
ftadamn, we need to patch configure and the build system for system libfishsound libogg liboggplay liboggplay_audio liboggz libtheora libvorbis00:03
Jazzvawhat's wrong?00:03
ftafor now, it's built as in-source .a libs00:04
ftathat's for the new HTML5 <video> tag00:04
ftathe end of plugins00:05
Jazzvahtml5 is out? :)00:05
Jazzva(I'm uninformed)00:05
ftastill a draft iirc00:05
Jazzvahmm... I'll push the addition of thunderbird in xpi.templates... i suppose it's ok00:06
ftai hope that libasound thing in ff3.1 will not create even more pulse-audio problems00:10
Jazzvahmm... i never found out why we started using pulse audio?00:11
JazzvaToday I fixed my friend's installation by changing from pulseaudio to alsa for now...00:11
ftastart the p-a applet and you will start to see the benefits00:14
Jazzvap-a applet?00:15
Jazzvahmm... let's see00:15
Jazzvabtw, teatime still doesn't work?00:16
ftayep, still broken00:16
Jazzvahmm... I'll see the changes and try to figure out why it's broken :)00:16
Jazzvaoooh... pretty00:18
ftaper app volume control, and it's possible to play everything at the same time00:18
Jazzvacool ;)00:18
Jazzvait's in padevchooser?00:18
Jazzvaand pavucontrol?00:19
ftai have both + pavumeter00:19
ftai don't remember which does what00:20
Jazzvainstalling them ;)00:20
fta+LDFLAGS=$(shell echo $$LDFLAGS | sed -e 's/-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions//')00:23
fta+export LDFLAGS00:23
ftaasac, ^^ are you sure this works ?00:23
ftaasac, if LDFLAGS comes from outside, you have to override it00:24
ftabut i thought this -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions was no longer a problem ?00:24
Jazzvalet's see if PA works00:34
Jazzvaseems it works :)00:40
Jazzvathough it's not working with skype00:52
Jazzvaeats up all cpu00:52
ftaask crimson00:53
Jazzvathanks, i will00:54
Jazzvayay... i make it work on left channel. :)00:57
gnomefreakanyone awake04:38
gnomefreakanyone up yet?06:05
asacgnomefreak: yes08:25
asacfta: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44802008:33
ubottuMozilla bug 448020 in Build Config "configure crashes when /bin/sh == /bin/dash and config.cache is present" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]08:33
asaccan we reproduce that when backing out the patch from configure.in on 3.1?08:33
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XioNoXasac ?09:16
asacXioNoX: hi09:27
* asac eating something09:27
XioNoXasac, What is the planing for today ? :D09:30
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asacXioNoX: what is working09:39
asacdoes installPlugins work even?09:39
XioNoXeverything :D09:39
XioNoXasac, maybe you need to see the whole code ?09:59
asacXioNoX: can you push it somewhere?10:02
asace.g. the hg branch?10:02
XioNoXwhere ? and how ?10:05
asacXioNoX: not sure10:07
asacXioNoX: ask gandalf if they can give you webspace?10:09
asacyou probably need something with ssh10:09
XioNoXgandalf isn't here now10:09
asacXioNoX: then put a diff somewhere10:10
XioNoXi don't know when he arrive10:10
XioNoXsomewere ?10:10
XioNoXon pastebin ? :D10:10
asacXioNoX: better open a bug10:11
asacand attach it there10:11
asaceither inlaunchpad or in bugzilla10:11
asacmakes sense?10:11
XioNoXhow do i do a diff ?10:13
=== zbraniecki is now known as gandi
asachi gnomefreak10:16
asacgandi: ;)10:16
asacwe are currently trying to get XioNoX's code somewhere10:16
asache doesnt have a place to push hg,so i said he should attach a diff to a bug10:17
gandiasac: is that for upstream?10:18
asacgandi: thats the idea .... there are still things that need to be improved, but yes.10:18
gandiwhat's the bug id?10:18
asacthere isnt one yet ;)10:19
gandiasac: it would be best if you could file it10:19
gandiwith desc10:19
gandiand Xionox could take it10:19
gandiI'd CC people from other distros and linux team to let them know we're working on it and see what's their opinion10:20
XioNoXmaybe you could see it before calling all the others mozilla team :D10:21
gandiXioNoX: sure10:21
XioNoXso first creating a bug on launchpad or buzilla ?10:23
gandiif it's going to be upstreamed10:23
gandilet's work on it on mozilla bugzilla10:23
gandiif we'll decide that the design works for ubuntu but not for others, we'll move it to launchpad10:24
gandiasac: sounds good?10:24
asacmozilla bug 44918810:27
ubottuMozilla bug 449188 in Plugin Finder Service "improve plugin finder service for 1.9.1" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44918810:28
XioNoXoh thx, you did it10:28
asacXioNoX: attach your patch with a name "PoC patch (v1)" ;)10:33
asacand maybe attach a screenshot as well "PoC screen (v1)"10:33
asacso people can take a look without applying/spinning the build10:33
asacXioNoX: also "take the bug " ;) ... so its assigned to you10:34
Kamping_Kaiserhi all!10:34
Kamping_Kaiserjdstrand, thanks for fixing epiphany - i'm about to re-try my livecd build :)10:35
gandiasac: we use WIP (Work in Progress)10:35
gandiyea, take this bug XioNoX10:35
asacKamping_Kaiser: interesting that you dont track -updates10:36
asacwith -updates you wouldnt have seen this issue10:36
XioNoXwhen i clic on "Nobody; OK to take it and work on it"10:37
Kamping_Kaiserasac, yeah. i'm not entirely sure why we dont.10:37
