
edmoorehi - every time I restart, (hardy) and then ssh in, it seems to go back top the default ubuntu ssh motd, rather than my own custom one. any idea why?00:09
owhSalutations. How can I test that my locally running NTP server is in fact working - that is, serving time? (Without access to another machine :(00:12
Deepsntpdate -v localhost ?00:13
Deepshmm, no, that wont work00:13
owhNope, socket in use :)00:13
Deepssocket in use error go!00:14
Deepsheh yep00:14
owhHmm, which port does NTP use?00:14
Deepsnetstat -anp|grep ntp00:15
owhI could make an ssh tunnel and do it from a machine outside the network.00:15
Deepsi dont think it's tcp00:15
owhNo, UDP port 12300:15
owhI really don't want to point my CISCO router at this NTP server until I know that it's working :(00:16
owhHmm, UDP over SSH means UDP -> TCP -> SSH -> TCP -> UDP, not something you setup for fun :(00:19
Deepseasier would be just to allow external access from your specific ip and then try00:20
owhUnfortunately that's behind several firewalls, not really a possibility.00:20
Deepsoh, i misunderstood what you meant to do with your router00:21
owhThe router is currently using an external NTP server and is experiencing severe jitter. It's causing grief with VoIP accounting, the recommendation was to use an internal NTP server, and I happened to have one - but I'd like to test it before we do any changes.00:22
Deepsyeah i just understood00:24
Deepsif you've got multiple interfaces (or make a second virtula interface or add an extra ip to one of your interfaces00:24
Deepse.g. ip addr add dev lo00:25
Deepsand get ntpd to bind to one ip and use ntpdate bound to another00:25
owhooh, that's *evil*, I like that :)00:25
Deepsi need to pee, gl00:25
owhDunno if it will work and I'm going to have to think about it before breaking my network, but thanks.00:25
owhI think I can bind ntpd to an interface, but I don't see how I can do that with ntpdate.00:29
Deepsget ntpd to bind to a non-default source ip00:30
Deepseg, to avoid network breakage00:30
Deepsip addr add dev lo00:31
Deepsand get ntpd to bind to
* owh tests this locally first :)00:33
owhIf I come off the 'net, it broke :)00:33
Deeps# ip addr show lo00:34
Deeps1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo inet scope host lo00:34
Deepslooks ok here00:34
* owh is rtfm-ing on how to change the source ip for ntpd.00:35
Deepsdoesn't appear possible00:38
Deepsbug reported in 200400:38
Deepsstill doesn't appear to be resolved00:38
owhYeah, that makes two of us.00:38
owhYou'd think for such an important protocol there'd be some testing methods :)00:39
owhDeeps: The only thing I can see is ntpq00:42
Deepsduhof course00:43
owhWell AFAICS, it shows what the daemon thinks it's doing, but it doesn't tell the story from the client side.00:44
Deepsit queries the daemon to find that information out though00:45
Deepssame as what the remote client would do00:45
owhHmm, learnt something new :)00:45
owhNote to self: Debugging ntpd server, use ntpq -p00:46
owhTah Deeps00:47
Deepsanyway :)00:48
Deepsanytime even00:48
uvirtbot`New bug: #253436 in samba (main) "Windows Network not recognized" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25343604:41
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chemokidanyone here running a database and web server using kvm on 8.04.1?05:04
To1 Hello - I have an issue with root emails from cronjobs, I added a root: my@email.com in /etc/aliases then did newaliases and according to logs it still tries to send the email to root@domain.com05:16
To1no-one is awake here ? :p05:27
ScottKTo1: Did you reload postfix afterward?05:31
To1it's trying to send the email with a relay but I took out the relay from main.cf then reloaded pf...05:32
To1must be the local bind MX05:33
To1how can I force root to send out emails  locally ?05:35
uvirtbot`New bug: #255895 in php5 (main) "found bug on PHP5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25589507:53
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=== pint is now known as emgent
SaladinCan anyone help me install the GUI on Ubuntu server 6.06?11:10
hadsSaladin: There's no GUI on a server traditionally. If you want to install the desktop then you can `apt-get install ubuntu-desktop` - from then on out you'll probably want #ubuntu support.11:15
SaladinAh, okay, hads.11:15
SaladinThe problem I'm having is that I tried that, but I get returned with errors about broken packages11:16
hadsMake sure you `apt-get upgrade` first, there shouldn't be broken packages usually.11:17
