
emmaI'm really excited about the GBJ!00:17
emmaOur virtual loco is offering a prize to the member of our team that accomplishes the most :)00:18
bdmurrayemma: wow, that's neat00:18
emmaI think so!00:18
emmaThat's the nice thing about tracking individuals work. It lets us see who on our team will do the most.00:24
emmaIt makes it a friendly competition which hopefully will motivate people.00:24
greg-gemma: it worked for michigan when 5-a-day came out, one guy was trying to keep up with me :)00:25
emmaThat's awesome greg.00:25
greg-gyeah, and we'll use it for the GBJ, of course00:26
bdmurrayWhat will be used to measure accomplishment?00:26
emmabdmurray: the auto-reporting thing.00:27
emmaOur Virtual Loco is right here on Freenode in ##club-ubuntu and we are going to give $100 dollars to the member of our team who does the most.00:29
nhandlerHow are you going to decide who "did the most"? Are you going to base it on the number of bugs the person touches?00:31
emmaYes presumably that auto-reporting functionality of the 5-a-day thing can make it objective?00:31
bdmurrayemma: its dependent on the honesty of the user, there is no verification done00:32
nhandlerWell, what if you have some people on your team patching bugs, and others just triaging them? A patch takes more time and effort to prepare. As a result, they won't be able to touch as many packages as someone who is only triaging00:32
emmaWe are going to focus on triaging. You see we have quite a good resource of ubuntu users, and this might be an experience that gets more of them involved with the community.00:33
emma##club-ubuntu is a socializing community of ubuntu users. But it's such a vibrant group and fairly large, so why not try to harness it for something good. And maybe some of the people who get started in the Bug Jam will learn how to do more complicated things with bugs?00:34
jjesseshould probablly head to bed03:35
jjessegotta get up in a copule of hours and feed the kid... talk to you all tomorrow03:35
lifelessbdmurray: http://infovore.org/archives/2008/02/06/demonstrating-snap/ - I'm thinking bug triage03:35
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sbeattielifeless: indeed. I was thinking of a vaguely similar interaction for bdmurray's bugs with no packages page: provide the description and a form box that lets you enter the package right there, which would make walking through the list much less painful.04:51
persiaHaving a wnpp package to help trim that would help.04:54
philwyettAnybody seen or addressing the virtualbox-ose-modules issue in the updates repo?07:04
techno_freakit appeared for me this morning07:05
techno_freak"package virtualbox-ose-modules is not going to be installed"07:05
Hobbseephilwyett: there's a particular guy who usually uploads that.07:05
philwyettYes wants 2.6.24-20 kernel07:05
Hobbseeblueyed, iirc.07:05
Hobbseepoke him.07:05
persiaHobbsee: It's not the modules: they appeared on schedule, it's that the modules are in -updates ahead of the kernel (apparently)07:06
persiaHrmm.  Looks like a schedule issue: the -20 kernel is available in -proposed, but not in -updates.  More generally, perhaps it indicates a need for testing each update when it is moved to -updates.07:10
philwyettMaybe something to look at.07:11
philwyettI can cheat and install the right modules pack and install the meta later.07:11
philwyettNot ideal but has to e done. :-)07:12
persiaOr pull the kernel from -proposed.  Still, it seems to be a procedural issue: someone was testing the proposed update against -proposed, but didn't confirm it worked against -updates when it was going to -updates.07:13
persiaAs it was prepared to be testing along with -20.37 of the kernel, and testing instructions would have indicated a need to test with the -proposed kernel, it just didn't block later.07:14
philwyettpersia: I've seen the the LP chatter for that -20 kernel and will give installing it a miss for now. :-)07:14
persiaIsn't -20.38 better than -20.37?07:14
philwyettNot sure the LP thread was long.07:15
philwyettI will pull it on a test box.07:15
persiaAnyway, the issue isn't the specific kernel, it's finding the appropriate way to ensure that updates that depend on other updates aren't promoted in advance of their dependencies.07:15
johnny_bitshi all, this channel is for ppl picking up bugs?07:18
Hobbseepersia: that keeps happening, yes.  i think steve wanted to do something about it, but i'm not sure what ended up happening.07:23
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philwyettIt should be fairy straightforward to create an updates validation process. Someone really needs to work with who is doing it now and map the current process and work with them to improve it.07:31
persiaBah.  I like bots.07:32
persiahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates has the procedure.  At issue is that there isn't a facility to map dependencies anywhere.07:33
