
ompaulcan you see my nick in your xchat?00:00
gardarand I see myself marked as away00:01
ompaulI don't see you marked away00:01
ompaulmaybe you need to rejoin00:01
ompaul /part #ubuntu-ops /join #ubuntu-ops00:01
ompaulor even cycle the client00:01
gardarthat's because when I type, the script marks me as-not away00:01
ompaulardar> away00:02
ompaul<ompaul> no not away00:02
ompaul<gardar> what, didn't you just tell me to go away?00:02
ompaulin that period of time you did not change colour00:02
gardarI'll cycle00:02
gardarwell ok00:02
ompaulgo away wait 500:03
gardarI'll go away in 3 seconds, and stay that way for a minute or so00:03
ompaulno it is not working00:03
gardarwell at least my nick isn't changed anymore00:04
ompaulthere is that00:04
ompaulhowever I would ditch the script and work with reality00:04
ompaulif you are away you are away00:04
ompaulif you are not you are not00:04
ompauland if you are lurking who is to complain00:05
gardaryeah well I'm so used to pidgin marking me automatically as away00:05
gardarso when I go afk, I'm not used to type /away00:05
ompaulso what00:05
ompaulare you in conversation?00:05
gardarnot always00:05
ompaulare you in high demand to answer questions and causing disruption00:06
ompaulwhen people can't get you?00:06
gardaryup, sometimes00:06
ompaulscroll back will help00:06
ompauland you can /away without the script and you know it will work00:06
ompaulcurrently you have a broken situation00:07
gardarthe other way was just more handy for me00:07
ompaul it is failure in #ubuntu00:07
gardarseems so00:07
naliothhow simple is it to JUST UNLOAD THE SCRIPT?00:08
ompaulrm it00:08
ompaulmv it00:08
ompaulrestart client00:08
gardarim still banned at #ubuntu00:10
ompaulok I'll knock that off00:10
gardarcan you fix it?00:10
ompaulI was elsewhere for a mo00:10
ompaulbut don't trigger that thing you won't like the response00:10
gardarhaha ok00:10
gardarsetting up a bnc soon so I'll be online 24/700:11
ompaultry it now00:11
naliotha bnc doesn't negate /away status00:11
ompaulif your nick changes you will be gone00:12
gardarI know nalioth00:12
ompaulgardar, the ban is off as far as I can see please try to rejoin00:12
gardaryeah I just joined00:12
gardarwell I guess it's bye on this channel then00:13
gardarsee ya00:13
ompaulwith scripts00:13
gardaron the other side00:13
ompaulalways try to use them in ........ channels with no one else there00:13
ompaulto test them ....00:13
ompaulaooohh well00:14
FlannelThat was far too much difficulty for such a simple matter00:21
Meznight all00:22
* Hobbsee celebrates00:49
ubottuIn ubottu, cwill747 said: !wacom is If you need help configuring the Wacom tablet device for Ubuntu, visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom00:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wacom00:54
ubottuIn ubottu, cwill747 said: !wacom is <alias> tablet01:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tablet01:07
nickrudJack_Sparrow long time no see02:18
nickrudThings well? I was wondering if it was just (hopefully) life interfering02:19
Jack_SparrowJust trying to get some things done around here.  Working on my notes for nvidia.  ONce people use the driver from nvidia and try to enable effects there are problems.  KNow of any fixes?02:19
Jack_SparrowComic-con was more fun that I would have imagined02:19
nickrudno, I don't have an nvidia to play with. Looking to purchase a desktop, and will probably go nvidia for that.02:20
Jack_Sparrownp..  I can get people back to full res, but just not with effects.02:20
nickrudI've pretty much given up on keeping notes for video. Things change so fast in them, so I'm pretty much limiting myself to ati and google (know most of the good search terms by heart ;)02:21
Jack_SparrowIf they have never used the online driver we can get them res and effects, just not after that driver.  I have not seen a soution yet02:21
