
jamlifeless: I've been working on a lazy revno mapper, which seems to work well (sometimes)00:00
jamI'm considering ways to refine it00:00
lifelessjam: is it in bzr.dev?00:00
jamlifeless: the *code* is in a branch (not a plugin)00:00
fullermdHas anybody noticed a regression in permissions in the repo?00:00
jamAnd I'm planning on submitting it for review00:00
lifelessjam: ok00:00
jamthough I might still want to tweak it a bit00:00
jamI don't have power at home right now00:00
lifelessjam: I have two use cases that I don't think will work well..00:01
lifelesstags and search00:01
jamhttp://bzr.arbash-meinel.com/1.6-dev/lazy_revno when I do00:01
fullermdHm.  There is.00:01
lifelessboth tend to grab data from fairly evenly distributed bits of the graph and then want a revno for it00:01
jamlifeless: sure, but you can still do it with local ops00:01
jaminstead of traversing the whole graph00:01
jamlifeless: at the moment, the time is strictly dominated by 'get_parent_map' calls o00:02
jamon my pack repo00:02
pooliejam, spiv, igc, call in a sec00:02
Necorolifeless: found the commit in the kernel - and the workaround00:02
lifelessjam: right, I agree that you can examine less than whole00:02
jamso I'm trying to find ways to minimize "leaks"00:02
* fullermd files a bug.00:03
lifelessjam: but on a 100K tree getting to the root is still what - 20K operations vs 1 for a tag name retrieval and <variable-but-small> for a search result00:03
jamlifeless: I don't need to get to root00:04
jamlifeless: just to the common ancestor00:04
lifelessmy point is that unlike merges or 'log' these two operations tend to throw stuff up at or near root routinely00:05
jamfor example, 45ms for 3512.2.400:06
jamlifeless: i can see your point00:06
lifelesshow long for '3' ? :)00:06
jamrunning timeit now00:08
lifelessfor extra credit, how long cold cache00:08
jam936ms on the pack repo00:08
* fullermd arrogantly assigns it 'critical' status.00:08
james_wyou got an alogrithm that didn't have to find root? neat.00:11
james_wor maybe I had that, I forget00:11
james_wat least yours works :-)00:12
jamjames_w: no, I started from scratch :)00:12
jamlifeless: 617ms with a fully packed repo00:12
lifelessjam: not the common case :)00:12
jamas I mentioned, dominated by the get_parent_map time00:12
lifelessmight want to try on a btree repo00:12
jamsure, something to do later00:13
jamfamily time in the dark for now00:13
jamlifeless: unpacked btree repo is 787ms versus 936ms for pack-0.9200:19
elmojelmer: dh_python: Doing nothing since dh_pycompat exists; dh_pysupport or dh_pycentral should do the work. You can remove dh_python from your rules file.00:30
jelmerelmo: Yeah, I noticed that as well. I need to look into avoiding that warning when using cdbs.00:31
elmojelmer: both uploaded00:33
jelmerelmo: Thanks, much appreciated!00:33
Peng_Hmm, to follow the usual schedule, I think 1.6 final should've been released shortly after 1.6b2.00:39
Peng_The new smart protocol would've been the most interesting new feature.00:40
evarlastJFYI over here, we are in no rush for 1.6.00:45
evarlastrelease early release often is great, but BZR has been meeting our needs since 1.0.00:45
jelmerspiv, any chance of having the smart server support upgrade for 1.7?00:48
Peng_evarlast: Sure, but pushing the release back constantly to support large new features isn't very good.00:49
datoPeng_: and how many times has that been done in bzr?00:53
spivjelmer: there's a patch on the list for that, so that probably will happen.00:55
spivjelmer: I should say it will happen, I just don't want to cram yet another thing into 1.6 :)00:56
meteoroidif there are no branches or tags, only a trunk/, for an svn repo, will that fudge up the recognition of branching pattern of an svn-import ?00:57
jelmerspiv: W00t, hadn't seen that one :-)00:58
jelmerspiv, It would be nice to have that in 1.6 actually now that it has started whining when branches are in an old format00:59
* meteoroid wonders if there are ebuilds for 1.600:59
jelmermeteoroid, that should work fine00:59
meteoroidjelmer: phew, i get so tired of creating empty branches and tags when svn cp will (i think) create them00:59
meteoroidi read somewhere that rename doesnt work when performed in bzr and pushed to svn, is that true? anything i should be sure to do from svn instead of bzr?00:59
Peng_dato: Hmm, 0.15 was in the RC stage for a month.01:00
meteoroidi am basically using bzr as much as i can to interface with these tortoise users ;d01:00
spivjelmer: by "support" I just mean "works over vfs operations" rather than "performs the upgrade server-side".01:00
jelmermeteoroid, no, rename works fine01:01
jelmermeteoroid, renames done from svn aren't pulled into bzr ok01:01
meteoroidoh, really?01:01
jelmermeteoroid, since svn doesn't support proper renames01:01
meteoroidwhat happens?01:01
jelmermeteoroid, only copy + delete01:01
meteoroidreally? lame.01:01
meteoroidbad svn01:01
jelmerspiv: Ahh, ok01:03
jelmerspiv: I was hoping for running it server-side01:03
meteoroidso, i tried to follow the tutorial for setting up rw webdav for my bzr repos, but when i start apache, i get: Unknown DAV provider: filesystem01:06
meteoroidglad to post the virtualhost in question01:06
meteoroidusing ubuntu hardy - maybe i only have dav_svn, and not dav_normal ?01:06
meteoroidcant find a package indicative of such support..01:07
markhjelmer: what does the numeric 2nd argument in a SubversionException indicate?01:38
markhan svn error code?01:38
jelmermarkh: Yep01:38
* markh tries grepping...01:38
=== mw is now known as mw|out
jelmermarkh: What error code are you seeing?01:40
markh175002 pulling the python trunk - but only after a long time, so its possible it was transient.  I'm retrying now01:40
markhretrieving revision 462 or 40113 now - it will be a while if it works :)01:41
meteoroidjelmer: what does renaming in svn do to the bzr copy?01:42
jelmermarkh, 175002 is SVN_RA_DAV_ERROR IIRC01:44
jelmermarkh, In other words "Something went wrong talking webdav"01:44
jelmermeteoroid: Renaming in svn basically means the file appearing to be deleted and readded under a different name in bzr01:44
markhthanks - I'll see how the new attempt goes.  But at around 1 revision every 2 seconds, it will be many many hours :(01:45
jelmeryou may want to obtain a local copy of the svn repo01:45
markhor just pick a smaller one - it seemed a convenient one to test :)01:46
pollelui have a big problem with bzr01:50
pollelupollelu@confino:~/rapache-icons$ bzr push lp:~rapache-devel/rapache/design01:51
polleluAgent admitted failure to sign using the key.01:51
polleluPermission denied (publickey).01:51
pollelubzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)01:51
pollelusome idea?01:51
james_wAgent admitted failure to sign using the key.01:51
james_wyou are on Intrepid?01:52
james_wthat's a problem with gnome-keyring and/or seahorse01:52
polleluIm working in intrepid01:52
james_wrunning "ssh-add" should fix it01:52
polleluok thanks01:52
polleluthanks Master of BZR, my problem is now solved :)01:54
meteoroidjelmer: ok not a big problem just ugly change history and loss of ancestry :/01:55
jelmermeteoroid, yep01:56
jelmermeteoroid, hopefully bzr will support file copies at some point01:56
jelmerlifeless, wecanhas pathtokens?01:57
* meteoroid hopes with his crossed fingers01:59
gamblerVerterok, did u end up releasing that new version?02:00
Verterokgambler: Hi, I'm struggling with a concurrency bug...02:01
Verterokso, not yet...but trying to get this fixed so it can be "usable"02:02
gamblerVerterok, ok no rush, let me know when to test02:03
Verterokgambler: sure, thanks!02:03
Verterokgambler: I'll try to (at least) seed a "unofficial" build  ;)02:04
gamblerno rush :)02:04
Odd_Blokejml: Thanks for the review. :D  I've scanned through it and will sit down and deal with it properly tomorrow.02:05
lifelessbeautiful : http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=1279290402:11
markhSorry for the length :)  I'm a little confused about merging.  I've 2 branches, one a pristine copy of the upstream branch (.dev), and another .work branch, branched from the local .dev branch.  The branches diverged for a while, but as the changes landed upstream, and therefore in the .dev branch, all were merged successfully and the branches now appear identical.  However, every time I attempt to re-pull .work from .dev, it fails telling 02:57
lifelessmarkh: has your local branch been fully merged by bzr.dev?02:59
lifelessmarkh: bzr missing will tell you02:59
markhlifeless: ah, no - it says I have 3 extra ones.03:00
markhbut they are all merges :)03:01
markhIt says I'm missing 4, but I think they are the ones I'm yet to merge-commit from .dev.  (The branches in question are actually bzr-svn ones)03:01
lifelessso if you only have extra merges; you can pull --overwrite03:02
markhah - right - and that well "re-converge" them?03:04
lifelessit will discard your extra commits03:06
markhby "extra" you mean the merges I had to make?03:12
jmlOdd_Bloke: my pleasure.03:20
lifelessmarkh: yes03:24
markhI guess its conceptual - help for '--overwrite' tells me it will let me forget local changes - but from my POV I don't have any local changes - the branches seem "identical".  So once branches have diverged, --overwrite is the only way to "reconverge" them?03:29
lifelessmarkh: or to have your branch merged into bzr.dev03:36
lifelessmarkh: an older version of your branch was merged; but you have made subsequent changes that were not merged03:36
lifelessmarkh: when you do 'commit' you are recording a change03:37
markhyeah, or changes that were tweaked etc before being applied03:38
spivmarkh: "changes" is perhaps a confusing term.  There can changes to content, but there can also be different revision histories without having different content.  If you don't care about the history differences (and it sounds like you don't, given that they are just trivial merges), then you can use --overwrite to replace your branch with a copy of trunk.03:39
markhyeah, I understand now, thanks.  It seemed like I was forever doomed to merge/commit cycles on that branch which seemed insane :)03:39
markhspiv: yeah, casual reading made me assume it was simply a shortcut for reverting changes before pulling03:40
igchi all03:41
spivigc: hey!03:42
spivigc: how's it going?03:42
igcpong lifeless03:42
markhlifeless: thanks for the explanation03:42
igchi spiv03:42
markhigc: hi03:42
igchi markh03:42
igcspiv: not so good this week03:42
spivmarkh: generally I just wouldn't be keeping branches with no content differences in the first place, though.03:42
spivmarkh: thus I never find myself making pointless merge commits that I want to throw away :)03:43
