
BrendanWelshwhat IRC client do you guys recommend for ubuntu?00:00
opssrahhello... who can help me for this00:00
markg85can someone help me with the open with dialog?00:00
RadiCaLBrendanWelsh: i use Xchat.00:00
crimsunerisco: sí00:00
soundrayunderandy_: it's fine here. What do you get from 'uname -a'?00:01
eriscocrimsun, in 2005 you helped someone set their USB headset as their default sound device00:01
RadiCaLBrendanWelsh, it depends also if you want a CLI based client or GUI00:01
seekseekcan someone tell me what sdb1 refers to at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume00:01
underandy_soundray can you write in priv?!00:01
eriscocrimsun, I need to modify /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base apparently, but am not sure how00:01
soundrayunderandy_: I prefer here00:01
eriscocrimsun, I can provide more information. are you still familiar with this problem?00:01
BrendanWelshRadiCaL: With a CLI based client is the ability to be in multiple channels present?00:01
seekseeksoundray: my ubuntu partition is sda1, but when I type: truecrypt --filesystem none --type normal --encryption AES --hash SHA-1 --random-source /dev/urandom -c /dev/sda1 it gives errors00:02
bastid_raZorwhere did del_ go?00:02
RadiCaLDepends on the client, but all the majors ones allow it, as far as I know. though I like the GUI myself.00:02
seekseeksoundray: any ideas why?00:02
kitcheBrendanWelsh: irssi is the easiest of the cli clients and one of the more powerful ones as well00:02
hateballRadiCaL: Not much to do that I know of, maybe some hdparm tweaking... Or get a hobby and practice that during the minute you wait ;)00:02
underandy_soundray, what program u use for wireless etc00:02
seekseeksoundray: the website says, truecrypt --filesystem none --type normal --encryption AES --hash SHA-1 --random-source /dev/urandom -c /dev/sdb1  but I replacd the sdb1 with sda1. is that right?00:02
soundrayunderandy_: network-manager00:03
BrendanWelshkitche: I actually just used it, but I couldn't figure out how to open multiple channels. Multiple tabs in the Terminal window I suppose?00:03
underandy_soundray but what can be wrong for me :-S00:03
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soundrayunderandy_: did you modify /etc/modules according to the array.org site?00:03
eriscocrimsun, no?00:03
seekseeksoundray: what do you think?00:03
kitcheBrendanWelsh: you just /join as normal and the client auto makes tabs00:03
underandy_soundray can you upload yours and I can see if i got the same00:04
RadiCaLhateball: guess I'll have to find a quick hobby :P thanks for the help :)00:04
alpinestrmy problem is everytime I restart I have to change resolution to higher and for some reason when I do gksudo displayconfig-gtk and keep the settings it doesn't save it for next restart00:04
BrendanWelshI never gave that a try. Thank you, very much!00:04
seekseeksoundray: it says "incorrect line specified"00:04
BrendanWelshToday is my first day using Ubuntu. Is there a keyboard shortcut for terminal?00:04
soundrayunderandy_: look on the array.org website00:05
sharperguyHow do I update from feisty to hardy?00:05
bastid_raZorsharperguy; you'll have to go from feisty to gutsy to hardy..00:05
bastid_raZor!upgrade | sharperguy00:05
ubottusharperguy: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:05
eriscoBrendanWelsh, ctrl+alt+f1 through to f6, f7 returns00:05
chuy_maxalpinestr, running hardy?, resolution is a pain in the ass in hardy, why dont u try to edit xorg.conf manually00:05
Picigregge: I've found a few reports of that issue on the amsn forums, but they aren't too promising.00:05
underandy_soundray that directs to the eeeuser.com site?00:05
soundrayunderandy_: you may also need a file '/etc/modprobe.d/ath-pci' containing the line 'options ath_pci intmit=1 rfkill=1'00:05
seekseeksoundray: you ignoring me now because you cannot answer and because you were wrong earlier?00:06
sharperguyBrendanWelsh, No, but if you install tilde you can get a pop up terminal with F12 (assuming you don't mean the tty which erisco mentioned)00:06
kitcheseekseek: or he's busy helping underandy_ myself I ignore some people if I m busy helping00:06
soundrayunderandy_: http://www.array.org/ubuntu/post-install.html00:06
alpinestrI don't know how to make it so that the one that is in use right now goes in the place of original one00:06
seekseeksoundray: its ok to be wrong at times, dont worry if you were wrong.  we all wrong a lot :)00:06
eriscoI am having difficulty getting Ubuntu to use the correct sound device. How can I troubleshoot?00:06
seekseekkitche: ok00:06
edjuFF3 - Edit>Preferences>Applications is blank, even though about:plugins is not.  How to associate mime types w/ apps in FF3?00:06
seekseekkitche: when you have 2mins, i just have one question for you00:07
greggePici: aw, damn! Can't believe it's happened to me twice and hardly anyone else then. I'll search and see what they've written then.. didn't find anything earlier, but I'm bad at searching00:07
kitcheseekseek: go ahead00:07
l3dhow would i get the script menu to show in nautilus00:07
sharperguyJust realised I had to do "update-manager -c" to get the upgrade in feisty for some reason00:07
brendan_So, I just hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to Terminal like you said (I may have misread.) and it took me to a full screen, no GUI terminal. How would I return to the GUI?00:08
brendan_I'm accessing this via. IRSSI which I just installed and ran.00:08
kitchebrendan_: ctrl+alt+f700:08
seekseekkitche: my ubuntu partition is sda1. but the website says to type: truecrypt --filesystem none --type normal --encryption AES --hash SHA-1 --random-source /dev/urandom -c /dev/sdb1. But I changed the sdb1 to sda1.  But then when I type that, i get an error; "incorrect command line specified"00:08
BrendanWelshkitche: Thank you!00:08
underandy_soundray, btw you got a word called "eeei" in your modules config?00:08
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seekseekkitche: if I type it as original from website, im scared it mess with my original HDD and partition00:09
l3dhow would i get the script menu to show in nautilus00:09
BrendanWelshIs there any particular reason why whenever I am in that window everything shakes a bit?00:09
leFoudoes anyone know a good guide to setting up ssh in ubuntu?00:09
seekseekkitche: your thoughts?00:09
kitcheseekseek: myself I suggest to do some more reading on truecrypt if you really want to use it00:09
leFoulike one that teaches you the basics and the ropes of openssh?00:09
seekseekkitche: my question is.. is sdb1 there for a reason in that command00:09
kitcheBrendanWelsh: what window might be desktop effects or your refresh rate00:09
gaussHi, I started shrinking my main partition (with ubuntu on it), but the process seemed to be taking a rather long time, so I cancelled the process (I was doing this on an ubuntu live session). But when I logged back into proper ubuntu and opened gparted it says: Cannot have overlapping partitions.00:10
BrendanWelshTerminal full screen00:10
kindofabuzzis this not correct for a launcher?: gnome-terminal ssh -X
BrendanWelshAny CLI without GUI, actually.00:10
kitcheBrendanWelsh: most likely refresh rate00:10
BrendanWelshI'm using a LCD TV as a monitor, so that would explain things? Any way to fix it?00:10
kitcheseekseek: hmm not sure but give me the how-to link again and I'll check it out00:10
gaussAny ideas?00:10
kitcheseekseek: nvm I had it saved in links00:11
sharperguyErr I can't get the update manager to work - Running "gksu update-manager -c" comes up saying 7.10 is out, but when i click it it comes up with a window, and then i click upgrade and nothing happens00:11
kitcheseekseek: umm yeah might want to read up on truecrypt since it seems like it needs an empty hard drive or something00:11
georgy_28kindofabuzz, : try this gnome-terminal -e ssh -X
kitchesharperguy: it might be "thinking" on what to do next00:12
sharperguykitche, does it usually take that long?00:12
kindofabuzzgeorgy_28: nope maybe put string in ""00:13
georginavarelahi i just install ubuntu on my macbook, and my webcam its working on amsn, but i wonder if there's any apps 'iglasses' style for linux.. you know for brightness, sharp, etc00:14
kitchesharperguy: not sure but I do know 7.10 you might not be able to update to though00:14
sharperguykitche, why not? It's should still be supported00:14
kindofabuzzgeorgy_28: yeah it needed ""00:14
kindofabuzzand the -e of course, thanks00:15
sharperguySo should 7.04 (which I'm running(00:15
pgreptomwhat's the temrinal command to lock a package so it doesn't want to upgrade the package?00:15
Wavesonicshow do I get wahts the name of the SSHd package?00:15
georgy_28kindofabuzz, : np ;)00:15
kitcheWavesonics: openssh-server00:16
KromiXhi all I have a question, I recently updated and broke my desktop effects, when I try to enable it again it says "Desktop Effects cannot be enabled" but they were working before, what in the recent updates may have broke it that I should be looking at?00:16
k4r1mwhat is the best linux media player? i want something for personal mp3 just something that could hold a big playlist, and somehow could be minimzed to something small and sitll controlable on the desktop00:16
Saladink4r1m: Rhythmbox00:16
kitchek4r1m: mplayer/ audiarous(spelling is wrong)00:16
k4r1mthx guys00:17
Wavesonicswhat does tty strand for?00:18
cheezygood evening..00:18
KromiXsup cheezy00:18
RuralHackon hardy how do I get flac support for gstreamer -- somethings wrong when I try to burn audio00:18
Sorlaghello. everybody.. ive a question.. where do i find the key names for configuring hotkeys.. for example if i want hotkey the Enter button its not called "enter" bit something like [^4.. does anyone know a database for those keynames?!00:18
histoIs there some sort of known issue with fglrx? I'm getting some artifacts that i've seen other users describing using the driver from the repos.00:19
RuralHackhisto: do you have ATI00:19
kitchehisto: besides that fglrx overall is a bad driver?00:19
histoRuralHack: yes i have a firegl310000:19
georginavarelahi i just install ubuntu on my macbook, and my webcam its working on amsn, but i wonder if there's any apps 'iglasses' style for linux.. you know for brightness, sharp, etc00:20
histokitche: no kidding luckily i have a nvidia card in my other machine00:20
RuralHackhisto: restricted?00:20
histoRuralHack: yes00:20
kitchehisto: hmm firegl cards are worst then the non-hd cards to get working in linux actually00:20
RuralHackhisto: did it ever work right?00:21
histokitche: nonhd? I'm not too familiar with ati this is the first card i've used.00:21
histoRuralHack: yes works fine if you use non restricted.00:21
kitchehisto: hd cards are the new cards that work with the open source drivers anything before that is as I say it non-hd00:21
histoContimplating installing drivers from ati.00:22
RuralHackhisto: did you aticonfig00:22
RuralHackdo it00:23
qr_apt-get is telling me that a package is "not installable" ... can I make it tell me _why_?00:23
RuralHackATI GUI works on hardy00:23
ServalWhere is the xorg.conf located?00:23
histoRuralHack: yes and that does absolutely nothing00:23
kitcheqr_: most likely it's due to not being in the repos of ubunut00:23
kitcheServal: /etc/X11/00:24
histoRuralHack: it just makes sure fglrx is added to xorg.conf00:24
qr_kitche: no, that's a different error entirely00:24
GreyscaleI have no sound with flashplayer-nonfree.00:24
GreyscaleAnyone encounter that before?00:24
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kitcheqr_: well it actually tells you why it's not installable actually might give you some odd error but it does tell you00:25
GreyscaleAnd skype keeps crapping itself too.00:25
Guest91739can someone help me format my hard drive - it shows up as GPT detected00:25
kitcheGreyscale: everyone ran into that almost it's a bug with flash and pulse audio I believe00:25
Greyscalekitche, is there a solution?00:25
GreyscaleGuest91739, what are you trying to do? GPT?00:26
greggePici: I think I fixed it, but i'm not sure if I fixed it in a "good way"00:26
Picigregge: heh00:26
RuralHackhisto: try flgrxinfo see if mesa is there00:26
Guest91739i was running opensolaris and now I'm trying to run ubuntu00:26
qr_kitche: hmm, so it does... appears there are broken packages, which doesn't sound good.00:26
Guest91739i have my boot drive which is strictly for ubuntu00:26
Guest917391 other strictly for opensolaris00:27
Guest91739and 3 drives for zfs under solaris00:27
histoNo mesa00:27
histoRuralHack: no mesa00:27
kitcheGreyscale: try changing to Alsa instead of pulseaudio00:27
Guest91739now I just want to run ubuntu00:27
histoRuralHack: the restricted drivers are installed properly i'm confident. Its a artifact issue not an issue with how the drivers are installed.00:27
Greyscalekitche, howto?00:27
greggePici: I just wrote sudo nautilus and went to /dev/audio and switched its owner to my user instead of root. And it suddenly worked. Is that a bad way?00:27
ice109can someone help me, my canon camera won't mount00:27
ice109lsusb sees it00:28
GreyscaleGuest91739, pull all the non-ubuntu drives? :)00:28
GreyscaleDualboot sucks in all honesty00:28
histoRuralHack: I've searched the forums and found other users with the same exact artifacts and their solution was to install the drivers from ati's site.00:28
ice109dmsg gives me usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 4rn[  262.394864] usb 1-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice00:28
Greyscaletoo much hassle. Debian/Ubuntu + Vmware/Virtuabox + your shoit ontop00:28
RuralHackhisto: I had to add some things to xorg.conf00:28
KromiXhey all after an update suddenly my desktop visual effects stopped working, and when I try to enable them I get "Desktop effects could not be enabled" for both settings....... Any ideas where to look or what to do?00:28
histoIf I install binary drivers from ati do I need to remove the restricted driver first?00:28
Guest91739greyscale - that is what I'm trying to do00:28
td123Greyscale: dual-booting sucks and I would never do it, unless it was temporary00:28
crdlbKromiX: video card?00:29
Guest91739i mean I'm  trying to do VMWare00:29
GreyscaleGuest91739, so you need to install grub again?00:29
histoKromiX: you probably need to reinstall your video drivers00:29
GreyscaleI'm assuming you didn't install ubuntu last.00:29
ice109can someone help me, my canon camera won't mount00:29
KromiXahh crap00:29
histoKromiX: if your kernel updates and you are using a binary drivewr you need to build a new kernel module00:29
GreyscaleHonestly, I'm lazy. I set up /home seperate so I can just nuke and reinstall at the drop of a hat.00:29
underandycan I change my computername?00:30
Guest91739i installed ubuntu on drive00:30
RonbeingCan anyone help me with a problem that is unrelated to Ubuntu?00:30
td123Is anyone here having trouble with a voodoo banshee (video card) mine seems to limit my resolution to 800x600, even though it supports up to 1920x800 resolution and the monitor supports up to 1024x768.00:30
Sorlaghello. everybody.. ive a question.. where do i find the key names for configuring hotkeys.. for example if i want hotkey the Enter button its not called "enter" bit something like [^4.. does anyone know a database for those keynames?!00:30
crdlbKromiX: note that what histo said only applies if you didn't use ubuntu's package for the binary driver00:30
ice109can someone help me, my canon camera won't mount00:30
csky_maxRonbeing: #ubuntu-offtopic00:31
edju/etc/mime.types does not include .ram or .rm.  If I just add them & associate w/ realplay, will FF# recognize it?00:32
Guest91739Greyscale i don't remember what order I installed00:32
edju*FF#* FF300:32
KromiXi dont remember what I did last time but i remember it being complicated the card I have is: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500]00:32
Guest91739i just know ubuntu is on one drive, opensolaris on another and 3 other drives were used for zfs under opensolaris00:32
csky_maxSorlag: Start at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaKeys00:32
KromiXany nice and easy new drivers for it? :P00:32
crdlbKromiX: did you just upgrade to hardy?00:32
k4r1mis there a package that lets you change ur main menu style on ur desktop to a similar style on kubuntu where it has that search feature.. ?00:33
GreyscaleGuest91739, if you're going ubuntu only, I'd suggest a fresh install anyway00:33
Greyscaleand install vmware first00:33
KromiXNo, I updated pending system updates, from as far before as 1 1/2 months ago maybe 200:33
Greyscalevmware seems to install reliably if you pay full attention to it and do it on a brand new fresh install00:33
crdlbKromiX: what does 'glxinfo | grep direct' say?00:33
KromiXbunch of updates it took a while :P00:33
csky_maxSorlag: Also the quick answer is run "xev" then watch its output when you give it input - it will spit out codes00:33
GreyscaleGuest91739, but thats just me, and I suck. I suck so much I write "comma and"00:34
KromiXdirect rendering: yes00:34
crdlbKromiX: you need to override the blacklist which has been in place since hardy has been in development; join #compiz-fusion for details00:34
RuralHackhisto: you still here00:34
KromiXahh I remember something like that00:35
ice109can someone help me, my canon camera won't mount00:35
KromiXhave a link by any chance on how to?00:35
dolohow do you use a makefile?00:35
KromiXoh ok nevermind the channel gotcha00:35
kitchedolo: make00:35
Greyscaledolo, what are you trying to acchieve?00:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about makefile00:35
Greyscaleinstalling shit: ./configure; make; sudo make install00:35
doloahh i got this thing to make a .so file it comes with a makefile00:35
Greyscalethats usually how it goes00:35
Greyscaledolo, what is it?00:36
FAJALOUi am trying to compile something, but when i type in ./configure00:36
FAJALOUnothing happens00:36
dolowell i been trying for a while to make a custom usplash boot screen using this tutroail00:36
FAJALOUwell it tells me that it is not a valid file or directory00:36
doloi looked someplace else and it said try the dev folder for example00:36
FAJALOUdolo:  using SUM works really well (SUM=StartUp Manager)00:36
doloand the example folder has a make file00:37
doloi have startup manager i wanted to make my own usplash not load someone elses00:37
histoRuralHack: yes00:37
FAJALOUi am trying to compile something, but when i type in ./configure     i am told that it is not a valid file or directory... any help.00:37
FAJALOUo sorry dolo00:37
KromiXcrdlb thanks so much man it worked instantly :P00:37
histoRuralHack: i'm just switcing between pcs on my switch00:37
RuralHackhisto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI00:37
dolowhat would i type to use the makefile00:38
dolowill it build the .so file?00:38
RuralHackhisto, that should set ya up.... got to go00:38
redneck862can some linux guru help me? hibernation doesn't work on my lappy after I installed hardy but gutsy worked fine. lappy is using swap file for hibernation and gutsy had hibernation button after I removed swap-file checking from /sbin/pmi but hardy won't show it00:38
doloso Grey whada ya say00:39
Greyscaledolo, find a better tutorial :)00:39
eriscois there a way to adjust volume via the command line? gnome-volume-control is bugged00:40
Greyscalea makefile (AFAIK) is a file generated by ./configure and fed to make to make it compile things correctly.00:40
eriscoor is there an alternative gui?00:40
Sorlagcsky_max thx00:40
lazertek_anybody know if i can transfers songs to zune from linux yet?00:40
l3dwhy is the script menu not showing up in the normal nautilus user mode00:40
doloya i want it to compile the files into a .so file00:40
Greyscalelazertek_, holy shit you own a zune?00:40
regeyalol...top shows that dvd shrink is using 170% CPU00:40
l3dwhy is the script menu not showing up in the normal nautilus user mode?00:40
regeyamulticore ftw00:40
Greyscaleregeya, I saw rhythmbox using 400% CPU once.00:41
kevinO!language | Greyscale00:41
ubottuGreyscale: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:41
lazertek_Greyscale: yea why?00:41
GreyscaleTurned out to be a terminal glitch00:41
Greyscaleit ment 4%00:41
Greyscalelazertek_, I've never met anyone with one00:41
doloits for compiling right00:41
doloand i got files i need to compile00:41
lazertek_regeya: i wish there was a better alternative to rythmbox... bpmx might be soon00:41
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Greyscaledolo, a makefile is just a list of things for make to do00:41
regeyaquod libet is sort of nice00:41
Greyscaledolo, find a better tutorial :P00:42
lazertek_Greyscale: ah... its pretty cool... only if i could use it with linux... not sure if i can transfer songs to zune yet?00:42
dolouhh dude its been 3 days00:42
dolobeen looking for a tutoria00:42
csky_maxlazertek_: I use audacious, it's a winamp clone in the Ubuntu repos00:42
Greyscalelazertek_, its really hard to get things on it under windows, what makes you think its going to be even possible under linux? Solution: Try to get rockbox on it :)00:42
eriscoare there any alternatives to gnome-volume-control??00:42
sxwinamp clones are ugly00:42
csky_maxyes, you have to actually prefer the winamp ui ;)00:43
GreyscaleI want a wifi-enabled MP3 player so I can have it autosync with a random selection from a SMB server.00:43
dougbi thought xmmp was the winamp clone?00:43
regeyaericsco does it have to be a total replacement?  when I want to change mixer levels through a gui I tend to use alsamixergui00:43
dougbthats right, thanks sx00:43
sxbut audacius is a fork00:43
Wavesonicshow do i set a user to use bash instead of sh?00:43
dougbahh i see00:43
eddieHello all.00:43
regeyaxmms isn't exactly a clone, but it looks much like it00:43
linxehGreyscale: dont archos do those ?00:43
eddieI have a fast uiestion where can i fidn a list of all supported hardware.00:44
SaladinHow can I set myself as a 'sudoer'?00:44
linxehSaladin: visudo00:44
Greyscalelinxeh, I don't have money, so I've never looked into it :P00:44
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usserGreyscale, take a look at any archos players00:44
csky_maxxmms forked to Beep which forked to audacious00:44
Guest46630Saladin: add yourself to /etc/sudoers00:44
regeyawasn't audacious a fork of bmp, which was an  xmms fork?00:44
Greyscaleusser, see up :)00:44
csky_maxbmp was the other fork of beep00:44
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eriscoplease, gnome-volume-control has a huge bug rendering my computer's audio entirely unusable... and I NEED audio00:44
regeyameh... bmp == beep00:44
GreyscaleI prefer to use grep, cat & awk to push music to my /dev/dsp.00:45
regeyaor it used to00:45
usserGreat_Briton, aw the money00:45
algerianwhat is the deference between Ubuntu 32 bite and 64 bit.00:45
linxehGreyscale: FWIW I think the archos players are awful in terms of usability. a guy in one of the bands I play in has one and uses it for music in the intermission - its a nightmare compared to an ipod or even a zune00:45
sxi'm searching something light for fluxbox, but currently i use amarok xD00:45
eriscoare there any other packages I can use in place of gnome-volume-control??00:45
regeyaericsco, alsamixergui, or fire up a term and run alsamixer00:45
csky_maxerisco: tried alsamixer?00:45
linxehGuest19842: you should always use visudo for editing /etc/sudoers00:45
Greyscalelinxeh, Rockbox.00:45
regeyaor you could ignore me and keep asking.00:45
Saladinir8: How do I do that from a command line?00:45
lazertek_Greyscale: u can't put rockbox on it yet... some guy just put up a video showing he somehow managed to get linux on it but its not for sure00:45
lazertek_sx xmms gui clients aren't that pretty tho00:45
linxehGreyscale: oooh :)00:46
regeyahere's hoping rockbox can be porte to the v2 sansas real soon now00:46
idarlesom disse aquela mesma coisa00:46
idarlesomnada a ser feito com all00:46
linxehGreyscale: I saw that a while ago and forgot about it because it was really new and unstable - thanks :)00:46
regeyaI hvae a sansa fuze and the interface is nice and all but rockbox seems a lot nicer00:46
eriscocsky_max, oh great, that must not have been the problem00:46
eriscocsky_max, adjusting the volume of my USB headphones is extremely glitchy00:46
dianapoHey I LOST MY SOUND!!00:46
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eriscocsky_max, and apparently it is not the gui thing... what is next?00:47
regeyaif only you had lost your caps lock dianapo00:47
eriscois there a driver issue? what?00:47
idarlesomjá dei o sudo make install00:47
regeyabut continue to ignore that advice00:47
regeyait works great though00:47
eriscoregeya, it didn't seem to make any difference00:48
eriscoits glitchy in that gui as well00:48
SaladinAnyone know how to enable root log in for GDM?00:48
regeyamaybe your problem goes deeper than a mixer client00:48
eriscowhen I turn the volume up it half of the time mutes it00:48
eriscoand when I turn the volume down it sometimes goes to max00:48
regeyawhat kind of card do you have, ericsco?00:48
eriscoand other times it randomly mutes other channels00:48
eriscoregeya, its a headset, logitec00:48
regeyaI had that problem for a long time when I had my...oh heh.00:48
eriscothe mic works great...00:48
Sorlagone more little question.. how do i start programs with terminal comand but without the terminal itself?00:49
regeyamy wife has some logitech speakers, same problem, but it's the left channel.00:49
SaladinI would normally do it through System > Administration > Login but I can't run it on my remote server?00:49
dianapoHey I LOST MY SOUND!! it suddenly stopped and now it says that "No volume control GStreamer plugins and / or devices found"00:49
regeyaand only the left channel.00:49
dmi3onhi all00:49
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eriscoregeya, yes, the left channel!00:49
regeyaericsco: I would also like a solution to that one...00:49
eriscoregeya, and right now it is playing back the mic to the speakers... for some reason...00:49
JayVomDachSorlag: alt+f2 and check the box00:50
regeyaericsco: you could try upgrading alsa, let me find a link for you...00:50
eriscoregeya, geez, this is great...00:50
dianapoHey I LOST MY SOUND!! it suddenly stopped and now it says that "No volume control GStreamer plugins and / or devices found"00:50
linxehGreyscale: ok, rockbox is attractive just for the games ;-) does it work with itunes ?00:50
regeya!repeat | dianapo00:50
ubottudianapo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:50
Greyscalelinxeh, why would you want it to work with iTunes?00:50
GreyscaleiTunes is epicfail00:51
eriscoregeya, thanks I would appreciate it...00:51
eriscoregeya, even the mute buttons are inconsistent00:51
dmi3oni remove harddrive from old computer and install it to new one, on hard drive was installed ubuntu but it doesnt run on wen computer00:51
eriscosometimes it mutes, other times it doesn't, sometimes it mutes the wrong thing00:51
lazertek_so i guess no way to transfer songs to zune from ubuntu... this sucks00:51
dmi3onwhat should i do00:51
redneck862can some linux guru help me? hibernation doesn't work on my lappy after I installed hardy but gutsy worked fine. lappy is using swap file for hibernation and gutsy had hibernation button after I removed swap-file checking from /sbin/pmi but hardy won't show it00:51
MeVsTheVoicesHow would one retrieve the color setup for the current terminal00:51
ir8no one know where i can find a list of supported hardware?00:51
cycomhey, has anyone gotten s-video out working on an NVidia 7300 as a second display?  I can get video output, but for some reason, my gnome panels get extended and all my video gets stretched when using twinview00:51
linxehGreyscale: because I use macs as well as debian, ubuntu, solaris, hpux, unicos on a daily basis. at home all my music library is on itunes on a mac mini connected to my hifi and TV ...00:52
dianapoHey I LOST MY SOUND!! it suddenly stopped and now it says that "No volume control GStreamer plugins and / or devices found"00:52
bazhang!hcl | ir800:52
ubottuir8: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection00:52
Greyscalelinxeh, well that was stupid.00:52
regeyaGreyscale: heh, when I work under os x I use iTunes only b/c it's better than the alternatives...I mean, c'mon, songbird?  pffft.00:52
dmi3oncan any one help me plz00:52
cycomis there a way to keep the panels from going off the screen?00:52
GreyscaleNever rely on proprietary technology00:52
geirhadmi3on: could you elaborate on "will not run"00:52
dmi3oni cant start ubuntu from old hard drive on new computer00:52
GreyscaleBecause you're about to find out that NOTHING works with iTunes unless its an iPod.00:53
GreyscaleAnd iPods HATE to work with anything but iTunes00:53
MeVsTheVoicesubuntubut anyone00:53
oddalotyou can burn cds with itunes00:53
crdlbcycom: don't use dynamic twinview; you need to do it statically to work around an nvidia driver bug00:53
GreyscaleYou're up shit creek without a paddle.00:53
linxehGreyscale: in your opinion. and no, there are plenty of things that work with iTunes00:53
geirhadmi3on: was it the primary master of the old machine?00:53
bazhangGreyscale, no cursing00:53
kevinO!language | Greyscale00:53
ubottuGreyscale: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:53
Greyscalelinxeh, yes, generic flash MP3 players.00:53
cycomcrdlb: any docs on how to do that?00:53
dmi3onwhen computer start its just black screen and on left upper corner its blinking white line00:53
regeyawow, Greyscale I'll tell the ad agencies who send us PDFs complete with commercial typefaces, proprietary color profiles, and Pantone color that one.  I'm sure it will be received well. :->00:53
linxehGreyscale: you realise that iTunes has a plugin API ?00:53
crdlbcycom: nvidia-settings should be able to do it00:53
MeVsTheVoicesHow would you get the current background and foreground color setup for a terminal00:53
oddalotthey need to make itunes for linux with the quickness00:54
SorlagJayVomDach okay but how do i start a program WithOut terminal .. for example start alt+f2 and type sudo wireshark nothing happens .. and if i do it with the terminal i can execute it, but as soon as i close the terminal the program itself determins as well00:54
linxehGreyscale: but anyway, thanks for your insight...00:54
regeyaerisco: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto  that's for Intel HDA sound hardware, but it has instructions on upgrading.00:54
geirhadmi3on: Is it an old type IDE drive (wide cables) or new type SATA drive (small cables)?00:54
cycomcrdlb: does that mean I should configure it as a Seperate X screen?00:54
bastid_raZorSorlag; you could add  & disown on the end of your command in terminal00:54
dmi3ongeirha, thx00:54
JayVomDachSorlag: you're probably looking for gksu or gksudo00:55
regeyaat one point, I realized it was folly to NEVER depend upon proprietary stuff on computers, because there's almost no open hardware.  I mean sure, there's hardware that has open specs, but the hardware still isn't open.  Since I like using computers, I've grown to not worry about it.00:55
geirhadmi3on: Is it connected as primary master on the new machine?00:55
cycomcrdlb: currently when I do that, it simply moves everything to the s-video port.00:55
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dmi3oni guess as primery00:55
dmi3ongeirha, i can see hard drive when start live CD00:55
regeyawell, with dvdshrink and a kernel build running, this computer is chugging ever slower...time to do something constructive.  ttfn00:56
linxehregeya: thats a very good philosophy, at least at the moment.00:56
rafa_hey can someone help me with my apple mighty mouse?00:56
linxehrafa_: sup ?00:56
edjuHow to associate .rm w/ realplayer in FF3?00:56
geirhadmi3on: Well, most likely it doesn't have the boot loader on it. You can install that from the liveCD.00:56
csky_maxWhoever needed an ipod software - 'gtkpod' has been flawless for me00:56
cycomcrdlb: not only that, it seems to make the TV-out (s-vid) the primary display...00:56
eriscojust my luck... the alsa project site is down and regeya left! geeeeeeez00:56
kitcheedju: probably have to edit mime-types00:56
dmi3oni guess as primery ?00:57
linxeherisco: try the google cache00:57
dmi3ongeirha, i need reinstall ubuntu ?00:57
eriscolinxeh, cannot download anything from that00:57
rafa_i have a non apple laptop and a mighty mouse. i use my mighty mouse sometimes, how can i enable all of its buttons without messing with my track pad?00:57
linxeherisco: what do you need to download?00:57
Sorlagbastid_raZor works! thank you.. and is there a way to run a program with terminal but close the terminal during the execution?00:58
edjukitche, I looked at that file and tried adding rm, but failed.  Any pointer as to the proper synatx?00:58
geirhadmi3on: It should be enough to install the bootloader, but there may still be other things that need to be changed in order for it to run on a different machine.00:58
eriscolinxeh, the latest alsa00:58
linxeherisco: http://hg-mirror.alsa-project.org/ maybe ?00:58
bastid_raZorSorlag; you mean like updating or compiling something? in that case do not close the terminal. you'll need to know if any errors occur00:58
csky_maxrafa_: have you tried binding its buttons using the normal keyboard shortcuts UI? on my 7 button logitech, 2 of the extra buttons are recognized out of the box (thumb buttons)00:58
dmi3ongeirha, dont you think is better to reinstall ? can i reinstall with out loosing all porn ? :)00:59
eriscolinxeh, maybe I am missing something, but I cannot see how to download what I need from there00:59
geirhadmi3on: Depends on how it is partitioned. Is /home on a seperate partition?00:59
linxeherisco: thats the source code repos00:59
kitcheedju: the same syntax as the other ones hang on let me get firefox3 installed and I'll take a look at the file00:59
bastid_raZorSorlag; with & disown on the end you can close the terminal yes. you can ctrl+c to get to a prompt also to continue to use the terminal.00:59
eriscolinxeh, meaning... so?01:00
linxeherisco: well, where do you think the latest alsa drivers are?01:00
dmi3ongeirha, its one partition01:00
geirhadmi3on: Do you have an USB storage device you can copy the data to?01:00
rafa_csky_max: yeah ive tried that, but im guessing the buttons arent being picked up (only the right and left click buttons), oh and my scroll wheel only works when scrolling up...01:00
linxeherisco: you need a mercurial client. maybe #alsa is a good bet01:00
eriscolinxeh, what does a mercurial client and #alsa have in common?01:01
Sorlagbastid_raZor okay thank you very much01:01
dmi3ongeirha, no01:01
crdlbcycom: I don't know the exact procedure in nvidia-settings, but doing it statically is the only way to make the Xinerama hits work correctly (which is how gnome-panel and other apps know where the outputs are so they can stay on one monitor)01:01
crdlbcycom: maybe #nvidia could help01:01
geirhadmi3on: Any other place to store the data?01:01
dmi3ongeirha, can i install ubuntu 7.0 and after upgrade to ubuntu 8.0 ?01:01
DozedOnLinuxcsky_max:  out of box your thumb buttons work ? if so, could i have snippet of your mouse options in xorg.conf, if there is any ?01:01
linxeherisco: #alsa is a discussion channel for alsa. mercurial client will let you check out the source to the latest alsa drivers so you can compile them. I dont know what else you expected to download from the alsa site...01:01
linxeherisco: but ok, sorry for trying to help. good luck01:01
eriscolinxeh, why are you sorry?01:02
ir8adaptec cards are not supported?01:02
dmi3ongeirha, no i dont have any free space all porn takes a lot of space :(01:02
geirhadmi3on: Yes, but it's less hassle to install 8.04 right away.01:02
td123Is there a vga=xxx number for 1920x1200 resolution?01:02
linxeherisco: because clearly what I offered isnt of interest to you. I'm sorry for taking up your time.01:02
dmi3ongeirha, hassle ?01:02
eriscolinxeh, why? what are you saying?01:02
godzirraheya folks.  I just freshly reinstalled my linux desktop, and I can't seem to access my internal network.  i.e. I can't ssh to my linux box from my windows box, and can't ping my windows box from my linux box.01:03
eriscolinxeh, I'm grabbing the mercurial client01:03
=== RandomCake___ is now known as RandomCake
rafa_any insight on that guys? know how to enable all buttons on a mighty mouse?01:03
godzirraI can access irc/websites/etc from each box.01:03
ir8adaptec cards are not supported???01:03
geirhadmi3on: It takes a long time to upgrade from a previous ubuntu release, because it needs to download alot of files.01:03
linxehir8: of course they are01:03
Lvl21nerdi just did a reformat and upon doing installation of a few of my fav programs i got an error message saying i had 2 broken packages01:03
Lvl21nerdhow do i find these?01:03
timohi When pressing the power button on gnome and clicking reboot nothing happends. Only after I pres Ctrl+Alt backspace01:03
ir8linxeh: I have a issue.01:03
linxehir8: then be more specific and stop spamming01:03
bastid_raZorgodzirra; you will not be able to ssh from ubuntu to windows. with putty youc an get from windows to ubuntu though01:03
eriscolinxeh, I got the mercurial package but "mercurial" is not a command on the command line01:04
geirhadmi3on: Are you on the liveCD now, on the new machine?01:04
eriscolinxeh, so I have no idea how to get to it01:04
ir8linxeh: i have a SAS LSI card right now.. and01:04
linxeherisco: it is mg, the chemical symbol for mercury01:04
linxeherisco: err hg01:04
godzirrabastid_raZor: I'm not trying to ssh from ubuntu to windows.  I was using ping to test.  I can't ssh from putty on windows to my ubuntu box.  It times out.01:04
godzirrabastid_raZor: pinging from ubuntu to my windows box times out as well.01:04
ir8linxeh: the driver is the suck.01:04
timoI'm rebooting because of issues now turns out i cant even reboot01:04
DozedOnLinuxrafa_: in xorg.conf , my scroll options are as follows >    Option         "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"      . i have seen this too >     Option         "ZAxisMapping" "6,7"01:04
RezagratsHow do i bind a key to a gnome-panel menu ?01:04
Lvl21nerdhow do i find the two broken packages that i mentioned earlier01:04
linxehir8: well kernel support for the adaptec cards I used was just fine, even 10 years ago.01:05
bastid_raZorgodzirra; are you using the right ip/hostnames? how do you have that set up in your router?01:05
l3dso please would someone answer me about why is it  I dont see the script menu in nautilus unless I am root why is this01:05
Alysumhi I have 4 workspaces (default) and I'd like to know how I can add a shortcut to switch to workspace 3 and 4 as they are not available in the keyboard shortcuts preferences. thanks01:05
Lvl21nerdhow do i find broken packages01:05
cycomcrdlb: I ended up using twinview with a static config and restarting X.  Worked like a charm.01:05
sarah_bearhey guys, i downloaded a good movie, but my ubuntu wont play the .avi file in Totem Media Player, any ideas?01:05
dmi3ongeirha, what i dont understand why ubuntu doesnt start from old hard drive if on old computer it was the only hard drive01:05
geirhaLvl21nerd: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. Alt+F1 is the default shortcut.01:05
Alysumsarah_bear: use VLC media player01:06
eriscolinxeh, well, I guess I am stuck, no idea how to use hg, even after reading the man...01:06
linxeherisco: hmm, it seems they moved from mercurial to GIT a couple of months ago :/ sorry01:06
eriscoI'll check back later01:06
sarah_bearill try taht alysum01:06
Daisuke_Laptop!codecs | sarah_bear01:06
ubottusarah_bear: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:06
geirhadmi3on: Ah. Hm. Do you see the boot menu when you boot?01:06
csky_maxDozedOnLinux: I'll post them later in this chan if you're around, it's not from this comp01:06
DozedOnLinuxif someone can give me suggestion on doing mouse mappings for thumb button on MS Optical Mouse, this would be appreciated01:06
DozedOnLinuxcsky_max: thanks01:06
godzirra_bastid_raZor: I am using the ip address of my linux box ( and the router currently forwards all incoming requests on 1-80 and 631 to .9901:06
csky_maxDozedOnLinux: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto01:07
rafa_DozedOnLinuz: would that mess with my trackpad?01:07
DozedOnLinuxcsky_max: i have it so it does forward on Firefox, but thats the extent of it. hardly usefull like that01:07
dmi3ongeirha, no its just black screen with a white line on upper left corner01:07
DozedOnLinuxrafa_: are you on laptop ?01:07
linxeherisco: try this -
Lvl21nerdgeirha: not sure i understand what u meant....when i was installing programs it said i had two broken packages....how do i figure out what they are01:07
dmi3ongeirha, when i start from live cd i can see hard drive01:07
rafa_DozedOnLinux: yeah01:07
DozedOnLinuxrafa_:  if it works, best leave it alone till you are sure, i dont know that will work for touchpads01:07
Strife89May I ask for a good place to find some simple themes?01:07
godzirra_Strife89: themes for what?01:08
linxeherisco: ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/ is up01:08
MightyMackHey guys, anyone have a horrible freeze after logging in, ATI GPU.01:08
csky_maxstrife89: gnome-look.org01:08
geirhaLvl21nerd: sorry, misread the nick.01:08
bernierHi, my bootloader is on /dev/sda2  and my windows partition on /dev/sdb1. so in grub.conf it would be hd(what,what) to boot from windows?01:08
rafa_DozedOnLinux: i need to configurations, one for when i use the trackpad and another for when i use the mighty mouse01:08
linxehir8: what is the problem ?01:08
RezagratsHow can i add a keybind that's not in Ubuntu by default. i want one that opens the Applications menu01:08
csky_maxrafa_ you should be able to use both devices at once without conflict..01:08
Flannelbernier: sdb1 is hd1,001:08
geirhaRezagrats: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. Alt+F1 is the default shortcut.01:08
ir8linxeh: what PCI-X adaptec card that supports SAS drives would advise me toget.01:09
DozedOnLinux!touchpad | rafa_01:09
ubotturafa_: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad01:09
ir8linxeh: driver support.01:09
MightyMackMy comp just freezes after loading the cursor, no way to ctrl-alt-del or anything.01:09
linxehir8: I dont understand01:09
bernierFlannell thank you01:09
bernierill try this01:09
dmi3ongeirha, my only option is to reinstall ?01:09
rafa_csky_max : yes i can use both at the same time but my mighty mouse buttons wont work01:09
csky_maxMightyMack: did you change the kernel recently, the realtime kernels do that on one of my systems currently01:10
Lvl21nerdhow do i figure out what 2 packages are broken01:10
MightyMacki just updated the system after a fresh install01:10
csky_maxLvl21nerd: run 'sudo apt-get upgrade' and it will tell you their names01:10
MightyMackcsky_max: is there a fix for that?01:10
csky_maxI'm unfamiliar with the Mighty Mouse, sorry.01:10
zzli need to control the brightness of kubuntu01:11
csky_maxMaybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto01:11
histoAlright trying to install the binary driver but its not building the debs i'm getting ton of errors. I'm on Hardy running 64bit01:11
zzlno one is responding there so im hoping you can help01:11
ir8linxeh: unable to find something that will work.01:11
zzlbrightness to work in kubuntu01:11
geirhadmi3on: No, you just need to make sure the BIOS tries to boot your harddrive, and that the bootloader is set up correctly for the new system.01:11
zzlanyone have a script?01:11
graftzzl: how do you mean, brightness? isn't that your monitor's business?01:11
zzli have a laptop01:12
csky_maxzzl: if you're on a notebook, try its built in brightness keys01:12
Strife89zzl: I'm making assumptions here. Right click on a panel.01:12
zzland need the function keys for it to work01:12
zzlFN keys don't work01:12
geirhadmi3on: You should make sure the drive is connected as primary master. If you boot into the BIOS, it should tell you there.01:12
Strife89zzl: Right click on a panel and choose Properties.01:12
sarah_bearmy vlc player plays the avi file, but i got no sound, how come?01:12
godzirra_bastid_raZor: Even odder, my laptop will connect to my linux box via putty, but my desktop will not.01:12
graftzzl: ah... what sort of laptop?01:13
ari_stressmorning all :)01:13
Strife89sarah_bear: Do you have sound with other files?01:13
histoI bet its because I didn't have build-essentials installed and the wiki entry fails to mention that.01:13
zzlsony vaio vgn-nr110e01:13
dmi3ongeirha, i know for shure that is boots hard drive where is ubuntu, how do i set up bootloader01:13
sarah_bearshould i remove totem?01:14
sarah_beartotem + vlc causes problems?01:14
Strife89sarah_bear: Have you tried it on another computer before.01:14
Flannelhisto: binary drivers are ... binary, you don't need build-essential since there's nothing to build01:14
sarah_bearyes strife8901:14
Strife89sarah_bear: Not that I'm aware of.01:14
RezagratsDanke geirha01:14
kindofabuzzhow do i remove the eye candy from when you select an icon in the panel is does that little flash thing? =)01:14
histoFlannel: well anyone have any suggestions for why its failing to build the debs?01:15
Flannelhisto: What page on the wiki are you following?01:15
Wavesonicswhy would i be getting the following?01:15
WavesonicsWARNING: UDP_OpenSocket: port: 27015  bind: Cannot assign requested address01:15
WavesonicsFATAL ERROR (shutting down): Couldn't allocate dedicated server IP port 27015.01:15
histoFlannel: the ati binary driver howto01:15
Flannelhisto: And you're on hardy?01:15
MightyMackman this sucks, i can't figure out this problem at all01:15
histoFlannel: yes01:16
histo!ask | MightyMack01:16
ubottuMightyMack: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:16
geirhadmi3on: You can try running the following command from a terminal in the liveCD session «sudo grub-install /dev/sda»01:16
Flannelhisto: None of the instructions on that page fr Hardy include building anything.01:16
cwill757histo, he already asked it. haha01:16
histoFlannel: yes there are01:16
csky_maxkindofabuzz: Get the "CompizConfig Settings Manager" from ubuntu repositories, it shows up in Preferences, lets you fine tune those effects01:16
csky_maxassuming you've got desktop effects on01:17
graftzzl: try xbacklight -set <value>01:17
histoFlannel: it says 8.04 sudo dpkg -P fglrx... blah whatever then proceed to gutsy directions.  I'm trying to install the driver from ati.com01:17
cwill757!compiz | kindofabuzz01:17
ubottukindofabuzz: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:17
MightyMackhisto, my problem was that when i login, it gets to loading the cursor then just freezes, no way to do anything with it.01:17
histoIts throwing all kinds of errors and there is no mention on that page about 64bit.01:17
histoMightyMack: what type of video card do you have.01:17
kindofabuzzcsky_max: oh ok didn't realize it was a compiz thing01:17
zzlgraft- that doesn't work either01:18
MightyMackATI Radeon, with fglrx correctly installed01:18
Flannelhisto: does installing build-essential help though?01:18
dmi3ongeirha, thx for help01:18
graftzzl: what's it do?01:18
eriscolinxeh, there is nothing on their ftp site01:19
zzlit just sits there01:19
grndslm_anybody know why my number pad won't work anymore, regardless of the state of the num lock key??01:19
zzlno change in the brightness01:19
kaiwenHi, I have configured dhcp to start to work on my laptop, but the pc, which I connected with a "crossover" cable (yes it is a crossover cable) doesn't seem to be able to get an ip address from it.01:19
SaladinIs it fine to do a direct upgrade from 6.06 to 8.04.1?01:20
kitcheSaladin: no01:20
histoFlannel: nah same error deb building is freakign otu from what I can see i'm consulting "the google"01:20
kaiwenCan anyone help me with my problem?01:20
cwill757!ask | kaiwen01:20
graftzzl: what values are you trying?01:20
m4lmsteenSaladin i just got odne reformating my other box doing upgrade from 7.10 to 8.0401:20
legend2440grndslm_: try hitting  the shift+num lock key01:20
m4lmsteenencountered a lot of problems01:20
eriscolinxeh, nevermind, firefox bug01:20
kaiwencwill757, I already written my context before01:20
cwill757kaiwen: sorry i didn't see it above01:20
nclxhello I messed up my postgresql-8.3 installation, so I tried to apt-get remove it, and it wouldn't start back up properly after reinstall so I deleted lots of files related to postgresql including /etc/init.d/postgresql*, now when I apt-get install postgresql-8.3* it won't replace those files, what can I do fix it?01:21
ubottukaiwen: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:21
Saladinkitche: Your advice then?01:21
kitcheSaladin: upgrade to the versions in between01:21
SmegzorIs there a way to force one program to be in a different language from the rest?  A friend wants the computer in English, but Pidgin in Hebrew.01:22
Saladinkitche: And how do I do that without using a CD? As I am wanting to upgrade my remotely hosted server.01:22
nclxSmegzor totally depends on the application01:22
Smegzorok.  is there any msn client that can do this on linux?01:23
dmi3ongeirha, could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device01:23
nclxdoes pidgin not do hebrew?01:23
grndslm_legend2440:  you're a genius!01:23
linxehSmegzor: sure, just change the LANG variable before you start the app - any sensible app should pick it up01:23
csky_maxsaladin: one way is to change instances of "edgy" in /etc/apt/sources.list to "feisty", run "sudo aptitude update" then "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade"01:23
csky_maxrepeat for feisty > hardy01:23
geirhaSmegzor: LANG=xx_YY pidgin    You'll find the correct xx_YY by running «locale -a»01:23
legend2440!beer | grndslm_01:23
ubottugrndslm_: Beer is always appreciated.01:23
Smegzorhow would that look in a command line?01:23
georgy_28nclx : to remove a program completly with configuration files : sudo apt-get remove --purge name01:23
RadiCaLNeed some help, any flash videos I try and view (e.g. youtube) just produce a grey box. How do i change which plugin to use for flash, or reinstall the proper one?01:24
nclxgeorgy_28 will try thanks01:24
ishmandooi am running ubuntu 8.04 and sometimes my computer stops playing mp3s and movies. It shows the length of the file but never plays01:24
m4lmsteenis there any particular reason my fresh ubuntu install reports using 17 gigs on my HD ?01:24
ishmandooand ideas?01:24
nclxgeorgy_28 Okay I did that and reinstalled but it still isn't restoring my /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 script, any ideas on how to get that back?01:25
csky_maxm4lmsteen: you can use 'sudo du -sh /*' to look at usage starting at your root filesystem01:25
Saladincsky_max: What does that do exactly? (I'm a bit of a newb ya see)01:25
nclxdu = disk usage01:25
csky_maxSaladin: It updates the sources to look at the next newest distro instead of the feisty packages01:25
m4lmsteencsky my root system says 2gb but there are other 1.5 GB partitions01:25
m4lmsteena few others01:25
georgy_28nclx : sorry no01:25
ericanyone here answer a quick question?01:26
csky_maxSaladin: This means it will then see all the newer versions, and update to them. Also dist-upgrade is a special command that tells the package manager that you're doing the full deal01:26
=== eric is now known as Guest88623
csky_max*instead of edgy01:26
darthanubisAdding a new service01:26
l3dso please would someone answer me about why is it  I dont see the script menu in nautilus unless I am root why is this01:26
darthanubisupdate-rc.d foo default01:26
darthanubisthats not working01:26
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kindofabuzzcsky_max: there isn't a setting for it.  i looked through the few things i have enabled in compiz and i can't seem to find it.  do you know what it's called exactly by any chance?01:26
csky_maxm4lmsteen: du measures directories, it doesn't talk about partitions01:27
csky_maxm4lmsteen: 'mount' will show partition status01:27
graftzzl: well try like 40 or something01:27
csky_maxkindofabuzz: sorry, nope... i remember seeing about 300 settings in that app, I'm sure it would be there if anywhere.01:27
m4lmsteencsky yeah... i right clicked on my 'file system' in the gui and checked the properties is where i seen the 17GB used01:27
dmi3ongeirha, that what ubunutu tell wheh i try you command could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device01:27
m4lmsteenwas just curious to where all the space was being used...01:27
zzli'll get that down later because lots of people seem to have problems with it01:28
l3dso please would someone answer me about why is it  I dont see the script menu in nautilus unless I am root why is this01:28
Saladincsky_max: No instances of edgy found in file01:28
csky_maxm4lmsteen: Right, so if you want to see what's using it, you run 'du -sh /*' in a terminal and it will print total size used for each top level directory01:28
darthanubisI need to add a new service via the command line please?01:28
csky_maxsaladin: put /etc/apt/sources.list in a pastebin.com for me plz01:28
m4lmsteencsky ok... soon as i get back on the other machine ill check that01:28
zzlanother question: how can i images my ubuntu/kubuntu harddrive?01:28
nclxdarthanubis what service?01:28
m4lmsteenill bbs... ill enter xchat from mydesktop01:28
zzllike NORTON GHOST for WINDOWS01:28
Saladincsky_max: I did notice, however, a lot of dapper; I'm running 6.06 right now01:28
darthanubisnclx, please tell me it does not matter?01:28
nclxzzl download and burn g4l or g4u google for them01:29
darthanubisnclx, I just need the "ubuntu way it done"?01:29
l3dremastersys  zzl01:29
nclxdarthanubis sudo apt-get install <server-name>; /etc/init.d/<server-name> start;01:29
LetsGo67How do I remove instruments from a song?01:29
zzlwhich is the easiest to use?01:29
dmi3ongeirha, that what ubunutu tell wheh i try you command could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device01:29
solexious[Q] What is the default dir for web pages in apache2 on ubuntu?01:29
nclxzzl both are slightly different, look at them, look at g4l first01:30
LetsGo67How do I remove instruments from a song?01:30
nclxg4l I.E. Ghost For Linux01:30
darthanubisnclx, that does not makke the server start by default. I know how to apt-get, and start the service. How does one put it into the correct runlevel please?01:30
nickrudsolexious /var/www01:30
Saladincsky_max: Should I then be changing dapper to whatever is next?01:30
csky_maxsaladin: Ok, so for your case you are looking at no less than three dist-upgrades to get up to Hardy01:30
solexiousnickrud: thank you01:30
nclxupdate-rc.d <service> defaults I believe01:30
csky_maxor four even01:30
darthanubisThe Debian way, which should be the ubuntu way, is not working, when it used to. So I'm wonder, what changed if anything?01:30
csky_maxYes, 'edgy' is the next after 'dapper'01:30
nickruddarthanubis when you install it with ubuntu, it automatically installs itself in run levels01:30
Saladincsky_max: Can you PM me the order I need to do it please? Things get so lost in here.01:31
csky_maxdapper, edgy, feisty, hardy are the names01:31
nickruddarthanubis stepping back a little, that sounds more like a server issue than a runlevel issue01:31
geirhadmi3on: Try mounting the root filesystem and run «sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/disk /dev/sda»01:31
darthanubisnickrud, could you tell me how to inssert the service into the correct runlevel should the automagical way FAILS01:31
csky_maxI always copy/paste the current line, comment out the old version for history, then change the distro codename in the copied line. Helps see what the box used to be using.01:32
LetsGo67How do I remove instruments from a song?01:32
dmi3onok, thx01:32
darthanubisnickrud, I'm just trying to get proper syntax for the task which I'm asking atm?01:32
l3dremastersys  zzl01:32
l3dremastersys  zzl01:32
FloodBot1l3d: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:32
csky_maxdarthanubis: did 'update-rc.d defaults' work?01:32
dmi3oni think i will reinstall01:32
l3dso please would someone answer me about why is it  I dont see the script menu in nautilus unless I am root why is this01:32
darthanubiscsky_max, nope, thats why I'm puzzled01:32
zzlremastersys is good?01:32
Wavesonicsi put a console command in a file and am trying to run it like ./someFileWithCommands but it doesnt execute it properly01:33
kitcheSaladin: by doing it though apt-get like what's recommended01:33
nickruddarthanubis update-rc.d start <sequence> 2 3 4 5 stop 0 1 601:33
csky_maxsaladin: make that list.... dapper, edgy, feisty, gutsy, hardy    and soon intrepid01:33
DozedOnLinuxzzl:  i looked for remastersys in repo's but couldnt find it01:33
LetsGo67How do I remove instruments from a song?01:33
nickruddarthanubis update-rc.d start <order> 2 3 4 5 stop <order> 0 1 6 may be clearer01:33
qrWavesonics: what does "doesn't execute properly" mean specifically01:33
csky_maxWavesonics: in console do 'chmod +x <file>'01:34
csky_maxto make it an executable script01:34
Saladincsky_max: No repos found for edgy. Is it still supported?01:34
Wavesonicsqr: it is suppose to execute screen for a certain program, but when i try and attach the screen, it says it doesnt exist01:34
LetsGo67How do I remove instruments from a song?01:34
darthanubiswhenever I use update-rc.d with the server and default, I get the built in help from update-rc.d01:34
georgy_28update-rc.d start <order> 2 3 4 5 . stop <order> 0 1 6 .  that's the right command01:34
nickruddarthanubis then you have problems other than setting up runlevels. Maybe you should simply say what the real problem is01:34
geirha!edgy | Saladin01:34
ubottuSaladin: Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. It is now in end of life, and is unsupported. Please upgrade to a newer release.01:34
csky_maxsaladin: Unsure. I would actually look at researching the official recommendations for going from Ubuntu 6.06 LTS to 8.04 LTS01:34
qrWavesonics: have you tried executing the commands manually to make sure they're correct?01:34
kitcheSaladin: edgy is not supported anymore you have to edit /etc/apt/sources.list to let you upgrade01:35
Wavesonicsqr: yes they work fine manually01:35
nickrudgeorgy_28 yep, missed the period thanks01:35
darthanubisnickrud, I can't say it any clearer01:35
darthanubisI've described EXACTLY what is occuring01:35
LetsGo67Hlw dl yo make a mashup?01:35
=== ChanBot is now known as KevinO
nickruddarthanubis you finally did. what's the service you're trying to start? Is it in /etc/init.d01:35
nickName[Question] Is it possible to have gedit auto detect highlight mode when opening INI files? It can be done manually by going to View>Highlight, but what I want to know is how to make it automatic, like how gedit detects C source for example01:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mashup01:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rockband01:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fretsonfire01:36
bjb1959all of a sudden when I reboot all of my computers lose the dns entry and thus my internet connection until I manually enter the number again. any idea how to fix this?01:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about stepmania01:36
csky_maxSaladin: Aaha!! https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes#From 7.10 or 6.06 LTS to 8.04 LTS01:36
csky_maxSaladin: That page describes your case and the recommended procedures01:36
nickrudLetsGo67 don't abuse the bot, you can ask him questions in pm01:36
darthanubisnickrud, its absolutely in the correct dir01:36
LetsGo67How do I remove vocals?01:36
darthanubisnever had this issue before01:36
darthanubisand I really don't want a lecture on the service I'm using as it's not "ubuntu approved":/01:37
nickruddarthanubis and   sudo update-rc.d  <exactservicenameaswrittenininit.d> defaults01:37
csky_maxSaladin: I *think* you may be lucky enough to be able to go 6.06 > 7.10 > 8.04, but that page will have those details01:37
nickruddarthanubis fails?01:37
the|navigatorI'm trying the a3 livecd and just get a Kernel Panic when trying to run live or trying to install direct.01:37
qrLetsGo67: unless you have the a song with vocals as a seperate track removing them really is not an easy task at all (if it's even possible_01:37
darthanubisnickrud, yes sir01:38
Wavesonicsgot it working, thanks all01:38
RadiCaLNeed some help, any flash videos I try and view (e.g. youtube) just produce a grey box. How do i change which plugin to use for flash, or reinstall the proper one?01:38
csky_maxdarthanubis: the other way if the scripts aren't working to insert your service, is put it in /etc/rc.local  before the last line 'exit 0'01:38
Saladincsky_max: Alright. Though... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades says you can do a direct upgrade. Do you not recommend that though?01:38
Wavesonicsone last question, i want this program to run as a certain user, but i want it to runa t start up, how do i do that?01:38
=== KevinO is now known as ChanBot
csky_maxBest advice I can give is follow what that page says.01:38
nickruddarthanubis that is very strange, since all update-rc.d is look at the service name you give and create links based on it. There's got to be something you're missing. Try putting darthtest in /etc/init.d , and running  sudo update-rc.d darthtest defaults01:39
newusermy print jobs immediately go into a held status any ideas?01:39
darthanubiscsky_max, yeah I have mythzmserver in ther elike that, I don't like that at all. Myth Zoneminder server NEVER had to be put there like that.01:39
qrWavesonics: you can use su to run programs as another user (su -c "command" username, I believe)01:39
the|navigatorIs Ibex a3 Live CD known to kernel panic?01:39
darthanubisIt's like with Hardy some servers just will not start automagically like they should01:39
Wavesonicsqr: thanks :)01:39
csky_maxdarthanubis: maybe pastebin your init script, something in it could be choking update-rc.d?01:40
csky_maxdarthanubis: i know on centos, chkconfig is very picky01:40
zzlwhat's there cool to do in kubuntu?01:40
csky_maxzzl: play with dcop :)01:40
nickruddarthanubis does /etc/rc2.d have SNN<yourinitscript> ?01:40
godzirraCan anyone please help me?  I can't access my linux desktop from my windows desktop.  But for some reason I can access it from my laptop.  (I used to be able to access from windows desktop until I reinstalled linux)01:40
csky_maxzzl: dcop lets you control kde apps with command line, in short01:40
csky_maxeach app has its own hooks, you can browse them01:41
darthanubisnickrud, yes01:41
zzlthat's pretty sweet01:41
the|navigatorOdd.  I'm getting a kernel panic that 'tried to kill the idle task'...01:41
RadiCaLNeed some help, any flash videos I try and view (e.g. youtube) just produce a grey box. How do i change which plugin to use for flash, or reinstall the proper one?01:41
bazhanggodzirra, what version of ubuntu01:41
csky_maxtry 'dcop kicker kicker restart' as an example01:41
zzli want to use like Photoshop with Wine but it doesn't work for some reason01:41
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.01:42
nickruddarthanubis then you have correctly used update-rc2.d . The problem is in the server startstop script.01:42
molgrumRadiCaL: have you installed several?01:42
bazhanggodzirra, you sure this is a linux problem and not a windows one01:42
godzirrabazhang: No.  But it worked before the reinstall, so I'm not sure what it could be.01:42
csky_maxdarthanubis: pastebin the script if ya can01:42
SubOneI know I've seen in the filebrowser a view where you see blocks of rectangles and squares dividing up the window based on their contents sizes, is this possible in nautilus? or some other file browser?01:42
molgrumRadiCaL: check about:plugins01:42
RadiCaLmolgrum: nope, i assumed the one I am using now has stopped working01:42
csky_maxSubOne: That sounds like old KDE01:42
MrVirusi just installed Vbox.. but cant seem to find the run command for it..01:42
molgrumRadiCaL: adobe?01:43
bazhanggodzirra, this is using putty?01:43
csky_maxSubOne: So, kongueror 3-series01:43
zzlyeah Adobe Photoshop cs201:43
kitcheMrVirus: it should be in your menu under other or something along those lines01:43
godzirrabazhang: correct.01:43
godzirrabazhang: works fine from the laptop, but not the desktop.01:43
godzirraIt used to work fine from both01:43
godzirraand I havent changed settings on either.01:43
SubOnecsky_max: how can i view files in this or a similar way? i am trying to locate files that are too large because i have 4gb left on a DL and little space left01:43
bazhanggodzirra, not sure; does that rely on fstab in ubuntu01:43
solexious[Q] chmod of ttyS0 resets on restart, ho can i stop this happening?01:43
kitchezzl: some photoshops don't work with wine depends on which version you have01:43
godzirrabazhang: Not that I know of.01:43
=== ChanBot is now known as KevinO
bastid_raZorgodzirra; i had offending keys in my .ssh/known_hosts which after i corrected fixed the problem. i was being given an error though since i told it strict checking01:43
RadiCaLmolgrum, i believe I was using adobe... though now I dont see it listed... is there a way to manually install it just to be safe?01:43
histoPOS ATI01:43
bazhangzzl, check appdb01:44
cwill757!vbox | MrVirus01:44
ubottuMrVirus: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox01:44
kitchesolexious: by adding a rule in udev.conf01:44
godzirrabastid_raZor: I removed all my keys in .ssh/known_hosts when I reinstalled.01:44
csky_maxSubOne: I always start with 'du -sh *' in my home directory01:44
histoWasted my night on this garbage. Company should be out of business I swear.01:44
kitchezzl: yeah that doesn't work in wine from what I remember01:44
molgrumRadiCaL: you can try to reinstall it yeah01:44
godzirrahisto: does the box say "Linux"? :)01:44
AldorkSorry for newb question; How do I check what hardware this machine has and the drivers it uses?01:44
nickrudsolexious it gets reset by udev on boot, why do you want to change the permissions on it from the default?01:44
darthanubisntp daemon does not appear to do anything either01:44
=== KevinO is now known as chanbot2
bazhang!appdb | zzl check here01:45
ubottuzzl check here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org01:45
molgrumRadiCaL: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash01:45
bastid_raZorgodzirra; right, you were getting a time out. windows box is unable to see Ubuntu box?01:45
darthanubistrying to run the switzerland application01:45
histoHas anyone every sucessfully installed ati driver from ati.com on hardy 64bit?01:45
darthanubisbut one thing at a time01:45
sjoerdip a s01:45
solexiousnickrud, as i want to give w/r to all01:45
csky_maxSubOne: Here's the exact thing you were looking for:  'sudo find / -size +50M -print' to show all really big files on your system01:45
nickruddarthanubis sudo invoke-rc.d <service> start will start service01:45
godzirrabastid_raZor: Correct.  Not sure why.01:45
kitchehisto: people have a hard enough time with 32bit  64bit is almost impossible with the fglrx driver01:45
nickrudsolexious add what ever user you want to use the ttyS0 to the dialout group01:45
darthanubisand mythzmserver is just the regualr package from the repos01:45
=== chanbot2 is now known as chanbot3
zzlwow. call of duty 4 can be played with WINE on ubuntu. haha01:46
nickName[Question] Is it possible to have gedit auto detect highlight mode when opening INI files? It can be done manually by going to View>Highlight, but what I want to know is how to make it automatic, like how gedit detects C source for example01:46
godzirrabastid_raZor: I can't even see the webpage on the browser of the windows desktop.01:46
solexiousnickrud, how can i add root?01:46
darthanubisI don't know if any of you use mythtv and can test that?01:46
csky_maxzzl: even simcity 4 installs and plays with no hacks on wine 1.001:46
darthanubisthey don't in ubuntu-mythtv01:46
solexiousnickrud, via shell01:46
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.01:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uptime01:46
Reformer81Does F-Spot really not support drag-and-drop to other apps??01:46
bastid_raZorgodzirra; oh, then it is your windows box not able to network. appears to have nothing to do with ubuntu :)01:46
nickrudsolexious root owns it, has write permissions. To add some other user, do   sudo adduser <user> dialout .  Any user you add to a group is required to log out completely and then log back in for the group change to take effect01:47
godzirrabastid_raZor: sigh.  I'd still be happy to hear suggestions.  It started doing this immediately after I reinstalled.01:47
godzirrait worked fine before.01:47
godzirranothing has changed on the windows box.01:47
solexiousnickrud, thank you01:48
eriscoHELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! apt wants to remove nearly every package on my computer because of a dependency problem01:48
bastid_raZorgodzirra; i have to get ready for work.. but on the windows box you are unable to get to the internet?01:48
JayVomDachi have a Terratec Cinergy HT PCMCIA and analog (cable) video works fine, but there's no sound. can anyone help? (http://paste.ubuntu.com/34938/)01:48
SubOnecsky_max: I ran that command and its not doing anything... does it take a while?01:48
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nickruderisco heh. How'd you get in that situation?01:49
godzirrabastid_raZor: nope.  Network works fine on windows box.01:49
erisconickrud, I was trying to install a newer libasound2 package01:49
erisconickrud, after it installed it said there were unmet dependencies... now apt wants to remove 100's of MB of packages that are not even related01:49
eriscowhat do I do?01:49
nickruderisco so now a lot of stuff requires the older libasound2, and wants to leave?01:49
zzlanother interesting question: can kubuntu/ubuntu get a virus/spyware/keylogger?01:49
sarah_bearhey guys, im trying to watch a movie, but i have no sound01:49
erisconickrud, yes!01:49
sarah_bearany ideas what might be wrong?01:49
bastid_raZorgodzirra; oh.. in that case i've got to run. good luck :)01:50
SubOnenvm here it comes01:50
erisconickrud, I cannot get it back either01:50
nickruderisco  apt-cache policy libasound2 , put that on pastebin01:50
erisconickrud, apt won't seem to let me... what do I do...01:50
godzirrabastid_raZor: oh well.  Thanks anyways.01:50
qrzzl: sure, but virii for linux are far, far rarer than virii for windows01:50
darthanubisnvrmind about the ntp daemon, its just slow01:50
csky_maxSubOne: Yeah, could take a while. try it with "find ~ -size +5M -print" for a quicker example.01:50
sarah_bearsound in my totem, mplayer, and vlc dont work anymore, i dont know whats wrong01:50
csky_maxSubOne: (show all 5M or greater files in my home)01:51
bazhangzzl, for interesting chat please join #ubuntu-offtopic01:51
erisconickrud, http://pastebin.ca/109431501:51
kaneDo i need internet connection to get build essential01:51
erisconickrud, I've already lost a few packages, including wine01:51
erisconickrud, I aborted once I realized what it was doing01:51
nickruderisco let me look, geesh :)01:51
qrkane: you should be able to get it off an install cd if you still have that01:51
sarah_bearhey guys, why dont my vlc, and totem have sound?01:51
erisconickrud, this is freaky01:51
kaneI don't have cd01:52
kaneBut i installed Ubuntu01:52
kaie8.04.1 live, liveusb package installed, creating a live stick. 3 years old ibm laptop. it takes really really long. cpu idle. minimal i/o. but top says: 95% wait01:52
erisconickrud, all over my damn usb headphones that just happened to be slightly glitchy01:52
nickruderisco sudo apt-get install libasound=1.015-3ubuntu4 , this will reinstall the old version01:52
=== brendan_ is now known as BrendanWelsh
nickruderisco gah. wrong line01:52
sarah_bearnickrud, i was able to play mp3s yesterday, now i can't, any ideas whats wrong with my totem?01:53
nickrudsudo apt-get install libasound2=1.0.15-3ubuntu4  erisco (cut and pasted my typo'd version)01:53
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nickrudsarah_bear not off the top of my head. Can you play mp3's in anything else?01:53
qrkane: since you obviously have an internet connection somewhere (ie you're on irc) you could figure out the correct version of the package you need and download it manually from the ubuntu repos on another machine and transfer it via some non-internet means... but that's a pretty roundabout way of doing things, an internet connection would be much simpler.01:53
sarah_bearno i can't not even banshee01:53
erisconickrud, I think that may have fixed it01:53
sarah_beari tried to update to hardy today, but i cancled it01:53
erisconickrud, now to try and figure out what I lost01:53
sarah_bearthat might have anything to do with it?01:53
godzirraCan anyone think of a reason why my windows box can't reach my linux box, but my laptop can?01:53
l3dso please would someone answer me about why is it  I dont see the script menu in nautilus unless I am root why is this01:54
nickrudsarah_bear oh, yes, having a mixed gutsy/hardy will definitely break stuff01:54
bazhangsarah_bear, cancelled it? please clarify01:54
qrgodzirra: can't reach as in cant even ping?01:54
sarah_bearit has 30 minutes left, so i hit "cancle" button01:54
sarah_bearthen it said "restoring to previous settings"01:54
kaneok so how where cna i download it01:54
kitchel3d: because it's a root only thing01:54
nickrudl3d for me, I had to drop a script into ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts and restart nautilus to see it in the context men01:55
l3dwasnt befor01:55
bazhangkane, what do you need build-essential for01:55
kanei just need it01:55
kitchel3d: it is if you don't have a nautilius-scripts directory like nicrud stated01:55
bazhangkane, if you dont know then why download it01:55
godzirraqr: correct.  Can not ping, ssh, or access the websites via ip.  I'm using putty to connect to
godzirrawhich is the linux box ip.01:55
JayVomDachgodzirra: same subnet?01:56
qrgodzirra: that sounds like a problem with the windows box01:56
l3dyes but in the directory its shows the script audio convert i added through synaptic but its root01:56
csky_maxgodzirra: is there a vpn client on your windows side that is getting exclusive control on your network interface?01:56
sarah_bearargh i cant even listen to my music! what gives...01:56
jgrimesMy Ubuntu 8.04 install disk goes to a busybox command line after I attempt to Install. The checksum comes out correctly.01:56
jhb1608I have issues with my Genius Mousepen 8x6, the buttons don't work, and the X.org I think it is wrong, can someone help me?01:56
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godzirracsky_max: no.  Fresh install of windows.01:56
godzirraqr: no idea.  It used to work.01:57
nickrudsarah_bear what does lsb_release -r say?01:57
bazhangkane, any reason not to run an ethernet cable to your computer without broadcom wireless and download the packages to it?01:57
madadamHow can I mount my webcam in /dev/video0?01:57
csky_maxgodzirra: I'd be looking at things like, is the patch cable the same, can I contact it from the windows box booted onto an Ubuntu live cd, hardware testing like that01:57
qrgodzirra: well obviously something has changed, have you installed/uninstalled anything recently (on either machine)?01:58
godzirracsky_max: well, the windows box works fine network wise.01:58
madadamthe webcam is Bus 007 Device 002: ID 0c45:62c0 Microdia01:58
godzirraqr: I reinstalled ubuntu ;p01:58
sarah_bearnickrud 7.1001:58
godzirracsky_max: everything EXCEPT getting to the .99 linux box works.01:58
nickrudsarah_bear and grep -l gutsy /etc/apt/sources.list01:58
csky_maxi would be curious to see if that system can reach it booted into ubuntu live01:58
nonewmsgsdud you send him to the webcam compatability site?01:59
csky_maxif so, you know it's a windows issue01:59
sarah_bearnickrud /etc/apt/sources.list01:59
csky_maxnot anything to do with your "cloud" or hardware01:59
jhb1608I readed this guide and I got lost. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TabletSetupWizardpen#Everything%20seems%20to%20work,%20except%20pressure%20sensitivity01:59
qrgodzirra: have you tried the other way round? Ie contacting the windows machine from the linux machine?01:59
kaneonce i get the file how do i install it01:59
nickrudsarah, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras , that should make sure the stuff that totem/banshee needs to play mp3's.01:59
godzirraqr: nothing I can really do to connect.  DOes windows return pings by default?01:59
nickrudsarah_bear see above, for you :)01:59
bazhangkane, would you mind answering my questions?01:59
MrPickleI have a doozy here: Have been trying to get wireless functional on a laptop since last night. Finnally have all the right drivers and successfully installed the ndiswrapper module as well as the ndisgtk module which worked perfectly at getting the drivers to install, however, now I lack the ability to use any kind of wireless utility; it has completely dissapered from the networking console.01:59
madadamplease help me01:59
qrgodzirra: it should02:00
sarah_bearnickrud i did that 30 minutes ago02:00
jhb1608it was supposed to work in my latest Ubuntu, but it won't.02:00
godzirraqr: times out.02:00
csky_maxgodzirra: Windows firewall status?02:00
sarah_bearnickrud ubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version.02:00
sarah_bear0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:00
nickrudsarah_bear ok. That's all the obvious stuff.02:00
qrgodzirra: how about the connecting from the laptop that can reach linux to the machine that can't, does that work?02:00
sarah_bearah nickrud, i am not sure what it is!02:01
Shamounhey all, what is the easiest way to wipe my mbr? i need to uninstall grub but i want to leave the windows partiton in tact02:01
jhb1608I have issues with my Genius Mousepen 8x6, how do I fix the issues?02:01
godzirraqr:  the laptop can't reach the windows machine either.02:01
td123!mbr | Shamoun02:01
ubottuShamoun: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:01
godzirracsky_max: checking02:01
DozedOnLinuxbazhang:  i get that from time to time, i believe it to be the excitement of the environment.02:01
qrgodzirra: that's definitely a problem with the windows machine then02:01
need-helpQuestion: Whats a good upto date small Ubuntu distro 700MB or less that includes gcc compiler ready to compile once installed?02:01
nickrudsarah_bear try   totem  <mp3file> in a terminal, and see if you get any errors.02:02
dmi3oni reinstall ubuntu second hard drive and when i restart and boot from that hard drive its doenst strat just blak screen with a white line in a corner02:02
Shamountd123, thanks02:02
td123need-help: you could try using debian lenny02:02
bazhangDozedOnLinux, he's not sure why he needs build-essential though02:02
dmi3onwhat is the problem ?02:02
MrPickle I have a doozy here: Have been trying to get wireless functional on a laptop since last night. Finnally have all the right drivers and successfully installed the ndiswrapper module as well as the ndisgtk module which worked perfectly at getting the drivers to install, however, now I lack the ability to use any kind of wireless utility; it has completely dissapered from the networking console. [[using latest stable distro 8.04 Hardy02:02
csky_maxneed-help: Ubuntu 8.04 standard release CD, then install the package "build-essentials"02:02
godzirracsky_max: I tihnk you're right and its windows firewall being retarded.02:02
dmi3oni cant see hard drive in window i can see when i load with live cd02:02
lononodoes someone know whether Ubuntu supports the ASUS P5Q Deluxe mainboard? I've searched with google and on the ubuntu website, but couldn't find any information02:03
csky_maxgodzirra: let's hope - from all you've said it sounds like windows software issue - the Firewall might just be doing it's job02:03
sarah_bearnickrud nothing happens02:03
dmi3onhelp plz02:03
kindofabuzzcsky_max: was that you that recommended the copiz sttings for my problem?  want the answer taht fixed it? not compiz02:03
sarah_bearwhen i try to play mp3s in totem it just exits, in Banshee and VLC is hangs and wont play02:03
MrPickle I have a doozy here: Have been trying to get wireless functional on a laptop since last night. Finnally have all the right drivers and successfully installed the ndiswrapper module as well as the ndisgtk module which worked perfectly at getting the drivers to install, however, now I lack the ability to use any kind of wireless utility; it has completely dissapered from the networking console.02:03
godzirracsky_max: could be.  I just added putty to the exceptions list though and I still don't connect. :/02:03
nickrudsarah_bear nothing? Does totem go back to the command line, does it stay operating until you hit clt-c?02:03
csky_maxkindofabuzz: if i recall you had a question not a problem ;) about the icon effect?02:03
qrgodzirra: have you tried turning off the firewall entirely?02:04
sarah_bearsoho@soho-desktop:~$ totem Flo Rida ft. T-Pain - Get Low.mp302:04
kindofabuzzcsky_max: yeah it's a gnome setting, gconf edit then /apps/panel/global/enable_animations02:04
jhb1608I have issues with my Genius Mousepen 8x6, how do I fix the issues?02:04
Shamountd123, that mbr info is actually the opposite of what i want to do, i basically want to know what the linux equivalent of fixmbr or fdisk /mbr is02:04
godzirraqr: not yet.02:04
csky_maxkindofabuzz: thanks for the followup, i have had to go there only once - to disable tooltips02:04
kindofabuzzyeah did that too02:04
td123Shamoun: why don't you just boot to windows and type that in?02:04
MrPickle I have a doozy here: Have been trying to get wireless functional on a laptop since last night. Finnally have all the right drivers and successfully installed the ndiswrapper module as well as the ndisgtk module which worked perfectly at getting the drivers to install, however, now I lack the ability to use any kind of wireless utility; it has completely dissapered from the networking console.02:04
MrPicklehalp plz02:05
qrgodzirra: well try that, you'll at least find out if it's a firewall issue or not before you beat your head against firewall settings trying to make it work02:05
jhb1608I have issues with my Genius Mousepen 8x6, how do I fix the issues?02:05
godzirraqr: I just did.  It still times out.02:05
DozedOnLinuxMrPickle:   by chance m is Network Manager still installed ? if not > use Synaptic Package Manager and search for network manager02:05
td123Shamoun: or if you can't do it while your in windows, create a boot floppy with fdisk and fix using floppy :)02:05
csky_maxgodzirra: I'd definitely just shut off the Windows Firewall entirely, and see if it works02:05
nickrudsarah_bear I'm not a sound guy at all, these simple checks are about all I'm good for. Sorry02:05
godzirracsky_max: Yeah, trying that now.  Its still not working.02:05
billybigriggeri have a quick question here, im logged into my headless machine via vnc through an ssh tunnel, now how do i tell if this session is being closed when i close tightvnc?? like is there an uptime command for just this x session?02:05
sarah_beari tried rhythembox and it hangs up too02:05
csky_maxgodzirra: I'd reboot too after that02:05
sarah_bearwont play02:05
MrPickle I have a doozy here: Have been trying to get wireless functional on a laptop since last night. Finnally have all the right drivers and successfully installed the ndiswrapper module as well as the ndisgtk module which worked perfectly at getting the drivers to install, however, now I lack the ability to use any kind of wireless utility; it has completely dissapered from the networking console.02:05
godzirracsky_max: blah... okay.02:05
csky_maxgodzirra: you can try the ubuntu live cd while you're at it02:05
pawelhi.... has anybody experienced render problems with java apps in fire fox 3?02:05
godzirra ya.02:05
DozedOnLinuxMrPickle:   you can get to Network Manager by way of menu > System/Administration/Network02:05
sarah_bearcant even watch my new espisode of stargate atlantis nickrud :( im sad02:05
csky_maxgodzirra: good luck02:05
Shamountd123, ill try it in windows,  for some reason i didn't think the tool was included lol, but it can't be done form a dos floppy because the sata drive isn't supported02:06
lonono does someone know whether Ubuntu supports the ASUS P5Q Deluxe mainboard? I've searched with google and on the ubuntu website, but couldn't find any information02:06
FirefisheMrPickle: Have you considered using iwconfig?02:06
Shamounill try booting to windows and see02:06
qrbillybigrigger: open a program , disconnect then reconnect, if the program is still there the session did not end02:06
godzirracsky_max: WAit, it works externally to ssh with putty.02:06
nickrudsarah_bear during the install, was it only in the download phase or had it started installing packages?02:06
godzirraIt just doesnt work INTERNALLY.02:06
sarah_bearinstalling packages02:06
csky_maxlonono: also look for comments on popular component shops like newegg.com, see if people confirm running linux on it02:06
td123Shamoun: if you try google, I'm pretty sure you'll find something :P, you're not the first one to ask that question02:06
billybigriggerqr, well ya xchat is still openen, term, and zenmap, so i was just guessing it was still open, but wanted to make sure02:07
billybigriggerqr, and i didnt see xchat resume a connection or freenode so...02:07
MrPickledozedon linux: firefishe: iwconfig wont execute, and the network manager is what Im talking about when I say that the wireless connection disappeared02:07
lisa_how can I use truecrypt to encrypt my excisting Ubuntu partition?02:07
qrbillybigrigger: yeah, if the programs stay open when you disconnect it means the session isn't ending.02:07
pawelhi.... has anybody experienced render problems with java apps in fire fox 3?02:07
billybigriggerconnection to freenode i mean02:07
nickrudsarah_bear dpkg -l  gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad02:07
td123Shamoun: http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/15/how-to-fix-your-windows-mbr-with-an-ubuntu-livecd/ , you're welcome ;)02:07
tofaffyWould it be unsafe to allow read access to messages.log so conky can read it?02:08
Shamountd123, thanks big time02:08
lisa_!truecrypt | tofaffy02:08
ubottutofaffy: Truecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume02:08
sarah_bearnickrud ii  gstreamer0.10- 0.10.5-4ubuntu GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set02:08
qrbillybigrigger: although if you want to be 100% sure you can sit xchat in an active channel (ie this one) and disconnect/reconnect and check to see if you have messages with timestamps from the time you were disconnected.02:08
tofaffylisa_, how does that help me?02:08
jhb1608ubottu, can you help me?02:08
ubottujhb1608: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:08
sarah_bear| Status=Not/Installed/Config-f/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/t-aWait/T-pend02:08
sarah_bear|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)02:08
sarah_bear||/ Name           Version        Description02:08
FloodBot1sarah_bear: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:08
nickrudsarah_bear ok, that's the gutsy version (at least not the hardy one)02:08
lisa_tofaffy: im not sure02:08
tofaffy!pastebin | sarah_bear02:08
ubottusarah_bear: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:08
jhb1608Well ubottu, you are smartl ol.02:08
DozedOnLinuxMrPickle:  search in Synaptic Package Manager for network-manager , then install it from there02:08
billybigriggerqr, so i can queue up some downloads and let 'r buck and i won't have to worry about my x sessions ending right? haha perfect02:08
td123!paste | sarah_bear02:08
qrbillybigrigger: indeed02:09
billybigriggerqr, nice :P02:09
k4r1mhey guys im looking for a linux acrhive tool for mutli file support like zip, rar, tar,..etc that is gui based kthx02:09
jhb1608someone help me with my Genius Mousepen 8x6 issues?02:09
nickrudsarah_bear I'm not familiar with the sequence used by the live updater. If it was in the installing phase, I'm not sure what it means by 'returning to original' or whatever phrasing it used. I'd suggest completing the upgrade.02:09
jhb1608I followed the steps, and I knew I missed the steps02:10
StrangePuppyhi, is it possible to encrypt existing root partition with cryptsetup? or i need to resize it, create new partition, create new FS using cryptsetup, copy contents, remap new partition as root, delete old root partition, resize new one?02:10
billybigriggerqr, now i just need to conifgure xinetd/gdm/fluxbox and get rid of gnome, gnome over vnc sucks!!!! haha02:10
sarah_bearnickrud if i comeplete the update will my files be lost?02:10
nickrudk4r1m file-roller (the archive manager in gnome, comes by default)02:10
sarah_bearor will they still be there for the new upgrade?02:10
nickrudsarah_bear updating in place does not remove anything from your $HOME02:10
MrPickledozedonlinux: when you say "install from there, could you elaborate at all?"02:10
sarah_bearoh okay, great!02:10
kaiwenHi, I set up the dhcp on my laptop and connected it to the PC via crossover cable. the PC (also runnign ubuntu) can get an ip address from the dhcp on my laptop. The thing is though, I cannot ping my laptop through my PC, but I "can" ping my PC from my laptop. Can anyone tell me what is going on and what I need to do to fix this?02:10
qrbillybigrigger: indeed. I use fvwm over vnc and it works quite nicely02:10
csky_maxk4r1m: I use 'unrar' for rar02:10
nickrudsarah_bear that's one of the defining principles of upgrading from release to release02:10
Reformer81Does F-Spot really not support drag-and-drop to other apps??02:11
pawelhas anybody experienced render problems with java apps in fire fox 3? I'm having problems with an online game. I need to resize each windows and fonts were messed up until I installed the font package02:11
sarah_bearok i will let it finish upgrading thanks nickrud02:11
k4r1mnickrud: i need something for multi rar files that have somehting liek rar.01, rar.02..etc02:11
MrPicklekaiwen, it looks like theres some funky fw's at foot02:11
k4r1mcsky_max: does it support what i just said?02:11
DozedOnLinuxMrPickle:  SPM (Synapaptic Package Manager) is a place in which you can install "packages"02:11
nickrudk4r1m if you install rar zip etc, the archive manager will use them02:11
kaiwenMrPickle oh what should i do ;)02:11
sarah_bearnickrud have you tried ibex yet?02:11
csky_maxk4r1m: yes, it should. I did have to look up its options to do that, but I know i've put together multipart rar with "unrar" from ubuntu packages02:11
WavesonicsI've got an issue, I have a file containing a command, and I want to execute that file from a init.d script: http://pastebin.com/d7338f85102:12
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MrPickledozedonlinux, yes I know, the network manager is already in there. what exactly are you telling me to do with this package that is already installed?02:12
DozedOnLinuxMrPickle:   use the search featuer to find what you are looking for. try to inster network-manager in there and you will see network-manager, right click anc hoose install02:12
Wavesonicsbut it just isnt working when run from the init.d script02:12
csky_maxk4r1m: it *may* be as simple as 'unrar e part01.rar' and it automatically looks for the rest02:12
nickrudsarah_bear heck no :) I use my laptop for work, and don't have time to mess with stuff that breaks. I usually wait for rc2 or so02:12
MrPicklekaiwen, disable any active firewalls and try the ping test again02:12
kaiwen, there are no active firewalls02:12
dmAnyone have multiple speakers working on a 7.1 card?02:12
DozedOnLinuxMrPickle:   then you should be able to use NetManager in System/Administration/Network02:12
MrPicklekaiwen, do you havea router?02:12
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k4r1mim not comfortable with cmd line yet, thats why i said im looking for gui based app02:12
kaiwenI'm using the laptop as a router02:12
MrPickledozedonlinux, i CAN use the network manager, but my wireless does not show up in there02:13
kaiwenthe laptop is running dhcp and teh pc is gaining the ip from my laptop, it got the ip but i cannot ping my laptop02:13
DozedOnLinuxMrPickle:  does it say anythign of "wireless" ?02:13
csky_maxWavesonics: Simple script ... can you add to the pastebin the output when the commands are run in a root shell?02:13
billybigriggerqr, can i just configure gdm to load fvwm or do i have to use another display manager?02:13
kaiwenMrPickle, I hate network manager, use wicd instead, way better and easier02:13
csky_maxWavesonics: also note that you'll have to put that into a proper init script framework if you want to be able to call "stop" "start" etc02:14
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto02:14
qrbillybigrigger: gdm can load fvwm fine02:14
DozedOnLinuxMrPickle: Wicd is not supported here. but then, use at your own risk02:14
MrPickledozedonlinux, wheras before I started my campaign of blacklisting the b43legacy in the hopes that it was blocking ndiswrapper, i could; however, now, there is absolutely no listing for wireless02:14
csky_maxWavesonics: As !init said, try putting the script into /etc/rc.local - since it's not a full fledged start-stop script02:14
pawelhas anybody experienced render problems with java apps in fire fox 3? I'm having problems with an online game. I need to resize each windows and fonts were messed up until I installed the font package02:14
DozedOnLinuxMrPickle:  as far as blacklisting you woud need to blacklist the one you replaced with ndiswrapper02:15
nickrudWavesonics you're missing the right structure for an init script, see /etc/init.d/screen-cleanup for a template, delete all the stuff in the start) section and put your commands there. Delete the commented stuff at the top, as well02:15
bazhangk4r1m, he told you file-roller02:15
csky_maxk4r1m, I don't know of any gui for that in ubuntu - rar is very rar in the linux world02:15
billybigriggerqr, i would just have to dig around /etc/gdm/gdm.conf a bit and ill find it there?02:15
kaiwenMrPickle do a depmod -a then roload the module02:15
csky_maxbazhang: he wants to combine multipart rar02:15
billybigriggerqr, thats where i tell gdm to load fvwm yes?02:15
nickrudk4r1m if you install rar , file-roller should handle that02:15
bazhangcsky_max, that does it fine02:15
k4r1moh that was the name lol\02:15
csky_maxwonderful, then there we are02:15
Wavesonicscan I put mutliple commands in a su -c "command" user ?02:16
qrbillybigrigger: um, for vnc or local?02:16
csky_maxWavesonics: "foo && bar" for conditional execution, "foo; bar" if you dont' care if foo finishes02:16
histoOkay got the driver installed finally but when I go to log in to X its trying to run at 1950x1080 or something god awefull that my monitor doesn't support. failsafe works fine.02:16
DozedOnLinuxMrPickle:  to view blacklisted items in terminal > cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist02:16
MrPickledozedonlinux, well thats pretty much what I did, because it was causing as error when I tried to add ndis- to the modprobe, but after I got it in, the wireless utilities completely disapeared and they remained missing even after I removed the blacklist and restored the interfaces files to the defaults02:16
Wavesonicsok thnaks02:16
histoInstalled the ati drivers. btw02:16
need-helpthanks guys :)02:16
kaiwenAnyone, on my ping issue? to sum it up, I can ping computer 2, but computer 2 cannot ping comptuer 102:17
=== WikiMan is now known as MatthewV
DozedOnLinuxMrPickle: what card do you have ?02:17
dmi3onwhy i cant boot ubuntu from a second hard drive ?02:17
qrbillybigrigger: you need to edit ~/.vnc/xstartup and change the 'twm &' line to load whatever window manager you want to use02:17
WavesonicsI already added my script using the init.d update thing, how should I properly remove it?02:17
csky_maxkaiwen: 9 times out of 10 that's because computer 1 has a software firewall which won't allow ping through.02:17
DozedOnLinuxdmi3on:  may depend on what partition GRUB is loaded on02:17
histoIS there a way in Hardy to specify the startup resolution of X02:17
MrPickledozedonlinux, its a broadcom 4309 [i know about the common issues with this, but its integrated to the machine]02:17
kaiwencsky_max there is not firewall enabled02:17
DozedOnLinuxMrPickle: yes BCM43xx is blacklisted02:17
k4r1mits working, but seems to be way more slower than winrar on windows lol02:18
Dr_willishisto,  not that i have ever seen.02:18
billybigriggerso twm & fvwm02:18
k4r1manything faster?02:18
billybigriggerqr, ?02:18
csky_maxWavesonics: update-rc.d foo remove02:18
DozedOnLinuxMrPickle: ndiswrapper may be the only successful way to have it functional02:18
dmi3onDozedOnLinux, i renstall ubuntu on a second drive, on a first i have vista02:18
bazhangk4r1m, that is more dependent on your computer speed02:18
IndyGunFreakdmi3on: did you disconnect the first drive while installing Ubuntu?02:18
DozedOnLinuxdmi3on:  GURB doesnt give you the option of booting Vista ?02:18
dmi3onDozedOnLinu, noo02:19
histoOfcourse why would they leave that alone.02:19
kaiwenDozedOnLinux: I have the same wirless card ;)02:19
qrbillybigrigger: no, you need to run fvwm instead of twm (twm is a window manager), so remove the twm and replace it with a call to the fvwm binary (it's /usr/bin/fvwm2 on my machine, it's probably the same on yours, but no gaurentees)02:19
dmi3onDozedOnLinu, when i try to boot from where is ubuntu instaled its just black screen02:19
DozedOnLinuxkaiwen:  did you get yours working properly ?02:19
kaiwenDozedOnLinux yep02:19
anon090so i sudo apt-get installed compiz... what else do i need beacuse as it stands I don't see a compiz gui panel02:19
kaiwenDozedOnLinux do you have the driver?02:19
DozedOnLinuxkaiwen: ndiswrapper way ?02:19
kaiwenDozedOnLinux yep02:19
bazhanganon090, simple-ccsm02:19
dmi3onDozedOnLinux, after some time vista starts booting02:19
csky_max!compiz | anon09002:19
ubottuanon090: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion02:19
nickrudanon090 compizconfig-settings-manager02:19
dmi3onany one can help02:19
IndyGunFreak!pastebin | dmi3on open a terminal and type "df" no quotes, then go here, and paste the results and give us the link02:20
ubottudmi3on open a terminal and type "df" no quotes, then go here, and paste the results and give us the link: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:20
kaiwenDozedOnLinux did you install the driver by ndiswrapper already?02:20
eric_luseranyone here use cryptkeeper?02:20
MrPickledozedonlinux, thats what ive been reading in the forums, though I think I may have played around as root just a bit too long, might just have to start fresh and not too all that useless junk i was doing and undoing this morning02:20
DozedOnLinuxkaiwen: maybe you can assist MrPickle:02:20
kaiwenMrPickle: did you install the ndiswrapper driver already for the network card02:20
DozedOnLinuxkaiwen: yes he needs help with ndiswrapper02:20
paoloHi *. Just to understand how ubuntu works. After the installation from live cd, does ubuntu modify the /etc directory depending on the hardware that it found?02:20
kaiwenthere's an easy way02:20
dmi3onubottu, how can i open terminal when ubuntu doesnt start you mean loas from cd ?02:20
k4r1mbazhang: no. everyone knows that winrar could extract files faster than 7zip and thats just a fact..02:20
kaiwentwo command line is all02:20
ubottudmi3on: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:20
kaiwenif.. he answers02:20
DozedOnLinuxMrPickle: kaiwen will help you with that02:21
billybigriggerqr, oh ok, well i thought gnome uses metacity fro the window manager???? what is twm???02:21
DozedOnLinuxkaiwen: he prob navigating settings or something else02:21
IndyGunFreakdmi3on: wait, how are you here now, are you on a separate PC, or what?02:21
csky_maxpaolo: briefly, yes02:21
dmi3oni have a lot of pc02:21
kaiwenwell while we're waiting, anyone know about my ping problem?02:21
=== C3s4r is now known as Bella
kaiwendefinitely not a firewall02:21
dmi3oncan any one help me ?02:21
IndyGunFreakdmi3on: what happens on the other PC when you turn it on, are you getting a Grub error, like Grub error 17, or what?02:21
DozedOnLinuxkaiwen: no ping but DNS works ?02:21
paolocsky_max: do you have any idea where I can find a list of files that it touches after installation?02:22
qrbillybigrigger: gnome uses metacity, but vnc uses twm by default. twm is an exceedingly light weight wm, which makes it good for vnc.02:22
IndyGunFreakdmi3on: be freakin patient, you've done a piss poor job explaining your problem,..02:22
dmi3onjust black screen with white line in left upper corner02:22
csky_maxk4r1m: try searching add/remove Programs under Applications menu for "rar", and install the alternatives to file-roller, and you can see if they are faster on your system.02:22
kaiwenDozedOnLinux laptop can ping PC1 but the PC can't ping laptop . PC received the ip from the laptop though02:22
MrPickledozedonlinux, yes- and I added it to the modprobe successfully, but that blacklist for bcm43xx was not put in place until after ndiswrapper failed to be added02:22
joejoecircusboykaiwen: what OSes are the two hosts running?02:22
billybigriggerqr, ahh cool, i didnt know that :P glad i do know thanks02:22
dmi3onafter 1 min vista start booting02:22
kaiwenUbuntu ftw02:22
k4r1mi did that.02:22
bazhangdmi3on, you need to give tons more info and follow through, not switching helpers every two seconds.02:22
IndyGunFreakdmi3on: so vista boots OK.. it just boots slow?02:22
kaiwenMrPickle I might be able to help, did yo uinstall the drivers already?02:22
eric_luseranyone know where stash list is kept for cryptkeeper?02:22
DozedOnLinuxMrPickle:  kaiwen  will help you with that, as he has same setup02:22
csky_maxpaolo: afraid not, but the 'tripwire' package is intended to keep track of all system files and their changes and alert you to that sort of thing - maybe check it out02:23
kaiwenMrPickle install*02:23
dmi3onbazhang, what kind info02:23
joejoecircusboykaiwen: How are the two machines connected?02:23
kaiwencrossover joejoecircusboy02:23
MrPicklekaiwan, just re-blacklisted bcm43xx and restarting, going to redo the packages for ndiswrapper02:23
paolocsky_max: ok.. thanks for the hint02:23
kaiwenMrPickle, ok do that, install the driver with ndiswrapper via command line, once you have done that tell me.02:23
* IndyGunFreak is going to bed.. later all.02:23
k4r1mit took it 3:21 to extract a file that was 804 mb, same rar on windows it gets exracted under 2 mins02:23
nickrudnight IndyGunFreak02:23
bazhangcya IndyGunFreak02:24
MrPicklekaiwen, k02:24
DozedOnLinuxkaiwen thanks for helping him02:24
dmi3onbazhang, i load form livs CD install, reboot and tell bios to boot hard drive with installed ubuntu came up a black screen and after some time vista start booting02:24
paolosecond question... is it possible to force apt-get upgrade not to upgrade package xyz?02:24
joejoecircusboykaiwen: If you run tcpdump on the laptop, does it see the PC icmp echo request?02:24
kaiwenno problem, if only someone can help me ;_)02:24
csky_maxk4r1m: if you are that curious about the performance difference, one fun thing to try would be to install Wine, (sudo aptitude install wine) then download and install your WinRar or whatnot, see if it a) works b) is faster02:24
nickrudpaolo you can put the package on hold, sudo aptitude hold <pkgname>02:24
MrPicklekaiwen, can you do a tracert and see which hop is the first to time out?02:24
paolonickrud: thanks02:25
underandyhow can i change the name of my computer02:25
kaiwenwait let me get to joejoe first02:25
nickrud!hostname | underandy02:25
ubottuunderandy: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab02:25
dmi3onbazhang, and i didnt try to switch helpers02:25
kaiwencpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode02:25
kaiwenlistening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes02:25
kindofabuzzMrPickle: best guide i've seen for bcm43xx and ndiswrapper, except i used my drivers from linksys instead of wht they said: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff02:25
kaiwenjoejoecircus that's what i have02:25
kaiwenMrPickle, did you install the driver for it yet?02:25
bazhangMrPickle, that link will get you going in under 5 minutes02:26
joejoecircusboykaiwen: what about other traffic? (try telneting to a random port on the laptop from the PC)02:26
csky_max!wine | k4r1m More on Wine if you aren't familiar with it... it isn't 100% compatible but everything from windows Bittorrent clients to games work under it now02:26
ubottuk4r1m More on Wine if you aren't familiar with it... it isn't 100% compatible but everything from windows Bittorrent clients to games work under it now: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.02:26
dmi3oncan any one help pls02:26
dmi3onwhy every body just ignore me ?02:26
dmi3onwhat i did wrong02:26
dmi3onor doing02:26
csky_max!spam | dmi3on02:26
ubottudmi3on: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...02:26
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy no luck02:27
nickruddmi3on nothing. No one is sure about your problem yet.02:27
MrPicklebazhang, only thing is this is hardy heron,02:27
dmi3onsorry, ok02:27
