
james_wthanks tjaalton 00:21
tseliottjaalton: can I have my mouse back in Intrepid, please?07:53
tseliotxorg-server 2: breaks my mouse07:53
pwnguinim glad im not the only one who doesnt understand hal07:53
tseliotoh, and here's the log: http://pastebin.com/m2f6aa23307:56
tjaaltontseliot: hmm, and the xorg.conf?07:58
pwnguinxorg doesnt seem to think you need input07:58
pwnguin(==) ServerLayout "Default Layout"07:58
pwnguin(**) |-->Screen "Default Screen" (0)07:58
pwnguin(**) |   |-->Monitor "Configured Monitor"07:58
tseliottjaalton: http://pastebin.com/m6bd06a1c07:58
pwnguinso uh07:59
tseliotpwnguin: ?07:59
pwnguinwhere'd that xorg.conf come from?07:59
tseliotjockey + xkit08:00
pwnguin(does input hotplug mean you can omit input from the layout?)08:00
tjaaltoninput-hotplug is not turned on yet08:00
tseliotit works well with the previous version of xserver-xorg-core08:01
pwnguinif you add "Configured Mouse" and "Identified Keyboard" to the ServerLayout08:02
tseliotpwnguin: Each  ServerLayout  section  must have an Identifier entry and at least one Screen entry.08:02
tjaaltonyes, try adding the mouse to the ServerLayout08:02
tjaaltonI'll upgrade my laptop asap08:03
tseliot"Normally at least two [input devices] are required, one each for the core pointer and keyboard devices.  If either  of  those is  missing, suitable InputDevice entries are searched for using the method described above in the  INPUTDEVICE  section."08:03
tseliottherefore it shouldn't be necessary08:03
tseliotman xorg.conf08:03
tjaaltonshouldn't, but I'm not sure if it's the patches or .906 that broke it08:04
tseliotand get to the ServerLayout section08:04
pwnguinif you want your mouse back asap, i think adding it to server layout would do tha08:04
tseliotI had to go back to the previous revision of the package08:05
tseliotI'll reinstall the latest release and try with the 2 entries in the serverlayout section08:06
* tseliot tries08:06
* tseliot restarts X08:07
tseliotok, that did it08:08
tseliotI think it's a bug though08:08
tseliottjaalton: I'll file a bug report08:10
tjaaltontseliot: already files08:10
tjaaltonbug 25486808:10
pwnguinLP# 25486808:11
pwnguini tried. bots hate me today08:11
tseliotok, I'll add a comment there then08:11
tseliotif it's a feature they will have to update the documentation08:12
tjaaltoncan't be08:12
tseliototherwise it's a bug08:12
tjaaltonI'll try without the patches first08:12
tjaaltonyep, no mouse08:15
tseliotok, log, xorg.conf(s) are attached08:18
tjaaltonfound the problem08:27
tjaaltonsetting AllowEmptyInput to false fixed it08:28
tjaaltonso that commit is broken08:28
tjaaltonand now I remember seeing this before on debian-x@ :)08:29
tseliotyep, that's it08:33
jcristautjaalton: i complained about it on xorg@ too (and somewhat fixed it on master) :)11:39
tjaaltonjcristau: ok, well input-hotplug fixed that anyway, so no worries :)11:40
tjaaltonalthough I did notice that my laptop had another kbmodel set in gnome, and some keys didn't work. I thought that evdev was forced11:47
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tseliotfederico1,bryce: I have just tried to call my program from the Screen resolution applet and it works17:09
tseliotoh, and I have also removed a few files from my package of screen-resolution-extra and set up a bzr branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~albertomilone/screen-resolution-extra/main17:11
crevettetseliot, in the files com.ubuntu.ScreenResolution.Mechanism.* there are references to LIRC :)17:13
tseliotcrevette: yes, I know. I took their files as an example17:14
tseliotsince using PolicyKit from Python is not documented17:15
tseliots/using/the use/17:15
federico1tseliot: w00t17:33
federico1tseliot: one second; I'm in a meeting17:33
tseliotfederico1: ok17:34
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brycetseliot: sweet17:54