markhspiv: well, although the branches are currently identical, there is a good chance other work will be done, so keeping that .work branch around made sense03:43
spivigc: I feared as much, you haven't been around much. :(03:43
lifelessso --overwrite says ignore differences03:43
markhigc: that's no good :(  You able to keep distracted?03:43
lifelessI think it should be more precise03:43
lifelessigc: :(03:43
igcmarkh: well I'm sleeping almost continuously03:44
igcI need to head up to the hospital for my daily visit in 15-20 minutes but I thought I'd quickly say hi and skim my 100s of emails before then03:46
spivigc: we're good at producing emails :)03:46
igcmarkh: did your changes to setup.py get merged yet?03:47
markhyuck - i hope you can stay positive03:47
igcmarkh: I volunteered to merge it after tweaks03:47
markhigc: not yet, I haven't got back to reworking that patch yet.  I saw that - thanks!03:48
igcmarkh: just checking you weren't waiting on me03:48
markhnope - thanks - I'll let you know when I am ;)03:48
sommerhey all, I've borked the logs of an LP bzr branch by making changes to a local branch, then merging from lp, then commiting the merge, and finally pushing the changes03:50
markhigc: its not actually a real priority for me to be honest, especially while it appears I will be making the binaries themselves anyway.  It wouldn't surprise me to find other tweaks necessary before a 1.6 final...03:50
sommershould I have done a pull instead of merge?03:50
sommeris there a way to restore the logs?03:50
* markh lunches...03:50
igcmarkh: np03:51
sommerapologies if this isn't the correct place to ask03:51
spivsommer: this is the right place03:52
spivsommer: which branch?  in what way is it borked?03:52
sommerspiv: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-doc/ubuntu-intrepid03:52
sommerspiv: basically I overwrote the commit messages of another03:53
sommerspiv: happened in revision 62: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-doc/ubuntu-intrepid/revision/6203:53
sommerit's happened before, but I couldn't find the steps to correct it03:54
spivsommer: I'm not sure what you mean by "overwrote".  Are you referring to the revisions by Matthew East visible at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-doc/ubuntu-intrepid/changes?start_revid=59.1.6 ?04:02
sommerspiv: yes, that's what I mean04:03
sommerspiv: I guess not really overwritten, but if the main branch had them it would be better :)04:03
sommerwell I guess they're still there, but the revision number was at something like 6704:04
spivsommer: so, the history is correct.  The problem is just that the display of revisions at bazaar.launchpad.net isn't as good as it should be.04:04
sommerspiv: yes, is there a way to correct that?04:05
spivsommer: the revision numbers are specific to a particular branch.  When you merge changes from another branch the history will change.04:05
spivmwhudson: ^ ping?04:05
spivmwhudson: what happened to showing the authors of merged revisions in loggerhead?04:05
sommerspiv: right, do other projects just use the new revision number then?  or is there a preferred way to sync rev numbers?04:05
spivsommer: why do you care about revision numbers?04:06
sommerspiv: to be honest, *I* don't, but my guess is others may04:06
spivsommer: or do you just care about giving credit to the right person?04:06
sommerspiv: credit is good to04:06
mwhudsonolckS brydcbi-o p.annf jdabi.o yd.p.04:07
* igc lunch04:07
mwhudsonspiv: so nothing's really changed there04:07
mwhudsonspiv: it's been talked about, is all04:07
spivmwhudson: I'm sure I saw a beautiful mockup at some point :)04:08
spivmwhudson: ETA for the feature?04:08
spivsommer: so, to credit the right person, mainly what needs to happen is that Launchpad should be displaying better information in this situation.04:08
spivsommer: i.e. it sounds like you're doing everything just fine.04:09
sommerspiv: cool, I guess I just wanted to make sure, thanks man04:09
spivsommer: optionally though, next time you could do "bzr commit --author='A. Nother Person'" when committing a merge, I think that will cause existing Launchpad (and "bzr log", etc) to primarily show that rather than you.04:10
mwhudsonspiv: depends on tuit supply04:10
mwhudsonspiv: you mean this sort of thing? http://people.ubuntu.com/~mwh/hacked_up_changelog_view_3.png04:10
spivsommer: (the fact that you committed the revision is still recorded, it just also adds an extra property saying that you say the author is someone else)04:11
mwhudsonspiv: or the one that displays a list of committer names where only one name is displayed now?04:11
mwhudsonanyway, sprinting04:11
spivmwhudson: right.04:11
spivmwhudson: So, +1 from me for doing that one sooner rather than later, FWIW04:11
spiv(which isn't very much, most likely...)04:11
mwhudsonspiv: it's probably not that hard for a seasoned bzr hacker!04:12
lifelesswe should add a ui to set append_revisions_only04:15
lifelessor perhaps make that the default for 'bzr init'04:15
lifelessor something04:15
mwhudsondoes that prevent uncommit?04:20
mwhudsonoption "dont_let_user_accidentally_oush_over_non_lh_parent" true04:21
lifelessmwhudson: it does, but we could teach uncommit to ask about overriding it04:23
beunois it expected that if I run bzr status from outside the branch's dir, the doesn't show the pending merges?04:27
beunoVerterok just bumped into that, and we think it's a bug04:27
beunomwhudson, I've been eyeballing bug #240542, but I'm not sure what the idea is for start/stop-loggerhead scripts.  I get the feeling you want to nuke em04:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240542 in loggerhead "Provide a description for nesting urls" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24054204:31
mwhudsonbeuno: i think i want to ignore them for a while, then delete them04:31
mwhudsonbeuno: but i can probably be persuaded otherwise04:31
lifelessbeuno: you mean 'bzr st foo' where foo is a tree?04:31
beunomwhudson, I've been thinking about persuading you, but I have less and less reasons to04:32
beunolifeless, yeap04:32
beunomwhudson, I do want some sort of global config at some point, but we may want to use serve-branches, and wherever we place it04:32
mwhudsonbeuno: right, yes, the no-config-at-all approach that serve-branches had clearly isn't going to work in the long term04:33
beunomwhudson, ok, I'll un-target that bug, if I find out how04:34
lifelessits a bug04:34
beunoVerterok, you won a bug report04:35
lifelessbeuno: Verterok: please file a bug; high importance04:35
Verteroklifeless: ok, thanks for confirming it04:35
beunolifeless, re: bug #24801804:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248018 in loggerhead/1.6 "slow search results override fast ones" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24801804:39
lifelesspls fix04:40
beunoI'm thinking about ignoring the you if you type one letter04:40
beunoin addition to fixing the bug04:40
lifelessthe 200ms thing confuses people04:40
lifelesscan I suggest just requesting at each keystroke04:40
lifelessas long as the best search array so far is whats shown it will be correct, and it give people a hint04:41
beunoI don't think the server will like getting hit so many times04:41
beunoif I take away the timer, then every single keystrole will get sent04:42
beunoI'm pretty sure that's not a good idea04:42
lifelesswell let me describe what I see people do04:42
lifelessthey type in a search very quickly04:42
lifelessand hit enter04:42
lifelessthey never even realise it can do completion because they don't pause long enough04:43
lifelessso its not discoverable04:43
beunothat's not necessarily a bad thing, if they already know so exactly what they want, it makes sense for the find-as-you type to be ignored, no?04:43
lifelessnot when I'm showing people bling04:43
beunoI do agree it's not very discoverable04:43
beunook, we can have a special show-off edition04:44
lifelesseven more cool would be word-completing as they type04:44
beunono timer, and a cube like compiz04:44
lifelesswith the | being where the insertion cursor is, and mit being pulled from the completion results04:44
beunoah, that would be cool04:45
lifeless(this is where completion for exclusion terms is still useful btw)04:45
spivEven if you don't fire off a query, showing the autocomplete box with a dim "(autocompleting...)" or something in it might be good for discoverability.04:45
lifeless(and this is why I'm saying 200ms is _way_ too long)04:45
lifelessas I type a term in...04:45
spivso "rapid-type-then-hit-enter" still works, but at least the user gets a signal about the possibility of doing it a different way in the mean time.04:45
lifelessall the results are contained in the first response recieved from the search engine04:46
lifelessthe more they type the smaller the response set is all04:46
lifelesswhen we start doing ranking04:46
beunospiv, that's already sort of the case. It says "loading" when you start typing04:46
lifelessand doing clipping04:46
lifelessthen that may change04:46
lifelessbeuno: no it doesn't04:46
lifelessbeuno: it says it when you pause, at least for me04:47
spivFor bonus cool: preload the page the with the first N autocompletes for each letter of the alphabet, so you can give instant results!04:47
Verterokbeuno, lifeless: done,  Bug #25520404:47
lifelessspiv: indeed, that needs ranking though04:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255204 in bzr "bzr status doesn't show pending merges when executed outside the branch dir" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25520404:47
beunolifeless, ah, you're right, it doesn't.  It should.04:47
spivlifeless: well, the ranking could be "the order I plucked these out of the db" ;)04:47
lifelessbeuno: anyhow, what I'd *like* is that when I start typing it does in-field completion of the first entry in the completion results04:47
beunolifeless, I need to handle sessions to be able to contain and trim results before sending the response04:48
spivlifeless: and the complete results could be retrieved after the 200ms timer or something, if you want that.04:48
lifelessspiv: it is today, but thats not so useful :)04:48
spivRanking strikes me as an orthogonal issue.04:48
lifelessbeuno: I don't really care about *how* it does this, just that that is what I would like to give our users.04:48
spivBut an important one for making search useful, I agree :)04:48
lifelessbeuno: if that sounds nice, we can move on to talking about *how*04:48
beunolifeless, in-field completion would be cool. Not sure how I would do that with javascript, but I can't think of a reason it wouldn't work04:49