zelrikriandohi nickrud02:27
bazhangMrPickle, that covers all of them02:27
nickrudzelrikriando good evening02:27
MrPicklebazhang, really?02:27
billybigriggerqr, ok, install fvwm, editied my xstartup now do i have to restart xinetd and re-login or just restart gdm?02:27
Bruceei have been trying to install nvidia driver so i cna get compiz02:27
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy does it have to do with iptables?02:27
Bruceebut it wont work with the nvidia card gf 7300 gs02:28
kaiwenMrPickle did you install the driver yet? try my way first02:28
joejoecircusboykaiwen: don't think so... tcpdump operates lower on the stack than iptables02:28
joejoecircusboykaiwen: (or lower than the filter, anyway)02:28
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy oh02:28
=== csky_max is now known as csky_max_afk
qrbillybigrigger: oh you're running vnc through xinetd, I didn't realize that. I'm not really sure how that works TBH, I always run vnc manually.02:28
DozedOnLinuxBrucee:  you may need nvidia-glx-new installed , by way of Hardware Drivers (restricted drivers)02:28
MrPicklekaiwen, first uninstalling, then rebooting02:28
wolsjoejoecircusboy: you are comparing apples and oranges there02:29
Bruceehow do i choose what driver to use?02:29
kaiwenMrPickle ok,02:29
joejoecircusboywols: ?02:29
billybigriggerqr, hmm02:29
DozedOnLinuxBrucee:  in menu > System/Administration/Hardware Drivers02:29
kaiwenwols ???02:29
JayVomDachi have a Terratec Cinergy HT PCMCIA and want to use tvtime with it. analog (cable) video works fine, but there's no sound. can anyone help? (http://paste.ubuntu.com/34938/)02:30
billybigriggerqr, well i imagine if restart xinetd, it would kill this vnc session and start a new one using fvwm no? bah ill try it02:30
mbrigdanubuntu uses the generic linux kernel right?02:30
MrPicklebazhang, that link is dead02:30
qrbillybigrigger: sounds like it could work02:30
bazhangmbrigdan, no02:30
Bruceei tried that before DozedOnLinux but it freezes the mouse and keyboard02:30
lisa_has anyone successfuly encrypted a parttion on Hardy using truecrypt?02:30
kaiwenjoejoecirucus, I'm using firestarter right now, but it's not detecting the ping either.02:30
ubottuTruecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume02:30
DozedOnLinuxBrucee: ok then you may have other issues .. is that a laptop by chance ?02:30
octaviusanyone know C/C++ and can explain something for me?02:30
joejoecircusboykaiwen: if you reverse the test (run tcpdump on the PC, ping fom the laptop), do you see traffic in both directions? (i.e the laptop's echo request, and the PC's reply?)02:31
octaviusits using void*02:31
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff MrPickle this one? works fine here02:31
Bruceeno, its amd 64 running ubuntu hardy 8.0402:31
qroctavius: it?02:31
wolskaiwen: iptables -L02:31
kaiwenlet me try02:31
mbrigdanbazhang: oh? Whats it use then? I'm trying to get virtualbox working, so I need to figure out which version of the modules I need02:31
octaviusqr: http://pastebin.com/d4d4e4a2d02:31
bobertdosoctavius: You're off-topic for the channel, but I'll help you if you PM.02:31
MrPicklebazhang, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/fiesty_no-fluff02:31
dmHow do i change the color of tooltips from the system bar02:31
DozedOnLinuxBrucee:  have you already tried this in terminal ? >> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:31
bazhangmbrigdan, the vbox from repos or from vbox site02:32
Bruceeyes DozedOnLinux02:32
mbrigdanbazhang: vbox from the repos02:32
DozedOnLinuxBrucee:  ok02:32
bazhangMrPickle, try my link; yours has a typo02:32
kaiwenmrPickle try my way first plz, so we keep it consistent02:32
Bruceeand i even added lines in /etc/modprobe.d/options02:32
bazhangmbrigdan, one from repos (ose) does not support usb you know02:32
DozedOnLinuxBrucee:  type this in terminal (what does it say?) > sudo lshw -C video02:32
Bruceesomething like 0x2222 in there02:33
mbrigdanbazhang: shoudn't be a problem. As long as it sees my mouse.02:33
MrPicklebazhang, which I just now noticed02:33
kaneDoes the broadcom 4311 use bcmxx frimware02:33
Bruceeok 1 sec DozedOnLinux02:33
BrendanWelshI just rebooted and my screen is off centered in Ubuntu. Anybody have any idea how to fix this?02:33
kaiwenMrPickle, have you installed the driver yet???02:33
kaiwenMrPickle,via ndiswrapper02:33
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff kane here is the link to get you going02:33
DozedOnLinuxBrucee:  just need model of videocard not the whole thing as of yet02:33
kaiwenit's not the driver's problem, it's the configuration of your modules02:33
qrBrendanWelsh: just a bit off centre? If so there should be options on your monitor to ajust it02:33
MrPicklekaiwen, trying to relocate the thread on the forums which have instructions for installation at terminal02:34
DozedOnLinuxBrucee:  under Product02:34
MrPicklekaiwen: or I can just use the package manager again....02:34
dmHow do i change the color of tooltips ?02:34
kaiwenMrPickle NO02:34
kaiwenMrPickle do you ahve the windows driver for you card?02:34
MrPicklekaiwen, thats what I thought..and yeah, I have two copies, both of which were able to install before02:35
kaiwenok install it via ndiswrapper02:35
kaiwenndiswrapper -i *.inf or something like that02:35
BruceeDozedOnLinux it says geforce 7300 gs02:35
kaiwenin yoru directory02:35
DozedOnLinuxBrucee:   now you can try this in terminal (any errors ?) > dmesg | grep NVRM02:35
BrendanW1lshdang, I somehow managed to change my screen resolution and lock myself out when I changed it back to what it normally is.02:35
BrendanW1lshCan I reset my resolution via. Terminal?02:35
Bruceeno errors02:36
kc8pxyI'm trying to run some CLI programs,  and they try and open a firefox window. one tries to check the screen resolution. and they get rejected.  how do i fix this? it's not a problem on my box running a different distro.02:36
MrPicklekaiwen, I was referring to ndiswrapper. Im reinstalling that first02:36
qrBrendanW1lsh: you can change the resolution in /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:36
kaiwenok, i need to restart laptop, i'll be on soon MrPickle, i'll notify you once i'm on02:36
qrkc8pxy: rejected?02:36
BrendanW1lshqr: How would I go about changing it in Terminal though? I just installed Ubuntu today. :/02:37
=== Bella is now known as C3s4r
MrPicklekaiwen, k02:37
kc8pxyqr: cannot open display :0.002:37
DozedOnLinuxBrucee: what about this > dmesg | grep agp02:37
kc8pxyqr:  even if i sudo them.02:37
wolsDozedOnLinux: did you make him check lspci output?02:37
qrBrendanW1lsh: you need to edit the resolution parts in that file and restart the X server... you probably don't want to do this if you're new to linux though02:38
qrkc8pxy: are you connected to the box over ssh by any chance?02:38
BrendanW1lshwhoops, sorry.02:38
wolsBrendanW1lsh: xrandr02:38
wolsqr: learn about xrandr02:38
qrwols: indeed, I just man'd it actually02:38
Bruceesays : detect agp bridge agpe aperture 128 mg @0xd00000 linux agpgart interface v0.10202:39
DozedOnLinuxBrucee: lastly try this in terminal > lspci -v02:39
kc8pxyqr:  nope..  sitting at it.  I'm not at the box in question, but I'm starting up my virtualbox, with the same config.02:39
wolsDozedOnLinux: lspci -nn  not -v02:39
kaneheloo which fwcutter i use and which frimware i should use for broadcom 431102:39
Wavesonicshow do i detach a screen?02:39
godzirra_screen -d02:39
kaneon ubuntu02:39
joejoecircusboywols: What were you saying about apples and oranges?02:39
Z_Man21:39 < godzirra_> screen -d02:39
Z_Man21:39 < kane> on ubuntu02:39
Wavesonicsgodzirra: But it has a process running02:39
FloodBot1Z_Man: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:39
wolskc8pxy: vbox is totally different from real hardware. you sitting at the vbox is useless02:40
DozedOnLinuxwols IM ?02:40
billybigriggerqr,yeah fvwm, is really light :P haha same idea as fluxbox though...dunno can only open terminal though, i left click on desktop and it shows debian menu, but theres nothing in the menu, so i have to open a term and manually open programs, oh well02:40
Z_Mani hate irssi02:40
wolsjoejoecircusboy: that you shouldn't compare them like you did02:40
billybigriggerqr, do you use a torrent client in fvwm??? whats a really light CL torrent client?02:40
joejoecircusboywols: what do you mean?02:40
qrbillybigrigger: yes, I use a terminal for everything so fvwm is quite nice02:40
Daisuke_Laptopbillybigrigger: rtorrent02:40
wolsjoejoecircusboy: I can't say or !language gets me02:40
qrbillybigrigger: look at rtorrent, it's a very good command line torrent client02:40
kanewhich frimware and fwcutter should i use02:41
joejoecircusboywols: hmm?  No idea what you're talking about then :)02:41
kanefor my broadcom 4311 on ubuntu02:41
DozedOnLinuxwols: ok i see -nn vendor and device code02:41
wolsjoejoecircusboy: I know you don't. that's apparently normal for you02:41
DozedOnLinuxwols: add that to my notes02:41
billybigriggerDaisuke_Ido, thanks02:41
billybigriggerqr, thanks02:41
joejoecircusboywols: why the hostility?02:41
wolsjoejoecircusboy: you wanted to know02:41
wolsDozedOnLinux: it is a lot less cluttered than -v and has all the needed info02:42
kanewhich frimware and fwcutter should i use for broadcom 431102:42
billybigriggerqr kinda gay to have a bunch of terminals open for every program i need to run though :P02:42
kaiwenMrPickle, I'm back, have you installed it yet?02:42
DozedOnLinuxwols: yes i agree now that i look at it02:42
kanewhich frimware and fwcutter should i use for broadcom 431102:42
wolsDozedOnLinux: before you futilely continue to ask him stuff make him pastebin the lspci results02:42
joejoecircusboywols: I wanted to know why you disagree with comparing libpcap with the network... they ARE related02:42
kaiwenkane the windows driver one02:42
julienyah i love ubuntu :D02:42
kanewhich frimware and fwcutter should i use for broadcom 431102:42
* julien cheers02:42
qrbillybigrigger: I usually do 'programname & exit' which opens the program and closes the terminal in one command02:42
billybigriggerqr, might aswell use bitchx with rtorrent :P hehe02:42
wolsjoejoecircusboy: netfilter happens before libpcacp for starters. if netfilter blocks, tcpdump doesn't see a thing02:43
qrbillybigrigger: for graphical programs only (obviously)02:43
billybigriggerqr, your just full of cli knowlodge eh? hehe02:43
kc8pxywols:  ok, what would cause that on a real box?02:43
MrPicklekaiwen, yes- ndiswrapper is freshly reinstalled, though not fully added to the modprobe and the driver bcmwl5 is working preoperly within the parameters of ndiswrapper02:43
kaiwenjoejoecircus I did a tcpdump on PC it shows noething02:43
wolskc8pxy: what would cause what?02:43
kaiwenMrPickle ok do a depmod -a02:43
qrbillybigrigger: I try to be02:43
kanewhich frimware and fwcutter should i use for broadcom 431102:43
joejoecircusboywols: that's not correct, libpcap operates right above the network driver, before the stack or netfilters operates on the packet02:44
kanethe b43 firmware02:44
kaiwenkane, Use the windows driver one, I'm not going to say it again02:44
wolskc8pxy: I asked you about a iptables command I gave you. were you able to run it by now?02:44
mbrigdanwill VirtualBox-ose see my USB mouse? Or will it not be able to see any USB devices at all?02:44
kanebut which one is that02:44
DozedOnLinuxwols: tagged priority *02:44
kaiwenkane is it a hp notebook?02:44
joejoecircusboykaiwen: But the ping works?!02:44
wolsmbrigdan: it will but not go via usb directly02:44
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy nope.02:44
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy tcpdump shows no suitable device found02:44
MrPicklekaiwen, ok so just 'sudo depmod -a ndiswrapper', right?02:44
billybigriggerqr, this fvwm isn't any more repsonive than gnome though i am noticing02:44
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joejoecircusboykaiwen: I thought you said pinging the PC from the laptop worked?02:45
kaiwenjust depmod -a02:45
mbrigdanwols: That works for me, I'm mainly just going to use it where wine isn't enough to play my games. If it works fast enough02:45
kaiwenbut not from pc to laptop02:45
FloodBot1kaiwen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:45
MrPicklekaiwen, k02:45
kaiwenMrPickle ok do this modprob ndiswrapper02:45
kaiwenMrPickle ok do this modprobe ndiswrapper02:45
qrbillybigrigger: oh no? maybe you just don't have a good connection for vnc. Are you on wireless? Wireless tends to have high latency, which can make vnc look choppy.02:45
MrPickleand then dmesg to see if it worked?02:45
billybigriggerya wireless at the hotel02:46
kaiwenMrPickle have you done it?02:46
billybigriggeri have an aircard (which i left at home) which i usally use but..02:46
joejoecircusboy(09:44:45 PM) kaiwen: joejoecircusboy tcpdump shows no suitable device found << so you have no interface configured on the PC?02:46
lisa_has anyone figured out how to create an encrypted Ubuntu partition using truecrypt?02:46
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy i have eth0 which is the ethernet port02:46
kc8pxywols:  where did you ask me? i didn't see it. i was talking about X rejecting my CLI apps opening firefox.02:46
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy but it doesn't show in tcpdump02:47
joejoecircusboykaiwen: if you run 'ethtool eth0' on the PC, what does it output? (PM or pastebin)02:47
kaiwenMrPickle actually try this :p modprobe -i ndiswrapper02:47
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy that works02:47
lisa_has anyone figured out how to create an encrypted Ubuntu partition using truecrypt?02:48
joejoecircusboy(09:47:57 PM) kaiwen: joejoecircusboy that works << Ya, but what does it output?02:48
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy actually tcpdump works, it needed sudo02:48
billybigriggerqr, so do i have to wget a torrent file and open it with rtorrent or how does rtorrent work02:48
kindofabuzzi made a launcher with gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=server1 -e "ssh -X server1" --tab-with-profile=default, it works fine but after it's open the default tab is focus and i want server1 the focus02:49
joejoecircusboykaiwen: so do you see the ping/response from the PC side?02:49
kaiwenMrPicklem, your wireless should turn on now02:49
MrPicklekaiwen, doesnt look like its going through02:49
kaiwenMrPickle what does it say02:49
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy nope02:49
DozedOnLinuxkaiwen:  i have to sudo to use wireshark as well02:49
kc8pxyqr: any other ideas?02:49
MrPickleKaiwen, it says nothing, and when I check dmesg its no showing up near the bottom like it was before02:49
joejoecircusboykaiwen: But the ping is successful from the laptop?02:49
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy yep02:50
qrbillybigrigger: read the man page, you'll end up doing that a lot with rtorrent until you're used to it. It is unfourtunately not an intuative program.02:50
kindofabuzzi wonder if i just change --window to --tab02:50
joejoecircusboykaiwen: try 'tcpdump -n'02:50
qrkc8pxy: sorry, I'm all out.02:50
kaiwenMrPickle are you on a laptop?02:50
MrPicklekaiwen, for these installs, yeah02:50
kaiwenMrPickle do it with sudo02:50
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy it just says it's listening doesn't do anything02:51
Wavesonicssome times when my ubuntu server boots the keyboard is un-responsive02:51
joejoecircusboykaiwen: Can you do an 'ifconfig -a' on both machines and pastebin the output?02:51
Maevaconfigure: error: *** GLIB >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first ***  --> when i did ./configure in terminal02:52
=== Pooky- is now known as Pooky
kaiwenok let me do that02:52
lisa_has anyone figured out how to create an encrypted Ubuntu partition using truecrypt?02:52
MrPicklekaiwen, ok ndiswrapper is now showing up under dmesg, wireless connection is still not avail in networking tools02:52
qr!trucrypt | lisa_02:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about trucrypt02:52
wolsMaeva: install the glib dev package02:52
qr!truecrypt | lisa_02:52
ubottulisa_: Truecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume02:52
kaiwenMrPickle that's good news ;)02:52
lisa_qr: that webpage doesnt work on Hardy and truecrypt 6.0a02:53
kaiwenMrPickle do a reboot then02:53
joejoecircusboykaiwen: Before you do that, does 'ethtool eth0' on the PC show the link is up?02:53
qrlisa_: ahh, I see.02:53
mlynn5can anyone help me with a samba share problem?02:53
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy yep02:53
lisa_anyone here have a truecrypt hardy partition?02:53
MrPicklekaiwen, k, but I should also note that lshw -C networking is only pulling info for the controllers and not for the devices02:53
MrPickle*typo* only pulling info for the controllers and not for the -interfaces-02:54
^Daisy^does ubuntu use CD or DVD02:54
kaiwenMrPickle do a ndiswrapper -l02:55
kaiwenwith sudo02:55
kaiwenwhat is the output02:55
thurloatcan anyone lend a Tcl hand?02:55
* Joeb454 needs sleep, later02:55
kaiwenjoejoecircus http://paste.ubuntu.com/34947/02:56
kaiwenjoejoecircus I can't pastbin the one on my PC for obvious reasons02:56
MrPicklekaiwen, the driver is there and the device is recognized. also lspci shows the wireless card on the system, but iwconfig, ifconfig, and lshw are not pulling info for the wlan002:56
joejoecircusboykaiwen: no usb key?02:56
^Daisy^does ubuntu use CD or DVD02:56
=== Oldrie^Jimmy is now known as Oldrie
lisa_i installed using this: sudo ./truecrypt-6.0a-setup-ubuntu-x86  how do now remove it?02:56
paolo_Is there a apt-get somewhere?02:56
wols!PM | Maeva02:56
ubottuMaeva: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.02:56
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy but the only difference is that the inet addr is which was assigned by dhcp\02:56
Starnestommy^Daisy^: CD02:56
bazhang!ru | Sibiryak-2602:57
ubottuSibiryak-26: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke02:57
Starnestommy^Daisy^: for the installer.  i think it may also have a dvd installer02:57
joejoecircusboykaiwen: Where's the dhcpd running, the laptop?02:57
^Daisy^Starnestommy i don't get it02:57
^Daisy^Starnestommy what do you mean "installer"02:57
Starnestommy^Daisy^: the CD that is used to install ubuntu02:57
sepherhi all02:57
OldrieI downloaded Gcursor aNY DaY NoW tried to change my ubuntu cursor and it only changes it in the Internet window or over a close button. How do i fix this?02:57
kaiwenMrPickle do the previous again then sudo depmod -a and sudo modprobe -i ndiswrapper02:57
joejoecircusboykaiwen: ok, then for sure your link is correct then02:57
^Daisy^Starnestommy i still don't get it02:58
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy correct02:58
MrVirusdoes any one know where darkice installs to02:58
bazhang^Daisy^, what is your question02:58
MrVirusi cant seem to find the run file02:58
^Daisy^does ubuntu use CD or DVD02:58
Starnestommy^Daisy^: both02:58
bazhang^Daisy^, for what02:58
wolsMrVirus: is this darkice thing a .deb?02:58
MrVirusi foudn it in the synap manager.02:59
^Daisy^i am so confused:  it's a simple question and people are giving me multiple answers02:59
wolsMrVirus: dpkg -L <package> |grep bin02:59
^Daisy^for example:  winxp uses = 1 cd  win98 uses = 1 cd   winvista uses = 1 dvd02:59
sepheranyone in a helpful mood for a unbun00b?02:59
bazhang^Daisy^, for chat please go to #ubuntu-offtopic02:59
sepheri ned to cfg my wireless nic02:59
wols^Daisy^: and ubuntu uses 1 CD02:59
sepherthis is my first linux system..heheh02:59
joejoecircusboykaiwen: can you try flushing your NAT rules on the laptop? (iptables -t nat -F && iptables -t nat -X)02:59
MrViruswols : let em try that.03:00
^Daisy^wols i see; then why is Starnestommy saying it uses both03:00
inflexhi there, running ubuntu server 8.04 here... I've got _two_ NIC's installed on my box (this is a 1U server) but only ONE is showing up - however during the installation process Ubuntu did detect two of them and asked me which to use03:00
wols^Daisy^: cause you can get it on dvd too03:00
IndyGunFreaksepher: well, first thing you need to do is identify your wireless device..03:00
bazhang^Daisy^, you have your answer; is there an actual support question you have?03:00
Starnestommy^Daisy^: your question's not very clear.  Do you mean does it use DVD or CD for the installer, or can it use DVD or CD?03:00
wolssepher: pci or usb?03:00
sepherright... i believe i will need to use ndiswrapper03:00
sepheri have novatech 94203:00
inflexwhy is it now that I can only see one ethernet connector (eth1,  udev remapped it from 0 to 1)03:00
^Daisy^wols  if  installation files can fit on a cd;  why would anybody get it on a DVD03:00
bazhang^Daisy^, please stop03:00
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy ok, done that , what's next?03:00
wolssepher: that is mostly useless info. answer please: pci or usb?03:00
joejoecircusboykaiwen: try the ping again03:01
IndyGunFreaksepher: open up a terminal and type lspci and see how it identifies your wireless device03:01
^Daisy^bazhang stop what?03:01
MrPicklewhoopee!! after reboot, pheonix bios ala dell wont load up all the way! I have a giant paperweight!!!!03:01
CHR15Can someone help me with an xorg.conf problem I'm having?03:01
sepheri am a bit ignorant of linux utils and install procedure so i have fraged my networking a couple times and such03:01
wols^Daisy^: asking OT s...d questions03:01
sdtr443wI have been trying to set up 1280x1024 for 2 monitors in Hardy.  The right side won't give me the option even after I add the requisite ModeLine's to xorg.conf.  Is there some goofiness here in Hardy I wouldn't have had before?03:01
bazhang!install | ^Daisy^ here is the answer do some reading03:01
ubottuI'll remember that, bazhang03:01
OldrieI downloaded Gcursor and tried to change my ubuntu cursor and it only changes it in the Internet window or over a close button. How do i fix this?03:01
wolssepher: don't dally but answer my clear question: PCI or USB device?03:01
IndyGunFreaksdtr443w: what is your graphics device03:01
inflexAG damnit... no wonder... I was ssh'd into the wrong box *slaps forhead*03:01
wolssepher: lspci -nn03:02
sepherk hold on03:02
wols!paste | sepher03:02
ubottusepher: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:02
sdtr443wIndyGunFreak: ATI Radeon 1950XT03:02
CHR15Can someone help me with an xorg.conf problem I'm having?03:02
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy http://paste.ubuntu.com/34948/ i did a netstat -rn do you see any problems with it?03:02
qrCHR15: maybe, if you tell us about it03:02
IndyGunFreaksdtr443w: ugh..03:02
CHR15qr: oh, lol03:03
lbokenhi all im wodering if ther eis a way to use sudo in the graphic mode (like to go in a  folder  and make a log file (when only root has the right to make a file in that folder (im using xubuntu amd64 (the 8.04)03:03
sdtr443wIndyGunFreak: Is ATI support still all screwed up?!03:03
mlynn5i need help with a samba share: yesterday my ubuntu 8.04 laptop could no longer display the shared folders on my ubuntu 8.04 desktop. the desktop alias still shows up in the Network area in Nautilus, but it's empty now. i changed nothing myself, though there were updates yesterday morning. does anyone know where i could start to diagnose the problem?03:03
joejoecircusboykaiwen: what is eth1?03:03
IndyGunFreaksdtr443w: thats probably not gonna change for awhile.03:03
kaiweneth0 is what is imporant03:03
Shujahlboken, gksudo03:03
kaiweneth0 is the ethernet, eth1 works fine03:03
joejoecircusboykaiwen: ya, you got some wacky routing there03:03
kaiwenlol there we go03:03
MrVirusok.. i found it.. does it play off of my sound card or thru a playlist03:03
sdtr443wIndyGunFreak: So what's the current method for Hardy?  Seems like I get different tips depending on distro.03:03
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy, any idea what should i do :D03:04
CHR15Uhm, I have changed the config of a nvidia driver but it registers as xorg, and when I load it into 1024 mode it makes the desktop stay at 640 but the background can move by the mouse03:04
IndyGunFreaksdtr443w: honestly, i don't really know, i stay away from ATI because its such a pain03:04
ShujahCHR15, download nvidia-setting and change rtesolution from there03:04
joejoecircusboykaiwen: you're using on two different physical networks.. no wonder it's not working. :)03:04
CHR15sudo apt-get install nvidia-setting  ??03:05
joejoecircusboykaiwen: use on the crossover network03:05
sephermy wireless uses rt2500 chipset03:05
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy LOL, do i do this in dhcpd.conf?03:05
aroonilooking for a free ping service that lets me know when my site is down or too slow etc... ideaz?03:05
ShujahCHR15, not sure of the package name try synaptic03:05
sdtr443wI remember jumping through a ton of hoops last time trying to get good drivers, and I still didn't get 3d right at all03:05
bobertdossdtr443w: I really had no trouble getting the proprietary drivers working on a fresh Hardy install.03:05
lbokenok that somthign i have to install shujah?   or usualy where would it be?03:05
joejoecircusboykaiwen: I'd kill dhcpd for now, it's just complicating things.... go static first, once that's working put DHCP in place03:05
sdtr443wbobertdos: Is that from the guide on the unofficial ATI Wiki or the open drivers?03:06
kaiwenk let me tweak a few things and i'll get back to you in about 10 min.03:06
slade605Hey all I am having some issues getting eth1 to enable after having tried "sudo ifup --force eth1" any insight on this would be great03:06
tehborizhey guys how do you do faster frames in STEAM using wine03:06
Shujahlboken, the command is already there installed, usually sudo = cli or scripts and gksudo = graphic apps03:06
MrViruswols : i did find the darkice / darksnow file.. now that its running.. does it feed directly off my sound card?03:06
sepherwols  i have identified my wireless nic i use rt2500 chipset...03:06
=== DBLobster is now known as U09526
bobertdossdtr443w: from the Ubuntu wiki03:07
tehborizhow to get better frames in games through WINE03:07
Shujahlboken, if you wanna run gedit with superuser privileges then terminal > gksudo gedit ...03:07
wols!ralink  | sepher03:07
ubottusepher: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:07
kaneOk to install my broadcom 4311 on ubuntu i downloaded03:07
lbokenok cause i cant see it no where   i try to make access.log in var/log/icecast2/03:08
slade605tehboriz:  try joining #winehq03:08
mlynn5the log tells me "create_builtin_users: Failed to create Administrators", "create_builtin_users: Failed to create Users03:08
kaneOk to install my broadcom 4311 on ubuntu i downloaded b43-fwcutter-011 Then placed on home folder.03:08
lbokenand  i still kinda basic on terminal wais on linux03:08
tehborizthx slade60503:08
Shujahlboken, do you want to create an 'empty' file names access.log? sorry I'm not getting you here03:09
mlynn5what's strange is that i can still access it from my girlfriend's macbook03:09
lbokenyes  an empty one so my icescast will fill it03:09
bazhangkane, which guide are you following03:09
CHR15Shujah, I have syn installed03:09
kc8pxyanyone else have an idea why my progs won't work in ubuntu? running hardy, i can't even xeyes from a terminal, let alone the apps i'm REALLY trying to run.03:09
sdtr443wGuess I have to reboot to see if the ATI drivers will work.  I have to just repeat to myself--"It works better than Vista"03:10
wols!doesn't work kc8pxy03:10
ubottuwols: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:10
wols!doesn't work |  kc8pxy03:10
ubottukc8pxy: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.03:10
mlynn5any thoughts?03:10
wolskc8pxy: you are in X? did you open an xterm?03:10
Shujahlboken, terminal > touch access.log in the directory you want it03:10
kc8pxyI'm in X, i opened a gnometerminal.03:10
ShujahCHR15, open nvidia settings > display03:10
wolskc8pxy: and what happens if you enter "xeyes" there?03:10
SubOneTrying to play an OGM that I downloaded from a torrent and Totem is saying "Could not determine type of stream" Any ideas?03:11
kc8pxyno protocol specified, can't open display :0.003:11
wolskc8pxy: you are not opening an xterm then03:11
ShujahSubOne, vlc? looks like a missing codec03:11
wolskc8pxy: pastebin the output of env03:12
SubOneShujah: no another one of the videos in the download works03:12
kc8pxywols: then WTH is it I'm opening, in the accesories menu?03:12
starncan anyone help me? i install nvidias official drivers and now i do not have 3d gfx..03:12
ShujahSubOne, try running it on VLC, file maybe corrupt though03:12
bazhangstarn, installed from hardware drivers?03:12
kc8pxywols: i don't have a hardy box here, and you already told me vbox is a POS in this instance for diagnosing my issue.03:12
SubOneShujah: is it because the file isnt finished download yet? i figured it was because all the files in the start are big and the files on the end are 0 bytes03:13
starnbazhang:  for my geforce 8600 gt... i went to nvidias site.03:13
bazhangstarn, nothing in hardware drivers for that?03:13
sepherlast time i installed knetmgr and wpa supp my nics became disabled andcnt reenable...03:13
starnbazhang: um i aint sure.03:14
SubOneOr is there some way that I can view what parts of the torrent have been downloaded already?03:14
LOWER_CASEAnyone, where is the Nautilus Right-hand-click "Open With..." list stored, please?03:14
starnbazhang: i never needed 3d gfx untill i started to want to play doom 3.... i am fairly new to ubuntu...03:14
wolskc8pxy: for this, vbox will work03:14
starnbazhang: oh! yes there is.03:15
joejoecircusboySubOne: The chunks in a torrent aren't necessarily downloaded in order... for example, even if you have 50 MB of a 60 MB file, you still might be missing the first MB03:15
bazhangstarn, that is the recommended method, via hardware drivers03:15
ShujahSubOne, try to copy the unfinished file to another location and try - if you are downloading via some torrent client then file is downloaded in chunks/ pieces on random locations and can't be played till the first part 1-2 minutes is downloaded03:15
slade605Anyone be able to direct me where I can get my eth1 enabled? 'lshw' says it is disabled03:15
jhb1608Do there is a vitural program so I can use XP in Linux?03:15
kaiwenjoejoecircus, still doesn't work, i'll post  netstat -rn again03:15
starnbazhang: nvidia accelerated graphics driver (latest cards) but clicking it ruins my video out put03:15
jhb1608I have the CD of XP03:15
usserjhb1608, virtualbox03:16
bazhang!info nvidia-settings03:16
cwill757!vbox | jhb160803:16
ubottunvidia-settings (source: nvidia-settings): Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0+20080304-0ubuntu1.1 (hardy), package size 662 kB, installed size 1468 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)03:16
ubottujhb1608: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox03:16
usserjhb1608, or vmware or kvm take your pick03:16
ShujahCHR15, ??03:16
SubOneOK, is there anyway to view which parts have been downloaded? Or somehow force certain parts ?03:16
starnbazhang: how would i uninstall the official drivers? to try these.03:16
bazhangstarn, then check nvidia-settings tool03:16
starnbazhang: it dosnt work03:16
jhb1608I can do vituralbox03:16
bazhangstarn, thought you could not install the nvidia site drivers03:16
jhb1608but how do I install it?03:17
joejoecircusboySubOne: Some clients will show you that (Auzerus?)03:17
ShujahSubOne, what torrent client are you using?03:17
cwill757!info vbox03:17
ubottuPackage vbox does not exist in hardy03:17
jhb1608vmware then?03:17
usserjhb1608, go to virtualbox.org download the .deb and install it03:17
ZirodayHi, for some reason alt-tab, ctrl-alt-left/right and alt-f4 are not working03:17
starnbazhang:  i might be thinking of the 3rd party tool... um sec.03:17
kaiwenjoejoecircus http://paste.ubuntu.com/34951/ i included my dhcpd.conf03:17
cwill757jhb1608: yeah i thought that's what you had to do...03:17
bazhangstarn, envyng-gtk from the repos?03:17
m_newtonany one familear with the bot???03:17
CHR15Shujah:?? I found it but it's kinda weird to fix, hold on, let me mess with it03:18
jhb1608they only have source03:18
starnbazhang: to uninstall em?03:18
cwill757!vmware | jhb160803:18
ubottujhb1608: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers03:18
SubOneI don't suppose its possible to stop the download and continue right where i left off with a better torrent downloader?03:18
joejoecircusboykaiwen: Did you restrict dhcpd to listen on eth0 only?03:18
jhb1608I know what to od now lol03:18
LOWER_CASEAnyone, where is the Nautilus Right-hand-click "Open With..." list stored, please? I had a look in gconf-editor but couldn't see anything.03:18
ShujahSubOne, I'm using deluge, I'm not sure about bittorent but does it have a graph with the file.. usually white with blue lines?03:18
bazhangstarn, we seem to be talking at cross-purposes :)   how did you install the nvidia site drivers? via envyng-gtk or manually03:18
joejoecircusboykaiwen: Your bcast and router are incorrect in dhcpd.conf03:18
stwangeI have a jpg background for my terminal, is there any way to make it scale? ie. if I shrink the window, the picture shrinks03:19
SubOneShujah: only a 0-100% bar03:19
zachbOkay, I know that I've been kind of annoying, asking about this a ton, but I cannot get anything done, and its near-impossible to try and actually get support anywhere else. Basically, all my apps are crashing shortly after they're launched. Right now, to be safe, I'm in CLI finch. Any ideas? syslog doesn't appear to have anything helpful03:19
starnbazhang: manually only way i knew03:19
joejoecircusboykaiwen: Can you paste 'ifconfig -a' as well (the full output)03:19
wackbotHeya guys, I hope you dont mind if I ask a question... here we go:         I have an Ubuntu Server (8.x) and a working NX Server / Client connection where Im logged in as admin. But I cant use any administration functions, Im never being asked for my sudo password, any ideas?03:19
ShujahCHR15, first detect display > then Apply > Then save  to X config - Remember dont merge.03:19
zachb(support elsewhere is hard because... well... everything crashes)03:19
bazhangstarn, and the res is lower than you want? what is it now, and what res are you looking for03:19
thurloatTcl error [pub:setprofile]: extra characters after close-quote03:19
RoshanKwhen using scp to copy a file in putty i'm trying the command "scp C:\Users\Roshan\Desktop\obama-b.jpeg nyroshan@" anyone know what i'm doing wrong?03:20
katslokohello people of the world !03:20
AdunQuestion: can you have different icons in each of your desktops, like you can have diferent windows in them?03:20
OldrieHi. Is there a way to install Visual C++ ??03:20
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy ok now i can't ping both03:20
usserwackbot, last i heard ubuntu server didnt use sudo model/concept at all there root user is enabled on it\03:20
joejoecircusboykaiwen: Good, that makes more sense! :D03:20
kaiwenit does?03:20
starnbazhang: not the res.. all 3D functions dont work.. no effects nothing... anything 3d well not run03:20
OldrieYes the complier03:20
Adunall u need is a compiler and a text editor like Scite VI VIM or EMACS03:20
joejoecircusboykaiwen: Can you paste 'ifconfig -a' as well (the full output)03:20
Adunand ubuntu got the compilers03:20
usserOldrie, ehm yea i suppose u can by why would u?03:20
starnbazhang: my res is maxed out to my monitors.03:21
AdunI forgot whats the compiler for c++03:21
bazhangstarn, what tools you have installed? simple-ccsm, ccsm or other03:21
Adunfor java its jdk with -jar for .jar03:21
Oldrieusser: my university is making it mandatory so i need it or unintall ubuntu and go to vista03:21
Adunuse ubuntu in dual booting03:21
ShujahSubOne, ???03:21
RoshanKAdun: I'm trying to scp a file in putty from my laptop to an ssh server of mine. I'm trying "scp C:\Users\Roshan\Desktop\obama-b.jpeg nyroshan@" do you know what i may be doing wrong? it keeps saying that there is no user C:03:21
OldrieAdun: Visual C++03:21
Adunit pwn with dual windows with ubuntu03:22
kaiwenjoejoecircus http://paste.ubuntu.com/34952/03:22
Aduninstall xp03:22
Adunjust get a torrent03:22
Adunvista sucks03:22
usserOldrie, hm, are u gonna be doing some fancy win32 api programming or just basic c++?03:22
CHR15Shujah: I already did that, butt he little square that represents the moniter says CRT-0 and under that it says 640x48003:22
joejoecircusboykaiwen: bcast is wrong on eth003:22
starnbazhang: compiz wise?03:22
bazhangAdun, get a torrent for what03:22
RoshanKhelp with scp?03:22
kaiwenthis is the laptopreally?03:22
ShujahSubOne, just checked on google - click the file name e.g. blahblah.avi then click on files in the lower tab03:22
starni have compiz03:22
joejoecircusboykaiwen: ya, bcast should be
bazhangstarn yes03:22
kaiwenok, let me try that.03:22
starnbazhang: i have compiz03:23
joejoecircusboykaiwen: also, the laptop uses IP .229, but your DHCP conf says to use .1 as the router...03:23
bazhangstarn you have simple-ccsm?03:23
Adunuse XP sp2 or 3 never vista03:23
RoshanKdoes anyone know how to use scp to transfer files?03:23
Adunu should have ubuntu and xp in dual booting03:23
joejoecircusboykaiwen: (last thing won't affect ping, but it will break things later)03:23
bazhangAdun, windows chat elsewhere please03:23
jhb1608I only see Ubuntu 7.10 for VMware.03:23
SubOneShujah: i dont know what tabs your talking about03:23
ShujahCHR15, are you the page which has the option of model, detect display save to x config?03:23
MrNazCould not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated: No such file or directory       <--   why would i get that error if i have install kqemu?03:23
starnbazhang: no.. i just have compiz and compiz-core and the needed files and the files to configur it.03:23
Adunbazhang I'm helping someone03:23
kc8pxywols: just booting to a fresh vbox install. been trying to get it all working. I'm much more accustomed to another distro, but volunteering @ www.freegeekcolumbus.org, they use ubuntu almost exclusively. so it's growing on me :)03:24
RoshanKAdun: do you know how to use the scp command for ssh?03:24
bazhangAdun, chatting about windows and torrents is offtopic here.03:24
ShujahSubOne, there will be a line halfway in the default screen with the tabs, pieces, files, etc03:24
SubOnewill Azureus let me force certain parts?03:24
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy what should i change in the dhcpd.conf then?03:24
AdunQuestion: can you have different icons in each of your desktops, like you can have diferent windows in them?03:24
joejoecircusboykaiwen: BTW, are you using dhcpd to configure both interfaces? (the laptop and the PC)03:24
LOWER_CASEAnyone, where is the Nautilus Right-hand-click "Open With..." list stored, please? I had a look in gconf-editor but couldn't see anything.03:24
bazhang!ccsm | starn03:24
CHR15Shujah: Yes, XServer Display Configuration03:24
CHR15Is name of it03:24
ShujahSubOne, right click on the file and select highest thats one way to do it03:25
SubOneShujah: no idea, mine is nothing like that i have 3 tabs "download", "upload" and "events"03:25
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy , no only laptop03:25
ubottustarn: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion03:25
RoshanKbazhang: do you know how to use the scp command?03:25
kaiweni set dhcp on the PC for internet connection03:25
joejoecircusboykaiwen: so eth0 on the laptop is configured with a static IP address?03:25
starnbazhang: but my prob is even 3d apps wont work like if my opengl aint working03:25
usserOldrie, in any case visual C++ 6.0 appears to be supported by wine http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=3103:25
anandI am able to hear other's voice on skype but my voice is not reaching to other party..what driver i need to mount?03:25
ShujahSubOne, this is the default bit torrent client > http://www.bittorrent.com/images/client/btscrn_full_6_0_0.png  -- are you using this?03:26
joejoecircusboykaiwen: Then why would you need to edit dhcpd.conf to change eth0 on the laptop?03:26
jhb1608found it03:26
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy what should i change under option routers?03:26
SubOneShujah: that's Windows03:26
kaiwenjoejoecircusboy i'm a noob and it by static it doesn't ping03:26
LOWER_CASEanyone know where I can look to find the Nautilus right-hand-click "Open with" list, please. I looked in gconf.editor, but couldn't see anything.03:26
divyahi, morning guys03:26
joejoecircusboykaiwen: Friend, do us both a favour - drop DHCP until we solve this03:26
RoshanKhi divya03:27
Adunanyone can tell me how to make each desktops have different icons?03:27
bazhangstarn, yet the drivers are correctly installed, yes?03:27
kaiwenok, thing is though, if i go static, PC will no longer have a link connection03:27
divyai got problems with ssh03:27
DoonzGood evening all03:27
starnbazhang: from what i know yes.03:27
RoshanKme too divya03:27
joejoecircusboykaiwen: we'll work through that03:27
divyait's to passwordless ssh03:27
RoshanKdivya do you know how to use the scp command?03:27
bazhangstarn, what does alt f2 compiz --replace do03:27
joejoecircusboykaiwen: Let's go PM03:27
SubOneShujah: what i am using: http://gnome-bt.sourceforge.net/03:28
divyaAcc to me, scp file_name remote_ip03:28
starnbazhang: made my windows dissapear for a sec and reappear03:28
bazhangstarn, okay03:29
divyahi, Do u know passwordless ssh03:29
RoshanKdivya: well its my first time with ssh. anyway im using putty to try and ssh a file and im sing this command "scp C:\Users\Roshan\Desktop\obama-b.jpeg nyroshan@" do u know what i may be doing wrong?03:29
akaaka99hello, i wonder if anyone know about a service that ubuntu have to create your own distro.. i cant found anything about that, but someone told me its there03:29
bazhangstarn, now go into ccsm and check the settings and keybindings03:29
spiritssightCan KDE be installed with out its stuff showing up in Gnome?03:29
bazhang!remaster | akaaka9903:29
ubottuakaaka99: Interested in remastering the !Ubuntu !LiveCD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use Tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility03:29
ShujahSubOne, thats rather plain - well try azeurus or deluge after downloading the file03:29
LOWER_CASEanyone know where I can look to find the Nautilus right-hand-click "Open with" list, please. I looked in gconf.editor, but couldn't see anything.03:30
bazhangspiritssight, kde apps or the kubuntu-desktop suite?03:30
SubOneShujah: so there is no way i can download specific portions of a file without restarting?03:30
divyai think this shud work.....03:30
drone_I just did a fresh install of hardy and this focus following mouse thing is driving me insane. problem is I can't seem to find how to turn it off03:30
kc8pxywols:  ok.. it works on my vbox setup. what could be mangled on the other box?03:31
spiritssightbazhang: I want to install the KDE desktop but last time I did this, it showed its apps in the gnome desktop03:31
jhb1608it won't install VMware03:31
lbokencan some one help with icecast2 ? or do i have to realy to use teh icecast chanel?03:32
nickrudspiritssight gnome03:32
slaphow can i clear history of gnome-terminal?03:32
zozomanHello everyone, I have a quick question -- I have just downloaded and have been trying to install Ubuntu. When the installer starts Ubuntu freezes and the window gets distorted, only the installer window and nothing else. The background and top bar are fine. Also when this happens I cannot click on anything and I am forced to restart. Any help will be extremely appreciated!03:32
starnbazhang:  what am i doing?03:32
bazhangspiritssight, and now you want to remove them? or only want to use certain kde apps? what is your goal here03:32
KumoGood evening.03:32
jhb1608oh wait03:32
jhb1608found it03:32
ShujahSubOne, You cant download specific parts of a specific file in any torrent client - as far as I know - what you can do is to give a specific file highest priority so it will download faster and you might turn off other files in that torrent so the file downloads at optimum speed03:32
bazhangstarn, trying to use compiz presumably03:32
dmanyone have a good app for Zune transferability?03:32
IndyGunFreakzozoman: either reburn, and burnt he image slowly, or use the alternate install CD03:32
starnbazhang: for none of the settings changes any thing.. for it appears my 3d dosnt work..03:32
SubOneShujah: k i'll try that03:33
IndyGunFreakzozoman: either way, burning slow is good practice(2-4x always works for me)03:33
divyahi,Anyone knows password less ssh03:33
o0splitpaw0oCONGRATS Winning 2008 Desktop Solution03:33
spiritssightbazhang: I am wanting to install the desktop with out the apps from the KDE showing up in gnome03:33
zozomanIndy, I will try that, thanks for the response.03:33
KumoI'm considering switching my laptop to Ubuntu.  I need to confirm that I can connect to my wireless network, however.03:33
bazhangstarn, yet the compiz --replace seems to have worked; this is gnome correct?03:33
LOWER_CASEzozoman Try (1) to verify your CD on install menu (2) run install in safe graphics mode03:33
bazhangKumo, run the live cd and check the wifi chipset03:33
KumoI'm running the live cd right now.03:33
usserKumo, or use wubi to install from within windows03:33
zozomanI also did do a Verify CD. It came up with an error in 1 file. I didnt think that would effect it much.03:34
drone_also Kumo, there's this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported03:34
starni aint sure if backend is gnome or kde.... for i do have both installed so i can run some apps only working in kde...03:34
lbokenkumo i did switched my laptop ( asus l5e00c  and with the   intel wifi  and it workd no 103:34
zozomanI guess I may be wrong.03:34
IndyGunFreakzozoman: well, yeah.. most likely03:34
jhb1608how do I install VMware .tar package?03:34
lbokeneven kumo mtry the  live cd it will work that how i tryed it03:34
SubOneShujah: if i change the torrent file will i destory my current sessions progress?03:34
jhb1608in ubuntu?03:34
starnbazhang: can i pm you glxinfo | greo durect  report?03:34
kaneOk i want to install my braodcom 4311 As for as my reseach i have two options Ndiswrapper or Suck the frimware from window using the fwcutter. I choose option 2. I am not sure which frimware i download is it wl_apsta- or broadcom-wl- And not sure which fwcutter to use The b43-fwcutter or b43xxfwcutter to extract the frimware.03:34
anandI am able to hear other's voice on skype but my voice is not reaching to other party..what driver i need to mount?03:34
slapKumo: wich card do you have?03:34
bazhangstarn, try glxgears in terminal03:34
KumoHang on.  Intel, not sure of the model,03:35
zelrikriandohello all03:35
lboken2200 bg it work if its the one you have03:35
lbokenits the one i have03:35
ShujahSubOne, change the torrent file??? what do you mean like try the same file on another torrent client or add another source for the same file03:35
KumoPRO/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI03:35
jhb1608How do I install the package, so I can able to use VMware?03:35
kaneOk i want to install my braodcom 4311 As for as my reseach i have two options Ndiswrapper or Suck the frimware from window using the fwcutter. I choose option 2. I am not sure which frimware i download is it wl_apsta- or broadcom-wl- And not sure which fwcutter to use The b43-fwcutter or b43xxfwcutter to extract the frimware.03:35
slapkumo: are you running right now from the live cd?03:35
beauis there a linux command to view info about a user (like group membership and such)?03:35
bazhangkane, which guide are you following03:35
LOWER_CASEzozoman: finally try the "alternate CD" which starts a text-based install (you have to download a new CD though)03:35
spiritssightbazhang: I am wanting to install the desktop with out the apps from the KDE showing up in gnome03:36
KumoI'm here on my desktop03:36
kaneTwo suck out the frimware using fwcutter since i focused on that more03:36
Doonzgaw 16 hoours to rebuild a radi array03:36
bazhangkane which guide03:36
starnbazhang: i have... it says xlibl: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".  and repeats that few times than says Error: couldn't find  RGB GLX visual and repeats the first thing like 6 times.03:36
Doonzoh reboot03:36
kaneThe second one03:36
slapkumo: well, if you see it, it probably works. You just have to configure (8.04 did a pretty good job detecting wireless card)03:37
bazhangspiritssight, use kde desktop or gnome desktop03:37
LOWER_CASEanyone know where I can look to find the Nautilus right-hand-click "Open with" list, please. I looked in gconf.editor, but couldn't see anything.03:37
jhb1608I'm in 8.1003:37
bazhangjhb1608, #ubuntu+1 for that03:37
kanebazhang what do you mean03:37
wackbotHeya guys, I hope you dont mind if I ask a question... here we go:         I have an Ubuntu Server (8.x) and a working NX Server / Client connection where Im logged in as admin. But I cant use any administration functions, Im never being asked for my sudo password, any ideas?03:37
bazhangkane, link to the guide you are following03:37
KumoI've gone through selecting my wireless network, and input the key in ASCII mode.  THe problem is that the network incin in the upper right hand corner shows lo as the default, and I can't seem to change it,03:38
nickrudkane for my 4311, I simply installed b43-fwcutter (hardy) and then used system->admin->hardware drivers, and enabled the bcm03:38
spiritssightbazhang: I want to see if I like the KDE 4.x desktop but I don't want all the apps to show up in Gnome that are installed by the KDE desktop03:38
Miesco_So to back up onto an external HD, just use cp?03:38
kanenickrude how to install b43fwcutter03:38
kaneDid you use ndiswapper03:38
bazhangspiritssight, best to just run the livecd then; installing other desktop suites will bring the apps with them03:39
kanehttp://tinyshell.be/aircrackng/forum/index.php?topic=3597.0 I follwoed this guide03:39
kaneNickrude can i pm you please03:39
ShujahLOWER_CASE, right lcik on any file go to properties and open with dialogue03:39
starnbazhang: i have... it says xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".  and repeats that few times than says Error: couldn't find  RGB GLX visual and repeats the first thing like 6 times.03:39
jhb1608how do I install the tar package in my ubuntu?03:39
spiritssightbazhang: so there is no way for it not to have them show up under Gnome excpt use live cd03:40
nickrudkane why not use the aircrack-ng from the repos?03:40
bazhangjhb1608, you are using 8.10 correct?03:40
slapkumo: try first without any password/encryption (you will have to change your router settings). Maybe you can try to run wifiradar to see if there is a signal (iwconfig will do the same)03:40
bazhangjhb1608, this is the wrong channel03:40
kanenickrud i used it to install my broadcom03:40
jhb1608which channel?03:40
kaneto help me install it03:40
zelrikriandoKumo, I noticed that sometimes, the network manager on ubuntu is a bit stubborn...but you can force it to do what you want :)03:40
bazhang#ubuntu+1 jhb160803:40
kaneNickrud please help03:40
kanetell me how you installed it03:40
KumoAppreciate all the support, BTW03:41
bazhangjhb1608, intrepid questions there NOT here03:41
KumoSomething that windows definitely lacks,.03:41
kaneNickrud please reply03:41
jhb1608oh. ok.03:41
nickrudkane sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter . It downloaded the firmware. Then I went to system->admin->hardware and enabled the broadcom there, and rebooted03:41
slapkumo: you are wrong...there's a 1-800-bill support03:41
LOWER_CASEShujah... I want to modify the right-hand-click **menu**, because there's some trash entries in there for programs that I've uninstalled.03:41
* zelrikriando slaps slap03:41
kanedo i need internet connection03:42
LSD|Ninjakane: yes03:42
kaneCan i manully download the frimware03:42
kanein a cd then to ubuntu03:42
LOWER_CASEShujah, sorry................ found it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!03:42
lbokenwell  no one told me if yes or no i can ask help for my icecast2 server (cause i didnt got any help from the icecast chanel (no one talked)03:42
LSD|Ninjakane: can you get wired access at all?03:42
nickrudkane yes, just hook it up to a wired connection.03:42
kanei don't have wired03:42
KumoI'm a little iffy about disabling encryption.03:42
SubOneShujah: Is it possible to edit the torrent file somehow and remove the other files except the one i want completed?03:43
kaneso i will do it manually03:43
zelrikriandokane, you cannot download directly from ubuntu?03:43
slapkumo: in a terminal, type iwconfig03:43
kaneCan i download the frimware manully using Windows03:43
slapkumo: can you see a signal strength? (Tx-Power)03:43
nickrudkane I'd strongly recommend finding a friends place, it is so much simpler03:43
kaneBecuase i am using both03:43
LSD|Ninjakane: it's infinitely easier just to get a wired hookup03:43
zelrikriandokane, I mean from your ubuntu machine?03:44
kaneCan someone tell which frimware03:44
Kumotx-power is listed as off.03:44
slapkumo: sorry ...signal-level03:44
jhb1608oh oops my version is 8.0403:44
kaneno i can't03:44
LSD|Ninjakane: why not?03:44
KumoSignal level is 003:44
kaneNickrud which frimware was it03:44
kaneBecuase i have wireless03:44
kanenot wired03:44
KumoAnd the laptop is literally a foot away from the router.03:44
kaneI use neighbors wireless03:44
nickrudkane that's the one thing that ubuntu can't do, provide that firmware03:44
bazhangjhb1608, could you pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list to paste.ubuntu.com as well as xorg.conf03:44
zelrikriandokane so?03:44
ShujahSubOne, in other clients there is an option to stop downloading files in a running torrent - I dont think the client you are using has it03:44
slapkumo: does the essid matches your router setting?03:44
kaneCan you tell me the version03:45
nortyQuestion: I am running Ubuntu 6.10 using VMWare and I can't seem to upgrade or find any repositories, when I do the command: sudo apt-get update I get the following error: Some index file failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. How can I fix this?03:45
kanewhich version is it03:45
bazhangkane, you dont have any internet connection? this is ALL via a neighbors connection?03:45
=== yell0w_ is now known as yell0w
zelrikriandokane, I dont understand why you dont want to download it from ubuntu03:45
SubOneShujah: ok so is it possible to open this torrent in another client preserving the progress ive already made since i still have like 21 hours left and im at about 50%03:45
kanei don't have wired connection03:45
nickrudkane wait a bit, I may have some help03:45
LSD|Ninjathe broadcom firmware isn't even hosted by ubuntu anyway, it's hosted by the dd-wrt people03:45
kanenickrud thank you03:45
zelrikriandokane, and your wireless isnt working on ubuntu?03:45
LSD|Ninjazelrikriando: it's broadcom03:46
kaneit works on WIndows03:46
zelrikriandoLSD|Ninja, hm?03:46
kanei need to know which version of the frimware03:46
linuxguymarshallWhat is the command for running graphical apps as sudo?03:46
KumoAccess poit is not associated, if that makes a difference.03:46
bazhangjhb1608, cat /etc/apt/sources.list to paste.ubuntu.com (copy and paste) NOT here03:46
slapkumo: your router is configured for broadcasting?03:47
bazhanggksudo linuxguymarshall03:47
Flannellinuxguymarshall: gksu for xubuntu and ubuntu, kdesu for kubuntu03:47
kaneRickrud are you there03:47
KumoLet me check.03:47
LSD|Ninjazelrikriando: Broadcom wireless is supported in Ubuntu but it needs firmware. It's not hard to set up but people make it harder than it really is by trying to do it in the absence of a wired connection03:47
linuxguymarshallbazhang, Flannel, thanks. I thought it was gtksudo03:47
zelrikriandoLSD|Ninja, I see...03:47
bazhangkane, you are using neighbor's wireless?03:48
nortyQuestion: I am running Ubuntu 6.10 using VMWare and I can't seem to upgrade or find any repositories, when I do the command: sudo apt-get update I get the following error: Some index file failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. How can I fix this?03:48
salmonhey im pretty new to ubuntu and im having a small problem, i know my sound is working fine except it don't work in flash apps... the video does but the sound does not03:48
Miesco_Is there a sound recording program that uses jack?03:48
zozomanJust got done burning and verifying the Ubuntu install going to get rid of Windows -- Wish me luck!03:48
ShujahSubOne, I'm not sure, and if its a big file better let it download first03:48
lbokenby the way thanks again shujah for the   > trick03:49
zelrikriandosalmon, try to install libflashsupport ... if that doesnt work I cant do anything for you03:49
kaneplease help03:49
kaneWhich version of the frimware do i download03:49
zelrikriandokane, be patient :)03:49
SubOneShujah: sucks... thats why i was trying to find this stuff out because i dont want to wait 21 more hours before i can start watching this03:49
salmonthank you zelrikriando i'll give it a shot03:49
bazhangkane, so you have no internet connection in your home?03:49
juanjoHello, I just installed Hardy 8.04.1 on a new HP Pavilion tx2032ls Notebook, sound is not working, it apears to be nvidia hardware. I already installed the vnidia driver, but I still don't have sound, could someone point out a how-to or any documentation on how to deal with audio problems?03:49
zelrikriandobazhang, it seems nt03:50
nickrudkane http://aphroneo.net/b43.tar.gz , unpack that in /lib/firmware03:50
KumoTyping my ip address into the browser brings up the modem configuration instead of the router...03:50
kanewhat is that03:50
SubOneKumo: try
kanethe frimware03:50
nickrudkane this is for the  Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01)03:50
zelrikriandokane, do you know how to unpack a .tar.gz03:50
zelrikriandokane, then you re all set I guess03:51
kaneI mean just right click then extract here03:51
slapkumo: you also have a eth0?03:51
nickrudkane no. Download to your desktop, then do:    cd /lib/firmware && sudo tar xf ~/Desktop/b43.tar.gz03:51
nickrudkane you need sudo privs to write to that firmware dir03:52
kanethank you so much bro03:52
KumoI do, yes03:52
KumoI'v not tried it.03:52
kanehuh what is that the secon one03:52
salmonha ha03:52
SubOneKumo:  you tried
zelrikriandosalmon, one thing though is that your browser will go to unstable land03:52
zelrikriandosalmon, but at least you ll have sound03:52
KumoProblem loading page....03:52
kanekane you need sudo privs to write to that firmware dir Nick what is this03:52
starnhow would i fix this?   xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".  and repeats that few times than says Error: couldn't find  RGB GLX visual and repeats the first thing like 6 times.03:52
slapkumo: you have to.03:53
njc4eyes_Anyone what would cause parts of a program to switch to a different language while the rest is English03:53
nortyQuestion: I am running Ubuntu 6.10 using VMWare and I can't seem to upgrade or find any repositories, when I do the command: sudo apt-get update I get the following error: Some index file failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. How can I fix this?03:53
Doonzhey guys anyone have some time to help me with getting a dual monitor set up working on an nvidia card?03:53
kanekane you need sudo privs to write to that firmware dir Nick what is this Nick what is this03:53
salmonlol exatly what do you mean about unstable?03:53
dork5002002My ubuntu box is connected to the Internet via a wireless router. I want to connect my xbox to the ubuntu box so I can play on xbox live. Is this possible?03:53
zelrikriandostarn, what s your video card?03:53
MorokianeI just bought a Maxtor BlackArmor external HD with hardware encryption but the software to get to the harddrive is windows only...and WINE won't run it.  Anyone know of a way to get it to run?  Tried Virtualbox but it doesn't seem to find it. Running 8.04 6403:53
kanekane you need sudo privs to write to that firmware dir Nick what is this Nick what is this03:53
slapkumo: if not, you wont be able to go out (even at
kanekane you need sudo privs to write to that firmware dir Nick what is this Nick what is this03:53
starnzelrikriando: geforce 8600 gt03:53
edjuHow to associate .rm w/ realplayer in FF3?  Edit>Preferences>Applications is empty.  I thought for a moment that etc/mime.types would do it, but google refers that file to cups and mailman (?).  Back in the day, FF had an internal way to do this.  But that seems to be missing now.03:53
slapkumo: cause your wifi is not configured yet03:53
LSD|Ninjadork5002002: if you have a wireless router why not just point the xbox to that? o_O03:53
starnzelrikriando: i have the official nvidia drivers.. but installing them appears to have cuased this..03:54
dork5002002@LSD|Ninja the xbox doesn't have wireless capabilites03:54
zelrikriandostarn, hmm... have you try re-installing them?03:54
nickrudkane just do the command I gave. /lib/firmware is not in your home directory, and you must escalate your privileges to write there. See the following factoid:03:54
kaneWhat is  sudo privs to write to that firmware03:54
nickrud!sudo | kane03:54
ubottukane: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)03:54
KumoUgh, closed the wrong browser tab03:55
KumoAnyway, is not working.03:55
kaneok i know03:55
starnzelrikriando: yes. i think... um i dont think i did a good clean up though.03:55
nickrudkane write to the directory, /lib/firmware03:55
LSD|Ninjadork5002002: there are little boxes you can get that solve that03:55
joejoecircusboydork5002002: That should be doable, if your Ubuntu system has two interfaces (one wired + your wireless)03:55
zelrikriandostarn, how did you install them? :)03:55
kanewrite what to directory03:55
ansichartHey, when I update my system using the "Update Manager" in Ubuntu, is it the same thing as doing "apt-get update" ?03:55
slapkumo: even if plugged with a rj-45?03:55
kanewrite what to directory03:55
RadiCalyes, ansichart.03:55
KumoHadn't tried that.03:55
LSD|Ninjakane: dude, stop double posting03:56
nortywhen i try to use apt-get update it says my repositories aren't found03:56
ansichartRadiCal, I thought so... thank you for confirming.03:56
KumoI was trying to access it from my windows desktop03:56
RadiCalansichart: though apt-get update searches for updates, whereas update manager is set to search at certain times.03:56
nickrudkane no. Download to your desktop, then do:    cd /lib/firmware && sudo tar xf ~/Desktop/b43.tar.gz03:56
TazbobuIs there a good program with a GUI for joining mp3's?03:56
nortyor they failed to download03:56
dork5002002@LSD|Ninja I have no money to buy one of the wireless connectors, nor do I have a vehicle.03:56
slapkumo: you can't access  the router with your wifi connection if it is not configured yet...03:56
kane cd /lib/firmware && sudo tar xf ~/Desktop/b43.tar.gz Is this what i type in terminal then don03:56
RadiCalansichart: so you may have updates to install, that update manager wont catch till the next time you check03:56
starnzelrikriando: manually.. using the file nivia has.. ran it with out xserv like i was suppose to..03:56
LSD|NinjaRadiCal: you can update with update manager any timne you want, that's what the big "Update" button on it is for03:56
kaneafter i run this on terminal  cd /lib/firmware && sudo tar xf ~/Desktop/b43.tar.gz I am done03:56
RadiCalLSD|Ninja, yes, i ment the notification it gives on your system tray03:56
zelrikriandostarn, not through synaptic?03:57
slapkumo: I,ll be back in a minute03:57
ansichartRadiCal, So the Update manager is basically Cron + apt-get update + GUI03:57
nortyWhat do I do when I try to use sudo apt-get update and it says "Some index files failed to download" and i can't upgrade my system ??03:57
starnzelrikriando: nope03:57
joejoecircusboyTazbobu: Try Audacity03:57
kaneAfter i run this command i am done  cd /lib/firmware && sudo tar xf ~/Desktop/b43.tar.gz03:57
LSD|Ninjakane: stop that03:57
RadiCalansichart, yep, but as ninja said you can use it to do on-demand update checks. I was thinking more the system tray bubble it produces when you have new updates03:57
nickrudkane then system->admin->hardware manager03:57
kaneOk then enable it03:58
kaneThen reboot03:58
zelrikriandostarn, ok ... I am not sure...you might wanna check that you ve got everything you need in the synaptic package manager...03:58
ansichartRadiCal, thanks!03:58
RadiCalansichart, no problem :)03:58
starnzelrikriando: how would i even know what i need?03:58
pcapazziHello... can somebody help me with pam? Sorry if this is a stupid question, pam is the authentication method Ubuntu uses?03:58
kaneNickrud yoUr More than a hero :):-D03:58
kaneThank you so much03:58
kaneNickrud Rulz03:59
nickrudyw kane  pcapazzi Pluggable Authentication Modules, I think03:59
zelrikriandostarn, do a search on 'nvidia' in the synaptic package manager....you might find stuff that you need and not installed...that a noob suggestion though03:59
joejoecircusboypcapazzi: PAM is one of many authentication systems used by Ubuntu, yea03:59
kaneNick your my god04:00
pcapazziI've got the fingerprint reader working via command line... I've got an entry in common-auth to use the reader... but I don't think it's trying it.04:00
pcapazziWhat log file do I look at?04:00
kaneI don't know how to thank you04:00
zelrikriandokane, is it working?04:00
nickrudpcapazzi /var/log/auth.log04:00
kaneI will do it now04:00
jjbinwhy I can't connect to the ftp of gnome which I find here "http://www.gnome.org/~mjs/MIRRORS.html04:01
kaneIt should work right?04:01
slboxHow can i switch back to gnome icon,instead of ubuntu04:01
zelrikriandokane, if you do it right...I guess so04:01
jjbin are they  all down?04:01
pcapazzinickrud if it was failing to find the .so file, would it mention that fact in auth.log04:01
nortyCan someone help me? What do I do when I try to use sudo apt-get update and it says "Some index files failed to download" and i can't upgrade my system ??04:01
joejoecircusboynorty: Does your network connection work on that system?04:02
nortyjoejoecircusboy, yes i can get to websites with firefox04:02
kanezel ok04:02
slboxHow can i switch back to gnome icon,instead of ubuntu ?04:02
dork5002002I have an ubuntu box connected to the internet via wireless nic.  Is it possible to connect an xbox to the ubuntu box and play xbox live?  I've already tried to configure the ubunut box to do this, but I'm not sure what all needs to be done.04:02
kaneIf i need help i will come back04:02
nickrudpcapazzi not sure. pam is one of those things that I just pray work correctly :)04:02
zelrikriandonorty, I am not sure, some repository might be down/obsolete...04:02
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zelrikriandonorty, or just connexion issues :)04:03
joejoecircusboydork5002002: Yes, you need to set up the ubuntu box as a router/gateway/nat system04:03
nortyzelrikriando, it says all of them are down04:03
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pcapazzinickrud LOL.. I understand...04:03
mbrigdanhow can I change the settings for a screen saver?04:03
LSD|Ninjajoejoecircusboy: what he wants is bridging but I have no clue how to set that up under Ubuntu04:04
zelrikriandonorty, did you try to go to 'Software Sources' then select another server?04:04
joejoecircusboyLSD|Ninja: He doesn't need bridging for that...04:04
slboxHow can i switch back to gnome icon,instead of ubuntu ?04:04
nickrudpcapazzi the first week I ran debian pam broke. Luckily I had a root terminal open when I did the update. I kept it open till the fix was in :)04:04
nortyzelrikriando, how would I do that?04:05
zelrikriandoslbox, I think you should install a new icon theme no ?04:05
LSD|Ninjajoejoecircusboy: you missed the earlier message where he mentioned he already had a NAT router04:05
zelrikriandonorty, go to System > Admin...> Software sources or so04:05
joejoecircusboyLSD|Ninja: Ya, I saw... you can have a NAT router behind a NAT router though, no need to bridge04:05
LSD|Ninjajoejoecircusboy: he wants to get the ethernet-only xbox onto the wireless LAN through the ubuntu machine. Easiest way to do that (under Windows at least) is with bridging04:06
tj1515my firefox has been shutting down when loading a site with no warning it seems like the site always has flash but when i load firefox again i can go back to the site and it works fine04:06
zelrikriandonorty, then you'll see that you can actually select the repos server04:06
joejoecircusboyLSD|Ninja: Far easier to do another NAT behind the NAT :D04:06
zelrikriandotj1515, it's a known issue04:06
slapkumo: still there?04:06
zelrikriandotj1515, the fix is to not go to sites running flash :p04:06
KumoI can't seem to access my router.04:06
KumoI can get the modem, though.04:07
mbrigdanhow can I change the settings for a screen saver?04:07
pcapazzinickrud well I haven't locked myself out yet.04:07
tj1515what % of sites you think that would be04:07
slapkumo: lets resume04:07
nickrudpcapazzi keep a console logged in :)04:07
LSD|Ninjajoejoecircusboy: I'm only familiar with it under Windows and it was only a few clicks to bridge the wired and wireless connections there04:07
Shujahmbrigdan, menu > sys > pref > screen saver04:07
pcapazzinickrud point noted. =D04:07
zelrikriandotj1515, I have the same problem...I just restart FF ...that s my only fix :/04:07
nortyzelrikriando, when i try to change things with that it says my repositories are out of date and either there is a connection problem, but my connection seems to be good i can connect to websites....04:07
ape718Can someone help me figure out what's wrong with my samba share ( a speed issue). I bonded 2 1GB  ethernet ports together and scp'ing stuff goes at decent speed (40mbps) but when I tried to transfer soemthing through samba, I get like 2-3mbps.04:07
mbrigdanShujah: that lets me change the screen saver, not its options04:08
slapkumo: when you do iwconfig, you can see you wireless card, so it works04:08
zelrikriandonorty, could you pastebin your source.list on here?04:08
slapkumo: it looks like you have a problem with your settings.04:08
tj1515zelrikriando: thanks for the reply i hope they get this bug fixed soon it is irritating04:08
slapkumo: the best way is to keep it simple04:08
murraymdanyone have any luck with enableing or verifying sli?04:08
Doonzhey guys, I have a dual monitor setup but it wont let me enable my 2nd monitor. Both monitors seem to be assigned to the same screen number is that the problem?04:08
joejoecircusboyLSD|Ninja: Ya, bridging is a bit more involved in Linux... NAT is simple though (well, I guess it's all relative on experience)04:09
slapkumo: no encryption/password for both sides (router and laptop)04:09
zelrikriandotj1515, it has been irritating me too ... and I dont really know whose fault it is and if there is a workaround...04:09
IndyGunFreakDoonz: what is your graphics device?04:09
KumoI can't access the router, though.04:09
zelrikriandotj1515, I am guessing it's adobe's fault :p04:09
murraymdnvidia 9600 gt04:09
IndyGunFreakDoonz: have you installed nvidia-settings04:09
slapkumo: did you ever access your router?04:09
DoonzGeForce 8800 GT.04:10
slapkumo: with a cable?04:10
KumoI can get the modem, bit not the router...04:10
Doonzhere let me get an exact error message04:10
IndyGunFreakDoonz: when you go to nvidia-settings, do you see two monitors there?04:10
KumoI'm not trying from the laptop.  I'm trying from the desktop.04:10
DoonzFailed to set MetaMode (2) 'DFP-0: 1680x1050 @1680x1050 +0+0, DFP-1: nvidia-auto-select @1600x1200 +1680+0' (Mode 3280x1200, id: 68) on X screen 004:10
tj1515zelrikriando: its nice to blame them I still can't get my clipping to stop in fullscreen04:10
nortyzelrikriando, http://paste.ubuntu.com/34969/04:10
Doonzits like its trying to set both monitors to screen 004:10
slapkumo: do you know your router's IP04:10
Doonzand yes both my monitors show up04:10
zelrikriandonorty, you re running edgy ??04:11
KumoI had the wireless working at school, on an unsecures connection.04:11
KumoYeah, I know the ip.04:11
IndyGunFreakDoonz: well does one show disabled,  when you click on it?04:11
KumoIt comes up blank.04:11
aeos_guestHi is there a way to know if my network card driver was installed correctly/04:11
nortyzelrikriando, yea, i just installed from a disk i had and im trying to upgrade04:11
Doonznope twin view04:11
KumoMy wireless runs WPA-TKIP encryption.04:11
FAJALOUaeos_guest: ya if it is working :p, we need more information then that04:11
FAJALOUKumo:  i have that encryption and am running infe.04:11
FAJALOUjust fyi04:11
KumoI show an option for WEP in the laptop. and options for an ASCII key and a HExadecimal key.04:12
zelrikriandonorty, meh... I dont know...you dont want to download the 8.04? :p04:12
FAJALOUKumo: normally it will just show up when you connect to an encrypted network04:12
IndyGunFreakDoonz: weird... i'm not at my PC so i can't give you much help on it,l but it works perfect on my PC04:12
nortyzelrikriando, i would but i don't have a cd burner04:12
tj1515usbs tick04:12
nortyzelrikriando, is there an iso i could get somehow? im trying to run this via VMware04:12
KumoConnection properties shows lo, and I can't select another connection04:12
ape718Can someone help me figure out what's wrong with my samba share ( a speed issue). I bonded 2 1GB  ethernet ports together and scp'ing stuff goes at decent speed (40mbps) but when I tried to transfer soemthing through samba, I get like 2-3mbps.04:12
aeos_guesti edited the interfaces file to try both static and dhcp settings, but when i restarted the networking it said failed to bring up eth0 [OK]04:12
murraymdto get the second screen to come up you should just need to goto the nvidia x server settings (under applications/system tools) xserver display configuration then click on detect displays. may require a restart to enable second monitor at least it did for me04:12
FAJALOUDoonz:  you could try #nvidia too they might be able to help04:12
zelrikriandonorty, check in the magazines ...04:12
Doonzon this network04:13
zelrikriandonorty, a lot of Linux magazines have come LiveCD of ubuntu04:13
zelrikriandonorty, yeah... at borders you know....04:13
slapkumo: start->system-administration-network. Can you see the card?04:13
zelrikriandonorty, it will cost you 5$ or so...cheaper than a CD burner :p04:14
KumoYes, and it shows active.04:14
zelrikriandonorty, or order some CD to canonical04:14
FAJALOUKumo:  is it broadcom?04:14
nortyzelrikriando, lol im not gunna buy a magazine.. haha, do you know if there are any ubuntu iso's i can download?04:15
KumoShows my ESSID as correct, connection is enabled.04:15
IndyGunFreaknorty: why can't you download/burn again?04:15
zelrikriandonorty, yeah...04:15
nortyIndyGunFreak, I don't have a cd burner04:15
KumoI run an Intel04:15
IndyGunFreakcanonical takes to long... months04:15
FAJALOUKumo:  can you type   iwconfig into terminal and paste it in ubuntu?04:15
zelrikriandonorty, go to the ubuntu's website...04:15
IndyGunFreaknorty: you can get them for a couple bucks on ebay.04:15
KumoThe wirless does show up in the device manager.04:16
FAJALOUKumo:  can you type   iwconfig into terminal and paste it into pastebin and give us a link?04:16
IndyGunFreaknorty: http://cgi.ebay.com/UBUNTU-LINUX-OS-8-04-OPERATING-SYSTEM-SECURE-SIMPLE_W0QQitemZ350085733635QQihZ022QQcategoryZ41881QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem04:16
camdenwhat is that store that sells packaged ubuntu for $20?04:16
aeos_guestis there anyway I can rerun the setup program so that I can see if it auto detects my network card?04:16
FAJALOUcamden:  i think it's bestbuy...04:16
zelrikriandonorty,  or go to some geek-association in your area...they ll even install for ya :p04:16
camdenit also comes with phone support04:17
camdenright, bestBuy04:17
camdeni think that is brilliant btw04:17
KumoFAJALOU:  can I do that without the laptop being connected to the network?04:17
slapkumo: well, your firts question was: Does ubuntu can detect your card? It is surely there. Now we will help you to configure it04:17
nortyzelrikriando, thanks :)04:17
nortyg2g bye04:17
FAJALOUsorry kumo... no you can't...04:17
FAJALOUif you type in iwconfig in terminal what do you see?04:18
aleccan anyone help me im trying to install ubuntu on a ibook running os x, i cant figure out how to get it to boot from disk04:18
leo_rockwhello... is there any forum moderator I can chat with? I need to report a spammer and I don't know the proper way.04:19
Kumounnassociated  ESSID:"my network name here" Nickmane: "ipw2100"  Mode: Managed  Channel: 0  Access Point: Not Associated04:19
LSD|Ninjaalec: press c after it chimes04:19
IndyGunFreakwhat wireless device is kumo using?04:19
ape718Can someone help me figure out what's wrong with my samba share ( a speed issue). I bonded 2 1GB  ethernet ports together and scp'ing stuff goes at decent speed (40mbps) but when I tried to transfer soemthing through samba, I get like 2-3mbps.04:19
KumoIntel PRO/Wireless LAN 210004:19
FAJALOUKumo:  then it should be working...04:19
aleclsd ninja: after i put in my pasword or right when the computer turns on?04:19
IndyGunFreakintel usually works out of the box.04:20
KumoSignal level is 004:20
LSD|Ninjaalec: when it chimes04:20
FezzlerOpenOffice apps lock up my computer (Hardy, AMD Althon, Nvida card, plenty of memory)04:20
KumoI can see all the wireless networks around here.04:20
KumoSo it's detecting, it's functioning.04:20
zelrikriandoKumo, then you re all set :)04:20
aeos_guestlspci | grep -i ethernet shows two network cards04:20
KumoI can't select eth0 as the default connection.04:21
Kumoconnection properties shows lo.04:21
FAJALOUKumo:  you don't want eth0 you want wlan004:21
m_newtonhere goes nada04:21
FezzlerI saw that I could try deleting openoffice-gtk, didn't work.  Only apps not working04:21
slapkumo: there's no wlan0 option?04:21
KumoNot that I can see04:21
machohey guy help me out,,, anywhere i can get the files for ubuntu 7.10 to ut it on my ps3 i need to do it without burning a cd?04:22
KumoNetwork settings shows eth0 as the wireless.04:22
^Daisy^how come during ubuntu installation;  it doesn't ask for root password04:22
FAJALOUkumo if you type in iwconfig in terminal, there is no wlan something...04:22
slapkumo: just restart the network04:22
DoonzOk i got more info04:22
^Daisy^how come during ubuntu installation;  it doesn't ask for what to use for root password04:22
LSD|Ninja^Daisy^: root account is disabled04:22
FAJALOU^Daisy^:  b/c root doesn't originally have a pw, you have to manually set it04:22
slapkumo: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart04:22
FAJALOUand have patience ^Daisy^04:22
LSD|NinjaFAJALOU: no you don't04:22
DoonzWhen i disable monitor 2 monitor one resolutions get set to 800x60004:22
^Daisy^how can root account be disabled; you need root account to install or change system setting04:23
FAJALOULSD|Ninja: don't you have to set the pw?04:23
LSD|NinjaFAJALOU: everything you need root for in common use under ubuntu can be handled by sido and friends04:23
dmi3ondoes ubuntu has a lot of problems with two monitors ?04:23
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)04:23
zelrikriando^Daisy^, yu just need sud04:23
^Daisy^zelrikriando huh04:23
zelrikriandogrrr my oooo's are missing04:23
FAJALOULSD|Ninja: o ok,,,, but the acunt tself is disabled04:23
zelrikriando^Daisy^, sudo will take care of everything :)04:23
zelrikriando^Daisy^, to be prompt as root : sudo su04:24
seekingtruthhow can add another layer of security to ubuntu besides the login and password?04:25
brent113_Hello, where can I get some help with mdadm?04:25
KumoFailed to bring up wlan004:25
seekingtruth!mdadm | brent113_04:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mdadm04:25
lbokenhi again  its again me lol   im how do we add  services in the service manager? im trying to make my icecast as service    but the way i heard was  ntsysv in a console buti et command not found04:25
seekingtruthlboken: its you again? ;p lol04:26
lbokenyes its me again lol04:26
leo_rockwseekingtruth: what kind of security? you can put a password to grub, for example.04:26
seekingtruthlboken: :)04:26
seekingtruthleo_rockw: i just want an extra security in case someone wants to access my ubuntu.  what do you rcommend?04:26
zelrikriandoKumo, what are you trying to do?04:27
brent113_My mdadm can only assemble 3 of 5 drives, not enough to start.  I'm wondering why it can't assemble the other 2, as when I --examine them they appear to be working.  If anyone has used mdadm before, thanks in advance04:27
leo_rockwseekingtruth: remote access? use a router or set up a firewall. change ssh's default port for some other random port.04:27
zelrikriandohi starn04:27
seekingtruthleo_rockw:  pls listen :)04:27
slapkumo: so wlan0 is there!04:28
seekingtruthleo_rockw: im talking about logining into ubuntu from my keyboard04:28
KumoI'm considering putting Ubuntu on my laptop.  I want to make sure that I can connect to my WiFi network first.04:28
kaperseekingtruth, i think protect password bios, boot to hdd first, password grub and lock the cpu. i don't know it's the aswer or not04:28
zelrikriandostarn, any update? :)04:28
leo_rockwseekingtruth: you don't mean remote access?04:28
seekingtruthKumo: then test it first.  install ubuntu using Virtualbox04:28
machowill any1 help me out04:28
starnzelrikriando: hello.. um.. i got nvidia working.... now effects dont do much.... now i just get a white screen04:28
IndyGunFreakKumo: there's not very many wireless devices that work on the live CD04:28
seekingtruthkaper:  put a password to grub?04:28
leo_rockwseekingtruth: I was going to recommend a router or firewall. And setting ssh (if you use ssh) on a different port.04:29
seekingtruthleo_rockw: are you even listening to what I say? lol04:29
KumoAs opposed to running it from a LiveCD?04:29
seekingtruthleo_rockw: you feeling ok? LOL04:29
leo_rockwseekingtruth: not really, I don't have festival04:29
kaperyes i mean if you want to boot to single mode u have to type the password04:29
dmi3onhi am installing ubuntu04:29
zelrikriandostarn, a white screen?04:29
seekingtruthleo_rockw: listen to me this time :)  NOT remote access. keyboard access04:29
seekingtruthKumo: yes04:29
^Daisy^i don't understand the whole no root in ubuntu thing04:29
dmi3oncan any one guide me pls04:29
Flannelseekingtruth: No need to be rude04:29
leo_rockwseekingtruth: unplug your keyboard and carry it around with you04:29
^Daisy^how come during ubuntu installation;  it doesn't ask for what to use for root password04:29
seekingtruthKumo: becxause that way you can get a ptoper isntall and meddle and change config etc04:29
seekingtruthFlannel: ok04:29
kaperhehe leo_rockw04:29
starnzelrikriando: and glxinfo | grep direct says direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)04:29
dmi3oni have complex situation04:29
machohow many way to install ubuntu on ps3?04:29
seekingtruthFlannel: but leo_rockw is not helping!  read his replies04:30
bcmiller2dmi3on, what is the question04:30
FAJALOU^Daisy^:  because you don't always need to be logged in as root.04:30
=== aura is now known as Reivaj7
IndyGunFreak^Daisy^: you've been told that at least 3x04:30
dmi3onbcmiller2, can i PM you04:30
^Daisy^fajalou i never said you do04:30
zelrikriandostarn, so something is wrong about your nvidia settings...04:30
KumoOkay.  Let me back up all my stuff.04:30
leo_rockwseekingtruth: the very first thing I told you was to password protect grub. You weren't being specific enough04:30
seekingtruthFlannel: in fact he is bordering on trolling.04:30
Flannelseekingtruth: As far as regular logins, having a strong password is the only way.  As far as other methods, yes, locking down grub and stuff.  If you want more, you could encrypt your harddrive.04:30
seekingtruthFlannel: ok thanks04:30
leo_rockwseekingtruth: ignored04:30
starnzelrikriando: how would i change em?04:30
dmi3onbcmiller2, very hard to type here i am not so fast04:30
seekingtruthFlannel: but I cant get truecrypt to work.  so what else you recommend?04:30
FAJALOU^Daisy^:  and root account is disabled so you don't run everything as root.04:30
h2iwhen powering, would my bios detect my t.v. plugged in through s-video?04:31
Flannelseekingtruth: theinstaller supports encrypted LVM, the alternate CD that is.04:31
LSD|Ninjah2i: it depends on the card and what other output devicesare connected04:31
seekingtruthFlannel: even if I have a strong password, i rthought its easy to bypass the Ubuntu password login. no?04:31
LSD|Ninjah2i: ATi cards will typically default to TV out if you boot them with only the TV connected04:31
bcmiller2but your are better off typing to the whole chan incase I don't have the answer04:31
seekingtruthFlannel: i already have ububuntu installed though04:31
bcmiller2I'll see it04:31
zelrikriandostarn, I am not sure ,I never used a nvidia card on ubuntu...04:31
^Daisy^fajalou i dn't run everything as root but i still need root04:31
Flannelseekingtruth: Not if you lock down your grub, and disable booting from CDs04:31
dmi3oni have hard drive 160Gb04:31
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:31
seekingtruthFlannel: can u pls explain what you mean "lock down grub"?04:32
zelrikriandostarn, have you checked that link?04:32
IndyGunFreak!sudo | ^Daisy^ stop trolling, and read the information you've been given04:32
ubottu^Daisy^ stop trolling, and read the information you've been given: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)04:32
FAJALOU^Daisy^:  then go set a root pw and log in as root, but be warned i don't believe that you can use root with a gui like gtk04:32
Flannelseekingtruth: You can require a password to choose any entry except the default one.04:32
starnzelrikriando: aint sure... i have bad memory checking it out now though04:32
seekingtruthFlannel:  what do you mean?04:32
dmi3onbcmiller2, i divide it into two parts 5Gb and rest, i want to install on 5Gb part ubuntu04:32
dmi3onthat all04:32
Flannelseekingtruth: You'll have to clarify your question, because my answer to that would be word-for-word of my last response04:33
^Daisy^fajalous  how can i set a root password  with a regular user04:33
bcmiller2Okay... is something already installed on the 160gb?04:33
^Daisy^fajalous only root user can set root password04:33
dmi3onyes vista, and a lot of porn04:33
h2iLSD|Ninja: i have an old card ati radeon  mobility m7 7500 (in some order like that), where could i read up on how my card would word, and maybe a few other general knowledge sources would be nice too :)04:33
seekingtruthFlannel: what do you mean? elaborate pls on "You can require a password to choose any entry except the default one."04:33
FAJALOU^Daisy^: System>Administration>Users and groups04:33
bcmiller2lol.. I see why you can only spare 5 then04:33
zelrikriandostarn, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia everything you need is there...they even explain the white screen04:34
Flannel^Daisy^: You don't need to set the root password, so it's moot.  Please listen to the help you've been given, instead of insisting on doing it an unsupported way.04:34
dmi3onbcmiller2, i am now on prepare disk space04:34
dmi3onbcmiller2, i check manual04:34
bcmiller2Okay, when you get the choice during the install, pick manual an resize the 160 down to 15004:34
LSD|Ninjah2i: if it's in a laptop then it probably won't work since it'll detect the laptop LCD and default to that first. The TV failover is dependent on nothing but the TV being connected at boot time04:34
seekingtruthFlannel: how do I learn to "lock down my grub"?04:34
Flannelseekingtruth: Someone will need to know a password to choose anything other than normal boot.04:34
seekingtruthFlannel: ok siounds good, how I do that?04:34
starnzelrikriando: it dosnt help me with the method i used to install...04:34
Flannelseekingtruth: there are some commented out entries in the menu.lst, that's probably the best way to start04:34
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leo_rockw^Daisy^: basically, you don't need root and if you needed it you wouldn't have the necessity to ask.04:35
bcmiller2I recommend you take just a little more than 5GB but it should be enough04:35
zelrikriandostarn, it should04:35
paolo_Is there a log for apt-get somewhere?04:35
dmi3onbcmiller2, can i have  a lot of data on c:04:35
zelrikriandostarn, undo what you did and follow that page...04:35
starnzelrikriando: anyways i got an idea soo i am trying brb04:35
seekingtruthFlannel: theres an entry already that password protects grub?04:35
themunkeehi, can someone help me change my screen resolution? when I installed the nvidia drivers it changed it to 1024x768 and I can't get it any higher04:35
Flannelseekingtruth: It's commented out.  You'll see it.04:35
dmi3onbcmiller2, cant i have  a lot of data on c:04:35
FAJALOUseekingtruth:  grub's menu.lst  is easy to see what to do...04:35
seekingtruthFlannel: how do I disable booting of CD?04:35
Flannelseekingtruth: but yes, GRUB already has the functionality built in04:35
seekingtruthFAJALOU: ok thanks04:35
leo_rockwpaolo_: /var/log/apt i believe04:35
bcmiller2dmi3on, Ideally you would make 3 partitions - 1 swap (about equal or double your amount of ram) 1 for /home so you can reinstall linux and lose nothing and last for root04:35
Flannelseekingtruth: that's a BIOS level thing.04:35
lbokendaisy liek  they sayed you dont have to use root when you use the command sudo  its turn your right into the  root  power and anyway even if you do set a  password on root you cant log in  destop  loging  asroot04:35
LSD|Ninjathemunkee: try gksudo displayconfig-gtk04:35
FAJALOUseekingtruth:  that is in your BIos04:35
seekingtruthFlannel:  ok04:36
dmi3onbcmiller2, are you saying that 5G is not inaf /04:36
NemesisDhi all, all the sudden all flash videos in firefox have gone gray and don't show anything, but in midori they work. halp :(04:36
seekingtruthill go look in grub menu brb04:36
FezzlerWhy does OpenOffice lock up my computer and not start?  Only troubled app.04:36
ansichartIf I am running Ubuntu server-edition and I want the latest version of PHP, what's the best way to do this?  No one has compiled PHP 5.2.6 in the repository yet, it is still on 5.2.4 so I can't use apt-get  Is it safe to download the source and compile it yourself on an application that you had installed using apt-get?04:36
leo_rockwNemesisD: what are you using for flash videos?04:36
bcmiller2dmi3on, Im saying that it is enough but with 160GB you may want to install or download more than that04:36
dmi3onbcmiller2, i have other hard drive 35G but i what use it for back up04:36
leo_rockwFezzler: try running from CLI and reading any error output you get04:36
themunkeeninja: that still just gives me up to 102404:37
themunkeewas at 1600 before04:37
dmi3onbcmiller2, or can i use 35Gb ntfs for ubuntu soft ?04:37
LSD|Ninjathemunkee: even after you select the right monitor int the other tab>04:37
bcmiller2you have to format it to use ubuntu - doesn't use ntfs04:37
NemesisDleo_rockw, apparently flash player 9 r12404:37
FAJALOUseekingtruth: there is also a program that easily (and safely) locks your old kernels and recovery modes:  StartUp Manager04:37
Flannelbcmiller2: that's not entirely correct.  You could use wubi.04:38
dmi3onbcmiller2, ok now i am on prepare disk space what is a next step04:38
zelrikriandoI love how flash is stable and stuff04:38
leo_rockwNemesisD: then your best shot might be complaining to Adobe. I don't use privative software so I can't help you there04:38
FezzlerI get04:38
bcmiller2Flannel, yeah true04:38
zelrikriandoan example of well designed format04:38
dmi3onbcmiller2, i check the manual right ?04:38
ape718Can someone help me figure out what's wrong with my samba share ( a speed issue). I bonded 2 1GB  ethernet ports together and scp'ing stuff goes at decent speed (40mbps) but when I tried to transfer soemthing through samba, I get like 2-3mbps.04:39
ice_creamif i started spouting vague references to old jokes, such as "i like repainting the bike shed", would that improve the conversation at all?04:39
* dmi3on press forward04:39
themunkeeninja: how do I tell my exact monitor?04:39
NyaxNot so much, ice_cream.04:39
bcmiller2then pick your parition and resize to 15504:39
NyaxAt least, I don't think so.04:39
NemesisDcomplaining to adobe, that sounds like it will work...04:39
acp_hi I have set up my ubuntu to be ltsp server, now how can I make my thinclient uses default desktop setup? what Im trying to do is setup a desktop that all configure apps like gyache is already on there desktop once client login to my thinclient04:39
NemesisDit was working like 2 days ago04:39
ice_creamNyax, but it's interesting to see if someone comments on the reference, no?04:39
dmi3onbcmiller2, what i cant tuch the 155 part04:39
leo_rockwNemesisD: I wouldn't think so. You can always try free software. swfdec is a cool guy.04:40
zelrikriandoNemesisD, what did you do since those 2 days?04:40
LSD|Ninjathemunkee: if your monitor isn't in the list then you can use one of the generic ones04:40
dmi3onbcmiller2, pls dont make me loss all data on c: very good porn :)04:40
NemesisDinstalled a new compiz/gnome theme04:40
acp_can any one direct to a how-to04:40
ice_creamancient bsd humor over sleep(1)  http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/misc.html#BIKESHED-PAINTING04:40
NemesisDalready tried turning compiz off though and it still doesn't change anything04:40
IndyGunFreakdmi3on: i've got a feeling you're going to screw something up, you erally need to make sure you have a good backup before proceeding.. if there's really data you can't lose04:40
bcmiller2dmi3on, porn is like pizza, even when bad it's good... you should be fine resizing it - if it's all fragmented it will tell you it can't be done04:41
FAJALOUdmi3on: please keep your dirty secrets to yourself.... we all don't like to hear about your porn stories ;), just say they are important files04:41
zelrikriandoNemesisD, what about updates?04:41
leo_rockwbcmiller2: the installer warns you if the drive is fragmented? cool, I didn't know that!04:41
Troy^hey is there a drive for my onboard nforce lan work? NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Adapter04:41
NemesisDzelrikriando, when i see an update comes in i just fire up aptitude and upgrade, i don't look though whats in there, but there's definitely been updates the past 2 days04:41
seekingtruthFlannel: it says password --md5 $1$gLhU0/$aW78kHK1QfV3P2b2znUoe/04:41
bcmiller2leo_rockw, are you being funny? - can't tell - it just fails to resize04:42
seekingtruthFlannel: no idea what im supposed to do with that lol04:42
zelrikriandoNemesisD, there is an history of the various changes in your synaptic manager04:42
Troy^hey will my onboard nforce lan work in ubuntu? NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Adapter04:42
leo_rockwbcmiller2: no, I seriously didn't know. I always installed on free partitions.04:42
ZacharyDeDrakecan someone help me please with ubuntu 7.104:42
Nyax!ask | ZacharyDeDrake04:42
ubottuZacharyDeDrake: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:42
bcmiller2leo_rockw, lol, ok, you can never be sure in here04:42
NemesisDargh im super irritable right now, its inexplicably humid04:42
leo_rockwbcmiller2: haha... true04:42
zelrikriandoNemesisD, I doubt it can help though04:42
NemesisDhow compatible is swfdec04:43
ZacharyDeDrakehow do I install flash player on 7.104:43
NemesisDnm, flash version 404:43
NemesisDdo not want04:43
leo_rockwNemesisD: works on youtube04:43
acp_Troy^, Im using 8.04.1 and my nvidia lan works outof the box04:43
zelrikriandoNemesisD, is it hot at your place?04:43
ZacharyDeDrakehow and where?04:43
dmi3onbcmiller2, ok now i have /dev/sda1 ntfs 153853 MB,  /dev/sda2/ swap 509MB, NTFS /media/sda3 5675 MB,04:43
leo_rockwNemesisD: and like 90% of the flash sites I tried work for me.04:43
Troy^acp_: NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Adapter from motherboard A7N8X2.0 is it a nforce 2 chipset?04:44
dmi3onbcmiller2, i dont understand what should i do next04:44
NemesisDwell it feels really hot in this room but the rest of the house not so much, must be my space heater of a PC or some sort of ventilation issue04:44
zelrikriandoleo_rockw, what about the 10 remaining %04:44
dmi3oni need two partitions04:44
NemesisDyeah 90% aint gonna cut it for me04:44
ZacharyDeDrakehow do I get flashplayer on ubuntu 7.104:44
leo_rockwNemesisD: you have 0% at the moment if I'm not mistaken04:44
bcmiller2okay if I read that right your swap is formatted ntfs - it should be formatted as linux swap04:44
axisysuser wants his desktop looks like windows.. he wants my computer / network / stuff some typical folders shows up as clickable in his desktop04:45
zelrikriandoNemesisD, your computer being hot could be a problem..04:45
ape718Can someone help me figure out what's wrong with my samba share ( a speed issue). I bonded 2 1GB  ethernet ports together and scp'ing stuff goes at decent speed (40mbps) but when I tried to transfer soemthing through samba, I get like 2-3mbps.04:45
bcmiller2or you have an extra ntfs in your text04:45
axisysis there a switch on gnome to do that?04:45
FAJALOUZacharyDeDrake: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree04:45
acp_Troy^, Im using a pcchips A15G motherborad04:45
ZacharyDeDrakewhat is that?04:45
leo_rockwzelrikriando: I try to avoid the other 10% :P04:45
MrPickleIm having trouble with hardware devices: My wireless NIC [broadcom 4309] is recognized as a network controller by lshw, but not as an interface. There is no listing for the logical name or the serial# of the device. lspci shows the device working fine. I have the drivers for the device installed through ndiswrapper and according to this utility everything is working fine;04:45
MrPickle -continued- but the device does not show up in the networking console or in network tools. halp?04:45
Fezzler1Help.  Terminal keep looping.  ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR } followed by ata1.00: error: { UNC }   how do I break?  OpenOffice caused this04:45
bcmiller2dmi3on, I think you just have an extra ntfs in here but you did it right... click continue04:45
zelrikriandoNemesisD, not sure if it relates to your flash things but flash do make your processor work :p04:46
joejoecircusboyape718: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=531505 << try there?04:46
Troy^acp_: what nforce version on your motherboard? nforce 2,3, 4?>04:46
Troy^i hope it works04:46
Fezzler1Also getting a BMDMA stat 0x85 message04:46
leo_rockwZacharyDeDrake: don't you get prompted by Firefox to install swfdec, gnash or Adobe Flash when you try watching some flash stuff?04:46
dmi3onbcmiller2, /dev/sda2/ swap 509MB, i click edit and select use as: what ?04:46
NemesisDeh my temps are fine04:46
aeos_guesthi, I have my ubuntu server showing up in my routers list of active servers but I cannot ping anything from the server04:46
Fezzler1and exception Emask04:46
bcmiller2format as swap04:46
MrPickleI cant figure this one out!!04:46
NemesisDleo_rockw, false, all flash videos work in midori04:47
bcmiller2or use as swap04:47
NemesisDi water cool04:47
dmi3onbcmiller2, /dev/sda2/ NTFS 5675MB, i click edit and select use as: what ?04:47
Fezzler1any ideas?04:47
dmi3onbcmiller2, /dev/sda3/ NTFS 5675MB, i click edit and select use as: what ?04:47
leo_rockwNemesisD: then why try to fix what isn't broken?04:47
FirstmateHow do you tell what distribution you have?04:47
NemesisDleo_rockw, because midori blows as a browser04:47
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell04:47
leo_rockwFirstmate: lsb_release -a04:47
IndyGunFreakFirstmate: in a terminal  "lsb_release -a" no quotes04:47
MrPickleIm having trouble with hardware devices: My wireless NIC [broadcom 4309] is recognized as a network controller by lshw, but not as an interface. There is no listing for the logical name or the serial# of the device. lspci shows the device working fine. I have the drivers for the device installed through ndiswrapper and according to this utility everything is working fine;04:48
MrPickle-continued- but the device does not show up in the networking console or in network tools. halp?04:48
Firstmatelol typed the repository wrong04:48
zelrikriandoNemesisD, is midori that good?04:48
Firstmateatp instead of apt04:48
bazhangwhat is midori NemesisD04:48
leo_rockwZacharyDeDrake: don't yell please04:48
IndyGunFreakZacharyDeDrake: take a paxil, and stop using caps04:48
joejoecircusboyZacharyDeDrake: ubuntuguide.org04:48
NemesisDzelrikriando, blows is a term in america which means its not very good04:48
Fezzler1Do I hav a dead drive?  All other apps work fine.  OpenOffice causing this.04:48
NemesisDbazhang, an alpha browser that uses the webkit engine04:48
greatdane77I'm having a problem with Alien04:48
IndyGunFreakgreatdane77: thats not really uncommon.04:49
zelrikriandoNemesisD, try epiphany to see if the problem is there too04:49
MrPickleIm having trouble with hardware devices: My wireless NIC [broadcom 4309] is recognized as a network controller by lshw, but not as an interface. There is no listing for the logical name or the serial# of the device. lspci shows the device working fine. I have the drivers for the device installed through ndiswrapper and according to this utility everything is working fine;04:49
MrPickle-continued- but the device does not show up in the networking console or in network tools. halp?04:49
joejoecircusboyFezzler1: Why do you say that error is related to OpenOffice?04:49
leo_rockwMrPickle: can you stop repeating yourself, thank you04:49
bobertdos!broadcom | MrPickle04:49
ubottuMrPickle: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx04:49
MrPickleive gone through that a dozen times, but thanks anyway04:49
dmi3onbcmiller2, i press next no rote file system is defined04:49
Troy^thank you for the ubuntuguide link :D04:50
Fezzler1joejoecircusboy> Because it happens only when I start an OpenOffice app after installing Hardy04:50
greatdane77I closed the terminal window half way through what alien was doing and now it won't run because some files already exist but i can't delete those files because they are owned by root04:50
FAJALOUZacharyDeDrake: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree04:50
NemesisDzelrikriando, flash is functional in epiphany as well04:50
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff MrPickle04:50
joejoecircusboyFezzler1: That's probably because OpenOffice is *heavy* on the disk04:50
bcmiller2dmi3on, okay make sure you pick to use /dev/sda3 as /04:50
Fezzler1joejoecircusboy> Ctrl-C doesn't stop loop04:50
FirstmateAnyone good with the network manager, wicd?04:50
zelrikriandoNemesisD, actually that reminds me of something, what version of ubuntu/firefox are you using?04:50
Fezzler1joejoecircusboy> ?  heavy on disk?04:51
* dmi3on is hoping that porn is not going to be lost now04:51
leo_rockwNemesisD: if epyphany and midori work then all indicates it is a FF problem04:51
greatdane77can anyone help me with my Alien problem?04:51
joejoecircusboyFezzler1: OpenOffice causes alot of disk activity04:51
bazhangdmi3on, keep the channel family friendly04:51
leo_rockwgreatdane77: use sudo to delete the files if you consider it is safe to delete them04:51
=== techno_freak is now known as technofreak|woun
zelrikriandoNemesisD, you could complain to #firefox@irc.mozilla.org04:52
NemesisDzelrikriando, firefox 3.01, ubuntu hardy04:52
greatdane77how do you do that?04:52
joejoecircusboyFezzler1: It's definately not OO.org causing that error (that's a kernel error, not an application error)04:52
=== technofreak|woun is now known as technofreak|hurt
zelrikriandoNemesisD, ok04:52
sdtr443wSo I got the ATI proprietary driver to work and after an hour of messing around my login screen is finally dual-head again.  But as soon as I log in, it goes into clone mode.  What could be forcing clone mode?04:52
leo_rockwgreatdane77: can you use the console?04:52
joejoecircusboyFezzler1: Anyway, ya... you could have a bad drive or controller (or a controller that's not well supported under linux)04:52
zelrikriandoNemesisD, you might have better luck there..who knows :)04:52
FirstmateAnyone know the mouse movement to switch workspaces?04:52
Fezzler1joejoecircusboy> Is the only way to stop loop to reboot with on/off switch?04:52
Fezzler1joejoecircusboy> Everything else but OpenOffice works great04:53
joejoecircusboyFezzler1: Maybe the drive electronics go crazy when you access certain areas of the disk... which happen to be occupied by OO.org04:53
Fezzler1joejoecircusboy> Controller worked fine with OO before Hardy04:53
joejoecircusboyFezzler1: So probably a driver issue then... what mainboard/chipset?04:54
leo_rockwis there any forum moderator or someone who can tell me how to report spam on forum PMs?04:54
Fezzler1joejoecircusboy> Reinstalled OO to make sure disk location wasn't the issue04:54
dmi3onbcmiller2, thx very much its installing now04:54
bazhang#freenode leo_rockw04:54
joejoecircusboyFezzler1: OO.org is not the problem here :)04:54
BrendanWelshIf there is a space in a file name and I am trying to move a file using mv how do I make the space work in the command?04:54
leo_rockwbazhang: no, I mean ubuntu forum PMs04:54
greatdane77leo....is console the terminal window?04:54
Fezzler1joejoecircusboy> not sure.  Hardy issue w/ OO04:54
leo_rockwgreatdane77: yup04:54
