
ZirodayDid the deviant art wallpaper competition actually go anywhere?09:18
thorwilZiroday: i haven't heard of anything happening there09:27
Zirodaythorwil: shame seemed like a really good idea09:28
Zirodaythorwil: seen that09:28
Zirodaythorwil: and it was very popular09:28
Zirodayand nobody said they had to be the default09:28
Zirodaythorwil: any idea who to contact to give it a nudge?09:28
thorwilZiroday: well, you could try contacting the drafter of that blueprint09:29
Zirodaythorwil: doing so now09:30
Zirodaythorwil: grr no email on LP or wiki page09:31
thorwilZiroday: if that isn't someone else with the same name, you can find the address on http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-help/2007-04/msg00203.html09:38
thorwiloh, and i guess he's subscribed to the artwork list09:38
Zirodaythorwil: thanks :)09:41
kwwii_MMA_ is a geek14:38
kwwiiI hear he uses that linux stuff14:38
_MMA_pfftt... MS Paint 4 life.14:38
kwwii_MMA_: how's it going?14:39
_MMA_Fine. Getting things ready for the new job. Sorting out daycare and stuff.14:39
* kwwii is sitting in front of a store in yosemite which has free wifi (6:30am here)14:39
kwwiiwow, new job...that should be a big change, eh?14:39
_MMA_Yep. Will cut my onlne availability down bigtime during the week.14:40
kwwiiI can imagine14:40
_MMA_Oh well. That's life.14:40
_MMA_You get the email from Jono?14:41
kwwiiemails are still coming in, at 451 new mails so far14:41
paul__Sounds like my wife's mail box, though her's is mostly self induced spam.14:44
kwwiipaul__: this is just the product of being away from my email for 4 days14:45
kwwii639! w00t14:47
kwwii_MMA_: sounds like a great idea14:50
kwwiithe jono mail I mean14:50
_MMA_Sure. I don't wanna get into it here but I wanna try to flesh some things out in email/Skype at some point.14:51
kwwii_MMA_: sounds good, I'll try to put some notes together while i am on the road14:51
kwwiioh well, my battery is now dead, no time to respond to any emails14:56
kwwiiguess I'll go cook breakfast for the family14:56
kwwiihave fun, see you in another week or so14:56
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