
nickrudwhat I'd really like is a sync between the bantracker and the channel, I think they're not quite the same00:04
stdinnickrud: I'm half way there, I have it so it marks bans as removed when it can't find them in the channel, it doesn't yet try to add new bans yet00:06
nickrudstdin ah, great :)00:06
Flannelsmallfoot is in #ubuntu as dooley00:29
Flannelwho can unban him here?  We'll probably have to have another lovely chat.00:30
FlannelI guess its just his nick, he'll still be able to get in00:31
ompaulI would have removed lots of stuff about him00:31
ompaulI am going to issue the big one00:32
ompaulI don't see him as banned from here00:33
Flannelsearch for smallfoot00:33
* Flannel is blind.00:34
dooleyHobbsee here?00:36
Flanneldooley: You are banned.  Even if "when you reboot to windows" you can get in, you're banned.00:37
ompaulback again and ban avoidance will buy you that kind of thing00:37
ompaulyou are now banned for ban avoidance00:37
dooleybut im nice boy00:37
Flanneldooley: so, please leave #ubuntu+100:37
dooleybut i wanted get help here00:37
dooleyand i wanted to inform them about the bug00:37
dooleyso they can fix it00:37
dooleyim a good boy, im not bad00:37
Flanneldooley: launchpad is where you inform them of bugs00:38
dooleyoh i did, i reported 10000:38
dooleyim very good, i reported very very very many00:38
ompaulpastbin a list of them00:38
ompaulor don't00:38
dooleywell most are feature request00:38
Flanneldooley: Please leave #ubuntu+1, or you'll have evaded a ban twice.00:38
ompaulwe are fair to a point00:39
dooleyi have Songbird in windows xp, and it exist for linux too, but its not in ubuntu repostitory00:39
Flanneldooley: Yes, you mentioned this in -motu today.  They said they'd work with you to package it if you were interested.00:39
ompauldooley, this is not a help channel00:39
ompaulright so folks I am out of here00:40
dooleyFlannel, wow you are in all channels, you know everything i writing00:40
Flannelompaul: bye00:40
ompauldooley, that is not accurate00:40
dooleyFlannel i cant package it, im a noob, and it requires reading 10000 pages documentation00:40
Flanneldooley: While it does take some reading, it's perfectly doable, or else nothing would get packaged ever.  And that's obviously not the case.00:41
dooleywell its only the smart people who can do that, that likes to reading00:41
dooleyim not so smart, and i get impatient very fast00:41
dooleyi dont like reading, i think its boring00:41
FlannelYou should work on the impatience, since it's already gotten you into trouble.  If you don't fix it, you'll just get into more.00:42
Flanneldooley: But the point is, you are banned for a reason, just because you reboot to windows doesn't make you unbanned.  You'll have to do some reading and understanding (and probably change your attitude) to get them lifted.00:44
dooleybut Hobbsee told me to come back after a week, and i think i waited more than a week to come back00:46
Flanneldooley: You waited a week, yes.  But you came back and your attitude hadn't gotten any better.00:46
dooleywell i cant change from one day to next day, it takes many years00:47
Flanneldooley: If you haven't changed at all, then while we could unban you, its likely that within a short period of time we'd end up banning you again.00:48
Flanneldooley: The week wasn't arbitrary, it was to give you time to think about your actions and try and fix them.00:48
dooleyyeah, but im nice and i dont like to be banned00:48
Flanneldooley: And we don't want you to remain banned, but your actions forced us to ban you.00:48
dooleyi forgot what i did00:50
Flanneldooley: You were blatantly disrespectful to people00:52
dooleywell i try to be nice00:54
Flanneldooley: and before that, you were using profanity, even after you were asked to stop00:54
dooleywell, its accident00:54
dooleyi didnt meant todo that00:54
dooleybut sometimes i get angry00:54
Flanneldooley: We all get angry sometimes, being angry doesn't mean you can swear, or insult people00:55
Flannelalso, the fact that you're angry doesn't mean you shouldn't be held responsible for your actions00:55
Flanneldooley: many people slip once in a while, which is why you get warned/asked to stop. When you continue after being warned, is when we have to act on it00:56
dooleywell i do stop when im told, but then i slip again later00:58
PiciWell, everyone else learns to control themselves, you need to do the same.00:59
