
konqisecond problem: power consumption nearly doubled (instead of 4,7h runtime there are 2.5h after upgrade00:00
alraunekonqi:repositories checked ?00:00
paul0hi, someone already ran doom 3 in a 64bit computer using an intel 945 VGA?00:00
DozedOnLinuxc1rcuit: ok try this > lspci -nn00:00
alraunekonqi: did an manual update /- grade00:00
johnJeim trying to learn how to compile the kernel00:00
konqiyes, upgrades via aptitude (my favorit ;) works fine00:00
Ktulhuhi all , has any one here got compiz working with a via/s3g unichrome pro ipg 64 Mb video card ???00:00
redWhen I try to startx, I get the following errors: (EE)Failed to load module "v4l" (module does not exist, 0) the same error for "vesa", and then "Fatal error: no screens found.  Any ideas?00:00
c1rcuitbash 1spci command not found00:00
DozedOnLinuxc1rcuit:  look for BCM or RT61 or RT73 , which one ?00:01
anom01yanyone know a good way to undelete files from an ext3 ?00:01
DINKDINKwhat would be the terminal command for scanning a empty hard drive to check if it has bad sectors00:01
Maevahi my msn can't connect anymore so i went to the webpage to download new version. when i configure I get" checking tcl build dir... configure: error: Unable to find Tcl directory or Tcl package is not tcl-dev" I did "sudo apt-get build-dep amsn" though00:01
DozedOnLinuxc1rcuit:  type > sudi -i00:01
clayghow do I intall win drivers from  a disk to get my modem to work?00:01
DozedOnLinuxc1rcuit:  sudo -i00:01
addchild314When i log in, i just get the brown screen with the busy pinwheel, and thats it. System log says unable to authenticate user, auth log says unable to determine user anme00:01
trontonicHow much space does Ubuntu Hardy take if _all_ packages are installed?00:01
ShaftoHey guys im wondering is there a way to brute force apt to uninstall a package? And also what is the package needed for mp3 playback? Please..00:01
c1rcuitok now what00:01
DozedOnLinuxsudo lshw -C network00:01
Ktulhutrontonic,  you mean the whole repository ??00:02
c1rcuitcommand not found00:02
addchild314actually, try to log in, i never get to the login screen00:02
trontonicKtulhu: yes00:02
Ktulhuhi all , has any one here got compiz working with a via/s3g unichrome pro ipg 64 Mb video card ??? msg me plz00:02
DozedOnLinuxlspci -nn00:02
amirmani took a usb drive out before unmounting it first now the icon is just staying on the desktop, i can't get rid of it, any ideas on what to do00:02
DozedOnLinuxc1rcuit:  look for BCM or RT61 or RT73 , which one ?00:02
c1rcuitits not working00:02
DozedOnLinuxc1rcuit:  are you even running linux ?00:03
atallicusDoes anyone know how I might go about fixing my gtk themes after the last update.  Or will I have to reinstall something?00:03
DozedOnLinuxc1rcuit:   lol nvm00:03
c1rcuiton a different computer00:03
alrauneaddchild314:to where you get after bootup ?00:03
c1rcuitthis one is windows00:03
DozedOnLinuxc1rcuit:   then just go to Network Manager00:03
adacWhat is the skype repository?00:03
Ktulhutrontonic, the only way to find that out is for you to check all the boxes in synaptic and then cancel the install it will do the math thats one way i guess u could do it00:03
konqialraune:  yes, manual updates via aptitude works fine00:03
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto00:03
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:04
gwinbeehah, i was about to ask a question, but i just solved it myself.00:04
DozedOnLinuxc1rcuit:  this is Ubuntu Support, not Windows support00:04
gwinbeethanks anyway, #ubuntu00:04
trontonicKtulhu: ah, nice idea, thanks :) I would hope that someone had found out, though. I did try to search the web, but couldn't find anything there.00:04
c1rcuitim asking for Ubuntu00:04
c1rcuitas stated above00:04
redWhen I try to startx, I get the following errors: (EE)Failed to load module "v4l" (module does not exist, 0) the same error for "vesa", and then "Fatal error: no screens found.  Any ideas?00:04
c1rcuiti cant connect to internet on Ubuntu00:04
kaneme either00:04
addchild314alraune: x starts, but i get stuck when GDM starts. I can switch to a terminal, and tried to use XDM, but all it did was log me out and back to the XDM login screen00:04
DozedOnLinuxc1rcuit:  if the commands i asked you to type in dont work, you have major problems, ones i cant fix00:04
sexcopterhi, quick question about using the terminal. Is it possible to use a command over a range of directories. In particular I'm doing "mp3gain -a -k -p ./1952/*", and 1952 goes up to 2007. Just wondering if I can do something like "for i in range [1952, 2007]"00:04
alraunekonqi:pastebin   your  etc/apt/sources.list00:04
sexcopter(instead of doing it one-by-one, thus saving time)00:05
ShaftoIs there a flag to force apt to remove a broken package?00:05
TiredWolfc1rcuit: it's lspci, with an L, not with a 100:05
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trontonicShafto: you can apt-get remove it or use synaptic if it's just mildly broken00:05
TiredWolfwhat's this unprintable character (at least it's unprintable for me) that alraune and DozedOnLinux are using before nicknames?00:05
alrauneaddchild314:messed with xorg.conf ?  tried a gdm&  in Terminal ?00:05
c1rcuitsorry about curseing00:05
ProwLaddchild314: you can also use the update-alternatives script to temporarily select a default window manager until you get your login manager sorted.00:06
alrauneTiredWolf:  ??00:06
DozedOnLinuxTiredWolf: unprintable ? dont know what you are talking about00:06
konqialraune:  http://rafb.net/p/WpWbZ668.html00:06
DINKDINKwhat would be the terminal command for scanning a empty hard drive to check if it has bad sectors00:06
Ktulhuhi all , has any one here got compiz working with a via/s3g unichrome pro ipg 64 Mb video card ??? msg me plz00:06
addchild314alraune: didnt change xorg. tried installing aurora, but idk if it worked. I've purged and reinstalled gdm and xorg, as well as the full ubuntu-desktop to cover my bases. nothing.00:06
leorobbo hellou00:07
DozedOnLinuxc1rcuit: what does > sudo lspci | grep Network   < return ?00:07
konqialraune:  without comments: http://rafb.net/p/9PErog84.html00:07
addchild314prowl: neither GDM or XDM work for me... tried them both00:07
ProwLaddchild314: I understand.00:07
TiredWolfDozedOnLinux, alraune: i'm on Windows right now, and since UTF-8 doesn't work here, i see it as unprintable, so i have no idea what it is. but i assure you that you're putting a byte or two at the beginning of each line00:07
c1rcuitcan we talk in private message00:07
Shaftotrontonic: I know how to uninstall it it just wont do it...Its broken. Is there a way to like brute force an uninstall?00:07
alraune konqi:delet the spaces in the deb.....   files, there are blanks in the adresses (gksu gedit...)00:07
c1rcuitits too chaotic in here00:07
DozedOnLinuxTiredWolf:  get linux :P00:07
leorobbo what your name00:07
robbohey guys, what's the "best" irc client for linux?00:07
orgthingyhow can i make *extremely* hidden files?00:07
alrauneTiredWolf:  nope, nothing00:07
AlmightyCthulhuis the real time kernel being phased out in Intrepid?00:07
atallicusWhat is the best place to go to get help with the appearance preferences manager?  My gtk themes don't see to work anymore after the last update.00:07
damogrobbo: X-Chat00:08
orgthingythat, they dont show even if u did "show hidden files"00:08
orgthingyany idea ompaul ?00:08
leomy name is linda00:08
trontonicShafto: yes. Synaptic resolves many common issues. I mentioned synaptic. Have you tried synaptic?00:08
robbohm it is? :)00:08
hcoohHi linda00:08
alrauneorgthingy:truecrypt ?00:08
TiredWolfalraune, i guess you aren't putting it there on purpose, but it IS there.00:08
trontonicShafto: also, you can use dpkg00:08
orgthingyalraune : i know that there's way in terminal00:08
bastid_raZorTiredWolf; you're seeing something the rest of us aren't.00:08
orgthingyno need for programs, i guess :S ?00:08
robbowhat's with irssi then?00:08
robboXchat is better than irssi?00:08
Jack_Sparroworgthingy if they need to be that hidden they should be on their own encrypted partition00:08
ompaulorgthingy, you can't get there from here00:09
trontonicrobbo: seems like weechat is the new irssi00:09
addchild314prowl: there seems to have been a problem with this when upgrading from gutsy to hardy, but none of their solutions helped me00:09
leoi speak  frances ingles spanish00:09
TiredWolfbastid_raZor: and i already explained why. look, run it through netcat and hexdump and you'll see it.00:09
orgthingyompaul : here = ?     there =00:09
alraune TiredWolf: you don't mean the smiley sometimes occures with typing brackets or so ?00:09
TiredWolfleo: this channel is englis only00:09
clayghow do I intall win drivers from  a disk to get my modem to work?00:09
ompaulorgthingy, you can't do that with a linux box00:09
addchild314alraune: could compiz possibly be causing this?00:09
robbotrontonic, where can i download weechat to check it out?00:09
konqialraune:  which blanks? do you mean blank lines?00:09
johnJe_hello, please i need some advice.. im taking a linux class, and i have a 18 pages final essay... i was thinking about how to compile the kernel, but there is really not that much to talk about.. please can someone help me with an interesting topic about linux00:09
ompaulorgthingy, it is a binary thing you can see it or you can't00:09
ProwLaddchild314: what is your current default windowmanager?00:09
alrauneTiredWolf:  can you pastebin these obscure sign ?00:09
TiredWolfalraune, no, i mean a character that you consistently have right at the beginning of each line you type00:09
trontonicrobbo: just install "weechat"00:09
orgthingyompaul : im pretty sure that we can do it00:10
Ktulhuaddchild314,  did u try runing compiz and failed ??00:10
orgthingyi did it once00:10
TiredWolfalraune: sure, but pastebin.ubuntu.com doesn't work with utf-8, if i'm not mistaken00:10
ProwLaddchild314: I've had similar problems with xdm.00:10
leorobbo plis  speak you my00:10
trontonicrobbo: it is in intrepid, but I'm not sure if it's in hardy's repos00:10
alraune konqi: no, I mean in the path  like / hardy   and not /hardy00:10
TiredWolfyou're both using purple irc, can't be a coincidence.00:10
addchild314prowl: GDM is the only one i use. looking over the logs, it seems to be an authentication problem00:11
alrauneTiredWolf:  no idea, u use pidgin ?is there for win too, lol00:11
TiredWolfalraune: that's how pastebin renders it http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/34565/00:11
TiredWolfalraune: mirc00:11
addchild314ktulhu: i cant even get into my system to run compiz... so i guess that couldnt be the cause00:11
ProwLaddchild314: I donn't mean your login manager. I meant your wm. Like gnome/metacity, fluxbox, kde, etc. addchild314: sudo update-alternatives --config x-window-manager00:11
alrauneTiredWolf:   Ti, no idea, can't hold on that now00:12
SeaweaselHow good are dells with ubuntu preinstalled00:12
addchild314prowl: gnome/metacity with compiz fusion00:12
trontonicSeaweasel: 12 good00:12
alrauneaddchild314:did you activate it short ago ?00:12
SeaweaselY they more expensive than windoze vista laptops00:13
alrauneTiredWolf:   pidgin is there for win too00:13
konqialraune:  yes, this is the correct format!?! as it was since my first debian potato installation. worked fine in gutsy too, aptitude nor dpkg gives any error messaged00:13
addchild314alraune: ?00:13
TiredWolfalraune: i'm really not fond of pidgin as an IRC client anywhere...00:14
trontonicSeaweasel: because Microsoft pays Dell to make them cheaper with Windows than with free operating systems00:14
alrauneaddchild314did you activatecompiz short ago ?00:14
Ktulhuhi all , has any one here got compiz working with a via/s3g unichrome pro ipg 64 Mb video card ??? msg me plz00:14
trontonicSeaweasel: at least, that's one plausible explanation00:14
=== jlsaxon is now known as sh4D3
Seaweaselthe microsoft TAX?00:14
trontonicSeaweasel: no, that's something else00:14
addchild314alraune:ive been running compiz for about 2 months with no problems00:14
alraune konqi: wait; Ill paste you mine ...00:14
indrai can't install java can somebody look my repository00:15
Seaweaselits there contract00:15
addchild314i have my syslog and xorg conf at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=553112800:15
konqialraune:  http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-basico.en.html#s-sources.list00:15
kepexhello there00:16
indrai can't install java can somebody look my repository http://paste.lisp.org/display/6483100:16
atallicusDoes anyone know where I can find help to fix my appearance manager in ubuntu?  since last update switching themes is pretty broken.00:16
brian_hermanatalicus: are you running kde or gnome?00:16
atallicusit's gnome00:16
indrai don't know00:16
alrauneindra: uncomment...00:16
konqialraune:  you have blanks too ;)00:17
alraune!java> indra00:17
ubottuindra, please see my private message00:17
=== totto-drummond is now known as tottto-drummond
indrai using irssi i newer read private message00:17
atallicusnever had a problem with themes before yesterday.  I thought it was related to fluxbox, but i have uninstalled everything relating to fluxbox including deleting folders and gtk themes still only half work00:17
alrauneindra: give you a paste back soon, brb00:17
kepexi have a little problem and iam kinnda new on ubuntu i just swith few days ago, the things is that i need to save some files on a usb memory stick but when i plug the device the system won't detect it can any one help me pls?00:17
alraune!java| indra00:18
ubottuindra: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository00:18
amirmani took a usb drive before unmounting it now the icon is staying on my desktop, anyone know how to remove it? i've tried trashing it and i've tried rebooting, and i've tried putting the drive back in, non of it works00:18
tottto-drummondI m trying to create my own webradio with icecast2 can someone help me00:18
indrayes i was reading00:18
addchild314anyone take a look at the logs?00:19
Ktulhuamirman open terminal type xkill  point icon right click it00:19
addchild314prowl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5531128 logs and configs there...00:20
Ktulhuamirman open terminal type xkill  point icon left clik it00:20
ompauladdchild314, ctrl alt f7 yields nothing?00:20
alrauneindra: http://pastebin.com/m7886af3c00:20
indratnx alaraume00:20
alrauneindra: http://pastebin.com/m7886af3c  your right commented sources.list00:20
=== jlsaxon is now known as sh4D3
addchild314ompaul: just the spinning pinwheel... ctrl-alt-backspace restarts x with the same result00:20
alrauneindra ?00:20
amirmanKtulhu: it went away then it came back00:20
addchild314it seems to be an authentication problem00:20
indrai am here00:20
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indrai will paste first link00:21
kepexso does any ne how can i fix this, i've been looking around but can't find anything, i believe it must be easy to save files on a usb memory stick but i just can can someone help me pls???00:21
ompauladdchild314, na, sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade does what for you?00:21
alrauneindra : still something to do ?00:21
tockihow to enable kde4.1 on kubuntu ? :-)00:21
addchild314ompaul: already up to date00:21
Ktulhuamirman,  opent terminal do lsusb and paste me what it shows in pv00:21
ProwLaddchild314: I see. thank you.00:21
indrai will be paste00:21
amenadokepex what is the issue? you can not save to a usb stick?00:21
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addchild314ompaul:this started happening after the update00:22
indrafrom you lisppaste00:22
alraunekonqi:yup, looked it up, anything else similar to yours ?00:22
tottto-drummondI m trying to set up my own webradio with icecast2. can someone help me00:22
kepexi just can't it does not appear that option00:22
ompauladdchild314, I asked a question, did you do the action I suggested now, and did it yield anything?00:22
kaminixHey, me and my friend are trying to get Ekiga to work, but something doesn't work. When I call him, his client doesn't respond. When he calls me, I can accept the call and hear him but he won't hear me. My microphone's volume bar in Ekiga is moving and stuff.00:23
addchild314ompaul:yes, there were no packages downloaded or installed,00:23
Seaweaselwill i notice a speed boost with 28Bit00:23
ompauladdchild314, so it appeared to be ok00:23
kepexamenado i just swith to ubuntu and i can't save any files on a usb stick00:23
ompauladdchild314, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop00:24
amenadokepex is he usb stick mounted?00:24
DILdoes anyone have a greyed out vbox kernel update in Update Manager00:24
AMDfanboyhi, i want to share files with my room mates.  we're all sharing a router, they're using wireless, i'm using a wire.  whats the best way to do this?  nfs?00:24
ProwLaddchild314: interesting and possibly relevant thread here. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=485680700:24
ompauladdchild314, cd /etc/X1100:24
konqialraune:  i added some additional repositorys but there must be something wrong in the package management itself. while aptitude gives me the update functionality for those security updated packages, the same package information in synaptic shows up the stable version as "the hottest one". the security update-version is only listed in the "Versions" tab00:24
Kernelhello all. whats the recomended way to set up a firewall in linux? i see *alot* of different options and im a little confused. whats this ubuntu firewall im seeing?...ufw...does it use iptables?...is it just scripts for setting up iptables? or is it its own packetfilter?...i pretty much just need a simple firewall00:24
ompauladdchild314, say when you are there00:24
kepexamenado no at this moment but if mount it it doesn't appear as it00:24
amenadoAMDfanboy-> yes nfs is adequate00:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw00:24
addchild314ompaul: problem is, this is my only comp, and im running livecd00:25
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).00:25
indraagain error message00:25
AMDfanboyamenado, so whats the best way to do it.  i'm going through this....https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo and i'm a bit confused00:25
amenadokepex mount it and then issue the command  dmesg to see the status at the very end, if your system detected the usb stick00:25
ompauladdchild314, then you can't have done what I suggested when I suggested it, you said you quit during a process, I wanted to see if there was an error message at that time00:25
alraunekonqi:sudo apt-get update  && sudo apt-get upgrade                      don't solve this prob ?00:25
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amirmanKtulhu: pastebin.com/m258456a700:25
miraclemaxim_i have a volume control issue in ubuntu.. if i ever move the master volume control my volume gets extremely quiet, but if i move 'front' sliders it goes back to normal levels00:26
amenadoAMDfanboy-> what portion are you getting confused? what have you done so far?00:26
kepexamenado that coman would be on console??00:26
Ktulhuamirman,  cheking it out00:26
addchild314prowl: yeah, found that one, almost identical to my problem00:26
amenadokepex affirmative00:26
ompauladdchild314, it is midnght 26 here I am off to bed good luck ;-)00:26
konqialraune:  no, already tried but when next security updates are delivered, same problem is "back" ;(00:26
addchild314ompaul: chroot to drive with my install00:26
addchild314ompaul: thanks00:26
miraclemaxim_is it possible to map my keyboard's volume up and down to the front slider rather than the master volume slider?00:26
amirmanKtulhu: it took a while because this is on another computer than the one i'm using right now00:26
AMDfanboyAthlonfanboy: FUNNY!00:27
kepexamenado my God it appears a buonch of stuff about usb00:27
Ktulhuamirman, are u using gnome kde xfce ??00:27
alraunekonqi:tried to reinstall the update manager ? (purge)00:27
amirmanKtulhu: gnome00:27
AMDfanboyamenado: i set up the server, and i did it using the first method, myclients00:27
amirmanKtulhu: is there anyway to force unmount something that doesnt exist?00:27
konqialraune:  is there any dpkg command for checking the database? I know rpm have this option. No, not purged / reinstalled yet00:28
amenadokepex does it indicate it got mounted correctly  or error? what is the status?00:28
AMDfanboyamenado: private chat?  i can barely keep track00:28
lazertekKtulhu, -f00:28
konqialraune:  I'll try to remove additional repositorys first00:28
amenadoAMDfanboy-> nope, here in public is okay, so people can correct my mistakes if i mis-spoke00:28
Ktulhuamirman,  try unmount -f00:28
indrahe don't want me install java00:28
indrai need plugin for mozzila00:29
sunnyjust got myself a usb wireless card... i plug it in but my ubuntu can't see it. when i do "lsusb" i can see it on the list..... so is there a command to make it work??????? thanks a lot00:29
alraunekonqi:comment 'em00:29
AMDfanboyok, so i added a line to my /etc/exports file, /folder @myclients........00:29
AMDfanboybut now how do i actually get this to work?00:29
cwill747sunny, have you looked at the list of how-tos?00:29
AMDfanboywhat the hell is myclients?00:29
Ktulhusunny do on terminal dmesg | grep usb00:30
DILwhat with the Vitualbox upgrades being not installable00:30
Ktulhusunny and se if there are any error messages00:30
amenadoAMDfanboy-> something like this /media/sdb1/prakhit 192.168.300.133(rw,no_root_squash,async)   as /etc/exports entry00:31
kepexamenado it odesn't say anything abut arror in some parts appear something as follows: [ 4245.589599] scsi 4:0:0:1: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_NO_CONNECT driverbyte=DRIVER_OK,SUGGEST_OK00:31
kepex[ 4245.589603] scsi 4:0:0:1: [sdb] Sense not available.00:31
kepex[ 4245.589607] scsi 4:0:0:1: rejecting I/O to dead device00:31
kepex[ 4245.589611] scsi 4:0:0:1: [sdb] Write Protect is off00:31
kepex[ 4245.589613] scsi 4:0:0:1: [sdb] Mode Sense: 00 00 00 0000:31
FloodBot3kepex: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:31
amirmanKtulhu: how do i found out the name of it to unmount it? the real name, its called kingston on the desktop but i think i need to use dev/sba or something like that00:31
sunnyktulhu, i don't see any error massage..00:31
AMDfanboyamenado: sure but i think their IP is not static?00:31
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cwill747!wifi | sunny00:31
ubottusunny: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:31
SpuddysI messed up my ubuntu graphics drivers, they were working but one game said download latest ones so i did but now no game will work and if i enable the ones that came with ubuntu my screen goes funny so i have to do a recovery00:31
sunnydmesg | grep usb00:31
sunny[   13.088964] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs00:31
sunny[   13.089026] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub00:31
sunny[   13.101530] usbcore: registered new device driver usb00:31
sunny[   13.114004] usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice00:31
sunny[   13.217266] usb usb2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice00:31
FloodBot3sunny: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:31
sunny[   13.321126] usb usb3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice00:31
shut-does anyone know why when i go to untd.info firefox 3 crashes?00:32
amenadoAMDfanboy-> if not static then you can use  something like that00:32
kepexdid u saw it amenado??00:32
AMDfanboyamenado: how does that work?  24?00:32
Ktulhuamirman lets take a look at yous fstab file and see if its there00:32
sunnyubottu, i just want it make it work... please how to i activate it?00:32
ubottusunny: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:32
amenadokepex kindly paste it in pastebin as suggested00:32
SpuddysCan anyone help with my graphics drivers problem?00:32
amirmanKtulhu: it shouldnt be in my fstab, it's a usb drive00:33
kepexok the hole thing let me do it00:33
histoSpuddys: what kind of card00:33
Ktulhuamirman, di gedit /etc/fstab00:33
amenadoAMDfanboy-> the whole subnet is allowed to mount your nfs shared directory00:33
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histoSpuddys: at the log in screen you can change the session to gnome failsafe00:33
AMDfanboyamenado: the subnet is everyone connected to my router and no one else?00:33
histo!pm | Spuddys00:33
ubottuSpuddys: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.00:33
Ktulhuamirman,  doesnt hurt to check it out00:33
amenadoAMDfanboy-> yes00:33
sunnyplease.... is there a way to make my card work?00:33
BobPenguinHello there. I just screwed up and erased all the data from my panasonic hard disk video camera. Can you please recommend me a recovery tool for undeleting the files. It would be better if it had a GUI...00:33
SpuddysHisto can i PM you please00:34
AMDfanboyamenado: i wonder if windows and apple machines can see it too?00:34
cwill747sunny, what kind of card is it?00:34
RawSushihmm, how on earth do I get flash plugin installed in opera?00:34
SpuddysHisto, Are you there?00:34
AMDfanboyamenado: whats 24?00:34
sunnyatheros... usb wireless "Seno00:34
sunnycwill747, Senao00:34
alrauneindra :?00:35
indranot work00:35
amenadoAMDfanboy-> if windows and apple has nfs suppor they can see it00:35
KtulhuRawSushi,  got to adobe.com download flash player and follow instructions00:35
alrauneindra :java ?00:35
indrai putting that in /etc/apt/sources.list00:35
kepexamenado i just did it, what does that mean?00:35
SpuddysHisto - I went to "update" my graphics drivers as a game said to do, then it totally messed up my screen so i did a recovery, That then wouldnt allow me to enable the drivers which came with ubuntu to work it did the same as the updated drivers, How do i fix?00:35
indrabut always same message00:35
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alrauneindra :k, one after another: did sources.list, SAVED n closed it ?00:36
amenadokepex-> you just did what? paste in pastebin? then provide the link here00:36
indraand i make update00:36
indrai need install that00:36
AMDfanboyamenado: whats 24?00:36
Spuddys!pm | spuddy00:36
ubottuspuddy: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.00:36
kepexsorry iam new still learning here it it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34569/00:36
alrauneindra :k,  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:36
SpuddysHisto - I went to "update" my graphics drivers as a game said to do, then it totally messed up my screen so i did a recovery, That then wouldnt allow me to enable the drivers which came with ubuntu to work it did the same as the updated drivers, How do i fix?00:36
amenadoAMDfanboy-> to indicate the subnet.. instead of
alrauneindra :k,  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade   ??00:37
amenadoAMDfanboy-> then sudo exportfs -ra00:37
cwill747 00:38
cwill747Cameron Will00:38
amenadoAMDfanboy-> and  sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart00:38
alrauneindra :k, one after another00:38
RawSushiOR...if there's another browser I can use besides mozilla firefox00:38
cwill747wow that's strange00:38
RawSushithat would also be great00:38
RawSushisomething better than firefox00:38
clayghow do I intall win drivers from  a disk to get my modem to work?00:38
indrai was make that00:38
indrabut nothing00:38
AMDfanboyok, and that should be it?00:38
kepexamenado here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34569/00:38
KtulhuRawSushi, webkonkeror00:38
kaneThe guy who supose to help me is not here00:38
SpuddysCan anybody help me with my graphics driver problem00:38
lazertekRawSushi, try opera 9.500:38
indraE: Package j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin has no installation candidate00:38
sh4d3-0090ppl always asking for help00:38
kaneHow can access files from windows on Ubuntu00:38
lazertekRawSushi, there aint a better competition to firefox than opera00:38
RawSushiif I can get flash working in opera00:38
RawSushithat's what I'll use00:39
kaneHow can access files from windows on Ubuntu00:39
RawSushifirefox closes on me00:39
lazertekRawSushi, it00:39
kaneFireFoc Rulz00:39
kaneHow can access files from windows on Ubuntu00:39
alraunesudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre openjdk-6-source openjdk-6-jre-headless openjdk-6-jre-lib icedtea-gcjwebplugin00:39
lazertekRawSushi, if u install flash non free from the repos it should work on opera00:39
SpuddysCan anybody help me with my graphics driver problem00:39
amenadokepex-> i think your clue there is that dead device?00:39
sh4d3-0090foxyproxy = pwnzrs00:39
alrauneindra :sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre openjdk-6-source openjdk-6-jre-headless openjdk-6-jre-lib icedtea-gcjwebplugin00:39
kaneHow can access files from windows on Ubuntu00:39
SpuddysCan anybody help me with my graphics driver problem00:39
sh4d3-0090jezz like wtf00:39
KtulhuSpuddys, what prob m8 ?00:40
cwill747!ntfs | kane00:40
ubottukane: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE00:40
sh4d3-0090ppl just asking over and over00:40
sh4d3-0090look it up?00:40
Spuddysktulhu can i PM you?00:40
alraunekane: ntfs3g00:40
sh4d3-0090ubuntu has like the most info on it of all os's00:40
kanecwill can i have command00:40
KtulhuSpuddys, yes00:40
sh4d3-0090google ftw00:40
ubottukane, please see my private message00:40
kaneSo enter ntfs3g in command00:40
cwill747sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt -o force00:40
nkrizhello all. is there a way to expand all folders in a window when you're in list view?00:40
kepexamenado so how can i fix this or what should i do can u tell me pls?00:40
AMDfanboyamenado:  thanks!  i added and i restarted everything like in the tutorial, now all i gotta do is install nfs support on their machines and see if it works.00:40
cwill747kane, see my post above00:40
metheonAnyone know how well EVE-Online runs under ubuntu?00:41
nuxilhas anyone tried Crunchy ? is the dockutils out of date ?00:41
zippytechhow does ubuntu figure what program starts next on boot00:41
cwill747kane, sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt -o force00:41
claygmetheon, probably well,it can handle wow00:41
cwill747or replace sda* with whatever your partition is00:41
alraunekane:answer with nick,  installed it ?00:41
amenadokepex did that usb stick work in windows before? does it have a files on it? vfat format?00:41
indrahe say broken package00:41
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AMDfanboyamenado: btw, i took out rw, i dont want them to be able to read, only right, think thats ok?  or do i have to replace rw with r ???00:41
RawSushiokay I got my update installing.  all I need to do is get flash going00:41
RawSushiand I'm set00:41
RawSushiand flash should be the only plugin I need I guess?00:41
amirmanKtulhu: its not in my fstab00:41
konqialraune:  yes, shure...but same problem with minimal sources.list : http://rafb.net/p/8LBiff71.html :(00:42
kepexsome friend is trying to sell it to me he openes right in front of me form the envelope is new00:42
metheonclayg, i cant quite get the mouse to run nicely through wow@wine - you got some solid info on how to get it running smoothly?00:42
amenadoAMDfanboy-> read only?  then yeah  r00:42
kanei don't get it00:42
kepexamenado does that means that the stick is broken?00:42
kanePlease help00:42
alraunekonqi: try reinstallation of update-notifier00:42
indranow is broken00:42
kaneWhat do i type in terminal00:42
amirmanhow can i view the drives on my system via command line?00:42
alrauneindra: ?00:42
amenadokepex most likely yes...not worth your 5bux or 10 bux he is asking for :P00:42
indrai am here00:42
cwill747kane, do you have it installed?00:42
alrauneindra: broken ?00:43
cwill747kane, sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g00:43
elebenwols: finally ran the sudo fdisk -l00:43
nuxilim trying to ger Crunchy to work, But i keep on Getting erros when trying to start it,, are the docutils a bit outdated in hardy ?00:43
amirmanhow can i view drives connected to my pc? i wan ther /dev/ names00:43
kepexok thank you very much amenado i do really appreciatte your help00:43
kanecwill do i need internet connection00:43
cwill747kane, you want to pm me?00:43
kaneto get app00:43
nkrizhello all. is there a way to expand all folders in a window when you're in list view?00:43
concretesledgeya baby00:43
amenadokepex no sweat..00:43
AMDfanboyamenado: actually i think its ro instead of r, i'll try both.00:43
alrauneindra: what is broken ?00:43
amirmansorry my stuff lagged here00:44
indrajust says taht broken package00:44
amenadoAMDfanboy-> you maybe right, see i have faulty memories :P.. man  nfs  in console please00:44
elebenmy 3 drives i'm trying to use in VM show WARNING:  GPT detected on /dev/sdb same for sdc and sdd00:44
kanesomeone is calling me gay on pm00:44
RawSushilazertek: okay, I had flashplugin-nonfree installed already.00:45
RawSushilazertek:  what do I do from there?00:45
c1rcuitanybody want to help me install and configure ndiswrapper00:45
inv1Hi Where are the bootloader options in Ubuntu?00:45
alrauneindra: could you please give clear infos ? what message do you get ?00:45
RequinB4!grub | inv100:45
ubottuinv1: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:45
alrauneinv1 : /boot/grub/menu.lst00:45
WillieDaPimpanyone know why my Mesa DRI Radeon 20061018 AGP 4x x86/MMX/SSE2 TCL won't recognize the tv tuner?00:45
RequinB4not much... inv1: do you want to boot a different loader or change the options in /boot/grubmenu.lst00:46
indraSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have00:46
indrarequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable00:46
indradistribution that some required packages have not yet been created00:46
indraor been moved out of Incoming.00:46
indraThe following information may help to resolve the situation:00:46
inv1alraune: But isn't that in root? How would one edit it.00:46
FloodBot3indra: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:46
indraThe following packages have unmet dependencies: openjdk-6-jre-headless: Depends: tzdata-java but it is not going to be installed00:46
indraE: Broken packages00:46
sh4d3-0090anyone have a cure for extreme boredom?00:46
RequinB4make that /boot/grub/menu.lst00:46
alrauneinv1 : gksu gedit  /boot/grub/menu.lst00:46
spuddywho was the guy who just helped me00:46
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:46
inv1RequinB4 I actually don't care, I just want to make sure I could set which OS of the dual boot is automatic and how long.00:47
sh4d3-0090oh hey00:47
indrajust says that00:47
=== spuddy is now known as spuddys
alrauneindra: paste the whole message to pastebin | now how ?00:47
amenadoinv1-> http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm00:47
spuddysWho was the person who just helping me00:47
spuddyswith my graphics problem00:47
sh4d3-0090i dont know...00:47
RequinB4inv1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81817700:48
inv1alraune, Thanks. Just wondering, is there any GUI for it?00:48
alrauneindra: paste the whole message to pastebin | now how ?                  the following .. : thats all ?00:48
Zirodayinv1: You might want to also have a look at SUM00:48
RequinB4inv1: be forwarned! messing with the boot sequence can permently make ubuntu unbootable :)00:48
Zirodayinv1: it is a gui00:48
RequinB4Ziroday: its in the link00:48
alrauneinv1: yup, search paketmanager for grub00:48
ZirodayRequinB4: oh woops my bad00:49
indrahere is error00:49
kaneCan broadcom 4311 work on Ubuntu00:49
D-EJ915wow there's a million people in here...00:49
alrauneindra: k, what did you tried to get to runj with java ?00:50
D-EJ915anyway, I was wondering if you guys knew the default console settings?  like the font, what size, etc.00:50
alrauneindra: headless is not so important00:50
RequinB4kane: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76656000:50
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff kane takes less than 5 minutes00:50
kaneCan broadcom work on Kubuntu00:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kanebroadcom00:51
ubottukane: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx00:51
bazhangkane read that link and follow the steps00:51
indrai am here00:51
alrauneindra: k, what did you tried to get to runj with java ?00:51
alrauneindra: headless is not so important00:51
amenadoD-EJ915-> try  sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup00:51
RequinB4kane: follow bazhang's link, it's the same thing but prettier00:52
indrajust i sec00:52
indrajust sec00:52
kanePlease ban Clayg00:52
konqialraune:  bad news: purgin and reinstall of update-manager, update-notifier, synaptics and their depencies does not resolve the given problem ;(00:52
kaneHe is cursing00:52
puuRphCan someone tell me some nice icon-set for gnome?00:52
D-EJ915amenado: I've done that, but I modified the settings and the text goes beyond the bottom of my screen so I'd like to reset it00:52
MeVsTheVoice1Is there a portable way for me to get the current resolution of the terminal?00:52
alraunekonqi: damned upgrades, lol00:53
bazhangkane seriously it takes less than 5 minutes; you are wasting those 5 minutes here when you could be having working wireless. Your choice though.00:53
puuRphCan someone tell me some nice icon-set for gnome?00:53
AMDfanbo1amenado: this is AMDfanboy, i'm on my buddies computer.  do i have to mount the shares on my computer?00:53
amenadoD-EJ915-> i dont recall offhand which file those are stored00:53
konqialraune:  *sniff*00:53
RequinB4!best | puuRph, search www.gnome-look.org, and00:53
ubottupuuRph, search www.gnome-look.org, and: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:53
MeVsTheVoice1nuevo-xt, you can browse through icon sets at gnome-look.org very large selection00:54
bazhangpuuRph, check gnome-look.org00:54
kaneI don't have wired connection00:54
D-EJ915amenado: thanks I'll look around some more00:54
amenadoAMDfanbo1-> the guest mounts the server's directory, the one you put in the servers  /etc/exports file00:54
=== sean is now known as Guest73065
kschwenHey guys...my computer's power management is crap, I can't change the brightness, and I apparently have no /proc/acpi...help?00:54
kschwenI'm running Hard Heron on a PPC ibook g400:54
konqialraune:  together with the second problem of power consumption i wish to never upgrade from gutsy ;(00:55
kaneI don't have wired connection00:55
fdeAMDfanbo1: you should be able to browse via Places > Network00:55
fdeAMDfanbo1: It automatically mounts things when you double click dir's - sort of annoying.00:55
AMDfanbo1fde: funny, its not there.00:56
gyaresuannoying! Annyone know how to get a later version of a program (imagemagick currently at 6.2.0) when 'gem install rmagick' needs version 6.3.0 from /scripts/installimagemagick on centos under cPanel?00:56
fdeAMDfanbo1: What desktop?00:56
alraunekonqi: aah, your still alive, snuff,  any imprortant data to not do   a fresh install ?00:56
alraunekonqi: power consumption ?00:57
AMDfanbo1fde: hey, i'm on my roommates computer, its ubuntu trying to find files on my unbuntu machine, both sharing a router00:57
indrai don't know00:57
fdeAMDfanbo1: What have you done to set up file sharing?00:57
kaneWhat is this command sudo rm /* -R00:57
bazhanggyaresu, does not centos have their own channel?00:57
gyaresu(also as I'm new to centos [debian skills ++] would i be better off asking for production server stuff in the rhel channel? Is this mainly a desktop type chat room?00:57
alrauneindra: what did you tried to get working with java ?00:57
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gyaresubazhang: argh.00:57
gyaresubazhang: Problems with irssi and 20 rooms open. my bad. thought i was in it :) sorry.00:58
konqialraune:  (yes hit ctrl-w ;( ) yes, laptop ran about 5h before update but just ~2.5h with hardy ;(00:58
alraunekane : wrong syntax00:58
bazhanggyaresu, :)00:58
indrai need plugin for some java sites00:58
fdegyaresu: #centos00:58
AMDfanbo1fde: i /home/folder,sync,no_subtree_check)     then i exported and then restarted both services00:58
alrauneindra: still doesn't work ?00:58
fdegyaresu: you certainly shouldn't be asking about centos in #ubuntu00:59
fdeAMDfanbo1: so you've set up NFS?00:59
indrai must ficin rep i think00:59
gyaresufde: dude. chill. i just had the wrong room.00:59
fdeAMDfanbo1: yes, you have to mount.00:59
AMDfanbo1fde: the export and restart commands i used were in here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo   under installationand config00:59
alrauneindra :sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre openjdk-6-source  openjdk-6-jre-lib icedtea-gcjwebplugin00:59
fdegyaresu: Umm, I am chilled... just informing you not to ask her.00:59
AMDfanbo1fde: i have to mount on my computer?  on his computer, right?01:00
konqialraune:  if there is any possibility to read and restore list of installed packages during install (NO dpkg --get-selection && --set-selection no longer works as of gutsy (or the one before))01:00
alraunekane : was a command for deleting, but bad syntax01:00
bazhangfde simple oversight on his part01:00
indranothing same01:00
iratsuwhat does installing ubuntu on an encrypted filesystem do? will grub ask me for the passphrase at every boot?01:00
konqialraune:  also synaptics export just creates a scriptfile with one line: "#!/bin/bash" ;)01:00
AMDfanbo1fde: i dont need to mount on my computer, right?01:00
claygdoes scanModem do the same thing as lspci?01:01
indrai don't know01:01
alraunekonqi: hm, on my desktop power consumption went down significantly after compililing specialised kernel (by kernelcheck) and...01:01
c1rcuiti am trying to connect to the internet but have a 430601:01
c1rcuitwhat do i do?01:01
fdeAMDfanbo1: on the client, you have to mount... better to put it in /etc/fstab as a soft mount though... I have to go however, sorry.01:01
kschwenAnyone know why I'd be missing /proc/acpi?01:01
spuddywho was the person helping me again01:01
c1rcuit4305 network controller01:01
bazhangc1rcuit, the broadcom?01:01
c1rcuithow can i remedy this01:01
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff c1rcuit01:02
alraunekonqi: dpkg --get-selections > PAKETE.txt           doesn't work ?01:02
alraunekonqi: dpkg --get-selections > home/<?indra?>/Desktop/PAKETE.txt           doesn't work ?01:02
konqialraune:  --get-selections works fine, but after "set-selections" and running apt-get or aptitude, no package will be installed01:03
concretesledgecan i change my gui's theme01:03
AMDfanbo1fde: thanks!01:03
c1rcuiti dont understand how can i download this01:03
concretesledgei want a really spiffy one01:03
c1rcuitor make it work01:03
konqialraune:  this worked in Debian woody but later on I did not have any success ;(01:04
Lemming^e/window close01:04
spurious/j #ubuntu-uk01:04
AMDfanbo1amenado:  i'm on my buddies computer, and i cant find my shares in places->networks01:04
bazhangc1rcuit, do you have an internet connection now?01:04
indrai see he says that package is install01:04
kschwenI don't even have /etc/default/acpi-support -- is there a package I'mmissing?01:04
c1rcuitim on my desktop01:04
c1rcuitbut my laptop01:04
c1rcuitthe one with problems01:04
konqialraune:  what do you mean with "by kernelcheck"?01:04
c1rcuitis only connected by ethernet01:04
c1rcuitim trying to configure the wireless01:05
bazhangconcretesledge, check gnome-look.org and then drag to theme manager to change01:05
alraunekonqi:ask that to the others, works also in hardy, but the machine where I stored it, is temporary down in due to an  ar.. broke  it, sry01:05
AMDfanbo1anyone know nfs?01:05
alrauneindra: i386 0r 64 bit ?01:06
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c1rcuithow am i supposed to connect?01:06
alraunekonqi:googel kernelcheck01:06
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bazhangc1rcuit, connect to what01:06
c1rcuiti am trying to configure the wireless01:06
=== Ktulhu is now known as Ktul
c1rcuitbut it is not workin01:06
bazhangc1rcuit, you are connected now, correct? there seems to be a way then.01:06
c1rcuiti told you01:07
c1rcuitim on a seperate computer01:07
c1rcuitand my laptop is connected via ethernet cabel01:07
=== spuddy is now known as spuddys
alrauneindra: http://javadl.sun.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=2310301:07
concretesledgewhat part do i drag01:07
alrauneindra: for download01:07
indrai downloding01:08
alrauneindra: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml#selfextracting01:08
konqialraune:  ok. ubuntu std. kernel seems to be like a "blinking light" to me. it works - does'nt - works - doesn't - ... :D01:08
bazhangconcretesledge, it depends; sometimes the tar.gz file, other times you need to extract and then drag.01:08
indraafter sudo dpkg -i?01:08
concretesledgebazhang,  art manager?01:09
alraunekonqi:well, well, its like a car suitable for poss. many people, e.g. Taxi,  you want a sportscar or a lorry or a tank ??01:09
bazhangconcretesledge, system prefs appearances theme tab01:09
arianHi there01:10
arianAnybody using Ubuntu here? lol01:10
alrauneindra: in beginning, Terminal, type sudo -i instead of su01:10
indrai will i was reading01:10
indrai reading01:10
alrauneindra : shall I guide you ?01:11
arianAny woman here using Ubuntu lol?01:11
cwill747!hi | arian01:11
ubottuarian: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:11
indrai don't hava java in usr01:11
cyranoi have this problem with my external monitor01:11
cyranocan anyone help me diagnose it?01:12
bazhangarian, do you have an ubuntu support question?01:12
cyranoI've tried the forums and google01:12
alrauneindra : I'll guide you, youre root in terminal now ?01:12
=== spuddy is now known as spuddys
indrai type sudo -i01:12
histoWhy is there ubuntu 8.04 and 8.04.1 on the servers?01:12
alraunesaved the file to Desktop ?01:12
indrai was go in /usr01:12
indrabut i don't have java01:12
alraunesaved the file to Desktop ?01:12
alrauneindra:saved the file to Desktop ?01:13
squarebracketcyrano: can you be a bit more specific?01:13
indrai was save file01:13
alrauneindra:k, then : cp /home/<user>/Desktop/<javaFile((can paste here)>     /usr/src/01:14
snowveilI am installing a new video card driver from Nvidia in hopes of getting my video card to work with Xandr Rotation, and need to exit X to install the driver01:14
konqialraune:  shure, but upgrading to the newest version should not harm any features. Else users will still say: "i'll use win cause it works and i do not have to take care of these problems of some geeks"01:14
snowveilhow do I exit X completely to get to just a terminal?01:14
squarebracketsnowveil: do you have to do something in the terminal, or just restart X?01:14
alraune konqi: volkswaggon, so..01:14
konqialraune:  :D01:15
snowveilsquarebracket , do something in terminal while X is not running01:15
cyranosquarebracket: I'm using an LCD tv with RGB input as a monitor01:15
cwill747snowveil, click ctrl-alt-f1 to switch into terminal mode, or change your session to just terminal01:15
indracp: missing destination file operand after `01:15
squarebracketsnowveil: ctrl+alt+F1 to get to terminal, log in.01:15
sunnycan anyone help me out install my usb wireless network card? it's Senao International based on Atheros01:15
konqialraune:  giving your golf to an inspection does not make it slower :p01:15
snowveilcwill747 , I've tried that, but it tells me that X is still running01:15
squarebracketsnowveil: you then have to kill any X that's running01:16
cyranosquarebracket: output is 8.04, acer TM 2420 with an intel 950 i think01:16
snowveilhow can I do that?01:16
squarebracketsnowveil: ps -A | grep X01:16
snowveilps -a01:16
squarebracketsnowveil: then sudo kill <PID number>01:16
snowveildoes grep show anything related to x?01:16
snowveilthanks :)01:16
will00who do i set the users to if i want a folder to be read/write able to everyone on a network?01:16
cyranosquarebracket: The thing is. It worked perfectly until recently. Suddenly stopped working, now it only detects my usplash and the server window... but goes "no signal" as soon as x starts01:17
squarebracketsnowveil: sort of... grep is really useful, look it up, it will be able to explain better than I can :)01:17
atallicusCan anyone help me track down what update yesterday stopped my gtk themes from working?  They skin part of the box but not the buttons or tabs01:17
squarebracketcyrano: changed anything recently?01:17
concretesledgebazhang, "AllDayLong.xml" does not appear to be a valid theme.01:17
alrauneindra:k, then : cp /home/"e.G.indra"/Desktop//home/m/Desktop/jre-6u7-linux-i586.bin     /usr/src/01:17
sunnycan anyone help me install my USB wireless device??????????????01:17
elijahwhy does Xorg use so much bloody cpu all the time?01:18
cyranosquarebracket: Nope. had'nt even rebooted since last i was connected when it happened.  now i have, but didn't help01:18
cwill747sunny, what kind?01:18
squarebracketcyrano: have you checked your xorg.conf file to make sure it's all right?01:18
alraune konqi: yup, but won't have any new features ore become more stable or tuned also01:18
sunnycwill747, it's USB Senao wireless device01:18
cyranono. I'm not sure how the default should be. How should I check it?01:18
kane2How can i access  fs-driver in windows.01:18
fxcmhI really need something like Wubi, to run inside of Windows, but I need a solution that doesn't require admin priviledges (that could install inside a personal folder or on a usb stick).  Is there anything like that?01:18
cwill747sunny, oh yeah i tried to find this earlier, i can't help you here haha01:18
konqialraune:  i see, this will be an endless discussion ;)01:18
alrauneindra:k, then : cp /home/"e.G.indra"/Desktop/home/m/Desktop/jre-6u7-linux-i586.bin     /usr/src/    ,sry(//)01:18
snowveilAlright, so I just killed Xorg and it stopped but restarted and brought me back to the login screen01:18
kane2How can i access  fs-driver in windows.01:18
cwill747kane, you'll have to go to windows to find the answer, sorry for misleading you01:19
concretesledgebazhang, "AllDayLong.xml" does not appear to be a valid theme.01:19
cwill747!windows | kane201:19
ubottukane2: For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents01:19
alraune konqi: offtopic..01:19
elijahfxcmh, Anything on a USB stick is going to be painfully slow01:19
concretesledgexml ???01:19
sunny cwill747, you mean a driver for it could not be found?01:19
egcomg, ubuntu rocks in vmware fusion01:19
concretesledgeelijah,  thats not true01:19
cyranosquarebracket: no. I'm not sure how the default should be. How should I check it?01:19
n3wbhello, I would like to connect with my router through usb, but when I try: ifconfig usb0 up, i get this error: usb0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device, how could I do that? Thanks in advance.01:19
cwill747sunny, no i couldn't find what was wrong, i was looking on your behalf earlier01:19
konqialraune:  and offtopic, right... thanks so far. gn801:19
concretesledgeusb stick's are just as good.. and in fact you can get better signal striength by moving them01:19
kane2Thanks cwill01:19
indrai can't01:19
squarebracketopen it up (gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf) and pastebin me it.01:19
indrai don't know01:19
alrauneindra:n8 konqi01:19
daggerxdell 1525, having trouble connecting to one westell 327w at my church, I can connect to wifi anywhere but there, I can even connect to another 327w - and yes i have the usename and password01:19
fxcmhelijah: usb stick or hard drive is fine, as long as I don't need admin privileges01:19
cwill747kane2, no prob01:19
elijahegc, yeah for the most part except you can't run fusion, use accelerated open gl and also unity mode is not supported, but I agree, pretty slick!01:19
indramy home name dir is vladek01:20
indramy home name dir is vladek01:20
alrauneindra : what username do u use ?01:20
squarebracketcyrano: open it up (gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf) and pastebin me it.01:20
egcelijah: ah true, no compositing here either01:20
elijahconcretesledge, better signal strength by moving them, can you be more specific, i do not follow?01:20
alrauneindra: then : cp /home/vladek/Desktop/jre-6u7-linux-i586.bin     /usr/src/01:20
cyranosquarebracket: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/34578/01:20
sunnycwill747, its just when i do iwconfig, it's not listed... and the LED on the device not on... i think there must be a way to activate it by a driver or something01:21
elijahegc, but it is slick and I am sure we will be seeing improvements more quickly in the future since market share for Ubuntu is growing01:21
concretesledgeelijah,  nvm i thougth you were talking about USB wireless devices01:21
snowveilsquarebracket , is there a way to disable x from automatically restarting after I kill it?01:21
indrai am01:21
alrauneindra:copied ? as no output after the command ?01:21
egcmacbookpro + ubuntu is dreamy ;)01:22
alraunethen: cd\01:22
cwill747sunny, did it worked in windows or another computer?01:22
indrai was copied01:22
alraunethen : cd /usr/src01:22
egccus os X blows01:22
sunnycwill747, it works fine on windows01:22
indrai am here01:22
elijahconcretesledge, oh, i see. I am using USB wireless right now, pretty fast, i like how I can use it on any computer too, except for ubuntu i need to use XP's ICS01:22
alraunechmod a+x jre-6u<version>-linux-i586.bin01:22
squarebracketsnowveil: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:22
cwill747sunny, i have no idea how to help with senao, my b01:22
sunnycwill747, i was on a different room here on irc, someone said use zydas_zd1211 and i don't have an idea what that is01:23
squarebracketsnowveil: are you installing the drivers from nvidia.com ?01:23
daggerxany ideas? have a dell 1525, having trouble connecting to one westell 327w at my church, I can connect to wifi anywhere but there, I can even connect to another 327w - and yes i have the usename and password - using hardy01:23
indrai don't know version01:23
snowveilyes squarebracket01:23
squarebracketcyrano: i can tell you that X is not configured to do dual display01:23
alrauneindra: you can copy n paste the commands from irc to terminal01:23
elijahegc, yeah, i have been using OS x for 2 weeks now (1st time ever), I have learned quickly some things are very nice but some are just lame01:23
indrai make that01:23
cwill747sunny, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/zydas_zd121101:23
squarebracketsnowveil: to do the actual install you have to do sudo sh NVIDIA-x.x.x.run if you didn't know01:23
IdleOneindra, to paste commands into terminal use ctrl+shift+v01:24
snowveilyup squarebracket , that's how I'm getting the error that I need to exit X entirely01:24
indrahe says no such gile or directory01:24
indrahe says no such gile or directory01:24
egcelijah: agreed, its not horrible, but gnome wins because of workspaces and window lists work...the dock is inefficient01:24
cyranosquarebracket: I'm not after dual display. only one screen at a time, but it doesn't do that either. Would it be an idea to replace it with a default xorg.conf file and run dpkg reconf01:24
kevino /ignore #ubuntu joins quits parts01:24
indrahe says no such file or directory01:24
alraune             chmod a+x jre-6u7-linux-i586.bin01:24
alrauneindra:    chmod a+x jre-6u7-linux-i586.bin01:24
squarebracketsnowveil: i can't remember if /etc/init.d/gdm stop kills X, but it will stop it from restarting. same thing but start to get it going again01:25
elijahegc, I wonder if OS X will ever pen up it's source01:25
WaYI don't recomend java 6 version, install better version 501:25
=== spuddy is now known as spuddys
elijahegc, Final Cut Pro should run on Ubuntu01:25
indracannot access `jre-6u7-linux-i586.bin': No such file or directory01:25
squarebracketcyrano: ya, you can try that.01:25
Daisuke_Laptopwhy would you not install via the repos?01:26
Daisuke_Laptopthat's why they're there.01:26
chainedchaoshi, i'm having trouble resizing an ext3 partition using gparted from the ubuntu live cd, can anyone help me out?01:26
spuddysthe person who was helping me are you still there01:26
indracannot access `jre-6u7-linux-i586.bin': No such file or directory01:26
alrauneindra u are in /usr/src ??01:26
elijahanyone know how i can turn ubuntu on from sleep or hibernate to be my alarm clock?01:26
squarebracketcyrano: i had to run a script to switch displays on my laptop, but that was in 7.10. haven't checked it out in 8.0401:26
Daisuke_Laptopindra: install from the repos01:26
spuddysthe person who was helping me are you still there01:26
alraunewhen u type: ls,  can't see that file ??01:26
indrafile is there01:26
Daisuke_Laptopalraune: is there a *really* good reason to not use the repos in this case?01:26
cyranosquarebracket: Thing is... it worked this morning :(01:27
alrauneDaisuke_Laptop:tried before, yes01:27
squarebracketcyrano: ya, i don't think i can explain that. sorry :(01:27
=== AnimeTimey is now known as orgthingy
qr_is there a program like fold that will preserve the indentation of paragraphs (ie if the line to be split starts with three spaces then every line that it is split into would also begin with three spaces)01:27
alrauneindra:    chmod a+x jre-6u7-linux-i586.bin01:27
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:27
Jack_Sparrowchainedchaos is the ext3 on an extended partition01:27
alrauneDaisuke_Laptop:tried before, yes01:27
Daisuke_Laptopenable multiverse?01:27
alrauneDaisuke_Laptop:tried before, yes01:28
elijahmay i ask what everyones Xorg's are running at right now (cpu)01:28
atallicusIs there anyway I can uninstall the whole program that sets gtk2 themes and reinstall it?  I don't know any other way to fix it not working.01:28
alrauneindra: command worked ?01:28
Daisuke_Laptopthen good luck, that's not a supported method of installation, and will probably cause problems when upgrading.01:28
chainedchaosJack_Sparrow: yeah01:28
cyranosquarebracket: maybe some evil update... I'll keep retrying then. but hey, say something may have happend to the xorg.conf file. How do i find a default one to switch back to the way it was on a clean install?01:29
Jack_Sparrowchainedchaos are you trying to include space not inside the extended?01:29
indrayes i am01:29
indranow work01:29
indrawhat's next01:29
squarebracketcyrano: automatic upgrade is sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg01:29
chainedchaosJack_Sparrow: yes, i'm trying to add the free space to the left of the extended partition01:29
Jack_Sparrowchainedchaos not gonna happen01:29
squarebracketcyrano: it says that in the xorg.conf file. you can also boot from a live cd, and copy the xorg.conf generated from that.01:31
alrauneindra: ./jre-6u7-linux-i586.bin01:31
chainedchaosJack_Sparrow: why not?01:31
Saj0577its possible just will take ages and not very safe01:31
alrauneindra: installing ?01:31
cyranosquarebracket: ok. thanks for your time. I'll restart x then and see. good bye01:31
DanskmandHi Guys :-) - I've got an installation that uses Hardy...That time when I installed it I wanted local encryption on my HD....But every time it boots, it asks for the passphrase (of course)....But now I dont need it anymore. How can I reverse the encryption - or make it not ask for the passphrase anymore ?01:31
Jack_Sparrowchainedchaos you cant anex physical partition space onto a logical inside an extended01:31
elijahmay i ask what everyones Xorg's are running at right now (cpu), please, i need to see if mine is normal (20%-50%)01:31
indrano such file or directory01:31
[z]neowhere can i find the truecrypt that i install?01:31
naxxtorelijah: err, 0%01:31
Saj0577elijah that is high01:31
Jack_Sparrowchainedchaos You would need to resize your extended, and you probably cant do that unless you remove the logicals from inside it.01:31
Jack_Sparrowchainedchaos Do you have a seperate /home partition?01:31
FlackerI'm having some trouble installing ndiswrapper01:31
chainedchaoshang on, i'll find a picture of whats going on01:32
indranow yes01:32
FlackerI'm on the part with the comand 'make'01:32
elijahhmm, ok thanks guys, My ubuntu is sluggish, i hope some updates fix it someday, it downloaded a xorg-intel update today but I have AMD, don't know why it downloaded it though.01:32
histoMan this sucks.  I'm guessing its the stupid dvdrom that won't allow this to boot the livecd01:32
Flackerand it has a bounch of errors01:32
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:32
alrauneindra: say yes, when u read : done01:32
n3wbI would like to connect with my router through usb, but when I try: ifconfig usb0 up, i get this error: usb0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device, how could I do that?01:32
chainedchaosJack_Sparrow: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v214/chainedchaos/partitions.jpg01:33
DanskmandBtw: I set up encryption while installing, so I dont know the command....01:33
indranow working01:33
MrVirushow do you cd to a windows directory with spaces in terminal01:33
indraare you using irssi01:33
alrauneindra: pidgin01:33
indrai have pidgin01:34
alrauneindra: does your java app work now ?01:34
Jack_Sparrowchainedchaos use pm8 to see if you can resize your extended then add it to your logical01:34
chillis there a guide for which audio driver to use ? (asla / oss / jack / nas)01:34
NyaxMrVirus, have you tried putting a \ before your space?01:34
indraknow is installed01:34
chainedchaosJack_Sparrow: i can't use gparted to do that?01:35
indrago on www.net.hr01:35
alrauneindra: and there ?01:35
MrVirusi'm using cd /storage 2 to cd.. is this correct.. or would a forward (\) be better01:35
indrachoos chat01:35
indrachoose chat01:35
Jack_Sparrowchainedchaos the simplist solution I have is to set up a seperate /home and create a new partition on the space you are trying to add to your exteneded01:35
indrafirst button i agree01:36
Flackerhey I'm trying to install ndiswrapper 1.53 and I'm on the 'make' command. when I do it though it has a ton  of errors01:36
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)01:36
indrai can't view login display01:36
Flackeri dont know01:36
WalkOnByis their any problem with ubuntu and sata drive?01:37
Jack_Sparrow!info ndiswrapper01:37
ubottuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in hardy01:37
Jack_Sparrow!find ndiswrapper01:37
ubottuFound: linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16-386, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16-generic, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16-server, ndiswrapper-common, ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 (and 12 others)01:37
chainedchaosJack_Sparrow: so, create a new ext partition on the free space? then leave it or add it to the one i'm trying to resize?01:37
MrViruswalkonby : nope.. i installed ubuntu with no problem on sata drive01:37
alrauneindra: http://freemail.net.hr/  ??01:37
Flackeri'm just doing the installation. i'm a linux noob01:37
indrano chat01:37
Jack_Sparrowchainedchaos create new one in unallocated space and set it up as a seperate /home  (quite handy to have)01:37
DanskmandCan someone help me with my problem ?01:38
WalkOnByMrVirus: how bout fedora with sata?01:38
Jack_Sparrowchainedchaos http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome01:38
indrai don't see login windows01:38
solexious[Q] How can i work out what /dev/* my serial gsm modem is connected to?01:38
chainedchaosJack_Sparrow: er, how would i go about doing that? *is a bit new to this*01:39
alrauneindra: restarted browser? noscript activ ?01:39
MrVirusWalkonBy : havent tried Fedora .. but would imagine no problems.. fedora channel would be better place to ask01:39
indrai will restart my browser01:39
Jack_Sparrowchainedchaos Please see the link.. please also read up on uuid and fstab and grub as you will probably mess some of that up in this process.01:39
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)01:39
alrauneFlacker: any certain problems ?01:39
Jack_Sparrowchainedchaos man fstab01:39
chainedchaosJack_Sparrow: thankyou :)01:40
WalkOnByok thanks01:40
indrai can't see01:40
n3wbalraune, I would like to connect with my router through usb, but when I try: ifconfig usb0 up, i get this error: usb0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device, how could I do that?01:40
Jack_Sparrowchainedchaos np.. hope that helps.. I need to run.. good luck01:40
Flackeralmost every line says error so specifics would take too long01:40
gribouilleI don't have /dev/fb0. why ?01:40
MrVirusNyax : you suggested tryin a \ forward slash for spaced drive folders?01:40
indrai was killall firefox01:41
alraunen3wb:does your pc recognize usb, e.g. sticks ?01:41
NyaxSay your folder name is "foo bar"01:41
MrViruskk let em try that01:41
n3wbalraune, yes01:41
Jack_SparrowFlacker it is usually the first error concerning path or a folder that sets off the other errors.01:41
indrabut nothing01:41
NyaxYou could do cd foo\ bar01:41
Flackerok so should I name the first error?01:41
n3wbalraune, I can see the connection made through /var/log/messages01:41
digwiz01i have a very basic question... who can answer?01:41
kschwenAlright, I'm about to go insane...I can't figure out any form of power management on my iBook. I have no ACPI, pbbuttonsd says "no event devices available", brightness reads as 0% but is reallyt at 100%01:41
alraunen3wb: tried by apps>network ?01:42
gribouilleI don't have /dev/fb0. why ?01:42
ubottudigwiz01: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:42
n3wbalraune, to tell you the truth no. I would like to learn the console lately that's why.01:43
doloany one here have a custom boot splash using usplash or any other program?01:43
indraa are yu there01:43
MrVirusnyax : after tryin it says no folder found.. yet i'm lookin at teh folder in filemanager.01:43
kschwenThe weird thing is, everything was fine last time I installed the same version of Ubuntu01:43
AMDfanboyhi, anyone know NFS?01:43
kschwenbut for some reason, when I re-installed, there's no power management01:43
cwill747!anyone | AMDfanboy01:43
ubottuAMDfanboy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:43
kschwenand my battery life is abyssmal01:43
alraunen3wb: truthly I never tried to get a usb modem to get to work by cli, sry.. lol01:43
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.01:43
elijahhow do i enable xgl, some posts are saying my high cpu xorg can be reolved with xgl?01:43
bazhangAMDfanboy, ^^01:43
n3wbalraune, thanks anyway.01:44
NyaxMrVirus, do you have automatic completion?01:44
digwiz01i am trying to extract a fileset to "filesystem" and it is not allowing me access to extract, make new folder, etc... i am admin01:44
cwill747!xgl | elijah01:44
ubottuelijah: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:44
jakspanna27hello every one have a question can anyone help me out01:44
alrauneindra: write nick, so your messages will be highlighted01:44
NyaxAs in, if you press <Tab> does it try to complete your command?01:44
MrVirusNyax : how would i check01:44
MrVirusahh.. let em see01:44
cwill747!ask | jakspanna2701:44
ubottujakspanna27: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:44
indrai don't see login window01:44
athlonfanboywats better dell or system76?01:44
AMDfanboyok :-), will i'm having a problem, i followed about 3 tutorials and its still not working.  i put what i did here, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/34582/01:45
indrai don't know01:45
snadgehas amsn in hardy stopped working for anyone else?01:45
MrVirusNyax i tried and it dont complete on its own01:45
AMDfanboyathlonfanboy: don't know system7601:45
jakspanna27just installed ralink drivers for my wireless connection it seem that the original worked better01:45
doloI'm trying to make a custom .so file01:45
jakspanna27how can i divert back to the old ones01:45
alrauneindra: write nick, so your messages will be highlighted :indra:alraune: i don't see login window01:45
=== DBLobster is now known as U09526
[z]neowhere can i find the truecrypt that i install?01:45
athlonfanboywhy are ubuntu laptops more expensive than vista laptops?01:46
FlackerJack_Sparrow: so should I say the first error?01:46
alraune) [z]neo:apt-cache search truerypt  |else google truecrypt01:46
robbocause ubunty > vista01:46
alrauneindra: try opera01:46
RawSushiquestion..I'm using xgamma to brighten up my screen.  how do I make it stay that way permanently?01:46
AMDfanboyathlonfanboy: for dell?  right, because vista is so much better ;-)01:46
cwill747AMDfanboy, yeah, from what i see01:46
elijahso am i understanding that Ubuntu will no longer use Xorg someday?01:46
RawSushiwhen my screen saver comes on, it goes back dark again01:46
MrVirusif the Vista is cheaper, buy it download the ubuntu install media and format and install01:46
solexious[Q] How can i work out what /dev/* my serial gsm modem is connected to?01:47
bahadunnFlacker: what laptop are you talking about?01:47
NyaxTry typing ". /etc/bash.bashrc"01:47
AMDfanboycwill747: you think i did it right?01:47
RawSushiand I want it to come on on startup01:47
MrVirusthat for me nyax01:47
athlonfanboyam i still paying the M$ tax for buying a dell with ubuntu on it?01:47
MrViruskk hold on01:47
Flackerwat do u mean wat laptop am I talking about I never said anything about a laptop01:47
cwill747AMDfanboy, as far as i can tell... i'd repost the paste link01:47
alrauneindra: if you type my nick, its hard to follow you...01:48
AMDfanboyathlonfanboy: no you're not paying it to MS, you're paying it to DELL :-)01:48
MrVirusis it . / with a space01:48
doloanyone know how to make a custom .so theme file for usplash ?01:48
bahadunnFlacker: sorry01:48
AMDfanboyi can't get NFS to work, i think its right, here's what i did http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/34582/01:48
NyaxThere is a space there.01:48
bahadunnathlonfanboy: what laptop are you talking about01:48
Flackerit's ok01:48
alrauneFlacker: any certain problems ?01:48
athlonfanboybahadunn: Inspiron 1525N01:48
=== brittany is now known as LiTHiUM0XiD3
athlonfanboythe vista version is higher spec with 2GB ram and costs less01:48
AMDfanboyathlonfanboy: thats what you want to buy?01:48
jakspanna27thanx anyway01:49
Flackerwhen I do the 'make' command for ndiswrapper it has a ton of errors01:49
bahadunnathlonfanboy: why not call dell and ask them?01:49
alrauneindra is happy now..lol01:49
MrVirusNyax : no output returned01:49
Swishubuntu would be happier on an Intel based laptop01:49
NyaxNow try to use the <Tab> to autocomplete.01:49
MrVirusNyax : still nothing01:50
jakspanna27can anyone help with my question01:50
NyaxThat's unfortunate.01:50
digwiz01i am having trouble extracting a fileset or adding folders to "filesystem"... i am admin, why is it denying me access?01:50
alraune konqi: still there ?01:50
Flackerdigwiz01: try logging in as root01:50
digwiz01log in as "root" or "/" ?01:50
AMDfanboyathlonfanboy: isnt that an intel machine?  i figured you wanted an AMD machine?01:51
tieTYTwhen i run top or cat /proc/meminfo, it says i have about 150 mb left but the process that uses the most ram uses only 45% of the mem.  What's going on?01:51
digwiz01ack... ".."?01:51
konqialraune:  yes ;D still compiling kernel with kernelcheck...nice gui, easy to use also for old debian users ;)01:51
LiTHiUM0XiD3anybody here well versed in the ways of wine?01:51
alraunedigwiz01 :    chmod a+x <filename>01:51
athlonfanboyI dont care01:51
AMDfanboyathlonfanboy: i think you can get a refund now for the windows tax, if you something01:51
histo  Ahh Okay install cd is hanging after loading the cdrom driver.   Anyone have any ideas for possible workarounds?01:51
athlonfanboyturions suck01:51
AMDfanboyathlonfanboy: in that case get a turion01:51
alraune konqi: se pm ( for lorry sports)01:51
jakspanna27can a wireless router be used to sniff other connections01:51
athlonfanboyno wait celeron does lol01:52
digwiz01alraune, all i want to do is add a folder...01:52
digwiz01should this be so difficult01:52
LiTHiUM0XiD3my wine cfg or something is making my games run at 4:3 screen ratios when i have 1280x800 and its cuttin em half off01:52
LiTHiUM0XiD3any suggestions?01:53
MrVirusNyax : any further thoughts01:53
csky_maxlithium: what games specifically, and are there winedb references to the issues?01:53
NyaxTry putting the folder name in quotes.01:53
AMDfanboyathlonfanboy: they don't suck, they're basically the same thing and, the new turion, the turion ultra, which is trickling out now has a really nice low power CHIPSET with really nice integrated graphics.01:53
jakspanna27does anyone know how to install default wireless configuration on /Hardy01:53
Nyaxas in, cd "folder name"01:53
MrVirusliek cd/"storage 2"01:53
alraune konqi: se pm ( for lorry sports)01:53
Nyaxbut without the slash01:53
LiTHiUM0XiD3Starcraft brood war....01:53
Nyaxjust cd "storage 2"01:53
AMDfanboyi can't get NFS to work, i think its right, here's what i did http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/34582/01:53
LiTHiUM0XiD3i never had this problem b4...01:53
LiTHiUM0XiD3i ran it on a different distro tho..01:53
alraunedigwiz01 :    what do you want to do exactly ?01:53
MrVirusthat's it.. got it..01:53
alraunen3wb: saw your pm now..01:54
MrVirusnow should i use that method for all spaced folders?01:54
MrViruskewl.. thanks Nyax01:54
NyaxBut really, you should avoid uses spaces01:54
athlonfanboyoh never mind LOL the insprion that is cheaper has celeron where the Inspiron 1525N has pDC01:54
NyaxTry to use underscores instead.01:54
csky_maxwine config doesn't handle screen resolution, wine hands it off to Xorg... do you have the undesirable 4:3 ratio in your x config for some reason? try removing that option maybe01:54
MrVirusNyax : ok.. will try that in future cd's lol01:55
digwiz01add a folder to the partition that ubuntu is installed on named "filesystem",01:55
csky_max1280x800 is really close to 4:3 too...01:55
LiTHiUM0XiD3i unno01:55
LiTHiUM0XiD3i run at proper 16:9 resolutions01:55
csky_maxoh, wait, err... right.01:55
LiTHiUM0XiD3never had this issue on my emachine b4 tho...01:55
alraunedigwiz01 :    answer with my nick, otherwise can't see you..,kk...01:56
alraunedigwiz01 :    open a terminal..01:56
digwiz01alraune: ok01:56
alraunetype: sudo mkdir /<foldername>01:56
digwiz01alraune: open01:56
alraunetype: sudo mkdir /<foldername>01:56
csky_maxLithium, I would make sure it's not application/platform specific to old blizzard games or something - but you did say you ran the game on the same display no problems on a different OS load?01:57
LiTHiUM0XiD3so....... any ideas?01:57
bahadunnAMDfanboy: you got nfs working?01:57
alraunetype: there you are01:57
LiTHiUM0XiD3yes both with a slighty older version of this distro.... and with a debian based one called dream linux01:57
AMDfanboybahadunn, no never did, here's the pastebin of what i did http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/34582/01:57
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histo  Install cd is hanging after loading the cdrom driver.   Anyone have any ideas for possible workarounds?01:57
Bruceewhats the command to stop the x server?01:57
LiTHiUM0XiD3all ontypes.. the same display01:57
bahadunnAMDfanboy: I looked at it already01:57
AMDfanboyah, right01:57
LiTHiUM0XiD3all on the same display types >***01:57
jakspanna27can anyone direct me to a site where i can get some help with my ralink device01:57
alraunehisto:checked cd for defects ?01:58
Jack_SparrowI need for someone that is running Hardy to pastebin an un-modified /etc/X11/xorg.conf  thanks.. I need it for a tutorial I am working on.01:58
bahadunnAMDfanboy: how are you expecting it to work?01:58
AMDfanboyi just can't see it from his compuyter01:58
unopjakspanna27, the serialmonkey website ought to help01:58
Jack_SparrowBrucee killall gdm  ?01:58
digwiz01alraune: command not found01:58
LiTHiUM0XiD3the emachine was ATI and this is Nvid tho..01:58
bahadunnAMDfanboy: who is "his computer"01:58
AMDfanboyi want him to be able to read the files in those directories01:58
alrauneJack_Sparrow:I'll look01:58
csky_maxI would do "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak" then "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and look at manually whacking the modeline for the 4:3 ratios you don't want01:58
AMDfanboymy roommate, who uses ubuntu and connects to my router by wireless01:58
bahadunnAMDfanboy: according to your pastbin it seems you are only allowing to connect01:58
digwiz01alraune:david@david-desktop:~$ sudo mkdir/newsgroup01:59
digwiz01[sudo] password for david:01:59
alraunetype: sudo mkdir /newFolder                               doesn't work ?01:59
digwiz01sudo: mkdir/newsgroup: command not found01:59
digwiz01david@david-desktop:~$ sudo mkdir/<news>01:59
digwiz01bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'01:59
digwiz01david@david-desktop:~$ sudo mkdir. <news>01:59
FloodBot3digwiz01: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:59
digwiz01bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'01:59
csky_maxLithium: Ahh... so you were on different video card hardware?01:59
Miesco_ If I have a firewire audio interface, does it need to show up in: asoundconf list?01:59
Jack_Sparrowcsky_max Please do not suggest to people that they sudo gedit.. please use gksudo gedit.. much safer01:59
BrandonSI have a problem where Mozilla Firefox and Four-in-a-row randomly closes for no reason.01:59
AMDfanboyas far as i read, that means to and then 24 means something special.01:59
athlonfanboywill ubuntu benefit from 2GB of ram from 1GB?01:59
alraunetype: cd\01:59
bahadunnAMDfanboy: nah you want
csky_maxJack: gksudo, yes thank you01:59
alraunedigwiz01 : type : cd\02:00
Jack_Sparrowathlonfanboy I didnt notice much difference02:00
atallicusCan anyone help me figure out what update broke my gtk2 themes? They won't skin the whole window anymore.02:00
unopdigwiz01, heh .. sudo mkdir /newsgroup # mind the space and you probably don't want /newsgroup02:00
AMDfanboyathlonfanboy: depends, how hardcore are you?02:00
csky_maxI always "sudo nano" so I forget :)02:00
bahadunnAMDfanboy: only allows and the /24 doesnt make sense for that address02:00
alraunedigwiz01 : type : mkdir newsgroup02:00
Jack_Sparrowatallicus did you lose window decorations..?02:00
AMDfanboyah, ok, let me try that02:00
LiTHiUM0XiD3considering my connection is droppin like every 2 seconds im not too worried..02:00
bahadunnAMDfanboy: would make more sense if you wanted only 1 ip to connect02:00
Jack_Sparrowatallicus in term type metacity --replace02:00
atallicusJack_Sparrow no metacity and emerald still work02:00
bahadunnAMDfanboy: but I think you want the entire network to connect02:00
digwiz01alraune: ahh, that worked!02:01
unopdigwiz01, and use another name not "<news>" bad characters in name02:01
athlonfanboyjust normal use02:01
alraunedigwiz01 : worked now ?02:01
athlonfanboyand flightgear and sometimes kino02:01
atallicusJack_Sparrow but gtk themes don't skin the whole inside of the window anymore02:01
bahadunnAMDfanboy: so the proper thing is to specify the network address
alraunedigwiz01 : nice, brb02:01
Jack_SparrowI need for someone that is running Hardy to pastebin an un-modified /etc/X11/xorg.conf  thanks.. I need it for a tutorial I am working on.02:01
digwiz01alraune: is there anyway to do that gui... its grayed out02:01
alraunedigwiz01 : nice, brb02:01
athlonfanboyand vbox02:01
AMDfanboyathlonfanboy, get 2 gigs02:01
bahadunnAMDfanboy: the /24 is cidr notation for the entire network space02:01
Jack_Sparrowatallicus I could venture a guess if I looked at your sources.list and saw what else if anything from outside our repos has been installed02:01
csky_maxLiTHiUM0XiD3: also try running the Nvidia proprietary driver through Restricted Driver Manager if you aren't yet.02:01
bahadunn192.168.1.1 usuaully being the gateway address and being broadcast02:02
atallicusJack_Sparrow would you like a paste bin02:02
xeusi need help02:02
Jack_Sparrowatallicus Sure but I only have a minute02:02
node357Jack_Sparrow: http://www.geocities.com/randomnumbergenerator2001/xorg.conf.breezy.txt ?02:02
AMDfanboybahadunn: so maybe 24 does work then?02:02
atallicusjust give me onsec02:02
Jack_Sparrownode357 ty very much02:02
xeusi can say my things that02:02
bahadunnAMDfanboy: yeah you want the /2402:02
bahadunnAMDfanboy: you just need to make it instead of
AMDfanboyright, but 0, not 102:02
AMDfanboylet me try that02:03
bahadunnAMDfanboy: then restart nfs02:03
alrauneJack_Sparrow: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/34585/   (xorg-native)02:03
bahadunnAMDfanboy: and your friend should be able to connect assuming he is on your internal network02:03
Jack_Sparrowalraune thanks02:03
alraunedigwiz01 : back02:03
LiTHiUM0XiD3heh dude i just use envy02:04
Jack_Sparrowalraune ati video 9550 or higher right02:04
AMDfanboybahadunn: riiiiggggghhhhht02:04
digwiz01alraune: so, i cannot mess w/ anything in "filesystem"?02:04
alrauneJack_Sparrow: ati pcl-e x160002:04
Jack_SparrowLiTHiUM0XiD3 Did you use the version from our repos or the one online02:04
solexious[Q] How do i give a user permissions to use ttyS002:04
alraunedigwiz01 : mess ?02:04
AMDfanboybahadunn:   ok, we did that.  maybe it is working, how does he find it, it would be in places network, right?02:04
atallicusJack_Sparrow http://pastebin.com/m6629ee3502:04
=== schlort_ is now known as schlort
digwiz01alraune: alter files in = mess02:05
AMDfanboyathlonfanboy: dell might jack you on that extra gig, it might be cheaper to put it in yourself?  but i wouldnt mess around unless it were a lot cheaper02:05
LiTHiUM0XiD3all pre loaded in the distro02:05
MrVirusis there a way to get card specific drivers for linux on my video02:05
Jack_Sparrowatallicus that looks just fine02:05
h2ihow can i know which xorg configuration i'm using? http://paste.ubuntu.com/34557/02:05
MrVirusand where might i find them02:06
node357solexious, chmod 755 /dev/ttyS002:06
Jack_Sparrowbbl.. please play nice02:06
alraunedigwiz01 : well the  "/" is root, so usual user has no acces, but you can specify user acces, e.g. to newsgoup..02:06
solexiousnode357 ty02:06
node357solexious, sorry, the command is: sudo chmod 755 /dev/ttyS002:06
atallicusJack_Sparrow Is there anyway for me to completely reinstall the whole theme engine to fix this problem without reinstalling ubuntu?02:06
LiTHiUM0XiD3and my xorg seems to refer everything to a different config...02:06
csky_maxLiTHiUM0XiD3: your driver should be fine then. One other thing to try out is windowed mode in Starcraft-under-Wine, as a test case, not as a solution...02:06
digwiz01alraune: another question, when downloading programs for ubuntu, what file type should i be downloading?  sorry for the uninteresting questions02:06
LiTHiUM0XiD3new nviod driver config or something?02:07
alraunedigwiz01 : by : sudo chown <username> /newsgroup/'02:07
Jack_Sparrowatallicus I would see the people in compiz first.  they know way more than I do about that02:07
node357solexious, I may be wrong, I remember using that device a long time ago when I had a dial up modem02:07
athlonfanboyits only an extra 50$02:07
LiTHiUM0XiD3windowed? e.........www..... i'll give it a shot tho.02:07
solexiousnode357 fingers crossed ;)02:07
AMDfanboycompare that to what it costs at the store02:07
atallicusJack_Sparrow thankyou for trying, could you give me the irc channel name please02:07
csky_maxLiTHiUM0XiD3: 'nvidia-settings' is the package for the official utility, you may already know...02:07
vista555i cant log on as root02:07
csky_maxYeah, ugly, but may give more insight on the breakage.02:07
IndyGunFreakvista555: youre' not supposed to.02:07
digwiz01alraune: i am the only user... why whould i have to only use "desktop/"?02:08
Jack_SparrowLiTHiUM0XiD3 Did you use the version from our repos or the one online02:08
IndyGunFreak!sudo | vista55502:08
ubottuvista555: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)02:08
AMDfanboyathlonfanboy, make sure that notebook doesnt have nvidia graphics, because they have been breaking lately02:08
alraunedigwiz01 : deb if possible, tarball to  compile yourself, rpm to convert to deb using alien, exe for use mit wine, from best to worse02:08
bahadunnAMDfanboy: mount nfs_ip_address:/path/to/share /path/to/local/mountpoint02:08
csky_maxJack_Sparrow: he's on ubuntu envy02:08
LiTHiUM0XiD3no clue02:08
bahadunnAMDfanboy: I dont know what "network>places" does02:08
LiTHiUM0XiD3im on ubuntu ultimate02:08
bahadunnAMDfanboy: guess I am old fashioned02:08
Jack_Sparrow!who > LiTHiUM0XiD302:08
ubottuLiTHiUM0XiD3, please see my private message02:08
AMDfanboyok, i'll go over there and check.  thanks!02:08
ubottuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate02:08
bahadunnAMDfanboy: no problem02:08
alraunedigwiz01 : ... cause unix is a multiuser system !02:08
solexiousnode357 sorted, thanks mate02:08
Jack_SparrowLiTHiUM0XiD3 Ubuntu Ultimate is not supported here02:08
node357solexious: great!02:09
SamSamSamHow can I do a mass-renameing of some file extension?02:09
alraune LiTHiUM0XiD3 : pm me02:09
jakspanna27cant find this package in repo , where can i find this  GTK+ 2.6.002:09
alraune LiTHiUM0XiD3 : pm me (ulti..)02:09
digwiz01alraune: so what do i do w/ tar.bz2?02:09
=== srdjan is now known as batasrki
LiTHiUM0XiD3!Jack_Sparrow i know it isnt.... its not a supported distro cuz its rly botched it seems.... but ye.. its still ubuntu man02:10
ubottuLiTHiUM0XiD3: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:10
solexious[Q] How do I cat a file thats been added to, but not stop when it gets to the end, but carry on reading the file if more gets added?02:10
=== vlada is now known as tocki
digwiz01alraune: or tar.gz?02:10
alraune!compile | digwiz0102:10
ubottudigwiz01: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:10
Jack_SparrowLiTHiUM0XiD3 Not up for debate.. not supported..  thanks02:10
digwiz01alraune: compile in what?02:10
[z]neohow can i use truecrypt to mount my encrypted volume found in external enclosure?02:10
alraune LiTHiUM0XiD3 : pm me (ulti..)02:11
Fezzlerfor some reason, openoffice in Hardy locks up my computer and reports a hard drive failure.  Odd, everything else works flawlessly?02:11
alpinestrHi im getting The X Server does not support the XRandR extension.  Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available. when trying to change screen resolution02:11
alraunedigwiz01 : compilation = translation to executable unix prog02:11
[z]neohow can i use truecrypt to mount my encrypted volume found in external enclosure?02:12
alpinestrany idea on how to fix this02:12
jakspanna27where can i get package gtk+-2.002:13
Jack_Sparrow!find gtk02:13
ubottuFound: displayconfig-gtk, gftp-gtk, gnome-icon-theme-gartoon, gtk-doc-tools, gtk-im-libthai (and 418 others)02:13
Jack_Sparrow!find gtk+02:13
alraunedigwiz01 : all the listed methods are ways to install software in ubuntu02:14
jakspanna27its not in the repo02:14
digwiz01alraune: ahhh... just got it didnt catch the msg from the bot02:14
csky_maxjakspanna27: I used "apt-cache search --names-only gtk" then eyeballed 'libgtk2.0-dev' as a likely match...02:14
Jack_SparrowHow to install anything in Ubuntu: http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/            ./configure ; make ; sudo make install02:14
alraune[z]neo:external HD ?02:14
bahadunnAMDfanboy: success?02:15
digwiz01alraune: many thanks, you have been very helpful ;)02:15
[z]neoalraune: yupz02:15
digwiz01alraune: maybe next time my questions will be more interesting02:15
alraunedigwiz01 : only bad people here, see ya, lol02:15
bahadunnAMDfanboy: by the way in your pastebin it seems you think you need to install the same stuff on the client system02:16
bahadunnAMDfanboy: but you do not need to install nfs server on client system02:16
nickrudJack_Sparrow that' doesn't work for X yet, I think :)02:16
bahadunnAMDfanboy: nfs-common and portmap should be good enough02:16
AMDfanbo1bahadunn:  hi i want to share both ways, so i put server on both02:16
alraune[z]neo:first I want to tell you i found that if shared with win machines, a container done by win (even ext3) can be read both, ubu and win while..02:16
AMDfanbo1what was the mount command again that i should use on his computer?02:16
Jack_Sparrownickrud what does not work for X yet?02:17
nickrud./configure make make install02:17
[z]neoalraune: im using that external enclosure with truecrypt for windows but now im using linux and im new here02:17
alraune[z]neo:containers set up with ubuntu couldn't be read with win02:17
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: mount NFS_SERVER_IP:/path/to/mount /path/to/local/mountpoint02:17
Jack_Sparrownickrud sometimes my notes dont even make full sense to me02:18
alraune[z]neo:so far foreahead...02:18
AMDfanbo1bahadunn: sudo mount /home/daniels/Desktop/brad02:18
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: no02:18
csky_maxIs there a channel to talk about Intrepid?02:18
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: what is the ip of the server?02:18
AMDfanbo1well, i figure its not static?02:18
AMDfanbo1i think its 10402:18
node357csky_max: #ubuntu+102:18
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: you have dns setup?02:18
alraune[z]neo:well, you got to mount the drive, then check the mountpoint an can than use the truecrypt-gui02:18
AMDfanbo1bahadunn: dns?  not sure?02:18
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: you get ip from dhcp?02:19
AMDfanbo1bahadunn:   yes, i think so02:19
bahadunnmight be a problem if your ip changes02:19
AMDfanbo1bahadunn:  thats the default on hardy, right?02:19
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: but to mount you can do this02:19
Lvl21nerdi had to do a reinstall of hardy and i forget now why the youtube videos are gray boxes02:19
fez_Hey guys. how do I detect m graphics card via terminal?02:19
Svenstar0fez_, lshw -C video02:19
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: mount /home/daniels/Desktop/brad02:19
LetsGo67Where do I get a simple video editor like Windows Movie Maker for Ubuntu?02:19
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: you will need to mount the videos on another mountpoint though02:20
Svenstar0LetsGo67, avidemux02:20
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: you are exporting two mounts over nfs from your config02:20
Svenstar0LetsGo67, or kino, if you say simple02:20
fez_can't wine run Virtual Dub LetsGo?02:20
Lvl21nerdhow do i get video to work on youtube.....i get gray boxes instead of video02:20
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: so you might want to consider something like02:20
LetsGo67Svenstar0: pitivi is a pain for me.  Too simple, crashes...02:20
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: mount /home/daniels/Desktop/brad/tunes02:20
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: mount /home/daniels/Desktop/brad/videos02:20
[z]neoalraune: how can i open the truecrypt gui? coz im using terminal window right now reading --help for truecrypt02:20
Svenstar0LetsGo67, I didnt mention pitivi02:21
=== Svenstar0 is now known as Svenstaro
LetsGo67Svenstar0: but I need Theora support, or at least convert Theora to something else.02:21
fez_thanks, I got the command now02:21
alraune[z]neo: äh: truecrypt ?02:21
SvenstaroLetsGo67, then use kino or avidemuix02:21
LetsGo67Svenstar0: you didn't, I'm just saying that I had a bad experience with it.02:21
[z]neoalraune: yupz02:21
Lvl21nerdhow do i get the gray boxes on youtube to be videos instead02:21
AMDfanbo1bahadunn: hey that works!02:21
Lvl21nerdjust getting gray boxe02:21
dkulchenkoHey everyone! If you live in Seattle, and use Linux, go to http://www.gslug.org, and join the meeting on the 9th!02:21
alraune[z]neo: type:  truecrypt02:21
LetsGo67Svenstao, I can't get theora to work, and kino is for KDE.02:21
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: as it should buddy02:21
AMDfanbo1bahadunn:  so the 104 won't be a problem?  i figured that might change02:21
SvenstaroLetsGo67, doesnt matter, just get the package.02:22
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: well if it changes your friend will have to remount with the new ip02:22
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: you might want to set a static ip on your machine02:22
alraune[z]neo: see pm as goes on truecrypt02:22
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: what do you have a linksys router or something?02:22
AMDfanbo1alright, thats a good start at least, thanks man!02:22
AMDfanbo1i have trendnet02:22
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: your router probably just gives out a certain range of ips over dhcp02:23
LetsGo67Svenstaro, Kino or Avidemux?02:23
[z]neoalraune: thanx, coz last night before i go to bed i type truecypt and it doest appear but now its pop up now02:23
Lvl21nerdhey how do i get youtube videos to play? i just get GRAY box instead of a video02:23
AMDfanbo1ok, i can figure that out, but it works for now02:23
SvenstaroLetsGo67, both, why would it be a problem if one of them was in qt?02:23
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: you could assign a static ip of or some ip that is not in the range02:23
HidymanIs there a trick to installing 8.04 on an HP Pavillion a705w with a PCI Nvidia MX4400?02:23
juano__zcat[1]: i finally managed to make my custom image with thinstation02:23
AMDfanbo1yeah, i think i'll do that02:23
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: and then your friend wont get his mount messed up if you get a new ip over dhcp02:23
LetsGo67Svenstaro, never mind, I already have KDE dependencies, supposedly.02:23
juano__zcat[1]: it boots directly into rdesktop, and with some rdesktop options i managed to map the client's drives and stuff to the server02:24
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: he can continue using dhcp though02:24
juano__zcat[1]: pretty good, you can even use syslinux and boot from hdd on the client02:24
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: and anyone else that comes to visit you for example02:24
Lvl21nerdhelp plz how do i get youtube videos to display....i just get a gray box02:24
LetsGo67Svenstaro, do you know anything about why my ogg metadata is incorrect (ie. a 4 minute video shows up as 25 minutes)02:24
juano__zcat[1]: only weird thing is resolution tuck at 640x480... i am trying another option now "-g" maybe it works02:25
SvenstaroLetsGo67, in VLC?02:25
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: your friend might want to consider making an fstab entry for the nfs mount as well so he doesnt have to keep mounting or whatever02:25
LetsGo67Svenstaro, yes.02:25
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: or maybe figure out that network>places thing02:25
SvenstaroLetsGo67, duh, no I dont.02:25
AMDfanbo1network, places doesnt work02:25
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: there are also some nice mount options you can do on client side when you mount02:25
LetsGo67Svenstaro, why does importing ogm take so long in Kino?  I have 3GB of RAM!02:25
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: like nfs version 3 and others02:25
SvenstaroLetsGo67 doesnt matter, it recodes the movies before it imports them02:26
Lvl21nerdhelp plz my youtube videos show up as GRAY boxes instead of videos02:26
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: http://nfs.sourceforge.net/nfs-howto/ can help you out with the details02:26
fez_whats your proc/02:26
AMDfanbo1bahadunn: very good.02:26
LetsGo67Svenstaro, it is making a ".ogm.dv" movie, is that what you mean?02:26
bahadunnAMDfanbo1: enjoy02:26
Lvl21nerdhello i have a question02:27
SvenstaroLetsGo67, something like that, cant remember02:27
Lvl21nerdhow do i get youtube videos to display instead of GRAY boxes02:27
Lvl21nerdi have the nonfree flash plugin02:27
LetsGo67Sve starl02:27
Lvl21nerdand it says nspluginwrapper is installed02:27
LetsGo67Svenstaro, keeps saying "skipping frame!"  :(02:27
zelrikriandomy firefox is going wild :/02:28
FezzlerIs OpenOffice not running in Hardy with an AMD processor a know bug?02:28
bahadunnLvl21nerd: you running 64bit?02:28
histoCan't believe ubuntu has a problem with this ide controller02:28
bahadunnLvl21nerd: so dont you want nspluginwrapper?02:28
csky_maxFezzler: I'm running Hardy+OOo+AMD02:28
Lvl21nerdyes....i just said it was installed02:28
bahadunnLvl21nerd: so what is the problem?02:28
Lvl21nerdand youtube videos dont display....just gray boxes02:29
Fezzlercsky_max: HMMM.  It will not load on mine.  Everything else works.  I reinstalled.  Not success02:29
alraune) Fezzler: no prob at mine02:29
bahadunnLvl21nerd: did you load the flashplugin with nspluginwrapper?02:29
alraune) Fezzler: did you install meanwhile ?02:29
LetsGo67Svenstaro: Cinerella is too complicated, Avidemux has no ogg support, PiTiVi can barely do anything, LiVes doesn't support ogg and looks ugly, Kino skips frames... what should I do?  Where is the "open source Windows Movie Maker"?02:29
csky_maxFezzler: You can search https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu for any references to your problem... personally I have had none. Good luck :)02:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about movie02:30
Fezzlercsky_max: It just tries to load.  If I hit Ctl-Alt-F1 and look at terminal I get something like atad0: status: { DRDY ER }02:30
LetsGo67!movie editor02:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about movie editor02:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about popcorn02:30
Lvl21nerdbahadunn: not sure what you mean....apparently nspluginwrapper was installed in an update from what i can tell...i went and got nonfree flash plugin for FF and still no work02:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about usa02:30
SvenstaroLetsGo67, you can add ogg support to Avidemux which is what I would do.02:30
alraune Fezzler: did you install meanwhile ?02:30
LetsGo67!spam > BobLake02:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brains02:31
FezzlerWhat's that?02:31
alrauneJack_Sparrow: do you know where this s.. comes from? http://pastebin.com/m386c7b9002:31
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.02:31
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:31
bahadunnLvl21nerd: on 64bit systems the flash plugin will not work because there is no 64bit version02:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 199902:32
bahadunnLvl21nerd: you need nspluginwrapper to make it work02:32
cwill747!spam > Lvl21nerd02:32
ubottuLvl21nerd, please see my private message02:32
bahadunnLvl21nerd: or consider using the gnash plugin for firefox02:32
alrauneanybody,        http://pastebin.com/m386c7b9002:32
LetsGo67Svenstaro, is avidemux easier to use than Cinerella?02:32
alrauneanybody,        http://pastebin.com/m386c7b90  what is that ?02:32
SvenstaroLetsGo67, yes02:32
cwill747!spam | LetsGo6702:32
ubottuLetsGo67: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...02:32
Fezzlerthe error I get specifically is: ata1.00: status {DRDY ERR }02:32
LetsGo67cwill747: I beg your pardon?  Did I send you spam?  If you have bot abuse, use !bot instead.02:33
Fezzlerfollowed by ata1.00 error { UNC }    and then the two errors cycle02:33
bahadunnLvl21nerd: yeah but you did not run nspluginwrapper -i /path/to/libflashplayer.so did you?02:33
LetsGo67!spam | A_Kite02:33
Fezzlercsky_max: Any ideas?02:34
LetsGo67Why do I keep getting spam from guys not in this room?02:34
ubottuA_Kite: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...02:34
Fezzleralraune: Any ideas?02:34
alrauneoommpfgh, more spam, will stop posting that now :     http://pastebin.com/m354cdb6302:34
csky_maxFezzler: Did you check for similar bug reports on launchpad? Often there are solutions or workarounds in comment threads.02:34
Gnea!ot | alraune02:34
ubottualraune: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:34
Yamanekowhich is the recommended repositories? 'cause i'm trying to install mplayer but it says that the packages are broken... the libpulse0 and libpango1.0-002:34
csky_maxI'm afraid I have no personal experience with that issue.02:34
alrauneFezzler: about office ?02:34
Fezzlercsky_max: yes02:35
Fezzleralraune: yes02:35
alrauneGnea: think so, too, but just got that as a pm, don't now where from02:35
Gneaalraune: then don't pass it on.02:35
LetsGo67Why do I keep getting spam from guys not in this room?  Is it me or FreeNode?02:35
Fezzlercsky_max: said to uninstall a openoffice.com-gtk file or something similar02:35
FezzlerI did02:35
GneaLetsGo67: it's freenode02:36
alrauneGnea: 3 lines above, shure.. lol02:36
LetsGo67Svenstaro, how do I get ogg support in avidemux?  And Gnea, did FreeNode get PWNed?02:36
MrVirusdoes any one know if they make a ubuntu compatible package of gyachi02:36
SvenstaroLetsGo67, see in their forums or wiki, i cant remember tbh02:36
MrVirusrunning sudo apt-get install gyachi returns nothing found02:37
Fezzlerwell how can I stop a program from loading once it starts trying?02:37
LetsGo67Gnea, the chat rooms don't even work!02:37
muppetexperienceI've just solved my 3D acceleration problem in Sabayon by plugging my graphics card in. Ubuntu isn't displaying it in the hardware drivers section of my gnome admin menu. How can I enable the nvidia driver in ubuntu?02:37
StarnestommyLetsGo67: what do you mean by them not working?02:37
alrauneFezzler: killall <progName>02:37
csky_maxMrVirus: 'apt-cache search gyachi' also returns nothing, so it seems you'll need to get it from outside the official repos.02:37
MrVirusdidnt search.. just install02:37
csky_maxRight, that's how you can search if needed.02:38
Fezzlerkillall openoffice didn't work02:38
=== srdjan is now known as batasrki
f190hello, i am considering buying a new laptop from hp, and was wondering if there is a way to see if the parts are all linux compatible. the laptop is known as "dv2911us"02:38
csky_maxFezzler: it would be "killall soffice.bin" i think02:39
f190how would i make sure everything will be functional?02:39
FAJALOUf190:  if you can put a linux livecd in and test it, then it is.02:39
csky_max"killall -9 soffice.bin" if that fails02:39
MrVirusafter i apt-cache search gyachi there is no return for found or not found.. just back to #02:39
alrauneFezzler: killall openoffice.org-gnome02:39
LetsGo67Starnestommy: which, FreeNode or Avidemux?02:39
f190FAJALOU, i don't have the laptop. are you saying that i go into a store that has it and test it there somehow?02:39
csky_maxYes, MrVirus, that's expected. Empty result set is very quiet.02:39
puuRphwhy don`t buy a Dell pc ? they have ubuntu as default02:39
sangpraboHi, is there a way to change the height of input textarea on Pidgin 2.4.1? I tried to edit prefs.xml, but I don't know which part I should change... Looks like people are working on it now.. http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/529602:39
=== PV1 is now known as PrivateVoid
StarnestommyLetsGo67: freenode02:40
alrauneFezzler: killall openoffice.org-gtk02:40
MrVirusok.. so i would need to download the tarball and compile and install.. though i have no clue how to02:40
ubottuMrVirus: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:40
f190puuRph, in my experience, dell seems much more overprices than hp02:40
csky_max^^ that02:40
muppetexperienceI've just solved my 3D acceleration problem in Sabayon by plugging my graphics card in. Ubuntu isn't displaying it in the hardware drivers section of my gnome admin menu. How can I enable the nvidia driver in ubuntu?02:41
LetsGo67Starnestorry: lots of spam, and the channels in the spam are fake.  They don't work (#sk8, #lesterchat...)02:41
alraunef190: #hardware02:41
FAJALOULetsGo67:  i just got some spam too02:41
LetsGo67The real channels work though.02:41
LetsGo67poor you fajalou02:41
puuRphf190, I don`t think so.. they have cheap computers02:41
f190thanks alraune02:42
FAJALOULetsGo67:  just saying, just like you.02:42
alrauneGnea: anyhow, how to get rid of that annoying spam ? way to geet ones nick of pm in pidgin?02:42
csky_maxmuppetexperience: Should be something like "System > Administration > Restricted..." if it is seeing your nvidia hardware now02:42
f190yeah how do i report these spammers02:42
edjuCould some kind soul w/ FF3 see the "recorded video" link at http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/monitor/2008/04/extraordinary-rendition-in-war-on.php plays w/ RealPlayer?02:42
alrauneGnea: get rid, not geet02:42
=== ApOgEE- is now known as apogee-x
LetsGo67Thanks.  We pity all who get spammed.02:43
LetsGo67Especially via SMS.02:43
FAJALOUi am getting this error:Problem during package list update. The package list update failed with a authentication failure. This usually happens behind a network proxy server. Please try to click on the "Run this action now" button to correct the problem or update the list manually by running Update Manager and clicking on "Check". _________- every time i boot up... it has to do with the medibuntu repos.... what should i do to fix this?02:43
alrauneedju: opens with mplayer plugin in my ff302:43
_adrenalineNobody lost amsn yesterday?02:43
=== macd_ is now known as macd
franzcaimy computer(ubuntu8) failed to suspend.When i press suspend,it just shutdown.why?thank you02:44
alrauneedju: opens with mplayer plugin in my ff3, but then getting doen (it's claoked)02:44
alrauneedju: cloaked02:44
