gouki | #ubuntu-ps3 belongs to Ubuntu IRC council. I was wondering if someone could set guard on the server (chanserv). | 00:47 |
Pici | ♥ new !test factoid | 01:47 |
nickrud | !test | 01:47 |
ubottu | sigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed. | 01:47 |
nickrud | It should only say that on a second invocation shortly after the first :) | 01:48 |
Pici | Okay, you update the encyclopedia code to do that then | 01:48 |
* nickrud wanders away, whistling | 01:49 | |
bazhang | was just testing for a response from kevin0's chanbot3 (now parted) | 01:50 |
elky_work | who's what? | 01:50 |
elky_work | !pony | 01:51 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pony | 01:51 |
elky_work | :( | 01:51 |
bazhang | chanbot3] (n=kevin@unaffiliated/kevino/bot/chanbot): Kevin Ouellette | 01:52 |
bazhang | that one ^^ | 01:52 |
nickrud | !pony is <reply> I'm the thing elky wants but elky can't have :) | 01:56 |
ubottu | I'll remember that, nickrud | 01:56 |
Hobbsee | @pong | 02:00 |
Hobbsee | @pony | 02:00 |
Hobbsee | aww | 02:00 |
nickrud | !pony | 02:02 |
ubottu | I'm the thing elky wants but elky can't have :) | 02:02 |
elky_work | :( ++ | 02:17 |
bazhang | ruh roh | 03:01 |
bazhang | the bot just remembered something when I piped !install to a user | 03:02 |
bazhang | !install | ^Daisy^ here is the answer do some reading | 03:03 |
ubottu | But install | ^daisy^ here already means something else! | 03:03 |
bazhang | !forget install | ^Daisy^ here is the answer do some reading | 03:04 |
nickrud | !forget install | ^Daisy^ here | 03:04 |
ubottu | I know nothing about install | ^Daisy^ here is the answer do some reading yet, bazhang | 03:04 |
nickrud | bazhang you broke the bot!!! | 03:04 |
ubottu | I know nothing about install | ^Daisy^ here yet, nickrud | 03:04 |
bazhang | urp | 03:04 |
* nalioth cues up the music from The Benny Hill Show | 03:04 | |
nickrud | don't use is in a pipe bazhang . I've had to delete more than a few of those | 03:05 |
bazhang | nickrud, okay thanks | 03:05 |
nickrud | !install | ^Daisy^ here | 03:05 |
ubottu | ^Daisy^ here: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 03:05 |
nickrud | !forget ^Daisy^ here | 03:05 |
ubottu | I know nothing about ^Daisy^ here yet, nickrud | 03:05 |
nickrud | gargle | 03:06 |
bazhang | !forget !install | ^Daisy^ here is the answer do some reading | 03:06 |
ubottu | I know nothing about !install | ^Daisy^ here is the answer do some reading yet, bazhang | 03:06 |
nickrud | oh, crap I am blind. It's already gone ;) | 03:06 |
bazhang | hope so | 03:07 |
bazhang | seems to have quieted daisy though :) | 03:07 |
bazhang | !install | 03:11 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 03:11 |
bazhang | !-install | 03:11 |
ubottu | install aliases: nocdinstall - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 00:40:32 - last edited by nixternal on 2008-03-20 01:28:56 | 03:11 |
bazhang | wow lag | 03:26 |
bazhang | nickrude :) | 03:39 |
nickrud | heh. That actually used to be my nick. Just finally changed it at the nytimes, someone else's use of nickrud finally expired | 03:40 |
bazhang | haha | 03:41 |
nickrud | that was the last remaining nickrude. I used that at the times for something like 10 years ;) | 03:42 |
bazhang | :) | 03:42 |
bazhang | <kane> I use neighbors wireless <--this is approved? | 03:47 |
bazhang | !wardriving | 03:50 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wardriving | 03:50 |
nickrud | bazhang unless he says he's leaching, I'm assuming he has permission. | 03:52 |
bazhang | nickrud, very grey area imo | 03:53 |
nickrud | I've had permission to do that, and I've given it | 03:53 |
nalioth | the US considers open wireless points to be "freely available" | 03:56 |
nalioth | it's when you crack your neighbors wpa/etc that you are 'crashing the party' | 03:56 |
bazhang | seriously doubt he has permission at this point | 03:56 |
