
wrtpeepscan anyone tell me what the icon pack is that xubuntu uses default after install?00:17
wrtpeepsthe xfce icon pack00:17
David-Awrtpeeps: i look in another users settings that i "think" has original xubuntu theme and its "clearlooks". (I am not sure it is the true answer, but it is an answer)00:24
David-Aand it was xubuntu 7.10, dont know about 8.0400:25
wrtpeepsi mean icon theme00:28
wrtpeepsi think clearlooks is a normal theme?00:28
David-Awrtpeeps: maybe this is the defaults: /etc/xdg/xfce4/mcs_settings/gtk.xml00:29
David-Athen theme is "Human" in xubuntu 7.10, and icons "Tango"00:29
industri4lB0yhello, my problem is that  i have installed preload in xubuntu 8.04 hardy, it was suppoused to load in the startup scripts, but even at typing the command /etc/init.d/preload start it shows me a message that says the following: "Starting preload: preload.". however, when i see the executing process list, preload doesn't shows up. could somebody please help me?. Please, i accept private msg too00:39
zoredachedid you check the systlog?00:43
zoredachedid you look at /etc/preload.conf ti see if there was anything that needed to be configured?00:44
industri4lB0yno, i will check it out now00:44
industri4lB0yi have already seen it and the sentences are activated.00:45
industri4lB0ythe problem is that the daemon, doesn´t loads00:47
zoredacheand there is nothing in syslog, dmesg, daemon.log when it starts?00:47
industri4lB0y/etc/inid.d/preload start and .... Starting preload: preload.00:47
industri4lB0yno, it´s empty the file daemon.log00:49
zoredachehow are you running '/etc/inid.d/preload start' ?00:53
zoredacheyou are root when you do that or you are calling with sudo right?00:53
industri4lB0ysudo too00:53
industri4lB0yit´s the same thing00:53
zoredachenot entirely...00:54
zoredachesudo partely inherits the enviroment of the user running it.  In weird cases I have seen this cause problems00:55
industri4lB0yok, i will do it now, as root00:55
zoredacheyou might try an 'sudo -i' which will give you a root shell with a clean enviroment00:55
industri4lB0y /etc/init.d/preload start00:56
industri4lB0yStarting preload: preload.00:56
industri4lB0yroot == #00:56
zoredacheall I am doing is randomly guessing... You might want to look and see if there is an IRC channel or mail list specifically devoted to preload... You could also check in #ubuntu.00:58
Syderobut it's probably in wikia.ubuntu.org00:59
zoredacheWell I had just installed preload, and it seemed to start fine on my system... Not that helps you at all00:59
SyderoI'd imagine you'd have to configure preload01:00
industri4lB0yno, in ubuntu nobody answers01:00
Syderofor each app01:00
SyderoI doubt it would preload everything01:00
Syderobut it could01:00
SyderoTo monitor your resources used by Preload type the command01:03
Sydero    sudo tail -f /var/log/preload.log01:03
industri4lB0ypreload.log error is:01:15
industri4lB0yfailed reading state from /var/lib/preload/preload.state: line 186: invalid syntax01:16
zoredacheI would be tempted to deleted (or move) the file /var/lib/preload/preload.state01:16
zoredacheso you start with an empty state01:17
Syderowhat's on line 186?01:17
Syderoyeah probably01:17
industri4lB0yapt-get remove --purge preload and aptitude install preload and... preload run!!!! run forest!!01:24
Syderothat's a bit redundant :S01:25
Syderoapt-get purge preload01:25
Syderoworks too01:25
chillanyone about to give me a hand?01:33
zoredache!anyone | chill01:33
ubottuchill: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:33
chilli have a terminal window loading on boot to /etc and i need to figure-out what is calling it up on boot, searched the forums, but i dont think i know what to look for to find what my problem is01:34
zoredacheA terminal?  You mean when you boot up you see a gui with a terminal, or?01:35
zoredacheis this after you login?01:36
chillboot, gui login, loads desktop, panels, and first workspace has terminal in /etc loaded; before i went through every panel item that i added i was wondering if there was a log (saving me from rebooting 5-6 times)01:37
chillits an older laptop and does take 30-45 sec... bit annoying01:37
zoredacheok, so you get a terminal after you login that you aren't expecting?  Things like that are frequently from session saving01:38
zoredacheclose the terminal, logout and make sure you check the box to save your session01:38
bassboiyeah, had that issue01:39
bassboione time i logged in with no top panel, and my WM was wonky01:39
bassboihad no title bars with minimize, shade, close, expand buttons01:39
chillthe "save session for future logins" option on the shutdown / suspend / hibernate dialog box ?01:40
chillok - i will have to try that in a bit, downloading ubuntu for my other laptop (hd died, good thing for warranties)01:40
bassboiexactly it01:41
chillthanks for the help01:41
chillany personal experience with speedstep on p3 laptop ?01:41
zoredacheif that doesn't help you might also try just deleting (or moving) everything in '.cache/xsession'01:41
bassboii have a script for my xchat to get song info from banshee thru dbus... it's being a pain01:44
bassboionly worked once01:44
bassboiany advice?01:44
Syderowrite a better script?01:45
bassboibanshee told me one time that there was a problem with dbus01:45
bassboinot being able to communicate01:45
