
pigeonflightHaving some issues doing a dist-upgrade00:00
hcoohhello, I am on Kubuntu remix with kde4.1, I have a problem with a lot of process that are duplicate, is it normal ??00:01
hcoohFor exemple I have two Xorg, and each take 170 Mo of memory !!00:02
hcoohCan I kill one of those process ?00:02
pigeonflightinvoke-rc.d: dangling symlink: /etc/rc2.d/K09samba00:03
pigeonflightdpkg: warning - old pre-removal script returned error exit status 10200:03
pigeonflightdpkg - trying script from the new package instead ...00:03
pigeonflightsubprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 10200:04
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:06
shane2peruwhat seems to be the thoughts on kde 4.1? Is it an improvement over 4.000:06
shane2peruIs it usable?00:06
shane2peruI tried 4.0 and it was ok, but had issues, and was rather incomplete00:07
pigeonflightshane2peru: improvement yes00:07
pigeonflightUsable You judge00:07
shane2perupigeonflight: are you using it on a daily basis?00:07
sd132so the kubuntu md5 is the same as the ubuntu md5?00:08
shane2peruif you are using it on a daily basis, then it is probably more usable than 4.0 was. :)00:08
shane2peruI'm downloading it now, but wanted to get some thoughts from some others00:08
pigeonflightshane2peru: Yes00:09
pigeonflightBut then I did the same with 4.000:10
shane2peruright, I used 4.0 for a while, but got tired of some of the minor problems00:10
shane2peruthey weren't major, just needed some more dev time.00:10
pigeonflightshane2peru: It's really up to you :-) it may be missing one thing that you can't get over00:10
pigeonflightOn the ohter hand it can have one feature that you find you can't live without after a few days00:10
shane2peruright, it does seem stable over all thought right?00:11
pigeonflight in anycase #kubuntu-kde4 is where you want to be00:11
shane2peruahh, pigeonflight right, I forgot about that.00:11
di48locan someone help me auto mount some disks, having mad hassles with it00:11
shane2peruthanks pigeonflight00:12
bdizzleokay, why isn't my printer working?00:13
di48loI have kubuntu on sdb and want to auto mount other partitions on my sdb drive??00:14
bdizzlehold on... it might  be working ... yay!00:14
bdizzleawesome, I have a working printer. Now I gotta check the scanner part00:15
bdizzleokay, scanner isn't working. Anyone know about getting the scanner to work?00:17
BraveSpearanyone know how to lock kde at 1024x768x60hz at boot time in xorg.conf?00:18
BraveSpearI was told to add a modeline to xorg.conf : Modeline "1024x768" 60.80  1024 1056 1128 1272   768  768  770  79600:20
kushouwhat is your probleme ?00:21
tockihow to install kde4.1 on kubuntu ? :-)00:22
kushouyou are using KDE 3.5.9 ?00:23
BraveSpearI am creating a livecd for my employer and my boss wants me to lock the screen resolution at 1024x768 @ 60hz.. yes, kde 3.5+ (installed from apt-get install kde-core)00:23
hcoohtocki : follow this http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.100:24
pigeonflightHow do I fix a dangling symlink?00:28
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde400:28
kushouBraveSpear: why did you not download kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 4.000:28
kushouand tell to your employer to update this00:29
kushoui don't know if it's possible00:30
Pigeon`Someone know if I can change Audacious skin grey color00:31
=== aakash is now known as smarty
smartyhey all -- questoin :: i need to make a character i found in KCharaSelect.. How do I type it in (knowing the code)00:35
smartyLike, the code is U+272000:35
smartyWhat do I hit for 'U'00:35
[pyro]is it possible to encrypted my entire drive (apart from boot) on an already installed system?00:36
smartyI dont see why not00:36
smartyBut I could be wrong00:36
nuxilhas anyone tried Crunchy ?00:40
kushousmarty: i don't know how to do that00:40
kushounuxil: not me00:41
nuxilman #ubuntu is hopless to be in00:43
nuxil1252 ppl in00:43
=== luis is now known as tigremx
nuxili prolly need to spam the channnel for ppl to see my Question'00:45
leumasluis why change of nick?00:45
baudthiefsometimes when I start Kubuntu, icons that should be in the notification area are on the desktop (in their own tiny window)00:51
baudthiefis there some sort of fix for that?00:51
BraveSpearkushou: I am using kde-core which installs with KDE 3.5.  KDE 4 is a little to different for our users.. need something that more closely matches WinXP interface.00:51
dwidmannnuxil: #ubuntu probably is hopeless. I've seen people in here with all sorts of questions before because a) either they like the people better here or b) their questions actually get answered here ... or some combination thereof ...kind of sad indeed.00:52
Pigeon`How do i change te default application for like mp300:53
kushoubaudthief: KDE ?00:53
nuxildwidmann, yea,, i seen that too00:54
kushouBraveSpear: so you couldn't use KDE 4.1 but 3.5.900:54
smartyPigeon -- Right click on the item, Open with>Other00:55
dwidmannPigeon`: right click on any mp3 file, go to properties, click on the little wrench next to the file type, and you should be able to alter it in the screen that comes up.00:55
leumaskaffein closes wen i ty to play dvds.wat do i do?00:57
Pigeon`thx dwidmann00:57
dwidmannleumas: it's a bit whacky with DVD playback lately (much to my dismay), do you have the essentials installed (ie: libdvdcss2, libdvdread3, libdvdnav4)00:59
leumastanx i'll try installin them01:00
dwidmannleumas: libdvdcss2 isn't in the repositories, try running this script: /usr/share/doc/kaffeine/install-css.sh01:00
=== mendes is now known as new_nemo
alfffyI can't get ndiswrapper installed01:08
baudthiefkushou: yeah, looks like it fixed itself after using compiz as default wm heh01:09
baudthiefone more though, how do you fix the checkbox bug? When you select a checkbox, it turns into a gray square 4 times its size lol01:09
alfffywhen i type sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common it says it can't find the package01:09
Dragnslcr!info ndiswrapper-common01:10
ubottundiswrapper-common (source: ndiswrapper): Common scripts required to use the utilities for ndiswrapper. In component main, is optional. Version 1.50-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 11 kB, installed size 92 kB01:10
kushoualfffy: you've got the network connection on the computer where you type there ?01:10
alfffykushou: yes01:11
alfffyubottu: thats not what i see01:11
ubottualfffy: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:11
kushoualfffy: go to adept and type ndiswrapper in the shearch form01:13
kushou(hum, sorry for my bad english but i'm french)01:13
alfffyI already tried that ... no results01:13
alfffyno problem01:13
kushouwait a minute please01:14
kushoualfffy: sudo apt-get update01:15
kushousudo apt-get upgrade01:16
alfffyi'll try that01:16
kushoumay be it can solve your problem01:16
gimpysmurfi've been looking round online for the batter part of two night s now...  does anyone know whats up with not being able to see my cd rom drive? i noticed as i was trying to burn a cd.. but now that i'm looking at it, it can't see cd's at all..  shouldn'01:17
gimpysmurft this mount into /media/cdrom0 or something?01:17
gimpysmurfor /dev/sd0 or some such?01:17
gimpysmurfoh right, Hardy 8.0401:17
gimpysmurfis there a way to directly access the thing? i'mbeen playing with cdrecord.. but it thorws errors saying i don't have any such devices...   = /01:18
alfffykushou: that worked ...... thank you very much01:19
kushoualfffy: you're welcome :)01:23
=== david is now known as Guest28422
=== Guest28422 is now known as sd132
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sd132what is the name of the nvidia driver installer?01:27
Daisuke_Laptopsd132: depends on your card01:27
sd132Daisuke_Laptop: nvidia gforce 440 mx01:27
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Daisuke_Laptopsd132: nvidia-glx01:28
yukahello, i'm trying to customize my top panel. i'm on a laptop and when i first tried using the trackpad after install, the mouse went crazy and moved a lot of the icons. i am now trying to move everything back. i currently have the icons all together on the left. i want to split it the way it was at default, with the shutdown, time, battery, etc icons on the right hand side. but i can't seem to be able to do it. any ideas?01:29
sd132Daisuke_Laptop: im thinking of a third party program01:29
Daisuke_Laptopyou're probably thinking of envy01:29
sd132Daisuke_Laptop: has a wierd name01:29
Daisuke_Laptopwhich is used to install the most current drivers01:29
sd132Daisuke_Laptop: thats it, thanks01:30
Daisuke_Laptopdon't use it01:30
dwidmann"sudo apt-get install envyng" " sudo envyng -t"01:31
Daisuke_Laptopyour card will get absolutely no benefit from updated drivers01:31
* Daisuke_Laptop cringes01:31
Daisuke_Laptopdwidmann: you just made an infant deity weep01:31
sd132my refresh rate is wrong and has no setting for the proper setting01:31
dwidmannDaisuke_Laptop: that's not always the case ... performance improvements can sometimes be had if their was something wrong with them, bug fixes can be had too ...01:31
vladai've just installed kde4.1 and my window decorator crashes everytime (after reboot)01:31
Daisuke_Laptopdwidmann: for a card that old that i don't even think is supported in the newer drivers?01:31
dwidmannI'm kind of hoping for some bug fixes myself ....01:31
sd132Daisuke_Laptop: it is, i was running it a couple of days ago on ubuntu01:31
vladai have manualy started kde-window-decorator (but all i see is old kde3.5 window frame) :/01:31
dwidmannDaisuke_Laptop: I think the geforce 4's are the oldest supported, I'm not sure if the MX's (the suck version of the geforce 4, really more like a geforce 2 as the geforce 3's were actually better) are supported or not01:32
Daisuke_Laptopand this is the same install, you just installed kubuntu-desktop?01:32
sd132Daisuke_Laptop: no just reinstalled kubuntu01:32
bdizzleokay, need help installing Kubuntu on my desktop ... with a firewalled internet connection that requires firefox, Java, and wine to be able to run the internet01:33
bdizzleerr, get to the internet to be able to install the rest of the programs01:34
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sd132Daisuke_Laptop: and the glx drivers have the worng refresh rate, and the nevy drivers fix the problem01:34
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Daisuke_Laptopsd132: in that case, follow dwidmann's advice01:35
sd132Daisuke_Laptop: ok thanks01:35
sd132<pushing the envelope with a samsung syncmster 206bw on the nvidia gforce 440mx card..:)01:39
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk01:41
dolo any one here have a custom boot splash using usplash or any other program?01:44
alfffyI'm having trouble using ndiswrapper01:45
doloI'm trying to make a custom .so file01:45
alfffyI install the driver, but when I type ndiswapper -l it only lists the driver and not the hardware01:45
doloanyone know how to make a custom .so theme file for usplash ?01:48
bdizzlehow do I install firefox from a .tar.bz2 file?01:48
bdizzleor is there a .deb file somewhere of it?01:48
alfffyanyone familiar with ndiswrapper?01:49
dolowhy not use the package manager and just type mozilla01:49
Githzerai!usplash | dolo01:49
ubottudolo: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork01:49
bdizzle...because I can't get connected to the internet01:49
dolohey Githzerai i have that its for picking a custom usplash from ones made by other people01:50
bdizzleI just moved into a dorm and they have a software firewall that I must install a check program before I can get to the internet. Unfortunately, said program is a) a .exe file, and b) requires Java to install01:50
doloim trying to make a usplash theme of my own01:50
bdizzleso I need to try to install firefox and Java from scratch. I have a working computer (laptop) that is connected to the internet via wireless, and a jump drive to transfer files over01:50
Githzeraidolo: I think you wil find comlete tutorial on that link01:50
doloya the tutorial i been trying to make work for the past 2 days01:51
doloi have that page bookmarked01:51
alfffycould anyone help me with ndiswrapper?01:51
doloi been having trouble getting mine to work so i been looking now to see if someone else maybe has gotten it to work and could give me some help01:52
dolotheres quite a few on gnome-look but nothing I really liked01:53
dolodo you have one Githzerai01:53
doloso far ive made 11 .so files using that tutorial and none work01:56
doloeven altered the vga setting and now i switched back to the default usplash it looks lower quality but none of those .so files i made seem to work01:56
bdizzleis there a .deb file available for Linux?01:57
bdizzleerr, sorry, for firefox01:58
DragnslcrIt's in the repository01:58
Dragnslcr!info firefox01:58
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.3 (hardy), package size 64 kB, installed size 120 kB01:58
doloGithzerai: any idea?01:58
bdizzleI can't get to the repository01:58
alfffyI install the driver, but when I type ndiswapper -l it only lists the driver and not the hardware01:59
bdizzleother than what is on the Kubuntu 8.04 disk, I can't get anything in01:59
DragnslcrYou might be able to get the .deb from packages.ubuntu.com01:59
Dragnslcrbdizzle- http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/web/firefox02:01
bdizzledoes that come with the dependencies?02:03
bdizzleand is there one available for Java too?02:04
bdizzlehow do we search packages.ubuntu.com/hardy?02:06
bdizzleor do we have to run through the links?02:07
DragnslcrI thought I saw a search box on the page02:07
bdizzleoh this is going to be a fun game02:17
bdizzletrying to run through the packages and see what dependencies there are02:17
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:17
bazhang!es | oscar02:19
ubottuoscar: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:19
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paule118isst du kacke ? (mooning) bei skype sind nur spinner !02:24
r00t_whoah buddy02:24
alfffycould anyone help me with ndiswrapper?02:27
Fieldyhello, what do I need to do to use wpa2 on my laptops wireless? wpa_supplicant is installed. i am a new kubuntu user but an experienced linux user.02:30
posingaspopularFieldy: knetwork manager02:31
Fieldyposingaspopular: i believe i was there, and it offered me wep options but not wpa. let me look again (system is in the other room)02:31
unikhow do i install .tar i m a new user02:32
alfffyanyone with ndiswrapper knowledge ????02:33
posingaspopularFieldy: ive never had a problem with knetworkmanager using wpa202:34
Fieldyposingaspopular: okay, turns out i had not been using knetworkmanager. got it set up -- thank you!02:35
=== cristian is now known as cristian__
bdizzleokay, questions on dependencies02:37
bdizzleI tried installing sun-java6-bin, and it said it needed sun-java6-jre02:37
bdizzleI tried installling sun-java6-jre, and it claims it needs sun-java6-bin|ia32-sun-java6-bin02:37
bdizzleis there a circle going on somewhere?02:37
posingaspopularyes bdizzle02:39
posingaspopularit's called dependancy hell02:39
bdizzlealmost as bad as .dll hell02:39
bdizzlewell, without internet connection on the computer I'm installing Kubuntu on, I have a laptop (which I am on) with internet (obviously) and a jump drive, transferring files back and forth02:39
bdizzleokay, I don't get this one02:40
bdizzleis there a way to download the java files from the repository into a temp folder, rather than its usual place?02:40
bdizzlewhich it claims is only available for the AMD 64 machines, not the usual i386 machines02:42
dwidmannbdizzle: dpkg -i sun-java6-jre* sun-java6-bin*02:43
bdizzlewhere would that download it to?02:44
bdizzledwidmann, the program is that I am trying to install firefox and java on a desktop that currently cannot connect to the internet thanks to a stupid college network that requires me to download a java .exe program to connect first02:45
=== joe_ is now known as skii
alfffycould anyone help me with ndiswrapper?02:48
alfffyplease ???02:48
skii i was woundering, does anyone know how to install linux on/in protible media player creative zen v plus?02:48
bdizzleskii: if no one knows, try posting on the forums at www.ubuntuforums.org02:49
bdizzlethey might know there02:49
skii ok, let me refraze the ? i would like to run linux off of my creative zen, would anyone be able to help me out?02:50
skii bdizzle: i already have tried there and nothing srry02:50
dwidmannbdizzle: dpkg is used to install debs that have already been downloaded somehow or other02:51
skii would anyone know how to run linux from/off a cell phone???02:52
bdizzleokay, I'm looking for the architecture independent sun-java-jre files02:55
posingaspopularbdizzle: you can probably msg the tech department and talk to them about that .exe issue02:55
posingaspopularand they can work around that02:56
bdizzleyeah, they're stupid and barely work with (or know what) Linux02:56
alfffyanyone with ndiswrapper knowledge ????02:56
andrbootHi; i am wondering how to get Power Management in KDE 4.102:57
alfffyPLEASE ....can anyone help with ndiswrapper03:03
bdizzleno alfffy, post on ubuntuforums and see if someone can do it there03:04
bdizzleotherwise, pay for Canonical tech support if you cannot be patient or try to figure it out yourself03:04
andrboot@ alfffy there is plenty of how tos on google.com03:04
andrbootit really isn't that complicated.03:04
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:05
bazhangalfffy, need much more info03:06
andrbootalfffy you obiously didn't look hard enough.03:06
alfffy^ ouch03:06
andrbootand the my problem with powermanagemnt.. heh :p i would like a more "safer" option then running kde 3.5's kpowersave lol03:06
bazhang!info ndisqt03:06
ubottuPackage ndisqt does not exist in hardy03:06
alfffyi've been trying to install this card for weeks03:06
bazhangalfffy, which card03:06
alfffya DWL 65003:06
bazhangalfffy, what chipset03:07
alfffyrealtek (i think)03:07
bazhangalfffy, check03:07
andrbootalfffy, thats a pretty old card03:07
alfffyapologies if I'm a little impatient, but his is quite frusturating03:07
bdizzlelinux can be frustrating, believe me03:08
bazhangalfffy, this is a usb dongle?03:08
andrbootpretty old one @ that :\03:08
bazhangalfffy, tell us the exact chipset03:08
alfffyhow owuld i find that out???03:08
andrbootseems to only support wep :\03:08
andrboot@ alfffy lspci03:08
bazhangalfffy, are you hotplugging it or have it in on boot03:09
alfffy^no idea what either of those mean03:09
bazhangalfffy, are you inserting said card into computer when it is turned on, or starting computer with said card already inserted03:09
bdizzlelinux is a wonderful thing, just as soon as you get it working03:09
* andrboot shuts up03:10
alfffystarting w/ card inserted03:10
bdizzleis there a .deb file for firefox, and if not, how do I install from the .tar.bz2 file?03:10
bazhangalfffy, do you currently have access to the computer in question03:10
bdizzleI'm still learning installation from source03:10
bazhangbdizzle, what version of ubuntu03:10
alfffyI'm on the comp in question vis wired connection03:10
bdizzlekubuntu 8.0403:10
bazhangalfffy, and is the card currently inserted03:11
alfffyoutput of lspci: http://pastebin.com/med2289803:11
bdizzleI don't have internet connection working, so I need to transfer from this computer to the other via my jump drive03:11
bdizzleits crazy03:11
alfffyyes ... its inserted03:11
alfffyI install the driver, but when I type ndiswapper -l it only lists the driver and not the hardware03:11
bazhangalfffy, just tell us the single line for that card here03:11
andrbootits not picking it up :p03:11
alfffyi don't know which line is the card03:11
bdizzleokay, hold on03:11
andrbootits not tehre heh03:11
bdizzledoes this page describe it properly bazhang?03:12
andrbootalfffy does that card work?03:12
bdizzleif I follow directions I can install easily03:12
andrbootin windows @ least03:12
alfffyyes ... I have a dual boot with windows .... it works on windows03:12
andrbootbecause i don't see it there :p03:13
andrboot@ alfffy can i see a copy of your "dmesg" ?03:13
alfffyso how would we fix that03:13
andrbootso dmesg > file.txt and pastebin file.txt :p03:13
bazhangalfffy, make sure that windows does not shutdown that card on reboot03:13
andrbootbazhang wouldn't matter still should be picked up :p03:13
bazhangandrboot, not always03:14
andrbootbazhang hmm. i had a issue with an old cisco card a while back heh that was fun :D03:14
andrbootmust just go back to gentoo03:15
alfffyoutput of dmesg: http://pastebin.com/m7c4a7e8e03:16
bdizzlehow can I check to make sure java is installed properly (without having access to internet)03:16
alfffy"alfffy, make sure that windows does not shutdown that card on reboot" what does this mean?03:18
andrbootbdizzle check installed software03:18
bdizzleand how can I download the firefox-3.0 package without internet either?03:18
bdizzlewill that recognize packages installed from source?03:18
orangepeelbeefyou can get the firefox-3.0 package and put it on a usb key03:19
bdizzleyeah, I was trying to03:19
bdizzleit only gave me the .tar.bz2 file of it, there is no .deb file that I know of03:19
orangepeelbeefyou need to pull the package from the ubuntu repository03:19
orangepeelbeefwhy do you not have internet :P03:20
andrboot@ alfffy you seem to be already trying to use ndiswrapper :p03:20
bdizzlebecause my school is retarded and requires that we download a .exe file to have them "check" your computer and authenticate it03:20
andrbootaccording to your kernel load03:20
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:20
bdizzleand I just put a fresh install of kubuntu on today, as the other one was giving me serious problems03:20
andrboot@ bdizzle so wine?03:20
* andrboot breaks ubottu 03:21
bdizzleit won't let me download the program without java03:21
orangepeelbeefor set up an http proxy03:21
bdizzleand yes, I'll need wine too03:21
andrboot@ bdizzle so :p what do you need? lol03:21
alfffyI take the saying "if at first you fail ... try and try again" too literally :P03:21
andrbootalfffy your dmesg says it all :p have a read through look at it.. see what it is doing :p03:21
andrbootyour card has problems heh03:21
bdizzleI need java, wine, and firefox to all work. I'm trying with konqueror, but it won't read the java. I've tried java and going through the dependency list03:21
orangepeelbeefif you want packages you will have to get them from the mirrors or  packages.ubuntu.org03:21
bdizzleinstalling each package one by one, building it up03:22
andrbootjudging buy "#[ 6370.777465] wlan0: cannot get RID fc82 (len=2) - no PRI f/w"03:22
alfffylemme know if you've found the problem :)03:22
andrbootbdizzle kde should come with firefox.. if not just grab the files of a repo03:22
orangepeelbeefseriously man, set up http proxy on one of your other computers or friends computers or something :P03:22
andrbootalfffy you need to learn :) iw ould suggest getting a bettter card.. one that supports wpa03:22
bdizzleit froze at sun-java6-jre, as it is now requiring a amd64 file, which won't install due to wrong architecture03:22
andrbootooh :|03:22
orangepeelbeefanalogx proxy works well for win peeps03:22
andrbootyour poor poor bugger03:22
alfffyalright ... alright03:22
alfffybtw ... if i'm going to get a new card, could you recomend something that works with linux out of the box?03:23
bdizzlethe http proxy I mean? I don't have wireless on my desktop, just my laptop that I'm on now :)03:23
bazhangbdizzle, what is your system 32bit or 64 bit03:23
bazhangbdizzle, what about just downloading the deb03:24
bdizzleright now, I'm stuck at this part03:24
andrbootalfffy hmmm03:24
bdizzletried, this is where I'm stuck03:24
almroa_What sort of card? I just came in.03:24
orangepeelbeefcrossover cable to your other comp, http proxy on your pc03:24
bdizzleafter installing all .deb file dependencies, I tried to install sun-java6-bin, only for it to tell me I need sun-java6-jre03:24
bazhanghttp://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox-3.0/firefox-3.0_3.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.3_i386.deb bdizzle03:24
orangepeelbeefor just keep workin through the deps from the package list03:24
