
pjbroadHi, may I ask an upload question?01:07
pjbroadok, I'll ask anyway.  I uploaded a couple of packages a few weeks ago, I have tried to upload new versions but they never appear, any hints?01:09
Adri2000upload where?01:10
pjbroadto http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/uploads.py01:10
pjbroadnevermind, as if my magic they appeared just now, *slighly sheepishly I'll leave*.....01:11
TomJaegerCould someone review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=easystroke ? Thank you.01:20
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tbielawahello everybody04:19
emmaHi gnomefreak05:08
gnomefreakhi emma05:09
dholbachgood morning05:45
nxvlgood morning!05:46
nxvldholbach: did you saw jono's mail?05:46
dholbachnxvl: yes05:47
dholbachI'll get to it later on05:47
dholbach(lots and lots and lots and lots of stuff to do)05:47
nxvltake your time05:47
* dholbach hugs nxvl05:47
* nxvl HUGS dholbach back05:47
DBOoh great a glorious master of the universe... where does one suggest a patch for libgtk2.0-cil?05:48
persiaDBO: In a bug against the gtk-sharp2 package.05:49
dholbachDBO: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess05:49
DBOthank you =)05:50
DBOits a one line patch to fix a memory leak that was already committed into GTK-sharp trunk... do i need to go through that whole process dholbach?05:51
RAOFDBO: The bug filing is not optional05:53
persiaDBO: Well, someone has to commit the fix and upload it.  If you want to do most of the work, it makes it easier for others.  If you don't have time, someone else may read the bug.05:53
RAOFDBO: But you could just dump the patch on the bug if you want.05:53
RAOFWell, I suppose the bug filing _is_ optional, really.  I've got a stake in the outcome and might eventually find time to hunt this down without a bug.05:54
DBOits just in the Gtk.Metadata file...05:55
DBORAOF, that change05:56
DBOhere is the diff05:57
RAOFDBO: Put that on a LP bug please.  You can assign it to me if you want.05:57
DBOcan do boss05:58
DBOwhats your LP name?05:58
RAOFNice and simple.05:58
* RAOF is fond of this nick. He hasn't come across a nick collision yet.05:59
persiaDBO: What's the bug number?06:01
DBObasically Gtk# leaks every pixbuf you load from your icon theme.  It just so happens you wont notice this unless you do this an aweful lot.   GNOME Do does this, and thus can leak an aweful lot of memory06:02
Gustovhey guys, will updating via disk destroy my linux?06:24
GustovI'm on fiesty fawn06:25
persiaGustov: Depends on how you upgrade.  You may want to ask for advice on the upgrade path in #ubuntu06:26
GustovI was hoping usb06:30
Gustovthe prob. is I can't get internet06:30
persiaGustov: One can upgrade with no internet access.  On the other hand, you may need support to do so, which is why I suggest #ubuntu: our support channel.06:31
Gustovokay, thanks06:32
nxvltime to sleep now06:48
nxvlread you later!06:48
copprodoes anyone have experience with KHotKeys breaking in 4.1?06:48
slytherinCan someone please give back libjboss-cache1-java?07:40
persiaslytherin: On i386?07:41
persiaslytherin: given-back07:41
slytherinpersia: yes07:41
* TheMuso likes being able to retry builds rather than having to ask an admin to do it.07:44
persiaTheMuso: Well, we still have an ask-an-admin model, but there are now >100 admins, rather than just 4 :)07:45
TheMusopersia: True.07:45
* persia waits for wider sync privileges07:45
TheMusoIs that coming?07:45
persiaI hope so.07:46
persiaCurrently, I can fake it fairly well, so it looks like I did a sync, but many people make mistakes doing that.  A LP UI would be an improvement.07:46
* persia had to sync a few packages manually in hardy, as the automated tool couldn't07:46
RAOFI seem to recall the LP people bemoaning the fact that a bunch of archive tasks are achieved by running scripts on the datacentre.07:47
Hobbseeyeah, they are.07:47
persiaRAOF: RIght.  It's a matter of getting the tools from somewhat kludgy scripts into Soyuz, and then exposing a UI.07:48
siretartsaivann_: feel free to upload both gnucash 2.2.6 and libaqbanking 3.5 to gnucash PPA, both hardy and intrepid07:51
siretartdetails in my email07:51
Hobbseepersia: and them reliably working, yes.07:53
Hobbseepersia: there's not really a lot of demand for it, though07:53
persiaHobbsee: How is the demand measured?  I could be demanding.07:53
siretarthttps://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/2.1 shows the next features for soyuz07:54
siretartpersia: I have been sent another list of soyuz specs where we are asked to prioritize07:54
siretartpersia: very similar to the specs for malone, but way shorter07:54
persiasiretart: I'm happy to share feedback if you like.07:55
StevenKsiretart: I doubt it, most of them are Implemented07:55
persiaAnyway, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+spec/sync-workflows is on the 2.1 list, and the one I was talking about just now.07:55
siretartpersia: did you already respond to my call for help in prioritizing the specs?07:55
persiasiretart: Not formally: I'm not in either of the groups you asked for feedback.  Do you want commentary and prioritisation for the entire list?07:56
Hobbseepersia: oh yes, you work for canonical now.  but there aren't a lot of archive admins, or canonical people pushing them.07:56
siretartpersia: I see you did already comment on 2 specs, but a general prioritisation would be exactly what the launchpad crew has asked us to do07:56
persiaHobbsee: That canonical is one of my clients doesn't necessarily mean I have any more or less influence than I have anyway.07:57
siretartpersia: oh, you got hired by canonical?07:57
Hobbseepersia: OTOH, MOTU pushes many bugs that they want fixed, so it probably gets lost in the noise.07:57
persiasiretart: The easiest thing would be to say "Yes", although it's more complicated than that.07:58
siretartpersia: well, then I will say an easy 'congrats'! :-)07:58
siretartpersia: may I ask what you are going to work on?07:58
RAOFpersia: Cool!  Congrats.08:00
persiasiretart: Yes, but I can't answer.  Mobile stuff is part of it.08:00
persiaAnyway, back to the point.08:00
siretartah, that's enough for me :-)08:00
persiasiretart: So, should everyone provide feedback and prioritisation to the list of specs?08:00
siretartpersia: I asked every member of the release and SRU team for that, yes08:01
persiasiretart: Right.  I'm not on those teams, and you've just asked me, which is why I'm confused :)08:01
persiaI have opinions, but don't want to add noise to your workflow.08:03
siretartoh right, you're motu-council. Does motu-council work a lot with bugs?08:03
siretartpersia: no, the feedback is quite low, I'm happy with any response08:03
persiaNot in their role as MOTU Council.  Mind you, each of the members does.08:03
persiasiretart: I'll dig up the email again and number them 1 through 15 then.  If you're looking for more feedback, I'd also encourage you to add to the thread that you'd like more feedback from other interested MOTU.08:04
persiaPersonally, I think Hobbsee and wgrant are fairly active in LP-watching, and likely have opinions, although I think neither is currently a member of either of the targeted groups.  There are likely also other interested people.08:05
siretartpersia: the thing is that I'm going to leave on VAC for 2 weeks starting on tomorrow. I need to make an interim report and hand the task over to sistpoty, I think (he doesn't know about that yet, though ;)08:05
persiaWell, he does now :)08:05
* StevenK was just about to say that08:05