nickrudwonder what the log looks like. I've ignored nvidia threads02:22
Jack_SparrowI am trying to write a very long xorg with many options rem'd out so a person could rem out a working section and try something known to work for nvidia 6600 perhaps.02:23
Jack_Sparrowwhat is gak02:23
nickrudsort of an interrupted gag02:24
nickrudwith an overtone of 'oh my god' ;)02:24
Jack_SparrowI have switched the one I have to several different boxes and it made it easy to setup the video.. all were nvidia but mobility and different chipsets02:25
Jack_Sparrownickrud 3 or 4 options for monitor screen and device..02:25
Jack_SparrowDO I have too much time on my hands02:25
nickrudnvidia seems to be getting difficult these days02:25
Jack_Sparrowthat was my motive for digging deeper02:26
nickrudmy stomach is growling, time to go fix a dinner02:27
nickrudbe back later, if you're still around02:27
Jack_Sparrowwell see02:27
Jack_Sparrowah.. you get what I mean02:27
Myrttiyup yup02:29
Myrttifell asleep with the laptop in my lap02:29
Myrttitime to put it away and really really go to sleep02:30
Myrttinini folks02:30
ubottuGnea called the ops in #ubuntu (MANNAMMANAMAMA)03:13
bazhanghi Jordan_U03:15
Jordan_UThe moment I joined #ubuntu LimpFaefer ( a bot ) private messaged me with some inane BS03:16
Jordan_UMaybe I should take this to the freenode ops rather than here03:17
nickrudJordan_U if the nick that's pm'ing you isn't in #ubuntu namespace, #freenode is faster03:21
nickrudHobbsee you stalking red ;)05:11
Hobbseenickrud: no, i just saw what he said in +105:12
nickrudok, chasing him :)05:12
Hobbsee[14:07] <red> But first I think I'll spring this on #ubuntu and just not mention that it's Ibex.05:12
nickrudYes, I looked before I said anything. You suddenly dropping in and saying that (and looking back to see he'd just dropped in) led me there05:13
nickrudhey bullgard405:21
bullgard4[Taylor_Roncancio(n=dood@c-67-165-62-95.hsd1.oh.comcast.net)] is annoying me with a unsolicited blinking private message: " All men should wear bras every day."05:22
nickrudbullgard4 not in #ubuntu, so #freenode would be the right choice. They have better tools for chasing spammers around the channels05:22
bullgard4nickrud: Good morning! Thank you for informing. I am hurrying to tell them.05:24
elky_workthe bra dude is a known moron05:26
elky_worknuke at your own will05:26
elky_work(directed at our ops)05:27
Picihes not in #ubuntu05:27
nickrudI used to get his spam, but not anymore. I don't get any pm spam. elky_work how do I make sure I'm receiving pm's from unregistered? I think I am, but would like to be sure05:27
Picinickrud: umode +E05:27
elky_workif you spot them in ubuntu channels, preemptively move him to elsewhere05:27
nickrudPici does that persist between sessions, or do I need to add it to my config?05:28
Picinickrud: you usually need to add it to your config05:28
nickrudPici thanks05:28
Piciirssi has a setting for it, but I forget what it is05:28
elky_workit'd be darn nice if we didnt have to keep resetting our modes each time we join05:29
elky_workyou'd think someone would think of umode persistance by now05:29
Pici/set usermode in irssi05:29
elky_workim referring to serverside05:30
PiciYeah, that would be nice too05:30
elky_worklike, how old is irc now?05:32
nickrudPici good thing I did some checking, I wanted -E ;)05:45
ubottuRequinB4 called the ops in #ubuntu ()05:47
FlannelWow... someone's lonely.05:48
Flannel#ubuntu someone spamming to play games on yahoo05:48
nickrudFunnyLookinHat, one of my all time favorite nicks05:51
ubottuIn ubottu, rockenrola said: !icecast is icecast is free server software for streaming multimedia05:55
Jack_Sparrownickrud I had a conversation with a guy at comicon that insisted that Jack_Sparrow on Ubuntu-irc was a bot..05:59