persiaWhen the archive admins copy the packages from -proposed to -updates at the end, they do so based on reports of successful testing.  Given that they are already busy, and non-automated mechanism for this copy would break things.07:34
sbeattieright, there just needs to be a step in the copy process that checks the dependencies.07:36
persiasbeattie: Any ideas on how to check that without a local installation?  Presume that a local copy of the archive is available.07:36
sbeattiepersia: I was going to look at using/extending edos-debcheck to see if I could make it do that.07:38
persiasbeattie: That sounds like an excellent plan :)07:39
sbeattiepersia: we also have the problem that we have stuff that exists in the release that's tightly bound to a specific version of another package, which will conflict when that other package gets an update.07:39
persiasbeattie: Surely that should be represented in the declared dependencies, no?07:40
sbeattieyes. It's "just" a matter of checking them, in a reverse depends kind of way (I think)07:41
philwyettI have drifted through the doc via the link provided by persia and ended up here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html and even that is well out of date.07:42
persiaThat ought be accurate within a couple hours: it's automatically generated.07:42
sbeattiephilwyett: eh? That's autogenerated every hour.07:42
persiaphilwyett: How is it out of date?07:43
philwyettGenerated: 08/05/08 06:10:07 UTC by sru-report07:43
persia(also, should we be having this discussion on -quality?)07:43
persiaIt's 06:43 right now.07:43
persiaSo it's 33 minutes behind.07:43
philwyettSorry my bad.07:43
philwyettRead it slightly backward07:43
persiaYeah.  Having months in the middle makes more sense, but it's not that way by default in most locales :)07:44
philwyettYes :-)07:44
philwyettFor docs I do YYYYMMDD always have.07:45
sbeattieanyway, I seem to be in short supply of round tuits, so if someone else would like to poke at edos-debcheck (or some other approach) before I get to it, I certainly wouldn't object.07:46
persiasbeattie: I've some square ones if those would help.07:49
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ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore13:05
persia!ops could someone help onepointfive not join/part so frequently for a bit?13:05
ubottupersia: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:05
ubottuHelp! Seveas, Hobbsee, gnomefreak, coleSLAW, or dholbach13:05
e-jatpersia, u wanna someone to join part13:06
persiae-jat: No, I want less of it.13:06
ograand miss all the entertainment it offers ?13:06
persiaSee, it means either I have to flip here every 15 seconds, or miss who is actually present.13:07
* Hobbsee glares13:08
Hobbseefor some reason, the forwarding doesn't want to work.13:09
persiaToo bad.  The forwarding tends to also provide hints as to how to get back.13:10
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bdmurraymvo: ping16:40
dholbachhey bdmurray16:41
bdmurraydholbach: heya, welcome back16:41
dholbachthank :-)16:41
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mcascan someone please change bug 255019 to wishlist?17:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255019 in syslinux "Live CD menu gives no indication of which version of Ubuntu this is" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25501917:41
bdmurray_I think it is determinable by a key press17:49
mcasbdmurray_: but it would be better if you can see it directly or is it a big problem to change this17:51
affluxbdmurray_, mcas: f1 shows it17:52
bdmurray_mcas: I'm not certain how hard it is to change17:52
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mcasok thanx afflux17:53
mcashow should this bug handled now?17:55
bdmurrayyou could bring it up in #ubuntu-installer17:57
mvohey bdmurray! you pinged me earlier?18:00
bdmurraymvo: yeah, I was looking at bug 221540 and thought it was interesting18:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221540 in update-manager "Not possible to upgrade if ubuntu.com off-line because of release notes file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22154018:02
sbeattiebdmurray: another interesting refinement for your unlinked bugwatch page would be to find other bugs that refer to the same specific bug watch.18:03
bdmurraysbeattie: I think that functionality exists in the lp ui now18:03
bdmurrayIf you add a link to a bug in a different bts that is already being watched there'll be a message saying that bug X is also watching it18:04
sbeattieit does, but only when you go ahead and link the bug; e.g. 252686 only told me about 22846018:04
bdmurrayis that insufficient?18:05
sbeattiewas just thinking it might tell you that the bug is probably a dupe more quickly.18:06
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hggdhbdmurray, ping21:32
bdmurrayhggdh: pong21:33
hggdhbdmurray, nah, problems between keyboard and chair... I was looking for the dateconfirmed_filter under the wrong directory21:38