tarranonI'm trying to open an mkv and I keep getting this error Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.04:54
leo_rockwbazhang: but thanks04:55
=== Amit123 is now known as atomic_ue
bazhangleo_rockw, that is the place04:55
Fezzler1joejoecircusboy> or perhaps AMD Athlon / OO issue04:55
bcmiller2dmi3on, enjoy and get some help for your pron problem04:55
joejoecircusboyFezzler1: No way.,.. not possible... that's like saying notepad is causing your video card to crash04:55
bazhangbcmiller2, keep the channel family friendly04:55
qrBrendanWelsh: you can put the file name in ""s04:56
bcmiller2bazhang, I did, I told him to get help for that04:56
chipbuddy i've been downloading themes and icon sets, and i'm pretty happy. but some icons i don't like. how can i add my own icons to the set (really i want to copy the icons from another set). i've found the .icons folder, but how do i navigate it?04:56
bazhang!guidelines | bcmiller204:56
ubottubcmiller2: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:56
tarranonI'm trying to open an mkv and I keep getting this error Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.04:56
greatdane77leo... can we IM?04:56
bcmiller2holy moly... he was the maniac with that stuff -04:56
Fezzler1joejoecircusboy> No way?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/22556804:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 225568 in openoffice.org "OpenOffice.org 2.4 (in Hardy) crashes on opening OOXML files." [Undecided,Invalid]04:57
bcmiller2I'm a choirboy from here on out :p04:57
leo_rockwgreatdane77: IMs do not get indexed by google, so my answer is no. sorry04:57
greatdane77leo...so how do i delete these files?04:57
FirstmateIs anyone good with wicd?04:58
AldorkSorry im new; where can I check installed hardware?04:58
greatdane77i thoughjt i had to log in as root to do it?04:58
chetnickFirstmate: what do you need?04:58
joejoecircusboy(11:56:59 PM) Fezzler1: joejoecircusboy> No way?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/225568 <<< Hah, how is this related to your problem exactly? (Other than you think OO is causing your drive to fail and that bug happens to be OO related)04:58
leo_rockwgreatdane77: open a terminal and read the manual for rm (type in man rm)04:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 225568 in openoffice.org "OpenOffice.org 2.4 (in Hardy) crashes on opening OOXML files." [Undecided,Invalid]04:58
FirstmateI cant connect04:58
bazhangAldork, lshw04:58
dmi3onmathematica and compiz still have a problems ?04:58
joejoecircusboyFezzler1: Anyway dude, good luck with your OO.org/disk controller bug ;)04:59
FirstmateI entered all the info correctly04:59
chetnickwhat kind of encryption you have?04:59
leo_rockwgreatdane77: and then read the manual on sudo (man sudo)04:59
Aldorkbazhang thanks04:59
zelrikriandowb starn04:59
FirstmateIll try removing the WEP and then connecting...05:00
zelrikriandostarn, how is it going now?05:00
starnzelrikriando: same...05:00
FAJALOUFirstmate:  shouldn't make a difference.05:00
FAJALOUi mean ubuntu should be able to work w/ it05:00
zelrikriandostarn, did you do what I suggested?05:00
FirstmateWell the ubuntu network manger was unable to connect to my network, succesffully if it didnt have a WEP05:00
Fezzler1joejoecircusboy> Thanks.  I'm sure I'll figure this OO / Hardy bug05:01
Firstmatebut, someone here named, Tanubis recommended me wicd05:01
starnzelrikriando: i ran nvidia-settings.. and it says you do not appear to be useing nvidia X driver please edit you X configuration file (just run 'nvidia-xconfig' as root) and restart the x server and i did so nothing changed.05:01
ansichartAlright, tricky question here.  Let's say that you have multiple repository sources and Source-A says that Application-A's latest version is 1.2.3 and Source-B says Application-A's latest version is 1.2.4, it will use Source-B's when upgrading.  Now let's say later on Source-A updates to 1.2.5 and Source-B is still at 1.2.4, will apt-get be smart enough to go back and use Source-A then?05:01
zelrikriandook I should go to bed now05:01
joejoecircusboyFezzler1: Sure, and by that time you're realize it's not an OO.org bug05:01
bazhangansichart, please pastebin your sources.list05:01
chetnickFirstmate: try that first, i am trying to lookup for tutorial that i used for wicd on ubuntu. I was following the tutorial and it worked for me fine. i had wpa encryption. I am not using wicd at the moment, so i am not able to help you to much.05:01
zelrikriandostarn, I cant help you much on that one...ask someone who is more expert05:01
FirstmateHow do I return to ubuntu's built in network manger?05:01
starnzelrikriando: ok thanks05:02
bazhangansichart, to paste.ubuntu.com NOT here05:02
FirstmateIm unfamiliar with ubuntu, honestly, so i have no clue05:02
ansichartbazhang, Yes... I know05:02
Firstmateehh, I gtg05:02
FirstmateI can talk later05:02
Fezzler1joejoecircusboy> BRB.  Reading "Re: Open Office crashes my system on 8.04" thread in Ubuntu Forum.  May take me awhile as it is long05:02
ansichartbazhang, http://pastebin.com/d4e19ce2d05:04
Miesco_I cant copy a file cause it has a weird character05:04
Miesco_FUCK YOU05:04
starnwhat is the currect command line for restarting xserv?05:04
FloodBot1Miesco_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:04
bazhangMiesco_, stop cursing05:04
IndyGunFreaki think he's upset05:04
Troy^im trying to make a system installed with unbuntu a gateway/router05:04
bcmiller2!guidelines | Miesco_05:04
ubottuMiesco_: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:04
Miesco_Oh  I know the guidelines all right, and you take take them, and you can shove em!05:05
Miesco_Just kidding05:05
sdtr443wOk that is frustrating.  The login screen is dual-head.  The prompt is on the right and the left side is a brown background.  Mouse cursor moves between them fine.  Then I log in.  Both screens flicker, and suddenly they're in clone mode.  How do I get rid of that!05:05
trojan__I fuck in ass my sister! Help me!05:05
Troy^im trying to make a system installed with unbuntu a gateway/router, which steps/applications should i do?05:06
^Daisy^why is it so hard to install programs in ubuntu?  if try to install programA  it requires programB, if i try to intall programB it require programC  so on and so on05:06
kevinO!language | trojan_05:06
ubottutrojan_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:06
joejoecircusboyTroy^: Is this a standalone box (without a monitor)05:06
Miesco_Is the GUI cp same as command cp?05:06
nickrud^Daisy^ you should be using synaptic, it handles all that for you05:06
Doonzhey is there a un family friendly version of this chan?05:06
Troy^well it wont have a monitor after its running and setup05:06
bcmiller2Doonz, we seem to be in it05:07
leo_rockw^Daisy^: apt takes care of dependency nightmares05:07
nickrud^Daisy^ what are you having problems with?05:07
joejoecircusboyTroy^: Not sure what the policy on this is here, but: Too be honest, Ubuntu not your best choice for a headless server... I'd go with CentOS over Ubuntu for that type of thing05:07
Troy^joejoecircusboy: well it wont have a monitor after its running and setup05:07
starnwhat is the currect command line for restarting xserv?05:07
nickrudjoejoecircusboy permanent ban ;)05:07
bazhanghang on a sec ansichart05:08
joejoecircusboyDon't get me wrong Ubuntu kicks ass! (For desktop)... but it needs more work for server roles05:08
nickrudstarn clt-alt-backspace05:08
Troy^joejoecircusboy: i just want something easy to use that i can make a gateway/router with and then like features of a regular nix box over ssh05:08
nickrudstarn or sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart05:08
starni do that... but it dosnt seem to work currectly.05:08
m_newtonhello.... can i get help with Ubuntu lie USB Persistant... I get an error: no partitions active when i boot.... i have followed the instructions on http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/05/15/usb-ubuntu-804-persistent-install-from-linux/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent only to get the same error [i have tried same procedure on 2 usb's]05:08
leo_rockwjoejoecircusboy: maybe it's just me, but to use a debian like distro as a server I'd just go for Debian itself05:08
joejoecircusboyleo_rockw: true05:09
ansichartbazhan, I was just wondering how this would work in theory... because I was thinking about setting up my own repository on my localhost, and downloading and compiling software myself for the latest versions if the repositories are behind.05:09
Doonzwow 14 hours left on a raid rebuild05:09
* Doonz cries05:09
ansichartbazhang, I was just wondering how this would work in theory... because I was thinking about setting up my own repository on my localhost, and downloading and compiling software myself for the latest versions if the repositories are behind.*05:09
bazhangansichart, you want to do apt-pinning? have the latest software from proposed? or use 3rd party repos; what is your goal here?05:09
joejoecircusboyTroy^: If you're willing to learn a slightly different flavour of Linux... I'd give CentOS a try for that05:09
starnnickrud: ok that brings me to another question um. how would i make gdm defualt and not kde.. for i kinda missed up i ment to install ubuntu first and kubuntu secound but i dint...05:10
leo_rockwjoejoecircusboy: CentOS is community RHEL, right?05:10
nickrudstarn sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm :)05:10
joejoecircusboyleo_rockw: Ya05:10
bazhanglets take centos talk to #ubuntu-offtopic05:10
nickrudleo_rockw joejoecircusboy #ubuntu-offtopic is better05:10
gaintsuraHey all, I'm having some really choppy video issues, and I also can't view fullscreen, Using HH, 24-19-generic kernel, and fglrx drivers05:10
starnnickrud: wow that easy? thanks!05:10
Troy^sorry about that joejoecircusboy05:10
leo_rockwbazhang, nickrud: oops, sorry.05:10
Miesco_How do I strip no ascii characters from a s*** load of files05:11
leo_rockwgaintsura: what's your video out? fglrx are annoying05:11
^Daisy^leo_rockw how come other OS doesn't have dependency problem, but Ubuntu does05:11
m_newtonhello.... can i get help with Ubuntu lie USB Persistant... I get an error: no partitions active when i boot.... i have followed the instructions on http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/05/15/usb-ubuntu-804-persistent-install-from-linux/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent only to get the same error [i have tried same procedure on 2 usb's]05:11
joejoecircusboyTroy^: No worries... one last comment on the topic: Any distro will do for that role, just some are more polished (you can't make a 'wrong' choice)05:11
leo_rockw^Daisy^: what? Ubuntu doesn't have dependency problems05:11
gaintsuraleo_rockw: ?05:11
nickrud^Daisy^ they do. Ubuntu doesn't, unless you're using it wrong05:12
leo_rockwgaintsura: what video app are you using?05:12
^Daisy^why is it so hard to install programs in ubuntu?  if try to install programA  it requires programB, if i try to intall programB it require programC  so on and so on05:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lart05:12
bazhang^Daisy^, this is a support channel not a chat channel; please take chat elsewhere05:12
gaintsuraahh, leo_rockw I've tried gstreamer as well as mplayer05:12
nickrud^Daisy^ unless you tell us what your problem is, we can't help. Complaining randomly won't get you jack05:12
=== statix is now known as zmig
Troy^joejoecircusboy: hmm and the distro you recommended me, is it typically hard to install and learn is it similiar to gentoo sort of thing?05:12
joejoecircusboyTroy^: let's go PM05:13
leo_rockwgaintsura: ok, we can try something for mplayer... create a file ~/.mplayer/config05:13
leo_rockwgaintsura: write a line that says "vo = gl2" (no quotes) and try running mplayer again05:13
dmi3onbcmiller2, some think is wrong ubuntu doesnt start :(05:13
DaruniaCan the live cd be enabled to play MP3s ??05:13
gaintsuraleo_rockw: file is already there ^_^05:14
Daruniaanyone, help please - Can the live cd be enabled to play MP3s ??05:14
dmi3onbcmiller2, i finish installation and rebot vista starts right the way05:14
leo_rockwgaintsura: then just look for a line that says "vo = " if it isn't there then add it with what I told you before05:14
ubottum_newton: Admin, Bantracker, Bugtracker, Channel, Config, Encyclopedia, IRCLogin, Misc, Owner, Plugin, Reply, Services, User, Utilities, and Webcal05:14
Miesco_Is there a program to take out all the non-ascii characters in my german music file names so I can back them up05:14
leo_rockwDarunia: yes05:14
KattmanPuppy on usb  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4HWglG2aEI05:14
gaintsuraleo_rockw: it didn't change anything05:14
leo_rockwtry xv instead of gl2. if xv doesn't work try x1105:15
leo_rockwgaintsura: if it still doesn't work then I really don't know what else it could be.05:16
Darunialeo_rockw : how05:16
leo_rockwDarunia: try playing an mp3 and you will be prompted to install mp3 support.05:16
Shish_hey, i got a question.. if i install anything from add/remove will any updates show up in my updater?  or do i have to install things from synaptic?05:17
Miesco_How do I take non-ascii characters out of a file name05:17
repsol_anybody lose the navigation buttons on firefox?05:17
bazhangDarunia, anything you install will be erased on a fresh reboot you realize05:17
leo_rockwShish_: updates will show up05:17
Shish_leo_rockw: thank you very much05:17
nickrudShish_ they both use the same backend, so they, apt-get and aptitude all show the same package install status05:17
Miesco_How do I backup my files05:17
Shish_nickrud: thank you05:17
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:17
Daruniaso how do i rig the iso ??05:17
leo_rockwShish_: it doesn't matter if you use synaptic, apt-get, aptitude or add/remove. the updater will know05:17
nickrud!backup | Miesco_ (I like sbackup)05:17
ubottuMiesco_ (I like sbackup): please see above05:17
Shish_leo_rockw: wonderful, tryin to install some games, and i need them to be updated at all times.. LOL05:18
bazhanghi Dexikiix05:18
Dexikiixbazhang: do you use pidgin?05:18
salmonquestion i just added beryl through the synaptic PM and now i can't find it05:18
bazhangDexikiix, xchat05:18
leo_rockwShish_: go go openarena! : -) enjoy05:18
Dexikiixbazhang: i mean for regular IM05:18
Shish_leo_rockw: hahaha, i was just gonna install that! lol.. ait thanks again, have a good one05:18
leo_rockwShish_: no problem. you too05:18
bazhangDexikiix, no time for that; pidgin is not bad I have heard05:19
Dexikiixbazhang: i like it, but the input box is doing this annoying thing05:19
Dexikiixwhen i am not typing in it... its twice as big05:19
leo_rockwDexikiix: find out about carrier or funpidgin05:19
leo_rockwDexikiix: it's a fork on pidgin05:19
Dexikiixleo_rockw: what are those?05:19
Dexikiixa fork?05:19
gaintsuraleo_rockw: =( no work05:19
kindofabuzzi can't wait for Digsby!05:20
Miesco_Well I got a USB hard drive with 160gigs05:20
Miesco_For back up05:20
acuI run Debian Lenny AMD64 and I have an Nvidia GForce 7000(something) - I have kernel - after I compile the  file from Nvidia.com  and startx (while root) I can get into Xwindow fine - but when I reboot - the system hangs when X starts again - why is that - how can I fix it ?05:20
leo_rockwDexikiix: they took pidgin's code and released an app just like it but without that "feature" you mention05:20
=== ApOgEE- is now known as Ap0g33
bazhangacu #debian05:20
leo_rockwacu: Ubuntu != Debian05:20
repsol_Am I the only one that the navigation bars are greyed out on firefox since upgrade to 3?05:20
Dexikiixleo_rockw: oh thats a universal issue?05:20
Miesco_So how do I put copy /home/shawn to "/media/OneTouch4 Mini"05:21
leo_rockwleo_rockw: well, a lot of people complained but the developers won't change it. since the source is open somebody else took the code and made a fork05:21
kindofabuzzrepsol_: probably because of your theme, try the default05:21
repsol_It is default05:21
repsol_I don't even have theme choices05:21
kindofabuzzrepsol_: try in safe mode05:21
dmi3onwhat could go wrong if after installation vista starts like ubuntu doesnt exists05:21
repsol_I have googled and there are tons of people with the same problem05:21
leo_rockwDexikiix: at first they named it funpidgin, the new name is carrier05:21
repsol_safe mode firefox?05:21
bazhang!grub | dmi3on05:22
ubottudmi3on: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:22
leo_rockwdmi3on: you install vista after ubuntu?05:22
Miesco_I want to know how to copy my /home/shawn directory  to "/media/OneTouch4 Mini" directory05:22
=== Ap0g33 is now known as ApOgEE
kindofabuzzrepsol_: firefox -safe-mode, if problem is gone it's a theme or addon05:22
Dexikiixohk thanks leo_rockw i thought it was just something screwed up on my end05:22
salmonhey im new to this ubuntu stuff and i wanted to get into beryl... so i downloaded it though the package manager, but now i can't seem to find it05:22
repsol_how do I do that?05:22
repsol_is that a cli command05:22
kindofabuzzrepsol_: firefox -safe-mode05:22
FAJALOUhow can i make a programs go behind gnome-panel but not autohide?  sorda like awn?05:22
nickrudMiesco_ cp /home/shawn /media/OneTouch4\ Mini05:22
SeaPhorMiesco_,  look here  http://www.wood-bee-co.com/woodbeeco/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=35&Itemid=6605:22
bazhangsalmon, no more beryl is now compiz-fusion05:22
dmi3onleo_rockw, no ubuntu after vista05:22
repsol_cool I will try05:22
kindofabuzzrepsol_: no, you just think it real hard =)05:22
=== ApOgEE is now known as ApOgEE-
bazhangdmi3on, check grub link above05:22
leo_rockwdmi3on: Vista likes doing that, you'll have to fix your grub05:23
Miesco_nickrud: Will that copy files with non-ascii characters?05:23
nickrudMiesco_ yes05:23
repsol_kindofabuzz, ya that didn't fix it05:23
leo_rockwMiesco_: no, it won't05:23
Miesco_nickrud: Will nautilis copy non-ascii characters?05:23
repsol_still no nav bars05:23
Miesco_leo_rockw: So how do I backup05:23
repsol_or I mean greyed out buttons05:23
bazhang!ccsm | salmon look here05:23
ubottusalmon look here: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion05:23
nickrudMiesco_ yes, ubuntu is full unicode05:23
kindofabuzzrepsol_: your profile probably got whacked, especially if you went from 2 to 3, do firefox -P and create new profile05:24
leo_rockwnickrud: but the external HD is not ext3 and it is not unicode05:24
dmi3onook, thx05:24
nickrudMiesco_ only issue is maybe you're copying to an ntfs partition, and I'm not sure about that05:24
leo_rockwnickrud: I have the same HD05:24
repsol_I tried that and it didn't fix it either05:24
Miesco_nickrud: nautilis didn't let me copy mozart's opera cause it had german characters05:24
nickrudleo_rockw likewise, but i reformatted to ext305:24
kindofabuzzrepsol_: best place for FF help: http://forums.mozillazine.org05:24
Miesco_nickrud: oh yea05:24
repsol_i even tried firefox-3.0 -p and that didn't work either05:24
leo_rockwMiesco_: you need to specify an encoding on fstab05:24
leo_rockwnickrud: I haven't yet, unfortunately :S05:24
Miesco_nickrud: How do I make my external hd ext405:24
kindofabuzzrepsol_: it's just firefox -P05:24
FAJALOUMiesco_:  with partition editor like gparted05:25
repsol_OK I will try that again but I think I used a little p05:25
nickrudMiesco_ ext4? I'm not ready for that, it's too experimental :)05:25
Miesco_oh I mean ext305:25
leo_rockwMiesco_: you mean ext3 ;-) lol05:25
repsol_still didn't work I will wack my profile and try it05:25
leo_rockwMiesco_: use gparted, but you will have to format for that05:25
nickrudMiesco_ you can use gparted,  sudo apt-get install gparted05:25
seekingtruthhello its me again05:26
Miesco_gparted OneTouch4\ Mini?05:26
hadronzoo_Hello, I'm getting an error on startup with a new hardy server installation.  When a USB keyboard is plugged in, I get an IRQ error that the "device not accepting address".  Any ideas?05:26
kindofabuzzrepsol_: how is it not working?  you must have some other installation of FF or something05:26
seekingtruthdoes someone know how to encrypt and lock grub?05:26
Miesco_It says its a weapon of mass destruction05:26
repsol_nope I only have one pid too05:26
nickrudMiesco_ install it, then run  gksu gparted , it's a gui app05:26
chuy_maxhi, is there a command that prints the full path of a file?05:26
repsol_all of the buttons in the nav bar are greyed out05:26
seekingtruth!lock grub05:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lock grub05:26
repsol_I can't go backwards or forwards05:27
Miesco_Why do I got 10 gigs swap05:27
repsol_or refresh05:27
seekingtruthMiesco_: good quesion05:27
seekingtruthdoes someone know how to encrypt and lock grub?05:27
Dexikiixcan someone help me edit the default resolution in my xwhateveritscalled file?05:27
repsol_I am going to revert to 2.905:27
seekingtruthDexikiix: hehe05:27
kindofabuzzthere is no 2.905:27
Dexikiixseekingtruth: its defaulting me to 1440 x 90005:27
Zetakuni need some severe help >.<05:27
repsol_ok then 2.*05:27
moncheviquei need some help, i already installed wine, how do i run the program in a cd??05:28
Miesco_Whats the command line partitioner05:28
kindofabuzzrepsol_: http://forums.mozillazine.org, i bet you can get it fixed05:28
bazhangcfdisk Miesco_05:28
kaperseekingtruth, http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/grub.htm. you read this05:28
nickrudmonchevique  wine /path/to/cd/installer.exe05:28
Zetakuncan anyone help me, im trying to access a hard drive connected to this computer its telling me volume cannot be mounted so i follow instructions and then fail.. what now?05:29
cratelhave the ubuntu devs considered dumping Network manager for Wicd? Every distro of ubuntu I try network manager again and it fails again and I install wicd. Now it's happening again with Hardy tonight.05:29
bazhangZetakun, how did you try and mount it05:29
Zetakuncomand line05:29
seekingtruthkaper: ok05:29
Zetakunor terminal w/e its called05:30
Miesco_Why doesn't my usb hd come with a proper partition?05:30
bazhangZetakun, what command05:30
moncheviquein this case it would be05:30
FAJALOUcratel: i tried wicd but it basically failed me and network manager works amazingly,05:30
moncheviqueits been a long time that i havent used linux05:30
Zetakunsudo mount -t ntfs-3g/dev/sdb1/media/disk -o force05:30
repsol_kindofabuzz, it is all windows stuff05:30
Miesco_ fuseblk?05:31
Miesco_Whats that05:31
dmi3onthx, very much its working05:31
cratelFAJALOU: amazing. This is easily the 6th machine. Started with Dapper, Edgy, Feisty, Gutsy, and now Hardy. 100% failure with Network manager. It's crap. If it works for you, you are lucky.05:31
kindofabuzzrepsol_: huh? the forums?  plenty of linux help on there, and pretty much FF is FF on any OS05:31
repsol_Not seeing my issue in there but it is rampant on google05:32
repsol_really weird05:32
bazhangcratel, please take chat elsewhere; if you have a specific issue this is the place; if not then either brainstorm or offtopic channel thanks.05:32
dmi3onups, help help now both doesnt start error 25: Disk read error05:33
seekingtruthhello im back05:33
Zetakunam i still getting help here?05:33
kindofabuzzrepsol_: just create a post on the forums there.  you will get help05:33
lcphr3akHey, I've installed ubuntu on a work machine, and plan on using parallels for running windows (only vm software our company bought). I tried to install it, but ran into an issue. Are there any known issues with Parallels and Ubuntu?05:33
Miesco_gparted didn't let me change it to ext305:34
lcphr3akParallels website seems to say nothing except what packages you need to install05:34
RadiCalwhat is the CLI based volume manager called... where you can turn channels on and off, has all the settings... can't remember the command05:34
bazhanglcphr3ak, you should contact parallels about that; we recommend virtualbox among other free solutions.05:34
legend2440RadiCal: alsamixer?05:34
repsol_I found a cure but for windows05:34
dmi3onleo_rockw, pls help vista doesnt start and ubuntu doesnt start after i fallow steps from link05:35
RadiCallegend2440: bingo. lol. isn't there a gui for it as well?05:35
kindofabuzzrepsol_: try this: sudo chown -R <normaluser>:<normaluser group> ~/.mozilla/     of course with your user name05:35
leo_rockwdmi3on: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117271&highlight=grub+error+2505:35
Dexikiixok HUGE linux newb question... it tells me to type ./configure but that just says "no such file or directory"05:35
kindofabuzzrepsol_: so sudo chown -R jason:jason ~/.mozilla/    would be mine05:36
lcphr3akbazhang: Yeah, I was thinking about install that, but my co-workers are using parallels Vm's to develope on (they all have macs :(). I'll contact parallels. Thanks05:36
bazhangDexikiix, are you in the same directory?05:36
Dexikiixi think so05:36
Dexikiixi might need to go one step farther05:36
bazhangDexikiix, do ls to be sure05:36
repsol_drwx------  4 repsol repsol   4096 2008-06-26 18:54 .mozilla05:36
Dexikiixwhat file am i looking for05:36
Dexikiixi see a bunch of "config.this" and "config.that"05:36
repsol_It is already that way05:37
BodsdaHey guys, can i put a password on a folder? ive been searching the forums and havent really found the right answer. I dont want my login password nor root to be able to acces it, it should need a different password before it will let you view its contents. any ideas?05:37
kindofabuzzrepsol_: do it anyways =)  won't hurt05:37
bazhangBodsda, gpg05:37
crdlbDexikiix: what are you building?05:37
kindofabuzzrepsol_: close FF first of course05:37
Miesco_How do I change the filesystem in gparted, format it?05:37
bazhangBodsda, or truecrypt05:37
ZetakunI need to force mount a hard drive. the command given to me by the prompt " mount -t ntfs-3g/dev/sdb1/media/disk -o force" doesnt work it seems05:37
RadiCalwhats the command for killing apps you click... how am i forgetting this... :/05:37
Bodsdabazhang, whats truecrypt?05:38
bazhangBodsda, /msg ubottu :)05:38
Miesco_Oh I see, I needed to unmount it first05:38
repsol_still no good kindofabuzz05:38
leo_rockwBodsda: another option is to create a new user with a different password and make it the owner of that folder. but i like gpg better05:38
Miesco_unmount isn't a word05:38
Bodsdabazhang, just did, i dont want to encrypt it just password lock it05:38
FlannelMiesco_: it is a word, but not a command.05:38
nat2610hi, I'm using the last ubuntu and I have a hard time playing video .mov I'm able to open them with mplayer but the navigation is almost impossible, when I open them into vlc, the sounds works but not the image. Also I notice on vlc that ffmpeg "ffmpeg decoder error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)" ... and the computer is less than a year hold with...05:39
kindofabuzzrepsol_: you need a new profile, either use the -P or wipe ~/.mozilla05:39
nat2610...the right nividia inside and the drivers installed (with envyNG)  anybody know what to do ?05:39
Miesco_Flannel: no its NOT!05:39
Dexikiixcrdlb carrier... if you missed it05:39
Bodsdaleo_rockw, leo_rockw a new user doesnt prevent anything as root could still reset that users password and then open the folder (assuming someone got to my machine)05:39
Miesco_Flannel: Its not a freaking word05:39
repsol_kindofabuzz, you were right05:39
ZetakunI need to force mount a hard drive. the command given to me by the prompt " mount -t ntfs-3g/dev/sdb1/media/disk -o force" doesnt work it seems05:39
nickrudflannel unmount is not a word, dismount is the word ;)05:39
crdlbBodsda: if it's not encrypted, then root will always be able to access it05:39
joejoecircusboyMiesco_: why not?05:39
focus_anyone have a link where I can find stages of a process in linux?  Can't seem to find anything05:39
kindofabuzzrepsol_: corrupt profile?05:39
repsol_I rm -rf .mozilla then started firefox and it fixed it05:39
crdlbDexikiix: what's that?05:40
Miesco_bazhang: gparted said "unmount"05:40
crdlbgoogle isn't helping05:40
Bodsdacrdlb, which is why im looking for a password protect, does trucrypt need a password?05:40
Dexikiixcarrier / funpidgin?05:40
Miesco_joejoecircusboy: its not proper, not in the dictionary, proper is "dismount"05:40
repsol_kindofabuzz, thanks for staying with me05:40
Dexikiixcrdlb: ^05:40
leo_rockwBodsda: true... then encrypting might be the way to go here05:40
kindofabuzzrepsol_: there probly was a fix for it by deleting file/s in your profile, but i just wnet the easy route =)05:40
BodsdaMiesco_, gparted speaks in english where as the terminal speaks in bash05:40
repsol_I am appreciative of your patience05:41
Bodsdaleo_rockw, cool, cheers05:41
Miesco_Bodsda: Your not getting it, unmount is not english05:41
ZetakunCan someone please show some love here and help me05:41
joejoecircusboyMiesco_: The dictionary is constantly evolving... but it follows the actual language in use by a couple years05:41
DexikiixZetakun: what do you need?05:41
kindofabuzzrepsol_: np, i'm a reg at those firefox forums so sign up and learn alot about FF05:41
joejoecircusboyMiesco_:  'unmount' < 1.2 million google hits... sounds like a word to me ;)05:41
leo_rockwBodsda: if there is no way to do what you want maybe it would be a good idea to make a post on ubuntubrainstorm05:41
Zetakunimma just paste what i been saying05:41
ZetakunI need to force mount a hard drive. the command given to me by the prompt " mount -t ntfs-3g/dev/sdb1/media/disk -o force" doesnt work it seems05:41
Miesco_joejoecircusboy: saying unmount is like saying recognizeded05:41
BodsdaMiesco_, you unmount something, just take that as english, in bash you umount it -- same thing 1 letter difference -- exactly the same function05:41
DexikiixZetakun: yeah i have no idea05:41
bazhangMiesco_, this is getting far offtopic05:42
nickrudMiesco_ use umount , that's the command.05:42
Miesco_Bodsda: unmount is not a english word05:42
Bodsdaleo_rockw, meh, il get me python book out in a min and waste a few more hours ;~)05:42
joejoecircusboyMiesco_: no, recognizeded is redundant... unmount is not (it's the opposite of mount)05:42
Zetakunthx >.<05:42
zmigZetakun: Check your spacing on ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1/media/disk -o force05:42
FlannelMiesco_: Its jargon, and if you would like to debate it further, I'd be happy to in #ubuntu-offtopic.05:42
Miesco_joejoecircusboy: No its not, its not a freaking word05:42
kindofabuzzi don't understand why they didn't make in unmount instead of umount05:42
nickrudMiesco_ drop it05:42
leo_rockwBodsda: that's what I was thinking too. I'd love to see your code :-)05:42
crdlbDexikiix: what's wrong with pidgin? funpidgin.sf.net has an ubuntu package though05:42
bazhangtake all dictionary discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic please05:42
joejoecircusboyMiesco_: Says who? You? Who are you?05:42
Zetakunim doing it exactly as the prompt sais to05:42
salmonok i know was just on here a few mins ago but i was hoping someone could help me... i instaled compiz-fusion on my ubuntu but i can't seem to find where it is. anyone know where it's hiding from me?05:42
BodsdaMiesco_, so? your last sentence was not gramatically correct but i still understood it05:42
Miesco_joejoecircusboy: Says the dictionary05:42
Zetakunhow do i make this show who i am replying to?05:42
bazhangMiesco_, joejoecircusboy take chat to ot channel05:43
nickrudjoejoecircusboy #ubuntu-offtopic, Miesco_ Bodsda this ends here. One way or another, and I'm not choosing sides, just naming the latest commenters05:43
focus_does anyone have a resource that explains different stages in a linux process (zombified, etc) please I can't find much on google05:43
FlannelZetakun: just prepend the persons name.  Usually you can type a few letters and hit tab and your client will complete it05:43
kindofabuzzZetakun: start typing there name, hit tab to auto complete to save typing05:43
dmi3onleo_rockw, grub-install /dev/hda, mkdir: cannot create directory '/boot/grub':Permission denied05:43
leo_rockwsalmon: you need to install another package to set it up... lemme look for the package name05:43
Bodsdasorry nickrud05:43
Miesco_Okay im in #ubuntu-offtopic05:43
nat2610hi, I'm using the last ubuntu and I have a hard time playing video .mov I'm able to open them with mplayer but the navigation is almost impossible, when I open them into vlc, the sounds works but not the image. Also I notice on vlc that ffmpeg "ffmpeg decoder error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)" ... and the computer is less than a year hold with...05:43
nat2610...the right nividia inside and the drivers installed (with envyNG)  anybody know what to do ?05:43
salmonleo_rockw: thank you05:44
Dexikiixcrdlb: the text entry box resizes itself in weird ways... its really annoying... and yeah they have a deb but its an older version :p05:44
joejoecircusboyMiesco_: I'm not actually interested in debating the topic, but thanks05:44
Zetakunsry, i accidentally quit the channel >.<05:44
crdlbDexikiix: -_-05:44
dmi3onleo_rockw, i try sudo  grub-install /dev/hda, /dev/hda does not have any corresponding Bios drive05:44
Dexikiixcrdlb: fine i'll get the older dev05:44
leo_rockwdmi3on: it might be sda or sdb or hdb or... it could be many different things05:44
crdlbDexikiix: the '-_-' was for caring about the input box. If you give it a chance, you'll find that it doesn't really matter :)05:45
JKeller1068quick optical question for you guys05:45
dmi3onleo_rockw, can you tell me how can i find out what is it ?05:45
JKeller1068sata drive in 8.04, working up until a week ago.  still listed in fstab, i cannot see the drive listed in dev period05:46
Dexikiixcrdlb: but it BUGS me...05:46
zmigZetakun: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1/media/disk -o force, try that. And make sure its in your fstab05:46
JKeller1068*optical drive05:46
leo_rockwsalmon: there's compizconfig-settings-manager and simple-ccsm05:46
leo_rockwsalmon: the simple one is... well... simpler :P05:46
Zetakunfstab? (sry complete linux nub05:46
leo_rockwdmi3on: it depends on what type of hard drive you have05:46
salmonthanks leo_rockw05:46
leo_rockwsalmon: np05:46
crdlbDexikiix: does it start out as two lines tall by default?05:47
zmigZetakun: sudo nano /etc/fstab05:47
naknomikIs there a way to burn a playlist onto a CD from Rhythmbox?05:47
dmi3onleo_rockw, ok how do i find out now what type of hard drive i have05:47
Dexikiixcrdlb: yes, or 3 and gets smaller when im typing in it05:47
dmi3onleo_rockw, can you tell me more info05:47
Dexikiixcrdlb: then bigger again when i stop typing05:47
crdlbDexikiix: did it ever occur to you that you might be seeing a bug? :)05:48
Zetakunok, I typed it in.... what now...05:48
Dexikiixcrdlb: it did but leo_rockw said it was universal... and i read about it on the webpage05:49
leo_rockwcrdlb: the new version of pidgin autoresizes the textbox... pretty annoying05:49
leo_rockwcrdlb: they forked it because of that.05:49
crdlbleo_rockw: but it only resizes _up_05:49
joejoecircusboy(12:49:50 AM) leo_rockw: crdlb: they forked it because of that. << What's the fork called?05:50
crdlbleo_rockw: many of the users who originally complained were not seeing the intentional result05:50
naknomikIs Serpentine not installed in Hardy?05:50
leo_rockwjoejoecircusboy: the present name is carrier. the first name was funpidgin05:50
bazhangjoejoecircusboy, carrier05:50
Dexikiixcrdlb: whats the intentional result?05:50
leo_rockwcrdlb: I use kopete anyway05:50
crdlbDexikiix: that it grows as needed. If you type more than two lines, it increases; but if you only type a short message, the input box doesn't waste space05:51
debasyslast night i uninstalled some softwares which i don't use, now after rebooting this morning, i can't see my anything on my desktop. neither i can go to any /Home or orher Place.05:51
debasysthe error says "There was an error launching the default action command associated with this location."05:51
Dexikiixcrdlb: i wouldn't mind that, but it grows after i press enter and stays bigger05:51
joejoecircusboyI swear to god, OSS developers intentionally pick the crappiest possible names for their projects05:51
mib_9yamvahi, i'm trying to install linux-source and it says: Err http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/main linux-source-2.6.24 2.6.24-19.34  404 Not Found [IP: 80]05:51
debasysi removed 'evolution', games, rythmbox05:51
mib_9yamvais that normal?05:51
leo_rockwjoejoecircusboy: why do you say that? GIMP is such a great name :P05:52
leo_rockwdmi3on: try ls /dev/sd and instead of hitting enter hit tab05:52
repsol_joejoecircusboy, is an awesome screen name05:52
joejoecircusboyhaha, thx05:52
leo_rockwdmi3on: do you have only one HD?05:52
dmi3onleo_rockw, i find i have sda3 were i instal ubuntu05:52
Dexikiixdpkg-deb: subprocess killed by signal (Broken pipe)05:53
Dexikiixcrdlb: leo_rockw ^05:53
crdlbDexikiix: after pressing enter, the input box should always return to 2 lines05:53
dmi3onleo_rockw, doesnt work05:53
debasysfolks wht do i do now? i can't see my folders/files. it says "There was an error launching the default action command associated with this location."05:53
leo_rockwdmi3on: I'm not really that experienced with grub. I don't even dual boot05:53
Dexikiixcrdlb: yeah it does but its annoying, i want it to stay at 1 line...05:53
_numbers_is ubuntu more stable than using fedora ??05:53
debasyshow do i know what i removed so that i can reinstall it05:53
joejoecircusboy_numbers_: No, they're about the same05:54
leo_rockw_numbers_: define stable05:54
dmi3oncan any one help me with dual boot05:54
bazhang_numbers_, try the livecd; this is a support channel05:54
cratelI drag the terminal launcher to the top taskbar and when I restart X it is not there. Then I drag another and suddenly I have 2.05:54
RadiCali probably can dmi3on, whats the problem?05:54
_numbers_everything disappears on fedora for me05:54
Dexikiixdmi3on: maybe i can05:54
repsol__numbers_, that is an opinion I say try them both and decide on your own05:54
leo_rockw_numbers_: then try ubuntu :)05:54
dmi3oni cant load vista and i cant load ubuntu error 2505:54
repsol_I like both for different reasons05:54
joejoecircusboy_numbers_: Ubuntu does the same, it's a feature in the lastest Gnome05:54
bazhang_numbers_, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic05:54
_numbers_when i minimize xchat,torrent client,amsn etc..05:54
joejoecircusboy_numbers_: (joking)05:54
RadiCalfirst, what loader are you using dmi3on, grub?05:54
dmi3onRadiCal, after i fallow this steps05:55
crdlbDexikiix: edit > preferences > conversations > minimimum input area height in lines ?05:55
Dexikiixlemme see05:55
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mib_9yamvahow can i see which older versions are available for linux-source ?05:55
dmi3onminal launcher to the top taskbar and when I restart X it is not there. Then I drag another and suddenly I have 2.05:55
dmi3on* Penol (n=Penol@eth1.no) Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))05:55
dmi3on<RadiCal> i probably can dmi3on, whats the problem?05:55
dmi3on<_numbers_> everything disappears on fedora for me05:55
dmi3on<Dexikiix> dmi3on: maybe i can05:55
FloodBot1dmi3on: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:55
dmi3on<repsol_> _numbers_, that is an opinion I say try them both and decide on your own05:55
leo_rockwmib_9yamva: apt-cache search linux-source05:55
bazhangpaste.ubuntu.com dmi3on  not here05:55
crdlbDexikiix: that's new in 2.4.2, I don't know if hardy has that yet05:56
Dexikiixcrdlb: that option doesnt exist05:56
RadiCaldmi3on, you can also ask for help in #grub, which could give you better answers05:56
RadiCaldmi3on, let me see what error 25 means...05:56
profoX`hi.. my cd drive doesn't want to open anymore in Ubuntu, this happens a lot lately.. what could be wrong..05:56
Dexikiixcrdlb: what are you on?05:56
profoX`the eject button on the drive does not respond; there is no dvd/cd in the drive; eject on terminal does not work either05:56
LSD|NinjaprofoX`: sure it's not a mechanical problem?05:57
crdlbDexikiix: this machine is running another distro which isn't really relevent :>05:57
joejoecircusboyprofoX`: Does it work during POST?05:57
profoX`cd/dvd drive itself works, after a reboot it works in ubuntu as well, until it decides to not work05:57
profoX`joejoecircusboy: yes05:57
Dexikiixcrdlb: ok05:57
profoX`LSD|Ninja: i am pretty sure05:57
joejoecircusboyprofoX`: If it opens during POST, not a mechanical problem05:57
repsol_profoX`, try it as root in a cli05:57
RadiCaldmi3on, its a disk-read error05:58
repsol_open and shell and  type sudo eject05:58
profoX`repsol_: already tried that didnt work05:58
visfhi i was thinking is there a software for ubuntu to extract video from web site like movie thriller?05:58
RadiCaldmi3on, have you checked to make sure you've pointed grub to the right drive for XP and/or ubuntu?05:58
dmi3onRadiCal, how can i fix it ?05:58
repsol_some app is using it then profoX`05:58
WhoNeedszzzHey all, I'm having a scrolling problem in firefox. It is laggy, mainly when i'm in a box to edit text. The thing is, it works fine on my other computer, which is not as good.05:58
Wavesonicshey I'm tyring to get a cron job working but need some help05:58
profoX`repsol_: there is no cd/dvd in the drive..05:58
dmi3onRadiCal, no :(05:58
repsol_I know but some app is using it05:58
JKeller1068Optical question for you guys.  Sata optical, working until about a week ago, now not seen by 8.04.  Link is still intact in fstab, but I cannot see it in /dev.  thanks in advance.05:58
dmi3onRadiCal, i didnt think is so sirous05:58
profoX`hmm.. I had a dvd in it a while ago, I ejected the dvd, I closed it again, and now it won't open up anymore..05:58
repsol_do you have a movie or music app running?05:58
profoX`this has happened more times already05:59
cratelWavesonics: what are you trying to do, what have you tried, and how did it not work?05:59
joejoecircusboyprofoX`: try 'lsof', grep for the drive's dev file05:59
profoX`repsol_: umm, no05:59
profoX`joejoecircusboy: k05:59
RadiCaldmi3on - > goto /boot/grub/menu.lst05:59
bobertdosWhoNeedszzz: Which sites?05:59
Wavesonicscratel: Sorry i posting this: http://pastebin.com/df01595b05:59
RadiCalopen that up, dmi3on, root will help if you need to edit it.05:59
profoX`joejoecircusboy: ahh.. ok i got it05:59
Wavesonicsdoes that look like the right format?05:59
nat2610hi, I'm using the last ubuntu and I have a hard time playing video .mov I'm able to open them with mplayer but the navigation is almost impossible, when I open them into vlc, the sounds works but not the image. Also I notice on vlc that ffmpeg "ffmpeg decoder error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)" ... and the computer is less than a year hold with...05:59
WhoNeedszzzbobertdos: can't say off the top of my head, the main one right now is a forum site05:59
nat2610...the right nividia inside and the drivers installed (with envyNG)  anybody know what to do ?05:59
joejoecircusboyprofoX`: what was it/05:59
cratelWavesonics, you want it to run the updateip command hourly?06:00
profoX`joejoecircusboy: some process that was running in the bg which should have stopped already; mplayer06:00
leo_rockwokay everyone, good night06:00
sajuuklooking for a program like Skype, that is compatible towindows skype people06:00
joejoecircusboyprofoX`: Ah, good to know... cool06:00
junkDawgie'lo folks06:00
Wavesonicscratel: yes06:00
* repsol_ winks06:00
joejoecircusboyrepsol_: << good call on the music app06:00
profoX`I didn't know it could keep the drive occupied without anything being mounted06:00
bobertdosWhoNeedszzz: I have found this to be a problem with no real solution where Firefox is concerned. I suppose the only alternative is to try a different browser.06:01
repsol_joejoecircusboy, we rock06:01
Wavesonicscratel: it's actuall just a file with some shell commands in it06:01
WhoNeedszzzbobertdos: that won't happen06:01
cratelWavesonics: I've never seen the SHELL line there. It might make sense but I've never seen it. Did you read to add that somewhere in a cron?06:01
Wavesonicscratel: ya it was in an example somewhere06:01
WhoNeedszzzbobertdos: firefox rules. And it works fine on my laptop and i'm running all the same stuff so there must be some setting that got messed up or something06:02
Wavesonicscratel: are cron jobs run as the user who's crontab they are on?06:02
cratelWavesonics, once an hour on the hour you'd have an entry like: 0 * * * * /home/adam/cronJobs/updateIp06:02
bobertdosWhoNeedszzz: If it has anything to do with anything, my guess would be Compiz Fusion.06:02
* joejoecircusboy can't wait to buy the 2010 edition Oxford Dictionary, with the word 'unmount' in it :P06:02
profoX`joejoecircusboy: really?06:03
cratelWavesonics, I believe they are run as whatever user you set them up with using crontab -e. Have a look at http://www.adminschoice.com/docs/crontab.htm06:03
profoX`whats the description06:03
WhoNeedszzzbobertdos: that can't be as disabling it doesn't change anything06:03
cratelWavesonics: also I think the SHELL line is just wrong and I'd take it out. I don't see why you'd need it. It should be in your updateIP as the first line instead.06:03
joejoecircusboy(01:03:15 AM) profoX`: joejoecircusboy: really? << just joking about an early convo... nm06:03
jb_on_eeehi guys06:03
cratelWavesonics, first line of updateIP might be #!/bin/bash06:04
debasysi see i have removed nautilus , good thing is Synaptic had History!!06:04
bobertdosWhoNeedszzz: Well, all I know is that I've run into it too for only certain sites, and I haven't found a fix either06:04
profoX`oo.. oke ;p06:04
debasysnow as i have removed nautilus, i would like to experiment, wht will be a more light-weight file manager?06:04
itai-michaelsonhow do i set it so when i right-click an image i get an option "edit" which opens kolourpaint?06:04
WhoNeedszzzAnyone actually know a solution?06:04
Hansophobiait is a good thing! I always forget what I was doing/installing06:04
itai-michaelson(in nautilus)06:04
junkDawgieanybody else fooled with that app, yakuake?06:05
Grobvokdebasys:  Try ROX.06:05
profoX`junkDawgie: used to use it06:05
HansophobiaI just downloaded it06:05
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Hansophobiait looks kinda  cool so far06:05
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profoX`junkDawgie: nowadays I just keep 1 terminal window with screen running open at all times..06:05
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profoX`(yakuake is a bit cooler though)06:06
debasysGrobvok: sure :)06:06
junkDawgiethat sounds logical profox06:06
Wavesonicscratel: how would i get it to fire minutely for testing?06:06
murraymdis there a way to enable or verify if sli is running? (nvidia 9600 cards)06:06
junkDawgiethat was my thought too.... when you use it enough... its cool06:06
joejoecircusboymurraymd: I'm guessing nvidia-settings?06:06
cratelWavesonics, replace the 0 in the first column with a *06:06
itai-michaelsondebasys, i like pcmanfm06:07
Wavesonicscratel: aahh ok i get how these thigns work onw, thanks man06:07
cratelWavesonics: sure. Gotta go. Good luck.06:07
Wavesonicsthanks man06:07
itai-michaelsondebasys, or thunar if you need more functionality06:07
debasysitai-michaelson: u mean PCMan, can i install Thunar in Gnome or i need XFCE?06:07
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murraymdwell i've been playing around with the x server setting but i can't seem to get anything to actually write out plain as day sli. i've tried a few switched throught the terminal with nvidia-xconfig -sli. nuthing to really verify06:08
jb_on_eeehow do i get flash on ff?06:08
itai-michaelsondebasys, you can install in gnome kde no problem06:08
junkDawgielol, will dolphin ever be solid.... thunar just seems more reliable06:08
itai-michaelsondebasys, http://pcmanfm.sourceforge.net/06:08
ScorpI have a laptop with 3 gigs of RAM... Should i set swappiness to 0 since the RAM would suffice any requirements of ubuntu????06:08
s3aScorp: set swappiness to 506:08
joejoecircusboy(01:08:11 AM) jb_on_eee: how do i get flash on ff?<< http://ubuntuguide.org06:09
_illuminatiScorp, 0 swap is enough06:09
l337ingDisorderjb_on_eee: if you go to a website that has a flash animation embedded (ie, any youtube site) then there'll be a bar at the top of the firefox window that says "Install Missing Plugins..."06:09
l337ingDisorderjb_on_eee: just click that.06:09
debasysitai-michaelson: yes just googled ;)06:09
eddiestonehello. how do I change from gdm to kdm ?06:09
dexikiixthis is bugging me06:09
joejoecircusboy(01:08:59 AM) s3a: Scorp: set swappiness to 5  << what does this do?06:09
dexikiixeddiestone, are you on hardy?06:09
itai-michaelsondebasys, pcmanfm is also in the repos , you can apt-get06:09
dexikiixoptions on the bottom left06:10
dexikiixselect session06:10
dexikiixand you can pick there06:10
FloodBot1dexikiix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:10
junkDawgiei used to have a gf that had swappiness set to 50006:10
nickrudeddiestone sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm06:10
eddiestonethat's it, thanks06:10
dexikiixeddiestone: ok i fail06:10
s3ajoejoecircusboy: ubuntu tends to depend on ram much more than hard drive but doesnt fully neglect hard drive which keeps things speedy both wen ur full of ram and almost depleted of it06:10
debasysitai-michaelson: oh sure i have to now, as i know now they paid you ;)06:11
eddiestoneno problem06:11
s3ajoejoecircusboy: wen u set swappiness to 506:11
Scorps3a: How do you get to know what effect does it have ?? Because even while running a HD movie, the RAM remains unused.. So is dat needed ??06:11
sajuukdoes anyone know an equivalent of Skype for hardy and is compatible with actual skype users06:11
itai-michaelsondebasys, i get 5$ for every download06:11
Scorpjoejoecircusboy: How do you get to know what effect does it have ?? Because even while running a HD movie, the RAM remains unused.. So is dat needed ??06:11
nickrudsajuuk skype?06:11
Wavesonicswill cron jobs be run even when a user is not logged in?06:12
bobertdossajuuk: Skype is available in the multiverse, you know.06:12
joejoecircusboys3a/Scorp: I get the idea behind 'swappiness', just wonder what the value 5 did specifically (say versus 0 or 99)06:12
sajuukit is?06:12
junkDawgieno idea sajuuk..... skype is the only program that i think uses that protocal06:12
nickrudsajuuk no, you can get it from medibuntu06:12
aecholsis there any utils to monitor a brother laser toner level?06:12
OntologIs it possible to have Gnome Terminal display tabs as two spaces instead of 4?06:12
WhoNeedszzzOk this is just weird. If the window isn't the active window, the scrolling problem goes away. Why is this happening?06:12
nickrud!medibuntu | sajuuk06:12
ubottusajuuk: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org06:12
Scorpjoejoecircusboy: The lower the number, the lesser dependence on SWAP and vice versa...06:12
debasysitai-michaelson: wah! then make a affiate also ;)06:12
s3aScorp: i know the effect bcuz ive done it lol i cant rely say more than that and 0 suks wen ur almost out of ram cuz it tries not to use hard drive06:12
pikeshouse88i never would have thought ubuntu would be slow with 384 megs of ram06:13
sajuukthx guys06:13
nickrudpikeshouse88 yeah, it needs more than 512 for snappiness06:13
joejoecircusboypikeshouse88: I'd just like to point out that I'm running with 8192 MB of RAM right now!  :D06:13
itai-michaelsonsajuuk, you can also go here : http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/06:13
debasysitai-michaelson: guess if i by any change had removed Windows Explorer, will i be using internet, chatting etc now?!06:13
s3ajoejoecircusboy: cuz 0 tends to to avoid hard drive alot which is annoying wen ur almost depleted so 5 just uses it but very little but not too litle so if ur ram is almost done u still have speedy responsive systewm06:13
debasysi am feeling lucky for using linuc06:13
junkDawgiethats where i got it. itai06:13
Scorpjoejoecircusboy: Guess u should try a negative number for swappiness !! :D06:14
pikeshouse88would xubuntu be snappy with 384?06:14
s3ajoejoecircusboy: depleted of ram that is06:14
joejoecircusboys3a: Gotcha, thx06:14
s3aScorp: joejoecircusboy: how much ram do u both have?06:14
pikeshouse88or decent with 384? xfce06:14
wbmjpikehouse88: yes06:14
joejoecircusboys3a: 8 GB06:14
Scorps3a: I have 3 gb RAM and a 1 GB Graphic Card...06:14
pikeshouse88decent or snappy06:14
s3ajoejoecircusboy: lol then u shouldnt even have a swap file06:14
junkDawgienot that i'm aware of, aechols06:14
aecholsthx, i couldnt find any06:15
joejoecircusboys3a: I thought the kernel got 'cranky' without a swap file (or so I read anyway)06:15
s3aScorp: 32 or 64 bit?06:15
s3aScorp: stick to ram only06:15
pikeshouse88wbmj: would you say decent or fast06:15
s3ajoejoecircusboy: well in my case ram only is much faster06:15
s3ajoejoecircusboy: wen im on 32 bit06:15
s3ajoejoecircusboy: on 64 i havent tested cuz i only have 1 gb atm06:16
wbmjpikehouse88: I found it to be decent with heavy apps and fast with others06:16
Scorps3a: yeah... thanks..!!06:16
joejoecircusboys3a: I'm on 64bit (obviously) w/ 512 MB swap (0 bytes used - default swapiness)06:16
pikeshouse88with 384 being a weird number and all, is my optimal swap size 512, 768, or 1 gig?06:16
s3ajoejoecircusboy: ur the one with 8 gb ram?06:16
s3aScorp: np06:16
joejoecircusboys3a: ya, both machines are 8 GB06:17
Scorpjoejoecircusboy: whats the rest of ur config ?? and what do u use the 8 gb for ???06:17
s3ajoejoecircusboy: ok so if u rely rely want to use swap then set swappiness to 5 but id go without swap if u want to check for urself put the swappiness to 5 and use gparted to unmount and mount swap and see wats better for urself06:17
joejoecircusboyScorp: Intel P35, Core 2 Duo E8500, Geforce 8800, 8 GB... 24" LCD (1920x1200), etc etc06:18
joejoecircusboyScorp: What do I do with 8 GB? Go on IRC :P06:18
hadronzoo_Hello, I'm unable to ping anything on a particular interface.  I think it's an iptables problem.  How can I disable iptables?06:18
Scorpjoejoecircusboy: haha.. thats really hardware intensive.. :P shud use a swap for all the Log files maybe... lol06:19
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Rat409hadronzoo_: sudo iptables --flush06:19
hadronzoo_Rat409: thanks, I'll try that06:19
|anonymous|hi i missing utf-806:19
pikeshouse88joejoecircusboy: id have vista with that. that would have vista very happy06:19
dexikiixok this is KILLING me06:20
dexikiixdexi@SUNUP-LINUX:~/Documents/carrier-2.4.3$ ./configure06:20
dexikiixbash: ./configure: No such file or directory06:20
joejoecircusboyScorp: hehe... (In all seriousness.. I run a bunch of VMs, but mainly I just bought the extra 4 GB because it was so cheap)06:20
Scorpjoejoecircusboy: Thats kewl....06:20
hadronzoo_Rat409: I'm still getting a "sendmsg: operation not permitted" error.  Could it be anything else?  It was working previously06:21
joejoecircusboypikeshouse88: Not really intested in Vista... I haven't even tried it yet (still use XP for gaming)06:21
bullgard4[GNOME] The DEB program package is installed. In an xterm I run the command nm-applet. This command does not finish, and no nm-applet appears on the upper panel. How to troubleshoot?06:22
|anonymous|guys i missing utf what pack i do need06:22
pikeshouse88so swap space is always supposed to be double the size of the ram right06:22
joejoecircusboys3a: where's the best place to adjust swappiness? sysctl.conf?06:22
joejoecircusboypikeshouse88: not really... well, it depends (that would make my swap file 16 GB!)06:22
jorge_anybody's here?06:23
joejoecircusboypikeshouse88:  I wouldn't go much more than 1x RAM actually (and even then, only so you can suspend)06:23
pikeshouse88if i had 256 megs of ram, swap would be 512, if 512 ram, swap 1GB, right?06:23
itai-michaelson|anonymous|, what do you mean?06:23
joejoecircusboypikeshouse88: seriously, if you were running with 512 of used swap on a 256 MB system, you wouldn't be getting much done ;)06:24
s3ajoejoecircusboy: ok do sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf then add vm.swappiness=5 on last line and save06:24
pikeshouse88so ideal swap space for 384MB ram would be......06:24
debasysitai-michaelson: i installed PCMan, it is fast , but how do i see my desktop?06:24
joejoecircusboys3a: thanks man06:24
|anonymous|i traying to install smoting but i need utf-806:24
Rat409pikeshouse88: usually 2.5 x ram06:25
debasysitai-michaelson: it does not show icons that were on the desktop, i have to browse to the Desktop folder to see them06:25
s3ajoejoecircusboy: np06:25
Detrahi ... When I try logging on amsn from this computer, it doesn't work ... When I try from my other machine there's no problem ... Here it just keeps connecting and never connects ... Anyone know why that is ?06:25
joejoecircusboypikeshouse88: I would say 512 at most06:25
pikeshouse88im getting conflicting answers here06:25
itai-michaelsondebasys, are you using it as a desktop manager06:25
debasysitai-michaelson: got it, i should have checked preferences before asking06:25
joejoecircusboypikeshouse88: yeah, because there is no 'correct' answer06:25
RadiCalpikeshouse88: usually people say if its under 1gb, double the amount of ram you have to get your swap06:26
joejoecircusboypikeshouse88: I can't imagine you ever saying to yourself 'wow, I'm using a 1000 MB of swap right now. Boy am I glad I created the extra swap space'06:26
RadiCalpikehouse88, but people always deviate from that so its your discretion. you dont want too much but you need enough so that applications remain somewhat fast.06:26
zod21joejoecircusboy how does excess swap memory help06:26
joejoecircusboypikeshouse88: because in practice, if you're using 1000 MB of swap, your system has ground to a halt06:27
joejoecircusboyzod21: it doesn't, that's my point06:27
h3llm17i use a 1 gig flash drive as my swap06:27
zod21oh haha06:27
Miesco_Can `cp` give you any indication of its progress?06:27
Rat409pikeshouse88:  my old desktop has 320mb ram w/3gb swap onlu used during big compiles,700mhz celeron06:27
zod21i was asking trying my best not to sound like a smart a$$06:27
Detraanyone have an idea ?06:27
joejoecircusboyMiesco_: why would you want cp to give *me* progress?06:28
Miesco_joejoecircusboy: fuck you06:28
joejoecircusboy..language Nazis06:29
DetraWhy is that everytime I'm in here I have to wait 30min before anyone starts concidering my question ?06:29
Kohlrak~language | Miesco_06:29
FlynsarmyI'm not getting any sound in flash player (sounds working in everything else). Ideas?06:30
Kohlrak!language | Miesco_06:30
ubottuMiesco_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:30
FlannelDetra: Apparently you log in and ask 30 minutes before the people who know the answers to your questions06:30
Rat409Detra: firewall rules,or port forwarding,router,etc. or amsn bad config06:30
KohlrakFlynsarmy: OSS?06:30
FlynsarmyKohlrak, Firefox - both media player and the shockwave player extensions. Ubuntu hardy06:30
ScorpDetra: You could try reinstalling with apt-get06:30
DetraRat409, it worked up until yesterday ...06:30
KohlrakFlynsarmy, i mean are you using ALSA or OSS?06:31
DetraScorp, I did ...06:31
FlynsarmyKohlrak, Whatever's default in hardy i suppose06:31
itai-michaelsonDetra, do you get any errors if you run from terminal?06:31
WhoNeedszzzSo about my scrolling problem. If the object i'm trying to scroll doesn't have the focus, it scrolls fine, but if I give it focus, it has the lag. I'm really lost here06:31
legend2440Detra     maybe try channel     #amsn06:31
KohlrakFlynsarmy, but video plays fine?06:31
FlynsarmyKohlrak, yes06:31
Detralegend2440, thx06:31
ScorpDetra, did u change anything apart from that ?? wireless ports or firewall settings06:32
FlynsarmyKohlrak, Although often takes up very large amounts of CPU06:32
KohlrakFlynsarmy, I actually had a problem like that earlier, but with a different program. Did you try rebooting?06:32
junkDawgiemaybe amsn might need to be updated, Detra?..... IM servers change protocols often06:32
FlynsarmyKohlrak, Nah, not yet working atm. will try that later. was just wondering if it was a common thing06:32
koopshi all, i got one litle question... Is it possible to delete ubuntu icon next to the menu bar?06:33
h3llm17Flynsarmy: i have the same problem06:33
debasysanyone knows how to switch tabs between PCMan File Manager??06:33
KohlrakFlynsarmy: might be.06:33
Kohlrakh3llm17, try rebooting.06:33
debasyscan i customize that?06:33
bullgard4[GNOME] The DEB program package is installed. In an xterm I run the command nm-applet. This command does not finish, and no nm-applet appears on the upper panel. How to troubleshoot?06:33
moreauanyone know if the torrent program 'transmission' needs any ports forwarded through my router?06:33
FlynsarmyFlash player has had so many problems in the last few months. It's the only real annoying thing on ubuntu besides not being able to play some wmv's06:33
moreauyeah flash is always crashing in opera and firefox alike06:34
h3llm17is flash 10 supposed to be any good?06:34
junkDawgiei would bet it does.... BT usually requires a port forward06:34
Dexikiixgah this is so annoying06:34
Dexikiixwhy doesn't ./configure work!?06:34
KohlrakFlynsarmy: Actually, i've noticed it improve the last few months. At least it works in 64.06:34
titanI seem to always have problems with flash and firefox06:35
FlynsarmyKohlrak, It never used to use up such huge amounts of CPU as it does now. and it crashes firefox quite often06:35
Dexikiixtitan :(06:35
joejoecircusboyKohlrak: Really? It refuses to play video about half the time for me, and I have to restart the browser (64bit Firefox)06:35
junkDawgieflash is evil,, titan06:35
|anonymous|Could not open the file /home/anonymous/Desktop/?oad/et-linux-2.60.x86.run.06:35
dmi3on-1how do i open file from terminal when i what to edit ?06:35
titanjunkDawgie: for sure06:35
|anonymous|gedit has not been able to detect the character coding.06:35
|anonymous|Please check that you are not trying to open a binary file.06:35
|anonymous|Select a character coding from the menu and try again.06:36
KohlrakWell, that's because flash is like java. It runs in a VM... anyway... It used to not run in gutsy 64.06:36
joejoecircusboyFlynsarmy: That's one nice thing about 64bit Firefox, while flash in nspluginwrapper doesn't work half the time, at least it doesn't take the browser down :D06:36
Rat409 Dexikiix some apps you just make make install,some req ./autogen.sh or cmake . depends on app. read the readme/install files06:36
DexikiixRat409: install file said "type ./configure"06:36
Dexikiixim sure i was in the right dir06:36
junkDawgieevery six months they have a security update with Flash... scares me06:36
dmi3on-1what is command to open text file from a terminal window ?06:36
KohlrakBelieve it or not, i really don't have a problem with flash on ubuntu. Only when i am using OSS and/or ran a bunch of videos at once06:37
Scorpdmi3on-1, gedit06:37
dmi3on-1Scorp, thx my memory is not good06:37
joejoecircusboyBTW, did you guys know that Flash has it's own set of tracking cookies that aren't flushed when the browser clears it's files?06:37
hadronzoo_Hello, can someone help me with a networking issue?  eth0 gets a dhcp ip address, but I can't ping anything but the ip address assigned to the interface (Operation not permitted).  I flushed iptables.06:37
WhoNeedszzzDoes anyone know how to fix the scrolling problem in firefox?06:37
KohlrakjunkDawgie: Probably because with proprietary companies, updated security means updated anti-open sorce stuff or anti-piracy stff06:37
KohlrakWhat scrolling problem in firefox?06:38
Scorpdmi3on-1, you should probably keep a text file on ur desktop with all commands u need most..06:38
Scorpdmi3on-1, you could also type history and get the list of the last 500 commands u've used in the terminal06:38
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: where is the dhcp server running?06:39
junkDawgievery true, Kohlrak.... claim security update and slip you some evil code06:39
KohlrakHadronzoo_, maybe it's the router or something? never saw it before06:39
junkDawgiei'm sure its done... they have to get paid06:39
RadiantI have a question. I am using awn (a dock program) and do not want any menus. is it safe to unistall gnome-panel, or is there a hack to get no panels ?06:39
KohlrakjunkDawgie, that's the rule of windows. Plus they add "features."06:39
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: I'm running a DHCP server for eth1, and on eth0, the dhcp server is on an airpot express basestation06:39
ShujahRadiant, I'm also using awn, you can safely remove bottom panel06:39
ScorpRadiant: dont uninstall it, just remove the panels...06:39
SitUbuntuSit Radiant, you can remove the panel06:40
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junkDawgiebig reason i fdisk'd WinXP, Kohl06:40
KohlrakA real vulnerability in windows is MessageBoxW... There's a trick with it that can BSOD, and ms knew about it since.... I think 95... Still not fixed...06:40
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: so the Ubuntu system is both a dhcp server (eth1), and a dhcp client (eth0) ?06:40
DaruniaNewbie question - I am yet to install ubuntu on harddisk, I have 10-15 gb unpartitioned space on my harddisk, will ubuntu automatically partition the space and will 10-15gb be enough for desktop install ??06:40
KohlrakDarunia: yes06:41
thetitanDarunia: Yes, in the alternate CD i know for sure you can06:41
FlannelDarunia: 10-15 is plenty, you'll have a few choices for what to do, just make sure you either tell it to use unpartitioned space, or do it manually.06:41
DrRealHouseRadiant, it is possible, have a look on Google for the HowTo:  But easy way, put you panel at the bottom, transparent and autohide.  It won't show up and also you won't loose some features from the gnome-panel (as the Notif area)06:41
thetitanDarunia: also plenty of disk space06:41
ShujahDarunia, 15 GB is good enough for Ubuntu Desktop06:41
KohlrakDarunia: That's even enough for Windows, and ubuntu requires alot less than windows.06:41
pikeshouse88so 784 or 1gig?06:41
bullgard4[GNOME] How to install the 'window selector' program?06:41
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: yes, I limited the dhcp server to eth1 (which appears to be working correctly).  The address given to eth0 is not from the local server06:41
=== box is now known as m4lmsteen
jigphello what is good application to use for web developer like me?(free opensource) is aptana good?06:42
Rat409bullgard4: right-click panel?06:42
Shujahbullgard4, as far as I know window selector is a desklet and can be add via 'add to panel'06:42
thetitanigp:  i like quanta for web development06:42
thetitanjigp:  i like quanta for web development06:42
Kohlrakthetitan: i'm curious, does that work with php files as well? i was thinking about getting something like that too, but wanted to get something that'll help me manage a bunch of php files.06:43
junkDawgieholy toledo ... there is 1180 nicks heree06:43
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: can you do a 'netstat -rn', a 'ifconfig -a' and a 'ethtool eth0' and paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com06:43
KohlrakjunkDawgie: and most of them are probably afk06:43
Shujah1181 but whose counting :P06:43
Rat409jigp: also bluefish scribus are popular,i'm no coder tho06:44
junkDawgiewe should have our own concert06:44
thetitankohlrak: Yeah im a web developer and i use PHP and MySql mostly and its a pretty good IDE...  I have also used Zend(Not Open Source) and that is good and Eclipse for PHP is great, but its slow as a mother06:44
jigpthetitan Rat409 : how to run the code?in winblows i use wamp and xamp..what about in ubuntu?thanks06:44
Flannel!lamp | jigp06:44
ubottujigp: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:44
joejoecircusboyPHP+MySQL is an IDE?06:44
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: I would have to type it.  Can you tell me what to look for?06:44
thetitanjigp: a LAMP server06:45
joejoecircusboyjigp: jedit is supposedly good too (I use emacs myself)06:45
Kohlrakthetitan: i don't mean for coding. I mean more along the lines of a manger like i've seen in popular html editors like frontpage.. Though, truth be told, until soon i've only ever used notepad.exe (windows) and gedit for web pages XD06:45
thetitankohlrak: yeah, its a full IDE for managing progects, all of them06:45
thetitanjigp: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#Install_a_LAMP_server_on_a_Desktop06:46
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: hmmm06:46
jigpthetitan joejoecircusboy Flannel : i already installed lamp. but how to know if the lamp is running?i tried by typing: http://localhost but no result06:46
Kohlrakill have to remember to install that.06:46
Flanneljigp: localhost should work.  you get an error?06:46
thetitanjigp: try the command "/etc/init.d/apache2 restart"06:46
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: do you have a usb key you can copy the output to?06:46
tyler_1looking for a vmware alternative with gui suggestions please?06:46
thetitanjigp: try the command start i meant06:46
thetitanjigp: try the command "/etc/init.d/apache2 start"06:47
DrRealHousetyler_1: virtualbox is good.06:47
Flynsarmytyler_1, VirtualBox. it's free06:47
Rat409tyler_1: virtualbox?06:47
FloodBot1tyler_1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:47
Shujahholy cow a flooder :|06:47
junkDawgiei have heard good things about VB... haven't used it yet myself06:47
Flynsarmytyler_1, Use the version from their website rather than the one from apt though, the one from apt is useless06:47
Scorphow do we change rooms here ??06:47
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: shoot, no I don't.  I just installed this machine and managed to screw it up.  Should I just reinstall?06:48
FlannelScorp: depends on your client, but /join #channel is a safe bet06:48
moreau /j #roomname06:48
tyler_1Flynsarmy: beautiful advice ty :)06:48
KohlrakjunkDawgie: you'll hear good things about programming languages by it's users. From me, you'll hear good things about assembly. XD06:48
ScorpFlannel: ohh ya... was lookin for that... thanks06:48
joejoecircusboyjunkDawgie: Ya, I'm waiting for the OSS version to include USB support06:48
Scorpjoin /KDE06:48
DrRealHouseI installed XP and Vista and DreamLinux in VirtualBox and they are all running quite well.06:48
junkDawgiepush, move and all that,, Kohl06:48
joejoecircusboyjunkDawgie: Without USB it's kinda pointless... And if I go with the closed source free version, then I just have a shittier version of the free vmware products06:48
Rat409Scorp: like /join #kde or ##linux etc.06:49
junkDawgiegetting hardware to work in a virtual machine is what they all fight..... and VMWare did it best/firstest06:49
DrRealHousejoejoecircusboy: Why do you need the USB in a virtualized OS?06:49
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: try pinging your router, then run 'arp -a' and print the output06:49
Kohlrakwow, i install quanta and 2 new programs appear.06:50
bullgard4Rat409, Shujah: Thank you very much for your help.06:50
joejoecircusboy(01:49:54 AM) DrRealHouse: joejoecircusboy: Why do you need the USB in a virtualized OS? << watcom tablet, bluetooth, etc06:50
junkDawgietwins, Kohl?06:50
thetitanKohlrak: yeah... KDE apps06:50
KohlrakjunkDawgie: nah, helpers.06:51
junkDawgiewe should write a song about "dependancies"06:51
FlynsarmyAnyone know how ot install wxwidgets on ubuntu to get code::blocks compiling WITHOUT modifying compiler/linker options? ive done it once before but forgotten waht the packages are06:51
DrRealHousejoejoecircusboy: I see, you won't have any choice but Vmware or closed free Virtualbox then.  But that is not a big deal, if you really need it.06:52
=== weiyi is now known as iamsempr
moreaucould someone suggest to me another program for opening .mkv's? vlc gets an error, and totem movie player plays it extremelyslowly, and only plays it after i move the seek bar around a bi06:52
KohlrakjunkDawgie: maybe add how the likelyhood of them disappearing with a purged app is... or does it check the dependencies for ones that'll become unused after it's gone?06:52
joejoecircusboyDrRealHouse: Ya, but I would rather use OSS VB... but alas, no USB support (yet)... maybe in the next major release06:52
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: "? ( at <mac> [ether] on eth1"06:52
=== iamsempr is now known as weiyi
GrobvokWhat's wrong with the open source'd Vbox?06:52
Rat409moreau: mplayer,xine maybe06:53
junkDawgieyou have a grip on the problem, Kohl06:53
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: "? ( at <mac> [ether] on eth0"06:53
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: You're sure is the correct IP for the router? (Also, what IP is assigned to eth0) ?06:53
mmm4m5mhi, I need little help. Just upgraded linux from to and I got err message: "starting virtualbox kernel driver... modprobe vboxdrv failed... please use dmesg to find out why...". My question is: Why this msg is shown only during boot process. I searched all log files and I can't find it. I run 'dmesg' and nothing there (http://pastebin.ca/1094475)06:53
debasyswhat is this 'pulseaudio' process displaying as running and taking 5.8 of my memory in System Manager!?06:53
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: Did you strip the MAC address?06:53
debasysi did not install that!!06:53
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: yes06:53
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: ah, cool... so arp is working (nevermind previous questions)06:54
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: my router on eth1 is
Flynsarmy!PulseAudio | debasys06:54
ubottudebasys: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions06:54
Kohlrakmaybe that's an idea for a new program to be released: "Needless library remover"06:54
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hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: cool, progress :)06:54
dmi3oni cant load vista or ubuntu, i had vista and i install ubuntu. i get a problem grub wasnt loading so try to fix is fallowing this first 5 steps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows now i can load vista or ubuntu06:54
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: sorry, my router on eth0 rather06:54
dmi3oni fix menu.lst06:54
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: does your router have a web interface? If so, can you try telnetting to it "telnet 80"06:55
brent113Hey guys, how can I reduce the file fragmentation on my file system?06:55
dmi3onbut still get error 2506:55
Kohlrakdmi3on: thanks, i am gonna need that link later. You found it before i went for it.06:55
Flynsarmydmi3on, This is the best site ive found for dual or tripple booting with ubuntu/xp/vista http://www.howtoforge.com/dual_boot_windows_xp_vista_ubuntu_feisty06:55
joejoecircusboybrent113: Copy your files to a new file system06:55
DrRealHousemm4m5m:  The driver is not loaded automatically in the latest version of Ubuntu, don't know why.  You have to "sudo modprobe vboxdrv" first.06:55
brent113joejoecircusboy, Ok without doing that, since it's a 2tb filesystem06:55
sajuukI thought linux doesnt allow for file fragmentation06:55
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: it's an airport extreme.  I can't telnet but I may be able to it another way06:55
joejoecircusboybrent113: Unfortunately, that's your only option, AFAIK06:55
DrRealHousemm4m5m: or add vboxdrv to the /etc/modules file...06:56
junkDawgieyou need to install SunOS too, Flyn06:56
Kohlraksajuuk: not linux, the file system... XD06:56
mmm4m5mDrRealHouse: ok, thank you, will try. But why it is not in log files?06:56
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: The idea is to try to establish a TCP connection between your laptop and the router06:56
RageMachineHi, i'd like to remove both panels (gnome-panel), is there a way to do this?06:56
sajuukstill, doesnt linux manage the file systems in its own special way compared to how windows does it?06:56
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: I can't ping from the router side (using another machine).  I also can't ssh06:57
dmi3oncan any one help me fix problem with grub ?06:57
Kohlraksajuuk: Yea. it doesn't view each storage device as a letter, therefor allowing plenty more devices.06:57
dmi3onpls i get error 2506:57
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: what IP is assigned to eth0?06:57
debasysFlynsarmy: as the site says, its a sound server, it is like an interface between the hardware and the application making sound, so if a remove it will my audio will be gone too!?06:57
DrRealHousemm4m5m: Sorry, just re-read you message, and your vboxdrv is not found.  Did you installed it?  it is a different package.06:57
Kohlrakplus, windows doesn't work on ext3 AFAIK06:57
DrRealHousemm4m5m: look for "vbox" in synaptic06:58
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: netmask is /24 or shorter?06:58
dmi3onFlynsarmy, the link you give me i can find think that relates to my problem :(06:58
Flynsarmydebasys, I'm not sure, i dont know much at all about PulseAudio. What i do know though is that it causes problems for just about everyone06:58
RageMachineHi, i'd like to remove both panels (gnome-panel), is there a way to do this?06:58
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: it's really odd, because I can't ping anything on either interface.  Netmask /24 (
DrRealHousemm4m5m:  In my case, (amd64) the binary was not available until recently so I had to compile it from the package source.06:58
Grobvokmmm4m5m: You might need to update the module for your new kernel.06:58
Oldrie^JimmyHim i need help finding my modem driver for ubuntu. Please someone.06:58
junkDawgiei always marvel when i look at a 'nix file system with a bootable CD or sumpin..... thoroughly confusing06:58
KohlrakRageMachine: right click, just becareful doing that though06:58
debasysFlynsarmy: i think it should not take away sound from system as it says 'it allows to do advanced operations '06:58
junkDawgienot what you see in a file manager06:59
crdlbRageMachine: that's not a particularly good idea as some things rely on the panel (notably the alt+f2 run dialog)06:59
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: can you run 'tcpdump -n -i eth0' on the laptop, and try initiating traffic from the router side06:59
moreauI just installed mplayer, and whenever i use the cmd line to open a file, it tells me 'no such file or directory' even if i type 'mplayer ' and then drag the file into terminal so it copies the right path06:59
crdlbRageMachine: if you really want to do it, run: "gnome-session-remove gnome-panel"06:59
DrRealHousemm4m5m: Make sure that you have the file vboxdrv.ko in your module (run "locate vboxdrv.ko")06:59
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: Also, what IP is assigned to eth1?07:00
KohlrakOldrie^Jimmy: what is it?07:00
Oldrie^JimmyI need help to find 56KV.92 modem drivers... It's on a Dell Latitude 120L07:00
dmi3oncan some one help me to set up grub it doesnt load vista or ubuntu error 2507:00
mmm4m5mDrRealHouse: Thank you, will fix vbox. One more thing: when I switch to first terminal (Alt+Ctrl+F1) I see only last 2 screens, I can page up/down only last 2 screens with boot msgs. Can I do something to be sure that all boot msgs are logged?   Globvok: thank you too.07:00
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: I'm trying to initiate tcp (ssh) from the router side to the problem box, and I'm seeing the attempts on the problem box07:00
Rat409dmi3on: http://www.uruk.org/orig-grub/errors.html explains error-codes but no soloution07:00
moreauis this the correct codec for .mkv?  copied from terminal after running 'mplayer <file.mkv>'  "[mkv] Track ID 1: video (V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC) "Video", -vid 0"07:01
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: eth1 is
KohlrakOldrie^Jimmy: hm... i don't know... It might work with NDIS, but i'm not sure. my as well try it.07:01
dmi3onRat409, why do i need is its no solutions07:01
smokewoncan someone help me its very urgent, everytime i do a fresh install of Ubuntu Grub gives me error 17 and 18 sometimes, this is very worrying as i have tried to install windows on a fresh hd format and ntloader does not get detected either, this happend last night when i was trying to install ubuntu, i really need help urgently as i need my computer for studys etc, and at the moment i cant install any OS at all!!!07:01
smokewonvery urgent, please help07:01
Rat409because its probly errors in /boot/grub/menu.lst07:02
RageMachinecrdlb: exactly, i dont really want to completely remove it, just not have it visible ever. lol.07:02
Kohlrakdmi3on: solutions come from knowing what's wrong. If you know what's wrong, you can figure a solution on your own.07:02
DrRealHousemmm4m5m:  Don't know actually, everything from dmesg should be in the /var/log/kernel and /var/log/message.07:02
Oldrie^JimmyKohlrak: Were can I get it?07:02
smokewonno because ntloader does not load for windows either, this is a new HD bought last week....07:02
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: can you do this "iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT && iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT && iptables -F"07:02
RageMachineKohlrak; fyi that doesnt work, gnome-panel requires 1 panel always present07:02
KohlrakOldrie^Jimmy: sudo apt-get install ndis-wrapper?07:02
crdlbRageMachine: you could set it to autohide?07:02
Grobvoksmokewon: You should be able to install Ubuntu or Windows if you format the whole drive at installation.07:02
dmi3onKohlrak, i am very new to ubuntu and programming it doesnt help me07:02
mmm4m5mDrRealHouse: ok, will read more then. Thank you, thanks to all.07:02
smokewonGrobvok not the case, i have been trying ALL day07:02
RageMachinecrdlb: its still visible sadly.07:03
=== omar_ is now known as Omar87
Oldrie^JimmyKohlrak" I dont have internet on my Ubuntu... thats why i need this modem driver07:03
Kohlrakdmi3on: well, if we know the error name with the number, we might be able to help better07:03
dmi3oni am not filling happy now when i am asking for help for two hours07:03
junkDawgieyou need to wipe the boot sector of the drive , smokewon07:03
smokewonand yes i did format the whole drive each time ive tried07:03
dmi3oncan some one help me to set up grub it doesnt load vista or ubuntu error 2507:03
smokewonJunkDawgie how do i go about that via the Live CD of ubuntu?07:03
dmi3onerror 2507:03
KohlrakOldrie^Jimmy: if you're on windows, download it to windows and access it from within ubuntu.07:03
RageMachinecrdlb: do you know exactly what is affected by deleting gnomepanel?07:03
junkDawgieyou don't07:03
Dexikiixhey where do i get the -dev package for GLib?07:03
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: that worked!07:03
dmi3onwhen grub is loads i select ubuntu i get error 2507:03
DrRealHousesmokevon: Seems like a fried HD...  last time I had this problem, the hardisk died a little time after that.07:04
crdlbDexikiix: if you're trying to build carrier: sudo apt-get build-dep pidgin07:04
bobertdosdmi3on: Have you already looked at the wiki entries?07:04
Omar87I'm having the following problem with gtk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/35007/07:04
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: I can ping the router07:04
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: Damn, I thought you had said you flushed the rules already :)07:04
junkDawgiethere are tools made by the drive manuf for that and some third party tools too07:04
moreauanyone know how to fix the problem of some .mkv's not playing in totem movie player, or VLC07:04
Oldrie^JimmyKohlrak: Yes I'm on windows but to lazy to look for the package, Would packages.ubuntu.com have it?07:04
Dexikiixcrdlb: thanks07:04
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: I did "iptables --flush"07:04
smokewonjunkDawgie so my HD is pretty much stuffed in other words...07:04
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: iptables -L showed no rules07:04
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: Maybe I didn't flush them correctly07:04
KohlrakOldrie^Jimmy: Maybe.. never had to do this before07:04
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: Might have been set to default drop (the -P options changed it to default accept)07:04
junkDawgieyou have to write 0's on the first 6? sectors07:04
Dexikiixcrdlb: so this will just update pidgin, right?07:04
crdlbRageMachine: I guess alt+f2 is the only thing not directly connected with the standard panel functions07:04
Oldrie^JimmyKohlrak: This is a Phone Modem I'm doing this for. v.v07:05
junkDawgiethat is not done in a format operation07:05
TeslaTonydmi3on: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117271&highlight=grub+error+2507:05
Grobvoksmokewon: If you need your PC fast, use LiveCD+USB flash combo.07:05
crdlbDexikiix: build-dep will install everything needed to build pidgin, which should be the same for carrier since it's just a fork07:05
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: I see.  Thank you so much for your help.  How do I save these rules?07:05
Dexikiixthanks ok i get it07:05
TeslaTonydmi3on: See if that helps any07:05
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: I'm not real clear on how Ubuntu sets up its iptables ruleset... but you probably just need to stop it from loading it completely07:05
smokewonjunkDawgie i have no idea how to do this, im not a programmer, i need this PC working tonight, im at uni, i dont have time for this! all i wanted was to install Ubuntu and i end up with a fried HD!??07:05
Omar87When I try to install python-gtk it says there are not installation candidate, how so I deal with that?07:05
KohlrakOldrie^Jimmy: I figured as much. NDIS might still be able to help though. I only ever used ethernet and wireless drivers, so outside of ndis, i don't know what to tell you07:05
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: (I only use iptables on Red Hat, and it's quite a bit different)07:05
dmi3onKohlrak, after i installed ubuntu i reabot and vista was starting right the way with out grub, so some one give me this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows i fallow first 5 steps and now vista doesnt load and ubuntu too and i get error 2507:06
junkDawgiethat hard drive is not gonna work tonight07:06
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: Maybe someone else can help you make it permanent?07:06
smokewonGrobvok sorry what is a LiveCD+USB flash combo??07:06
crdlbOmar87: python-gtk207:06
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: I see.  OK, I can look online.  Thank you so much for your help!07:06
smokewonALS JKF A;JS JK;L07:06
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: no problem07:06
FloodBot1smokewon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:06
jhb1608How do i extract the RAR file in Ubuntu?07:07
junkDawgieokay.... lets start over.... smokewon.... does any O07:07
Flynsarmyjhb1608, unrar <file>07:07
junkDawgieOS get booted?07:07
Kohlrakdmi3on: i always hated messing with grub... Have you tried supergrub yet?07:07
jhb1608terminal, correct :P?07:07
Flynsarmyjhb1608, or if youre using the GUI you can just right click and extract. make sure you have rar and unrar programs installed07:07
jhb1608that's probably why07:07
DrRealHousejhb1608: Make sure that you have unrar install (look in synaptic)07:07
dmi3onKohlrak, how do i do this ?07:07
junkDawgiethere are a couple tools on the XP install disk07:08
junkDawgiejust remembered07:08
jhb1608let me look07:08
smokewoni have XP, but XP doesnt load07:08
Kohlrakdmi3on: look at the page where you got the 5 steps. Look at the table of contents and follow the instructions.07:08
junkDawgiebut it was there before?07:08
Omar87crdlb: Okay, here's the story, yesterday I had a problem with installing a python extension named "Jinja", it needed the python headers.07:08
smokewoni can install it, but i cant boot from any OS anymore, this is rediculous!07:08
smokewonyes i have had many OS"s on this HD07:08
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: btw: it's iptables-save07:08
junkDawgieno no, this happened to me once too07:08
jhb1608aha it is not installed07:08
smokewonsince last week, i had slackware, XP, Ubuntu, zenwalk on this HD07:09
jigpthetitan Flannel it works :)but how to saved my php files? how to navigate into folder?im not sure where to run my php...07:09
FlynsarmyIs gparted very reliable at resizing partitions without losing data on those partitions?07:09
bullgard4[GNOME] The DEB program package is installed. In an xterm I run the command nm-applet. This command does not finish, and no nm-applet appears on the upper panel. How to install this applet?07:09
jhb1608so I'm installing unrar AND RAR07:09
junkDawgiea working XP install, that GRUB shattered07:09
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: cool, but... you're probably saving some half installed ruleset (we didn't flush everything either with those commands)07:09
smokewoni reformated with ubuntu live CD, now i cant boot anything, nothing is on this HD at all atm07:09
jigpthetitan Flannel its the localhost07:09
junkDawgieyou boot the XP install disc and use the recovery mode07:09
thetitanjigp:  /var/www  usually, but you can set up a virtual host to make one in your home forlder, i recommend that07:09
smokewonits formated, wiped, clean, compleetly07:09
smokewonah ok07:09
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: hang on a sec07:09
smokewonrecovery mode07:09
smokewonand it will fix this HD problem?07:10
junkDawgiei think so07:10
jhb1608I use it a lot07:10
bryc1i wanted to mount my 2nd hard-drive on startup and added this: # /dev/sdb107:10
bryc1UUID=afb304b8-a5a6-4a89-9e4c-480e951dbf1a/media/disk ext3 defaults 0 0: to my fstab07:10
bullgard4[GNOME] The DEB program package network-manager-gnome is installed. In an xterm I run the command nm-applet. This command does not finish, and no nm-applet appears on the upper panel. How to install this applet?07:10
jigpthetitan : you recommend /var/www? but how to navigate there?07:10
Omar87crdlb: So, I tried to download and compile a tarball named "python2.5-2.5.2" and install it from source.07:10
smokewonok tyvm, i need to do this very quickly, i will be back if im unlucky07:10
bryc1but it doesnt mount and gives me an error that07:10
jigpthetitan : Places/Home there is no /var/www07:10
jhb1608I'll be here anyways07:10
junkDawgiehe took off too soon07:10
crdlbOmar87: did you install it to /usr/local ?07:10
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: ok07:11
bryc1says i cant mount the volume...i am not priviledged07:11
Kohlrakjigp: don't use home. Places -> Computer -> Filesystem07:11
junkDawgiehe doesn't know the command to execute07:11
thetitanjigp: its in the root directory07:11
jigpthetitan Flannel all i can see is the desktop folder documents etc07:11
thetitanjigp: go to Computer07:11
Omar87crdlb: Unfortunately, I didn't point it to an exact location..07:11
Grobvokbryc1: type sudo before the comomand.07:11
junkDawgiehe needs to run the fixmbr command from the XP install disc07:11
maozhanghi guys07:12
jhb1608oh damn, I forgot to tell him that too07:12
thetitanmaozhang: hello07:12
jhb1608sorry if I swear lol.07:12
junkDawgiejhb.... you have used it too?07:12
jigpthetitan Kohlrak : i found it thanks :) so everytime im finished with my coded php i will save it to /var/www ?07:12
Kohlrakjigp: yes07:12
bryc1i shouldnt do that in an fstab entry07:12
jhb1608many times before07:12
thetitanjigp:  yup07:12
Omar87crdlb: Now, some python-based apps like emesene refuse to work, they need python-gtk, but I already have it.07:12
jhb1608but I'm sticking with Ubuntu for now07:12
jigpthetitan Kohlrak ah just like what i used to in winblows wamp / xamp07:12
junkDawgiewell, he'll be back.... i have to go, will you tell him, jhb?07:13
crdlbOmar87: they need python-gtk207:13
jhb1608but I had issues with my tablet in ubuntu07:13
maozhangi'm having trouble using ubuntu to connect to my wireless network. The network name is correct: 'wireless' , Password type: WPA2 Personal, and the password I put is correct too07:13
Kohlrakjigp: Well, it's not as much trouble to get there in linux ;)07:13
jigpthetitan : sudo apt-get install komodo is not working :(07:13
crdlbOmar87: do you have a /usr/local/lib/python2.5/ ?07:13
jhb1608so I am installing Windows 2000 in VituralBox OSE anyways07:13
Omar87crdlb: Yes, I have it.07:13
jhb1608I will :)07:13
maozhangeverytime i exit the setttings, and go back in, the password type changes from WPA2 personal to WPA personal07:13
jhb1608fixmbr right?07:13
Kohlrakjigp: look for komodo in synaptic, general rule when apt-get fails07:13
bryc1i mean...how do i fix my /etc/fstab file to mount the drive at startup07:13
junkDawgiethanks jhb160807:13
jhb1608fixmbr right? :)?07:14
thetitanjigp:  are you sure its in the sources?07:14
jhb1608just doublechecking07:14
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: This will completely flush the filter table(s):  "iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT && iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT && iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT && iptables -F && iptables -X"07:14
chetnickmaozhang: did you ever connect from that computer to that wireless network?07:14
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: This will completely flush the nat table(s):  "iptables -t nat -P PREROUTING ACCEPT && iptables -t nat -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT && iptables -t nat -P OUTPUT ACCEPT && iptables -t nat -F && iptables -t nat -X"07:14
Omar87crdlb: The "python2,5" you're talking about is a file not a folder, right?07:14
dmi3onKohlrak, its for windows install i cant run windows07:14
chetnickmaozhang: make sure it supports WPA207:14
maozhangchetnick never07:14
junkDawgiegotta scoot... later folks07:14
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: run the above command, then save07:14
maozhangmaozhang, it supports wpa207:14
maozhangim sure of that07:14
crdlbOmar87: folder in /usr/local/lib, file in /usr/local/bin07:14
* Dexikiix is doing his first successful ./configure make make instal07:15
debasysviktor: ping07:15
Dexikiixmake takes a while...07:15
Kohlrakdmi3on: google super grub up then, i found a way to make a cd out of it. Don't remember where it is though07:15
dmi3oni how do i set grub to load two OS vista and ubuntu now both doesnt work i get error 2507:15
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: everything is working properly after reboot.  Should I still flush everything?07:15
Daisuke_Idoquick question - installing from the alternate cd, it's throwing an error that says it can't find an IDE or SCSI cdrom.  /dev/cdrom, /dev/scd0, /dev/dvd, /dev/cdrw, and /dev/dvdrw aren't working.  what am i missing here?07:15
chetnickmaozhang: you are using network manager to connect? is the signal good?07:15
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: I would, might save you hassle down the road07:15
Omar87crdlb: It's in "/usr/local/bin".07:15
maozhangchetnick yes07:15
thetitanjigp: you looking for komodo edit or the ide?07:16
furenkuhello everybody! I just updated to hardy, and now my network-admin is all disabled; wired connection works, but wireless is dead; has anybody come up with this error before?07:16
maozhangchetnick, the signal is good07:16
Kohlrakfurenku: double check what i always fail to double check when this happens to me: Is the wireless light on? XD07:16
Omar87crdlb: Yeah, that's right.07:16
thetitanfurenku:  what do you mean network admin is disabled?  Cant you click the unlock button?07:16
chetnickmaozhang: maozhang: does AP have MAC filter ?07:16
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: ok.  do you think I should use iptables to setup a firewall after flushing them?07:16
furenkuthetitan, the windows is "greyed out" and no, i can't click the button, it's also disabled07:17
nat2610a lot07:17
Kohlrakchetnick: if it's a peice of hardware that can network, it has a mac filter.07:17
furenkuKohlrak, no, it's off; but my pc's switch is on07:17
nat2610hi, I'm using the last ubuntu and I have a hard time playing video .mov I'm able to open them with mplayer but the navigation is almost impossible, when I open them into vlc, the sounds works but not the image. Also I notice on vlc that ffmpeg "ffmpeg decoder error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)" ... and the computer is less than a year hold with...07:17
nat2610...the right nividia inside and the drivers installed (with envyNG)  anybody know what to do ?07:17
jhb1608how do I do the RAR extracting on a file?07:17
Omar87crdlb: What do I do now?07:17
thetitanfurenku: It has been this way since you pugraded?07:17
crdlbOmar87: ok, remove everything in /usr/local/bin/ that starts with 'python'07:17
jhb1608I installed rar and unrar07:17
Omar87crdlb: Okay.07:18
chetnickKohlrak: i ment mac filter turned on07:18
furenkuI think the first reboot it was fine07:18
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: versus other firewall packages?  AFAIK, all Linux firewall packages just end up using iptables under the hood...  It's your call whether you want to go direct the the source or not (I guess it depends how comfortable you are with CLI vs GUI tools)07:18
KohlrakFurenku: hm... If the light's off then it's either not installed or there's another switch (fn+f3?) that might affect it07:18
furenkuthe titan,  I think the first reboot it was fine07:18
Kohlrakchetnick: ah sorry, i'm not good and sorting thorugh all the messages here and missed what happened till now07:18
furenkuthetitan,  I think the first reboot it was fine07:18
jhb1608I'm trying to extract a .rar package by a commandline unrar07:18
thetitanis it possible that there is a runaway network manager running, another desktop maybe or something like that...  has happened to me before07:18
Real_DjHey peeps i need some help07:18
furenkuthetitan, sorry for posting three times07:18
Rat409jhb1608: try unrar --help or -h07:18
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: what is your recommendation for the best command line firewall configuration software?07:19
Daisuke_Idojhb1608: unrar x <filename>07:19
thetitanfurenku: haha, np07:19
sandkopis it possible to customize ubuntu installed in a pendrive?07:19
furenkuthetitan, what do you mean by "runaway network manager"07:19
Omar87crdlb: Okay, done, then what?07:19
Real_Djis it possible to install ubunto on a memorystick and then install it on a computer without any operativesystem07:19
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: hmmm... if by 'best', you mean 'most flexible and powerful', then I would say use iptables directly07:19
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: (That's what I do)07:19
crdlbOmar87: try running a python-using app in a new terminal07:20
jhb1608my package say it is empty07:20
thetitanfurenku: just running somewhere else, check the light on the hardware also is that on?07:20
thetitanfurenku: like didnt close all the way, check the process explorer07:20
jhb1608I think my package requires the password07:20
KohlrakReal_DJ, you could make a bootable pendrive (out of the installation cd) from it using some hacks and stuff, then install from there if that's what you mean.07:20
furenkuthetitan, it's off07:20
Omar87crdlb: It worked!07:20
GrobvokWhy can't I hear sound from firefox and rhythmbox at the same time?07:20
thetitanfurenku: have you installed the drivers for the wireless?07:20
thetitanfurenku: what kind is it?07:21
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: I use a shell script to set the firewall rules.. makes it easier to manage... I can share, if you'd like07:21
Omar87crdlb: I tried to run emesene, and I was successful.07:21
crdlbOmar87: you can remove /usr/local/lib/python2.5 too if you want, but it won't hurt anything due to the way python links its paths07:21
furenkuthetitan, not yet; i was hoping for a simpler solution, im doing apt-get linux-backports-etc07:21
tyler_dVBox will not launch the actual GUI?07:21
sandkopif i install ubuntu in a pendrive am i going to be able to install software on it?07:21
jigpthetitan komodo edit and ide for ubuntu :) sudo apt-get install komodo_ide no komodo_edit is not working...07:21
cakeywhere do i get codecs to play *.flv files07:21
chetnickjoejoecircusboy: i was trying to setup iptables on my box, i added rules with now hastle, but how do i apply them or start them ?07:21
Omar87crdlb: But keeping it also won't hurt?07:21
cakeysome FLV files play well07:21
smokewonim not sure what that done tbh07:22
maozhanghey i just figured out what the problem is chetnick07:22
smokewoni just rebooted with the win xp cd07:22
crdlbOmar87: it shouldn't do any damage, because the python in /usr/bin is hardcoded to read /usr/lib/python2.507:22
maozhangmy broadcom wireless drivers werent installed07:22
cakeybut those that i ripped from the firefox cache wont07:22
joejoecircusboychetnick: apparently 'iptables-save' does something, but I'm not really sure (I use Red Hat for my firewall - it's different)07:22
smokewonand chose "ASR" or automated system recovery07:22
maozhangi went to system administration hardware and it wasnt enabled07:22
chetnickmaozhang: that would do it :)07:22
smokewonand it asked for a floppy disk07:22
divyahi,I want to know something about cgi-scripts07:22
maozhangnow how do i get my mouse wheel to work07:22
thetitanjigp:  I didnt see it in adept... its not free though... is it a trial or something?07:22
smokewonso i skipped that bit07:22
smokewonand just ran "r" repair windows xp installation07:22
chetnickjoejoecircusboy: i was using centos firewall it is different07:22
Omar87crdlb: Okay, do you suggest that I remove it?07:23
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: I guess I'd like the easiest, since I'm new to iptables :)07:23
smokewonand i had only certain commands07:23
smokewonso i ran fixmbr07:23
smokewonand then fixboot07:23
jhb1608how do I attack all parts of the RAR package?07:23
thetitanfurenku: idk..  i always have problems with wireless on ubuntu... I dont use it much though =/07:23
jhb1608oops attach*07:23
smokewonbut im not sure if that did anything07:23
jigpthetitan i use free in komodo///07:23
ajayhi guys07:23
ajayim new to linix07:23
crdlbOmar87: sure, just be careful to remove the one in /usr/local, not the system one in /usr :)07:23
smokewonffs, why the hell did this happen, last time i swear07:23
thetitanfurenku: if its like lynksys or something you might have a hassle on your hands07:23
chetnickjhb1608: just take AK47 and shoot07:23
ajayi need to know when i go on gnome-look.org07:23
furenkuthetitan, i hope not; ill try to fix it, ill let you know07:24
ajayhow do i install themes07:24
ajaylike i have compiz and emerald installed07:24
chetnickjhb1608: machine gun :)07:24
joejoecircusboychetnick: centos is exactly the same as rhel...   once you set the rules  with iptables (at bash, or in script), just do a 'service iptables save', which will write the rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables - which are read/started on bootup07:24
GrobvokSome people fix their wireless linux problems with ndiswrapper.07:24
jhb1608oh lol07:24
Rat409hadronzoo_: if you don't mind adding kde-core-libs kmyfirewall lets you roll your own from a gui.its good also many iptables scripts,i like killerwall,shorewall,ipkungfu,arno's etc.07:24
chetnickjoejoecircusboy: i know :)07:24
ajaywhen i look at the previews shown on the themes07:24
thetitanjigp: strange, this site begs to differ http://www.activestate.com/Products/komodo_ide/index.mhtml07:24
jhb1608well I have rar.part.01, .02, .03, and .0407:24
joejoecircusboychetnick: what was your question?07:24
ajayit looks nice07:24
divyaDo cgi -scripts support ssh07:24
chetnickjhb1608: just extract first one07:24
chetnickor any07:24
ajaybut im not able to have the same results07:24
jhb1608I am07:24
chetnickit will combine them07:25
jigpKohlrak thetitan : aside from komodo is there any free opensource editors and ide's? thanks (like the replacement of dreamweaver and photoshop...i use gimp for photoshop07:25
Omar87crdlb: You mean, I must remove "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/" and NOT "/usr/bin/python"?07:25
jhb1608you sure :P07:25
hadronzoo_hadronzoo_: I guess I should go ahead and install xorg then.  Thanks for all of your help!07:25
=== RandomCake___ is now known as RandomCake
chetnickjhb1608: i am rapidshare user, it works for me all the time.07:25
jhb1608oh me too lol07:25
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: Not really familiar with the GUI firewall tool in Ubuntu (I think hardy ships with a new one).... maybe the others can help with that07:25
thetitanjigp:  i use quanta because its fast, i like Eclipse but its java and i got a slow machine =/07:25
jhb1608prenium user07:25
jhb1608well for 3 days I had to.07:26
Rat409hadronzoo_: gnome default is firestarter,gui very easy also very good07:26
kindofabuzzhow would i search through a folder for a certain text string in a file?07:26
chetnickthetitan: try jgrasp if you are not doing something very advanced07:26
crdlbOmar87: yes, _only_ remove it if it's in /usr/local/07:26
thetitanchetnick:  for web development?07:26
jigpthetitan : ok.i found quanta in synaptic.ill just check the quanta and quanta-data?then install07:26
