[00:27] anyone know what's up with the loco bots? we had locobot_3_2 replace the other one and now the logs aren't being updated on logs.ubuntu-eu.org [00:29] there is log directory for today, but it's empty === coolbhavi is now known as coolbhavi_afk === coolbhavi_afk is now known as coolbhavi [14:44] Hello, [14:45] I sent a mail to ubuntu-eu admins about LoCoBot not logging channels since two days [14:45] any news about this ? [14:48] Rafik: I asked last night too - no word :( [14:49] Let's sit and pray === Rafik_ is now known as Rafik [17:38] hi all [17:38] Hello ApOgEE- [17:39] i wonder why locobot_2 didn't log LoCo channels since yesterday? 3 aug 2008 [17:39] anybody here know? [17:39] ApOgEE-: I'd try asking in #ubuntu-eu - they are the admins. === RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx