
AlmightyCthulhuis realtime kernel being dropped in Intrepid?00:09
csky_maxI just wanted to say that KDE 4.1 in Intrepid is looking splendid so far, thanks for all the hard work. The only bug that's come to my attention in desktop use (Synergy won't behave without root privs) is already entered in Launchpad.02:22
DanaGwtf... hitting my "play" key fullscreens Evince.02:23
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Belboz99hey all, anyone know if the vbox video driver is working now or not?02:46
RAOFIs there a vbox video driver?02:47
Belboz99RAOF, not sure, but I'm running VBox, for virtualizing 8.10, and so far I haven't been able to get it to display more than 640x48002:49
Belboz99wow, sweet, 228 updates in 9 days ;)02:49
RAOFBelboz99: That was either a bug in vbox or a bug in the VESA driver.02:50
Belboz99ah, ok, right02:50
Belboz99RAOF: would you happen to know why if I install Ubuntu fresh with an LCD HDTV plugged in it properly configures right away, and works great, but if something changes the config it's a royal PITA to get it back?02:51
Belboz99I've tried everything I can think of, darn thing just won't accept the higher resolutions02:52
RAOFWhat do you mean by "if something changes the config"?02:52
Belboz99that's just it, I don't exactly know what changed02:52
RAOFWhat graphics card, etc?02:53
Belboz99I left work with the machine playing a slideshow of photos (we're a camera store) and when I came back the next day the config was broken02:53
Belboz99it's a radeon 7000 and the TV is a Samsung ~48" 1920 x 108002:53
Belboz99worked fine for about 3 months02:54
RAOFThat seems very strange.02:54
Belboz99which part :-P02:54
RAOF /var/log/Xorg.0.log would be required for any sort of debugging.02:54
RAOFThe "it worked, then it didn't" part.02:54
Belboz99yeah, I know :(02:54
DanaGThe changing overnight seems strange to me.02:54
DanaGNo updates installed?02:54
Belboz99well, my boss shut it down, he was trying to show my co-worker02:55
Belboz99I may have installed updates the night before02:55
Belboz99I'm not really sure, it's been broken for a week now because I haven't had the time to fix it02:55
RAOFAh.  So it's gone for _ages_ without a reboot, but has been getting updates, and then a reboot broke it.02:55
Belboz99right, that could be it02:55
Belboz99but there's still something I don't get02:56
RAOFUsing the fglrx driver?  If so, I'd guess kernel module skew.02:56
Belboz99how is it that when you use the Live-CD it detects everything and works just fine Out-of-the-box?02:56
RAOFBecause you're using a different driver?02:56
RAOFThe livecd will use the open-source driver, which won't be subject to that problem.02:57
Belboz99I never actually configured this display the second time around, I left it all on the initial config02:57
Belboz99ah, which driver is that?02:57
Belboz99ati, ok, I'll try to remember that02:57
RAOFWhich is equivalent to "radeon" for you.02:57
Belboz99ah, k02:57
Belboz99I just don't get why if it will configure itself fine at the beginning, you can't simply "redo" that step of the installation post-install02:58
RAOFYou (generally) can.  That'd be "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"02:58
Belboz99heh, that's been borked since 7.04 IIRC02:59
RAOFLater than that, I think :)02:59
RAOF7.10, maybe.02:59
Belboz99they decided it didn't fit the code or UI standards or something, and took out all the useful display options02:59
Belboz99yeah, I think you're right02:59
RAOFNo.  They decided that hardcoding those values was stupid when the X server could determine them itself.03:00
RAOFThus neatly preventing _03:00
RAOF_exactly_ your issue :)03:00
Belboz99I can remove the xorg and run that wierd GUI command and none of it actually "works" :(03:00
Belboz99it doesn't work all the time unfortunately03:01
Belboz99sometimes I need to change my driver from nv to nvidia, or nvidia to nv, and that just made it dirt simple03:01
Belboz99or configuring exactly which resolutions I want to use03:01
Belboz99often I don't want to ever use 640x480 or even have it as an option03:02
Belboz99I have to admit I tried several other Distros after that changed, only to come crawling back because none of them were quite "there" yet03:02
DanaGDX7 cards like the 7000 aren't supported in fglrx, right?03:03
Belboz99I don't think they are03:03
Belboz99but I could be mistaken03:03
Belboz99I've been trying everything though, it's a royal PITA :(03:03
LSD|NinjaThe 7000 should be more or less supported by open drivers anyway, ATi were open source friendly prior to about r300 (9700 and up)03:06
crdlbr100 has only ever been supported by the open source driver03:07
crdlbr200 was supported by both until fglrx dropped support after 8.28 (edgy was the last release to have it)03:08
DanaGI have my own xorg.conf that I use.03:14
DanaGhas comments, too.03:14
RAOFDanaG: It's now possible to do synaptics config without SHMConfig in xorg.conf.03:17
RAOFOr, at least, it's now possible to modify the driver so that you can do that :)03:17
DanaGHmm, so where do you set the options?03:18
DanaGThe hal fdi file doesn't provide such an option, at least last time I checked.03:18
RAOFWell, you don't yet.  But you'd load them as a part of session startup.03:18
DanaGI'm fine with loading a script -- but what hands the parameters to the driver?03:18
RAOFDunno.  It's possible to modify the driver, but that modification hasn't been done yet AIUI.03:19
DanaGI plan to keep my settings in xorg.conf, since otherwise I can't set options for the GDM screen.03:19
JOEY_wIf i send someone a link to my new laptop specs could they tell me ifs its compatible with ubuntu. Because ive had trouble intalling.03:20
LSD|NinjaJOEY_w: pastebin it ans link it here03:24
LSD|NinjaJOEY_w: If it's Intel Centrino though then it should be fine. And if it isn't, well, it's your money :P03:25
DanaGHandy hint: google for the name of the laptop and the word 'linux'03:30
LSD|NinjaBuying a Centrino lappy (which, Linux or not, you should be anyway) takes a fair bit of the guesswork out too :P03:34
DanaGOh yeah, I booted Hardy on a Toshiba Qosimo X305-Q701 laptop the other day, and several things didn't work.03:43
DanaGAtheros wifi wasn't even recognized by restricted-manager.03:43
DanaGGeForce 9700 (ugh, numbering collision with ATI of years past) was too new for restricted-manager, also.  or wait, it's a horse racer now.  (jockey.)03:44
mphill_DanaG: are you using amd64 or i386?03:45
DanaG64-bit system; 32-bit ISO.03:45
DanaGIt's not my system; it's a friend's system.03:45
DanaGIt booted with VESA driver instead of nv.03:45
mphill_the madwifi site has excellent directions for you wireless card03:45
mphill_using the module assistant utility03:46
mphill_do you can avoid the ndiswrapper03:46
LSD|NinjaYou don't need ndiswrAPPER fpor atherons03:46
LSD|NinjaDanaG: my guess re: the wireless is that it uses teh Atheros n chip (like the MacBooks) which isn't supported by the version of madwifi supplied by Hardy03:46
DanaGAnyway, he didn't want me to install Ubuntu at least at that time; I'll ask again later.03:46
DanaGYeah, it's an N chip.03:47
DanaGOh yeah, positive note: Intel eSATA worked, and was even unmountable through right-click.03:47
LSD|NinjaThe chips *is* supported in later versions of madwifi and you can set it up if you really want but I just gave up at that point as I really didn't want to have to compile anything03:47
DanaGI'm fine with compiling, but I don't want to disrespect my friend's wishes.03:48
DanaGI can always put it in Virtualbox, anyway.03:48
mphill_LSD|Ninja: is the module working in intrepid ?03:50
DanaGI'm waiting for 15" version of this thing: http://gizmodo.com/395586/hp-elitebook-6930p-one-badass-business-laptop03:50
DanaGs/for/for the/03:50
LSD|Ninjamphill_: they're moving away from madwifi in Intrepid it seems. I'm not happy about that (the open source drivers SUCK) but they're not givcing us much choice in the matter03:50
LSD|NinjaActually, now they've released desktop CDs I should try it on the MacBook again...03:51
DanaGiwl3945 sucks, too.03:51
LSD|NinjaIt's better than some others out there. Broadcom... *shudders*03:52
DanaG.... not really.03:53
DanaGIt may be better in principle, and in license....03:53
DanaGbut the throughput sucks.03:53
DanaGTry running PulseAudio streams through iwl3945.03:53
DanaGThen try it through ipw3945 (old driver, needs patch to use with newer kernel).03:53
DanaGThen try it with b43.03:53
LSD|NinjaMy sister is getting better wireless performance than ever before since I punted the shitty broadcom pos in favour of an Intel 394503:54
DanaGFirst doesn't work.... it starts playing, then drops out, then falls back to local audio device.03:54