bazhang | depends on the locale as far as freely available | 03:57 |
bazhang | not all states approve. | 03:57 |
nalioth | we're not here to enforce the law. we're here to keep #ubuntu on topic | 03:57 |
bazhang | wonder if ubuntu irc has official ties to ubuntu canonical. | 03:59 |
bazhang | if so, then the !piracy makes sense. | 04:00 |
* nalioth blinks. | 04:01 | |
nalioth | bazhang: yes. | 04:02 |
nickrud | makes sense even if not. But, many tools that can be used for illegal purposes can be used for legal ones. And I'm not going to go around assuming that everyone is automatically using them for illegal purposes. | 04:02 |
bazhang | nalioth, does not the piracy factoid tie into legal issues? | 04:02 |
bazhang | or is that more a general freenode policy | 04:03 |
nalioth | no. it ties into "keeping #ubuntu on topic" | 04:03 |
Pici | Right. #ubuntu is not for teaching you how to crack your neighbors wireless. If you can't get connected to 'a wireless access point' then we can help. | 04:03 |
bazhang | iirc that factoid is used in ot as well. | 04:03 |
bazhang | ie piracy is not permitted in any ubuntu channel (that is talk of it) | 04:04 |
nalioth | illegal activity discussion is off topic on the whole network | 04:04 |
bazhang | aha so a freenode policy then. | 04:05 |
nickrud | yet what reason do we have to believe the guy was illegally accessing an access point? He simply said he was using his neighbors. Is that sufficient reason for us to refuse help? | 04:05 |
bazhang | just wanted to be sure of the policy with respect to that | 04:06 |
bazhang | cracking wep/wpa not okay; accessing open okay | 04:07 |
bazhang | is that right? | 04:07 |
Pici | yes | 04:07 |
bazhang | thanks Pici | 04:07 |
Pici | Along the same lines, if someone is asking how to mount an iso, unless the origin of the iso is needed for continuing to support, I dont ask where it comes from. | 04:08 |
bazhang | http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080103-the-ethics-of-stealing-a-wifi-connection.html this seems to settle it | 04:11 |
bazhang | right; I got hit with a cluebat on that one last week. | 04:12 |
Pici | ;) | 04:17 |
bazhang | see the channel asus is promoting in -ot? | 04:18 |
bazhang | is that now part of the ubuntu family? | 04:18 |
Flannel | bazhang: No. | 04:18 |
Flannel | a PM to let him know is probably the best recourse | 04:19 |
nalioth | +1 ( it is rude at best, spam at worst ) | 04:19 |
bazhang | feel free Flannel | 04:19 |
Flannel | especially since its 8 minutes after the fact | 04:19 |
Flannel | bazhang: I just glanced in, I'm at work, don't have time for a conversation. | 04:20 |
Flannel | but, if you don't want to, I'll mention it to him | 04:20 |
bazhang | he would be, how shall we say, less receptive to a PM from yours truly | 04:20 |
Flannel | Im on it | 04:22 |
Flannel | alright | 04:22 |
elky_work | someone want to tell me what channel was he promoting in PM? | 04:23 |
elky_work | oh dear | 04:24 |
bazhang | yup | 04:24 |
Flannel | mentioned it, he said fine. with some odd tab characters. but he acknowledged. | 04:25 |
elky_work | did it look like an innocent mistake, or a deliberate thing? | 04:26 |
bazhang | the 2nd | 04:26 |
Flannel | It was probably nescience | 04:26 |
elky_work | i wonder if the owner of said channel has anything to do with it | 04:26 |
nalioth | i doubt it. | 04:26 |
Pici | I've asked him to not advertise other channels in -ot previously | 04:30 |
elky_work | Pici, the same other channel? | 04:31 |
bazhang | he seems to comply with such requests, then forgets a moment later. | 04:32 |
nalioth | ban for spam | 04:32 |
bazhang | ie within 5 minutes | 04:32 |
elky_work | did he do it again? | 04:32 |
Pici | elky_work: yes | 04:33 |
Flannel | in which channel? | 04:37 |
* Flannel must be blind today. | 04:37 | |
Pici | elky_work: I mean 'yes it was that channel', not 'yes he just did it again right now' | 04:38 |
nalioth | ban for spam | 04:39 |
elky_work | nalioth, you're just as capable of acting as we are | 04:40 |
nalioth | i don't see it, since the initial usage | 04:41 |
elky_work | but then you will have to go though the 'you ops are inconsistant, the other guy said...' dance | 04:41 |
bazhang | I will happily comply for the price of a burger next Tuesday | 04:41 |
Flannel | ops are inconsistant, thats just a fact; but that doesn't mean you can go run to mom when dad says no. | 04:41 |
elky_work | Flannel, the problem is they can in so much as they can try. succeeding in getting their way is usually elusive, however they do still succeed in wasting our time. the wastage of time is the problem more than their attempt at subverting the decision | 04:56 |
Flannel | elky_work: yeah, but the onyl way to mitigate that is through copious comments on BT, both for bans and warnings/etc. | 04:59 |
elky_work | Flannel, the time wastage will *always* occur. we rather avoid banning people from here if possible. some time-sinks leave us no choice, but the problem is establishing their status *first* | 05:00 |
Flannel | hmm. nevermind. misread, but BT comments are a way to get rid of slipping through cracks. | 05:00 |
Flannel | Even though that still is a waste of time | 05:00 |
elky_work | since none of us are psychic yet... | 05:00 |
elky_work | nalioth, hurry up and learn psychichness :P | 05:00 |
Flannel | elky_work: I believe the new generation of ubotu is working on that. | 05:00 |
elky_work | haha | 05:01 |
* nalioth is pretty precognitive, some times | 05:01 | |
elky_work | comparing 'lines spoken in -ops' to the trusted list? | 05:01 |
* nalioth blinks | 05:01 | |
elky_work | that would be an interesting experiment... | 05:01 |
elky_work | where trusted list is everyone here + /ubuntu/member/* | 05:02 |
elky_work | (i mean here now) | 05:02 |
bazhang | :( | 05:02 |
elky_work | bazhang, hmm? | 05:02 |
Flannel | elky_work: I meant the ESP part. | 05:02 |
Flannel | but, some form of corpus analysis might be feasible as well. | 05:03 |
bazhang | not an ubuntu member :( | 05:03 |
elky_work | bazhang, read the part *before* the + | 05:03 |
nickrud | bazhang but you're 'here' | 05:03 |
bazhang | ok :) | 05:03 |
* nickrud is not sure all /members should be on that list ;) | 05:03 | |
elky_work | Flannel, that should be doable with current logs and a list | 05:04 |
elky_work | nickrud, probably true, but most /members dont bother with this channel | 05:04 |
elky_work | most expect that as the custodians of the channels, we will make everything work, and if it doesnt, a quick in-prompt-out routine works fine in 99% of cases. | 05:05 |
elky_work | most members trust us. the few who don't, tend to not trust many people at all anyway | 05:06 |
bazhang | ^daisy^ | 05:11 |
elky_work | o.O | 05:12 |
elky_work | password fail? | 05:12 |
nalioth | elky_work: scroll up | 05:13 |
elky_work | i still dont get it | 05:13 |
bazhang | she was <insert suitable verb here> about why ubuntu didnt use a cd or dvd installer; now it is 'why is ubuntu broken' type questions | 05:13 |
nickrud | hm, missed the first. A slow troll? | 05:14 |
elky_work | oh, i thought you meant immediate scrollback | 05:14 |
bazhang | very slow | 05:14 |
nalioth | elky_work: ^daisy^ has been the source of some excitment this evening | 05:14 |
bazhang | that was the one I broke the bot on | 05:14 |
elky_work | i'm kinda flitting back between coding and this, not really having the time to read scrollback | 05:14 |
bazhang | hilarity more like it | 05:15 |
elky_work | also the net has been kaput'ing and i only have bip giving me 100lines scrollback on rejoin | 05:15 |
nickrud | she's(?) mildly annoying, no more. Wish we had that 1 hr ban | 05:15 |
bazhang | haha | 05:15 |
elky_work | well, it's a bip-wide default... and you can see how many chans elky is in | 05:16 |
ubot3 | In #ubuntuforums-beginners, BLTicklemonster said: !BLT is an idiot | 05:16 |
elky_work | more than 100 lines x that is a slooooow sync | 05:16 |
elky_work | !BLT is a sandwich. | 05:17 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-ops, elky_work said: !BLT is a sandwich. | 05:17 |
elky_work | that should confuse him | 05:17 |
elky_work | oh bah | 05:17 |
nickrud | hahahahahhaah | 05:18 |
nickrud | !pony | 05:18 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pony | 05:18 |
nickrud | dang, now you're not even close ;( | 05:18 |
nickrud | bazhang no time for im, yet you're here as much as we all are?!? | 05:19 |
bazhang | nickrud, IM is just one on one; better to have one on 1500 :) | 05:20 |
Flannel | daisy was mildly standoffish earlier too, re: sudo/root | 05:24 |
bazhang | intentionally obtuse imo; like 'I dont understand, what do you mean installer?' | 05:25 |
Flannel | Had she not stopped earlier, after getting a good portion of our regulars up in arms over root, I was going to remove her, but she stopped completely | 05:26 |
nickrud | maybe esp is real | 05:26 |
bazhang | it is. | 05:26 |
* nickrud dares bazhang to read his mind | 05:27 | |
* bazhang is scared what lurks within | 05:27 | |
nickrud | cowards, all mind readers are cowards | 05:27 |
Flannel | nickrud: Or they know better. | 05:28 |
nickrud | Flannel true. It would be foolish to let my mind overpower theirs | 05:29 |
ubot3 | In #ubuntuforums-beginners, m_newton said: !blard is <action> BLARRRRRRRG!!!! | 05:29 |
ubot3 | In #ubuntuforums-beginners, m_newton said: !blarg is <action> BLARRRRRRRG!!!! | 05:29 |
nickrud | I'm sometimes tempted to see what all goes on in that channel :) | 05:30 |
bazhang | nickrud, sounds like a dare. | 05:30 |
nickrud | my mind is open :) | 05:30 |
Flannel | nickrud: I think he was referring to the channel, not your mind. | 05:32 |
nickrud | I can be intentionally obtuse at times | 05:32 |
bazhang | arg miesco | 05:39 |
Flannel | nickrud: unmount is jargon at least, since its used as a word in the man page. | 05:40 |
bazhang | unmount is a word | 05:40 |
Flannel | bazhang: technically no | 05:40 |
Flannel | http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=unmount&x=0&y=0 | 05:40 |
nickrud | jargon, yes, try checking for unmount in a dictionary | 05:40 |
bazhang | ooh a dictionary :) | 05:40 |
Flannel | nickrud: jargon counts as words as far as I'm concerned | 05:40 |
bazhang | my gut feeling is that it is :) | 05:41 |
nickrud | Flannel a true geek speaks :) I use it also. That will make it a word, in the long run | 05:41 |
nickrud | speaking of words, did you hear about the guy that read the OED cover to last cover? | 05:41 |
Flannel | certainly more of a word than some of the crap they've been adding to the dictionary in recent years | 05:41 |
bazhang | miesco is spiralling ot however as we debate this | 05:41 |
nickrud | Flannel you have ops in offtopic? | 05:51 |
Flannel | nickrud: Unfortunately no | 05:51 |
ubot3 | In #ubuntuforums-beginners, m_newton said: !blarg is <action> BLARRRRRRRG!!!! | 05:52 |
nickrud | some additional ops are needed there | 05:52 |
Flannel | nickrud: yes, thats been mentioned | 05:52 |
m_newton | hello | 05:52 |
Flannel | m_newton: BLARRRRRRG | 05:52 |
nickrud | m_newton and no, we won't make those factoids ;) | 05:52 |
Flannel | !!!! | 05:52 |
m_newton | sry | 05:52 |
m_newton | i forgot this channels id | 05:52 |
m_newton | so i decided to do this | 05:52 |
m_newton | :] | 05:52 |
nickrud | lol, m_newton we were discussing how much fun you all were having | 05:52 |
m_newton | anyway... i wanted to further my understanding of the encyclopedia plugin on supybot [ubot3 and ubottu] | 05:53 |
nalioth | m_newton: #ubuntu-ircbots-team | 05:54 |
nickrud | m_newton you might have better luck in #supybot . The people that run the bots for us aren't around right now | 05:54 |