ventusignisI am having issues getting the wifi on my Dell Inspiron 1720 to work in ubuntu.  The closest that I've gotten so far is to install a driver (bcmwl5.inf) with ndiswrapper and have it say hardware present NO.02:44
edjualraune, "getting doen"?02:45
_adrenalineanybody else having issues with amsn?02:45
muppetexperiencecsky_max: I can find the restricted drivers manager; I just can't find the card in the restricted drivers manager02:45
FAJALOUventusignis:  have you tried using bcm43xx-fwcutter.02:45
FAJALOU!broadcom | ventusignis02:45
ubottuventusignis: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx02:45
alrauneFAJALOU:you miss a signature key (ore more than one)02:45
FAJALOUalraune: ?02:45
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
lee98632eh, any one here using a PS3? and is running in 32 bit if so I need to ask how because im hating the 64 bit very much ><02:46
alrauneedju: going down, not playing,cloaked (mess with tcp-modulation)02:46
csky_maxmuppetexperience: can you paste the one line from 'lspci |grep VGA'02:46
IndyGunFreaklee98632: what is wrong w/ 64bit?02:46
FAJALOUalraune: ok what can i do to fix it?02:46
lee98632I can'tun flah02:47
lee98632Indygunfreak, I cant run flash02:47
alrauneFAJALOU: there is a way to add them to the repos, go on asking for it (the machine its on is down temporaley, sry)02:47
m_newtonHello.... are there any bot experts here??? How do i add the ubottu database to my bot... I have the encyclopedia plugin which is what ubottu has02:47
IndyGunFreaklee98632: you should be able to, you just need to install a 32bit browser, and then install flash in it.. its kind fo a pain02:47
m_newtonStarnestommy:  you now anything bout bots?02:47
Starnestommym_newton: what kind of bots?02:48
lee98632ah erg if I could remeber m y PW Id ask you to IM me lol02:48
FAJALOUalraune: ok,,, it's in system sources, but i used the medibuntu site to get the repoes, but i'll try it again.02:48
wols_m_newton: do you have a copy of the ubottu database?02:48
edjualraune, Sorry, don't understand.  Anyway, does your Edit>Preferences>Applications show anything?  Mine is blank.02:48
IndyGunFreak!flash6 | lee9863202:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about flash602:48
m_newtonwols_: yes02:48
=== VoX is now known as vox
IndyGunFreak!flash64 | lee9863202:48
lee98632can you set up a seperate room or send me to a sight that can help02:48
ubottulee98632: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava02:48
muppetexperiencecsky_max: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Geforce 9600 GT 512mb (rev a1)02:48
wols_m_newton: from where?02:48
csky_maxFAJALOU: medibuntu should have directions for putting their key in your system too.02:48
FAJALOUcsky_max:  ok thx02:48
muppetexperiencecsky_max: I know that that's not offcicially supported, but I though 'If Sabayon can do it, so can Ubuntu'.02:48
m_newton wols_ Starnestommy: i have a supybot and it has the plugin encyclopedia... i need to get encyclopedia to work with my database02:49
roccityhey guys02:49
wols_m_newton: a plugin is not a database02:49
m_newtonwols_: from here http://jussi01.com/web/02:49
lee98632ok thanks Ill be mucnhing on that siht for a bit lol02:49
alrauneedju: when I call the link you gave in ff3, clicking play video, it can't be played because of a corrupt data stream02:49
lee98632eh sight02:49
m_newtonwols_: from here http://jussi01.com/web/ get the raw data for the database02:49
roccitycan someone help me with a internet/system problem02:49
Taramsomeone here how has experiences with external hd?02:49
lee98632is waht i was trying to say lol02:49
csky_maxmuppetexperience: I'd think that would be a supported card, since it's the nvidia driver that supports it... Anyway your system sees it. have you booted more than once since the physical installation of the card? Sometimes I've had to log in twice before Restricted manager got wise.02:49
GneaTaram: what's the problem?02:49
lee98632Keyboard is messing up02:49
Taramhi Gnea02:50
obxAnyone have any tricks to speed up hardy bootup?02:50
wols_m_newton: have you put the DB into your own copy of mysql or whatever RDBMS?02:50
alrauneroccity: closer description ?02:50
lee98632Oh I needed help with tryoing to load the 32 bit browserinto the ps302:50
roccitywhen ever I go on the internett to download something the system slows to a crawl02:50
lee98632I got it now thanks02:50
TaramI have a western digital...and it is mount / unmount every approx. 20 sec.02:50
IndyGunFreaklee98632: good luck...02:50
Taramso I cannot use it in linux02:50
lee98632thank you IndyGunFreak02:50
lee98632Ill need it lol02:50
lee98632I am running XFCE02:51
LetsGo67Svenstaro, avidemux is not at all like WMM.  :(02:51
Taramthe mount /unmount goes automatically.02:51
pcapazziHello all... Does anyone have experience with fingerprint readers? I have a dell xps 1330 with Gutsy on it (7.10)02:51
m_newtonwols_: i am using sqlite and no... i cant locate the orriginal file that the encyclopedia plugin has created02:51
Taram<- ubuntu hardy, xfce402:51
alrauneroccity: use firestarter firewall for good automatic settings02:51
SvenstaroLetsGo67, I didn't say it was :P Kino is a lot like WMM. In fact, you should try out a dev version of Kino.02:51
xxploitTaram, ru sure it unmounts? I had a WD 1 tb usb...it doesnt unmount but powers down when not in use02:51
lee98632Me I tried to run that talk aobut brain freez for the PS3 lol02:51
csky_maxmuppetexperience: The "old fashioned" way might be handy if you're having unusual trouble getting restricted manager to see the card... "nvidia-glx" is the package name for the binary driver..you could install it via any package manager if you like.02:51
muppetexperiencecsky_max: Yes, I have booted more than once since the physical installation of the card.02:51
LetsGo67Where do I get a Christian and/or an open source Windows Movie Maker?02:51
muppetexperiencecsky_max: I installed it.02:51
LetsGo67Svenstaro, why'd I want to fiddle with dev?02:52
Taramit is mounting xxploit...I can hear mp3 on the hd...but only for aprrox. 20 sec02:52
roccityeverything is fine except when I download from the net weather it's apt-get or something else02:52
lee98632Iam sure like the terminator said, I'll be back02:52
m_newtonwols_: Starnestommy mind coming to my channel so u can see the bot?02:52
SvenstaroLetsGo67, maybe has the bugs fixed that you are suffering from02:52
muppetexperiencecsky_max: I guess I might have to do nvidia-xconfig02:52
Taramthen it is unmountet then mounted again automatically02:52
csky_maxHmm, does 'glxinfo |grep -i dri' give anything interesting? Sounds like you should already be *on* the binary driver.02:52
Starnestommym_newton: which channel?02:52
m_newtonwols_: Starnestommy #m_newton02:52
huronkingHello everyone; I know from searching google I'm not the first to have the 800x600 problem... But nothing is working for me02:52
Svenstarohuronking, give us details about your system config02:53
LetsGo67Svenstaro: the bug I am having with Kino is: it takes forever.02:53
alrauneroccity: (terminal:) sudo apt-get install firestarter       ,when through: firestarter02:53
Starnestommym_newton: please move that channel to ##m_newton.  You are in violation of the naming policy at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#channelnaming02:53
SvenstaroLetsGo67 well maybe its fixed :D02:53
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)02:53
m_newtonStarnestommy: ok... but i have already registered02:53
m_newtonStarnestommy: i will do that lator02:53
muppetexperiencecsky_max: http://pastebin.com/m64ff237d02:53
LetsGo67Gnea, I wasn't being serious.  :)02:53
csky_maxmuppetexperience: nvidia-xconfig has worked marvelously for me at times, and not so much at others. I wouldn't go there unless you have to... thanks checking that out02:53
muppetexperienceThanks for this.02:53
m_newtonStarnestommy: as for now... can u come to #m_newotn02:54
Taramwhat was your problem Gnea02:54
alrauneroccity: try again with download then02:54
m_newtonStarnestommy: as for now... can u come to #m_newton02:54
huronkingI have an old Dell 700mhz PIII with a Voodoo3 3000, 8.04, and a MAG Innovision 22 inch LCD02:54
GneaLetsGo67: i was just making a general statement, no worries :)02:54
roccityalraune done02:54
Starnestommym_newton: as long as you agree to move it to the ## one, then I will02:54
csky_maxmuppetexperience: you're definitely on the open source driver right now then02:54
m_newtonStarnestommy: done02:54
LetsGo67Gnea: allrighty :)02:54
Gneahuronking: a voodoo3? wooo!02:54
alrauneroccity: try again with download then02:54
pcapazziAnybody have experience with a Fingerprint reader and Ubuntu 7.10?02:55
alrauneroccity: have the blue icon on ?02:55
huronkingI took a lightning strike so this is all I could cobble together. Old, I know02:55
fez_can the terminal play music?02:55
muppetexperienceRight. Is there a chance that my screen will start burning after nvidia-xconfig has configured x for me? Because I read that bad xorg.conf files can lead to smoked up screens in the gentoo handbook :P02:55
inbitado34how do i install displayconfig ??02:55
muppetexperienceI mean Gentoo NVIDIA guide02:55
fez_as in can I get the terminal to pla a song02:55
csky_maxmuppetexperience: although nvidia-xconfig does back up your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, I would recommend taking a copy of it that you put somewhere safe, then run nvidia-xconfig and see if it produces a more useful configuration - you can easily roll back that way. I'm on a geforce 8800gt, nvidia-glx driver and no problems02:56
IctHello Everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me figure out how to get a GUI running with my EVGA 8800gt02:56
csky_maxmuppetexperience: you have to have a really old monitor to do damage, as far as i know - new ones won't operate outside their range02:56
=== lee98632 is now known as lee986321
rabidcentipedefez_: what type of file is your song?02:56
truckinfez_: try aplay file -oughta work02:56
fez_mp3 from OCREmix02:56
lee986321Yay I remeberd my old name and pw lol02:57
lee986321ok IndyGunfreak, There seems to be an issue02:57
fez_cuz i am getting failed to play stream/ invalid argument from the stock music player02:57
muppetexperiencecsky_max: nvidia-xconfig does make a backup itself. That said, I ran the command twice and therefore destroyed the backlup already lol. Oh well, from my experience, it's easy to reconfigure X properly with some gui tool that comes with this distro.02:57
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:57
akatsukihello, i have a final paper (16 pages) about something related to linux.. any ideas? I will appreciate.02:57
roccityalraune  that didn't make a difference02:57
muppetexperienceJust off to /etc/gdm stop, see you soon.02:57
alrauneedju: stream started sound after some time02:57
inbitado34how do i install displayconfig ??02:57
roccityI don't understand it02:57
alrauneroccity: have the blue icon on ?02:57
roccitydo I need to restart my machine?02:58
inbitado34or how i activate dislplay config, do i have to install it ?02:58
alrauneroccity: tried a site to check your bandwith (google speedtest) ?02:58
LetsGo67Svenstaro, you're right, kino is neat (so far).02:58
roccityit doesn't matter if I do it wireless or with ethernet02:58
Blaqlightgnome is irrevocaly broken, I ran gnome-settings-daemon in openbox, it crashed and now gnome won't load.02:58
muppetexperienceWow, I just got spammed badly. What did I do?02:58
akatsukihello, i have a final paper (16 pages) about something related to linux.. any ideas? I will appreciate02:58
Tarammy extrenal hd is mounting / unmounting every apprx. 20 sec......does anyone have similar expereiences with western digital hd?02:58
muppetexperienceOops, I just did it now. Sorry.02:58
roccityyeah I have over 300kbs02:59
alpinestrHi keep on getting The X Server does not support the XRandR extension.  Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available. when I try to change resolution anyone knows what the problem might be and also my resolution isnt 1440ish as it used to be since I installed xgl / gdm02:59
alrauneroccity: shure your dld-server is stable (try aniso of ubuntu.com)02:59
csky_maxBlaqlight: you can move or remove all your gnome dotfiles  like at ~/.gnome*02:59
alrauneroccity: shure your dld-server is stable (try an iso of ubuntu.com)02:59
LetsGo67Svenstaro, cool fx!02:59
fez_im getting a failed to connect stream error while trying to play an mp302:59
lee986321erg I lost the page jsut a sec02:59
roccitydownloading is fast it's when Im download that everything slows02:59
penIs there a way to fix logitech mouse hotplug?02:59
edjuDoes your FF3 Edit>Preferences>Applications show anything?  Mine is blank, though Helix shows in about:plugins.02:59
csky_maxmuppetexperience: did it work?02:59
SvenstaroLetsGo67, yes indeed. As I said, if you want an improved version, get it fresh from their page.02:59
alrauneroccity: 300k is not much..02:59
roccitylike if Im listening to music it makes the music choppy opening apps takes 30 secs or more03:00
roccityfor nz it is03:00
roccity300kB i mean03:00
Blaqlightcsky_max: well, I want to keep my settings03:00
inbitado34or how i activate dislplay config, do i have to install it ?  when i go gksu dislplayconfig-gtk it doesn´ t  go03:01
csky_maxBlaqlight: I suggest moving them then, and move back the ones you need after it recreates boilerplate when you log in graphically03:01
=== Gnea is now known as _Gnea_
csky_maxBlaqlight: Assuming it is that broken, and you know what you're doing...03:01
=== _Gnea_ is now known as Gnea__
LetsGo67Svenstaro, is it even better?03:01
LetsGo67Why is Ubuntu slow at upgrading its reps?03:01
alpinestranyone can help ?03:01
Blaqlightcsky_max: there was an easier way... .gnome-session or something03:01
SvenstaroLetsGo67, hopefully03:01
inbitado34or how i activate dislplay config, do i have to install it ?  when i go gksu dislplayconfig-gtk it doesn´ t  go03:01
=== Gnea__ is now known as Gnea
pcapazziAnybody good with fingerprint readers?03:02
alpinestrslow down oceans 1103:02
penIs there a way to fix logitech mouse hotplug?03:02
LetsGo67Svenstaro: why does Kino stop playing, if I play, then scrool the cursor bar?03:02
muppetexperiencecsky_max: Sort of.03:02
csky_maxBlaqlight: Might be best to check the gdm logs at /var/log/gdm/* too...03:02
SvenstaroLetsGo67, don't know, I'm not a Kino dev.03:02
csky_maxmuppetexperience: did it fall back to vesa, or ?03:03
LetsGo67no worries.03:03
=== meoblast001 is now known as meo|away
muppetexperienceDunno, went back to low graphics mode and I had to reconfigure it with a gui tool. So now, it didn't work at all actually03:03
alpinestrcan anyone help with my tragic X problem :) ?03:03
muppetexperienceNow I have it in something awful like 800x600, despite me specifying quite clearly 1680*105003:03
csky_maxmuppetexperience: Yeah, that's what happened last time I tried to mess with that stuff by hand on 8.04. I ended up reinstalling to get the kernel/module/x config redone... installer lets you keep /home etc03:04
lee986321hmm ok see if any one can help me or tell me waht is happening here lol03:04
csky_maxmuppetexperience: A clean install often autoconfigures much better.. not sure how old yours is03:04
muppetexperiencecsky_max: About aone and a half weeks :P03:04
lee986321eh what is with the eh comerical bots invading us?03:05
csky_maxmuppetexperience: drop this in if you like - my nvidia binary driver config, simple display setup, 1280x1024 lcd here... http://pastebin.ca/109340303:06
csky_maxthat's /etc/X11/xorg.conf from my system03:06
alrauneroccity: with a down of 16 M max i usually load an iso from ubuntu with 700 kb/s03:06
lee986321Indygunfreak you still onlien?03:06
muppetexperiencecsky_max: Thanks - I'll edit the resolution, yes?03:06
avisi dont get mp3 playback in ubuntu.  i've installed w32codecs and gstreamer0.10-* this is a fresh install too03:06
elijahhow do i enable is it true Ubuntu will not use Xorg someday? What will they use to replace Xorg03:06
csky_maxmuppetexperience: If you need higher resolutions, yes, but i'd wait to see if there were other problems using that file.03:06
alpinestrHi keep on getting The X Server does not support the XRandR extension.  Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available. when I try to change resolution anyone knows what the problem might be and also my resolution isnt 1440ish as it used to be since I installed xgl / gdm03:07
alrauneroccity: other apps running, 5.842 kbit/s      down results in 705 kbit/s      to download iso from ubuntu.com03:07
muppetexperiencecsky_max: k03:07
MANNAMMANAMAMAI want some viruses were can i get them?03:07
huronkingWondering that too03:07
elijahwhere can i find all the cool new stuff for intrepid?03:07
lee986321Huamn or machine?03:07
alrauneroccity... has left, nice03:08
muppetexperiencecsky_max: Address Not Found03:08
MANNAMMANAMAMAI want to download viruses were can i find some?03:08
lee986321sorry culdnt resist that ne03:08
csky_maxmuppetexperience: just loaded for me03:08
ubottuMANNAMMANAMAMA: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:08
alrauneMANNAMMANAMAMA: bring in your box to me and stop annoying here!03:08
LetsGo67Svenstaro: kalideoscope is too weird.03:09
muppetexperiencecsky_max: I seem to have trouble with pastebin.ca quite often. Would you mind putting it in pastebin.com for me?03:09
DEdwardsMANNAMMANAMAMA, use windows03:09
csky_maxOne extra letter, I'm dying of typing...03:10
MANNAMMANAMAMAi checked pirate bay and limewire03:10
muppetexperienceWhy do you want viruses?03:10
MANNAMMANAMAMAi cant find any :(03:10
MANNAMMANAMAMAto look at them03:10
AhadielMANNAMMANAMAMA, go to ##windows and ask for viruses.03:10
truckinMANNAMMANAMAMA: stop baiting ppl03:10
huronkingI have an MFM drive full of them.03:10
LetsGo67MANNAMMANAMAMA bonzi buddy03:11
MANNAMMANAMAMAIm in windows thanks03:11
MANNAMMANAMAMAwhats bonzi buddy03:11
JoshJso I'm on a computer that's fairly old; has an old video card and old monitor; it's running ubuntu 8.04 and was fine yesterday.. but today it won't get better than an 800x600 resolution03:11
JoshJlooking in /var/log/dpkg.log reveals that one of yesterday's updates was xserver-xorg-video-intel03:12
lee986321erg you havn't heard of that anoying talking gorila lol03:12
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o03:12
alraune JoshJ:paste out from lspci...03:12
bstempihi room03:12
Gnea!guidelines | MANNAMMANAMAMA03:12
ubottuMANNAMMANAMAMA: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:12
JoshJso did yesterday's update have anything to do with this? alraune , gimme a sec03:12
csky_maxJoshJ: use 'lspci |grep -i vga' for less spam03:13
lee986321I was wondering when the bot would say something03:13
bstempihas anyone tried installing the 5-a-day stuff on to Ubuntu Gutsy?03:13
Gnea!pastebin | JoshJ03:13
ubottuJoshJ: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:13
alraune JoshJ: paste out from lspci..., uups, two secs, shure03:13
bstempiI don't see a gutsy repo03:13
MANNAMMANAMAMADoes any 1 have any virus files they would not mind sending to me?03:13
MANNAMMANAMAMAemail is jaja921992@gmail.com03:13
Gnea!ops | MANNAMMANAMAMA03:13
ubottuMANNAMMANAMAMA: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!03:13
drone_got a couple questions relating to grub if anyone could possible help me...03:14
Gneadrone_: ask away03:14
alraune JoshJ: might be, most problably xorg.conf altered..03:14
JoshJthat's what i would assume... hrm03:14
csky_maxJoshJ: If package scripts modify it, you should see the previous version there next to it03:15
drone_so I have a triple boot set up with xp, hardy, and centos 5. everything for xp and ubuntu works fine but when I installed centos I didn't install grub because I thought I could just add the entry to the one already there03:15
drone_unfortunately it doesn't seem to work that way03:15
JoshJi see a "xorg.conf.20080805220736"03:15
lee986321hmm how about it might I hasve a taker on getting som help?03:15
drone_and now I'm lost as to how to get centos added to the grub03:15
alraune JoshJ: paste the files (names) from /etc/X11/03:15
drone_I mounted the drive its on and looked in the boot folder03:15
csky_maxJoshJ: That looks likely, diff it against the current one03:15
PenolCan i use this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne for Linux Mint?03:15
muppetexperienc1csky_max: Same problem. Could we just get the xonfiguration script that comes with the installer and run it?03:16
JoshJalraune, that and xorg.conf are the only two xorg.conf's03:16
elijahwhere is the feature set for INtrepid Ibex? I am having trouble finding it03:16
drone_but was weirded out to not find any initrd or kernel file03:16
drone_really strange03:16
PenolCan i use this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne for Linux Mint?03:16
alraune JoshJ:or  paste the files (content)03:16
PiciPenol: We do not support Mint here, you'll need to seek their support.03:16
csky_maxdrone_: I think you can just run update-grub on ubuntu and it should find the centos?03:16
JoshJcsky_max, no difference03:16
Pici!mintsupport | Penol03:16
ubottuPenol: Linux Mint is not a supported derivitve of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org03:16
muppetexperienc1Would the gentoo nvidia guide be relevant?03:16
avisi dont get mp3 playback in ubuntu.  i've installed w32codecs and gstreamer0.10-* this is a fresh install too.  any ideas ?03:16
drone_ok, I'll give that a try03:16
csky_maxmuppetexperienc1: I wish I knew the answer to that, I wanted it myself but ended up spending about an hour installing the base system and making coffee03:16
drone_thanks csky_max03:16
orangepeelbeefI can't seem to get ogg vorbis audio to play out my digital output  it shows ffmpeg has the codec but i don't hear anything03:17
alrauneavis: amarok and mplayer ?03:17
JoshJhttp://rafb.net/p/6avGFw88.html  <-- this is the xorg.conf03:17
DEdwardsdrone_, reinstall grub perhaps03:17
JOEY_wubuntu wouldnt install on my new laptop. could someone please message me so i can send them a link to see if its compatible.03:17
JoshJand the old xorg.conf shows no difference03:17
lee986321erg we really need a channel specific for the ps3 lol03:17
avisalraune, using totem or nautilus03:17
huronkingOk, my xorg.conf has nothing useful or specific. Is this just the way it is supposed to be in 8.04?03:17
drone_so reinstall grub from what, a live cd?03:17
alrauneavis:try amarok and mplayer03:17
JoshJdrone_, there's athing called the "super grub disc" look into it03:17
drone_I have that03:17
drone_but it didn't seem to help03:17
alraune JoshJ:k, and the other (numbered one ?)03:17
csky_maxmuppetexperience1: at that point you would be best off using the ubuntu install cd and choosing to install same partition, keep /home when prompted - better than following other distro procedures.03:18
dayonei am trying fresh reinstall my ubuntu, but this time i want to install no extra software. is there a method at start of intstallation? I don't want any office tools, any games, anything and everything don't want to install. just want pure UBUNTU and all nessesary files and headers, and network tools and sound files... is there a way?..... when i am done i will only select want i want to install...........??03:18
drone_I'm sure it would if I knew what I was doing03:18
JoshJalraune, no difference03:18
lee986321eh how about vlc player?03:18
Peloanyone know the min req for hardy ?  can it run on a  1.6 mhz ?03:18
muppetexperienc1csky_max: Maybe I'll just do a fresh install, but I don't want to waste a load of bandwidth installing everything again.03:18
alraune JoshJ:k, brb03:18
csky_maxdrone_: /usr/sbin/update-grub03:18
Pici!requirements | Penol03:18
JoshJi notice that doesn't have a massive collection of stuff like the xorg.conf's i've seen on my computer; but i'm used to dealing with ATI cards, not SGI03:18
ubottuPenol: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu03:18
PiciPelo: That was for you ^03:18
csky_maxdrone_: while booted into ubuntu03:18
alrauneavis:sudo apt-get install amarok and mplayer vlc03:18
ubottu!GTK and !Qt are !GUI toolkits (i.e. software libraries that draw buttons, textboxes, etc). !GNOME, !KDE, !Xfce and friends are "!desktop environments", which build on top of such libraries to provide a "consistent" desktop experience. !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu03:18
Jordan_Udayone: You can use the minimal / alternate install CD's to do that03:18
axisysanyone else having issue with installing ubuntu on vista using the selection of ubuntu cd 8.04 (aka wubi install) ?03:18
avisalraune, i already had amarok installed.  its not playing in that either03:19
Pelothanks Pici03:19
axisysi dont see a grub menu03:19
PiciPenol: Sorry, I meant that for Pelo.03:19
Penol!desktop environments03:19
ubottuPenol: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:19
csky_maxmuppetexperienc1: Yes, I know, but one thing you can try for starters is boot off the live CD and see if its "autoconfig" even solves the problem.. Dinner time for me and best of luck to you03:19
lee986321I am running Xubuntu :)03:19
Jordan_Udayone: Do you want a GUI at all?03:19
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels03:19
=== meo|away is now known as meoblast001
dayoneJordan_U, there is no option on this ubuntu 8.04 cd?03:19
muppetexperienc1csky_max: Thanks. Could I just copy and paste these debs? Would that work?03:19
muppetexperienc1So I don't use laods of bandwidth...03:20
alraune JoshJ:sudo apt-get install gksudo displayconfig-gtk03:20
JoshJi mean 800x600 does *fit*, but the whole reason this computer is running Ubuntu at all is because Windows ME got stuck in 800x600 and I couldn't get it unstuck... so this could be a problem and I may have to try a different distro if this one's gonna be broken :(03:20
Jordan_Udayone: No03:20
bibis their a free *nix shell that allows ssh redirect?03:20
alraune JoshJ:done (terminal) ?03:20
JoshJalraune, both of those are already in03:20
JoshJdisplayconfig-gtk is already the newest version.03:20
csky_maxmuppetexperienc1: i.e., if the live boot shows restricted manager, so should a reinstallation... And yes you could copy out /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb before wiping the system install03:20
JoshJE: Package gksudo has no installation candidate03:20
JoshJ(but i can do gksudo so whatever)03:20
dayoneJordan_U, well then is there a method to run after fresh install to remove everything and just leave me ubuntu?03:21
alraune JoshJ:sudo apt-get install gksudo displayconfig-gtk03:21
houmalaHow do I change the "default" email client from evolution to thunderbird ???03:21
muppetexperienc1csky_max: Wonderful.03:21
csky_maxthen you could copy them back into /archives before running the updates, and it would skip downloading anything that was still newest03:21
lee986321josh carefull, ops could band if you post code03:21
muppetexperienc1Thanks, happy dinner.03:21
alraune JoshJ:sudo apt-get install displayconfig-gtk        ,damn03:21
csky_maxgood luck!03:21
JoshJdisplayconfig-gtk is alraedy the latest version alraune03:21
JOEY_wI need some quick help could someone please message me <3.03:21
alraune JoshJ:then sudo  displayconfig-gtk03:21
jigphello i have shared and enabled the printer (winxp)..how to connect to the network printer?i tried the builtin configuration "printer configuration -locahost" still no luck...thanks03:21
JoshJk, hold on03:21
alraune JoshJ:can find your monitor there ?03:22
JoshJit's some generic monitor alraune03:22
drone_debconf: DbDriver "passwords" warning: could not open /var/cache/debconf/passwords.dat: Permission denied03:22
drone_Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub03:22
drone_findfs: Unable to resolve 'UUID=fe3d7d92-ac5b-4840-a19c-87f770da223a'03:22
drone_Cannot determine root device.  Assuming /dev/hda103:22
drone_This error is probably caused by an invalid /etc/fstab03:22
drone_Searching for default file ... found: /boot/grub/default03:22
FloodBot3drone_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:22
drone_Testing for an existing GRUB menu.lst file ... found: /boot/grub/menu.lst03:22
JoshJalraune, should i just deliberately pick a generic 1024x768 monitor?03:22
newbQuick question.. I'm running 64bit ubuntu Hardy and I would like to grab the 32bit version of firefox to use with GWT? I looked at the website but ia32-libs-gtk and linux32 don't come up when i apt-get.03:22
alraune JoshJ:can't figure out your brand/model ?03:22
houmalaHow do I change the "default" email client from evolution to thunderbird ???03:23
JoshJoh wow, it has proview03:23
JoshJlemme try to find the model on this thing03:23
alraune JoshJ:its mainley about the refresh-rates not to burn it...03:23
dayoneJordan_U, also, the current interface is gnome, can you download and install a different interface without redownloading another distro?03:23
JoshJalraune, k, lemme dig this monitor out from the pile of stuff around it :)03:23
Jordan_Udayone: Yes, just install them from synaptic03:24
newbHow does one grab 32bit firefox in 64bit Hardy?03:24
[z]neoguys, can someone help me on this.... i mount my external enclosure that has encrypted partition build in truecpyt for windows, now i want to open my encrypted partition in ext HD using truecrypt for linux but i got this error message http://paste.ubuntu.com/34597/ i already use the command mount force but no luck.03:24
obxanyone know how to speed up hardy boot time?03:24
dayoneJordan_U, thanks a lot..03:24
elijahobx, ha03:25
lee986321dayone, you can down load other enviroments like xfce, kde, kde4 and such by goig into add remove programs03:25
JoshJalraune, it's a proview 786N; but that's not listed in displayconfig-gtk03:25
JoshJautodetect gives generic "Plug 'n' Play"03:25
lee986321eh kde4 that is a different story though03:25
nickrud!hardysources | newb (ia32-libs are in universe, and ia32-libs-gtk are provided by them)03:25
ubottunewb (ia32-libs are in universe, and ia32-libs-gtk are provided by them): In System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).03:25
obxi found an old old old article on ubuntu forums to speed up boot times03:25
lee986321Hey nickrud been a while lol03:25
elijahobx, wonderful question, I can't wait until I am a programmer/developer so I can help along with things like this, gonna take some time but sooner or later I am gonna contribute back03:26
nickrudlee986321 you've just not been around when I am, I guess ;)03:26
alraune JoshJ:google for the Manufact. /model to get the refresh rates....03:26
sjovanhow did you get info about all your harddrives again? uuid code, size and so on...03:26
obxit takes a lot longer than it should03:26
elijahobx, can you share link please03:26
obxuh just a second let me find it again03:26
lee986321I been on PC lol, I had to revert to eh the other hting for all my video work03:26
[z]neoguys, can someone help me on this.... i mount my external enclosure that has encrypted partition build in truecpyt for windows, now i want to open my encrypted partition in ext HD using truecrypt for linux but i got this error message http://paste.ubuntu.com/34597/ i already use the command mount force but no luck.03:26
ninjaslimhey guys i can't play dvds on ubuntu, i've tried all different players, what codecs and libs are necessayr to play03:26
lee986321any How Nickrud, I am on PS3 now03:27
obxelijah: ttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8949103:27
lee986321I hav one problm though03:27
obxput an h in front of that03:27
lee986321 and this is it http://paste.ubuntu.com/34595/03:27
nickrud!dvd  ninjaslim (libdvdcss2 is key)03:27
ubottunickrud: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:27
nickrud!dvd  ninjaslim | (libdvdcss2 is key)03:27
ubottunickrud: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:27
planetxhave a simple question to be  answered please, i have compiz-fusion installed with cube effect im just wondering how to get it to be a sphere like cube, tried all settings cant seem to find it thanks for advice03:27
lee986321aside form thsi nickrud I can live withhte ovr scan isue03:27
nickrud!dvd | ninjaslim | (libdvdcss2 is key) (me goes to get brain)03:28
ubottunickrud: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:28
dayonelee986321, there is so many different software when searching on synaptic... how to limit the search only for kde interface?03:28
JoshJalraune, i'm going to reset and see how htis owrks03:28
JoshJ*this works (sorry i hate this keyboard)03:28
nickrud!dvd | ninjaslim (one last try)03:28
ubottuninjaslim (one last try): For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:28
lee986321um No, More like how to enable falsh on this thing03:28
lee986321eh flash03:28
lee986321Ima sory dayone03:28
sjovanwols_: thanks. goig to wright it down this time03:29
orangepeelbeefhow can i get my system to play ogg vorbis audio in mkv file  in mplayer??03:29
newbnickrud: I already have all the settings suggested by ubottu, however, I still don't see how I can grab the 32bit version of ubuntu.. any idea?03:29
nickrudlee986321 ia32-libs are in universe, provides ia32-libs-gtk, and linux32 is provided by util-linux03:29
nickrudnewb ah, you need to download debs and use dpkg -i03:29
lee986321eh ok so I go into my regualr set up then and add that Nick rud?03:30
dayonelee986321, when i opened synaptic and searched for kde, it got a huge number of stuff... but i am looking for interface, so i should search for what? and under what name?03:30
nickrudlee986321 should work, I'm reading dependencies and provides on packages.ubuntu.com03:30
elijahobx, wow that is old, have you seen http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/42/03:30
pcapazziAnybody have any experience with fingerprint readers?03:31
archangel74can anyone help with burning .iso image for DVD?03:32
penIs there a way to fix logitech mouse hotplug?03:32
newbnickrud: where do i find these debs?03:33
paulvjpen is it usb?03:33
nickrudarchangel74 right click the iso, and select write to disk03:33
lee986321ah dayone I think we need to into the synaptic area03:33
archangel74I have done that but it always comes back with an error03:33
archangel74not sure why03:33
JoshJalraune, thank you; that displayconfig thing fixed it03:33
=== m_newton is now known as IMGOD
JoshJi just picked generic monitor of the size i wanted and it worked03:34
sjovanorangepeelbeef: for some strange reason it doesn't work when i use gnome-mplayer, but if i use mplayer from terminal it works fine03:34
penpaulvj, I have a logitech mouse yes it's usb03:34
lee986321dayone you need to into syaptic pacakage manager03:34
penpaulvj, wireless03:34
JoshJso i'm going to let the person this comp belongs to use it now ;)03:34
paulvjthen it should work out of the box03:34
alraune JoshJ:nice, I just had to open window,bad air here, lol (nothing with you)03:34
paulvjis it not03:34
nickrudnewb not in detail. Mainly it's looking for them in archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool . Installing 32bit apps in 64bit linux isn't for the unclued (which category I fall into more often than not with that)03:34
JOEY_wAnyone tell me why this laptop isnt compatible? http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8898357&type=product&id=121219262268303:34
ninjaslimhey guys i can't play dvds on ubuntu, i've tried all different players, what codecs and libs are necessayr to play03:35
lee986321and then from there click on sections03:35
sCOTToanyone here good with gnome ?03:35
LSD|Ninjaninjaslim: you want libdvdcss, you need medibuntu for that afaik03:35
lee986321dayone and there as you scroll you will find the variosue desk top enviroments03:35
=== IMGOD is now known as GoD_
alraune ninjaslim: sudo apt-get install vlc, use this player03:35
rockysynergyAnyone has inkscape installed and work properly? I tried to install using apt, deb package and from source file. But as soon as I start do anything with it, the inkscape crash.03:35
sCOTTo!gnome issues03:36
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome issues03:36
ninjaslimalraune: what if you dont' want to use vlc03:36
Marvin_The_Robotninjaslim, VLC, works great for me?03:36
lee986321The only thing taht I can't remeber is you need Multi univers of Universe03:36
muppet_experiencThe installer wants /dev/sda5 unmounted, but I get this when I try to umount it:03:37
muppet_experiencroot@ubuntu:/mnt/var/cache/apt/archives# umount /dev/sda503:37
muppet_experiencumount: /mnt: device is busy03:37
muppet_experiencumount: /mnt: device is busy03:37
nickrudninjaslim have you tried the link from the factoid yet?: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html03:37
dayonelee986321, ok i found enviroments, now if i donwload will it automatically be selected as desktop interface or i must select it from somewhere?03:37
paulvjcan you use ubuntu server with fedora?03:37
nickrudpaulvj what do you mean, 'use with' ?03:37
paulvjI am useing fedora for desktop but might have to use ubuntu server instead of fedora server03:38
alraune ninjaslim: gotta find somebody unbusy , go to medibuntu, install codecs03:38
nickrudmuppet_experienc   cd && umount /dev/sda503:38
paulvjcan that be done?03:38
nickrudpaulvj yes, fedora can talk to ubuntu server, the protocol is the same03:39
paulvjok cool thanks03:39
inbitado34what i have to do to install envy ??03:39
nickrud!envy | inbitado3403:39
ubottuinbitado34: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk03:39
inbitado34by command line ? or synaptic ?03:40
Marvin_The_Robotinbitado34, dont, unless you have no other choice, my opinion only03:40
nickrudinbitado34 either, and I ditto Marvin_The_Robot03:40
lee986321ok nickrud I got the linux32 now I need to know where to get the ia32-libs and the ia32-libs-gtk03:40
xxploitsudo apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk03:41
nickrudlee986321 ia32-libs are in the universe repo, and once you have them you'll have the -gtk as well (-gtk is a virtual package in hardy, ia32-libs provide them)03:41
muppet_experiencI solved my problem.03:41
lee986321ahhh ok eh wait I don't have hardy lol03:41
veohi, is there a console command to add a new pannel (my pannel bar is full and don't have anywhere to click to bring the menu)03:41
Marvin_The_Robotheh, nickrud , you and everyone else here told me that too late back in 7.04 ;-)03:41
lee986321hardy heron Phizles n the Ps3 lol03:42
nickrudMarvin_The_Robot I would have told you if I saw you before you did :)03:42
nickrudlee986321 gutsy?  You can search for the right package on packages.ubuntu.com03:42
xxploitdoes the ps3 have 3d accel on linux?03:42
k0epkecan anyone help me with: [Tue Aug 05 22:41:36 2008] [error] VirtualHost *:80 -- mixing * ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported, proceeding with undefined results03:42
Marvin_The_Robotnickrud, i am SeaPhor, btw03:42
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nickrudMarvin_The_Robot much better nick now :)03:43
LSD|Ninjaxxploit: I don't believe so03:43
munk_help my computer keeps locking me out if i dont use it for 5 minutes or so(it is a laptop) i removed the acpi and acpi-support packages and it still does it.. help please?03:43
k0epkehere is an example of one of my v host files03:43
lee986321ahh ok03:43
inbitado34how do i install de nvidia driver then ? by synaptic or i download it from nvidia.com ?03:43
nickrudinbitado34 this is a fresh, new install?03:43
LSD|Ninjainbitado34: use the hardware drivers panel03:43
LSD|Ninjainbitado34: System -> Admin -> Hardware Drivers03:43
lee986321Yeah nickrud I tried to upgrade and everything fell to pieces, the even recalled the PS3 hardy heron03:43
alraune munk_:scrensaver ?03:43
hellcattravhiya all03:43
akatsukihow can i check my ip address using terminal03:43
LSD|Ninjaakatsuki: ifconfig03:43
nickrudlee986321 heck, it's not a supported bit of hardware, not suprised ;)03:43
munk_alraune, no i never enabled it and it says that there is no screensaver03:44
Marvin_The_Robotinbitado34, what card, and it should be in restricted drivers, just wenable it and then ,,, well some more if interested03:44
lee986321LOL, well YDL (yelow dog 5 as a fedor adventure03:44
Marvin_The_Robotinbitado34, i have the 8600GT, 6100go, 7300, 5200, and another around somewhere03:44
inbitado34is nvidia-glx-new  for gforce 620003:44
lee986321but any way YDL was giving me fits literally, not to mention not many RPMS  and no upgrade to speak of..but this is off toipic so I won't say any more lol03:45
hellcattravI created another user as my father and logged in to test it and nauitilous will not activate any of the folders and it says that I need to change permissions to allow nautilous to create the file  what could have caused this?03:45
LSD|Ninjainbitado34: the hardware drivers panel will take care of what drivers you need03:45
lee986321My Bigets Pet Peve is why there is no 32 bit versions03:45
inbitado34i alredy used the  nvidia-glx-new for this card    gforce 6200 agp03:45
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lee986321of any of the major OS03:45
inbitado34even in opensuse03:45
Marvin_The_Robotinbitado34, do you have nvidia-settings installed?03:46
inbitado34but i did something in opensuse that now when i open hardy i have no root privileges03:46
nickrudhellcattrav  you mean, nautilus won't open any folders in your father's home dir, when logged in as your father?03:46
lee986321But I do hate to say this, My PS3 is more stable then my PC with linux lol03:46
Guest89059hey i'm new on ubuntu and i'm trying to get my wireless working on a dell inspiron 153003:46
nickrud!rootsudo | inbitado3403:46
ubottuinbitado34: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)03:46
inbitado34so i m installing hardy again and last time i installed the nvidia by envy way03:46
hellcattravNickrud correct03:46
LetsGo67bye Svenstaro and all03:47
hellcattravI get some type of error message saying nauitlous doesnt have the permissions03:47
inbitado34no Marvin do i have to install them by  apt-get ?03:47
nickrudhellcattrav   ls -ld /home/<yourfather'snick>03:47
hellcattravwhats that do?03:47
nickrudhellcattrav it lists your father's home directory, and shows the permissions03:47
Guest89059hey i'm new to linux and i'm trying to get my wireless internet working on a dell inspiron 152003:47
lee986321Beats head against wall, Nickrud,Id guess it would help if I enguaged the other links for the package manager to look for lol03:48
Marvin_The_Robotinbitado34, yes, and if that fails, the do sudo apt-get install upgrade sources.lst03:48
hellcattravdrwxr-xr-x 21 dad dad 4096 2008-08-05 22:42 /home/dad03:48
zelrikriandohi nickrud03:48
lee986321Erg Iam so..03:48
nickrudzelrikriando high03:48
nickrudhellcattrav now, ls -ld /home/dad/Desktop03:48
Guest89059hey i'm new on linux and i'm trying to get my wireless internet working on an inspiron 1520, can anyone help me03:48
Marvin_The_Robotthe nvidia is  sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings   inbitado3403:49
hellcattrav-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1107 2008-08-05 22:40 /home/dad/Desktop03:49
inbitado34no i can t even start the firestarter no root permisions03:49
inbitado34Marvin_The_Robot do i have to install nvidia-settings manually ??03:49
inbitado34why su - doesn't work in ubuntu ?03:49
LSD|Ninjainbitado34: You don't have to touch apt-get, synaptic or whatever. Once you've installed Ubuntu, go to System -> Admin -> hardware drivers and it'll do all the hardwork fior you03:49
nickrudhellcattrav ah ha!.    sudo chown -R dad:dad /home/dad  Somehow the files/directories in your father's home are owned by root, rather than dad03:49
evoany idea how i can get rid of this high pitched squeal coming from the monitor?? only does it in this OS.03:50
mikehey i'm new on linux and i'm trying to get my wireless internet working on a dell inspiron 1520, can anyone help?03:50
hellcattravthanks nickrud, is that take care of it?03:50
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evohappens when I open a window03:50
nickrudhellcattrav should. The chmod -R dad:dad will change the ownership of every file and directory in your dad's home dir to him.03:50
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alraune!wireless |mike:03:51
ubottumike:: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:51
drone_wow, that really sucked03:51
=== cdh is now known as semikjolin
inbitado34i was in opensuse, i asked for help to mount my ubuntu hd, i did what they tell me , and also add a command like this:  chwon -R:user /media/unbutu  something like that, and lost my root privileges in hardy i couldn't do nothing03:51
nickrudhellcattrav however, since somehow they got changed (had to be done manually, by the way) there may be other problems03:51
Mike1234hey i'm new on linux and i'm trying to get my wireless internet working on a dell inspiron 1520, any help??03:51
drone_so I still can't boot into centos from grub03:51
bazhangMike1234, we need the chipset03:51
hellcattravOk, thanks nickrud, I'll change over and check03:51
drone_its driving me crazy03:51
bazhangdrone_, perhaps ask in centos channel then03:51
scrambledeggwhen creating keys in seahorse,   RSA is listed as a "signing only" algorithm...  is this a bug?03:52
bazhang#centos drone_03:52
ebzerocan some one help me with smplayer? I'm having an issue where, whenever I open a video file it plays the audio but the video freezes and the controls get greyed out but still work03:52
ubottumike: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:52
nickruddrone_ are you the guy with the uuid issue?03:52
drone_I believe so03:52
Mike1234bazhang: what chipset?03:52
bazhangMike1234, the wifi chipset03:52
cdj26bazhang: how do i find that03:52
drone_I was only asking about the grub issue here because I'm primarily an ubuntu user and I'm using the grub that the ubuntu installer setup03:53
nickruddrone_ yeah, you got flooded out :)   You need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change the kernel line for centos to the right uuid.  sudo blkid will show all disk partition uuid's03:53
ebzerohowever the same video plays just fine in mplayer03:53
dexterWhat do you people use for skype?03:53
drone_oh ok03:53
Mike1234cdj26: how original your name is03:53
bazhang!grub | drone_ read this03:53
ubottudrone_ read this: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:53
wols_drone_: you need to manually edit your menu.lst to be able to boot centos too in addition to ubuntu03:53
scrambledegganyone? :S03:53
hellcat--nickrud, Hey it worked thanks03:53
bobertdosMike1234: In the case of a Dell, I'd just recommend going to the website and downloading the latest driver for the wireless card so you can try it with ndisgtk (the graphical frontend for ndiswrapper).03:53
ebzeroI've found out that if I switch to a video output that doesn't work and then switch back to one that does work it restarts the file and plays as normal03:53
nickrudhellcat-- you sound suprised ;(P03:54
dexterWhat do you guys use as a skype client?03:54
hellcat--not so much just syaing thanks03:54
cdj26bazhang: how do you determine the wifi chipset03:54
ebzerothen when I go to open the file again the original issue reappears03:54
hellcat--dexter, skype03:54
nickrudhellcat-- a joke :)03:54
drone_I was trying to manually edit the menu list, but usually when I go to do that I get the info from mounting the drive that the new os is on, and getting the info form the boot folder03:54
wols_drone_: there is only skype and nothing else for that network. no other client exist for any OS03:54
bazhangcdj26, pci or usb03:54
wols_dexter: ^^03:54
hellcat--right folks I'm going back down the rabbit hole to appear as the other me03:54
fulat2khi folks, i'm planning to buy a Dell Vostro 1510 to use with Ubuntu.  Anyone having any issues with compatibility with this model?03:54
alraunen8, everybody03:55
drone_its just weird that in the centos boot folder on the partition I put it on, there's only weird files that dont work when I use them in the grub menu03:55
cdj26bazhang: im unsure: its a laptop lol03:55
lee986321soy daying to igy you, yes down load the envioment that you found and when a blue screen comes up asking you if you want the as your defualt that will be up to you , but you03:55
ebzeroare you using a pcmcia card?03:55
bazhangcdj26, try lspci then but dont paste here; paste to paste.ubuntu.com03:55
paolohi *. Which filesystem is more suitable for backup?03:55
lee986321want to say yes to all03:55
cdj26bazhang: from yahoo answers, it is Intel's latest 4965AGN wifi link03:55
LSD|Ninjapaolo: zfs03:56
nickruddrone_ change the uuid for now, that was the error grub was throwing up earlier. Until you get that right, you can't move on to any other steps needed03:56
drone_they all end with .el5xen03:56
archangel74good night03:56
drone_oh ok03:56
lee986321eerg phen and 2 ims I am sh0rting out03:56
paoloLSD|Ninja: why? not xfs?03:56
bazhangcdj26, does ifconfig show 2 entries or three03:56
lee986321eh phone03:56
LSD|Ninjapaolo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZFS#Snapshots_and_clones03:56
paoloLSD|Ninja: thanks03:57
Matt123I know this should go into Windows, but no one is helping. I want Vista to let me shrink the main partition more.03:57
nickruddrone_ oh, those look like xen stuff ;(03:57
wols_Matt123: if they don't help, it's still no #ubuntu question. ask ##windows03:57
LSD|Ninjapaolo: of course, zfs isn't really practical under Linux. You can thank RMS for that.03:57
cdj26bazhang, one sec03:57
paoloLSD|Ninja: why?03:58
pundoMatt123: Vista only lets you shrink so much, if you want to shrink more you'll probably have to use a 3rd party proggie like partition magic03:58
Part`have any of you experiences with belinea's nootebooks?03:58
wols_LSD|Ninja: fyi sun made it intentionally GPL incompatible out of their own wish. it's also not up to RMS what license the kernel is under03:58
Matt123How about this: Can I use the live cd to safely shrink my windows partion more than vista will late me?03:58
cdj26bazhang i have 4: eht0, lo, wlan0, wmaster0-0003:58
AhadielMatt123, Have a look at the gparted live cd03:58
pundoMatt123: no03:58
bazhangcdj26, you have a wifi spot to test with?03:58
cdj26bazhang: ignore my paste03:58
cdj26bazhang, yes03:58
bazhangcdj26, what does sudo dhclient wlan0 return03:59
LSD|Ninjawols_: GPL is his baby though03:59
wols_LSD|Ninja: has nothing to do with ZFS and the kernel tho03:59
Matt123pundo, ahadiel just suggested the live cd, why won't that work?03:59
LSD|Ninjawols_: also, the BSD licence has no problem cooperating with CDDL03:59
=== Marvin_The_Robot is now known as SeaPhor
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:00
pundoMatt123: resizing a windows partition with any live CD has major risks of damaging that partitoin04:00
wols_LSD|Ninja: BSD is not a Sun competitor. Linux is the main competitor of solaris...04:00
bazhanggpl and other talk to #ubuntu-offtopic please04:00
pundoMatt123: I suggest picking up partition magic or something like it for that04:00
Matt123ok thanks04:00
wols_bazhang: how about the same standard for windows vista talk?04:00
AhadielMatt123, http://digg.com/software/GParted_Live_CD,_like_Partition_Magic_for_free04:01
cdj26bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34606/04:01
pundoI've heard good things about gparted...but never used it personally04:01
drone_so for the kernel line in the grub menu, I just put UUID= and then the sequence of things I got from blkid?04:01
bazhangcdj26, you need to associate your ap04:02
cdj26bazhang; over my head, is that hard to do04:02
nickruddrone_ yes. that would identify where the kernel is04:02
Matt123thanks ahadiel04:02
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 cdj26 take a quick look here first04:02
AhadielMatt123, I've never had problems with gparted and ntfs yet.04:03
drone_alrighty, thanks. I'm gonna reboot and give it a shot04:03
bazhangcdj26, not hard at all04:03
cdj26bazhang: the wifi is unsecured04:03
scrambledegganyway, i've reported it here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seahorse/+bug/25519604:03
bazhangcdj26, easier to test with open ap but all will work (hopefully)04:03
Matt123yeah, ahadiel, the windows people finally responded and they said gparted is ok04:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255196 in seahorse "Misinformation when generating keys: Lists RSA as "signing only"" [Undecided,New]04:03
Matt123thanks guys04:03
pundoMatt123: g'luck04:04
cdj26bazhang: just copy the commands under unencrypted?04:04
FAJALOUmy friend is running compiz-fusion and emerald on ubuntu 8.04.1, but he cannot import any emerald themes... is there any known bugs why this is happening?04:05
bazhangsudo iwconfig <interface> essid "ESSID_IN_QUOTES" cdj2604:05
wweaselBash scripting question: I want my script to read a variable ($NUM) when selecting a variable to retrieve (dir1, dir2, dir3, etc.).  Apparently it can't be nested like: ${dir${NUM}}. Advice?04:05
nickrudwweasel ask in #bash :)04:05
bazhangwweasel, #bash04:05
cdj26bazhang: what is interface, just type it how it is?04:05
wweaselnickrud: bazhang:, thanks04:06
COBOL1hello please send me viruses perferbable cross scripting but anything is ok04:06
bazhangcdj26, in your case wlan004:06
nickrud!ot | COBOL104:06
ubottuCOBOL1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:06
bazhangcdj26, you should know the ap name04:06
cdj26and ESSID_IN QUOTES the wireless name? bazhang04:06
bazhangCOBOL1, not here04:06
KohlrakIt's an odd request, and might even against some ethics, but if some one were to suggest a p2p client for ubuntu other than DC++ and Amule, what would it be?04:06
bazhangcdj26, no that is the router access point name04:06
psykidellicOkay, so my new roommate has an old comp with a non-working CD drive. His windows is running shitty and I want to install Ubuntu for him. I looked into Google and found various tutorials. Which method would you guys suggest the easiest?04:07
cdj26bazhang: like what appears in the dropdown if the wireless was working?04:07
bazhang!p2p | Kohlrak04:07
ubottuKohlrak: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information04:07
nickrudKohlrak you might ask for some advice in #ubuntu-offtopic04:07
bazhangpsykidellic, no cursing04:08
intreqhow is every one doing?04:08
nickrud!install | psykidellic (the usb, or the tinyurl)04:08
ubottupsykidellic (the usb, or the tinyurl): Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate04:08
gkffjcs_hey all, where dose ubuntu store the default wall paper?04:08
bazhangpsykidellic, usb if his computer supports booting from cd04:08
bazhangerr usb04:08
bazhangcdj26, you do know the ap name, right? like cdj26_access_point or some such04:09
drone_well, that didn't work. the grub threw an error saying something about a direct path name04:09
cdj26like LitchfieldRouter04:10
bazhangcdj26, put that in quotes04:10
Maxwell23498Hello, I am currently running Xubuntu off of a CD because my system buttfucked itself up recently, and I just want to get a few files off of my hard drive but do not know how to easily do it int terminal or otherwise.04:10
Maxwell23498Any help would be nice04:10
nickrud!language | Maxwell2349804:10
ubottuMaxwell23498: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:10
bazhangMaxwell23498, no cursing04:10
cdj26no terminal output bazhang, is that right?04:10
nickrudMaxwell23498 where are you copying the files to?04:10
bazhangcdj26, no output is good news04:11
cdj26bazhang: then what04:11
cdj26bazhang: sorry to be such a noob04:11
bazhangcdj26, try the sudo dhclient wlan0 again04:11
Maxwell23498nickrud:Nowhere, I cannot access them.04:11
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FAJALOU!hi | _DogiDog_04:11
ubottu_DogiDog_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:11
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:12
nickrudMaxwell23498 you have the live cd running? You should be able to go to places on the menu, and mount a drive there04:12
crashsystemsI'm trying to use ssh to bind localhost port 5900 to remote host port 5900 using the -L parameter, but cannot seem to get the syntax right. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Here is what I've been doing: ssh -l username -L 5900:
_DogiDog_wie gehts04:12
cdj26bazhang: same thing04:12
luz3rSup everyone.04:12
Maxwell23498Nickrud: which menu?04:13
Maxwell23498Nickrud:N-B that this is in Xfce04:13
lee986321Ok I think I am going to trhow in the towel for tonight nickrud but this is waht I got when I tried it  per the websight04:13
nickrudMaxwell23498 the main menu on the top bar. You should see apps, places ...  xfce. Ok, terminal time ;(04:13
nickrud:) I mean04:13
Maxwell23498Yes :'04:13
bazhangcdj26, what does iwconfig show04:13
TazbobuI have been trying for a couple months since I installed hardy to get my NVIDIA driver to work... I have tried envy, the restricted hardware drivers, nothing seems to work.  It says the restricted drivers are running currently, but it will not allow me to choose any resolution other than 640x400 or 800x600.. and it won't let me run nvidia-settings04:14
nickrudlee986321 enable universe04:14
crashsystemshmm, no takers I guess.04:14
nickrudlee986321 but those things I gave you were hardy, if you're on something else ...04:14
sravani am unable to mount my external  derive..04:14
nickrudMaxwell23498 ok, what partition is your data on?04:14
mylogicdoes anyone know of any good resources for installing apache2 with ASP support? mod_mono is not liking me right now...04:14
FAJALOUTazbobu: System>Administration>Hardware Drivers:  Enable04:14
Maxwell23498It's on a whole drive.04:14
Maxwell23498nickrud: it's on a whole drive04:14
lee986321ooooohhhh hewwww ergles lol04:14
Maxwell23498nickrud: sda IIRC04:15
lee986321hmm Ill see if hardy will load and run on the ps3 lol04:15
nickrudMaxwell23498 but it's going to be a partition, probably sda1 then.  do sudo fdisk -l , and see if sda only has sda1 associated with it04:15
TazbobuFAJALOU: You obviously didn't read my WHOLE message... it says IN USE04:15
lee986321but, I tired 4x lol04:15
squarebracketTazbobu: you could try installing the drivers from nvidia's website04:15
FAJALOUTazbobu: but is it enabled?04:15
FAJALOUis the box ticked04:15
nickrudlee986321 you can identify the libs by searching on packages.ubuntu.com04:15
Tazbobusquare: tried that04:16
lee986321ah ok04:16
FAJALOUTazbobu: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new04:16
sravani am unable to mount my external device04:16
squarebracketTazbobu: then i'm guessing you tried editing xorg.conf?04:16
cdj26bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34610/04:16
TazbobuFAJALOU: tried that as well04:16
nickrudsravan is it an ntfs drive?04:17
COBOL1hello please send me viruses perferbable cross scripting or Binary executable files but anything is ok including spyware worms trojans whatever04:17
Maxwell23498nickrud: done04:17
COBOL1thank u]04:17
Tazbobusquare: anything in particular?  I tinkered with it to no avail04:17
mueslihey guys04:17
nickrudMaxwell23498 is it sda1 ?04:17
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bazhangcdj26, sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "litchfeildrouter"04:17
Maxwell23498nickrud I think so.04:17
squarebracketTazbobu: putting just the resolution you want under modes04:17
sravannickrud, it's ntfs drive04:17
FAJALOUTazbobu: sudo nvidia-xconfig04:17
nickrudMaxwell23498 put the output of  sudo fdisk -l   on paste.ubuntu.com04:17
mueslii just installed ubuntu on a usb stick and encrypted the root filesystem. now booting up i noticed that it first tries to mount the encrypted root, before it actually detects sdb as a filesystem04:18
ebzerocan some one help me with smplayer? I'm having an issue where, whenever I open a video file it plays the audio but the video freezes and the controls get greyed out but still work04:18
ebzerohowever the same video plays just fine in mplayer04:18
ebzerocan some one help me with smplayer? I'm having an issue where, whenever I open a video file it plays the audio but the video freezes and the controls get greyed out but still work04:18
nickrudsravan most likely you had a bad unmount; try mounting it in windows04:18
mueslican i somehow force the kernel to first check for all avail filesystems / partitions and then try to decrypt the root?04:18
ebzerocan some one help me with smplayer? I'm having an issue where, whenever I open a video file it plays the audio but the video freezes and the controls get greyed out but still work04:18
Maxwell23498nickrud done04:18
ebzerothen when I go to open the file again the original issue reappears04:18
nickrudMaxwell23498 now, give me the link so I can see it :)04:18
cdj26bazhang: then what04:19
Maxwell23498nickrud http://paste.ubuntu.com/34611/04:19
MrVirusok.. for some reason i've goine totaly blank..ubuntu is a debian base correct04:19
squarebracketTazbobu: under screen section, under display subsection, put just the mode you want, ex "1280x1024@60"04:19
sravannickrud , i am not using windows... i got Ubuntu only04:19
bazhangcdj26, iwconfig wlan004:20
utnubudnaihey all,I have difficult to connect a remote mysql database!here is the wrong message!04:20
Tazbobusquare: it lists all the modes there but only the 2 are available04:20
utnubudnaiCan't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2).04:20
nickrudMaxwell23498 ok, it looks like you have two linux data partitions. to see them both, do   sudo mkdir /media/sda1 && sudo mkdir /media/sdb1 && sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 && sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 . You can see the data in /media/sda1 and sdb104:20
cdj26bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34612/04:21
squarebracketTazbobu: so get rid of all of the ones you don't want, save, and restart X... it's worked for me, at least.04:21
nickrudsravan ok, you can try   sudo mount -t ntfs -o force /dev/<externalpartition> /mnt , that should force the mount.04:21
Tazbobusquare: ok i'll try.. thanks04:21
bazhangsudo iwconfig <interface> mode Managed cdj2604:21
alanpandoes anyone know where should i put the theme file04:22
squarebracketTazbobu: no problem.04:22
bazhangcdj26, sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed04:22
cdj26bazhang: no return04:22
bazhangalanpan, system prefs appearances themes tabs drag there04:23
LTSPmuesli: what recipe did you use to get ubuntu to boot off the USB (do you have a link)?  I've got a usb stick I've tried installing (as if hard drive) but no luck,04:23
nickrudalanpan normally you can go to system->prefs->appearances, and drag the theme onto the window. You will probably need to hit the customize button to see the theme (not many metathemese out ther)04:23
bazhangcdj26, now the iwconfig wlan0 again04:23
Maxwell23498nickrud when I'm trying to view the contents of the HD, should it be really fucking slow at loading?04:23
muesliLTSP: just used the normal alternative installer04:23
bazhangMaxwell23498, no Cursing04:23
nickrudMaxwell23498 keep in mind this is a disney g rated channel04:23
earthlinghow can i change the time on my gutsy without effecting the BIOS time04:23
nickrudMaxwell23498 and no, unless the partition is damaged04:24
Maxwell23498Oooh, I love teh Latin there.04:24
bazhang!language | Maxwell2349804:24
ubottuMaxwell23498: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:24
Maxwell23498It's working!04:24
* Maxwell23498 kisses nickrud04:24
* nickrud thinks getting cursed is better than getting kissed04:24
peeps_how can i install COD4 on linux?04:25
Wandererugh, where's the BSOD screen saver?04:25
cdj26bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34613/04:25
* DogBoy wonders how no cursing makes it family friendly04:25
cdj26bazhang: no change i believe04:25
concretesledgei changed my resolution04:25
sravannickrud, it say's no such directory or files04:25
LTSPmuesli: normal gui liveCD with the "install" off the initial text screen or the actual "alternate" install CD (text based).04:25
FlannelDogBoy: It doesn't, but it's a part of it.04:25
nickrudDogBoy many parents of the kids that hang out here appreciate clean language04:25
muesliactual alternate install cd04:25
bazhangcdj26, there was a change; try the sudo dhclient wlan0 once more04:26
russHow can I stop gnome from starting Rhythymbox whenever I plug in my ipod?04:26
DogBoyI agree with the no cursing, but I wouldn't equate it with family friendly04:26
LTSPmuesli: thanks, I'll have to download and try that next.04:26
earthlingwhen i change the time settings on my box the windows time settings get busted and when i change it in windows the linux time settings get effected.. an suggestions pleas :(04:26
muesliLTSP: that part really worked fine04:26
nickrudDogBoy heh. maybe not a perfect factoid, you can suggest a better one :)04:26
DogBoywas that a factoid?04:26
nickrud!ubottu | DogBoy04:26
ubottuDogBoy: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:26
MrVirusubuntu is a debian based OS correct.. i'm having a blonde moment04:27
juano__what solution is there for shockwave flash ? (other than crossover or wine)04:27
nickrudMrVirus your blonde isn't too dumb then04:27
cdj26bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34614/04:27
DogBoyguess it depends on who's family we're talking about04:27
mmcjihowdee, anyone done any custom keymapping for vmware server console on ubutnu server?04:27
MrVirusok kewl.. ty nick.. any one know where i can find a deb package for gyachi?04:28
MrVirusi've hunted and found nothing yet04:28
mueslibasically i'm trying to load usb_storage as early as possible04:28
bazhangcdj26, do you have your router set for MAC filtering? or is the essid hidden04:28
mueslianyone got an idea where to put it best? (no i'm not afraid of editing my own initrd)04:28
cdj26bazhang: not sure, maybe04:29
nickrudearthling gksu gedit /etc/defaults/rcS , find the UTC= line, change it to no04:29
earthlingk. thanks..04:30
bazhangcdj26, could you pastebin lsmod output to paste.ubuntu.com please04:30
DevourerHow do I restart ALSA?04:30
MrWizeGuy1983um, i have a sansa mp3 and video player and it only detects it if i have it plugged in when ubuntu starts, how can i make it detect it anytime i plug it in?04:30
buuHey, I'm using fairly standard ubuntu/gnome, is there any program I can use that will let me pop an alert, a semi-modal dialog box that appears on top of the windows and contains some sort of message?04:30
obxsounds like a job for lib-notify04:30
nickrudearthling what's happening is windows expects the hardware clock to be set to your time zone, whereas linux usually assumes it's set to Universal time04:30
bazhangbuu, in what situations04:30
cdj26bazhang: if it is mac filtering would that be the only problem, that i need to add my mac address to the router04:31
russHow do i control what application starts when I plug in my ipod?04:31
DogBoyMrWizeGuy1983, did you look at the setting in nautilus04:31
DogBoysame for you russ04:31
bazhangcdj26, that or the hidden essid bug04:31
MrWizeGuy1983setting for what DogBoy ?04:31
nickrudbuu zenity can be used from a bash script04:31
DogBoyfor what you're asking about?04:31
DogBoyin edit/preferences/media04:31
MrWizeGuy1983wasn't aware there's a setting for media in nautilus, one sec04:32
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:32
cdj26bazhang: the mac address wouldnt change if i moved from windows to linux though right?04:32
DogBoyI know, that's why I mentioned it04:32
bazhangcdj26, no04:32
ogreis there an official wubi channel? I'm trying to install it on my work machine but wherever is hosting the setup files is down04:32
cdj26bazhang: cause it is visible and i can connect to it in vista04:32
earthlingnickrud : yeah.. figured it was something like that but had no idea what to do next though.. thanks ...04:32
Devourerbazhang, how do I restart ALSA?04:32
russDogBoy, i've looked for a nautilus setting but can't find it04:32
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.04:32
cdj26bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34615/04:32
DogBoyruss, I can't read your mind04:32
MrWizeGuy1983DogBoy, it has nothing in relation to what i'm looking for04:33
DogBoyif you can be more specific maybe I can help04:33
juano__what solution is there for shockwave flash ? (other than crossover or wine)04:33
nickrudjuano__ nothing04:33
DogBoywhich is what again MrWizeGuy198304:33
Flanneljuano__: flash is fine, shockwave isn't.04:33
nickrudjuano__ complain to adobe ;)04:33
juano__nickrud: ahh thought maybe somethin came up for it these days04:33
juano__Flannel: good point04:33
MrWizeGuy1983DogBoy, trying to get the driver to load for my sansa media player04:34
russDogBoy, that's ok I read yours - figured it out thanks!04:34
bazhangcdj26, also lspci to paste.ubuntu.com04:34
* nickrud wishes people could read his mind sometimes04:34
ishkur_the the lamers in #ubuntu-server are being less than helpful04:34
ishkur_quick question, im trying to setup a VM in Virtualbox. what is the kernel that comes with Ubuntu SE ?04:34
MrWizeGuy1983for some reason it loads the driver and works if i have it plugged in when i start ubuntu, but it doesn't show up when i just plug it in, any ideas DogBoy ?04:34
DogBoyI have a sansa MrWizeGuy198304:35
DogBoyworks fine04:35
bazhang!attitude | ishkur_04:35
ubottuishkur_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:35
MrWizeGuy1983you use 64 bit DogBoy ?04:35
cemicolini am copying directories to a new linux machine, but sure what to move, so far i'm saving the desktop, etc and user04:35
DogBoywell, mine has rockbox on it04:35
Gneanickrud: that'd be asking for trouble. ;)04:35
nickrudishkur_ 2.6.2404:35
DogBoyso maybe not the same as yours04:35
evoishkur_: !04:35
cdj26bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34616/04:35
DogBoywhy would I use 64 bit04:35
nickrudGnea my conscience is clean ;)04:35
ishkur_thank you nickrud04:35
MrWizeGuy1983DogBoy, i don't know what rockbox is, i have the sansa fuze 4gb04:36
juano__ishkur_: if people here are lame then why do you ask for help?04:36
Gneanickrud: just don't turn into the crazy german kid04:36
ishkur_not here, #ubuntu-server04:36
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff cdj26 it is broadcom not intel04:36
DogBoyI don't know what a sansa fuse is04:36
ishkur_104 people, not one answer04:36
mylogicI just setup mysql on my ubuntu server and why is there a user called debian-sys-maint with such powerful permissions created by default?04:36
cemicolindogboy: use google04:36
juano__ishkur_: google is your friend04:36
DogBoyI don't care what a sansa fuse is04:36
cdj26bazhang: sorry i just copied that from yahoo answers04:37
MrWizeGuy1983DogBoy, the sansa fuze is a mp3 and video player, it's relatively new, just got it04:37
ishkur_yes, it is, a am aware of this!04:37
DogBoyI heard about google though cemicolin, but thanks04:37
bazhangcdj26, no worries, that link can get you going in 5 minutes or so04:37
juano__ishkur_: :)04:37
ishkur_thanks for reminding me of the painfully obvious!04:37
ishkur_i am having an issue04:37
juano__ishkur_: which is?04:37
cdj26bazhang: thanks a lot, sorry for all the trouble04:37
Gneaishkur_: and that would be?04:37
ishkur_im getting a boot error, and i need the correct kernel module04:37
DogBoyoh that's different, I think04:37
Gneaishkur_: can you pastebin it?04:38
bazhangishkur_, coming in here and calling people lamers is not the right way to get help.04:38
DogBoyyou got a new sansa and it's not seeing it unless on boot04:38
Gneabazhang: i think we're past that stage now.04:38
MrWizeGuy1983i have it set to msc on the usb mode DogBoy and it loads that way if it's plugged in when i start ubuntu, otherwise it won't detect it at all04:38
ishkur_#ubuntu is fine, #ubuntu-server is my issue04:38
Gneaor not.04:38
ishkur_this kernel requires the following features not present on the cpu: 0:6 unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your cpu04:38
ishkur_i need the correct 2.6.24-* module04:38
nickrudishkur_ what cpu do you have?04:39
ishkur_Intel celeron m04:39
MrWizeGuy1983ishkur_, are you trying to run a 64 bit linux on a 32 bit chipset?04:39
DogBoyyou might ask in #rockbox-community MrWizeGuy198304:39
MrWizeGuy1983celeron m is 32 bit04:39
MrWizeGuy1983thanks DogBoy04:39
ishkur_runs fine as a non-vm04:39
juano__ishkur_: see MrWizeGuy1983 comment ^^04:40
Gneaishkur_: and what kernel are you booting, exactly? 2.6.24-what?04:40
ishkur_problem is that i have the wrong kernel module for VirtualBox04:40
buunickrud: Thanks.04:40
MrViruswould i need to mount a cdrom to read the packages from it?04:40
Gneaishkur_: out of curiosity, have you asked in #vbox or on the virtualbox forums?04:40
cemicolinwhat directories do i have to move to save my user on a new install of ubuntu?04:41
GneaMrVirus: yes.04:41
juano__MrVirus_: yes, at least mount it read-only04:41
ishkur_ok! here is exactly what is going down on my computer, yo. im installing Ubuntu SE as a guest OS in VirtualBox, i installed the wrong modules for the guest kernel, and now its pitching a fit.04:41
nickrudMrVirus yes, but if you plan on using an alternate cd as a repository, you should use   sudo apt-cdrom add04:41
Gneajuano__: cdroms can be mounted read-write?04:41
MrVirusi'm tryin to find a package i was told might be on teh install media..04:41
juano__Gnea: ;) lol, how one gets distracted these days04:41
ogreis there an official wubi channel? I'm trying to install it on my work machine but wherever is hosting the setup files is down04:41
nickrudMrVirus what package?04:42
ishkur_Meh, fuck this. imma install BSD./quit04:42
Gneajuano__: the absurd randomness is never boring :)04:42
juano__Gnea: :) :)04:42
nickrudMrVirus it's not on any ubuntu media04:42
MrVirusNick : i've got the tarball but i'm not sure what i'm doing to get it installed04:43
Gneawow, definately an attitude problem.04:43
juano__LOL BSD? good luck... cant even install ubuntu SE, don't think hge gonna get far with BSD...04:43
nickrudMrVirus ah, you plan on compiling it?04:43
MrVirusNick : if i knew how to .. i would04:43
nickrud!compiling | MrVirus (and read the README and INSTALL files in the tar ball)04:43
ubottuMrVirus (and read the README and INSTALL files in the tar ball): Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:43
russ!search gtkpod04:43
Gneanever know, he might already be better acquainted with BSD.. most BSD users don't usually take too well to linux very well04:43
Tazbobu1Ok, tried setting only the resolution I wanted in xorg.conf and restarted xserver.. still doesn't work.. still won't let me run nvidia xserver settings04:44
MrVirusi like gyachi.. but i cant seem to find a deb package installer.04:44
russ!search audio04:44
ubottuFound: sound, rockbox, picard, pulseaudio, ripping-#kubuntu, amarok, itunes, players, sound-#kubuntu, pulse04:44
juano__Gnea: hehe04:44
cemicolinsimple question: what directories hold my settings and apps so i can move them to my new install04:44
punkrockguy318how do i get the log in irc?04:44
bazhang!clone | cemicolin04:45
ubottucemicolin: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate04:45
bazhangcemicolin, also consider aptoncd04:45
Gneacemicolin: typically, i'll put /home on its own mountpoint so that i can just refrain from formatting it on a reinstallation04:45
ubottuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee04:45
nickrudpunkrockguy318 for xchat, you would enable it at settings->prefs->logging, and find the logs in ~/.xchat2/xchatlogs04:45
punkrockguy318nickrud: i mean can you get like the last 25 messages in a channel from an irc command?04:46
nickrudyeah, clone with a separate partition (and a few select /etc files) makes for painless reinstalls04:46
nickrudpunkrockguy318  you can do /lastlog <nick>04:46
Tazbobu1And when I go to screen resolution it never recognizes my monitor04:46
nickrudpunkrockguy318 other than that, I'm clueless ;)04:46
cemicolinif i told you that i was switching from an ubuntu partition to wubi would that change things?04:46
Snaffleim running ubuntu atm04:46
=== ddddd3 is now known as joejoecircusboy
cemicolini just hate grub :P04:47
nickrudpunkrockguy318 for your info, irclogs.ubuntu.com logs this channel for reference04:47
Snaffleon my powerbook04:47
punkrockguy318nickrud: ok04:47
Tazbobu1squarebracket: any other ideas?04:47
nibsa1242bwhat is a simple program to use to transcode 2min from a (home made) DVD recording to a file easier to watch and send to friends?04:47
Gneai've never used wubi, so I can only guess that it could read a real ext3 partition04:47
Tazbobu1getting tired of living at 800x600 on a 24" monitor....04:48
Gneanibsa1242b: avidemux04:48
nickrudTazbobu1 what video card do you use?04:48
nibsa1242bGnea: thanks, trying that now04:48
Tazbobu1nvidia 8400gs.. worked great until I got hardy04:48
SwitchcatQ: Whats an easy way to install previous versions of a program?  (Preferrably other than a CLI command) I am trying to figure out where something broke (the current xconq crashes, and I assume because it's a game it wasn't thoroughly tested) I'd like to step through it's previous versions/installs till I find the one that works04:48
omeI made a folder in root using sudo mkdir /folder ... How to I change permissions for this folder so it can be accessed by a website?04:49
=== root is now known as Guest95801
nickrudTazbobu1 sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new , and system->admin->hardware manager , choosing nvidia should do the job. Supposed to, anyway04:49
Guest95801Hows everyone doin tonight?04:49
nickrudTazbobu1 if you do that, and you still have low rez, put a copy of /var/log/Xorg.0.log on paste.ubuntu.com and point me at it04:50
elijahdoes flash suck on ubuntu for everyone else or is it just me?04:50
Guest95801It sucks foreveryone04:50
crimsunelijah: it sucks period.04:50
* nickrud uses flashblock04:50
Guest95801 [(status)]04:50
Guest95801 [(status)]04:50
Khisanthit's mostly fine for me04:50
nickrudGuest95801 ???04:50
Guest95801sorry mate04:50
bobertdoselijah: Hehe, yes it frequently sucks, but 10 has actually worked wonders for me.04:50
Gnea!ot | Guest9580104:50
ubottuGuest95801: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:50
rockenrolaSwitchcat: synaptic can install previous versions of any package04:51
bobertdoselijah: It really varies from system to system.04:51
nickrudhaving more than 5 or 10 tabs open, with random flash stuff really sucks04:51
elijahbobertdos, i am using 10 alpha 204:51
Khisanthnickrud: but that is why you have flashblock :)04:51
Switchcatrockenrola - and so HOW do I do it?04:51
nickrudKhisanth yep04:51
bobertdoselijah: and in what ways is it sucking?04:51
elijahok, well that confirms it then, still have work to do in that arena04:51
elijahstuttering and sound sync issues04:52
Khisanthbut for that it sucks the same everywhere04:52
elijahmy cpu is maxed out as well04:52
Tazbobu1nickrud: yup already did all that.. trying to paste but the site isn't loading04:52
bobertdoselijah: :p typical of flash, I'll admit04:52
elijahbut my xorg uses 20-50% when idle04:52
elijahanother bug04:52
nickrudTazbobu1 any pastebin will work, pastebin.ca forexampel04:52
Khisanthpoorly created flash sucks everywhere :)04:52
elijahit will be soo nice when that aspect is nailed!04:52
Khisanthpoorly created programs sucks everywhere :)04:52
rockenrolaSwitchcat: open synaptic, choose the package, and under Package->Force version (ctrl +E)04:53
nickrudKhisanth which is why nearly all programs suck in some way04:53
elijahhave you guys seen aurora concept video from mozilla? this is the video i am having major lag from04:53
elijahthis is pretty slick technology http://adaptivepath.com/aurora/04:53
Tazbobu1nickrud: http://pastebin.ca/109347504:54
bobertdosStill, I try to show the adobe programmers some leniency. You have to remember, they're under no corporate obligation to give us current flash. I was monitoring their blogs when they were first attempting flash 9, and it was a tough road.04:54
Switchcatrockenrola - force version is currently greyed out... do I have to uninstall first?04:54
nibsa1242bGnea: avidemux seems complicated... recommends to use mplay to do a dvd dump first, but the command doesn't work04:55
nickrudTazbobu1 ok, the problem is you are using the failsafe xorg.conf, see line 23.04:55
nickrudTazbobu1 now to try to find the underlying problem...04:56
rockenrolaSwitchcat: that sould be because there are no other versions in hardy04:56
Gneanibsa1242b: it's pretty simple: file->open  select file, let it do its indexing thing.  don't forget to follow a tutorial.04:56
Gneanibsa1242b: it's not a drag 'n drop like windows movie maker is, but it can do a LOT04:57
nibsa1242bGnea: I am following a tutorial, but it had me doing all kinds of other things instead of file->open04:57
Tazbobu1nickrud: ok...04:57
Gneanibsa1242b: you need to find a tutorial that matches closest to what you want to do04:57
nibsa1242bGnea: I don't need it to do anything complicated. DVD has already been edited down on the DVD recorder to only 2min. I just want to take that clip and transcode it into something I can e-mail to friends.04:58
msshamsi write this line to my crontab. but i dont know why it don't execute?!04:58
msshams10 * * * * /etc/init.d/courier-authdaemon restart; /etc/init.d/courier-imap restart; echo "restarted" >> /root/qmail.log04:58
elijahbobertdos, yeah i agree, it will be nice when it is nailed but I am not complaining04:59
Gneanibsa1242b: just change the video/audio to something that would go good in an AVI container, calculate and save it04:59
rockenrolamsshams: try to break it into several lines04:59
elijahwill be nice when Xorg is fixed too04:59
nickrudTazbobu1 I'm not an nvidia expert, so I'm looking for some decent info05:00
owen1(xfce question) i can't see borders around windows (where the minimize button is). when i click on the 'window manager' setting i get this message: "these setting can't work with your current window manager (unknown)"  any idea?05:00
bobertdosIt's like the bot says. Almost everyone who makes a contribution to the Linux community is a volunteer and we have to respect that.05:01
Tazbobu1nickrud: thanks05:01
nibsa1242bGnea: yeah... now I'm running into a problem. the dvd recorder didn't actually delete anything so there is 6 hours of footage on the DVD, and I have to search for the 2min I need.05:01
nibsa1242bGnea: I wish I could just use VLC to transcode, as it recognizes the edits the recorder made, and only shows the 2min clip.05:01
nickrudTazbobu1 lets try one thing:    sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg , and then restart your desktop (ctl-alt-backspace, save any open programs first)05:02
Gneanibsa1242b: that's about the time that i concatonate all of the .vob files into one, open the .vob file in avidemux, and just drag the bar till i find it ;)05:02
teamcobrais it possible to do multiple sessions w/ diff  users using sshvnc?05:03
Tazbobu1nickrud: k brb05:03
Gneanibsa1242b: cat file_003.vob >> file_002.vob && cat file_002.vob >> file_001.vob, open file_001.vob05:03
nibsa1242bGnea: thanks05:03
Gneanibsa1242b: it's time consuming, but it works *shrug*05:03
XpistosDoes anyone know where in Hardy vmware vms live?05:04
GneaXpistos: could you please be a bit more specific? vmware doesn't come with hardy by default..05:05
alpinestranyone knows what this could mean, i cannot start voice control05:05
alpinestrThe panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_VoiceControlApplet".05:05
XpistosSorry. I did an install from source, but now I can't remember where the virtual machine fines would be and I want to make sure I am deleting them05:06
XpistosI installed Virtualbox05:06
XpistosYeah Freedom05:06
redhat_ohai angusb05:06
GneaXpistos: have you tried ~/vmware or /var/lib/vmware/ ?05:06
Jordan_UGnea: Couldn't you just cat file_00{2,3} >> file_001 ?05:06
XpistosGnea: let me check05:06
GneaJordan_U: dunno, never did it that way05:07
Tazbobunickrud: no go... still the same deal05:07
nickrudTazbobu ok, after some research it looks like your card is not supported by the ubuntu drivers. Is this an 8600gs?05:08
redSo my laptop keyboard doesn't work under X, but it works in console.  And I checked Xorg.0.log (with and without -longverbose 7) and neither of them so much as mention my keyboard.  Any thoughts?05:08
Tazbobunickrud: 8400gs.. and it worked fine with feisty and gutsy... only stopped working when I installed hardy05:08
nickrudTazbobu what all methods have you tried?05:09
GneaJordan_U: oh sweet05:09
geev8hi 2 all05:09
jimmmymHi, anyone know how can I make my laptop suspend after 2 hours...Right now in power management it only goes up till 1 hour05:09
XpistosGnea: No such luck. what are the odds that uninstalling it wipped out the virtual machines as well05:09
rockenrolajimmmym: any reason for the 2 hours?05:09
Tazbobunickrud: tried envyng, tried sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new.. tried the nvidia driver that is preinstalled..05:09
GneaXpistos: difficult to tell... tried locate .vmx ?05:10
XpistosGnea: I tried using the Disk usage analizer gui but that doesn't make any sense, telling me I have 90gb left on a 250 gb drive when my drive is only 160 total05:10
Jordan_UIs there a CLI for network-manager?05:10
GneaXpistos: lol05:10
luz3rMaybe the disk analizer is showing the other file systems ?05:10
Hobbseered: that's a bad idea.05:11
luz3rOr maybe something else.05:11
Hobbseered: it's specific to intrepid, and people here won't know.05:11
=== aaron__ is now known as aTrain
nickrudTazbobu I'm in over my head with this nvidia thing then. Jack_Sparrow, when he's around, has made a point of learning nvidia05:11
GneaJordan_U: network-admin05:11
squarebracketTazbobu: you know you're falling back to vesa, right?05:11
luz3rDid you right click on properties on file system and see what nautilus tells you about your drive use ?05:11
Jordan_Ured: #ubuntu+1 for intrepid05:11
jimmmymrockenrola: yeah, i wanna watcha movie before going to bed...but just in case I fall asleep i want it to suspennd.. :)05:11
Switchcatugh, I gotta register to file this simple bug/broken package05:11
redI already tried #ubuntu+1.  Is this an Ibex specific problem?05:12
XpistosGnea: Naa.  No luck with the .vmx either. Thanks for the ideas though. I will probably keep looking for a bit and then give up05:12
GneaSwitchcat: that's right, none of that anon BS05:12
Tazbobusquare: I assume so but why does ubuntu think the restricted hardware driver is running?05:12
ogreis there an official wubi channel? I'm trying to install it on my work machine but wherever is hosting the setup files is down05:12
geev8your help please i hav ubuntu 8 and i hav installed XAMPP i dont know where i can setup security for it05:12
GneaXpistos: find / -name "*.vmx"05:12
Hobbseered: yes, it is.  there was a solution mentioned about server flags yesterday, in #ubuntu+1.  look it up.05:12
GneaXpistos: (sudoified)05:12
Gnea!wubi | ogre05:13
ubottuogre: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.05:13
=== LiraNuna_ is now known as LiraNuna
squarebracketTazbobu: i've had nothing but trouble with the restricted drivers manager. i had the same problem. your driver is still set to nvidia in xorg.conf right?05:13
jimmmymis there a command that suspend usuntu from terminal?? then I can jjust type sleep 120m && whatever command to suspend here05:13
rockenrolajimmmym: well, you could use shutdown for that. must it be suspend ?05:13
XpistosGnea: sudoified! LOL!05:13
jimmmymrockenrola: no shutdown will work for now05:14
Gneajimmmym: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41057005:14
redHobbsee: I appreciate the help.  Where would I look that up, though?  I mean, I assume you can't look it up on IRC05:14
GneaXpistos: hehe05:14
jimmmymrockenrola: what command shutdowns from terminal...and does it need to be in sudo?05:14
Hobbsee!logs |05:14
ubottu: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/05:14
Hobbseered: ^05:14
geev8your help please i hav ubuntu 8 and i hav installed XAMPP i dont know where i can setup security for it05:15
redHobbsee: thanks for that05:15
Hobbseered: you're welcome, and just remember - ask intrepid questions in +1~05:15
Gneageev8: most system-wide changed can be made within the /etc directory05:15
rockenrolajimmmym: it needs sudo I think. use like this: "sudo shutdown 120"05:15
nickrud!lamp | geev8 (you should use this rather than xammp, security then is something we can help with)05:15
ubottuI'll remember that, nickrud05:15
jimmmymrockenrola: excellent thanks05:15
nickruddang is clause05:15
* Gnea nudges rockenrola: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41057005:15
paolo I need to do some testing... is it possible to share an installation of ubunu within 2 different computers (same arch) assuming that /etc and /home are mounted elsewhere?05:16
nickrud!forget lamp | geev8 (you should use this rather than xammp, security then05:16
ubottuI'll forget that, nickrud05:16
nickrud!lamp | geev805:16
ubottugeev8: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:16
Gneapaolo: sort of - what did you have in mind?05:16
Agent_bobanyone know some about xfce4 ?  when i launch it, it comes up with the default background and panels but then the panels vanish, and right click does nothing.  i can alt+f2 run xfce4-panel and get them back.   but nothing seems to be sticky.   any thoughts on why ?05:16
nickrudAgent_bob #xubuntu usually has some experts around for xfce05:17
geev8ok thank you guy cos i a beginner with linux in general05:17
paoloGnea: well install ubuntu or an external drive and share on few different machines05:17
superkuhI have a "SiS 640/73- PCI/AGP VGA Display adapter" (integrated into the mobo) I am trying to get to display resolutions higher than 640x480 (it has done this fine in the past). I am using the 'vesa' driver in my xorg.conf, should I put something else?05:18
tazbosquare: yes nvidia in xorg.conf05:18
bullgard4Some person is annoying me by sending a blinking private message. What channel should I use to inform Freenode officials?05:18
Hobbseebullgard4: #ubuntu-ops or #freenode05:18
Gneapaolo: to boot separately or running together at the same time?05:18
unopbullgard4, #freenode05:18
bullgard4Hobbsee: Thank you for your information.05:19
nickrudbullgard4 #ubuntu-ops if they're in channel05:19
XpistosGnea: I found two .vmx files, but they are on my windows partition, so I guess i got it05:19
GneaXpistos: awesome05:19
Gneabullgard4: are they in the channel?05:19
Agent_bobnickrud a simple /whois would have told you i was already there05:20
nickrudAgent_bob too much work, and 90% of the time people never heard of the channel. But I've seen your nick here before, should have realized you were clued in05:21
greencookiejust installed hardy heron. everything works cept for my wireless internet. it connects to my wlan but i cant open any page.05:21
Gnea!wireless | greencookie05:22
ubottugreencookie: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:22
Agent_bobnickrud heh,  k      and the only answer i have gotten from #xubuntu so far was a  "reboot will fix anything"  nub answer.05:22
Gneagreencookie: check that out and if you can't make heads or tails of it, come on back05:22
=== linux__ is now known as DareDevil
* nickrud is so tempted to echo :)05:23
greencookiethnx Gnea05:23
greencookiei will05:23
mrtechhey every1,im wondering how would i install software i download,and its make for linuxit just extracts it but nothing after that,for example google earth05:23
MrVirusis there any form of a package or lib that help ubuntu support xml doc's05:23
paoloGnea: boot separately05:23
paoloGnea: but my guess would be that it could be possible to mout them ro ,right?05:23
Gneapaolo: sharing /home should be fine, but i would keep /etc separate05:24
Gneapaolo: nah, /home should be rw05:24
paoloGnea: yes, I was saying /etc and /home separately ... all the rest of / together05:24
paoloGnea: yes, /home is rw05:24
Agent_bobwhy have no ircops canned  dood@c-67-165-62-95.hsd1.oh.comcast.net  yet ?05:24
Gneapaolo: you could run into trouble with /etc that way, but yes, it could be done...05:24
GneaAgent_bob: because you haven't reported him to #freenode05:25
paoloGnea: why trouble?05:25
Agent_bobGnea you not getting any pm spam from it ?05:25
GneaAgent_bob: i don't get pm's from unregistered users05:25
bullgard4Gnea: Yes, one Ubuntu activist at least is active in the channel #ubuntu-ops.05:25
greencookieUm.. i try dhclient -r wlan0 and it tells me wmaster0: unknown hardware address type 801 .05:25
nickrudAgent_bob there's a lot of spamming going on, but they aren't camped in #ubuntu. #freenode tracks those guys05:26
Gneabullgard4: *nod*05:26
Agent_bobnickrud yeah i said ircops not chanops  but joining this channel started his spam campaign  on my client05:27
tazbonickrud: oh I also tried to install the latest driver from nvidia's site but it won't let me because it said something about the compiler version used to compile my kernel (gcc 4.1) not matching.. and it said to change the environment variable to match05:28
greencookiecould someone help me figure out how to get my connection working? its connected to my LAN but dhclient -r gives me "no working leases in persistent database -sleeping"05:29
Gneagreencookie: make sure the clip isn't hanging out05:29
greencookielemme check my cables05:30
greencookieit works fine on windows xp05:30
kaiwenhi, I'm trying to do an internet share connection, I'm using a crossover cable to do this, problem is, I cannot get the two machines to ping each other.05:30
therealnanotubekaiwen: did you set the ips to be on the same subnet?05:31
kaiwenboth systems are running ubuntu05:31
rockenrolagreencookie: try and use static ip05:31
therealnanotubekaiwen: are you sure the crossover cable is good? :)05:31
kaiwenit's new05:31
Agent_bobkaiwen same subnet ?05:31
kaiwenwow look at all this spam05:31
greencookierockenrola: how would I do that?05:31
therealnanotubekaiwen: are you sure it is a crossover cable and not just a regular one?05:31
kaiwenYes I"m sure.05:31
Gneakaiwen: it's only spam if it's offtopic and unhelpful :)05:31
kaiwenno i got this.05:32
therealnanotubekaiwen: that's the subnet /mask/. what are the IPs that you set for the two?05:32
Gneagreencookie: have you made any changes to the network config files?05:32
kaiwenHey guys, I just invented a new game 4 us all 2 play if u r bored. It's called IRC Upward, and its like 3-d scrable ova IRC. Itz da bom and lotz of fun, but we need more ppl 4 it 2 b fun. So if u wanna play just come to #IRC-Upward 2 hav da tyme of j00r life ova IRC. So if u r bored, want to have fun, or even make a new hobby 4 urself, come to #IRC-upward 2day05:32
Picikaiwen: the irc staff are working on it.05:32
kaiwenthis person is spamming me05:32
kaiwenok let me get them.05:32
mrtechdoes anyone know to install third party linux programs05:32
Starnestommykaiwen: which nick?05:32
Gneakaiwen: who?05:32
greencookieGnea: nopes. fresh install of 8.04.05:32
Gneagreencookie: only 1 nic on the system?05:33
kaiwenKiredKite and Air_Raid_Pin05:33
Agent_bobGnea the nick changes with each post.   only the ip is static05:33
Vegombreihi .. which is the best client for msn ?05:33
Mothsomeone kick Taylor_Roncancio for spamming05:33
GneaAgent_bob: very interesting.05:33
StarnestommyMoth: he's not in here so he can't be kicked, but he will likely be banned05:33
greencookieyep. I had archlinux on it earlier. but same problem..it would connect to my network and iwconfig would show its got a signal but can't ping anything!05:33
Gnea!pidgin | Vegombrei05:33
ubottuVegombrei: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete05:33
kaiwenso, for the ubuntu laptop that is connected to the internet, pc2, which is also running ubuntu, has an ip of
Agent_bobMoth watch the ip that the spam is comming from.  the nick changes05:33
kaiwenpc2 is using a crossover cable to connect to my laptop.05:34
Gneakaiwen, Moth: /join #freenode and tell them about it.05:34
therealnanotubekaiwen: that seems ok... can you see if the little lights on the NICs light up when you plug in the cable (just to make sure the connection is actually made?)05:34
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:34
kaiwenyep, all green05:34
emsai.m using acer 3683. how to use the webcam orbicam05:35
RequinB4!hi | wisekingle05:35
ubottuwisekingle: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:35
therealnanotubekaiwen: hm so... and ping just times out? and both nics are "up"?05:36
kaiwenit shows this for both05:36
kaiwenDestination Host Unreachable05:36
rockenrolagreencookie: about the static ip, check this: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-ubuntu-server-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-address/05:36
kaiwenI try to ping, laptop, it shows that, i try to ping pc2, it shows that.05:36
wisekinglei love ubuntu so much05:36
wisekingleit's great OS05:37
rockenrolaI don't get the purpose of the spam05:37
Agent_bobrockenrola he's just intertaining himself05:38
wisekinglesorry, because it's the first time i chat with IRC05:38
greencookiethnx rockenrola: but id rather try getting dhcp to work 1st cuz its a public wireless network05:38
rockenrolaAgent_bob: you said you don't receive pm from unregistered users. how?05:38
kaiwenhmm... portscan shwos nothing on pc205:38
Starnestommyrockenrola: usermode +E05:39
Agent_bobrockenrola no. i didn't say that.05:39
greencookiethe wierd thing about my connection is for the first 5-10 seconds i can ping anything. then it just drops out.05:39
rockenrolasomeone else then05:39
greencookiethen no internet connection whatsoever :(05:39
therealnanotubekaiwen: what does route -n show?05:39
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:40
kaiwenfor PC 2 it shows Destination: Gateway Genmask
wisekingle@find LUM05:41
Agent_bobkaiwen i asked earlier if they were on the same subnet.    you obviouxly didn't understand!    are both boxen  on the 192.168.5.* <<< subnet ?05:42
kaiwenAgent_bob yes05:42
kaiwenif you're talking about both ip addresses, yes they are05:42
Agent_bobkaiwen ok cause you can't ping 192.168.0.*  from  192.168.5.*05:42
kaiwenit's werid, route -n doesn't show the configurations I used for both computers05:43
kaiwenboth computers output the same route-n as I said above05:43
JoEpaY@fidn slipknot05:43
JoEpaY@find slipknot05:43
joejoecircusboy(12:42:54 AM) Agent_bob: kaiwen ok cause you can't ping 192.168.0.*  from  192.168.5.*  << You know, there is this thing called 'routing' :P05:43
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy. both IPs have 192.168.5.*05:44
akatsukiwhat would be the best program to build cross-plataform gui for linux? fxruby?05:44
Gnea!best | akatsuki05:44
ubottuakatsuki: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:44
Jack_Sparrowakatsuki Try asking in programming or #ubuntu-offtopic05:45
memenewhat's on the install DVD that's not on the livecd?05:45
Gneamemene: more packages05:45
Jack_Sparrowmemene repo "Main" and alt installer05:45
Agent_bobjoejoecircusboy nah don't know a thing about it.   nor changing the  mask to  either05:45
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:46
MicahDaBestdo u want 2 play upwards with me if so go to www.yahoo.com/games and play me my user ID is Travis_Meister_234, so just add me and play me. i never lose at upward if you beat me ill give you a prize. are you man enough05:47
MicahDaBestdo u want 2 play upwards with me if so go to www.yahoo.com/games and play me my user ID is Travis_Meister_234, so just add me and play me. i never lose at upward if you beat me ill give you a prize. are you man enough05:47
MicahDaBestdo u want 2 play upwards with me if so go to www.yahoo.com/games and play me my user ID is Travis_Meister_234, so just add me and play me. i never lose at upward if you beat me ill give you a prize. are you man enough05:47
MicahDaBestdo u want 2 play upwards with me if so go to www.yahoo.com/games and play me my user ID is Travis_Meister_234, so just add me and play me. i never lose at upward if you beat me ill give you a prize. are you man enough05:47
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!05:47
MicahDaBestdo u want 2 play upwards with me if so go to www.yahoo.com/games and play me my user ID is Travis_Meister_234, so just add me and play me. i never lose at upward if you beat me ill give you a prize. are you man enough05:47
MicahDaBestdo u want 2 play upwards with me if so go to www.yahoo.com/games and play me my user ID is Travis_Meister_234, so just add me and play me. i never lose at upward if you beat me ill give you a prize. are you man enough05:47
MicahDaBestdo u want 2 play upwards with me if so go to www.yahoo.com/games and play me my user ID is Travis_Meister_234, so just add me and play me. i never lose at upward if you beat me ill give you a prize. are you man enough05:47
FloodBot3MicahDaBest: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:47
Gnea!spam | MichaelXin05:47
ubottuMichaelXin: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...05:47
kaiwenok so here is what I have so far, ethernet ports all have their green lights, laptop has IP, pc2 connect to laptop through crossover cable, has IP, the subnetmask is for both the broadcast is
kaiwenfor both. Both don't ping each other.05:47
therealnanotubekaiwen: firewall check?05:48
kaiwenhow can I check the firewall?05:48
joejoecircusboykaiwen: Does each arp table have the other PC's MAC address?05:48
nickrudpoor MichaelXin being called a spammer ;)05:48
kaiwenno, i don't think so?05:48
Gneaoh man05:48
GneaMichaelXin: sorry about that :)05:48
therealnanotubekaiwen: well, did you install a firewall? try "sudo iptables --list" to list all firewall rules05:48
joejoecircusboykaiwen: Do an 'arp -a' on the host doing the pinging, see if it resovled the other PC's MAC address05:48
GneaJack's got me one-upped05:48
kindofabuzzi had errors on a hard drive on my server.  ran fsck, rebooted, got the login, then fsck started again by itself.  but server is up.  is that normal?05:49
kaiwenfrom the laptop.05:49
kaiwenlet me check pc.05:49
joejoecircusboykaiwen: What does arp -a output?05:49
kaiwen( at <incomplete> on eth005:50
therealnanotubekaiwen: well... here's a quick test: can you plug one of the comps into a router (rather than the other comp), with the same cable, and see if you get the regular ip configuration going. if so, then you've got a straight cable rather than a crossover.05:50
Gneakindofabuzz: was it a system-partition that was being fscked?05:50
joejoecircusboykaiwen: cabling/hardware/drive issue then05:50
kaiwentherealnanotube, this is a crossover, bought from radioshack, it works windows to windows05:50
kindofabuzzGnea: the fsck that i ran or the one it's running now?05:50
Gneakindofabuzz: that one it's running now05:50
joejoecircusboykaiwen: What driver is loaded?05:50
joejoecircusboythe network interface05:51
kaiwenI'm not sure, how can I check?05:51
DozedOnLinuxkindofabuzz:  i believe that is auto-check feature, after so many logins/logouts it will do that automatically05:51
kindofabuzzGnea: to tell you the truth i can't tell05:51
Gneakindofabuzz: ps axf | grep fsck05:51
jeeves__is there a good site to see compatable TV capture cards and satellite tuners?05:51
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out05:51
joejoecircusboykaiwen: hmm... search the output of 'dmesg'  for something related to eth005:51
Agent_bob     issue    when i launch xfce4, it comes up with the default background and panels but then the panels vanish, and right click does nothing.     i can alt+f2 run xfce4-panel and get them back.    but nothing seems05:51
Agent_bobto be sticky.   any thoughts on why ?05:52
kaiwenok i'm doing a dmesg | grep eth005:52
kindofabuzzGnea: 4798 pts/0    S+     0:00              \_ grep fsck  whatever that means05:52
kaiwenit shows like05:52
kaiwenlink is not ready05:52
joejoecircusboykaiwen: It may not be the same line... (may be the one before or after)05:52
therealnanotubekaiwen: ah i see. ok... do both computers connect to the net when you just use a straight cable to connect to a router (this will test to make sure that both NICS are operational)?05:52
kaiwenfor eth0 which is the ethernet port i'm using05:52
Gneakindofabuzz: hrm, it means that it's not fscking anymore05:52
Agent_bobsorry about splitting that.05:52
DozedOnLinuxAgent_bob:  i ran into similiar when i changed from Gnome to Gnome/OpenBox sessions, it since had fixed itself apparently05:53
kaiwenyes, therealnanotube, I know it's not a cable issue.05:53
jeeves__Jack_Sparrow, Thanks man.  I came here first because I know you know the answers05:53
kindofabuzzGnea: on the server it is05:53
kaiwenmore like a configuration issue.05:53
Jack_Sparrowjeeves__ What'd I do this time05:53
Gneakindofabuzz: is there a swirling twirly?05:53
* nickrud bows in Jack_Sparrow's general direction05:53
Jack_SparrowHey nickrud ..05:53
kindofabuzzGnea: i mean on the server itself, fsck is scrolling aross the screen05:53
therealnanotubekaiwen: yes, i know you already said that - now the question is, maybe its a NIC issue (not hardware, since it works on windows - but drivers?)05:53
Agent_bobDozedOnLinux hmmm well on dapper it's not likely to "fix itself"   i'll have to fix it if it gets fixed...05:53
kaiwenboth drivers are installed correctly05:54
jeeves__Jack_Sparrow, you got me the info. I'm looking to build a MythTV back end05:54
kaiwenand they both show up at dmesg.05:54
Gneakindofabuzz: can you take a picture?05:54