stdin!scope > rockenrola05:59
nickrudJack_Sparrow hah. What was the result of the conversation?06:00
Jack_SparrowHe still thinks I am a bot..06:00
nickrudgotta meet you. Look for that join line at the neck06:00
Myrttican I put someone on ignore?07:20
Myrttiis it horribly wrong?07:20
Myrttiplease, say no07:21
Myrtti"yes, you can put him on ignore, no it's not horribly wrong"07:21
FlannelMyrtti: no, I'll keep an eye on him07:21
FlannelSo, that'd be a "yes, no"07:22
Myrttihe's been wrecking my nerves for the past month and more07:22
MyrttiI've got a horrible kick itch on my finger07:22
Myrtti/ignore -replies $nick PUBLIC07:23
MyrttiAH, the silence07:23
FlannelHow can we help you mohi?07:26
mohiubottu left our channel (#ubuntu-ir) last night!07:26
ubottumohi: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:26
elky_workMyrtti, who?07:26
Flannelelky_work: ASUS07:27
Myrttielky_work: the person who abuses the letter u07:27
mohiis anything wrong with ubottu?07:27
elky_workMyrtti, which person who abuses the letter 'u'07:27
elky_workmohi, nope, he probably just got confused about where he needed to go07:28
Myrttior the other option is that we're working on distributing the load on the bots more evenly07:28
Garyis the bot female then?07:28
mohielky_work: does he make up his mind? any chance for Persian friend in #ubuntu-ir ? ;)07:29
Myrttiso perhaps you could get ubot5 or ubot3` to your channel07:29
MyrttiGary: yes07:29
mohioh! :D s/he/he-or-she07:29
elky_workMyrtti, i dont think it matters which07:29
Garycan I make a really bad joke?07:29
elky_workGary, no07:29
MyrttiGary: only in my PM with the risk of being poked07:29
Garyaww, it was not *that* bad07:29
elky_workunless it's just about fembots?07:29
Myrttiwith the Pink Fluffy Pen of Poking™07:29
elky_workMyrtti, i saw you and sabdfl in the logs, so funny07:30
elky_workboth times07:30
Myrttielky_work: :->07:30
elky_workhe wants a pink fluffy pen of poking, just like yours!07:30
Myrttiwas thinking of sending him mine, since I've got to methods of poking now07:31
Myrttipurchased the British Correctional Learning Tool™ before leaving UK07:32
Flannela switch?07:32
Flannelor, a ruler?07:32
Garywhats that then?07:32
Garyor a cane?07:32
elky_workthe cane07:32
Myrttihuge pencil with eraser on the other end07:32
Flannelright, a switch07:33
Garyoh, the huge ones, like half a meter long?07:33
Myrttineed to recharge my phone...07:37
GaryI was using my mobile on 3g last night via bluetooth to my laptop till the battery died, it was fully charged, talk about using a lot of power07:39
mohi:S who can send ubottu in #ubuntu-ir please?07:39
Myrttinalioth: poke07:40
Myrttijussi01: nudge07:40
Myrttitechnically I could send ubottu to #ubuntu-ir07:41
Myrttibut I'd rather ask the owner of the bot is there a specific reason it didn't before doing it07:41
Myrttias I suspect there is07:41
mohiah! ok. sure. :)07:44
mohiBTW, locobot_5 has not loged anything after 2nd of Aug07:51
=== essy is now known as SportChick
Myrttimohi: yes, we know07:56
stdinMyrtti: ubottu kept flooding off when joining because it was syncing ~50 channels, so some LoCo's got cut07:58
Myrttistdin: do we have any plans yet to distribute the load?08:00
* Myrtti considers launching ubott208:00
bazhangasus in ot posting some questionable stuff08:00
FlannelIts... kosher.08:00
stdin"plans", no. just the vague idea floating about08:00
Flannelalthough, I was watching half hoping it wouldn't be.08:00
MyrttiFlannel: I trust your judgement08:01
MyrttiFlannel: say shoot, and he'll fly08:01
FlannelI mean, its not really tasteful, but its not illegal08:01
Flannelhmm, not tasteful, but.. intelligent08:01
* Flannel lerns his wurds.08:02
bazhangthe new standard is outright criminality?08:02
Flannelbazhang: illegal in the channel sense.08:02
bazhangseems the coc was amended without my noticing08:02
Flannelbazhang: There's nothing offensive about that... It's completely stupid, but not banned08:03
bazhangI guess I need to read !guidelines and !coc again.08:04
Myrttistupidity is discouraged, but not banishable08:04
Myrttipunishable, even08:04
FlannelI'd tell my kids they couldn't watch it, because I don't want them to be idiots, but someone elses kids...08:04
bazhangnot the point.08:08
bazhangstandards are standards, in all ubuntu-related areas.08:08
Flannelbazhang: What about that video do you think is against the guidelines?08:09
bazhangDid we watch the same video?08:11
Flannelthe one with the dog?08:12
Flannelbazhang: Have you ever had a dog?08:12
bazhangFlannel, that is not at issue here, and beside the point (btw yes I have).08:13
Flannelbazhang: It is part of the issue.  Dogs do that, sometimes all the time.08:13
Flannelbut again, what do you see as offensive about said video?08:14
bazhangnot to that degree, and not in that manner.08:14
FlannelAlright, so, we call !coc on the dog... and kick him out of the channel.  That's not really what we're talking about though.08:15
bazhangit's the whole carelessness towards others and the rules that is at issue here, really.08:16
Flanneltoilet humor, for the most part, isn't against the channel guidelines.  It's crude and I wish it didn't happen, but sometimes it does.08:16
bazhangnot a single video post.08:17
FlannelHe's a little reckless, yes, but not breaking any rules.  Probably a good candidate to do so in the future, but not that I saw currently.08:18
FlannelI wasn't breathing down his neck, so I might've missed something though.08:18
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)08:24
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)08:24
Myrttioh wow08:33
MyrttiI just found a pizza in my microwave oven08:33
MyrttiI wonder how long it has been there08:33
Myrttinice and dry... nomnomnom08:34
Flannelin your microwave?  wow.08:34
Myrttiwell it is a combi thing08:34
Myrttiwith grill08:34
FlannelAh. So, someone else's pizza08:34
Myrttino, mine08:35
Myrttiquite tasty08:35
Flannelcombination microwave-something, not like... communal microwave08:35
Myrttidry and hard, but still has the nice pizzaish flavor08:35
Flannelwhich, would be interesting.08:35
FlannelMyrtti: So, how long has it been since you've microwaved something? (obviously that something would be said pizza)08:35
Myrttiway more than a week08:36
Myrttiwell, time to get my microwaved espresso08:37
FlannelMyrtti: Well, you'll get your penicillin one way or another I guess.08:37
Myrttiwell the grill heating system dries the pizza pretty well in the first place08:38
Myrttidoesn't leave pizzas soggy and soft08:38
Myrttiand this one doesn't have mildue on it - so08:38
Myrttinom - coffee08:39
Myrttioh lol08:55
bazhangwhat's up with mu3en08:58
bazhangin kubuntu09:04
jussi01jpds: nudge09:21
bazhangseems offensive to me.09:22
MyrttiI find the discussion at -irc hilarious09:22
Myrttiat it's current form atleast09:23
Myrttishould I mention my own gender? opinions?09:25
Hobbseewhat is it?09:26
Myrttithis is so funny09:26
bazhangaddressing females in ubuntu space seems questionable at best, given it was a new user and new to irc.09:27
Myrttiapparently pressenter banned the other guy because the other commented that a girl did pole dancing09:27
Myrttiwhich to me is hilarious09:27
Myrttias the channel in question is #ubuntu-pl09:27
Myrttiso ... basically ROFL09:27
Myrttithey're all pole dancers09:28
MyrttiI'm sorry, am tired09:28
Myrttithat is so damned funny!09:28
bazhangterrible pun09:28
MyrttiI know09:28
Myrttiyet I can't stop giggling at it09:28
Myrttioy, my sides hurt09:28
bazhangpolska likely is not pole as in the dancing one09:28
* bazhang tries to remember his Russian09:29
* Myrtti tries to get back to work09:31
