
tjaaltonbryce: so, about the input.rules.. xorg == base, which means we can drop that part from the script too08:42
tjaaltonsince it's already set in 10-keymap.fdi08:43
tjaaltoner, input.xkb.rules that is08:43
tjaaltonbryce: I'm preparing xorg for input-hotplug. Should I nuke failsafe while at it?-)14:38
tjaaltonhmm, I think vmmouse needs to ship it's own fdi file too.. but the question is how to detect it from hal15:00
tjaaltonumm of course not.. it's either evdev or vmmouse that should be used, not both15:04
tjaaltonso the "master" fdi file should be able to distinguish which one to use15:04
james_wseb128: hey. I see the new g-c-c adds an option to make the status icon configurable. I can't work out from the diff what the default is, do you know?17:24
seb128james_w: didn't look at this upgrade yet, are you working on it?17:25
james_wseb128: no, I wasn't17:25
james_wI can if you like, I have other things to do, and I'm on vacation at the end of the week, so if you can that would be great17:26
seb128ok, I'll tell you when I look at the update, but upstream closed the bug so I expect it's fixed17:26
james_wyeah, I was just worried that it defaulted to "on"17:26
seb128well I planned to do it, was just wondering if you asked because you were working on it17:26
seb128I don't want to duplicate work there ;-)17:26
seb128I'll tell you when I give it a try17:27
james_wah no, I just saw the release announcement and it reminded me, I forgot to look when the report was closed17:27
seb128usually I just do the upgrade and look at bugs after running the new version17:27
seb128that makes easier to know what is fixed or not ;-)17:27
james_wthat's sensible :-)17:28
seb128james_w: yes, the bug is fixed by default17:54
james_wseb128: cool, thanks for checking17:54
=== federico1 is now known as f_shower
=== f_shower is now known as federico1
james_whey all, an xserver update came down without the fix I needed so it broke again, can I get a fix cherry-picked from upstream to make sure this doesn't happen again?19:14
james_wI guess I should have put my local package on hold to protect against this19:15
tjaaltonjames_w: which fix?19:18
james_wI'm just pulling up the bug number, sorry19:18
james_wI'm on a different system so I don't have it to hand19:18
brycetjaalton: shall we flip input-hotplug on?19:18
james_whey bryce 19:18
tjaaltonbryce: of course :)19:18
brycejames_w: heya19:18
tjaaltonbryce: but it's going to happen in hal19:19
tjaaltonso probably next morning when pitti is around again19:19
brycejames_w: if you can work up a debdiff (and if it doesn't look like it'll cause regressions elsewhere), we can sponsor it19:19
brycetjaalton: what do we need to do exactly?19:19
tjaaltonjames_w: if it's in 1.5rc6, I'm about to merge it19:19
tjaaltonbryce: add your script there and run it in the hal initscript19:20
tjaaltonthen there would be no need to reconfigure anything after console-setup config has been changed19:20
tjaaltonjust restart hal19:20
brycetjaalton: did you talk with pitti about this?  Is he already going to go ahead with the change, or do we need to send him a request or debdiff or something?19:20
tjaaltonbryce: yes, we discussed about it earlier today19:21
james_wbug 25302119:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253021 in xorg-server "X crash in xf86ModesEqual on gnome-session start" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25302119:21
bryceok, so no going into the xorg-server postinst?19:21
james_wthe fix is in xorg-server-
tjaaltonjames_w: so it's going to be updated later today or tomorrow19:21
james_wtjaalton: that works for me, thanks.19:21
brycetjaalton: updated script at http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/InputHotplug/19:23
tjaaltonbryce: yeah, looks good19:26
brycebrb *coffee*19:26
brycetjaalton: ok are there any other tasks we need to do to prepare for it?  Otherwise I'll focus the day on assembling documentation for it19:46
tjaaltonbryce: the xserver needs one patch to work around a bug in gnome, see freedesktop bug 16364, but I'll include it in the upload19:48
ubottuFreedesktop bug 16364 in Input/XKB "Behavior of xmodmap differs when invoked before any key has been pressed" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1636419:48
tjaaltonI'm not 100% sure if it's a gnome bug or if it only triggers it, but there's a fresh patch for it in fedora19:50
brycelooks sensible19:51
bryceit'll be nice to finally fix that keyboard bug19:51
tjaaltonlooks like a hack so it's not the final fix, but should get us moving19:52
* bryce nods19:53
brycemm, looks like we need a MIR for xinput.  I'll get that in.19:56
brycemir -> #25474920:33
* bryce curses the slow as h3ll ubuntu wiki20:37
bryceheya federico121:25
federico1hey bryce21:25
* federico1 has had zero time to work on the capplet21:25
federico1but now that we are doing opensuse 11.1, I'll start hacking on it again21:25
brycewe're focusing more on input-hotplug for intrepid.21:26
federico1what plans do you have?  I have these on my to-do list:21:26
federico1- finish the tray icon.  Make sure it displays the rotation options for tablets / swivel monitors21:26
federico1- label the monitors with little windows that say "monitor 1", "monitor 2", to correlate them with the drag-the-monitors widget21:27
federico1- Make sure Fn-F7 does something sane21:27
federico1- finish the code to detect missing stuff in the X server or xorg.conf, and tell the user what he needs to change21:27
tseliotfederico1: did you write the Screen Resolution panel?21:28
brycewe're working on some code for working around the need for putting in the virtual option to xorg.conf21:28
brycewhich may address that last point21:28
tjaaltonbryce: xorg-server git updated. anything else to add?21:28
federico1tseliot: just little parts of it; bryce and ssp did most of the work21:30
