
sommermdke: looks like I over wrote the history of the commits you've done the last couple of days, sorry about that03:03
sommermdke: I thought there was a feature with the new bzr that stopped that?03:03
* sommer needs to learn more about how to use bzr 03:04
sommermdke: oooohhh, I see I should have done a pull to grab the newest content... I got confused because I tried to do a merge and it wouldn't let me because my changes weren't commited03:36
mdkesommer: you should bind your branch to launchpad, and then just do "bzr up", it won't let you commit without updating that way08:09
=== Syntux__ is now known as Syntux
agyI will be performing an upgrade of wiki.ubuntu.com from 16h00 (BST). This should take approximately 90 minutes to complete. During this period the wiki will be placed in read-only mode. Please ensure that you have saved any edits before 16h00 (BST).15:06
agyI will start the upgrade of wiki.ubuntu.com in 5 minutes. Please ensure that you have saved any edits as the wiki will be placed in read-only mode.15:56
agyI have placed wiki.ubuntu.com in read-only mode. Maintenance should take approximately 90 minutes to complete.16:02
agyApologies for the slight overrun. I have completed maintenance on wiki.ubuntu.com.18:39
jpdsagy: Thanks for the work, however, I'm getting an "Internal Server error".18:40
jpdsagy: Oh wait, back up now! Thanks!18:41
agyjpds: yeah - sorry18:46
jpdsNo problem :)18:47
=== duncan-nz is now known as duncan_lurk
emmajaneI keep getting server 500 errors while trying to save pages  on the Wiki. Is anyone else (still) having this problem?23:21
emmajane(the page appears to be saving, but I'm getting a server 500 error)23:21

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