
MaxflaxHow do I get a Mantis card to work?00:12
gregL<Maxflax> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-450761.html00:17
Maxflaxtried that.. module is loaded but me-tv can't find tuner00:19
chuck-foxbuntu - did oyu say that mythtv supported .mkv playback?01:34
foxbuntuchuck-, yes it does01:35
chuck-trying to vnc to this VMWare MythTV instance heh01:37
chuck-probably should dual boot01:37
chuck-Mythbuntu is very easy to get up and running at least initially01:38
Shadow__Xchuck-, i never said it was impossible02:39
Shadow__Xjust sometimes it needs maitenance02:39
Shadow__Xhey chuck- come back02:42
chuck-whats up02:47
chuck-messing with Ubuntu atm02:47
Shadow__Xwell thats good02:47
Shadow__Xi am running it atm02:47
chuck-got it running and using VNC Viewer to view it through VMWare02:47
chuck-not gonna put it on my main server box till i know wtf im doing heh02:47
Shadow__Xyou could just dual boot02:47
chuck-yea ill read up on how to do that tomorrow02:48
Shadow__Xi dont know how well video will run on vmware02:48
chuck-oh im just doing this to test/learn it02:48
chuck-once i dual boot ill test the video with mythtv02:48
Shadow__Xwell while i am here you can ask me questions02:48
Shadow__Xusing mythbuntu is pretty straightforward02:49
chuck-actually i gotta run...the fiance is you know...ugghh..ill be around tomorrow..thanks for offering a helping hand02:49
Shadow__Xsee ya02:49
thatdoodhmmm guide navigation is extremely slow, making it pretty much useless.  first time i have seen it this bad on a fresh install03:43
Shadow__Xhey arent you the one with like 1200 channels03:47
thatdoodi dont have an exact count03:48
thatdoodhave 3 other front ends, and they arent this slow03:49
thatdoodand this one has a new 8800GT i just installed today03:49
Shadow__Xwhats cpu03:50
Shadow__Xis that slow cpu wise03:50
thatdoodAMD 64 300+03:50
thatdood1GB RAM03:50
hadsDo you see channel icons?03:51
Shadow__Xhmm when you are looking at program guide03:51
Shadow__Xdo tops03:51
hadsI've seen bad things happen to the guide on remote frontends when they can't find the channel icons.03:51
thatdoodX at 88%03:51
Shadow__Xwell thats why thatdood03:52
thatdoodyeah, cpu at 100% not good03:53
Shadow__Xwell i am sure you have around 1000 channels03:53
Shadow__Xgoto mythweb03:54
Shadow__Xand check out your channels03:54
thatdoodany pc on the network ok for that?03:54
thatdoodjust wanna make sure before i do it. hehe03:54
thatdoodjust bring up the listings?03:55
Shadow__Xhf with load03:55
thatdoodok, its loaded03:56
Shadow__Xhow many channels03:57
thatdoodyou want me to count all those?03:57
Shadow__Xtheres alot huh03:57
Shadow__Xwhat number does it start with and end with03:58
thatdood100-999 and then 2049-2999 and then...03:59
Shadow__Xlol hmm03:59
thatdoodyeah theres alot03:59
Shadow__Xi wonder why it takes to long to load03:59
thatdoodthat almost sounded sarcastic04:00
thatdoodtheres a lot it looks like i should remove04:00
rhpot1991did someone ping me?04:04
rhpot1991tgm4883_laptop: pong04:05
thatdoodis there a quick way to just start with a fresh database?04:06
thatdoodshould rescan and remove the audio channels04:06
Shadow__Xyou can just delete the channel source04:07
Shadow__Xand start over04:07
thatdooddoes that clear the database too?04:07
Shadow__Xthat gets rid of channels04:10
Shadow__Xyou dont need to clear the database'04:10
thatdoodi suppose if im using shedules direct, no point in using EIT data04:14
Shadow__Xthat would be correct04:16
chuck-anyone know why after a default mythtv install i only have 2 themes?11:08
chuck-there are more than 2 themes in the /usr/share/mythtv/themes dir11:08
=== chuck-- is now known as chuck-
Tuv0kchuck-, check the repos11:23
Tuv0kfor more11:24
Shadow__Xhello  everyone15:13
Shadow__Xsuperm1, it worked btw15:13
Shadow__Xthanks very much15:13
Shadow__Xi am having issue trying to get xv working though15:13
superm1Shadow__X, it worked with an N adapter irght?15:14
superm1can you please respond to that thread then?15:14
superm1with the details i ask for in my post15:14
Shadow__Xdell wireless 1505 which is a broadcom 4311 i believe15:14
superm1i'd like to have a concise amount of information about what ends up working for folks when the SRU is ready to be released15:14
Shadow__Xah alright15:15
Shadow__Xwell this wireless n adapter works15:15
superm1well that's great news :)15:15
superm1when the GUI is all ready for this, it will make broadcom cards so much less of a pain for people15:15
Shadow__Xbut now my ati card doesnt want to work with xv15:16
Shadow__Xso no mythtv front end yet15:16
superm1so the unfortunate thing is i'm not sure how we'll present this information to folks though,  because the driver can't be activated by default15:16
Shadow__Xor atleast running while i am using it15:16
superm1and still want to offer the firmware route15:16
jphillipsuperm1 restricted driver manager?15:16
superm1jphillip, it will be in restricted drivers manager15:16
superm1its just a matter of how to indicate what is what15:16
superm1so people know what to pick when they open restricted drivers manager15:16
superm1it doesnt really have a concept of "preferred" drivers15:17
jphillipyep, gotta go through a mess of blacklisting junk15:17
superm1exactly, and this particular driver requires that you actually update the initramfs too15:17
superm1Shadow__X, re xv issues, what's the graphics card?15:18
Shadow__Xati x140015:18
jphillipsuperm1 ever use hdmi (video) output?15:20
superm1jphillip, yup15:20
superm1Shadow__X, fglrx or open source drivers?15:20
jphillipI gave it a trial test lasterday but it seemed the res was too wide compared to my vga15:20
Shadow__Xalthough the open source ones ran pretty well15:20
superm1Shadow__X, did you turn on the VideoOverlay in your xorg.conf?15:20
Shadow__Xhmm didnt know i had to anymore15:21
superm1the aticonfig tool has a method to turn it on15:21
superm1jphillip, unfortunately i see a lot of situations that the EDID just sucks on HDMI15:21
superm1what resolutions does your tv support natively (by the panel) and what was reported via hdmi?15:21
superm1and what was reported via VGA?15:21
jphillipwell the res should be hardcoded in my xorg.conf, I had to do it that way for the vga15:22
jphillipEDID wasn't working, would alwayd default to 800x600 (I think)15:22
jphillipthat was over vga15:22
superm1EDID wasn't working?  well don't expect anything nice out of that then15:23
superm1did xorg log indicate why it wasn't working?15:23
jphillip1360x768 res15:23
superm1i've ran into too long of cables not letting my EDID over VGA15:23
superm1so if you have multiple VGA cables, worth a shot to try another15:23
jphillipdon't think I have any others around, its 6' I think15:24
jphillipeither way, odd why the hardcoded res is different with different outputs15:24
jphillipfoxbuntu seemed to indicate he has seen the same thing15:24
superm1well i never hard code resolutions in my xorg.conf15:24
superm1i use nvidia-auto-select15:24
superm1which just grabs the best the EDID will do15:25
superm1so if you aren't using EDID, you have to put in a lot of overrides15:25
superm1to allow it to use hardcoded resolutions15:25
superm1because unfortunately there are other timings involved with making a resolution work15:25
jphillipI'll try EDID over hdmi after work, just stuck with my old config that worked with vga for the time being15:27
jphilliptrying to figure out if I really need vga on my new tv or not, and how much of a hastle its gonna be otherwise15:27
superm1my TV advertises more resolutions over VGA than it does on HDMI15:27
superm1best thing you can do is bring a laptop to the store and try the tv you are thinking of15:27
superm1just make sure  that it has enough video ram to drive the resolution you want15:28
jphilliphmmm wonder what output my eee can do15:28
superm1that is exactly what i was referring to when i said make sure it has enough video ram :) i doubt it can drive 1080p15:29
jphillipprob not, its shared video memory IIRC15:29
