
laga so what?00:28
TheLouishow do i set up a shared printer in on a mythbuntu system?00:37
GezHi, I am going to do an install of mythbuntu tomorrow, do any of you know whether the hauppauge nova t500 card will be automatically recongised by the system once installed or is the config that I need to complete. Quite new to Linux so any help would be great!00:37
TheLouisGez:  afaik it is00:37
darthanubisGez, new to anything check the vender's paage for hardware compatibility00:38
GezI did, it didn't list Linux specifically, but it have heard that may thinks don't and still work fine in Linux.00:39
TheLouisQuestion:  When I play a video file that I've added to my mythbuntu box, i get a screen taht says the video is loading and i hear the audio track, but no picture.  Anybody know what the problem is?00:39
TheLouisor alternatively, does anybody know how to set up a printer share in mythbuntu?00:41
PhuKeryeah my wife tried to ge tme fixed too but that wasn't going to happen02:00
squish102i am really having a hard time with mythbuntu 8.04 and lirc03:20
squish102im gonna try go back to old version where i didnt seem to have any problems03:21
squish102oh, u cannot download any more :(03:21
thedarkoni have a wierd problem04:36
thedarkoni get error for my dvb card04:36
Zinnwhen pasting more than 5 lines of data please use http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com so you don't flood the channel.  Then please post the link in the channel.04:37
thedarkonit says error_open04:37
gbuttersCan not get USB_UIRT to work04:38
thedarkonanyone here06:20
PhuKerjust me06:41
PhuKerbut i don't know anything .. yet06:42
MilhousePunkRockGood morning everyone!07:01
MilhousePunkRockAre there any know issues with upgrading to mythtv 0.21 on 7.10? Which files do I definately need to backup?07:01
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, the upgrade should work just fine07:10
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, I would suggest going to 8.04 however as well, lots of bug fixes and new features added since then07:11
tritiumMilhousePunkRock: the upgrade on 7.10 did _not_ go fine for me.07:11
tritiumI lost a lot of channel data after the upgrade.07:11
foxbuntutritium, thats not common, did you talk to someone here? file a bug? post in the forums?07:14
MilhousePunkRocktritium: Well, it's only DVB-T here, would not take long to reconfigure 25 channels07:17
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Well, actually I was not planning to upgrade at all until I will upgrade most of the hardware of the mythbox... But now we have discovered the comfort of using my laptop as a frontend07:18
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, ah yes...07:18
MilhousePunkRockUsed a 7.10 Live CD, worked fine so far. But I was thinking of installing a frontend on it, so the wireless is configured and so on... But installing 0.20 seems to be more complicated than updating the main front/backend to 0.2107:19
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, well I have a large MythTV network and own a business building the systems, and I am also a core dev for the project, the DB upgrade usually goes very smooth...the only thing to mention is to prob run a DB repair before the upgrade just to prevent any possible issues07:20
MilhousePunkRockThe problem is, it is totally in production, we record stuff every day...07:20
tritiumMilhousePunkRock: it was the channel listings that got messed up, not tuning.07:20
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Now that is a pointer... I could have the mythbox booted up and be ssh'ed in about 2 minutes, mind walking me through it?07:21
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, no problem07:21
MilhousePunkRocktritium: Hmmm... Channel listing as in guide data?07:21
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: I have never dealt with the minor issues we still have since I set up the machine in January... And I was not planning to update it either: "If it ain't broken, why fix it?"07:22
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, well, thats good advice to a point, since we are dealing with software that updates and releases better code on such a regular basis, its generally good to keep up with the updates07:23
foxbuntu(stable updates)07:23
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: OK, the box is up and the ssh session is established07:24
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, ok07:24
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, do you have access to the web interface on it?07:25
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Mythweb? Yes07:25