tjaaltonhey bryce17:55
tjaaltonso, input-hotplug is now in use17:57
bryceI've reviewed all the input configuration docs on both w.u.c and h.u.c, cleared out some obviously out of date stuff, and left a bunch that I suppose will still be valid, just not necessary (but can't say for sure without testing)18:00
brycealso none of it seems to related to input-hotplug (dynamic) configuration, so I started some new docs for that18:00
bryceit's down towards the end of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config, showing basic xinput usage18:00
tseliotbryce: I had to change the type of 2 pointers (in your patch) to make it compile and added some other things18:01
bryceI need to reorganize that page a bit18:01
brycetseliot: ahh18:01
brycetseliot: is it good to go, or are any other changes needed?18:01
brycetseliot: probably we should go ahead and get all this into intrepid soon18:02
tseliotof course I will have to adapt the python part a bit so as to make sure that the changes in the API didn't break anything18:02
tseliotbryce: maybe we should upload xkit first18:02
tjaaltonbryce: actually, xinput is not really dependant on input-hotplug, and it's not that useful before input properties are in18:02
tjaaltonxinput has been around for some time, but recently input properties was implemented and is now in master (xinput/xserver.. needs driver support as well)18:06
brycetjaalton: ah, hm18:11
bryceso then what would one use to do mouse/keyboard configuration now?18:11
tjaaltonlet evdev handle it18:11
brycetseliot: agreed.  need help with that?18:12
brycetjaalton: how does one configure evdev?18:12
tjaaltongreat, no keyboard after suspend/hibernate with evdev18:13
jcristautjaalton: i never had a problem with that18:14
jcristaudoes the log give any clue/18:14
tjaaltonjcristau: ok.. must be a kernel problem then18:14
tjaaltonrestarting the server makes it work though18:15
tjaaltonbryce: input.x11_options.<option name> (string). see xorg-server/config/x11-input.fdi18:15
tjaaltonbryce: so users/GUI's can put files in /etc/hal/fdi/policy18:16
tjaaltonjcristau: need to check. I wanted to confirm that using kbd had no problems18:17
tjaaltonjcristau: which kernel do you have?18:21
tjaaltonintrepid has 2.6.2618:22
tseliotbryce: yes, help is always welcome (and I'm not a MOTU yet). Let me commit my latest changes so that lintian stops complaining and the package will be ready to be uploaded18:23
jcristautjaalton: right now 2.6.2618:24
tjaaltonhmm, I'll try 2.6.2418:24
tjaaltonsuspend never really worked on intrepid (it resumed right away), so maybe with the hardy kernel..18:25
tjaaltonyep, works like a charm18:26
tjaaltonkeyboard too, after resume18:26
tjaaltonok, now with .26 to see if the log has anything18:27
tjaaltongoddamn network-manager, please gimme a network without a user session18:32
tseliotbryce: ok, the package is ready now. It's in my bzr branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~albertomilone/xorgparser/main18:32
jcristautjaalton: dpkg -P network-manager ;)18:33
tjaaltonjcristau: well, it's useful sometimes :)18:35
jcristaui guess. otoh, seeing how i don't use gnome...18:36
tjaaltoninterestingly, starting another login screen (gdm, from the gnome-screensaver dialog) made the keyboard to work again, and logging as myself let me into the old session18:37
tjaaltonand after the next suspend keyboard worked fine18:38
tjaaltonso it fails once per xserver start18:42
brycetseliot: pulling18:43
tjaaltonthe log only shows how it reloads evdev for the external mouse18:44
tseliotbryce: thanks19:00
* tseliot > dinner19:05
tjaaltonhome ->19:07
bryceheya tormod!21:12
tormodhi bryce :)21:13
brycetseliot: sent some feedback on the package (nothing major).  Looks like MOTU policy is to have two MOTU's signoff on a package, so figure we should get another MOTU's thumb's up (maybe mvo or pitti?) before I shove it in.  21:14