jphillipand my old laptop is pretty terrible in the video dept as well15:29
jphillipjust truck my master backend into circuit city15:30
superm1well you can always just bring a live disk and ask to "try" one of their laptops on the tv too15:30
jphillipseems like a recipe for failure15:30
jphillipby the time I get someone to allow me to do both15:31
jphillipand hope that the live disc plays nice with the laptop15:31
superm1well if you are good at convincing them that you want to buy the combo only if they work well together15:31
Shadow__Xafter i do that superm1 restartx15:32
jphillipI'd like them to price match newegg too, they are giving away a free harmony 550 with the one I'm looking at15:32
superm1Shadow__X, yeah15:32
jphillipvery doubtful that will happen15:32
superm1fry's does that stuff though15:32
superm1where they pricematch the intarweb's tubes15:32
jphillipCC and BB wont match interweb15:32
jphillipunless there is a local shop around15:32
Shadow__Xcc and bb is bad15:32
jphillipwould be a shame if they lost a sale over a $50 remote15:32
superm1well you can always haggle too15:33
Shadow__Xthey dont see it that way15:33
jphillipsuperm1 most of the time they will only haggle on open box stuff15:33
superm1that's what most people think15:33
jphillipI used to work at CC, and I've yet to see otherwise (in my area)15:34
superm1i saw it happen all the time at BB when i worked there15:34
jphillipI've heard it happens, but it must just be random managers trying to make numbers and so on15:34
jphilliphow did they approach it, ask for a manager?15:34
superm1and then talk to the manager about how much they spend there15:34
superm1and why they deserve a better price15:34
jphillipsuperm1 was service involved?15:36
superm1jphillip, generally15:37
jose_superm1, mplayer still wont play the file15:37
jose_it says could not open video device15:37
jphillipthats why, service numbers == a bonus for them15:37
superm1jose_, == Shadow_X?15:38
jose_yeah nick changed for some reason15:38
superm1jphillip, yeah well on TVs its not a bad idea anyway though15:38
superm1jose_, well your card may support texturedvideo only15:38
superm1look for xvinfo to see if Xv is enabled at all15:38
superm1and then /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:38
jose_xvninfo says no adapters present15:39
superm1can you pastebin your xorg.0.log if you aren't sure what to look for?15:39
superm1!pastebin | jose_15:39
Zinnjose_: when pasting more than 5 lines of data please use http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com so you don't flood the channel.  Then please post the link in the channel.15:39
jphillipsuperm1 I agree, but since working there I generally have a no service policy, save it now and spend it later when I need a replacement15:39
jose_yeah i know15:40
jose_brb though15:40
superm1jphillip, yeah i suppose i haven't bought anything big since i quit15:40
superm1jphillip, always got the discount on service15:40
jphillipsuperm1 ya that and when you work there its basically an upgrade policy in a few years, but the average person doesn't get those perks15:41
superm1jphillip, yeah that's right15:42
superm1ah the variations of ipods i ended up with over the years due to such policies :)15:43
Shadow__Xxvinfo now gives stuff15:47
Shadow__Xenabling textered video15:48
Shadow__Xwhen i try and play a file it just exits15:48
superm1Shadow__X, open it from a terminal instead15:48
superm1and look for info in that terminal15:48
Shadow__Xalright well what would you want me to use mplayer?15:48
Shadow__XX11 error: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) 015:50
Shadow__XX11 error: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) 015:50
Shadow__Xit says that alot of times15:50
superm1could you possibly try a fresh boot rather than just restarting the X server?15:53
superm1just to make sure registers are flushed out15:53
Shadow__XSection "Device"15:53
Shadow__XIdentifier"Configured Video Device"15:53
Shadow__XOption "VideoOverlay" "on"15:53
