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Sunbowhi one question: havenĀ“t all linux distro the same kernel, and goes updating with new versions of kernel that are released?08:12
aboganidoko: Are you around?11:29
aboganiMatthias: gcc-4.3 (Intrepid default compiler) go to Segmentation fault compiling Intrepid linux kernel. Seems that multiple assignments (>1) is the cause of bug.11:31
aboganii.e. Compiling linux-source-2.6.26 on just updated Intrepid system result in first Seg.fault at arch/x86/mm/pageattr.c line 307. If i replace multiple assignments into multiple single assignments gcc works.11:34
aboganidoko: Any clue?11:34
dokoit's fixed. please upgrade11:36
aboganidoko: Yeah! Thanks a lot!12:45
fabbionedoko: in what version of gcc is fixed?13:42
dokofabbione: latest and greatest13:44
fabbionedoko: ok perfect.. ubuntu3, right?13:44
fabbionethat might explain why i see the crash on hppa that's at ubuntu213:44
fabbionebut not ia64/sparc that are at ubuntu113:44
fabbionedoko: i will just spare you the bug report after trying ubuntu3 ;)13:45
dokothere's no bug =)13:46
fabbioneon hppa it trigeers only when building hppa32 binary, but not on hppa64 :)13:48
fabbioneBenC: pull requests always to kernel-team@lists.ubuntu.com?13:53
fabbione^^ or anybody else that knows...13:53
sorenfabbione: Yes.13:54
BenCfabbione: yeah14:15
fabbioneBenC: ok.. will be there in a few minutes.. just finishing last test build14:15
BenCfabbione: is this gfs stuff?14:19
fabbioneBenC: yes14:19
fabbioneBenC: what is ubuntu/ubuntu-next.git tree? 2.6.27?14:25
fabbioneBenC: mail sent to kernel-team14:30
* fabbione is off14:31
fabbioneBenC: let me know please if you pull/when etc.14:31
BenCfabbione: yeah, ubuntu-next is me following upstream, rebasing, pushing our patches14:33
fabbioneBenC: ok. skip the gfs stuff for -next. It's changeing a lot upstream and needs love in a different way14:41
fabbionewill make it ready for you when we have it ready upstream14:41
* fabbione &14:41
BenCfabbione: ok, I'll get that pull done14:49
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naxxtorhey, i cloned the git repos for the kernel today, i'm having problems building it - i'm getting these errors: http://pastebin.com/d5a34a757 16:49
naxxtori looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile , but it's not particularly clear as to what i can do about it16:50
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naxxtoranyone around to help me with a build problem?  I get these errors: http://pastebin.com/d5a34a75717:46
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pwnguinBenC: FYI, i said nothing about bisection before because it's not my bug ;)20:21
alex_joninaxxtor: sounds like you have an ABI bump to me.. but it's been ages since I knew what to do about it21:01
alex_jonia really long time ago something like this worked: $ echo "Yes" > debian/abi/i386.ignore21:02
BenCpwnguin: ah, I need to check From better in the future...sorry :)21:06
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pwnguinBenC: I just need to couch my findings with more "it appears" language ;)21:20

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