
FrozenballFinally, https://launchpad.net/ideazilla/+download00:00
FrozenballI don't like being so organized :(00:00
beunoFrozenball, hahah, neither do I. That's how I learned how to create downloads  :p00:01
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-zzz
techIIi just added a release to a project thinking i can reference the releases that where made on sourceforge on launchpad05:52
techIIcan anyone undo this? (https://launchpad.net/crossfire-maps/1.x/1.11.0)05:53
pooliethumper, jml, ping?08:43
poolie^^ it looks like i can no longer edit or delete that08:44
poolieoh i see08:44
MvGWho can tell me about default contacts for newly registered projects? Do I have to subscribe to bug mail and become answer contact, or will I receive mails for those automatically as I registered the project?11:06
MvGAnd how about questions asked in languages I don't speak? Can I learn about them anyway?11:07
LarstiQMvG: afaik the registrant will be the default target. So unless you specifcally set contacts, that will be it.11:10
MvGLarstiQ: Thanks.11:10
MvGI had hoped as much.11:10
MvGThere are errors for a SVN import on https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/vpnc/trunk which I don't understand. Can anyone make sense of them? Is there anything I can do to get the branch operational again?11:14
thumperMvG the best way to get traction on this is to either file a bug or ask a question (see /topic)11:55
MvGthumper: thx, will do so later on.11:55
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epsyhi, i have a problem, i linked a branch to a blueprint, but on the branch summary page it links to a blueprint from another project14:32
epsywhat can i do?14:32
epsyin the dropdown list it shows with the title of the "events" blueprint from out project, but on the summary page it shows up with the title of the "events" blueprint from a totally different project14:33
lamalexIs there a tutorial or a manual on using LPs new code review features?14:35
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mptlamalex, I don't think there is yet15:25
mptlamalex, mrevell would be the best person to answer that question, next time he's here15:25
lamalexdoes LP actually do the merging? or is that still done by hand15:25
beunolamalex, if you're talking about bzr merge requests, you have to do them by hand15:30
* beuno waves at mpt15:31
lamalexbeuno: thanks15:31
lamalexthat was I was wondering, it wasn't exactly clear15:31
beunolamalex, I don't think you'll ever have auto-merge, because conflicts can arrive which can't really be solved automatically15:32
mptlamalex, if there's anything that's unclear, please report it as a bug15:32
lamalexbeuno: yeah, I wasn't sure if it was going to do some kind of web-based meld, or something crazy15:33
lamalexmpt: I will15:33
jcastrobarry: around?15:40
barryjcastro: yep, but in a meeting.  give me 5 minutes?15:41
barryjcastro: hi!  what's up?15:44
jcastrobarry: there are a few mailing lists requests that I rejected on LP a while back, and now with the clarification from the CC they should be on launchpad.15:46
jcastrobut when the guy reapplies he gets and error15:46
jcastro"The application for this team's mailing list has been declined. Please contact a  Launchpad administrator for further assistance."15:46
barryjcastro: known issue. there's even a bug open on the general problem15:47
barryjcastro: for each such team, if they submit a question for launchpad though, i can get the losas to tweak the database and then they can reapply15:47
jcastrobarry: ok15:47
jcastroa question under launchpad itself?15:47
barryjcastro: yep.  assign them to me15:48
jcastrobarry: he couldn't find a way to subscribe you to it, so the answer is here: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/4139315:55
barryjcastro: got it, thanks15:56
=== mrevell_ is now known as mrevell
ffm|shis it possible to sign ppa packages?16:14
ffm|shhow about when a team has a ppa?16:14
lamalexffm|sh: no16:15
ffm|shlamalex: :(16:15
beunoffm|sh, there's a bug for it though, so you may be able to at some point16:16
lamalexok, I have another question about LP branch management. I just merged a branch, but my page says 0 branchs approved for merging16:19
beunolamalex, did anyone approve your branch merge?16:20
lamalexyeah, but it was me.. does that affect it?16:20
lamalexI'm playing with the system trying to determine if we want to use it for our project16:20
beunoyou requested the merge and approved it?16:20
beunolamalex, hm, link?16:21
lamalexfrom a personal branch to a branch of a team that I am a member of16:21
lamalexbeuno: link to?16:21
beunolamalex, the branch you're playing with16:21
philncan a team have a PPA?16:22
beunophiln, sure, you just have to activate it once16:22
lamalexbeuno: https://code.launchpad.net/~alexlauni/do-plugins/del.icio.us-indexing16:24