Flanneldooley: If you can't, one easy way of ensuring it doesn't happen is to leave channels when you get angry, or just walk away from the computer for 15 minutes and cool off.01:01
dooleyyeah. i guess, but i kinda like to went it01:02
dooleyto get it out you know01:02
Flanneldooley: You'll have to find some other method of venting.  Since abusing other people isn't kosher.01:03
dooleywell it really bothers me that i cant find songbird in the repo01:03
Flanneldooley: To get software in a repository, it takes a lot of work, as you're aware of already.  Even after you've packaged it once, you can't just walk away, you have to keep up and make sure it's not dangerous for people to have installed01:04
Flanneldooley: If you're not willing to put in the time and effort, how do you expect others to?01:04
Flanneldooley: *you* even want it in the repos, the people youre asking in -motu probably don't use it, so why would they spend the time packaging something that they don't use?01:05
dooleywell maybe there is someone whos smart and who thinks its fun todo the stuff i think its boring01:05
Flanneldooley: If you watch those videos they told you about, and take some initiative and show some effort, the people in -motu *will* help you through any problems you have.01:06
Flanneldooley: but, if they take the time to package songbird for you, thats time they're not spending on packages that they, and probably thousands of other people use.01:07
dooleywell we need more packaging guys01:07
Flanneldooley: So, volunteer to be one!01:07
* nickrud looks at dooly01:07
nickruddooley that was a joke, by the way:)01:08
dooleywell the packaging thing seems so difficult and much effort and time, and reading 1000 pages of boring stuff01:09
dooleyim not so smart01:09
Flanneldooley: Open source runs off of self-initiative.  If you want something done, the absolute best way to ensure it gets done is to do it yourself.  And usually, once you've done it for a little while, other people will step in and help.01:09
Flanneldooley: They have videos, surely you can watch those and learn a lot.01:09
Flanneldooley: but, when they said "here's a lot of stuff you can use to help you learn" and you replied with "but thats hard", effectively saying "I don't want to do any work".  That's not a good attitude to have, and isn't likely to get you anywhere.01:11
dooleybut i dont like sitting like 15 hours infront of my computer doing something boring01:12
PiciThen you arent going to get what you want in this case.01:12
* Pici looks at the clock01:12
Flanneldooley: You might try doing it for one or two hours a day, for a few weeks01:13
Flanneldooley: Anyway, I think we've gotten off the topic for this channel, feel free to go back to -motu with an improved attitude and ask them to help you learn.01:13
elkyPriceChild, sorry, i overslept again :(01:14
Flanneldooley: When you think you've fixed the stuff we talked about previously, about your bans, feel free to come back here and talk about it.01:15
dooleyi gonna watch that video later01:15
dooleywell, i dont know when i will be fixe01:15
dooleymaybe it take years01:15
elkyoh, there wasnt actually a meeting?01:15
Flannelelky: No, its tuesday01:15
elkyirc meeting. it'll be without me then01:15
Flanneldooley: Hopefully it will be sooner.  You'll just have to wait and see.01:16
dooleywell, i dont know when or how01:16
PriceChildelky: we hadn't planned one, that was the old topic01:16
Flanneldooley: You'll figure it out.  If you want, you can google for anger management techniques or something.  And again, re-read the code of conduct and IRC guidelines, and take them to heart.  I think what has been said covers everything that could be said, so please leave this channel as we're done.01:19
dooleybye all people01:19
ubottuTiredWolf called the ops in #ubuntu (Soul-Dier, ^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^)01:26
Tm_T...and party goes on!01:56
Tm_TLinux podcast recording was a moment ago01:58
Tm_THobbsee: yes dear?01:58
Hobbseedooley / smallfoot01:58
FlannelHobbsee: We'll see if he comes back wiser and more polite.01:59
HobbseeFlannel: indeed.  you handled it well01:59
nickrudhm, a strange join in #ubuntu02:00
* Flannel notes interesting spam in #ubuntu02:00
nickrudthey dropped right back out Hobbsee , 5 sequential alphanumeric names at the same ip02:01
FlannelHobbsee: I figured I ought to do it, since I didn't interact with him before, so he doesn't already have a kneejerk reaction to being suspicious02:01