brycetjaalton: not afaik21:30
federico1bryce: oh, how do you do that?21:30
federico1bryce: the big PITA is that to do it properly, the drivers need to be changed to move around all their buffers in the video card21:30
tseliotfederico1: yes, as bryce said, we're working on that. I have written X-Kit and a little program which calculates the Virtual resolution and compares tit with the framebuffer21:31
tseliotand then use PolicyKit to set up the virtual resolution21:31
brycefederico1: it's a python script tseliot wrote, which you pass the desired screen dimensions, and it checks the xorg.conf settings and updates them (gksu) if needed21:31
federico1oooh, interesting21:31
federico1tseliot: where do you have that code?  I'd love to steal it :)21:31
brycetseliot: do you have the bzr tree handy?21:32
* federico1 doesn't really feel like writing an xorg.conf parser just right now21:32
tseliotfederico1: I have written a xorg parser for the X-Kit project21:32
* tseliot looks for the address21:32
federico1tseliot: wow, industrious man :)21:33
tseliotfederico1: my xorgparser is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~albertomilone/xorgparser/main21:33
tseliotNOTE: I haven't adapted the examples (yet) which therefore do not catch the exceptions which the parser raises21:34
federico1tseliot: awesome, thanks21:34
federico1tseliot: does that come with the policykit helper as well?21:35
brycefederico1: btw we're working to try to consolidate our various tools that need to fiddle with xorg.conf to use that code as the backend, so we only have one thing to maintain21:35
tseliotfederico1: X-Kit doesn't depend on it, however the Python script which I wrote does use PolicyKit and a GTK Gui which integrates with the Screen Resolution panel21:36
* tseliot looks for the other link21:36
federico1bryce: yeah, makes sense... I was thinking of adding a policykit helper to opensuse, based on our sax tool to configure X21:36
federico1changing those config files is scary :)21:36
bryceall the hotplug rework is a good opportunity to do some cleanup though21:38
tseliotbasically the C program should call my program more or less like this (at least in the current alpha): python /usr/share/screen-resolution-extra/policyui.py 0,0:1024x768 1024,0:1280x1024 0,768:1024x768 21:38
tseliotfederico1: the code is not in bzr but you can get it here (the name of the package is screen-resolution-extra): https://launchpad.net/~x-kit/+archive21:39
tseliotthe tarball is there21:39
tseliotfederico1: oh and here's a screencast about it: http://www.albertomilone.com/screen_resolution.ogg21:40
federico1tseliot: thanks; I'll take a look 21:41
federico1what's the fashionable thing these days to do screencasts?  istanbul?21:41
tseliotmaybe for photos, there are a lot of them on the various planet gnome, etc.21:44
tseliotall about Guadec, I guess21:44
federico1no, I mean, what software do you use :)21:45
federico1to record screencasts21:45
tseliotit works well21:46
federico1oooh, I had never seen that21:47
tseliotit has a very simple GUI and it's extremely easy to use21:48
* federico1 records "how to look for porn effectively"21:48
* tseliot would like to see that screencast21:49
tseliotfederico1: as regards X-Kit or the other program, let me know if there's something that you would like me to change or improve.21:53
federico1tseliot: thanks :)  I'll check them out soon and see21:56
federico1wow, this recordmydesktop thing is pretty nice21:56
federico1totally metro except for the old GtkFileSelection :)21:56
james_whey federico121:56
federico1hey james_w21:57
james_wfederico1: I was interested by your rpm2git post, I haven't digested it enough yet to know what to make of it though.21:57
federico1james_w: oh, I just pushed a newer version!21:57
federico1james_w: I'm going to blog about its use cases21:57
federico1james_w: I want to use it for two things:21:57
federico11. when fixing a bug, I can rpm2git one of suse's rpms and start hacking in there21:58
federico12. I want to publish all of our distro patches on repositories with upstream's full history, to make it easier for people to see what we are up to21:58
james_wheh, that's pretty much what I'm working on too, except you could call mine deb2bzr21:59
james_wI agree it's very useful, it would be great if we could make it even more useful through something like vcs-pkg so that we can share the work22:00
federico1yeah, vcs-pkg looks pretty holy-grail-ish22:00
james_wyeah :-)22:00
james_wI think we need some intermediate steps before we can see how to get there, but it would be great.22:01
james_wI'm too bogged down in implementation details to contribute much to it at the moment.22:01
federico1I hope some of the rpath people get involved in vcs-pkg - they have some pretty interesting stuff going on22:01
james_wyeah, I need to look in to that more, it looks pretty cool22:02
james_wI think there is at least one person on the mailing list22:02
tjaaltonbryce: hum, need to add a couple of patches for xkb option parsing, otherwise people will be upset. also, the keys in the script are deprecated, see xorg-server/config/x11-input.fdi for the new names :)22:29
tjaaltonheh, fedora has just added fedora-setup-keyboard.. 17min ago22:33
tjaaltonand that's basically what I tried to do, but it didn't work at all22:37
tjaaltonbryce: nevermind about the key names, they are correct after all, and the doc is wrong22:56
tjaaltonbryce: so, the approach by ajax is what we want, although it needs a patching hal to add --direct, but that should be upstream sooner or later23:00
tjaaltonthen there is only one configuration file for this stuff. actually, everything should be doable by fdi-files if we wanted to23:01
tjaaltonit's just that the tools should be fixed to support that23:02
tjaaltontools that modify xorg.conf23:02

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