* mohi wishes ubottu for #ubuntu-ir09:34
mohigood luck and thanks09:34
Myrttioh, it was ir09:36
jpdsjussi01: poke.09:39
stdinjpds: I think he wanted to ask you about putting ubot5 in #ubuntu-ir09:45
* stdin looks at -ircbots-team and looks silly09:46
* jpds hugs stdin 09:46
ubottuIn #kubuntu-offtopic, nuxil said:  !termal.. there is no such thing up here :p11:39
* Myrtti larts herself with ##politics11:53
naliothMyrtti: trying out new hip waders?11:55
MyrttiI just read in the news that GWB is planning to plan some contraceptive methods because he and his administration believes human life starts on the moment of contraception and thus methods that prevent the tsygote from attaching to the lining of the uterus are methods of abortion, not contraceptives11:57
Myrttiplease feel free to assure me not everyone in US government are idiots.11:58
* Myrtti goes to rant in ##politics11:59
naliothMyrtti: you are aware it's no longer the civil version of #politics, right?12:01
MyrttiI just need to place to vent :-D12:01
naliothgo for it12:03
* Mez sighs12:03
Mezmy phone isnt working12:04
nalioth /me calls Myrttis grandmother for an emergency cavy shipment . . . ( i think Myrtti may need them after wading around in the ##politics cesspool )12:08
Myrttinalioth: oh, you mean guineapigses grandmother ;-)12:09
Myrtti(my granmas have passed away years ago)12:09
naliothwhichever granny they're staying with   :)12:09
Myrttitheir granny :-P12:09
Myrttiie. my mom12:09
ubottuDozedOnLinux called the ops in #ubuntu (zorros suggesting bad)12:09
Pici#politics was civil?12:20
naliothPici: when #politics was open, ##politics was the civil political discussion channel12:21
Picinalioth: ah, I misread, nevermind.12:21
Myrttii see its a cesspool alright now12:22
Myrttimmm donuts12:22
naliothyes, #politics was closed and all the sewage flowed into ##politics12:22
nalioth##political-discussion is probably the channel you wanted to visit, Myrtti12:22
naliothas you see in ##politics, they are simply beyond reprehensible12:23
PiciTheres no way to banforward these people to another network?12:23
Myrttimmm wonderful idea for developing the k-train12:24
naliothPici: we could only wish12:25
naliothMyrtti: so long as they keep their filth in ##politics, they're safe.12:28
Myrttion related news http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/64ad536a6d12:29
bazhangthat the paris video?12:38
bazhangthat was hilarious12:40
ikoniajust watched it, quite ammusing12:53
ikoniaI wonder how many takes she needed to do that12:53
bazhangjust the one I bet.12:53
MyrttiI bet she is as smart, most probably smarter than me and the blonde is just a public imagte12:56
Myrttiimage, even12:56
Myrttilike my pinkness12:56
bazhangsmarter than the one she mocked for instance.12:56
Myrttimost probably12:57
bazhangmay as well change ot into #poor-impulse-control12:57
bazhangcf zaapiel and asus13:00
Myrttihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u6lCBnRoHQ :-P13:01
* Myrtti hides13:03
bazhanghe went too soon.13:06
Myrttioh yeah, on related news13:07
Myrttithe Midsummer bonfire of the President of Finland is burnt today due to the family of seagulls leaving the small rock they had their nest on13:09
Myrttithe bonfire was postponed by nearly two months13:10
elkyaww how sweet. you waited for the birdies to go and everything :Þ13:10
Myrttiyeah ♥13:10
bazhanggot a live one in #ubuntu13:11
elkyi've pounced on those channel names13:13
elkyawwww, all the staffers seem to be /away :(13:18
elkyi was going to ask how the heck to forward channels13:18
Mezelky, poke Dave2 - he's usually around at work - but set as away13:18
elkyMez, i was going to harrass an in-house staffer, not an external one13:19
Dave2moed +if #chanensl13:19
Mezelky, ?13:19
Dave2except typed by soemoene who isn't trying hardf to not fall asleep13:19
