
JontheEchidnanice banner00:40
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kduserRight What does Kubuntu use for sound?02:53
jjessephonon is the backend i think its called02:53
kduserNo below that02:53
kduserIf I play something from the command line what enables me to get sound from there?02:54
Jucatodepends on how you play the sound or what you use to play it02:54
jjessemorning Jucato02:54
Jucatostrictly speaking there is no "sound" for the command line.02:54
Jucatojjesse: hallo02:55
Jucatooh, and phonon uses xine by default, but it can use gstreamer too I think02:55
kduserWell if I play sound from the command line I get nothing02:55
kduserIf I start up KDE then sound emits gracefully from the speakers02:55
kduserIf I close KDE then sound continues to flirt in harmony with my ears02:56
JontheEchidnawhat program are you trying to use to play sound in the console?02:56
kduserMy Conclusion? KDE starts something that enables sound02:56
Jucatoof course, because KDE has a sound "server" (arts for KDE 3, phonon for KDE 4) that lets it play sounds02:56
kduserPretty much un KDE related02:56
Jucatoso if you use "mplayer <file> in the command line nothing comes out?02:56
kduserI can use oggplay as welll02:56
kdusernothing happens until I load KDE02:57
kduserthen Sound!!!02:57
* Jucato also wonders why this is in -devel...02:57
kduserBecause it might be a bug?02:57
JucatoI'm not a sound expert, but I have a feeling ALSA isn't getting loaded02:57
kduserExcept I don't think I have alsa installed at all02:58
kduserI don't have alsamixer I should say03:00
kduserWhich thinking about it is strange03:01
kduserisn't Kmix just a frontend for that03:01
kduserI'm guessing the KDE desktop starts some DBUS interface for sound?03:02
kduserthough this is much more gettin into #kubuntu land03:05
seeleRiddell: does kubuntu create standard folders in ~ just on new install or on upgrade too?07:58
Riddellseele: not entirely sure, it's done by the xdg-user-dirs-update tool07:58
Riddellseele: I think it makes them if /home/jr/.config/user-dirs.dirs doesn't exist07:59
Riddellmaybe the man page says07:59
seeleeven if there were a man page, i have doubts it would be that useful08:02
seelehum.. well google was useless too08:03
seeleRiddell: would it be referenced by anything besides xdg-user-dirs-update or xdg-user-dirs?  the freedesktop documentation is lacking08:04
seelehum, i guess i can do an upgrade and an install when i get home and see what happens08:06
Jucatothose are always fun :)08:07
Riddellhttp://freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/common-user-directories-naming-spec ?08:09
Riddellis somewhat lacking08:09
seeleis hardy using xdg?  i dont rememberthe standard folders until i started testing the kde4 cds08:11
Riddellit should be08:11
seeleok, then i guess it is a nonissue08:12
seeleit would be annoying that if you upgraded an existing system (and file structure) you magically got mapped media folders added automatically08:13
seelebecausyou probably already have a music, photos, and document management scheme set up somehow08:13
Riddellseele: hardy does have xdg-user-dirs08:16
seeleRiddell: ok cool.08:17
davmor2Alternative 20080812 is knackered libxine1-ffmepg: Depends: libavcodec51 (>= 3:0.svn20080206) but is not installabe10:33
Artemis_Fowlseele: KGRUBEditor 0.8 is out11:01
Artemis_Fowland my blog post (as well as a visual changelog) about it: http://artfowl.blogspot.com/2008/08/new-kgrubeditor-version-08-visual.html11:01
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: ping11:02
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: pong11:07
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: tarball broken11:07
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: it doesn't have a directory containing the source tree11:07
apacheloggeri.e. it just spread all it's files in my main directory :P11:07
Artemis_FowlI used the tar command11:08
Artemis_Fowlw8 to repack then11:08
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: don't you have a release script?11:09
apacheloggernow... if you would host the source in KDE's svn .... ;-)11:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping11:11
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: uploading11:11
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: sf.net also needs 0.811:12
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: uploaded11:12
apacheloggerhooray \o/11:12
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: sf...omg i need an ftp client now11:12
apacheloggernow... if you would host the source on KDE's mirror network .... ;-)11:13
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: well, if I was you, I would drop tarball uploading to sf.net11:14
apacheloggerI only did that once, and then I had Amarok switch to KDE because I almost went nuts with sf.net11:14
