[00:29] wiki borked? [00:30] it's having a few upgrade related hiccups it seems [02:00] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/255385 >> Must be in wishlist! [02:00] Launchpad bug 255385 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] indonesian-fonts and scim-table-indonesian" [Undecided,New] [02:02] HI everyone [02:34] I'm looking to create a bogus bug report on Launchpad for this weekend's bug jam. Is there a good package/project to associate this with so I don't upset any devs? [02:35] chuckf: staging.launchpad.net [02:36] chuckf: It's a playground instance of launchpad - you can do whatever you want to it, no one will care. [02:38] brilliant! thanks! [02:58] RAOF: thanks for that tip, I didn't know about staging either [03:03] Someone Know an hour when Dholbach appears? [03:04] Somewhere between 2pm & 4pm GMT+10 [03:04] Convert into local time as appropriate. [03:07] :S [03:08] ok [03:08] mm here is Gmt -4 [03:10] hey, i was in here the the other night and someone was telling me about launchpad [03:10] they said you can find "bite size" bugs there [03:10] as a way to get my feet wet [03:10] how do you search by that [03:11] !bitesize [03:11] A list of bugs that are considered easy to fix and good for beginners to attempt can be found at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize [03:11] tada [03:12] thanks for the Tip! [03:20] what's cherry pick [03:22] there's a tag called "cherry pick" [03:22] sorry... "cherry-pick" [03:24] camden: From https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Tags: "A kernel bug that has a git commit SHA from the upstream kernel " [03:26] when can the fix for bug 251338 be included in Ubuntu? [03:26] Launchpad bug 251338 in linux "Defective AMI BIOS on multiple Foxconn, MSI, and ASUS Intel LGA 775 motherboards breaks ACPI support" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/251338 [03:27] also don't forget about string-fix tag [03:27] that's even easier! [03:27] it's a very simple patch that has virtually no risks [03:27] and will fix millions of malfunctioning motherboards [03:28] camden: Bugs tagged with the desktop-file tag are also usually very easy to fix [03:30] AlmightyCthulhu: this probably isn't the best channel to get that that sort of information [03:30] AlmightyCthulhu: I don't actually see a patch attached to that [03:30] mrooney: it's in the linked bg [03:30] james_w: would QA be better do you think? [03:30] morooney: Patch is in Fedora Rawhide [03:30] and sent upstream [03:30] -kernel [03:30] should be easy to pull and apply [03:31] I'm beginning to side with Matthew Garrett over this, since Foxconn has been the only vendor that's stepped up to the plate [03:31] out of 4-5 vendors with multiple boards affected [03:32] the patch is a three liner that has no real potential to screw anything up [03:33] AlmightyCthulhu: yes, you've said [03:33] I see it being more practical than asking every motherboard vendor that uses AMI BIOS to pull their head out and get some fresh air [03:33] as I said, this isn't appropriate channel for dealing with this now [03:34] what is "mentoring offered" exactly? [03:35] camden: It means someone has offered to help get the bug patched [03:35] I'm really starting to be amazed that anything manages to work at all, with "standards" like the PC has [03:35] * AlmightyCthulhu vomits [03:36] haha [03:36] hey mrooney [03:37] I owe you one advocation, I can do it now [03:37] nhandler: please explain.. help in what way? [03:37] mrooney: what's the page again please? [03:37] i guess i was thinking "mentor" means... they could do it themselves but they are willing to walk someone else through it instead to teach them [03:37] camden: that's exactly it [03:38] "walk them through it" might be a bit strong, but they are willing to give pointers and assist if they get stuck [03:38] ok [03:38] When I offer to mentor someone, I usually work with them through irc/email to help them get a patch prepared. But I don't do it for them. [03:39] another question... sometimes the bug is labeled "confirmed" but from the discussion, it seems like it's fixed already [03:39] what's up with that [03:39] ? [03:39] wrong status? [03:39] Do you have a link to the bug you are looking at? [03:41] nhandler: let me find it again... [03:44] nhandler: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/exaile/+bug/250213 [03:44] Launchpad bug 250213 in exaile "Grammatical error in Exaile description" [Low,Confirmed] [03:44] * Fixed grammatical error in description (LP: #250213) [03:44] seems fixed ? [03:45] * nhandler is looking [03:45] It was set to confirmed when u-u-s was subsribed [03:45] You should read through this wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Sponsorship/SponsorsQueue [03:49] mrooney: I found it and added my comments, good luck. [03:50] mrooney: I think there are plans afoot to at least reduce the number of places a proxy must be configured, if not reduce it to one, so you may be one step closer to your dream in intrepid/intrepid+1 [03:51] james_w: double thanks :) [03:51] bug 251338 ...I attached Matthew Garrett's patch and credited it to him [03:51] Launchpad bug 251338 in linux "Defective AMI BIOS on multiple Foxconn, MSI, and ASUS Intel LGA 775 motherboards breaks ACPI support" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/251338 [03:51] hoping this can expedite things? [03:52] AlmightyCthulhu: again, this isn't the channel [03:53] you have mentioned the report in the correct channel, so you should now wait until your request is considered [03:53] is there a lunch or something over there? [03:54] I don't even know what that means! [03:54] not everyone is in the same timezone as you [03:54] not everyone is watching IRC at all times [03:54] please be patient [03:56] AlmightyCthulhu: it is Triaged, the best state you could hope for in an open bug, and has an Importance of High [03:56] so that is promising [03:56] someone know why my 5-a-day applet dont show if it sent or no bugs anymore [03:56] well, I'm surprised nobody ever said anything before [03:57] there's only how many millions of these boards out there? [03:57] anakron: does it if you mouse over the icon? [03:57] AlmightyCthulhu: boards? [03:57] it just blows the mind that so many people have the issue but nobody has reported it, not once [03:58] AlmightyCthulhu: are you sure it hasn't been? if not, it may not be as widespread as you think [03:58] The last times the applet show a notification that says that a bug was successfulluy sent [03:58] but now [03:58] i cant know if it was send right or not [03:58] anakron: Try moving your mouse over the applet [03:59] mrooney: I think most people either learn to live with it, avoid that feature, or say "Linux sucks" and leave [03:59] nhandler: do you see that too? [03:59] would be my guess anyway [03:59] Yeah james_w. I've had this issue since they changed the icon [03:59] but it shows that it is sending the last applet [04:00] but the affected BIOS has been floating around for over a year on motherboards from 5 vendors [04:00] but can still the same message all the day [04:00] I know the problem must be encountered regularly [04:00] im now in 2.6.26-5 kernel [04:00] and i can see it since 1 kernel ago [04:01] that would be like saying the engine knocks on all 2007 model cars, and nobody has complained [04:01] it makes no sense [04:01] the notification message dont appear [04:02] has the no keyboard or mouse bug been fixed yet? [04:02] Im waiting dholbach to report it to him, but he will log out so late for me [04:02] another thing [04:03] im using hardy repositories for five-a-day package [04:03] Is there a intrepid version? [04:03] There is an intrepid version now anakron [04:04] in which repos? [04:04] deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/5-a-day/ubuntu intrepid main [04:04] :O thanks a lot [04:15] nhandler [04:15] bdmurray: ping [04:15] in the five-a-day package the error still? [04:15] im talking to him, but he is off [04:16] anakron: I tried to get someone started with 5-a-day a bit ago and failed hard, is there a blocker atm? [04:16] unreladed to the ping btw [04:17] Sorry, English is not my Native Language so Im not so good understanding [04:17] but [04:18] Which was the fail? [04:18] oh? what's your native Language? [04:18] Spanish [04:18] IM Chilean [04:18] :p not gonna even try.... [04:18] but continue, i can keep a fast conversation [04:19] well I just couldn't get the bzr branch to publish [04:19] so I thought I had made some mistake [04:19] mmm [04:19] but you dont have a bzr branch in your computer [04:20] but when you tried to do update-signature you get an error? [04:20] 5-a-day --add ### ### ### failed [04:21] why you do in terminal? [04:21] You