foxbuntuok...good then from ssh do this: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin07:25
hadsWhy not use the command line mysql tools?07:26
foxbuntuhads, its easier for most users to use the gui07:26
foxbuntuhads, yes it can be done that way, but easier via phpmyadmin07:27
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Should I have mentioned that I am a Linux (K/X/Ubuntu) user for more than 2 years?07:27
hads`mysqlcheck mythconverg` is pretty easy :)07:28
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, cool, will make my explanation easier, however I have been a core dev for the project for a long time and still prefer this method07:28
thedarkonanyway to fix this07:28
thedarkon2008-08-10 02:27:45.463 DVBChan(6:1) Error: Opening DVB frontend device failed eno: Permission denied (13)07:28
thedarkonERROR: no valid capture cards are defined in the database.07:28
thedarkonPerhaps you should read the installation instructions?07:28
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: OK, phpmyadmin is installed07:28
foxbuntuhads, I am having his run the repair on the DB tables and optimize them, not quite that simple07:28
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, http://mythbox/phpmyadmin07:29
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: The regular user with su privileges?07:30
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, no user: root07:30
foxbuntuthen your mysql root password07:30
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: I shall look that up first...07:30
hadsDoes ubuntu not package optimize_mythdb.pl somewhere?07:31
foxbuntuhads, its inside MCC07:31
foxbuntuhads, still does not handle REPAIR TABLES07:31
hadsIt doesn't? Looks like it does here.07:33
foxbuntunot yelling it hads, sorry, just been writing allot of code for Mythbuntu Backup Manager with SQL statements07:33
hadsYeah, I'm used to reading SQL in upper case07:33
foxbuntuhads, my general policy is if a user can easily click on something, to show them that way rather than explain the commands and potentially have something not work07:34
MilhousePunkRockHmm, it does not accept the mysql PW that is in the /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt07:34
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, thats not the root password07:35
foxbuntutry blank07:35
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: OK... Now if that's not a security hole... ;)07:35
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, well...its not really something thats an issue because our default install binds SQL to run on the loopback interface07:36
thedarkonDVBChan(0) Error: Opening DVB frontend device failed.07:36
thedarkoneno: Permission denied (13)07:36
thedarkonERROR: no valid capture cards are defined in the database.07:36
thedarkonPerhaps you should read the installation instructions?07:36
thedarkonany ideas, coz I'm completely stumped!!07:36
foxbuntu!pastebin | thedarkon07:36
Zinnthedarkon: when pasting more than 5 lines of data please use http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com so you don't flood the channel.  Then please post the link in the channel.07:36
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, ok now click on the mythconverg db on the left07:37
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Done07:37
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, scroll to the bottom on the right, click "Check All". then in the drop down box select "Repair"07:38
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: repair | status | OK | for all of them07:40
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, thats good, that means there are no table issues in the DB07:40
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, now you should be set for a clean upgrade07:40
MilhousePunkRockThere wasn't entries for most of them anyway, the box is "just a PVR"...07:40
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get upgrade" then, huh?07:41
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, do this07:41
foxbuntusudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:41
foxbuntuthen you can make sure to get everything you need in one shot07:42
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Hah! You are trying to trick me into upgrading to Hardy already... ;)07:42
foxbuntuno dist-upgrade wont take you to hardy07:42
foxbuntuit just lets new packages grab their depends07:42
foxbuntuyou would have to edit your sources.list or use update-manager to get to hardy07:43
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Another thing learned on a sunday morning...07:43
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, yeah morning... almost 2A for me07:43