HobbseeFlannel: you won't always do what he wants.  therefore, he'll still have a kneejerk reaction.02:02
Hobbseeand if he decides to insult you, all the worse for him.02:02
FlannelHobbsee: I don't think he's quite that bad, just needs a little guidance.02:02
HobbseeFlannel: guidance?  most people ahve enough clue not to say (twice) that the only reason I have ops is because i have boobs.02:03
Hobbseeand other such things.02:03
nickrudah, that was smallfoot?02:04
Hobbseeand consistently blame their problems on us.02:04
Hobbseeand not listen.02:04
Tm_TI tried, failed02:04
Hobbseeor claim that others are being unfair, because they didn't read the rules, and didn't follow them.02:05
Hobbseeand so the rules got enforced.02:05
Tm_Tit's not often, but it happens I notice02:05
nickrudyeah. Claiming you broke the rules, when you quote them as evidence. "See, you said it, now you can't do anything to me."02:05
Hobbseethe only way 'guidance' will work for him is an extremely long ban (so he figures it out without reading), or something physical done to him, when he gets something wrong.02:07
Hobbseethe latter which is unfeasible from irc.02:07
Hobbseealthough, why he's on irc, if he doesn't want to read things, i'm not sure...02:09
Tm_THobbsee: he likes to write?02:09
nickrudirc is wonderful for short attention spans02:09
HobbseeTm_T: in which case, he can go to a text editor?02:10
Tm_THobbsee: no, it's too obvious ;)02:10
Piciooh, shiny objects!02:11
PiciBut seriously, I have a feeling that he won't be able to control himself.02:11
HobbseePici: ++02:13
Hobbseethat was shown earlier02:13
elkyand people wonder why we enforce things the way we do...02:18
nickrudthe good guys don't see the bad guys (and so have a skewed perspective) and the bad guys don't understand rules anyway02:19
Hobbseeor refuse to02:20
nickrudno, they simply don't understand the concept of rules. I've seen tonnes of examples in other context02:21
elkyor, see the good guys slip up, and assume that the good guys do it all the time, hence they can/should also02:21
nickrudwhy rules exist even02:21
elkynickrud, that's part of it, yes02:22
ubottusoundray called the ops in #ubuntu (BStacks abusive)02:22
nickrudlatimes had a really good article yesterday02:22
nickrudgot distracted. A sec02:23
nickrudsorry, nytimes.  http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/03/magazine/03trolls-t.html?_r=2&oref=slogin&oref=slogin02:25
elkyoh that, i saw that02:25
elkythat wasnt yesterday, was it?02:25
nickrudI think it was a wonderful troll of trolls. And these are perfect examples of people that don't understand the reason/concept for rules, the concept of a civil society02:26
nickrudyeah, yesterday02:26
elkyyou then also have stuff like the unnameable people who genuinely believe that because they dont *like* the rules, that the rules should go away and stop inconveniencing them.02:27
elkytaking absolutely no note of what the rules are actually preventing... such as pain unto others, etc02:28
nickruduh uh02:28
elky2008/08/03 is the date in australia today. either that, or it was the date on the 8th of march. which.02:29
nickrudmonth day is standard in us02:29
elkysince australia is in tomorrowland, i really wonder how that date was yesterdayland for you02:29
nickrudthe times releases stuff about 12hrs ahead of the date. Due in the sunday paper (today) but released yesterday02:30
nickrudheh. Don't your magazines have a future date on them? Common here02:30
elkyi dont exactly take note02:30
elkyhttp://www.smh.com.au/news/national/second-greece-bashing/2008/08/02/1217097606101.html is at the top of the smh site now02:31
elkyso no, no future date02:31
* nickrud needs to learn all the new nice shiny things that stdin's putting in the bot. If I can keep my attention focused ;)02:32
nickrudsee, I can't even stay focused enough to stay in the third person for two sentences02:32
stdinuse @help ;)02:33
elkyit's pretty much ubotu3g now, eh02:33
stdin@list Bantracker02:33
ubottustdin: banlink, banlog, bansearch, btlogin, comment, mark, togglemsg, and updatebt02:33
stdin@help comment02:33
ubottustdin: (comment <id> [<comment>]) -- Reads or adds the <comment> for the ban with <id>, use @bansearch to find the id of a ban02:33
stdinand so on...02:33
nickrudthat would be a good name for it02:33
nickrudooooh, updatebt02:34