nalioth | or that | 05:54 |
nickrud | or that | 05:54 |
m_newton | nope.... everyone is dead there | 05:54 |
m_newton | thanks!! | 05:54 |
m_newton | dead in supybot | 05:54 |
nalioth | web documentation? | 05:55 |
m_newton | where? | 05:56 |
m_newton | i cant find it for the encyclopedia plugin | 05:56 |
nalioth | well, i have no idea ( and this isn't the place to ask ) | 05:56 |
nalioth | you'll have to wait for somoene to wake up in the aforementioned two channels | 05:57 |
Flannel | Mmmm. Mieso gets a ban in ubuntu | 06:30 |
ikonia | is BT online ? | 08:48 |
Myrtti | bt? | 08:49 |
ikonia | ban tracker | 08:49 |
ikonia | I think it is | 08:50 |
Myrtti | atleast I did manage to login to it | 08:50 |
ikonia | I think some uk networks are having routing issues | 08:50 |
Flannel | looks good to me | 08:50 |
ikonia | Flannel: you uk based ? | 08:52 |
Flannel | ikonia: I am not. | 08:53 |
ikonia | ah ok | 08:53 |
dmseg | hey, guys someone just sent an e-mail to me syaing he saw me on irc how on earth is it possible to get an e-mail form a nick? and iam i in the mailing lists (how do i find out) | 09:23 |
ikonia | dmseg: pardon ? | 09:23 |
ikonia | dmseg: you have been told many times #ubuntu-ops is not irc/freenode help | 09:24 |
ikonia | dmseg: your email address is stored in nickserv's info on you | 09:24 |
dmseg | ikonia: why does he know my e-mail id saying that someone gave it to him ?? (is this spam?) | 09:25 |
Myrtti | I've got no idea what is going on again | 09:25 |
ikonia | dmseg: #ubuntu-ops is not freenode help | 09:25 |
ikonia | dmseg: do you have an #ubuntu issue to discuss ? | 09:25 |
dmseg | ikonia: iam sorry to disturb you sorry i'll leave just saying that hope no one is giving my e-mail id in #ubuntu ill check logs for that thankyou for your perscious time | 09:26 |
ikonia | dmseg: no one is giving email addresses out | 09:26 |
ikonia | dmseg: I've told you it's stored in nickserv | 09:26 |
dmseg | ikonia: please read my psot again rather than agrguing with me (which is meanng less) | 09:27 |
ikonia | dmseg: you have hidemail set on your nickserv account so no-one should be able to get it - and the fact that you know to set hidemail suggests you know what your doing | 09:27 |
dmseg | better thankyou | 09:27 |
Myrtti | if someone is mailing you, they've not gotten the email address from the freenode | 09:27 |
ikonia | dmseg: this is not an ubuntu issues so I'd request you leave the channel please. | 09:28 |
dmseg | Myrtti: ok sorry | 09:28 |
Myrtti | if they've gotten it from IRC, you've given it yourself to either a channel or a specific person | 09:28 |
ikonia | dmseg: if you have an issue with freenode you know where to take it | 09:28 |
Myrtti | anyway, as ikonia said, this is not #ubuntu irc channel issue | 09:28 |
dmseg | ikonia: sorry ill leave and please get some manners to talk thankyou | 09:28 |
Myrtti | should I remind him that he came with an accusing attitude? ... ah, wont bother. | 09:29 |
ikonia | I'm getting very tired of this guy - I'm now getting pretty close to believing he's just out to troll | 09:29 |
ikonia | it's getting a bit tiresome with him | 09:29 |
Flannel | That reminds me... I should grep the logs for my email account | 09:33 |
Flannel | since... everyone gives it out all the time. | 09:33 |
* Flannel doesn't want anyone to know he's mrsocool93@imsocool.com | 09:33 | |
ikonia | Flannel: the fact that he had hidemail set suggestes he knew exactly what he was doing | 09:42 |
Flannel | I agree | 09:43 |
Flannel | er, isn't hidemail default though? | 09:43 |
ikonia | Flannel: the fact that he's a know thorn in the side asking random questions | 09:43 |
Dave2 | hidemail is default | 09:43 |
Flannel | yeah, hidemail is default | 09:43 |
ikonia | Dave2: my mail is displayed and I didn't unset hidemail | 09:43 |
ikonia | ahhh | 09:43 |
ikonia | its seen to me | 09:43 |
Flannel | right | 09:43 |