MilhousePunkRockalmost 9 here07:44
foxbuntuso some where in eastern EU07:44
hadsIt's evening here07:45
MilhousePunkRockI would go to 8.04 already, but I have mixed feeling about upgrading Ubuntu releases and the MythBox is the only box I am not allowed to wreck... :D07:45
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, Mythbuntu 8.04 had allot of fixes07:45
foxbuntu8.10 is turning out to be a release of new features07:45
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Rather middle EU, since the east expansion last year or where it was, not that the EU stretches out to Russia...07:46
foxbuntuI guess07:46
thedarkonhttp://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/m50b78a84 anyone?07:46
foxbuntuwestern and centeral germany area07:46
MilhousePunkRockHow much more hassle will it be to make it 8.04?07:46
foxbuntuthedarkon, asking and waiting is the polite method07:47
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, not much07:47
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: That's close enough... Is my IP so descriptive? ;)07:47
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, it can be but I was just guesing based on our user base and the time zone07:47
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, my day job is in computer security07:48
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Will I have to recompile this one basic linux dvb package (whose name I forgot ATM)07:48
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, depends...07:48
foxbuntuwhat card are you using?07:49
MilhousePunkRockWhat about the pink screen? NVidia drivers updated far enough to not have that anymore?07:49
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Hauppauge Nova T 50007:49
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, yeah...they have been fixed07:49
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, let me dbl check, but I think kernel support is in 8.04 for that tuner07:49
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Speaking of Kernels, I am using a very ugly workaround to the fact that badmem is not in the Ubuntu kernel and compiling it myself was to much of a hassle. The default settings for Grub will stay put also, right?07:50
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, yeah..its been fixed07:50
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, well grub will be changed to allow the new kernel but other than that should be the same07:51
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: OK, let's just update to Hardy then while my girlfriend is not yet awake to protest... ;)07:52
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, can you VNC to the machine?07:52
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Yes, though I prefer SSH for most tasks... If I had to, I could even attach mouse, keyboard and monitor... But I'd rather not07:52
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, update-manger is the easiest method to upgrade distros07:53
foxbuntuhads, again yes...but I have done that and busted HAL before07:54
hadsIt's part of update-manager-core so the same process07:54
foxbuntuhads, yeah but if ssh dies so does the process07:55
* foxbuntu is restraining from saying anything since he is tired07:55
MilhousePunkRockOK, while you discuss that I'll turn on the MythBox again that shut down 90 seconds after mythwelcome was quit from the VNC session...07:56
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, whoops07:57
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, you might do this via ssh to prevent that: mythshutdown --lock07:57
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Which is rather odd, neither the ssh nor the vnc session stopped it from doing so... But I think manually locking it in mythwelcome and then quitting it will keep it alive07:57
MilhousePunkRockOf course now it's the 26th time of booting and fsck is doing his job...07:58
foxbuntuits like magic, the time you want the machine to boot right up...there it is07:58
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: OK07:59
* foxbuntu returns08:00
hadsYou don't like screen?08:01
thedarkonfoxbuntu how long do i have to wait for?08:01
thedarkonit is 3am08:01
foxbuntuthedarkon, Im sorry I am going to finish up with MilhousePunkRock08:01
MilhousePunkRockthedarkon: Until someone knows the answer, there are always a few idle people in the channel08:02
foxbuntuthedarkon, I am not an expert with DVB cards anyhow08:02
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: I am ready, mythshutdown locked and shh and vnc session established08:02
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, ok in the VNC session open up terminal08:03