Shadow__XOption "OpenGLOverlay" "off"15:53
Shadow__XOption "TexturedVideo" "on"15:53
Shadow__Xthats how the device section looks15:53
Shadow__Xbrb reboot15:54
Shadow__Xok back15:56
jphillip!pastebin | Shadow__X15:57
ZinnShadow__X: when pasting more than 5 lines of data please use http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com so you don't flood the channel.  Then please post the link in the channel.15:57
Shadow__X1that didnt go well15:59
Shadow__X1alright so what would you like me to try superm115:59
Shadow__X1X11 error: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) 015:59
Shadow__X1still says that would ou like me to paste something15:59
Shadow__X1check the logs16:02
Shadow__X1i dont s ee an issue though16:05
Shadow__X1although i am not 100 percent certai nwhat i am looking for16:05
superm1post the xorg log16:06
superm1hopefully something stands out there16:06
superm1that xorg.conf looks right16:06
superm1Shadow__X1, well everything appears to be in order there16:12
superm1cept maybe #16:12
superm1glesx exec program failed16:12
superm1only other thing i can recommend is maybe try an alternative driver version16:13
Shadow__X1hmm alright16:13
superm1like a newer release16:13
Shadow__X1install from ati?16:13
Shadow__X1or from proposed16:13
superm1from ati16:13
superm1it builds debs for you16:13
Shadow__X1doing ./ati gives me permision denied16:16
Shadow__X1do you really need super user for that16:16
Shadow__X1or root to run that16:16
superm1just sh ./ati-file16:20
superm1sh ./ati-file --buildandinstallpkg16:20
superm1better yet16:20
superm1you can do it as a user16:21
Shadow__X1its going16:21
Shadow__X1i appreciate it16:21
Shadow__X1ok it finished16:23
Shadow__X1did i need to uninstall the old driver or just reboot16:23
superm1just reboot16:25
superm1and that should be taken care of16:25
Shadow__X1k thanks hopefully this works that would be nice16:25
superm1yeah :)16:25
Shadow__X1i have been wanting ti ditch windows on here16:25
Shadow__Xwell thats plessant16:30
Shadow__Xi logged into an all white screen16:30
Shadow__Xreminds me of beryl days and xgl16:30
Shadow__Xxvinfo says no adaptors present16:31
Shadow__Xi found that16:35
Shadow__Xand i have read that it has helped other people16:35
Shadow__Xi will try that16:35
Shadow__Xalthough i have the e1705 i have the same card16:35
Shadow__Xhopefully that works16:36
Shadow__Xreboot again16:36
Shadow__Xthat didnt fix my issue my desktop still turns all white16:42
Shadow__Xinterestingly enough the cube still works16:42
Shadow__Xany ideas16:42
superm1killall compiz16:46
superm1hit alt-f216:46
superm1killall compiz.real16:46
superm1or better yet16:46
superm1killall compiz.real && metacity16:47
superm1you might not see what you type but you can type it16:47
superm1sounds like something in the new driver aint getting along with compiz16:47
Shadow__Xhmm alright well here goodluck to that16:48
Shadow__Xthanks for all the  help16:48
Shadow__Xand hopefully you are getting something out of this as well16:49
Shadow__Xcheers it worked16:50
Shadow__Xwell by compiz fusion icon16:51
Shadow__Xits using indirect rendering16:51
Shadow__Xcould that be the coulprite16:51
thatdoodwelp, Shadow_X still got that guide problem =P16:53
thatdoodeven swapped in a 750W Corsair powersupply (thinking power to the 8800GT might be the problem)16:53
Shadow__Xhmm thatdood i cant even play videos right now16:53
thatdoodstrange stuff16:54
Shadow__Xcan you play videos16:54
Shadow__Xand to be honest i like mythweb for scheduling shows better but thts me16:54
thatdoodI have an AMD 32bit 1.1GHz with 512 RAM and a FX5200 128MB system, and the guide dont freeze up on me.16:54
Shadow__Xsame cd same updates?16:55
thatdoodthis AMD 64 2GHz with 1GB ram and an 8800GT, and the guide freezes16:55
thatdoodsomethin aint right.  and Ive tried both QT and OpenGL16:55
Shadow__Xwhich front end was brought up first16:56
thatdoodand variations of the OSD, Alphablending, Solid, transparent Low Med High settings, dont matter, always freezes16:56
