
Odd_Blokejam: Is it possible the branch you were having issues with is a loom?00:21
jamOdd_Bloke: no00:21
jamIt happened *after* the process finished00:22
jamnot at the beginning00:22
jamjelmer: he gave a lot of caveats and problems, but he didn't really say what it was supposed to do00:23
jamIs this the xml-rpc service?00:23
jamOr is it a different UI ?00:23
jamAh, I guess anjunta is another IDE00:23
jamI hadn't heard of it before00:23
jelmerjam: yeah, it is00:23
jelmerit's a GTK+ based on00:23
Odd_Blokejam: Hmm, OK.  No ideas remain. :)00:24
jelmerWhy does TreeDelta have an unchanged field?01:52
jelmerIt makes it very hard to implement an optimized version of it since knowing what was unchanged requires retrieving full contents rather than an actual delta :-(01:52
lifelesstreedelta is very old01:53
lifelessI'd look at changing whatever needs it to not need it :)01:53
markhis there an - err - canonical version of bzr.png anywhere?03:40
jelmermarkh, something like http://bazaar-vcs.org/LogoOptions ?03:41
markhjelmer: something very much like that - thanks!03:42
markhinteresting - the copy of bzr.ico there is different than in bzr.dev - bzr.dev doesn't have a transparent background, which I was looking to "fix"03:43
RAOFDear me, loggerhead looks _so_ _much_ better_.  Good job!03:50
evarlastnew loggerhead?04:06
* evarlast updates04:06
Peng_evarlast: There isn't a new release, but the trunk is very nice. https://code.launchpad.net/~loggerhead-team/loggerhead/trunk04:38
RAOFI was just looking at the loggerhead on edge.04:39
Peng_Is it just me, or could a bunch of the branches on https://code.launchpad.net/loggerhead be marked as Merged?04:43
RAOFbzr upgrade over sftp is not a lightning-fast operation.05:00
RAOFThinking of which, would it be possible to have a nice big "upgrade this branch to $DEFAULT_FORMAT" button on launchpad?05:01
Peng_I like that idea. I guess you should file a bug.05:05
RAOFWhat's codehosting's tracker?05:11
Peng_I'd throw it in launchpad-bazaar, but I might be wrong.05:11
Peng_Yeah, that sounds right.05:12
rockstarThat is right05:14
RAOFbug #254135 filed.  Feel free to comment/triage.05:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254135 in launchpad-bazaar "Add UI to upgrade a hosted bzr branch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25413505:31
^momorning :)07:58
Odd_Bloke^mo: Morning. :)07:58
^moi am currently looking into misusing Bazaar (and other DRCS)08:02
^mothe idea is to use a DRCS to backup and synchronize my files on multiple machines. mostly photos, binary documents (office), you name it.08:03
^moit's a shame there is no good dedicated tool to do that. so i thought about building one on top of a DRCS08:04
^mothe idea is to monitor specified directories for changes, auto-commit them into a local repository, and auto-sync that to other repositories, either on my server or to other machines directly.08:05
^moso, i'm evalutating different DRCS for that08:08
^mounfortunately i seem to be the only one considering this "misuse"08:08
weigon_^mo: rsync is doing the big part of that08:49
^mobut it doesn't do revisions, does it?08:54
scorpioxyhey guys. Quick question, is there something like merge --preview but for a heavyweight checkout? As in, preview the changes before updating.09:30
=== davi_ is now known as davi
lifelessscorpioxy_: sorry no10:18
lifelessscorpioxy_: should be straight forward to do if you'd like to file a bug10:18
scorpioxy_lifeless: so you think this is something that other people might want? My use case is for a looking at changes first instead of reverting later...10:44
scorpioxy_lifeless: if you say that it is straight forward to do, then i'll try and implement it myself.10:46
lifelessscorpioxy_: /away10:49
lifelessscorpioxy_: I think its something that other folk might use yes10:49
lifelessand it makes sense to offer 'dry run' style things for commands where we can10:49
lifelessrobtaylor: excellent10:49
scorpioxy_lifeless: yes, i thought so too...thank you10:50
RAOFHm.  So, one of the problems with the crazy-long bzr upgrade-over-sftp process is that it appears that people can try to branch the repo while it's happening, and get not-particularly-helpful error messages for their trouble.10:53
