
johnJe_hello, please i need some advice.. im taking a linux class, and i have a 18 pages final essay... i was thinking about how to compile the kernel, but there is really not that much to talk about.. please can someone help me with an interesting topic about linux00:19
zoredachejohnJe_: what are you studying to become?00:21
zoredacheI suspect you could get 18 pages out of something security related..00:21
zoredachePerhaps you would write something trying to convincing people that the right to fork is what is keeping linux from becoming popular?00:22
zoredacheor just write something about what you think it would take for Linux to be useable on everyones desktop00:23
johnJe_i see00:23
johnJe_that would be nice00:23
johnJe_thanks for the tip00:23
johnJe_CIS is my major00:23
johnJe_but first time taking a linux class00:23
zoredacheof course you could also simply write a paper bashing linux...  find a list of all the various flawas, and point them out.  Then to make your paper great, suggest solutions00:24
zoredacheI know you could very easily fill up 18 pages with all the complaints everyone seems to have00:25
yuka_hello, i'm trying to customize my top panel. i'm on a laptop and when i first tried using the trackpad after install, the mouse went crazy and moved a lot of the icons. i am now trying to move everything back. i currently have the icons all together on the left. i want to split it the way it was at default, with the shutdown, time, battery, etc icons on the right hand side. but i can't seem to be able to do it. any ideas?01:35
yuka_i right click and select move, but it only moves the icons around each other, it won't move the icon to the far right side01:36
yuka_and also, my battery and wireless icon doesn't even have a 'move' option01:36
bassboiadd a spacer01:49
ari_stresshi all01:55
ari_stressi'm new with xubuntu :D01:55
ari_stressi'm impressed, it's so light and fast01:56
yuka_bassboi: that did it, must have deleted the original one, thanks!02:00
The-Kernelbesides wifi-rader, what are some other good wifi/wireless applications?04:46
owen1i can't see borders around windows (where the minimize button is). when i click on the 'window manager' setting i get this message: "these setting can't work with your current window manager (unknown)"  any idea?05:00
Agent_bob  when i launch it, it comes up with the default background and panels but then the panels vanish, and right click does nothing.     i can alt+f2 run xfce4-panel and get them back.    but nothing seems05:12
Agent_bobto be sticky.   any thoughts on why ?05:12
Agent_bob   anyone that knows some about xfce4?  when i launch it,  it comes up with the default background and panels but then the panels vanish, and right click does nothing.  i can alt+f2 run xfce4-panel and get them back.   but nothing seems to be sticky.   any thoughts on why ?           (and i'll stop repeting now.)06:09
bassboiwhat you mean nothing seems to be sticky?06:10
Agent_bobnext login it's same thing all over again06:12
bassboiwell, when you log out, check the box, "save session for future logins"06:12
Agent_bobwhat box ?06:13
bassboithere should be a checkbox underneath the 6 buttons when you wanna quit06:13
Agent_bobi press the "quit" button and the gui goes away06:13
bassboiapplications ~> quit06:13
Agent_bobxfce menu > quit    yes06:13
bassboiit gives me a an option on what to do... shutdown, restart, logout, hibernate, etc.06:14
bassboii can't help you then, sorry :|06:14
Agent_bobummm i saw those one time.     seems that one may have to use a ?dm   to get those options ?06:14
Agent_bobi could start gdm and test i guess06:15
bassboitry that06:15
bassboii know i have a lot of gnome crap running when i use xfce06:15
Agent_bobhmm guess i'll have to set a password to be able to use gdm to login06:17
Agent_bobok test says that it works and saves changes if using a dm     now i'll see if i can see why it's not working without one06:20
