstruthtruth: I type on xchat or anywhere else and it takes time for the letters to appear13:15
moreaudns53: sudo mount -o cifs //server/share <in here goes the location of a mount point on the HARD DRIVE, if you use /mnt/whatever, it will try to mount it onto the disc, obviously not possible)13:15
titanix88plz help ... :(13:16
sluimersCPU use goes to 100% very fast13:16
DistroJockeysluimers, and what does   top   say is using it?13:16
titanix88'sudo' says timstamp is too far in the future...what should i do?13:17
unoptrym_work, I guess you'll have to enable the root account on the remote machine then and log on as root directly -- but this is not recommended, if there is a way to work around this, you should look into that instead13:17
kioskce cutez13:17
dns53moreau cifs is not available in the alternate installer shell13:17
moreautitanix88: what are you running sudo with?13:17
moreaudns53: what FS type are you tryin t mount?13:17
titanix88moreau: any "sudo xxxx" command....13:18
sluimersXorg, xchat, metacity, gnome-panel13:18
kioskce cutez&gokil13:18
moreauis your date/time set correctly....lol i assume theyre correct but its the only thing i can think of13:18
unoptitanix88,  is the date and time set properly on your machine?13:18
dns53moreau i am running the alternate install cd and i want to backup the drive over a network, i'll use a usb drive but a network would be better for me13:18
titanix88pixie@theMonitor:~$ sudo aptitude update13:18
titanix88sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Aug  2 18:02:16 200813:18
jpds!fr | kiosk13:18
ubottukiosk: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr13:18
jpds!en | kiosk13:18
ubottukiosk: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat13:18
Craskellanirudh0, did ya find out something?13:19
trym_workunop: yeah thanks - its a way around that Im looking for13:19
anhdhE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)13:19
anhdhE: Unable to lock the list directory13:19
anhdh what can i do to fix that error??13:19
titanix88unop: i am trying to fix my date, but i need to use sudo to do that.... :-|13:19
jpds!aptfix | anhdh13:19
ubottuanhdh: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:19
anirudh0Craskell: nope..sorry13:19
DRebellionanhdh, you can't run more than one package manager at the same time.13:19
DistroJockeysluimers, those 4 processes are using 25% each?13:19
iopkhow can I find out what encoding my file actually has?13:20
Craskellanirudh0, anyway thx13:20
anhdhDRebellion, i don't13:20
tom4everanhdh, you ran sudo before your command , do you have synaptic open or update anger ?13:20
unoptitanix88, iirc, you can set the right date and time using the date applet13:20
DRebellioniopk, command:  file myfile13:20
anhdhtom4ever, no13:20
unoptitanix88, does   sudo -i  bring you to the root shell?13:20
moreaudns53: as in you want to send the files, from the comp that your running the cd from, onto another comp on your network?13:20
Craskellis something wrong right here anyways? --> http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/391086/13:20
titanix88unop: no. Same msg...13:20
Craskelland here  http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/391087/13:20
moreaujust make sure that the other computer has a 'share' folder that allows read AND write13:21
Craskellwlan problem13:21
dns53moreau yes, ether create a tar on the fly or use dd to image the drive13:21
unoptitanix88, I guess you will have to boot up into the single user/recovery mode then and set the date and time there13:21
iopkDRebellion: file myfile says "ASCII C program text" - now what I do specify in iconv -f <<origencoding>> for that? any idea ?13:21
sluimersDistroJockey: no, it really depends.. I can for example firefox jumping to 20%+ when I click on firefox, same goes for xchat13:21
anhdhubottu, thnks i works now :)13:21
ubottuanhdh: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) (1)13:21
sluimersXorg is somehere between 5 and 25%13:21
dns53moreau the thing is i'm using the alternate cd installer (no os installed yet) so the initial os image does not contain things like nfs and cifs mounting support13:22
DistroJockeysluimers, that's normal. But you said something was eating your CPU (I assumed you ment all the time)13:22
titanix88unop: i just set the time a day ahead and now sudo is working... :D13:22
DRebellioniopk, i would go for ASCII13:22
sluimersDistroJockey: it was13:22
unoptitanix88, a day ahead? it should be a day behind13:23
sluimersDistroJockey: it no longer is, but the slowness still occurs13:23
anirudh0titanix88: first time i heard of a computer having jet-lag ;)13:23
dns53moreau my mistake there is nfs support there13:23
sluimersDistroJockey: it's like turning off the programs doesn't have any effect on my computer's speed13:23
titanix88the actual day is 1, sudo says 2, i set it to 3.... :S13:23
iopkstrange - "iconv: illegal input sequence at position 99155". Whereas using "nano" to inspect the file (though I cannot look at "position 99155", since I don't know where to find that) seems fine13:23
titanix88Anyway it worked ..... :-)13:24
iopkhow could I see the words surrounding "position 99155" in a certain file ?13:24
titanix88thanks unop13:24
DistroJockeysluimers, ahh, ok. What is slow, network related stuff or everything?13:24
sluimersDistroJockey: everything13:24
HappyHateriopk regex13:25
BrahmanaI wanted to know what all libraries are installed when I do "apt-get install build-dep firefox"13:25
iopkHappyHater: regex ?13:25
sluimersDistroJockey: when I hold a key on my keyboard it goes back to 100% cpu use13:25
HappyHaterregular expression... see google13:25
Rioting_pacifisti want to recompile my clock applet with a patch, where do i find the sources in the repos? kdebase-dev is all i can see13:25
unopiopk, use  iconv --list to list the known encodings and use one of them .. iso 8859 1 perhaps for us ascii13:25
DistroJockeysluimers, do you use disk indexing?13:25
kercyrdoes anyone have experience with ubuntu-installed dell laptops?13:26
BrahmanaI want a list of libraries that are bundled as build dependencies for firefox. Is there a way for me to get that?13:26
DRebellionRioting_pacifist, #kubuntu-devel might know.13:26
moreaudns53: in nautilus, go to the address of hte other comp "smb//<some share folder on the remotecomp> then drag n drop files as needed....or Tar eerything up then send it13:26
sluimersDistroJockey: I don't know what that is, I have a feeling this might be due to that swap thing13:26
dns53moreau the alternate install cd has no gui and therfore no nautilus13:26
sluimersDistroJockey: swap file?13:26
anirudh0Rioting_pacifist: what are you patching?13:27
moreaulol i dont know shit about this alternative cd XD13:27
DistroJockeysluimers, swap partition will be displayed with the    free   comand13:27
anirudh0Rioting_pacifist: the applet seems to work fine here13:27
unopiopk, iconv -f ISO8859-1 -t UTF8 /path/to/file13:27
sluimersDistroJockey: Yes, but looking at Gparted, the swap partition is inside another partition, that can't be good right?13:27
dns53Rioting_pacifist add a deb-src to your sources.list and then you are able to run:   apt-get source packagename13:27
mgolischsluimers: why not?13:28
DistroJockeysluimers, that's fine (I assume it's inside the extended partition)13:28
mgolischyou can even have your root partition in an a extended partition13:28
iopkunop: yeah, that is the command that is giving "illegal input sequence at position 99155"13:28
Rioting_pacifistanirudh0: i want it better than fine, theres a patch to add korganiser events to it13:28
mgolischlinux has no problem with that13:28
sluimersDistroJockey: okay13:28
moreaucan you try 'sudo cp <file> smb://
sluimersDistroJockey: it is13:28
iopkunop: seems that the file is not actually in that encoding, where could I check the default locale of my system ?13:28
unopmoreau, unlikely to work that13:29
DistroJockeysluimers, which Ubuntu you running again?13:29
mgolischnever seen that13:29
sluimersDistroJockey: hardy13:29
moreauyou might have to add '-o username=foo,password=foo'13:29
iopksomehow the file is read & shown correctly by "nano", so the charset is somehow readable...13:29
unopiopk, locale -a perhaps13:29
unopiopk, how are you generating this dump file??13:30
DistroJockeysluimers, use Evolution or Ekiga?13:30
sluimersDistroJockey:  sometimes use evolution yes13:30
mariushi, kann mir hier jmd mit lirc helfen ?13:31
unopiopk, if nano can view the file properly -- then you might have to set your other editor/viewer up to view the file in the right encoding13:31
sluimersDistroJockey: but not at the moment13:31
unop!de | marius13:31
ubottumarius: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:31
mariussry! can sb. help me with lirc?13:31
DistroJockeysluimers, ahh, ok. Just sometimes I have seen  evolution-data-server  cause 100% cpu usage13:31
DistroJockeysluimers, that was pre 8.04 though13:32
Circus-Killermarius: moet gaan na #ubuntu-de, hierdi channel is vir engels13:32
iopkunop: unfortunately, locale -a only gives the full list of available locales ...13:33
sluimersDistroJockey: I'll check what's running13:33
DistroJockeysluimers, and this does re-occur after reboot you said?13:33
iopkunop: pg_dump dbname > filename ...13:33
mariusCircus-Killer, i know13:33
unopiopk, what editor/file viewer do you use to view this file?13:33
iopkunop: it's an old postgres, so the -E option is not available yet13:33
sluimersDistroJockey: after a while yes13:33
iopkunop: nano13:33
mariusCircus-Killer, i choosed the wrong tab13:33
sluimersDistroJockey: I killed the data-server and it's running much better now13:34
unopiopk, what does $LANG contain?13:34
iopkneither does  $LC_ALL13:34
iopknor $LC_COLLATE13:34
sluimersDistroJockey: I guess that's it13:34
DistroJockeysluimers, ahh, k. I just removed that on previous installs if I had an issue with it13:35
anirudh0iopk: strange..LANG should be set13:35
unopiopk, try this.  LANG="en_US.UTF-8" nano filename13:35
unopiopk, or your utf-8 locale instead13:35
DistroJockeysluimers, but it probably prevents you from using Evolution fully or at all13:35
sluimersDistroJockey: I like evolution though, what's the data-server used for?13:35
wigrenhello all, can some one help with sshfs?13:36
DistroJockeysluimers, there will be a bug report somewhere, probably with a workaround/fix13:36
unopiopk, you could also try this.  LANG="en_US.iso88591" nano filename13:36
tom4everon system there is CPU1 and CPU2 whats difference ?13:36
Guilohi all13:36
Guiloi am looking for a soft who could print posters13:36
sluimersohhh.... calandar and adressbook, I see now13:36
DistroJockeysluimers, check out launchpad looking for evolution-data-server issues13:36
anirudh0tom4ever: probably different cores13:36
sluimersI had problems with that before in gusty13:37
Guiloa big image would be splitted into small pieces and printed on separate pages13:37
anirudh0Guilo: gimp?13:37
GuiloI didn't find such an option13:37
DistroJockeysluimers, atleast you can do it quicker now :)13:37
anirudh0Guilo: create or print?13:37
anirudh0Guilo: dunno about that13:37
sluimersyep :)13:37
sluimersthanks DistroJockey13:38
azhar27guys do you know any wine repository13:38
DistroJockeysluimers, you're welcome. Good luck13:38
tom4everanirudh0,  thanxs one was maxed out at 100 and other at 9 was confused13:38
iopkunop: thx - will try13:39
error404notfoundwhen my machine is shutting down, where are the messages stored printed on that black screen?13:40
mien07i have a problem running my lamp13:40
cleatonhello, i am having some trouble getting jackd to work, i get "cannot load module alsa" when i try and start it13:40
mien07my php files cant be run by the local host..i have this error Apache/2.2.8 (Unix) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.8e PHP/5.2.5 mod_apreq2-20051231/2.6.0 mod_perl/2.0.2 Perl/v5.10.0 Server at localhost Port 8013:41
mien07some1 pls help13:41
adityagwhat is the syntax of sending a mail from termianl13:41
roe_adityag man sendmail13:42
wigrenI'm looking for help with sshfs. More importantly, the option uid=N. I can't seem to figure out the syntax. I always get a invalid parameter error. Any help?13:43
mien07Apache/2.2.8 (Unix) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.8e PHP/5.2.5 mod_apreq2-20051231/2.6.0 mod_perl/2.0.2 Perl/v5.10.0 Server at localhost Port 8013:43
Dot2Kodemien07: hey check this out http://www.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopic.php?t=29271&sid=77664e717c1947a91596e4d51ca9187b13:43
mien07i have dis error running my lampp - Apache/2.2.8 (Unix) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.8e PHP/5.2.5 mod_apreq2-20051231/2.6.0 mod_perl/2.0.2 Perl/v5.10.0 Server at localhost Port 8013:43
Dot2KodeI think you got something jacked up with your premission's13:43
Dot2Kodewhat it looks like to me13:44
mien07tnx dot2kode13:44
Dot2Kodehope it helps ya ;-(...i havnt messed with apache much yet.13:45
=== pbn_ is now known as pbn
Dot2Kodeif you can not find a fix for it post a thread on there and im sure someone can help ya out13:45
Dot2Kodebrb..smoke break.. =D13:45
LeefmcQuestion: How do i find compiz shortcuts? I believe Super+V and Super+C are being used by compiz, but i want it to be used by Amarok. The problem is i dont know _which_ compiz feature is using it13:46
al80I have a toshiba a200-27c (it's a laptop). How can I know if ubuntu Hardy Haron can use its internal modem?13:46
dns53Leefmc you may want to install ccsm, this will allow you to see what the plugins and shortcuts are13:47
KokosHI! anyone knows any irc bot soft which reads RSS Feeds from sites?13:48
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PiciKokos: Theres an rss plugin for supybot.13:49
dns53Kokos write your own, they are not as hard to write as you would think13:49
KokosPici, supybot. thanks. i'll check it.13:49
Kokosdns53, maybe i'll try. heard that pear isnt so hard.13:49
cwilluand so, another bot is born13:49
acp_Hi Im trying to remove the raid that I made in my harddisk Im using the alternate cd seem that I could not remove it?13:50
cwilluacp_, are you trying to keep the contents?13:50
acp_I just made raid1 before now Im formating it to create a new installation13:50
Rioting_pacifistif i install using apt-get source * where does the source go13:51
cwilluRioting_pacifist, current directory13:51
acp_cwillu: no. I want a fresh install13:51
cwilluacp_, not dead sure on the alternate cd, from the live cd, you'd just kill the partion13:51
cwilluacp_, are you getting an error message?13:51
kercyrcan anyone suggest a ubuntu-friendly laptop?13:51
cwillukercyr, I've had success with acer's myself13:52
cwillukercyr, dell sells laptops preloaded with ubuntu13:52
dns53acp_ there is a zero superblock command, give me a sec to find it13:52
Fish-FaceHi all, I'm having trouble with sound in flash playback, although other sound apps are working fine.13:52
mgolischcant you just kill the partitiontable with fdisk?13:53
cwilludns53, acp_, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<hd to wipe> , wait a few seconds, hit ctrl+c, and then continue :p13:53
Fish-FaceI have libflashsupport installed, but FF doesn't show up the in the pulse volume control13:53
HuntersdeadDoes somebody know a channel, witch is used to talk about Wine?13:53
cwilluacp_, be careful with that though, probably wait for a better answer ;p13:53
rblsthow can i do a dist upgrade directly from cd without internet repos?13:53
Fish-FaceHuntersdead, #wine?13:53
dns53cwillu that's an option13:53
acp_cwillu:no error I just keep getting RAID1 device #0 - 155.2 GB Software Raid device while Im trying to partition the disk13:53
cwilluHuntersdead, #wine13:53
Huntersdeadah thanks13:53
Fish-FaceDoes this (FF not showing up in pulse volume control) indicate it's not using pulseaudio as it should be?13:54
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cwilluFish-Face, libpulsesupport is crashy unfortunately13:54
cwilluFish-Face, best bet is to install the flash10beta13:54
rblsthow can i do a dist upgrade from breeze to dapper  from cd without internet repos?13:54
TreyWho here likes KDE over GNOME and Xfce?????13:55
=== Sky|Food is now known as Skyrail
Fish-Facecwillu, is that in the repos?13:55
cwillurblst, probably easier to back up your homedirectory, reinstall fresh, and then replace your home dir13:55
cwilluFish-Face, not really (they're probably gonna push it out eventually, but they've had issues with it)13:55
cwilluFish-Face, it _was_ in the repo's, but only briefly13:55
Fish-Facecwillu, darn. Is there a deb floating around then? /me googles13:55
jimiusi got myself a brand spanking new HP 2133 sub-note, but vista it hogging it's performance and quickly want to move on to linux13:56
Leefmcdns53, Can you suggest any compiz features that would cause these two? Super+V seems to make the window full size (not maximized.. just resized to full), and Super+C centers my mouse. Super+V is not controlled by the "Resize" feature in compiz.. or so it seems, i dont see anything bound to Super+V13:56
jimiusbut the notebook doesn't have a CD drive nor do i have a server available to me13:56
khamaelis kde4.1 in the standard repo?13:56
cwilluFish-Face, I take no responsibility for whatever this does to your computer :p http://nokia.cwillu.com/flashplugin-nonfree_10.0.218.0conn3_i386.deb13:56
iopkI tried the following: On machine 1: $ nano test. I input é and à as characters in there, save the file. SCP the file to machine 2. $ nano test, but there the file characters are not recognized ... how is that possible ?!?13:56
nickrudrblst that's not really going to work, unless you've never installed anything from the net on the breezy distro13:56
jimiusso i want to install from the internet, any tips?13:56
Fish-Facecwillu, lowls13:56
cwilluFish-Face, but it should work :p13:56
dns53Leefmc i'm no expert,  anyone else have an idea?13:57
cwilluiopk, there's no such thing as plaintext, not since the late ninety's :(13:57
DistroJockeyLeefmc, I used ccsm's advanced search with all options ticked to search for  super  and saw the super+v one altleast13:57
rblstnickrud: hmm, thanx13:57
cwilluiopk, we just do a very good job of covering it up13:57
Fish-Facecwillu, well, I assume it's not so bad that it will hose anything other than flash :)13:57
LeefmcDistroJockey: You saw it? Whats it under13:57
cwilluFish-Face, only because I'm not malicious.  A random deb can do anything to your computer if you install it13:58
Fish-Faceof course13:58
benjaminCan I set the irssi to automaticly start when i start the terminal?13:58
Fish-Facecwillu, however, you need to update the deb... it 404'd13:58
cwilluFish-Face, ah well13:58
erlend_Just downloaded a file called twonkymedia-i386-glibc-2.2.5.sh, how do I install that file?13:58
cwilluFish-Face, honestly, it's easy to install13:58
Fish-Facebenjamin, one way to do it would be to have a launcher to irsii which opened in the terminal13:59
cwilluFish-Face, uninstall libflashsupport and flashplugin-nonfree, and then download the tar.gz file from adobe (the 10beta)13:59
DistroJockeyLeefmc, Fitting (window to zoom level)13:59
mgolischerlend_: its mostlikely an installer script, which installs that software13:59
mgolischerlend_: make it executable and run it13:59
cwilluFish-Face, and then just copy the *.so file into ~/.mozilla/plugins/13:59
cwilluand restart firefox13:59
Fish-Facecwillu, you can just install the new plugin over the old one?13:59
cwilluFish-Face, you'll save alot of headache if you uninstall the old one first14:00
DistroJockeyLeefmc, if you do an advanced search for super you will see then also14:00
helpmepleaseI have a serious problem here. I have an Acer Aspire 5100. It has boot problems. I am on it currently. I belive it has something to do with the hard drive because every so often it wont boot and stays at a blank screen and the capslock light starts blinking and the system wont move. but when im able to get to the os its fragile, i have to be carfule what i load or it will freeze up and lock down. so with all that said, is there anythin14:00
cwilluFish-Face, 2 months from now when it's time to fix everything properly, having a bunch of different flash versions will make your life miserable :p14:00
LeefmcDistroJockey: Thanks, i'll have to install ccsm it seems. Is it worthwhile?14:00
erlend_mgolisch: ok, how do I make the file executable? =)14:00
Shujahlooks like a mem issue14:00
nickrudhelpmeplease first thing, try running the memtest on the boot screen14:00
helpmepleasenickrud, what will that do? i know i have like 700 mb14:01
cwillunickrud, eh?14:01
DistroJockeyLeefmc, no problem. Very much so. A must have as far as I am concerned14:01
Fish-Facecwillu, I don't know how the current packages work... Is it best to uninstall flashplugin-nonfree14:01
cwilluah, heh14:01
Fish-Faceor is it best to just get rid of the old .so files14:01
mgolischerlend_: chmod u+x file or use your filebrowser and set that in the file properties14:01
nickrudLeefmc compiz is crippled without ccsm :)14:01
cwilluFish-Face, uninstall libflashsupport and flashplugin-nonfree, like I said before ;p14:01
Fish-FaceI thought you said install ><14:01
* Fish-Face fails at reading14:01
benjaminWhy is the Harddrives/Places always on my desktop when i14:01
dns53helpmeplease do you have a nvidia? is it related to this? http://mobile.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/08/01/014221914:01
helpmepleasenickrud i got a feeling its going to lock up in a second14:01
helpmepleasedns53 negative14:01
LeefmcDistroJockey: On the same topic, is a desktop reboot often required for key config changes? I removed the Super+V from compiz, yet Amarok still wont see its Super+V bind.14:02
cwilluhelpmeplease, the memorytest that he mentioned will check if your memory is bad (a common problem)14:02
Shujahbenjamin, by default mounted drives appear on hd, you wanna modify this behavior?14:02
benjaminShujah, ye14:02
helpmepleasecwillu, ok wil try that. is there anything else i should try?14:02
cwilluhelpmeplease, we're talking about the ubuntu memtest option, not your clicky thing that happens when the computer first boots14:02
nickrudhelpmeplease it's easy, takes a while, but your symptoms are symptomatic of a bad memory stick14:02
benjamini don14:02
cwilluhelpmeplease, do that first14:02
DistroJockeyLeefmc, restart of X may be enough (ctrl+alt+backspace) save stuff before you do that though14:02
Leefmcnickrud: What is it called "exactly"? Synaptic has no reference of "ccsm".  ccsm-simple?14:03
cwilluLeefmc, kill and restart compiz14:03
Leefmcerm, swap that. simple-ccsm14:03
nickrudLeefmc compizconfig-settings-manager14:03
al80I have a toshiba a200-27c (it's a laptop). How can I know if ubuntu Hardy Haron can use its internal modem?14:03
helpmepleasecwillu, nickrud, how could one of my memory sticks go bad?14:03
helpmepleasehell i needed one anyway14:03
Shujahbenjamin, go to terminal > gconf-editor ... once it opens go to apps>nautilus>desktop & untick volumes visible14:03
Fish-Faceal80, try to use the network manager to connect?14:03
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Picial80: Try the liveCD on it14:03
Huntersdeadal80 One way sure is to test it ;-)14:03
benjaminShujah, okey14:04
al80Fish-Faces: yes the one on the panel14:04
DominikHow can I list what hardware I am using in Ubuntu ?14:04
al80I wasn't successfull with it14:04
cwillual80, I think there's a package to use winmodems (which most builtin modems are these days)14:04
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto14:04
Leefmcnickrud: bahaha, i already have that installed. :D. Without that non of this keybind issues even exist because "ccsm" is what actually bound the keys over amarok. So how do i use ccsm to find keys it bound?14:04
cwillual80 ^^^14:04
nickrudDominik sudo lshw , lspci, lshw14:04
helpmepleasei think im jamed up anyone read this?14:04
ShujahThe most success I had with a win modem was via wvdial - oughta check that out14:05
nickrudLeefmc under each of the modules, there'll be a keybindings tab. General has the main ones14:05
Dominiknickrud: thx14:05
nickrudDominik that should have been lshw, lspci, lsusb14:05
helpmepleasenickrud, if you can read this im going to boot into the ubuntu disk and run mem test.14:05
cwilluFish-Face, the link 404'd, or the file didn't install?14:05
nickrudhelpmeplease no, couldn't see you talking about being jammed up14:05
Leefmcnickrud: Oh gawd loi, i assumed you guys were "searching" for it, not manually checking each of the 50 compiz features for the bindings hehe :)14:05
jimiusis it possible to install Ubuntu through the internet, i have no CD drive nore a server with one. I do have a USB key of about 1 gig.14:05
benjaminShujah, thanks you so much! :)14:05
Leefmcnickrud: Well thanks :)14:05
cwilluFish-Face, ah, nvm14:06
Fish-Facecwillu, heh14:06
cwillujimius, you can make a usb key into a bootable livecd14:06
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC14:06
Fish-Faceaw bum14:06
cwillujimius, ^^^ has instructions to do it14:06
DistroJockeyLeefmc, as I said, I used the advanced search in ccsm to look for  super14:06
nickrud!install | jimius (there's several no cd methods there)14:06
ubottujimius (there's several no cd methods there): Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate14:06
Leefmcnickrud: On a side note, while im here, im trying to get btnx installed on my Mac Pro (it works great on my laptop), but i cant find it in the repos.. what am i missing? Did they remove btnx? Or is it in a non-standard repo?14:06
LeefmcDistroJockey: So you mean just advanced search for the keyword "super"? gotcha14:07
razlol @ http://subt1.net/2008/7/16/howto-starve-at-the-drive-in14:07
Fish-Facecwillu, it looks like the plugin isn't being recognised14:07
nickrud!find btnx14:07
ubottuPackage/file btnx does not exist in hardy14:07
Piciraz: This is a support channel, please spare us from the random links.14:07
cwilluFish-Face, what did you download?14:07
nickrudLeefmc apparently not in repos14:07
cwilluFish-Face, make sure you extract it, and copy the .so file in14:07
Fish-Facecwillu, apparently FF needed two restarts14:07
razPici, sry14:07
DistroJockeyLeefmc, yep, still need to manually check, unless you find the right thing to search on :)14:07
Leefmcnickrud: Argh, why did they remove it? It was at one point.. heh14:08
jimiusthnks nickrud cwillu14:08
Fish-Faceaaaand firefox just bombed14:08
cwilluFish-Face, you uninstalled libflashsupport, right?14:08
QuentusrexWhy is my streamzap remote only recognized sometimes?14:08
Fish-Facecwillu, yeah14:08
Fish-Faceit's just being odd14:08
Quentusrex1 out of 4 reboots recognizes the remote...14:08
Fish-Facefirst restart: "you need to download a plugin"14:08
Fish-Facesecond restart: no sound, crash14:08
erlend_mgolisch: have run the u+x on it, but it wont run.. =(14:08
DistroJockeyLeefmc, super   does narrow it down somewhat though :)14:09
xnvI have some headphones plugged in directly to the back of this crappy computer and the audio is sometimes scratchy. I've had problems with scratchy sounds on other systems and it was sometimes solved by turning the PCM down, but that doesn't work (and I don't even know why that helped). Anyone know what might be going on, or how I can learn to figure out these problems on my own?14:09
Fish-Facethird restart: currently playing ZP with sound...14:09
cwilluxnv, turning down the volume helps if it's scratchy because it's clipping14:09
* nickrud thinks sound in linux is still a matter of black magic and incantations14:09
xnvcwillu: Well, problem I don't have any speakers to amplify the sound, just these headphones. So am I screwed?14:09
Fish-Facecwillu, er lol?14:10
* cwillu was making a black-magic incantation14:10
mgolischerlend_: why not?14:10
mgolischerlend_: in a terminal go to the directory wher ethe file is and type ./file14:10
xnvi.e. If I turn down the sound, then I can't hear it. :-)14:10
Fish-Facewell, my problemo appears to be solved14:11
DistroJockeyxnv, the package   pavucontrol   and the use of   alsamixer   may help14:11
Fish-Facethanks, cwillu14:11
funkjaI tried to update my video drivers and now everytime I reboot I cannot start X. Here is the error message: http://pastebin.com/m4518c5d0. Sometimes I have been able to get it to work, but the changes only stay until I reboot.14:13
xnvDistroJockey: OK, I'll try pavucontrol. Why would alsamixer help if the Gnome mixer doesn't?14:13
DIFH-iceroothow to see the speed from a devie? usb stick, hdd, sd card and so on14:13
Leefmcnickrud: For reference, apparently it exists under http://ppa.launchpad.net/daou/ubuntu 's repo. I swore it was also on the main repo, but i could be wrong :)14:13
erlend_mgolisch: hmm...ok, now it's working, but it wont create the directory needed, no permision... when I try to run "su" in a terminal first, I'm told I have the wrong password... always works with sudo though..14:14
DistroJockeyxnv, may present more stuff (or make it easier to visualize)14:14
Dusk_how can i enable amd powernow for ubuntu??14:14
mgolischerlend_: use sudo14:14
nickrud!find btnx ibex14:14
ubottu'ibex' is not a valid distribution14:14
nickrud!find btnx intrepid14:14
ubottuPackage/file btnx does not exist in intrepid14:14
mgolischerlend_: sudo sh file14:14
mgolischshould work14:14
Dusk_it doesn't scaling cpu14:14
DIFH-iceroothow can i see the read and write speed from a device?? e.g. hdd or sd card14:14
nickrudLeefmc not yet in intrepid, but maybe it'll move out of that ppa14:15
Soopahi everyone14:15
nickrudDIFH-iceroot for hard drive,   sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda   (or whatever your drive(s) are)14:15
Leefmcnickrud: I wasn't askin for anything on the last message, i was just letting you know :) (fyi thing)14:15
DIFH-icerootnickrud: thx14:15
nickrudLeefmc I was hoping the ppa was just a staging ground. Not yet :)14:15
Soopai have this alias, which doesn't seem to work:14:16
Soopaalias mountiso='sudo mount $1 /media/iso -t iso9660 -o loop'14:16
Soopawhat am i doing wrong?14:16
th0rSoopa, why not install fuseiso and save yourself some headaches?14:16
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Soopawhat's that?14:17
Dominikis there a way to configure the Screenshot button so it automatically saves the screenshot on the Desktop, without asking you where to save it ?14:17
Dominikso without getting the popup14:17
kane77Dusk_, I would say it's enabled by default (try adding CPU frequency monitor to gnome panel), if not enabled just install powernowd package14:17
mgolischSoopa: what error do you get?14:17
mgolischSoopa: probaly $1 is not expanded before sudo executes the command14:18
Soopamgolisch: /media/iso: Is a directory14:18
Soopayeah probably that's what's happening14:18
Soopahow do I get around that?14:18
Dusk_os[Linux 2.6.24-19-generic i686] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[1 x Mobile AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 3600+ (AuthenticAMD) @ 2.00GHz] mem[Physical: 1.9GB, 85.5% free] disk[Total: 62.5GB, 29.8% free] video[nVidia Corporation MCP51 PCI-X GeForce Go 6100] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia]14:19
Dusk_kane77, it doesn't scale??14:19
Soopaseems like nothing is replacing $114:19
mgolischSoopa: yeah its get executed in a new shell, and $1 expands to nothing thats why mount thinks /media/iso would be the device or image file14:20
nickrudSoopa you could convert that to a bash function14:20
Dusk_kane77, ok it worked now14:20
Dusk_os[Linux 2.6.24-19-generic i686] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[1 x Mobile AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 3600+ (AuthenticAMD) @ 800MHz] mem[Physical: 1.9GB, 85.5% free] disk[Total: 62.5GB, 29.8% free] video[nVidia Corporation MCP51 PCI-X GeForce Go 6100] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia]14:20
Soopahmm, okay14:21
mgolischyeah put a function might do the trick14:21
mcquaidnot linux related but thought someone might now.  My friend gets his wireless network access from the land owner.  He rents the basement.  He now wants to hook his ps3 up to his own network.14:21
eyyYowhat is the terminal command for a reboot? and can this be done without superuser?14:21
ManualOverDozer8Dusk_ you went from 2ghz to 800Mhz how ?14:21
mcquaidI said get a router, but then I thought, wait a minute, the router NEEDS wired access to the network doesn't it?14:22
nickrudeyyYo you need superuser, unless you give rights in /etc/sudoers (do not edit this file directly, use visudo)14:22
Gneamcquaid: not if it's associated14:22
kane77eyyYo, reboot, and it needs superuser privileges14:22
ubuntu_is it normal that LiveCD isn't fully translated?14:22
administ__ /msg nickserv identify weihua14:22
nickrudeyyYo sudo reboot | halt shutdown <many options> are the command line utils14:22
mcquaidlike can the wireless router connect to the network upstairs via wifi and then have his puter/ps3 connect to his router downstairs?14:22
nickrudadminist_ thanks for the password :)14:22
mcquaidGnea, not sure I understand associated?14:22
Gneaadminist__: you win freenode-user-of-the-day award :)14:22
ActionParsniphey all14:23
Dusk_ManualOverDozer8, yes..from 800mhz to 2000mhz14:23
Gneamcquaid: well, it's mostly offtopic - google  wireless associated ap  and you'll get some response.  Try #wireless too14:23
ManualOverDozer8Dusk_ how ? i have 2ghz here but i dont know what speed it is running at, how i find out and change it , if need be ?14:23
Dusk_is there powermizer option for opensourced nv drivers?14:24
ActionParsnipManualOverDozer8: top14:24
Dusk_ManualOverDozer8, write /sysinfo here14:24
eyyYonickrud: Okey, thanks. Although I dont get why you dont have to be superuser to issue a reboot in gnome, if you have to be superuser to issue a reboot in the terminal?14:24
ManualOverDozer8time of possession ? :P sorry dont know what that is14:24
mgolischDusk_: i dont think so14:24
ManualOverDozer8Dusk_ ok14:24
nickrudeyyYo its some kind of pam magic (or at least it used to be, I'm not up on the latest)14:24
ActionParsnipeyyYo: good question14:24
mgolischDusk_: iam not sure if the binary drivers support that at all under linux14:25
ActionParsnipeyyYo: i work mainly from terminal so its transparent to me14:25
ActionParsnipeyyYo: you could always alias shutdownto sudo shutdown14:25
ManualOverDozer8Dusk_ nvm you wont answer my question14:25
Dusk_mgolisch, ok thankz14:25
Dusk_ManualOverDozer8, to this chat screen write /sysinfo14:25
Dusk_ /sysinfo14:26
Gneaadminist__: please fix that.14:26
eyyYoActionParsnip, yeah. If i give the standard user rights to execute /sbin/shutdown, is this a security risk (other then application restarting my computer)?14:27
ActionParsnipeyyYo: not sure man, if you are happy with it then go ahead14:27
nickrudeyyYo if you use the sudoers file correctly, you can give rights by user name to shutdown14:27
ActionParsnipeyyYo: you could always do a smidge of research first14:27
ActionParsnipeyyYo: i like having to sudo. makes sure you really wanna do it14:28
ManualOverDozer82.0Ghz AMD 512MB nVidia mx440 160Gig HDD 80Gig HDD 3- Gig HDD CMI Sound(onboard)  Lite-On CD-RW Linksys Wireless G , NoName keyboard :P rouge MS Comfort Optical Mouse 300014:28
ManualOverDozer8not much i know old14:28
lollydaystrying to recover some files from my buddy's macbook harddrive. Connected via USB, but whenever I try to open any files it says I dont' have permissions. Any ways around this?14:28
ManualOverDozer8but that wasnt the question14:28
ActionParsnipManualOverDozer8: its a fine system14:28
ManualOverDozer8how did you change your CPU speed like that ?14:29
ActionParsniplollydays: try sudo for cli and gksu for gui apps14:29
ManualOverDozer8 /proc/ ?14:29
lollydaysActionParsnip... didn't work. It won't even let me open the folders14:29