andrbootbdizzle just download the java package from the java website03:24
baudthiefwhats the name of the open source ATI driver?03:24
andrbootand do it from that :p03:24
andrbootas root03:24
baudthieftrying to edit xorg.conf03:25
andrboot@ baudthief fglrx03:25
andrbooti would say03:25
bdizzleI tried installing sun-java6-jre, for it to tell me I need sun-java6-bin|ia32-sun-java6-bin, which is an amd64 file03:25
bazhangor aptoncd03:25
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers03:25
bazhangbdizzle, ^^03:25
bdizzleyeah, checking03:26
andrbootheh :p03:26
bdizzlewait, what is APTonCD?03:26
andrbooti just drag and drop my .deb file to each box manuially03:26
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bdizzleit'd be nice to just port the entire computer from one to the other if possible, or at least the main packages of it03:27
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate03:28
bazhangbdizzle, ^^03:28
baudthiefargh 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' doesn't ask me anything about display settings, only keyboard?!03:28
bdizzle*facepalm* why didn't I think of this earlier?03:28
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning03:28
andrbootnman that is old :|03:28
bazhangbdizzle, you set now?03:29
bdizzlenot quite03:29
Fieldyhello, has anyone used kvpnc with openvpn as a client? I've imported the client conf and all the keys and it sees them. but when I try to connect to the server, the server says "Authenticate/Decrypt packet error: packet HMAC authentication failed". i have copied over the same ta.key that is working on other (non-kubuntu) clients, though i see nowhere to actually tell kvpnc to use ta.key.03:29
bdizzledoes that install the packages from the repo, or in the ifile?03:29
bazhangbdizzle, which one aptoncd or clone03:30
bdizzleI don't have internet on the computer I'm transferring the packages to, so I need to physically install all of them03:30
bdizzlethe clone03:30
bazhangbdizzle, did you read the explanation above?03:31
bdizzleyeah, give me a moment to unpack them on the other computer03:31
bazhangalfffy you still around?03:31
bazhangoh he left03:31
bdizzleokay, we have a problem03:36
bdizzleclone deleted network-manager, etc etc03:36
bdizzleand didn't install any new packages03:36
bdizzletrying APTonCD now03:37
bdizzlejust trying to burn the .iso now03:37
bdizzleugh, damn slow CD-RW disks03:38
bdizzleits going to take an hour to burn it03:38
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:38
sgallingerhow do I get k3b to burn mp3s03:39
munk_help my computer keeps locking me out if i dont use it for 5 minutes or so(it is a laptop) i removed the acpi and acpi-support packages and it still does it.. help please?03:39
bdizzleokay, once I get APT-onCD to work and the disk to burn properly, how do I install it onto the other computer?03:40
bazhangsgallinger, you have lame installed?03:40
bazhangbdizzle, enable it as a repo and disable others03:40
bazhangbdizzle, gui or cli way03:41
bdizzlegui please03:41
bdizzleI'm in adept right now03:41
bazhangyou're using adept?03:42
bazhangcheck the menu for repos03:42
bdizzleassume fresh install of Kubuntu, minus knetwork-manager and network-manager that got wiped in the cline03:42
bdizzlegot it03:42
bdizzlewhere it says software sources?03:43
bdizzlethird-party software?03:44
bdizzlethen add CD-ROM I guess?03:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lame03:45
bazhanghttp://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/04/create-backup-of-installed-packages.html bdizzle03:46
bazhang!info lame03:46
ubottulame (source: lame): LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.97-0.0 (hardy), package size 268 kB, installed size 728 kB03:46
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bdizzlewait, so the other computer has to have aptoncd installed as well?03:47
bdizzleor does that just help?03:47
bazhangjust add cd from adept03:47
sgallingerhow can I test if Im running off the proper drivers for my graphics card, or if its just running from the kernel03:47
bdizzlehopefully this will work03:49
bazhangbe sure to disable others and then update sources.list03:50
bazhangbdizzle, ^^03:50
bdizzledisable or delete?03:52
bazhangdisable of course03:52
bdizzleafter I run the .iso and have it act as a repo, then do I run the clone?03:53
bdizzleto automate it?03:53
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bazhangaptoncd or the other03:53
bdizzleugh why is k3b saying that the disk verification failed?03:55
bdizzlelet me try it anyway03:55
sgallingerhow can I test if Im running off the proper drivers for my graphics card, or if its just running from the kernel03:55
bdizzlegah, going to have to reburn under windows. For some reason, linux doesn't like to burn properly03:57
bazhangsgallinger, you got lame installed?03:57
bdizzlebe back in about 30 minutes hopefully03:58
flaccidsgallinger: goto hardware drivers manager in kmenu - system03:58
eagles0513875im having an issue with samba and windows vista04:09
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eagles0513875i have a laptop and desktop connected wirelessly the desktop doesnt require me to login to get access to the samba shared folder where as my laptop does04:09
eagles0513875nm answered my own question04:10
eagles0513875nm still have the issue04:10
eagles0513875can anyone help me with my issue of my laptop requiring me to login to get access to my samba folder04:11
DragnslcrProbably the desktop remembering the username and password04:12
eagles0513875Dragnslcr: it didnt ask me to login to begin with04:13
eagles0513875but my laptop it asks me to login04:15
eagles0513875what port does samba use04:19
mueslii just installed ubuntu on a usb stick and encrypted the root filesystem. now booting up i noticed that it first tries to mount the encrypted root, before it actually detects sdb as a filesystem04:20
mueslican i somehow force the kernel to first check for all avail filesystems / partitions and then try to decrypt the root?04:20
flaccideagles0513875: a few like 139 and 445. google can be handy :)04:21
Hydrogenoi oi, itsa muesli04:21
mueslihey Hydrogen04:21
Hydrogenfancy meeting you here :>04:21
muesliheh yeah, weird crypto issues04:22
bdizzlegah, I think my CD burner hates me04:26
bdizzleit keeps claiming the the sizefile is not given or something when I try to load off of the CD04:26
bdizzleso I'm just running through and trying to install each package on the CD manually04:26
=== eak is now known as eagles0513875
eagles0513875flaccid: any ideas as to my issue04:29
flaccidi don't understand the problem04:29
eagles0513875flaccid: on my laptop i cannot access my samba share that i setup it wants a user name and pass which i didnt setup one04:30
eagles0513875on my dads desktop it doesnt even ask me for username and pass04:30
eagles0513875flaccid: any idea cuz i have none04:31
bleakedif one wanted to upgrade the hard drive containing the kubuntu install.. is it possible to just create similar partition structure, then copy the data from each old partition to the respective new ones, switch the drives, then boot like normal?04:32
baudthiefbleaked: If you're able to copy over the boot sector somehow, it might work, assuming you preserve permissions / file attributes04:34
flaccideagles0513875: so the client will send the user's username and password on the system first then and if its successful, it doesn't need to prompt the user for a pass. so you make your system and samba passwords on all computers the same..04:34
eagles0513875flaccid: im lost04:35
bdizzleis it possible to get the repositories to point to a local directory?04:35
flaccideagles0513875: learn samba :) still you havnt actually stated a problem, but rather just behaviour. i don't know what you are trying to achieve04:35
eagles0513875i just need access to the shared folder but on my laptop i have to log in and i set it up to where i dont have to login04:36
flaccideagles0513875: are you saying that you don't want to be prompted for a password?04:36
flaccidand the smb server is Vista?04:37
eagles0513875no kubuntu04:37
eagles0513875trying to access it from a vista laptop04:37
flaccidthe client is Vista?04:37
andrboot@ eagles0513875 just change the security options in the smb.conf file :D04:37
eagles0513875fixed my issue04:37
eagles0513875the user name and pass is admin admin04:38
eagles0513875how is that possible04:38
flaccidmake the passwords the same. so on the server do passwd and smbpasswd for the user in question and make it the same as the user/pass on the vista client. if the usernames are different, then goto system settings - sharing - local network shares and specify it there. you can check logs on the server to see what is happening..04:38
flaccidandrboot: that won't help04:39
flaccideagles0513875: i dunno, you configured the server?04:39
eagles0513875ya through system settings04:39
eagles0513875its only temp share04:39
andrboot@ flaccid does for me :D04:39
eagles0513875just need to get some videos and stuff for me04:39
eagles0513875now i have no access to the folder04:40
flaccidandrboot: you have a different config and different variables. your user/pass might also match up or whatever..04:40
flaccideagles0513875: anyway you can always check the logs in /var/log/samba to see what is going on04:40
eagles0513875goign to do that now04:41
andrboot@ flaccid just change it to share access :p not user/04:42
eagles0513875what log do i look at i have a bunch04:42
flaccidandrboot: share access is complicated. you'll be lucky for share to work 100% by just changing that04:43
flaccideagles0513875: whichever is the relevant log and depends how you have set that in smb.conf..04:43
eagles0513875in teh appropriate log for the ip of my laptop there was nothing04:43
flaccideagles0513875: it may be logging to a different file, look..04:44
eagles0513875how do i restart samba04:44
eagles0513875cd /etc/init.d/samba restart04:44
baudthief /etc/init.d/samba restart04:44
flaccidthere is usually log.smbd as well in there04:44
baudthiefno CD04:44
eagles0513875there is log.nmbd04:45
baudthiefyou'll need to run as root, so do: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart04:45
flaccideagles0513875: thats for the nmb daemon, won't be in there04:46
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:46
eagles0513875this of any importance04:47
flaccidah thats a bug, i've seen that before. that could be an issue04:48
flaccidor it could be non-harmful. i can't remember. you could search lp and google about it04:48
eagles0513875thing is im on the server just cant get access to the folder now04:48
flaccidaccess to the folder?04:48
eagles0513875fixed it04:50
eduardohow do I take screenshots in kubuntu?04:50
eagles0513875i had it under allowed users i had to have been a part of the admin group04:50
digistyl3hi, will there be a Disk & Filesystems module in System Settings for KDE 4.1?04:52
flaccidfair enough04:52
flacciddigistyl3: wrong chan, see topic04:52
eddiestonehello, how do I take screenshots in kde?04:52
digistyl3flaccid: i already tried on #kde, they said that the kde3 version of the module is kubuntu's04:53
flacciddigistyl3: kde4 help for kubuntu is in #kubuntu-kde4 as per topic04:56
flaccidyou could also goto #kubuntu-devel and ask04:56
digistyl3thanks flaccid04:57
eagles0513875flaccid: i pulled a real nub in regards to samba lol04:58
flaccidpulled a real nub?05:01
eagles0513875pulled a noob lol05:01
eagles0513875the user had to be part of the admin group for it to work before05:01
eagles0513875flaccid: u have any putty experience and x11 forwarding05:03
_2anyone know some about xfce4 ?     when i launch it, it comes up with the default background and panels but then the panels vanish, and right click does nothing.     i can alt+f2 run xfce4-panel and get them back.    but nothing seems to be sticky.   any thoughts on why ?05:03
flaccidyeah i do05:06
eagles0513875flaccid: thats another thing im havving issues with is putty and x11 being forwarded to my windows desktop05:07
eagles0513875all i get is cli05:07
eagles0513875x11 isnt forwarded05:07
flaccidwell i can't remember, you probably have to enable something thats off by default05:08
flaccidthere are heaps on webpages on google about this05:08
montisup all05:09
eagles0513875got any good ones you reference flaccid05:09
flaccideagles0513875: putty thing is talked about here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50554105:09
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flaccideagles0513875: and go through these as well: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=opera&rls=en&hs=ESa&q=forward+x11+ssh+tunnel+ubuntu+putty&btnG=Search05:10
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eagles0513875flaccid: i think i was trying to start x instead of kde05:15
eagles0513875lol was issuing the startx command instead of startkde05:15
eagles0513875still wont work keeps exiting with status 105:21
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skreechmiesterAnyone can give some help with a circular dpkg issue?05:27
skreechmiesterI'm trying to upgrade samba but it's hanging on the rc script05:27
flaccid skreechmiester pastebin the whole output of dpkg/apt05:28
joshuajtlis reiserfs faster than ext3?05:28
skreechmiesterflaccid: Will do05:28
eddiestonejoshuajtl: for read or write?05:29
eagles0513875reiserfs is dead05:29
eagles0513875no long in dev05:29
eagles0513875the guy who came up with that file system is in jail for murder05:29
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:29
eddiestonehe works at jail05:29
eagles0513875no he is in jailo05:30
that_kid_tecki am lindsey lohan05:30
joshuajtleddiestone: hmm dunno, both? for use as /05:30
joshuajtland /home05:30
eagles0513875!offtopic | that_kid_teck05:30
ubottuthat_kid_teck: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!05:30
that_kid_teck"are you getting this cabos"?05:30
skreechmiesterflaccid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34622/05:31
eddiestonedefinetly, ext3 is better for /05:31
joshuajtland /home?05:31
flaccidi'll brb05:32
eagles0513875im goign to wiki reiserfs for ya to prove to u guys that the creator is in jail05:32
joshuajtlany kubuntu users moved from opensuse 11.0 back to kubuntu and stick to it? (wondering if i should bother downloading the ultra large opensuse 11 dvd)05:32
skreechmiestereagles0513875: no need05:33
skreechmiesterhe's in jail05:33
skreechmiesterjoshuajtl: I don't understand the question05:33
eagles0513875joshuajtl: that was only distro that worked on my new laptop but i was using open suse 10 had to switch back though to vista lol since i having some issues with kubuntu kubuntu configures stuff a whole lot easier for me05:34
joshuajtleagles0513875: what laptop?05:34
eagles0513875joshuajtl: u might not end up with audio or have some audio issues or no open gl support if ur looking to try with games and wine05:34
eagles0513875hp table tx1308nr got it back last december05:34
=== aakash is now known as smarty
eagles0513875try it with gutsy had a pnp bios bug hard froze while partitioning and formatting05:34
joshuajtleagles0513875: talking about kubuntu or opensuse (as far as the no audio etc)05:34
eagles0513875opensuse 1005:35
joshuajtlskreechmiester: just wondering what to think of opensuse 11 reviews... read too many that are up and down, but dont want to bother downloading the massive dvd if its crap05:35
eagles0513875if u love kubuntu or any of this line sitck with it05:36
joshuajtleagles0513875: ah... interesting, i'm running a (previously) preinstalled ubuntu dell inspiron 152505:36
smartyquestion : how can i add a printer that is on my network? i am working wirelessly, but the printer is situated on the computer connected to the router. i can do it in windows, just no idea on ku05:36
eagles0513875joshuajtl:  u woudl get better support from dell if u ever had issues if u stick with ubuntu or kubuntu or anything debian based05:36
eagles0513875in my cert course i learned that the debian pkg management is better then rpms05:36
joshuajtlok thx05:36
skreechmiesterjoshuajtl: Grab the KDE4 CD05:37
skreechmiesterjoshuajtl: If it works for you go for it05:37
skreechmiesterI jsut try to avoid RPMs >_>05:37
eagles0513875ext4 is under dev i know05:37
smartyany ideas for my issue?05:37
eagles0513875deb pkg managment is better then rpm the linux professional institute says05:38
anom01yis a 330m/340m/350m compatable with fglrx ?05:38
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:38
anom01ybecause a laptop I am trying to set up is slow as hell05:38
smartykk, ty05:38
skreechmiestereagles0513875: Link for that05:38
skreechmiestereagles0513875: gimime05:38
eagles0513875they have a list of file systems if u type in file systems05:38
eagles0513875my ff3 is acting up as well as dcop05:39
skreechmiestereagles0513875: I meant the LPI saying that dpkg is beter05:39
eagles0513875its in the book which comes with the course05:39
skreechmiesterThe LPI has a book?05:39
eagles0513875well its a book put out by que publiching called exam cram 2 lpic1 covers both part of level 1 certification05:40
skreechmiesterThat's not the LPI05:40
skreechmiesterIt's a book for the exam05:40
skreechmiesterthe LPI didn't write it05:40
eagles0513875sry falling asleep sitting here lol05:40
eagles0513875each is good in their own way05:40
skreechmiestereagles0513875: I have two of those books one muses about why anyone would use debian the other one is very pro debian05:41
skreechmiesterLPI is neutral05:41
eagles0513875lol not really05:41
eagles0513875the exam focuses on rpm based commands05:41
eagles0513875im off to bed im strugglign to stay awake right now05:42
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!05:42
eagles0513875sry flaccid05:42
bdizzleum, hi, I need some major help now05:42
eagles0513875!ask | bdizzle05:43
ubottubdizzle: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:43
skreechmiesterflaccid: took a look?05:43
bdizzleit claims that it won't allow it to continue installing packages until it fixed dependencies05:43
bdizzlebut its trying to uninstall 186 packages - all of the KDE base ones05:43
eagles0513875bdizzle: u need to be more specific05:43
bdizzleI did a fresh install, now trying to do APTonCD to get everything back, since the school network is stupid and won't let me connect without it installing a windows program, delivered via Java05:44
bdizzlewhich means initially I needed firefox, java, and wine05:44
eagles0513875you want to install kde405:45
bdizzlewell, as I was trying to figure out the dependencies, I decided to just go down the list and install them one by one. If one had missing dependencies, I'd skip it and come back after everything was done, slowly whittling my way down05:45
eagles0513875good luck with that05:45
eagles0513875thats why there is the apt-get install command05:45
eagles0513875to checks to see what the dependencies are and installs all of them05:45
bdizzlebut if you don't have working internet, you're stuck05:45
eagles0513875are you trying to install kde405:46
bdizzleLinux is great, but for the first install, you must have working internet05:46
bdizzleno, just trying to get the damn thing working05:46
eagles0513875what isnt working05:46
eagles0513875if u dont have a connection i know ethernet wont work from what ive seen when install without a connection05:47
bdizzle...its uninstalling python and dpkg, among other things05:47
bdizzleand Xorg, etc etc05:47
eagles0513875what r u installing to make it uninstall all that05:47
bdizzleits just killed itself, great05:47
_2eth won't work without a connection ????   what did i miss ?05:47
bdizzlenevermind, I'm going to do a fresh reformat05:47
eagles0513875_2: ive noticed when using live cd and i dont have net certain things dont work05:48
bdizzlethis wasn't live cd05:48
bdizzleI just hope it didn't kill grub05:48
bdizzlethen I'll be mad05:48
eagles0513875u duel booting05:49
skreechmiesterbdizzle: What are you doing?05:49
eagles0513875bdizzle: if it did all u do is do a clean linux install05:49
mr---t-bdizzle:  I don't know if this is related to your issue but I was running an app with wine that required java, Even though i had linux java, I had to install windows java in wine to make it work05:49
bdizzleright now, reformatting kubuntu05:49
bdizzleno, okay, this was the problem05:49
* bdizzle silences room05:49
bdizzleso I just moved into the dorm and did a reformat of Linux because I was having problems at home earlier with it05:50
* eagles0513875 gets frustrated with dcop and my menu bars and what not down at bottom not working05:50
_2eagles0513875 sorry i thought you meant that a lan wouldn't work without inet   my bad.05:50
eagles0513875_2: its ok just something dont get install cuz you dont have repo access05:50
_2eagles0513875 correct.   updates for one.05:51
bdizzlewhen I tried to connect to the net through konqueror (because nothing else was loaded), it immediately took me to the university networking page, telling me that it needed to download an .exe file, but it couldn't because I didn't have java05:51
bdizzleit gave me a link to the java site, which just turned me back to the same page I was in05:51
bdizzlethe .exe file needed is basically the university authentication program05:51
eagles0513875bdizzle: i dont meann to interrupt05:51
Kernelhello all. i have a weird issue....sometimes my konqueror will just shutdown...ill go get a drink or something and come back...and there will be no konqueror open...its happned roughly 10-15 times in a last 2-3 weeks....05:51
eagles0513875but i would talk to someone at ur campuses IT dept05:51
skreechmiesterKernel: I'll put money down you have flash installed05:52
eagles0513875Kernel: that happens to me with various progrmas05:52
eagles0513875i have flash 9 installed lol cuz 10 is messed up05:52
bdizzlelast time I asked about a linux wireless issue on my laptop last semester, they asked "what's linux? is that windows or mac?"05:52
bdizzleso I'm trying to install firefox, Java, and wine to get the three requirements done05:52
Kernelskreechmiester: well i do have flash installed....but i only use konq for a file browser...05:52
eagles0513875bdizzle: what college05:52
eagles0513875one college i never heard of05:53
eagles0513875no offense05:53
bdizzlehaha, its cool05:53
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eagles0513875u got a bunch of noobs in ur IT dept05:53
eagles0513875bdizzle: have you tried kubuntu in windows using wubi05:53
eagles0513875!wubi | bdizzle05:53
bdizzleluckily I knew another guy in my physics classes that had kubuntu and working around with it05:53
ubottubdizzle: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.05:53
bdizzleI know what Wubi is05:53
eagles0513875have u tried it that way05:53
bdizzlenot yet. I didn't see an issue, since it works with my laptop. Although I'm connecting wirelessly, so I don't need to install that stupid program that they require05:54
skreechmiesterCan someone take a look at that dpkg error?05:54
eagles0513875 bdizzle i had that issue once where i uninstalled one thing and it uninstalled everythign on my system lol05:55
flaccidskreechmiester: sudo dpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/samba_3.0.22-1ubuntu3.8_i386.deb05:55
bdizzleyeah, not a fun thing to do05:55
bdizzlebecause then you know the only thing you can do is do a fresh install05:55
eagles0513875bdizzle: been there done that but now i have gotten used to it and not doing it05:56
bdizzlejust as I am doing now05:56
eagles0513875bdizzle: never install python for starters cuz certain things on kubuntu need python05:56
bdizzledon't install python?05:56
bdizzleI thought python was needed for most programs05:56
bdizzleoh, okay05:56
eagles0513875sry falling asleep here lol05:56
eagles0513875buring a copy of centos for a vm so i can practice for my lpi exam i got soon05:57
eagles0513875working on my linux certification05:57
eagles0513875bdizzle: you a registered user on here bro05:58
bdizzlethe one I loved was when it decided to uninstall adept - while running adepted05:58
bdizzleum, thanks?05:58
bdizzleokay, even though I did APTonCD and clone, it still failed, saying it wouldn't read the disk, but yet I able to copy over all of the packages and start running them for install05:58
eagles0513875if u r r u signed in so i can private ya something05:59