DanaGSecond works... a bit better....03:54
DanaGThird actually plays.... but still has some dropouts.03:54
* DanaG goes away for a while.03:54
* DanaG pauses his music, and watches as PulseAudio starts devouring CPU time.03:55
virtualroadsideanyone have any thoughts on why the HAL daemon is ignoring me, before i waste a lot of time trying to figure it out?03:57
virtualroadsideits not setting my fdi values correctly03:58
virtualroadsidewell thats not true03:58
virtualroadsideits setting *most* of them correctly03:58
virtualroadsideexcept the important one :)03:59
xtknighti'm having trouble running intrepid in a VM.  anyone else?04:26
xtknightin virtualbox i get a kernel panic message and in vmware it freezes at the gdm with the hourglass cursor04:27
xtknighttried one daily and Alpha 304:27
virtualroadsidethere was some kind of message about that04:28
virtualroadsideits a known bug04:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246067 in linux "Kernel panic during boot in VirtualBox with kernel" [High,Confirmed]04:41
nemo"on Packard: yes, I have Vt-x enabled; and when I disable it I get a kernel panic as well, which ends the same as ANDREA's."04:41
redSo X started working in Ibex for reasons I can't understand; except this laptop keyboard won't work in it. Does anyone have any ideas?04:45
virtualroadsidewhat kind of laptop?04:46
redDell Inspiron B130.04:46
redAs you can see, the keyboard works just fine in console.04:46
virtualroadsideprobably an issue with evdev04:47
redAnything I can fix without diving into code?04:47
virtualroadsideany errors in your /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?04:47
redlemme check04:47
redNope,no errors.04:49
virtualroadsidedoes it say anything related to your keyboard?04:49
virtualroadsidesudo X -logverbose 704:50
virtualroadsidedo that, then look at the logfile04:50
virtualroadsidemight be more helpful04:50
redThe log as it existed didn't say "keyboard" anywhere in it.04:51
redNo kbd, either.  And "sudo X -longverbose 7" just said "server is already active".  Should I kill it and do it again?04:52
red(kill X that is)04:52
virtualroadsideactually, you'd need to kill gdm04:53
virtualroadsidesudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop04:53
redOkay, still no mention of the keyboard/kbd in Xorg.0.log after I did that.04:57
redWhich seems odd to me in and of itself, because it mentioned the trackpad and everything else.04:57
redIt didn't even say anything about evdev; then again I haven't picked around that particular log before.05:00
red(and truth be told I had to look up evdev to see what it was)05:01
virtualroadsidesounds weird05:01
virtualroadsidemine *just works*05:01
virtualroadsideits my touchpad that i have issues with :)05:02
redI just find it really odd that the keyboard works here and not in X.  'Course, it's weird that X started working for no apparent reason, too.05:04
redWell, I thank you for the help. I'll probably just wind up going to a fresh install of Hardy and hope I don't run into the same hibernate/sound issues.05:06
redBut first I think I'll spring this on #ubuntu and just not mention that it's Ibex.05:07
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alex_mayorgaby any chance any zoneminder users around?05:20
DanaGDon't you just love Flash?05:24
redOkay, so Hobbsee over in #ubuntu said there was a server flag solution to my keyboard problem mentioned here yesterday, but I saw nothing of it on irclogs.ubuntu.com/05:25
DanaG<caps>This video requires Adobe Flash Player 8.  Please upgrage your Flash player.</caps>05:25
DanaG(the mock-HTML tags are to spare you the yelling)05:25
Hobbseein http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/08/05/%23ubuntu+1.html05:25
LSD|NinjaDanaG: don't you just love using an OS that's so far off the market share radar it's not funny?05:26
Hobbseei think it was then later referenced a few more times05:26
DanaGFlash is just as CPU-rapeagey on OS X, actually.05:26
HobbseeDanaG: yes...it needs to go away.05:27
DanaGParents use Photoshop Elements 5.0.... which likes to randomly break its database.05:27
DanaGIt's fixable with one menu entry... but guawd, can't they do it automatically?05:27
DanaGMy parents are fed up with Windows' random breakage, and are pondering OS X -- but I'd like to suggest Ubuntu.  I just don't know how to do it.05:28