can do it with LP [04:21] is too easy to do [04:21] do tell [04:21] ¿? [04:21] How do I use 5-a-day in LP? [04:22] a ok [04:22] If you want to upload you signature you must go to this url [04:23] https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair [04:24] did that [04:24] there you can get a ssh key and must give it at https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editsshkeys [04:24] ok [04:24] you upload it? [04:24] yup [04:25] oh, if you're gonna tell me to use the applet, It didn't work btw [04:25] mm [04:25] xD [04:26] dont worry [04:26] can you update your signature? [04:26] update-signature [04:26] I don't have her password or computer, so I don't know [04:26] ok [04:26] Hey nhandler! [04:27] the problem was solved, 5-a-day applet for intrepid looks fine [04:27] thanks [04:27] what issue did yau have? [04:27] 5-a-day applet didnt show any notification [04:27] if a package was send or not [04:28] I see [04:30] james_w: by the way, regarding bug 253068, when you said "launchpad_username = " are the braces literal, as in do I need them? [04:30] Launchpad bug 253068 in bzr "cannot use launchpad-login command without internet connection" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/253068 [04:30] I tried without them and it didn't work, and I don't have access to that machine now so I thought I'd ask [04:31] mrooney: no, that was to imply variable substitution [04:31] james_w: okay, that's what I thought. I wonder what I did wrong [04:31] would it require a logout/login after changing the .conf? [04:32] shouldn't do no [04:32] if you are trying something like "bzr push" in an existing branch then it won't work, as it will have saved the old URL [04:32] right I did the commits after I changed the conf [04:33] so, what's not working right? [04:34] is it the username/email in "bzr log" that are the problem? [04:36] james_w: nope, that is "right", unless the username part should be my launchpad login [04:36] no, they are separate [04:36] okay, that's what I thought [04:37] if you peek at https://code.launchpad.net/~michael/wxbanker/trunk, r37 is "correct" while the others are not [04:38] ah, ok [04:38] that's nothing to do with launchpad-login I don't think [04:38] that takes the email address of the commit and finds the LP user with that email address in it's database, and then links them [04:39] launchpad@rowk isn't one of your addresses, and so isn't linke [04:39] oh my, I might have to blush [04:39] I just saw that, too [04:39] maybe I just forgot the .com! [04:39] if you want to connect them then "bzr whoami Mike Rooney " should make future revisions work [04:40] yeah that is what I used, I guess I just forgot the .com somehow, I'll check tomorow [04:40] *tomorrow [04:40] sorry for taking your time if that is all it was :) [04:40] no problem [04:41] but maybe inadvertently I found something to improve upon in bzr with launchpad-login anyway :) [04:41] Good night, evening, morning...good [ramdom ] [04:42] nice talk with you guys! see you soon [04:42] bye anakron! [04:46] james_w: congrats on becoming a Universe Contributer! [04:48] thanks Awsoonn === techno_freak is now known as technofreak|woun === technofreak|woun is now known as technofreak|hurt [04:55] Brian murray is on? [04:57] bdmurray appears to be away. [04:57] mmm yeah it seems [04:57] i hope he will read the messages that i wrote [04:57] bye [05:04] anyone with more wiki knowlage to confirm a bug? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Tags [05:04] I think I broke it [05:04] xD [05:06] I confirm its broken [05:06] there you are~ :) [05:06] I don't remember why I was looking for you now though.... [05:07] I think I will let you submit the bug report on that thig in any case, I can't really do anything about it, the old version apears borked now as well :/ [05:09] seriously? reverting doesn't help? [05:10] Brian! [05:10] did you read the message that i wrote? [05:11] I'm not clear what interview you are referring too [05:11] seriously~ [05:12] when reverting, it apears to regenerate the html and during that generation x-plodes. Maybe I'm totaly off though [05:13] err [05:13] you fixed it? I assume? [05:13] Well, I commented it out. I wouldn't call that fixing [05:14] ^^ dependso on who you work for I suppose [05:14] I imagine the include syntax change with this revision of moinmoin [05:38] how