lifelessRAOF: yes11:03
RAOFlifeless: Is there a bug already filed about that?11:04
lifelessRAOF: its kindof by design11:05
lifelessRAOF: I don't think there is an explicit bug; be worth having one11:05
RAOFKindof by design that people can try to branch from a repo in the process of being upgraded?11:06
lifelesswe don't have read locks on branch or repository11:06
lifelessnor a thing to check to see if someone is doing operations like reconcile/upgrade11:07
gourwhat's the ETA for 1.6?11:07
lifelessand we wouldn't want one that is costly/problematic11:07
RAOFWhere are my CDs dissappearing to?  Now I can't find Eternal Nightcap or White Blood Cells.  Grr11:07
RAOFBut a bug to sit around and track that it's a real problem isn't a bad thing.11:07
lifelessgour: soon; don't know exactly11:07
RAOFI've already filed a bug that, if implemented, would almost eliminate this problem - a Launchpad button for upgrade.11:08
lifelessRAOF: doesn't eliminate the problem at all11:08
RAOFNo, but it makes it vastly less likely that someone will hit it.11:08
lifelessRAOF: not really11:09
lifelessRAOF: there are many people that host their own branches over sftp11:09
RAOFBut they will often/mostly have shell access to the host box?11:09
lifelessRAOF: if they are hosting over sftp no11:10
RAOFIt makes it vastly less likely that _I_ will hit it.11:10
lifelesswell only you can assess that :)11:10
lifelesswhy are you hitting it? LP has a public mirror that should protect you from hitting it on other peoples branches11:10
RAOFIt wasn't me who hit it, but I was upgrading the do trunk and someone tried to pull and got a missing revision error.11:11
RAOFSince the upgrade took somewhat in the order of an hour, there seems to be a nice big window for breakage.11:12
RAOFI can hunt down the exact error message if it'd be helpful.11:12
lifelessupgrade is roughly11:13
lifelessdelete the repository11:14
lifelessmake a new one11:14
lifelessfetch from the backup11:14
gour...so, bzr-svn will follow 1.6 shortly11:15
lifelessI don't know11:16
gourjelmer (is he the author) told so11:16
gouris there any 'bzr-idiom' for naming feature branches in shared repo for e.g. project 'prj' ?11:18
lifelessI don't understand the question11:19
lifelessa shared repo is just disk usage optimisation, doesn't change naming or anything11:21
gourright, but if I have shared repo for the project named 'prj' any idea how to name a branch based on 'prj' which reprsents work on certain feature/bug-fix etc. ?11:23
lifelessI'd name branches after the feature or bug fix11:26
gourwithout 'prj' in the name?11:26
lifelessentirely up to you11:26
lifelessbut if you have the project name in the url already, its a bit redundant to have it in the branch basename as well11:27
gourit's a 'local' project - my study notes11:27
gourthanks for the input11:28
gourjust pulled latest code from your search plugin ;)11:30
gourlifeless: hmm, what's this - http://rafb.net/p/2UMbPn85.html11:32
lifelessthat branch needs 1.6b411:33
gourwhen was 1.6b4 released?11:34
gouri built bzr from repo yesterday, r359611:34
lifelessyou sure you are using that bzr?11:36
lifelessbzr 1.6b3 on python 2.5.2 (linux2)11:36
lifelessarguments: ['/usr/bin/bzr', 'index']11:36
gourlifeless: see http://rafb.net/p/tbz8zT49.html11:37
lifelessthat says 1.6b311:38
lifeless3596 is after 1.6b4, you have not installed that11:40
gourbuilt and installed yesterday11:41
lifelessclearly not!11:41
lifelessfind the directory you have 3596 in11:41
lifelessrun ./bzr --version11:41
gour[root@nitai gour]# ls -al /var/abs/local/gaur/bzr-bzr-3596-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz11:41
gour-rw-r--r-- 1 gour gour 4141984 2008-08-01 14:58 /var/abs/local/gaur/bzr-bzr-3596-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz11:41
gouri got nothing for ./bzr11:42
gouri'll remove that pkg and re-build11:44
lifelessrobertc@lifeless-64:~/source/baz/bzr.dev$ ./bzr version --short11:48
lifelessrobertc@lifeless-64:~/source/baz/bzr.dev$ ./bzr revno11:48