elkystdin, can we add 'warrants'? where we can name people who we've put on final chance, so they're less likely to get the advantage of cycling timezones to get to final chance 5 times over?02:34
elkyif that makes any sense02:34
nickruda nice term for the comments02:35
stdinI would think that's what comments are for ;)02:35
elkyexcept the comments dont show up in a ban search02:35
stdinyou can retrieve comments from the tracker with @comment too02:35
nickrudnow, if I may, a request for a timed ban :)02:35
stdinjust leave out the comment02:35
* elky nods at nickrud 02:35
* nickrud wanders away, whistling02:35
elkytimed bans would be awesome useful02:36
stdinsupyboy does have a time ban feature, but it needs +o02:36
stdin(I could fix that though)02:36
elkyuh, no, floodbot will fight with it02:36
stdinI got it to ask chanserv for +o with the Topic plugin02:36
elkyaah, it'd work on temp02:36
elkybut not if it was perma-opped02:37
stdinI managed to hack a little and get it to +o, do whatever it needed then -o itself02:37
elkywe've been asking for timed bans since before i've been op02:37
elky15min/1hr/1day/1week would be appropriate slots i think.02:38
elkyim not sure we want to automate anything longer, and im not sure we even want to automate weekly02:39
Hobbseeoh, i wouldn't mind.02:39
Hobbseewait, yes i would.02:39
elkyi'd suggest making 1hr the default ban, with the new syndax being /cs +b m|d|w $nick02:40
elkyand, having alerts for if someone gets banned multiple times within a certain timeframe, i'd suggest that timeframe being a day, but it's negotiable02:41
elkystdin, that enough of a spec? :)02:41
stdinyeah, but that sounds like a (insert word meaning "difficult thing") to code02:42
stdineven getting it to check the channel ban list was difficult02:43
nickrudthe data would be in the tracker, wouldn't it? Not even need to check the channel02:44
stdinnickrud: it would, but depends if the tracker is accurate :p02:44
nickrudstdin ah, yes, that little issue ;)02:45
stdinelky: but how can we get cron to communicate with the bot?02:45
elkymake the bot process run the cron?02:45
elkyerr, check02:45
elkyi dunno02:45
nickruddoesn't the data exist in a database?02:45
Flanneljust... use cron to generate files02:46
stdinthere's only one process, everything else is threads02:46
Flannelscript -> files with nicks to be unbanned02:46
Flannelthen bot checks those files02:46
Flannelor just a file to say "hey clean up"02:46
stdinit still takes the bot 25 mins to get the full ban lists for all channels it's in, I could probably get it down to 15 but there's a danger of flooding off02:47
nickrudor, since the comments would probably get an automated notice saying 15minute ban, humans can look when checking comments02:47
stdinit's in about 48 channels after all02:47
Flannelstdin: What is that relevant to?02:48
FlannelOh, bot isn't paying attention to the actual +b commands02:48
stdinwhat about when the bot dies or splits02:48
stdinit can miss bans or unbans sometimes02:48
elkythen kill the 15min option02:48
FlannelIt only needs to get the lists when it splits or dies, after that, it can do incremental updates02:48
Flannelpossibly with a new fresh one daily or something, even under normal circumstances02:49
stdinit needs to get the list when it connects or when the plugin is reloaded02:49
stdinthen it does do incremental updates, yes02:49
stdinthe timed bans could be done, but I'd probably write a separate plugin to do it. bantracker is getting bloated and less maintainable02:50
stdinme and seveas seem to have a different coding style too, so it looks horrible :p02:51
elkyso it really is an open source bot now? :Þ02:52
stdinyep, the code unreadable to anyone who hasn't worked with it. which is the very core of all open source code :)02:53
nalioth  // took a tea break here.  earl grey with honey //03:49
naliothdid y'all see this?  http://www.linux.com/feature/14341406:24
bazhangseen it and blogged about it :)06:36
elkynalioth, i got to the commenters first ;)06:37
naliothhas anyone contacted linux.com or that hack author of theirs?06:38
elkynalioth, i'll guarantee something will have been said by someone.06:39
elkyi trolled the softpedia article yesterday06:40
* bazhang wonders about the hiring practices at linux.com06:40
elky90% of their journos are freelancers06:42
elkyi'm one of that 90%06:42
elkyi only wrote 3 articles though06:42
bazhangseems his extensive tests were: point, click and install.06:43