SaladinUpgrade rather than update?11:17
SaladinAlright, I'll give that a try11:17
SaladinI'd been told to do 'apt-get update'11:17
uvirtbot`New bug: #256014 in php5 (main) "escapeshellcmd() security fix generates problems with mediawiki and other web-apps" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25601411:21
Saladinhads, I still get the same error message after that: "The following packages have unmet dependancies. ubuntu-desktop: Depends: x-window-system-core but it is not going to be installed. E: Broken packages"11:21
_rubensudo apt-get install -f *might* fix that11:50
Saladinhads, _ruben, thank you.12:03
SaladinI am currently installing the Ubuntu desktop12:03
SaladinNow, just one more question... How do I add a user to sudoers from the command line?12:04
Saladin((At the moment I have only the root user))12:04
_rubenonly root? how did some custom installation or smth?12:15
_rubenand you just need to add any user to the admin group, which will grant that user sudo right12:15
SaladinIt is a hosted dedicated server.12:15
SaladinThey did the install.12:15
Saladin((How do I add users from terminal?))12:16
_rubentwo tools .. adduser and useradd12:16
_rubenboth work, just slightly different syntac12:16
SaladinAh, okay.12:18
SaladinWhat's the syntax?12:18
Deepsman adduser, man useradd12:18
SaladinAlright, I just installed the ubuntu-desktop, and added a user to root, do I need to now restart my server for it to take effect? It should load the GUI automatically, right?12:33
_rubenSaladin: what kind of access do you have to this server?12:33
SaladinI have access through something called an eRic card - which simulates being sat at the actual machine - so I can access BIOS etc12:35
_rubenah ok12:35
_ruben'sudo invoke-rc.d xdm start' should do the trick i guess12:36
SaladinAh, without rebooting?12:36
_rubenyeah ... and thats pretty much where ubuntu-server support ends12:36
SaladinAh, okay.12:37
SaladinThough, that came up with an error: "unknown init script"12:37
SaladinRebooting should do it though, right?12:37
_rubenhmm .. i'd think xdm would be part of ubuntu-desktop .. then again, i dont use ubuntu-desktop12:38
SaladinAh, I see.12:39
SaladinI'll try rebooting to see what happens.12:39
_rubenor just do a clean install of ubuntu (desktop) instead12:39
SaladinI can't. No access ACTUAL physical access to the server.12:39
SaladinIs there a command to reboot from terminal?12:40
Saladin((This is why I'm installing the GUI... I'm not good enough yet to use the command line only.))12:41
_rubensudo reboot12:44
SaladinThank you12:44
lukehasnonamepretty cool tool for migrating physical machines to virtual.13:52
lukehasnonamethus the "p2v". You see, the "p" stands for "physical", and the "v" stands for "virtual", thus symbolizing the transition the machine goes through when having this program applied to it. Physical to Virtual.14:04
sommerkirkland: there's a new RAID section in the serverguide covering software raid and friends... I would greatly appreciate any feedback when you have time14:38
sommerkirkland: also the bootdegradedraid testing procedure you wrote up was a great help in writing the docs :)14:39
uvirtbot`New bug: #240984 in samba (main) "Copying dirs from samba shares fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24098415:00
pschulz01Kamping_Kaiser: ping15:26
pschulz01Anyone here using the 'backuppc' package?15:26
pschulz01(Or are we all busy watching the Olympic opening ceremony?)15:27
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_rubenthat's a double "no" for me ;)15:27
pschulz01_ruben: Ta :-)15:28
Deepsno and yes15:34
Shane-SI am using the regular 7.04  but I have LAMP installed, I need help determining while no one outside can see my server since enabling Samba. Stopping Samba does not help15:35
pschulz01Shane-S: apache?15:36
Shane-Sit seems to drop connectivity randomly as well. Like 10 minutes ago I could get ot the internet, now I can't15:36
Shane-SApache2 yes15:36
pschulz01How are you connected to the internet?15:37
Shane-Sbut it seems to be something on the systems, apache is listening and stuff, seems more hardware to me, or would it be apache itself15:37
Shane-SIt is plugged into a DMZ port on a Business Class Cable Modem/Router15:37
Shane-Sit has a static IP assigned15:37
Shane-Sbut it is not specified. It worked until Samba was setup15:38
pschulz01Check: ipaddress/interfaces; routes (default route); Are services listening correctly (netstat -lt)15:38
Shane-Sdid that and I have 0's for the Rec/Sent but *:www  *:* on foreign State is Listen15:39