Agent_bobok i think i may have found it in  menu>settings>startup and session> autosave session check box not ticked.06:24
Agent_bobbah  everything but the panel still crashes.06:25
Agent_bobah   here is some interesting jargon    http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=da28982306:26
bassboiweird :|06:29
Agent_bobi'll go play with this some more...    thanks just the same.06:37
akatsuki_i remove my network manager from my xfce menu :(09:00
akatsuki_how can i get it back09:00
TheSheepakatsuki_: press alt+f2 and type nm-applet09:01
akatsuki_no one is there09:02
akatsuki_i mean09:03
akatsuki_nothing appears09:03
akatsuki_when i do that09:03
akatsuki_so what else09:04
akatsuki_any suggestion?09:04
TheSheepright-click on the panel, select 'add item' and select 'system notification area'09:04
TheSheepsorry, it's "Sytem Tray"09:05
TheSheepit has a white "i" as an icon09:05
akatsuki_but now09:09
akatsuki_3 network managers appear lol09:09
akatsuki_and if i try to remove one09:09
akatsuki_i will remove all:S09:09
TheSheepakatsuki_: open a terminal, and type 'killall nm-applet'09:11
TheSheepakatsuki_: then press alt+f2 and type 'nm-applet' in there09:12
TheSheepyou did not remove the network-manager icon itself, you removed the whole notification area where program put their icons09:12
TheSheepso the icon wasn't showing, but it was running09:12
akatsuki_that works09:13
akatsuki_i see09:13
akatsuki_i want to learn, not just fallow instructions.. if you dont care09:14
akatsuki_can you tell me what exactly means nm-applet09:14
akatsuki_and how this resolve it09:14
TheSheepakatsuki_: sorry, was afk09:25
TheSheepakatsuki_: nm-applet is the name of the program that's reponsible for displaying the network manager icon09:25
TheSheepakatsuki_: you had it started several times, but because you didn't have the icon area on your panel, the icon wasn't showing09:26
akatsuki_i see09:40
akatsuki_thanks for the info09:40
akatsuki_but it seems nm-applet is not only netowrk manger but also the battery charge viewer09:40
TheSheepakatsuki_: no, that's gnome-power-manager10:02
TheSheepakatsuki_: they just display their icons in the notification area10:02
Myrttiso the notification area is missing?10:02
akatsuki_i see10:02
akatsuki_so xfce use a bit of gnome10:02
akatsuki_i see10:02
TheSheepakatsuki_: not really, it uses the best programs for the yob that are around10:05
TheSheepakatsuki_: some of them happen to be the same as gnome10:05
akatsuki_i see10:06
akatsuki_well i had try both and i prefer xfce10:06
akatsuki_it seems for me a bit more stable and also a lot faster10:06
akatsuki_i wonder why most people prefer gnome or kde10:06
TheSheepakatsuki_: kde is more similar to windows, and people are accustomed to that10:27
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edmoorehi all. So I like the look of xubuntu, thought the caveat is that I am new to linux so may not be able to qualify that. So I have a couple of questions - what do I loose out on by using xubuntu over straight gnobe ubuntu10:58
edmooreI don't care about filly bits like compiz/fusion, but is there anything more fundamental?10:59
wols_not really. it's a matter of preference11:00
edmoorelike do lots of preograms in the universe repo only work with gnome? the question probably reveals a lack of understanding of x-systems in general, hich I humbly admit to.11:00
edmooreoh hi wols11:00
edmoorefancy seeing you here.11:00
wols_even if. if you install a gnome program it gets its required dependencies and will work like normal11:00
wols_so if you want evolution, you can just install it11:00
wols_it of course drags in a lot of garbage which will then use memory :)11:00
TheSheepedmoore: thunar doesn't have samba support out of the box11:01
edmooreha, it's mainly a headless server that will be cli most of the time, but occassionally I will want to start x and do something11:01
edmooreso I think the way to do this is to install ubuntu server and then apr-get xfce. Or would you recommend instead installing xubuntu and maybe get the server bits afterwards?11:02