joejoecircusboyKaiwen: I've seen issues where a driver was loaded but didn't send/receive05:54
kaiwenok, how do I check this then?05:54
DozedOnLinuxAgent_bob:  i cant be sure of what it was doing, i didnt seem to have the issue on restart of box05:54
kindofabuzzGnea: i'm just ssh'n to the server to run taht last command.  can't run it on server itself, no prompt because of the fsck05:55
kaiwenthat may be the case for me, since it shows : link is not ready05:55
joejoecircusboyKaiwen: Need to know what driver you're loaded.   maybe do a 'lsmod', and msg me the output?05:55
greencookiemy internet connection stops working after 5-10 seconds helP!05:55
Agent_bobDozedOnLinux lol.... the old "reboot will fix anything" ploy eeh    :)))05:55
Gneakindofabuzz: so ssh isn't really going thru?05:55
kindofabuzzGnea: and doesn't the auto check feature happen before login prompt? this happened after i got the prompt05:55
kaiwenhow do i message you teh whole output?05:55
kindofabuzzGnea: yeah i can ssh, connected now05:56
jeeves__Jack_Sparrow, any other ideas?  Something more about satellite tuners?05:56
joejoecircusboyDunno.. this is my first time here05:56
Agent_bobDozedOnLinux i have rebooted, although i confess that i had no faith that a reboot would help and, sure enough it didn't ....    maybe it's not the reboot but the faith that heals all our computer woes ...05:56
Jack_Sparrowjeeves__ see the mythtv room, there are sat tuners that use the samer cards05:56
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie: in CMOS check what controls your mouse/keyboard(change to BIOS control) or ACIP (turn off), you could try either or both, see what happens, as there is other methods of accomplishing the same.05:56
ubottuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV05:56
jeeves__Jack_Sparrow, thanks05:56
Gneakindofabuzz: please explain a bit better... is the server physically in the same room that you are in and does it have a monitor hooked up to it?05:57
greencookieCMOS u mean at startup?05:57
DozedOnLinuxAgent_bob: is there a reqason why you are using dapper other than another distro ?05:57
therealnanotubekaiwen: well, as i said, try connecting the two comps each to a router with a straight cable, and run the dhcp config, and see if you get net connectivity. if that works, then you'll know that it's not a driver or config issue, but just something with the way you are doing the straight comp-to-comp config. if the "normal" internet doesn't work either, then you know it's drivers - and then you can look at that stuff like joejoecirc05:57
therealnanotubeusboy says.05:57
Agent_bobDozedOnLinux yeah debian doesn't offer shipit05:57
kindofabuzzGnea: yes, well in other room.  it's running fsck, but the ps axf | grep fsck says it's not05:57
Agent_bobDozedOnLinux oh you mean "other than another release" ?05:58
therealnanotubekaiwen: btw, to private message, you can use command "/msg username". or you can use the pastebin (paste.ubuntu.com) to post extended output, then post a link to it here.05:58
Agent_bobDozedOnLinux yeah    dialup.05:58
kindofabuzzGnea: i'm gonna reboot it.  maybe some weird fluke05:58
Gneakindofabuzz: why is it running fsck? was there a power outage?05:58
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie:  yes at system boot screen. usually DEL/ESC or F1 to enter CMOS setup. check settings first, and make sure you can retrun them to defaults, if need be. that worked for me, the same situation. mine would drop at 5-10 seconds as well05:58
dfgashow do you extract something to have the same permissions with tar? i usually use xvzf05:59
znhI accidentally messed up my groups my user. Now I can't do no more sudo, as it claims I am not in the sudoers file.. Help please05:59
greencookieDozedOnLinux : didnt work for me:( damn i WISH i could get net working on my ubuntu box:(05:59
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie: i tried the noapic and irqpoll in GRUB options, that worked but affected my vid display, so i did the same changes in CMOS, and skipped the GRUB options05:59
kindofabuzzGnea: no, an old hard drive that I installed and mounted /home on evidently was bad.  wouldn't even boot.  so i ran fsck, did it's thing, rebooted it, got the login.  and as i was about to login it started running fsck again all by itself05:59
Flannelznh: reboot to the recovery console (at GRUB) and usermod -G admin -a [yourusername]05:59
Agent_bobdfgas iirc from "man tar" it should default to -p05:59
Gneakindofabuzz: that's weird.... i'd back the data up if possible06:00
Flannelznh: You need to be in the admin group to sudo, that previous command adds you there.  You'll probably need to re-add all your other groups too: adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin06:00
greencookiethis is getting tiring. ill try it some other day06:00
greencookiegood nite all.06:00
Switchcatheh, so I submitted the bug and it told me "KMitnick" was informed... I assume that is some developers idea of a joke? :P06:01
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie:  do in terminal (make sure no two are using same IRQ > cat /proc/interrupts06:01
znhFlannel, ty!06:01
kaiwenok, got it06:01
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie: if you can get it to work for them few seconds, there is a way, so dont lose faith.06:01
greencookieDozedOnLinux: ok hold on06:01
greencookieDozedOnLinux: just enough to get to google.com then no more connection lol..sucks06:02
dekanyone knows how to create a webpage in a different path than webapps, using Tomcat 5.5 server?06:02
justin_so how is it that i can install Ubuntu into windows now?06:02
therealnanotubekaiwen: got what? what's the news? :)06:02
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie:  i had same issue, almost to a T06:02
bullgard4Gnea: What does your message "*nod*" mean? (I know the meaning of the sentence "I am nodding my head.")06:03
greencookielol DozedOnLinux06:03
kaiwenstill working with someone06:03
Gneabullgard4: i was agreeing with what you said06:03
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie:  my card Linksys Wireless G v4.1 / RT61 chipset and module06:03
kindofabuzzGnea: just rebooted and during boot it said both drives were clean, then it scrolled through some more fsck again, got the login prompt, then it started again.  i'll just let it go through this time.  not worried about losing anything.  it was a freah server install06:03
kindofabuzzfresh* =)06:03
greencookieDozedOnLinux: mine is netgear wlan adapter06:03
Jack_Sparrowjustin_ You cant really install it into windows, just from windows and I dont care for wubi which is what you would use to do that06:03
Gneakindofabuzz: cool beans06:03
bullgard4Gnea: Thank you for your information.06:04
kindofabuzzGnea: i'm assuming after it mounted it, it found more problems or something06:04
greencookieDozedOnLinux: can't i just disable eth0 since i dont use wired connection? i think that might be screwing things up?:P06:04
Gneabullgard4: don't mention it06:04
justin_Jack_Sparrow,  I see, I thought it was pretty neat though that you have an option to somehow virtual machine it i guess on top of windows06:04
Jack_Sparrowjustin_ you can vm things.. but I dont like those either06:05
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie: is eth0 onboard or add-in card ?06:05
=== Onerice is now known as Matsarn
greencookieonboard DozedOnLinux06:06
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie:  dmesg | grep wlan0 , yes there is a way to disable it from within linux, but the cure excapes me at this time06:06
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie: then disable in CMOS06:06
greencookieok dozed06:06
GneaDozedOnLinux: blacklist?06:06
m08I've got a retarded noobie question. I just installed ubuntu, do I need to install drivers for my motherboard, etc?06:07
greencookieim trying to disable roaming mode on my wlan006:07
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie:  mine isnt on blacklist, as for freencookie, i dont know right now.06:07
Jack_Sparrowm08 not really06:07
Gneam08: nope, it will autodetect and load everything up for you (for the most part)06:07
Gneam08: click on System->Preferences->Hardware Information06:08
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie:  in terminal (this will show errors associated with wlan0>  dmesg | grep wlan006:08
m08I've heard I should install the latest ati (8.7) drivers for my video card, if I want to also install dv4l so I can watch tv with my tvtuner card, is that correct ?06:08
DozedOnLinuxGnea:  i dont believe it is blacklisted as it worked for 5-10 seconds. are you thinking on something ? please assist if you can, thank you06:08
Gnea!ati | m0806:09
ubottum08: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:09
Agent_bob   anyone that knows some about xfce4?  when i launch it,  it comes up with the default background and panels but then the panels vanish, and right click does nothing.  i can alt+f2 run xfce4-panel and get them back.   but nothing seems to be sticky.   any thoughts on why ?           (and i'll stop repeting now.)06:09
Gneam08: make sure you install the correct driver for your specific card06:09
Jack_Sparrowm08 Careful what drivers you install.  I strongly suggest you make a full backup before you experiment06:09
neoblitzI am running Hardy Heron and there seems to be a problem with my firefox flash plugins06:09
m08I don't have "Hardware Information listed btw06:10
neoblitzI am not able to play flash content of all sites06:10
crimsunneoblitz: related to audio?06:10
neoblitzNope. The flash itself doesnt run06:10
greencookieDozedOnLinux: what would wmaster0 be? maybe something to do with my problem?06:10
crimsunneoblitz: 64-bit Ubuntu?06:10
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie:  if you can connect for them few seconds, i would think you have the correct driver, just something else is affecting it and dropping it.06:11
geev8ubottu, can you tell me the different of LAMPp and XAMPP06:11
ubottugeev8: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:11
crimsungreencookie: wmaster0 is an internal interface.06:11
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie: wmaster needs not be touched06:11
greencookieDozedOnLinux, crimsun: ok thanks06:11
m08neoblitz I installed Gnash SWF player and it does all flash great for me06:11
neoblitzOn a 32-bit linux 2.6.24-19-generic06:11
greencookieDozedOnLinux:  yes whatever is affecting it is driving me crrraazzy06:11
greencookieDozedOnLinux: i had the same problem on archlinux06:11
greencookieconnect for a few and then drop.06:11
neoblitzm08 thanks i will give that a try06:12
Jack_Sparrowgreencookie time to shop for a card with better linux support06:12
geev8how do i set password into mysql server06:12
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie: try a few things. either disable eth0 in cmos, or attempt allowing BIOS to control mouse/keyboard, or even use kernel options >irqpoll06:12
greencookielol Jack_Sparrow maybe thats it :(06:12
Penol!mysql password06:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mysql password06:12
neoblitzm08 is there any special setting that i have to tweak to tell firefox to pickup gnash instead of the regular adode one?06:12
geev8penol, yap06:13
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie:  i also disabled APIC in my CMOS, just so you know. i dont have that issue any longer so i would think your machine isnt that much different06:13
Penolgeev8: mysqladmin -u root password yourpassword06:14
rodoldhi i have a problem with ndiswrapper on xubuntu06:14
greencookieDozedOnLinuxwhat is APIC?06:14
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie: i have collection of weblinks if you need them. just ask, and i will give you what i have on that situation06:14
geev8penal: thank06:14
Penolrodold: Whats the problem?06:14
greencookieDozedOnLinux: I just disabled eth0 in bios so now rebooting. will let u know what i get06:14
greencookieDozedOnLinux: sure I'll let you know. I appreciate your help.06:14
brenthey does nayone know why i cant login to my amsn account?06:15
rodoldpenol: ive followed all of the instructions on the website but when i try to install the drivers it says that ndiswrapper isnt installed06:15
Penolbrent: the msn servers having problem...06:15
greencookieI think i'd better get a new computer lol. asus eee:)06:15
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie: its not typically needed as your fan on CPU will run at 100% with it disabled, although i see that linux still loads it, so i think the two may fight each other, so disabling it in CMOS, still allows linux to control the apic06:15
Penolrodold: guide from?06:15
rodoldrodold: on the ndiswrapper install guide06:15
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie:  its more for laptops than desktops, from my understanding06:15
acornstarcan anyone help me install a webcam?06:16
Penolacornstar: what kind of webcam?06:16
rodoldpenol: i've gotten it to work a long time ago but i dont remember06:16
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie:  yes let me know of how it turns out, if you connect for them few secodns, i wouldnt change any interface options , its something on your board06:16
acornstarits a v-gear webcam06:16
genesismachinevlc and totem will crash xserver 80-90% of the time for me on my macbook, and amarok will sometimes just hang. Any ideas on what the problem could be? It seems to be some sort of video/audio playback issue since there are no problems until I start playing a video06:16
Penolrodold: check out ubuntu formus06:16
RequinB4rodold: do you not have ndiswrapper installed...?06:16
brentis amsn having problems with their server at the moment?06:16
greencookieDozedOnLinux: currently performing 'dhclient wlan0'06:16
=== Matsarn is now known as Onerice
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie:  ok06:17
rodoldRequinB4: actually, when i run sudo make install i get a flood of errors06:17
RequinB4rodold: why not just download the binary?06:17
rodoldRequinB4: and on the Ubuntu forums all the solutions involve apt-get or downloading something, which i cant because i dont have an internet connection06:17
Maxwell390180Hello all, I am trying to install from the liveCD right now, but when I reach "step 4 of 7", I get an error: "No root file system, No root file system is defined.  Please correct this from the partitioning menu".  The partitioning menu is, by the way, blank.  What do I do?06:17
acornstari'm on Kubuntu...in Adept Manager, "gspca-source" is available to dl.  Should I start with that?06:17
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:17
Penolacornstar: type lsusb in terminal and http://paste.ubuntu.com06:17
Penoland give the link to me06:18
greencookieDozedOnLinux: nopes didnt work :( lemme try disabling the fan now.06:18
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie:  that issue drove me wild, it was very frustrating, but as of now, i am not hexed by it any longer. if i can help someone with the same issue, then all that time investigating is worth it06:18
rodoldRequinB4: i downloaded the source on another PC and transferred it with a usb drive and followed the installation instructions06:18
rodoldRequinB4: when i get to sudo make install i get a bunch of errors and i have no clue what to do06:18
RequinB4rodold: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/ndiswrapper-common06:18
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie:  that wont disable the fan, just the power-saving feature, it should run at 100% without it, but linux evidently takes control of it whether CMOS is enabled or not06:18
rodoldRequinB4: should i dowlnoad that and install it?06:19
ubotturodold, please see my private message06:19
geev8Penal:i where am i suppose to be so that i can change my mysql password sorry i am new to linux06:19
RequinB4rodold: yes, just transfer the .deb to your box without a connection06:19
Penolgeev8: in terminal06:19
SlartMaxwell390180: what kind of harddrives do you have installed? not brands but sizes06:19
Penolgeev8: mysqladmin -u root password yourpassword06:19
Maxwell390180Slart: two eight giggers.06:19
rodoldRequinB4: OK, i'll give it a try, thanks for the help! :)06:19
SlartMaxwell390180: have you decided how you want to use them?06:19
superkuhI am trying to get an old Ezonics Ezcam II webcam to work under xubuntu; http://pastebin.com/m43438d66 has all the technical details of the usb device and what I have tried looking for.06:20
geev8penal: exactl am there but it says command not found06:20
xxploitanyone happen to have suggestions for stock quoting software for linux?06:20
superkuhDoes anyone have a suggest as to what to try next for such a camera?06:20
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie:  if in doubt, make sure the fan is still going, as a burnt up cpu will do no good. most newer boards will shutdown automatically anyhow. in the old-days it would just cook your cpu till it was french-fried :P06:20
Maxwell390180Slart: Yes, I have it all figured out.06:20
Ademananyone here know if the libflashsupport package is necessary if you're using the latest flash version (flash 10 beta) from adobe? firefox has been super crash-happy for me... (it was worse with flash 9 from the repositories too...)06:20
SlartMaxwell390180: ok.. you have to create one partition for the root, "/", that's where the system files and so on will be..06:21
crimsunAdeman: it is deprecated unless you're using 64-bit /and/ Flash 9.06:21
greencookieDozedOnLinux: lol i dont want no fried motherboard. but yeah im on 64 athlon running ubuntu for 64 bit. i just turned off a feature called "cool and quiet" so lets see .06:21
crimsunAdeman: in fact, if you're using Flash 10, you should deinstall it.06:21
Ademanthanks crimsun06:22
DozedOnLinux!cam | superkuh06:22
ubottusuperkuh: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:22
SlartMaxwell390180: then you can, if you want, create a separate partition for /home, /var etc etc..06:22
Maxwell390180It was already running Xubuntu before it effd up, so I figure it's already there.06:22
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie: in kernel options you can use> noapic06:22
superkuhThanks DozedOnLinux.06:22
Maxwell390180Slart:that would be pointless imo, but how do I do this?06:22
Maxwell390180Slart: Partition Manager?06:22
simon_bmorning all...06:22
acornstarPenol: what do you think?06:22
greencookieDozedOnLinux: if you dont mind how can I edit kernel options?06:22
bmarley13how do i edit my /etc/fstab file on gnome?06:22
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie: that is safe bet. basically use it for diagnostics rather than complete fix.06:22
Penolacornstar: im checking it out now06:22
Penolbut i dont have mutch time06:23
SlartMaxwell390180: pointless?  no need to run a separate program.. you should be able to do this from the installer06:23
Penoli need to go to work06:23
acornstarPenol: thanks.06:23
simon_banyone has some experience with tablet pc's?06:23
Bodsdabmarley13, in a terminal type    gksudo gedit /etc/fstab06:23
j1mchello, would someone with a default network setup mind posting the contents of their /etc/network/interfaces file on pastebin?06:23
DozedOnLinux!grub | greencookie06:23
ubottugreencookie: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:23
alraunebmarley13:gksu gedit ....06:23
RequinB4bmarley13: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab ; or your favorite editing program06:23
greencookiethnx DozedOnLinux06:23
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie: the grub howto06:23
geev8Penal: i used whereis command to know the location of mysqladmin while am there executed the command but still i get the some command is not found06:23
bmarley13bodsda, thanks. what does gksudo do?06:23
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)06:24
Maxwell390180Slart: It is giving me nothing but a white box.06:24
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)06:24
alraunegeev8: first updatedb, then locate <filename>06:24
DozedOnLinuxj1mc:  i can show you my STATIC setup for interfaces file06:24
Bodsdabmarley13, it opens a dialog box asking for your password, whenever you run a graphical program that needs root privileges use gksudo not sudo06:24
Maxwell390180Slart: There are no drives displayed.06:24
=== eltech- is now known as eltech
j1mcDozedOnLinux: thanks, but i need the standard dhcp one06:24
geev8alraune: how to cos am new to linux in general06:24
acornstarPenol: the one that says service and quality... is my camera06:24
SlartMaxwell390180: is there something weird about your computer? you're not using fakeraid, are you?06:24
alraunegeev8: open a terminal, type:updatedb (takes some time maybe)06:25
Maxwell390180Slart: No, nothing is weird.06:25
j1mchello, would someone with a default network setup mind posting the contents of their /etc/network/interfaces file on pastebin?06:25
greencookieDozedOnLinux: maybe i need to get the correct driver for my card?06:25
Maxwell390180Slart: I have done this twice before and it worked fine, I've no idea what it is this time.06:25
geev8alraune: ok06:25
greencookieDozedOnLinux: or ndiswrapper?06:26
kdb424I'm screwed!06:26
alraunej1mc: one mom06:26
greencookieDozedOnLinux: hey thanks for all your help man. i appreciate it, but i think ill call it a day for now06:26
fistandandelusim sorry for asking this question here, but thenvidia channel is silent, im wondering if anyone has gotten the 8600gts to work correctly06:26
SlartMaxwell390180: well.. abort the installer and try again? it's not a lot you can do from inside the installer06:26
kdb424How can I undo "chmod -R 777 /"?06:26
Agent_bobah   here is some interesting jargon    http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=da28982306:26
j1mcalraune: thanks06:26
Slartkbrosnan: you can't06:26
Agent_bobanyone have thoughts ?06:27
alraunegeev8: open a terminal, type:  locate   yourfilename                                    , to find the file named your filename06:27
Slartkdb424: you can't.. or.. not in an easy way06:27
=== eltech- is now known as eltech
Slartkbrosnan: sorry.. wrong nick06:27
geev8alraune: before of this how do i go back to home directory because am on mysqladmin directory06:27
kdb424Slart: Is there any way? I need to do this with no reinstall06:27
RequinB4fistandandelus: asking "anyone" questions/polls on this channel is probably less effective than google, but as of february no (best i can tell you)06:27
Maxwell390180Slart: I have tried this, perhaps I shall try doing it from terminal.06:28
DozedOnLinuxj1mc:  i put the option to do dhcp > http://paste.ubuntu.com/34627/06:28
alraunegeev8: cd\06:28
alraunej1mc: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/34628/06:28
DozedOnLinuxgreencookie:  ok, hope you work it out, it may take a little tweaking06:28
geev8alraune: ooh thanks06:29
j1mcalraune: thanks!06:29
Slartkdb424: afaik there is no way to "undo" a chmod command, sorry06:29
kdb424Slart: It's on my server and I need to save the data06:29
kdb424Slart: I know that there is no undo, but how can I save it all?06:29
OnericeAnyone mind recommending a good iso-burning program?06:29
rodoldi have  a problem with nvidia drivers (on xubuntu)...i have a geforce 2 gts, in the hardware drivers window the nvidia_legacy drivers are there but they're not enabled...how do i enable them?06:30
Slartkdb424: can't you boot from a live cd and access the data that way?06:30
Maxwell390180slart: thank you, ciao!06:30
amen51hi everyone, a problem: when starting a player (e.g. mplayer, vlc, etc.) from the command line, they occasionally freeze (the whole system becomes unresponsive) or they force gnome to restart, has anyone any idea what is wrong?06:30
Reformer81Under the "Places" menu... how can I have all my bookmarks displayed without using the "Bookmarks" menu?06:30
kdb424Other than disk burning 14 GB's of space than I can't save my stuff06:30
alraunekdb424:man chmod,   give new permisssion to files(s)06:30
RequinB4amen51 - idea for research - gstreamer might not like you06:30
amen51Reformer81, thanks, how to fix it?06:31
genesismachineamen51: RequinB4: I get the same problem. Once I start playing a video, 80-90% of the time, X freezes06:31
RequinB4amen51 - no idea, that's why i said its just an idea :)06:31
kdb424airaune: It was done to all oh my hard drive.06:31
RequinB4amen51 - i've gotten error msgs from gstreamer when running players off terminal06:31
rodoldi have  a problem with nvidia drivers (on xubuntu)...i have a geforce 2 gts, in the hardware drivers window the nvidia_legacy drivers are there but they're not enabled...how do i enable them?06:32
genesismachinethis is a fairly new problem though, it wasn't happening a month ago. It must have been an update that screwed things up06:32
amen51RequinB4, there is no error message, the problem seems to be more severe06:32
fujinHi, I'm trying to update the number of open file descriptors on my BIND9 servers06:32
fujinits' currently at 102406:32
geev8alraune: my request was to change mysql password because it is not secured but this locate it locating file06:32
alrauneReformer81: /etc/firefox-3.0/profile/bookmarks.html  (default)06:33
amen51genesismachine, yes I suspect an update too06:33
genesismachineamen51: what kind of machine are you on? Macbook by chance?06:33
championhey is there an IRC room where you can get Medical Advice?06:33
=== tommy is now known as Lockawam
Reformer81alraune: Not Firefox bookmarks.  Filesystem location bookmarks.06:33
amen51genesismachine, no it is Thinkpad T6006:33
Reformer81champion: Uhm... maybe try searching the channel list?06:33
Slartchampion: I wouldn't trust random people on the net for medical advice.. go see a doctor06:33
rodoldRequinB4: i installed the driver for my wifi card :) now how do i configure it? it doesnt show up in the network manager06:34
bmarley13i'm trying to edit my fstab to allow the mounting of my external hdd but keep getting errors. can someone help?06:34
championlol yeah i have seen many doctors, i was just hopiung for a chatroom full of them.06:34
alraunegeev8: http://www.mydigitallife.info/2006/06/06/change-and-reset-mysql-root-password/06:34
AshexAre there any good startup optimization guides available?06:34
g[r]eekHi guys I need a way to monitor my bandwidth usage06:34
DozedOnLinuxchampion:  not so likely06:34
AshexI'm trying to reduce services and other things during startup. Currently takes a couple minutes :/06:34
acornstarPenol: ?06:34
g[r]eekPreferably GUI based. Just need mb's downloaded / uploaded06:35
alrauneReformer81: ??06:35
RequinB4rodold: If you installed the driver correctly, it should automatically be added to network-manger06:35
RequinB4rodold: wifi networks, that is06:35
kdb424is there a way to reinstall ubuntu by overwrighting files, but not loosing the files that you added on?06:35
alrauneAshex: try bum,  bootupmanager06:35
DozedOnLinuxg[r]eek:  System Monitor has a basic up/down bandwidth meter06:35
alrauneReformer81: didn't understand fs-bookmarks06:36
rodoldRequinB4: The network manager's still empty...although the installation went smoothly (i think)06:36
DozedOnLinuxg[r]eek:  there is also a network-monitor in Synaptic Package Manager06:36
rodoldRequinB4: I installed the windows XP .inf drivers that were on the wifi card CD06:36
RequinB4rodold: what type of card is this06:37
rodoldRequinB4: its an encore brand card with a marvell chipset06:37
alraune  kdb424:   dpkg --get-selections > PAKETE.txt                          ,generates a list of your packages in pakete.txt06:37
Ashexthanks alraune06:38
RequinB4rodold: If you're sure you installed everything correctly (with the correct modules), that sounds more like a googleable bug you can hopefully find a fix to06:38
rodoldRequinB4: i'll just try restarting the pc, see if that helps :P06:38
RequinB4rodold: that would be good too06:38
alraune  kdb424:   there is a way to reinstall em, but the machine its on is currently down, ask someone else06:38
rodoldbtw, how do i enable nvidia legacy drivers? it says that they're enabled but "not in use"...06:39
genesismachineamen51: There is a fix for the bug according to this page: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xorg-server/+bug/232275/+viewstatus06:39
acornstarhaving trouble installing web cam.  lsmod | grep gspca -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/34630/06:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 232275 in xorg-server "Xorg crashes when using video player" [Unknown,Fix released]06:39
genesismachineamen51: There was an x-server update today which I've just installed. I'm restarting X and we'll see if it fixes the issue06:39
kdb424alraune : What's the next step? The machine is still running, and I ran your command.06:39
alraunerodold: better use nvidia drivers from their hp, backup xorg.conf before06:40
alraune  kdb424:   there is a way to reinstall em, but the machine its on is currently down, ask someone else06:40
kdb424alraune : What do you mean the machine is currently down?06:40
alraune  kdb424:   one of my machines is down06:41
Uplinkim getting this error "Perl needs the csh shell to execute this program"06:41
kdb424Oh. Ok. Sorry. Thought that you meant mine06:41
amen51genesismachine, thanks, I'll try it (though I doubt it would fix it!)06:41
alraune  kdb424:   one of my machines is down, with the info u requested,  I'm not shure...06:42
genesismachineamen51: Actually, it seems to have fixed the issue... I just tried playing a video and it works fine06:42
genesismachineamen51: Audio w/ amarok is confirmed working as well06:42
amen51genesismachine, ok is the update already in ubuntu repositories?06:43
kdb424alraune : Ok. Thanks. Is there a way to reinstall and only replace system files so as to keep all of my data, but get all of the system stuff back?06:43
alraune?? way to put back pakets of an farmer install : dpkg -l | grep ^ii > paketlist.txt06:43
Uplinkim getting this error "Perl needs the csh shell to execute this program"06:43
bmarley13can someone help me mount my external hdd?06:43
alraune  kdb424:   nope, gotta back up data first06:43
kdb424Ok. Thanks!06:43
kdb424Tis sucks06:44
genesismachineamen51: yeah, I just did a dist-upgrade and it installed the xserver update06:44
amen51genesismachine, ok thanks again, I'll try it and hope for the best!06:44
AshexIs the Nvidia kernel installed by default06:45
kdb424I have an ssh connection to y server right now. Can I get the files to this computer to back them up? If so how?06:45
AshexI have an ATI card in my laptop but the kernel is installed06:46
acornstarI finally got easycam to work, but it said the camera is not compatible with linux.  Is there anything else I can do?06:46
ubuntucan anyone tell me how to find out what the grub handle would be for a given drive? For example, how do I know if /dev/sda3 is (hd0,1) or (hd0,8)?06:46
rodoldi still need help with ndiswrapper :(06:46
itai-michaelsonhey, whats' "ubuntu-desktop" ? i just installed splashy and apt removed 'ubuntu-desktop', is that a reason for concern?06:47
alraune  kdb424:   you can put a shared folder on the pc to backup to06:47
ubunturodold: what's up with ndiswrapper?06:47
joejoecircusboykdb424: You could use the ole' tar over netcat trick06:47
^paradox^anyone know if theres a deb package for the latest daimonin client?06:47
kdb424Ok. I have my mac on and connected. Please give me the command line06:47
rodoldubuntu: i've managed to install it and already installed the drivers for the card...ndiswrapper -l shows that they're installed and the device is present, but nothing shows up in the network manager06:47
kdb424alraune : I like that idea better than joejoecircusboy's, but thanks so much joejoe06:47
alraune^paradox^: apt-cache search daimon*06:47
joejoecircusboykdb424: no worries, didn't feel like explaining it anyway :D06:48
ectospasmanyone here use aptitude?06:48
alraune  kdb424:  lol, much faster is to build over the hd....06:48
kdb424joejoecircusboy : I would like to know that my files are safe where they came from too. Thanks a bunch though06:48
rodoldubuntu: any ideas?06:48
ubuntuectospasm: probably most people.06:48
kdb424alraune : There is data on there that I need06:49
^paradox^alraune: will try it06:49
ectospasmwell, I keep seeing references to apt-get and apt-cache, so I was wondering ubuntu06:49
ubunturodold: have you rebooted?06:49
OnericeAny way to make Brasero Disc Burning burn at slower speeds? Can only burn at 8x...06:49
rodoldubuntu: yes06:49
error404notfoundI have installed courier on my ubuntu machine, postfix is already installed and used maildir, I want to configure courier to use pop, and then use my pop server in an application, how can I do the config stuff plus what would be the address of my pop server? suppose hostname is localhost.localdomain.com...06:49
alraune  kdb424:  the one u want to reinstall, a desktop ?06:49
ubunturodold: and was there a driver icon in your status bar when you came back up?06:50
ubunturodold: if so, when you click on that icon is the wireless driver enabled?06:50
kdb424alraune : It is a server, but I have space to back up on this computer, which I am currently ssh connected to06:50
rodoldubuntu: ndiswrapper -l says: mrv8000c: driver installed, device (11AB:1FAA) present06:50
alraune  kdb424:  how much important data ? 100mb  10gig ?06:50
rodoldubuntu: no, no icons06:50
kdb424alraune : Pretty dang important. It's 14 GB or so06:51
o2intakehello what is a good dvd ripper for ubuntu to back up my dvds06:51
rodoldubuntu: btw, i'm running xubuntu, and all i see is the network manager icon saying that no network devices have been found06:51
alraune  kdb424:  no joke at big data amount, build out the hd you are currently sitting on an attach it to the server to copy06:51
ubunturodold: no network devices at all eh? not even wired?06:51
alraune  kdb424:  could still use a live cd for support, then06:52
DozedOnLinux!burn | o2intake06:52
ubottuo2intake: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto06:52
rodoldubuntu: the pc doesnt have a wired card, its pretty old :P06:52
OnericeAny way to make Brasero Disc Burning burn at slower speeds? Can only burn at 8x...06:52
ubuntuhmmm only wireless eh06:52
alraune  kdb424:  hmm, burn  , server got a dvd burner ?06:52
rodoldubuntu: all it has for communication is a 56k modem and this wifi card (encore brand with marvell chip)06:52
SlartOnerice: properties for the drive in brasero06:52
rodoldubuntu: i know it works, ive used it both in windows xp and xubuntu before06:52
Mushroomsi'm sure im in the wrong channel to talk about this.. but i was wondering if anyone could help me with PuTTy, or direct me to an irc channel that deals with PuTTy06:53
joejoecircusboyMushrooms: What's the prob?06:53
ubunturodold: have you tried googling something like '(make/model of wifi card) ubuntu' ?06:53
kdb424alraune : Yea it does, but I'm REALY low on DVD's. That's why I am trying to ssh this to my computer or some other network connection.06:53
Mushroomsjoejoecircusboy: i'm not sure how to set up ssh to do file transfer06:53
joejoecircusboyMushrooms: I think putty comes with a separate command to do file transfers 'scp'06:54
o2intakethank you but which ripping program will rip the dvd as an iso?06:54
o2intakewill k9copy do it?06:54
alraune  kdb424:  14 G at a (optimistic) 40MB/s takes....06:54
legend2440o2intake: k9copy      DVD backup tool for KDE06:54
Mushroomsjoejoecircusboy: may i pm you?06:54
kdb424alraune  I have all night06:54
joejoecircusboyMushrooms: Sure06:54
rodoldubuntu: i'll try googling the number i get from lspci06:54
elmiguel428hi, I am a huge newbie at Linux, I just installed it.  Just a quick question... I downloaded a .jar file, and when I click on it, it will not open to complete installation.  What must I retrieve using the terminal to open the .jar file?06:54
alraune  kdb424:  k then, and you do't like the screwdriver...06:55
DozedOnLinuxrodold: forum thread on encore marvell > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20808806:55
Vegombreihi .. which is the best software to use for msn ??06:55
kdb424elmiguel428 : try putting in the terminal sudo, then a space, then drag the file there to get the exact path.06:55
ubuntuVegombrei: Pidgin06:56
alrauneelmiguel428:sudo apt-get install unp06:56
kdb424alraune : What do you mean? Could you please just tell me how to get the data from here? I am really deserate.06:56
DozedOnLinux!msn | Vegombrei06:56
ubottuVegombrei: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete06:56
ubuntuVegombrei: definitely pidgin. Also make sure to check synaptic package manager for a whole shwack of extra plugins06:56
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい06:56
rodoldubuntu: should i try installing the Windows 2000 drivers instead of the Windows XP ones?06:57
Vegombreiubuntu: thanks .. ill check out all them plugins .. thanks06:57
elmiguel428okay, one sec, thanks a lot for helping06:57
utnubudnaihey all,I have installed a mysql-server in my ubuntu,and where is the database files located?06:57
ubunturodold: anything's worth a shot I suppose.. I'm not an expert by any means06:57
alraune  kdb424:  well, fastest way is to attach the hd you want to save on into the server.......06:57
rodoldubuntu: ok, i'll try06:57
kdb424alraune : It's in the server, and the only one in the server06:58
DozedOnLinuxrodold:  the 2000/xp drivers may be exactly the same, yet, 2000 has always been more stable06:58
alraune  kdb424:  ... then unplug it for reinstallation not to mess it up......06:58
utnubudnaiVegombrei, /join #ubuntu-cn06:58
kdb424alraune : One problem with that06:58
alraune  kdb424:  ... then bring data back same way....06:58
kdb424alraune : That's where ubuntu is installed, and the only hard drive06:58
alraune  kdb424:  the other is a lappi ?06:58
echojackhi.  does anyone know what the name of this application is?  I need to start it from the command line and do not have a monitor to connect this machine to.  http://maketecheasier.com/set-up-a-vnc-server-in-ubuntu-hardy-heron/2008/05/30  I need to know how to activate the VNC server without pointing and clicking on things.06:59
utnubudnaiwhere is mysql database files?06:59
utnubudnaiI want to backup it!06:59
rodoldDozedOnLinux: I also have Windows 98 and ME drivers (they're all in the same CD)...should i try those?06:59
kdb424alraune : Lappi?06:59
DozedOnLinux!vnc | echojack06:59
ubottuechojack: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX06:59
alraune  kdb424:  the other is a lapptop06:59
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:59
alraune  kdb424:  u want to save on another than the servers HD...07:00
DozedOnLinuxrodold:  like ubuntu said, anything is worth a try. yet i believ keeping somewhat curren may be the best option, i myslef would use the 2000 drivers, just try to match the netcard date with the OS, prob best bet07:00
kdb424alraune :I'm on my laptop now. My server is in the other room. I screwed the permissions on the ubuntu server install on the one hard drive in that server. How do I get those files on this mac laptop from a remote location (stlll on the same router though)07:01
DozedOnLinuxrodold:  that way you arent limiting the capabilities of the card to an older date07:01
rodoldDozedOnLinux: anyway, when i try to delete it it says "Inappropriate ioctl for device" (??)07:01
DozedOnLinuxrodold:  use the drivers that are on the CD that came with the card. those are more than likely the ones you want to use. ndiswrapper may like them best07:01
MiescoTrying to use my Edirol a-66 audio interface with jack, getting: `libiec61883 warning: iec61883_cmp_create_p2p_output: Failed to set the oPCR[0] plug for node 0.`  Can anyone help?  It works for other ubuntu users, just plug and play, should I reinstall?07:02
=== michelle_ is now known as daning
rodoldDozedOnLinux: i'm using the Windows XP drivers that came with the card right now but they don't appear to work (or i'm doing something wrong)07:02
DozedOnLinuxrodold:  let me check on >ioctl07:02
alraune  kdb424:  got me now ? k, harddrive - hiring with a laptop doesnt work, could then only try to open a shared folder to the ubuntu-server (or burn and verify, quite safe the data, much quicker)07:03
Nevmemozhi all!07:03
DozedOnLinuxrodold: > SIOCSIFFLAG ???07:04
echojackDozedOnLinux: I get this when I try to use x11vnc in that way: X Error of failed request:  BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)07:04
rodoldDozedOnLinux: huh? lol07:04
kdb424alraune : I appreciate the help. I'm going to just say screw everyone that payed for storage and tell them to go screw themselves. I'm out of here.07:04
DozedOnLinuxrodold:is that the error you get ?07:04
rodoldDozedOnLinux: no07:04
Nevmemoz÷î çà õóéíÿ07:04
Nevmemozÿ ÷îòî íå ïîíÿë07:04
rodoldDozedOnLinux: what i typed is all it says07:04
Nevmemozâû ÷î ñóêà07:04
DozedOnLinuxrodold: ok , type the whole error07:04
FloodBot3Nevmemoz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:04
DozedOnLinuxrodold: ok07:04
Reformer81Under the "Places" menu... how can I have all my bookmarks displayed without using the "Bookmarks" menu?07:05
rodoldDozedOnLinux: ndiswrapper -r mrv8000c returns this: Inappropriate ioctl for device07:05
Nevmemoz÷î çà áëÿäñòâî07:05
o2intakei installed k9copy just now and when i i to copy the dvd it says k9copy not opened..how do i fix this?07:05
Gtwyi want to force all users and the login screen to use the same resolution, i have been searching on google for a while now07:05
DozedOnLinuxrodold: ok give me min07:05
rodoldDozedOnLinux: ok np :)07:05
Gtwyfound some guides to change the xorg conf file, and it works when i switch users, but after a reboot the changes are lost07:05
alraune Reformer81: what do you mean with bookmrks ?07:05
Gtwyany ideas?07:05
alraune Gtwy:saved the file after deiting ?07:06
Reformer81alraune: When you click the "Places" menu on the top panel it will list filesystem locations like "Pictures", "Documents", etc.07:06
DozedOnLinuxrodold: google hit on subject> look through > http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=help.ubuntu.com+%22Inappropriate+ioctl+for+device%22+%3D%22ndiswrapper%22&btnG=Search07:06
alraune Reformer81: yup07:07
echojackhi.  does anyone know what the name of this application is?  I need to start it from the command line and do not have a monitor to connect this machine to.  http://maketecheasier.com/set-up-a-vnc-server-in-ubuntu-hardy-heron/2008/05/30  I need to know how to activate the VNC server without pointing and clicking on things.07:07
cjs_Gtwy: i would have guessed that removign undesierable resolutions from xorg.conf would solve your problem07:08
DozedOnLinux!info vnc07:08
ubottuPackage vnc does not exist in hardy07:08
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX07:08
alraune  kdb424:  don't now mac so good, can u create a shared folder there ?07:08
joejoecircusboyechojack: I think it's more involved than running a command... IIRC, the VNC support is an entirely separate X server07:08
echojackDozedOnLinux: that page doesn't help, mostly because x11vnc doesn't work.07:09
kristian42Anyone know SW that will give me audible feedback of wlan signal strength ? (When walking around a hotel room...)07:09
echojackjoejoecircusboy: that's good to know.  that page makes it sound like it's "just running a command," though.07:09
echojackDozedOnLinux: I get this when I try to use x11vnc in that way: X Error of failed request:  BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)07:10
DozedOnLinuxechojack : may i say, "make it cheesier" doesnt sound too reliable07:10
echojack...cheesier?  O_o07:10
DozedOnLinuxechojack:  i dont do vnc, sorry i cant help you with that subject07:10
DozedOnLinuxechojack:  yes the link name way it sounds-out. just doesnt sound authentic. my opinion07:11
DozedOnLinuxechojack: best i can say is search the supported site> help.ubuntu.com07:12
echojackfirst I tried doing X forwarding to run QEMU, but then when I went to install an image in QEMU the keymapping was all wrong, so I figured I would try VNC instead of X forwarding.07:13
joejoecircusboyecho: Why don't you just use X11?07:13
DozedOnLinuxechojack:  there is also a channel > #networking or #network07:13
alraune  echojack:knowing vnc from win I can tell you there are several things to be checked on the server-side, you access to it :(rw permission,ports,fw)07:13
echojackjoejoecircusboy: keymapping was wrong and I couldn't figure out why.  "Enter" key produced a j, "1" key produced an e, etc.07:14
alraune  echojack:knowing vnc from win I can tell you there are several things to be checked on the server-side, you need active access to it: rw permission,ports,fw)07:14
echojackalraune: I tried running x11vnc as root.  didn't help.07:14
=== Ashex is now known as Generic
joejoecircusboyecho: Ah, gotcha07:14
alraunesee /list07:15
joejoecircusboyechojack: Maybe this will give some clues: http://gentoo-wiki.com/X11vnc07:16
isurit아무도 없나요?07:16
FuRomI installed the XMMS2 package through the synaptic package manager, and I can't seem to access any GUI of it.... I've looked back into the package manager to make sure there isn't a specific GUI package for it, but there doesn't seem to be one, can anyone help me out?07:16
tct13hello i'm using firefox 3.01 and the flash loads only on few sites07:16
alraune  echojack:you have to click (lol)  configure more on the server of vnc then on the client : both sides require the right ports, but the server also the permission-thing07:16
DozedOnLinux!jp | qiaqia07:16
ubottuqiaqia: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい07:16
tct13ubuntu 8.04.1 i686 is my OS07:17
joejoecircusboyFuRom: Use audacious instead07:17
KulawendIf you have a laptop does that automatically mean you have a UPS?07:17
FuRomjoejoecircusboy, audacious is a sound editing tool?....07:17
joejoecircusboyFuRom: No, that's Audacity (how could you get those confused? :P)07:17
error404notfoundI want to configure a pop server with a username and password on my local system using courier, how can I do that?07:18
tct13i have installed the plugins: shockwave flash 9.0 r100 and shockwave flash 9.0 r12407:18
joejoecircusboyFuRom: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audacious_Media_Player07:18
acornstarwhen i start kubuntu i have 2 instances of skype running...how to i turn that off?07:18
alraunetct13:   try:  sudo apt-get install libflashsupport flashplugin-nonfree07:18
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:18
FAJALOU what i am trying to do is it already opens up inside firefox, but when i open it in another program through right click, it doesn't give me an option to what i want, so it always uses movie player,,, how can i change that...07:18
JayVomDachhi all, how di i supress these status messages (gay joined #ubuntu)?07:18
FuRomjoejoecircusboy, nvm, you're right, lmao... I haven't used the thing in a long time. xD Like.... 3 months.. Is it anything like winamp? I just prefer a winamp likeness xD07:18
tct13the first one works on few sites and the second doesn't work at all07:18
DozedOnLinuxqiaqia yw07:18
FAJALOUJayVomDach: get pidgin and it is in a plugin with it.07:19
joejoecircusboyFuRom: Ya, very similiar07:19
tct13alraune: i installed flashplugin-nonfree07:19
FuRomjoejoecircusboy, thanks, it's very much appreciated ^_^07:19
alraune  kdb424:  ?drilling your laptop ?07:20
Nevmemozyou suxx07:20
DozedOnLinuxqiaqia 不客氣07:20
NevmemozRUSSIA FOREVA07:20
tct13alraune: i installed libflashsupport but it had no visible effect07:20
echojackhow elegant07:20
echojacknot even a kick07:21
joejoecircusboyHa, I was thinking the same07:21
tct13alraune: i followed this tutorial http://notamused.org/2008/02/17/how-to-install-flash-for-firefox-3-betas-in-ubuntu/07:21
JayVomDachFAJALOU: ok, what's the name of this plugin07:21
error404notfound[REPEATED MESSAGE] I have installed courier on my ubuntu machine, postfix is already installed and used maildir, I want to configure courier to use pop, and then use my pop server with local user logins in an application, how can I do the config stuff plus what would be the address of my pop server? suppose hostname is localhost.localdomain.com...07:22
tct13one of the sites that flash doesn't load is http://www.openstreetmap.org/edit07:22
tct13alraune: have any idea?07:22
alraunetct13:   maybe try opera         ; shure the content is flash and not mplayer-plugin or java or...07:22
peeps_how do you install a deb from terminal?07:23
tct13it's flash already07:23
tct13alraune: try http://www.openstreetmap.org/edit07:23
DozedOnLinuxtct13: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree07:23
FAJALOUJayVomDach: Join/Part Hiding07:23
joejoecircusboyerror404notfound: FYI: That could easily take several hours of guidance (since you seem pretty new to the process)07:23
tct13DozedOnLinux: I tried that already; i'm using Firefox 3.0107:23
alraunetct13:   did so, first view would think java07:23
DozedOnLinuxpeeps_ : deb's should be opened with gDebi by default07:23
peeps_DozedOnLinux, isn't it possible to install them from terminal?07:24
DbatBGChoosing between Ubuntu and SUSE, what are the possible motivations for favoring either?07:24
alraunetct13:   can't u open it all or just not using it ?07:24
DozedOnLinuxtct13:  medibutuntu ?07:24
joejoecircusboypeeps_: use dpkg -i (I think - check 'man dpkg')07:24
error404notfoundjoejoecircusboy: FYI: I am not new, I just don't know about courier, already tried documentation, and google, but not much help, if that taskes long, someone can paste a link, plus I am almost done, it took a couple of minutes okay, only had to modify 2 lines..07:24
DozedOnLinuxpeeps_:  keeping things simple, allows for simple actions to perform, yes there is a way to do it through terminal07:24
Uplinkim getting this error "Perl needs the csh shell to execute this program"07:25
Flannelerror404notfound: courier is in universe, you might have more luck with something in main (dovecot is in main... and I think one more?)07:25
tct13the page loads but the flash is loading without displaying anything07:25
tct13DozedOnLinux: medibutuntu?07:26
joejoecircusboyerror404notfound: Ah. my bad.. your 'what would my hostname be?' question sorta hints you've not familiar with mail07:26
error404notfoundFlannel: thanks, solved the problem, don't you think courier is better than dovecot, coz someone else suggested that?07:26
joejoecircusboyerror404notfound: So what's the problem exactly?07:26
=== anhhung is now known as IntangibleLiquid
Flannelerror404notfound: I use dovecot personally, but I use it for IMAP and not pop07:26
JayVomDachFAJALOU: found. thx07:26
DozedOnLinuxtct13: its a media package, let me see about link. works for media issues with flash sites and dvd issues07:26
DistroJockeyUplink, did you install  csh  ?07:27
IntangibleLiquidhi, is it possible for me to install EBOX onto my laptop with hardy?07:27
error404notfoundjoejoecircusboy: well I am, but I was confused coz most pop servers use mx.hostname..... oh and don't bother if you don't want to help, just say "sorry, later" or just "later"...07:27
Uplink DistroJockey; how do i?07:27
FAJALOU what i am trying to do is it already opens up inside firefox, but when i open it in another program through right click, it doesn't give me an option to what i want, so it always uses movie player,,, how can i change that...07:27
DozedOnLinuxtct13:   www.medibuntu.org07:27
DistroJockeyUplink, sudo apt-get install csh     should do the job07:27
UplinkDistroJockey, ty bro07:27
g[r]eekHi guys I need a way to monitor my bandwidth usage (sorry I missed any earlier replies if there were)07:28
DistroJockeyUplink, no problem07:28
DozedOnLinuxtct13:   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu07:28
joejoecircusboyerror404notfound: I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to help. But I don't want to walk you through building a mail system (that could take hours). If you have a specific question, shoot.  (Though, I mainly use Dovecot too)07:28
rodoldquick question...how do i find out the MAC address of a device?07:28
JadewolfHey guys, setting up a new system for my basement and wanted to do wireless, but its a wmp54gs, is there a howto on it that you guys know of?07:28
UplinkDistroJockey, they are installed already07:29
joejoecircusboyrodold: ifconfig if it's local, arp if it's remote07:29
rexusguys, I have a printer connected to a windows PC, how can I configure in ubuntu so that i don't have to install any driver to print in the windows PC?07:29
elmiguel428Hi, I am a complete newbie with linux, I just downloaded it.  How do I correctly install a JRE without root access?07:29
DistroJockeyUplink, may need to modify your path or put a symlink in so Perl can find it then07:29
ProNoobIntangibleLiquid, what is ebox ?07:29
DozedOnLinuxrodold:  in terminal > ifconfig -a07:29
DozedOnLinuxrodold:  there are other ways as well07:29
joejoecircusboyelmiguel428: Umm... not something you want to attempt as a newbie :)07:29
error404notfoundjoejoecircusboy: not all problems are to be guided step by step, plus setting up a mail server with pop support where postfix is already installed is not a long process, just takes 2 minutes, and 2 line modifications, I can paste the standard procedure if you like :P. and lastly this channel is meant for help, not for our internal conflicts, so backing off....07:29
UplinkDistroJockey, please help me, im trying to compile something... im stuck on the "make"07:30
elmiguel428well I am trying to get java so that I can install a .jar file07:30
elmiguel428and I'm not sure how to correctly install a java app07:30
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joejoecircusboyerror404notfound: Whoa dude, where did you get conflict from? I actually *was* trying to help. but no worries07:30
IntangibleLiquidProNoob, eBox is a server for the easy administration of corporate networks. It covers a wide range of functionality from network gateway to communication center or file management07:30
DistroJockeyUplink, havn't really delt with Perl. What happens if you type   csh   in a terminal?07:30
elmiguel428How do i full install java?07:31
IntangibleLiquidProNoob, check this out http://ebox-platform.com07:31
DozedOnLinuxelmiguel428:  http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/s/sun-java6/07:31
DistroJockeyUplink, ahh, k. I guess that's working then07:31
joejoecircusboyelmiguel428: Why can't you install as root?07:31
DozedOnLinuxelmiguel428: there is apt-get one too07:31
dexiguess what im on07:31
o2intakehello for k9copy how come it doesn't save as an iso file and install backups as a folder???07:32
elmiguel428i don't know my root password, I am such a newb07:32
DozedOnLinuxdexi: a linux box07:32
dexiDozedOnLinux: yes!07:32
DozedOnLinuxdexi: so you got everythign working ?07:32
joejoecircusboyelmiguel428: It'd make your life easier to solve the root pw problem first :)07:32
dexiwell, a linux and windows box, but the linux part of it07:32
dexiyeah i got a wired cable running07:32
DistroJockeyUplink, so you are makeing Perl, or a Perl program?07:32
o2intakei make the output method to iso but it gave it to me as a folder07:32
elmiguel428joejoe how do I go about doing that?07:32
ProNoobIntangibleLiquid, doesn't sound like it would be worth it, whats wrong with just using their distro ?07:32
DozedOnLinuxdexi:  that is nice, now you can join the pro's :)07:33
joejoecircusboyelmiguel428: Actually, there is no root password in Ubuntu.. Just do a 'sudo -i' and enter your user's passwd07:33
dexididnt mean to type that07:33
UplinkDistroJockey, Im compiling something dude. Im trying to install something... i never done this before... I type ./configure and everything goes good without an error. Then i type "make" and i get an error07:33
dexiDozedOnLinux: lol yeah, the pro!07:33
elmiguel428now should I just do the walk-through install of JRE?07:33
TazbobuWhen I boot into ubuntu it activates my WLAN, but it will not connect... I have to manually disable it then reenable it before it will connect, but then everything works fine... any ideas?07:33
dexiim using irssi, anyone got a better one?07:33
joejoecircusboyelmiguel428: Did that work? (sudo)07:34
DozedOnLinuxdexi:  just a min, i need to update my notes07:34
LSD|Ninjairssi > *07:34
PauloRicardoPeople, there is any setlocale-like app to change only my LC_NUMERIC and LC_MONETARY?07:34
IntangibleLiquidProNoob, coz I want to have a look at it. some people recommended it to me since I'm working on a project that brings open source & web 2 technologies to education07:34
Flanneldexi: There is no better one!  but some people like xchat (moreso than xchat-gnome)07:34
=== dexi is now known as Dexikiix
g[r]eekHi guys I need a way to monitor my bandwidth usage (sorry I missed any earlier replies if there were)07:34
o2intake> hello for k9copy how come it doesn't save as an iso file and install backups as a folder???07:34
IntangibleLiquidProNoob, he said Ebox could be used on a server, so I'm looking into it07:34
DexikiixI guess irssi isnt too bad07:34
elmiguel428yeah it did joe joe07:34
elmiguel428how do I send just to you?07:34
joejoecircusboyg[r]eek: try ipstat?07:34
Dexikiixim kinda a fan of gui tho07:34
elmiguel428sorry, i am such a newb at this.07:35
ProNoobIntangibleLiquid, oh, so you use ubuntu already and now need a good solution for a server ?07:35
IntangibleLiquidhas anyone here ever used ubuntu/edubuntu to educatte children?07:35
g[r]eekjoejoecircusboy: is that a GUI program? I only need to monitor bandwidth usage in terms of bytes sent / received07:35
tct13DozedOnLinux: so i added the medibuntu repo07:35
joejoecircusboyelmiguel428: umm '/msg <nick>' I think (I'm actually new here too)...   Anyway, I think you're good to go. Just follow the normal java install noted above07:35
g[r]eekjoejoecircusboy: I notice System Monitor has this but I cannot reset it or anything07:35
IntangibleLiquidProNoob, theoretically yes. Coz the main platform I'm going to use is Edubuntu.07:35
tct13DozedOnLinux: how do i get flash working?07:35
joejoecircusboyg[r]eek: It's command line07:35
Dexikiixsomeone say my name07:35
joejoecircusboyDexikiix: sure07:36
jakevhello, I was wondering if anyone here knows of possible reasons why I would not be able to use my keyboard at the login screen; I am still able to switch to a terminal at the login screen by pressing alt-F1 and can type just fine while using the terminal.07:36
Dexikiix:) twice?07:36
IntangibleLiquidi mean something similar to the Ubuntu Education Fund07:36
Dexikiixi think it only highlights the first time07:36
joejoecircusboyDexikiix: take 207:36
o2intake> hello for k9copy how come it doesn't save as an iso file and install backups as a folder???07:36
ProNoobIntangibleLiquid, it seems that ebox has hardy packages, http://ebox-platform.com/community/installation-guide/ but you still might want to install the server packages manually, i mean i don't know what you need...07:36
Dexikiixok nvm it does it every time07:36
g[r]eekDo you know of any GUI bandwidth monitors?07:36
joejoecircusboyg[r]eek: Not offhand, sorry07:37
robboDo any1 knows why my font looks different in xchat compared to my gnome-terminal?07:37
robboIts the same font07:37
PauloRicardog[r]eek: vnstat have a PHP frontend: http://www.sqweek.com/sqweek/index.php?p=107:37
DozedOnLinuxflannel: correct apt-get for SunJava6 not just jre ?07:37
robboOnly the one in the gnome-terminal is much smoother07:37
FlannelDozedOnLinux: sun-java6-jre07:38
alraune g[r]eek: search synaptic-manager for network, find yourself...07:38
ProNoobIntangibleLiquid, but thanks for the tip, this ebox thing looks quite nice for something like a lan server07:38
IntangibleLiquidProNoob, I havent thought of specific needs as I dont know what the ebox tthing can do. You're welcome.07:38
robbosome ideas about my "problem" ? ;D07:39
o2intake> hello for k9copy how come it doesn't save as an iso file and install backups as a folder???07:39
ProNoobIntangibleLiquid, it seems to be a nice management interface to webserver, im server, mail server, vpn and so on07:39
tct13alraune: that is a flash page You need a Flash player to use Potlatch, the     OpenStreetMap Flash editor.07:39
tct13this is what it says in the page source07:39
shaun_im having no sound from an nvidia card, can anyone help07:39
JayVomDachHi all, i have a Terratec Cinergy HT PCMCIA (saa7134), that's a Cable / DVB-T hybrid card but kaffeine only shows DVB. How do i configure the cable reception?07:39
Vegombreihi .. is there a way to dcc file send thru irssi ?07:40
tct13alraune: do you use firefox 3.0.1?07:40
IntangibleLiquidProNoob, we are working on a proposal thats gonna use Edubuntu as the main platform. It's nice to know if anyone here has done the same thing.07:40
Tazbobuis there a way to disable and reenable a wlan interface by a script/shell command?07:40
shaun_Im having nvidia nforce2 sound problems, no sound right now, can someone help?07:40
alraunetct13:   yup07:40
tct13and it worked out of the box?07:41
DozedOnLinuxrobbo:  you may want to change the font size. i noticed the same, so i stick with pidgin. eventhough i like the options xchat has07:41
Dexikiixwoops i just crashed rhythmbox07:41
tct13alraune: what flash plugin do you have enabled? please look under tools>addons>plugins>07:41
DistroJockey_Uplink, sorry bout that, ADSL died :(07:42
UplinkDistroJockey, Im compiling something dude. Im trying to install something... i never done this before... I type ./configure and everything goes good without an error. Then i type "make" and i get an error07:42
DistroJockey_Uplink, did you install  build-essential ?07:42
shaun_Im having nvidia nforce2 sound problems, no sound right now, can someone help?07:42
UplinkDistroJockey, its ok bro07:42
UplinkDistroJockey, whats build-essential?07:42
skillet_Uplink, what are you trying to compile?07:42
DistroJockey_Uplink, essential stuff for building :)07:43
alraune tct13: hard to say, I set up mmore than 50 different boxes, so have an repertoire,  can look , uuuh many07:43
Oooopsif anyone use wengo?07:43
dahliahi, I have ubuntu 8.04 x64 desktop running and i installed xen-server and then I decided I didnt like it and uninstalled it. now I cant get it to detect my screen and set the resolution properly, and there isnt an option in the screen resolution dialog for my screen size. Is there a way I can manually configure it, or tell it to auto-detect now?07:43
Uplinkskillet_, ‫ trying to compile SARA07:43
DozedOnLinuxshaun_:  basics, check to ensure speakers are connected to right output on back of machine, there is times where some users overlook such. the new soundcards have multiple outputs, it is very easy to mistake one for another07:43
alraunehow do I do a screenshot ?07:43
joejoecircusboydahlia: Do you still have the -xen kernel installed?07:43
Uplinkskillet_, http://www-arc.com/sara/07:43
tct13alraune: it should begin with Shockwave flash...07:43
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button or the File -> Acquire menu in the GIMP.07:44
dahliaI dont think so07:44
joejoecircusboydahlia: Did you check manually? (do a dpkg --list|grep -i xen)07:44
UplinkDistroJockey, im gonna need help on that07:44
Kartagisalraune: hit PrtSc and rename it and save it07:44
dahlialet me try...07:44
DistroJockey_Uplink, sudo apt-get install build-essential   should do the job07:44
alrauneKartagis: alraune: hit PrtSc ?07:44
UplinkDistroJockey, ty again =]07:44
DistroJockey_Uplink, you're welcome07:44
Tazbobuis there a shell command to restart wlan?07:45
o2intake> hello for k9copy how come it doesn't save as an iso file and install backups as a folder???07:45
alraune PrtSc  ??07:45
joejoecircusboyTazbobu: try /etc/init.d/network restart07:45
DozedOnLinuxshaun_:   thread on subject > http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-4253.html07:45
tct13alraune: Alt + PrtSc if you want to take a screenshot only to the window07:45
alraune PrtSc  ??07:45
tct13alraune: print screen button07:45
Oooops¿oƂսəʍ əsn əսoʎսɐ ɟǃ07:45
aroonii want to blow away /dev/sdc as i need to rma the drive back to seagate.  seagate claims they wipe drives  (1) is shred the best program to use here?  if so, how many wipes should i do?, (2) is it ok to use my computer normally while this happens?  (my /home and /root/ are on /dev/sda)07:45
tct13top right of your keyboard07:45
dahliahmmm I guess I do07:45
DistroJockey_alraune, also usually the same key as  SysRq07:46
dahliahow can I go back to the prior kernel?07:46
Oooops ⡇ ⣏⡉   ⣎⣱ ⡷⣸ ⢇⢸ ⡎⢱ ⡷⣸ ⣏⡉   ⡇⢸ ⢎⡑ ⣏⡉   ⡇⢸ ⣏⡉ ⡷⣸ ⡎⠑ ⡎⢱07:46
Oooops ⠇ ⠇    ⠇⠸ ⠇⠹  ⠇ ⠣⠜ ⠇⠹ ⠧⠤   ⠣⠜ ⠢⠜ ⠧⠤   ⠟⠻ ⠧⠤ ⠇⠹ ⠣⠝ ⠣⠜?07:46
joejoecircusboyarooni: shred -n 1 -z -v <DEV>07:46
Dexikiixdude wtf?07:46
DozedOnLinuxalraune:   printscreen button usually very top of keyboard, above arrow keys, then above home.end keys section07:46
aroonijoejoecircusboy, you mean /dev/sdc07:46
alraunegot printscreen now, thx07:46
joejoecircusboyarooni: for 2> yes, it's ok to do if nothing on /dev/sdc is mounted while you do it07:47
Oooopsalraune: just : import xxx.png is enough07:47
DozedOnLinuxalraune:   its the laptops you need to hunt for them :P07:47
aroonijoejoecircusboy, what happens if you do that while its mounted07:47
joejoecircusboy(02:46:47 AM) arooni: joejoecircusboy, you mean /dev/sdc  << Ya, but I didn't want someone copying the full command by mistake and running it07:47
aroonijoejoecircusboy, gotcha!  i thought /dev/ deleted everything!07:47
alraunetct13: try to send screenshots...07:48
joejoecircusboyarooni: anything from nothing, to your system my lock up, to you losing data (i.e. not recommended)07:48
joejoecircusboyarooni: Why do you need it mounted while you do it?07:48
aroonijoejoecircusboy, i dont at all;  im just curious in a 'what would happen if' sense07:48
tct13alraune: http://picasaweb.google.com/tiberiuturbureanu/Tech07:48
Dexikiixhehe im listening to a british rock station07:49
FuRomHey, joejoecircusboy, would you know if audacious has a way to be minimized as a system tray icon?07:49
tct13alraune: i didn't receive your screeshot07:49
dahliajoejoecircusboy is there a way I can uninstall the prior kernal and get rid of the xen one? should I use aptitude?07:49
joejoecircusboyFuRom: Actually, I have no idea (never used it)... I only know of it because a friend was looking for an xmms replacement07:50
joejoecircusboydahlia: so you do have xen installed?07:50
Ajayi want to install linux ubuntu on a usb key07:50
FuRomjoejoecircusboy, ah, I see. lol, thanks anyways ^_^' It's pretty much all I need. I can always put it on a workspace out of the way, if it isn't able to minimize into a system tray icon.07:50
Ajayim reading abt liveusb07:50
dahliaI thought I uninstalled it with aptitude07:51
joejoecircusboyFuRom: Cool, enjoy :)07:51
Ajayi dont know how to install this tool07:51
alraunetct13:pm-Tab? trying again07:51
dahlialooks like there are some remnants07:51
Ajayso i could make this installation07:51
joejoecircusboydahlia: Ya, doesnt always get the kernel... do you have the stock kernel installed too?07:51
dahliaI think so07:51
Arouca /msg NickServ identify 1823gil07:51
DozedOnLinux!usb | Ajay07:52
ubottuAjay: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:52
dahliaI booted to the stock kernel (or so I thought)07:52
joejoecircusboydahlia: Just reboot with the stock kernel (pick it from the grub menu), then come back here and I'll tell you how to uninstall the xen leftovers07:52
dahliaI did that07:52
Oooops!wiki | AaronH07:52
joejoecircusboydahlia: And still having driver issues?07:52
ubottuAaronH: http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.07:52
alrauneuncomplicated image-hosting a la pastebin for text ??07:52
=== DistroJockey_ is now known as DistroJockey
joejoecircusboydahlia: what GPU?07:52
tct13anyone had problems with flash in firefox 3.0.1 like this? http://picasaweb.google.com/tiberiuturbureanu/Tech07:52
dahlianvidia 860007:52
X-SetiUbuntu-Server doesnt come with ftp server?07:52
joejoecircusboydahlia: try running the nvidia setup thingy07:53
dahliawhere is it?07:53
joejoecircusboydahlia: nvidia-config or seomthing?07:53
alraunewant to send you *.png07:53
alraunetct13: want to send you *.png07:53
DozedOnLinuxtct13: looks like flash not loading correctly or fully07:53
joejoecircusboydahlia: drop down to the command line, start typing 'nvidia-' then hit tab a bunch of times... it will show you all commands that start with nvidia-07:53
DozedOnLinuxtct13: that is flash icon07:53
tct13DozedOnLinux: yes i know07:54
joejoecircusboydahlia: might be it07:54
rredd4web site for ubuntu mid hardware support?07:54
DozedOnLinuxdahlia: in terminal > nvidia-settings07:54
tct13this are my plugins http://picasaweb.google.com/tiberiuturbureanu/Tech/photo#523129431903028203407:54
DozedOnLinuxtct13:  does it do that with all flash sites ?07:54
tct13r100 works like in the photos07:54
tct13r124 not at all07:55
joejoecircusboy(02:54:41 AM) DozedOnLinux: dahlia: in terminal > nvidia-settings << will this reconfigure xorg.conf?07:55
tct13DozedOnLinux: no, only a few works07:55
tct13DozedOnLinux: i presume it's related to the version of flash they use07:55
alraunetct13: how do you post there ?07:55
DozedOnLinuxjoejoecircusboy:  it will configure nvidia settings . use this to reconfigure xorg.conf > sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:55
dahliai did sudo nvidia-xconfig07:55
dahliaI didnt have an nvidia-settings07:56
joejoecircusboydahlia: Try what DozedOnLinux suggested07:56
tct13DozedOnLinux: youtube loads correctly07:56
tct13alraune: i have a gmail account07:56
m08ok, installing the latest ati drivers turned my screen white lol, so I stuck with the ones installed through ubuntu Admin:Hardware Drivers07:56
=== essy is now known as SportChick
DozedOnLinuxdahlia : this should work if nvidia-settings dont > gksu displayconfig-gtk07:56
tct13alraune: if you have one too, sign in and go to pcasaweb.google.com07:56
sdasdis there a issue with k9copy not copying as an iso file ??07:56
selig5How to change the screensaver setting form command line? Using ICEWM and don't see menu item for screensaver.07:56
alrauneimageshack is annoying (email-blabla)07:57
m08Now, when I go to install the drivers for my tv tuner card I'm sent to this website by the card manufacturer http://linuxtv.org/hg/v4l-dvb/  but I have no clue what the heck to d/l and install there07:57
DistroJockeyalraune, http://www.tinypic.com/   is also handy for sharing pics07:57
DozedOnLinuxtct13:  hmm odd. give me link to same page, i will see if it loads for me. i dont seem to have problems with flash, but then, i dont know07:57
DozedOnLinuxtct13:  you can IM/Pm that to me07:57
m08Anyone know how to install v4l-dvb on ubuntu hardy heron ? (what to download also)07:58
m08I am a super noob btw07:59
alraunetct13: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=28cir13&s=407:59
DozedOnLinuxm08: that looks to be the correct site07:59
rredd4where do i find hardware support for Ubuntu Mobile Internet Device edition?07:59
tct13DistroJockey: thanks for the tip :)08:00
tmapjcould anyone tell me how to startup I2P in sessions?08:00
rredd4is not on ubuntu web site08:00
DistroJockeytct13, you're welcome :)08:00
m08ok DozedOnLinux: But what do I click on to download the drivers? I click on just about anything and it goes to what just looks like documentation08:00
tct13DistroJockey: for text i use http://paste.pocoo.org/08:00
sdasdis there another program on ubunut to m]ake iso images from dvds?08:00
tmapjcan anyone tell me how to startup I2P with ubuntu?08:00
DozedOnLinux!find v4l-dvb08:00
ubottuPackage/file v4l-dvb does not exist in hardy08:00
joejoecircusboysdasd: 'cat' :)08:00
alraunetct13: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2e4etg6&s=408:01
dahliaYAY it worked! :D08:01
crimsunselig5: which *screensaver?08:01
DistroJockeytct13, I just use the one they mention here. Or I install  pastebinit  and pipe files to it :)08:01
alraunetct13: could read the links ?08:01
dahliathanks guys :)08:01
DozedOnLinuxm08:  let me see if i can find more info on that08:01
joejoecircusboydahlia: good stuff! Do you want to get rid of the xen stuff?08:01
m08thanks DozedOnLinux !08:01
joejoecircusboydahlia: Can you paste the output of 'dpkg --list|grep -i xen' in a PM?08:02
Ajayubottu: im reading the article for usb installation08:02
ubottuAjay: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:02
tct13alraune: that is super weired: you use only r124 and it works for you. r124 enabled doesn't work for me at all08:02
alraune DistroJockey: thanks a lot, tinypics bookmarked, no crap, good resolution, fast n short adresses08:02
Ajayi dont get the first step08:02
tmapjcan anyone tell me how to startup I2P with ubuntu?08:02
Jordan_UIs there a terminal based app for working with network-manager?08:02
DistroJockeyalraune, yep, tis good. You're welcome :)08:02
joejoecircusboytmapj: L2P, as in the protocol?08:03
Ajaydo i just install it on the usb and after i tryy to configure for boot08:03
tmapjno I2P the anonymous network08:03
tct13alraune: for text i use paste.pocco.org08:03
joejoecircusboytmapj: Ah, no idea08:03
alraunetct13: i don't think your prob is flash,  more java or php or phython... see half an hour before08:04
crimsunselig5: i.e., see xscreensaver-command and gnome-screensaver-command08:04
tct13alraune: the page contains flash08:04
tct13i have  aprob with flash08:04
alraunetct13 pastebin is good, too08:04
tmapjcan anyone tell me how to startup I2P with ubuntu?08:04
debian_akroydgood morning everyone08:04
selig5thanks crimsun08:04
DozedOnLinuxm08: those are tar.gz and tar.bz2 check > http://paste.ubuntu.com/34638/08:05
DozedOnLinux m08:  maybe that will help08:05
crimsunselig5: np.  (Just noticed from identica)08:05
tct13alraune: ok. thanks for the tip pastebin08:05
selig5crimsun: cool08:05
robboRawr doesnt some1 knows why my font is smoother in gnome-terminal/pidgin compared to in xchat?:O08:05
robboCAn i like change the font settings somewhere?08:06
m08hhmmm....ok (I didn't see any tar.gz or tar.bz2 files on that website)08:06
tmapjcan anyone tell me how to startup I2P with ubuntu?08:06
DVS01im looking for a front end that can make chronological-based browsing of my rsnapshot archives more convenient.. anyone know of any guis, front-ends, web interfaces, etc. for an rsnapshot archive?08:06
DozedOnLinuxm08:  http://linuxtv.org/downloads/08:06
DistroJockeytct13, alraune : for example for pasting text files, you can (in terminal, all of the following on one line) just fyi :) :   sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit08:06
iXuwhy is it so difficult to save a window location? or make it a default location and size08:06
FlanneliXu: See devilspie08:06
Jordan_UIs there a terminal based app for working with network-manager?08:07
m08thanks DozedOnLinux08:07
DozedOnLinuxm08:  not so hot with compiling, otherwise i would be glad to help you with it08:07
DozedOnLinuxm08:  there are many that are though, just ask around if you need assistance08:08
m08ok, thanks08:08
alraune DistroJockey: where do I find the url then ?08:08
iXuthanks Flannel08:08
m08I'm trying to figure out which of those tar files I need to d/l right now lol08:08
Terrahey guys, how do I get banshee (version 1.2) to import a CD as an MP3 file? Its not in the options?08:08
iXuim doing some screen capturing and it would be nice to have it set the windows back08:08
DistroJockeyalraune, will be in the terminal just above the prompt08:08
octaviusis there a way to change extensions of all files in a directory from the command line08:08
Dexikiixhey can anyone help me with getting TCL into the right place so i can run an eggdrop?08:09
Dexikiixim basically an utter linux newb08:09
alraunehttp://pastebin.com/f361d9a0a  ,lolololol, the secret of the turbo-mice is liftet....08:10
DistroJockeyalraune, hehe :)08:10
UplinkDistroJockey, it worked!!! ty bro! :D08:10
DistroJockeyUplink, excellent. Glad to help and you're welcome :)08:10
=== _max is now known as max`
Sunbowhi one question: haven´t all linux distro the same kernel, and goes updating with new versions of kernel that are released?08:11
iXuwhats the prefered vidoe plaer08:11
alraunek, then see pm to get erminated, tct1308:11
joejoecircusboySunbow: Most vendors modify their kernel to some extent.. .and generally they stick with a single kernel version for a given distribution version08:11
LSD|NinjaSunbow: They don't all run the same version of the kernel at the same time. Some upgrade faster than others for different reasons08:12
Jordan_UIs there a terminal based app for working with network-manager?08:12
larsemilMakefile.inc:66: *** /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/build is missing, please set KERNELPATH.  Stop.08:12
larsemilwhat to do about that?08:12
=== dahlia_ is now known as dahlia
mavsman4457What program can I use that is similar to hotspot shield to duck a web blocker?08:14
tct13alraune: i don't understand your last message08:14
tct13then see pm to get erminated, tct1308:14
mavsman4457iXu, ya like get around it08:14
alraunetct13 : i get an auto reply in dialogogue, don't wonna flood heree , PM disabeld ?08:15
iXumavm not sure08:15
alraunetct13 : please open a dialogue TAB08:16
mavsman4457or is there any public proxy server that I can use that anyone knows of to get around my webblocker?08:16
Dexikiixis the terminal command to find a file just "find x"08:16
tmapjcan anyone tell me how to start I2P on ubuntu startup?08:16
basvghi all, suppose I'd get a new Eee... how hard would it be to be install ubuntu on it? (I have quite some experience installing ubuntu on 'regular' notebooks08:16
fez_guys, how do I get wPA working with wifi-radar or even the stock network manager in Ubuntu?08:16
Dexikiixfez, what kind of card?08:17
Sunbowok thanks joejoecircusboy LSD|Ninja08:17
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:17
Dexikiixlol carlos that wont help...08:17
Dexikiixatleast, not if he has a PCI broadcom08:17
Dexikiixlike me lol08:17
iXuthats hardcore ubottu08:17
carlosDexikiix: hi :D08:17
DistroJockeyDexikiix, only if the file is in the current path.   man find   lists the how to use08:18
tmapjcan anyone tell me how to start I2P on ubuntu startup?08:18
iXuits easy08:18
carlosDexikiix: Didn't see you :), i was doing some research about wireless for an entry in my blog :)08:18
DistroJockeyDexikiix, by path I ment directory^08:18
iXutmapj, let me help you08:18
iXutmapj, oh wait sorry i have to go.08:18
flexgripCan someone help me determine why I am getting corrupt packages off of the us mirrors? Could it be my ssd drive?08:19
iXuflexgrip, definitely.08:19
carlosDexikiix: Can you pass me the link i send you yesterday? The one about wireless cards?08:19
DexikiixDistroJockey: i assumed :)08:19
JadewolfHas anyone here successfuly installed a Wifi card with debian/ubuntu? I can nto for the life of me get this wmp54gs to work correctly08:19
DexikiixJadewolf: not successfuly :(08:19
iXucompiz crashed08:19
carlosJadewolf: Mine works great, it's a broadcom08:19
fez_yeah I just got it installed08:19
alraune tmapj: P2P ?08:19
Dexikiixcarlos lies08:19
fez_it is a broadcom08:19
flexgripcarlos, I am having trouble running fsck on it. what is the best way to check it for errors?08:20
tmapjalraune, no i2p08:20
Jadewolfcarlos: mines from Linksys, Broadcom also, how did you do it?08:20
DistroJockeyDexikiix, ;) Assumptions can be bad at times :)08:20
otwrBroadcom is awful08:20
JadewolfCarlos: use ndiswrapper?08:20
tct13yes alraune08:20
DozedOnLinuxBCM43xx blacklisted08:20
alraunetct13: disabeld PM ?08:20
Dexikiixi HATE broadcom08:20
carlosJadewolf: With an ethernet connection and this command $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure b43-fwcutter08:20
=== carlos is now known as debCarlos
fez_I am using broadcom right now.08:21
Dexikiixbut apparently in intrepid, it just...works...08:21
fez_but carlos, can you get G bands ?08:21
Dexikiixwhen you do "apt-get"08:21
otwrI have a couple of atheros 11b's, will mail for free08:21
Dexikiixwhere does the file go?08:21
fez_what? sudo apt-get?08:21
tct13alraune: why would i do that?08:21
flexgripWhat is the best way to check an SSD drive for errors?08:21
Dexikiixyeah fezx08:21
X-SetiUbuntu 8.10 is out of this world :D08:22
debCarlosDexikiix: Ok, i wasn't using my nickname... can you send me the links about the wireless thing? I forgot them...08:22
Dexikiixlol i dont have them either08:22
alraunetct13: when trying to PM you, I got an : auto-reply Away08:22
fez_er... I have no idea.08:22
fez_maybe temp08:22
alraunetct13: try again..08:22
DistroJockeyDexikiix, fez_ :  /var/cache/apt/archives08:22
fez_good question though08:22
joejoecircusboyflexgrip: badblocks?08:22
debCarlosDexikiix: lol, seems like i'm destined to look for them again :D08:22
fez_anyway, to the broadcom haters... it works. Just keep trying.08:22
iXuanybody familiar with xwininfo command? know of any scripts that grab certain coordinates or dimensions of selected window08:23
flexgripjoejoe - I am getting corrupt downloads from the repos. I have an SSD drive I run ubuntu off of (eeepc). So I don't know if it is the packages or the ssd drive or what.08:23
otwron the topic of wireless, not that it matters since my laptop was stolen, but did the ralink drivers ever get fixed?08:23
omnivorDCC SEND 88888888888888888808:24
flexgripotwr - in 8.04.1 I didn't have to install any drivers and I don't think it is using ndis08:24
DexikiixDistroJockey: more specifically, i did sudo apt-get install tcl08:24
alraunetct13: still getting this ,please open a dialogue yourself, (left click on my name in list)08:24
joejoecircusboyflexgrip: I would guess it's more probable that it's your RAM08:24
Dexikiixand now i am trying to get eggdrop to find tcl when i do ./configure08:24
Beta-guyis Ubuntu 8.04 release for the PS3?08:24
debCarlosOk, got it in #debian, using the bot. It is http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b4308:24
flexgripjoejoe, what could be wrong with my ram?08:25
otwrcool, ralink almost made me switch to fedora or something08:25
bazhangBeta-guy, #ubuntu-ps308:25
DistroJockeyDexikiix, and you are looking for how to run it?08:25
DexikiixBeta-guy: if you use PS3 on HD with a HDMI cable, get the yellowdog release for PS308:25
FlannelBeta-guy: I believe the most recent is 7.1008:25
DexikiixDistroJockey: i am just trying to do ./configure but it says it cant find tcl08:25
LSD|Ninjafez_: even after you get them working, Broadcom cards still suck. And not just on Linux either08:25
tarzeaudoes someone have enblend/enfuse ubuntu packages?08:25
joejoecircusboyflexgrip: RAM can get unreliable sometimes... flips bits, causing corruption (especially if you overclock)08:25
DistroJockeyDexikiix, ahh, not to sure on that one sorry08:26
flexgripjoejoe - I just recently upgraded the ram in this laptop. Is there a way to check if it is bad?08:26
alraunetct13: still getting this ,please open a dialogue yourself, (left click on my name in list)08:26
joejoecircusboyflexgrip: luckily, there's a great memory tester that ships with Ubuntu. Just reboot, and run memtest86 from the grub menu08:26
Flannelflexgrip: (let it run once or twice through, then stop it, it will run forever if you don't stop it)08:26
flexgripjoejoe - God damn I love ubuntu. Thanks, I will let you know how it goes. Does it, or can it, do any repairs?08:27
joejoecircusboyflexgrip: memtest86 will run in an infinite loop...  most errors will be detected in the first 10 mins or so though08:27
DistroJockeyDexikiix, did you install  build-essential  also?08:27
joejoecircusboyflexgrip: pretty much a replacement type repair08:27
flexgripjoejoe - lucky for me I have a week long warranty and I got this ram two weeks ago ;-)08:28
DexikiixDistroJockey: no... not yet at least08:28
octaviusso if i have a bunch of .php files in a dir, and want to change them all to .bak08:28
joejoecircusboyflexgrip: Excellent! (If you don't find a memory error, I'll help you check the SDD)08:28
MrVirusany body know a package for meuling on ubuntu08:28
PauloRicardoPeople, what's the Compiz plugin that show the app when you hover on it's entry in taskbar? I'm very irratated and don't know how to disable this. :(08:28
octaviusis there a way via console?08:28
otwroctavius: use rename (i think it's part of mysql)08:29
vegpuffhow do i find which process is using the sound card?08:30
DistroJockey_Dexikiix, sorry bout that ADSL died (why does typing build-essential do that to me :()08:30
DexikiixDistroJockey_:  beats me, but no i dont have it08:31
DistroJockey_Dexikiix, you may need it08:31
Dexikiixsudo apt-get build-essential?08:31
joejoecircusboyvegpuff: If you know the sound device files, 'lsof' can help08:31
kaperoctavius, i think $mv *.php *.bak08:31
DistroJockey_Dexikiix, with intall after apt-get  yeah :)08:31
Dexikiixoh yeah08:32
joejoecircusboyvegpuff: (lsof = list open files)08:32
DistroJockey_Dexikiix, install  even :)08:32
Dexikiixi always forget that one08:32
MrViruslet me try that again.. does anyone know of a package for ubuntu for emuling or downloading ed2k files08:32
DistroJockey_Dexikiix, yeah, happens :)08:32
vegpuffjoejoecircusboy: thanks!08:32
joejoecircusboyvegpuff: np08:32
bazhang!p2p > MrVirus08:32
ubottuMrVirus, please see my private message08:32
m4lmsteenive done sudo apt-get install vncserver... where do i need to go to setup the configuration for the VNC ?08:32
m4lmsteen(in terminal)08:32
slim_hello all, firefox restart alot how to fix it ?08:32
otwroctavius: something like rename 's/php/bak/g' *.php08:33
Dexikiixok i got build-essential08:33
debCarlosok, going for a while\08:33
DexikiixDistroJockey_: how does apt-get work... it seems too good to be true08:33
joejoecircusboyslim_: It's probably flash... try using the 'flashbock' plugin08:33
birnxhas anyone had success with installing ati 3850 agp?08:34
slim_thanks joejoecircusboy08:34
DistroJockey_Dexikiix, gets packages with scripts to make it work08:34
joejoecircusboyslim_: Note: flashblock doesn't completely block flash, it just doesn't load them by default (it replaces them with a little play button that you have to press)08:34
DistroJockey_Dexikiix, that's the short answer and the only one I know (need to know ;)08:34
slim_yes, joejoecircusboy i think i have it installed08:35
otwrMrVirus: try "aptitude search mule" ... but last time I tried any *mule stuff, it was really unstable08:35
mavsman4457Does anyone know how to bypass a web blocker using kvpnc?08:35
coagentHello, I have been trying to get CS:Source to run under Wine but with my video card (Quadro NVS 140M) the game crashes just after the round starts. Any Ideas?08:35
Dexikiixdraconius: by the name of your host, we live in the same area08:35
Farhadixhi guys, I can turn off or on my wifi and bluetooth adapters by Fn+F2 , is there any way to turning on/off from cli?08:36
kaperMrVirus, try apt-cache search amule08:36
MrVirusotwr : i've noticed that as well. i just installed amule and tried to import my .part file(which were form windows) which was prolly my first mistake.08:36
[StingeR]Âñåì çäàðîâà08:36
[StingeR]àë¸ áëÿòü08:36
[StingeR]÷¸ íèêòî íå ñëûøèò?08:37
DexikiixDistroJockey_: does installation of flashplayer plugin require a browser restart? it didnt say so...08:37
otwrbirnx: yes, I have it running. you need to use the radeonhd driver08:37
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:37
[StingeR]1233 ÷åëà è íèêòî íå ñëûøûò ñóêà08:37
DistroJockey_Dexikiix, yep08:37
[StingeR]ý âû ÷¸ êàê ïèçäèòå08:37
bazhang!ru | [StingeR]08:37
ubottu[StingeR]: please see above08:37
alraune Dexikiix: yup08:37
birnxreally? im having the hardest time with it08:37
[StingeR].: alraune .: > :08:37
Dexikiix[StingeR]: ENGLISH08:37
bazhang[StingeR], stop08:37
birnxi have tried 8.3 to 8.708:37
Farhadix[StingeR], here is a english room08:38
[StingeR]à íå ñòîï08:38
[StingeR]Èäè íàõóé!08:38
birnxeveryone of them locks after the progross bar at startup08:38
Dexikiixhey bazhang08:38
lenniehi,all ,Today after apt upgrade intrepid, some keyboard key failed, such as arrow key、pageup pagedown key08:38
bazhanghi Dexikiix08:38
Dexikiixguess what im on!08:38
Flannellennie: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid support, thanks08:38
bazhanglennie, #ubuntu+1 for that08:38
bazhangDexikiix, ubuntu?08:38
Dexikiixbazhang: yep! :)08:39
alraune [StingeR]: yup ?08:39
coagentHello, I have been trying to get CS:Source to run under Wine but with my video card (Quadro NVS 140M) the game crashes just after the round starts. Any Ideas?08:39
bazhang!yay | Dexikiix08:39
ubottuDexikiix: Glad you made it! :-)08:39
[z]ne1anyone know here about samba?08:39
bazhangcoagent, have you asked in #winehq and checked the appdb?08:39
Flannelcoagent: Try #winehq, they might be more help08:39
joejoecircusboy[z]ne1: what's the problem?08:39
[z]ne1because i setup samba for linux - win sharing08:39
bazhang!appdb | coagent08:39
ubottucoagent: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org08:39
[z]ne1but if i access the folder in win permission denied08:40
joejoecircusboy[z]ne1: what version of Windows?08:40
Dexikiix!yay | me08:40
ubottume: Glad you made it! :-)08:40
Dexikiixlol whats a good media player... i am growing to dislike rhythmbox08:40
paolaposso una domanda?08:41
kaperDexikiix, i like vlc08:41
Dexikiixpaulo english08:41
DistroJockey_!it | paola08:41
ubottupaola: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:41
joejoecircusboy[z]ne1: man, a million things could be wrong :) (stupid samba :P)08:41
paolaok, grazie08:41
yesitisjustmeif my laptop doesn't have a cdrom can i connect the laptop harddrive to desktop computer install from there and then connect laptop harddrive back to laptop or will it detect wrong hardware?08:41
JadewolfCarlos leave?08:41
Dexikiixkaper:  lots of customization? playlists, hotkeys, things like that?08:41
joejoecircusboy[z]ne1: Can you see the samba computer from XP (when you browse the network) ?08:42
otwrbirnx: here's my xorg.conf: http://hosted.xamai.ca/ati/xorg.conf08:42
alraune yesitisjustme:could use a usb stick (pendrivelinux)08:42
Dexikiixyesitisjustme: what laptop doesnt have a CD drive? besides macbook air or w/e that thing is messed up08:42
alraune!usb> yesitisjustme:08:42
Dexikiixnice typo :p08:43
kaperi don't know, just easy to use. can play  a lot of video types08:43
birnxotwr: what driver version do you use?08:43
Dexikiixi guess i'll just do my own research :p08:43
otwrbirnx: just what's in the repos, I used to compile it from the dev's git repo08:43
[z]ne1joejoecircusboy:  i can see the folder and when i enter my credential for security it says not accessible. you might not have permission to use blah blah blah....08:43
alraune yesitisjustme: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick08:43
joejoecircusboy[z]ne1: Can I see your smb.conf?08:44
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birnxotwr: ahhh, alright thanks much08:44
flexgripjoejoe - no errors after 15 minutes of memtest08:44
[z]ne1il open it again08:44
yesitisjustmeya it just has 1 usb connector08:44
joejoecircusboyflexgrip: well, that's good (and bad) :)08:44
=== DistroJockey_ is now known as DistroJockey
alraune yesitisjustme: see bios, if booting from usb is possible before..08:45
flexgripjoejoe - I use an SSD in this thing. Is there a way to check it for errors? I tried booting hardy live off usb and running fsck but it doesn't really run.08:45
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!08:46
yesitisjustmeis a dell latitude L40008:46
PauloRicardoPeople, what's the Compiz plugin that show the app when you hover on it's entry in taskbar? I'm very irritated and don't know how to disable this. :(08:46
flexgripwindow preview08:46
joejoecircusboyflexgrip: try the 'badblocks' command08:47
flexgripor something preview08:47
[z]ne1oejoecircusboy: [z]ne1: Can I see your smb.conf?08:47
[z]ne1what will i do now to smb.conf i already open it08:47
MrViruswould mldonkey-server be what i'm lookin for08:47
=== Don is now known as Guest2373
joejoecircusboyflexgrip: just *don't* use the -w flag, it will erase the drive08:47
Dexikiixis amarok only kde?08:48
joejoecircusboy[z]ne1: Sorry buddy, I'm going to pass on this one. Maybe someone else can help you.08:48
alraune Dexikiix: nope08:48
=== MikeSeth_ is now known as MikeSeth
Dexikiixthanks alraune08:49
otwrDexikiix: it's a KDE app, but you can install it in whatever... lots od dependencies though. I run it under Xubuntu08:49
Dexikiixlol i am starting to think i shoulda gotten kde over gnome08:49
flexgripjoejoe - can I do this now or should I be at a root shell or running off the live usb drive. (I thought it had to be unmounted and didn't think I could unmount / while I was running ubuntu off of it)08:49
Dexikiixotwr: so its hard to install? (im a linux neewwwbbb)08:49
alraune Dexikiix: gnome,xfce,kde... >Amarok08:49
[z]ne1anyone around who can help or explain why i cant open the shared folder from linux - win using samba? it says i "You might not have permission to use etc etc....."08:50
otwrDexikix: nope, pretty much "sudo apt-get install amarok" will do it08:50
luz3rThere is a program that can do alot of the processes need to place ubuntu on a usb drive but I can't remember the name but google will provide help with this.08:50
flexgripzne1 - did you allow guest access?08:50
joejoecircusboyflexgrip: ya, you should do it from another instance (with the drive unmounted)08:50
fez_hellow again guys08:51
PauloRicardoflexgrip: oops, isn't Windows Previews, sorry for the poorly explanation. When I hover on a app entry in the taskbar the app give's focus, is not related to the thumbnail preview, a thing that I like08:51
[z]ne1im using my credential as admin08:51
fez_I have a problem with he wifi radar and the WPA driver08:51
fez_i am tryng to use the supplicant but it doesn't work08:51
fez_for any drivers08:51
fez_oh and its a broadcom08:51
[z]ne1flexgrip: im using my credential as admin08:51
ubottufez_, please see my private message08:52
flexgripPaulo - on the compiz fusion site they have a description of the plugins from plugins-main plugins-extra etc. I think that has something to do with the expo plugin or something. I forgot.08:52
DozedOnLinuxwpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf08:52
AtaxHi all, is there something like the windows device-manager under ubuntu? ... I m trying to figure out if the correct drivers for my nforce570sli -chipset are installed!08:53
flexgripzne1 - You are wanting to view a samba share you made in ubuntu on a windows machine right?08:53
[z]ne1flexgrip: yupz thats right08:53
joejoecircusboyAtax: (un)surprisingly, no :)08:53
joejoecircusboyAtax: But, nvidia-settings should give you the info you need08:54
=== RandomCake__ is now known as RandomCake
legend2440Atax: gnome-device-manager08:54
otwrlshw, lsusb, lsmod08:54
joejoecircusboylegend2440: It won't help you with drivers though08:54
=== Antaga is now known as AntagaBoulet
[z]ne1flexgrip: i can acctually see the linux machine and the shared folder, but if i open the folder and enter my security credentials after that, it says i dont have a permission etc etc...08:54
Ataxjoejoecircusboy: where do I view nvidia-settings?08:54
PauloRicardoflexgrip: hmm, I'will look that, thanks! :) It's not always... depends on mouse movement... very very strange08:55
flexgripzne1 - Try sharing it as root to see if you can get it working. do 'sudo nautilus' in the terminal, right click and share the folder, then try it again from the windows machine.08:55
Ataxlegend2440: Is there such a thing? A gnome-device-manager, ... where?08:55
joejoecircusboyAtax: it's a package you install, then run from the command line (both the package and the command line tool are called 'nvidia-settings'08:55
Ataxjoejoecircusboy: I see, thanks!08:55
joejoecircusboyAtax: don't bother with gnome-device-manager... it just lists hardware detected (not actually configured)08:56
Dexikiixim out guys... gonna browse web and then go to bed08:56
alraune Dexikiix: n8...08:56
otwrAtax, joejoecircusboy: so try lsmod first\08:56
flexgripzne1 - I always allow guest read and write to the samba shares and when it asks for credentials I just use guest and leave the password blank. but when I kicked windows I use nfs on all my shares. A LOT better transfers and a lot easier.08:57
anthropoidsterHey All. In the 'Places' dropdown menu I get a bunch of places that I want to remove. I go to Nautilus Bookmarks and remove them - no problem. But when I restart or log out and in, the same places keep coming back - problem. How do I permanently remove them.08:57
legend2440Atax: sudo apt-get install gnome-device-manager08:57
AtaxThanks otwr!08:57
Ataxlegend2440: I already install it to have a look at it, ... thanks!08:58
flexgripanthropoidster - are all of the entries in your fstab?08:58
Ataxlegend2440:  I meant, I installed it after you recommended it!08:58
baboi've put a call home script wget -O /dev/null http://mysite.com/phone_home.html in /etc/rc.local but it doesn't call home on system boot. anyone any idea why ?08:58
anthropoidster@flexgrip - no these are folders in my home directory08:58
legend2440Atax: if you select    view>device properties it will give driver information08:59
otwrbabo: you's have to put that in the root user's crontab08:59
=== sparcmoz is now known as jimoo
babootwr, but then the user would have to be logged in. i want it to call home on system boot. it's no good to me in root cron ...09:00
alraunebabo:page not found...09:00
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:00
baboalraune: that's the point. it's to keep track of my laptop. the page will show up in my logs ...09:00
baboalraune, anti-theft device if you will ...09:00
flexgripanthro - so you made bookmarks and now when you remove them they aren't getting removed? or are you talking about pictures videos documents etc?09:01
otwrbabo, nope... i set up a phone home-type thing myself. just "sudo crontab -e" and put in that line and it should run before anyone logs in09:01
alraunebabo: ?? the link you set doesn't lead to a script...09:01
joejoecircusboy(03:59:13 AM) legend2440: Atax: if you select    view>device properties it will give driver information  << never noticed that before, my bad09:01
baboalraune, that doesn't matter09:01
m4lmsteenFatal server error:09:02
m4lmsteencould not open default font 'fixed'09:02
baboit's wget. wget is a script09:02
m4lmsteenwhen i try to start my VNCserver09:02
m4lmsteenanyone ?09:02
m4lmsteeni reinstalled fonts... to no avail09:02
alraunebabo: paste the script !09:02
[z]ne1flexgrip: i can open now, i create a test folder to check and i get it, but i set the permission to allow create folder then in win os i try to create a new folder inside the shared folder and right now mouse status is still busy....09:02
Ataxlegend2440: joejoecircusboy: Thanks you 2! .... Any idea where I tell s me if the correct drivers for my nforce570 chipset has been properly installed?09:02
anthropoidsterflexgrip: actually I never made these bookmarks - they just appeared one day and now they keep coming back on every start. They point to a few different directories within directories within /home.09:03
acrouseyi'm having problems with the update manager. I can get into it and see that I can download updates, but when I click "Install updates" the manager freezes. I can still download through the terminal, however I would like to get the update manager going again.09:03
alraunebabo: think got your idea09:03
legend2440joejoecircusboy: yes but command line is still more efficient in my opinion09:03
alraunebabo: paste the script !09:03
joejoecircusboyAtax: for the GPU portion?09:03
babootwr, yeah but it'll phone home every second then ... i don't want it creating a socket 80,000 times a day09:03
baboalraune, i already did post the script. the script is wget ...09:03
flexgripanthro - I am assuming whatever app added them is adding them whenever they come back. What folders are they? Do they relate to a certain application?09:03
=== Surb is now known as Surb_
Ataxjoejoecircusboy: Mpeg4 Videos i playback are sluggish, games seem to be fine, ... this is an indicator to me that the chipsetdriver has not been properly installed, ... I dont think it has anything to do with the GPU of my graphikcard!09:04
legend2440Atax: sorry i have ati. not familiar with nvidia or whatever you have09:04
=== Surb_ is now known as Surb
Ataxlegend2440: oh ok! :)09:05
flexgripanthro - run sudo nautilus and then go to the bookmarks and see if there are any in there09:05
alraunebabo: see, well if you manually try this in cli, does that work ?09:05
joejoecircusboyAtax: Hmm... well the only thing that really wouldn't be installed correctly is the GPU (graphics) driver.. The best way to check that is to use the nvidia-settings tool09:05
Ataxerrrr, help! I just zoomed in by pressing WIN + E , .... how do I unzoom again? :) lol!09:05
anthropoidsterflexgrip: Yes, that's an interesting thought - a video dir, a picture dir, a audio dir and the main dir.  Indicating  a media program of some sorts perhaps.09:05
bazhangflexgrip, gksudo, and that particular command you need to be very careful with be sure anthropoidster knows it09:06
anthropoidsterflexgrip: yea, already tried root user and no bookmarks in nautilus there.09:06
otwrbabo: try something like "1 * * * *" or something before that command (see eg. http://webfuse.cqu.edu.au/Courses/aut2001/85321/Resources/Lectures/14/2/09:06
flexgripohh yeah, I forgot to mention you can screw and delete stuff that you don't need to when you run nautilus as root. sorry09:07
erlendhi, after messing around with my settings yesterday I turned on my computer today, and it's stuck at 640 x 480, in the roll down window of screen res and screens and graphics I can only choose 640x480, not my other options. Anyone have any tips?09:07
joejoecircusboyAtax: I'm making an assumption that you're using the onboard graphics... if you have an add-on graphics card, there's nothing really to check with the remaining nForce functionality... it should just all work (they're all fully supported by the stock kernel)09:07
babootwr, it'll still run every second ...09:07
Ataxjoejoecircusboy: Yeah, ... seems to be the best answer, ... i ll install that tool, thanks!09:07
flexgripanthro - videos pictures music etc come like that out of the box. those are the folders you are talking about?09:07
imaginativeonewould someone help me to install some software?09:07
otwrbabo: except, of course, if you only want it to run once on boot....09:07
babootwr: i'm not sure crontab is the answer to this particular issue ...09:07
alrauneerelend : sudo apt-get install gksudo displayconfig-gtk09:08
otwrbabo: yeah, i just overcame my brain problem09:08
alrauneerelend : sudo apt-get install  displayconfig-gtk09:08
anthropoidsterflexgrip: yes understand power of root. No, these are dirs that I created and exist in my /home09:08
DozedOnLinuxerlend: in terminal > gksu displayconfig-gtk09:08
babootwr, well that's the thing about computers - they're going to do what you tell them to do. not what you want them to do.09:08
utnubudnaihey all,my system has lost it's sound,now it doesn't make any sound at all,any body know why?09:08
DozedOnLinuxgksu displayconfig-gtk   if you have nvidia in terminal > nvidia-settings09:09
flexgripCan someone tell me why I don't have permissions to .sabnzbd and .xbmc and /dev/nvidia0 and /dev/nvidiactl after a reboot? the two hidden folders are in my home dir and permissions get reset after every reboot.09:09
babootwr: that'll run once per hour09:09
alrauneerelend : cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf  /etc/X11/xorg.backupp09:09
utnubudnaiI have not do nothing to my system,God,why it should be like this?09:09
alrauneerelend : sudo   displayconfig-gtk09:09
erlendalraune: E: Command line option 'g' [from -gtk] is not known.09:09
flexgripanthro - do you have anything running at startup that you didn't add yourself?09:09
baboif the user isn't capable of resetting your linux password and logging into the system. then it's unlikely that he/she will have the system open when the crontab hits09:09
alrauneerelend : sudo apt-get install  displayconfig-gtk09:10
Beta-guywhen should 8.10 be released?09:10
joejoecircusboyutnubudnai: Did you check all the volume controls, make sure one isn't turned all the way down (this got me a few times when I first switched to Ubuntu)09:10
alrauneerelend : right ?09:10
vespadjciao, sono nuovo e sto cercando un canale dove di parla di programmazione in generale09:10
babootwr, more than likely they'd boot it up once. look at your login screen. then shut it down and wipe it ...09:10
bazhangvespadj, what language09:10
ubottuvespadj:: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:10
DistroJockey!it | vespadj09:10
ubottuvespadj: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:10
otwrbabo: yes, i misunderstood you... just thinking about it. I know I've done this before at some point09:11
alrauneerelend : right ?09:11
bazhangvespadj, python, or other09:11
babootwr: that's assuming that they don't read 'linux-kernel' off grub and just go ahead and wipe it anyway ...09:11
Jadewolfdo you guy sknow what the commandline is for getting to log into a system with gui interface, all I have is SSH right now09:11
flexgripI got kicked off the sudoers list. When I added myself back everything is ok except after every reboot I don't have permissions to use /dev/nvidia0 or /dev/nvidiactl. Any ideas?09:12
otwrJadewolf: try startx09:12
joejoecircusboyJadewolf: You're ssh'd into a machine, and you want to start a GUI on the remove machine?09:12