thatdoodive tried that too16:56
thatdoodlow end one was off, brought up the new one, freezes.  powered off the new one, powered up the old one, old one works fine, brought up the new one, it freezes, went to the old one and the guide is fine16:57
thatdoodno problem with video tho on the new one16:58
Shadow__Xsuperm1, fglrxinfo is saying mesa project now16:58
Shadow__Xthatdood, it can be an issue with channel icons16:58
Shadow__Xi have heard of that in the past16:58
superm1Shadow__X, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:58
thatdoodhmmm k16:58
superm1Shadow__X, is there an error loading kernel module maybe?16:58
Shadow__Xfailed to opem drm connection17:00
Shadow__Xis module fb frame buffer17:02
Shadow__X(WW) fglrx(0): * DRI initialization failed!                  *17:03
Shadow__X(WW) fglrx(0): * (maybe driver kernel module missing or bad) *17:03
Shadow__X(WW) fglrx(0): * 2D acceleraton available (MMIO)             *17:03
Shadow__X(WW) fglrx(0): * no 3D acceleration available17:03
Shadow__X(EE) fglrx(0): atiddxDriScreenInit failed, GPS not been initialized.17:03
superm1Shadow__X, try to modprobe fglrx17:03
superm1and see if there is an error17:03
Shadow__Xnope it just did it17:04
superm1then there has to be another error in there somewhere17:04
superm1in that log17:04
superm1if you are actually able to modprobe without trouble17:04
Shadow__X(EE) fglrx(0): XMM failed to open CMMQS connection.17:05
Shadow__X(II) fglrx(0): XMM failed to initialize!17:05
Shadow__X(II) fglrx(0): Direct rendering disabled17:05
Shadow__X(II) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable17:06
superm1that sounds like a driver bug that's out of your control :(17:18
Shadow__Xso how would i switch back17:18
Shadow__Xoh the fun of ati on linux17:18
superm1well the open driver should be improving at least now that docs are out there17:19
Shadow__Xi can try that17:20
Shadow__Xhow can you switch between drivers i have always used screen and graphics preferences17:21
Shadow__Xbrb reboot17:21
Shadow__Xsuperm1, alright so how should i change the currently being used driver17:31
superm1Shadow__X, usually remove xorg-driver-fglrx, and then comment out the fglrx driver line in xorg.conf17:32
superm1and then profit17:32
superm1well that's always the last step of any good howto17:33
Shadow__Xwell right now my xorg doesnt even have fglrx17:34
Shadow__Xunder device section17:35
Shadow__Xdoes it say load "fglrx"17:35
Shadow__Xi want to try that one last time with textered17:35
superm1well if xorg.conf doesnt have fglrx anywhere in it, then it will load the radeon driver17:35
superm1oh the older version17:35
superm1then you need to "roll" back the package version17:35
superm1and remove fglrx-kernel-source package17:35
superm1that got installed from the drivers at ati website17:35
Shadow__Xhmm alright17:36
Shadow__Xremove it or completely remove it17:38
superm1either or17:39
Shadow__Xhmm alright and where are the logs for thjis chat17:39
superm1that's up to your chat client17:40
Shadow__Xoh this channel isnt logged by a bot?17:42
Shadow__Xsuperm1, xorg fglrx doesnt want to uninstall17:47
Shadow__XE: xorg-driver-fglrx: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 217:48
superm1oh no.  that's what Kano was just talking to me about too17:48
superm1something about a diversion gone crazy17:48
Shadow__Xso then what shall i do17:48
superm1you 64 bit ?17:48
superm1yup that's what he said too17:49
superm1okay give me a sec17:49
Shadow__Xi mean if you told me that if i reformated i could get xv to work i would do it right now17:49
Shadow__Xi can reformat no issue17:49
superm1well i know that this is solvable though17:49
superm1its a silly diversion problem17:50
Shadow__Xxv not working17:50
Shadow__Xor it not uninstalling17:50
superm1ah yea17:50
superm1the uninstalling17:50
superm1sudo rm /usr/lib32/libGL.so.117:50
superm1and that should take care of it and let you uninstall17:50
superm1whats the error then?17:52
superm1can you pastebin that17:52