edmooreAgain, feeling my way through brand new territory here, though very much enjoying learning.11:02
edmooreso sorry if it's all a bit ignorant11:03
wols_edmoore: you can just install xubuntu-desktop if you want xubuntu11:04
wols_not just xfce. that won't giev you xubuntu11:04
edmooreso what extra does it give me? Is it just Oo (or equivalent) type stuff I can get as I need it, or is there more still?11:04
wols_apt-cache show xubuntu-desktop11:06
edmooreso for instance, I'm not too bothered if I have no mail client or office program out of the box. But if the differences are more deep, I'm all ears.11:06
edmooreok so there isn't that much in apt-cache show xubuntu-desktop. I will install the whole lot then11:07
edmoorejust trying to keep it lean as it's basically just doing numerical sims 99% of the time :)11:08
adamw9678Hello all11:19
adamw9678I am trying to open an executable program but it keep opening in in abiword, What do I need to open it with?11:22
microwaverHello, does anyone have a good tutorials on thunar / menu working in Xcfe11:25
edmooreTheSheep: so if I add xubuntu-desktop ontop of ubuntu-server (with samba installed) should I be good or do i need to do something further?11:31
TheSheepedmoore: xubuntu-desktop has samba alsready, it's just thunar (the file manager) that cannot use it directly, and it's a common problem for users who want to use it togethr with windows machines11:35
TheSheepedmoore: if you install xubuntu-desktop on ubuntu-server, it's pretty much the same as if you installed xubuntu directly11:36
edmooreok, well I guess there's a fix for thunar floating about on the web somewhere11:38
edmooreTheSheep: I assume it's also easy enough to get the system to boot without loading X by default?11:39
TheSheepedmoore: yes, just modify the /etc/rc.d links11:40
lbokenhi every one   i need some help i try to configure a samba share folder (called music)so i can put all my music in one pc and ahve access to all the others and one is in windows xp. i see the server and all on my windows but when i try to login server/username (with the good password) it doesnt go in the login box comeback can some one help me  to find out what wrong?11:59
lbokenthanks in advance11:59
adamw9678What bit of software should I use to open a bin file?13:46
edmooreto edit it or run it?13:47
adamw9678To run it. When I try to open it it opens in abiword?13:47
edmoore./<name of file>13:49
adamw9678In the terminal?13:49
edmooreonce you're in the correct directory13:51
adamw9678sorry I'm still learning how to use the terminal13:52
TheSheepusually you don't want to run all the programs with sudo13:53
TheSheepsudo is only for the things you want to allow modifying your system13:53
adamw9678the icon is on the desktop13:53
TheSheepadamw9678: open your home directory with the file manager, enter the Desktop directory, right-click on the empty space and select 'open terminal here'13:54
TheSheepadamw9678: you might need to add the 'x' file permission to that file (in file properties) to be able to run it13:54
edmooresudo means Super User DO - so it allows you to do things with super user permissions - i.e. permission to do anything. It's quite powerful as a result, and you should only use it if you try to do something and get permission denied errors, or similar13:56
edmooreand you actually know that you want to do what you want to do13:56
TheSheepat least that's the theory :)13:56
adamw9678It has come back saying permission denied?13:57
shaneanyone had any problems with keyboard failure?it is xubuntu hardy 8.04 on a laptop and the keys worked fine until a few days ago,the shift keys are the only ones that have disapeered,no response from them atall13:57
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/14:20
JannoTTSoo strange. When i surf the web it is soo slow. And ping in online games is 10000 but when i download something over http it comes with rs max free user speed. :/.14:23