Hobbseei'm still thinking on what stuff i'd like to prioritise.08:05
Hobbseei'll have to respond to it tomorrow08:05
siretarthe's not around, I need to call him on the phone this afternoon08:05
persiasiretart: I'll get it to soonish then.08:05
siretartpersia: Hobbsee: thanks!08:06
persias/it to/to it/08:06
Hobbseesiretart: poke me if i haven't done it in 24h ?08:06
StevenKHobbsee: You may not have 24h :-)08:07
Hobbseei don't expect to need it.  i'm just not about to do it at uni08:07
BUGabundo_workgood morning!08:07
siretartHobbsee: ok08:09
Hobbseeheck, i can't even sign into LP here.08:09
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TomJaegerI have a question about the process of getting a package into intrepid:  Should I, in addition to posting the package on REVU, also file a launchpad bug report (or maybe have someone file it for me)?09:16
huatsmorning everyone09:20
TomJaegerso should I file a bug report or not?09:31
BUGabundo_workTomJaeger: from what I've read on ML, yes you should09:31
BUGabundo_workand assign it to the person or team in charge of that package09:32
TomJaegerokay, thanks.09:32
stefanlsdwarp10: u around?09:38
persiaTomJaeger: You'll want to assign yourself if you are packaging it for REVU.09:41
warp10stefanlsd: here!09:41
persiaBUGabundo_work: Generally, you shouldn't assign anyone else a bug unless you know for certain they want it assigned to them.09:41
TomJaegerokay, I'll assign it to myself09:42
stefanlsdwarp10: aah cool. i just wanted to ask about the watch file i did for mp3wrap and the submission to debian. you posted that - 'Just noticed you didn't add the tag to autoclose the bug in debian/changelog.'  Just wanna understand how i should of done it so i can make sure i do it properly next time...09:43
warp10stefanlsd: It's easy: in debian/changelog if you add something like (LP: #XXXXXX), where XXXXXX is the bug number, the bug is autoclosed when the package is uploaded into archives09:45
stefanlsdwarp10: oh ok. didnt realise that. So i should of put the bug itself in the changelog with the LP: # i was closing by the submission.   makes sense. thanks.09:47
warp10stefanlsd: exactely. You can put the tag wherever you want. Usually it is at the end of the line explaining the change you made that fixes that bug, and you can even add more than one, in case the changelog closes several bugs.09:48
TomJaegerdone ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/254893 )09:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254893 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] easystroke 0.2.1" [Undecided,New]09:57
james_wwho would like to make dholbach a very happy man? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=python-wadllib http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=python-launchpadlib10:01
persiajames_w: Perhaps not using "edge" in the homepage?  Anyway, my python packaging isn't good enough for a proper review.10:03
james_wpersia: ah, thanks10:04
persiaAlso seems a bit odd to demand debhelper 7, and use a debhelper 5 style rules file.10:05
RAOFdh $@ ftw :)10:07
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persiaWell, unless one wants to support backports, in which case debian/compat of 7 is a bit agressive.10:07
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RAOFWhat, you mean we support releases older than Intrepid? :)10:08
persiaGiven the specific libraries, and my personal opinions as to the reasons for the packaging, supporting backporting seems a reasonable goal.10:08
RAOFYes, certainly.10:08
* wgrant expects it will need to be SRUed heavily.10:09
persiawgrant: SRUed?  Why?10:09
persiaI'd think SRUing ports of all the rdepends would be a bit of a stretch from the no-new-features-in-SRU guidelines.10:09
wgrantpersia: Better than breaking every time LP feels like it needs to change something.10:11
persiawgrant: I guess.  Are we certain that this isn't going to change as often?10:11
RAOFjames_w: You appear to have set Vcs-Bzr to a branch only you will have commit access to.  This seems anti-social :)10:12
wgrantpersia: It is labeled beta.10:12
james_wRAOF: it's bzr, you can have commit access to your own branch :-)10:12
persiawgrant: Depends on the definition of "beta" then.10:12
persiajames_w: Yes, but packaging can't be coordinated safely with the variance.10:12
RAOFjames_w: Given you've listed me as a maintainer, I'd hope to have write access to the cannonical trunk :)10:12
wgrantpersia: It has 'beta' in the REST URLs it uses, IIRC.10:13
james_wRAOF: if I do that then I don't get commit access10:13
james_wpersia: I'm not sure I understand10:13
persiajames_w: Well, you could put it somewhere to which both of you have access.10:13
persiajames_w: OK.  I branch your packaging branch.  I change it.  I upload.  RAOF wants to make changes.  From where does he pull?10:14
wgrantOr put it somewhere where the people with upload rights have access and can merge from unprivileged branches, which makes a whole lot more sense.10:14
persiaDoes each person changing need to mangle the Vcs-* headers?10:14
RAOFI'm not sure that's a problem, though.  MOTU will be maintaining it, motu should definitely have commit access, and I don't think !motu should have commit access.10:14
wgrantRAOF: Right.10:14
persiaWell, I can see the case for allowing certain !motu commit access to certain packages, but generally that makes sense.10:15
RAOFRight.  Until we have a debian-maintainer style permission system, I think keeping commit rights equivalent to upload rights is not unreasonable.10:15
wgrantpersia: Why shouldn't package branches have the same permissions as the package itself?10:15
wgrantRAOF: We do.10:16
wgrantRAOF: It is only used for one package, AFAIK.10:16
RAOFOh, wow?  Which one?10:16
persiawgrant: Well, it's not always done that way in Debian.  I suppose part of that might be differences in workflow between SVN and BZR.10:16
RAOFAnd why aren't we using this more?10:16
wgrantRAOF: Soyuz only got it recently.10:16
persiaRAOF: Because it requires TB approval for each case, and manual adjustment by LP admins.10:16
wgrantRAOF: And I don't think its use has been authorised by the RB.10:16
persiaOnce the UI gets cleaner, we ought be using it more.10:17
wgrantAnd there's no UI for it, right.10:17
RAOFAh.  So it's not finished enough to really use.  Check.10:17
persiaNice thing about the implementation is that it's inclusive: rather than being that some person can upload, it's that some person can *also* upload.10:19
huatshello persia10:20
huatshow are you ?10:20
huatsTheMuso: are you around ?10:20
persiahuats: OK.  It's less hot here because of the storm.10:20
Koonpersia/wgrant: what would be the process james_w should follow ? Change Vcs-Bzr before submitting it to REVU ? At that point he still needs to commit changes...10:20
huatsyou are lucky :)10:20
huatsit is way too hot in here...10:20
persiaKoon: There's no good model that has been established to permit accurate Vcs-* in REVU packages by non-MOTU.10:21
RAOFI'd suggest setting Vcs-Bzr to the value it should be once the package is in the archives.  The uploader should also push the corresponding bzr branch.10:22
persiaRAOF: But will the uploader?  It may be that that doesn't happen.10:22
RAOFMan, wouldn't NoMoreSourcePackages be useful here...10:23
KoonRAOF: I would suggest setting it to the developer branch, and if the uploader thinks about it, change it when he pushes the branch somewhere else10:23
persiaKoon: But that makes "Maintainer" inaccurate by default.10:23
persiaMind you, in most cases, Vcs-* is inaccurate and potentially harmful in Ubuntu anyway, so perhaps it doesn't matter much.10:24
