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parallaxAnyone having an odd red and white screen during the boot up process?02:33
Cusoon959What's the new Ubuntu release called? (next one, not Hardy...)07:00
persiaIntrepid Ibex07:00
Cusoon959Thanks persia :)07:00
davmor2Morning Everyone09:00
aramorning davmor209:01
davmor2ara: don't try using yesterday's iso for tests they will all fail :(09:01
aradavmor2: thanks for the advice. bad bad news :(09:03
davmor2alternative has missing kernel modules and live has broken x that may or may not have something to do with the missing kernel modules09:04
persiaNo, it was outdated hal.09:05
persia(or at least it was for me, who upgraded a system to intrepid yesterday)09:05
davmor2persia: I can only tell you the warning message I received for the alternative cd that said there are missing kernel modules......09:16
persiadavmor2: Right.  There was that.  I think the non-working X was about hal, but it could also have been a side effect of kernel modules.09:17
davmor2I think that the error message for kernel bugs best sums up yesterdays iso.....  Ooooopps09:18
davmor2apachelogger: Morning dude :)10:39
* apachelogger needs to get coffee10:41
davmor2ara: don't use today's alternatives either :)10:47
aradavmor2: :)10:47
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cr3schwuk: welcome back! dude, I'd like to bounce a problem with you. got a minute?14:34
cr3ara: I started the hwtest-ldtp integration yesterday and I ran into a problem: there needs to be a way to run some tests as root and some not as root14:35
cr3ara: unless you might've found a way to run the desktop tests as root14:35
aracr3: why is necessary to run the test as root?15:17
cr3ara: some tests require access to devices, such as /dev/sda, and some tests require information which is only available to root such as provided by lshw15:27
cr3hm, I just noticed that lshw describes by machine as a "Computer" when run as non-root and "Laptop" when run as root.15:28
aracr3: yes, for hw that's true, but for desktop testing?15:28
cr3ara: well, I'm hoping that the whole suite could be run at once15:28
aracr3: well, the problem is that we try to mimic as much as possible the end user behaviour15:29
cr3ara: for example, I would like desktop tests to be their own suite which people could choose to run in the same way they might choose to run wireless testing15:29
aracr3: yes, i understand, but  I think that we could maybe split between end-user suites & root suites15:30
aracr3: update manager tests, in example, we could test the gksu dialog15:31
aracr3: just an example15:31
aracr3: but we have to try as much as possible to avoid relying on root privileges when running desktop tests15:32
henoIMO hwtest should always run as the user and use policy kit to elevate access only for select commands to gather hw info15:47
cr3heno: my concern is that it then becomes necessary for each test to potentially define whether they should run as root or not16:11
cr3heno: (sorry for the lag, I was on the phone with schwuk discussing the next great features in the website)16:12
cr3heno: however, I don't think that's an unreasonable requirement, so I'll start playing with the idea of using the policy kit. in principle, I agree that it would be the right thing to do16:13
henoQA meeting about to start in #ubuntu-meeting17:59

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