eagles0513875!register | bdizzle05:59
ubottubdizzle: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.05:59
bdizzleyeah, hold on05:59
eagles0513875ok bro06:00
brentcan sum1 help me?06:00
brenti cant seem 2 log in2 mi amsn account06:00
=== bdizzle is now known as bdizzle_
=== bdizzle_ is now known as bdizzle
bdizzleokay, I think I'm in now06:01
acornstarI was wondering if I can get some help getting my webcam to work?06:01
acornstaror getting easycam to work?06:02
brenti think i can help06:02
_2< ! want 2 help u. bcause u ! no how to ask.06:02
brentis it for amsn?06:02
acornstarbrent: sorry, amsn?06:02
acornstarwhat's that?06:02
eagles0513875amsn = windows live messenger06:02
acornstaroh, no for skype06:02
brentits like msn but its the ubuntu version i think06:03
brentim trying 2 log in2 my amsn account but it wont work06:03
acornstarso I tried downloading and installing easycam, but couldnt get it to work...06:04
acornstari tried to use xawtv but it just made my screen black06:06
acornstari had to reboot06:06
acornstarwhat should I do first?06:06
brentdoes anybody know why i cant log into my amsn account?06:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn06:10
ubottuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) is supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Pidgin06:10
_2doesn't seem to be an infonode on that.   sorry06:11
acornstarbrent, did you say you could help me?06:11
_2brent you might ask in   #ubuntu   i have never used msn06:11
acornstaror _2?06:11
faileasamsn is another client... but yeah, asking in #ubuntu might help. it usually works flawlessly for me06:12
brentok thanks for your help06:14
skreechmiesterflaccid: essentially the same error06:17
skreechmiesteracornstar: install libjasper-runtime06:18
eagles0513875flaccid: you ever have the issue where dcop and server act up and wont load the desktop but take u back to the login screen06:19
skreechmiesterbrent: tried Kmess ?06:19
flaccidskreechmiester: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/155606:19
eagles0513875nght guys06:20
flaccideagles0513875: dunno probably not06:20
eagles0513875i just did06:20
eagles0513875any bug out on dcop atm06:20
eagles0513875anyways im out for the night06:20
flaccidsearch. always search google and launchpad06:20
eagles0513875i will in the am06:20
eagles0513875bout to pass out head on keyboard style06:21
flaccidhalf of the help i give here is just searching06:21
bdizzleokay, I've got firefox, now I just need to get java installed properly06:21
grendal_primewhats java06:21
eagles0513875bdizzle: for linux or for windows and u need the jre06:21
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper06:21
grendal_primehehehehe..sorry...i just...oh man that is so funny....i mean i literally crying here...06:21
grendal_primewhats java..i mean come on guys...that was funny ..you have to admit!!06:22
eagles0513875!ot | grendal_prime06:22
ubottugrendal_prime: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:22
eagles0513875bdizzle: install sun-java6-jre06:23
grendal_primeright...my apologies06:23
bdizzleanything I install right now has to come from either a CD-ROM or a jump drive06:25
flaccidplease don't shout06:26
bdizzlewell, I've tried to tell everyone that I do not have internet yet, and everyone keeps saying "get it from the repos," "use sudo apt-get install," etc etc. Trust me, if I had internet, I would GLADLY do those06:26
bdizzlebut I don't06:26
flaccidwhat do you have then?06:27
_2http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=da289823 ?06:27
bdizzlea desktop with a fresh install of Kubuntu 8.04, a 2 GB jump drive and a laptop that does have internet06:27
_2don't have a free nic on both boxen ?06:29
_2crossover cable!06:29
bdizzlea free nic?06:30
_2use the lappy as a gateway for the desktop06:31
acornstarscreechmesiter: what will libjasper do for me?06:31
_2bdizzle what's the lappy running ?06:32
flaccidbdizzle: easiest thing is to just download debs, put on jumpdrive then put in the computer06:32
bdizzlethat is what I am trying to do, but its dependency hell right now06:32
bdizzlelaptop is dual boot with Kubuntu 8.04 and Windows XP06:33
bdizzledesktop is same now06:33
acornstaris there a way to install my windows webcam driver on kubuntu?06:33
bdizzlebut the desktop has a fresh install of Kubuntu, so nothing other than what came on that CD06:33
bdizzlenormally not a problem when you have an open wireless network or an unrestricted wired connection06:33
skreechmiesteracornstar: never mind didn't realie it was skype06:34
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about encryption06:35
flaccidbdizzle: there are better methods with apt but i don't know anything about it06:35
acornstarskreechmiester: if my camera is not there....?06:35
_2ok plug in the crossover cable    lappy in linux     enable ip forwording    and on the desktop  ifup the nic   set the   route add default gw <ip.of.lappy>      copy the content of lappy:/etc/resolv.conf to desktop:/etc/reslov.conf    and you should have networking on both boxen.06:36
acornstari installed gspca, but when i did sudo modprobe gspca it just gave me another cmd prompot06:36
acornstarlsmod | grep gspca gave some results06:38
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acornstarbut I dont know what any of that means06:38
bdizzleI give up, the four files I need are all dependent upon each other, and wont' install without the others06:40
_2so install them all06:42
flaccidbdizzle: you can put the files in /var/cache/apt/archives and then use apt-get install or put them in a dir and do sudo dpkg -i /path/to/debs/*06:42
_2sudo dpkg -i name1 name2 name3 name4    or even  *.deb06:42
_2--force-all even...06:43
_2more than one way to skin a cat06:43
bdizzleagain I wonder why no one told me this06:44
flaccidbdizzle: you expect somebody to tell you everything in a free support channel?06:45
acornstarI finally got easycam to work, but it said the camera is not compatible with linux.  Is there anything else I can do?06:46
bdizzlepoint taken06:46
_2i still think it's easiest to network the boxen then worry about packages06:46
flaccidim busy refactory the kubuntu website so im only half here myself06:46
bdizzlebut I don't know how to do that though, unless you know of a tutorial somewhere06:46
flaccidrefactoring even06:46
bdizzleokay, so then what is the apt-get install for java?06:49
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper06:49
bdizzleand how do I get adept to recognize the packages in that folder to install?06:49
_2if it's in /var/cache/apt/archives/   it will find it.06:50
_2i would sujest apt-get  rather than adept    if something goes south  you have more to work with06:51
bdizzleits not reading. I tried a simple apt-get install on acroread (since its in there now) and its not reading from the folder06:53
_2it never reads from the folder.06:53
bdizzleyou just told me it would06:54
_2it reads from /var/lib/apt/lists/*   the database of avalable packages   and anything listed in there is installed from  /var/cache/apt/archives/   even if it has to be downloaded to /var/cache/apt/archives first.06:55
_2i just told you that i will find it there if it looks for it.    it wont look for something not in it's database.06:56
bdizzleso then how do I tell it to look for it in the database06:56
_2again.   dpkg -i    will install things that "apt*" doesn't know exist.06:56
bdizzlehold on, right now I'm in the folder. Can I just open up a terminal from there, then do sudo dpkg -i *.*  ?06:56
_2bdizzle you would have to either copy new database "lists/*"   or with network connectivity refresh them from the reops..      as to question 2   yes.06:57
_2expect breakage.06:58
nuxilhas anyone gotten the pdf download 2.0 to convert to html? Plugin for Firefox06:58
bdizzleokay, lets try option 2 and see what happens06:58
_2expect breakage.06:58
nuxilto work06:58
bdizzleoh well, what's one more format tonight06:58
_2bdizzle i didn't say it was unrecoverable.   i said expect it.     i.e. things won't go smoothly.06:59
bdizzleits done and stopped part way through with breakages06:59
bdizzleso then how do I get it to work, I'm running out of ideas07:00
bdizzleI need to somehow create a local database07:00
flaccidsudo apt-get -f install07:00
flaccidbdizzle: there is an apt program to do so or just create your own repos07:00
_2bdizzle many times package breakage can be resloved with one line.     sudo ( until dpkg --configure -a ;do apt-get install -f ;done ; )07:00
_2although that doesn't always work.07:01
baudthieffor the record, kubuntu 8.04 + compiz fusion works flawlessly on a 1.6GHz centrino / 512MB RAM07:01
skreechmiesterThe ubuntu update manager is really well done07:01
skreechmiesterIt detects SSh and everything07:01
bdizzleI think I did something similar to that, and that's what caused me to have to reformat .... again07:01
baudthiefskreechmiester: yup, microsoft failed at microsoftUpdate :p07:02
flaccidbaudthief: it doesn't on my 1.7ghz centrino. there are many more variables to consider :)07:02
baudthiefflaccid: I meant performance under that clockspeed/RAM :P07:02
baudthiefof course its got a decent gfx card, and usable chipset :P07:02
skreechmiesterbaudthief: Don't worry too much about that07:02
skreechmiesterKDE4 will make it a tolerable distro07:03
flaccidoh well its more about the video card and driver and so forth07:03
_2that command will not cause you to have to reload.   it may leave you not knowing what to do... but an old linux hand can always recover a system that still has a working shell.07:03
_2howdy root07:04
baudthiefircing from root are we? :P07:04
bdizzleokay, well, I'm still new at Linux, even after four or five months. It just worked last time around07:04
_2baudthief not me....  !07:04
bdizzleanyway, this is where I'm at now07:04
bdizzleit stopped. I tried running apt-get install -f, but it says its locked by dpkg07:05
bdizzleso then it tells me to run dpkg --configure -a07:05
baudthiefbdizzle: the first 3 months are usually the most painful - when you accept that nothing you want works, everything goes to plan :P07:05
bdizzlewhich then stopps, saying it failed07:05
_2bdizzle ok when dpkg fails   what is the "error" message above it07:06
bdizzledpkg: too many errors, stopping07:06
_2you need the first one.07:06
_2bdizzle do this.07:07
bdizzledpkg: ../../scrc/packages.c:252: process_queue: Assertation '!queuelen' failed.07:07
bdizzlewhen I try for apt-get install -f, it wants to uninstall my system07:07
Nevmemozhi all!07:07
bdizzleor at least 98 packages worth07:08
_2sudo dpkg --configure -a >~/error.file 2>&107:08
_2pastebin error.file from your home dir07:08
bdizzleok, hold on07:09
baudthiefshoulda made it peter.file :P07:09
bdizzleexcept one problem07:09
bdizzleHAL is messed up, it won't let me copy it to the jump drive to put it on the working laptop to post on pastebin07:10
_2what you don't know how to copy it to a box with network ?07:10
baudthiefdestroy him!07:10
_2so mount the disk07:10
bdizzlewhen I open the jumpdrive, it says "The name org.freedesktop.Hal was not provided by any .service files"07:10
_2sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt       or some such...07:10
bdizzleyeah, that's the error I got07:11
baudthiefor just ssh to another machine, open nano, and paste :p07:11
bdizzlessh requires a working internet connection. I don't have that on my desktop07:11
_2baudthief that was my first attempt to get him to setup a crossover lan07:11
bdizzlemy desktop has now a broken Kubuntu install, a jump drive that can no longer be read07:11
* baudthief f***s off appropriately07:12
faileasyou don't need internet to run ssh07:12
baudthiefI think he meant network07:12
bdizzleno offense meant, but I'm trying to say what I have07:12
faileasi share files over my lan over it all the time07:12
bdizzleokay, how07:12
baudthiefsamba :P07:12
_2faileas ssh'ing to   is not likely to help him...07:12
bdizzlewalk me through it, tell me what to enter in one both coputers07:12
baudthiefthere's no place like
bdizzlesamba was uninstalled while trying to run through the dependencies07:13
baudthiefdamn lol07:13
baudthiefyou're in a bit of a pickle07:13
mu3enbearing in mind apt is shot, there's not going to be much you can do easily to get a network up with ssh etc...07:13
baudthieffloppy disk?07:13
bdizzlethat's shot too07:13
bdizzleas in the hardware is shot07:13
_2bdizzle why ?07:13
mu3enusb sticks?07:13
bdizzlebesides, my laptop doesn't have a floppy disk07:13
baudthiefmu3en: cant mount usb07:13
bdizzlethank you baudthief07:14
mu3enyou can't see usb bus at all?07:14
baudthiefthis is going to eat away at me all night07:14
_2sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt07:14
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bdizzleno, ssh is dead. I just tried to connect to a server that I know DOES work, and now terminal is frozen07:14
bdizzleno, the desktop is static now07:15
baudthiefI have an idea07:15
baudthiefmanual labour :P07:15
baudthiefjust hand type lol07:15
mu3enis the problem with a dpkg run right?07:15
baudthiefunless you have a laplink cable or something (and your laptop has a serial port)07:16
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mu3enthat is locked, or plain fails with errors?07:16
mu3enas shown above?07:16
acornstarwhenever I start Kubuntu, i have 2 instances of Skype...can anyone tell me why?07:16
baudthiefmu3en: apt reports dpkg has locked07:16
bdizzlefails with errors07:16
bdizzlewell, both actually07:16
_2mu3en no.  it's a problem of a non-networked box with copied files from who knows where "including java"  to a dir and running   dpkg -i *   in that dir....07:16
baudthiefkill dpkg :P07:16
mu3eni think you can also get around that by deleting some kind of dpkg lock file/cache07:16
j1mchi all - i'm having difficulty with knetworkmanager not seeing any wireless signals.07:18
mu3en_2 o-kay then. seems like relatively unnecessary circumstance07:18
bdizzleI tried by restarting07:18
j1mcthis is on kde4.107:18
baudthiefj1mc: laptop?07:18
j1mcbaudthief: yes07:18
_2mu3en yeah07:18
baudthiefj1mc: is your hardware wireless switch on :p07:18
_2mu3en + "reboot will fix anything"07:18
j1mcbaudthief: good question!  but yes.  :)07:18
mu3enmember:j1mc and maybe /etc/network/interfaces needs to be commented07:18
baudthiefj1mc: you've reached the limit of my knowledge then :P07:19
bdizzleokay, if I run apt-get install -f, I lose 98 packages, including synaptic, xulrunner, a few libs, kubuntu-desktop, kdelibs5, emacs, then the rest look like programs07:19
j1mcmu3en: should i comment out all of the lines other than the lo items?07:19
_2so lose then07:19
mu3enwhy would you run a install-f07:19
j1mcin /etc/network/interfaces07:19
mu3ensurely you can evaluate which file is causing that break and then write your own isntall line07:19
bdizzle.... I didn't even know there was a -f until two hours ago07:20
mu3enmember:j1mc depends what you want to achieve07:20
bdizzleso no, I can't mu3en07:20
baudthiefbdizzle: it happens ;p07:20
bdizzleso should I let it run and hope it works?07:20
mu3enmember:j1mc if you want knetwork manager as main default for all connections then comment all except the lines of the 'lo' interface07:20
mu3enmember:bdizzle probably you will lose all those apps07:21
_2bdizzle you are still in the "learning to install" stage   so yes   worst case, you reload again07:21
bdizzleI know I will07:21
bdizzlefor the third time tonight07:21
_2Q. what do linux users do?07:21
_2A. they install software.07:21
bdizzleokay, so clone doesn't work, APTonCD didn't work07:21
j1mcmu3en: thanks.  i've done that.  i'll now try restarting my networking, and bringing up wlan007:21
mu3enmember:bdizzle but well, i guess ultimately it sounds like a fresh from CD install will be far quicker than whatever you will haev to do if you don't want to learn a bunch of apt anf dpkg stuff07:22
mu3enmember:j1mc you can now basically only use knetwrok manager07:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-zip07:22
_2!info apt-zip07:22
mu3enmember:j1mc ifup and ifdown rely on the /etc/network/interfaces file07:22
bdizzlebut with the fresh install, I can't get java, wine, or firefox, the combination of which will hopefully let me be connected through their damn system07:23
ubottuapt-zip (source: apt-zip): Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.17 (hardy), package size 19 kB, installed size 128 kB07:23
mu3enmember:j1mcbut knetwork manager does it all automagically07:23
_2bdizzle may i sujest,  if you reload the system.   that you attempt to install NOTHING !  until you have gotten the lan figured out.07:23
mu3enmember:bdizzle why would you not be able to install those onto a fresh install?07:23
j1mcwhen i view knetworkmanager, the wireless portion is grayed out, even though i have the open source intel chipset - ubuntu and xubuntu pick it up w/ no probs.07:24
bdizzlebecause they require a working internet connection to do sudo apt-get install firefox, sudo apt-get install wine, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre ?07:24
skreechmiesterq: What do Gentoo users do?07:24
skreechmiestera: they meta install software07:24
mu3enmember:bdizzle, sure but one way or the other you will need those packages from somewhere right?07:24
bdizzleyes, but my only option is through a jump drive to port them over07:25
mu3enmember:bdizzle so either you can manually install the .deb files, or you get yourself online and do it via apt07:25
bdizzleconsider internet and any networking capabilities dead07:25
_2bdizzle NETWORK THE TWO BOXEN !07:25
mu3enmember:bdizzle okay cool, so get your fresh install, get your .debs and go for it07:25
* _2 pulls hair...07:25
bdizzleI was trying to install the .deb files, I got lost in the dependencies and fried it. that caused the first reformat07:25
bdizzle_2, give me a tutorial then07:26
bdizzleI'll follow it, but I don't know how to do it on my own07:26
mu3enmember:bdizzle yeah, that's thedanger, you need to satisfy your depedencies first07:26
mu3enmember:bdizzle if you cannot network the two machines by accessing a router/switch with catV cables, you will need crossCatV07:26
bdizzlewhich is?07:27
mu3enmember:mu3en but your network card has to be okay07:27
skreechmiester_2: You missed one07:27
bdizzleI have a wireless connection on my laptop, and a lan cable connected to the back of my desktop07:27
bdizzlethe only option for connecting the two is through that wire07:27
mu3enmember:bdizzle it's a standard ethernet cable but the wires cross over in the middle so the signlas for in and out match on each end07:27
bdizzleyeah, I don't have one of those07:27
bdizzleI just have a standard Cat5 cable07:28
pteagueshould i bother with the kde4 packages or just stick with the 8.04 defaults?07:28
mu3enmember:bdizzle unless you can access some kind of switch so the two catV can talk, it's going to be real difficult. instead you will have to simply build the dependency .debs, copy them onto your drive, then take them across and install them in the right order07:29
bdizzlethat's what I tried to do, but I don't know the right order07:29
bdizzleokay, if java-common is installed by default07:29
bdizzlecan I just get a plugin for firefox to use java, or do I need more than that?07:29
_2sudo ifdown eth0 ;sudo ifconfig eth0 up ;sudo route add default gw  <<< and on the other box (with inet) >>> echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ;sudo ifdown eth0 ;sudo ifconfig eth0 up07:30
_2that's as tutorial as i get.   google knows the rest.07:30
bdizzle_2  ?07:30
bdizzlereplacing the two IP addresses with my own?07:31
bdizzlewhich I find out what they are ... how?07:31
_2oh and edit /etc/resolv.conf   and make the non-ineted one look like the ineted one.07:31
bdizzlewait, edit /etc/resolv.conf?07:33
bdizzleI can barely follow what you wrote above07:33
mu3enmember:bdizzle do you know whether these two machines are even on the same (or any) network?07:34
bdizzleno, they aren't07:34
mu3enyeah, so i figure all that is pretty useless to you07:34
bdizzleone is one the campus wireless network (laptop), then the desktop is connected to their damn residential network07:34
mu3enyou can tell them about eachother all you want, but ultimately they're not connected07:34
_2mu3en what are you on about ?07:35
_2mu3en that was for a crossover cable   box to box.07:35
skreechmiestergnome-terminal: Depends: gnome-terminal-data (= 2.14.2-0ubuntu1) but 2.14.2-0ubuntu3 is to be installed07:35
mu3enmember:_2 no cross catV07:35
bdizzleokay, I'm just going to do another fresh reformat, then scream at the computing center in the morning for being dumbasses07:35
_2mu3en did i miss something ?07:36
mu3enmember:_2 i mean, you'd be totally right if it were you or me with our spare cross catV, but for most people they're not gonna have that on hand07:36
_2mu3en  i though i asked him if he had a crossover cable...07:37
_2bdizzle do you have a crossover cable ?07:37
bdizzlenow I get a message when I tried to opn CD ROM drive07:37
bdizzlea what?07:37
mu3enmember:_2 grin. bdizzle. your best bet is to figure out the package dependencies and their order, then take them on a removable and install them correctly onto the desktop07:37
bdizzleumount: only root can unmount /dev/scd1 from /media/cdrom007:38
mu3enmember:_2 i did, you did, he said the same "what is that"07:38
posingaspopularsudo unomount /dev/scd107:38
posingaspopular@ bdizzle07:38
bdizzlesudo: unmount: command not found07:38
bdizzleyeah, just figured that one07:39
bdizzledamn, I just realized how late it is07:39
bdizzleokay, I was trying to use APTonCD, but I think it failed partially due to a bad burn07:40
bdizzlebut it at least got all the .deb files that I needed (or at least mostly)07:40
bdizzleare there any meta packages out there for firefox and java that I can get it working with?07:40
_2mu3en ah sorry.   he was answering someone else when i thought he said  <bdizzle> yeah    my bad.07:40
mu3enmember:_2 cool.07:41
mu3enmember:bdizzle honestly though, if you can manage to get the thing online somehow, even if it means getting a wifi card or a cross CatV, it will make your life a lot easier07:41
bdizzleI realize that07:42
_2so.   i would still go for a crossover.     forget hacking around with trash   and get the thing online.07:42
mu3enmember:bdizzle yeah _2 is right about that. it is the lowest cost solution07:42
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bdizzlethe only wireless thing I have is a Linksys W45G (or whatever the hell that little box is) that takes forever to get working07:42
mu3encrossover will be altogether easier and better07:42
bdizzleI've got one at home, which means I won't get it until next monday or so07:43
mu3enfollow _2 's suggestion and it'll get you up and running quickly07:43
mu3enyou may be able to borrow one too maybe07:43
_2you are at a school ?     make one.07:43
mu3entrue true!07:44
bdizzleor find a way to get an external hard drive, copy over EVERYTHING in the linux partition, then copy it via root or something07:44
bdizzleheh, again, how?07:44
bdizzlekinda missing technical expertise on it07:44
mu3encut and paste!!! google can help you there.07:44
mu3enbasically you cut the wires, strip a little and cross and tie07:44
_2google search for   wiring diagram for crossover cat507:44
* _2 has never cut the wires... someone very near you has an end replacement tool.07:45
_2but in a pinch cutting the wires will work07:46
_2bdizzle  http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d4f225bcf07:46
bdizzleyeah, just trying to remember how I did it back in electronics class in high school07:47
bdizzleand need to find a crimper somehow07:47
* _2 also can't imagine having a lappy without a crossover cable on hand...07:48
bdizzleokay, I was able to get firefox to work07:48
bdizzlejava is another issue07:48
_2but then again to me that's like a computer without a keyboard...07:49
_2what's it for ?07:49
bdizzlewhat is what for?07:49
_2@ _207:49
bdizzleon my laptop, I have java-common, libaccess-bridge-java, libcommons-cli-java, libcommons-lang-java, liblog4j1.2-java, libmozjs0d, libseda-java, libseda-java, libswt3.2-gtk-java, libswt3.2-gtk-jni, openjdk-6-jre, openjdk-6-jre-headless, openjdk-6-jre-lib, sun-java6-bin, sun-java6.jre, sun-java6-plugin, and tzdata-java installed07:50
