
brycetjaalton: I don't know...00:14
brycetjaalton: mdz would prefer to see it reworked to still provide some sort of failsafe functionality, without using displayconfig-gtk00:14
bryceI don't have a good idea how that should work though.00:14
brycetjaalton: I'm pushing in a patch to the xserver for re-throwing signals (which is needed for the apport stuff)00:17
bryceinteresting, when my laptop's screensaver kicks on, it immediately wakes itself up00:24
tjaaltonbryce: hmm, how did you manage to push that?-) should've done a git fetch before06:32
brycehrm, I was fairly sure I had06:36
brycewhat's the problem?06:36
tjaaltonI don't know if there is a problem. but the xserver commit was already there (done by jcristau)06:37
tjaaltonsame goes to the older xorg commit06:37
bryceI've not done an xorg upload06:37
brycehm, well I ran into git conflicts when I tried doing a git pull.  thought I'd resolved it correctly, but git is kind of obtuse sometimes06:39
tjaaltonif you are updating the local branch, use git rebase instead06:40
tjaaltonat least if there are no local changes06:40
tjaaltongit rebase origin/ubuntu06:41
tjaaltongit log shows the displayconfig-gtk commit twice, but I guess that's not a problem :)06:41
tjaaltonpush first, then dput :)06:42
tjaalton(should remember that myself..)06:42
tjaalton+try to06:43
tjaaltonhmm, over 30000 bugmails from X in a year06:48
bryceyeah I believe it06:48
tjaaltonno wonder my quota is filling up :)06:48
tjaaltonplus 3000 from l-r-m, in six months06:50
tjaaltonso that would make 100 per day06:51
tjaaltonbryce: I don't see your latest xorg-server changes in git, only the merge commit11:09
jussi01you guys are missing the bot - whích functions from it do you need?11:12
tjaaltonjussi01: bug id support11:12
tjaaltonlaunchpad, fd.o etc11:12
jussi01tjaalton: ok, Ill give you ubottu then :)11:15
tjaaltonjussi01: kiitti! :)11:16
jussi01ole hyvä :)11:16
ubottusigh... again? Im busy here, I already told you it failed.11:17
jussi01ok, all working. see you - if you need anything bot wise, pm me :)11:18
tjaaltonbryce: I need to add a couple of patches, so unless you are fast I'll add your commit there. remember to delete your local branch and checkout origin/ubuntu again :)11:20
tjaaltonbryce: pushed11:27
Q-FUNKcould anybody approve bug #251079 ?19:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251079 in xserver-xorg-video-geode "Please sync xserver-xorg-video-geode 2.10.0-6 (main) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25107919:06
Q-FUNKtjaalton: doesn't it essentially match your changes?19:07
tjaaltonQ-FUNK: yep, looks good19:07
Q-FUNKor did I miss anything asides from the 2.9 driver bump?19:08
tjaaltonno that should be enough19:09
brycetjaalton: btw do you know offhand what we'd need to do to make use of / test GEM?19:10
bryce(assuming we had it in the kernel)19:10
tjaaltonbryce: all the GEM branches, for -intel (ati?), mesa, libdrm..19:10
tjaaltonAIUI they are about to send it for inclusion in the kernel19:12
jcristautjaalton: it was sent already19:12
tjaaltonjcristau: oh?19:12
brycejcristau: cool thanks19:13
jcristauwill need some changes though, use of internal shmem functions not really popular19:13
tseliotbryce: I have followed your suggestions and the code is in my branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~albertomilone/xorgparser/main19:18
tseliotit should be ready for the upload19:18
brycetseliot: excellent thanks19:18
* tseliot > dinner19:19
brycejcristau: ah quite a discussion there19:19
tjaaltonbryce: what about intel 2.4.0 in the meantime? works quite well on my i96519:21
brycetjaalton: I think it's probably ok19:22
tjaaltonbryce: also, have you noticed that when gnome loads, the mouse pointer jumps ~20 pixels diagonally to lower right19:23
bryceI did notice some weird mouse jittering when I booted intrepid on my laptop19:23
tjaaltonthat's with intel, vesa is ok19:23
jcristauwe had a regression report from the 855 pipe a quirk fwiw19:23
tjaaltonand someone with ati said that it doesn't happen for him19:23
jcristauand there are some more fixes on top of 2.4 on the branch19:24
brycejcristau had mentioned an issue with 2.4.0, which was the reason I decided to hold off a bit, but maybe that's fixed19:24
jcristaubryce: it's fixed on the branch, yes19:24
tormodtjaalton: mouse pointer jump19:24
jcristau(not the 855 one)19:25
tjaaltontjaalton: yes, do you see it too?19:25
tormodtjaalton: that was when running xrandr ?19:25
tormodno, I don't :)19:25
tjaaltonhah :)19:25
brycethe jittering I saw was on the gdm login screen, not on x startup, and I had compiz turned off19:25
tjaaltonbryce: what if you just run xrandr -q19:26
brycetjaalton: nope looks fine19:26
bryce(with compiz turned on)19:27
tormodwhat I have on ati is some flashing (there's a better word) when starting gnome and when running xrandr19:27
brycethe only issue I've noticed is that the screensaver doesn't run - it starts fading out but just as it's about to switch, it comes back to life19:27
bryces/only/only significant/19:28
bryceI think I'll take a shot at building libdrm, mesa, and -intel with gem.  jcristau or tjaalton have either of you done this already?  any gotchas I should watch out for?19:36
tjaaltonI haven't tried it either..19:37
tseliotI can confirm what tormod said about the ati driver, at least with my ATI X1600 Pro20:35
bryceerf, I thought when I committed that merge, it'd include my changes as well.  bugger22:03
tjaaltonbryce: it's sorted out now, you can renegerate the local branch22:03
brycehow do I get my changes into it?  git rebase doesn't seem to do anything22:04
tjaaltonI've applied them already22:04
tjaaltongit fetch, git branch -d ubuntu, git checkout -b ubuntu origin/ubuntu22:04
tjaaltonsomething like that should get you going again22:05
bryceI wish I was better at git.  so far it's just one more opportunity for me to mess stuff up ;-)22:05
tjaaltonhehe :)22:06
tjaaltontelly ->22:06
jcristaugit rebase origin/ubuntu should work too fwiw22:06
bryceoh I tried git rebase origin ubuntu without the slash22:07
brycenope, same thing22:07
bryce$ git rebase origin/ubuntu22:07
brycedebian/changelog: needs update22:07
brycedebian/patches/series: needs update22:07
jcristauah, yeah, you need a clean tree22:07
jcristaucommit your local changes first, or revert them22:08
brycewell timo says he already applied them22:09
bryce$ git clone ssh://bryce-guest@alioth.debian.org/git/pkg-xorg/xserver/xorg-server.git22:16
bryceInitialized empty Git repository in /home/bryce/src/xorg-server/xorg-server/.git/22:16
brycessh: connect to host alioth.debian.org port 22: Connection timed out22:16
brycefatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly22:16
brycefetch-pack from 'ssh://bryce-guest@alioth.debian.org/git/pkg-xorg/xserver/xorg-server.git' failed.22:16
bryceeh I suck at git.  but I think I got it22:20
bryceoh interesting, looks like jesse just merged drm-gem into -intel master22:29

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