lamalexand https://code.launchpad.net/~do-plugins/do-plugins/trunk16:24
AndyPwhat should i do if i come across comment spam on launchpad? is there an official way to report it?16:24
* Peng_ points at the topic. You should use answers.16:27
AndyPah sorry, the topic scrolls off my screen here ;)16:29
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Peng_Mine too. I just see "answers.launch".16:29
beunolamalex, you already merged the branch, so it's not pending anymore16:32
beunothe link you see is for branches that are pending16:32
lamalexbeuno: I know, but should it say N approved branches here -> https://code.launchpad.net/~alexlauni16:32
lamalexer, approved merges16:32
beunolamalex, it should. Sounds like a good bug to file  :)16:34
lamalexI thought I was just using it wrong :P16:35
AndyPoh good, ScottK already reported the spam i was talking about, that saves me the trouble16:35
lamalexok beuno bug filed, enjoy16:41
ffm|shHey, there's a typo on the front of edge.lp.net16:41
ffm|sh"Launchpad is hosting service for open source projects that's big on collaboration."16:41
philnlooks like only the team owner can open the team's PPA?16:42
beunophiln, that sounds correct16:43
beunolamalex, thanks16:43
volverhi to all16:52
epsyhi to nobody!16:52
volveri would like to add a project to an existing group16:52
volverhow can i do that16:53
volverepsy: ;)16:53
epsyyou mean changing a projet's owner or..?16:53
epsyor creating a new project?16:53
volverepsy: the project already exists and the group (team) to16:54
volveri m the team owner but the project is created by another tem member16:55
epsyok, go to your project's overview page16:55
epsyclick on that link in the top-right corner "change details"16:55
epsyclick the subtab "People", then you're at it16:55
epsygot it?16:57
volverepsy: i must be the project owner ?16:57
epsyor part of the owner team indeed16:57
volverepsy : actually the project is owned by another team member :) and i ask it to add his project as a team project17:00
epsyask him to do the steps i enumerated17:00
volveri will do epsy :)17:01
volverif the project is added to the team, all members can administrate it ? or we can specify privileges ?17:02
beunomrevell, you've got mail!17:03
epsyvolver, all members will be able to admin it17:05
epsythat mainly just means, that they will be able to change frontpage details17:06
epsy(i am right?)17:06
volverokay i see. thx epsy17:07
mrevellcheers beuno!17:11
persiabigjools: Just a follow-up on 125987: would it make your life easier if you didn't need to show the overview, or is that trivial due to the existing page?17:14
bigjoolspersia: trivial, I can simply re-use it17:15
bigjoolspersia: I was actually considering not having a separate "related projects" tab but again it could need batching17:15
persiaOK.  Sounds good then.  I'll post to the bug.  I'd be curious to see a mock-up if you end up with one, but otherwise will look at staging.17:15
bigjoolspersia: I can do a mock up on dogfood in the next couple of days17:16
persiabigjools: If it's not much extra work to do that, I'd like to take a look and make sure it matches my imagination.17:17
bigjoolsthe plan with leaving the overview there is that we can easily do incremental tweaks to include your other suggestions17:17
bigjoolspersia: great - I don't want to do anything that's no use17:17
bigjoolsand no extra work really617:17
persiaAlso, I think batching related projects is probably wise.  https://launchpad.net/~brian-murray/+related-software is an example of how it can be now, but I can imagine more as LP starts to track more projects.17:18
persia(in that the example page ignores 884 related projects)17:18
persiaWell, one gets related when one files a bug upstream, and some people tend to do that a lot.17:19
bigjoolsyeah the related projects page was merged into related-software recently, for some bizarre reason17:19
bigjoolswell, if there's a real reason I am not aware of it anyway17:19
persiaSeems separate to me, but then aside from the "Most Active" projects, I don't think it typically matters much.17:20
* persia isn't part of the target audience for "Related Projects"17:20
mptbigjools, it was to avoid having multiple navigation menus, and to reduce the number of clicks to see the list of maintained packages.17:20
persiampt: That was why "Related Projects" was added to /+related-software ?17:20
mptThat's why the two pages were merged.17:21
bigjoolsmpt: hmmm I am proposing a sub navigation menu to fix bug 12598717:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 125987 in soyuz "Some uploads missing from +packages" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12598717:21
bigjoolsmpt: as it stands, that page is largely useless17:21
mptWhy is it useless?17:21
persiaThere's no clear association between maintained packages and related projects (plus, there's about 35 individually maintained packages in Ubuntu that aren't sync'd from Debian)17:21