Artemis_FowlI AM nuts with sf :)11:15
apacheloggerwell, just stop using it :P11:15
apacheloggerbesides, launchpad is way cooler anyway ;-)11:15
apachelogger+ you could probably have your translations in launchpad11:15
Artemis_Fowllaunchpad allows for tarball uploading?11:16
apacheloggerI think so11:16
Artemis_Fowlgood I might consider changing there then11:16
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: you should checkout all the alternatives11:17
apacheloggerIMHO using the KDE infrastructure makes a lot more sense for KDE applications11:18
apacheloggeryou might not have webbased translation like in launchpad but you have ~50 teams for high quality translation11:18
Artemis_Fowlyou mean KDE svn?11:18
apachelogger+ ftp.kde.org11:18
apacheloggerwe also have release scripts for extragear/playground applications11:19
* Artemis_Fowl got a headache with all these alternatives11:20
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: the new tarball is ok, right?11:26
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2-away
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: the directory should have a -VERSION suffix, but I can live without it :)11:28
Artemis_FowlWhen did SF implement the new WebUpload feature? nice11:40
apacheloggerdidn't they always have it?11:52
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: does 0.8 compile with KDE 4.0?11:54
Artemis_Fowldunno. just noticed it11:54
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: dunno either11:55
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: it surely needs 4.0.411:55
apachelogger!info kde4libs11:55
ubottuPackage kde4libs does not exist in hardy11:55
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: but I could have used a function that was introduced in KDE 4.111:55
apachelogger!info kdelibs511:55
ubottukdelibs5 (source: kde4libs): core libraries for all KDE 4 applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.0.3-0ubuntu5.2 (hardy), package size 7862 kB, installed size 22328 kB11:55
apacheloggerwell, we don't have 4.0.4 in hardy anyway11:55
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: the desktop file is missing a final newline12:03
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: anything else wrong? so as to fix them all together and re-upload12:04
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: don't see anything else12:05
apacheloggerRiddell: the desktop file changes don't handle missing newlines very well12:05
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nixternalRiddell: well, last night kicked off the first leg of the kubuntu-docs...a major restructuring and now jjesse and I are going to start attacking12:08
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: how to use kgrubeditor as systemsettings module?12:14
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: re-uploading12:14
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: can't right now12:14
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: tomorrow I'll publish the System Settings module12:15
Artemis_Fowlor in 2 days12:15
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: independent tarball?12:15
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: yes12:15
Riddellnixternal: rock12:15
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: why?12:15
Riddelldavmor2-away: was knetworkmanager working on the live CD?12:15
Artemis_Fowlwould it be better if they were bundled together?12:16
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: well, 2 tarballs doubles the work ;-)12:17
apacheloggerand packages will probably split the systemsettings module in an individual package anyway12:17
Artemis_Fowlwell I hope some GNOME guy will eventually work on a GNOME counterpart so that I won't have to work on the application12:18
Artemis_Fowland focus on the module12:18
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: tarball at kde-apps updated12:19
apacheloggerwell, it still makes sense to release it as all-in-one tarball since the various parts probably depend on the most recent version of the application anyway, right?12:20
Artemis_Fowlwell I would have to double the code inside the tarball12:22
Artemis_Fowlone subdir for the app and another for the kcm probably12:23
Artemis_Fowlsf tarball updated too12:25
seeleArtemis_Fowl: whoo, grats on the release12:30
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: pong12:41
Artemis_Fowlseele: thanx. apachelogger is already working on the package12:43
seeleawesome.. once there is a package, maybe i can get some users to install it and use it for some feedback12:45
* apachelogger is wondering12:53
apacheloggerah, right, JontheEchidna do you have a list-missing log from hardy kdelibs?12:54
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: double as in duplicate? :P12:54