ikonia | I can obviously see myself | 09:43 |
ikonia | yes, that didn't click | 09:43 |
* Myrtti tossles Dave2's hair | 09:43 | |
ikonia | maybe not a sinister as I first thought | 09:43 |
Dave2 | :o | 09:44 |
Myrtti | you're so cute when you talk technical instead of goats. | 09:44 |
Dave2 | ikonia: also, I believe we imported old preferences into the new nickserv DB, so people who registered before wouldn't have hidemail if they didn't have their e-mail address hidden. I'm not titally sure about that, though. | 09:45 |
Dave2 | er, totally | 09:45 |
ikonia | Dave2: that would make sense | 09:45 |
Dave2 | Well, I don't have hidemail, and my e-mail address wasn't hidden before services migration, so that pretty much settles that. | 09:46 |
Dave2 | (And why do I keep typing hidemale?) | 09:46 |
gnomefreak | hidemail? | 10:15 |
gnomefreak | oh its not an email its a community type thing | 10:17 |
Dave2 | hidemail is the nickserv flag that hides your e-mail address from others. | 10:22 |
Myrtti | for crying out loud | 10:26 |
Myrtti | that person always slips past my ignore | 10:26 |
* gnomefreak looking at hushmail | 10:26 | |
* Myrtti growls | 10:27 | |
gnomefreak | im looking for 1 more email | 10:27 |
paniq | hi, i have trouble creating an account in the ubuntu wiki - after signing in at launchpad, the redirect fails | 10:39 |
paniq | seems the wiki is broken | 10:39 |
Flannel | Sorry paniq, misread your question. | 10:39 |
Flannel | paniq: you're talking about help.ubuntu.com, right? | 10:39 |
paniq | oops. | 10:40 |
paniq | no | 10:40 |
Flannel | wiki.ubuntu.com? | 10:40 |
paniq | yes | 10:40 |
* Flannel didn't think w.u.c was using openID yet | 10:40 | |
Flannel | Oh... thats... new. | 10:40 |
paniq | i was about to add some tracks of mine to the showcase :) | 10:40 |
Flannel | paniq: you get redirected (after clicking a few times) to launchpad, right? | 10:41 |
paniq | yes | 10:41 |
paniq | and on launchpad it says its going to forward my credentials if i say "sign in" | 10:41 |
paniq | but then it waits for a reply from wiki.ubuntu.com | 10:41 |
Flannel | paniq: file a bug at launchpad | 10:41 |
paniq | and it never replies, until i get a timeout for a request that goes like "http://wiki.ubuntu.com?" | 10:41 |
Flannel | paniq: mine works, if I wait long enough | 10:41 |
paniq | ok | 10:42 |
paniq | i could try again then. | 10:42 |
paniq | oh, it works now. | 10:42 |
paniq | thank you anyway :) | 10:42 |
* elky looks at the above two lines and raises an eyebrow | 11:05 | |
* jussi01 hugs elky | 11:06 | |
* jpds looks at ubot5 messages and raises an eyebrow: "INFO 2008-08-07T11:06:21 Not replying to zzzzzz, not a command." ?!? | 11:07 | |
elky | whos bot is ubot5? | 11:08 |
jpds | Mine. | 11:08 |
elky | k | 11:08 |
elky | whose is ubot4 then? | 11:09 |
elky | i assume there is one | 11:09 |
jpds | I think no0tic had his named like that. | 11:09 |
elky | ok. just making sure they're run by trusteds | 11:09 |
elky | speaking of, have we had our daily wannabe-hero in -irc yet? | 11:09 |
Myrtti | I was thinking of renaming my copy of ubott2 to fembot :-D | 11:11 |
Myrtti | but I think I wont | 11:11 |
jussi01 | elky: who is that? | 11:13 |
elky | Myrtti, although you could start another instance and we can sit back with popcorn and watch the alerts as guys try crack onto it | 11:13 |
elky | jussi01, randoms | 11:13 |
Myrtti | elky: MWHAHAHAHA | 11:13 |
jussi01 | oh | 11:13 |
Myrtti | aah that would be hilarious | 11:13 |
elky | but we wont | 11:14 |
Myrtti | no, we wont | 11:14 |
Myrtti | :-> | 11:14 |
elky | hmm... i think we've found tonight's comic though | 11:15 |
Pici | heh | 12:23 |
Mez | what'd I miss? | 12:24 |
Pici | nothing? | 12:24 |
Dave2 | ac | 12:28 |
Dave2 | err | 12:28 |
PriceChild | could someone message me the chann asus was spammming please | 13:20 |
* Myrtti sighs | 13:21 | |
* Pici waves to Myrtti | 13:22 | |