dholbachnxvl: http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?p=14610:25
dholbachnxvl: excellent work! :)10:25
persiaRAOF: NoMoreSourcePackages wouldn't necessarily solve this: while there might be a facility to preserve history (or possibly not, depending on how the uploader uploaded), james_w would still not be able to commit to the branch that contained correct information, and someone would need to manually adjust things.10:25
Koonpersia: with RAOF suggestion it's Vcs-Bzr which is inaccurate by default :) it's kind of chicken-and-egg anyway. the only way to be accurate is to remove it (accurate by omission)10:26
persiaKoon: Precisely.  If later the maintainer wishes to use a VCS, it can be added.10:26
james_wpersia: but the sponsor would be using bzr, whereas that's not guaranteed now10:26
persiajames_w: That's not guaranteed with NoMoreSourcePackages either, or at least from the last rumours I heard.10:27
persiaSomething about supporting the dput use case?10:27
wgrantDoesn't that violate the basic principle of NMSP?10:27
james_wpersia: if there are NoMoreSourcePackages then you can't dput anything10:27
wgrantdput is going away soon for other reasons, anyway.10:27
persiajames_w: Ah.  I heard talk about having an autocommit of changes on dput10:28
persiawgrant: What reasons would those be?10:28
wgrantpersia: Well, at least for PPAs SFTP will apparently be supported. It will allow things like removing .changes replay vulnerabilities, and allowing upload-time feedback on whether an upload failed or not.10:28
james_wpersia: yes, but that's not NMSP. NMSP is somewhere that we might go, but it's not the starting point. Initially there will be the autocommit  on dput10:29
persiawgrant: No reason dput can't do sftp.10:29
wgrantpersia: True.10:29
persiajames_w: See, if that gets enabled, disabling it becomes interesting.10:29
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james_wpersia: yep10:29
persiaOn the other hand, if that doesn't get enabled, bootstrapping problems ensure.10:29
persiaAs a result, I imagine dput support (possibly over sftp) would remain for a while.10:30
persiaAlthough, I suspect people are more careful with GPG keys than SSH keys, so think that's not a positive step, entirely.10:30
wgrantThe .changes replay hole needs to be fixed.10:31
persiaThat is one of many issues.10:31
persiaPersonally, I think the "target distribution" is the way to solve that: use e.g. "intrepid-persia" for my PPA.10:32
persiaThat way it fails if I push it somewhere else.10:32
wgrantIndeed, that would make sense.10:32
wgrantAnd stop people from shooting themselves in the foot, too.10:33
persiaThat also conveniently breaks pocket-copies from PPA to archive, which I suspect are inherently unsafe for other reasons.10:33
persia(e.g. unexpected dependencies, etc.)10:33
wgrantParticularly with the lack of ogre-model10:33
persiaWell, that, and the ability to depend on other PPAs which may or may not have wholly new packages.10:34
persia(which is external to the control of the PPA concerned)10:34
devfilAdri2000: ping10:59
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Adri2000devfil: pong13:09
devfilAdri2000: I've reply at the bug for the merge of amsn, can you take a look at it?13:10
joaopintocould some review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=amoebax ? Thanks13:10
Adri2000devfil: yep13:11
Adri2000devfil: I don't think amsn should depend on both tk8.5 and tk8.413:14
Adri2000and upstream confirmed me it should work just fine with tk8.513:14
Adri2000fix for kde4 thing: ok13:14
Adri2000makefile patch: if you choose to drop that ubuntu change, you should mention it in the changelog13:15
Adri2000I agree that this change isn't really useful, it just sounds more logicial to do that way. but if we want to reduce the delta with debian, let's drop it13:16
Adri2000devfil: got my comments?13:18
devfilAdri2000, no13:18
persiaUnless the change still accomplishes something useful (fixes a bug), it's better to reduce delta.  If a bug exists without the change, let's keep the delta.13:20
Adri2000persia: the change is just about moving some clean commands from debian/rules to the upstream Makefile (where they really should be)13:22
Adri2000devfil: I'll put them in the bug report13:23
persiaAdri2000: Yeah, I don't think it's worth keeping that.  The commands are still in diff.gz13:23
devfilAdri2000, why we should continue to make hard the next merges? the makefile problem seems to be only an esthetical choice13:25
devfilwe should drop useless changes like this13:25
Adri2000devfil: yes, that's what I was saying, see the bug report13:26
Adri2000you should just mention that you dropped the change in the changelog13:26
Adri2000and anyway the patch is going upstream (I just told them about it)13:27
devfilAdri2000: done13:34
Adri2000devfil: you don't mention in the changelog the ubuntu changes you are dropping13:41
devfilAdri2000: is it a13:41
Adri2000I don't know, at least I think it's better13:41
Adri2000also, how is the debian/amsn.desktop removal a useful change to keep?13:42
devfilAdri2000: when you use grab-merge.sh to do a merge and you have a conflict and the best solution is from debian you mention that you have choice debian solution?13:42
StevenKdevfil: I would just mention that the Ubuntu change is dropped in the changelog.13:43
StevenKdevfil: Rationale isn't needed so much13:43
devfilAdri2000: It isn't installed, but also messenger.xpm is useless, maybe the best solution is to report this to debian and for now to don't drop them13:43
LaneyAfternoon all. Anyone up for a review of http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=goocanvasmm ? :>13:44
Adri2000devfil: I think so yes13:44
Adri2000devfil: how is bug #249534 fixed by your merge?13:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249534 in amsn "Using amsn 0.97 from ubuntu repository it ask me to download a TLS module, but then it doesn't work testing Intrepid 64-bit  (no problem using version 0.97.1 compiled)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24953413:45
devfilAdri2000: the new version fixes the problem13:45
devfilit is a problem of the new windows servers13:46
Adri2000the bug is about a tls module13:46
Adri2000not about not being able to connect13:46
Adri2000the not being able to connect is bug #24372213:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243722 in amsn "Amsn 0.97 doesn't work testing intrepid 64-bit. There is no way to connect to it. But server works correctly using pidgin and others.." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24372213:47
Adri2000which is indeed fixed in amsn >= 0.97.113:47
devfilAdri2000: the tls problem is fixed in the new version, I'm sure about this, but if you don't I can ask the user to try the new version and then to mark the bug as fixed13:48
Adri2000devfil: can you reproduce the tls bug with the current 0.97 package?13:49
devfilAdri2000: let me try13:49
devfilAdri2000: not needed to test, it is already tested in the 0ubuntu6 package (thanks to DktrKranz)13:53
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sistpoty|workhi folks13:54
geserHi sistpoty|work13:55
sistpoty|workhi geser13:55
Adri2000devfil: if you're sure that upload fixes this bug, then close it manually explaining why it is fixed, but do not close it in your unrelated merge13:56
Adri2000hi sistpoty|work :)13:56
sistpoty|workhi Adri200013:56
devfilAdri2000: done13:57