bdizzleon the desktop, I am missing that sun-java6-plugin07:51
bdizzlehold on, that might be close to it07:51
mu3engrin...little further...07:51
bdizzlewhere is the architecture dependent stuff?07:51
bdizzleerr, independent07:52
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/23ewcf for more information.07:52
bdizzleI'm running i38607:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about i38607:52
_2then why would arch-independant be an issue ?     what did i miss ?07:53
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!07:53
bdizzleand missing now xulrunner-1.907:54
_2see the url    ^07:54
_220k   is not very accurate.07:54
_2!find .*07:54
ubottuFound: abiword-common, abiword-gnome, abiword-help, abiword-plugins, abiword-plugins-gnome (and 24958 others)07:54
skreechmiester_2: Pretty much 2507:55
_2well i was using k not K07:55
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:55
bdizzleyeah, working on that07:55
_224*1024 = 2457607:55
=== tim_ is now known as twf
_2< is base two you know.07:57
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!07:59
twfBeen on Linux 2 days, having just split from Windows after 20 odd years.07:59
bdizzleugh, got that one installed07:59
bdizzlenow its still not going07:59
twfand Ive also left AOL after 10 years07:59
twfall at the same time.07:59
_2twf you have been using ms windows for 20+ years ?07:59
bdizzletwf, was on windows for about 10 years, just split after six months, still can't figure out more than the simple shit07:59
bdizzleyeah, how is that possible, windows hasn't been around that long08:00
twfIm 33 and im sure Win 3.1 was out when I was 13-1408:00
bdizzle1.0 was realized in like, 87 or so08:00
bdizzle3.1 came out probably around 1992 or so08:00
skreechmiestertwf: Welcome to Kubuntu08:00
twfMaybe a little less then!08:00
twfI was about 16....08:00
mu3enrounding differences08:01
_2anyway.  you have a ?08:01
twfIn 92 I was using Workbench 1.308:01
bdizzleokay, I'll ask here, because I'm not sure where else to go for it08:01
bdizzlewhat plugins does firefox need to get java to work?08:01
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper08:01
bdizzleI just don't know what else I'm missing08:01
skreechmiesterthe runtime should get you firefox plugins08:01
mu3enmozilla java something something08:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox-plugins08:02
twfIve got a silly q. Can I ask?08:02
_2you just did08:02
skreechmiestertwf: Please do08:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:02
twfI want the clock to be moved from the top right of the screen to bottom right, years of windows use has got me looking in the wrong place for the time08:03
_2twf is that gnome you are looking at ?08:03
posingaspopulartwf: you are probably using gnome08:03
posingaspopularnot kde08:03
posingaspopularwhich is the #ubuntu channel, not #kubuntu08:03
skreechmiesterKDE has it in the bottom left08:03
bdizzlegah, it should all be working, all the packages are in there08:03
posingaspopulartwf: drag it down08:03
posingaspopularclick the taskbar and pull it down, should be simple08:04
skreechmiestertwf: In any case right click on the panel where you want it and add applet08:04
_2twf well the gnome channel is /join #ubuntu     but at any rate   right click on the clock and "unlock" it,  then right click "move" it08:04
twfdoh! - I was trying to just drag the clock. taskbar has swapped fine - thanks!08:04
_2twf we normally don't send people to the busy channel unless we don't know the answer.  but do keep in mind that gnome is -> over there.08:05
twfah.  Thanks for that.08:06
_2and kde4 is --> /join kubuntu-kde408:06
skreechmiester"The busy channel"08:06
_2skreechmiester been in there lately ?08:06
_2then you know.08:06
acornstari'm getting poor quality graphics (grainy, bad shadowing) under kubuntu...can anyone help?08:08
acornstari've given up on the webcam08:08
acornstarI have an ATI Radeon Xpress video card08:09
acornstarThere are drivers for linux on their site, but I don't know how to install them08:09
flaccidacornstar: did you check your webcam support and which driver to use?08:09
flaccidacornstar: also use hardware drivers manager for the video driver08:10
bdizzlehow do I check what plugins firefox has installed on the browser side?08:10
acornstarflaccid: i couldnt find my webcam listed, easycam told me not compatible08:10
skreechmiesterbdizzle: about:plugins08:10
acornstarflaccid: where can I find hardware drivers manager?08:10
flaccidacornstar: kmenu - system08:10
acornstarflaccid: nevermind, found t08:10
flaccidacornstar: if its usb, what is the entry in lsusb?08:10
mu3enmember:bdizzle reatart the computer08:11
mu3enmember:bdizzle and the addons menu item in firefox should show you the plugins08:11
acornstarflaccid: it was Service & Quality Technology Co., Ltd08:11
bdizzleyeah, hold on08:12
bdizzleI can only think of one last package for it to be missing08:12
flaccidacornstar: paste it.. we need the id08:13
acornstarBus 003 Device 004: ID 0ad2:9314 Service & Quality Technology Co., Ltd08:13
acornstarflaccid: i enabled my card, i will check later08:15
flaccidcan't see anything on google08:15
flaccidi'll look a bit more soon08:16
bdizzleokay, this is going to sound crazy08:16
bdizzlebut the only package I have left that I can think of is the ubufox package, which ties in the apt to the firefox08:17
bdizzlemost of the dependencies are gnome based08:17
mu3eni don't think you need that08:17
bdizzleas are many of the programs I use.08:17
bdizzleI've got it on my laptop08:17
mu3enin that case maybe08:17
mu3enit has some relevance in kde too08:17
bdizzleis there a way to just grab all of the gnome libs and dependencies all in one, rather than possibly destroying it all?08:18
_2i thought the default action for scp was to dereferance ???08:18
acornstarflaccid: could it be that my camera is so generic that it just wont work?08:18
mu3enmember:bdizzle check your /var/cache/apt08:19
mu3enon your laptop08:19
mu3enmany debs should be in there already08:19
_2or use apt-zip to get a list08:19
flaccidacornstar: there is no webcam standard protocol thus drivers are usually windows only for the more generic stuff. i can't find a driver for this cam08:19
acornstarflaccid: so my windows drivers are useless, right?08:20
skreechmiesterjoshuajtl: tried out?08:20
joshuajtlskreechmiester: what?08:20
skreechmiesterjoshuajtl: tried out KDE on openSuse 11?08:21
joshuajtlskreechmiester: oh, no I gave up just installed kubuntu kde3 again :)08:21
skreechmiesterjoshuajtl: Gave up on what?08:21
bdizzlewhat is glade?08:21
skreechmiester!info glade08:22
ubottuglade (source: glade): GTK+ 2 User Interface Builder. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.12.2-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1556 kB, installed size 5152 kB08:22
joshuajtlso i just installed, did an update, rebooted, are there any particular repos i should add now? say medibuntu perhaps? (ive been running ubuntuu for a while)08:22
joshuajtlskreechmiester: gave up downloading the massive dvd08:22
skreechmiesterjoshuajtl: I told you get the Cd :)08:22
bdizzleokay, how is ubufox installed without glade2, one of the dependencies of the dependencies08:23
joshuajtlskreechmiester: oh the netinstall ?08:23
joshuajtli did, but decided to stick to kubuntu since this is a dell which came preinstalled with ubuntu... just easier08:23
skreechmiesterOk that's fine08:23
joshuajtlskreechmiester: can you aid me on that question up there?08:24
faileasjoshuajtl: usually i add medibuntu, and enable all the reps that are disabled on sources.lst...08:24
_2joshuajtl it's more of a preferance thing.    if you want packages from medibuntu then add it.08:24
faileasthen anything else depends on needs08:24
joshuajtlcool got it08:25
joshuajtlwasnt sure if medibuntu was for all buntu's or not08:25
_2i personally  don't like the idea of contaminating an FOSS system with propritary Krap.   but i do have one box that i did so i could access dvd's on it.   plus it has mostly ati chips in it...08:26
flaccidacornstar: yeah08:26
acornstarflaccid: graphics are still pixelated/grainy08:27
mu3enmember:bdizzle you have glade on the laptop?08:27
acornstari enabled my card08:27
faileas_2: er, actually medibuntu isn't propritory, its just legally dubious ;p08:27
flaccidacornstar: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and look at possible reasons in there08:28
_2not altogather faileas iirc08:28
faileas_2: i thought it was partner which had the propitory stuff?08:28
=== jorge_ is now known as JMadrid
bdizzlesee, I never really paid attention to it. Just so long as it got it to work, I was fine08:29
_2faileas "restricted"08:29
mu3enmember:bdizzle so fill the dependencies08:29
bdizzleyeah, working on that08:29
* faileas dosen't really care about an idiologically pure system anyway08:29
mu3enmember:bdizzle it sucks, but there it is. i've had to do it in a few jams08:29
bdizzledependencies suck08:30
_2faileas but yes partener and medibuntu may hold some also.08:30
bdizzleI almost miss those .exe files08:30
faileas_2: partner definately does08:30
acornstarflaccid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34643/08:30
faileasbdizzle: windows has dep issues as well. its just that most apps are packaged with their dependancies08:30
acornstarthere is a lot of (WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual08:31
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2108:31
_2part of the dep's issue is also the reason ^08:31
faileas_2: its a differance in packaging philosophies ;p08:32
_2not only.   the fact that you can't just copy a binary from any linux to any linux and run it is part of the issue.08:34
_2elf binaries have to match the libc version...  or be very carefully constructed08:35
mu3enmember:bdizzle to be honest, offline is like a total nighmare, trapped in a box...08:36
bdizzleI know it is08:37
bdizzleor at least so I am realizing very quickly08:37
mu3enmember:bdizzle the big issue here is more the way you are being forced to use your connection08:37
bdizzletrue, but I dont' have much of a choice, do I?08:38
mu3enmember:bdizzle just to counter the view that windows would be a better option...it just isn't08:38
mu3enmember:bdizzle i'm afraid not08:38
bdizzleI just hope I'm near the end of the dependency tunnel08:39
_2you are a fraid knot ?     i thought you were just a string...08:39
skreechmiesternot a real string08:40
skreechmiester just a theory08:40
_2oh ?08:40
_2but he is a fraid knot !08:41
skreechmiesterYou can be a frayed knot theoritcally08:41
bdizzlegrr, this is tarting to get annoying here08:43
bazhangbdizzle, aptoncd a no-go?08:44
mu3enmember:bdizzle seems a little endless08:44
bdizzleno sadly08:44
bdizzleit worked, but caused its own problems on top of it08:45
bazhangbdizzle, why do you need firefox if there is no net for that box08:45
bdizzlethere is net08:45
bdizzleI have to jump through a lot of hoops to get it08:45
bdizzleI have firefox now08:45
bdizzlenow its trying to get java completely on, and getting firefox to see that java is on there08:46
bazhangwhat sort of hoops.08:46
bdizzleI have to download and install a windows-based program via a java applet on an approved browser08:46
bdizzlethey just "approved" firefox last year apparently08:46
bazhangbdizzle, any reason not to just get the 8.04.1 live cd08:47
bdizzleI have it, and just installed it with a fresh reboot08:47
bdizzleit didn't have any of that stuff on it (gee, I wonder why... its on medibuntu, which I can't connect to)08:47
bazhangbdizzle, so its really java you need, and not firefox?08:48
bdizzleno, I need both08:48
joshuajtlis there any work around for gmail in konqueror?08:48
bazhang8.04.1 has it, does it not bdizzle ?08:48
bdizzleno, it doesn't08:49
bdizzleit comes with konqueor08:49
bdizzleubuntu comes with it, kubuntu does not08:49
joshuajtland is kickoff available for kubuntu anywhere?08:49
bazhangbdizzle, once you have verified with this windows applet on java, then you are set? or do you need to do it every time.08:50
bdizzleis there a giant python meta package to download every python package known to man08:50
bdizzleI honestly don't know08:50
mu3enmember:bdizzle could bash your laptop on the wired and try it out, if it's a one off, you could avoid the whole thing. i assumed earlier that was not possible and didn't bother suggesting it08:51
bazhangbdizzle, then how do you know of this policy; they sent you an email or what08:51
bdizzlefor the program?08:51
bdizzleI found out when I typed in "www.google.com" and it auto-directed me to their site08:51
bazhangthe using internet policy bdizzle08:51
bazhang!info kickoff08:52
ubottuPackage kickoff does not exist in hardy08:52
bazhang!find kickoff08:52
ubottuFile kickoff found in kde-icons-crystalproject, kde-icons-mono, kde-icons-nuvola, kdeaccessibility-kde4, kdelirc (and 2 others)08:52
mu3enmember:bdizzle pure evil...08:52
bdizzlemost people don't care, because they use windows08:52
bdizzlea few use Mac, but not many that I have seen08:52
bazhangbdizzle, and what specifically does the site say?08:52
bdizzleeh, second though, that depends08:52
mu3enmember:bdizzle yeah. let's not get into the most people discussion on this forum08:53
bdizzlehaha, true08:53
bdizzlewhen I load it up on the desktop, just that it requires java to download, and java cannot be found08:53
bazhangmu3en, why the 'member' in your answers08:53
mu3en_2 will get excited08:53
mu3enmember:bazhang coloquy08:53
ubottusigh... again? Im busy here, I already told you it failed.08:53
joshuajtlanyone use kickoff?08:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uptime08:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about downtime08:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about existence08:54
_2who what where ???08:54
ubottulife is something very few people know about in this channel - and anyway, it's probably offtopic, perhaps you want to try #ubuntu-offtopic08:54
bazhangbdizzle, why not load up a vm with windows then08:54
_2mu3en what are you on about ?08:54
bdizzlebecause I'd rather run it natively?08:54
nicobraingood morning08:54
mu3enmember:bdizzle yeah, why virtualize unless you have to08:55
bazhangbdizzle, to get the internet that is. then use ubuntu/kubuntu and download everything you need08:55
bdizzleI dunno, it seems I'll have everything by the time I actually connect to it08:55
bazhangwould be tons easier than what you are trying to do.08:56
mu3enmember:bazhang member:bdizzle wine might be enough for this08:56
bdizzleI know08:56
bdizzlewine might be, but the page is written in java to download it08:56
bdizzleits not a simple "click here and download evil_program.exe"08:56
mu3enmember:bazhang plus, depending how the thing is set up, it might only apply to the virtual connection08:56
nicobraini had a problem with my office laptop....i had kubuntu 8.04 ..... if i boot normaly i became a black screen, i dont coe to the first console.......if i boot and change in grub to the recovery i can start normaly without errors the X.08:56
bazhangnot in wine. in virtualbox or vmware-server08:56
nicobrainany idea?08:56
mu3enmember:bazhang i figured that, i'm saying wine is probably slimmer for such a task that a full virtualized winbox08:57
bdizzleokay, now its just being mean08:57
bdizzlepython-sexy requires libenchant?08:57
bazhangmu3en, please dont say 'member' to me.08:57
mu3enmember:bdizzle grin. not without a sense of irony.08:57
_2!ati | nicobrain08:58
ubottunicobrain: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:58
mu3enmember:bazhang grin, out of my control...08:58
nicobrainubottu: yesterdda in the evening, it goe normaly, and i dont change yesterday anithing08:58
ubottunicobrain: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:58
nicobrainhas nobody an idea?08:59
_2nicobrain i just gave you mine.   check into the driver/kernel/update prospects.09:00
joshuajtlso dolphin is tabless?09:00
ubottuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.09:00
nicobrain_2: but yesterday it work without problems.....aand i change nothing....?09:00
_2nicobrain so ?09:00
nicobrain_2: yes....09:01
nicobrain_2: no update, no upgrade, no installation09:01
_2nicobrain half of "just works" is in fact "changes things for you"09:01
=== ubuntu is now known as p0rt-zer0
nicobrain_2: sry, my english is too bad......what you mean?09:01
* _2 doesn't like "does things without asking" so also doesn't like "just works mentality"09:02
joshuajtlah guess not09:02
joshuajtlweird that if there are no tabs there is no File> new window09:02
bdizzlecould on the next version of Kubuntu, they make sure they include an open source version of Java and Firefox so that no one else has this nightmare09:02
_2nicobrain i mean resintall your vidio driver and see if it fixes all your woes09:03
nicobrainhow can i do that....i dont came on a terminal09:03
_2!ati | nicobrain maybe this will help, follow the link09:04
ubottunicobrain maybe this will help, follow the link: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about loop09:04
mu3enmember:bdizzle i think there are a world of difficulties around that maybe...09:04
bazhangmu3en, you still around?09:04
mu3enmember:bazhang sure09:04
nicobrain_2: strg+alt+f1 does nothing...so i dont come to a console09:05
_2alt+f2    do anything ?09:06
_2alt+sysRQ+r   then   crtl+alt+f3    maybe.09:07
_2are you in a console already ?09:07
_2do your ears hang low09:07
nicobrain???? i 'am confused..... x is started... i have normaly reboot???09:08
nicobrainwhere can i see a log file?09:08
joshuajtldoes anyone use kickoff?09:09
mu3enmember:bazhang what's up?09:09
nicobrainjoshuajtl : yes, iam09:11
joshuajtl_nicobrain: pray tell where might i find it?09:13
nicobrainjoshuajtl_ thats the onlyy version which works at me: http://rene-kalk.de/blog/remository.html?func=fileinfo&id=309:14
joshuajtl_nicobrain: great thanks!09:14
_2oh i guess the hardware has to be in place for a connection to work     ;/09:15
nicobrain_2 i have reinstall the Nvidia-Driver via the restricted-driver menue....and it works.....but i cant see in the log what was the proble09:16
bdizzledamn it. Half an hour and still won't work09:16
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications09:16
mu3enwould it work on your laptop?09:16
_2nicobrain you do notice that Xorg*old is the place to look09:17
bdizzlenot sure, let me try09:17
_2mu3en :)09:17
mu3enmember:bdizzle could at least get you online long enough with your desktop to do your thing with apt09:17
bdizzleno, that site is blocking any incoming / outgoing traffic09:18
bdizzleits a true firewall with a key09:18
bdizzlebrb, need to disconnect and reconnect09:18
mu3enmember:bdizzle okay at least you can confirm it could work...09:18
nicobrain_2 the old and the new xorg.conf....are totaly the same...just one difference for the keyboard09:19
bdizzleand no, the wired connection does not work on the laptop09:20
_2nicobrain not xorg.conf   i'm talking about the log files  in /var/log/Xorg*old09:21
bdizzlegod damn ODU09:21
bdizzleseriously, this is just ... horrible09:21
_2nicobrain and yes the conf files should be the same   your hardware didn't change.09:21
sobersabrehi, 2 questions: 1. where can I get the keys for the ppa server with KDE4.1 packages ?09:22
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde409:22
sobersabre2. I've found a small integration/configuration problem in kdm-kde4 package.09:22
_2see above09:22
nicobrain_2 i have look in the old but i cant find any errr.....can you have a look please? http://paste.ubuntu.com/34652/09:24
sobersabrethanks, _209:24
sobersabrenow another question.09:24
sobersabreI want to setup a CA, certificate authority.09:24
sobersabreopenssl, x509 etc.09:24
sobersabreis there a channel for this on freenode ?09:25
sobersabreas a matter of fact I've already done that, but I made some mistakes, and I want to discuss it, before redoing it correctly.09:25
bdizzleon an IRC network, what does this mean:09:26
mu3enmember:bdizzle i know this might not be the case, but assuming this is a firewall, is it possible you could set your proxy with a username and password to pen the tunnel?09:26
bdizzleCisco Clean Access Java Applet web client could NOT be launched. The reasons for this might include:09:26
bdizzle    * Java Plug-in is not installed in your browser.09:26
bdizzle    * Java Applet is disabled in your browser's security settings.09:26
bdizzleAnd you might be able to fix this by09:26
bdizzle    * Download and install Java Plug-in from here09:26
bdizzle    * Enable Java Applet in your browser's security settings.09:26
bdizzleIf you cannot run the Cisco Clean Access Java Applet web client, you will not be able to access this network. Please contact the systems administrator.09:26
bdizzlegah, sorry, that's the error I got09:26
bdizzleon an IRC network, what does it mean when the connection is being actively refused?09:27
mu3enmember:bdizzle okay, forget what i said about the proxy.09:27
mu3enmember:bdizzle Cisco Clean Access Java Applet web client...yuk09:27
bdizzlethat bad?09:28
mu3enmember:bdizzle i mean...uh...clearly it is right? it's been an hour and you're still not online...09:29
bdizzletry 5 hours09:30
mu3enmember:bdizzle i'd say it was bad09:30
bdizzleits nearly 4:30 AM09:30
_2nicobrain line 706 for starters09:30
mu3enmember:bdizzle sorry to hear that. i am going to guess you restarted after you installed all your stuff and that you can see the java plugin in the add-ons in firefox?09:30
bdizzleno for some reason, I can't09:31
nicobrain_2 ok.....09:31
bdizzlelet me try to restart computer completely09:31
mu3enyou should after the insatlls09:31
_2nicobrain but unless you use compiz or kde4's desktop effects   that shouldn't be the cause.09:31
joshuajtl_nicobrain: how do you add kickoff to a panel?09:31
bdizzlebut I'm trying to look around and see if anyone else has had this problem09:32
bdizzleand apparently it has something to do with them using ActiveX on a security program......09:32
bdizzlebecause you know, ActiveX is so much safer than Linux...09:32
_2nicobrain i would also sujest you look in the dpkg logs in the same dir   you might have had updates that you didn't remember accepting or something.    just the last several lines should be enough09:33
nicobrain_2 i have installed the complete system before 3 or 4 days....and it works....so....how can it goes that the driver in one moment not loaded?09:33
bazhangwhich is a vm would be best here bdizzle09:33
bazhangand very fast09:34
bdizzlebtw, this is the page from cisco on that damn program09:34
bdizzleyeah, but it also means I have to find my copy of WinXP Pro at home09:34
mu3enmember:bazhang member:bdizzle i'm afraid at this point bazhang is right. the problem of course is that you will still need to install the whole thing offline, and you'll bea t it for a hour or two...09:34
_2nicobrain like i said     "just works"      i hate automatic Krap.   causes more trouble than it's worth, is hard to trouble shoot, and breeds "reboot will fix anything" mentality.09:34
_2the more like M$ *buntu becomes the more i hate it.09:35
nicobrain_2 hm....thats maybe right09:35
mu3enmember:_2 ...maybe automatic krap that doesn't clearly explain, document, and log what it does?09:36
_2mu3en that fits most cases  yes.09:36
nicobrain_2 ok.....thanks :D i wish your a good day09:36
bdizzleI don't mind XP Pro once you have it working the way you like. But I also like the flexibility and modularity of Linux09:36
_2nicobrain peace be with you.    glad it's working now.09:37
bdizzleVista ... I won't even go near09:37
mu3enmember:_2 grin... unfortunately...09:38
* _2 doesn't do windows . <-- that's a piriod, in case anyone doesn't know about punctuation09:38
mu3enmember:_2 or period for those who don't know anything about spelling... grin09:40
bdizzleokay, similar page09:41
bdizzletranslate into usefulness?09:41
_2mu3en oh you speak americian english ?09:43
mu3enmember:_2 as opposed to the made up kind in which piriod is a word?09:43
mu3enmember:_2 but no, i'm not american09:44
bdizzlewait, crazy idea based on something I read09:47
bdizzlehow do I make firefox look like another browser?09:47
mu3enmember:bdizzle in the settings09:47
bazhanguser agent switcher, but that wont help here bdizzle09:48
mu3enmember:bdizzle sorry, ignore that though...09:48
bdizzleum, it might...09:48
