
josephnexushello everyone!03:33
josephnexusi'm trying to set up ltsp and all that my thin clients get when trying to boot is File Not Found03:34
josephnexusi can connect locally using a tftp client03:34
josephnexusbut for some reason none of my clients can connect03:34
josephnexusthey do get a dhcp address03:34
josephnexusany ideas?03:34
josephnexusanyone get any ideas about my problem?03:38
josephnexusgonna try chaning my interfaces03:41
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wimai'm noticing some problems with local devices lately18:10
wimadevices are not mounted anymore when i plug them in18:10
wimaon the old server everything worked fine18:11
wimai used udev to change permissions on /dev/fuse so i didnt have to add all users to the fuse group18:11
wima(users are in an ldap db)18:12
wimait used to work fine18:12
wimainstalled a new server, and it doesn't work anymore18:12
wimadoes anyone have an idea?18:12
wimaid i add the user to the fuse group, it works18:13
ograthe mounting tool is suid fuse iirc (was changed because users tended to change permissions of the devcie which introduced security holes :) )18:20
wimais there anything i can do about it?18:21
wimai'm not really looking forward to putting all the ldap users in the fuse group18:22
ograhave a look at /bin/fusermount18:22
wima-rwsr-xr-- root fuse18:23
wimawhat does this mean?18:24
wimahat it will alwaus execute as root?18:24
ograthat it has a stick group bit set18:26
ograso it will always execute as group fuse18:26
wimaand why is this a problem?18:27
wimai meqn18:28
wimawhere is the permission problem18:28
ograyou need to be in eh fuse group18:29
ograremove the sticky bit and change it to root.root18:29
wimabtw: is anyone considering doing something about this?18:30
ogranot me18:31
* ogra wont break security and doesnt really care about misconfigured ldap setups18:31
wimayou would put the ldap users in the fuse group?18:32
ograjust have a script that adds users to the right group instead of ripping open security holes18:32
wimawasn't there a pam module to do this?18:32
wimaah. found it!18:41
ograyeah, thats the one18:41
ograway cleaner :)18:41
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LaserJockogra: hi19:37
LaserJockogra: how's it going over there?20:40
ograLaserJock, busy20:41
LaserJockogra: cmpc?20:41
ograbut at least i have released a classmate RC yesterday20:41
LaserJockoh, for intrepid?20:41
ogracmpc, my move into mobile ... my older duties i try to get rid of etc20:41
ogranope hardy20:41
LaserJockis it on p.u.c/~ogra/ ?20:42
ograusual place20:42
LaserJockI'll try it out today20:42
ografocusing on the newer celeron devices though20:42
LaserJockoh, will it still work on mine?20:42
ograbut will still work on the old ones20:42
LaserJockk, cool20:42
ograyeah, it should20:42
LaserJockanything happening much in Education Edition ?20:43
LaserJockI was looking at some bugs the other day20:43
LaserJocksqueak problems that I don't want to get into ;-)20:43
LaserJockwith openjdk in Main I suppose some Java edu apps might be possible to add?20:44
ograeven though i think openjdk doesnt ship the browser plugin yet20:45
ograi'll look inot the suqeak ftbfs if i find any time20:45
LaserJockogra: I found the problem, and it's apparently still the same code in squeak-vm SVN20:45
ograbut trying to draw back from edu without anyone taking over isnt so easy20:46
ograso it sticks to me20:46
ograand i dont want to be evil20:46
LaserJockogra: they have write() without and error checking or return value checking20:46
LaserJockwell, the actually do check later if the write worked20:46
LaserJockbut not via the return value20:47
ograi think the edubuntu CD doesnt look to good atm due to recommends not being sorted yet20:47
LaserJockso with our new CFLAGS it FTBFS20:47
LaserJockogra: is it oversized?20:47
ograwe have 400M free20:47
ograno way to get that oversized quickly20:47
LaserJockhave you looked at all at whether Recommends will pull in non-Main packages?20:48
ograthey do apparently20:48
ograstgraber looked at it more than i this cycle20:49
LaserJockogra: get anywhere on the dynamic menu GUI? :-)20:49
ograno, i think i'll have to drop it20:50
ograas well as willow20:50
LaserJockdid you get a start?20:50
ograthe only thing i'll have time for is compcache which is 80% implemented20:50
ograno, not really20:50
ograi'm working 14h/day in the mobile team20:50
ograall i do in edu or ltsp is totally in spare time20:51
LaserJockso what is compcache going to do?20:51
ogracut down the ram reqs for ltsp clients and the liveCD20:51
ograand for things like classmate20:51
LaserJockoh, that'd be nice20:52
ograit cretes a compressed swapdevice in the systems ram20:52
ograso you can gain up to 1ยง more ram20:52
LaserJockwhat does that do to performance?20:52
ograimpacts it slightly20:52
ograbut not so much that it would disturb20:53
LaserJockdoes the cost of compression get compensated for by having it in RAM?20:53
ograwell, it adds CPU overhead20:53
ograbut yes, its in ram so no disk IO involved20:54
LaserJockright, that's what I meant by "CPU"20:54
LaserJockmeant by "cost"20:54
LaserJockogra: are Edubuntu meetings still being held?20:54
ogranot actively recently, no20:56
ograstgraber pushes from time to time ... but  think he gave up ... and we ended being only RichEd, him and me20:56
ograbut if there is no community interest what shall we do20:57
LaserJockI know what you mean20:57
stgraberyeah, I remember a time where edubuntu was a lot more active21:43
LaserJockwell, projects have cycles of activity too21:44
LaserJockI think edubuntu (or whatever it's being called) could get revived a bit :-)21:46
stgraberyeah, I think the main issue is that most of the community is still stuck at Edubuntu=Ubuntu+LTSP+edu softwares21:50
stgraberthe move to an addon and ltsp to alternate wasn't that much understood21:50
stgraberat least that was the result of the 2-3 talks I gave about Edubuntu/LTSP/ubuntu education21:50
LaserJockI think a clear purpose, a clear mission, a clear Roadmap are helpful21:51
LaserJockthere was definitely a shift of emphasis with LTSP moving out, but I'm not sure we really figured out what we wanted to with Ubuntu Education Edition21:52
LaserJockI'm gonna run home, bbiab21:53
pmfrancoHola Edubunteros22:51
pmfrancome pueden ayudar???22:51
pmfranconecesito encontrar themes para mi edubuntu, por favor22:52

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