apacheloggerif not duplicate then the double doesn't matte ;-)12:55
JontheEchidnaHmm, nope12:55
apacheloggerthis is gonna be fun12:56
Artemis_Fowldouble as in creating a separate subdir, where the code would be slightly modified12:57
Artemis_Fowlmany little modifications12:58
Riddellhas anyone tried knetworkmanager 0.7?13:07
apacheloggerit seems to be working13:07
apacheloggerbut it's not exactly the most usable piece of software :S13:07
Riddellok, that's better than I have13:11
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=== davmor2-away is now known as davmor2
davmor2Riddell: I haven't tried the kubuntu version yet I'm about to after I sort out this bug report with seb12813:59
davmor2Riddell: any thing else you need checking while it's running?14:08
Riddelldavmor2: does Settings->Printing work14:13
davmor2Riddell: so that printing and networking anything else?14:14
Riddellis all for now14:14
davmor2np's fire it up shortly14:17
davmor2Riddell: printing is a no go. It's collating a report though so I'll add to my original bug14:44
Riddelldavmor2: humph14:45
Riddelldavmor2: what happens if you start system-config-printer-kde on the command line?14:45
davmor2Riddell: File "/usr/share/system-config-printer-kde.py", line 74, in <module>14:48
davmor2import ppds14:48
davmor2ImportError: No module named ppds14:48
Riddelldavmor2: what version is installed?14:48
davmor2what the command to get the version I forget14:48
Riddellapt-cache policy system-config-printer-kde14:50
davmor2policy thats the one :)14:50
davmor2installed 0.1014:50
davmor2on a plus side interent is working :)14:51
Riddelldavmor2: is python-cupshelpers installed?14:53
davmor2installed 1.0.4+git20080730-0ubuntu114:54
davmor2Riddell: ^14:54
Riddelloh, my upload didn't seem to work14:56
Riddellwrong version number14:56
davmor2Riddell: so that'll be a no then :)14:57
Riddelldavmor2: could you install http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/system-config-printer-kde_0.11_all.deb15:00
davmor2Seems to work test page just coming through15:08
Riddellthanks davmor215:09
Riddelluploaded, should appear in tomorrow's daily15:09
davmor2Riddell: yeap test page is fine :)15:09
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping15:20
apacheloggeroh wello15:21
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: plese backport kgrubeditor15:21
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: Where would I get it from?15:25
mornfallAnyone has anything they want fixed for adept 3 beta 1? My "must" list is empty, there are a few should items still. I'll try to address that tomorrow and release maybe on Thursday?15:25
mornfallI'll only fix major bugs past beta 1 and there will be at most beta 2 and then final...15:26
JontheEchidnaHmm, there's nothing that springs to mind,  I'd say Adept is in pretty good shape already15:31
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: intrepid15:31
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: coolness15:31
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kgrubeditor15:33
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: and don't forget to remove the manpage ;-)15:34
raphinkhello there15:38
raphinkis anyone with the kubuntu2 theme on the wiki experiencing issues with the website?15:39
apacheloggerryanakca: ^15:40
JontheEchidnaok, I've imported debian/cdbs from a hardy package + updated the rules file, and updated the changelog15:42
JontheEchidnaI'm not missing anything, am I?15:43
* JontheEchidna is about to pbuild15:43
apacheloggerkick the manpage15:44
apacheloggerthat's all I think15:44
apacheloggerdoesn't take very long to build anyway :)15:45
JontheEchidnaoh yah, kicked the manpage too15:46
JontheEchidnagetting the pbuild environment...15:46
Jucatoraphink: I can't even login now... AttributeError15:46
raphinkJucato: yes, same as me http://pastebin.ca/116808315:47
raphinkJucato: is that what you get?15:47
raphinkJucato: I'm on #canonical-sysadmin reporting it if you want to join15:47
Jucatoraphink: yes it is15:47
raphinkJucato: can you join #canonical-sysadmin ?15:49
jpdsJucato, raphink: I suggest poke newz2000 in #ubuntu-website about the theme, he made it.15:51
raphinkagy is having a look at it atm jpds :)15:52
jpdsraphink: OK (I saw ;-)), the wiki had an upgrade recently and the theme may require one too.15:53
Jucatojpds: oh btw, while you're here, what does ubot5 do? :)15:56
jpdsJucato: What ubottu does.15:56
Jucatojpds: hm ok... just saw it in #ubuntu-ph... just wondered :)15:57
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: are you going to package qt firefox?15:57
JontheEchidnaI was thinking about it but15:57
JontheEchidnaI'm not quite sure how to make it co-installable with firefox15:58
JontheEchidnaunless that's not possible?15:58