Kohlrakjigp: if you like all around IDEs for things, there are plenty out there. Heck, unlike many programmers, i use gedit for just about everything.07:26
Omar87crdlb: Okay, understood.07:27
crdlbOmar87: the install in /usr/ is the system python install; your system would break badly without that :)07:27
nbgs938kindofabuzz: grep -r string foldername07:27
kindofabuzzthanks nbgs93807:27
thetitanjigp: if you just check quanta it will automatically select all of the required packages07:27
jigpKohlrak : there is no Heck in synatip upon searching07:27
hadronzoo_Rat409: cool, I'll install gnome07:27
Kohlrakjigp: Heck is an expression. XD07:28
Rat409hadronzoo_: homepage and docs at http://fs-security.com/ iirc07:28
kindofabuzznbgs938: i'm guessing that if no results it will just line return?07:28
Rat409google has good pictorial 5min fw07:28
Omar87crdlb: When I did ls'ed the directory: "/usr/local/lib/" this was the output: "eclipse  gtk-2.0  lincity  php  python2.4  python2.5  site_ruby"07:28
hadronzoo_Rat409: cool, thanks!07:28
nbgs938kindofabuzz: yes07:28
BrendanWelshFirefox isn't launching for me, is there any terminal commands I can do to maybe try and fix it? It's worked fine but it crashed. Is there a process still running for it that I can somehow kill07:28
thetitanAny game developers in here?07:29
Omar87crdlb: Do I remove both python2.5 and python2,4?07:29
joejoecircusboyBrendanWelsh: try 'killall firefox'07:29
jigpKohlrak : hehehe sorry..07:29
painyi am learning game devwelopment07:29
jigpthetitan : downloading it. is it like dreamweaver?more features?07:29
thetitanpainy: me too...  what are you learning?07:29
nbgs938kindofabuzz: if you want grep to ignore case when searching, use -ri instead -r07:29
thetitanjigp: in a way like dreamwaver, no WYSIWYG though07:30
vasslerdoes anyone know if you need compiz to run emerald?07:30
Kohlrakpainy: what do you need?07:30
BrendanWelshjoejoecircusboy: Nope, thanks though. I'll have to reboot.07:30
kindofabuzznbgs938: -r instead of -r? lol07:30
nbgs938kindofabuzz: -ri07:30
joejoecircusboyBrendanWelsh: what version of Ubuntu?07:30
thetitanpany: mee too SDL package and suck?07:30
vasslerdoes anyone know if you need compiz to run emerald?07:30
painywhat do you mean and suck theaber07:30
crdlbOmar87: python2.4 probably contains some site-packages you installed on a previous version of ubuntu that used 2.4; you can just ignore that07:30
BrendanWelshjoejoecircusboy: 8.0407:30
kindofabuzznbgs938: oh couldn't see the i07:30
thetitanpainy: suck*07:30
thetitanpainy: such*07:30
joejoecircusboyBrendanWelsh: try 'killall -9 firefox' before you reboot07:30
painyyes SDL07:31
painynothing Kohlrak07:31
BrendanWelshjoejoecircusboy: Nope. Any other suggestions?07:31
thetitanpainy: Are you reading a book or something?  Im doing these lazytuts  what do you use to edit the files?  sorry bout the barrage of questions =P07:31
joejoecircusboyIf for some reason you're running FF2, try killing 'firefox-bin' instead of 'firefox'07:32
Rat409BrendanWelsh: killall -15 firefox or run top and kill pid #07:32
joejoecircusboyBrendanWelsh: other than that, no ideas07:32
BrendanWelshRat409: How do I "run top and kill pid #?"07:32
jigpthetitan : gimp is like photoshop.im practicing and familiarized it tho photoshop is the best07:32
painyi am reading "thinking in C++" thetitan, yeah i saw the lazyfoo tutorials too did a couple of them,  i am using Codeblocks as the compiler07:33
=== Darunia is now known as DaruniaRocks
thetitanpainy: thank you much07:33
FinnishMy friend has  Ati radeon xpress 200M on his laptop. He is trying to get a  1920X1200-dispĺay on it (hooked with VGA). It doesn't see it right. How could I help him?07:33
joejoecircusboyRad409: -15?07:33
Rat409BrendanWelsh: see what the process id is via top then in xterm as sudo kill that process number07:33
Rat409yuh killall -15 is max afaik07:33
thetitanjigp:  yeah, i love me some photoshop, can't go wrong.  Gimp is great though.07:34
BrendanWelshdoesn't even appear in top, odd.07:34
thetitanjigp:  Way more extensible plugins and stuff like that07:34
joejoecircusboyRat409: -9 is the most 'powerful'07:34
Rat409BrendanWelsh: any zombie's?07:34
joejoecircusboyRat409: -9 is -KILL, it can't be caught (the other signals can)07:34
jhb1608The VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. You will need to logout for the change to take effect..07:34
jhb1608how do I fix it?07:34
jigpthetitan : yeah..how about the replacement for fireworks?macromedia flash?07:35
Rat409joejoecircusboy: no idea but my linux guru said -15,i'll google it07:35
BrendanWelshzombies? not that i know of07:35
manoloI seem to have a problem installing a program in ubuntu. the terminal gives me the following error message:07:35
Ahadieljhb1608, gpasswd -a username vboxusers07:35
manolomanolo@manolo-laptop:~/k3mathworksheets$ ./install07:35
manoloChecking for custom installation directory...07:35
manoloChecking for K3 Math Worksheets Home...07:35
manolocreating /usr/local/k3mathworksheets directory07:35
manolomkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/k3mathworksheets': Permission denied07:35
FloodBot1manolo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:35
manoloChecking for binary directory...07:35
joejoecircusboyRat409: I used to do linux programming... I know this :)07:35
Ahadieljhb1608, Where username is your username, then relog.07:35
magneticubuntuguys how can i mount a hd parition in shell plz? (forgot the args)07:35
BrendanWelshtried killing the # after launching it and it didn't launch anyway07:35
jhb1608ah ok07:35
BrendanWelshit says "launching firefox web browser" in my bottom panel and then doesn't launch07:36
jhb1608permission declined07:36
thetitanjigp: check this out: http://swanking-chin.blogspot.com/2007/10/complete-replacement-software-list-of.html07:36
joejoecircusboyRat409: 'man signal'07:36
Ahadieljhb1608, add a sudo infront of that :D07:36
Rat409manolo: anything outside "home' req's sudo usually07:36
Hackerlifei'm having trouble getting google vids to work on opera; i tryied 9,51, 9.50, and others. i'm sure that flashplugin-nonfree is installed. any help?07:36
jhb1608oh duh07:36
jigpthetitan : thank you... :)07:36
jhb1608it works07:36
VegombreiHALP !!07:37
manolook, i will try that. thank you.07:37
Ahadieljhb1608, Yeah, you need to login again for group changes to take effect.07:37
sandkopcan i install software on usb pendrive ubuntu isntalation?07:37
=== DaruniaRocks is now known as DaruniaRokz
magneticubuntuguys i'm trying to mount /dev/sdb4 in shell : mount -t /dev/sdb4 /mnt is not working07:38
Vegombreii recently got a blackberry and i cant get it to sync with ubuntu for my contacts in evolution .. can someone please help me fix this its quite urgent as if im not able to do so im gonna return the phone and get a sony instead07:38
magneticubuntuwhat are the args plz/07:38
nbgs938sandkop: is it a real installation or just the live system running from pendrive?07:38
BrendanWelsh...my shutdown button isn't working. i can reboot in terminal but it gets an odd error and when it reboots the screen is displaced07:39
sandkopnbgs938, i have installed ubuntu from the cd to the usb stick... and want to install software an customize gnome07:39
BrendanWelshlike my GUI shutdown button in the top left does nothing. odd.07:39
nbgs938sandkop: then i guess it's possible07:39
manolothank you very much rat409!07:39
BrendanWelshactually, neither panel are responding. a hard reboot will probably work, be right back07:40
sandkopnbgs938, and if i install remastersys on the usb too is it possible to install that on any computer?07:40
wirenikBrendanWalsh: Always try a hard reboot first. ;)07:40
nbgs938sandkop: i don't know remastersys, sorry07:40
sandkopnbgs938, ok thanks ill see if i can run the system from the usb and install some stuff07:41
joejoecircusboy(02:40:22 AM) wirenik: BrendanWalsh: Always try a hard reboot first. ;) << Only if it's company equipment :P07:41
Rat409magneticubuntu: ex. mount -t ext3 <device> <mountpoint>07:42
Vegombreideb http://opensync.gforge.punktart.de/repo/opensync-0.21/ feisty main   ..... will this work if i have hardy ?07:42
BrendanWelshwirenik: I normally would, but I was downloading a package and couldn't reboot but wanted to look something up. Sorry for any inconvienences! ;)07:42
magneticubunturat: thx man07:42
wirenikBrendanWalsh: no problem, just making sure :)07:42
Vegombreideb http://opensync.gforge.punktart.de/repo/opensync-0.21/ feisty main   ..... will this work if i have hardy ?07:44
joejoecircusboyVegombrei: Might, try it?07:44
crdlbVegombrei: probably a bad idea07:44
smokewonhey how do i find out what (hd, what_ever) params to put in grub to load another OS? it only shows sda1, i have ubuntu installed on partition sda2, but sda1 is free, how do i do this?07:45
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:45
crdlbVegombrei: opensync is _in_ hardy07:46
Vegombreijoejoecircusboy: im trying to sync a blackberry with evolution contacts .. this is some of the first steps according to a forum someone posted .. but i guess the poster is running fiesty and im on hardy .. isnt there anyone herewho has a blackberry and has sucessfully sync with ubuntu ??07:46
hal_v2I could really use a hand here. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5536870#post553687007:46
ajayi want to kknow if there is a similar program to notepad ++ for linux07:46
ajayim really new to linux07:46
ajayi have to do some coding07:46
nbgs938[[cEuwe_fZz]]: no msg please07:47
ajayand im still not really familiar to vim07:47
Vegombreicrdlb: can i pastebin the instructions so you can tell me whats different in there ?? im a noob and dont understand most of it07:47
joejoecircusboyVegombrei: Looks like the program you want is already in the stock repositories (no need to configure the 3rd party one above)07:47
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: The problem seems to be dnsmasq.  Iptables has just been reset back07:47
hcMythajay: Isnt notepad++ for linux? Also gedit is good07:47
ajayi know that at skool on windows we use notepad ++ it displays like all the colors and everything07:47
crdlbVegombrei: just try installing them without adding the 3rd party repo07:47
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: hrm07:47
Flannelajay: Try SciTE07:47
hcMythgedit displays colors07:47
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_:  which problem? New one?07:47
hcMythajay: sudo apt-get install gedit ... but just try 'gedit' first it's probably installed already07:48
Vegombreijoejoecircusboy: i think you should see this too07:48
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: my iptables has been reset to before we flushed them.07:48
ajayhcMyth: ok thanks07:48
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: oh!... hmm07:48
Rat409ajay: cream is a theme system for gvim,graphical version of vi/vim07:48
Vegombreicrdlb: ?07:48
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: you need dns masq for eth1?07:48
joejoecircusboyBrendanWelsh: All good?07:49
BrendanWelshAll it required was a reboot. :)07:49
hadronzoo_hadronzoo_: dnsmasq.conf has a built in dhcp and tftp server07:49
ajayhcMyth: but if i want to install notepad ++ on linux07:49
ajayhcMyth: how could i do thast07:50
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: sorry, dnsmasq.conf has a built in dhcp and tftp server07:50
crdlbVegombrei: http://www.chipbennett.net/wordpress/index.php/2008/05/synchronizing-a-blackberry-in-linux/07:50
BrendanWelshjoejoecircusboy: Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it.07:50
Rat409!wine | ajay07:50
ubottuajay: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.07:50
hcMythajay: scite is its equivalent: sudo apt-get install scite07:50
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: so you're using that to provide services to eth1?07:50
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: yes07:51
joejoecircusboyBrendanWelsh: np (not sure I did anything?)07:51
khmer42On the command line how to I change the owner of all files in a folder from 'nobody' to 'root'?07:51
RealBall|oSUSEis it possible to have FUSE zfs userland?07:51
ajayok thanks guys07:51
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: can you do an 'iptables -L -vv' and 'iptables -t nat -L -vv' and pastebin?07:51
Chris|what package do i need for the hardware drivers manager?07:51
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: I originally followed this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137007:51
nbgs938khmer42: sudo chown -R nobody foldername07:52
Rat409khmer42: sudo chown -R /nobody(fullpath) root:root(user:group)07:52
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: I would have to change the tables to paste it...07:52
BrendanWelshjoejoecircusboy: You were kind enough to help me out!07:52
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: right07:52
nbgs938khmer42: err, sudo chown -R root foldername07:52
* coolbhavi is away: I'm busy07:52
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: ok07:53
khmer42nbgs938 / rat109: cheers07:53
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: sec, let me read that posting07:53
* coolbhavi is back (gone 00:00:41)07:53
jigphello how to edit the packages after copying the packages in computers?why Ubuntu will erase the packages in /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?07:53
nbgs938coolbhavi: no public away messages please07:54
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: ok07:54
crdlbjigp: what are you trying to do?07:54
joejoecircusboyhadronzoo_: I'll be back in 5 mins07:54
hcMyth .ignore [[cEuwe_fZz]]07:54
hcMyth.ignore [[cEuwe_fZz]]07:54
hcMythhow do I do that? :S07:55
Rat409like /ignore nick07:55
hcMythYeah that worked in mirc.. but im on gaim now07:55
hadronzoo_joejoecircusboy: ok, thanks07:55
hcMythoh well07:55
Rat409in irssi /unquery is good :007:56
DozedOnLinux /ignore <nick>07:56
nbgs938Rat409: irssi is good anyway :)07:56
Rat409indeed :)07:57
gnummi just read activated proposed repos can make ubuntu unstable07:57
gnummwhat about the backports?07:57
jigpcrdlb : okay here (pc im using right) ive downloaded 300+ packages and installed some applications..how to copy the 300+ packages and the applications that ive installed in pc2? and is it true that if you dont edit it it will erase?07:57
the_gamerhi folks07:58
the_gameri got an advanced question07:58
DozedOnLinuxhcMyth: opening chat tab with whom messaged you, go to Coversation menu , choose Block07:58
crdlbjigp: you want to create a local apt-mirror07:58
hcMythDozedOnLinux: thanks07:58
hcMythdone :)07:58
the_gamerwhy are there three , behind every gecos-field of every "real" user in my /etc/passwd?07:59
^Daisy^how do i open .rpm files?07:59
jigpcrdlb : yes :) for no time hushle or time consuming..i will just copy the packages from pc1 and paste it to pc2...07:59
Rat409^Daisy^: rpmextract07:59
DozedOnLinux!cloning | jigp08:00
=== _max is now known as max`
ubottujigp: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate08:00
Flannel!alien | ^Daisy^08:00
ubottu^Daisy^: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)08:00
^Daisy^Rat409 i don't see that file08:00
Navy1Does anyone know how to connect evolution-addressbok and ldap-server?08:00
Navy1Evolution wont bind correctly08:01
Azoffhow can I restore vista mbr after installing ubuntu so that I can apply the Vista SP1 (I will reinstall grub after doing that ;) )08:01
^Daisy^so i can't install  .rpm files?08:01
nbgs938^Daisy^: did you check if the software you want to install is in the repos?08:01
crdlb^Daisy^: no, you shouldn't if you can avoid it08:01
Flannelthe_gamer: It's other information.  name,office,office phone,home phone I believe.08:02
^Daisy^nbgs938  repos?08:02
jigpDozedOnLinux : is there a way to just copy it using a mouse and save it to the usb?coz what im trying to do is copy the packages that ive downloaded from pc1 and paste to pc2 using usb flash drive so that i will not download again the packages...08:02
^Daisy^crdlb what if i can't avoid it08:02
nbgs938^Daisy^: package repositories08:02
crdlb^Daisy^: what is it?08:02
the_gamerFlannel: what would happen if i delete the,s?08:03
DozedOnLinuxhow may i have suddently lost the "KEYNOTFOUND" in debian repo's ? i check the boxes, and when i reload SPM i get error that KEYNOTFOUND , it didnt do that till i had un-selected them one day, then re-selecting them, i find this error KEYNOTFOUND08:04
Flannelthe_gamer: bad things I imagine.08:04
crdlbjigp: you can do just that, but it would be a bit tedious to do continuously08:04
Flannelthe_gamer: either that, or nothing at all08:04
the_gamerlike what?08:04
DozedOnLinuxprbably something easy, but nonetheless, why it happened is more important08:04
^Daisy^nbgs938 is that some kind of website?08:04
the_gamerbad things like nothing? omg08:05
the_gameri better don't touch it then08:05
dn4What is the command to view all files running when logged into a command prompt?08:05
Flanneldn4: ps aux08:05
nbgs938^Daisy^: no, it's the repositories setting in the package manager (synaptic)08:05
jigpis it possible to copy the installed applications like quanta , nvu in pc1 and paste it to pc2 so that you will not sudo apt-get install nvu in pc2?08:06
nbgs938^Daisy^: but i guess this proprietary video chat rubbish is not in the repos08:06
furenkuafter upgrading to hardy, I've had a hard time setting up my nvidia video card, resolutions seems to come all wrong08:07
DozedOnLinuxsomething like "files in use", now i cant recall08:07
^Daisy^anybody who can install  gyachi in 5 minutes and log into yahoo; i will give you $10.00 via paypal: and i can even give you my yahoo id/password if you don't have yahoo account08:07
dn4Flannel: ps axu also works08:07
crdlbjigp: copy them from one computer's archive to the other's, then when you sudo apt-get install them, it will use the version you copied08:07
dn4Thanks Flannel08:07
Flanneldn4: right, theyre flags, order generally isn't important08:08
dn4Flannel: any idea on how to make the list go by in segments instead of filling up the whole prompt at once?08:08
Flanneldn4: ps aux | less08:09
DevourerIs there an application which can tell me if a mp3 is V0, V2, or CBR?08:09
dmi3oni cant find how to fix booting problem with daul OS, i install ubuntu and had visa on PC, after rebot grub didnt vista was strating right the way, i try to fix now grub is starting but no OS is booting when i choice ubunut comes up error 25: Disk read error08:09
Rat409^Daisy^: : try alien the rpm then sudo gdebi bla.rpm as a last resort08:09
jigpcrdlb : how to copy?which directory?08:09
^Daisy^rat409 huh08:09
ingramFlashI am having an issue with nm-applet and connecting to a wpa2 access point.  nm-applet keeps asking me for the wpa password after I try and connect.  It seems  it can't authenticate08:09
Rat409!alien | ^Daisy^08:09
ubottu^Daisy^: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)08:09
crdlbjigp: the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives08:09
asdfasdi just install nvidia drivers 173.14.12 by going through their binary install....it didn't work...how do I revert to the restricted modules that came with Hardy08:09
jigpcrdlb : the packages right...what about the applications that ive installed in pc1?can i copy them and paste to pc2?08:10
DozedOnLinuxDevourer: you could try >  mp3info08:10
^Daisy^ubottu  what do you mean by "dangerous"08:10
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:10
crdlbjigp: no, you copy the packages only, then install them08:10
ingramFlashI've got ndiswrapper with a Belkin usb wireless adapter, but I don't think that's the problem (the drivers and wpa auth work on other distros)08:10
dn4thank you Flannel08:10
dmi3oncan some one help me pls08:10
crdlbjigp: you can use the !clone feature to get all the packages installed on one computer installed on another, but that doesn't copy the packages themselves, just the names08:11
dmi3oni tryed super grub doesnt wotk for me too :(08:11
DevourerDozedOnLinux, alright. Thanks.08:11
jigpcrdlb : i got it now. :)08:11
crdlbjigp: I'm curious, do you have a low bandwidth cap or really slow net connection?08:12
dn4ok I got the system to log off and back on08:12
dmi3oni cant find how to fix booting problem with daul OS, i install ubuntu and had visa on PC, after rebot grub didnt work vista was strating right the way, i try to fix now grub is starting but no OS is booting when i choice ubunut comes up error 25: Disk read error08:12
jigphow to see the cube? i dont see cube in ubuntu 8 desktop.only cool tricks i saw the movable like ctrl alt arrow..how about the box or cube that will steady in your desktop?08:13
dn4I run this command08:13
dn4env WINEDEBUG="/home/dn4/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Frozen Throne.exe"08:13
dn4how do I kill this program from running?08:13
jigpcrdlb : slow net connection....thats why i dont want to download from the scratch again08:13
ackbahrHi! I want to tweak my Ubuntu so that each user has got his/her private files AND there's a common, shared folder where you can drop stuff that becomes rwx for everyone. How can I do that?08:13
dmi3oni cant find how to fix booting problem with daul OS, i install ubuntu and had visa on PC, after rebot grub didnt work vista was strating right the way, i try to fix now grub is starting but no OS is booting when i choice ubunut comes up error 25: Disk read error08:14
moreauhow do i getubuntu to allowsound from multipleprograms08:15
moreauatm, if i have ay music player open, i cant watch videos08:15
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:15
hateballackbahr: Make a directory somewhere outside /home, like /opt/shared, then chmod it 77708:16
Flanneldmi3on: Grub error 25 probably means you've got something wrong in your menu.lst, can you pastebin that file?  (/boot/grub/menu.lst)08:16
ackbahrhateball: OK, but will stuff I drop there afterward become 777 as well?08:16
DozedOnLinuxdmi3on:  there may be a way using grub-repair , but i cant recall exactly off-hand08:16
dmi3onDozedOnLinux, i said i cant find how to fix i try what is on link first of all thats why i can boot now even vista, second i am very new to this stuff and its hard for me to read08:17
dmi3onFlannel, ok08:17
FloodBot1dmi3on: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:18
ingramFlashI'm having problems with nm-applet connecting to a wpa2 access point.  Is there a way to fix this issue?08:18
DozedOnLinuxdmi3on:  join the thousands that have the same issue. there is a way, some of it is very technical, that of which i cant be positve how to reapir. although, i am sure someone knows how, just not i08:18
hateballackbahr: No, you'd need to assign a group to that folder, and make sure the users are member of it08:19
ackbahrhateball: The idea I had was to 700 each user's /home/XXXXX/, then 777 all their files inside this (and change their umasks to 777) and have this 777 sharing folder. But this is dangerous if someone knows there's a certain folder in my /home/ackbahr, and cds there in one shot, no?08:20
hateballackbahr: Well you can chmod -R08:20
dmi3onFlannel, can you see my post ?08:22
ackbahrhateball: But I'd have to chmod it manually each time a user drops something there, then?08:22
hateballackbahr: Like.... sudo mkdir /opt/sharedstuff && sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/sharedstuff08:22
Flanneldmi3on: is that the whole thing?08:22
DozedOnLinuxingramFlash:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager#WPASupplicant%20Problems%20in%20Ubuntu%206.0608:22
hateballackbahr: No, not if you chmod -R, you shouldnt have to08:22
dmi3on1 sec08:22
=== MrEgg964 is now known as Mr
ingramFlashDozedOnLinux: How does this help me connect to a WPA2 network?08:23
tobagohow can get the absolute size of a directory (means all its files)?08:23
=== Mr is now known as Mr_Egg
nbgs938tobago: du -sh dirname08:24
hateballtobago: du -s08:24
dmi3onFlannel, thats the whole think08:24
jrolsonI'm looking for printing programs like printshop or printmaster. Any help??08:24
ackbahrhateball: So the files and folders dropped there should inherit the permissions?08:24
Mr_Egghi all :) What's the difference between maxcpus=0 and maxcpus=1? TIA08:24
DevourerDozedOnLinux, mp3info I do not think tells me specifically if an mp3 is V0 or V2 or CBR.08:24
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
Flanneldmi3on: Alright, and do you know off hand where your partitions are?  (if not, sudo fdisk -l will tell you)08:25
DozedOnLinuxingramFlash:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo08:25
dmi3onsda1 NTFS08:25
dmi3onsda2 Swap08:25
dmi3onsda3 /08:25
tobagonbgs938, hateball thanks a lot.08:25
hateballackbahr: Should work yes08:25
murlidharhow to run files which are in .rb extension08:25
Flanneldmi3on: Alright, well, thats some of your problem.  sda1 for instance is hd0,0, sda3 is hd0,2.  In your menu.lst, you have hd1,1 and hd1,3 respecitively08:26
murlidhari have the source file for cabos application but i am not sure how to compile it08:26
jrolsonany help here at all????????08:26
ackbahrhateball: doesn't (just tried)08:26
Flanneldmi3on: with that (and the windows change) you'll also want to remove your mapping, since that's no longer needed08:26
hateballackbahr: That's weird... since I tried myself08:26
dmi3onwhat is mapping08:26
ackbahrhateball: can you tell me again how you did it?08:26
Flanneldmi3on: lines 160 and 16108:26
jrolsonI'm looking for print programs like print shop or printmaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!08:26
Flanneljrolson: Try GIMP08:27
dmi3onok, thx very much i left liver fills it going to work08:27
murlidharit has a .rb extensin08:27
DozedOnLinuxDevourer:  is there a reason why you need to see the underlying mp3 formats ?08:27
murlidhar!printer | jrolson08:28
ubottujrolson: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows08:28
Enanyou choose to be made of respect underlying their relationship ? we are the same in any way ! he's trying to kill you all right, bill08:28
Enanmy corps murlidhar | ?08:28
iqson716I install sabayon(gentoo based linux) on my pc inside ubuntu now I have a problem that in grub menu it don't show ubuntu that I select it!08:28
Enanwe went blank paper cups over by the common good08:28
Enanto install a new weakness, of the journey she slept08:28
DevourerDozedOnLinux, is there any difference between a V2 mp3 and a mp3 at 192 kbps?08:28
hateballackbahr: sudo mkdir -p /opt/test && sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/test && touch /opt/test/test.txt08:28
Enanno difference08:28
FlannelEnan: please stop.08:28
feaster83iqson, are you sure you don't overwrite the ubuntu partitions?08:29
gnummwill alien-arena 7.10 be in backports?08:29
hateballackbahr: Should create a new folder as root, and in the end create a file as you08:29
Enanplease, don't even dangerous ! haven't want power, i just wanted to be left alone08:29
murlidhar!bad bot08:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bad bot08:29
Enanto touch you covered we have two friends ? she wondered what will happen within my power, he was a fat root in the way they greet people08:29
Enanyou will forget the past, he said kindly08:29
NooKiais this a black mans distro ?08:29
ackbahrhateball: OK for created files, but what about copied files?08:29
DozedOnLinuxDevourer:  i couldnt say for sure, i suppose it would depend on what codec was used. looks to ber version info, maybe more compression, less loss of original ??? your guess is as good as mine08:30
murlidharalso can anyone tell me how to get mutella working?08:30
hateballackbahr: Well there's no difference, as they are in essence created when you copy them08:30
iqson716I install sabayon(gentoo based linux) on my pc inside ubuntu now I have a problem that in grub menu it don't show ubuntu that I select it!:(08:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about checkmp308:31
ackbahrhateball: Well, I tried copying a file and it's mod was still 700 as before....08:31
DozedOnLinuxDevourer:  found something that may suit your needs > checkmp308:31
ingramFlashDozedOnLinux: No luck with those docs.  Any other ideas?08:31
brizbenHow do I list all files on my system that have been changed in the last 24 hours?08:31
DevourerDozedOnLinux, thanks. :D08:31
Mr_EggHi all :) Can somebody explain the difference between maxcpus=0 and maxcpus=1 ? Thanks08:32
Kartagisi installed xfonts-intl-japanese_1.2.1-6ubuntu3_all.deb. how do I use it?08:32
aroonii have 1250 (opt-in) email addresses in a mysql database.  i need to send them one email (and possibly more in the future)... what's the best way of going about this?08:32
ubottuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »08:32
mistformKartagis, a .deb is an install file, double click it08:32
murlidharalso can anyone tell me how to get mutella working?08:32
Kartagismistform: i already installed it08:32
jigp!short cut keys08:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about short cut keys08:33
DozedOnLinuxingramFlash: i dont really deal with wpa i just know it to be a two-part situation . best i can do is sample in interface file>         wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf08:33
Flannelarooni: a number of languages have email support, that's probably your best bet.08:33
DozedOnLinuxingramFlash: you need that file on your system08:33
Kartagismistform: i want to use the fonts08:33
murlidhar!ops enan08:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ops enan08:33
mistformKartagis, so change the font in your appearance menu08:33
Flannelmistform: yes?08:33
Dark_Titanyou here?08:33
DozedOnLinuxingramFlash:  that is just a sample and may not cover wpa208:33
FloodBot1Dark_Titan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:33
Flannelmurlidhar: yes?08:33
jigpis there any shortcut keys available in ubuntu? like in winblows you could press win+e to open a directory..how about in ubuntu?08:33
jigpthetitans : thanks i got the free :)08:33
ingramFlashDozedOnLinux: Yeah, I've got that, which is why it's kind of confusing08:34
Dark_TitanFloodBot1: Please stop making inaccurate flood accusations :D08:34
murlidharFlannel: the bot enan has again come08:34
DozedOnLinuxingramFlash:  i can try google keywords maybe hit something good for you, give me a min08:34
Kartagismistform: i added the keyboard layout switcher to the panel, but it doesn't change08:34
keisangihi there08:34
moreauwtf enan was a bot08:34
ikoniamoreau: don't need phrases like "wtf"08:35
ikonia!wtf > moreau08:35
ubottumoreau, please see my private message08:35
keisangihow can i boot without gdm/kdm X ? (like init 3 in inittab)08:35
DozedOnLinux!jp > [[cEuwe_fZz]]08:35
ikoniakeisangi: disable gdm at run level 208:35
mistformKartagis, go to System > Preferences > Keyboard. Drag it into the layout section? was that were you did it?08:35
Kartagismistform: yes08:35
keisangiikonia: how can i do that ?08:35
ikoniakeisangi: update-rc08:35
Kartagismistform: i can use russian, arabic and english but not japanese08:36
ackbahrhateball: I did what you did before (-R 777 for the folder, then touch a file inside of it) and I got this : -rw-r--r-- 1 jean jean 0 2008-08-07 09:34 test.fil08:36
mistformKartagis, go to Add+, find the Japanese layout, select it, and press Add+.08:36
keisangiikonia: what about update-rc ?08:36
Enanbest layout for his lack of social grace08:36
mistformKartagis, then select it as your default08:36
Enantell : it are time for cherishing this reunion08:36
hateballackbahr: yeah... looking at it atm, gimme a sec08:36
ikoniakeisangi: thats the command to disable a program from a specific run level08:36
Enana russian Kartagis you are the same in that instant she was afraid08:36
Enancertainly sec you again08:36
ackbahrhateball: Sorry, thanks08:36
keisangiikonia: i don't have such a command, closest i have is update-rc.d08:37
ikoniakeisangi: thats it,08:37
ikoniakeisangi: I'm not on an ubuntu box so couldn't be certain, well done08:37
murlidharikonia: any idea how can i make mutella work08:38
DozedOnLinuxingramFlash:  WPA2 content, 70% say this helped them > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20283408:38
keisangiikonia: thanks for the info, how can i use that command btw ? just update-rc.d gdm  ?08:38
DozedOnLinuxingramFlash:  there is also sample interface configs in there too08:38
ikoniakeisangi: check the synatax08:38
mistformi'm trying to send music to a verizon motorola phone, anyone ever heard of this happening before?08:38
ikoniamurlidhar: what's the problem with it08:38
ingramFlashDozedOnLinux: Thanks, I'm looking at it08:38
murlidharikonia: it's a ncurses based gnutella client08:38
DozedOnLinuxingramFlash:  i will look further08:38
ikoniamurlidhar: yes, but whats the problem with it when you run it ?08:39
murlidharikonia: it's doesn't give me any search results08:39
wnorrixi have a Dell server with 12 TB, but when I install Ububtu 8.04 it only recognizes 2 TB08:40
wnorrixany idea why his happens?08:40
ikoniawnorrix: disk ?08:40
aLeSDhi all... I'm tring to have a remote X session08:40
cplxI want to bond 2 x Gigabit NIC's with Ubuntu Server, can someone assist?08:41
aLeSDbut in my remote terminal server client the option XDMCD is deactived .... ideas ?08:41
=== Syntux_ is now known as Syntux
aLeSDI have only RDP protocol active08:42
wnorrixikonia: there are 12 disk of 1 tb each08:42
ikoniawnorrix: ok, and how are they raided ?08:42
wnorrixikonia: raid 508:42
ikoniawnorrix: what raid technology08:42
naughtykid001*newbie warning* how do I transfer file using terminal through ssh, from ubuntu to xp. I learned about scp, but no idea why there's "name or service not known" shown08:42
wnorrixikonia: PERC5E08:43
ikoniawnorrix: what technology is that ?08:44
wnorrixikonia: its a PowerVault MD100008:44
nbgs938naughtykid001: you cannot use scp for copying to windows. windows has no ssh server. you must use winscp on windows to get the files from the linux machine.08:44
ikoniawnorrix: whats a powervault, the server, the card ?08:44
DozedOnLinuxingramFlash:  there is alot of archived hits so here's a few that may help::: Graphical UI for WPA Daemon > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo#GUI%20for%20WPA_Supplicant  /  Google Keyword search > http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22ubuntuforums.org%22+wpa2+%3D%22HOWTO%22&btnG=Search  /or/  http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22help.ubuntu.com%22+wpa2+%3D%22HOWTO%22&btnG=Search08:45
wnorrixikonia: the server08:45
wnorrixikonia: PERC5E is the card08:45
ikoniawnorrix: ok, so what technolgy are you using to build a raid array08:45
ingramFlashDozedOnLinux: Thank you might.  I appreciate it quite a bit08:45
ikoniawnorrix: so your using hardware raid on that card08:45
wnorrixikonia: we are using h/w raid08:45
eviking5 Hi everyone! I need to install a Windows prog. with wine. This is easy on my laptop/Ubuntu but my new EEE does not have a CD-ROM. Any tips on how I can "copy" the install CD to a USB key would be greatly appreciated... (I have Ubuntu EEE on the EEE and 8.04 on the laptop with CD-Drive)08:46
DozedOnLinuxingramFlash:   3 links / notice the ="HOWTO" and reference to "help.ubuntu.com" and "ubuntuforums.org" in quotes, good hits using that method08:46
ikoniawnorrix: I'm not aware of that card so you'll have to feed me a little info on it while I check it out08:46
ingramFlashDozedOnLinux: Indeed.  I had tried getting some google help before I came in (and there were a handful of hits on those two sites), but it just didn't help me much ;)08:46
Vegombreihi ..i'm a noob and i need someone who understands ubuntu/linux terminology to explain a few things to me .. basically i wanna sync my blackberry with ubuntu and evolution .. since im new to linux and ubuntu i figured i'd read the forums .. anyways ive downloaded a few softwares for a certain program called barry .. but i just cant get it to install .. it says something about dependencies and stuff08:47
wnorrixikonia: http://pastie.org/249031(a past of the info i have)08:47
ikoniawnorrix: pastebin is broke, can you use another please08:48
DozedOnLinuxingramFlash: yes i try to filter out all the junk so i get something related to what i am searching. did it for years, another one is putting minus sign before hits you dont want like > -buy   or - free   or -windows  :P08:48
ackbahrhateball: Would acl be a solution? I read it makes files created inside a folder inherit mod, but what about files copied or moved into this folder?08:49
exhoho_any body doing something about kernel configuration????08:49
hateballackbahr: Not sure it's possible to do it like I've suggested without changing umask etc. Easiest would be creating a group and set that as owner of the top directory. Then adding all users to that group.08:50
naughtykid001nbgs938: is winscp a free ware? I'm logging into ubuntu using putty and trying to transfer file from ubuntu to my xp. That is not possible?08:50
wnorrixikonia: //rafb.net/p/9NTuQk79.html08:50
Flannelnaughtykid001: Try Filezilla08:50
exhoho_kernel configuration topic ?chat with me!!08:50
nbgs938naughtykid001: winscp is free, yes. and putty is not for file transfer, only for remote login.08:51
akatsukihello for some weird reason.. i cant delete a file... not even using cli with rmdir08:51
akatsukii cant take it to the trash, but i cant delete completely from trash08:51
ikoniawnorrix: thank you, just looking up if thats supported by linux08:51
ackbahrhateball: what difference to setting permissions for a?08:51
naughtykid001Flannel: thanks, I'm currently exploring transfering files through command line08:51
wnorrixikonia: cool ill google too....08:52
hateball!pm > [[cEuwe_fZz]]08:52
ubottu[[cEuwe_fZz]], please see my private message08:52
ikoniawnorrix: never used that card so I'm totally unaware of it08:52
hateballackbahr: Come again?08:52
wnorrixikonia: http://linux.dell.com/storage.shtml here is one more link08:52
akatsukihello for some weird reason.. i cant delete a file... not even using cli with rmdir08:52
Flannelnaughtykid001: scp should be accomplishable, yes.  Alhough I'm not sure on specifics08:53
wnorrixikonia: this is the u/g http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/storage/RAID/PERC5/en/UG/HTML/index.htm (just found it)08:53
ackbahrhateball: What is the difference between creating a group with all users and setting mod for this group OR changing mod for all other users?08:53
nbgs938Flannel: he wants to do scp from linux to windows. which will not work.08:53
ackbahrhateball: (sorry, I should have written o, not a before)08:53
Flannelnbgs938: He's doing it from windows though, I believe.  Fetching files from his Ubuntu to windows.08:54
w_linhi, anybody using a nvidia quadro nvs-280 pci-e graphics card and can tell me, if it is shown once or twice in "lspci" output?08:54
nbgs938Flannel: no, he is logged in from windows to linux via putty. and then he tries scp in that session.08:54
bodohany body know how to install tomcat on ubuntu?i has been try but fail08:54
ikoniawnorrix: it's a 3rd party driver08:54
ikoniawnorrix: the driver is not in the kernel08:54
bodohplease help me08:55
ikoniawnorrix: even worse, the dell supplied driver is designed for redhat and suse systems, how ironic in dell is supposed to be an ubuntu partner08:55
nbgs938ikonia: that what dell calls "supported by linux" :(08:55
wnorrixikonia: yeah. this is pretty hard now. im talking to dell at the moment... to see if they can also help out08:56
pulse00hi all. i've a virtual server running ubuntu 8.04. when i first logged in, there was only a root user account, so i tried to add a new user using useradd. for some reason though, i don't get prompted for the user info, shouldn't it do this normally ?08:56
wnorrixikonia: do you have a url for that driver?08:56
Flannelpulse00: useradd is low level, adduser is higher level08:56
ikoniawnorrix: to port the driver from redhat to ubuntu shouldn't be too bad, but odd that dell as a linux hardware provider would use a 3rd party driver, and that they would not package it for their linux partner distros08:56
ikoniawnorrix: it's got links in the documentation you sent me08:57
pulse00Flannel, sorry, i meant adduser. i tried both08:57
nbgs938ikonia: i guess the manufacturer of the raid controller does not have a fully open source driver or put the driver developers under NDA.08:57
mak_13hi guys08:57
dmi3onhow can i change resalution 1440x900 ?08:57
Flannelpulse00: As far as I know, add user should prompt for finger information unless you specified --gecos08:57
ikonianbgs938: you don't know that08:58
mistformi'm runing Wine, trying to get the Verizon Music Manager to work., you know of anyone with success?08:58
mak_13can any body tell me..... gzip is making tar's ....in /var/archieves08:58
mak_13how to avoid that08:58
ikoniamak_13: what command are you using09:00
dmi3onhow can i get 1440 900 resalution09:01
legend2440wnorrix: https://subtrac.sara.nl/oss/omsa_2_deb09:01
pvhheya - new ubuntu 8.04 install here... i seem to be missing the man(2) manpages... which package has them?09:01
nbgs938pvh: sudo apt-get install manpages-dev09:02
pvhthanks nbgs938!09:02
legend2440wnorrix: igot that link from reading these posts   http://delltalk.us.dell.com/supportforums/board/message?board.id=pv_raid&message.id=6652&query.id=164102#M665209:03
wnorrixlegend2440 checking09:03
pvhand, i've got bind9 installed - having some troubles with dynamic updates (permissions related), just wondering if bind chroots by default? i haven't configured it to do that...09:03
utnubudnaihey all,I want to find out record from mysql database that contains a CR,what should the sql be?09:03
Msf_umm, my 8.04 doesent reconize my monitor. Any way to get the hertz's up? x.org cfg doesent have any lines on the hert's..09:04
ikoniautnubudnai: what ?09:04
ikoniautnubudnai: what's a CR ?09:04
utnubudnaia return character!ikonia09:04
ikoniautnubudnai: why would a mysql record contain a CR ?09:05
ikoniautnubudnai: there is no keymaps in mysql09:05
ikoniautnubudnai: thats not how you alter keymaps if thats what your trying to do09:05
ikoniacha: stop09:05
pvhaaah, i think i know the problem - what's that package that restricts certain daemons? like se-linux?09:05
ikoniapvh: ubuntu doesn't use selinux09:06
=== niki77 is now known as nikola77
naughtykid001Flannel & nbgs938: thanks09:06
pvhikonia: yes, but it does use apparmor - and i think that's what is stopping bind from writing to journal files09:06
BliceHi. I have composite enabled in my xorg.conf but when I run xcompmgr it gives me "No composite extension". I have four monitors and two video cards- Could that be related to the problem..?09:07
utnubudnaiikonia, well,the mysql data type is blob,so I think it should contains a return character!Now the question is how to write the sql sentence?09:07
ikoniapvh: are you using a server install09:07
ikoniautnubudnai: join #mysql for actual sql help09:07
naughtykid001nbgs938: so even I use scp in ubuntu, I still couldn't transfer file to xp right? because window don't have ssh server09:07
nbgs938naughtykid001: yes09:07
pvhikonia: hm, installed from our "ubuntu cd" at work - can't remember which image i wrote that from - how do i tell?09:07
lutheri installed amsn and have a webcam working properly but i cant receive or send video stream, and on properties said is firewalled or behind a router does anyone know how to fix this?09:07
ikoniapvh: did it have a gui installed by default ?09:07
w_linutnubudnai: can't you search for \r or \n ?09:08
ikonialuther: we discussed this yesterday09:08
ikonialuther: your router config/setup is the problem09:09
Msf_luther, u prolly need to open the ports from or router/firewall ;o09:09
naughtykid001nbgs938: except using ftp how do I transfer files to windows?09:09
pvhikonia: yes, it did. but then again, so do all our servers at work (with the exception of the xen one)09:09
Ramseizehello i would like to ask something about my laptop, what do  you call the part that connects/binds the lcd Screen/monitor  and the body? hoping for your kind reply09:09
ikoniapvh: ok - so it's probably a desktop one, which means appamour is not installed by default09:09
w_linnaughtykid001: install freesshd on win, use smb-shares09:09
lutherikonia i know what you trying to say but i need to fix iy anyways and i dont know how09:09
nbgs938naughtykid001: smb or cifs, as it's the only native network filesystem on windows09:09
ikonialuther: it's not an #ubuntu support issue to fix/setup your router09:09
Ramseizehello i would like to ask something about my laptop, what do  you call the part that connects/binds the lcd Screen/monitor  and the body? hoping for your kind reply09:10
utnubudnaiw_lin, well i mean what should the sql sentence looks like?is "select * from sys_read where data contains '\r'" ok?09:10
w_linanybody using a nvidia quadro nvs-280 pci-e graphics card and can tell me, if it is shown once or twice in "lspci" output?09:10
ikonialuther: basiclly login to your router, make sure the firewall is not blocking the ports you want, and make sure the ports you want from your machine are forwarded on your router09:10
ikoniautnubudnai: please join #mysql09:10
w_linutnubudnai: sorry i don't speak sql :)09:10
dmi3onhow do i open xrog.confg ?09:10
Msf_luther, look up ur routers model number and google example "telewel xxx + open ports" then find out what port amsn uses for webcams.09:10
utnubudnaiw_lin, or something like that09:10
ikoniadmi3on: any text editor09:11
dmi3oni need change resalution to 1440 90009:11
dmi3onikonia, command09:11
dmi3onikonia, i cant find a command to open09:11
lutherMsf_ i just dont know where to open the port on kubuntu09:11
ikoniadmi3on: sudo $texteditor (example nano) /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:11
pvhikonia: just checked - apparmor is, indeed, installed. so i must have used a server cd or something09:12
Msf_ikonia, any idea on my problem? getting the monitors hertz's up? ive looked the x.org cfg but it doesent give me any examples on the hertz's..09:12
ikoniapvh: quite possibly, whats the problem when you start th edaemon09:12
pvhikonia: well it all makes sense now - see, i'm using dynamic updates for bind - which means bind must be allowed to write to the relevant journal files09:13
lutherikonia do you know kubuntu?09:13
ikoniaMsf_: the xorg.conf file in ubuntu is minimal because it's dynamic, there are examples of parameters at http://www.x.org so you can hard code refresh rates09:13
ikonialuther: in what respect09:13
naughtykid001nbgs938: do have able to achieve that through command line?09:13
hateballackbahr: I think you might have to use ACL.... :/09:13
ikoniapvh: yup, I can see how that may be a problem09:13
Msf_Okay, ill check it out! Thanks.09:13
ackbahrhateball: ok, thanks! Better than no solution....09:13
dmi3onikonia,  i cant find were to change resalution to 1440 900 not in xorg :(09:13
dmi3oncan you help pls09:13
ikoniadmi3on: what video card do you have09:13
naughtykid001w_lin: thanks, I will keep it as the last options. For the best case, I prefer not to install anything in windows first09:14
dmi3oni dont remember09:14
Scorpdmi3on: u wana change the GUI resolution or the initial Startup resolution ??09:14
ikoniadmi3on: come on -09:14
djedutiis there any progam for ubuntu compareable with cuecards2000?09:14
dmi3oni guess initial set up09:14
lutherikonia i just want to aether access to users or to able the port to amsn, i used to have ubuntu but on kubuntu i dont know how or where to do it09:14
ikonialuther: I'll say this one last time - it's nothing to do with ubuntu09:15
dmi3onikonia,  geforce some think09:15
Scorpdmi3on: isnt it at /boot/grub/menu.lst ??09:15
ikonialuther: it is most likely your router config09:15
Sasuke\does anybody speaks english here?09:15
ikoniaSasuke\: everyeone09:15
Sasuke\im new on my ubuntu09:15
dmi3onikonia,  geforce 6200TC09:15
Sasuke\i've just installed a while ago.09:16
coz_dmi3on, Tuxcards?09:16
Sasuke\but i really not use to using this os09:16
Sasuke\can somebody intruduce to me?09:16
Scorpdmi3on: Install nvidia-settings using apt-get and run it..09:16
ikoniaSasuke\: http://start.ubuntu.com/8.04/09:16
dmi3onsudo apt-get nvidia-settings ?09:17
Scorpdmi3on: sudo apt-get install nividia-settings09:17
dmi3onScorp, thx09:18
coz_djeduti,  tuxcards09:18
coz_dmi3on, sorry that was for djeduti09:18
feaster83what do you want to know Sazuke?09:18
iqson716feaster83: :)09:18
iqson716it work correctly09:18
feaster83it works iqson?09:18
Scorpdmi3on: Np !! Just configure ur xserver to work properly after installattion and follow the on screen instructions...09:18
feaster83ok. great09:19
feaster83congrats iqson71609:19
Sasuke\<feaster83> what do you want to know Sazuke?-> some cool softwares..:D09:19
Sasuke\feaster83 : what ubuntu can do that windows cannot do?09:20
iqson716feaster83: Thanks a lot:)09:20
feaster83we can't tell you all the cool software09:20
feaster83there is a lot of software09:20
Sasuke\com`on tell me:D09:20
Sasuke\those ubuntu has a software that can kill/down a website?09:21
ScorpSasuke\: http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2007-10-31-029-26-OP-DB09:21
ScorpSasuke\: Check this link out.. its a good way to understand what ubuntu does and windows doesnt..!!09:21
feaster83Sasuke, Ubuntu haven't but the Linux/open source communtie have a lot of tools09:21
Sasuke\ohhh.. thanks scorp:D09:22
feaster83the tools are shared among distributions09:22
Sasuke\can i join on that community your talking about?09:22
ScorpSasuke\: Try Synaptic, or maybe go to www.osalt.com for alternatives to all windows softwares and even better...09:22
feaster83if  you use open source (free software i mean really) you are in the community09:23
feaster83names are firefox, openoffice, virtualbox09:23
mistformdoes anyone here have any experience with Bitpim?09:23
feaster83ubuntu is also free software (open source too)09:23
feaster83but please read on the internet documents about Linux and open source09:24
feaster83we can't tell you all the info09:24
Sasuke\can you give me some link?09:24
Sasuke\can you give me some link?09:24
feaster83google is your friend09:24
Sasuke\yeah i know. but i dont know where to start.09:24
ScorpSasuke\: Try googling it first... "Ubuntu Top 10 Apps and tweaks" or whatever u would want !!09:24
Sasuke\ok ok09:25
Sasuke\what os is the suit for hacking?09:25
feaster83and don't be (or want) a scriptkiddy09:25
Sasuke\what do you by that?09:25
feaster83you did ask about defacing/kill websites with some tools09:26
feaster83don't do that09:26
feaster83if you don't know what you are doing you can damage a lot09:26
ScorpSasuke\: From wat u say, u seem to be a starter... So dont try damaging some1 else's property, lest u have ppl hitting ur home and gettin u jailed.. They can track who did it and take legal action...09:26
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feaster83we can see here who you are09:27
feaster83we are experts and know that the cops can also get you when you try to kills sites09:27
Sasuke\but i want to explore and expand my learnings in this new technology.09:28
Sasuke\plsss.. educate me.09:28
feaster83no i won't09:28
ajayguys is there a tutorial for installing themes09:28
feaster83a lot of people can't handle the knowledge09:29
Sasuke\is their a firefox in ubuntu too?09:29
Sasuke\feaster83: why is that?09:29
Sasuke\<feaster83> a lot of people can't handle the knowledge -> why is that?09:29
feaster83because the would be "i'm a hero because i'm a hacker" feeling for the friend09:30
Sasuke\what do you mean?09:30
Sasuke\it doesnt make sense.09:30
noogawhen i turn on ATI graphics drivers there are black stripes flashing all over the screen and Xs are damn slow, wtf?09:30
erwinMy 8.04 has started to act weird after suspend: I suspend fine, but after it resumes it *hibernates*. After it's done and I turn on the machine on again, everything is fine, but it's obviously a bother to have to wait 10 more minutes. Anyone seen something like it?09:31
[[cEuwe_fZz]]hi jg09:31
Fez_I am a noob and I have a broken xorg.conf within 48 hours09:31
Fez_anyone can help me with the restore process?09:31
feaster83nooga, you should change some lines in your X configurion09:32
feaster83i think the refreshrate is too high09:32
Fez_how do I get there?09:32
ChrisFez_, you noob09:32
ScorpFez_: You can restore it by sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org09:32
mistformwhen I use alien, where does it store the new package file?09:32
Fez_did that.. doesn't work09:32
Lo_Panohy chris09:32
ScorpFez_: What problem does it say ??09:32
Fez_booting the laptop09:33
Sasuke\feaster83: are you from netherlands/09:33
ScorpFez_: login from the terminal only and type "ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf*09:33
ScorpFez_: Once u find a list of all files, you will also find a backup file. Copy that over xorg.conf and you have ur system running hopefully !!09:34
feaster83Sasuke: Yes09:35
feaster83Sasuke: Why should you know09:35
Fez_when i do the sudo dpkg reconfigure command, it tells me xserver isn't installed09:35
Lusulehi there, i'm trying to use a usb pen drive, but it's not auto-mounting, how do i access it?  I think it's being detected09:35
Fez_however it was the last thing i did before it al went bad.09:35
Sasuke\jst want to make friends.09:35
Fez_anyway trying Scorp's suggestion09:35
usuariohi @ll. amsn all time " Error conectándose al servidor" "reconectando al servidor..."  Please help me09:36
Fez_oh right... it just hangs when it loads up...09:36
feaster83usuario, i had the problem this week too09:36
Fez_where it says Ubuntu09:36
ScorpFez_: Try  "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg"09:36
Fez_*was at recovery console09:36
feaster83usuario, i update to the lasters amsn tarball and after that i can reconnect again09:36
usuarioyes amsn i think is down09:36
mistformi'm trying to install the latest bitpim (1.0.5-0)09:37
feaster83amsn can't be down, it has no online server09:37
feaster83i think M$ did a little change in the network protocol09:37
threequarksquick question - whats the command line command for finding out the sizes of HIDDEN directories in your home folder.  i talking about all those DOTsomething folders.09:37
feaster83updating amsn to laters svn tarball will fix the problem in my situation09:37
ScorpI guess we need to have a repair option which can install all the basic files and softwares back like it is at the first install...09:37
usuariothanks feaster83 updating amsn to laters svn tarball will fix the problem in my situation09:38
DozedOnLinuxmistform:  you can use in terminal (you dont need to do rpm) >apt-get install bitpim && apt-get install bitpim-lib09:38
mistformthreequarks, when you're in the File Browser, press Ctrl+H. then find the file09:38
DozedOnLinuxmistform: or even in Synaptic Package Manager, search for bitpim09:39
mistformDozedOnLinux, the repository only has 1.0.3-0.09:39
Lusulei'd be really grateful for some help with trying to use my usb pen drive - it's not automounting :(09:39
DozedOnLinuxmistform: well RPM is not supported, it is use at own risk09:39
Fez_sudo apt-get install xserver tells me its already installed09:39
mistformDozedOnLinux, that's why I'm trying to convert it to a .deb package using alien09:39
DozedOnLinuxmistform:  just wanted to let you know, thats all09:39
DozedOnLinuxmistform:  ok09:39
Fez_but sudo dkpg reconfigure tells me its not installed09:40
DozedOnLinuxfez_ : do you have nVidia ?09:40
mistformDozedOnLinux, can you help me convert it? I thought I had the flags right, but nothing likes to help me09:40
Fez_ATi RV25009:40
DozedOnLinuxmistform:  compiling not for me, but someone may be able to help you with it09:40
waanIs the "Install inside windows" option on the CD wubi-installer, or is that something totally different?09:41
DozedOnLinuxFez_ : do in terminal > lspci -n09:41
DozedOnLinuxFez_ then pastebin it www.paste.ubuntu.com09:42
Fez_eh... how do i do that?09:43
Fez_its on the laptop recovery terminal.09:43
DozedOnLinuxFez_ : is that radeon 9000 by chance ?09:44
mistformDozedOnLinux, i figured it out. I just went to their sourceforge site and downloaded the .deb. It's funny, becuase I got the RPM from the updater on ver 309:44
Fez_yes indeedy09:44
usuarioif amsn down who recommended to me? Amsn, Pidgin, Kmess, Emesene, Gobby, Team Speak, Ekiga, Linphone, Wengophone, xchat, xchat-gnome, konversation, irssi, Centericq, Mercury, gizmod?09:45
DozedOnLinuxmistform: oh yes, i could have suggested that as i have them . ok good deal, nice work09:45
DozedOnLinuxFez_ : you may need to modify your xorg file09:45
Fez_is there I link i can go to?09:45
mistformusuario, pidgin is ok. I liked it better when it was GAIM, but now all GAIM packages are pidgin.09:45
Fez_in fact, let me google it09:45
waanPidgin is good09:46
usuariomistform pidgin not webcam..09:46
DozedOnLinuxFez_ : open terminal > Applications/Accessories/Terminal   your card is here > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsAti09:46
Lusulehi there, i have a problem, i installed fluxbox and tried it out, and decided i wanted to return to gnome - however now, i can't seem to start either session, it just hangs09:46
DozedOnLinuxFez_ : the suggested fix is to modify your xorg adding Option "AGPMode" "4"  to the device section of Xorg.conf09:47
usuariowann pidgin not webcam, i think09:47
pale-yafa1Hi, my num bad is suddenly not working, searching the forum an trying to find a fix did not work, any help>?09:47
DozedOnLinuxFez_ you may wish to confirm this with lspci command in terminal09:47
feaster83i think amsn is the best for msn only (i'm did some development for it:P)09:48
hpalpha_who {*84.55*}09:48
DozedOnLinuxFez_ : if this is the correct card this is what you may need to add to Device section> Option "AGPMode" "4"09:48
tct13hello i get a 403 forbidden error when trying to access my mailman mailing list's archives http://pastebin.com/f1f40572e09:49
Fez_waiting for the reboot09:49
mistformusuario, when you find one that has webcam support with MSN/Yahoo! tell me pls :)09:49
feaster83amsn have webcam support09:49
usuarioyes i think same to you feaster83, amsn is the ideal for plugins, webcam, beautiful.. but not working now.09:49
tct13drwxrwsr-x root list /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/mylist09:50
LSD|Ninjaamsn sucks horribly though :/09:50
tct13lrwxrwxrwx 1 root list 47 Aug  4 18:27 /var/lib/mailman/archives/public/mylist -> /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/mylist09:50
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erwinah, re the earlier "it hibernates after resume" issue I've found something about it -- apparently if the system things the resume failed, it will try to hibernate. So some resume script is failing perhaps. It might be my fiddling to make sure my SSH sessions are restarted after resume that did it.09:50
slickboydoes anyone know how to get the flash script for amd x64 to work?09:50
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:51
tct13can somebody help me? :)09:51
Dexikiixhey, i just remembered something09:51
Dexikiixwhen i was messing around before i got my ethernet cable, i moused over a .flac and it started playing... now when i do that nothing happens :(09:52
Fez_so what program do i use to edit the file?09:52
Fez_i dont think gedit would work in the recovery terminal09:52
zvacetFez_ : nano09:52
feaster83nano on the terminal i preferred09:53
DozedOnLinuxFez_ it should but even them you can use nano09:53
DozedOnLinuxFez_ > sudo -i09:53
Fez_er.... there is nothing in my /etc/x11/xorg.conf09:53
DozedOnLinuxFez_ : then > nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:53
Fez_how do i quit nano?09:54
DozedOnLinuxFez_ : hmmm09:54
whitmanCtrl X09:54
DozedOnLinuxFez_ ALT + X09:54
usuariomercury 1.9 is good. but the webcam is dificult for me... mercury find well the two webcams (v4l:Z-star Vimicro zc0301p:0 and v4l:Generic Vimicro 303b:1) help please--> Por favor espera unos pocos segundos para que aparezca la imagen... Si ninguna imagen se muestra después de un minuto, por favor informa esto (no te olvides de incluir el registro de información). where is the register?09:55
Fez_hmm.. thanks09:55
DozedOnLinuxFez_ : no xorg.conf ? have you even had an GUI (X) on that system ?09:55
Fez_it stopped this mornin09:56
Fez_it wouldn't even boot into ubuntu because of some error09:56
DozedOnLinuxFez_ : do you have internet, or that you know of ?09:56
Lusuleis anyone able to help?  i tried installing fluxbox, and didn't like it, so i tried to go back to gnome and now i can't log into either session, it just hangs :(09:56
Fez_I can try to ping it09:56
mistformanyone know where to install rare windows files? I need a system32/audiofileconvert.ocx to get this running09:56
DozedOnLinuxFez_ : ok try that09:56
ActionParsniphey all09:57
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Fez_dont I need to start network services for that?09:57
Fez_pinged my router, no go.09:57
DozedOnLinuxFez_ wlan0 or ath0 or eth0 ?09:58
Fez_sudo lshw -C network?09:58
Fez_er how do you go back up?09:59
DozedOnLinuxFez_ better to just do this and i can see all pci > lspci -n09:59
anthropoidsterquit Gotta get something to eat...09:59
DozedOnLinuxpastebin the contents09:59
zvacetLusule : did you install it from source or with deb file09:59
DozedOnLinuxFez_ this will tell me > ifconfig -a09:59
Fez_well it isn''t much. I can type it down in 8 min.10:00
DozedOnLinuxFez_ it will show one of the following (hopefully) eth0 ath0 or wlan010:00
Fez_how do I do a page break?10:00
Fez_as in go back up10:01
Lusulezvacet, with a deb file and i've tried uninstalling, no help10:01
DozedOnLinuxFez_ : use arrow keys to view back up10:02
DozedOnLinuxFez_ nope10:02
zvacetLusule : if you can not remove it from synaptic try sudo apt-get --purge remove packagename10:02
slickboyHow do I get nspluginwrapper to work on 64 bit?10:02
Fez_no. that would list my commands.10:02
Lusulezvacet, i did remove using apt-get purge, but i still can't log into my normal sessoin10:02
DozedOnLinuxFez_ : do you even see a login screen at start ?10:02
Fez_i am in nano, trying to repair this10:02
Fez_nope I am at recovery terminal10:02
zvacetLusule : sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop10:03
DozedOnLinuxFez_ somehow i find it hard to believe you have no xorg.conf .. you need to capitalize the X in X11 so its /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:03
BrendanWelshI switched to the emerald theme manager, but I want to switch back. How would I go about it. Is it like ? --replace10:03
Lusuleit says its already at the newest version zvacet10:03
Fez_Dozed... I am in the xorg.conf10:04
Fez_after i capitalized, it worked10:04
DozedOnLinuxif you dotn capitalize it, you will be accessing the wrong file > nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:04
DozedOnLinuxok good10:04
Fez_so  its all case sensitive?10:04
Fez_i see.10:04
DozedOnLinuxFez_ : add Option "AGPMode" "4"  to the device section of Xorg.conf10:05
mistformwine: /home/mist/.wine is not owned by you10:05
zvacetLusule : I don´t know try from sessions select gnome or something like that10:05
samurajHow to install Code::Blocks on Ubuntu 8.04?10:05
Lusulezvacet, already tried that too ><10:05
Vegombreihas anyone here sucessfully syncd a blackberry pearl with ubuntu ??????????10:05
feaster83Fez:  Complete linux is case sentitive10:05
DozedOnLinuxFez_ insert it along with the other Options, then CTRL + O to save, then when you come back to Login, make sure you choose the correct Session in the Options down left corner of screen10:06
iqson716when ubuntu booted I can't see graphical mood(that orange bar that full to boot completely ) until to the X start...10:06
DozedOnLinuxLez_ : i believe default is Gnome Desktop10:06
zvacetLusule : I don´t have picture in my mind but I think there are other options under sessions did you trtied them  just a guess10:07
DozedOnLinuxzvacet, yes there is other options as well10:07
Fez_nI think that did it10:08
Lusulezvacet, i tried failsafe mode10:08
Fez_I used to hang on sudo restart10:08
Fez_and now it did it10:08
feaster83iqson716: me again ;) than you have to add some more properties to your grub.conf. Booting must is a special splash mode or something like that10:08
DozedOnLinuxFez_ so what is it doing now ? not sure i understood you there10:08
eponaehi all10:08
DozedOnLinuxFez_ you good i take it10:08
ghostlineshi all10:09
Fez_let me log in.10:09
Fez_then I will ehug you10:09
feaster83iqson716: please compare your old grub.conf with the new one10:09
DozedOnLinuxFez_ ok good job10:09
ghostlinesi'm trying to run openldap, i run the /etc/init.d/slapd start command but it doesn't work10:09
Lusulezvacet, i guess it's time for another reinstall :(10:09
ghostlinesit doesn't give any errors but the daemon just doesn't start10:09
Fez_gThank you very much10:09
ghostlinescan someone help me with this?10:09
Fez_I got an error10:09
DozedOnLinuxFez_ that capital X in X11 gets alot of people10:09
DozedOnLinuxFez_ what error might that be ?10:10
JimI'm in the process of re-installing ubuntu from a USB stick, but the partition manager doesn't show my old ubuntu partitions. Do I need to install it from within windows?10:10
Fez_fatal server error no screens found10:10
Fez_xmodmap unable to open display10:10
Fez_segmentation fault10:10
rustychickenis timevualt still being developed?10:10
zvacetLusule : wait a sec If i´m not able to help that doesn´t mean somebody else will not reinstall ia last thing to do10:10
DozedOnLinuxFeZ_ but you see the login screen ?10:11
iqson716feaster83: before change it happened.It's not a new problem.10:11
iqson716before I change it;)10:11
dexiis there a known issue in opera's torrent downloading system?10:11
DozedOnLinuxFez_:  probably need to choose the "Session" installed last, do you recall what it was ?10:11
dexiit was saying i was downloading at over 6100 KB?s10:11
usuarioi use the filesystem xfs. why i must change the filesystem?10:11
Fez_that worked?10:11
dexinow i KNOW that just isnt possible10:11
feaster83iqson716: when you only installed ubuntu there was a splash screen but since sabayon not anymore?10:11
Fez_the one that runs when you use ubuntu for the first time10:11
DozedOnLinuxFez_:  in login screen down left corner, there is Option to select Session . choose the one you used last, that worked. or choos Gnome Desktop i believe that is default10:12
zvacetLusule : did you triesd in failsafe mode to run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start10:12
usuariowhy all the peolple recomended ext3? i prefer xfs.. why?10:12
ScorpFez_: Hey, u still having probs ?? I just returned to ma desk.. !!10:12
dexiok now it said over 18,000 KB/s a second ago10:12
LSD|Ninjausuario: ext3 is easier to get going under ubuntu10:12
dexidoes anyone use Opera?10:13
DozedOnLinuxScorp : he is at login screen now, trying to choose session10:13
Scorpdexi, yes..!!10:13
Fez_dexi, maybe its your neighbor10:13
zvacetdexi : yes10:13
rustychickenusuario: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xfs#Disadvantages10:13
ScorpDozedOnLinux: OK !!10:13
DozedOnLinuxScorp : > Fez: xmodmap unable to open display10:13
LSD|Ninjausuario: ext3 is tried, true and easier to deal with under Ubuntu10:14
Fez_ok... odd.10:14
dexilol zvacet, Fez_, Scorp, it told me i was downloading at over 1,000 over 6,000 and over 18,000 KB/s10:14
dexithat is not possible10:14
Fez_same problem again guys.10:14
dexii was amazed when it was over 200 KB/s10:14
Fez_hold on10:14
feaster83do someone in here reade "linux kernel internals" (book) ?10:14
JimThe partition manager isn't showing my previous ext3 and swap partitions so I cannot re-install, can anyone help me out?10:15
Lusulezvacet, yes it doesn't work10:15
iqson716feaster83: yes it was. but before I install sabayon this is happened10:15
zvacetLusule : sorry10:15
ScorpFez_: Did u install the xserver-xorg ???10:15
Lusulezvacet, np, thanks for trying :)10:15
zvacetdexi : so you think that Opera shows wrong download speed10:16
yulimada yang dari indonesia nggak?10:16
Scorpdexi, it basically divides the totalled kb recd by the time spent so a diff in time as per its count cud cause that initially... later it balances out...10:16
dexizvacet: yes. theres no freaking way I can download that fat10:16
Scorpdexi, u must be downloading a small file so it can happen dat time too...10:16
Fez_i do that and it cant find package10:16
DozedOnLinuxScorp : had him add to xorg.conf (to get login screen to come up) Option "AGPMode" "4"    . reference> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsAti    Radeon 9000     RV25010:16
Fez_yeah now it hangs the same place it was before10:16
Fez_thanks dozed10:16
dexiScorp: no, 100 megabytes ish... and its nearing the end of the download10:16
zvacetLusule : I´m sorry that I could not help you to resolve it  :@10:17
dexiactually, it's holding at 103.5 of 103.6 megs10:17
Fez_nano reports that the AGPMode is still there10:17
DozedOnLinuxFez_ : dinner is calling, scorp should be able to help you. if not busy. i will be back a little later10:17
yulimallloooo ada yang bisa bahasa indonesia nggak ya...10:17
Fez_Enjoy your meal and thanks!10:17
dexi!crazy | yulim10:17
ScorpFez_: Gimme a complete thing of wat all u've done till now..!!10:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crazy10:17
Jimselemat salam10:17
Fez_Scorp... tried apt-get install xserver-org, does not work10:18
ScorpFez_: wid sudo ??10:18
zvacetdexi : first time that I hear of something like that is the download time in sync with speed10:18
Fez_yes, always10:18
UnHomErrantbonjour! je cherche de l'aide pour activer l'acces par une page web à des fichiers locaux.10:18
ScorpFez_: are ur sources upto date ??? or does it say its already installed ??10:18
Fez_then tried editing the xorg.conf10:18
dexiin sync with the display of speed, but not the actual download progress bar10:18
UnHomErrant sous FF2, je mettais le site dans un user.js mais la ca ne marche pas...10:18
berentme &210:18
rustychickenFez_: xserver-xorg, right?10:18
Fez_how do i check?10:18
* berent &210:18
Vegombreihas anyone here sucessfully syncd a blackberry pearl with ubuntu ??????????10:18
Vegombreihi ..i'm a noob and i need someone who understands ubuntu/linux terminology to explain a few things to me .. basically i wanna sync my blackberry with ubuntu and evolution .. since im new to linux and ubuntu i figured i'd read the forums .. anyways ive downloaded a few softwares for a certain program called barry .. but i just cant get it to install .. it says something about dependencies and stuff10:19
jigphello im having problem edit the file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20archive and set the three items to "0"..this is the error: root@jigp:~# /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20archive ..-bash: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20archive: Permission denied10:19
dexizvacet: but it did seem faster as it went but, just not THAT fast10:19
rustychickenFez_: don't mean to be pedantic, just checking...10:19
ScorpFez_: did u use dpkg-reconfigure to configure it to the default file ???10:19
rustychickenVegombrei: Do you know how to use Synaptic?10:19
zvacetdexi : sorry I don´t know what to tell did you tried at Opera forus for linux10:19
Scorpdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:19
Scorptry this !!10:20
Vegombreirustychicken: yes i do .. but barry isnt there10:20
Fez_dpkg-reconfigure... tried that before i edited the xorg.conf10:20
ScorpFez_: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:20
dexizvacet: nope not yet, just came in here as this is usually my cure-all10:20
ScorpFez_: what happened ???10:20
rustychickenVegombrei: Have you added extra repositories?10:20
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ShredZCan I reprint 126 stopped jobs in cups without clicking reprint job for all of them ? :/10:20
Vegombreirustychicken: nope .. how do i do that ?10:20
ScorpFez_: try ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf*10:20
dexinobody is in the #opera channel i dont think10:21
ScorpFez_: What output do u get ??? how many files are there ???10:21
Fez_the reconfigure..10:21
zvacetdexi : see http://my.opera.com/community/forums/forum.dml?id=310:21
usuariothanks rustychicken and LSD|Ninja. i,m happy with my xfs filesystem. what is the best filesystem of ejem mythtv, and a lot of GB,s of space in HDD? ....... I hate ext2, ext3 and reiserfs for my experiencie.. the solution is jfs? or who?10:21
Fez_takes me to a yes or no land10:21
rustychickenusuario: why do you hate ext2/3 and reiser?10:21
Fez_use kernel framebuffer device interface?10:21
ScorpFez_: yeah... just keep pressing enter and let the default settings work...10:21
UnHomErrant quelqu'un pourrait il m'aider avec ff310:21
Vegombreirustychicken: ?10:22
ScorpFez_: just give it a read wats used by default... where it doesnt move forward with enter, press escape !!10:22
akatsukianyone using xfce?10:22
rustychickenVegombrei: one sec10:22
aa2277i am10:22
zvacetdexi : yes it is 21 of them10:22
Fez_overwritten and backed up10:22
mgolischis there a way to cheat on programs querieng the network status via networkmanager, for example if i dont use networkmanager the programs will think i have no internet connection even if i have10:22
rustychickenVegombrei: researching.  patience young skywalker10:22
mgolischis there some way around that?10:22
aa2277So, i had i quick question10:22
dexizvacet: nobody -active-10:22
Fez_trying ls /etc/10:22
usuariothese filesystem in the time, much time, broken my S.O. in my Ubuntu Studio, it,s my opinion10:23
aa2277Im assuming that it is possible to use linux on any kind of computer, even a mobile phone or anything10:23
Vegombreirustychicken: hehehe .. the force is strong within you i see10:23
gnummis there spmething like google gadgets for kubuntu?10:23
mgolischi mean besides implementing something that registers using the same service name as networkmanager does and implementing afake interface for that that allways reports back the internet connection is established10:23
JimThe partition manager isn't showing my previous ext3 and swap partitions so I cannot install, can anyone help me out?10:23
aa2277I was wondering if i had the source code for ubuntu or any distro i could theorhetically strip it down10:23
aa2277and put it onto the phone10:23
aa2277but im guessing that isnt the best approach10:23
Fez_err  ok i go three versions of the file10:23
akatsukianybody using xfce?10:23
aa2277whats the best way to put linux onto a phone which has no popular distro of linux made for it10:23
aa2277<---- i am10:24
usuariorystychicken what you opinion of the filesystem? what filesystem are you?10:24
=== aa2277 is now known as [tv]
Fez_aa2277, Android?10:24
[tv]fez_: explain it in short? or i could google it10:24
raj_Hello sir10:24
[tv]I just hate any windows interface, its nothing really against the corporation as a whole10:24
raj_if someone can help me10:25
Fez_i would google it.. i just read it in an article10:25
[tv]its just everytime i use windows on anything i feel like i need to take a shower10:25
[tv]okay, ill google it up10:25
raj_we are using ubuntu hardy10:25
Fez_ok guys i have 6 config files after the ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf*10:25
Fez_start deleting?10:25
raj_and we are trying to use HP DeskJet 2400 scaner in that but its not working10:25
rustychickenVegombrei: here is a pdf of the step-by-step to get you up and running: http://www.whitewater.be/index2.php?option=com_content&do_pdf=1&id=1710:26
zvacetFez_ : do you know witch one10:26
Fez_well i see the original. but after that I have no clue on what to do10:26
valchersI have problem with my web server time, it show 7 h award10:26
ScorpFez_: Got disconnected10:26
ScorpFez_: whats d status !!10:27
Fez_well Scorp...  i did the ls /etc/ etc....10:27
navjotsinghbrari m new here can someone help???10:27
Fez_I got six files10:27
zvacetFez_ : I asked you because you need to know witch one you use10:27
berentIs there any flex(parser) / bison irc group10:27
ScorpFez_: perfect... what all extensions ???10:27
rustychickenVegombrei: how does that look, is that helpful for you?10:27
valchersI have problem with my web server time, it show 7 h rearwards10:28
Fez_no.. one plain 5 with extensions10:28
[tv]fez_: this is interesting10:28
rustychickennavjotsinghbrar: we cant help if you dont ask us the question ;-)10:28
[tv]frankly im surprised any mobile phones run on windows10:28
ScorpFez_: the 5 with extensions are basically backups from when u changed it... is there a failsafe ???10:28
Vegombreirustychicken: dude i read that .. it doesnt work with hardy10:28
Finnish_Can someone help me with laptop, external screen and getting dual screen working (different desktop-views a'la another screen shows something and another screen something else)?10:28
rustychickenVegombrei: what part doesnt work?10:28
Fez_i would be looking for that too10:28
Fez_zvacet asked me for that too.10:28
Hermanonhi how to make a bootable usb that boots ubuntu installed in hard drive ???10:29
Vegombreirustychicken: hey can i give you a link to read .. im quite sure that is what i have to do but im new to unix and ubuntu so i really donno what it means but im quite sure you will understand10:29
ScorpFez_: try sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.XXX /etc/X11/xorg.conf for each one and restart Xserver10:29
valcherssomebody can help me?10:29
ScorpFez_: one of them should work for you for sure... !!!10:29
rustychickenVegombrei: i cant promise ill read all of it (its late here), but throw me the link anyway10:29
zvacetdexi : did you visit http://my.opera.com/community/forums/forum.dml?id=310:30
navjotsinghbrarwhere from i can find program on hdd10:30
Vegombreirustychicken: http://netdirect.ca/software/packages/barry/    this is what i need to do .. i downloaded the packages for ubuntu but they dont install because of some dependancy thing10:30
Fez_replace xxx or just type xxx10:30
* [tv] np: ahleuchatistas - melody 7 <310:30
Vegombreirustychicken: its not too big its like 20 lines10:30
[tv]oh shoot, im not gonna get kicked for having an np script am i?10:30
* [tv] disables10:30
rustychickenVegombrei: heh, didnt need to read it.  okay, so thats a guide for advanced users, I strongly suggest that if you are new to linux/unix (and I consider myself a noob), you install packages using package managers.10:31
rustychickenVegombrei: what part of my pdf didnt work though?10:31
Fez_I get a cannot create regular file error10:32
Fez_for each10:32
navjotwhere i can find executeable files in ubuntu10:32
Scorp_Fez_: what command are u typing ???10:32
Vegombreirustychicken: i was trying that last night .. had a few issues so i asked some people who told me that it was for fiesty and im on hardy ..i didnt understand what he meant but bottom line it wouldnt work10:32
[tv]navjot: you mean like .exe?10:33
[tv]I dont think that ubuntu uses .exe files, you'd need wine or something to run those10:33
Fez_sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.XXX etc/X11/xorg.conf10:33
rustychickenVegombrei: hmmm...10:33
Scorp_Fez_: ahh... that XXX is basically either of the extensions that you got in the LS command... try one of those to basically overwrite ur xorg.conf10:33
Fez_I am replacing the xxx with the10:34
Scorp_Fez_: even after replacing does it not work ??10:34
navjotno like i want to run any file from internet with any program i am unable to give the path for any program10:34
Fez_I mean no10:34
dexizvacet no i didnt see that link thanks i'll go now tho10:34
X_13I am using Hardy...wer can i find  the backup process running10:34
X_13which are eating my memory10:34
Hermanon hi how to make a bootable usb that boots ubuntu installed in hard drive ???10:34
dexianyone got a good torrent client?10:34
dexii dont wanna use opera10:34
dexithe files finished but it thinks it's still downloading10:35
Fez_dexi get wine and use utorrent10:35
Scorp_Fez_: use gedit to edit one of them and copy all contents to xorg.conf !!!10:35
nguyendaithanh_9Some body can show me ....10:35
tct13dexi: transmission10:35
navjotregister jupjot10:35
Vegombreirustychicken: im quite sure that if i do what it says on that forum it will work ... only problem is i need someone who knows ubuntu really well to understand that help me install it10:35
Natharieldexi: transmission or deluge10:35
nguyendaithanh_9How can I chat on linux10:35
tct13nguyendaithanh_9: pidgin10:35
Scorp_nguyendaithanh_9: Use kopete or Gaim messengers...!!!10:35
Scorp_nguyendaithanh_9: even Pidgin is gud...10:36
tct13now called Pidgin10:36
nguyendaithanh_9Can you give me lonk./10:36
nguyendaithanh_9Can you give me link./10:36
berentIs there any flex(parser) / bison irc group10:36
tct13sudo apt-get install pidgin10:36
lucaposthi all10:36
X_13hi luca10:36
Scorp_Fez_: dont u have xorg.conf.yyyymmdd format files ??10:36
berentIs there any flex(parser) / bison irc group : anyone?????????10:37
navjot[tv] were from i can run any program10:37
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Vegombreirustychicken: ??10:37
Fez_i see them10:37
rustychickenVegombrei: well, the thing is that they want you to compile stuff, which may work for people who mess around with source code all day, it doesnt really help non-programmers that much.10:37
Fez_just checking the contents of each10:37
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Fez_apart from the AGPMode 4 i added earlier, they are all the same10:37
Scorp_Fez_: just copy either one of them , preferably the oldest one's contents to the current xorg.conf10:37
Vegombreiso basically if i continue using a blackberry ill hafta go back to windows ??10:37
usuariothe vga two form. 1 driver oficial --> gksu -D /usr/share/applications/jockey-gtk.desktop /usr/bin/jockey-gtk  2. the vga when your vga has turbocache --> install envyng in repositories and you must probe the opcions, for turbocache 96.43.05 (new legacy)10:38
rustychickenVegombrei: it makes it difficult to upgrade to a new Ubuntu release coming up in October, and it will almost definitely break if you do manage to upgrade.10:38
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paniqhi, i have trouble creating an account in the ubuntu wiki - after signing in at launchpad, the redirect fails10:38
rustychickenVegombrei: not necessarily.10:38
paniqcan i report this problem here somewhere in a chan so it gets fixed asap? :)10:38
Flannelpaniq: #ubuntu-ops10:39
Flannelpaniq: oh, on the wiki... uh, #ubuntu-offtopic10:39
nguyendaithanh_9How about GYachE?10:39
Scorp_Fez_: got it working ???10:39
Fez_the current xorg.conf file that would load up on boot...10:39
Fez_doesn't have the AGPMode fix i added10:39
nguyendaithanh_9I'm so sorry.10:40
Fez_nor does it have a few other things10:40
Dexikiixwhats a good torrent client?10:40
Dexikiixfor linux10:40
usuariowho help me with --> >usuario< thanks feaster83 updating amsn to laters svn tarball will fix the problem in my situation10:40
nguyendaithanh_9I don;t understand qhat you say.10:40
Fez_give me a sec. while I fill in10:40
Vegombreirustychicken: dude i need someone who's a real pro at ubuntu to just explain that to me and i bet you i can do it10:40
totoi have 1 problem with my ubuntu that i've just installed10:40
Vegombreirustychicken: im just in a mess coz i dont understand the damn commands10:40
rustychickenVegombrei: you can either take your chances, with the understanding that you will *very likely* have to reinstall Ubuntu and barry in October, or you can email the opensync developers and ask them to update their repositories10:41
X_13what problem toto10:41
rustychickentoto: and what is that one problem?10:41
totoin create a file .c wth one main and one return for test and ia have this message when i compile10:41
navjot_i am new with linux want to now about file sysytem anyone help10:41
totosylvain@arcadia:~/dev$ cc test.c10:41
mistformi hate this10:41
toto/usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory10:41
totocollect2: ld returned 1 exit status10:41
mistformnavjot_, what about the filesystem?10:42
Vegombreirustychicken: would i be asking for too much if i mailed em ?10:42
^Daisy^is it better to use  x64 version of ubuntu instead of x86 version?10:42
Flannel^Daisy^: They each have advantages10:42
Scorp__how can i get to know if my machine supports 64 bit or not ???10:42
rustychickenVegombrei: i dont think so, the worst they can say is no, right?10:42
navjot_mistform, where from i can find program file10:42
usuariox64 is most dificult to use ... x86 is easy to use. the program x86 is good is aesy10:43
mistformnavjot_, which program? you could go to the menu at the top left of the screen. Applications > view the list10:43
rustychickenVegombrei: i dont mean to be stringing you out here, but I want your Ubuntu experience as a whole to be as enjoyable as possible, including upgrading Ubuntu in October10:43
Nathariel<toto> apt-get install build-essential10:44
totothank you i will try10:44
navjot_mistform, yes it is but like window we can also run programs fron c:\program folder so where in ubuntu these r10:45
=== cakey is now known as fmagsipoc
totoit work! thanks very much10:45
PookAirFooTaGe, how are you?10:45
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ccooke^Daisy^: x86_64 versions will run a little bit faster than the 32-bit versions. There's not much difference, these days - driver support is pretty much on a par, unless you use unusual hardware.10:45
Natharieltoto nps :)10:45
Scorp__Fez_: working now ???10:46
mistformnavjot_, listed in the folder heirarchy. Go to Place > Computer. They are there, scattered everywhere. If you want to run a program you can type in the name of it into terminal (Applications > Accessories > Terminal)10:46
ccooke^Daisy^: the one serious difference is that there's still no 64-bit java plugin for a browser. If you rely on java for anything, you're still better off with 32-bit.10:46
rustychickenVegombrei: wait10:46
k4r1mhey guys i got a little problem, im using the alsa drivers for my sound card..im getting audio in banshee and totem just fine and so as in firefox while playing flash files..my problem is that i can't control the sound volume from the gnome volume thingy, if im playing something from banshee i have to actually use its voulem mixer to change the volume, so as in totem, and like ine in youtube..so i ask you if there is a way to get the10:46
k4r1mgnome voulme mixer to work with all sounds? i have also tried going to the gnome volume mixer and changing the device but no luck.10:46
ccooke(64-bit java plugin *should* arrive soonish, where soonish is the next 1-2 Ubuntu releases, I'd expect)10:46
Dexikiixhey guys my audio is like... 70% left 30% right10:47
Vegombreirustychicken: dude i got an idea ... hear me out hear me out ... what if i just replace the word fiesty to hardy .. will it work then ?10:47
rustychickenVegombrei: already tried that, and no10:47
Vegombreirustychicken: you know when i do that repository thing10:47
mistformDexikiix, make sure your speakers are plugged in all the way?10:47
Fez_I replaced what was missing10:47
rustychickenVegombrei: the problem is that those hosts dont have a hardy repository set up10:48
Fez_now booting10:48
Dexikiixmistform: i think they are but i guess i'd better double check...10:48
Fez_and it hangs10:49
Vegombreirustychicken: so why would it go wrong if i installed a fiesty repository instead of a hardy .. what could go wrong ?? isnt it more or less the same software working on a different os ??10:49
Scorp__Fez_: what did u add ???10:49
newbe1hello all10:49
Fez_it was missing two lines10:49
Fez_hanged like before.10:49
arvind_khadri!hi | newbe110:49
ubottunewbe1: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:49
Dexikiixmistform: everythings plugged in all nice and tight... lemme see if its only when i have headphones in10:49
Fez_the AGPMode 4 and the UseFBDev true10:49
Scorp__Fez_: what do u need those for ???10:50
rustychickenVegombrei: ...waiting on my synaptic to finish.   that, i will be honest, i dont know.  I kind of doubt it, and I dont recommend it.10:50
Dexikiixyeah its only headphones10:50
Fez_adding the AGPmode allowed me to boot again10:50
arvind_khadrinewbe1, ask10:50
Fez_this time it didnt10:50
Dexikiixi probably need drivers10:50
Scorp__Fez_: try removing usefbdev true line and reboot10:50
newbe1what should i use for a media mp3 converter10:51
Vegombreirustychicken: use the force :)10:51
Fez_must fetch charger10:51
milliganAnyone here running ubuntu on their eee? I am, and youtube/break videos etc are a bit laggy. Any way I can fix that ?10:51
Vegombreimilligan: mebbe you need a faster connection10:51
milliganVegombrei, the connection is fine10:52
newbe1Question     what should i use for a media mp3 converter10:52
rustychickenVegombrei: lets try something else10:52
Vegombreirustychicken: bring it on10:52
rustychickenVegombrei: fire up Synaptic: System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager10:53
navjot_when i use firefox sometime it goes off itself can someone help10:53
rustychickenVegombrei: go to settings > repositories, and check the "Community-maintained Open Source Software (universe)" line, hit Close, and then hit the Reload button on the upper left10:54
arvind_khadrinavjot_, is it the latest version??10:54
newbe1Question     what should i use for a media mp3 converter   Windows10:54
jinohai 4 all10:55
=== WikiMan is now known as MatthewV
rustychickenmilligan: I'm on a lower-end laptop, and flash runs like a...very bad thing on my computer.10:55
sammwhats up10:55
milliganrustychicken, yeah, I've read some posts about adobe being to blame... sucks that I can't watch porn on the eee though.10:56
milliganerr, break.com10:56
hateballnewbe1: Could you explain it a bit better?10:56
DozedOnLinuxnavjot_ i have same issue on flash sites, firefox just shuts down, a resume will more times than not succeeed on restarting page10:56
navjot_arvind_khadri, it is Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008072820 Firefox/3.0.110:56
rustychickenmilligan: heh10:56
rustychickenVegombrei: how are you faring so far?10:56
Vegombreirustychicken: dude it gave me an error saying it cant download all repository indexes10:56
newbe1want to take music disk  and put on plater10:57
navjot_dozedonlinux, but why it heppen10:57
Fez_...Porn on the EE?10:57
lbokenhi all does any one know if ther eis a chanel for videolan vlc? suport?10:57
Fez_I am back10:57
Fez_with charger10:57
FloodBot1Fez_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:57
Vegombreirustychicken: says the service is temporarily down10:57
Scorp__Fez_: Wat happened ???10:57
Fez_checking now10:57
DozedOnLinuxnavjot_: i updated firefox and that is when it started doing it.10:57
newbe1want to take music disk  and put on player10:57
rustychickenVegombrei: change your server to the US server and try again...that should rarely happen.10:58
Vegombreirustychicken: ok i retried a couple times and it worked10:58
rustychickenVegombrei: okay, so it dled all the indices  okay, and did its thing and everything?10:58
Fez_of all the times... check disk runs...10:58
Vegombreirustychicken: yeah .. it downloaded like 72 packages or something10:59
DozedOnLinuxnavjot_: it only happens one in a while, but after last Firefox update the issue has started. i havent hunted it down yet, but eventually i will as it only happens on flash sites. a restart of firefox usually resumes where it left off10:59
rustychickenVegombrei: 72 packages or 72 lists?10:59
Dexikiixanyone have a soundblaster x fi extreme audio?10:59
DozedOnLinuxFez_: that is normal, after so many restarts/logins it will auto-check10:59
Fez_hey welcome back11:00
Vegombreirustychicken: i did it again .. it said file 7211:00
DozedOnLinuxFez_:  have you succeeded in getting t longi screen again ? you can choose Session, that may be the issue, hard to update the system without internet connection , but, there is an alternative to adding CDROM as Repo, then you can reinstall Xserver11:01
rustychickenVegombrei: probably lists then.  okay, so search for opensync and install the following packages11:01
jinowhat is /proc11:01
DozedOnLinuxFez_:  i run simple theory: if it worked once, it will work again, so hang in there.11:01
Fez_that cdrw is spining in my desktop with macOSX11:01
DozedOnLinuxFez_: you dula-boot with macOS ?11:02
Starnestommyjino: it's a directory that contains a lot of information about running processes11:02
Fez_will it update it from the cd automatically?11:02
jinoIs it virtual?11:02
Fez_as in, it knows the cd is there?11:02
DozedOnLinuxFez_:  first off, have you ever succeeded on getting to GUI desktop ?11:02
jinoI mean virtual file system?11:03
Fez_yes... last week i was getting my broadcom to work11:03
Fez_i wanted my hand at Compiz Fusion11:03
slightglitchBrendanWelsh: you still awake?11:03
Starnestommyjino: it is11:03
DozedOnLinuxFez_: do you know if your BCM works in recovery mode ?11:03
Vegombreirustychicken: dude it found like 16 of them ... should i just check and get em all11:03
rustychickenVegombrei: libopensync0, opensync-plugin-evolution, opensync-plugin-file, opensyncutils; (searhc for multisync) and install libmultisync-plugin-evolution, multisync, multisync-tools11:03
Fez_hey, im in!11:03
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:03
quentusrex23How is the new ATI linux support? As in within the last year? Since they were bought by AMD?11:03
Scorp__Fez_: dont fiddle with the default xorg.conf... let it run once and let it run for atleast 3-5 restarts...11:03
rustychickenVegombrei: can if you want...11:03
Scorp__DozedOnLinux: Fez_: Finally ??? hehe11:04
Fez_Scorp... your sugestion with the USBFd11:04
Fez_it did it11:04
Scorp__Fez_: y were u puting that line ?? its not required i guess....11:04
DozedOnLinuxScorp__:  what was that fix so i can update my notes please ?11:04
FooTaGeHi, wanted to know if there is a low end version of ubuntu for slower computer...?11:04
Fez_well it definately booted11:05
rustychickenquentusrex23: as far as ive heard, the open specs havent made it into many drivers yet... but im not anywhere near "in the know" on such things11:05
Fez_but I am still getting xsession errors11:05
jinoHow can we disable a user account?11:05
quentusrex23FooTaGe, Either look at Xbuntu or just plain Ubuntu. They both work for slow computers.11:05
rustychickenVegombrei: whats going on?11:05
quentusrex23rustychicken, do you know where I could find 'in the know' peoples?11:05
DozedOnLinuxFez_ : the AGPMode 4 and the UseFBDev true ?11:05
Fez_agp mode is there11:05
rustychickenquentusrex23: nope, im not even "in the know" that much, sorry.  ;-)11:05
Fez_let me try a session manager11:06
DozedOnLinuxFez_ dont logout till you fix it, or atleasy diagnose the issue11:06
DozedOnLinuxFez_ just remember what one worked11:06
superlinux-2hi all . message to every one... if you are an arab and need a help in Linux, plz join #leglug to chat with arab (lebanese)  linux guys.11:06
Vegombreirustychicken:  im checking em for install11:06
ScorpFez_: just make sure u backup this configuration for future needs11:06
ScorpDozedOnLinux: I basically told him to use dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg so that gets the xorg.conf to the generic version11:07
Fez_yea, I got that. Now it says run /usr/bin/seahorse-agent --help11:07
Fez_for command line options11:07
quentusrex23thanks rustychicken11:07
ScorpDozedOnLinux: if that doesnt work, look for backups in /etc/X11/xorg.conf* and use any one of them which sets ur system working....11:07
rustychickenVegombrei: okay, once you install them (hit the apply button), try installing barry again.  as for me, i have to be at work in 5 hours, so i need to go to bed.11:07
Fez_I am stuck between login screen and desktop.11:07
jinowhat is the name based virtual hosting???11:07
Fez_see you rusty chicken11:07
rustychickenquentusrex23: no problem, sorry i couldn't be of more help...11:07
ScorpFez_: what happened ???11:07
Fez_same error i got before11:08
rustychickenseeya Fez_11:08
ScorpFez_: did u change something in xorg now ??11:08
Fez_did what you suggested and everyhting loaded fine11:08
Fez_but still got an error after login screen11:08
ScorpFez_: when u loading, select the Gnome session...!!!11:08
DozedOnLinuxFez_ you changed Session, maybe one of the sessions you are changing to are mesy or just dont work11:08
Fez_now I am back at loggin and I am thinking of getting gnome session  or fail safe11:09
Scorpwhats ur system config ?? i mean, any graphic cards n all ???11:09
Vegombreirustychicken: ok bro ... thanks for your help11:09
DozedOnLinuxFez_ you should have made not of what session worked proper11:09
ScorpFez_: dont try failsafe !!11:09
Fez_yeah.. I have a 9000 Mobility Radeon11:09
Fez_it worked before...11:09
DozedOnLinuxScorp: jumpy lol11:09
Vegombreirustychicken: its taking a while to download anyway11:09
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ScorpDozedOnLinux: as in ???11:09
rustychickenhey, here's my email if im not on tomorrow > Vegombrei11:09
ScorpFez_: have u configured that right ???11:10
DozedOnLinuxScorp: just commenting on Fez_ lol. trying to get ahead of the assistant11:10
Fez_I dont believe it11:10
Fez_my old wallpaper!!!!11:10
DozedOnLinuxFez_: nice11:10
Fez_Thanks guys. Now what11:10
ScorpFez_: now dont change anything... lol11:10
DozedOnLinuxFez_: now find what went wrong and make backups of all that could go wrong11:11
Scorplet the xserver breathe for a day or two...11:11
usuarioFeaster83 are you alive? :D11:11
jinowhat is the difference between X11 & Xorg?11:11
DozedOnLinuxFez_ by the way, what Session type did you choose ?11:11
Fez_I tried the Gnome11:11
DozedOnLinuxFez_ ok , noted11:11
Fez_not fail safe...11:11
Scorpjino: xorg is a part of X11 i guess... i mean, am not sure.. but dats wat i know. ...!!!11:12
Fez_got scared..11:12
wolsX11 is a protocol, Xorg is a program11:12
FooTaGequentusrex23, so the diffrence between xbuntu and ubuntu is just the browser?11:12
Scorpwols, okay ya, dats precise...11:12
DozedOnLinuxScorp:  thanks for helping , and i took notes on fix, thank you11:12
jinothank u11:12
Fez_Thank you guys for helping me!11:12
ScorpDozedOnLinux: Notes ?? dats kewl...11:12
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
wolsFooTaGe: the GUI is different. gnome vs. xfce11:12
ScorpFez_: its ma first time to help some1... feels gud.. hehe11:12
quentusrex23FooTaGe, it's not called a 'browser' but yes. that's the only difference.11:12
rustychickenFooTaGe: its a different "desktop environment"11:12
Fez_well at least hes getting there11:12
Fez_haha congrats Scorp11:12
DozedOnLinuxScorp:  i takes notes on everything :) i use tomboy notes and easily hunt down last working fix for most common issues11:13
ScorpFez_: thanks11:13
thawkins1hey can someone help me update compiz fusion11:13
Fez_now..... you guys mentioned an update or reconfigure....11:13
FooTaGeOK OK GUI got it :P although it looks as though everyone here prefers the command line :P11:13
ScorpDozedOnLinux: thats kewl actually... seems lyk ur really into Ubuntu...11:13
Fez_you wouldn't happen to have a WPA fix in there, would you?11:13
DozedOnLinuxFez_ backup on working machine , is what i would do. there is nothing more valuable than a good working backup11:14
quentusrex23FooTaGe, gnome and KDE are two gui's(Graphical User Interface) that look beautiful and have tons of features. But they need better hardware than xfce(but not nearly as much as windows XP or Vista). Xfce is designed to be a low requirements as possible.11:14
ScorpFez_: explain the prob... WPA does work prop on ubuntu...11:14
Fez_so how do I back up11:14
madadamHi, someone can help me ? I've problem loading a module, this is the error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/35051/11:14
quentusrex23FooTaGe, the command line is powerful. But we all still like our GUI's.11:14
rustychickenVegombrei: did you get my pm?11:14
Fez_I have the broadcom 4306 wifi chip11:14
Fez_I got wifi working11:14
Fez_but in respect to connecting to WPA networks... doesn't work11:15
quentusrex23FooTaGe, I would advise you try to use standard Ubuntu install, and if that doesn't work, then try Xbuntu11:15
Fez_open networks, yes. Restricted.. nope11:15
DozedOnLinuxFez_ : first off in terminal > cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.backup11:15
quentusrex23FooTaGe, how much RAM is in the machine?11:15
wolsFooTaGe: how much RAM do you have?11:15
usuariowhere i can a job for win money with linux or ubuntu? :P11:15
FooTaGequentusrex23, 25611:15
ScorpFez_: does the chip support it otherwise ??? as in, if u've used it on another OS !!11:15
wolsFooTaGe: xubuntu then11:15
DozedOnLinuxFez_ wo, wpa on ubuntu, using network manager ? lol, not all that easy from what i can see. atleast to get it working right11:15
quentusrex23FooTaGe, that should be fine for standard ubuntu, but xubuntu will work better.11:15
Fez_spent the last week using it11:16
ScorpDozedOnLinux: I'm using a linksys router and thats configured for WPA security which is running since day one...!!!11:16
Fez_Scorp, its a Dell D60011:16
ScorpFez_: where does the prob come ???11:16
DozedOnLinuxScorp: oh wonderful, now Fez_ has someone that can help him ;)11:16
rustychickenwell, night all, good luc Vegombrei11:17
FooTaGequentusrex23, if i want to build a media center with and old pc would xbuntu do the job?11:17
Fez_in cp, i got "cannot stat11:17
ScorpDozedOnLinux: I'm not really sure on this... I kinda ran it once myself by luck.. and never fiddled with it later... lol11:17
wolsFooTaGe: depends what the media center needs to do11:17
Fez_Scorp, custom firmware on ze Router?11:17
FooTaGeNothing much just store media, and have conection to the TV, and my computer11:18
navjot_what is lilo11:18
DozedOnLinuxScorp: i dont even bother with WPA, i use simpe WEP and configure MAC filtering. WEP is weak i know, but solang as MAC filter is enabled , good luck trying to spoof a MAC addy , although possible11:18
wolsFooTaGe: what cpu?11:18
wolsnavjot_: a bootloader11:18
FooTaGeand easy to use program to run the movies.11:18
FooTaGewols, sec check that in a min11:18
Fez_might try that Dozed11:18
wolsDozedOnLinux: that's so easy it's laughable11:18
DistroJockey!lilo | navjot_11:19
ubottunavjot_: lilo is an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.11:19
DozedOnLinuxwols: shhhh i know :)11:19
usuario<rustychicken> says--> usuario: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xfs#Disadvantages. Hi again rustychicken, please tell me your filesystem. i want to learn :D11:19
wolsDozedOnLinux: then don't pretend otherwise. WEP is weak and MAC filtering useless11:19
Fez_ok I have officially spent the whole night on a linux issue11:19
DozedOnLinuxwols: the avg person doesnt, so i wont mind if they do.11:19
Dexikiixhey guys, if i bought a new harddrive, could i format in a way that would allow it to be a storage source for both windows and linux?11:19
wolsDexikiix: format it fat3211:20
Fez_well, if someone really did want to get into Dozed's network then....11:20
mib_it19z3i cant install ubuntu11:20
jinoHow can we disable a user's account?11:20
Fez_he should be using something else...11:20
Dexikiixwols: doesnt that only allow short short short names?11:20
mib_it19z3first off, it doesnt ask for name and all, second of, it doesnt show any hard drives to install to....any help here is appreciated11:20
wolsDexikiix: 255 bytes long names not enough?11:20
stemathis is the new real hacking site11:20
Fez_when trying to back up, i get cannot stat /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:21
quentusrex23FooTaGe, there are two different media services that the box could run. front end and back end. the front end just outputs the video to your computer. The backend actually downloads the movies, stores them, and shares them with the network.11:21
wolsjino: delete or disable?11:21
quentusrex23FooTaGe, you can have both services on the same computer, but just keep in mind that they are two different services.11:21
Dexikiixwell i dont know the bytes-to-character conversion, but i tend to have music files like "BAND NAME - SONG NAME.ext"11:21
mib_it19z3can someone help me? i am unable to install ubuntu11:21
wolsFez_: check if the file exists11:21
jinoonly disable it11:21
wols!ask | mib_it19z311:21
ubottumib_it19z3: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)11:21
wolsjino: set the shell to /bin/false11:22
Fez_Wols.. it was just there11:22
jinothank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu11:22
Fez_know what..11:22
usuariohttp://l377-exploit.no-ip.org/ not found?11:22
Fez_going to copy it the windowz way11:22
wolsusuario: stop. don't repeat it!11:22
DozedOnLinuxwols: just wep alone will shave off easily +90% of anyone, so 100% is never going to happen in any security measure.  and i know, off-topic, so i be quiet now11:22
mib_it19z3well, for some reason my hard drive doesnt show when i try to install ubuntu...11:22
wolsmib_it19z3: what disk controller?11:22
mib_it19z3disk contoller? also, who u talking to? if me, how do i find out?11:23
jinowhat is difference between RAID0 & RAID1?11:23
Fez_well Dozed.. how about non broadcasting?11:23
wolsmib_it19z3: lspci -nn11:23
zoedhi! I just played around with brasero: I detached the menu bar, i.e. now it is a seperate window. But if I try to move it to attach it again, brasero just closes. How can I attach the menu bar to the main window of brasero again?11:23
wolsjino: look in wikipedia11:23
hateballjino: RAID0 mirrors data, RAID1 stripes it for faster access. RAID0 is security, RAID1 is speed11:23