naxxtorhmm, load balanced web proxy?14:24
naxxtorOR your ISP QoSes the heck out of anything but HTTP >_<14:24
JannoTTDunno :P14:25
vinnlHey rabby14:29
rabbyis there anyone who has a capi (avm isdn fritz!card) running within xubuntu?14:29
rabbyit does not show any error, the driver runs, is loaded and everything looks fine. but it does not receive any data :(14:30
rabbycapiinfo is full of zeroes, which is not very nice, i guess..?14:30
MrNazwhat's the best music player for xubuntu? preferably one that doesnt require installing 20 only vaguely related libs16:32
MrNaztotem is ok, but it doesn't cut it for managing large playlists16:32
MrNazor even playing them16:32
TheSheepMrNaz: I use mpd with Sonata, but you probably won't like it16:43
TheSheepMrNaz: many people like Exaile as it's similar to Amarok16:43
TheSheepmaxamillion: QuodLibet is pretty nice too16:43
TheSheepmaxamillion: sorry16:44
TheSheepMrNaz: that was for you too :)16:44
TheSheepMrNaz: they are all pretty heavy, if you want something light, then go for BeepMediaPlayer or such, but it only has playlist like the old winamp16:47
MrNazi have no problem with the old winamp16:50
MrNazsmall, light, effective16:50
MrNazthey dont make software like they used to16:50
TheSheepMrNaz: then you will like bmp (beep media player)16:50
TheSheepMrNaz: it can even use winamp's skins16:50
TheSheepah, right, forgot bmp was discontinued :)16:52
WARlrusHi, I've got a 256Mb RAM Dell laptop with 1.5Ghz processor, will I be better using Xubuntu or Ubuntu?16:53
MrNazWARlrus probably xubuntu16:54
MrNazits designed to be light & tasty16:55
MrNazWARlrus that being said... i have a dual core 2.2ghz laptop w 2gb ram and i'm running xubuntu16:55
WARlrusWhats the main disadvantages of xubuntu then? What do I lose compared to Ubuntu?16:56
TheSheepWARlrus: it's not a question of hardware as much as your personal preference in this case16:56
TheSheepWARlrus: both will work16:56
TheSheepWARlrus: xubuntu uses a different set of applications and different desktop, file manager, panels, window manager, etc.16:56
TheSheepWARlrus: they are simplier, some people like it, some not16:57
WARlrusbut if I'm not that bothered about pretty graphics, its got pretty much the same functionality?16:57
TheSheepWARlrus: it has less, for example the file manager doesn't support browsing network natively16:58
TheSheep(windows network)16:58
TheSheepWARlrus: of course, you can mix-and-match programs from all flavors of ubuntu16:58
TheSheepso you can install something from ubuntu, kubuntu, etc.16:59
WARlrusOkay, but it has all the same stuff in terms of wireless network etc?17:00
TheSheepWARlrus: yes, under the hood it's the same, pretty much17:00
WARlrusAwesome :-) Stuff like openoffice works as well? That's the main thing I'm after using...17:01
TheSheepit works, but it's not installed by default, you have to add it, it comes with abiword and gnumeric by default, which are faster and lighter, but less feature-rich17:02
WARlrusDo they work with .docx files do you know?17:03
TheSheepno idea, I'll kill the first person who sends me a docx file :)17:03
WARlrusHehe... I use them a lot on my Windoze box at home/college, and just want a laptop that runs well and can use new format Office docs17:04
WARlruseven XP doesn't run on my laptop :P lol17:04
TheSheepmight be a little difficult17:05
WARlrusHow so?17:05
TheSheepWARlrus: as far as I know only the new office supports that format, that's their way of collecting the tax, you see17:09
TheSheepbut there might be some support for it in openoffice already, no idea, you'd have to check17:09
TheSheepyou can also just save in normal .doc or even (gasp) in something standard and portable, like opendocument format17:10
JinKazamahi all17:41
JinKazamaI can't read in Pidgin the cyrillic characters. Somone any suggestion ?17:46
Salix_Hello! What does this mean?17:50