Mezelky, see, Dave2 rocks ;)13:19
elkyDave2, i fail that then13:19
* Mez hands Dave2 some pro plus and a couple of cans of relentless13:19
MyrttiDave2: are you also one of those who get violently ill with coffee?13:20
Dave2elky: ear in mind that if you're on the +I list you won't be affected13:20
MezDave2, ear in mind? that's gotta hurt13:20
Dave2also the channel msut exist to be able to forward to it13:21
elkyquestion 2, Dave2, what's the generic network trashpit channel? ##unavailable?13:21
Mezlet me just listen to your frontal lobe...13:21
Mezelky, ##politics :D13:21
elkyMez, not scumpit13:21
Dave2i think so, i'd double check with someone else firswt though13:21
Mezelky, oh, #ubuntu-offtopic then13:21
elkyMez, ha ha.13:21
elkyi am so not forwarding #ubuntu-swear to there13:22
elkyright, someone wanna test -wtf and -swear13:22
Mezswear worked, wtf didnt13:23
elkywhat did i do then :(13:27
elkyoooh, i knwo13:27
elkyi parted and rejoined there... but i never registered it13:27
bazhangtried to tab complete mornin<tab>13:31
bazhangclearly time for dinner :)13:32
naliothelky: ##unavailable is where we point all off topic channels.  forwarding to ##politics might be grounds for heavy punishment  :P13:35
elkynalioth, didnt do so13:35
MyrttiCAPITAL punishment13:35
elkyright, now im not being distracted, register time...13:35
PiciMyrtti: wouldn't that be PUNISHMENT?13:36
elkynalioth, unless you want to do the honors since i'd have to spend the next few hours searching for the council nick password13:36
PiciMyrtti: May I ask what that was for? I dont see anything in my lastlog for that address.14:00
Myrttipreventive banforward14:00
Myrttihe popped in to -women, pasted a referrer link junk, parted14:00
Myrttibwain impwores! bwain impwores! HALP HALP14:37
* Myrtti cries14:39
Piciis this about knokorer?14:40
MyrttiI wish14:41
* Myrtti bangs her head on wall14:51
MyrttiI need another kind of !prayer14:57
ikonialiving on a prayer ?14:58
* Myrtti notes her ignore is leaking as the fool changed his nick15:07
jpdsHave to love that power lead.15:42
Myrttidid all ipv6 servers netsplit?15:42
ikoniadoes anyone know timberwold ? as in the user15:43
Myrttimmmmm bliss...15:45
ikonianot to worry, he's not in this channel15:47
ikoniaI got a PM, thought it was someone from #ubuntu but it wasn't15:47
bazhangdont see him15:47
ikonianah, he's not in ubuntu15:47
ikonialooks like he's logged off too15:47
Mezw00 - lovely spam "download the latest internet explorer" - linking to a dialer disguised as a porn video...15:57
Myrttido you get those very often?15:58
MyrttiI get lots of cialis and viagra ads.15:58
Myrttithey're nice.15:58
Picifyi; 11:02:45 <agy> I have placed wiki.ubuntu.com in read-only mode. Maintenance should take approximately 90 minutes to complete.16:04
* Myrtti sighs16:12
jpdsDoes anyone know how I can change Alt-<Arrow key> so it doesn't change the tty?16:28
* Myrtti squeals http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1041961/Winning-whisker-Will-athletes-match-Olym-pig-sporting-stars.html16:29
* Dave2 goes "ARGH" at "dailymail.co.uk"16:29
Myrttiwb jussi0116:49
jussi01thanks Myrtti16:50
jussi01stupid client16:50
Myrttijussi01: you ate the grumble cookie?16:50
jussi01no, I ate about 616:50
* Myrtti gives jussi01 and Tuhina a plate full of lactoseless milk16:50
Myrttijussi01: lol16:50
MyrttiGRUMBLE cookie16:50
Myrttijussi01: ärrinmurrinpipari16:50
jussi01someone pacifiy me with a jaiku plasmoid16:51
jussi01and a terminal one16:51
Myrttipoke someone to compile you the jaikucmdline from haskell16:51
MyrttiI couldn't do it16:51
Myrttisomething about old ghc16:52
* Myrtti sighs16:54
Myrttijust so you know, I've got *!n=umakant@221.128.* and all replies to him on ignore on -offtopic16:56
MyrttiI just couldn't take it anymore16:56