thedarkonokay time to redo the box then08:03
foxbuntuthen: sudo update-manager -c -d08:03
foxbuntuthedarkon, good luck, patience might prevent that however08:03
thedarkoni been asking in here for 8 days now08:04
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, the reset should be very str8 forward08:04
hadsYou don't want -d08:04
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, the rest*08:04
foxbuntuhads, why?08:05
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: it starts out with a warning, that's not so nice... "warning: could not initiate dbus"08:05
hadsWell, if you want to upgrade to Intrepid you might.08:05
foxbuntuhads, oh good point forgot about it jumping to dev08:05
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: lol08:05
MilhousePunkRockhads: Thanks for paying attention here...08:06
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, you need to update first08:06
foxbuntuthat was a bug in update-manager awhile back08:06
hadsMilhousePunkRock: np, just chilling out :)08:06
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: So I'll "Install Updates" first?08:06
foxbuntusudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:06
foxbuntuthat will pull in all the fixes08:07
foxbuntuthen prob have to reboot08:07
hadsReboot shouldn't be nessecary08:07
foxbuntuthen: sudo update-manager -c08:07
hadsUnless you need to boot into a new kernel08:08
foxbuntuhads, I suppose not just to get the update-manager updates08:08
foxbuntubut I dont recall08:08
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, just give it a shot when its done, if you see the same error reboot then do it again08:08
MilhousePunkRockhads: Well, it would be good to see if it was successful so far..08:08
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: That sounds reasonable08:09
* MilhousePunkRock gets coffee for everyone :D08:09
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, make that Red Bull and some Vodka08:10
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: haha... I haven't had any red bull for years08:10
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, I buy it by the case08:10
MilhousePunkRockso while it's downloading all the update, let's speak about improvements...08:14
MilhousePunkRockIs MythWelcome fixed in the way that it will start FE when not launched for a scheduled recording?08:14
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, as I recall, it should be08:17
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: That would be nice... Too many times we booted the MythBox already and went to do something else, just to figure out we were not back in the 90 seconds timeframe to press OK to launch MythFrontend08:20
foxbuntuI dont use that much since I have a dedicated MythTV network08:20
foxbuntu3 BE servers 1.25TB and 9 Tuners08:21
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Not much use for a network in a 2 room appartment08:21
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, indeed08:21
MilhousePunkRock9 Tuners, wow... We have two, almost enough for 25 channels08:21
foxbuntuyeah...I record allot08:21
foxbuntudont watch live tv really at all anymore08:22
MilhousePunkRockMonday is hard work night for the machine, or rather used to be, 8 recordings, sometimes even 3 at the same time...08:22
MilhousePunkRockI don't either... Except for the Euro 2008 Soccer tournament a few weeks ago... And that not even on the Mythbox, the 1.5 sec delay was annoying, could hear our neighbors yell already before we saw the action08:23
MilhousePunkRockWhat's that big improvement in 0.21 called again that let's you record a whole multiplex of DVB channels with one tuner? That's one thing I am looking forward too...08:24
MilhousePunkRockThat and the day we get a 40" flatscreen TV :D08:24
hadsYeah, multirec is a great feature.08:24
MilhousePunkRockAlthough right now many shows are on break, so there is no need for it... But they will come back in fall...08:26
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, also Streaming Via MythWEB08:26
* foxbuntu needs like 72 hours in each day08:27
MilhousePunkRockStatus update: Download complete, installing the updates right now08:29
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, good08:30
foxbuntuyou still have a little while to go, but should be ready to go when it reboots08:30
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Let's hope you are right, else I have a lot of work to do... If the box is not ready to record tomorrow night, I am in trouble. ;)I08:31
foxbuntuI know that one08:31
foxbuntubroken myth + woman = lots of pain08:32
MilhousePunkRockThat one out of 20 recordings that is not working is always troublesome enough...08:33