Salix_(npviewer.bin:7542): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libxfce.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6417:50
Salix_I get it if I try to use the toolbar of Firefox...17:50
Salix_(a few buttons are out of order and grey and the location field does not offer anything... :-( )17:51
mikeblackhello, i have my intel graphics driver installed, how do i know, which chipset i have, so i can write this in my xorg.conf ?17:51
TheSheepSalix_: it means you are trying to use a 64 bit library on a 32-bit system17:53
TheSheepmikeblack: lshw17:53
Salix_TheSheep: But I have AMD64... and if I log in as another user then there is no problem at all...!?!17:54
mikeblackok, i'll try it17:55
TheSheepSalix_: maybe some firefox extension that runs in a 32-bit sandbox is trying to access that library?17:55
Salix_TheSheep: is it possible if one of the user has it the other one don't?17:56
Salix_TheSheep: is there a way to figure out which extension is it?17:56
TheSheepSalix_: well, extensions are installed per user, so yes17:57
TheSheepSalix_: I guess a trieal-and-error, unless there are some tools for debugging firefox17:57
PsynoKhi0JinKazama: have you activated proper language support?17:58
JinKazamaI can't find in Pidgin language or encoding setings .18:00
Salix_TheSheep: I see exactly the same extensions installed in both cases. I start trial&error method.18:00
PsynoKhi0JinKazama: if you go to Applications > System > Language support18:01
JinKazamaits OK for other applications. I have problem only Pidgin18:01
TheSheepSalix_: if you don't care what causes it, you can just delete the .mozilla directory (after possibly backing up the bookmarks)18:03
TheSheepSalix_: oh, do both users use the same gtk theme?18:03
JinKazamaif someone send mi a message with cyrillic charecters it come something like that:  Âèæ äàëè ðàáîòè ðàäèîòî âå÷å.18:05
zoredacheSelix_ , TheSheep  mozilla extensions can be installed system wide...  It isn't the default behavior though...18:09
mikeblackin lshw: configuration: driver=agpgart-intel module=intel_agp18:09
mikeblackis that the graphics card18:10
mikeblackand if yes, which one should i write in the xorg.conf18:10
TheSheepzoredache: and such a system-wide extension couldn't possible cause different behaviors for different users, right?18:10
mikeblackintel_agp or agpgart-intel?18:10
zoredacheTheSheep: it shouldn't...18:12
TheSheepmikeblack: no, the graphics card is something like: product: Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller18:12
TheSheepmikeblack: and ubuntu detects which driver to use automagically18:13
mikeblackbut i must write this in xorg.conf18:14
mikeblackor not?18:14
TheSheepmikeblack: it should already be there upon install, you don't have to change anything18:14
mikeblackok, thx18:15
mikeblackbut in my xorg.conf under Device18:17
mikeblackthere is only "Identifier"18:17
mikeblackno "driver"18:17
mikeblackor sth18:17
TheSheepmikeblack: does it work?18:18
mikeblackno, actually not18:19
TheSheepmikeblack: does it display you a configuration dialog?18:19
TheSheep(was it working before you started editing xorg.conf?)18:19
mikeblacki did not edit it18:20
mikeblacki opened it18:20
mikeblacki read it18:20
TheSheepmikeblack: so it was like that right after install already?18:20
TheSheepmikeblack: a perfectly normla, standard install from the cd?18:20
TheSheepargh, then we have a bug18:21
TheSheepmikeblack: and when you try to start X, what happens exactly?18:21
TheSheepmikeblack: for example. when you run 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'18:21
mikeblackthe x server starts18:21
mikeblackeverthing is normal18:22
TheSheepthat's good :)18:22
mikeblackyes ^^18:23
mikeblackbut i want to install the graphics driver18:24
TheSheepmikeblack: it's installed already, otherwise your computer would be unable to display graphics18:24
mikeblackit was already installed in synaptic18:24
mikeblackbut for games, ...18:25
mikeblackare they working?18:25
mikeblacksry for my bad language18:26