Shadow__XE: xorg-driver-fglrx: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 217:52
Shadow__Xthats the error17:52
Shadow__Xi was able to remove libgl17:52
superm1there is no more info?17:53
Shadow__Xi am running at 800x60017:53
Shadow__Xits huge17:53
Shadow__Xesp on a monitor thats supposed to be wuxga17:54
Shadow__Xhow do i copy and paste from the details menu within synaptic17:55
superm1er, well maybe its easier to use command line17:55
superm1so that you will get the details copyable17:55
superm1i'm not sure i can dcc17:57
superm1i can try17:57
superm1but i'm through an IRC proxy so not likely17:57
Shadow__Xah alright17:57
Shadow__Xso apt-remove?17:57
superm1apt-get remove17:59
superm1apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx particularly17:59
superm1ugh yuck18:00
superm1check if /usr/X11R6/lib32/libGL.so.1 is a real file18:01
superm1or a broken link18:01
Shadow__Xno file18:02
Shadow__Xjust fglrx folder18:02
superm1okay try to do a dpkg-divert --remove /usr/X11R6/lib32/fglrx/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa18:03
superm1it's a matter of a typo somewhere in the postrm it looks like18:03
Shadow__XNo diversion `any diversion of /usr/X11R6/lib32/fglrx/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa', none removed18:04
superm1okay this is getting messy18:09
superm1stupid diversions18:09
superm1well if you want to go for the reinstall, it's probably the easier route than trying to debug these diversions for t he next hour18:09
lagacan't you just list the diversions?18:10
Shadow__Xi did in paste bin18:11
superm1well dpkg-divert --list will get you the list, but the syntax is a pain in the ass to deal with18:11
Shadow__Xsuperm1, thats fine i will reinstall18:11
Shadow__Xhow should i go about getting xv to work :D18:11
superm1so i figured since not much is invested yet in this install, probably easier to reinstall18:11
superm1Shadow__X, try the open driver i suppose18:12
superm1i'm not sure what's up with the closed one not working18:12
Shadow__Xdo you think its my card?18:12
Shadow__Xit is mobile18:12
Shadow__Xmaybe i should call ati support18:12
superm1i doubt it's the card18:12
Shadow__Xits the driver18:13
thatdoodwell crap, im not finding any issues that could cause this program guide to freeze up and buffer keystrokes yet.  still searching....18:17
Shadow__Xbbl hopefully i get xv working18:18
thatdoodnow this is interesting18:22
thatdoodhtop is showing (on the old system) cpu while watching live tv to be at 30% (AMD XP 1100MHz)18:23
thatdoodon the newer system its at 100%18:23
thatdoodsitting in the guide oldsystem:32%  newsystem:100%18:24
thatdoodgotta be my x server18:25
thatdoodold system: /usr/bin/X taking 8%  new system: /usr/bin/X taking 91%18:26
thatdoodjust sitting in the guide. hmmmmmmmm18:26
Shadow__Xare you sure the nvidia driver is working right18:34
Shadow__Xcan you watch a movie using xv18:34
thatdoodsorry Shadow, im pretty new to this so bear with me18:35
thatdoodxv? that a player?18:35
thatdoodi got mplayer, xine, and vlc on this pc18:36
Shadow__Xdo you have anything in hd?18:36
thatdoodyeah, it can receive HD18:36
Shadow__Xcan you watch something in hd on that computer18:38
Shadow__Xdoes it play fine18:39
thatdoodglxgears shows 71267 frames in 5.0 seconds = 14253.200 FPS18:39
Shadow__Xso thats god18:39
Shadow__Xthe driver is working18:39
thatdoodyeah, no problems watching HD content18:40
Shadow__Xi think your issue is maybe with the icons for the channels18:40
thatdoodi assume those are stored on the backend18:40
thatdoodheres what I have:18:40
thatdoodAMD X2 4000+ with DVB-S 4GB RAM running the backend.18:41
Shadow__Xover 100 channels18:41
thatdoodand frontends connecting to it18:41
thatdoodnumber of channels is irrelivant18:41
thatdoodguide works fine and can watch HD content on a lower end frontend18:41
thatdoodif it is channel icons, do i need to change a path to the backend to find them?18:42
Shadow__Xthat i dont know18:42
Shadow__Xyour channel guide problem might be better suited for #mythtv-users18:43
