
uvirtbot`New bug: #252245 in samba (main) "unable to connect to windows network pc's" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25224501:57
goukiAny mailing list admins using lurker?02:13
uvirtbot`New bug: #253937 in libnss-ldap (universe) "Local login fails without LDAP server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25393702:14
AgentHeXso i recently installed a server box, and i'm looking to create a mysql table, but i don't know the login credentials to make the table.  help?04:01
AgentHeXshould i use the user "mysql"?  and if so, what password should i try?  i already used "sudo passwd mysql" to set a password, but "mysql -u mysql -p" rejects the password i set.04:02
sommerAgentHeX: try username of "root"04:04
AgentHeXwhat pw?04:04
AgentHeXAccess denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)04:04
AgentHeXsudo mysql does the same thing04:05
sommerAgentHeX: try the one you set during installation04:05
AgentHeXdidn't set one04:05
AgentHeXbeen using sudo for any root-level permissions04:05
sommerAgentHeX: it didn't ask you?04:05
AgentHeXdon't think so04:05
sommertry dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server04:05
sommererr, sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server :)04:06
AgentHeXyeah...  realized that.04:06
AgentHeXwhat did that do exactly?04:06
sommerthought it might prompt you for a password04:06
sommerAgentHeX: which release are you running?04:07
AgentHeXjust ran aptitude and updated everything04:07
AgentHeXit's basically a fresh install04:07
sommerAgentHeX: one sec04:07
AgentHeXi'm trying to put phpBB3 on it for a forum server.04:07
AgentHeXi know i can sudo passwd to set the pw for root, but i don't really want to04:09
sommerAgentHeX: the mysql 'root' user is different from the system root user04:09
AgentHeXthen i wonder why it's not letting me do anything without a pw.04:10
sommerAgentHeX: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.004:10
sommerAgentHeX: should prompt you to set a passwored04:10
AgentHeXprops, sir...  your assistance is much appreciated.04:11
sommerAgentHeX: heh, np04:11
AgentHeX/skips along and installs phpBB304:11
AgentHeXso...  what username should i use with the new pw?04:11
sommerAgentHeX: root04:12
AgentHeXnot working :(04:12
sommerAgentHeX: what command are you using?04:12
AgentHeXit works now that i set the pw to "test"04:12
AgentHeXwas using a more complex pw.  maybe i mis-typed it twice :-/04:13
sommerAgentHeX: heh, that's possible :)04:13
AgentHeXguess so.  got it now.  thanks04:13
sommerAgentHeX: welcome04:14
sommerScottK: there's something of an issue with the init script in dkim-filter-2.6.0.dfsg-1ubuntu104:15
sommerScottK: just fyi, :)04:15
ScottKsommer: There is?04:19
sommerScottK: looks like some diff output was mistakenly placed in the file... in the start function04:21
ScottKUrgh.  Is it there is 2.6.1?04:21
sommernot sure I pulled 2.6.0 in an intrepid vm, is that not the latest?04:22
ScottKNow I wonder if I uploaded 2.6.104:23
* ScottK looks04:23
ScottKLooks like I didn't upload it yet.04:23
ScottKI'll look.04:23
sommerScottK: cool, just thought I'd give you a heads up04:24
ScottKSure enough.  Thanks.04:24
ScottKRight.  2.6.0 is all there is.  I"m getting my amavisd-new and dkim-milter versions confused.04:25
ScottKsommer: I'll upload a fix in a few minutes.04:29
sommerScottK: cool, I've started working on the dkim stuff... still double checking what's currently there04:29
ScottKAppreciate that.  Did you see I"ve got verification enabled in amavisd-new?04:30
sommernope, must have missed that04:30
sommerwhich file?04:30
sommerScottK: oh right the defaults file... cool04:31
ScottKWe've got SPF pretty well covered too, so I think for email auth technologies we're in pretty good shape.04:32
ScottKsommer: Fix uploaded.  Thanks again.04:33
sommerScottK: welcome04:34
sommerScottK: another small issue... the debian/etc/conf.d/40-policy_banks in amavisd-new has a bug in the header comments: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34275/04:46
nxvlScottK: did you saw the courier merges?04:56
nxvlScottK: at the end the latest version of courier-authlib was needed as build-depend for courier04:57
nxvlScottK: so i merged both of them04:57
ScottKnxvl: I saw the bugs.  I haven't had a chance to look at them yet.  Thanks.05:18
uvirtbot`New bug: #254813 in samba (main) "package winbind 2:3.2.0-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25481306:38
keeskirkland: odd, the ecryptfs-utils upload didn't go through -- maybe the orig was missing?  anyway, I fixed the changelog and re-uploaded.06:50
uvirtbot`New bug: #254881 in samba (main) "[security = domain] 100% cpu after a reboot of the PDC" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25488108:40
