
bdmurraywoohoo no package down to 278602:45
RAOFMan, rock!02:46
pwnguinwhat's the query page for that?03:09
bdmurrayIt's a mess but that's it03:11
pwnguin3 wacom bugs hiding03:13
pwnguini think searching for keywords might be more effective than just chewing through the queue03:18
pwnguinso theres a few bugs about nvidia rotation03:48
pwnguinwhat package do i assign that to if i think its an nvidia bug?03:48
anakronhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/254294   >>>> Must be on Wishlist04:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254294 in ubuntu "please sync package libopenjpeg2 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New]04:41
anakronhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/254294  >>> Must be in Wishlist!04:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254294 in ubuntu "please sync package libopenjpeg2 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New]04:50
hggdhanakron, sync requests are dealt by outside bug-control05:06
hggdhanakron, do not change them05:07
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mcasgood morning08:27
mcasi need help with bug 25427609:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254276 in youtube-dl "refuses to download from google" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25427609:13
mcasi would close this bug because the url is not a youtube url09:14
mcasso i think the error message is correct09:15
stgraberI don't see any mention of video websites other than youtube in the package description so I think it's fair to mark the bug invalid09:18
mcasthank you stgraber09:26
Hobbseehggdh: <3 thanks!12:01
hggdhHobbsee, sorry, did not follow you13:16
hggdhah, the sync requests, I guess...13:17
Hobbseehggdh: yes13:17
hggdhyou are welcome, Hobbsee13:17
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AlmightyCthulhuwhat component should I file a report on about mount mounting optical discs as both a card reader device and /media/cdrom16:04
persiaAlmightyCthulhu: I'd file that against the kernel, with dmesg and syslog output: it sounds like your hardware is generating multiple events.16:05
AlmightyCthulhupackage is linux then16:06
persiaAlmightyCthulhu: That's where I'd likely file it: that assumes that it's not an issue with udev.16:06
AlmightyCthulhuDBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.NotFound: The given volume was not found16:07
AlmightyCthulhuI'm testing a new BIOS from Foxconn16:08
AlmightyCthulhucould this have anything to do with the problem?16:08
AlmightyCthulhu[ 6372.994167] gvfs-hal-volume[5946]: segfault at 1900000013 ip 7f4fdb5b5193 sp 7fffe44c5950 error 4 in libgobject-2.0.so.0.1704.0[7f4fdb58c000+45000]16:18
AlmightyCthulhuI think that's my error16:18
AlmightyCthulhubug 25442116:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254421 in linux "Optical discs mount twice, and generate error message relating to Dbus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25442116:20
sectechbdmurray,  you around?16:27
bdmurraysectech: briefly16:34
sectechbdmurray,  I just sent you a PM16:39
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mrooneyhmm, I think gnome-power-manager needs a hug day18:57
AlmightyCthulhugvfs is horribly broken19:38
AlmightyCthulhuseems like every time they fix one thing it's doing, three other things break19:38
anakronhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bug/254450 must be in wishlist!19:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254450 in ubuntu-docs "Please upload ubuntu-docs 8.08.1 to intrepid from bzr" [Undecided,New]19:38
Rocket2DMnanakron, while that is a doc request, i would let the Ubuntu Main sponsors handle it through their workflow19:42
hggdhanakron, work flow requests are not dealt by us22:03
hggdhpure morbid curiosity: Intrepid up-to-date, Gnome -- anyone experiencing sudden lockups on X?22:04
james_whggdh: no, but I haven't rebooted in to the latest kenel ABI yet I think22:07
hggdhjames_w, I am thinking on opening a bug on this, but at least I need to know what to collect: ssh-ing through another machine I can see X eating up all my CPU, but gdb fails to attach to X22:09
james_wcan strace attach?22:09
hggdhI have found that moving to KDE sort of works22:09
hggdhI do not know, but I will try. Symptoms -- for the record -- are: mouse still works, but jumpy; keyboard seems dead, including super keys; on the machine itself only option is hard power-off; machine still responds to network22:11
hggdhsounds like something to do with gnome and X22:11
hggdhOK. I will logout & restart X under GDM, going to gnome22:12
greg-gno way, New and nopackage: "1  → 75  of 2676 results "22:13
greg-g2676?, we just got below 3000 2 days ago22:13
greg-ghmm, if a bug was reported at Ubuntu (nopackage) but is actually a LP bug, I can't just replace the project? I have to invalidate the UBuntu and "also affects project"?22:19
* greg-g was hoping to reduce the "noise" on the page22:19
jjessegreg-g: as far as i understand that's how you have to do it22:19
greg-gjjesse: yeah, I guess so. oh well.22:20
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pheeroris it only me or is ip6 support in aptitude totally broken?22:30
* greg-g can't help ya with that one22:31
pheeroranyway, we have many years to fix that ;-) :-(22:32
greg-ghmm, pacakages.ubuntu.com not responding?22:37
jjessegreg-g: i heard its been down for a while22:38
jpdsgreg-g: Known issue reported hours ago in the sysadmin channel, alas I think they're out for the weekend.22:38
jjessei thought sysadmins weren't allowed weekends :)22:39
greg-gyeah, don't they have blackberrys?22:40
jjessewhen i was a sysadmin my phone always rang on sunday morning on the way to church22:40
greg-gjjesse: bah, that sucks.22:40
jjessethat's why i became a consultant... to expensive to answer the phone on the weeekend22:41
jpdsI think they take their !weekend's seriously.22:41
greg-gthats the way22:41

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