bassboilet me test01:45
* bassboi is listening to: "Wasteland" by 10 Years on The Autumn Effect; Rated: Not Rated. (0:05/3:50)01:45
Syderoit works01:46
bassboiit works now...01:46
Syderothus communication is not the problem01:46
bassboiok then, fool is i01:46
chillwhich cpu scaler is the most effective in xfce ? (ive had problems w/ cpufreqd, powernowd, powersave, trying to configure cpudyne now), any suggestions for a p3 laptop?01:48
chillscratch that - trying to configure cpufreqd01:48
bassboiwow. audio sounds WAY better on xubuntu than winxp01:49
chillanyone have experience with "cpufreq-selector" and boottime script?03:28
TrilliumI'm trying to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04, but it stops at "Generating locales...". Anyone able to help out?04:42
generalsnusThe past week i have tried to come up with a solution for authenticating linux clients to W2k3 AD, and also mount the users /home folders when they login, with no extra authentication. seems that the mounting of /home..is the biggest problem here. so if this aint possible. is there a "easy" howto..to do the same thing with a openLDAP server as authentication?05:13
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adamw9678Hay. dose any1 know how to get the touch screen working on a Fujitus siemens B-2131?09:05
adamw9678Any1 ?09:18
TheSheepadamw9678: I guess not. You can check the forums or google09:18
=== whaletales is now known as aptanet
int13hey there, I need some help for xubuntu. I'm trying to install it on a 64MB toshiba laptop, but it seems that it crashesh on USB drivers. Do you know where I can find another inird image, which doesn;t have usb-uhci in it???10:49
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RaverWildhello people. new to linux. have ubuntu with gnome. want to try xfce. is it safe to install xfce? what would happen to my programs already installed for gnome? could i be able to still run them same way as gnome could run kde apps?11:58
ffoegboyi have just installed (dual booted) xubuntu (for the first time)  on a HP2133 mini notebook, interestingly I first tried the alternate iso which didnt work but the standard iso worked fine although i had to add xforcevesa to the boot at the start13:24
bassboii mounted a ntfs partition in xubuntu, and now the windows install on the drive doesn't want to boot, and windows setup says it's an unknown partition... am i screwed?14:45
TheSheepbassboi: can you still read it under linux?14:46
TheSheepbassboi: maybe you didn't unmount it properly?14:46
bassboioh wow14:46
bassboican i reboot the live CD and unmount it?14:47
bassboii didn't unmount it :| now that you say that14:47
TheSheepif you closed the system proper\ly, it should also unmount automatically14:48
bassboihm odd14:50
bassboii remember the terminal telling me that it would clear some sort of cache14:50
bassboibeing it was a ntfs-3g mount14:51
Raz0Rhello, whenever i try and apply new settings for my wifi adapter, the system freezes and i have to cut the power to restart? any idea?16:45
dingdangdonghave problem setting resolution in my newly-installed xubuntu 8.04.117:44
dingdangdongany help?17:44
Raz0Rhi can anyone help me? i can't boot into my -21 kernel. everything loads ok, except i get fail on starting basic networking. it carries on but when it comes to starting the logon screen i just have a black scren, i can do nothing? please help me?17:52
Raz0Reverythings fine if i use -19 kernel17:52
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
paolohi. is fluxbuntu lighter than xubuntu ?22:11
Raz0Rhi how do i remove my wireless driver so  i can change it to a ndiswrapper one?22:32
crimsununload it, then configure ndiswrapper, then load ndiswrapper.22:33
FrancescoDaVinciheyy anybody speak spanish???23:08
FrancescoDaVincianybody knows xubuntu irc chat in spanish?23:08
Genelykyo ablo español23:11
FrancescoDaVincitigre algun canal en español de xubuntu?23:11
FrancescoDaVincidonde haya gente23:11
Genelykno ay23:11
FrancescoDaVinciehhh que crudo23:11
FrancescoDaVincibueno hay que pelearla así!23:11
FrancescoDaVinciusas xubuntu vos?23:12
Genelyksino no estaria  aki XD!23:12
FrancescoDaVincibien genio! entonces quizá me pueda ayudar...23:12
Genelykcontal q no sea de compiz ni de el awn23:12
FrancescoDaVinciviste que cuando queres poner las dos barras que te trae , seria las barra de tareas y donde estan los programas y el relojito23:12
Genelykya q tiene23:13
Genelykse llaman paneles23:13
FrancescoDaVincise me superponen cuando las quiero poner las 2 abajo23:13
FrancescoDaVincieso los paneles23:13
Genelyklos q salen arriba y abajo de la pantalla23:13
FrancescoDaVincisi los pongo a los 2 abajo se me superponen23:13
Genelyk nu se23:14
Genelykaver dejame ver23:14
FrancescoDaVinciprobá poner las 2 abajo o las 2 arriba23:14
Genelykya lkas vi23:15
Genelyk uno esconde a la otr23:15
FrancescoDaVincialguien la cagó con eso23:16
Genelykq necesidad existe de poner los dos paneles de un mismo lado23:20
FrancescoDaVincino sé23:24
FrancescoDaVincino se supone que uno lo hace simplemente así porque lo desea?23:24
Genelykconstumbre parece de windows23:33
Genelyksi claro es " linux es libertad hacer loq uno desea, siempre  y cuando tenga los conocmientos necesarios !"23:34

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