bigjoolsbecause it has to reduce what it shows on the page so that the page doesn't time out17:22
persiampt: I could go at length, but bug #125987 sums up some of my thoughts.17:22
bigjoolssome people have thousands of packages17:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 125987 in soyuz "Some uploads missing from +packages" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12598717:22
mptbigjools, that bug was reported nearly a year before the pages were combined, so splitting them up again wouldn't fix the bug.17:23
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persiampt: No.  The fact that the pages were merged and the fact that the current page is useless are completely unrelated.17:23
bigjoolsdiscarding information with no other means of seeing it is not helpful - which is why I need to put batching in - which is why they need to be separated again :/17:24
persiaWe were just confused why "Related Projects" was merged with "Related Packages", given that the two sets are typically highly disjointed.17:24
mptbigjools, I don't understand that logic. Why does introducing batching require separating the pages?17:24
bigjoolsmpt: they are different queries for each section, how can I batch them all at once?17:25
mptbigjools, why would you batch them all at once?17:25
bigjoolsso I can have multiple batcheson the same page?17:26
mptWhy would you have multiple batches on the same page?17:26
ffm|shAny idea why my packages have yet to build on thje amd64 platform, but have on all the others? : https://edge.launchpad.net/~sugarteam/+archive17:26
bigjoolsmpt: because there are four separate queries/sections on that page that need to be individually batched17:27
mptbigjools, sorry, I still don't understand17:27
bigjoolsffm|sh: one of the builders is down and there's a queue of 15 jobs waiting on the other - be patient and it will get there :)17:28
mptbigjools, for example, go to <http://news.google.com/>. Notice how you can click on the section headings ("World", "Business", "Sports") to see lists of stories in individual sections.17:28
ffm|shbigjools: thx17:28
ffm|shIn other news, how do I set a team to be the maintainer/owner of a ubuntu pacakge?17:28
mptbigjools, so showing subsequent batches for one section does not require showing the other sections.17:29
bigjoolsmpt: if I am not much mistaken, that is separate pages for each category17:29
mptbigjools, right, and they don't prevent the front page from existing.17:30
persiaffm|sh: You can set the maintainer in the Maintainer field of the source package: it's generally best to coordinate with the existing maintainer (or team responsible for the component in the absence of an Ubuntu maintainer).17:30
persiampt: So you'd advocate that each section has a link to the batch?17:30
persia(rather than top navigation)17:31
mptpersia, yes.17:31
ffm|shpersia: Well, ~jani is the currernt maintainer of all sugar-* packages, we are planning on changing that to the ~sugarteam group.17:31
mptpersia, would that work for your purposes?17:31
persiampt: See, the only issue I have is that I can't think of any use case that would actually make any use of the information on that page.17:31
persiaffm|sh: You'd want to talk to jani17:31
bigjoolswhich is why I didn't do it that way ...17:31
ffm|shpersia: how hard would such a change be?17:32
ffm|shassuming I discussed it with her.17:32
persiaffm|sh: Trivial, but requires an upload of each package.  Best discussed in #ubuntu-motu17:32
philndoes the uploader need to upload a gpg key on the team's homepage to be able to upload to the team's PPA?17:33
mptpersia, if all someone does is maintain packages in Ubuntu, the current page shows that without any extra clicks required (though of course it should be batched). And if all someone does is maintain one project, the current page shows that without any extra clicks required (though it too should be batched if necessary).17:33
persiampt: So, not only do batching, but replace the current content on the page with useful content?17:33
persiaAlso, I don't understand what you mean by "maintain one project"17:34
mptpersia, what information do you have in mind, specifically?17:34
persiaphiln: The uploader only needs  GPG key on their own page, and to be a member of the team.17:34
philnpersia: ok, thanks17:35
persiaWell, I've a somewhat narrow set of use cases, so I can't say what is useful for viewing PPAs or Related Projects.17:36
persiaI don't think "Maintained Packages" is meaningful in any way, as the information is typically incorrect in the context of Ubuntu.17:36
persiaFor "Uploaded Packages", I want to see every revision of every package uploaded by that person.17:37