Shane-SI checked iptyables _L there are no entries15:39
Shane-Sim lost at this point as to what is causing it, anything else I can check?15:42
jmedinaShane-S: what is the problem?15:42
kirklandsommer: excellent, thanks.  i'll definitely review the server guide raid stuff15:45
Shane-Smy webserver loads locally, but I can not access it from anywhere in the network or the web15:46
Shane-Sit only happened after Samba was started, but I also gain and lose internet randomly, so it seems like a network issue15:46
Shane-Sunsure what to do, as netstat shows apache listening, I can load it locally,but I can't load it via IP form and systems15:48
Shane-SI can ping it and it can ping other systems15:48
sommerkirkland: cool, it looks like doc.u.c isn't updated yet, but you can check out the xml using bzr branch lp:ubuntu-docs15:54
sommerkirkland: should be updated this evening though :)15:54
kirklandsommer: thanks, i'll probably wait for d.u.c ;-)  I've got a few other things to do today15:55
zuloh dear apparently snoop dogg does bollywood now15:58
Deepszul: link plz16:01
sommersnoop snoopaloop, yaaa :)16:01
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zulDeeps: bbc website16:36
lukehasnonamewhat about it? Russia is at war with Georgia?16:36
lukehasnoname****ing BBC blocking US people from viewing video16:37
ScottKlukehasnoname: You haven't paid your license fee.16:41
thefishlukehasnoname: BBC is blocking *non-uk* ip addresses16:48
uvirtbot`New bug: #256112 in samba (main) "Samba should be version 3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25611216:51
lukehasnonamethefish: I figured. In any case, I still don't know what zul was pointing at with deeps, unless it was an inside thing.16:53
Deeps1558.38 < zul> oh dear apparently snoop dogg does bollywood now16:54
Deeps1601.21 < Deeps> zul: link plz16:54
Deeps1636.07 < zul> Deeps: bbc website16:54
kirklandjdstrand: ping, regarding ecryptfs-utils and auth-client-config16:58
jdstrandkirkland: I thought that got uploaded?16:58
kirklandjdstrand: oh yeah, it did17:04
kirklandjdstrand: i wanted to circle back on whether or not it would be possible to automatically run that auth-client-config command on ecryptfs-utils install/uninstall?17:04
kirklandjdstrand: i've gotten a fair amount of feedback from people complaining about running that command17:05
kirklandjdstrand: why can't they just install the package, and the like17:05
jdstrandkirkland: it is possible, but a policy needs to be developed to safely do it. I believe all the necessary functionality is there to do it17:05
kirklandjdstrand: i need to hash this out with slangasek, then?17:05
jdstrandkirkland: pitti had a similar idea, but slangasek says his stuff will be ready. as such, developing a policy ofr auth-client-config is likely wasted effort17:06
jdstrandkirkland: pitti went a different route until slangasek is done17:06
jdstrand(pitti's situation was slightly different than yours, btw)17:07
jdstrandkirkland: so basically, yes-- talk to slangasek. it is unlikely he would approve a policy using a-c-c right now anyway17:08
kirklandjdstrand: okay, sounds good, he's on schedule to talk to me about that tomorrow17:08
kirklandsorry, today17:08
jdstrandkirkland: it might be worth noting that if he isn't able to do it in time, we can work to use a-c-c as a packaging stop-gap so you aren't blocked17:09
jdstrandkirkland: but we should wait to see what he says17:09
kirklandjdstrand: right...  so my main concern is this....17:09
kirklandjdstrand: for the first few weeks of testing, I had people using: sudo auth-client-config -p ecryptfs_standard -t pam-auth,pam-session17:10
kirklandjdstrand: which was missing pam-password17:10
kirklandjdstrand: i needed to get the password change hooks working right and tested17:10
kirklandjdstrand: now it's there17:10
kirklandjdstrand: i've gotten a few people opening duplicate bugs about them changing their password and the wrapped passphrase not getting updated17:11
jdstrandkirkland: just need to add ',pam-password' to that command17:11
kirklandjdstrand: it's "fixed", but those individuals have to manually run sudo auth-client-config -p ecryptfs_standard -t pam-auth,pam-session,pam-password17:11
jdstrandkirkland: but yeah, I see what you're saying17:11
kirklandjdstrand: yeah, it's done on my wiki page17:11
kirklandjdstrand: it's just i'd like to "fix" that for people with a version bump, tell them to apt-get upgrade, you know.....17:11