RAOFred: It's something like "IgnoreEmptyInput" or somesuch.05:28
LSD|NinjaUbuntu hasn't made me rethink my decision to buy a Mac yet05:28
DanaGI have my machine set up as a "hackintosh", so I'll let them give that a try first, to see if they like it.05:30
DanaGPersonally, I don't like the window manager, or the mouse acceleration curve, or the lack of touchpad settings (even on real Apple hardware, when compared to the Linux synaptics driver).05:30
alex_mayorgaI've seen cases of sites that refuse to recognize my Flash 10 asn ask me to get a newer one :)05:30
redThanks again, Hobbsee.  I put that in Xorg.conf, then?05:31
LSD|NinjaDanaG: I can't say any of that has been an issue here05:31
DanaGI'm running into one of those "8 > 10" sites now.05:31
DanaGIf Valve were to port their stuff to Linux... I could give up Windows entirely.05:32
Hobbseered: yes05:33
redAny particular section?05:33
redNevermind, I didn't see that.05:34
red(my mom drank when she was pregnant with me)05:34
DanaGhAH, Adobe can't do math.05:34
Hobbseered: not sure.  i've not upgraded yet05:36
* Hobbsee justheard the solution from -devel05:36
DanaGstat64("/home/dana/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/RightMark3DSound/DSOUND.dll", 0x32f1fc) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)05:38
DanaGwrite(2, "err:module:attach_process_dlls \""..., 75err:module:attach_process_dlls "DSOUND.dll" failed to initialize, aborting05:38
DanaGwtf... the file exists!05:38
DanaGalso gives fixme:advapi:RegisterEventSourceA05:39
redWell, that worked, but now Xfce vomits on me.  Ah well.05:39
* DanaG vomits on XFCE in return.05:41
DanaGHey, turnabout is fair play.05:41
DanaGOh hey, I just had an idea for a cool feature for PulseAudio:06:03
DanaGFor audio devices (such as USB audio devices) that also include HID devices, I'd love to be able to use the HID devices to control only the volume of each associated audio device.06:03
RAOFDanaG: Yeah.  That'd rock.06:05
DanaGI just wish somebody would make a 24-bit USB sound card... but perhaps 24-bit is not all that important.06:08
DanaGOr somebody should make an Expresscard C-Media sound card.06:08
crimsunI wish sound would just go away.06:09
DanaGMake yourself deaf, then.  :-!06:13
DanaGBad joke.06:13
DanaG(yeah, that's not lame, it's actually bad.)06:13
crimsun...I'm already deaf.06:15
DanaGI can't tell if you're actually serious.06:17
DanaG(that's one downside of online communication: no tone of voice)06:17
crimsunI'm quite serious.06:22
DanaGI didn't know that... and honestly, I don't know what else to say.06:24
crimsunI'm not completely deaf, but I'm very, very, very hard of hearing- to the point that unless I make an effort to read lips, I'm pretty much... well, SOL.06:26
crimsunSo kids, when those commercials tell you to protect your hearing- yeah, do so.06:26
DanaGI do.  I value my hearing greatly.06:27
DanaGI'm also hypersensitive (part of asperger syndrome, I think), so my threshold of "too loud" is lower than for most people -- and that helps.06:27
crimsunI ignored "too loud".06:28
DanaGArgh, shuffle in QuodLibet is annoying.  You can't even go back ONE song without the order changing.07:04
crimsunwell, the thing about ql is that it really is shuffle.07:05
alex_mayorgawhat's the "better" way to kill my locked up firefox so it lefts as much info behind as possible?07:06
DanaGI'd rather be able to go back at least 3 songs before it reshuffles.07:10
DanaG3 songs including the current one.07:10
DanaGOoh... it looks like the new EliteBook has ADI1984... which seems to have some jack repurposing stuff, judging by the dialogs present in the driver files.07:11
DanaGAnd multi-streaming, too, perhaps.07:12
crimsunmost of the analog devices 19xx are multiopen.07:14
crimsunit's just a PITA to implement with backward compatibility07:14
crimsun(don't ask me about OSSv4.1 - it's done differently there)07:14
DanaGI gave OSS4 one try... and it failed.  Hard-lockups on my cardbus Audigy2.07:15
crimsunwell, the emu10k1 driver is much more mature in ALSA07:16
crimsunalso the case for most HDA codecs, too07:16
crimsunOSSv4 tends to be more intelligent for ISA (!)07:16
DanaG"Front Green" and "Front Pink" are what it labeled some ports on my STAC9250.  Though I do know what they mean, my actual ports are not colored.07:17
