
=== dantalizing is now known as the_apostle
xienis this a channel to discuss op decisions about banning people?08:30
bazhangxien, in which channel08:31
jussi01yes, but you need to wait for the -pl ops08:50
pressenterIm here.08:50
xienyes, he is here - the one who banned me08:51
jussi01xien: Im not an op there, so dont have a say in the matter. but please explain your issue and those with a say can then comment.08:56
xieni've told that a girl on a channel dances on a pipe, which op considered as an offence towards her, so he banned me08:59
xienbut that was just a joke08:59
pressenterOh but xien08:59
xienoh but pressenter - she didn't say that she was offended09:00
pressenterplease do add that in the maentime you lied to me privately that that user told you that she does not consider it an offence.09:00
xienshe didn't also say that she was offended09:00
xienshe just said that joke was stupid09:01
pressenterNo, she said that you are... hmm. how to put this? Earning your bad reputation points? Something like that.09:02
pressenterThan you called me an as*hole, which i am but still, you lied to me, thats why that ban is staying.09:03
xienthat was not a lie but misunderstaning, now i see it and admit: she didn't als say that she was offended09:06
xienit is *you* who considered this as an offence09:06
xienbut that was not all09:06
xienthen i was offended by her calling me an idiot on that channel you've banned me for an "offence"09:07
xienbut you refused to ban her09:07
xienwhat's wrong? some people are treated more fair, and another less fair? why don't you follow your own rules?09:08
pressenterWell, after calling me an as*hole, you can easily see that i had no trouble in understanding her point of view. ;)09:08
pressenterYet, please continue.09:09
xienprimo: i called you an asshole *after* you've banned me09:09
xiensecundo: i did it in private message, not channel, cause that was my private opinion about you09:09
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
pressenterYet, you argued with that user that pole dancing is not offending. ;)09:12
pressenterWhat was she suppose to say?09:12
xiennot argued, but wanted to discuss with her09:13
pressenter"Oh, sorry, youre right, im dreaming about this"?09:13
xienyes, you are09:13
xieni was asking her about opinion of your ban09:13
xienand liked her to admit that pole dancing is nothing offending09:14
xienremember that she *didn't* say she was offended, and i still feel offended by her calling me an idiot09:15
pressenterWhich she dod not.09:15
xienyes, she did say that09:15
pressenterYou mean to tell me, that she did admit that pole dancing is nothing offending?09:16
xienno, she didn't want discuss about that09:16
xienok, consider this: calling someone "pole dancer" isn't an offence in this country, it's more like a joke09:18
pressenterWhich country?09:19
xienin your country, and mine: poland09:20
* Myrtti lols09:20
Myrttihah. Pole dancer *cough*09:20
pressenterIts a lame irc joke, and only when you say it to a guy.09:20
Myrttiif you say so09:21
pressenterI think so, correct me if im wrong.09:21
xienand when you say it to a girl it may mean that she expresses her sexuality (which that woman *did* not once, not twice - showing her pictures on a channel)09:21
MyrttiI find it funny though - we do have pole dancing studios here for excersising in Finland09:21
pressenterMyrtti: Hah, that one i did not know. xD09:22
pressenterMyrtti: Yet still, the sense of his words was a bit else, if you know what i mean.09:23
Myrttiyeah, apparently it's quite hip and cool in Hollywood as sports or excersice09:23
* Myrtti shrugs09:24
MyrttiPole dancer thing was funny though09:24
Myrttias a separate issue09:24
MyrttiI lolled :-P09:24
xienpressenter: please don't force your understanding, remember the context09:25
pressenterI do remembre it.09:25
xiena person came and ask for help, girl said that she doesn't know about ubuntu, i've said that she only dances pole here09:26
pressenterOr are you going to tell me now that the context was pole excersise?09:26
xiennothing offending about that09:26
pressenterBesides we are here because we do not know what to do with this situation.09:27
pressenterWe would be glad if some staff would hell.09:27
pressenterShould that ban stay or shall i take it off?09:28
xienpressenter: it's not about this ban only09:28
xienits about you being inconsequential09:29
xienban her for offending me or unban me as i didn't offend her09:29
pressenterxien: Now you should tell me what other nicks are you using on ubuntu-pl.09:35
pressenterShe has been banned, but youre not, cause you are still sitting there under some other nicks.09:36
pressenterPlease give them to me, so i can ban them too.09:36
jpdsubot5: join #ubuntu-ir09:41
pressenterThought so.09:43
xienshe was banned and unbanned a minute after that, so she can join - my ban still stays09:53
pressenterShe was unbanned 10 minutes later.09:54
pressenterI told you, give me your other nicks.09:54
pressenterYou said nothing.09:55
pressenterYou request consequence of me, but refuse it yourself.09:55
xienshe was unbanned and can join - i still can't with my main nickname and you know it09:56
pressenterYet still you are there, and you know it, you told me that straight "in the eyes".09:56
xienyes, i want to see her joining channel to prove it that she can09:57
pressenterErm... lol?09:58
pressenter10:48 -!- mode/#ubuntu-pl [-b *!*=szkodnik@*.ssp.dialog.net.pl] by pressenter09:58
xienstill remember that i didn't offend her so there was no reason to ban me - which started all this stupid discussion09:58
pressenterWas that a problem?09:58
* Myrtti sighs09:59
pressenterMyrtti: Should i take off his ban?10:00
MyrttiI'm a bit lost with what is going on and what has happened - but you both seem to be having "assume bad faith" thing here10:01
Myrttineither trusts one another10:01
xienwell... i must admit that i expected more positive solution from pressenter10:02
xienhe seem to be prejudiced somehow to me10:02
Myrttiand so do you10:03
Myrttiwith your extra nicks on -pl10:03
Myrttipan, meet kettle10:03
* Myrtti rolls her eyes10:03
pressenterEch, i ain;t got time for this ish.10:03
xienseems that i've been unbanned10:05
xienthank you10:05
jpdsubot5: join #ubuntu-ie19:26
jpdsubot5: join #ubuntu-my19:29
=== e-jat is now known as e-jat_zZzZ
Nafallolol. Philip5... alla fredrik fran telia.com bannade? vad var det om? :-)23:04
Philip5måste jag nog satt fel23:45
Philip5var korvmacka som dök upp igen tror jag23:45
NafalloPhilip5: -b ? :-)23:55
Nafallothat wasn't helpful :-P23:56
* Nafallo sets -b23:56

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