can I set a wiki page to redirect to another page [05:40] got it, thanks [06:13] good morning [06:15] * greg-g waves [06:17] dholbach, morning :) [06:18] hi greg-g, hi technofreak|hurt [06:18] good [random] [08:33] Hello, In intrepid I got this error in KDE starting: The file or folder /home/mattik/Desktop/ does not exist. [08:33] I am unsure with respect to bug 95714 about its validity. I think most gnome applications grab focus on start up. So is gedit. Any comments would be welcomed [08:33] Launchpad bug 95714 in wxmaxima "wxmaxima app window steals focus on start" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95714 [08:34] and also this bug has been reported in feisty. [08:36] Is this some error what is fixed kde 4.2 then? [08:39] Or is kde 4.2 coming intrepid? [08:40] tuxmaniac: maybe lunch [08:41] nah. various time zone. One sleeping, one lunch, one just about to get up.. etc === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach === ogra_ is now known as ogra [11:44] Awsoonn: did you hear back from your audiophile friend about the screencast? [11:44] Awsoonn: if not, we can just take the one you did and upload it [11:49] (in time for GBJ) [12:56] Hi all [13:06] After install intrepid, my keyboard is messed, some keys don't work, for instance: arrow keys, home, end, page up, page down [13:06] is that a known bug [13:07] (this is a question, question mark doesn't work) [13:07] yes. [13:07] Pici, do you have the number [13:07] jwendell: looking [13:07] thanks [13:07] bug 255008 [13:07] Launchpad bug 255008 in xorg-server "Up arrow key mapped to Print [screen]" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/255008 [13:43] is there any need to keep this open https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gst-plugins-bad0.10/+bug/11871 [13:43] Launchpad bug 11871 in gst-plugins-bad0.10 "Video doesn't change size when going to fullscreen using SDL video sink" [Low,Incomplete] [13:44] it seems to only effect you if you set your totem to use SDL output [13:44] which is not default, and there may be no reason for anyone to want to do that [13:45] ssam: yes, if it's still a bug [13:45] it doesn't really matter if it is default or not [13:45] though being default would make it more important [13:46] you can't even set it to SDL through the gui [14:15] dholbach: yea, its ready http://sushi.homelinux.com/package.avi [14:16] hey Awsoonn, good video ;-) [14:16] thanks ^_^ [14:17] I hope it helps someone at least~ [14:19] Awsoonn, great, thanks for that :) [14:19] I'm sure it's going to help quite a lot [14:20] * pedro_ is going to use it for the GBJ [14:21] Awsoonn: I need to run some errands, but I'll put it up on videos.u.c and youtube later on [14:21] Awsoonn: thanks a lot for that! [14:22] :) [14:22] Awsoonn: nice one [14:27] it's super easy to do, so if there are any other topics you want covered, just stick them on the wiki. [14:30] Awsoonn, linking upstream bugs ;) [14:30] Awsoonn: may be how to create a video? ;-) will help a ot more peope to contribute? [14:31] darn. all my "l"s are going for a toss today [14:34] tuxmaniac: I was thinking about doing that too. [14:38] has anyone here used wxmaxima? [14:42] I've used maxima [14:43] wxmaxima looks cool. [14:54] snap-l: where do you find the "curves" menu? [14:55] tuxmaniac: For plotting? [14:55] I'm a casual user of Maxima at best. [14:55] I am triaging a bug 185742. [14:55] Launchpad bug 185742 in wxmaxima "Application crash on menu item selection" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185742 [14:56] snap-l: reported in gutsy. he mentions about "Curves" menu which I cant find at all. And all plot works and doesnt crash in hardy [14:57] You need more information [14:57] I'm using Feisty, and I'm not seeing any issues. [14:58] bug #251666 [14:58] Launchpad bug 251666 in cryptkeeper "cryptkeeper shouldn't depend on nautilus" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/251666 [15:00] snap-l: ok thanks === nixternal_ is now known as nixternal [15:12] any idea why I get this error for 5-a-day "Bugs have been added, but not committed yet (already committed 46 minutes ago)." though I havent added that bug number before [15:14] Awsoonn: this one is REALLY good [15:14] good work! [15:18] tuxmaniac: You'll need to wait to commit again. You can force it if you need, but I'd wait until you're through your 5-a-day