gourre-built the package and now I get 1.6.b4 and same r3596...strange :-/11:48
gourhmm, commiting one patch takes quite loooooong11:50
gourwhen i'm finished with the feature or bug-fix and merge changes into 'trunk', i can safely dismiss feature/bug-fix branches ?11:54
james_wonce it's merged the revisions are linked in to another branch, so you can delete the one that you created them in, without risk of losing them11:57
gourwith darcs one had to be careful if some patch went 'out' and then it was rm-ed in another repo11:58
gourjames_w: it looks someone listened and tried with newer bzr - http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/DarcsEvaluation?action=diff&version=5912:00
james_wwell, that's an improvement12:00
gourright. i did not got any reply from JaffaCake after sending him some bzr-ad-info, but maybe he took a look12:02
luksstill too slow to downloads 90MB of data12:02
gourhaving ghc switch from darcs will impact the whole haskell community. it may happen that the whole hackage.haskell.org will adopt something else12:03
gourbased on that wiki page, it looks that cherry-picking is the major Cons of bzr12:03
luksthat is what I don't understnad, because git and hg are no better in that area12:04
gourluks: have you seen that page?12:05
luksyes, somebody posted the link here a few days ago12:05
gouryou can add (as guest) some more relevant info12:05
luksheh, no I won't :)12:06
gourwhy not?12:06
gourgit/hg users do the same12:06
luksI just don't promote things, unless they are really good12:06
gourbzr isn't?12:07
luksI don't think so12:07
gouri'd say it is on the level of hg and being simpler/safer than git12:07
luksI'm not saying it's worse than git or hg, it's better IMO, but it's not "really good"12:08
gourwell, that's not pragmatic...we have to live with what we have NOW12:08
gourand project are switching to new VCSs NOW, not sometime in the future12:08
luksI do live with what we have now, so I use bzr, but I'm not going to promote it :)12:08
lifelessyou know12:09
* gour promotes things which he uses NOW12:09
lifelessthat git - bzr difference is around about the size difference in groupcompress12:09
gour...and i'm sure bzr will catch those performance issues to not be issues any longer12:10
gouranyway, here is the url for anyone inspired to add some objective info to it - http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/DarcsEvaluation12:11
gourguest/guest are credentials12:12
rockyjelmer: hey... when i bzr checkout a svn trunk, and make commits to it directly and then run bzr update, it pulls down the same commits i just made to be committed again14:57
rockyam i doing something wrong?14:57
jelmerrocky, that doesn't sound right14:58
jelmerwhat version of bzr, bzr-svn?14:58
rockybzr 1.514:58
rockylemme check bzr-svn14:58
rockybzr-svn 0.4.1014:59
jelmerrocky: Can you pastebin some example output of doing a commit and an update?15:00
rockybzr commit's to svn are still very very slow15:02
jelmerthat should be a fair bit better with 0.4.1115:04
rockyjelmer: http://cluebin.appspot.com/pasted/56115:04
jelmerrocky, how slow is slow?15:07
jelmerseconds, minutes?15:07
rockywell, to do that commit of that recurring item takes about 50sec or so15:07
jelmerwow, ok15:08
jelmerI'm trying to figure out what's going wrong15:09
jelmergive me a few minutes15:10
jelmerbeuno, pin15:10
rockyhehe, k15:19
AnMasterhttp://rafb.net/p/2SLT6g34.html <-- I get that traceback from bzr15:35
AnMasterwhat should I do15:35
AnMasterwhat I did was:15:35
AnMasterbzr rm util-linux-ng15:35
AnMasterthen bzr st crash with that error15:36
spivAnMaster: I think that error might be fixed in bzr.dev15:36
AnMasterspiv, well how do I get my repo working again15:37
AnMasterI need it working now15:37
AnMasterhow can I restore it to working order15:37
AnMasterspiv, I need help with that!15:37
AnMasterspiv, how can I get the repo working again!?15:38
spivAnMaster: so if you're comfortable running a copy of bzr.dev (just "bzr branch http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev", then run bzr from the bzr.dev directory), I'd try that.15:38
AnMasterspiv, is that the only way?15:38