eyyYoActionParsnip, yepp, same think here. Although I'm making an application that should be able to reboot on command. And I don't it to have superuser privileges, so I guess this is the only way :) I'll do a bit of research.14:29
ManualOverDozer8ActionParsnip it works. yes, not a hot system, but been working for 10 years, with a few added parts and Nice Ubuntu install14:30
eyyYoThanks for the help, nickrud and ActionParsnip!14:30
ManualOverDozer8ok that offtopic anyhow14:30
ActionParsniplollydays: whats the default file viewer you are using?14:30
lollydaysum, i tried with nautilus and with terminal14:30
lollydaysthe folders have a white X on them14:31
ActionParsniplollydays: try gksu nautilus14:31
ActionParsniplollydays: any better?14:32
xnvMy headphone jack isn't working. Someone with a similar problem was told to put "options snd-hda-intel model=acer-aspire" in their /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, but his computer was an acer. Is there a comprehensive list of model options somewhere?14:32
lollydaysActionParsnip: like a charm, thanks14:32
nothingvorhin hab ich /j #wine eingegebn und bekam nen freiflug mit der meldung "Invite Only"14:33
nothingoder so ähnlich14:33
nothingdrum hab ich gefragt14:33
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ikonianothing: #winehq14:33
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=== jouni is now known as JoHa
tobagois there a way to let virtual box guest access all folders of ubuntu host? i only know the possibility to create shared folders. but maybe b samba or?14:35
tobagomaybe bridging?14:35
tapaseverytime i want to download an alpha or beta of ubuntu i caanot find it via www.ubuntu.com14:35
tapaswhat's the trick?14:35
tapaswhere's it hiding?14:35
ActionParsniplollydays: run that as little as possible, copy what you need and close it14:36
ActionParsniplollydays: the app is running as root which aint good14:36
Asathoorand now I try to set up xubuntu for my mother ...14:36
vesslan_if i do a minimal install of *buntu (no X etc) and compare it to a minmal install of debian, what would be the main differences concerning configuring the system?14:36
lollydaysActionParsnip: ok, thanks. Is there a way I can change the drive permissions?14:37
nickrudxnv install linux-doc, the list is in /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.24/Documentation/sound/alsa/ALSA-Configuration.txt.gz14:37
cwillulollydays, what drive?14:37
ActionParsniplollydays: you could chown it but id just copy the data to your local drive14:38
cwillulollydays, if it's an ext3 partition, then sudo chown <your username> <path to mount> will work14:38
ActionParsnipcwillu: its a mac thing14:38
cwilluah, nvm then :p14:38
lollydayscwillu: i think it's HFS+, torn from a buddy's dead macbook14:38
lollydaysthanks for your help, ActionParsnip14:39
cwillulollydays, mount it with -o uid=<username>14:39
zetheroois it just me or is the ShipIt service getting slower and slower?14:39
lollydayscwillu, I'll try that14:39
cwillu(might have to be the actual user uid, but usually mount figures it out)14:39
nickrudmount accepts usernames these days14:39
zetheroomaybe Ubuntu are getting too many requests for free CD's?14:39
nickrudzetheroo heh. My first shipit took 3 months I think14:40
ActionParsnipeasier to download and burn14:40
nickrudor order from one of the resellers, for a couple dollars14:40
shane_hi, i cant seem to change my resolution when using dual monitors14:40
zetherooActionParsnip: except for people in Africa etc ...14:40
shane_it keeps reverting to the old settings ive tried using screen resolution and nvidia x server manager , any ideas?14:40
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wibhi. i installed a new hard drive. it appears in computer:/// but it's not mounted on startup. how can i have it be mounted automatically?14:41
Grey_LokiShadowpillar, are you saving the settings to your xorg.conf?14:41
zetheroonickrud: in 2006 I was got mine in under 2 weeks14:41
nickrud!fstab | wib (add it to the /etc/fstab file)14:41
ubottuwib (add it to the /etc/fstab file): The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions14:41
wib(it mounts automatically when i double click the icon in computer:///)14:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about automount14:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about auto14:41
tobagois there another possiblity to access the host (ubuntu) folder by the guest (windows) than using shared folders of virtual_box?14:41
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter14:41
FloodBot1ubottu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:41
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:41
ubottuFloodBot1: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) (1)14:41
nickrudzetheroo warty took a long time, I think they weren't prepared for demand14:41
tobagois there another possiblity to access the host (ubuntu) folder by the guest (windows) than using shared folders of virtual_box?14:41
nickrudhahahahahahah ubottu got muted :)14:41
zetheroonickrud: now it says on the Shipit site that it will take 6 to 10 weeks to be delivered ....14:42
* Grey_Loki laughs14:42
shane_yes nvidia x server has an option to save to xorg.conf14:42
shane_it does have an option add to or i can uncheck it14:42
enrywhat's the difference between ubuntu desktop and server? i have a server cd and i'd like to run ubuntu as a desktop... do i have to download ubuntu desktop?14:43
shane_"merge with existing file"14:43
Soopanickrud: I converted that mount alias to a function14:43
Soopalike this:14:43
Soopabut i get the error at the end14:43
nickrudenry no, if you have a quick internet, just install ubuntu-desktop with synaptic after installing the cd14:43
lollydaysActionParsnip: since we were on the topic, do you know how to get a harddrive to mount when dmesg says "Device offlined - not ready after error recovery"14:43
Soopai can't figure out what bash doesn't like about it...14:43
Tux2K8what command hides all windows and shows the desktop???14:44
shane_is there a way to set my xorg.conf back to default and start as if it was a new install?14:44
Grey_Lokishane_, on my desktop, whenn I was editing my display settings using the nvidia-settings-manager, I made a copy of my working xorg.conf, then overwrote the xorg that was there14:44
wibwhat's the ip of google.com?14:44
Tux2K8(i would like to make a keyboard shortcut to it)14:44
kane77enry, there is metapackage ubuntu-desktop that would install the desktop environment..14:44
Soopawib: try "whois google.com"14:44
enrynickrud: what's with the kernel difference though?14:44
shane_well when i save it tells me it cant access the backup copy14:44
lollydaysActually, anyone, do you know how to get a harddrive to mount when dmesg says "Device offlined - not ready after error recovery"14:44
shane_Unable to remove old X config backup file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'.14:44
wibSoopa: DNS seems not to work, that's why i need an ip to check14:44
nickrudenry server is oriented towards servers, most particularly it can address more than about 3.2 gb; you could install linux-generic to switch to the desktop kernel14:45
tobagois there an virtual box expert?14:45
mchasarthi i have wifi troubles with eeebuntu nbr 1.0 installed ...on my eeepc14:45
SorlagHello all.. my Pinnacle TV card is not working.. can anyone help me with this?14:45
kane77wib, for example
Soopaoh i see.. it's
shane_tobago: ive got windows xp installed in virtualbox14:45
nickrudSoopa space before the () ?14:45
mchasarti don't know what's wrong exactly14:45
wibkane77: thx :D14:45
tobagoshane_, is there another possiblity to access the host (ubuntu) folder by the guest (windows) than using shared folders of virtual_box?14:45
kane77wib, btw you can try the openDNS it has nice uptime..14:46
Soopanickrud: I guess, though I have another function with the same syntax, and it doesn't have a problem with that one14:46
mchasarti can see wireless network ... i choose mine but no way to connect14:46
shane_tobago: havent tried sharing files yet other than i have a ftp server setup in ubuntu so i transfer files that way to windows...14:46
mchasartwith ethernet all is ok14:46
nickrudSoopa I'm not a bash expert by any means, you might try asking in #bash14:46
mchasartis there some eeepc user here ?14:46
bazhangmchasart, yeah14:46
Soopaaha, good idea.. thanks14:46
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shane_Grey_Loki: Unable to remove old X config backup file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'.14:47
mchasartso i just installed eeebuntu the last one ...14:47
mchasarteven install i allways can't connect me through wifi14:47
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mchasarti believed that it was due to liveusb ...14:47
josephI installed eeeubuntu yesterday. I had no problems though.14:47
mchasartbut even installe i have the same ...14:48
mchasarteeebuntu nbr1.0 or standard ?14:48
bazhangmchasart, best to type the nick of the person you want to get the attention of; if its me then type baz <tab> and I will be highlighted14:48
shane_How can I revert to default xorg.conf and start over as if it was a new install (display wise)14:48
EvildevilCiao a Tutti14:48
Grey_Lokishane_, restore it from a backup14:48
axenoryI am havving some audio problems14:48
mchasarthum ok bazhang14:48
rdav-kioskthis box is randomly crashing, what can be done to find out where  the problem is?14:48
josephI just downloaded the newest version from http://ubuntu-eee.com14:48
shane_Grey_Loki: didnt backup :)14:49
ManualOverDozer8joseph: how does it run ?14:49
Grey_Lokishane_, oops ;) In answer to your earlier question, perhaps this thread can help? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/nvidia-settings-not-being-saved-599717/14:49
shane_i think nvidia x server settings cant save the xorg.conf somehow14:49
mchasartme too but two version available here joseph14:49
josephIt runs great14:49
PiciCheck out #ubuntu-eeepc14:49
mchasartbazhang: so is there any solution ?14:50
ManualOverDozer8full version of ubuntu on eee ?14:50
josephI used the direct download14:50
bazhangmchasart, to what14:50
Evildevilanyone can help me? i don't know how to know what graphic card i'm using with my laptop...14:50
josephand used an external dvd drive14:50
Grey_LokiProbably slimmed down14:50
mchasartto get wifi works bazhang14:50
td123Evildevil: lspci14:50
bazhangmchasart, you seen the www.eeeuser.com wiki? or the ubuntu eeepc page wiki?14:51
nickrudEvildevil  lspci | grep -i vga , or install sysinfo14:51
axenoryHi, I am having some audio problems.... I am trying to play something (mp3 file) and it asked for codecs. I clicked on search and it installed the codecs it says it needed... now the file opens but doesnt do anything even though it says it is playing(the song) it stays in 0:00 of 3:5014:51
mchasartxandros is no more here .. i replace by eeebuntu14:51
mchasarti'm searching some information14:51
ManualOverDozer8EvilDevil  in terminal > sudo lshw -C display14:51
shane_Grey_Loki: that thread is telling me im running as a user and not as root, ill give it a try they suggest i use "gksudo nvidia-settings"14:51
axenoryHi, I am having some audio problems.... I am trying to play something (mp3 file) and it asked for codecs. I clicked on search and it installed the codecs it says it needed... now the file opens but doesnt do anything even though it says it is playing(the song) it stays in 0:00 of 3:50\14:52
Grey_Loki!repeat | axenory14:52
ubottuaxenory: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:52
nickrudaxenory first, try playing a different mp3.14:52
Grey_Lokishane_, alternatively, rename the file it's trying to write to to something else14:52
axenorynickrud, I have already14:53
shane_Grey_Loki:  do you use a dual monitor setup? more specifically separate resolutions14:53
nickrudaxenory never hurts to ask, you'd be suprised (or not) at how many people don't14:53
Grey_Lokishane_, my desktop uses two monitors, yes - but they both run at 1280x102414:53
shane_Grey_Loki: twinview or separate x14:54
nickrudaxenory what are you trying to play it with?14:54
Grey_Lokishane_, twinview14:54
rdav-kioskaxenory, try the mp3 with a different mp3 client14:54
axenorymmmm it works now but thanks:)14:54
shane_Grey_Loki: when you change settings do you Merge with the old file or uncheck?14:54
Grey_Lokishane_, I can't remember - it's been a while since I had to change anything. I'm pretty sure I merged with the old file, though.14:55
Grey_Loki*remember exactly14:55
shane_Grey_Loki: thanks for your help you really helped me, if i have problems getting separate x to work do you know much about that area?14:56
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Grey_Lokishane_, i'm afraid i've never tried using separate X sessions for each screen - just stayed with Twinview.14:56
shane_rebooting X14:57
shane_wow it worked how simple was that haha14:58
shane_Grey_Loki: one more question, how can i make my background not stretch across both monitors14:58
mchasartbazhang its seems no answer at the eeepc room14:58
bazhangmchasart, what have you done re wifi and what errors have you gotten14:59
Grey_Lokishane_, i'm actually really boring and use a plain colour, but if you're using XFCE to manage your desktop, you could probably set a 1280x1024 image to tile and it would display correctly14:59
shane_Grey_Loki:  compiz :/15:00
mchasartbazhang: i have no errors except that i can't reach any wireless network ...15:00
bazhangmchasart, what does ifconfig show; two entries or three15:00
Grey_Lokishane_, hmm - just find where you set a wallpaper, and instead of setting it to 'stretch', set it to 'tile'?15:00
gsdHi, is there someone who can help me troubleshoot my apache?15:01
shane_Grey_Loki: wallpaper size is different than both m yresolutions15:01
geniigsd: What is it not doing that you want to troubleshoot?15:01
mchasartlet me see bazhang15:01
Grey_Lokishane_, I don't know then, i'm afraid - if it were me, i'd play around with the different layout options and see if any of them looked right (auto, centered, stretch, tile, and so forth)15:02
mchasartath0 is recognize but  wifi extension not here and etho extensio not here15:02
gsdgenii: after apt-get install apache, I am getting the following errors:15:03
gsdSetting up apache (1.3.34-2) ...15:03
gsddpkg: error processing apache (--configure):15:03
gsd subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1015:03
gsdE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:03
FloodBot1gsd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:03
bazhangmchasart, ath0 is wifi15:03
bazhanghttp://wiki.eeeuser.com/getting_ubuntu_8.04_to_work_perfectly mchasart15:03
mchasartyes ...i know ...15:03
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC/Fixes mchasart15:03
shane_Grey_Loki:  nothing seemed to work but separate X did the trick :P15:04
geniigsd: pastebin website is best.15:04
genii!paste | gsd15:04
ubottugsd: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:04
Grey_Lokishane_, heh, cool :)15:05
mchasartok thanks baz15:05
Oli``Is there any way to improve nvidia 2d performance? I have an 8800 with the non-free drivers and firefox scrolling/some js/flash performance is atrocious! Has anybody else had this sort of problem? Did you manage to fix it?15:06
murraycHas anyone else noticed that Firefox's Add Exception feature is broken, losing the URL from which to download the certificate, so these sites can't even be viewed?15:06
itai-michaelsongsd why are you installing such an old version of apache?15:07
murraycIt just started happening today.15:07
shane_screen -a15:07
Oli``murrayc: I know this comment doesn't help but: "it works here"15:07
gsdI try 2.0.x same thing happen15:07
bytecodemurrayc: I find the exception feature works for me too - I use it frequently15:08
itai-michaelsongsd, oh...this is the complete error message?15:08
murraycbytecode: Yeah, it's always worked fine. It just stopped today.15:08
gsditai-michaelson, is there is a slution for the problem?15:08
murraycI thought maybe there was an update that broke it.15:08
Grey_LokiOli``, which browser are you using? I used to have real trouble with flash/js in Opera, but switching to swiftfox/firefox sped things up noticeably15:09
itai-michaelsongsd, you get that only for installing apache?15:09
geniigsd: I would recommend: sudo dpkg -rP apache (and possibly apache2 if you have had same error there). Then sudo apt-get update; sudo dpkg --configure -a                then try installing one of them again. apache2 is preferred15:09
gsdgenii, I will try this now, and I will paste the result 10x15:10
Oli``Grey_Loki: Firefox 3 (from repos)15:11
selocolhow do i get my terminal to display big5 chinese encoding in a telnet session? all i see are messed up symbols. i added the appropriate locales in /var/lib/locales/supported.d/zh and i'm using urxvt, which should  pick up those locales... any help? thanks.15:12
shane_how do you run a program from terminal without needing terminal to stay open15:13
geniiwork needs me, please expect lag on replies15:13
Odd-rationaleshane_: you can use screen...15:13
scott_How can I tell if I intalled the 32 bit or 64 bit version of ubuntu?15:13
Grey_Lokishane_, why not use alt+f2's 'command prompt'?15:13
godlygeekso, anyone trying out flash 10 beta 2 on hardy?  it's giving me weird graphical glitches, a la http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FP-47015:14
gsdgenii, http://paste.ubuntu.com/32999/plain/15:14
godlygeekshane_: if you need to do it, background and disown the program, then exit the shell.15:15
shane_oh okay thanks guys15:15
MXIIAWhere is text editor located? the actual file /usr/bin/?15:15
Odd-rationaleMXIIA: which gedit15:15
Odd-rationaleMXIIA: or "which nano" or whatever text editor you're looking for...15:16
MXIIAok, thank you15:16
jessidHello. I know this is going to sound strange: some of you knows if Linux has any application that allows me to generate .exe autoexecutable files that run in windows????????15:16
magnetronjessid, please elaborate on what kind of .exes that you want15:17
godlygeekjessid: yes, you can cross-compile stuff if necessary, or create things that will run on the .net framework.15:17
gsdgenii: any ideas?15:19
geniigsd: I am returned to the computer now from work. Reading your paste, one minute or so please15:19
inflexcan ubuntu be installed via the net?15:20
claesQuestion, possible for me to use several programs like firefox and vlc making sound at the same time, because now I have like the first program uses it has the power of it and I need to restart to make the other program make sounds15:20
gsdthank you very much for your time15:20
_punker_inflex: you mean liuke from a flash drive ?15:20
jessidmagnetron ,godlygeek I recognize I did wrong my question. Here i go again: With winRar I can choose several files to include into a .exe file. winRar decompresses this files into a directory and after that, it runs an installer that is written in java. I want to generate this exe file, because the app i have written is going to be used for people that has not experience in computers, so i dont want to change them the conditions they know to work.15:21
inflexno, I mean, boot from CD or floppy with a very basic setup... and then proceed to get the rest via the internet15:21
brahmanaAAI want to know what all does "apt-get build-dep firefox" install?15:21
geniigsd: The configuration system of apache1 is usually /etc/apache/httpd.conf           in the apache2 model this is quite different. Most settings are in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default    and the ports/ip to listen on is in /etc/apache2/ports.conf15:21
brahmanaAAIs it just the .pc files required by pkgconfig or something else also?15:21
godlygeekbrahmanaAA: apt-get build-dep firefox --simulate15:22
geniiinflex: Yes it can, using the debbootstrap method15:22
gsdgenii: yes, I read that in the forum, just after I installed apache2, there is no folder "apache2" in /etc/"apache2"15:22
geniigsd: There is a FILE /etc/apache2/apache2.conf15:23
=== Dark_Sage_ is now known as Dark_Sage
gsdgenii: in /etc/ there is no apache2 folder15:23
godlygeekbrahmanaAA: it would install any libxxx-dev or other development headers necessary to build firefox.15:24
andreranyone know a good way to share files over a WAN (VPN) between linux(server) and windows(client)... samba doesn't work well on WANs....15:24
inflexright, tx15:25
ifireballandrer: ssh-copy (a.k.a scp), you can use the pscp client shipped with putty15:25
brahmanaAAgodlygeek, Surprisingly I get this: E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list Though I have sources in /etc/apt/sources.list15:25
andrerifireball: the problem I have is that the windows clients must MAP the drive... scp wouldn't do15:25
thankyou_mhello every body15:26
scott_Hi - does anyone know how to tell if the the 32 or 64 bit ubuntu is installed?15:26
brahmanaAAgodlygeek: I ha earlier tried apt-get -dry-run build-dep firefox and got the same error message.15:26
amenadoandrer-> have you tried nfs ?15:26
andreramenado: is there any good nfs clients for windows?15:26
ifireballandrer: hmm... maybe try webdav (no exp here, but I've heared it can do what you want)15:26
thankyou_msomebody here experienced with abcde?15:26
amenadoandrer i dont know off hand15:26
andrerifireball: can webdav be mounted on windows?15:26
gsdgenii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/33001/plain/15:26
ifireballandrer: I think so, as something called a "web folder"15:27
Vegombreihi ..  is ubuntu friendly with all hardware eg.. my friend has this mixer which comes with software for windows xp .. is there a way to make it compatible with ubuntu or do i have to have windows for that ?15:27
=== JoshuaRL_ is now known as JoshuaRL
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:27
andrerifireball: i will read into it15:28
godlygeekso, was that a no to "anyone using flash 10 b 2"?15:29
cr0wwhich it is the best one client for torrent on ubuntu deluge and trasmission they slow down to me so much15:29
Vegombreihi ..  is ubuntu friendly with all hardware eg.. my friend has this mixer which comes with software for windows xp .. is there a way to make it compatible with ubuntu or do i have to have windows for that ?15:30
cr0wwhich it is the best one client for torrent on ubuntu deluge and trasmission they slow down to me so much15:30
geniigsd: Yes, that is where it's folder is supposed to begin.15:31
bazhang_!hcl | Vegombrei15:31
ubottuVegombrei: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:31
Grey_LokiVegombrei, you might also want to investigate Ubuntu Studio if you're using linux for serious audio editing15:31
td123Vegombrei: it could be, but I don't think it will be. You have to check the model and support for it in linux (google), I doubt it though since that is pretty exotic hardware :P15:31
gsdgenii: Yes, but the folder is missing, and it is not there.15:32
molgrumhow do i get java to work in firefox 64-bit?15:33
cr0wwhich it is the best one client for torrent on ubuntu ? deluge and trasmission they slow down to me so much15:33
Vegombreithanks ill research it15:33
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
magnetroncr0w, if the seeders seed too little, the torrents will be slow. there's no client that can change that15:34
gsdgenii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/33003/plain/15:34
td123crow, if you mean lightweight, try rtorrent, or bittornado (gui) but they probably won't increase your dl speed15:35
=== Mabus is now known as [Mabus]
pixelsnewbie here on a fresh install... vald0r helped me yesterday get my video drivers enabled, and most things are great, except sometimes in, for example, the add network part of xchat, the keyboard lags incredibly. firefox is also chunky in responsiveness... any ideas?15:35
selocoltelnet says escape char is '^]'--how do i type this?15:36
wolslook what's hogging the cpu when it happens. see top15:36
dread * Starting web server apache2                                                  apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName15:36
dread(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
dreadno listening sockets available, shutting down15:36
dreadUnable to open logs15:36
geniigsd: First I should give you a lecture why not to run as root. However at this time I will not. I would suggest:   sudo dpkg -r ---force-remove-reinstreq apache2               except of course if you are as root don't use sudo15:36
FloodBot1dread: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:36
dreadwhats that error?15:36
pixelshow do i view my cpu usage?15:36
fr4nk-kselocol: It's the ESCAPE button.15:36
bazhang!paste | dread15:36
ubottudread: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:36
td123!paste | dread15:36
pixelsoh does top mean topic? sec.15:37
td123pixels:  System->administration->system monitor15:37
selocolfr4nk-k: what do you mean?15:37
selocolfr4nk-k: what do i press exactly to escape?15:37
bazhangpixels, no just open terminal and type top15:37
td123pixels: no15:37
fr4nk-kWell, ^] usually means the ESCAPE button15:37
gsdgenii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/33005/plain/15:37
dreadcan you check it now? http://paste.ubuntu.com/33004/15:37
pixelsmy cpu usage us huge15:38
fr4nk-kselocol, ^] = Type ESCAPE15:38
pixelshovers around 50%15:38
wolspixels: then check WHAT is using it15:38
fr4nk-kselocol: no sorry - press ESCAPE15:38
deancan anyone help me15:38
selocolfr4nk-k: hm but when i press the ESC button, i'm not exited from my telnet session15:38
fr4nk-k!anyone | dean15:38
selocolfr4nk-k: even though the escape button does produce ^]15:39
bazhangdean we need a question15:39
td123!ask | dean15:39
ubottudean: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:39
deanubuntu no sound15:39
ubottudean: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:39
geniigsd: only two -- there and not 3, my booboo15:39
fr4nk-kselocol: If you want to exit your session, just type exit (on UNIX systems)15:39
pixelsi'm not sure what is using it... CPU usage in the processes tab is moderate, though ff sometimes jumps to 20, but not for long.15:39
pixelswhat should i be looking for in top?15:40
selocolfr4nk-k: ok thanks15:40
geniigsd: Anyhow, after removing it manually make the dir now. eg: sudo mkdir /etc/apache2              then try install of it again.15:40
helpmepleaseok back15:40
geniigsd: And see if it populates the directory now15:40
gsdgenii: ok I will try15:40
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs15:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apache215:41
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:41
dreadwhy im getting an error when im trying to start apache2?15:41
wols!errors | dread15:41
ubottudread: If you have problems or errors, you will need to describe/paste them. Please use the !pastebin for errors that cannot be quoted in a single IRC message15:41
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:42
chase_How do you change the color of the bar at the top of the window that you have focused?15:42
=== lesley is now known as bjwebb_
helpmepleasedidnt go through with the memdiag but its weird though. Took one memcard out and it did well. took the remeining one out swaped it for the other it did well. BUt i did notice something though as it was booting up, maby it was just the way the hdd does, but it sounded rusty like. Maby a sign of something?15:42
=== bjwebb_ is now known as bjwebb|
dread!pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/33004/15:42
ubottudread: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:42
CheatermanHi everyone, sorry for disturbance, here is my problem : one of my friends is trying to install Ubuntu but his (USB) keyboard and (USB) mouse can't work... When the bootmenu comes, they don't work anymore. We tried with PS/2 devices, it worked, until the Desktop appears...15:42
CheatermanWe also tried using the alternate CD15:43
=== JoshuaRL_ is now known as JoshuaRL
wolschange BIOS settings for USB legacy support15:43
bazhangmd5 the iso Cheaterman ?15:43
wolsdread: next time, JUST the url15:43
dreadlike that?15:43
Trickydeos anyoen happen to know by which package libdvdcss2 is replaced? i get a  referred to by another package msg by apt-cache15:44
wolsdread: apache is already running15:44
wolsor something else at port 8015:44
chase_How do you change the color of the bar at the top of the window that you have focused?15:44
helpmeplease`Anyone remember my problem?15:44
helpmepleaseits too long to remember what i wrote15:44
Cheatermanbazhang: md5 ok, can't come from the diskwriter => we burned 4 DvDs already15:44
gsdgenii: Here is the result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/33006/plain/15:44
Trickychase: system/preferences/appearance15:44
dreadwhen i run says "It Works"15:44
fr4nk-k!repeat | helpmeplease15:45
ubottuhelpmeplease: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience15:45
wolshelpmeplease: then DO a memtest15:45
Cheatermanwols: That doesn't change anything, cos even with PS/2 devices it doesn't work15:45
helpmepleasewols, did15:45
Agioncan anyone tell me a music player like vinamp??15:45
Agionworking one...15:45
fr4nk-kAgion: mpd15:45
wolshelpmeplease: how long?15:45
fr4nk-kAgion: together with ncmpc15:45
helpmepleaseabout an hour15:45
Zolihi all, can I get some help? I am trying to install Ubuntu on a Fujitsu Siemens laptop. When I want to start install, my screen gets split, sort of like the image is moved on one side, splitting at middle. I suspect this is because of the intergated video, does anybody know a workaround?15:45
saskwachAgion, xmms?15:45
fr4nk-kAgion: works fine and doesn't need much resources15:46
CheatermanAgion: mocp15:46
_punker_turn of the integrated video in the bios maybe15:46
wolsZoli: alternate installer for example15:46
Trickycanit be that libdvdcss2 has been replaced by libdvdread3?15:46
td123!alternate | zoli15:46
ubottuzoli: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent15:46
KattmanCheaterman: try to turn off usb legensy in the bios15:46
chase_Tricky: I know how to use that, but I have yet to find where i can change the color of the bar without changing everything else about how it looks15:46
CheatermanKattman: Already tried this (was the first try)15:47
fr4nk-kTricky: What does Google say?15:47
helpmepleasewol, would i need to replace my hard disk?15:47
helpmepleasewol, could a magnet screw up the ram?15:47
Zoliturn off integrated video? thats the only video i have, so that would not be an option15:47
Trickychase hit the customize button?15:47
td123Zoli: don't go with the 8.04.1 cd not the 8.04 cd that ubottu gave you15:47
thankyou_mdoes any body know how to choose a selection in abcde after it has found multiple entries15:47
Trickychase_: oh now i know what you mean, sry no idea also15:48
td123Zoli: use the alternate, it will work15:48
Zoliok, where do i get the alternate?15:48
saskwachI'm trying to do an X session without gnome (fluxbox for a wm) and sound doesn't want to work. Does anyone know where to look for whatever gnome does to init alsa or esd or whatever it uses?15:48
KattmanCheaterman: plug in both the usb and the ps2 mice!  It worked for me15:48
helpmepleasedo magnts ruin ram sticks?15:48
CheatermanKattman: Ok I try15:48
Cheatermanhelpmeplease: Nope15:49
td123Zoli: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ dl the alternate cd15:49
chase_How do you change the color of the bar at the top of the window that you have focused? on Human it is the crappy orange color15:49
kindofabuzzhelpmeplease: umm yeah, magnets can ruin anything electronic15:49
Zoliwhatever, i will google it up, alternate might be the keyword. Do you think it will work with Ubuntu Studio too? its a derivate, supoosed to be exactly as Ubuntu15:49
Cheatermankindofabuzz: No15:49
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org15:50
wolsZoli: see how we don't support it?15:50
kindofabuzzCheaterman: ok lay some magnets across your ram for awhile15:50
Zolithank sall15:50
geirhaZoli: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors15:50
Zoliwhen i grow up, i wanna be a guy to help out others on irc, thanks all!15:50
Cheatermankindofabuzz: not talking about awhile15:50
bazhangkindofabuzz, not really helpful15:50
Trickyok libdvdread does not dothe job15:50
geniigsd: Other applications seem to install fine except that one?15:51
acp_hi I have RealTek ALC262 Sound Chip in my notebook Im using 8.04 sound has no problem except when I use the Audio-out: (line-out / headphone) sound still coming out from the speakers15:51
gsdgenii: yes15:51
Zolithanks again and bye :)15:51
kindofabuzzbazhang: not helpful saying magnets aren't good for electronics?15:51
gsdgenii: The problem became after a power down and reboot of the pc15:51
acp_is there still need to be tweaked?15:51
bazhangkindofabuzz, suggesting he lay them on his computer15:51
chase_How do you change the color of the bar at the top of the window that you have focused? on Human it is the crappy orange color15:52
kindofabuzzbazhang: i was being sarcastic15:52
Cheatermankindofabuzz: not helpful telling me to let some magnets across my ram. if it isn't working it won't change anythinh15:52
Cheatermankindofabuzz: the only problem is static electricity15:52
Cheatermankindofabuzz: not magnets15:52
LeefmcQuestion: With the compiz cube, how do you make 2 desktops on the top and bottom of the cube? (ie, 6 desktops)15:52
bazhangkindofabuzz, please take sarcasm to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks15:52
CheatermanMagnets only make floppies fear15:52
CheatermanLeefmc: I don't think you can :-/ sorry15:53
kindofabuzzbazhang: why don't you tell the person who asked about magnets to take it to offtopic also?15:53
LeefmcCheaterman: Ah, k. I swore i had seen it before, but no biggie :)15:53
gsdgenii: I know my option is to reinstall the whole OS, but I was thinking if there is a way to fix without reinstall.15:53
CheatermanLeefmc: But you can take screenshots and use the cube caps plugin to make them go on the top and bottom15:53
CheatermanLeefmc: It would make the illusion there are desktops on top and bottom15:53
geniigsd: Did you do yet a file system check after the poweroff incident?15:53
gsdgenii: Yes15:53
gsdgenii: Everything was fine, except the apache server.15:54
LeefmcCheaterman: Thats a cheat (semi-pun intended) :). but thanks :)15:54
bticeHello. I'm running Hardy and when I put a DVD movie in the drive to play, Totem tells me, "An Error Occurred: Could not read from resource." The movie (region-1 encoded) plays fine in my home player. I peeked into the Ubuntu book in a bookstore, and it said to check in the forums...15:54
td123!vlc | btice15:55
ubottubtice: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs15:55
CheatermanLeefmc: You're welcome15:55
td123gsd: can you restate your problem ;)15:55
enryapt-get install ubuntu-desktop... 1.8GB >.<15:56
bticetd123: I read that as I need codecs for Totem. Is that what you're suggesting?15:56
geniigsd: Try again for now: sudo dpkg -rP apache2                then remove from /var/cache/apt/archives the apache2 deb file. Also remove from /var/lib/dpkg/info      anything beginning with apache215:56
Cheatermanenry: If you don't like big DLs, go GentOO...15:56
geniigsd: IKf the post install scripts got corrupted this will force them to be remade properly.15:56
td123btice: add vlc and to play the dvd, open up vlc and do file->open disk15:56
greggeI'm using a new laptop and i wonder what drivers i should use for my gforce 8400 256mb? NGenvy? restricted? The ones I have now(no idea, how do I check?)15:56
geniigsd: The again try for installing it15:57