Adri2000devfil: also I'd suggest adding a new line in the changelog saying the new upstream release fixes the connection bug (LP: #243722), because with the current "merge .. (LP: #...)" it seems to me these are all merge bugs13:58
devfilAdri2000: next time, can you please explain me all the changes before? so I don't need to do a lot of debdiff, thanks13:59
Adri2000devfil: wait until I tell you it's ok to upload your debdiff, but I think it's good to do such live reviews :)14:01
devfilAdri2000: done, there are other changes that14:02
devfilI should do?14:02
bddebianHeya gang14:02
Adri2000devfil: have you listed the dropped ubuntu changes?14:02
Adri2000bddebian: heya bddebian !14:02
persiabddebian: Hey.  NBS needs *you* :)14:02
devfilAdri2000: yes14:02
Adri2000devfil: cool, let me do a final check and I think we are done14:03
sistpoty|workhi bddebian14:03
bddebianHeya Adri2000, persia, sistpoty|work14:05
bddebianpersia: NBS?14:05
persiabddebian: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/ : I'm just remembering some of your package upload marathons, and thought I could tempt you: if you've forgotten, no worries.14:06
nxvldholbach: \o/14:08
nxvldholbach: awesome14:08
Adri2000devfil: please upload, that should ok14:10
devfilAdri2000: ehm... what?14:10
Adri2000s/upload/attach your debdiff to the bug/14:11
devfilAdri2000: done14:11
devfilI've already uploaded it14:12
bddebianAh NBS as in Not Build from Source?14:12
bddebianbuilt even14:13
persiabddebian: Yep.14:13
* persia hunts the wiki14:13
persiahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NBS seems to be a reasonable summary.14:15
Adri2000devfil: FYI I'm updating the package to 0.97.2, so there will be your merge and the new upstream release in the same upload14:15
KopfgeldjaegerHow can I remove a folder in debian/myapp when using cdbs [so that it's not in the binary package]?14:15
devfilAdri2000: so why you don't have done the merge?14:16
joaopintoKopfgeldjaeger, I believe you can use the install/package:: rule14:17
Kopfgeldjaegerok, thank you14:17
joaopintoI am not just sure wether it's called before or after the CDBS dh_install, but I believe it's before14:18
bddebianpersia: I'll see what I can do14:18
slytherinKopfgeldjaeger: do not include it in debian/myapp.install file.14:18
persiabddebian: It's up to you: if you're busy with other stuff, that's well understandable.14:18
Kopfgeldjaegerslytherin: i don't do that anyway14:19
Adri2000devfil: I could. but you had already put a debdiff in LP, and we try to not duplicate efforts. so I review what you've done and use it.14:19
slytherinKopfgeldjaeger: then I think the folder won't end up ni .deb14:19
persiaKopfgeldjaeger: https://perso.duckcorp.org/duck/cdbs-doc/cdbs-doc.xhtml#id2480675 is likely what you seek.14:19
Kopfgeldjaegerit works, thank you14:20
bddebianpersia: You know me, I don't do anything :)14:20
persiabddebian: Which is precisely why I thought you'd like NBS: it's uploading things without actually changing them: the very definition of not doing anything :)14:21
Adri2000devfil: there is a duplicated patch14:31
devfilAdri2000: ?14:32
Adri2000the first one was added by the debian maintainer14:32
Adri2000it seems he sometimes forgets to add things to the changelog14:33
Adri2000so I agree it's not easy for us...14:33
devfilAdri2000: are you sure that they are the same?14:33
Adri2000err no you're right14:33
Adri2000ok, forget what I said :)14:34
devfilAdri2000: I'm not a stupid, maybe I can be wrong but I usually do a testbuild for each debdiff ;)14:34
persiadevfil: Mistakes are not about intelligence: they are just a result of being human :)  In this case, it's not yours, but next time it might be...14:36
sistpoty|workgeser: you're uploading crack :P14:36
slytheringeser: FYI ... I am already working on libjboss-cache1-java FTBFS. So don't put your time on fixing it.14:49
geserslytherin: it still FTBFS? I didn't have time to look at it14:52
slytheringeser: yes, due to aop classes. We need to bypass then. But there is another problem. The jar file in resultant .deb has no class files.14:54
slytheringeser: forget the second part. It was my mistake.14:55
persiaslytherin: It failed again after the rebuild?15:01
slytherinpersia: yes15:08
kirklandI uploaded a package (musica) to REVU, but I don't see it on http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/index.py15:31
kirklandthe upload looks to have succeeded15:31
kirklandand trying to upload again yields "already uploaded"15:32
james_wkirkland: the "already uploaded" is a dput safety mechanism, you can override it if you need to15:33
james_wkirkland: did you log in to REVU first?15:33
kirklandjames_w: i have not.... logging in now....15:33
james_wthat will import your GPG key from launchpad, which should mean that your upload will be recognised next time15:34
persiakirkland: Remember to delete your .upload file locally.15:34
james_wif you already had an account then I believe you can merge them15:34
kirklandjames_w: i have uploaded to revu before15:35
kirklandjames_w: this one seems to be misbehaving15:35
LucidFoxIf the upstream software is GPL, can the packaging be BSD?15:36
persiakirkland: There was recently a change in keyring management that reset the keyring.15:36
persiaLucidFox: Yes, but that's a bit odd.  The resulting package is GPL.  Be cautious of the advertising clause.15:36
kirklandokay, i deleted my upload file, and dput to revu again15:37
kirklandand I logged in15:38
persiaAnd now wait 5 minutes :)15:38
LucidFoxthe packager specifically said revised, so no advertising clause15:38
tuxmaniacdholbach: pm?15:40
dholbachtuxmaniac: sure15:41
persiakirkland: Your package is there?15:52
kirklandpersia: yep, just showed up ;-)15:52
persiaExcellent :)15:52
kirklandpersia: see musica15:52
james_wthe last one is probably a mistake?15:53
james_wit would be great to fix the second.15:53
kirklandjames_w: i can fix the first 215:53
persiakirkland: Not the third?15:54
kirklandpersia: i'm not sure I understand the 3rd warning15:55
james_wkirkland: if this isn't meant to be a native package then you didn't have a correctly named .orig.tar.gz in the parent directory while building the source package15:55
persiakirkland: Essentially, it couldn't find the orig.tar.gz when you built the source pacakge.15:55
james_wif it is meant to be native there should be no "-" in the version number15:55
james_wthe .tar.gz has to be precisely named: musica_0.1.orig.tar.gz15:56
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KopfgeldjaegerIf I don't want a (AUTHORS)-file to be included in my binary package [I do not include it anywhere myself, but cdbs does], should I just remove it in install/myapp:: ?16:39
slytheringeser: persia: The build failure for libjboss-cache1-java is a mess. I feel like chasing a car at 100mph on a bicycle. :-(16:42
geserslytherin: how got the DD then got it build?16:45
slytheringeser: That is a question I keep asking to myself again and again. :-)16:45
slytheringeser: probably they didn't and they will realize the mess once there is a rebuild for those packages16:46
slytheringeser: I will try updating that package to latest upstream version sometime this weekend. Let's what happens.16:48
LucidFoxlol :)16:50
LucidFoxavidemux (1:2.4.3-0.0) unstable; urgency=low16:50
LucidFox  * New upstream release.16:50
LucidFox  * Move to cmake (I still hate cmake).16:50
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KopfgeldjaegerHow many characters per line are 'allowed' in a man page?17:18
sebnerKopfgeldjaeger: as usual 80 I suppose17:20
KopfgeldjaegerOK. Thanks.17:20
sistpoty|workKopfgeldjaeger: man pages wrap automatically, so there isn't really a strong limit to 80 chars17:21