AnMasterto restore the repo15:38
spivAnMaster: your repo is fine, as is your branch15:38
spivAnMaster: the only part that's having a problem is the workingtree15:39
james_wAnMaster: "mkdir util-linux-ng; bzr add util-linux-ng; bzr st; bzr rm util-linux-ng" fixes it I believe15:39
AnMasterjames_w, not sure...15:39
spivAnMaster: so another thing you can do is "bzr branch . ../new-copy" and resume work from that15:40
AnMasterit looks very strange now15:40
james_wthat is a bit odd15:40
AnMasterspiv, ah thanks that worked15:40
spivNot really, "bzr add" adds new files.15:40
spivIf you want to restore old files, use "bzr revert" (or potentially bzr add --file-ids-from).15:41
AnMasterspiv, bzr revert did also crash15:41
AnMasteractually not crash first time:15:41
AnMasterbzr: ERROR: No such file: u'/home/anmaster/abs/standard-recompiled/util-linux-ng/cryptoloop-support.patch'15:41
AnMasterwhen I tried to revert15:41
AnMasteranyway branch worked15:42
spivThat's probably caused by the same bug, I'd guess.15:42
spivAnMaster: that's good news15:42
spivIt's late here, so I'm off to bed.15:42
spivAnMaster: please file a bug with that traceback and if possible information to help us reproduce15:42
AnMasterspiv, hm I got no idea how to reproduce, I can't even manage to reproduce myself15:43
spivAnMaster: ok, just the traceback is fine then.15:43
AnMasterhm ok15:44
AnMasterspiv, bug tracker is on launchpad right?15:44
spivAnMaster: I suspect we may already have that bug in our bug tracker (and possibly even have it fixed for the upcoming 1.6 release), but it's good to make sure we're not missing things.15:44
AnMasterhrrm then to figure out if it exists15:44
spiv(Especially bugs that are hard for non-experts to recover from!)15:44
spivAnMaster: if you're not sure, if it takes too long to figure out if it's already report, just quickly file a new bug anyway.15:45
AnMasteryou got a few with the same text "Could not find target parent in wt" but I got no clue if they have the same cause15:45
spivAnMaster: it's quite easy to mark a bug as a duplicate, it's harder to take a bug report and say "oh and the 'me too' in comment 11 is actually a different bug that just looked similar" :)15:45
AnMasteractually I think I used normal (non-bzr) rm on some files that I did bzr add on but hadn't commited15:46
AnMasterthen did bzr rm on the directory that I added and didn't commit15:46
AnMasterwhere those files were located15:46
AnMasterspiv, can you reproduce that way?15:46
spivAnMaster: I'm sorry, I'm actually nodding off (it's past midnight here)15:47
spivAnMaster: it sounds plausible, though15:47
AnMasterunable to reproduce that way15:47
spivAnMaster: thanks for your patience, and I'm glad we got you going again.15:47
* spiv -> bed15:47
AnMasterah no I need to commit after adding15:48
AnMasterthen it crashes15:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254220 in bzr "Crash on rm on file, bzr rm on directory and then bzr st" [Undecided,New]15:52
dwtjelmer: You there?15:53
jelmerdwt, hi15:53
dwtI talked to you some days ago about bzr-svn always crashing on startup on my mashine15:53
dwt(mac, leopard, fink)15:53
dwtWell, I found the problem15:53
dwt(well one of the problems :)15:54
dwtBut I'm not sure what the right way to fix it would be15:54
dwtThe problem is, that on os x with fink15:54
dwtthe subversion libraries are in /sw/lib/svn1515:54
dwtinstead of /usr/lib where setup.py is setup to expect them15:54
dwt(while the headers reside in /sw/include....15:55
dwtThis caused setup.py to link against an old version in /usr/lib which caused the crash15:56
dwt(subversion 1.4 there)15:56
jelmerdwt, subversion 1.4 should work as well though15:57
dwtit used libapr in the latest version from fink though15:57
dwtmaybe that was the reason for the crash then?15:57
jelmerdwt, yeah, I guess conflicting aprs may be a problem15:58
dwtWhat do you think would be the best solution to this problem? I'd rather use the fink installed libraries than the apple provieded (those ar always very old)16:00