helpmepleasewhat is the fan insie the laptop called that is to the exaust? Is there a special fan name?15:57
td123btice: to add vlc, go to add/remove, search for vlc and add it15:57
gsdgenii: I will try it now15:57
SeveredCrosshelpmeplease: It's a..fan?15:57
bticetd123: Thanks. vlc is a player, then? I'll add it.15:57
td123btice: yes15:57
helpmepleaseSeveredCross no special name? you know the exaust fan?15:57
chase_I have seen 3D box desktops, How would I get it on Hardy Heron?15:57
greggeEnvyNG they were called...15:57
enrywhy is there a difference... aptitude install ubuntu-desktop vs apt-get install, one wants 592MB the other 1.8GB15:57
SeveredCrosshelpmeplease: Why the heck would it have a different name?15:58
Cheatermanenry: Because apt sucks15:58
SeveredCrossNo, because apt-get install pulls in recommended pacakges automatically.15:58
Dusk_power management doesn't show the remaining battery time..it only shows the percantage.is there anything that i need to do??15:58
Cheatermanenry: Apt is very very bad at managing dependencies15:58
SeveredCrossaptitude probably doesn't.15:58
td123enry: go with the lower one :)15:58
SeveredCrossAlso, aptitude still doesn't do some things that apt-get does.15:58
CheatermanSeveredCross: Nope15:58
greggebest drivers for nvidia geforce 8400 anyone?15:58
SeveredCross(Ie. build-dep, source)15:58
geniienry: aptitude tries to figure out what dependencies are required and pull them in. so more stuff there to d/l15:59
joshuablountIs there a way to swap the command and ctrl keys in 8.04 with a MBP ? ( command = windows key for clarity )15:59
Cheatermanjoshuablount: Try editing your xorg.conf16:00
chase_I have seen 3D box desktops, How would I get it on Hardy Heron?16:00
td123!compiz | chase16:00
ubottuchase: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion16:00
greggebest nvidia drivers anyone?16:01
td123chase_: that was intended for you16:01
Cheatermangregge: nvidia glx new, proprietary but very stable16:01
greggeCheaterman: You'd consider them the best for a geforce 8400?16:01
Jack_Sparrowgregge the 8000 series has always been a pain.16:02
Jack_Sparrowgregge I do know I would really try to avoid going to the nvidia site and trying to get those16:02
geirha!ccsm | chase_16:02
ubottuchase_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion16:02
greggeJack_Sparrow: damn! It's a very common card among the semi-good laptops16:03
Jack_Sparrowgregge I dint say bad card16:03
greggeJack_Sparrow: what would you recommend instead? envyNG?16:03
Jack_Sparrowenable restricted drivers16:03
joshuablountCheaterman: Thanks, I hadn't thought to do it manually, was looking through the settings > keyboard > layout options app16:04
Jack_Sparrowgregge I had some issues getting nvidia-glx-new from dropping me to low res mode16:04
jedimindThere was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon.16:05
jedimindSome things, such as themes, sounds, or background settings may not work correctly.16:05
jedimindThe last error message was:16:05
jedimindDid not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.16:05
jedimindGNOME will still try to restart the Settings Daemon next time you log in.16:05
FloodBot1jedimind: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:05
greggeJack_Sparrow: you said I should avoid going to their webpage, but aren't the restricted ones the same? and do i enable them through "Hardware drivers"?16:05
jedimindanyone know why that started hapenning recently? quite often when when i log in i get that and get no styles, then after about 5 minutes it kicks in by itself16:05
foetusQuestion: what is the difference between nogroup and users?16:05
greggeThere's one there in "hardware drivers" called "NVIDIA accelerated graphics drivers(latest cards) :Not in use.... should I simply activate it?16:06
jedimindhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/33009/ <- i get that on login, no gnome styles whatsoever, but then about 5 minutes into the session, it kicks in and makes everything purdy and everything is fine. i cant seem to replicate the problem - it happens randomly (sometimes when i login it works just fine). any ideas?16:07
erUSULgregge: yep16:07
gsdgenii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/33010/plain/16:07
Jack_Sparrowgregge start by enableing the restricted hardware drivers.  , once those load you will reboot and see if you get dumped.  we can go from there. If you cant get any useable screen go to recovery mode and sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx-new and or sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg16:07
Jack_Sparrowgregge yes, activate it16:08
greggeerUSUL: : Ok.. i just maybe I had to deactive the ones I'm using first... btw how do I check what drivers I use now?16:08
Jack_Sparrowgregge Did you already try to install the ones from the nvidia site?16:08
gsdtd123: http://paste.ubuntu.com/33011/plain/16:09
chazcoHi... i have an Msi Wind (well, a rebranded one)... the resolution is 1024x600... is it possible to make Ubuntu use 1024x768 (in scrolling mode)?16:09
greggeJack_Sparrow: ok I'll do that. No, I'm using the ones that i got from the beginning, just want the best, if anything's better. how did I check what drivow? what command?ers I used n16:10
Pascal[Quebec]can someone can help me with this error : *** glibc detected *** corrupted double-linked list: 0x088953e0 ***16:11
greggemy keys jump around for some reason16:11
Jack_Sparrowgregge I dont know how to find out what you are currently using.  BUt I did find that I lost 450 fps when I got the drivers from nvidia direclty.16:12
Pascal[Quebec]I'm trying to do a movie with mencoder from lot of jpg pictures...16:12
MrNazin ubuntu 8.04 i dont see any System -> Preferences menu... has it been moved elsewhere? i dont see any of the things people talk about in it (such as "Hardware" and "Appearance") in any of the other menus16:12
Jack_Sparrowgregge everything else looed the same16:12
coz_MrNaz,  its called  Main Menu16:12
greggeJack_Sparrow: damn... must be one heck of a system you've got though :) but you still think I could try these drivers to see if they're better?16:13
Jack_SparrowPascal[Quebec] I used a tool called manslide to make my slideshow.. kinda cool16:13
coz_MrNaz,  system/preferences/Main Menu16:13
Jack_Sparrowgregge do you get all effects now?16:13
ZStarI am attempting to install Clam-AV and I got it to ./configure but it won't make.  How should I modify my make command so it will function?16:13
bticetd123: I've installed VLC media player, and I've tried both "DVD (menus)" and "DVD" from the File -> Open Disk... option. Neither seems to get me anything playable.16:14
greggeJack_Sparrow: I think so, but it feels a bit too slow for what I'd expect from the laptop16:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crossover16:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about office16:14
PsyChoSiS_does any1 here know where i can go to get help with using LMMS ??16:14
zvacetZStar : don´t you have Clam-AV in synaptic16:14
Jack_Sparrowgregge clilc and install the restricted drivers16:14
geirhaPascal[Quebec]: Don't think there's much you can do. That error generally means there's a coding error in the program.16:14
geirhaPascal[Quebec]: reporting it on launchpad.net would be your best option16:15
greggeJack_Sparrow: clilc?16:15
Pascal[Quebec]mencoder have an error in code?16:15
Jack_Sparrowgregge click16:15
greggejack.. haha16:15
ZStarI have a condition where I can't access security repos because they were giving  me problems16:16
Jack_Sparrowgregge go for it while I can still be around to help.  All bets off when the wife wakes up16:16
geirhaPascal[Quebec]: not necessarily in mencoder, it could be in a library mencoder uses16:16
zvacetZStar . what kind of problems16:17
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ZStarsynaptic couldn't find the security packages so I put a # in front of the appropriate lines in /apt/etc/sources.list to skip them16:17
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ibmcomputerHow many people are here?!16:19
ZStar1314 ibmcomputer16:19
ZStarnow 131616:19
ibmcomputerWell, I'm gone, just checking out some more chat rooms16:20
zvacet ZStar :  does your source list look like http://paste.ubuntu.com/33015/16:20
mortal1hello folks16:21
mortal1does ubuntu support mouse keys?16:21
ZStarI'll paste it zvacet16:22
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts16:22
zvacetZStar : O.K. because you need security updates16:22
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto16:22
hemanthanyone tried installing NCtnus16:23
ShakaGoldSainthi there, anyone knows if there's a version of the grub-gfxboot that's compatible with 8.04?16:23
joomla_user!find gfxboot16:23
ubottuFound: gfxboot, gfxboot-theme-nld, gfxboot-theme-sles, gfxboot-theme-suse, gfxboot-theme-zen (and 1 others)16:23
joomla_userShakaGoldSaint, do you mean for 64 or 38616:24
Jack_Sparrow!info gfxboot16:25
ubottugfxboot (source: gfxboot): bootlogo creator for gfxboot compliant boot loaders. In component main, is optional. Version 3.3.39-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 78 kB, installed size 408 kB16:25
ShakaGoldSaintjoomla_user, i386, it's just that i've been seeing lots of related threads out there, but they're all from 2006/2007 so i'm not sure if i should try with those packages :P16:25
zvacetZStar :  you want to upgrade don´t you16:26
td123ZStar: get hardy16:26
hemanthhelp  pushd: not found16:26
hemanthhelp i m getting an error16:27
hemanth pushd: not found16:27
joomla_userShadowpillar, no use one from the repos. even if you download one from the ubuntuforums gdebi will tell you that there is newer version.16:27
Jack_Sparrowhemanth What are you trying to do that causes the error16:28
zvacetZStar : are you trying to upgrade to feisty or what16:29
XubuntuI'm trying to set my laptop to display on my tv, and ive connected the leads, but im wondering if theres an option ive got to do in ubuntu? Due to not getting an output16:29
Grey_LokiXubuntu, there's probably a function key you need to press to enable display cloning16:30
Grey_LokiLike on my laptop, I need to press fn+F516:30
hemanthJack_Sparrow, cos i was installing NCTNUS16:30
hemanthJack_Sparrow, i got tht error16:31
Jack_Sparrowhemanth I have not heard of it, something you found on the internet somewhere?16:31
hemanthJack_Sparrow, most of them don knw whts an NCTNUS16:31
hemanthJack_Sparrow, yes its a16:31
mystery_hello everyone16:32
hemanthJack_Sparrow, can i send u a pm16:32
Jack_Sparrow!find nctnus16:32
ubottuPackage/file nctnus does not exist in hardy16:32
Jack_Sparrowherb if it is brief.16:32
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claesDoes anyone know why I can not use my soundcard with 2 or more applications at the same time?16:32
Jack_Sparrowhemanth yes pm if it is brief16:33
Jack_Sparrowclaes the sound how-to troubleshooting covers that16:33
AzizLighthi everybody16:33
Jack_Sparrow!sound > claes16:33
ubottuclaes, please see my private message16:33
mystery_is anyone else having problems with FF3 becoming unresponsive?16:34
AzizLightis there a way I can set the default size of my terminal?16:34
Abedcan i anyone send me a guide for using mount command line16:34
Grey_Loki!sound > Grey_Loki16:34
ubottuGrey_Loki, please see my private message16:34
claesthx I will look at that16:34
ZStarI want to upgrade to the latest verson.  I requested a CD but I might order one to make it come faster16:35
Jack_SparrowAbed sudo mkdir /media/mystupp    sudo mount /dev/sdax /media/mystuff16:35
Jack_SparrowAbed sudo mkdir /media/mystuff    sudo mount /dev/sdax /media/mystuff16:35
JamesCardIs there a way to disable the display of GVFS mounts on the desktop? I don't want to unmount them, but I also don't want them cluttering my desktop.16:35
PiciAbed: also see: man mount16:35
mystery_is anyone else having problems with FF3 becoming unresponsive?16:35
AbedJack_Sparrow how can i determine if it is ro or rw etc16:35
mortal1jack, no i mean does ubuntu allow you to control the mouse with the kb?16:35
uniwizanyone running ubuntu on macbook pro?16:35
Digghello! i'm currently ubunty hardy user. i added the kubuntu kde 4.1 packages from the launchpad repository. however, i would like to get the gpg so i dont need to verify evrytime.. is there any?16:36
Jack_SparrowAbed are you working with windows drives?16:37
TiredWolfmortal1, i'm not aware of that feature being built-in, and i can't find a relevant package either16:38
zvacetZStar : if you want to upgrade to hardy you have to do edgy>feisty>gutsy>hardy upgrade16:39
AbedJack_Sparrow windows drivers?16:39
Jack_SparrowAbed are you working with windows drives?   not drivers16:39
RubberHoundHi. I have a strange sound problem. It appears as though I have only one sound channel working.16:39
TiredWolfmortal1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_keyboard_extension#Controls16:40
zvacetZStar : if you have separate home install hardy on top of edgy (fresh install)16:40
Jack_SparrowAbed in a term type..   sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /boot/grub/menu.lst >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && lsb_release -a >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit  (Provide Pastebin link in channel)16:40
RubberHoundI should also add that I've searched the forums to no avail.16:40
Jack_Sparrow!caps > Mechanical_Anima16:40
ubottuMechanical_Anima, please see my private message16:40
roadfishis it possible to assign UUID numbersto memory cards?16:40
AbedJack_Sparrow no i am just using ubuntu on my laptop but sometimes the usb reader { memory card reader got stuck}so i would like to unmount then remount using command lines16:40
bazhang!br | Mechanical_Anima16:40
ubottuMechanical_Anima: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:40
Nailoi was wondering if anyone has a sure-fire way to be able to run w.o.w on linux. i am aware of crossover-linux and wine and the few others. but they all seen to have problems with rendering or sound delay.  does anyone have any suggestions?16:41
Jack_SparrowAbed please read man mount as suggested earlier16:41
Jack_Sparrow!appdb > Nailo16:41
Mechanical_Animaubottu thanks friend16:41
ubottuNailo, please see my private message16:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks friend16:42
Jack_SparrowMechanical_Anima We have channels in es and pt if that would help16:42
AbedJack_Sparrow http://pastebin.com/f4569bcb316:42
roadfishwhen I try to look at the UUID of my memory card with "vol_id", I always get "/dev/hdd1: error open volume" ... what is going wrong here?16:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uuuid16:43
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)16:43
TiredWolfroadfish: you need sudo.16:44
roadfishTiredWolf: I did "sudo vol_id /dev/hdd1" ... and still get the error16:44
TiredWolfroadfish: non-administrator users cannot access a raw device file, as that would allow them to read/write anything on that drive, bypassing any filesystem security.16:44
RubberHoundIs there a sound-issues related room?16:44
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TiredWolfroadfish: are you use that partition exists? memory cards are usually /dev/*s*dsomething16:45
Raz0Rhello, whenever i try and apply new settings for my wifi adapter, the system freezes and i have to cut the power to restart? any idea?16:45
Jack_SparrowAbed Some interesting partitioning you have there.  I think I asked that before I knoew it was a usb stick or am I lost entirely16:46
ZStarI didn't parse that sentence zvacet16:46
roadfishTiredWolf: huh, things are working now ... and I don't know what changed ... anyways, thanks for the help16:46
roadfishTiredWolf: ok, I was using hdd1 instead of sdd116:47
dinarwhat/which files does change/affect dpkg-reconfigure postfix?16:47
zvacetZStar . so tell me what do you want to do16:47
JuanTelezhi all! I'm upgrading from festy to hardy and it gets stuck at "Generating locales..." what should I do?16:48
Raz0Rhow do i define my wpa2 psk key manually?16:48
dinarwhat/which files does change/affect dpkg-reconfigure postfix?16:48
zvacetJuanTelez : do you mean from gutsy to hardy16:48
Jack_SparrowJuanTelez You cant go directly from feisty to hardy16:48
ZStarI wish to install the latest version on this computer without deleting any special data like downloaded pictures or packages I"ve installed16:49
KasleI had installed Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy, but i wanted to try out KDE4, so i installed it and made kde my standard screen manager. the only problem is that i chose to stay in ubuntu, so i uinstalled KDE but i unfortonally left the standard screen manager as KDE. Now i cant start ubuntu. The only thing that pops up is a terminal. Does anyone know how i can change to gde? Anyone?? =)16:49
TiredWolf!upgrade | ZStar16:49
ubottuZStar: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes16:49
Bogus8I'm confused here.. I'm running rsync -anI on a dir that is a 441g partition mounted using 400g of space (4% free)... the results of that rsync says "total size is 527805686600"16:49
JuanTelezzvacet: Jack_Sparrow yes, you´re right16:49
PiciKasle: login to the terminal, then run sudo dpkg-reconfigre gdm16:49
RequinB4Zstar: Either !upgrade or my favorite - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome16:49
JuanTelezI'm upgrading from 7.10 to 8.0416:49
mrocis anyone familiar with 7-zip?  i have a split volume archive (file.7z.001, file.7z.002, etc.) and i have no idea how to extract it.  i tried "7zr x file.7z.001" as suggested by one person but got the message "Error: Cannot open file as archive"16:50
RequinB4JuanTelez: how long have you waited?  It's a long process16:50
KasleTHX =)16:50
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zvacetZStar : do you havw separate home if not make one http://psychocats.s465.sureserver.com/ubuntu/separatehome16:50
JuanTelezRequinB4: long enough16:50
Jack_SparrowJuanTelez I saw a bug listing for that.  But I dont have any links16:50
JuanTelezJack_Sparrow: thanks16:50
zvacetJuanTelez : wait a sec16:50
JuanTelezhow can I cancel this to carry on with the upgrade?16:50
Jack_SparrowZStar sep home is the only way to go, however it will not save everything you have installed16:51
summatusmentisI should be able to pull a drive from a computer, install ubuntu onto the drive, and put the drive back in the original computer, and not run into any issues right?16:51
summatusmentisaside from potential non-supported hardware16:51
Jack_Sparrowsummatusmentis there will be hardware detection16:52
summatusmentisJack_Sparrow: during the installation?16:52
RubberHoundIs there a sound-issues related room?16:52
summatusmentisbut the hardware detection is just so it knows which modules to use, right?16:52
RubberHoundbazhang, thanks16:52
Jack_Sparrowsummatusmentis once you boot the drive in the new computer there are often little issues, but it does work16:53
ZStarI'll back up my files on CD :)16:53
JuanTelezI'm using the sudo do-realease-upgrade comand16:53
zvacet JuanTelez : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/24934016:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249340 in langpack-locales "Gutsy->Hardy upgrade hangs in localedef" [High,Triaged]16:53
Jack_Sparrowzvacet thanks,16:53
summatusmentisJack_Sparrow: the reason I'm asking is because I'm trying to install to a tablet pc that doesn't have a CD drive, and can't boot from USB16:53
zvacetJack_Sparrow : yw16:53
summatusmentisand, afaik, there's no way to repartition windows while booted into it16:53
Jack_Sparrowsummatusmentis I have a toshibe tablet too..16:53
JuanTelezthanks zvacet16:53
JuanTelez https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/24934016:54
summatusmentisJack_Sparrow: mines a motion computing, but yeah.16:54
zvacetZStar : after that  install hardy on existing partitions and this time it will be good to make separate home during install16:54
Jack_Sparrowsummatusmentis I have the pcmcia adapter for cd and I cant get it to boot ubuntu16:54
Manolo90Hi to all. Anyone could help me installing themes on Ubuntu 8.04 please? I've been downloading stuff from http://www.gnome-look.org/ and also I've been trying to install them from Synaptic but I cannot see them all. I mean not all of the themes installed throug Synaptic appear on my theme list. The same for those installed "manually" from gnome-look... Any suggestion please? Thanks 4 your time.16:54
Jack_SparrowManolo90 I just drag and drop the tar onto the theme manager in ubuntu16:55
summatusmentisJack_Sparrow: but theoretically I should have a mostly working system after I pull the drive, install, and put the drive back16:55
dinarwhat/which files does change/affect dpkg-reconfigure postfix?16:55
dinarhow to run english version of dpkg-reconfigure?16:56
Jack_Sparrowsummatusmentis yes.... and then you should be able to access the usb and internet for other parts if any you need16:56
JamesCardIs there a way to disable the display of GVFS mounts on the Gnome desktop? I don't want to unmount them, but I also don't want them cluttering my desktop.16:56
RequinB4Manolo90:  What kind of theme are you trying to install?  Also, how are you trying to install them?16:56
summatusmentisright, ok. Thanks16:56
Jack_Sparrowsummatusmentis let me know how you make out16:56
summatusmentisJack_Sparrow: will do, I'm waiting on an external-usb 1.8" HD enclosure, but I'll report back16:56
KomiaPoikai have a kubuntu system on one hard drive, and a free separate physical hard drive. if i install windows on that second physical hard drive, how do i restore the grub loader to the first hard drive after?16:57
Jack_SparrowJamesCard you can turn off drive cions for mounts in /media   using gconfig-editor16:57
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:57
bazhangKomiaPoika, ^^16:57
JamesCardJack_Sparrow: thx!16:57
RequinB4Manolo90: For EMERALD THEMES - http://hacktivision.com/index.php/2008/06/07/how-to-enhance-ubuntu-8-04-hardy-heron-e?blog=216:57
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JuanTelezzvacet: man! how could you remember that! you've save me! :)16:58
RequinB4Manolo90 - for window themes (ie, colors and stuff of inside, go to system-prefs-appearence, and install a new theme16:58
Jack_SparrowJamesCard hey, thought I lost you17:00
zvacetJuanTelez : it is asked so many times on forums17:00
Jack_SparrowJamesCard To Remove Drive Icons from Desktop Use Terminal and type gconf-editor browse to /apps/nautilus/desktop and uncheck volumes_visable..  http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/hide-removable-drive-icons-from-your-ubuntu-desktop/17:00
JamesCardJack_Sparrow: Thank you!17:01
dinarhow to uninstall "updatedb"?17:03
kushal_12_27_200is it yet possible to install kde 4.1 from add/remove in Ubuntu?17:05
dinarhow to uninstall "updatedb"?17:05
bazhangkushal_12_27_200, see #kubuntu-kde417:05
JuanTelezby thanks a lot!!!17:05
ks3Are there issues with network-manager-pptp in Hardy? I don't have the option to create a PPTP connection when I click the NM icon...17:06
Manolo90Jack_Sparrow: drag and drop into the theme manager? It works... but strange it doesn't work clicking on install and selecting the corresponding tar.gz ...17:07
Manolo90RequinB4: what's the difference between windows theme and Emerald theme?17:08
RequinB4Manolo90 - Emerald themes are prettier :P17:09
Manolo90RequinB4: moreover, I have Compiz Fusion installed... does this Emerald have something to do with compiz?!?17:09
RequinB4speaking of which, does anyone know why the package emerald-themes is only in the fiesty repos?17:09
arnoldk67Hello, I have an ubuntu 7.04 feisty fawn system. It wasn't connected to the internet for a long time. Is there a direct way to update it to 8.04?17:10
bazhangarnoldk67, no one step but you can upgrade to gutsy then hardy17:10
RequinB4Manolo90 - long story short, compiz fusion is a merge of beryl and compiz, beryl used Emerald as a window decorator, so it's easy to use in compiz too17:10
arnoldk67bazhang: thanks17:10
dhavei need some help getting my wireless working17:10
bazhangdhave, what chipset on wifi17:11
ivanlincolnnem vou reinstalar17:11
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bazhang!broadcom | dhave17:11
ubottudhave: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx17:11
[-Mabus-]dhave: what are you trying to do with it?17:11
[-Mabus-]Dhave: I have that exact chipset17:11
Manolo90RequinB4: yeah, I knew what "fusion" stand for in Compiz Fusion... didn't knew that Emerald stuff... so... Metacity should have been the equivalent of Emerald for Beryl?17:11
dhaveno wireless networks are showing up,but another ubuntu machine w atheros chipset in my office is working on same ap17:12
cyphawill evolution automatically put emails from two separate accounts in two separate folders?17:12
[-Mabus-]Dhave: Have you hooked it upto an ethernet connection? mine updated the driver automaticly and it worked17:13
RequinB4Manolo90 - it's all just different implimentation of the same product - if you want some examples of emerald themes, check the emerald-themes package in the FIESTY repos (check packages.ubuntu.com)17:13
dhave-Mabus-: yep17:13
dhaveiwlist wlan0 scan shows nothing17:14
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[-Mabus-]dhave: hrm, what does your iwconfig say? is the card in Managed mode?17:14
RequinB4dhave: that link is bad, this is all you'll need - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76656017:14
kr00lAnyone know where I can get help with network switch questions?17:14
Manolo90RequinB4: Have no emerald-theme in my repos :(17:14
dhaveRequinB4:nice thanks17:14
dhave[-Mabus-] iwlist wlan0 scan shows nothing17:14
[-Mabus-]i managed to get my BCM94311 runninng and doing packet injection17:15
MikeSethdhave: dmesg17:15
amikropI really think hardware vendors should start writing drivers for linux. And I mean all of them. Hardware under linux should work out of the box, or at least, after some point and click procedure.17:15
RequinB4Manolo90 - http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/emerald-themes, combine with the link i gave you earlier17:15
dhaveMikeSeth:  message in dmesg about dl fw17:16
MikeSethamikrop: many already do17:16
MikeSethdhave: good idea.17:16
amikropMikeSeth: But many don't.17:16
dhavemoving to that step, thanks all17:16
bdancerhi all17:17
=== ApOgEE- is now known as Sempudal
RequinB4amikrop - The problem is that the benefits to doing so aren't always apparent to them.  With windows, it's easy, you get money and a big userbase.  With linux, half of that is gone and a lot of the time you're catering to a group that has apretty good driver already17:17
bdancersound disappears after wake up - what that can be? latest updated ubuntu 8.0417:18
amikropRequinB4: I see. :-/17:18
RequinB4amikrop: preaching to the choir... but it's getting better now that linux is enjoying a lot more support these years (coughvistacough), but we're getting off topic17:19
[-Mabus-]RequinB4,  you could also take into account that Linux is more "user friendly" these days than it was say back in the 90's. making it more accessible to normal users17:20
amikropRequinB4: aha :P17:21
RequinB4[-Mabus-] that too17:21
RequinB4wow, slow today17:23
[-Mabus-]I gave up trying to learn linux around 95, there was a lack of community support and people who did use it where apt to shun you if you had questions17:23
RequinB4Some distro communities are still like that17:24
[-Mabus-]boom diada bomm diada17:25
=== Sempudal is now known as ApOgEE-
RequinB4hmm, does anyone know how to make a welcome message when you startup a gnome-terminal17:25
fde!ot | [-Mabus-]17:25
ubottu[-Mabus-]: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:25
fdeRequinB4: /etc/motd17:26
RequinB4fde - ?17:27
acp_hi I have a RealTek ALC262 Sound Chip with stereo speakers on my laptop,Im uaing the out-of-the box souddriver of 8.04 and its working fine except for Audio-out: (line-out / headphone), when I plug the headset the sound still come out in the speaker, is there need to be tweak?17:27
maxim0512Hi, all. I'm in need of some assistance with a printer setup issue on a new Ubuntu install.17:27
Grey_LokiHmm - so i'm guessing an exempt is just a mute, rather than a full ban?17:28
sidewalkim trying to share files in hardy, but when i right click on a directory i dont have the option "share folders" or something similar to that17:29
RequinB4I'm more interested in making a script run on startup that displays a welcome message than changing user@box:~$17:29
sidewalkam i missing some packages?17:29
Grey_LokiRequinB4, you can customise the login screen's message17:29
Agionhow can I add songs to ncmpc??17:29
Grey_LokiApplications>Settings>Login Window on my system17:30
fdeRequinB4: hmm, looks like you'd actually have to have ~/.bashrc echo /etc/motd ... but yeah, that's where it usually goes Message Of The Day17:30
maxim0512I added an lpd printer with a ppd file. When I try to change settings in the printer options tab of the printer configuration app, the settings all revert to their original settings when I click apply.17:30
fdeGrey_Loki: He said gnome-terminal startup, not gdm17:30
ifireballsidewalk: I got "sharing options" when right clicking a directory17:30
RequinB4Not at the login screen, at a terminal (I have a gnome-terminal session for a background)17:30
maxim0512Anyone know why it won't let me apply the settings?17:30
sidewalkifireball: well i dont17:31
sidewalkcan anyone help me out with samba sharing?17:31
Grey_Lokifde, oops17:31
fdesidewalk: System > Administration > Public Files ? (version prior to hardy)17:31
sidewalkfde: nope, dont have that one either17:32
FrozenFireHas anyone had experience with the elographics drivers under Hardy?17:32
Agioncan anyone tell me how to add songs to ncmpc?17:32
fdesidewalk: what desktop are you using?17:32
sidewalkfde: gnome17:33
ifireballsidewalk: install the "nautilus-share" package17:33
fdesidewalk: version of Ubuntu?17:33
RequinB4Hold on, is this it?  under gnome-terminal edit profiles, Title and Command tab17:33
ifireballsidewalk: should be there by default..17:33
fdeRequinB4: no... I told you how17:33
acp_hi I have a RealTek ALC262 Sound Chip in my laptop sounds ok except when I use the headphone the sound still comes out from the speakers, is there a driver that I need to install our any tweaking can you recommend?17:33
sidewalkifireball: installing it now17:33
maxim0512I added an lpd printer with a ppd file. When I try to change settings in the printer options tab of the printer configuration app, the settings all revert to their original settings when I click apply. Anyone know why?17:34
JC_Denton_Ubuntu tells me the monitor refresh rate is set to 85Mhz when it is clearly not...17:34
JC_Denton_eh, 85Hz17:34
Johnnywhat is the key to bind alt_r17:35
Johnnymod1 is alt_l17:35
Johnnymod3 is empty?17:35
RequinB4fde - ok, now i see it.  thanks17:35
Johnnyanyone know?17:37
Johnnyhow do i set alt_r to mod317:38
lupehow do u uncomment this for multiverse and universe17:39
lupe# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 8.04.1 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080702.1)]/ hardy main restricted17:39
lupe# See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to17:39
lupe# newer versions of the distribution.17:39
lupedeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy main restricted17:39
lupedeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy main restricted17:39
FloodBot1lupe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:39
Grey_Lokilupe, to uncomment lines of text, just remove the hash (#) from the beginning of the line.17:39
kooothor_hi, I don't manage to mount a usb key, here is my error msg http://pastebin.com/d1d65244017:40
Grey_LokiUsually it's a good idea to make a backup of whatever file you're modifying before you change it17:40
ifireballlupe: just enable/disable repositories from the "software sources" gui17:40
unoplupe, add the words  universe and multiverse to those two lines if you want to enable those repos17:40
Johnnyhow do i replace mod4 with the alt_r17:40
s0|hello, I am wondering if anyone knows the boot paramaters for an installing 8.04 on an adaptec 1430SA17:41
rogue_traderis there a kubuntu live cd with kde 4.1 available?17:41
JeanEaccentaiguDHi there ! Can you help me to configure my dual screen ?17:41
AgionHow can I add songs to ncmpc??17:41
edmoorehi all - just building  little ubuntu headless for for myself, set myself a budget and am throwing happily browsing. Quick question - are the dark days of wireless incompatibility and linux behind us? I want to chuck in a wireless card on one of the pci slots - do I need to be careful or should anything pretty generic work?17:43
Manolo90RequinB4: do you manage to install this? http://newversion2.deviantart.com/art/Intuition-9022378817:43
MikeSethJeanEaccentaiguD: on my laptop, aticonfig did all of that for me17:43
JohnnyAgion, did you set up your /etc/mpd.conf17:43
Bodsdaedmoore, theres a list of compatible wifi cards on the wiki17:43
MikeSethJohnny: you can do this through the settings of keyboard layout, it has quite versatile substitution options17:44
unopedmoore, the dark days are unlikely to ever be over17:44
AgionJohnny: no, how can I do that?17:44
mbrigdanis there a reason why only root can use '17:44
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:44
Johnnynano /etc/mpd.conf17:44
Bogus8need an rsync/filesystem guru... seems no one has a clue about my problem here:17:44
Bogus8I'm confused here.. I'm running rsync -anI on a dir that is a 441g partition mounted using 400g of space (4% free)... the results of that rsync says "total size is 527805686600"17:44
mbrigdanis there a reason why only root can use shutdown, but any user can click the little shutdown button and turn the system off?17:45
s0|ok let me try this anotherway, I need to slip a driver in before I start to intall 8.04, can someone help walk me thorugh that17:45
JeanEaccentaiguDMikeSeth, but with compiz fusion, nvidia, and a bad principal screen, it appears to be another pair of manches !17:45
MikeSethJeanEaccentaiguD: i dont have an nvidia card so I wouldn't know, but it went smooth on my ATI X30017:46
Johnnychange all the directories to your music directories Agion17:46
Johnnyand make sure the user is set to your user name17:46
Agionok, thx17:46
s0|ok, when I boot the 8.04 isntall sees the drives connected to the 1430SA, but it doesn't bloody see them as a raid. it sees them as idiviual disks17:47
unopmbrigdan, yes, the abilty to shutdown has been handed down from legacy unix where only root could shutdown - it remains that way to prevent users who log in from remote locations being able to shut you machine down17:47
AzizLightI want to make a symbolic link of the gnome-terminal but I can't find the executable, where can I find it please?17:47
Johnnywhat is the mod key for alt_r?17:47
jpdsAzizLight: /usr/bin/gnome-terminal17:47
mbrigdanunop, yeah, thats what I was thinking, given that linux is still much more a sever OS than a desktop OS.17:47
MikeSeths0|: switch into a console and use the raid tools to mount the volume [I dont know for a fact that they're installed]17:47
unopAzizLight,  type  which gnome-terminal17:48
s0|MikeSeth, how does one do that?17:48
AzizLightjpds: thx17:49
unopmbrigdan, well no, linux is just the kernel, you can use it in a desktop environment or a server environment - how the userland tools (GNU) affect the kernel depends on how they are setup17:49
AzizLightunop: that's cool I forgot about that command thanks a lot17:49
matt__can I safely shrink my windows partition and grow my Ubuntu partition with out doing a fresh install of ubuntu/17:50
hemanthmatt__, even i want to do tht17:51