beunolifeless, it does04:49
beunoI'd really prefer doing clipping on the server side04:49
lifelessbeuno: yes, me too04:49
beunorather than dropping requests on the cliente side04:49
lifelessbeuno: erm, terminology :)04:49
lifelessdropping requests is needed because of async nature of the beast04:50
lifelessclipping is about sending less than the full set of results because, or ordering whats sent so that partially-recieved data is maximally useful04:50
* spiv enfoodinates.04:51
beunolifeless, agreed. The interaction needs a lot of work to be impressive04:51
lifelessspiv: I think ranking is technically orthogonal but not user-experience orthogonal04:51
lifelessbeuno: as a thought experiment, whats wrong with requesting on each keystroke?04:51
lifelessin broad terms04:52
beunolifeless, the server performing one search per character04:52
lifelessbeuno: thats all ?04:52
beunolifeless, yeap, it waists tons of resources04:53
beunoimagine that on Launchpad04:53
lifelessbeuno: it will be fine :)04:53
lifelessbeuno: so, without being silly04:53
lifelesslets imagine you dedicate a thread to the client04:54
lifelessthey ask for ('a',)04:54
lifelessyou start a search for completions04:54
lifelessthey ask for ('ab',)04:54
lifelessyou cancel the first search and start a search for completions for ('ab',)04:54
lifelessat some point your searches complete faster than their requests come in, and they get completions happening04:55
beunolifeless, that works fine. The thing is, we currently don't handle sessions in LH, so I can't really do that today04:55
beunoas to remember who requested what, on the server side04:55
lifelessbeuno: I'm not sure it needs sessions but I'll defer that to you04:55
beunoI could fake sessions, I guess...04:56
lifelessin fact, all it really needs is a nonce per completion-interaction - the same thing sent in every completion request04:56
beunoand that would solve both our concerns04:56
lifelessbut thats just me being tricky and pointing out that generic sessions are >>> what this needs04:57
beunothat plus inline completion would be magic04:57
lifelessplus arrow down to other completion results04:57
lifelessplus ranking04:57
beunoplus number of results04:58
beunoplus color depending on the depth of the history04:58
beunoor type of result returned04:58
lifelesswell completions are interesting, because they are not looking at documents, only terms - most terms I think will show up in most document types eventually04:59
lifelessbut sure04:59
beunoyou could be looking for a committer's name04:59
lifelessthat does mouse-into-the-completion-widget05:00
beunoah, you can go down with your arrow keys05:00
lifelessthought its buggy05:01
lifelessyours is better about handling typing and deletion etc05:01
beunoyeah, it's not very polished05:01
lifelessbut I thought you might like to see their code (LGPL!) for the arrow support05:01
beunolifeless, I do, thanks. I can use parts of that05:01
beunogood thing is, as it stands now, I should be starting full time with Canonical con monday, so I'll have plenty of time to dive into this  :p05:02
lifelessthats been rather submarine news :)05:02
beunoyeah, it's not 100% official yet, so no blog post, yadadada, but we worked the remaining issued out today and set a startinf date05:03
pooliehi beuno05:03
lifelessvery very cool cool05:03
beunoand thanks, I'm excited05:03
beunohey poolie05:03
lifelessI wonder if flash is needed to do what we want05:05
beunogod no05:05
beunowe can do this with javascript, just need to bend the rules a little bit05:05
beunoplease let's not go anywhere near flash  :)05:05
thumperbeuno: so what are you going to be focusing on most for canonical?05:06
beunothumper, it's a bit blurry ATM, but mainly UI on most canonical projects. And, loggerhead  :)05:06
thumperbeuno: cool05:07
thumperbeuno: loggerhead needs some memory love05:07
beunothumper, yeah, I already have something in the works to work around the "too many changed files" issue05:08
beunoajax to the rescue05:08
thumperI wasn't aware of the issue05:08
thumperI just know that loggerhead chews up memory05:08
thumperwhen run for a while05:08
beunothumper, it times out on some requests05:09
beunosee bug #25489205:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254892 in launchpad-bazaar "Cannot view r2704 of ~mysql/mysql-server/mysql-4.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25489205:09
beunoof course, we have to do some profiling to find out where the memory hog is today05:09
beunoa *lot* has changed in the past few months05:10
mwhudsoniooh right05:12
mwhudsonbeuno: so on the files listing05:12
mwhudsonthe revnos link to a 'filtered by fileid' view05:12
mwhudsonbeuno: this is not good for performance05:13
beunomwhudson, ah, right, and doesn't really *do* anything, does it?05:15
mwhudsonnot really05:15
mwhudsonfeel like fixing it? :)05:15
beunomwhudson, sure, easy fix.  Just link to the revno.  I can do that now05:16
mwhudsonta :)05:16
beunomwhudson, committed!D05:21
markhdoes canonical employ/engage a graphic artist by any chance?05:27
beunomarkh, talk to Joey Stanford, we do graphic work for Canonical05:28
markhbeuno: is that work gratis?  Or do I first need to speak to someone from canonical to approve it? :)05:29
lifelessmarkh: what do you need?05:30
beunomarkh, canonical, approve05:30
markhThe windows icon needs lovin, and we need a tortoise ;)05:30
lifelessa pissing chinese tortoise?05:30
beunomarkh, just an icon?05:30
lifelessbeuno: tbzr05:30
markhand a tortoise ;)  But yeah, the couple of existing bzr icons are fairly poor quality and needs transparency plus anti-aliasing etc05:31
* beuno looks for the current icon05:31
markhthe .pngs are good, but nothing seems to do an excellent job at converting them to all the various icon sizes and depths05:31
beunomarkh, for little amount of work, I can trick someone into doing it for free. For something bigger, you'll need to get approval, etc05:32
markhthere is an icon checked into bzr.dev - it lacks transparency and when you try and add it, lack of anti-aliasing shows up05:32
markhThe icon at http://bazaar-vcs.org/LogoOptions is transparent, but looks auto converted and is poor at larger sizes, eg Vista05:33
markhoops - actually I don't think it is transparent.  Higher color depth IIRC - but neither are really that great.05:33
markhand don't forget the tortoise ;)05:34
beunomarkh, so, you need a large transparent bzr png, and a tortoise icon for tbzr?05:35
markhI blew an hour in visual studio etc, but gave up in disgust as usually happens when I try anything like that05:35
beunomarkh, http://bazaar-vcs.org/LogoOptions?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Bazaar+Logo+2006-07-27.svg   is an svg (scales to the infinity) with transparent background05:35
beunowhat's wrong with that again?05:35
markhbeuno: a single .ico file can have a large number of actual icon images.  The existing bzr .png files are good, but I'm having trouble getting a single .ico file, with 4 different icon sizes in that file, with high-quality versions of the .png05:36
markh(and depending on how many colors are actually used in the logo, the perfect world would probably have multiple color depths of each of the 4 sizes.)05:38
beunomarkh, so, if you can tell me the the sizes that you need, I can get those 4 PNGs done05:39
markhthe png files are even the desired size.  Its more a matter of the edges of each image needing touching up.  A picture is worth a thousand words - what is your email address?05:40
beunoI have no idea how to create a windows icon though05:40
beunomarkh, argentina@gmail.com05:40
lifelessI've been meaning to say kudos to getting that email addy ;)05:41
markhright - whoever we suckered^h^h^h^h^h^hbegged into doing this would need access to a .ico editor.05:41
beunolifeless, I got an invitation the first day it launched. "beuno" is 5 chars, so no-go, and "martin" was taken by one of the devs.  "argentina" seemed like the next "I won't get that later on" choice  :)05:42
markhbeuno: to be clear, I've already got access to .png files in the desired sizes - just converting them to a transparent windows icon is the issue.05:42
markhevery process I've tried requires touching up in the icon editor, which is where I tend to make things worse05:43
beunomarkh, ah, ok. So a little bit trickier then I thought.  I think only one of the gfx people at work have windows.  I'd have to check with them if they know how to do it  :)05:43
markhbeuno: thanks, it would be great if you could05:44
beunomarkh, I'll give it a try tomorrow. Did you send that email?  that'll serve me as a reminder  :)05:45
markhputting it together now - thanks!05:46
beunomarkh, np. And include whatever you can think of for the tortoise icon, I will try and get something done with that too05:47
beunoI kinda want a new icon for LH too, but asking for 2 tortoises for 2 different projects may be a bit odd05:47
beunomarkh, do you currently have an icon?05:49
markhyeah, I'll send what I have05:49
beunocool, thanks05:50
lifelesspoolie: ping05:56
lifelessup for a short brainstorm?05:56
lifelesstwo topics, marks and dirstate-locks05:57
pooliemaybe later?05:57
lifelesstomorrow then05:58
pooliebtw, i read the auto-add thing and i'd agree people could reasonably want them to be separate05:58
lifelessI started at 5am :)05:58
pooliesilly twisted boy05:58
lifelessI think there is an argument for them being separable, but there is also a cost05:59
lifelessthe status quo is that we have hard to explain behaviour05:59
lifelesswhatever we do should make it easier to explain05:59
poolielifeless,  did you make a 1.6 branch?06:06
pooliecould you please?06:06
lifelessgarh, lynne came and said hi as I got off the phone06:08
lifelessdoing now06:08
lifelessjelmer: what does AOL mean ?06:25
poolie"me too"06:27
lifelessI actually have a thought that we should auto-add-delete by default06:28
lifelessfollowing the line of thought of requiring users to do as little as possible by default06:28
poolieafter the habit (when aol was new to the internet)06:29
poolieof their users flooding a thread with "me too" top-posts06:29
abentleylifeless: I think that setting is particularly poor, and making it default wouldn't satisfy those who like auto-remove or those who dislike it.06:30
lifelessabentley: I think that it should be set to the most commonly given value; I don't know what is right now06:31
lifelessdefault on is easy to explain ('by default we record everything in your tree, no explicit action needed'), and default-off is easy to explain ('by default we record what you have asked us to record')06:32
lifelessdefault-partly-on is hard to explain and ultimately why that bug was filed in the first place06:33