dwtBut looking at the setup.py (and me not knowing a lot about it) I see no simple way to just tell it to look at  a specific point in my filesystem for it's libraries16:01
dwtand headers16:01
jelmerit will try to find the apr-config utility16:06
jelmermake sure the apr-config instance it should use is first in your $PATH16:06
dwtyeah, that works and is correctly overridden by fink16:06
dwtThat doesn't work for subversion though16:07
dwt(or maybe I'm missing something)16:08
jelmerdwt, one sec, I'll add some magic for that16:12
dwtjelmer: cool!16:12
dwtjelmer: svn libraries are in /sw/lib/svn15, while headers are in /sw/include/subversion-116:12
jelmerI've added a SVN_PREFIX environment variable16:13
jelmer(0.4 branch of bzr-svn)16:13
dwtdoes that account for an (IMO dumb) name choice like svn15 for the library dir?16:13
dwtinstead of just svn?16:13
dwtjelmer: well it almost works, just a small copy'n'past error16:19
dwt=== modified file 'setup.py'16:20
dwt--- setup.py2008-08-02 15:12:53 +000016:20
dwt+++ setup.py2008-08-02 15:17:57 +000016:20
dwt@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@16:20
dwt                 svn_prefix = basedir16:20
dwt                 break16:20
dwt     if svn_prefix is not None:16:20
dwt-        return ([os.path.join(basedir, "include/subversion-1")],16:20
dwt-                [os.path.join(basedir, "lib")], [])16:20
dwt+        return ([os.path.join(svn_prefix, "include/subversion-1")],16:20
dwt+                [os.path.join(svn_prefix, "lib")], [])16:20
dwt     raise Exception("Subversion development files not found. "16:20
dwt                     "Please set SVN_PREFIX environment variable. ")16:20
dwt 16:20
dwt(I believe)16:20
dwtOther than that, I've just got to solve the problem of my package manager insisting to put the svn libraries in a folder called svn15 instead of just svn16:20
dwtjelmer: I was able to build it by doing a second patch:16:27
dwt=== modified file 'setup.py'16:27
dwt--- setup.py2008-08-02 15:20:48 +000016:27
dwt+++ setup.py2008-08-02 15:25:44 +000016:27
dwt@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@16:27
dwt                 break16:27
dwt     if svn_prefix is not None:16:27
dwt         return ([os.path.join(svn_prefix, "include/subversion-1")],16:27
dwt-                [os.path.join(svn_prefix, "lib")], [])16:28
dwt+                [os.path.join(svn_prefix, "lib/svn15")], [])16:28
dwt     raise Exception("Subversion development files not found. "16:28
dwt                     "Please set SVN_PREFIX environment variable. ")16:28
dwt 16:28
dwtHowever I don't think that this could go into the repo16:28
jelmeryeah, indeed16:28
dwtWhat do you think would be the most 'not ugly' solution to this?16:29
dwtAnother environment variable seems very wastefull16:29
dwtthough I honestly don't know of any alternative16:29
dwtmaybe having SVN_LIB_DIR and SVN_INCLUDE_DIR would be a bit better?16:29
PilkyIs bzr really the only VCS that lets you work over S/FTP?16:31
dwtjelmer: Success! Now I get an exception in check_subversion_version() in __init__.py :)16:34
jelmerdwt: patches are welcome :-)16:34
dwtjelmer: :) I'm looking into it16:35
dwtregarding the setup.py16:35
dwtwould you accept a patch with two environment variables that are preffered if set?16:35
Pilkybob2: which other VCSs support it?16:36
dwtjelmer: Do I need to run anything else besides make to build a fully functional svn plugin?16:39
jelmerdwt, no, that should be sufficient16:39
dwtbecause the error is that it cannot load the client module16:39
dwtImportError: cannot import name client16:39
jelmerdwt, can you pastebin the full backtrace perhaps?16:40
bob2Pilky: arch!16:40
dwtin __init__.py on line 9816:40
dwtany paste preffered?16:40
jelmerdwt, never mind, it was the line number I was after16:40
jelmerdwt, make should've built a client.so or something in the bzr-svn directory16:40
dwtjelmer: well it did, and it also seems as if it is linked up correctly16:41
dwtdwt@dwcp ~/.bazaar/plugins/svn % ll client.so16:41
dwt-rwxrwxr-x  1 dwt  dwt  196728  2 Aug 17:37 client.so*16:41
dwtdwt@dwcp ~/.bazaar/plugins/svn % otool -L client.so16:41
dwt/sw/lib/svn15/libsvn_client-1.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)16:41