_2yeah it might.   but it wont09:48
mu3enmember:bdizzle i'm inclined to agree that the problem here is java, not the browser09:48
bdizzleapparently I'm not the only one that absolutely despises this system09:48
mu3enmember:bdizzle or possibly browser-java linkup09:49
bazhangnothing to do with the browser.09:49
mu3enmember:bazhang meaning, the browser is clearly getting to the page, but the java is not able to run?09:50
bazhangbdizzle, just vm another linux distro, one that has all the bad bits, then download ubuntu-restricted-extras for ubuntu and you are good to go.09:51
mu3ensounds like a solution09:52
bdizzlewait, looking through the forums, it looks like someone has a solution09:52
mu3ennot much fun...but doable09:52
bdizzlewould thi s work?09:52
bazhangbdizzle, err sorry kubuntu-restricted-extras for kubuntu :)09:52
mu3enmember:bdizzle uhm09:54
mu3enmember:bdizzle yes and no, i think the fact that the java doesn't run might be an issue here before you even get to the dns stage09:55
pstubuntu problem, with only on kernel is working fine with my wireless, if I choose newest kernel then wireless is unstable09:55
bdizzlebrb, let me try this09:55
mu3enmember:bdizzle seems more like the java isn't running to do it's certification, and since i guess you had to register your MAC, you can't use your laptop to open the tunnel for the time frame as descrbed in your link09:56
_2pst install the driver for the new kernel09:56
bazhangthis is bdizzle's argh moment in linux09:58
bazhangonce he gets it right will be an aha moment09:58
_2yeah.  and when i saw that i wasn't helping i tried to stay out of it...09:58
bdizzlemeh, so much for that09:59
bazhangbdizzle, what sayest thou09:59
bdizzlefor what?09:59
mu3enmember:_2 hmm..maybe should have tried that too!09:59
bdizzleno sadly09:59
bdizzleapparently it has to deal with them wanting the proprietary Sun Java program, nothing else09:59
_2mu3en </shrugs>09:59
bdizzlewhich I see as really stupid10:00
bdizzlebut, we'll play their game for a bit10:00
* _2 agrees with bdizzle 10:00
bdizzleanyone know how to install JRE from source?10:00
bdizzleI have the .bin file10:00
_2i think you   sudo sh file.bin10:01
mu3enmember:bdizzle there is a .deb10:01
markus_hi forum. i am new to this irc. who can tell me how i can play the following link in amarok: http://dms-cl-012.skypro-media.net:8080 thank you10:01
mu3enmember:bdizzle or two10:01
_2iirc it's a shell script wrapped around an archive10:01
_2oh and better use bash cause it may have bashism in it.  it has had in time past10:02
_2   sudo bash file.bin10:02
bdizzleokay, it extracted the files into a folder on the desktop10:03
bdizzlenow what?10:03
_2errr in that case sudo was not needed maybe.   but any way point your browser at the dir10:03
bdizzlehow do I point firefox to the directory?10:04
bdizzleand where should I install the plugins at?10:05
mu3enhence the .debs...10:05
_2i think    ~/plugins  will work   no?10:05
_2you can link that to the dir it made.10:05
_2an easy test10:05
=== felix_ is now known as SKAmaniac
bdizzleoiy, alright, what are the .deb files then?10:06
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.10:06
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.10:07
bdizzlesorry, not what are they10:07
bdizzlewhere are they10:07
markus_hi forum. i am new to this irc. who can tell me how i can play the following link in amarok: http://dms-cl-012.skypro-media.net:8080 thank you10:08
_2just link the dir and tell ff to "search for new plugins"10:08
mu3enin the repositories, you can access them with a browser too (use the repository lines from your sources.list as a guide10:08
=== sysadmin is now known as TemplePrime
mu3enthese might me on medibuntu10:08
_2mu3en and in konqeror  apt://10:09
mu3enmember:_2 even niftier10:10
chatzillaWho can create apt repository?10:10
_2!skype | markus_10:10
ubottumarkus_: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto10:10
bdizzleokay, in firefox, where is the place to link it to?10:10
_2chatzilla you can10:10
chatzillaHow can i do it?10:10
markus__2 thanks10:11
_2bdizzle sorry it's not in ff where you do the linking.   it's in ff where you tell it to search for new plugins    you link with  command; ln -s "where/it/is" "where/you/want/it"10:11
bdizzleoh, okay10:12
bdizzleand the ~/plugins folder is where?10:12
bdizzlethe one to drop the items into?10:12
_2bdizzle will be the last quote from my example ^10:12
_2ln -s ~/the/new/dir/*.bin/made ~/plugins10:13
bdizzlewait, I'm lost10:13
bazhangchatzilla, use apt-mirrror10:13
* _2 was afraid of that.10:13
bazhangerr mirror10:13
bdizzleokay, so make a symbolic link from the folder on the desktop where the jre folder is currently at10:13
_2bdizzle yes10:14
bdizzleand where does firefox look for its plugins?10:14
bdizzlethat's the folder I'm looking for10:14
_2in /usr/share/something....  and in ~/plugins   i think10:14
_2no one else seems to be correctimg me on that...10:15
_2i actually haven't played with a plugin in many years10:16
_2i still have a   ~/plugins/libflashplayer.so    so that is where i'm assuming it is wot to be10:17
bdizzlegah, I can't find it10:18
bdizzleI'm in /usr/share/mozilla10:19
bdizzleand nothing in there10:19
_2so use your home dir10:19
bdizzlehold on10:20
bdizzleso ~/.mozilla/firefox10:20
bdizzlethere is a pluginreg.dat10:20
=== Guest2839 is now known as poon
_2   /usr/lib/plugins10:20
_2 /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins10:21
_2 /usr/lib/firefox/plugins10:21
_2idk.  maybe it's not usr/share10:21
ActionParsnip_2: or ~/.mozilla/plugins10:21
bdizzleI didn't see ~/.mozilla/plugins10:21
bdizzleI found ~/.mozilla/firefox10:21
ActionParsnipbdizzle: if you cd ~/.mozilla10:22
ActionParsnipin .mozilla if you make a plugins dir10:22
bdizzleoh, just make one?10:22
_2ActionParsnip does konq look there too ?10:22
ActionParsnip_2: not sure, mozilla will though10:23
ActionParsnipbdizzle: yeah man10:23
drmarwatkubuntu 8.04.1 gives me such display settings after nvidia driver installation...............http://img518.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot1mg3.png10:23
_2ActionParsnip :)10:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about konq10:23
ActionParsnip!info konq10:23
ubottuPackage konq does not exist in hardy10:23
ActionParsnip_2: whats konq?10:23
drmarwatwould somebody tell me how to fix this pls?10:23
ActionParsnipdrmarwat: sup?10:24
_2</rolls eyes>10:24
drmarwatActionParsnip: hello10:24
ActionParsnip_2: no idea, ive never used it10:24
drmarwatall ubuntu series 8.04 give me display problem10:24
ActionParsnipdrmarwat: ok, have you installed your graphics card?10:25
drmarwatthis time the display is distorted10:25
drmarwatyes, just installed my graphics card10:25
ActionParsnipdrmarwat: ok what card do you have?10:25
bdizzlemeh, need sleep. I'll try again in a few hours when I wake up10:25
drmarwati also get only 600x display, fixed that but now this distortion issue10:25
ActionParsnipdrmarwat: what graphics card do you have?10:26
drmarwati have nvidia geforce fx 560010:26
ActionParsnipdrmarwat: ok, can we see your xorg.conf please10:26
ActionParsnip!paste | drmarwat10:26
ubottudrmarwat: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:26
michken1982i have a question10:26
drmarwatok wait pls10:26
_2michken1982 that wasn't at you.10:27
_2!ask | michken198210:27
ubottumichken1982: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:27
ActionParsnipmichken1982: wassup10:27
michken1982sorry :)10:27
michken1982i have installed linux kubuntu10:27
_2was that a question ?10:28
michken1982but before windows 2000 was installed on that computer10:28
michken1982and now i have two systems running and i want to delete windows 2000 partition10:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kparted10:28
_2oh we are painting background.10:29
* ActionParsnip plays a drumroll10:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about qtparted10:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about parted10:29
michken1982can  i download it10:30
_2!info qtparted10:30
ubottuqtparted (source: qtparted): A parted frontend using QT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu14 (hardy), package size 205 kB, installed size 712 kB10:30
engineersudo aptitude install qtparted10:30
ActionParsnipmichken1982: theres an app called qtparted. If you delete the partition it will then be recreatable and you can format it ext310:30
ActionParsnipmichken1982: this will destroy the data on the partition10:30
ActionParsnipmichken1982: so recover what you need before detruction10:31
michken1982i dont need windows on that pc10:31
_2cfdisk is installed by default    too10:31
ActionParsnipmichken1982: after its made good you can store all your docs and gumf on it :)10:31
engineermichken1982 sudo aptitude install qtparted10:32
michken1982i'm now installing qtparted :)10:32
michken1982thanx already10:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about next10:33
_2yeah,  and linux file systems have permissions bits so you can mount it and give any group/user ownership/permission for the whole fs or for only subdirs...10:33
* _2 does sudo chmod 0001 /10:34
_2none of anybodies business what is in / anyway.10:35
drmarwat_ActionParsnip: sorry i was disconnected10:41
ActionParsnipcheck my pm10:41
ActionParsnipyou got it?10:41
_2ok how to tell if a system can run 64bit ?   lshw | grep width    shows both 32 and 64  ???10:41
drmarwat_nope, i was disconnected10:41
ActionParsnipdrmarwat_: I just pasted you the text again10:41
engineer_2 cat /proc/cpuinfo10:42
drmarwat_will this fix it permanantly?10:42
ActionParsnipdrmarwat_: yes as its in that file10:42
_2engineer so only the cpu need be 64 bit ?10:42
drmarwat_i have tried more than 10 ubuntu 8.04.1 types and all give me same issue10:42
ActionParsnipdrmarwat_: you need to kdesu kate the xorg.conf file so the changes are made10:43
engineer_2 yes10:44
ActionParsnipdrmarwat_: are you getting my PMs?10:45
drmarwat_no, i dont know why, wird10:45
ActionParsnipdrmarwat_: http://pastebin.com/m7ac2ba6c10:46
_2engineer ok.   well lshw -C cpu  says it's 64 bits   so i can't use either on it i guess.10:46
ActionParsnip_2: indeed10:46
engineerit's simple10:46
ActionParsnip_2: 64bit will use yor cpu more efficiently10:46
engineerif you have a live cd 64bit10:46
engineeryou can know it10:46
_2ActionParsnip but not all the ati crap attached to it i fear10:47
ActionParsnip_2: ive always steered clear of ati10:47
drmarwat_ActionParsnip: yes 1024 x 768 good enough for me10:47
ActionParsnip!ati | _210:47
ubottu_2: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:47
_2ActionParsnip i inheireted this.10:47
ActionParsnip_2: buy a new card for it10:48
nuxilg dag all10:48
ActionParsnip_2: gah10:48
ActionParsnip!hi | nuxil10:48
ubottunuxil: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!10:48
michken1982hello again10:48
ActionParsnipwb michken198210:49
nuxilhowdy ActionParsnip . thanks for the greetings10:49
michken1982i can't delete windows 2000 with qtparted, its a ntfs10:49
_2ActionParsnip the vidio the audio and the network are all ati10:49
ActionParsnipnuxil: np man10:49
nuxilmichken1982, do you want it all gone?10:49
ActionParsnipmichken1982: try running it with kdesu10:49
michken1982the part of windows yes10:49
ActionParsnipmichken1982: kdesu qtparted10:50
nuxil!fdisk | michken198210:50
ActionParsnipmichken1982: gives the program admin access10:50
michken1982is it a different program?10:50
nuxilgui people :p10:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk10:50
ubottuIn KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)10:50
drmarwat_i will reboot to see if it works or not10:50
ActionParsnipmichken1982: if you just run it, you run it as a user, not root10:50
_2!botsnack | /me needs it.10:50
ubottu/me needs it.: Yum! Err, I mean, APT!10:50
ActionParsnipdrmarwat_: if not, boot to recovery mode10:51
ActionParsnipdrmarwat_: and copy back the .good file10:51
ActionParsnipdrmarwat_: always do that with .conf files10:51
nuxilmichken1982, you can also use fdisk10:51
michken1982oh is that better?10:51
michken1982kdesu or fdisk10:52
ActionParsnipmichken1982: whichever you are most comfortable with10:52
_2michken1982 no   stick with the graphical10:52
ActionParsnipmichken1982: kdesu only gives you admin rights, its not a program as such10:52
nuxilmichken1982, fdisk is a concole app10:52
_2nuxil and cfdisk is more M$ convert friendly too10:53
nuxilmichken1982, but if you are not use to console apps.. use a gui one10:53
nuxil*-use used10:53
ActionParsnipmichken1982: if your planning on using fdisk / cfdisk then you'll need sudo (e.g. sudo cfdisk)10:53
ActionParsnipmichken1982: id suggest gui too10:53
michken1982but  i'm a beginner in linux10:54
mar77ihi, I have installed ubuntu and installed kubuntu-desktop afterwards. Now I guess with the gnome installation on the other hand there are too many programs installed. How can I check what packages are on a standard kubuntu installation?10:54
ActionParsnipmichken1982: then gui would be better10:54
engineerfdisk ftw10:54
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »10:54
_2lol @ engineer10:54
michken1982whats gui?10:54
ubottuThe graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively)10:55
_2michken1982 as opposed to cli10:55
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:55
mar77iActionParsnip, great, thx!10:55
nuxilengineer, ;) i with you on that10:55
ActionParsnipnp mar77i10:55
michken1982so which gui software can i use for partitions10:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about qtparted10:55
ActionParsnip!info qtparted10:55
ubottuqtparted (source: qtparted): A parted frontend using QT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu14 (hardy), package size 205 kB, installed size 712 kB10:55
_2press alt+f2   type in      kdesudo qtparted10:56
ActionParsnipnice and small too :)10:56
_2heh i recall the days when one would say "that thing's huge, bearly will fit on a floppy disk"10:57
engineermy screen is small10:57
engineerand so is qtparted10:57
franchi all, is there a french forum for kubuntu thanks10:58
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr10:58
ActionParsnipif i have gnome apps and kde apps, how can i tell which are which11:02
ActionParsnipjust to see if i can remove some junk11:02
_2hmmm start one and look at pstree ?   but that would be slow.11:03
ActionParsnip_2: yeah thats my point, can I search in some package app in description as most will say gnome11:04
_2give me a sec, i'm working on it.11:04
ActionParsnip_2: interesting isnt it11:04
RG-NewGuyinstall problems11:04
ActionParsnipRG-NewGuy: sup?11:04
RG-NewGuyi'm tring to do a dual boot however windows is on a raid (not sure which type)11:05
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto11:05
_2ActionParsnip script idea.   for Q in "$@" ;do apt-cache show $Q | grep -q KDE && echo "$Q is a kde app" ||11:07
_2echo "$Q is not a kde app" ;done11:07
RG-NewGuythat doesn't seem to help me11:08
RG-NewGuythe raid is already there/or what shows as a raid11:08
RG-NewGuyi tried to create a partition via windows of unallocated space11:08
ActionParsnip_2: seems sound. Let me wazz it over to my linux box11:08
RG-NewGuyit only let me free 1gig11:09
ActionParsnipRG-NewGuy: you'll need to resize the partition then11:09
_2one could pipe through that,  i can't gurentee it's accuracy.    say you made a script out of that named   is_kde.sh       dpkg -l | cut -d' ' -f3 | is_kde.sh > list      would generate a full list of all packages11:09
ActionParsnipRG-NewGuy: or reinstall windows with better partition planning11:09
_2err wait can't pipe into it....11:09
_2i'll write a script and pastebin it.11:09
ActionParsnipsweet man, yer a start11:10
RG-NewGuygreat windows screws me over again(no windows disk)11:10
ActionParsnipRG-NewGuy: buy a 2nd hard drive, they are cheap11:10
ActionParsnipRG-NewGuy: usb drive11:10
RG-NewGuyi've got 2 HDD's in it11:10
ActionParsnipRG-NewGuy: thats your raid-0 array for speed11:11
ActionParsnipbet it weighs a bit11:11
RG-NewGuySony Viao 'gamers edition' (pfft what a joke)11:11
ActionParsniplappys suck for games for the price11:12
RG-NewGuy2 160gig HDD's inside11:12
ActionParsnipplus sony == $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$11:12
_2ActionParsnip give this a whearl   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d9e9b8911:12
RG-NewGuyi thought it was 1 HDD till i went to install linux and it was showing 2hdds11:13
RG-NewGuyActionParsnip, you suggested usb drive11:15
RG-NewGuyi've got the .iso on a usb drive already11:15
RG-NewGuyhow would that work11:15
RG-NewGuyput the install disk in? keep my usb plugged in and direct kubuntu towards the usb?11:15
RG-NewGuyalso how much gigs of space would you suggest i have free for kubuntu to run via usb?11:16
_2ActionParsnip this may be more sain   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d188bbe2e11:16
_2and sane too maybe11:17
ActionParsnip_2: just changing CRs, Windows uses different stuff :(11:18
=== enzo_5 is now known as enzo
ActionParsnip_2: testing now11:22
_2ActionParsnip if you don't like stderr messages   i have  1.0 final release of that script.   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d6c8430c811:25
ActionParsnipdude i'll email it over cos my stupid widows / putty combo wont play ball11:25
ActionParsnipeasier from local as its a PITA11:26
ActionParsnipbut i massively appreciate your time dude :D11:26
ActionParsnipthanks tonnes11:26
ActionParsnipill no doubt see you in here :D11:26
_2you bet11:26
ActionParsnipso ill et you know :D11:26
ActionParsnipi gotta jet11:26
ActionParsnippeace out kids11:26
=== _2 is now known as Agent_bob
Agent_bobtoo late.11:26
=== rainer is now known as pixl
Agent_bobpasting file id_interface.sh11:58
condezhello. i have a question regarding system-config-printer-applet-kde on Ubuntu 8.04; It's the first time i'm using IRC for help. Can i post my question here?11:59
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:02
Agent_bob!paste | condez12:02
ubottucondez: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:02
Agent_bobpasting file mklable.sh12:03
Agent_boband here this will make the nub feel leet  pasting file 1337.sh12:03
condezSo, everytime i print something the system-config-printer-applet-kde never closes. I've seen this bug reported in bugs.launchpad.net but without any conclusion to it. I'm using Kubuntu (KDE 3.5.9). I've read that a workaround is to refresh the ducoment in the system-config-printer-applet-kde but it's not a fix. Does anyone now if a fix has been made to address this issue?12:07
Agent_bobcondez idk.12:17
emonshello, anyone?12:18
emonsi'm coming here pretty much everyday trying to solve my prob but it seems nobody could... till now, i hope :D12:23
Agent_bobemons what it is ?12:23
emonsthe thing is i have high spees internet connection and with kubuntu it doesn't seem to work fine, it goes SUPER SLOW, with xp it wasnt, it was going super fast, any suggestion?12:24
Agent_bobemons maybe disable ipv6 ?12:24
emonsi tried but it didnt work12:25
emonsit seems im having some issues because all the internet applications have problems, the instant messenger, the p2p and the browser12:25
Agent_bobhow did you "tried" ?12:26
Agent_bobfile   /etc/modules.conf     line     alias net-pf-10 off           # IPv612:27
Agent_bobtried that ^ emons   see does it helps.12:27
emonsthis is to set the ipv6 off, i told u i already did that and it didnt work12:30
emonsany other idea?12:30
Piciemons: Perhaps try asking in #ubuntu as well? Tis a bit more traffic there, more eyes to see your problem.12:30
PiciSorry to hear that my suggestion the other day didn't work.12:30
Agent_bobemons check the reslov.conf ?     run iftop and see what traffic is doing ?      idk.12:31
Agent_bobemons do you have any firewall or av software in the way ?12:32
emonsi had UFW set but i disabled it thinking it was cuz of it but itz not, cuz i got the same prob with it disabled12:32
Agent_bobemons  iptables -L12:33
emonsit says iftop is not installed do u think theres some other similar program already installed in the repository so i dont have to install that one?12:33
emonsiptables alright one sec12:33
Agent_bobemons not sure if there is or not.  but iftop is not large.12:34
Agent_bob!info iftop12:34
emonsChain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)12:34
emonstarget     prot opt source               destination12:34
emonsChain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)12:34
emonstarget     prot opt source               destination12:34
emonsChain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)12:34
emonstarget     prot opt source               destination12:34
emonshere's my iptables12:34
Agent_bobk no firewall.12:34
ubottuiftop (source: iftop): displays bandwidth usage information on an network interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.17-5 (hardy), package size 30 kB, installed size 104 kB12:34
emonstold u i disabled it12:34
emonsim downloading and installing iftop in the meanwhile12:35
emonswhen i run it thatz what it says12:35
emonsinterface: eth012:35
emonsUnable to get IP address for interface: eth012:35
emonsioctl(SIOCGIFADDR): Cannot assign requested address12:35
emonsMAC address is: 00:1a:4d:67:b0:2512:35
emonspcap_open_live(eth0): socket: Operation not permitted12:35
Agent_bobemons k.    wireless only ?12:36
emonsso i might have some prob between the wlan0 and eth0 so is it the wireless the matter?12:36
emonsyes only wireless12:36
Agent_bobemons you might edit /etc/network/interfaces   and comment out the eth section/s12:37
emonsim a curst newbie Agent_bob i dunno how to do that :D sorry could u help? thx12:37
Agent_bobyeah.   but let me rant a little.    that's the reason that even though you said "i tried that, it didn't work"  i still feel compelled to make sure we are on the same sheet of music.  it's not that i think you are stupid or anything, it's that most people that ask anything in here are newbie and don't know...   so don't get bent out of shape if someone covers the same ground again with you.12:40
Agent_bobkdesudo kate /etc/network/interfaces      # <-- putting that as first char on a line makes it a comment.   or comments it out.12:40
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Agent_bobyou can do an    sudo /etc/init.d/network* restart      after you do that.12:43
emonshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/34721/ is that right?12:43
Agent_bobthere is no eth section   and the   # would be on the line it is commenting out12:44
Agent_bob#this is a comment12:44
Agent_bobthis is not12:44
Agent_bob#this is a comment12:44
Agent_bobthis is not12:44
judgenhow annoying my screen wont go higher than 640x480. Any tips. And yes the nvidia driver is properly installed. Im guessing it has something to do with scanmodes12:45
Agent_bobso that's not the issue.   we'll move on.12:45
emonsso underneath those 4 lines i type # (followed by the comment)12:45
emonsbut i dont need to do this now cuz u just said thatz not our prob alright got it12:45
Agent_bobemons no if you pasted the entire file  don't save it, just exit12:45
ActionParsniphey all12:46
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:46
ActionParsnipAgent_bob: dude that script is the shizzniz12:46
ActionParsnipAgent_bob: ty man :D:D12:46
Agent_bobActionParsnip is that good or bad ?12:46
Agent_bobActionParsnip have a sec ?12:47
emonsno no Agent_bob what i pasted is the file modified on pastebin i didnt wrote all that stuff in the real file eheheh12:47
ActionParsnipAgent_bob: sure12:47
ActionParsnipAgent_bob: yeah its sweet12:47
Agent_bobemons k.  hold a sec.12:47
Agent_bobActionParsnip emons has high speed inet working very slowly.   any help with that.  i'm weak on networking skills12:47
ActionParsnipemons: ok do you have a router etc?12:48
emonsivegot a wireless router12:49
ActionParsnipemons: ok and o you have other pcs running through it?12:49
Agent_bobActionParsnip iftop yelds this and he has wireless only setup.    <emons> Unable to get IP address for interface: eth012:49
Agent_bob<emons> ioctl(SIOCGIFADDR): Cannot assign requested address12:49
Agent_bobnot sure how pertenant that might be.12:49
ActionParsnipAgent_bob: ok cool, just want some basic stuff atm :D12:50