unopmbrigdan, it's the same on windows too - only a superuser can shutdown the machine using command line tools17:51
MikeSeths0|: ummm.. mdadm(1) iirc17:51
jameslrmatt__: did you use LVM when you initially setup ubuntu?17:51
Raz0Rhi can anyone help me? i can't boot into my -21 kernel. everything loads ok, except i get fail on starting basic networking. it carries on but when it comes to starting the logon screen i just have a black scren, i can do nothing? please help me?17:52
matt__jameslr: I don't know what LVM is, but I used the live disk to size the vista partition and then installed ubuntu on the new space17:52
Raz0Reverything works fine if i boot into the -19 kernel17:52
MikeSethRaz0R: what kind of network & video hardware?17:53
Johnnywhat is the mod key for alt_r?17:53
MikeSethRaz0R: try killing X - press C-M-backspace17:53
MikeSethwell ctrl alt17:53
MikeSethJohnny: you assign it17:53
MikeSethJohnny: setting up emacs?17:53
ZmaxHi. Given a file, how can I determine which package provides it ?17:53
MikeSethZmax: dpkg -S17:54
Johnnyno MikeSeth17:54
unopJohnny, mod key?  alt is mod1 .. so your combination is  mod1+r17:54
Johnnymod4 is too cumbersome to reach for17:54
MikeSethdunno all I did was mapping caps lock to ctrl17:54
Raz0RMikeSeth i did try ctrl alt backsp but nothing17:54
MikeSethRaz0R: then boot the box into no X runlevel17:55
Raz0RMikeSeth i have been able to use it fine until just now17:55
Johnnythat didnt work unop17:55
* delcoyote hi17:55
rogue_traderjust to answer my own question: I just found out that suse offers a working kde 4.1 lve cd... just if anybody else wants to check things out17:55
MikeSethRaz0R: what did you change then?17:55
Mr_Giraffehey, i'm using the GNOME cpu scaling applet on a laptop and whenever i switch to battery power, ubuntu forces my CPU to stay at the lowest power setting (800MHz).  what should i do?17:55
maxim0512Can't change printer settings for one particular printer; running printer app under sudo doesn't help; cups error log shows "CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized"17:55
maxim0512any ideas?17:55
Raz0RMikeSeth network settings17:55
unopJohnny, do you mean the right alt key when you say alt_r?  also known as alt_GR on some keyboards?17:55
MikeSethRaz0R: and *that* killed the X video?17:55
MikeSethJohnny: interesting.17:56
unopJohnny, xev should help you find out17:56
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MikeSethJohnny: restart the box, in the grub menu, press e to edit the boot script (it doesnt save the changes to disk), and add 5 as the last parameter of the kernel line17:56
MikeSethJohnny: then boot the box17:57
MiescoHow do I check what sound cards I have17:57
Miescolike hw:0 and stuff17:57
MikeSethJohnny: errrr not you sorry17:57
unopJohnny, alt_GR is keycode 113 or keysym 0xfe0317:57
MikeSethRaz0R: that was for you17:57
Johnnywhat would i put in an .awesomerc file?17:58
sulomm .. has anyone of you Ubuntu running on a macbook? do you also get a lightblue/grey screen for about 1 minute during booting where nothing happens?17:58
Johnnyim replacing mod4 with alt_r17:58
Johnnyor want too17:58
Raz0RMikeSeth wicd froze the system so i had to do a hard reset. when i came back i just get the problem as described17:58
MikeSethRaz0R: either way boot the box into runlevel 517:58
MikeSethRaz0R: then you'll get the console and would be able to fix things17:59
unopJohnny, you want to remap the Super/Windows key? is that it?17:59
Raz0RMikeSeth can you tell me how to do this?17:59
maxim0512Never mind: solved it myself; copied ppd from $HOME to /usr/share/ppd then re-added the printer.17:59
Johnnyi want alt_r to be the super key17:59
fr500does linux also have the 3GB limit for 32bit versions?17:59
Kevin`fr500: no18:00
Kevin`fr500: it depends on the kernel configuration though18:00
fdefr500: depends if extended memory is enabled in kernel18:00
fdefr500: By default, I believe Ubuntu turns the option on.18:00
MikeSethRaz0R: plz see what i typed above (mistakenly addressed to Johnny)18:00
Yamanekowhich is the best sources.list? 'cause i'm trying to install firefox3 final but it doesn't work... it says that he is the last version (2.0.)18:00
Raz0RMikeSeth ok18:01
fr500fde: kevin thanks18:01
bazhangYamaneko, for hardy?18:01
Johnnywhat is the mod3 for?18:01
Johnnyits empty in my xmodmap18:01
Raz0RMikeSeth and i do that on the -21 kernel?18:02
MikeSethRaz0R: yeah18:02
MikeSethRaz0R: this will boot you into console18:02
ptr__So, I'm wondering if there's any way to get dpkg-reconfigure xorg.conf to go through the whole litany of options it used to.18:02
Raz0RMikeSeth ok is that like a terminal thing? no gui?18:02
MikeSethptr__: specify lower minimum question level18:03
MikeSethRaz0R: yes18:03
MiescoHow do I find out what sound cards I have18:03
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
MikeSethRaz0R: if you have never done this before though, this is gonna be.. interesting18:03
AhadielMiesco, try aplay -l18:03
Raz0RMikeSeth lol, im a complete n00b18:03
AhadielMiesco, that's a lowercase L18:03
Raz0RMikeSeth to linux18:03
MikeSethRaz0R: then you have an adventure ahead of you18:04
Raz0RMikeSeth will it be clear what i need to do once im in console??18:04
MiescoAhadiel: I got a m-audio interface, its using [69364.086386] usbcore: registered new interface driver snd-usb-audio18:04
MikeSethRaz0R: not really. You will have to examine logs in /var/log and configuration in /etc/network to see what goes wrong with the network initialization18:04
JC_Denton_Ubuntu tells me the monitor refresh rate is set to 85hz when it is clearly not...18:05
s0|MikeSeth, I don't seem to follow,18:05
Yamaneko<bazhang>: no... for 7.something18:05
AhadielMiesco, Okay.... and what do you want to do with it?18:05
MikeSeths0|: mdadm(1) is [as far as I know] the cli interface used to operate raid volumes18:05
ptr__ptr__: heh, cool.  That said, the dpkg-reconfigure man page says to check debconf(7) for a list of priorities, and that man page doesn't exist18:05
ptr__MikeSeth: err, wow, I'm a retard18:05
AhadielMiesco, You can set which audio card will be sued in System => Preferences => Sound18:05
s0|MikeSeth, I can only find the option to launch a shell and when that shell comes up it doens't know what mdadm is18:06
MikeSethptr__: install debconf-doc18:06
MikeSeths0|: oh well then mdadm isnt installed or i may be wrong about the name18:06
MiescoAhadiel: I dont think its recognizing my m-audio fast track ultra as a sound card18:06
latoszekHello I have small problem. Anybody can help me ??18:06
AhadielMiesco, usb?18:07
MikeSeths0|: try md18:07
ptr__MikeSeth: thanks loads :)18:07
latoszekI have problem with player mp318:07
sjovanhey guys, i was playing diablo II, but i crashed. i did a ps aux | grep wine and killed both proseces. now a little fragment of the sound is looping on the speakers. how can i kill it?18:07
s0|I have a option in the list to configer MD devices, but the blooady thing wants me to partition disks before that which is f'ing backwards becuase it won't see the raid18:07
latoszekHello people can anybody help me ??18:07
mbrigdanis there a way I can use apt to force a program to give me its configuration screen again?18:07
MikeSeths0|: sorry I cant help you any more, never did this on Ubuntu myself18:07
MikeSethlatoszek: ASK THE QUESTION18:08
Magicdeadhi. could someone tell me how i can change the x-server fallback mode? my display doesn't support 640x480 (or whatever resolution it uses) so with the current settings, it only makes things worse :)18:08
s0|I am tryingh to follow the manual (somewhat). can someone just tell me how to get the installer to pause and let me load a driver18:08
MikeSethmbrigdan: dpkg-reconfigure package18:08
MikeSeths0|: IMO there are boot time options for that, and you can also open the console soon after the install boots18:08
MiescoAhadiel: yea18:08
drakoanybody knows how 2 do a server on ubuntu18:08
ptr__MikeSeth: sadly, that didn't do it.  I want to be able to specify the driver and display modes, rather than leaving them up to xorg to autodetect (since xorg gets it wrong)... but those questions just don't appear to be *there* anymore.18:08
drakoi really need some help18:08
s0|MikeSeth, what is the boot option to load a driver off a flash disk18:08
MikeSethMagicdead: try ctrl-alt-+/-18:08
Frog42hello... need your help... i want to rip a dvd with acid ... ripping is working great an the movie is great but i have no sound ... what i did wrong?18:09
mibocotedrako: what kind of server18:09
drakoweb server18:09
MikeSethptr__: maybe dpkg-reconfigure xserver-something-xorg18:09
afallenhopehow do you turn on IPv6?18:09
mbrigdancould using nothing of my swap file cause a program to think that it is inactive?18:09
^hellfire^ /amsg siema lamki :P18:09
mibocotedrako: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/web-servers.html18:09
ptr__MikeSeth: ain't no xserver-.*-xorg packages in ubuntu18:09
AhadielMiesco, Check the output of dmesg, and if it's there, it SHOULD be in System => Prefs => Sound. If no, I don't know what else to say.18:09
^hellfire^siema lamki :P18:09
Frog42hello... need your help... i want to rip a dvd with acid ... ripping is working great an the movie is great but i have no sound ... what i did wrong?18:09
MikeSethptr__: yeah, xserver-xorg-driver18:10
MikeSethmbrigdan: inactive?18:10
Frog42hello... need your help... i want to rip a dvd with acid ... ripping is working great an the movie is great but i have no sound ... what i did wrong?18:10
ptr__sadly, that's not it.  I don't want to configure the driver, really---I just want to configure x to use it18:10
drakou know something about this??18:10
mibocotedrako: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/web-servers.html18:10
tloveIf anybody can help me out with a codec problem with wine + ventrilo, please message me.18:10
MiescoAhadiel: Its not in lsusb18:11
ubottuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv418:11
* ^hellfire^ zapraszam na serwer cs pass: abc18:11
drakoyeah i have installed all18:11
AhadielMiesco, Try searching the forum/googling for it then =/18:11
Frog42hello... need your help... i want to rip a dvd with acid ... ripping is working great an the movie is great but i have no sound ... what i did wrong?18:11
MiescoAhadiel: 69363.523490] usb 2-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 418:11
mbrigdanMikeSeth: uswsusp thinks my swap is "inactive" and not valid. But I barely ever get into swap memory unless I'm doing something rather intensive, so I think this might be causing it?18:11
Gillpyptr__: have you tried  dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg ??18:11
mibocotedrako: do you need help on a specific issue?18:11
drakoyes :-[18:11
MikeSethmbrigdan: inactive means not mounted for use I think18:12
ptr__Gillpy: yes.  As I said before, since hardy, it now skips over the entire adapter and display configuration stages, leaving these to xorg to autodetect.18:12
Frog42hello... need your help... i want to rip a dvd with acid ... ripping is working great an the movie is great but i have no sound ... what i did wrong?18:12
sjovan!ask | drako18:12
ubottudrako: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:12
mbrigdanMikeSeth, doesn't swap mount by default?18:12
MiescoHow do I get a list of my alsa devices18:12
cyphahow do i get evolution to show me images in the email?18:12
mibocotedrako: out with it, don't want to play 20 questions18:12
Gillpyptr__: what about manual configuration in xorg.conf ?18:13
Frog42hello... need your help... i want to rip a dvd with acid ... ripping is working great an the movie is great but i have no sound ... what i did wrong?18:13
s0|ummm I really don't understand, who the heck do I give a boot option to let the installer USES A FRICKEN DRIVER18:13
MikeSethmbrigdan: in theory it should. Type free and see if you have as much swap space as you think18:13
airspaceI've followed the guides on ubuntu and some how-to docs to get my Nokia E61i to connect as a bluetooth modem. It opens the port and tries to connect but tells me that I don't have permission. Any ideas? (it works on Windows)18:13
AgionI had sounds yesterday but now they aren't working. Can anyone help?18:14
ptr__Gillpy: well, that's what I'm going to end up doing, but it would have been nice to have a nice, clean, autogenerated xorg to start from18:14
MikeSeths0|: doesnt the boot screen give you options?18:14
Frog42hello... need your help... i want to rip a dvd with acid ... ripping is working great an the movie is great but i have no sound ... what i did wrong?18:14
s0|yes I just don't what option to give it18:14
DrGamuthow come adding 'deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy main' breaks apt-get? what is a correct line for a source repository?18:14
MikeSeths0|: what raid controller is this? or softraid?18:14
BigToehow do I turn acpi off in the ubuntu install disc?18:14
mbrigdanMikeSeth: What unit does free display its memory in?18:15
BigToethere's a custom load option or something on the disc but I forgot what to add to disable acpi18:15
s0|adaptec 1430SA (cheap raid, since fakeraid didn't work, and software raid was being a PITA since it doesn't like to make everything raid'd and still boot18:15
AgionDoes anyone have a tip why don't I hear sounds? I heared them yesterday, now they're gone...18:16
s0|honest to friken good How much of a raid card do I need to bloody buy just so that linux will be blind as f**(** to it and just see the raid volume and not the ********ing disks attached to things18:16
MikeSethmbrigdan: kilobytes iirc18:16
Frog42no one can help me18:16
veeraganeshAny one configured A2DP in ubuntu18:16
MikeSeths0|: hehe I just googled it and seems there's a lot of trouble with this one18:17
Frog42 veeraganesh: whats that18:17
s0|well is there one that will work?18:17
s0|cuz newegg takes crap back I hear18:17
veeraganeshI got Sony Bluetooth headset18:17
veeraganeshtrying to pair it in ubuntu18:17
veeraganeshfor A2dp18:17
MikeSeths0|: umm it looks like you need binary firmware for the raid driver to work18:18
s0|no ****, that is what I have been trying to get someone to tell me how the **** to load this crap thign18:18
mbrigdanMikeSeth, hmm, seems that I do have as much swap as I know I have. But it also seems that free disagrees about the amount of memory in use when compared to the system monitor.18:18
MikeSeths0|: apparently get the firmware from adaptec site18:19
Mr_Giraffes0|, irc doesn't censor profanity :P18:19
Frog42hello... need your help... i want to rip a dvd with acid ... ripping is working great an the movie is great but i have no sound ... what i did wrong?18:19
MiescoHow do I list the alsa devices18:19
s0|MikeSeth I have the firmware18:19
ubottuHvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!18:19
MikeSethmbrigdan: alsactl names18:20
s0|I have crap, I just don't know how to make the crappy linux install pause for 3seconds and ask me to load the fucking raid driver18:20
MikeSeths0|: I bet it's something in the boot screen options18:20
s0|mike, the RAID IS CONFIURED for the hostRaid thing18:20
s0|it's there18:20
haelenHi. Can someone help me out with an audio problem?18:20
s0|I know it's there. I spent 4.5 hours waiting for it build18:20
mbrigdanMikeSeth: that needs sudo right?18:20
atlef!ask | haelen18:21
ubottuhaelen: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:21
MikeSethmbrigdan: sorry that wsnt meant for you18:21
MikeSethMiesco: alsactl names18:21
Mr_Giraffehey, i'm using the GNOME cpu scaling applet on a laptop and whenever i switch to battery power, ubuntu forces my CPU to stay at the lowest power setting (800MHz).  what should i do?18:21
Yamanekohow do i get firefox 3 for ubuntu 7.10?18:21
mbrigdanMr_Giraffe: turn power scaling off18:21
MikeSethMr_Giraffe: adjust the power settings i imagine18:21
haelenRecently I haven't been able to change master volume using the slider in the panel. Also I can no longer use the multemedia buttons on my laptop to control volume.18:21
inflexYamaneko: worst case, download it and install into your home directory and run it directly from there18:21
Mr_GiraffeMikeSeth, there are no power settings to turn off regarding that18:22
Raz0Rok im into the -21 kernel :)18:22
Mr_Giraffeand mbrigdan i like having it on, keeping my laptop on powersave when it's plugged in means it's nice and cool18:22
MiescoMikeSeth: Nothing shows up18:22
haelenAlso, my cipset and card are showing as "PulseAudio" (which they weren't before).18:22
mbrigdanMr_Giraffe: I bet you can adjust it somewhere, most gnome apps have a huge amount of settings that they never show the user18:22
MikeSethMiesco: then i suspect alsa isnt loaded/configured properly18:22
g[r]eekHi can anyone help with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87713818:22
RequinB4i know about !best, but can anyone recommend a CLI email clinet18:22
g[r]eekIt is a wvdial related problem18:22
mbrigdanMr_Giraffe: probably hidden in a config file somewhere.18:23
Raz0Ri have one last problem, i hope someone can help me. i am trying to setup my wireless network card to use wpa2 psk. i have followed a few guides but no luck, can anyone tell me what the problem is?18:23
Mr_Giraffembrigdan, i ran the command for the applet in the terminal and it only has 3 options: -f(requency), -g(overnance), and -c(pu)18:23
MikeSethhaelen: PulseAudio devices are virtual, they belong to the sound server gnome etc uses to play sound18:23
MikeSethRaz0R: hold18:23
inflexRequinB4: for POP/SMTP?18:23
mbrigdanMr_Giraffe: try "man <command>" and see if it comes up with anything18:24
Mr_Giraffei did, and that's all i got18:24
inflexRequinB4: mutt is fairly popular18:24
MikeSethRaz0R: what wifi card?18:24
haelenMikeSeth: Thanks. What's weird is that it's recently changed - I mean that didn't used to show as the chpset (for example).18:24
Abedi want to convert from wmv to 3gp18:24
RequinB4inflex: yes18:24
Raz0RMikeSeth belkin f5d7000, uit has a realtek 8185l chip18:24
RequinB4inflex - will check it out, thanks18:24
Raz0RMikeSeth im using the realtek linux driver, no ndiswrapper18:24
mbrigdanMr_Giraffe: hmm, look in /etc/<applet-name>18:25
MikeSethRaz0R: dont know nothing about the driver, doesnt matter, one sec18:25
haelenMikeSeth: I no longer have all the options available that used to show in AlsoMixer either.18:25
s0|great, so NO ONE knows how to make the ubuntu install acutally ASK me if I WANT TO LOAD A FUCKING driver18:25
MikeSethhaelen: I imagine the drivers arent loaded18:25
=== rubydiam_ is now known as rubydiamond
Mr_Giraffethere's no such folder D:18:25
Mr_Giraffembrigdan, ^18:25
MikeSeths0|: not me, sorry18:25
Abedanyone can suggest an application for converting .wmv to .3gp18:25
mbrigdan!language | s0|18:25
morrisonhello  :)18:25
s0|uggg someone just told me not to **** out my cussing18:25
haelenMikeSeth: Do you mean the ALSO driver for my soundcard?18:26
Mr_Giraffes0|, you'd probably get a lot more help if you wren't being so angry18:26
Mr_GiraffeGRRRRRRRRR **** THIS18:26
ubottus0|: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:26
Raz0RMikeSeth ok18:26
MikeSethRaz0R: http://mikeseth.pastebin.com/m3feb72f618:26
mbrigdanMr_Giraffe: that was more a shot in the dark, thats where most apps keep config files, but I guess not18:27
fbcWhat log would I find cron job failures in?18:27
s0|Mr_Giraffe - I would calm down if someone could tell me what to do18:27
MikeSethfbc: none, see crontab manual for how script output is handled18:27
Mr_Giraffeok, then18:27
Flannel!patience | s0|18:27
ubottus0|: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:27
Mr_Giraffewhat's the problem?18:27
Mr_Giraffejudging by what i was scanning through, it's a wireless one?18:27
s0|way wrong18:27
MikeSethRaz0R: this is my /etc/network/interfaces18:28
Mr_Giraffewell what is it then18:28
s0|Raid.... give me a sec and I will type it out18:28
haelenMikeSeth: Thanks for the pointers, I'll investigate.18:28
Mr_Giraffealright, well i'll just have to do some super googling then :P18:28
Raz0RMikeSeth hmm firefox wont boot18:28
MikeSethRaz0R: the wireless config applet that comes with 8.04 doesn't configure wp2/psk properly18:28
Raz0Rhang on ill use other b0x18:28
MikeSethRaz0R: I can /msg it if it helps18:28
Raz0RMikeSeth im using wicd18:28
g[r]eekHi can anyone help with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87713818:28
Raz0RMikeSeth yes pls18:28
MikeSethRaz0R: I dunno what wicd is, the configuration is for wpa_supplicant18:29
Raz0RMikeSeth its an alternative to network manager18:29
Frog42 veeraganesh:18:29
Frog42 veeraganesh: sry my mistake18:30
Frog42hello... need your help... i want to rip a dvd with acid ... ripping is working great an the movie is great but i have no sound ... what i did wrong?18:30
MikeSethRaz0R: generate the value for wpa-psk field using wpa_passhprase18:30
veeraganeshYou missed with audio files18:30
Mr_Giraffehmm, g[r]eek, i'd say you should ask whoever wrote the tutorial18:30
veeraganeshmay be18:30
MikeSethRaz0R: also, the driver in your case should be something else, youll have to look up the name in wpa_supplicant docs18:30
Raz0RMikeSeth ok so i will not use wext?18:31
s0|my problem is this, I tried linuxsoftware raid, it doesn't like to boot of the raid, I tried the fakeRaid w/ my mobo. it won't read the volume correctly *(either), and now I bought a cheapish raidCard in the (wrongly infromed hope) that linux would blind as a bat to the disks and it would acutally just see the logical volume. this way I could with my limited linux OS tinkering knowhow get the thing to install without having to fight a gdmf battle. 18:32
* grobda24 http://djbarney.wordpress.com/2008/08/01/ubuntu-%e2%80%93-do-you-really-know-what-it-means/18:32
MikeSethRaz0R: I imagine not18:32
Flannels0|: please stop it with the language.18:32
Frog42hello... need your help... i want to rip a dvd with acid ... ripping is working great an the movie is great but i have no sound ... what i did wrong?18:32
Raz0RMikeSeth please see my pm18:33
atlefFlannel: ?18:33
Frog42if i rip a dvd with acidripper the file is great but i ve no sound. What can i do that i ve after ripping got sound?18:33
MRcheeseis ext2 more fast than ext3?18:34
MikeSethMRcheese: marginally18:35
MikeSethMRcheese: not worth it18:35
TheComradejoin #symfony18:35
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto18:35
devcowFrog42 did you install all codecs?18:35
Frog42which need i?18:35
MRcheeseMikeSeth: wat makes ext2 slightly more fast? No journalling?18:35
devcowthe codecs for audio i think there is a bundle18:35
MikeSethMRcheese: as far as I know18:35
joseHello can someone help me to fix a problem with my video card nvidia 8800 GTS that I have right now... yesterday I installed the drivers but is not being detected the video card and my resolution is 800x 600 right now can someone help me please ???18:36
Frog42that would be usefull... i think18:36
wbmjMRcheese: ext2 has a slight speed increase over ext3, however the journaling properties outway the speed.18:36
MikeSethMRcheese: you can add a journal to an ext2 partition later on IIRC18:36
MRcheeseis writeback mode more safe than ext2?18:37
katad0t1sI broke samba. I tried remove/ re-install but it want install properly again. Can I get a clean install again?18:37
MikeSethMRcheese: in most practical cases, ostensibly so18:37
MikeSethkatad0t1s: dpkg --purge <package>18:37
MRcheesek i stay with ext3 then18:37
wbmjMRcheese: to get a speed boost and journaling, I find XFS suitable18:37
MikeSethkatad0t1s: this kills the config files left behind18:37
mbrigdanhow can I find out where my swap is mounted?18:38
vergilswapon -s18:38
katad0t1sMikeSeth, i deleted all the files in etc/asmba. maybe that screwed it?18:38
freaky[t]hi all. are there any boost libs packages for ubuntu? some from debian have the package but ubuntu doesnt have it? there seems to be no boost_asio18:38
MikeSethmbrigdan: swapon -s18:39
katad0t1sMikeSeth, now when I try to install it says that samba common has some problem18:39
MikeSethkatad0t1s: i don't know18:39
MikeSethkatad0t1s: "some problem" is not a description of a problem18:39
cottimahello, I am trying to figure out lvm mirroring versus soft raid 1, which is better (faster and low on processor usage)?  Is there a site to go to see on comparing the two?18:39
vergilcottima: I prefer md raid, but that's on account of flexability on a lot of machines18:40
s0|Mr_Giraffe, so now that you know it isn't wireless do you have any input, becuase I would really like to be trying something instead of stareing blankly at the scrren.  I been googling away I can't seem to find a guide the acutally explains this, they all skipp right over it18:40
vergilsome may have jbod, others, may have honest to gosh raid controllers18:40
=== The_Compiler is now known as The-Compiler
vergilkeep raid below logical volumes.18:41
Abedguys i want to convert wmv to 3gp18:41
katad0t1sMikeSeth, dpkg: σφάλμα στην επεξεργασία του samba-common (--configure):18:41
katad0t1s η υποδιεργασία post-installation script επέστρεψε κατάσταση λάθους 118:41
katad0t1sΠροέκυψαν σφάλματα κατά την επεξεργασία του:18:41
katad0t1s samba-common18:41
katad0t1sE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:41
FloodBot1katad0t1s: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:41
atlefAbed: fuocotools, look it up18:41
jpds!gr | katad0t1s18:42
ubottukatad0t1s: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes18:42
LeefmcQuestion: Alt+Ctrl+F2 does what exactly? It seemed to kill X and put me into a pure terminal. On that same note, in a pure terminal, how do you scroll up screen to view help logs, etc?18:42
MikeSethkatad0t1s: I can't read whatever you pasted, it's full of question signs, dpkg --remove --purge samba-common18:42
Frog42if i rip a dvd with acidripper the file is great but i ve no sound. What can i do that i ve after ripping got sound?18:42
cottimavergil oh, okay.  I have lvm on raid 1 right now for two hdds, and I thought it would be easier just doing lvm instead.18:42
fr500any way to fix pulseaudio sound latency issues?18:43
mbrigdanMikeSeth, I went ahead with installing uswsusp even with the "your swap is inactive" and it seems that bad things happened.18:43
axenoryis there any non fixable reason that I can't listen to music with amarok at the same time I am watching or listening something in a youtube flash video (using mozilla explorer)18:43
phantomcircuitIs there a way to import outlook 2007 pst archives (i just want the contacts) into Evolution if i dont have outlook 2007 anymore?18:43
matt__The top menu bar on my windows is suddenly transparent. How can I undo that?18:43
MikeSethmbrigdan: swapon -a18:43
fr4nk-kLeefmc: You can switsch between several sessions with Ctrl+Alt+Fx where x is a number between 1 and 12. The standard X session is reachable with F7.18:43
MikeSethmbrigdan: that should mount all available swap18:43
katad0t1sMikeSeth, http://paste.ubuntu.com/33055/ I translated most of it18:44
Arnosif there a way to bring a process to the foreground using only the PID?18:44
Jack_Sparrowmatt__ Sounds like you lost window decorations.  in term   compiz --replace     or metacity --replace18:44
axenoryphantomcircuit, I suggest you look over to google.com ... there should be a lot of people wishing to do that and successfully done it... search in forums18:44
Leefmcfr4nk-k: Gotcha, so how do you then scroll up in a pure terminal window?18:44
fr4nk-kLeefmc: AFAIK you can't18:44
MikeSethkatad0t1s: dpkg --remove --purge samba-common18:45
phantomcircuitaxenory, they all use thunderbird with outlook installed on windows to do it, unfortunately i dont have outlook 2007 anymore so i cant do that18:45
Netham45Is there any way to turn a dated install of Debian Sarge into xubuntu 8.04? *biggrin*18:45
Leefmcfr4nk-k: Wow lol. That makes help text.. useless haha.18:45
axenoryphantomcircuit, but arent you using ubuntu?18:45
matt__Jack_Sparrow: Window Decoration is enabled. The top bar is still there, it's just see through. Like, I can see the exit and resize buttons, but the bar itself is transparent.18:45
MikeSethLeefmc: shift-pgup?18:45
Jack_Sparrowmatt__ ah..18:46
ifireballLeefmc: shift+PgUp18:46
LeefmcMikeSeth: Not sure, didnt try it :), i'll try it next time18:46
mbrigdanMikeSeth: Did that, i'm going to try the -r option to force it to use the correct swap partition, see if that works, although I think I might have booted ubuntu with noacpi, so I don't know if this will work18:46
Jack_Sparrowmatt__ Perhaps /join #Compiz18:46
fr4nk-kLeefmc: no.. try " | more"18:46
atlefNetham45: why not get upgraded to lenny and then get xfce4?18:46
phantomcircuitaxenory, yes i am using ubuntu18:46
MikeSethmbrigdan: noacpi shouldnt influence swap in any way18:46
matt__Ok thanks18:46
Leefmcfr4nk-k: Huh?18:46
chase_can someone help me? I asked a question and someone answered !compiz | chase and i had to go AFK18:46
Bogus8I'm confused here.. I'm running rsync -anI on a dir that is a 441g partition mounted using 400g of space (4% free)... the results of that rsync says "total size is 527805686600"18:46
MikeSethmatt__: install the advanced configuration frontend for compiz18:47
chase_and i didnt get to ask them what that ment18:47
FlashKidPardon, any Virtualbox users here?18:47
Jack_Sparrow!compiz > chase_18:47
MikeSethBogus8: rsync is known to return crazy numbers sometimes18:47
ubottuchase_, please see my private message18:47
Netham45atlef: because debian hates me. :(  lol18:47
axenoryphantomcircuit, .... SO let me see... you cant import files because you have no outlook right?18:47
MikeSethDebian is serene and hates no one18:47
fr4nk-kLeefmc: for example, you could try "help | more"18:47
Netham45it does when you are using a custom kernel and custom X drivers...18:47
Bogus8MikeSeth: but when I try to actually move that data... it hits the limit of 439g on my destination box (transfering only 400gigs of data... or so I think)18:47
axenoryphantomcircuit, .... because I know you can import files from thunderbird and then import it to evolution and voila!18:48
Netham45every freaking little upgrade, and BOOM! error.18:48
fr4nk-kLeefmc: try it, i can't explain18:48
cemchi. is there a way to install ubuntu without a cdrom? i have an external usb harddrive18:48
katad0t1sMikeSeth, sorry but it didnt do the trick18:48
Leefmcfr4nk-k: Ah. nice :)18:48
Mr_Giraffecemc, you can use wubi, but that's not necessarily recommended18:48
Jack_Sparrow!install > cemc18:48
ubottucemc, please see my private message18:48
atlefNetham45: no chance of getting xfce4 to install on your sarge and then upgrade?18:49
cemcMr_Giraffe: i have nothing on the laptop i want o install ubuntu on18:49
* Netham45 wishes he could use wubi18:49
axenoryphantomcircuit, .... follow this web page18:49
axenoryphantomcircuit, .... http://osdir.com/ml/gnome.general/2002-04/msg00043.html18:49
axenoryis there any non fixable reason that I can't listen to music with amarok at the same time I am watching or listening something in a youtube flash video (using mozilla explorer)18:49
Netham45atlef: I can't even get to Etch on it...18:49
RequinB4axenory - its a pulse problem, hold on\18:49
atlefNetham45: so how did you get sarge?18:49
Kaushalhow can i install pidgin on ubuntu18:50
axenoryRequinB4, okaayyy!! finally someone answered heehe18:50
phantomcircuitaxenory, i have to have a windows system to do that...18:50
Jack_SparrowKaushal it is installed by default18:50
Netham45atlef: it's the most recent install CD I have for it. Oh, did I mention I'm doing this on my XBox? :D18:50
atlefNetham45: oh, and this is ubuntu channel18:50
fr4nk-kKaushal: sudo aptitude install pidgin18:50
atlef!debian > Netham45:18:50
ubottuNetham45:, please see my private message18:50
Netham45augh, PMs make mibbit go insane...18:50
RequinB4axenory - this is what i used - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=472443318:51
atlefNetham45: still, this is not the debian channel18:51
chase_Jack_Sparrow: can you help me with the Compiz thing18:51
axenoryphantomcircuit, ow .. IM sorry then I cant help you much... but you can anyways mmm doit the primitive way... in case that you dont find a solution... seend everything back to you and you will recieve it in evolution... not very cool and INTELLIGENT though18:51
atlefnot to piss on your effort18:51
Jack_SparrowNetham45  atlef  This is not the Debian channel18:51
axenoryRequinB4, THANKS Man18:52
jimymorrisonola en español18:52
atlefJack_Sparrow: so i said18:52
Pici!es | jimymorrison18:52
ubottujimymorrison: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:52
Netham45yea, I realize that, the discussion just sorta turned into debian.18:52
Jack_Sparrowchase_ Your top bar trasnparency thing..  I have done it but I dont fiddle with those settings much other than cube18:52
RequinB4axenory: no problem :P  As a side note, make sure your PCM isn't turned up too high in volume control18:52
Netham45but, on a more ubuntu-ish topic, anyone know if there is a later version of ubuntu for the XBox? The latest version is 5.1018:52
Netham45the latest version I can find, that is.18:52
phr0z3nHow do you install internet explorer on ubuntu?18:53
tabularasa_phr0z3n, lol18:53
Jack_Sparrowphr0z3n Under wine18:53
chase_ brb18:53
Pici!ies4linux | phr0z3n18:53
ubottuphr0z3n: ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!18:53
phantomcircuitaxenory, id still need outlook to do even that >.<18:53
rwgyou have a command for that?18:54
phr0z3nYou guys have a command on how to install IE?18:54
atlefNetham45: http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/XUbuntu18:54
rwgdo people seriously ask that a lot?18:54
HuntersdeadWhy Outlook if you can have freeware/OS(OpenSource)18:54
Jack_Sparrowphr0z3n Please read the link provided18:54
RequinB4rwg - hardcore wine users have to use it18:54
XGasTheres a GUI tool for Wine that lets you install IE "/easily/"18:54
XGasJust select, install, done.18:54
Netham45atlef: that version is teribally dated.18:54
Bogus8I'm having problems rsync'ing over some files... I'm transfering 400gigs of files from one system to another but I'm running out of space on the destination at 439gigs... what gives?  why is 400gigs taking up over 439 gigs on another system?18:55
The-CompilerI've got a strange problem: With KDE, Teeworlds (http://www.teewars.com/) doesn't work, I only get a menu w/o captions and a strange mouse pointer which looks like a windows logo. With Gnome, it works w/o problems18:55
XGasits called Wine-Doors18:55
atlefNetham45: just googled18:55
frostburnHuntersdead, because evolution is really buggy with exchange18:55
HuntersdeadWhy use Evolution?18:55
fishsrchi.. "connection refused: 22" im trying to ssh, I dont have a firewall only a router, does my router block port 22 on default or what+18:55
HuntersdeadThere are enough Email Clients for linux18:55
frostburnfishsrc, you don't have ssh running18:55
_victor_IE..the slowest most bloated browser ive ever used, still has its uses18:55
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall18:55
RequinB4fishsrc - see above18:56
Netham45atlef: been googling all week. =/18:56
frostburnHuntersdead, because none of them allow for syncing with calendar, notes and global address list18:56
g33k_victor_ : but IE isn't the standard browser in Ubuntu, because it doesn't exist18:56
XGasphr0z3n: http://www.wine-doors.org18:56
node357says there wine-doors is broken...18:56
Bogus8fishsrc: are you trying to access it from OUTSIDE or from inside your network?18:56
OnericeQuick command to unmount a cd? Says i'm not root18:56
XGasThere are people who would want to use Microsoft Internet Explorer under Linux for web development reasons.18:56
frostburnOnerice, sudo umount18:56
HuntersdeadWell, it would be possible to stuff it in a email client18:57