dwt/sw/lib/svn15/libsvn_subr-1.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)16:41
dwt/sw/lib/libapr-0.0.dylib (compatibility version 10.0.0, current version 10.12.0)16:41
dwt/usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)16:41
dwt/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 111.1.1)16:41
Pilkybob2: ah, well it's still a surprisingly rare feature given how useful it is, I'm surprised more isn't made of it16:42
jelmerdwt, perhaps it's some MacOSX-specific feature :-(16:42
dwtlets, see16:43
dwtwhat is the easiest way to get pyton to give me a debugger at that point? (I'm still not very good at python myself sadly)16:43
jelmernot sure if you need a debugger here, probably just a python prompt16:45
jelmeryou should be able to get one by simply running "python"16:46
rockyjelmer: don't suppose you saw anything blatantly wrong with the paste i showed earlier? where it was recommitting the same thing?16:46
jelmerrocky, sorry, I got distracted while I was looking into that16:46
jelmerrocky, There's nothing obviously wrong16:47
dwtuhm... importing client.so from python directly works extremely fine.16:47
jelmerrocky, can you perhaps file a bug so it at least doesn't get forgotten?16:47
jelmerI still intend to have a look at it soon, since I presume this blocks you from actually using bzr-svn?16:48
dwtjelmer: trying from bzrlib.plugins.svn import client  however gives an error16:48
jelmerdwt, you need to tell bzr to load its plugins first16:49
dwt-> the same that happens in the scrept16:49
jelmere.g. "from bzrlib.plugin import load_plugins; load_plugins()"16:49
dwtI'l try16:49
dwtstill the same error16:49
dwtwell not really16:50
dwtinterestingly if I try "from bzrlib.plugins.svn import client"16:50
dwtit goes through __init__.py16:50
dwtand dies there at the same line that it dies when loading the plugin in bzr16:50
dwt(that is line 98)16:51
dwtif I change that to drop the "from bzrlib.plugins.svn"16:51
dwtit works16:51
dwt(that is, it throws at a similar line further into the script16:52
dwtjelmer: It seems it somehow doesn't think of itself as 'bzrlib.plugins.svn'16:53
dwtwhen being in place16:53
dwtjelmer: Do you have any idea why that might happen - or am I completely on the wrong ship here?17:05
jelmerdwt, No idea, sorry17:05
dwt:) Ah well.17:05
jelmerdwt, you could try removing the "bzrlib.plugins.svn." prefix everywhere it comes up17:05
jelmersince it should work as well with relative imports17:05
jelmerbut I have no idea what's going on that's breaking it17:06
dwtjust a second17:06
dwtsame here17:06
kiorkydoes anyone has knowledge about the bzr webserve plugin ? It seems to exist a branch wich support collections ala hgwebdir. Did anyone ever tried that ?17:08
kiorkyi mean : https://code.launchpad.net/~fdivbug/bzr-webserve/collections17:09
jelmerkiorky, any particular reason you're looking into webserve rather than loggerhead?17:11
kiorkyjelmer: publishing a bunch of repositories17:11
jelmerI don't think webserve is maintained very actively anymore17:11
kiorkyjelmer: ha, i may be wrong with webserve usage17:12
kiorkyjelmer: can i clone over "webserve" ? Because that is what i was thinking.17:12
jelmerkiorky, afaik not17:12
kiorkyjelmer: to do something similar of hgwebdir17:12
kiorkyjelmer: like http://hg.minitage.org17:13
jelmerkiorky, something like http://bzr-playground.gnome.org/?17:13
kiorkyjelmer: To sum up, my goal is to achieve that, with bzr17:13
jelmerkiorky, it's probably worth asking the loggerhead developers about17:14
kiorkyjelmer: yep17:14
kiorkyjelmer: the page you gave me is a loggerhead thing, isnt it ?17:16
bob2is a hg "repository" along the lines of a bzr branch?17:18
kiorkyjelmer: i cliked on a tag, to http://bzr-playground.gnome.org/gnome-doc-utils/trunk/, then i can branch that. What i want to ask: are the modules in the same repo or there are multiple repos ?17:18
jelmerkiorky, multiple repositories17:18
kiorkyjelmer: so what i will have to do is to setup loggehead, isnt it ? :)17:19
kiorkyjelmer: what i do not understand is the magic for "branching", its loggerhead but i did branch on it... What is the boilerplate between the real repo and loggerhead ?17:20