sebnerhuhu sistpoty|work btw ^^17:21
sistpoty|workhi sebner17:21
Kopfgeldjaegerso I should just write a long text passage in one line (if it doesn't have, say, 10k chars)?17:22
Kopfgeldjaeger'long' does mean <150 chars for my purposes17:22
sistpoty|workKopfgeldjaeger: sure, whatever suits you17:22
sistpoty|workKopfgeldjaeger: personally, I don't exceed 80 chars anywhere, but that's because I know that I can get 3 vsplits with 80 chars each on my desktop :)17:23
slytheringeser: Now that libpdfbox-java is fixed, IIRC jabref is a sync now and not a merge.17:33
nxvlAdri2000: i don;t understand your amsn versioning17:40
nxvlAdri2000: why did you have ~debian0 instead of just -0?17:40
* sistpoty|work heads home... cya17:41
Adri2000nxvl: it's not ~debian0 it's ~debian-017:42
Adri2000as saif in the changelog, I kept the versioning scheme used in debian17:43
Adri2000that is, adding ~debian to the upstream part17:43
Adri2000I guess the debian maintainer does that because the upstream tarball is changed17:43
nxvlsounds fair17:45
nxvlAdri2000: thank you for clarification :D17:45
Adri2000do I need an ack from the sru team to upload to -proposed?17:48
nxvli think you can upload to proposed, and then you need and ACK to move it tu -updates17:50
Adri2000I don't see any ack needed in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration#head-1f27dc12ab1558ec21b31ac44e4c86a87a4cd053 says that archive admins should "#17:52
Adri2000Only process an upload if the SRU team approved the update in the bug report trail.17:52
Adri2000(bad wiki copy/paste)17:52
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geserAdri2000: you need an ack to get the package accepted into -proposed17:59
geserI guess the archive admins will reject an upload without an ACK17:59
Adri2000geser: ok, that's not very clear from the wiki page18:05
geserAdri2000: at least that's the way I do SRUs18:07
huatsnorsetto: my old friend !!18:12
norsettohuats: old ?18:15
huatsfriend for a long time :)18:15
norsettohuats: my young and slim friend :-)!!18:15
huatsslim ?18:16
huatsnot yet18:16
norsettohuats: hmmm, Geraldine parents hit again?18:16
huatsbut a WE in amsterdam :)18:17
norsettohuats: ahhh, that will definetively help your diet!18:17
sebnernorsetto: because of the snow? ^^18:19
norsettosebner: snow? Is that an Austrian name for, hmmm, spacecake?18:20
sebnernorsetto: I thought everybody understands :P18:24
emgentnorsetto: o/18:25
k0pDktrKranz, are you there?18:26
norsettoemgent: o/18:27
sebneremgent: \o/18:27
emgentsebner: hey hey hey18:27
* NCommander is sad18:31
NCommandermy laptop died, and now I'm stuck in a win32 world18:31
norsettoNCommander: think that you could be stuck in a win64 world18:31
Treenaksor a macworld18:31
NCommandernorsetto: I'm debating creating Ubuntu for win32 ...18:31
* NCommander is not kidding either18:32
TreenaksNCommander: you mean wubi?18:32
NCommanderI mean native dpkg/apt/etc.18:32
TreenaksNCommander: eek18:32
NCommanderthere was some work extended Debian in this direction18:32
* norsetto doesn't think he would like a wubuntu18:34
NCommanderhow about a Darubuntu?18:34
NCommander(Ubuntu userland on Darwin/OSX)18:34
norsettoNCommander: dubuntu (sic) is probably more appropriate18:35
* NCommander admits a passing interest in working in that18:36
NCommanderThe trick is building Darwin x86/powerpc from source18:36
emgenti know emerde.18:36
emgentand fink18:36
NCommanderwell, Darwin is already based around a packaging building system, and GNOME and KDE already ahve upstream patches18:37
azeem_sounds french18:37
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NCommanderMight be an interesting project to work on18:37
emgentnah sounds italian :)18:37
NCommanderInstall wmaker, and you have the closest to a opensource OPENSTEP your going to get18:37
* NCommander misses NeXTstep18:38
norsettoemgent: never ask a finnish how they say "Look at the sea"18:39
NCommanderemgent: interested in Darwin-based Ubuntu? ;-)18:40
NCommander(and if your still interested in a wmaker based Ubuntu emgent there is an easy way to do it)18:41
emgentNCommander: lol :)18:45
emgenti'm back in 10 min.18:45
NCommanderemgent: I thought about it, and the easiest way would simply create the wmaker-desktop meta-package with the necessary branding :-P18:45
DktrKranzk0p, yes18:46
k0pDktrKranz, we release stable. and i'm uploading the umit with corrections. after I do that can you take a look?18:48
DktrKranzk0p, sure :)18:48
k0pDktrKranz, uploading :)18:50
DktrKranzk0p, once REVU shows it, link new url18:51
k0pDktrKranz, sure ;)18:51
=== norsetto is now known as norsetto_limbo
* NCommander seriously needs to get his laptop fixed18:55
NCommanderMaybe I can use wubi in the mean time on my old XP machine18:55
NCommanderI'm just concerned about performance18:55
DktrKranzNCommander, is being stuck in win32 a critical issue?18:55
k0pDktrKranz, I don't know why but REVU doesn't show yet recenly upload.19:08
NCommanderDktrKranz: it's a Critical bug ;-)19:10
* NCommander realizes he's also locked out of REVU's server19:10
DktrKranzNCommander, any delays in REVU upload management? (see above)19:12
k0pdelays? hmm19:12
k0pI have a message at last of upload:  "Not running dinstall" What it means?19:18
DktrKranzdon't worry about it, it's common19:19
k0phmm ok19:20
k0palmost 30 minutes, weird..19:21
NCommanderDktrKranz: dinstall is only run on scp/sftp uploads, right?19:24
DktrKranzAFAIK, no19:25
k0pDktrKranz, revu doesn't show nothing yet. can be a delay or upload again?19:32
DktrKranzdunno... a REVU admin might know better than me19:33
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k0pI know one but he is away msg sleeping..19:35
DktrKranzsleeping is useless19:36
sebnersleeping is overrated :P19:37
DktrKranzsebner, easy to tell when you just had holidays :)19:38
sebnerDktrKranz: well, not "real" holidays. culturedays :P19:39
Lutingeser: have you reported the limits.h issue to babel's upstream (asking to avoid reporting it twice)19:39
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fabrice_spk0p: I had this issue yesterday, and I had to 'migrate' my previous account revu to Launchpad OpenID, before uploading again19:42
k0pfabrice_sp, hmm19:44
fabrice_spOn the top of REVU webpage, I have "Log in with Launchpad OpenID ", when previously I had a REVU id. After login in, I had to click on "Merge REVU accounts" to migrate old REVU account to OpenID, and been able to upload19:47
k0poh yeah19:50
k0plet me try19:50
k0pfabrice_sp, I think you have reason.19:53
k0pI don't know about it.19:53
k0psome changes on revu. very nice now19:53
fabrice_spyep: just discovered that yesterday :-D19:54
k0pthanks !19:55
fabrice_spyou're welcome ;-)19:57
k0pDktrKranz, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=umit19:57
geserLutin: no, feel free to report it upstream19:57
k0pDktrKranz, can you review, please? :)19:57
Lutingeser: ok. do you mind if I merge it ?19:58
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DktrKranzk0p, downloading20:00
medohow can I package a tcl/tk software?20:01
medosorry for the naive question20:01
medoit is the first package i'm doing20:01
TomJaegerCould someone review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=easystroke ? Thank you.20:04
kdubi want to maybe patch packages, or package things for intrepid, is there a site where packages like that are listed?20:05
fabrice_spJust look for [needs-packaging] in LP20:07
kdubfabrice_sp: what is the 'merges' link in the topic about?20:10