g33kXGas : using wine18:57
fishsrcBogus8: im to ssh into my guest os on vmware, i tried ssh localhost from my guest os (vmware) but it said connection refused18:57
XGasThen again, I rather run Windows under Windows for that.18:57
chase_Jack_Sparrow: can you at least help me install it or open it if i have it already and then i can see if i can get the rest from there?18:57
XGasunder VM*18:57
fishsrcfrostburn: hmm okay18:57
OnericeHm, sudo umount what? comes up a list of stuff.18:57
Jack_Sparrowchase_ Install what?18:57
axenoryRequinB4, why are you saying so (PCM// high)18:57
atlefNetham45: maybe you can upgrade. im not sure18:58
frostburnfishsrc, do an nmap -p 22 hostname/ip18:58
chase_Jack_Sparrow: compiz18:58
RequinB4axenory: it can sometimes cause low sound quality.  you'll know it if it happens18:58
frostburnOnerice, you want to unmount a drive or just eject a cd?18:58
HuntersdeadAfter all, the source of those clients is Opensource. Maybe I'll look at it someday and try to understand it xD In 5 years or so...18:58
Onericefrostburn: eject18:58
Jack_Sparrowchase_ Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse18:58
node357can't you just use sudo eject18:59
frostburnOnerice, use the command eject18:59
chase_so i type in the terminal Install ccsm sudo apt....18:59
Onericethanks frostburn!18:59
chase_sudo apt-get18:59
HuntersdeadOnerice, isn't there a botton by your Cd-drive?18:59
Picichase_: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager18:59
atlefNetham45: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox18:59
RequinB4Jack_Sparrow - that right there should be in a ! message18:59
HuntersdeadThat's much easier than typing something....19:00
ubottuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »19:00
fishsrcfrostburn: okay I did it from my main os ubuntu in console and ip being the guest os http://pastebin.com/m6b7c28319:00
joseHello can someone help me to fix a problem with my video card nvidia 8800 GTS that I have right now... yesterday I installed the drivers but is not being detected the video card and my resolution is 800x 600 right now can someone help me please ???19:00
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion19:00
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion19:00
dustyHey guys, I have just got give a VIrtual System running Ubuntu 8.04 server, whenever I run apt-get I get the following errors: http://paste.stoned-hacker.co.uk/29 they are locale issues, and locale is installed.. any ideas ?19:00
axenoryRequinB4, so I will have less volume available to use??19:01
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Jack_SparrowRequinB4 Its all there. just not in one sentence19:01
rwgHow do I install Ubuntu on my TI-83?19:01
RequinB4axenory - no, what i'm saying is that some (20% i've seen) have bad sound quality with it up - if you don't you're fine19:01
Huntersdeadjose,  wich drivers have you installed?19:01
josethe latest one19:01
rwwrwg: you can't19:02
HuntersdeadFrom where?19:02
dustyAnyone ?19:02
joseI ran the drivers19:02
josebut now I get 800 x 60019:02
Jack_Sparrowjose I can try19:02
frostburnrww, ubuntu isn't compiled for the z8019:02
joseplease help me19:02
Picidusty: How did you install ubuntu?19:02
rwgrww: your nick is too similar to mine.19:02
dustyPici, No ideas it was given to me on a VPS system (e.g. openvz and I got give root login to the guest).19:02
Jack_Sparrowjose first off can you get to a terminal window19:02
dustySo I assume its an openvz image of ubuntu 8, with NOTHING installed apart from the base.19:03
gescapehi, can anyone tell where to setup gdm so it will start automatically?19:03
atlefwhoho, i got two wingames running under wine, and with joystick fully functioning19:03
gescapeI had gdm default, installed kde4, played around, unistalled kde4 and now my gdm does not start automatically :(19:03
Arnoswhats the easiest way to MAKE a zombie process?19:04
HuntersdeadFine for you atlef, i bet uve gotan nvidia  right?^19:04
atlefHuntersdead: yep19:04
gescapecan't find inittab in ubuntu :(19:04
chase_Jack_Sparrow: do you know how i can change the key bindings?19:04
fishsrcfrostburn: okay I did it from my main os ubuntu in console and ip being the guest os http://pastebin.com/m6b7c28319:04
FalseProphetI got a ipod touch and I don't like the software installed on it19:04
kaktuskattaHey! I need help regarding the message "invalid partition table" upon boot19:04
FalseProphetis it possible to install ubuntu with myth tv?19:05
joseim with terminal window opened19:05
atlefHuntersdead: and to get my joystick, i used jcal19:05
Jack_Sparrowchase_ I only did it once.. general settings last tab or somthing.  but I honestly dont remember19:05
gescapewhere in ubuntu setup gdm as default?19:05
ArnosFalseProphet: Try Mythbuntu19:05
Jack_Sparrow!who > jose19:05
ubottujose, please see my private message19:05
frostburnfishsrc, check on device if ssh is running, ps -ef|grep sshd19:05
FalseProphetbut can it be installed on the touch?19:05
Sylphidgescape, i think sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm should do it19:05
kaktuskattaI checked out /etc/fstab only to find that the windows partition seems to be missing19:05
chase_Jack_Sparrow: thank you for your time19:05
HuntersdeadDamn, i've ati, those things don't really work properly. I can play games but they are so slow, it's a desaster. If i want the Ati treiber, it says to restart, guess what than happens.19:05
reconWhat would be the consequences of removing everything that ubuntu-desktop doesn't depend on? Would it break the system?19:05
Jack_Sparrowchase_ np19:06
ArnosFalseProphet: No, Idea, never tried it19:06
atlefHuntersdead: did you use envy or ?19:06
Jack_Sparrowjose here is what little I know so far  From terminal: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras && sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new && sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings... Drop to a terminal using Ctrl-Alt-F2 .. log in then enter your password...sudo nvidia-xconfig ... sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ...  and reboot19:06
kaktuskattaAnyone here with good experience regarding disk problems?19:06
samurroudAlguem ke fale portugues'??19:06
gescapeSylphid, thx :) shutdown -r :)19:06
Jack_Sparrow!pt > samurroud19:06
ubottusamurroud, please see my private message19:06
Sylphidgescape,  ctrl + alt + backspace19:07
Sylphidgescape, just need to restart X19:07
RequinB4recon - EVERYTHING?  yes... you know, the kernel is kinda important...19:07
Huntersdeadno. It starts till a little box that says the grafik cards not detected. Then i give it in manully and then, then i have the best grafiks ever: 800x600 and cant get it better19:07
reconRequinB4: ubuntu-desktop doesn't depend on the kernel? Huh.19:07
rwgKernels are overrated :P19:07
Jack_SparrowHuntersdead nvidia?19:07
rwgyeah, Ubuntu didn't like my 8800GT19:08
phr0z3nkernels are overrated.19:08
HuntersdeadJack_Sparrow: No, ATI Radeon x1950 series.19:08
araenhello :)19:08
atlefHuntersdead: arrghh, i know how that is, but my card is a nvidia and it works now19:08
Jack_Sparrowrwg I know..19:08
reconI don't suppose there is any other way to restore my install to factory default without using an install CD, then.19:08
rwgit made me sad19:08
gescapeSylphid, it does not work19:09
Huntersdeadatlef: Yes. But I am GLAD i could get Guild Wars installed WITHOUT killing my system19:09
gescapeSylphid, it simply does not load gdm19:09
Jack_Sparrowrwg I have gotten some good results, but seems like a battle each time19:09
araencan I install a scan (epson stylus dx3800) on my computer ?19:09
Huntersdeadlast 3 times till wine 1.1.2 it always got  killed.19:09
gescapeSylphid, it just reloaded a config for gdm19:09
rwgJack_Sparrow: I gave up on putting Ubuntu on my desktop19:09
rwgjust because of that19:09
fishsrcfrostburn: i cant.. since | isnt on my keyboard within the guest.. long story, bu i just compiled openssh from source withing my gues os19:09
coz_araen,  do you have the sanner there already?19:09
gescapeI remember in redhat you could set it up in inittab19:09
fishsrcfrostburn: so i dont think ssh is running19:09
Linus`how to change keyboard layout from console?19:09
Sylphidgescape, 1 sec19:09
gescapecan't see it in ubuntu :(19:09
atlefHuntersdead: :-)19:09
Linus`i'm having some troubles with this19:09
Huntersdeadsince wine 1.1.2 it works. But well. The frames are all like all 10 sek 1frame19:10
araencoz_: yes but i don't know if it's install or not19:10
frostburnfishsrc, no pipe? heh, k try /etc/init.d/sshd start  hopefully that will work19:10
geirharecon: what exactly do you want to reset?19:10
HuntersdeadIt dosent really makes fun playin19:10
coz_araen, ok stick something in it then go to Applicatioins/grahpics and open xsane19:10
atlefHuntersdead: well, who installs <Linux to play :-)19:10
recongeirha: Basically, restore all installed packages to just what the CD installed and remove the rest I've manually installed.19:11
rwwfishsrc: I feel your pain. My pipe key is broken :(19:11
coz_araen, if it is installed xsane will open if not xsane will not open19:11
recongeirha: I usually just use the install CD, but the CD drive broke.19:11
samurroudHello, I am Portuguese .. ... I have a doubt in my ubuntu.19:11
araencoz_: nothing :D19:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about portugal19:11
Sylphidgescape, can you check if /etc/init.d/gdm exists19:11
HuntersdeadI do. I had enough of windows, cause all 3 days i needet to install my wlan new.19:11
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:11
araen(aucun périphérique installé, in french)19:11
samurroudsomeone can help me?19:11
coz_araen, oo ok then google for that  ubntu   name of scanner and model number19:11
atlef!anyone | samurroud:19:11
ubottusamurroud:: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:11
geirharecon: ah, aptitude should have a way of displaying such packages. Need to consult the doc though19:11
face-shotSo I was wondering: how common are viruses on Linux? Assuming that I'm only dealing with binaries, and they happen to have some malicious code, does the "sudo" system protect me from something like this?19:12
HuntersdeadI don't like these bugs. Microsoft dosn't really give a good support. I dont really use Linux to play. I use it for minor things - like cheking emails19:12
araencoz_: i don't understan19:12
gescapeSylphid, yes it exists19:13
cypherdelicDoes a 64bit-Driver/Firmware for MSI Digivox mini III exist? MSI official driver withot sources gave "Invalid module format" any suggestions?19:13
HuntersdeadBut it gets boring playing pacman.. :-)19:13
fishsrcfrostburn: heh frostburn heh i dont have init at all, since im trying to compile a linux from scratching, within my guest. thats why i need to ssh from ubuntu - guest so i can copy and paste19:13
Sylphidwhat is in /etc/X11/default-display-manager19:13
Sylphidgescape, what is in /etc/X11/default-display-manager19:13
atlefHuntersdead: well, get older games. I have max payne and bf1942 and hl2 running just fine.19:13
coz_araen, ok what scanner do you have19:13
FalseProphetHey guys I heard  if I run rm -rf/ it makes my system run faster19:13
gescapeSylphid, simply after a reboot I get a text login prompt, I log in type gdm and it works19:13
Dusk_how can i remove rt73usb firmware from the kernel?? i want to install with ndsiwrapper19:13
HuntersdeadGuild wars is old- at least proph19:14
FalseProphetbut are there any side effects?19:14
bazhangFalseProphet, dont joke about that19:14
gescapeSylphid, /usr/sbin/gdm19:14
atlefHuntersdead: does it work, or is it choppy19:14
Dusk_how can i remove rt73usb firmware from the kernel?? i want to install with ndsiwrapper19:14
gescapeSylphid, it happened after I removed kde4 :(19:14
araencoz_: epson stylus dx3800 or 385019:14
araen(it's same)19:15
HuntersdeadIt works. I told you a new frame in magic 10 sec.19:15
ThornHi. After updating to 8.04, my sound no longer works. There are also no sound cards in /dev/... Is this a common fault? My (onboard) sound card is an Intel-HDA.19:15
gescapeSylphid, so I presume kde did overwrite the default window manager19:15
atlefHuntersdead: ok, sorry, large channel19:15
Sylphidgescape, so X is not starting at all19:15
gescapeSylphid, looks like19:16
_Oxydron_tm algum br aqui?19:16
geirharecon: doesn't seem like it has an option for it afterall, must have misread last time. Sorry :/19:16
atlefHuntersdead: did you go through this? http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=919419:16
recongeirha: meh.19:17
gescapeSylphid, weird... just checked services and gdm is selected to start at boot19:17
nixnoob!br | _Oxydron_19:17
ubottu_Oxydron_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:17
haelenMy chipset and card are showing as "PulseAudio" in alsamixer. This didn't used to be the case (Have Intel HD chipset). I'm not sure how it changed, but it's hampering my audio. How can I change it?19:17
_Oxydron_ok thx19:17
coz_araen,   not sure but from my search on google that should work on ubuntu hardy   it did work on gutsy19:17
dustyperl: warning: Setting locale failed. <-- how do I fix these errors ?19:17
dustyI Get it when I run apt-get19:17
Huntersdeadatlef: yes. But i didnt find a real suggestion19:17
geirharecon: you could install virtual-box, and install ubuntu from an iso-image, then compare installed packages I guess19:17
araenyou mean that on hardy it's ok ?19:17
geirharecon: virtualbox-ose I mean19:17
araen(i don't understand very well)19:17
recongeirha: ...you know, I think i'm just going to manually look through the packages if that's the only other option.19:17
Sylphidgescape, look in /etc/rc2.d19:18
atlefHuntersdead: sorry, then i have streched as much as i can.19:18
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=== afallenhop is now known as afallenhope
tieTYThow do I go backwards from ctrl+r?19:18
Sylphiddoes a symlink exist for S10xserver-xorg-input-wacom19:18
Sylphidand S30gdm19:18
HuntersdeadNo problem - I'll just wait untill wine ver 1.1.3 - maybe it gets better then19:18
atlefHuntersdead: but any feedback is better then any, right19:18
jimmygoonWhat is ubiquity written in?19:19
eyemeanhi there, anyone have problems with ubuntu starting after updating with most recent updates?19:19
kaktuskattaI need help with MBR! Anyone?19:19
LinuxISTis xaraya any good?19:19
geirharecon: come to think of it. Ubuntu only installs packages from the main-repository, so you could search for installed packages from universe and multiverse19:20
HuntersdeadMaybe A-Net thinks forward next time and makes a Linux-Gw2 too.19:20
recongeirha: meh.19:20
araenit's ok, my scan works :D19:20
el_rusohi guys, i've exported my gpg key and formatted my PC, but when i try to import my gpg key, it placed in "other keys" in Seahorse, how can i fix it?19:20
atlefeyemean: today?=19:20
eyemeansince yesterday to be honest atlef19:21
atlefeyemean: well i just checked now19:21
corinthI installed KDE 4 through apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop, or whatever it is, but now I want to uninstall all the packages it installed. How do I do this?19:21
wishieis there a 'nice' way i can test a few packages from intrepid ?19:21
atlefeyemean: i do not do automatic updates19:21
eyemeanatlef, i installed ubuntu yesterday then did used repo driver for radeon 9550 then updated and ubuntu wouldnt start up19:22
geirharecon: aptitude search ~i~sverse19:22
chase_Jack_Sparrow: I was messing around with the program and I found out were it was, When i changed the key config it said that something else already had the same key bindings19:22
eyemeanatlef,  what updates do u do?19:22
DrGamut[10:14] <Agion> I had sounds yesterday but now they aren't working. Can anyone help?19:22
DrGamut[10:14] * hfsdo_ (n=hfsdo@106.6-200-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) has joined #ubuntu19:22
DrGamut[10:14] <ptr__> Gillpy: well, that's what I'm going to end up doing, but it would have been nice to have a nice, clean, a19:22
chase_Jack_Sparrow: I disabled the old one and it wasnt the smartest thing to do19:22
atlefeyemean: i do manually update and read through the changes.19:23
fallenhope/etc/apt/source.list http.us.debian.org/debian sid main19:23
fallenhopeis it okay for adding that?19:23
chase_can you go and try to change it and It will tell you what has the same config and tell me what it was so that i can change it back?19:23
=== fallenhope is now known as afallenhope
fisshssfrostburn: you still here? I have ssh up and running as a daemon, init was in rc path, but when i try to ssh it says wrong password but i never supplied one?19:23
HuntersdeadIs there a linux rollplay / ego-shooter game that works smove with a OpenAl treiber?19:23
eyemeanok atlef , cheers19:24
atlefeyemean: you are more then welcome.19:24
PiciHuntersdead: egoboo perhaps?19:24
atlefeyemean: what does your screen say when you boot up19:24
HuntersdeadDont know it, try to find it now ;)19:24
Brunershow big should i make my swap partition ?19:24
chase_Can someone with Compiz help me?19:25
geirhaBruners: two times your RAM is a good rule of thumb19:25
HuntersdeadPici: Found it19:25
atlefBruners: what amount of ram do you have?19:25
eyemeanat the moment its fine, because i reinstalled, but im afraid to even update or even use repositry driver.  usually just get black screen19:25
wishie2 times my ram ? thats insane!19:25
Brunersgeirha, atlef: 1GiB ram so make it 2GiB swap then ?19:25
lufisAnyone used Dell's firmware updater for linux? i can't get it to work19:26
chase_Can someone with Compiz help me?19:26
eyemeanshould swap be 2 times the ram? i got 2 gig ram but set swap to 1.5 gig19:26
Chousuke2xRAM is outdated advice19:26
atlefeyemean: did you use the envy or the other?19:26
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info19:26
Chousukeeyemean: no.19:26
lufiseyemean: that's really rather excessive, if you have 2 gigs19:26
wishieid have 8gb swap then.. thats insane! no way19:26
atlefBruners: what work do you do on your machine19:26
geirhaBruners: same as I have19:26
Chousukewishie: you need maybe 200MB of swap :P19:26
wishieChousuke: i dont have ANY on that machine.. heh19:27
rwwOn some systems with >2GB of RAM, I've just turned off swap altogether, with no negative effect =/19:27
HuntersdeadWow, Egoboo runs wih 1 frame all 5 seconds19:27
eyemeanno used the driver that ubuntu reccomends atlef19:27
wishiei think i have 256mb swap on this lappy. its got 2gb ram in it19:27
ChousukeOr if you have a laptop, swap should be bit more than your RAM.19:27
osxdudeheh wishie19:27
Brunersatlef: surfing the web and watching movies, and once a week i play some warcraft19:27
lufiseyemean: Unless you're doing some really memory-intensive computing, 2 gigs of physical memory plus maybe 250-500 MB of swap would be a good balance19:27
PiciHuntersdead: I've never figured out how to play it, I just know it exists.19:27
Chousukewithout swap you can't suspend19:27
geirhaChousuke, wishie: don't you need at least 1xRAM to be able to hibernate?19:27
wishiecan anyone suggest a 'nice' way to use some packages from intrepid ?19:27
osxdudei have 1 GB swap with 256MB ram in the laptop19:27
eyemeanhow much should swap be lufis ? if i have 2 gig ram19:27
atlefeyemean: get envyng and install that driver19:27
HuntersdeadI do but its slow19:27
Chousukegeirha: a bit more actually.19:27
wishiegeirha: my DESKTOP has the 4gb ram. so i dont suspend.19:28
osxdude!envy | eyemean19:28
atlefBruners: then 1 gib swap is more then enogh19:28
lufisAnyone used Dell's firmware/bios updater for linux?19:28
geirhaChousuke: well, that's why I generally recommend 2xRAM .... most people don't have as much RAM as wishie does anyways ;)19:28
eyemeanaha 500 meg, sounds good to me lufis , is it possible to reduce the swap size even though i've already installed ubuntu?19:28
ubottueyemean: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk19:28
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!19:28
face-shothow common are viruses on Linux? Assuming that I'm only dealing with binaries, and they happen to have some malicious code, does the "sudo" system protect me from something like this?19:29
Chousukegeirha: well that recommendation stops being effective after 1GB of RAM :/19:29
wishiegeirha: id say, if you have 2gb ram, or more, then 1x-1/2x is enough19:29
chase_can someone give me the compiz server name?19:29
Chousukegeirha: and most people have 1GB nowadays :P19:29
Flannel!viruses | face-shot19:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about viruses19:29
Flannel!virus | face-shot19:29
ubottuface-shot: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2119:29
lufiseyemean: Don't bother now, no point to it... you can set the "swappiness" value to something low so the system prefers physical ram over slow virtual memory19:29
HuntersdeadPici: I tried Warsow, but it isn't good, cause well,  can't play it with OpenGl. And i can't play with ATI treiber cause then my ubuntu dosn't start normally19:29
dannyboyhow can install an alfa usb wireless adapter?19:29
face-shotty Flannel19:29
geirhaeyemean: yes, boot up live cd and resize it with gparted19:29
chase_can someone give me the compiz server name?19:29
osxdudeApperently ubottu is lagging, hold on, folks19:30
nosmelcDo I need to do anything special to get HFS file system support when I install Ubuntu 8.04?19:30
eyemeancan i use gparted with installed version geirha19:30
atlefeyemean: boot the livecd19:30
geirhaChousuke: I see, I guess I'm growing too old ;)19:30
axenoryis there a way to oipen a folder from the terminal?19:30
eyemeanok atlef , cheers.19:30
lufisaxenory: with GUI?19:31
wishieaxenory: 'open a folder' ?19:31
wishieaxenory: couldnt you just call nautilus or whatever ?19:31
geirhachase_: if you want to start compiz from a terminal you do "compiz --replace &"19:31
wishiechase_: or you could try 'fusion-icon'. i think thats in the repos these days19:32
axenorywishie, I am trying to find a folder.... mozilla folder.... I want to delete some plugins how do I get to that folder19:32
geirhaeyemean: only if you can unmount all partitions on the drive the swap is on19:32
wishieaxenory: probably in ~/.mozilla/something19:32
lufisaxenory: ls ~/.mozilla/firefox/plugins19:32
geirhaeyemean: so if it's on a different partition than /, you should be able to19:32
lufisaxenory: or: ls /usr/lib/firefox/plugins19:32
eyemeanlive it is then geirha , lol19:33
frostburnfisshss, you need to configure your ssh daemon to allow password based login, otherwise you're doing keybased authentication /etc/sshd/ssd_config19:33
eyemeanthanks again19:33
nosmelcDo I need to do anything special to get HFS file system support when I install Ubuntu 8.04?19:33
atlefeyemean: by all means, we aim to please. :-)19:33
chase_Does anybody know the compiz channel name?19:33
geirhaeyemean: you can do it with fdisk however, but it will require a restart19:33
wishienosmelc: mac fs support ?19:33
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:33
ivensboa tarde19:33
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion19:33
geirhaeyemean: and fdisk is a bit ancient ... meaning it doesn't have a gui19:33
nosmelcwishie yes.  I just need to access a Mac floppy19:33
wishienosmelc: hfs+ works fine here by default19:33
Huntersdeadchase_: type /join #compiz19:33
DrGamutWhat is a working source URI for ubuntu hardy I can put in my sources.list so that I can use build-dep?19:34
ivenscomo mudo a resolução do video19:34
Linus`err, i'm having some troubles in changing the keyboard layout from console19:34
nosmelcwishie ohh ok.  I didn't know if the drivers for the fs were loaded by default19:34
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.19:34
Linus`actually, i just can't figure how19:34
wishienosmelc: seemed to be here.. i havent installed anything, and i can read my osx drive19:34
dannyboyhow can install an alfa usb wireless adapter?19:35
nosmelcwishie thanks :)19:35
HuntersdeadDoes somebody know how to make a programm with gcc that actully shows a text if i start it. ( like main() printf("Hi");)19:35
wishienosmelc: no worries19:35
axenorylufis, Istill cant find the plugins eventhough I go to the folder and look into it... I marked view hidden files19:35
lufisaxenory: What plugin is it?19:36
legend2440Linus`: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54498419:36
lufisaxenory: How did you install it?19:36
axenorylufis, I want to delete flash plugins19:36
daemon3Ever since today's update has Konqueror been a memory beast for anyone else?19:36
axenorylufis, I think ubuntu-restricted-something.... or automatically... I dont remember which of those two19:36
daemon3it eats up about 75% of my 1G memory.19:36
Raz0Rhello, when i do sudo ifup/down i see lots of stuff to do with ebox (which i have removed) how do i stop this ebox stuff?19:37
fisshssim trying to SSH into my guest system but its asking for a password? huh? I never created a pw in the first place, HELP please!19:37
lufisaxenory: Ok... you can try /usr/lib/firefox/plugins19:37
lufisThat's normally where they are19:37
Linus`fisshss: try with no password19:37
axenorylufis, the folder is empty19:37
Linus`just press enter19:37
lufisaxenory: Is the plugin showing up in the Addons window?19:38
DrGamutWhat is a working source URI for ubuntu hardy I can put in my sources.list so that I can use build-dep?19:38
fisshsslinus if i jsut do enter i get "permission denied19:38
lufisDrGamut: you can check "source" in the Software sources preferences19:38
axenorylufis, yes it does... if you are refering to the Add on tab in mozilla add-on -- plugins option19:38
Linus`fisshss: ok, then i don't know, try some default password19:39
axenorylufis, not only that one but several19:39
ArthurArchnixDrGamut: A default install includes src archives... does URI mean something else?19:39
fisshssLinus ? default what? :S19:39
daemon3So, no one has problems with Konqueror today...19:39
lufisaxenory: Well, do you know what directory it's loading those plugins from?19:39
rwwdaemon3: it's running fine for me right now19:39
masterspryhello can someone help how to do file share between ubuntu and windows vista.19:39
lufisaxenory: Is this a firefox installed from the repos, or manually?19:39
node357daemon3, maybe in #kubuntu19:39
=== sad`panda is now known as Sad`Panda
Gnea!samba | masterspry19:40
ubottumasterspry: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:40
=== niki77 is now known as nikola77
axenorylufis, I dunno what you asked me but I can say that honestly it came with ubuntu and then it upgraded itself to 3.0 ... I ddont think that was manual19:41
masterspryi mean i follow what the links  saids gnea and ubottu but i don't know if is working.19:41
DrGamutArthurArchnix: When I try to do apt-get build-dep it says I need a source URI in my sources.list file, but when I add a deb-src line using the archive mirror, it doesn't work.19:41
lufisaxenory: ok... well, according to synaptic, the flash-nonfree package installs to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins19:42
axenorylufis, I also looked into firefox 3.0 plugin folder and nothing.... there is another folder firefox-addon .... neither there19:42
mastersprywhy cause every time i press sharing on a folder it saids i don't have any permission19:42
ArthurArchnixDrGamut: Post the exact error output plz19:42
legend2440axenory: sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree19:42
axenorylufis, oohh but there is a folder named flashplugin-nonfree....19:42
DrGamutArthurArchnix: k sex19:42
DrGamutk sec*19:42
lufisaxenory: but it also installs to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins19:42
lufisamong other places19:42
ArthurArchnixDrGamut: wait... apt-get build-dep ... where is that from... I can't find that option in the man pages19:43
axenorylufis, mmmmmm ok so If I uninstall flash nonfree... then It will be automatically deleted from mozilla?19:43
ArthurArchnixDrGamut: Never mind. I scrolled downs and founds it19:43
TomPappaHi everybody? I started to downloading ubuntu 8.04.1 and i would like to be sure it is stable version. Is it?19:43
lufisArthurArchnix: build-dep downloads all the required dependencies for building a particular package, src repos must be enabled for it to work19:44
DrGamutlufis: right, how do I enable src repo19:44
lufisaxenory: It should be, but if the directory is empty, it shouldn't even be there19:44
PiciDrGamut: Make sure you've run an apt-get update after you add your deb-src lines.19:44
lufisDrGamut: system > administration > software sources, enable the source checkbox19:44
axenorylufis, mmm ok I found it thanks !19:44
DrGamutlufis I don't have a desktop installed19:44
DrGamutCLI onli19:45
lufisDrGamut: oh19:45
acp_TomPappa,yes that the stable version you have to do a md5sum is your iso is not tampered19:45
naolivHi! Do anybody knows how can I detect a memory leak on Apache 2, please? I see that it's memory usage keeps growing until filling all the system RAM+swap. How can I see if it's some php or something else that is allocating memory?19:45
PiciDrGamut: What mirrors are you using?19:45
DrGamutfr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy main universe multiverse19:45
DrGamutpici: i will try running update again after adding deb-src19:45
s0|honestly does anyone know how to get an adaptec1430SA to be seen properly by ubuntu8.04 install so that 8.04 maybe installed to the volume that has been created in the adaptec HostRaid mcBios19:45
masterspryok that samba thing i really don't know how to make it work really.19:46
geirhaDrGamut: if you have a line: "deb http://..." in your sources.list you can usually double that line and change the first part to "deb-src http://..."19:46
DrGamutgeirha: that's what i did19:46
DrGamutbut it wasn't working19:46
DrGamutbut i didn't try the update after19:46
DrGamutso maybe that was my problem19:46
FloodBot1DrGamut: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:46
masterspryalso everytime i press sharing on the folder it saids i don't have any permission19:46
geirhaDrGamut: you definately need an update afterwards, yes :)19:46
PiciDrGamut: Yes, you need to update afterwards.19:46
DrGamutit worked, thank you pici19:47
DrGamutand gierha19:47
JC_Denton_My distribution upgrade seems to be stuck on generating locales..19:50
JewStyleKungFuin DOS when you wanted to pause the directory listing, you typed, "dir/p", what's the equivalent of that in BASH?19:51
EvilDennisRJewStyleKungFu: ls|less19:51
SeveredCrossls | pager19:51
EvilDennisRJewStyleKungFu: ls|less -R (if you have ls --color)19:52
JewStyleKungFuthat's awesome, thanks19:52
osxdude_Bad disc? Or are you downloading it, JC_Denton_ ?19:52
* osxdude_ blinks19:52
JC_Denton_osxdude downloaded it19:52
osxdude_did I reconnect?19:52
sjovanEvilDennisR: how do you get colors in a normal user. i got it on my root account19:53
EvilDennisRsjovan: ls --color19:53
osxdude_JC_Denton_: give it time. sometime some parts of installation can take longer19:53
osxdude_there are a lot of locales in ubuntu19:53
sjovanEvilDennisR: i figured that much out, but how can you make it default?19:53
EvilDennisRsjovan: alias ls="ls -F --color"19:53
ArnosWhats an easy way to make a zombie process?19:53
EvilDennisRsjovan: Put that in your ~/.bashrc19:53
JC_Denton_osxdude it's been stuck on it for quite some time now.. still reporting 12min left19:53
AlmightyCthulhuArnos: Run anything in Wine for long enough19:54
dannyboyhow can install an alfa usb wireless adapter?19:54
sjovanawsome, i have thought about that many times, but never got around to ask some one :)19:54
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:54
osxdude_sorry my internet is being bad, JC_Denton_ lemme check something19:54
JewStyleKungFudoes anyone know some good documentation for getting a broadcom 43xx wireless card to work with hardy heron?19:55
sjovanEvilDennisR: hmmm... i can't finde .bashrc19:55
JC_Denton_osxdude the only assuring thing is system monitor reporting localedef (which I guess is the program the upgrader is running) running at 50pc (a single core)19:55
ifireballArnos: run a process, have it run a child process, then kill the parent while having the child ignore the sighup and sigterm signals19:55
EvilDennisRsjovan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/33081/19:55
Arnosifireball: Thanks19:55
EvilDennisRsjovan: my custom ls_colors for different file extensions19:55
geirha!broadcom | JewStyleKungFu19:55
ubottuJewStyleKungFu: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx19:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about desklet19:56
ifireballArnos: hmm... I think you also need to kill the child afterwards, not sure19:56
jurisHello my Ubuntu friends :D I know there is command startx to run GUI. Is there any command called stopx or similar? :)19:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about widget19:56
askandWhat brand of harddrive should be avoided if you dont want to suffer from the harddrivekillingbug?19:56
osxdude_juris: just do sudo killall X19:56
juristhank You, osxdude :)19:56
EvilDennisRjuris: You want to kill X? ctrl+alt+backspace19:56
osxdude_it might be sudo killall Xorg19:56
jurisOk, many thanks!19:57
=== kwa is now known as K-Mile
jurisWoW, so many commands to kill GUI :D|19:57
ifireballosxdude: no need for the sudo there, X run by startx runs with normal user permissions19:57
JewStyleKungFuubottu: that just tells me that the manual install is deprecated because the the driver is included in 8.04...which is a little odd, since it doesn't work in the slightest for my card19:57
ubottuJewStyleKungFu: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:57
pulseezaris there a way to adjust bass and treble in ubuntu?19:57
JewStyleKungFuof course19:57
osxdude_oh, really? I never knew that.19:57
JC_Denton_osxdude ok to kill localedef to get the upgrade process to continue?19:58
pulseezaror in rythmbox19:58
osxdude_well, I would think it's frozen,...19:58
osxdude_he did it.19:58
ifireballosxdude: its because you run "startx" as a normal user19:59
osxdude_!jp |song19:59
ubottusong: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい19:59
osxdude_i hope that's the right lauguage19:59
pulseezarit was chinese19:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch19:59
osxdude_!chinese | song19:59
ubottusong: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk19:59
pulseezarfaux pas19:59
Dvlprare you going to use english?20:00
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:00
JC_Denton_osxdude lost connection due to firefox crashing, ok to kill localdef?20:00
osxdude_yes, JC_Denton_ see what happens20:00
Illuzionzi have a little problem with compiz:P, any1 know a bit about compiz?20:01
Illuzionzwhen i play wow in wine, it craashes20:01
Illuzionzbecause of compiz20:01
legend2440JC_Denton_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/24934020:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249340 in langpack-locales "Gutsy->Hardy upgrade hangs in localedef" [High,Triaged]20:01
LinuxISTi want to remove all files in say /tmp what filter do i add to rm20:01
phantomcircuithow do you know it's compiz?20:01
phantomcircuitrm /tmp/*20:02
Illuzionzwhen i turn all compiz things off , i can play the game20:02
DIFH-icerootLinuxIST: rm -r /tmp20:02
phantomcircuitrm -r /tmp/*20:02
DIFH-icerootLinuxIST: rm -r /tmp/*20:02
Johnnywhats an app that will load a video and can clip parts out and save them to another file20:02
phantomcircuitIlluzionz, so just turn off compiz before playing20:02
LinuxISTDIFH-iceroot, i dont want to remove /tmp20:02
DIFH-icerootLinuxIST: i have correct my text20:02
phantomcircuitmetacity --replace& will replace compiz with metacity20:02
JC_Denton_legend2440: thank you!20:03
BigToehow do I turn acpi off in the ubuntu install disc?20:03
