
JontheEchidnaNeed a sponsor for bug 25430600:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254306 in plasmoid-quickaccess "New upstream release of plasmoid-quickaccess (0.7)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25430600:01
JontheEchidnaRiddell: any reading material for MIRs?00:02
JontheEchidnacrimsun: thanks00:07
* JontheEchidna reboots00:19
jjessejames_w: solved my issue, i was missing a repository01:48
jjessejames_w: http://packman.links2linux.org/package/bzr/61896 had the package which worked01:48
james_wglad it's working now01:50
jjessethanks for the help01:50
jjesseits a bit frustrating learning a new distribution and a new way of oding thigns01:50
james_w#bzr is a good place to find help if you need it in future, or just ping me01:50
jjessejames_w: will do01:50
ScottKjjesse: Good luck.  I came to Ubuntu from opensuse for what still seem like good reasons.01:50
jjesseScottK: will sled 10.2 is support for work and its my work laptop01:51
jjesseso figured i need to use/learn it01:51
jjessei much prefer kubuntu to suse so far01:56
ScottKTwo of my 'musts' for a distro now are must use KDE and must use Debian package management.01:56
jjesseso far i'm echoing your musts01:57
jjessejust wish work supported debian/ubuntu01:57
ScottKAnother one is must be the product that the sponsor views as it's product.  sled passes that test, but opensuse fails.01:58
jjesseah that is interesting01:59
ScottKI tried opensuse right as 10.1 was released.02:00
jjessei've tried opensuse before as well02:00
ScottKIn 10.1 they completely changed out the update technology with no fallback after beta.02:00
jjessedidn't really enjoy it02:00
ScottKMuch of the feedback for SuSE amounted to,02:01
ScottK"It's opensuse, if you want it to work, use SLES (or SLED, not sure I know the difference).02:02
jjessei think sles is the server and sled is the desktop02:02
ScottKAh.  Makes sense.02:03
ScottKAnyway, that pretty well soured me on situations like opensuse-SLED/S or Fedora-Red Hat.02:03
ScottKThe final major requirement I had was must be able to run servers and desktop with the same core platform underneath.02:06
JontheEchidnacan anybody sponsor bug 254306?02:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254306 in plasmoid-quickaccess "New upstream release of plasmoid-quickaccess (0.7)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25430602:06
vorianJontheEchidna: i'll take a look-see02:06
JontheEchidnavorian: thanks02:06
vorianit's too bad plasma is broken02:18
vorianhalf of my plasmoids don't work02:19
JontheEchidnaoh yeah02:19
JontheEchidnathey probably just need a rebuild02:19
JontheEchidnabinary compat was broken pretty consistently throughou the prerelease cycle02:19
vorianuploded, thanks for your contribution :)02:19
JontheEchidnakewl, thanks02:20
JontheEchidnakonq-plugins are still pending02:22
JontheEchidnain the ppa02:22
JontheEchidnaIt's been in queue for 4 hours :(02:23
vorianno good02:23
vorianholy fail02:24
JontheEchidnawow, plasmoid-quickaccess sorta failed on everything except i38602:27
JontheEchidnaand hppa and amd64 which haven't built yet02:27
jjessewow the ubuntu training documentation branch is freakin huge to checkout02:28
jjesseshould've done a lightwieght checkout02:28
jjessei think they have pdfs in there not sure02:37
* ScottK is back.02:37
ScottKSo, anyway, at the time I picked Kubuntu/Ubuntu Server, I needed Postfix at least 2.2 also.02:37
ScottKDebian Sarge had 2.1.02:37
ScottKSo from my earlier requirements, it was down to Debian and Ubuntu.02:38
ScottKSo here I am.02:38
ScottKCurrently I need Postfix at least 2.4 and Etch has 2.3, but Lenny has 2.5.02:38
jjessethe ubuntu community is the only community i've easily been able to contribute to02:38
ScottKI definitely wouldn't be so involved in the development community if I'd gone with Debian.02:39
ScottKIronically, I'm probably more involved in Debian development as a result of using Ubuntu than I would have been if I'd used Debian.02:39
jjessebut doesn't ubuntu never give back to debian :) :)02:40
jjessei don't code or want to and ubuntu has been the only way through documentation that i've been "accepted" as a developer02:40
ScottKThat is much harder in Debian than here.02:40
jjesseits harder in kde as well02:41
jjessekde-docs is hard to break into02:41
jjesselots of hoops to jump through02:41