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I guess you can just use a different prefix like we did for KDE 415:59
apacheloggerWill distributions package it?15:59
apacheloggerThat would be interesting to know. Maybe Kubuntu would like to have it...15:59
apacheloggerjust thinking we should get that finished today and grab some karma :P15:59
JontheEchidnaactually in it's current state16:00
JontheEchidnait's unusable16:00
raphinkspeaking of firefox, I have a package for freepv, which is an open-source QuickTime VR viewer with a mozilla plugin16:00
raphinkif anyone is interested in interactive panos16:01
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that doesn't matter16:01
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: it's all about the promotion16:01
apacheloggerdid anyone try kobby yet?16:03
JontheEchidnaCurrently they're working on getting the Firefox-Qt repo into the main repo as a branch16:03
JontheEchidnamaybe we could wait for that and get the ubuntu mozilla team to package it16:03
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: how would that draw attention to kubuntu :P16:04
JontheEchidnaI guess having mozilla-qt packages would be pretty attention-getting16:04
apacheloggerwe need them now16:04
apacheloggerright now16:04
JontheEchidnalol, -0ubuntu1 turned into -0ubuntu~hardy1~ppa116:05
JontheEchidnaok, pbuildin' now16:06
apachelogger*snapshotting mozilla-qt*16:07
JontheEchidnabeware autoconf hell16:11
JontheEchidnawould you like my ~/.mozconfig file?16:12
* apachelogger is worse than google :P16:12
JontheEchidnaoh wait, I need to edit it16:15
JontheEchidnabtw, mozilla-qt doesn't build with gcc 4.3 without patches16:15
yuriymornfall: I haven't looked it in a while and don't know if there's anything more pressing, but menus would be nice before anybody screams about it16:16
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: it's in your inbox16:17
mornfallyuriy: Hmm, menus.16:18
mornfallA tricky one.16:18
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: thx16:18
mornfallBut it does make sense indeed.16:18
yuriyit would be tricky to make kactions for the sidebar items?16:19
mornfallyuriy: Would we make any use of that? I sort of doubt that...16:20
mornfallIt's not very easy and probably regression-prone.16:20
mornfallI'd leave that for later, if the need arises.16:20
yuriyif it's not easy then you can probably punt for now16:21
mornfall(Actually. No, it might be easier than what I have thought.)16:21
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44956616:21
ubottuMozilla bug 449566 in Widget: Qt "cairo-qpainter-surface.cpp fails to compile with gcc 4.3.x" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:21
mornfallyuriy: Okey, adding createGUI() call into ctor gives me a working Help menu.16:27
yuriyyep, I'd already done that before I realized there were no kactions to use in the xml and haven't had a chance to work on it since16:29
mornfallI'll at least add the standard actions. Well, Quit.16:29
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apacheloggerJontheEchidna: usual autohell is nothing compared to this :P16:38
JontheEchidnayay, it builds16:41
JontheEchidnaanybody care to test it? I'm uploading it to kubuntu-updates-testing ppa16:41
apacheloggerhalf an hour of batter16:43
apacheloggerthis is no good16:43
apacheloggeryay, I have a configur file!16:44
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: doing a manual build right now16:49
apacheloggerhow long is that gonna take?16:49
JontheEchidnaHmm, my estimates put it on about the same level as kdelibs16:50
mornfallHow do you install xmlui stuff with cmake?17:22
Riddellinstall( FILES umbrelloui.rc DESTINATION ${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/umbrello )17:24
Riddellmornfall: is how we do it in umbrello17:24
mornfallAye, thanks.17:24
mornfallyuriy: I have added the sidebar actions, help menu, quit, and update/commit. Anything obvious and easy to add?17:28
mornfall(Maybe an action to do upgrade, switching the tab to preview could be useful. Hmm.)17:28
mornfallWell, later.17:29
mornfallGotta run now.17:29
yuriymornfall: I think that's it. awesome, bye!17:29
apacheloggerthis will never finish17:33
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: is kgrub done?17:33
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: in k-u-t17:36
JontheEchidnanobody's taken up the offer to test17:36
apacheloggerI'll use my vm17:36
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: do you have anything to do right now?17:37
JontheEchidnanot really17:37
JontheEchidnaI have been going through dolphin in Launchpad17:37
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: the kdelibs backport has a quirk17:37
apacheloggerthe file all_languages is missing17:37
apacheloggershould be in /usr/lib/kde4/share/locale/all_languages I think17:38