asac(which basically means that you were still on b5, as we updated ffox to 3.0 final in -updates)10:37
XioNoXit just open my gmail account with mailto:nobody@mozilla.org10:37
Kamping_Kaiserwe (still) remove firefox, so we didnt notice [i've been working on other bits recently]10:37
asacXioNoX: say: reassign bug to: "your@email.tld"10:38
asacand then "accept bug"10:38
XioNoXi don't see any  reassign bug to: "your@email.tld"10:39
asacXioNoX: you have to log in?10:40
gandihe's logged in10:40
XioNoXi'm logged in10:40
asacnot sure then10:40
asacyou should be able to take the bug10:40
gandiXioNoX: below comment box10:40
gandileave as NEW10:40
gandiAccept bug10:40
gandiReassign bug to:10:40
gandido you see that?10:40
XioNoXand firefox search neither10:41
asacXioNoX: he?10:41
asacfirefox search?10:41
asacXioNoX: maybe you have a french interface`10:41
gandiwhat do you see below Additional Comments10:41
XioNoXctrl + f10:41
XioNoXno english10:42
gandiXioNoX: what do you see below "Additional Comments:" box?10:42
asacabove the "commit" button you surely have something10:42
XioNoXFirst  Last  Prev  Next     No search results available10:43
gandiah, ok10:43
XioNoXse by yourself10:43
gandiyou have a quite fresh account10:43
asacXioNoX: whats your email?10:43
asacXioNoX: reassigned to you10:44
asaccan you accept the bug now?10:44
asacok now10:44
asacmid air-collision10:44
asacok assigned bug to you and all such10:45
asacinteresting that one cannot take a bug with a fresh account10:45
asac[reed]: ^^ ?10:45
XioNoXdone :D10:45
gandiasac: canconfirm has to be set10:46
armin76asac: don't you agree? :D10:46
asacgandi: canconfirm needs to be set in order to take a bug?10:46
asacthats nonsense10:46
asac[reed]: ^^10:46
asac[reed]: fix! ;)10:46
gandimaybe some other flag?10:46
asacnot sure. lets wait for [reed] ... maybe its just a bug10:47
XioNoXbugzilla is bad !10:47
asacarmin76: canedit?10:47
armin76or editbugs, i don't remember how it was called10:47
XioNoXit even show our email address for the spam sobots10:48
asacXioNoX: attach a screenshot please10:48
armin76asac: its his own bug?10:48
asacXioNoX: in free software you cannot prevent spam10:48
XioNoXyep, 2 min10:48
XioNoXlaunchpad managed this better, nop ?10:48
asacarmin76: i finally reassigned the bug to him10:48
asacXioNoX: yes. only when logged in you can see the email10:49
armin76asac: if the bug isn't his, he can't touch it10:49
asacnot sure if we would recognize an authenticated bug though :)10:49
gandiXioNoX: bugzilla is way more powerfull in managing huge projects than launchpad10:49
asacarmin76: hmm. ok.10:49
armin76unless he has editbugs flag10:49
XioNoXit should be the same for bugzilla10:49
gandiin terms of ticketing, of course10:49
asacgandi: ticketing?10:50
armin76asac: imagine i take all your bugs and reassign them to ubottu :D10:50
gandilaunchpad has much richer feature set10:50
asacgandi: for me bugzilla has better search features10:50
gandiasac: "bugs" in bugzilla nomenclature10:50
asaclaunchpad has better cross-project integration and code branch support10:50
asacand debian debbugs has version tracking10:50
asacall together would be perfect :)10:50
gandiI like the chaining feature in bugzilla10:51
gandiit allows us to pretty easily manage project with bugzilla in the very center10:51
asacflags feature of bugzilla is also nice10:51
gandiwith flags10:51
gandiwith meta bugs10:51
asacgandi: yeah.10:51
asacdepends/blocks is good too10:51
asacbut debbugs has it too10:51
asacbut right. that feature belongs to the set of features required for the "perfect" bugtracker10:52
gandiXioNoX: do not switch back to NEW if you're working on it10:52
gandiASSIGNED is the right status10:53
asacoh its NEW again?10:53
asacpushing it back again10:53
gandiXioNoX: you backe out the change made by asac10:54
gandiArzhel Younsi <xionox@gmail.com> changed:10:54
gandi           What    |Removed                     |Added10:54
gandi             Status|ASSIGNED                    |NEW10:54
asacXioNoX: most likely you didnt properly reload and the form element was "New" when committing your changes10:54
asacone of the annoying things of bugzilla ;)10:54
XioNoXStatus:  ASSIGNED10:55
asacXioNoX: yes. i fixed it again10:55
asacall fine now10:55
asacjust open the page completely new when editing next time ;)10:55
asac(just in case)10:55
asacXioNoX: let me know when there is a screenshot10:55
XioNoXoploading right now10:56
gandiXioNoX, asac : it would be also cool if you could write down the plan for this. e.g. how you want to address this issue10:56
XioNoXasac, in french :D10:57
gandiit has to be in english10:58
gandihow people can analyze its user experience impact without understanding the message?10:58
gandidespite - how do you launch this window?10:59
gandiwasn't it suppose to be a tab in addons window?10:59
asacXioNoX: i would suggest that you switch your complete system to english ;)10:59
asacXioNoX: yeah. what happened to the tab?11:00
XioNoXthe tab appear only if we do tools ==> addons11:00
XioNoXif we clic on the puzzle piece there is no tab11:01
XioNoXit is (i think) that was planned11:01
gandiXioNoX: launch it on fresh profile please11:01