slytheringeser: can you please confirm and ack bug 25197320:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251973 in libjaxp1.2-java "Please remove the package from repositories" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25197320:11
stefanlsdif im looking at a merge - how do i determine what to keep from the ubuntu stuff.   or, how do I determine if the ubuntu change is still relevant...20:12
fabrice_spkdub: 'merges' indicate that the package exists in debian, and a merge is requested (that is update ubuntu version with debian version)20:13
kduboh... i have a lot of questions about where i should help out. really, i think ill just send an email over the ubuntu-motu mailing list20:14
slytherinstefanlsd: read debian changelog ans see if any of the ubuntu changes have been merged in Debian version. This is first step. For others you may need to have deeper knowledge.20:16
slytherin!contribute | kdub20:16
ubottukdub: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate20:16
fabrice_spkdub: you can begin there: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted20:16
k0pDktrKranz, are you seeing?20:18
TomJaegerI still don't understand the process, how exactly do I get someone to review my package?20:18
DktrKranzk0p, yes, almost done20:19
k0pok :)20:19
k0psay something when finish :)20:19
stefanlsdslytherin: would they say they merge a change from ubuntu... or do we always need to check?20:20
=== norsetto_limbo is now known as norsetto
stefanlsdslytherin: im guessing i'd take the two diff files.gz files between the two version and compare them?20:20
slytherinstefanlsd: you have to check. Changelog may not be always explicit. Also sometimes the some problem is fixed in Debian in adifferent way than Ubuntu. you have to evaluate which is better/suitable.20:21
medoI'm trying to package a software written in tcl/tk but there is no make file or install. what should I do?20:21
medoI tried looking into the packaging guide but couldn't find any thing usefull for me20:22
slytherinTomJaeger: by uploading it on revu20:23
norsettoKopfgeldjaeger: you shouldn't take out newlines of course, just be carefull when you insert one that there is no blank space left20:23
Kopfgeldjaegerah you20:23
Kopfgeldjaegerfoo bar \n20:23
Kopfgeldjaegerthe space at the end of the line?20:24
TomJaegerslytherin, I've done that.  Also filed a bug report (LP: #254893)20:24
kdubfabrice_sp and slytherin, i appreciate the links, but i'm really just looking more to find out what people interested in becoming motu's do: package new things, or help out with repackaging and merging existing packages20:24
slytherinTomJaeger: Did you check if anyone has added any comment on revu for your package?20:25
TomJaegerslytherin, no comments there20:25
slytherinkdub: everyone has their own preference.20:25
kdubright, ive tried packaging from scratch, and would like to try repackaging things to fix bugs/get upgrades, but dont know what needs repackaging to see what its like20:27
medoI want to try packaging from scratch. I found one on LP bug#238612. but I can't get debuild to build the package?20:29
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medo_I am trying to package coccinella 0.96 from scratch, it debends on a number of other packages when I run debuild it says unmet dependicies20:35
medo_how can I solve this problem20:35
medo_thanks in advance20:35
DktrKranzk0p, commented20:36
=== medo_ is now known as ahmed
k0pDktrKranz, ok20:36
k0pDktrKranz, let me check20:36
DktrKranzk0p, they should be easily fixed, other than them, packaging looks good20:37
k0pDktrKranz, first it is.20:37
k0pbut twice..20:37
k0psourceforge is crazy :S20:37
k0psecond I don't have ideia how to fix it .. hmm20:38
k0pDktrKranz, how I should refer PSF licence?20:40
Adri2000DktrKranz: you're motu-sru aren't you? :)20:40
DktrKranzAdri2000, yep20:41
DktrKranzk0p, you should paste it in debian/copyright20:41
k0pDktrKranz, File utils/msgfmt.py is under PSF LICENCE v2. Only this on copyright?20:41
k0ppaste and add this lines right?20:42
slytherinahmed: post the error somewhere.20:42
Adri2000DktrKranz: I think I need you for bug #24372220:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243722 in amsn "amsn 0.97: login doesn't work anymore due to a protocol change" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24372220:43
DktrKranzk0p, I'd put full license, or a link where it can be found20:43
k0pok ;)20:44
DktrKranzAdri2000, ACKed, thanks.20:44
ahmedslytherin: this is the output i get from debuild20:45
ahmeddpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libtls (>= 1.4)20:45
ahmeddebuild: fatal error at line 993:20:45
ahmedYou do not appear to have all build dependencies properly met, aborting.20:45
ahmed(Use -d flag to override.)20:45
ahmedIf you have the pbuilder package installed you can run20:45
ahmed/usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satisfydepends as root to install the20:45
ahmedrequired packages, or you can do it manually using dpkg or apt using20:45
ahmedthe error messages just above this message.20:45
slytherinahmed: please don't flood the channel. use pastebin20:45
ahmedsorry what is that? I am really new to all of this20:45
Adri2000DktrKranz: thank you. now /me goes to find an archive admin :p20:46
slytherin!paste | ahmed20:46
ubottuahmed: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:46
slytherinahmed: you said you are packaging from scratch. Exactly what steps have you followed till now?20:46
DktrKranzAdri2000, FYI, pitti manages SRUs every day. Probably it will be accepted before tomorrow's noon20:47
ahmedi ran dh_make20:47
ahmedto get the debian directory20:48
Adri2000DktrKranz: ok, asked anyway in -devel, otherwise will wait until tomorrow20:48
ahmedthen I checked the control file to add the deps.20:48
ahmedthen I thought I should and check wether i would be able to build or no but ended up with the error20:50
slytherinahmed: you need to install the packages which need to build your app. Check 'Build-Depends' in control file and install all those packages.20:50
DktrKranzk0p, http://sf.net/umit/umit-(0|1)\.([0-9])\.([0-9])\.tar\.gz20:50
DktrKranzugly, but it seems functional20:50
ahmedok I thought the debuild actually do that. i guess i was mistaken20:51
ahmedthanks a lot for your help20:51
k0pDktrKranz, is functional?20:51
k0pbut you comment this...20:51
* norsetto hugs RainCT20:51
slytherink0p: why so long url? Use the example form wiki.20:51
k0pslytherin, some trouble that I don't understand in sourceforge.20:52
k0pI try push umit-6.0420:52
k0pI delete all on sourceforge .. nothing about it.20:53
FlannelDktrKranz: http://sf.net/umit/umit-[01](\.\d){2}\.tar\.gz20:53
k0pbut it push this version.. I don't understand..20:53
Kopfgeldjaegernorsetto: cdbs automatically includes README and AUTHORS - should I manually remove them?20:53
norsettoKopfgeldjaeger: there should be an option to tell cdbs what docs to install20:54
DktrKranzFlannel, nice try, but it's not correct, upstream has some tarballs which conflicts with good one20:54
FlannelDktrKranz: That's equivalent to yours, at least.20:54
DktrKranzit says "Newest version on remote site is .5, local version is 0.9.5"20:55
slytherinKopfgeldjaeger: check id you have file named debian/docs.20:56
Kopfgeldjaegerslytherin: i had one, but already removed it20:56
slytherinKopfgeldjaeger: keep the file and modify it to include/exclude the files you want20:57
k0pDktrKranz, it's a little weird .. where he found 0..5'20:57
k0pis it about regular expression?20:57
Kopfgeldjaegerslytherin: exclude? can i exclude a file in the docs-file or should I just not include the files I don't want there?20:58