exothello, I have installed pptp vpn server. but clients suffer from very slow service, my company has 2mb DSL connection09:07
arooniif i want RAID... and i have two 330GB PATA drives on hardy... and a mobo (asus p5ne-sli) that supports RAID.  (1) is it better to let hardware/software handle raid? (2) what type of raid should i use?  (3) is raid easy/hard to setup?  (4) any guides are recommended?09:20
aroonihardy (desktop edition)09:20
_rubenask in #ubuntu? since its not ubuntu server related?09:21
aroonii was told in #bash to ask here09:21
aroonibut sounds good _ruben ;  ill go there09:22
exaltedHi. I wonder if there are well known problems in Upgrade from 6.06 LTS to 8.04 LTS?09:23
pitiHi. I'm setting up a mailserver (postfix + dovecot), postfix seems to be well configurated (as I manage to send mails with authentication from a mail client), but I have some trouble with dovecot, to retrieve mails.10:48
pitiI setted dovecot to use Maildir, but the maildir remains empty. I don't know what/where making investigations to find the trouble I'm experiencing.10:51
sommermorning all13:25
pschulz01sommer: 'morning'13:25
micheluntuhi all, a question about bind914:13
micheluntunobody knows if exists a tool that show me (graphically) my named configuration?14:13
micheluntuuhm.. maybe.. nothing more specific?14:18
micheluntuI was looking for something like rapache for apache14:19
Deepshmm, where would locale variables (like LANG) be set by default?14:25
Deepsnm, failure to google first before asking silly questions14:26
siretartmicheluntu: I've been told that some people find the gbindadmin package useful. I never installed it though, so YMMB15:20
siretartYMMV, even15:20
micheluntusiretart: thanks, apt-getting..15:24
BrazenIf this gets any more exciting, their gonna have to tow me outta the booth!16:00
Brazenjoin /ubuntu-meeting16:00
fransmanI have build a Ubuntu kernel for a Cobalt Raq server box. It has only ttyS0 as output, so no tty's/no video but that's ok for testing. The kernel is booting in a second stage fired-up by a embedded kernel. This all goes nice. But it look's like this new kernel is less verbose at startup.16:14
fransmanit show only booting kernel... Ubuntu intrepid (development branch) deblnxsrv15 ttyS0 deblnxsrv15 login:16:15
fransmanwhat do I've got to do to get it more verbose?16:19
zulremove quiet from the grub command line16:20
fransmanBut this linux server it does not boot with grub!16:21
zultry #ubuntu-kernel then16:21
fransmanthanks for your support16:22
BrazenIf you create and start a virtual machine with virtlib, can you view that virtual machines console remotely over vnc?16:48
mindspinhi, I set up an ipsec tunnel between two vpn-gateways pinging into the networks seems to work, but I misconfigured some Nat rules.17:29
mindspinwhatever IP within the remote network i ping, I get the answers from the vpn gateway....17:29
mindspinI can even ping non existing machines in this network ;-)17:29
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micheluntumindspin: which is the vpn gateway replaying? the local or the remote?17:35
mindspinthe remote17:35
mindspinthe tunnel is up,17:35
mindspinbut I misconfigured my nat rules17:35
micheluntumindspin: the remote is natting all the packet. maybe you have to specify only the public interface in iptables rule17:38
mindspinThat could be right, but to be honest, I created my rules with fwbuilder, and have no idea to realize this in fwbuilder17:39
mindspinI could add some handmade rules in the script... but hesitate for not wanting to mess the up the connection on the remote site (now), because the folks there are still working ;-)17:41
mindspinall traffic from the internal networks are natted to the public ip address17:42
mindspinnow I have to setup a rule, that does not nat traffic from net a to net b17:42
micheluntumindspin: ok, or not nat on tunnel iface - for example tun017:43
mindspinthere is no iface tun0 in openswan17:43
mindspinit would be much easier if there were one ;-)17:44
micheluntumindspin: so don't you   have 3 interfaces : private,public and the tunnel one.?17:44
mindspinmaybe adding  routes could be a solution17:44
mindspinI have two...17:44
mindspinprivate and public17:45
mindspintunnel goes over public17:45
mindspinconnection is between the two public addresses (ppp0)17:45
mindspinI have to leave now, will be back in an hour or two.....17:47
micheluntumindspin: there is example in openswan wiki docs17:48
micheluntumindspin: http://wiki.openswan.org/index.php/Openswan/Configure search "Do not MASQ or NAT packets to be tunneled"17:49
mindspin I will have a look... (although I believe I went through the whole docu...)17:49