tseliotbryce: first of all, thanks for your feedback, I'll read your email carefully. I'll bug pitti about this tomorrow. ScottK might be interested too21:22
pwnguini wish people would stop claiming nothing uses Xinput21:27
brycepwnguin: ??21:28
pwnguingimp, xournal, gok, cellwriter21:28
pwnguinbryce: every talk I see on the new xorg features like mpx claim nothing uses xinput21:28
pwnguini bet inkscape does too21:29
brycehmm good question21:29
tormodbryce: I put the console-fdi.sh output into a file in /etc/hal/fdi/ but it doesn't seem to be picked up by hal (as per lshal). Is something more needed? I even copied in /usr/share/doc/hal/examples/10-x11-input.fdi but I think that is not needed in intrepid (can't check now).22:29
tjaaltontormod: if you have hal ..ubuntu5, input-hotplug should work without any manual configuration22:31
tjaaltonmaybe your mirror doesn't have it yet22:31
brycetormod: as per discussion on #ubuntu-devel, doesn't look like the script's needed anymore22:31
tormodis it something very new? then I haven't checked.22:31
bryce(what a short life my little script lived)22:31
tjaaltonbryce: :)22:31
tormodok I'll check the -devel logs22:32
tjaaltonbryce: I did mention about discovering the fedora stuff ~24h ago, but maybe you were busy writing documentation22:33
tjaaltonit's the patch for hal that made all the difference. without it you'd get the same error as I did (as mentioned on ubuntu-x@ a while back)22:33
tjaaltonie. hal-set-property complaining that hald is not running22:36
bryceyou know I find wiki.ubuntu.com extraordinarily frustrating22:36
brycemaybe I mentioned this already22:36
tjaaltonyou don't say22:36
brycethe help.ubuntu.com wiki isn't much better22:37
tjaaltonI bet it's a mess22:40
tjaaltonanyway, defaulting AllowEmptyInput to false doesn't seem to break anything, evdev still grabs the devices if hal is running22:40
tjaaltonand resuming my other laptop (TP T23) results in a working keyboard, unlike on my X6122:42
brycetjaalton: ok, updated the docs at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config to include some hal configuration examples.  I think I covered all the common cases, although I'd appreciate it if you'd sanity check it23:23
brycethe examples I used are all for things which already work and require no configuration, so they're a bit contrived.  Feel free to replace with something more realistic.23:24
brycebtw, I just finished doing a dist upgrade of my 965 laptop to intrepid.  23:26
brycekeyboard/mouse/etc. seem to work ok23:27
brycetjaalton: I ran into that compiz-on-intel bug though.  do you know what we need to do to get that fixed?23:27
tjaaltonbryce: compiz works for me.. what problem are you seeing?23:28
bryceblank screen23:29
brycebacklight on23:29
bryceswitching tty's seemed to work, but nothing was displayed23:29
tjaaltonah, not a compiz problem, but kernel23:29
tjaaltondisable usplash23:30
bryceissue went away after I chmod a-x /usr/bin/compiz (or maybe it was coincidental)23:30
tjaaltoncompiz isn't loaded until the user is logged it23:30
brycealso see lp #25409123:30
brycehmm, ok23:31
bryceanyway, issue seems to not be happening now.  guess it was just a funky upgrade situation23:32
tjaaltonthat bug was a dupe of bug 24588823:33
tjaaltonbtw, my logitech mice got the wheel axes right with i-h23:34
tjaaltonie. current evdev23:34
tjaaltonthere was a bug open, so I closed it, along with 10+ other evdev bugs23:36
bryceah thanks, I wondered if it was a dupe of that 23:41
tjaaltonhmm, the logitech example uses the mouse-driver23:42
tjaaltonbryce: btw, what about failsafe, should it be dropped from xorg&gdm?23:53
tjaaltonsheesh, it's late.. night ->23:59

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