
=== Whoopie_ is now known as Whoopie
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persiaErm.  "There is no project in Launchpad named "Ubuntu". Please search for it as it may be registered with a different name." is a confusing message.  I know why it came, and acknowledge it as PEBKAC, but thought I'd point out it being confusing.04:34
spivI think there may already be a bug about that.04:36
spiv(If not, there probably should be...)04:36
mwhudsonit's not too hard to check for other pillars with a given name04:36
persiaspiv: quite possibly.04:37
persiamwhudson: Nope.  Rather easy.  Just an offputting message from the viewpoint of an Ubuntu developer.04:37
mwhudsonpersia: in the code, i mean04:37
mwhudsonas in, it sounds like a bug, and not a hard one to fix04:37
persiamwhudson: OOh: that would be cool, perhaps with some hook back to point to the right thing to add.04:38
pooliemwhudson: it's actually a bit hard to find the loggerhead link with the new sub-tabs04:48
pooliemaybe i'm just not used to them04:48
mwhudsonpoolie: where?04:49
poolieperhaps we should add a more prominent "browse source code" back onto the branch or series home page?04:49
poolieor indeed the project homepage?04:49
pooliewell, starting from for example launchpad.net/loggerhead04:49
pooliehow many clicks and how much searching does it take to find the code?04:49
persiaBrowse source code is confusing from the branch overview, as it doesn't actually display the source code, instead showing the revision history.04:50
spivYeah, I wouldn't mind a prominent "Browse source code" button, in the style of the "Report a bug" button.04:51
pooliepersia: where is that?04:51
mwhudsonpoolie: oh, you mean from the branch page?04:51
pooliewhat spiv said - on the branch page in particular, but also on the project and series pages04:51
spivThe sub-tabs aren't really somewhere my eyes are used to looking.  The greyness just makes my gaze instinctively glide past and on to the actual contents of the page below.04:52
persiapoolie: e.g. https://code.launchpad.net/loggerhead "Browse the source code" link.04:53
persiaI'd think it ought default to "Files"04:53
pooliespiv, me too04:54
pooliepersia, i agree04:54
pooliemwhudson: do you know why code.../loggerhead looks so different to /mysql?04:55
poolieoh i guess it's because mysql is a project group04:55
mwhudsonpoolie: project group04:55
poolieit's a bit confusing though04:55
poolieyou could say "this is a project group" and still show the stats04:55
spivIf I pay attention to how my gaze wanders on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr/trunk (without consciously directing it), it's first drawn to the pillar name and attached dark grey "This site is running pre-release code..." bar.  It's then pulled towards the largest and brightest text on the page, the "bzr mainline" heading.  It then starts reading the details below that before getting bored by the bland mass of text and goes to glance at t04:58
spivThen it circles back up to the top-left.  So I think my gaze roughly moves counter-clockwise around the page -- and the sub-tabs are in the middle of that circling, but doesn't manage to get much attention.05:00
* spiv considers studying typography, but decides that lunch is more important for now05:03
poolieit's like the eyes follow you around the room...05:07
emgentbarry: ping05:27
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emgentbarry: whe you have time please set up ~ubuntu-cruft-busters ml08:52
WhoopieHi again, I still don't understand exactly why there're some old packages in my PPA even though I deleted the superseding packages, e.g. http://ppa.launchpad.net/whoopie79/ubuntu/pool/main/b/bluez-utils/09:44
aceI want to put my half opensource project in launchpad, how do to that?09:45
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bigjoolsWhoopie: https://help.launchpad.net/PPA#Deleting%20packages10:56
pfctdayelisehi, I just set up a launchpad project and I added a branch (I think). I'm not hugely familiar with bzr and branches etc- I was wondering if anyone would mind looking to see if it's done correctly?13:38
Adri2000pfctdayelise: if you can see it at code.launchpad.net/yourproject, it should be ok13:57
kikogood morning13:57
pfctdayeliseAdri2000: ok, thankyou14:12
kikoso, has anyone here used the APIs yet?14:15
geserkiko: the new LP API?14:19
kikogeser, yeah, exactly14:20
geserkiko: not myself, but IIRC thekorn uses it in python-lp-bugs already14:21
kikogeser, ah, that's cool to hear. I wonder what he's finding of it14:22
kikothekorn, yo14:22
thekornkiko, hi, yes I played with the API a bit,15:02
thekornand tried to integrate it into existing scripts,15:03
kikothekorn, cool. I want to get some idea of how it went15:03