BigToethere's a custom load option or something on the disc but I forgot what to add to disable acpi20:03
osxdude_!chinese |song_20:03
ubottusong_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk20:03
BigToeand also, how do I do it when ubuntu is installed?20:03
Illuzionzyeh, but when i turn it off, by clicking on system monitor, my desktop changes to other resolution,and all the bars are gone20:03
osxdude_uh bigtoe20:03
Illuzionzcant switch windows etc20:03
hillshumis alien a valid command on hardy?20:03
LinuxISTDIFH-iceroot, thanks20:03
osxdude_I think you just add "--no-acpi" on boot20:03
osxdude_boot options, that is20:03
bullgard4BigToe: boot paramater noacpi20:03
osxdude_oh well20:03
Picihillshum: you'd need to install the alien package first, but yes.20:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about noapic20:03
osxdude_close enough. lol20:04
Pici!alien > hillshum20:04
ubottuhillshum, please see my private message20:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about noacpi20:04
BigToehow would I add that to the boot options once ubuntu's installed?20:04
dmitrig01I burned a live CD20:04
phantomcircuitsong_, 去# Ubuntu的-架CN20:04
dmitrig01Now I stuck it in my windows box20:04
dmitrig01I don't know how to boot from it though20:04
osxdude_omg phantomcircuit20:04
hillshumPici: i need to install a printer20:05
phantomcircuitosxdude, that was wrong20:05
osxdude_I figured phantomcircuit20:05
atlefdmitrig01: have you set your bios to boot from cd-rom20:05
Em|RCould somebody here give me one shell ? please20:05
geirhaBigToe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions20:05
dmitrig01atlef: how do I do that?20:05
=== osxdude_ is now known as osxdude
PiciEm|R: No, this is a support channel.20:05
bullgard4atlef: ""noapic tells the kernel to not make use of any {I/O_Advanced_Programmable_Interrupt_Controllers} IOAPICs that may be present in the system."20:05
phantomcircuitosxdude, it was right before i copied it to xchat20:05
osxdudexchat has a charachter mad though, phantomcircuit20:05
atlefbullgard4: yes20:06
osxdudeWindow > Character Map...20:06
atlefdmitrig01: enter your bios settings and set it up20:06
zapATIstaany1 know where fstop defaults to putting pictures from sdram or does it even not save em maybe?20:06
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de20:06
npopehmm maybe i should work now20:07
* cyphase feels like breaking something20:07
osxdudewhy cyphase20:07
Lyranhey anyone here20:07
npopeLyran: no20:08
osxdudefortunatley, Lyran20:08
npopeLyran: just kidding whats up20:08
Shujahyeah many many here :P20:08
R0b0t1Recently after installing emerald, the bottom panel has become inactive. I can switch desktops, but the 'highlight' doesn't move, and the window 'buttons' don't appear, either. But they're still there and I can click on them20:08
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:08
cyphaseosxdude: more than half the time that i'm logged on to my account and someone else comes on to log onto theirs, my account crashes20:08
DIFH-icerootR0b0t1: resize the window and you will see the buttons20:08
ShujahR0b0t1, try some other theme of emerald20:08
R0b0t1Shujah: Nah, its worked before.20:09
cyphaseosxdude: or rather, the X process showing my desktop20:09
R0b0t1Just this restart.20:09
cyphaseosxdude: i'm pretty sure it has something to do with compiz20:09
Lyranhey I'm having a problem, my driver for wireless is fine but my KDE wireless software is cack, so how do I connect to my wireless without kwifi or whatever its name is?20:09
osxdudeyep, it is possibly compiz, cyphase20:09
ShujahR0b0t1, try restarting compiz20:09
TonrenNetworkManager is requesting an encryption passkey even though the network I'm trying to connect to isn't encrypted.  Any hints?20:09
R0b0t1Oh. thanks, that worked.20:10
TonrenAtheros AR242x card, using ndiswrapper.  Had the same problem with madwifi.20:10
hlfshellI believe my microphone is not working, but I don't know how to GET it working....20:10
hlfshellanyone know how?20:10
=== flavior is now known as flavioribeiro
Shujahhlfshell, go to menu > sys > pref > sounds and test the various options that is if Ubuntu is recognizing the microphone20:11
bullgard4hlfshell: The Ubuntu Wiki will help you using the catchword 'sound'.20:11
Lyranso whats the alternative to using kwifi because it just doesn't connect it detects the network but doesn't connect20:11
ShujahHowcome Dead Man has this message no route to host - then how can he login to irc?20:12
BigToethere's no ubuntu splash screen showing up20:12
BigToewell, not the splash screen, the bootloaer20:12
BigToebut at least it looks like it's working! :D20:12
ShujahBigToe, you might have changed the grub settings20:13
Akazawahow do I edit my right click menus?20:13
phantomcircuitthe compiz shortcuts dont seem to work if the mouse is over an ssh window >.>20:13
phantomcircuitwhat a pita20:13
=== Deanalator is now known as azene
askandIf I encrypt my drive, will it be slower?20:14
s0|honestly does anyone know how to get an adaptec1430SA to be seen properly by ubuntu8.04 install so that 8.04 maybe installed to the volume that has been created in the adaptec HostRaid mcBios20:14
azenedoes ubuntu have a fancy way to manage what services are run when the machine boots?  I have just been editing rc files etc, but the changes never seem to survive upgrades20:15
askandazene: install bum20:15
askandazene: or sum20:15
askanddoesnt remember20:15
atlefazene: check sessions in your preferences menu20:15
Shujahazene, menu > sys > admin > services  or sessions20:15
bobertdosaskand: Well, it'll be slower to the extent that you will have to wait for files to decrypt every time you access them.20:16
Lyranhey whats good software to connecting to wireless with?? My card is detected and everything and the driver is fine20:16
corky`ok.. what the heck...20:16
XKpemy ubuntu didnt boot and is saying there are erros on the filesystem, its saya DRDY ERR, what does this mean?20:16
askandbobertdos: hm ok then it is better to encrypt single directories I guess20:16
azeneaskand: looks like bum20:17
corky`i installed nvidia-glx (not the newest) and my TTY's are working, The didn't with nvidia-glx-new, but here it comes!: Now i can't enable desktop effects because i don't have any window borders!20:17
askandazene: yep its bum20:17
redneck862I'm having problems with USB on my laptop. when multiple users are logged in USB sticks, mouses doesn't work... any idea what might help?20:17
corky`with nvidia-glx-new desktop effects worked20:17
s0|has anyone ever used a 3ware card here? specifically a 9650SE-4LPML20:17
Shujahcorky`, if on compiz download emerald or move to metacity20:17
azeneatlef: Shujah: what app does that run?  I don't have a prefs menu at the moment :-/20:18
Shujahazene, what do you mean, are you in cli?20:18
atlefazene: what do you mean?20:19
corky`Shujah, anyone?: where did emerald-themes go?20:19
s0|what am I on the ignore lists now.20:19
LyranGuys really could use some help, What wireless software can I use to CONNECT to a network in ubuntu?20:19
Shujahcorky`, search for emerald on synaptic, themes can be added later20:19
azeneatlef: Shujah: I have customized my gnome session to the point where I don't have menus, just hotkeys for everything I do20:19
atlefazene: do you have control panel20:20
corky`brb xorg restart20:20
bobertdosLyran: If everything is function properly, the network list is already available by clicking on the network icon in the upper-right corner of the taskbar.20:20
jgooWhat constitutes 'no wifi'. My T40 with 8.04 connects to my wifi, autheticates, setup with static IP, all settings correct, shows connected to SSID, but then... nothing...20:20
S4nD3rId like to mount a device as user, and in 755 mode, how to do in fstab?20:20
Shujahazene, gnome-session-properties on terminalo20:20
jgoois this a driver provlem? thinkpad t40 wifi hardy heron20:20
jgoowhat tools can I use to diagnose this? If pinged a few known ips, so I know it isn't DNS20:20
bobertdosXKpe: Is it happening persistently?20:21
jgooand this machine I am using is using the same wifi connection20:21
XKpebobertdos, i'm running fsck and it allways happens20:21
XKpestatus DRDY ERR, error: UNC, exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x0, BMDMA stat 0x65, cmd ...20:22
jgoohrm, my /etc/network/interfaces doesn't mention wifi, has iface lo, and iface eth1, but then also auto eth1, and eth1 contains my wifi conf20:23
max__does anyone use terminator terminal on here? does anyone know where i can find documentation for it?20:24
XKpethen after some errors it says: Buffer I/O error on device sda1, logical block ....20:24
DIFH-icerootmax__: man?20:24
XKpeand aks if i cant to ignore the erro20:24
joseHello can someone help me to install the 'Kernel-source' or 'kernel-devel' it must be RPM installed and I need to specify the kernel path with the '--kernel-source-path' in the command line... my video card drivers are asking me for that anyone one knows how to install that?20:25
NickGarveyjose: Ubuntu uses .deb files, not RPM files20:26
joseis there any way that I can install the kernel-source here?20:26
joseor kernel-devel20:26
Bravo7How can i check for any missing files when i installed my ubuntu?20:26
NickGarveyjose: but it is easy to install your kernel source simply type "sudo apt-get install linux-source"20:26
Shujahwhat video card driver gives such explicit details :|20:26
SeveredCrossShujah: Explicit details about what?20:27
bullgard4How to identify in a bash script die current cursor location? Or, how to insert at the current cursor position of an input text field the string "xyz"?20:27
Shujahlike installing via a rpm only20:27
bobertdosXKpe: You might want to try shutting down ACPI. That's one of the first things I find when I Google this. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5701920:27
max__is anyone here familiar with the terminator terminal? does anyone know where i can documentation for it?20:27
DIFH-icerootShujah: the nvidia installer script for suse at the nvidia site20:27
jose!NickGarvey is there any way that I can specify the kernel path now with the command line?20:28
ice_creamhi; suprise me.20:28
NickGarveyjose: it should be /usr/src/linux, but you may need to decompress it first20:28
legend2440jgoo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40924720:28
joseit says '--kernel-source-path' in the command line20:29
josethats what it said during the installation20:29
jgoothat looks the ticket, I searched but found a t40 that had a non intel card... weird20:29
jgoothanks legend2440 , reading tnhis20:30
legend2440jgoo: good luck20:30
aurynn_is there any way to have an OSX-like ctrl-click simulated right button?20:30
=== EGU is now known as ExGearUser
XKpebobertdos, how can acpi affect fsck ?20:31
dannyboyhow can i install an alfa usb wireless adapter?20:31
td123XKpe: I don't think it does.20:32
aurynn_or really get mousepad tracking to be pretty similar to OSX? The default synaptic settings are ... twitchy.20:32
s0|honestly does anyone know how to get an adaptec1430SA to be seen properly by ubuntu8.04 install so that 8.04 maybe installed to the volume that has been created in the adaptec HostRaid mcBios?20:33
=== fra is now known as Guest44143
td123!repeate | s0|20:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about repeate20:33
td123!repeat | s0|20:34
ubottus0|: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:34
jgoolegend2440, is it me, or the guy who had the problem had an intel wifi card (like me) but the solution posted is for the cisco airo card...??20:34
ice_creamhmm, td123... you just defeated your point by repeating yourself20:34
bobertdosXKpe: Well, I don't think the utility is the problem. Rather, I think the problem is Ubuntu's support of your drive. That's why I recommend disabling acpi. Also, are you running a check EVERY time you boot?20:34
TonrenNetworkManager is requesting an encryption passkey even though the network I'm trying to connect to isn't encrypted.  Any hints? Atheros AR242x card, using ndiswrapper.  Had the same problem with madwifi.20:35
stu_abend @all20:35
stu_hat jemand 2 min20:35
XKpebobertdos, it runs it automaticaly because it said it found an inconsistency20:35
stu_habe vista down gemacht und ubuntu neu drauf gezogen bin kein noob mehr aber auch kein alwisender, meine frage wieso zeigt er mir die wlan nicht an20:36
stu_nur local20:36
Linus`err, i'm having some troubles in changing the keyboard layout from console. actually, i just can't figure how to do it, any ideas?20:36
stu_als mit kabel20:36
stu_ups sry falscher channel20:36
DavidCanariasCan anyone help please. I would like to open an xcf file and need " image/x-xcf ". Where can I get this from???20:36
td123!repeat | ice_cream20:36
ubottuice_cream: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:36
XKpebobertdos, i did boot without acpi and the same thing happened20:36
td123read it again20:36
dannyboyhow can i install an alfa usb wireless adapter?20:37
bobertdosI see, well then I would indeed think there's a drive compatibility issue somewhere. I am not an expert in this area, but I would focus your troubleshooting on SATA compatibility with Hardy.20:37
=== niki77 is now known as nikola77
XKpebobertdos, shoud i boot and skip the fsck?20:38
glitsj16DavidCanarias: the image/x-xcf is the mime-type, .xcf is the native file format of the Gimp so you'll want to look at installing that i guess20:38
bobertdosXKpe: You can certainly try.20:38
bobertdosXKpe: You're using Ext3 for the filesystem, right?20:39
XKpebobertdos, yes20:39
bobertdosXKpe: k, just checking20:39
ice_creamtd123, i was just pointing it out to you in case you have a twitch or something, but if you are purposely spamming, it's not impressive20:39
fistandandelushey, does anyone here know about wine?20:40
deeveranyone running an wlan ap under linux?20:40
deeverthe two hosts can't ping each other...why?20:40
bobertdosfistandandelus: /join #winehq20:40
davygrvyHi, VirtualBox on ubutu is dated back to febuary for v1.5.6 in the package manager, the newest just got released to v1.6.4 today.  Aside from building it myself from source, are prebuilt packages available for amd64?20:40
djh816is there a way when installing ubuntu to raid two hd's together?20:41
ejerdavygrvy: at vbox.com there are 64bit binaries20:42
DavidCanariasglitsj16 - there are several files to install. I have 2 installed and it still doesn't work. Do I need to install all the Gimp20:42
davygrvyejer: I just find source, no debian packages20:42
ejerdavygrvy: of OSE there is just source20:43
ice_creamspeaking of virtualbox, ubuntu runs decently in a VM, as well20:43
moreauanyone know why mounting an iso thats located on another comp on my network would not work, and giveme error: permission denied--even though im using sudo20:44
DavidCanariasglitsj16 I have installed the following 2 : Gimp Image Manipulation and gimp data.20:44
bobertdosdeever: Which devices are which?20:44
glitsj16DavidCanarias: yes i believe so if you mean gimp and gimp-data, those could pull in other needed dependencies20:44
davygrvyejer: hehehe.. silly me..  I found it20:44
glitsj16DavidCanarias: are you installing them via synaptic ?20:44
bobertdosare you sure you have read/write permissions set for the appropriate shares?20:45
moreauim checkin now but i have always been able to drag n drop files back n forth20:45
ejermoreau: mount options can do this20:46
DavidCanariasglitsj16 - Yes I am using Synaptic, but there are so many Gimp available?20:46
ejerDavidCanarias: use applications>add/remove, install "GIMP Image editor"20:47
glitsj16DavidCanarias: the packages you mentioned are the basic gimp files, the rest are either help files or extra plugins yes, with those two you'll be fine for most image manipuklation tasks though20:47
DavidCanariasejer Thanks I will ltry20:47
moreauejer do i need to add '-o username=etc,password=etc ?20:47
cyphaseanyone else having problems with tracker?20:47
ejermoreau: is share mounted?20:48
ejertype mount and it will show what options are used moreau20:48
Hans-MartinIt looks like the mechanism with whichKMediaFactory generates its menu images (using ImageMagick) is somehow broken recently on my machine. Since I did nothing but install updates I suspect a faulty update combination. Does anyone have an idea what might be wrong?20:48
ejercould be noexec moreau20:48
unopcould be user permissions on the share too20:49
Bogus8I'm having problems rsync'ing over some files... I'm transfering 400gigs of files from one system to another but I'm running out of space on the destination at 439gigs... what gives?  why is 400gigs taking up over 439 gigs on another system?20:49
moreauoh i see, if i use mount to mount the share, but without certain options, i cant write?? kk ill see what options are there20:49
DavidCanariasejer I already have Gimp image editor installed..... ???20:49
ejerthen you are good DavidCanarias20:49
DavidCanariasglitsj16 - thanks for your help too......20:50
unopmoreau, being root locally does not automatically mean you have all permissions on remote shares too - maybe that's a factor20:50
joaopintoBogus8, any change that you may have symbolic links for large files and are not using the option to replicate the links ?20:50
joaopintoerm, chance20:50
face-shotwhen I run the same application from the terminal, Alt+F2, and "Applications" menu, they all seem to have diffirent configurations, for example the gnome calculator -- view changes are only transferred to whatever method I started the app with -- is there any way to "unify" this?20:50
DavidCanariasejer well I don't understand why the files don't open if I have installed the necesary programs!!!20:50
bullgard4How to identify in a bash script die current cursor location? Or, how to insert at the current cursor position of an input text field the string "xyz"?20:50
ejerDavidCanarias: what sort of file, sorry i missed it20:50
Bogus8joaopinto: I do have some symlinks and I looked at a few and all are transfering as such (symlinks)... I am using rsync -a fwiw20:51
glitsj16ejer: .xcf files, native gimp format no ?20:51
moreauunop: the options set on the already mounted shares are (rw,mand)20:51
ejeryep glitsj1620:51
DavidCanariasIn Ubuntu I have some example files and one is an xcf file so when I try to open it up pops .... no application installed to open20:51
Bogus8joaopinto: that was my first thought... that some how rsync was moving over files from another partition via a symlink20:52
moreauDavidCanarias: try text editor if its a small file20:52
ejerDavidCanarias: maybe you need to say 'open with' and choose gimp, or else run gimp once to make sure file associations are registered20:52
bmefathow are you?20:52
ejerDavidCanarias: you are talking about 'gimp-ubuntu-usplash.xcf' in Examples directory?20:53
Bogus8joaopinto: when I run rsyn with the -n option it says "total size is 527805686600" which is outrageous20:53
joaopintothat is odd20:53
DavidCanariasejer, moreau and anyone else who has helped. Solutionned..... when I marked it to open I chose open with another application and with Gimp Image Editor it opened no problem.   Very grateful!!!!!20:53
glitsj16DavidCanarias: no problem :)20:54
Bogus8joaopinto: if I do a du -hs on the dir it comes up correct20:54
DavidCanariasejer, moreau .... the only thing I didn't understand is why it didn't open automatically???????20:54
Bogus8not sure what it is still trying to xfer over that it shouldn't... I haven't watched every file but I don't see anything out of place... I guess I could dump the file list into a log and go through it20:54
ejerDavidCanarias: because it did not know what to open with since u did not have gimp installed when you tried20:54
moreauubuntu is stupid sometimes??20:54
=== freaky[t] is now known as fReAkY[t]
joaopintoBogus8, I would create a bug report, but do not expect a quick reaction :P20:55
ejerBogus8: you can do a 'dry run' with -s switch i think20:55
bobertdosDavidCanarias: I've never had Ubuntu lose its file type associations, but it seems like that's what happened :p20:55
Bogus8ejer: I thought -n was dry run... that is what gave me the insane  "total size is 527805686600"20:55
Bogus8on 400gigs of data20:55
moreauplus maybe .xfc or w/e it was, wasnt a normal or popular kind of filename, so itwas never registered as being an image for gimp to open20:55
DavidCanariasejer / bobertdos - You are right!!! I am the idiot...... not Ubuntu losing its file type thank god!!!!20:56
ejerBogus8: -l forces to treat symlinks as such20:56
DavidCanariasmoreau - ejer was right I didn't have Gimp Image Editor installed!!! Thanks for your help too.20:57
dmitrig01atlef: how?20:57
Bogus8ejer: I am using -a which is the same as -l (and others) and I verified that the few that I know of pointing to mass amounts of data aren't xfering the data but are just xfering the link20:57
ejerBogus8: could there be a mounted dir in tehre somewhere, what switches are you using20:57
moreauejer: were you thinking that 'mount' might show me "(noexec)" at the end of this: // on /f type cifs (rw,mand)20:57
ejercould do20:58
atlefdmitrig01: sorry, refresh my memory20:58
shane_I just setup separate X and i cant get the keyboard to work, do i need a second and if so will it work right when i plug it in?20:58
dmitrig01atlef: booting from a live cd20:58
dmitrig01atlef: ned to do somethign wiht "bios"20:58
Bogus8ejer: just -a  and no I looked at `mount` and there are no crazy things mounted in there20:58
=== fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]
JeanEdouardFHi tere ! What's your neighbour's name ? I looooooove the wolling upping up the rockin' walking chair isn't she is not ?20:59
Bogus8ejer: only thing that might be odd is that it's a raid 5 array... but I can't see how that would make a difference, but I'm all about full disclosure to get to the bottom of this issue ;)20:59
JeanEdouardFJeanEdouardF, Oh ! Yes, it isn't !20:59
max__can someone help me fix my keyboard, my left and right arrow keys don't work20:59
JeanEdouardFI am a ...21:00
JeanEdouardF... a carrot !21:00
JeanEdouardFNo ! it's you oudidiou !21:00
ejerBogus8: this is a local transfer on 2 linux filesystems?21:00
atlefdmitrig01: well, enter your bios and setup which device your computer should boot from21:00
Bogus8ejer: over network from debian (etchy) to new ubuntu system (both raid 5 ex3)21:00
=== fra is now known as Guest36997
TiredWolf!ot | JeanEdouardF21:01
ubottuJeanEdouardF: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:01
JeanEdouardFDo you know the difference between you an a wolling bottle of pinapple ? It's the flag that you're wearing in your hat !21:01
TiredWolf!ops | JeanEdouardF21:01
ubottuJeanEdouardF: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!21:01
ejerBogus8: any chance you synced some data while remote mount was down or not mounted, so now you have hidden files 'under' that mount?21:02
dmitrig01atlef: I can enter the bios, and I can set it to boot from the cd drive but that doesn't work21:02
JeanEdouardFTiredWolf, Whooooooooooooooooooooo (= wolf)21:02
JeanEdouardFTiredWolf, Whooooooooooooooooooooo (= wolf)21:02
JeanEdouardFTiredWolf, Whooooooooooooooooooooo (= wolf)21:02
FloodBot1JeanEdouardF: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:02
Bogus8ejer: Hmm, not sure how to check that21:02
PriceChild!offtopic | JeanEdouardF21:02
ubottuJeanEdouardF: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:02
atlefdmitrig01: exactly what does not work?21:02
Bogus8ejer: the raid on the source box is smaller than on the destination box21:03
JeanEdouardFTiredWolf, Whooooooooooooooooooooo (= wolf)21:03
JeanEdouardFTiredWolf, Whooooooooooooooooooooo (= wolf)21:03
dmitrig01atlef: It boots from the hard drive21:03
dmitrig01atlef: I set the CD drive to be first21:03
JeanEdouardFI looooove the english's betzell !21:03
JeanEdouardFI looooove the english's betzell !21:03
JeanEdouardFI looooove the english's betzell !21:03
FloodBot1JeanEdouardF: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:03
TiredWolfPriceChild, been there done that21:03
dmitrig01atlef: actually, I might ahve burned a DVD21:03
Masteredu1Halli Hallo21:03
Bogus8ejer: it's a 441gig raid being moved to a 463gig raid (of which only 400gig shows being used)21:03
ejerBogus8: i am just grasping at straws :)21:03
Bogus8ejer: and I appreciate it! I really do21:04
moreauoh i found the problem, I think.....im usin this comp to mount a file located on my network, but the drive it is on is full.  Why should this matter, considering im mounting the file to this comp21:04
Bogus8ejer: it's often something simple that kicks you in the a$$ the worse21:04
atlefdmitrig01: and how did you burn it, as an image or as a data dvd/cd21:04
dmitrig01atlef: image21:04
edibracwhen is the encrypted filesystem option going to be available on the regular CD (non-alternate)?21:05
Masteredu1helle can some one help me? my question is where can i find the newest .deb version from xwinwrap ???21:05
maneyfascinating... why does ssh in Hawful insist on popping up a dialogue about unlocking a key file that it doesn't need?21:06
integral_hi guys21:06
amigraveis it possible to emulate a cdrom device from an iso image ? (note: I don't want mount -o loop, I want an emulation of a device)21:06
glitsj16Masteredu1: getdeb.net perhaps ?21:06
roelof /msg [EWG]-kaist XDCC SEND #921:06
moreauthat jeanedouardf guy is still in here21:06
integral_i just installed ubuntu 7.04 and then upgraded to 7.10...i already had winXP so i dual booted...after the upgrade to 7.10, i have duplicate ubuntu boot options...how can i fix this ???21:07
ejerBogus8: http://www.google.ca/search?q=527805686600+bytes+to+gigabytes21:07
ejerBogus8: it is not that crazy... is it?21:07
Flannelintegral_: You'll have a boot option for each kernel version you have, that's normal.21:07
Bogus8ejer: considering that that partition is only 441gigs.. kind of ;)21:07
Bogus8and only 400gigs is actual data21:07
linuszerr, i'm having some troubles in changing the keyboard layout from console. actually, i just can't figure how to do it, any ideas?21:08
edibracintegral_, :  you can remove the reference to the old kernel in /boot/grub/menu.1st21:08
integral_it's the same ....both "triplets" have exactly the same options21:08
Bogus8ejer: the thing is I shouldn't be transfering 400gigs to a 463gig drive (439g usuable) and be running out of space21:08
Flannelintegral_: triplets?  they should be in pairs.  And, they should be different kernel versions.  Pastebin your menu.lst if you want us to take a look at it and know for sure21:08
ejerBogus8: if you want to paste me your mount output and rsync output I can take a peek21:09
integral_pastebin ??21:09
shane_Bogus8: maybe its being used as swap space/21:09
TiredWolfBogus8, different filesystems with different block sizes?21:09
integral_what's pastebin ?21:09
Bogus8shane_: I have a swap partition setup already on both systems21:09
edibracintegral_: www.pastebin.com21:09
TiredWolf!pastebin > integral_21:09
ubottuintegral_, please see my private message21:09
_STB_wenas !21:10
Bogus8ejer: what output of rsync do you want?  it's THOUSANDS of files and the error is that it just hangs when the remote drive gets full21:10
debCarlosAnyone here was nicknamed superfirelord42 two weeks ago?21:10
integral_here it is21:10
Bogus8ejer: this is my mount http://www.pastebin.ca/109010221:11
integral_i think i found it21:11
movEDXOK, so I'm configuring my FTP server - my clients can connect fine to the server, but when their clients, and mine, do a 'PASV' mode request, it hangs and eventually fails. What am I missing from my firewall configuration? I'm using 'ufw' to open ports and I've simply done: ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 2121:11
integral_## should update-grub create alternative automagic boot options21:11
integral_## e.g. alternative=true21:12
integral_##      alternative=false21:12
integral_# alternative=true21:12
FloodBot1integral_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:12
ejerBogus8: paste rsync line you used if poss21:12
Bogus8ejer: I updated it to include my df -h command (which the NFS mounted dir is the same as the remote dir that I'm rsync'ing to... though I'm rsyncing via ssh)21:12
max__is there anyway to read man pages in firefox?21:12
maneymax__: dwww is my favorite21:12
Flannelintegral_: You have a perfectly normal menu.lst21:13
Flannelintegral_: theres three different kernel versions, each having two options, like normal.21:13
integral_how can i get rid of the duplicate options ?21:13
Bogus8ejer: added to the bottom http://www.pastebin.ca/109010621:13
Flannelintegral_: Which duplicate options?21:13
Bogus8ejer: could it be that * I used?21:14
Bogus8ejer: I forgot I used it... I just assumed that was the best way... but I'm no genius with rsync ;)21:14
ejerBogus8: could be, and I would use full path21:14
Bogus8or bash really21:14
integral_it's not really duplicate...it's just that i got more after the upgrade... can i delete the old ones??21:14
Bogus8ejer: I do know the results of the xfer look right... it is the data I'm trying to xfer over21:14
shane_do you need 2 separate keyboard for separate x21:14
ejerBogus8: no need for other raid to be mounted locally at same time, seems easy to mess up21:14
trainwrekkhey, do any of you know a good p2p for music for ubuntu?21:15
ejeri feel like it is somehow getting into the nfs mount as well... Bogus821:15
Bogus8ejer: I mounted it because I was just going to mv the data over then I relized that rsync was the better way to handle it (especially that much data)21:15
Flannelintegral_: You have one pair per kernel version.  Regular security updates will give you more, as you get newer kernels.  You can remove old kernels by removing their packages in your favorite package manager (linux-image-version-generic), however its a good idea to always keep one known good kernel version (so you have a total of at least two), in case the new one has regressions21:15
ejertrainwrekk: bt.etree.org21:15
Bogus8ejer: theree is no way... if it could then it could also get into my .irrsi or any other stupid dir in my home dir21:15
trainwrekkthanks ejer21:15
maxhrkquestion how you set the hotkey so it can execute the command.. suppose i want to bring up terminal with just <super>+c?21:16
ejerBogus8: one thing I have learned from troubleshooting is to simplify ;)21:16
desowin_laptopdoes anyone knows why when I try to setsockopt SO_BINDTODEVICE that it works as root but gives operation not permitted when running as normal user?21:16
Eyemeanhi everyone, pls help, everytime i install driver for ati 9550 on ubuntu , it dowsent want to start up21:16
Bogus8ejer: I can umount it easy enough... just saying it can't be the problem.. same with my torrent partion21:16
Eyemeancould it be something to do with having an lcd screen?21:17
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laegif i replace my 5 in 1 media card reader with a standard floppy disk drive will ubuntu pick it up? also do you know of software i can use to recover a file from a damaged disk?21:17
=== CD_ROM_Drive_AWA is now known as CD_ROM_DriveAWAY
Gnealaeg: yes. foremost.21:17
ejerBogus8: once you have eliminated the possible, whatever remains, however unlikely... I don't know, I would personally wipe the remote drive, reboot and make sure all mounts are solid, then retry it personally, but I know some are averse to restarting their machines21:18
Eyemeanis it possible to undo the installation of ati driver if linux is not starting up?21:18
Bogus8ejer: I'm not... it just takes a LONG time to transfer 400gigs of data to find out you still have the same problem :(21:18
=== Sad`Panda is now known as sad`panda
glitsj16Eyeman: have you checked your /var/log/Xorg.0.log for relevant errors (EE) or warnings (WW) yet ?21:19
=== CD_ROM_DriveAWAY is now known as CD_ROM_Drive
ejerBogus8: i def don't see any glaring probs with what you pasted21:20
basWhere can I get help regarding Compiz and 8.10 intrepid alpha 2 with Nvidia 8600gt21:20
Bogus8ejer: I agree :(21:20
basall the drivers are installed, but I can't get it to activate21:20
joaopinto!interpid | bas21:21
debCarlosbas: What's the output when you dop $ compiz21:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about interpid21:21
ejerBogus8: can you figure out where extra space is gone on remote drive21:21
=== nickklau is now known as marcules
joaopinto!intrepid | bas21:21
ubottubas: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!21:21
ejerBogus8: maybe with a --delete-during and dryrun21:21
simardI built kernel 2.6.26 for ubuntu 8.04 using the standard procedure, but I am wondering if `sudo cp -r /lib/firmware/oldkernel /lib/firmware/2.6.26` will do21:21
simardalso, I did `sudo update-initramfs -c -k 2.6.26` but the generated initrd file is 50 megs wide, while the previous kernel's initrd is about 10 megs21:22
Bogus8ejer: hmm, not sure how you mean... you mean do the rsync from the dest. ... even still doesn't dry run kill any results? or am I totally missing your point?21:22
parrotheadare there better video card drivers other than the default restricted ones that ubuntu offers21:22
basbash: dop: command not found21:22
iGamaparrothead, there can be newer versions21:22
XorlevConundrum: How to burn a CD from a LiveCD with a single cd-rom?21:22
RequinB4how do I check what time it is via CLI21:22
TiredWolfRequinB4: "date"21:23
iGamaUser Envy, to install a newer driver21:23
RequinB4TiredWolf: thanks, that was suprisingly hard to find21:23
jeremecan somebody exec dpkg -S gstreamer-properties and tell me where it comes from?21:23
parrotheadbecause even with the restricted drivers i seed "horizontal lines" when watching movies or tv shoes21:23
ejerBogus8: add --delete-during to a dryrun of rsync using same other options, will tell you what exists on remote drive that is not on local one, perhaps pointing out the 'extra' 40GB used21:23
jeremetrying to get my webcam and gstreamer playing nice21:23
jeremebut I'm on kde21:23
glitsj16jereme: that's in gnome-media21:23
iGamaparrothead, try using Envy21:23
jeremeglitsj16: much appreciated21:23
laegGnea: ty21:23
Bogus8ejer: roger... will try21:23
pos69sumis there a way to recompile a package installed form apt-get?  i need to recompile proftpd for tls support21:23
parrotheadill have a look21:24
baswhich driver should I use I am using 177.1321:24
iGamaparrothead, apt-get install envyng-gtk21:24
TiredWolfRequinB4: "apropos time | grep print" ;)21:24
rastadoes anyone know how i can manage users printing limits, eg: they are only allowed 10 pages per week21:24
iGamarasta, with a user printer management system21:25
iGamatheres one made in python21:25
iGamalet me see if i can find it21:25
movEDXDoes anyone know how-t remove all rules with ufe?21:25
RequinB4TiredWorlf: That helps in so many ways O.o21:25
parrotheaddo i need to reboot after installing envy21:25
TiredWolfrasta, it's right there in the printing preferences in KDE, are you sure there isn't a similar option in the GNOME prefs?21:25
movEDXI'm trying 'ufw delete allow 21' but it's not removing the rule, aftersaying the firewall has been updated21:25
energYMe can has an ubuntu mobile?21:26
energYUbuntu shop doesn't sell'em...21:26
energYI can't download it...21:26
energYI can't find a ubuntu mobile in the shop...21:27
max__is this not an enviroment variable : ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}21:27
TiredWolfenergY: what's an ubuntu mobile?21:27
SeveredCrossIt should be.21:27
max__why can't i get it to show up in echo?21:27
geniipossibly not set21:28
energYTiredWolf: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/mobile21:28
zelrikriandoenergY, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/mobile/releases/hardy/ is that what you want?21:28