mptpersia, e.g. <https://launchpad.net/~cmsj/+related-software> -- Chris maintains the Terminator project, but no other projects that I know of17:37
persiampt: Except he doesn't maintain the Terminator project: he's the upstream project lead.17:38
bigjoolsmpt: check this one out: https://launchpad.net/~brian-murray/+related-software17:38
persianxvl tends to maintain the actual package.17:38
mptpersia, eh?17:38
persiampt: A project is not a package.17:38
mptpersia, a project isn't a package. The upstream *is* the project.17:38
ffm|shpersia: merci17:39
persiaRight.  Chris is upstream for Terminator.  He did one upload through REVU, which got more interest in his project, and now he doesn't tend to do the maintenance.17:39
persiaAnyway, it's not under "Maintained Packages": it may just be that the terminology is confusing me.17:39
persiaI tend to think of "Maintenance" as operational adjustments, bugfixing, etc.  I tend to think of "Development" as feature creation, etc.17:41
mptpersia, can you give an example of a page that mentions "Maintained Packages"? I don't see it anywhere17:41
persiaMine does.17:41
mptAnd is that information correct?17:42
persiaWell, it happens to be, but that's a coincidence.  I'll find one that's not correct.17:42
mptok, so if the information in sections of the page is incorrect, that should be fixed17:42
mptI'm missing how that relates to the overall page structure, though17:43
persiaWhile I'm not certain, I suspect it's fairly unlikely that https://launchpad.net/~joeyh/+related-software is correct.17:43
persiampt: https://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/125987/comments/12 sums up my thoughts on the use cases for the parts of the page.17:45
persiaI just don't understand to whom the page is targeted, nor for what purpose all that information is interesting at once.17:45
bigjoolspersia: he is listed as the Maintainer in the .dsc17:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 125987 in soyuz "Some uploads missing from +packages" [Medium,Confirmed]17:45
persiabigjools: Yes, because we sync'd from Debian.17:45
persiaThat said, that specific person doesn't tend to like getting Ubuntu issues unless they are also Debian issues.17:46
mptand that person doesn't even use Launchpad17:46
bigjoolsso in this case, who is the maintainer as far as we are concerned?17:46
persiaAnd has stated that he doesn't intend to do so.17:46
persiaDepends on the package, either MOTU or core-dev, depending on the component.17:46
persiaThe pkgbinarymangler package changes this in the binary package during the Soyuz build.17:47
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persiaActually, it depends on the component of the *source* package: some packages are inaccurately listed as being maintained by MOTU because the binary package is in universe (which is a minor bug in pkgbinarymangler)17:49
mptSo those packages will have joeyh as X-Original-Maintainer, but not as Maintainer?17:49
persiampt: The binary packages do.  The source packages are left unchanged.17:51
bigjoolsmpt: I confess I am a bit confused by your google news example because it seems to do exactly what I suggested17:51
mptbigjools, sorry, I misread your comment. I thought you were proposing *replacing* the overview with the specialized pages.17:52
mptI agree with having the specialized pages *in addition* to the overview.17:52
bigjoolsmpt: check out my comment: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/125987/comments/1317:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 125987 in soyuz "Some uploads missing from +packages" [Medium,Confirmed]17:52
mptbigjools, yes, that's the comment I'm referring to.17:52
persiampt: The proposal is to have them in addition.  I think I'm the only one questioning the entire point of the overview.17:52
mptsoren, there are two use cases for the overview17:53
mpt(sorry, soren)17:53
mptsoren, there are two use cases for the overview17:53
bigjoolsbecause nobody's really sure what we need here, I am going for an incremental approach so we can tweak it along the way17:53
* persia is impressed at the proximity of 'p' and 's' on mpt's keyboard17:53
mptthat must be an X-Chat bug, surely17:53
mptpersia, foo17:53
mptso THAT's what that "Automatic nick completion (without TAB key)" checkbox does17:54
mptevil evil evil17:54
bigjoolsmine just repeats the last completion17:55
mptpe, test17:55
persiabigjools: That makes sense to me, but I'm still curious which problem the overview is solving.  For me, it's one more click than I used to have to do (back when I still found the page useful)17:55
mptSO, there are two use cases for the overview17:55
mpt(1) If you're wanting to see what a person does in general, not wanting to look at their bugs etc in detail17:56
mpt(assuming their profile page doesn't tell you)17:56