Mez | argh crap | 13:27 |
Mez | I BET that my email isnt coming down the line | 13:27 |
* Mez goes and slaps fetchmail | 13:28 | |
* Dave2 hands Mez a copy of getmail. | 13:38 | |
* Mez shrugs | 13:38 | |
* Mez has never used it | 13:38 | |
Mez | fetchmail just works for me, though it dies once every 4-8 months or so | 13:39 |
Mez | is anything ever getting done about ubottu? | 13:41 |
Mez | Canonical are quite happy to host it ... | 13:41 |
jpds | Mez: Last I remember was the mnep.tok was going to speak to sabdfl and jono about it. | 13:46 |
Myrtti | hullo | 14:48 |
Pici | Howdy | 14:49 |
elky | Myrtti, http://www.twobeanmix.com/comics/femme-fatale/ | 14:53 |
Myrtti | that is so... | 14:54 |
Myrtti | it. | 14:54 |
* elky huggles Myrtti | 14:55 | |
Myrtti | should I laugh or cry? | 14:55 |
* Pici is ashamed to be associated with that gender | 14:55 | |
elky | yeah, im not sure either | 14:55 |
Myrtti | though | 14:56 |
Myrtti | I believe nowadays those pics plz requests are more out of habit and joke | 14:56 |
Pici | Its a pretty stupid joke. | 14:56 |
elky | whups i spot a spelling mistake | 14:57 |
elky | Myrtti, for some, yes, for others it's genuine. still makes you feel the same no matter what | 14:58 |
elky | since you cannot tell which is what | 14:58 |
Myrtti | yeah | 14:58 |
=== nixternal_ is now known as nixternal | ||
elky | there we go. fixededed | 15:03 |
Pici | Did you mockup the responses there, or are those real? | 15:03 |
elky | the irssi stuff is all mockup | 15:04 |
Pici | Its sad that I have to ask. | 15:04 |
elky | but... the responses are not entirely original, no | 15:04 |
elky | Pici, you shouldnt be ashamed, you should be proud that you're not one of them | 15:05 |
elky | less depressing that way, i'm told | 15:05 |
Pici | elky: heh | 15:05 |
elky | riiight, well it's past midnight and i get up for work in just over 6 hrs | 15:13 |
elky | ninite | 15:13 |
Mez | jpds, last time I remember, I spoke to sabdfl, and he said they were happy to host it, and to get someone to coordinate with James | 15:49 |
Mez | elky, cool comic | 15:53 |
Mez | *bookmarks* | 15:53 |
m_newton | um... | 15:55 |
m_newton | i cant add to my own encyclopedia | 15:55 |
Myrtti | m_newton: so do you have anything else related to #ubuntu channels? | 15:56 |
Myrtti | now that you're on #ubuntu-ircbots-team ... | 15:56 |
m_newton | well not ubuntu channel | 15:57 |
m_newton | more of #ubuntuforums-beginners | 15:57 |
m_newton | i want to add my bot to that channel | 15:57 |
m_newton | but i also want to be able to add my own factoids | 15:58 |
m_newton | so how do i configure it so i can do that? | 15:58 |
m_newton | never mind... thanks though | 16:01 |
ikonia | eyes on "googlesupport" came in as Linuxquestions (linux website) then changed to GoogleCA, then channged to GoogleSupport | 16:26 |
bazhang | whats with chanbot2-->chanbot3-->kevin0? | 17:59 |
Pici | hes registering a bot's nick in #freenode | 17:59 |
bazhang | aha | 18:00 |
bazhang | quite a few users are reporting the bra ads for men and others still, just a fyi | 18:03 |
Pici | *sigh* | 18:03 |
bazhang | sk8terlenny and jimdiamond seem to be the culp-bots in this case | 18:07 |
bazhang | told them to go to #freenode of course | 18:07 |
Myrtti | good | 18:07 |
nalioth | bazhang: time stamps? that person was klined earlier | 18:07 |
bazhang | nalioth, approx 2 hours ago | 18:08 |
nalioth | long been klined | 18:08 |
* Myrtti yawns | 18:12 | |
* Pricey waves | 18:28 | |
Pici | Hi! | 18:28 |
Pici | At work? | 18:28 |
Pricey | Lost signal earlier then locked sim then had to back to work but a belated thanks for the pm pici | 18:30 |
Pici | Pricey: No problem | 18:30 |
PriceChild | teething problems... | 18:37 |
bazhang | yay | 18:47 |
Myrtti | ooh, didn't ping timeout | 19:08 |
PriceChild | Why do the interesting problems always arise in the last 10 minutes | 19:56 |