ScottKGiven the woeful state of most open source project's documentation, it seems odd they aren't jumping for joy at help.02:43
jjesseyou would be suprised wouldn't you?02:43
jjesseat times the people who are "in charge" of kde-docs aren't very responsive, then the kde devs are even slower to respond to documenters02:43
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mgkhi everyone11:14
mgki'm running intrepid11:15
mgkupdated today11:15
mgkand plasma has some problem11:15
mgkthe systray doesn't show anymore11:17
mgkand the folderview plasmoid is gone too11:17
mgkis there any kubuntu devel here that can help me find the bug?11:20
mornfallI have two relatively easy Adept jobs, if anyone is up to them: I am releasing alpha 6 next week, and it would be great if someone could start sweeping the launchpad bug list for adept and mark all you can find that are fixed by that alpha6. Second, a hardy backport would be great.11:38
mornfall(I'll probably mention that in a release not, too, unless there's a crowd fighting to get the jobs... *g*)11:39
mornfallrelease note*11:39
mornfallJontheEchidna: Could I please have your name, btw?11:41
JucatoJon the Echidna ;)11:42
Jucatomornfall: Jonathan Thomas (based on Planet Ubuntu)11:42
mornfallJucato: Aye, thanks.11:42
Jucatobut "the Echidna" sounds so much better :P11:42
mornfallI have decided, in a movement to popularize contributions, to add a "heroes of <previous alpha release>" section to release announcements.11:44
Jucato"Save the cheerleader, save the world"11:45
Arbymornfall: I might be able to do a hardy backport in the next few days.12:02
Arbyhow soon do you need it12:02
JontheEchidnagood morning12:12
Arbymorning JontheEchidna12:14
JontheEchidnamrgh, my connection's like.... slow12:16
JontheEchidnabrb, resetting router12:16
JontheEchidnaYou know12:24
JontheEchidnawe could probably set a bugday aside for adept12:24
JontheEchidnayuriy: ^ what do you think?12:24
Dekanscould it be possible to have an alternative package for kopete with libjingle support ?12:25
Arbymornfall: I have to go out for a while.12:26
ArbyIf you want a backport doing leave me a /query where I can grab the source12:27
Arbyand if we have intrepid packages available that I can crib from12:27
* Arby -> gone12:27
JontheEchidnaArby: check out his ppa12:29
mornfallJontheEchidna: I have left him a privmsg. : - )12:30
JontheEchidnaah :)12:31
mornfall(I just got back...)12:31
mornfallOh damn, it's this late already? Weeh. :)12:32
vorianmorning :)12:32
mornfallHalf past 1 am.12:32
mornfallPm of course.12:42
mornfallYou can see I'm still asleep. : - ]12:42
vorianhehe, i was going to say ...12:42
JontheEchidnaby the way, I'm going on a 2-day camping trip today13:52
Nightrosehave fun JontheEchidna :)13:52
Jucatohave fun JontheEchidna :)13:54
JucatoI hope no internet? :)13:54
yuriyJontheEchidna: last I checked (last time we had a hug day for it) adept bugs were in pretty good shape14:23
yuriyJontheEchidna: that is, we pointed all of them at the one that says "adept does not show the problem" ;)14:25
JontheEchidnayuriy: for the adept 3.0 transition14:26
JontheEchidnae.g. bugs not found in adept 3.0 -> resolved14:26
JontheEchidnaJucato: I'll be without internets14:26
yuriyJontheEchidna: if there are more than a couple dozen to take care of, sure14:27
yuriyalso, can't do it until it's in official repositories14:27
* JontheEchidna already resolved around a dozen bugs >.>14:30
yuriyJontheEchidna: https://bugs.launchpad.net/adept/ look at the bug chart (sweet!) looks like they are all already looked at, just need to be closed when ready14:31
yuriywait that's not right14:32
yuriynevermind: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adept/14:32
* yuriy thought it's weird that he's never seen a bug chart for a package before. we should have them though14:33
yuriylooks like there are actually quite a few new bugs, so once its in backports we can have a hugday for it. unless you finish them all off first ^.^14:34
* yuriy is off to the beach for the day14:46
* smarter waves15:19
mornfall: - )15:27
tomazRiddell: ping? i`m getting an cmake error after installing the kde4.1 on  8.0415:54
tomazthe error is "Could not find automoc, part of kdesupport" on FindAutomoc.cmake15:55
tomazbut i have automoc installed15:55
Jucatotomaz: most are probably taking a break on a weekend (and no, dunno the answer to that problem)16:02
tomaz*hits the head on the wall*16:02