Jadewolfotwr: That wont work with ssh, I need to have something like remote desktop09:12
joejoecircusboy*remote machine09:12
erlendthat worked...tnx all =)09:12
acrouseyHi. I'm having problems with the update manager. I can get into it and see that I can download updates, but when I click "Install updates" the manager freezes. I can still download through the terminal, however I would like to get the update manager going again. Could someone help me?09:12
alraunebabo: see, well if you manually try this in cli, does that work ?09:13
Jadewolfjoejoecircusboy: I'd rather connect with rdp09:13
utnubudnaijoejoecircusboy, unfortunately,eyething seems ok?but ...09:13
anthropoidsterflexgrip: nothing special added outside of regular startup stuff. I think I need to restart and investigate it further looking for a related program as you suggested.09:13
mgolischJadewolf: maybe there you can use nomachine.com`s nx09:13
mgolischit works quite good for me09:13
mgolischits fast even over the internet09:13
flexgripanthro - Yeah, it would seem they are getting added on login. Which makes me think it is being added every time.09:13
joejoecircusboyJadewolf: Ya, no RDP outside of Windows......  YOu can configure Ubuntu with VNC though. Did you look into that/09:14
SmegzorI'm having trouble setting up a remote friends computer to allow me to get a remote desktop.  I prefer XDMCP over vnc.  I can SSH in and I have got the friend to enable remote logins via the administration menu and I have rebooted his pc.  Could someone talk me through setting up XDMCP?  I have pinholed a port for SSH and thats all.09:14
alraune acrousey: did you do an upgrade or a clean hardy install?09:14
Jadewolfits a  local server I just built and didn't setup RDP in X so I wanted to set it up via ssh09:14
acrouseyalraune: clean install09:14
mgolischJadewolf: there is no rdp09:14
ikoniaSmegzor: xdmcp over the intenet is not a good idea09:14
anthropoidsterflexgrip: thanks for the lead - I'll see if it gets somewhere.09:14
otwrJadewolf: sorry, didn't read the ssh part. Have you tried ssh -X?09:14
Smegzorikonia.  What do you recommend?09:14
flexgriplet me know how it turns out09:14
baboalraune: mannally try wget ? yes09:14
ikoniasmegzor you should be able to setup most of his box through ssh09:14
acrouseyalraune: it has worked in the past, but has recently begun to freeze on my09:14
anthropoidsterflexgrip: yea - later...09:15
alraune acrousey: tried to reinstall the update-notifier ?09:15
ikoniaSmegzor: anything else either launch an individual app over x11/ssh or talk him through09:15
Smegzoryes except I want to install XP as a guest OS on virtualbox.  I need a desktop for that.09:15
acrouseyalraune: how do i do that?09:15
alraunebabo: from terminal, it produces the log you want, right ?09:15
ikoniaSmegzor: talk him through, that sort of thing is not recommended over the internet09:15
joejoecircusboyutnubudnai: you can pick a couple different devices to changes volumes on, and for each device there are a few different channels you can adjust (some are hidden by default)... just mess around in there for a bit...09:15
flexgripsmegzor why not use ssh -x ?09:15
alraune acrousey: open a terminal...09:16
flexgripsmegzor I mean ssh -X whatever@ipaddress09:16
Smegzor.. or you could help me with the real problem.  The msn clients for linux do not support Hebrew.  I have been unable to add that.09:16
alraunebabo : ??09:16
joejoecircusboySmegzor: Can you run MSN Messenger in Wine?09:16
ikoniaSmegzor: the real problem ??? what are you talking about, if this is not the real problem why are you asking about it ?09:17
baboalraune, yes09:17
acrouseyalraune: I meant, what code... I'm newish to linux and ubuntu09:17
flexgripYeah I don't get it either09:17
flexgripNot willing to use vnc09:17
baborc.local is called from every runlevel right ?09:17
SmegzorI am asking about remote desktops so I can install XP as an alternative to a working MSN client running natively on ubuntu09:17
flexgripusing the -X option in ssh will allow you to install virtualbox and set it up with a gui09:17
Smegzorbut if I can get MSN in Hebrew I don't need XP09:18
alraunebabo: from terminal, it produces the log you want, right ?09:18
flexgripso you are trying to install virtualbox and run windows inside of linux just to use msn?09:18
ikoniaSmegzor: well, a.) I'd look at wine rather than a full VM for messanger b.) which msn client are you using pidgin ?09:18
baboalraune, right.09:18
kaperSmegzor, you can use pidgin09:18
flexgripSmegzor - does meebo have the language options you want?09:19
SmegzorI'll try that.  I'm unfamiliar with running apps over X that way.  I could use and example for running an app over SSH using X.09:19
alraune acrousey: open a terminal..., type: sudo apt-get remove --purge update-notifier  update-notifier-common09:19
alraunebabo: then maybe the network isn't up yet, try a delay ...09:19
SmegzorI haven't tried meebo.  Pidgin doesn't appear to support different languages from whatever the user is using.  They want the rest of the login in English09:20
ikoniaSmegzor: wine is a more effeciant way or doing this09:20
jjbinhi all are there some other irc-tools for the Ubuntu except the xchat-gnome09:20
ikoniaSmegzor: running a whole VM for the sake of msn is backwards09:20
flexgripway more efficient09:20
SmegzorI like wine a lot ^^09:20
cumulus007jjbin, Pidgin09:20
joejoecircusboySmegzor: I just did a quick google - It seems like Pidgin has supported Hebrew for awhile now?09:20
CorpseFeederI drink it often too09:20
SmegzorI'm in NZ (very backwards)09:20
kaperjjbin, xchat09:20
baboalraune, right. maybe network doesn't come up untill you're logged in though ...09:20
alraunebabo: changed any permissions ? irewall ? user privs for outdial ?09:20
ikoniaSmegzor: I strongly suggest you look at wine09:20
otwrjjbin: the ubuntu-hardcores are always nattering about irssi09:20
flexgripSmegzor - msn web client?09:20
alraune acrousey: got it ?09:21
flexgripits on their website09:21
acrouseyjust a sec09:21
flexgripyou can set your language settings in the preferences09:21
Smegzorthanks for all the suggestions.  I'm getting swamped :)  I'll see what I can figure out.09:21
SmegzorI use irssi at work (not allowed high bandwidth apps)09:21
ubottuלשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:09:21
ubottu/join #ubuntu-il09:21
CorpseFeederHow do I make Google Earth work? i.e. - how do I fix it so that I can actually see the fonts ? (this is what I see: http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y265/BlackDalek/Screenshot-GoogleEarth.png )09:22
Smegzorhaha  I'm english only :P09:22
knexxcan somebody help me?09:22
ikoniaknexx: what's up09:22
knexxin one of my harddrives where i had windows installed09:22
knexxi deleted every file inside09:22
tct13i have two plugins for flash installed for my firefox3.01: Shockwave flash r100 and r12409:22
knexxbut it seems that i have 12gb used09:22
DozedOnLinuxSmegzor:  "Smegzor: .. or you could help me with the real problem.  The msn clients for linux do not support Hebrew."09:22
joejoecircusboyoh damn09:22
tct13how do i uninstall r100?09:22
ikoniaknexx: are you using windows ?09:22
sauvinLooks like the CIA, NSA and a few other Alpha Bits Agencies have been playing with GoogleEarth :D09:22
dexiim back09:22
dexiflash = no sound?09:23
jjbin<otwr> jjbin: the ubuntu-hardcores are always nattering about irssi   what did u mean?otwr09:23
SmegzorDozedOnLinux: yes but I'm only the techie.  The friend is Jewish.09:23
ikoniaknexx: hidden files, swap file etc09:23
knexxhow do i see those09:23
jjbinare there some like the mirc just in the windows09:23
bazhangsauvin, offtopic09:23
otwrjjbin: apparently, irssi is the IRC client all the cool kids use. I'm still on xchat though09:23
ikoniaknexx: what is your end goal, you want a blank disk ?09:23
ikoniaknexx: ok, then I suggest you "format" your disk with the file system you want, that way you know it's %100 blank09:24
alraune acrousey: open a terminal..., type: sudo apt-get remove --purge update-notifier  update-notifier-common ,  got it ?09:24
sauvinbazhang, I was confirming that CorpseFeeder has a fonts problem.09:24
dexiim sure this isnt a new thing... anyone got a quick fix for flash not having sound?09:24
joejoecircusboyknexx: Do you know what disk it is (as in the linux device file)09:24
knexxso, chg it from ntfs to something like ext3 or something?09:24
ikoniaknexx: yes, that seems the best way to make sure it's clean09:24
alraune acrousey: open a terminal...,  type: sudo apt-get install  update-notifier  update-notifier-common09:24
knexxlemme try it09:25
knexxjoejoecircusboy, wut09:25
sauvinFlash often doesn't have sound for me if /dev/dsp is busy with something else.09:25
CorpseFeederHow do I fix google earth fonts?09:25
alraune acrousey: using kde or gnome ?09:25
joejoecircusboyknexx: Do you know the linux device file for your disk (e.g. /dev/sda)09:25
acrouseygnome, i think09:25
dexisauvin: thats messed up, it should always have sound :p09:25
pvh_sa|wrkheya, i'd like to migrate the f-spot data i've build up on one pc to another pc - does anyone know what i need to copy across?09:25
acrouseywhat  does the first part of each thing mean?09:25
coldpizzahey, how do i enter 'recovery' mode from a ubuntu cd? I want to reinstall some broken packages (e.g. nautilus) without reinstalling the entire system; is that possible?09:26
otwroh hey, i have an actual question: is anyone else having Flash non-working issues in Firefox? It works for a while after starting, but then it stops. Konqueror is apparently unaffected.09:26
acrouseythe ¿09:26
knexxlemme check09:26
alraune acrousey: k, then one manual : sudo apt-get update &&  apt-get upgrade09:26
joejoecircusboyotwr: Ya, I thought it was a 64 bit thing09:26
dexiotwr, i just have non-working sound in flash09:26
otwrok, just wondering. I'm sure it'll get fixed, someday09:26
pvh_sa|wrki see there is a .gnome2/f-spot - i wonder if i can just tar that up (along with Photos) and move it across - anyone tried that?09:26
joejoecircusboyotwr: Ya, right after Sun releases a 64-bit java plugin :P09:27
dexiotwr, do you know how to fix the sound issue?09:27
CorpseFeederWhat's up with this - http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y265/BlackDalek/Screenshot-GoogleEarth.png anyone????09:27
alraune acrousey: could you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list ?09:27
knexxgparted is taking a long time to load09:27
knexxjoejoecircusboy: /dev/sda109:27
otwrdexi: no, sorry, I don't have that problem. For me, it's all or nothing09:27
joejoecircusboyknexx: Is that the only disk in the computer?09:27
utnubudnaijoejoecircusboy,yeah,you are right!and I 've fixed it ,thank you a lot.09:27
joejoecircusboyutnubudnai: no problem :)09:28
knexxsda6 is linux swap09:28
tromowhile knexx is formatting...if i wanna drive on ubuntu server that will mainly be accessed by windows machines does it matter whether it is formatted ntfs of ext3? is one preferred?09:28
acrouseyalraune: I am on a separate computer09:28
joejoecircusboyknexx: Do you want to erase all disks in your computer?09:28
acrouseyworking with 209:28
knexxeh, windows can't see ext3 without a certain program09:28
knexxjoejoecircusboy: no09:29
tromoright, and i have that on the windows machines09:29
knexxwell the linux swap is like 570 mb09:29
otwrtromo: nope, doesn't matter09:29
knexxi don't really care about that09:29
joejoecircusboyknexx: Then go with the other method (my way is alot faster, but if you don't know what you're doing it can go bad)09:29
tromoi would prefer to use ntfs for the shares on the ubuntu machine09:29
knexxwhat other method09:29
alrauneCorpseFeeder:don't have that issuse, but googleearth takes lot of pc-power, propietary driver well installed ? (Graphics?)  Ram ?09:29
joejoecircusboyknexx: So you want to erase all data on the computer and start fresh?09:29
tromoi just wondered if one was preferred over the other09:30
joejoecircusboyknexx: Go with the other method09:30
otwrtromo: though I'd be leery of using ntfs on a ubuntu server09:30
knexxi want to get my missing 12gb from this partition09:30
knexxi'm like an angry customer who wants the whole lobster09:30
joejoecircusboyhehe :)09:30
alraune acrousey: see, anyway, did that on the other ?09:30
knexxdev/sda5 is 26.9 gb09:31
knexxits the one i was looking for09:31
knexxmaybe i should chg it to ps309:31
knexxor fat3209:31
CorpseFeederalraune, there is no proprietary driver for linux for my graphics card. A previous version of google earth (4.2.something) worked then I started getting the funky fonts effect after version 4.3.something...09:31
knexxwhich is faster?09:31
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:32
DozedOnLinuxjoejoecircusboy:  dont be tempted to post that command (i think you know what i mean) normal methods of erasing and reformatting are sufficient09:32
alraune acrousey: maybe that fixed the prob, otherwise have a look to your /etc/apt/sources.list file, if something is wrong with that.....09:32
joejoecircusboyDozedOnLinux: Yep, already made that decision (see above) :)09:32
DozedOnLinuxjoejoecircusboy: ok09:32
jjbinand I am sorry is there own some rooms for kids to the ubuntu and tell me what kinds of shell used in unbuntu although I haven't really know what the shell !!09:33
alraune acrousey: anywa, next time say it before when not sitting on it, as commands can be very long... lol09:33
spinull1i need to know how to get my nm-applet back on the gnome panel09:34
otwrjjbin: technically it's dash, but everybidy calls it bash09:34
spinull1someone help plz09:35
alraune acrousey: sorry you, mine is fine 8-)09:35
otwrspinull1: yeah, i had that problem, drove me nuts. I just killed and restarted the thing and sometimes it showed...09:36
CorpseFeederso this http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y265/BlackDalek/Screenshot-GoogleEarth.png is definitely a video driver issue and not a googleearth configuration or font issue?09:36
DistroJockeyspinull1, Right-click a panel, choose  Add to panel...  then select  Network Monitor  and click Add09:36
spinull1thats different09:36
spinull1i have that now09:36
DistroJockeyspinull1, yep, sorru09:36
spinull1that doesn't answer my question09:37
trupheenixhi i want to know how i can replicate the packages installed on my old machine to a new machine?09:37
jjbinvery thx otwr,that is the user of unbunto can  use the dash only,right?09:37
chuckles_theSHEDHello, perhaps someone could assist me with detecting my iPod.  I have tried several applications, checked forums - dmesg returns a series of failures and "not ready msgs"09:37
otwrspinull1: I actually made a script, lemme look for it...09:37
crdlbjjbin: the default interactive shell is bash09:37
crdlbjjbin: but when making shell scripts, /bin/sh points to dash, which is a much lighter shell which doesn't support all of bash's scripting features09:38
otwrjjbin: not really, you can use any shell you like but dash is the default. depanding on what you have installed, you can type "bash" or "zsh" or "tcsh" or "fish" and try different shells09:38
DistroJockeyspinull1, in my Sessions - Startup Programs I have   nm-applet --sm-disable   as the default Network Manager applet09:40
spinull1i will try that09:40
trupheenixhi i want to know how i can replicate the Ubuntu packages installed on my old machine to a new machine?09:41
otwrjjbin: the dirty secret of Ubuntu is that bash is symlinked to dash09:41
DistroJockeyspinull1, you're welcome09:41
trupheenixikonia: hi i want to know how i can replicate the packages installed on my old machine to a new machine?09:41
crdlb!clone | trupheenix09:41
ubottutrupheenix: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate09:41
ikoniatrupheenix: pardon ?09:41
crdlbotwr: that's not true09:41
trupheenixikonia: i got my answer :) thx09:42
jjbinoh thx all I take a lesson and  the "apt-get"  ,which used for download and intall the aviable softs, is the one common of bash??09:42
otwrno? I totally had to hack the googleearth installer once because of bashisms09:42
ikoniatrupheenix: I didn't even see your question, just a highlight on me09:42
crdlbotwr: /bin/sh is dash09:42
knexxcan i ask something09:42
crdlbotwr: when you open a terminal, that terminal is running /bin/bash09:42
otwrcrldb: ah, sorry09:42
knexxcan a HP three-in-one scanner/printer/photostatter connect to ubuntu09:43
alraune knexx:google ubuntu hardware list...09:44
otwrknexx: probably, but you're better off checking the HCL (hardware compatibility list) for your model. I suspect not all of the functions are supported, but you may be lucky09:44
g0rAngAmy wireless card has stopped connecting with one particular network.  The card connects fine to any other network, and other computers can connect fine to this network, and i've made no configuration changes, and no software changes.  i'm kinda stuck.  can anyone help me out?09:45
jjbinwhy I couldn't use the "apt-get" to download iriss mentioned before but the "apt-get" is fine yesterday when I install others like Java09:45
sdfdfhello can someone please help me.... i installed k9copy and for some reason it won't rip as an iso file... it just rips it as a folder even if i indicate output as iso /?????09:45
MikeSethg0rAngA: maybe its a problem with the network?09:45
chuckles_theSHEDCan anyone help detect iPod on Hardy?09:45
otwrjjbin: "irssi"09:45
g0rAngAMikeSeth: no, it seems to work fine with any other computer09:46
MikeSethg0rAngA: so what happens when you try to connect?09:46
jjbinI was sorry I type wrong09:46
alraune jjbin: sudo apt-get install irssi09:46
alraune jjbin: for the odd messenger..09:47
knexxok so i reformatted to ext309:47
knexxbut now i can't use it09:47
joejoecircusboychuckles_theSHED: I think you want 'gpod'09:48
g0rAngAMikeSeth: it seems to throw away the encryption key its using just before it authenticates.  this causes it to hang for the next few minutes, at which point it'll try again09:48
knexxjoejoecircusboy ?09:48
otwrjjbin: though irssi is a command-line IRC client... is there something you're looking for that xchat doesn't do?09:48
joejoecircusboyknexx: eh?09:48
MikeSethg0rAngA: using wpa_supplicant?09:48
knexxi reformatted the disk to ext, but now i can't put files in it09:48
knexxall i saw is this lost+found folder which i can't delete09:48
ikoniaknexx: check the permissions09:49
g0rAngAMikeSeth: in a manner of speaking.  NetworkManager invokes it09:49
ikoniaknexx: who owns it, who has write permissions ?09:49
joejoecircusboyknexx: Not really sure what you're doing (I think someone else told you to reformat)09:49
knexxcould not be determined09:49
MikeSethg0rAngA: anything in dmesg? modules not loading/missing?09:49
ikoniajoejoecircusboy: I suggested he format it09:49
ikoniaknexx: have you got the disk mounted ?09:50
chuckles_theSHEDjoejoecircusboy:  i shall try that, will update...09:50
ra21vii cannot type from numerics pad in my keyboard.. Numlock is on and i tested everything... still no clue why this is happening09:50
knexxhow do i mounted disk?09:50
SaeidZebardastI need a program for mouse clicks  counter. any one?09:50
ra21viknexx: man mount , and check there.. be litttle more specific09:50
knexxsorry, been thinking ''how do i shot web'' the whole day09:50
knexxman mount?09:50
ikoniaknexx: go into "places -> computer" can you see the disk in there ?09:50
ra21viknexx: you can use /etc/fstab for it.09:50
chazcoHi... how can I start Ubuntu normally but without the splash screen? Want to see what is slowing the startup down compared to Windows09:51
OfflineHello guys. How can I download wine program for ubuntu gutsy??09:51
knexxhow can i use fstab09:51
SaeidZebardastI need a program for mouse clicks  counter. any one?09:51
xnvOffline: Synaptic09:51
ikoniaknexx: ok - so if right click it is there an option that says "mount volume"09:51
jjbinthx Alraune but it doesn't work just like what I did before,else when I type the "apt-get update"it is ok09:51
ra21vichazco: dont compare to windows..09:51
otwrknexx: damn, that's exactly what I was thinking, so I didn't want to say anything09:51
chazcora21vi - Compared to other linuxes then, it really does take ages to boot09:51
knexxcan't see it09:52
ikoniachazco: most common cause of a slow boot is dhcp addresses09:52
jjbinit show the updates from the web09:52
otwrchazco: sometimes you luck out and it does an invisible fsck which takes forever09:52
ikoniaknexx: you've gone into "places -> computer" and you can see the volume, yes/no?09:52
chazcoikonia - Even when using network manager with wifi (custom modules)09:52
ikoniaotwr: no it doesnt09:52
ikoniaotwr: it tells you when fsck is being run09:52
sdfdfhello what do you guys use to rip dvds to iso files?09:52
DistroJockeychazco, remove  quiet splash   from your kernel boot line to see what's going on09:52
ikoniachazco: yup09:52
chazcootwr - Every single time is about the same... doubt its that, although the has a knack for doing it when i dont want09:52
knexxtheres a big ! in a triangle beside my hd09:53
otwrbah, onmine it does09:53
ikoniaDistroJockey: it shows it on screen anyway09:53
joejoecircusboysdfdf: data or video?09:53
knexxat gparted09:53
ikoniaknexx: no09:53
g0rAngAMikeSeth: I've been staring at dmesg and syslog for the past hour.  there doesn't seem to be anything suss, except possibly "wmaster0: dropped FromDS&ToDS frame ... " appearing in dmesg from time to time09:53
ikoniaknexx: not gparted09:53
DistroJockeyikonia, he asked how, and I gave the answer09:53
chazcoDistroJockey - Ah thanks, will have a look. ikonia etc - I've already noticed the clocksource issue, but have added the workround for that09:53
ikoniaDistroJockey: I agree,09:53
joejoecircusboysdfdf: ah, I can't help you there09:53
chuckles_theSHEDjoejoecircusboy: do you mean gtkpod?  i have tried it and other apps.  system does not recognize hardware plugged in...09:53
SaeidZebardastI need a program for mouse clicks  counter. any09:53
DistroJockeychazco, you're welcome09:53
alraune jjbin: use apt-cache search  blabla*  to get existing, korrekt paketnames09:53
Arnosandreshow can I untar .sql.gz file? tar xvfz file.sql.gz not working. any ideas? :)09:54
Jordan_UIs there a terminal based app for working with network-manager?09:54
ikoniaArnosandres: it's not a tar file09:54
knexxok so09:54
chazcoDistroJockey - Just to be certain - if i edit grub options from grub (not the menu.lst) they dont become permenant?09:54
knexxits mounted09:54
ikoniaArnosandres: it's just gzipped09:54
joejoecircusboyArnosandres: it's not tarred.. .just gzip -d it09:54
DistroJockeychazco, true09:54
OfflineFlannal: can you show me the code of downloading wine in ubuntu??09:54
Arnosandresthank You!09:54
ikoniaknexx: ok, so right click where it is mounted and check the permissions09:54
chazcoDistroJockey - Okay, going to reboot and try. Thanks again :)09:54
ikoniaknexx: the default permissions will be root:root write only09:54
MikeSethg0rAngA: try configuring the iface manually in /etc/network/interfaces09:54
joejoecircusboychuckles_theSHED: Ya, gtkpod...09:54
jjbinotwr:no I just wanna try others irc soft in Ubuntu,thx u09:54
greg_Hello, is it possible to upgrade a 32bit Ubuntu to 64 bit? Thanks09:54
joejoecircusboychuckles_theSHED: So you're plugging it in via usb?09:55
ikoniagreg_: not really09:55
knexxthe permission of ''disk-1'' could not be determined09:55
kapergrep, no09:55
MikeSethg0rAngA: see also wpa_cli09:55
ikoniaknexx: are you doing this is gparted ?09:55
MikeSethg0rAngA: wpa_cli may tell you something you otherwise wont see09:55
knexxi went to computer09:55
ikoniaknexx: great09:55
knexxright clicked it09:55
knexxand pressed properties09:55
alraunegreg_: nope,  and others ask with right why 64 as 32 is running good09:55
knexxthen went to permissions09:55
knexxand it said that09:55
kapergreg_, it's like cd player can't play DVD09:56
ikoniaknexx: thats fine09:56
baboi've created a startup script, placed it in /etc/init.d/, tested it and then added it to the runlevel scripts using update-rc.d callhome multiuser09:56
ikoniaknexx: if you open nautilus and browse to where it is mounted09:56
baboit doesn't run on startup though ...09:56
greg_Then how do I copy my 32 bit setup onto a 64 bit install?09:56
imaginativeoneI just lost my startup splash background...09:56
imaginativeonehow do I get that back?09:56
knexxwait, lemme see if i have it09:57
ikoniaknexx: the file manager09:57
joejoecircusboygreg_: Why do you want 64 bit?09:57
chuckles_theSHEDjoejoecircusboy:  yes, indeed.  i run dmesg - "failed" and "not ready" msgs...09:57
g0rAngAMikeSeth: its been a while since i've configured a wireless card this way, it may take some time...09:57
alraunegreg_: 32 still got more apps,  64 is only slighty faster in special cases, e.g. compiling, boinc and so on, often 32b is run for compatibilty on that, anyway09:57
joesusso, in the middle of update-manager upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04, i ctrl + alt + backspaced and killed the updater while it was doing its thing09:57
joejoecircusboychuckles_theSHED: I hate saying this: But, try rebooting? (sometimes the usb ports get into a funk and do that)09:58
knexxhow do i find this mystical file manager09:58
greg_So I have to install 64 bit and spend time setting it all up again?09:58
knexxthe one called nautilus09:58
greg_Can I copy all my 32 bit data to 64 bit install, ie documents, vids, etc09:58
ikoniaknexx: have you read anything about ubuntu before installing09:58
joesusi've run a few commands from the command line that should have reinstalled a lot of the core modules and packages, but, how can i be sure that i've redone everything i needed to do?09:58
alraunegreg_: give 64 a try when a fresh install has to be anyway, do'nt bork a 32 system09:58
ikoniagreg_: documents/videos yes, application/programs no09:58
joejoecircusboyikonia: lol09:58
knexxnot really09:58
Jordan_Ujoesus: Try running update-manager again, if that does not work run "sudo dpkg --configure -a"09:58
otwrjoesus, try a bunch of "apt-get -f install"s09:59
knexxfigured i should learn while having it installed09:59
ikoniaknexx: I suggest you do read the basics at http://start.ubuntu.com/8.04/09:59
* knexx reads09:59
joejoecircusboyknexx: ubuntuguide.org << This is good too09:59
knexxyeah i have read that guide09:59
kaperikonia, i might be wrong but i think app run on 32 bit should be run on 6409:59
Jordan_Ujoesus: Wait, had it actually gotten past downloading all of the packages yet?09:59
knexxa bit of it09:59
ikoniaknexx: learn while installed, sure, but your not at a level where you can even use the file manager yet which makes it hard to work through issues with you09:59
ikoniakaper: your wrong10:00
knexxwhere can i open the file manager10:00
ikoniakaper: ubuntu is not multi-lib, 32bit applications have to be specially built10:00
ikoniaknexx: read the docs10:00
joesusJordan_U: yeah, it finished downloading, and was in the middle of installing with like (approximately) 20 minutes left10:00
chazcoikonia / DistroJockey - The only thing it seems to wait on is "intel_rng: FWH not detected"... everything else is about how i'd expect it10:00
ikoniaknexx: just to get the basics10:00
joejoecircusboygreg_: Unless you have more than 3 GB of RAM, I'd stick with your current install... Go to 64bit when you need to reinstall for some other reason10:00
knexxwhich part of it10:00
chuckles_theSHEDjoejoecircusboy:  i shall try it.  i guess that should have been one of my attempts...  thanx.  brb.10:00
ikoniaknexx: all of it10:00
ikoniaknexx: read the table of contents10:00
imaginativeonehow do I extract a *.gz file in the terminal?10:01
joesusJordan_U: and, i ran dpkg, apt-get update & apt-get upgrade (these are shortened) from the command line then rebooted10:01
knexxi really just want to get this hd working10:01
knexxthats all10:01
chazcoAnyone here know if/when the clocksource bug will be fixed btw?10:01
otwrimaginativeone: gunzip10:01
ikoniaknexx: I just want you to be able to use the distro10:01
greg_is Linux 64 bit supported with software?10:01
greg_Are there 64 bit versions of Thunderbird, Firefox, K3B, etc?10:01
ikoniagreg_: sure are10:01
ikoniagreg_: not all software is 64 bit native or ported10:02
joejoecircusboygreg_: Too big omissions are: 64bit flash, and 64bit Java plugin10:02
knexxi know10:02
Jordan_Ujoesus: Are you having any problems?10:02
knexxbut not now10:02
knexxi really have a big headache10:02
ikoniaknexx: ok, then, come back when you've read the basics then10:02
knexxi have a really big headache10:02
ikoniaknexx: you don't have to do it now10:02
knexxcan't even do sentences correctly10:02
ikoniaknexx: people are in this channel all day10:02
knexxi know, but its like, if i don't do it now10:02
knexxi won't be able to sleep10:03
tct13hello again, i solved my problem with flash in firefox3.0.110:03
ikoniaknexx: I suggest you try to sleep10:03
alraunelol 24/7 koffeine.. lol10:03
otwrknexx SMASH!!10:03
Jordan_Ugreg_: Almost all open source apps have 64 bit versions10:03
DistroJockeychazco, this is the best link I could find:  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/intelrng-fwh-not-detected-546360/10:03
joejoecircusboy(05:03:05 AM) knexx: i won't be able to sleep << Damn, and I thought I lost sleep over trivial problems ;)10:03
joesusJordan_U: i was having quite a few before i did the appropriate commands, but, i guess i'm just looking for a quick way to see if it actually upgraded since grub's entry wasn't updated to show 8.04 instead of 7.1010:03
mrtimdogikonia: Regarding "ubuntu is not multi-lib, 32bit applications have to be specially built", see package ia32-libs.10:03
penhow do I update eclipse platform from update manager?10:03
ikoniamrtimdog: what about them ?10:03
xnvJordan_U: Wrong10:03
ikoniamrtimdog: I'm well aware of the 32bit library package, but ubuntu is not multi-lib, and the 32bit programs have to be specially setup to use those libraries rather than generic 32bit install10:04
chazcoDistroJockey - Yep, read that... doesnt seem to offer much useful advice though really10:04
DistroJockeychazco, so I guess blacklisting it is the way to go10:04
DistroJockeychazco, no it doesn't :(10:04
tct13DozedOnLinux: alraune: i removed all flashplugin..so and libflash...so from mozilla and firefox directories (ifound them with find / -name "*flashplugin*", etc.)10:04
Jordan_Uxnv: Really? Name 3 popular open source projects that don't support 64 bit10:05
chazcoDistroJockey - Blacklisting would be a good idea... if i could see the module anywhere10:05
tct13and when i restarted there was neither r100 r124 installed anymore10:05
joejoecircusboyJordan_U: OpenJDK :D10:05
DistroJockeychazco, yeah, no idea what it is called sorry10:05
chatzillaWho can create apt repository?10:05
xnvJordan_U: Not that I can't, but you said "almost all" not "almost all popular".10:05
mrtimdogikonia: Sorry, maybe I missed your point, np :)10:05
DistroJockeychazco, it's probably in the kernel anyway10:05
chazcoDistroJockey - According to launchpad... its built in the Ubuntu kernel itself...10:05
bazhangapt-mirror chatzilla10:06
hampsterbladeUbuntu sucks because it can't play subtitled videos like Windows10:06
Jordan_Ujoejoecircusboy: That's one, and note I never said all, just most10:06
tct13i downloaded r124 from adobe.com, closed the browser and now it's all okay10:06
DistroJockeychazco, :)10:06
joejoecircusboyJordan_U: I'm just buggin.. I actually agree with your statement10:06
Jordan_Ujoejoecircusboy: *almost all10:06
otwrchatzilla: anyone, I think. just not official10:06
alraune chatzilla: anybody10:06
bazhanghampsterblade, please stop10:06
l337ingDisorderis there an ubuntu version of the windows "chkdsk" command?10:06
joejoecircusboyl337ingDisorder: fsck10:06
l337ingDisorderthanks :)10:07
knexxlemme just try to, chg it to fat3210:07
alraune chatzilla: e2fsck, be careful with that !!!10:07
knexxis that a good idea?10:07
alraune l337ingDisorder: : e2fsck, be careful with that !!!, sry chatzilla10:07
otwrknexx: refresh me, is this an external drive?10:07
knexxwtv works10:08
knexxit used to be ntfs10:08
otwri never had much success with ntfs10:08
sniff_how to make my terminal like [root@ubuntu]#10:09
sniff_i mean [ ]10:09
LSD|Ninjasniff_: PS110:09
otwri could tell you, but i think I'm doing it wrong10:09
alraunesniff_: sudo -i ,  carefull!10:09
joejoecircusboysniff_: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/10:09
kapersniff read shell enviroment10:09
otwrright. I keep doing sudo bash10:09
joshuxhow to use PPPoE through wireless10:10
wols_joshux: not really doable. why would you?10:10
g0rAngAMikeSeth: No dice, it seems10:10
joejoecircusboyjoshux: Why??10:10
ikoniakaper: why do you want to change it to fat3210:11
ikoniakaper: sorr10:11
joshuxbut my EEEPC can10:11
ikoniaknexx: why do you want to change it to fat3210:11
wols_joshux: it cannot10:11
joshuxI'm using it ...10:11
wols_joshux: what is the local IP of your EEEPC? 192.168.x.x?10:11
ikoniaknexx: if your tired - stop working, go sleep come back and have a read through the doc I posted to you10:11
wols_run "/sbin/ifconfig" on your EEEPC and tell us the IP it has10:11
knexxalso, i've read it10:12
ikoniaknexx: you've not,10:12
joshuxi'm using a hub not router10:12
knexxdoesn't explain much about making it work if theres a problem10:12
ikoniaknexx: you've been away for about 2 minutes10:12
LSD|Ninjaafaik, there's nothng stopping PPPoE working over wireless other than the lack of equipment supporting it being used that way10:12
ikoniaknexx: that document takes longer than 2 minutes to read10:12
ikoniaknexx: plus your tired so not absorbing it10:12
Captain_RedbeardHi guys, I need a hand... I can't do any DNS querys... The DNSes in resolv.conf looks fine and everything works with IPs but not URLs...10:12
knexxi know10:12
knexxi'll read it later tonight10:12
joshuxppp0      Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol10:12
joshux          inet addr:
wols_Captain_Redbeard: then it's not fine :)10:12
Captain_Redbeardand another computer using the same settings works perfectly10:12
knexxi've just read through10:13
wols_joshux: then use normal pppoeconf10:13
knexxsee if theres anything about ext3 or soemthing, all i found out  is that its used as filesystem10:13
ikoniaknexx: you can't have done, you've had that document for 2 minutes, it will take much longer10:13
ikoniaknexx: your tired, I suggest you go and sleep and approach fresh10:13
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE10:13
joshuxwols_:you mean on the ubuntu one?10:13
=== knexx is now known as knexx|nap
alraune knexx: google fileystem linux10:13
wols_joshux: see the factoid10:13
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: if you do "nslookup" and then put in a url what happens ?10:14
wols_joshux: your wlan is a network interface like any other. so if your router/AP can do it, you can10:14
db92shouldnt apt-get install linux-source-2.6.24 gimme the latest 2.6.24, or at least the one i have installed? i just apt-get install linux-source-2.6.24 and im on 2.6.24-19 but it gave me sources for 2.6.24-3 :||||10:14
Captain_Redbeardikonia: it works :P10:14
wols_db92: 3 is lower than 1910:14
db92wols_, thats what im talking about :|||10:14
g0rAngAMikeSeth: it started working, seemingly of its own accord10:14
wols_db92: and what are your deb-src lines?10:14
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: ok - thats a good start. So if you then "ping www.google.com" for example - what happens10:14
MikeSethg0rAngA: heh10:14
Captain_Redbeardunknown host10:15
kaperCaptain_Redbeard, routing problem10:15
kapercheck the gateway10:15
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: and nslookup www.google.com works ?10:15
Captain_Redbeardikonia: yup10:15
alraune db92: sudo apt-get install update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:15
joejoecircusboykaper: How you figure?10:15
wols_Captain_Redbeard: what does dig google.com say?10:15
db92alraune, been there, done that :|||10:15
Captain_Redbeardkaper: not sure it is tbh...10:15
db92wols_, i dunno exactly how you mean it, but every line i got is of this style deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-security main restricted and they are all uncommented :p10:16
wols_Captain_Redbeard: it's not. host unreachable and unknown host are different. kaper doesn't know that10:16
alraune db92: so got latest kernel available in ubu repos...10:16
m4lmsteen[05:15] ERROR: ls not found on system.10:16
wols_db92: I want to know all your deb-src lines. I say what I mean10:16
m4lmsteenanyone have an idea what that is ?10:16
Captain_Redbeardwols_: the dig goes through10:16
wols_db92: you are most likely lacking such a line for security updates10:16
db92wols_, i suppose a paste of the sources.list would then suffice :||10:16
otwrm4lmsteen: that is a harsh problem10:16
alraune db92: looking for adventure ? google kernelcheck!10:16
ActionParsniphey all10:16
imaginativeonewould someone help me update my GRUB splash file?10:17
kaperi think the gateway is incorrrect10:17
ActionParsnip!splashy | imaginativeone10:17
ubottuimaginativeone: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork10:17
db92wols_, http://pastebin.com/f669880d710:17
Captain_RedbeardSo what could it be? :P10:17
m4lmsteenotwr... it is ?10:17
imaginativeoneubottu: thanks!10:17
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:17
alraune imaginativeone: what you want it to do ?10:17
ActionParsnipimaginativeone: he's a bot, i triggered him. np man10:17
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: what did nslookup www.google.com return ?10:17
otwrm4lmsteen: if you don't have "ls" you probably don't have a usable shell10:18
ActionParsnipm4lmsteen: its ell ess, not eye ess10:18
Captain_Redbeardikonia: it returns a good answer, it tells me what it got from my DNS... which would be and two more10:18
m4lmsteenActionParsnip i know that much :)10:18
m4lmsteenbut im having that error when booting my eggdrop10:18
m4lmsteencan't seem to figure out whats causing it10:18
otwrm4lmsteen: yes, LS... what were you doing?10:18
ActionParsnipm4lmsteen: jus making sure, people use fonts where l looks like i10:19
ActionParsnipm4lmsteen: and in lower case10:19
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: and if you put in your browser you get google.com /10:19
m4lmsteenotwr when i start my eggdrop10:19
m4lmsteeni get that error10:19
Captain_Redbeardikonia: yup10:19
wols_db92: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic asd you can see there, the source exists in the repos10:19
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: and I assume you can ping that request
Captain_Redbeardikonia: of course :)10:20
joejoecircusboyCaptain_Redbeard: Who's DNS server are you using? (Your ISP, or your own)10:20
descentspbHello! How can i make a user in ubuntu, when logging in with this user, only firefox will be launched, and maybe some simple window-manager?10:20
=== Guest2839 is now known as poon
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: run "nslookup bender.dnsdata.co.uk" for me please and tell me what it returns10:20
db92makes sense, but still  linux-source-2.6.24  just gave me 24-3 :|||10:20
otwrm4lmsteen: sorry I don't know what an eggdrop is, but it seems either you're missing a package like bash, or you've been chrooted somewhere useless10:21
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: I'm at work, so the offices DNS... some 300 other people are using the same and it works for them... :(10:21
wols_db92: then your packages lists are out of date or there are errors when you update them10:21
db92not really :|||10:21
alraunedb92: uname -r              , result ?10:21
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: ok, bang on,just checking something out10:21
db92alraune, 2.6.24-19-generic10:21
wols_db92: delete them all and apt-get update again10:21
alraunedb92: 23 ??10:22
Captain_Redbeardikonia: :)10:22
db92what 23? :||10:22
wols_Captain_Redbeard: your DNS server is in your LAN?10:22
alraunedb92:but still  linux-source-2.6.24  just gave me 24-3 :|||10:22
chuckles_theSHEDjoejoecircusboy:  rebooting pc a couple times did not work, but rebooting the iPod itself did.  it appears to be functioning w/gtkpod now.  thnx.10:22
Captain_Redbeardwols_: yup all 3 of them :P10:22
db92ye obv10:22
joejoecircusboyCaptain_Redbeard: does any command line tool resolve propertly (besides dig/nslookup).. What about telnet/nc/wget/etc ?10:22
alraune db92: alraune, 2.6.24-19-generic10:22
joejoecircusboychuckles_theSHED: np man, glad to hear it works10:22
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: gimme a sec i'll try10:23
db92im talking about sources, not the packages :||||||||||10:23
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: nope :/10:23
wols_Captain_Redbeard: then I was in error perhaps. could be a routing problem. what is your default gateway?10:23
m4lmsteenotwr... it must've been in the TCL script i was using10:23
db92the linux-source-2.6.24 which obviously should have given me 2.6.24-19 gave me 2.6.24-310:23
m4lmsteenbecause i removed the script from source... and no error10:23
joejoecircusboyCaptain_Redbeard: Are you using SELinux, or any other security module type dealio?10:23
alraune db92: you now you have latest  (ubu) kernel installed an as no errors from apt are fine ?10:23
otwrm4lmsteen: yet another language I intend to use someday :)10:24
db92.... ye :||10:24
db92but still, im not talking about installing the kernel10:24
db92im trying to download the source :|||10:24
Flannel!kernel | db9210:24
ubottudb92: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages10:24
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: nope :/10:24
db92Flannel, been there, done that10:24
Captain_Redbeardwols_: not routing... my other boxes are using the same gw :/10:24
Flanneldb92: Then you should have the source10:24
db92Flannel, only problem is that apt-get install linux-source-2.6.24 refuses to give me my own and gives me older source :||10:24
joejoecircusboywols_: I don't see how that's possible, given that IP access works to external sites (e.g. google)10:25
ra21vimy numpad is not working, any possible reason or way to find out why10:25
ActionParsnipdb92: you could --reinstall install the kernel10:25
ra21viwhere is the tool to reconfigure the keyboard10:25
Flanneldb92: You should use the git method, like that page suggests10:25
wols_oh, didn't see that joejoecircusboy. you're right10:25
alraune db92: want to overtake lin repos ?10:25
SaeidZebardastI need a program for mouse clicks  counter.10:25
db92alraune, how do you mean? :P10:25
joejoecircusboyCaptain_Redbeard: Does your resolve.conf contain weird space/tabs/etc ?10:25
otwrra21vi: do you have a GUI?10:26
DistroJockeydb92, when I   sudo apt-get install -s linux-source-2.6.24  I get :  Inst linux-source-2.6.24 (2.6.24-19.36 Ubuntu:8.04/hardy-security)10:26
ra21viotwr: yup X10:26
=== Kardoso is now known as Kardoso_away
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: nah... i've rewritten it myself as well as having dhclient create a new one for me :P10:26
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: can you pastebin /etc/nsswitch.conf please.10:26
alraune db92: if you install a kernel further the one in repos, you might miss modules or headers stored in the repos10:26
db92DistroJockey, :||| i dunno what im doing wrong then :p10:26
ra21viotwr: what is the GUI tool to reconfigure the keyboard ??10:27
wols_db92: apt-cache policy linux-source-2.6.2410:27
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts10:27
Captain_Redbeardikonia: let me find the ip first :P10:27
otwrra21vi: I guess you are using Gnome... which I am not... but there should be something in the settings about keyboard which should have a lot of options you can try10:27
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: of course, sorry10:27
=== Kardoso_away is now known as Kardoso
DistroJockeydb92, me either :( But that's default with 8.04.1 from standard repos via a mirror10:28
ra21viotwr: hmm, let me check it, thanks.. but since numpad is not working, i think this wont resolve it... anyway ..10:28
wols_db92: pastebin the apt-cache output please10:28
Captain_Redbeardikonia: bah or links over ssh for the win :P gimme a sec10:28
db92sec doing10:28
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: no problem10:28
joejoecircusboyCaptain_Redbeard: Can you pastebin your resolv.conf ?10:29
db92:|| .......10:29
exhohocan i talk10:29
otwrexhoho: just talk10:30
DistroJockeydb92, same version as me. What command did you run for that output?10:30
db92apt-cache polcy linux-source-2.6.24 :P10:31
db92but still after compiling, it says its 2.6.24-3 :|||10:31
wols_db92: pastebin?10:31
db92even in the menu config it says its 2.6.24-3 :||10:31
KardosoI readed about a Linux rootkit on Symantec site: ( http://www.symantec.com/en/uk/business/security_response/writeup.jsp?docid=2008-080515-2257-99 ) Has Ubuntu a secure kernel or that virus can attack Ubuntu?10:31
exhohoi got some problem on ubuntu server 8.04 when i compile php5.2610:32
exhohoafter #./configure10:32
exhohoi make10:32
exhohothen make test10:32
db92wols_, of the apt-cache?10:32
DistroJockeydb92, :(10:32
db92wols_, or whatever? :p10:32
DexikiixI broke my sound10:32
Dexikiixaudiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.10:32
wols_Kardoso: that is no virus10:32
Captain_Redbeardikonia: ok nsswitch: pastebin.com/m7ab46a5610:33
db92Dexikiix, iirc thats the error one gets when it looks as if he has no driver installed :P10:33
Kardosowols_: So is Ubuntu's kernel secure?10:33
otwrexhoho: any reason you want 5.26?10:33
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: thats quite an interesting setup, but shouldn't be casuing you the issues you are having10:33
Dexikiixdb92 i was trying to follow a fix to get sound working in flash on firefox and it made some pulseaudio changed... tried to revert but was apparently unsuccessful10:33
exhohoi just need to construct a server10:33
joejoecircusboyCaptain_Redbeard: try this 'ping www.google.com.' < notice dot at the end10:34
otwrman, never even look at pulseaudio... it'll cut you man10:34
Dexikiixwell apparently so10:34
Kardosowols_: So is Ubuntu's kernel secure?10:34
exhoho#make test          always make some little mistake right?10:34
Kardoso!ask > FloodBot310:35
ubottuFloodBot3, please see my private message10:35
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: no luck10:35
Captain_Redbeardikonia: Yea :)10:35
exhohothis room is just a little too chaos10:35
otwras secure as the Canonical organization can make it10:35
joejoecircusboyCaptain_Redbeard: Can you pastebin your resolv.conf?10:35
brubelsabsis there a tool like `time` to watch the memory consumption?10:36
wols_brubelsabs: free10:36
joejoecircusboybrubelsabs: 'free' or 'top'10:36
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: pastebin.com/m9578a510:36
wols_but checking memory consumption is a fools errand10:36
KardosoIs there any TaskManager in Ubuntu like in Windows?10:36
DistroJockeydb92, how about the following? (not sure if it will help, and may want a second opinion):  sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-source-2.6.2410:36
otwrhtop is nice if you want realtime stats10:36
wols_Kardoso: top10:36
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: I can offer you a test, put one of google.com's ip addresses in /etc/hosts with www.google.com as a host, then hit http://www.google.com in a browser, lets see if it likes hard coded resolution10:36
wols_db92: I am still waiting for the paste10:36
TemplePrimedoes ubuntu 8.04 x64 support more than 4 gigs of ram?10:36
Captain_Redbeardikonia: sure :) one se10:37
ikoniaTemplePrime: ye10:37
Dexikiixwols do you happen to have a fix for my issue?10:37
Kardosowols_: what?10:37
exhohoany concentration10:37
wols_Kardoso: I don't talk to you anymore10:37
brubelsabswols_: free can do that per process?10:37
Kardosowols_ Why? :S10:37
db92wols_, of what ffs?10:37
TemplePrimeikonia: support is one, but take advantage in game development and blender is another ...10:37
db92wols_, the last paste you asked for i gave :|||10:37
ikoniaTemplePrime: what ?10:37
Kardosowols_: what did I do?10:37
wols_brubelsabs: no. but per process checking is useless on a shared memory system with virtual memory10:37
Dexikiixwait, is there some type of rollback I can do?10:37
TemplePrimeikonia, ok, so it benefits from more than 4 gigs of ram?10:37
ikoniaTemplePrime: did  you mean to say that to me ?10:37
wols_Kardoso: if I tell you I get a !language or worse10:37
db92DistroJockey, still insists its 2.6.24-3 :P10:38
wols_Kardoso: now please don't talk to me again10:38
TemplePrimeikonia: yes10:38
DistroJockeydb92, :(10:38
Captain_Redbeardikonia: works yea10:38
db92DistroJockey, perhaps its just some kind of forgotten menu entry or name and that the actual kernel is -1910:38
ikoniaTemplePrime: it benifits from more than 4 gig in general use, and it will use as much as your application allows10:38
db92i dunno anyway :|||10:38
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: ok - thats interesting then so the problem is actual resolution10:38
brubelsabswols_: in top I see the memory consumption of each process, but I want to see that still when the process has finished and is not available in top anymore10:38
TemplePrimeikonia: what is the max ram limit? how much can I throw at him?10:38
DistroJockeydb92, well   uname -a   will give current running kernel10:38
ikoniaTemplePrime: out of the box I think it supports either 32 or 64 gig10:38
TemplePrimeikonia, thanks, so 8 gigs works fine10:39
db92DistroJockey, the running kernel is -19 :|||10:39
Captain_Redbeardikonia: yup... can't see why though10:39
joejoecircusboyCaptain_Redbeard: Bit of a long shot: Try removing everything from your resolv.conf except one DNS server10:39
otwrbrubelsabs: try htop10:39
db92DistroJockey, the sources that get downloaded aint -19 :P10:39
DistroJockeydb92, but if --reinstall don't do it, maybe the next step is a   remove --purge10:39
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: ok, lets go back to basics, can we change youre nsswitch.conf file, the line that says hosts: change to hosts: files dns10:39
_3mukQ: can you install Windows XP after you've installed Ubuntu?10:39
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: just that10:39
db92DistroJockey, no matter anymore10:39
wols_brubelsabs: you don't see it10:39
db92DistroJockey, ill just backroll if this is what is necessary :||10:40
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: nope :( no luck10:40
Captain_Redbeardikonia: ok one sec10:40
wols_!pm | Kardoso10:40
brubelsabswols_: there is a column indicating the percentage of memory usage10:40
ubottuKardoso: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.10:40
joejoecircusboyCaptain_Redbeard: With that same resolv.conf, does dig still work?10:40
otwr_3muk: that's about the only way you can dual-boot10:40
alraune_3muk:you can, but then must reinstall grub10:40
wols_brubelsabs: of course there is. doesn't mean it's accurate. where do you count libc6? it is part of EVERY process10:40
brubelsabsotwr: with htop I can't see finished process either?10:40
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: when I say just that, I mean just that for the host file, leave the other lines in place10:41
DistroJockeydb92, fair enough. I like to try and fix, but sometimes it's easier/better/cleaner to start again/from a rollback :)10:41
_3mukthen is it better to first install XP and then Ubuntu?10:41
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: sorry, I should have been clearer10:41
brubelsabswols_: for my purposes I would include libc6 in the process memory usage10:41
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: yup10:41
otwrbrubelsabs: ah, well you can see it end... i don't know of anything that tracks finished processes, sorry10:41
Guilohi !10:41
_3mukok tnx :)10:41
Guiloany ati users here ?10:41
ikonia!jp | exhoho10:41
ubottuexhoho: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい10:41
wols_finished processes can't be tracked since they are GONE and the memory freed10:41
DistroJockeydb92, you don't learn much from doing rollbacks though :)10:41
Captain_Redbeardikonia: still out of luck10:42
db92DistroJockey, no actually10:42
db92DistroJockey, i already did what i needed with the sources but THEN i noticed that it was 2.6.24-310:42
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: really, so even with the linst hosts: files dns in nsswitch.conf it doesn't want to play10:42
Guilohow can i make xorg.conf for ati automatically ?10:42
exhohono that is chinese10:42
db92DistroJockey, so i already have my custom kernel with 2.6.24-3, thats what i mean rollback :P10:42
alraune Guilo: yup10:42
Captain_Redbeardikonia: nope10:42
ikonia!cn | exhoho10:42
ubottuexhoho: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:42
ikoniaCaptain_Redbeard: thats quite frustrating, let me work it through a little more10:42
joejoecircusboyThat's the oddest thing10:42
alraune!recoveringgrub >_3muk:10:43
joejoecircusboyCaptain_Redbeard: Have you using tcpdump before?10:43
db92exhoho, from what i saw from the phrase above, i think i saw ren and zhong wen? :p obviously was asking if anyone spoke chinese?10:43
DistroJockeydb92, ohh, well, I'm starting to get lost ;) Good luck :)10:43
db92DistroJockey, rooofl10:43
Captain_Redbeardikonia: I know :D That's why i'm here asking ;) Worst part is that I'm supposed to be a sysadmin10:43
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: yup10:43
Guiloalraune : how can i write xorg.conf automatically ? cause aticonfig  --initial tells me i haven't got xorg.conf (cause i have deleted it)10:43
joejoecircusboyCaptain_Redbeard: Are DNS requests going out when you run ping?10:43
exhohoi speak chinsee10:43
Captain_RedbeardHaven't looked actually... but let's try gimme a sec10:44
alraune Guilo: i can give u a standard one, then modify that... what an ati-card ?10:44
otwrGuilo: which ATI card do you have? somebody may have a usable xorg.conf10:44
Dexikiixok i fixed it :)10:44
Dexikiixnow i get sound10:44
exhohomay be i shall go somewhereelse10:44
Dexikiixbut still not in flash10:44
Dexikiixnobody here has a fix for the flash sound prob?10:44
exhohois this chatroot suppot voice ,that might be too chaos10:45
alraune Guilo: sudo apt-get install  displayconfig-gtk10:45
joejoecircusboyexhoho: Ya, this wouldn't work as a voice forum10:45
Captain_Redbeardnow ping magically works... nothign else though10:46
joejoecircusboyCaptain_Redbeard: What do you see?10:46
GuiloI am sorry i am not on ubuntu10:46
Guilobut i have found10:46
Guilothe output option may help me a lot !10:46
alrauneGuilo: ?10:46
joejoecircusboyCaptain_Redbeard: So with dig, do DNS requests go out on the network?10:46
Dexikiixwols, have you heard of this problem, flash has no sound?10:46
DistroJockey!chinese | exhoho10:46
ubottuexhoho: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:46
exhohoi know10:47
wols_Dexikiix: /dev/dsp not accessible10:47
Dexikiixso is there a fix?10:47
wols_exhoho: there is no voice support. either you deal with this "chaos" or you are SOL10:47
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: yup who has is put out10:47
db92exhoho, wo yao xue zhong wen :P10:47
wols_sure. make /dev/dsp work10:47
wols_db92: stop that10:47
m08Anyone familiar with dvb-apps ?10:48
Dexikiixlol wols_  thanks for the lovely help as always10:48
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:48
joejoecircusboyCaptain_Redbeard: Did the server respond? (Do you see anything different on the network between the working and non-working case?)10:48
wols_Dexikiix: run the browser in a xterm. then check messages in the xterm10:48
Dexikiixwhat is xterm?10:48
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: for some reason ping started working... let me try with wget and ssh10:48
exhohodb92,maybe we can be friends hehe!10:48
DistroJockeyDexikiix, gnome-terminal10:48
jburdHow does one clear the trash when the contents don't have permissions allowing you to delete them?10:48
noogahi, i've got ubuntu on the last partition on my hdd and it does not want to boot, what to do in order to boot it?10:49
Dexikiixok step-by-step?10:49
KardosoPlease someone help me. Where can I find any task managers?10:49
m08I have ubuntu hardy heron and installed dvb-utils via synaptic package manager, but when I open a terminal and try to run some of the commands, I get a command not found error10:49
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: ok this is the weirdest sh*t ever... the second I started listening on the traffic everything jumped in to working :O10:49
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: I honestly did nothing else10:49
jburdAh.  They've just moved the .Trash directory.10:49
exhohodb92 ,i am a  history mayor10:49
joejoecircusboyIf you're not listening, does it still work?10:50
edmoorehi - building a pc for the first time, lots of fun. Running ubuntu server, though will probably put some flavour of x on it for accassional gui-ing10:50
DexikiixDistroJockey: or wols_  what do i type in terminal for what you want me to do?10:50
jburdm08: Which commands?10:50
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: yup... only thing I can think of is cacheing timeing out or something10:50
DistroJockeyDexikiix, hold  alt  and hit  F2  then type  gnome-terminal10:50
edmooreis there a way of seeing my mobo stats?10:50
m08jburd, dbscan for starters10:50
zvacetKardoso : system>admin<system monitor10:50
m08I meant dvbscan10:50
joejoecircusboyCaptain_Redbeard: Well, I think that takes the cake for 'weirdest shit of the day'10:50
otwrjburd: it hides in ~/.local/Trash and you might have to do a sudo rm *10:50
edmoorezvacet: is that at me?10:50
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: totally... no clue what to say mate10:50
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: Thanks alot for your help though...10:51
jburdm08: Well, you need to install those tools first.10:51
Captain_Redbeardikonia: and your help as well thanks!10:51
DexikiixDistroJockey: ok so i have a terminal open. :P10:51
jburdotwr: Yeah.10:51
joejoecircusboyCaptain_Redbeard: Ya, not a problem10:51
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: my setup is exactly the same as when we started... geez I hate when stuff like this happen10:51
DistroJockeyDexikiix, cool, that's my job done ;)10:51
jburdotwr: ~/.local/share/Trash/10:51
Dexikiixlol DistroJockey i coulda opened the terminal otherwise10:51
zvacetedmoore : sorry I don´t understand10:52
m08jburd, I opened synaptic package manager and checked dvb-utils and did an install that way10:52
Dexikiixcan you tell me how to run firefox from there?10:52
m08Is that correct ?10:52
Captain_Redbeardjoejoecircusboy: this will totally keep me from sleeping tonight10:52
jburdm08: Yes10:52
DistroJockeyDexikiix, heh, sorry, I forgot your other question/issue :)10:52
edmoorewas system monitor an answer to my question about monitoring the mobo stuff - fan speeds and temps etc10:52
m08and it still doesn't work10:52
otwrjburd: maybe you're different, I am a freaky xubuntu guy (at keast on this machine)10:52
m08Does that install need a reboot or something ?10:52
alrauneDexikiix: firefox10:52
zvacetedmoore : no it was for Kardoso10:52
DexikiixDistroJockey: firefox flash (youtube..etc) has no sound... wols said to run in terminal and see what terminal says10:52
joejoecircusboyCaptain_Redbeard: Ah, don't sweat it... It'll break again and you get to the bottom of it :P10:52
edmooreok nvm10:53
noogaHow to make ubuntu boot from last partition on hard disk?10:53
exhohois personal talk avaiable here10:53
joesusanyone know why mplayer -vo aa *.mov isn't working properly from any of the ttys (virtual terminals i think they're properly called)?10:53
DistroJockeyDexikiix, ok, that means close all Firefox windows and type Firefox in that terminal then try and use flash10:53
ubottuexhoho, please see my private message10:53
zvacetedmoore : you can look there but I don´t have expirience with that what are you asking10:53
edmooreok, thanks10:54
wols_nooga: edit your menu.lst properly10:54
anhhunghow do I get back to ubuntu after a fresh xp install?10:54
wols_edmoore: no. this is a support channel ONLY10:54
wols_!ot | exhoho10:54
ubottuexhoho: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:54
shamuscan anybody help me with this please? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88154810:54
joesus...or more specifically, why it wouldn't be working for me since i imagine other people can get it to work properly10:54
wols_!grub | anhhung10:54
ubottuanhhung: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:54
zvacet!grub |anhhung10:54
DexikiixGetValue Variable 1 (1)10:54
Dexikiixthen 2 (2)10:54
Dexikiixthen it repeats a few times10:54
edmoorewols_: What then is my question about seeing mobo stats in ubuntu?10:55
edmooreif not asking for some support?10:55
DexikiixDistroJockey: ** Message: GetValue variable 1 (1)10:55
Dexikiix** Message: GetValue variable 2 (2)10:55
m08Man, it still says "command not found" when I try to do dvbscan10:55
shamuscan somebody help me with this please? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88154810:55
wols_edmoore: sorry. was for exhoho10:55
DistroJockeyDexikiix, that sounds odd (but I've not run FF from a terminal)10:56
wols_edmoore: lm-sensors10:56
Dexikiixwols_: ** Message: GetValue variable 1 (1)10:56
Dexikiix** Message: GetValue variable 2 (2)10:56
wols_edmoore: also something to display the info like gkrellm10:56
edmoorethat work from cli too?10:56
wols_edmoore: yes. it comes with a program named simply "sensors" that is cli10:56
edmoorewols_: lovely. thnk you very much, will have a play10:56
alrauneedmoore: or conky10:56
wols_alraune: conky is X...10:57
DistroJockeyDexikiix, k, I get the same as soon as I hit a flash site10:57
alraunewols_: cli, see10:57
DexikiixDistroJockey: leave the site, do you get this:10:57
Dexikiix(firefox:7260): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed10:57
wols_Dexikiix: have you checked if you can output sound via /dev/dsp?10:57
Dexikiixwols_: no, i dont think. how do i check?10:57
DistroJockeyDexikiix, yep10:57
Dexikiixok and flash sound works for you?10:58
wols_ <dpkg> Pff pff, is this thing on? cat /vmlinuz > /dev/dsp ...use Ctrl-C to stop it after a few seconds. If it doesn't fail, you10:58
DistroJockeyDexikiix, but sound works fine for me10:58
wols_             either have OSS or alsa with OSS emulation working.10:58
Dexikiixmy mp3s work fine and stuff like that :p10:58
wols_they use alsa10:59
DistroJockeyDexikiix, I suggest trying   pavucontrol10:59
OntologI don't understand this message from update-rc.d: exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force)10:59
OntologI am trying to remove a service10:59
DexikiixDistroJockey: whats that?10:59
DexikiixDistroJockey: im a linux newwwbbb  hardcore10:59
wols_Ontolog: use rcconf10:59
DistroJockeyDexikiix, pulse audio control thingy10:59
DistroJockeyDexikiix, type that in a terminal and it will tell you how to get it11:00
DistroJockeyDexikiix, the   pavucontrol   bit that is11:00
m08anyone know how to properly install dvb-utils ?11:00
DexikiixPulse Audio volume control11:00
m08and if successfully installed, would new things load up under "Applications" ?11:01
Ontologwhere are there two X.org processes? Are they really using 80MBx2 amount of memory or is that memory shared?11:01
m08or can someone point me to the dvb room ?11:01
DexikiixDistroJockey: Pavucontrol sees the stream11:01
DistroJockeyDexikiix, run that once installed and then go to the flash site and check the options in   pavucontrol11:01
DexikiixDistroJockey: and says its playing 100%11:01
penhow do I install php on ubuntu?11:01
m08I am a first time ubuntu user and woefully lost trying to set up my tv tuner card and use mythtv11:02
wols_!lamp | pen11:02
ubottupen: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:02
otwrpen: apt-get install php511:02
DistroJockeyDexikiix, see the   Hint  at the bottom11:02
Dexikiixhaha one step ahead11:02
DistroJockeyDexikiix, :)11:02
Dexikiixyou rock DistroJockey11:02
DistroJockeyDexikiix, heh, cheers. Glad to have helped :)11:02
alraunem08: what tuner card ?11:02
penotwr, just apt-get?11:02
m08hauppauge  WinTV-HVR-180011:03
Dexikiixand to think that was all I had to do, and I was out there delete pulseaudio files earlier11:03
otwrpen: well, i prefer aptitude, but not everyone has it... but both should handle the dependencies11:03
m08alraune,  hauppauge  WinTV-HVR-180011:03
DistroJockeyDexikiix, and I don't even have  pavucontrol installed yet on this install :)11:03
DexikiixDistroJockey: it comes preinstalled on mine :)11:04
DistroJockeyDexikiix, ohh?11:04
Dexikiixyeah gnome x86 8.0411:04
DistroJockeyDexikiix, what flavor?11:04
DistroJockeyDexikiix, not installed by default on 8.04.1 Ubuntu11:05
=== haptiK is now known as testicular
Dexikiixit is for me....11:05
penotwr, so that's easy? aptitude php5?11:05
anhhunghow much does a server for 25 thin clients usually cost?11:05
wols_anhhung: ##hardware11:05
waan_I have a drive that keeps mounting at boot time, but it's not in fstab. How can I stop it from mounting?11:05
DistroJockeyDexikiix, *shrugs* as long as it works :)11:05
Dexikiixguess so11:06
Dexikiixthanks :) im out bye11:06
anhhungwols_, I'm sorry, I'm thinking about Ubuntu server :)11:06
alraunem08: hmm, couldn' tfind it in the HW-list | know pastebin ?11:06
alraunem08: open a terminal.....11:06
m08alraune, ok, terminal open11:06
wols_anhhung: still no ubuntu question in any way but a hardware provisioning one. ##hardware11:07
otwrpen: you may have to install aptitude, i'm not sure -- if you do, it's "apt-get install aptitude", and after that "aptitude install php5" (both with sudo)11:08
alraunetype : lspci11:08
alraunepaste the output to : ...11:08
=== michelle_ is now known as daning
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:08
DistroJockeywaan_, I assume it's a USB drive then?11:08
waan_DistroJockey, umm now I feel silly. Thanks for pointint out the obvious lol11:09
DistroJockeywaan_, heh, no problem :)11:09
=== testicular is now known as haptiK
waan_I swapped my drives around the other day so I could make better use of the backup one. And forgot it's now external11:10
m08alraune, alright you're dealing with a retard here, so please be patient...I got the output, trying to figure out how to do the paste to !paste thing now11:10
DistroJockeywaan_, happens :)11:10
=== waan_ is now known as waan
alraunem08: open ubottus link with a browser...11:10
m08ubottus ?11:11
alraunem08: copy n paste the terminal output to the webpage....11:11
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:11
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!11:11
m08haha ok, I can do that (ctrl c and ctrl x)11:11
alraunem08: or mouse11:12
Kartagisis there a graphical keyboard layout changing tool in ubuntu?11:12
alraunem08: copy n paste the terminal output to the webpage....11:12
=== Syntux__ is now known as Syntux
penotwr, thx11:12
=== avc_lost is now known as acuster
alraunem08: add your name there, press post butoon, copy the resulting url of broser to here11:13
m08alraune,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/34681/11:13
DistroJockeyKartagis, something like:   System - Preferences - Keyboard - Layouts   ?11:13
penotwr, then do you know how to let eclipse detect it?11:14
alraunem08: nice, got it..11:15
KartagisDistroJockey: that didn't work for me11:15
alraunem08: type : youre sitting on the pc where the hauppage is installed ?11:15
DistroJockeyKartagis, that would be the command:   gnome-keyboard-properties11:16
=== chuck-- is now known as chuck-
m08alraune, yes11:16
alraunem08: type : apt-get install tvtime11:16
penotwr, you there?11:16
m08alraune, I think 05:00.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant Unknown device 8880 (rev 0f)11:16
m08 is the tv tuner ?11:16
DistroJockeyKartagis, run that via   alt+F2   or from a terminal11:17
alraunem08: type : sudo apt-get install tvtime11:17
alraunem08: type : sry11:17
luz3rI was wondering with ssh server, with changing the security of being only to access the system with a authorization key. Does this still provide any security holes ?11:17
akatsukione question.. its better to uninstall a apps using terminal than using synaptic? or is the same thing11:17
DistroJockeyakatsuki, same thing if you use apt/dpkg11:17
KartagisDistroJockey: I have that on my menu, but when i change it to some other layout it doesn't work11:17
alraunem08: hmm, think so too, not identified correctly, means driver not loaded11:18
alraunem08: got tvtime ?11:18
DistroJockeyKartagis, may need a logout and back in possibly11:18
Samuelhi,how to remove a smb share?11:18
m08alraune,  not yet11:18
akatsukii mean.. uninstalling apps using synaptic may leave some 'rests" on my hd as little as they made11:18
akatsukior not11:18
SivamI am trying to install KDE 4.1 in Ubuntu, it displayes broken packages11:18
Kartagisokay I'll try that sometime11:18
akatsukiwhat is apt/dpkg?11:18
Kartagisthanks DistroJockey11:18
Sivamcan any one help me11:18
heyo0hallo guys. I'm going to install ubuntu 8.04.1. My PC consists of a 400GB Hard Disk and 2GB RAM. I wanna create 3 partitions: / , swap and /home. What about the right size of each partition?11:18
SamuelI tried "net share delete", but when by using smbtree or net share, I still can find the shares11:18
DistroJockeyKartagis, That fixed it?11:19
Samuelanybody can help me?11:19
DistroJockeyKartagis, don't thank me till it's fixed ;)11:20
ay^heyo0: I did 12gb root 4gb swap and the rest home11:20
OfflineI need some help with dictionaries. I want to download some dictionaries that work offline. and suggestions????11:20
linxuz3rsup guys11:20
lusulehi, i'm tring to use a USB pen but it doesn't seem to be auto-mounting, how do I diagnose this?11:20
KartagisDistroJockey: I'm looking for something that changes the kb layout on-the-fly11:20
heyo0ay^: 4GB swap? It sounds me too much.11:21
=== enzo_5 is now known as enzo
ay^heyo0: it is, but since I had 300gb of hdd I figured "better to be safe than sorry"11:21
linxuz3rlusule: hi have you inserted usb pen before booting?11:21
m08alraune, sorry it's taking forever to get tvtine11:21
DistroJockeyKartagis, ahh (not really something I have played with sorry)11:21
lusulelinxuz3r, no11:21
heyo0ay^: :D11:21
linxuz3rlusule: try that11:21
lusulelinxuz3r, should i try rebooting?11:21
KartagisDistroJockey: thanks anyway, bbl11:21
bidihi all! I'm looking for a way to apply a Low-Pass-Filter to an Audio-Stream coming from Line-In.11:21
DistroJockeyKartagis, you're welcome. Good luck11:22
otwrtoo much swap can be a bad thing11:22
heyo0ay^: 12GB / is ok?11:22
linxuz3rlusule: oops dont reboot11:22
ay^heyo0: for me it is at least11:22
DistroJockeyotwr, how so?11:22
linxuz3ri thought your in hackintosh11:22
ay^lusule: does it show up if you do "lsusb" in terminal?11:22
otwrDistroJockey: doesn't it lead to a lot of swapping and stale page-type stuff?11:23
lusuleay^, does seem to I think11:23
linxuz3rlusule: try manual mounting the usb11:23
smokewonis it just me or is GParted in Gutsy incredibly slow and seg faults quite a bit?11:23
m08alraune, I got tvtime11:23
Sivami tried installing KDE4.1 desktop in ubuntu11:23
DistroJockeyotwr, nope, swap space will not do that. swapiness setting will11:23
lusulelinxuz3r, i'm new to linux, i don't know how to do that :(11:24
smokewonits taken me almost an hour to create a damn partition with GParted on the 7.10 Live CD and i have a 2ghz duo core with 2gig ram11:24
bidiI'm looking for a way to apply a Low-Pass-Filter to an Live-Audio-Stream coming from Line-In.11:24
alraunem08: type : sudo apt-get install dvb-utils                 ( can paste in terminal, also)11:24
DistroJockeyotwr, only bad thing about too much swap space being allocated is the wasted space11:24
otwrDistroJockey, I may be out of date but I remember reading something that said you should really only set the swap to be max 1.5* your RAM11:24
smokewonheavily depends otwr11:25
smokewonare you running a server?11:25
m08alraune, done, it says newest version already installed11:25
alraunem08: type : gedit /etc/apt/sources.list                               , pastebin that file at  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11:26
otwrheck no, just a bunch of boxen at home like everybody else :)11:26
sladenAmun: asjdlkjsdfjasdfasdfsadfasdf/win 19111:26
DistroJockeyotwr, usually these days I recommend swap to be = to RAM for suspend/hibernate functionality (that's on 1GB+ systems though)11:26
dust_thi i want to use gyachi in hardy but there is no particular package for it. can i use a gutsy package ?11:26
m08alraune, http://paste.ubuntu.com/34687/11:27
otwrhmm, looks like I could reclaim a gig or two, next time I rebuild11:27
linxuz3rnow obj is now considered a as an original blender 3d model11:28
linxuz3rnot alias11:28
DistroJockeyotwr, if you check    free    on your current setup under load, it will give you an idea of what swap you are using, and therefore how much you need :)11:28
alraunem08: type : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:29
otwr             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached11:29
otwrMem:       4054440    3941936     112504          0     348536    258430011:29
otwr-/+ buffers/cache:    1009100    304534011:29
otwrSwap:      4000136      25548    397458811:29
DistroJockeyotwr, have atleast 512MB11:29
DistroJockeyotwr, to be on the safe side :)11:30
lusulei've tried following the guide to manually mount at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB   but now if i try to look at the drive, it says I do not have the permissions...11:30
=== haptiK is now known as telephone
m08alraune, done11:31
otwrdamn, mount doesn't say how big my swap is11:31
otwror where it is11:31
ay^lusule: you CAN do "gksudo nautilus /path to your usb" and then change the permissions in the properties11:31
alraunem08: then : sudo  apt-get install linux-ubuntu-modules-$(uname -r)11:31
DistroJockeyotwr, sudo fdisk -l    will though11:32
m08alraune, done11:32
bidihi all! I'm looking for a way to apply a Low-Pass-Filter to an Audio-Stream coming from Line-In.11:32
lusuleay^, still wont' let me, even with gksudo - i can view the files, but if i try to change owner, it says not permitted11:33
lusuleay^, following that guide set its owner to libuuid, dunno what that is11:33
alraunem08: type: tvtime                                                      , any tv card found ?11:33
m08alraune, http://paste.ubuntu.com/34691/11:35
m08alraune, it didn't load had some errors I pasted it to http://paste.ubuntu.com/34691/11:35
otwrDistroJockey: ah, OK -- hmm, I may have been on drugs when I set this up. I have two: sdc2 1951897 blocks, sdd1 2048256 blocks. how big is a block again?11:36
alraunem08: getting tricky,  type : sudo apt-get install hg11:36
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr11:36
pro-rsoftHi, my hardy install does not list the touchpad options in my Mouse options. What could be wrong?11:36
DistroJockeyotwr, heh, depends on the format11:37
m08alraune,  Couldn't find package hg11:37
m08alraune, another error11:37
=== telephone is now known as haptiK
DistroJockeyotwr, that fdisk -l is best used just to determine the  /dev/ your swap is on11:38
m08alraune, I've been thinking everything to do with my install of ubuntu is tricky! LOL11:38
m08alraune, I did manage to install xchat though! haha11:38
chushoHello,i have a problem with alsa and pulse audio,tried to install oss, but i've had a lot of problems,if someone knows,please help me.11:38
penafter setting up LAMP php is still not working11:39
otwrDistroJockey: got it (df -h) looks like I have two swaps of 2G each, and I do recall I put 4G of ram into that thing. So I'm probably good. Really that machine just runs my email and runs folding@home11:39
penI can't see the status11:39
DistroJockeyotwr, free  will say total mounted/usable swap11:39
DistroJockeyotwr, and yeah, you have plenty11:40
darthanubisupdate-rc.d foo default keeps giving me the help menu for update-rc.d? Why?11:40
pro-rsoftAnybody knows what could be wrong if the third tabpage about touchpad doesn't show up?11:40
otwrDistroJockey: no kidding, 3.9G swap free11:40
alraunem08: things get a little out the range: I found http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=785476 , see post 811:40
DistroJockeyotwr, with the space you have I'd leave it as is :)11:41
alraunem08: searching apt for hg* offers three pakets....11:41
otwrMaybe I should run a few more folding@homes...11:42
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:42
alraunem08: and then the download has to be compiled : !compile11:42
DistroJockeyotwr, ;)11:42
linxehbidi: maybe look at jack / ladspa / audacity or something11:42
alraune!compile |m0811:42
ubottum08: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:42
linxehbidi: #lau or #lad might be your best bet for suggestions11:42
alraunem08: as I told you in beginning, I couldnt find that card on ubu's HW-list, and with you being new to linux, could easily take one hour, succeed not granted, want that ?11:44
mohabe ein problem mit einem share. ich will ihn deaktivieren, er steht nicht in der smb.conf und unter rechtsklick "share folder" ist er auch deaktiviert. ich kann aber trotzdem darauf zugreifen. wie kann ich den share deaktivieren, bzw wo werden diese einstellungen gespeichert?11:44
DistroJockeyotwr, that will only use more CPU not much more RAM :)11:44
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:44
modamn, sorry wrong channel11:44
m08alraune, thanks for the link I already got mercurial and did the clone thing with hg and then I followed the instructions on that post, it said I need to reboot at the end, so I guess I'll do that and see if it works?11:44
utnubudnaiIs there any body have set up a honeynet  with honeywall 1.3?11:44
chushosomeone knows how to fix a non-working oss11:45
alraunemo: you did download, compiolation worked ?11:45
utnubudnaiI have problem with honeywall,the time of the system seems to be slow than real time!11:45
=== alexander is now known as KINGABAN
m08alraune, I've spent 3 hours trying to get things set up already. haha11:45
otwrDistroJockey, pity. I actually feel a little dumb for building that monster downstairs, it really should be doing something useful11:45
KINGABANhello guys11:45
m08alraune, I did the hg clone and it worked11:46
DistroJockeyotwr, I'm sure you will find something :)11:46
m08alraune,  I did the make and sudo make install and got no errors, so I suppose it worked11:46
alraunem08: compiled/Installed it ( make...)11:46
KINGABANcan u help me coz im having a problem with my ubuntu, my synaptic manager dont open and also my update why is that?11:46
alraunem08: sudo reboot              !11:46
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otwrDistroJockey: yes, I'm sure that as a Web developer I'll find a way to max out that thing ... or maybe I should get into kernel dev. I don't have the beard power for that though :(11:47
DistroJockeyKINGABAN, what error message do you get when you run the following from a terminal:  sudo apt-get update11:47
alraunem08: sudo reboot              ! report !!11:47
lusulei'm trying to modify users and groups, but when i click administration > users and groups, it says 'The configuration could not be loaded' You are not allowed to access the system configuration' - it didn't used to say this, how can i fix it?11:47
DistroJockeyotwr, heh ;)11:48
KINGABANit automatically closed11:48
KINGABANwhy is that?11:48
Sladjannndoes KDE 4.1 have bugs??? Is it good?11:48
m08alraune, gonna do the sudo reboot right now and then come back and report! thanks!11:48
eloquenceit's good11:48
eloquenceevery thing has bugs11:48
eloquenceeven the patriot act11:48
m08eloquence, even I got bugs! LOL11:49
Sladjannnis it better than kde 4, kde 4 had a lot of problems... ?? eloquence11:49
alrauneis curious...11:49
DistroJockeyKINGABAN, that is not an error message (and a terminal won't automatically close) (unless it crashes)11:49
eloquenceit's evolution11:49
otwrI hear 4.1 is better than 4.0, but 4.0 made me switch to XFCE...11:49
eloquencei prefer 4.1 to 411:49
alraunehöhö newbie11:49
KINGABANwhat will i do?11:49
eloquence4 wa spremature i think11:49
KINGABANdo solve my crashes11:49
eloquenceturn off you rcomputer11:50
eloquenceit wont crash anymore11:50
KINGABANhaha funny11:50
penhow do I make firefox run php files instead of download it?11:50
KINGABANlolzzzzzz ,i,11:50
DistroJockeyKINGABAN, well, until you answer my question, I can't help further sorry11:51
KINGABANwhats ur question?11:51
otwrpen: i assume you're getting your LAMP set up11:51
KINGABANmy friend what is your question/11:51
magnetronpen, firefox can't run PHP files11:51
penotwr, yes, I ran that commend11:51
DistroJockey<DistroJockey> KINGABAN, what error message do you get when you run the following from a terminal:  sudo apt-get update11:51
penmagnetron, no?11:51
otwrtry sudo apache2ctl restart11:52
magnetronpen, no, they are usually run on the we server. you need apache or lighttpd plus php installed11:52
penmagnetron, I installed LAMP11:52
penotwr, ok11:52
penotwr, then?11:52
KINGABANHit http://playonlinux.botux.net hardy/main Packages something like that11:52
otwrthen try reloading the page11:52
DistroJockeyKINGABAN, not enough. Please pastebin all the output including the command you ran11:53
penotwr, hey, cool11:53
penotwr, nice11:53
DistroJockey!pastebin | KINGABAN11:53
ubottuKINGABAN: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:53
penotwr, why?11:53
otwrpen: glad to help :) apache just needed to know PHP was installed11:54
penotwr, oh, I see11:54
m08alraune, I rebooted, but still can't run tvtime, I get the same error11:54
KINGABANIgn http://playonlinux.botux.net hardy/main Packages11:54
KINGABANHit http://playonlinux.botux.net hardy/main Packages11:54
KINGABANReading package lists... Done11:54
KINGABANIgn http://playonlinux.botux.net hardy/main Packages11:55
KINGABANHit http://playonlinux.botux.net hardy/main Packages11:55
KINGABANReading package lists... Done11:55
FloodBot3KINGABAN: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:55
SladjannnI don't know how to remowe kde???11:55
m08lsmod shows the same thing that guy posted in the link you gave me, but the lspci still shows unknown device11:55
DistroJockeyKINGABAN, please read what I said11:55
alraunem08: sry for that, can't really help, only guessing11:55
MikeSethSladjannn: using synaptic no go?11:55
m08alraune, thanks for the help11:55
DistroJockeyKINGABAN, and also what ubittu said11:55
SladjannnI am new in linux  I don't know all, just tell me MikeSeth11:55
m08alraune, I guess I'm gonna have to figure out why I can't get this to work11:56
Sladjannnin terminal?11:56
DozedOnLinuxSladjannn:  in the login screen you can choose Options, then choose another Desktop Environment (Session)11:56
gorka12i need some help11:56
gorka12can anyone open me a query?11:56
DistroJockey!pastebin | KINGABAN11:56
ubottuKINGABAN: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:56
DistroJockey!ask | gorka1211:57
ubottugorka12: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)11:57
alraunem08: the prob is basically the OS and its modules/drivers11:57
basvganyone here managed to install eee-ubuntu succesfully? Just read some horror-stories on installing it on the Eee 90something (I'm gettin gthe Eee 1000 probably)11:57
gorka12ubottu, but you see, it is so long11:58
ubottugorka12: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:58
otwrSladjann: try "apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop" ... but only if you want to get rid of it, you can have lots of different desktop environments11:58
alraunem08: if u untzippe the correct ones succesfully, they are already on your system...11:58
DozedOnLinuxgorka: you can just ask the question, if someone can help, they will11:58
m08alraune, oic I still don't know why the dvb-utils doesn't work correctly...dvbscan still comes up with unknown command11:58
* basvg doesn't want to end up with a box on which ubuntu won't run ;-)11:58
m08alraune, oh...11:59
DistroJockeygorka12, well, try and specify your problem in as few words as possible with as much detail as you can11:59
JannoTTIs there a way to see did linux found my usb gamepad11:59
alraunem08: so might try to manually load em with modprobe and write -succeeded- them to /etc/modules/11:59
DistroJockeyKINGABAN, still not enough info and you didn't state the command you used11:59
alraunem08: lets give that 20 min, terminal :12:00
KINGABANsudo apt-get update12:00
otwrlooked like an update to me12:00
alraunem08: sudo updatedb12:00
DistroJockeyKINGABAN, I see no error12:00
JabberWalkieJannoTT: try dmesg tail12:00
KINGABANbut if i open my synaptic it wont open it just close by itself12:01
m08alraune, waiting on sudo updatedb12:01
m08alraune, done12:01
KINGABANguys thanks for the help my synaptic is ok12:01
mowhere is the samba configuration for a share created by rightklick -> shrae folder saved, obviously it is not in samba.conf!?12:01
KINGABANthank you ^_^12:02
DistroJockeyKINGABAN, so what was the issue?12:02
JannoTT[  139.058226] input,hidraw1: USB HID v1.10 Joystick [GreenAsia Inc.    USB Joystick     ] on usb-0000:00:1d.3-2 that gotta be it now i only need a game that supports my toy12:02
KINGABANbut i have a problem with my counterstrike12:03
alraunem08: locate v4l2_common12:03
alraunem08: found ?12:03
KINGABANthe software opengl and d3d wont work and the game is so slow, my video card is Geforce2 MX400 64mb12:03
DistroJockeyKINGABAN, try wine related channels12:03
m08alraune, it just returns a command prompt12:03
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.12:04
KINGABANwhat channel is that my friend?12:04
alraunem08: locate btcx_risc                                              ,found ? (y/n)12:05
DistroJockeycheers homy12:05
burhanhello ppl12:05
burhani need support about kernel12:05
burhananyone to help?12:05
m08alraune, that also just returns a command prompt12:05
mowhere is the samba configuration for a share created by rightklick -> shrae folder saved, obviously it is not in samba.conf!? I can'T disable a particular share12:06
alraunem08: locate cx2341x                                         ,found ? (y/n)12:06
DistroJockeyKINGABAN, #winehq  would be the best bet12:06
m08alraune, same result...returns to command prompt12:06
KINGABANthanks my friend u help me alot12:06
KINGABANthanks again bye ^_^ God Bless12:07
alrauneKINGABAN: ??: type:    /list  in your messenger12:07
DistroJockeyKINGABAN, you're welcome, good luck12:07
brutushow do i completely remove the package nvidia-glx-legacy ?12:08
zorrosbrutus: rm -rf /12:09
Starnestommyzorros: do not tell anyone to run that command12:09
brutuszorros: yeah right12:09
DozedOnLinuxbrutus no!!12:09
DistroJockeyburhan, you could try in   ##kernel12:09
JannoTTIs there a way to make gamepad a second mouse? Like move cursor and too left and right clicks and stuff.12:09
zorrosbrutus just run that command12:09
DozedOnLinux!op | zorros suggesting bad12:09
ubottuzorros suggesting bad: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!12:09
chronographerthat is a mean thing to say zorros12:09
zorrosand everything will be OK12:10
DozedOnLinuxdont brutus12:10
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!12:10
brutusI'm not :)12:10
alraunem08: so they were not installed, still have an hour ?12:10
crdlbbrutus: you can use --purge when removing it with apt-get, but that isn't really necessary12:10
brutusnvidia-glx-legacy was conflicting with nvidia-glx-new so i wanna remove it...12:10
dam1anhallo all12:11
Starnestommybrutus: sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-glx-legacy12:11
neetoI just got an iphone, but when I plug it in, it does not try to automount, nor does it show up in /dev/. Is there a way I can force it to connect? Do I need to jailbreak it to even connect to it?12:11
DozedOnLinuxthank you12:11
m08alraune, haha sure, what's another hour between friends? lol12:11
alraunem08: http://linuxtv.org/downloads/snapshots/v4l-dvb-20061209.tar.gz      , get this (mouse left click)12:12
DRebellionneeto, i think you need to enable "disk mode" on the iphone using itunes.12:12
alraunem08: http://linuxtv.org/downloads/snapshots/v4l-dvb-20061209.tar.gz      , get this (mouse left click)    save to /usr/src12:12
ArchessBonjour, est ce que quelqu'un peut me renseigner sur le logiciel vlc plz12:12
DJones!fr | Archess12:12
ubottuArchess: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr12:12
alraunesee pm12:12
Kartagisare there any tools for ubuntu that lets me change my keyboard layout instantly?12:13
DozedOnLinuxMyrtti: may i message you ?12:13
MyrttiDozedOnLinux: sure12:13
brutusStarnestommy: Its funny...when i typed the command it said package not installed so not removed....12:14
brutusStarnestommy: but when i try to install nvidia-glx-new with the package manager its says it conflicts with legacy...12:14
alraunem08: saw pm ?12:14
ArchessOops sry ^'12:14
crdlbbrutus: pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new'12:14
alraune!compile > alraune12:15
ubottualraune, please see my private message12:15
Pirate_Hunterhi everyone12:15
JannoTTIs there a way to make gamepad a second mouse? Like move cursor and do left and right clicks and stuff.12:17
brutuscrdlb: umm..i'm using a local repository which doesnt have this package...so i downloaded the rpm from packages.ubuntu..12:17
crdlbbrutus: eh, then you probably got the wrong version12:18
brutuscrdlb: sorry, deb12:18
crdlbbrutus: I'm a bit confused; you're using a mirror?12:19
homyhi, i'm trying to wake on lan a pc. The problem is, that pc is the dhcp server which gives me my ip address. If a was connected to computer, it is then turned off, I can wake it with "wakeonlan mac-address". But if I was not connected to that computer (i.e. I have no ip address), "wakeonlan" says the network is unreachable. "etherwake mac-address" works, but it has to be run as root. Can I turn on that dhcp server by wakeonlan without usi12:19
DozedOnLinuxhomy:  you dont use the motherboard's option to wake on lan ?12:20
homyDozedOnLinux: what do you mean exactly? wakeonlan does work if the computer that issues "wakeonlan mac" already has an ip address.12:21
NickieFerranteAnyone care to lend me a hand getting rid of windows?12:21
FlynsarmyFor some reason i'm getting no sound in flash. this happening for anyone else?12:21
homywhich mainbords?12:21
otwroh damn12:21
brutuscrdlb: yes i used a mirror to get the nvidia-glx-new...n not my local rep cause its not updated n doesnt have this package12:21
[z]neois there a gui free rar extractor?12:22
mrsimonHi, I have a Zepto laptop and the touchpad is not recognozed properly, it's found as a logitech wheel mouse. is there a way to fix this?12:22
crdlbbrutus: you can add multiple mirrors to your sources.list12:22
otwr[z]neo: yeah, unrar12:22
crdlbbrutus: but it sounds like you just didn't add 'restricted' to the source line12:22
itamar_hi..got a question is there a .bash_profile dir?12:23
mrglinuxi have asus aam6000ug usb modem for adsl in windows i connect to internet with create bridge ( not pppoe) how to connect to linux same? means http://i36.tinypic.com/nw0dmr.jpg  http://i36.tinypic.com/nw0dmr.jpg12:23
[z]neootwr: i just installed unrar but it uses terminal window not gui12:23
brutuscrdlb: yes, right now in my sources.list i have just two lines..for my local reps...thats all (deb and deb-src)12:24
Guilohi all !12:24
crdlbbrutus: do you have restricted on that 'deb' line?12:24
Guiloi have an ati card and driver installed12:24
otwr[z]neo, sorry I thought you meant "gui-free" :) I think most of the file managers handle rars now12:24
DistroJockeyNickieFerrante, there are many answers to that question, care to elaborate a bit?12:24
Guilobut although vsync is activated, my videos are tearing12:24
brutuscrdlb: no12:24
Kartagisare there any tools for ubuntu that lets me change my keyboard layout instantly?12:25
Kartagisgraphical toold12:25
crdlbbrutus: that would be the problem; the nvidia driver packages are in the restricted component because they are non-free12:25
NickieFerranteI installed ubuntu 8.04 on a partition along with windows, and am now looking to convert the whole laptop to pure ubuntu; any idea how to delete the windows partition?12:25
brutuscrdlb: yes but i did download linux-restriced-modules-2.6.22-14-generic12:25
brutuscrdlb:from the packages.ubuntu site12:25
mrsimonNickieFerrante: gparted12:26
brutuscrdlb:shouldnt that suffice?12:26
otwrKartagis: yes, look for something like "keyboard layout switcher" in the panel apps12:26
crdlbbrutus: that's a really bad idea; it defeats the purpose of the whole system12:26
lantiusHello, I would like to know how fast is going a copy through my network, a samba share, how can i know what speed is it going ? I don't know if I explained it well, it's difficult12:26
crdlbbrutus: you're supposed to install 'linux-generic', which will ensure that you always have the latest version of the linux-restricted-modules12:26
NickieFerrantemrsimon: thanks a lot :)12:26
mrsimonNickieFerrante: np :)12:27
DistroJockeyNickieFerrante, if you mean you used WUBI, then you should get a live cd or alternate cd and start a fresh install12:27
FlynsarmyI tried both movie player and shockwave flash in firefox but neither have sound for flash videos. ideas?12:27
brutuscrdlb: hmm...so should i remove linux-restricted and install linux-generic?12:28
crdlbbrutus: no, linux-generic depends on linux-restricted-modules-generic12:28
homyDozedOnLinux: the problem is wakeonlan can't send the magic packet if I don't have any ip address yet.12:29
crdlbbrutus: just add restricted in your sources.list, then: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new linux-generic12:29
DistroJockeyFlynsarmy, install  pavucontrol  and run it (see the Hint at the bottom of that program's window)12:29
homyIs there another tool that doesn't need sudo (like "etherwake") but can send the magic packet anyway?12:29
FlynsarmyDistroJockey, I'm not sure if it's a pulseaudio problem. i used to have trouble with PA on my desktop and when sounds weren't working in firefox they weren'tworking for anything else either. This time its just flash in firefox thats the problem12:30
DozedOnLinuxhomy:   yes the magic packet, i suppose that would depend on if you had a router in-line that was always connected and had IP on LAN12:31
brutuscrdlb:you mean deb [rep-address] gutsy main universe multiverse restricted ?12:31
DistroJockeyFlynsarmy, fair enough. I suggested above to someone else this eve and it fixed the issue (worth a try) :)12:31
JannoTTIs there a some kind a search command in terminal? I need to find joy2key install folder becouse it looks for my joystick in wrong place and thunar does not have very effective search function.12:31
DRebellionhomy, you could always add an exception to /etc/sudoers that lets anybody run etherwake as root12:31
homyDozedOnLinux: yeah, but I am connected with the pc I want to wake up. That pc is also the dhcp server which distributes the ip addresses.12:32
crdlbbrutus: yep12:32
DozedOnLinuxhomy:  you are looking to WoL from remote ?12:32
MyrttiI find this message when installing LaTeX2HTML: "Warning: pstoimg  not installed, because build failed."12:32
homyDozedOnLinux: No, specifically I want to turn on a client without having to turn on the dhcp server, then wake up the dhcp server, get an ip address and connect to the other services (http, ...) the server offers.12:32
mrsimonis it possible to get an 'elantech' touchpad working with Ubuntu yet?12:33
Myrttia coworker complains to me while trying to make latex2html to work on gutsy gibbon12:33
DozedOnLinuxhomy:  oh yes, i see your situation,, hmm, there must be a way12:33
homyDRebellion: Is that safe?12:33
DRebellionhomy, sure, as long as you don't let anybody replace etherwake with anything malicious12:33
DozedOnLinuxhomy:  ad-hoc would work for that ? just an idea12:34
homyDRebellion: But "wakeonlan" can run without root permissions, so  why can't etherwake"12:34
homyYeah, that would work (adding an exception to /etc/sudoers.12:34
DRebellionhomy, i would assume that wakeonlan is using normal IP (internet protocol), whilst etherwake is using raw sockets, which would require root privs.12:35
homyDrebellion: ok, that would also explain why "wakeonlan" says "network is unreachable" if I don't have an ip address.12:35
orangeyhey all!12:35
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:36
brutuscrdlb: there seems to be an error..should i paste my output here?12:36
MythrilI am suffering from a drive failure and would like to know what tools ubuntu has to assist me?12:36
DozedOnLinuxbrutus: only need pastebin if it is multi-line12:36
JannoTThow i do a link from dev/input/js0 to dev/12:36
TiredWolf!recovery | Mythril12:37
ubottuMythril: To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"12:37
TiredWolfMythril: sorry, that's not the relevant factoid12:37
TiredWolf!recover | Mythril12:37
ubottuMythril: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although a method that might work in some cases is described at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html12:37
NewbeeI have configured my logitech RX1000 to use evdev and used /dev/input/by-id/ . And it works fine. But when I pug the mouse out and in again the horizontal scroll  doesn't work until i restart X.12:37
DistroJockeyJannoTT, that does'nt look like a good idea12:37
homyIs it also possible to add a bash script to /etc/sudoers, that executes "etherwake" and "dhclient"?12:37
homyAnd:would that be safe?12:37
JannoTTDistroJockey, why not12:38
TiredWolfMythril: how bad a failure is it? if you can't access the drive at all, i doubt ubuntu can do anything for you - you'll need a data recovery service. otherwise, the vital thing to remember is that you should take an *image* of the drive and work on that, never on the drive directly, or you could damage it further12:38
NewbeeBut because I use the mouse with my notebook  I need working plug and play. It would be great if anyone of you could help me.12:38
DRebellionhomy, put the script in /usr/bin and execute the script from /etc/sudoers.12:38
brutusDozedOnLinux: it is multiline...how do i 'pastebin'?12:38
MythrilTiredWolf: ubuntu (server) half-booted on the drive12:38
DistroJockeyJannoTT, why would you want to link /dev/input/js0 to /dev/  ?12:39
TiredWolfMythril: ok, then don't boot from it again, and rather get another drive (hopefully you have one that can fit the size of the broken one?) and take an image12:39
DozedOnLinuxbrutus: go to paste.ubuntu.com and paste your text, give it a title, hit paste button and send URL to whomever you need to see the pastebin12:39
homyDRebellion: Ok. I'll try that. Thanks for your  and DozedOnLinux help.12:39
MythrilTiredWolf: it was a dev box, so everything on it was backed up (hopefully), it was a raid drive so I am a bit confused12:39
=== TuxPWNZ is now known as Killer_Python
DozedOnLinux!pastebin | brutus12:40
ubottubrutus: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:40
JannoTTDistroJockey, joy2key looks for my js0 in dev folder but the js0 is actualy in dev/input folder12:40
db92i cant post on the forums ;_; any clues? :||12:40
Pirate_Hunterfound an interesting site for beginners covering different aspect of linux the title says it all - http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/index.html12:40
DRebellionhomy, make sure you only edit /etc/sudoers using the 'visudo' command.12:40
homyah... DRebelloing: Can I also but the script in /usr/local/bin ? That would be safe against updates...12:40
TiredWolfMythril: uhm well then what is it that you need to recover?12:40
brutusDozedOnLinux:ok, thank you12:40
MythrilTiredWolf: logs12:40
DozedOnLinuxbrutus: i should have done that to begin with :)12:40
homyDRebellion: So I have to use vi to edit sudoers? Thats disgusting!12:40
DRebellionhomy, well, it makes sure you don't mess it up and lock yourself out of the system.12:41
MythrilTiredWolf: It may not be a hardware failure, I am not sure12:41
=== samitheb1rber is now known as samitheberber
DistroJockeyJannoTT, then you would probably want to link /dev/input/js0 to /dev/js0  (just a guess)12:41
NewbeeCan't anybody of you help me? Or is my bad English the problem?12:41
MythrilTiredWolf: I just know that I have a lot of corrupt files and no explanation12:41
DRebellionhomy, you can put the script wherever you want, as long as all users will have read permissions.12:41
DozedOnLinuxNewbee: what is your native language ?12:41
Kartagisotwr: thanks a lot12:41
TiredWolfMythril: alright, plain text is not the easiest thing to recover (at least, it's time consuming), but look at the tools i've linked, some of them have the smarts to recover text files relatively painfree. but if you could still half-boot from the drive, then it's possible that you can just mount an image and read the filesystem perhaps...?12:42
MikeSethNewbee: examine the logs for driver error messages12:42
NewbeeGerman. But I will do my best to speak English with you.12:42
brutuscrdlb: heres the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34715/12:42
KartagisNewbee: your English is quite well so far12:42
MythrilTiredWolf: I'll try, hopefully it is easy to do with this piece of hardware12:42
enzotib[Q] how to have the winxp partition auto-mounted at gnome login?12:42
homyDRebellion: How do I quit vi? I just opened it, typed a bit and now I can'T quit. Is there something like a _small_ and _simple_ guide to vi?12:43
NewbeeMikeSeth:  where can I find these logs? Or do you mean /var/log/messages ?12:43
DozedOnLinuxNewbee: is there a reason why you changed your mouse settings in the first place ?12:43
MikeSethNewbee: there, and in dmesg12:43
crdlbbrutus: ahh, just sudo apt-get remove nvidia-xconfig12:43
freewayhi, everyone, I met some problem on the installation of Printer. Same problem as here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-702733.html12:43
DRebellionhomy, =/ I don't know about that. To quit type these chars and press enter:     :q! (to quit without saving)         :wq (to quit and save).12:43
ActionParsniphey all12:44
brutuscrdlb:oh great! so now i can use desktop effects and compiz?12:44
NewbeeDozedOnLinux:  Yes. the horizontal scroll wasn't working and I really love this feature of some logitech mice. So I want to make that working even after puging the mouse out and in again.12:44
homyDRebellion: Thanks, now i closed vi. Well, I'll have to do a bit of reading before running visudo again. Thanks anyway!12:44
TiredWolfMythril: well, boot a live CD and see. perhaps if it's just a couple of logfiles that you need to recover, and there's a possibility that they can still be intact together with the filesystem structure, then you could give a quick try at mounting the drive without taking an image of it first. just be sure to mount it read-only (mount -o ro), and work on it as little as possible - just access the relevant files and copy them if you can12:44
ActionParsnip!compiz | brutus12:44
ubottubrutus: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion12:44
crdlbbrutus: yes once you install those packages and reboot12:44
freewayhi, everyone, I met some problem on the installation of Printer. Same problem as here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-702733.html12:45
SIpkisshomy: see this small page about vi http://www.cs.albany.edu/~bking/csi201/files/vi_man.html12:45
JannoTTDistroJockey, Thanks12:45
brutuscrdlb: thanks a ton for your help...really appreciate it12:45
DozedOnLinuxNewbee:  thos require modifying the mapping i have page you can look at , but it is highly detailed12:45
=== otwr is now known as otwr|sleep
DistroJockeyJannoTT, no problem. Hope that helped (am tired) :)12:45
MythrilTiredWolf: thank you for the advice12:45
wolfeySIwhen will ubuntu make new version of 'amsn' available in packages?12:46
wolfeySIor do i need to compile it instead?12:46
TiredWolf!backports | wolfeySI12:46
ubottuwolfeySI: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging12:46
DozedOnLinuxNewbee:  be carefaul not to change too much, as you can leave your mouse inoperable with X > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31644112:47
wolfeySIi have backports enabled12:47
DistroJockeyJannoTT, main point was that  dev/  is not = to  /dev/12:47
NewbeeMikeSeth:  in /var/log/messages says something about recognizing the mouse but I don't really understand it. Shall I paste it so you can have a look at it?12:47
wolfeySIit isnt there12:47
chervacan someone tell me a command line runlevel editor?12:47
TiredWolfwolfeySI: then see if amsn was already requested for backport, and if not, request it12:47
DozedOnLinuxNewbee: i have another page but i need to find it, deals with mouse mappings. check that out first. maybe it will help a little12:47
wolfeySITiredWolf: where?12:47
NewbeeDozedOnLinux: I hope it can help me.12:47
enzotib[Q] how to have the winxp partition auto-mounted at gnome login?12:47
DistroJockeycherva, sysvconfig  is one I like12:47
freewayhi, everyone, I met some problem on the installation of Printer. Same problem as here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-702733.html12:48
wolfeySIenzotib: put it in /etc/fstab12:48
wolfeySIwhy at gnome login?12:48
wolfeySIit makes sense at system startup12:48