mib_it19z3well, for some reason my hard drive doesnt show when i try to install ubuntu...and my windows xp install stopped working fully11:23
wolsmib_it19z3: I asked something11:23
jinoThank UUUUUUUUUU11:24
wolsjino: don't do that11:24
zoedI tried reinstalling brasero with "apt-get purge brasero" and "apt-get install brasero", but the menu bar was still detached when I launched brasero.11:24
lbokeni every one wish programe would you guys recomand to use to stream music on the net using  icecast2 server?11:24
wolslboken: english please11:25
mib_it19z3can someone tell me reasons why my hard drive might not be showing when i go to try and install ubuntu?11:25
lbokeni ask wish program that you would recommand to use to stream music on the net via a icecast server11:25
wolsmib_it19z3: can you finally tell us what disk controller you have?11:26
Fez_ok I am going to hit the sac.11:26
wolslboken: that is not english. rephrase11:26
Fez_Thank you guys once again for your help11:26
mib_it19z3mib_it, if your talking to me, how do i find that out?11:26
navjot_wols, what is difference between grab and lilo11:26
DozedOnLinuxFez_ you'all come back now ;)11:26
lisa_anyone know where I can get latest amsn?11:26
Fez_I was here last week11:26
lukosanthropos<mib_it19z3> open the box and find out11:26
Fez_where were you11:26
navjot_ubottu , why grab11:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about why grab11:27
zoedCan anybody help me with the datached menu bar in brasero?11:27
navjot_ubottu , why grub11:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about why grub11:27
DozedOnLinuxFez_ there is a wealth of information here, enjoy11:27
mib_it19z3and if i cant open the box up to find out? also, even if i did, i wouldnt know where to look11:27
wolsnavjot_: minor. ask specifics11:27
lukosanthroposlisa_ you could try apt11:27
Fez_i see11:27
Fez_well thanks :D11:27
wolsmib_it19z3: I TOLD you!11:27
Fez_I know I will be back soon11:27
wolsmib_it19z3: lspci -nn11:27
DistroJockeymib_it19z3, I assume you are using the live cd. You may need to use the alternate cd11:27
lisa_lukosanthropos: in apt only old version, I need latest11:27
DozedOnLinux!fr | lboken11:27
navjot_wols thanks11:28
wolslisa_: why?11:28
mib_it19z3its worked for me before, but my other version of windows has also stopped on me11:28
lisa_lukosanthropos: if I download source from amsn website, is it hard to compile?11:28
lukosanthroposnot really11:28
lukosanthroposthey have step by step guides11:28
wolsmib_it19z3: we don't care about windows. we only care about ubuntu11:28
lbokenlisa amsn is not hard to copile not at all11:28
lukosanthroposas far as i remember11:28
lisa_wols: because old one crashes when getting offline messages, new one doesnt11:28
wolslisa_: do a backport11:28
lisa_wols: backport?11:28
jinoHow can we list the directories?11:28
lisa_wols: backport?11:28
wols!cli | jino11:28
mib_it19z3im just saying, if windows stopped too, could my hard drive be bad, or is there a way to get in there to format my drive? so i can install ubuntu?11:28
ubottujino: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:28
DistroJockeymib_it19z3, make sure the drive shows up in BIOS first11:28
lisa_wols: whats a bacjport?11:29
wolslisa_: you're keyboard is stuttering. you repeat too often11:29
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging11:29
lisa_wols: backport?11:29
k0phi all11:29
mib_it19z3it shows in BIOS, but it wont do anything11:29
zoedIs there another channel about brasero where I could ask?11:29
lisa_wols: whats a backport amsn?11:29
k0phow change folder name to english? :S11:29
DozedOnLinuxmib_it19z3:  it could just very well be harddrive failure11:29
lbokennow what i mean what  program should  i use  to stream music (mp3) on  that connect to icecast211:29
lisa_zero-one_: hewllo lover11:29
k0pI hate my foldername in my own language.11:29
wolsmib_it19z3: boot a livecd and tell us the output of "sudo fdisk -l"11:29
k0plike Desktop etc.11:29
jinoI need the Dir list command?11:29
lisa_wols: backport explain pls?11:29
lbokenhope fully this time he will  undestand what i mean11:29
DozedOnLinuxmib_it19z3:  ican you hear the HDD wind up when you boot the computer ? sound slike little wizzing wheel11:29
_RomanI have got sshd running on two ports, 22 for internal use and another port that can be connected from externally.  Is it possible to specify that the port for external use can only accept specific users or can only use key based authentication and leave port 22 as it is.  I know that I could just run multiple instances of sshd, but I am trying to avoid that.11:29
wolslisa_: I just did11:29
lisa_wols: where?11:30
wolsjino: ubottu gave you a factoid. READ it11:30
wols!backport > lisa_11:30
ubottulisa_, please see my private message11:30
lukosanthroposwols I want a factoid11:30
mib_it19z3it doesnt do anything wen i runt hat sudo fdisk command11:30
lisa_wols: i downloaded the source code, how I compile it and install it11:30
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:30
navjot_ubottu thanks11:30
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:30
xal2I have the nvidia proprietary driver installed (the one from nvidia directly) and every time i reboot my machine, I have to reinstall \ reconfigure the driver, otherwise i'm in low-graphcis mode.11:30
wolsxal2: use the ubuntu ones11:30
xal2They don't work11:30
wolsxal2: that's wrong since it's the same software11:31
mib_it19z3for just sudo fdisk11:31
mib_it19z3Usage: fdisk [-l] [-b SSZ] [-u] device E.g.: fdisk /dev/hda  (for the first IDE disk)   or: fdisk /dev/sdc  (for the third SCSI disk)   or: fdisk /dev/eda  (for the first PS/2 ESDI drive)   or: fdisk /dev/rd/c0d0  or: fdisk /dev/ida/c0d0  (for RAID devices)11:31
xal2Not with my quadro at least11:31
zero-one_and i still dont get it ... import_string from werkzeug .. when i have a project myproject thre is a folder in it called controllers and there is a file called basic.py and in the file is a function called index then the call import_string("myproject.controllers.basic.index") should work or not?11:31
lisa_ubottu:  i downloaded the source code, how I compile it and install it11:31
ubottulisa_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:31
zero-one_i allways get No module named myproject.controllers.basic11:31
* lisa_ hugs ubottu 11:31
zero-one_ups wrong chan ^^11:31
mib_it19z3also, i cant install a proper IRC client for ubuntu...lol, i dont know how to use ubuntu very well11:32
wolszero-one_: #python11:32
DozedOnLinux!compile | lisa_11:32
ubottulisa_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:32
lisa_can someone pls tell me how to complile and install amsn source code?11:32
wolsmib_it19z3: x-chat or irssi11:32
lisa_DozedOnLinux: i cant find latest amsn11:32
zero-one_wols: yes i know, wrong tab ^^11:32
mib_it19z3anyways, i need to format my hard drive or do something11:32
DozedOnLinuxlisa_:  you searched repos ?11:32
lukosanthroposlisa_: how to compile http://www.amsn-project.net/wiki/Compiling_aMSN11:32
mib_it19z3ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk  /dev/hda  Unable to open /dev/hda11:33
lisa_DozedOnLinux: repos only has old amsn, i need new one11:33
DozedOnLinuxlisa_:  there you go, all worked out for you :)11:33
lisa_lukosanthropos: ok11:33
=== Terry is now known as Guest60846
xal2Okay, so I installed the ubuntu nvidia driver now11:33
mib_it19z3also, i cant access my hard drive from the list of drives, it doesnt show up11:33
DistroJockeymib_it19z3, sudo fdisk -l      (will list drives/partitions)11:33
xal2in the restricted rivers11:33
DozedOnLinuxlisa_: if it is not in repos, latest version, then i dont believe it is supported, so you are on your own with that11:33
xal2and now i'm sent right into low-graphics mode11:33
xal2unlike with the nvidia driver i download11:34
mib_it19z3well, when i run that command, it shows nothing, nothing at all11:34
=== gnelisse is now known as snk00sj
zoedIn Brasero (CD/DVD-burning application) I detached (moved) the menu bar. If I try to move it back and attach it to the main window, brasero crashes. How can I get back the menu bar to where it was in the beginning?11:34
lisa_that link doesnt have for jubuntu11:34
xal2are you sure it's the same driver?11:34
wolsmib_it19z3: for the last time: I asked you several times to do some diagnostics. either you do them or we cannot help. end of story. we need more information11:34
mib_it19z3shouldnt it at least show maybe my disk drives?11:34
DistroJockeymib_it19z3, then check your BIOS as I suggested11:34
xal2because if it is, well11:34
mib_it19z3it shows under the bios11:34
lisa_DozedOnLinux: what are command to complile?11:34
wolsxal2: the restricted nvidia driver is the same one yes11:34
DozedOnLinuxlisa_:  does the current version work for you ?11:34
xal2Then why does one work and the other doesn't11:34
wolsmib_it19z3: that is NOT what I asked.11:34
lisa_DozedOnLinux: the repo version crashes i need new one11:34
wolsxal2: PEBKAC?11:34
jinols -d11:34
jinols -d?11:35
DozedOnLinux!compile > lisa_11:35
snk00sjhi, if i manually sync certain directories in .gconf/apps, gconf-editor doesn't list the new entries,  do i need to restart a service, or reindex the filesystem for the gconf keys to be accepted ?11:35
mib_it19z3my bios is all set up right, and nothing seems to be wrong over in my BIOS11:35
lisa_DozedOnLinux: i didnt get any message11:35
xal2Lol, it's hard to mess up with a graphics driver installation11:35
wolsmib_it19z3: no one cares about your BIOS: last time: what disk controller? lspci -nn to find out11:35
DozedOnLinuxlisa_:  he is slow today , but, i try not to put anything in this machine that is not supported, not worth it11:35
lisa_ok but repo amsn is no good for me, what can I do?11:36
xal2Is the ubuntu nvidia driver incompatible with the Nvidia Quadro NVS140M?11:36
mib_it19z3that brings up a lot of info11:36
wolslisa_: you can backport if intrepid has a newer version already. if not, maybe check debian sid11:36
zoedHow can I revert all the brasero settings to their defaults?11:36
lisa_DozedOnLinux: what about backport? safe for amsn?11:36
wols!paste | mib_it19z311:36
ubottumib_it19z3: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:36
jinoHow can we list the directories?11:36
DozedOnLinuxlisa_:  wish i could tell you for sure, but i would look for precompiled, compiling bad stuff never works out11:36
xal2anyway, these problems started after installing the new x.org11:36
lisa_wols: i read the page, im confused how I backport :P11:36
lukosanthroposlisa_: are you still having trouble compiling?11:36
wols!cli > jino11:36
ubottujino, please see my private message11:37
mib_it19z3is there a way to send you a lot of info without spamming the channel?11:37
wolslisa_: you get the deb source and create a deb from it11:37
wols!paste < mib_it19z311:37
ubottuwols: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:37
lisa_lukosanthropos: im going to install backport amsn,  how do I add backport to sources?11:37
wols!paste > mib_it19z311:37
ubottumib_it19z3, please see my private message11:37
DozedOnLinuxlisa_:  so many times the source is just bad and never compiles right, so i dont even mess with it, as it is not neeeded11:37
lisa_wols: how?11:37
hateballzoed: delete ~/.gconf/apps/brasero should do it11:37
lukosanthroposwols: she could just compile it and install11:37
wolslisa_: only if the premade backports have a new amsn version11:37
lisa_wols: where  get latest deb source for amsn?11:37
lisa_wols: how can I check?11:37
lukosanthroposand never bother with the deb11:37
wolslisa_: I TOLD you: intrepid or sid11:37
lisa_wols: intrepid or sid?11:37
jinoI saw it11:37
wolslukosanthropos: not really supported here. we do package management. if we don't we can just as well use slack or LFS11:38
wolsjino: then read it for a change11:38
zoedhateball: after running rm -r /home/christoph/.gconf/apps/brasero/, the menu bar of brasero is still detached from the main window.11:38
lisa_whats intrepid or sid?11:38
jinoBut I need the command?11:38
hateballzoed: there's also ~/.gnome/brasero.session11:38
wolslisa_: ubuntu and debian versions respectively11:39
DozedOnLinuxlisa_ : http://debian.mirror.inra.fr/debian/pool/main/a/amsn/   check there see if that is what you need11:39
lisa_DozedOnLinux: ok11:39
hateballzoed: thats .gnome2 ....11:39
xal2wols, other people are having problems with this card11:39
wolsDozedOnLinux: installing debs from debian directly is terminally stupid11:39
wolsxal2: lots of people have problems with EVERY card!11:39
wolsxal2: more info, less complaining and whining please11:39
usuariothe amsn work if you compile it? not from synaptic? mmm :D i try  Installing From Source? is this true? that is the diferences of amsn.deb and amsn.tar.gz. i think that a package deb it,s equal to a tar.gz (compiled) or not? sorry11:39
mib_it19z3OK, i used pastebin for this ----this is what happened when i ran that command - http://paste.ubuntu.com/35056/11:39
lukosanthroposwols: ok fair do's package management mainly in here11:39
DozedOnLinuxlisa_ : here is another > http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/amsn/11:40
filthpighi, which laws do you guys follow when it comes to stuff like ripping DVDs for personal use? I need some advice on what program is the best, which filetype, quality etc. In my country such things are legal.. Is it bad of me to ask for support here?11:40
lisa_DozedOnLinux: ok11:40
wols!dvd < filthpig11:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dvd < filthpig11:40
wols!dvd > filthpig11:40
ubottufilthpig, please see my private message11:40
wolslisa_: don't use the deb from there11:40
DozedOnLinuxwols: thank you for the nice comment11:40
lisa_is http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/amsn/ safe?11:41
lisa_wols: from where?  here?http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/amsn/11:41
wolslisa_: of course. ubuntu repos are for you to use11:41
wolsjust mixing distros is a bad thing11:41
lisa_wols: which one I need to download from here...  http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/amsn/11:41
zoedhateball: nope, after deleting that, the menu bar is still detached.11:41
mib_it19z3unless there is something else showing here - http://paste.ubuntu.com/35056/ - it seems to be some kind of AGP controller? but im not good with stuff like this11:41
lisa_wols: latest amsn is aMSN 0.97.211:41
FooTaGewols, the computer is 256ram and pentium 311:41
filthpiglisa_, all repos belonging to ubuntu.com are safe11:41
xal2Well, the bottom line is, I install the nvidia driver, restart my x server and it works. When I restart, I have to do it all over again for some reason11:41
wolslisa_: none. you get it via synaptic like any other package.11:42
zoedhateball: But by now, "locate brasero | grep home" doesn't return anything.11:42
xal2That doesn't seem to indicate a problem driver11:42
wolslisa_: security.ubuntu.com is in your sources.list by default11:42
lisa_wols: listen pls lol.  the repo is not versison  aMSN 0.97.211:42
wolsxal2: the nvidia.com drivers break your opengl, are kernel incompatible and in general mess your package system11:42
DozedOnLinuxlisa_ : if in doubt you can search packages here > http://packages.ubuntu.com/11:42
lisa_wols: but u see  aMSN 0.97.2 on http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/amsn/11:43
xal2But you said it's the same driver as the ubuntu one11:43
lisa_why is aMSN 0.97.2 on the websire and not in repos?11:43
wolsxal2: the ubuntu one is the same software but differently packaged and the package system is made aware of it11:44
xal2Is it the latest?11:44
lisa_DozedOnLinux:  why is aMSN 0.97.2 on the website and not in repos?11:44
DistroJockeyzoed, I suggest logging out and back in then try brasero11:44
wolsxal2: the nvidia.com one just overwrites files as it wants which makes it seem to work but will give problems down the line11:44
mib_it19z3I need to install ubuntu though, but it wont show up the hard drive anywhere.11:44
zoedDistroJockey: I'll try.11:44
Dexikiixalright im going to bed11:44
Dexikiixg'night all11:44
lisa_Dexikiix: dont play around :)11:44
lisa_Dexikiix: straight to sleep this time11:44
wolsmib_it19z3: and it never will unless you answer. you said it showed you a lot of stuff. so pastebin that output11:45
DozedOnLinuxlisa_:  i dont know, ask wols, no matter what i say i am wrong according to wols11:45
Dexikiixbefore i go11:45
FloodBot1Dexikiix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:45
DozedOnLinuxlisa_:  i cant give you corrected link, oh no11:45
Dexikiixi think i only get 2 channels of my 5.111:45
filthpigwols, thanks for the tip. However, I'm looking to rip my entire dvd collection to disk with lossless video and audio. Atm I'm using acidrip to do it, and ripping to *.avi, filesize 700mb. I guess that's a whole lotta compression, but I'll just give it a go and see how it works out. Any hints&tips is appreciated11:45
wolscause the packages.gz is not updated yet. the update is from 6th of august. yesterday11:45
lisa_DozedOnLinux: look here.  http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/amsn/11:45
zoedbrasero: Nope, logging out and in didn't work. The menubar is still detached.11:45
DozedOnLinuxlisa_:  maybe it is under debug or something, there may be bugs in it not yet cleared, i am not sure, maybe check launchpad11:45
wolsfilthpig: you can't. DVDs are not lossless11:45
Dexikiixbut last night i was getting my rear speaks11:45
mib_it19z3OK, i already did link, but here is the link again for my pastebin post. - http://paste.ubuntu.com/35056/11:45
lisa_DozedOnLinux: notice up top, amsn-data_0.97.2~debian-0ubuntu1_all.deb11:45
DistroJockeyzoed, hmm11:46
lisa_DozedOnLinux: why is it on website but not in repos?11:46
DozedOnLinuxlisa_: yes i see11:46
jinoWhat is Xbuntu???11:46
lisa_DozedOnLinux: the repo version is older11:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xbuntu11:46
filthpigwols, lossless from the dvd, like no further compression11:46
quentusrex23Can someone tell me what envyNG is? and why is it recommended when I want to install the latest nvidia driver?11:46
ActionParsnipjino: its ubuntu with xfce as the desktop11:46
DozedOnLinuxlisa_: have you the repos' selected ,as i have not checked11:46
wolsmib_it19z3: that controller is supported for ages. use sudo fdisk -l to see what partitions there are11:46
filthpigI know the dvd video is already compressed, that's why we have bluray ;)11:46
ActionParsnip!envyng | quentusrex2311:46
ubottuquentusrex23: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk11:46
lisa_DozedOnLinux: what?11:46
jinook, thanks11:46
DistroJockeyzoed, can you try a reboot also?11:46
wolsfilthpig: blueray is just as compressed11:47
ActionParsnipjino: its basically lighter in ram11:47
filthpignot as much, though11:47
zoedDistroJockey: Ok, but that'll take longer...11:47
wolsquentusrex23: the restricted drivers are recommended. not envyng. but envyng can work11:47
lisa_DozedOnLinux: repos have 0.97. but I need 0.97.211:47
ActionParsnipjino: there are loads of desktops than just gnome and kde11:47
quentusrex23wols, how do I get the latest nvidia drivers?11:47
wolsfilthpig:it's compressed more with a better algorithm actually11:47
DozedOnLinuxlisa_: i only go with what is in repos, i rarely if ever go outside of that. dont know what to tell you. i want stable releases, not ones that will crash evey two seconds11:47
wolsquentusrex23: what videocard?11:48
ActionParsnipjino: i personally use fluxbox11:48
DozedOnLinuxlisa_: could be its not stable or tested complete, i cant tell you , as i dont know11:48
wolslisa_: download the one for your platform from there and install via dpkg or gdebi11:48
jinoWhat is it?11:48
quentusrex23integrated nvidia graphics on the Gigabyte GA-73PVM-S2H11:48
ActionParsnip!fluxbox | jino11:48
ubottujino: fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox11:48
lisa_DozedOnLinux: so its unsafe to download  amsn-data_0.97.2~debian-0ubuntu1_all.deb    from http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/amsn/11:48
wolsquentusrex23: and 173.x.x is not good enough?11:48
lisa_wols: what?11:48
jinoThank UUUUUUUUUU11:48
quentusrex23wols, I am trying to get audio over hdmi to work.11:49
quentusrex23which means testing the new beta of 17711:49
lisa_wols: why is amsn 0.97.2 at ttp://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/amsn/ but not in repos, if its the same as apt-get?11:49
ActionParsnipjino: thats damn small linux with fluxbox http://damnsmalllinux.org/dsl-2.0RC2-fluxbox.jpg11:49
jinoI shall try 4 it11:49
filthpigjino, be warned though. All the lightweight desktops are more complicated and offer far less help than KDE/Gnome11:49
wolsquentusrex23: then you must use latest from nvidia but that is kinda unsupported I guess and might make some issues down the road11:50
ActionParsnipfilthpig: not if you run em on top of gnome / kde :D11:50
DistroJockeyzoed, any better?11:50
jinoI think so11:50
zoedDistroJockey: no11:50
zoedI'm just running a sudo updatedb...11:50
usuarioError: Dependency is not satisfiable: tcl-tls... any ideas11:50
DistroJockeyzoed, so what did you do to brasero again?11:50
lisa_wols: why is amsn 0.97.2 athttp://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/amsn/ but not in repos, if its the same as apt-get?11:51
onikosI've started audacity with 'aoss audacity' and it could record, but when I start mumble (just by starting it) that uses sound then it doesn't record any more.11:51
jinowhat is inode?11:51
wolslisa_: cause like I said before, the Packages.gz hasn't been recreated yet11:51
quentusrex23wols, I'm only going to use them until they are in the ubuntu repo and fully supported.11:51
onikosjino: I think inode is the ID of each file in the filesystem11:51
zoedDistroJockey: I saw that there was something weird on the left of the file menu in the menu bar, so I clicked on it and dragged it. Obviously, it must have been a button to detach the menu bar.11:51
ActionParsnipjino: its a marker for a file on the hard drive11:51
wolsquentusrex23: they still break your mesa and mess up the system everytime you get a new kernel11:51
* Dexikiix doesnt like not having all speakers utilized11:52
lisa_wols: would you download and install  amsn-data_0.97.2~debian-0ubuntu1_all.deb from http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/amsn/ ?11:52
onikosjino: I've recently read about it , on hard links and soft links. (they confused me lots, but I got an idea)11:52
zoedAnd now, whenever I click this "detach-button", brasero crashes.11:52
quentusrex23I'm not looking to upgrade the kernel until after the driver is stable....11:52
quentusrex23wols, do you know of a howto for installing the beta nvidia driver?11:52
wolslisa_: I already told you to donwload and use dpkg or gdebi to install11:52
DistroJockeyzoed, there is no File menu in my Brasero11:52
lisa_wols: its safe?11:52
jinoWhat idea???11:52
zoedDistroJockey: Sorry, I mean "Projekt"11:52
wolsquentusrex23: not really. easiest is to use their .run package with all the consequences11:52
zoedI'll try deleting everything that locate brasero | grep home finds and rebooting again, ok?11:53
LOWER_CASEHi, anyone suggest a code-tree ('call-tree) viewing tool for C/C++?11:53
quentusrex23lol @ consequences11:53
xal2wols: i found the problem11:54
onikosI mean audacity gets trashed just by opening another app.11:54
DistroJockeyzoed, can't seem to see/replicate what you did. Yeah, can't hurt11:54
xal2My card isn't supported in the ubuntu version of the driver. it's not recent enough11:54
onikosso lets say I open 3 audio recorders, I start opening the 1st. It works. I open 2nd , 3rd, and just by that the 1st stops working lol11:54
wolsxal2: how new is this? 7xxx nvidia chipsets are old, even the IGP ones I though11:55
jinoUmask of local user????11:55
xal2Well I'm looking at a compatibility list posted in the ubuntu help for the 169.12 driver which is supposedly included with the latest release of Ubuntu. The NVS 140M is not in the list.11:55
wolsxal2: ubuntu has 173.x last I checked11:56
xal2Then I'm at a loss. I tried the restricted modules when I freshly installed Ubuntu11:56
wolsxal2: sorry. you#re right :(11:56
wolsdunno why I thought it had 17311:56
xal2Yeah, the 173 adds support for the 8400GS which is the same core as the 140M11:56
xal2I don't mind using the nvidia binary drivers, but it's a little annoying that it seems to not work after a reboot11:57
xal2i don't know how to approach this lol11:57
wolsxal2: put "nvidia" in /etc/modutils/11:57
wolserm, /etc/modules11:57
zoedNope, brasero problem still exists.11:57
Dexikiixwols do you know what might be holding my extra channel speakers back from playing?11:58
Dexikiixi only have front left/right11:58
xal2ah right, that make sense11:58
DistroJockeyzoed, next step is probably a:  sudo apt-get install --reinstall brasero11:58
xal2i haven't had to mess with that in a long time11:58
wolsDexikiix: bad alsa config. snd-hda-intel?11:58
zoedDistroJockey: ok.11:58
usuarioError: Dependency is not satisfiable: tcl-tls... (amsn_0.97.2~debian-0ubuntu1_i386.deb, amsn-data_0.97.2~debian-0ubuntu1_all.deb) i think that only a paquage fount. where is? http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/amsn/11:58
wolsusuario: full error output11:59
wolsusuario: asnd the command you ran that produced the error. all in a nice pastebin entry11:59
bavardageonikos: iirc, audacity has some problems with pulse audio11:59
ActionParsnipusuario: ive seen folks compile that, or find a .deb11:59
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=== Musashimaru_plou is now known as MusashimaruPlouf
Dexikiixwols: i understood the first part, whats snd-hda-intel?11:59
wolsDexikiix: an alsa 5.1 driver12:00
onikosbavardage: I started it using aoss audacity, (aoss being some kind of wrapper thing)12:00
zoedDistroJockey: nope. I just saw that if I start brasero by command line, it outputs something there.12:00
Dexikiixsudo apt-get it?12:00
bavardagemaybe just don't open any other apps :D12:00
wolsDexikiix: you can't. you already have it too. what soundcard is it?12:00
onikosbavardage: they are to work together.12:00
Dexikiixxfi extreme audio12:00
ActionParsnipusuario: amsn is in universer repos12:00
wolsoh, creative garbage12:00
ActionParsnipusuario: sudo apt-get install amsn12:00
wolsDexikiix: then the driver is emu10k2 or such12:01
wolsDexikiix: check alsa-project.org for config12:01
Dexikiixohk ty12:01
onikosI'm using a "ALSA wrapper for OSS applications"12:01
ActionParsnipwols: what soundcard do you recommend?12:01
zoedDistroJockey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/35062/. The first line comes up immediately when I start brasero, the others after I click on the "attach/detach button".12:01
Dexikiixi coulda sworn they were working the other night12:01
DistroJockeyzoed, k12:01
bavardageonikos: "sing pasuspender to momentarily suspend pulseaudio is the most convenient way to use the non-beta versions (1.2.x) of Audacity at present.  pasuspender -- audacity <argument> "12:02
zoedDistroJockey: sorry?12:02
wolsActionParsnip: SB Live 5.1 :) works like a charm since forever incl hardware mixer support12:02
DistroJockeyzoed, k = I read and understand and was looking :)12:02
wolsActionParsnip: but most times, juse use the hda on the mobo12:02
usuariothanks wols and actionparsnip the paquage.deb is most easy that compile... i find a paquege.deb of tcl-tls version 97.212:02
onikosbavardage: what does sing do? I found no manual entry for it.12:02
wolsActionParsnip: and the SB live is dirt cheap too12:02
DistroJockeyzoed, can't see a attach/detach button in brasero :(12:03
ActionParsnipwols: just with you saying creative rubbish i figured yo know a sweet card12:03
ActionParsnipwols: i use onboard too12:03
bavardageonikos: it was a typo :P replace sing with using12:03
bavardageI missed off the u12:03
Dexikiixwols: alsa-project.org seems to be down12:03
zoedDistroJockey: Can I send screenshots through pastebin?12:03
onikosbavardage: ah. :)12:03
DistroJockeyzoed, nope, but   www.tinypic.com   is good for that12:03
ActionParsnipzoed: no, use imageshack or photobucket12:04
bavardageonikos: or this blog post may help - comments say works with regular hardy, not really sure: http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2008/04/28/how-to-get-audacity-working-after-a-hardy-upgrade/12:04
wolsActionParsnip: newer creative stuff is rubbish since creative are to stupid to write drivers or give specs for recent OSes12:04
jinowhat is the differences between HTTPD & Apache?????12:05
usuariohttp://www.ubuntu.tuxubuntu.com/2008/08/instalar-amsn-0972-en-ubuntu-32-y-64-bits/ i think that its works :D12:05
wolsjino: apache is an instance of a httpd12:05
zoedDistroJockey: http://i38.tinypic.com/ogfamx.png12:05
jinoBoth are same12:05
MythrilI am trying to install Ubuntu Server (8.04) in Virtual Box on Ubuntu Desktop (7.10)  and when it boots I get this message and I have no idea what to do: "This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: 0:6"12:06
onikosSo does anyone else know why you have jackd package installed or why it's useful for you?12:06
RANDOM_5121hey guys12:06
RANDOM_5121im back now12:06
DistroJockeyzoed, wow, nice issue you got there :)12:06
RANDOM_5121whenever i try to install ubuntu, it shows no hard drive, also when im in my BIOS, it can detect hard drive size, etc... but on reboot,m it doesnt automatically detect my hard drive, what could be the cause?12:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jackd12:07
ActionParsnip!info jack12:07
ubottujack (source: jack): Rip and encode CDs with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1+cvs20050801-21 (hardy), package size 144 kB, installed size 656 kB12:07
DistroJockeyzoed, can you grab the left side of that menu bar and drop it back up where it should be?12:07
ActionParsnip!info jackd12:07
ubottujackd (source: jack-audio-connection-kit): JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.109.2-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 89 kB, installed size 396 kB12:07
zoedDistroJockey: I installed ubuntu 8.04 64bit from the cd from shipit. I only installed applications from the default repositories (except gnome-do)12:07
PryMaLhi. does anyone know if one of the distro's has ssh login enabled by default from a usb bootable disk?12:07
manu___hello. Could you help me to install a theme for gnome? (i don't speak a very good engllish)12:07
zoedDistroJockey: No, as soon as I click that left side of the menu, brasero crashes and prints the lines 2-4 of (http://paste.ubuntu.com/35062/) in the terminal.12:08
ActionParsnipPryMaL: not that i know of but you can modify the startup on the stick to run it12:08
zoedDistroJockey: But brasero only crashes if I left-click.12:08
PryMaLhmm, ok thanks ActionParsnip12:08
RANDOM_5121whenever i try to install ubuntu, it shows no hard drive, also when im in my BIOS, it can detect hard drive size, etc... but on reboot,m it doesnt automatically detect my hard drive, what could be the cause?12:09
manu___hello... may anybody help me to install a theme ?12:09
DistroJockeyzoed, when you release the button or when you press it?12:09
seekingtruthRANDOM_5121: install ubuntu using Virtualbox then12:09
bazhangmanu___, which theme? normally you dl the tar.gz and drag to theme manager12:09
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  what IDE is the HDD in question ?12:09
seekingtruthRANDOM_5121: it works for me12:10
mattgyver83Does anyone other than myself have issues with Firefox 3?  I always have issues with the program itself lagging and then sometimes freezing.  I have run under safe-mode and i still have this happen.  Any suggestions?12:10
manu___bazhang: where is the theme manager?12:10
zoedDistroJockey: when a press the left mouse button.12:10
usuarioAMSN AGAIN loooool i get it :D :D :P its simple jajajja http://www.to-st.de/download/linux/eeepc/amsn_0.97.2-1_i386.deb12:10
zoeds/ a / I /;12:10
RANDOM_5121how can i install it via virtualbox, if it doesnt show up? lol - also, how do i check the IDE of the HDD12:10
webfarmerI can't open my system login window - the starting administrators application and starting login window popup and then disappear? any ideas?12:10
seekingtruthmattgyver83: FF3 works great for me, no probls on Hardy12:10
webfarmer\join #django12:10
FloodBot1webfarmer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:10
bazhangmanu___, sorry, system prefs appearances theme tab12:10
usuariothanks wols for your time :D12:10
usuarioand @ll12:10
ActionParsnipwebfarmer: who are you logging on as?12:11
RANDOM_5121for you two that messaged me - how can i install it via virtualbox, if it doesnt show up? lol - also, how do i check the IDE of the HDD12:11
manu___bazhang: > i did but the theme show me a '?'12:11
bazhangmanu___, got a link? let me try here12:11
bavardagemanu___: what's your native language - there may be another channel to help you12:12
bavardagelike #ubuntu-de for example12:12
bazhanghe left12:12
bavardageoh dear :P12:12
zoedDistroJockey: But only if I click on that "detach-button". The rest of brasero, even the menus themselves work normally.12:12
Dexikiixwols: is ubuntu hardy supposed to support 5.1 by default?12:12
bazhangManu got a link?12:12
manu___bazhang: > thanks !!12:13
bazhangmanu___, checking now12:13
webfarmerany response12:13
zoedDiskJockey: Thats weird. I middle clicked on the detach-button,so it was selected. Then I pressed the space bar - and what happend? The Menu bar popped back to the application window of brasero!12:13
chervaI'm having troubles installing libquicktime1 :( http://pastebin.com/d1de423f8 can anyone help me ?12:14
DistroJockeyzoed, can't see the detach button you are referring too. Can you just drag and drop that Menu back up to the top left of the window?12:14
DistroJockeyzoed, ooo :)12:14
zoedWait, I'll upload the picture after the problem was solved, with a red circle around the detach button (which is still present)12:14
DistroJockeyzoed, yeah, please do12:15
wolsDexikiix: yes12:15
zoedDistroJockey: http://i33.tinypic.com/5was6r.png12:16
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onikoscherva: it sures looks troublesome12:16
cprohey my system is running slow12:16
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cproi am a newbee12:16
chervaonikos: any idea how to fix it ?12:16
cprocan smbudy help me plz12:16
zoedDistroJockey: But it works now, its just very weird.12:16
manu___bazhang: Any idea ?12:16
DistroJockeyzoed, see what you mean. Not visable by default in 8.04.112:17
manu___i'm sorry maybe you don't finish12:17
DistroJockeyzoed, aye12:17
onikoscherva: Yes, maybe. We could try doing something to fix if you have broken packages12:17
Dexikiixwols: I mighta screwed it up somehow, not sure... but PulseAudio doesnt think im playing any audio, even tho i can hear it...12:17
zoedDistroJockey: But I launched brasero the first time today, saw this weird button in the toolbar and clicked/dragged it!12:17
bazhangmanu___, if you click on it the ? it loads, but seems not to be a very good theme. you can customize it a bit though not much difference imo12:18
DistroJockeyzoed, and you have 8.04.1 ?12:18
zoedI didn't change any brasero settings beforehand. Other applications (like pidgin) don't have this extra button.12:18
onikoscherva: It's maybe "sudo shutdown 0" it will not shutdown the computer but go to maintenance mode.12:18
manu___imo ?12:18
bazhangin my opinion12:18
manu___ok :)12:18
chervaonikos: this is the broken package I need to fix inorder to install libmjpegtools0c2a12:18
onikoscherva: and one of the maintenances is to fix broken packages.12:18
manu___bazhang:  ok i'm back i'll try this12:18
bazhangmanu___, a nice theme you might try is imetal for gnome12:18
onikoscherva: You won't lose anything by trying, but first save all your unsaved works.12:19
manu___bazhang: i'm looking for a theme like windows xp for a person12:19
zoedDistroJockey:  yes, I installed from the Ubuntu 8.04 64bit Desktop edition cdrom from shipit.12:19
DistroJockeyzoed, that may be just 8.04 and not 8,04.112:19
zoedDistroJockey: And with updates, I am up to date (I just ran Update Manager)12:19
chervaok be back in a minute12:19
onikoscherva: Have you tried "shutdown 0" means it will go to maintenace mode in 0 minutes.12:19
onikoscherva: right.12:20
onikoscherva: Please come back even if it works12:20
chervaonikos: I will12:20
onikoscherva: Ok.12:20
brutushow do i get remote-sensors and lm-sensors to work on gutsy?12:21
DistroJockeyzoed, may have been fixed in the .1 but not sure. If you feel up to it you could file a bug report but it is a minor issue really12:21
manu___bazhang: > do you know a theme that' s look like exactly windows xp ?12:21
DistroJockeyzoed, I don't use the 64bit so can't test/confirm myself12:22
zoedDistroJockey: But my system is up to date! I have updates enabled in software sources, and I just ran update manager. The detach button is still there.12:22
zoedSo I do have 8.04.1, don't I?12:22
bazhangmanu___, looking..12:22
RANDOM_5121guys, i need help, is there anything i might be able to do to restore my HDD or to make it start working???12:22
DistroJockeyzoed, then it may be worth reporting as a bug12:22
jemtvhey guys, just wondering if someone could help me, i have just installed mythbuntu and i have a compro dvb-t200a tv tuner...i cant get it to work, can anyone help me? ive looked on a wiki but im not a guru at nix only just installed for first time today12:22
zoedDistroJockey: maybe...I'll see. But now it works.12:23
zoedTHANK YOU!12:23
RandomCakeHi, I'm getting "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in search.php on line 40", the script is 373 lines long, what does it mean? :S12:23
chervaonikos: same errors12:23
RandomCakeoops, sorry, wrong channel!12:23
DistroJockeyzoed, you're welcome. Report if you can to help others :)12:23
onikoscherva: Did it not work even under maintenance?12:23
zoedOk, but I have to go now. By, and thanks for your help.12:23
zoedSo I'll report later (probably tomorrow)12:24
Dexikiixstupid freaking sound12:24
onikosI'll wait for my cd to stop burning, and then I'll also try "shutdown 0"12:24
Dexikiixit was working before12:24
RANDOM_5121guys, i need help, is there anything i might be able to do to restore my HDD or to make it start working???12:24
Dexikiixidk why its not anymore :(12:24
DistroJockeyjemtv, I have a compro T750, it's not supported :(12:25
onikosRANDOM_5121: what's wrong exactly, more details?12:25
RANDOM_5121well, my hard drive dont show up when booting my computer under detected devices, nor in the install list for the ubuntu using the disc here im using12:25
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121: improper settings of jumpers may cause a similiar issue, have you changed anything such as that ?12:25
onikosRANDOM_5121: I'm also frustrated about problems I have, but totally unrelated to yours.12:25
RANDOM_5121i have not opened m,y computer up in forever12:25
RANDOM_5121so, its not the jumpers12:26
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  have you another OS that will boot normally ?12:26
onikosRANDOM_5121: Have you tried a livecd on your computer?12:26
RANDOM_5121i had this and XP working12:26
RANDOM_5121this is a live cd im running12:26
RANDOM_5121right now12:26
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  and now it XP doesnt work any longer ?12:26
RANDOM_5121it doesnt show the hdd either12:26
RANDOM_5121nope, it dont work but maybe 20% OF THE TIME12:27
RANDOM_5121sorry for caps12:27
onikosRANDOM_5121: You are running from your computer, right now, using a livecd?12:27
jemtvcan anyone help me with my problem?12:27
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  random are you sure, go to Places in menu and choose Computer12:27
chervaonikos: it just says "unmet dependencies" and when it tries to fix them it installs libquicktime1 and the same error comes12:27
jemtvplease....its only this tuner that having probs everything else is set up12:27
brutuswhat sensors do i download to monitor system temperature in gutsy?12:27
SitUbuntuSitjemtv: DistroJockey said your card is not supported.12:27
RANDOM_5121what do i look for under computer???12:27
onikoscherva. Oh...12:27
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  does the drives show there ?12:27
jemtvoh sorry missed that12:27
RANDOM_5121it shows my disk drives, but not the hard drive12:28
chervaonikos: libquicktime1 is broken12:28
jemtvsorry its the a version which is the t300 same thing apparently12:28
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  ok that is odd12:28
DistroJockeySitUbuntuSit, no, I said mine isn't. jemtv 's is in some way12:28
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  what happens when you dont use the LiveCD ?12:28
SitUbuntuSitAh, sorry, misunderstood.12:28
onikoscherva, is the libquicktime1 package installed right now in a broken state?12:28
RANDOM_5121this isnt installed on the hard drive, running from cd12:28
RANDOM_5121sometimes, it does boot xp normally, but otherwise, it always fails12:29
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  do you get GRUB boot loader ?12:29
SitUbuntuSitSorry jemtv and DistroJockey12:29
bazhanghttp://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=73782&forumpage=0 manu___12:29
RANDOM_5121its after i think i downloaded a virus12:29
jemtvlol this is confusing....im so confussed with linux...it was hard enough going windows to linux, ive just taken all the windows machine out of the house now, and got notjing12:29
siloah-finishingsomeone here who is speaking german?12:29
spiritssightHow do you change display manger? I right now have KDE want to switch to gnome (want to do this using a GUI12:29
DistroJockeySitUbuntuSit, no problem :)12:29
RANDOM_5121GRUB? i dont know what that is12:29
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  some virus is known for playing with MBR and BIOS settings as well12:29
RANDOM_5121i reset the settings, but how do i get my computer working with a virus12:29
onikosjemtv: I can understand your feelings12:29
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  GRUD the linux bootloader, much like the windows version of Dual Boot12:29
chervaonikos: no libmjpegtools0c2a is in a broken state because it requires libquicktime1 witch is uninstallable from the repos12:29
RANDOM_5121also, booting up my computer is taking much longer than usual12:30
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121: GRUB*12:30
erUSUL!de | siloah-finishing12:30
ubottusiloah-finishing: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:30
manu___bazhang: > thank you ! i found it too at same moment !!12:30
manu___bye bye !12:30
DistroJockeyjemtv, their site has a linux download (Mandriva) for the T200A :  http://www.comprousa.com/en/download/tseries.html12:30
RANDOM_5121i get the options of choosing such as boot from hdd, start this, etc...12:30
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  it is not unusual for HDD's to fail, they can only go so many miles just like a car12:30
cherva!bg | cherva12:30
ubottucherva, please see my private message12:30
ActionParsnipgood ol mandriva12:30
jemtvthanks distrojockey12:30
DistroJockeyjemtv, but that may or may not be the best course of action12:30
janciwhy my PYTHONPATH and LD_LIBRARYPATH12:30
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  well then what happens when you choose to boot linux ?12:30
RANDOM_5121yes, but even so, why does boot up of live cd take longer if just my hdd is failed? it takes longer to detect drives12:31
jancidissapears after each reboot12:31
RANDOM_5121it doesnt get so far, it says no boot disk...with booting hdd first12:31
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  not all cdroms in "dos" mode boot fast12:31
ActionParsnipjanci: put it in your environment file so its set at boot12:31
DistroJockeyjemtv, no problem. My Compro T750 is useless in linux atm :(  Good luck.12:32
RANDOM_5121yea, but well, it alwaqys booted faster than this before, just one day ago before i thought i installed a virus12:32
RANDOM_5121is there any other explanation?12:32
Mythrilhow can I tell if I am running the 32 bit version or the 64 bit version?12:32
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  how long have you had the Linux installed (the one that doesnt boot into linux ) ?12:32
FH`guys anyone able to point me at a reasonable kerberos/Pam_tally how_to?12:32
RANDOM_5121you mean the dual boot linux operating system, for like 1 year12:33
Dexikiixwols: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback12:33
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  so then i take it, linux used to boot properly12:33
Dexikiixim getting that again when i try to test my card12:33
ActionParsnipMythril: uname -s12:33
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  i dont belive a virus could infect linux , but, i can see how one could mess with the boot sector or MBR12:34
MythrilActionParsnip: uname -s just says linux12:34
RANDOM_5121whenever i downloaded w/e virus it was, then the boot loading (where it detects drives) took 3x as long12:34
ActionParsnipMythril: uname -a12:34
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121: have you thought of reinstalling linux ?12:34
chervaonikos: sudo apt-get -f install  http://pastebin.com/d4ba35b3e12:34
Dexikiixmy goddamn sound is broken again12:34
RANDOM_5121i cant reinstall it, it wont detect that my hdd exists on booting my computer, and nor within the installation cd's12:34
spiritssightHow do I change display mangers using    GUI or do I have to use term?12:34
ActionParsnipcherva: you could use force12:35
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  so you tried to install linux overtop the old one and it cant seem to find drive to install to ?12:35
RANDOM_5121correct, it cant find my hard drive, same as this ubuntu live cd, also i tried xp, and it wont work either, cant detect my hard drive12:35
DozedOnLinuxspiritssight:  in login screen choose an installed Session under Options in bottom left corner12:35
DexikiixI am So sick of this crap12:35
ScorpRANDOM_5121: can u detect the HDD in the BIOS ???12:35
ActionParsnipDexikiix: what sound card do you have?12:35
chervaActionParsnip: how?12:36
DexikiixXfi xtreme audio12:36
ScorpDozedOnLinux: So u've been busy just telling ppl about the XServer ?? ehe12:36
Dexikiixaka Audigy LS i think12:36
DozedOnLinuxScorp: not sure what you mean ?12:36
^Daisy^did ubuntu and kumbutu came out at the same time?12:36
RANDOM_5121when i go manually into bios, it gets all the info, size, everything else, but well, when i have it boot with hdd with live cd here, then i get errors saying that the device wasnt ready and that it could not use the hdd with using this OS12:36
MythrilActionParsnip: does i686 mean 64 bit?12:37
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121: if you can get into XP successfully, then you may wish to repartition the drive in question from there12:37
ScorpDozedOnLinux: well, we helped Fez_... n i just saw u tokin bout sessions thing... so thought u helping with the same thing... sowie if u felt offended !!!12:37
RANDOM_5121how do i partition it while on my xp drive?12:37
spiritssightDozedOnLinux: it is setup right now to use KDE display manger, I want to switch back to GDM12:37
ActionParsnipcherva: its risky and can break stuff12:37
RANDOM_5121as, well, i can get into xp, but i cant start linux live cd when doing it12:37
lbokenrandom seems that   your  probleme is thatyour  mbr is   default or  your hd is no more formated12:37
DozedOnLinuxScorp: i take notes on common fixes, and issues yes. i have a library of the most common.12:37
chervaActionParsnip: ok i'll leave it as is12:38
ActionParsnipcherva: sudo apt-get --force-all install <whatever>12:38
DozedOnLinuxspiritssight: when in the Options menu, make sure you take note of the one you are using now, so that you can later get back to it, if another session fails12:38
MythrilActionParsnip: I'm going to guess that if it doesn't say x86_64 it is 32 bit12:38
ScorpRANDOM_5121: I guess u cud just format the Hard disks completely if u dont need the data on it...12:38
RANDOM_5121i can get into xp, but i need to figure out how to format my hard drive and stuff while using xp12:38
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  even the partition manager in linux wont partition it ?12:39
Dexikiixok I got my front 2 wokring12:39
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  meaning liveCD12:39
RANDOM_5121i dont need the data in it, but unless i can format it from within xp, then i wont be able to do anything, as everything else is unable to access the hard drive, and only xp works sometimes12:39
ActionParsnipMythril: yeah pretty much12:39
Dexikiixim still at a loss for my auxiliary speakers12:39
RANDOM_5121i dont know, wheres that partition manager? lol12:39
desperad1Hello guys. I'm having *serious* trouble gettin' PA to play nice with jack. Followed much google, can get around 10ms latency connect for source and sink, but no better.  Sink 'bombs out' on lower latency. Jack is great @ 1.09ms (16x3). Any ideas? (BTW, kernel-rt Hardy)12:39
spiritssightDozedOnLinux, I know the one I am using now, I am trying to go back to GDM as my display manger12:39
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  no need to format it if you are goign to put linux on it, just remove partition, as linux will rebuild it for you12:40
lbokenok  then if its work some time and other time not    you shoudl make it scanned for  badsector12:40
ScorpRANDOM_5121: are u able to boot from XP installation CD ?? or Linux CD ???12:40
spiritssightI did not see under KDM a option to switch to the GDM manager12:40
DozedOnLinuxspiritssight: Login screen bottom left corner, Options , choose session12:40
DozedOnLinuxspiritssight: ok then you can install it12:40
underandyhow come I got no xorg.conf on my eee 900 pc12:40
DozedOnLinuxsudo apt-get install gdm ubuntu-desktop12:41
=== alexande1 is now known as KINGABAN
RANDOM_5121i can boot them, but i am unable to do anything cause its not detecting the hard drive - i dont know how to get it to a dos prompt to do partitioning12:41
DozedOnLinuxspiritssight: sudo apt-get install gdm ubuntu-desktop12:41
bazhangunderandy, where are you looking12:41
RANDOM_5121also, i dont know where the partioner is within this live cd, which i am using currently12:41
DozedOnLinuxspiritssight:  then when you go to choose session, it will already be installed12:41
RANDOM_5121all i know, is that the installer doesnt detect the hard drive12:41
ActionParsnipRANDOM_5121: boot to recovery console and you can do it from there12:41
spiritssightI am using the KDM display manger right now with Gnome when I log out it puts me right back to KDM12:41
underandybazhang: /etc/X11p12:41
bazhangunderandy, no p12:41
ScorpRANDOM_5121: use the install feature on your desktop and let it do all the installations for you if u planning to install ubuntu.12:41
RANDOM_5121maybe, i hope so, cause i dont know much else that i can do really12:42
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121: System /adminisstration/partiton manager12:42
Markshey guys i install Ubuntu then and set up a user... but i need root to install other things whats the roots password?12:42
underandybazhang: it was a misspell12:42
RANDOM_5121the install thing doesnt detect my hdd on this live cd12:42
underandybazhang: but i got none :-s12:42
legend2440Dexikiix: read this and try the part about editing   .asoundrc      http://lne.byexamples.com/?p=3912:42
bazhangunderandy, what guide did you use to install ubuntu on that12:42
DozedOnLinuxspiritssight: if sudo apt-get install gdm ubuntu-desktop is installed, i dont see why not12:43
ActionParsnipMarks: you dont use root, use sudo before the command12:43
RANDOM_5121GNOME partition editor, seeing if it will see my hdd12:43
ActionParsnipMarks: then you type your password and itll work12:43
underandybazhang: dont remember but i got everything to work12:43
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  ok12:43
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  be careful not to touch the XP one12:43
RANDOM_5121it says no detected devices from within gnome12:43
bazhangunderandy, why do you need the xorg.conf then if it is all hunky-dory12:43
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  well then, hmmm thats a tough one12:44
MarksActionParsnip what do i do type sudo in my user?12:44
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DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121: have idea, although may not be the best12:44
ActionParsnipMarks: if you need root access then use sudo (eg. apt-get install firefox will fail, sudo apt-get install firefox will install firefox3)12:44
pen_what alternative is there for dreamweaver?12:44
=== grobda24-ghost is now known as grobda24
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  in CMOS disable things like 32bit access, and multi-word , then if need be (fro performance) reenable them after Linux is installed12:45
underandybazhang: cause maybe something missing? its abit laggy when I got firefox, terminal and like pidgin up12:45
ActionParsnip!bluefish | pen_12:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bluefish12:45
RANDOM_5121i dont care about any of the data, i just wanna be able to install a system12:45
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  might be its not detecting the mode correctly12:45
ActionParsnip!info bluefish | pen_12:45
Marksbut how can i get into my root user?12:45
ubottupen_: bluefish (source: bluefish): advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.7-4 (hardy), package size 1570 kB, installed size 6728 kB12:45
bazhang!equivalents | pen_ check here12:45
ubottupen_ check here: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant12:45
RANDOM_5121ok, i will do all this and see what i can come up with12:45
RANDOM_5121if nothing else, i will come back for help12:45
erUSUL!rootshell | Marks12:45
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  thse are advanced modes and shouldnt deter OS from seeing it12:45
ActionParsnipMarks: sudo passwd if you really want but dont be one of those idiots who logs in as root12:45
bazhangopssrah, yes12:45
pen_ActionParsnip, bazhang thx12:45
opssrahmy screen become blank after enable driver12:46
DozedOnLinuxRANDOM_5121:  more than likely slower, but funtional at least12:46
ActionParsnipMarks: you dont need to log in as root, sudo gives you what you need and its a million times less risky and more secure12:46
ubottuMarks: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)12:46
opssrahnot blank.. just low graphic mode.. and i cant see anything12:46
underandybazhang: maybe because i use ext2?12:46
DozedOnLinuxubottu slow today ?12:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about slow today ?12:46
legend2440Dexikiix: http://ubuntulinuxhelp.com/the-simple-way-to-get-51-surround-sound-audio-working-in-ubuntu/12:47
Marksalso i am installing eggdrop and it says it needs12:47
Dexikiixi think i saw that one12:47
ActionParsnipMarks: thats one reason linux more scure than windows. the standard user in windows is administrator wheras users in linux are users and limited12:47
Dexikiixi did edit that file but thats what made my sound not work at all12:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eggdrop12:47
ActionParsnip!info eggdrop12:47
ubottueggdrop (source: eggdrop): Advanced IRC Robot. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6.18-1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 464 kB, installed size 1144 kB12:47
Marksya i was going to set up jails later on12:47
Markschecking for gcc... no12:47
opssrahbazhang, what can i do ?12:48
legend2440Dexikiix: did you edit    .asoundrc  ?12:48
bazhangunderandy, no guide? could it have been from either #eeepc or www.eeeuser.com wiki?12:48
ActionParsnipMarks: sudo apt-get install eggdrop12:48
underandybazhang: eeeuser it was12:48
Scorp!info kde12:48
ubottukde (source: meta-kde): the K Desktop Environment official modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:47 (hardy), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB12:48
DozedOnLinuxActionParsnip:  one good aspect is encrypted info on drive contents associated with admin name, there is ways to attempt recovery of keys, but not so likely unless you know the ecact credentials12:48
legend2440Dexikiix: oh ok12:48
bazhangopssrah, you installed the driver via hardware drivers? is it enabled? what about nvidia-settings have you installed that as well?12:49
ScorpDozedOnLinux: Credentials can be created and exported from XP..12:49
backslash7How do I copy all my plugins, themes, settings and so on from one Linux to another? Just so I have the exactly same gEdit GNOME Text Editor on another Linux12:49
DozedOnLinuxScorp: there is ways, but to recover the encrypted info is not so easy. exact credentials a must12:49
bazhangbackslash7, only home folder or everything12:49
ActionParsnipbackslash7: copy your ~/ directory12:50
Marksermm i get configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH12:50
Scorpbackslash7: ur toking of different distros or the same distro on different computer...12:50
DozedOnLinuxScorp: just password alone will not do it, nor uname12:50
ActionParsnipMarks: sudo apt-get install gcc12:50
Markshow do i install a C compiler12:50
Marksah thanks12:50
ScorpDozedOnLinux: Yeah, dats what i'm toking of... the User in XP can export his credentials and settings and all encryption KEYS to later on use it...12:50
opssrahbazhang, ya i install it via hardware drivers.. when enable i cant see anything on screen because in low graphic mode12:50
ActionParsnipMarks: most stuff comes from repos, you dont compile much12:50
DozedOnLinuxScorp:  yes for sure12:50
bazhangopssrah, what about nvidia-settings? did you install that as well?12:50
Markschecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables?12:51
backslash7Scorp bazhang and ActionParsnip, Transfer my gEdit from Ubuntu to Archlinux on the same computer. I already havea ~ on Arch with data in it12:51
bazhang!info nvidia-settings | opssrah12:51
ubottuopssrah: nvidia-settings (source: nvidia-settings): Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0+20080304-0ubuntu1.1 (hardy), package size 662 kB, installed size 1468 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)12:51
Markssorry i must sound like the bigest newb heh12:51
DozedOnLinuxScorp:  may i IM/PM you ? just somethign simple12:51
bazhangMarks, not at all :)12:51
ActionParsnipMarks: you'll learn12:51
DozedOnLinuxMarks: everyone here been there12:52
Markswhen i get everything runing i can run it like a pro but this is my first time installing with out help12:52
DozedOnLinuxMarks:  as we all help each other, no matter what skill level12:52
thatsrighthi, is it possible to install ubuntu without a cd rom drive i have the iso for ubuntu-desktop12:52
backslash7GNOME Text Editor?12:52
bazhang!usb | thatsright sure12:52
ubottuthatsright sure: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:52
ActionParsnipMarks: thats why its called a community12:52
DozedOnLinuxthatsright:  ther is a way to installit removable media such as USB drive12:53
ActionParsnipbackslash7: gedit12:53
backslash7yeah ^^12:53
secoi gente12:53
backslash7I need it on the other distro12:53
DozedOnLinuxbazhang: quick ;)12:53
bazhangsec english please12:53
ActionParsnipbackslash7: sudo apt-get install gedit12:53
backslash7I copied ~/.gnome2/gedit12:53
dns53Marks have you installed build-essential?12:53
bazhangDozedOnLinux, :)12:53
backslash7With my stuff12:53
spiritssightOk, I just got GDM to be my display manger by going to the term (at login screen) and typeing sudo gdm start this gave me the screen again but next time I start it will go back to the KDM one, how can I make it perment12:53
seccan you read this12:53
backslash7ActionParsnip: With my stuff, themes, settings, plugins..12:53
Marksdns53 no12:53
bazhangsec yes12:53
Marksi have installed nothing but gcc12:54
ActionParsnipbackslash7: on the first system cd ~/; find -name gedit12:54
secI am a new user of linux12:54
ActionParsnipMarks: download eggdrop from the repos dude, no need to compile12:54
DozedOnLinuxspiritssight : will show you what x is loading > dpkg -l xserver-xorg | grep ^ii12:54
bazhangsec do you have a support question12:54
backslash7ActionParsnip: And then copy all that stuff ?12:54
spiritssightX is loading KDM by default12:54
dns53Marks at a minimun you will need gcc and glibc-dev but build-essential has a gcc and many of the other libs12:54
DozedOnLinuxspiritssight: have you tried the other session types ?12:55
secso guys a heve to go now12:55
secsee you12:55
ActionParsnipbackslash7: yeah thatd make sense12:55
DozedOnLinuxspiritssight: maybe install the KDM from there. not sure what the apt-get is for kdm though12:55
Btb125Hi, I can not connect to the internet on my Laptop when I use ubuntu12:56
bazhangBtb125, what chipset on there12:56
spiritssightits not to do with session, its the login screen (KDM, GDM) mine is default of KDM, I want back to GDM, my system with KDM does go into gnome desktop automaticly with the KDM12:56
ActionParsnipBtb125: wired or wireless or dialup?12:56
Btb125Tried both... neither work12:56
Btb125And its an AMD Laptop =|12:57
ActionParsnipBtb125: ok so get on wired as its easiest to get going12:57
DozedOnLinuxspiritssight:  sorry not familiar with the KDM, just gnome for the time being12:57
bazhangBtb125, open a terminal and type lspci if it is pci and lsusb if it is usb; paste to paste.ubuntu.com the output (not here)12:57
spiritssightOk, how would you make GDM your default display manerger (Not talking desktop)12:57
ActionParsnipBtb125: lspci > ~/data.txt; lsusb >> ~/data.txt; ifconfig >> ~/data.txt12:58
ActionParsnipBtb125: then paste that file in pastebin12:58
bazhangspiritssight, choose in login window session12:58
fredreichbierI have the problem that Ogre3d displays black faces. Seems to be a known problem: http://www.ogre3d.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=282916#282916 - any idea how to fix this without installing an old Catalyst? (fglrx, ati radeon X1650, Ubuntu Hardy)12:58
ActionParsnip~paste | Btb12512:58
Btb125could you wait 2minutes whilst i swop computers please - sorry. didn't expect this much to remember :p12:58
ActionParsnip!paste | Btb12512:58
ubottuBtb125: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:58
Marksermm configure:1753: checking for C compiler default output file name12:58
Marksconfigure:1756: gcc    conftest.c  >&512:58
Marks/usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory12:58
Marksi cant work out why12:59
Marksi think i am missing something12:59
Dexikiixomfg you gotta be kidding me12:59
Dexikiix/lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/build/include/linux/jiffies.h:33:3: error: #error You lose.12:59
bazhangMarks, dont paste here; paste to paste.ubuntu.com12:59
Dexikiixi just got served by the terminal12:59
Marksk sorry12:59
edjuHow to associate .rm w/ realplayer in FF3?  Edit>Preferences>Applications is empty.  I thought for a moment that etc/mime.types would do it, but google refers that file to cups and mailman (?).  Back in the day, FF had an internal way to do this.  But that seems to be missing now.12:59
DozedOnLinuxbazhang: has this bee there all along? i tried it on mine, and it worked wonderful (Debian GNU/Linux device driver check) > http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/12:59
bazhangDozedOnLinux, the one I know is via !hcl or /msg ubottu hcl13:00
ActionParsnipedju: click it ->choose open then select app from there and select Always use this app13:00
DozedOnLinuxbazhang: oh great i will add that, thank you13:00
bazhangnp :)13:00
Dexikiixthis sucks13:00
=== VoX is now known as vox
DozedOnLinuxDexikiix:  sound works, then dont works, then works again, then doesnt ?13:01
error404notfoundI want do this: Start some player, create a playlist, and play it, and then I give out people a certain address, and port number if required and they could listen to the same playlist I am listening?13:01
ActionParsnipvlcplayer | error404notfound13:01
Hermanonhi how to make a bootable usb to boot an ubuntu installed on a harddisk ??13:01
bazhangerror404notfound, like last.fm?13:01
ActionParsnip!vlcplayer | error404notfound13:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vlcplayer13:01
DozedOnLinux!usb | Hermanon13:02
ubottuHermanon: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:02
bazhangHermanon, not sure what you mean to boot from usb a ubuntu install13:02
spiritssightOk, thanks, but I have figured it out I run sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm and it will ask which you want as your default display manger13:02
Chris|error404notfound, you mean shoutcast?13:02
edjuActionParsnip, No such thing.  That was the case in FF2.  In 3, the file downloads and nothing happens.13:02
Guest24731im using ubuntu and i want to change the size of the terminal window but perm.13:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about boo13:02
bazhangDexikiix, if you want to play with the bot /msg ubottu13:03
Hermanonbazhang, i've installed ubuntu but i don't want to install grub on my harddisk ; can i install grub or any bootloader on a usb13:03
Dexikiixbazhang: i just want my surround sound to work again...13:03
Guest24731i can chage it by calling gnome-terminal --geometry 100x100 but when i use my kb shortcut it's still tha old13:03
ActionParsnipedju: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENUK248&q=firefox+3+set+default+program&btnG=Search&meta=13:03
bazhangHermanon, you need the usb persistent one13:03
legend2440Dexikiix: read comment #3 on bottom  http://ubuntulinuxhelp.com/the-simple-way-to-get-51-surround-sound-audio-working-in-ubuntu/13:03
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:04
bazhangHermanon, ^^13:04
thatsrightso how can i install ubuntu without usb and without a cdrom drive13:04
bazhangthatsright, unetbootin13:04
hagabakawhat does it mean when a package name ends with "0"?13:04
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error404notfoundChris|: something like that13:05
ActionParsniphagabaka: its usually a library13:05
Dexikiixlegend2440: i suppose that could be it, do you know how to change that?13:05
SitUbuntuSitthatsright: are you using windows? you could use wubi i suppose without any drives.13:05
Chris|error404notfound, i know what you meant but dont know how to go about it, sorry mate13:05
DozedOnLinuxthatsright: thinking there is a way to install it across a network, cant think of name though13:05
error404notfoundChris|: no problem...13:06
hagabakaActionParsnip: but not all library package names end with 0, how are these special?13:06
ActionParsniphagabaka: what have you seen ?13:06
ActionParsniphagabaka: usually its .so.013:06
hagabakano, i'm talking about package names13:06
Picihagabaka: such has?13:07
ActionParsniphagabaka: can you give an example13:07
thatsrightbazhang: looks interesting must try it out13:07
bazhangvenus_, english please13:07
bullgard4XF86Forward und XF86Back produce the keycodes 233 bzw. 234 but do not influence Firefox. How to repair?13:07
legend2440Dexikiix: right click horn on top panel>open volume control  then  edit>preferences13:07
bullgard4XF86Forward und XF86Back produce the keycodes 233 and 234 but do not influence Firefox. How to repair?13:08
Lollipopzcd /var/folder13:08
Lollipopzshould work fine in a bash script13:08
ActionParsnipbullgard4: keymapping13:08
Lollipopzshouldn't it?13:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libkrossruby013:08
ActionParsnip!info libkrossruby013:09
ubottulibkrossruby0 (source: kdebindings-kde4): Kross scripting framework for KDE 4 - Ruby component. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.0.3-0ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 46 kB, installed size 188 kB13:09
bullgard4ActionParsnip: Your answer is too short to be useful.13:09
ActionParsnipbullgard4: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17201013:09
holyguyvermy system is having trouble attaching to the dcop server, please help13:10
Dexikiixlegend2440: I have volume up on all of them13:10
ActionParsnipholyguyver: easy man. cd ~/; ls -a13:10
ActionParsnipholyguyver: rm .DCop files you find13:11
ActionParsnipholyguyver: reboot13:11
legend2440Dexikiix: is rear output showing with a slider?13:11
holyguyverActionParsnip you want me to pastebin that right?13:12
Dexikiixall the way up13:12
ActionParsnipholyguyver: no, just look at the screen. You'll see some files that start with .DCOP (not sure of case)13:12
Dexikiixfront output slider works13:12
John_DoeHi, I was here 2mins ago about connecting to the internet on my laptop - Can anybody help please... Thanks.l13:12
ActionParsnipholyguyver: delete them with rm and reboot13:12
legend2440Dexikiix: is line in showing with a slider?13:12
ActionParsnipholyguyver: then, robert is very much your fathers brother13:13
Dexikiixnot yet, legend2440 also my sound quality just got REAL crappy... not sure what i changed13:13
holyguyverActionParsnip, what is rm & why delete the files?13:13
Pirate_Hunterwhats the name of the app that runs when pressing alt+f2?13:13
Pirate_HunterActionParsnip: hi out of curiosity have you slept yet?13:14
ActionParsnipholyguyver: the link to the server is broken and afaik, they are the link. when you reboot new files are made13:14
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: im in the UK bro13:14
ActionParsnipi woke at 7am, its 1:15pm13:14
Pirate_HunterActionParsnip: oh that explains it :)13:14
bullgard4ActionParsnip: Thank you very much for your help.13:14
holyguyverActionParsnip what does afaik mean? & what is rm?13:15
DozedOnLinuxJohn_Doe: state the issue you have, and someone may be able to help you13:15
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: we arent all americans13:15
ActionParsnipholyguyver: as far as i know13:15
Dexikiixoh well i figured the source of the crappy sounds, linux was pumping volume up, lowered computer's volume, turned speaker dial, now it sounds nice but i still only have 2 speakers13:15
Pirate_HunterActionParsnip: yah just a majority i think13:15
ActionParsnipholyguyver: i have to do it when i ctrl+alt_bs13:15
Dexikiixlegend2440: no i dont see line in with a slider13:16
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: maybe13:16
John_DoeI have installed ubuntu on my laptop and I can't connect to the internet via wired nor wireless. - Could anybody help me please13:16
elfranne does anybody know how to make a screenshot in the console ?13:16
Pirate_Hunterwhats the name of the app that runs when pressing alt+f2?13:16
holyguyverActionParsnip I have no clue what ctrl+alt_bs does.13:16
qweqweqwehiyas, how do you restart networking in ubuntu?13:16
DozedOnLinuxJohn_Doe:  try and go to Network Manager and cofigure it according to your wireless router config13:16
qweqweqwelike /etc/init.d/network restart13:17
qweqweqweor rcnetwork restart13:17
legend2440Dexikiix: not sure if it will help but you can open   edit preferences and enable line in and see if it makes a difference13:17
Pirate_Hunterelfranne: im pretty sure it is f11/alt+f11 however there is an application in the menu that does that13:17
ActionParsnipholyguyver: restarts your x server13:17
DozedOnLinuxqweqweqwe:  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart13:17
Dexikiixlol nope13:17
Dexikiixlegend2440: i might need to disable my on-board in the bios?13:18
legend2440Dexikiix: is surroundshowing with a slider?13:18
elfranneactionparsnip : i am not on gnome i am just on the command line13:18
Dexikiixi have Analog Center, front, rear, and side sliders13:18
legend2440Dexikiix: yes that would probably help13:19
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Pirate_Hunterwhats the name of ubuntu default run program the one called with alt+f2?13:19
algerianhow to burn mp3 files in k3b13:19
holyguyverActionParsnip I just now fixed it without restarting x-server, I did a sudo konqueror cammand that somehow fixed it.13:19
Dexikiixok i guess i'll go do that13:20
fargo87priwet vsem13:20
ActionParsnipholyguyver: bad idea, running konqueror as admin is a bad idea. it works because /root didnt contain the dcop files so it worked13:20
roch09HI all13:20
fargo87kann mir jemand mit meinem linux helfen?13:20
ActionParsnip!de | fargo8713:21
ubottufargo87: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:21
killazIs there a way to mount a samba share to a local directory without using command line?13:21
fargo87moschet mne ktonibud pomo4 reschit problemu s linux?13:21
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl13:21
ActionParsnipkillaz: edit /etc/fstab13:21
killazI need to mount a samba share to my local linux box so I can browse to it with a application such as EaasyTag13:21
DozedOnLinux!german | fargo8713:22
ubottufargo87: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:22
DistroJockeyPirate_Hunter, possibly    gnome-open13:22
killazActionParsnip: I'm talking about mounting without command line13:22
Pirate_HunterDistroJockey: ty13:22
killazActionParsnip: Is that possible.. using ubuntu/GNOME?13:22
DistroJockeyPirate_Hunter, np13:22
ActionParsnipkillaz: yeah, ad dthe relevant line to fstab and it'll mount at boot13:22
DSpiderhello everyone13:23
killazActionParsnip: ok but it can not be done dynamically..13:23
DSpiderI've got a question about pidgin13:23
Chris|anyone know where/how i can set a default theme for openbox besides obconf?13:23
killazI mean while I'm already logged in13:23
DozedOnLinuxfargo87 : Sie sollten auf die Deutsch-Kanal13:23
ActionParsnipkillaz: i always use cli as its what i know best13:23
ActionParsnipkillaz: if you edit the fstab you can run sudo mount -a13:24
DSpiderhow do I change my avatar in pidgin ?13:24
Hermanoncan grub be installed on fat32 like syslinux ??13:24
DozedOnLinuxfargo87 : Sie erhalten bessere Unterstützung gibt13:24
DSpideroh brother...13:24
ActionParsnipDSpider: edit the account, its there at the bottomm of the dialogue13:24
killazActionParsnip: yeah but this share is a share I will be using enough to not to use everytime CL (maybe I should consider scripting), but not enough to want it to mount at boot13:25
ActionParsnipkillaz: then make s cript to mount it and run it when needed13:25
killazActionParsnip: I thought since I'm not the only one having this "problem" maybe GNOME implemented a GUI interface for it.... but I don't think so13:26
=== dexi is now known as Dexikiix
killazActionParsnip: ok thnx for the info13:26
Dexikiixthis is not freaking cool13:26
Dexikiixi cant even get into my own bios13:26
Dexikiixit keeps saying "ENTER CURRENT PASSWORD"13:26
ikoniaDexikiix: your out of luck then13:26
Dexikiixi've put in every freaking password i know13:26
DozedOnLinuxDexikiix:  common keys > DEL ESC F213:26
DexikiixDozedOnLinux: ???13:27
DozedOnLinuxDexikiix: well then you can always reset your cmos :)13:27
ActionParsnipDexikiix: turn off system unplug allpower and remove bios battery13:27
DSpiderActionParsnip: I did that, but the avatar isn't showing13:27
ActionParsnipDSpider: thats all i know13:27
DexikiixActionParsnip: bios battery?13:27
DSpiderI'm using a yahoo account13:27
BlackDexHello there, i need to remove all ACL's but i can't get this done.. How can i remove all the ACL's?13:27
PiciDexikiix: Not really an Ubuntu issue, check out ##hardare13:27
ActionParsnipDexikiix: yeah, inside the pc13:27
DozedOnLinuxDexikiix:  is it your computer ?13:27
Hermanoncan grub be installed on fat32 like syslinux ??13:27
Dexikiixi could get to my bios before i installed linux13:27
ikoniaHermanon: grub goes on the mbr13:27
Dexikiixnow i cant13:27
ikoniaDexikiix: ubuntu does not touch your bios13:28
DozedOnLinuxDexikiix:  unusual13:28
DSpidermbr = master boot record13:28
Dexikiixwell how come when i press del13:28
Pirate_HunterDexikiix: there is a battery there bigger then your watch battery take that out carefully wait a minute put it back thats all13:28
ikoniaDexikiix: it does not set a password on your bios13:28
Dexikiixto get to bios13:28
roch09Need help with the final step in the dual boot set up - vista installed first then ubuntu, using windows boot manager. installed grub in to seperate partition along with ubuntu, kept vista boot manager in control. using easyBSD to add ubuntu entry. first vista wouldnt show the Ext3 partitions, so installed FS-Drive, then  made the changes. ubuntu doest load still, where am I going wrong? Please any help13:28
Dexikiixit asks for a pass i dont have13:28
PiciDexikiix: We dont know, as Ubuntu does not touch your BIOS.13:28
Dexikiixdoes ubuntu change what the del key does upon load?13:28
ikoniaroch09: ubuntu needs grub to boot, not the vista boot loader13:28
Dexikiixcuz its usually bios13:28
Pirate_HunterDexikiix: you might not have set the pass but someone has and its not ubuntu no os can set pass in bios at least i ahvent heard of it13:28
ikoniaDexikiix: no13:28
cullBoHi, just a stupid question probably but can I use this ubuntu guide to recompile the kernel for kubuntu too? (or does anything change?) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile13:29
ikoniaDexikiix: your bios is not touched/effected by any OS13:29
DexikiixPirate_Hunter: nobody else has physical access to my computer13:29
DozedOnLinuxDexikiix: reset CMOS should do it, make sure power is off, and unlpugged, keep jumpers crossed for 30 seconds, then make sure to put them bac exactly how they were, or you my just cook the MB13:29
ActionParsnipcullBo: ubuntu == kubuntu13:29
XB23hi guys is there a one line way that I can perform a command as another user by specifying a password via sudo?13:29
ActionParsnipcullBo: it just uses kde instead of gnome13:29
Dexikiixikonia: so why is it asking for a pass when i press del? that never happened before i got linux13:29
XB23sudo -u username -p pass | command13:29
ikoniaDexikiix: someone has changed your bios13:29
DozedOnLinuxDexikiix:  you will however have to setup CMOS again13:29
roch09Ikonia > i installed Grub but I am using windows boot manager13:29
Pirate_HunterDexikiix: than it was you or if the pc was given to you or bought second hand that explains it either wway ppl have told you whats what accept move on13:30
ikoniaroch09: yes, do ubuntu won't boot from the windows boot manager13:30
Dexikiixikonia: like i said, nobody else has physical access to my computer13:30
ikoniaDexikiix: then you are mistaken13:30
DozedOnLinuxDexikiix:  most auto-detect on MB's work, you might even find your system works better after doing so13:30
ajhhi there13:30
ActionParsnipDexikiix: linux will not modify your bios in any way13:30
DexikiixDozedOnLinux: what?13:30
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DexikiixActionParsnip: i get that...13:30
ajhim running on a workstation which has a GeForce 9600 GT... is it possible to get this card installed under ubuntu 8.04?13:31
DozedOnLinuxDexikiix: resetting CMOS so you can get by the password "someone" set13:31
cullBoalright ActionParsnip, thanks. I'll stay around for when anything goes wrong :D13:31
roch09Ikonia> this is what I am doing, http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Ubuntu13:31
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DexikiixDozedOnLinux: how do i do that?13:31
ikoniaroch09: thats not an ubuntu isue13:31
Hermanon1ikonia : does floppy or usb disks have mbr ??13:32
ikoniaroch09: ubuntu needs grub on thembr to work13:32
ikoniaHermanon1: yup13:32
ikoniaroch09: you're using a boot cd program to modify your boot loader, thats nothing to do with ubuntu13:32
DozedOnLinuxDexikiix:  usually jumper 3, you should really look n manual if you have it, typically near CMOS batter, cross the jumpers pins 2-3 for 30 seconds(power off) unplugged from wall, then put them back as they were , and power back up13:32
* Pirate_Hunter oooh embedded terminal sweet13:32
CHR15Uh, hi. I have been trying to get these drivers to work on Hardy for my 8600 GT and all it keeps doing for each driver is setting my max resolution to 640x480. Any suggestions?13:32
XB23guys is there a one line method i can issue a command on sudo by specifying the root password as well13:32
PiciDexikiix: The folks in ##hardware should be able to help you with this, since its not an Ubuntu issue and offtopic for this channel.13:33
XB23sudo root roootpass command maybe?13:33
Dexikiixok and wtf happened to my restart and shutdown buttons in my power menu?13:33
ikoniaXB23: no13:33
ActionParsnipDexikiix: ive seen this before13:33
ikoniaXB23: man sudo look at the -c option13:33
DexikiixActionParsnip: got a cure?13:33
ActionParsnipDexikiix: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-383619.html check the post by sunflower197013:34
* Dexikiix is inches.. no CENTIMETERS from putting in the liveCD and re-installing linux13:34
ikoniaDexikiix: thats a theme issue13:34
roch09ikonia> I am pretty sure grub doesnt have to be in the MBR to load ubuntu, GRUB can be in the partition where ubuntu is installed. Can anybody else confirm this please?13:34
ikoniaroch09: it can be on a partition yes,13:34
ssamXB23, you can make it so that a certain command does not need a password13:34
ikoniaroch09: but it has to be "loaded" to be able to boot ubuntu13:34
Pirate_HunterCHR15: same happened to me on my card strangely deleting conky and soft restart "as i call it" and running command gksudo displayconfig-gtk "if it doesnt run automacally" helps to set up the res13:34
XB23ssam: how do i do that?13:34
FalstaffIs there  a channel for  Kubuntu?13:34
roch09ikonia> what does13:35
ikoniaFalstaff: #kubuntu13:35
ikoniaroch09: grub13:35
roch09Ikonia> what does loded mean13:35
DozedOnLinuxikonia:  windows on IDE0 GRUB IDE0, Linux install IDE113:35
Pirate_HunterCHR15: oops deleting xorg.conf13:35
ssamXB23, see man sudoers i think its in there13:35
ikoniaroch09: loaded and displayed on screen13:35
Dexikiixi need to reconfigure as GDM13:35
CHR15Pirate_Hunter, wow that seem's out there but I'm open for anything right about now.13:35
FalstaffThank you Ikonia13:35
Dexikiixi forget that command13:35
ikoniaroch09: why are you doing this crazy way of setting up a dual boot system13:35
ssamXB23, safer than putting a root password in a script13:35
ikoniaDexikiix: gdmsetup13:35
Pirate_HunterCHR15: im guessing im gonna have to guide you but because it worked for me may not work for you so be aware13:36
humbolthow can I safely install the latest nvidia drivers on hardy?13:36
roch09ikonia> just want to learn how to keep windows boot manager in control13:36
DozedOnLinuxikonia:  although if i disable IDE0 to boot first, and choose IDE! to boot first instead, GRUB wont load, nor will windows13:36
legend2440Dexikiix: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm13:36
ikoniaroch09: well, this is not an ubuntu issue13:36
ikoniaroch09: please get support from the person who wrote that crazy article13:36
cullBokubuntu 8.04's release name (or whatever) is "hardy", right?13:36
roch09ikonia> cheers mate13:36
Dexikiixinvoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed.13:37
CHR15Pirate_Hunter: Yea, a query would be nice, I'm running blind here, persay.13:37
ikoniaroch09: windows boot loader in control is "false" anyway, as windows boot loader will load "grub" to boot ubuntu, so you may as well make grub the default boot manager so you only have one to deal with13:37
jumwhich ide for c++ would you use?13:37
ikoniajum: eclipse13:38
Captain_Redbeardjum: kdevelop13:38
Grobvokjum: Anjuta, Geany13:38
roch09Ikonia> You are right windows will load grub, thats what I want, I know grub can handle both. just trying the other way around13:38
ikoniaroch09: good luck with it13:38
Captain_Redbeardroch09: seems a bit awkward to have two when all you need is one :o)13:38
humbolthow can I install the latest nvidia binary drivers on my system?13:39
jumthx for your opinions13:39
jumi think i will try geany13:39
Captain_Redbeardhumbolt: from repo or from nvidia.com?13:39
spiritssightwhat channel should I go to about resizeing partations13:39
humboltare there backports available for this?13:39
humboltCaptain_Redbeard: the latest available from nvidia.com13:39
DozedOnLinuxspiritssight: maybe #hardware ?13:39
Jack_Sparrowhumbolt please make a full backup before you do this.  Some people have had some problems13:40
=== StoneApple is now known as StoneNewt
Captain_Redbeardhumbolt: then just download them from nvidia.com and follow the instructions in the README :)13:40
Pirate_HunterCHR15: start by typing in terminal gksudo nautilus, go to /etc/X11/ folder and delete xorg.conf file and any other similar copies, afterwards do ctrl+alt+bckspc. This will send you into X basically command line wait a few secs and gdm or displayconfig will popup if not just login and type gksudo displayconfig-gtk and set your resolution under generic as well as motherboard "i had to do this twice but the second time instead of gksudo13:40
Pirate_Hunter i use sudo - dont ask why that made a difference" and that was all for me13:40
humboltJack_Sparrow: full backup of my xorg.conf?13:40
Captain_Redbeardhumbolt: usually consists of runnign chmod +x on a binary file and the execute it13:40
Jack_Sparrowhumbolt You could end up dumped in low res and even getting full res they lost effects13:40
Jack_Sparrowhumbolt system backup13:40
Captain_RedbeardJack_Sparrow: Arrr! ;)13:40
FFEMTcJis anyone familiar with avant window navigator?13:40
humboltJack_Sparrow: have no effects anyways!13:41
Pirate_HunterCHR15: before i forget just incase backup your current xorg.conf file doubt youll need it but just do so13:41
hcjungi'm using avant..13:41
DozedOnLinuxPirate_Hunter:  you will find sudo to work in most situations, without it, some commands wotn display much if anything, seemingly like they are doing nothing13:41
humboltCaptain_Redbeard: just don't want any conflicts with already installed version.13:41
Jack_Sparrowhumbolt I lost 450 fps going with the drivier from NV over the default ub one13:41
CHR15Pirate_Hunter: I have a few backups of it saved, give me a minute and I will try this13:41
humboltJack_Sparrow: all I want is damn hibernation to work again!13:42
DozedOnLinuxPirate_Hunter:  another thing about X11 the X is capital letter. easy to overlook13:42
Pirate_HunterDozedOnLinux: gksudo is appropriate for gui application using root access but why it didnt work is weird13:42
FFEMTcJhcjung: i cant get it to open..  accessories > awn and a little box pops up for a second and then goes away13:42
Captain_Redbeardhumbolt: in my experience it overwrites everything there is :) but told hold me to that... if you want to be sure, just apt-get remove nvidia-new or whatever the package is called13:42
humboltJack_Sparrow: Hibernation worked in dapper, lost it in edgy, got it back with feisty, lost again with gutsy, .... this sucks13:42
Pirate_HunterDozedOnLinux: yah x and X is annoying took me a while to understand why cli couldnt find the folder13:42
Jack_Sparrowhumbolt Is that supposed to be fixed if you use theirs or are you just hopeful13:42
DozedOnLinuxPirate_Hunter: i have seen the same, i really couldnt tell you why, so i just login root with sudo -i13:42
ioannis_ /j #ubuntu-de13:43
DozedOnLinuxPirate_Hunter:  lol yeah, case-sensitive like many of the directories13:43
humboltCaptain_Redbeard: don't worry, I am familiar with that13:43
GrobvokWhy can't I hear sound from Firefox (Youtube) and Rhythmbox at the same time?13:43
DozedOnLinuxPirate_Hunter:  and just so you know> directories with spaces > use "directoryname part2" instead of > directory part2   , use quotes13:44
Captain_RedbeardGrobvok: using ALSA?13:44
Jack_Sparrowhumbolt which nv chipset?13:44
FFEMTcJhcjung: any ideas?13:44
Pirate_HunterDozedOnLinux: nah i do soemthing like this /home/pirate\ hunter/ which is seems to be the correct way to do it at elast ive been told13:45
DozedOnLinuxPirate_Hunter:  yes i have seen that as well13:45
DistroJockeyhumbolt, do you have a swap partition that is greater in size than your RAM amount?13:45
GrobvokCaptain_Redbeard: Everything is on autodetect.13:45
Pirate_HunterDozedOnLinux: just realised my embedded terminal doesnt show on all desktops :/ im just so lazy to go check why is that13:45
DozedOnLinuxPirate_Hunter:  you have multiple user names on that machine ?13:46
CHR15Pirate_Hunter: It worked but I am driverless and Compiz turns me on. LOL13:46
SkyrailThis may seem quite simple and somewhat stupid, but on Fedora there was a pulseaudio control panel thing where I could select audio streams and such, is there a package available on ubuntu just like it?13:46
roch09anyone with knowledge of multiboot processes, I am just running through some scenarios like this:http://www.multibooters.co.uk/multiboot.html  - please go down to the linux section. I want to keep windows boot manager in control. Please I hit a wall and any help will be appreciated.13:46
DozedOnLinuxroch09: i believe you will have a much easier time dealing with GRUB13:47
ikoniaroch09: I've told you - this is not an ubuntu isue13:47
ikoniaroch09: please get support from the group that wrote the article, they have support forums listed at the bottom of their page13:47
Jack_Sparrowroch09 Ask the people in the windows room.  It is the windows boot manager.. (and it only loads grub anyhow)13:47
DozedOnLinuxroch09 : maybe try #windows13:47
Pirate_HunterCHR15: you shouldve set your board driver just run it again nto the whole thing just the displayconfig command and set that up, it should popup with a message to logout when youre done if it doesnt it didnt acknowledge request which is annoying13:48
Pirate_HunterDozedOnLinux: nope just me13:48
roch09thanks guys13:48
CHR15Pirate_Hunter: Uh?13:48
aslami have installed dreamweaver 8 using wine on ubuntu 7.10, i want to associate .php files with dreamweaver, how can i do it??13:48
FalstaffFalstaff> What program can I get to dial the phone through the modem?13:49
Jack_SparrowFalstaff just dial a number?13:49
CHR15Pirate_Hunter: I didn't do the second part, all I did was delete the xorg.conf files.13:49
Jack_SparrowFalstaff wvdial13:49
Pirate_Hunter CHR15: if it worked but it shows no board drivers you can set it there by using the same command gksudo displayconfig, go to second tab and set your board etc than close, a message should popup saying that changes will take effect after you relogin13:50
legend2440FFEMTcJ: i had same issue with awn did you install      awn-manager-trunk  and awn-extras-applets-trunk?13:50
FalstaffYes -- it would be nice to be able to dial a number from a spreadsheet.13:50
aslami have installed dreamweaver 8 using wine on ubuntu 7.10, i want to associate .php files with dreamweaver, how can i do it??13:50
rockowhat is the command to see if sshd is running?13:50
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ikoniarocko: ps -ef | grep sshd13:50
CHR15Pirate_Hunter: That command 'gksudo displayconfig' didn't work, nothing appeared.13:51
Jack_SparrowFalstaff that would take some work.13:52
aslami have installed dreamweaver 8 using wine on ubuntu 7.10, i want to associate .php files with dreamweaver, how can i do it??13:52
DozedOnLinuxgksu displayconfig-gtk13:52
SkyrailAny sort of flash app or flash animation in Firefox doesn't seem to create any sound, any idea how to fix this? I've tried reinstalling the flash non-free package but to no success13:52
CHR15DOL: me?13:52
Pirate_HunterCHR15: sorry thought you wrote it down from before its gksudo displayconfig-gtk that will work now13:52
Jack_SparrowPirate_Hunter What video card are you working with there13:53
Bert_2hi, I have to get my ethernet connection up, I normally do this using nm-applet but now I have to do it using the terminal, sudo ifconfig eth0 up does not work, any suggestions ?13:53
Pirate_HunterJack_Sparrow: not me CHR15 but it seems he/she is doing aite but i think its a geforce13:53
DozedOnLinuxSkyrail:  might want to try > sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras13:54
ikoniaBert_2: is it a static ip or dhcp ?13:54
Bert_2ikonia: dhcp13:54
Jack_SparrowPirate_Hunter I knew you were working on chr15.. any idea what chipset ?13:54
SkyrailDozedOnLinux: okay thanks :)13:54
ikoniaBert_2: ok - so dhclient should probe for a network address on boot up on it's own, it's plugged in13:54
ikoniaBert_2: I assume this is a cabled ethernet card13:54
Pirate_HunterJack_Sparrow: didnt ask him was expecting him to know that... and choose it13:54
CHR15Jack_Sparrow: XFX nVidia 680i LT with P$ @3.0ghz and 2gb of RAM13:55
Bert_2ikonia: yeah, it's cabled, but for some strange reason I always have to click connect in nm-applet, but now I have to do it in a terminal13:55
Pirate_HunterJack_Sparrow: PS - "working on CHR15"? i udnerstand what you mean but hmmmm13:55
CHR15P4 not p$13:55
ikoniaBert_2: dhclient eth013:55
DozedOnLinuxSkyrail: had same issue, only other thing left i installed was medibuntu> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu13:55
ikoniaBert_2: sudo dhclient eth013:55
rockohow do you start the sshd service?13:56
Bert_2ikonia: that did it, thx13:56
SkyrailI'll check it out thanks DozedOnLinux, just got a lot of stuff to sort out with ubuntu, people like you make my life that bit easier, thanks :D13:56
DozedOnLinuxSkyrail: everyone helps everyone else just the same13:56
DozedOnLinuxSkyrail:  and yes, this is a good place to come for a whole slew of info on Ubuntu, lots of smarties here13:57
SkyrailDozedOnLinux: haha, indeed there is, maybe one day I may be able to provide information to others from what I've learnt13:58
DozedOnLinuxSkyrail: you probably do, and dont even know it. enjoy13:58
igorshi all...i've installed samba in my ubuntu, and i have 3 windows pcs in my local network, and i can see all 3, but the contents of one one of them is not displayed..anybody could help me with this? is any missed configuration on windows?13:58
Jack_SparrowSkyrail That is how this all works.13:59
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CHR15Pirate_Hunter: I got this after the command DOL gave me, and then you soon after....http://pastebin.com/d79d9fd0813:59
DozedOnLinux!smb | igors13:59
ubottuigors: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:59
SkyrailJack_Sparrow: indeed, and it's a brilliant way of...working14:00
zikitianyone familiar with a firefox 3 issue where all sound goes off until firefox 3 is closed?14:00
zikitiAfter playing a flash video I might add14:00
Grobvokzikiti: I have the same problem.14:00
GrobvokAnd I do not know how to fix it.14:01
zikitiGrobvok: Same here14:01
zikitiNOt a clue14:01
DozedOnLinuxCHR15:  if in doubt > sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:01
legend2440zikiti: see if installing    libflashsupport    helps?14:01
HEYxDcb 2v2 server on ?14:02
zikitilegend2440: what's that library for?14:02
Pirate_HunterCHR15: did the display comeup before?14:02
legend2440zikiti: see if installing    libflashsupport    helps?    Support library for sound output of Flash 9 with pulseaudio14:02
DozedOnLinuxCHR15: what Distro ?in terminal >  lsb_release -a14:02
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zikitiWill give it a try thanks14:03
Jack_SparrowCHR15 May I ask you to repeat your original question14:03
Siph0nhey, i am using a laptop with gutsy. Is there a tool that tells my laptop what to do when I close the lid? gdm seems to crash sometimes when i do that14:03
RANDOM_51235hi guys14:03
Randomtimehello RANDOM_5123514:03
Jack_SparrowSiph0n I dont have a soultion to that, hibernate/suspend has issues.  You may seek laptop specific support14:04
CHR15Jack_Sparrow, DosedOnLinux, Pirate_Hunter: My question was..... damnit, logs, um14:04
RANDOM_51235i had to get rid of a virus before being able to install ubuntu, but it is a cmos virus14:04
soulchildHi all, when using compiz, scrolling does not work as smoothly as normal, any ideas why? I use an intel X3000 GraphicsCard.14:04
DozedOnLinuxJack_Sparrow:  CHR15: Uh, hi. I have been trying to get these drivers to work on Hardy for my 8600 GT and all it keeps doing for each driver is setting my max resolution to 640x48014:04
RANDOM_51235if i remove the battery inside the computer to make it reset cmos and all and restore my comoputer, formatting it, will it get rid of this cmos virus?14:04
CHR15Jack_Sparrow, DosedOnLinux, Pirate_Hunter: Yea yea, thanks DOL14:04
pulse00hi all. i'm trying to set a new hostname for my ubuntu server by changing the default one in /etc/hostname, but everytime i reboot it is resetted. anyone knows what i'm doing wrong ?14:04
ikoniaRANDOM_51235: unknown14:05
Jack_SparrowCHR15 We can get you back to res real quick, but not effects..14:05
ikoniaRANDOM_51235: nothing to do with ubuntu, contact your motherboard vendor14:05
DozedOnLinuxCHR15: it will work out, i am sure of it14:05
marx2kSo, in irssi, how do you set irssi to connect to two servers at once and switch between each server and the channels you're on on each server?14:05
legend2440pulse00: are you changing it as root? ie   sudo nano /etc/hostname?14:06
Siph0nJack_Sparrow, ok thx!14:06
RANDOM_51235i have done e-mail and all, but the support on the website has went to non 24/7 and now, they are no longer obligated to run support for it14:06
pulse00legend2440, yes14:06
^Daisy^what platform does ubuntu runs best on?14:06
bastid_raZormarx2k; http://www.irssi.org/documentation/startup14:06
DozedOnLinux!virus > RANDOM_5123514:06
marx2kthanks, bastid_raZor14:06
Jack_SparrowCHR15 Do you want info on getting beck to a real resolution (screen)14:06
ikoniaRANDOM_51235: I'm afraid the ubuntu OS can't help you14:06
ikoniaDozedOnLinux: read what he's posting before randomly hitting factoids14:06
CHR15Jack_Sparrow, DozedOnLinux, Pirate_Hunter: I'm a big Compiz fan. I'm at 1024 with now with no drivers, I have tried EnvyNG, nvidia-gtx-new and one more from Synaptic, and to no avail.14:07
Grobvokpulse00: http://www.ducea.com/2006/08/07/how-to-change-the-hostname-of-a-linux-system/ See if this works.14:07
RANDOM_51235does anyone themselves have any ideas though? i get this while working in ubuntu somehow, so i thought someione here might be able to help14:07
abcbonjour a tous, Je voudrais savoir comme je peux faire pour changer l'ordre des SO qu'ils paraissent dans le choix au demmarage du pc?14:07
Pici!fr | abc14:07
ubottuabc: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr14:07
Jack_SparrowRANDOM_51235 What makes you feel you have a cmos virus.. I know I am going to regret that question14:07
ikoniaRANDOM_51235: no, a cmos virus is nothing to do with ubuntu14:07
abcthank you14:07
abcbye bye14:07
zikitilegend2440: I installed it and restarted firefox... fist time I enetered youtube, firefox crashed... I restarted fine and have played a few videos without problems14:08
DozedOnLinuxCHR15: there is a method i used to configure mine, its more to the fact of order of install and config rather than whats installed or config. order made all the difference14:08
Pirate_HunterCHR15: please ask the question if anyone can help theyll help and i cnat help you with compiz or drivers for it14:08
SkyrailErm, DozedOnLinux, do you have that link again sorry, I switched computers and closed my other chat so I could login here :/14:08
DozedOnLinuxSkyrail: just a sec let me scroll14:08
Skyrailokay =]14:08
zikitilegend2440: seems for now that things are fine, although I don't know why ff crashed on first play14:08
Jack_SparrowCHR15 Did this happen after you tried the driver from the nvidia site?  or did you try envy from the web by mistake14:08
legend2440zikiti: your welcome14:09
DozedOnLinuxSkyrail: this one ? > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu14:09
CHR15Jack_Sparrow: idk, I did something a friend on Arch gave me and it semi worked.14:09
DozedOnLinuxSkyrail: or one before that ?14:09
dmHey guys, trying to write a script that stops compiz when i start it, and then an application, and after that application is closed out or ended it starts compiz back,14:09
SkyrailThat's the one, thank you DozedOnLinux14:09
CHR15Jack_Sparrow: And it was the Envy Package14:10
crateldm: do you have a script already that isn't working? if so, pastebin.14:10
legend2440Grobvok: are you also having flash sound problems?  try installing    libflashsupport    sometimes it helps14:10
Jack_SparrowCHR15 envyng or the you are up a creek envy14:10
dmcratel not realy, just one that stops compiz, runs the application.14:10
DozedOnLinuxikonia:  RANDOM was concerned as to why Ubuntu install wouldnt see his HDD, so that he could install a new Linux Distro. maybe that helps. as far as virus in MBR , i coudlnt say14:11
CHR15Jack_Sparrow: EnvyNG, which also installs ATi drivers with it if you need it to.14:11
ikoniaDozedOnLinux: no - he was asking about a cmos virus14:11
KumoHey all.14:11
Jack_SparrowCHR15 np just checking14:11
DozedOnLinuxikonia: understood14:11
siddui'm have already installed compiz applications.but i'm not getting the visual effects14:12
bastid_raZorheh, up a creek envy.. nice14:12
SkyrailWow. legend2440, thank you14:12
CHR15siddu: maybe the GFX crd with no drivers, I seem to be in the same ballpark as you. :P14:12
Jack_SparrowCHR15 I wish I knew which driver envyng tried to install14:12
legend2440Skyrail: what?14:12
FloodBot1CHR15: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:12
Skyraillegend2440: what a coincidence that I'm having the same no-flash-sound problem, and that one little thing sorted it, thank you :D14:12
sidduthen what tio do14:13
SkyrailCHR15: hehe, unlucky ;)14:13
legend2440!beer | Skyrail14:13
CHR15Heh, it happens14:13
ubottuSkyrail: Beer is always appreciated.14:13
Jack_SparrowCHR15 sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx-new14:13
pulse00Grobvok, i tried the suggestion already, ie setting /etc/hostname and then running /etc/init.d/hostname.sh start, but again on the next reboot it is reset... the server is running on a virtual box, but i guess that shouldnt be a problem14:13
crateldm: if you know how to stop and start compiz I would think it's just a simple script. line 1: #! /bin/bash line 2: stop compiz line 3: start your app line 4: start compiz.14:13
Skyraillegend2440: I'll send you the money when I have the time ;)14:14
legend2440Skyrail: glad it worked14:14
roch09Hi all14:14
riprapsend me some money too14:14
DozedOnLinuxlegend2440: so that would be ?> sudo apt-get install  libflashsupport14:14
Skyrailriprap: :P14:14
legend2440DozedOnLinux: yes14:14
Jack_SparrowCHR15 sudo nvidia-xconfig              try also nvidia-settings14:14
DozedOnLinuxlegend2440:  thank you14:14
roch09How to check If GRUB installed properly in a seperate partition along with ubuntu.14:14
ikoniaroch09: you boot it14:15
ikoniaroch09: thats how you check14:15
CHR15Jack_Sparrow: Already removed ;) also nvidia drivers, there not installed : http://i35.tinypic.com/dyaq7c.png14:15
rockoi can not get nx to work14:15
Jack_SparrowCHR15 sudo nvidia-xconfig              try also nvidia-settings                         were you able to run these..14:15
DozedOnLinuxSkyrail:  so did that work for you ?> libflashsupport14:16
SkyrailDozedOnLinux: yep :)14:16
CHR15Jack_Sparrow: No, I removed both earlier after they didn't work14:16
Jack_SparrowCHR15 the wife just woke up so I dont have long.  BUt I can help you with this later   We need to add a generic monitor setting to xorg as well14:16
CHR15Jack_Sparrow: Err well, they did work just set resolution to 64014:16
Jack_SparrowCHR15 put ose last two in.. well the one loads the other14:16
jemtvok guys, so i have a compro dvbt200a (dvbt300) i have followed the wiki on overclockers and a couple of others i have d/l the cvs but it seems that one of the files thats meant to be in the s cripts folder (merge-trees.sh) isnt there...i have tried several things but just cant get the mythtv to say my tuner is avail pls someone help14:17
sidduim not getting visual effects14:17
roch09ikonia> not in the MBR, I meant PBR14:17
rockoi am trying to setup my nxserver. where i did sudo apt-get install openssh-server. that installed then i did ssh localhost to test it and i got The authenticity of host 'localhost (' can't be established. The authenticity of host 'localhost (' can't be established.14:17
dmcratel Im only trying to start compiz after the application that i run closes, not before14:17
CHR15Jack_Sparrow: Alright, query me when you get done with w/e, I need to go get my hair cut :P14:17
ikoniaroch09: yes, and thats how you test it, you boot it14:17
Jack_SparrowCHR15 leave those in, glx-new out    set res    edit xorg and at least get good working res14:17
crateldm: right, but in the script line 4 won't be executed until line 3 (your application) terminates.14:17
DozedOnLinuxsiddu: what kind of videocard do you have ?14:18
binascohi, the way has xmm2 graphics? and how I see the way graphics in my ubuntu 8?14:18
* Kumo is about to install 8.0814:18
ikoniabinasco: xmms2 is not like xmms14:18
CHR15Jack_Sparrow: I edited xorg and it would stay at 640 but the background would be at 1024, and I'd have to move the mouse to get around14:18
dmcratel oh, i see now (just did a test )  I am writing a script to stop compiz, it does that, but it wont go to the next line and run the application.14:18
ikoniabinasco: think of xmms2 more as a server14:18
KumoOr 8.0414:18
sidduim working on intel 102 mother board]14:19
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:19
DozedOnLinuxsiddu:  you know what the video chipset is ? find in terminal with > lspci -nn14:20
dmcratel lemme paste what i have.14:20
jemtvhas anyone else had the merge-trees.sh file missing or not there? how can i edit something i cant see?14:20
binascoI can uninstall it then?14:20
ikoniabinasco: sure14:20
dmcratel http://paste.ubuntu.com/35075/14:20