micheluntuit is really simple ;-)17:50
mindspinI tried to do exactly this...17:50
mindspingottago... bye17:50
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frithi wish i knew which vm solution would do what i want18:36
EtienneGhey sommer18:51
EtienneGnijaba poked me about the new Kerberos section in the Server Guide18:51
EtienneGI would actually have feedback about it!18:51
sommerEtienneG: cool, fire away18:58
EtienneGsommer, hold on, brb19:01
dusty__Hey guys, I have just got a virtual system, running ubuntu 8.04 base install.  I first decided to setup iptables: http://rafb.net/p/O7sc4f15.html I installed the package, created a script, and issues iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.test.rules it then errors at line 42 but line 42 is the COMMIT line in the paste, I have no idea what is wrong, the script is fine, perhaps im missing some other application, i am lost ev19:06
dusty__erything is explained in the paste, does anyone have any idea why it does not work ?19:06
EtienneGdusty__, I cannot see off-hand, but I would try to comment section of the script to see if it work better (ie, comment the log section, etc)19:09
EtienneGalso, I would rather use policy instead of default ACCEPT rules (ie, -P OUTPUT ACCEPT)19:10
EtienneGbut that is just me19:10
EtienneGsommer, there it is!19:10
EtienneGsommer, first, I think you should mention the time syncronisation issue somewhere19:11
sommertime sync issue?19:11
sommerdon't think I came accross that, but sure that's a good ide19:11
sommererr idea19:11
EtienneGsommer, like, when time drift more than five minutes between participating host19:12
sommerEtienneG: ya, I think I remember reading something about that19:12
EtienneGsommer, IME, it is a FAQ, and one almost everybody get to figure out at least once :)19:12
sommerEtienneG: it causes trouble with the tgt?19:12
sommerEtienneG: and does setting up ntp solve the issue?19:13
EtienneGsommer, well, any authentication fail if time drift more a certain amount (five minute by default)19:13
EtienneGsommer, using NTP is usually the best way avoid that19:13
EtienneGhold on, let me do a quick search for some doc on that19:13
sommerEtienneG: cool, I'll mention it and link to the ntp section19:13
EtienneGsommer, anyway, I cannot find it right, I will come back to it19:14
EtienneGsommer, second, small mistake at "sudo sudo krb5_newrealm" (sudo twice)19:15
EtienneGsommer, third, I think the bit about setting up an admin user could use just a tiny bit of clarification19:15
EtienneGsommer, eg "Replace EXAMPLE.COM and steve/admin with your Realm and admin user."19:16
EtienneGsommer, this should specify that "steve" specifically need to replace with the username to grant admin cred to19:16
sommerEtienneG: that sounds reasonable19:17
EtienneGit is just nitpicking, but it could be confusing to someone who is not very familiar with the princ/service@REALM convention19:17
sommersure, ya it's sometimes hard to know how much detail to go into :)19:18
EtienneGand that is about it, the rest is perfectly fine!19:18
sommerEtienneG: awesome, thanks for taking a look at it19:18
EtienneGwell, the section about syncronizing two KDC database make me want to gouge my eyes with a spoon, but that is not your fault!19:18
EtienneGsommer, you are welcome19:19
sommerEtienneG: I was also thinking of added a Kerberos and LDAP section, since the secondary kdc is so cumbersome19:19
EtienneGsommer, thanks for taking the time to write the section int he first place, actually19:19
EtienneGsommer, good idea, I just wonder: what is the state of the LDAP backend actually?19:19
EtienneGI have not checked in a couple year, but back then, it was considered very much experiemental19:20
sommerEtienneG: from the website, it seems pretty straight forward... add the schema, then add the attributes to your ldap objects19:20
sommerEtienneG: of course the reality may be more complicated :)19:20
sommerEtienneG: I think if there's a way to auto"19:21
EtienneGsommer, that is very good if it is that straightforward19:21
sommeradd the kerberos attributes, it'll be worth documenting19:21
sommerEtienneG: either way I'll probably take a look at it this week or next19:22
sommerEtienneG: another thing that I'd like to include, but it may not make it this release, is documenting configuring kerberos for other serices like apache or samba19:24
sommerEtienneG: do you use it for those services?19:24
reya276Anyone know about Zabbix (NMS)?19:31
reya276I keep getting this error "Call to undefined function pg_connect() in /usr/share/zabbix/include/db.inc.php"19:32
reya276but I checked the file and that seems to be correct also the DB exists on MYSQL Server19:32