TheSheepit should be using either Intel or i810 driver, I guess, you can check/set it in 'sudo displayconfig-gtk', but be careful, you can break it18:26
mikeblackbut i'm from germany18:26
TheSheepwhy don't you just try some game that uses 3d?18:26
TheSheepplanetpenguin-racer for example :P18:27
mikeblackok, it works ^^18:42
mikeblacki'm leaving now18:42
seek3rhello. I have a question about xubuntu and package compatibility, if anyone cares to answer it.19:01
zoredacheno need to ask if you can ask.  Just ask your question... :)19:01
totalwormageask it19:01
* totalwormage hifives zoredache 19:01
seek3rokay, what I wanted to know was if I can install a package intended for etch debian on it. I belive it is xubuntu 7.04 that I will be using19:02
seek3rOr would I be better off compiling the application from source?19:02
TheSheepseek3r: depends on the package19:02
zoredacheseek3r: it is possible... but it would be vety dependant on the application19:02
seek3rummmm. okay. its aircrack-ng. :)19:03
TheSheepseek3r: lowl-level stuff, close to the kernel will probably not work19:03
zoredacheseek3r: you could get the source for the etch package and just rebuild a new package19:03
seek3rI cant get it from the usual repositorry, as I do not have network access on the xubuntu machine19:03
TheSheepseek3r: http://packages.ubuntu.com/19:04
seek3rsource it is, then, I guess. was hoping I could use the .deb package, tho. bummer.19:04
seek3rcan I download the package from there using a windows machine, then copy it over?19:04
seek3rI have network acces with an xp box.19:05
TheSheepseek3r: yes19:05
Kefga_XIs there a way to trigger a program to run when my laptop switches to battery power?19:05
seek3rah. very nice indeed.19:06
TheSheepKefga_X: it is possible in general, but I don't know any details19:09
seek3rnother question. downloading packages from the repository website, will it resove the dependencies for me, or do i need to work that out on my own.?19:09
TheSheepseek3r: the latter19:09
Kefga_XTheSheep: hmm, thanks anways, back to google!19:09
seek3rthought so, but I had to ask. thanks much. :)19:09
zoredachethe packages site will tell you what you need though19:09
TheSheepseek3r: there is some program that can resolve deps and prepare a zip for you, but it needs another linux I think19:09
TheSheepget-zip or something19:10
seek3ryah. well, the website gave me a list of dependent packages, I will just download them all and hope they had the page right. :)19:10
seek3rusing a windoze box right now. no linux available at the moment. :(19:11
TheSheepseek3r: the deps can have their deps in turn...19:11
zoredacheyou could always try booting the livecd on your xp desktop or setting up wubi or something...19:11
seek3roh yeh, I know. dependency hell ..... been there, done that. :(19:11
seek3ryeah, but I dont have a live disc handy, only the alternate install. :(19:12
seek3rdidnt wanna have to download and burn it again. :(19:12
seek3rand we are talking laptop city here, no desktops at all. :)19:13
seek3rI have several of them, each one kind of kitted out for a diffrent "mission", as it were. :)19:13
seek3rI kind of wanted xubuntu for the one, because its a little lower end machine.19:14
seek3rone more stupid question. will the i386 versions of things run on an amd chip? I belive so, but wanted to make sure.19:17
seek3rthought they might. I guess the amd version is just optimized code? not really worried about maximum performance for my purposes, just that it functions.19:18
seek3rI would assume that it is core system and packages, as long as they all match, right?19:19
TheSheepit won't allow you to install package from work architecture19:20
seek3rokay. not a problem there. :)19:20
Kefga_XIs there an easy way to edit the Applications menu in Xubuntu?19:24
PsynoKhi0Kefga_X: you mean with a GUI tool rather than manually as described here? http://wiki.xfce.org/howto/customize-menu19:35
Kefga_XPsynoKhi0: yes19:35