mpt(2) If someone *just* maintains projects, or *just* uploads packages, the Overview can (in theory) show you what the relevant specialized page would, without you having to navigate again to the specialized page.17:58
persiaSee, I haven't yet found an example where (1) actually does that.17:58
mptOk, so if there are bugs that prevent #1 from working, they should be fixed17:58
persiaFor (2) I still don't understand what you mean by "maintains projects", but I'd be happy if it solved the case of needing to chase to discover uploads.17:58
persiaI don't know of any bugs, I just don't know of any cases where the data used to generate that page provides a good viewpoint for what someone does.17:59
persiaIf Chris had been able to interest anyone who knew more about packaging in Terminator before it go into Ubuntu, it would only be a minor mention in the list of Related Packages.18:00
mptI mean "maintains projects" in the sense that Martin Pool maintains the Bazaar project, Neil Patel maintains the AWN project (afaik), Chris Jones maintains Terminator18:00
persiaSo the project leads?  I can't see that from that page.18:00
persiaUnless someone happens to have not been involved in another project.18:01
bigjoolsguys, sorry I have to dash now, but I'll read scrollback later, thanks for your input in fixing this problem18:01
persiaMind you, if the Related Projects section displayed something like the "Most Active Projects" section on the main page, I might be able to tell that.18:01
mptyes, it should18:01
persiaBut it probably also needs to show per-project karma18:01
mptIn <https://edge.launchpad.net/~mbp/+related-software> Bazaar itself is 9th on the list, which is bong18:02
mpt9th on the "Related projects" list, I mean18:02
persia"bong" is wrong?18:02
persiaor right?18:02
persiaThat's been my consistent experience with Related Projects.18:03
persiaUnfortunately, I don't know enough about how they work to even begin to file any bugs about it.18:03
persiaAlso, even if there was some association based on karma, and enough activity in launchpad that karma balanced cleanly (more a matter of time than design), I'd expect active Ubuntu BugSquad members to show lots of spurious involvement from upstream bug coordination (when they may have little to no interest in the upstream project as such)18:04
persiaAnyway, you've given me the impression that (2) is soluable, although I'd still think that "Related Projects" ought be most of it, and that "Maintained Packages", "Uploaded Packages", and "PPA Packages" don't help with that.18:09
persiaErr.  (1) is soluable.18:10
persia(2) is only ever the case if someone doesn't upload packages, since any upload is going to close a bug or complete a spec or something (or where it doesn't, that's a different bug), and have an impact on "Related Projects".18:11
persiaGiven that (1), once fixed to work, would be very useful, I'm either going to have to scroll down a lot to look at packages, or everyone else is going to have to scroll down for (1).18:12
persiaPersonally, I'd rather either click something or type the right URL than scroll a lot.18:12
persia(and think that (1) is more generally useful than my somewhat specialised use case: there's really only 8 people who regularly review things that way)18:16
mptok, I commented on 12598718:18
mptNow for the specific problems with the overview page18:18
mptpersia, am I correct in assuming that Launchpad shouldn't claim that joeyh maintains any packages Launchpad knows about?18:18
persiampt: I can't 100% speak for joeyh, but he's not actively involved in Ubuntu, and recently changed his maintenance habits to restrict himself to native packages for Debian.18:19
persiaRather, I can't speak for him at all :)18:20
persiaBut the above has been publically stated at various times.18:20
persiaPersonally, I feel that it's not entirely accurate to indicate him as the maintainer for random people looking for information about Ubuntu packages.18:21
persia(Despite the fact that our only change is to recompile)18:22
mptI see the package release page does that too18:22
mpt<https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/pdmenu/1.2.93build1> says "Maintainer: Joey Hess"18:22
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persiaAnd this is perhaps an exceptional case in a number of complicated ways, but the same is generally true for any Debian Maintainer whose packages we don't modify.  I'm all for giving them full credit for the work, but I think Ubuntu ought get the blame for any issues.18:26
mptreported bug 25541718:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255417 in soyuz "Launchpad gives wrong person as "Maintainer" of Ubuntu packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25541718:27
persia(and it gets more complicated if one considered groups like the Zope maintainers, the Games team and the Python Applications Packaging Team, which are groups of combined Debian and Ubuntu maintainers working on sets of packages).18:28