MilhousePunkRockFor some reason "My Name is Earl" did not get recorded last Friday, for example08:33
MilhousePunkRockThat's more my show though, luckily "Ghost Whisperer" did get recorded... ;)08:34
MilhousePunkRockthe first update run is through, nothing unusual08:41
MilhousePunkRockOther than mythvideo being held back08:41
foxbuntuthats ok...should be able to grab it later08:41
MilhousePunkRockSystem restart required...08:42
foxbuntugo for it08:42
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: So do you have home automation and surveillance cameras and all that fancy stuff included in your Myth network?08:43
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, not atm08:44
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, the house I am currently in is too old, it would be too costly and time consuming to install it08:44
foxbuntubut I might be moving to a new house end of the year early next, then I will be installing it08:45
MilhousePunkRockUgh... The old grey/yellow default theme is greeting me here on MythWelcome08:46
MilhousePunkRockBut hey, that's at least a sign that it's basically still working08:49
MilhousePunkRockLive TV also works, but there was no OSD at all, that's something that needs to be dealt with08:51
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, yeah, its a MythTV .1 thing08:52
foxbuntuMilhousePunkRock, yeah, its a MythTV .21 thing08:52
foxbuntujust need to enable OSD in the settings and change the theme08:52
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Thanks for telling me now... :/ Hope that's something that can be cured though08:52
MilhousePunkRockTime for the upgrade to Hardy now08:52
foxbuntushould be fairly painless08:53
foxbuntuthe mythtv upgrade is the worst of it08:53
MilhousePunkRockstill the same dbus warning though08:54
MilhousePunkRockOne thing I would really like to see (which is not a mythtv issue though) is a working LCD (displaying a clock) when the machine is shut down...08:55
foxbuntuoh...antec fusion eh?08:56
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Yes... And to be precise, it's not an LCD, but a vacuum thingy...08:57
MilhousePunkRockThe silver fusion version 2 it is...08:57
foxbuntuyeah..thats one of my boxes08:57
MilhousePunkRockAlso I need to cover the remote sensor when operating other devices (TV, DVD player, amplifier), else the remote sensor and the VFD (that's the name) goes belly up. Even when the machine is shut down08:58
MilhousePunkRockApparently the display works as a clock when not powered up with "that other OS" ;)08:58
foxbuntuwell, its time for me to sleep09:00
foxbuntugl with the upgrade09:00
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: Thanks a lot for the guidance, have a good night... If things fail, I will be back later...09:01
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu, hads, everyone else: Just for the record, the update turned out to be a complete desaster12:49
MilhousePunkRockhads: Oh, you are still there, or again... I got bitten by a huge locale bug, which I could not fix until now...12:50
hadsSo all working again now?12:51
MilhousePunkRockhads: Not yet, I did not even find a reliable/comprehensive solution for it as yet. Also I am convinced that remote and/or VFD will not work once the locale issue is solved12:54
MilhousePunkRockhads: http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/m5a4b5db5 First localegen hung and after I killed it, I get what I pasted for EVERY package updated13:00
lagashouldn't be too hard to solve (no, i don't have a solution handY)13:01
hadsI don't know much about locales, check out update-locale and locale-gen13:02
MilhousePunkRocklaga: It seems to be a very common problem during the upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy13:02
lagais there a bug report fo riT?13:02
MilhousePunkRocklaga: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/24934013:02
hadsHaven't come across it myself.13:07
MilhousePunkRockhads: *** update-locale: Error: invalid locale settings:  LANG="de_DE.UTF-8"13:10
hadsAs I said I don't know a lot about locales so probably can't help. That error message does bring up some relavant looking hits in Google though.13:13
lokusis there any way to have the windows media center button the remote automatically start mythtv?14:44
=== MythbuntuGuest04 is now known as NTAuthority
NTAuthorityWould Mythbuntu be as easy to setup as Vista MCE (except for channel adding in NL and grabbing guide stuff, but I know how to do that :) )?15:02
=== rhpot1992 is now known as rhpot1991
MilhousePunkRockfoxbuntu: ping18:35
thedarkonwell my box is screwed18:36
TheLouisthedarkon, what's wrong with it?18:37