DanaGDid I tell you how my capture mysteriously un-broke?07:18
DanaGIt's like there's a different layout in effect.07:18
DanaGNow it shows a "Front" channel that does nothing, and there are Master and Headphones that both affect volume, and make it silent if they go below 50%.07:19
DanaG.. and for some reason, that suddenly reminds me of the movie "Speed".07:19
LSD|Ninjagreen is line out and pink is microphone iirc07:22
DanaGIt's just odd that the options panel actually NAMED them by color.07:23
DanaGHeh, ADI has odd codenames: HdAbsolut, HdCharbay, HdCharbayDiscrete, HdDubracamera, HdDubranocamera, HdDanzkacamera, HdDanzkanocamera, HdGalileo, HdHangzhou, HdIkon, HdOlifant, HdPrince, HdPearl, HdSkyy, HdTanqueraycamera, HdTanqueraynocamera, HdTuricamera, HdTurinocamera, HdVox, HdZygoUMA, HdZodiacUMA, HdZygoDiscrete, HdZodiacDiscrete07:28
DanaG"Absolut" and "Skyy" are types of vodka, I believe.07:29
DanaG(I remember from seeing ads for each.)07:30
alex_mayorgaI've drank them both so I can confirm ;)07:39
berbsdI am using a macbook pro. With the latest updates of intrepid, the right click menu is now triggered by the down arrow instead of the right alt-gr key. keyboard settings look fine though. Any thoughts?07:44
LSD|NinjaNope, I had Ubuntu on My MacBook for matter of hours before banishing it (and every other Linux) entirely07:44
berbsdI am pretty impressed with the quality and stability of intrepid at this stage, though the last update was the first one to really destabilize my machine07:45
berbsdsuspend/resume works flawlessly on my macbook pro. performance is good overall.07:46
LSD|NinjaI'd still rather run OS X07:47
berbsdI miss apple mail and ichat video conferencing. Leopard is still pretty rough in terms of stability07:49
LSD|NinjaI can't say stability (or lack thereof) is even on my shortlist of things that annoy me about Leopard. Most of my peeves revolve around how Apple have improved functionality in some areas but completely tanked it in others. Spotlight, Front Row and iCal are just a few examples that come to mind07:50
berbsdI don't log here very often, but I am surprised it's always so quiet. Is there another channel to visit to hear more about the next release?07:56
Hobbseethis is it07:58
Hobbseeit'll get noisier07:58
Hobbseewell, this is it for support, anyway07:58
DanaGStability bores me, on my own machine.07:58
berbsdmaybe I never visit at the right time :-)07:59
DanaGFor the machines of those I help, though, I do want stability.07:59
alex_mayorgajust realizing that the key mappings for mute, volume up, down and others are now broken in this laptop08:20
alex_mayorgawhat's the correct package for the buggers?08:20
alex_mayorgahow do I lock the screen on intrepid? the button is now gone08:37
lenniehi,all ,Today after apt upgrade intrepid, some keyboard keys doesn't work, such as arrow key、pageup pagedown key08:39
alex_mayorganever mind, found the option under System menu08:40
petojhi, do you have the same problem problem as me? My mouse and keyboard are not working in X.08:56
RAOFAww, yeah.  Load avg 12.5.  That's what I'm talking about!09:20
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affluxargh, the last few updates seem to have killed my keyboard. pressing the Up Arrow brings up the screenshot dialog, the Home/Pos1 key sends keycode 110 which seems to be mapped to "pause"13:36
PiciThats an ugly bug.13:40
ryanakcaoooh, lovely. Booting up into intrepid just gives me moving green squares, no usplash / etc. Anybody else experiencing this? (I'd check lp, but I'm currently in an old hardy kernel recovery mode)13:50
PiciI get white squares on a red background.13:50
PiciI'm pretty sure theres a bug about it, I just dont know the #.13:51
ryanakcaPici: okies, does X come up for you afterwards? The green squares are all I get regardless how long I leave it13:52
Piciryanakca: It does. :/13:53
ryanakcaPici: aha, ``(EE) Failed to load module "nv" (module does not exist, 0)'' ``(EE) No drivers available.'' Same thing happens when I try with ``nvidia''13:54
Piciryanakca: I'd start with 'vesa' and see if that at least works.13:55
ryanakcaPici: gah, I need to edit Xorg.conf myself? Or does Intrepid still have the video part of ``sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'' somewhere?13:56
Piciryanakca: I'm not sure, my xserver dropped into its bulletproofx failsafe when it couldnt get fglrx to work.13:57