bdmurrayOkay, I hope I was clear enough21:39
hggdhyou were... you just happened to hit a brickwall this side21:39
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scuzzolaam I correct in assuming there are no open bugs?22:15
scuzzolaI found them22:21
mrooneybdmurray, persia, james_w, et al: I am applying for Ubuntu membership so if you have anything nice to say, I would greatly appreciate it if you left any comments at the bottom of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MikeRooney today or tomorrow :)22:33
james_wmrooney: is it time sensitive?22:33
* persia locks the wiki page22:34
james_wyou're not applying in this CC meeting right?22:34
mrooneyjames_w: the meeting is Thursday, is that...too late?22:34
james_wmrooney: no, I'm just busy at this minute, so I'll add something in an hour or so22:34
mrooneyjames_w: oh yes that's perfectly fine! :) I was just worried that you meant it was too late to be adding info22:35
james_wnot at all22:35
mrooneyseb128: I would include you in my wiki testimonial request as well but I feel like you do so much work you probably don't even have any specific memory of the bugs we have worked in together :)22:38
seb128mrooney: not specifically but I can look to my launchpad bugs box if required ;-)22:39
mrooneyseb128: okay well if you happen to find a minute or two later then, it would be greatly appreciated! (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MikeRooney)22:44
mrooneyI think the second half of my triaging work is better, if you are looking by date :)22:44
mrooneythe first 6 months was a lot of learning!22:44
jthanEvening. I have some questions about "getting involved"23:35
jthanWhat exactly is involved in bug fixing? I know a little bit about programming, but don't know if that's even important.23:37
nhandlerjthan: This channel is more for bug triaging. You might have better luck in #ubuntu-motu for questions about fixing bugs23:38
jthannhandler: thanks.23:38
bdmurrayThere is can be a difference between bug triaging and bug fixing23:38
bdmurrayjthan: which particular team are you interested in getting involved with?23:39
jthanbdmurray: the bug squad. Joined on launchpad/the wiki.. But I use Ubuntu a lot I figure in my free time (which lately i have a lot of) i could help out somehow.23:39
bdmurrayWell, you've come to the right place then!23:40
jthanbdmurray: oh. Well cool :-)23:40
bdmurrayHelping with bugs can involve a variety of things from assigning a bug to the right package, getting more details from the reporter, improving a bug report, recreating a bug and even fixing bugs.23:41
jthanbdmurray: okay. Well put it this way. I'm 14, I have a busted up leg so I'm stuck at home most of the day. Where's a good place to start?23:41
bdmurrayjthan: something that interests is good I think.  Is there a particular application you use a lot or like?23:42
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bdmurrayAlternatively there are lots of other entry points to working on bugs23:44
jthanbdmurray: Well the most that I use is OpenOffice, Pidgin, Xchat, etc. General everyday programs.23:44
bdmurrayLets just take OpenOffice.org as an example23:45
jthanbdmurray: very well.23:45
bdmurrayYou can find bugs about that application at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bugs23:45
bdmurrayA lot of these are already Triaged as indicated by the Triaged state23:46
jthanbdmurray: right...23:46
bdmurrayHowever, in the filters bit on the right hand side there is a filter for New lets check those out23:46
jthanbdmurray: so these 38 bugs are all new and haven't really even been checked out, up to this point.23:47
bdmurrayjthan: that is the idea yes23:47
jthanbdmurray: I see.23:47
bdmurraylets look at the one at the bottom of the list since it is the newest23:47
jthanbdmurray: okay23:48
bdmurrayI'm having a hard time making sense of the steps but we are in luck as this seems to have a test document23:49
jthanbdmurray: yeah the instructions aren't great.23:49
jthanI can't open it now, unfortunately.23:50
bdmurrayokay, well I've opened the document and I'm not having an immediate problem with it23:52
jthanbdmurray: Are you on Kubuntu? Looks like that's where it was noted to have problems.23:53
bdmurrayjthan: actually no, but I'd be surprised if it requires it23:53
bdmurrayfrom what I can make of step 3 I think I am supposed to do something23:54
jthanbdmurray: It's hard to tell.23:55
bdmurrayI think I figured it out23:56
jthanbdmurray: w00t! lol. Explain?23:57
bdmurray3. Select cells A5 to A3, starting with A5 and rename the range to something.  Then press enter 3 times which will move the selection box to a5 and openoffice will hang.23:58
bdmurraySo, I'll try it again just to be sure, then update the instructions and set the bug's status to confirmed23:59
jthanbdmurray: so even by confirming that these bugs are indeed broken, is a help?23:59

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