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rockoi am trying to setup my nxserver. where i did sudo apt-get install openssh-server. that installed then i did ssh localhost to test it and i got The authenticity of host 'localhost (' can't be established.14:21
rockoi can not get nx server to work14:21
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cullBohey. I just used git to get the latest kernel source. I need to set the kernel to 1000hz somehow but I can find multiple config files in /debian/config/i386/ that have to do with hz. Is there a way to know exactly what to change?14:21
oshua86rocko: did u configure the server with the config file?14:21
ikoniaroch09: yup, remove the entry from ~/.ssh/known_hosts14:21
ikoniacullBo: what are you talking about setting it to 1000hz ?14:22
rockooshua86: Yes, i removed the # to use port 2214:22
crateldm: so you are saying it never reaches line 4?14:22
cullBoikonia the frequency the kernel runs at. seems to be 250 by default14:22
ikoniacullBo: what do you mean frequency ?14:22
dmcratel it takes a long time to execute the second command. I have it running in terminal to check the output, and if i run the wine command in another terminal output is instantanous.14:23
oshua86I was gonna say taht14:23
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dmcratel line 3 never executes.14:23
oshua86clear that file14:23
rockowhen i try to do ssh locally i get Permission denied (publickey,password).14:23
ikoniaroch09: what user are you ?14:23
oshua86clear that file ~/.ssh/known_hosts14:24
crateldm: here is what I would try: line 2 add a & at the end of the line. That will make the line execute in the background so your script won't wait for it to complete before going to line 3. Then add between line 2 and 3 sleep <some number of seconds, try 1>14:24
Xidariani'm having trouble with upgrading to 8.0414:24
Picioshua86: Thats not necessarily yet.14:24
cullBotimer frequency or so ikonia. I am supposed to set this to 1000hz for some program. anyway, is there a tool or something that can help me configure the kernel configs?14:24
Xidarianthe upgrade freezes at Setting up locales (2.7.9-4) ...14:24
XidarianGenerating locales... en_AU.UTF-8...14:24
ikoniacullBo: you have to set that as a compile in option14:25
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crateldm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/35077/14:25
cullBoikonia ah i guess that makes sense. I'll give it a try, thanks :)14:26
crateldm: I added a & at the end of the last line as well, so your script doesn't sit forever waiting for compiz to end.14:26
PiciXidarian: see bug 249340 for workarounds14:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249340 in langpack-locales "Gutsy->Hardy upgrade hangs in localedef" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24934014:26
dmcratel testing...14:27
XidarianPici: tkx, i hope i can get this installed soon14:27
roch09Ikonia> linux, windows14:27
ikoniaroch09: what ?14:27
jemtvcan anyone here help me with mythbuntu14:28
dmcratel stops compiz, starts application and then starts compiz again, sec14:28
oshua86hey, any of you guys has had any problems with the compiz stack window switcher? mine works but after I select a window is doesnt stop vibrating, very anoying, any workaround?14:29
roch09ikonia: usked wht user am I? and sorry I missed this: <ikonia> roch09: yup, remove the entry from ~/.ssh/known_hosts, what does it mean14:29
riprapthey dont charge extra for the shaking14:29
bastid_raZoroshua86; #compiz-fusion may be a quicker/better channel for compiz fun.14:29
crateldm: does the renice command (line 5) successfully start wow from the command line?14:29
ikoniaroch09: what user account are you when you invoke ssh14:29
dmcratel yeah, but i cant enter my password when wow is started, i took that out for now.14:30
crateldm: what I am saying is that I'm not sure I see anything in the script that actually starts wow14:30
dmcratel WINEDEBUG=-all wine /media/2nd/WoW/wow.exe -opengl does14:30
inbitado34i m not getting conection with amsn but i do with pidgin ?14:30
matveevFailed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found) --- what do I need to install then?14:30
crateldm: sorry. You're right.14:30
oshua86bastid_raZor: thanks14:30
ePhil_Hi, after using xen-create-image in order to get a new guest i have a "localedef" Prozess running like crazy (100% CPU Load) wich can not be killed. The localedef has a defunct gzip child. Any ideas how to get rid of that process? Kill -9 didn't work :(14:30
crateldm: when you execute that from the command line, do you immediately get a command prompt again?14:30
roch09ikonia> admin14:31
dmcratel what?14:31
EugenMayerhow to install skype under ubuntu ?14:31
ikoniaroch09: you've setup a user called "admin"14:31
bastid_raZor!skype > EugenMayer14:31
ubottuEugenMayer, please see my private message14:31
Piciroch09: or are you sshing as root?14:31
DozedOnLinuxmatveev: application are you trying to run ?14:31
crateldm: after executing WINEDEBUG line, can you type more commands in the same terminal window while wow is running?14:31
EugenMayer!skype > EugenMayer14:32
ubottuEugenMayer, please see my private message14:32
dmcratel ive gotten it to stop compiz run wow, and then it stops the terminal and looks like its starting compiz, but doesnt14:32
DozedOnLinux!skype > EugenMayer14:32
dmcratel no, i would have to enter a & and then hit enter in the terminal if i run it straight14:32
NinjabearI've heard you can mix kubuntu and ubuntu, is this true and which should I get / install first?14:32
bastid_raZorDozedOnLinux; you must be lagging ;)14:32
ikoniaNinjabear: they are the same os14:32
roch09ikonia> yes14:33
ikoniaNinjabear: different desktops (thats the bottom line)14:33
ikoniaroch09: yes what ?14:33
DozedOnLinuxbastid_raZor : no you just faster at the draw14:33
Ninjabear" Kubuntu and Ubuntu can work alongside each other by installing the ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop packages."14:33
roch09user name admin14:33
crateldm: ok this is different than I thought you were saying before. Are you using the script I sent you in the pastebin or are other other modifications?14:33
ikoniaroch09: show me a.) the output of "id" and b.) the ssh command your using14:33
bytor4232Ninjabear: Just pick the session you want before you log in.14:33
DozedOnLinuxbastid_raZor i check with ubottu first. then if i get relevant hit, i post14:33
pos69sumwhen i attempt to ssh to my ubuntu box behind my wireless router, it times out sometimes14:33
sechello everbody14:33
pos69sumi checked theat sshd is running14:34
NinjabearWhich is the best windowing environment to use then?14:34
bytor4232Ninjabear: After apt-get install kubuntu-desktop14:34
pos69sumhow can i troubleshoot what is happening14:34
ikoniaNinjabear: it's personal preference, tr them14:34
bytor4232Ninjabear: There is no best.14:34
bastid_raZorNinjabear; basically, i have ubuntu *gnome* with several kubuntu *kde* applications installed14:34
roch09ikonia> give me some time, I think I sorted it out, I will let u know soon14:34
crateldm: if no about being able to enter other commands before wow is complete, then line 5 is never going to be executed until after wow is complete, rendering it useless.14:34
bytor4232Ninjabear: They all suck, you just need to find the one that sucks less for you.14:34
bastid_raZorDozedOnLinux; i do the same, i keep an ubottu tab.14:34
dmcratel using something similar, one sec14:34
NinjabearSo linux is still crap then? I really hope they improve it and whipe out windows14:35
DozedOnLinuxbastid_raZor : btw is ubottu being slow on some !factoids ? not all but just some14:35
ePhil_Nobody has any idea how to get rid of that localedef prozess?14:35
bytor4232Ninjabear: No, LInux is far superior.  What I meant was that there is no one end all gui on Linux.14:35
bastid_raZorDozedOnLinux; yeah, it has been that way for a week or so now. i figured server lag14:35
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werswhat OS would you recommend to be put on Eee PC 701? I find Ubuntu Hardy too slow for it14:36
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consuelohola me llamo Consuelo y necesito ayuda sobre una placa Wireless Broadcast para una notebook...alguien me puede ayudar?14:36
cratelwers: have you tried xubuntu?14:36
manolisanyone here?14:36
dmcratel  Sucess! running a command after a command doesnt seem to work, I had to put the exec arguement in like so: http://paste.ubuntu.com/35079/14:36
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:36
consuelolo siento solo hablo español14:36
Pici!es | consuelo14:36
ubottuconsuelo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:36
matveevDozedOnLinux: taken from Xorg.0.log. It seems that I dont have Nvidia kernel module installed. There are five: nvidia-kernel-1.0.7184, nvidia-kernel-1.0.8774, nvidia-kernel-169.12, nvidia-kernel-71.86.04, nvidia-kernel-96.43.05. How do I decide?14:37
consueloMuchas Gracias....!14:37
werscratel, If I was to install xfce on it, i would just install eeexubuntu14:37
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crateldm: cool! Tell me about line 6. I haven't seen that exec before. What's it doing?14:37
NinjabearStupid question, which browsers can you get for it?14:38
crateldm: also what do you mean about running a command after a command doesn't seem to work? What didn't work and what did you change?14:38
dmcratel how I am undstanding it, is that its running the command as if you were to run it with Alt F2, without the requirement of the terminal it still runs the command. I probably could have accomplished this too by putting a sleep at the end allowing enough time for the execution of the "compiz --replace"14:38
GrobvokUse an ampersand.14:39
^Daisy^is there way to tell what OS this computer is using  by looking at just the directory/files14:39
DozedOnLinuxmatveev:ther is a few ways of getting it. you can use Syanaptic Package Manager , System/Administration/Hardware Drivers , or , in terminal sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new && apt-get install nvidia-settings14:39
Grobvokcommand &14:39
crateldm: so this actually waits until wow is complete, or it just waits until 5 seconds after wow starts to restart compiz?14:39
DozedOnLinuxmatveev: SPM is easiest, although Hardware Drivers a close second14:39
dmcratel since there is no & at the end of the wow command, it will wait till the application closes, then run the next command. ( and all others after the application closes )14:40
gnummdoes anyone know where i can check which packages are in knoppix?14:40
manolisIs true that ATi will open-source their drivers for Linux????14:40
Picignumm: #knoppix14:40
DozedOnLinuxmatveev: in SPM search for nvidia, you will see the nvidia-glx-new there, and while at it get nvidia-settings14:40
bytor4232Ninjabear: Firefox is the most complete browser.  THere is also Epiphany and Konqueror14:40
crateldm: cool. You lost your renice command, tho.14:40
Ninjabearyea, you seem to be able to get Opera as well14:41
DozedOnLinuxmatveev: Hardware Drivers method pretty simple as well, pretty much directs you14:41
crateldm: also, why do you need the sleep 5?14:41
NinjabearI'd love to see IE on it lol14:41
dmcratel ill figure that one out later, wow preforms rather well, just wanted to get it bedder14:41
marx2kIE in wine14:41
zarnickhello guys14:41
Jeremy-Techis looking for someone who is experienced in Ubuntu 8.04 and has a current running port of Solaris.  I'm currently having a SILO issue.  (I Believe)14:41
zarnicksimple question14:41
zarnickthere's any way to install packages via apt-get, but put them in /usr/local for instance?14:41
crateldm: what you could do is aff a & on the wine command line then make a small loop using pgrep that checks to see if wow is still running and it would stay in the loop until wow is complete.14:42
rotyyuhello everyone14:42
dmcratel i changed it to 1, dont really need it, its just so i can see the output if there are any errors. I have it set up so i run this script with gnome-terminal -x for output. Im visual, i like seeing whats going on.14:42
zachb_Okay, I really don't know what to do. My install is so messed up... I don't have a clue on how to salvage it. I'm stuck in a tty as of now (thank god for irssi!) Basically, shortly after it starts up, programs start randomly crashing.14:42
dmcratel I was going for simplicity.14:42
zachb_I've tried to get help before, but unsuccessfully14:42
crateldm: sure. Just telling you how to get the renice command back in later if you want.14:42
dmcratel renice needs sudo though.14:42
DozedOnLinuxzarnick:  you may just be able to copy the files there, if you like with copy command > cp /thisdir/thisfile.ext /anotherdir/thisfile.ext14:43
crateldm: use echo <password> | sudo -S renice ....14:43
bytor4232Ninjabear: You can use IE with linux.14:43
dmcratel putting my password in a script isnt exactly secure though :)14:43
DozedOnLinuxzarnick:  package archives here > /var/cache/apt/archives/14:43
Picidm: it only needs sudo if you're going below 0 or trying to renice processes you don't own.14:44
zarnickDozedOnLinux, but what about using apt-get? like for instance apt-get install rubygems* and go there automaticaly?14:44
dmPici o?14:44
dmPici hmm ill try it14:44
zarnickDozedOnLinux, since I'm using a eee, the /var is a ram directory14:44
jemtvanyine help me mythbuntu14:44
bytor4232Ninjabear: http://www.ies4linux.org14:44
manolishave anyone try Gos Linux(Google)???14:44
crateldm: there are also ways to configure so that your user could get sudo privs just for renice. Not sure how offhand to do it tho.14:44
Ninjabearif I partition my hdd so I can have windows and linux, is it easy to switch between at boot up?14:44
dmpici im trying to put it at -1014:45
DozedOnLinuxzarnick: well i cant say for eee14:45
crateldm: you might use sudoers or something...14:45
pulse00i've switched from fedora to ubuntu. fedoras package manager has the possibility to use a "testing" repo where you can update to newer versions of programs. is there anything like that in ubuntus package manager ?14:45
gnummdoes anyone know a rolling release distribution which isn't really unstable14:45
zarnickDozedOnLinux, it should be the same thing...since its eeebuntu14:45
manolishave anyone try Gos Linux(Google)???14:45
bytor4232Ninjabear: Yes14:45
DozedOnLinuxzarnick: cant say for sure, but you can check i suppose, search computer14:45
zarnickDozedOnLinux, but the problem is that since it's low on space, I will get very easy to 100% / space used (it's already only 300mb free)14:45
bytor4232Ninjabear: Install Windows first on the primary IDE or first SATA drive.  You can also partition it as well, just make sure it goes on the first partition14:46
DozedOnLinuxzarnick: they are small machines are they not ?14:46
Grobvokpulse00: Testing is unstable and you shouldn't use software that comes from it unless you're a tester.14:46
manolisGos Linux screenshots looks very nice14:46
freedumManI know this might be a firefox related issue but I was wondering if anyone else on hardy is having issues with firefox 3 crashing on clicking submit buttons ?14:46
bytor4232Ninjabear: Then install Ubuntu.  It will automatically create an entry for you to pick from Ubuntu or WIndows14:46
DozedOnLinuxzarnick: i cant be positive of the eee, so i cant suggest it14:46
zachb_So is this just a hole I can't dig myself out of? Do I have to reinstall?14:46
zarnickDozedOnLinux, yes, but they have 2 HD, one with 4gb, and another with 16Gb14:46
pulse00Grobvok, i know, but my subversion repo uses svn 1.51 and i need to update my client otherwise i can't use it14:46
Ninjabearok thanks14:47
DozedOnLinuxzarnick: search you computer for the ones already installed and downloaded, best i can say, then use copy command to copy them, burn them, move them, do what you have to14:47
pulse00Grobvok, that's why i'm trying to install svn 1.51 via package manager so i don't have to compile it myself14:47
danyahi all .. I'm trying to install OpenJDK java .. but I get error msgs from the synaptic like unresolved dependencies with a list of them .. how can I fix that ? ..14:47
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danyaoh and im on Hardy 64 bit14:47
zarnickhehehe, DozedOnLinux thanks14:47
Speppama buonasera14:48
Jeremy-TechAnyone here have Hard working on a UltraSPARC box?14:48
NinjabearIs red hat linux any good?14:48
manolisIs true that ATi will open-source their drivers for Linux????14:49
Grobvokpulse00: There is a file you can edit to enable more repositories, but I forgot where it is.14:49
PiciNinjabear: You'd have to ask them. This is the Ubuntu channel.  Try ##linux for comparisons.14:49
danyaanyone .. i need help with installing OpenJDK14:49
pulse00Grobvok, nevermind, i'll compile it myself guess thats faster14:49
manolisplease can anyone suggest me a graphic card that works perfect on linux??PLEASE14:50
DozedOnLinux!find jdk14:50
erUSULdanya: fire up synaptic look for the packages and install them14:50
dmcratel any idea if there is a way in a shell script to end forcefully ?14:51
erUSULmanolis: nvidia; old ati cards integrated intel ?14:51
danyaerUSUL : .. I did that and I'm having problems as I mentioned with unresolved dependencies ..14:51
dmcratel its not closing the terminal, which im ok with, just trying to see.14:51
ubottuFound: icedtea-java7-jdk, openjdk-6-demo, openjdk-6-doc, openjdk-6-jdk, openjdk-6-jre (and 5 others)14:51
jemtvanyine here explain to me why i have a wiki telling me how to set up my tv card but when i go to the v4l folder the file they want me to edit aint there?14:51
manolisi dont know i think nvdia is better for gaming.Is it true>14:52
danyaerUSUL : I just don't know how to fix that unresolved dependencies ..14:52
erUSULdanya: i just installed icedtea-gcjwebplugin that pulled the icedtea jre package and related openjdk packages14:52
Grobvokpulse00: It's /etc/apt/sources.list14:52
dustrialhi, i need some german speaking help maybe in a Query.14:52
erUSULdanya: can you post the error you get when you try to install the packages?? on paste.ubuntu.com14:52
erUSUL!de | dustrial14:52
ubottudustrial: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:52
dustrialthx erUSUL14:53
DozedOnLinuxjemtv: make sure you type the file exactly as it is supposed to be, case-sensitve14:53
erUSULdustrial: no problm ;P14:53
danyaerUSUL .. i did that .. but it wont work .. openjdk-6-jre has unresolved dependencies14:53
dmcratel well i just took out the part that ran the terminal, and its fine, it will just have a background script running but not actually doing anything.14:54
DefunctProcesswhy cant I use any framebuffer apps at the cli?  I Get error could not open /dev/fb0 does not exist.14:54
Speppacan I mount mdf files withtout install software or convert the image? I've tried to use "sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 file.mdf /path" but the terminal gets me the error "mount: you must specify the filesystem type"14:55
erUSULdanya: i hadn't had any problem with my nvidia 7300GT keep in mind that i roll my own kernels and nvidia.com baesd drivers... but with default kernel+drivers from hardy also worked14:55
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manolisDo you know if Linux will support 4 cores CPU's soon????14:55
erUSULdanya: my old agp ati radeon 9200 worked fine in old ubuntus with the free radeon drivers14:56
DefunctProcessmanolis: thats a joke right? it does14:56
danyaerUSUL : ok how can I know where's the problem ? ... to try fixing it and install icedtea14:56
erUSULmanolis: it supports them just fine14:56
manolissorry i'm newbie14:56
erUSULdanya: have you posted the info i requested? the errors you get when trying to install ? on paste.ubuntu.com14:56
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SPFI installed the Gnome BTDownloader, how can I configure the ports?14:57
dmanyone have a guide for how to get your back/forward buttons working in Nautilus?14:57
bastid_raZorSPF; transmission?14:58
Speppanobody? :(14:58
SPFbastid_raZor: thx14:58
danyaerUSUL : oh sorry I didn't read that :) .. I don't need to post it it just says this : .. the following packages has unresolvable dependencies. the icedtea-gcjwebplugin depends on openjdk-6jre and i not going to be installed14:58
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danyaerUSUL : that's what I get .. using the synaptic14:59
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erUSULdanya: what you get when doing "sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre" ??14:59
bastid_raZorSPF; i was asking if tranmission was the client you are using.14:59
X-Setiumm, where is the user list14:59
X-Setiahh there it it15:00
danyaerUSUL : http://pastebin.com/m557f7f615:00
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X-SetiI have a question about the dd command?15:00
SPFbastid_raZor: I dont know. But it has some configuration options. I start the client with Applications -> Internet -> Bittorrent Download Client15:01
SPF/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/gnome-btdownload15:01
erUSULdanya: again can you try "sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre-headless" ??15:01
erUSUL!ask | X-Seti15:02
ubottuX-Seti: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:02
Jonynothing happens when i plug in an usb stick, is that normal?15:02
bastid_raZorSPF; oh, i don't have that, i guess. regardless, if it doesn't have PnP features you'll need to forward the ports manually i your router15:02
vjoeHello. When I installed Ubuntu 8.04 on my desktop, I had no speakers connected to the sound card. However, I now connected an headphone but I get no sound15:02
henryi'm trying to enable compiz fusion. but i only get two screen instead of cube...15:03
danyaerUSUL : http://pastebin.com/d18c71e8e15:03
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danyaerUSUL : it's like an endless chain of unresolvable dependencies :@15:03
zachbis it possible to do a new install on a different partition from within ubuntu (not liveCD)? Or will ubiquity just make a copy of the install?15:04
bastid_raZordanya; erUSUL wouldn't apt-get build-dep package find those dependencies?15:04
Jonyno usb devices work on my pc what should i do? :S15:04
PCessna*sips Vanilla Tea*15:04
X-Setiok, I need to know the correct syntax for the dd command, not just dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/sda, this problem is the target drive is -26361856 bytes short15:05
the_alamoi have been looking for a good howto for setting up jack in ubuntu --does anyone know of one?15:05
vjoeHello. When I installed Ubuntu 8.04 on my desktop, I had no speakers connected to the sound card. However, I now connected an headphone but I get no sound15:06
erUSULdanya: i see... you should report the bug in launchpad .... also make sure you have updates checked on System>Admin>Software Sources (in the third tab the two first checkboxes)15:06
DefunctProcessanyone kno why i cant use any framebuffer apps at the cli? i get the error that /dev/fb0 couldn't be opened and that it does not exist...15:06
erUSULdanya: tzdata and tzdata-java have been recntly updated ...15:06
danyaerUSUL : I've updated my system yesterday15:07
danyaerUSUL : wont apt-get build-dep package work ?15:07
erUSULdanya: but maybe you do not have those repos enabled .... have you checked ?15:07
danyaerUSUL they're checked15:07
erUSULdanya: nope build-dep only helps when buildng packages from source15:07
Guest6550nick Henryenr15:08
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Henryenrsorry about that.. i thought that was my nick..15:08
SPFbastid_raZor: can you give me an alternative bt client?15:08
danyaerUSUL : .. so that's it .. :( .. lol15:08
X-SetiSPF Ktorrent15:08
bastid_raZorSPF; transmission is native to gnome. should be installed already.15:09
X-SetiSPF you can even use utorrent, via wine installed15:09
erUSULdanya: it seems like a bug you should report... all i know is from my computer the packages you can not install are aviable on "updates" repo15:09
spiritssightHow do I back up data like my Pigen im  and other stuff on my system so I can use it again in a later install if that happens15:09
riprapi have been using utorrent for several weeks and it seems stable in wine15:10
danyaerUSUL : how can I report ? .. I've never done that15:10
bastid_raZorspiritssight; copy the .directories .. .ssh .purple .vmware ... folders like that15:10
vjoeHello. When I installed Ubuntu 8.04 on my desktop, I had no speakers connected to the sound card. However, I now connected an headphone but I get no sound15:10
vjoehelp please15:10
erUSULdanya: oops well.. you need a launchpad account and make a bugreport...15:11
spiritssightthats all15:11
spiritssightwhere do program normally install15:11
erUSULdanya: maybe i can do it... wait i will use what you pastebin'ed15:11
danyaerUSUL : in the updates there's one is not checked .. ( pre-released updates (hardy-proposed)) shall I check it ?15:12
rockowhere can i get nxserver that works with ubuntu 64bit ?15:12
Henryenrback to my question.. i just installed. ubuntu gnome. i just fix my hardware to enable the 3d. i'm about to install compiz-fusion and emerald .. but i only get 2 side.. not the cube. what's going on?15:12
Henryenrcan i change that?15:12
erUSULdanya: no "proposed" can be dangerous. half baked packages land there and can brake systems15:12
microwaverany videoplayers who can play .srt files?15:13
danyaerUSUL : oh ok ... thank u so much15:13
spiritssightWhich folder / dir do programs install under normally?15:13
roch09Ikonia> got it working ith NEoGrub, Its got some thing to do with EasyBCD, I will wait for feedback from the easyBSD forums on how to get GRUB working back again. thanks for all the help mate.15:13
vjoewhy does nobody help me??15:14
vjoeWhen I installed Ubuntu 8.04 on my desktop, I had no speakers connected to the sound card. However, I now connected an headphone but I get no sound15:14
bastid_raZor!sound > vjoe15:15
ubottuvjoe, please see my private message15:15
jtismeanyone know what 8.04 repository  kickstart is in15:15
darwin_anyone can help me solve this http://pastebin.com/d593319d5 ?15:15
roch09Ikonia> C:\NST file in vista doesn't contain the proper entries? Thats the problem according to EAsyBCD team.15:15
Henryenrcan anyone help me.. i'm sure this is a easy fix. i just don't know what it is...15:15
Jonycan anyone here help me with my usb problem?15:16
Henryenrhow can i enable cube on compiz fusion.. i'm only getting two windows instead of cube15:16
Jonyhenryenr: check the settings15:17
Jonythere u can add more desks15:17
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ikoniaroch09: what part of "this is not an ubuntu issue" is not sitting with you ?15:18
bullgard4[GNOME, Ubuntu 8.04] The DEB program package network-manager-gnome is installed. In an xterm I run the command nm-applet. This command does not finish, and no nm-applet appears on the upper panel. How to troubleshoot?15:18
darwin_anyone can help me solve this http://pastebin.com/d593319d5 ?15:18
erUSULdanya: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-6/+bug/25573815:20
EugenMayeriam on a T60 with intel HDA and somehow iam failing with capturing from mike. Any good howtos / testing ways15:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255738 in openjdk-6 "openjdk-6-jre is uninstalable as of Thu Aug  7 14:16:14 UTC 2008" [Undecided,New]15:20
danyaerUSUL : thanks alot :) appreciated15:20
danyaerUSUL : btw it's a SHE .. not a HE :P15:21
SPFbastid_raZor: ktorrent works better than transmission and indeed transmission was already installed15:21
augustchauHey guys! I'm looking for a way to open url file like in windows... is there something i could just install for that?15:21
ikoniaaugustchau: firefox open file15:21
offtopicHey, is there anyone here that runs Parallels on Ubuntu? I have it installed, but I can't seem to get the internet to load.15:22
bastid_raZorSPF; i agree, i like ktorrent much better and use it. it is always wise to give several options and let you choose. my opinion is not always agreed with15:22
ikoniaofftopic: I thought parallels was an apple product15:22
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erUSULdanya: i'm not a native english speaker what should have used if the gender is unknown (neutral) ;P sorry though15:22
Lcphr3akikonia: yeah, it's also for windows and linux15:22
augustchaunah! it reads the text file... I meant by open file: double-click on a file like mywebpage.url?15:22
ikoniaLcphr3ak: I had no idea they had released it for linux15:22
danyaerUSUL : I'm not either lol .. no worries I get that alot in here :P15:23
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Lcphr3akikonia: yeah, it works pretty well speed and stability wise, just can't get the internet going, haha15:23
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ikoniaLcphr3ak: probably the network bridge15:23
erUSULdanya: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-6/+bug/25573815:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255738 in openjdk-6 "openjdk-6-jre is uninstalable as of Thu Aug  7 14:16:14 UTC 2008" [Undecided,New]15:23
ikoniaLcphr3ak: as in virtual nic to physical device15:23
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Lcphr3akikonia: yeah, lol15:24
danyaerUSUL .. LOL .. :D15:24
Lcphr3akikonia: There is something special I need to do?15:24
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ikoniaLcphr3ak: no idea, never used it15:24
ikoniaLcphr3ak: thats the most common cause with and vm software15:25
Kartagishoşçakalın / bye15:25
themunkeeI have a problem with rhythmbox; my music library is on a 120gb ntfs drive, but something I think is weird with automounting this drive, and it deletes my music libary15:25
Lcphr3akikonia: alrighty, thanks :) Atleast I have something to google for now, lol15:25
ikoniaLcphr3ak: thats only the most common cause in a generic situation, no idea about parallel specific, maybe more info in #apple ?15:26
zaapielwe took the midnight train going anywhere15:27
ikoniazaapiel: check out "/topic"15:27
themunkeeto anyone who saw my question, nevermind that.  I was being silly and didn't notice something15:27
FuzzyOnelo everyone, has anyone used mason to build firewall rules?, It's complaining the klogd is not running when it is15:28
Lcphr3akikonia: It's more linux based, but I could give #apple a try, thanks :)15:28
* zaapiel joins #journey15:28
ikoniaLcphr3ak: only thought #apple as it's an apple product so more people will be using it and as mac OS is BSD style, people must know more15:28
oohello everybody15:29
ooaMSN doesn't connect, any help?15:29
paolo_Hi *. I have a very strange problem. When I use compiz (only with compiz), watching movies is very slow sometimes (not all the time). I have not been able to understand when this happens (it doesn't depend on the cpu usage or on the media player used). Any hint?15:30
binskipy2ui would enable the "compiz icon" and turn off effects when watching movies, and right click and reload it when you are done15:30
whatwhyhowuse pidgin15:30
binskipy2ui only put compiz on when showing off to someone, besides that, i have all effects off15:30
paolo_binskipy2u: what is the compiz icon?15:31
D3RGPS31How do I set grub to boot OSx? (It's on my second partition)15:31
JimI just booted from the iso I downloaded from my mirror, and when installing I get an error that files are missing15:32
Jimbut it doesn't tell me which files15:32
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morbytepaolo_: maybe try different settings from the system->pref->multimedia selector15:33
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conb123hi i am having trouble with my audio stuttering, i have an intel high definition audio card and i found this guide http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-hda-intel. I was just wondering if it was neccesary for me to follow this or whether this is already built in.15:33
paolo_morbyte: what is strange is that it happens only sometimes... i.e. if I run mplayer foo 10 times it could happen 5 times not in a row15:34
w8tahhi folks - im on hardy -- running fluxbox -- i pop a movie dvd into the drive and want to play it via vlc -- how do i get it to mount so i can play it?15:34
paolo_morbyte: I don't have system-> pref->multimedia selector15:35
gros777join #ubuntustudio15:36
conb123hi i am having trouble with my audio stuttering, i have an intel high definition audio card and i found this guide http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-hda-intel. I was just wondering if it was neccesary for me to follow this or whether this is already built in.15:37
dionI'm having some issues with my browsers in Ubuntu. Firefox crashes on random sites and Opera is extremely slow. Any ideas?15:37
Thehi all15:38
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conb123hi i am having trouble with my audio stuttering, i have an intel high definition audio card and i found this guide http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-hda-intel. I was just wondering if it was neccesary for me to follow this or whether this is already built in.15:40
pos69sumanyone ever see this problem?  ssh sessions lock up, and sometimes i e5 t3get time outs ssh'ing to my remote ubuntu box15:40
FalstaffI am having trouble understanding sudo ...15:41
w8tahhi folks - im on hardy -- running fluxbox -- i pop a movie dvd into the drive and want to play it via vlc -- how do i get it to mount so i can play it?15:42
FalstaffHello  grassone15:42
f190hello, i just bought a laptop and was trying to get my home folder from my pc into the laptop. i already copied the home folder to a usb drive. what would i do next?15:42
frostburnw8tah, mount /dev/cdrom0 /mnt/cdrom  or something15:43
FalstaffHow do I get   sudo to  work ?15:43
jsjonesFalstaff: sudo grants you root access15:43
w8tahfrostburn: thank you15:43
jsjonesjust type sudo before whatever command you are trying to execute15:43
frostburnw8tah, i think /media/cdrom is used nowadays15:43
grassonedo you know a software to make packet injection like packit, but with the abilty to use a file as payload ?15:44
frostburnf190, i'm assuming you're installing ubuntu on that laptop and you want to migrate your data over?15:44
JimI'm having trouble installing ubuntu, I copied all the files from the ISO into my usbstick and the installer says that files are missing. Is this a common problem or are there extra files I need other than the iso?15:44
f190frostburn, i already installed ubuntu, and created a new user. i want to migrate all my data to that new user15:44
dmi3onhi all, i have problem with egeforce 6200, i cant change resalution i cant use compiz i have 1440 900 monitor15:44
frostburnf190, all you'll need to do is copy over that directory, remember to save file permissions using either cp -p or rsync15:45
dmi3onsecond broblem i have with grub it doesnt load vista15:45
KcajI seem to have lost the top of my windows where the controls would be15:45
KcajWhat gives?15:45
conb123hi i am having trouble with my audio stuttering, i have an intel high definition audio card and i found this guide http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-hda-intel. I was just wondering if it was neccesary for me to follow this or whether this is already built in.15:46
f190frostburn, do i need to login as root or something? i shouldnt login under the user i am dumping the contents into, should I? also, the username is different, so do i need to do liek chroot or chown or something?15:46
FalstaffYes Jsjones ... Okay ...15:46
SPFdmi3on: grub and vista is a common problem15:46
Jonyanyone intrested in checking my "no usb working" case? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88276415:46
bastid_raZorKcaj; in ccsm click window decorations15:46
KcajGTK is the only option15:46
FalstaffJsjones I get a command not found ...15:46
dmi3onSPF, i get error 1 Filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist15:47
w8tahfrostburn: the response to the mount command is no medium found15:47
jsjonesfalstaff: what command are you trying to run, besides sudo?15:47
KcajAh okay, you meant actually inside of ccsm I was clicking the icon15:47
KcajThanks bastid, that helped15:48
dmi3onSPF, will you help me ?15:48
Falstafftyped ./scanModem15:48
JimCan ubuntu 8.04 be installed from a USB-stick?15:48
KcajYes, it can even RUN from USB15:48
JimIm in the live session but can't seem to install it15:48
frostburnf190, yes, you'll have to do this as root, you'll have to rename the directory to the new username, mv /home/oldname /home/newname   then you'll have to chown -R newname:newname /home/newname15:48
KcajWhat happens when you mount the USB stick?15:49
Jimdevice busy15:49
dmi3onwhen i chioce vista from grub list i get error 1 Filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist15:49
FalstaffJsjones I tried su and it prompted me for a password ... but it wouldn't accept the one I gave,15:49
frostburnw8tah, sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom    the device name may be different for your system15:49
RussianPhysicsGuHi all, I just turned my computer on, logged onto Ubuntu, and discovered that all of my desktop settings are gone. I was using Compiz-fusion, I've tried restarting the desktop manager, restarting the computer, but everything appears to be just gone. All of my files still exist, but the settings don't anymore. Any help?15:49
JimKcaj: basically the installer says files are missing, but I copied the ISO contents and followed the docs15:50
jsjonesfalstaff: sudo scanmodem15:50
Jimusing syslinux to boot15:50
w8tahfrostburn: no medium found15:50
dmi3onwhen i chioce vista from grub list i get error 1 Filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist15:50
JimKcaj: is it possible I need to remove /casper/ from the syslinux.cfg?15:50
dmi3onhow do i solve this problem ?15:50
conb123hi i am having trouble with my audio stuttering, i have an intel high definition audio card and i found this guide http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-hda-intel. I was just wondering if it was neccesary for me to follow this or whether this is already built in.15:50
f190frostburn, so i would get to the welcome screen, disable the gui and login to root. then mv /media/disk/home1 /home/home2?15:50
jsjonesfalstaff: do you know what your root password is?15:51
frostburnw8tah, try /dev/dvd15:51
FalstaffNo I set my password and it should be the same?15:51
JimKcaj: may I pm you?15:51
w8tahfrostburn: same result15:52
frostburnf190, you can do it using the gui, you'll want to open a root nautilus window, F2 > gksudo nautilus15:52
f190frostburn, i can do this under the user whose home folder i am copying this data into?15:52
w8tahfrostburn: i am running fluxbox but that shouldnt make a difference15:52
FalstaffJsjones I typed in sudo scanModem and got command not found15:53
KcajDammit, my sound broke :( lol15:53
frostburnf190, yes you can, but it may look funky15:53
dmi3onwhen i chioce vista from grub list i get error 1: Filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist15:53
dmi3onpls some one help me15:54
frostburnw8tah, try sudo mount /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom015:54
polishpaulI have a weird problem - i'm listening to youtube on firefox and i have no sound! i was streaming a broadcast earlier, other sounds work too... any ideas?15:54
w8tahfrostburn: same result -- no medium found15:54
dmi3oni can find any think on error 1 on google15:54
dmi3oncan any one help me pls15:54
FalstaffJsjones I only used one password when installing the system ... isn't that the root password too?15:54
frostburnf190, i'd recommend using a different account to do it15:54
dmi3oni cant find any think on error 1 on google15:55
jsjonesfalstaff: if you just type scanmodem, what does it say?15:55
JimKcaj: can you pm me if your available to help15:55
KcajI'm not sure how to work it :x15:55
KcajNever installed from USB before15:55
frostburnFalstaff, there is no root password, every user has sudo rights, so that the users password is the "root" password15:55
JimOk thanks anywa15:55
jumhello, is it possible to establish a network with a winpc, when the winpc is connected to the router via lan and iam connected to the same router via wlan?15:56
Falstaffbash: scanModem: command not found15:56
gift[Mass Message] all servers are back online.15:56
JimIf anyone has a method to install ubuntu without a cd and can help me, it would be much appreciated15:56
gift[Mass Message] oops, wrong alias :P15:56
Jimjum: yes, aslong as both the computers are on the same subnet15:56
Jimjum: your router handles the networking15:57
f190thanks frostburn, giving it a try now!15:57
jumJim: how can i find out whether they are on the same subnet?15:57
paolo_Hi *. I have a very strange problem. When I use compiz (only with compiz), watching movies is very slow sometimes (not all the time). I have not been able to understand when this happens (it doesn't depend on the cpu usage or on the media player used). Any hint?15:57
dmi3onwhen i chioce vista from grub list i get: error 1: Filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist15:57
matveevXorg.0.log says "(WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1920x1200"; removing." However, the GPLed driver was able to configure 1920x1200. What should I ldo?15:57
FalstaffJsjones when I type sudo it just gives me root for that command??15:58
jsjonesfalstaff: yes15:58
Jimjum: If your IP addresses are automatically configured by your router then it's probably already working, otherwise make sure they have the same IP range, IE 192.168.1.x15:58
Ravnhey guys: I want to have more fonts installed than the default, but I can't find anything with aptitude. Are there any packagaes with strange names? Or are there other sources of free fonts available on the web, and in that case, how do I install themP?15:58
jsjonesfalstaff: what does it say if you just type sudo?15:58
KcajThis is crap15:59
KcajMy sound worked before15:59
ViperBorg[UBU]Is there an apt-get install package for VNC?15:59
Kcajbut now after a reboot I get no sound15:59
frostburnf190, let me know if you run into any problems15:59
KcajI can make sound work in the "sound" thing by clicking random correct options15:59
anthropoidsterRavn; I think the 'Restricted Extras' has them15:59
Kcajbut Amarok will not play music no matter what I select15:59
gnummis there a how to for removing pulseaudio and use esd?15:59
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polishpaulkcaj, i'm having a similar problem15:59
jumJim: so and are right?15:59
polishpauli got no sound from youtube...16:00
spiritssightwhat program can a windows xp user use so I can connect to them16:00
Jimjum: yep looks good, you should be able to access the windows computer under "network"16:00
dmi3onwhen i chioce vista from grub list i get: error 1: Filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist16:00
spiritssighton local network16:00
FalstaffJsjones usage: sudo -h | -K | -k | -L | -l | -V | -v  and another line of uses ...16:00
frostburnViperBorg[UBU], there's plenty, check aptitude/synaptic for what you want16:00
magentarspiritssight, just connect to the network shares16:00
RussianPhysicsGuHi all, I just turned my computer on, logged onto Ubuntu, and discovered that all of my desktop settings are gone. I was using Compiz-fusion, I've tried restarting the desktop manager, restarting the computer, but everything appears to be just gone. All of my files still exist, but the settings don't anymore. Could anyone offer some wisdom on the matter?16:00
dmi3onwhen i chioce vista from grub list i get: error 1: Filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist ?16:00
ViperBorg[UBU]Thanks, Frost.16:00
magentarspiritssight, Places/Connect to server16:00
slashzulhi guys how can I get UBUNTU to recognize my USB drive?16:00
magentarspiritssight, or Places/Network16:01
jsjonesFalstaff: you probably need to install the scanmodem tool or whatever, it's not a problem with sudo16:01
slashzulhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/34882/  <- output16:01
dug_is there anyway to view or save the contents of swap or your ram.  Firefox froze and deleted text I had copied.16:01
jsjonesFalstaff: just open synaptic and search for scanmodem16:01
dmi3onwhy no one is helping me >?16:01
dmi3onwhat i ask so hard question ?16:01
ViperBorg[UBU]dmi3on: Be patient, someone will answer you shortly.16:02
w8tahdmi3on: because they are busy helping others - just be patient16:02
satyrhow are you?16:02
slashzulswapon -s16:02
slashzulswapon -s  <- to view swap status16:02
Ravnanthropoidster: hmm, ok, but the it's not free I suppose...? How do I add the repo?16:02
jumJim: okay i click on network and then on Windows Network, but then there is nothing in this "folder", but it seems to work, right?16:02
slashzulhi guys how can I get UBUNTU to recognize my USB drive? http://paste.ubuntu.com/34882/16:02
erUSULdmi3on: can you post your /boot/grub/menu.lst on pastebin ??16:02
Azanyone have a problem with printing pdf (cups-pdf)?? ... cups-pdf-log: [ERROR] failed to set file mode for PDF file (non fatal)16:02
spiritssightmagentar: I PM you as there is to much traffic in here I have hard time following it as I am blind16:02
polishpauldmi3on: can you paste (using a pastebin) your grub.conf file?16:02
erUSUL!pastebin | dmi3on16:03
ubottudmi3on: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:03
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polishpaulhelp, no sound on firefox youtube... hardware test also has no sound. Playing other sounds works oK...16:03
jumJim: i only have to share some files on the winpc and then they will displayed?16:04
dmi3onpolishpaul, thx16:04
dmi3onone seocnd16:04
slashzulhow do you get a USB pci card to show up on Ubuntu?16:04
AzizLightis there a way to install firefox 3 easily in gutsy16:04
Jimjum: it should work if you have 'simple file sharing' in windows16:04
gnummis there a how to for removing pulseaudio and use esd?16:04
anthropoidsterRavn: just check 'restricted and multiverse' in Software Sources and you should be set to go.16:05
RussianPhysicsGuHi all, I just turned my computer on, logged onto Ubuntu, and discovered that all of my desktop settings are gone. I was using Compiz-fusion, I've tried restarting the desktop manager, restarting the computer, but everything appears to be just gone. All of my files still exist, but the settings don't anymore. Could someone please help me, or direct me to a more specialized channel, if one exists, where someone might be a16:05
dmi3onpolishpaul, i cant find were is grub.conf16:05
polishpaul/etc/grub.conf (unless you're not using grub but.. LILO?)16:06
bastid_raZorAzizLight; apt-get install firefox-3.016:06
khrismarsHi, can anyone help me: Why my Ubuntu 8.04 tells me that I don't have cairo, glib, etc when I run ./configure in the terminal? but when I check on synaptics package manager, it tells me that I have those installed? is that because I have the generic ubuntu instead a complete one? I installed it from a CD which I burned from ISO image that I downloaded from Ubuntu sites. Thanks16:06
Arnosdo you have the right version?16:07
AzizLightbastid_raZor: does this will replace my firefox-2 or I have to remove ff2 before I install version 3?16:07
jumJim: okay thanks for your help, i will try to get it running16:07
bastid_raZorAzizLight; you can have both. they use two seperate configs in .mozilla16:07
dmi3onpolishpaul, sudo gedit /etc/grub.conf opens blank page16:07
Arnoskhrismars: I found that I needed to get the devel versions of something i was ./configuring a while back16:07
AzizLightbastid_raZor: ok, thanks a lot16:07
RussianPhysicsGuAzizLight: "sudo apt-get install firefox" ought to replace your existing install/update you to the latest version16:07
Jimjum: no problems16:07
AzizLightRussianPhysicsGu: no firefox is ff2, it updates the latest version of ff2 not ff316:08
polishpauldmi3on: do you have lilo.conf?16:08
polishpaulin /etc/lilo.conf?16:08
RussianPhysicsGuAzizLight: alright, my bad then - it depends on how the developers choose to manage the updates, then, so it's different for different programs.16:09
dmi3onpolishpaul, no :(16:09
dmi3onpolishpaul, i am in a big truble ?16:09
jordo2323_I am trying to setup a public key to be able to login thru SSH with. First, does Red Hat 9 have PGP or OpenPGP installed by default? How do you create a public key?16:09
polishpauldmi3on: do: locate grub.conf16:10
AzizLightRussianPhysicsGu: yeah. They created a different package named firefox-3.0. You can check apt-cache search firefox or aptitude search firefox16:10
dmi3onpolishpaul, how ?16:11
bastid_raZorjordo2323; this is Ubuntu support.. unsure about RH916:11
ArelisAnybody here know of a few CD-rom's available for download that are free (as in beer) and nice to have? Such as boot recovery disks, free software discs, etc?16:11
polishpauldmi3on: are you in a console window? (terminal) ?16:12
ikoniaArelis: all depends on your needs16:12
RussianPhysicsGuHi all, I just turned my computer on, logged onto Ubuntu, and discovered that all of my desktop settings are gone. I was using Compiz-fusion, I've tried restarting the desktop manager, restarting the computer, but everything appears to be just gone. All of my files still exist, but the settings don't anymore. Could someone please offer some advice? I have no idea where to even start...turning Compiz back on just messes e16:12
C_LogicalHow does one check the their hardware permissions  in Ubuntu? I am have an issue with mythTV and I think it has to do with not having access to my DVD drive16:12
polishpaulok, then type in: locate grub.conf16:12
f190frostburn, everything seems to be working! thanks again!16:12
ikoniaC_Logical: check the permissions on the device file in /dev16:13
khrismarsarnos: so I wonder what could be the problem? I am a beginner at linux and I happened to choose ubuntu hardy to be my first linux16:13
rafaelscjjordo2323_, ssh-keygen -t rsa16:13
dmi3onpolishpaul,  locate cant open16:13
dmi3onpolishpaul,  thats what i get you need full text ?16:14
frostburnf190, no problem16:14
Guest32136why cant i switch to my second workspace ?? any ideas ?16:14
dmi3onlocate: can not open 'var/Lib/mlocate/malocate.db': No such file or directory16:14
C_Logicalikonia, what would the device file be named?16:15
Arnoskhrismars: I don't really know a bunch about this topic either, did you try opening synaptic searching for what is missing and installing all the develment versions and anything that looks related to what is missing, that worked for me, what are you missing by the way?16:15
dmi3onpolishpaul,   locate: can not open 'var/Lib/mlocate/malocate.db': No such file or directory16:15
ikoniaC_Logical: /dev/cdrom, /dev/dvd. depending on the device16:15
hlfshellHello everyone - I am experimenting with making a daemon process for a project, and wanted to know how to find and kill processes through a terminal or see if its running. i know how to use top to see processes but beyond that i'm lost.16:15
C_Logicali just vi or pico to take a look at it, right?16:15
m4lmsteencan someone help me with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5540455#post554045516:15
ikoniaC_Logical: no16:15
ikoniaC_Logical: look at the permissions on that file16:16
dmi3onpolishpaul,   i am trying to use search for files16:16
fbondHi.  How can I get a list of fonts installed out-of-the-box on an Ubuntu machine?16:16
fbond(My machine no longer has an OOTB configuration.)16:16
thmhi! using a static ip configuration, where do I put nameserver information when resolvconf is used?16:16
lemonwrathhey guys i'v been playing around with compiz-fusion and well i got most of it down, but im having trouble finding out how to make the cube transperent, or putting things in it for that matter.... there is that and how do i adjust the pics on the top and bottom of the cube16:17
hlfshelllemonwrath - ill PM you some help16:17
ikonialemonwrath: they are called cube caps16:17
JimCan somebody help me install ubuntu from USB, i've booted into the live session but the installer says files are missing16:17
polishpauldmi3on: that's weird... are you root?16:17
lemonwrathhlfshell: thank you16:18
hlfshelllemonwrath: np16:18
m4lmsteenanyone here capable of troubleshooting wine ?16:18
dmi3onpolishpaul, i find only lilo.conf in /usr./share/doc/memtest86+/examples16:18
khrismarsarnos: yup, I tried that, but the system tells me that I have already those installed in synaptic package manager. I have not been able to connect my ubuntu to the internet yet, so I downloaded the package manually from the other computer and install it in my ubuntu, but it is too much pain, because to get an application working I need to install a bunch of package first. I wonder if I did not do the installation process correctly at the first time16:18
C_Logicalikonia, I see it and it is set to root how would I add another user to have access to it?16:18
qiqohi guys, i need help badly..16:18
ikoniaC_Logical: look at the group that has access, and add the user to that group16:18
magentarm4lmsteen, there's also a wine channel i think, either #wine or #winehq something16:19
qiqocan you help me setup sharing on our office's ubuntu server16:19
m4lmsteenoh ok... thanks magentar  i didnt know16:19
qiqoit has ntfs in it, and we want to share it over the network16:19
thmsomeone help me with that nameserver issue?16:19
Arnoskhrismars: I really recommend connecting your computer to the internet16:19
rafaelscj!ask | thm16:20
ubottuthm: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:20
Jimqiqo: samba should be installed by default, it's fairly simple to get running16:20
dmi3onpolishpaul, i find only lilo.conf in /usr./share/doc/memtest86+/examples16:20
thmusing a static ip configuration, where do I put nameserver information when resolvconf is used?16:20
polishpauldmi3on: check your private message ...16:20
ikoniathm: you put the name serves you want to use in /etc/resolv.conf16:20
=== backenfutter is now known as backenfutter_
Jimthm: you put it in resolv.conf16:21
khrismarsarnos: ok thanks, how do you connect yourself to the internet? through wireless modem, ethernet or USB modem? what is the easiest way?16:21
jsjonesWhat is the username and password for the ubuntu live cd?16:21
thmikonia, Jim: but that gets overwritten  by resolvconf16:21
ikoniajsjones: ubuntu - and there should be no password16:21
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ikoniathm: what is resolvconf16:21
jsjonesikonia: thank you16:21
ikoniathm: if /etc/resolv.conf is being updated - that means your using dhcp16:21
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yitz_It there some toolbar applet that will show me what [Cap|Scroll|Num]Locks I got on?16:21
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Arnoskhrismars: If you have a network of any kind plugging your computer into it has a good chance of working, have you tried that?16:22
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furenkuhello everybody! I'm getting this error when trying to build a kernel module : " *** Missing file: arch/x86/boot/bzImage16:24
C_Logicalikonia, thanks for the help. once I figured out how to add users to the group then I should be good16:24
=== GoogleCA is now known as GoogleSupport
thmikonia: no, I'm using pdnsd, and that updates it16:24
ikoniafurenku: what command are you using to do that16:24
ikoniathm: well yes, that will do that then16:25
ikoniathm: what do you expect ?16:25
furenkuikonia, "make M=/home/furenku/Software/ffado/PATCH/2.6.24-generic install"16:25
b666mhi @ all :)16:25
GoogleSupportHello b66m16:25
ikoniafurenku: that assumes you have a complete kernel source in place, although why that is looking for the bzimage of your kernel I don't know16:25
jafo2k8hi, is the ubuntu server livecd usable as a livecd without installing?16:26
furenkuikonia, how do I make sure I do have this complete image? I did apt-get install linux-kernel-headers-`uname -r`16:26
gnummpulseaudio does not really work with timidity, doies anyone know how to resolve this problem?16:26
ikoniafurenku: you shouldn't need one16:26
b666mi was here yesterday and i got my wpa-network (wlan) working. today i booted my pc and my network won't work?! any suggestions? :(16:27
|PiP|anyone got oracle 11g running on ubuntu?16:27
furenkuikonia, so maybe I could edit the makefile?16:27
ikonia|PiP|: Oracle isn't supported on ubuntu, and 11g isn't stable yet is it ?16:27
|PiP|ikonia: i though 11g came out last yr16:28
manu___hello... i've got a question.... (scuse my english) : the windows appears to be small on ubuntu. How to make them like in MS ?16:28
jsjoneswhat is the command to log off?16:28
ikonia|PiP|: yes, but I didn't think it was stable on the linux platform or "not production ready" as Oracle called it16:28
RussianPhysicsGuHi all, I just turned my computer on, logged onto Ubuntu, and discovered that all of my desktop settings are gone. I was using Compiz-fusion, I've tried restarting the desktop manager, restarting the computer, but everything appears to be just gone. All of my files still exist, but the settings don't anymore. Could someone please offer some advice? I have no idea where to even start...turning Compiz back on just messes e16:28
ikonia|PiP|: I could be way out of the loop though16:28
Jonyanyone here knows whats my problem in this case? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88276416:28
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ikoniaRobotman1337: can you please stop changing nicks, you've had 4 since you've been in here16:30
jsjoneswhat is the command to log off a session?16:30
ikoniajsjones: exi16:30
Robotman1337oh sorry16:30
b666mi'm using a intel agn 4965 wireless card. modprobe iwl4965 doesn't work. the SSID of my router is found and i can enter the password. but it won't connect...16:31
concWhat's the name of the program that displays how much file i/o various processes are doing, ala top?16:32
juliuswie ghwt swie steht s?16:32
juliusschreibt ma was16:32
ikoniaQde | jsjones16:32
ikonia!de | jsjones16:32
ubottujsjones: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:32
bazhangjulius, english16:33
jsjonesikonia: what?!16:33
juliusasoo thanks16:33
ikoniajsjones: sorry16:33
juliushi @ all16:33
bazhangjulius, do you have a support question?16:33
bazhangjulius, this is not a chat channel.16:33
juliusor mom16:33
kenkku!offtopic | julius16:34
ubottujulius: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:34
|Dreams|anyone know a media server for ubuntu to stream to my ps3?16:34
bazhang|Dreams|, check mediatomb16:34
juliuswhere i can go to icq server ? or channel ?16:34
|Dreams|tried that spent 4 days trying to get it working on hardy altho it did work on gutsy just fine16:34
C_Logicaldoes anyone know the commands for adding a user to a group?16:35
ikoniaC_Logical: usermod16:35
ikoniaC_Logical: or use the gui16:35
bazhang!irc | julius16:35
ikoniaC_Logical: system -> admin -> users and groups16:35
ubottujulius: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines16:35
yitz_It there some toolbar applet that will show me what [Cap|Scroll|Num]Locks I got on?16:36
ikoniayitz_: if there is, I wouldn't mindit16:36
ikoniamind it16:36
gcw_I'm trying to install ubuntu in a xen dom-u  on an i386 centos 5.2 server using virt-install. What base path should I pass to virt-install to be able to find it on a mirror?16:36
jsjoneswhen I run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xservr-xorg" I get pass the keyboard configuration and then get the error "Error inserting battery: no such device". this is a desktop pc by the way.16:36
Nelson_Aparthow to shutdown Xwindows16:37
gcw_Nelson_Apart: Did it start automatically when you booted?16:37
erUSULNelson_Apart: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop16:37
VoolooI found a docs page for the dell inspiron 1525 laptop testing.. but now I can't find it again.. where are those located?16:38
gcw_Nelson_Apart:  CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE will exit your current session16:38
Guest32136why cant i switch my workspaces ?16:39
Guest32136just the first one works16:39
gcw_Guest32136: What WM are you using?16:41
ackbahrHello! Is there a way to add a folder in the list of common locations (where /home, Desktop, etc. already are)?16:43
RussianPhysicsGuHi all, I just turned my computer on, logged onto Ubuntu, and discovered that all of my desktop settings are gone. I was using Compiz-fusion, I've tried restarting the desktop manager, restarting the computer, but everything appears to be just gone. All of my files still exist, but the settings don't anymore. Could someone please offer some advice? I have no idea where to even start...turning Compiz back on just messes e16:43
bazhang!info alacarte16:43
ubottualacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 0.11.5-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 71 kB, installed size 1248 kB16:43
hateballackbahr: Bookmarks?16:44
ackbahrNot really, I'm thinking about the sidebars in the "save as...." dialogues, for example....16:44
hateballackbahr: If you create bookmarks with Nautilus, you'll see them in those dialogues16:45
slushpupieIm trying to build a .deb for both Debian and Ubuntu, and need to rely on libssp.so; does Ubuntu not have this anywhere?16:45
bullgard4[GNOME, Ubuntu 8.04] The DEB program package network-manager-gnome is installed. In an xterm I run the command nm-applet. This command does not finish, and no nm-applet appears on the upper panel. How to troubleshoot?16:45
ackbahrhateball: Ah, I'll look into this.... Has to be done for each user, I guess?16:46
bazhangslushpupie, perhaps check packages.ubuntu.com16:46
Starnestommyslushpupie: it should be in gcc-snapshot16:46
|cHuMp|hi people16:47
slushpupieStarnestommy: no libssp package like in debian stable?16:47
=== robert__ is now known as Warp4
FalstaffOkay I am getting very annoyed with getting my system to recognise and dial my modem ... what is the easiest modem to install??16:47
Starnestommyslushpupie: the closest thing I see is a libssp.so provided by gcc-snapshot16:47
hateballackbahr: Suppose so, dunno where Nautilus stores it. Oh and it also only seems to display local drives in the save as etc dialogues16:48
Starnestommyslushpupie: it might not be the libssp that you're looking for, though16:48
kctestingI need to know how much my system has? all files installed and all applications16:48
kctesting how can I find that? is it enough to see File System?16:48
Vooloowhat is the default root password when running live cd?16:48
slushpupieStarnestommy: it would be, but the gcc-snapshot package is a bad one to use for building packages16:48
fr500hateball: not all apps have gvfs support that's why only loce drives16:48
hateballfr500: I see, so that's why...16:49
lbdcan i ask for help?16:49
hateball!ask | lbd16:49
ubottulbd: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:49
furenkuhey everybody ! what would be a good starting point to learn how to patch the driver sources of the kernel source?16:49
tloonunusual problem that doesn't have anything to do with Ubuntu: my computer resets at different times, sometimes before loading the os, it's fairly old (a pentium II)...possible causes?16:50
lbdi am trying to install alsa drivers fo my echo indigo io card, but I get this: lbd@lbd-laptop:~/alsa-driver-1.0.17$ ./configure --with-cards=intel8x0,indigoio --with-oss=yes --with-sequencer=yes16:50
lbdchecking for gcc... gcc16:50
lbdchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables16:50
Starnestommylbd: sudo apt-get install build-essential16:50
tloonit should be noted that the fun runs while it resets16:50
kaktuskattaanyone here who can help me with OpenOffice Calc?16:50
bazhangtloon, you might ask in ##hardware16:50
laz0rhi, can anyone tell me why ubuntu hardy (kubuntu actually) persistently refuses to execute the contents of my ~/.xsession file?16:50
erUSUL!anyone | kaktuskatta16:50
ubottukaktuskatta: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:51
tloonoh, ok16:51
hateballkaktuskatta: try #openoffice.org16:51
kaktuskattahateball: I already did16:51
kaktuskattahateball: no answer16:51
hateballkaktuskatta: Aha :/16:52
laz0rthe file is executable (chmod +x), there is also an .xinitrc (which is just an symlink), i tried looking in that default Xsession file thing thats somewhere in /etc/X11 and it seemed fine...16:52
kaktuskattahateball: hmm.....might have joined the wrong channel16:52
laz0ri am out of ideas! why does it not execute the .xsession when i start X?16:53
kaktuskattahateball: I typed openoffice w/o org :P16:53
laz0ri start X via kdm by the way16:53
hateballkaktuskatta: ;)16:53
furenkuHow can I patch de ieee1394 driver sources in the kernel?16:54
laz0rand why i do i suddenly get random messages by strangers?16:55
ikoniafurenku: if you have to ask that - you shouldn't really be doing it16:55
kaktuskattahateball: I'll ask here aswell. No answer so far. I need to toggle formula viewing in Calc. Do you know how this is done?16:55
bazhanglaz0r, PM spam? should be reported on #freenode16:55
ikoniafurenku: what problems are you having with it /16:56
furenkuikonia, its for some firewire device i have; the developer for the driver told me just that16:56
laz0rbazhang: i dont know if that qualifies as spam, it is just one message, no links, like a little poem or something16:56
hateballkaktuskatta: I'm not sure I understand what you mean with formula viewing?16:56
hateballA nice poem about bras16:57
laz0rno, about food16:57
hateballOh :/16:57
hateballI got one about bras16:57
ikoniafurenku: I'm sure if you ask him he'll explain what and how to patch16:57
furenkuikonia, its for an audio interface; my "host controller stops requesting packets"16:57
furenkuikonia, no he told me couldn't do that16:57
Starnestommylaz0r: from who?16:57
ikoniafurenku: he can't tell you watch to patch ? yet he's developed the patch /16:57
laz0rStarnestommy: JimDiamond16:57
Jonycan anyone here help me out? i cant get a single usb device to connect16:58
dmi3on-2polishpaul, can you my PM ?16:58
simotemplerhow do u get amarok to play radio stations?? is it possible for like: .rm, .asp etc.16:59
kaktuskattahateball: in Calc you can type a formula like eg. this: "=IF(A1=100;"yes";"no")17:00
soulcI upgraded to hardy on my server and now all email is ham reather than mostly spam17:00
hateballkaktuskatta: And you want the formula to show, instead of the result?17:00
kaktuskattahateball: This will be hidden once the formula is complete and you press enter17:00
kaktuskattahateball: yup17:00
rooroo82soulc, my mail is steak rather than ham17:00
kaktuskattahateball: this is possible in Excel with ctrl+'17:00
RussianPhysicsGuHi all, I just booted my ubuntu and all of my desktop settings were gone. I was using Compiz, which no longer works if I start it again.17:01
soulcI am referring to the term in my syslog email17:01
rooroo82Sk8rLanny, don't spam17:01
ikoniarooroo82: he's not in this channel17:01
* rooroo82 sighs17:01
rooroo82Time for a coffee17:01
soulcso am I not in the right chl?17:02
kiranubuntu's great!17:02
hateballkaktuskatta: a quick google gave http://osdir.com/ml/openoffice.general/2006-12/msg00006.html which works.... but it's a bit troublesome unless you make a macro like suggested. Not sure if it's hidden someplace else, easier to access17:03
kaktuskattahateball: thanks17:03
kiranjust installed google desktop..wow!17:03
kaktuskattahateball: didn't come up with some simple phrase to google ;)17:03
* hateball has a Google Black Belt17:04
kiranjust love how everything is well integrated....dunno why I should use windows17:04
hertzwhat's so special about google desktop?17:04
ArelisWhat is the best (most games/applications) gaming live cd/dvd available?17:05
kiranwell nothing i did say...just that you have a well integrated commerical solution...kinda the way you get on windnows17:05
ikoniaArelis: anything thats available in ubuntu is available on the livecd17:05
slushpupieis there a good place to ask questions about the gcc packaging? (mailinglist, irc, wherever)17:06
Arelisikonia: yes, via package manangement, when you have internet.17:06
ikoniaArelis: correct17:06
Voolooman, how can docs just dissapear from the ubuntu wiki help pages...? it was there a few days ago and I cant find it anywhere no17:06
VoolooI even tried using google17:06
Arelisikonia: i meant a livedvd with tons of games already on it17:06
m_newtonHELP....How do i change my identify password17:06
ikoniaVooloo: update last night17:06
ikoniam_newton: join #freenode17:06
Starnestommym_newton: /msg nickserv help set password17:06
ikoniaArelis: then it's not an ubuntu livecd17:06
ikoniaArelis: so it's not an ubuntu product17:07
Voolooikonia: the entire wiki?17:07
ikoniaVooloo: the entire wiki was updated/upgraded yes17:07
Vooloough.. how am I supposed to fix this then17:07
kiranshould i buy a macbook?17:07
ikoniakiran: up to you17:07
Arelisikonia: yes.. where may i ask. then?17:07
kiranknow that....expecting comments17:08
ikoniaArelis: I don't know - it may not even exist, but it's nothing to do with ubuntu, so here isn't the best place to ask17:08
ikoniakiran: well this is ubuntu support - not hardware chat17:08
ikoniakiran: try #apple or #hardware17:08
thiebaudekiran:macbook is real nice17:08
LeiskoHi! I need some help about using GParted. Can someone help?17:09
kiranjust wanted to compare against maybe a deel with ubuntu...against macbook17:09
krz22hi! I'm on hardy. How can I install one package from intrepid ? Using apt-get ? Would it mess up my package managing ?17:09
ikoniakrz22: don't do that17:09
gjr5017I have a question.....could someone tell me how to install a new usplash theme? Everytime I try using the gnome-splashscreen-manager I go to add and select either a .tar.gz file or a .so file it just quits out.17:09
AreaAlguien escribe español??????17:09
ikonia!es | Arelis17:10
ubottuArelis: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:10
ikonia!es | area17:10
ubottuarea: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:10
b666mGnea: hi :) ehm... i have a problem... yesterday you gave me a command für /lib/firmware/2.6.24-19-generic, which downloaded the files and copied them back... because i had deleted two of them (iwlwifi4965.ucode)... wpa worked after that... today i rebooted my laptop and my wpa doesn't work... so can you (or anybody) give me the command? or have anybody an idea, why it doesn't work anymore...17:10
Voolookiran: I just got a dell inspiron 1525 and everything but the network card works out of the box, just have to install it17:10
hateballkaktuskatta: There's another way tho!17:10
b666m...after a reboot?17:10
bazhangkrz22, may as well reinstall if you do that17:10
wicopeyo mismo Area escribo en español17:10
krz22ikonia, bazhang: ok, thanks :)17:10
bazhangwicope, /join #ubuntu-es17:10
wicopei love the english too17:10
kaktuskattahateball: there is ? Any simple keyboard-combo ? :P17:10
gjr5017How do you install new USplash themes?17:11
hateballkaktuskatta: Tools -> Configure(?) ->Keyboard -> Choose some keycombo and pick View and then .uno:ToggleFormula17:11
kiranVooloo: do you windows on ur dell?17:11
ikonia!usplash |> gjr501717:11
ubottugjr5017, please see my private message17:11
bazhangLeisko, need an actual question17:11
hertzwith startup manager17:11
hateballkaktuskatta: Not sure about all the names... am on swedish OOo. But you get the idea17:11
Voolookiran: there is the vista but I'm uninstalling it17:11
bazhangkiran you have a support question or just wish to chat17:12
GleepGlopAnyone had luck compiling Last.FM client on Ubuntu?17:12
ikoniaGleepGlop: you dont have to compile it17:13
d-_-b[w]mmm why wouldn't my cron jobs run? I had a look in my syslog and nothing looks fishy... It's a clean ubuntu 8.04 machine and i used "crontab -e" to add the cronjob17:13
erUSULGleepGlop: it is aviable on repositories why compile it?17:13
kiranbazhang : well I am wanna either buy a dell and install ubuntu or buy a macbook.....which do you think is a better option?17:13
GleepGlopOh, it is?  I guess I should check there first. I am a sado-masochist I guess17:13
polishpaulhey guys, grub.conf is Ubuntu is /boot/grub/menu.lst???17:13
ikoniakiran: it depends on your option, make your own mind up, research17:13
bazhangkiran, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic17:13
ikoniapolishpaul: yes17:14
LeiskoMy friend has Ubuntu 8.04 on his computer and now he wants Windows XP too. But I can't edit anymore those harddrives??17:14
GleepGlopIt would still be fun to compile :)17:14
ikoniaGleepGlop: not if you can't compile it17:14
ackbahrThanks hateball, sorry for the delay. Have to go, have a nice day!17:14
GleepGlopikonia: getting qt errors, even though I have qt4 dev libs installed17:15
himerxubuntu 8.04 dont have drivers  for  rtl8185 wireless card  !! how to get it  ??17:15
ikoniaGleepGlop: so ?17:15
AzizLightI just downloaded and installed firefox-3.0 and it turns out to be firefox 3 beta 4 ...17:15
ikoniaGleepGlop: why are you compiling it, use the supported version in the repo's17:15
gjr5017ikonia, it said there was nothing to configure when I ran that code in the terminal that you sent to me17:15
AzizLightis there a way to install the final version of firefox in gutsy?17:15
kiranguess this forum should be for people like me...and anything specific should be off topic!17:15
kiranbye guys17:15
GleepGlopI want to, I like installing from source17:15
ikoniagjr5017: pardon ?17:15
ikoniaGleepGlop: yes, but you don't know how to17:15
ValleypjAzizLight it should update automaticly17:16
d-_-b[w]If i crontab -e, I add "1 * * * * echo date > /test.txt", but it don't want to run every minute17:16
gjr5017this is what shows up after i type that line of stuff.....17:16
gjr5017There is only 1 program which provides usplash-artwork.so17:16
gjr5017(/usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-ubuntu.so). Nothing to configure.17:16
gjr5017sudo: update: command not found17:16
FloodBot1gjr5017: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:16
GleepGlopI've installed a lot of apps from source, I'm having trouble this particular one17:16
ikoniaGleepGlop:so debug it17:16
GleepGlopikonia: thanks for playing and have a good weekend17:16
KenthreeIs vino-server currently broken?17:17
bazhangCarlim2008, english please17:17
gjr5017sudo: update: command not found    -   thats what it says after running the command u told me to17:18
ikoniagjr5017: I didn't tell you to run any commands17:18
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork17:18
gjr5017i thought you said to do something into the terminal?17:18
ikoniagjr5017: no17:19
AzizLightValleypj: I just got a message saying that firefox upgraded and that I need to restart it and I did...but firefox did not upgrade17:19
bazhanggjr5017, the command is above17:19
gjr5017what, the !usplash?17:19
AzizLightValleypj: in the about page it still says beta 417:19
ValleypjAzizlight reboot your system17:19
C_Logicalhow do I grant access to a user in the command line to a DVD drive?17:19
zetheroosince using Firefox 3 in Ubuntu Hardy I have noticed a weird glitch whenever I right-click on a hyperlink ... many times all kinds of other things happen except for the menu popping up....17:19
Valleypjit should work after17:19
ikoniaC_Logical: I've told you17:19
funkytorinohi everybody, i`m having problems with my hard drives and libata...how do I enable legacy ide drivers at boot time?17:19
sybuxHi all, I've got some problem with Cacti while getting snmp value. Can someone help me ?17:19
afloofloohow can i write a literal string in a regular expression? so i dont have to escape lots of special chars?17:19
gjr5017i typed !usplash and it says even not found17:20
AzizLightValleypj: ok I will try to do that, thanks for the help17:20
ikoniaclarezoe: usermod or if your stuggling, use the gui in "system -> administration -> users and groups"17:20
ikoniaC_Logical: usermod or if your stuggling, use the gui in "system -> administration -> users and groups"17:20
bazhangneed to restart ff not reboot.17:20
ikoniagjr5017: that is not a command17:20
zetherooany ideas?17:20
ikoniagjr5017: you got sent a private message from ubottu, please read it17:20
gjr5017I'm sorry....i'm not sure what to type. (I'm fairly new to linux if you havnt noticed already haha)17:21
Valleypjbazhang jhe did but it didnt work17:21
Valleypjhooping the reboot helps17:21
bazhangValleypj, rebooting will do nothing17:21
gjr5017I did read it and i attempted to do what it says but nothing really happened and i closed the message already17:21
sharperguyHi, I'm trying to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 but it has become stuck on Generating Locales on the first one (en_AU-UTF-8) as part of Setting up the locales package. What do I do (its been on it for at least 30 mins)?17:21
ikonia!usplash > gjr501717:21
ubottugjr5017, please see my private message17:21
Valleypjthen i think some thing is wrong with his updater17:22
bazhangsharperguy, cancel out; then reboot into the 14 kernel and try from there.17:22
sybuxHi all, I've got some problem with Cacti while getting snmp value. Can someone help me ?17:22
sharperguybazhang, ok17:22
sharperguybazhang, well i would but theres no apparent way to cancel17:22
gjr5017okay....would i follow the dapper directions on that site if i'm on Hardy?17:23
bazhangsharperguy, you can let it run for a bit if you are not in a hurry.17:23
bazhanggjr5017, what directions?17:23
gjr5017the how to on the link17:23
theCarpenterso basically im an idiot and keep deleting stuff i dont mean to with 'rm'17:23
sharperguybazhang, will it eventually finish?17:23
ikoniagjr5017: read the link17:23
theCarpenteris there any way to alias it to actually be 'mv ~/.Trash' or soemthing17:24
bazhangsharperguy, I fear it is the upgrade bug (feisty/gutsy/hardy) that is causing that.17:24
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash17:24
sharperguybazhang, Well thats what I was trying to do17:24
bazhangtheCarpenter, ^^17:24
b666mGnea: are you there? could you just open a dia with me, please? :)17:25
bazhangsharperguy, then that is it.17:25
funkytorinohello, anybody pls! i`m having problems with my hard drives and libata...how do I enable legacy ide drivers at boot time?17:25
ikoniafunkytorino: why ?17:25
ikoniafunkytorino: what sort of problem17:25
ikoniafunkytorino: the drivers have not changed17:25
John_Doehey, can somebody help me with "ndiswrapper" please17:26
funkytorinolibata is used17:26
ikoniafunkytorino: correct, thats not the drivers though17:26
bazhangJohn_Doe, need a question17:26
marcelowhen i play, xgalaga for example, after i have opened a site like youtube for example, i get no sounds? How could i correct this?17:26
John_Doei cant get my wireless on laptop to work17:27
Microsyshi all17:27
John_Doewas told to ask for help with ndiswrapper17:27
bazhangJohn_Doe, what chipset17:27
sharperguybazhang, Well anyway I don't have time to fix it right now if its going to take some effort so I'll be back on later17:27
theCarpenterJohn_Doe: What brand, what what version of ubuntu. details plz17:27
John_Doeubuntu v817:27
bazhangJohn_Doe, the wifi chipset17:27
John_Doeoh, its an atheros17:27
John_Doei have the drivers installed17:27
zetheroosince using Firefox 3 in Ubuntu Hardy I have noticed a weird glitch whenever I right-click on a hyperlink ... many times all kinds of other things happen except for the menu popping up....17:28
bazhangJohn_Doe, how many entries in ifconfig 2 or 317:28
kaktuskattahateball: exactly what I've searched for ! Thanks :)17:28
Microsysmy pc reboot during install..... waths is the command for secure graphic ? (sorry for my english but i'm italian :) )17:28
bazhangzetheroo, please clarify17:28
hateballkaktuskatta: Glad it worked17:28
John_Doebazhang:   217:28
Microsysplease :(17:28
kaktuskattahateball: fully possible to do this manually, but not very convenient17:28
John_Doeeth0 and lo17:28
kaktuskattahateball: you're swedish?17:28
bazhangJohn_Doe, so the driver is not loaded17:28
John_Doebazhang: terminal said it was installed17:29
bazhangJohn_Doe, and device present?17:29
hateballkaktuskatta: Correct17:29
RussianPhysicsGuWhen I started Ubuntu this morning, it reverted itself back to all the default settings that were present immediately after installing - Is there a way to get all the settings back? Thanks for the help...17:29
John_Doebazhang:  i can see it in lspci17:29
bazhangJohn_Doe, how do you know driver is loaded; what command are you using to ascertain that17:30
d-_-b[w]!usplash > d-_-b[w]17:30
ubottud-_-b[w], please see my private message17:30
John_Doesudo ndiswrapper -i ./net5211.inf17:30
bazhangJohn_Doe, and it says driver loaded, device present?17:31
zetheroobazhang: well... like I said .. I will be googling something and then right-click on a link to perform "Open in new tab" ... but instead of the right-click menu opening I will get all kinds of other things happening ...17:31
kaktuskattahateball: da kunne vi snakkat svensk :P17:31
bazhangzetheroo, what other things, you need to give tons more info17:31
aliloi've problem with my video card it's not installed correctly17:31
John_Doei can't quote what it said now... b/c i restarted comp17:31
bazhangJohn_Doe, well, we need that info.17:31
sybuxHi all. I've got some problem with data Template. Can someone help me ?17:31
hateballkaktuskatta: English channel ;)17:32
John_Doeit said something like "device pressent xxx eth_pci" :s17:32
alilomy video capr is (01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UniChrome Pro IGP)17:32
bazhangJohn_Doe, what guide are you following and which atheros17:32
soulcsudo ndiswrapper -i ./net5211.inf17:32
kaktuskattahateball: indeed17:32
zetheroobazhang: ok... like the Save As window will just open ... or the bookmarks manager ... or some terminal looking thing with "wget" at the top .... those things just open when I right-click on a link17:32
Hamled|Erpare there any packages that install a text editor named "editra" ? (it doesn't have its own package), I'm trying to figure out what might have put it on my system17:32
kaktuskattahateball: no good use for anyone else that way :)17:32
hateballkaktuskatta: Indeed17:33
zetheroobazhang: it probably happens 2 out of 5 times that I right-click17:33
bigjoe4How do I dissable memory test in Ubuntu?17:33
alilohi, please help i need to install corectly my video card17:33
funkytorinoikonia: so it is not possible to throw away libata?17:33
marcelowhen i play, xgalaga for example, after i have opened a site like youtube, i get no sounds? How could i correct this?17:34
bazhangmarcelo, what about with xgalaga off?17:34
rampageoberonHi, can someone help me on how to use apport to automatically report bugs? I changed the setting in /etc/default/apport to 1 but not sure what to do now17:34
Vooloowhats the "best" terminal? aterm?17:34
greedois there a place where i could find files defining the various keyboard layouts ?17:34
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bigjoe4How do I disable memory test in Ubuntu?17:35
soldats!best | Vooloo17:35
ubottuVooloo: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:35
alilo<alilo> hi, please help i need to install corectly my video card17:35
marcelobazhang: I have no sounds during the game, even if i close the site.17:35
aliloi've 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UniChrome Pro IGP (rev 01)17:35
Vooloosoldats: thats why I said "best", recommend17:35
bazhangmarcelo, sound never works?17:35
rwHi. A question about automounting. How exactly would I let my ntfs partiton (/dec/sda2) and my external hdd (/dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2) automount?17:35
b666mhelp? the command: "cat /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper" says: "alias pci:vxxxxxxxxsvxxxxxsdxxxxxxxxxbc*sc*i* ndiswrapper" about 20 times and not: "alias wlan0 ndiswrapper" as supposed to be?17:35
bazhangVooloo, #ubuntu-bots17:35
soldatsVooloo: its a preference thing, aterm is ok it has thing others dont as well as Eterm. i personally prefer xterm but id suggest testing a few and see what you like17:36
Vooloobazhang: ?17:36
marcelobazhang, it always works, but not after i have opened youtube, or other sound application with my browser.17:36
bazhangVooloo, did you see the link above? that is the channel to ask in not here.17:36
Vooloobazhang: yeah that bot is very reliable with 1 people voting17:37
zetheroobazhang: did you see my last messages?17:37
Vooloosoldats: ok thanks, basically the same terms that existed for several years then heh17:37
bazhangJohn_Doe, in channel please.17:37
marceloi mean, the sounds during the xgalaga session17:37
edmoore_would anyone like to help a new seaman navigate through installing software raid1 on server with LVM?17:37
rwWhat exactly would I type in /etc/fstab?17:37
edmoore_I'm completely new and a bit lost17:37
marcelobazhang,i mean, the sounds during the xgalaga session17:38
alilosome one can help me??17:38
bazhangmarcelo, otherwise sound works then?17:38
redrebelis there a command that will list the status of all the daemons(services) ?17:38
soldatsVooloo: i choose xterm since the others have too much glam and slow the term down on my slower computer, just try aterm Eterm and xterm and see what you like17:38
vordudeMy upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 is hanging.  at "6 minutes remaining"   "Gennerating locales...   en_AU.UTF-8...17:38
redrebeli know in gentoo you do a rc-status17:38
marcelobazhang, yes.17:38
aflooflooif i want to match the literal characters .*\^^*\\..* in a string with regular expression, can i not write it something simpler than to escape each char individually??? \.\*\\\^\^\*\\\\\.\.\* is annoying17:38
aliloi nedd to install my video card17:38
aliloi have an 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UniChrome Pro IGP (rev 01)17:38
John_Doecould somebody please help me to connect to the internet via pci-wireless on my laptop please. using an atheros card.... ty17:39
aliloi can't run compiz or any effect and google earth is too slow17:39
evenflowhi the sound of my ubuntu laptop has for some reason stopped working whats the best way of testing the sound device17:39
rampageoberonHi, can someone help me on how to use apport to automatically report bugs? I changed the setting in /etc/default/apport to 1 but not sure what to do now.17:40
marcelobazhang, any idea?17:42
zetheroobazhang: any ideas why this is happening?17:42
bastid_raZoralilo; check this place :: http://www.tkarena.com/forums/linux-arena/37669-unichrome-pro-igp-drivers-ubuntu-8-04-a.html17:43
bazhangmarcelo, not sure as I have never played that game; is this only with galaga? you may wish to file a bug report if it is.17:44
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verynewis it possible to change permanently language for a single program?17:44
bigjoe4How do I dissable memory test in Ubuntu?17:45
bazhangzetheroo, what extensions do you have for ff; are you running compiz, how many flash tabs open, how much ram; those are some questions you need to provide answers for17:45
marcelobazhang: I will try other games too.17:45
RussianPhysicsGuHi, when I started Ubuntu today, it had reverted to all the default settings present immediately at install. Is there a way to get my settings back, and find out why it did this? Thanks.17:45
hateballverynew: Check the launch options, sometimes you can specify which language you want. Then just adjust the launcher accordingly17:45
zetheroobazhang: I have almost no extensions installed .. sometimes no tabs open ... 2 GB of RAM ...17:46
zetheroobazhang: I think its more of a FF glitch ... no?17:46
Vooloohow do I know if compiz works?17:46
verynewlaunch options, where? (i'm thinking about inkscape)17:46
bazhangzetheroo, hard to say; not heard of this randomness-->is compiz on17:46
zetheroobazhang: yes compiz is always on ...17:47
bastid_raZorVooloo; system>preferences>appearance either the 2nd or 3rd tab is checked17:47
zetheroobazhang: but in Gutsy there was no issue with this17:47
bazhangzetheroo, how many plugins for that17:47
rampageoberonHi, anyone able to guide me doing a bug report using apport?17:47
zetheroobazhang: plugins for compiz?17:47
RageMachineif I have gnome-panel disabled (thus no alt-f2) how can i start a console?17:48
zetheroobazhang: I did not install any additional ones ...17:48
bazhangzetheroo, how many active17:48
amikropHello. I use Ubuntu. Will I have any problems if I get an iPhone (does it require iTunes, or something)?17:48
bastid_raZorrampageoberon; check here :: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport17:48
f190i am having trouble connecting using wireless. the wireless car shows up on network manager, but even when i input my router information, the LED on the card stays red, and i cannot connect. any ideas?17:48
bazhangamikrop, currently does not work directly with ubuntu17:48
zetheroobazhang: ummm.... a fair few ... the same amount that I had active in Gutsy17:48
soundrayamikrop: why don't you go and get your hands cuffed on the same occasion?17:49
Voolooamikrop: yeah need itunes for basically everything17:49
amikropsoundray: Excuse me?17:49
rampageoberonbastid_raZor: I've already looked on there but its not very helpful. I'm using cli to run my application (running as another)17:49
bigjoe4hi, how do I disable memtest86 in ubuntu?17:49
bazhangzetheroo, disable them one by one and see which one is causing this, or disable compiz completely17:49
soundrayamikrop: seriously, if you like the freedom that Ubuntu gives, you won't be happy with what the iPhone does for you.17:49
amikropVooloo: So, what can I do?17:49
amikropsoundray: oh17:49
marcelobazhang: I finished my browser session and the sounds came back when i started a new session to xgalaga!17:49
slaytonbigjoe4, what do you mean by disable?17:49
zetheroobazhang: disabling them one by one would not really help since the problem is really random17:49
Voolooamikrop: VMware with windows XP and itunes maybe :D17:49
soundrayamikrop: http://lwn.net/Articles/292278/17:49
gooHello. I come from OSX, where we have the great blogging app Ecto. In Linux, I have discovered blogtk and drivel, but none of them have the ability to automatically upload images in my blog posts from the local hard drive like Ecto does. Any suggestions for other blogging software included in Ubuntu?17:50
amikropbazhang: Will that change? Can I do something?17:50
slaytonbigjoe4, do you want to remove it from the grub menu?17:50
bazhangmarcelo, so youtube and galaga both want to claim the same sound device17:50
bigjoe4slayton: it came up automatically17:50
zetheroobazhang: and why would this not be an issue in Gutsy with FF 2?17:50
amikropVooloo: Oh. What about wine?17:50
bazhangzetheroo, you are on gutsy with ff2?17:50
soulcha ha ha17:50
Voolooamikrop: maybe17:50
bigjoe4slayton: it has put itself as the default at start up17:50
Voolooamikrop: I didnt try17:50
zetheroobazhang: no.... but in Gusty with FF2 this issue was unknown to me17:51
soulcwhat is the best poll to take?17:51
amikropVooloo: OK17:51
bazhanggoo, blogfire for ff (plugin ) may do that17:51
slaytonbigjoe4, can you get to your grub boot menu?17:51
amikropsoundray: I see.17:51
bazhangzetheroo, then you are on hardy with ff3?17:51
zetheroobazhang: yes17:51
rampageoberonbastid_raZor: is there anything simple that i'm missing?17:51
slaytonbigjoe4, can you select ubuntu from that menu?17:51
bigjoe4slayton: yes17:51
bazhangzetheroo, so what gutsy can or cannot do is irrelevant, correct?17:51
bigjoe4slayton: but I don;t want memtest to be the default17:52
adamcubeHey all! How can I scan for bluetooth devices in Ubuntu 8.04? My dongle is already configured and working properly.17:52
slaytonbigjoe4, right... i get that gimme a second17:52
bigjoe4slayton: thanks17:52
D3RGPS31how can i installed the packages gnome-session and ubuntu-desktop without having to install their extra packages?17:52
goobazhang: aha, great tip. I have been using Safari for so long I have forgotten all about FF and it's plugins.. :)17:52
bazhanggoo nice :)17:53
Bear10How do I open a new session / window in the command prompt?17:53
GleepGlopBear10: ctrl+alt+n17:53
zetheroobazhang: well ... why would Gutsy work fine with FF2 and compiz and all the same things I have working now .... but Hardy with FF3 is giving me this annoying glitch? ... thats why I brought up Gutsy and FF2 ...17:53
RageMachineI've got a question. On boot, i have it set to log me in automatically. I get the nvidia splash, then the colour blue (xubuntu was installed last), then my desktop. how do i change this colour?17:53
bazhangzetheroo, no idea.17:53
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Bear10GeepGlop: well i mean on the server edition, not the gui17:53
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zetheroobazhang: ok ... I just thought maybe there was a fix known or something ... thanks17:54
GleepGlopcrtl+alt+F1 or F217:54
sharperguyhow to i blacklist/unload certain kernel modules?17:54
maybeway36Bear10: try Alt-F1 through Alt-F617:54
meoblast001how do you create aliases in ircd-hybrid?17:54
bastid_raZorrampageoberon; from that page i'm seeing what you're seeing. it only has 4 cli commands17:54
slaytonbigjoe4, at the top of /boot/grub/menu.lst is a field that is default then a number... that number corresponds to the entry that will boot by default....   when you scroll to the bottom of menu.lst you will see 3+ menu entires that all loook very similar... select the one you want, count its position starting with 0 and place that number as the default number at the top of the file17:54
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soundray!blacklist | sharperguy17:54
ubottusharperguy: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »17:54
darthbatordid anyone else happen to have an update sometime yesterday perhaps that broke libxine mp3 support. I noticed that an update removed libxine-ffmpeg from my system. I seem to be unable to install the libxine1-ffmpeg package becasue of the following dependency error....17:54
darthbatorThe following packages have unmet dependencies:17:54
darthbator  libxine1-ffmpeg: Depends: libxine1-bin (= but is to be installed17:54
darthbatorE: Broken packages17:54
FloodBot1darthbator: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:54
Nelson_Apartanyway to display a slash picture at grub?17:54
Starnestommymeoblast001: I don't think hybrid has an alias mechanism17:54
VoolooI remember when I installed linux like 5 years ago, you had to calculate RAM to create your swap... do you still have to do this or will ubuntu handle that for me?17:54
meoblast001Starnestommy: O_o17:54
D3RGPS31How can I install Ubuntu-Desktop & Gnome-Session without installing the extras?17:55
meoblast001Starnestommy: your joking right?17:55
wishiewhat is the cleanest way to make my bash script run on startup, and stop at shutdown ? using /etc/init.d/ ?17:55
DRebellionVooloo, it's all automatic, or you can do it yourself. Your choice.17:55
rbby2when trying to mount a hard disk I get unable to create io-slave unknown protocol ".17:55
maybeway36D3RGPS31: look into gnome-core and ubuntu-artwork17:55
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bigjoe4slayton: Thanks, I will do that now17:55
Starnestommymeoblast001: as far as I know, it doesn't.  I haven't used it for a while, so I'm not entirely sure17:55
rampageoberonbastid_raZor: from what it says it should invoke automatically but i can't see it doing so :(17:55
slaytonok good lcuk17:55
sharperguysoundray, but how do i unload them without rebooting17:55
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Nelson_Apartany ubuntu tutorial website?17:56
soundraysharperguy: 'sudo rmmod modulename' or 'sudo modprobe -r modulename'17:56
bigjoe4slayton: it won't let me save the file17:56
sharperguysoundray, thanks, finally killed that stupid laptop beep noise17:56
D3RGPS31maybeway36: thanks17:56
rbby2when trying to mount a hard disk I get unable to create io-slave unknown protocol ".17:57
ForTiLLiaNIve got a torrentflux setup. I want to share my downloads folder over the my network to copy the files from. The folder is owned by apache (www-data) and i cannot make changes or share the folder. How can i share it?17:57
bigjoe4slayton, it sais "You do not have the necessary permissions to save the file. Please, check that you typed the location correctly and try again."17:57
bastid_raZorrampageoberon; that guide is also severely outdated :\17:58
rampageoberonbastid_raZor: oh17:58
bazhangNelson_Apart, ubuntu-tutorials.com17:58
bazhangNelson_Apart, also see ubuntugeek17:58
maybeway36ForTiLLiaN: can you give it 666 permissions? Not really secure tohugh17:58
soundrayRageMachine: I think that colour is set in /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default17:58
maybeway36or +w17:58
bigjoe4how do I edit a file if it says "You do not have the necessary permissions to save the file. Please, check that you typed the location correctly and try again."17:59
jstarcheris checkinstall no longer used in hardy 8.04?17:59
maybeway36Maybe 77717:59
MiescoI put some stuff on my external HD, cleared it, now it says that there is 30 gigs used on it, but there is nothing on it, how do I delete that?17:59
maybeway36Miesco: There's a program to visually view HD space17:59
maybeway36KDE has fsview17:59
maybeway36GNOME has something else17:59
soundrayjstarcher: why shouldn't it?17:59
ForTiLLiaNIve got the folder on a seperate hard disk, so it would be accessible really outside my network. ill try that17:59
GleepGlopjstarcher: i see it in the repos17:59
legend2440bigjoe4: in terminal type gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst18:00
bastid_raZorrampageoberon; well, it says last updated yesterday.. the info talks about 6.10 and 7.0418:00
maybeway36Miesco: gdmap18:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdmap18:00
jstarcherahh didn't realize it was an extra package, got it thanks :)18:00
bigjoe4legend2440: great, thanks18:00
rampageoberonbastid_raZor: If I explain the problem further will you be able to help?18:00
GleepGlopgdmap - Tool to visualize diskspace18:00
rbby2can someone tell me why when trying to mount a hard disk I get unable to create io-slave unknown protocol ".18:01
bastid_raZorrampageoberon; i don't know anything about apport.18:01
anirudh0is;nt baobab supposed to do that?18:01
anirudh0visualize diskspace18:01
rampageoberonbastid_raZor: Oh okay, thanks anyway. It was just in response to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/22968818:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229688 in ubuntu "Segmentation Fault on inserting a blank disk" [Undecided,Invalid]18:01
GleepGlopgdmap is pretty cool18:02
Picirampageoberon: You may want to try asking in #ubuntu-bugs as well, they should know.18:02
rampageoberonPici: I'll try that, thanks18:02
rbby2can someone tell me why when trying to mount a hard disk I get unable to create io-slave unknown protocol ".18:03
GleepGlopanirudh0: baobab does that too, gdmap just does it differently18:03
MiescoThere is nothing on it18:03
MiescoIs there a way to format a usb drive18:04
darthbatorI can't seem to get libxine1-ffmpeg to install after doing a dist upgrade and now amarok can't play mp3's :( Here is the error message that I am getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/35138/18:04
maybeway36If it's unmounted, then find its /dev/sdxx18:04
maybeway36e.g. /dev/sdb118:04
maybeway36make sure it's the right one first, then mkdosfs on it18:04
maybeway36its dangerous if you mess up, i did once but that's just because of my fault18:05
GleepGlopassuming USB is mounted  as sda  sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sda118:05
michimy tablet isn't working18:05
michiis a x61t18:05
sh4d3-0090whats wrong with it18:05
anirudh0darthbator, check which repo libxine1-bin is from18:05
michiI did already the config in xorg18:05
phantomcircuitI have three partitions, swap root and a ntfs partition, how can I take space fromt he ntfs partition and increase the size of the root partition?18:05
GleepGlopMiesco: you can always use gparted or qtparted to format18:06
maybeway36phantomcircut: GParted all the way18:06
maybeway36form a live cd18:06
michiin the log I get  ttyS0: LSR safety check engaged!18:06
sh4d3-0090sry dunno18:06
MiescoTheres 20 gigs used on this device and there is nothing there18:07
bastid_raZorMiesco; used or not seen? i have a 320G drive that reads as 290G.. that is normal18:08
edmoore__would anyone be able to help me set up software raid1 and lvm on my server install?18:08
Miescobastid_raZor: I dont know18:08
MiescoWhy do I want a msdos filesystem?18:08
GrobvokHow could that be normal?18:09
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RageMachineMiesco: are you sure its not just the conversion factor? is there something you actually put there? where did you get the numbers for how much storage the drive has?18:09
bastid_raZorGrobvok; every drive i've ever bought doesn't show up as exact. some with a wide gap some with not so much18:09
Miescorage: nautalis18:10
bazhangindeed it is normal; and a ##hardware question18:10
RageMachinebastid_raZor: thats the conversion factor. my 1tb drive is actually 93118:10
MiescoHow come it mounts my usb drive to 2 places when I plug it in18:10
RageMachineMiesco: where does it mount them?18:10
GrobvokSome people count 1 MB = 1000 KB and some 1 MB = 1024 KB18:11
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MiescoRageMachine: Well one place now18:11
RageMachineGrobvok, thats what I am saying its the conversion. the latter is computer, the former is usually what you find on the box18:11
pussy16was geht ab?18:11
slaytonOS's and Users count 1MB = 1024 kb.... suppliers and OEMS count 1MB = 1000 KB   its totally a numbers game18:11
slaytonThere have actually been lawsuits over it18:11
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:11
bucky1_can someone send me or pastebin a sources.list file .. i screwed mine up. (hardy 32bit)18:11
bazhangpussy16, ^^18:11
bazhangbucky1_, hang on18:12
bastid_raZorRageMachine; exactly18:12
RageMachineslayton, miesco, grobvok, yep, hence my 1tb drive is really only 931gb18:12
slaytonessentially OEMS want to say drives are bigger then they really are so they use a stupid convention18:12
slaytonRageMachine, Correct18:12
bazhanghttp://aphroneo.net/sources.list bucky1_18:12
slaytonRageMachine, plus some file formats reserve some area so you can't use it.... depending on how the drive is formated you may get more or less space18:12
bucky1_bazhang: thank you very much18:12
RageMachineslayton, yea there is always the format overhead18:12
Vooloowhat is the default root password? it didn't prompt me for it18:12
MiescoI cant use my external hd18:13
bazhangVooloo, on the livecd?18:13
RageMachineMiesco is it usb/firewire/ or esata?18:13
Vooloobazhang: no I just installed18:13
RageMachinedid you mount it?18:13
rkpisanuhow to convert .sub suntitles in .srt subtitles in ubuntu ?18:13
slaytonRageMachine, the conversion is off by roughly 7%... if you look on the box your drive came it it will probably say that 1gb = 1,000,000,000 bytes18:13
bazhangVooloo, there is none, use sudo18:13
slaytonwhich is wrong18:13
Scorp_Vooloo: there's no root password... the only password is ur first id's password18:13
MiescoRageMachine: What filesystem should my usb hd be?18:13
f190ah great, i followed some stupid tutorial for the wireless, and i think i screwed stuff up. any way to undo this: http://knowledge76.com/index.php/Wireless_LED_on_Ubuntu ?18:13
RageMachineslayton, yea i know, lol.18:13
slaytonok sorry18:13
bazhangguys please take hardware chat elsewhere18:13
RageMachineMiesco do you have data on it right now?18:13
Vooloobazhang: ugh18:14
MiescoRageMachine: No, im changing the partition18:14
RageMachineMiesco, might as well go with ext3 then18:14
SoftdelHi guys, question... I have seen someone using Pidgin to send a command to a linux server, and receive the contents of that command back, such as "uptime" anyone know what that app i?18:14
soundrayRageMachine: did you get my earlier reply?18:14
Sylphid|workhow do i uninstall OSS?18:14
RageMachinesoundray, nope >..>18:14
phantomcircuitim having trouble installing virtual box18:14
InnopeorI have an igp 340m (mobility radeon 9200 agp) and i want try to overclock it in Ubuntu. I have downloaded rovclock, it's info output is "Core: 213.75 MHz | Mem: 229.50 MHz", i'm not an expert with overclocking in general, how i can improve core|memory without burn my video card? sorry for my English...18:14
bazhangphantomcircuit, from repos or vbox site18:14
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox18:14
soundrayRageMachine: the presession root colour is set in /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default18:15
bazhangInnopeor, best ask in ##hardware18:15
Warp4heh i prefer vmware myself :)18:15
Vooloowhat if I WANT to use root, is it possible?18:15
phantomcircuitbazhang, repos18:15
trippsfirefox has started crawling as of the last update. running hardy. what has changed? in gmail, for example, it renders each line's "star" icon one at a time down the page rather than all at once. major changes to X or something? tried metacity and compiz - same thing. hardware direct rending is enabled - running ATI restricted drivers.18:15
Warp4Vooloo, run your commands as sudo18:15
soundrayVooloo: sure, you can get a root shell with 'sudo -i'.18:15
RageMachinesoundray, yea i figured out what it was. Its because of xubuntu's settings not ubuntus, i got it all fixed now, though thanks for the help :)18:15
VoolooWarp4: it gets tedious in the long run18:15