JontheEchidnathat's in the not installed list17:38
apacheloggerwell in the not-installed file it is17:38
apacheloggerthing is, it should be in usr/lib/kde4 because it's also there in kde-nightly17:38
apacheloggerbut I am not sure17:38
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: how does one know it's actually Qt firefox?17:41
JontheEchidnawhat do you mean?17:41
JontheEchidnawell if you go to google17:41
JontheEchidnathe pushbuttons should look oxygen-y17:41
JontheEchidnaand unless they're using your icon theme the forward/back buttons don't have icons17:42
apacheloggerin this case I have firefox-qt running17:42
apacheloggeron to the packaging!17:42
* apachelogger is wondering how to best go about this17:42
apacheloggeralso I should strip the tarball17:42
apacheloggerloads of unneeded stuff17:43
apacheloggerdark clouds17:49
apacheloggerlike, really dark17:49
eagles0513875i have a question where exactly in the kernel do i choose which packages are installed by default17:50
eagles0513875Riddell: im working on starting my own ubuntu server fork17:51
eagles0513875for clustering and eventually more17:52
apacheloggereagles0513875: I am pretty sure this kind of stuff is defined in the cd seeds17:52
eagles0513875u lost me17:52
apacheloggersorry :(17:52
Riddellpackages have nothing to do with any kernel17:53
eagles0513875okj where do i define what packages r installed by default17:53
yuriyeagles0513875: there are howtos and tools for customizing Ubuntu CDs, search for them on Google17:54
Riddellhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization for example17:55
* Riddell out17:55
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: apparently tabs and buttons, etc look so horrible in FF-Qt because they haven't ported XUL to use Qt yet, or so says the dot.kde.org interview with the dev18:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yeah, I know18:30
apacheloggerxul is rather awful anyway :P18:30
JontheEchidnathey should just drop it for Qt18:32
JontheEchidnathat way they don't have to stumble over themselves hacking away at half-working integration ports18:32
JontheEchidnaand just use one codebase18:32
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: got an opinion on bug 256064?19:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 256064 in meta-kde "KDE4.1 - Desktop settings not preserved if I restart X" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25606419:29
\shapachelogger: inGardenWithCoffeeHaXX0ring(tm) ? <- doesn't it mean in a gadda da vida ? ,->20:50
\shI mean, the original title was "in the garden of eden" but this guy was so stoned, he didn't get it ,->20:50
\shJontheEchidna: that's normal... the session manager and all other apps don't recognize the kill -<whatever> signal...and they don't save all the things they do normally when you end the session normally20:52
\shJontheEchidna: to change it, you need to know what's being send when pressing ctrl+alt+backspace and catch those things, and handle it as "SIGNAL(quit())"20:53
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a|wenyuriy: regarding bug 256910 (problem is that wineconfig doesn't work if Z: drive is present) ... will wineconfig survive; if not I'll mark is at "wontfix", or do you want me to do something else with it?22:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 256910 in kde-guidance "kcmwineconfig doesn't load if .wine already exists" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25691022:39
apachelogger\sh: true23:26
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, \sh: about the x restart -> IMHO applications should just save settings on-the-fly23:26
apacheloggerso it's a valid wishfrom my POV23:26
* JontheEchidna doesn't have wish-setting powers23:27
JontheEchidnaI need to see about joining the bugcontrol team to get them23:27
apacheloggerbecome motu :P23:28
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that wish also should be fwded upstream23:28
* apachelogger is copying the quite big firefox-qt package to his workstation23:30
alleeMachttp://paste.ubuntu.com/36977  first problem could IMHO be fixed if kubuntu-kde4-desktop would depend on kdebase-runtime and not kdebase-runtime-*-kde4 pkgs23:46
apacheloggerthe issue is at a much deeper level23:47
alleeMacapachelogger: care to elaborate23:47
apacheloggeralleeMac: one of kdebase-runtime's deps can't upgrade forcing kdebase-runtime to not upgrade, while -bin-kde4 is to be upgraded making the complete upgrade fail23:49
alleeMacmhmm, ksysguard-kde4 depends on kdebase-runtime, not kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4.  that's not consistent but should be no problem ...23:57
alleeMacumhmm.  The problem asks for a virtual machine to try it with --dry-run23:58

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