asacXioNoX: but we worked on opening the tab when you click on it11:01
gandiand do two screenshots - one with tab11:01
gandione with window11:01
XioNoXok ok11:01
gandiand describe while attaching when you can see this window11:01
asacXioNoX: the idea was that if you click on "install missing plugins ..." that it opens the addons window, opens the tab, do the search11:01
asacXioNoX: iirc, you already had that11:02
gandiwhat has to happen/be clicked to see it11:02
XioNoX2nd screenshot uploaded11:10
XioNoXbut for the moment, it don't do any search11:11
XioNoXit just show all plugins who are in the rdf file11:11
asacXioNoX: right11:12
asacso next step is to implement the search11:12
asacXioNoX: but first, please readd the feature that you open that addons tab when you click on missing plugins button11:12
asaccan you do that?11:13
asacXioNoX: you are still on french ;)11:13
asacXioNoX: you can mark attachments that are not the latest as "obsolete"11:13
asacso they get scratched through11:13
XioNoXfirefox in now in english but gnome is still in french11:14
asactrue. you dont need to shoot the "apturl dialog" for now anyway11:14
XioNoXi think it would be better this way fot the tab in the addon dialog11:14
XioNoXto show the list of tab only through the Tools dialog11:15
asacthe idea is to hide the "Get Plugins" tab unless you click on missing plugins11:16
XioNoXand only the list xith the search box when we clic on the notification bar or puzzle piece11:16
gandiasac: I think it would help a lot if you could write down the plan for workflow11:16
asacgandi: 1st step: use get plugins tab triggered as wizard for missing plugins ...11:17
gandiasac: in the bug11:17
asac2nd step: allow user to go to "plugins tab" and push a button: "search for alternative" ... or something11:18
asachmm ... ok11:19
asacXioNoX: what you could do now, is to use the mimetype given through the missing plugin click and do the real search11:30
asacthe for that you use the pfs.datasource.url preference11:30
asacand use the URLFormatter to replace the variables that are in there11:31
asacthen you use the result and use that as url for your datasource11:31
asacXioNoX: ^^11:31
asacXioNoX: i thin kthe  old pluginFinderDatasource.js already does that "variable" substitution11:32
asacs othe code should be there11:32
asacnow you just need to use the mimetypes you get through the openDialog argument11:32
XioNoXso, we use the mimetype to change the URL of the datasource, right ?11:33
asacXioNoX: look at the url that is set in the pref above11:33
asacthere are other variables as well11:33
asacnot only mimetype11:33
asacbut yes, mimetype is one of it11:34
=== saivann_ is now known as saivann
asacXioNoX: the code for that is already in the old pluginFinderDatasource.js for sure11:34
XioNoXI'll look at this code11:34
XioNoXthere are 2 kind of filter/search11:34
XioNoXusing the searchbox & using the notificationbar11:35
XioNoXthe notificationbar will give directly the mimetype11:35
asackeep the searchbox untouched for now11:35
asacXioNoX: use the missingPlugins array you pass to the window11:35
asacnot sure if you still pass it as argument, but you did a week ago or so :)11:35
XioNoXyes i remember, it is still here normally11:36
asacXioNoX: the other feature is that you need to pop up an EULA dialog when the results have a licenseURL11:36
asacthat the user has to accept before the actual install happens11:36
asacbut do that once you hvae made the search results live11:36
XioNoXor just ignore EULA ! nobody read it  anyway :D11:38
XioNoXasac, so i lunch and then i work on it11:40
asacXioNoX: bon appetit11:50
jdstrandKamping_Kaiser: sure, np :)12:22
XioNoXasac, back !13:07
asacXioNoX: yay13:09
XioNoXasac, I know how to get the value of the mimetype13:15
asacXioNoX: good13:15
XioNoXbut where should i implement the filter ?13:15
asacthats the first step ;)13:15
asacXioNoX: before you .rebuild() you have to update the datasource13:16
XioNoXin the updateViewPluginWizard ?13:16
asacXioNoX: why not13:16
asacXioNoX: did oyu find the urlformatter thing?13:16
XioNoXthat is my question :D13:17
asacXioNoX: should be in code13:17
asacin the pluginFinderDaasource.js thing13:17
XioNoXor with the header exetention ?13:17
XioNoXto get the url i should get13:17
asacXioNoX: ok the code does it manually13:18
asacsearch for dsURI in pluginFinderDatasource.js13:19
asacthere it replaces patterns13:19
XioNoXi'll look at that13:19
XioNoX var prefBranch = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]13:21
XioNoX                             .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);13:21
XioNoX  this.dsURI = prefBranch.getCharPref("pfs.datasource.url")13:21
XioNoXis in the about:config13:23
XioNoXtrue ?13:23
XioNoXok, i've find how it works13:23
asacXioNoX: right. you also have to properly gather the variables. that is done in the initializer of the datasource iirc13:24
XioNoXwhat is iirc ?13:24
asac-> google ;)13:24
asacshould give a good hit13:24
XioNoXIraqi Islamic reconciliation conference ?13:25
asacits an acronym13:25
asacyou probably use the french google13:26
asacuse the international edition and it should be the first hit :-D13:26
XioNoXit is explaind in the wikipedia page13:26