jelmerkiorky, sorry, I'm not following17:22
kiorkyjelmer: i read the doc and answered to my question :p17:24
kiorkyjelmer: if i have something like that: a/.bzr b/.bzr b/c/d/f/r/e/.bzr, a and b would be served without problems i think, but will e be served ?17:25
jelmerkiorky: If b/ is a branch, no. If it is just a shared repository, then e will be served17:26
kiorkyjelmer: someone told me about the nested tree support17:28
kiorkyjelmer: do you know if there is something usable or testable atm ?17:28
jelmerkiorky: there is experimental support for nested trees, not sure what branch it is in though17:29
jelmerLarstiQ: ping17:29
bob2are you sure you wanted nested branches in your repository?17:29
kiorkyi like tree organization17:29
kiorkyi dont know how to do without nesting things17:30
bob2nesting is fine, but what would 'e' and 'b' be, for example?17:30
kiorkyi dont want to have to checkout from the root to get just a leaf, i prefer a bunch of repo17:30
bob2that is not how bzr works17:31
bob2(depending on what you mean)17:31
kiorkybob2: in hg.minitage.org, the "minitage" will be "b" , and "minitage.paste" will be e17:31
bob2in bzr, 'b' and 'e' would be unrelated17:33
bob2repositories just contain a bunch of branches that share storage17:33
kiorkyyep, but i just need to have a mean to serve them throught http, in a tree view that reflects their organization on the filesystem17:34
bob2right, but what would 'b' actually contain?17:34
bob2a bare buildout or something?17:34
kiorkymostly just containers direcfories, but i can also turn them into real repositories to drop inside a 'README' for example17:35
bob2do you mean "branch" when you say "repositories"?17:36
kiorkybob2: yep17:37
kiorkybob2: "GET /projects/cryptelium.net/a/b/c/ HTTP/1.1" 404, so it does not work :)18:06
bob2dunno what that is18:07
kiorkybob2: i just created a repo in "/projects/cryptelium.net" and another one in "/projects/cryptelium.net/a/b/c/" and tried to see t in loggerhead.18:09
bob2ok, never used that18:09
nekohayouh, wtf18:23
nekohayowhy is it telling me strange stuff about locks?18:24
bob2your commit failed18:26
bob2perhaps bzr is still running18:26
bob2if you are sure it is not, bzr break-lock file:///home/jeff/18:27
nekohayobob2: I did a killall bzr, so it shouldn't be running, didn't find it in htop either18:30
nekohayoseems to work, thanks!18:32
kiorkyjelmer: bob2 what is the mechanism which allow me to branch over loggerhead there  : http://bzr-playground.gnome.org/glib-java/trunk/19:00
kiorkyjelmer: bob2 i have a repo served by loggerhead, but i cant directly branch over it.19:00
bob2does hg work over bare http?19:01
kiorkybob2: you need either "hg serve" or a cgi.19:03
Peng_Yes, it does, kinda/mostly.19:12
Peng_kiorky: I don't think Loggerhead is involved with that. I bet the web server is just set up to send /foo/bar/ to Loggerhead and serve /foo/bar/.bzr/ directly.19:14
Peng_...Which would be the same setup as Launchpad.19:17
kiorkyPeng_: ha great to know19:42
kiorkyPeng_: maybe do you know some post/docs to achieve that ?19:42
kiorkyPeng_: i mean, they do that with LocationMath or such ?19:44
kiorkyPeng_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+bug/248897 :p19:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248897 in loggerhead "Teach loggerhead about trunk and user branches" [Low,Confirmed]19:46
Peng_FWIW, there is discussion about hafing Loggerhead support serving branches directly.19:51
beunojelmer, pong20:02
beunojames_w, thanks for all the patches  :)20:16
james_wbeuno: no problem20:16
james_wbeuno: I think my friend and I are going to work a kind of tutorial for using bzr and bzr-upload and fitting it in to your workflow. Possibly to become a presentation at an upcoming conference.20:18
beunojames_w, oh, that's getting very interesting!   What conference?20:19
james_wsomething in Toronto I think, she'll be presenting, not me.20:20
james_wwe'll surely be asking for feedback on it20:20
beunojames_w, I'll surely be happy to provide it  :)20:20