elkythey take articles based on how many people are likely to read them06:44
naliothif they let hacks like that write for them, perhaps i need to start sending them articles06:44
elkynalioth, send your opinions at least06:44
elkylinux.com had articles at least once a release cycle about automatix anyway. it's not as though this is fresh stupidity06:45
wgrantI decided to tweak that article to make it true for gnome-app-install instead. It didn't take much tweaking - http://www.qeuni.net/f/1/2008/gnome-app-install.html06:46
* elky hits the keyboard06:47
wgrantIt took a bit more than that.06:47
wgrantBut that was much of it.06:47
bazhangexcellent :)06:48
elkyugh, i snapped and dared ask she who cannot be named why on earth she is in Australian loco channels07:09
wgrantAh, her.07:10
elkyyes. her.07:10
elkyshe who has been quietly courting faux acceptance over the past few weeks. it's gone beyond a casual dropping by, and is now at the point of downright creepy07:11
Flannelelky: Is she actually active there?07:12
wgrantNow, at least.07:12
Flannelinteresting.  I think that's the only channel she joins that Ive seen her talk in for at least two months07:13
Nafallouk as well07:13
FlannelShe's in -au and -uk?  thats sort of odd.07:13
Flanneloh, hmm, nevermind07:14
elkyshe's from NYC, so yes.07:14
* Flannel wonders how many other colonies she's in.07:14
MyrttiShe pmd me last night,bad timing. Might have something to do with upcoming cc meet?07:14
* Flannel wonders when some people will watch the poisonous people lecture.07:15
* wgrant injects some poison into Flannel.07:16
* Flannel is now poisonous.07:16
FlannelWait, are we playing croquet?07:16
wgrantTo both.07:16
wgrantShe seems to be rather silent now.07:16
Flanneloh goody.  I get to kill people now.07:17
* elky wonders how long until she comes here with her crocodile tears act.07:18
Nafallosleep time07:18
* Flannel wonders why she's stolen tears from crocodiles.07:19
Flannelwhat is she tearing up over anyway?07:19
elkyour apparant cruelty for wanting her to play by our rules... not her convenient interpretation of our rules07:22
Flannelso, she's living in the past.07:23
Flanneland milking it for all its worth.07:23
wgrantAs they do.07:24
MyrttiIf shane_ turns up, tell him wait 24h. Am heading for hotel breakfast soon07:29
elkywhy are you in a hotel anyway?07:29
MyrttiAssembly demoparty /lanfest where Flug /uf have linux helpdesk. And Ive got my last day of holiday this year.07:31
elkyah cool07:32
Myrtti86 one night, but this is worth it.07:32
* elky huggles Myrtti07:32
naliothMyrtti is at a thousand person party07:33
Myrtti5000 i think07:33
naliothwell, that's even better07:33
MyrttiGonna blog about it when I get home07:34
MyrttiTook some pics for it already, are in Flickr07:34
Tm_TMyrtti: hi hi07:37
MyrttiI couldve slept  hour more...07:37
MyrttiWhen are peeps leavin, tm_t?07:38
Tm_Tno idea07:39
Tm_TI'm stayinh til 14 I think atleast07:39
MyrttiIll get some breakfast, peep in and say hi and come back here and sleep for a mo more07:40
MyrttiI has headache07:40
FlannelMyrtti: stop looking at computer screens07:41
MyrttiTm_T muista LÄÄKKEET!07:41
MyrttiTäytyy syödä kala!07:41
MyrttiFlannel lol. Am on phone now07:42
FlannelMyrtti: take a break from electronics.  Go eat your breakfast in peace.07:43
MyrttiI had to tell tmt my plans... Hes at the venue and has stayed awake last might... :-/07:44
MyrttiRight. Talk to you later07:47
Tm_TMyrtti: hugs :)07:58
ubottuIn ubottu, cool_penguin said: This is private message right?08:48
wgrantNot quite.08:51
gnomefreaki guess smallfoot didnt show back up yet08:55
elkyoperative word being 'yet'09:09
stdinfor you people that want know how to use all the command in Bantracker: http://jussi01.com/stdin/plugin.cgi?name=Bantracker09:48
gnomefreakstdin: thanks09:53
bazhangstdin, thanks! :)09:54
bazhangchampion in ot10:44
MyrttiYay, ompaul10:50
* ompaul considers the distance to the cooker10:52
* ompaul considers a pot some oats and water mix with a view to some kind of food10:53
gnomefreakhe looks like he is one to keep watching10:56
gnomefreakompaul: you on the IRC council by chance?10:56
gnomefreakwe need weekend ops in -ot10:56
* gnomefreak watching for a few just until i get out of compile into build10:57
bazhang<champion> can someone teach me how to hack?11:01
gnomefreaki see it11:01
gnomefreakso far answer was a good one11:01
bazhanghe is just trying to push all limits in both channels11:01