XioNoXif i remember corectly13:27
XioNoXbut it is the acronyme of Iraqi Islamic reconciliation conference too :D13:27
XioNoXas say wikipedia13:27
XioNoXasac, I have to call again all the appRelease, buildID, etc... ?13:30
XioNoXwith all the this._rdfService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1"]13:30
XioNoX                        .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);13:30
XioNoX  this._os = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]13:30
XioNoX                       .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService);13:30
XioNoX  var app = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"]13:30
XioNoX                      .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIXULAppInfo);13:30
asacunless that inf is already available in the .js file then yes13:30
XioNoXi put all of this in the updateViewPluginWizard ?13:32
asacXioNoX: well ... do it in some init function or something13:37
asacso you dont have to redo it on every call13:37
mterryasac: When looking up locale-specific chrome, how do fallbacks work?  I assume fr_US falls back to fr?  What does it fall back to if no fr locale?  C?  en_US?13:39
mterryHmm, I guess I should say fr-us and en-us13:40
asacmterry: err ... do you mean fallback for missing strings?13:45
asacor if there is no translation at all?13:45
mterryasac: I mean the fallback for missing locales.  Like say the user is in locale fr-us, but no chrome folder exists for that locale.13:46
asacit will first try locale without country code13:46
asacif that doesnt exist it will pick any country code (most likely in alphabetic order)13:47
asacso fr_US would fall back to fr_FR13:47
asacif that exists13:47
asacbut would prefer fr if that exists13:47
asacif nothing exists it just falls back to en_US13:47
mterryasac: OK.  So fr-us -> fr -> fr-fr -> en-us13:47
mterryasac: Thanks!13:47
asacif fr_AA would exist13:48
asacit would probably use that instead of fr-fr13:48
mterryasac: Ah, I see13:48
asacbut not 100% ... maybe its just random13:48
mterryasac: :)13:48
asacwhich countr code is used13:48
asacif random it most likely depends on hash13:48
=== fta_ is now known as fta
XioNoXasac, another little question, in the startup function i put only "var app = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIXULAppInfo);" or i put the this.appID = app.ID; too ?13:54
asacXioNoX: why not?13:55
asacotherwise app will be not available in the other function13:55
asacso this.app ... or directly this.appID13:55
XioNoXjust te be sure that i can use it in other function13:55
asacvar app -> local scope13:56
ftamy laptop is unusable. i'm stuck in gdm. usb mouse not detected (but the pad is) and worse, no keyboard13:56
asacthis.app = ... -> object scope13:56
asacfta: urgh13:56
asacfta:  -> -devel13:56
asacwas there a recent gdm update?13:56
asacor is that kernel?13:56
ftayes, both13:57
asacgo to -devel13:57
ftaprevious kernel does the same13:57
ftai know, i just like to complain ;)13:57
asacfta: gdm downgrade possible?13:57
asacyeah. but complaining in -devel is more efficient13:57
asacthough i like to know about your doom for sure ;)13:57
asacfta: you could also try NM 0.7 from ~network-manager PPA13:58
asacit has static IP setups and such13:58
asacso usually most features required should be available13:59
asac(just to give you more crack13:59
ftanetwork is seriously broken too13:59
asacgood that my home is flooded and the power is still off14:00
asacmy desktop probably would have similar issues14:00
asacfta: wifi network?14:00
asacor wired?14:00
ftaif i plug the eth cable, wireless remains the preferred media. and there's no dhcp on eth0.. i have to force it14:00
ftahence, at boot, everything is slow to start14:00
asacfta: good :) ... NM should help you ;)14:01
asacwhat do you use to do the roaming?14:01
asac(from wireless to wired)14:01
ftait was ok a few weeks ago, and somewhat working up to yesterday14:02
ftahttps://edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/+archive/+build/666928 ???14:04
ftaah, Queued: 2008-07-1114:05
Jazzvathat's a long wait queue...14:05
ftait's waiting for something that will never happen14:06
ftaso it will keep retrying every 30 minutes forever14:07
ftai complained many times to lp guys about that, some packages have been doing that for more than a year14:07
ftathey don't seem to care14:08
Jazzvagnomefreak, when you come around, please look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Extensions/ReportJuly0814:08
Jazzvathough, this report only takes care of extensions maintained through bzr :/14:08
Jazzvafta, that's bad14:08
ftai know14:09
asacgnomefreak: maybe delete the upload?14:13
asacread a few lines above14:13
Jazzvafta, have you tried teatime in intrepid? It should contain my patch...14:14
ftaJazzva, it does, but it doesn't work. i guess it's a p-a vs alsa problem14:18
Jazzvaguess so14:18
ftait was fine for a while, then the sound disappeared14:18
asacteatime is in java?14:19
Jazzvaasac, no14:20
Jazzvafta, did it dissapear in teatime in your PPA too?14:21
asacJazzva: what does it use for sound?14:23
Jazzvaah... fta's version still works14:29
=== Moot2 is now known as MootBot
ftaeh ? it's yours14:29