jdstrandkirkland: well, it is a development release, and we can't do this automatically yet17:11
kirklandjdstrand: yeah17:12
kirklandjdstrand: okay, thanks for listening17:12
kirklandjdstrand: i'll catch up with slangasek later today17:12
jdstrandkirkland: however, we will fix it one way or another. if slangasek finishes, great, if not, we can figure out an alternative with a-c-c.17:13
kirklandjdstrand: ogey doke17:13
jdstrandkirkland: unfortunately, neither will be *right now* ;)17:13
kirklandjdstrand: okay.  i was hoping to get something into one of the alphas17:14
jdstrandkirkland: I'm offline in 45 minutes for 9 days, so I won't be much good there. :( if you are really keen on it, you can play with a-c-c-- there are ideas in /usr/share/doc/auth-client-config/README about its use in maintainer scripts17:16
kirklandjdstrand: okay, you're on vacation too!  :-)17:17
jdstrandkirkland: if you decide to develop the a-c-c maintainer scripts usage policy, then I would definitely try to get others involved-- soren is likely an excellent choice17:17
jdstrandI bounce stuff off him all the time. mathiaz is very thoughtful too17:18
jdstrand(not that others aren't-- just trying to think who will be in town :)17:18
dw_hi room17:44
dew2im lookin for help17:45
jpds!ask | dew217:46
ubottudew2: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:46
dew2:D.. ok.. im wanting to know what to set my hostname to to make a server work17:47
dew2its an online game called tremulous which the master server cant connect to me17:48
dew2I suppose i basically need to know the steps from setting my hostname in host file, interfaces, how to set up an ip for a server on this computer which isnt the eth0 adapter address17:50
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sommeris the default ubuntu encoding uft-8?18:40
sommeras in iconv character encoding18:41
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Jeremy__hey im looking for an SMB/LDAP expert to help me out19:22
Jeremy__erreur LDAP: Can't contact master ldap server (IO::Socket::INET: connect: Connection refused) at /usr/share/perl5/smbldap_tools.pm line 282.19:23
Jeremy__Populating LDAP directory for domain WGSORG (S-1-5-21-1990269258-2767708890-2597390790)19:23
Jeremy__(using builtin directory structure)19:23
Jeremy__Can anyone lend a hand?19:23
sommerwaiiiitttt... doh19:27
r00tintheb0xHi, im trying to use the find command to find specific files by date then copy them to a specific directory.19:30
r00tintheb0xfind /opt/zimbra/ -mtime -3 -name "*.msg"  -exec cp -arfvp * /var/tmp/ariba/ {} \;19:30
r00tintheb0xCan someone help me modify that to work?19:30
Jeremy__looking for someone who knows a little about SMB/LDAP19:32
kirklandzul: ping19:35
kirklandzul: could I please get you to take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/256154 and sponsor my fix?19:35
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 256154 in ecryptfs-utils "pam_ecryptfs should respect ~/.ecryptfs/auto-[u]mount files" [Low,In progress]19:35
kirklandzul: I have tested it thoroughly, and I'm pushing it upstream too19:36
zulkirkland: sure gimme a sec19:37
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zulkirkland: done19:41
kirklandzul: rock!19:41
r00tintheb0xnevermind, i figured it out19:54
r00tintheb0xthanks for all the help #ubuntu-server !19:54
dldchello, some virtual machine specialist here?20:25
dldci need an important suggest.20:25
dldcsoren kirkland ?20:25
dldci dont saw vmware in ubuntu intrepid and hardy..20:26
dldcplease suggest me a good software for run virtual machines20:26
dldcScottK siretart zul ?20:26
dldcwhat is the best software packaged in ubuntu for virtualization ?20:27
dldcuvirtbot` do you know? :)20:28
uvirtbot`dldc: Error: "do" is not a valid command.20:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vistualization20:28
Deeps!virtualisation | dldc20:28
ubottudldc: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications20:28
dldcDeeps what is the best sotfware?20:28
dldcVirtualBox ?20:28
Deepswhat OS's do you want to virtualise?20:29
Deepslinux? windows? bsd?20:29
Deepsonly linux?20:29
dldci'm in ubuntu but i should virtualize another system for some test20:29
dldczul kvm ?20:29
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM20:29
Deepsif you have a newish CPU on the system which has the vt extentions (cat /proc/cpuinfo) then yes, KVM for sure20:29
ubottuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers20:29
dldcvmware sucks.20:29
Deepsotherwise, i'd recommend xen20:30
dldci need a fast tool20:30