phantomcircuitthe one in repos appears to be for  2.6.24-20 but im at 2.6.24-1918:15
soundrayVooloo: it's better to prepend your commands with sudo individually, though18:15
GleepGlopVooloo: or sudo su18:15
Clint-VooLoo just use sudo18:15
VoolooI mean su, not sudo18:15
bazhangphantomcircuit, the ose? what error are you getting? the one about not being in the correct group or other18:15
RageMachineVooloo, you can login as root. but thats usually a bad idea18:16
soundray!rootshell | GleepGlop18:16
ubottuGleepGlop: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)18:16
Warp4Vooloo, just assign your root user a password and use su18:16
VoolooRageMachine: I mean su18:16
Sylphid|workVooloo, sudo -i or sudo su18:16
sandkopive installed ubuntu on a pendrive grub starts from the pendrive but it gives me an error that says it cannot mount the partition--- how do i do that?18:16
phantomcircuitbazhang, the kernel driver isnt loaded18:16
GleepGlopYou really shouldn;t run  sudo su though18:16
soundray!rootshell | Sylphid|work18:16
ubottuSylphid|work: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)18:16
GleepGlopi know18:16
MiescoHow come when I format my usb drive to ext3 it says its using 1 gig18:17
tsuna27why should I use linux18:17
wishieok, so ive got my script running on boot, by using rc.local ... but how can i run 'myscript stop' or reboot/shutdown ?18:17
Scorp_tsuna27: Cuz u want to change to something better to use than windows...18:17
soundraytsuna27: this channel is more about the How than the Why. Perhaps ask in #ubuntu-offtopic18:17
bazhangtsuna27, best to chat elsewhere; #ubuntu-offtopic is a nice place18:17
phantomcircuitbazhang, installing virtualbox-ose-modules-generic fails because linux-image-2.6.24-20-generic doesnt exist in the repos18:17
phantomcircuitbazhang, what is the current kernel version?18:18
SoftdelHi guys, question... I have seen someone using Pidgin to send a command to a linux server, and receive the contents of that command back, such as "uptime" anyone know what that app is?18:18
=== waan is now known as Guest64955
Scorp_Hey guys, am using X IRC Chat rite now... is there a better IRC Client than this ???18:18
GrobvokSoftdel: probably a plugin.18:18
rampageoberonSoftdel: you need to install /exec plugins18:18
MiescoScorp_: no18:18
Clint-Scorp_, Naw18:18
Warp4Scorp_, no18:19
Scorp_kk.. Thanks..!!18:19
wishieisnt that a matter of personal opinion ?18:19
Sylphid|workhow do i uninstall OSS?18:19
Scorp_so all you guys using X irc ??18:19
Clint-wishie, i dont think so18:19
bastid_raZorScorp_; irssi is a decent client. terminal based18:19
Clint-Scorp_, i Normally use BitchX18:19
Warp4Sylphid|work, OSS?18:19
wishieClint-: so the fact that i cant stand Xchat, means i should still think its the best ?18:19
MiescoIm using x-chat18:19
Sylphid|workWarp4, the sound system18:19
Warp4depends on if you need to be in a gui or not18:19
SoftdelX-Chat is pretty good18:19
bazhangphantomcircuit, what does uname -r say18:19
SoftdelI use either that or some terminal IRC's18:20
wishiei use irssi in a translarent terminal, in X18:20
Warp4Sylphid|work, how did you install it to begin with?18:20
qt-xhy all18:20
Sylphid|workWarp4, its installed by default18:20
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wishieok, so ive got my script running on boot, by using rc.local ... but how can i run 'myscript stop' or reboot/shutdown ?18:20
Grobvok"virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-20-generic" is in there, too.18:21
PiciScorp_: To name a few of the more popular irc clients: Xchat, xchat-gnome, kopete, konversation, irssi18:21
Scorp_Pici: thanks...!! Thats wat i was looking for maybe... Thanks alot18:21
rwHi. I just removed pcmanfm and install the pcmanfm version from getdeb. The program is listed as "pcmanfm" in synaptic. When I try to launch it it says "file does not exist". What's wrong?18:21
Clint-wishie,  Does your script run then close and launch a process?18:21
Warp4Sylphid|work, trying removing it using apt-get remove (or if using a GUI, try Synaptic)18:21
* phantomcircuit installs virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-19-generic18:22
Sylphid|workWarp4, tried that but i cant seem to locate the OSS package18:22
GrobvokAfter you install the module, you need to add yourself to the "vboxusers" group.18:22
qt-xif chkrootkit return permission denide for some file dose that mean that I have a rootkit ?18:22
wishieClint-: i wrote a small bash script that monitors my wifi connection, and mounts my network drives for me.. i background it at boot time, and it runs well.. but i need to execute 'myscript stop' when shutting down/18:22
bastid_raZorthe current kernel is 2.6.24-19 correct?18:23
waanCan anyone help me reinstall my bootloader, my install failed halfway through and now I cannot boot grub18:23
Clint-wishie, I understand what you mean i made a stop.sh script and just run it before i shutdown18:23
Grobvokbastid_raZor: type 'uname -r'18:23
Clint-wishie,  Basically i grep the pid of the procs i want then kill them18:23
GrobvokIn a terminal, that is :D18:23
bastid_raZorGrobvok; i know what kernel i have18:23
soundraybastid_raZor: no, -20 is out18:23
wishieClint-: thats what i do, sort of.. i have 'wifimount' (my script) which takes an optional 'stop' argument.. which kills itself.18:24
bastid_raZorsoundray; from a normal aptitude update process when will that be released to masses?18:24
wishiehmm, i could use init.d instead of rc.local i guess18:24
Mark_vHanyone ever had a problem that ubuntu hardy gives a black screen when you run the live cd?18:24
Clint-wishie,  i got ya hrmm your gonna need to find a file that is run on shutdown to put your stop commands in i would assume18:24
soundraybastid_raZor: oops, did I just say that?18:24
edmooreanyone at all have any experience setting up lvm on RAID?18:24
waanMark_vH, I have that problem on my notebook18:25
bastid_raZorsoundray; i must be hearing things18:25
Mark_vHwaan: i'm running it on a Fujitsu Amilo L 682018:25
wishieMark_vH: tried the alternate cd ?18:25
phantomcircuitthe package is assuming that you have the latest kernel installed18:25
soundraybastid_raZor: I installed a third-party kernel yesterday that was based on -20... let me check proposed18:25
Mark_vHwaan, any idea on how to fix it?18:25
wishieMark_vH: my mates laptop wont boot/install with the 'live cd'18:25
phantomcircuitbut i am a single revision behind so it didnt work18:25
wishieMark_vH: but it installs fine with the 'alternate' cd18:25
DeeJayTwoI'm running 8.04 and openoffice recently started with broken fonts..18:26
Mark_vHwishie: so the alternate cd does work? weird18:26
DeeJayTwoI mean.. The File menu...every menu...18:26
DeeJayTwoWith weird symbols18:26
bastid_raZorsoundray; i tend to not muck with the kernel for any reason. safe is better than bleeding edge18:26
waanMark_vH, you could try the alt cd, or text based installer18:26
Mark_vHwishie: what's so alternat about it? (besides it working)18:26
waanAny grub experts here?18:26
wishieMark_vH: well, it doesnt have the 'live' part, and its a text based installer18:26
Scorp_waan, wat help do u want ???18:26
phantomcircuiti love how windows xp sp3 is 15 GB all by itself18:26
Clint-I would suggest text based18:26
phantomcircuitand ubuntu with a crap ton of programs is < 518:26
soundraybastid_raZor: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/ has -20, but it doesn't seem to be on general release yet18:27
Mark_vHwishie: thanks, i'll try that cd instead18:27
waanScorp_, my bootloader was removed after my ubuntu install failed, i've tried some commands in grub but cant get it back18:27
RageMachineIs there any downside to using alt-ctrl-backspace to end a session? I want to use awn-dock only,but the logout applet doesnt work currently.18:27
parkinhow do you make a linuxsystem to send local mails to an external adress?18:27
RageMachinewann, you could try #grub for help too18:27
salmonhey quick question. how would one go about changing the rain drop thingy in compfiz to something else. like falling leaves pre-say?18:27
Warp4parkin, how do you mean?18:28
bastid_raZorRageMachine; i used AWN for ages then i found Cairo-Dock18:28
waanRageMachine, i will thanks18:28
GleepGlopfinally got Last.fm svn source to compile. ugh18:28
bazhangsalmon, may wish to ask the experts in compiz channel for that18:28
Picisalmon: Thats definitely a question for #compiz-fusion  They'd know alot better than us.18:28
RageMachinebastid_raZor, that didnt answer the quest, lol.18:28
RageMachinebastid_raZor, that didnt answer the question**, lol.18:28
bastid_raZorRageMachine; it wasn't meant to.18:28
qt-xwhat  /home/user/.gvfs do ?18:28
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RageMachinebastid_raZor: well, now that your talking to me you better answer! :P18:29
naxxtorqt-x: store files i guess ....18:29
naxxtorqt-x: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GVFS ?18:29
soundrayRageMachine: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace kills all your running programs without giving them or you a chance to save open files.18:29
RageMachinesoundray :/18:29
Stormx2Hi everyone! What program can I use to burn a DVD. Not an image, not files, an actual video DVD18:29
m4lmsteenim looking at my harddrive space... it says 284 gigs total... 280 gigs free... but only 266 gigs available... what gives ?18:30
soundrayRageMachine: it can be more or less of a problem, depending on which packages you use.18:30
Picim4lmsteen: devede is one such program.18:30
Clint-Stormx2, You can use nero18:30
Stormx2Clint-, is that hard to install?18:30
m4lmsteenPici, what ?18:30
Clint-Stormx2,  sudo apt-get install nero18:30
Siph0nStormx2, what format is the video in now? an iso image? or the audio/video folders?18:30
empirichi all guys for some reasons i am going to install MS office 2003 on ubuntu 7.04 thriugh wine its my boss who needs so any idea it seems very slow working why?18:30
bastid_raZorStormx2; k3b works well for me.18:30
Scorp_ waan, sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/root /dev/hda .... use this command to reinstall grub... and set the root directory to ur default directory18:30
Picim4lmsteen: Sorry, wrong person.18:30
m4lmsteenoh ok18:30
Stormx2Siph0n: It's a .avi unfortunately18:30
waanScorp_, ok i'll try that out18:31
Clint-Stormx2, your gonna need to either use some old school linux converting progs or install wine and use Convertx to dvd by vso soft18:31
bastid_raZorStormx2; you'll have to convert it to dvd format to actually play on a dvd player.. that is an entirely different process18:31
Siph0nStormx2, so you would have to convert it to a dvd, than burn it, i would think? maybe convert it to an iso, than burn it as an image using gnomebaker?18:31
PiciStormx2: devede can turn video files into dvd images, I'm not sure what formats it supports though.18:31
RageMachineempiric, check winehq to see the status, that site usually tells you how to go about getting it to work as best as possible. Is open office really not an option?18:31
Clint-Pici, it doesnt support avi18:32
Stormx2Thanks everyone!18:32
empiricam working perfectly ok with open office but my boss say if u need ubuntu then do ms office on my laptop18:32
Stormx2I'll give devede a try I think18:32
m4lmsteenwhere is my invisible harddrive space ?18:32
m4lmsteenim looking at my harddrive space... it says 284 gigs total... 280 gigs free... but only 266 gigs available... what gives ?18:32
Scorp_ hey guys, is there a way to select the default sound output ?? as in, i'm using the default laptop speakers as well as the USB speakers at times... How do i toggle between the two ???18:33
waanScorp_, which device should I set it to, I have sda with 5 partitions?18:33
Starnestommym4lmsteen: some of it may be swap or it could be a counting error18:33
Clint-m4lmsteen, It is system files etc a hard drive never shows exactly the right space18:33
Scorp_waan: which is the one where the home directory is located ?? the partition where ubuntu is installed ??? its usually sda118:33
m4lmsteenoh ok18:33
EdijusXPCan someone pm me who knows about ubuntu and writing DVDs18:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about subtitles18:34
Clint-EdijusXP, if you ask here we will help you18:34
bastid_raZorm4lmsteen; i noticed in 8.04 that gvfs-fuse-daemon likes to take about the same size as /18:34
bazhangEdijusXP, might look at devede18:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about subs18:34
Clint-EdijusXP, if your looking to add subtitles take a look at a windows program called vobsub18:34
Clint-Runs fine on wine18:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about movie18:35
Scorp_ hey guys, I need help regarding the sound output selection using ALSA !!!18:35
Stormx2!msgthebot | rkpisanu18:35
ubotturkpisanu: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.18:35
Myrtti!lastlog rkpisanu18:35
ubottuMyrtti: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:35
EdijusXPClint-: I want install Ubuntu and xp in the same comp. i wonder how much space i need for ubuntu if i want burn DVDs.18:35
waanScorp_, it isn't installed because the installer fails, i'm trying to boot back into windows to do an "in windows" install using wubi18:35
bazhangrkpisanu, best to /msg ubottu18:35
empiricRageMachine do 8.04 is ok or 7.0418:35
pulse00hi all. quick question: when directory permissions look like "drwxrwsr-x 7 www-data subversion"  , shouldn't be all users in the "subversion" group be able to write to the folder ?18:35
Myrttirkpisanu: try what "aptitude search subtitle" gives18:35
rkpisanuok, sorry18:35
Myrttirkpisanu: plenty of programs, perhaps some of them can18:36
rkpisanuthanks Myrtti18:36
Scorp_waan: u need to use the windows Master Boot Record installer then... Try googling it... Reinstalling Windows Boot record..18:36
bazhangHexacoder_, do you have a question18:36
Hexacoder_nope thnx18:36
Clint-EdijusXP, the ubuntu install isnt that large. If you have never used ubuntu or not experienced with it before you dual boot i would suggest using wmware workstation and run a vitural ubuntu machine for testing18:36
Stormx2pulse00: Yeah18:36
mifritscheris that normal that a normal user can't open ttyS0 despite its in dialout?18:36
waanScorp_, righty o18:36
pulse00Stormx2, i thought so too. however i get a "permission denied" when trying to write a file there18:37
jazzkutyamy ff says 2 new addons have been installed...18:37
EdijusXPClint-: I do not want VM. I need winxp and ubuntu installed in.18:37
Hexacoder_do u know a software that i can install on imate kja18:37
Stormx2pulse00, I don't know then :/18:37
Clint-mifritscher, If you look in the user and group editor the ability to send faxes is locked you need to enable it18:37
pulse00Stormx2, do you know how i can check which groups a user is in ?18:37
jazzkutyais this an automatic update? then why does it say install...18:37
jazzkutyaor a new install, but then who told it to install...18:37
mifritscherClint: its the group dialout, right?18:37
soundrayEdijusXP: give the system 3GB if all you want to do is burn DVDs, plus space for the content18:38
Clint-mifritscher, If you give me a sec ill check but i belive so18:38
Stormx2pulse00: System > Administration > Users?18:38
Stormx2I don't know.18:38
Stormx2I need to go anyway18:38
soundrayEdijusXP: you can get by with less if you have to18:38
Stormx2Thanks for all the help :)18:38
EdijusXPsoundray: So, how big partition must be?18:38
Scorp_waan: the command is fixmbr18:38
rkpisanuit is possible to undelete a file deleted ?18:38
Hexacoder_bazhang:  do u know something to install on i mate kjam18:38
Stormx2rkpisanu: Depends on the filesystem18:38
soundrayEdijusXP: 3GB18:38
mifritscherClint: there is bove a group fax and dialout18:38
bazhangHexacoder_, what is that18:38
mifritscher(but ttySS0 belongs to dialout)18:38
Stormx2if it's ext3, probably not. Not without a big hassle.18:38
Clint-Yes mifritscher  its the checkbox that says send and recieve faxes18:38
rkpisanuStormx2, ntfs18:39
Hexacoder_i mean PDA18:39
EdijusXPsoundray: Thank you for answer.18:39
Clint-mifritscher, thats weird18:39
waanScorp_, I don't have a cdrom drive by the way, which is why im in this live system heh18:39
bastid_raZorpulse00; in a terminal type groups username18:39
waanScorp_, i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place18:39
pulse00bastid_raZor, thanks a lot18:39
EdijusXPsoundray: So, Do I need type 3072 for partition size?18:39
wishiehmm, how to start a script, and have it background itself..18:39
Clint-waan, you can install via usb18:39
Clint-wishie,  you could always screen it18:40
pulse00bastid_raZor, should't user foo be in group bar with the following command: "addgroup foo bar" ?18:40
naruttebayoHi. I've been trying to reinstall ubuntu but for some reason the LiveCD will not boot. It gets to the first menu and when I select "Boot from Live CD" it freezes. I've also tried booting two other Debian-based LiveCDs, Linux Mint and gOS, but both have the same glitch. However, Puppy Linux and SliTaz both boot fine.18:40
bastid_raZorpulse00; yes if you do it with sudo18:40
waanClint-, I've been trying for about 3 hours, It says there is an error while copying files. I've tried modifying files and reformatting the drive18:40
Stormx2rkpisanu: Install ntfsprogs. That contains the app "ntfsundelete" :)18:40
ActionParsniphey all18:40
pulse00bastid_raZor, i'm doing it as root18:40
mifritscherClint-:  didn't help18:40
Scorp_waan: what do u wana do ?? repair to windows or ubuntu ????18:40
Clint-naruttebayo, try the alternative cd18:41
pulse00bastid_raZor, strange, i needed to reboot to make the permissions work18:41
Clint-mifritscher, weird im not sure m818:41
soundrayEdijusXP: yes, or make it a bit bigger if you think you might install other software in the future & you have room18:41
waanScorp_, I'm trying to get ubuntu installed, but that failed after my efforts so I was trying to get back into windows. But my main goal is ubuntu18:41
rkpisanuthanks Stormx218:41
bastid_raZorpulse00; oh, you didn't need to reboot just start a new terminal.18:41
Clint-waan, =/ sorry to hear that18:41
deepfriedsquirreI've got a directx install window that won't go away18:42
EdijusXPNew one question:  does ubuntu 8.04 supports wireless? I have advent 7204 laptop.18:42
waanIt's ok i'm just in a console trying to figure out why the installer fails18:42
Scorp_waan: use the liveCd to format a partition and install ubuntu fresh...18:42
psycoldany 1 use fusion-icon on ubuntu 8.0418:42
deepfriedsquirrepkill wine didn't work for me :-(18:42
waanScorp_,  no cdrom drive18:42
deepfriedsquirreAny ideas on how to kill it?18:42
Clint-deepfriedsquirre, in a terminal type ps aux find the pid of the window and then kill -9 pid#18:42
gjr5017is there a way to make Banshee monitor my music folder instead of needing to add all my music manually?18:42
bastid_raZordeepfriedsquirre; sudo killall wine18:42
waanI thought installing from usb would be a doddle18:42
Clint-where pid# is just put the #18:42
Scorp_waan: u can copy the installer to a pen drive and run it from there...18:43
Clint-waan, I had issues with it also18:43
Stormx2deepfriedsquirre: Wine programs seem to show up now as the actual executable's name, like setup.exe18:43
deepfriedsquirreThank you bo0th18:43
Stormx2Rather than wine.18:43
bastid_raZordeepfriedsquirre; ps aux|grep wine    to be more specific on that one.18:43
Stormx2I *think*18:43
codazodaI'm using gedit, with the "External Tools" plugin.  If I use the "Selected word" plugin, it uses underscore as a word seperator.  So, mysql_array is not one word.  Any way to fix that?18:43
waanScorp_, Clint-, I'm currently running live system from usb drive18:43
waanScorp_, Clint-, Trying to get the system installed18:43
waanwith no MBR18:43
VoolooI have trouble getting my wireless working, in the upper right corner it says 93%, but when I right click and choose "Connection Information" there is no IP from my routers DHCP... and I can't ping the router IP either18:44
deepfriedsquirreClint-: Your method worked nicely. Thanks18:44
Clint-deepfriedsquirre, no problem18:44
XiXaQcan someone tell me whether or not I should be able to use a wlan driver for Windows Vista in Ubuntu using ndiswraper?18:44
Clint-XiXaQ, yes use ndiswrapper or madwifi18:44
furenkuwhy must I run Jack as root in order for it to load the driver "firewire" correctly? otherwise i get18:44
Scorp_waan:  cant u use the install icon on the desktop.. ???18:44
waanScorp_, Clint-, I've tried mounting the iso directly to /media/cdrom but that doesn't seem to work18:44
waanScorp_, Yes but the installer fails at 55% (Failed to copy files to hard disk)18:45
XiXaQClint-, thanks. I did install a gui for ndiswrapper, which seems very plain and simple. I then downloaded the driver, and selected it in that gui, but it sais the device isn't present. However, it's built-in..18:45
XiXaQany ideas?18:45
waanScorp_, I copied all the files from the root of the cd onto the stuck18:45
bazhangpolishpaul, dont paste that here18:45
Scorp_waan: Ohh... Can u not possibly take a CD Drive for sometime just to install Ubuntu and then give it back ?? a friend or some1 else ???18:46
polishpaulbezhang, its relevant to the kill -9 question :)18:46
Clint-XiXaQ,  i assume your talking about a wireless card ?18:46
bazhangpolishpaul, no.18:46
XiXaQVooloo, your router is configured for DHCP? Do you use encryption on it, like wpa or wep and have you provided it to network manager?18:46
polishpaulmy bad18:46
XiXaQClint-, a built-in wlan adapter, yes.18:46
* Softdel is back18:46
VoolooXiXaQ: yes I entered the passphrase etc.18:47
waanScorp_, Yes thats possible I have one down the hall, but I really want to get this working via USB, so I can do it next time. And also for the knowledge18:47
Clint-XiXaQ,  open terminal and type ifconfig ath018:47
Clint-XiXaQ, see what it gives you18:47
VoolooXiXaQ: shouldnt there be a dhcp client installed in ubuntu?18:47
XiXaQVooloo, you don't get any errors? Perhaps you should just wait a while. A couple of minutes at least.18:47
Clint-Vooloo, you still need your router to assign the ip or you manually have to set it18:47
EdijusXPNew one question:  does ubuntu 8.04 supports wireless? I have advent 7204 laptop.18:47
XiXaQVooloo, yes. There is.18:47
VoolooXiXaQ: did18:47
=== lot is now known as lot`
Clint-EdijusXP, yes im on a toshiba right now18:47
Scorp_waan: Maybe u can just install the computer wid a CD first and then use the USB the second.. I would always love to have a Running PC before fiddling with it18:47
VoolooClint-: thats what dhcp does..18:47
Clint-EdijusXP, atheros shipset18:47
VoolooXiXaQ: typing dhcp <tab> in terminal doesnothing18:48
XiXaQEdijusXP, it supports wireless. However, not all drivers can be supported or distributed.18:48
EdijusXPClint-: it was not working for me18:48
Voolooor well it does as root18:48
XiXaQVooloo, sounds reasonable.18:48
waanScorp_, yes I think I might have to, but I know there are other people out there who don't have cd drives, and the getting this to work would be really great.18:48
Vooloobut it still assigns no ip..18:49
EdijusXPXiXaQ: i'm on windows only becouse i cant connect to internet using linux.18:49
waanScorp_, do you think it would be worth trying the text instaler?18:49
Clint-waan, its worth a try18:49
soundraywaan: when it stops copying at 55% there's something wrong with your media18:49
XiXaQEdijusXP, doesn't work, isn't working, etc, doesn't mean anything. If you go to a doctor, you wouldn't say, "I don't work properly, what's wrong?". You'd explain your symptoms.18:49
Clint-XiXaQ,  +p18:49
Clint-err =P18:49
Scorp_waan: I believe its probably an error with the files u have on ur USB... Maybe a redownload and then install using the USB should help18:50
waansoundray, it's a usb stick, which im currently booted off18:50
Scorp_waan:  Cuz the installer rarely stops midways... try ubuntu ultimate maybe...18:50
waanI could try a second thumb drive18:50
EdijusXPXiXaQ: it tries connect, but it stucks18:50
soundray!ultimate | Scorp_18:50
ubottuScorp_: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate18:50
Scorp_waan:  or download from a diff source and then install that... torrents or another server...18:50
Clint-waan, Question are you using usb 1.0 or 2.218:50
Scorp_soundray: I dont want any support or anything regarding it.. just gave a suggestion...18:51
waanNot really an option, I can only get files from my mirror18:51
Altreus-workI have: Hardy, wine, wow, teamspeak. I can't get the latter to work together whether I use the windows or the nix version of TS, and I have heard talk of a wine patch that will help, but I can't find it because I don't know what I'm looking for. Any ideas?18:51
XiXaQEdijusXP, are you able to connect to the wlan using another pc or another operating system on the same machine?18:51
=== Altreus-work is now known as Altreus
waanClint-, how do I tell that?18:51
soundrayScorp_: please don't suggest ultimate here, unless you're prepared to personally provide support for it18:51
soundraywaan: I mean your install media18:51
EdijusXPXiXaQ: the same pc on windows18:51
waanClint-, hardware is usb218:51
Clint-waan, ok just checking18:51
XiXaQEdijusXP, what kind of encryption does the network use?18:52
waanClint-, it's a 1gb kingston thumb drive18:52
Yonderinghello.. using ubunt 8.04, 64-bit.. first time I installed on this pc, the adobe flash player auto installed when I tried to watch something at youtube.. now it won't do that after a reinstall (formatted / and reinstalled, ran updates).  Any ideas?18:52
Scorp_soundray: I only suggested because its based totally on ubuntu... Its not really an outparty stuff.. I cant believe an open community could have such an issue...!!!18:52
XiXaQYondering, why are you using 64bit?18:52
Yonderingmy /home partition is still intact.18:52
Clint-waan, Yea mabey try to re write the files to the thumbdrive or try a diff thumbdrive18:52
soundrayScorp_: it's in the interest of keeping this channel useful for Ubuntu and official derivatives.18:52
EdijusXPXiXaQ: wep (hex) wpa psk18:52
YonderingXiXaQ, umm.. 64 bit pc?18:53
Scorp_soundray: Sorry..!!18:53
XiXaQEdijusXP, if you disable encryption on the router, does it work?18:53
soundrayYondering: get it with 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'18:53
waanClint-, soundray, Is there a way I can verify my ISO's integrity?18:53
Yonderingsoundray, thanks.. will try that.. (again)..18:53
Clint-waan, there is a way but i have no clue how to do it in linux18:53
EdijusXPXiXaQ: i have not tried or i do not remember18:53
soundraywaan: there is a boot option18:53
XiXaQYondering, that makes no difference. It's a very common misconception. Ubuntu 32bit not only works on 64bit CPUs, it's the preferred version.18:53
YonderingXiXaQ, why?18:53
waansoundray, unfortunately I cant boot from it18:53
waanAnyway I will have to grab a CDrom drive it looks like18:54
Stormx2XiXaQ, speak for yourself. I use 64 bit and it's faster and I can see all my RAM.18:54
XiXaQYondering, Flash, for instance, is proprietary. Since 64bit OSes are less common, it will receive less attention.18:54
Clint-waan, if you live in the usa east coast ill send ya 5 or 6 of them if you would like18:54
soundray!md5 | waan18:54
ubottuwaan: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:54
Stormx2XiXaQ, the 32bit version of flash runs with in nswrapper (or whatever it's called)18:54
Stormx2XiXaQ, it's no issue installing flash on 64 bit in hardy. It's a single apt get and it works.18:55
YonderingXiXaQ, that's not a bad point, however - if we're all happy with 32-bit, 64 bit will recieve no attention, period.18:55
XiXaQYondering, you'll want to stick with 32bit Ubuntu unless you know why you don't want to. To be more spesific, you'll want to stick with 32bit unless a single application in your system needs to use more than 4GB RAM.18:55
waanThankyou I will try that18:55
Scorp_How to check my system's bit version ? if it is 32 bit or 64 bit ???18:55
Beta-guyI just installed Linux on a laptop,  however I noticed it's not benchmarking as high as it did under Windows I suspect this is due to speedstep, is there a application in Ubuntu that let's me set the speed the CPU is supposed to run at?18:55
Clint-uanme -a18:55
Clint-uname -a18:55
RussianPhysicsGuHi all, I was forced to force a shutdown of my computer with the power button today, and when I rebooted, Ubuntu had reverted to all the default settings with which it had been installed. Any way to bring back my settings? Thanks...18:55
XiXaQStormx2, yes, but still, it's more complicated than simply running 32bit ubuntu.18:55
Stormx2How so?18:55
soundrayYondering: I fully support your position. I use 64 bit whereever possible. The only trouble left is java in the browser -- this will be gone when intrepid is out.18:56
achilleasDo all official versions of ubuntu share the shame package repositories ??18:56
Stormx2You can use apt-get for both 32 bit and 64 bit.18:56
Oioi :o18:56
XiXaQStormx2, most people assume you're using 32bit. Not all applications, specially proprietary, will not run on 32bit.18:56
Stormx2XiXaQ, what applications?18:56
Stormx2Aside from Java.18:56
Stormx2Flash is sorted because it's contained.18:56
XiXaQStormx2, google earth, second life, etc?18:56
achilleasDo all official ubuntu derivatives share the shame package repositories ?????18:57
Stormx2Wine runs 32 bit apps fine in 64 bit ubuntu :/18:57
soundrayXiXaQ: googleearth runs fine here on 6418:57
Dexikiixanyone know that command to get all the files required to build a specific program?18:57
Dexikiixi think it was build-dep or something18:57
EdijusXPXiXaQ: How can I disable encryption?18:57
Stormx2Dexikiix, absolutely right.18:57
XiXaQStormx2, the point is that there are no great advantages for a normal user to use 64bit, but there are some problems once in a while. It isn't worth it unless you know why it's worth it.18:57
DexikiixStormx2: know the exact syntax18:57
XiXaQEdijusXP, depends on your router.18:57
Beta-guyis there a speedstep program for Ubuntu?18:57
Stormx2Dexikiix: sudo apt-get build-dep whatever18:57
Dexikiixthanks Stormx218:57
soundrayDexikiix: 'apt-get build-dep sourcepackagename'18:57
achilleas????? Do ubuntu and kubuntu share the shame package repositories ?????18:58
EdijusXPXiXaQ: I have speedtouch thomson st585 v618:58
Stormx2achilleas, yes.18:58
Dexikiixthats gonna save me a lot of time when i compile funpidgin again :p18:58
soundrayachilleas: yes18:58
achilleasty :)18:58
Stormx2beat you soundray :O18:58
* soundray cringes under Stormx2's weight18:58
polishpaulafter running: update-rc.d ssh remove, i get = /etc/init.d/ssh exists during rc.d purge any ideas?18:58
XiXaQEdijusXP, sorry. It's outside the scope of the channel, and you'd probably figure it out way faster than I could, since I don't have access.18:58
Dexikiixhey... random question18:58
Stormx2soundray, oh jog on :(18:59
Dexikiixdo you guys pronounce it SuDOO or SuDoh18:59
Dexikiixdew or dough18:59
soundrayStormx2: sorry :)18:59
Stormx2Sue - Doh18:59
=== Webspot_ is now known as Webspot
XiXaQEdijusXP, somewhere in your routers configuration webapp, there should be an option to choose encryption method. It should also provide a "no encryption" option.18:59
Stormx2(i.e. sue dough)18:59
EdijusXPXiXaQ: Would be VNC enought?18:59
Dexikiixyeah i've always thought it was like pseudo :p18:59
XiXaQEdijusXP, or something similar.18:59
Dexikiixbut if the do means literally "do" then it should be the other way19:00
vipacaI can't get virtualbox to work because when I issue sudo gpasswd -a `whoami` vboxusers it doesnot add me to the group?19:00
Stormx2That's what it does mean, but you can pronounce acronyms however :O19:00
Clint-vipaca, Are you using a gui you can use the users and groups manager19:00
XiXaQEdijusXP, that would have made it technically possible, but I don't have the time. I'm sure you will figure it out. Read your routers manual, or just explore it's interface. Have you used it before?19:00
EdijusXPXiXaQ: OK. Thanks again, I will try when I have Ubuntu installed.19:01
XiXaQEdijusXP, good luck, and have fun :)19:04
waanScorp_, I can't find the .gpg file19:04
schmick_Hi there!.. has anyone had problems with a pppoe through ADSL with this symptoms? ->After a while, connection stays alive but cannot resolve any hosts. Ping works, but plog returns blank.19:04
polishpaulsu doh19:04
waansoundray, I can't find the .gpg file19:05
Riottacan you recommend me something good to play midi files ?19:05
waansoundray, ohh nevermind got it19:05
Clint-Riotta, I personally use vlc media player for everything19:05
Riottadidn't know that vlc support midi format19:06
Clint-Riotta, sudo apt-get install vlc19:06
Clint-Riotta,  it accually supports every fileformat i have ever thrown at it19:06
MrPicklecan somebody help me with compiling my very first program?19:07
Clint-MrPickle, Ask your question we will help you19:07
MrPicklecool...basically Ive got this program [didn't write it- downloaded from gnomefiles.org or something]. Ive got it ready to compile, but the 'make' fucntion doesnt seem to work19:08
offlinehi all19:08
Clint-MrPickle, try gmake19:08
offlinecan i make partition on disk from ubuntu live cd ?19:08
waanClint-, Ok I have verified the iso file, and its good19:08
GleepGlopMrPickle: did you run ./configure19:08
yaazelHello I just now installed UBUNTU 8.0. I'm a new user. While installing it didn't ask me for any kind of root password19:08
polishpaulschmick_: cat /etc/resolv.conf ?19:08
=== aaron is now known as TheComrade
Clint-waan, Then i would say it might be the usb drive19:09
waanClint-, guess that means to try copying the files from the thumb drive19:09
polishpaulschmick_: dig <domain name> or nslookup <domian name> ?19:09
naxxtorergh - i'm having problems compiling the alsa modules19:09
Myrtti!root | yaazel19:09
ubottuyaazel: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:09
naxxtormake is giving me remarkably unhelpful errors19:09
kahrytanWhat does pciutil do?19:09
bastid_raZoryaazel; it isn't going to. use sudo to access root privileges19:09
MrPicklegleepglop, yeah and there werent any errors on that. The next step after that in the readme that came with this just says to use the command "make depend; make"19:09
minimaxI'm having a problem with jackd, required for rosegarden19:09
s`syaazel: of course, you can also use your user account to give a password to root, if you really want to19:10
naxxtorhttp://pastebin.com/d6d7b8cd2 <-- make Error 2 when trying to compile alsa modules19:10
minimaxI start the servers manually. Alsa crackles so much it's unusable, OSS works but it still crackles a lot19:10
GleepGlopMrPickle: what app is it?19:10
offlinehoe can make partition on disk from ubuntu cd ?19:10
Myrttiyaazel: however, if you decide to enable root password, you're pretty much on your own19:10
kahrytanWhat does pciutils do?19:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pciutils19:11
minimaxI think I know why I can't run it as root, though. 2 versions of Timidity19:11
MrPicklegleepglop: its called "crossfire", some kind of an  rpg client. not all that sure what or why im doing with it [ive had ubuntu for a good solid 32 hours]19:12
kahrytanGleepGlop»  nice try.19:12
waanClint-, what do you think would be the next step if it isn't the usb drive?19:12
GleepGlopkahytan: nice try on what?19:12
waanClint-, because bad news, the usb stick is fine19:13
kahrytanWhat does pciutils do?19:13
Clint-waan,  hrmm im honestly nto sure19:13
GleepGlopMrPickle: crossfire is in the repos19:13
paolo_how do I copy "cp -a / /mnt/tmp" so that it wouldn't copy /mnt/tmp into itself?19:13
MrPicklegleepglop, whatchoo talkin bout, willis?19:14
Clint-MrPickle, You can install it using in terminal sudo apt-get install crossfire19:14
Sprax_Hi, wierd problem: why on earth can I connect to apache when as far as I can tell it's not running? "... -k stop" for instance gives me: httpd (no pid file) not running. It's a ... ghost??19:14
Clint-it will install compile and config automatically19:14
GleepGlopMrPickle: is it called crossfire-client ?19:14
MrPickleclint, ill give that a try19:14
MrPicklegleepglop, yeah19:14
GleepGlopPCIUTILS This package contains various utilities for inspecting and setting of devices connected to the PCI bus.19:14
Clint-MrPickle,  As GleepGlop  Just said it would be sudo apt-get install crossfire-client19:15
GleepGlopMrPickle: it is in the repos19:15
kahrytanGleepGlop»  epic fail.19:15
MrPicklegleepglop, what is repos?19:15
Clint-MrPickle, Repositories19:15
GleepGlopapt-get install crossfire-client19:15
waanHas anybody successfully installed hardy from a USB drive?19:15
Clint-MrPickle, google ubuntu packages19:15
MrPickleooooooh! [i r n00b, sry]19:15
Clint-MrPickle,  i think the site is packages.ubuntu.com19:16
MrPickleclint/gleepglop: thnx!19:16
Clint-MrPickle, Anything on that site is installable using the apt-get install command via a terminal or via the synaptic package manager under the system emnu19:16
Clint-MrPickle, No problem19:17
GleepGlopkahrytan: what do want to know? lspci setpci ?19:17
=== Igramul_ is now known as Igramul
GleepGlopah, he's gone19:18
paolo_how do I copy "cp -a / /mnt/tmp" so that it wouldn't copy /mnt/tmp into itself?19:19
Digghello! i need help really fast so sorry if this is well known on the internet.. how do i activate the VGA out from my toshiba laptop in hardy?19:20
Vegarhave you tried the enable-vga-out button?19:20
RageMachineI need a terminal command to shutdown & 1 to logout. suggestions?19:20
waanHas anybody successfully installed hardy from a USB drive, or hard disk?19:20
DiggVegar: uhm.. where?19:20
Clint-RageMachine, you wanna do what now19:20
Clint-RageMachine, If you do sudo shutdown now19:21
VegarDigg: most laptops have an Fn+Fx keycombo to do that19:21
Clint-it will just turn the computer off19:21
VegarDigg: what video card do you have?19:21
axenoryhateball, hey hate!!! its me ... dianapo (yesterday) remember? sound problems...19:21
RageMachineClint- what about for reboot & logout?19:21
DiggVegar: i got a intel card. i810, but using new intel driver19:21
Clint-RageMachine, sudo shutdown -r now19:21
lot`err, anyone know how i can backup my drivers so i can carry them into a kernel update?19:21
bastid_raZorRageMachine; sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop && shutdown now19:21
GleepGlopsudo shutdown -r now19:21
RageMachine>.> so many options19:22
GleepGlopi like bastid's19:22
Clint-RageMachine, i always just sudo shutdown -r now19:22
VegarDigg: I believe you need to enable xinerama19:22
VegarDigg: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30195119:22
bastid_raZorRageMachine; to stop gdm first is key..19:22
RageMachinebastid_raZor, i want it to give programs time to shutdown or whatever, nice and clean.19:22
benzsswhat program is best for burning films to dvd19:23
ATA_Dark_Shadowgreetings, is it possible to look at the screen resolution of a .mov file with konqueror or any other programm in "listing" mode ? so to speak : i can look what resolutions vobs and such have, but not mov.19:23
loneim using irssi. how can you make links clickable?19:23
bastid_raZorRageMachine; and probably best to do that from tty1 .. then shutdown whatever apps manaully in the gui19:23
crdlblone: just use a terminal which recognizes links19:23
fluteflutebenzss: I quite like devede (its in the repos)19:23
Vi5inhello, what's the package name for the java plugin for firefox on ubuntu?19:23
benzssfluteflute: cool i will try it19:23
crdlblone: gnome-terminal, fore example, allows you to right click on http links19:23
DiggVegar: hmm seems like i need to adjust the external display resolution.. you know how to?19:23
techHi.. brand new to Ubuntu19:23
waanlone, I don't think you can, just copy paste19:23
wirenikHey Tech, nice to meet you :)19:24
vvd416Could anybody help me with colours in TTY (8.04, RV280)? When I switch to TTY1 (2,3,..) from Xserver I see the dark grey font on the black background.19:24
Vi5ini am trying to run jnlp stuff and it wants to download it19:24
dmi3onhi all, i have problem with e-geforce 6200TC cant find how to change resolution to 1440x900, and when ubuntu starts i get "ubuntu is running under low resolution mode"19:24
techI try to change the resolution and I'm not sure where to look... I run it in VirtualBox on Vista (32 bit).. thank19:24
VegarDigg: no, sorry19:24
dmi3oncan some one help me pls to solve this19:24
loneok. thanks. what are the shortcuts for copy and paste?19:24
waandmi3on, Sounds like you need to install your video drivers19:24
crdlbdmi3on: how did you install the nvidia driver?19:24
bastid_raZorRageMachine; stopping gdm with that command will not give anything time to shutdown.. it is the same as alt+ctrl+backspace19:24
Vooloocan I partition after I installed ubuntu if I want to change it?19:24
jazzkutyacan i add the feature dir_index after creating the ext3 filesystem?19:24
waandmi3on, have you checked restricted drivers?19:24
Vi5inis it the sun-java6-plugin?19:24
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: are you using nvidia's binary drivers?19:25
bastid_raZorRageMachine; well almost the same..19:25
Clint-bastid_raZor, i like your way also i think im gonna change my script to use that instead19:25
waanClint-, have you ever installed from hdd instead cd?19:26
Diggvegar: lol got it to work now. was (blush) just setting new resolution and clone output in preferences in gnome....19:26
dmi3oni am new to ubuntu19:26
dmi3onits to complex questions for me :(19:26
Clint-waan, i did do a usb install and had tons of problems19:26
axenoryhas anyThe playback of this movie requires a audio/x-asf-unknown decoder plugin which is not installed." problem?one solved the "19:26
dmi3oni have hard  ware drive nvidia accelerator19:26
bogey-I am having a senior moment. I do not have the firewall installed, I do not have anything setup for hosts.allow and hosts.deny. Yet my box is refusing all connections except from the local subnet.19:26
axenoryhas anyone solved the "The playback of this movie requires a audio/x-asf-unknown decoder plugin which is not installed." sound problem?one solved "19:27
techanyone???????  How can I change the resolution? thanks19:27
dmi3onbut nvidia x server setting does n't work19:27
crdlbdmi3on: go to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers19:27
waanClint-, I might read some communuty docs and try out an external hdd install instead19:27
axenorytech, you can find that in system > preferences or > administration19:27
MobileMylesIs there a way to determine when a user was last seen in this channel?  Does chanserv do this?19:27
dmi3oncrblb, and ?19:28
Grobvoktech System->Preferences->Screen Resolution19:28
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: click on the System menu, and then Administration -> Hardware Drivers.  Then tell us if the checkbox for the Nvidia Restricted Driver is checked19:28
StarnestommyMobileMyles: nickserv does it for registered ysers19:28
dmi3oncrdlb, and ?19:28
wirenikMobileMyles: not sure - you can maybe try http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/misc/ccosmos.html19:28
crdlbdmi3on: follow pr0gr4mm3r's more verbose instructions :)19:28
spiritssightHi, I want to get a Creative Lab Webcam Live pro (VF0050(a)) setup on my system what do I need to do or install?19:28
techGrobvok: Thanks... it goes only up to 800X600  How can I go higher?19:28
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, crdlb, yes it is19:28
axenorytech, in preferences actually... its called screen resolution19:28
Grobvoktech: Have you installed the drivers for your video card?19:29
techGrobvok: From within Ubuntu... no... any instructions for it?  I'm very new to this19:29
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, when checked or not it doesnt change any think same think happens19:29
Grobvoktech: System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers19:30
loneim using nvidia x server settings. it says display is running at 60 hz, even though the pre installed screen resolution says 50 hz19:30
Grobvoktech: Check the box, wait for it to download and install, then reboot.19:30
bogey-I am having a senior moment. I do not have the firewall installed, I do not have anything setup for hosts.allow and hosts.deny. Yet my box is refusing all connections except from the local subnet. What should I check to see if it is blocking other subnets?19:30
pr0gr4mm3rdmi: i know...I wanted to know if you have nvidia's x server all installed19:30
loneso does the display run at 60 hz?19:30
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, after restart i mean19:30
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: if that box is checked and is in use, click on System -> Administration -> NVIDIA X Server Settings, and change your resolution settings there19:30
crdlblone: yes, the nvidia driver just lies, don't worry about it19:30
Clint-waan,  i ended up just getting a external dvd drive19:30
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, yes server is installed too, but it doesnt work19:31
waanClint-, yeah I will be getting a lenovo one soon19:31
techGrobvok: It says: "No propriatery drivers are in use on this system"... Nothing else19:31
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, i think19:31
axenoryhas anyone solved the "The playback of this movie requires a audio/x-asf-unknown decoder plugin which is not installed." sound problem?19:31
waanthey are gold19:31
Grimm09Hello all19:31
pr0gr4mm3rnvidia's config tool is much better than the one that ships with Ubuntu19:31
loneit lies under "screen resolution"? yes?19:31
crdlblone: the 60 is correct (although it doesn't matter, since LCD monitors do not _have_ a refresh rate)19:31
Grobvoktech: What video card do you have?19:31
ampexis there a way for me to find out which compile options were given to the ssh that is included with ubuntu?19:31
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: can you access the Nvidia config tool?19:32
lonecrdlb: alright, thanks.19:32
crdlblone: nvidia reports 50Hz as a hack for dynamic twinview (it reports 51Hz for the second monitor and so on)19:32
techGrobvok:  This is a VM within VirtualBox.  The host has an ATI Mobility Radeon X140019:32
dmi3onyou mean nvidia x server settings ?19:32
darthbatoris there a way to make apt force a specific version for installation? I just noticed that the latest version of libxine1-bin that I have is from Hardy Security and I want to install the package version from Hardy I don't have access to synaptic right now only apt and aptitude any help would be most appreciated19:32
loneits a lcd monitor from a dell vostro 1500 running geforce 8600gt19:33
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: yes19:33
Grobvoktech: oooh, what VM?19:33
dmi3onwhen i go there i get: you do not appear to be using the nvidia x driver please edit your x configuration file ....19:33
techI installed Ubuntu as a Virtual Machine in VirtualBox which runs ontop of Vista19:33
Grobvoktech: If it's something other than VirtualBox, I can't help you.19:33
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: then the driver is not enabled.  You said the driver was checked in the Restricted Drivers window, correct?19:34
techGrobvok: It's VirtualBox19:34
Dexikiixsoo my ./configure isnt working19:34
Dexikiixi dont remember how i got it to work last time19:34
dmi3onok one second i will restart now19:34
dmi3onwill be back19:34
spiritssightHi, I want to get a Creative Lab Webcam Live pro (VF0050(a)) setup on my system what do I need to do or install?19:34
waanDexikiix, not working is pretty vague...19:35
Grobvoktech: Go to Devices -> Install Guest Additions.19:35
Dexikiixwaan input: ./configure  output: No such file or dir19:35
waanis there a configure script in your dir?19:35
techGrobvok: Ok..I"m there.. a window opened up.. now?19:35
Grobvoktech: It will download and mount an iso image.19:35
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, its now in use and i get same massage19:35
Dexikiixwaan yes19:36
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: that was a quick restart.  Does the Restricted Drivers show the green icon and say "In Use"?19:36
Grobvoktech: open a terminal and type cd /media19:36
Crimes_101I have a Dell Poweredge R300 that cannot find the cd rom, the disc boots and gives me ubuntu main menu, 6.06.2 LTS 64-bit19:36
Grobvoktech: then type ls19:36
mds_hi all.   I wonder if I might have a virus on my Ubuntu 07.10.  I had Thunderbird open and all of the sudden all the mails showed (different) Spam content.  The subject line was o.k.  Any ideas what that might be?19:37
Clint-Crimes_101, that makes no... if it dont find it how does it boot?19:37
techGrobvok: Ok... it has CDROM and CDROM019:37
waanDexikiix, what are you trying to configure?19:37
slickyexcuzemi, we cant meat,.. cuz im a vegitarian19:37
Crimes_101I know this cause it runs the installer but hangs on the finding19:37
Grobvoktech: type cd cdrom19:37
Dexikiixcarrier 2.4.319:37
Crimes_101of hardware cdrom19:37
Dexikiixwaan carrier 2.4.3 :p19:37
Crimes_101makes no sense, its my problem19:37
Crimes_101its real I assure u19:38
Dexikiixwaan i think its autotools19:38
techGrobvok: OK19:38
meoblast001ok.... im looking to make ircd-hybrid work so that when xchat enters "/nickserv", my server recognises it.... how would i go about doing this?19:38
waanDexikiix, thats the error I get when doing ./configure when there is no script. I don't think I can help you with that19:38
Grobvoktech: then type ls19:38
Grobvoktech: do you see some more files?19:38
Dexikiixwaan its ok unless you know how to install and make sure autotools are all working right19:38
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, now for sure its in use and every think is same19:39
Grobvoktech: type ./ (no space) then the name of the green file with Linux in it's name than type space and then type all19:39
Crimes_101I have a Dell Poweredge R300 that cannot find the cd rom, the disc boots and gives me ubuntu main menu, 6.06.2 LTS 64-bit but fails to detect the cd rom when finding hardware. Anyone experienced this?19:39
Starnestommymeoblast001: I don't think that can be done in the packaged version of hybrid.  You may need to compile a different ircd from source to do that19:40
Grobvoktech: by space I mean the spacebar19:40
Gustavoubuntu in spanish  ?19:40
Starnestommy!es | Gustavo19:40
ubottuGustavo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:40
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, are you helping me /19:40
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: if it's in use, i'm not sure why the config utility would say otherwise19:40
Crimes_101least u didnt get laughed at19:40
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dmi3oni dont know :(19:41
meoblast001Starnestommy: i found a work around19:41
Clint-Crimes_101, is the cd drive a scsi cd drive?19:41
techGrobvok: Is says I must run it with admin rights19:41
meoblast001Starnestommy: type "/msg nickserv identify yourpass" in the connect feild19:41
Crimes_101lemme look19:41
meoblast001Starnestommy: it will perform that when connecting19:41
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: can you open the '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' file in a text editor?19:41
meoblast001after connecting rather19:41
Grobvoktech: then type sudo before the whole thing19:41
dmi3onNVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (latest cards) in use19:41
Grobvoktech: and enter your password after you press enter19:42
techGrobvok: ok, it's installing now19:42
GrobvokAfter it's done, restart the guest OS.19:43
ViperBorg[WinDozHow do I take over a folder and it's contents of a deleted user?19:43
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, http://paste.ubuntu.com/35172/19:43
GrobvokThen, you can press Right Ctrl + f and you should have full screen.19:43
Crimes_101its SATA19:44
Dexikiixi got it19:44
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: it shows that the nvidia driver is loading.   run 'sudo nvidia-settings' in a terminal and tell me what comes up19:44
Dexikiixi just had to type "autoconf" to enable that19:44
Dexikiixthen ./configure worked19:44
techGrobvok: Thank you so much! everything is good now.... much appreciated19:44
Crimes_101Clint: It's SATA19:45
Clint-Crimes_101,  thats probely why19:45
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Pleas edit you X configuration file19:45
Crimes_101how do I deal with this CLINT?19:45
Clint-do you have a old cd drive you can put in there a ide one19:45
ape718hi guys, so I'm looking to increase my gigabit LAN speed. I seem to be only getting around 30-40megabytes/ps. I know it's impossible to get very close to the theorectical 125mbps but yeah...are there any small changes i can try to to increase the speed?19:45
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: what is the card you are using?19:46
ViperBorg[WinDozHow do I take over a folder and it's contents of a deleted user?19:46
Chousukeape718: buy a faster hard drive :P19:46
Clint-ViperBorg[WinDoz, chown19:46
ape718I'm running raid6 with writes/reads of over 400mbps19:46
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, NVIDIA E-GeForce 6200TC 256 MB19:46
ViperBorg[WinDozthankd, vliny19:46
ape718my linux boot drive is around 80mbps19:47
ViperBorg[WinDozer... clint19:47
Chousukeape718: Mbps or MBps? :P19:47
dmi3ongarbige card :(19:47
ViperBorg[WinDozwow... i can type... honestly.19:47
GrobvokViperBorg[WinDoz: sudo chmod a+rw [filename]19:47
Crimes_101I dont have any ide19:47
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: you are restarting your computer, and not just your X Session, correct?19:47
GrobvokOr something like that.19:47
ViperBorg[WinDozGrobvok: That'll work on a directory?19:47
Crimes_101does the new UBUNTU support SATA cdroms?19:47
Clint-Crimes_101, i am not sure19:47
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, that why o told you for sure :)19:47
GrobvokViperBorg[WinDoz: Hold on19:48
GrobvokViperBorg[WinDoz: sudo chmod -R a+rw [filename]19:48
Clint--R mean recurssive19:48
ape718Chousuke: any tips? :)19:48
Chousukesorry, not too familiar with gigabit networks :/19:48
hateballCrimes_101: I've had a SATA cdrom since Feisty19:48
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: if you run glxgears in a terminal, what fps does it return?19:48
coin_panHi everybody. A quick question: what's the character that should separate port numbers on the line "Port" in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file ?19:49
ape718it's just so fustrating having this balling-ass setup with mediocre lan speeds19:49
Chousukecoin_pan: space I think19:49
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, glxgears how do i run this ?19:49
hateballcoin_pan: Putting Port XX on the row beneath works just as well19:49
pr0gr4mm3ropen up a terminal and enter that command19:49
ape718anyone here have a gigabit lan that does over 40+ megabytes ps ?19:49
dmi3onXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".19:49
dmi3onError: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual19:49
coin_panChousuke: apparently not, I'm told there's "garbage" at the end of the line19:50
Chousukehmm :/19:50
hateballcoin_pan: read up...19:50
Cocolitesorry what can i do whit  glxgears ?19:50
coin_panand the garbage is the second port number ;)19:50
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: ok...then your driver is not enabled19:50
coin_panhateball: cheers19:50
l337ingDisordercan anyone tell me the ifconfig parameter to show what my default gateway is?19:50
Cocoliteis the first time that i see this19:50
hateballl337ingDisorder: route19:50
l337ingDisorderthanks :)19:51
waanHas anybody successfully installed hardy from a USB drive, or hard disk?19:51
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, how can i send you a print screen ?19:51
coin_panthanks everybody19:51
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: if it's reporting that error...i don't need one19:51
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, ok can it be solved ?19:52
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: let's try one more thing19:53
ViperBorg[WinDozOkay, I was able to delete everything except the actual folder with the user's name. I keep getting permission denied. Any ideas?19:54
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: open up a terminal, and type 'sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk'  and install any other packages it needs (just say yes when it prompts).  Then click on the menu System -> System Tools -> EnvyNG.  Click on NVIDIA from the list, and select Apply.  Follow the instructions after that.  You will need to restart when it is done.19:54
ape718anyone here have a gigabit lan that does over 40+ megabytes ps ?19:54
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dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, done19:54
GrobvokViperBorg[WinDoz: It shouldn't do that if you use sudo.19:55
dmi3onok thx19:55
Cocolitecan anyone tell me how a i can configure bind19:55
ViperBorg[WinDozI did use sudo... but I'll try again.19:55
dstaleyIs there any way to make a Ubuntu/Xubuntu CD that will install onto the computer automatically with preset information?19:55
Silveira_NetoInkscape comes with Ubuntu live cd?19:55
GrobvokViperBorg[WinDoz: sudo rm -rvf [dirname]19:55
l337ingDisorder'nother question: I've just installed all of the updates that are available for a fresh 8.04 installation and among the updates was Firefox 3 but all the updates have been applied and my firefox still looks exactly the same as ff219:55
Cocolitei need reference to de manual a good page that a can read19:55
l337ingDisorderwhy would that be?19:55
waanIs there a log file for the Installer?19:56
l337ingDisorderI've checked the help-> about and it says it's ff v3.0.119:56
ViperBorg[WinDozexcellent, thank you. I'm going to need to make a text file for all this stuff.19:56
EagleScreenl337ingDisorder then you have ff 3.0.119:56
justs0mewhere do i find shutdown log messages?19:56
justs0mein hardy19:56
bogey-I am having a senior moment. I do not have the firewall installed, I do not have anything setup for hosts.allow and hosts.deny. Yet my box is refusing all connections except from the local subnet. What should I check to see if it is blocking other subnets?19:57
Cocoliteanybody know some irc client to use19:57
GrobvokCocolite: Pidgin works with IRC too.19:58
Cocolitei use xchat, is good but i want to know another one19:59
l337ingDisorderyeah I know i have firefox 3.0.1 I'm just wondering why it still looks like ff 2 and how I can make it look proper :)19:59
sandkophello... i need to install ubuntu on a pendrive so i can install software on the pendrive after booting from the usb, is it possible?19:59
Swianxchat is about the nicest one I think19:59
mneptokCocolite: Konversation?20:00
Swianif you have a 4gb pen drive20:00
Cocoliteok thank you...20:00
cszikszoysandkop: http://www.pendrivelinux.com20:00
Clint-cszikszoy, 0_o20:00
Dexikiixcould someone walk me through uninstalling libpurple0?20:00
Swiansandkop - http://www.pendrivelinux.com/20:00
SwianI have Puppy Linux on my pen drive20:00
sandkopcszikszoy, but that way ill only have the livecd on the pendrive... i wont be able to install software and customize ubuntu20:00
Swianpretty nice too20:01
cszikszoythey have a guide for persistance20:01
schmickhey... youtube videos play for 1 second w/o audio on FF3.... is there some special flash needed?20:01
GleepGlopDexikiix: pidgin problems?20:01
Swiansandkop get an 8gb pen drive20:01
sandkopSwian, i have one20:01
DexikiixGleepGlop, i need to get rid of a few things so I can get Carrier20:01
Swianthen read that site20:01
Swianits documented20:01
GleepGlopDexikiix:  sudo apt-get remove libpurple020:02
GrobvokDexikiix: sudo apt-get remove libpurple020:02
Dexikiixoh its remove20:02
Dexikiixok ty20:02
DjViperDexikiix: sudo apt-get remove libpurple020:02
Dexikiixyeah im a linux newb20:02
DexikiixDjViper wanted to fit in ;)20:02
DjViperDexikiix: you can use synaptic too20:02
DjViperDexikiix: yes!20:02
Cocoliteanybody know some about bind configuration ?20:02
Level2TechIs it you-bun-too or ooooo-bun-too20:02
DjViperLevel2Tech: last20:03
Level2Techcool, like uber20:03
DjViperthink nigerian-english when you say it :P20:03
DjViperno offence to nigerians :P20:03
* Level2Tech needs a blumpkin20:04
Dexikiixdoes finch go by just "finch"?20:04
Level2Techno...he also goes by shitbreak20:04
GleepGlopyes, just finch20:04
Dexikiixthen i think i got it all20:04
GrobvokLevel2Tech: Nelson pronounces it oo-bun-too.20:05
Level2TechWho is this nelson?20:05
Dexikiixit helps to read instructions :p i got the carrier deb and was like "why wont it work!?"20:05
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: any luck?20:05
GrobvokThe guy from the example video.20:05
Dexikiixthen i went to the webpage where it told me i need to remove a few things20:05
schmickNelson Mandela..20:05
lbokenhi all im trying to recompile a tarball, (to install internet dj consol(the laters versoin posible(what wont frose  when try to use it) im under xubuntu amd64(8.04) but when i use the command like they say to do  typing make it doesnt work  get the error "./configure --enable-tooltips=yes"20:05
lbokenops not the good message20:06
Level2Techshmick: wow nelson mandela did a ubuntu vid...sweet20:06
lbokenmake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.((that the good message i et)20:06
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, same think: before ubuntu starts i get "ubuntu is running in low resolution mode", hardware now is in use nvidia x setting same massage, EnvyNG didnt do a think :(20:06
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Dexikiixthat was SO MUCH FASTER20:07
Dexikiixthan the make20:07
Dexikiixon funpidgen20:07
DexikiixOMG has anyone done the tar.gz for funpidgen 2.4.1?20:07
Dexikiixthe make took like 20 minutes20:07
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: well i'm confused...did you happen to see the nvidia logo before the login screen appeared?20:08
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, i cant watch porn under this resolution, need 1440X900 asp for porn :)20:08
GleepGlopDexikiix: there was a Debian package, did you install that?20:08
hmullerWhat renames i2c-core to i2c_core?20:08
Sonderbladewhat is /dev/mapper/Ubuntu-root?20:09
DexikiixGleepGlop: i didnt do the deb for 2.4.1 but i did the deb for 2.4.320:09
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: sorry, i'm at a loss here as to why the driver isn't loading for you20:09
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dmi3oni can see only window before ubuntu screen is "ubntu is running under low resolution" configure, shutdown, continue this are buttons in window i press continue because configure does not do a think20:10
GleepGlopDexikiix:  im trying to install it now . . . .20:10
GleepGlop2.4.1 that is20:10
sandkophow do i install ubuntu in a pendrive... not like livecd, but like a OS runin from the usb?20:10
DexikiixGleepGlop: which one?20:10
GleepGlopDexikiix:  2.4.120:11
erUSULsandkop: pendrivelinux.com20:11
dmi3onpr0gr4mm3r, can it be problem with grub20:11
lboken dmi3on  are you like  like me using a kvm?20:11
pr0gr4mm3rdmi3on: doubt it20:11
VoolooI found this mac style dock menu once, but I lost it... anyone know about it? ;(20:11
dmi3onlboken, no i just have to monitors20:11
sandkoperUSUL, doesnt help... and doesnt work for what im trying to do20:11
pheceis it possible to run mac software in ubuntu?20:11
pr0gr4mm3rlboken: what could a kvm do?20:11
slaytonphece depends20:11
DexikiixGleepGlop: why?20:12
slaytonVooloo, its called AWN20:12
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy20:12
dmi3oni have connected now to PC were ubuntu 2 monitors does this make problem ?20:12
DexikiixGleepGlop: why not .3?20:12
pheceslayton: what do you mean?20:12
GleepGlopDexikiix:  dunno, just wanna try the stable version20:12
Voolooslayton: is that the only one?20:12
TrinithisWhen I run Xmonad (installed by repository) in Ubuntu, it doesn't work properly. Everything becomes the color of my side panels. Any ideas?20:12
lbokenwell  kvm is 2 pc one keyboard, screen and mouse and when i start and go on my 2nd pc  during the boot of the  xubuntu or ubuntu graphic management i dont get the good resolution   (800x600)20:12
RageMachinethere is AVN, but there are others too. my fav is avn20:13
DexikiixGleepGlop: oh. ok. lol 2.4.3 seems stable to me :) but also doesnt seem any different20:13
lbokenso i woudl had sayed to try to reboot but stay  your screen on the  ubuntu20:13
* Dexikiix LOVES the text replacement20:13
slaytonphece, some software you should be able to run in linux other software you can't it depends on the libraries upon which the software depends... if they're general gnu/linux libs you shouldn't have a problem... if there are mac specific libs (like cocoa) then you wont20:13
DefunctProcessVooloo: no there cairo dock kiba dock kool dock etc.20:13
hmullerWhat renames module i2c-core to i2c_core?20:13
MobileMylesphece: I think virtualbox will run most software if you install a MAC OS on it, but it's pretty limited in terms of taking advantage of your hardware.  I've never run mac software on virtualbox.  Try #virtualbox20:13
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging20:13
slaytonphece, pretty much anything with a GUI in mac you can't run20:13
VoolooRageMachine: does it make the icons bigger as you swipe over them?20:13
Dexikiixno longer will i have to dread typing "Comptuer"!!!!120:13
slaytonVooloo, its the only dock i've seen in ubuntu20:13
lbokenso that could had been your probleme but it isnt20:13
RageMachinevooloo, it has many different effects, zoom is one of them.20:13
VoolooRageMachine: cool20:13
RageMachinevooloo, you can set it to bounce or squish etc. so its pretty thorough20:14
DefunctProcessthere are literally 10 or so different docks20:14
dmi3onlboken, i can so any think its just to option or 480x600 or 600x80020:14
RageMachineVooloo, you can join #awn and ask about it if you like20:14
dmi3onthat it20:14
DexikiixComptuer is my typo arch-nemisis20:14
slickyha! Made you read!20:14
Dexikiixlmao slicky20:14
lbokenyeah i get exatcly like that that why i tough  you may had the same rouble   butr you dont sicne you dont  have a kvm20:14
pheceMobileMyles, slayton: alright, thanks20:15
dmi3oni try now disconnect second monitor20:15
lbokenthe only way was under kde management to do the restart x server on the option menu20:15
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kaiwenHi, I have a quick question, is ipmasq necessary for an internet sharing connection to happen? Thanks!20:16
npope   kaiwen thought they didnt know ?20:16
kaiwenhey npope, guess what, I got the ping fixed ;)20:16
npopekaiwen: congrats20:16
kaiwenstill one issue though, still cannot conenct through  my laptop, even though pinged, dhcp works fine.20:17
BrandonSAnyone know of a problem where Firefox crashes randomly especially on myspace?20:17
jumhi guys20:17
edmoorehi all, just installed server. one small thing - the screen display seems to get to the bottom and then start writin g over itself from the top again20:17
kaiwenBrandonS prob. flash applications on mgyspace20:17
BrandonSThats what I thought20:18
edmooreinstead of just behaving like a normal terminal20:18
kaiwenBrandonS yep, the issue is known, but it hasn' been fixed yet20:18
Warp4edmoore, at the console or via ssh?20:18
TrinithisAbout every other time I boot Ubuntu 8.04.1 (64bit), my computer freezes on its load screen.20:18
edmooreWarp4: console20:18
edmoorehave an old crt plugged in to install20:18
bullgard4What is the effect of a /boot/grub/menu.lst entry 'defoptions resume /dev/sda7'?20:18
edmooressh is fine20:18
l337ingDisorderso hey here's an odd problem: I just paved my ubuntu and re-installed... before I did that, I had FireFox 3.0.1 and it looked the way it's supposed to - the large Back icon and in general the new ff 3 theme... With this installation, it says I'm running ff 3.0.1 but it looks like ff220:18
jumi have a little problem, when i want to open a folder on the windows pc in the network i get a prompt: "Password required", what to do?20:19
l337ingDisorderIt has the functionality of ff3 but it looks like ff2 for some reason20:19
dstaleyWhat would be the best way to make a silent Ubuntu install?20:19
l337ingDisorderjum: that's prompting you for your windows login info20:19
kaiwenjum insert your password for the window's account.20:19
l337ingDisorderjum: enter the same username/password you'd use to log into the windows desktop20:19
edmooreanother question - where should I put my vimrc file?20:20
[TiZ]Hey, guys. I'm curious about something. I've chmodded my /usr/share/themes and /usr/share/icons to 777 so I can globally install themes there easily (I prefer not having ugly Synaptic, thanks). I'm curious about something. Since ~/.themes is the user themes folder, if I were to replace it with a link to /usr/share/themes, would the computer end up getting confused?20:20
Warp4edmoore, home directory is usually where it goes20:20
edmooreok, i'll just copy it over20:20
cognitiaclaevesIs there a way to strip ansi color codes from a log file? (such as in '^[[0;32m^[[1;34m[^[[1;36mhome/svn-repo^[[1;34m]^[[0m')   ( full log file is here:  http://pastebin.ca/1094977 )20:21
dmi3on_i cant find why nvidia drive does not loading20:21
juml337ingDisorder: okay but i dont know the password so i have to create a new account on the windows pc?20:21
kaiwenhmm.. hopefully someone can help me, I connected the laptop and PC with a crossover cable, I want the PC to receive internet through the laptop's wireless. So far dhcp between the laptop and PC has been doing swell, the ping is good. But when I start firestarter with internet sharing available the PC is still unable to connect to the internet. I tried the command line way, still no luck, is...20:21
dmi3on_pls help20:21
kaiwen...it prob. because of the configuration?20:21
[TiZ]Guess I'll find out myself.20:21
chimpWhats the name of the program that allows you to install other operating systems, by adding them to the bootloader via ubuntu?20:22
kaiwenchip search grub20:22
npopekaiwen: http://lindesk.com/2007/04/internet-connection-sharing-using-iptables/20:22
ariqsI made the mistake of buying a computer desk from walmart20:22
ariqsit' made from plastic, and shakes when I type ;P20:22
kaiwenahh but i tried that though ;)20:22
kaiwennpope ;D20:22
dmi3on_can some one help to find out why nvidia driver isnt loading20:22
ariqswalmart furniture = shit20:23
jumchimp: startup-manager maybe?20:23
chimpkaiwen jum, neither i think20:23
kaiwenchimp grub is what manages operating systems when you startup your computer20:23
chimpIve used it before and forgotten its name,20:23
KevinO!language | ariqs20:23
ubottuariqs: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:23
kaiwenchimp you can do it by command line easily20:23
dmi3on_can some one help to find out why nvidia driver isnt loading20:23
chimpkaiwen: It adds to grub an option for installing another OS20:23
Vooloois compiz pre-installed? I can't find it.. I think my card is blacklisted but some people have gotten it to work it seems20:24
newkanyone use picasa with ubuntu .. the icon in the tray is showin but when i click start tray it doesnt open20:24
kaiwenchimp, again you can do it by command line, all it does is edit a text file.20:24
Level2Techneed to take a dump20:24
kaiwenmenu.lst to be exact20:24
kaiwenchimp if you really need to, go to synaptic and search grub, you may find it there20:24
chimpYou can direct grub to load an iso on boot?20:25
dmi3on_how can i fix this: hardware drive nvidia acc. is in use but i cant change resolution ubuntu is under low resolution mode20:25
kaiwenchimp to load a cd? for what reason.20:25
chimpI want to install another os, have no cd drive, no usb, etc.20:25
kaiwenchimp oh gosh, that just makes things harder ;), especialy when you said no usb20:26
chimpI know it can be done within the os, ive done it before, cant remeber name of the program, and googling wont help20:26
kaiwenchimp, i'm not sure abou that. let me do a quick google20:26
R0b0t1What is the exchat /exec command to return my system hardware?20:26
dmi3on_how can i fix this: hardware drive nvidia acc. is in use but i cant change resolution ubuntu is under low resolution mode i restart PC20:26
AlexMaxI was under the impression that gnash was capable of watching youtube.  I have gnash installed and adobe flash removed, however when i attempt to watch a youtube it doesn't display at all.  I don't want to use swfdec because I don't like the 'click to start' functionality.20:26
kaiwenhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=554716 chimp20:27
newkanyone use picasa with ubuntu .. the icon in the tray is showin but when i click start tray it doesnt open20:27
kaiwenchimp, didn't take that long , now did it;)20:27
BoomShakahi. so i've just made a change to my .bashrc file.  Is there a way to "load" the changes ive made without having to logout and back in again?20:27
kaiwenbut chimp, careful though, you need to know which device it's on (root)20:27
kendor1967 hey everyone20:27
R0b0t1I've seen it used here, so what is that Xchat command that prints out the users hardware?20:27
chimpkaiwen: This laptop is very slow,  (which is why i want to install a less resource intensive os)20:27
kendor1967type this line in to make it look like ur slapping20:28
kendor1967   /msg nickserv killall20:28
codecowboyhi. is there a way to test whether my pci bridge is working correctly? i suspect there may be a problem with my motherboard and want to generate some kind of proof so I can send it back20:28
Warp4anyone know of a place where i can find a list of advantages of using mysql auth over regular auth in samba?20:29
kaiwenchimp this may help20:29
dmi3on_how can i fix this: hardware drive nvidia acc. is in use but i cant change resolution ubuntu is under low resolution mode i restart PC20:29
kaiwenhttp://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/quantian/howto_lilogrub.html chimp, notice the difference that he added something different to the line. bootfrom= *to location of the cd*20:29
codecowboy.join #hardware20:30
bastid_raZorcodecowboy; use /join20:30
ambushtheimpum, would anyone mind helping me?20:30
VoolooI see compiz running in the processes, but its "sleeping" does it mean it works ? ;O20:30
Flare183Vooloo: Yes20:30
drazakambushtheimp: just ask20:30
kendor1967if you wan tto make it say u want on massacre type /killall20:30
Dexikiixdoes anyone know where the components directory for opera is?20:31
R0b0t1Whats the bash script/command that prints out the system info?20:31
R0b0t1#bash doesn't know.20:31
kendor1967*kendor1967 goes on a sick rampage20:31
bastid_raZorkendor1967; why are you giving retarded advice20:31
VoolooFlare183: but I cant find anywhere to enable it or configure it..20:31
ambushtheimpcan anyone help my to get my wireless working. i just recently turned my dv6408nr hp laptop to ubuntu20:31
Flare183Vooloo: run this: compiz --replace20:31
marculesHi guys20:31
kendor1967anyone here play runescape?20:32
Dexikiixambushtheimp: type lspci -nn20:32
R0b0t1Well, run: "compiz --replace & exit"20:32
R0b0t1So you can close the terminal20:32
VoolooFlare183: it restarted or something20:32
bastid_raZor!ot > kendor196720:32
ubottukendor1967, please see my private message20:32
Flare183Vooloo: umm weird20:32
VoolooFlare183: Xgl no present20:32
kendor1967im using ubuntu20:32
Dexikiixambushtheimp: whats the chipset?20:32
VoolooI dont have a nvidia card btw20:32
Flare183Vooloo: oh Well Can'20:32
dmi3on_how can i fix this: hardware drive nvidia acc. is in use but i cant change resolution ubuntu is under low resolution mode i restart PC20:32
Flare183Vooloo: oh Well Can't help you there*20:33
kendor1967!ot > kendor196720:33
ubottukendor1967, please see my private message20:33
ambushtheimpummm........well, not being much of a computer guy, i can post the specs from the specs page20:33
ambushtheimpthat's about it on my knowledge of my wireless card20:33
kaiwenambushtheimp. I'll give you a quick run on this. Find your windows driver, extract it. Make sure in teh extraction folder there is a file that ends with .inf. If it does, that is good. cd to that direcftory with the .inf then sudo ndiswrapper -i *.inf. After that is down do this sudo depmod -a. Then this sudo modprobe -i ndiswrapper.20:33
joanki123does anyone know what prompt i need to use to display a hex # in decimal on the command prompt?  i want it converted20:33
kendor1967!ot > ambushthiemp20:33
VoolooFlare183: if I close the terminal everything stops working :> How can I safely exit the app?20:33
gary4garambushtheimp, Knowing your hardware, solves half of your problems20:34
Dexikiixer hang on you said laptop right?20:34
xaduxconvert hex to decimal?20:34
Dexikiixguys is that lspcmcia -nn?20:34
Flare183Vooloo: press Alt+f2 and then type in compiz --replace20:34
kendor1967your al god damn niggers!20:34
kaiwenhmm.. hopefully someone can help me, I connected the laptop and PC with a crossover cable, I want the PC to receive internet through the laptop's wireless. So far dhcp between the laptop and PC has been doing swell, the ping is good. But when I start firestarter with internet sharing available the PC is still unable to connect to the internet. I tried the command line way, still no luck, is...20:34
gary4garxadux, google for "hex decimal convertor" :)20:34
kaiwen...it prob. because of the configuration?20:34
dmi3on_how can i fix this: hardware drive nvidia acc. is in use but i cant change resolution ubuntu is under low resolution mode i restart PC20:34
kendor1967fuck you all20:34
VoolooFlare183: ah thanks20:34
kendor1967fucking die20:34
Dexikiixambushtheimp: your best bet is to hook up an ethernet cable first, and it should be a breeze from there...20:34
FloodBot1kendor1967: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:34
edmooreWarp4: sorry to bother you again - i seem to have some difficulties with apt-get. If I try and get something (like octave) I get -20:34
edmooreReading package lists... Done20:35
edmooreBuilding dependency tree20:35
edmooreReading state information... Done20:35
edmooreE: Couldn't find package nmap20:35
FloodBot1edmoore: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:35
kendor1967shut the fuck up20:35
bastid_raZor!ops | kendor196720:35
ubottukendor1967: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!20:35
kendor1967fuck you20:35
edmooresorry, I copied the wrong example (trying to get nmap)20:35
Dexikiixwhat crawled up kendor1967's ass?20:35
FloodBot1kendor1967: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:35
Slainedhello can I ask a question about usb-keyboards and irratic problems I have with it20:35
dmi3on_how can i fix this: hardware drive nvidia acc. is in use after restart, but i cant change resolution ubuntu is running under low resolution mode20:36
gary4garSlained, Don't ask to ask, Just ask :)20:36
Dexikiix!ask | Slained20:36
ubottuSlained: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:36
dmi3on_pls some one help me20:36
kaiwendmi3on_ it's your configuration in xorg.conf20:36
edmooreoh goodness, have not added repos20:36
dmi3on_kaiwen, i cant find what is wrong20:37
edmooresorry for my ignorant question20:37
dmi3on_i am new here20:37
Dexikiixdmi3on_: i have a similar issue20:37
kaiwendmi3on_  paste your xorg.conf on paste.ubuntu.com and tell me your monitor resolution20:37
Dexikiixbut nobody would tell me how to edit xorg.cong20:37
kaiwenDexikiix cd /etc/X1120:37
gary4gardmi3on_, edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to include correct resolutions. or try running 'nvidia-setting' from Terminal20:37
dmi3on_kaiwen, ok20:37
kaiwenDexikiix sudo gedit xorg.conf20:37
Dexikiixthanks kaiwen  :)20:37
Vooloohow do I determine what graphics chip I use?20:37
kaiwenVooloo lspci -a20:38
gary4garVooloo, check the output of "lspci | grep VGA'20:38
kaiwenVooloo lspci20:38
Slainedubuntu does not always recognise my usb-keyboard? It is an intermittent error, there dosn't seem to be much help to be found in bugslists and so forth?20:38
MobileMylesVooloo:  gnome-device-manager may tell you20:38
MobileMyles(also you can pull it out and look! ;-))20:38
Warp4Slained, have you tried using other usb ports?20:38
kaiwenhmm.. hopefully someone can help me, I connected the laptop and PC with a crossover cable, I want the PC to receive internet through the laptop's wireless. So far dhcp between the laptop and PC has been doing swell, the ping is good. But when I start firestarter with internet sharing available the PC is still unable to connect to the internet. I tried the command line way, still no luck, is...20:38
kaiwen...it prob. because of the configuration?20:38
Dexikiixkaiwen: do you know how to change default resolution in it?20:38
Slainedwarp: yes20:39
kaiwenDexikiix, then i'll do it for you.20:39
kaiwenDexikiix, but tell me your resolutionl;20:39
=== schmick_ is now known as schmick
Dexikiixres i want or res i need?20:39
MobileMylesVooloo: But running 'lspci' from the terminal should do it20:39
Dexikiixi mean20:39
FloodBot1Dexikiix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:39
Dexikiixreplace need with ahve20:39
kaiwenDexikiix, for your monitor20:39
Dexikiixlemme see20:39
dmi3on_kaiwen, http://paste.ubuntu.com/35187/ , resolution 1440x900, nvidia e-geforce 6200tc20:39
Dexikiix1152 x 86420:40
kaiwenok, let me work on it20:40
Dexikiixneed a pastebin?20:40
=== schmick is now known as Schmick
dargohi there20:40
bastid_raZorkaiwen; are you logged in to his box?20:40
gary4garkaiwen, Firestarter is a Firewall, which blocks all connection, you need to explictly open them20:40
kaiwengary4gar they are open20:40
Dexikiixkaiwen: do you use opera?20:41
gary4garkaiwen, sounds like a firestarter problem, did you ufw?20:41
dmi3on_kaiwen, are you helping me too ?20:41
RiyonukQuestion though, it say's "Ubuntu with DVD Playback", is there like a version without DVD Playback?20:41
RiyonukOn dell.com20:41
kaiwendmi3on_ almost done20:41
dougbcan you connect to webDAV with CIFS?20:41
dmi3on_thx very much,20:42
gary4garRiyonuk, yes, there is. it includes only free stuff. no codecs20:42
* dmi3on_ hopes with kaiwen help will watch porn on high resolution20:42
RiyonukSo I have to install my own codecs?20:42
gary4garRiyonuk, yes, with one click20:43
RiyonukIt's just like a normal ubuntu install then?20:43
kaiwendmi3on_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/35188/20:43
Troy^people still use opera?20:43
Clint-you can do sudo apt-get install gstreamer*20:43
Clint-and it will install a ton of them20:43
kaiwendmi3on_ try that20:43
gary4garRiyonuk, yes20:43
RiyonukDoes the ubuntu version dell ships with, is it already configured with dell's hardware? Or did they just pop it in :P20:43
Clint-Riyonuk, you can do sudo apt-get install gstreamer*20:43
dmi3on_ok thx20:43
Clint-Riyonuk, i think it is moded for the hardware20:43
gary4garRiyonuk, buddy, there is a special forum for Ubuntu users on dell, why don't you ask there?20:44
Riyonukcool cool :D20:44
kaiwenDexikiix look at the pastebin I just did, notice the resolution ? do the same thing for your xorg.conf20:44
kaiwenDexikiix http://paste.ubuntu.com/35188/20:44
gary4garRiyonuk, you will get better response20:44
RiyonukDo you think they will know what they're talking about?20:44
Clint-Riyonuk, You can hope20:44
Dexikiixsry kaiwen got distraxted hang on]20:44
Troy^dell features pc with ubuntu nice lol20:44
Slainedmy usb-keyboard works always with grub, but not always in [k|x| ]ubuntu20:44
kaiwengary4gar so is it firestarter's problem?20:44
Clint-Slained, i had the same issue worked it out to the fact i was using usb 1.020:45
gary4garkaiwen, when you turn off firestarter, does your probklem solves?20:45
theRealBallwhat default filesystems are avaliable on ubuntu?20:45
kaiwengary4gar, firestarter starts again if i turn it off20:45
Vooloois there some app I can test if compiz works or something20:45
Clint-theRealBall,  You mean what x window manager?20:45
Clint-Vooloo, type compiz in terminal20:45
gary4garkaiwen, hmm..strange20:46
dougbVooloo: do you have your graphics driver installed?20:46
theRealBallfilesystems != window manager20:46
kaiwengary4gar, if i turn off dhcp, it turns off20:46
kaiwenif i press the stop button.20:46
Vooloodougb: no idea, I can see the screen :D20:46
VoolooClint-: yeah but it refreshes, what should happen?20:46
gary4garkaiwen, remove it completly?20:46
kaiwengary4gar, lol doesn't help if i do that.20:46
cwill747Vooloo: you have compiz installed and you don't think it works?20:47
Clint-Vooloo, well you need to set the options20:47
Vooloocwill747: I donno20:47
gary4garkaiwen, hehe, dunno man then. ask firestarter folks20:47
Clint-Vooloo, under system advance desktop feature20:47
kaiwengary4gar lol k20:47
cwill747!compiz | vooloo20:47
Clint-oops advanced desktop effect settings20:47
gary4garkaiwen, i never need a firewall from past 2yrs :D20:47
trupheenix!clone | trupheenix20:48
Clint-gary4gar, i have never used a firewall in linux past 10 years20:48
Clint-or unix for that mater20:48
gary4garUbuntu is Safe,Secure and not Fast20:48
Slainedclint: in lsusb -v it looks like usb 2.020:48
ubottuvooloo: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:48
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate20:48
ubottutrupheenix, please see my private message20:48
kaiwenwell i'm only trying to use firestarter for internet connection sharing, but i found out that at my university, lot's of ppl trying to connect (like China)20:48
VoolooClint-: you mean the "Extra" ?20:48
redrebelyou dont need a firewall unless there are services running20:48
gary4garsladen, check dmesg output20:48
kaiwenwell in general, i'm trying to use firestarter as a way for internet connection sharing20:49
Clint-go to apperance20:49
Clint-in the last tab20:49
dmi3onkaiwen, every think is same :(20:49
Clint-visual effects20:49
VoolooYes it says "Extra"20:49
VoolooAt the bottom20:49
Clint-check the last radio button20:49
Dexikiixkaiwen: I have an ATI20:49
FloodBot1Clint-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:49
Clint-okey and 1 second20:49
VoolooIt is checked, and when I move my window is skews20:49
kaiwendmi3on.. i see a problem in your xorg.conf, there is no driver declared.20:49
kaiwendmi3on that's why it isn't working.20:49
Dexikiixkaiwen: do i just chance "nVidia" to "ATI" in Device?20:50
dmi3onkaiwen, what should i do except to break PC with hammer ?20:50
Clint-Vooloo, in temrinal type ccsm20:50
Clint-and it should open the setting mgr fror compiz20:50
gary4gardmi3on, lol, Go ahead. i assure you it would be fun :P20:50
Clint-have fun playing for days20:50
kaiwenDexikiix and dmi3on try this.20:50
kaiwensudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg20:50
VoolooClint-: not installed20:50
Clint-sudo apt-get install ccsm20:51
kaiwenand see if that changes your xorg.conf settings, another question, are you guys running on Tv's?20:51
Dexikiixkaiwen: no20:51
Clint-its also called compizconfig settings manager20:51
Ab3Lsleeping time. bye.20:51
dmi3onkaiwen, after restart ?20:51
Clint-it does have a package20:51
trupheenixcan anyone tell me how to solve my problems with intel wireless 3945 on hardy?20:52
kaiwendmi3on ??20:52
redrebelwhat command line IRC client do you guys recommend?20:52
gary4gar!ask | trupheenix20:52
Dexikiixkaiwen: I'd have to log off to be sure20:52
ubottutrupheenix: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:52
=== OS2MAC is now known as Guest80160
VoolooClint-: ok installing20:52
dmi3onkaiwen, xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration20:52
dmi3on   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2008080715511420:52
Dexikiixkaiwen: i can change my display when im logged into a gnome session but not a KDE session\20:52
Chousukeignore the others, I'm right.20:52
dmi3onthats what i get20:52
redrebelthere are many options, i'll try 'em all20:52
trupheenixhi can anyone help me with my problems on intel wireless 3945 on hardy? i just can't seem to get it working :(20:52
Clint-!ndiswrapper | trupheenix20:53
ubottutrupheenix: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:53
Dexikiixtrupheenix: laptop or desktop?20:53
kaiwenDexikiix then it's not a xorg.conf problem20:53
mesy4567?? intel20:53
kaiwenDexikiix more kde.20:53
VoolooClint-: got it now, is that all I need? when I move around the windows and it skews and stuff, is that a compiz effect?20:53
gary4gartrupheenix, Did you tried using restrided divice manager?20:53
Dexikiixkaiwen: no my default is 1440x90020:53
l337ingDisorderhow do I find my default gateway?20:53
Clint-Vooloo,  yerp it is20:53
Dexikiixkaiwen: i had to change it20:53
Clint-Vooloo,  Behold! the power of compiz20:53
Vooloocool thanks20:53
wiggleshow do i view my windows files while in ubuntu?20:53
kaiwenDexikiix what did you do. I still have no idea.20:53
Clint-Vooloo,  i recomend kiba dock20:53
Clint-Vooloo,  if you dont have one20:53
mesy4567wiggles, mount OS20:54
trupheenixDexikiix: laptop20:54
kaiwendmi3on what does it say after you run it20:54
Dexikiixtrupheenix: then i got no clue sorry :p20:54
trupheenixDexikiix: :(20:54
Dexikiixtrupheenix: its easiest if you get a wired cable first, then configure wireless20:54
l337ingDisorderhow do I find my default gateway?20:54
hateballl337ingDisorder: just type: route20:54
kaiwentrupheenix do you have the windows wireless driver?20:54
trupheenixDexikiix: my router is all setup20:54
trupheenixkaiwen: no i don't have.20:54
kaiwentrupheenix find it on google first.20:55
gary4gartrupheenix, Your wireless device is well suported and should work.20:55
l337ingDisorderhateball: that doesn't show me the gateway20:55
Dexikiixkaiwen: when i first installed linux it defaulted me at 1440x900, in gnome i can go into screen res settings and change and it stays, except at login screen but i dont mind that, but KDE is tougher, but its ok i never use KDE much anyway20:55
trupheenixkaiwen: are you suggesting i use ndiswrapper on an intel wireless?20:55
l337ingDisorderhateball:     *        U     0      0        0 eth020:55
Dexikiixtrupheenix: are yuo using it now with an ethernet cable?20:55
gary4gartruckin, i have the same thing, and it just works20:55
l337ingDisorderhateball: it shows the route as *20:55
trupheenixgary4gar: no. i'ts not. it's not picking up my network.20:55
kaiwentrupheenix yes20:55
Dexikiixtrupheenix: lmao that sounds like an accusation20:55
l337ingDisorderhateball: err rather it shows the gateway as *20:55
hateballl337ingDisorder: wait a few seconds, default should show up in the bottom20:55
trupheenixDexikiix: yes I'm connecting with cable through my wireless router20:56
l337ingDisorderhateball: the gateway for default is 'home'20:56
ikoniaDexikiix: please calm down20:56
l337ingDisorderhateball: i'm looking for the address of my router20:56
trupheenixgary4gar: it's giving a blank ESSID for my router's network.20:56
kaiwenthat's like anti verizon ;)20:56
gary4gartrupheenix, try sudo iwconfig20:56
=== Schmick is now known as Schmick_away
hateballl337ingDisorder: can you ping 'home' ?20:56
gary4garand post the output20:56
Dexikiixikonia: i was making a joke...20:56
kaiwentrupheenix, well yes I'm suggesting it, you have a problme with that ;)?20:57
ikoniaDexikiix: try to keep the channel on topic please.20:57
l337ingDisorderhateball: aha yes i can and that gives the ip, many thanks :D20:57
ikoniahateball: home is not a host20:57
Dexikiixikonia: it was sorta on topic20:57
dmi3onkaiwen, same does not change any think20:57
dmi3onkaiwen, what next ?20:57
hateballikonia: It seems to be in his case20:57
sexigirle-posten min er sexi_cam_girl@hotmail.com20:57
ikoniahateball: so I see, how odd20:57
kaiwendmi3on post your xorg.conf so far on paste.ubuntu.com20:57
lexi eed help. i just installed gutsbygibbon, but cannot have sound playing at all. what do i do. ima a newbie20:57
ikoniasexigirl: not in here please.20:57
kaiwenactually dmi3on what' syoru vid card.20:57
kaiwendmi3on thing is, you dont' have a driver assigned to it20:58
* gary4gar wants to ban sexigirl20:58
dmi3onkaiwen,  syoru i dont understand20:58
sexigirle-posten min er sexi_cam_girl@hotmail.com20:58
trupheenixgary4gar: ok i'll send u a private message with the output20:58
kaiwendmi3on what is yoru video card. I think I know an n00b way20:58
dmi3onkaiwen,  i have nvidia e - geforce 6200ct 256MB20:58
Dexikiixgary4gar: sorry if this is odd but every time i see your name, i wanna think it's "Gaydar"20:58
lexcan n e 1 help me?20:58
kaiwendmi3on even better since it is nvidia, on synaptic search envy.20:58
SherlawkDragonwhat's the terminal command to terminate a program, like Firefox?20:58
ikoniaDexikiix: come on please.20:58
mesy4567what's up lex?20:58
gary4garDexikiix, IRc nicks make no sense, mine is also random20:59
mesy4567ask the question lex, don't ask to ask20:59
Gillpy_SherlawkDragon: kill20:59
kaiwendmi3on install envy, then run it, then follow the step by step instructions, that should make it work with the nvidia driver.20:59
Dexikiixikonia: we don't have to be uptight professional tools in here...20:59
dmi3onkaiwen,  i tryed Envy didnt help :(20:59
ikonia!envy | kaiwen20:59
ubottukaiwen: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk20:59
gary4garDexikiix, consider it as a 8bit string :P20:59
mesy4567envy isn't supported20:59
kaiwenthanks ikonia, now i feel like i'm in school again.20:59
Dexikiixlol ok gary4gar, i will20:59
ikoniaDexikiix: I don't appriciate the reference to a "tool" but you do have to stay on topic. Please try to keep it together20:59
kaiwenwait, i am in school lol.20:59
Gillpy_SherlawkDragon: actually, there are many ways20:59
lexthanx mesy, i just installed gutstygibbon but cannot get any sound. what can i do?20:59
trupheenixkaiwen: ndiswrapper is the last option. this is such an old and widely used wireless card. i'm surprised it's not working on hardy. gutsy was working superb21:00
dmi3onkaiwen,  what is next option  ?21:00
kaiwentrupheenix actually do you know the mod name?21:00
mesy4567!wiki sound | lex21:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wiki sound21:00
ubottuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.21:00
kaiwendmi3on, i suggest you try envy first.21:00
kaiwenevne though it's not supported on this irc21:00
dmi3onkaiwen,  i tryed it two times it does not help21:00
Dexikiixkaiwen: can you help me with opera?21:00
ikoniadmi3on: envyng is the more supported option21:00
kaiwenlet me do another paste.21:01
Dexikiixer wait i might not need it21:01
dmi3onkaiwen,  same think21:01
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:01
kaiwendmi3on did you install envy?21:01
mesy4567lex, have you tried configuring your sound options?21:01
gary4garDexikiix, /join #opera21:01
dmi3onkaiwen,  yes21:01
kaiwenok. did you run it?21:01
dmi3onkaiwen,  yes21:01
trupheenixgary4gar: please see private message21:01
dmi3onkaiwen,  why you think i am laying ?21:02
kaiwendmi3on, hmmm you'll have to use vesa driver21:02
SherlawkDragonhow do I list the processes?21:02
edmoorehi everyone. out of the box, my source'list seems to contain all the standard repos21:02
kaiwendmi3on no i'm not, if you need help please be less hostile.21:02
gary4gartruckin, i am there :)21:02
SherlawkDragonso I know what to kill?21:02
edmoorehowever, when I try and install anything, I get21:02
edmooresudo apt-get install octave3.021:02
dmi3onkaiwen, what that means ?21:02
mesy4567lex, have you tried configuring your sound?21:02
Gillpy_SherlawkDragon: ps -e21:02
edmooreI get:21:02
edmooreReading package lists... Done21:02
edmooreBuilding dependency tree21:02
edmooreReading state information... Done21:02
edmooreE: Couldn't find package octave3.021:02
FloodBot1edmoore: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:02
dmi3onkaiwen, vesa driver ?21:02
kaiwendmi3on go to your xorg.conf21:03
kaiwenusing sudo21:03
edmooresorry for flooding, I thought 4 lines would be just about ok21:03
dmi3onkaiwen, whats next ?21:03
kaiwenreplace nvidia with vesa21:03
edmooreanyone know why I get this error?21:03
ere4siedmoore: try  apt-cache search octave21:03
Gillpy_SherlawkDragon: or you can use   'pgrep'21:03
kaiwendmi3on and try that, if it works once you restart, then we know it's a driver problem.21:03
Snubbiill pas du ubuntu21:04
Dexikiixgary4gar: i tried that.. nobody was in there lol21:04
edmooreere4si: that did nothing21:04
act1v8Hello. How do I make Compiz ignore the blacklist and just attempt working?21:04
edmoorejust went onto a new prompt21:04
dmi3onkaiwen, every were is nvidia replace with vesa ?21:04
ere4si!find octave21:04
ubottuFound: libinline-octave-perl, octave-epstk, octave-pfstools, octave-plplot, octave-sp (and 15 others)21:04
ere4siedmoore: ^21:04
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »21:04
kaiwenreally dmi3on, paste.ubuntu.com please21:04
gary4garDexikiix, post in there forums na?21:04
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:04
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:05
Dexikiixgary4gar: forums=slow21:05
ere4siedmoore: can you paste your sources list?21:05
Dexikiixall i need is the path to the install location21:05
Hunter_what is that21:05
edmooreere4si: will put it in pastebin - just a sec21:05
Dexikiixsomeone in here has got to know where it installs by default21:05
act1v8Anyone, how do I whitelsit a video card because I know this one works... I have tried it on Fedora, and Foresight. It works!21:05
edmoorethis is ubuntu-server vanilla install, if that helps21:05
edmooreno X yet21:05
Kenthreedoes ubuntu have a native firewall? sorry for newbness21:06
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dmi3onkaiwen, what you want me to paste original xrog.conf /21:06
kaiwenKenthree no.21:06
kaiwendmi3on the one you have right now at /etc/X1121:06
ahornerHow would I bridge two internet connections (eth1 and eth0) so I can be on the internet with my pc and my 360 at the same time?21:06
gary4garDexikiix, yeah, but you get a answer21:06
kaiwendhmi3on xorg.conf is the one i want21:06
DJones!firewall | Kenthree21:06
ubottuKenthree: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).21:06
akatsukihello.. when i boot..its taking like 10 seconds on this.. *loading hardware drivers    [    27.213505 ]   intel-rng:  FWH not detected..... so how can i delete this? is taking 10 seconds of my boot time and its not even detecting it! how i can solve this. i will really appreciate any help, thanks21:06
kaiwenlol no option for firestarter21:06
edmooreere4si: http://pastebin.com/m61403e5121:06
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lonein irssi, what are the shortcut keys to copy & paste?21:06
lexi have no sound can any1 help?21:07
ahorneri know about firestarter but it always says unavailable21:07
kaiwendmi3on see the Driver "nvidia"21:07
kaiwendmi3on change that to vesa21:07
mesy4567lex, have you tried configuring your sound?21:07
kaiwenDriver "vesa"21:07
act1v8How do I whitelist a video card? Anyone?21:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ipmasq21:07
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:07
lexhow do i configure?21:07
lexright clik?21:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about whitelist21:08
ackbahrHi! I'm looking for a music manager that would look a bit like synapsis does : a list of albums (on a reference HD) that I can tick or not to copy them onto a MP3 player. Rings a bell for anyone here?21:08
kaiwenubottu is stuipd lol21:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is stuipd lol21:08
sh4d3-0090i see whitelists everywhere21:08
ubottuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.21:08
akatsukihello.. when i boot..its taking like 10 seconds on this.. *loading hardware drivers    [    27.213505 ]   intel-rng:  FWH not detected..... so how can i delete this? is taking 10 seconds of my boot time and its not even detecting it! how i can solve this. i will really appreciate any help, thanks21:08
ere4siedmoore: that looks ok - done sudo apt-get update yet?21:08
lexwhat about wiki21:08
ahornerubottu nat21:08
rkpisanuubottu is the best21:08
lexlook it up?21:08
lordofthepigsHello, is it possible to use an NTFS partition as my home partition? I do not care about file access rights on my home partition since I am the only user of my computer.21:08
kaiweni thnk we killed him.21:08
crimsunakatsuki: chances are it's not that rng error at all21:08
lexdont wana fuk up my sttings mor21:08
ahornerwhat happened to it saying i dont know anything..21:09
sh4d3-0090i dont get it ubuntu is also cuz u can look everything up but no one does...21:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nat21:09
edmooreere4si: no - doing so now21:09
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is the best21:09
mesy4567lex, be patient21:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dhcpd21:09
ikonialex: please watch your lanaguage21:09
FloodBot1ubottu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:09
ubottuFloodBot1: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:09
ahornerhe lagged lol21:09
lexwill do21:09
sh4d3-0090ur mom is a bot21:09
kaiwen!offtopic sh4d3-009021:09
ahornerblowup doll21:09
ubottukaiwen: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:09
mesy4567lex, go to system21:09
edmooreere4si: that did it. Sorry, I'm new to all this :). Thank you very much for your help21:10
ikoniaahorner: sh4d3-0090 please - try to keep on topic, this is a support channel21:10
CentHOGGubuntu guest vmware gods help21:10
ere4siedmoore: np :)21:10
ikoniaahorner: thanks21:10
act1v8Okay then, how do I use the effects? They don't work, but they should. Because the FSOSS ATI driver (radeon) works with my card with effects on Fedora and others.21:10
mesy4567lex: then go to adm.21:10
theRealBallwhich default filesystems are available?21:10
ahorneris there an apt-get for F@H?21:10
verynewIs it possible to change language for a single program permanently?21:10
act1v8verynew: I don't think so21:10
chuck-would anyone be able to tell me if the ASUS M2R32-MVP and the Nvidia Gefore 8500GT is supported in Ubuntu 8.04?21:11
dmi3onkaiwen, !!! its change resolution21:11
kaiwendmi3on what21:11
kaiwendmi3on is that good?21:11
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »21:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about more21:12
dmi3onkaiwen, now resolution is 1280x1024 i need 1440x90021:12
mesy4567you get it?21:12
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:12
kaiwendmi3on well at least we know it's a driver problem.21:12
lonechuck-: the 8600gt is supported21:12
lexafter admin what?21:12
lonechuck-: so the 8500 got to be as well21:12
mesy4567is there a sound setup lex?21:12
chuck-ok..what about my asus mobo?21:12
dmi3onkaiwen, ok thx, whats next ?21:12
alpinestrhow do i format a drive in fat3221:12
verynewyou know, to change a language for a program it is possible to run terminal, type (for example) [LANGUAGE="C" inkscape] and you have inkscape in english, but is there any way to make it automatic?21:12
loneno answer, sorry21:12
kaiwenis 1440x900 still in yoru xorg.conf?21:13
alpinestrusb stick21:13
lonechuck-: i dont know21:13
mesy4567oops it's in the menu above admin.21:13
Chousukeverynew: LANG=C, but yeah21:13
kaiwenor is there a 1280x1024 in yoru xorg.conf21:13
Chousukeverynew: make an alias or a script.21:13
lexthough so ha21:13
lexthen what21:13
dmi3onkaiwen, no will i  be able to run compiz ?21:13
verynewChosuke: how?21:13
Chousukeverynew: alias eng-inkscape='LANG=C inkscape'21:13
kaiwendmi3on no you won't since it's vesa21:13
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:13
mesy4567lex: you see a sound configuration thing?21:14
alpinestri have /dev/sdb1 thumb stick and i wanna format it in fat3221:14
kaiwendmi3on install the nvidia driver, do a google search or use envy, vesa can't work with 3d21:14
Chousukeverynew: if you want the language for all apps, "export LANG=C"21:14
alpinestrhow would i do it21:14
Enroncan someone tell me how I can compare between 2 files and extract specific info example is here http://phpfi.com/34110121:14
Chousukeverynew: and to save the alias, you need to put it in a shell init script21:14
Chousukesuch as .bash_profile21:14
verynewChosuke: only for inkscape... thats the problem21:14
act1v8What should I do to "try" on my own risk to run Compiz. You know, this removes the Openness Ubuntu claims to have...21:15
dmi3onok, how do i change resolution to 1440x900 with visa ?21:15
Chousukeverynew: then you want the alias :)21:15
akatsukihello.. when i boot..its taking like 10 seconds on this.. *loading hardware drivers    [    27.213505 ]   intel-rng:  FWH not detected..... so how can i delete this? is taking 10 seconds of my boot time and its not even detecting it! how i can solve this. i will really appreciate any help, thanks21:15
Chousukeverynew: or if you want to use a GUI, make a shortcut.21:15
alpinestri have /dev/sdb1 thumb stick and i wanna format it in fat32 how do i do it21:15
kaiwendmi3on i c the xorg.conf didn't have my changes21:15
verynewChosuke: i know nothing bout aliases21:15
alpinestranyone can help ?21:15
alpinestryes ?21:16
verynewtthanks anyway21:16
l337ingDisorderok guys got a wireless problem if anyone can help with that... I've installed the ndiswrapper and the wireless drivers for my card. I can connect to non-secured WAPs with no trouble, but when I try to connect to my WPA-TKIP enabled router it just sits on "Waiting for network key" for a minute or two then fails to finish the connection. Anyone know why this would happen?21:16