Jazzvasorry... version in your PPA ;)14:30
JazzvaI sent the diff to debian, which shows the changes in old src vs. new src.14:30
ftai know, but i don't touch it, it's your patch before it was sponsored14:30
Jazzvaand it was added as a patch as 99_sound_play_stop.patch... so, that one on patch target created 91_gst_enable_playing, which doesn't get applied14:31
Jazzvaso, the actual patch is never applied14:31
Jazzvafta, if you want, look at 99_sound_play_stop.patch in debian/patches in 2.8.0-414:32
JazzvaI'll open new bug report in debian14:32
asacjtv: fwiw, did the URL escaping land at some point?14:43
asace.g. property.value=http://goforit.domain.tld14:43
jtvasac: oh yes, it did some time ago14:43
asacjtv: in production?14:43
jtvasac: let me see whether it was actually part of the rollout...14:43
Jazzvafta, debian bug 49386814:48
ubottuDebian bug 493868 in teatime "Patch 91_gst_enable_playing.patch doesn't get applied" [Unknown,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/49386814:48
XioNoXasac, something is bloking me, but I can't find how to solve this...14:56
jtvasac: sorry for delay, other questions...  Yes, that workaround for the unescaped backslashes is in production.14:58
asacXioNoX: i cant see what blocks you14:58
asacjtv: cool14:59
asacjtv: but not yet the path patch right?14:59
XioNoXasac, if i put :    window.openDialog("chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul",14:59
XioNoX                      "PFSWindow", "chrome,centerscreen,resizable=yes",14:59
XioNoX                      "install-mime-plugins");, it works14:59
asacif so we could recreate langpacks to fix a bunch of bugs14:59
jtvasac: right, that one's landed but not rolled out, and since it's code running on the script server, it won't hit production until next rollout.14:59
asacjtv: how long?15:00
XioNoXbut this don't :     window.openDialog("chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul",15:00
XioNoX                      "PFSWindow", "chrome,centerscreen,resizable=yes",15:00
XioNoX                      "install-mime-plugins", plugins: missingPluginsArray, browser: tabbrowser.selectedBrowser);15:00
jtvasac: should be end of the month15:00
asacok please give me pre-warning15:01
asaca week or so if possible15:01
asacXioNoX: where did you get that pattern from?15:01
XioNoXthe original is :  window.openDialog("chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul",15:02
XioNoX                      "PFSWindow", "chrome,centerscreen,resizable=yes",15:02
XioNoX                      {plugins: missingPluginsArray, browser: tabbrowser.selectedBrowser});15:02
XioNoXbut even with the brackets it don't works15:02
XioNoXand there are not a lot of help on MDC15:02
asacXioNoX: you see the difference?15:03
asacopenDialog only accepts a single argument15:03
asacbesides the "normal" arguments15:03
asacerr .... not even sure about that, but the syntax above is definitly wrong15:04
asacyou will figure15:04
asac {plugins: missingPluginsArray, browser:  tabbrowser.selectedBrowser}15:04
asac^^ thats a map15:04
XioNoXnewWindow = openDialog(url, name, features, arg1, arg2, ...)  say MDC15:04
asacwhile func("something", test: 1, test2: 3) is just illegal15:05
asactest: 1 is not a valid expression in javascript15:05
asacif you look carefully you will see the difference15:05
XioNoXso, how can i fix that ?15:05
asacby looking what you posted above :)15:06
asacpass the command as arg1 and the map as arg215:06
XioNoXsomething like that : "install-mime-plugins", {plugins: missingPluginsArray, browser: tabbrowser.selectedBrowser}); ?15:07
XioNoXasac, what is the uri to get all the extentions ?15:10
asacthere is none (yet)15:10
asaccurrently you can only get plugins by mime-type15:10
asacwe could add a feature to give all plugins at some point. but that has to be coordinated with the mozilla plugin finder webservice15:11
asacnote: extensions != plugins15:11
XioNoXho sorry15:11
XioNoXasac, what is the uri to get all the plugins ?15:11
asacXioNoX: read what i said two lines above :(15:11
XioNoXok, i think you was talking about extentions :D15:12
asaci know which context you are in ;)15:12
asacXioNoX: currently the only way is to use the pfs.datasource.url15:12
asacand fill in all values15:12
XioNoXI was just looking for a fallback url15:13
=== Moot2 is now known as MootBot
XioNoXif(mimetype) .....   else show default list15:14
asacXioNoX: if there is no mimetype the "get plugin" tab should just be hidden15:14
asacfor now its just triggered by the puzzle piece, and install missing button15:15
asacthats why we want the normal addons dialog to be used15:15
asaclater we might add buttons to look for alternatives to the "plugins" entries15:15
asacbut for that we need to figure out a bit more15:15
asacfirst lets get to feature parity15:16
XioNoXso it is almost done15:17
XioNoXhttps://pfs.mozilla.org/plugins/PluginFinderService.php?mimetype=true&appID={ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}&appVersion=2008080516&clientOS=[xpconnect wrapped nsIXULChromeRegistry @ 0x7f66aecb2860 (native @ 0x7f66c7da64a0)]&chromeLocale=en-US&appRelease=3.015:18
XioNoXis this correct ?15:18
XioNoXexept the pfs.mozilla.org/plugins15:18