abentleylifeless: Well, no-auto-anything is relatively safe.  I don't like it, but I long ago gave up trying to understand why people wanted it.06:34
abentleylifeless: Auto-everything will cause stuff to be committed that shouldn't be committed, and will cause mvs to be mishandled as add + delete pairs.  I consider this actively harmful.06:35
lifelessI can't quite parse that; do you mean that most heuristics have problems of some sort?06:35
abentleyAuto-everything will cause stuff to be committed that shouldn't be committed.  Because people will leave stuff in their source tree that they don't intend to commit, and then commit.06:36
lifelessabentley: auto-remove causes things to be committed that should be [deletes, not user content] and also has the same problem with add+delete pairs (people reach for add first when they see a delete)06:36
abentleylifeless: Do you mean "should *not* be"?06:37
abentleylifeless: I don't consider auto-deletion to be as dangerous as auto-addition.  Nuclear launch codes.  Nuclear waste.  ISO images.06:38
abentleyAuto-deletion is easy to repair.06:38
lifelessuncommit isn't sufficient?06:39
* fullermd agrees.06:39
abentleyAuto-addition can require garbage-collecting your repo.06:39
lifelessso, if I write 'uncommit --gc'?06:39
abentleyI don't agree that auto-remove has the same problem with mv.  It has a problem, but it is different.06:39
poolieabentley, what kind of thing do you have in your tree?06:39
fullermdIf I miss something long enough to commit it, I'm likely to miss it a lot longer, so it's more than GC, it's GC'ing many repos, and other people's code based on it.06:39
abentleypoolie: The things in my tree that I don't want to commit are typically patches or callgrind files.  Sometimes they're .orig files.06:40
fullermdI've got run logs in my trees all the time.06:40
fullermd(whatever >& out   and the like)06:40
pooliei wonder if this really means we should be marking them ignored?06:40
abentleylifeless: uncommit --gc would be nice, but wouldn't make me think that auto-add was a good idea.06:40
pooliei do often have diffs in there but i also think this is a bit dirty06:40
abentleylifeless: Anyhow, auto-all is a default that I would fight against.  I wouldn't fight against auto-nothing, if I can unbreak my own configuration.06:42
lifelessabentley: ok. I have replied to the thread breaking the changes down to atoms to be discussed06:43
lifelessthe default in the current patch is indeed auto-nothing, because its a more conservative default06:43
abentleypoolie: It is a bit dirty, but that's what clean-tree's for :-)06:45
poolieit seems like that almost needs an arch-like concept of patterns of cruft06:46
pooliemaybe that belongs in a makefile though06:46
lifelessthere is a seperate thread on that06:48
lifelesswell, on precious vs ignored06:48
lifelessanyhow, I've said my bit - IMO we're more complex than we should be, and we can be simpler by a number of different possible changes06:48
lifelessI think the most enjoyable to use would probably be the most risky :). [see havoc penningtons unbreakme option rant]06:49
lifelessbut I'm not going to push for that today; having the option available is enough of a positive for me today06:50
lifelessRAOF_: ping07:09
lifelessmarkh: ping07:10
markhlifeless: hi07:10
lifelesswhats your opinion about using glib routines in bzr (in terms of windows portability)07:11
lifeless(not glibC, glib - the gnome/gtk+/gimp low level support library)07:11
markhI've no direct experience, but I'd be surprised to find msvc works regularly.  I guess it depends on what aspect of portability you are concerned with :)07:13
lifelessmarkh: I'm looking at writing some pure C07:14
lifelessmarkh: binding that to python separately07:14
lifelessand so I want tool chain you'll be happy supporting for windows builds :)07:15
markhheh - so this is the same thing bzr-gtk needs to bundle?07:15
lifelesse.g. I'm thinking scons as a build system. Not because its good, but because its better than autoconf etc on windows07:15
markherr - bundle on windows I guess.07:15
markhits likely autoconf wouldn't really be needed on windows and that a hard-coded makefile would be ok.  There isn't much to "sniff" on Windows07:16
markhisn't there a native alternative to whatever it is you are trying to do? :)07:21
matkorHi ! If I did bzr "lightweight" checkout of -r l_rev  and later bzr upgrade to u_rev, I will be able to browse history see diffs etc in range of revisions from l_rev to u_rev ?07:21
lifelessmarkh: yes, but guido doesn't want CPython to be fast at the expense of clarity07:26
lifelessmatkor: are you asking if bzr remembers what l_rev was for you ?07:27
fullermdYou probably could, if update supported -r...07:27
matkorlifeless: I am asking if after after bzr update to u_rev I get no history (it still lightweight checkout) I get part of history (l_rev to u_rev) or full history (0..u_rev) is downloaded07:29
poolieabentley, so from your last mail it looks like it will be ok as long as auto-add is not the default?07:30
fullermdWell, you can't bzr update to u_rev.  But if you could, it would presumably do the former (i.e., much the same as if you'd co'd that rev in the first place)07:30
abentleypoolie: I will be okay if --auto-remove exists and --auto-add is not the default.07:31
abentleyAnd if --auto-remove causes Bazaar to behave the way it does now wrt --strict.07:31
poolieand would auto-remove as an option to commit be much different to having it available under bzr rm?07:31
lifelessmatkor: no history is downloaded locally07:32
RAOF_lifeless: pong?07:32
abentleypoolie: yes.  It would be more work and destroy your original vision of how rm could work.07:32
lifelessRAOF_: do you do much C ?07:32
RAOF_lifeless: Not much.  I'm not totally unfamiliar with it, though.07:34
RAOF_Much more C# and python.07:34
abentleypoolie: I don't know how else to say this.  I don't understand why anyone would want no-auto-anything behavior.  I think auto-remove is perfect.  It has been the default for many years.  If it can't remain the default, there should be a way for everyone who is used to it and likes it to preserve it.07:34
lifelessabentley: I don't know why you say it would destroy martins' original vision of bzr rm07:35
lifelesscould you enlarge on that ?07:36
abentleylifeless: martin's original vision was that bzr branches could be manipulated as much as possible using standard unix commands.  cp -r would perform a branch.  rm would delete a file.07:36
lifelessah, of 'rm' not of 'bzr rm'07:36
abentleymv would move a branch.07:36
lifelessfollowing that logic I would expect touch to add a file07:38
abentleylifeless: I don't think that was seriously contemplated at the baz 1.0 sprint.07:38
lifelessabentley: I don't recally rm being automatic being discussed at that sprint either - but it was a long time ago now07:39
abentleyThat's certainly how I remember it.  May not be true, of course.07:40
pooliethat was what i had in mind07:43
RAOF_lifeless: Why were you interested in my Cness?07:43
pooliehowever, the current situation of auto-remove but not auto add is inconsistent with it07:43
lifelessRAOF_: I'm checking the impact of C support libraries on e.g. gnome and kde friendliness07:45
lifelessRAOF_: and windows07:45
lifelessRAOF_: as I'm planning on doing some C soon but I'm out of date on what libraries are broadly available where.07:46
RAOF_I understand that glib is both ported everywhere and can make C less of a hassle.07:47
lifelesswhich reminds me07:47
lifelessfullermd: ^ sameish questions :)07:47
lifelessRAOF_: its more a culture-of-availability than raw can-do that I'm referring to07:47
lifelessif e.g. KDE would turn their nose up at a glib using library07:48
RAOF_But apart from that, I'm not really up with the library situation, particularly on !gnome.07:48
lifelessyah I'm going to ask riddell too07:48
RAOF_lifeless: Nah, they wouldn't.07:48
fullermdWell, I don't know anything about the Windows side.  But I can't imagine lower-level stuff like glib could matter gnome-vs-kde-vs-whatever.07:48
RAOF_fullermd: It's got a 'g' in it!07:48
fullermdHeck, I run neither gnome nor KDE, but I've got qt and gtk apps around and working...07:48
fullermdgWindows?   :p07:48
lifelessdoes glib play nice inprocess with kde, for kde apps using this library :P07:49
RAOF_I'm pretty sure the answer to that is a firm "yes".07:49
RAOF_I'm sure there's glib/QT mainloop integration somewhere.07:49
markhc++ can make C less hassle too ;)07:58
lifelessmarkh: yes, but at the cost of being less accessible from C08:00
lifelessso there are several reasons I want to write some plain C08:01
lifelessone is profiling - its easier to gprof a small C test driver than all of python08:01
lifelessanother is addressing some of the [somewhat spurious] complaints from hard-core devs that bzr is not written in a language they feel comfortable in08:02
lifelessanother is making it a bit easier for folk that are doing LPC calls to be able to get at the core logic08:02
* fullermd acks.08:03
fullermdI'm assuming you mean something different by 'LPC' than I think of...08:04
lifelesslocal procedure calls08:04
fullermdToo bad.  I was getting all sorts of twisted evil grins at the thought of accessing bzrlib from LPC...08:05
lukslifeless: you know that Qt and so also KDE is linked to glib by default, right?08:10
luksso I don't think glib is a problem for anybody on linux08:10
lifelessluks: I didn't, cool08:13
luksit uses glib's mainloop08:13
BrongerIs my observation correct that Bazaar merges without warning into an out-of-date working tree?08:15
poolieBronger: no, it shouldn't08:16
BrongerOkay, then I'll have a closer look at it again.08:16
luksthere is one case where is does, 'bzr up', no?08:17
pooliewhat specifically do you mean by 'merges'08:17
poolieif you do an update or pull it will merge into what you have outstanding in the tree08:18
poolie'merge' itself should not without --force afaik08:18
BrongerThe scenario was as follows: Everything local on my disk, in a repo.  Some branches with working trees, and one lightweight checkout that I "switch" between the working trees.  I work only on teh checkout, so all branches become out of date over time.  But I have to merge the trees from time to time.  So I entered one branch, did "merge ../<other-branch>", no errors, no conflicts.  Then, I did "bzr update", and I got further changes and conflicts.08:22
lifelessright, update is what did that to you08:33
lifelesswhich is actually by design, so tht you can merge to a branch which someone else just committed to08:34
BrongerOkay, thank you.  Does the order matter?  Is merge+update the same as update+merge?08:36