thekornI was a bit suprised15:03
thekornit was not that fast than I expected15:03
thekornbut it might be because I was using staging mainly15:04
kikomight be. what was the request overhead? can you give me more detail?15:04
thekornIt is also very unfortunate that the API currently only covers a small part of launchpad15:04
thekornespecially the fact that you currently can not get bug lists by project/product etc.15:05
kikothekorn, working on that -- I think intellectronica and allenap might be able to tell you more about where that is15:06
intellectronicathekorn: we're constantly working on exposing more stuff via the api. bug searching / listing will be available very soon15:06
thekorngood to heaer!15:06
kikothekorn, tell me more about the slowness15:06
thekornwell I was comparing the speed of the API and the +text interface,15:07
thekornI've no sientific results,15:07
kikoanecdotal helps, though scientific is best15:07
thekornI will try to get more detailed results over the weekend15:07
kikothekorn, okay, cool15:08
thekornespecially the fact that you get all the bug information by one read request in the +text interface,15:09
thekornwhere the api needs multible one to get comments etc.15:09
thekornbut my overall feeling is, that its a very good start,15:09
thekornbut more has to be done ;)15:09
thekornthanks to all who worked on it15:10
kikothekorn, were you able to use it fine from the docs, or did you get stuck somewhere?15:10
allenapthekorn: If you notice any specific things you'd like exposed in the API that are missing, bearing in mind that we're only exposing bugs and some common stuff for now, please file a bug against launchpad or malone and tag it 'api', or just ping one of us.15:11
thekornI find the docs very helpfull15:11
thekornok cool15:11
thekornsmall docs issue I recently found: https://help.launchpad.net/API/SigningRequests, step 3 : it is POST /+access-token and not POST /+access_token15:12
kikothekorn, could you fix that in the docs?15:13
thekornsure, let me try15:13
intellectronicathekorn: did you give launchpadlib a try? if you use python there's no reason why you should have to deal with the love-leve protocol, you just get a nice OO interface15:13
thekornI'm using launchpadlib, but I tried to understand how this all works,15:14
kikothekorn, you rock for trying it out, thanks for the feedback. I'm going to spend tomorrow looking at our appserver request performance15:14
thekornand the docs were published earlier than the lib, so I tried to do things by hand15:15
thekornallenap, intellectronica one last question, how can I find out when more parts were added to the API, will the docs or the reference documentation be updated,15:26
thekornor is there any other more readable list15:27
intellectronicathekorn: we will always announce new features when we release them (just like any other LP features)15:27
intellectronicathekorn: i'm also happy to give you a shout when something becomes available15:27
allenapleonardr: wrt ^^^, is +apidoc rendered dynamically?15:27
thekornintellectronica, yes please do so, I'm always happy to test new features15:28
leonardrallenap: i don't think so. i think that's on flacoste's todo list15:28
intellectronicathekorn: cool, and thanks!15:29
allenapleonardr: Do you know if I can I regenerate it before committing?15:29
thekornbtw, has the API + launchpadlib been announced yet?15:30
thekornlast entry on news.lp.net was :"We’ll announce full details of the API and Python library later this week; keep an eye on this blog!"15:30
kikothekorn, yeah, leonard will be writing a news entry today15:32
kikoleonardr, ^^15:32
thekornhehe, cool15:32
leonardrallenap: i'm looking at flacoste's emails before he went on vacation and i don't see information about how to update the documentation. sinzui, maybe you know something?15:33
kikoleonardr, I think I do. there's a tool in scripts/ which regenerates it15:33
eMxyzptlkHey guys, anyonw knows why VCS Imports is exiting with an error ? https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/sabayonlinux/trunk15:42
eMxyzptlkThat's the error http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16634825/sabayonlinux-trunk-log.txt15:42
eMxyzptlkTrying to import http://svn.sabayonlinux.org/overlay15:43
kikoemgent, LookupError: Cannot find svn repository root15:43
kikothat was for eMxyzptlk, sorry15:43
eMxyzptlkkiko, yea I know but I don't understand what it means15:44
kikoeMxyzptlk, you can't import a whole repository15:44
kikoeMxyzptlk, imports are for trunk branches only15:44
eMxyzptlkkiko, the repo has no trunk branches and tags folders...15:44
kikoso you can't really do what you are intending to do15:44
eMxyzptlkit's just trunk in root15:44