Myrtti | because they wouldn't be intresting if they arose earlier | 19:57 |
PriceChild | no they would | 19:58 |
PriceChild | but then there would be time to do them properly | 19:58 |
ubottu | bastid_raZor called the ops in #ubuntu (kendor1967) | 20:35 |
Gary | what a nice fellow | 20:36 |
ikonia | having a hard time ? | 20:43 |
ikonia | banning yourself ? | 20:44 |
PriceChild | I was just quickly curious. | 20:44 |
ikonia | very quick it seems | 20:44 |
smallfoot- | Greetings | 20:44 |
smallfoot- | I would like to be unbanned from the #ubuntu, #ubuntu+1, and #ubuntu-offtopic channel. Please. | 20:45 |
PriceChild | smallfoot-: so, its been two days, what has changed? | 20:52 |
smallfoot- | Everything, I am completely new man. Everything about me, I have left to my behind. I have found god, and now I have changed and left my old ways behind. | 20:53 |
smallfoot- | With the love of Jesus Christ, I am certain that I can be a productive member of the Ubuntu community who can assist newcomers to the best of my ability. I have stopped cursing and gave up masturbation. | 20:57 |
smallfoot- | I will honorably and dutifully uphold the Ubuntu codex, the Code of Conduct and the IRC Guidelines! | 20:58 |
Myrtti | I just love it when you mock things | 20:59 |
Myrtti | makes me so want to lift those bans | 20:59 |
Myrtti | NOT | 20:59 |
smallfoot- | :( | 21:00 |
smallfoot- | =/ | 21:02 |
smallfoot- | i guess im still the same old dick | 21:02 |
smallfoot- | its been several times that i've come here to make a honest try to get unbanned, but every single time, i fail to stay serious and starts being a dick | 21:03 |
smallfoot- | i cant help myself | 21:03 |
smallfoot- | i need some help | 21:03 |
smallfoot- | i really do want to get unbanned | 21:03 |
smallfoot- | i dont know why i always have to fuck it up | 21:04 |
PriceChild | stop trying to get unbanned | 21:04 |
smallfoot- | well, i do want to get unbanned | 21:04 |
PriceChild | instead just try to follow common sense, be nice to people | 21:04 |
PriceChild | and the unbanning will come | 21:04 |
smallfoot- | well, im not allowed to talk here in this channel, and im banned from all the other channels, so where can i be nice to people in order to get unbanned? | 21:05 |
PriceChild | You don't have to talk. | 21:06 |
smallfoot- | well, if i dont talk, how can people see that im nice, and if they dont see im nice, how can they unban me? | 21:06 |
smallfoot- | yeah? | 21:20 |
PriceChild | smallfoot- made his way into -uk | 22:38 |
jpds | OK... | 22:39 |
ubottu | In ubottu, TiredWolf said: !no openweek is <reply> Ubuntu is hosting a series of introductory sessions for people who want to join the Ubuntu community, which all takes place in a week. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek for schedules, logs, and instructions. | 23:31 |
Mez | !openweek | 23:32 |
ubottu | openweek is Ubuntu is hosting a series of introductory sessions for people who want to join the Ubuntu community, which all takes place in a week. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek for schedules, logs, and instructions. | 23:32 |
Mez | !openweek is =~ s/Ubuntu is/<reply>Ubuntu is/ | 23:32 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-ops, Mez said: !openweek is =~ s/Ubuntu is/<reply>Ubuntu is/ | 23:32 |
Mez | @login | 23:32 |
ubottu | Mez: The operation succeeded. | 23:32 |
Mez | !openweek is =~ s/Ubuntu is/<reply>Ubuntu is/ | 23:32 |
ubottu | I know nothing about openweek is yet, Mez | 23:32 |
Mez | !openweek =~ s/Ubuntu is/<reply>Ubuntu is/ | 23:33 |
ubottu | I'll remember that Mez | 23:33 |
Mez | !openweek | 23:33 |
ubottu | Ubuntu is hosting a series of introductory sessions for people who want to join the Ubuntu community, which all takes place in a week. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek for schedules, logs, and instructions. | 23:33 |
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