freewayhi, everyone, I met some problem on the installation of Printer. Same problem as here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-702733.html12:48
chervaDistroJockey: thanks12:48
NewbeeDozedOnLinux: I think the mappig is the problem. But I have no idea, where the problem could be.12:48
freewayhi, everyone, I met some problem on the installation of Printer. Same problem as here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-702733.html12:48
DistroJockeycherva, you're welcome12:48
Pici!repeat | freeway12:48
ubottufreeway: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:48
enzotibwolfeySI: what options i should use?12:48
DozedOnLinuxNewbee: well, i can tell you, i played around with it for quite some time, there seems to be no "sense nor ryhme" just so you know. it isnt easy, yet it is possible12:48
TiredWolfwolfeySI: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports#How%20to%20request%20new%20packages12:49
freewayhi, everyone, I met some problem on the installation of Printer. Same problem as here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-702733.html12:49
jhaigI'm trying to print to a Windows printer via Samba and I am getting "Unable to connect to CIFS host, will retry in 60 seconds...".  Any idea what might be wrong, or how I can find what might be wrong?  I'm using Hardy.12:49
bazhangfreeway, what printer12:49
bazhangfreeway, which particular model12:49
DozedOnLinuxNewbee: thats just it, play too much and you end up messing it up, so then it wont work correctly if at all. i have some samples here somewhere. i will look, then pastebin it to you, maybe you can make heads or tails of it12:49
freewaybazhang:HP LaserJet 435012:50
bazhangfreeway, we need tons more info12:50
wolfeySIfreeway: your user probably doesnt have permissions to admin printers12:50
MikeSethNewbee: you could, yes12:50
freewaybut i can see the printer12:50
wolfeySIfreeway: i typically enable 'root' and use root to login to cups12:50
NewbeeDozedOnLinux: Yes I hope that it is possible. But I am not that experienced with Linux (although I would love to be ;-) ) so I just have no idea what to do where to search or even how the whole thing works.12:50
wolfeySIfreeway: but probably it helps if you add your user to right group at /etc/group12:51
wolfeySIfreeway: 'lp' group might be (line printer)12:51
freewaywhich group?12:51
DozedOnLinuxNewbee:  then be very careful. cant say that enough. this another page on mouse mappings. read all before you attempt anything >https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto12:51
wolfeySIfreeway: not sure though12:51
wolfeySIbut i have in this lp group:  lp:x:7:cupsys12:51
wolfeySIcupsys is member of the group, that's user used by CUPS daemon12:52
utnubudnaihey all,what is the way to convert little_endian format code into gbk format?12:53
NewbeeDozedOnLinux: I have an xorg.conf backup, so I hope that I am right when I think that the risk should be limited to recover from it via login on a shell.12:53
DozedOnLinuxNewbee:  i was just gong to suggest that :) good job12:54
NewbeeMikeSeth: here is it. I hope you can find the problem and hunt it down, becaus I cannot. http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/391206/12:55
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DozedOnLinuxNewbee:  believe me, i would love to have the thumb button work, but, all i have it doing now is "forward" on webpages, which isnt very useful, i would like to use it for paste or copy operations12:55
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NewbeeDozedOnLinux: on my logitech mx400 I could make those bottons work with xbindkeys. And also the scroll works. But I think that is beause I don't plug it out.12:56
DozedOnLinuxNewbee:  yeah ? hmm, i will check that out > xbindkeys < see what i can make of it. if i do i will let you know12:57
MikeSethNewbee: I dont see anything out of the ordinary, what mouse device does your xorg config point to?12:57
* wolfeySI looks at Newbee 's log, while same mouse is discovered as different devices?:)12:58
=== Killer_Python is now known as Omar87
DozedOnLinuxoh no, just started getting this message on keys for repo's > W: GPG error: ftp://ftp.us.debian.org stable Release12:59
DozedOnLinuxdont know why but forgot how i generated the key12:59
Pirate_Hunterwhich package is better to unpack .rar files: unrar-free or unrar?13:00
wolfeySIPirate_Hunter: i just use rar, rar x13:00
freewayhi, everyone, I met some problem on the installation of Printer. Same problem as here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-702733.html13:00
NewbeeMikeSeth: I pioted it to "/dev/input/by-id/usb-Logitech_USB_Optical_Mouse-event-mouse" . I thought that using the .../by-id/-path would make the X-Server recognize the mouze wherever and whenever I would plug it in.13:00
=== freeway is now known as xiliu
Pirate_HunterwolfeySI: oh there is such a package i just keep getting resolts for unrar, how is rar13:01
smokewonughh, i got the dreaded Grub Error 17 and have no idea how to fix grub13:01
NewbeeDozedOnLinux: your second link seems not to help me, since I use the evdev-driver and they are talking about the "mouse"-driver.13:02
smokewonive been trying to follow steps from forum posts, but I dont know how to find out which (hd, x) my drive is, i have no idea what that means :S13:02
Pirate_HunterwolfeySI: you need to register rar after 40 days, does that mean i have to pay for it or just free registering?13:03
thai have some troubles with my free disk space. nautilus says there are 68mb baobab tells me there should be 14,6 GB of free disk space? whats going on?13:03
DozedOnLinuxNewbee:  i just looked at the xorg.settings, but then, maybe they dont apply to all. i have MS Optical. i will take a look at xbind now13:04
NewbeeMikeSeth:  here is what dmesg says: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/391208/ . Perhaps it helps you. I must say that this is beyond my skills and knowledge.13:04
xnvtha: What is baobab?13:04
DozedOnLinuxNewbee:  time for dinner, i will see about it in bit13:05
JernauhGurgehhello to all13:05
xnvtha: Oh, the disk usage analyzer?13:05
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:05
jinoHi all13:05
NewbeeDozedOnLinux:  I MUST use evdev for the horzontal srcoll. I have seen that feature only with logitech mice, so it won't be an issue for your MS mouse.13:05
MikeSethNewbee: it enumerates the device wrongly IMO, every time assigning it a new ID13:05
thaxnv: its the "Disk Usage Analyzer"13:05
jinowhat is SUID?13:06
smokewonoh hell wtf is "install grub to MBR" ???13:06
xnvsmokewon: GRUB is a bootloader and your MBR is your master boot record13:07
bazhangsmokewon, no foul language in here13:07
smokewonok, so how do i fix Grub error 17 with the bootloader and MBR?13:07
MikeSethbazhang: I'm offended by people who think wtf is offensive13:07
NewbeeMikeSeth:  As I said I cannot really understand that, but I also can see the difference at the plug-ins. But what can I do to fix the problem?13:07
adachow can I flush/delete  the routing table13:07
bazhang!grub | smokewon13:07
ubottusmokewon: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:07
xnvMikeSeth: Hell, maybe he was concerned about "hell"13:08
bazhangMikeSeth, please dont use acronyms like that in here.13:08
JernauhGurgehhow's everybody doing? I was wondering, withouth going into the graphical login as ssh and logging in with a terminal, Is the a way to run in the local X a remote program?13:08
MikeSethNewbee: I'm afraid I have no idea, my suspicion would be that X doesn't consider the newly plugged in mouse to be the same as the one configured, and thus doesnt enact whatever options for it13:08
thai deleted a lot of files with sudo rm /home/of_different_user/* 13:08
soundrayJernauhGurgeh: can you rephrase that?13:10
xnvsmokewon: I have a feeling fixes for error 17 can be found via Google. Or is there already one you're trying and the instructions are bad?13:10
MikeSethbazhang: as I said, I can't see why wtf would be considered rude or offensive and I think the prudish attitude towards abbreviations is ridiculous13:10
NewbeeMikeSeth: that is what I fear. But have you any idea how I could make X realize that the mouse remains the same and IS the one I configured?13:10
elkyMikeSeth, it's up to you: play by the rules of the channel you're in, or dont play in the channel. 'no wtf' is a rule in this channel, so please abide by it while you're here.13:10
MikeSethNewbee: I think you should point X to an alias of the device13:11
soundrayMikeSeth: you're in a minority here. Everyone else accepts the Code of Conduct, if you don't, you're free to leave.13:11
NewbeeMikeSeth: I tried to achieve that with the by-id thing, but I seem to have failed.13:11
smokewonbazhang could you please help im stuck on the page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto#Backup,%20Repairing%20and%20Reinstalling%20GRUB where it says on step 4 "13:11
smokewonMount your appropriate linux partions  / /boot swap ..... "13:11
smokewoni dont see where to put a "/ /boot swap"13:11
xnvMikeSeth: Maybe we should create #ubuntu-swear13:11
xnvMikeSeth: Or #ubuntu-wtf13:11
smokewondo i edit a partition?13:11
m08Anyone know how I do this: Make sure that the kernel sources of the kernel you are using (NOT the13:11
m08  sources of some other kernel) are in the directory /usr/src/linux ?13:11
TiredWolf!offtopic | xnv, MikeSeth13:12
ubottuxnv, MikeSeth: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:12
alraunemo8: uname -r13:12
NewbeeMikeSeth: Can you explain that more precisely? I cannot follow your thoughts.13:12
alraune, then look in there13:12
bazhangsmokewon, hang on a second13:12
smokewonok thanks13:12
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JernauhGurgehsoundray: surely! let me put it in steps. I get to gdm login. If I select secure login I login a graphical session in a remote computer. The X and all. That takes too long to load due to net speed. I rather login to my local session and open a terminal to do a ssh to my remote computer. But... once there, mmm I cant run a GUI application. How can I redirect that program to run in my local X server? I apologize for not being able to call it simple ;P13:13
MikeSethNewbee: typically the mouse is mapped to an alias, such as /dev/psaux, no matter where its connected, the first mouse will be available through that alias. I am not sure which alias you're looking for in Ubuntu, but you probably shouldnt point X to a device-specific file13:13
bazhangsmokewon, sorry had a phone call13:13
bazhangsmokewon, you in the ubuntu live cd now?13:13
cvssomebody can help-me? please read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75150913:13
MikeSethNewbee: /dev/psaux does exist tho, so try thatr13:13
smokewonim looking at the "Prepare Partition's" screen in GParted13:14
bazhangsmokewon, you got a terminal or tty now?13:14
bazhangsudo -s smokewon ?13:14
soundrayJernauhGurgeh: now I follow you. In your local session, you can run, for example 'ssh -X username@remotehost xlogo' and the remote xlogo will display locally.13:14
smokewonyup done13:14
NewbeeMikeSeth: and you do think that the touchpad is not considered the first mouse by ubuntu?13:14
smokewonim now root@ubuntu13:14
bazhangnow type grub smoke13:14
bazhangerr smokewon ^^13:14
smokewonlol np13:15
joepHi, can anybody give me information how automatic recognition (HAL) can be mastered?13:15
smokewonProbing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.13:15
smokewonjust let this do its thing13:15
m08alraune, ok I typed that and it shows the source of my kernel, but it's not in /usr/src/linux , it's in /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.2413:15
bazhangthen find /boot/grub/stage113:15
soundrayJernauhGurgeh: you can also 'ssh -X username@remotehost' and start remote X clients interactively. Use -C to compress the ssh exchange - it pays off if both machines are reasonably fast.13:15
smokewonok np's13:15
bazhangsmokewon, what did it return13:15
smokewon(hd0, 5)13:15
NewbeeMikeSeth: I could point to /dev/input/mice . Maybe this helps.13:15
alraunemo8: so what ?13:15
smokewonyup thats what it returned, (hd0, 5)13:16
Pirate_Hunteranyone has tutorials on how to install gtk themes manually in ubuntu or through terminal if possible?13:16
cryptedCan someone please help me settup a bridge for internet charring across many machine?13:16
m08alraune, well this driver I'm trying to install says "Make sure that the kernel sources of the kernel you are using (NOT the13:16
m08  sources of some other kernel) are in the directory /usr/src/linux" as one of the steps to take before I try to do the make13:16
JernauhGurgehsoundray: so ssh is the one who's in charge of redirect the program to my local X eh? Awesome! Thanks! And Ill read some more about ssh! :D Amm will the compress reduce traffic?13:16
bazhangsmokewon, now type root (hd0,5)13:16
MikeSethNewbee: there are two likely reasons to this: either X doesnt recognize the new device because its name changed, and applies default config to it (see xorg logs too!) or the driver itself doesn't get initialized - I wouldnt know what to do then13:16
smokewonbazhang: Error 11: Unrecognized device string13:16
bazhangsmokewon, then type setup (hd0,5)13:17
bazhangsmokewon, okay then that is the problem13:17
MikeSethNewbee: as of the touchpad, I dont know. This depends on the laptop (for thinkpads there is a special driver/port)13:17
soundrayJernauhGurgeh: yes, it will. ssh tunnels the graphics output through its connection. In the docs that's called X forwarding.13:17
smokewonah ok, i typed: grub> root (hd0, 5)  which returned that error, should i continue with setup (hd0, 5) anyway?13:17
smokewonsorry without the grub> i mean13:17
bazhangsmokewon, no space there13:17
soundraysmokewon: leave out the space13:17
cryptedCan someone please help me settup a bridge for internet charring across many machine?13:17
smokewonoh ok13:17
NewbeeMikeSeth: I have an Toshiba Satellite13:17
bazhangsmokewon, try it again13:18
bazhangwithout the space13:18
soundraycrypted: there is an option for that in firestarter13:18
smokewon root(hd0, 5)   gave me:  Error 27: Unrecognized command13:18
cryptedsoundray: ubuntu server. no gui13:18
soundray!info firestarter > crypted13:18
ubottucrypted, please see my private message13:18
joepcrypted: what do you mean by "charring"?13:18
JernauhGurgehsoundray: appreciate the help!! :D thank you13:18
alraunemo8: you can cp it or create symbolic link with ln, so system won't trouble13:18
cryptedjoep: sharring13:18
bazhangsmokewon, root (hd0,5)13:18
joepcrypted: ypu mean "sharing"?13:18
cryptedjoep: yep13:19
smokewonah yup that worked13:19
xMorgawrguys, can somebody help me install new aMsn 0.97.2 on ubuntu edgy? it keeps giving me error whenever I try to install the .deb package... please13:19
smokewonok so now ill do setup(hd0,5) ?13:19
xMorgawrit says error about libgcc1 but I have no clue of what it can be13:19
bazhangnow smokewon setup (hd0,5)13:19
bazhangyes smokewon13:19
alraunemo8: man ln13:19
joepWhat is real problem? Sharing what? You can use VPN to make a tunneld connection to transfer data.13:19
NewbeeMikeSeth: I find it strange that when I start X the mouse is ALWAYS recognised as the configured, but when I pug it out and in again it is NEVER reacognized as the configured.13:19
smokewonRunning "install /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0,5) /boot/grub/stage2 p /boot/grub/menu.lst "... succeeded Done.13:19
cryptedBridge: no GUI. Need to setup a bridge...13:19
bazhangthen type quit smokewon and reboot without the cd in13:20
cryptedBridge: no GUI. Need to setup a bridge... eth0 is my internet eth1 is the bridge13:20
joepcrypted: OK. You want to bridge several networks?13:20
smokewonhey tyvvvm bazhang =)13:20
cryptedjoep: several machines13:20
bazhangsmokewon, see if it works13:20
cryptedjoep: dhcp will do13:20
m08alraune, ok, what's the options I should use with ln command ?13:20
smokewonok, going for a reboot brb13:20
joepcrypted: On the same network?13:20
MikeSethNewbee: as I said, that's prolly because xorg doesn't understand that this is the same mouse, since the device name changes, and doesnt apply the mouse-specific config to it13:21
BullButchcan i remove oss and use only alsa? how do i do it?13:21
cryptedjoep: they need to use my machines internet connection13:21
MikeSethNewbee: look in xorg logs13:21
NewbeeMikeSeth:  where can I find them?13:21
cryptedjoep: the machine will act as a bridge and internet provider for those machine13:21
MikeSethNewbee: in /var/log/13:21
cryptedjoep: ?13:23
joepcrypted: OK I understand. It depends on the operating systems of the other machines. Normally if you have a local network the systems can see each other and if you have an intenetconnection (using a cable or telephone modem) they can all connect automatically.13:23
cryptedjoep: all the machines are Win XP's13:24
Pirate_Hunteranyone has tutorials on how to install gtk themes manually in ubuntu or through terminal if possible?13:24
cryptedjoep: I just need a simple bridge which will give out ip's through dhcp and internet :S13:24
td123Pirate_Hunter: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=install+gtk+themes+ubuntu&btnG=Google+Search13:25
joepcrypted: It is not that simple. How do you connect to the internet?(as you apparently do now)13:25
cryptedjoep: directly :) have my own IP13:26
cryptedjoep: lan if that helps13:26
NewbeeMikeSeth: when I got this right X realized that there isn't an .../by-id/... after pluging out. Then changes my settings to default and after plugging in again they are still gone. http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/391209/13:26
bazhangPirate_Hunter, go to gnome-look.org; dl the themes; drag to theme manager; done13:26
[z]neoanyone here can suggest a good p2p sharing like limewire for hardy?13:26
bazhang!frostwire > [z]neo13:27
ubottu[z]neo, please see my private message13:27
joepcrypted: Yes but there is always a modem in between that does the connection. Most modern modems have a dhcp facility built in.13:27
MikeSethNewbee: so point X to a location that doesnt change, e.g. /dev/psaux13:27
BullButchWhat do i do if i just want ALSA, no OSS, no PulseAudio?13:27
RxDxhow much is a normal temperature for HD?13:27
DozedOnLinuxNewbee: i troed xbind , application kept crashing so i removed it. no luck there13:27
bazhangBullButch, go to sounds prefs and set there13:27
valehow i can enable ext4?13:28
cryptedjoep: oh we have a switch/hub between the other computers and this one13:28
DozedOnLinuxRxDx above 160'F is hot13:28
bazhangvale, what do you mean enable13:28
RxDxDozedOnLinux, and in celcius?13:28
BullButchbazhang, but i want to remove the stuff i dont need. i have sound issues, and i belive it has got something to do with oss and alsa.13:28
DozedOnLinuxRxDx: each manufacturer has recomended levels, and they are all different13:28
valewhen i compiling kernel there is a voice for ext413:29
Pirate_Hunterbazhang: no theme manager here13:29
bazhangPirate_Hunter, gutsy or hardy13:29
joepcrypted: Yes but that is the internal network. How do you connect to the internet by cable or by telephone13:29
valewhat am i do?13:29
DozedOnLinuxRxDx: hmm been a while since convert to C' but i would guess around 45'C13:29
bazhangBullButch, dont need to remove, just set in prefs13:29
cryptedjoep: cable13:29
joepcrypted: Normaly both type of modems has the same facilities.13:29
NewbeeDozedOnLinux: it crashed? I haven't seen the application crashing yet.13:29
RxDxDozedOnLinux, mine is around 42C... what do you think?13:29
Jack_Sparrowvale Please read up on compiling.13:29
bazhangPirate_Hunter, check appearances theme tab and drag tar.gz there13:29
valeM or *13:29
smokewonbazhang unfortuantly no luck :S, i was wondering though, could it be possible to mount my partition and edit the menu.lst there and make all the (hd,4)13:29
smokewon's into (hd0,5)'s?13:30
Pirate_Hunterbazhang: hardy i want to do it manually without gui how do i go about doing so13:30
DozedOnLinuxRxDx:  iwhat manufacturer ? then i can check thier site for sepcs13:30
cryptedjoep: I tried this http://www.linux.com/articles/5561713:30
joepcrypted: Do you have a way to control the cable modem (e.g. with e browsewr interface).13:30
RxDxDozedOnLinux, i dunno.. its a HP PAVILION notebook13:30
JernauhGurgehvale: is your filesystem ext4?13:30
Pirate_Huntertd123: thanx for that13:30
valei want compiling kernel13:30
valeand then13:30
bazhangsmokewon, then the (hd0,5) is wrong apparently try fdisk -l13:30
TiredWolfDozedOnLinux, RxDx: typing "160 fahrenheit in celsius" into google will swiftly make the conversion13:30
Jack_Sparrow!enter > vale13:30
ubottuvale, please see my private message13:30
RxDxDozedOnLinux, the real problem is.. my hd is getting OVER CYCLES so i need to enter a command to turn cycles off13:30
cryptedjoep: that did not work13:30
bazhangvale dont use enter as punctuation13:31
Jack_Sparrowmorning bazhang13:31
joepcrypted: What kind of cablemodem do you have (e.g. US Robotics).13:31
bazhangmorning Jack_Sparrow13:31
NewbeeMikeSeth: What would be if I would use /dev/mice in my config? As I understand this the XServer changes to /dev/mice. But I would force all mice to use evdev by this. But I think that this sould work.13:31
cryptedernal network swch to other machines13:31
cryptedjoep: give me a sec...13:31
smokewonbazhang fdisk only tells me of partitions: sda1, sda2, sda5. sda6 and sda713:31
MikeSethNewbee: I donno. Why not try it? :>13:31
DozedOnLinuxRxDx:  i could suggest and way to test it, but it is off-topic concerning Ubuntu13:31
valei want now how i compiling kernel ( the ext4 voice M or * ) ?13:31
JernauhGurgehvale: you should be fine using M for module if the filesystem of your root is not ext413:31
smokewonbut no mention of any hd0's13:31
Jack_Sparrowvale Your questions would be better answered in #kernel13:31
MikeSethsmokewon: so?13:31
ianxxdo you guys know of any snmp management software foe linux13:32
RxDxDozedOnLinux, can i talk to you on PM?13:32
smokewonso i just put in sda1 ?13:32
valejack on this server?13:32
NewbeeMikeSeth: /dev/psaux is the touchpad13:32
bazhangsmokewon, no13:32
cryptedjoep: what is the diference? the interface does not have to be acceseed13:32
smokewonoh ok13:32
cryptedcrypted: on mandriva, before, there was a simple bridge13:32
MikeSethNewbee: I donno where Ubuntu would map the mouse13:32
Jack_Sparrowvale I believe so13:32
cryptedjoep: I just need a brige gviving ip's and intrnet from interface A to B :(13:33
MikeSethsmokewon: what are you trying to do?13:33
joepcrypted: All modems do need to be controlled e.g. to switch the firewall on or off, to configure dhcp, etc.13:33
smokewonMikeSeth: fix Grub Error 1713:33
bazhangsmokewon, I have to head out for a bit; describe your issue to others here as it is not that difficult to fix13:33
smokewonok np's13:33
smokewonbasically i deleted a partition by accident, yes by accident, im an idiot, but now i cant access my hardy partition anymore, because grub gives me "Grub Error 17" when i boot13:34
cryptedjoep: I know. But it can be done without that. The switch is already confiured accordnigly. It it is the machine that needs to be configured13:34
Newbeerestartig X to try something out. Hope to come back soon.13:34
joepcrypted: Yor own machine? running ubuntu 8.04?13:34
MikeSethsmokewon: run cfdisk and make sure your linux partitions are set to type 83. Also, make sure your BIOS has the hard drive set to auto and not LBA/etc13:34
Jack_Sparrowsmokewon that sounds like the partition you deleted was below your ubuntu install and changed the assigned drive partition number13:34
cryptedjoep: well, the one next to my lapptop. Running ubuntu hardy 8.04 server13:35
BullButchbazhang, but it still dont work.13:35
Jack_Sparrowsmokewon From Terminal   ...   sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /boot/grub/menu.lst >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && lsb_release -a >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit  (Provide Pastebin link in channel)13:36
smokewonJack_Sparrow i think thats the case yup, but i have no idea how to recover grub, i think i deleted it from the "MBR" :S13:36
joepcrypted: Do you have a firewall running on the internet machine?13:36
smokewonok ill do that now13:36
cryptedjoep: no. clean install.13:36
m08Does anyone know how to enable Video4Linux Support (CONFIG_VIDEODEV) in my kernel ?13:36
MikeSethm08: using the kernel configuration13:36
m08errr...or just how to enable things in the kernel?13:36
m08MikeSeth, ok13:36
MikeSethm08: make xconfig13:37
joepcrypted: Do you have a htttpd running on your system (in ubuntu that is apache2).13:37
cryptedjoep: just installed it13:37
cryptedjoep: why?13:37
smokewonJack_Sparrow one moment just have to add software sources(im on live CD)13:37
mrsimonHi I am trying to set a few things powertop tells me to but they are not working, eg. vmdirty_writeback stays at 30 regardless. Can someone help?13:37
td123hmm, just got a 24" monitor and xorg corrected its resolution :) (coming from a 15" monitor)13:37
joepcrypted: OK. Can anybody connect to your system using a browser from one of the other systems?13:37
m08MikeSeth, I got "make: *** No rule to make target `xconfig'.  Stop."13:37
Jack_Sparrowsmokewon fine, or just pastebin those manually13:38
Stevethe3irateUm. How do I set a network gateway? I thought it was 'ifconfig eth0 gw'13:38
cryptedjoep: you mean by typing the local ip?13:38
joepcrypted: yes.13:39
m08MikeSeth, I'm a complete noob if you couldn't tell13:39
cryptedjoep: I would have to test that... let me do that...13:39
MikeSethm08: you should do that in the directory in which your kernel sources are installe13:39
cryptedi'll be back in a sec13:39
m08MikeSeth,  ahhhh13:39
orgy`hi, i just bought a creative zen. the player gets recognized by mtp-detect and the exaile plugin, but i want to use amarok in order to transmit songs. unfortunately amarok doesnt see the player.13:39
joepcrypted: or the name of your system. Do you have some dns running? (e.g. bind).13:39
NewbeeMikeSeth: It seems that when I point to another path evdev X or whoever won't recognize the device at all. Not even after the X restart.13:39
MikeSethNewbee: then the mouse driver doesnt alias the mouse to that path13:40
Stevethe3irateUm. How do I set a network gateway? I thought it was 'ifconfig eth0 gw'13:40
Jack_Sparrowsmokewon Here are some of my notes on how to do that from livecd  http://paste.ubuntu.com/34734/13:40
MikeSethNewbee: maybe modules configuration in /etc will give you some hints13:40
MikeSethStevethe3irate: gateways are set in routing, not in interface configuration13:40
kalouroIs this the support channel for ubuntu?13:40
Picikalouro: it is indeed.13:40
Stevethe3irateMikeSeth: Ah. Ok, then how would I set it?13:40
Jack_Sparrowkalouro You found it13:40
MikeSethStevethe3irate: ip r a via
m08MikeSeth, I got this now "make[1]: *** No rule to make target `scripts/kconfig/.tmp_qtcheck', needed by `scripts/kconfig/qconf.o'.  Stop.13:41
m08make: *** [xconfig] Error 213:41
smokewonJack_Sparrow ok tyvvm for this help too btw, im just having some difficultys atm, wont be long13:41
NewbeeMikeSeth: what do you mean? I cannot understand.13:41
Jack_SparrowMorning pici13:41
Jack_Sparrowsmokewon not a prob13:41
PiciJack_Sparrow: Hi Jack :)13:41
Stevethe3irateMikeSeth: Yeah, what do you mean?13:41
kalouroCan somebody lease help me?13:41
Stevethe3irateDo I just type that?13:41
MikeSethNewbee: the modprobe system is responsible for assigning aliases to devices13:41
Jack_Sparrow!ask > kalouro13:41
ubottukalouro, please see my private message13:41
cryptedjoep: the machine does not give a gateway13:41
MikeSethStevethe3irate: plz see above13:41
MikeSethm08: are you root?13:41
cryptedjoep: i don't know the ip of the machine13:41
m08MikeSeth, I dunno13:42
MikeSethm08: type id in console13:42
m08MikeSeth, I guess not13:42
MikeSethm08: or whoami13:42
MikeSethif whoami doesnt say root then you aren't root13:42
cryptedjoep: ?13:43
m08I'm m0813:43
m08and id results in "uid=1000(m08) gid=1000(m08) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),107(fuse),109(lpadmin),115(admin),125(mythtv),1000(m08)13:43
FinnishIs someone having Virtual Box strangeness with 2.6.24-20-kernel? I get stuck after starting the virtual machine, keyboard (especially right Ctrl-key, to toggle between real and virtual machine) hangs up, along with other machine. I have to start X again to get out of that state13:43
joepcrypted: type hostname and use the returned name to type: ping hostname. You'l get the ip-address from your machine.13:43
soundraym08: the stock Ubuntu kernel has v4l support. No need to compile.13:44
Jack_Sparrowkalouro dont be shy, jump right in ans ask your question.  We usually dont bite13:44
cryptedjoep: where do I type that?13:44
MikeSethm08: are you sure you have the correct kernel sources installed?13:44
MikeSethsoundray: didn't know that13:44
joepcrypted: on the machine which has the internet connection and where you want the others to connect to.13:44
mugfres girl13:44
cryptedjoep: will be back. thanks13:45
MikeSethNewbee: btw http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43278213:45
m08MikeSeth, I dunno...I can't get a driver properly installed for my wintv-hvr-1800 tv tuner, and I can't get dvb-utils (and it's commands) to work...can't run mythtv or tvtime...etc13:46
Jack_Sparrowm08 hatve you tried the mythtv channel13:46
m08MikeSeth, So, I'm trying to manually install v4l, because hauppauge's linux driver page points to this13:46
Stevethe3irateMikeSeth: What I mean, is that I have a machine with NAT [as] and I want my other server to go through that to the internet.13:47
m08Jack_Sparrow, nope, what's it's name ? mythtv ? or ?13:47
cryptedjoep: nope. does not ping13:47
ubottuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV13:47
soundraym08: what version of Ubuntu do you have?13:47
MikeSethStevethe3irate: ip a default via x.x.x.x dev ethxxx13:48
m08soundray, Ubuntu hardy heron 8.0413:48
MikeSethStevethe3irate: ip r a default via x.x.x.x dev ethxxx13:48
MikeSethm08: sorry I have zero clue about v4l13:48
=== Killer_Python is now known as Omar87
Stevethe3irateMikeSeth: Thanks.. Soz, thought you were misunderstanding my poorly phrased question :D13:49
MikeSethStevethe3irate: of course the correct way would be to edit /etc/network/interfaces13:49
m08MikeSeth, any idea about my error when trying to do make xconfig ?13:49
Stevethe3irateok, then I'll edit that13:49
Stevethe3irateBut to?13:49
Stevethe3iratesame command?13:49
soundraym08: you don't need to make xconfig13:49
MikeSethm08: become root (sudo -s) and try again13:49
m08Jack_Sparrow, thanks for the channel name!13:49
joepcrypted: OK. I think your network is not configured. Click on system on your application bar and vlick on management (the second item from above) and click on network. There you can see which network connections are available.13:49
soundraym08: that's for compiling a kernel, which in any case, you won't have to do13:49
cryptedjoep: no gui13:49
DozedOnLinuxNewbee : did you manage to do anything with that ?13:49
m08soundray, ok....any ideas how I can get my tv tuner card driver installed properly? I've searched the net and tried just about everything I could find(and understand) but nothing works YET!13:50
Jack_Sparrowm08 there is another version of ubuntu specifically for mm stuff.  two letter initials after it, I just dont remember wehat it was me ce mm or something13:50
[z]neois it possible to permanently mount the other partition that i have everytime my pc starts? coz when i play musics the database cant find the files, so i need to click the partition to mount before i can play my music files13:50
joepcrypted: If you work from the commandline type: ip route show (or ipconfig).13:51
NewbeeMikeSeth:  I am trying13:51
soundraym08: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=785476 -- have a look at post #8, it tells you how to get and compile the latest DVB driver for your card.13:51
m08Jack_Sparrow, oh13:51
NewbeeMikeSeth: will leave for X restart13:51
calouro_ubuntuMy ubuntu is not working. I´ve got a Hardy installed. The system starts ok, but when i log on it doesn´t launch any application. Doesn´t send any error message. Just freeze. I tryied to restart, launch in "safety mode", but nothing seems to work. I started the live cd, it worked ok, but there´s no recovery option. I don´t have a clue of what to do... I removed the splash screen, but didn´t see anything wrong.. I think that if there´s a way to see 13:51
cryptedjoep: ok I see what next?13:52
joepcrypted: In the output you can see the ip-address connected to your networkcard and you can use that to ping.13:53
bastid_raZorm08; this may be what you need. http://en.ubuntumediacenter.org/13:53
m08soundray, been there, done that...no luck....the lsmod command shows what that guy posted, but when I do lspci command it shows my tv tuner as "unknown device"13:53
cwill747calouro_ubuntu: is there an option when you boot ubuntu that says "click esc to enter the menu"?13:53
cwill747calouro_ubuntu: did this just happen? or has it been installed for awhile13:53
soundraym08: that lspci output is fine, as long as the driver loads. Look in dmesg output for errors relating to the driver loading.13:54
calouro_ubuntuyes, there is this option13:54
calouro_ubuntufor the grub menu13:54
ActionParsniphey all13:54
m08bastid_raZor, I'll take a look at that13:54
cwill747calouro_ubuntu: yeah, you can boot into recover mode for the kernal there13:54
cryptedjoep: I gtg. I'll figure it out... thanks...13:54
cwill747!hi | ActionParsnip13:54
ubottuActionParsnip: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:54
calouro_ubuntui installed the system this week13:54
DozedOnLinuxJack_Sparrow:  could that be Ubuntu MMC ?13:55
joepcrypted: Yu're wellcome.13:55
Jack_SparrowDozedOnLinux MC is what I think it was13:55
cwill747!recovery | calouro_ubuntu13:55
ubottucalouro_ubuntu: To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"13:55
bastid_raZorm08; i checked that link out.. i doubt it is. i posted too quick.13:55
DozedOnLinuxJack_Sparrow:   found this > http://ubuntummc.wiki.sourceforge.net/13:55
ActionParsnip!hi | liquidxd13:56
Jack_SparrowDozedOnLinux linuz mce is what I was thinking of13:56
ubottuliquidxd: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:56
DozedOnLinuxJack_Sparrow:  ubottu dont know of it, ok will check on linuxmmc13:56
Jack_SparrowDozedOnLinux  http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2176025602905109829&hl=en13:56
DozedOnLinuxJack_Sparrow:  even better13:56
liquidxdi ;ike to ask something13:56
cwill747!ask | liquidxd13:57
liquidxdi'm from greece first of all13:57
NewbeeMikeSeth: It has not helped13:57
calouro_ubuntuThis alternate instal re-installs the gnome?13:57
soundraym08: these Ubuntu-based media center distributions aren't ready for primetime yet, with the exception of mythbuntu. But even mythbuntu doesn't give you anything you don't already have.13:57
ActionParsnipsup Newbee?13:57
ubottuliquidxd: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:57
m08soundray,  ic13:57
liquidxdwhen i install something from compile how can i make uninstall13:58
kibibytewhich ftp server shouls i ue?13:58
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd13:58
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP13:58
soundraym08: do a 'dmesg' and pastebin it for me please13:58
Jack_Sparrowsoundray check out mce13:58
NewbeeActionParsnip: what do you mean?13:58
darwinI'm slightly getting to the conclusion rosegarden sux, or what's worst I sux , and that's not good. I read documentation and could'n find what the problem is, this afternoon I'll install sonar (with wine) and see what happens13:58
ActionParsnipNewbee: you sound like you're having a problem13:58
soundray!pastebin > m0813:58
ubottum08, please see my private message13:58
kibibyteActionParsnip, but which is the best13:59
darwinlove ubuntu but hate not being able to compose, argh13:59
NewbeeActionParsnip: Yes of course and I have still no idea how I could fix it.13:59
* darwin *sigh*13:59
SiilenceAnyone else experiencing slow desktop load times in ubuntu after login?13:59
DRebellionliquidxd, it depends whether the source package includes an 'uninstall/remove' rule. If not, you will have to go through the makefile's install target and manually remove all the items you see.13:59
soundrayJack_Sparrow: Downloads -- Coming soon...13:59
Jack_Sparrowdarwin compose what?13:59
ActionParsnipkibibyte: none is "best" or noone would use the others would they13:59
darwinmusic Jack_Sparrow13:59
ActionParsnipkibibyte: use the one you feel comfortablest with13:59
ActionParsnipNewbee: whats your issue?14:00
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ActionParsnipkibibyte: try them or read online docs to see which looks most to your liking14:00
NewbeeActionParsnip: Als I have pionted out above I have configured X to use my logitech RX1000 with evdev and to point to  .../by-id/... . I works fine until I plug the mouse out an in again. Than horizontal scroll doesn't work anymore.14:01
rom1vI have a problem with an ssh redirection14:01
rom1vcould you help me?14:01
ActionParsnipNewbee: why would you unplug your mouse...anyways14:01
bastid_raZorwow.. media center is what i need for my box behind the tv.14:01
ActionParsnipNewbee: if you remodprobe usb stuff does it make it better14:01
ddg09ahello all.. can someone help me install ubuntu server through vmware?14:02
Jack_Sparrowdarwin See if this will work for you ..  http://getdeb.net/app/NtEd14:02
NewbeeActionParsnip: I have a notebook and I would often suspend so the X server is not restarted with the mouse. And I might want to pug it in ater startig X.14:02
darwinchecking jack-desktop14:02
Jack_Sparrowbastid_raZor Kinda cool eh?14:02
m08soundray, http://paste.ubuntu.com/34745/14:02
NewbeeActionParsnip: I would try it out if could tell me which modules you mean.14:03
ddg09ai have vmware installed14:03
calouro_ubuntuThank you people, I´ll see if it works14:03
ddg09aand i have server downloaded14:03
ddg09awhat do i need to do next14:03
Claudiupeople, how can help me to install verlihub on Ubuntu feisty ?14:03
bastid_raZorJack_Sparrow; yeah, i use that box for movies and apache2.. apache2 wouldn't be affected since i do all that remotely..14:03
Jack_Sparrowbastid_raZor it is on my list of projects to try14:04
ActionParsnipNewbee: try modprobe usb-ohci ; modprobe usb-uhci14:04
mint2i am trynig to compile a program : ./configure but it says command not found bash14:04
Claudiuno one?14:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about verlihub14:04
ddg09acan anyone help14:04
ActionParsnip!info verlihub14:05
ubottuverlihub (source: verlihub): Powerful Direct Connect Server (hub). In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9.8d~rc2+nojunk-1 (hardy), package size 1096 kB, installed size 3992 kB14:05
soundraym08: that's good news. The relevant lines are 329-352. Now you just need to install vdr or mythtv, sort out the reception and channels and you'll be able to watch TV.14:05
Claudiu!info verlihub14:05
Claudiu ?!14:05
ActionParsnipClaudiu: its in repos dude14:05
PiciClaudiu: Just look a few lines up to what ubottu said.14:05
NewbeeActionParsnip: the moduls were not found14:05
Claudiuok..then help me install apache :P14:06
m08soundray, When I tried to install dvb-utils and run dvbscan I get the error "command not found" Don't I need to do dvbscan before I install mythtv ?14:06
bastid_raZorJack_Sparrow; i'm soon to be getting another old box. i am going to try it out when i acquire it. considering the tv aspect it would be perfect for my brother.14:06
Claudiui want to install just apache server14:06
darwinwell that would work Jack_Sparrow, but I already have a music notation software that works, I need midi audio sequencing editing, music production software14:06
ActionParsnipNewbee: try lsmod14:06
bastid_raZorClaudiu; sudo apt-get install apache214:06
mint2anyone ?14:06
ActionParsnipNewbee: lsmod | greb usb14:06
Omar87Guys, I'm trying to install python2.5-dev, but it says there are some broken packages.14:06
ActionParsnipOmar87: sudo apt-get -f install14:07
NewbeeActionParsnip: I have: usbhid , hid , usbcore14:07
soundraym08: I have no personal experience with mythtv -- only ubuntu. I'd imagine that you can scan for channels at any time, you don't have to do it before installing mythtv14:07
Omar87ActionParsnip: I tried that, it didn't work.14:07
ActionParsnipNewbee: try sudo rmmod usbcore; sudo modprobe usbcore14:07
bastid_raZorJack_Sparrow; i need one of those remotes too..14:08
Himarihi, does anyone know how to connect to a wireless network with encrypted/protected key/code (I know the code, of course)?14:08
Omar87ActionParsnip: apt-get -f install doesn't detect anything.14:08
ActionParsnipOmar87: what do you get when you use sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade14:08
m08soundray,  ok, I'll try and thanks for the help!14:09
Omar87ActionParsnip: Everything seems to be okay, they don't do anything much.14:09
NewbeeActionParsnip: I have done that, but nothing changed.14:09
Jack_Sparrowbastid_raZor they look cool,14:09
darthanubiswhat happened to DMA support on drives?14:09
soundraym08: btw, the command is 'scan', not 'dvbscan'. That'll explain the "command not found".14:09
darthanubisIs libATA broekn?14:09
m08soundray,  ahhhh!14:09
ActionParsnipOmar87: what messages do you get about these broken packages14:09
ActionParsnip!paste | Omar8714:10
ubottuOmar87: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:10
ActionParsnipNewbee: ok cool, how is it now? Basically, break it then do those commands14:10
Omar87ActionParsnip: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/81382/14:10
DozedOnLinuxanyone confirm LinuxMCE is real ?14:10
soundraym08: iirc, scan is a bit unintuitive. I'd be surprised if mythtv didn't have a means of scanning the airwaves for you.14:10
ActionParsnipOmar87: sudo apt-get install python2.514:10
DozedOnLinuxsomehow i just dont buy the video14:10
ActionParsnipDozedOnLinux: id get LPI certs instead14:11
m08soundray, yeah...then again I've been thinking ubuntu is a bit unintuitive. LOL14:11
ActionParsnipm08: how so?14:11
Omar87ActionParsnip: Well, it's already installed.14:11
Himarihi, does anyone know how to connect to a wireless network with encrypted/protected key/code (I know the code, of course)?  <-- please :(14:11
bastid_raZorDozedOnLinux; it does look too good to be true. i'll be able to confirm or deny all this in a few weeks.14:11
mint2i am trynig to compile a program : ./configure but it says command not found bash14:11
ActionParsnipOmar87: what version?14:12
DozedOnLinuxthe video loosk faked or theoretical, i have seen that design before, and it wasnt by anyone in Linux Commun14:12
NewbeeActionParsnip: I don't understand. Maybe my English is to bad. Can you explain that  more clearly please?14:12
m08ActionParsnip, I'm a super noob to ubuntu/linux so it was a joke of frustration(I'm having trying to set up my tv tuner)14:12
Claudiusome one can tell me where is located "htdocs" or "www"  folder ?14:12
Omar87It says: "python2.5 is already the newest version."14:12
soundraym08: I mean unintuitive as in "have to spend an hour with the manpage" (that's scan), not "have to play around a bit before things start to make sense" (that's Ubuntu)14:12
ActionParsnipm08: you've a lot to learn14:12
bastid_raZorClaudiu; /var/www14:12
ActionParsnipOmar87: sudo apt-get --reinstall install python2.514:13
m08soundray, haha yeah14:13
DozedOnLinuxbastid_raZor:  yes it does look good, a fancy dancy DVD player with full home control.. hmm who can i think that has a house just like that. the idea is not original. even if its real14:13
m08ActionParsnip, you said it!14:13
ActionParsnipNewbee: make your mouse not work14:13
soundraym08: I have to say, you've done exceedingly well, checking out experimental source code with hg and compiling it for your kernel! That's not newbie stuff by a long way.14:13
ActionParsnipNewbee: with hibernate or whatever, then try fixing it with those commands about usbcore14:13
bastid_raZorDozedOnLinux; i'm not going to try the whole house control. just the tv tuner/media player..14:14
DozedOnLinuxsorry may be off-topic, but it does have something to do with linux, not Ubuntu specific so thats that14:14
m08soundray,  haha...well I used to do DOS back in the day! LOL14:14
Claudiubastid_raZor do u know a software with i can make website ? something to put text & images and then to i press a button an generates some HTML pages14:14
louishi people!14:14
Omar87ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34752/14:14
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louisIm having issues with ubuntu over virtualbox14:14
Jack_SparrowDozedOnLinux it is offtopic, please take further discussion and opinions to offtopic14:14
soundraym08: and of course, you compiled drivers under DOS all the time ;)14:14
Claudiuescuse me for my bad english :(14:14
NewbeeActionParsnip: the mouse is not working properly at the moment. And your rrmod && modprobe couldn't do anything against it. Is that what you mean?14:15
m08and played around a bit with perl and c++ out of curiousity and a friend telling me I could make money coding perl from home. LOL14:15
DozedOnLinuxJack_Sparrow: yes i know jack, thank you14:15
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/14:15
m08soundray,  hahahaha14:15
caprisonnccan any1 help me with configuring my wlan on VMware14:15
ActionParsnipNewbee: yeah14:15
ActionParsnipNewbee: have the mouse working (reboot) then lsmod > before, make the mouse not work then run lsmo > after14:16
ActionParsnipNewbee: then compare the 214:16
ActionParsnipOmar87: ahhh, ok you need a .deb or repo with python2.514:17
louisHi everybody, im running ubuntu 8.04 under VirtualBox and i can't get my resolution higher then 800x600 and i'm having a widescreen laptop, so.. anyone know what i should do?14:17
soundraycaprisonn: can't you use your host's network via NAT?14:17
HappyHaterfuck ubuntu14:17
Omar87ActionParsnip: Where do I get it?14:17
Jack_SparrowClaudiu np14:17
ActionParsnip!resolution | louis14:17
ubottulouis: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto14:17
NewbeeActionParsnip: I understand. I will make it work by just restarting X. An reboot is not required.14:17
ActionParsnipOmar87: www.google.com14:17
NewbeeActionParsnip: restarting X14:17
cwill747caprisonn: why do you need to? Can't you just set the network to borrow the computer's network?14:17
ActionParsnipNewbee: whatever, you can see what im doing right?14:17
caprisonnmy wifi shows as eth014:17
AngryElfis there a mirror I can set up for the repos since it looks like some of them are down now?14:17
darwinJack_Sparrow, what other midi software can I find or where?. (mean apart from (so far so crap Rosegarden)14:18
soundraycaprisonn: where?14:18
robboHey... can some1 bhelp me to make my font as smooth in xchat as it is in gnome-terminal/pidgin14:18
caprisonnit dosnt come up as wireless on backtrack3 when usin it on VMware14:18
louisActionParsnip, i dont need to add some virtual driver for ubuntu to use my vid card by vbox..14:18
Jack_Sparrowdarwin No idea.  go find something that suits your needs.  No one knows better than you14:18
soundraycaprisonn: it's not supposed to14:18
caprisonnwhat can i do14:19
ActionParsniplouis: no idea, i dont use vbox14:19
soundraycaprisonn: VMware relays your internet connection and presents it to the guest OS as a wired LAN14:19
zod21louis no just install virtualbox guest additions14:19
darwinthanks Jack_Sparrow, the problem with rosegarden is that I couldn't make it sound :(14:19
Kartagiswhat should I do after installing xfonts-intl-japanese so that I can use them?14:19
louisActionParsnip ok thanks :P14:19
caprisonnso whaat can i do_14:19
soundraycaprisonn: it's called NAT and it's the default, but do make sure you haven't set it to something else14:19
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zod21it adds every resolution and kinda adds like a stability feel like you would get from a decent card14:20
Omar87ActionParsnip: Will a .tgz file do the job?14:20
caprisonnits is on NAT14:20
ActionParsnipOmar87: if you wanna compile source14:20
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=== h0b0ng- is now known as h0b0ng
Jack_Sparrowdarwin That is a different problem...  Try    /join #alsa   and see if they can help fix your sound.  were you trying to run more than one device (accessing sound card) at a time?14:20
soundraycaprisonn: so everything is fine.14:20
[z]neois it possible to permanently mount the other partition that i have everytime my pc starts? coz when i play musics the database cant find the files, so i need to click the partition to mount before i can play my music file14:21
caprisonnyes but my wlan comes up as eth014:21
darwintryed almost everything I was told14:21
soundraycaprisonn: I just explained to you why that is.14:21
caprisonnand the applications that use ccan find any wlan14:21
soundraycaprisonn: it is not a problem.14:21
soundraycaprisonn: you don't have wlan in your guest OS.14:22
caprisonnahhhhhhh so i cant do anything about it14:22
ddg09aguys once i create the virtual machine what do i do with the iso ubuntu file?14:22
soundraycaprisonn: you probably can, but you shouldn't14:22
Claudiuo yeah, and i problem i cannot solve.....Ubuntu feisty doesn't have Wireless driver ?14:22
caprisonnokkk bro thnx for the help14:22
Gneacaprisonn: can't or won't?14:22
Claudiubecause i have a leptop, and Ubuntu doesn't seems to see my wireless driver14:23
soundrayAnother happy customer ;)14:23
m08wow, the scan command works, but it's not finding stations! :( I guess I'll have to use w_scan since I have no idea what kind of modulation my cable provider uses14:23
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu: what model wireless do you have in your laptop ?14:23
ClaudiuAtheros....do u want to know the full version ?14:24
bastid_raZorddg09a; the .iso isn't needed once installation is complete.14:24
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu: atheros should be supported14:24
Omar87ActionParsnip: I also found this: " idle-python2.5_2.5.2-7ubuntu2_all.deb"14:24
NDUanyone in here know anything about DRBL14:24
Jack_Sparrowbbl.. please play nice14:24
erthorIm trying to install flashplayer it says open terminal and direct the download, and then type ./flashplayer-installer but it doesnt start the intallation. What do I do?14:24
Claudiuno is not supported......... belive me14:24
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu: does it show up in Network Manager as "Wireless" ?14:24
ddg09aok so i just start the vm? bastid_raZor14:24
undefei, have someone installed bmp-mp4 plugin ?14:25
m08thanks everyone who helped, soundray , bastid_raZor , ActionParsnip, etc14:25
Claudiujust wired network14:25
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu: laptops have a power-saving feature that tends to shut down the wireless in order to save power14:25
Claudiuok, so how i can enable that...14:25
NDUI'm having a problem with something called clonezilla, does anyone know about it?14:25
SamOrpheusi have got hp dv9330 notebook..14:25
bastid_raZorddg09a; you told the vm to mount the iso on the cdrom on boot right? if so change that back to an actual cd/dvd drive.. then yes you can start the vm and enjoy ubuntu14:25
DozedOnLinuxin termina you can try > sudo ifconfig ath0 txpower on14:25
bastid_raZorm08; good luck14:26
Claudiuok.... i'm gone try14:26
SamOrpheusmy laptop supported ubuntu linux ? i wanna install os.14:26
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu: if it is aliases as ath0 in which atheros cards use ath0 instead of wlan014:26
TiredWolf!laptop | SamOrpheus14:26
ubottuSamOrpheus: Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org14:26
SamOrpheusthanks sir14:26
m08bastid_raZor, thanks...it started finding some channels but with some sort of filter error now. haha oh man I've been messing with this too long.14:26
dskinkubuntu-kde4-desktop install kde 4.1 or kde 4.0 ?14:27
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde414:27
Claudiuwith what command i can see my network adapters DozedLinux ?14:27
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu: if ifconfig doesnt do it try > iwconfig ath- txpower on14:28
GneaNDU: have you asked in #clonezilla?14:28
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu: command to see ? > ifconfig -a14:28
Claudiuok, look what's the problem, u tell me to type "sudo ifconfig ath0 txpower on" but here...are just eth0 and lo14:28
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu:  eth0 is LAN14:29
NDUGnea, no one is in that channel14:29
Claudiui know that14:29
Claudiuand lo ?14:29
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu:  lo is loopback14:29
yaccHmm, any idea how to list all processes that have been started an hour ago or before?14:29
yaccps seems not to be able to select on starttime :(14:29
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu:  you are interested in ath0 or maybe even ath114:30
GneaNDU: well, clonezilla is offtopic here - are you trying to use it with ubuntu?14:30
x2oschitt wie reparier ich ne notebook tasta wenn ganze tastenbereiche nciht funzen?14:30
Claudiuok.....but...look...when i give that cmd .... clyde@Clyde:~$ sudo ifconfig ath0 txpower on14:30
Claudiutxpower: Unknown host14:30
Claudiuifconfig: `--help' gives usage information.14:30
x2ohab se in alkohl eingelegt14:30
GneaNDU: well, in order to help you, you'll need to provide a detailed explanation of your problem14:30
NDUwell, I don't want to waste your time, and I don't think you'll be able to help me if you don't know anything about clonezilla14:31
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DozedOnLinuxClaudiu:  if ifconfig -a shows no ath0 or ath1, then no command will control them try this > sudo lshw -C network14:31
r4bi'm currently on hardy on a msi wind netbook. Does anyone know if it's worth installing canonical's netbook remix?14:31
x2owo kann ich die bildschirmhelligkeit erhöhen? meine provisorische tasta hat die entsprechenden tasten nicht14:31
backenfutterhello, I just installed the gDesklets from the repos and get a segfault when trying to execute them, can anyone help? I get:  kernel: [  139.218763] python[6851]: segfault at 6379 rip 7fbf847bb89c rsp 7fff8da462b0 error 414:31
dskinx2o: #ubuntu-de14:31
natbetHow would I set one of the multimedia keys to invoke a script on ubuntu?14:31
Claudiuok.....atheros - > UNCLAIMED, that is writed there, and some info' about the network adapter14:32
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu: is that a plug in wireless adapter or a built-in onboard ?14:32
Claudiubuilt-in onboard..14:32
Gnea!ask | NDU14:32
ubottuNDU: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:32
Claudiuit's not a card14:32
erthorhow do i enable root or login as a root?14:32
GneaNDU: that's not how it works here.14:32
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu: plug-in ok14:32
NDUheh, ok, sorry14:33
mint2i am trynig to compile a program : ./configure but it says command not found bash14:33
mint2anyone ?14:33
NDUfirst time I've ever been on IRC14:33
Claudiuplug-in ok ?14:33
Myrttilets say I want to download stuff with cvs from http://saftsack.fs.uni-bayreuth.de/~latex2ht/user/ . How could I do it?14:33
Claudiuthe Atheros is onboard..14:33
coolerguydoes anyone have experience with Mono + Ubuntu?14:33
MyrttiI've read the friendly manual but I still don't get it14:33
erthorhow do i enable root or login as a root?14:33
louisHi i'm using ubuntu 8.04, and i did my latest updates, when i go to add programs in gnome it asks me password, when i type it it says it is the wrong password.. i'm using a fresh (30 mins) install of ubuntu.....14:33
Claudiuerthor: sudo su14:33
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu: if this shows nothing, then you either have a faulty wireless or it is not enabled in CMOS > lspci -nn14:33
DozedOnLinuxsudo -i14:33
erthork thx14:33
GneaNDU: no problem. we prefer that you just come out with the problem because there are so many people in here14:33
=== backenfutter is now known as backenfutter_
Claudiu02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Atheros Communications, Inc. Unknown device [168c:001c] (rev 01)14:35
Claudiui think the driver it's not installed14:35
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu:  ther is also a built in LAN ? is that the case ?14:35
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Gneaerthor: sudo -i  is safer than sudo su14:35
NDUOk, so I've actually got a few problems. First, I keep getting this error when I try to start the clonezilla service "Error! Nameserver is unset! Please put it in config file "drblpush.conf" or /etc/resolv.conf14:35
Claudiu08:07.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ [10ec:8139] (rev 10)14:35
Claudiu   this is the wlan i user now14:35
coolerguyi keep getting sigsegv when running Mono applications... running hardy14:36
NDUNeither of which exist14:36
DefunctProcessthats ethernet not wireless14:36
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu:  ok then you may not have it enabled in CMOS or the wireless built0in adapter may be faulty14:36
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DozedOnLinuxClaudiu: check your CMOS to see that the wireless is enabled14:36
jimmy51__what ISO should i download for a single core AMD Athlon 64-bit CPU to run as 64 bit?14:36
GneaNDU: i'm wondering if we're talking about the same clonezilla - i'm thinking about the livecd that allows backing up and restoring of systems14:36
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu: as of now, nothing suggests you even have a wireless adapter built-in.14:37
Gnea!amd64 | jimmy51__14:37
ubottujimmy51__: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/23ewcf for more information.14:37
NDUGnea: Well, actually there are two, ones the live cd, ones an actual server that is a replacement for ghost14:37
Claudiuin CMOS -> 02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Atheros Communications, Inc. Unknown device [168c:001c] (rev 01)14:38
GneaNDU: haven't heard of the second one. sounds confusing. is that made by the same people who did the livecd?14:38
Claudiuunknown device..14:38
NDUGnea: yeah14:38
DozedOnLinux!wireless | Claudiu14:39
ubottuClaudiu: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:39
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu: enable in CMOS not from OS14:39
DozedOnLinuxClaudiu usually ESC or F! or DEL14:39
Claudiuthx for doc, i'm gone read it14:39
backenfutterSeem to be a lot of errors for something coming out of the repos...? can anyone help? http://paste.pocoo.org/show/81385/14:39
GneaNDU: have you read this yet? http://www.clonezilla.org/forum/14:39
NDUGnea: yeah, if you click on the server forum, I'm specterm14:40
ddg09abastid_raZor i do have to create a cd for the vm to boot from when started through correct?14:41
DozedOnLinuxbackenfutter:  looking14:41
DozedOnLinuxbackenfutter:  that german  or dutch ?14:42
GneaNDU: well you've certainly made the right move there. your best bet is to wait for a response there or in #clonezilla14:42
NDUGnea: well, thanks =p14:43
GneaNDU: good luck.14:43
DozedOnLinuxbackenfutter:  http://www.gdesklets.de/14:43
DozedOnLinux!de | backenfutter14:43
ubottubackenfutter: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:43
DozedOnLinuxbackenfutter:  my german rusty14:44
backenfutterI tried to get help there but noone seems to be answering14:45
jimmy51__thanks Gnea14:45
DozedOnLinuxbackenfutter:  leider kann ich Ihnen nicht helfen, aber können Sie auf Deutsch-Kanal, können sie Ihnen helfen, es besser14:45
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:45
backenfutterDozedOnLinux, that one german line just says that it cant find some theme in modulepath14:46
jhairI've just upgraded to hardy, which is the name of the package to get the fancy X visual effects (e.g. the cube and windows with moving borders)?14:46
backenfutterDozedOnLinux, theme engine14:46
DozedOnLinuxes ist, dass die Fehlermeldungen sind in Deutsch, nicht so, dass niemand kann Ihnen helfen, sie helfen können14:46
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:46
DozedOnLinuxbackenfutter:  ok i see it is eyecandy14:46
DozedOnLinuxbackenfutter: let me check to see it is supported14:47
shtncan someone tell me.14:47
shtnif i changed the hardware(motherboard) while ubuntu is installed is it gonna effect the OS14:47
filthpighi, I'm having trouble connecting to my bluetooth headset. It is detected, but when trying to connect it says: Couldn't display "obex://[00:1A:45:C5:C3:FD]/". Error: Host down. Please select another viewer and try again.14:47
DozedOnLinux!find gdesklets14:47
ubottuFound: gdesklets, gdesklets-data14:47
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup14:47
ubottugDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/14:47
DozedOnLinuxbackenfutter:  you may want to check ubottu's link14:47
banisterfiend hey guys how come the linux partition manager wont let me resize my linux partitions, but lets me resize my windows one?14:48
Gneashtn: not too much14:48
shtni want to upgrade my pc but i dont want the os to be corrupted14:48
Gneabanisterfiend: you can't resize something that's mounted14:48
backenfutterDozedOnLinux, it should be supported... sudo apt-get install gdesklets <- thats where I got it from14:48
shtnso it will not corrupt like windows xp14:48
banisterfiendGena, ok so i should resize them through windows? do u know a program that i can use in windows xp to resize partitions?14:49
DozedOnLinuxbackenfutter:  yes, i see that it is. there is a link that ubottu found > http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/14:49
Gneashtn: so make a backup first14:49
Gneabanisterfiend: no, use a livecd14:49
shtnif it didnt work the backup will be of no use14:49
banisterfiendGnea goodidea fren14:50
banisterfiendok ill do that now14:50
shtni want all the setting s to be the same14:50
ioannis_hello, iam new to ubuntu and i have a sound problem. i cant use two applications with sound. mp3 and flash dont work. but now i cant here in flash even when mp3 is closed14:50
banisterfiendgnea, can i still do things while im resizing partitions, like surf the web etc, or it's better not to do anything at all?14:50
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amitprakashhi.. my alsaconf works fine and so do media players[amarok, mplayer etc] but gnome is unable to detect a sound card.. i am using Intel HD Audio w/ alsa support compiled in kernel.. how do i fix the problem14:51
DozedOnLinuxioannis_:  you do have flash installed right ?14:51
ioannis_yes it think so14:51
remoteCTR1amitprakash: at what occasion do you state that, and what does lspci return?14:52
DozedOnLinuxioannis_: in terminal 1st one > sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree14:52
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DozedOnLinuxioannis_:  also this one in terminal > sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:52
ioannis_was installed14:52
ioannis_is also installed14:53
amitprakashremoteCTR1, nm.. fixed it needed gst-plugins-alsa14:53
remoteCTR1amitprakash: kk14:53
DozedOnLinuxioannis_:  now are you saying yu cant play both at same time or something else?14:53
linux_Buenos dias14:53
linux_Good morning14:53
ioannis_yesterday i was able to play it but not at the same time, now i cant play flash without mp314:55
DozedOnLinuxioannis_:  going from memory , i recall issues with playing more than one sound at same time with ALSA14:55
DozedOnLinuxioannis_:  maybe try different playback14:55
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td123DozedOnLinux: you're right, use pulseaudio...14:56
DozedOnLinuxioannis_: system/preferences/sound14:56
tj83hi room...  I need some help/advice..... I need information about port sniffing and capturing unencrypted passwords particularly telnet... if you can point me to a security driven channel or share info directly. please pm me.14:56
DozedOnLinuxioannis_: on menu above14:56
debracHEllo all14:56
Amphaeonjust use wireshark tj8314:56
debracHow do I grant a user root access from the terminal?14:56
DozedOnLinuxtd123:  it had done that to me, but that was some time ago14:56
debracie. add them to sudoers14:57
brandon_Hello all, I have just installed the Emerald Theme for compiz fusion. Once installed I go to system-emerald theme manager. I have imported the theme, however it is not working. What could be the issue, or more likely, what am I doing wrong?14:57
cr0whi ..exist a Keylogger for ubuntu ?!14:57
ioannis_i think i tried that before14:57
td123DozedOnLinux: isn't ubuntu's default pulseaudio?14:57
DozedOnLinuxdebrac try in termina >man chmod14:57
Gnea!compiz | brandon_14:57
ubottubrandon_: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion14:57
debracDozedOnLinux, what?14:57
debracchmod ?14:57
debracThat wont do anything14:57
tj83Amphaeon, , i have tried it... for some reason my NIC isnt supported or something.. it wont do anything. I dont have a x server on my machine in question so i need to do it via command line if possible...14:58
DozedOnLinuxtd123:  mine was set to ALSA originally, now i use the same name as my card, and all is fine14:58
legend2440brandon_: http://openswitch.org/2008/04/28/how-to-enable-emerald-in-hardy-heron-804/14:58
DozedOnLinuxtd123: i dont know if that is default, i thought it may have tried auto-detect14:58
cr0whi ..exist a Keylogger for ubuntu ?!14:58
td123DozedOnLinux: ok14:58
Gnea!repeat | cr0w14:58
ubottucr0w: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:58
brandon_Thank you!14:59
nmcbridecr0w: lol why do you need a keylogger?14:59
Amun[06:26:17] [sladen] Amun: asjdlkjsdfjasdfasdfsadfasdf/win 19114:59
DozedOnLinuxcr0w:  there a millions of them :)14:59
cr0wmy son..14:59
Amphaeontj83, sorry then mate. i would invest in a small nic thats compatible with wireshark14:59
td123cr0w: try googling "ubuntu keylogger", and click on the first link...14:59
=== Amphaeon is now known as Amphaeon-AFK_Wor
TiredWolf!info lkl | cr0w15:00
ubottucr0w: lkl (source: lkl): userspace keylogger for x86 architecture. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.1-1 (hardy), package size 9 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386)15:00
cr0wi must control my son15:00
tj83Amphaeon, ok, running a notebook here so thats not very convienient.. do you know how to use tcpdump?15:00
TiredWolfcr0w: i don't think that's ethical, for the record.15:00
DozedOnLinuxTiredWolf:  i knew it was there somehwere15:00
ikoniacr0w: keylogger is not controlling your son15:00
nmcbrideyea just spying on him15:00
ikoniacr0w: use parental filters/controls, if thats too much hassle, there are ISP's that do it for you through a proxy15:00
DozedOnLinuxikonia:  is there an equivelent to Net Nanny in Firefox ?15:01
cr0wcontrol which writes my son..15:01
ikoniaDozedOnLinux: I believe so15:01
td123cr0w: a better way of control, is to say, son, please don't go to any bad sites... followed by examples15:01
cr0wit has the hard head. what I kill I make it? xD15:01
td123cr0w: you could also block the sites that he is trying to get to15:01
paoloDoes anyone know if it is possible to install the new nvidia driver with envyng? (I mean 173.14.12)15:01
rwIs it possible to have two conkys running at the same time?15:01
MikeSethNewbee: so, figured it out?15:01
nmcbridecr0w: do you not have any faith in your son?15:01
td123rw: yes15:02
cr0wit has known on a chat where it is recorded I want to discover the password15:02
rockoHow do i remote desktop to my linux box remotely externally15:02
ikoniacr0w: you don't need to discover his passwords, that is not parental controls15:02
Gneanmcbride: if his son is a teenager?15:02
nmcbrideGnea: even worse15:02
ikoniacr0w: I doubt your motives very much - so I'd request that you stop discussing it, you have been given multiple options/suggestions for screening the internet for your son15:02
Gneanmcbride: exactly. no one can control a teeanger. no one.15:03
nmcbrideGnea: :D15:03
amenadoGnea-> really? thats my fear...one more year and he is a teen..argghh..hehee15:03
nmcbrideI didnt knwo there was a keylogger for linux actually?15:03
td123Gnea: tell that to the military :P15:03
Gneatd123: lol15:03
zod21nmcbribe there are keyloggers for linux15:03
rockoHow do i remote desktop to my linux box externally??15:04
nmcbrideyes i know now :D15:04
ikoniagents can we drop the topic - he's been given an answer to his problem15:04
nmcbriderocko: setup vnc15:04
rwHow would I run two conkyrc files at the same time?15:04
amenadorocko-> ssh in15:04
Gneaamenado: you fear him growing up or you fear him not growing up? ;)15:04
ikoniaGnea: please15:04
td123rw: change the default rc file to another, maybe rc1. and use that as a seperate one15:04
brandon_Got her working, thanks again!15:04
amenadorocko-> oh yeah, vnc with ssh to make it a secure15:04
rockoi have vnc enabled on my ubuntu box. ? what will i have to do?15:05
zod21nmcbribe dude what the hell? haha i mean i know its possible and all but i bet a hundred that the odds of getting a linux based keylogger are very slim15:05
rwtd123: I'm not following, how would I use that as a serperate one?15:05
ikoniazod21: then you would lose that bet15:05
ikoniazod21: key loggers exist but is not really an effective means to manage the users problem15:05
nmcbride!info lkl | zod2115:05
ubottuzod21: lkl (source: lkl): userspace keylogger for x86 architecture. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.1-1 (hardy), package size 9 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386)15:05
td123rw: I'm pretty sure conky lets you specify a custom path to an rc file...15:05
ikoniatd123: I think it's -c on startup15:06
zod21ikonia really where can i find those things15:06
TiredWolfikonia: shame, he left before i could find the relevant italian law that states what he intends to do is unlawful15:06
nmcbridezod21: i just had the bot tell you :D15:06
ikoniazod21: they have been disscussed in this channel while you have been talking, however they are not very effective15:06
nmcbrideikonia: how come?15:06
zod21ikonia cool but i was thinking you guys were talking about a keylogger written in a virus format for linux15:07
ikonianmcbride: they can be killed and the logs cleared up, it's also a user space app so it shows up who's running it15:07
nmcbridei virus and keylogger are two different things15:07
ikoniazod21: thats still possible15:07
nmcbrideikonia: ah15:07
DozedOnLinuxcr0w: http://www.linux.com/articles/11373315:07
amenadospeaking of keylogger, i happen t be browsing for robot kits and came across this  http://www.electronickits.com/spy/finish/computer/key.htm15:07
nmcbrideDozedOnLinux: he is gone15:07
zod21every windows box i use i put a keylogger on it, and linux i can just tell to record but i didnt consider that the same thing15:07
DozedOnLinuxnmcbride:  ok, i must be getting slow lol15:08
ikoniaamenado: can we keep that sort of stuff out of the channe;15:08
ikoniachannel please15:08
robokophello, i have a partman/expert-recipe, but it only makes the first two partitions => http://paste.debian.net/14054/15:08
zod21i guess it could be, but ah well. ive used linux for 4 years now with no viruses or sucessful intrusions15:08
Gnea!virus | zod2115:08
ubottuzod21: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2115:08
amenadoikonia sorry..15:08
ikoniarobokop: what version of ubuntu are you using15:08
ikoniaamenado: not a problem15:08
chazcoHi... i'm using avidemux, but am not sure which formats to use. I have converted VHS to DVD using a DVD recorder. I would now like to edit these DVDs into sections - both for copying to a DVD and playing on the PC... which codecs/formats would be best to use?15:09
robokopit is the d-i installer from debian lenny15:09
carl_hmm, after trying a few tips on how to get my bluetooth headset working, I'm still without any sound. I have to enter a pin code to connect to the headset, but the bluez-manager only says Host down.. any ideas?15:09
ikoniarobokop: ok, so please take it to #debian, this is ubuntu support15:09
td123robokop: try #debian15:09
robokopikonia: d-i and d-i partman for debian lenny and ubuntu 8.04 are the same15:10
ikoniarobokop: please join #debian15:11
emeshow can i set up ubuntu on a virtual machine in windows?15:11
td123chazco: install vlc, all gstreamer codecs, the ubuntu restricted pack, and read this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/playing-encrypted-dvds-in-ubuntu.html if no one answers your question.15:12
ikoniaemes: join #windows15:12
Masterkillerhey how can i find what version ubuntu i am running from the commandline?15:12
ikoniaemes: they will tell you how to manage your host15:12
robokopemes: check andLinux15:12
ikoniaMasterkiller: lsb_release -a and uname -a15:12
Masterkillerikonia, ty sir15:12
emesrobokop: cool15:12
paoloDoes anyone know if it is possible to install the new nvidia driver with envyng? (I mean 173.14.12)15:12
kibibyte i have question my prftpd is started from xinetd, if change congiuration of proftpd how to reload its settings ?15:12
Hohlraumanyone have a link for a work around with browsing windows shares? worked flawlessly with previous dist.15:13
NewbeeMikeSeth: No. I just don't know what I can do. All I tried didn't help.15:13
ikoniapaolo: envyng's results are hit and miss use at your own risk15:13
ikoniapaolo: I wouldn't change  / update the nvidia drivers unless I have an exceptional reason15:13
Gneakibibyte: you don't, it's done right away15:14
kibibyteGnea, what you mean15:14
rockoto do remote desktop over the internet. i was thinking of installing nx on my windows box. freenx on my ubuntu box. then what port would i need to forward on the router?15:14
ikoniarobokop: does it not say the port ranges in the docs ?15:14
wols_kibibyte: you don't need to reload your settings, don't need to do anything15:14
ikoniarobokop: sorry15:14
ikoniarocko: does it not say the port ranges in the docs ? you set the port at configure time15:15
Gneakibibyte: it's run from xinetd - which means everytime you disconnect, that session disappears. every session reloads the config file that way. if you were running it in daemon mode, then you would have to manually reload it. but you're not, so it's not a worry.15:15
Ktulhuhi all15:15
holotoneAnyone know any reason why there wouldn't be a tab for "Touchpad" under Preferences > Mouse? I had to add a line to grub's menu.list to get it to even work, could that be the cause?15:15
ikoniaholotone: probably15:15
ikoniaholotone: X may not have a definition of it15:15
rockoikonia: Which docs?15:16
ikoniarocko: the ones on the freenx site15:16
holotoneikonia: how would I add the definition?15:16
paoloikonia: i have been using 173.14.09... there are some bugs but it is much better than the version that comes on hardy15:16
kibibyteGnea, ok15:16
ikoniapaolo: only you can answer that15:16
paoloikonia: what does that mean?15:16
ikoniapaolo: depends on your hardware, your card and your bugs15:16
IdleOneholotone, what version of Ubuntu you running?15:16
paoloikonia: ok... but my question was completely different15:17
holotoneIdleOne: 8.0415:17
IdleOneholotone, I have a tab for touchpad15:17
holotoneIdleOne: I do too on my other laptop15:17
paoloikonia: I already have envyng . The question is how do I install the newest version15:17
holotoneIdleOne: Just not my wife's15:17
ikoniaIdleOne: some models of touchpads are seen as "mice"15:17
IdleOneikonia, ahh I did not know that15:17
ikoniapaolo: envyng should get the new drivers for you15:17
ikoniaIdleOne: it's pretty rare these days15:17
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paoloikonia: it only gets the .09 not the .1215:18
ikoniaIdleOne: the fact that he had to mess with grub to get it to work, suggests it's one of those odd ones15:18
ikoniapaolo: wait for the updates then15:18
ycyi have installed ubuntu in another language than english. how do i change the default language to english?15:18
usr13What is the command to show distro version?15:18
zchefkany atheros 5007 wifi card users here?15:18
Ktulhuhi all does any one here have a via /s3g video card configured properly on ubuntu ???15:18
usr13What is the command to show ubuntu version?15:18
pdlnhrdanybody using the nvidia restricted drivers with dual head system know how to make windows only open to one display instead of stretching across both displays i can't find a setting in the System -> Administrator -> Nvidia Settings15:18
ikoniausr13: lsb_release -a15:18
Gnea!ask | usr1315:18
ubottuusr13: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:18
paoloikonia: yes, but it was already announced... so I was wondering if someone knew what was going on15:18
usr13ikonia: Tnx15:18
rockoikonia: have i got the right method on how to do it though?15:18
MikeSethNewbee: remind me what is the problem exactly - the mouse wheel doesnt work after plugging it back in, right?15:18
Gnea!ask | zchefk15:18
ubottuzchefk: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:18
ikoniarocko: of how to do what ?15:18
Gneausr13: sorry15:18
smokewonHi everyone, hey im trying to back up using tar, but i keep getting: tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors, and its killing me... why does tar ALWAYS do this? no matter what tar always fails :S15:19
ikoniapaolo: announced where ?15:19
ikoniasmokewon: what command are you using please15:19
usr13Gnea: That's ok15:19
IRC_PhantomHello, Can I run Ubuntu Desktop edition ( 8.4 ) on my Toshiba Satellite A100 laptop ?15:19
smokewonikonia its rather large so ill paste it15:19
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:19
ikoniasmokewon: ok15:19
rockodo to remote desktop from a windows box to a linux box externally?15:19
ikoniaIdleOne: if the hardwae is supported15:19
paoloikonia: planet ubuntu15:19
usr13What's the command to do distribution upgrade [7.10 - 8.0415:20
ikoniarocko: that is one way, not seems over the topc, but possible I support15:20
TiredWolf!upgrade > usr1315:20
usr13apt-get upgrade?15:20
TiredWolfread the link15:20
ikoniapaolo: have you re-run envyng ?15:20
IRC_PhantomYeah, but how I can know if the hardware is supported ?15:20
pdlnhrdIRC_Phantom:  try running it live off the CD and see if all your hardware works.15:20
ikonia!hcl > IdleOne15:20
ikonia!hcl > IRC_Phantom15:20
ikoniaIdleOne: sorry15:20
IRC_PhantomHmm good idea15:20
IRC_Phantomok thanks alot.15:20
ubottuusr13, please see my private message15:20
ubottuIdleOne, please see my private message15:20
ubottuIRC_Phantom, please see my private message15:20
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes15:20
yfk_which package represents the mozilla flash plugin?15:21
ryanakcaIs there a curses jockey for when one breaks X?15:21
ikoniayfk_: flashplugin-nonfree15:21
IRC_Phantomok thanks ikonia :)15:21
IRC_Phantomthanks all15:21
smokewonikonia : http://paste.ubuntu.com/34776/15:21
yfk_ikonia: I've removed that, It's still there15:21
pdlnhrdcan any one help with nvidia dual displays?15:21
ikoniayfk_: it's a meta package15:21
yfk_what's a meta package15:21
smokewon i have no idea why tar always fails me15:22
WhitorWhere should I go for non-support related idle chatter?15:22
ikoniaWhitor: ubuntu-offtopic15:22
robboive got a question for u guys \:D/15:22
Whitorthanks ikona15:22
NewbeeMikeSeth: It woks but only with vertical scroll. The horizonatl scroll doesn't work.15:22
Whitorjoin #ubuntu-offtopic15:22
robbowhy do my font looks fucked in xchat?15:23
Kartagishoşçakalın / bye15:23
robboits the same font15:23
ikoniasmokewon: what directory are you in when you issue that command ?15:23
robboand the same size15:23
Gnea!language | robbo15:23
TiredWolfyfk_: a package that has no actual contents, but merely depends on several other packages in order to install them all in a row. "ubuntu-desktop" is an example.15:23
ubotturobbo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:23
GleepGlopWhat is the best 2 screen setup?15:23
smokewoni run that command from /home/joe15:23
ikoniasmokewon: thats why15:23
smokewonoh, ok, so should i run that command from say /home ?15:23
ikoniasmokewon: your taring up the direocty into a file thats in the direcotry your trying to tar up15:23
robboGnea: im kinda a nooob of ubuntu:O15:23
robbobut im running the gnome/ubuntu desktop15:24
ikoniasmokewon: tar cvf /var/tmp/filebackup.tar.bz2 --exclude=blah /home/joe15:24
robboif that's what u mean15:24
robokopGleepGlop: /usr/bin/screen & /usr/bin/screen15:24
Gnearobbo: it doesn't mean that you can swear.15:24
smokewonikonia aaahh ok, tyvm15:24
ikoniasmokewon: clicked why your having problems ?15:24
Gnearobbo: but i saw it, and it looks fine.15:24
ikoniasmokewon: chicken and egg15:24
redleerhow to change trash can icon?15:24
GleepGloprobokop: oops X screen setup not screen (the app)15:24
smokewonhaha yes, tyvvm ikonia15:24
ikoniasmokewon: no problem15:25
ikoniasmokewon: everyone does that all the time15:25
smokewonikonia sorry to bother you i do have one other question, is it possible to split tar.bz2 archives?15:25
robokopGleepGlop: google for twinview15:25
ikoniasmokewon: in what way split, at creation time, or post creation ?15:25
GleepGlopI'm using 2 x screens and xinerama15:25
smokewonpost creation if possible15:25
ackbahrHi there! I''d like to create a folder to share files between local users (i.e. files dropped there should get rwx rights for a group composed of all the users on this computer), is there a way to do this?15:25
robboGnea: well.. the font doesnt look the same;P15:25
ikoniasmokewon: Hmmm I don't see why not, you could split them like any other file as it's just data, as long as they are joined together at the right point15:26
GleepGloprobokop: I'm looking more for opinions on which is better15:26
smokewonah ok, tyvm again15:26
robokopackbahr: set the group sticky bit15:26
ikoniasmokewon: you can't say do tar jxvf $file1.tar.bz2 $file2.tar.bx2 and it will auto join them - that isn't possible, tar is dumb15:26
ikoniasmokewon: but you could script it in theory15:26
Ktulhuany of you guys here have a via /s3g unichrome pro igp video card runing on ubuntu 8.04 well configiured ????15:26
yfk_I did sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree then sudo apt-get autoremove (nothing was removed) and then went to you tube with FF and it shows videos. where can this thing be15:26
Gnea!font | robbo15:26
ubotturobbo: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer15:26
smokewonah ok, ill give it a go now15:26
IdleOneikonia, thanks for the link. but my hardware is working fine. just I was not aware that some laptop touchpad's come as a mouse15:26
Gnearobbo: go through that and make sure everything's lined up right15:27
ChexaraIs it normal that when I copy stuff from CD/DVD the files have no write permissions? And if it is, Is there any way to tweak it?15:27
ikoniayksudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree15:27
ikoniaIdleOne: it was a typoe (thats why I said sorry) wasn't meant to go to you15:27
ikoniaIdleOne: auto complete went nuts15:27
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead15:27
IdleOneikonia, hehe np did'nt see that part15:27
ikoniaIdleOne: my fat fingers15:27
ackbahrrobokop: for the folder?15:27
GleepGlop!DualHead | GleepGlop15:28
ubottuGleepGlop, please see my private message15:28
robokopackbahr: yes15:28
IdleOneikonia, sudo apt0get install trim-fat-fingers :)15:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xorg.con15:29
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto15:29
yaccikonia, how is tar dump?15:29
MikeSethNewbee: you mean when you press the middle button?15:29
ikoniayacc: dumb15:29
ackbahrrobokop: But if several people are allowed to put files there, this won't work, or will it?15:29
NewbeeMikeSeth: this is probaby since ubuntu doesn't use the evdev any more. I had to configure X to use the evdev with the mouse to make the horizontal scroll work.15:29
yaccikonia, why should tar know how to cat files?15:29
ikoniayacc: it shouldn't15:29
yaccikonia, that's clearly out of it's scope, ...15:29
ikoniayacc: thats why I said it doesn't15:30
waanwhy is ubuntu so awesome15:30
NewbeeMikeSeth: I don't have an middle button. I think that I must press the wheel.15:30
MikeSethNewbee: the same, yes.15:30
DozedOnLinuxNewbee:  it is tough to deal with those mappings15:30
ikoniayacc: have a re-read I said tar can't do that15:30
redleeris it possible to change trashcan icon?15:31
robokopackbahr:  you should make a group users, and add all user to it, and tell the users to set the perms to g+rwx15:31
DozedOnLinuxredleer:  i belive so, i just dontknow where i seen it15:31
agyI will be performing an upgrade of wiki.ubuntu.com from 16h00 (BST). This should take approximately 90 minutes to complete. During this period the wiki will be placed in read-only mode. Please ensure that you have saved any edits before 16h00 (BST).15:31
DozedOnLinux!icons | redleer15:32
ubotturedleer: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)15:32
ackbahrrobokop: and this only for the files they drop into this sharing folder. Is there a way to do this automatically (detect a file created/moved into this folder and chmod it)?15:32
DozedOnLinuxmaube not15:32
ackbahrrobokop: Because I think my common user (my wife, mostly) will jump out of the window if I tell her about chmod commands.... :)15:33
legend2440redleer: if you are talking about the Trash icon on desktop then right click the icon choose properties then click on the icon and choose another15:34
Ktulhunetsplit ??15:34
ackbahrwhat the heck?!?15:35
ikoniaKtulhu: yes you said, please ignore it15:35
ackbahrKinda like a hurricane?15:35
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit15:35
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Ktulhuikonia, do you have any experience with open chrome driver ??15:35
ikoniaKtulhu: I know it's normally very poor and hard to get solid results out of15:36
KtulhuI H8 My Video CARD XD15:37
ackbahrrobokop: Any idea then?15:38
nmcbridehappened yesterday too15:38
KB3NZQany thoughs setting up a proxy on ubuntu 8.04 desktop15:38
robokopackbahr: not directly15:38
ikoniaKB3NZQ: what sort of proxy ?15:38
KB3NZQgameing (world of warcraft)15:39
ackbahrrobokop: Ok, thanks anyway....15:39
ikoniaKB3NZQ: thats not a proxy type15:39
ikoniaKB3NZQ: what sort of proxy do you want, ip forwarding, http, socks, etc ?15:39
ikoniaKB3NZQ: what sort of proxy do you want, ip forwarding, http, socks, etc ?15:39
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit15:39
ikoniaTiredWolf: you did that a minute ago - we don't need to see it again15:39
KB3NZQsetting this up for a friend who needs to tunnel out of his dorm to play15:40
cryptedProblem: I can ping IP's but not DNS names. IP is static. DNS servernames are correct. Please help...15:40
TiredWolfikonia: the guys who were split do.15:40
=== calwig_ is now known as calwig
ikoniaTiredWolf: no they don't, they didn't ask about it15:41
robokopcrypted: cat /etc/resolve.com15:41
TiredWolfikonia: yes they do, !netsplit is always invoked (should be automatically by the floodbots) whenever a netsplit happens, regardless of anyone asking. it's there to *prevent* all the questions.15:41
ikoniaKB3NZQ: I'd assume you'll need ip forwarding then, as I don't think wow works on http traffic. You could look at something such as iptables to work15:41
ikoniaTiredWolf: I'm not aware of that policy, who told you that ?15:41
DozedOnLinuxcrypted:  have you setup >sudo /etc/resolv.conf15:42
cryptedrobokop: "search srv.digits.lv" which is the machine15:42
ikoniaKB3NZQ: some front ends such as firestarter may make it easier for you15:42
cryptedrobokop: do  specify my dns servers there?15:42
=== Ardha is now known as love_hewitch
crypteddo I*15:42
KB3NZQwell i'm almost done installing the os now15:43
GleepGloprobokop: just went from xinerama to twinview. I like twinview much much more15:43
DozedOnLinuxcrypted:  sample entry in /etc/resolv.conf > nameserver
Finnish_I've got a problem with VirtualBox: I can't type anything on it. It does now "see" my keyboard. Anyone?15:44
GleepGlopFinnish: that was one of the reason I went from VB to VMWare Server (which is free)15:44
cwill747Hey i have a problem playing dvd's, when i pop the disk in it opens totem, and totem tells me "Could not read from resource". Anybody have this problem? I can't find the answer on the forums or on google..15:45
alraunecwill747:tried vlc ?15:46
GleepGlopFinnish: it just got to be a culmination  of little weird things like keyboard and  network problems that made me stop using Virtual Box15:46
cwill747alraune: no, any good?15:46
alraunecwill747:sudo apt-get install vlc15:47
cwill747alraune: yeah i just installed it15:47
cwill747alraune: lemme try it out15:47
alsadidoes any body know what is the uri to open DVD in totem-xine15:47
alsaditotem-backend -b xine totem dvd:///15:48
alraunecwill747:apps>multimedia>vlc player  >> open DVD  .. doesn't work ?15:48
alsadidoes not seem to be the answer15:48
eloquenceanybody here use sopcast?15:48
alsadialraune: totem not vlc15:48
eloquencei'm having issues running it15:48
alsadiit works fine with me and I want to make an icon for it15:48
alsadia launcher15:48
cwill747alsadi: he's answering my question15:49
alraunecwill747: alsadi:  as we had (very few) DVD's couldn't be played by pc's, first test15:49
alsadiit worked now! "totem-backend -b xine totem /dev/dvd"15:50
igorsi've installed samba, and i have 2 pcs in my windows network, but in one of them when i access the folder from my ubuntu, there is nothing on it...but the other pc i have access..15:51
alraunecwill747: vlc works ?15:52
KB3NZQi'm going to do this on win 2k then15:54
ackbahrHi again! I'm trying to create a /media/shared/ folder and to mount it so that everyone can access it. Can anyone help me add a fstab entry?15:55
cwill747alraune: no not yet, hold on i have to restart my computer15:55
FFEMTcJive downloaded 8.04 desktop 4 times now and burnt 4 different cd's from two different burners on two different computers.. im yet to have one work.. i can get to the screen that gives you the live cd, install, etc options, but thats it.. anyone have any ideas if maybe theres a problem on the repos?15:55
alraunecwill747: k15:55
piggyg1can someone explain to me why there is a /lib and /usr/lib folder?15:56
agyI will start the upgrade of wiki.ubuntu.com in 5 minutes. Please ensure that you have saved any edits as the wiki will be placed in read-only mode.15:56
piggyg1why can't all the files in /usr/lib just reside in /lib or vice-versa15:56
alraune FFEMTc: ever tried the boot-option check cd for defects ?15:56
FFEMTcJya.. that doesnt do anything either15:56
alraune FFEMTc: they are allright ?15:57
FFEMTcJit doesnt ever give me an answer15:57
kingjerepiggyg1: for a complete answer google linus filesystem heirarchy standard15:57
kingjerepiggyg1: linux sorry15:57
eloquencehow can i find what ports are currently open?15:58
=== Antaga is now known as AntagaBouze
FFEMTcJalraune: it just sits there... ive waited for more than a half hour.. i insert the 7.10 live cd and it takes only seconds...15:58
alraune FFEMTc: md5 sum iso-file ?15:58
eloquencei am running sopcast and it broadcasts on a port which i have to open with vlc media player15:58
FFEMTcJalraune: how do you do that?15:58
alraune FFEMTc: why 7.10 ?15:58
Picieloquence: netstat -tanp15:59
Finnish_What is Virtual Box PUEL?15:59
FFEMTcJi have a 7.10 live cd laying around and it works fine.. the 8.04 cd is that one that doesnt work15:59
alraune FFEMTc: (terminal) md5sum <file.iso>   , then compare with hash from dld-location15:59
FFEMTcJim on vista right now15:59
piggyg1kingjere: I did and it just tells me that it contains library files.  To give context, I'm compling something using gcc and I just say libdl => -ldl parameter for gcc.  The executable looks for the .so in /usr/lib ... if thats the case why is there even /lib?  would be ok if I moved /usr/lib so files into /lib then?15:59
Beefeatereloquence, are you using the gui or the command line?16:00
eloquencewell i tried both and with both i am lost16:00
MrStevehow to install Adobe Reader9 into Gutsy ?16:00
alraune FFEMTc: (terminal) md5sum <file.iso>   , then compare with hash from dld-location, works in win, too, included? free anyway16:00
alraune FFEMTc: using nero ?16:00
eloquencei tried with the gui and it opened the channel for a few seconds with mplayer16:00
eloquencethen it disappeared16:00
MrStevei never installed RPM before16:00
eloquenceand i essentially want it to play with vlc player16:00
cwill747alraune: it didn't even work, now VLC won't load it either16:00
eloquenceso i changed mplayer to vlc in the "config" tab16:01
piggyg1do all executeables look for .so files in /lib first then followed by /usr/lib?16:01
eloquencebut i have been unabe to play it again16:01
BeefeaterI'm not using the gui. But I start it like this ./sp-sc-auth sop://broker.sopcast.com:3912/6001 3908 8908 > /dev/null &16:01
alraunecwill747: standard DVD with VOB-Files ?16:01
eloquencei changed it back to mplayer and it's working fine16:02
Beefeaterand then open it with vlc, http://localhost:8908/tv.asf16:02
BeefeaterAlright. Good then :-)16:02
eloquencei prefer vlc16:02
eloquencevlc > *16:02
kingjerepiggyg1: The fact is that the LFHS is over my head in alot of ways. I just remember trying to read it and thought it answered your question. Sorry.16:02
igorsi've installed samba, but it only displays the content of one of my windows pcs in network...the other one is empty...16:02
eloquencethanks though16:02
alraunecwill747: if you insert DVD in running pc, popup ? >open with> vlc ?16:02
agyI have placed wiki.ubuntu.com in read-only mode. Maintenance should take approximately 90 minutes to complete.16:02
alraune FFEMTc: using nero ?16:02
nmcbridehey guys question: on dhcp at work I have to go into resolv.conf and add my domain to the search...  How can I set this permenately?16:03
Piciagy: Thanks for the heads-up16:03
eloquencewell it seams the US is beating Russia by 10 points (1st Quarter/Basketball)16:04
IctinikeHello everyone! I was wondering if there was a way to set a custom resolution in ubuntu? I'm using a windescreen monitor that's registering as a normal one right now.16:04
cwill747alraune: how do i change vlc to my default video player?16:04
Picieloquence: Thats nice.  But offtopic for this channel, join #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to talk about other non-support related things.16:05
eloquenceBeefeater, it seems it must be broadcasting on another port than 8908 cuz vlc cant find it16:05
alraunecwill747: is it working at all ?16:05
=== mike is now known as Guest27703
cwill747when i try to use VLC, it pulls it up briefly then closes16:05
duaircCan anybody recommend a wireless PCMIA card that'll work relatively painlessly with Ubuntu? Most of the stuff I found on Google seems to be outdated.16:06
homyhi. is there a specific group that users have to be in in order to do networking (i.e. request a new address with the network manager panel applet)?16:06
alraunecwill747: dirty DVD ? paste your fstab !16:06
Beefeatereloquence, check with lsof -i -nP16:06
MrSteveHey man.. all I want is to read a PDF file.16:06
alraune FFEMTc: using nero ?16:06
MrStevedoes oo2.3 read pdf?16:07
homyI looked in System->administration->Users and Groups, then the properties of a user -> User Privileges, but the only network related stuff I see is "Connect to Internetusing a modem" and "Share files with the local network", but that doesn't sound as if it answers my question.16:08
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)16:08
MrSteveI got adobe9 reader rpm16:08
MrStevewhat to do to install it16:08
bazhangMrSteve, evince does it fine16:08
MrSteveis evince on Gutsy?16:08
bazhang!info evince gutsy16:09
ubottuevince (source: evince): Document (postscript, pdf) viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.1-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1211 kB, installed size 6236 kB16:09
kevorhello :)16:09
bazhangMrSteve, yes16:09
MrStevebazhang,  where from the menu?16:09
kevori've a computer with no sound card configured. I'm using mpd to play sound over an ssh tunnel to another computer. I Run pulseaudio as the same user "mpd" and with -vv, so i see all feedback. but there is no sound apearing on the other computer..16:10
IctinikeSo, I'm having some problems with power and stuff, would anyone be able to assist?16:10
v0lksmanany reason I can't edit my own page on wiki.ubuntu.com?16:10
bazhangv0lksman, read only mode for the next little while they update it16:10
MrSteveOo drawing?16:10
FFEMTcJalraune: the md5 is the same16:10
cwill747alraune: nah the dvd's fine, this happens with every movie i try to play16:10
alrauneMrSteve:sudo apt-get install envince16:10
Piciv0lksman: The wiki is undergoing some maintenance at the moment. It should be good in about 90 minutes.16:10
kevorThe feedback from the pulseaudio server is: I: module-alsa-sink.c: Starting playback.16:11
MrSteveohhh.. i don't have it then, and need it16:11
alraune FFEMTc: using nero ?16:11
v0lksmanahh...ok...cool...just my first shot at contributing to the docs and couldn't...I can wait.. .:) thanks!16:11
alraunecwill747: paste your fstab !16:11
kevoranyone guru in pulseaudio crap? :)16:11
MoeLootHave have recently wiped this box which once ran XP (which crapped out).  I have just installed ubuntu, and would like to recover some files from a windows backup.  Could someone help me or point me to a good faq or doc?16:11
MrSteveOpen office reads pdf under windows16:11
alraunecwill747: self-burnt DVD ? (privilegs ?)16:11
FFEMTcJalraune: ive used infra recorder and iso recorder.. i used winmd5sum for the check16:12
IctinikeMoeloot, are they on DvD/CD?16:12
alraune FFEMTc: for linux >brasero or k3b, even nero (free as trial),  nero for win,  choose option burn iso to disk (not make data cd)16:13
MoeLootlctinike - they are backed up to a removeable hard disk16:13
alraune FFEMTc: choose 2/3 of max poss. burn-speed16:13
IctinikeMoeloot, if your interface ports are working fine you should be able to just plug it in and mount the drive.16:13
chazcoHi... i have some DVDs (unencrypted) created on a DVD recorder from VHS tapes. I'd like to edit them (split them) and burn them to new DVDs, plus keep a copy on the computer. How can I do this on Ubuntu? Avidemux seems promising, but i'm a bit confused by all the options :)16:13
toresncould anyone recommend me an organizer, preferably a cli based one ...16:14
MrStevealraune, package not found16:14
FFEMTcJalraune: ya.. i had slowed it down to 4x to see if thatd help16:14
toresni'm using gnome, btw16:14
berkhey guys. anyone uses gnome-global-menu? mac os style applet for gnome panel16:14
alrauneMrSteve:sudo apt-get install evince                ,sry, spelling16:15
homyMrSteve: Applications->Accessories->Terminal, then type "evince"16:15
berkhey guys. anyone uses gnome-global-menu? mac os style applet for gnome panel16:16
cwill747alraune: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34790/16:16
FFEMTcJalraune: downloading nero.. will try it16:16
alraune FFEMTc: option iso to disc ? cd-imge=cd-disk  |DVDimage=DVD-disk ?  not: cd to dvd ?16:16
FFEMTcJberk: i was setting it up, but had issues with that part16:16
Gustovokay, so I got the ndistgk file for windows wireless on ubuntu..16:16
Gustovit connected last night.. got like 96 updates16:16
berkFFEMTcJ, i have only one problem. it doesnt work for firefox. do u know the soultion?16:16
Gustovmessed up16:16
Gustovand I reinstalled16:16
Gustovdid it again, and no luck16:17
FFEMTcJberk: nope...16:17
alraunecwill747: self-burnt DVD ? (privilegs ?)16:17
Gustovso why is my wireless dead?16:17
alraunecwill747: fstab looks normal16:17
cwill747alraune: no, straight up out of box haha. It doesn't work with any dvd i use16:17
Gustov8.04 user here16:17
cwill747!enter | Gustov16:18
ubottuGustov: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:18
IanGambleI was experiencing an issue with Ubuntu, is this the right place to ask questions?16:18
cwill747IanGamble: yes16:18
alraunecwill747: vlc should work, anyway, codecs installed ?16:18
Hybridhas anyone here used easy BCD to get a dual boot working?16:18
fdeIanGamble: yes16:18
cwill747alraune: yeah i believe so... what should i have?16:19
fde!dualboot > Hybrid16:19
ubottuHybrid, please see my private message16:19
IanGambleI was attempting to boot 8.04, I downloaded it yesterday. A boot menu comes up, but none of the options work, except 'boot to first hard disk'. Any ideas?16:19
fdeHybrid: just use good ol grub16:19
=== mike is now known as Guest12493
Guest12493can anyone yell me why i cant download extra repositories in ubuntu breezy badger16:20
alraunecwill747: i86 or 64bit ?16:20
Hybridone of my disks are RAIDed so grub cant find it16:20
cwill747alraune: i8616:20
fdeGuest12493: because it's been EOL'd16:20
alraune  wget -c http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/free/libd/libdvdcss/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-2medibuntu4_i386.deb16:20
fdeHybrid: hardware raid should be fine...16:20
lupei need some help with innotek virtual box. i cant get the mouse to capture16:20
quatar-ithi all. I've got a problem. I'm working on some multimedia files, for example i need to extract and take in mp3 the audio track of an avi video file. Using ffmpeg or kdenlive, each time i'm going to export an mp3 file, there are no error messages but only an empty file is created... Is it before mp3 is not free? Can i anyway obtain an mp3, for example via an mpeg -> ogg -> mp3 way?16:20
Hybridbut its software...16:20
alraunecwill747: above whole cmd in terminal16:20
=== quite is now known as rwhe
Gustovwould anyone know why my wireless (d-link) worked last night?  But after a reformat no such luck?16:21
quatar-it*is it because .. !16:21
fdequatar-it: is liblame installed?16:21
Hybridon bios level16:21
rampageoberonHi, just wondering if someone can help me with samba. I set it up following the forum and ubuntu documentation last week and it was working fine. At the moment from nautilus when i try view 'network' it picks up nothing. Is that normal? any ideas what i might have messed up16:21
cwill747wget -c16:22
alraunecwill747:    sudo dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.2.9-2medibuntu4_i386.deb16:22
quatar-itfde: yes, now that you said16:22
homyIanGamble: what do you mean with "it doesn't work"?16:22
fdeHybrid: well, it should be fine actually, if the RAID is set up under the kernel, it should see it as a normal drive, and so should grub.16:22
alraunecwill747 : type.(paste):             wget -c http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/free/libd/libdvdcss/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-2medibuntu4_i386.deb16:23
quatar-itfde: i did an aptitude install liblame but ffmpeg won't create my mp3 anyway16:23
IanGamblehomy: As in one can press enter, but nothing happens16:23
cwill747alraune: yeah i gotcha, i'm working16:23
alraunecwill747:then do :     sudo dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.2.9-2medibuntu4_i386.deb16:23
backenfutteranybody know how to make mc transparent background?16:23
ubottucwill747: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:23
IanGamblehomy: Except the option to boot from the first hard disk, none of the options do anything when you select them.16:24
Skiessibackenfutter, what mc?16:24
fdequatar-it: liblame0 ... make sure it's installed... if it is, then I'm not sure, other than maybe replacing it with the one in medibuntu?16:24
Skiessi!info midnightcommander16:24
quatar-itfde: i'll try16:24
ubottuPackage midnightcommander does not exist in hardy16:24
fde!info mc16:24
ubottumc (source: mc): midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-8ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2059 kB, installed size 5944 kB16:24
S4nD3rJust a question... If I remove compiz installation, I will get to use awn dock????16:25
lilrusscan someone tell me how to get the mouse to capture innotek virtual box16:25
alraune FFEMTc: nero: iso to disc, not at full speed, verify after burning, maybe allow overburn (depends on iso-image size)16:25
MrStevefound evince16:25
fdeS4nD3r: awn should work either way. it is actually built on the same features as compiz, and was intended to be used WITH compiz.16:25
Guest12493what does eol 'd mean16:25
MrSteveread the PDF16:25
samurajHow can I restore /dev directory?16:26
fdeGuest12493: End Of Life ... no longer supported.16:26
threequarkseol - end of line16:26
Guest12493how do i update16:26
visfhi may i ask if there is any package to install mac font on linux?16:26
threequarksor "end of life"16:26
alrauneGuest12493: Hardy ?16:26
S4nD3rbecause sometimes my notebook has crashed, then I think is because of compiz16:26
S4nD3rI will try it16:26
homyIanGamble: So you select the top option (something like "Start Ubuntu") and press "ENTER" and nothing happens?16:26
fdevisf: if it's ttf ... just throw them in /usr/share/fonts16:26
Guest12493can i do it from the site16:26
lilrusscan someone tell me how to get the mouse to capture innotek virtual box. right ctrl doesnt do it16:26
rampageoberonGuest12493: update what?16:27
fdelilruss: try #vbox16:27
homyDoes it only boot from harddisk after the timeout is over?16:27
visfthanks fde16:27
bullgard4[Dual Boot Installation of Ubuntu] Is http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/391213/ a reasonable partitioning?16:27