asacXioNoX: no15:21
asaclook at the clientOS=...15:21
asacthats not the real string value15:21
XioNoXwhat t should be ?15:21
asacnot sure ... something like Linux?15:21
asacXioNoX: you are missing something there for sure15:22
asaclook at the original code from pluginFinderDatasource15:22
XioNoXit is what I do15:22
asacXioNoX: most likely its not ;)15:22
asacXioNoX: also mimetype=true ;)15:22
asacisnt right either15:22
asacthat should be the mimetype15:22
asacXioNoX: you will figure. you either reference the wrong argument or something15:23
asacelse is missing15:23
asacmy guess is that the mimetype thing is not the right argument15:23
asacremember that the missingPlugins argument is an array15:23
asacor something like that15:23
* asac out for an hour15:46
sebnerhf asac15:48
Jazzvaoff to write project documentation... see you later in the evening :)16:26
XioNoXsomeone can help me with javascript ? :D16:27
XioNoXan array stuff :(16:27
asacbfiller: how did the browser go?16:36
asacXioNoX: whats the prob?16:36
XioNoXare you on #extdev ?16:40
XioNoX    window.openDialog("chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul",16:41
XioNoX                      "PFSWindow", "chrome,centerscreen,resizable=yes",16:41
XioNoX                       "install-mime-plugins", {plugins: missingPluginsArray, browser: tabbrowser.selectedBrowser});16:41
XioNoXI can't get the content of  missingPluginsArray16:42
bfillerasac: going well, I have it building with custom branding, still need to do the mods to get-orig-source that we talked about16:42
bfillerasac: currently modifying the tar file manually16:43
XioNoXasac, here there are an exemple of how it work, but I can't reproduce it : http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/toolkit/mozapps/plugins/content/pluginInstallerWizard.js#7016:43
bfillerasac: i'm having a problem with default prefs though.. I'm trying to set a default FF pref by including a .js file in /etc/firefox-3.0/16:44
bfillerasac: that is a .js file in /etc/firefox-3.0/pref. The pref shows up when I do about:config (w/ status "default") with the correct value but the browser does not honor it.16:45
bfillerasac: only honors it when I change it manually in about:config16:46
asacbfiller: bfiller what pref is that?16:46
bfillerasac: browser.search.selectedEngine, setting it to "Yahoo"16:47
bfillerasac: same problem occurs with browser.startup.homepage (I removed ubufox extension first to test as this also sets that pref)16:48
asacbfiller: i think you need to point the browser.startup.homepage to a .properties files16:55
asacbfiller: there you are again ;)17:02
asac17:54 -!- Netsplit kornbluth.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: jdstrand_, saivann, ubottu,  Jazzva, bfiller, Wellark, Sergeant_Pony, jetsaredim, fta, gnomefreak,  (+9 more, use  /NETSPLIT to show all of them)17:03
asac17:54 < asac> bfiller: i think you need to point the browser.startup.homepage to a .properties files17:03
asacbfiller: same for the defaultsearchengine17:03
asacbfiller: do you have an extension for your customizations=17:03
asacbfiller: got the answer?17:05
bfillerasac: was using ubufox for this17:05
asacbfiller: ok, then do the following17:05
bfillerasac: was hoping to not have to use an extension because the logic for the homepage is very dependent on a lot of things, country, locale, and other factors17:05
asacplace a properties file in content17:05
asace.g. superconfig.properties17:06
asacadd key value pairs with the configuration you want to change17:06
asacbfiller: like: browser.search.defaultenginename=Yahoo17:06
bfillerasac: ok, where directory is content in?17:07
asacthen you in your .js file you dont set the value to Yahoo, but to the chrome:// url to that properties file17:07
asacbfiller: do you have the ubufox source?17:07
bfillerasac: yes17:07
asacbfiller: the branch?17:07
asacthere should be a top level directory called ubufox17:07
asacerr, content :)17:07
bfillerasac: ok got it, thanks17:08
asacok, put a file with just the line above in there17:08
asacthen start firefox with that ubufox and try to display that file using17:08
asacif that displays fine, but that URL instead of "Yahoo" in the .js file17:09
asacbfiller: btw, could you send me the final branding directory you are using?17:10
asaci need it :-P17:10
bfillerasac: will do17:10
XioNoXwhat happend to the channel ?17:48
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thunderstruckfta: asac retrying the build isnt gonna fix anything it look like it needs m-devscripts i have retried build a few times. i will work on it tomorrow im getting ready to run out.17:57
asacXioNoX: massive netsplit17:58
XioNoXasac, ok, any ideas for my array problem ?18:00
asacXioNoX: havent heard anything of your array problem18:00
asacmost likely you were on the another end of the split18:01
XioNoX    window.openDialog("chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul",18:01
XioNoX                      "PFSWindow", "chrome,centerscreen,resizable=yes",18:01
XioNoX                       "install-mime-plugins", {plugins: missingPluginsArray, browser: tabbrowser.selectedBrowser});18:01
XioNoXI don't know how to get the content of missingPluginsArray18:02