tomazI broke the system yesterday, reinstalled it today, give a try to the 4.1 precompiled packages16:02
ugatomaz: just in case, have you tried building the automoc from kdesupport trunk?16:03
tomazbut now I cant work on my little app for my university16:03
tomazautomoc --version gives 0.9.9416:03
tomazbut, no, I didn`t compiled them, I apt-get them.16:04
ugatomaz: automoc? or automoc416:05
uga automoc4 --version16:05
ugaautomoc4 0.9.8516:05
ugaand I built it yesterday =)16:05
tomazups,.84 (and yeah, automoc4 )16:06
ugait may not be finding it in the path or require the newer version? not sure16:06
tomazI`m gonna force automoc to be found l¬16:16
tomazhhhmmmm... I think i`v traced. I cant seem able to find Automoc4Config.cmake16:18
tomazinstalled kde4-devel but still, same error applies.16:52
desrtRiddell; poke?16:53
mornfallHm, Riddell is in a great demand, it seems... ;)16:53
desrtall the ladies want riddell16:54
desrt(and some of the guys)16:54
tomazthat`s for sure.16:54
desrtRiddell; thought you should look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dolphin/+bug/18672916:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 186729 in kio-umountwrapper "Cannot uninstall kio-umountwrapper" [Undecided,In progress]16:54
tomazgo behind the line folks, =p , i`m here first >_<16:55
desrtRiddell; seems like it would be pretty easy to fix and it affects an awful lot of people16:55
desrt(basically, anyone who installs then uninstalls kubuntu-desktop...)16:55
tomazdesrt: maybe you could help me with my problem? o.o17:03
desrttomaz; anything is possible...17:03
tomazdesrt: I`m getting a `cant find automoc4` from FindAutomoc.cmake, but it`s installed.17:04
desrtthey have autoMOC?  that's evil.17:05
tomazI installed kde 4.1 from repositories, alongside with kde4-devel17:05
tomazwhat`s evil?17:05
desrttomaz; everytime i hear about a new auto* i cringe a bit :)17:05
desrttomaz; anyway... i'm definitely not the one who will help you :)17:05
tomazthanks anyway ;)17:07
skreechmiesterAlpha3 doesn't work :-*17:53
JontheEchidnaBe back Tuesday18:02
* JontheEchidna disappears18:02
skreechmiestercan anyone get Alpha3 to boot?18:46
skreechmiesterAlpha 3 sucks :(19:46
jussi01gday vorian19:46
jussi01and skreechmiester19:47
skreechmiesterhi jussi0119:47
vorianhiya jussi0119:47
skreechmiesteranyone tried the alpha 3 Cd ?19:49
vorianskreechmiester: yeah, it killed my grub19:50
skreechmiesteryou got that far?19:56
vorianbug 251683 if you are interested19:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251683 in grub "Grub fails to mount partitions on Kubuntu amd64 and i386 Alpha3 install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25168319:58
skreechmiesterMine can't get past kernel init19:58
vorianwhich install choice are you using?19:59
skreechmiesteras soon as I press enter at try Kubuntu without harming your computer it panics19:59
skreechmiesterSame for Cd check19:59
vorianyou should try tonight nightly build19:59
skreechmiesterThe MD5 sum checks out fine19:59
skreechmiesterdownloaded it a few times19:59
skreechmiesterBooted from the ISO directly20:00
skreechmiesterstill panics20:00
pgquilesIs a Hardy KDE4 Remix with kde 4.1 going to be released?20:03
vorianpgquiles: only thru the ppa20:04
pgquilesvorian: yeah, I've seen that but I meant a KDE4-only version20:05
pgquilesso, what's the best option, install KDE4 Remix, then upgrade to KDE 4.1?20:05
vorianthat's the only way in hardy, unless you compile kde via svn20:06
pgquilesvorian: well, I could upgrade to kde 4.1 by installing hardy with kde 3.5, then upgrade to 4.120:15
skreechmiesterpgquiles: Yup Lots of discussion about that in #kubuntu-kde420:15
santiago-veHey guys!21:25
santiago-vefirst... anyone has seen any problems with adept on intrepid?21:30
santiago-vealso... why the rc3 doesnt has aptitude installed by default :S21:30
skreechmiesterrc3 of what?21:31
skreechmiesterWe aren't even into beta21:34
JontheEchidnaI guess we aren't leaving yet21:35
* JontheEchidna is back for a bit21:35
JontheEchidnadamn, another quickaccess update...21:47
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vorianhowdy Riddell :)23:07
Riddellfdoving: do you have an opinion on bug 186729 ?23:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 186729 in kio-umountwrapper "Cannot uninstall kio-umountwrapper" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18672923:29

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