* beuno wonders how loggerhead copes with stacked branches20:26
beunolet's try...20:26
=== Verterok_ is now known as Verterok
beunojames_w, could you help me test LH's setup?   I think it's failing, but I'm not sure if it's because I've played around it so much or not:  bzr branch lp:~beuno/loggerhead/fix_setup/ && python setup.py install21:03
jelmerbeuno, Hi!21:28
jelmerbeuno, Was just wondering if you could perhaps do some bzr-gtk reviewing21:28
beunojelmer, sure. I was just answering your Release? email21:28
jelmerbeuno: I'll have a look at that setup.py now as I promised earlier :-)21:29
beunojelmer, heheh, incidently21:29
beunoit's failing for me now21:29
beunosee ^21:29
jelmerbeuno, works fine here21:32
beunojelmer, can you run it in a branch?21:33
jelmerJust tried to install and then ran it21:33
jelmerYeah, that's what I'm running21:33
beunoit tells me it can't import templates when I open it up via FF21:33
beunoit used to work, so I may of broken something installing/deleting21:34
jelmeryep, from the branch works as well21:34
beunojelmer, super, thanks21:34
jelmerah, now I get it as well21:34
jelmersorry :-/21:34
jelmerImportError: No module named templates21:35
beunoah, heh, ok21:35
beunothe dir is there21:35
beunoso I don't understand why it doesn't find it21:35
beunothere == installed21:35
uwsmissing __init__.py perhaps?21:36
beunothe dir doesn't have py's in it, just zpt templates.  Would I still need the __init__?21:37
beunojelmer, merged your 2 patches. There are 2 left that you requested phanatic's review. Would you like me to review them anyway?21:46
jelmerbeuno: If you feel you're familiar enough around olive's source code, please do21:47
beunojelmer, I don't. I can test as far as to make sure nothing is broken  :)21:48
beunoI'll leave it for Silvester21:48
nDuffHow do I export any "--local"ly committed changesets? "bundle" seems to require that I have things on separate branches.22:24
james_wnDuff: does "bzr send" do what you want?22:28
james_wpossibly "bzr send <parent-url>"22:28
* awilkins sighs23:02
* awilkins is back from Ireland23:02
jelmer'evening awilkins23:04
jelmerawilkins: Where've you been?23:04
* jelmer was there a couple of weeks ago as well23:05
awilkinsConnemara and Clare23:05
jelmerAh, nice23:06
Pilkyhey all, what would happen if someone was to do something like "bzr merge /somepath --weave --merge3". How would bzr handle that?23:11
james_wI think --weave and --merge3 are incompatible options23:12
james_wI think it may end up meaning --merge323:12
Pilkyif I do a preview it runs fine23:12
jelmerawilkins: Some win32-related patches went into bzr-svn recently, so the test suite failures should've gone down again significantly23:15
james_wbeuno: is http://libwilliam.wordpress.com/2008/08/01/anjuta-bazaar-plugin-v010/ from the ide integration work?23:27
zbrownCould someone tell me the bzr equivalent of "git reset --hard origin"23:28
james_whi zbrown23:29
zbrownhi :)23:29
james_wthat resets your branch and tree to be the same as the branch that you pull from?23:29
zbrown--hard being delete all changes23:29
james_wwhat version of bzr?23:30
james_wok, what I'd probably do is23:30
zbrownwas trying to figure it out a while, but I couldn't find a solution23:30
james_wbzr pull --overwrite URL-of-parent23:30
james_wbzr revert23:30
zbrownah ok23:31
zbrownI'll try that23:31
james_wthere may be a better way23:31
james_win 1.6 you won't have to look up the URL of the parent, which is an improvement23:31
james_wI don't think there's a one command way to do it though23:31
datojames_w: I'd do the revert first23:32
james_whey dato23:32
james_wwhy's that?23:32
datowell, probably it won't matter much, but the pull could encounter conflicts?23:32
zbrownjames_w: 1.3.1 didn't need the URL of the parent either23:32
james_wah yeah, I guess that's probably better23:32
zbrownI just tried it that way23:32
james_wzbrown: ah, of course it won't23:32
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lifelessdato: hi23:58
lifelessdato: I hear you're preferring git these days?23:58
lifelessany particular thing/feature?23:59

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