XioNoXI've try things like : window.arguments[1].plugins18:02
asacXioNoX: how do you get the "install-.mime-plugins" ?18:02
asacXioNoX: is arguments[1] empty?18:02
asacif not then thats the map18:02
bfillerasac: is there a rule so I know which prefs need to point at a .properties file vs. which I can just change directly?18:02
XioNoXwindow.arguments[1] return "true"18:02
asacbfiller: .properties prefs are called ComplexValues18:03
asacbfiller: you can either look in code18:03
asacbfiller: or look in the .js file that defines the default18:03
bfillerasac: thanks18:03
asacif the .js file shipping default in firefox points to properties, you want to use that18:03
asacits a bit buggy imo18:04
[reed]asac: we don't want new users grabbing random bugs and messing with them18:06
asac[reed]: ok good. fair enough18:06
XioNoX[reed], thx for the email ;)18:08
XioNoXasac, do you have an idea ?18:21
armin76asac: see, they don't want you to mess with bugs!18:22
XioNoXgandi, better ?19:10
gandistill coughing19:10
gandibut alive19:10
gandiXioNoX: how's your project?19:11
gandineed any help?19:11
XioNoX<XioNoX>     window.openDialog("chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul",19:12
XioNoX<XioNoX>                       "PFSWindow", "chrome,centerscreen,resizable=yes",19:12
XioNoX<XioNoX>                        "install-mime-plugins", {plugins: missingPluginsArray, browser: tabbrowser.selectedBrowser});19:12
XioNoX<XioNoX> I don't know how to get the content of missingPluginsArray19:12
XioNoX<XioNoX> I've try things like : window.arguments[1].plugins but it bug and say that it is not defined19:12
XioNoXwindow.arguments[1] return "true"19:12
XioNoXand here is an exemple of how it work : http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/toolkit/mozapps/plugins/content/pluginInstallerWizard.js#7019:13
XioNoXbut i didn't know how to implement it...19:13
XioNoXwindow.arguments[0] return "install-mime-plugins"19:15
XioNoX {plugins: missingPluginsArray, browser: tabbrowser.selectedBrowser} is the second argumen19:15
gandiyou can't do this like that19:16
gandithird argument are parameters19:16
gandiso instead of "install-mime-plugins" you have to give all the parameters19:16
gandiis that a problem?19:16
XioNoXno, i think that I can modify it19:17
XioNoXI've jsut to find where I've used install-mime-plugins :D19:17
gandiyou can set it as another element of the array19:17
XioNoX {action: "install-mime-plugins", plugins: missingPluginsArray, browser: tabbrowser.selectedBrowser}19:18
XioNoXcan i doo that N19:18
XioNoXelse if(window.arguments[0].action == "install-mime-plugins") {19:19
XioNoX        showView("get-plugins");19:19
XioNoXshould work ?19:19
XioNoXit works19:31
XioNoXthere are a probleme with the datasource19:32
gandinot sure if I follow19:32
XioNoXif I doo table.setAttribute("datasources", "http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/pfs_xionox/test3.rdf");19:32
XioNoXit works19:32
XioNoXif I doo table.setAttribute("datasources", dsURI);19:33
XioNoXwhere dsURI = http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/cgi-bin/plugin-finder.py?mimetype=application/x-shockwave-flash&appID={ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}&appVersion=2008080520&clientOS=Linux%20x86_64&chromeLocale=en-US&distributionID=8.0419:33
XioNoXthe richlistbox stay empty19:33
gandidebug it19:33
gandiwhat's the difference between those two?19:33
XioNoXthere are 3 items in the big one19:34
XioNoXand only 2 on the other19:34
XioNoXI don't know if it is related with the big probleme that we add before you left for canada19:34
asacif you download that to a file and point to it, does it work better?19:38
gandiasac: can you take a look at #developers19:39
XioNoXdon't seem to work on local too19:51
ftaas expected, no sound with ff3.1 using the new <video>21:34
ftaand a lot of crashes21:34
ftaProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.21:34
fta[Switching to Thread 0xb7c006c0 (LWP 10888)]21:34
fta0xb7b06ebe in JS_LookupPropertyWithFlags () from /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.1a2pre/libmozjs.so21:34
ftaasac, ^^21:34
ftatoo bad ppa doesn't do dbgsym21:34
ftait seems i can't close tab either21:35
ftait's in my ppa, if you want to try21:47
ftamy previous build ~6 weeks ago was fine21:48
asacfta: is it on branch too?22:21
asacfta: wanna dump nss SO_VERSION patches?22:26
asacand nspr fwiw ;)22:26
ftanot today, i'm dead, 60km ride under the sun22:28
asacfta: sounds far22:41
gandiasac: ping22:45
gandiXioNoX: you have to diff those two22:45
gandiand find the bug22:45
asacgandi: yes.22:46
gandiasac: what's the take away from mconnor's chat?22:46
asacgandi: that he is replacing a xml webservice interface with a html page.22:47
gandiwhat's from that for our internship project?22:47
asacwell ... if thats going to happen there wont be any way to do the plugin search in-chrome in a upstream feasible fashion22:47
asacregardless of what others think ;)22:48
gandiasac: so?22:48
gandiI still don't see a take away for us :(22:48
gandiI mean, what should Arzhel work on tomorrow?22:49
XioNoXthere are still people working at this hour ?22:50
asachard to say.22:50
asaci dont like that idea ;)22:51