emonsusually 2 pcs and 2 macs but not in these days since all the other machines are turned off so im the only one who's using this connection12:50
ActionParsnipemons: try the other PCs, do they run slow too?12:50
emonsone sec12:51
emonsill tell u in one sec12:51
emonsnope they go pretty well and also i phoned my provider to ask if there was any issue w/my connection they said no plus a runned a speedometer test on one of those websites and the speed is good12:53
emons(did that yestarday)12:53
ActionParsnipemons: ok, is it an adsl router or do you have cable with a seperate modem?12:53
emonscable with separate modem i guess12:54
emonscuz theres the router connected to a modem that is connected to a "box" on the wall :D sorry12:54
ActionParsnipemons: turn of it all for a good while12:54
emonsi did12:54
emonsi tried yesterday12:54
emonsit was off the all night12:54
emonsand today when i turned it on again... nothing!12:54
ActionParsnipok so we've tried all the easy stuff12:55
ActionParsnipok what wifi card do you have?12:55
emonswhere do i see that?12:55
ActionParsnipemons: lspci12:55
Agent_bobor     lshw -C network12:56
ActionParsnipAgent_bob: true :)12:56
ActionParsnipAgent_bob: i just read the screen12:56
* ActionParsnip plays a drumroll12:58
emonsitz tanking a while to paste it...12:58
emonsi correct my self: itz taking ages to paste it...12:59
ActionParsnip!pastebinit | emons13:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebinit13:00
ActionParsnip!info pastebinit13:00
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 84 kB13:00
ActionParsnipget that13:00
ActionParsnipeveryone should have it13:00
* Agent_bob may have writen it...13:00
ActionParsniphehe dude its sweet13:01
Agent_bobanyway i was using a script for that before that came out.  haven't seen exactly what that one is.13:01
ActionParsnipits in repos, heard about it a bit ago, never looked back13:02
Agent_bobprolly nothing like my script.  pasting file /usr/local/bin/pastebin13:02
emonshey it doesnt move at all can i paste it to you in pm?13:02
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ActionParsnipemons: sure13:03
Agent_bobActionParsnip ah  "Stephane Graber"  rewrote it in python     nice   (if you like python that is)13:09
ActionParsnipAgent_bob: it works, im happy :D13:10
Agent_bobi have one box i removed all python and perl from    hehhe it's different.13:13
Agent_bobso did emons fall off the planet ?13:13
emonsim about to :D13:13
ActionParsniphis wireless is weird13:15
ActionParsnip serial: 00:1b:fc:02:f6:8413:15
ActionParsnipconfiguration: broadcast=yes driver=sky2 driverversion=1.20 firmware=N/A latency=0 module=sky2 multicast=yes13:15
Agent_bobemons /msg me the output of   lshw -C network     please.13:18
ActionParsnipAgent_bob: apparently he installed and it connected to his AP13:19
Agent_bob wireless=IEEE 802.11g13:21
emonssorry guys i really have to go, be back in an hour if u'll be here, which i really hope :D, nyway thank u for ur help13:23
Agent_bobmac:00:1b:fc:02:f6:84     \n configuration: broadcast=yes ip= multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11g   <<<---- ActionParsnip that's his wlan   the other is unused eth0  with mac: 00:1a:4d:67:b0:2513:23
emonsc u later13:23
Agent_boband yes the eth card gives very strange output.13:24
ActionParsnipAgent_bob: i know but none of it said the make and model. Im getting him to rename his /etc/network/interfaces file and rebooting. Should make a fresh config file as he doesnt have wep / wpa13:24
Agent_bobyeah and i also wondered about having him rum knetwork manager  just to see if it could sort that...13:25
ActionParsnipAgent_bob: i always remove that, im fine with /etc/network/interfaces13:30
Agent_bobyeah his only had lo in it.13:33
Agent_boberr no wrong one.13:33
ActionParsnipthought so13:33
Agent_bobwell that other is his lshw -C network13:34
ActionParsniphis lshw looks weird13:34
Agent_bobyeah  but not very.   i'm wondering if the eth is a dual network card   if maybe it does both wired and wireless ?13:35
ActionParsniphe said in windows the wired was disabled13:36
Agent_bobbut does that mean he disabled it in windows or he couldn't get it to work in windows or...13:37
ActionParsniphe never said13:37
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Agent_bobwell thanks for giving that a shot,    he said he had been working on it for three days now.   so i kinda wanted to help if we could...     (me knows slow connection)13:38
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ActionParsnipnp man, alwya here to help13:38
ActionParsnipi cant code so good so i help the easy stuff to get folks through the door13:39
Agent_bobi have to make last rounds then i'm off.   shalom.13:39
ActionParsnipits my contribution to *buntu13:39
Agent_bobmine too.   ;/13:39
penartshola a todos! mi problema es el siguiente: instalé emesene en kde, con sus respectivos repositorios python-gnome-extras, y no veo los botones del programa13:39
ActionParsnip!es | penarts13:40
ubottupenarts: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:40
mrsimonHi, should I do what 'power top' tells me or does Kubuntu sort laptop power saving out on it's own?13:44
ActionParsnipmrsimon: as long as you have acpi installed, kubuntu will sort it13:45
ActionParsnipwhat does power top tell you?13:45
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org13:45
mrsimonActionParsnip: thanks, it tells me a whole load of things, vmdirty write back, hal pooling etc the useual stuff13:46
mrsimonubottu: thanks13:46
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)13:46
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:48
kushouhi guys13:57
ActionParsniphi kushou13:59
mint2hi there14:02
mint2i am trynig to compile a program : ./configure but it says command not found bash14:03
mint2any help ?14:03
arrozALquem sabe roda Dungeon Siege 2 no KUbuntu?14:03
Pici!br | arroz14:04
ubottuarroz: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:04
kushouPici: you're a bot ?14:09
ActionParsnipkushou: ubottu is the bot14:09
Picikushou: I dont think so?14:09
kushouok but i think remember you tell to the bot to write some sentence14:09
kushoulike " arroz: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado."14:10
Picikushou: I just remember the triggers well.14:10
ubuntusoryy test14:10
ubuntuif anyone can see my text pls sayh14:12
kushouI see you14:12
ubuntuty ty14:13
ActionParsnipwassup ubuntu14:14
condezkushou, i belive "Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado." it's better14:14
kushoucondez: i'm french, i know nothin of portugues and it's a quote14:16
condezok. I'm portuguese that's why i replyed to what i belive it's a better phrase14:17
mint2any help ?14:17
condez (Y)14:17
ubuntuty so much all14:18
kushouubottu is a bot, i don't know how to correct this14:18
ubottukushou: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:18
ubuntui just finished installing my modem on my new kubutun os14:19
ActionParsnip!modem | ubuntu14:19
kushouubottu: it's just what i say14:19
ubottuubuntu: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto14:19
ubottukushou: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:19
condezno worries. Portuguese/Brazillian will understand anyway14:19
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tannerim having trouble mounting a couple of hard drives that i havent been having trouble with before14:37
khamaelhow do I setup a wireless connection at login in kde4?14:42
tannernevermind i fixed it14:46
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khamaelwhy doesn`t widgets installed in kde4 appear in the list? I am using the download from internet option14:59
ahoxkhamael: most widgets must be compiled first15:04
ahoxkhamael: only scripted ones work when using GHNS15:05
khamaelahox: how do I compile them, then?15:05
khamaelthey are reported as installed15:05
ahoxkhamael: Download them manually, read the README, most likely run ./configure && make && sudo make install and then you can use them15:06
ahoxthe download from internet does not work for these15:06
khamaelsomewhere in the future,then?15:07
khamaelwhere can I download them?15:08
ahoxkhamael: There should be a little ? next to the source in the download from internet option15:09
ahoxso far its only www.kde-look.org15:10
ahoxbtw, i am kind of not at irc right now, so just add my name next time you have a question15:10
khamaelahox: where do the files end up when I hit the install button15:15
ahoxI really don't know, thats why I said that you should download them manually15:16
khamaelahox: I understand. but one of the widgets suggested to use the gui install, and then add it manually from there15:18
ahoxcan you send me the link.15:19
ahoxI already searched for them too, to no avail15:19
ahoxi would have thought they get into ~/.kde4/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids15:21
eloquencedoes anybody here use sopcast to watch p2p tv?15:47
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MoeLootHello Room!16:09
MoeLootHave have recently wiped this box which once ran XP (which crapped out).  I have just installed ubuntu, and would like to recover some files from a windows backup.  Could someone help me or point me to a good faq or doc?16:10
antinerdhi can anyone help me? i got problems with my via s3 unichrome graphics card16:16
soontakanyone experienced libkonq5-dev package error when trying to upgrade from kde 4.0 to 4.1 ?16:18
[ifrog]How many nameservers can we have in the resolve.conf ?16:18
antinerdi just want to change the resolution from 800x600 to 1024x768, but with the vesa driver kdm shows me a black screen and with the openchrome driver the only possible resolution is 1600x1200 and 3/4 of the image are outside of the screen16:19
[ifrog]Wed Aug  6 18:23:03 AST 200816:23
[ifrog]antinerd, lspci | grep VGA                 ...?16:23
antinerd01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter (rev 01)16:27
Nataliaantinerd : Xorg sucks. It worries gnu/lionux too much :)16:27
antinerddo you know a solution for my problem?16:28
soontakanyone experienced libkonq5-dev package error when trying to upgrade from kde 4.0 to 4.1 ?16:29
[ifrog]antinerd, Pastebin your xorg.conf16:30
emonshello someone was helping me before16:31
emonsu guys still here?16:31
l3xhello good people of linux!16:31
[ifrog]emons, Remember his nick at least. :016:32
l3xi am walking through my gf how to install and configure kubuntu on her pc via kopete :) and i need your help for one bit...16:32
l3xis there a way to connect pocket pc FSC pocket loox 600 with kubuntu?16:33
emonsunfortunately i dont16:33
emonsthey were really kind and helpful but at some point i really had to go so i thank them and left16:34
emonscould u help ifrog?16:34
emonsthey said i have some weird issue with my wireless conncection cuz i asked them about my high speed internet thatz going slow on kubuntu and after several terminals and stuff it came out it has to do with my wired, any help?16:36
[ifrog]emons, Oh, that was agent_bob16:37
[ifrog]The guy who was helping you.16:37
emonsand a friend of him16:38
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BraveSpearAnyone know how to make Firefox the default browser for a LiveCD I have created? I have created desktop icons with links to webpages, but Konqueror is opened automatically when the icons are clicked.  I want them to open in Firefox.16:41
BraveSpearCan I easily remove konqueror from KDE?16:42
l3xBraveSpear: why?16:43
antinerdthis was the one with the vesa driver, and this is one non working with openchrome: http://pastebin.com/d1e4eeb6a if i delete the line modeline and modes its working better but with a resolution of 1600x1200 and 3/4 of the image outside of the screen16:43
BraveSpearantinerd: have you tried http://www.bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/16:46
BraveSpearl3x: My employer wants it to be so for the livecd I have created.16:46
BraveSpearl3x: the livecd needs to be as stripped down as possible due to security/liability issues.16:47
antinerdBraveSpear: i tried several modeline generators with different resolutions to except errors in one of them but the modelines from the different generators where nearly the same and no one worked yet16:53
[ifrog]what about Driver "via" ?16:55
BraveSpearantinerd: sorry to hear that.  I've been trying to establish a generic 1024x768x60hz for a livecd I've been working on, but so far nothing has worked for me either.16:55
antinerd[ifrog]: i think i tried that already... but 1sec i'll try it again16:56
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mar77ihi there, I'm having trouble with a cnf7129 camera, for which I have installed a uvcvideo driver17:15
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mar77i...which doesn't support this device. ^^17:17
liar[ifrog]: did not work17:17
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antinerd[ifrog]: did not work17:18
wesley_http://paste.ubuntu.com/34806/  whats the mac adress off the eth0 en wifi0 ??17:18
emilsedgh_wesley_: try ifconfig17:21
[ifrog]antinerd, what error do you get?17:23
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mizipzorhi all, im installing from a livecd now, is this the place to ask for help if i run into trouble?17:24
mar77iwhere can I find a cnf7129 eee builtin camera driver?17:25
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antinerd[ifrog]: black screen with red dots17:26
antinerdno error message17:27
antinerdno idea?17:30
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eagles0513875!hi | frank17:32
ubottufrank: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:32
l3xhow do i install special effecet (compiz and emerald) the proper way???17:32
djg9282Hi guys...got a quick question about Linux in general as it might just not pertain to Kubuntu. I went to a wireless hotspot the other day and the way it worked was that it had to first connect with KNetworkManager and then once i got a signal i was to open up a web browser which i would then be "redirected" to a login page where i then must put in a password to gain access on their wifi network. The page would never redirect17:33
djg9282and i figured it was a security measure that Linux has that wouldn't allow page redirects. Any insight on this?17:33
mizipzoris there a way in kopete to hide the join/part messages in the channel?17:35
eagles0513875djg9282: ive seen that too on windows machines its the way they have the hotspot seutp17:36
djg9282so it had nothing to do with linux...ya know its funny to hear "tech support" when you call them because they are like so clueless...they told me to call "Linux" and ask them for help17:37
omar_tech support told you to call Linux? lol They sure are a load of help :D17:38
djg9282yeah, i looked for a 1-800 # but couldn't find one :P17:38
omar_I bet If you found it, they would ask you to call tech support17:39
mizipzorlol thats so true17:39
djg9282there was a person next to me on her windows machine and she got on fine....but i couldn't get the page to redirect at all17:39
djg9282i tried firefox and konquerer17:39
mizipzorinstallation complete! rebooting now, see ya all soon!17:40
skreechmiesterdjg9282: Which site?17:40
skreechmiestermizipzor: Cool17:40
djg9282at first i thought it was the firewall so i disabled everything and tried it again17:40
omar_laters mizi17:40
skreechmiestermizipzor: use konversation for IRC17:40
djg9282and it still wouldn't work17:40
mizipzorskreechmiester: thanks for the tip, ill try it!17:40
omar_maybe its just windows...they kinda have better support17:40
djg9282skreechmiester: i was at a honda dealer that had free wifi access but it required the page to be redirected to their own login page in order for me to get access17:41
omar_That's not free >_>17:41
skreechmiesteromar_: No It can still be free just not free for all17:42
omar_thats true17:42
djg9282is it possible it could only work for windows machines?17:42
omar_But I don't like going up to people asking if I can use their wifi17:42
skreechmiesterdjg9282: If it works for Firefox on windows it should work for firefox on Linux17:43
omar_I just "borrow" it17:43
skreechmiesteromar_: Well that may be in some way connected to the rest of their network so they can' allow hat17:43
djg9282omar__: i don't mind its at a car dealer...i just wanted to pass time so my car would be done...only problem is i passed time on tech support...and i knew more then the tech guy17:43
skreechmiesterToyota could sit in the starbucks across the road for days stealing Hybrid cars specs :)17:43
djg9282when he suggested i called linux and said "uhhh ok its ...thanks for your help."17:44
skreechmiesterdjg9282: Should have just told them you were using Firefox17:44
omar_wow...I just noticed all these people in here17:44
djg9282i did17:44
djg9282i wanted the guy to walk me through anything17:44
djg9282the guy had no clue what linux was17:44
skreechmiesterDon't tell them LInux unless it comes up17:45
franki have a question, it'll probably be petty easy for u, but not for me: usually the restricted driver manager under gutsy recognized my broadcom wl-card 42xx just fine... now, the new version under hardy doesn't... what should i do?17:45
djg9282when i mentioned it it was obvious that he had no idea what i was talking about17:45
skreechmiesterfrank: hae regressions17:45
Nece228i cant install poprietary drivers of my radeon 9600L17:45
skreechmiesterdjg9282: It's like my ISP here I call them and tell them which server they need to reboot to get things working again17:46
djg9282skreechmiester: yeah the only problem is they would have taken me through "start" control panel blah blah blah...at first i thought it was the firewall blocking it so i was asking him questions about services and ports17:46
djg9282he just wanted to keep on saying "start"17:47
skreechmiesterdjg9282: Woah you need to hit the control panel to get to the web page?17:47
skreechmiesterthat's a badly designed web page17:47
djg9282well i really did think it was linux just blocking a redirect for security reasons17:48
skreechmiesterthere was a woman there on Windows?17:48
frankok, solved it... i just upgraded jockey to its newest version... thanks anyway17:48
djg9282yeah sitting right next to me17:48
skreechmiesterShould have just shoulder surfed the URL of the redirect17:48
skreechmiesterfrank: Cool17:48
djg9282i couldn't...she was already surfing on other sites17:49
omar_skreechmiester: could they make it only work for windows?17:49
skreechmiesteromar_: yes17:50
omar_maybe they have a thing against linux D:17:50
skreechmiesterrequire activex17:50
skreechmiesterthey probably would do it out of ignorance17:50
skreechmiester as it would kill macs as well17:50
djg9282omar_: its funny...i been trying to tell my family about linux...they never heard of it so they are getting quite an education...but its really funny when you talk to a tech guy for windows and he has no clue at all about alternatives...i just started using linux about 2 months ago but i knew about it for years and years17:51
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:51
omar_hiya :317:51
skreechmiesterdjg9282: yeah MS and now apple live on Mindshare17:52
lucianawhats up here17:52
omar_I just started using ubuntu like 2 weeks ago17:52
skreechmiesterLinux still doesn't get it17:52
kaiserjdcan someone walk me through mounting an iso image with the comand line or at least link we to a good tutorial17:52
skreechmiesterluciana: Look at the topic :)17:52
omar_and today came my live cd (kubuntu)17:52
skreechmiesterkaiserjd: sudo mount /path/to/the.iso /path/to/mount/point -o loop17:53
djg9282skreechmiester: it will....one of the things that interests my family is the security i tell them about...no true virus threats etc. they had their windows machines taken over by spyware and viruses on several occasions17:53
lucianaso, could you help me about amsn?17:53
kaiserjdok... i didn't realize it was that easy... thanks17:53
skreechmiesterluciana: sure17:53
skreechmiesterdjg9282: Unfortunately no it won't17:53
lucianai have a msn installed im my computer, but today isnt run17:54
skreechmiester!doesn't work17:54
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.17:54
omar_djgp282: I think families don't really know about linux too well because there really isnt any advertisement17:54
djg9282well yeah its sort of the "underground" OS17:55
djg9282i been getting my wife to work on it...she loves it17:55
omar_skreechmiester: are you like a linux genius? You sure know a lot17:56
kaiserjdskreechmiester: when i'm done how do i unmount it?17:56
djg9282Talking about learning linux...do any of you know of a good book that actually focuses more on kde and the debian distro?17:57
omar_So quiet :o17:58
skreechmiesterkaiserjd: sudo umount /path/to/mount/point17:58
kaiserjdok thanks17:58
skreechmiesterluciana :-(17:58
djg9282skreechmiester: i think as far as mind share goes...i think the big thing in my mind that linux brings to mind is "security" i don't think i could say the same about windows with that...i attribute computer games to that17:59
skreechmiesterShe asked a question by saying something doesn't work then left17:59
skreechmiester Guess he thought that we were ignoring17:59
skreechmiesterassuming luciana is a him18:00
skreechmiesterdjg9282: there is a huge differene between technical and mind share18:00
omar_we can only assume on the net18:00
skreechmiesterTechnically I'm sure linux will squash most big boys18:00
skreechmiesterButthat makes no difference if people never think of it18:00
djg9282well you are thinking more about name attributes18:00
djg9282like Xerox...to mean copying something18:01
djg9282or kleenex to mean nose tissue18:01
skreechmiesterIt's like Dell in Hardware people can do things much better but everyone KNOWS Dell so it's where they look for a solution18:01
skreechmiesteromar_: Suppose it doesn't start at all?18:01
omar_suppose WHAT doesnt start?18:02
skreechmiesterdjg9282: No I mean mind share. If someone is looking for a new computer they choose between a Mac and a PC18:02
skreechmiesterluciana: Welcome back18:02
skreechmiesterdjg9282: The only reason people make that choice now is Apple has moved to increase mind share18:02
skreechmiesterYou think about it when you have to make a choice naturally18:02
djg9282skreechmiester: i think it also depends on ones experience...keep in mind i used windows and nothing else until 2 months ago18:02
skreechmiesterdjg9282: Right because linux has no mindshare18:03
skreechmiester!ot | skreechmiester And djg9282 That's enough!18:03
ubottuskreechmiester And djg9282 That's enough!: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!18:03
skreechmiesterluciana: What do you mean amsn doesn't run ?18:03
lucianado you speak portuguese??18:04
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:04
skreechmiesterluciana: Does that help?18:04
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=== omar is now known as omar_
skreechmiesterflaccid_: ping?18:08
omar_stupid question: on this thing, I can go to a diff room right?18:09
bazhangomar_, /j #channame18:10
skreechmiesterClick on that18:10
skreechmiesteror /join #channel18:10
omar_does it list all of them on the net?18:10
omar_sorry for offtopic18:10
bazhangomar_, /msg ubottu irc for link to channel list18:11
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carlosahora donde irc en español?18:15
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:15
carloso aprndo ingles o aprendeis todos el español18:16
carloslo tenemos mal18:16
bazhangcarlos, /join #ubuntu-es18:17
carlosasssiassssssss campeon18:17
bazhangcarlos, not here18:17
shaffyi'm running really low on hd space on my 5gig hd.  can anyone tell me of any uncessary directories that i can empty?18:22
skreechmiestershaffy: ducks it18:25
shaffyskreechmiester: ?  what do you mean?18:26
skreechmiesteralias ducks='du -cks * | sort -rn | head -11'18:26
skreechmiestercd /18:26
skreechmiesterit will tell you what takes up the most space18:28
shaffyhmm, yeah, i'm running it right now.  thanks :)18:28
skreechmiesterI have it as a permanent alias18:28
abotinovall greetings), I know the eyes of bad English but will try to formulate a question18:30
ubunturosabotinov: as long as people understand your problem, it'll be OK :)18:31
shaffyskreechmiester: do you keep doing it in each directory to narrow it down?18:31