PriceChildenergY: see the last link there21:28
energYWhat b21:28
TiredWolfenergY: wouldn't it be "First MID release" at the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded page linked to from what you just gave me?21:28
energYCan I install it on?21:28
Flannelenry: Ubuntu mobile is software, bring your own hardware.21:29
=== FrozenFire_ is now known as FrozenFire
FlannelenergY ^21:29
PriceChildFlannel: see the last link on the page21:29
rastaTiredWolf: there are settings there but none limits the users21:29
zelrikriandoenergY, try to write in proper english please21:29
=== d4nn3rs_ is now known as d4nn3rs
energYWhat can I install ubuntu mobile on?21:29
rastaTiredWolf: does cups have something like that?21:30
XorlevAny way to get the OS to recognize that the LiveCD is no longer loaded and should be looking for a blank CD? (CD burner application is already in memory)21:30
x_hunterHey guys need Driver for my webcam it is "sonix pc-cam" i seeked that every where but it is 0 reslut i found the driver that can be download but do only work for other OSs , Does any of you know how do i make it work ?21:30
=== integral_ is now known as integral_GR
rastaiGama: Any luck?21:30
TiredWolfrasta, look for "quota". otherwise, i believe it can be changed in /etc/cups/printers.conf, "PageLimit" option21:30
TiredWolfrasta, the KDE prefs are merely a front-end to CUPS, so yes, it does21:31
td123Xorlev: I don't think you can burn cd's when you're in the live-cd21:31
debCarlos!pastebin > debCarlos21:31
ubottudebCarlos, please see my private message21:31
=== rasta is now known as Guest71895
td123Xorlev: unless you have a 2nd drive21:31
energYLike can I have it on my regular phone?21:31
energYOr what?21:31
Ergo^how can i get latest xine to my hardy ? some mkv's dont have sound, and they do work fine in VLC21:31
TiredWolfenergY: no you can't21:32
TiredWolfenergY: unless your regular phone is something entirely not "regular"21:32
energYTiredWolf: Is there a list?21:32
td123Ergo^: check the backports, otherwise use vlc21:32
mysomeone uses the data danco postgresql.21:32
td123Ergo^: you could also try compiling it but you'll be on your own21:32
Xorlevtd123: I could if it'd check to see if it were a blank CD. Hmm. I seem to remember an option to load the entire LiveCD into RAM.21:32
DrGamutenergY wants to know what devices he can run ubuntu mobile on21:32
mysomeone uses the data danco postgresql.21:33
TiredWolfenergY: i doubt it runs on anything other than a virtual machine or that Intel platform. anyway, it runs on an Intel processor, does your phone have an Intel processor?21:33
td123Xorlev: I don't think ubuntu had the option to load to memory, other distros do so maybe you're thinking about some other distro?21:33
eltewI need help starting Ubuntu off cd.  The system hangs after it reports: Kernel Alive.21:33
debCarlosDoes VirtualBox cause damage to screens when running a virtual machine at high resolution>21:33
Gaming4JChello all I am trying to connect only two computers on a network from a single Ethernet Cable, each computer Windows and Ubuntu has an ethernet card. I pluged them in and Ubuntu recognizes a network, but how do I connect to it?21:33
XorlevPossibly. Could've been a Gentoo disk.21:34
tatsterProbably a really newbie question! But how can I have a folder that is shared among all users on the same machine?  So we can all stick music in there and get Songbird to share the files?21:34
TiredWolfenergY: you could also always try joining #ubuntu-mobile i suppose21:34
wolsdebCarlos: no21:34
energYTiredWolf: I don't know, it is a sony erricsons k600i...21:34
enzotibhow to play a big wav audio file, whose content is descripted by a cue file, as produced (in win) by ExactAudioCopy?21:34
mysomeone uses the data danco postgresql.21:34
td123eltew:  can you give some more details?21:34
wolsGaming4JC: give each one a IP or run a dhcp server21:34
tatstera bit like "Shared Folders" in Windows21:34
TiredWolfdebCarlos, wols: it can cause the same damage that running anything else at an overly high resolution can cause. and that is none, unless your monitor is remarkably old.21:34
PriceChildtatster: sudo mkdir /home/share21:35
Gaming4JCwols: How can I give each one an IP and/or make a dhcp server?21:35
ejertatster: right-click the folder and choose properties>permissions change 'others' to can read and write... this is for sharing with other users of same local machine21:35
wolsGaming4JC: man interfaces21:35
PriceChildtatster: sudo chmod 777 /home/share21:35
linuszerr, i'm having some troubles in changing the keyboard layout from console. actually, i just can't figure how to do it, any ideas?21:35
td123tatster: chmod 666 <folder name>21:35
eltewtd123: I just built a new system.  WinXP runs fine.  It is Phenom 2.5ghz quad core, 8gb ram21:35
debCarlosTireWolf: let's say it "was" from 1999-2002. Will it cause damage to it?21:35
TiredWolfPriceChild: perhaps a better place for that could be a subdirectory of /srv?21:35
roadfishWhen I use 8.04 install-CD, get tossed into busybox ... but CD does work I unplug my eSATA-PCI-card. Have been using eSATA on Feisty without problem. How should I proceed with my 8.04 install?21:35
rezer21Anybody know how I would use "grep" to return lines that contain both string1 and string2 in a file?21:35
td123eltew: I mean like booting wise, what are the things that it says before it freezes21:36
eltewtd123: After I tell ubuntu to try out first (run from cd) it says:21:36
eltewKernel alive21:36
eltewkernel direct mapping tables up to 230000000 @ 8000-1200021:36
parrotheadi installed envy it installed the nvidia driver...however i still see lines when the picture movies fast21:36
TiredWolfdebCarlos: i doubt it. does it have any on-screen-display for settings? if yes, then most likely no.21:36
PriceChildTiredWolf: Yep, doesn't matter too much. I just like keeping user's files in /home, especially if mounted on different partition/drive.21:36
eltewtd123: then it just hangs21:36
kmitnickguys i am having 2 OSes now on my desktop XP and Fedora and on my laptop ubuntu so i want to remove fedora from my desktop and format all the HDDs so anyonw may help21:36
td123eltew: try adding noacpi and acpi=off options to the boot21:36
wolsparrothead: which envy exactly?21:36
energYHTC Touch Diamond, does it work?21:36
parrotheadevny ng21:36
eltewtd123: will try right now21:36
=== fra is now known as Guest16399
ejereltew: using 64bit ubuntu?21:36
=== kmitnick is now known as Abed
tatsterPriceChild: ejer:  Thanks guys I'll give that a shot21:37
eltewejer: yes.  8.04 amd6421:37
parrotheadwols: envy ng21:37
jose__Hello can anyone help me to uncompress the kernel please?21:38
Abed[23:33] *** now talking in #ubuntu21:38
Abed[23:33] *** topic is Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important, please type /msg ubottu etiquette | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | Firefox 3.0 Final is now in Hardy21:38
Abed[23:33] *** set by Pici on Thu Jun 19 15:47:46 200821:38
Abed[23:33] #ubuntu http://www.ubuntu.com21:38
FloodBot1Abed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:38
zorakHi i just installed amd64 ubuntu 8.04.1 on my dad's HP pavillion dv9922us and despite the fact that it has an atheros integrated wireless card (which the restricted drivers manager loads a driver for), I can't seem to get wireless working. Any ideas what the problem might be? Or how might I better diagnose the problem?21:38
eltewtd123: it seems to be hanging again.  could this indicate a hardware problem?21:38
ohyouknow1987hi everyone. ubuntu isnt letting me get to my school website and i need to do some work can someone help me out?21:38
debCarlosTiredWolf: Well... i don't know, it's damaged and i think it was with VirtualBox.... now it's useless, it doesn't even turn on.... but i was asking because i bought a laptop and i'm not sure about installing it, or even use VNC...21:38
McShaneI have a slight problem: I ran Firefox as sudo to check for updates. When I restarted Firefox, my bookmarks, history, and cookies were all nuked -- completely gone. Reinstalling FF did nothing.21:38
parrotheadi just cant stand these lines...they dont appear on the vista partition which means its definitely a drive issue21:39
ohyouknow1987i cant get to kucampus.kaplan.edu21:39
SeveredCrossMcShane: That's because Firefox probably changed the permissions/ownership on your .mozilla folder.21:39
Gaming4JCwols: I have setup the network on Windows, but it says little or no connectivity. Is there a way to connect it to Linux from Windows?21:39
SeveredCrossWheny ou ran it as root.21:39
eltewtd123: I also tried booting in safe graphics mode, same result21:39
SeveredCrossWhy did you want it to check for updates anyway?21:39
TiredWolfdebCarlos, a laptop comes with an LCD monitor, you can't damage that with software.21:39
joaopintozorak, have you configured the network on the network manager applet ?21:39
SeveredCrossThis isn't Windows, update-manager will handle Firefox updates for you no problem.21:39
SeveredCrossTiredWolf: Sure you can.21:39
TiredWolfdebCarlos: besides really, i *highly* doubt you could even manage that with a CRT from 200021:40
zorakit won't let me add any new networks in NetworkManager, joaopinto21:40
jose__Hello can anyone help me to uncompress the kernel please?21:40
td123eltew: what was your message before freezing21:40
McShaneSeveredCross: Okay, so how can I fix the permissions?21:40
ohyouknow1987can someone help me plz...21:40
TiredWolfSeveredCross: perhaps if you flip it on and off via ACPI three dozens times21:40
SeveredCrossjose__: Why do you need to uncompress the kernel?21:40
ejerjose__: what are you trying to do? where did kernel come from? what is file type?21:40
SeveredCrossMcShane: Try this, in a terminal, run sudo chown -R yourusername: .mozilla21:40
eltewkernel alive21:40
eltewkernel direct mapping tables up to 230000000 @ 8000-1200021:40
debCarlosTiredWolf: Whoa, thanks :)21:40
Gaming4JCohyouknow1987: What seems to be the problem, maybe your blocked. try a proxy such as www.the-cloak.com ?21:40
eltewtd123: from then it just has a blinking curser.21:40
jose__to fix an error that I have with my video card21:40
deeverbobertdos: ath0 is the ap21:41
SeveredCrossjose__: Are you trying to compile your own, newer kernel?21:41
ejerjose__: unless you know what you are doing it is not advisable to do this... are you following some instructions?21:41
devilhello ladies21:41
eltewFurther information: mobo ASUS m3a-h/hdmi .  chipset: 780g21:41
unop!ot | devil21:41
ubottudevil: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:41
SeveredCrossMcShane: If that doesn't fix it, you might need to chmod some files too, but you shouldn't.21:41
jose__where can I paste the error21:41
jose__can someone21:41
devilI can help :)21:41
SeveredCrossjose__: Is it absolutely crucial that you do that?21:41
SeveredCrossCompiling your own kernel is not really a great idea.21:41
ejerjose__: paste.ubuntu.com21:41
devilI just built kde from source :D21:41
McShaneSeveredCross: That worked, thanks much!21:42
SeveredCrossEspecially if you don't know all te hardware in your machine.21:42
debCarlosTiredWolf: But... how you know it?21:42
SeveredCrossMcShane: You're welcome! :)21:42
Gaming4JC!kubuntu | devil21:42
ubottudevil: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE21:42
ohyouknow1987gaming4jc: it worked.....why cant i do it without the proxy?21:42
deeverbobertdos: do you have an ap running?21:42
TiredWolfdebCarlos: what?21:42
td123eltew: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75644121:42
zorakit is strange because under lspci it says  Capabilities: <access denied>21:42
jose__check that out21:42
parrotheadis there any other place i could look for a nvidia driver for a 8400m ?21:42
debCarlosTiredWolf: The LCD thing? That software can't damage it?21:42
Gaming4JCohyouknow1987: For some reason your being blocked, contact your system administrator and/or the site asking them why. give them your IP from www.ipchicken.com21:42
SeveredCrosszorak: Yeah, you can't get capabilities without root.21:42
SeveredCrossjose__: Oh, you don't need teh kernel source.21:43
TtyS2is there a easy to use fw for ubuntu 8.04 gnome21:43
SeveredCrossInstall linux-kernel-headers21:43
jose__but its giving me the rror21:43
ohyouknow1987gaming4jc: thanks a lot. i can get my schoolwork done now21:43
SeveredCrossTtyS2: Ubuntu 8.04 comes with a firewall, though it's commandline only.21:43
aleccan anyone help me. i just bought an ipod and i dont know how to use it in linux21:43
jose__error and is not letting me install the drivers21:43
Gaming4JCohyouknow1987: np. :)21:43
SeveredCrossjose__: It's tellling you that you only need the kernel headers. Learn to read.21:43
SeveredCrossalec: Which iPod?21:43
jose__but I installed it yesterday21:43
SeveredCrossHmm. Those should be compatible.21:43
Gaming4JCHow do I connect to Ubuntu over an ethernet cable from Windows?21:43
eltewtd123: trying now, thank you21:43
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod21:44
TiredWolfdebCarlos, the reason you could damage old CRT monitors using high resolutions was that the cathode ray tube would try to sync to a very high frequency it just couldn't mantain. that could result in physical damage to the CRT. LCDs can't, by definition, have this issue, and also all CRTs that aren't prehistoric have safety circuits to avoid this.21:44
SeveredCrossOh, sorry, you do need teh kernel source.21:44
td123eltew: cool, let me know21:44
SeveredCrossjose__: linux-kernel-source should get it?21:44
zorakSeveredCross, thanks I can see the capabilities now but it says the card is disabled?21:44
jose__I got it21:44
zorakhow do I enable it?21:44
Gaming4JCor does anything need to be setup on Ubuntu first?21:44
jose__can you tell me the commands for that please?21:44
zorakbecause the restricted driver manager says the driver is in use21:44
TtyS2SeveredCross: how do i activate it, and do i need to sett upp a bunche of policy rules before being able to go from lan to wan?21:44
debCarlosTiredWolf: Ok, thanks for the explanation :)21:44
SeveredCrossTtyS2: To be totally honest, ufw is pretty bare-bones as far as I know, and it's all CLI.21:45
SeveredCrossTry ufw --help or man ufw at the terminal.21:45
ejerGaming4JC: what re you trying to do21:45
SeveredCrossWhy do you need a firewall?21:45
ManualOverDozer8you can setup profiles to switch networks with a single click21:45
ManualOverDozer8save the profiles otherwise they wont be saved as one21:45
ejerGaming4JC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethernet_crossover_cable21:45
Gaming4JCejer: I have two computers (Windows XP Home, and Ubuntu Hardy) both have ethernet cards, and an ethernet line connected to each other.21:45
Gaming4JCI need to make them connect over this method if possible21:46
ejersee link above Gaming4JC you need a hub or a special cable21:46
Gaming4JCand I know it is possible since some others have managed to do it.21:46
tlovehey does Ubuntu have a iso burner in it? if so what is it called?21:46
td123tlove: brasero21:46
geirhatlove: right click the iso image and select burn21:46
ejertlove: places>cd/dvd creator21:46
gex0q1wow this is hard to read on telnet21:47
ejerall of the three answers above are correct tlove ;)21:47
max__can someone help me i set an environment variable and i don't know how to undo what i did21:47
geirhagex0q1: perhaps that's the reason why they invented irc-clients?21:47
max__where are those settings stored21:47
linuszerr, i'm having some troubles in changing the keyboard layout from console. actually, i just can't figure how to do it, any ideas?21:48
ompaulmax__, log out and back in and it goes away unless you edited a file21:48
tloveThank y'all :]21:49
refriedbeanswhat is the best tag application for ubuntu?21:49
Odd-rationalerefriedbeans: i like easytag...21:49
geirhagex0q1: we here you (twice now)21:49
refriedbeansfor mp3s, m4as, etc21:49
rsc___hey guys. when I copy to my NTFS partition using Ubuntu8.04, the file times aren't preserved. any way i can fix this?21:49
ejereasytag refriedbeans21:49
eltewtda123: so far I am at a black screen after entering vga=771 after boot parameters.  waiting to see if gui comes up21:50
refriedbeanstoo bad tag&rename isn't for it21:50
td123eltew: cool21:50
refriedbeansmaybe it could work using Wine21:50
gex0q1sorry hard to read on telnet21:50
phantomcircuitstupid question, how do i get the MAC address for a wireless card?21:50
Odd-rationalephantomcircuit: ifconfig21:51
debCarlosTiredWolf: Speaking about screens... what's better: 1)Don't have any screen saver (Leave it to none) or 2)Have a black screen saver  ?21:51
Odd-rationaledebCarlos: use black screen :)21:51
tloveHow do i find my local ip address for my router? like my windows pc says it's What's my Ubuntu one?21:51
debCarlosOdd-rationale: ok, thanks21:51
geirhaphantomcircuit: should also be available in network-manager. Right click the network-manager icon in the notification area and select connection information (granted that you are connected using wireless atm)21:52
RequinB4tlove: ifconfig21:52
phaverkamptlove: terminal ifconfig21:52
tlovethank you21:53
RequinB4hello mmmmm21:54
mmmmmI installed ubuntu on my windows machine using wubi21:54
TiredWolfdebCarlos: don't have any screen saver, and get the screen to power off after some minutes.21:54
TiredWolfdebCarlos: helps your battery and, if you care, the environment.21:54
max__where would aliases be written down other than .bashrc21:54
mmmmmso I did not need to make a partition for it. but now I would like to. Do I have to install it all again or is there a way to migrating it somehow to its own partition?21:54
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:54
zorakdoes anyone know why ubuntu would be able to detect and load drivers for a wireless chipset and yet be unable to detect any networks?21:55
max__ManualOverDo talking to me?21:56
ManualOverDozer8someone asked of aliases21:56
ManualOverDozer8that is the file yes max_21:56
debCarlosTiredWolf: So, you say a good time for screen to turn off is like 10-15 minutes ?21:56
ejermax__: http://www.hypexr.org/bash_tutorial.php#config21:56
unopmax__, you can define aliases in ~/.bashrc .. or ~/.bash_aliases  if the file exists and is sourced by ~/.bashrc21:57
ManualOverDozer8or atleast the one i think you are looking for21:57
max__ManualOverDozer8: how do i check what an alias is21:57
wolsmax__: man bash21:57
ManualOverDozer8max_ unop knows whats going on, listen to unop21:57
Flannelmmmmm: There are ways, here's a howto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=438591 it also covers how to just transfer all your data if it doesn't work21:57
td123max__: type alias in the shell21:57
unopmax__, alias youralias21:57
human-hi there, somebody using creative zen or st like that (MTP stuff?)21:58
wols!tell human- about anyone21:58
ubottuhuman-, please see my private message21:58
max__ManualOverDo how do i check what an alias does?21:58
ManualOverDozer8max_ what is your need to use an alias, would depend on the answer21:59
geirhamax__: type «alias» in a terminal to get a list of the currently active aliases21:59
x_hunterYou are ubuntu noobs im usin Backtrack now and doin very well at hacking unix old servers Moth fucka21:59
vassleris there anyway to install ubuntu 6.06 /beryl? to downgrade?22:00
human-well... sometime it shows me only some stuff in my mp3 player. i usually use neutrino or amarok but result is the same22:00
max__can someone tell me how to check my aliases22:00
x_hunterFlannel: I ll botnet you moth fuck22:00
ejermax__: open a terminal and type the word alias and hit enter22:00
td123max__: type in alias22:00
mmmmmThank you Flannel for the link!22:01
max__can someone tell me how to check what an alias explicitly does?22:02
Flannelmmmmm: if you lose it for whatever reason, I also found (afterwards, of course), that it's here: http://wubi-installer.org/faq.php22:02
ejermax__: you have been told many times22:02
geirhamax__: read the man page to whatever the alias is aliasing22:02
human-max_ man bash and search ALIAS (/ALIAS)22:03
face-shotwhen I run the same application from the terminal, Alt+F2, and "Applications" menu, they all seem to have diffirent configurations, for example the gnome calculator -- view changes are only transferred to whatever method I started the app with -- is there any way to "unify" this?22:03
zyx386how can i connect to internet via modem+usb cable ?22:03
deeveranyone running an wlan ap under linux?22:04
deeverthe two hosts can't ping each other...why?22:04
TiredWolfdebCarlos: well it depends on the way you use it, but yes, i'd say so myself22:04
ejerface-shot: never noticed this... not sure why that would happen22:05
face-shotit's strange, do you experience the same thing on your end?22:05
TiredWolfdebCarlos: make it too short, and it ends up turning off all the time, which is both annoying and unhealthy to the monitor. 10-15 minutes is an ok compromise for most people, i'd say22:05
ejerface-shot: with calc yes, but for example firefox or virtualbox, no... it may be a bug in calc22:05
face-shotyeah, calc and vmware do this to me :(22:05
face-shotoh well, thanks for confirming :)22:06
rubydiamondejer: how easy to use virtualbox in ubuntu22:06
debCarlosTiredWolf: Ok, i'll put it like that, maybe 20-15 :)22:06
eltewtd123: so nothing ever happened, and i've tried other options..  seems to be a lot more activity if i remove the operations: quiet splash from the boot command.. but even then it eventually hangs.22:06
RequinB4!virtualbox | rubydiamond22:06
ubotturubydiamond: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox22:06
adamfalkofskedoes anyone know how to make Pidgin perform a script on connect?22:06
ejerrubydiamond: very easy, much easier to install than vmware22:06
geirharubydiamond: fairlly easy22:06
zyx386anyone help about usb adsl modem ???22:07
eltewi am going to try running ubuntu from my mobo gpu instead of my vid card22:07
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing22:07
Flanneladamfalkofske: you might try asking in #pidgin22:07
rubydiamondAlso people.. can pidgin to file transfers with google talk windows client22:07
Flannelrubydiamond: google talk is jabber, so that's likely.22:07
vassleris there anyway to down-grade to ubuntu 6.06 /beryl?22:09
geirha!downgrade | vassler22:09
ubottuvassler: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.22:09
ejerrubydiamond: seems that feature is not in pidgin yet22:09
vassleris there anyway to down-grade to ubuntu 6.06 /beryl?22:09
vassleris there anyway to down-grade to ubuntu 6.06 /beryl?22:09
vassleris there anyway to down-grade to ubuntu 6.06 /beryl?22:09
FloodBot1vassler: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:09
linuszerr, i'm having some troubles in changing the keyboard layout from console. actually, i just can't figure how to do it, any ideas?22:10
RequinB4vassler - why?  is there something in beryl you need?22:10
jpds!downgrade | vassler22:10
ubottuvassler: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.22:10
ejerlinusz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105942 ?22:10
aleci just got an ipod and downloaded rythym box. but whenever i try to add music the program closes22:10
Copperpothi everybody22:10
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:11
vasslerrequinB4: yes! i hate compiz and i want it back to an older version of ubuntu/beryl22:11
unoplinusz, change the keyboard layout for the GUI from the terminal? or change the keyboard layout for the non-GUI shell?22:11
vasslerrequinB4: yes! i hate compiz and i want it back to an older version of ubuntu/beryl22:11
vasslerrequinB4: yes! i hate compiz and i want it back to an older version of ubuntu/beryl22:11
FloodBot1vassler: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:11
unopvassler, stop that22:11
chazcoHi... anyone know how to set a resolution higher than the screen? e.g. the screen is 1024x600 but i'd like a scrollable 1024x76822:11
Flannelvassler: What do you hate about compiz?22:11
Copperpotdoes anybody knows how to stream video to a pocket pc?22:11
alecdoes anyone know anything about using an ipod in linux?22:11
vasslerrequinB4: yes! i hate compiz and i want it back to an older version of ubuntu/beryl22:11
RequinB4!ipod | alec22:12
ubottualec: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod22:12
Daisuke_Laptopvassler: what is it about compiz that you "hate"22:12
Daisuke_Laptopinstead of flooding the channel, perhaps we can get an idea of what you're actually looking for22:12
dudeeee34Hey guys.22:12
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:12
vasslerrequinB4: yes! i hate compiz and i want it back to an older version of ubuntu/beryl22:12
Daisuke_Laptopvassler: stop that22:12
dudeeee34I need a little bit of help.22:12
Daisuke_Laptopdudeeee34: go ahead and ask your question22:12
vassleroh sorry.22:12
dudeeee34How do I add more memory to ubuntu. I installed it using wubi.22:13
dudeeee34I only gave it 10 GB.22:13
vasslerdoes anyone have any info to give me about my question?22:14
Flannelvassler: You need to give us information first.22:14
puritycontrol:dudeee34 do you mean hard disk drive space or memory?22:14
geirhadudeeee34: wubi is generally only meant to testing ubuntu ... perhaps you should install it on a seperate partition instead?22:14
dudeeee34hard disk spac22:14
shane_vassler sudo apt-get remove compiz22:15
RequinB4vassler: metacity --replace &22:15
puritycontrolyou could use gparted to increase the size of your partition if you have more space on your disk drive22:15
dudeeee34Well what i did was. I have ubuntu 8.04 and it gave me something menu.22:15
cottimahello, is there a way to send someone updates on cd?22:15
Flannelcottima: yes!  check out AptOnCD22:15
vasslerflannel: i asked how to downgrade to ubuntu 6.06/beryl because i hate compiz and can't get it to work right.22:15
LeefmcQuestion: Anyone familiar with BTNX& Revoco? It seems my MX Revolution is showing the wrong Vendor and Product ID to btnx, and thus making it not be seen by revoco, etc. Both my laptop and my macpro share the same mouse xorg config, so any idea whats wrong?22:15
Flannelvassler: Yes, you've asked that a number of times, but you won't respond to anyone's questions.22:15
cottimathank you Flannel22:15
geirhavassler: it's not supported for good reasons. If you want to go back to 6.06, you'll have to reinstall22:16
Mr_Giraffehmm, does anyone know anything about CPU scaling in ubuntu?  for some reason whenever i unplug my laptop the processor stays stuck at 800MHz and i can't increase it...22:16
dudeeee34I Found ubuntu an amazing operating system.22:16
Flannelvassler: What don't you like about compiz-fusion (and what did you like about beryl?)22:16
dudeeee34But I dont know if i should delete Vista.22:16
RequinB4vassler - typing metacity --replace & will have metacity, the default window manager, not compiz, do your windows22:16
Copperpotdudeeee34, for what do you use Vista?22:17
f11f12hi, does anyone use anjuta and svn for development and versioning?22:17
dudeeee34That is the only reason22:17
Copperpotdudeeee34, Cedega is your solution22:17
puritycontrol:dudeeee34 if it is on a desktop machine you could add another hard disk drive and then you could keep vista22:17
Copperpotthen you could delete Vista22:17
RequinB4dudeeee34 - not a reason to not use vista.  really, better safe then sorry22:17
Copperpotyes dudeeee34, I play F1 Challenge in Cedega22:17
dudeeee34I want to play GTA San andreas22:17
dudeeee34will Cedega work?22:18
ohyouknow1987anyone know a free proxy that lets me login to websites?22:18
vasslerFlannel: i'm having too many problems with compiz/emerald and i can't resolve them, where can't i find a version of beryl if i reinstalled a older version of ubuntu?22:18
Flanneldudeeee34: You can migrate your wubi install to its own partition too, and have a proper dual boot. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43859122:18
Copperpotyou can check the Cedega website and look for in the games list the games you like22:18
f11f12MIRCBRAAD == spambot?22:18
=== LeNsTR is now known as _666_
td123f11f12: hes using mirc...22:18
dudeeee34If i delete vista. And i want to go back to it. Can i use my system restore disk?22:19
cottimaFlannel, I will be sending the cd to someone else?  Does the other person need to add something to the "software sources"?22:19
td123dudeeee34: yes22:19
duiududeeee34: yes22:19
duiududeeee34: you'll lose ALL of ubuntu though22:19
Raz0Rhello, how do i change my wireless network driver from the one im using to a ndiswrapper one?22:19
dudeeee34No im all ubuntu!22:19
Flannelcottima: when they get it, they'll either use software sources to add the CD (I'm less sure about that method), or sudo apt-cdrom add22:19
=== _666_ is now known as LeNsTR
mats_hi all! can someone help me setup my epson dx4450 in hardy?22:19
dudeeee34Yes but that is for the future...22:19
td123oh great, here we go again with the people messaging me that men should wear bras....22:19
duiududeeee34: you could also try playonlinux for your games22:19
DRebelliondudeeee34, ubuntu is only going to get better ;)22:19
dudeeee34I see22:20
dudeeee34I found ubuntu to be a great OS.22:20
RequinB4In contrast, microsoft is only going to get more bloated22:20
vassleri am having to many problems with compiz and it sucks and i wanted to know if i can get a verson of beryl if i reinstalled a old version of ubuntu? anyone know?22:20
duiududeeee34: you didn't buy ubuntu at best buy, did you?22:20
ohyouknow1987i need help....my school is blocking my ip for some reason and i need a proxy that will let me login22:20
dudeeee34You can buy ubuntu?22:20
unopRequinB4, that's speculative and also biased - also offtopic22:21
Flannelvassler: What problems? and how have you tried to resolve them?  6.06 will only be supported for another year on the desktop, you'll have to use compiz-fusion evenually22:21
dudeeee34I thought it was free.22:21
almostdvsi'm trying to mount my digital camera and i'm getting mount:  wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock etc...22:21
ohyouknow1987can someone help me plz22:21
vasslerFlannel: not if refuse to download any updates, just ignore any update notifications!22:21
duiududeeee34: IT is free, but Best Buy sells it :)22:21
Flanneldudeeee34: It is, but you can still buy it.22:21
dudeeee34Well then Im going to Go delete Windows... And my pc will be all UBUNTU.22:22
Flannelvassler: running an unsecure OS is never a good idea.22:22
cottimaThank you Flannel !22:22
dudeeee34Thankyou everyone for the help.22:22
Raz0Rhey how do i change my wifi driver?22:22
vasslerFlannel: why would you say that?22:22
td123dudeeee34: don't forget to backup important files :P22:22
billy12in nautilus, right click "Creat new document", how do i add "template" files?22:22
LeefmcQuestion: If i screw xorg up, or if my desktop is screwed up, etc, how do i boot straight into ubuntu terminal, and not into xdesktop ?22:22
javagamerIf I installed Ubuntu server and want to install some of the stuff on the CD will I have to reinstall?22:22
DRebellionjavagamer, no22:22
nickrudbilly12, create the directory ~/Templates, and put the files there22:22
td123javagamer: no22:22
hocminDoes ubuntu server support a headless install?  If so, are there any guides available?22:23
Flannelvassler: because there are bugs found all the time, and not fixing security holes means you're vulnerable.22:23
billy12nickrud, thnax, thats case sensitive?22:23
krazihrzLeefmc: if you b0rked X up and it won't start, the terminal login will eventually appear after a few failed attempts to start X22:23
Flannelhocmin: you might have more luck in #ubuntu-server22:23
* obx pesma01.mp3 - - (x«amarok)22:23
Flannelobx: please turn that off22:23
td123is there a way to disable who left in the pidgin irc?22:23
almostdvsi'm trying to mount my digital camera and i'm getting mount:  wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock etc...22:23
hocminFlannel, thanks22:23
nickrudbilly yes. I'm testing that on this machine, see if my mem is good ;)22:24
* obx evergreen_terrace-maniac_(mic - - (x«amarok)22:24
Leefmckrazihrz: Well forget X, is there a way to boot straight into the terminal during boot up?22:24
javagamerHow do I get the software on the disc installed now that I have the server installed?  Should I boot from the disc and will there be an option there, or will apt-get recognize that the disc is in?22:24
human-almostdvs: paste command22:24
simardcan someone point me to a site explaining how to build a kernel for ubuntu, WITHOUT kernel-package ?22:24
krazihrzLeefmc: yup, apt-get remove gdm22:24
f11f12hocmin: you can work over a serial console if you have a serial terminal22:24
Flanneljavagamer: what do you mean?22:24
DRebellionjavagamer, put the disc in and apt-get will recognize it as long as you a have the disc repo enabled22:24
almostdvshuman-:  what is it your asking me for?22:24
Leefmckrazihrz: ... So your giving me a terminal command to use.. to get into terminal? :p22:24
billy12nickrud, shouldnt that be a hidden dir?22:24
simardLeefmc: this is going to remove gnome window manager22:25
javagamerDRebellion: Is the disc rep enabled by default?  If not which file do I change to enable it?22:25
krazihrzLeefmc: so you're in X and you can't figure out how to get a terminal?22:25
Leefmcsimard: I realize, i was just being a bit sarcastic hehe22:25
mats_any1 to help with installing drivers for epson dx4450?22:25
DRebellionjavagamer, i can't remember. Check /etc/sources.list22:25
Flanneljavagamer: did you just install from that disk? then it is enabled by default.  If not, sudo apt-cdrom add22:25
vasslerflannel: how do you suppose i resolve this compiz/emerald "no boarders" and "window positioning" problem. i fear my graphics card my not be supported anymore by the new ubuntu distrobution.22:25
simardLeefmc: what you want is echo "xterm" > ~/.xinitrc22:25
unopLeefmc, you can disable the GDM and not actually remove it - that will boot you straight up into the console22:25
nickrudbilly not that I remember, and on this machine (a vm I've done little to nothing on) there is already a Templates22:25
human-almostdvs u mean msg appeared in a window?22:25
Leefmckrazihrz: No. If i am booting my computer up, and i do not want to go into X at all (for whatever reason), how would i do that.22:26
DRebellionjavagamer, sorry, /etc/apt/sources.list22:26
Mothjust got spammed22:26
krazihrzif you don't want X, just remove it22:26
Mothpm spam about bras22:26
Leefmcunop: Yea but that has to be done before hand, correct?22:26
unopsimard, careful, he might have something in his ~/.xinitrc that he might lose with that command22:26
td123vassler: have you tried turning the visual effects to none?22:26
nickrudbilly12, and it does work22:26
unopLeefmc, it can be done at any time22:26
simardLeefmc: what you want is echo "xterm" >> ~/.xinitrc22:26
almostdvshuman nevermind i got it to work22:26
simardunop: right22:26
billy12nickrud, thnx, the folder was allready there22:26
LeefmcSo i am guessing it is impossible, since no one has a simple answer hehe :) (Ie, during boot hold F5523)22:26
obxyeah i should22:27
krazihrzdo you want to keep X?22:27
Leefmcsimard: So.. i type "echo "xterm" during the boot process? eh?22:27
obxrunaway script22:27
simardLeefmc: this isnt what I said22:27
unopLeefmc, if you want to get to the console -- press CTRL+ALT+f1  and ctrl+alt+f7 to get back22:27
Leefmcsimard: Well i assume you were saying something regarding my question of "how to not load x during boot" :)22:27
javagamerThe first line I see is "deb cdrom:" commented out, should I just uncomment it?22:28
nickrudjavagamer, maybe; better to use  sudo apt-cdrom add , then follow the instructions22:28