gnomefreakwhat other channel?11:02
gnomefreakanyone care if i just remove him to further protect the channels?11:03
bazhanghe is quiet now, but going offtopic and had to be warned11:03
gnomefreakyeah i know bad but helpful11:03
bazhanglikely need to catch him in the act :)11:03
gnomefreakwell if needed ill be here for a couple more minutes11:04
ompaulgnomefreak, I am not11:06
gnomefreakoh :(11:06
gnomefreaki vote you to be on it, now you should be on it ;)11:06
gnomefreak-ot has been hell for the most part this weekend11:07
ompaulgnomefreak, I have ops for -ot11:07
ompaullet me look11:07
ompaulwill return to breakfast when it is ready ;-)11:07
gnomefreakompaul: ok give him time to screw up. we know what he meant by hacking since he cant compile a C program i have to assume he meant illegal hacking11:08
ompaulthese guys see no ops and wonder11:08
gnomefreakthey need to look harder :)11:08
gnomefreaki had to remove someone yesterday and they than played by rules11:09
gnomefreaki dont remember who it was but under that nick it wasnt11:09
ubottuA hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems!11:09
gnomefreakhe hasnt shown up yet to ask about ban again11:09
gnomefreakgood way to get him started on abusing the bot ;)11:15
ompaulna we have to be nice11:16
gnomefreakhes been warned already before11:18
gnomefreaklater guys ;)11:23
bazhang:) cya11:28
ompaulcheers gnomefreak11:33
ompaul!no u is <reply> Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..11:33
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, ompaul said: !no u is <reply> Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..11:33
ompaul!no u is <reply> Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..11:34
ubottuUnless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..11:34
ompaul!no u is <reply> Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..11:34
ompaul!forget u11:34
ubottubazhang: bazhang11:35
* ompaul pokes ubottu with a cluestick11:35
bazhangneed to @login11:35
ubottuompaul: ompaul11:35
ompaul!no u is <reply> Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..11:35
ubottuUnless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..11:35
ompaulbazhang, please change spelling of officier to officer11:35
bazhang!no u is <reply> Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "are", "why", "because", and so on.11:38
ubottuUnless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..11:38
ompaul!u is bar11:39
ubottuBut u already means something else!11:39
ompaul!no u is bar11:39
ompaul!forget u11:39
ubottuUnless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..11:39
ompauljussi01, ^^ help officer not officier11:40
bazhangdinner time; back in a bit :)11:40
stdin@reload Encyclopedia11:48
ubottustdin: The operation succeeded.11:48
stdinompaul: try now11:48
ompaul!no u is <reply> Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..11:48
ubottuI'll remember that ompaul11:48
ompaulstdin, thank11:49
ompaulstdin, ehh can you remove this12:11
ompaul<ompaul> @kick elky test12:11
ompaul<ubottu> ompaul: Error: You don't have the #ubuntu-offtopic,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.12:11
stdin@disable Channel kick12:14
ubottustdin: The operation succeeded.12:14
ompaulstdin, you get gold stars for that :)12:25
Tm_Thi kids12:27
elkyPici, new comic12:28
ompaulrambo3, who did what where when etc12:47
jpdsFloodbots appeared to have failed to mute hishamfathi.12:53
elkyompaul, you didnt bore mr future enough14:04
ompaulseems I went away14:19
ompaulwhat is the removal of +d #ubuntu-offtopic Rayme?Chan14:36
ompaulelky, ^^ tomaw14:38
ompauljussi01, ^^14:38
ompaulmez LjL  ^^14:38
ompauli.e. help14:39
ompaulI used to be able to do this my brain is not working14:39
tomaw/mode #ubuntu-offtopic -d Rayme?Chan14:39
ompaulthanks tom14:39
ompaultomaw even14:39
ompaulI forgot cos I have too much scripted :-/14:40
Myrtti17:31 @,- Irssi: Join to #ubuntu was synced in 107 secs15:32
* Myrtti sighs16:03
Seeker`whats wrong?16:05
Myrttifeet hurt, having a headache and feeling blue16:08
Seeker`that sucks16:09
ubottusoundray called the ops in #ubuntu (hamman abuse)16:35
jpdsnickrud: Oops, wrong fella.16:36
nickrudyeah, saw that16:36
* nickrud slaps lazy left hand16:36
nickrudmsg'd him, with an apology16:38
* jussi01 walks in16:56
* jussi01 is tired16:56
seanwJust removed the pennergame spammer hope that is okay18:45
jussi01seanw: sounds good to me :)18:46