luksBronger: just to make sure, you did 'bzr commit' after 'bzr merge'?08:37
luksand merge printed 'Nothing to do' or it did merge something?08:38
BrongerIt did something.08:38
luksright, so the pending merges were what causes the problems with bzr update08:39
luksI'm not sure but I think 'bzr merge' followed by 'bzr merge --force' would cause the same problem08:40
luks'bzr update' is very similar to 'bzr merge' in this case08:40
lifelessBronger: the order does matter08:40
lifelessBronger: update + merge - the merge would complain08:41
BrongerThe root cause of my questions here is that I found out that a new part of code got lost.  Apparently, during a 3-way marge, the *older* part was used.  I could recover it, however, I'd like to know whether it can be caused by forgetting to say "update" before a merge, or whether I just resolved a conflict wrongly (which may well be the case ;-).08:41
lifelessBronger: 3-way chooses the odd-side out, if both sides are different it conflicts08:41
luksBronger: hm, you had local changes in the working tree? otherwise there is nothing to lose08:42
luksgenerally, to merge the branches and keep the working tree updated you want: 'bzr merge <something>', 'bzr commit' to commit the merge, 'bzr update' to update the working tree08:43
BrongerThere could be local changes, too.  But in case of those, Bazaar sure would complain, either by conflicts or by an error message, wouldn't it?08:43
luksnot in case of update08:43
luksupdate is designer to work with modifications in working tree08:44
luksmerge would complain though08:44
BrongerSo if I update, remote changes silently overwrite my local changes?08:45
luksno, it will try to merge them08:45
lukswhich can naturally result in conflicts08:45
BrongerWell, then I think I just resolved the conflicts incorrectly.08:46
BrongerGood. Thanks to all of you!08:46
poolieyou're welcome08:58
james_whey poolie08:58
pooliehi james08:58
=== poolie changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control system | http://bazaar-vcs.org | please test 1.6rc1! / http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | http://planet.bazaar-vcs.org/ | http://blogs.mysql.com/kaj/2008/06/19/version-control-thanks-bitkeeper-welcome-bazaar/
james_wwoo indeed09:00
awilkinsWhee, shiny new hardware.10:59
=== avc_lost is now known as acuster
lifelessawilkins: :)11:26
jelmerlifeless: AOL for America Online12:43
jelmerlifeless, their users used to be known for their one-line "me too" postings on usenet12:43
dwtjelmer: What is the best way to send patches for bzr-svn to you?12:45
jelmerdwt, just "bzr send" them to me12:46
dwtWell..., that bombs...12:47
dwtbzr stable:1557/> send12:47
dwtCannot lock LockDir(http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-svn/stable/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()12:47
* dwt is off reading send help12:49
mib_20juap6bI'm trying to use bzr-svn for local versioning before commiting back to a subversion server12:51
mib_20juap6bThe team require files being worked to be locked on the subversion server12:51
mib_20juap6bI've tried bzr co on both a subversion checkout and repository12:52
jelmerdwt: Alternatively, you can send me the patch generated by "bzr send -o foo.patch"12:52
dwtjelmer: Well I tried that already, same error12:53
jelmerdwt, did you perhaps create a checkout of bzr-svn rather than a regular cloned branch?12:53
mib_20juap6bIn both cases running 'svn lock' on files that needed to be locked caused errors when I tried to commit back from bazaar12:53
mib_20juap6bIs my desired way of working not possible with bazaar?12:54
dwtjelmer: Yes - as far as I remember, you advised me to do that last time we chatted.12:54
dwt(My memory may be wrong though)12:54
jelmerThat would surprise me, there shouldn't be a particular reason to create a bound branch if you don't have write acess to the master branch12:55
jelmerdwt, "bzr send" will work if you "bzr unbind" your branch I think12:56
dwtjelmer: Thx, I'l try that12:56
jelmermib_20juap6b, I'm not sure what you're after exactly12:56
jelmermib_20juap6b, should bzr-svn attempt to unlock files before doing a commit?12:57
mib_20juap6bmib_20juap6b: No the files must stay locked on the subversion server since that is our policy for version control12:59
mib_20juap6bI would like bzr to act as a client and allow me subversioning before I commit back12:59
* AfC misses SCCS too12:59
dwtjelmer: strange thing, bzr unbind fails with the same error12:59
Necorohmm ... bzr help send tells me, that the default format is "4" -- but just doing a "bzr send" showed me, that it is 0.9 instead13:00
mib_20juap6bIe: Subversion -> bzr shared repository (lock files)13:00
Necorooh - nevermind13:00
* Necoro should learn to read13:00
mib_20juap6bbzr shared repo -> my feature repo13:00
AfCmib_20juap6b: if you require obscure Subversion features like the one you are describing, I imagine you're not going to be able to use bzr-svn.13:01
AfCmib_20juap6b: That said, there is no reason you can't create a bzr branch in-place in a Subversion checkout and then just bzr to manage the files you are manipulating.13:01
AfCmib_20juap6b: low tech, to be sure, but it can work well enough.13:01
mib_20juap6bmib_20juap6b: I tried bzr branch subversion-checkout new-bzr-branch13:02
mib_20juap6bBut when I tried to commit back from new-bzr-branch it complained about the locked files13:03
jelmermib_20juap6b: bzr-svn doesn't touch locks at the moment13:03
jelmerdwt: That sounds like a bug13:04
jelmerdwt, alternatively, you can try removing "master_branch = ..." from .bzr/branch/branch.conf13:05
jelmermib_20juap6b, is not touching the locks not sufficient?13:05
dwtjelmer: I'l try that - but I'd like to try to reduce the bug first.13:05
mib_20juap6bmib_20juap6b: Maybe I am confused13:07
mib_20juap6bmib_20juap6b: I created the branch from the svn checkout directory and commited to it13:08
mib_xfynoqbrmib_xfynoqbr: How do I commit back to the subversion checkout?13:09
AfCmib_xfynoqbr: svn commit?13:10
mib_xfynoqbrI used bzr branch to create the branch. So what bzr command can commit back again?13:12
AfCmib_xfynoqbr: or, if your question is how do I move changes from one Bazaar branch to another (where the second just happens to also be a Subversion checkout), then `bzr pull ../other` is perhaps what you are looking for.13:12
mib_xfynoqbrAfC: That might be it. Let me try...13:12
mib_xfynoqbr"No revisions to pull"13:13
mib_xfynoqbrAnd bzr push subversion-checkout complains about the locked file!13:14
mib_xfynoqbrIn subversion a lock only has meaning for the repository and those interacting with it since it is centralised13:15
jelmermib_xfynoqbr: what command did you use to create the bzr branch? bzr checkout or bzr branch?13:15
mib_xfynoqbrSo maybe I found a bug in bzr-svn?13:15
mib_xfynoqbrI tried both. This time I just did a branch.13:16
jelmermib_xfynoqbr, if you used "bzr checkout", just running "bzr commit" should commit back to svn13:16
jelmerif you used "bzr branch", run "bzr commit" and then "bzr push"13:16
jelmermib_xfynoqbr, what sort of error are you getting?13:16
mib_xfynoqbrjelmer: I tried both as you described13:16
jelmermib_xfynoqbr, what's not working exactly?13:17
mib_xfynoqbrmib_xfynoqbr: SubversionException("Cannot verify lock on path '/hello'; no matching lock-token available"13:18
mib_xfynoqbrmib_xfynoqbr: On the commit or push back13:18
jelmermib_xfynoqbr, ah, so it's the lock that's problematic13:19
jelmermib_xfynoqbr, The svn lock tokens aren't stored anywhere in bzr though13:19
jelmermib_xfynoqbr, so I can't think of an easy way to fix this13:19
=== sabdf1 is now known as sabdfl
mib_xfynoqbrI have just discovered that checkout does not work since if yuo give bzr a subversion checkout directory it actually works on the corresponding subversion repository13:24
jelmermib_xfynoqbr, that's what it's meant to do13:25
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
dwtjelmer: There is no such file ".bzr/branch/branch.conf" the only thing I could find is .bzr/branch/location" which holds just the url13:49
dwtjelmer: should I just remove that fileß13:49
jelmerdwt: hmm, that's odd13:50
jelmerdwt, are you working in a lightweight checkout by any chance?13:50
dwtI guess so13:50
jelmerhow did you manage to commit your change?13:50
dwtwell, I didn't13:50
jelmerah, ok13:50
jelmeryou may want to use "bzr reconfigure" to convert the lightweight checkout into a full-fledged branch13:51
dwtaha! :) I'l try that13:51
jelmerafter that, you should be able to commit your change and bzr send13:51
pfeilHi, I need help with hook programming for bzr.13:51
jelmerhi pfeil13:52
pfeilCan anyone help me - I am new to phyton.13:52
jelmerpfeil, sure, just ask your question13:52
dwtjelmer: From reading the docs "bzr reconfigure --branch" seems to be the most sensible thing13:52
pfeilI need a start_commit hook that runs a shell command for every file that will be commited13:53
pfeilshould be simple but I hve no phyton knowledge13:53
abentleyjelmer: it's not so strange to create a bound branch when you don't have write access to the master branch.  This creates a local mirror that you can't commit to by accident.13:54
abentleydwt: bzr reconfigure --tree13:55
jelmerabentley, bzr can behave strangely in that situation though (error messages that don't make sense to users) so I don't tend to recommend it13:55
dwtabentley: thanks!13:55
jelmerabentley, I agree there is a use case for it though13:56
abentleyjelmer: Sounds like we need to make it give better diagnostics, then.13:56
jelmerabentley, yes, indeed13:57
pfeilThe questin is: can anybody help me with my problem or point me to some example code I can learn from?13:58
jelmerpfeil, there was some example code for a start_commit hook posted to the list recently13:59
jelmerpfeil, http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.bazaar-ng.general/45041/focus=4504213:59
pfeiljelmer: Thanks for the hit, I will read into the material...14:00
dwtabentley: Sorry to say, but 'reconfigure --tree' bombs for me with: bzr: ERROR: Repository KnitPackRepository('file:///Users/dwt/.bazaar/plugins/svn/.bzr/repository/') is not compatible with repository KnitPackRepository('http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-svn/.bzr/repository/')14:01
dwtabentley: am I doing something wrong?14:02
james_wdwt: there's a bug open on that I believe14:02
dwtdamn. :-)14:02
abentleydwt: No, you've hit a corner case.14:02
james_wyou are using a rich-root repo I guess14:02
dwtI have no idea... :)14:03
james_wyeah, it's bzr-svn14:03
dwtWell, not really14:03
dwtits a pure bzr checkout14:03
dwtso bzr-svn can't have a thing to do with this14:03