Guest12493from breezy badger to hardy16:27
IanGamblehomy: Exactly, same with checking memory, verifying the disk, etc. The only option that works is booting from the first hard disk.16:27
Guest12493im a new to linux16:27
alrauneGuest12493: upgrading is often little tricky, impotant data on the drive ?16:28
IanGamblehomy: I hadn't waited through the timeout16:28
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes16:28
Guest12493thanks guys16:28
eraldogreetings,... anyone using "Canon Pixma MP 210" ?16:28
Skiessiavant-window-manager doesn't work without compositing16:28
fdebullgard4: hard to tell due to it not saying explicitly how big each partition is... you should have a / /home and swap at least though... / should be maybe 5 gigs, swap 1 gig... rest for your files in /home16:28
eraldodoes it work ?16:28
fdeSkiessi: compositing is enabled in the kernel... it can work with metacity too16:29
fdeSkiessi: and it's Avant Window Navigator16:29
Skiessi"Error: Screen isn't composited. Please run compiz (-fusion) or another compositing manager.16:29
fdein xorg*16:29
Ktulhuhi all16:29
bullgard4fde:  http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/391213/ tells how big each partition is. Read the last column.16:29
eraldoAny experiences with the "Dymo LabelWriter 400" and Linux ?16:30
alraunecwill747: any changes ?16:30
=== energY_ is now known as energY
cwill747alraune: so close, i installed totem-xine instead of totem-gstreamer, but it told me the dvd was encrypted and i need libdvdcss216:31
Reenenhi everyone... I am on Ubuntu Feisty, and now (minutes ago) got my Ubuntu 8.04 and Kubuntu Cds from Shipit... how can I upgrade to Kubuntu 8.04 without losing my "installed apps"?16:31
cwill747alraune: too bad i already have it16:31
fdebullgard4: 6 gigs for /tmp is a little much... root is pretty huge too considering a default install will only occupy just over 2gigs, and home is a little small too, but depends what you want to give.16:31
alraunecwill747: should just have installed it; restart totem16:31
fdeReenen: Did you separate your /home dir when you installed?16:32
goldengoldHow do I see the users in the channel like you do in mIRC?16:32
cwill747alraune: yeah i did, it isn't working16:32
fdegoldengold: what client are you using?16:32
alraunecwill747: sudo : apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras && sudo apt-get install linux-ubuntu-modules-$(uname -r)16:32
graelbis there a way to get rid of the gnome panels alltogether, and just run AWM, while throwing together some kind of little window showing the systray?16:32
bullgard4fde: What do you mean by "want to give"?16:32
fdegoldengold: View > User List ... check it16:32
m4lmsteenis there any performance gain from getting 64 bit os's ?16:33
rampageoberonHi, just wondering if someone can help me with samba. I set it up following the forum and ubuntu documentation last week and it was working fine. At the moment from nautilus when i try view 'network' it picks up nothing. Is that normal? any ideas what i might have messed up16:33
fdebullgard4: what storage space do you have available to give to Ubuntu.......16:33
Reenenfde: meaning a different partition?16:33
Jack_Sparrowm4lmsteen not really16:33
fdeReenen: yes16:33
bullgard4m4lmsteen: Almost nothing, particularly for beginners.16:33
goldengoldfde: Hmm, where is the view option?16:33
m4lmsteenwell, i am using 4 GB of ram... will the 32bit version of ubuntu detect and use all 4 gb unllike windows ?16:34
fdegoldengold: Are you sure you're not using XChat-Gnome ?16:34
IanGamblehomy: Are you still there?16:34
Reenenfde: not sure... (how do I check), but I know I definately have at least 2 partitions... one being my old windows partition that I killed16:34
cwill747alraune: already current16:34
alraunecwill747: system up to date ? repos uncommented ?16:34
fdeReenen: If you didn't do it yourself, you don't have a /home dir16:34
fde(on a separate partition)16:34
goldengoldfde: I am using xchat gnome...16:34
mlynn5hello all, can anyone help me with a weird samba share problem?16:34
Jack_Sparrowm4lmsteen It will use it, but you will only see 3.4 or something like that as it is used differently.  If you must see all 4 gigs then install the server kernel16:34
dianapoI need someone helpme USE my ipod on linuxx!!!! Is there a program that works as ITUNES???16:35
fdegoldengold: ok, to the left of the screen, there is a button like "List users" or something... I forget, I never use xchat-gnome  ;/16:35
nemoBaobab does not seem to be offering me a way to exclude my CIFS mounts from a disc skan16:35
m4lmsteenJack_Sparrow i dont really NEED to see it.. would just be nice to be able to use all my ram16:35
Reenenfde: I inserted the Kubuntu CD, and it loaded Synaptic... but then didn't do anythign16:35
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod16:35
goldengoldfde: what do you use?16:35
fdegoldengold: real xchat16:35
siph0ndianapo: gtkpod maybe16:35
nemoIn edit-preferences only the main / mount is shown16:35
Jack_Sparrowm4lmsteen It uses it it is just not available fro programs.  It is well documented how that is all handled16:35
nemoyet if I scan home, my CIFS shares under ~/Shares are all being indexed which takes ages and I don't really want16:36
Ktulhugoldengold, type ctrl + F716:36
dianapowols_, can it convert to m4a and transfer it fine to the IPOD??16:36
m4lmsteenJack_Sparrow thanks :)16:36
Ktulhugoldengold, press ctrl + F716:36
prowerHello :> I'm currently logged into my Ubuntu desktop at work via SSH, but it's text only...does anyone know how I might go about enabling remote desktop in GNOME from the console?16:36
goldengoldI am16:36
fdegoldengold: http://xchat-gnome.navi.cx/wp-content/uploads/2006/01/main.png  <-- the "Users" button on the lower left16:36
l3xis there a way to connect pocket pc FSC pocket loox 600 with ubuntu?16:36
nemoprower: ssh -YC16:36
goldengoldoh :D16:36
goldengoldThanks guys16:36
nemoprower: vino-preferences16:36
WARlrusHey, I'm having some trouble running 8.04 on my laptop. Whenever I boot up the live CD to try it out, the desktop background appears but with a white box in the upper left corner, and then everything freezes16:37
IanGambleIs there anyone who can help me with my ubuntu boot problem?16:37
dianaposiph0n, mmmmm so it can convert mp3 files to m4a right?16:37
nemoprower: You might find nxclient more pleasant if you're not already aware of it16:37
dianaposiph0n, I mean at the moment of transferring16:37
alraunelanGamble:more exact ?16:37
siph0ndianapo: no clue.....16:37
tim167hello, how long should creating 2 ext2 partitions of 250GB each take ? it seems to take very long...thanks!16:37
KtulhuWARlrus, what note book video card etc etc16:37
Jack_SparrowIanGamble HAs the install ever worked or you cant the the live cd to run.  Is this a real install or some virtual thing you are trying to do16:38
ddg09aHow do I get to the desktop if I am at a $ prompt16:38
prowernemo: Yeah, I've been thinking of just dling the debs for it and installing it, since I'm more familiar with NX16:38
WARlrusNo idea what the video card is, its a Dell Inspiron 510m16:38
Ktulhuddg09a, startx16:38
ddg09aI just installed Ubuntu but I just have a black screen with a prompt16:38
o2intakecan somesome help me out with k9copy...it wont copy as an iso...it keeps saving it as a folder...how do i fix this ???16:38
Piciddg09a: cd ~/Desktop16:38
ddg09athanks Ktulhu16:38
prowerI figured I'd try the open-source route first, though :> Unfortunately freenx isn't packaged for hardy yet, that I know of16:38
ddg09aPici cd desktop16:38
IanGambleMy issue is that when I boot the 8.04.1 disc, a boot menu comes up, but none of the options do anything when selected, except the 'boot to first hard disk' option16:38
Jack_Sparrowddg09a ctrl-alt-F216:38
Piciddg09a: I thought you were asking about how to get to the Desktop folder...16:39
WARlrusKtulhu - according to google, the graphcs card is a Intel 855GM16:39
Jack_SparrowIanGamble does it not do the self test.16:39
alraunelanGamble:so either the cd or the drive or both are corrupt, HW?16:39
Gillpytim167: maybe 5 mins ?16:39
Jack_Sparrow!who > IanGamble16:39
ubottuIanGamble, please see my private message16:39
katya^^hi, I can't get my kernel to boot without turning off acpi, and it's annoying.16:40
dianapowhat should I use to mount iso images!!16:40
l3xis there a way to connect pocket pc FSC pocket loox 600 with ubuntu?16:40
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.16:40
katya^^I'm pretty sure the reason is my ITE821x sata controller16:40
KtulhuWARlrus, did you do a fresh install ? of ubuntu , did you try the live cd before installing ?16:40
katya^^are there any kernel patches that can help out here16:40
o2intakeor can someone tell me a program that can rip dvds to iso?16:40
WARlrusNo, this is the Live CD I'm trying16:40
WARlrusand it won't boot16:40
katya^^(with acpi enabled I get io errors generally before booting at all)16:40
homy!who > homy16:40
ubottuhomy, please see my private message16:40
WARlrusso obviously I'm not happy with doing an install until I figure out the problem :P Hehe16:40
IanGamblealruane: I have tried to burn different discs, redownloaded the ISO, etc. I can read other discs from the CD drive16:41
tim167Gillpy, hmm it's been working on the first partition for over 10 minutes already. it's a USB disk though...16:41
mlynn5samba trouble? anyone?16:41
dianapoIs there a program to mount iso.... not thecommand mount etc... A PROGRAM16:41
Jack_Sparrowkatya^^ NOt all acpi implementations are following the specs.  There is a site where you might be able to figure out what part of acpi is the problem and just turn off that part of it16:41
Liberiaiam a Liberian16:41
Liberiaany body want to chat with me16:41
mlynn5even if you can tell me a good place to look for help...16:41
Pici!ot | Liberia16:41
ubottuLiberia: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:41
Jack_SparrowLiberia No, this is a support channel for ubuntu16:41
Liberiathe country is open to investment16:41
alraunelanGamble:and even the self test at boot up doesn't work ?16:41
Jack_Sparrowkatya^^ ACPI Help..  http://www.lesswatts.org/projects/acpi/debug.php16:42
tim167Gillpy: it is a disk on which I tried copying an image first ( dd -if=... -of=...) but that failed...16:42
IanGamblealraune: I have tried every option, the only option that does anything is the firt hard disk option.16:42
lilrusshow do u install guest additions?16:42
KtulhuWARlrus, is it ubuntu 8.04 ?? have u tried with another linux live cd ?16:42
roman_hi folks!16:42
WARlrusI've tried 6.06 and that worked - but very slowly16:43
Gillpytim167: I have never used usb disks, so cant help :/16:43
WARlrusand 7.04 had a similar problem16:43
Jack_SparrowIanGamble You have a bad dl, or bad burn...  md5 the file you dl'd and burn it very slow, especially if you are on an hp or dell16:43
bullgard4[Dual Boot Installation of Ubuntu] Is http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/391213/ a reasonable partitioning?16:43
WARlrusand the one with the grey box is 8.0416:43
ddg09agoing to need your help again16:43
alraunelanGamble:so either burning(85%) bad or iso-file korrupt(15%)16:43
ddg09astartx is not installed for some reason16:43
ddg09awhy won't startx be installed by default16:43
IanGambleJack_Sparrow Unfortunately I am on this old HP, it's a spare at work.16:43
alraunelanGamble:how did you burn ? which image ?16:44
KtulhuWARlrus, install 6.06 and upgrade to 8.0416:44
ddg09ais there another way to get into the desktop window?16:44
WARlrusThe problem I had was that 6.06 hardly worked, it ran very slowly16:44
WARlrusis that because its off a Live CD?16:44
NutzebahnHello. Do you know if Western Digital Passport drives will work with Ubuntu?16:44
Jack_Sparrowddg09a Are you running nvidia video card and tried to get the nvidia site's drivers working?16:44
IanGamblealraune: ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso16:44
KtulhuWARlrus, all live cds are slow16:44
ddg09anot running a nvidia card16:44
Gillpyddg09a: startx is contained in the "xinit" package16:44
KtulhuWARlrus, id depends of the amount of RAM u have16:45
Gillpy!info xinit16:45
ubottuxinit (source: xinit): X server initialisation tool. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.7-2 (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 108 kB16:45
alraunelanGamble:burnt to dvd ? which program ? iso to disc? not full speed?16:45
WARlrusIts got 256Mb - will that be enough to run properly?16:45
ddg09ayes so i tred to sudo install it xinit and it goes to the E: for some reason16:45
ddg09acan't i pull that from the net16:45
shaunim getting an error of: the playback of this movie requires a text/html decoder plugin which is not installed, even though i have the restricted installed16:45
roman_hey, can anyone help me with ALSA-driver?16:45
Picibullgard4: I personally wouldn't partition any space off for /tmp , but the rest of it looks fine.16:45
Jack_SparrowWARlrus marginal.. 512 is way better16:45
* Pelo nudges Jack_Sparrow in the ribs :" I am not here"16:45
Jack_Sparrowroman_ /join #alsa16:45
shaunim getting an error of: the playback of this movie requires a text/html decoder plugin which is not installed, even though i have the restricted installed, anyone know a fix?16:45
Jack_SparrowHEy Pelo..16:46
ddg09ais there a command that would download xinit from the internet16:46
bazhangshaun, which app16:46
Ktulhuddg09a, sudo apt-get xinit16:46
Ktulhuddg09a, sudo apt-get install xinit16:46
Jack_Sparrowddg09a what video card is in that box16:46
WARlruswill 8.04 be useable with 256Mb, or is it going to be stupidly slow?16:46
IanGamblealraune: I burnt it to a CDR with InfraRecorder, direct burn of the ISO, max speed16:46
bazhangshaun, what about vlc16:46
DragonDongreetings all!16:46
ddg09aits a laptop nothing big16:46
shaunnothing happens in vlc, it tried but fails16:47
Jack_SparrowWARlrus are you sharing any of that ram with your onboard video16:47
bazhangWARlrus, gnome or flux or xfce16:47
ddg09ado u want the exact video card name16:47
KtulhuWARlrus, it will run normal  , and i recomend u using xfce instead of gnome16:47
alraunelanGamble:changed your nick 10 min ago doing same convesation ?16:47
WARlrusOkay, is that an option during install?16:47
alraune FFEMTc: nero: iso to disc, not at full speed, verify after burning, maybe allow overburn (depends on iso-image size)16:47
bazhangWARlrus, with that minimal amount ram might try xubuntu or fluxbuntu16:47
visfhi is there a way to open adobe ai file?16:48
IanGamblealraune: I didn't change my nic, and I was talking to some guy named homy, but he stopped saying anything16:48
Jack_SparrowIanGamble we told you it had to be burned slow.  especially if installing on hp16:48
DragonDonI've got an AMD 850MHz with 256, it's runs ok here.16:48
WARlrusMines a 1.5Ghz processor16:48
DragonDondoes anyone know if I can run a Matrox G400 Dual-Head video card with Ubuntu?16:48
shaunit wont run in vlc.  no video pops up and it gives up after a couple seconds16:48
KtulhuWARlrus, you should be ok just go ahead and install it16:48
ubottugoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux16:49
PeloDragonDon, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport16:49
IanGambleJack_Sparrow: Yeah, I hadn't burnt a new copy since you said that, I was hoping to get as much advice as possible before leaving, since I am talking on the computer in question.16:49
alraunelanGamble:k, i had exactly same facts with FFEMTc16:49
bazhangshaun, this is a physical dvd or an avi or other file16:49
shaunavi file16:49
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:49
ddg09awhen I run the sudo apt-get install i get E: can't find16:49
IanGamblealraune: oh, haha16:49
Jack_Sparrow!md5 > IanGamble16:49
bullgard4Pici: Thank you very much for your judgement. --  During the last year I again and again felt the need to be able to place some temporary files _fast_ into some directory, retrieve them fast and later get easily rid of them.16:49
ubottuIanGamble, please see my private message16:49
suriroddg09a: did you install a desktop?16:49
ddg09awhat would i need to do here to get over this16:49
DragonDon@Pelo, thanks for the link!16:49
bazhangshaun, ubuntu-restricted-extras etc all installed?16:49
ddg09aim not sure.. i might have not16:49
Ktulhuddg09a, sudo apt-get install xinit*16:49
Jack_Sparrowddg09a Provide info on your hardware16:49
shaunyeah they are installed16:49
ddg09aKTulhu didn't work16:49
suriroddg09a: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop16:49
IanGambleJack_Sparrow: Thanks16:50
ddg09asuriro i will try that16:50
WARlrusThanks all :) I think I'll give it a go16:50
wbmjshaun:probably need w32codecs16:50
KtulhuWARlrus, no worries m816:50
alrauneIanGamble: for linux >brasero or k3b, even nero (free as trial),  nero for win,  choose option burn iso to disk (not make data cd)16:50
shaunhow can i pick those up?16:50
bazhangshaun, from medibuntu.org16:50
Jack_Sparrowddg09a that wont work16:50
shaunalrighty, i'll try it.  thanks for the help16:50
ddg09ayeah it didn't same error jack16:51
wbmjshaun: see Mrdibintu site for install instructions16:51
madadamhi guys, I'm tryng to install webcam on my hp pavillion dv6000. it's  0c45:62c0 Microdia. these are the command I've used: svn checkout svn://svn.berlios.de/linux-uvc/linux-uvc/trunk16:51
madadamcd trunk16:51
madadamsudo make install16:51
madadamsudo modprobe uvcvideo16:51
FloodBot1madadam: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:51
madadam. But on the last one the following error appears :"FATAL: Error inserting uvcvideo (/lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/ubuntu/media/usbvideo/uvcvideo.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)". Someone can help me?16:51
ddg09aE: couldn't find package16:51
wbmjsuoory medibuntu16:51
zvacetshaun  : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu16:51
bazhangmadadam, pastebin not here16:51
IanGamblealraune: I burnt the ISO to the disc, I didn't make a data disc. I will try nero this time, though.16:51
ddg09ajack what do u suggest16:51
DragonDonDoes anything know if there'll be a problem if I just swapped video cards after Unbuntu has been installed?16:51
Jack_Sparrowddg09a Provide info on your hardware16:51
ddg09awhat do u need jack16:52
alrauneIanGamble: improper burner ?16:52
DefunctProcessubuntuforums is having database errors.16:52
Jack_SparrowDragonDon yes, there will be an issue16:52
bazhangddg09a, try using tab complete jack<tab>; that way we can see your answers more clearly16:52
blackbinary_On the ubuntu panel there are 'Applications' 'Places' "System' is there any way to keep these menus but make them icons instead?16:52
DragonDondamn, thanks.16:52
remoteCTRLmdadam pastebin the output of dmesg16:52
ddg09ajack-Sparrow wat do you need16:52
AzizLighthi everybody, I'm using gutsy. when I type sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 status the command (status) is not recognised, so how can I check the status of the lamp server please?16:52
KtulhuDragonDon, you can always try displayconfig-gtk after installed16:52
Jack_Sparrowddg09a make model of laptop for a start16:52
ddg09aAcer travelmate 26016:53
Jack_SparrowDragonDon It should not be a big issue...16:53
deurytehello, helper team!!  i have a "q" for ya, i have a toshiba sattlite lappy, how does ubuntu fair with such?  ...   thank you16:53
IanGamblealraune: I don't know; I've never used this computer to burn anything; I will burn the disc as you say, after verifying the md5, and then I will tell you what happens16:53
remoteCTRL!paste > madadam16:53
ubottumadadam, please see my private message16:53
madadamI've pasted here the used commands and the error occurred http://paste.ubuntu.com/34798/16:53
zvacetIanGamble : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto16:53
remoteCTRLmadadam: k, gimme a sec pls16:53
blackbinary_deuryte: why not just try it out? You can use wubi if you have XP or something installed, otherwise even just test out the liveCD16:53
ddg09aJack_Sparrow Acer travelmate 26016:54
Jack_Sparrowddg09a do you know who makes the video card for it?16:54
deurytegood piont,  will try, by the way... whats wubi ??16:54
madadamsorry guys, I wouldn't creat problems! I've just pasted now in the pastebin. sorry again!16:54
ddg09aJack_Sparrow not sure16:55
madadamremoteCTRL ok16:55
remoteCTRLmadadam: it says "(see dmesg)", please execute dmesg > dmesg.txt and pastebin dmesg.txt16:55
blackbinary_deuryte: wubi comes with 8.04, it allows you to install on a windows partition, and windows treats it as a program. Makes things very easy, thought there is a bit of a performance hit.16:55
ivantisare there any bots here?16:55
Ktulhuddg09a, dmesg | grep pci16:55
fyrestrtrblackbinary_: add the gome menu and remove the ubunutu menu from the panel16:55
blackbinary_deuryte: if you want to remove, you just boot up XP and go to ad/rem programs and uninstall it.16:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bots?16:56
DragonDonthanks for you help guys, I'll be back :P16:56
deuryteblackbinary_:  thanks!!   im going to see to that. keep up good work !!16:56
blackbinary_deuryte: no problem16:56
blackbinary_fyrestrtr: where do I add/rem the panels as you said?16:56
usuario_my problem is the amsn. the amsn always worked fine for 2 years. Now few days not work. not conected? My question. Only for me?16:56
fyrestrtrright click on the panel :)16:57
madadamin which folder should I check the file created? /tmp?16:57
Jack_Sparrowddg09a http://www.zimbio.com/pilot?ZURL=%2Fservice%2Bmanual%2Farticles%2F3%2FAcer%2BTravelMate%2B260%2BLaptop%2BService%2BManual&URL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.divshare.com%2Fdownload%2F3732751-a3d           is the manual for your laptop16:57
fdemadadam: current directory.16:57
aminhhey guys i want to run this init.d script /etc/init.d/nginx start  when i boot up my machine16:57
aminhhow do i do that?16:57
kschultzn /join #buglabs16:58
=== Killer_Python is now known as Omar87
ddg09akt I ran ur grep command16:58
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto16:58
ddg09awhat do u need from there...16:58
fdeaminh: man update-rc.d16:58
Ktulhuddg09a, the pci dive with the name of your vid card16:58
blackbinary_fyrestrtr: Okay, i am not sure what to do next though, I can add a new panel... but how does that change App/Places/Sys to icons?16:58
justin_Help Please. For some reason I can ping and connect to xchat but Firefox doesn't connect to any websites?16:58
ddg09aKtulhu it doesn't have the name of the card16:59
madadamremoteCTRL here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/34800/16:59
ddg09aJack_Sparrow thanks... so what do i need to do with that manual16:59
fdejustin_: I'd suggest that's a NetworkManager problem, make it reconnect.16:59
fyrestrtrblackbinary_: no, you don't add a panel, click on 'Add To Panel'16:59
Jack_Sparrowddg09a heep it handy so when people ask you questions you will be able to find the answer.16:59
aminhfde: i took a look at the man17:00
fyrestrtrblackbinary_: you want to add 'Main Menu'17:00
blackbinary_okay, thats the gnome panel.17:00
justin_fde, well i would but im using the rtl8187b-modified driver with the updated patch to get it to work with 8.04, so im thinking its some kind of connecting with firefox17:00
ddg09aJack_Sparrow cool thanks... so what do I need to do now to get this desktop up17:00
blackbinary_but what about for places or system?17:00
remoteCTRLmadadam: *looking*17:00
fyrestrtrblackbinary_: the main menu includes those.17:00
blackbinary_so it does.17:00
=== lakitu2 is now known as lakitu
fyrestrtronce you add the main menu, you can then simply remove the other one, by right clicking on it.17:00
blackbinary_yea did that.17:01
blackbinary_I can change the icon for the menu, right?17:01
rw__The forums are offline again ... pff17:01
fdejustin_: if XChat (which doesn't use NetworkManager) is working, and Firefox (which does) isn't... then it's probably NetworkManager  :/17:01
fyrestrtrblackbinary_: you mean change the ubuntu icon to something else?17:01
blackbinary_fyrestrtr: yep17:01
aminhfde: i think this is what i would need to do "update-rc.d /etc/init.d/nginx start17:01
IanGamblealraune: The MD5 sums were different, so I am going to download a new ISO17:01
fyrestrtrblackbinary_: of course.17:01
aminhfde: is that right?17:01
justin_fde,  ah ok I see. So is there a way to work around it, I did have Firefox working last night.17:02
blackbinary_fyrestrtr: is there an easy way to do it?17:02
ddg09aJack_Sparrow could it be possible the network connection isn't set17:02
fyrestrtrblackbinary_: there is, I just don't remember how :)17:02
IanGambleJack_Sparrow: Thank you for the md5 link, I couldn't find the MD5 sums I needed without you :)17:02
WrinI have a folder called alsa-driver-1.0.15 in my home directory...can I delete it safely?17:02
fyrestrtrWrin: yes.17:02
blackbinary_fyrestrtr: haha ok, i'll take a quick look through google :P, thanks for the help.17:02
Wrinfyrestrtr: Thanks17:02
Jack_SparrowIanGamble np17:02
fdeaminh: more like update-rc.d nginx defaults17:02
fdejustin_: I said make NetworkManager reconnect  :/17:03
zvacetIanGamble : download same iso with torrent and point download to the folder with existing iso torrent will jusr check for corrupted files if any after that do md5sum17:03
Jack_Sparrowddg09a I dont think that is where your problem lies.  Did this ever work after you installed it?17:03
fyrestrtraminh: install bum to make your life easy.17:03
ddg09aJack_Sparrow no it just went to the prompt... thats it...17:03
justin_fde,  Um, I could try but I don't use Network Manager. I input it manually with iwconfig17:03
fdefyrestrtr: what is difficult about update-rc.d ?17:03
aminhfde: oh thats right it already looks in etc/init.d so i don't have to specify the path...but why defaults...i want it to start on boot...does default do that?17:03
fyrestrtrfde: for me? Nothing. But some find bum easier.17:04
aminhfyrestrtr: yeah it seems to be pretty simple to use17:04
maekdamn stupid spammer retards .... anyone else get spam just then ??17:04
fyrestrtrmaek: not me.17:04
Niteyehello, the current aMSN is broken, when is the repositery updated with the new version?17:04
remoteCTRLmadadam: i think i can help you17:04
fdejustin_: just click on the networkmanager icon, and reselect the option currently used... it should have two globes and look like something is spinning around....17:04
fyrestrtrNiteye: try getdeb.net for an updated version.17:04
fdejustin_: once its done, you should be able to use firefox again17:04
madadamremoteCTRL You're welcome17:05
Mothi did maek17:05
aminhfde: so what does default do? does it run start on boot?17:05
ddg09aJack_Sparrow let me know if you need more information... or a command to run17:05
Niteyei know there are other ways of getting the last version, but i was wondering when the official repositery would have it so it fixes itself with the autoupdater thing17:05
DragonDonGreetings again all!17:05
fdeaminh: you can tell it to load into any run level... but defaults will put it in run levels 2345 which are all the same on debian-based systems.17:05
Moth!ops CALEB_COOLDODE spamming17:06
ubottuMoth: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:06
arelisHello everybody. On this laptop, Ubuntu runs games FASTER than vista, and is also faster in copying and.. everything. We've had many many problems with vista such as the system crashing when doing something with files, internet explorer crashing, games being really slow, stuff like that. And on each and every computer we have here with Vista on it, (which are 2), we have a load of problems.17:06
arelisIs vista really that shitty?17:06
fyrestrtraminh: defaults is 2345 for on, and stop at 01617:06
fyrestrtrarelis: no.17:06
DragonDonJust an FYI, I removed the old AGP ATI Card, put in the Matrox G400 DH and it worked flawlessly.  Yeah me :)17:06
Wrinarelis: Vista's main problems are the monolithic kernel and bad drivers17:06
fyrestrtrMoth: join #ubuntu-ops17:06
aminhfde: ok but what i'm trying to do is run nginx start on reboot...would default cover that17:06
Wrinarelis: So, yes17:06
remoteCTRLmadadam: i found this: http://www.nopaste.org/p/a31UOTVUob, seems that youre missing prerequisites to build that module correctly17:06
maekwhen I opened xchat I thought one of my mates messaged me ... turns out it was just some sad spammer fker17:06
fdeaminh: which is why I'm telling you to do this17:06
AndyBHi, I just found an old portable drive, but its using NTFS and ubuntu wont mount it. Is there any way to wipe it?17:07
fdeaminh: yes... defaults (with an s) is what you want.17:07
=== _Lucretia__ is now known as _Lucretia_
phaverkampAndyB: gparted17:07
arelisWrin: and what else?17:07
ddg09agparted is awesome17:07
AndyBphaverkamp: Thanks will hit google17:07
fyrestrtrAndyB: you can use fdisk or gparted.17:07
Wrinarelis: What else did you want to know?17:07
madadamremoteCTRL should I reinstall uvcvideo with that parameter?17:07
aminhfde: thanks17:08
CandaleI am using 'Disk usage analyzer' and it tells me that I have  177.2GB hard drive and only 17.5 GB left.. I can not find anywhere the disk is being used at17:08
zvacetAndyB : you will wipe it during Ubuntu install17:08
Candaledoes anyone have any ideas17:08
remoteCTRLmadadam: as far as i undertand that is one part that the monster command does17:08
justin_fde,  Hah! It work's, when i tried using NEtwork manager previously I failed to realize that the wep encryption type was wrong17:08
ddg09aJack_Sparrow any other suggestions17:08
AndyBzvacet: I dont want to install ubuntu on it i just want to use it for storage17:08
fdejustin_: haha... congrats  :)17:09
Jack_Sparrowddg09a Did you dl the manual yet?17:09
zvacet!gparted | AndyB17:09
ubottuAndyB: gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php17:09
justin_fde,  thanks for the advice :)17:09
madadamremoteCTRL I'm not understanding how Should I gain prerequisites to build module correctly17:10
zvacetCandale : df -h17:11
remoteCTRLmadadam: ok, i see that now it gets complicated so lets use a separate chat17:11
AndyBzvacet: Thanks have it installed. Just wiped the NTFS, now going to try get something ubuntu can use on it17:11
fdemadadam: sudo apt-get install module-assistant will depend everything you need (although if you're not using a module from Ubuntu, it likely can't help you actually build the module)17:11
zvacetAndyB :  8-)17:11
OfflineHello, can you help me locate some good ubuntu games???17:11
shaunI installed the w32codecs and its still a no go17:12
remoteCTRLmadadam: see the new chat window tab17:12
Pici!games | Offline17:12
ubottuOffline: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php17:12
usuario_Hi @ll. my problem is the amsn. the amsn always worked fine for 2 years. Now few days not work. not conected? My question. Only for me?17:12
rainwalkermagnetron: I'm trying to set up the other printer we have here at work, an Epson AcuLater CX11, but that openprinting site doesn't provide a PPD; any advice?17:12
bazhangOffline, search terms: top ten linux games will bring those on a decent search engine17:12
=== omar_ is now known as Omar87
fdeOffline: System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager ... there are 3+ games groups...17:12
magnetronOffline, i can recommend Atlantik and Freeciv. if you like FPS, try Nexuiz. they are all in applications > add/remove17:12
AndyBzvacet: Yay partitioning the whole drive to ext317:13
magnetronrainwalker, in that case, i have no advice17:13
rainwalkermagnetron: hm...ok, well thanks anyway17:13
zvacetAndyB : is that good by to windows17:13
bsdnewb039hi guys17:13
Offlinethanks. Synaptic Package Manager sometimes confuses me but i will try your suggestions.17:13
fderainwalker: if openprinting.org doesn't have it, then it won't work... although you can try supplying the PPD from the driver CD again I suppose?17:13
bsdnewb039can i run a sudo command line in the form of  sudo username password rootcommand17:13
arelisI'm in a Wubi install right now. I have too little space to fill it up. I want to enlarge it, but without ruining the disk partitioning. How?17:13
mortal1basically, the state of linux gaming sucks17:14
WrinIt's alright if you've got Wine and some decent vintage games17:14
Sinnermanhi, i have a slight problem. i have a wireless mac keyboard that i'm using on a pc with linux installed. now that keyboard does not have page up/down keys. is it possible to use xmodmap to have ALT+down act as page down, and if so, how do i go about it?17:14
Jack_Sparrowmortal1 Please hold off on opinions, this is a support channel17:14
fdemortal1: eh... not really, the choices suck though if you don't include wine and emulators.17:14
mortal1unless of course you're talking emulators, then were talking17:14
bsdnewb039can i run a sudo command line in the form of  sudo username password rootcommand17:14
bsdnewb039so i could call it from php17:15
Jack_Sparrowmortal1 Please hold off on opinions, this is a support channel,  take it to offtopic17:15
bsdnewb039$result = shell_exec("sudo -u root -p rootpass -S whoami");17:15
bsdnewb039like that17:15
bazhangmortal1, #ubuntu-offtopic17:15
bsdnewb039it just returns nothing17:15
fdemortal1: There are a lot of open source games that are pretty nice... openarena comes to mind, nexuiz, sprint, torcs, that one that's like WoW but I can't remember the name of  >:|17:16
proteusguyHow can I get a list of my last package update history? Got the latest stuff and now the scsi usb emulation cannot recognize my external hard drive. My other (non-updated) Ubuntu machine still does.17:16
Jack_Sparrowarelis Please read the wubi faq page.  It inmy opinion is NOT a good long term solution to running ubuntu.  And since you are out of room it seems you are using and liking it.17:17
Jack_Sparrow!wubi > arelis17:17
ubottuarelis, please see my private message17:17
zvacetproteusguy : synaptic>file tab>history17:17
wbmjproteusguy: /var/cache/apt/17:17
arelisJack_Sparrow: This laptop belongs to my parents and i am not allowed to install it fully17:17
Wrinarelis: Dual-boot?17:17
arelisJack_Sparrow: On my own computer i use Mac OS X (legally)17:17
arelisWrin: Dual-boot is not allowed either/17:18
DRebellionproteusguy, /var/log/dpkg.log17:18
arelisreplace the / with dot (.)17:18
Jack_Sparrowarelis You are endangering thier laptop more by using wubi than you would if it were a regular instatll17:18
ddg09aJack_Sparrow what do you think I should do here to get startx installed17:18
|anonymous|hi there i m stuc in upgrede from ubuntu 7 to 8 my instalacion has stop on "generating locales en. AU.UTF-8 AND STAND THERE FOR LAST 2 HOURS17:18
Kaspersky_What is the difference between a logical and a primary partition?17:19
fdeGLEST! I'm dumb17:19
Jack_Sparrowddg09a it is installed, and I think you are going about this all wrong.  I assume you didnt bother dl the pdf for your hardware17:19
fdeI also believe I meant spring not sprint17:19
Jack_Sparrow|anonymous| there was a bug report about that.  NOt sure what it was about but sounds the same17:19
ddg09aJack_Sparrow I have it... I don't know how that is going ot help me since I don't know what to do with it or the information you need17:19
bsdnewb039is there anything wrong with this sudo line17:19
bsdnewb039 $result = shell_exec("sudo -u root -p rootpass -S whoami");17:19
Kaspersky_What is the difference between a primary and a logical partition?17:19
bazhang|anonymous|, you need to upgrade from the second kernel 14 not 15 to get around that17:19
zvacet|anonymous| : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/24934017:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249340 in langpack-locales "Gutsy->Hardy upgrade hangs in localedef" [High,Incomplete]17:20
roman_hey...how to change room?17:20
Jack_Sparrowddg09a FInd out what video card is in it.17:20
|anonymous|WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT THAT17:20
magnetronbsdnewb039, who is supposed to type in the password to sudo?17:20
unopbsdnewb039, is that PhP ?17:20
fyrestrtrbsdnewb039: yes.17:20
|anonymous|ops caps17:20
bsdnewb039a script magnetron17:20
bsdnewb039its hard coded into a script17:20
Jack_Sparrow|anonymous| look up the bug.. and LOSE the caps17:20
|anonymous|soz for caps17:20
magnetronbsdnewb039, wow, i thought that was prohibited17:20
Jack_Sparrowddg09a try this sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf              does it bring up a file?17:21
unopbsdnewb039, that's silly .. using sudo just to run whoami17:21
netcrashHello , any idea on a good client interface for svn repositories ?17:21
bsdnewb039nah its just for a test unop17:21
bsdnewb039to see if the script is identifying as root17:21
roman_hi...can somewone tell me, how to change room?17:21
AndyBzvacet: Sorry i was just wondering if you could help with a small issue, if formatted that to ext3 with gparted, but i cant access it. It says the owner is root and i dont have access to copy or create files. only if i use sudo in terminal17:21
bsdnewb039whats the command line to use sudo and specify a password in it?17:21
roman_i wannt to ge to #alsa17:21
fderoman_: /j #otherroom17:21
Jack_Sparrowroman_  /join #room17:21
iggenetcrash: tried rapidsvn?17:21
bsdnewb039sudo -u root -p pass -S command17:21
magnetronbsdnewb039, that's wrong17:22
bazhang|anonymous|, I just told you17:22
netcrashigge: going to look into it17:22
bsdnewb039magnetron: what should it be17:22
magnetronbsdnewb039, the -p is not for passwords. it's for changing the prompt. you need the -S option, and then supply the password via stdin17:22
unopbsdnewb039, echo "password" | sudo -S whoami17:23
Nece228hey im having problems with my ati radeon 9600 poprietary driver17:23
fdebsdnewb039: the only correct option there is -u ... try reading the man page?17:23
fyrestrtrbsdnewb039: you can just use 'id'17:23
Gneathe ubuntu forums seem to be working again17:23
yugo_hi,guys,in my boot messages,there is "Attempting manual resume" error,what is it?17:23
unopbsdnewb039, but you're aware that this seriously going to compromise your system if someone has access to the script17:23
unopbsdnewb039, i'd seriously recommend rethinking this design17:24
Nece228hey im having problems with my ati radeon 9600 poprietary driver, when i install drivers x dont loads17:24
fyrestrtrbsdnewb039: use 'id'17:24
Newbeegood beye17:24
fyrestrtrbsdnewb039: type 'id' on the shell and hit enter17:24
Nece228i used envy and restricted manager but still no result17:24
Jack_SparrowNece228 The envyng from our repos?17:25
bsdnewb039its for a web control panel17:25
bazhangNece228, envy or envyng17:25
fyrestrtrNece228: you can't use envy and restricted, you use one or the other, but not both.17:25
bsdnewb039i need root to edit the configs and things17:25
eraldoAny experiences with the "Dymo LabelWriter 400" and Linux ? does it work ?17:25
unopbsdnewb039, this is not the way you should be doing it17:25
fyrestrtrbsdnewb039: write a script that is executed as root, and run that from your script. Don't run web scripts as root, unless you like being hacked ... a lot.17:25
Jack_Sparroweraldo Doubtful that it would17:26
bsdnewb039write a script executed as root?17:26
MiescoHow do I make ubuntu 64bit?17:26
eraldoJack_Sparrow: is there a labeling system that I _can_ use with linux ?17:26
bsdnewb039i cant execute from root if its been called as apache though17:26
bazhangMiesco, install the 64 bit17:26
fyrestrtrMiesco: by downloading and installing the 64bit version.17:26
fyrestrtreraldo: check linuxprinting.org17:27
bazhang!info glabels17:27
ubottuglabels (source: glabels): label, business card and media cover creation program for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.3-3 (hardy), package size 334 kB, installed size 1024 kB17:27
unopbsdnewb039, php has something called suexec - you should look at it17:27
Jack_SparrowMiesco we recommend 32 bit for newer users, there are some things you need to learn if you want 6417:27
bsdnewb039shell_exec("echo \"rootpass\" | sudo -S whoami");  that didnt work btw17:27
bsdnewb039suexec ahh17:27
bsdnewb039ive heard of that17:27
fyrestrtrbsdnewb039: ##php17:27
=== ViperBorg is now known as ViperBorg[WinDoz
MiescoIs 64bit better for ubuntu studio?17:27
underandyhow can I turn off networkmanager in gnome?17:28
* fyrestrtr wonders what's ubuntu studio17:28
MiescoHaving problems with my firewire audio interface17:28
Pici!studio | fyrestrtr17:28
ubottufyrestrtr: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org17:28
giedrius___hi, anybody knows why ctrl-alt-f1 won't work?17:28
fyrestrtrunderandy: click on it, and then click disable networking17:28
pjfitzgibbonsHello all.  Can someone tell me if the "Ubuntu Unleashed" DVD includes 64-bit installers ?17:28
dev_n00bfyrestrtr, Ubuntu Studio is EPICsauce :)17:28
bazhangpjfitzgibbons, where is that? got a link?17:28
SinnermanEr, i have a slight problem. i have a wireless mac keyboard that i'm using on a pc with linux installed. now that keyboard does not have page up/down keys. is it possible to use xmodmap to have ALT+down act as page down, and if so, how do i go about it?17:28
pjfitzgibbons"Ubuntu Unleashed" http://www.informit.com/store/product.aspx?isbn=067232993X17:29
bazhangpjfitzgibbons, btw only the real ubuntu is supported here; accept no substitutes17:29
Nece228well it is gutsy so i used envy, and no i didnt try to install drivers with envy and restricted manager in same time17:29
eraldofyrestrtr: I did but there seems to be only vague information...17:29
Jack_SparrowNece228 The envyng from our repos?17:30
fyrestrtreraldo: probably a sign that your printer is not compatible.17:30
pjfitzgibbonsbazhang: far as I can tell, it's reall... just need the 64 bit installers though.17:30
eraldofyrestrtr: I need to buy a labeling system that works with linux for labeling file folders17:30
eraldofyrestrtr: I did not get any _yet_17:30
bazhangpjfitzgibbons, well the 64bit is easy enough to dl if it does not17:30
fyrestrtreraldo: just buy a regular HP printer and label paper.17:30
Nece228it is envy, so i downloaded it via official envy site17:31
pjfitzgibbonsbazhang: personal network problems.  Looking for a quick solution via short walk to my local bookstore17:31
Jack_Sparrowpjfitzgibbons Dont bother with that page you linked, just someone packaging what is free in a nice wrapper for $5017:31
bazhangpjfitzgibbons, any special reason for 64bit?17:31
Riottaabout labeling, know any good gtk application for making cd covers/labels ?17:32
Jack_SparrowNece228 envy off the envy site is a very bad idea17:32
bazhangNece228, for gutsy?17:32
bazhangruh roh17:32
fyrestrtrRiotta: glabes17:32
fyrestrtrerr, glabels17:32
eraldofyrestrtr: I know that I will only need one label at a time... but that several times every day17:32
PiciRiotta: glabels is supposedly pretty good17:32
pjfitzgibbonsDel T3400 hangs on 32bit desktop install.. something about uncompatible SATA controllers.  I read a post that same machine installed on 64bit no prb.17:32
Riottaty :)17:32
Nece228i tried to install first from restricted manager17:32
Jack_SparrowNece228 envyng from our repos.. way better choice17:32
ViperBorg[WinDozOkay, I have a few questions here if anyone can help me.17:32
bazhangViperBorg[WinDoz, go ahead17:32
Nece228envyng dont works with gutsy17:32
bazhangNece228, then get hardy17:33
Jack_SparrowNece228 envy from the web never worked.. so what is your point17:33
Paddy_EIRENece228: upgrade to the LTS its worth it... and envy does work with gutsy17:33
fyrestrtreraldo: seiko printers have linux drivers afaik.17:33
Nece228i cant get working poprietary drivers17:33
bazhangNece228, what card model and number17:34
DrooQuestion, I have a disk in my machine that shows up as /dev/sda its paritions do not show up as /dev/sda# however. If I repartiton the disk after boot they will get detected, but this only lasts until the next reboot. I ran bad blocks on the start of the disk and got no hits, any idea what it could be?17:34
ViperBorg[WinDozI downloaded the latest Ubuntu, and I want to go ahead and install it from the live CD, but I want to keep a partition for Windows (sadly, I need it) if I click on Install on the Live CD, will it give me the option of creating a new partition for the installation, and how do I fix the boot.ini for Vista for it to find it and make it an option at startup to boot Ubuntu?17:34
NirOnEBonjour tout le monde17:34
Paddy_EIREViperBorg[WinDoz: yes it will17:34
Pici!fr | NirOnE17:34
Nece228its radeon 9600 256 mb17:34
ubottuNirOnE: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr17:34
bazhangViperBorg[WinDoz, the installer will do it for you if ubuntu is second17:34
ViperBorg[WinDozExcellent. Thank you very much.17:34
Jack_SparrowViperBorg[WinDoz yes it will17:34
NirOnEoki thanks17:34
fyrestrtrViperBorg[WinDoz: if Vista is already installed on your machine, then the installer will take care of the partitioning and installing the bootloader.17:34
Paddy_EIRENece228: me desktop has that very card and it worked with restricted driver manager and envy17:35
Drooany ideas on the partition autodetect failure?17:35
WrinViperBorg[WinDoz: It will make linux the default OS though, so you may want to read up on how to change the menu.lst entries17:35
pjfitzgibbonsSo, bazhang, Jack_Sparrow : any ideas where I can get a 64-bit installer cd/dvd from a bookstore ?17:35
Jack_SparrowNece228 What other changes to your system or things have you installed manually fromoutside official repos17:35
Nece228Paddy_EIRE: does it worked in gutsy?17:35
eraldofyrestrtr: thank's for the hint... I was just asking if I could find someone in here that uses either of them so I could ask further questions...17:35
Paddy_EIRENece228: yes17:35
bazhangpjfitzgibbons, what is your time frame for getting it17:35
Nece228i had fresh install of gutsy17:36
tj83Amphaeon, i got wireshark to pick up my NIC.... can you give me insight as how to tell it to sniff port 23 on a remote loacation?17:36
fyrestrtreraldo: ah okay.17:36
pjfitzgibbonsNow.  Literally... lunch break at 1200 CST17:36
Nece228i didnt do anythink, when i just installed system i wanted install poprietary drivers17:36
sbroosin terminal when I do irw i get "00000014608b0000 00 CH+ Snapstream" etc from my ir device. How can I set up which button does what in gnome or tv time?17:36
eraldofyrestrtr: still I appreciate your effort, thank's again17:36
fyrestrtrpjfitzgibbons: check with your local LUG17:36
bazhangpjfitzgibbons, not sure of the bookstores where you are; there is bound to be one though.17:36
Nece228and there is one more problem, gutsy's restricted manager detects my card, but hardy' dont detects it17:37
IctinikeNece228, what card is it?17:38
DrooQuestion, I have a disk in my machine that shows up as /dev/sda its paritions do not show up as /dev/sda# however. If I repartiton the disk after boot they will get detected, but this only lasts until the next reboot. I ran bad blocks on the start of the disk and got no hits, any idea what it could be?17:38
Nece228radeon 9600 256 mb17:38
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hdhallHi. I managed to screw up my sources.list without a backup. I am running an amd64 installation, can anyone assist me?17:38
hdhallI need a clean original version17:38
bazhanghdhall, hang on a sec17:38
fyrestrtrDroo: are you writing the new partition table?17:39
bazhanghttp://aphroneo.net/sources.list hdhall17:39
DrooI just rewrite it with no changes17:39
Drooand suddenly i can get at /dev/sda117:39
fyrestrtrDroo: fdisk -l /dev/sda gives any problems?17:39
bazhangpjfitzgibbons, you might also ask in one of the loco irc channels from your area17:40
tj83Jack_Sparrow, can you point me to a channel focused on security?17:40
Droothey show up17:40
Droobut not as devices17:40
Droo/dev/sdd1               1       89359   717776136   fd  Linux raid autodetect17:40
bazhangsbroos, what is the issue17:40
Drooits sdd now not sda17:40
sbroosin terminal when I do irw i get "00000014608b0000 00 CH+ Snapstream" etc from my ir device. How can I set up which button does what in gnome or tv time?17:40
Droobut the same problem17:40
Nece228note it was xubuntu17:40
fyrestrtrDroo: what's with the raid?17:40
Nece228maybe this have some affect?17:41
Droothe partition is part of a raid array17:41
Ictinikesoldats, I built a computer, running a 600 watt PSU, and am having troubles having it and a 22 inch TV/monitor being connected to the same 1200 watt powerbar.... o.o17:41
hdhallbazhang: thanks17:41
DrooI tried changing the partion type17:41
Fenix|workGreetings... in /etc/networks/interfaces ... how do I set multiple IP addresses for an interface?17:41
Droodidnt help17:41
Fenix|workiface eth0:0 and iface eth0:1 ?17:41
fyrestrtrFenix|work: yes.17:42
WrinI'm trying to install my graphics drivers and it said that I'm running an x-server and need to shut it down.  Anyone know what that means and how I fix it?17:42
opssrahwant to ask.. why my ubuntu cannot detect my nvidia 8500GT ?17:42
marx2kWrin: are you in gnome or kde?17:42
Wrinmar: gnome I think17:42
carthikThe "who" command does not list all currently logged in users - why?17:42
hdhallbazhang: You dont have a "dk" version do you :P ? Or i guess i can just add it my self17:42
Wrinmar: Default ubuntu17:42
Fenix|workfyrestrtr, so change all references to eth0 to eth0:0?  what about auth eth0?17:42
bazhangopssrah, you got the drivers installed?17:42
Fenix|workerr auto17:42
fyrestrtrWrin: ctrl+alt+f1, login, then type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop17:42
Wrinopssrah: Get  the drivers from nvidia.com17:42
marx2kWring: go to a TTY terminal (ctrl+alt+F1) and type 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop'17:42
marx2kthis will stop your X session17:43
opssrahwait ill try to find the driver from nvidia.com17:43
sh4d3-0090quick question if anyone knows. im running ubuntu on a macbook and i have gstreamer and flash and sun java6. i see youtube vid's fine but i can't hear anything. anyone have any suggestions on what to do?17:43
bazhangopssrah, best from within ubuntu not from nvidia site17:43
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opssrahso where i can get it ?17:43
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erUSULsh4d3-0090: do you have libflashsuport installed ???17:43
foorbarSo the "who" command strangely does not list any users besides me, anyone know why?17:44
bazhangopssrah, system admin hardware drivers17:44
bazhangfoorbar, only you are logged in17:44
Scientusclicking in a window wont select it17:44
sh4d3-0090erusul i have normal flash not libflashsuport17:44
foorbarnope, bazhang, there are others, as I can see from "ps aux"17:44
Scientusi have to click on that tiny border17:44
opssrahbazhang, ok wait.. want to change my os first17:44
Scientuswhats wrong?17:44
fyrestrtrFenix|work: depends which you want up, if you bring up a virtual interface, the parent is automatically brought up.17:45
erUSULsh4d3-0090: that's a ib to make flash work with pulseaudio17:45
erUSULsh4d3-0090: that's a lib to make flash work with pulseaudio17:45
bazhangfoorbar, who17:45
findhelpHi is there a search/find command to find a word in a file that's on the harddrive? I tried find / -name texas17:45
fyrestrtrfindhelp: grep17:45
sh4d3-0090hmm can i install it thru synaptic>17:45
Fenix|workfyrestrtr, what if I bring up the parent eth0?  will all the virtual interfaces come up?17:45
findhelpgrep what?17:45
fyrestrtrfindhelp: grep "word"17:45
sh4d3-0090or is there an apt-get?17:45
marx2kfoorbar: ps aux will show you all system processes, with many of them having their own username attached17:45
hdhallHi. I managed to screw up my sources.list without a backup. I am running a .dk amd64 installation, can anyone assist me?17:46
bazhangsh4d3-0090, tes17:46
fyrestrtrfindhelp: grep -R "word" / <-- this will find "word" in all files starting from /17:46
foorbarmarx2k, bazhang, so this is at the lab in my univ and a user sent me a mail saying when he types who, he can see me logged in, but not himself!17:46
erUSULsh4d3-0090: just search for it and mark it to install17:46
TiredWolf!sources | hdhall17:46
ubottuhdhall: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:46
erUSUL!software | sh4d3-009017:46
ubottush4d3-0090: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:46
fyrestrtrFenix|work: no.17:46
findhelpfyrestrtr ok thanks17:46
erUSULhdhall:  run System>Admin>software sources17:46
foorbarmarx2k, bazhang, and yes, he is logged in, via vnc, and has a couple of rxvts running, and is using the system, so why don't who and w report he's on at the moment?17:47
naxxtorcan anyone help me with compiling a kernel from the git repos?  i've asked in #ubuntu-kernel but there's nobody at home17:47
fyrestrtrfindhelp: you can narrow your search though, if you know what is the extension of the file you want to search. find / -name "*.txt" -exec grep "word" {} \;17:47
WrinHow do I shut down an x-server?17:47
shaunalright, so here's the deal, i have an avi file that will not play on vlc or totem, but it plays on mplayer, but it flashes and there is no sound.  can anyone help me fix?17:47
fyrestrtrWrin: type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop17:47
SakeHey, is there a way to get the evolution email notifications in my tray without having evolution open?17:47
Fenix|workfyrestrtr, ok, so I have to auto all my virtual hosts... what about broadcast and gateway.  if all the virtual adapters are in the same network, do I have to set broadcast and gateway values?17:47
Scientusclicking in a window wont select it17:47
sh4d3-0090ok installed it checking to c if it works17:47
WrinThanks fyre17:47
Scientusi have to click on that tiny border17:47
Scientuson all windows17:47
sh4d3-0090nah its not workin17:47
fyrestrtrFenix|work: you have to setup virtual addresses just like you do normal ones.17:47
shaunalright, so here's the deal, i have an avi file that will not play on vlc or totem, but it plays on mplayer, but it flashes and there is no sound.  can anyone help me fix?17:48
fyrestrtrSake: use an email notifer applet for the panel.17:48
alex-weejshaun: is the avi file online?17:48
tj83anyone familliar with wireshark and port sniffing? or know of a channel for security support?17:48
alex-weejshaun: i.e., can i test it?17:49
fyrestrtrshaun: sounds like you need to download it again.17:49
Sakefyrestrtr, any recommendations?17:49
galexcdhas anyone in this channel successfully installed cairo-dock on their system?17:49
shaunno its not online17:49
Sinnermancan anyone _please_ help me with xmodmap?17:49
alex-weejshaun: is it animal sex?17:49
shaunhaha i wish17:49
ivanzThe panel could not register with the bonobo-activation server (error code: 3) and will exit.It may be automatically restarted.17:49
alex-weejlol, ok17:49
fyrestrtrSake: I use the screenlet notifier tbh, but that's for gmail. You can pick any you like -- there are a few hundred.17:49
ivanznautilus and panel no longer run at startup17:49
ivanzhow can I solve this?17:49
alex-weejjust don't go reporting bugs against totem whilst trying to play animal sex MPEGs (it has happened before)17:49
ivanzfresh install + full update ---> bonobo breakge?17:50
fyrestrtrivanz: no, something else is up.17:50
alex-weejivanz: i doubt it. are you using the official distro?17:50
erUSUL!ohmy | alex-weej17:50
ubottualex-weej: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:50
ivanzalex-weej: yes17:50
alex-weejerUSUL: .17:50
ivanzubuntu whatever official last stable download is17:50
fyrestrtrivanz: what did you download? From which link.17:50
foorbarmarx2k, bazhang, and yes, he is logged in, via vnc, and has a couple of rxvts running, and is using the system, so why don't who and w report he's on at the moment?17:51
Sakefyrestrtr,  I wish I could just know of one that was EXACTLY like evolution's. That one's perfect.17:51
alex-weejivanz: if you try and run gnome-panel and nautilus "manually", does it work?17:51
ivanzAlso I am running in VirtualBox17:51
ivanzwell I haven't tried that yet17:51
bazhangfoorbar, not sure really17:51
ivanzI can't open a terminal17:51
fyrestrtrSake: I'm sorry I can't be of more help as I don't use evolution.17:51
ivanzwill check from tty17:51
foorbarbazhang thanks17:51
alex-weejivanz: send a Ctrl+Alt+F1 to the VBox17:51
galexcdso I can see that everyone needs their questions answered so I guess I'll just wait until somebody who can help is free17:51
ivanzI tried purging some settings17:52
alex-weejivanz: that will switch you to VT1. log in with your username and password, then type: export DISPLAY=":0"17:52
Sakefyrestrtr, no worries. Thanks for the help17:52
fyrestrtrivanz: create a new user and login to gdm17:52
ivanzI know how it's done, but thanks anyway17:52
alex-weejivanz: then type: gnome-panel; and then switch to VT717:52
yasiinhi all17:52
dawidhi yasiin17:52
alex-weejivanz: if it doesn't appear, you can use "gdb" to debug it and find out where it is hanging17:52
bazhangopssrah, yes17:54
opssrahgo to admin > hardware drivers ?17:54
bazhangopssrah, right17:54
bazhang|anonymous|, did you boot from the 14 kernel17:54
ivanzhm okay the breakage is caused by something else which has installed a broken library in /opt and has modified ld_library_path17:54
opssrahbazhang, wait17:55
|anonymous|hi me again i have "cpu frequency scaling unsuported " and drive my cpu on 100 %17:55
bazhang|anonymous|, did you solve the upgrade bug17:55
|anonymous|no  i folow  the web17:56
|anonymous|but its look some17:56
bazhang|anonymous|, there is a workaround you know17:56
|anonymous|i try to use manager  and has told me its latest17:56
lakituhey - i got another comp, not the one i was working on yesterday. it had linux & also win xp on it with GRUB as a bootloader. i got a virus on the win, & had to format. i lost the loader. now i know there's guides to reinstalling the loader, but i want to know how i can tell if my linux partition is still there, & working? (is it risky to tell it to boot to it, when it's corrupted/formatted/etc?)17:56
lakitusorry - not the most eloquent discourse on my problem..17:57
bazhanglakitu, did you format the ubuntu partition as well17:57
opssrahbazhang, http://mfitri.net/pic/Screenshot-1.png17:57
|anonymous|guys i have problem with cpu17:57
lakitubazhang: i formatted c:\, & i think linux was on a different partition (i don't know because a friend set it up)17:57
lakitubazhang: & c:\ was win17:58
lakituit must've been, right?17:58
lakituon a different partition17:58
bazhanglakitu, hope so :)17:58
lakitulol =)17:58
lakitume too17:58
lakitudo just 'live cd -> grub -> check?'17:59
joetheoddlakitu, if you reinstalled windows, you probably overwrote grub with windows' bootloader17:59
opssrahbazhang, saw the pic ?17:59
joetheoddlakitu, yeah reinstall grub off of live17:59
bazhangopssrah, yes; did you look for the driver in synaptic?17:59
opssrahwhere ?17:59
bazhangopssrah, synaptic package manager17:59
joetheoddlakitu, actually, try to just mount a few /dev/hd* or /dev/sd* and see if there's linux on them17:59
lakitujoetheodd: ok. important: there is no risk of installing GRUB (is there??) if there is no linux partition?17:59
larson9999ok, the gremlins got me.  installed hardy and in ff, scroll up does a scroll up and then 'back'.17:59
opssrahbazhang, ok wait18:00
galexcdSo uh... is anyone running cairo-dock, or is familiar enough with it to tell me what I'm doing wrong?18:00
lakitujoakim: ok18:00
joetheoddlakitu, correct. worst case scenario is you can't get into windows and have to reformat again (and since you need to reformat windows every other week anyhow, that's nothing big :P )18:00
FerchaultHello, I'm using hardy on x86_64. My flash works...but only until I reboot. Then I have to reinstall flashplugin-nonfree and it works again. What changes do I have to make permanent?18:00
bazhangFerchault, livecd or install18:01
lakitujoetheodd: no no no! very wrong. this is my main comp, with 750 gigs on it. i can't afford to reformat this. even if it is just a 100gig partition for windows18:01
Ferchaultbazhang: installed on disk18:01
joetheoddlakitu, oh!18:02
lakitujoetheodd: yes =)18:02
joetheoddlakitu, well grub should detect windows, and if not, you need to manually config18:02
joetheoddyou can't hurt windows, just render it hidden temporarily18:02
naxxtori've just done ps aux | grep modprobe and i get this:http://pastebin.com/m22149f12 is this normal?18:02
lakitujoetheodd: ok, so it IS possible to get boot back into windows if GRUB "hides" it, or whatever?18:02
anirudh0lakitu, as long as windows is the primary partition18:02
galexcdso.... is anyone familiar enough with my issue to tell me what I can do about this error:18:03
galexcdcairo-dock: error while loading shared libraries: libglitz-glx.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:03
joetheoddlakitu yes, you need to get the MBR to find it though18:03
anirudh0galexcd, the library is missing18:03
anirudh0galexcd, search for the package containing it..and install it18:03
lakituanirudh0: how do i tell (what prog) to find what is the primary partition.18:03
krodI'm having trouble installing ubuntu, whenever it comes down to formatting the harddrrive, the entire install freezes18:03
galexcdwhere do you suggest I search?18:03
lakitueither win or linux app18:03
krodI have burned it multiple times with multiple diffrent burning applications18:03
krodI have turned acpi off18:03
anirudh0lakitu, it should be the first(lef-hand-most) partition in gparted18:03
krodI can't imagine what the problem is18:03
lakituanirudh0: ok, thanks18:04
anirudh0galexcd, packages.ubuntu.com or apt-file18:04
krodanyone have any ideas?18:04
lakitujoetheodd: thanks, i'll be back18:04
anirudh0krod, format first18:04
lakituthanks too, bazhang18:04
anirudh0krod, run "sudo gparted" from live cd18:04
bazhangnp :)18:04
anirudh0krod, then install18:04
krodanirudh0, i can't format18:05
krodit freezes18:05
anirudh0krod, have you tried running gparted outside the install process?18:05
krodno what does that do?18:05
krodso I should boot intot eh live cd?18:06
marx2kGParted LiveCD always works for me18:06
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foorbarbazhang - maybe user@notty connections don't count for who, oh well.18:08
MrVirusi'm lookin to change the gui of evolutin email.. but i'm not findign what i'm lookin for18:08
MrVirusi'm wanting to disable/remove soem of the tabs at the bottom anyone know where to find them in prefs18:08
redleerim looking to change some icons how do i change icons showing on locations and trash can? or is it even possible?18:09
RawSushigrr...what is up with ubuntu and sound?18:09
RawSushiwhy can't it just work?18:09
MrVirusRedler : to change the displayed icon for different places.18:10
RawSushiI install KDE...no sound18:10
MrObviousRawSushi: Drivers?18:10
krodok it appears i can trun the live cd either18:10
RawSushino, my sound works for the most part18:10
krodi cant run*18:10
krodit freezes18:10
RawSushibut when I install KDE and a few other things18:10
RawSushiit doesn't work18:10
td123RawSushi: google for issues with your card18:10
redleerMrVirus: yup18:10
MrObviousRawSushi: KDE uses it's own sound engine I think called ALSA.18:10
MrObviousErr not ALSA.18:10
RawSushiI have tried everything to get it working18:10
RawSushiin KDE18:10
MrVirusalsa is gnome Raw18:11
MrObviousARTS is what is called.18:11
RawSushiI am LOVING ubuntu to death except for this sound issue18:11
RawSushiwhy can't they all just use one sound system?18:11
AzizLightHi everybody18:12
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td123RawSushi: the same reason why there isn't just one linux distro18:12
MrVirusRawSushi.. what sound card do you have18:12
RawSushiI have a soundblaster live18:12
Vegombreiis there a software to copy contacts onto a blackberry thru ubuntu .. i think im in trouble .. i took out windows and now i got a blackberry but its installation cd is windows based.. i dont care about that all i want is my contacts copied onto it .. how do i do that thru ubuntu ??18:12
RawSushihowever....I think I might know part of the problem18:12
MrVirusRawSushi : have you looked in your hardware manager to see if there is restrictive drivers available18:12
RawSushiI have a built-in sound card on my mother board that I don't use18:12
RawSushicould that have something to do with it?18:12
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=== Bas is now known as Bash_
RawSushiMrVirus: nah18:13
MrVirusRaw : it is possible for Ubuntu to default to the onboard soundcard18:13
AzizLightI create a file ~/.bash_aliases and put some of my aliases inside but thoses aliases don't seem to work, does anyone have a solution please?18:13
RawSushiwell it's obviously using my sb live because my speakers are plugged into there18:13
RawSushiand my sound works fine in gnome18:13
anirudh0AzizLight, see if .bashrc has a "source ~/.bash-aliases"18:14
frank_HI, is there any program for ubuntu that can download all pdf on a website automatically?18:14
TiredWolf!info wget | frank_18:14
ubottufrank_: wget (source: wget): retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.10.2-3ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 233 kB, installed size 1924 kB18:14
MrVirusRaw : but yoru problem lies in KDE right18:14
=== Bash_ is now known as Bash^
RawSushiand also dosbox18:14
AzizLightanirudh0: I don't think it has, should I add that line at the bottom of the ~/.bashrc file?18:14
RawSushiI'm playing with dosbox and can't get sound working there18:14
galexcdglitz uses automake, in order to generate the Makefiles for glitz use:18:14
galexcd$ autogen.sh18:14
galexcdWhat do I do to install it?18:14
Odd-rationalefrank_: the download-them-all firefox ext.18:15
MrVirusRaw : do you have everything you need KDE.18:15
RawSushiMrVirus: ?18:15
MrVirusall the packages and libs and that for KDE18:15
ay^I'm having some wird problems with my ubuntu-install.. some settings just resets sometimes. Usually compiz-stuff, but just now the Clock reset its settings. What could cause this?18:15
frank_Odd-rationale: thx, it scan all pdf on a domain or just the page i am surfing?18:16
RawSushiMrVirus: not sure18:16
BobPenguinHello there. Running 8.04 here. The update managers shows me an update for VirtualBox Real Time Module,  but ir does not allow me to check it and download it. Why would be that? Should I uninstall and reinstall VirtualBox?18:16
FlinxI'm having a problem with a system using multiple network cards. I've configured a script to assign static IP addresses to eth0, and eth1 while eth2 is dynamic. However when I reboot the dynamic address is assigned to whatever port the cable is plugged into.18:16
larson9999had to add the button mapping to xorg.conf.  that was annoying18:16
td123RawSushi: how did you install kde?18:16
Odd-rationalefrank_: the pagev18:16
TiredWolfgalexcd, uhm, libglitz is packaged, why are you compiling it?18:16
RawSushitd123: I don't remember to be honest18:16
MrVirustd123 my next questions thanks18:16
RawSushioh...I installed kubuntu18:16
RawSushithat's how I did it18:16
roch09Hi everyone18:16
td123RawSushi: did you install kde 4.0 or 4.1?18:17
redhat69hi, I was wondering if there is a way to sync a windows mobile phone with ubuntu18:17
RawSushilet me check18:17
td123RawSushi: or 3.518:17
marx2khi RawSushi18:17
galexcdso wait, I don't need to compile it to install it?...  sorry I'm really awful at unix18:17
=== marx2k is now known as Run\Stop
anirudh0AzizLight, yes18:17
alex-weejBobPenguin: that's a bug -- but it's caused by the fact that there is no way to install the new vbox with all of its new dependencies. i suggest waiting a few hours and then reloading your package information adn trying again.18:17
alpinestr<KiteWhamoBall> As a man who wears bras every day.... WTF!@#18:17
LittleRedRobinHoHi! I wish install ubuntu in a pc desktop but i haven't the monitor for it. So i am thinking, if it's possible, using ethernet cable to link the network card of my laptop to my pc desktop's network card. In this way i wish screen the install process in the laopto's monitor. Is it possible?18:17
roch09I am using Gparted, will I loose my data on a partition if I expand or shrink the volume18:18
dexiLittleRedRobinHo: there is a net-install18:18
TiredWolf!software | galexcd18:18
ubottugalexcd: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents18:18
anirudh0galexcd, you did a search on packages.ubuntu?18:18
dexiLittleRedRobinHo: i dont know how it's done tho18:18
TiredWolf!info libglitz1 | galexcd18:18
ubottugalexcd: libglitz1 (source: glitz): Glitz OpenGL image compositing library. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.6-1 (hardy), package size 74 kB, installed size 236 kB18:18
BobPenguinThanks  lot alex-weej18:18
dexianyone know the easiest way to switch from gnome to kde?18:18
fyrestrtrdexi: logout, choose KDE session, login.18:18
TiredWolfgalexcd: (although you might want libglitz-glx1 instead of libglitz1, i'm not sure, perhaps try both)18:18
Vegombreiis there a software to copy contacts onto a blackberry thru ubuntu .. i think im in trouble .. i took out windows and now i got a blackberry but its installation cd is windows based.. i dont care about that all i want is my contacts copied onto it .. how do i do that thru ubuntu ??18:18
unopdexi, install the kubuntu-desktop package18:19
RawSushitd123: how do I tell without actually going into KDE?18:19
BobPenguinCould anyone recommend a data recovery tool for ubuntu that has some sort of GUI?18:19
anirudh0dexi, apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop18:19
MrVirusDexi : you can do that from the login screen18:19
metheonsudo apt-get install kde-desktop / relog18:19
Run\StopRawSushi: What are you trying to do18:19
redhat69unop: how about fluxbox?18:19
dexiunop i think im going that18:19
dexii did uhh18:19
dexihang on18:19
FloodBot1dexi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:19
unopredhat69, what about it?18:19
RawSushiRun\Stop: check the version of KDE I have18:19
SladjannnI delete some films from my system and they are in trash... I can't empty my trash, films are still there... When I try with command ''sudo nautilus"' I go to trash and trash is empty, but it is not, movies are still there and I can't free my memory, I have 10gb in trash.... Please HELP... Thank you.18:19
dexioh i found something online sudo apt-get install ksmserver18:19
td123RawSushi: well, in the log in box, under sessions-> select, it should have kde selected18:19
redhat69unop, how would i switch to it from gnome?18:19
RawSushiRun\Stop: and then get my sound working in KDE18:19
bazhangmetheon, it is kubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-kde4-desktop18:19
anirudh0sladen, "rm ~/.local/Trash"18:19
roch09Need help with gparted, please18:19
Run\StopRawSushi: I see..18:19
unopredhat69, install the fluxbox package and choose the fluxbox session at the logon screen18:20
dexiwas ksmserver the wrong thing?18:20
anirudh0sladen, rather "rm -rv ~/.local/Trash"18:20
Run\Stopif I wasnt at work and on my KDE box, I'd help you out :D18:20
=== myth is now known as Myth_
FinnishCan I install Kubuntu (Intrepid) on my old machine, it already has XP and Ubuntu?18:20
td123RawSushi: to check the version, you should check the menu somewhere for an about item18:20
hateballLittleRedRobinHo: You could always boot the live-cd and install openssh-server.... but you'd have to do those steps in the blind. Then activate VNC from there I guess, and complete the install.18:20
anirudh0Finnish, yes18:20
metheonbazhang, d'oh :) thanks18:20
unop!intrepid > Finnish18:20
ubottuFinnish, please see my private message18:20
RigattoniHI guys18:20
alpinestrAug  6 13:19:47 octagon pulseaudio[6291]: module-alsa-sink.c: Error opening PCM device front:0: Device or resource busy18:21
dexier anyone?18:21
anirudh0!intrepid> anirudh018:21
ubottuanirudh0, please see my private message18:21
alpinestranyone knows what could be causing this ?18:21
RawSushilet me just go into KDE since I'm trying to get my sound working there anyway18:21
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:21
Sladjannnanirudh0, rm: cannot remove `/home/stankovic/.local/Trash': No such file or directory18:21
anirudh0Finnish, sorry..i mistook intrepid for kde4..check unop's pm18:21
td123!intrepid > td12318:21
ubottutd123, please see my private message18:21
anirudh0Sladjannn, sorry .local/share/trash18:22
roch09Hi Unop, could you help please: Using Gparted, I am expanding a primary partition, But I havent backed up my data, will I loose it18:22
Sladjannnanirudh0, please write me all what i need to write in console18:22
fabz0r1im a noob in a bit of strife18:22
unoproch09, you should always backup before using gparted - just to be safe18:22
fabz0r1i want to do something hell simple18:22
anirudh0sladen, rather "rm -rv ~/.local/share/Trash"18:22
fabz0r1i burned a cd and now i want top copy the cd onto my home folder18:22
fabz0r1so i can run it18:22
rw__Hi. I'm using conky and I would like it to show me the output of lspci. I tried ${exec lspci} but it doesn't seem to work.18:22
TiredWolf!enter | fabz0r118:23
ubottufabz0r1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:23
roch09unop: Gparted is half way through, Does that mean I am going to lose it18:23
usr13I did what I [probably] shouldn't have:  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   (over the network- via ssh).18:23
unoproch09, though gparted usually tries to resize partitions without any data loss - but there is no guarantee18:23
fabz0r1and i went into /media/cdrom and nothing was there18:23
td123rw__: may I ask why you would need to see all your static hardware in conky?18:23
AzizLightI have my aliases in ~/.bash_aliases and I have "source ~/.bash-aliases" in ~/.bashrc but when I open a new terminal I get this message: ~/.bash-aliases: No such file or directory18:23
usr13It stalled because of ssh being re-installed/configured18:23
galexcdso wait are you saying that I don't need to even download it from archive.ubuntu.com, I can just apt-get install libglitz-glx ?18:23
dexiwhat was that package again? desktop-kde-4...?18:23
usr13See http://paste.ubuntu.com/34830/18:23
fabz0r1im hoping its just a filed write18:23
TiredWolfroch09: most importantly, do NOT interrupt it if it's already going18:24
TiredWolfgalexcd: no, i'm absolutely not saying that18:24
roch09Unop thanks18:24
galexcd>_< sorry18:24
usr13Wondering if I should do at this point?18:24
Sladjannnanirudh0, rm: remove write-protected regular file `/home/stankovic/.local/share/Trash/files/stir of echoes 2/StirOfEchoesTheHomecoming/Stir_Of_Echoes_2_The_Homecoming_R1_Custom-[cdcovers_cc]-front.jpg'? (i write yes and enter but still nothing only for this movie)18:24
TiredWolfgalexcd: err yes sorry, i misread, yes, i'm absolutely saying that.18:24
roch09Tiredwolf thanks I will wait 40 min and see whats going to happen,18:24
TiredWolfgalexcd: (or you can use Synaptic)18:24
usr13Something like:18:24
RawSushihmm, I thought it was supposed to say the version I have in the KDE menu18:24
TiredWolfgalexcd: although the package name is either "libglitz1" or "libglitz-glx1", not "libglitz-glx"18:25
usr13kill 8631 16103 ;  apt-get dist-upgrade18:25
fabz0r1im running ubuntu server if thats any help... all i want to do is copy my folder off my cd onto my home directory on this hdd18:25
Sladjannnanirudh0, still nothing18:25
TiredWolffabz0r1: cp -a /media/cdrom/FolderName $HOME/FolderName18:25
fabz0r1do i need to menually mount the cd?18:26
* JoshuaRL is up, up, and away: Gone away for now.18:26
=== JoshuaRL is now known as JoshuaRL|away
TiredWolffabz0r1: not unless it doesn't get automatically mounted for some reason18:26
fabz0r1TiredWolf: yeah but i cant even see whats on the cd18:26
TiredWolf!away > JoshuaRL|away18:26
ubottuJoshuaRL|away, please see my private message18:26
galexcdTiredWolf:  alright, well it says that both libglitz1 and libglitz-glx1 are already the newest versions18:26
fabz0r1mabe ubuntu server doesnt auto mount?18:26
TiredWolffabz0r1: are you sure you burned it correctly?18:26
Vegombreiis there a software to copy contacts onto a blackberry thru ubuntu .. i think im in trouble .. i took out windows and now i got a blackberry but its installation cd is windows based.. i dont care about that all i want is my contacts copied onto it .. how do i do that thru ubuntu ??18:26
fabz0r1yeah i just checked the folders definetely there18:26
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TiredWolfgalexcd: yet cairo-dock doesn't compile? what's the errors, can you pastebin them? (by the way, while cairo-dock is not in the official repositories, i suspect there is an ubuntu .deb somewhere)18:27
TiredWolffabz0r1: ah right, yes, right, server won't mount.18:27
TiredWolffabz0r1: sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom18:27
fabz0r1okay so in media i see cdrom cdrom0 floppy and floppy018:27
fabz0r1ahh easy that must be it thanks heaps :)18:27
galexcdI do have the .deb of cairo-dock for ubuntu18:27
galexcdthat's what I used to install it18:28
galexcdbut it gives me that error when attempting to run it18:28
TiredWolfgalexcd: uhm, what's the error precisely, and where did you get the .deb from?18:28
n1mdaOh hi there :) I'm currently upgrading to 8.04 but dpkg --configure -a seems to be stuck at generating locales, en_AU.UTF-818:28
fabz0r1whoo the discs spinning now :)18:28
RawSushitd123: okay, I have KDE 3.5.918:28
TiredWolfn1mda, uhm, was it you asking the same question yesterday?18:29
Arnoswhats the differance between help, info and man?18:29
RawSushiI guess I need an update?  :P18:29
n1mdais there a way to NOT generate locales, and contunie the update?18:29
n1mdaTiredWolf: Nope, wasn't me18:29
SladjannnI can't delate some files from trash... I tried with console and I got this rm: cannot remove `/home/stankovic/.local/share/Trash/files/demons from the past/DemonsFromHerPast/DemonsFromHerPast.avi': Permission denied"" PLEASE help me18:29
TiredWolfArnos: "help" only works for bash-internal commands (i.e. commands that aren't really programs, but just built into your shell). "info" was supposed to replace "man" eventually, i believe, yet it didn't catch on incredibly much18:29
unopArnos, help displays help topics specific to bash (or your shell) .. man display man pages .. info displays GNU info pages18:29
fabz0r1does cp copy the folder and all the SUBfolders underneath it keeping the structure intact?18:29
dexiSladjannn: use Sudo?18:29
SladjannnI used it, still nothing18:29
TiredWolffabz0r1: if you use that -a option, yes18:29
unopfabz0r1, not unless you use -r or -a18:30
fabz0r1i see thanks TiredWolf18:30
dexiSladjannn: Percussive maintenance?18:30
Arnosunop: thanks18:30
SladjannnI tried with sudo nautilus18:30
ArnosTiredWolf: Thanks18:30
Sladjannndexi, i am new in linux can u help me18:30
dexiSladjannn: just hit it til it works18:30
TiredWolfn1mda: well then someone else had the same problem. hold on, i'll see if their question was replied to.18:30
dexiSladjannn: i have been using linux all of 1 day18:30
dexi:) sorry18:30
tj83Sladjannn, Navigate to /home/yourusername/.local/shared/trash, then sudo rm filename18:30
galexcdTiredWolf: I got it from here http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=872418:31
dexikubuntu-kde4-desktop takes a LONG time for how -small- it claims it is18:31
dexiOH hey anyone wanna help me with a little pidgin issue?18:32
ticohello how can I install kubuntu in my ubuntu distro without the applications to be mixed up in the menus?18:32
roch09Unop: one more question: i got 3 primary partitions (sd1 (c): 50Gb -ntfs vista files, sd2: 108gb ntfs - general use, sd3: 12gb -ext3 for "/") and one extended. I am going to break extended into 4 logical drives: sd5 ntfs -60gb general use, sd6 ntfs - 30 gb general use, sd7 ext3 - /home 30gb, linuxswap at the end with3gb. will I encounter any problem. This is my first bual boot with vista and ubuntu18:32
RawSushioh, it's Run\Stop!18:32
Sladjannndexi, bash: /home/stankovic/.local/shared/trash: No such file or directory18:33
Sladjannnhelp me18:33
dexiSladjannn: that wasnt me18:33
unopSladjannn, sudo rm "/home/stankovic/.local/share/Trash/files/demons from the past/DemonsFromHerPast/DemonsFromHerPast.avi"18:33
tj83Sladjannn, "navigate"  = cd18:33
roch09tiredwolf: one more question: i got 3 primary partitions (sd1 (c): 50Gb -ntfs vista files, sd2: 108gb ntfs - general use, sd3: 12gb -ext3 for "/") and one extended. I am going to break extended into 4 logical drives: sd5 ntfs -60gb general use, sd6 ntfs - 30 gb general use, sd7 ext3 - /home 30gb, linuxswap at the end with3gb. will I encounter any problem. This is my first bual boot with vista and ubuntu18:34
dexipidgin help? anyone?18:34
unoproch09, i don't see any problems with the partition layout -- though, you might want to configure grub to boot windows after installing ubuntu..18:34
unop!grub > roch0918:34
ubotturoch09, please see my private message18:34
roch09Thanks ubottu18:35
fabz0r1TiredWolf: lifesaver thanks mate im out18:35
Skinzy1Hey, just a quick question, when writing bash scripts what's the variable for using text outside the script i.e. if i wrote a script that was ./hello frank the script would echo hello frank (so frank is the variable)18:35
MrVirusdoes any one know where to find the tab prefs for Evolution Email?18:36
unopSkinzy1, $1, $2, $3, etc for each positional parameter18:36
TiredWolfgalexcd: that .deb is most likely for Debian, not Ubuntu. try using the one at http://repository.cairo-dock.org/ubuntu/dists/hardy/cairo-dock/binary-i386/, as instructed by https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock18:36
Skinzy1perfect, thanks a lot18:36
redleerim still wondering how to change folder icons for trashcan and location link icons anyone know how to do it or is it even possible?18:36
unopSkinzy1,  $@ for all of them18:36
Skinzy1so if i do echo hey $1 $2 $3 and then do ./hello tom fred bob18:37
roch09Ubottu, unop >I installed vista first and then ubuntu, I guess Grub Is going to preside over windows bootmanager? Thats my understanding,18:37
ubotturoch09: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:37
Skinzy1it'll do hello tom fred bob18:37
roch09any helps appreciated ubottu18:37
unopSkinzy1, well, it should do   hey tom fred bob  actually :)18:37
Skinzy1lol :D thanks a lot mate, it really is appreciated18:38
unoproch09, if you install grub on the MBR (which is the default behaviour) yes18:38
Jack_Sparrowroch09 you are correct.. and ubottu is a factoid bot18:38
Sladjannnstill nothing please help me18:38
MrVirusroch09 : installing Windows first then installing Ubuntu .. the GRUB will overwrite the windows boot manager. there is a howto on work with grub for dual booting18:38
td123roch09:grub will be your boot manager if you installed it (default is yes)18:38
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash18:38
unopSladjannn, copy and paste this in to your terminal.   sudo rm "/home/stankovic/.local/share/Trash/files/demons from the past/DemonsFromHerPast/DemonsFromHerPast.avi"18:38
agyApologies for the slight overrun. I have completed maintenance on wiki.ubuntu.com.18:39
Jack_SparrowSladjannn Trash  note the CAP T18:39
Piciagy: Thanks for the update ;)18:39
Jack_Sparrowagy thanks18:39
roch09Mrvirus > does that mean grub is not going to recognise vista18:39
MrVirusgreat agy.. much apprecaited.. thanks agian18:40
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:40
SladjannnJack_Sparrow, I don't understand you... unop Demons from her past are still in trash18:40
unopSladjannn, are you trying to remove everything from the trash can?18:40
Sladjannnunop, it works18:40
Jack_Sparrowroch09 grub will see and connect up your windows install18:40
redleerah figured it out finally :D18:40
* unop is confused18:40
Sladjannnunop, yes18:40
galexcdalright, I tried that.... and it installed without any errors18:40
SladjannnI deleted only avi vile18:40
unopSladjannn, so are you ok now18:41
roch09Jack > then i dont need to muck around with the bootmanager right?18:41
SladjannnBut I have 5 more films and other files18:41
Jack_SparrowSladjannn <Sladjannn> dexi, bash: /home/stankovic/.local/shared/trash: No such file or directory                     Trash needs a capital T18:41
galexcdTiredWolf:  it installed without errors but it's still giving me the same error when I try to run it18:41
MrVirusroch : correct Gurb will handle that on its own18:41
Jack_Sparrowroch09 you should not need to..18:41
unopSladjannn,   sudo rm -f ~/.local/share/Trash/*18:41
roch09thanks mrvirus18:41
TiredWolfgalexcd: well will you give me the error please18:41
roch09cheers jack18:42
galexcdcairo-dock: error while loading shared libraries: libglitz-glx.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:42
MrVirusi help as i can18:42
freeflowcauveryhow would i edit grub?18:42
Jack_Sparrowgalexcd Are you running gutsy?18:42
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:42
Sladjannnunop,       rm: cannot remove `/home/stankovic/.local/share/Trash/files': Is a directory18:42
unopSladjannn, then.     sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/*18:42
Jack_Sparrowfreeflowcauvery sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst18:42
Ominoushi, can you access windows partitions from ubuntu?18:43
r_helimanhow is everybody doing?18:43
d-_-b[w]Q: E: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/glib2.0/libglib2.0-0_2.16.3-1ubuntu3_i386.deb: 404 Not Found [IP: 8018:43
MrVirusfreeflow : read the howto on grub editing18:43
TiredWolfgalexcd: that file belongs to libglitz-glx1. it really should be there if you installed it. what's the output of "apt-cache policy libglitz-glx1 | grep stalled"?18:43
d-_-b[w]my /etc/apt/sources.list looks fine18:43
freeflowcauverythanks MrVirus. I was getting lazy , but I'll look it up anyway. :)18:43
unopd-_-b[w], try this first.  sudo apt-get update18:43
Jack_Sparrowgalexcd I used 1.5.6 for cairo in gutsy.. works fine..18:43
etalliI am trying to change my grub background using startupmanager, what format does the background image have to be in?18:44
Sladjannnunop, it works thank you a lot... Can u tell me why I had this problem?18:44
galexcdtiredwolf: Installed: 0.5.6-118:44
r_helimani have a "small" problem. Maybe someone can help me.. I have about 130 Gig on MP3 but mostly is not orginased.. Does someone now a problem to re-TAG everything, and order them properly?18:44
MrVirusfreeflow : linux isnt for the lazy.. lol.. gotta work for what you want :D18:44
d-_-b[w]unop tried that :/18:44
d-_-b[w]stil no go18:44
=== Killer_Python is now known as Omar87
dexiwhats the apt-get command to update a program?18:44
TiredWolfgalexcd: so weird. how are you starting cairo-dock? from the console?18:44
Sladjannnunop, it works thank you a lot... Can u tell me why I had this problem????18:44
TiredWolfdexi: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will update all programs.18:44
redleerOminous, you can access windows partitions from ubuntu18:44
dexithanks tiredwold18:44
unopSladjannn, you probably had nautilus or something else running under sudo/gksudo when you deleted the files18:45
chickenfuego2dexi, type "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get upgrade" in order to update all your software.18:45
d-_-b[w]unop thakns I doubled checked and it would help to do "aptitude update" instead of "aptitude install update" ;)18:45
ticohello how can I install kubuntu in my ubuntu distro without the applications to be mixed up in the menus?18:45
galexcdtiredwolf: I'm using the command cairo-dock18:45
TiredWolftico: not sure you can18:45
roch09Whats the best way to manage partitions, I would like to expand my extended partition by shrinking primary partition. but the problem is that the extended lies at the end of the disk. Is there a work around, I read about partition magic. Is it reliable18:46
TiredWolfgalexcd: the output of "ls -l /usr/lib/libglitz-glx.so.1" ?18:46
unopd-_-b[w], heh?  aptitude install update ?18:46
TiredWolfroch09: no it isn't, it's also a commercial Windows program.18:46
TiredWolf!gparted ! roch0918:46
ubottuTiredWolf: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:46
galexcdtiredwolf: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 2008-08-06 09:10 /usr/lib/libglitz-glx.so.1 -> libglitz-glx.so.1.0.018:46
TiredWolf!gparted | roch0918:46
ubotturoch09: gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php18:46
d-_-b[w]unop I forgot to remove the install and thus I thought I did an update without actaully doing one.18:46
chickenfuego2roch09, you might try a boot cd with the software gparted.18:46
d-_-b[w]You just made me double check, thanks.18:46
TiredWolfgalexcd: no filename is in red there, right?18:47
galexcdtiredwolf: nope18:47
chickenfuego2roch09, http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php18:47
r_helimancan I ask my question again?18:47
TiredWolfgalexcd: uhm, try typing "sudo ldconfig" and then starting cairo-dock again. otherwise i'm at a loss.18:47
MrVirusheliman : what are you wantin to do.. mass retaggin?18:47
Picir_heliman: Easytag is one such program for that.18:47
r_helimanbut easytag i have,, nut is EXTREMLY slow18:48
galexcdtiredwolf: didn't help, but thanks for all of your advice.18:48
r_helimanand does not really wor18:48
d-_-b[w]r_heliman I heard amarok can do it, but havent used it myself.18:48
RawSushiokay wow...I just installed kubuntu-kde4-desktop18:48
roch09tired wolf ubottu > I am using gparted but dont you need to have unallocated contiguous space to the end of the partition to expand18:48
r_helimanamork does not auto tag18:48
galexcdtiredwolf: I suppose it just isn't going to work18:48
RawSushiit's much different18:48
RawSushiand sound works like a charm18:48
eloquencequick question: when i do a uname -a i get the following: Linux provision 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Fri Jul 11 23:41:49 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux18:48
zombieballHas anyone run into the following errors before http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t259/zombieball/Picture1.png ?   As you can see I am running ubuntu in parallels on a mac mini, I had to hard reboot the mac mini and when I restarted my VM these were the errors I was given.18:48
eloquencevirtual box wants me to add a modules package18:49
slash_nickr_heliman: try just searching for "ID3" in either Synaptic or the basic Applications -> Add/Remove...  you might find something to suit your needs. But I don't know any i can recommend18:49
galexcdtiredwolf: you don't suppose a log out would help would you?18:49
FinnishIf I install KDE 4 Remix, can I update it to newest version, just like it was 8.04.1?18:49
eloquencedo i choose the one named virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.19-generic?18:49
eloquenceyes Finnish you can18:49
eloquenceI did18:49
r_helimanok thxs18:49
=== andre_ is now known as Rotlaus
eloquenceyou just have to activate a repository18:49
Finnisheloquence: Thanks18:49
eloquencethe guys in #kubuntu-kde4 are very helpful18:50
chris_is downloads.openwrt.org down for anyone else? dpkg --configure is stalling because this is down18:50
eloquenceso is this the package to get? virtualbox-ose module for linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic18:50
mib_19raaohallo!! I am wondering where I can buy laptop preinstalled with linux and NOT close-source OS. Please18:50
chris_just installed ubuntu but I can't get the device drivers because of this18:50
eloquencemib_19raao, many dells come with ubuntu preinstalled18:50
Finnisheloquence: My virtual box is not working anymore, I'm on -20-generic18:50
MrViruschris : what drivers are you looking for18:51
eloquencemib_19raao, also i've seen a lot of acers in the market with linux preinstalled also18:51
RotlausMy Gnome panel configuration is not saved between session. What can i do about it?18:51
mib_19raaoeloquence, thank you! But they all come with Windows preinstalled too, it's not an option to buy withouth Windows18:51
Finnisheloquence: Yeah, get it, 19-gengeric18:51
freeflowcauveryanother quick question: earlier i tried entering whereis grub to locate grub files, hoping to be given a clue on where to find the menu.lst file. Why didn't whereis include /boot in the list of results, only /usr/sbin/grub /usr/lib/grub /usr/share/man/man8/grub.8.gz18:51
chris_MrVirus: NVIDIA, why?18:51
chickenfuego2who is using a multi-clipboard like glipper or klipper? I'd like to try another one...18:51
eloquencemib_19raao, stick with dual-boot for now18:51
MrViruschris : have you checked your Hardware manager to see if they have foudn them and are ready to install18:51
eloquenceuntil you have enough knowledge to reinstall linux only18:51
chris_MrVirus: no I'm on the hardware manager at the moment, it can't download the drivers because downloads.openwrt.org is down18:52
chris_MrVirus: what can I do?18:52
Jack_Sparrowfreeflowcauvery sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst            I gave you this earlier...18:52
freeflowcauveryThank Jack, i saw that earlier, but this is a separate lead off question18:52
Jack_Sparrowfreeflowcauvery gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst     also works18:53
MrVirushey Jack.. you knwo anything bout downloads.openwrt.org being down.. or why it might be18:53
IctinikeHello! Is there any way to tell Ubuntu to display as Widescreen Resolutions?18:53
freeflowcauverymy new question is regarding "whereis" and why it didn't yield /boot as one of the locations to find the grub directory18:53
Jack_Sparrowfreeflowcauvery try locate grub in a term18:54
zombieballHas anyone run into the following errors before http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t259/zombieball/Picture1.png ?  As you can see I am running ubuntu in parallels on a mac mini, I had to hard reboot the mac mini and when I restarted my VM these were the errors I was given.18:54
jones_anyone know the correct channel for evolution email issues? thanks18:54
MrVirusjones  if you find one. let me know as well..18:54
chris_will downloads.openwrt.org be back up any time today?18:54
roch09unop, Jack, Mrvirus >I am using gparted, Is there anyway to move around unallocated space. my research tells me that you need to have unallocated contiguous space to the end of the partition to expand18:55
=== SphaZ is now known as cyberphaz
Ictinikezombieball, Did you ahve to force restart the Mac MinI?18:55
freeflowcauveryJack Sparrow: I see. thanks. I guess "locate" is a more comprehensive command. what is the difference between whereis and locate? thanks again though18:55
rickbHello.. I have a stupid question.. :p When I use vi, and try to navigate everytime I hit the arrows it puts characters into the file.. Is there anything that I can do to not have that happen? :)18:55
TiredWolffreeflowcauvery: because as the manpage says, "whereis" only tries to locate files in standard directories, and /boot is not very18:55
ArthurArchnixDoes evolution (the email / calendar program) have it's own channel on irc?18:55
legend2440freeflowcauvery: whereis - locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command18:55
TiredWolffreeflowcauvery: a better choice in those cases is "dpkg -L grub"18:55
IctinikeHello! Is there any way to tell Ubuntu to display as Widescreen Resolutions?18:55
zombieballIctinike: yeah, I hard restarted the mac mini and I guess my ubuntu vm was corrupted in the process18:55
Jack_Sparrowroch09 you cant just move it around.  you must slide everything over/lfet..  but having an extended partition can complicate things18:56
freeflowcauverythanks TiredWolf, legend18:56
galexcdjack_sparrow, you said you got it working on gutsy?18:56
Ictinikezombieball, I'd assume so, is there anything important on there you don't have copies of?18:56
Jack_SparrowIctinike Yes, ubuntu will do widescreen res18:56
roch09jack > over what?18:56
slash_nicklegend: what does "locate" do then that's different?18:56
Jack_Sparrowgalexcd yes, cairo dock working on gutsy.18:56
perfectoropenoffice writer spellchecker not working. What to do?18:56
zombieballIctinike: for wide screen I had to manually edit my xorg.conf,  I assume there is an easier way though18:56
IctinikeJack_Sparrow, how would I enable it? I'm currently using a Widescreen TV as a monitor through DVI18:57
galexcdjack_sparrow: and you didn't run into any problems when installing it?18:57
Jack_SparrowIctinike I am too busy to stop and help you with that.  just know that it can be done.18:57
legend2440slash_nick: locate - find files by name18:57
IctinikeJack_Sparrow, Thanks. :)18:57
Jack_Sparrowgalexcd not at all.. let me get you the link I used for 1.5.618:57
Ictinikezombieball, xorg involves turning off my GUI, doesn't it?18:58
Jack_Sparrowgalexcd Here is what I used..  https://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=8724&release_id=1410818:58
aminhhey guys i have ubunut server 8.04 installed on a server at a facility...i'm right now have an ssh session goign...if i reboot the server from the ssh will i be able to ssh back into it form my local machine? doesn't the server need to have a user logged on in order for someone else to ssh into it?18:58
Defaulthey! I have Ubuntu hardy heron, can I use KDE? If not how do I? Cuz now I want Kubuntu18:58
TiredWolfaminh: no, it doesn't18:58
perfectoropenoffice writer spellchecker not working. What to do?18:58
aminhTiredWolf: sounds good...u sure?18:59
=== dexi is now known as Dexikiix
perfectorDefault, sudo apt-get install kubuntu18:59
Dexikiixis there a terminal command to change display settings?18:59
perfectorDefault, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop18:59
TiredWolfaminh: yes, i'm sure. of course there can be a thousand other reason why a computer might not reboot properly18:59
Jack_Sparrowgalexcd   1.5.6 cairo-dock-plug-ins_v1.5.6_i686.deb cairo-dock_v1.5.6_i686.deb18:59
Dexikiixmy kde display wont let me change out of 1440 x 90018:59
Defaultperfector, please take this rock and toss it at my head as hard as you can18:59
aminhTiredWolf: lol...fair enough18:59
Vi5inhello, i just added a new application to the main menu. but i'm not able to launch it. i believe the app needs some environmental variables set and usually i can launch it from terminal. setting it to "Application in terminal" doesn't seem to work either18:59
zombieballIctinike:  I refer to editing your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, I would try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:59
perfectorDefault, done what next...18:59
zombieballsee if that works first18:59
Defaultperfector, laugh at me cuz that was so obvious19:00
perfectorDefault, can't laugh my openoffice spellchecker is not working by default.. dunno what to do19:01
Ictinikezombieball, I opened a dialog with you19:01
DefaultBye for now! thanks for the help!19:01
Dexikiixhello? anyone? fix for this stupid display thing?19:01
Vi5inany ideas?19:01
Vi5inEven when I have it as an icon on the desktop, i am not able to run it19:02
Vi5init is a .sh19:02
``CubeI cannot boot ubuntu19:02
``Cubeafter I log it19:02
BrunersDexikiix: edit your xorg.conf with new setting and restart x19:02
``Cube*log in19:02
``Cubethe gnome-panel doesn't appear19:02
``Cubebut the screen stays orange and there appears a grey box in the upper left corner19:03
DexikiixBruners: thank you. where is xorg.conf?19:03
``Cubewhat to do?19:03
zombieballDexikiix: /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:03
Vi5inum... hello?19:03
kaiwenhi, I'm having trouble configuring dhcp, I tried everything, yet it still doesn't work. What happens is that when I connect the ubuntu PC to my ubuntu laptop (which I want to run dhcp on), my laptop does not give leases out to the PC19:03
MyrttiVi5in: you've not exactly told us enough to us to help you19:04
kaiwenI'm guessing this is a configuration issue, but I don't know which correct settings I should use in dhcpd.conf19:04
Vi5inMyrtti: I did earlier but I'll say it again19:04
slash_nick``Cube: im assuming you get no icons on your desktop either?19:04
Dexikiixzombieball: Bruners what exactly do i edit, as to not break anything... im a newb19:04
``Cubeslash_nick: exactly19:04
=== omar_ is now known as Omar87
Vi5inMyrtti: so I am trying to run a .sh file. it's for intellij idea. and the file is in /usr/local/idea7/idea.sh. I'm trying to create a link to it to run from the desktop (or from the menu)19:05
MyrttiVi5in: which app19:05
RotlausWhere is the gnome panel configuration saved?19:05
TiredWolfVi5in: is it a graphical application? are you sure you've put in the menu the very same command that you normally use to start it from the terminal?19:05
``Cubeslash_nick: I've been messing up with some drivers before, I tried to sync my windows mobile phone with ubuntu19:05
kaiwenanyone with experience in dhcp?19:05
roch09Why do you get 1 to 2 Mb gaps (unallocated space) between partitions?19:05
TiredWolfVi5in: does it work from the terminal if, instead of "cd"ing to its directory, you run it directly as /usr/local/idea7/idea.sh from another directory?19:05
Vi5inMyrtti: idea.sh needs IDEA_JDK to be set from the terminal. and so when I launch it frmo /usr/local/idea7/idea.sh from the terminal, it launches fine. but i amnot sure how to get it to run from the desktop19:05
Vi5inTiredWolf: yes19:05
TeslaTonyI'm looking at installing Vista on my computer, and I'd like to enable the drive encryption that it offers. Will the encryption be an issue for a dual-boot system? Also, can I enable the same type of full drive encryption under ubuntu?19:05
ghostlinescan anyone helpme use "ntop"?19:06
TiredWolfVi5in: you could always modify the .sh itself, and add an "export IDEA_JDK=blah" at the beginning of it, i suppose.19:06
MyrttiVi5in: env IDEA_JDK=blahblah /usr/local/idea7/idea.sh19:06
ghostlinesdoes anyone here maybe use ntop?19:06
Vi5inTiredWolf: that's what i was thinking19:06
Vi5inMyrtti: oh, so will that launch it then?19:06
MyrttiVi5in: something along those lines19:06
perfectorTeslaTony, 1) no 2) same type?19:06
slash_nick``Cube: you can get into a "Safe Mode" by clicking "Options" on the login screen (lower-left) and choosing "Select Session..." and then "GNOME".19:07
Dexikiixhello? what do i edit in xorg.conf?19:07
Vi5inMyrtti: is it env or export? and do I need to have it run as "application in terminal" or just "application"?19:07
``Cubeslash_nick: alright! thanks!19:07
``CubeI'll try it out19:07
dashnu /msg NickServ identify 187133119:07
kaiwenany network gurus around here?19:07
Dexikiixnice one19:07
MrVirusis there a program for sound card management that will allow me to set my card to 5.1 6.1 7.1 or the like19:07
TiredWolf!identify | dashnu19:07
ubottudashnu: You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.19:07
MyrttiVi5in: just application19:07
Omar87I tried to install python2.5-dev via synaptic, but it said: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/81414/19:07
Vi5inMyrtti: ahh looks like it is working :) thanks a bunch!19:07
TeslaTonyperfector: Full disk encryption. Or at least home dir encryption.19:08
Dexikiixthats why you always identify from the server window, dashnu19:08
roch09Tiredwolf> please could u > why r there small gaps of about 2Mb inbetween partitions?19:08
perfectorTeslaTony, yes19:08
slash_nickIs there a way to install Ubuntu using only the internet repositories (instead of the out-of-date LiveCD repositories)? Is it as simple as booting the LiveCD, changing the repositories in the usual way, then installing via the desktop icon?19:08
dashnunot a big deal19:08
DefunctProcessdashnu: or else someone will hi-jack your IRC nick and that could lead to serious problems, like home foreclosure, imprisonment or drug abuse.19:08
perfectorslash_nick, cant be done19:09
trippsso when will firefox on ubuntu correctly render flash so it doesn't obscur everything else on the page?19:09
Dexikiixslash-nick it updates itself once its installed...19:09
Omar87I tried to install python2.5-dev via synaptic, but it said: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/81414/19:09
slash_nickDexikiix: yeah, that just seems so clumsy is all, plus it means wasted downloads19:09
scifiguy951is there a why to moniter evenry thing you do on firefox?19:10
Dexikiixslash_nick: i guess you got a point.19:10
TeslaTonyperfector: Sweet. Do you know what strength the ubuntu encryption goes to?19:10
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers19:10
perfectorTeslaTony, no19:10
unopslash_nick, ^^19:10
unopslash_nick, you can also install directly from the online repos using a minimal CD -- though it doesn't have a graphical installer19:11
perfectorshit here i go forgetting my problem... pls help me fix my oo spellchecker pls19:11
Omar87I tried to install python2.5-dev via synaptic, but it said: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34846/19:11
perfectorboo hoo19:11
Gnea!language | perfector19:11
ubottuperfector: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:11
Shadow__Xhello everyone19:11
perfectormy apologies19:12
slash_nickunop: the minimal CD sounds like what I'm after then. cheers!19:12
TeslaTonyperfector: Thanks19:12
duncan_lurkperfector, what's the OOo problem?19:12
Shadow__Xcan someone help me install ubuntu onto a raid 0 array with windows alraedy installed onto it19:12
perfectorduncan_lurk, spellchecker for writer not working..19:12
unopslash_nick, though the minimal CD has no live session19:12