DktrKranzk0p, btw, the slightly modified version I gave you seems OK, it's really ugly, but it does the job20:58
slytherinKopfgeldjaeger: not include fiels you don't want20:58
k0preally? let me try20:58
DktrKranzif somebody has a better one, please fire it :)20:59
tbielawaRainCT, you got a minute to comment on a revu upload?21:00
Kopfgeldjaegerslytherin: cdbs still includes the files. -- dh_installdocs -pgtkhash ./README ./NEWS ./TODO ./AUTHORS21:00
k0pDktrKranz, I'll try find better. give a second :D21:00
norsettoKopfgeldjaeger: if you look at /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk there is DEB_INSTALL_DOCS_<package> which should do what you need21:00
Kopfgeldjaegersuper, thanks21:00
DktrKranzk0p, sure... just upload if you discover some, and I'll have a look21:01
k0pDktrKranz, forget.. when i put \. inside ()21:02
k0pit dies.21:02
slytherinKopfgeldjaeger: Someone will have to take a look at the package. and I am tired. :-(21:02
NCommanderI've hit a new low21:02
NCommanderI'm programming in COBOL21:02
RainCTtbielawa: Hey, I just arrived home. For a fast comment yes :)21:02
Kopfgeldjaegerslytherin: norsetto already solved the problem :o]21:03
k0pDktrKranz, uploading.21:03
k0pbut this it's very strange..21:03
k0p* doesn't work :/21:04
* NCommander plays with his COBOL compiler21:04
k0pDktrKranz, check it: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=umit21:07
tbielawaRainCT, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=318221:07
tbielawathat comment offer is open to anyone who can give me comments &/ advocates ;)21:08
DktrKranzk0p, advocated.21:09
Kopfgeldjaegernorsetto: Well, I have set DEB_INSTALL_DOCS_{myapp,ALL} to foo [for testing purposes], but the files are still included: dh_installdocs -pmyapp ./README ./NEWS ./TODO ./AUTHORS foo21:10
fabrice_sptbielawa: just be sure that the lintian file is clean. You can also run lintian on the generated deb package, to check everything21:10
k0pDktrKranz, weeeeee :D thanks21:10
norsettoKopfgeldjaeger: thats cdbs for you ;-) Dunno, try using -X, or check out what kind of distorted logic is being employed in that makefile I gave you21:11
k0pDktrKranz, I need 2 or 3 advocates? :)21:11
DktrKranzk0p, just 221:11
DktrKranzone more, then :)21:11
LaneySomeone in motu-sru: Are upstream bugfix-only release candidates for SRU?21:11
tbielawaoh my. that's a new lintian error to me! Didn't even notice21:11
k0pDktrKranz, very thanks for your attencion. :)21:12
DktrKranzLaney, it depends, if new upstream is just a bugfix and you can isolate test cases to see if bugs are really fixed, they can go in21:12
norsettoKopfgeldjaeger: I avoid cdbs like pest for this very reason, it tends to do things its own way, and to bend it to my way it takes me far longer than to actually just use debhelper alone.21:12
DktrKranzk0p, np ;)21:13
LaneyDktrKranz: Ah right, that's good then.21:13
k0pDktrKranz, so right now, what I need to do is find another person to review right?21:13
DktrKranzLaney, if upstream is *huge*, there are more issues... but if code change is low, it can be approved easily21:13
DktrKranzk0p, exactly21:13
* norsetto also notes that debhelper 7 seems way better than cdbs in this respect21:14
k0pRainCT, hi :P21:14
* Laney needs to look into dh 7 at some point21:16
fabrice_spHow can I get Bug 242572 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wxsvg/+bug/242572) approved? I pasted the orig.tar.gz and the diff.gz file.21:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242572 in wxsvg "Upgrade wxsvg package to b11" [Wishlist,In progress]21:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242572 in wxsvg "Upgrade wxsvg package to b11" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24257221:16
Laneyfabrice_sp: Someone will get round to sponsoring it in time21:17
fabrice_spSo, I only have to be patient? :-)21:17
LaneyYep. We're all in the same boat here!21:18
Kopfgeldjaegernorsetto: looks like my value is just appended to the standard-cdbs-var, even if I use =. -- http://rafb.net/p/pdbtBn47.html <- if i comment out this line in debhelper.mk, it works like expected. Maybe I should just leave README and AUTHORS where they are, as cdbs really wants to have them... although there's not much information in them21:18
norsettoKopfgeldjaeger: I disagree, we should not let cdbs rule our policy21:19
slaytonI'm trying to debug an error i'm getting when Installing a python module that I've packed into a deb here is a paste bin of the error: http://pastebin.com/m4756c1b021:19
slaytonI can't figure out what the error means as the error message isn't very descriptive21:19
slytherinfabrice_sp: when asking for upgrade you don't have to attach .orig.tar.gz. Only diff.gz. Of course it is expected that if for any reason if one can not use upstream tarball as it then you should provide get-orig-source target in debian/rules file.21:19
fabrice_spslytherin:ok. In this case, it is the upstream tarball, so I shouldn't have attached it. thanks ;-)21:21
cyberixCould someone take a look at my package http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=pyliblo21:22
cyberixIt seems to work21:22
norsettoKopfgeldjaeger: do you use DEB_INSTALL_DOCS before or after the include?21:23
cyberixThis is the first time I create a source package that creates two different binary packages21:23
* Kopfgeldjaeger <- idiot21:23
cyberixso there might be some error related to that21:23
cyberixalso I'm not sure I fully understand the way stuff should be divided between different sections in rules21:24
cyberixThere might be some error in dependencies also21:24
Kopfgeldjaegernorsetto: that solved the problem... of courser21:25
cyberixit works in my installation21:25
norsettoKopfgeldjaeger: :-)21:25
cyberixbut not sure, if the build dependencies are correct21:25
cyberixalso I'm not sure I understand the automatic generation of python and shlib dependencies21:25
k0pnorsetto, can you take a look on my package? :)21:26
norsettok0p: you don't really want me to do that ;-)21:27
cyberixThere are atleast two projects using the pyliblo (that I'm aware of). I'd like to get it into Intrepid and then some application that uses it into intrepid+121:27
cyberixbut that depends on the upstreams21:27
k0pnorsetto, well. why do you say that? lol21:28
cyberixso getting the library in early would allow the upstreams to try using their software with the packaged version21:28
norsettok0p: url?21:28
* k0p afraid .. 21:29
norsettok0p: I profoundly dislike having two desktop files, one for root and another not ...21:31
joaopintocan someone review and advocate http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=amoebax ? Thanks21:32
norsettok0p: beside, you use su-to-root but I don't see a depends on menu?21:32
k0pnorsetto, hmm21:33
k0pnorsetto, we're working next release solve the roots issues.21:34
k0pnorsetto, about the su-ro-root on menu. How to do that?21:34
norsettok0p: I say, lets wait for it then ;-)21:34
norsettok0p: you have to add it as a Depends21:34
joaopintonorsetto, I would appreciate your review again since most changes were based on your initial review :P21:35
k0pnorsetto, but without change the adminstrator mode we can't enter in ubuntu? :s21:35
norsettojoaopinto: thats correct, thats way its good if somebody else looks at it with fresh eyes21:35
norsettos/way/why ....21:36
norsettok0p: extra blank line at the end of debian/control21:36
joaopintowell, at the current review rate I guess a lot of those packages will get hold on UVF :P21:36