jelmerbzr-svn itself is in rich-root-pack as well14:03
abentleyjelmer: btw, I had to stop Bundle Buggy from scanning bzr-stats, because it uses a rich-root repo.14:04
jelmerdwt, for now, it's probably easiest to just save your patch somewhere and create a fresh copy of the branch14:05
jelmerabentley, ah, ok :-(14:05
dwtjeah, I was just about to propose that too.14:05
dwtthanks for the help14:05
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ahasenackhi guys, will there be a bzr 1.5.0 for hardy on bzr's ppa? The other distros have it14:25
james_wIf I want to retrieve a non standard value from a non-standard section of ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf do I have to resort to accessing the file with ConfigObj directly?14:29
dwtjelmer: after a lot of work... the patch is on it's way. whoa how hard sending a patch can be.14:31
pfeiljelmer: Thanks for the hint, I have read the thread and I am running into a similar problem like my precessor:14:33
pfeiljelmer: I have installed bzr 1.5 on a Mac14:33
james_wdwt: unbinding a lightweight checkout shouldn't be possible as it doesn't make any sense to have a standalone working tree14:33
james_wwell, it may make sense, but it's not allowed as far as I know14:34
pfeiljelmer: When I enter bzr hooks, I get a list of hooks - all "<no hooks installed>". The interesting thing is: There is no start_commit hook listed in the list. Any glue?14:34
dwtjames_w: Well, I'm not yet firm with what works how in bzr and why, so at least the error message was not at all helpfull14:35
james_wdwt: that's true14:35
dwtAt the time my understanding was that unbind would magically make me a lcoal repository to work with - whatever the previous condition was.14:35
dwtI now recognize that there are two completely different concepts in bzr14:36
dwtand that a lightwight-checkout is more like a svn checkout14:36
dwtthat can never (at least not as easily) become it's own repo14:36
dwtoh well.14:36
dwtbzr is hard. You know that?14:36
luksit's hard if you try to use it the svn way14:37
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dwtluks:  I thought that this was one of the strengths of bzr?14:40
dwtok, cu guys in an hour14:41
pfeilCan someone help me then the mutabletree class?14:51
pfeilCan someone help me with the mutabletree class?14:51
lukspfeil: somebody probably can, even if not right now14:55
luksbut it helps if you ask the question14:55
pfeilluks: Thanks - Just whantet to see if there is someone active here.14:55
pfeilluks: I am completely new to python and I need to write a start_comit hook stat runs a shell command for every file that will be commited.14:56
pfeilluks: Now I have a working hook skeleton and I know how to run shell commands, My remaining problem is to interate throug all the files14:57
pfeilluks: I get a mutabletree as parameter for the hook. I dont know the internal stuctures or the internal concepts of bzr so this is quite a problem for me to get it done quick.14:58
james_wpfeil: you have your hook being triggered now?14:58
pfeilShould be working, I will try....14:59
pfeilIs there something wrong with this line? print "clearing exec bits in " + base15:02
luksdepends on what is base15:03
luks`print "clearing exec bits in", base` would be more universal15:03
pfeilDo I need to import something for print?15:03
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pfeilOk, this is how it looks like:15:04
pfeildef start_commit_hook( tree ):15:04
pfeil     config = LocationConfig(tree.basedir) # unsure if this is right15:04
pfeil     base = tree.basedir 15:04
pfeil 15:04
pfeil #print "clearing exec bits in " + base15:04
pfeilI am wondering where basedir is coming from because I could not find it in the class description15:05
pfeilis: ' base = "Hallo there" ' valid python?15:06
luksstarting with one space is usually not valid python15:06
luksapart from that, yes15:06
jelmerdwt, hmm, not seeing your patch yet15:07
jelmerrockstar, ping15:08
pfeilOk, I have removed the spaces, now my hook is working.15:08
pfeilThe main problem remains, how to iterate throu the tree and execute a shell command on all the files that will be comitted?15:09
pickscrapeXpfeil: I went though this recently15:10
pickscrapeXAre you getting a tree_delta parameter?15:11
pickscrapeXThat's proably your mutable tree parameter... Anyway, it has a number of attributes like added, modified, renamed etc that are lists of tuples15:12
pickscrapeXIf you iterate through those and print out the tuples you'll see what the elements are (filename, file-id, type etc).15:13
pfeilpickscraperx: I am sorry, I am new to phyton and I am afraid that what you are talking about is out of my knowledge scope.15:14
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pfeilpickscraperx: I can only understand and modify python code, not more :-(15:15
pickscrapeHmm, didn't know my nick was still wrong :)15:15
pickscrapeWhat exactly is it that you are wanting to do with the files that will be committed?15:15
pfeilos.system("build++ --minor++ " + filename )15:16
james_wpfeil: you can run that on all modified and added files, would that suit you?15:18
pfeilYes :-)15:19
james_wjelmer: is there a way to get the specific changes that are being committed in a start_commit hook, or is it that the MutableTree is already those specific changes, and differs from the changes in the working tree if specific files were requested?15:19
jelmerjames_w: the specific_files list doesn't get specified to start_commit at the moment15:20
jelmerit should, though15:20
james_wpfeil: if all modified and added files works for you then you want something like15:20
james_wchanges = tree.changes_from(tree.basis_tree())15:21
james_wfor path_info in changes.added:15:21
pfeilwhat type is changes here?15:21
james_w     path = path_info15:21
james_w     # do something with path15:22
james_wfor path_info in changes.modified:15:22
james_w    path = path_info[0]15:22
james_w     # do something with path15:22
james_wthe first "path = path_info" should be "path = path_info[0]", same as the second15:23
pfeilgot it, will try now...15:24
cjwatsonlifeless: any more luck with bug 246880?15:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246880 in bzr "ghost fetch issue: fail when fetching a text referenced by a live revision introduced by a ghost revision" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24688015:25
cjwatsonor anything more I need to add there?15:25
pfeilOk, thanks james_w for your help, but the code is not exactly what I need. Perhaps I have expressed my self not correctly:15:28
pfeilHere is what I need:15:28
pfeilWhen I enter: bzr commit -m "Test" test.file15:28
pfeilI want bzr to run build++ [more options] test.file befor any other 'versioning' work is done by bzr.15:29
pfeilYou code runns throu all modfied files in the tree, not only the test.file.15:29
james_w<james_w> pfeil: you can run that on all modified and added files, would that suit you?15:30
james_w<pfeil> Yes :-)15:30
james_wmaybe I wasn't clear, that's the best you can do from one of these hooks currently15:30
pfeiljames_w: This was a missunderstanding on my side. I thought you are talking about: "...all modified and added files (that where specified on the command line)..."15:32
awilkinsjelmer: SVN locks are advisories anyway, no? You can just tell the server you are stealing them.15:32
awilkinsAlthough that might be a little cavalier where they are being used :-)15:33
jelmerawilkins, yep15:33
james_wpfeil: no, *all* modified and added files, sorry15:33
jelmerawilkins, they also work only on files, you can't lock a directory recursively15:33
awilkinsTHey are a pain in the butt from my perspective15:33
awilkinsESp. the thing where someone locks a file then deletes it ; the lock is left hanging around15:33
awilkinsAnd you can't rename or delete the parent folder, or create another file with the same path15:34
pfeiljames_w: So you mean, that there is no way to find out which file the user specified on the command line and run a shell script only on this file?15:34
james_wpfeil: not currently, no15:34
pfeiljames_w: ...and what if I use an other hook, pre_commit for example?15:36
james_wyou can't modify the tree being commited from them I believe15:36
awilkinsCan't you modify it in start_commit?15:36
jelmerpfeil, this is just start_commit missing an argument15:38
pfeilWhat could stop me from modifying the files on the disk in the pre_commit hook? I dont want to modify the internal bzr tree.15:38
pfeiljelmer: What do you mean, Have I made a mistake or do you mean that there is some feature missing?15:39
jelmerpfeil, There is a feature missing15:39
jelmerpfeil, start_commit should not just receive a tree but also a list of files specified for commit15:40
pfeiljelmer: I see...15:40
pfeilAny other idea how to count up an internal revision number the cvs old school style?15:41
foghi. we have a problem with bzr+ssh using a common group to allow writes. the first time a new branch is pushed the permissions of the directories are 755 instead of 775. that's my mask but can't we have bzr to "clone" the permissions of the repo directory? I have to fix them by hand every time someone pushes a new branch in the repo.15:41
fbondOkay, so if I use commit --fixes foo:X, how can I now display bugs fixed by revision Y?15:42
beunofog, maybe related to bug #255155?15:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255155 in bzr "bzr.dev no longer preserves permissions in repository" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25515515:43
james_wfbond: that's not possible from the command line yet15:44
james_wfbond: I think bzr-gtk can do it15:44
fbondjames_w: So what use is --fixes then? :)15:44
dwtjelmer: I sent the patch to jelmer@samba.org15:45
jelmerdwt, just got it - thanks!15:46
jelmerdwt: Patch looks good, I've merged it15:48
fogdoh, it is a bug then.15:48
beunofog, sorry  :)15:50
fogbut I use 1.5, not .dev.. mm.15:50
beunofog, on both sides?15:51
fog1.5 on the client and 1.3.1 on the server15:54
fogmm.. time to upgrade that server :)15:54
dwtI'd love to debug the second problem that plagues my bzr-svn installation now15:56
jelmerdwt, what's that?15:56
dwtBut I'm currently hanging on understanding how bzr maps its namespace into the plugin directory15:56
dwtjelmer: the problem is that it cannot resolve bzrlib.plugins.svn to ~/.bzr/plugins/svn - or at least it seams that way15:56
james_wdwt: ~/.bazaar/plugins/svn15:57
dwtsorry, thats what I mean15:57
dwtor meant, anyway15:57
james_wwhat's the problem you are seeing?15:58
dwtjames_w: When I try bzr selftest svn, it can't load the svn plugin16:02