ticohello how can I install kubuntu in my ubuntu distro without the applications to be mixed up in the menus?18:32
abotinovwine@ethersoft working from under admin, but dont work from under user. pls help :)18:33
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testiI don't like xandros very much, security updates seem to be extremely delayed - should i install Kubuntu on my ASUS Eee, is that possible?18:34
abotinovor it must be installed separately?18:34
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=== changenick is now known as ubunturos
skreechmiestershaffy: yes18:40
skreechmiesterCd /hugedir && ducks18:40
skreechmiesterabotinov: What language ?18:41
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ManafHello everyone.. Why can't my numlock be turned automaticly "on" as it happens in windows when i turn on my computer? In my Bios it is set to be "on", and I have set it to turn "on" in Kubuntu. But it only turn on AFTER i have inserted my passowrd in the login screen. I don't need it after that? Can i have numlock to be "on" when i reach the logon screen?18:44
skreechmiesterabotinov: привет18:44
skreechmiester!ru | abotinov18:44
ubottuabotinov: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:44
kaneIs Broadcom supported with Kubuntu18:45
skreechmiesterkane: kinda18:45
kaneLike which ones18:45
kaneCan you give me a list18:45
ticohello how can I install kubuntu in my ubuntu distro without the applications to be mixed up in the menus?18:45
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:46
skreechmiestertico: there was a trick to doing it but it really should be filed as a bug18:46
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skreechmiesterHonestly if htey can do it in add/remove programs they can do it in the menu18:47
=== Guest78729 is now known as tomaz
kanelol how do you do it18:47
squirkeyhola everyone18:47
skreechmiester!wifi | kane here18:47
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:47
ubottukane here: please see above18:47
squirkeyis there an irc support site for kubuntu?18:49
mizipzorwith the risk of sounding stupid; i attempted a distribution upgrade but it crashed halfway through, but a reboot later everything works fine, but now i dont know which version i got... is there an easy way to check?18:49
Picimizipzor: lsb_release -a  in a terminal18:50
skreechmiestersquirkey: this would be it18:50
mizipzorPici: thanks18:50
Picimizipzor: apt-get install -f    may also sort out any pending tasks that didn't finish.18:50
skreechmiestermizipzor: and run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:50
mizipzorPici: one package to remove; linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic18:51
mizipzorPici: got an error when running that though18:51
skreechmiestershouldn't that be installing18:51
mizipzorskreechmiester: dont ask me :p18:52
PiciNo. 2.6.24 is the current version for Hardy18:52
kaneLOL i went to windows room And i said Linux Rulz18:52
mizipzorif i want to install kde4, would the correct command be: apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop "18:54
skreechmiesterkane: They get that every 10 minutes18:54
squirkeyI am doing a apt-get update and I am getting the error:  dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem."  When I try to run the suggested command I get the msg that I need to be the super user.  What gives?18:55
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skreechmiestersquirkey: sudo dpkg --configure -a18:56
squirkeywhat does this command do?18:57
jussi01squirkey: configures unconfigured packages18:58
squirkeythanks jussio119:00
MastereduHello ...19:04
Mastereducan anyone help me i have problems with installing kubuntu ! :(19:04
seaErhm, how would i recover a whole partition?19:05
skreechmiesterMasteredu: Depends on the problem19:05
Mastereduwhen i will install it or test it from the live cd it says settings kernel variables ... then it comes many error messages19:05
skreechmiesterLike if you don't have electricity at your house that might be a problem19:05
Masteredupls help me19:05
skreechmiesterWhat kind of messages?19:05
Masteredubuffer error19:06
skreechmiestersea: "recover?"19:06
mizipzorMasteredu: start by pasting the error messages and its easier to help19:06
skreechmiesterMasteredu: Your CD has problems19:06
Masteredui have burned it 3 times !19:06
mizipzorMasteredu: write them here19:06
Mastereduand all time it says this19:06
skreechmiesterMasteredu: Either check the MD5sum or burn it at a slower speed19:06
mizipzor...or both19:06
Masteredui have burned it with x4 omg19:06
Masteredui think is slowly19:06
skreechmiesterMasteredu: oh wow :)19:06
skreechmiesterMasteredu: That's slow :) what Brand CDrom Drive and CD-R ?19:07
Masteredui have writed the iso immage19:07
skreechmiesterdid you check the MD5 Sum?19:07
Mastereduon a DVD +R19:07
Mastereducheck the MD5 sum?19:07
Masteredui think no19:07
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:08
skreechmiestertry that19:08
Masteredui havent windows omg19:08
Mastereduthis time i have ubuntu19:08
skreechmiesterMasteredu: it's easier then19:09
skreechmiesterjust type md5sum /path/to/iso19:09
Mastereduit is a problem19:09
Mastereduthat i have taken the KDE 4 Mixed version?19:09
Mastereduhm :/19:10
Mastereduwhy ubuntu was easier19:10
Mastereduthen kubuntu installing19:10
skreechmiesterWhere are you installing Kubuntu ?19:10
Mastereduon my pc19:10
skreechmiesterare you installing it over Ubuntu?19:10
Masteredubut i dont come in the graphical menu19:11
skreechmiesteror beside it?19:11
Masteredui will install over it19:11
skreechmiesterHa ha :)19:11
Masteredui will delete ubuntu and make kubuntu -...-19:11
skreechmiesterdo you need the space?19:11
Mastereduread over your post ^^^19:11
skreechmiesterhow much space do you have free?19:11
Masteredu200 gb19:11
skreechmiesterhard drive space19:11
skreechmiesterHa ha19:11
skreechmiesteryou don't need the CD19:11
skreechmiesterYou want KDE 4?19:12
Masteredui will kubuntu19:12
Masteredunot kde 419:12
skreechmiesterDo you want KDE3 or KDE 4?19:12
Mastereduthe os not only kde19:12
Masteredukde 419:12
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde419:12
skreechmiesterRead that URL^^^19:12
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »19:12
skreechmiesterThen do that ^^19:12
Masteredui will install kubuntu19:13
skreechmiesterThat is kubuntu19:13
Masteredubut on ubuntu19:13
ubottuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE19:13
Mastereduits to a problem19:13
Mastereduthat i have now in ubuntu have problems with my keyboard etc.19:13
Masteredua new install can fix this problems i think19:14
skreechmiesterThat is different :)19:14
skreechmiesterwhat problems :)19:14
Mastereduall time19:14
Mastereduit sets to usa layout19:14
Masteredubut i will german layout19:14
skreechmiesteryou can fix that withut an install but I can see why you would want to reinstall19:15
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts19:15
Masteredui allready have do this lol19:16
Masteredudont goes ...19:16
skreechmiesterYeah I figured19:16
skreechmiesterhow about this19:16
skreechmiestertry the install for KDE4 first19:16
skreechmiesterKDE deals with sessions better so when you set something it should stick19:16
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde419:16
skreechmiesterFollow that URL19:17
Masteredui know19:17
skreechmiesterYou will get KDE4 and we can test the keyboard problems19:17
skreechmiesterif it goes away we can remove Gnome19:17
skreechmiesterOtherwise we can reinstall19:17
eloquencehow do i edit user and group priveleges in kubuntu?19:17
eloquencei'm using 4.119:17
Mastereduhow can i delete ubuntu19:18
skreechmiesterMasteredu: Lets get KDE working first19:18
skreechmiestereloquence: System Settings -> users and groups19:18
eloquencedoesnt exist19:19
eloquencethere is a login thing19:20
eloquencebut thats it19:20
mizipzoreloquence: "user management"?19:20
Mastereduhelp me19:21
Mastereduinstall kde on ubuntu :(19:22
mizipzorMasteredu: maybe you should try a clean install?19:22
BraveSpearmasteredu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop19:22
skreechmiesterMasteredu: I gave you the URL19:22
skreechmiesterBraveSpear: The CD bums out19:22
skreechmiester!kde4 | Masteredu read this19:22
ubottuMasteredu read this: KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde419:22
mizipzorif someone has the time, i would need some assistance with this: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3096601.019:22
BraveSpearskreech: ah, ty19:22
Mastereduit dont goes19:23
Mastereduit says put in the kubuntu hard heron cd19:23
BraveSpearIs it in?19:24
Mastereduit is19:24
Mastereduallready in19:24
Mastereducan i download it19:24
ScorpKingmizipzor: why is linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic being removed?19:25
Mastereducan i downloade thes files that are in the cd?19:25
BraveSpearsudo apt-get remove --purge kde-desktop19:25
RawSushiI just got kubuntu-kde4-desktop and the sound effects are working fine...but I can't listen to any music19:25
RawSushihow do I fix that?19:25
mizipzorScorpKing: beats me, i just got here19:25
Masteredupls hlep me19:25
mizipzorScorpKing: shouldnt it be removed? how do i revert it?19:25
BraveSpearthen sudo apt-get install kde-desktop19:25
BraveSpearwait sorry, replace kde-desktop with kubuntu-desktop19:25
eloquenceguys do any of you know how i can edit user and group priveledges?19:25
mizipzorRawSushi: have you tried different programs for playing music? maybe its the program and not the drivers19:26
RawSushimizipzor: the ones I'm using are the ones I used in gnome and worked fine19:26
mizipzoreloquence: i have them in k menu -> system setting -> user management19:26
ScorpKingmizipzor: the latest kernel in the repos seems to be 2.6.24-19 so i don't think removing it will cause problems19:26
mizipzorRawSushi: maybe they need to be reinstalled now in kde or something?19:26
mizipzorScorpKing: ok, good... any ideas as to why kubuntu fails to remove it?19:27
mizipzorScorpKing: or rather... why apt-get fails to remove it19:27
eloquencei will see maybe my menu needs some editing19:27
mizipzorRawSushi: sorry im not of any help, just shooting in the dark here :p19:27
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo aptitude update and the sudo aptitude full-upgrade. maybe that will install the latest stuff and then you can try to purge it19:27
skreechmiesterRawSushi: #kubuntu-kde419:27
ScorpKingmizipzor: no idea why it's misbehaving like that19:28
mizipzorScorpKing: can i force it?19:28
ScorpKingmizipzor: yes but i don't know if that will break things19:29
mizipzorScorpKing: hmm...19:29
mizipzormaybe i should head over to #ubuntu?19:29
ScorpKingmizipzor: run this command - sudo aptitude install somecrapthatitwontfind - and see if aptitude solve the problem by itself19:29
ScorpKingmizipzor: that might help. there are more people in there ;)19:30
skreechmiesterwaaaay more19:30
=== mig is now known as Guest29621
mizipzorScorpKing: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/m45cdf65419:31
ScorpKingmizipzor: just make sure that is not your main kernel before you remove it19:31
mizipzorScorpKing: how do i know?19:31
eloquencemizipzor, can you see what the command would be for user settings? i might have no choice but to add it to my menu or to go through console19:31
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo aptitude update and then sudo aptitude full-upgrade19:32
mizipzoreloquence: as a matter of fact, i tried to find that to tell you to type it in a konsole :) but i didnt find it... ill look a bit harder in a minute19:32
mizipzorScorpKing: running that... do you want to see paste's?19:33
ScorpKingmizipzor: that will help :)19:33
eloquenceit seems this might be one of the many lamenesses of kde4.119:33
eloquenceeven kde 4.0 didnt have it19:34
eloquencemenu != efficient19:34
mizipzorScorpKing: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/d5759b41c19:34
skreechmiestereloquence: What are you looking for again?19:34
ScorpKingmizipzor: try sudo aptitude install linux-headers-2.6.24-19-generic19:35
eloquenceuser & group priveledge settings19:35
eloquencei need to add myself to virtualbox's group19:36
mizipzorScorpKing: almost the same output, same error from the looks of it19:36
eloquencehang on19:36
mizipzorScorpKing: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/d460f7c9919:36
eloquencei just got an answer from #kubuntu-kde419:36
eloquencei need to install that19:36
skreechmiesterah that's funky19:36
ScorpKingeloquence: sudo adduser <yourusername> vboxusers19:36
skreechmiesterScorpKing: more like usermod but kuser-kde4 is better19:37
mizipzoronce ive solved this, i want to upgrade to kde4 myself :)19:37
skreechmiestermizipzor: Solved?19:37
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo aptitude reinstall linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic19:37
mizipzorskreechmiester: this http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3096601.019:37
mizipzorScorpKing: hm, same thing again, that command wants to remove the broken package, which leads to the same error outpu19:38
ScorpKingmizipzor: ugh..19:38
skreechmiestermizipzor: Is there a /boot/initrd-etc ?19:38
mizipzorskreechmiester: no19:39
skreechmiestermizipzor: It said it generated it19:39
mizipzorskreechmiester: there is a /boot/initrd.img-2.6.219:39
skreechmiesterwell lucky this isn't a fatal error :)19:39
skreechmiesterHooray stacking modularity :)19:39
mizipzorskreechmiester: wouldnt hurt all that much, installed kubuntu like four hours ago19:39
skreechmiesterreboot choose another kernel continue19:40
skreechmiesterMasteredu: Welcome19:40
Mastereduwhy you dont help me19:40
mizipzorskreechmiester: stacking... what?19:40
testiI want to install kubuntu on the asus eee, but it doesn't have a CD drive and it doesn't seem to but from the usb stick19:40
ScorpKingmizipzor: i'm not sure how to check what kernel version you kave other than looking in /boot/grub/menu.lst or looking at the bash message when you log in but if you have a later kernel installed i think it might be same to force remove it19:40
skreechmiesterMasteredu: YOu left :-P19:40
Mastereduthe commands dont goes19:40
Mastereduhow now i can delete19:40
Masteredugnome panel19:40
skreechmiestermizipzor: The Kernel is separate from everythng else19:40
mizipzortesti: network boot?19:40
Mastereduall software etc.19:40
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »19:40
Mastereduand then install kde19:40
skreechmiesterMasteredu: ^^19:40
Masteredui will try thanks19:41
skreechmiesterMasteredu: I keep telling you to install KDE first19:41
skreechmiesterMasteredu: type /join #kubuntu-kde4 they will help you19:41
mizipzorskreechmiester: i dont have grub or anything, when booting, i come directly to the kde login manager19:41
Mastereduit says19:41
Mastereducant found pacet gnome-icon-themegnome-media19:42
skreechmiestermizipzor: you can't get to the kde login manager without the kernel :-P19:42
ScorpKingmizipzor: you have to press <esc> when you see Grub loading..19:42
sebastian_hi i have 2 problems19:42
mizipzorScorpKing: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/d5e92700019:42
oscar español19:42
sebastian_what was the name of the file in /etc where i change display resolution?19:42
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:42
Masteredusebastian etc/x11/xorg.conf19:42
Mastereduthis is the path19:43
mizipzorskreechmiester: no, that sounds quite unreasonably :p what i meant was, i see no grub menu... to choose kernel19:43
skreechmiestermizipzor: press esc right after the BIOS screen19:43
mizipzorskreechmiester: ok... and choose? what?19:43
ScorpKingmizipzor: ..-19 is installed19:43
skreechmiesterYou should have a 3 second countdown19:43
skreechmiestermizipzor: Anything but 22 :)19:43
mizipzorok... ill try that, brb19:43
ScorpKingskreechmiester: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/d5e927000 there is only -14 and -1919:44
skreechmiestersee? no problem :)19:44
ScorpKingi hope he can boot now19:45
skreechmiestershould be able to19:46
skreechmiesterHe has old kernels that work19:46
ScorpKingyeah i see now19:46
mizipzorok, there, i went into the menu and picked the latest version / highest number19:47
mizipzorrun sudo apt-get install -f again?19:48
ScorpKingmizipzor: yes or sudo dpkg --configure -a19:48
mizipzorsame error on apt-get... dpkg gave no output at all19:49
ScorpKingmizipzor: now might be the time to force remove it and hope for the best. ;) hehe19:49
mizipzorScorpKing: wish me luck :p19:50
LetsGo67I cannot play sound, because my sound device is being used, how can I find out what is using it?  (Xfce)19:50
ticohello how can i set kdm as defaul through tty?19:50
mizipzorScorpKing: uh... how to i force it?19:50
=== mike is now known as mikelake
* ScorpKing wishes mizipzor the best..19:50
ScorpKingmizipzor: i'm busy looking at the manual.19:51
mizipzorskreechmiester: you got any hints as to have force-remove the package?19:51
BraveSpearScorpKing: Linux has a manual? :D19:51
mizipzorhmm... typing skills are going doooown19:51
skreechmiesterlevel1: Please?19:52
dhendu9411hello all19:52
mizipzorqrux: feel free to state a question :)19:52
ScorpKingBraveSpear: man man ;)19:52
mizipzorScorpKing: hehe19:52
qruxgparted isnt showing me the partitions of one disk, it says it can't read the disklable19:52
skreechmiestermizipzor: what does dist-upgrade -f do ?19:52
mizipzorit does a command-not-found19:53
ScorpKingmizipzor: try to purge it19:53
skreechmiestermizipzor: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f19:53
mizipzorskreechmiester: same error as always19:54
mizipzorScorpKing: how?19:54
mizipzorskreechmiester: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/d21fddc4519:54
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo aptitude -purge linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic19:54
skreechmiestermizipzor: Youknow what it is. It's not installed19:55
mizipzorScorpKing: is it -p or --purge?19:55
mizipzorskreechmiester: mhm? youre on to something?19:55
ScorpKingmizipzor: --purge19:55
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo dpkg -r --force-remove-reinstreq might work19:55
skreechmiesterScorpKing: I'm thinking it's not installed19:56
skreechmiesterit's not finding any of the files it's not in the grub19:56
ScorpKingskreechmiester: why will it be broken then?19:56
qruxHello, i have a question which drive would give me the best performance on linux, Maxtor with 2mb cache and U-ATA 133 or a WD drive with 8 mb cache and ATA 100 ?19:56
mizipzorScorpKing: that gave the same error as always19:56
skreechmiesterqrux: Cache = good19:57
mizipzorskreechmiester: ScorpKing: hang on, i got some error messages when upgrading, i reported them as bugs, attached some output, ill try to look it up19:57
ScorpKingmizipzor: there are some real pros in #linux as well ;)19:57
qruxso cache matters more than ATA speeds skreechmiester?19:57
mizipzorScorpKing: in my experience, they are a tad bit hostile, i need more experience before i want to set foot there again :p19:58
ScorpKingmizipzor: hehe.. i'fe noticed it to19:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255412 in update-manager "Could not install 'linuxz-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic'" [Undecided,New]19:58
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!19:59
dhendu9411can someone help me with multi-monitor support?19:59
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead20:00
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama20:00
ScorpKingmizipzor: hmm.. i wonder what will happen if you download that .deb , install it with dpkg , touch the missing files and the purge it.20:00
skreechmiesterThat's the limit of my knowledge :)20:00
dhendu9411ok I will check them out.  thanks20:00
mizipzorScorpKing: if you would be so kind of guiding me a little along the way, we will soon find out20:01
ScorpKingmizipzor: someone needs to help you. ;) give me a sec while i find the .deb20:01
ticohello how can i set gdm as default through the command line?20:02
ScorpKingtico: if i'm not mistaken that setting is in /etc/defaults/ somewhere20:02
mizipzorScorpKing: take your time (brb smoke)20:05
ScorpKingmizipzor: righto20:05
=== jorge_ is now known as JMadrid
pteague_workhow do i get kate to not open more than 1 instance of it's self?20:09
skreechmiesterKate shouldn't20:10
skreechmiesterkwrite does20:10
broken_Hey I just have a qucik question, what are the differences between Kubuntu 8.04 and Kubuntu 8.04 KDE4 remix? I tried checking the FAQ but couldn't find it.20:11
broken_I suppose I'll go with the offically supported one.20:13
skreechmiesterbroken_: 8.04 is KDE320:13
skreechmiesterRemix is KDE 420:14
broken_Ah thanks skreechmiester.20:14
mizipzorskreechmiester: if i have kde3 right now, how would i go about upgrading to kde4? tried installing the package but i get errors20:15
skreechmiestermizipzor: Which package ?20:15
mizipzorkde4... using adept manager20:16
mizipzorskreechmiester: <-20:16
ScorpKingmizipzor: wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic_2.6.22-15.39_i386.deb20:16
skreechmiestermizipzor: #kubuntu-kde4 read the topic20:16
ScorpKingmizipzor: and then - wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.22/linux-image-2.6.22-15-386_2.6.22-15.56_i386.deb20:17
mizipzorskreechmiester: roger20:17
mizipzorScorpKing: done20:17
sebastian_i have a geforce 6 series should i install the nvidia-glx driver or nvidia-glx-new?20:18
ScorpKingmizipzor: wow, your internet must be nice and fast.20:18
BraveSpearanyone here have any experience creating livecds?20:18
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo dpkg --install linux-image-2.6.22-15-386_2.6.22-15.56_i386.deb20:18
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo dpkg --install linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic_2.6.22-15.39_i386.deb20:18
pteague_workif i get a text download from firefox & have it open it in kate... rather than loading it in the currently running kate it opens a new kate window (loading all the other files that were open in the last session) in order to display the newly downloaded file20:19
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo aptitude purge linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic20:19
mizipzorScorpKing: done20:19
ScorpKingmizipzor: pastebin any errors20:19
ScorpKingmizipzor: sorry it's - sudo aptitude --purge linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic20:19
mizipzorScorpKing: from the looks of it, no errors yet20:20
mizipzorScorpKing: okey, running that command as well20:20
* ScorpKing hope for the best20:21
mizipzorScorpKing: hmm, no, it says unknown command20:21
mizipzorUnknown command "linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic"20:21
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo aptitude --purge linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic20:22
ScorpKingmizipzor: that command?20:22
mizipzorScorpKing: gives the error, then goes on to print Usage20:22
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo aptitude --remove linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic20:23
mizipzorScorpKing: no option --remove20:23
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo aptitude install somecrapitwontfind20:24
mizipzorScorpKing: same error as always... E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)20:24
ScorpKingmizipzor: pastebin it please20:25
mizipzorScorpKing: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/d2b83c86820:25
BraveSpearScorpking: Could it be --  sudo aptitude remove linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic20:25
ScorpKingah yes20:25
mizipzorScorpKing: BraveSpear: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/d54371a120:26
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ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo cp linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic_2.6.22-15.39_i386.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/20:26
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo cp linux-image-2.6.22-15-386_2.6.22-15.56_i386.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/20:26
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo aptitude install somecrapitwontfind20:27
skreechmiestersudo aptitude install vista-kernel20:27