eMxyzptlkhmmm it's impossible to import it if it has no 'trunk, branches, tags' folders ?15:45
kikoeMxyzptlk, you can't import a tree with code from multiple projects. that's not the right way to do it.15:45
eMxyzptlkkiko, it's not multiple projects, the repo is the main overlay of Sabayon Linux, hence it's just ebuilds..15:46
kikoeMxyzptlk, hmmm15:47
eMxyzptlkexample: http://svn.sabayonlinux.org/filedetails.php?repname=Sabayon+Linux+Overlay&path=%2Fsys-kernel%2Flinux-sabayon%2Flinux-sabayon-2.6.26.ebuild15:47
kikoeMxyzptlk, yeah, I see what you mean15:47
kikomrevell, hey there15:48
kikomrevell, leonardr wants to write a news.l.n article -- can you help him get a draft started?15:49
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eMxyzptlkkiko, should I perhaps fill a bug for it?15:50
kikoeMxyzptlk, I'm not entirely sure how to fit this repository into launchpad's model15:54
kikoeMxyzptlk, I mean, sure you can file a bug, but I think a question is better15:54
kikosince we need to discuss your problem a bit more15:54
eMxyzptlkkiko, ok I'm gonna fill a question for it, and give u the link, brbr15:55
eMxyzptlkbrb *15:55
kikoeMxyzptlk, thanks15:55
eMxyzptlkkiko, I tried to clarify it as best as I could :)16:03
eMxyzptlkkiko, https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/4162116:03
kikoeMxyzptlk, thanks16:05
eMxyzptlkkiko, np :)16:05
emethow do I add files to the downloads section of my project?18:13
mrevell__Hi emet18:53
mrevell__here's a guide:18:53
mrevell__emet: https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/FileDownloads18:53
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Guest94626hi, i was looking at a lot of junk bugs submitted on launchpad that deal with config files in the home directory getting messed up, but the OPs dont realise that. Shouldnt launchpad give you a piece of text before you report a bug saying, "always try reproducing the bug on a new user account before submitting, and if it doesnt appear there we dont want it to be submitted", or automatically...19:30
Guest94626...tag it as one of these bugs, and then probably ignore it (also provide them a link to how to fix broken user specific config files). Surely this would put a small dent in the amount of bugs reported19:30
affluxhi there. the gajim project seems to have trouble with imports: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/gajim/main20:06
mptGuest94626, that's not really on-topic for #launchpad (more on-topic for whatever program or OS the bug is about), but IMO bugs that cause broken configs are still bugs20:37
mptUnfortunately they're harder to reproduce because the reporter probably won't have a copy of the previous version of the config20:37
mptGuest94626, as for response templates: that is on-topic, :-) it's bug 74741.20:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 74741 in malone "RFE: Canned responses" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7474120:39
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Guest94626hi, i dont mean that a specific program has a bug about config files21:09
Guest94626i'm making a suggestion that launchpad should warn people in advance that bugs where config files have gone bad shoul deither not be reported or should have a special tag, as they are much more likely to be things that are fixed and just have old config files lying around, or just randon usage which isnt reproducable, so isnt useful21:11
Guest94626maybe a bit of text saying "if on a new user account, and you can recreate the bug then continue, otherwise tag it as "old config files gone awry"" which developers should generally ignore, unless it is highly reported in which case maybe lots of peoples config files are all going awry.. i was looking through this canned search http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/reports/yesterday/ and if we...21:17
Guest94626...just knew whether it was reproducible on a new user account (without having to ask with a canned response every time), then it would cut out a lot of the cruft. the cruft of things that it would be better in general to just ignore21:17
Guest94626the key is: bugs that cause broken configs ARE bugs, but simply having a broken config doesnt point to any bug even existing (anymore), unless you can reproduce it on a new user account. so we shouldnt waste time investigating, as a general launchpad rule21:20
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pbryanIs there a way to "unlink a series" in LP?22:08
sistpotyhiho, I'm very much not amused about bug #159304 still being present22:41
ubottusistpoty: Bug 159304 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/159304 is private22:41
sistpoty(and voiced so with my last comment)22:41
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