XioNoXi don't understand what you are talking about22:51
asacprevents us to do cool things. but he just doesnt care for linux enough22:51
asacXioNoX: there wont be any way to do the plugin search  in-chrome in a upstream feasible fashion22:52
XioNoXwhy ? the html stuff ?22:52
XioNoXwho decide this kind of thing ?22:53
asacnot sure22:54
asacmaybe drivers22:54
gandiasac: do we want to go with this22:54
gandiwhat we're doing22:54
gandiand see how it works?22:54
gandiif we have a high chance to produce something better for linux users22:54
gandiI'd recommend keep our track22:54
asacits hard to fight windmills22:54
gandiI doubt it's fighting windmills22:55
asacwe need more features in the plugin implementation to do it properly22:55
gandiI want to talk to reed about it22:55
asacfor instance one of the powerfult things that needs to be implemented is to support alternatives22:55
XioNoXI agree!22:55
asacso users need to be able to set priorities on plugins if you have multiple installed for the same mime-type22:56
[reed]gandi: I'm always available via ext. 333 if you want to call... or just msg me :)22:56
asacfurther you need notification that a certain plugin has alternatives avaialble22:56
gandi[reed]: what's your opinion on mconnor vs. asac+me22:56
[reed]I know what you and asac wants, but I haven't heard what mconnor wants22:57
asac[reed]: he wants to dump plugin finder service completely22:57
asacand host a website instead22:57
gandiasac: can you summarize?22:57
asacthat shows available plugins for a mime-type22:57
[reed]that seems like a bad UE22:57
[reed]or UX22:57
gandithe cons and pros of his solution comparing to ours?22:57
[reed]whatever you want to call it :)22:57
asac[reed]: so basically he replaces a xmlwebservice with a html one22:57
asaci would be fine with that, but i think there should be a in-chrome solution too22:58
asache thinks that having the choice is a edge case for linux22:59
asacand users normally dont want that ;)22:59
asacbut distros dont need their own website :) ... instead it should be like AMO ... where mozilla decides what has quality high enough  ;)23:00
asacgandi: the problem with going on is that if we implement it outside of upstream that we probably wont be allowed to use it under the firefox brand23:01
gandiasac: you think so?23:02
gandiwe're using extensions anyway23:02
gandiin ubuntu23:02
gandiasac: can you summarize the approach we want vs. mconnors in the bug?23:02
asacgandi: we have one extension. that extension is an attempt to put all ubuntu specific behaviour in there23:02
gandiI'll try to get more opinions on that23:02
gandiespecially why you think that mconnors solutions is not optimal for linux23:02
asacto allow mozilla to better review our changes23:02
gandiif we can get support from other vendors23:02
gandiit'll get easier23:03
asacubufox gets regularly reviewed and the changes should be kept at minimum23:03
asacso its not a vehicle to drive changes to pristine-firefox as we wish ... unfortunately23:03
asacgandi: yes, getting other distros in the same boat would probably help23:03
gandiasac: it would help me get more support23:04
asacgandi: point is that some are not as innovative and dont want to differentiate through UE ;)23:04
gandiasac: let's try23:04
asacnot UE of firefox, but overall23:04
XioNoXUE ?23:04
gandiasac: yea, but still23:05
asacgandi: well ... we need changes in the core for some features that would actually make this feature _really_ rock23:05
gandineed your brief summary of the situation23:05
gandithe dream solution for you23:05
asacand we wont get them in without consent in moco23:05
gandiand why it's impossible with mconnors approach23:05
asacnothing is impossible. but it doesnt make sense.23:06
gandiwrite down why23:06
gandiI'll do the unblocking work23:06
gandibut I need your expertise desc23:06
asacwe can try, but i cant do it today.23:07
asacits too late23:07
ganditomorrow is fine23:08
gandiXioNoX: are you at the apt?23:08
XioNoXwhy ?23:08
gandiyou said that there'll be space for one more intern, right? ;)23:08
XioNoXon the couch in hte living room23:08
gandisonny will join you on monday probably23:09
gandiis that ok?23:09
gandihe'll be working on extensions with you23:09
XioNoXFlirian is leaving in 2 weeks23:09
XioNoXwhere does he come from ?23:09
gandithe apt is rented till 25th of Aug23:09
XioNoXso he will stay 2 weeks ?23:09
gandihe'll stay longer23:10
gandibut he'll have to find another apt23:10
XioNoXso what do I do tomorrow ?23:10
gandiwe'll talk about it :)23:10
gandiI want you to continue working on this23:10
gandibut need asac's opinion and advice23:10
XioNoXbetween the rdf bloking stuff and the "legal" stuff :D23:11
XioNoX2 people on the same project ?23:11
XioNoXit will not be too difficult to manage ?23:11
gandino, the new intern will work on other extensions23:12
XioNoXha ok23:12
XioNoXtime to go to bed23:29
XioNoXasac, gandi , see you tomorrow ;)23:29
XioNoXgood night23:29
Jazzvahm... nspluginwrapper is still sometimes failing23:36
Jazzvaas in the flash doesn't load, and i get a popup23:36
Jazzvathough, I think it's a bit less frequent then before23:37

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