kaiwenhi, I'm having trouble configuring dhcp, I tried everything, yet it still doesn't work. What happens is that when I connect the ubuntu PC to my ubuntu laptop (which I want to run dhcp on), my laptop does not give leases out to the PC19:12
Gneaslash_nick: actually, yes, you can install from the livecd, and as long as you have an internet connection after that, just do a system update/upgrade and it will prefer http over cd19:12
duncan_lurkperfector, is the document in the correct language?19:13
perfectorduncan_lurk, since the start. i cant seem to enable it19:13
MudkipzNever gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you, never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.19:13
MrPickle--having trouble with ndiswrapperl; is anyones in here good with that mod?--19:13
* ViperBorg[alt] dances.19:13
perfectorduncan_lurk, aha.. 1 sec19:13
slash_nickGnea: thanks. that's what I'm trying to avoid19:13
slash_nickGnea: thanks. that's what I'm trying to avoid though19:13
MudkipzDIE FIEND19:13
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!19:13
Omar87I tried to install python2.5-dev via synaptic, but it said: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34846/19:13
slash_nicksorry - double post *blush*19:13
perfectorduncan_lurk, how do i check that?19:13
=== ViperBorg[alt] is now known as ViperBorg[WinDoz
MrPickleMudkipz, I dont like you19:14
Shadow__Xanyone raid0>19:14
jpdsunop: Hmm?19:14
Gneaslash_nick: the http bit? just kick it out of the repositories in synaptic config19:14
aestrivexmy computer did not want to load ubuntu properly this morning, so i ran recovery mode and reset X (or something similar), after which time it loaded properly.19:14
duncan_lurkperfector, one moment...19:14
MudkipzMrPickle, your name makes me hungry.19:14
unopjpds, Mudkipz spamming19:14
trueboskoHi there, looking for a string of text in a file I can do: cat * | grep 'blahblah' but how can I tell in my results what file the results are in? Need to modify this slightly19:14
Lieutenant_Danhey mudkipz, you're not impressing anyone, you're not 1337, just leave.19:14
Gnea!ot | Mudkipz19:14
ubottuMudkipz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:14
slash_nickGnea: no, I'm trying to avoid downloading an entire CD image, just to have half of it replaced by updates anyway19:14
unoptruebosko, bad use of cat there.  grep -H blahblah *19:14
MudkipzSpeaking of impressing people...19:14
Gneaslash_nick: oh...19:14
MudkipzNever gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you, never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.19:14
Omar87I tried to install python2.5-dev via synaptic, but it said: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34846/19:14
MrPicklethats great, mudkipz, do you have any experience with the ndiswrapper mod for Ubuntu v.8.04? if not, plz gtfo19:14
slash_nickGnea: only matters to me because I'm on a crummy quota'ed internet plan19:15
MyrttiMrPickle: please, mind your language19:15
GneaMrPickle: calme down :)19:15
Lieutenant_Dangb2 4chon. that's your home19:15
aestrivexhowever somehow resetting X had the effect of removing the mplayer support for the xv video output device; xvinfo indicates that there are "no adaptors available."  how do i fix this?19:15
trueboskounop: That just gives me (standard input) at the start of each line19:15
Gneaslash_nick: so burn it once and make copies :)19:15
MrPicklebut I have to deal with /b/tards far too often to accept them for who they are19:15
MrPicklein any case19:15
unoptruebosko, don't cat to it .. just grep19:15
Myrttiunop: please, in the future, use the command with | $nick, reason19:15
duncan_lurkperfector, open the OOo help. Look up 'languages' then choose 'selecting'. Tell me if that doesn't answer the question.19:15
aestrivexresetting X had the effect of removing the mplayer support for the xv video output device; xvinfo indicates that there are "no adaptors available."  how do i fix this?19:16
Jack_SparrowMrPickle Obfuscated swearing is still swearing. we dont accept it of our users.. Please keep the room family friendly.19:16
MrPicklendiswrapper 1.5 1ubuntu1 <--- does anyone know this module at all?19:16
Fenix|workGreetings... when I SSH to an ubuntu box on the DMZ I get this huge lag as it's trying to authenticate me, where when I was on the same subnet it would be lightning fast... what's causing the hangup?19:16
Omar87Please, I need some urgent help.19:16
aestrivexresetting X had the effect of removing the mplayer support for the xv video output device; xvinfo indicates that there are "no adaptors available."  how do i fix this?19:16
Gnea!ask | Omar8719:16
ubottuOmar87: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:16
Dexikiixwhats the next resolution upwards of 1024 x 768 in the same ratio?19:17
tobagounfortunately i stopped a process. how can i go on without killing/restarting the process?19:17
Fenix|worktobago, fg19:17
aestrivexDexikiix: 1152 x 86419:17
Omar87I tried to install python2.5-dev via synaptic, but it said: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34846/19:17
duncan_lurkMrPickle, what the problem?19:18
tobagoFenix|work, nice! thank you.19:18
aestrivexresetting X had the effect of removing the mplayer support for the xv video output device; xvinfo indicates that there are "no adaptors available."  how do i fix this?19:18
Dexikiixaestrivex:  thanks19:18
Fenix|worktobago, np :)19:18
perfectorduncan_lurk, i have no language modules in the list.. how can i install?19:18
Gustovhey guys19:18
GneaOmar87: try installing python2.5 then19:18
Omar87Gnea: From source?19:18
duncan_lurkperfector, 'language modules'? and which list?19:18
Lieutenant_Danhey gustov19:18
Gustovcan somebody help me?  I keep getting this red circle on startup that won't close... saying themes can not be applied.19:19
GneaOmar87: no, just sudo apt-get install python2.519:19
BISHOP-4hi guys, i have ubunut and xubuntu .iso's but my burner is failing in consistancy when burning them to a disk, is there anyway that i can run the iso's from a network install or something ?19:19
Gustovty dan19:19
graelbhow do you add a directory to your PATH permenantly?19:19
perfectorduncan_lurk, tools > options > language settings > writing aids19:19
duncan_lurkperfector, we talking about 'Tools > Options > Settings > Writer > Language settings'?19:19
duncan_lurkwe are.19:19
unopgraelb, modify PATH in ~/.bashrc19:19
Gustovit seems to happen right after I get the windows driver installed with ndistgk19:19
MrPickle!!! I can't get a windows wireless driver to install properly with the ndiswrapper module for Ubuntu 8.04 [i think its 'hardy'". When I attempt to run 'ndiswrapper -i [filename/location]' it comes back saying that there is no such file or folder at line 219 of the executable for ndiswrapper. Does anyone have any idea as to what is going on with this?19:19
ubottuMrPickle: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:19
graelbbeautiful thank you unop19:20
Dexikiixi did displayconfig-gtk and that let me change to 1024 x 768 but as soon as i open display properties, it switches back to 1440 x 900 which i CANNOT handle19:20
Omar87Gnea: It says it's already installed, the newest version.19:20
Gustovmr. pickle.. I think I know of a manual solution19:20
MrPickle...and why did ubottu think i was talking to it?19:20
duncan_lurkperfector, I don't know what you mean about modules. You asked me how to see and change the document langauge19:20
bastid_raZorBISHOP-4; have you thought of trying it froma usb stick?19:20
Gustovdo you have the install cd?19:20
bastid_raZor!usb | BISHOP-419:20
ubottuBISHOP-4: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:20
Gustovyeah, happened to me19:20
dashnu_graelb: echo "PATH=$PATH:/this/path" >> ~/.bashrc19:20
MrPicklei have the cd19:20
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:20
perfectorduncan_lurk,  there is no 'Tools > Options > Settings > Writer >19:20
GneaOmar87: ok, try removing it, then try installing the -dev19:20
Omar87Gnea: Isn't that dangerous?19:21
slash_nickMrPickle: ubottu lies you because you start lines with "!!!"19:21
BISHOP-4bastid_raZor : obviously i would need a usb stick that is 700 meg or larger right?19:21
GneaOmar87: only if it's removing something that the base system requires19:21
perfectorduncan_lurk, oo2.419:21
trupheenixhi i'm having issues with Ubuntu Hardy Wireless. when I do iwlist wlan0 scan i get a blank ESSID for my network while in the nm applet it shows the ESSID for my network19:21
bastid_raZorBISHOP-4; one that would hold the entire ISO yes..19:21
duncan_lurkMrPickle, please start anything addressed to me with my nick. Otherwise I won't see it.19:21
MrPickleslach_nick, ah..see this is my first time on irc in general, so I m not familiat with the protocols used by the bots19:22
duncan_lurkMrPickle, Why are you using the cli for ndiswrapper?19:22
Gustovmr.pickles, do you have the 8.04 cd?19:22
trupheenixi'm using a Linksys WRT945G router if it helps19:22
aminhhey guys i copied a custom init.d script file into my ubuntu server's /etc/init.d directory and i also updated rc.d "sudo update-rc.d mail_queue start 51 S . " but when i reboot the computer my init.d script is not running19:22
Gustovyou can find the ndiscwrapper manually on there19:22
Shadow__Xraid anyone?19:22
MrPicklegustav, yes I do19:22
trupheenixi am able to connect to a dlink router at work w/o any issues19:22
Gustovjust do a search once the cd is in19:22
Gustovand find it on the cd19:22
Gustovthen ta da19:23
duncan_lurkGustov, is ndiswrapper on the CD? Why?19:23
MrPicklegustav, ok- I'll give that a try19:23
perfectorduncan_lurk,  there is no 'Tools > Options > Settings actually19:23
Omar87Gnea: I'm not willing to risk, because one time I removed it by mistake, and when installed it, some programs stopped working completely.19:23
Ktulhuhi guys any one here can help ,me out with network browsing on xfce thunar ??????19:23
aminhany ideas?19:23
NutzebahnAbout the WD Passport, I have an old low profile 933MHZ machine from 2001, and I was wondering if I might have any problems powering the Passport?19:24
underandy_can anyone help me to get my wireless network to work on my eee 90019:24
MrPicklegustav, do I need the .sys file to compliment my .inf file?19:24
slash_nickKtulhu: ask away19:24
duncan_lurkperfector, correct. I should have said 'Tools > Options > Language Settings'19:24
GustovI dont' believe so.19:24
td123Nutzebahn: whats a wd passport?19:24
Flare183underandy_: Have you tried Ndiswrapper?19:24
Gustovjust the inf I though19:24
Flare183!ndiswrapper | underandy_19:24
ubottuunderandy_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:24
GustovI'm new to linux.  Hardcore windows user lol19:24
underandy_Flare183 no19:25
td123oh, hard drive, k19:25
perfectorduncan_lurk, under language settings > writing aids i have no language modules19:25
Gustovjust figuring this out as well19:25
=== dexi is now known as Dexikiix
perfectorduncan_lurk, how can i install them19:25
Dexikiixthis is not working for me19:25
Gustovhey dex19:25
Dexikiixsilly damn KDE19:25
filthpighi, does anyone know when the latest elisa build will be available in the repos? I know I can build from source, but repos are a bit more convenient :>19:25
Dexikiixhi Gustov19:25
GustovI got my wireless working... but now the comp won't work at all19:25
Ktulhuslash_nick, i have samba installed and filesharing is ok , how do i mount a network folder on thunar ??? so it allows me to browse my local network ?19:25
DexikiixGUstov :(19:25
td123Nutzebahn: I don't think you should have any problems, but make sure you have usb 2.0 on that machine or it will too slow19:25
Dexikiixi have to get ready for work and eat now19:25
Flare183!language | Dexikiix19:26
ubottuDexikiix: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:26
Gustovlol well, I get this "red screen of death"19:26
Dexikiixsorry Flare18319:26
duncan_lurkperfector, I'm not sure why you keep talking about modules. I have two headings in that section: 'Languages' and 'Writing Aids'19:26
Dexikiixi gotta go peeps19:26
GustovI keep it's a circle with a red dash saying it can't play the current themes, etc19:26
duncan_lurkperfector, aha, now I see what you're on about.19:26
duncan_lurkperfector, sorry.19:26
perfectorduncan_lurk, ah u saved me a lot of type19:27
trupheenixcan any one help me with Ubuntu and Linksys WRT954G wireless setup?19:27
Omar87!ask | Gustov19:27
ubottuGustov: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:27
perfectortrupheenix, not unless u dont tell what the problem is19:27
Gustovthanks ubot19:27
kaiwencan anyone help me on my dhcp problem?19:28
duncan_lurkperfector, have you added a dictionary in your language? Not all languages are on the ubuntu CD.19:28
trupheenixperfector: i'm getting a blank ESSID when i scan wlan0 with iwlist19:28
td123!ask | kaiwen19:28
=== mouse_ is now known as mouse
Ktulhuhi guys any one here can help ,me out with network browsing on xfce thunar ??????19:28
aminhdoes anyone have any experience running custom init.d scripts on startup/boot...i followed some ubuntu documentation...but it didn't work https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto19:28
perfectorduncan_lurk, i dunno how do i do that?19:28
ubottukaiwen: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:29
b666mhi @ all.. i use ubuntu (hardy heron) and i have deleted the files iwlwifi-4965.ucode and iwlwifi-4965-1.ucode, but i have a intel agn 4965 card, so: how can i get these two files back? :( please help :)19:29
MrPicklegustav, are you still here?19:29
GneaKtulhu: did you remember to run the update-rc.d command?19:29
rkpisanuis it possible to run java sun and not openjava ?19:30
xfmHi! I would like to launch emerald window decorator with a command but emerald --replace does not works19:30
Gneab666m: where did they come from?19:30
marlunHow can I find out more information on the wifi card in my laptop? Is there some tool I can use?19:30
ikoniaxfm: what happens ?19:30
Flannel!java | rkpisanu19:30
ubotturkpisanu: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository19:30
duncan_lurkperfector, 'File > Wizards > Install new dictionary' (because of a bug you should turn off compiz if you have it running)19:30
perfectorduncan_lurk, no compiz19:30
Gneamarlun: lspci19:30
rkpisanuthanks Flannel19:30
duncan_lurkperfector, what language are we talking about?19:30
KtulhuGnea, i havent done anything yet still dont know how to do it19:31
perfectorduncan_lurk, us_in19:31
b666mGnea: wait.. i have to look :)19:31
GneaKtulhu: you'll need to actually do something in order to figure out what the real problem is19:31
xfmikonia I got this: [1] 933519:31
duncan_lurkperfector, American English in India?19:31
ikoniaxfm: anything else ?19:31
duncan_lurkperfector, The us_en dictionary should be there normally.19:31
flexgripI am getting corrupt packages and error code 1 on just about every download I get from the repos. Anyone have any idea how to troubleshoot this?19:32
ikoniaxfm: thats just the process id for emeral - it means it's running19:32
xfmnop i have two themes installed, perhaps I have to indicate which one to choose?19:32
perfectorduncan_lurk, gee what a mistake19:32
mizipzorif someone has the time, i would appreciate some help with this issue: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3096601.019:32
b666mGnea: the files were in /lib/firmware/2.6.24-19-generic/19:32
ikoniaxfm: yes, you then need to launch emerald theme manager19:32
perfectorduncan_lurk, it does not do anything..19:32
duncan_lurkwhat does not do anything.19:32
xfmikonia i would like to do it with  command lines, its for a script19:32
perfectorduncan_lurk, install dictionaries wizard19:33
KtulhuGnea, i dontr have a problem , the problem is not knowing what to do . googled arround a bit but no luck19:33
ikoniaxfm: like to do what ?19:33
xfmikonia: like everybody switch automatically compiz/metacity while lauching vlc for example19:33
Gneab666m: sudo aptitude reinstall linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic19:34
perfectorduncan_lurk, no java runtime env ...19:34
Gneab666m: sudo aptitude reinstall linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-19-generic19:34
Gneab666m: :)19:34
perfectorduncan_lurk, gotta install that19:34
b666mok, thank you :) i will check this out ;)19:34
xfmikonia: I can do it but while relanching compiz, the emerald theme does not come back19:34
ikoniaxfm: well 1.) running desktop effects over a remote desktop is not a good idea 2.) you just need to modify the files and dir's in people /home .emerald directory19:34
flexgripI am getting corrupt downloads from the repos. Does anyone know how to fix that?19:34
Gneaflexgrip: how do you know they're corrupt?19:35
flexgripGnea - It says corrupt package19:35
MrPickleGustov, 'sok.. so the good new is, its finally installed properly and recognized by the gtk applet [i was just working around that before], but its still showing as an invalid driver. I've checked the source code, so I know I have the right now19:35
xfmikonia: i don't understand what is a remote desktop? Is it emerald? It works pretty well19:35
Gneaflexgrip: what is 'It'?19:35
ikoniaxfm: vnc is a remove desktop19:35
flexgripGnea - apt and synaptic19:36
perfectorduncan_lurk, but it already says sun-java6-jre to latest version19:36
dmi3on_hi all, how can i change resalution options ?19:36
Ktulhuflexgrip,  sudo shutdown 1 enter maintanace mode  repair broken packages ? have u tried that ?19:36
Gneaflexgrip: could you please pastebin the entire error message?19:36
ikoniaxfm: ahh you said vlc , not vnc, sorry19:36
perfectorduncan_lurk, aaaaa this thing is driving me nuts19:36
Seaweaselis it true ext3 dosent fragment at all?19:36
xfmikonia: ok, I juste want to do this on my own desktop19:36
Nutzebahntd123: http://www.amazon.com/Western-Digital-Passport-Essential-Portable/dp/B0012GQZZU/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1217989606&sr=8-119:36
St-LemurHi. I just upgraded gnome and rebooted my computer, and now it's saying the permissions are wrong on /var/lib/gdm but when I try to chown that directory, I get "read-only filesystem".19:36
DRebellionSeaweasel, pretty much19:36
Gustovinvalid driver.. did you manually search for the driver and make sure it's something like xp edition19:36
perfectorSeaweasel, no19:36
GneaSeaweasel: ext3 is not FAT/NTFS19:36
Nutzebahntd123: How do I check if it is at least USB 2.0?19:36
GustovI got that as well when I did the autorun.inf19:36
DRebellionSeaweasel, unless your drive is like 90%+ full19:36
ikoniaxfm: why do you not just setup emerald to be your default window manager instead of stopping/starting it19:36
GustovI had to find it under manual19:36
GneaSeaweasel: only Microsoft-based FS's require fragmentation19:36
mizipzorif someone has the time, i would appreciate some help with this issue: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3096601.0 (ignore its on the kubuntu forums, its a ubuntu error)19:36
MrPickleGustov, *acceidental return* I have the right driver. Would you suggest going through and configure the modprobe?19:37
Gustovheh, that's your discretion..  I'm still new to this myself19:37
Gustovif it was an accidental return I assume it'll work though19:37
duncan_lurkperfector, just to be sure I'd reinstall OOo if you have the bandwidth.19:37
duncan_lurkperfector, how did you install/ upgrade?19:37
MrVirusany one know how to setup to use all 7 speakers of a 7.1 system in ubuntu19:38
perfectorduncan_lurk, apt-get y?19:38
perfectorduncan_lurk, y do u ask?19:38
flexgripGnea - http://pastebin.com/d752c08a819:38
=== buscha is now known as Gigabit
dmi3on_how can i add resalution  ?19:39
b666mGnea: wow, thx :) one more question. it seemed like a wep-network doesn't work with the iwlwifi-driver. so i installed ndiswrapper and the windows-driver. it works really good with wep, but it doesn't work with wpa. now, if i want to connect to a wpa-network, the driver is still ndiswrapper (doesn't work). how can i switch between ndiswrapper (for wep) and iwlwifi (for wpa)?19:39
davidddddwhich the serial of ubuntu?19:39
flexgripGnea - That's what I get when I run apt-get -f. If I try to install anything the packages (after it fetches them) are corrupt.19:39
duncan_lurkanyone: what the package name for OpenOffice in ubuntu 8.04?19:40
davidddddwhich the serial of ubuntu?19:40
Gneaflexgrip: rm /var/cache/apt/archives/gedit_2.22.3-0ubuntu1_i386.deb and run sudo apt-get -f install again19:40
duncan_lurkit's not open-office or openoffice.org or openoffice19:40
MrVirusdavidddd : as in product key.. or serial port19:40
b666mduncan_lurk: get the package with the synaptic-package-manager and use the search-engine :)19:40
dutonjust search for office then :P19:40
Gneab666m: probably have to write a script to unload/load the right drivers19:41
duncan_lurkbut then I don't know if I've caught the master package or one of the thousand sub-packages...19:41
duncan_lurkfound it though openoffice.org-core19:41
b666mgnea: is it right, that wpa doesn't work with ndiswrapper or is it just my problem?19:41
duncan_lurkis that probably it?19:42
Gnea!info openoffice.org | duncan_lurk19:42
ubottuduncan_lurk: openoffice.org (source: openoffice.org): OpenOffice.org Office suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.4.1-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 4 kB, installed size 44 kB19:42
flexgripGnea - I deleted every package out of archives and did apt-get -f already. I did dpkg --configure -a and tried to fix broken packages in synaptic. None of it worked. I can't even open system > admin > software sources or sources.list in gedit because it complains about libpython19:42
Gneab666m: it depends - most of the time, no.19:42
b666mso... i will try my wireless connection... (cya :) )19:42
Gneaflexgrip: then don't use gedit, use nano19:42
duncan_lurkGnea, but OOo is installed by default. So what's the definiation of 'optional'?19:42
Jack_Sparrowflexgrip sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list19:43
phecewhere can you edit the command for screen savers turning on?19:43
phecei want to set a certain option for electric sheep, but i don't know where to put it19:43
RawSushihmm...Okay, I got Kubuntu KDE4 installed and the sound effects work, but I still can't play mp3s in rhythmbox or amarok19:43
flexgripGnea - should I switch mirrors? maybe try the uk mirrors or something?19:43
duncan_lurk!info openoffice.org-core19:43
ubottuopenoffice.org-core (source: openoffice.org): OpenOffice.org office suite architecture dependent files. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.4.1-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 26142 kB, installed size 110388 kB19:43
RawSushihow do I fix that?19:43
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:43
Gneaduncan_lurk: it's an optional install, but on a desktop distro, it's part of that structure19:43
Gustovbbiaf guys19:43
Gneaflexgrip: you could19:43
duncan_lurkGnea, thx19:44
flexgripGnea - I highly doubt that all the packages im getting are corrupt on the server. So what could make them corrupt when I get them?19:44
Ktulhu!seen linuz19:44
ubottuI have no seen command19:44
Seaweaselis it easy to share a connection with a Playstation 2?19:44
Gneaflexgrip: no idea right now19:44
Jack_Sparrowflexgrip you messed up your dependencies.. that is why nothing is working19:44
flexgripOkay, how do I fix all these dependencies?19:45
Jack_Sparrowflexgrip pastebin your sources.list19:45
Jack_Sparrowflexgrip often you cant..19:45
duncan_lurkperfector, try this, not quite so bandwidth heavy: sudo apt-get remove openoffice.org-writer19:45
Jack_Sparrowflexgrip there are good reasons we try to keep people inside the official/supported repos19:46
duncan_lurkperfector, then sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-writer19:46
vdsyanyone using tor?19:46
ubottuTOR is a project aiming to provide anonymous connections via specialized !proxies - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR for information and help - Note that TOR is blocked on most Ubuntu IRC channels, please see !hostmask and !tor-gpg19:46
b666mwow.. wireless works... weired, but it's perfect... i will do a speedtest (wep lagged with the iwlwifi-driver)19:46
perfectorduncan_lurk, i am currently installing openoffice.org package which was not installed..19:46
vdsyyes i know19:46
duncan_lurkperfector, there's no mention of a reinstall option in the manual. Oh, but you can do it via Synaptic.19:46
vdsynot in here im using19:46
b666mbig thanks @ Gnea  ;)19:46
=== jo_asia_21 is now known as joasia
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about elisa19:47
hak5fanDoes anyone know how to login from console and then auto start x (thus getting rid of gdm)19:47
GigabitHey everyone19:47
Gustovhere's what I get:  "there is an error setting the gnome settings daemon.  Some things may not work correctly19:47
vdsyubottu, have u used tor before?19:47
ubottuvdsy: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:47
duncan_lurkperfector, it's not really a package. It's just a configuration file.19:47
GigabitDoes anyone know how i can get video's working in mozilla?19:47
GigabitLike if i got to Gizmodo i cant watch any video's.19:47
flexgripjack_sparrow - http://pastebin.com/m5bd5cf4819:47
perfectorduncan_lurk, what it says 17.1 mb to download..19:47
Jack_Sparrowvdsy ubottu is our factoid bot.. and no we dont generally use tor as it tends to be abused by its users.19:48
perfectorduncan_lurk, r u talking abt openoffice.org?19:48
mahrellonOk, this might be an offtopic question but does anyone know of a Virtualisation program that can run a LiveCD iso image from within Ubuntu?19:48
duncan_lurkperfector, interesting. How did you install/upgrade last time?19:48
curtlee2002yo yo yo19:48
geekwarmahrellon, virtualbox19:48
newbhi i'm facing really strange issues with wireless networking. I'm getting a blank ESSId when i do a iwlist wlan0 scan19:48
mahrellongeekwar, thanks m8. =)19:48
b666mnice... up and down fullspeed :D once again: thank you Gnea and good evening/night @ all ;)19:48
perfectormahrellon, virtualbox, qemu19:48
sgodsellhak5fan, just startx19:48
vdsy<Jack_Sparrow>, seems that one of the tor networks clog up my network...19:48
ticohello for soem reason my kdm is not recognizing my driver is there a way to set gdm as default through tty1?19:48
Gustovthe last error message was :  did not reveivbe a reply.  Possible causes include : the remote application did not send a reply.  The message bus security blocked the reply.  The reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.                       Gnome will still try to restart the settings Daemon next you log in.19:48
mahrellonperfector, cheers you too m8 =)19:48
GustovI keep getting this19:48
duncan_lurkperfector, for me it shows only a 4kb package. The rest will be all the things it pulls in to your system.19:48
GustovEverytime i restart19:49
perfectorduncan_lurk, it was installed when i installed the os19:49
vdsyJack_Sparrow, and im not sure how to get rid of it19:49
hak5fansgodsell, i want to login and then i want my machine to run  startx automaticlly19:49
LetsGo67I cannot play sound, because my sound device is being used, how can I find out what is using it?19:49
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xfmHi everybody. compiz --replace doesn't work, any idea?19:49
duncan_lurkperfector, that makes no sense19:49
alpinestrhow do I check which applciations is using the internet in console ?19:49
Gustovhas anyone had this problem?19:49
perfectorduncan_lurk, i was thinking the same thing19:49
Jack_Sparrowflexgrip Did you edit any of that?  It looks fine.. as it is.. did you apt-get update apt-get upgrade and what else have you installed manually19:49
GigabitAnyone know a good plugin to install for mozilla to get video's working?19:49
Ktulhujack-desktop, need help with gnome-keyring it keeps using 99% of my Procesor when using evolution19:49
newbhelp me with wireless19:50
newbi can't seem to connect19:50
Jack_Sparrowxfm /join #compiz19:50
alpinestrhow do I check which applciations is using the internet in console ?19:50
duncan_lurkperfector, you can't have an application for an OS installed before the OS, well not normally.19:50
xfmJack_Sparrow: thanks19:50
duncan_lurk!info wifi19:50
ubottuPackage wifi does not exist in hardy19:50
duncan_lurk!info wireless19:50
ubottuPackage wireless does not exist in hardy19:50
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:50
perfectorduncan_lurk, well yes.. what u trying to say?19:50
alpinestrhow do I check which applciations is using the internet in console ?19:50
shing`Is there a way to use wget to download a file from a webpage redirect?19:51
Ktulhu!gnome keyring19:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome keyring19:51
sgodsellhak5fan, change your .bashrc file19:51
hateballalpinestr: netstat is one way19:51
nibsa1242bcould someone point me to a guide regarding fixing audio sync issues with avidemux?19:51
flexgripJack Sparrow - The only thing I installed was build-essential and ubuntu-restricted-extras. Ubuntu restricted extras failed saying sun-java6-bin was corrupt and dependecies would not be installed etc. So it failed on that. Everything since has failed or been corrupt. Error code 119:51
duncan_lurkperfector, that you must be mistaken in thinking it was installed before the OS. I assume you mean it was installed together with the OS?19:51
hak5fansgodsell, ok19:51
duncan_lurkKtulhu, what's the prob?19:51
perfectorduncan_lurk, yes along with the os.. what did i say?19:51
mikelakeI just installed ubuntu on this machine.  I need to be able to extract some of my files from an xp backup on an external drive.  Is there a util to read .bkf files under ubuntu?19:52
perfectorduncan_lurk, aww sorry anyways19:52
shing`Is there a way to tell wget to download a page from a redirect? Like not the page that it was passed as an argument, but the page the argument page redirects to?19:52
duncan_lurkperfector, actually you just used slightly vague wording. I should be guessed you meant that.19:52
Jack_Sparrowmikelake what created bkf files19:52
mikelakeJack_Sparrow: The backup utility that came with windows.19:53
perfectorperfector, oh yes i see how it was confusing19:53
Jack_Sparrowmikelake ah.. then the answer is no19:53
duncan_lurkperfector, let me know when you can see what the result of the current install process is.19:53
r_helimanhello I have a problem with amsn,, i downloaded the package file but don't know what to do now?19:53
perfectorduncan_lurk,  oh yes i see how it was confusing19:53
Jack_Sparrow!info amsn19:53
ubottuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97+final-0ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 3426 kB, installed size 11308 kB19:53
hak5fansgodsell, What do I need to put in it? startx19:53
Jack_Sparrowr_heliman Why are you not using our repo version19:54
duncan_lurkperfector, I take everything very literally. Usually necessary when discussing computer problems.19:54
r_helimanrepo version?19:54
swamptinLads, I've an issue with a USB soundcard. I've posted more info here -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/34859/  Can someone have a gander and see if they can help me?19:54
r_helimanwhat is that?19:54
perfectorduncan_lurk, hmm19:54
Jack_Sparrow!info amsn > r_heliman19:54
ubottur_heliman, please see my private message19:54
sgodsellhak5fan, yes19:54
mikelakeJack_Sparrow: ... the file is on a removable drive, and I have access to a windows xp machine - I even downloaded a non functional program that showed me some of the file contents but required me to register before extracting.  Any such thing exist or do you have any suggestions?19:54
flexgripJack_Sparrow - How do I find out where the dependency problem comes from. Like the initial package that did it?19:55
shing`Is there a way to tell wget to download a page from a redirect? Like not the page that it was passed as an argument, but the page the argument page redirects to?19:55
sgodsellhak5fan, I would add a flag file as well.   Just in case you don't want that19:55
mikelakejack_$100+ is a lot of money for a util that i'd use only once...19:55
sgodsellhak5fan, add an if line in the .bashrc19:55
NutzebahnHow do I check if I have USB 2.0 ports in Ubuntu?19:56
GigabitGah!! lol I've installed so many things to try to get video's working in mozilla19:56
perfectorduncan_lurk, do u think it got uninstalled along with a "apt-get autoremove"?19:56
Gigabitcan't figure it out!19:56
mikelakeJack_Sparrow: could you /msg me any response you may have so I don't miss your reply?19:56
Jack_Sparrowflexgrip I dont have time to help you chase dependencies..19:56
mikelake... and in the mean time, I'll try to help anyone else with anything...19:56
sgodsellhak5fan, if [ -f $HOME/.runstartx ]; then  startx  fi19:56
alpinestrhow can I investigate which files is certain ip grabbed from ss using19:56
Gigabitmikelake: help me19:57
hak5fansgodsell, thanks19:57
flexgripJack Sparrow - You are a nigger. I needed a step in the right direction. Not a hand holding ceremony.19:57
geirhamikelake: according to google there's a utility called mtftar that might be able to read your bkf-files, but you won't find it in ubuntu's repositories, you'll have to compile it yourself.19:57
mikelakeGigabit: What's your issue?19:57
sgodsellhak5fan, no problem19:57
Ictinikeflexgrip, He was tryign to help, I'd suggest keeping the language down.19:57
hak5fansgodsell, what exactly does it do?19:57
kaiwenalpinestr, it might be easier if you used firestarter19:58
perfectorduncan_lurk, the jre complaint does not exist anymore but still install new dictionaries does nothing19:58
Gigabitmikelake: I can't get video's working in mozilla. Like if i go to Gizmodo i can't see any of the video's.19:58
sgodsellhak5fan, if you create a file in your home and call it .runstartx  Then it will run startx19:58
duncan_lurkperfector, define 'does nothing'19:58
Assidany chance the amsn package is being updated in ubuntu?19:58
sgodsellif you don't want that behaviour then remove the file .runstartx19:59
duncan_lurkperfector, you can manually download the dictionary you want and install it.19:59
mikelakegeirha: unfortionately I had some difficulty compiling it, and my source image will be larger than my availible disk space due to disk partitioning...  It's hard for me to imagine that no one has come up with a plug in that reads .bkf files...19:59
duncan_lurkperfector, I've never done it but google is your friend.19:59
perfectorduncan_lurk, ah last option will opt for that... how?19:59
alpinestr_what is port 50542 used for ?19:59
perfectorduncan_lurk, ok will let u know19:59
hak5fansgodsell, ok I'll try19:59
mikelakeGigabit: sorry I can't help with that one... :(19:59
duncan_lurkperfector, ok19:59
sgodsellhak5fan, you could also do it like    if [ -f ~/.runstartx ]; then  startx  fi19:59
trelaynehi all, anyone know a FINAL solution to this issue with applications stealing the audio device?19:59
GigabitDarn x.x19:59
* Assid looks for people he knows20:00
alpinestranyone knows what port 50242 is used for20:00
newbhi i don't know why i'm getting a blank ESSID for my wireless network20:00
alpinestrit is open on my machine and im trying to figure out what it is used for and who connects to it20:00
Gneaalpinestr: sudo netstat -nap | grep 5054220:01
perfectorduncan_lurk, which version of oo r u using?20:01
EasyYokeInnI am a new Ubuntu user and glad to be aboard!  Hello everyone!20:02
ticohello how can i set gdm as default through the command line?20:02
geirhamikelake: Well, I've never used windows' backup utility, I didn't even know it had one. What about installing windows in a virtual machine and extract the needed data from there?20:02
Assidthis channel isnt what it used to be20:02
Assidtoo much chaos20:02
zombieballAnyone seen these errors before http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t259/zombieball/Picture1.png ?  I have ubuntu running on parallels on my mac mini.  The mac froze and required a hard reset.  Upon rebooting and starting my VM again I get these errors.  Seems something was corrupted.20:02
duncan_lurkperfector, I'm talking with you  about 2.4. But I alos have 3.0beta20:02
kitcheAssid: this channel has always been chaos20:02
Assidnot this bad20:02
GneaAssid: change is constant. what's the problem?20:02
guruzAssid: yeah.. common problem of irc. channels don't scale :)20:02
perfectorduncan_lurk, ok20:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ooodi20:03
AssidGnea: people who i remember from the old days .. like you and a few others.. are the very few who actually acknowledge something is taking place20:03
alpinestrtcp      164      0     ESTABLISHED -20:03
alpinestrwtf is this20:03
AssidGnea: amsn bug just wondering if anyone knew a quick fix20:03
kitchealpinestr: how are we suppose to know look it up20:03
mikelakegeirha: hmm.. that's an interesting idea :)20:03
KtulhuAssid, you cant connect to amsn ?20:04
GneaAssid: sorry, not familiar with that bug - could you please provide some more detail?20:04
mikelakegeirha: not sure if it will be practical.. but might wind up being my best solution20:04
Jack_Sparrowalpinestr Please dont use the rude shorthand.. it is still swearing20:04
alpinestrthats what im trying to do20:04
Assidhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/amsn/+bug/243722 <-- Gnea this one apparently20:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243722 in amsn "amsn 0.97: login doesn't work anymore due to a protocol change" [Medium,In progress]20:04
alpinestrok sorry20:04
KtulhuAssid have u tried using pidgin till patch comes out ?20:05
* mikelake loves pidgin :)20:05
b00berzI'm using pidgin to connect to this IRC channel20:05
geirhaGigabit: Are you reffering to flash videos?20:05
perfectorduncan_lurk, http://sourceforge.net/projects/ooodi/20:05
Seaweaselare the eee laptops fast?20:06
mikelakeSeaweasel: eee?20:06
AssidKtulhu: yeah shes using kmess till then20:06
Seaweaselthe asus laptops20:06
Jack_SparrowSeaweasel offtopic in here.. try ubuntu-offtopic or hardware20:06
r00tintheb0xHey, im trying to automatically download an attachment out of an email from our server.20:06
perfectorSeaweasel, fast selling20:06
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b00berzacer just released similar unixy laptops20:06
[daren]Seaweasel: just as good as any other laptop20:06
r00tintheb0xAnyone know of a simple way to do that?20:06
cyberphazmine runs xubuntu just fine :)20:07
GneaAssid: i would just use pidgin20:07
* NCommander runs both GNOME and GNUstep/wmaker20:07
Gustovhey guys, how do you set up a dual boot on the same harddrive?20:07
Gnear00tintheb0x: thunderbird20:07
NCommanderGustov, dual boot with Windows and Linux?20:07
SimoneB/msg ubottu etiquette20:07
Jack_SparrowGustov the live cd does all of that for you20:07
r00tintheb0xGnea, comand line... im not running X on this server20:08
NCommanderGustov, is Windows already installed?20:08
Gustovsorry, I forgot, macs can now support linux, right?20:08
mikelakew/out starting a religious war...  what do u perfer pidgen or kopete?  I use ICQ, YAHOO, MSN, and AIM..20:08
zachbRecently, my install has been acting *very* poorly. Things crashing left-and-right, and the overall system not being stable enough to run more than a few hours at a time without a hard reboot, not just restarting X20:08
Gnea!dualboot | Gustov20:08
ubottuGustov: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:08
b00berzis it better to install software from apt-get rather than installing a program by compiling the source?20:08
Gnear00tintheb0x: mutt20:08
Jack_Sparrow!best > mikelake20:08
ubottumikelake, please see my private message20:08
r00tintheb0xmutt eh.20:08
Gneaworks like a charm20:08
Gustovso install windows first, right?20:08
fez_does anyone know how I get the hash key for a wpa network.20:08
NCommanderI'll brb20:08
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NCommanderGustov, yeah20:08
r00tintheb0xcool, i'll check it out.. thanks.20:08
Assidmikelake: totally a matter of preferance.. supportf for pidgin is just a drag20:08
Jack_Sparrowb00berz yes, the repos are the first choice20:08
Assidtry their channel.. everyones so damn rude20:08
fez_I am having problems with wpa_pasphrase20:08
GustovI heard complications arise when you do it ubuntu> then windows.  Is this true?20:08
perfectorduncan_lurk, how can i know which shared library gets installed from which package?20:09
Gustovor has it been fixed20:09
td123mikelake: pidgin if you go with gnome, kopete if you go with kde, simple as that20:09
mikelakeAssid: I was just looking for opinions on things like that such as support, useablity..  etc..20:09
Gustovinstalling windows right now btw20:09
GneaAssid: try not to swear, we have enough problems as it is.20:09
mikelaketd123: cool20:09
duncan_lurkperfector, right click on a package in Synaptic.20:09
Jack_SparrowGustov easier to do windows first.. as grub from live sets up the dual boot, windows doesnt.20:09
zetherooI am trying to use the GnomeSword app but find that the strongs module does not work well at all20:09
AssidGnea: i swore??!20:09
td123mikelake:  np20:09
AssidGnea: yeah i do try and avoid them in here.. ive seen when this channel goes loco :P20:10
GneaAssid: yes. perhaps you missed the 'n' word not very long ago?20:10
Gustovoh, okay.  Thanks Jack20:10
Jack_Sparrowzetheroo they probably have a channel.  are you using the REAL ubuntu or some derivative like ubuntu ce20:10
td123Assid: yes, some ppl consider damn a swear20:10
zetherooJack_Sparrow: using real Ubnntu Hardy20:10
AssidGnea: months ago? yeah i saw someone use it..20:10
AssidGnea: wasnt it in +1 tho ???20:11
kindofabuzzi'm looking for an alternative to Compiz.  All I use are a few features of Compiz and was wondering if I can get those same features from something not so bloated.20:11
perfectorduncan_lurk, u checked the link i sent u?20:11
SkyrailWhen trying to play a video from youtube, I hear no sound, so I decided to try and install adobe's flash as opposed to the free one (sadly) but it keeps on telling me to enter a valid installation path, when the one I'm entering is exactly the same as the example given, I don't know where I'm going wrong20:11
Jack_Sparrow!info gnomesword20:11
ubottugnomesword (source: gnomesword): Bible study with GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.3-1build2 (hardy), package size 3574 kB, installed size 5300 kB20:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libcurl20:11
duncan_lurkperfector, just did. looks like a much better way to do things.'20:11
Jack_Sparrowzetheroo did you get it from our repo or online.20:11
GneaAssid: no, about 5-10 minutes ago.20:11
fez_anyone know how I can a psk hash via terminal? wpa_passphrase aint working for me20:11
Assidoh no.. didnt see that20:11
Gneaso, please, don't. :)20:12
zetherooJack_Sparrow: yes ... and thanks for the hint about an IRC channel ... I am going there now20:12
perfectorduncan_lurk, it would have been better if the "install new dictionaries" wizard did smth20:12
Gustovubuttu.  The link I received was for mac users:(.  Can I get the windows instructions please?20:12
zombieballTrying to get custom widescreen resolution,   ran "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"  but was only prompted about overwritting xorg.conf,  no configuration screen came up. Any ideas?20:12
duncan_lurkperfector, that wizard is terrible anyway.20:13
Jack_Sparrowzombieball it should have givin you a list of possible widescreen res to add.20:13
td123zombieball: what resolution?20:13
* delcoyote hi20:13
zombieballtd123: 1440x90020:13
zombieballtd123: tried editing xorg.xonf manually but to no avail20:14
DreakonHi everyone!  I need help...20:14
Jack_Sparrowzombieball are you at 1024x768 or lower?20:14
Jack_Sparrowelisa /part20:14
td123zombieball: didn't you get a list of screen resolutions to check during the reconfigure?20:14
zombieballI can do, 1280x720, 1920x540, and 640x48020:14
elisaJack_Sparrow, thanks!20:14
perfectoranyone how can i find which package installs libcurl.so.2?20:15
zombieballtd123:  the reconfigure didn't even open20:15
Gneaperfector: apt-cache search libcurl20:15
DreakonSo I'm trying to use Ubuntu, but whenever I try and load it, after the loading screen with the orange progress bar, the screen goes black and doesn't seem to progress.  Even when it did progress, it came up with some kind of FAILED error message and rebooted.20:15
Charruaenojaohi, I'm trying to compile amsn from source. When I do ./configure I get the message "checking tcl build dir... configure: error: Unable to find Tcl directory or Tcl package is not tcl-dev" and I don't understand it, so I also don't know what to do now. Can anybody help me?20:15
zombieballJack_Sparrow: the reconfigure doesn't even come up20:15
Dreakonhaha... nice timing20:15
Jack_Sparrowzombieball sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg              didnt bring up a list of resolutions?20:15
SkyrailWhat on earth, when I enter a non-existent file path on the flash installer it tells me  '/what/ever is not a directory' but when I put a proper installation path it says 'Please enter a valid installation path', does anyone know what the problem is?20:15
bmidgleyfn-f10 switches to an external monitor, but hardy doesn't let me change resolutions to match it20:15
zombieballJack_Sparrow: just prompted with : xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration, file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20080806121153, that is all20:15
td123zombieball: did you run it with sudo?20:15
JC_Denton_can I 'mount' a directory in another directory which share the same ext3 fs?20:15
perfectorGnea, you will be shocked by the no of results i have got20:16
bmidgleyit's a fujitsu with 1024x600 lcd, 1024x768 external20:16
Gneaperfector: will I?20:16
zombieballtd123: yes ran with sudo20:16
matrixhi i have problems with my mouse is jumpin and clickin on my desktop20:16
SimoneBJC_Denton_: a symbolic link?20:16
perfectorGnea, there should be another way20:16
matrixi never had this problem before20:16
DRebellionJC_Denton_, you can't mount a directory. Listen to SimoneB.20:16
Gneaperfector: unacceptable.20:16
Jack_SparrowJC_Denton_ not mount but you can link it20:16
WavesonicsI've got a server program I want to have run on start up, I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 server, how can i do this?20:16
JC_Denton_SimoneB: sort of, prob is I need it to merge with my apache root20:16
perfectorGnea, what is?20:16
Gneaperfector: what requires libcurl2?20:16
jim_crowCan someone help me with a xorg problem?20:16
td123zombieball: use "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"20:17
Gnea!ask | jim_crow20:17
ubottujim_crow: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:17
JC_Denton_SimoneB: prob is with symbolic link it creates a dir within my apache root20:17
DreakonSo I'm trying to use Ubuntu, but whenever I try and load it, after the loading screen with the orange progress bar, the screen goes black and doesn't seem to progress.  Even when it did progress, it came up with some kind of FAILED error message and rebooted.20:17
perfectorGnea, http://sourceforge.net/projects/ooodi/20:17
td123Dreakon: write down the failed error message and tell us what it is20:18
td123Dreakon: that would help a lot20:18
Dreakonit only comes up for like a split second though :-/20:18
DreakonFailed is the only word I caught lol20:18
ravensdIs there some way to make Grub scan for new installs? My new Ubuntu install isn't in the list... :(20:18
matrixhi i have problems with my mouse is jumpin and clickin on my desktop20:18
SimoneBmy question... I set up a crontab job, say it runs /var/www/do.sh. do.sh does "cat somefile.txt" (and the file is in the same directory as do.sh). Now do.sh does not find somefile.txt, i think because it's run from a different environment. How do I fix this?20:18
matrixi never had this problem before20:18
Jack_Sparrowravensd what did you install?20:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about curl20:19
Charruaenojaohi, I'm trying to compile amsn from source. When I do ./configure I get the message "checking tcl build dir... configure: error: Unable to find Tcl directory or Tcl package is not tcl-dev" and I don't understand it, so I also don't know what to do now. Can anybody help me?20:19
perfector! curl20:19
{mg}Hey People! Is it possible to find out, "how close" a server is to swapping?20:19
Gneaperfector: i'm failing to link the relevance of the usefulness of that program.20:19
zachbSo what could be f'ing up my system so bady?20:19
ravensdJack_Sparrow: Ubuntu 8.04.1 on a different harddrive. I have Ubuntu 8.04 and Windows on the first harddrive.20:19
zombieballtd123: tried "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", for some reason I only get questions about keyboard layout.  Screen resolution stuff never pops up!20:19
td123Dreakon: take a look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15158 and find out what your error was.20:19
Gneazachb: obfuscation is still considered swearing. please do not.20:20
perfectorGnea, to install dictionaries in oo since the wizard wont work20:20
Jack_Sparrowmatrix I had a bunch of goo in my trackball that caused wierdness20:20
Gneaperfector: what wizard? oo uses myspell.20:20
zachbGnea: I wasn't trying to obfuscate20:20
Dreakonthanks td123, ill take a look20:20
matrixwhat do you mean jack_sparrow20:20
Gneazachb: and f'ing is what?20:20
td123Dreakon: tell us your error once you find it :P20:20
Gneafrakking? :)20:21
Jack_Sparrowravensd sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /boot/grub/menu.lst >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && lsb_release -a >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit                   (Provide Pastebin link in channel)20:21
zombieballJack_Sparrow: any ideas why dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't ask for any resolution details?  It just quits after asking keyboard layout stuff.20:21
Jack_Sparrowmatrix My mouse problem was a hardware issue.20:21
DreakonI dont think there is/was a log.  I used the option to test Ubuntu without destroying my Vista install20:21
Dreakonif there is a log, I have no idea where to look...20:21
Jack_Sparrowzombieball -phigh should NOT ask for keyboard stuff, that isnt the command I gave20:21
matrixok i am runnin ubuntu over a year never had this problem20:21
b00berzhow can I update software that I installed by compiling the source?20:22
Jack_Sparrowmatrix Try a different mouse20:22
sn00pDoes ubuntu support dual processors?20:22
zombieballJack_Sparrow: when using -phigh nothing pops up at all20:22
td123Dreakon: this is a livecd?20:22
zachbHeh, case in point, pidgin crashing...20:22
Flare183sn00p: Yes20:22
matrixiam wondering if somebody is tryin to controll over my pc20:22
DreakonYeah, its a live CD, I think.20:22
Jack_Sparrowb00berz by recompiling the new version20:22
perfectorGnea, the language module list in tools > options > language > writing aids shows me nothing20:22
Dreakonim new to all this :)20:22
Jack_Sparrowsn00p yes20:22
perfectorGnea, although myspell is installed20:22
b00berzwon't recompiling require me stopping the software20:22
b00berzI am running snort and I don't want to miss any traffic when I upgrade20:23
td123Dreakon: can't help you with livecds :( I only use alternate cds (only install + faster)20:23
Jack_Sparrowb00berz yep most likely20:23
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ravensdJack_Sparrow: Is that really necessary though? The problem is that after my new install the menu.lst is the same as before so I can access my Windows-install and my old Ubuntu-install but not the new one. Isn't there some quick way to scan for the new one or just add it to the menu.lst? It's on my third harddrive, second partition, so hd(2,1)? But then it says "can't mount partition"...20:23
fez_anyone know how I can generate a hex key for WPA?20:23
perfectorduncan_lurk, this damn thing requires libcurl.so.2 and i cant find it.. curl is already on ver 3 if im not mistaken20:23
Flare183!language | perfector20:23
ubottuperfector: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:23
DreakonHmm :-/ Would I be less likely to get this problem if I didn't use a live CD?20:23
Jack_Sparrowravensd If you run the command I gave it would help...20:24
td123Dreakon: you could also check the livecd options if there is a failsafe gnome option, that would help20:24
td123then you could check for error logs while on the live cd20:24
Gnea!language | perfector20:24
b00berzthanks jack sparrow! Bye everyone20:24
Flare183Gnea: I got it20:24
Gneaperfector: that's at least *TWICE* now.20:24
DreakonI'm not sure what a failsafe gnome option is... lol20:24
zachbOkay, so any clue to why everything keeps crashing?20:24
Flare183oh yeah didn't see that second one20:24
perfectorthx Flare183 Gnea20:24
GneaFlare183: oh sorry, didn't see right away :)20:24
Flare183Gnea: Its ok20:24
The-Kernelhi, how do I determine which device is my dialup modem?20:24
Flare183perfector: ok20:24
ravensdJack_Sparrow: Should I run it from my old Ubuntu-install then?20:24
zachbI'm not even putting tons of load on it20:25
Jack_Sparrowravensd yes20:25
perfectorGnea, thats twice actually20:25
Flare183The-Kernel: open up a terminal and type in lspci20:25
Sonderbladehow do you upgrade the kernel to 2.6.24 in hardy?20:25
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages20:25
Skyrailmhm, I'm not getting any sound through Flash apps on Firefox, anyone know how to fix this?20:25
Jack_SparrowThe-Kernel Find the modem by going to a terminal and typing dmesg | grep ttyS20:25
ravensdJack_Sparrow: Ok, brb then. :)20:25
GneaSonderblade: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade20:25
The-KernelFlannel 00:1e.3 Modem: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Modem Controller (rev 03)20:25
=== mcasadevall_ is now known as NCommander
The-KernelJack_Sparrow nothing came up :-(20:25
Flare183!flash issues | Skyrail20:25
perfectorGnea, any suggestions on the language problem?20:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about flash issues20:25
Jack_SparrowThe-Kernel Ugh, a winmodem20:26
Flare183!flashissues | Skyrail20:26
ubottuSkyrail: The Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »20:26
SonderbladeGnea: done, im on hardy but i still have 2.6.2220:26
The-KernelJack_Sparrow hopeless?20:26
SkyrailThanks Flare18320:26
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Gneaperfector: i have a few things listed on mine. your install must not be right.20:26
Jack_SparrowThe-Kernel hardly worth the effort when a decent hardware based modem will work flawlessly for $2520:26
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=== malmsteen is now known as m4lmsteen
m4lmsteenhey Jack_Sparrow  thanks for the help earlier20:27
GneaSonderblade: do you have a little blue circle/arrow icon on your desktop that says you need to reboot?20:27
Jack_Sparrowm4lmsteen hope it helped20:27
Flare183np Skyrail20:27
m4lmsteenyep... i decided to ditch my vista20:27
CharruaenojaoI'm trying to compile amsn from source. When I do "./configure" on the comand line I get the message "checking tcl build dir... configure: error: Unable to find Tcl directory or Tcl package is not tcl-dev"20:27
The-KernelJack_Sparrow recommend a paticular one?20:27
AzizLightdoes anybody know if lynx is still developped? (the text-based web browser)?20:27
CharruaenojaoIs there any package I need to download??20:27
SonderbladeGnea: no... and im not stupid20:27
m4lmsteenwhen i installed ubuntu everything worked perfectly... didnt even have to setup my wireless adapter20:27
td123m4lmsteen: good job20:27
perfectorGnea, ah u r suggesting a purge and install again?20:27
m4lmsteenit ran right off the start with no configuration20:27
m4lmsteentnx td20:27
CharruaenojaoI'm a newbie20:27
stephanopoloussame here20:27
SkyrailUgh. Still broken sound. mhm.20:27
slaytonis there a way for me to get the sources for the intrepid ibex version of a package?20:28
ravensdJack_Sparrow: The link is: pastebin.com/f6f1b95f920:28
act1v8Hello, is the ATI Radeon X700 Mobile still a blacklisted card?20:28
m4lmsteenanybody know a good ssh client so i can access my other ubuntu machine ?20:28
stephanopolousATI cards suck20:28
td123Charruaenojao: do "sudo apt-get install tcl-dev"20:28
GneaSonderblade: never said nor suggested that you were.  try this: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep linux-image20:28
slaytonm4lmsteen, what do you mean by ssh client?20:28
act1v8stephanopolous: without that argument, please20:28
td123m4lmsteen: ssh is already installed :)20:28
Charruaenojaotd123: Oh!...20:28
vdawghello any system admins here?20:28
perfector!language | stephanopolous20:28
ubottustephanopolous: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:28
slashzulhow can you tell what filesystem you are drives are mounted under ?20:28
m4lmsteenok... its been a while since ive been on linux.... ssh user@ip ?20:29
act1v8So, is it blacklisted20:29
perfectorhee hee20:29
Gnea!anyone | vdawg20:29
slaytonm4lmsteen,  yes20:29
ubottuvdawg: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:29
td123m4lmsteen: yup20:29
m4lmsteenok cool20:29
Ktulhuslahzul gedit /etc/fstab20:29
m4lmsteenbecause i was sitting there like a dummy just ssh'ing and it was trying to login to the other machine as my local user name...20:29
m4lmsteenthat just hit me20:29
vdawghey solid, check this out20:29
SonderbladeGnea: 2.6.24 is not listed there either20:29
Gneaperfector: stephanopolous did not swear.20:29
jim_crowjack Sparrow, would updating xorg to the newest version help with screen refresh rates or the previous my previous problem? Trying to figure out if I should compile from source.20:29
slaytonm4lmsteen, but openssh-server isn't installed by default so if you want to ssh into a machine you'll need to install it with : sudo apt-get install openssh-server20:29
vdawgmy system admin was on the machine and he took off but left me with the root terminal20:29
stephanopolousYeah I did not swear.20:29
GneaSonderblade: okay, now try this: apt-cache search linux-image20:29
m4lmsteenslayton, yeah, ive already gotten that setup20:30
m4lmsteeni was just trying to remember how to ssh from linux to linxu20:30
m4lmsteenas i was on vista before20:30
m4lmsteeni used a client20:30
perfectorGnea, k20:30
slaytonAnybody know how to download the source for an Intrepid package in Hardy?20:30
swubooDoes anyone know of a workaround for fullscreen flash video playing incredibly choppily in Hardy?20:30
[TiZ]Hi there. I'm having a little bit of theming trouble. I want to change the color of checkboxes and radio buttons in the clearlooks engine. How do I do that? Can I even do that?20:30
Jack_Sparrowravensd I dont see that drive for sdc2 in your grub20:30
SonderbladeGnea: that lists the 2.6.24 kernels20:30
ravensdJack_Sparrow: You mean my third harddrive? What can I do to "find" it then?20:31
stephanopolousOk guys.20:31
stephanopolousJust to make things interesting.20:31
stephanopolousDoes anyone here think that Ubuntu is gonna replace windows one day?20:31
[TiZ]Anyone here know anything about gtk theming?20:31
Jack_Sparrowravensd what did you install on sdc?20:31
GneaSonderblade: sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic20:31
Gneastephanopolous: no comment. if it happens, it happens.20:32
LordDicraniushow would I go about installing a desktop environment on Ubuntu Server w/o all the extra apps?20:32
perfectorstephanopolous, if i answer that Gnea would !lang > me20:32
ravensdJack_Sparrow: Sorry. What's SDC?20:32
Jack_Sparrowravensd your third drive20:32
[TiZ]stephanopolous: If MS keeps shooting themselves in the foot, there's a possibility. That's not the point of GNU/Linux, though.20:32
ravensdJack_Sparrow: Ubuntu 8.04.120:32
m4lmsteenStep, doubtful... windows is basically the goto machine for user friendly desktops... its been that way too long... but you never know20:32
stephanopolouswith Bill Gates retired, they just might.20:32
[TiZ]The point of GNU/Linux isn't to take over Windows. The point is to be the best OS that it can be.20:33
Charruaenojaotd123: thank you very much! that did the trick20:33
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository20:33
Gnea!ot | stephanopolous20:33
ubottustephanopolous: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:33
SonderbladeGnea: as i said, it is installed. now it is also --reinstalled20:33
m4lmsteenis it worth upgrading to hardy ?20:33
m4lmsteenbecause im on gusty right now20:33
perfectorstephanopolous, Gnea ha ha ha20:33
[TiZ]Anyways, any gtk themers in there?20:33
GillpyHow can I delete something using /dev/null ???20:33
Sonderbladem4lmsteen: not if you have an nvidia card20:33
GneaSonderblade: ah ok - do you see it listed in /boot/grub/menu.lst?  sorry about that, i must've misread.20:33
Jack_Sparrowravensd I need a pastebin of sdc2                /boot/grub/menu.lst20:33
m4lmsteenm4lmsteen, that i do have.... so nogo ?20:33
ikoniaGillpy: it's a device file20:33
BobSappm4lmsteen: if hardy has something you need then yes, also I got hardy workin with nvidia20:33
Charruaenojaotd123: only, now I'm getting "./configure: line 3611: /usr/lib/tkConfig.sh: No such file or directory"20:33
SonderbladeGnea: it is listed20:34
ikoniaCharruaenojao: what are you trying to build ?20:34
m4lmsteeni dont 'need' it... lol20:34
Ktulhuis there a channel for driver support ?20:34
BobSapphardy has rtorrent and some other application i forgot about20:34
m4lmsteenok.. uhm quick question whats the deal with 'restricted' drivers20:34
ikoniaKtulhu: what device, the drivers are "the kernel"20:34
ravensdJack_Sparrow: How do I get that for you? Just paste the entire /boot/grub/menu.lst?20:34
jim_crowJack_Sparrow - You think compiling xorg from source will fix my problem?20:34
Charruaenojaoikonia: amsn20:34
m4lmsteeni had the pop up come up because of my nvidia card20:34
ikoniam4lmsteen: in what way ?20:34
ikoniaCharruaenojao: why, amsn existing in ubuntu repos20:34
Ktulhuikonia, i mean like for vdeo cards20:34
Jack_Sparrowravensd you need to mount sdc2 and get that grub.. correct20:34
swubooSonderblade:  What's wrong with Hardy with an nvidia card?  Apart from the choppiness of hulu, I haven't had any particular problems.20:34
perfectorBobSapp, transmission u mean?20:34
ikoniam4lmsteen: they are 3rd party drivers, outside the kernel20:34
ikoniaKtulhu: xorg20:34
Sonderbladem4lmsteen: definitely no go, search for "hardy nvidia 800x600" and youll see what i mean20:34
Ktulhuikonia,  thx20:34
m4lmsteenikonia... is this good or bad ?20:35
ravensdJack_Sparrow: So there's a grub on that harddrive? Well, ok, brb. :)20:35
m4lmsteenor doesnt matter ?20:35
ikoniam4lmsteen: good20:35
Jack_Sparrowravensd I need to lurk and get some work done...20:35
BobSappperfector: nah, it wasnt a torrent app, something completly unrelated20:35
m4lmsteensonder,... ill check it out20:35
m4lmsteenthnx for the tip20:35
Jack_Sparrowravensd try to be quick20:35
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GneaSonderblade: okay, if it's at the top of the list, go ahead and reboot20:35
BobSappoh yeah compiz out of the box20:35
daveisadork1jim_crow: compiling X from source is non-trivial20:35
Charruaenojaoikonia: not the last version. And I want to learn how to do this stuff20:35
rodoldis fluxbuntu any good for a pentium III 128mb 20g hdd? or is it dead :S20:35
alanpanhow to use water effect and splash on ubuntu20:35
ikoniaCharruaenojao: what is in the latest version that you want ?20:35
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Gnearodold: #fluxbuntu should be able to answer that20:36
ikoniaCharruaenojao: here is not the place to lean how to compile software20:36
SonderbladeGnea: now it boots with 2.6.24, but it hangs in the splash screen :(20:36
ikoniaCharruaenojao: you do realise how bad an effect this will have on your package managment system ?20:36
Gnea!compiz | alanpan20:36
ubottualanpan: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:36
Charruaenojaoikonia: 0.97.220:36
rodoldGnea: but is it still being updated? last time i checked the last version was 7.10 or something20:36
ravensdJack_Sparrow: There is no /boot/grub/ on my third HD.20:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dev/null20:36
ikoniaCharruaenojao: yes, why do you want 0.97.220:36
ikoniaCharruaenojao: what's in it that you want ?20:36
GneaSonderblade: does it hang for more than 3 minutes?20:36
Charruaenojaoikonia: really?20:36
ikoniaGillpy: what do you want to know about /dev/null20:36
ikoniaCharruaenojao: yes really20:36
perfectorrodold, hey i used it fine with a p3 845mhz processor but it had more ram20:36
SkinnYPupI want to install xfce onto 8.04 , whats the package name I'll need for apt-get install ?20:36
m4lmsteenok one last question before i finish configuring my system.... anybody have a good link for connection sharing ?.... i want to share my wireless with the eth0 on my other machine20:37
ikoniaSkinnYPup: xubuntu-desktop20:37
SkinnYPupthank you20:37
Gnearodold: i'm not sure.. the lead developer had a bit of an attitude problem the last time i checked up on it, so probably not20:37
jim_crowdaveisadork - Basically, my screen stops refreshing properly and leaves images all over the screen. So after about 15 minutes I have thousands of pictures of Jack Sparrows mother sucking the most gigantic, aids infested, herpes scab ridden, nigger dick I have ever seen. I almost puke every time I see it.20:37
jim_crowIt is terrible20:37
SonderbladeGnea: it hangs at "Loading, please wait..." and now im dropped into a rescue shell20:37
alanpani already activate the water effect20:37
Charruaenojaoikonia: nothing in particular. I just wanted to learn how to compile a program20:37
Gillpyikonia: I was wanting to see if I can delete stuff using mv()20:37
AquaFoxMy panel is oriented to the right and I can't seem to right click it properly because it's FILLED. How to bring it back to the top?20:37
Jack_Sparrowravensd sudo mkdir /media/disk-3  then   sudo mount /dev/sdc2  /media/disk-320:37
alanpando you know the keys20:37
ikoniaGillpy: it's a device file, just use rm20:37
Jack_Sparrowravensd sudo mkdir /media/disk-3  &&  sudo mount /dev/sdc2  /media/disk-320:37
rodoldGnea: Oh, ok...i guess i'll give it a shot, puppy linux was too barebones for me, and xubuntu was too heavy20:38
ikoniaCharruaenojao: well be aware of the damage it will do to your package managment system20:38
Charruaenojaoikonia: What could the side effects be?20:38
SonderbladeALERT! /dev/mapper/Ubuntu-root does not exist. Dropping to a shell! <- what does that mean?20:38
ikoniaCharruaenojao: your package manager will break20:38
rodoldfluxbuntu is lighter than xubuntu right?20:38
ikoniaSonderblade: it means the device the root file system is on is not visable20:38
Charruaenojaobut, why?20:38
angelofdiasdoes someone could help ?20:38
Charruaenojaoikonia: but, why?20:38
Gnearodold: couldn't hurt20:38
ikoniaCharruaenojao: because the package manager won't be aware of the changes you've made and anything thats linked against it, or it's linked against it can't be changed easy, because the pacakge manager has no idea what's changed20:39
ravensdJack_Sparrow: Done.20:39
epitronhey guys.. i'm having a package paradox in gusty20:39
angelofdiasWHY CAN?T I SEE THE VIDEO ON THIS PAGE ?     http://terratv.terra.com.br/olimpiadas/templates/ol_ondemand.aspx?contentId=20690120:39
Sonderbladeikonia: and why is that?20:39
Gillpy!caps > angelofdias20:39
ubottuangelofdias, please see my private message20:39
ikoniaangelofdias: can I please ask you not to use caps20:39
Jack_Sparrowravensd look for grub again20:39
AquaFoxMy panel is oriented to the right and I can't seem to right click it properly because it's FILLED. How to bring it back to the top?20:39
ikoniaSonderblade: why is what ?20:39
epitronlibc6 2.7 is installed, but libc6-dev 2.6 is the only one available20:39
Charruaenojaoikonia: mmm...have no idea20:39
epitronand i don't know how to back up to libc6 2.620:39
WavesonicsHi, I've got a server program i want to have run on start up, where should the binaries for it reside?20:39
ikoniaCharruaenojao: you have no idea what ?20:39
ikoniaWavesonics: doesn't matter20:40
ikoniaWavesonics: you need an init script20:40
hateballangelofdias: It's flash... so you need to install that20:40
hateball!flash | angelofdias20:40
ubottuangelofdias: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash20:40
Charruaenojaoikonia: Is there any way to tell the package manager the changes I would make?20:40
Sonderbladeikonia: the root system not visible20:40
ikoniaCharruaenojao: yes, build a package properly20:40
Wavesonicsikonia: I know, but right now It sits in my user dir, and since it wont be run by my, that doesnt seem like a logical place for it20:40
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ikoniaSonderblade: are you using dmraid ?20:40
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:40
Charruaenojaoikonia: I have no idea about all you have just sayed20:40
ikoniaWavesonics: it doesn't matter, put it where you want20:40
Sonderbladeikonia: i dont think so20:40
ikoniaCharruaenojao: ok, so best not to do it then20:41
ikoniaSonderblade: are you using lvm ?20:41
AdamWickHi, everybody.  I'm trying to install ubuntu 8.04 onto a flash drive using this guide (http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/05/08/usb-ubuntu-804-persistent-install-via-the-live-cd/ ).  Is there any chance that one of you could help me out?  fdisk -l isn't showing my flash drive, even though File Manager can see it just fine.20:41
GillpyCharruaenojao: you must read the apt howto20:41
ikoniaSonderblade: are you using any raid20:41
Wavesonicsikonia: /bin/MyProg sound good?20:41
AquaFoxMy panel is oriented to the right and I can't seem to right click it properly because it's FILLED. How to bring it back to the top?20:41
angelofdiasi have already installed it ! Some flhas banner is fine but this movie doens work20:41
rodoldquick question...if i install the packages ndiswrapper-utils and ndiswrapper-common, is there any need to install ndiswrapper? cos every time i try to install it i get errors20:41
ravensdJack_Sparrow: Can't access it now and /media/disk-3 is empty20:41
Charruaenojaoikonia: yes, maybe not i think20:41
ikoniaWavesonics: if you want, it doesn't matter20:41
Jack_Sparrowravensd probably why you cant mount it20:41
Jack_Sparrowboot it20:41
ikoniarodold: you still need it20:41
hateballangelofdias: Are you using Gnash or Adobe Flash?20:41
CharruaenojaoGillpy: the apt howto?20:41
CharruaenojaoGillpy: the apt howto?20:42
angelofdiassorry but i?m a windows xp user20:42
ravensdJack_Sparrow: Well, it had files on it just a second ago20:42
CharruaenojaoGillpy: where can I find it?20:42
GillpyCharruaenojao: yes, the apt howto20:42
GillpyCharruaenojao: google20:42
rodoldikonia: i've managed to use ndiswrapper on xubuntu but every time i try to sudo make install i get a bunch of errors20:42
Omar87Is it risky to reinstall Python2.5?20:42
angelofdiasadobe flash i installed !20:42
ikoniarodold: why are you doing "make install"20:42
Sonderbladeikonia: i dont think so, i removed the lvm packages when upgrading to feisty because they were causing problems during boot20:42
ikoniarodold: why are you not using the package in ubuntu20:42
CharruaenojaoGillpy: ok, I'll do it =)20:42
Flare183rodold: just install ndiswrapper from the repos20:42
rodoldikonia: because i dont have an internet connection on that box20:42
Jack_Sparrowravensd I really need to get some work done, hope You get it figured out20:43
ravensdJack_Sparrow: Hm, sdc2 seems to be a windows drive20:43
ikoniarodold: thats no reason to build your own, more so if you don't know what your doing20:43
ravensdok, thanks20:43
hateballangelofdias: No idea then. Working with flash 10 on 64 bit ubuntu 8.04 here20:43
CharruaenojaoGillpy: thanks!20:43
Charruaenojaoikonia: thank you too!20:43
Omar87Because one day removed it by mistake, and when I installed it again, some programs stopped working.20:43
ikoniaSonderblade: well according to that error, the root file system is on a device controlled by /dev/mapper, which is either a raid device or lvm - thats why it's erroring20:43
rodoldikonia: but i cant download from the repos...so what should i do? im running windows vista on the machine with internet20:43
ikoniarodold: how did you get the ndiswrapper source if you have no internet connection ?20:43
Jack_Sparrowravensd You said it you installed on the third drive.. sdc is your third drive.  looking again sdc2 is ntfs20:44
rodoldikonia: i have an internet connection, but on another machine (running windows)20:44
angelofdiasthis movie mencioned above is fine with IE in windows xp20:44
ikoniarodold: so download the deb from the repo20:44
jim_crowJack Sparrow - Basically, my screen stops refreshing properly and leaves images all over the screen. So after about 15 minutes I have thousands of pictures of your mother sucking the most gigantic, aids infested, herpes scab ridden, nigger dick I have ever seen. I almost puke every time I see it. And you know how hung niggers are.20:44
ravensdJack_Sparrow: Indeed. Maybe it's scrambled somehow. I have 3 drives and I installed it on my newest. :S20:44
Jack_Sparrowrasdb6 is your only linux partition other than swap20:44
azn_emo_boi101Do i need a linux swap partition?20:45
Gillpy!language > jim_crow20:45
ubottujim_crow, please see my private message20:45
angelofdiashow can i redirect to a windows xp room to discuss this subject ?20:45
rodoldikonia: ive searched and there is no ndiswrapper package, only ndiswrapper-common and ndiswrapper-utils (which i already have)20:45
Sonderbladeikonia: booting with 2.6.22 works so.. linux-image-2.6.24 must be broken20:45
Jack_Sparrowravensd google up mixing ide and sata drives, that may have caused you a problem20:45
Krinskyis there a way to have links store session cookies, or cookies in general?20:45
m4lmsteenis there an application for ubuntu i can use to monitor my system temperatures ?20:45
ravensdJack_Sparrow: Only SATA-drives20:45
m4lmsteenhdd/proc/mobo/video card temps20:45
swuboom4lmsteen:  lm-sensors.20:46
Jack_Sparrowravensd k.. just a thought20:46
m4lmsteenswuboo... can i get this via apt-get ?20:46
Jack_Sparrowikonia thanks for that.. I was preoccupied20:46
* mikelake wonders if there is a free util that would convert his .bkf to another format that linux or windows could read...20:46
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: no problem20:46
swuboom4lmsteen:  Yes.20:46
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angelofdiasdoes someone could send a link to redirect me to a windows xp room discussion ?20:46
m4lmsteenok thanks swuboo20:47
ravensdJack_Sparrow: Hm, after doing fdisk -l it seems my new linux partition is on /dev/sdc1... but somehow it lists as FAT1620:47
swuboom4lmsteen:  I'd google how to set it up, since I can't remember myself.  Gnome panel has an applet that will display whatever sensors you want, and there's a console command, 'sensors' that outputs all of it.20:47
Jack_Sparrowravensd be sure that is not some recovery partition you are about to nuke20:47
m4lmsteenok... i'll check it out.. im updating my system right now... trying to get everything squared away20:48
m4lmsteenthen im going to start working on wine20:48
m4lmsteenand getting some of my games going20:48
Gillpyangelofdias: you mean #windows   ?20:48
angelofdiasyes , could be20:48
ravensdJack_Sparrow: Can't be. It's 25GB and on the correct drive... Just FAT16 for some reason... I'm sure I formatted it as EXT320:48
ravensdCan't seem to mount it either... "can't find /dev/sdc1 in /etc/fsatb or /etc/mtab"20:49
Jack_Sparrowravensd I am suggesting caution...  I need to get back to work20:49
ravensdJack_Sparrow: Ok, take care :)20:49
=== backenfutter is now known as towly
Jack_Sparrowravensd sudo mkdir /media/disk-3  &&  sudo mount /dev/sdc1  /media/disk-320:50
Jack_Sparrowravensd or              sudo mkdir /media/disk-3a  &&  sudo mount /dev/sdc1  /media/disk-3a20:50
Abedhello guys i want to know if there is an app which enables u to know at which region is a spesfic IP address and if it shows a map it will be great20:50
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ikoniaAbed: just use the ip databases, such as ripe20:50
ikoniaAbed: there tons of webpages20:50
Gillpy!info ripe20:50
ubottuPackage ripe does not exist in hardy20:50
ikoniaGillpy: you dont have to info or ! every word that is said in the channel20:51
Abedikonia ripe??20:51
ikoniaAbed: it's one of the internet IP databases20:51
dianapo"The playback of this movie requires a audio/x-asf-unknown decoder plugin which is not installed." WHAT IS THAT THING AND HOW The playback of this movie requires a audio/x-asf-unknown decoder plugin which is not installed.DO The playback of this movie requires a audio/x-asf-unknown decoder plugin which is not installed.The playback of this movie requires a audio/x-asf-unknown decoder plugin which is not installed.IThe playback of this movie requires a aud20:51
dianapoio/x-asf-unknown decoder plugin which is not installed. FIX IT???20:51
swubooAbed:  Yeah, ikonia's right.  Free geolocation services are all over the Internets, and if you follow it up with google maps, Bob's your uncle.20:51
ravensdJack_Sparrow: There it is...! Still nothing in /boot/grub though...20:51
Jack-Sparrowravensd: I think I see where this problem is going. I, Jack_Sparrow, have the smallest penis in the world. This is why I was only able to land a wife that tilts the scales at 450lbs. No worries though, my acne medication should be in soon enough. This will take extra cash spent at the dermatologist and place it in my vast collection of child pornography.20:51
Jack-Sparrowravensd: the path you need is /jack/sparrows/mother/sucks/nigger/dicks20:51
ikoniaJack-Sparrow: ?20:51
dianapoThe playback of this movie requires a audio/x-asf-unknown decoder plugin which is not installed. HOW DO I FIX THAT?20:51
* mikelake will NEVER EVER use windoze for a personal production machine EVER again... 8-X20:52
hateballdianapo: apt-get install vlc, should be enough20:53
mikelakeWhat kind of operating system is developed for this long and doesn't have the ability to have a partial file recovery.. it's bloody rediculous!!!20:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:53
hateballIt's not the operating system, it's the file system20:53
dianapoyou solved it that way?20:53
m4lmsteenok... i just got this message on synaptic saying i can upgrade to 8.04 ?20:53
dianapohateball, did solve it that way20:54
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swuboom4lmsteen:  Sure.  Hardy Heron.  If you're on Gutsy, I imagine that message is accurate.20:54
hateballdianapo: I cant remember, but I think installing vlc should download a bunch of plugins as well20:54
m4lmsteenswuboo some guys was talking about hardy doing bad with nvidia ?20:54
m4lmsteenso would it be a good idea to choose to upgrade ?20:54
swuboom4lmsteen:  Yeah, I noticed him saying that, and I googled it.  I don't know what to tell you; I'm using an 8800GTS at 1680x1050, and I've been using Hardy since the beta without issue.20:55
jazzkutyamikelake: partial file recovery? are you into discussing this a bit on #ubuntu-offtopic?20:55
dianapohateball, okay I will tell you then if It works, give me  a min20:55
geirhahateball, dianapo: vlc has codecs for most videos integrated. It does not install plugins that other media players can use.20:55
swuboom4lmsteen:  Perhaps you'll have problems, and perhaps you won't.  All I can say for certain is that I haven't.20:55
m4lmsteenok if i choose 'upgrade' will it do it automatically or do i need to burn something to disc ?20:56
swuboom4lmsteen:  Automatically.20:56
m4lmsteenwell i guess ill try it20:56
geirhadianapo: Did you get that message from totem (the default media player)?20:56
m4lmsteennothign wrong with trying20:56
hateballgeirha: Yes, but not w32codecs if I'm not mistaken20:56
swuboom4lmsteen:  Although it will take a *while* to download and install all of the packages.20:56
dianapogeirha, yes20:56
Pirate_Hunterjust noticed icewm 1.2.35 is out but the rep doesnt have it, is there a way to update it to show?20:56
swuboom4lmsteen:  Don't do it unless you're prepared to devote a while to fixing any potential problems that might crop up---I didn't have any nVidia or video related problems, but I did have to spend a few hours cleaning up PulseAudio.20:57
dianapohateball, it didnt work20:57
m4lmsteenswuboo... i lvoe a challenge20:57
dianapogeirha, what do you suggest?20:57
geirhahateball: I thought w32codecs was just for mplayer ...20:57
swuboom4lmsteen:  Then godspeed and good luck.20:57
geirhadianapo: Did you right-click the file and choose open with VLC?20:57
m4lmsteenits downloading now20:57
m4lmsteen30 minutes till lift off20:58
m4lmsteeni should have probbaly rebooted beforehand... considering there were previous packages that required a reboot20:58
m4lmsteeni wonder if this will effect my upgrade ?20:58
swuboom4lmsteen:  I daresay you'll find out.  Although I wouldn't expect it to.20:58
m4lmsteenoh well... if it does... i'll just have to start over!20:59
hateballgeirha: Might be :D To be honest I havent modified my system for... long20:59
dianapogeirha,  well, I just did and it doesnt do anything... just when you press play it blinks and return to normal position20:59
geirhahateball: ah, no, it seems gstreamer can also use w32codecs.20:59
hateballdianapo: Have you enabled multiverse and universe repositories?20:59
m4lmsteencan i upgrade my other machine via terminal ?21:00
m4lmsteenand what would the command be to make it automatically upgrade to hardy ?21:00
perfectorPirate_Hunter, does it have major improvements?21:00
geirhadianapo: you are sure the file is not corrupt?21:00
underandy_anyone around with a eee 900 that doesent get the wireless network to work? :-21:00
dianapohateball, im not sure21:00
dianapogeirha, yup... I copied into a windows comp and it worked21:01
hateballm4lmsteen: You're advised to not do release-upgrades over SSH21:01
frooschhey! maybe i should as on #debian, but then maybe not. wll... what pkg do i need for i.e. 'man fopen' to deliver the libc docs?21:01
mizipzorplease, someone, im getting quite desperate with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34876/21:01
m4lmsteenhateball... ok .... what about via vnc ?21:01
Pirate_Hunterperfector: didnt check just saw that it was new the one in reps is to versions below but i would guess so, however like i said i dont know but would like to have in in synaptic21:01
geirhafrostburn: manpages-dev21:01
geirhafroosch: manpages-dev21:01
frooschgeirha: thanks21:01
m4lmsteenif thats a prob as well ill just plug my monitor and keyboard in21:01
perfectorPirate_Hunter, thx21:01
hateballm4lmsteen: I dont know, tho I'd assume it's the same... Check the wiki ;)21:01
m4lmsteenok thanks hateball21:02
perfectorPirate_Hunter, what was the previous ver btw?21:02
dianapogeirha, hateball, just if it help to troubleshoot IM using ubuntu hardy 8.04... Im using 2 laptopts with ubuntu and both same problem with some audio files... not corrupted files IM SURE21:02
wraundis there a sort of RAM monitor program that can show me what is hogging it up?21:03
hateballwraund: top21:03
wraundhateball: a full gnome thing?21:03
dianapohateball, geirha, any clue?21:03
geirhadianapo: Are you familiar with the terminal? Could you run "file" on it? "file file.asf"21:03
wraundhateball: i use htop normally21:03
Ictinikesoldats, is there any way to say, like, shrink my display area?21:03
Pirate_Hunterperfector: syanptic has 1.2.33 while the official site has 1.2.35 as stable and it is testing 1.32 i would like to have the latest how would i go about it other than compiling it myself?21:03
Ictinikesoldats, xD21:03
bobhassani'm having a problem with my external harddrive. Yesterday I was moving files when a power-shortage struck, and now the supernode has been corrupted(it's formatted with ext3), so, i've been googling for the last 4 hours and found that ext3 seems to keep copies of the superblock in multiple places on the disk but when i run e2fsck '/dev/sdb' it fails with 'e2fsck: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sdb  Filesystem mounted o21:04
bobhassanr opened exclusively by another program?'  and same when i specify with -b which superblock to use, however i'm not using the drive, and i'm not running any applications that does   running ' sudo fsck.ext3 /dev/sdb' fails with 'fsck.ext3: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks... fsck.ext3: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdb'    does anyone have any ideas?21:04
dianapogeirha, never heard of that program.... let me try21:04
afallenhopeanyone have experience with ufw?21:04
hateballdianapo: Go into System -> Administration -> Sources (?) and enable the extra repositories. Then opening files in Totem should suggest grabbing the correct codecs21:04
geirhadianapo: the file command identifies what filetype it is (if it knows about it)21:04
hateballwraund: I dont know of any gui tool... but why would you want one? :p21:04
angelofdiaswhy can?t i see a stream video on this page http://terratv.terra.com.br/olimpiadas/templates/ol_ondemand.aspx?contentId=20690121:05
wraundhateball: cos i can keep an eye on my RAM useage :P21:05
Pirate_Hunterjust noticed icewm 1.2.35 is out but the rep doesnt have it, is there a way to update it to show with me having to compile it :/?21:05
Ictinike display area?21:05
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: no21:05
dianapogeirha, MICROSOFT ASF21:05
IctinikeIs there any way to say, shrink my display area? It's about a 1/3rd bigger then my screeen is.21:05
hateballwraund: open htop in gnome-terminal and set the window to always on top?21:05
Pirate_Hunterikonia: ah not what i wanted to hear21:06
mizipzorplease, someone, im getting quite desperate with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34876/21:06
geirhawraund: tried System -> Administration -> System Monitor?21:06
hateballwraund: or use conky21:06
wraundgeirha: on xubuntu21:06
dianapohateball, ow I did that the first time I booted with ubuntu already21:06
ikoniamizipzor: the errors are pretty clear21:06
geirhadianapo: ah, I had hoped it would also show what encoding it was :/21:07
ikoniamizipzor: it's complaining that the files it wants to remove as part of the package dont exist21:07
mizipzorikonia: sorry, im a bit to new to interpret them then i guess21:07
mohan34uangelofdias: I'm able to see it.. did you install flash plugin? whats the name of your browser?21:07
ikoniamizipzor: it's in plain english and gives you the file paths21:07
mizipzorikonia: but... if the files is already gone, whats the problem?21:07
dianapogeirha, no it only says MICROSOFT ASF thats all....21:07
geirhawraund: ah, sorry, not familiar with xubuntu :/21:07
ikoniamizipzor: FATAL: Could not open '/boot/System.map-2.6.22-15-generic': No such file or directory21:07
wraundgeirha: lol dont worry21:07
thinman1189I'm trying to backup some audio cds of mine using my new system76 laptop with ubuntu 8.04 64bit. I'm using rhythm box atm but it's going pretty slow. is there a faster program for copying?21:07
ikoniamizipzor: they are kernel packages so it has to know it's cleaned up properly, it's not like a text editor, it's the core of your system21:08
Wavesonicsok i made a booboo, im running ubuntu server 8.04, and threw in a start up script to run a server, but forgot to background it, so now, it gets to that in the start up, starts the server and stops the boot process21:08
hateballdianapo: try installing gstreamer0.10-plugins-good / bad / ugly21:08
ikoniamizipzor: why are they gone ? did you delete them ?21:08
ikoniaWavesonics: boot into single user mode21:08
mizipzorikonia: no, not that i know of, it was a distribution upgrade i was asked to take that crashed halfway through21:08
Wavesonicsikonia, how exactly?21:08
AngryElfafter I've connected to my office over vpn is there any way to still get internet through my local connection instead of over the vpn?21:08
ikoniaWavesonics: add the line "single" to you kernel boot arguments21:09
Wavesonicsok thanks21:09
ikoniamizipzor: recovering from a crashed install is a tedious task, I would do a clean install if you have time21:09
Wavesonicsikonia, backgrounding the process should be the way to go right?21:09
bobhassani'm having a problem with my external harddrive. Yesterday I was moving files when a power-shortage struck, and now the supernode has been corrupted(it's formatted with ext3), so, i've been googling for the last 4 hours and found that ext3 seems to keep copies of the superblock in multiple places on the disk but when i run e2fsck '/dev/sdb' it fails with 'e2fsck: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sdb  Filesystem mounted o21:09
bobhassanr opened exclusively by another program?'  and same when i specify with -b which superblock to use, however i'm not using the drive, and i'm not running any applications that does   running ' sudo fsck.ext3 /dev/sdb' fails with 'fsck.ext3: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks... fsck.ext3: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdb'    does anyone have any ideas?21:09
dianapohateball, it says I have the newest versiions already21:10
hateballdianapo: If it's material you're not afraid to share, you could upload it and we could see if it plays for us...21:11
unopbobhassan, you run fsck on a partition slice (usually /dev/sdbX)  not the actual physical disk21:11
toxygenhello, is it possible to get java plugin work for firefox 3 on hardy?21:11
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dianapohow can i send hateball21:11
Kohlraktoxygen, it shoudl work startign with hardy. It didn't on gutsy21:11
dianapohateball, how can I upload.... so you can test it21:12
toxygenKohlrak: amd64 - there is no java-plugin package21:12
toxygenKohlrak: sun-java6-plugin21:12
ikoniaWavesonics: what daemon is it ?21:12
dianapogeirha, I hope you are still there21:12
Wavesonics@ ./someProgram will run it silently right?21:12
ikoniaWavesonics: no21:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-keyring-d21:12
ikoniaWavesonics: what probram is it ?21:12
Wavesonicsikonia: It's a Moon Edit server21:13
Wavesonicsbackgrounding it in the start up script seemed to work nicely21:13
hateballdianapo: Find some free upload place or dcc it to me21:13
unopWavesonics, that's a windows batch file speciality .. in bash   command &> /dev/null  # to have it run silently21:13
Kohlrakoh wait, i was thinking about flash, toxygen. I had no problem getting firefox working out of the box. Try the non-free if you're having trouble21:13
geirhadianapo: I am.21:13
dianapommmm hehhe21:13
ikoniaWavesonics: be cautious21:13
dianapohateball, what is dcc?21:14
hateballdianapo: Sending a file over IRC :)21:14
swamptinAnyone know how to set rhythm box to use ALSA instead of OSS?21:14
jpdsdianapo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Client-to-Client21:14
ubottuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit21:14
slashzulI just added a USBII device, didnt show up on dmesg, do I need a custom kernel?21:14
unop!pm | bobhassan21:14
ubottubobhassan: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.21:14
geirhadianapo: If it's an asf-container it should have the extention .asf or possibly .wma if it is windows media audio.21:14
slashzulI added a new USBII card21:15
Sonderbladewhy can't i install linux-2.6.24-20-generic when it is listed in the repos? it says "another package refers to it"21:15
Snubbiill pas le tud ubuntu21:15
dianapogeirha, mmm I sent you hateball  and geirha the file so you can see21:15
hateballdianapo, geirha : I'm recieving a .mp3 tho21:15
bobhassanas a followup on my problem    'sudo e2fsck /dev/sdb1 'gives me  e2fsck 1.40.11 (17-June-2008) fsck.ext3: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/sdb1   Could this be a zero-length partition?'    does that tell me something of use?21:16
Kohlrakdoes anyone know of a program that can convert flash movies to a more edit friendly format?21:16
ikoniaKohlrak: no, flash is a closed formt21:16
geirhadianapo: hm, just says "stalled" on me. Not sure what is wrong.21:16
hateballKohlrak: Tried Avidemux? I know it opens and plays it anyhow... and you can extract the audio21:16
KohlrakThanks anyway ikonia. hateball, no i havn't. I am not good with searching in synaptic, i'll try that now. thank you.21:17
dianapogeirha you want me to send it agian?21:17
mumbleshas anyone else in here had there bookmarks go when upgrading to firefox 321:17
slashzulhow do you get a USB pci card to show up on Ubuntu?21:17
geirhadianapo: We can see if hateball can figure out how to play it first :)21:18
m4lmsteeni lost power while it was downloading updates21:18
hateballdianapo, geirha: Getting the same error as you... I'll poke around a bit :D21:18
m4lmsteeni really need an UPS system21:18
dianapogeirha, hahha okay thanks!21:18
rkpisanumumbles, http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html21:18
evil_techmy samba share says that there is 0 bytes available, the share doesnt show up in mount, df, or fdisk -l21:18
SliMMis there a way to program the function keys of my laptop?21:18
creatureHello. I installed Ubuntu on my laptop this afternoon from a USB key courtesy of unetbootin. However, my new install will now not boot without the USB key being present. How do I fix this?21:18
unopbobhassan, have a read here.  http://linuxgazette.net/issue32/tag_superblock.html21:18
Gnea!language | m4lmsteen21:18
ubottum4lmsteen: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:18
creatureI guess I need to adjust the grub config and re-install it on my / partition.21:18
slashzulhow do you get a USB pci card to show up on Ubuntu?21:18
m4lmsteenwtf! i only said crap!21:19
dianapohateball, aarrgh omg!!... hey hate... will you be here for one more hour...? im going home... and I dont know if you will be here till then...21:19
Gneaslashzul: lspci21:19
JetienHi. I21:19
AmanAnyone here no how to get ndiswrapper working21:19
Gneam4lmsteen: do I need to go further?21:19
m4lmsteenGnea,  if you feel the need21:19
Ktulhuslashzul, do a lsusb and see if shows21:19
hateballdianapo: I probably will, not got much else to do :)21:19
ompaulplease cease21:19
AmanI get my wireless to work but goes away after i restart21:19
Jetieni'm trying to import my public key into "passwords and encryption keys" - it doesn't seem to work i get "unrecognized key type" - can somebody help me?21:20
slashzulBus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:000021:20
slashzulBus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:000021:20
dianapohateball, I hopee thanksss.... I played around google to solve this thing and I cant.....  PLs see if you can solve it.. since you got more xperience:P21:20
nirtskuerver irc.cc.tut.fi21:20
unopdianapo, you still trying to play the ASF file?21:20
slashzul00:1f.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801BA/BAM USB Controller #1 (rev 04)21:20
slashzul00:1f.4 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801BA/BAM USB Controller #1 (rev 04)21:20
slashzul00:1f.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801BA/BAM USB Controller #1 (rev 04)21:20
dianapohateball, I will come back in lesss than an hour.... THANKS!!!!!!....21:20
slashzul00:1f.4 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801BA/BAM USB Controller #1 (rev 04)21:20
dianapounop, yep21:20
FloodBot1slashzul: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:20
unop!paste > slashzul21:20
ubottuslashzul, please see my private message21:20
dianapounop no solution yet21:20
unopdianapo, have you tried installing w32codecs ?21:21
AmanI have a atheros ar5006eg21:21
Amanmini pcie21:21
C_Jackneed help!21:21
jpds!ask | C_Jack21:21
ubottuC_Jack: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:21
dianapounop, I did try on another computer.... I didnt in this one becuz it didnt work on the other... should i?21:21
dianapounop, only the w32codecs nothing else?21:22
unopdianapo, just w32codecs, yes21:22
dianapoweelll unop I got to go I hope that as hateball you still here when I get back home :) thanks!21:22
alpinestrhow can I configure my wireless network in ubuntu with ease ? like in windows21:22
evil_techanyone think of a reason why my 120gb drive is saying it has no free space when i know it isn't full21:22
Gneaevil_tech: have you used the df -Th command?21:23
C_Jackjpds , how to boot from disk after restart? i want to instal windows, i want to use windows and ubuntu, i need windows for aplications that ubuntu cant emulate such as InteractivePhysics200521:23
unopevil_tech, how do you ascertain that it isn't full?21:23
geirhahateball: try renaming it to .asf. I think the mp3-extension may be confusing the media player.21:23
Gnea!wireless | alpinestr21:23
ubottualpinestr: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:23
evil_techi know for a fact it isn't full21:23
Gneaevil_tech: the drive or a partition on it?21:23
unopevil_tech, :)  run what Gnea gave you .. see what's reported21:24
jpds!grubrepair | C_Jack21:24
ubottuC_Jack: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:24
evil_techis no partition21:24
hateballgeirha: way ahead of you, and it doesnt matter ;)21:24
rodoldanyone here use fluxbuntu21:24
Gneacan't put anything on a hard drive without a partition21:24
evil_techGnea: that command still doesn't show the drive21:24
AmanHello! I have a Sony VGN-NR110E and It has a atheros 5006EG Mini PCIe Card, I used NDISWRAPPER and it detected but when I restart, my wireless goes away, it still detects the card but doesnt find any connections after restart. Need Help. So does anyone know?21:24
geirhahateball: ok, worth a shot :)21:24
alpinestrisnt there an easy application for ubuntu to setup your wireless network ?21:24
Wavesonicshow do i sahre a folder for Samba in the terminal?21:25
Jack_Sparrowalpinestr It is easy when you are using supported hardware21:25
geirhahateball: Tried it with mplayer?21:25
evil_techGnea:there is one partition, i can read the contents of the drive over the network but i cant write (yes the permissions are set right) because it says there is no free space21:25
Gneaevil_tech: anything with: fdisk -l /dev/[hs][d][a-z][0-9]?21:25
alpinestrmy hardware is supported21:25
Gneaevil_tech: you failed to mention that it was a network issue.21:25
evil_techfor some reason fdisk -l turns up nothing. it used to show things though21:26
mendarine_Et merde je ne parle pas anglais21:26
Jack_Sparrowalpinestr supported without ndiswrapper?21:26
NutzebahnHow do I check if I have USB 2.0 ports in Ubuntu?21:26
Gneaevil_tech: well if it's over the network then you're going to have to access it from the host computer to find out.21:26
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr21:26
finarija frans21:26
rodoldHas anyone here tried Fluxbuntu?21:26
mendarine_ok merci21:26
evil_techrodold: i have21:26
ikoniaNutzebahn: our bios normally tells you21:26
Gnea!repeat | rodold21:26
ubotturodold: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:26
ikoniarodold: many people21:26
evil_techGnea: i can't write to it from anywhere21:26
Amanneed help!21:26
Gnearodold: i have and, quite frankly, i'll stick with ubuntu21:26
Nutzebahnikonia: It doesn't tell me.21:27
evil_techGnea: might just format and start from scratch21:27
ohnoit's just a different window manager21:27
rodoldGnea: If my other box could run it, I would run Ubuntu for sure...but it struggles even with the Live CD, and when it's installed it's very sluggish.21:27
evil_techi have probably just messed with too many different things21:27
ikoniaNutzebahn: read the motherboard spec then, most boards have the manual online21:27
Gneaevil_tech: sounds like it, you sound very confused.21:27
furenkuhello! im trying to intall kernel-headers for ubuntu hardy, but no luck, what is the simplest way?21:27
creatureHello. I installed Ubuntu on my laptop this afternoon from a USB key courtesy of unetbootin. However, my new install will now not boot without the USB key being present. How do I fix this?21:27
alpinestrwifi radar is the app I was looking for21:27
dacoburnHey all, this isn't ubuntu specific but does anyone know if there are any api's for the dpkg library for pulling the package information using a lib?21:28
ikoniafurenku: install the kernel headers package21:28
creatureI guess I need to adjust the grub config and re-install it on my / partition.21:28
ikoniafurenku: it's that simple21:28
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furenkuikonia, I don't know how to find it21:28
AmanHello! I have a Sony VGN-NR110E and It has a atheros 5006EG Mini PCIe Card, I used NDISWRAPPER and it detected but when I restart, my wireless goes away, it still detects the card but doesnt find any connections after restart. Need Help. So does anyone know?21:28
ikoniacreature: grub goes on your boot sector not your / partition21:28
Jack_Sparrowfurenku sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`21:28
furenkuikonia, i get "E: Couldn't find package kernel-headers-2.6.24-19-rt21:28
ikoniafurenku: apt-cache search or open up your package manager and use the search function21:28
evil_techi just dont understand why the drive shows up across the network, but i cant monitor it any way or write to it. probably the raid21:28
GneaAman: is it loading the ndiswrapper.ko at boot?21:28
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creatureikonia: OK. Well, right now it seems to be on the USB key.21:29
unopdacoburn, you could analyse dpkg-deb21:29
ikoniafurenku: why does it say -rt21:29
ikoniacreature: pardon ?21:29
furenkuikonia, my kernel is realtime21:29
furenkuikonia, but your apt command did work21:29
FuzzyOnelo everyone21:29
ikoniafurenku: ahh your using the one ubuntustudio built21:29
zachbOkay, any reason why everything keeps crashing, and sometimes to a point where it will not re-launch?21:29
furenkuikonia, it was not "kernel-headers" but "linux-headers"21:29
furenkuikonia, yes I am using ubuntu studio21:29
Gneazachb: probably.21:29
Jack_Sparrowfurenku Are you running ubuntu-studio?21:29
Gneazachb: have you examined syslog?21:29
ikoniafurenku: linux-headers-2.6.24-1921:29
creatureikonia: If the laptop has the USB key plugged in, it boots. If it does not have it plugged in, it does not ('Error 24' at stage 1.5, IIRC).21:29
FuzzyOneanyone have expirience with firhol?21:29
zachbgnea: yep, but nothing in particular21:29
ikoniafurenku: the rt was causing an issue21:30
furenkuJack_Sparrow, yes21:30
Gneazachb: dunno then. how often does it happen?21:30
ikoniacreature: yes, thats a common issue21:30
furenkuikonia, I just used uname-r, so I guess there's no problem21:30
Jack_Sparrowfurenku THey have their own channel that might work better for you21:30
ohnorodold, custom base install from command line would be fastest running, but not exactly novice material. maybe try xubuntu or  ubuntulite21:30
hateballgeirha: Yes, tried with a whole slew of players... on both 32 bit and 64. This must be some very special version of ASF21:30
ikoniafurenku: nope all fine21:30
furenkuikonia, thankx21:30
BobSappguys maybe you can help me, I want to run X11 applications on my server but I dont actually want to run an X11 server on there, i want them to be displayed remotley over ssh connection. what apps/libs do i need to install21:31
geirhahateball: I'm guessing it's corrupt.21:31
ikoniaBobSapp: you need a local Xserver to the server21:31
zachbgnea: very often. for instance, pidgin seems to crash every 20 minutes21:31
creatureikonia: OK. How do I fix it?21:31
BobSappikonia: I have one of those21:31
azhar27!xen | azhar2721:31
hateballgeirha: Well supposedly it played in Windows21:31
ubottuazhar27, please see my private message21:31
BobSappoh cool then i have all i need then21:31
ikoniaBobSapp: no problem then, your sorted21:31
ikoniacreature: install grub to the mbr of your root hard disk21:31
BobSappi just probably need to setup xauth21:31
Gneazachb: when did this start to happen?21:32
unopBobSapp, are you running a X server locally?21:32
BobSappyeah this machine has ubuntu-desktop installed21:32
geirhahateball: Hm. Maybe DRM?21:32
danyahi all :) .. I want to ask about something .. I'm compiling amsn file and I'm facing a problem after make .. when I try to mv I get an error21:32
unopBobSapp, if so, all you need do is.   ssh -X user@server 'app_name'21:32
lutherhello i have my system firewalled or behind a router...dont know how to open the ports someone can tell me please?21:32
dacoburnBobSapp, you can Xvnc on the server then use ssh tunneling to access the vnc server from a remote system without opening up the port to the internet21:32
AmanGnea: What is ndiswrapper.ko21:32
Gneadanya: could you please pastebin the entire error?21:32
BobSappok ill give this a try21:32
danyaGnea : sure21:33
akuma55does any body know how to make a logitech gameing controller to work on ubuntu21:33
torthoUbuntu 8.04 refuse to copy a 6.5GB virtualbox disk image file. it says it cant read the file. The image works, and if I try to compress it, and then decompress on the other computer the file is full size, but is not working. If I move the file on the same computer it works..... any hints?21:33
GneaAman: the ndiswrapper kernel module21:33
kindofabuzzpurge remove should remove configs in my ~ right?  it never does21:33
AmanGnea: How do i check21:33
BobSappdanya: the xvnc way would work, however i want to keep the overhead of having an entire x session down21:33