to force it. [15:18] snap-l: aah ok. One more to go [15:18] I will force it after that [15:18] :) [15:18] Otheriwse the server has to cope with 5 requests rather than 2 [15:22] Awsoonn, heno, jcastro: http://videos.ubuntu.com/qa [15:22] oops [15:22] wanted to upload the .ogg [15:22] hang on [15:37] it's up now :) [16:09] Awsoonn: you could have told people about Bugs/FindRightPackage too :) [16:11] added it to that wiki page and to the RunningBugJam material section [16:26] dholbach: ping [16:38] bdmurray: pong [16:38] Should I just link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam/BugLists from the main GBJ page? [16:39] bdmurray: sounds good [16:39] bdmurray: I linked the findrightpackage page from a couple of places and linked Awsoonn's video too [16:39] the Material section on RunningBugJam is growing and growing [16:39] I LIKE THAT [16:44] Hi! I'd like to have some advice on bug reporting, please... There's a bug in 'viking' package in Hardy (0.9.3-2build1) , that has been fixed in debian-testing version ( Should I fill an official bug report on launchpad https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/viking/+bugs ? (currently, there are no bugs there...) [16:51] krz22: only if you think it's important enough to get this fixed in hardy. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates [16:51] krz22: ( is in intrepid) [16:54] afflux: thanks! according to this policy -- no, it's not so important. thanks again. [16:54] you're welcome [17:25] bdmurray: did you link the bug status graphs from a couple of pages? [17:27] * bdmurray makes a list [17:27] added it to the knowledgebase === zulizzi is now known as Guest38148 [17:32] bdmurray: good: http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?p=156 ? :-) [17:39] dholbach: ;) [17:40] dholbach: looks like the Bluetooth Test page needs a complete cleanup [17:40] tuxmaniac: slytherin might be in a much better position to update it than I am [17:43] dholbach: looks like the last person to have edited is me :-) exactly a year back [17:43] :) [17:43] ok... I'm going to call it a day now [17:43] I'll see you tomorrow! === teKnofreak is now known as techno_freak [18:03] Hi, I need some help with apport. Its in response to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/229688 [18:03] Launchpad bug 229688 in ubuntu "Segmentation Fault on inserting a blank disk" [Undecided,Invalid] [18:06] hi rampageoberon. it was me who closed your bug report [18:07] are you still having issues enabling Apport? [18:07] Hi chrisccoulson [18:07] is there a bug report for boot hanging at ACPI: EC: GPE Storm Detected, Disabling EC GPE until the power button is pressed? [18:07] Well, I enabled it like you said, but i can't get it to do a report [18:08] chrisccoulson: the /etc/default/apport file now has enabled=1 [18:08] after it is enabled, could you have a look at the output of "cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern" [18:08] it should look something like "|/usr/share/apport/apport %p %s %c" [18:08] if it says "core", then apport is not catching the seg fault [18:08] chrisccoulson: yes thats correct [18:09] It doesn't say core [18:09] does it match the pattern i quoted above? [18:09] Yes it does [18:10] and you're definately sure that the application crashes with a segmentation fault? if it does, then Apport will catch that. you say you're running the application as a different user. This means that the crash report in /var/crash will belong to the other user, and your normal user probably won't be able to read it [18:11] what does "ls -l /var/crash" say? [18:11] its empty [18:11] ah, ok [18:12] could you please describe in the bug report exactly the sequence of commands you use to run the application and cause it to crash [18:12] then i can have a go at my end [18:13] ok, i use the user rampage (while logged in user is jilan) [18:14] su rampage <--- to change my user (I grant rampage privilages by "xhost +si:localuser:rampage") [18:14] thanks. could you please add that to the bug report. i'll try to repeat your crash later tonight if i get a chance then [18:15] I then run linuxdcpp from the terminal (this segmentation fault happens even if I run vlc but only when a blanc disc is in the drive) [18:15] you can also re-open the bug report by setting the status back to "New" again, by clicking on the current status and selecting "New" from the drop-down list [18:16] chrisccoulson: I emailed you with a paste of the commands (i'll paste them on the bug too as i just checked and that info has not been posted) [18:16] thanks:) [18:16] Okay, I'll do so. Thank you very much for the help [18:16] no problem! [18:20] Okay, i've added a paste of the terminal output to the initial bug report and set it as new again (this has the command sequence too) [18:21] thanks. i'll take a look later [18:22] Okay [18:25] hello [18:25] hello mcas [18:25] hello chrisccoulson [18:29] just looking at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub/+bug/154482. grub-disk is a dummy package that depends on grub-rescue-pc in hardy. there appears to be no grub-rescue-pc packaged for gutsy, as reported in this report. does anyone know if that is actually intentional or a real bug? if it is a real bug, is it actually likely to be something that would be fixed for gutsy now? [18:29] Launchpad bug 154482 in grub "grub-disk not upgradable due to missing dependency" [Undecided,New] [18:30] afaict, it breaks upgrades from feisty to gutsy actually === asac_ is now known as asac [18:57] why do I get the [NEW] "you have been subscribed to a new report" AFTER I get bug updates from Pedro triaging it?? [19:09] greg-g: because it is "NEW" to you [19:10] greg-g: I think there is an lp bug about it [19:10] bdmurray: yeah, but it isn't NEW to me anymore right? I mean, I am subscribed to evince bugs yet, due to pedro's speed (I assume), I actually get the emails of his work on the bugs before I get the notification about the new bugs in the first place. [19:10] oh, I thought I wasn't clear, that is why I explained more, I think you understood me :) [19:11] hmm, I've seen an e-mail with "NEW" in the subject later on the bug's lifecycle when I am subscribed to it [19:15] yeah, that's it. === marass is now known as mcas [21:25] wow, 2 critical bugs in a day [21:31] nellery: hmm? [21:32] bdmurray, Bug 255833 and Bug 255819 [21:32] Launchpad bug 255833 in slack "Please sync slack 0.15.2-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/255833 [21:32] Launchpad bug 255819 in slack "prerm will rm -rf / when /etc/slack.conf is empty" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/255819 [21:32] the second bug is especially nice [21:34] that's exciting === mcas is now known as mcas_away [22:19] hello! i'm trying to find out whether my 5-a-day is working properly. here's the output of "5-a-day --add ######": http://pastebin.com/m78de5777 [22:21] Odd-rationale, looks right [22:31] nellery: thanks [22:35] no problem :) [22:35] Odd-rationale: Hi, I think you assigned a bug to debian-installer recently [22:35] Odd-rationale: It was about the graphical installer though, from what I gathered, so I flipped it to ubiquity [22:37] bdmurray: k, thanks. what # was that? [22:39] Odd-rationale: looks like bug 255653 [22:39] Launchpad bug 255653 in ubiquity "Hardy install on FS Lifebook S7020 fails - loops back to partitioner step" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/255653 [22:40] Its not obvious but there were a few give aways [22:53] bdmurray: k thanks. (i'm having some horrible lag ATM...) [22:56] just getting ready for the Bug Jam ;) [23:21] Bingo! [23:22] a day early :( [23:22] you got one already? [23:22] yup [23:22] most common seem to be Binary and Intrepid === apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger [23:30] does the GBJ begin 00:00:00 UTC ? ;) [23:36] Odd-rationale, I think it's pretty much Aug 8-10 in all timezones [23:44] are the 5-a-day stats live? [23:45] or updated every so often? [23:47] Odd-rationale, every so often [23:47] but soon enough [23:48] isn't it like hourly [23:48] something like that [23:49] i was wondering because. although i show up... my team doesn't [23:49] i'll wait and see... [23:51] Odd-rationale, doesn't look like it went through [23:51] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~odd-rationale/5-a-day-data/main/annotate/7?file_id=data-20080807205648-yqi3cm9cqf7giln7-1 [23:51] you would see the tag there, next to the bug number [23:52] if my memory is correct... [23:54] the team tag you mean? [23:54] perhaps the team isn't set up correctly in your 5-a-day? [23:56] 5-a-day --add-team [23:56] i have a team file in ~/.5-a-day-odd-rationale/team [23:57] it has the correct name of the team in there...