k0pnorsetto, fixed.21:37
joaopintonorsetto, btw, where did you get those lintian warnings from ? I have ran lintian from intrepid and didn't got those..21:37
norsettojoaopinto: from lintian :-) Did you run it on the binary packages?21:38
joaopintoah, no, just on the source21:38
norsettok0p: lots of blank spaces where you inserted \n in control21:38
norsettok0p: why python twice as a depends?21:39
k0pit's about sqlite21:39
norsettok0p: can you elaborate?21:40
k0pnorsetto, yeap. python<=2.4 works with different sqlite21:41
k0pand it's another package21:41
norsettok0p: so this package only works with 2.5?21:41
k0pafter it, python integrate sqlite and have changes on packages21:41
k0pworks with both21:42
k0pbut if it is a condicional21:42
k0ppython2.4 have differents dependences of python>=2.521:42
=== afflux is now known as plopperpalappipl
norsettok0p: suppose I have python2.4 (and python), will installing python-pysqlite2 make the package work for me?21:43
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norsettok0p: viceversa, if I have python2.5 and python, I don't need it, correct?21:44
k0pit's not viceversa. but yes. you don't need.21:45
k0pnorsetto, about menu, depends is it a field?21:47
norsettok0p: the Depends: in debian/control21:48
k0pyou talking about it.21:48
k0pyes!.. of course21:48
k0pnorsetto, depends of gksu right?21:50
norsettok0p: menu21:51
k0pnorsetto, what about menu?21:51
norsettok0p: the menu package21:52
sebnergn8 folks21:53
k0pnorsetto, done.21:53
k0panymore norsetto?21:53
norsettok0p: Files inside higwidgets/ are under LGPLv2 should be Files inside higwidgets/ are under LGPLv2.121:54
norsettok0p: you should use the copyright symbol instead of (C)21:54
k0pnorsetto, symbol of copyright...21:55
norsettok0p: Martin v. Loewis <loewis@informatik.hu-berlin.de> should be quoted as an author21:56
k0pnorsetto, where?21:56
k0poh it's wrong.21:57
norsettok0p: in debian/copyright, he is an author in utils/msgfmt.py21:57
norsettok0p: you should also add a copyright for the package21:58
k0pin upstream authors?21:58
k0pnorsetto, where?21:58
norsettok0p: do you actually need debian/dirs?21:58
norsettok0p: in debian/copyright21:59
k0pi'm in the top21:59
k0pnorsetto, where I add author of Martin v. Loewis? in upstream authors?21:59
norsettok0p: yes21:59
k0pand me too?21:59
k0pnorsetto, added22:03
k0pnorsetto, and copyright symbols replaced.22:04
norsettok0p: what about dirs? do you really need it?22:04
k0pmay be not let me check22:05
RainCThi k0p22:07
k0pnorsetto, don't need. removed.22:07
k0pRainCT, norsetto is review my package now. :) I'm run agains deadline.22:08
LaneyHmm, while we're in a reviewing mood - I have http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=goocanvasmm on REVU. Last plug for a few days, I promise :)22:08
k0p28 august is limit date right?22:08
norsettok0p: ok, don't forget the package copyright22:08
k0pnorsetto, about symbol?22:08
norsettok0p: no, your copyright for the packaging22:08
norsettok0p: how should I know if I have to use umit as root or not?22:10
tbielawaRainCT, yes?22:10
k0pnorsetto, hmm well umit show22:10
k0pif you try a scan that need permission22:10
k0pit's like wireshark..22:10
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norsettok0p: right, wouldn't be better to write something down in the description and README.Debian too?22:11
RainCTtbielawa: bah I didn't want to type enter :P. Anyway, I'm looking at your package now; I was away before (shower and dinner)22:11
k0pnorsetto, about permissions?22:11
k0pI think it's not needed.22:11
k0pbecause user will know if it need root access.22:12
norsettok0p: I do, I just installed it and I have no clue why I have two entries in my menu and which one I should use22:12
norsettok0p: btw, I just used umit and it didn't start, typing umit in terminal gives me nothing22:12
k0pnorsetto, what?22:14
k0pbut runs by menu?22:14
norsettok0p: ditto starting as root or with sudo umit in terminal22:14
norsettok0p: nope22:14
k0pnorsetto, why not? installed /usr/bin?22:15
norsettok0p: yes, but does nothing22:15
k0p$ umit22:16
k0psomething like that?22:16
norsettok0p: yes22:16
k0plet me check22:16
k0pnorsetto, no idea.22:19
norsettok0p: me neither :-)22:19
k0pwhat do you have on22:19
norsettok0p: what do you want to know?22:21
k0pnorsetto, run python /usr/bin/umit22:21
norsettok0p: this is the md5 088d2bad7411ee0e087c44707f4be87322:22
k0pit's the same22:22
k0prun the python /usr/bin/umit22:22
k0pto see whats happen22:22
norsettok0p: I can run it in all flavours and sauces, still does nothing22:23
norsettok0p: which isn't that bad, at least its not crashing ...22:24
k0pyou're seeing ironic.22:24
k0pit doesn't run.22:24
=== zookoafk is now known as zooko
k0pnorsetto, so.. does not run..well..22:28
k0pnorsetto, all dependencies are satisted?22:30
norsettok0p: all the given ones22:31
RainCTtbielawa: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=3182 - most comments are just minor stuff, but there is some copyright information missing and the package FTBFS for me (with dpkg-buildpackage and all build dependencies satisfied)22:31
k0pnorsetto, i'll test in a intrepid of a friend.22:31
norsettok0p: ok, I have tested it both in intrepid and hardy22:32
k0pnorsetto, and doesn't work in both?22:33
norsettok0p: thats interesting, it does in intrepid now22:34
k0pin hardy works fine too.22:34
norsettok0p: not for me22:36
k0pnot only me test the package..22:37
Kopfgeldjaegernorsetto: got my message?22:38
norsettoKopfgeldjaeger: email?22:39
Kopfgeldjaegerno, in this channel (router crashed...)22:39
Kopfgeldjaeger<Kopfgeldjaeger> norsetto: I uploaded a new gtkhash version to revu.22:39
norsettoKopfgeldjaeger: ok22:40
emgentcommunity council meeting.22:40
k0pnorsetto, I add all22:41
k0pfeatures on copyright that you request22:41
tbielawaRainCT, thanks for the notes.22:41
k0pnorsetto, what do you do to it run on intrepid?22:42
norsettok0p: just called the binary22:43
k0pbut you say that he doesn't run.22:44
k0pand after you say that run.22:44
k0pnorsetto, btw it's not to hardy. it's to intrepid.22:46
norsettok0p: I know, yet I would like to understand why, remember that we could backport it22:47
k0pbackport? to hardy?22:47
k0pnorsetto, I would like to reproduce your bug.22:48
k0pBut really.. I don't have idea22:48
norsettok0p: its a standard up-to-date hardy install, package compiled with an hardy pbuilder22:49
norsettok0p: not that it matters, I also tried the intrepid package since there is nothing specific and behaves the same22:50
k0pthe same what? doesn't run?22:50
k0pnorsetto, hmm22:51
k0pnorsetto, can you see if /usr/bin/umit line 38 it's False?22:52
norsettok0p: I can help with debugging, but I know nothing about python, if you think there are breakpoints I can add just tell me (but not now, I'm just too tired)22:52
k0pnorsetto, no worries. just say about line 38 :)22:54
k0pand python version too :)22:54
norsettok0p: I removed the whole thing, what was it, the one about DEVELOPMENT something?22:54
norsettok0p: yes, it was false22:55
k0pand you python version?22:55
norsettok0p: both 2.4 and 2.5 and python points to 2.522:56
k0pshould be works22:56
k0pnorsetto, after run umit just echo $?22:59
norsettok0p: 123:02
* norsetto goes to bed23:06
k0pcya norsetto and thnks23:06
k0pRainCT, can you test my package? i'm trying to see one issue23:08
k0pDktrKranz, are you there?23:36
k0pDktrKranz, I lost advocate. I upload new package with minor fixes like remove spaces etc.23:39
k0pDktrKranz, is it normal?23:39

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