vega--i also get failsafe mode on every boot, although then just clicking continue takes me to a fully working x with fglrx14:45
vega--or whatever "low graphics mode"14:45
BUGabundo_work1humm vega--14:45
BUGabundo_work1I'm discussing that right now with tseliot on #ubuntu-motu14:46
BUGabundo_work1vega--: I'm stuck on a low graphics mode too14:46
vega--i'm not, it just says so at every boot, but then just clicking continue gives full resolution of laptop (with fglrx)14:47
BUGabundo_work1vega--: but no 3D accelaration14:58
ryanakcaTo change tnhe video driver, do I need to edit Xorg.conf myself? Or does Intrepid still have the video part of ``sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'' somewhere?15:05
BUGabundo_work1ryanakca: or with jokey-gtk15:06
ryanakcaBUGabundo_work1: my X is broken :)15:08
ryanakcaBUGabundo_work1: I don't see any video section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ...15:10
BUGabundo_work1rename xorg.conf15:29
BUGabundo_work1and restart in recovery console, ryanakca15:29
BUGabundohttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/34783/ dovecot probs ! no one available on #ubuntu-server15:52
BUGabundocan anyone help ?15:52
Skiessihardy's #ubuntu+1 wasn't this quiet16:31
BUGabundo_work1LOL Skiessi16:37
ryanpgI'm trying to find a bug related to my key mapping going wonky recently16:40
ryanpgpage up and down are weird (Pg Dn is mapped to "menu") and so is my shift key16:40
Piciryanpg: someone had reported that earlier... but I didn't get a bug # out of him.16:41
ryanpgsomehow page up is mapped to "quick find" in firefox16:41
ryanpgPici, hrm... launchpad is really difficult to search IMHO16:41
ryanpgalso... my key repeat seems quite trashed... sometimess I get lots of doubles16:42
ryanpgmaybe it's related to the fact that Keyboard Preferences lists my keyboard as "Evdev-managed keyboard"16:44
ryanpglol... well that fixed it16:45
ryanpgin case anyone else shows up with this issue: open "Keyboard Preferences" then "Layout" then click "Reset to Defaults" which sets the model as "Evdev-managed keyboard"16:46
ryanpgseems to work now16:46
ryanpgspoke too soon... up arrow is mapped to screen shot! :D16:48
emet!info arora17:49
ubottuarora (source: arora): Simple cross-platform QtWebKit web browser. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 397 kB, installed size 1316 kB17:49
Arodonhey. After updates to xorg a day or two ago my keyboard started to act funky (arrow keys/Home/End/PgUp/PgDown would have no effect or would have weird bindings etc). I solved the problem by going into the Gnome keyboard settings and changing the layout from "Generic 104-key PC" (the old default) to "Evdev-managed-keyboard". Should I report this anywhere? The default for new users seems to be correct18:47
PiciArodon: I've seen a few people ask about that today here, but I dont have a bug # for it...19:00
PiciI'm not sure if its been reported to LP yet.19:00
Arodonalright. It seems it will only be an issue for people using the upgrade path.19:02
PiciArodon: This appears to be the same bug. bug 25500819:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255008 in xorg-server "Up arrow key mapped to Print [screen]" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25500819:03
Arodonah yes I missed that one when I was poking around earlier. There was another one (probably related) about someone who's media keys were reporting different scan codes after the upgrade19:05
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DanaGI keep getting this: DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.NotFound: The given volume was not found20:01
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DanaGHeh, I'm using the LEDs on my b43 card to show status and activity of my iwl3945 card.20:29
DanaGThe LED sysfs class is cool.20:29
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=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
Jordan_UMy keyboard is working in X after it was broken by bug #254840 but my touchpad is still not working23:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254840 in xorg-server "[intrepid] mouse and keyboard stop working under gdm and gnome" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25484023:52

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