dwtbecause it can't resolve the imports to bzrlib.plugins.svn, as being in the directory ~/.bazaar/plugins/svn16:03
dwthere's a paste of the problem16:03
cjwatsondwt: it works the other way round; bzr imports everything under ~/.bazaar/plugins/ and stashes them in the right places in its namespace16:03
luksdwt: if can't import it, because the plugin itself fails16:04
lukssee ImportError: cannot import name client16:04
dwthm, how can I debug this further?16:05
luksdo you have client.so or client.py in ~/.bazaar/plugins/svn?16:05
james_wdwt: are you on bzr 1.6?16:05
dwtluks: yes, client.so16:05
dwtjames_w: no, I'm on bzr 1.516:05
luksthat looks strange then16:06
james_wdwt: ok, please paste the whole of one of the stanzas of ~/.bzr.log showing the failure to load the plugin16:06
luksdwt: oh, perhaps it's built with a different version of python?16:07
dwtyou mean the *.so files?16:08
dwtluks: I'l check that after I pasted the errors from loaading the plugin16:08
dwtjames_w: http://paste.lisp.org/display/6487816:10
james_wAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'properties_handler_registry'16:10
james_wyou are using a version of bzr-svn that is not compatible with bzr 1.516:10
dwtAnd I was extra carefull to take the stable branch16:11
dwtjelmer: Can you tell me which branch would be the right one to get for bzr 1.5?16:11
jelmerdwt, there's no branch matching bzr 1.516:11
jelmerdwt, you can use the tarball from the wiki page16:12
dwtI'l try that16:12
jelmerdwt, or revert back to tag:bzr-svn-0.4.10 in your current bzr-svn branch16:12
dwtThat sounds much better16:12
dwtjelmer: As far as I can tell at that revision you are still using the official python bindings16:22
jelmerdwt: Yes, that's correct16:25
dwtToo bad, I really wanted to give your bindings a spin.16:26
jelmerdwt: You can still try, with bzr.dev16:27
dwtI'm a bit weary going to the trunk of bzr16:27
dwtI really want to give this plugin a workount16:27
dwtwith first trying to replicate my workplace conditions16:27
Peng_bzr.dev is kept pretty stable.16:28
dwtand then trying to switch my workplace16:28
dwtbut for that I really need stable versions that many people have tested already.16:28
lukswell, 1.6rc1 is out16:28
dwtluks: I am considering just waiting a week or two till it is out.16:29
luksnot that is has been tested by as many people as 1.5, but at least you have a tarball16:29
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dwtWell, after going back to tag:bzr-svn-0.4.10 and making the plugin16:34
dwtit seems to load perfectly16:34
dwthowever running bzr selftest svn dies on the ninth test16:34
dwtjelmer: Does it make sense to look into this further16:35
dwtor should I just wait for bzr 1.6?16:35
jelmerdwt, what sort of version of subversion do you have installed?16:35
jelmerdwt, I guess I would wait for 1.616:35
jelmer(bzr 1.6)16:36
dwtok, I'l check back in here as soon as 1.6 hits my repository. :)16:36
dwtok, thanks for the help and cu soon!16:41
evantonI'm getting an error when running "make docs" inside the unpacked source tarball of bzr-1.516:43
jamevanton: weird, I'm not seeing that here17:40
jamI wonder if it is a different version of rst2html17:40
jamevanton: ah, I think this is the rst2hmtl bug we had a workaround for17:41
jamspecifically there is a '.' in the options17:41
jamwhich rst doesn't usually like17:41
jamif you look at our tools/rst2html.py17:41
jamthere is a workaround in there17:41
jambut it is keyed on version17:41
jamevanton: you probably just need to expand the version range17:41
jamevanton: there should be a line like: if docutils.__version__ <= '0.4.1':17:42
jamJust change that to "if True:" or something like that17:42
evantonjam: do you want me to tell you the version of docutils I'm using?17:42
jamevanton: you can, but I'm 99% sure it is >0.4.117:42
evantonhold on17:42
jamI think we have a fix for that in the 1.6 branch17:42
jamIn bzr.dev the line is "if True: # this is still required in the distutils trunk as-at June 2008."17:43
evanton$ rst2html.py --version17:43
evantonrst2html.py (Docutils 0.5 [snapshot 2008-04-24, r5542], Python 2.5.1, on linux2)17:43
jamevanton: so... yeah, just a problem with our workaround not being used for newer docutils, you can edit that line and it should work17:45
jamAnd 1.6 will have a fix for it17:45
evantonas I can see from the error, "make docs" is calling the rst2html.py that's included in the source tarball of bzr17:45
evantonlet me try your suggestion17:45
jamevanton: we call that one, because of workarounds, etc that we needed to put in17:46
jamit shouldn't be calling the global rst2html17:46
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evantonjam: seems like html files were generated, thanks for your help17:49
evantonnow it complains about not finding dot, so it's time to google for that :)17:49
evantonwill be back if will have any other questions17:49
datoevanton: dot is shipped with graphviz17:56
evantonsuggestion: sticking the keyword "graphwiz" into that error message could help a newbie figure out what dot is, since googling for "dot" is irrelevant17:56
evantondato: than's I've found it, will look at graphwiz now17:57
evantons/than's/thanks, /17:57
Jc2k'wg 2017:57
radixevanton: it's "graphviz" not "graphwiz"17:57
evantonI've misspelled it17:58
rockstarjelmer, hi18:49
jelmerrockstar, hi18:50
rockstarCould we chat about loggerhead's packaging needs?18:50
jelmerrockstar, yep, sounds good18:50
jelmerrockstar: afaik the only thing missing for a stock loggerhead package at the moment is loading the configuration from another location18:51
rockstarjelmer, yea.  That would allow it to run daemonized.18:52
rockstarHowever, thumper was telling me that ./serve-branches knows about user dir traversal, and the start-loggerhead script apparently doesn't18:52
rockstarI thought I might take a look at that.18:52
pickscrapeWhere can  I find documentation for the template language that loggerhead uses?18:53
rockstarpickscrape, the template engine is simpletal18:53
pickscrapeThis one? http://www.owlfish.com/software/simpleTAL/18:53
Peng_pickscrape: Yep.18:55
jelmerrockstar, ah, cool18:56
jelmerI guess the package could also use a init script18:56
pickscrapeAh, I think I see... I've been reading it wrong :)18:56
rockstarjelmer, we could just leverage the work from start-loggerhead and stop-loggerhead for init scripts18:57
rockstarI also have a default config that we'd like to load on installation and start of the server18:58
asabilis it possible to make a branch redirect to another branch ?19:00
Peng_asabil: There are "branch references", but there's no way to create them through the CLI.19:00
asabilhmm, ok19:00
rockstarjelmer, do you have time to look into loading the configuration from another location?19:05
jelmerrockstar: Yeah, that'd make sense19:17
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wingo-tpgood afternoon!19:45
luksgood evening!19:45
wingo-tpi come begging, hat in hand: lifeless, can you have a look at bug #239499?19:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239499 in bzr "corrupt knit index on an old arch-imported bzr repo" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23949919:45
* wingo-tp <- this guy is a drag, i know19:46
rockstarwingo-tp, lifeless won't stir for another hour at least19:46
jelmerbeuno, ping19:53
jelmerrockstar: I've added arguments to override the log folder, config file and pid file for loggerhead19:53
jelmeras well as an init script19:53
beunojelmer, pong19:58
jelmerbeuno: is there some place where loggerhead logs when in daemon mode?19:58
jelmerI had syntax errors but they didn't appear to be logged anywhere19:58
beunojelmer, it tries to create a logs/ dir19:59
beunoand there should be a debug.log19:59
beunoof course, it does so in the same dir, which won't work well with an installation19:59
beunowe should change that19:59
beuno(make it log in the home dir maybe, ~/.loggerhead.log19:59
beunomwhudson, thoughts?20:00
james_wsomewhere under /var/log would be better if it's running as a daemon I think20:02
beunojames_w, I agree that's the ideal place, but won't we run into potention permission issues?20:03
beunoI'm not sure how all that works20:03
beunoAFAIK a regular user can't write in /var/log20:03
james_wif it's using an init script the you can create /var/log/loggerhead/ and chmod it, as the init script is running as root20:04
james_wor do it at package installation time20:04
james_wif loggerhead has a normal daemon mode then home dir may be a good idea, with a command line switch to specify somewhere else20:04
wingo-tprockstar: ok, i'll pounce on him then :)20:05
beunojames_w, yeah, it has both. So maybe a switch will work best.  jelmer?20:05
jelmerbeuno, Just did the patch :-)20:05
jelmerbeuno, I see what I was doing wrong now20:06
jelmerI had actually caused a syntax error in the code that dealt with the logging20:06
beunojelmer, oh, very cool20:06
beunoah, right20:06
* beuno branches20:07
beunojelmer, revision 202 thanks you for your continued contribution  :)20:14
jelmerbeuno, w00t, thanks!20:15
rockstarbeuno, jelmer, the package at least should log to /var/log/loggerhead or something like that20:15
jelmerrockstar, Yeah, I've modified them to do that20:16
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jelmerrockstar, that's why I added the -L option20:16
jelmerbeuno, You seem to've missed a revision20:18
jelmerone that fixes the syntax errors20:18
beunojelmer, odd, I branched and merged20:18
beunojelmer, revno?20:18
jelmerbeuno, 20520:19
jelmerit's there in the original location, perhaps lp jsut didn't mirror it yet20:19
beunojelmer, updated20:22
jelmerbeuno, thanks!20:22
beunojelmer, thank *you*  :)20:24
jelmerbeuno, while you're here...20:24
jelmer    from loggerhead import release20:24
jelmerImportError: cannot import name release20:24
jelmerit still worked in my own tree because I had the .pyc file around20:25
jelmerbut the .py file appears to be gone20:25
beunothat's still around?20:26
* beuno greps20:26
beunoI thought I ahd removed it20:26
jelmerit's in start-loggerhead20:26
jelmerand stop-loggerhead20:26
beunoremoved, committing20:27
jelmerbeuno: release is still used20:33
jelmerstart-loggerhead line 8220:33
jelmerrockstar, beuno: other than that, the debian package seems to work fine now20:34
jelmer(configuration file in /etc/loggerhead.conf, logs in /var/log/loggerhead, init script in /etc/init.d/loggerhead)20:35
rockstarjelmer, The one thing we still need is for the daemon to understand userdir branches.20:35
rockstarI'm still trying to figure out exactly what that means.20:35
rockstarAh, nevermind, it's quite obvious...  :)20:36
beunojelmer, hrm...  did you merge trunk before working on that branch?20:36