Tm_Thi kids18:54
* Tm_T hugs Myrtti 18:54
fyrestrtris b|0sCrasher another bot?19:35
ubottufyrestrtr called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()19:37
jussi01fyrestrtr: where?19:37
fyrestrtrin #ubuntu19:38
nickrudnalioth dealt with it19:40
Picifyrestrtr: in the future.... call the ops in the right channel.19:40
Piciits a waste of ours and your time to do that in -offtopic.19:40
fyrestrtrthanks again.19:41
Flannelfyrestrtr: you could always call it in here if you think the highlights would help19:41
fyrestrtrhrmm, that's a thought :)19:42
Picicalling ops in here is like super emergency mode.19:42
nickrudand requires finding out where. Doing it in the right channel saves much effort on the part of ops, thank you very much :)19:43
* Flannel is groggy, not thinking straight.19:43
Flannelyes, indeed.  do it in the channel :)19:43
Tm_Talso using | reason19:43
Tm_Tlike !foops | flannel said it right!!1119:44
* Tm_T hides19:44
Flanneland then we all wake up, verify the complaint, (know which channel it is already)19:44
Flanneland then ban me!19:44
nickrud<virtual> /cs kb Flannel  </virtual>19:54
ubottuGnea called the ops in #ubuntu (zod21)20:17
Tm_Tfyrestrtr: anything else we can help you with?20:17
naliothnobody talks any more?20:17
ikonianalioth: where ?20:18
nalioth #ubuntu20:18
ikonianalioth: seems quite busy20:18
ikoniaFlannel: are you talking to zod21 ?20:19
Flannelikonia: No, gnea20:19
ikoniaFlannel: I'll speak to zod21 then20:19
Flannelikonia: sounds good20:19
Picigardar: Can we help you?20:20
FlannelPici: he's forwarded here.  see his comments20:21
naliothflannel removed him, ikonia went back and kicked him20:23
naliothno talking20:23
Flannelikonia: he means coming here and talking20:24
GneaFlannel: ok20:24
ikonianalioth: that was seconds apart20:24
Tm_Tfyrestrtr: wake up, son20:25
Flannelnalioth: It actually was two people.  one with an underscore20:25
FlannelGnea: There's absolutely no reason why you need to provoke someone, regardless of their behavior20:25
GneaFlannel: i wasn't trying to provoke anyone.20:25
FlannelGnea: In the future, leave out the "welcome to ignore" comments, and you'll be fine.20:25
* Flannel could swear he's already said this.20:26
GneaFlannel: and i'm not fine how? the guy had a chip on his shoulder. i can handle not saying anything about placing someone on /ignore in a public forum, that's not the issue. i asked you how YOU would've handled it differently, and all you can tell me is what part of what i did shouldn't be repeated in the future. thank you for the advice.20:28
naliothno, i mean PM'g the guy about how we're here to communicate, not vituperation20:28
FlannelGnea: He didn't have a chip on the shoulder until you provoked him.  He was merely offtopic in #ubuntu, not offensive, not combative.20:29
ikonianalioth: the comment he made - in my opinion warrented removing and discussion away from the channel, as the situation with gnea and the zod21 was growing in tension, and as he has yet to repond to a pm request I feel reasonably confident it was the right thing to do20:30
FlannelGnea: call offtopic on him, if he continued to be offtopic, the ops would've dealt with him.20:30
GneaFlannel: someone else already did, it seemed inappropriate to repeat it.20:31
FlannelGnea: Theres nothing wrong with just walking away, you don't need to encourage him20:31
FlannelGnea: thats all I'm getting at.20:32
GneaFlannel: walking away from the situation is, funny enough, something that I tend to encourage from time to time. Perhaps I should follow my own advice on this as well.20:32
FlannelGnea: We all lapse occassionally.  Its no big deal.20:33
GneaFlannel: Thank you.20:33
Gneaand, thank you everyone else.20:34
Flannelnalioth: he (zod) was directly abusive to a member of the community, and was already offtopic and warned a few times.20:34
ikonianalioth: now that gnea has left, I'm open to critisism/advice on how that could have been delt with better ?20:34
ikoniadidn't want to discuss it infront of one of the users in question20:35
naliothwe're becoming #debian20:38
ikonianalioth: ok, so as I said, a little advice/guideline on how to deal with that better would be most welcome20:39
Flannelnalioth: I don't see how that's the case (or at least, relevant to this situation)20:40
naliothdefinitely going toward #debian20:40
ikonianalioth: ok, well some feedback and advice is welcome20:41