mizipzorScorpKing: same error... again20:27
mizipzorskreechmiester: for me?20:27
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo touch /boot/System.map-2.6.22-15-generic20:27
ScorpKingmizipzor: and try again20:28
mizipzorScorpKing: done20:28
mizipzorScorpKing: the "some crap" command?20:28
coreymon77hi everybody!20:28
coreymon77im home!20:28
ScorpKinghiya coreymon77 :)20:28
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coreymon77anyone miss me?20:28
* ScorpKing pokes coreymon77..20:28
=== skaro is now known as skaro_
BraveSpearmizipzor: sudo aptitude install vista-kernel20:29
mizipzorScorpKing: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/d297a137a20:29
coreymon77atleast one person noticed ive been away for 5 weeks20:29
mizipzorBraveSpear: running that20:29
ScorpKingcoreymon77: i wasn't around myself ;)20:29
mizipzorBraveSpear: seems to give the same error as every other command20:29
coreymon77for that long?20:29
ScorpKingmizipzor: he is joking ;)20:29
mizipzori thought it was a strange choice of name!20:30
ScorpKingcoreymon77: yeah, busy at work20:30
skreechmiestercoreymon77: I've been gone 720:30
BraveSpearmizipzor: now try sudo aptitude remove linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic20:31
mizipzorBraveSpear: same error as always20:32
ScorpKingmizipzor: it seems that you will have to touch the filenames it can't find and make the directories that's missing. i'm sure those .debs where supposed to put those files there20:32
mizipzorScorpKing: this problem is starting to annoy me :p20:32
ScorpKingmizipzor: tell me about it20:32
skreechmiesterstdin: ping20:33
ScorpKingmizipzor: did the dpkg --install commands give any errors?20:33
mizipzorScorpKing: hang on20:33
mizipzorScorpKing: wait, which one of them?20:33
ScorpKingor any20:34
mizipzorScorpKing: sudo dpkg --install linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic ?20:35
BraveSpearIf you know Polish, someone here fixed it -- http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=pl&u=http://www.forum.ubuntu.pl/showthread.php%3Ft%3D77937&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=3&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3DFATAL:%2BCould%2Bnot%2Bopen%2B%2527/boot/System.map-2.6.22-15-generic%2527:%2BNo%2Bsuch%2Bfile%2Bor%2Bdirectory%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26hs%3DeEU20:35
mizipzorScorpKing: it gave a "no such archive error"20:36
ScorpKingmizipzor: ah. one sec20:36
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo dpkg --install linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic_2.6.22-15.39_i386.deb20:37
ScorpKingmizipzor: and the same full name for the other .deb20:37
mizipzorScorpKing: oh.... a new error! :p20:37
ScorpKingmizipzor: ignore it for now and install the other .deb first20:37
mizipzorScorpKing: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/d761bc5ca20:38
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo dpkg --install linux-image*20:38
mizipzorScorpKing: that last command is running now20:39
mizipzorScorpKing: done20:39
ScorpKingok. run sudo aptitude install somecrap again20:39
BraveSpearPolish --> English translator --- http://www.poltran.com20:40
mizipzorScorpKing: same error...............20:40
mizipzorScorpKing: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/d5059a40c20:41
ScorpKinghmm.. look at that link BraveSpear gave20:41
=== coreymon is now known as coreymon77
mizipzorScorpKing: the polish translator?? :S20:41
ScorpKingno the longer one20:41
BraveSpearScorpKing - I couldn't make heads or tails of the translation myself.20:41
ScorpKingthen you'll need some translating20:41
ScorpKingyeah me neither20:41
mizipzorlooking at it now20:42
ScorpKingmizipzor: did sudo dpkg --install linux-image* give any errors?20:42
mizipzorScorpKing: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/d4a831d2c20:43
ScorpKingsudo aptitude reinstall linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic20:44
mizipzorScorpKing: same error20:45
mizipzorScorpKing: hang on, there is an icon here in tray that asks me to reboot20:46
mizipzorScorpKing: brb20:46
skreechmiesterha ha20:46
mizipzorScorpKing: back20:48
ScorpKingany luck?20:49
skreechmiestermizipzor: what does uname -r say >20:49
mizipzorScorpKing: hmm... apt-get install crap seems to not want to remove anything at least20:50
sebastian__how do i open system settings as root?20:50
qruxpfexec = sudo?20:50
mizipzorScorpKing: 2.6.24-19-generic20:50
skreechmiesterqrux: Hmm?20:50
ScorpKingmizipzor: that's why i prefer aptitude for that20:50
skreechmiesterah you were answerng sebastian__20:51
skreechmiestersebastian__: kdesu systemsettings20:51
ScorpKingmizipzor: is your problem solved now?20:52
mizipzorScorpKing: hmm... using aptitude gives the same error20:52
* ScorpKing cries..20:53
mizipzorScorpKing: nope.. im getting desperaty now20:53
sebastian__kdesudo /usr/lib/kde4/bin/systemsettingsesudo /usr/lib/kde4/bin/systemsettings... Dont work20:53
sebastian__meant this :P kdesudo /usr/lib/kde4/bin/systemsettings20:53
ScorpKingmizipzor: i hate to do things this way but is there any way you can re install?20:53
pteague_workanybody know if there's a keyboard shortcut in kate that will collapse all code collapse sections?20:54
mizipzorScorpKing: yes, but i think the same update message asking me to install that again would popup20:54
skreechmiestersebastian__: what does it do?20:54
mizipzorScorpKing: i just installed the livecd, booted and installed all the updates i was asked to do20:54
sebastian__it never comes up it just says terminate20:54
ScorpKingmizipzor: that's very weird. i've never seen a package being so stuborn20:54
mizipzorScorpKing: after that i cannot install anything since every install want to remove that package20:55
sebastian__now it worked :P20:55
ScorpKingmizipzor: you don't stay is south africa by any chance?20:55
mizipzorScorpKing: actually no... why? you do?20:55
ScorpKingmizipzor: yes. i remastered a kubuntu cd including all the updates. getting it to you would have been easy20:56
mizipzormake an iso and upload it to linux tracker?20:57
mizipzorScorpKing: does it have kde4? :)20:57
ScorpKingmizipzor: it's 1.7GB and i only have 1GB bandwidth for the month :(20:57
ScorpKingmizipzor: nope20:57
crwebi don't understand why k/ubuntu can't ship just plain qt4 the way its packaged20:58
crwebinstead of this libqtwebkit1d crap20:58
mizipzorScorpKing: oh darn... here in sweden we have unlimited bandwidth *spoiled*20:58
ScorpKingmizipzor: you are lucky indeed20:58
skreechmiestercrweb: plain qt?20:58
crwebskreechmiester: webkit is in the qt4 4.4.0 source20:59
crweblibqt4-webkit, libqt4-network, etc20:59
ScorpKingmizipzor: any luck in #ubuntu ?20:59
mizipzorScorpKing: nope... havent even got a comment :p20:59
crwebdebian even hands them the packages already...21:00
ScorpKingmizipzor: ok back to the man pages then.21:00
ScorpKingmizipzor: pastebin the output of - sudo dpkg -s linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic21:01
ScorpKingmizipzor: also try sudo dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq -r linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic21:02
* ScorpKing bangs his head on the desk and goes to find some asperin..21:03
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo mkdir  /lib/modules/2.6.22-15-generic21:04
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo touch /lib/modules/2.6.22-15-generic/modules.dep.temp21:04
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq -r linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic21:05
ScorpKingpastebin the output again21:05
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo touch /lib/modules/2.6.22-15-generic/kernel21:06
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq -r linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic21:06
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo dpkg --purge --force-remove-reinstreq -r linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic21:07
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo aptitude purge linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic21:09
donspauldinghello all, I'm running KDE4, and while resizing my main panel, I've apparently made it disappear, how can I set the panel size back to default without being able to click on it?21:09
mizipzorScorpKing: ...21:09
mizipzorScorpKing: omg! no errors21:09
* mizipzor reads again21:09
* ScorpKing jumps up and down while singing a happy song..21:09
mizipzorScorpKing: huzzah! ill try install kdevelop, see if it works21:09
ScorpKing:D good luck and please don't break anything :P21:10
skreechmiestertry upgrade your kernel! :)21:10
mizipzorScorpKing: haha!21:10
mizipzor(yes, caps is needed for this occasion)21:11
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde421:11
mizipzorwha? wut? me?21:11
skreechmiesterburn some unlimited bandwidth21:11
ScorpKingmizipzor: sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude full-upgrade and pastebin before you press Y21:11
skreechmiesterThen update to intrepid just cause21:11
mizipzorskreechmiester: my torrenttracker/server does that every day ;)21:11
* ScorpKing dreams about all the things he can do with unlimmited bandwidth..21:12
mizipzoryea, i feel quite bad about it, were so spoiled here that we rarely consider the size of the files we transfer21:13
ScorpKingmizipzor: ok go for it :)21:13
mizipzorto us, its just time21:13
skreechmiesterI would download hardware :)21:13
mizipzorskreechmiester: lol21:13
mizipzorScorpKing: im going for it!21:13
ScorpKingmizipzor: for future reference - look in /var/lib/dpkg/info for the package's postrm script, and edit it to remove the failing commands. It should then uninstall.21:13
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:13
mizipzorScorpKing: hmm, i get some warnings about untrusted versions.... proceed?21:14
ScorpKingmizipzor: that is if you get another stubborn package in the future21:14
chrisinajarhi, so I have an altered kubuntu OS, but certain parts of our alterations keep reverting... namely the autologin, we have it set so it autologs in every time, without any choice from the end user... every once in a while when kubuntu starts it breaks autologin... and rarely, but sometimes, it removes the autologin user....21:14
kushouhi, i have a problem, it's a or an uniform ?21:15
skreechmiesterchrisinajar: Updates?21:15
ScorpKingchrisinajar: where is the config file cept for the outologin settings?21:15
mizipzorScorpKing: i saved your quote there in a file of mine :) gotta keep it21:15
skreechmiesterkushou: an uniform21:15
mizipzorScorpKing: okay... so why did i do the update?21:15
skreechmiesterby rights21:15
ScorpKingmizipzor: i'll remember it as well21:15
skreechmiesterbut a uniform will do21:16
kushouskreechmiester: thanks21:16
ScorpKingmizipzor: i just wanted to see if it will stuff around with the kernel packages again21:16
mizipzorScorpKing: it seemed to work21:16
chrisinajarskreechmiester: no, it happens when updates don't happen..21:17
ScorpKingmizipzor: there is a program called basket wich is great for keeping notes like that21:17
mizipzorScorpKing: btw, THANK you good sir, I owe you my OS21:17
ScorpKing!info basket21:17
* mizipzor bows21:17
ubottubasket (source: basket): a multi-purpose note-taking application for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-2ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 4848 kB, installed size 7528 kB21:17
mizipzorScorpKing: mhm? ill look it up!21:17
ScorpKingmizipzor: you are welcome :D21:17
skreechmiesterchrisinajar: The User gets deleted ?21:17
skreechmiesterScorpKing: #basket-devel21:18
skreechmiester KDE4 coming soon!21:18
skreechmiesterThey need help though21:18
chrisinajarskreechmiester: yes, as root doing su user says he doesn't exist anymore... the home directory is still there21:18
skreechmiesterchrisinajar: that's the case currently ?21:18
ScorpKingchrisinajar: you can have a startup command that will restore the setting at every boot21:19
skreechmiesterScorpKing: the user being deleted?21:19
skreechmiestertht should not be happening at all21:19
* ScorpKing agrees..21:19
chrisinajarcurrently the user is deleted and autologin is broken...21:19
chrisinajarso root is the only user on it (other than the system ones)21:19
skreechmiesterScorpKing: See^^^?21:20
skreechmiesterthat makes no sense21:20
ScorpKingheh, another weird problem. i'm going to bed rather21:20
skreechmiesterScorpKing: Night21:20
ScorpKingnite guys21:20
skreechmiesterchrisinajar: who are you now?21:20
chrisinajaron another computer21:20
skreechmiesterchrisinajar: ok can you restart the computer and from grub choose a recovery mode21:21
chrisinajarskreechmiester: i can fix it perfectly fine, that's not the issue, the issue is that it happens...21:22
chrisinajarmy clients wont want to have to fix it :-P21:23
skreechmiesterchrisinajar: I know I just want to see if the user is in /etc/passwd21:23
chrisinajarhe's not21:23
skreechmiesterif not when was the last time that file was changed21:23
chrisinajarnor is he in /etc/shadow21:23
skreechmiesterWhen was the file changed?21:24
chrisinajarhow do i find that out?21:24
skreechmiesterls -l /etc/passwd21:25
chrisinajarit was edited Feb 27th apparently...21:26
chrisinajarwhich is wrong, because this use existed 3 hours ago...21:26
skreechmiesterIs the time on your system correct?21:26
chrisinajarit's synced to the server21:27
agmkpdf is printing documents only on 1/4 of the page. its kind of scaling it down and print is so small cant even read it.can anyone plaese help21:27
skreechmiestermaybe a backup script is backing up in the wrong direction?21:27
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:28
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate21:28
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chrisinajarneither of those pertain to my problem21:29
skreechmiesterchrisinajar: what is the machine for?21:30
chrisinajarit's a laptop, used by students...21:30
chrisinajarit has a sync daemon on it that keeps all it's settings and stuff up to date with the server, it's really cool...21:30
judgenHowdy. I cant set my screen to higher than 640x480 and when i try to change with xrandr i get this.Size 1920x1080 not found in available modes.21:30
chrisinajarbut these problems have existed before we wrote the sync stuff21:30
skreechmiesterwhat services does it run ?21:31
judgenHowdy. I cant set my screen to higher than 640x480 and when i try to change with xrandr i get this.Size 1920x1080 not found in available modes.21:31
chrisinajarjudgen: read about how to edit your xorg.conf file, also you might not have your drivers setup right.21:31
skreechmiesterjudgen: xrandr -s 021:31
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skreechmiestereeepc900: Need 910 :)21:32
judgenchrisinajar: the resolution on one of the screens works perfectly. And it used to work when i set the modeline in the xorg. but ive forgotten how to do it properly.21:32
skreechmiesteror 90121:32
mizipzoryoutube in konqueror?21:32
skreechmiesterI forget21:32
judgen&j #zevenos21:32
eeepc900skreechmiester:  yeah i wanted a 901 after i bought this and got word that one with the atom chipset is coming out21:34
* eeepc900 was pissed21:34
skreechmiesterSell me yours :)21:34
skreechmiesterchrisinajar: is it regular or does it randomly disappear?21:34
chrisinajarseemingly completely random21:35
chrisinajarthe user is very rarely deleted, usually autologin just breaks...21:35
skreechmiesterchrisinajar: that almost sounds human21:35
chrisinajari think this is only the second time the user has been completely deleted21:35
skreechmiesterwhat normally happens?21:35
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chrisinajarwhen nothing breaks?21:35
chrisinajarthe computer turns on ad immediately logs in as "user"21:36
chrisinajarwhen it breaks, ir shows the kubuntu login screen, and when i look at the PID file for kdm and stuff, it doesn't match up...21:36
chrisinajarso KDM starts /totally/ wrong...21:36
chrisinajari think it might be a kubuntu auto-config script somewhere....21:36
skreechmiesterWhat doesn't it match ?21:37
chrisinajarthe running kdm process21:37
skreechmiesterso the /proc doesn't agree with the ps or top process?21:39
chrisinajarthe daemon pid file that the init scripts create21:39
chrisinajarit doesn't match the running kdm process21:39
chrisinajarwhich tells me that something other than the init scripts started kdm21:39
skreechmiesterwhat version of X are you running?21:40
skreechmiesterthat's Xserver I assume21:42
spader3dhi all21:42
spader3dhow do i open port 53 on my machine?21:43
chrisinajardefine "open"21:43
spader3dDNS port allow as in nmap21:43
chrisinajarwhat are you trying to do?21:44
geniispader3d: You're  running a name server?21:47
geniichrisinajar: 53 is DNS21:47
skreechmiestergenii: is here21:47
geniiHi skreechmiester21:48
* skreechmiester offers a large kup of koffee21:48
geniiThanks :)21:48
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geniispader3d: If you have port forwarding on your router, set it up to forward that port to the internal IP of the box21:48
skreechmiesterchrisinajar: genii may have an inkling I have no clue what would eat users21:49
geniichrisinajar: I just got here. What was the problem description?21:50
skreechmiestergenii: he has a kubuntu install autologin but the autologin randomly is ignored or the user is deleted21:51
skreechmiesterchrisinajar: Is that accurate?21:51
judgenyay it works. the problem was with edid. i had forgotten about thet )(21:56
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antinerd[ifrog]: do you have an idea what i could do to get a higher screen resolution?21:57
[ifrog]antinerd, Well i guess you have already tried that. (Modes line)21:58
justs0meanyone find a fix to the firefox 3 right click bug in hardy ??21:58
geniiskreechmiester , chrisinajar https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/23181022:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231810 in kdebase-workspace "KDM autologin in kde4 does not work (dup-of: 226249)" [Undecided,New]22:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 226249 in kdebase-workspace "convenience does not work" [Undecided,Incomplete]22:01
skreechmiesterIt works22:02
skreechmiesterjust sometimes the user is deleted22:02
spader3d_2hi again22:02
spader3d_2how do i open port 53 domain on my machine?22:02
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geniiskreechmiester: I found another older bug report of Debian on this also. The user no matter the name is logged in as root22:03
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geniispader3d_2: By making it a name server22:03
spader3d_2how? i need to see it in nmap localhost as open22:04
testiI'm trying to get internet to run on an asus eee but neither does wlan nor ethernet work22:04
DaskReecHgenii: The user is removed from /etc/passwd22:04
geniiDaskReecH: Thats definitely no good22:04
DaskReecHgenii: tell me about it22:05
geniispader3d_2: Ask them in #ubuntu-server channel how to set up a name server, not here22:05
DaskReecHThe user was ok 3 days ago22:05
DaskReecHtoday they don't exist in either /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow22:05
DaskReecHwhich say they were lastmodified in Feb22:06
DaskReecHMy thoughts are a backup script moving in the wrng direction22:07
IllusioneerHey, has anybody had a problem with Kub8/KDE4 where the set video size won't stay?  I set it to 1600/1050 and each time it starts up it goes back to 800/60022:08
antinerd[ifrog]: what have i tried? i tried several different modelines in xorg.conf if you meant that?22:10
Illusioneeralso, for 8.04, why doesn't the systemsettings applet for network allow me to set DHCP/static?22:12
antinerdyes i tried screen resolutions from 1024x768 to 640x480, but if i add a modeline in xorg.conf i cant start kdm again, even if i change the driver from vesa to via or openchrome(wich i get suggested from systemsettings)22:14
Illusioneeralso I have noticed that the font of the Menu bar on various apps is really huge but the Desktop/Appearnce applet has no apparent ability to change this22:20
LiNuxBaBewhen I try to install kubuntu I get immidiatly err 2 ip 1B31 16C25.e  Is there anyone who knows what this error means..?22:25
nuxilLiNuxBaBe, during netconfigutarion?22:26
LiNuxBaBeno even before that22:27
LiNuxBaBeI can't even start with the installation nuxil22:28
nuxilis : err 2 ip 1B31 16C25.e all you get?22:28
nuxilLiNuxBaBe, aha22:28
nuxilLiNuxBaBe, how did you try to install? did you boot up the live cd first or did you go directly to install22:29
LiNuxBaBeI don't get a live cd nuxil22:31
LiNuxBaBehe gives a black screen with that error22:31
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/8.04/kubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent22:32
dhendu9411i am trying to setup two monitors in kubuntu and are getting the following message "(ww) intel: no matching device section for instance (BusID PCI:0:2:1) found", but I have the declartion 'BusID "PCI:0:2:1'" in a device section22:46
dhendu9411any help would greatly be appreciated22:47
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timoI don't have sound in kubuntu 8.04 hardy, any ideas?22:56
timoI found out that PulseAudio is not running (doesn't show in the system monitor)22:56
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:57
dhendu9411i guess i am out of luck with help with the monitor situation.  I do have another problem however.  There seems to be two sound cards being detected, how can I remove the phony one?22:58
nuxil2 monitors with 1 card or 2 monitors on 2 cards?23:00
dhendu9411its a laptop with a built-in graphics card that also has monitor out.  So I think its just 1 card with 2 outputs and two monitors23:00
timoThere is no checkbox that says "Enable the sound system" in Sound System settings here23:01
dhendu9411nuxil: although I get two listings in lspci23:01
nuxildhendu9411, try add 2 monitor sections. and 2 driver sections to your xorg file23:03
nuxilscreen prolly aswell23:03
nuxiltimo, if youre on kde3 sure it is..23:04
dhendu9411nuxil: i have tried two device and monitor sections, but it is still giving me the warning23:05
nuxildhendu9411, maybe you using wrong driver on the other card23:07
dhendu9411nuxil: in the lspci they are both listed as the same just with different bus ID's23:07
dhendu9411i am using the i810 driver23:07
dhendu941100:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile...23:09
dhendu941100:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile...23:09
nuxildhendu9411 maybe google got some info23:09
dhendu9411i have looked at several sources for multiple monitor support23:11
dhendu9411i will see what i can come up with for integrated graphics cards23:11
n8k99what's teh kubuntu kde4 channel called?23:12
n8k99nevermind i found it i think23:12
nuxildhendu9411, have you tried making 2 xorg files . you can try that,, then startup X with the other conf on ex Disp 1.. i dont rember exactly how to,, but man Xorg should tell you how to use spesified configs23:12
nuxilstartx -- :1 -my other conf23:13
geniin8k99: #kubuntu-kde423:13
n8k99thanks genii i foun dit23:14
timonuxil: I've found it (using kcontrol), and it was checked...23:16
timonow I discovered that the driver for my audio device (Intel ICH8 family) is not listed on alsa-project.org... :S23:17
dhendu9411nuxil: thanks I will give that a try23:17
timowhat should i do now?23:18
agustinjoin chanel23:18
timogoing to bed now, will try again later...23:23
testiI can't find "Energiekontrolle" in kcontrol. What's missing?23:23
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sebastian_im trying to find this in Ghex 0x130BB5: but i dont know how to change the value, and where do i search?23:38
sebastian_how do i open a folder as root then?23:40
sebastian_with dolphin23:40
nuxilkdesu dolphin23:41
sebastian_command not found23:41
uncleanHey I'm not really sure how but I had 20gb of free space last night now i have 1.6 and getting error messages talking about dsk space23:44
uncleananyone know what can be taking up the most space?23:48
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Michaelhow to decrease brightness on sony vaio vgn nr110e?23:49
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