jelmerbeuno, yeah20:37
beunoI should stop drinking during the day then, I would of sworn I removed all of those20:38
rockstarbeuno, start off by drinking less.20:39
beunorockstar, right, one step at a time..20:40
beunojelmer, removed those too, grep promised me that iw as the last of em20:41
beunosee, I can't even type anymore20:41
pickscrapeIs it easy to remove a branch that was accidentally pushed over the top of a shared repository?20:43
pickscrapeIt is confusing loggerhead :)20:43
beunopickscrape, just deleting it will do it. Revision will remain in the shared repo though20:44
beunowon't be a problem, just take up space20:44
pickscrapeDelete ~/.bzr/branch ?20:44
pickscrapeI mean the branch was pushed *to* the shared repo directory, not under it.20:45
james_wyeah, make sure to get the "branch" bit :-)20:45
pickscrapeI'll try renaming it first20:46
pickscrapeWorked a treat, thanks!20:47
jelmerrockstar, beuno: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=loggerhead21:07
beunojelmer, you're going to *kill* me21:07
beunobut I just landed a fix that makes it work with pre-bzr 1.6b3 versions21:08
beunowhich should probably be in it, since hardy has 1.321:08
beunojelmer, and, w00t!21:08
beunojelmer, you're still lacking DD's to sponsor uploads, right?21:08
jelmerbeuno, yes21:09
beunojelmer, I'll forc^ask again today21:09
jelmerbeuno, at the moment for bzr-upload, loggerhead and bzr-search21:09
mwhudsonis the scanner wedged again? :(21:09
beunomwhudson, it is  :/21:09
jelmerbeuno, Another bzr-upload upload would be nice21:09
mwhudsonoh for fuck's sake21:10
james_wbeuno: did you ever get to play with "upload --auto"?21:10
beunojelmer, ok, so anything that has to do with me  :p    I'm meeting with the DD today, so I'll presure enough21:10
jelmerah, cool21:10
jelmerbeuno, are you @ debconf?21:10
beunojames_w, I handed it out to the user needing it, and haven't heard cursing, so I assume everything went ok  :)21:11
james_wbeuno: cool :-)21:11
beunojelmer, I'm not.  Starting with Canonical full time on monday, so that derrailed my plans a bit21:11
jelmerbeuno, ah, cool, didn't know that :-)21:11
jelmerbeuno, Congrats on your new job :-)21:11
beunojelmer, heh, thanks. I'll make it "official" tomorrow, just did the formal bits today, so I haven't made it too public21:12
beunoit's been a rumor for a while not though  :p21:12
beunojames_w, if everything goes as planned, we're going to be using bzr-upload at the office *much* more heavily, so it should get more love soon21:13
james_wbeuno: cool21:13
james_whey, congratulations beuno21:14
beunojames_w, thanks!  I'm excited to get started21:14
beunomwhudson, btw, is there anyway you can set LH's permissions to public by default?21:17
TheErichow do you get BZR to push new files? e.g. images in an image directory?21:23
beunoTheEric, you first have to version them with:  bzr add21:24
beunonote that bzr add will add everything unversioned21:24
beunoif you only want a specific dir,  bzr add directory/21:24
beunothen, commit them21:24
beunoand push21:25
jelmerbeuno, Hmm, loggerhead only supports local urls atm?21:25
alex-weejhow do i undo a commit?21:26
alex-weeji used the wrong commit message21:26
alex-weejdamn you -m !21:26
beunoalex-weej, bzr uncommit21:26
Jc2kalex-weej: bzr uncommit21:26
beunojelmer, local branches?21:27
jelmerbeuno, yeah21:27
alex-weejthanks :)21:27
alex-weejhi Jc2k :D21:27
beunojelmer, did you update the bzr-upload package, or is it the same?21:27
jelmerbeuno, it's the same21:27
beunojelmer, IIRC, mwhudson uses http in LP for branches21:28
jelmerbeuno, something went wrong during the upload21:28
jelmerbeuno, ah, cool21:28
jelmerbeuno, I was trying with SVN urls but that seems to cause weird errors while scanning for branches21:28
beunojelmer, yes, I'll sit down with her and do it together so nothing goes wrong  :)21:28
TheEricah, excellent. I should've thought of the add bit.21:28
Jc2khi alex-weej :P21:29
jelmerbeuno, ah, it looks like it's the auto_publish_folder stuff that doesn't appear to work with remote urls21:29
mwhudsonbeuno: need an lp admin to do that; i think it's a good idea though21:30
beunojelmer, the official policy is to eventually remove start/stop-loggerhead scripts, so that may be ery low priority21:31
rockstarbeuno, why's that?21:32
mwhudsonbecause loggerhead.conf is bonkers21:32
beunorockstar, we *will* provide a way to do all the current magic, but with serve-branches21:33
rockstarbeuno, ah, I see.  My concern is that it needs to run as a daemon.21:33
beunorockstar, absolutely, either serve-branches will be optionally work as a daemon, or we'll have a daemon script separately21:35
beunomwhudson, you may know this. Where can I find a branch with a NULL revision in it?  related to bug #25479421:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254794 in loggerhead "root directory view traceback" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25479421:38
beuno5 bugs to go for 1.6 release  :)21:39
mwhudsonall branches have null: in them, in some sense21:39
mwhudsonoh, maybe it's when you serve-branches in a directory that has a branch with no revisions at all in it?21:40
mwhudsonbzr init foo21:40
mwhudsonserve-branches .21:40
* beuno tries21:40
pickscrapeHow do I find out from within a Command object's run() method if the user passed --verbose?21:41
mwhudsonbeuno: yeah, seems like it21:41
beunomwhudson, I don't get a traceback, just No revisions!21:42
mwhudsonbeuno: run serve-branches from the directory _containing_ the branch21:42
beunobeuno@beuno-laptop:/tmp/test$ ~/bzr_devel/loggerhead/trunk/serve-branches .21:43
mwhudsonisn't going to work in such a branch21:43
beuno/tmp/test is the empty branch21:43
mwhudsonbeuno: so run it from /tmp21:43
mwhudson(i guess "containing" is ambiguous here :)21:43
beunomwhudson, same thing, No revisions21:44
beunogot it21:44
beunoI get a different error though21:45
beunopickscrape, gets "ReservedId: Reserved revision-id {null:}"21:45
beunoand I get "NoSuchRevision: KnitPackRepository('file:///tmp/test/.bzr/repository/') has no revision null:"21:45
pickscrapeI had a sysadmin whining about that one today, saying 'bzr is broken' :)21:46
mwhudsoni get the same as you21:46
mwhudsonbzr version differences?21:47
pickscrapeHe hadn't read the email I'd sent out about it21:47
mwhudsonpickscrape: it's always much more likely to be loggerhead :)21:47
james_wis vila on holiday?21:47
pickscrapemwhudson: well, loggerhead doesn't have 12k+ unit tests does it :)21:47
mwhudsonpickscrape: no, and we should do something about that at some point21:48
mwhudson(well, 12k would be overkill for LH, i think...)21:48
beunoI'd love to focus on that in the next release cycle21:49
pickscrapeI've started writing tests for diffstat. It's interesting, and I think I've even found a bug in doing it.21:49
beunopickscrape, bug #254794 should be fixed now. Could you confirm it?22:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254794 in loggerhead "root directory view traceback" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25479422:27
pickscrapebeuno: on it22:30
pickscrapeerm, how strange. I just tried to before updating to make sure I was checking properly and it's working now, which should be impossible...22:31
mwhudsoni guess the problem branch has a revision in it now22:32
pickscrapeNope, it's still a plain directory22:32
pickscrapeI did update to r201 earlier today though. I wonder if that fixed my problem...22:33
beunopickscrape, it must have a dir with a .bzr in it22:33
beunowith no revisions22:33
pickscrapeI just checked, definitely no .bzr22:33
beunopickscrape, in a directory inside the root one22:34
beunoso you're at  /foo/bar22:34
beunowhere you used to get the error22:34
beunoso /foo/bar/blah22:34
beunohas an empty branch in it22:35
beunoor it should22:35
mwhudsonbeuno: try:except: is pretty evil22:35
beunoand if it doesn't, it's still fixed, because I changed that part of the code  :)22:35
beunomwhudson, I know. But bzr 1.5/1.6 throw different exceptions22:35
mwhudsonthough mind you, i put a try:except: around branch.open, so i can't really talk22:35
mwhudsonbeuno: ugh22:35
beunoand I didn't even want to dig into 1.4/1.322:35
pickscrapeAha, I think I know what it is. I asked earlier about deleting a ~/.bzr/branch directory that was accidentally pushed over a shared repository22:36
beunoso I chose try: except:  rather than 4 different possible exceptions22:36
pickscrapeNow that it's removed, it's working.22:36
pickscrapeI'll update now and try22:36
beunomwhudson, but I'm open to doing it better if you can think of something  :)22:36
pickscrapeIt still works22:37
beunopickscrape, great, thanks!22:37
beunoI love instant feedback22:37
beunobzr users rock  :)22:38
pickscrapeOur sysadmin will be a happy chappy now :)22:38
beunoI hate how unhelpful LH's logging is22:58
beunoI wonder what it would take to make it resemble bzr's one...22:59
Peng_Did you mean to change LH's <title>s from "some/branch : changes" to "/some/branch : changes"?23:02
beunono, whatever goes into debug.log23:03
beunoWARNING:simpleTALES.Context:Exception occurred evaluating python path, exception: name 'url' is not defined23:03
beunoI have *no* idea where that came from23:04
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beunoPeng_, re bug #24799223:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247992 in loggerhead "Visiting just "/download" or "/download/" redirects to a bad URL" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24799223:28
beunohow is it that you end up in /download?23:28
Necorohmm ... by the way - is there sourcecode highlighting support for loggerhead?23:29
Necoroand if yes: is there a reason, it isn't turned on LP?23:30
beunoNecoro, nope. But there may be if you file a bug requesting it  :)23:30
NecoroI'll do when I'm bored ;) ...23:31
beunogood, I prefer exciting bugs23:32
Necorobeuno: http://pygments.org/ =P23:33
beunoNecoro, oh, did I mention we *love* patches?23:34
beunoeven boring ones!23:34
beunoeither way, we'd have to make it optional. I don't want to add another dependency for this23:35
NecoroI hope, LH has some way of configuration =P23:35
beunooh, codescanner just came back from the dead23:36
Necoroanyways ... time for bed ;) ... I'll see what I can do tomorrow ^^23:37
* beuno is off to a dinner23:44
lifelessjam: if you want to talk reachability we could skype23:50
jamlifeless: sure, though I don't have long before the standup, and we're going on a walk after that (I guess I could skip the standup today)23:53
lifelessup to you - poolie said you were interested in what I'm thinking about is all23:55

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