kaiwendmi3on are you still here? can you paste.ubuntu.com I can help you switch to theresolution you want.21:16
mesy4567what do you want to do with the thumb drive?21:16
kaiwendmi3on your current xorg.conf21:16
dmi3onkaiwen, thats what is now http://paste.ubuntu.com/35201/21:16
Grobvokalpinestr: http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/format-external-drive-for-linux/21:16
mesy4567Just format it?21:16
alpinestrI would like to format it in fat3221:16
mesy4567are you in linux?21:16
chuck-geez if i just searched ubuntu i would have found my answer :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ASUS_M2R32-MVP21:16
mesy4567actually grobvok posted a link21:17
kaiwendmi3on what was the res. again?21:17
dmi3onnow is 1280x102421:17
kaiwendmi3on try this21:17
kaiwendmi3on http://paste.ubuntu.com/35202/21:17
alpinestrk thx21:18
lonel337ingDisorder: did you try wpa supplicant?21:18
idefix_my CD bus is doubled, that is it now has 80 instead of 40 veins, my PC doesn't mount them automatically anymore, what to do?21:18
kaiwendmi3on note, if you want compiz to run, you'll have to install the nvidia driver though.21:18
kaiwendmi3on the one that nvidia provides.21:19
idefix_oh btw I also changed my CD player to a DVD burner21:19
l337ingDisorderlone: never heard of it, i'll google it21:19
kaiwendmi3on this should help you if you decide to install it later on, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia21:19
mesy4567alpinestr did you figure it out? I have another solution21:19
anilgHi.. whats the command to shutdown ubuntu without sudo..21:20
anilgi wanted to add a cron job21:20
Clint-anilg, just click turnoff then shutdown21:20
kaiwendmi3on and notice that I put the resolution directly in the xorg.conf. If you , in any case, have another resolution problem, remember what i did.21:20
anilgi wont be at the systemm21:20
mesy4567shutdown -h now21:20
anilgthats why i want to schedule it21:20
mesy4567I think21:20
bigapeHow do I filter my Internet connection?21:20
Clint-mesy4567,  that needs to be run with sudo21:20
Grobvokalpinestr: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=761282023eaa6af59b2993f71c9d61b8&p=702570&postcount=721:20
RequinB41hey all - What front-end do I use to search files created with beagled?21:20
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anilgsomeone who has tried it?21:20
mesy4567oh he said no sudo21:20
GrobvokThe previous link didn't say about fat32.21:21
GreyscaleDoes anyone know if the IBM x23's plastic parts are the same as the x24?21:21
dmi3onkaiwen, doenst work21:21
ubottuServices to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)21:21
dmi3onkaiwen, back to old state21:21
kaiwendmi3on ???21:21
kaiwendmi3on post your xorg.conf again.21:21
DexikiixI installed the plugin and deleted the xpti but it still thinks thers no plugin21:21
mesy4567alpinestar, go to terminal type parted /dev/sdb1 mkfs 1 fat3221:22
l337ingDisorderlone: ok so it seems I already have the most recent wpasupplicant installed21:22
kaiwendmi3on hmm.. is it bad resoultion right now?21:22
mesy4567does that sound right?21:22
dmi3onlow resolution mode21:22
kaiwendmi3on is your monitor really 1440x900? is it a tv?21:22
akatsukihow can i check my wireless card chipset21:22
lonel337ingDisorder: ok, then you need to configure it21:22
kaiwenakatsuki lscpi21:22
act1v8Who do I need to strangle in order to make my card work which is capable of working with effects on ubuntu!?!21:23
kaiwen!lscpi | akatsuki21:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lscpi21:23
kaiwenlol ubottu i hate u21:23
lonel337ingDisorder: unfortunaltey i dont have a useful english tutorial at hand at the moment21:23
dmi3onkaiwen, is wide screen monitor21:23
l337ingDisorderlone: ok thanks :)21:23
lonel337ingDisorder: just a german one21:23
act1v8!lspci | akatsuki21:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lspci21:23
kaiwendmi3on, ic, that is weird, i'm not sure.21:23
mesy4567act1v8, I had a similar problem, you might just have to wait for the new distro to fix it21:23
mesy4567I couldn't fix it for the life of me21:23
lonel337ingDisorder: i had all kinds of trouble regarding this topic as well21:23
lonel337ingDisorder: but it worked through wpa supplicant21:24
act1v8mesy4567: Wait? Isn't that very bitchy. You know this whole "switch to ubuntu from fedora" stuff is making me go crazy. Have to kill Canonical.21:24
dmi3onkaiwen, mey be because i have connected two monitors on this card ?21:24
kaiwendmi3on bingo21:24
kaiwendmi3on try one21:24
kaiwendmi3on, the reason is, for two monitors you need a different setup21:24
kaiwendmi3on for your xorg.conf.21:24
kaiwendmi3on you'll have to assign a certain "name" to each monitor in yoru xorg.conf"21:25
mesy4567act1v8, I wasn't being bitchy, ubuntu 8.1 seems to have a problem with nvidia cards21:25
lexi am tryin to to test sound. o help21:25
lexno help21:25
kaiwendmi3on but to enable dual monitor support you'd need the nvidia driver here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia21:25
Kamus_H_ZwischCocolite: tell me, why you tried to identify with my nickname?21:25
mesy4567lex, what's the problem? did you go to where I told you to?21:25
akatsukilscpi | akatsuki21:25
akatsukididnt work21:25
akatsukihow can i check y chipset card21:25
FloodBot1akatsuki: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:25
akatsukianybody know21:25
kaiwenakatsuki just type lscpi21:26
Dexikiixok i can cd /.mozilla21:26
Dexikiixbut where is that in the file browser21:26
kaiwenakatsuki lspci21:26
kaiwenakatsuki it's spelled wrong ;)21:26
GrobvokDexikiix: Press Ctrl+h in a nautilus to show hidden files.21:26
jpdsDexikiix: Open Nautilius and select, show hidden files.21:26
lexi am testing sound no response21:26
idxWith an Intel 915G onboard 128mb graphics adapter, all OpenGL programs (e.g. Google Earth) appear in the foreground always, even if hidden by non-graphical elements or other applications. Any ideas?21:26
lonel337ingDisorder: here's a tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26313621:26
mesy4567lex, did you try changing the options with the drop down menus?21:27
kaiwendmi3on I have to go, I have to start on my homework.21:27
dmi3onkaiwen, doent help21:28
Pirate_Hunteris there a youtube downloading app for unbuntu as im using epiphany & galeon instead of firefox?21:28
=== izibi_ is now known as izibi
kaiwendmi3on remove the subsection wth the resolution so it reverts back to the 1280x102421:28
kaiwendmi3on then try installing the nvidia driver https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia21:28
kaiweni really need to go dmi3on, i have lots of hw to do ;)21:28
mesy4567lex have you tried it?21:29
idxWith an Intel 915G onboard 128mb graphics adapter, all OpenGL programs (e.g. Google Earth) appear in the foreground always, even if hidden by non-graphical elements or other applications. Any ideas?21:29
kaiwenbye guys, by ubottu i love u21:29
dmi3onyou too21:29
lexyeh no sound booooooooooooooooooo21:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iloveeggs21:29
ikoniakaiwen: come on - you've been asked about this before21:30
mesy4567did you select ALSA?21:30
GrobvokPirate_Hunter: http://xviservicethief.sourceforge.net/index.php?action=home21:30
=== phoenix_ is now known as phoenixcasper
mesy4567!sound setup21:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sound setup21:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl21:30
idxWorth a try21:31
mesy4567lex, search google, you're not really helping me help you21:31
imtotalcauseJust installed HARDY HERON on my E-machine T1842. The CPU fan works during start up. Stops working once the desktop is loaded? Keep getting an emergency shutdown.21:31
Pirate_HunterGrobvok: ty very much21:31
Mark_vHhi, i'm trying to setup ubuntu on a disk that had bad sectors, using the alternative cd. It refuses to do the partitioning21:31
lexswitched them to alsa21:31
lexno sound21:32
mesy4567lex try all of them21:32
Mark_vHHow can I install ubuntu on this disk (as dualboot with the already existing WinXP?)21:32
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot21:32
lexi did21:32
akatsukihello.. when i boot..its taking like 10 seconds on this.. *loading hardware drivers    [    27.213505 ]   intel-rng:  FWH not detected..... so how can i delete this? is taking 10 seconds of my boot time and its not even detecting it! how i can solve this. i will really appreciate any help, thanks21:32
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:32
mesy4567Mark_vh, you must partition the drive21:32
idxMark_vH: You could always use Wubi if it really does refuse to partition.21:32
taakhow come screen messes up my terminal colors and delete character?21:33
=== Spuddy is now known as spuddys
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mesy4567!wubi | Mark_vH21:33
ubottuMark_vH: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.21:33
idxMark_vH: Wubi does not partition but instead creates a virtual disk on your existing NTFS partition which you can boot into.21:33
=== boy is now known as Guest62136
spuddysCan anyone help me, Im having problems with apt-get21:34
Mark_vHbut wubi will be slower right?21:34
mesy4567what's the problem spuddys?21:34
spuddysMark_vH i installed over wubi not a problem21:34
spuddysMesy can i PM?21:34
idxMark_vH: Not by much. I'm using it now. It uses swapfile instead of a swap partition, that is the main factor.21:34
mehehoolhello my name is scott and i have some questions for those of you smarter than me21:34
idxmehehool: Golden rule of IRC: don't ask to ask, ask. go ahead21:35
=== nick__ is now known as nich^
Mark_vHhmm, ok...thanks for the suggestion...i'll try that21:35
kekkowhat's the easiest to install email server (just to send test mail from php..)?21:35
mehehool1 i installed my bluetooth drivers on ubuntu 8.04 but my switch doesnt work to turn in on or i just plain dont know how to use it i guess21:36
depeshe-nodeI have a Compaq Presario C700 with an aetheros wireless card. I've already followed the suggestions on the ubuntu website to fix my problem, however, the madwifi distribution used is no longer there (the .tar file is empty).  Can anyone give a n00b a hand?21:36
EugenMayerhello, iam troubleshooting for a while now, but dont get proper results. I just compiled a new kernel, the current 2.26.2 but still my microfon on the T60(82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio) wont work. Can anybody help me a bit ?21:36
nich^Hi chaps :) I ran update manager on my work computer (7.04) to update to 7.10. Is there anyway I can finish updating it from home? I have a terminal connected to it via vpn, and looking at /var/log/dist-upgrade it looks like it's popped up a dialog box in gnome and I need to confirm a setting :)21:36
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup21:36
mehehool2 i have been trying to get my wireless working for 5 months now and i still dont have anything21:36
ikoniaEugenMayer: custom kernels are not supported21:36
cwill747depeshe-node: so you already looked at the wifi docs?21:36
imtotalcause Just installed HARDY HERON on my E-machine T1842. The CPU fan works during start up. Stops working once the desktop is loaded? Keep getting an emergency shutdown Chipset: Intel 845GL I have on onboard 3D INTEL EXTREME GRAPHICS  AGP21:36
lordapexwhat would be the best way to copy a whole partition? dd?21:37
ikonialordapex: just the data, cp would do21:37
Sylphid|workmehehool, what wireless card is it?  lspci should show21:37
cwill747So i have a problem where when i turn off my computer, the hard drives stop spinning and everything, but the power never turns off. The screen is stuck on the shutdown screen with the loading bar empty21:37
lordapexikonia: cp -rp ?21:38
ikonialordapex: -x too21:38
ikonialordapex: but if you want the physical partition, rather than the data, then dd as you rightly suggested is wise21:38
idxWith an Intel 915G onboard 128mb graphics adapter, all OpenGL programs (e.g. Google Earth) appear in the foreground always, even if hidden by non-graphical elements or other applications. Any ideas?21:38
mehehoolbelkin f5d807321:39
lordapexikonia: no the data was what i wanted21:39
mehehoollspci calls it unkown device21:39
ikonialordapex: cp works well21:39
lordapexikonia: would dd backup all the whitespace aswell? not just the data21:39
ikonialordapex: exactly21:39
lordapexikonia: no way to change that? bzip?21:40
ikonialordapex: bzip is just compression21:40
imtotalcause Just installed HARDY HERON on my E-machine T1842. The CPU fan works during start up. Stops working once the desktop is loaded? Keep getting an emergency shutdown Chipset: Intel 845GL I have on onboard 3D INTEL EXTREME GRAPHICS  AGP21:40
mehehoolalso the problem im having with my bluetooth is i cant turn in on -ever since i wiped vista the switch on my onboard bluetooth device hasnt worked21:40
depeshe-nodeI have a Compaq Presario C700 with an aetheros wireless card. I've  already followed the suggestions on the ubuntu website to fix my problem, however, the madwifi distribution used is no longer there (the .tar file is empty).  Can anyone give a n00b a hand?21:40
gallardoanyone home?21:41
ikoniagallardo: 1000+ people21:41
athadepeshe what model is your card?21:41
UltimateMacUser1im having problems with the v8 installer21:41
cwill747!hi | gallardo21:41
ubottugallardo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:41
spuddysCan anyone help me, Im having problems with apt-get21:42
crashflow!hi | crashflow21:42
ubottucrashflow, please see my private message21:42
UltimateMacUser1the installer stalls at 15% 'detecting file systems'21:42
ikoniaspuddys: whats up21:42
cwill747!ask | spuddys21:42
ubottuspuddys: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:42
spuddysIkonia can i PM you?21:42
ikoniaspuddys: ask in the channel21:42
spuddysI am having problems with a21:42
spuddysand another libicu21:42
imtotalcause Just installed HARDY HERON on my E-machine T1842. The CPU fan works during start up. Stops working once the desktop is loaded? Keep getting an emergency shutdown Chipset: Intel 845GL I have on onboard 3D INTEL EXTREME GRAPHICS  AGP. I think the problem is my graphics driver. can't find the one for INTEL 845GL on the list or the intertubes??????21:42
ikoniaspuddys: can you explain the problem please.21:42
gallardowhere are you from?21:43
gallardothis is the first time i am logged into something like this21:43
gallardo'what all happens here?21:43
FloodBot1gallardo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:43
spuddysIt wont install21:43
spuddysover apt-get21:43
atha<depeshe-node> what card do u have?21:43
ikoniaspuddys: what command are you using and what is the error21:43
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cwill747gallardo: this is the support channel for ubuntu, where you can ask software questions that have to deal with ubuntu21:43
depeshe-nodeatha: give me a moment, I'll give you my lspci output for it21:43
mehehoolsylphid|work belkin fd807321:43
spuddysfixed i think21:44
kappaccinoI have an emachine around somewhere21:44
cwill747!hi | oompa_loompa21:44
ubottuoompa_loompa: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:44
kappaccinoharvested it for parts when the board died21:44
oompa_loompaIve been asking this for a week already, this is my issue with AIGLX and hardy21:44
depeshe-node atha: 01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)21:44
oompa_loompaI recently upgraded from gutsy to hardy21:44
imtotalcausekappaccino did your graphics card driver load properly out of the obx?21:44
k4r1mis there support for 3rd party packages here?21:44
ikoniak4r1m: what package21:44
oompa_loompaon gutsy everything worked flawlessly graphics config21:44
k4r1mikonia: its a theme21:44
dogmeathow can i convert ps to pdf?21:44
ikoniak4r1m: contact the theme owner21:45
oompa_loompawhen I upgraded to hardy I found so many bumps in my way21:45
cwill747!enter | oompa_loompa21:45
ubottuoompa_loompa: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:45
ikoniak4r1m: they normally post contact details on their sites21:45
max7Hello, I have laptop with with second LCD. In past I used 17 inch and now I got new 22 inch LCD 1650x1080 and I can't get it work with nvidia driver. Please, help.21:45
kappaccinoimtotalcause, I'm just babbling. The os on that broken emachine was xp home21:45
mehehoolbe back21:45
imtotalcauseI also can't find my monitor listed in the GUI. I have a Sychmaster 150MP21:46
imtotalcauseoh ok21:46
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gallardowhy has been this chat server made?21:47
gallardorespond guys!!!!!!21:47
gallardowhere are the 1000+ people in here21:47
gallardono one is replying?21:47
FloodBot1gallardo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:47
max7May be someone know the site with good xorg.conf files.21:47
ikoniagallardo: there are 1000+ in here, what is your problem ?21:47
EugenMayerhello, iam troubleshooting for a while now, but dont get proper results. I just compiled a new kernel, the current 2.26.2 but still my microfon on the T60(82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio) wont work. Can anybody help me a bit ?21:48
ikoniaEugenMayer: as I said earlier, custom kernels aren't supported21:48
oompa_loompafirst my video control was blacklisted (I got around this already) and second which is the problem that persist is, under glxinfo I have direct rendering equals to yes I can activate the desktop effects but when I do each time I open a tab on gnome terminal(or close it ) the background gets messed up (that is the terminal and the desktop background) same thing with cairo-dock each time i put the mouse over any item, my compiz config is pretty light21:48
oompa_loompa not much effects (all of them work by the way) but I just cant make it stop messing my background, installing XGL does the trick, it fixes the issue I just mentioned, but XGL on hardy is so slow :( what can I do?21:48
EugenMayerikonia: great, are you kidding? Then you might fix the "stable" one?21:48
gallardoi was getting a lag of more than 20 secs!!21:48
ikoniaEugenMayer: no, I'm not kidding21:48
ikoniaEugenMayer: if you want updates to the kernel submit bug reports. Have you submitted a bug report21:49
EugenMayerikonia: cant believe just read that kind of answer, really. The so called stable kernel is not even able to scan with the total broke ipw3945 drivers, while the one before works.21:49
imtotalcauseok time to restart so my MB doesn't melt URGH CURSES21:49
EugenMayerikonia: i dont need, because there are like on trillion bug reports about that issue21:49
ikoniaEugenMayer: have you logged the bugs ?21:49
ikoniaEugenMayer: have you commmented or provided info on the bugs ?21:50
oompa_loompaany ideas?21:50
ikoniagallardo: `what do you want ?21:50
EugenMayerikonia: why should i comment somethin what is obvously clear? The drivers used are totaly broken, just look at the gid of the developers, how many bugfixes happend till that time21:50
ikoniaEugenMayer: ok, wait for it to be fixed then21:51
EugenMayerikonia: all you need is update the drivers, no need for searching any bugs21:51
chuck-anyone know hwy i would get this error when trying to install ubunto 8.04: buffer i/o error on device fd0, logical block 021:51
ikoniaEugenMayer: how do you update the drivers ?21:51
gallardonothing , just logged for the first time, trying to understand things21:51
ikoniaEugenMayer: or how should you update the drivers I should say21:51
EugenMayerikonia: updating the kernel ?21:51
ikoniagallardo: this is a support channel, you ask support questions and people answer21:51
EugenMayerikonia: thats why i use the one.21:51
FirstmateAnyone know how to uninstall wicd and replace it with ubuntus built in wireless manager?21:51
ikoniaEugenMayer: so therefore you must understand what an effort updating the kernel version is to the community21:51
hateballchuck-: Let it time out, takes a bit... should work fine after that21:51
hateballchuck-: or use the alternate installer21:52
EugenMayerikonia: iam not new to this.21:52
ikoniaEugenMayer: so then you understand why the kenel version has not been updated21:52
chuck-why would that happen though? I don't have a floppy drive installed21:52
root__hi i am new to ubuntu i want to configure google talk can any one help meeeeeeee???21:52
EugenMayerikonia: i did not offence that, i offenced your opinion about custom kernels are not supported21:52
max7Could someone share xorg.conf for nvidia 7Go 1650x1080 ?21:52
hateballchuck-: Buggy installer? I dunno. Just know it's happened to me a few times21:53
gallardoafter installing compiz on my ubuntu 8.04 , i am unable to access my other workspaces.... what shall i do?21:53
ikoniaEugenMayer: well, they are not supported, if your building your own kernels you should be able to support them21:53
EugenMayerikonia: because while ubuntu can go that fast for fixing the bug, i can. So blaming me for that is kind of self-destructive.21:53
GreyscaleDoes anyone have, on the offchance, a broken IBM x23/24?21:53
ikoniaEugenMayer: no-one is blaming you21:53
ejerroot__: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/internet-instant-messaging.html21:53
EugenMayerikonia: actually the kernel is baken, its just the microphone playing bad. Sound is ok21:53
ejerFirstmate: you should be able to just uninstall it21:53
ejergallardo: what happens21:54
mehehoolhow do i turn on my onboard bluetooth device21:54
gallardonothing , i just cant use desktop2,3,4...21:54
edmoorewould anyone be able to help me set up wireless sharing of my ethernet connection? I'm entirely cli-based atm, running the wirless pci card that is at the top of this list: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsEdimax#PCI21:54
edmooreand the latest hardy-server21:54
ejergallardo: why not? what happens when you click them21:54
gallardoonly desktop 1 is available for me, nothing hapens on clicking on them21:55
oompa_loompaI guess Im just out of luck then21:55
oompa_loompaI will probably roll back to gutsy (although there wont be updates for long)21:55
ejeredmoore: seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing ?21:55
mehehoolok people how do i turn on my onboard bluetooth device21:55
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k4r1manybody here using gnome-main-menu?21:55
Grobvokgallardo: If you installed compiz, you should have a settings manager in System -> Admin/Preferences21:56
gallardowhat shall i do?21:56
gallardoya.. the ccsm right??21:56
Firstmateejer: from where?21:56
Grobvokgallardo: Or just right click on the desktop switcher and clich preferences21:56
gallardoi tried it too, but was of no use21:56
feihung1Stefi SkuNK21:56
ejermehehool: system>prefs>bluetooth ?21:57
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ejerFirstmate: from where you installed it, or from add/remove, or synaptic - u should probably read https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/add-applications/C/index.html21:57
CShadowRunAnyone know of something like manycam for linux? (Webcam server, and ability to send a live stream of your desktop to a remote person)21:57
akatsukihow can i check my video card? any command?21:57
akatsukii mean the chip and brand21:57
hateballakatsuki: lspci21:57
ejerCShadowRun: motion - http://www.lavrsen.dk/twiki/bin/view/Motion/WebHome21:58
CShadowRunakatsuki lspci | grep VGA21:58
gallardoi can edit the number of desktops and the desktop switcher shows the number of rows and columns i set , but nothing happens on clicking on them!!21:58
GrobvokCShadowRun:  sudo lshw -C video21:58
Firstmateejer: wicd is not visible in add/remove21:58
akatsukithank you21:58
CShadowRunejer uhh? thats not really anything to do with what i asked? :x21:58
ejerFirstmate: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/add-applications/C/advanced.html#synaptic21:59
CShadowRunThat seems to be a motion detector, i asked how i could broadcast images of my desktop over webcam21:59
gallardohelloo some one trying to solve my problem?21:59
woelfihey guys (first time here) can anyone help me? i just installed the game "savage" . i wanted to start the game, but nothing happens..... i tryed bout 10 times,but it still doesnt work.... =/21:59
ejersorry CShadowRun you could use remote desktop built into ubuntu21:59
loneto make fonts sharper in terminal i loaded vesa and vga modules. also, i looked into the "appearance" settings, but the fonts still dont have the quality like under windows21:59
CShadowRunejer yea but thats not really any good for streaming it via webcam either ;p22:00
loneis there any other way for improvement?22:00
ejerCShadowRun: you just webcam what you want and set up a web server, motion will do all this22:00
woelfihey guys (first time here) can anyone help me? i just installed the game "savage" . i wanted to start the game, but nothing happens..... i tryed bout 10 times,but it still doesnt work.... =/22:00
phantomcircuiti want to install vmware22:01
ejerCShadowRun: you want a picture of your desktop taken by a webcam right, not a screenshot22:01
ikonia!vmware > phantomcircuit22:01
ubottuphantomcircuit, please see my private message22:01
CShadowRunejer motion will allow me to send a live video of whats going on in my desktop over video conferancing software?22:01
pqlsztjozwhat is up with i can't log in with root? how do i change this22:01
rooroo82That's due to security22:01
gallardomy vlc itches while playing .mp3 files, but it plays video files well... what shall i do?22:01
rooroo82Just do sudo blah22:02
rooroo82Or su root22:02
ejerCShadowRun: i guess but I don't see what the webcam part of this is for, why not just show your desktop using software...22:02
ejer!sudo  | rooroo8222:02
ubotturooroo82: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)22:02
CShadowRunejer because video conferencing software takes webcam input...22:02
rooroo82ejer, I know what sudo is :s22:02
gallardo my vlc itches while playing .mp3 files, but it plays video files well... what shall i do?22:02
rconanis there a workaround for the problems with persistent livecds on hardy?22:02
rooroo82I love sudo22:02
ejerrooroo82: then you know how to enable root easily22:02
rooroo82ejer, indeed22:02
gallardo my vlc itches while playing .mp3 files, but it plays video files well... what shall i do?22:02
rooroo82Which is why I never asked a question about it ;)22:02
idefix_so about the bus doubling..22:02
rooroo82It was pqlsztjoz who asked22:03
ejerok sorry22:03
gallardo my vlc itches while playing .mp3 files, but it plays video files well... what shall i do?22:03
rooroo82ejer :p22:03
woelfihey guys (first time here) can anyone help me? i just installed the game "savage" . i wanted to start the game, but nothing happens..... i tryed bout 10 times,but it still doesnt work.... =/22:03
CShadowRunejer www.manycam.com take a look at this, it does what i want, but it's windows only :<22:03
grobda24gallardo, "itches~" ?!! What is it an aadvark ?22:03
pqlsztjozi find it odd that i can change root's password  from regular user account,  what kind of security is this22:04
zachbpqlsztjoz: maybe you were a super user?22:04
pqlsztjozzachb  even with superuser, i shouldn't be able to change root's password22:04
ejerCShadowRun: maybe you can clarify what you want to achieve? manycam just looks like any other webcam viewer with some effects...22:04
CShadowRunejer and one of it's effects is being able to transmit whats going on on your desktop, live22:05
Pirate_Hunterif i remove libgtk1.2 what kinds of problems may i face?22:05
ejerpqlsztjoz: root does not have a password22:05
grobda24woelfi ... how did you install it ?22:05
woelfii installed it with the terminal.....22:05
woelfiit is totaly installed, ive a desktip icon and all the stuff....22:06
woelfibut i cant start it22:06
grobda24woelfi, have you searched in add/remove or synaptic ?22:06
reesebwhello.  I need advice, more so than help.  I recently installed ubuntu to dual boot with windows xp.  i surprisingly found that I use ubuntu a lot more and did not partition enough space on my harddrive.  is a reinstall/reformat the only way to change this problem, and are there ways to back-up and restore ubuntu to make the process go a bit quicker?  thanks in advance for any advice.22:06
EugenMayerhow to start the cpufreq-applet ?22:06
EugenMayeror even install it22:06
CShadowRunejer so like i could be playing a game, and broadcasting it live over msn22:06
grobda24reesebw, if you need extra space you should be able to use the winxp partition.22:06
ambushok, anyone who was here half an hour ago when i asked my question about getting my wireless card working: kaiwen posted what i needed to do. it didn't work22:07
ejerCShadowRun: it is possible to do, I don't know of an app that combines webcam with screen sharing out of the box22:07
CShadowRunejer maybe you could talk me through it? i have tried before with no sucess :(22:07
grobda24!wireless | ambush22:08
ubottuambush: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:08
CShadowRuni know i have to use some sort of loopback device and another app to fire webcam into it, but thats about as far as i got22:08
reesebwi know, but I have been finding it a bit tedious to use.  I really just need the extra space so I can use the ubuntu desktop more liberally as well as have room for apps.  I thought I was going to use ubuntu as just a play space and gave it only 9 gigs which I realize is not enough to make it my main os.22:08
CShadowRunfire the screen into it i mean :)22:08
ejeri would have to set it up myself first CShadowRun I would just use 2 apps for this personally and not try and stream thru video conference software22:08
* chull smiles22:08
CShadowRunguess i'll keep looking then.22:08
ejerCShadowRun: i would set up a web page with 2 viewers, one for cam, one for screen22:09
grobda24!partition | reesebw22:09
ubottureesebw: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter22:09
ejerCShadowRun: i will hint that some video apps like motion make a video loopback device22:09
chulldoes anyone know how to get page numbers in an open office document? I clicked in the footer and Insert Fields Page Numbers .. and in the footer it /says' "Page Numbers" It should have numbers, no?22:09
CShadowRunejer yea but i'd like to have support not only for msn, but for other such things aswell, so a loopback device would be nice22:10
CShadowRuni'm sure i'll figure it out22:10
reesebwthanks ubottu, i'll take a look at those22:10
grobda24!openoffice | chull22:10
ejerchull: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/OOoAuthors_User_Manual/Writer_Guide/Page_numbering22:11
jhb1608how do I clean junk files?22:11
Pirate_Hunterwhat does   libglib1.2ldbl actually do, is it safe to remove it?22:11
jhb1608I am nearly out of space...22:11
ubottuchull: a free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org22:11
ejerjhb1608: you could do an 'sudo apt-get clean' in terminal to get some space22:11
SeveredCrossPirate_Hunter: Are you going through /usr/lib and removing stuff?22:12
ejerPirate_Hunter: if you are not sure, why mess with it... is it causing problems22:12
gyro54Please help! I have run the upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 and the computer is locked with 7 minutes to go? Can I shutdown and restart?22:12
SeveredCrossgyro54: You can't unlock it?22:12
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helderamhello... I trying to access www.ubuntu-br.org .. but not working22:12
SeveredCrossAlso, just keep it running, it'll (hopefully) finish without any human interaction needed.22:12
yousif111Hi. I m checking whether i have a connection to internet. Do you have any improvement for me?  if [[ ` ping -c  1 www.google.nl |grep -c "1 received" ` = 0 ]]; then  echo you are not connected to the internet; fi;22:12
helderamdo anybody know why ?22:13
Pirate_HunterSeveredCross: nah using debfoster but some of the synaptic description is not that helpful but it seems gtk-theme-switch is using them so its ok to remove22:13
jhb1608it is working now22:13
niocholas_joneshey guys, is there a hot-key to switch between jobs, so instead of doing control+z, then %2 ( or whatever the job # is ) , I could do, control+F3 or something, is there any shortcut for this ?22:13
ejerhelderam: looks like the site is down22:13
gyro54I am using it to write this but the screen has the upgrade info with the line at 7 minutes to go?22:13
td123gyro54: try leaving it along for about 23 more minutes, if nothing then start worrying.22:13
Pirate_Hunterejer: im not messing with it just taking out the garbage that i dont need22:13
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ejerPirate_Hunter: unless you can identify garbage that seems risky ;) and unnecessary22:13
gyro54It has been on 7 minutes for about 3 hours22:13
rconanhow do I mount a samba share so I can write to it? (not using nautilus)22:14
Pirate_Hunterejer: just did with debfoster it is helpful very helpful22:14
lubosz2hi, is there an init.d script which resets all networking stuff and restarts the network manager applet?22:14
jhb1608ok I installed by apt-get clean, now what?22:14
ejerhow will this help your system Pirate_Hunter22:14
reesebwsecond problem i had a question with.  I have an external harddrive.  it is formatted in NTFS and use it to store my media.  I want to share it with my xbox running XBMC.  When I attempt to edit the sharing options I do not have the permissions.  I do not have this problem with my other external formated in fat32.  I can't seem to get control over this drive.22:14
ejercheck disk space jhb160822:14
helderamthis site is from canonical ?22:14
Pirate_Huntergyro54: o.0 hmmm and you didnt restart whatever youre doing22:14
jhb1608no difference22:14
justs0meat shutdown i see "Stopping firewall: ufw" wth is that i have selinux installed?22:14
bobertdos lubosz2: It should just be "networking" I think22:15
chullejer, the oo people seem to have gone home already, i did ask in there. ty for the webpage.22:15
SeveredCrossjusts0me: Uh...22:15
lubosz2bobertdos: thx22:15
=== lubosz2 is now known as lubosz
SeveredCrossIf it was SeLinux, it'd say SELinux, not ufw.22:15
georgy_28lubosz2, : reset networking : sudo /etc/init.d/network restart22:15
justs0meSeveredCross: thats what i thought22:15
bobertdos lubosz2: You can always ls /etc/init.d to make sure it's there.22:15
jhb1608Do there is a way to clean junk files? I tried the Firefox cleaning22:15
georgy_28lubosz, : sorry networking not network22:15
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jhb1608and all stuff22:15
Pirate_Hunterejer: debfoster deletes dependencies used by apps which apt-get & aptitude leave behind as well as telling you which modules a program has installed with it, you should search for it and read the page22:16
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gyro54No the desktop is still working but is the original 7.10. The Program lists have changed22:16
luboszbobertdos: will this script have influence on the network manager gnome applet?22:16
XiXaQHow can I install the Norwegian browser Opera?22:16
ejerPirate_Hunter: i know very well what it does, and unless you are critically low on disk space it will not make your system faster or help at all really, just risk breakin stuff22:16
bobertdoslubosz: I believe so, though don't quote me on that.22:16
xal2Is there a backport for nvidia-glx-new?22:17
xal2I need the latest driver for my video card.22:17
HazelipHi, I've posted on the general help forums, but I was wondering if anyone here would mind taking a stab at a lowly newb's problem?22:17
xal2Otherwise I"m stuck using the binary which is causing a few problems22:17
Pirate_Hunterejer: isnt that comment based upon opinion and im sure this conversation is supposed to be in offtopic22:17
bobertdosHazelip: Ask away :)22:17
Hazeliphttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=883104&highlight=shutdown  <- my post22:17
HazelipI've gotten my Compaq Presario V6000 up and running with 8.04.1 and everything is happy in hooville.22:18
HazelipBut, when I shut down, or the system goes into hibernate, I get a messed up screen that looks like my laptop is trying to eat the LCD.22:18
HazelipIt appears to shut down normally, start up is fine, and I have no other graphical or visual problems.22:18
tobylanehi, i'm trying to install stuff bit it doesn't make sense. If I can't get something by apt-get, I download the source, but then ./configure always fails, ive tried on about ten things22:19
HazelipIt's weird, but I don't know if I should be concerned or not being completely new.22:19
bobertdosHazelip: That still sounds like a problem with the video driver. What graphics device is in that system?22:19
CShadowRuntobylane tried reading the error messages that ./configure puts out? It's usually because you have missing dependancies.22:19
HazelipIt's an nvidia, and the driver updates came down automatically.22:19
HazelipI'm firing it up now to get the details.22:19
bobertdosHazelip: Restriced or open-source?22:20
tobylaneit says things like gtk, gcc, etc aren't there, and they are22:20
ejerPirate_Hunter: no, not opinion at all, and you asked the question, meaning you don't understand what the lib is for, hence since this is a support channel I advised you not to mess with stuff you don't understand, feel free to ignore me and do it anyways22:20
ejertobylane: what do you want to install22:20
HazelipRestricted, I think.  The video drivers are lumped in with the Broadcom drivers as "being needed to make this computer work." or some kind of wording.22:20
Pirate_Hunterejer: XD22:20
tobylaneicedtea and gnash22:20
tobylaneor whatever java/flash you suggest22:20
FirstmateCan anyone offer wine help with mirc?22:21
metheonwhats the name of that flash blocking extension to firefox that replaces the flash with a play arrow you can click to view the flash?22:21
jhb1608do there is a way to clean junk files, I stil have 2.1GB free space.22:21
ejertobylane: you do not need to download anything for this please see https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/add-applications/C/index.html22:21
ejer!flash | tobylane22:21
ubottutobylane: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:21
Hazelipnvidia geforce go 615022:21
ejer!java | tobylane22:21
ubottutobylane: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository22:21
tobylanejhb1608,  sudo apt-get autoremove22:21
bobertdosHazelip: let's see..........22:21
gyro54It stopped when it was generating locales en_AU.utf-8...for /etc/belocs/iso.def. Should I shutdown and restart?22:21
jhb160831.1MB will be freed22:22
verynewperhaps silly problem, but what the heck. Can you guys tell me where is .bashrc file? I just cant find it. I was already editing it [gedit .bashrc] but cant find that damn file, im curious where it hid. I found only {bash.bashrc and dot.bashrc}22:22
ejerjhb1608: there is not much junk files you can delete really, why do you feel it is junk files taking up space?22:22
ejerverynew: it does not exist, you can just create it manually22:22
verynewtthen how i could edit it? O_O22:23
=== kevinO is now known as KevinO
bobertdosHazelip: Is it a fairly new Nvidia model?22:23
ejerverynew: start a new text document with text editor and save it as /home/yourusers/.bashrc22:23
ActionParsnipwerd y'alls22:24
jhb1608it is might be the updates I installed, I have 10GB capacity.22:24
HazelipCrap.  I need to block some nitwit who is PMing me about his dire need for a bowel movement.22:24
tobylanejhb1608, i would suggest going through things, like do you need all your window/desktop managers22:24
gyro54Help! I'm in the shit aren't I!22:24
KevinO!language | gyro5422:24
ubottugyro54: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:24
cyberixIs there a way to increase tool tip delay in Pidgin?22:24
HazelipGreat.  I can't.22:24
ActionParsnipjhb1608: if you need space run sudo apt-get clean22:24
Hazelipbob, it's fairly new.  the lappy's maybe a little over a year old?22:25
verynewejer: ok. i just found it little weird that i edited a file that does not exist, added some aliases and they worked..22:25
ejeralready did ActionParsnip22:25
HazelipWe got an admin in the channel?22:25
ActionParsnipno just a midlevel user22:25
ejerverynew: i may be wrong... but if file exists and you already edited it... what is issue?22:25
bobertdosHazelip: As much as I hate telling this same thing to almost everyone I run across, I always tell people with newer cards to look into installing proprietary drivers.22:26
gyro54Will the computer work if I restart if the upgrade to 8.04 stopped at 7 minutes to go?22:26
verynewejer: don't bother, was curious22:26
ActionParsnipverynew: by editing the file you create it22:26
HazelipI thought restricted drivers were proprietary drivers?22:26
ejerverynew: it will be found in ~/.bashrc22:26
tobylanegyro54, try, at the worst you'll have to reinstall22:27
tobylane*re upgrade22:27
kris_If anybody here hasn't tried terminator, you should.. it's fabulous22:27
claygHazelip, they are- he thinks you aren't using them already - i believe22:27
ActionParsnipgyro54: leave it for a while (like 10 mins) then if its stuck troubleshoot from there22:27
verynewejer: it isnt there.... or i dont see it22:27
veryneware in linux hidden files?22:27
Hazelipclay, you and your declarations of bowel needs can leave me the hell alone any time now...22:27
gyro54It has been 3 hours22:28
ejerverynew: files starting with a dot are hidden by default in nautilus, go to view>hidden files22:28
Clint-Anyone know of a video capture software that runs well on ubuntu. For capturing your screen22:28
tobylaneclint vlc22:28
verynewejer: oh, thanks; im completely new to linux :)22:28
bobertdosHazelip: Actually, when I say proprietary, I mean the drivers downloaded directly from Nvidia.22:28
claygI'm talking about nvidia restricted drivers, who you are referring to when you say proprietary drivers (i believe)22:28
Clint-tobylane,  to capture the screen?22:28
claygah, i am wrong then22:28
ActionParsnipverynew: a dot at the start of a file denotes hidden-ness22:29
EugenMayeranybody has an idea, why setting the phc_vids works ( cat phc_vids shows the correct result ) but it seems not to affect the syste, as i could go down to 5 on the highes scale22:29
ejerClint-: http://alicious.com/2008/videomovie-screen-capture-programs-for-ubuntu-linux/22:29
Clint-ejer, thank you22:29
gyro54ActionParsnip: What do you think will happen because I can still use the computer at the moment.22:29
ActionParsnipgyro54: i wouldnt reboot halfway, can you input at all?22:30
Pulpieanyone know of the ati radeonhd drivers are decent enough yet?22:31
gyro54I have a new icon in the top right corner and it says "Unable to get data"22:31
ActionParsnip!ati | Pulpie22:31
killazanyone having the problem of Sound Juicer not showing the output format created?22:32
ubottuPulpie: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:32
PulpieActionParsnip: it says nothing about the HD drivers there22:32
gyro54ActionParsnip: I should talk directly to you22:32
bobertdos!x11 > Hazelip22:32
ubottuHazelip, please see my private message22:32
ActionParsnipsure gyro5422:32
ActionParsnipPulpie: im not too knowledgable of ati due to me never using them22:33
ejerPulpie: you could always try them...22:33
PulpieActionParsnip: then dont point me to a link that you no nothing about22:33
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:33
ActionParsnipPulpie: it may have given some useful info, sorry for trying to help22:34
gyro54ActionParsnip: The new icon looks like power plug and says "unable to get data"22:34
jhb1608uninstalling and installing some stuff I need22:34
ActionParsnipgyro54: can you run apps / input to the system any22:34
PulpieActionParsnip: next time know about what you try to help on22:35
ejergyro54: possible your net connection got interrupted?22:35
Pulpieanyone know where i can get an old version of ubuntu 7.1022:35
tobylanePulpie, are you sure?22:35
=== `Richard is now known as zzRichard
ActionParsnipPulpie: i always do :)22:35
Pulpietobylane: am i sure what?22:35
tobylanethat you want an old version22:36
gyro54ActionParsnip: Yes the computer is still working fine but the Dist upgrade has stopped22:36
ejerPulpie: cool down... not necessary to insult people, and you could try looking yourself first next time http://www.digitalself.org/2008/06/17/radeonhd-git-on-ubuntu-hardy-with-dri-3d-support/22:36
ActionParsnipPulpie: theres torrents of the older versions everywhere dude22:36
jocklhi, i'm new to ubuntu! i tried to install the iwlwifi driver (3945) but i always get "Kernel Makefile not found at '...'" when i use "make"22:36
ejergyro54: is it in stage of downloading packages?22:36
Mark_vHhi, i'm trying wubi, but after installing all menu options of grub give me a blinking cursor22:36
dexihey, i need that fix for audio not working in flash files again22:36
=== zzRichard is now known as `Richard
Pulpiek well thanks then22:36
claygI'm having similar problems with my HP lappy that Hazelip is hving.  If i do find a driver on nvidia's site, how to I make ubuntu accept it? So I can begin using my new driver?22:36
tobylaneoh haha, i got java working, but the sun java test applet says "applet crashed", does that matter?22:37
gyro54eger: No it is  setting up22:37
ejer!nvidia | clayg22:37
ubottuclayg: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:37
ActionParsnip!enyng | clayg22:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enyng22:37
jocklcan anyone help?22:37
ejergyro54: hmm it may be bad to interrupt it now...22:37
ActionParsnip!envyng | clayg22:37
ubottuclayg: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk22:37
ActionParsnip!ask | jockl22:37
ubottujockl: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:37
Coder7hey guys, I'm trying to record some screen casts using xvidcap, and I can't get it to maintain a decent frame rate at all22:37
jocklwell.. :)22:37
gyro54eger: Yes I am a bit scared to shutdown22:38
ActionParsnipCoder7: tried recordmydesktop22:38
Mark_vHwhy do i just get a blinking cursor when i try installing ubuntu with wubi?22:38
phoenixcasperInstalled ubuntu on my desktop and am getting no sound. Help please.22:38
bjb1959my resolv.conf file loses the dns entry everytime I reboot. any ideas?22:38
Coder7ActionParsnip: nope, I haven't. I can check into it, but I was trying to follow the directions at screencasts.ubuntu.com22:38
tobylanewubi is far from perfect, your problem may be an unresolved bug22:38
Bruceehow do i open flashplayer-installer on ubuntu?22:38
Bruceewith what program?22:39
ejerjockl: i don't think you need to recompile anything... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/iwlwifi_Intel_3945_4965/gutsy22:39
dexiBrucee: double click it22:39
dexiBrucee: select run in terminal22:39
depeshe-nodehey there.  I have a computer with an atheros wireless card.  after screwing around with madwifi, I just went ahead and installed ndiswrapper, and then what should be the correct driver in it, however, I'm still not getting the device in iwconfig, sugesting to me that it isn't plugged in right.  anyone have some insight?22:39
Mark_vHtobylane, thanks...how to debug this? any logfiles to check?22:39
ejerphoenixcasper: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems22:40
tobylaneno, i just know wubi isn't very good22:40
=== greyscalefreenod is now known as Greyscale
tobylanebye, ill probably need reps help tommorow :$22:40
ejer!flash | Brucee22:40
ubottuBrucee: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:40
ActionParsnipdepeshe-node: if you are using ndiswrapper id uninstall madwifi22:41
sharperguyHi. I had the problem earlier where I couldn't upgrade from gusty to hardy (starting from a clean feisty install and going from there) because locale-gen was failing on that kernel. Well I've sorted that now but I still can't get hal to configure properly, dpkg gives me "invoke-rc.d: initscript hal, action "start" failed.". Can anyone help?22:41
Pirate_Hunterwhats the name of the default run program in ubuntu i.e. when you hold alt+f2?22:41
depeshe-node<ActionParsnip> it was a custom install that I hooked in with modprobe.  how would I uninstall it?22:41
amenadoPirate_Hunter-> same run level as the others, you only get one level22:41
ejerMark_vH: seen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#Cannot%20boot%20into%20Ubuntu ?22:41
nickrudPirate_Hunter, that's part of gnome-panel22:42
gyro54eger: I have a problem don't I22:42
ActionParsnipdepeshe-node: sudo apt-get --purge remove madwifi-tools22:42
ActionParsnipdepeshe-node: try tab completing, i dunno the EXACT package name22:42
Pirate_Hunteramenado: huh.. didnt get that just need the name of that app I cant be bothered installing fbrun when ubuntu comes with a default one just dont know what it is called and I cant use alt+f2 in icewm22:42
ejergyro54: my nick is ejer :) and yes it lloks like you might have a problem... you could try clicking the cancel and close buttons and say force quit, but I can't guarantee you that your system will be usable... if you have not yet, I would backup everything you can in case22:43
Pirate_Hunternickrud: ahh so im guessing ill need to install that to get it :(, there isnt a way to get it separatly?22:43
Mark_vHejer: thanks, i will try the suggestions there22:43
fetova 22:43
depeshe-node<actionparsnip> apt-get didn't detect it. I installed it from source (since that's what a lot of tutorials suggest)22:43
nickrudPirate_Hunter, I've seen something, I'm checking the back brain22:43
ejerPirate_Hunter: you could try out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnomeDo22:44
Pirate_Hunternickrud: wow so geeky nice, well ill be here if you remember anything22:44
ActionParsnipdepeshe-node: oh, erm i think you need the source to do sudo make <something>22:44
verynewhow to add extra commands (example: LANG=C) to shortcuts icons (if its possible)?22:44
gyro54ejer: Thanks for your help22:45
depeshe-node<ActionParsnip> I've still got the source sitting arround. perhaps the makefile would have an uninstall function?22:45
ejerPirate_Hunter: from http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/icewm - apparently Windows Key + spacebar brings up run dialog in icewm22:45
deximy flash videos are choppy/low frame rate and have no sound... any help?22:45
nickrudPirate_Hunter, my memory is failing. I'm just getting old, I guess ;(22:45
nahojwhat do I need to do to execute a *.sh file?22:45
ejerdexi: http://alicious.com/2008/videomovie-screen-capture-programs-for-ubuntu-linux/ could help...22:46
nickrudverynew you mean like in a menu, or launcher?22:46
jpdsnahoj: sh filename.sh22:46
phoenixcasperI got my sound working thanks everyone!22:46
ActionParsnipdepeshe-node: ive not done source for AGES22:46
nahojjpds, as root?22:46
Pirate_Hunterejer: ty, fnny enough i saw a post talking about that, hope it doesn bloat the system but than this comp can handle it but im just stingy on space :)22:46
Oli``dexi: let me guess - you're running on nvidia and compiz?22:46
Pirate_Hunterejer: ooh didnt know that will try22:46
bjb1959I lose my dns entry everytime I reboot. any ideas?22:46
jpdsnahoj: Depends. The script should ask you if you need root access22:46
verynewnickrud: i mean, i got an icon on a desktop and i would like to launch program with extra commands by clicking on it22:46
Pirate_Hunternickrud: ahhh youll never be too old for me np will try ejer's posts22:47
nahojjpds, I get the following: "bootinst.sh: 22: Bad substitution" - that's also when I do it as root22:47
ejerbjb1959: you could make sure your network manager is set to roaming mode22:47
depeshe-node<action parsnip> guess I'll just take a look arround the source files myself ;)22:47
nickrudverynew, that's not enough info to go on; but a generic solution is to write a bash script doing what you want and linking the launcher on the desktop to that22:47
Coder7ActionParsnip: recordmydesktop crashes without error, just like istanbul does22:48
nahojjpds, you know what I might have missed?22:48
jpdsnahoj: No.. sorry.22:48
KcajI need help with some bash/shell commands where I'm not "live"22:48
Pirate_Hunterejer: i luv you since makign this clean install that was the only thing i was missing, just beautiful ;D22:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about recordmydesktop22:48
nahojjpds, ok, thx anyway22:48
ActionParsnip!info recordmydesktop22:48
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.6-1 (hardy), package size 45 kB, installed size 136 kB22:48
ejernice Pirate_Hunter22:48
Oli``dexi: the whole framerate needs nvidia and adobe to improve their respective products. they're high priority issues so I wouldn't think they'd take too much longer trying to fix it. Though I thought the same thing a few months back too. Sound can be fixed by: sudo apt-get install libflashsupport22:48
KcajAs in, I need to do this: /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject user@host.com; MESSAGE GOES HERE ctrl+d;22:48
ActionParsnipCoder7: those are the only 2 I know22:48
KcajIs ; the right character to yuse to "enter"? Also, how to type ctrl+d?22:49
roidelapluieI am looking for someone who is living in LONDON and who has Widows Live!22:49
ActionParsniproidelapluie: im in leeds but no windows here22:49
jocklhow do i install the iwl3945 driver if it is precompiled?22:49
roidelapluieActionParsnip: Do you have jabber?22:49
nahojjpds, do I have to prepare the *.sh file in any way before using it?22:49
verynewnickrud: example: i can run terminal and type :LANG=C app_name. i wonder is there a simple way to do the same with icon shortcut on a desktop22:49
k4r1mhow come when i do "gtk-window-decorator --replace" it works but the moment i close the terminal it goes back..?22:49
ActionParsniproidelapluie: msn, sametime, aol and irc only22:49
ejerverynew: why do you need this22:49
roidelapluieActionParsnip: what is your MSN address?22:50
jpdsnahoj: Not sure, read the documentation that comes with it. Maybe it'll have some tips.22:50
depeshe-node<ActionParsnip> well, the source *did* come with a make uninstall, luckily, though I still had to modprobe it in, so I have the lurking feeling ndiswrapper may not be hooked in yet22:50
uoaphysI'm having trouble getting sound on a new Ubuntu install, and the sound card is an sblive! value22:50
nickrudverynew, put a launcher on the desktop. Think launcher not icon shortcut (which can be a link as well)22:50
verynewejer: quicker, more convenient, when i accidentally close terminal the program wont close22:50
dexithe framerate worked yesterday22:50
uoaphyswill someone help me with my sound problem?22:50
dexii reinstalled linux22:50
dexiand now its crappy22:50
pgreptomHey, something funny has happened.  I was playing with mplayer to try to be able to play real media files.. and now, regular .avi files and what not do not play right in Dragon, or VLC. . . mplayer is the only application that plays any of the files right.  When playing in Dragon, or VLC - the colors are way off (blue looks redish, etc.) - any idea/?!22:50
dexii think its the way it installed tho22:50
roidelapluieActionParsnip: what is your MSN address please?22:50
ActionParsnipjockl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68672622:51
ejerverynew: do you just want to make shortcuts to programs? there is no need for the LANG thing22:51
nahojuoaphys, try to just ask the question straight out22:51
MicaI need some help, when I start the installer (for regular ubuntu, in both graphics safe mode and normal mode), the ubuntu logo and the load bar shows up, but once it finishes it shows me a black screen and nothing happens. (I'm not familiar with vim or anything of the sort, either) Can anyone help me?22:51
ActionParsniproidelapluie: get my IM22:51
dannyboyanybody hav a perl ebook?22:51
nickrudverynew, but remember, you will need to use a script if you plan on setting environment variables22:52
verynewnickrud: ok, i put a launcher on a desktop, and... ?22:52
uoaphysnahoj: ok, I just installed Ubuntu fresh install. I have an sblive! value sound card. no sound is coming out of the card. Can someone please help me troubleshoot it?22:52
verynewnickrud: no other way?22:52
ejerdannyboy: http://learn.perl.org/ ?22:52
ardinecwhich antivir is the best for 8.04, private please22:52
ActionParsnipdexi: you'll need some config on the new system22:52
RequinB41!virus | ardinec22:52
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:52
ubottuardinec: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2122:52
lancerpgreptom, I can't remember exactly - but I had something like that with me for a while... green skin and such, not *all* colours was the weird thing. I think it was solved bygoing into xine and choosing a different hardware driver.22:53
ejerverynew: http://webtools.live2support.com/linux/export.php but i say again you will most likely not need to fool with this22:53
nahojuoaphys, check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449&highlight=soundblaster+live to begin with.. =)22:53
pgreptomlancer: how  do you do that?22:54
ejer!sound | uoaphys22:54
ubottuuoaphys: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:54
nickrudverynew for example:    #!/bin/bash <newline> LANGUAGE="C" xterm" in ~/bin/xtermscript then right click desktop and add a launcher with xtermscript as the command22:54
xal2I'm having problems with my graphics driver.22:54
xal2I'm using the Nvidia binary driver from the website22:54
bjb1959ejer, sorry lost connection. my network is set to roaming. but it is wired not wireless so not sure why that would matter22:54
xal2because the ubuntu restricted driver does not work22:54
ActionParsnipxal2: id try envyng-gtk22:54
xal2i can install the binary, but when i restart, it does not work22:54
xal2what is that?22:54
ActionParsnip!envyng-gtk | xal222:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about envyng-gtk22:54
Mark_vHejer: i tried the a clean shutdown to fix my wubi install problems, but i still get the blinking cursor on all grub options. any suggestions?22:55
ActionParsnip!envyng | xal222:55
ubottuxal2: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk22:55
ejerbjb1959: cause that means use dhcp, you could try also manually setting it to use dhcp22:55
carterreload grub?22:55
lancerpgreptom, I don't recall... it was settings on one of my media players I think... but the key is I wasted time searching for codecs and it was the hardware drivers (XV etc) that needed to be corrected.22:55
verynewnickrud,ejer: thanks, i will have to think about it for a while22:55
Pirate_Hunterhow do i call mplayer in terminal with gui?22:55
ejerPirate_Hunter: gmplayer22:55
pgreptomlancer: I was playing with those last night in mplayer.  So perhaps I should use mplayer and change them back22:55
georgy_28Pirate_Hunter, : gmplayer22:55
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: gmplayer &22:56
nickrudverynew, the key thing you need to remember is the launcher is not executing in a shell environment, that's why LANGUAGE="C" doesn't work22:56
lancerpgreptom, yes it could be.Thing is I'22:56
Pirate_Huntergeorgy_28, ActionParsnip, ejer: ty22:56
pgreptoml' ?22:56
verynewnickrud: ok! i just started learning linux22:57
spizme too22:57
lancerpgreptom, thing is I'm pretrty certain your description sounds the same. Don't dowhat I did and search the earth for updated codecs.22:57
pgreptomlancer: So basically just play with mplayer and mess with the type of video"xv, etc" ?22:57
nickrudverynew, enjoy :) The curve starts steep, but there's a real view from the top :)22:58
lancerpgreptom, yes - I think that should be it. Try a non accelerated one at first.22:58
jhb1608I tried clean and autoclean, it don't cleam much programs. I did uninstalled some programs I don't need and installed programs I only need22:58
dexiis there some sort of command to uninstall and reinstall firefox?22:59
ActionParsnipjhb1608: if you run dpkg -l it will show you what you have nistalled, you can remove what you dont need22:59
TiredWolfdexi: sudo apt-get --reinstall install packagename22:59
dexithanks TiredWolf22:59
MicaIs anyone available to help me?22:59
ActionParsnip!ask | Mica22:59
ubottuMica: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:59
MicaActionParsnip: I did, and I got ignored, basically.23:00
MicaI need some help, when I start the installer (for regular ubuntu, in both graphics safe mode and normal mode), the ubuntu logo and the load bar shows up, but once it finishes it shows me a black screen and nothing happens. (I'm not familiar with vim or anything of the sort, either)23:00
dexiTiredWolf: do you know the package name for firefox?23:00
ActionParsnip!hi | JustinnitsuJ_for23:00
ubottuJustinnitsuJ_for: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:00
ActionParsnipMica: wassup?23:00
ActionParsnipdexi: its firefox23:00
TiredWolfdexi: i think mozilla-firefox, although they might have come up with a fancier name since i last used it23:00
JustinnitsuJ_fortrying to get started an somone send me a private message23:00
dexiActionParsnip: didnt work, i'll try TiredWolf's23:00
MicaActionParsnip: I need some help, when I start the installer (for regular ubuntu, in both graphics safe mode and normal mode), the ubuntu logo and the load bar shows up, but once it finishes it shows me a black screen and nothing happens. (I'm not familiar with vim or anything of the sort, either)  -incase you missed it.23:00
Mark_vHi tried the a clean shutdown to fix my wubi install problems, but i still get the blinking cursor on all grub options. any suggestions?23:00
ejerdexi: if you want to just clean out configuration this will not help23:01
dexiejer: i want to re...get flash23:01
ejer!flash  | dexi23:01
ubottudexi: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:01
ActionParsnipMica: ok can we see your xorg.conf or can you not get that far?23:01
JustinnitsuJ_fortrying to get started here23:01
jhb1608I want to uninstall openOffice.org, but it won't in add/Remove program, says it need to be removed in spynatic... can I do via commandline?23:01
bobertdosJustinnitsuJ_for: Started as in, with Ubuntu in general?23:02
MicaActionParsnip: I'm not even sure exactly where to find that, I'm completely new to this stuff, sorry.23:02
dexiejer: Its not that... i wanted to do the thing where firefox just automatically gets it... cuz the tar.gz i got isnt working the same way as that23:02
ActionParsnipMica: can you get any sort of desktop23:02
MicaActionParsnip: No. I'm on my windows part right now.23:02
ejerdexi: to start with a clean config on firefox in terminal do mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla-backup then start firefox23:02
jhb1608I want to uninstall openOffice.org, but it won't in add/Remove program, says it need to be removed in spynatic... can I do via commandline?23:03
dexithanks ejer23:03
qrjhb1608: if you know the package name you can do sudo apt-get remove package23:03
Clint-jhb1608, yes23:03
pgreptomHi.  I was playing with mplayer's video driver trying to get .rm to play, and now mplayer is the only player that displays .avi's or .mpeg's correctly.  Players like VLC, and Dragon - have the colors extremely messed up.  Anyone have an idea? :/23:03
ejerjhb1608: why not use synaptic? system>admin>synaptic23:03
ActionParsnipMica: ok, boot to ubuntu side, when grub starts press esc to get the menu and select recovery mode23:03
Clint-jhb1608, sudo apt-get remove openoffice23:03
ActionParsnip!realplayer | pgreptom23:04
ubottupgreptom: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:04
goodbyegravityIt may need to be openoffice-base-core or something like that; is there a metapackage?23:04
dexiejer: mv needs an operand23:04
xal2how do i run the dpkg-reconfigure command in full?23:04
jhb1608ok uninstalling.23:04
xal2I only get to configure the keyboard23:04
pgreptomIt's not a real player issue.  Now the problem is trying to play regular .avi or .mpeg's correctly.23:04
xal2never get to video card\ monitor23:04
dexinevermind i did it wrong23:04
ActionParsnipxal2: try tab completing23:04
goodbyegravitypgreptom: What did you mess around with? :)23:04
ejerpgreptom: try resetting stuff back to default?23:04
goodbyegravityAdding .rm support to mplayer is actually really easy23:04
pgreptomgoodbyegravity: The video driver in mplayer.  I had no idea it would reset the settings for all players.23:04
goodbyegravitythe W32 codecs libs?23:05
pgreptomejer: I was thinking that.  but how do I reset back to the default video player (like xv, opengl, or what not)23:05
pgreptomI installed those manually off a guide, and now I can't find where they are to delete them.23:05
VoolooI got some kind of remote control with my dell inspiron 1525, but it doesnt seem to work out of the box.. I cant find any information on how to install it either.. anyone have experience with this?23:05
goodbyegravityYou can pick between Shm, XV, etc. in the Preferences --> uhh23:05
Clint-Vooloo, yea they will work i have one also23:05
goodbyegravityOne of the tabs, hold on23:05
pgreptomgoodbyegravity:  I use KDE :/23:05
VoolooClint-: what did you do?23:05
ejerpgreptom: depends what you changed ;) sounds like something in xorg.conf23:05
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goodbyegravityDoes the frontend not have the option?23:05
VoolooClint-: is it infrared ?23:06
goodbyegravityOr are you running command-only?23:06
Clint-Vooloo, yer it is23:06
MicaActionParsnip: Okay I'll try that, but is there anything else I should know to do if that does work?23:06
Clint-Vooloo,  i just used google and looked around23:06
pgreptomI use the front end in mplayer.  But it doesn't seem like ANY of them will fix the other players .. perhaps I should just re-configure x back to default?  Are those settings stored in xorg?23:06
goodbyegravityNot in xorg.conf23:06
Clint-Vooloo,  and found that using the windows program under wine was 300000000 times easier =P23:06
dexiejer: yesterday before i re-installed linux, i clicked "get flashplayer" and it loaded it like an extension, got it, and said to restart..... today its taking me to an adobe page and asking me to get that tar.gz23:07
pgreptomWhere can I reset it at?  And where do w32codecs install.. I need to erase them23:07
dexiejer: know whats going on? ^23:07
ActionParsnipMica: it will as the recovey mode you can reset xorg.conf back to defaults to give a desktop23:07
VoolooClint-: heh damn23:07
dstaleyDoes anyone know how to use bootcd?23:07
goodbyegravitypgreptom:   You may want to see if there are some errant symlinks that you created, but I wouldn't know where to look23:07
VoolooClint-: so you never got it to work inside ubuntu without emulation?23:07
goodbyegravitypgreptom: /usr/lib/win3223:07
goodbyegravitySomething like that23:07
pgreptomgoodbyegravity: I didn't create any.  I installed "w32codecs" manually .. lettme go delet them23:07
ejerdexi: it is installed, maybe just not responding on some pages.. flash sucks23:07
Clint-Vooloo,  once i got it working i never mess with it23:07
uoaphysok i fixed my sound problem (partially) But here is the real problem: I have onboard sound which is detecting, and sblive sound which is detecting both in alsa. However, I want to listen to music, system sounds, etc.. on my sblive ( I don't even use the integrated sound). But music and desktop sounds only come out of the onboard device... any help on how to tell GNOME and all the apps to switch to the sblive? Thanks23:07
Windsurfer619(Q) Hey, does anyone know a way I can killall nautilus whenever it starts to use moar than 200 MB of ram? It keeps randomly sucking back memory and then filling my swap.23:07
Clint-Vooloo,  im using mythtv also23:07
DozedOnLinuxpgreptom:  sudo aptitude remove <package name>23:07
goodbyegravityHe installed it manually23:07
pgreptomI didn't install the codecs like that.23:07
nickrudVooloo, I've never used them, but lirc is the stuff that does it23:08
pgreptomI used a guide that told me where to put them23:08
Mark_vHubuntu installer fails to load after wubi install (only blinking cursor), no clue what's causing it..only thing i have is a blinking cursor23:08
MicaActionParsnip: And just make sure, at what point should I press esc to get the menu for recovery mode, so that I can get this installed properly asap?23:08
dexiejer: i know... but do you know how to get that one i was talking about, the one where it loads like an extension would in firefox23:08
MicaAnd just to make sure*23:08
edmoorehelp - have just rebooted my server (for the first time since automatic reboot after installation) and it is hanging on (initramfs)23:08
goodbyegravityOh, I think I read the same guide, but it was missing a step23:08
dexiwait i got it23:08
ActionParsnipMica: when it says press esc on screen23:08
VoolooClint-: is it a laptop you have? have you found a way to disable the touchpad when typing? gets kinda annoying23:08
goodbyegravityAnd fullscreen doesn't work23:08
ActionParsnip!hi DX23:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi dx23:08
ejerdexi: if you did it once, it is done, it is installed, thats it, you only do it once23:08
ActionParsnip!hi | DX23:08
ubottuDX: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:08
Clint-Vooloo, Umm there is a way its a process running23:08
DXI need help with v8.0423:08
Clint-Vooloo,  ps aux | grep pad23:09
pgreptomgoodbyegravity: So what do you recommend?  How do I reset it?23:09
nickrud!synaptics | Vooloo23:09
ubottuVooloo: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad23:09
afallenhopeanyone know how to get rid of the build-dep ? I used build-dep xchat, and now I don't need the dependencies... how do I remove them/23:09
DXWhen I try boot from LIVE CD, I get this "Busy Box" message.23:09
goodbyegravitypgreptom: You might want to just try uninstalling Totem, MPlayer et al. and see what happens23:09
MicaActionParsnip: I don't think it shows that to me at any point, the only time I would think it would is at the beginning screen (where it shows options to Install Ubuntu, Try Desktop tour without changing anything, etc)23:09
uoaphyshow do I switch from using one sound card to another (both installed at once)23:09
goodbyegravityOr try to reset the packages with apt23:09
VoolooClint-: nothing23:09
dexii really need to start taking notes on everything i do in linux23:09
Clint-Vooloo,  check that last link nick sent you23:09
DX:( no help?23:09
linxehdexi: and on anything you do work wise - keep a log book!23:09
goodbyegravityDX, what do you need help with?23:09
dexiejer: it was flash-nonfree i was referring to23:09
ActionParsnipMica: read the screen all the time, you'll see it23:10
DXThat BuxyBOX message ?23:10
ejerdexi: me too23:10
dexiejer: i just realized that23:10
BlaqlightIm having a problem with gnome, I can't get it too fully load.23:10
goodbyegravityOh, sorry, I didn't see.  Not my area of knowlege, sorry.  :(23:10
MicaActionParsnip:  Okay, I'll go try again, hope I don't have any more problems.23:10
uoaphysWill you help me? I have onboard sound and an SBLive pci card. I want to use the sblive, but onboard seems to be default and I can't figure where to change it... I double clicked on the sound icon and switched to sblive, but that doesn't seem to do it23:10
RequinB41DX: Try the alt cd23:10
ejerdexi: in terminal do 'sudo aptitude search flashplugin-nonfree' if you see an i next to it it is installed23:10
goodbyegravityuoaphys: Disable the onboard in the bios23:10
goodbyegravityQuickest solution23:11
dexiejer:  i just installed it now23:11
RequinB41DX: most likely you'll have to install via alt CD and install the correct video drivers when its installed23:11
goodbyegravityALSA should pick it up when you reboot23:11
Mark_vHcould the presence of bad clusters on a disk keep ubuntu from installing (through wubi)?23:11
ChryLimeadeuoaphys: You're using gnome, right?23:11
DXI have Celeron with 3.02 GHZ and I download + burned the software on a CD. Then, I rebooted and chose the LIVE CD option, but after that "uBuntu" splash page, I get some Busy Box message23:11
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pgreptomgoodbyegravity: So remove all my media players except for mplayer?  Mplayer is the only one that displays color properly anyway23:11
ejerMark_vH: note that if ntfs is not cleanly shutdown this can be a problem... it is on the wiki page23:11
DXalt cd?23:12
dexiejer: now this is getting on my nerves... every video... no matter the website, is playing intil 2 seconds, then stopping23:12
goodbyegravitypgreptom: That's the simplest thing I can think of; it might be difficult to find exactly what libraries they're using without reading a bunch of stuff23:12
Blaqlightanyone know how to fix this problem, I want gnome to run.. I think something messed up my gnome-session settings.23:12
rebel_kidhey, how do i install my printer, never done it before and i cant find much info on it23:12
Mark_vHejer, yes i did a clean shutdown and the problem persists in that case23:12
goodbyegravityDX:  Do you have the memory hole enable in your BIOS?23:12
uoaphysgoodbye gravity: I was going to do that as a last resort.. but I figured someone would know where you go to switch to a different sound card in the OS somewhere23:12
DXDunno :( what do I enable it??23:12
goodbyegravityuoaphys: It won't harm your computer anything, and you won't be using it anyway :)23:12
Mark_vHejer: trying a wubi reinstall now...23:12
Blaqlightrebel_kid: is CUPS installed and can you get to it at http://localhost:631?23:12
ejerdexi: this is normal, flash is crappy23:12
Windsurfer619(Q) Hey, does anyone know a way I can killall nautilus whenever it starts to use moar than 200 MB of ram?23:12
rooroo82Hmm how could I get my program to create a new command on ubuntu?23:13
goodbyegravityDX:  There's usually a setting calling "Memory hole" or something along those lines somewhere in the BIOS--the option, if it is set, will be 15M-16M23:13
TiredWolfrooroo82: say again?23:13
goodbyegravityIt might be easier to find it base on that; if it's not there, that's not your problem23:13
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rebel_kidblaqlight: never had a printer on here so install cups and see if i can get to localhost:63123:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about altcd23:13
goodbyegravityI had the same problem with my P4M800 P4 board23:13
rooroo82I've recreated cowsay in ruby, how would I make it so that I could type "blahblahblah" into console and my script would run23:13
rooroo82Without an alias obviously23:13
Blaqlightrebel_kid: it should/might be already23:13
goodbyegravityIf you set that memory hole, the kernel doesn't have enough space to load23:13
ScubaSamcould i get some help with something?   i am trying to put Ubuntu 8.04 on my portable hard drive using the steps givin at Pendrivelinux.com and when i come to step 14 it says to type "syslinux -sf /dev/sdf1" and when i do it says "this doesn't look like a valid FAT filesystem", I am completely new to linux and i have no clue what to do23:13
DXbut busybox is bothering me so much. i really wanna install ubuntu cuz i m tired of winxp23:13
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Blaqlightrebel_kid: try that address in firefox.23:14
rebel_kidblaqlight: whats the command for cups23:14
Blaqlightrebel_kid: if it is, the rest is entirely self explanatory.23:14
TiredWolfrooroo82: you need to put it into a directory that the $PATH variable lists. "echo $PATH". i suggest /usr/local/bin.23:14
goodbyegravityDX:  That's the only issue I had with installing Ubuntu; it might be something worth checking :)23:14
DXI dont see any mem. hope options23:14
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nickrudDX, try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=866882&highlight=busybox&page=223:14
rebel_kidblaqlight: nvm its installed already23:14
rooroo82TiredWolf, so physically put the script there?23:14
TiredWolfrooroo82: you also need to have #!/usr/bin/ruby as the first line of your program, and make it executable using chmod +x filename.23:14
Clint-rooroo82, you need to make the script pico startprog.sh into /usr/local/bin then make your script then chmod +x script.ext23:14
Blaqlightrebel_kid: ok so the rest is self explanatory yes?23:14
Windsurfer619(Q) Nautilus keeps leaking memory. Does anyone know a way I can killall nautilus whenever it starts to use more than 200 MB of ram?23:15
ScubaSamanyone hear what i said?23:15
DXSome ppl said to removew "quite splash" and add "all_generic_ide" I hv no idea what they r saying23:15
TiredWolfrooroo82: yes, of course. the system doesn't look for commands in every conceivable directory in your filesystem... only in /sbin, /bin, /usr/bin, and a couple of others (all listed if you type echo $PATH).23:15
rooroo82Ok I get that23:15
rebel_kidblaqlight: what device do i tell it it is23:15
jocklhow can i save the file "modules"? (i have no root)23:15
rooroo82Sorry am I being unbelievably thick here? I create a .sh file containing what exactly?23:15
TiredWolfrooroo82: why would you create a .sh file, if your program is a ruby script?23:15
Blaqlightrebel_kid: whatever device it is... I don't know, you got the printer :P23:15
rooroo82TiredWolf, I was reading Clint-'s reply too23:16
TiredWolfrooroo82: i mean, you can give it the file extension you want (including none), but ".sh" is generally used for shell scripts23:16
nickrudScubaSam, did you make sure that sdf1 existed, and is a valid fat (old style windows) partition?23:16
rooroo82Yeah I know .sh23:16
goodbyegravityDX:  Could you paste the exact error somewhere?23:16
rebel_kidblaqlight: i have no idea what most of these options are, its a lexmark on a usb port23:16
rooroo82Ok I'll try it, 1 sec23:16
oompa_loompaany ideas yet?23:16
ScubaSami did what the instructions said23:16
ScubaSamas i said23:16
ScubaSamim completely new to linux23:16
goodbyegravityDX:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23:16
rooroo82It's just there's no specific command I do puts "Cow say what?" cowsay = gets23:16
nickrudDX, the link I gave you tells you how to go about adding all_generic_ide23:16
Blaqlightrebel_kid: lol good luck with that, some are supported,,, most are not. lexmark is mostly windows friendly :P23:17
TiredWolfrooroo82: well, is i read that correctly, Clint- is wrong. you definitely don't need to make a separate script to *start* your program, your program is perfectly capable of starting itself.23:17
nickrudScubaSam, those instructions probably expect you to modify a bit, to match your system. For example, sdf1 is the first partition on the 6th mounted drive. You'd have to adjust that23:17
BlaqlightI need to know how to reset my gnome session settings/delete them.23:17
rebel_kidblaqlight: any idea on what device it might be, and whats a lin friendly printer23:17
Windsurfer619Nautilus keeps leaking memory. Does anyone know a way I can killall nautilus whenever it starts to use a lot of ram?23:17
EugenMayerhow to debug the phc? i patched the kernel, but the phc settings seem not to affect the system. under  /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq i have the correct outputs, but the system does not even crash on a vid of 523:17
Blaqlightrebel_kid: hp has its own libraries... linux ones :D23:18
SoftdelBlaqlight: Lexmark is barely windows friendly :D23:18
ScubaSamso what exactly do i do23:18
BlaqlightSoftdel: but even less so linux friendly...23:18
ScubaSamim a XP person so i dont really know anything about all this23:18
nickrudScubaSam, since I don't know what all is on your system, what device the external is mounted as, I couldn't give you specifics.23:18
SoftdelBlaqlight: It just doesn't work on Linux, along with Dell printers too (same system)23:18
rooroo82Ok so I put the ruby file in there23:19
rooroo82Now what?23:19
goodbyegravityBlaqlight: Try apt-get --reinstall gnome-session23:19
Blaqlightrebel_kid: HPLIP is all about hp printers working with CUPS.23:19
getBoaHi y'all... Is it possible to install kdemod on ubuntu hardy ?!23:19
TiredWolfrooroo82: sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/filename23:19
TiredWolfrooroo82: and then make sure the line #!/usr/bin/ruby is the first line in your program.23:19
Mark_vHgetting further with my wubi: 'Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(104,1)' ?!23:19
ScubaSamum, its an external hard drive, 250 gb     right now its the only thing hooked up to it usb wise23:20
SoftdelgetBoa: Yeah, if it runs in KDE/Ubuntu/kubuntu it should work23:20
BlaqlightSoftdel: funny, some dell systems come with ubuntu preinstalled... why wouldn't their printers support linux...23:20
Clint-TiredWolf,  I didin't tell him he needed to make a script to start it that was his question so please dont say someone is wrong unless you read the full question.23:20
TiredWolfrooroo82: now type the command name.23:20
rooroo82Yeah problem with that, it actually takes input first23:20
SoftdelBlaqlight: Because their AIO's are based on the lexmark platform...23:20
nickrudgetBoa, that looks like a specific modification of kde for the arch distribution, not for ubuntu23:20
SoftdelBlaqlight: Hence why you cant add them to a linux order :P23:20
DXi checked that link but what does this mean "Tried booting with the all_generic_ide"23:20
Blaqlightlol thats foolish.23:21
Mark_vHhmm, and about the ramdisk, it says 'invalied compressed format (err=1)'23:21
DXi m not a coder lol23:21
TiredWolfClint-, he asked "[00:15] <rooroo82> Hmm how could I get my program to create a new command on ubuntu?", and then explained further into "u23:21
TiredWolf[00:16] <rooroo82> I23:21
TiredWolfwell, into what he said23:21
redrebelwhere do you set the fonts for gtk apps??23:21
Clint-HIs first question was i recreated a program in ruby how do i make a script to start it23:21
adambAnyone know if its possible to have rsyncd, configured where a client can only upload files, and not download?23:21
TiredWolfClint-: never mentioned making shell scripts to start things.23:21
nickrudDX, it means look at the bootoptions link on that page, and follow those instructions :) You're going to be adding some parameters to the boot23:21
Softdelnickrud: Yeah, you're right, archlinux specific.23:21
Clint-TiredWolf, he did before the 2nd time he asked but its fine23:22
RussianPhysicsGuHi all, I turned on Ubuntu this morning to find that everything had reverted back to the settings that are default at install - any way to reverse this? Thanks23:22
BlaqlightHP is your best bet for linux supported printers.23:22
DXi did that and same problem23:22
TiredWolfClint-: what did that question say exactly? i must have missed it23:22
DXi even tried that floppy: off command23:22
rooroo82No joy with it anyway23:22
TiredWolfrooroo82: i don't understand what's the problem with it taking input.23:23
ScubaSamwell i only got 3 minutes till i have to get off23:23
Blaqlightgoodbyegravity: its not the program 'gnome-session' thats the problem... its its settings store..23:23
Clint-TiredWolf, its not important m8 ive cleared screen alreaDY23:23
rooroo82Sorry I'm being a little vague23:23
Clint-as long as he is sorted all that matters23:23
filthpighi, I want to use my mobile phone as a remote for my computer, and I found a nice howto on ubuntuforums. The only "problem" is that the program recommended in that guide is anyRemote, and it does not exist in the repos, and the developer only offers it as source code. Does anybody know if similar software is available through repos? I've tried searching, but found nothing yet..23:23
DXWho's running Ubuntu on Celeron?????????????23:23
Windsurfer619I am!23:23
bXii think i have ubuntu on a celeron somewhere23:23
rooroo82Basically when you do ruby cow.rb it starts by printing a question. It then takes the response and uses that to echo the sentence the cow says23:24
bobyada_How do I play rmvb files?23:24
TiredWolfClint-: i agree it's not important, but he never said that - i do have logs.23:24
BlaqlightDX: isn23:24
rooroo82So there's isn't a specific command per se23:24
rooroo82The script starts itself23:24
Blaqlightt one question mark [lenty :P23:24
Dexikiixhow do i enable 3d acceleration?23:24
DXoh man :S23:24
TiredWolfrooroo82, you're merely running your Ruby program, no more no less. what did you instead want to achieve?23:24
filthpigDX, one question mark is enough, we still see it's a question23:24
ScubaSamwell whatever ill try and come back tomorrow23:24
DXsorry about tht23:25
ScubaSamsince no one could help today23:25
rooroo82TiredWolf, type something like "Moomake" and my ruby script would start23:25
verynewhey, i've written neat script (as nickrud said), put it into files system/bin, created launcher on desktop with command:[script_name], executed launcher and it said 'permission denied'. What the.. ?23:25
ejerrooroo82: have not been following too closely, but just put your script (with no file extension) in /usr/local/bin, then do sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/yourcowsayapp23:25
theRealBallehm is there ext4 default FS?23:25
bobyada_How do I play .rmvb files?23:25
ChryLimeadefilthpig, try searching google for anyRemote deb23:25
TiredWolfrooroo82: and it does, provided you called your script's filename "/usr/local/bin/Moomake"23:25
Windsurfer619Nautilus keeps leaking memory. Does anyone know a way I can killall nautilus whenever it starts to use a lot of ram?23:25
timohi how do i know if I am running 64 bit23:25
rooroo82Ah got it!23:25
Blaqlightverynew: right click on the program and check its permissions, also if its in /usr/bin you don't have access without sudo/gksu23:25
rooroo82Sorry, I'd left the extension23:26
nickrudverynew, did you make the script executable?   chmod u+x ~/bin/scriptname23:26
TiredWolfrooroo82: extensions are ignored in Linux23:26
ejerverynew: it needs to have execution privileges23:26
verynewnickrud: no23:26
TiredWolfrooroo82: if you put one there, though, you'll have to always put it there.23:26
TiredWolfsince it's merely a part of the filename like anything else23:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 3d23:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 3dacceleration23:26
rooroo82TiredWolf, yeah23:26
rooroo82Working perfectly now23:26
kane77timo, try "uname -a" and see if you have something like "x86_64" in the output23:26
ejer!nvidia | Dexikiix23:26
ubottuDexikiix: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:26
timouname -a23:26
rooroo82So for this to happen on every system I need to make a .deb package?23:26
TiredWolfrooroo82: define "every system"23:27
verynewdoes ~/bin mean files_system/bin? cause i dont have /bin in my home directory23:27
DXplease check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=882411 that is the problem i m having23:27
timoUTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux23:27
Blaqlightthis can't be good, a huge thnderstorm in the desert...23:27
timoohh no 24 bit23:27
rooroo82Any ubuntu system that cared to install the package23:27
kane77theRealBall, not really it's not yet ready, it's still in development stage...23:27
TiredWolfrooroo82: yes, you'd have to make a package. ubuntu packages are .deb.23:27
TiredWolf!packaging > rooroo8223:28
ubotturooroo82, please see my private message23:28
bobyada_How do I play .rmvb files?23:28
rooroo82Ah thanks :)23:28
ikiHow to save a photo from 1.1MB to 150kB?23:28
m11i have problem with gproftd and joomla 1.5 cms , it seems it needs ftp layer to install corectly but it dont want accept proftpd user/pass and path in its settings. anyone have clu how to fix this ?23:28
timoI was about to say it runs great for 64 bit23:28
BlaqlightI need to reset my gnome settings so that it will completely load, right now its just a blank screen...23:28
kane77iki, make the resolution smaller and/or change the encoding quality23:28
Mark_vHwubi uses ramdisk. if you run wubi with 246 MiB of mem (instead of recommended 256 MiB) can that cause an 'Invalid compressed format (err=1)' error?23:28
rooroo82eek, looks complicated!23:29
rooroo82Let's get dug in23:29
BlaqlightMark_vH: how did you end up with 246MB of ram?23:29
goodbyegravityProbably built-in video23:29
ikikane77: Is there any automatic way of doing that? I need a photo of exactly 150 kB?23:29
Mark_vHgood question =)23:29
TiredWolfrooroo82: a bit. but it's much easier for a ruby script. except you have to find out which, of all the 200 pages of stuff you need to read into, is relevant to a Ruby program.23:29
rooroo82haha yeah23:29
kane77iki, not one I know of, sorry23:29
rooroo82Shouldn't be awful23:29
rooroo82I'll learn anyway23:30
slammed87d21anyone know much about amd processors?23:30
Mark_vHi'm running out of options though, i tried the normal cd, the alternative cd, and now wubi..and none of them seem to work for me23:30
TiredWolfrooroo82, you might want to look at the transcripts of the Open Week classes, the Packaging 101 class explains things in a bit more humane a manner.23:30
Blaqlightgoodbyegravity: lol I use 128MB of built in video in RAM, it still reports 1GB of ram...23:30
rooroo82Will do23:30
TiredWolf!openweek > rooroo8223:30
ubotturooroo82, please see my private message23:30
kane77slammed87d21, you should rather ask your question...23:30
ikikane77: so just change resolution and somehow encoding in Gimp? Roger?23:30
goodbyegravityBlaqlight: Yeah, my laptop does that, but my old desktop reports the available memory I guess23:30
rooroo82Ah nice23:30
* rooroo82 saves23:31
slammed87d21can you swap a amd 64 for a core2 duo?23:31
goodbyegravityNot in the same motherboard23:31
Mark_vH:/ and ubuntu installation was so painless on my other laptop...23:31
Blaqlightslammed87d21: lol the sockets are diffent..23:31
goodbyegravityBut they're both 64-bit23:31
bobyada_How do I play .rmvb files?23:31
verynewnickrud: i typed ' chmod u+x ~bin/xtermscript' and received 'cannot change priviliges to `bin/xtermscript': operation not permitted'23:31
slammed87d21ok, how about a amd 64 and an amd 64x2?23:31
kane77iki, yes, I'm not sure if gimp has that but photoshop shows the size while you modify the quality setting23:32
Blaqlightslammed87d21: that all depends on the socket... but I doubt it.23:32
kane77slammed87d21, it depends on MB, but usually yes..23:32
mrpocketsso my view in evolution used to be the main window, with the upper half listing all my messages and the lower half would display the specific highlited message23:32
mrpocketsbut now its just one jiant window with a list of the messages23:32
VoolooI want to remove gnome-pilot, but why does it say it will also remove ubuntu desktop?!23:33
kane77Blaqlight, both 64 and 64 X2 use the same socket (AM2) so there should be no problem..23:33
goodbyegravityBut there is also AM2+ and AM323:33
jay_just started xchat in ubunto for the first time, how come i can not see the users in the room like mirc?23:33
mrpockets...got it23:33
mrpocketsbut thanks anyway23:34
goodbyegravityjay_: Click the button on the left that says "1254 users"23:34
georgy_28Vooloo, : don't care, ubuntu-desktop is only a meta-package23:34
goodbyegravityNext to the text input23:34
jay_ahhhh.. i see thank you23:34
Blaqlightkane77: Im still using a AMD XP 1700 :P23:34
verynewit worked! i ticked 'let the program to be executed as a program' and it worked! yay ^_^ thank you guys!23:34
jay_no way to perm put them on display?23:34
verynewt@let the file23:34
Vooloogeorgy_28: so Ihave no other apps that are dependent on ubuntu-desktop?23:34
goodbyegravityjay_:  Uhmmm..23:35
kane77goodbyegravity, AM2+ is backwards compatible with AM223:35
Mark_vHanybody happens to have hardy running on Fujitsu Amilo L 6820?23:35
* Blaqlight watches as verynew switches to slightlynew :D23:35
goodbyegravityAh, I wasn't sure23:35
goodbyegravityjay_:  I don't think so, but there may be a version that implements this23:35
georgy_28Vooloo, : yep !23:35
jay_koversation does i think, but thats more for kubuntu right?23:35
verynewright, have to change nick ^_^, thanks again and bye, g2g23:35
goodbyegravityjay_: Yeah.. but I seem to remember xchat having a full userlist at one point23:36
goodbyegravityjay_: They may have taken the feature out23:36
jay_can i use a proxy with xchat? i dont see an option23:36
kane77goodbyegravity, according to wikipedia even AM3 processors will be able to run in AM2 motherboards..23:37
kane77(but not the other way around)23:37
goodbyegravityHave AMD started making quad-core Phenoms yet?  I'm a little behind the times23:37
jay_yes amd did from what i heard23:37
goodbyegravityjay_: I don't see one either, but there may be a plugin available23:37
jay_quad core phenoms, my firned claims to have one23:37
goodbyegravityI want to get a Q660(?) for the future, but they're so much more expensive than dual-cores23:38
ikikane77: i found them but i have to set the resolution in opening new file. Thanks!23:38
jay_yeah im running daul core AMD i am not rich eaither23:38
goodbyegravityAnd the Phenom boards had some flaw up until the latest ones, didn't they?23:38
jay_I seen in the new linux pro mag they are adding linux built in to the mother board23:38
goodbyegravityJust like my beautiful 7800GT that is doomed to die a fevered, flaming death.23:38
goodbyegravityYeah, ASUS started that I think with Splashtop.23:39
goodbyegravityI *heart* ASUS.23:39
jay_wow i cant beleive xchat does not let me go irc anonymous, no firewall / proxy settings for a socks 5?23:39
MicaHi, I need help. My problem is I get a black screen after the orange load bar finishes, and I haven't even gotten to the desktop yet. This is while I'm trying to install ubuntu.23:40
jparishy_Okay, I finally got Compiz-Fusion installed and running the way I like it, but it seems to have disabled my touchpad when I have it running, does anyone know of a fix for this?23:41
Dexikiixdoes 01:00.1 = PCI:1:0:1 ?23:41
goodbyegravityMica:  Can you paste the contents of your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file to a page on http://pastebin.ubuntu.com ?23:41
Micagoodbyegravity: How can I access /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?23:41
kane77hmm.. now I'm thinking about buying new CPU.. thanx guys :(23:42
jay_is there some kind of issue with running TOR with ubuntu? via firefox?23:42
goodbyegravityFrom GNOME, you can hit Alt-F2 and type "gedit" into the run bar.23:42
jparishy_cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:42
goodbyegravityOr yeah, what jparishy_ said.23:42
goodbyegravityAnd from gedit you can just click Open and browse to it.23:42
Blaqlightok so does anyone know how to reset my gnome settings... I am getting frustrated with it.23:42
Micagoodbyegravity: Where is "gnome" ? Sorry, I'm not good at this stuff.23:42
theRealBallwhat's the default filesystem to go with?23:42
goodbyegravityGNOME is just your desktop environment.23:43
goodbyegravityAlt-F2 is the keyboard shortcut for the application launcher or Run box.23:43
jay_i tried to install ubuntu server and could not figure out how to install gnome GUI :(23:43
Micagoodbyegravity: I don't _get_ to my desktop environment, I'm on Windows side now.23:43
jay_sudo apt -get install gnome did not work lol23:43
jparishy_install gnome-desktop23:44
jay_thats like the only command iknow so far besides cd .. and ls23:44
goodbyegravityUhm.. the easiest way might just be to load it onto a flash drive or something; you'd need network access without GNOME, and that takes a bit of voodoo.23:44
jparishy_apt-cache is always fun :P23:44
goodbyegravityWhen you get to the black screen, you should be able to press Alt-Ctrl-F2 or Alt-Ctrl-F3,4,5,6 and drop to a login prompt23:45
jparishy_you use 'apt-cache search <search_phrase>' to search through the available repos, very useful23:45
RawSushihow do you reset the settings to alsa mixer?23:45
nickrudgah, why do people always quit just before I finally google out the fix ;(23:45
goodbyegravityOr you can select the Recovery option in Ubuntu's bootloader and choose the login terminal there23:45
jay_I am switching from windows so this is all new, im still learning how to unzip and install a tar.gz file much diffrent from zip23:45
nvrpunkanyone know where evolution saves it's signatures?23:45
nvrpunkI get an error saying missing file/directory23:45
nvrpunkwhen i try to save23:45
goldengoldhow do i change server(network) with xCHAT gnome?23:45
Micagoodbyegravity: Don't tell me about the recovery option, I can't get to it. :P Trust me, I just came back from 30 minutes of looking for the moment to press esc to get it =l23:45
jay_thanks guys i will come back when its not as busy23:46
goodbyegravityIt doesn't give you the option when your computer loads?23:46
qrgoldengold: /server the.server.com23:46
jparishy_jay_, 'tar -xvf <tar_file>' will unzip your tar23:46
jay_goldengold type /server <servaname>23:46
Micagoodbyegravity: No, when I press esc when it tells me to, there is no option for recovery.23:46
RawSushiis it even possible to reset the alsa mixer settings?23:46
goodbyegravityThat's weird.23:46
jay_example: /server irc.2600.net23:46
goodbyegravityBut you should still be able to do the Alt-Ctrl-F2-6 bit when you see the black screen.23:46
theRealBallhow's XFS for a default filesystem?23:47
jay_yuck i do not like xchat so far23:47
goodbyegravityTry BitchX if you're into masochism.23:47
jay_konversation is much better imo23:47
Micagoodbyegravity: I'm pretty sure I can, but I'd like to know what to do after I press Alt+Ctrl+F2 so that I don't have to check if it works then come back.23:48
goodbyegravityYeah, from there you can check out that log file and see if there are some errors.  And you can set a fallback driver in your configuration.23:48
Micagoodbyegravity: A fallback driver..?23:48
goodbyegravityYeah, the 'vesa' driver should work with just about anything.  It sounds like Xorg isn't picking up on your video card correctly.23:49
Micagoodbyegravity: I use Nvidia's drivers from their site.23:49
geekishgeekguyi'm sort of new to linux, but could someone tell me how to login as root23:50
goodbyegravityWell, switching to vesa is a quick way to see if it's the driver, but the log file will list every error.23:50
gaintsuraHey all, I've got some REALLY choppy video going on, I'm using HH, fglrx drivers. I get choppy video at a window on the desktop, no full screen, and web video is also very choppy, could anyone help me figure out what the problem is23:50
tauren_i just installed a new ubuntu 8.04 64bit desktop.  Never used 64bit before, but thought I'd give it a try.  Having lots of troubles getting java and eclipse installed and running.23:50
goodbyegravityYou can also start X directly to see if it's the login manager that's the issue.23:50
Micagoodbyegravity: How can I do that?23:51
tauren_why would ia32-libs not be installed by default?23:51
goodbyegravityOnce you drop down into the login terminal with Alt-Ctrl-F, you can type "startx" .23:51
gaintsuratauren_: not all apps are 64bit compatible23:51
Micagoodbyegravity: After I type "startx" what can I do?23:51
LostChild1So, I'm trying to get it so when I'm in xchat and I click a link it opens the page in a new tab in my current firefox session. Currently is just starts a new firefox session, without even going to the link in question. In my gconf-editor the url-handler for IRC says just "firefox" how do I fix this?23:52
goodbyegravityIt should try to load X without the login manager, and GNOME should appear if that's the problem.23:52
tauren_gaintsura: i'm seeing that now...  do i really get any advantages with 64bit?23:52
goodbyegravityBut it sounds like a driver issue.23:52
goodbyegravityIt usually is.  :/23:52
gaintsuratauren_: speed, processing abilities23:52
lokusdoes anyone know of a newsreader that allows for the import of .nzb files? ive tried using Pan but it doesn't seem to import them23:52
Micagoodbyegravity: If it is a driver issue, how can I fix it?23:52
gaintsuratauren_: mostly quicker data xfer since you've got 32 more lines to the cpu23:52
tauren_gaintsura: but less options for software I can run23:53
geekishgeekguywhen i insert my wireless card and boot it freezes and does not load23:53
goodbyegravityThere are a thousand variables for that, depending on which card you're using.  Switching to the fallback driver will give you some insight, but fixing it can be difficult.23:53
gaintsuratauren_: currently, yes, that is slowly changing though23:53
vnietoHi all23:53
goodbyegravityGroin-grabbingly difficult.23:53
geekishgeekguycisco 350 series23:53
vnietoin this moment when i use apt do an segmentation fault23:54
gaintsuratauren_: you MIGHT (don't quote me) be able to find a 32bit emulator of sorts, but I'm not too sure23:54
tauren_gaintsura:   ok, cool.  i found that there is 64 bit versions of java and eclipse, so i'm getting them installed.23:54
dib_how can I install Java6 sdk and java 3d?23:54
LostChild1So, I'm trying to get it so when I'm in xchat and I click a link it opens the page in a new tab in my current firefox session. Currently is just starts a new firefox session, without even going to the link in question. In my gconf-editor the url-handler for IRC says just "firefox" how do I fix this?23:54
gaintsuratauren_: I'm not a big fan of eclipse, I've been using bluefish for some time now, its lightweight and quick23:54
slammed87d21is there a version of ubuntu thats for laptops with wireless?23:54
gaintsuraslammed87d21: any23:55
goodbyegravityslammed87d21: I think they all come with the same drivers.23:55
goodbyegravityWhat card are you using?23:55
goodbyegravityCard/chipset if you know it.23:55
gaintsuraslammed87d21: you just need to find the correct drivers (either ndiswrapper or madwifi depending on the laptop wifi)23:55
tauren_gaintsura: i'll check out bluefish, never heard of it.  the thing that gets me the most is the error message when you try to run a non-64bit app.23:55
geekishgeekguygoodbyegravity: when i boot with recovery mode, it stops because some sort of key file is missing23:55
Micagoodbyegravity: So, should I go try to see if "startx" will work?23:55
tauren_gaintsura:  type ./eclipse and it says "file not found".  of course I set +x on it.23:55
vnietoHi , I have a "segmentation fauld" in mu hardy with apt update23:55
slammed87d21how do you install madwifi?23:55
goodbyegravityMica:  Yeah, you can, but you should thumb through the log file while ou have the chance.23:55
vnietosome help please23:55
goodbyegravitygeekishgeekguy: What key file?  Does it say?23:55
gaintsuratauren_: its nice, I've seen a couple of syntax highlighting problems23:56
mmap__Greetings folks.23:56
Micagoodbyegravity: Okay.23:56
gaintsuraslammed87d21: download madwifi drivers, make && sudo make install23:56
mmap__I would like to preface my question by stating that I have spent a considerable amount of time researching this before asking :-)23:56
joejoecircusboymmap__: Good start :)23:56
mmap__I just purchased an MP3 player and Ubuntu (8.04 hardy) does not recognize it when I plug it in23:57
goodbyegravityDoes it say PlaysForSure on the box?23:57
mmap__by "does not recognize it" I mean, it doesn't even create a SCSI device in /dev23:57
geekishgeekguyi forget, but the only way to bypass it is to press ctrl-alt-del, but it skips stuff and gnome doesn't load23:57
Dark_Shadowhi, i have used a proxy called freegate and after closing it i have a probleme when i tried to do the updates it said that he is unable to contact the host
Dark_Shadowwhat can i do?23:57
Dark_Shadowplz help me23:57
goodbyegravityWell, you can do the same thing I told Mica to load GNOME directly:  type "startx" after you login.23:57
tauren_gaintsura: thanks for your help23:57
joejoecircusboymmap__: What happens in 'dmesg' on connect?23:57
Oldrie^JimmyI just downloaded emilnes deb package and isntalled it and Its not showing up. Can someone help me plz? Its an NES Emulator for Linux.23:57
mmap__dmesg just states: [276580.910300] usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 523:58
mmap__[276581.076991] usb 3-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice23:58
geirhammap__: Is it a UMS device? USB Mass Storage Device? Not all mediaplayer are that, some use proprietary protocols.23:58
dib_is it possible to get java3d sdk/api through at-get?23:58
mmap__and that's all23:58
timothywcraneare there by any change some ubuntu core-dev in here? I have 2 fixes for the repos concerning Sauerbraten. (It cannot get futher updates without these fixes)23:58
mmap__incidentally, I'm already using sda as my primary disk (I have a SCSI HDD)23:58
geekishgeekguyeven in recovery mode, nothing seemsto work23:58
slammed87d21gaintsura, do you mind if i pm you about this?23:58
mmap__So only /dev/sda and it's partitions show up23:58
joejoecircusboymmap__: does it show up in 'lsusb' ?23:58
TiredWolftimothywcrane: why don't you post them as bugreports with attached patches into launchpad?23:58
goodbyegravitymmap__: Some MP3 players are built to use Windows' connectivity; they don't show up as physical devices.23:58
Dark_Shadowplease help me23:59
mmap__but it did create some devices I've never seen before in /dev: crw-rw---- 1 root root 254, 0 2008-08-07 15:51 usbdev3.5_ep0023:59
timothywcranethey are there.23:59
Dark_Shadowplease ! ! !23:59
goodbyegravityDark_Shadow: It's trying to grab the updates from your own computer.  There's a setting error somewhere.23:59
timothywcranejust begging...23:59
mmap__lsusb (was getting to that) shows the device: Bus 003 Device 005: ID 10d6:2300 Actions Semiconductor Co., Ltd23:59
Oldrie^JimmyI just downloaded emilnes deb package and isntalled it and Its not showing up. Can someone help me plz? Its an NES Emulator for Linux.23:59
joejoecircusboymmap__: What's the make/model of the player?23:59
TiredWolftimothywcrane: few chances there's any core dev here reading right now23:59
mmap__The player is a 4GB memorex mp3 player, the MMP8565C23:59

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