PsynoKhi0http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=359516 this is the closest I could find... it's about making the menu editor access your standard Application entries19:39
PsynoKhi0still gotta get your hands dirty :)19:39
Kefga_XPsynoKhi0: eh, you can't win them all, thanks though19:45
LetsGo67I cannot play sound, because my sound device is being used, how can I find out what is using it?19:50
PsynoKhi0Kefga_X: np... shame though, it's easy as pie in GNOME19:52
TheSheepLetsGo67: try: lsof /dev/dsp19:55
TheSheepLetsGo67: or 'lsof  | grep snd'19:55
LetsGo67xfce-mcs-, xfce4-mix, firefox, firefox, firefox, and firefox19:58
TheSheepmy bet would be that it's either firefox, firefox, firefox or firefox19:58
LetsGo67I can't hear anything, TheSheep.19:59
LetsGo67Now I killed Firefox.19:59
LetsGo67TheSheep: works now, thanks for your help!20:00
WARlrusHi, I'm having trouble installing xubuntu - the installer gets to 15% and then the computer locks up :S21:01
vinnlWARlrus, you mean you can't move the cursor or it just stops installing?21:03
WARlrusCan't move the cursor21:03
vinnlHmm, then I wouldn't know what the problem is :(21:04
vinnlDo you have enough RAM?21:04
vinnlThat should work21:04
vinnlWhat you could do is try installing with the Alternate CD21:04
WARlrusWhere can I get that?21:04
vinnlThe same place you downloaded the Desktop CD21:05
WARlrusThanks :)21:06
WARlrusWhats different about the alternate CD?21:06
vinnlIt's not graphical21:09
vinnlIt might look a little scary but it's in essence the same21:09
WARlrusAh okay :)21:09
WARlrusMy laptop is very slow when running the first stages of the installer21:11
WARlrusmay that have anything to do with it?21:12
vinnlMight be, the alternate installer is lighter on resources so if that's the problem it could solve it :)21:12
WARlrusExcellent, now just have to wait 30 mins for it to download :'(21:12
vinnlI'm feeling your pain ;-)21:13
WARlrusI get the feeling this is going to be a long night :-D lol21:13
vinnlAt least we're close in timezones then :P21:14
WARlrusWhere abouts are you?21:15
vinnlThe Netherlands21:15
WARlrusI'm UK :)21:15
WARlrusand the installers just done the same thing again... lol21:15
vinnlNever give up, eh? :P21:15
WARlrusYeah -.-21:15
jarnosI wonder why USB-powered external hdd remains spinning after I shut down computer?21:38
zoredachesome usb drives never spin down21:40
jarnoszoredache: If I remember right, the same drive did spin down when connected to another computer.21:41
jarnoszoredache: Additionally, this drive spins down by delay, but I am not sure it works with the problematic computer.21:52
WARlrusHi :) I'm still having trouble with the xubuntu install. I'm running the alternative installer now, and it is failing on "Select and install software". is this a step I can skip and then come to once the system is up and running?22:57
zoredacheit would kinda depend on how much it was able to successfully install23:00
WARlrusWell I can skip to the next step23:03
WARlrusI think...23:03
WARlruswhat could be causing that error?23:03
zoredachebad download, or bad burn to the cd are the most likely causes23:04
zoredachedid you do a disk verify?23:04
WARlrusRighty, I'll re-burn the CD then :)23:04
WARlrusNo, good idea lol23:04
zoredacheone of the boot options is to verify the disk23:04
WARlrusRunning that now, we'll see what that throws up23:05
WARlrusAhhh! Corrupted CD23:11
WARlrusright, lets burn a new one23:11
zoredacheyou might try burning slower... or maybe faster... or something23:11
zoredachesince the cd is corrupt you might want to double check the md5 of the iso you downloaded just to be sure you aren't starting with a bad download23:12
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:12
WARlrusCheers :) I've done MD5 has testing before, just need to find the supposed hash of the download23:14
WARlrusYeah, checksums are the same :) Re-burning it is!23:15

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