lukehasnonameso did I miss anything interesting at the meeting?19:37
_rubenpg_connect sounds like postgres .. not mysql19:42
Brazenlukehasnoname: of course :D19:43
lukehasnonameTropical Storm Edouard hit this morning so I didn't go to work19:45
lukehasnonamethus not waking up early at all19:45
lukehasnonameso EncryptedPrivateDirectory is coming along, Active work on the part of kirkland with booting a degraded raid, Soren is working hard on VMBuilder, and ScottK needs more help with MIRs19:50
ScottKAt least on the last bit.19:50
lukehasnonameScottK: Is there a page with more details on what you need done? Now that I found a hotspot in my house, I have some better internet, I might be able to contribute a minute amount19:58
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ScottKlukehasnoname: Back now.20:09
ScottKlukehasnoname: Did you see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClamavSpamassassinInMain already?20:09
ScottKlukehasnoname: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess describes the process.  Step 1 is already done.20:10
lukehasnonameScottK: It's out of my league, I believe. Sorry to have bothered you. I need to get a bit more familiar with (and actually participate in) basic packaging, bug reporting, etc. before I volunteer any more. :-/20:17
ScottKlukehasnoname: No problem.  Thanks for looking.20:17
lukehasnonameI'll get more active in about 2-3 weeks when I'm back in college. Ubuntu 9.04 might see a lot more of my work :) Anyway, I'm going to eat lunch. Seeya.20:25
henkjanwhois dustin?21:03
kirklandhenkjan: I am a "Dustin"21:04
henkjansudo echo "BOOT_DEGRADED=true" > /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm21:05
henkjanwon't work21:05
henkjanthe sudo only works voor echo, but not for the output redirection21:05
ograright, you need tee21:06
ograecho "BOOT_DEGRADED=true" | sudo tee -a /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm21:06
kirklandogra: henkjan: thanks guys21:07
henkjankirkland: ah, quick fix21:11
kirklandhenkjan: sure, no problem.  thanks for pointing it out21:16
EtienneGsommer, samba use Kerberos when participating in an AD, and there is not much to say beyond what need to be said about AD membership on the subject21:20
EtienneGsommer, as for Apache, I do not know, and I think it is somewhat unobvious21:21
EtienneGas the ticket have to be encoded in HTTP somehow, etc21:21
EtienneGbut I never did such a thing, so I am not too sure21:21
sommerEtienneG: cool, I'll probably look into it more at some point, thanks21:22
sommerEtienneG: or anyone really, have you ever used the Kfw (http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/kfw-3.2/kfw-3.2.2.html) with Ubuntu and Samba?21:51
EtienneGsommer, no, never, sorry21:52
sommerEtienneG: that's cool... thats more of what I was thinking when I mentioned Samba ealier21:52
EtienneGmaybe someone else around did?21:52
sommerEtienneG: I'm using a Samba pdc, and was thinking about kerberizing the windows login and the portal page, but that would entail configuring joomla for kerberos as well :-)21:54
sommerEtienneG: right now one of those "down the line" kind of ideas21:54
EtienneGsommer, ok, not sure how you would do that, but (eventually) Samba 4 will make your life easier in this regard21:55
EtienneGas Samba 4 will allow for native-mode AD master in Samba21:55
sommerEtienneG: yep, thats crossed my mind as well :)21:55
EtienneGright now, you Samba PDC authenticate user the old-fashioned way (not Kerberos)21:55
sommerEtienneG: right but you'd still need to integrate the website login somehow... that's really the kicker for me21:56
EtienneGyou might be able to massage the stack into both authenticating to the Samba PDC and getting a TGT from your KDC, but that seems like an awful lots of work21:56
EtienneGthe web stuff i am not sure about21:56
EtienneGas I said, I *think* there is some way to pass Kerberos ticket in HTTP, but I am really not too sure21:57
EtienneGI just vaguely remember stumbling upon soemthing in this vein21:57
sommerthat's cool... just kind of throwing around ideas21:57
EtienneGsommer, yep, there it is, look for libapache2-mod-auth-kerb21:59
sommerah thanks, I'll look into that :)22:00
EtienneGit need support from the browser, tough22:00
EtienneGnot sure it is built-in Firefox by default22:00
EtienneGanyway, I have to run folks22:01
* EtienneG waves22:01
uvirtbot`New bug: #255124 in apache2 (main) "apache's default logging format can be horribly inaccurate in terms of data transferred" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25512422:01
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kirklandsoren: hey, do you have a few moments to talk about iscsi?23:17
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