thatdoodk, thx for your help Shadow18:44
thatdoodreally appreciate it18:44
Shadow__Xdont know how much help i have been though18:44
thatdoodif i get this figured out, ill let ya know18:44
Shadow__Xi am in mythtv-users as well18:44
Shadow__Xi am curious whats the issue18:44
thatdoodwell, learned to get some other tools hehe18:44
Shadow__Xi am trying wubi on another sytem18:51
Shadow__Xdoes anyone here know about software raid on a intel chipset integrated onto the board18:52
Shadow__Xi have a raid0 set that i want to install ubuntu on18:53
Shadow__Xi want to resize the windows partition currently on it18:53
thatdoodreading a bug report18:58
thatdoodThis is definitely associated with livetv and the ability for the frontend to handle the playback in the window as well as intercept and act on the key strokes b/c: 1) The EPG in the scheduling menu is fast, 2) If I pause the liveTV and then use the EPG, the problem does not exhibit itself and 3) This is not necessarily tied to just moving around in the EPG. After scrolling around a little, even hitting "exit" can take up to 118:59
thatdoodthat pretty much sums up what im getting18:59
thatdoodso maybe they have a solution... still reading18:59
Shadow__Xthatdood, someone is asking you a questino in users18:59
thatdoodoops lol19:00
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lagathatdood: have you seen the related threads in the mythtv bug tracker? it's probably linked to the deinterlacer19:36
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thatdoodi was reading that19:43
thatdoodtried a few things19:44
thatdoodif i change from CPU+ to CPU-- it works fine19:44
thatdoodchange back to CPU+ works fine19:44
thatdoodexit and restart, problem back19:44
thatdoodbut yeah, looks like deinterlacing19:44
thatdoodstill strange, as the low end system has the same settings and works good.19:45
thatdoodlow end being 32bit, wonder if its a problem in the 64 bit version?19:45
thatdoodanother thing i just found, with it freezing up...19:46
thatdoodif i open the nvidia-settings.19:46
thatdoodunder X Screen 0..X Server XVideo Settings... if i uncheck Sync to VBlank  everything works fine19:48
thatdoodX down to 13% cpu utilization now. interesting19:53
Shadow__Xthats good thatdood19:56
Shadow__Xatleast you figured it out19:56
thatdoodweird tho, that the other system is set up the opposite. lol19:58
Shadow__Xthey are running different os's19:59
Shadow__Xor atleast the modules are compiled different19:59
thatdoodi was running gears on that getting 828fps, then i turned off that vblank, and it went to 226220:00
thatdoodneed to read up on that, make sure i'm not hosing anything else up by altering that value20:01
thatdoodbrb need to feed the kids20:01
Shadow__Xthatdood,  where is the option for cpu--20:30
Shadow__Xsuperm1, you here20:53
Shadow__Xany suggestion how i should go around this time installing20:56
superm1well install the same way, but just try using the open driver20:57
thatdoodoption for cpu--?21:06
thatdoodoooh that21:06
thatdoodits in mythfrontend setup21:06
thatdoodtv settings... player settings i believe, lemme check21:07
Shadow__Xplayback profile?21:07
Shadow__Xok thanks21:07
thatdoodis that where you set deinterlacing stuff?21:08
Shadow__Xeh dont know but i am having issues getting any video to play21:09
Shadow__Xoh csi how you are so rediculous21:09
thatdoodnow just need to get the svideo out working21:57
Shadow__Xthats good22:01
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Shadow__Xstupid ati drivers22:54
thatdoodheh Shad23:12
thatdoodwtf you buy ati for anyway?23:12
thatdoodhell, its bad enough with nvidia lol23:13
thatdoodguess the key is to unplug the monitor lol23:20
thatdoodok, so usb wireless dongle is working, video out working, guide freezing has been fixed, now to get lirc working with the remote and I should be set.23:22
Shadow__Xthatdood, its a laptop that i have nvidia on23:45

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