MilhousePunkRockthedarkon: Welcome aboard... ;)18:37
MilhousePunkRockthedarkon: That's not much progress since this morning18:38
thedarkoni took dist-upgrade18:38
thedarkoni gona reload it all again18:38
MilhousePunkRockthedarkon: I also completely upgraded, I "only" screwed my remote18:38
thedarkonwell i gona reload it not take any updates18:39
rhpot1991MilhousePunkRock: there is a bug where lirc upgrades overwrite custom configs, it normally makes backups so you can just restore them18:39
MilhousePunkRockrhpot1991: Any pointers where the backup is?18:41
MilhousePunkRockrhpot1991: My setup is slightly complicated though, MS MCE remote and Imon VFD as a receiver18:41
MilhousePunkRockWas tricky to set up at first, and I did not bookmark the one page that had the clue, of course18:42
thedarkoni thinking about going with vdr18:42
rhpot1991MilhousePunkRock: /etc/lirc/18:42
rhpot1991MilhousePunkRock: if its just the default then fire up MCC and choose your remote again, it should work itself out18:43
TheLouisWhen I try to play an .avi file that is in my mythbuntu video library, i get a screen that says something to the effect of "please wait video is loading" and then I hear the sound track, but no picture.  Anybody know what the problem is?18:44
MilhousePunkRockrhpot1991: That's the point, I am unsure wether I had to choose MCE or iMon18:45
TheLouisI checked the file associations for .avi in the myth frontend interface and it just has the "default" check box enabled.  tried changin to internal (no luck) and vlc (opens in seperate window... booo)18:45
MilhousePunkRockIt's all foxbuntu's fault, he talked me into the upgrade to Hardy18:46
rhpot1991MilhousePunkRock: ah, running a fusion?18:48
MilhousePunkRockrhpot1991: Yes, indeed18:48
MilhousePunkRockrhpot1991: Yes18:48
rhpot1991I can help you out there :) hold on one second18:48
MilhousePunkRockrhpot1991: Yeeha!18:48
rhpot1991MilhousePunkRock: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/21596018:49
rhpot1991if you grab the files from that, and run mythbuntu-lirc-generator it should almost all work18:49
rhpot1991backup whatever files you replace18:49
rhpot1991just incase18:49
MilhousePunkRockrhpot1991: I came across that lp entry earlier today already..18:50
MilhousePunkRockrhpot1991: The only thing I need to backup is my key assignments18:50
rhpot1991I made those with this remote: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1688010085118:51
rhpot1991I would guess others may work just as well, but that has not been proven at all18:51
rhpot1991also the knob on the fusion works as well there18:52
rhpot1991try them out and let me know, you can always irrecord your own remote if its different as well18:53
rhpot1991MilhousePunkRock: I have some stuff to do, but I'll check back here in a bit18:55
MilhousePunkRockrhpot1991: copying and pasting the configs, afterwards I will be gone, either way if it works or not... Thanks a lot for the link though18:57
MythbuntuGuest30any one there19:05
TheLouisi'm here19:11
MilhousePunkRockrhpot1991: For your notice: It almost works now19:26
MilhousePunkRockHave a nice evening everyone!19:26
TheLouisanybody here?20:11
TheLouishi. quick question20:12
TheLouisi just installed myth and added .avi and .m4p videos to my video library, but when I go to play them I get stuck on a loading screen, i hear the audio track in the background, but there's no video20:13
tgm4883_laptopTheLouis, probably a codec issue20:18
tgm4883_laptopcan you watch them outside of mythtv?20:18
TheLouistgm4483_laptop:  I haven't tried per se, but I did try to change the default file association within the myth frontend setup.  I was able to play the avi's by defining VLC, but that opens them in a new window20:19
TheLouisso i have mythbuntu in the background and a big ugly window on top =)20:19
TheLouisand i did install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:21
TheLouisoh and i also enabled the proprietary codecs in the mythbuntu control centre20:21
tgm4883_laptopTheLouis, have you tried xine20:26
* tgm4883_laptop prefers xine20:26
TheLouisno. is the command xine?20:26
tgm4883_laptopI see the problem already20:26
tgm4883_laptopTheLouis, go here  http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Configuring_Xine20:27
TheLouistgm4483_laptop:  not to be a total noob, but I'm not sure I understand what I'm supposed to do20:28
TheLouissorry i get in way over my head sometimes20:28
tgm4883_laptopwhere you are telling certain file extensions to open with vlc20:30
tgm4883_laptopinstead tell it to use xine20:30
tgm4883_laptopif you want it to open full screen20:31
tgm4883_laptopand to quit when the movie is over20:31