seisenanybody from the IRC council available right now or in a few.....17:29
jussi01seisen: Im not IRC council - but I am an op in many places - can I help with something?17:30
Piciseisen: Is it something that the rest of us can help you with, or do you specifically need a council member?17:30
seisenI need somebody from the IRC council17:32
* Myrtti raises an eyebrow17:32
Myrttielky, PriceChild, nalioth *poit*17:32
* jussi01 raises 2 eyebrows17:33
* Seeker` sees jussi01's 2 eyebrows and raises 4 eyebrows17:33
jussi01Im out - only got 217:34
* Myrtti shrugs17:44
jussi01heh... right...17:45
bazhangseisen, how may we help you17:47
jussi01bazhang: read up...17:47
bazhangwhy ask in here?17:48
Myrttiis there a better place?17:49
jussi01bazhang: cause this is the place to ask?17:49
bazhangcuriouser and curiouser17:49
seisenshould I just send an email to irc council mailing list?17:49
jussi01seisen: that is a good way to get to them, yes - if it isnt urgent17:50
Myrttiwell that might be one way to contact the council17:50
bazhangseisen, you are of course welcome to wait if it is urgent17:50
seisenits not really urgent17:51
seisenI just didn't know which route would be easier17:51
jussi01seisen: I ask once again - are you certain none of us can help you with it?17:52
seisenyes, its about my cloak that I lost, only the irc council can give it back to me17:52
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, Paddy_EIRE said: !fud is Please do not fall prey to or spread FUD (fear uncertainty and doubt) it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt17:57
bazhanghi Paddy_EIRE18:00
Paddy_EIREhey man18:00
Paddy_EIREbrb... gotta get smokes18:01
jussi01!fud is Please do not fall prey to or spread FUD (fear uncertainty and doubt) it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt18:03
ubottuI'll remember that, jussi0118:03
ubottufud is Please do not fall prey to or spread FUD (fear uncertainty and doubt) it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt18:03
Myrttimissing a comma18:03
jussi01!no fud is <reply>Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear uncertainty and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt18:04
ubottuI'll remember that jussi0118:04
Myrtti!fud ~= /fear uncertainity/fear, uncertainity/18:04
ubottuNothing changed there18:04
jussi01that doiesnt seem right18:04
Myrtti!fud ~= /fear uncertainty/fear, uncertainty/18:05
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti18:05
ubottuPlease do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt18:05
Myrttinow I totally forgot what I was doing18:09
seisenI gotta go so I will just send an email to the mailing list, thanks anyway18:16
ubottuunop called the ops in #ubuntu ()19:13
* ompaul looks about and pokes mr mneptok 19:24
ompaullong lag stuff19:24
* Myrtti pokes ompaul19:26
ompaulmy Myrtti19:26
ompaulhi Myrtti19:26
jussio1Myrtti: http://imagebin.ca/view/S2_1tLj.html19:31
Myrttibutton nose19:32
FlannelThat echidna is eyes that graphics card rather hungrily.19:32
jussio1its a Hedgehog...19:33
Flannelmmm, thats a hdegehog isnt it19:33
Flannelwell, the tasty graphics card still stands.19:33
Flannelbetter watch your PCBs carefully.19:33
jussio1Flannel: I was more thinking Hedgie vs mouse :D19:34
PriceChildjussio1: stdin: Caught up on -meeting earlier... did either of you take a look at ubottu's time wrt the fridge schedule?19:35
FlannelPriceChild: I think I heard it was taken care of...19:36
FlannelI might've made it up though19:36
PriceChildjussi01: ^ (incase you've suddenly switched clients)19:37
PriceChildFlannel: ah cool, no harm in checking though.19:37
jussio1PriceChild: yeah - im just going to read the log19:37
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, SNuxoll said: Ubottu: where false is true, and true is false19:38
PriceChildjussio1: yeah you fixed it, or yeah, you're going to take a look at it?19:38