Deepsas a failsafe, vmware's always a good bet, performance is pretty good too20:30
dldcxen and kvm have a gui ?20:30
Deepsnot that i know of, read their relevant pages for more info though20:30
Deepssee above for the kvm page20:30
Deeps!xen | dldc20:30
ubottudldc: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen20:30
thefishvirt-manager is a gui for both dldc20:31
Deepsthere you go20:31
thefishbut its still not reached 1.020:31
dldcthefish virt-manager can manage kvm too ?20:31
thefishdldc: yes20:31
thefishif you are not comfortable with a bit of console work, vmware is the way to go though20:31
dldcit`s a very great info20:32
thefishdldc: last time i used it, it was not perfect20:32
dldcnah i like console but i`d like too little clean gui for manage it20:32
thefishand you will have to set up networking manually iirc20:32
dldcno prolem20:32
dldcsounds good, i will write a script for it20:32
dldci go to try kvm+virt-manager20:33
dldci need only gentoo with commandline20:33
dldcnot desktop manager20:33
dldcit`s only for test :)20:33
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM20:40
lukehasnonamethefish: virt-manager, like from redhat, can manage xen?20:44
thefishlukehasnoname: yes20:48
thefishi think that was its original purpose, kvm was added later20:49
lukehasnonamefreakin' sweet! I'm going to be messing with FreeBSD and Solaris as well as Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS when I get back up to Tech, and obviously I can't use KVM for all those hosts.20:50
thefishwhy not?20:50
* _ruben just installed VMware ESXi .. kinda sweet20:50
thefishlukehasnoname: bsd and solaris will run in kvm guest20:51
lukehasnonamefor all those HOSTS. If I'm testing out running Unix as the host, I need xen or vmware20:51
lukehasnonamebtw _ruben I just found out today that vmware ESXi is free, and has graphical tools with it. Might be worth a look... though I am trying to stick open-srouce20:52
thefishah gotcha ;)20:53
_rubenlukehasnoname: esxi is kinda picky wrt its hardware tho20:59
ubottuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers20:59
lukehasnonameLater gentlemen21:25
dldcthefish one question21:47
dldcmy virtual machine is in (ip)21:47
dldcmy real pc have (ip)21:47
dldci opened ssh server in virtual machine21:47
dldchow i can join in it ?21:48
dldcif i try in my real pc ssh root@ i cant connect to virtual21:48
dldcbut virtual surf fine internet21:48
dldcsome suggest ?21:48
thefishdldc: how did you set up the networking21:48
dldcnetworking work fine in virtual machine21:49
dldcbut i cant join in it if i use real machine21:49
dldchow can i fix it ?21:49
thefishwhat are you using? vmware? kvm?21:49
thefishin the guest, "route -n"21:49
thefishi guess you are using nat21:49
dldcroute -n in my real pc21:50
thefishin the guest21:50
thefishcheck the line with UG21:50
thefishalso, what netmask is the guest using?21:51
dldcgatway is
thefishok if you are using /24 then you should be able in the guest to ssh
dldcssh root@ ?21:52
dldci was try nmap -sP and not host up21:52
thefishif the host is ubuntu, then that wont work unless you have enable the root account21:53
dldcdont understand21:53
dldcssh: connect to host port 22: Network is unreachable21:53
dldcand in virtual machine ssh is started21:54
thefishcan you pastebin "ifconfig" on the host?21:54
dldceth0 on ip
dldcnetmask is
dldcthis in virtual box.21:55
thefishi thought you said qemu21:55
thefishthis is in the guest you mean?21:55
* dldc virtualisation newbie21:55
dldcyes guest virtual box21:55
thefishdldc: you are using virtualbox to run the vm?21:56
thefishon the host21:57
thefishthe "real" pc21:57
dldcqemu called with command: qemu -M pc -hda /home/dldc/gentoobox -smp 2 -m 600 -cdrom /home/emgent/install-x86-minimal-2008.0.iso -net nic,vlan=0 -net user,vlan=0,hostname=emu  -monitor pty -boot d21:57
dldcthis is the flag on qterminal21:57
dldcin the real pc i have wlan0 on ip netmask
dldcreal gateway is
dldcthefish some idea to fix it ?21:59
dldcoh fixed.22:00
thefishwell there we go22:01
emgentdlc dont use my server for this test please.22:02
eruistoHey guys... Does anyone have any experience with ircd-hybrid? I'm having trouble getting it configured properly...23:22
eruistoHey guys... Does anyone have any experience with ircd-hybrid? I'm having trouble getting it configured properly...23:37
eruistoNo one?23:37
hadsIRC is not an instant fix, you'll often need to wait hours for an answer.23:45
* eruisto sighs23:53

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