simardLeefmc: oh I thought you wanted X to load.. but show a command line instead of GNOME22:28
davidfetterwhom do i pester about getting recent versions of postgres into g and h?22:28
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LeefmcAnyway, imma stick with "not possible" hehe :p22:28
unopLeefmc, errm, you could boot up into the single user mode where X doesn't run?  afaik, there is no magic keypress to stop the GDM from loading22:28
krazihrzLeefmc: ok here you go, mv /etc/rc5.d/S30gdm /etc/rc5.d/K30gdm22:28
davidfetterer, gutsy and hardy22:28
heartsbloodwhen i'm transferring files from sata/ide or ide/sata I get transfer rates of ~2MBps or less.  what could cause this?22:28
nickrudkrazihrz, close, but rc2.d ;)22:29
krazihrzthat will STOP gdm from starting during boot22:29
Leefmcsimard: Actually i thought X was all part of the Desktop Enviorment. I just want to not load any desktop environment.. if needed.. during boot up.. some random time.22:29
* chalcedony smiles22:29
krazihrzoh dammit22:29
krazihrzyou're right22:29
Leefmcunop: K, thanks :)22:29
Flanneldavidfetter: You'll have to pester the backports people about getting them in -backports, they won't be upgraded in the main repos.22:29
LeefmcSo, impossible. haha :)22:29
chalcedonyhow can one change write permissions on files ? from read only ?22:29
davidfetterthanks, Flannel :)22:29
unopkrazihrz, though it might be better to use update-rc.d to do that22:29
td123!chmod | chalcedony22:29
ubottuchalcedony: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview22:29
puritycontrol:chalcedony chmod +w filename22:29
Raz0Rhow do i change my wireless network card's driver????????22:30
nickrudchalcedony, if it's on a unix filesystem, chmod u+x filename22:30
vasslerflannel: okay then, what is the proper specifications for the newest distrobution of ubuntu 8.04/ compiz-fusion, what graphics card is best?22:30
krazihrznot familiar with update-rc.d22:30
unopLeefmc, it's not something that will hold you back .. you can always drop down into a console while X/GDM is loading22:30
nickrud!info update-rc.d | krazihrz22:30
ubottukrazihrz: Package update-rc.d does not exist in hardy22:30
chalcedonyty so much nickrud , puritycontrol td12322:30
Leefmcunop: I know, it was just a question :). Bit confusing to some, my bad most likely.22:30
crimsundavidfetter: 8.3.3 are in gusty-backports and hardy-backports.22:30
Flannelvassler: I have no idea which graphics card is "best", but any supported ones should be fine.22:30
tagIt appears that compiz and java (swing) don't play together very nicely.  Is there a good work around for this?22:30
davidfettercrimsun, cool :)22:30
crimsundavidfetter: sorry, gutsy-backports and hardy-updates22:30
javagamerThanks for all the help, it says it added the disc to the sources list, now all I need is a list of the packages I can install from it (specifically the options in gave me when installing, like SSH Server and Mail Server [I accidentally skipped them])22:30
td123vassler: if you can see anything on your screen, that's good22:31
simardLeefmc: you may want to look at /etc/rc2.d22:31
nickrudjavagamer, sudo tasksel22:31
simardLeefmc: these scripts get executed in numeric order22:31
unopkrazihrz, update-rc.d gdm stop 30 2 .  # should do it22:31
simardLeefmc: one of them must start X22:31
Leefmckrazihrz: Again, just to explain what i was talking about, i _randomly_ did not want X to load. If during a boot process, i wanted no desktop what-so-ever to load, i wanted to know how to do that. So moving files or settings AHEAD OF TIME is not possible, because it is not what i had wanted. :)22:31
td123vassler: no joke either, I'm using a radeon 9000, don't laugh :P22:31
human-somebody knows what means the symbol over the emule folder? http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/1092/schermatavh6.png22:31
vasslerflannel: okay then, what is the proper specifications for the newest distrobution of ubuntu 8.04/ compiz-fusion, what graphics card is best? because i'm only running a 1.3ghz amd/512mb sdram/ nvidia 5200 128mb eG-Force FX ? anyone info you can give me?22:31
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nickrudLeefmc, if you know that's what you want, boot into single, make the change, then type exit22:32
unopsimard, not really numeric order .. it's actually lexical order22:32
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hocminDoes ubuntu server support a headless install?  If so, are there any guides available?22:32
krazihrzLeefmc: renaming the rc2.d fill with stop it from loading everytiime, and all you would have to do after login to start X would be /etc/init.d/gdm start22:32
Leefmcnickrud: "boot into single"?22:32
javagamerThanks a bunch!  Now time to test my new server :)22:32
Flannelvassler: You should be fine.  That's actually the graphics card I have.22:32
nickrudLeefmc, recovery mode == single user mode22:32
td123vassler: you should be fine, my graphics card is about half the specs of your card :)22:32
simardunop: lexical ? from S00 to S99 isnt it ?22:33
fr500are there any advantages of using pulseaudio over alsa?22:33
nickrudfr500, pulseaudio runs on top of alsa, you use both22:33
krazihrzalsa uses less letters22:33
Leefmckrazihrz: Argh lol! No, renaming it ahead of time is done _ahead of time_. I can do many things to stop my desktop from loading _ahead of time_ (including just breaking it loi), but i was asking how to do it randomly. Ie, NOT planned. Eg: During the boot process hold down F345 and no desktop will load.22:33
unopsimard, right, but also the K* scripts first .. lexical in the sense K before S, 00 before 99, etc22:33
fr500nickrud: i see but pulseaudio makes sound choppy in sdlmame, not working in wine choppy in warsow, etc22:33
Leefmckrazihrz: I realize its impossible, i am trying to just explain it to you now.. heh22:33
JessicaplHi all22:34
dottieHow do I remove a mask from a file?22:34
krazihrzLeefmc: but it is!22:34
Leefmckrazihrz: Not if your answers are any indication of its possibility.22:34
nickrudfr500, heh. /me waits for intrepid for sound, like hardy, and gutsy, and ... . If you know alsa and how to mix it, you can do that as well22:34
etotheipiJessicapl: hi; how may we help? ^_^22:34
krazihrzLeefmc: ctrl-alt-backspace22:34
krazihrzoh wait22:35
Leefmckrazihrz: So you can Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to go back into time?22:35
seekingtruthhello sinners22:35
Leefmckrazihrz: :p22:35
krazihrzLeefmc: no but it will kill x :)22:35
fr500nickrud: so it's supposed to work well next version?22:35
Jessicapletotheipi : Yes.22:35
unopLeefmc, ctrl+alt+f122:35
krazihrzwhat does time have to do with it :)22:35
Leefmckrazihrz: Because last i checked, that reboots X.. rebooting tends to mean it was already loaded.. something we already discussed, is NOT desired.22:35
fr500nickrud: i like it's simple setup for mixing altough alsa is doing mixng for me out of the box22:35
nickrudfr500, better, each release has been better. As I've said before, sound in linux is a matter of black magic and incantations22:35
krazihrzLeefmc: hit the power button22:35
Leefmckrazihrz: I really must be explaining this bad.. because you are either thick (doubtful), or this is so insanely confusing that you just dont get it :p22:36
td123nickrud: and maybe some good speakers22:36
krazihrzthat a guarantee22:36
TiredWolfnickrud: and cri*msun22:36
Leefmckrazihrz: As dumb as that sounds, its the closest answer you've had yet. :p22:36
JessicaplI would like to know where to find this sentence and modify it : " Booting the system ... Press ESC for verbose mode  "22:36
nickrudTiredWolf, yeah, we do depend on shamans ;)22:36
crimsunTiredWolf: nick avoidance doesn't quite work like that.22:36
TiredWolfcrimsun: *shrug*22:36
etotheipiJessicapl: huh? lol22:36
JessicaplI am curious22:37
tekstacywhat is the command to switch display managers?22:37
tekstacyer, switch to kdm22:37
JessicaplIwant to change the key to ,for example S intead of ESC22:37
nickrudtekstacy, sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm22:38
td123!kdm | tekstacy22:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdm22:38
human-tekstacy: dpkg-reconfigure gdm22:38
unoptekstacy, sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm22:38
Leefmckrazihrz: Out of curiosity, did you finally understand what my original desire was?22:38
tekstacycool, thanks22:38
Altreus-work'lo. My brightness hotkeys don't work on my Vaio - can I reduce it with software somehow?22:38
unopJessicapl, is this the message you see at the grub screen?22:38
phaedralhowdy; I've got 50 7megapixel jpgs I want to batch-convert to png; not sure what tool will do this for me22:39
cottimaI am having trouble installing a printer. a website says I can use gimp-print-ijs.  how do I install it?22:39
unopLeefmc, i think we all did, and we all expressed in long terms that what you wish for is kind of impossible22:39
unopJessicapl, i guess you will have to hack into grub's source for that22:39
massIVAltreus-work, I think if you right click the top or bottom panel you can add a brightness applet22:39
phaedrallooking for a tool to batch-convert a mess of big jpgs to smaller pngs; suggestions?22:40
Mar2Issue: Running Live CD, closed and rebooted to XP. Two drives (RAID 0) not detected by Windows. Can you help with a fix?22:40
phaedralsorry to parrot, meant to switch windows22:40
=== Leefmc is now known as Lee-nospam
simardLeefmc: so, look at /etc/init.d/gdm .. this script runs /usr/sbin/gdm , which is the Gnome Window Manager, responsible for running X22:40
Altreus-workmassIV: good call, cheers22:40
Altreus-workmassIV: although it doesn't seem to work :<22:41
nickrudcottima, iirc those drivers are in gimp-gutenprint , if you install it the drivers should show up automatically in the printer dialogs22:41
massIVAltreus-work, the applet doesnt? or it isnt there?22:41
Altreus-workThe applet exists but it doesn't change anything22:42
pretender_can anyone point me to a deb file for citrix ica client22:42
cottimathank you nickrud22:42
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crimsunAltreus-work: if you have /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness or something resembling that path, you likely can alter it from a terminal.22:42
nickrudphaedral, if you install nautilus-image-converter, you'll get a batch converter in the right click menu22:42
Diffenhello. are there anyway to edit a .conf file for keyboard? i can only use two of my buttons on my keyboard on my ubuntu installation. im running on live cd now and everything works fine22:42
massIVAltreus-work, oh, I'll try googling for the article i read on how to fix the keys, that should help22:42
phaedralnickrud, thanks!!22:42
Trickyhi all! does anybody know a decent rss reader for gnome-panel? thx22:43
simardLee-nospam: seen my message ?22:43
Lee-nospamsimard: Possibly not, was it after my last message?22:43
Altreus-workmassIV: That would rock, thanks22:43
simardLee-nospam: so, look at /etc/init.d/gdm .. this script runs /usr/sbin/gdm , which is the Gnome Window Manager, responsible for running X22:43
kushal1can I install clamav on a live cd? will it look for windows virus?22:43
Altreus-workcrimsun: in /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/DD04/brightness I have levels and current22:44
unopkushal1, yes and yes22:44
massIVAltreus-work, google 'Ubuntu fix brightness keys' and it should be match #122:44
Lee-nospamsimard: Heh, thats not really the point of the idea though man. :), no worries22:44
kushal1unop, just one more question, will it heal files on the hard disk?22:44
simardLee-nospam: ok well I didnt read the initial question anyway22:45
Lee-nospamsimard: Ah gotcha :)22:45
unopkushal1, errm, not really sure -- it might depend on the particular infection - in anycase, it will prompt you on what to do22:45
Lee-nospamsimard: That i can understand hehe22:45
td123kushal1: if clamav supports it, why not22:45
=== FrozenFire_ is now known as FrozenFire
Chobo-MogHi.  Does anyone know if there is a way to stop all audio processes and restart the sound server (Audigy 2zs/ALSA + Pulse Audio) on Hardy?22:45
deeveranyone running an wlan ap under linux?22:46
deeverthe two hosts can't ping each other...why?22:46
massIVAltreus-work, or you could look for another article that just tells you what changes to make22:46
Chobo-MogI've had the issue where, in Rhythmbox and Banshee music players, after working for a period of time (ranging from minutes to hours) the audio will randomly stop working.22:46
unopkushal1, just make sure you get the latest virus definitions from the online database22:46
Chobo-MogWhen performing a test in System>Preferences>Sound, which had until that point played the test tone perfectly, the error “audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect: Connection refused” comes up.22:46
Chobo-MogRestarting X completely, through ctrl-alt-backapace or restarting the computer fixes the problem EVERY TIME.  I'm assuming this is because it forces the sound to restart, along with the rest of the desktop.  However, it is a major hassle since all of the running applications also close.22:46
zeeeehi, how do i use update-alternatives to switch all my java-related commands? (javac, javah, java, etc.)22:46
Altreus-workmassIV: cheers. also, it is worth noting that catting /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/DD04/state will crash the whole laptop :(22:47
=== Lee-nospam is now known as Leefmc
massIVAltreus-work, dont know why that would be... see ya, hope u get it fixed22:48
newbe1hello all22:49
zeeeehi, how do switch all my java-related commands from one implementation to another (e.g. sun to openjdk)? (javac, javah, java, etc.)22:49
prowerChobo-Mog, I don't know what the solution would be but the most active bug thread on the problem you're having is here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/9965922:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 99659 in linux-source-2.6.24 "no sound from my Dell Dimension 9100" [Undecided,New]22:50
kushal1unop, just one more question, will it heal files on the hard disk?22:50
prowerChobo-Mog: Someone in the thread mentions a solution at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems worked22:51
Mar2Any help on how to get XP to see my HDs that disappeared after running LiveCD?22:51
unop**REPEAT** kushal1,  not really sure -- it might depend on the particular infection - in anycase, it will prompt you on what to do22:51
kushal1well, when I ran the live cd under places, there was 20.1 GB hard disk and when I clicked on it, Ubuntu returned an error and could not access the drive22:51
lovetruthhello sinners22:52
zeeeeoh, apparently there's a cmd update-java-alternatives22:52
lovetruthzeeee: i missed you, how you been?22:52
fcrx7turboanyway i can make my transfer from desktop to usb faster its 2mb/sec22:53
unopkushal1, your drive could be failing to mount because it was not properly dismounted when shutting down windows -- you could force ubuntu to mount it.  at a terminal.  sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/22:53
lovetruthnewbe1: are you a sinner too?>\22:54
unopkushal1, substitute /dev/sda1 with the right device name for the partition in question22:54
Flannellovetruth: Please take it elsewhere.22:54
Chobo-Mogprower  Thanks.  I'mm have a read through it all and check out those possible solutions.22:54
Chobo-Mogprower  I'll post back here if anything is successful22:54
newbe1we all sin22:54
unop!ot | newbe1, lovetruth22:55
ubottunewbe1, lovetruth: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:55
SorlagGood evening everybody.. can anyone maybe help me? my ZNES has no sound .. everything else has..22:57
kushal1unop, how do I know what to substitute?22:57
Mar2Need help! Am I in the right place?22:57
unopkushal1,  sudo fdisk -l  # will list all the partitions on physical harddrives, you should be able to guess which device from the descriptions there22:58
mrpocketshey guys22:58
AzizLighthi everybody22:58
mrpocketsI'm running Ubuntu 8.4 , Wanna configure samba to share files with my server on the domain22:58
zvacet!ask | Mar222:59
ubottuMar2: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:59
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:59
AzizLightis it normal that when I use rm to remove a file it is completely removed (the file doesnt go to the trash)?22:59
unopAzizLight, it is22:59
ompaulAzizLight, that is now rm works22:59
glitsj16AzizLight: yes, that's the point of rm22:59
duiuIs there a way to make 'sudo shutdown -h now' to run when I hit the power button on my computer?23:00
AzizLightunop, ompaul , glitsj16 : thanks23:00
glitsj163 confirmations in 5 seconds .. not bad :)23:00
kushal1on another desktop I have, I cannot access the Internet http://pastebin.com/m23753eee23:01
kushal1it asks for password.23:01
JohnMcCaindoes it allow you to ping outside ip's ?23:02
JohnMcCainare you going through a wifi router that prompts you?23:02
kushal1well, I get connected silently on the other computer with Live CD23:03
kushal1so i am pretty sure i don't need a password23:03
kushal1i set up a password on the linksys wireless router so that changing the setting would need a password. even the wireless network is unsecured23:04
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JohnMcCaindoes it have mac address filtering ?23:04
kushal1I am not sure23:04
JohnMcCaincould you run a trace route to www.google.com and post it to pastebin?23:05
shane_whats the best ftp client out there23:05
energYshane_: No such thing23:05
energYSftp is best23:06
kushal1how can I trace route?23:06
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JohnMcCainsudo apt-get install traceroute23:06
kushal1something that is strange is that I get "2 updates available"23:07
moreauhey whats the commnad that runs in terminal that allowsme to clicka  window and it tells me the properties (name, type, group) etc23:07
kushal1how did it know there were updates available?23:07
JohnMcCainsudo apt-get update23:07
JohnMcCainto make sure you have the latest repositories23:08
BBinHey, I want wget 1.11.4 in hardy. How do i do that?23:08
Raz0Rhow do i blacklist adriver23:08
crimsunBBin: file a backport request23:09
JohnMcCainkusha, are you running hardy server ?or ubuntu with GUI23:09
DIFH-icerootno firefox 3.0 in ubuntu 7.10 repos? i got with apt-get install firefox-3.0 something called gran paradiso (firefox alpha8)23:09
FlannelDIFH-iceroot: the backports will probably get upgraded eventually.  but no.23:09
kushal1ubuntu with gnome23:09
FlannelDIFH-iceroot: backports has beta...3? I think.23:09
shane_does filezilla support fxp23:09
tagJohnMcCain: Your slander campaign is kind of lame.  You should quit listening to Karl Rove.23:09
kushal1can I install it from ubuntu 8.04.1 live cd?23:09
DIFH-icerootwhy not final 3.x? ubuntu 7.10 is not soo old23:10
amatson97yo hey guys has anyone been having problems with nautilus23:10
JohnMcCainyou might be able to, I don't know23:10
JohnMcCainhehehe I have a sense of humor too23:10
td123kushal1: yes23:10
FlannelDIFH-iceroot: because 7.10 was released with firefox 2.  Firefox 3 will never be in the main repos, but might be backported23:10
td123kushal1: you have to add the cd as a source though23:10
HappyHaterDIFH-iceroot, you are aware you can install software that's not in the repo, yeah?23:11
DIFH-icerootHappyHater: i want all with the paketmanager of course23:11
w8tahhey guys -- theres a small mail agent -- to proxy mail from one system to a full blown mail server -- im having brain freeze and cant remember the name of it23:11
kushal1traceroute has no installation candidate23:11
w8tahsomeone help please23:11
td123DIFH-iceroot: why don't you install 8.04.1?23:12
DIFH-iceroottd123: i am using eeexbuntu23:12
Flannelw8tah: esmtp is probably easiest, nullmailer is another.23:12
w8tahnm - thanks all -- found it ssmtp23:12
DIFH-iceroottd123: 8.04.1 is not working well with my eeepc23:12
amatson97i have a major problem with nautilus it will not mount cd's right and the trash can is dead23:12
w8tahFlannel: thanks23:12
amatson97oh and it wil l not let me in to Computer23:12
shane_sudo apt-get install filezilla23:12
shane_mt lol23:12
td123DIFH-iceroot: http://www.ubuntu-eee.com/index.php5?title=Main_Page23:13
Flannelshane_: filezilla doesn't support fxp, no.23:13
td123DIFH-iceroot: you shouldn't have a problem since all eee's are basically the same23:13
DIFH-iceroottd123: i dont install something new here, its working fine23:13
amatson97has any one heard of this problem23:13
fitoriaHow do I download all the hardy repos?23:14
fitoriato make a local repo?23:14
Flannelfitoria: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive/Mirroring23:14
harpreetwireless, my card takes unsecured networks but does not connect to WEP, asks for key over and over, any remedy?23:14
fitoriathanks Flannel23:14
cpjester: sono sempre istanza dal portatile...23:16
kushal1i am copying results from lspci on to a flash drive so that i can pastebin it23:17
joseHello is there anyone that knows how to fix the problem with the nvidia drivers ? problem by getting low resolution anyone knows any fix for it ???? thanks23:17
Flannel!it | cp23:17
ubottucp: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!23:17
ay^jose: what problem with nvidia drivers?23:17
HappyHaterjose, you have the restricted driver installed?23:17
[droide]jose, do you have nvidia-settings installed?23:17
joseI have the Drivers from nvidia website the latest one installed23:18
josebut after the installation I get low resolution23:18
HappyHaterjose, run gksudo displayconfig-gtk and setup your monitor23:18
too_close_hi every one , please i install samba and i remove it by mistake , when i install it again i don't find smb.conf file to congigure my samba23:18
ShujahJose whats the max resolution you can get atm?23:18
[droide]can anyone help me use this OS X dotfiles for bash into my bash in ubuntu? http://github.com/ryanb/dotfiles/tree/master23:19
LeefmcQuestion: When advanced compiz settings installed, how do you disable all compiz effects, without losing prefs and whatnot? I need to turn them off for a program23:19
[droide]don't know why it doesn't give me the completions, while if I switch to zsh it lets me23:19
Pegasos989Heya. I'm having a problem with my ubuntu Install on another computer. It has Asus P5Q motherboard and ethernet doesn't work. Googling showed me that it is common problem but I have difficulties fixing it...23:19
joseI'm on 1680 x 105023:19
ShujahLeefmc, you can switch to metacity fro the duration you'll be running the program23:20
linksliceis there a way to sync movies to my ipod under ubuntu? I've found rythmbox but it doesn't seem to be able to do it23:20
LeefmcShujah: .. eh?23:20
joseright now but after I add the effect It ask me for a restart then when I come back I get low resolution23:20
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ShujahLeefmc, you can install compiz-fusion-icon that'll let you switch from metacity to compiz with a single click23:21
LeefmcShujah: K, whats metacity though?23:21
joseHappyHater I dont see my monitor in the list23:21
HappyHaterchoose something similar23:21
LeefmcShujah: The standard repos have no "compiz-fusion-icon"23:22
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LeefmcShujah: You talking about fusion-icon?23:22
ShujahLeefmc, search for compiz fusion icon in add remove programs23:22
dblickCould anyone clarify for me what the relationship is between the zip utility on the command line and the zlib library?23:22
Zeroyezthe virtualbox channel is asleep, so how can I access a virtualbox shared folder with ubuntu as the guest OS?23:23
LeefmcShujah: Im looking at synaptic right now, just wondering what exactly you mean since there is no compiz-fusion-icon. Do you mean fusion-icon?23:23
HappyHateryes Leefmc23:23
Leefmck thanks23:23
ShujahLeefmc, if the description says its a system tray icon for compiz then its the one23:23
joseHappyHater now ?23:23
javagamerI skipped the network setup on my server at installation, now that I have the internet connected to it how do I run the network setup?23:24
Pegasos989Heya. I'm having a problem with my ubuntu Install on another computer. It has Asus P5Q motherboard and ethernet doesn't work. Googling showed me that it is common problem but I have difficulties fixing it...23:24
LeefmcShujah: I just wanted to be clear. :) Especially since you also mentioned metacity, of which i dont know and is not mentioned in the description for fusion-icon23:24
HappyHaterjose, I believe you gotta restart x and log back in for the changes to take effect23:24
jeremedo any debs include gstfakevideo?23:24
ShujahLeefmc, Yes its the one I just checked via synaptic23:24
kryogenikshi :)23:24
harpreetwireless, my card takes unsecured networks but does not connect to WEP, asks for key over and over, any remedy?23:25
Shujahjavagamer, menu > sys > admin > network23:25
`brooksanyone able to field a problem concerning bios/blank hdd?23:26
LeefmcQuestion: Is there a way to make the "Shift Selector" (Coverflow) compiz setting span all desktops? I'd like to shift through all programs on all desktops and if i select a program thats on a different desktop, have it move to that desktop23:26
kushal1JohnMcCain, http://pastebin.com/f1ac639c723:27
javagamerShujah, I'm running the server.  I just have a text interface.23:27
crdlbLeefmc: yes23:27
Leefmccrdlb: How?23:27
crdlbLeefmc: just use the "Initiate (All Workspaces)" bindings23:27
Leefmccrdlb: Nice, thanks23:28
c03I have a problem with java in firefox23:30
c03All i see is gray rectangles23:30
harpreetwireless, my card takes unsecured networks but does not connect to WEP, asks for key over and over, any remedy?23:30
c03No java applets are functioning =/23:30
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harpreetc03: use konqueror23:30
Shujahjavagamer, you'll have to edit etc/network/interfaces manually23:30
c03harpreet: I have the same problem with my wireless =P23:31
gyroscopec03, use you no script addon?23:31
harpreetc03: i can help with your java23:31
cee4hi all23:31
c03and of course i unchecked23:31
c03harpreet: okay? besides the konquerer lame solution =)23:31
deevercome on, noone with a linux wlan ap here?23:32
cee4anybody knows some cool desktop manager prog?23:32
cee4pls write the name23:32
Mar3I've got a dodgy wireless connection to take a new password by going to edit wireless networks in the network manager applet23:33
Mar3and deleting the  connection23:33
Mar3then re-joining it.23:34
groutim using nvidias xserver settings trying to set up my external monitor but once i enable it the external dosnt turn on23:34
cee4anyone ?23:34
c03harpreet: ???23:34
gyroscopec03, check your java plug-in path23:34
Shujahcee4, what do you mean by cool desktop manager?23:34
c03gyroscope: where?23:35
rabiddachshundOk, so dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg auto configs the keyboard mouse and monitor, right? Well when I do it, it only does the keyboard and mouse. What can I do other than a fresh install to fix it?23:35
c03or how23:35
HappyHaterrabiddachshund, run gksudo displayconfig-gtk to setuo the monitor/gfx23:35
gyroscopec03, usually ~/.mozilla/plugin23:36
c03gyroscope: how?23:36
LinuxISThow do i force kill?23:36
c03oh okay23:36
CarlFKbug #228548 - that worked, then a kernel update broke it.  anyone know how I can downgrade my kernel?  (I wiped/installed, so I can't boot into it anymore)23:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228548 in ubuntu "Atheros AR242x support broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22854823:36
c03gyroscope: I have an extensions folder =o23:36
c03no plugins23:36
cee4i mean u can make your desktop look more visual mayb with some 3d stuff and effects23:36
c03and a firefox folder23:36
cee4tnx Shujah23:37
c03the extensions folder is pretty much empty23:37
gyroscopec03, you can be create a plugin directory23:37
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c03gyroscope: okay, and..?23:38
Shujahcee4, try screenlets or docks like awn or kiba23:38
HAROLDdo you ppl use VI editor alot ???23:38
gyroscopec03, now you must be create a symbolic link to java plugin file23:38
mrpocketsWhat direcroty is Samba in?23:38
node357HAROLD, no I use nano23:38
mrpocketsor the samba config file rather23:38
c03aw fuck23:38
rabiddachshund happyhater: ok, but it's got me stuck at 800x600 on a 22" monitor23:38
c03gyroscope: How's that done again? =)23:38
kushal1hello, please help me23:39
HAROLDnano ...is that different ot vi editor...because ..i hate that vi ...with all those..commands..-_-!!)23:39
HappyHaterrabiddachshund, yeah, so setup your correct monitor in the displayconfig gui23:39
gyroscopec03, check your installed java packages, where is it?23:39
kitcheHAROLD: nano is more like notepad then vi is more advance23:39
c03gyroscope: /usr/lib/jvm/jre...blabla6/23:39
debCarloskushal1: What's your problem?23:40
Raz0Rhey, when i try and connect to my wireles network i get no dhcp offers. can anyone tell me what might be wrong?23:40
kushal1I am using a desktop with Ubuntu 8.04 I am unable to access the Internet over the wired ethernet23:40
HAROLDokey ..but is it a must ..must i learn it ....or can i skip it ..-_-!!)23:40
gyroscopec03, ok now find libjavaplugin_oji.so file23:40
Raz0Ri get an ip address using ethernet, but not with wireless23:41
javagamerHow do you reload the interfaces file?23:41
phantomcircuitdoes ubuntu use PAM by default?23:42
gyroscopec03, and create a symbolic link to that file with ln -s23:42
c03gyroscope: can't find it =/23:42
gyroscopec03, you can be use find command for that23:43
c03gyroscope: dunno how to search in the whole system23:43
c03with find23:44
rabiddachshundIt's not recognizing my graphics card23:44
c03gyroscope: found it =)23:44
c03gyroscope: There's 2 =O23:44
HappyHaterrabiddachshund, what card?23:45
gyroscopec03, ok create a symbolic link23:45
rabiddachshundHappyHater: It's built into the mobo (I think it's an intel) but all lspci is telling me is that it's an nvidia (which I just took out/rebooted)23:45
c03but there's 223:45
c03gyroscope: I got one in /jre/plugin/ns723:45
gyroscopec03, to ~/.mozilla/plugins (not plugin)23:45
c03gyroscope: and one in /jre/plugin/ns7-gcc2923:45
gyroscopec03, yes right path23:45
c03which one?23:45
gyroscopec03, in ns723:45
Wolvenhavenguys, i want to setup my PC to be a VPN server so i can secure my laptop's wireless traffic when i go to college, how do i setup openvpn on my pc to make it a vpn server?23:45
debCarlosc03: first one23:46
`brookslaptop with a blank hdd won't boot from removables.  using bootp, but need a .hex image. where can i get one?23:46
HappyHaterso you had an nvidia card, but you took it out?23:46
rabiddachshundyes. It sucked.23:46
joseHappyHater my monitor is (ACER AL2016W) and I had available close to my monitor serie was (ACER AL2016WX) but ok works so far but I can't put any effect on the desktop because it ask me for a restart and then when I come back after restart I get low Resolution23:47
c03gyroscope: so the command would look like "ln -s libjavaplugin_oji.so /home/my_nick/.mozilla/plugins" ??23:47
HappyHaterjose, is the restricted driver in use?23:47
josehow do I know23:47
Krakatoai am also having problems with my video23:47
Gaming4JChello I have my Windows PC IP and my Ubuntu IP, what programs or whatever do I need to connect the two computers23:47
HappyHatersystem > admin > hardware drivers23:48
c03Gaming4JC: samba23:48
gyroscopec03, no you must give the full path for libjavaplugin_osi.so23:48
joseis in use23:48
josebut doesnt have the CHECK for enabled23:48
c03gyroscope: okay, but the order was correct?23:48
Gaming4JCany other programs besides Samba?23:48
Krakatoag4jc, depends on what you want to do23:48
HappyHatercheck it, make sure it's enabled23:48
Krakatoaftp, ssh, webservers...23:48
gyroscopec03, order is correct23:49
Wolvenhavenyou could setup ssh23:49
Gaming4JCI want the XP machine to share the internet connection and some directorys from Ubuntu23:49
josenow is enabled23:49
Wolvenhavenyou need to use samba then23:49
joseit asked me for a restart now23:49
akaakahi. my firefox stuck... and i dont want to restart.. is there a windows kind option as control alt delete for linux?23:49
joseshould I?23:49
Gaming4JCI saw a page on it, so I need to install Samba on the Ubuntu, and samba client on Windows? or...23:49
kitcheakaaka: killall firefox-bin in a terminal23:49
HappyHaterok, restart, and if your resolution drops again, run gksudo displayconfig-gtk again and set the monitor up again23:49
mrpocketsreally could use some help getting these files from my Ubuntu box to my 2k3 domain23:50
KrakatoaI have an nvidia 6200 agp and can't get the restricted driver working23:50
msmarccan anyone help me setup a secure ftp server with mysql?23:50
Krakatoacan someone give me some pointers?23:50
HAROLDakkaaka: application - sysstem - system monitor23:50
kushal1debCarlos, are you there?23:50
HappyHaterKrakatoa, try getting the driver from the nvidia site?23:50
KrakatoaI did but not sure how to install it correctly.23:51
HAROLDnvidia ...lol^_^!!) hate it ....got troubles with it to23:51
HappyHatersh /path/to/the/file.run23:51
Krakatoai'm running the amd64 7.1023:51
akaakathx a lot kitche.. it didnt work with firefox-bin23:52
phantomcircuitdoes ubuntu use PAM by default?23:52
rabiddachshundis 64 bit better than 32?23:52
akaakait works simple as killall firefox23:52
phantomcircuitrabiddachshund, yes with one caveot, something are just broken under 6423:52
Krakatoarabid... theoretically yes23:52
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:53
kushal1debCarlos, are you there?23:53
c03gyroscope: Okay, i'm pretty sure it recognizes the Java plugin now! So that's good, BUT, there are still gray rectangles =/23:53
antoniahey, my fglrxinfo reports that i'm using mesa but i should not be23:53
antoniamy restricted drivers managers states i'm not using any restricted drivers nor does it say any drivers are available to use23:53
gyroscopec03, finally check your firefox configuration with about:config23:54
antoniai've installed fglrx and my xorg.conf states fglrx as the driver it should use23:54
mgolischwhat ports does gpg --send-keys need? it doesnt seem to work23:54
c03gyroscope: about:config??23:54
mgolischand is there some option to specify an alternate port?23:54
gyroscopewrite that address bar23:54
namzezamHardy 8.04 update freezes on generating locales  !!!! it is happening now !!! here is the page explaning it : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=90221fad4ea4c9cea22e087a0fc38a3d&t=865679&page=4 , what is the way to go got upgatring to 8.40 ?23:55
legend2440antonia: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide23:55
kushal1hello please help me connect to the Internet on my Ubuntu desktop23:55
c03gyroscope: what am I checking again?23:55
gyroscopepreference name is java.java_plugin_library_name23:56
gyroscopec03, find him23:56
c03gyroscope: value = javaplugin_oji23:57
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gyroscopec03, yes that right23:57
c03found it23:57
gyroscopec03, now try23:58
rafaelscj!squid > rafaelscj23:58
ubotturafaelscj, please see my private message23:58
porterHow does one go about configuring Gnome tpo start at boot?23:58
kushal1please help ... anyone even ubottu23:58
legend2440namzezam: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/24934023:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249340 in langpack-locales "Gutsy->Hardy upgrade hangs in localedef" [High,Triaged]23:59
c03gyroscope: ?23:59
joseHappyHater same low resolution I restarted 3 times already now23:59
namzezamlegend2440: thanks, let me see :)23:59

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