PriceChildBasically, fridge is correct, but ubottu is an hour late.19:38
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, recon said: !test =~ s/Im/I'm/19:38
jussio1PriceChild: as in, havent read log yet19:38
PriceChildAh ok, well the above is all you need 8-).19:39
jussio1PriceChild: no probs - will look into it.19:40
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: sorry, I didn't see him20:53
jpdsstdin: Can you please commit ubottu's lastest changes to LP (the > please see message thing), so I can bzr pull them? Cheers.21:22
=== Jack_Sparrow is now known as Jack-Sparrow
ikoniaompaul: they are all coming in from arch to troll22:02
ikoniaI've got one in pm22:02
ikoniaok - so the whole of archlinux-offtopic are discussing how to troll the #ubuntu channel22:04
ikoniatrying to get hold of an opper in #archlinux-offtopic22:04
ompaul!staff ^^ what do you make of that22:05
* PriceChild pon22:05
ubottuompaul: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:05
PriceChildders whether to join22:05
ikoniaPriceChild: please do - they think it's funny22:06
ikoniaI'm taking a kicking22:06
ompaulPriceChild, I think you are obligated :)22:06
ikoniano ops awake so they think they can do what they want22:06
PriceChildthey're trolling #ubuntu?22:06
ompaulwe have had two so far22:06
ompaulbavardage sykopomp so far22:07
ikoniathere is another lurking22:07
ikoniahe was discussing what to do22:07
ompauland I am ready for him22:07
ompaul  / her22:07
jussi01yay for bot fights... hehe22:07
ikoniaPriceChild: your entrance appears to have changed the tone of that room22:08
ompaulstrange how that works22:09
ompaulPriceChild, ;-)22:09
ikoniaskypoops was Mr Big about it before a staff cloak entered22:09
ikonia"ooh I'm so scared of freenode" etc etc "scrared of our ops etc etc"22:09
ikonianow he's nice as pie, how odd22:09
ikoniaooh now he's be-littleing PriceChild's freenode poisition,22:10
ikoniahe has grone balls again22:10
ompaulif you are going to be a troll don't be a stupid one22:14
ompauland if none of the rest of ye picked up on that shame on ye ;-)22:14
ompaulnote the ;-)22:15
ompaulthat was a special one :)22:15
Jack_SparrowJust got back to the channel.. miss anything fun22:15
ompaulnot really a couple of wannabes22:16
ompaulthat kind22:17
Jack_SparrowWe got to meet the actors from torchwood.  the head guy is kinda cool, talked to him for half an hour22:18
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: torchwood is uk based ?22:18
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: I thought you where stateside22:18
Jack_SparrowI am22:18
ompaulimplication they are on tour?22:19
Jack_SparrowComic-con in San Diego22:19
Jack_SparrowHe was just sitting signing autographs only three people there the whole time.22:19
Jack_Sparrowthree chatting with him, but were waiting to get autographs of others22:20
Jack_SparrowNo signs no banners, just sitting at a desk in one of the booths22:21
tonyyarussoI wonder if we have UDS stats to go alongside this - http://www.leftmind.net/random/linuxbloat.jpg22:23
Jack_Sparrowtonyyarusso that is wrong on so many levels22:30
tonyyarussosuch as?22:39
ompaulthis one?22:41
* ompaul grins22:41
Jack_Sparrowtonyyarusso I wear xxl - xl    xx large, x - long22:42
* tonyyarusso is halfway between small and medium for most22:44
Jack_SparrowMessing up our data eh22:44
soundrayThat link behind the dualhead factoid is terribly unhelpful for Ubuntu23:13
soundrayI'd write a wiki page if I could wrap my head around xrandr, xinerama, twinview and everything...23:14
soundrayBut having no factoid is better than having this one23:15
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama23:15
Myrttigood night everyone23:22
ompaulnight Myrtti23:24

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