naliothzod21> hey anyone in here ever used a mac   and the response was !ot and !anyone20:41
ikonianalioth: they where user responses, that can be delt with in PM20:41
FlannelThe offtopic was inappropriate in that situation, the anyone... not so much.20:42
naliothwell, you DO know that Ubuntu runs on Macs20:42
ikoniaa mac is a valid hardware platform for x86 and ppc20:42
ikoniasure yes, it's a valid platform20:42
Flannelnalioth: Yes, which is why it wasn't offtopic.20:43
ikoniaas I said, that was a user response I believe20:43
Flannel"anyone use a mac" though, does garner a !anyone20:43
ikoniaFlannel: but I see nalioth's point on that "zod21 lots of people use macs, what problem are you having"20:43
ikoniamore personal than a factoid20:43
Flannelikonia: I agree, and I often type stuff out instead of factoids, but again, thats individuals, not channel policy20:44
ikoniaFlannel: exactly, that was a random user in the channels respose20:44
nickrudit's difficult to control individual's response.20:44
ikoniaand as I said that can be delt with in pm "not so quick on the factoids etc etc"20:44
Mez@schedule london20:45
ubottuMez: Schedule for Europe/London: 05 Aug 23:00: Community Council | 06 Aug 21:00: Maryland LoCo IRC | 07 Aug 13:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 07 Aug 15:00: Ubuntu Java Team | 08 Aug 01:00: Americas Board | 08 Aug 05:00: Ubuntu MOTU20:45
Mezew, CC meeting at 11pm ? :(20:46
ikoniajolt cola is your friend20:46
MezThey don't have that here.20:46
ikoniaMez: http://www.cybercandy.co.uk/aaasmt/index.php20:47
MezPriceChild / elky_work / nalioth - is the nominations being dealt with in that? or at another time?20:47
Mezikonia, I know what it is.20:47
ikoniaMez: BIG can / multi-packs / single cans, place your orde20:47
* Nafallo is pretty sure he've seen Jolt in London20:47
ikoniaMez: thats a link to buy it, not "what it is"20:47
ikoniaNafallo: I've got a can in my bag along with "slurm" from london at the weekend20:48
NafalloI'm mostly running on relentless those days though ;-)20:48
Mezikonia, to be fair, if It's anything like red bull cola .. :(20:48
ikonianickrud: futurama drink20:48
MezNafallo, yeah, same here20:48
ikoniaMez: pretty much the same thing20:49
ikoniaMez: a little more "pepsi" taste though , less tinny20:49
Nafalloanother really awesome one are '24' :-)20:50
PriceChildMez: another time.21:07
PriceChildMez: hopefully close to having a clear agreed process to document to the ML with final dates.21:07
=== gardar is now known as gardar`afk
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious instead.22:04
=== gardar`afk is now known as gardar
naliothgardar: can we help you?22:04
nickrud!idle | gardar (since nalioth is too nice ;)22:05
ubottuI'll remember that, nickrud22:05
nickrudah, crap, not again!22:06
nickrudforget idle | gardar (since nalioth22:06
gardarhm nope nalioth, I've no idea why im here22:06
nickrud!forget idle | gardar (since nalioth22:06
ubottuI'll forget that, nickrud22:06
naliothgardar: please see the /topic22:12
gardarstill don't understand how I got here22:12
nickrudgardar you have a forward registered for you here: He has been warned multiple times to fix his away. Said he would do so, and still hasn't. Feel free to remove this once fixed (or if there are other circumstances, this isn't really a high priority banforward)22:14
gardaroh about that... well yea, haven't exactly had time for that22:15
nickrudgardar well, find some time I guess ;)22:16
gardaryea will do asap22:16
Myrtti@now Helsinki22:56
ubottuMyrtti: Current time in Europe/Helsinki: August 04 2008, 00:56:32 - Next meeting: Community Council in 2 days22:56
Myrttioh - right.22:56
jussi01and Im still up..22:56
MyrttiI just woke up22:57
MyrttiI'm happy, didn't have any dreams22:58
jussi01Pici: ?23:05
Kcajcan test me?23:07
jpdsHe's okay. Floodbots tested him.23:11
FlannelBan was already removed23:11
* Myrtti sees a typo23:28
* Myrtti doesn't see it anymore23:29
naliothInvisible Typo ?23:39
Flannelbother on p.u.c being down23:53
PiciI prefer using apt-file and rmadison, its faster than looking on p.u.c, for me at least.23:54
Flannelwhats rmadison?23:56
Piciits for finding out what packages exists across all the ubuntu repositories.23:59
Flannelso, apt-cache basically?23:59
Piciso... rmadison pidgin, will tell me all the package versions, across, all the repos, including -updates, -backports, etc.23:59

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