TheLouistgm4483_laptop:  okay i see. so i would use the one under mythvideo for example?20:31
tgm4883_laptopyou need to add some extra stuff20:31
tgm4883_laptopxine -pfhq --no-splash20:31
TheLouisi see. okay20:31
TheLouisthank you.  I'll let you know if that solves it20:31
TheLouistgm4483_laptop:  works beautifully! thanks very much20:33
ab0ooI have a fresh new installation of Mythbuntu sitting on top of a farily large collection of XVID movies, which I'm trying to import to the media viewer21:55
ab0oothe IMDb search works well, but I can't seem to get any cover art.  anyone faced this?21:55
ab0ooI can run the scripts by hand to fetch the cover art, but it doesn't seem to wind up in my ~/.mythtv/MythVideo directory22:17
TheLouisHow can I host a daap music share on my ubuntu box?   Is this even possible?22:20
TheLouisoops wrong channel... i'm dumb22:20
ab0ooheh, the answer was mt-daap, which is a deb package...22:25
AnusienSo I'm installing Mythbuntu for the first time, and the install has finished.  Do I have to launch MythTV setup now or can I launch it later?22:53
tgm4883_laptopAnusien, you could launch it later, but why not now?22:57
Brandon_i've got a question...when downloading the i386 version of mythbuntu, none of the MD5 sums match?22:57
Brandon_is there an alternate downlaod source where I can get a working install disc?22:58
Anusientgm4883_laptop: I'm about to physically move the machine and change some of the DVR configuration and might sign up for schedules direct.  I have to wait to get a monitor; right now the machine is sitting in my living room hooked up to my big screen22:58
tgm4883_laptopBrandon_, what do you mean?22:58
tgm4883_laptopAnusien, well you can run it at any time you want.22:59
tgm4883_laptopor multiple times22:59
Brandon_when i download the ISO....i386 version...burn it and then run the disc check...i get 21 errored files...22:59
tgm4883_laptopBrandon_, did you verify the md5sum of the ISO you downloaded?22:59
Brandon_i have burnt with 3 different burners...i believe the ISO has been corrupted possibly23:00
Brandon_yes...they don't match23:00
tgm4883_laptopwhat is the md5sum of the disk?23:00
Brandon_one sec...i'll get it for you23:00
Anusientgm4883_laptop: Thanks.  I was running it and I told it to configure the channel grabber from the cable input, only the DVR wasn't plugged into the wall and I think it caused it to hang.  Really I just want to get it up and stable and then I can fiddle however23:01
tgm4883_laptopBrandon_, is that from the ISO you tested or from the website?23:01
Brandon_the ISO23:01
Brandon_here is the sum from the website23:01
tgm4883_laptopthats not the md5sum i'm seeing from the website23:02
Brandon_that is the one from the md5sum file i download from the website23:02
tgm4883_laptopdid you just download the md5sum from the website?23:03
tgm4883_laptopdownload it again, then right click on the blank page and view the source23:05
tgm4883_laptoptell me the link it gives you in there23:05
AnusienFor the initial reboot after installing, is it usual for it take several minutes to reboot?  I'm sitting at the mythbuntu TV screen just waiting23:05
tgm4883_laptopAnusien, perhaps.  Depending on your hardware it might have trouble with something23:06
Brandon_or do you want this one? http://mythbuntu.org/download/dl.php?file=mythbuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso.md5sum23:06
Anusientgm4883_laptop: I think it may be more that I ejected the CD.  Should I just go ahead and reboot?  It doesn't seem to be accessing the disk23:06
tgm4883_laptoperr, probably23:07
tgm4883_laptopBrandon_, the first one, sec23:07
tgm4883_laptopBrandon_, from that file I just downloaded23:07
tgm4883_laptop445dc7ea4b8e1f716569f30eb12a2bbc  mythbuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso23:07
tgm4883_laptopwould appear to be the correct one23:08
Brandon_ok...let me try again23:08
tgm4883_laptoptry downloading it again23:08
Brandon_ok...that is the correct one now....23:10
Brandon_why would i be getting bad burn on 3 different burners..should i bump speed down?23:10
Brandon_ok...thanks for the help23:10
tgm4883_laptopyou should be burning at the slowest speed you can23:10
Brandon_ok...it was at 48x before...that is probably the file23:11
Brandon_probalby the problem*23:11
AnusienI'm trynig to install kubuntu desktop now, and it failed halfway through the install saying certain files could not be found; and they're not in the directory listed (but other more updated files are).  The same thing happened when I told mythbuntu to get the restricted ATI drivers.  Is there a way to fix this?23:32
lagaupdate your package listings23:34
lagasudo aptitude update23:34

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