* bavardage brings greetings from #archlinux21:33
GneaAman: lsmod21:33
danyaGnea : http://pastebin.com/m48f485b121:33
BobSappsince the server (or xclient)  is underpowered (256mb ram/via 800mhz cpu)21:34
zachbgnea: well, earlier the system would only act like this after being on for about 24 hours. Yesterday, it became about 5 hours. now its immediately21:34
finarii'am running 7.10 no problems when trying 8.04 i keep on quitting to loggon screen within 10 min what is wrong? hardware maybe or is it21:34
hateballgeirha: VLC output suggests it's some... wlam codec. Windows lossless bla bla. Quick google says it's introduced in WMP11 so probably too new for it to be supported in Linux21:34
danyaBobSapp : what's xvnc ?21:34
AmanGnea: will check reinstalling it right now21:34
zachb...or at least a comparable duration to that of the crashing programs21:34
creatureikonia: Do I have to adjust the hd(X,X) points?21:34
ikoniacreature: correct21:34
danyaGnea : I'm doing it using Debian based through this link  http://www.amsn-project.net/wiki/Compiling_aMSN21:34
BobSappoh i mean vncserver21:35
bavardageanyone seen dark knight :P?21:35
creatureikonia: OK. To what?21:35
BobSappXvnc is the xserver thats called behind vncserver i think21:35
ikoniabavardage: thats not a topic for here21:35
bavardagewhyever not21:35
ikoniacreature: what ever your root file system is21:35
bavardageget some community spirit going?21:35
JetienHi. I have a ssh key and i'd like to integrate this key in my ubuntu system. How can you do that?21:35
danyaBobSapp : ur saying I should restart x ? ..21:35
ikoniacreature: is ubuntu installed on the usb stick21:35
lutherhow do i make port able from firewall?21:35
C_Jackneed help with grub21:35
ikoniabavardage: there is plenty, this is a support channel only please.21:35
Gneadanya: and this happens when you use what command?21:35
creatureikonia: No, it's on the HD.21:35
BobSappdanya: no i wasnt saying anything to you sorry21:35
bavardageif you make channels a fun place to be, more people'll lurk there, hence more support?21:35
ikoniabavardage: please stop discussing it, this is a busy support channel only21:36
creatureikonia: I have no idea how I find out what the correct numbers are for grub.21:36
Gnea!ot | bavardage21:36
ubottubavardage: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:36
finarii'am running 7.10 no problems when trying 8.04 i keep on quitting to loggon screen within 10 min what is wrong? hardware maybe or is it21:36
geirhahateball: Sounds like a reasonable assumption.21:36
Gnea!guidelines > bavardage21:36
ubottubavardage, please see my private message21:36
lutherikonia could you help me to open some port cause my system tell me is firewalled?21:36
ikoniacreature: if you open your /boot/grub/device.map you'll see the hd->/dev mapping21:36
danyaGnea :http://pastebin.com/m6ce9c11d21:36
C_Jackneed help with grub21:36
ikonialuther: have you enabled a firewall ?21:36
fez_I need help with the xorg driver fglrx21:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xauth21:37
new_userHi all..  Can someone help a new user out.  I am trying to figure out an "easy" way to set up a VPN server on my new ubuntu install21:37
new_userI surprisingly cannot find any nhalf-decent HOWTO's21:37
lutherikonia nope when i try to share my camera on amsn tell me is firewalled or behind a router21:37
SR71-Blackbirdhow can I preseed libnss-ldap with the answers to the dialog boxes? or any package that uses debconf for that matter21:37
ikonialuther: so the problem is the router then - not ubuntu21:37
Gneadanya: what happens if you type this:  ./distrib/DEB/amsn21:37
hateballgeirha: Tried it in foobar2000 through Wine, and it cries at about WMA codecs so I suppose thats it. Someone created the file in an inferior format ;)21:38
danyaGnea : the same error21:38
jimmioWow there's a lot of people in here =O21:38
creatureikonia: How do I install grub on a given device?21:38
pr0gr4mm3rHi...is it possible to run an ATI and Nvidia card together with non-free drivers?  The Restricted Drivers tool will only enable one at a time.21:38
lutherikonia would you explain please?21:38
Gneadanya: what commands have you performed prior to this? ./configure and make?21:38
ikonialuther: the problem is the configuration on your router  - nothing to do with ubuntu21:38
fez_when ever I type the sudo aptitude install xorg driver fglrx21:38
danyaGnea : yea21:38
ikonia!grub > creature21:38
ubottucreature, please see my private message21:38
fez_it doesn't work21:38
ikoniacreature: check out the link from ubottu21:38
bavardagepr0gr4mm3r: how are you gonna run two cards at once?21:38
Gneadanya: did make produce any error?21:38
Sonderbladewhat is /dev/mapper/Ubuntu-root?21:38
ikoniaSonderblade: I explained this to you earlier21:39
danyaGnea : nope21:39
ubuntu_hi.. i successfully installed gentoo.. however during partitioning i had created a separate boot partition and marked both vista and /boot bootable.. linux ran fine but after a reboot from vista.. i get a corrputed or damaged boot partition.. i tried checking the boot using fsck -v but it shows clean.. is there a problem with linux installation or with the vista one?21:39
=== trPServers|--Jam is now known as Muppet
Gneapr0gr4mm3r: i don't see why not21:39
SR71-Blackbirdhow can I preseed libnss-ldap with the answers to the dialog boxes? or any package that uses debconf for that matter21:39
lutherikonia thanks21:39
=== Muppet is now known as DrunkMuppet
bavardageubuntu_: #gentoo?21:39
ikoniaSonderblade: what part did you not understand/I not explain properly21:39
pr0gr4mm3ri have ATI onboard + an nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS for multi-displays21:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about preseed21:39
clautshnew_user: kvpnc might help21:39
Gneapr0gr4mm3r: try it and see what happens21:39
danyaGnea : can I pastebin the whole output ? .. if u have time please ?21:39
Gneadanya: go for it21:39
pr0gr4mm3rGnea: when I enable one restricted driver, the other one is unchecked and removed21:39
DrunkMuppetHello. I am having problems with a built in microphone. I was able to get the built in camera to work, but the microphone gets nothing. Anyone wanna help troubleshoot this?21:40
Gneapr0gr4mm3r: what about in the display driver dialog?21:40
ubuntu_bavardage: i have that too.. yes21:40
Sonderbladeikonia: whether i should need it if i dont have raid21:40
bavardageubuntu_: probably better to go to #gentoo for help with gentoo :P21:40
ikoniaSonderblade: it is looking for a root file system on either a raid device or a lvm device,21:40
new_userclautsh: Is that a server or a client though?21:40
pr0gr4mm3rYou mean the Restricted Driver window or the screen resolution tool?21:40
ubuntu_bavardage: erm.. i have all three actually gentoo ubuntu and vista :S21:40
oscar_chale no le se a esta madrinola21:40
ubuntu_bavardage: just wanted to clarify where the error was .. w/ the linux partitions or something else21:41
clautshit's just a front-end to configure your client(s)21:41
Sonderbladeikonia: well i dont want raid and/or lvm, have never installed it so why is it there?21:41
thinman1189how do I set it so that rhythm box doesn't startup everytime I put in a cd?21:41
ompaul!es | oscar_21:41
ubottuoscar_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:41
DrunkMuppetAnyone that can help figure out why my microphone doesn't work?21:41
ikoniaSonderblade: at some point you have either installed/configured raid/lvm or you have manually configured ubuntu to use raid/lvm when it wasn't there21:41
ubuntu_bavardage: any ideas?21:42
ikoniaSonderblade: look at your grub boot options21:42
danyaGnea : http://pastebin.com/m13e0e1b121:42
danyaGnea : .. the 1st make output I closed the terminal by mistake and when I tried to do it all over again u can ee what the output21:42
=== Killer_Python is now known as Omar87
Sonderbladeikonia: i havent. my grub boot options are auto-generated by some dpkg script21:43
ompaul!offtopic | ubuntu_ either #gentoo or ##windows but not for here21:43
ubottuubuntu_ either #gentoo or ##windows but not for here: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:43
Jetienwhich tool manages ssh keys in ubuntu? the gnome-keyring or seahorse?21:43
C_JackNEED HELP!!! grub..21:43
ompaulC_Jack, which grub error?21:44
ikoniaSonderblade: look at what they are now though21:44
ikoniaC_Jack: calm down21:44
C_Jacki need to boot from cd after restart to instal windows21:44
Gneadanya: hrm, try make all21:44
C_Jackbecause ubuntu cant emulate my main program21:44
Gnea!grub | C_Jack21:44
ubottuC_Jack: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:44
C_Jacki dont under stand there anything21:45
DrunkMuppetI have been trying all morning to get skype video chat to work in ubuntu. So far i've got the camera and skype to work. However I am having problems with the mic...21:45
GneaC_Jack: read what you just wrote, then read those.21:45
danyaGnea : same output21:45
ompaul!dualboot| C_Jack, install windows, then do dual boot21:45
ubottuC_Jack, install windows, then do dual boot: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot21:45
C0p3rn1cif lsusb freezes you got a problem right ? =)21:45
GneaC0p3rn1c: try unplugging usb devices :)21:45
ActionParsniphey all21:45
sandsmarkyo dawg21:46
ActionParsnipcheck this out21:46
C_Jackjezz , how to instal it when after restart ubuntu starts again?:DDDD21:46
C0p3rn1cGnea: that was the point, I'm trying to fix my usb support :-)21:46
=== ubuntu_ is now known as abhishek
ikoniaActionParsnip: why are you posting that21:46
ompaul!offtopic | ActionParsnip21:46
ubottuActionParsnip: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:46
ActionParsnipikonia: its interesting and linux shaped21:46
Gneadanya: can you pastebin the Makefile?21:46
ompaulActionParsnip, it is offtopic don't do that21:46
ActionParsnipi know its offtopic :(21:46
ikoniaActionParsnip: you've been here enough to know that is a.) nothing to do with ubuntu b.) nothing to do with support21:46
chimaerahello, i just installed gnash to watch youtube videos (with ff3) but i don't get a vid. the place where the video should be flickers and is blank afterwards. i can access teh gnash controls via right-click, though21:46
ActionParsnipmy bad21:46
abhishekompaul: i asked a general question on paritioning not how to fix it :S21:46
C0p3rn1cAnyone here who would like to help me fix my usb support? (https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/41387)21:47
Sonderbladeikonia: i can't see anything wrong with them root=/dev/mapper/Ubuntu-root worked fine before21:47
ikoniaSonderblade: then you've used raid or lvm before in the past21:47
pr0gr4mm3rI just used Envy to install the ATI drivers, and it appears that apt-get automatically removes the nVidia drivers before the ATI ones are installed.  Are they not able to work together?21:47
danyaGnea : it just says nothing to be done21:47
danyawhen I make all .. after configure21:47
C_Jackso what i should do?21:47
ompaulabhishek, and both o/s's are outside of this channels scope21:48
ActionParsnippr0gr4mm3r: do you have both cards?21:48
jeebus|workhey guyz!!! i put ubutnut cd in, and it rebooted and now my computer wont start!!21:48
GneaC0p3rn1c: are you plugging them directly in to the system or into a hub?21:48
jeebus|workmy parents are going to be angrey!21:48
abhishekompaul: err.. i have ubuntu too.. and i am tryin to find out which os went wrong21:48
C0p3rn1cGnea: directly21:48
hdzpr0g: you can't have the drivers being used at the same time or the irq will start having conflicts21:48
danyaGnea : shall I remove the tar.gz file and download it again and do it all over ?21:48
ActionParsnipjeebus|work: have you installed Ububntu?21:48
ompaulabhishek, if no grub error then I would suggest vista but I never used that o/s (gladly)21:48
sandsmarkjeebus|work: have you tried for example the Arch Linux LiveCD? Maybe it will work!21:48
Sonderbladeikonia: yes, when ubuntu-desktop depended on lvm21:48
jeebus|worki think so?21:48
Cahanso, I have a Feisty server which is sharing a folder over samba, but I can't connect using the "Connect to a server..." dialoge from the Places button on the menu. It just gives a "unable to connect error21:48
DrunkMuppetjeebus|work | simply putting the cd does not affect the system. Did you try and install ubuntu?21:48
Gneadanya: uhm.. just cat Makefile21:49
pr0gr4mm3rActionParsnip: yes; the ATI is onboard, and the nvidia is PCI express21:49
ikoniaSonderblade: ubuntu-desktop does not depend on lvm21:49
jeebus|workhow do i tell if itz installed?21:49
abhishekompaul: thanks21:49
Omar87I downloaded the package python2.5_2.5.2.orig.tar.gz but I'm not sure how to compile it.21:49
Sonderbladeikonia: it DID21:49
jeebus|worki just want to try too be a hacker :(21:49
ActionParsnipjeebus|work: boot without cd in and have bios set to boot hard drive first21:49
bavardagejeebus|work: you are SUX go back to windoze21:49
C0p3rn1cpr0gr4mm3r: Are you having nvidia driver problems?21:49
sandsmarkjeebus|work: are you mentally ill or something?21:49
ActionParsnipbavardage: give him a break he's new21:49
ubottuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.21:49
jeebus|worki just want some help21:49
sandsmarkjeebus|work: try turning of acpi21:49
ActionParsnipjeebus|work: you can be a "hacker" in windows21:50
bavardagejeebus|work: no u gotta no stuff to use linux21:50
ikoniaSonderblade: even if it depended on the package (which it doesn't) you don't have to install/use it21:50
DrunkMuppetI'm looking for help with my microphone...21:50
fez_does this website work with Hardy? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver21:50
pr0gr4mm3rC0p3rn1c: no...I just want to install them along with my ATI driver so I can have an extra display21:50
danyaGnea : just confused shall I makefile next to ~/Desktop/amsn-0.97.2$  ? .. i know I'm a complete noob21:50
jeebus|workwell first i have to ge t my comp werking21:50
ActionParsnipfez_: yeah I can see the site21:51
sandsmarkjeebus|work: have you tried turning it off and on again?21:51
C0p3rn1cpr0gr4mm3r: 3rd screen?21:51
Gneadanya: yes, the Makefile in ~/Desktop/amsn-0.97.2/21:51
jeebus|worki dont see anything when i turn it on21:51
C0p3rn1clol @ sandsmark21:51
jeebus|workdoes linux mess up a videocard?21:51
felix-da-catzanyone know of any recent updates or any program that might disallow me from connecting over ssh to another machine with my wireless network card?21:51
Gneajeebus|work: did you take the cd out of the drive?21:51
pr0gr4mm3rC0p3rn1c: yes :)...perhaps I'm getting too ambitious with my desktop setup21:51
ActionParsnipjeebus|work: you need to change your bios to boot cd first21:51
DrunkMuppetjeebus|work: no linux does not mess up a video card.21:51
cellofellowI'm having trouble with dual-head display.21:51
jeebus|workGnea: cdrom isnt working either21:51
Omar87I downloaded the package python2.5_2.5.2.orig.tar.gz but I'm not sure how to compile it.21:52
Gneajeebus|work: do you have another computer there or are you typing on it now?21:52
C0p3rn1cpr0gr4mm3r: lol, having compiz installed helps =)21:52
ActionParsnip!dualhead | cellofellow21:52
ubottucellofellow: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama21:52
ompauljeebus|work, I guess you got to go to the local PC shop and have someone extract the CD and diagnose the problem21:52
jeebus|workGnea: i am on my little sisters21:52
Sonderbladeikonia: i had to install it to get ubuntu-desktop. i would never have installed that crap manually21:52
Gneajeebus|work: is the other computer turned off?21:52
danyaGnea : http://pastebin.com/d274da6fa21:52
DrunkMuppetStill looking for help with getting my microphone to work...21:52
ikoniaSonderblade: install it does not mean use it21:52
danyaGnea : I hope this is it lol21:53
fez_https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver does this wor with Hardy?21:53
ikoniaSonderblade: and ubuntu-desktop doesn't depend on using lvm21:53
jeebus|workGnea: LOL!!! it is!!21:53
ompaul!ati | fez_21:53
ubottufez_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:53
ActionParsnipfez_: yes it works21:53
pr0gr4mm3rC0p3rn1c: I do, and my GeForce 8800 GTS gives me a nice dual display.  I was just trying to make use of my onboard ATI graphics no that I have a third display available.21:53
felix-da-catzOmar87: First you need to extract it somewhere.  Then you can worry about getting it installed.  Should be as simple as ./configure, make, make install.  There is usually an INSTALL.txt file or someting in the extracted files21:53
jeebus|work....the power buttun isnt doing anything thou21:53
pr0gr4mm3r*now that I have...21:53
sandsmarkhow do i unstall ubuntu?21:53
Bizzehhey, are there any tutorials on setting up mysql clusters in ubuntu?21:53
felix-da-catzsandsmark:  Install another operating system21:53
gwashsandsmark: sudo rm -rf /21:54
C0p3rn1cpr0gr4mm3r: nice, I hope you can pull it of =)21:54
ActionParsnipjeebus|work: thats nothing to do with ubuntu, get your hardware checked and power connections21:54
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!21:54
sandsmarkfelix-da-catz: but I already have windows vista installed21:54
ActionParsnipgwash: behave21:54
felix-da-catzBizzeh:  I might have seen one on www.howtoforge.com21:54
ompaulActionParsnip, banned21:54
justs0meanyone find a fix to the firefox 3 right click bug in hardy ??21:54
jeebus|workActionParsnip: witch one is the power?21:54
Bizzehsandsmark, if your asking how to uninstall ubuntu, you shouldnt have installed it in the first place21:54
felix-da-catzsandsmark:  Then you just need to remove the partitions.  Or are you wanting to install another Linux OS?21:54
Bizzehty felix-da-catz21:54
fez_well i gedit /etc/x11/xorg.conf but it didn't work.. like the file wasn't there21:54
ompauljeebus|work, I think you are trolling, how right am I?21:55
felix-da-catzBizzeh:  No problem.21:55
ActionParsnipompaul: im banned?21:55
Gneajeebus|work: is there some sort of make or model number on it?21:55
ompaulActionParsnip, no that party is21:55
ActionParsnipompaul: cool21:55
wonderhello guys21:55
ActionParsnipjeebus|work: make sure al the power connections are ok and outlets are turned on21:55
wonderi need some help21:55
Omar87felix-da-catz: I know all that, but the "./configure, make, make install" way didn't work. The readme files says I should only use the command "make install" which requires a rule.21:55
sandsmarkfelix-da-catz: how do I remove partitions21:55
ActionParsnip!ask | wonder21:55
wonderhow can i install applications?21:55
ubottuwonder: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:55
jeebus|workGnea: dell dimension 460021:55
Gneadanya: that.. makes no sense!21:55
felix-da-catzOmar87:  humm,..  Let me look on the website.21:55
jeebus|workdoes that sound rihgt?21:55
C0p3rn1cout of the blue fact check: you swap size needs to be 2x you RAM memory right?21:56
C_JackOMG I NEED TO INSTALL WINDOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21:56
Gneajeebus|work: have you tried calling dell's tech support?21:56
ViperBorg[WinDozC_Jack: Noooooo!!!!21:56
Gnea!caps | C_Jack21:56
ikoniaC_Jack: you've been asked to stop using caps21:56
ubottuC_Jack: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.21:56
zombieballwonder: use synaptic21:56
Pirate_Hunterwonder: there are many ways the basic is synaptic the otherway is compiling21:56
felix-da-catzsandsmark:  Well, in Vista you have to use the System Manager.21:56
fez__well can anyone help me with this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:56
jeebus|workwill they help me? i put linux on it21:56
danyaGnea : .. why ? ... did I give you the wrong file ? :S21:56
Pirate_HunterC_Jack: why do you need to install windows?21:56
Gneajeebus|work: how long have they had the system?21:56
sandsmarkfelix-da-catz: linkz to tutorial or somthing?21:56
ViperBorg[WinDozYay. UBuntu is installed!21:56
ActionParsnip!apt | wonder21:57
ubottuwonder: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)21:57
DrunkMuppetStill looking for someone to help me troubleshoot my built in microphone.... anyone?21:57
ViperBorg[WinDozThanks for the help earlier folks. I'm sure I'll be hanging around here to learn more. :)21:57
algerianhi there.i have question.21:57
ActionParsnipfez_: try envyng-gtk21:57
zombieball!synaptic | wonder21:57
ubottuwonder: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto21:57
ActionParsnip!ask | algerian21:57
ubottualgerian: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:57
Gneadanya: try removing the whole thing and starting again...21:57
Cahanso, I have a Feisty server which is sharing a folder over samba, but I can't connect using the "Connect to a server..." dialoge from the Places button on the menu. It just gives a "unable to connect error21:57
Omar87!ask | algerian21:57
jeebus|workive had it for a yea?R21:57
jeebus|workive had it for a year?21:57
danyaGnea : ok ..21:57
wonderapt is fast like pacman?21:57
algerianis there 3d games in ubuntu 8.0421:58
ActionParsnipjeebus|work: make sure its all connected well, if not then it may need attention interanlly21:58
fez__er..  guys how do I edit my xorg.conf file in hardy?21:58
linuxguy6algerian: yes21:58
ActionParsnipalgerian: frets on fire, urban terror21:58
Gneajeebus|work: alright. try turning it on - as soon as you do, wait 2 seconds, then press the eject button on the cdrom - it should open - get the cd out of there21:58
ActionParsnip!wine | algerian21:58
ubottualgerian: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.21:58
xeladosfez__: Try out emacs or vim21:58
sandsmarkalgerian: try Glest21:58
jeebus|workoh wait!21:58
ActionParsnip!cedega | algerian21:58
ubottualgerian: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega21:58
C0p3rn1cpr0gr4mm3r: you probably need to install your drivers manually. Or you could try looking at some old 3dfx card tutorial, those pc's also kinda had 2 video cards.21:58
jeebus|workthe black one at the top is power?21:59
felix-da-catzOmar86:  I am sure you have already been over this but why are you wanting to install from source?21:59
DrunkMuppetAnyone: I am trying to get my microphone to work with skype. I was able to get the built in camera to work but I get no mic... any help?21:59
Bizzehserious question (i dont ask alot of those)... why does ubuntu only use a single partition for the OS its self? rather than the more traditional /boot / and /tmp seperate partition layout? since having everything in 1 single / partition is... a massive security fail21:59
cellofellowAny way I can set up DualHead in a way that doesn't involve editing xorg.conf? I've got a laptop and don't want the permanence xorg.conf brings.21:59
xeladosBizzeh: So Windows users can transition more easily.21:59
ompaul!sound | DrunkMuppet check out these linkx21:59
ubottuDrunkMuppet check out these linkx: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:59
ActionParsnipBizzeh: if you'd chhosen advanced setup you can set that up21:59
R0b0t1How can I recognize my iSight camera from ubuntu? Windows automatically recognizes it as a USB device.22:00
fez__is there another chat room I can join, one that isn't as crowded?22:00
ActionParsnipBizzeh: i have /, /home and /swp22:00
dougbin firefox 3, i had the plugin finder download the adobe flash plugin and i restart firefox, but it still asks to install the plugin and doesn't display the flash movie22:00
DrunkMuppetompaul: sound works. the microphone does not. ALSA is selected.22:00
smeuuhhi, I'm trying to install ubuntu from a USB drive. I found links about liveUSB but I don't want a system that's fully from USB, I just want to install it on my hard drive22:00
ompaul!skype | DrunkMuppet22:00
ubottuDrunkMuppet: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto22:00
pkp9774__I've got a new install of 8.0 and having trouble with pecl installs, I've got php5-dev and apache2-prefork-dev installed but am getting "shtool at '/tmp/pear/download/Fileinfo-1.0.4/build/shtool' does not exist or is not executable." as an error to "pecl install Fileinfo"...22:00
R0b0t1How can I recognize my iSight camera from ubuntu? Windows automatically recognizes it as a USB device.22:00
pr0gr4mm3rC0p3rn1c: thanks for the tips.22:00
ActionParsnipdougb: you using 64bit?22:00
Bizzehthat shouldnt be an advanced option, that should be default... ubuntu is pandering at the sacrifice of security22:00
dougbno, 32-bit ActionParsnip22:00
ompaulDrunkMuppet, don't know if that helps check it out22:01
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:01
Pirate_HunterBizzeh: huh? you sure of what youre saying or am i misunderstanding considering ubuntu allows /home etc to be installed in other partitions but you need to know what youre doing22:01
ActionParsnipdougb: then go to www.adobe.com and get the driver there22:01
algeriani have installed real player 11 gold but he can't read avi files22:01
DrunkMuppetompaul | the recording might22:01
jeebus|workcan i plug this cord in? will it break my comp?22:01
C0p3rn1cpr0gr4mm3r: np, glad to help22:01
xeladosjeebus|work: Which cord?22:01
ActionParsnipdougb: well, plugin22:01
Pirate_Hunterjeebus|work: what cord?22:01
DrunkMuppetompaul | ERROR22:01
DrunkMuppetThe requested URL could not be retrieved22:01
BizzehPirate_Hunter: yes, i know it CAN, if i go in and set that up manually... but it shouldnt be a thing i need to do manually.. it should be a default option22:01
sykopompAttention archers: Get the fuck out of here and get back to #archlinux-offtopic. Raids aren't funny. That means you, xelados, jeebus|work, etc22:01
* ActionParsnip bets its not connected to power22:01
jeebus|workits black22:01
ompaulikonia, misstab there :)22:02
Pirate_HunterBizzeh: hmmm should be default some will disagree others will agree it is really your choice22:02
danyaGnea : ... I've done it :D I've complie the file by installing from source .. followed the steps .. and it's working22:02
ikoniaompaul: pm sorry sent22:02
Gneadanya: excellent :)22:02
danyaGnea : thank you for your time :)22:02
Gneadanya: cheers22:02
DrunkMuppetompaul | that link you sent me did not work22:02
jeebus|worki pluged it in and it works!!!22:02
=== root is now known as Guest80980
sebastian_i freaking love ubuntu, 1 problem ive ran into while using it how do i force quit a program? i right click it close nothing comes up and it doesnt close22:02
BizzehPirate_Hunter: so someone within ubuntu decided at some point that pandering to windows users who shouldnt have access to /boot anyway, is more important than security22:03
ompaulDrunkMuppet, guess you got to search www.ubuntuforums.org22:03
felix-da-catzOmar86:  It says in the readme that if make install fails mysteriously that you should check to make sure PYTHONPATH and/or PYTHONHOME is not set.22:03
andaxWhat does the option 'sign' mean when right clicking any file in gnome on a default 8.04 installation? ( 'sign message as' dialog with an empty drop down box appears)22:03
Pirate_Huntersebastian_: you cna try command killall [name of programs]22:03
Omar87felix-da-catz: r u there?22:03
BobSappanyone know how to install sound on ubuntu server?22:03
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support22:03
sarah_bearhey guys, can anyone help me with a wiki guid to install avant-windows-navigator fo Ubuntu gusty ?22:04
Gnea!sound | BobSapp22:04
ubottuBobSapp: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:04
Omar87felix-da-catz: did you find anything?22:04
felix-da-catzOmar87:  Did you see my last two messages?22:04
linuxguy6sebastian: Right click on the panel and select "Add to panel...". From there, add the Force quit applet. Click on the new apple, then click on a window.22:04
felix-da-catzI put Omar86 instead of 87 sorry.22:04
BobSappthanks Gnea the sound like was down a while ago22:04
felix-da-catzOmar87:  It says in the readme that if make install fails mysteriously that you should check to make sure PYTHONPATH and/or PYTHONHOME is not set.22:04
Omar87felix-da-catz: How do I do that?22:05
sebastian_Pirate_Hunter: How do i find out the name of the process?22:05
felix-da-catzTry doing export and see if they are set22:05
Pirate_HunterBizzeh: this is goign offtopic considering watever i say you will just argue to it, anyway ubuntu is quite secure in itself the default config is applicable to a majority of users including those that are new to ubuntu/linux. In your case it is a choice if you do it manually or not22:05
Wavesonicshey does anyone here have a recomendation on which ftp deamon i should install?22:05
ViperBorg[WinDozWhy can't I change my res above 800x600? :(22:05
felix-da-catzOmar87:  Just type export on a command line by itself.22:05
felix-da-catzYou will see all of the environment variables set on your system22:05
sarah_bear!info avant-windows-navigator22:05
ubottuPackage avant-windows-navigator does not exist in hardy22:05
ActionParsnip!ftpd | Wavesonics22:05
ubottuWavesonics: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP22:05
nyoknyokanyone here knows about stunnel application?22:06
Wavesonicsthanks ActionParsnip22:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about stunnel22:06
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.22:06
ActionParsnip!info stunnel22:06
ubottustunnel (source: stunnel4): dummy upgrade package. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:4.21-1 (hardy), package size 9 kB, installed size 40 kB22:06
andaxWavesonics: use proftpd if you want local users to remotely connect, and use glftpd for virtual users22:06
ubottusarah_bear: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:06
Pirate_Huntersebastian_: I thought you wanted to close a program which would close well type the name of the program otherwise if it is soemthing hogging cpu click on your cpu bar to check all processes22:06
FloodBot1ubottu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:06
ubottuFloodBot1: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:06
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org22:06
Phantomashello how can i find the pid of an application?22:06
Omar87felix-da-catz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/34899/22:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about awm22:06
lordleemosarah_bear: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-avant-window-navgator-in-ubuntu-gutsy-gibbon.html22:07
ActionParsnip!find avant22:07
ubottuFound: avant-window-navigator, xavante, xavante-doc22:07
sarah_bearhey thanks lordleemo22:07
andaxPhantomas, "pidof <application>"22:07
csky_maxPhantomas:   'pgrep foo'22:07
lordleemosarah_bear: welcome22:07
ubottuActionParsnip: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:07
sebastian_Pirate_Hunter: I dont get what your saying. CPU Bar? Please explain i dont have a clue where that is all i want to do is close a program it was easy on windows why isnt it on ubuntu?22:07
felix-da-catzOmar87:  I guess  that is a no.  Run make clean.  Then make && make install and paste the output from that for me.22:07
SliMMwhere can I find the sources I downloaded using apt-get source?22:07
ActionParsnipsebastian_: ps -ef | grep <app name>22:08
felix-da-catzOmar87:  At least the error message for sure.22:08
Sonderbladehow can i check which real /dev/sda? device a /dev/mapper device corresponds to?22:08
Cahanso, I have a Feisty server which is sharing a folder over samba, but I can't connect using the "Connect to a server..." dialoge from the Places button on the menu. It just gives a "unable to connect error22:08
ActionParsnipsebastian_: kill <leftmost number>22:08
sarah_bearhey Lordleemo: i get an error "E: Broken packages22:08
sashimiunop> hello ^^22:08
ActionParsnipSonderblade: simply run mount22:08
andaxWhat does the option 'sign' mean when right clicking any file in gnome on a default 8.04 installation? ( 'sign message as' dialog with an empty drop down box appears)22:08
ViperBorg[UBU]I'm trying to get this: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/nvidia-glx-new_169.12+ // But it says it can't find it. Can anyone help?22:08
sebastian_Pirate_Hunter: grep: Applications: No such file or directory22:08
unophey sashimi22:08
SonderbladeActionParsnip: mount does not reveal that22:09
sebastian_Pirate_Hunter: I typed ps -ef | grep Add/Remove Applications22:09
herrmessCahan: Folder name matches?22:09
ActionParsnipSonderblade: it shows whats mounted22:09
unopViperBorg[UBU], run.  sudo aptitude update  and then try again22:09
Pirate_Huntersebastian_: this is goign to be difficult since i dont have the ubuntu menus but in system>admin there should be a menu that allows you to check your cpu & processes, sorry for not being clear i use top and removed ubuntu desktop etc but take your time checking youll find it and youll need root password22:09
unopsebastian_, that there might not do what you want it to do22:09
SonderbladeActionParsnip: that was not what i asked22:09
=== astro_llama is now known as astrollama
Cahanherrmess, yes, I checked the folder names matched, case and call22:09
unopsebastian_, quote "Add/Remove Applications"22:10
ActionParsnipSonderblade: how can i check which real /dev/sda? device a /dev/mapper device corresponds to?22:10
herrmessCahan: Yes, but the folder name should match the Samba name, not the real filesystem folder name.22:10
ActionParsnipSonderblade: do you mean sudo fdisk -l22:10
ViperBorg[WinDozWoah..... it's downloading a buch of stuff. Drivers I hope?22:10
sashimiunop> got a new problem related to our stuff, maybe another bug (?). I shared the /mnt/partage we set up also as a nfs filesystem, to be able to copy back a lot of stuff backed up. but I can't copy anything to it, although permission seem alright22:10
sebastian_unop: it says "1000      9713  9685  0 07:10 pts/0    00:00:00 grep  Add/Remove Applications"22:10
dougbok, i'm installing flash player and when it says "Please enter the installation path of the Mozilla, Netscape, or Opera browser(i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla):" I put in "/usr/lib/mozilla" without the quotes and it says "WARNING: Please enter a valid installation path."22:10
pr0gr4mm3rIs there a way to force apt-get to install two conflicting packages?22:11
herrmessCahan: Otherwise it's probably a firewall thing.22:11
ActionParsnipsebastian_: if you want it dead kill 971322:11
ViperBorg[UBU]Okay, it downloaded a bunch of stuff. Now what do I do?22:11
Cahanherrmess, that's what I mean, \\server\public22:11
andaxdougb: you have to type it not just press enter :)22:11
sarah_bearhey guys, im haveing a problem installing awn for ubuntu gusty, can soneoen help me?22:11
Cahanherrmess, I have it mounted in XP : /22:11
unopsebastian_, sorry, i wasn't really following you all the way -- i just corrected your grep command there22:11
ActionParsnip!find avan22:11
ubottuFound: avant-window-navigator, xavante, xavante-doc22:11
sebastian_ActionParsnip: 9713: no process killed22:12
sebastian_unop: thanks for your help22:12
ActionParsnipsebastian_: kill -9 971322:12
unopActionParsnip, err, -9 should hardly ever be needed22:12
YooshiDo I need 1 or 2GB to be able to run ubuntu and run smoothwall, torrents and sysaid?22:12
ActionParsnip!avant-window-navigator | sarah_bear22:12
algeriancan you give me  some tricks and tips for Ubuntu 8.04?22:12
ubottuActionParsnip: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:12
ubottusarah_bear: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:12
sebastian_ActionParsnip: bash: kill: (9713) - No such process22:12
Pirate_HunterActionParsnip: you cna install avant manually (compiling it) or through synaptic have you tried any of those?22:13
sarah_bearactionparsnip nothing happens when i type that22:13
ompaulalgerian, go to help.ubuntu.com/ and you will find masses of stuff22:13
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: i dont want it, its sarah_bear22:13
ubottusarah_bear: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:13
Pirate_HunterActionParsnip: just pass the post to her than plz22:13
sarah_bearubottu> sarah_bear: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:13
ubottusarah_bear: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:13
dougbandax: i do type it22:13
herrmessCahan: in the dialog, Server:server and Folder:public ?22:13
dougbi type "/usr/lib/mozilla"22:13
user6371hey, what do you get when you enter /quote names ? it seems to don't work for me22:13
damienoops hehe wassabie :)22:14
unopsebastian_,  add/remove applications does not seem to be running22:14
Yooshiwould running smoothwall, Azureus and sysaid on ubuntu desktop as a server be ok using 1GB or would I need 2GB?22:14
herrmessCahan: (in the "Connect to Server" dialog I mean)22:14
Cahanherrmess, yes22:14
dougbim installing the ubuntu-restricted-extras to see if that helps22:14
Yooshierr 1GB/2GB RAM22:14
herrmessCahan: port?22:14
ActionParsnipYooshi: 1Gb will be fine22:14
Cahanherrmess, default22:14
sebastian_unop, it is on it all the buttons are greyed out and when i start another one up it redirects me to the one that wont let me do anything22:15
user6371hey, what do you get when you enter /quote names ? it seems to don't work for me22:15
algerianI know but if there is any deferent site please give it to me ?22:15
clawsHello guys..22:15
YooshiActionParsnip even without any performance degradation? Thats all I plan to do, torrent, sysaid and smoothwall22:15
herrmessCahan: hmmm.22:15
ActionParsnipYooshi: you arent running much so 1gb is fine22:15
Yooshiok cool ty :)22:15
unopsebastian_, ps aux | grep -i apt22:15
alpinestrhow do I kill process from terminal22:16
algerianplease help me ?22:16
sebastian_unop: 1000      9493  0.1  1.0  13704  5208 ?        S    06:47   0:01 /usr/bin/gksu --desktop /usr/share/applications/synaptic.desktop -- /usr/sbin/synaptic --hide-main-window --non-interactive -o Synaptic::closeZvt=true --parent-window-id 52428803 --set-selections-file /tmp/tmp-Rlt8h22:16
sebastian_root      9494  0.0  0.2   2680  1048 ?        Ss   06:47   0:00 /usr/bin/sudo -H -S -p GNOME_SUDO_PASS -u root -- /usr/sbin/synaptic --hide-main-window --non-interactive -o Synaptic::closeZvt=true --parent-window-id 52428803 --set-selections-file /tmp/tmp-Rlt8h22:16
sebastian_1000      9720  0.0  0.1   2976   736 pts/0    R+   07:15   0:00 grep -i apt22:16
zombieball!hello | claws22:16
ubottuclaws: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:16
unop!paste > sebastian22:16
unop!paste > sebastian_22:16
ubottusebastian_, please see my private message22:16
ActionParsnipsebastian_: id just reboot22:16
clawsI'm installing ubuntu. but there is no GUI. It says "Couldn't allocate video memory"22:16
unopsebastian_, sudo kill 9494 949322:17
sebastian_ubottu: Oh sorry about that22:17
IctinikeWow for some reason Ridgin had my CPU running at 100% both cores.22:17
ubottusebastian_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:17
Maevaalpinestr: type alt + f2 and then type xkill22:17
clawsI tried giving startx22:17
clawsbut no use..22:17
ActionParsnipIctinike: latest version?22:17
IctinikeI think it had an error22:18
clawsany idea of how to solve this problem.22:18
ActionParsnipclaws: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/13509322:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 135093 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "xserver-xorg-video-intel does not work with 845G" [High,Fix released]22:18
sebastian_unop: thanks so much now its working22:18
IctinikeActionParsnip, it reset down to like, nothing when I ended the app and restarted it22:18
unopsebastian_, cool22:18
claws"Couldn't allocate video memory"22:18
sarah_bearhey guys, im haveing a problem installing awn for ubuntu gusty, can soneoen help me?22:18
ActionParsnipIctinike: have you updated from repos?22:19
generaclaws: no errors in /var/log/X.* ?22:19
ActionParsnipsarah_bear: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-avant-window-navgator-in-ubuntu-gutsy-gibbon.html22:19
sarah_beari tried that actionparsnip22:20
ActionParsnipclaws: did you check that link I gave?22:20
sarah_beari get an E package error22:20
cpkpI'm getting "shtool at '/tmp/pear/download/Fileinfo-1.0.4/build/shtool' does not exist or is not executable." when I try to install something with pecl, new install of Ubuntu 8.  How can I fix that?22:20
ActionParsnipsarah_bear: what issues are you getting?22:20
sarah_bear i get an error "E: Broken packages22:20
ActionParsnipsarah_bear: what packages?22:20
Maevasarah_bear: Add AWN repository to /etc/apt/sources.list  or sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator-bzr awn-core-applets-bzr awn-core-applets-bzr22:20
Pirate_Huntersarah_bear: what are you trying to do, i know you have probably explained it already?22:20
andaxsarah_bear: apt-get update && apt-get install22:20
sarah_bearE: Couldn't find package avant-window-navigator-bzr22:21
Maevasarah_bear: http://devolio.com/blog/archives/82-Installing-Avant-Window-Navigator-in-Gutsy.html22:21
ActionParsnipandax: id use ; instead of &&, only install if update succeeds22:21
IctinikeActionParsnip, Yes it was just an error. :)22:21
blehHow could i setup SWAP on 1GB memory, i forgot to do it on the install.22:21
andaxActionParsnip: why proceed when update exited with != 0? :)22:21
Gneasarah_bear: tried apt-cache search avant  ?22:22
sarah_bearone sec22:22
ActionParsnipandax: thats what && would achieve22:22
julle_Is it okey to delete the .deb files in /var/cache/archives or does synaptic or any other program need them to be able to delete the program later on?22:22
sarah_bearGnea nope. no mathes22:22
Gneajulle_: apt-get clean  will take care of it22:22
ActionParsnipjulle_: use sudo apt-get clean instead22:22
unopjulle_, sudo apt-get autoclean # probably better22:22
Gneasarah_bear: something's wrong on your end then, i get a neat list. are you using gutsy or hardy?22:23
Miesco_Is there going to be an Ubuntu 8.08?22:23
Pirate_Huntersarah_bear: im sure last time i installed avant that package bzr had to be added manually through source list to show in resp, but had to look online for it22:23
andaxjulle_: it's completely okay to delete the directory /var/cache/apt if that was the question.22:23
sarah_beari added, deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42 gutsy avant-window-navigator22:23
sarah_beardeb-src http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42 gutsy avant-window-navigator22:23
unopandax, please don't suggest that22:24
sarah_beari am using gusty22:24
geniiandax: /var/cahe/apt/archives/*     if you remove the dir archives, that will cause issues22:24
ActionParsnipandax: there is a tool to do it all for you, saves users breaking their systems22:24
andaxunop: does it break anything? :) i'm doing it since potato came out :)22:24
afallenhopehey for some reasons all my bookmarks/settings on firefox got erased.. is there a way of getting them back/22:24
Miesco_Whats interprid going to be released22:24
unop!worksforme | andax22:24
ubottuandax: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/22:24
Gneasarah_bear: okay, that's a bit archaic these days, we're pretty much supporting hardy (which has avant-window-navigator listed as a regular package) - so do you get any errors when you apt-get update?22:25
ompaul!intrepid | Miesco_22:25
ubottuMiesco_: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!22:25
geniiandax: If you remove the directory you just suggested, the apt system cannot find it in order to use it.22:25
unopandax,  apt-get clean/autoclean instead22:25
Miesco_2 months?22:26
Miesco_Whats after september again22:26
algerianwhat's the new version of skype ?22:26
sarah_bearFailed to fetch http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/dists/gutsy/avant-window-navigator/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found22:26
sarah_bearFailed to fetch http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/dists/gutsy/avant-window-navigator/source/Sources.gz  404 Not Found22:26
sarah_bearwhen i do apt-get update i get that error Gnea22:26
Pirate_Hunterompaul: wow new version in october so soon to me it doesnt even seem like hardy has been out that long22:27
Gneasarah_bear: obviously it doesn't exist there anymore22:27
Miesco_When intrepid comes out im going to wipe and reinstall22:27
Gneasarah_bear: you'll have to upgrade to hardy.22:27
andaxsarah_bear, that's a feisty repo22:27
Pirate_Huntersarah_bear: why cant you use the normal version of avant that cna be found in synaptic?22:27
Gneaandax: with a gutsy name?22:27
Miesco_Im not looking forward, got like 50 gigs of music22:27
ActionParsnipsarah_bear: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38598122:27
sarah_bearlet me try that22:27
unopsarah_bear, is there a reason you are using this tuxfamily mirror?22:28
andaxGnea: http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/dists/feisty/ does exist on the site.22:28
ActionParsnipMiesco_: why not restore from backup instead?22:28
Miesco_ActionParsnip: What?22:28
ActionParsnipMiesco_: just wipe and restore the files from backup22:28
sarah_bearunop, that is what the wiki said to use22:29
Miesco_ActionParsnip: backedup where?22:29
ActionParsnipMiesco_: easy22:29
ActionParsnipMiesco_: you dont have a backup?22:29
unopsarah_bear, it's probably outdated/stale information then22:29
Miesco_backup of what?22:29
ActionParsnipMiesco_: the 50Gb of music22:29
ompaulsarah_bear, that is bad information, gutsy repos for gusty installs, other things may work but as you are finding out they may not22:29
Miesco_How do I do it22:29
ActionParsnipMiesco_: you buy an external device and copy the stuff over every night22:30
ActionParsnipMiesco_: like a backup22:30
Miesco_Oh like a usb hard drive22:30
Miesco_good idea22:30
ompaul!3rdparty | sarah_bear22:30
ubottusarah_bear: Packages contained in 3rd party repositories are not included in Ubuntu for a reason. Whether this be poor packaging standards, bugs or malicious authors. You should trust the maintainers of these repositories before using them. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297814 for consequences.22:30
ActionParsnipMiesco_: so you're telling me you dont have a backup?22:30
ActionParsnipMiesco_: what if your hard drive fails tonight and it wont spin up?22:31
paxedwell, that was interesting. just installed hardy heron, from the alt cd on my laptop, and the first software updates were taking too long. scrollkeeper hung up during the update...22:31
Miesco_ActionParsnip: That can happen?22:31
Miesco_ActionParsnip: So I should go get a backup hard drive?22:32
ActionParsnipMiesco_: hard drives fail man22:32
andaxMiesco_: backup is essential.22:32
andaxMiesco_, hdds die from time to time.22:32
felix-da-catzYes I just lost 350 gigs of ebooks.  Cry...22:32
ompaulMiesco_, if you value your data, you should not be on IRC right now but on your way to get that disk drive22:32
Miesco_andax: What do you use to backup?22:32
afallenhopeturns out was a permission werror22:32
ActionParsnipMiesco_: get a cheap usb hard drive, saves heartache if the drive fails22:32
Miesco_I will do that today22:33
Gneafelix-da-catz: how?22:33
Miesco_Now im scared22:33
ActionParsnippaxed: you can stop the download halfway then rerun it22:33
felix-da-catzStupid Maxtor drives SUCK!  Brand new drive.  Less than a year old SATA!22:33
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jeykHi, I just did a network install of Ubuntu on my machine, and I've ended up without an X server. How do I tell ubuntu to fetch me an X server (preferrably with some autodetection to figure out the right one)?22:33
Jack_SparrowMiesco_ YOu can get a usb adapter that you can use on ide/sata or the small laptop drives for about $1522:34
ActionParsnipjeyk: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:34
jeykI see a bunch of packages in aptitude that start with xserver- but do I really have to guess which one is right for me?22:34
unopjeyk, do you want a desktop environment?22:34
jeykActionParsnip: perfect thanks22:34
andaxMiesco_, personally i have a crontab that mirrors my home partition to another box every morning. ( this is my way, find your own .. )22:34
freeflowcauveryI've not had good experiences with Maxtor drives either. 2 separate USB 2.0 external drives failed on me.22:34
jeykunop: yes, suddenly I do :)22:34
jeykunop: it used to be a headless fileserver22:34
ActionParsnipjeyk: you needed xorg but its a dep of ubuntu-desktop so it'll be installed22:34
unopjeyk, ubuntu-desktop brings in the full gnome desktop environment .. it might be overkill, but it's the easiest way22:34
Pirate_Hunterjeyk: if you just want xorg just type sudo aptitude install xorg and than get the windows manager of your choice unless you reall want ubutnu desktop :/22:35
Miesco_Whats a good external drive, seagate?22:35
jeykthats ok, i have disk space, and i can switch to stumpwm later :)22:35
jeykPirate_Hunter: oh, neat, even better22:35
ActionParsnipjeyk: get fluxbuntu :D22:35
ActionParsnipjeyk: fluxbox22:35
Gneafelix-da-catz: and you didn't have a backup? tsk tsk..22:36
offlinehi anyone know any program with GUI for audio batch converting  ?22:36
justin_how do i see what version kernel i have22:36
Jack_Sparrowjustin_ uname -r22:36
Gneajustin_: cat /proc/version22:36
Pirate_HunterActionParsnip: nah icewm is doing it for me and my pc even knowing it cna handle kde "i hate it" is doing great22:36
offlinejustin, uname -r on terminal22:36
felix-da-catzGnea:  Just moved them all over to there from a 750 gig SCSI raid array.  I might be able to get it back but I doubt it.22:36
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: i can run compiz but i really hate it, fluxbox for me22:37
Gneafelix-da-catz: hrm. is it even detected at POST?22:37
mattywarrhi - anyone know a good vpn package? i'm using wicd as network manager kept causing crashes22:37
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felix-da-catzGnea;  Nope.  Click, click, click, click!  FUDGE!22:38
ompaul!openvpn | mattspry22:38
Pirate_HunterActionParsnip: yah tried flubox its kl had issues when torrenting saw some weird cpu readings but minor just wanted something new this month next month will try fvwm22:38
ubottumattspry: OpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!22:38
felix-da-catzGnea:  Not that I have a clean room or anything but I am taking the drive apart going to see if I can figure out what is wrong. :D22:38
Juhazthey can all make good drives, and they all occasionally make bad drives, brand tells you pretty much nothing, and anecdotes in irc even less. I couldn't find a hard drive to buy anyone if I wrote off the entire manufacturer each time one by them failed.22:38
felix-da-catzGnea:  Just stripped one of the screws.  Talk about bad luck!22:39
fourChanwould you guys recommend those with 64-bit processors to use the 64-bit version of ubuntu?22:39
elowhat's a good program for mounting .iso images as drives?22:39
Gneafelix-da-catz: i've never had anything but bad experiences with maxtor, ide or sata, doesn't matter, they've always made a red rose look like the angle of a donkey's tail underneath.22:39
Jack_SparrowfourChan We recommend 32 bit until you get a feel for how things work22:39
unopelo, mount itself22:39
mgolischelo: drives?22:39
Gneafelix-da-catz: !!!22:39
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.22:39
Wavesonicshow can I background my current process?22:39
mgolischWavesonics: ctrl+z then bg22:40
GneaWavesonics: ^z22:40
elothanks captain jack22:40
ompaulWavesonics, ctrl+z then bg note that your process stops for ctrl+z22:40
GneaWavesonics: fg gets it back to the foreground22:40
felix-da-catzGnea:  Yes I know.  They were doing ok there for a tiny bit of time.  But now I am regretting it majorly.22:40
felix-da-catzGnea: Seagate was having a bad round of drives though there for a bit as well22:41
Gneafelix-da-catz: yeah, but seagate's a trooper22:41
Wavesonicsawesome thanks guys22:41
algerianokay thanks any way22:41
felix-da-catzGnea:  Well I have just started going with what my sales guy recommends now.  He said Seagate, so I am back with Seagate now.22:41
w8tahhttp://www.pastebin.ca/1094183 -- this happens when i click on the network servers on the left side of nautuilus -- please help -- most annoying22:42
WavesonicsHow do I move betweenforum  elements in Links?22:42
mixedi'm upgrading to hardy heron, the upgrade is stuck on "Generating locales...", what should I do???22:42
andaxWavesonics: better use 'screen <whatever>' to start the process, then you can logout the process keeps running. Use screen -r to reattach it. ( if you have multiple processes running screen -r will offer a choice )22:42
ActionParsnipw8tah: in terminal cd you cd to that folder?22:43
Gneafelix-da-catz: your sales guy actually has a clue. how.. unusual. :)22:43
felix-da-catzGnea:  Yes, he is actually pretty good.  Hasn't steered me wrong yet.22:43
Wavesonicsandax: cool thanks, also, do u know how to move between form fields in Links?22:43
andaxWavesonics, 'screened' processes can be sent to the background using ctrl+d  ( detach )22:43
Gneafelix-da-catz: awesome.22:43
mattywarrompaul - that looks a great vpn server but i don;t think i was clear enough with my question - i'm looking for a vpn client22:43
w8tahActionParsnip: one moment - let me try22:43
felix-da-catzjohn @ directron.com22:43
sandsmarkmattywarr: vpnc22:43
csky_maxWavesonics: In elinks you have to tab to the entry field, then hit enter key to give it focus22:44
ActionParsnipw8tah: if not, make the folder22:44
w8tahActionParsnip: it happens when im trying to view network folders - not local folders22:44
csky_maxthen you can enter text into the field22:44
andaxWavesonics, 'screened' processes can be sent to the background using ctrl+a  (attention) then pressing d ( as detach )22:44
ActionParsnipw8tah: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error No such file or directory22:44
justin_whats the best way to install virtual box?22:44
w8tahoohh - that directory -- one sec22:44
ActionParsnipjustin_: sudo appt-get install vbox22:44
andaxWavesonics, use tab to move between fields in lynx i guess22:44
maybeway36justin_: unless you need USB, I would install the virtualbox-ose package in APT/synaptic22:44
ActionParsnipjustin_: try tab completing the app22:44
csky_maxThe virtualbox package is 'virtualbox-ose'22:45
Wavesonicstab doesnt seem to work :/22:45
csky_maxArrow keys then22:45
ActionParsnipWavesonics: type part of the name like virt then press tab22:45
csky_maxand use "elinks" it's much improved22:45
justin_ActionParsnip, maybeway36  ive dowloaded the .deb off the site, installed the modules server, but when i start it up it says im still missing some modules. I remember before, all i had to do was sudo apt-get install virtualbox, but i guess it dont work like that no more22:45
WavesonicsI get stuck in a text box with the arrow keys22:46
ActionParsnipjustin_: try dpkg -i <debfile>22:46
ActionParsnipjustin_: then use sudo apt-get -f install22:46
ActionParsnipjustin_:  it will install the deps then the deb you downloaded22:46
justin_ActionParsnip, ok thanks22:47
ActionParsnipjustin_: try use the reos as much as you can22:47
justin_ActionParsnip, reos?22:48
w8tahActionParsnip: created the directory -- the error message does not show up any more -- but i get a message box that says Could not display "network:///".  Nautilus cannot handle network: locations22:48
realistloveEnter text here...22:48
andaxWavesonics, are you using links or lynx?22:49
mattspryompaul: did i ask a vpm question in here? must have missed that :)22:49
ActionParsnipw8tah: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67876022:49
mattspryompaul: err s/m/n/22:49
w8tahActionParsnip: looking22:49
ActionParsnipw8tah: http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg632507.html22:49
andaxWavesonics, then simply arrow keys and typing should work.22:49
ActionParsnipw8tah: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/18575622:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 185756 in gvfs "Couldn't display "network:///" - Nautilus cannot handle network:locations" [Medium,Fix released]22:50
ompaulmattspry, :)22:50
ompaulmattywarr, client for?22:51
GOTFrogqchi, I need to reinstall my windows, but to fix grub after ill need to know what hd my ubuntu is on;  and whenever i type fdisk -l i get nothing in the terminal22:51
w8tahActionParsnip: i am not a programmer - -going through the thousands of lines of nautilus code and changing network:/// to smb:/// is NOT a realistic fix -- is it?22:51
WavesonicsI'm on htis page: http://psiphon.ca/download.php and I go down but once I get in the licence agreement field, i cant go any further down22:52
ompaulWavesonics, talk to the pages owner22:52
ActionParsnipw8tah: no idea, im just googling. what are you trying to achieve22:52
Pirate_HunterGOTFrogqc: check your fstab22:52
andaxGOTFrogqc, this will tell: mount |grep "/ type" |awk {'print $1'}22:52
w8tahActionParsnip:  when i enter smb:/// in the location entry field -- i get cannot find location /home/tholmes/smb22:53
Wavesonicsompaul: no no I'm tyring to do it in Links,22:53
Pirate_HunterGOTFrogqc: you need to use suo with that command it will work than i just checked22:53
ActionParsnipw8tah: does that folder exist?22:53
Pirate_HunterGOTFrogqc: *sudo22:53
mattywarrompaul - a vpn client to connect to a PPTP vpn server, with a GUI22:53
GOTFrogqcworked without it22:54
w8tahActionParsnip: im trying to see my windows network22:54
andaxGOTFrogqc, and the result is?22:54
GOTFrogqcand once windows is back on what exactly do i need to do to fix grub22:54
ActionParsnipw8tah: ok, does the /home/tholmes/smb22:54
ActionParsnipw8tah: exist22:54
Pirate_Hunter!grub > GOTFrogqc22:55
ubottuGOTFrogqc, please see my private message22:55
w8tahyes --there is a folder /home/tholmes/smb22:55
w8tahActionParsnip: ^^^22:55
ompaulmattywarr, pptp is a failed protocol by design, it is not secure, do apt-cache search pptp and you will get some ideas but it is broken search for it and security http://www.schneier.com/paper-pptpv2.html that might be useful for you22:56
GOTFrogqcthank guys22:56
andaxGOTFrogqc: boot linux using the 'root=/dev/sdc1' parameter passed to the kernel and reinstall grub but you should read the manual..22:56
Peloevening folks, I setup ubuntu on my neighbour's computer,   she doesn't want her daughter to have admin permission but the daughter is the one that uses the computer most,   I set the updates to auto-download  ,  will the comp get updated from automaticly from the daughter,s account or will they still need to login to the admin account to install the updates ?22:56
andaxGOTFrogqc, manual for 'grub-install'22:56
GOTFrogqcok will do22:56
edugonchDo somebody know what happen to amsn, I have 2 days that is not working and the same happen to a Friend22:56
teqhello im in desperate need of a new web browser, firefox 3 beta 3 just doesnt stop crashing, any suggestion? thanks in advance22:56
Peloedugonch,  update ,  there is a new package for it22:57
edugonchok, thanks22:57
channelingw8tah, are the computer in the same workgroup?22:57
ompaulteq, sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade << you will get the final release22:57
ActionParsnipw8tah: do you have ownership of it?22:57
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w8tahchanneling: yes22:57
hateballPelo: Unless you told it to install them silently, it will just download them22:57
teqompaul: thanks22:58
w8tahActionParsnip: of the /home/tholmes/smb?22:58
ActionParsnipPelo: make sure her account is not a member of sudo22:58
Pelohateball, is there an option somewhere for that ? I ddin'T see one in the sotware sources dialog22:58
ActionParsnipw8tah: ok22:58
PeloActionParsnip, it's not , I made sure22:58
ActionParsnipw8tah: what you trying to mount to that folder?22:58
Ominousi have just installed ubuntu and the mouse is very very unresponsive even with mouse settings on max sensitivity ( laptop touchpad)22:58
andaxteq: maybe try http://www.opera.com/download/index.dml?platform=linux ?22:58
paulderolOminous--do you have the synaptics packages installed?22:59
soundray!synaptics | Ominous22:59
ActionParsnipOminous: laptop or desktop?22:59
ubottuOminous: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad22:59
w8tahActionParsnip:  - -nothing -- previously when i click on network servers -- i showed the equivalent of my network on windows - a list of all the network machines22:59
andaxteq: however firefox should not crash, can you give more details?22:59
hateballPelo: It's only for security updates I noticed... But you could make a simple script that does it on bootup22:59
csky_maxteq: firefox 3 is well past beta 3, try updating its package or install the ubuntu firefox package to get the release version?22:59
w8tahActionParsnip: all i want is to see the other workstations in my network so that i can access their windows shares22:59
Ominousthanks guys22:59
Pelohateball, yeah, I think I'll make it a cronjob22:59
Wavesonicshow can i get all my updates via the command line?22:59
andaxWavesonics, apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade23:00
PeloWavesonics, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade23:00
justin_ActionParsnip, i did what you said earlier, but virtualbox didnt show up under system tools now23:00
soundrayPelo: you could add '(apt-get update ; apt-get -y dist-upgrade) &' to /etc/rc.local23:00
ActionParsnipWavesonics: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade23:00
Peloandax, that's for new dreleases23:00
ActionParsnip!find virt23:00
ubottuFound: gij-4.2, java-gcj-compat, java-gcj-compat-headless, libvirt-bin, libvirt-dev (and 112 others)23:00
andaxPelo, and for packages that have been 'kept back'23:00
Pelosoundray, with or without sudo ?23:00
ActionParsnip!find box23:00
ubottuFound: busybox-initramfs, kblackbox, libmatchbox-dev, libmatchbox1, matchbox-keyboard (and 151 others)23:00
w8tahActionParsnip: it should be noted that im running fluxbox -- everything runs correctly under gnome23:00
soundrayPelo: without (rc.local is executed with root privileges)23:01
Peloandax, you don'T want those wait until they are released23:01
andaxPelo, he asked for 'all' updates.23:01
Pelosoundray, thanks23:01
soundrayPelo: and dist-upgrade is not for new releases23:01
Pelosoundray, quotes or no quotes ?23:01
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ActionParsnipjustin_: http://taufanlubis.wordpress.com/2008/03/24/virtual-box-in-ubuntu-installation/23:01
freeflowcauverycan somebody recommend a good resource to learn bash programming? my experience in programming is at the very low-level ....assembly on x86, years ago in college23:01
soundrayPelo: no quotes23:02
Pelosoundray, parrentheses23:02
DareDevilDoes anybody knows why my tvtime doesn't show the channels well??23:02
andaxfreeflowcauvery, http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html23:02
channelingw8tah, I've added the router IP to my networkconfiguration as DNS Server23:02
ActionParsnipDareDevil: fine tune or move yuor aerial23:02
soundrayfreeflowcauvery: google for the Advanced Bash Scripting guide, join #bash, read the links in the topic of #bash23:02
freeflowcauverythanks andax, soundray23:02
soundrayPelo: yes, you need those so both processes are backgrounded23:03
Pelosoundray, thanks23:03
DareDevilHow do I change de tune?23:03
soundrayPelo: if you background them individually, one will start before the other is finished.23:03
ActionParsnipDareDevil: de tune?23:03
Pelosure about the dist-upgrade in that command ? just just upgrade ?23:03
Pelonot just upgrade23:03
andaxActionParsnip, "pal/ntsc" etc switching...23:03
ActionParsnipPelo: upgrade only23:04
Pelothanks guys23:04
k4r1momfg ubuntu pwns23:04
soundrayPelo: I just told you. What you were saying to andax was not accurate. man apt-get explains the difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade23:04
ActionParsnipPelo: dist-upgrade is for kernel upgrades etc23:04
channelingmy wired connection is installed as "roaming modus" @ w8tah23:04
w8tahchanneling: ??? huh?23:04
newuser_is there any software that allows me to create an image of my hdd?23:05
k4r1mdid the alsa drivers get like a major change in .1 ?23:05
channelingyes, I know, it's strange. But it was installed by default23:05
soundray!info partimage | newuser23:05
ubottunewuser: partimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.7-1 (hardy), package size 271 kB, installed size 960 kB23:05
edugonchNo, there is not a new version of amsn, I did sudo aptitide update and nothing, I use the link in the main screen of amsn to find new version and nothing23:05
newuser_something like Norton ghost23:05
ActionParsnipedugonch: does it do the same with pidgin?23:05
andaxnewuser_, yeah maybe: dd if=/dev/sda of=/home/user/imagefile ?23:05
edugonchNo, pidgin works perfect23:05
hateballnewuser_: try clonezilla23:06
ActionParsnipnewuser_: dd23:06
Niteyewhen would the newest version of aMSN be added to the repositery? is there any way you can request it?, the current version is broken due to a protocol update23:06
soundray!info partimage | newuser_23:06
ubottunewuser_: partimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.7-1 (hardy), package size 271 kB, installed size 960 kB23:06
WayneCMorning all23:06
newuser_what about wisp? any idea comments?23:06
k4r1mwhat is the best irc client on ubuntu?23:06
DareDevilActionParsnip: yes de tune23:06
edugonchthis happen like 2 days ago, and the same happen to a friend23:06
hateballk4r1m: irssi23:06
ActionParsnipDareDevil: what is it?23:06
edugonchhi can't use amsn23:06
w8tahk4r1m: kvirc - hands down -- build 3.4.1 from source23:06
k4r1mim currently using konversation since i just installed ubuntu but i dunno23:06
DareDevilAnd i can hear the tvtime neither23:06
k4r1mi will check it out kthx23:06
soundrayNiteye: you can request it on launchpad (I'm sure someone has done it already, though)23:06
alpinestrthere are a few x11 conf files in my X11 directory, how do I find out which one is at use at this moment ?23:07
ActionParsnipedugonch: does it connect with pidgin. Ive heard folks having issues with amsn23:07
Niteyehow long does it take them to add it to the repositery?23:07
soundrayalpinestr: the one that's called xorg.conf23:07
ActionParsnipalpinestr: its xorg.conf23:07
edugonchyes, I can connect   with pidgin23:07
newuser_hateball, does clonezilla allows me to recover multiple partitions? I want to install windows, ubuntu and have an encripted partition to store my data23:07
ActionParsnipedugonch: thought so, i think amsn is broken23:07
channelingalpinestr, the ones without # are in use23:07
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alpinestrand how would I change resolution in that file ?23:08
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soundrayalpinestr: not at all if you're on hardy23:08
soundrayalpinestr: use 'gksudo displayconfig-gtk'23:08
teqandax: it keeps on crashing the screen goes grey23:08
andaxnewuser_, do you have the encrypted partition working or you need help creating it?23:08
edugonchummmm is a good software that's a shame, well I thing I'll wait23:08
ActionParsnipalpinestr: if you wanna get your hands dirty look at examples23:08
hateballnewuser_: Never tried to restore multiple at once, but I suppose you could do one at a time. Not sure what would happen to the bootloader tho23:08
ActionParsnipedugonch: pidgin will do you for now23:08
edugonchyes, pidgin is good too but need more plugins but is also good and stable23:09
alpinestrI love you soundray23:09
alpinestrthanks again23:09
teqedugonch: if you like microsoft msn, try emesene for ubuntu23:09
* soundray blushes23:09
JayVomDachhi, when will the 8.10 be released? (exact date)23:09
soundray!intrepid | JayVomDach23:10
ubottuJayVomDach: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!23:10
edugonchI don't like microsoft msn, I use it for work :P (I don't like Microsoft)23:10
edugonchbut I'll try it23:10
ActionParsnipedugonch: http://www.emesene.org/screenshots.html23:10
ActionParsnipedugonch: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/emesene23:11
Pirate_Hunteredugonch: dont know whats happening with you but why not use pidgin for msn?23:11
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: ive seen a few moaning of amsn not connecting23:11
andaxPirate_Hunter, that would be too simple :)23:11
FFEMTcJi setup my dual monitor system in the twinview.. is it possible to make it so that when i maximize something it doesnt pan both screens?23:12
edugonchI don't like very much pidgin, just that23:12
ActionParsnip!dualhead | FFEMTcJ23:12
ubottuFFEMTcJ: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama23:12
Pirate_HunterActionParsnip: yah it is because of the tsl/sssl problem thing i thought they fixed it by now.. gezzz. it has to be compiled manually but hard uses a lower version so a simlink must be done... you know forget it its just annoying23:12
Pirate_Hunterandax: :D23:12
nach_Hi  all!23:13
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: i just use pidgin for everything. simple23:13
nach_how can i import the piocture from my ixus camera to my pc with ubuntu ?23:13
Pirate_HunterActionParsnip: so do i now really like how i cna have multiple accounts on at the same time and jabber is included :)23:13
graftso, after updating yesterday, flash doesn't produce any sound with pulseaudio any more... does anyone have a link to getting that setup correctly?23:14
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: absolutely23:14
TiredWolfnach_: you've tried plugging it in i suppose?23:14
FFEMTcJActionParsnip: that doesn't seem to answer my question, it seems to just point to a program.. I don't need a program as I'm using nvidia x server settings23:14
ActionParsnipgraft: 64bit?23:14
nibsa1242bhow do I change print margins in FF 3?23:14
ActionParsnipFFEMTcJ: thats all i got, ive never used it23:15
Pirate_HunterTiredWolf: lol but so true fspot or whatever its called should pick it up23:15
graftActionParsnip: nope, 3223:15
ActionParsnipgraft: try reinstalling the plugin23:15
TiredWolfPirate_Hunter: yeah, i say because i've got a canon powershot (not ixus though) camera myself. it's plain PTP.23:16
ActionParsnipgraft: www.adobe.com and get the new plugin23:16
andaxnach_, what happens when you plug it in?23:16
haggisHi! I can't seem to get iptables logging anything. I've set up the following rule as a test: http://pastie.org/248828, but no activity in /var/log/messages when connecting to port 443. What do you think is wrong?23:17
soundrayFFEMTcJ: I'm not sure if your maximizing problem has a straightforward solution. A sort of roundabout solution is devilspie -- you can use it to resize windows to particular sizes with that.23:17
soundray!info devilspie | FFEMTcJ23:17
ubottuffemtcj: devilspie (source: devilspie): find windows and perform actions on them. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.21-1 (hardy), package size 28 kB, installed size 128 kB23:17
SaladinHiya guys, just wondering if someone could help me set up my Ubuntu server, held on a dedicated server hosting basis, with gnome. I tried a 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' but I am getting a load of dependency errors related to broken packages. Server is Ubuntu 6.0623:17
FFEMTcJty soundray23:17
nach_andax: nothing happen23:17
TiredWolfnach_: then i suggest, while you find a way to make it work in your GNOME or KDE, that you install the "gphoto2" package and use it to troubleshoot and hopefully transfer your pictures from the terminal.23:18
nach_TiredWolf: nothing happen when i plugged it, i use a ixus 850IS23:18
newuser__Can filezilla backup my entire hdd including different partitions with the data they contain?23:18
Naibhi, an Wubi install of Ubuntu won't work if there is full-disk encyption of XP will it?23:18
andaxhaggis, you are adding this rule to the _end_ of the config... use 'iptables -I' rather than 'iptables -A'23:18
ActionParsnipSaladin: try sudo apt-get install xorg23:18
paulderolNaib--it shouldn't, i don't think23:18
metheonIf I want a solution similar to osx timemachine say for my /documents folder, which program would i use for that?23:19
Naibpaulderol: damb... don't think work IT would be too happy with me partitioning their disk23:19
nach_TiredWolf: but should it work with this camera or i have a problem with my linux install ?23:19
SaladinActionParsnip: Error: "Could not find package"23:19
andaxnach_, : does it use a USB connection?23:19
Ominousi installed SynapticsTouchpad stuff and now the touchpad makes the mouse go mad23:19
soundraySaladin: have you done a 'sudo apt-get update'?23:19
ActionParsnipSaladin: try sudo apt-get install xorg-server23:19
nach_andax: yes direct usb connection23:19
soundrayOminous: revert your supersensitive settings then23:19
nach_on win32 it is seen ad a mass storage device23:19
Ominousi have23:19
paulderolNaib--you can set up an external hdd as a boot drive,23:20
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kindofabuzzis it not possible to visit a site on a internal network by using it's external url?23:20
hypn0there is no libqt4-network for 8.04, I think there is one for next version, is it safe to install that on 8.0423:20
SaladinActionParsnip: I tried that and I got a similar message, and when I try each failed dependency, it still comes up with something else, and an error message about broken packages.23:20
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Saladinsoundray: Yes.23:20
paulderoland run an ubuntu install on the processor etc of that computer?23:20
Ominoussoundray: the mouse just goes to the bottom left corner, slower now with all the settings on min though23:20
seekseekis there a way to get the ubuntu login password and username?23:21
ActionParsnipSaladin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems23:21
seekseek!break password23:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about break password23:21
nach_does anyone here have an IXUS camera ?23:21
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seekseeknach_: nah23:21
soundrayOminous: I think the synaptics driver has sensitivity settings of its own -- but I can only point you to the docs, haven't used those myself.23:21
k4r1mwhat is the name of the compiz manager package?23:21
seekseekhow can I break the ubuntu login and password pls?23:22
Ominoussoundray: they are on min too :S23:22
alpinestrwhat does this mean Xlib:  extension "XFree86-VidModeExtension" missing on display ":1.0".23:22
soundrayOminous: dang...23:22
ActionParsnipk4r1m: its called ccsm23:22
andaxnach_, then you have 2 chances. 1) check the camera, go the menu and find 'usb options' or similar. There you can change if the device will be a webcam or a storage device. Try the storage method. It will work. 2) if it doesnt.. pick up a USB card reader from the nearest store and put the SD card into it. But this is a workaround. ( note: MMC cards are not supported ). For more info plug out the device, plug it in, type dmesg |tail and show us th23:22
andaxe results.23:22
seekseekhow can I login to Ubuntu by bypassing the login username and password?23:22
ActionParsnip!compiz | k4r1m23:22
ubottuk4r1m: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion23:22
ujoshow to change DMA mode for ATA cdrom?23:22
soundray!repeat | seekseek23:22
ubottuseekseek: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:22
k4r1mActopmParsnip: thx23:23
seekseek!ok soundray23:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ok soundray23:23
owen1why ubuntu users don't need anti-virus?23:23
ActionParsnipseekseek: like autologin?23:23
SaladinActionParsnip: It isn't a low power machine, and Ubuntu is already installed on the remote server. Problem is, I have no GUI, and am not that clued up to be able to run on command line only yet.23:23
soundrayseekseek: whose computer are you trying to crack?23:23
ActionParsnip!antivirus | owen123:23
ubottuowen1: antivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus23:23
leerobertshi i just installed ubuntu 8.04.1 with all the updates on a dell latitude d505 and when i try to boot the laptop without it being plugged in and no wireless connection around i get an error that says "PHY transmission error" on one line and "MAC suspend error" on another line, i've been reading through some forums and they all suggest updating my bcm43xx firmware though it's not a definite solution, i was just wondering where i coul23:23
ujosit is imposible to do using hdparm23:23
seekseekActionParsnip: I installed Ubuntu.  cant remember the username and password.  how do I bypass it and login anyway?23:23
Pirate_Hunterseekseek: gdm should have an option for auto-login if you dont know what gdm is than i wouldnt advise you to bypass login23:23
seekseeksoundray: my own23:23
metheonIf I want a solution similar to osx timemachine say for my /documents folder, which program would i use for that?23:23
ActionParsnipSaladin: its not specifically for low memory systems, its just for minimal installs which you are doing23:24
soundrayseekseek: boot in recovery mode and run 'passwd yourusername' to reset the password23:24
andaxujos, hdparm -d1 <device>23:24
seekseekPirate_Hunter: is it possible for someone to login to my Ubuntu if they dont know my username and password?23:24
soundrayseekseek: if you forgot the username, too, 'grep 1000 /etc/passwd'23:24
andaxujos, hdparm -d1 <device> will enable dma mode, and hdparm -d0 <device> will disable.23:24
soundrayseekseek: do you read me?23:24
seekseeksoundray: whats the use of the Ubuntu login and password if its that easy to defeat?>23:25
ActionParsnipseekseek: yes if you have autologin enabled, otherwise they'll need an account just like any other OS23:25
Pirate_Hunterseekseek: of course but how likely i doubt it were not in the old days but it is still possible but hard, theyll give up and go get soemone from windows they all run as admisn23:25
seekseekhow easy is it for someone to break my ubuntu password and username?23:25
soundrayseekseek: there is no security for a machine where you have console access. The login and pass are good protection against remote attacks, though23:25
kevinOcan someone tell me why i cant install twister from apt23:25
ActionParsnipseekseek: very hard indeed23:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about twister23:25
seekseekhow can I securly protect my Ubuntu that nobody can access it?23:26
ActionParsnip!info twister23:26
ubottuPackage twister does not exist in hardy23:26
andaxseekseek: does the 'attacker' have access to your computer? ( can he use the keyboard? )23:26
kevinOsorry twisted*23:26
Pirate_Hunterseekseek: dont use ubuntu dont use the pc23:26
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seekseekActionParsnip: whats hard?  soundray just explained how easy it is to gain access23:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about twisted23:26
leerobertswhere can i get the latest broadcom firmware? google is not helpful23:26
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soundrayseekseek: you can encrypt your data to protect against sniffing23:26
seekseekseeing the ubuntu password and username is so easy to defeat, how can I secure my ubuntu so nobody can access it?23:27
andaxseekseek, if he can use the keyboard during boot then everything that's not encrypted can be read.23:27
leerobertsseekseek: you can set a password on your bios23:27
alpinestrsoundray: now I get warning: failed to get module paths from '/var/log/Xorg.2.log' - falling back to default Xlib:  extension "XFree86-VidModeExtension" missing on display ":2.0". and X crashes after a while23:27
ActionParsnipseekseek: that gives you access to the passwd file, if they are encrypted then it doesnt do a lot23:27
seekseekhow can I encrypt the whole Ubuntu partition then?23:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about python-twisted23:27
haggisandax: changed the test line to begin with -I, but still no result :(23:27
Sonderbladehow can i check which modules are loaded in a kernels initramfs?23:27
maybeway36seekseek: you can also set a grub password, a bios password, and make HD be the only boot device23:27
Pirate_Hunterseekseek: dont use ubuntu heck dont use the pc no one can access that, otherwise encryption but youre being paranoid23:27
ActionParsnip!encryptfs | seekseek23:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about encryptfs23:27
pbtrn10khi all - i'm having trouble getting into gnome - problems with permissions on ~/.dmrc that i am unable to fix with chmod and problems locking ~/.ICEauthority - have tried chmodding and chowing but to no avail - can anyone help ?? ta :)23:27
marculesHi there ^^23:27
ActionParsnip!find encr23:27
ubottuFound: ghostscript, pidgin-encryption, libopencryptoki-dev, libopencryptoki0, opencryptoki (and 1 others)23:27
seekseekis there a program that can encrypt the whole ubuntu partition?23:27
leerobertsseekseek: set a password at bios23:28
ubottuTruecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume23:28
seekseekis there a truecrupt version for ubuntu?23:28
hateballpbtrn10k: try renaming them23:28
Pirate_Hunterseekseek: unless they live with you and have access to the pc it might be possible even easier otherwise very hard but no impossible same goes for all OS23:28
SaladinAnd wow... Ubuntu desktop takes up a gig.23:28
unop!truecrypt > seekseek23:28
pbtrn10kthx hateball bbiab if it doesn't work :)23:28
ubottuseekseek, please see my private message23:28
andaxhaggis, please type: 'sudo bash' ( enter your password ) then type 'iptables -L' and copy the results.23:28
seekseekunop: so I can encrypt the whole ubuntu partition using truecrypt?23:28
seekseekubottu: ok23:28
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)23:28
soundrayseekseek: read more and type less, please23:29
leerobertsSaladin: just a gig? awesome!23:29
unopseekseek, the wiki has a howto23:29
edugonchemesene doesn't work, connects to the account but don't show any contact or group, I thing that I'll come back to pidgin23:29
nach_where can i put a dump text without polluting the caht ?23:29
nach_chat ?23:29
Pici!paste | nach_23:29
ubottunach_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:29
soundray!pastebin > nach_23:29
ubottunach_, please see my private message23:29
Niteyeubottu: test23:29
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.23:29
seekseekcool thats the solution then :) ill just use Truecrypt on my ubuntu partiton :) that will solve it23:29
Pirate_HunterSaladin: thats why you should do network install and only install what you want and nothing else just used command du -h and was surprised at how much disk space i have :)23:29
soundrayalpinestr: what kind of setup is this?23:29
alpinestrxgl gdm x1123:29
leerobertswhere can i get the latest broadcom (bcm43xx) firmware/drivers23:29
alpinestrit does work but it crashed twice since I changed the resolution23:30
unop!broadcom > leeroberts23:30
ubottuleeroberts, please see my private message23:30
alpinestrfor some odd reason23:30
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:30
nach_andax : here it is http://pastebin.com/m2e1057d723:30
Pici!ask | andreas23:30
ubottuandreas: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:30
soundrayalpinestr: sorry, I can't make sense of that error23:31
Pirate_Hunter!ask | andreas23:31
alpinestrah thanks anyway23:31
pbtrn10khateball: it didn't work, still get the .dmrc error where it wants 644 permissions and a locking problem with .ICEauthority23:31
alpinestrill figure it out somehow23:31
SaladinPirate_Hunter: I just love the small amount of space Ubuntu takes on my HDD. Yet, very few people listen to me when I tell them to move from Windows.23:31
alpinestrhelped enough as it is23:31
hateballpbtrn10k: Do a reboot, then switch to tty1 and log in and rename them then?23:32
seekseekPackage truecrypt is not available, but is referred to by another package.23:32
dougbwhat's a good music player for ubuntu that has library, playlist and ipod support?23:32
unoppbtrn10k, from a terminal do this.   chown $USER.$USER ~/.dmrc; chmod 644 ~/.dmrc23:32
seekseekwhy isnt truecryupt availanble in ubuntu repos?23:32
Pirate_HunterSaladin: yup me too its a nightmare trying to get ppl to try linux windows has manipulated them well but wyeah do a bare minimum install the iso is only 9mb and isntall xorg from theer its up to you what you install23:32
haggisandax: http://pastie.org/248841 (I've replaced my actual hostname to host.example.org on purpose)23:32
soundrayseekseek: it is23:32
soundrayseekseek: read the help link23:32
unopseekseek, please read the wiki :)23:32
nimoIs there some utility to treat a cd image as a real block device? I keep all of my CDs as images on my file server, but a lot of games with cedega want a physical disk. In windows, I would use daemon tools. Just mounting the image doesnt seem to work23:32
seekseek sudo apt-get install truecrypt23:32
seekseek ....  Package truecrypt is not available, but is referred to by another package.23:32
seekseeksoundray: im reading the link23:33
soundrayseekseek: sudo apt-get update23:33
seekseeksoundray: the link said to type: sudo apt-get install truecrypt23:33
pbtrn10khateball: renamed them from tty1 but will try a reboot just in case - thanks :) (possibly brb)23:33
seekseeksoundray: sudo apt-get update doesnt  help, still says unavable23:33
seekseek'This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted23:33
centrexlinux is becoming pretty bloated:  http://www.leftmind.net/random/linuxbloat.jpg23:34
seekseekanyone know how to install truecrypt on hardy?23:34
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LoganhoupExcuse me, could someone please help me with my mp3 player. It's seems to think it has no free space when it does.23:34
nimoLoganhoup,  sounds like a permissions issue23:34
kitchesoundray: yep it looks like truecrypt is not in the repos23:34
nimopossibly no write permissions to tmp23:34
seekseekhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume  <-- says to type: sudo apt-get install truecrypt  but it then says: Package truecrypt is not available, but is referred to by another package.23:35
LoganhoupI'm confused23:35
seekseekLoganhoup: me too23:35
ubottuTruecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume23:35
SaladinOkay, so another question... How do I, once I've set up the Ubuntu desktop on this hosted server, get to remote into the server and see the GUI? At the moment, I am connected to bash via SSH.23:35
nimoLoganhoup, type 'ls -al /tmp' tell me what you see23:35
smufkinhi all, I have a small premissions-related query. I have a folder on my server that I want numerous users on the server to have read/write access to (right now, only the root user has these priviledges), how do I go about doing this? Putting them all in a group or something? Thanks in advance to anyone that can help me23:35
seekseeksoundray: it seems that link is outdated23:35
kitcheseekseek: go to truecrypt website they have a download there for a ubuntu package23:35
seekseekkitche: ok thanks23:35
Loganhoupnimo: too much info to paste here23:35
kitcheseekseek: it will be a .tar.gz but just untar it and inside will be a .deb23:36
soundraykitche: what happened? It must have been withdrawn...23:36
Saladinsmufkin: Add all users to a group, change group permissions accordingly.23:36
nimoLoganhoup, pastebin.com23:36
seekseekkitche: ok23:36
Pirate_Hunter!pastebin | Loganhoup23:36
ubottuLoganhoup: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:36
seekseekkitche: how I untar?23:36
kitchesoundray: no clue I just checked the repos and there is no package at all23:36
pbtrn10khateball: no joy - am ircing from tty1 as i speak... erm, type23:36
torboe1273 users :wohoo:23:36
kitcheseekseek: tar xvf <file> or you can use fileroller or any gui program that can do archieves23:36
seekseekkitche: thanks23:36
Pirate_Hunter!quit I ho I ho to bed I go23:37
ubottuPirate_Hunter: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:37
Pirate_Hunterlol thats just messed up23:37
seekseeksoundray: so please be more understanding next time before you say that, because I was followinf the instructions, but truecrypt has been withdrawn23:37
kitchewonderwal: most likely /usr/local/share/examples under there some place23:37
m3gab0yhey all, how to enable the root user, i need it!23:37
kitcheopps wrong channel23:37
usr13Doing dist-upgrade with update-manager and it's hung with:  "Setting up locales (2.7.9-4) ..." "Generating locales..." "en_AU.UTF-8..."23:37
SaladinOkay, so another question... How do I, once I've set up the Ubuntu desktop on this hosted server, get to remote into the server and see the GUI? At the moment, I am connected to bash via SSH.23:38
usr13Any idea how to recover or fix this?23:38
ompaul!supportroot | m3gab0y23:38
ubottum3gab0y: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)23:38
hateballpbtrn10k: Sorry, dont have any other ideas :( Renaming ICEauthority always solves those issues for me...23:38
Saladinm3gaboy: You don't need it at all. Use the terminal with sudo commands23:39
ompaul!rootsudo | m3gab0y everything you want to know about sudo23:39
ubottum3gab0y everything you want to know about sudo: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)23:39
pbtrn10khateball: just to confirm should my homdir be chmodded to 644 or 755?23:39
Trini_Man1does anyone know the location of the acpi-support file23:39
m3gab0ybeleive me i need root user23:39
ujosplease help, how to change DMA mode for CDROM from UDMA4 to UDMA2? / ubuntu 8.04.123:39
greggeMy audio for Amsn just refuse to work, could anyone help?23:39
hateballpbtrn10k: You can chmod -R 700 it23:39
m4lmsteenhaving problems with upgrade to 8.04 sitting on 'generating locales'... ive rebooted ran dpkg twice... in a failsafe gnome now... reran dpkg --configure -a yet again23:40
ompaulm3gab0y, read that [age23:40
Saladinm3gaboy: What are you wanting to do?23:40
m4lmsteenstill sitting on 'generating locales'23:40
hateballpbtrn10k: You need it to be 7xx regardless23:40
ujoshdparm does not work with sd* devices23:40
andaxm3gab0y, if you need a root user type: sudo bash , ( enter your password ) then type 'passwd' , give a new password for the root user, when done type exit and you have a root user but this makes no sense.23:40
seekseekkitche: the file inside the truecrypt rhat I downloaded is called, truecrypt-6.0a-setup-ubuntu-x8623:40
kitcheseekseek: .run or .deb?23:40
seekseekkitche: how do I run and install truecrypt-6.0a-setup-ubuntu-x86 ?23:40
seekseekkitche: no deb23:40
seekseekkitche: thats all its called, truecrypt-6.0a-setup-ubuntu-x8623:41
ompaul!supportroot | andax23:41
ubottuandax: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)23:41
seekseekkitche: i downloaded the ubuntu version23:41
kitcheseekseek: most likely it's a script then chmod +x truecrypt-6.0a-setup-ubuntu-x86 then sudo ./truecrypt-6.0a-setup-ubuntu-x8623:41
kindofabuzzi'm a trueblood23:41
m3gab0y10x 4 the info23:41
kitcheseekseek: it might be a folder as well23:41
seekseekkitche: ok brb23:41
kitcheseekseek: so try and cd into it23:41
SaladinOkay, so another question... How do I, once I've set up the Ubuntu desktop on this hosted server, get to remote into the server and see the GUI? At the moment, I am connected to bash via SSH.23:41
Loganhoupm3gab0y:http://www.ducea.com/2006/06/21/ubuntu-how-to-enable-the-root-account/ for enabling root23:41
andaxompaul: i told him that it makes no sense.23:41
kindofabuzzSaladin: vnc to see a gui23:41
greggeAmsn can't get access to /dev/audio it says, can anyone help?23:42
Picim4lmsteen: bug 249340 might point you in the right dirction23:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249340 in langpack-locales "Gutsy->Hardy upgrade hangs in localedef" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24934023:42
Saladinkindofabuzz: How can I install and set up through command line?23:42
ompaulandax, point people at that page and sudo -i if you must23:42
dolphin_noelsomeone knows why my amsn lets work in mirc?! even the apt-get install amsn ?!23:42
seekseekkitche: that command extracted the deb23:42
dolphin_noeland thepidigin works23:42
pbtrn10khateball: are you still willing to help me? in the /xsession-errors file it says, after saying it can't create the Desktop, Documents etc folders in the home folder that it couldn't create the .gnome2 directory - is this revealing of anything?23:42
lotsaheartHello, What is the directory for where Firefox is installed, I'm trying to install Flash Player23:43
kindofabuzzSaladin: i don't have the time to walk you through, maybe someone else here would be kind to.  or google VNC Ubuntu, plenty of guides i'm sure23:43
seekseekkitche: it placed the deb into /tmp  how do I instal it from there?23:43
kitcheseekseek: yeah I figured it was a hybrid script or a directory23:43
kitcheseekseek: dpkg -i /tmp/<file>.deb is one way23:43
hateballpbtrn10k: Yeah, that you dont have appropriate rights :p23:43
seekseekkitche: ok23:43
Riottalotsaheart /home/yournick/.mozilla/plugins place for plugins23:43
seekseekkitche: do i need sudo?23:43
unoplotsaheart, /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins23:43
CHR15Does anyone here know a way to stop the restricted drivers from setting my resolution to "640x480" after there enabled?23:44
greggeplease, help me fixing my audio for amsn23:44
pbtrn10khateball: yeah, thought that might be the case, but chmod -R 700&& chown -R pete:pete don't do anything to help the situation23:44
unoppbtrn10k, still on the .dmrc issue?23:44
kindofabuzzSaladin: if you have a server why do you need a gui, it's best to learn command line for servers, if you wanna cheat, yuse Webmin, great app23:44
seekseekkitche: http://pastebin.com/m3f961b2a23:44
hateballpbtrn10k: Do it the other way around... so you're sure you own the stuff before you chmod23:45
andaxCHR15, try pressing ctrl+alt+plus on the numpad, post here if it helps or no effect.23:45
seekseekkitche: that command had problems, can u please look at the output?  http://pastebin.com/m3f961b2a23:45
RadiCaLOn Windows there is an indexing service to speed up searches, I usually disable it to save memory etc. Is there such a thing in Ubuntu?23:45
hateballRadiCaL: Tracker23:45
unopseekseek, install dmsetup first23:45
seekseekunop: ok23:45
kitcheseekseek: install dmsetup :)23:45
CHR15andax: I disabled them after it started to hurt my eyes. I'm on no drivers and 1024x768, atm23:45
Saladinkindofabuzz: Because I'm not good enough to run the whole thing from command line in Ubuntu yet23:45
andaxseekseek, apt-get install dm-crypt then try to reinstall the package.23:45
pbtrn10khateball: cheers :)23:46
cygoku_Is there any specific repo for flash plugin ?? Mine says I don't have the latest version altough I am using the one (non-free) from the Hardy repo,...23:46
RadiCaLhateball: where would I go about disabling it, assuming there is benefit in doing so. For that matter where do I disable any services?23:46
seekseekandax: apt-get install dm-crypt ?23:46
seekseekbut it says dmsetup23:46
hateballRadiCaL: Easiest is to just apt-get remove tracker23:46
kindofabuzzSaladin: but is it a server?  i mean what will you be doing on a server that needs a gui?23:46
hateballpbtrn10k: Did it work?23:46
kitcheseekseek: dmsetup is in dm-crypt hopefully that is in the repos23:46
RadiCaLhateball: is there a way to see all the services running on my computer?23:46
andaxCHR15, reinstall the drivers and check whether ctrl+alt+<plus sign on numpad> will change resolution or not.23:46
RadiCaLhateball: and does it improve performance like it does on windows? Or should i just leave it?23:47
seekseekkitche: ok i installed dmsetup first23:47
andaxseekseek: sorry it may be dmsetup.23:47
greggeålease help me fix my audio for amsn.. anybody?23:47
Saladinkindofabuzz: It's a server for a website, and things such as ftp etc I haven't a clue how to set up on command line23:47
kitchecygoku_: nope ubuntu uses an older flash then what adobe has out for their latest so either manually install flash or don't worry about it unless site your visiting needs latest flash23:47
pbtrn10khateball: yeah it did! thanks so much!!! it's the simple things that get by me with ubuntu - it's taking time to get used to ;)23:47
seekseekkitche: ok truecrypt is setup now i think23:47
nach_andax: i get that value from my dmesg (IXUS issue) http://pastebin.com/m2e1057d723:47
CHR15andax: I'll try that in a sec, but when I go to the screen resolution thing after restarting the computer all it has as a max resolution is 640x48023:47
nach_andax: can u see something ?23:48
kitcheseekseek: just follow the guide that soundray gave you to setup your system23:48
alpinestrhow do I find out which version of X server am I running23:48
hateballpbtrn10k: Good thing it got solved then =)23:48
alpinestrvia command23:48
PiciRadiCaL: bum is a graphical tool for looking at services, as is update-rc.d23:48
Pici!boot > RadiCaL23:48
ubottuRadiCaL, please see my private message23:48
seekseekkitche: the one at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume ?23:48
andaxCHR15, then it makes no use trying ctrl+alt+plus/minus ...23:48
RadiCaLWow, i am suddenly popular :p23:48
kitcheseekseek: yep just ignore the apt-get install stuff for truecrypt23:48
DareDevilmuchachos buenas noches tengo que ir para la U  voy a probrar lo del radio, gracias23:48
DareDevilnos vemos luego23:48
seekseekkitche: ok brb23:49
Pici!es | DareDevil23:49
ubottuDareDevil: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:49
kitche!es | DareDevil23:49
CHR15andax: I'll try it, brb23:49
cygoku_kitche, in fact, the site I try to visit (facebook), doesn't allow me to view video because of my oldness flash version.23:49
Coyote`hi there, i'm trying to play quake 3, i got the game running, but i can't read the menu, it's scrambled, and i got funny color in game :/23:49
Coyote`anyone know why it does that ?23:49
hateballRadiCaL: sudo services-admin. There's some performance to be gained by disabling at least tracker and stuff like bluetooth if you dont need it... But other than that you shouldnt need to worry23:49
=== user__ is now known as SkinnYPup
Coyote`i'm on a nvidia, with propritery drivers23:49
seekseekkitche: when I type df -h it says my ubuntu partition is sda1. do I replace the /dev/sdb1 in that guide with /dev/sda1 ?23:49
underandy_anyone can help me figure out why my wireless net doesent work on my eee 900 pc?23:49
kitcheseekseek: yes if that's your drive23:50
seekseekkitche: ok23:50
hateballcygoku_: Are you using Gnash and not Adobe Flash player? If so, try switching23:50
alpinestrhow do I find out which version of X server am I running via terminal command23:50
andaxnach_, everything looks ok, don't you see your device under the 'Places' menu when plugged in?23:50
soundrayunderandy_: it needs a wireless driver that wasn't available at the time the current ubuntu release was frozen.23:50
cygoku_hateball, I am using the non-free version of flash from the Hardy Heron repo.23:50
underandy_soundray, buts its avaible to get it work??23:51
RadiCaLhateball: ok, i'll check em out, thanks.23:51
nach_no ... i see nothing23:51
markg85Hey, can someone help me with a technical question..?23:51
kitchealpinestr: X --version doesn't tell you anything it will be 1.x.x but that should tell you which version you have if you convert it to what most people know23:51
hateballcygoku_: got a direct link to the stuff that aint working?23:51
soundrayunderandy_: try the array.org kernel, it's supposed to solve this and some other problems: http://www.array.org/ubuntu/index.html23:51
RadiCaLhateball: got an error. ** (services-admin:17812): CRITICAL **: Unable to lookup session information for process '17812'23:51
nach_do i have to manually mount it ?23:51
RadiCaLhateball: I am assume that isnt something to worry about?23:51
Picialpinestr: head /var/log/Xorg.0.log  should list it23:51
ompaulPici, pm23:51
seekseekkitche: instead of typing those commands from the website. can I use the GUI from truecrupt?  when I type truecrypt, it opens up a GUI window23:52
hateballRadiCaL: Nah, as long as it opens properly...23:52
underandy_soundray, oh I already did that23:52
underandy_soundray thing is23:52
underandy_I can see my card in iwconfig23:52
SkinnYPupI want to use my laptop with an external monitor, but don't have a resolution high enough to fill the screen. Is there a probe for X or do I need to write a new xorg.conf ?23:52
del_dist-upgrade hangs with:  Generating locales...  en_AU.UTF-8...23:52
kitcheseekseek: probably I never used truecrypt myself since I use a native encrypt system from my OS23:52
RadiCaLhateball: well, everything is greyed out and I cant uncheck anything. also, this will effect what it loads at boot too right? not just this session.23:52
underandy_I can start networkmanager and I see my network but I CANT connect to it23:52
del_Anyone seen this before?23:52
TiredWolfandax, not that as far as i'm aware, recent canon cameras do *not* behave as USB mass storage device, but rather as Picture Transfer Protocol ones. just for the record.23:52
del_What to do?23:52
cygoku_hateball, no I don't have suck a link, but I can tell it's a video that I am trying to see trough Facebook.23:52
soundrayunderandy_: did you install the new kernel and reboot?23:52
underandy_soundray yes23:53
del_Maybe I should try reboot?23:53
hateballRadiCaL: Launch it without sudo and click unlock. That should work. It's only for systemboot stuff, user-related things are under system -> settings -> sessions23:53
underandy_wired network work but I cant connect to the wireless once23:53
hateballcygoku_: Well I've no idea about facebook so cant test myself, sorry23:53
greggeHelp anyone? Amsn says it can't access /dev/audio when I try to fix my audio. Any help please?23:53
seekseekkitche: whats an a native encrypt system?23:53
RadiCaLit worked hateball.23:54
soundrayunderandy_: okay, I've just installed the same on mine and will reboot now. If I don't come back, it hasn't worked for me either...23:54
Picigregge: is your user in the audio group?23:54
alpinestrok my problem is everytime I restart I have to change resolution to higher and for some reason when I do gksudo displayconfig-gtk and keep the settings it doesn't save it for next restart23:54
kitcheseekseek: GEOM it's part of FreeBSD23:54
hateballcygoku_: Just make sure you dont have both gnash and adobe installed at the same time, that can create some weird situations. about:plugins in firefox should tell you23:54
alpinestrso I have to do same thing over and over23:54
RadiCaLhateball, are there any notable services that should be disabled for a quicker boot?23:54
eriscoI cannot get any sound out of my logitec USB headphones. The OS picks them up, but doesn't use them for sound output (have not tested input). any ideas?23:54
seekseekkitche: you run FreeBSD, not ubuntu?23:54
greggePici: Honestly, I'm not sure how to check23:54
kitcheseekseek: correct23:55
Picigregge: open a terminal, and type: groups23:55
seekseekkitche: so why are you in #ubuntu? :)23:55
del_Cannot kill process locale23:55
cygoku_hateball, everything is fine in my about:plugins from firefox23:55
del_Tried kill -9 but still won't go23:55
alpinestranyone knows how to fix this23:55
kitcheseekseek: I m in couple of channels :) I just know my way around linux overall23:55
RadiCaLhateball: is there somewhere i can get a description of what each service is for?23:56
greggePici: this came up " adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev fuse lpadmin admin sambashare"23:56
seekseekkitche: :)23:56
Picigregge: hmm. Thats normal23:56
alpinestrok my problem is everytime I restart I have to change resolution to higher and for some reason when I do gksudo displayconfig-gtk and keep the settings it doesn't save it for next restart23:56
=== Kopfgeldjaeger is now known as ktvbot
hateballRadiCaL: The wiki, forums, or google ;) But other than tracker there's nothing you should need disable really... You wont notice any real differences as they are daemons23:57
bastid_raZordel_; there is a bug for that issue.. let me find the link23:57
[daren]just curious, anyone know of any projects of getting linux on a blackberry phone?23:57
TiredWolf!ot | [daren]23:58
trippsmachine used to be blazing fast, but now since update firefox crawls at rendering pages, e.g., in-line images render one by one. disabled compiz - same thing. typing also missing lots of characters, repeating ohers, etc. all apps slower it seems. what happened?23:58
seekseekkitche: that website desnt work oh well :( those commands give errors23:58
eriscocrimsun, hey, you there?23:58
seekseekanyone here set up truecypt on Ubuntu?23:58
Picigregge: I'm not too familiar with amsn,  Have you been playing with any properties of /dev to try to get it to work23:58
opssrahwho can help me to enable my graphic card driver23:58
ubottu[daren]: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:58
greggepractically all other software has working audio apart from amsn. When I try to setup the video, audio and mic. Audio and mic refuse to run, but video does. It says it can't gain access to write in /dev/audio23:58
greggePici: no23:58
RadiCaLhateball: alright, i've disabled the ones I dont need, like printing & bluetooth along with tracker. My system boots in about a minute, but the hardware is very new. Is there something else I can do to cut it down?23:59
greggePici: no one else seems to suffer from this issue but it's happened on two pc's for me, so i figure it's something I'm doing, even though I haven't changed anything23:59
RadiCaLhateball; and thanks for the help so far :)23:59

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