persiaReading bug 255417, I think that makes a good general statement of the issue: for the complicated groups, if they wanted to fix it, that would be a bug in plgbinarymangler, and then presumably a sufficiently accurate solution of 255417 would take advantage of the update.18:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255417 in soyuz "Launchpad gives wrong person as "Maintainer" of Ubuntu packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25541718:30
persiaubottu: Don't you have a timeout to not repeat the same bug frequently?18:31
ubottupersia: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:31
mptI think the timeout is 2 minutes or something like that18:32
persiaAnd I'm a slow typist :)18:32
persiaSo, back to the original thought: given the use cases you've described, what do you think about having a "Related Software" page default to showing the Related Projects (with some improved useful view) and links to PPA packages and Uploaded packages?18:33
mptpersia, but then ScottK would complain, like he did before the pages were combined, that he was having to click too many times to get to the list of uploaded packages18:37
persiaExcept ScottK isn't one of the 8 people who does this regularly :)18:37
mpt8 people?18:37
persiaMC and TB18:37
mptTB = ... Tech Board?18:37
mptWhat's MC?18:37
persiaYes, and MOTU Council.18:37
persiaNot having that information complete on the uploads page means we have to scrape through the -updates email lists to find sets of packages to review, which is exceedingly painful, and makes us not want to review new develoeprs.18:38
persiaMore developers is a good thing, but I think people other than the 8 of us mostly aren't concerned about reviewing the sets of uploads except in a very general sense of whether there are lots or not.18:39
mptso batching the list is a separate issue18:39
persiaEntirely.  I just conflated the two because bigjools would listen to me.18:39
mptthere could be a "More uploads" or an "All uploads" link after the list of however many most recent uploads18:39
persiaIsn't that batching?18:39
persiaRight.  The idea of dropping the big summary page is somewhat separate.18:41
persiaAnd certainly separable.18:41
mptI got the impression that ScottK used the list of uploads fairly frequently18:41
persiaThat would be a use case I didn't expect.  I can summon him if you like.18:42
persiaMy guess would be that he's reviewing as shadow MC, but I could be completely mistaken.18:43
kikoahoy there18:50
persiaHey kiko18:50
kikohow's it going persia18:52
kiko\sh, yo!18:52
lamalexHi, I pushed a rev a couple of hours ago, but the launchpad web still doesnt show it18:52
kikosiretart, you gone yet?18:53
kikolamalex, gar18:53
beunolamalex, you can cheat and make sure the revision is there by click "All revisions" on the bottom:  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~alexlauni/do-plugins/del.icio.us-indexing/changes18:57
beunostill means the code scanner is stuck again though18:58
kikobeuno, I pinged herb and spm about it, so let's see what they say18:59
* beuno cheers kiko 18:59
lamalexbeuno: different branch19:02
beunolamalex, same trick19:03
beuno(that one is missing a revision too, btw)19:03
lamalexhmm yeah they seem to be in that changes page19:03
beunolamalex, that's just a workaround, not a solution. It *should* appear on the Launchpad page.19:05
lamalexand its keeping me from merging19:07
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kikolamalex, do you have bzr+ssh access to that branch?19:09
asabilhi all19:09
asabilis there a way to turn a mirrored branch into a hosted branch in LP ?19:10
kikolamalex, then you should be able to bzr launchpad-login and use bzr+ssh when merging19:10
lamalexkiko: we're trying to learn the launchpad merge management stuff19:10
kikolamalex, ah, merge requests?19:10
lamalexI know I can merge it in without the merge queue and such, but we're seeing if that's a good fit for our project19:11
kikosure thing19:11
thumperasabil: no19:16
asabilok thanks19:16
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kiko\sh, hey there (*2)22:38
mattlmrevell/sabdfl: http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/savannah/23:10
beunothat's pretty close to spam23:19
kikothat's fun spam though23:21
beunoheh, sure, that's one way to look at it23:21
thumperman, turn up, dump a link and leave23:22
thumpernot even hanging around to get feedback23:22
thumperthat is a bit sucky23:22
kikothumper, well, I think it's more that matt l. had already spoken to them before23:29
kikoand the article is a good one too!23:30
thumperkiko: except it didn't mention bzr as a supported RCS23:30
kikothumper, is it supported?23:30
thumperkiko: I believe so, at least in some form23:30

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